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Last time, you got married! That sums it up perfectly. Right now, you’re experiencing your honeymoon at a hostel near the Mirror Summit, the sister mountain of the one in Xumenlo, but here, in Lokyo! They’re a perfect mirror match to one another! How anyone found that out is beyond your understanding, and you have a lot of knowledge to spare thanks to a magical cheese from a Goddess from another time…

What really happened is that the fake wedding went well, and you asked your fake wife for the best spot to celebrate, so here you are, waiting for the others to arrive. You got into more comfortable clothes in the meantime, tailor-made doesn’t mean much when the suit isn’t tailored for you, so it was a necessary move. Right now, the conversation with the Tomato turned personal when she asked you about a certain part of your bubbly escape…

“...There’s this one phrase that I said when you left that other dimension. A confession. Did you… Did you hear me?” Wilma leans forward.

You remember that. She couldn’t have worded it any more upfront. She said she loved you. You’re not stupid or dense anymore. Quite the opposite, you have game now, but do you want to be a player? No, scratch that, even if this is romantic, you don’t think you can push things forward right now. Your phone is watching. Besides, what makes you think this couldn’t be a wholesome moment? Just because you passionately kissed in front of everyone doesn’t mean it’s time for *that.* Maybe later. Helping Wilma sort out her feelings is your priority, other things would be nice though...

She’s redder than ever and cute as always. Tomatoes always find new ways to shine…

Odetta is on your phone on this very bed, silently judging you. Okay, maybe you just have your volume down…

How do you respond?

>“Yes, I heard you.” Keep it simple, let Wilma take the lead. It'll be on her if she wants something to happen or not. You’re just a passive observer who can be a little active if needed.
>“I thought I was imagining things.” You weren’t sure, so to hear it feels good. Feel great about this.
>“I’d love to be open about this, but there’s a virus on my phone…” Curse Odetta and her cursed existence.
>“Please, say it again.” Wiggle those eyebrows. Tease this woman like all tomatoes deserve to be teased.
>Write In.
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(I had to split the OP in 2 because this site is a piece of shit.)


Twitter: https://twitter.com/QM91m
Discord: https://discord.gg/AmjbaTR
Archives: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=do+your+best+quest
(Rough Grammar ‘till half of the 9th Thread)
Incomplete Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-nIx_dvaNCPQ7zLg2BK_ucCyGNM741kAANxqXj7hdDs/edit?usp=sharing


Votes are counted until 25 minutes have passed. This rule doesn't apply to the last reply of the day.
Votes that require a dice roll are counted until 15 minutes have passed, so we can speed up the process. Rolls are counted until 10 minutes have passed, so be prepared!

(NEW) Dice Mechanic:

We always roll 1d100s!
Since most people weren’t happy with the system of averaging top four rolls, we’re using best of 2/3/4 depending on the attribute a prompt requires. If Johnny is a genius and it’s a Knowledge based roll, he gets more rolls (Max. 7)! If he sucks, he gets less dice (Min. 2)!

When asked for rolls, I will specify how many you’re going to get. Rolling begins after it’s asked.

Rolling 100 is a critical! There are no Critical Failures anymore!

The difficulty of the roll is tied with the effectiveness of the action. In other words, the harder the option the better the result!

Don’t forget that at the end of the day, this is a story-driven quest! What the prompts are describing is more important than the difficulty of the rolls, for results in a fight.

Again, rolls are only counted when they are posted within ten minutes of being asked, so watch out!
>>“I thought I was imagining things.” You weren’t sure, so to hear it feels good. Feel great about this.
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It's thread #178 btw. I put the wrong number for the first time ever. Happy 7th Anniversary, everyone.
>“I’d love to be open about this, but there’s a virus on my phone…” Curse Odetta and her cursed existence.
>“I thought I was imagining things.” You weren’t sure, so to hear it feels good. Feel great about this.
Wow! Nice OP! Too bad I don't know who any of these characters are!
>“I’d love to be open about this, but there’s a virus on my phone…” Curse Odetta and her cursed existence.
>“I thought I was imagining things.” You weren’t sure, so to hear it feels good. Feel great about this.
>“I’d love to be open about this, but there’s a virus on my phone…” Curse Odetta and her cursed existence.
>“I thought I was imagining things.” You weren’t sure, so to hear it feels good. Feel great about this.
Good to be back
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“I thought I was imagining things.” You smile from the depths of your heart. Wilma smiles back, redder than ever, she’s surpassing the tomato scale to the level of juiciness never reached by any vegetable.

...It was San’s fault.” Wilma glares at her entity, tomato levels lowering slightly. “He projected my thoughts onto you as you were leaving. I mean my little self’s. Her biggest wish was to confess her feelings, and this little boy acted as unmindful as he’s known for, untroubled about anything but the present. Not to say I don’t appreciate you, all the opposite, but it’s *mostly* her feelings.”

“I see.” You didn’t expect to be turned down.

“Ever since we came back, I feel like her hopeful lookout for the future is the drive moving me forward. But as I clear my thoughts, it feels like we’re one and the same, but not exactly. I’m sorry for not being able to point out how exactly.” Wilma is entangled in her confusing thoughts. “W-What I’m trying to say is to forget that confession ever happened. It has to come out of my lips to be definitive. Understood?”

“Yeah, that’s fine.” You cough. You get where she’s coming from, so you can live with this no problem.

“Now listen closely…” Wilma shows you the same tender smile as during the wedding, she gets really close and whispers. “I love you, Johnny.

Ehem, your inconsistent heart flourishes with a gratifying feeling. The one you started the conversation with. It feels great. You can’t believe Wilma was teasing you the entire time, she has become an evil tomato! Not the Chio type, but the Grace type! Awful!

“A-ha! I found the volume mixer, you dolts!” Odetta screams from the phone. “Now you won’t be able to keep me quiet! PLEASE, turn the phone off! I don’t want to hear any of this crap! This is so fucking embarrassing! Before you blame me, this thing is full of spyware, I can’t turn it off even if I wanted to. Also, the others are downstairs.”

What do you do?

>“Odetta, you ruined this moment, you owe us one now! Wilma, we’re surely going to talk about this later tonight.” Prepare for later! This ain’t over!
>“Sorry about that, Little O.” Send a kiss to Wilma, and try to be nice to everyone. You’re feeling great now!
>“That’s it. You’re getting poked.” You’ll give Odetta the shameful van Zullekom treatment. Tap the screen in retaliation.
>Try turning Odetta off, notice a message from the others that they have indeed arrived, and prepare to meet them.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
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Little reminder that I had to split the OP into two images! So the first two pics posted are supposed to be one, but this site sucks and couldn't manage it.
>she’s surpassing the tomato scale to the level of juiciness never reached by any vegetable.
Tomato's are fruits.
>>Try turning Odetta off, notice a message from the others that they have indeed arrived, and prepare to meet them.
Almost every single girl is like this in this quest

>Try turning Odetta off, notice a message from the others that they have indeed arrived, and prepare to meet them.
>Try turning Odetta off, notice a message from the others that they have indeed arrived, and prepare to meet them.
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In a bit of a speechless moment, you sit there smiling like a buffoon, hand trying to reach the dancing phone on the bed without losing eye contact with the precious lady.

“Let’s keep this between us.” Wilma admits she had no plans beyond this.

“Right…” You finally catch the pesky ghost. You avert your eyes and notice that everything Odetta said is true, they have arrived. “Huh, I thought you were joking.”

“Why would I ever lie, dear inconsiderate friend?” The smug phantom taunts from the screen.

“For your own gain.” You raise an eyebrow.

“Gain what exactly? Victory is already mine. I’ll be back as one in a minute.” Odetta is expecting to pass to the next life soon.

“The spoils of war.” Wilma taps the pudding container. The tomato wars weren’t kind to Wilma’s world views.

“You can keep it if you tell me what you whispered to him.” Odetta grins.

“I thought you didn’t want to hear us anymore.” Wilma is surprised by the suggestion.

“Can’t a girl have some healthy curiosity every now and then? I mean, it sounded… fruity, rosy cheeks.” Odetta wiggles her eyebrows like a rip-off. You do it better.

“Please, tell them to come up here now.” You ask the spirit to send the message.

“Absolutely~!” Odetta can wait to go back to normal, so she will let this go.

Minutes later, Matilda, Fiora, and Odetta’s corpse are here! Your martial arts master is the one carrying the sack of bones. The entire group is sharing wardrobe style, they all look like witches endearingly. Fiora’s gala outfit is gone, Matilda isn’t wearing Wilma’s clothes either, and Odetta looks stupid. After greeting each other and doing a short catch-up of the events, the plan moves to put the ghost back into the barren wasteland that is her body.

“Should we pray?” You clasp your hands.

“Do you pray to demons?” Matilda asks back, half-jokingly.

“Mine is a pretty cool dude.” You high-five Philonune, you’re not the only one, he has a church in the Bubble Dimension. Matilda can see this tiny event slightly after the Bubble stuff, so yay! Or maybe not. Maybe it was a San Wich thing and she’s blind as a baseball bat.

“No praying, I’m not dead! Your bad vibes will mess with my groove.” Odetta grits her teeth. “Fiora, place me on top of my body! This asshole got his phone wet and I’ve been malfunctioning with it ever since. It’s messing me up, baaad.”

“I’m aware.” Fiora doesn’t need the backstory.

“...W-Why didn’t you help me then?!” Odetta is flabbergasted.

“I believed in your abilities.” Fiora couldn’t bother.

“Will she be okay?” Wilma is the only one concerned about Odetta’s health.

“We’ll find out soon enough.” Fiora doesn’t have the expertise to tell. The witch places the phone over the corpse. You all take a look with great interest...
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Odetta’s body begins twitching and flinching after a green light that comes out of the phone wraps around her, then she goes back limp…

“It’s a success.” Fiora acts like she’s an occult nurse of sorts.

“Good. Why isn’t she moving then?” Matilda is concerned.

“I’m fine, Bowl cut. Good as ever.” Odetta wakes up and… she looks off. Her eyes aren’t looking at the same place, her mouth is perpetually open, and her movement stops and resumes erratically. “Maybe not.” She looks at herself in a conveniently placed mirror in the room. “Fuck, I move like one of those freaks at the wedding. The unlikable weirdos. What are they called? Oh yeah, Kobashis or something stupid.” She shows her tongue to Fiora.

“I admire your brave demeanor.” Fiora chuckles at the spectacle.

“Are you sure she’s okay? Should I check on her?” Wilma wants to put her expertise to use.

“Feel free, but it’ll have little effect. She’s readjusting. We have gone through the worst part.” Fiora isn’t worried.

“Don’t you dare put your dirty paws on me. My nervous system is all kinds of fucked and I’ll end up kicking you in the gut.” Odetta warns. “On second thought, come here, dear, I’ll make your honeymoon feel like an MMA Special.”

Wilma scowls.

Everyone is here, so…

What do you do?

>“I know exactly how to fix Odetta.” Throw a Bucket of Water on Odetta.
>“So, Fiora, did you enjoy the wedding you didn’t help to stop?” Tease this UnKobashi woman.
>“What’s next, Wilma? What are we doing now?” You’re here at the Summit on her request.
>“Mat… What are you wearing?” You need to know why she’s using Fiora’s wardrobe.
>Write In.
>>“What’s next, Wilma? What are we doing now?” You’re here at the Summit on her request.
Happy 7th Anniversary! Its been a long fun continuous journey.
>“Mat… What are you wearing?” You need to know why she’s using Fiora’s wardrobe.
>“I know exactly how to fix Odetta.” Throw a Bucket of Water on Odetta.
first of all, pudding
>“Mat… What are you wearing?” You need to know why she’s using Fiora’s wardrobe.
>“I know exactly how to fix Odetta.” Lift our shirt and show off our abs.
If that doesn't fix her face I dunno what will.
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“First of all, the pudding as promised…” You want to congratulate Odetta on her resurrection. Wilma hands over the merchandise to you.

“Wait, I need to learn how to use my mouth… Okay, we good, no, yes, no, yes. Okay, good.” Odetta acts like some sort of bird of prey, or a puppet until she regains total control of her mouth senses. “I’m kinda hungry, so gimme.”

“Here you go.” You feed this ghostly bird her first spoonful.

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGgGGGGGGGGGGGGGLBhhh~” Odetta has a sensory overload. Her eyes go through the back of her head and back through different directions, her body is trembling like a washing machine with a brick inside it, and she’s making ‘printer out of ink’ noises.

“This sound isn’t humanly possible.” Wilma comments.

“Well, she is some sort of living dead.” Matilda analyzes what she’s seeing.

“I should’ve prevented this. How unobservant of me.” Fiora doesn’t feel any regret at all. She’s chuckling. Odetta is dying and she’s chuckling!

Odetta reboots. She looks… as well as she did before eating the dessert.

“Huh, do you want another bite?” You offer.

“...I think I met your mom.” Odetta’s mouth moves like a cat’s. “Place smelled like fire and brimstone.”

“That’s enough experimentation.” Fiora takes the pudding away. “We don’t need to witness a third strike in one day.”

“Did you like it, Lil’ O?” You ask.

“I don’t know, I need another bite.” Odetta acts like an Arcade game hit known for eating snack pellets from 40 years ago.

“Be honest with him.” Wilma demands answers! You both made the pudding after all.

“It made me go to hell, what am I supposed to say?” Odetta doesn’t want to break hearts, just her brain again.

“Yummy, for example.” Fiora suggests.

“...Don’t share any with Fiora, please.” Odetta hates the witch that brought her back to life.

“Let’s put this subject to rest.” Matilda was amused before, but now she wants to know what is going on.
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“Ehem, second of all…” You clear your throat, you were doing a list before being interrupted! “Mat… What are you wearing?”

“This?” Matilda pulls the dress. “I thought it’d be fitting to dress for a funeral.” She looks at Odetta.

“None of you should say any of this to the person you know can haunt you back.” The ghost feels offended that they underestimated her.

“In truth, I lent her some of my clothes. It’d raise some questions if she wore Anastasia's sister’s dress out of the building.” The boring Fiora giving boring explanations.

“I was guiding my question as to why that choice in particular.” You don’t see Matilda wearing dresses often; today, you have seen her in 3 different ones!

“Apparently, Fiora doesn’t believe in summer. It’s the best dress I found.” Matilda crosses her arms.

“Apologies for having a limited wardrobe.” Fiora tenderly smiles. “But that isn’t a dress, my little lady.”

“…” Matilda feels like the smallest person in the world.

“Fits you well either way.” Wilma remains positive. She’s trying to hide that she wants to laugh.

“An oversized shirt for palm trees is a thousand times better than this creepy doll shit I’m wearing.” Odetta doesn’t like her outfit. She’s only nice to Matilda to crap on Fiora, you respect her game.

“Let’s keep the trash-talking to a minimum. We’re here to celebrate a successful mission!” You adjust your glasses.

“I thought you were interested in talking about a different matter.” Fiora thought this would be more important since you stopped mid-mission to talk to her during the wedding.

“Nah, it was about Odetta’s situation. But now it’s all fixed!” You shrug.

“All fixed, indeeeeeeeeed.” Odetta malfunctions for an instant.

What now?

>“All the ones interested in reaching the Summit proper, say Aye!” You’re going to watch the stars like you’re a lunatic astronaut!
>“All the ones interested in telling ghost stories, say Aye!” You’re going to talk about Odetta’s undead relatives.
>“I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. Let’s dine to celebrate!” Empty stomachs lead to bad decisions!
>“W-Wait, none of you want to have fun…?” Act heartbroken at the complete lack of enthusiasm.
>Write In.
>>“All the ones interested in reaching the Summit proper, say Aye!” You’re going to watch the stars like you’re a lunatic astronaut!
>“All the ones interested in reaching the Summit proper, say Aye!” You’re going to watch the stars like you’re a lunatic astronaut!
>“All the ones interested in telling ghost stories, say Aye!” You’re going to talk about Odetta’s undead relatives.
>“I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. Let’s dine to celebrate!” Empty stomachs lead to bad decisions!
Why not do all of that while watching the stars?, and also

>Ask Odetta to transfer to a phone that actually works normally then again to her body, that may fix her
>“All the ones interested in reaching the Summit proper, say Aye!” You’re going to watch the stars like you’re a lunatic astronaut!
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“All the ones interested in reaching the Summit proper, say Aye!” You’re going to watch the stars just like the lunatic astronaut taught you! Like the proper Stargazer that you are! Either way, you imagine this is what Wilma wanted.

“Aye!” Wilma cheerfully raises her hand! She’s the one most outwardly excited.

“AAAAye.” Surprisingly, Odetta wants to go too.

“Sure.” Matilda doesn’t mind the idea.

“You’re supposed to say Aye.” You don’t like when people go off the script.

“Don’t be pedantic.” Matilda is against your complaints.

“…” You hand her a dollar. The greedy girl takes it.

“Aye!” Matilda says enthusiastically, doesn’t show it any other way, face as emotionless as it is attractive. This extra oomph was worth the money!

“Aye?” Fiora doesn’t want to clash with you’re building here, smart girl, but she’s really showing how Kobashi didn’t teach her a lot about being extreme.

“Good! I’ll ask the innkeeper for some food in case we get hungry.” You add. “In the meantime, you all get ready.”

“It’s not a long walk, but that’d be a problem.” Wilma is an expert on the issue. She’s afraid of noisy tummies with good reason. “I’ll accompany you.”

“Hold on, cowboys. We have room service.” Odetta grabs an old phone on the drawer next to the bed. She’s moving on all fours like some kind of spider. “Yes, hello, I would like toooooooo...”

“...I’ll take it from here.” Matilda snatches the phone from the ghost’s hand. Why did you expect Odetta to get the job done? The ultra professional will sort this out, but this made it clear that there’s another problem…

“Johnny, if it’s not too much trouble, will you be willing to carry Odetta on your back?” Fiora asks as diplomatically as possible. “I’m confident that you can control her spasms much more skillfully than any of us can.”

“What? Afraid of me now, Coconut?” Odetta tries to pose, but she ends up looking like a square.

“I’m exerting caution.” Fiora knows that Odetta doesn’t need any excuse to be a menace, but the lil’ ghost thrives when she has one.

“We all should enjoy the trip. I know we can figure out another way.” Wilma punches her hand when an idea comes to mind. “I know, we can carry her on a stretcher. The innkeeper must have one!”

“Y-Yes, that’s a solution.” Fiora is the type of lady who doesn’t want to bother the staff unless absolutely necessary.
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How do you wanna carry the ghost?

>Carry Odetta yourself. New Backpack acquired.
>Roll Odetta into the bedsheets, and carry her like a burrito.
>Use the stretcher as Wilma suggested. Matilda might be willing to help.
>Tell Odetta to go into someone else’s phone.
>Write In.

At the Summit, what’s the plan?

>Do a campfire and stargaze. Haeiou.
>Ask Matilda if she enjoyed her adventure.
>Ask Wilma if there’s something cool that she can show you all. There must be a trick at the Mirror Summit, right?
>Ask Fiora if she wanted to bring some topic up. She seemed interested in talking about something.
>Plan and execute a prank with Odetta.
>Write In.

Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!
>>Roll Odetta into the bedsheets, and carry her like a burrito.
>Ask Fiora if she wanted to bring some topic up. She seemed interested in talking about something.
>Do a campfire and stargaze. Haeiou.
>>Roll Odetta into the bedsheets, and carry her like a burrito.
>Do a campfire and stargaze. Haeiou.
>Roll Odetta into the bedsheets, and carry her like a burrito.
>Do a campfire and stargaze. Haeiou.
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“I have a better one.” You adjust your glasses like the mad genius that you are! Your idea is simply flawless...

You wrap Odetta with the bedsheets to turn her into a burrito. Err, Amelia was a burrito before, you’ll call her a Sushi Roll as a legally distinct term. Point is, she’s under control and very carry-able. Everyone is impressed by your amazing idea.

“Yes, this is the way.” Wilma admires the legally distinct burrito and your wits.

“Thank you, thank you, it’s years of experience being an older brother.” You won’t be that humble about it.

Why does this keep happening to me...?” Odetta reflects on her life decisions. She should be happy she wasn’t turned into a ball like Carol. This strangely keeps getting more common in your life. At least this ghost looks upset rather than dejected. She’s in high *spirits.*

“It’s for your own good.” Matilda reflects on Odetta Roll’s new form. She’s done with the call, the food will arrive momentarily.

“Don’t mind me.” Fiora snaps a picture of Odetta at her new lowest.

“I mind you! You damn wiiiiiiiiiiitch!” The rowdy ghost gets stuck in a different way.

You, Wilma, and Matilda take a moment to pose together next to the blue-screened ghost. After that, the innkeeper arrives with the rations, and soon after you leave for the summit. You ended up being the one carrying Odetta, Matilda had her hands full with the food. As you make your way up there through the stone stairs, you think this is a good moment to chat.

“Hey Fiora, I feel like you wanted to tell us something.” You have the power to feel other people’s vibes thanks to absolutely nothing, you’re making this ability up.

“It wasn’t in my cards to find Ms. Wilma Bruun with us today.” Fiora is interested in talking *with* Wilma. Well, of course she didn’t see it coming! Ms. Cooldown did an incredible job of hiding her identity!

“It’s been decades since we saw each other, right?” Wilma doesn’t act like a stranger and smiles. “You go by Kobashi these days? Where is he?”
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“He has disappeared from the face of the earth. I’m still searching for him, I’d love to have your help if you’re willing to extend it.” Fiora smiles. “May I ask why you didn’t join us at the Temple of Power?” That’s the place where the world almost exploded! Where Kobashi fought some Chernobog-tier demon.

“I had to decline the invitation, I... couldn’t look the headmistress in the eyes after what I’ve done.” Wilma bitterly remembers.

“CONTEXT!” Odetta demands more information. She feels vindicated in her curiosity of Wilma.

“Another time.” Wilma doesn’t want to share it right now.

“Ah, come on, you’re in good company! Not everyone gets invited by those fools! You must’ve done something special.” Odetta’s interest was piqued.

“Yes, but it surely brings unpleasant memories…” Fiora doesn’t want to push the issue, but she’s curious...

“To say the least. Keep it for later. Tonight, we celebrate.” Matilda doesn’t want to make things harder for Wilma. The tomato has been holding onto you two since she still has issues with being out in the open. “We’re here.”

You have reached the pinnacle of the Mirror Summit! As Galactic said, being near the city pollutes the sky, so the view isn’t as great as it was in the Bubble. You could use your powers to see the stars more clearly just like you did with Suan De, but you might keep that trick under your sleeve, you’re a great magician after all.

“I’ll start the campfire!” You go to what seems to be the designated spot.

“Help me hand out the food.” Matilda starts passing over what she brought.

“Yes!” Wilma does her best assistant job again!

The stargazing has already begun with the food being passed around…

What do you do?

>Show them the cool trick! Show them all the stars hiding in the sky!
>Have a pleasant time under the stars. Relax after a long day… You deserve this.
>Ask Wilma if there’s something else to see here.
>Write In.

For mysterious reasons, as you gaze at the stars, a magical reflection tells you...

>What Wilma feels about each one of you right now.
>What Matilda feels about each one of you right now.
>What Fiora feels about each one of you right now.
>What Odetta feels about each one of you right now.
>Write In?

(Only Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>What Odetta feels about each one of you right now.
>Have a pleasant time under the stars. Relax after a long day… You deserve this.
>Show them the cool trick! Show them all the stars hiding in the sky!
>What Matilda feels about each one of you right now.
>>Have a pleasant time under the stars. Relax after a long day… You deserve this.
Meant to vote for this too btw
>Show them the cool trick! Show them all the stars hiding in the sky!
>What Wilma feels about each one of you right now.
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You all have a pleasant time together looking up to the stars and the city pollution refraining you from admiring them to their fullest. But what is fulfilling are these rations that you will describe as “daring” for trying to pass as food. Your mean mental critique doesn’t bring you joy, just like the food; this is just a fact of life. Everyone else believes these are more than passable, so you won’t bring your issues up. You will bottle this pain. Not like you weren’t used to bad food before your life turned around.

Your only joy is feeding Odetta and for her to remark how untasty it is. Her eyes didn’t go slot machine mode, so she’s not lying. Your only ally in this world of meek food.

Everyone is learning bits and pieces about each other during the meal, nothing that you’re unfamiliar with, not that they’re sharing intimate details, just the mundane between a paranormal detective, a paranormal spy, a greedy martial artist, a widow with ties with a doomsday cult, and you, the normal one.

They remarked that the stairway to this spot was built by the owners of the inn long ago. It has been set up for campers, having a bunch of rocks circling around an obvious fire spot. Kinda neat. You could’ve had a Barbecue, but again, you’re bottling this pain.

“Hey, everyone, there’s something I want to show you. But we need to hold hands in a circle.” You wiggle your arms as you find the perfect opportunity to talk.

Quietly but quickly, the group holds hands together, except for Odetta. She’s still a burrito roll. You have to place your hand on top of her head in prime petting position. You activate your ability so everyone can perceive the stars without light pollution…

“It’s a beautiful vista…” Fiora is in awe.

“This is way more blue than I thought it’d be.” Matilda remarks. Is that really the first thing that came to her mind?

“Looks like a photo from those suicidal robots we launch to other planets.” Odetta appears to have some astronomy interest.

“They’re so tiny and precious…” Wilma is having a tender moment. “There’s an old belief that if you look at the same star with someone else, their true feelings will reflect back on you.”

“Like, romantically?” You wonder.

“The legend is about two lovers, so it’s likely.” Wilma giggles. “That is how it was in Xumenlo.” You don’t remember that. You think the tomato is making this up.

“Very neat, just like my cool trick, huh?” You joke.

“Don’t push it, you’ll ruin the moment.” Odetta wants a peaceful stargazing.

“Me? You were talking about suicidal robots first.” You frown.
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“Hold it, you two. What is that?” Matilda notices something odd in the sky. “A comet?”

“It’s soaring.” Wilma gets excited. “We should make a wish.”

“I don’t believe it’s a comet...” Fiora squints her eyes.

“Oh crap, looks like it’s about to explo—” Odetta remarks before something indescribable happens.

In the blink of an eye, the world turns pristine white, when it’s back to normal, there’s an odd feeling of misplacement. You’re at the campfire, you’re holding hands with two people, but you’re like… standing somewhere else.

You survey the environment once again and it is as you remember: Fiora is there, Wilma is there, You’re there next to Odetta Sushi Roll and…

Where’s Matilda?

Scratch that.

Why are you over there?!

“Partner, we’re in a different body.” Philonune remarks as it makes it obvious what just happened.

You’re in Matilda’s body! But it doesn’t feel like you can move anything but your eyes, like you’ll return as you once were in a moment, but that’s coping.


What’s your first impression?

>“Fuck, I’m losing it.” Yeah, you’re not well. This is not happening. This is all but a hallucination!
>“The ground is too near!” Even when you’re sitting down you can tell the difference!
>“Woah! I feel full of energy.” Yeah, you’re tired as fuck. Matilda, on the other hand, is ready to bulldoze a building with her bare hands.
>“...” Don’t react, stay in character, you’ll be the best Mat you can be.
>“…” Look down at your cleavage. You’re a predictable man. A Mantilda, if you will.
>Write In.
>“Woah! I feel full of energy.” Yeah, you’re tired as fuck. Matilda, on the other hand, is ready to bulldoze a building with her bare hands.
>>“...” Don’t react, stay in character, you’ll be the best Mat you can be.
>“Woah! I feel full of energy.” Yeah, you’re tired as fuck. Matilda, on the other hand, is ready to bulldoze a building with her bare hands.
>“Woah! I feel full of energy.” Yeah, you’re tired as fuck. Matilda, on the other hand, is ready to bulldoze a building with her bare hands.
>>“The ground is too near!” Even when you’re sitting down you can tell the difference!
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“Woah! I feel full of energy.” You realize the power of a consistent sleep schedule, regular exercise, and a spectacular diet. Not even after eating a marshmallow have you felt this healthy. You could wrestle a buffalo with your bare hands! In fact, you’re looking around for one…. The powerful mountain buffalo… You must destroy.

“Mat, what are you talking about?” Fiora acts abnormally confused about what you just said, for her standards anyway, it isn’t a big reaction. “My voice... what’s happening...?” She holds her throat. You feel disappointed that Fiora isn’t like her father. Well, at least she’s apparently just as kind. You miss Kobashi dearly, it breaks your heart to think about it.

“I haven’t said… anything… I feel… so exhausted...” Odetta is breathing heavily and twitching. You feel distrustful towards Odetta.

“That sucks, because I know what she means!” Wilma agrees with a big grin on her face. You feel Wilma is your best friend, you’d die for her. Your emotions are impossible to control. “Well, kinda, I feel like I need a hug…” She starts trembling.

“...W-What’s going on?!” Fiora looks horrified at Wilma.

“I think I swapped bodies with Matilda.” You deliver the shocking news. “Right, Mat?” You turn your head to, err, you, and it makes you feel like your anguish disappears. Your eyes can’t move away from you. But you must. You need to maintain control.

“...” (Not You) is 100% going Tomato. But something feels off, this is a counterfeit Tomato reaction. He looks embarrassed the same way you’d be if you called the teacher Mom! Or your girlfriend! “You’re all so cute.” The imposter is infatuated with you. No, with everyone! This is weird!

“M-My heart is throbbing, what the fuck?” Wilma goes full tomato.

“…” You don’t know why, but it affected you too. You’re an egomaniac now, great.

“What… did he… say…?” Odetta is dead again. Cool.

“Partner, I feel the force bringing us back.” Philonune says as you’re consumed by this anomaly.

In similar fashion, as you all stop holding hands, a flash leaves you blindsided and then… you’re actually back inside your body. You can tell because you’re not small.

You all remain silent, was it all an illusion? Of course, it wasn’t. Philonune can testify! But… the hell was that?

What do you do?

>“Who was in my body?! Why did you steal it?! How dare you…?” Act high and mighty! Whoever it was, she made you look like a dork! And you’re not a dork!
>“Everyone is okay? That wasn’t a dream was it?” Try to be normal for once and try to figure out what happened.
>“So that’s how you feel, Mat…” Reflect on the feelings you had during the swap.
>“Huh, how about we forget this camping plan ever happened?” You propose to the confused group, then return to the Inn.
>“Let’s do it again!” You want to swap back into Matilda! Otherwise, you feel like this will stay an unsolved mystery!
>Write In.
>>“Let’s do it again!” You want to swap back into Matilda! Otherwise, you feel like this will stay an unsolved mystery!
>>“Let’s do it again!” You want to swap back into Matilda! Otherwise, you feel like this will stay an unsolved mystery!
>“Who was in my body?! Why did you steal it?! How dare you…?” Act high and mighty! Whoever it was, she made you look like a dork! And you’re not a dork!
>“Who was in my body?! Why did you steal it?! How dare you…?” Act high and mighty! Whoever it was, she made you look like a dork! And you’re not a dork!
>“Let’s do it again!” You want to swap back into Matilda! Otherwise, you feel like this will stay an unsolved
>“Let’s do it again!” You want to swap back into Matilda! Otherwise, you feel like this will stay an unsolved mystery!
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“We all agree that we need to figure out what happened, right?” Matilda feels like this silence isn’t taking you anywhere.

“Yes, we are. I think.” You assume everyone is on board. You wanna do this again if possible.

“How about we make sure we don’t get screwed again? Get safe, then get revenge. It can happen twice.” Odetta does the worst type of foreshadowing...

“Someone is responsible for this?” Wilma actually believed it was a manifestation of the legend she heard.

“Natural disasters, people fucking me over, once in a lifetime events, I’ve gone through it all, it can be anything. But speaking from experience, when something is really annoying, there’s usually someone we can blame behind it all.” Odetta speaks from experience. “Whatever it is, we have our ace detective here on the case. Come on, Fiora, tell us who did this.”

“I’m sorry, but, frankly, I was too distracted to draw any conclusions.” Fiora looks the most stressed out of anyone.

“I swear I’ve never seen you solve one case...” Odetta is unimpressed. “OH GOD, DAMN IT, NOT AGA—” You believe this is her fault for foreshadowing it.

You know the drill, a flash blinds, you’re in a new body. Back into Matilda. Judging by everyone’s demeanor, the others went back into the bodies they once were in as well. Too bad you didn’t confront who was using yours, so you have no idea who is who.

“I suppose this leaves us no choice but to solve this case.” You sigh as you try to maintain your character. Honestly, your body pumps your adrenaline. You’re ready to take any challenge, eager to figure this out, and kill that buffalo.

“I told you we needed to get safe!” Wilma gets pissed at everyone. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. I need someone to hold me...” Mean Wilma grabs your arm. “I trust you more than anyone else here, and that guy is creeping me out.”

“Do not worry. I have figured out that if I keep my eyes closed, I don’t get aroused!” (Not You) smiles with confidence.

“Did you say that you get aroused? Get away from me, you weirdo.” Mean Wilma hides behind you. The interaction between these two deeply upsets you on a personal level.

“I-I’m merely stating facts. I know for certain we are not used to controlling our new bodies’ urges.” (Not You) doesn’t want to take the blame.

“I suppose… that’s what happening…” Drowsy Odetta yawns. “Please, someone… carry me. I know… I can be of help.”

“I got you. Don’t worry.” You can carry at least 6 big boulders with this new body! Drowsy Odetta seems a little perturbed by your response.

“Don’t be hasty, perhaps another flash will take us back to our bodies.” Red Fiora suggests to stay put.

“We’ll be waiting for nothing. It’d be better if we take matters into our own hands.” (Not You) says.

“Yeah, no way we’ll be lucky twice.” Mean Wilma agrees.

“Should we announce our identities? It’d be less complicated, wouldn’t it be?” Red Fiora proposes to the group.

Should everyone say their identity?

>Shamefully admit that you’re small.
>No, you’ll take your smallness to the grave.

What do you do?

>Look around nearby. If this happened twice in such a short amount of time it’s because the perpetrator is near.
>The Strange Comet must be responsible. Look for it and you’ll find your answers.
>Call Someone. Make sure this isn’t a city-wide event. (Write In who.)
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>No, you’ll take your smallness to the grave.
>Look around nearby. If this happened twice in such a short amount of time it’s because the perpetrator is near.
>Call Someone. Make sure this isn’t a city-wide event. (Write In who.)
Let's try Amelia because she's probably with Yu Yan and Nariko right now
>Shamefully admit that you’re small.
>Look around nearby. If this happened twice in such a short amount of time it’s because the perpetrator is near.

+1 to asking Amelia
>>Shamefully admit that you’re small.
>>The Strange Comet must be responsible. Look for it and you’ll find your answers.
>No, you’ll take your smallness to the grave.
>Look around nearby. If this happened twice in such a short amount of time it’s because the perpetrator is near.
>>Call Someone. Make sure this isn’t a city-wide event (Amelia)
>Shamefully admit that you’re small.
>Look around nearby. If this happened twice in such a short amount of time it’s because the perpetrator is near.
>Call Someone. Make sure this isn’t a city-wide event (Amelia)
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“I’ll start. I’m Johnny!” You point at yourself because you lack glasses to readjust.

Oh damn…” Drowsy Odetta doesn’t see this as a positive.

“I could’ve sworn you were Fiora.” Wild Wilma seems pretty shocked.

“Sorry to disappoint, but I’m here.” (Not You) shocks everyone by being the biggest weirdo. Fiora has your body… You don’t like this.

“...?! You’re Johnny?! I thought you’d retain a little bit of your composure.” Red Fiora judges Fiora Johnny. You need to figure out a way to label them. “I could’ve sworn you were Odetta.”

“No… I’m Matilda… I’d make it more clear, but… I feel so tired and pathetic…” Drowsy Odetta reveals she’s the martial artist.

“Eh, sorry about my body being in rough shape.” Wild Wilma shocks no one by revealing she’s Odetta. She doesn’t mind being called pathetic? How odd. “And my reveal leads us to…”

“Yup, I’m Wilma.” Tomato Fiora rounds things up by revealing that she’s Wilma.

So, in short, You’re Matilda, Matilda is Odetta, Odetta is Wilma, Wilma is Fiora, and Fiora is You. It’s quite easy to remember if you memorize the word Ymmoowwffy (Like in I’m Moowwffy!) It’s everyone’s initials but yours, because you named yourself (You) instead of Johnny, if you did, it’d be Jmmoowwffj, and nobody can say that out loud. This is a flawless mnemonic device.

“Everyone, I know the perfect way to remember each other’s names. Just remember the phrase I’m Mowfy and you’ll sort it out.” You let them know. It’s self-explanatory after all.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Wilma (Odetta) is flabbergasted by your stupidity, without knowing she’s the ignorant one.

“I have pen and paper in my *actual* pocket. We can give each other nameplates.” You? (Fiora) tell the party.

“...Who are you again?” Fiora (Wilma) asks. She knows that it isn’t you, so she isn’t as friendly.

“I’m Fiora.” You? (Fiora) repeats this information.

“Oh! Meaning I have them correct.” Fiora (Wilma) pulls them out.

“I have my eyes closed, so I can’t confirm. But if you’re Fiora, yes.” You? (Fiora) retorts.

“You don’t know your own voice?” You wonder.

“……...That can’t be me, I don’t sound this comical.” You? (Fiora) hates her own voice.

“And who is it then, genius detective?” Wilma (Odetta) crosses her arms.

“You’d appreciate the difference in cadence if you close your eyes. We all are different.” You? (Fiora) defends her position.

“Let’s put this aside… and move… on…” Odetta (Matilda) is so slow to talk that her point rings kind of hollow.

With that, Fiora (Wilma) wrote on everyone’s nameplates and handed them over. You’re thankful that for some reason Matilda (You) have some clips in your pockets, you’ll ask Matilda why later, but you can feel they’re for lockpicking, which raises more questions.
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“Mat, do you mind if I use your phone to call Amelia? Mine got infected with the virus you’re currently dealing with.” You (Matilda (You)) ask Odetta (Matilda).

“I saved your dumb phone, you bowl head.” Wilma (Odetta) insults you like you’re the real Matilda.

“Sure… You’ll pay me… later…” Odetta (Matilda) will want a refund.

“Any reason for the call?” Fiora (Wilma) wonders.

“I have to learn if this is a city-wide phenomenon. If it isn’t, the perpetrator should be nearby.” You miss your glasses so much...

“Well thought out.” You? (Fiora) commends you. The way you’re describing things makes you feel like you’re having a stroke.

Other people would’ve used this opportunity to see all of Matilda’s contacts, but you? You can’t, because your sister’s name starts with an A and it’s almost at the top. Anyway, you dial her number…

“Is the deed done?” Tactical Amelia acts like a mafiosi before the big hit.

You hang up. “Yeah, it seems to be only us.” You tell the group. Everyone either seems relieved or disappointed (Wilma (Odetta)). Your sister is calling you back, for some reason you feel bad for hanging up abruptly, so you answer.

“P-Please, don’t hang up on me!” Amelia sounds like a sad NPC.

“I needed to confirm that you’re in good health. Goodbye for now.” You imitate Matilda to the best of your abilities.

“OK…” Amelia sounds massively disappointed. You feel terrible. Is this the spirit of perfect customer service within Matilda? She was rude the first time she met you! What’s going on?! Why is Matilda like this?

“What is it? Please, tell me.” You decide to keep on talking. It’s not like you hate your sister or anything, but you don’t want to fuck this up and waste a lot of time explaining what happened.

“You know I’m not preparing this just for him! I didn’t want to make it sound like you aren’t part of this, you missed it too! I would’ve kept it a secret, but you know how to do it better than I can…” Amelia is keeping an actual secret from you (Johnny), you better not pry.

“I’ll get it done soon, I’ve been busy today.” You admit. “I promise I’ll be there.” You don’t know what you’re promising.
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“Great!” Amelia is full of enthusiasm. “Uhm, that’s it! Sorry for bothering you! I don’t get why you called me, but you sound busy, so bye-bye!”

“Bye-bye.” You hang up again. Does Matilda say Bye-Bye? Well, as long as you’re in control, you’ll make it her catchphrase.

“You… should’ve told her… what’s going on… in case we need more… help…” Odetta (Matilda) heard the entire thing.

“Apologies.” You’re still in Matilda Mode. “We should start investigating. The culprit is around.”

With everyone in agreement, you split into two moving groups (?), it’s all in one big group, but Wilma (Odetta) and Odetta (Matilda) are holding onto you, while Fiora (Wilma) is guiding You? (Fiora) since he’s keeping his eyes closed because of the implication.

As you try to find any sort of trail that can be followed, your group notices a big shadow between the trees. It's an animal of considerable size, one your muscles are craving to destroy…

It’s a Mountain Buffalo.

With a dark flame.

What do you do? (QM Note: Unsurprisingly, Matilda has less SP than Johnny.)

>Wrestle the Buffalo into submission.
>Turn invisible and get close to the Buffalo.
>“Buffalo, come to me. I’m your friend.” Use a thick foreign accent like Anastasia’s to bring the Buffalo closer.
>“Mr. Buffalo, did you swap our bodies?” Talk to the animal! Diplomacy doesn’t know race or species.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we return on the weekend!)
>“Buffalo, come to me. I’m your friend.” Use a thick foreign accent like Anastasia’s to bring the Buffalo closer.
>“Mr. Buffalo, did you swap our bodies?” Talk to the animal! Diplomacy doesn’t know race or species.
>Offer food
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(Imagine him more like in this image, please! With vegetables poking out of his fur and stuff! Thank you!)
Supporting this but I'm not sure if it even needs food anymore, lol
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(New Name Combo ((First Half of the Person In Control’s Name) + (Second Half of the Body’s Name) Example: (Odetta) + (Wilma’s body) Odelma.))

“Buffalo, come to me, I’m your friend.” You perfectly imitate Anastasia’s accent. Wilma should take notes so she doesn’t Mirjam it again.

“...” The Buffalo slowly comes closer.

“…He’s talking to the thing. Why is he talking to the thing?” Odelma can’t believe it. They’re all hanging on behind your back for protection. “Did they never tell you not to mess with wild animals?!” She complains directly.

“Well… I… don’t know why…” Matildetta doesn’t even bother to give it an explanation.

“...Is there an actual buffalo here?” Fiorny didn’t believe any of you.

“Moo…” The Buffalo makes his presence known verbally. He did that on purpose.

“OH DEAR.” Fiorny doesn’t like this at all. You wonder why she’s so panicky in your body, you’re quite collected in general.

“Trust me here, everyone.” You retort with your beautifully thick accent. “It has a flame.” You whisper loudly.

“Oh! Oh? OH?!” Wilmora goes through multiple emotions. Everyone is in shock, including Matildetta, who can barely emote due to her exhaustion.

“Mr. Buffalo, did you swap our bodies?” You try diplomacy with the vegetable animal as you give him a bit of the ration. The animal gracefully takes the food and eats it in an instant.

Now the buffalo nods, it appears to fully understand human speech. That’s good! But… how did this happen?

“Moo…” The Buffalo wants to take you to the heart of the issue. He can’t revert the changes just yet.

“He wants us to mount him.” You point out.

“Moo.” The Buffalo didn’t say that, but he’ll do it if he has to.

“Let’s stick to following it.” Wilmora suggests.

“...The real Wilma wouldn’t have declined going on someone’s back.” You point out the clear inconsistency.

“True…” Matildetta says.

“…! I-I’m me! I’ll prove it, I’ll be your backpack!” Wilmora doesn’t like these comments and jumps on your back, taking space from Matildetta.

“How is any of this normal...?” Odelma says as she clings to your arm. Nobody on this team can move except the woman dying to get on your back.
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“Please, I can’t go with you without assistance.” Fiorny lost her help with Wilmora on your back.

“...If no one can move, why didn’t you all stay at the campfire?” You realize this entire thing is dumb.

“Because of Fiorny over here.” Odelma points at your pathetic doppelganger.

“Fiorny? Is it because I’m swapped with Johnny?” Fiorny teases.

“No. It’s because you’re so horny.” Odelma, Wilmora, and Matildetta say together.

Creep.” Odelma adds.

“HUH?!?!!” Fiorny has never felt more discombobulated than at this moment.

“Moo…” The Buffalo wants this troop of idiots to move on.

“Let me sort this out.” You’ll have to play Tetris to have everyone on the Buffalo.

At the end you’re all on the buffalo, it doesn’t matter how, but it was annoying to deal with the beast’s vegetables, these are not the usual back tomatoes you’re used to. Anyway, he brings you to a random cabin in the woods, it’s awfully close to the inn, a storage unit perhaps? The Buffalo indicates for you to go inside, there’s an open chain lock on a half-opened door. The Buffalo can’t fit through the door. You’re on your own.

You lead the charge because everyone is useless, they’re all stacked behind your back. Matilda has powerful muscles, so it’s easy! Or maybe it’s her inner strength plus Philonune’s powers that are pushing her to the next level! Whatever it is doesn’t matter, going inside made Fiorny (who was on top)’s face crash on the door’s frame because the pile is so high. She’s fine, but… err… She’s fine. She’ll stay by the door, in fact, you leave everyone there. Why are you carrying them?
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It’s a storage unit. It’s full of boxes, a ping pong table, ski equipment, and other notable items. Through this jungle of trash, you find an unconscious man on the ground. You pull him outside where everyone is waiting, and wake him up.

“Huh…?” The man struggles to adapt to the world of the living.

“You okay there, man?” You ask.

“I receive gift of sentience. I no longer bound by the limits of previous existence.” He says in broken english like a creature that has never spoken before. “Life is wonderful.” He’s breathing heavily, sweat all over his body, he must’ve fainted from exhaustion.

You all share a look. Is this the actual buffalo speaking?

What do you do?

>“It’s okay, man. It’s all a dream. It was nice meeting you, please don’t go rampaging on all of us when you wake up.” Pat the Buffalo’s shoulder.
>Tell the Buffalo to return the Buffalo into the Buffalo.
>Tell Fiora to deal with this creature having an existential moment. She’s the most adult of you five.
>Write In.
>>Tell Fiora to deal with this creature having an existential moment. She’s the most adult of you five.
>Tell Fiora to deal with this creature having an existential moment. She’s the most adult of you five.
>Write In.
>Tell Fiora to deal with this creature having an existential moment. She’s the most adult of you five.
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Sorry, I'm too tired to post right now, this is the last reply of the day, we'll continue tomorrow!
This establish dominance Jontalida style.
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“Moo.” You look at the Man Buffalo. “Ehem, Fiora, can you deal with this?” You whisper to the group’s witch. You know when to delegate.

“Gladly. Please, everyone stand behind me.” Fiorny wants to make sure she doesn’t get distracted.

Everyone stands by the buffalo, a foot or two behind where Fiorny is standing. She opens her eyes and looks at the animal soul going through a unique experience.

“Stay put, dear.” Fiorny tenderly says in a voice you don’t use often. She places two fingers on the Man Buffalo’s forehead, a tiny light appears underneath them.

“No hurt. World one.” The *Actual* Buffalo pleads.

“Indeed, Mr. Buffalo. We all share a bond. You’re a friend to us. No harm will come to you.” Fiorny comforts. “I’m here to lend a hand.”

“Friend. Help with what?” The Buffalo starts calming down. He’s catching his breath. It’s funny how he knows he’s a buffalo.

“I want to return you to your old fur. Don’t you miss it?” Fiorny lays out the game plan.

“I do. I can’t move. This body weak. I want to move. I want to protect love. But I don’t want to forget.” The Buffalo retorts.

“These memories cannot be taken away. What awakened in you, will always be yours. Use it wisely.” Fiorny explains.

“Will you talk to me?” The Buffalo wonders as most of his queries are satisfied.

“Of course. Language barriers have never been an obstacle for nurturing a friendship.” Fiorny chuckles.

“Thank you, friend.” The Buffalo rests easy.

“We won’t be apart.” Fiorny places her hands on the Buffalo Guy’s eyes and begins concentrating. The spheres of energy morph into a light more reminiscent of her magic arms from her Esperanza Cup match, this tender warmth soothes the animal spirit to fall into an even more comfortable sleep. “He’s ready.” She closes her eyes again.

“Moo.” The Buffalo gets close to the sleeping man, and pushes him with its snout.

“He’s awake. Look.” Fiorny holds the man’s head on her lap. She memorized the layout to do this without seeing it.

“…” He’s in a dream-like state of serenity.

“Moo.” The Buffalo nods. He turns to you all and asks you to come closer by shaking his head, then nodding upwards, he wants your eyes on the sky. You had to wake up Matildetta…

All seven characters raise their heads to the stars, the strong light takes over all your senses to be transported back into their original bodies.

“Back at last.” Matilda stretches with glee!

“Crap, my face hurts…” You feel the pain of slamming your face on the stupid door frame.

“Sucks to be you, I’m better than before.” Odetta is not jittery anymore and tries to escape the bounding sheets, but she fails miserably. You’re not going to help her after what she said.

“I’m so glad we’re back.” Wilma hugs you out of relief. You hug her back.
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“Okay, let’s kill this guy to stop this from happening again.” Odetta has a plan. “Hold that thought, a wild animal is next to us.”

The Buffalo licks Odetta on the face without a second thought. He’s communicating his friendship. It appears this animal has a shit ton of spiritual energy to not collapse after using the ability.

“...So he’s gonna be a different type of problem, huh?” Odetta can’t clean herself after that. Wilma helps her out with a napkin.

“Moo!” The Buffalo stands next to Fiora. It appears that whatever connection they made during that conversation earlier let him know it came from her and not you.

“This technique must be exhausting, isn’t it?” Fiora is next to the collapsed man.

“Affirmative, lady… Wilma?” Our new guy struggles to sit on the ground.

“Ignore our tags.” Fiora is the first of the five to take the name tag off, and you all follow after. “Mind explaining what happened and why we shouldn’t retaliate?”

“I’d never hurt the people who saved me! You’re all my buds in my book. Even the Buffalo.” The guy wants everyone to be friends. “As for what happened, you guys, are like, in the know, right? I think I’d get killed if I shared this with someone who doesn’t know jack. Rules are a hell of a lot more confusing now.”

“We’re in the know, yes.” You adjust your glasses.

“In that case, the otherworldly bud inside me, the one right here...” The man points at the flame on his back with both hands, below the neck area. “...hates my guts. He activates it whenever he wants to mess with me. It has gotten so bad that my last group ditched me.”

“It’s a rather annoying ability, yes.” Matilda comments.

“Isn’t it illegal for flames to take over your body? I don’t think he can activate his powers whenever he wants.” You feel a plothole brewing.

“He does it for a fraction of a second, so even if the birdies notice, it’s too quick to do anything.” He scratches his head with both hands in frustration. “People call me Fulco when I’m not an asshole. If not, it’s self-explanatory.”

“Okay, asshole, why does your buddy hate you?” Odetta feels like a bad explanation is coming.

“We don’t gel well. I’m not a massive jerk, and he is. I got tired of doing what he wants, and now it’s all punish, punish, punish.” Asshole tells it like it is. “All right, buds, you can leave me here. I’ll manage. Don’t wanna hurt you anymore.”

Asshole means every word. He was trapped inside a buffalo, so you aren’t sure if he’ll be fine fine. But he’ll probably survive.

What do you do?

>Put Asshole back inside the shed with the bedsheets. He can stay a little comfy in there.
>Call Giorsal, maybe she can remove his flame. Can’t bring this time bomb to the Clinic.
>Ask more about this Asshole. You feel like you’re getting just the tip of the iceberg.
>Take the Asshole to the Inn. Keep him relatively safe.
>Write In.

After you’re done with Asshole, what’s next? You’re going back to the Inn and…

>Things with Wilma were interrupted. Resume them in your room. Just the two of you.
>Chastise Fiora for being a weirdo while in your body.
>Tell Matilda her body felt great! Not that way…
>Go to sleep. Too tired. Tomorrow is another day.
>Write In.
>>Put Asshole back inside the shed with the bedsheets. He can stay a little comfy in there
>Things with Wilma were interrupted. Resume them in your room. Just the two of you.
It would be bad if he switched with a judge
>Ask more about this Asshole. You feel like you’re getting just the tip of the iceberg.
>Things with Wilma were interrupted. Resume them in your room. Just the two of you.
>Put Asshole back inside the shed with the bedsheets. He can stay a little comfy in there.

>Tell Matilda her body felt great! Not that way…

It's been too long I will get my Matilda lewd dammit. Wilma had her shot
>Put Asshole back inside the shed with the bedsheets. He can stay a little comfy in there.
>Tell Matilda her body felt great! Not that way…
What if we take asshole's entity and shove him on someone else who meshes better?
>Ask more about this Asshole. You feel like you’re getting just the tip of the iceberg.
>Tell Matilda her body felt great! Not that way…
>>Call Giorsal, maybe she can remove his flame. Can’t bring this time bomb to the Clinic.
>>Tell Matilda her body felt great! Not that way…
too bad we can't recruit the guy, his partner's ability would be almost as nice as ours
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“Do we put you back in the shed?” You try to be nice to a guy who ruined your evening.

“Is it your shed, by the way?” Wilma has her question.

“Oh no, it’s the nearby Inn’s. I work there. Not many people around to can swap bodies with.” Asshole retorts. That’s a terrible sign of quality for the hostel. “Oh, you’re staying there, I just noticed the robes. Don’t bring it up to the innkeeper. And, please do.”

“Oh cool, then we can leave these sheets with you.” You set the Odetta free to give this man a more comfortable sleep.

“Free, at long last.” Odetta isn’t a burrito anymore.

“You don’t have to, buddy. But I’ll take them.” Fulco the Asshole isn’t going to fight this.

You place Fulco back inside the shed and close the door. It’s not like it’s wintertime, he’ll be fine staying in a place like this. His biggest challenge is the lack of a bathroom, but you’re not going to even think about it. Worth pointing out that Fiora got his contact information. He did warn you that his entity is upset with all of you for helping him, you hope this detail doesn’t foreshadow any future events. That’s the end of the worst stargazing you have been part of, and it wasn’t the fault of the stars! Second worse if you count the time you went camping with your family and it was cloudy. You mean, the Buffalo is pretty cool.

In Lokyo folklore, the Mountain Buffalo is similar to the stork in other cultures, they carry babies on their backs and bring them to families. You have no idea how that would work in a city. Would the buffalo take public transportation? Or walk all the way to the parents’ home? It’s just odd to think about. Anyway, your buffalo will stay outside of the hostel, Fiora and the innkeeper are taking care of it inside what appears to be a former stable that wasn’t in use.

With that said, the group is back in the hostel. Inside the room where it all started, you all are drinking hot beverages of your own choice after the buffalo went to sleep. Yours is tea. There’s a strange tension where everyone wants to bring something up. Some are curious about the others, and some want to bring up what happened, but it doesn’t feel appropriate to start with those topics.

“Hey Mat, your body felt great!” You say with a smile.

“You still in there, Fiora?” Odetta jokes.

“C-Could you not?” Fiora doesn’t like what everyone thinks of her now.

“Thank you, it’s the result of years of conditioning. Are you interested in grinding together until your last breath?” Matilda is the master of the accidental euphemism, so she knows you meant it in the right way. “I’d be more than content if anyone wants to join us.”

“That sounds fun, but, huh, aren’t you already my martial art master?” You say with a little confusion.

“Maybe there’s a little Fiora in all of you...” Odetta wants to throw up.
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“You’re in dire need of building some muscles.” Matilda is interested in training Odetta. She looks genuinely concerned about Lil’ O’s health. Well, as concerned as Matilda can look.

“You think so, Ms. Fitness Trainer? What are your credentials?” Odetta raises an eyebrow.

“I know you’re pure bones.” Matilda reminds her that she was in her body.

“The torture you call an exercise routine will be the newest final nail in my coffin. Fiora, I think you need to arrest this fraudster.” Odetta doesn’t entertain the notion.

“Hmm? Why do you wish to involve me?” Fiora never thought the ghostly girl would rely on her.

“You have the authority. Are you stupid?” Odetta demands it! “I want you two out with me!”

“Hey, I was talking to Mat.” You began this conversation.

“So? Talk to that one! Who cares? You’re not that interesting to get everyone’s attention.” Odetta looks at Wilma.

“…? I’d rather spend the time getting to know everyone.” Wilma smiles.

“...Can’t say I didn’t try to help you, pudding head.” Odetta sighs. “Nice people get last.”

“I don’t understand.” Wilma feels like she missed something. “A-And you don’t have to employ that language.”

“I know you know.” Odetta doesn’t play along.

“How mysterious.” Fiora is fascinated by Odetta’s strange actions.

“Should we… talk about what happened?” Matilda crosses her arms. “I know for certain everyone is tired, but we can’t ignore it.”

“It is late…” Wilma checks the time. “Maybe a good night's sleep will help us reflect on what happened.”

What do you do?

>Split the rooms. You’ll stay here with Matilda!
>Split the rooms. You’ll stay here with Wilma!
>Split the rooms. You’ll stay here with Matilda and Wilma!
>Split the rooms. For some reason, you’ll stay here with Fiora and Odetta.
>Fuck all that noise, you’re gonna talk about what happened. You’ll tell them how great being a Matilda is!
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>Fuck all that noise, you’re gonna talk about what happened. You’ll tell them how great being a Matilda is!
Talk before things get hot and heavy
>Split the rooms. You’ll stay here with Wilma!
>Split the rooms. You’ll stay here with Matilda!
>Fuck all that noise, you’re gonna talk about what happened. You’ll tell them how great being a Matilda is!
>Split the rooms. You’ll stay here with Matilda!
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“I don’t know about you, gang. But I can keep going.” You have never found talking an exhausting activity. If someone wants to call you out for this thought, they can suck it, because mind reading is not cool.

“I’m going to take you up on that offer.” Fiora won’t let this chance slip. “Are you fine with this arrangement?” Fiora asks the tired tomato.

“Yes, I didn’t want anyone to feel obliged to stay.” Wilma is looking out for the others.

“You can’t be serious...” Odetta frowns. “Forget it. Talk if you want.”

“Then let me reiterate how great Matilda’s body felt!” You say with a smile on your face.

“How about you keep that to yourself?” Odetta acts like she’s about to puke.

“I’d like to share something myself.” Fiora raises her hand. “Did we all experience interesting thoughts while in each other’s body?”

“I don’t wanna talk about what happened to you either, you weirdo.” Odetta is going to be an imaginary serial puker.
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“P-Please, listen to what I’m saying before throwing a comment.” Fiora didn’t appreciate being called out for being Horny Fiorny. “I wanted to clarify that, due to the nature of our specialties, Odetta and I perceived more information than what you three could accomplish.”

“Don’t tell them that, now they’re going to assume I did something bad!” Odetta pouts.

“I would’ve suspected it anyway.” Matilda doesn’t trust Odetta just yet.

“Suffice to say, I learned a lot about you, Johnny.” Fiora gently giggles. Sounded 100% evil to you. “I hope it doesn’t make you uncomfortable.”

“It happened to me before.” You shrug. You have to find Holly Gram, you promised it to Yu Yan!

“You don’t have to keep up appearances.” Fiora wants you to be honest. You are the kind of guy who trusts people until they abuse that trust, and Fiora hasn’t done anything wrong except being un-Kobashilike at times. “I believe we should all be open about this.”

“I mean, I don’t know exactly what you learned.” You cross your arms.

“Assume more than you’d like me to.” Fiora feels in control of the situation.

You, Matilda, Wilma, and even Odetta share a look. Fiora is pushing you to talk about this for reasons unbeknownst to you. She feels like she can trust you to play along, and you can assume it is because she also wants to know what everyone else learned about each other, mainly Wilma. Imagine getting access to someone’s computer, you’d like to know if they found the iffy files in your secret folders.

How do you respond?

>“So, you know that I believe you evolved from a coconut head into a palm tree…” Adjust your glasses. Try to catch her off guard!
>“What are you getting at? Like, I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.” Be a wall. Don’t play along.
>“Seriously, it already happened to me. I have no thoughts about this. Did something bother you about your experience, Fiora? Is this why you’re bringing this up?” Throw back the question at her. Maybe this is a good way to bounce off the newfound knowledge.
>“As long as you don’t tell anyone, I’m good. Unless you want to be creepy about it.” Be chill.
>Write In.

Who do you want to sleep with (in the same room)?

>The Buffalo.
>The Innkeeper.
>Write In.
>>“As long as you don’t tell anyone, I’m good. Unless you want to be creepy about it.” Be chill.
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“As long as you don’t tell anyone, I’m good.” You’re going to be chill about this. “Unless you want to be creepy about it.”

“I deeply appreciate the confidence. My lips are sealed.” Fiora does a little bow. “I hope we extend the same courtesy to everyone.” She looks at Wilma.

“Please, be at ease. I’m not fond of oversharing.” Wilma waves her hands like she has nothing to hide.

“Easy to tell why…” Odetta learned too much about the tomato and feels pity.

“May I ask you how you are alive?” Matilda needs to know how Odetta’s body works.

“Are you asking me for real? Or are you being a lil’ meanie, Mat?” Odetta devilishly grins.

“I’m always straightforward. You were dying, weren’t you?” Matilda crosses her arms.

“Straightforward? Ha, I’m sure you feel that way.” Odetta scoffs. “I have collected enough power that my grit makes up for the rough shape I am in. Do you get it, muscle head? In my realm, you’re faaaar from a big shot.”

“Cocky for a skeleton.” Matilda chuckles back. “You all must help me convince her to get her some meat on her bones.”

“I’m glad we’re all at a stage where we are concerned about each other’s health.” Fiora chuckles.

“...You were from the beginning though.” Wilma knows that the witch is pretending to be more stoic than she actually is.

“What happened to not oversharing?” Fiora tilts her head with a smile.

“You want us to trust you, don’t you?” Wilma asks back. “Why not say it openly?”

“It appears suspicious, doesn’t it?” Fiora doesn’t blame anyone for it.

“Maybe don’t look like an evil witch from the forest and people will come around, just saying.” Odetta is really mean, but she’s right.

“...Now you can all tell why I wasn’t in a rush to help this little miracle earlier.” Fiora wants to strangle the ghost.

“Seriously, I’m glad everyone here came out of this with some appreciation for the others after this experience.” You want everyone to be pals.

“You’re so corny.” Odetta pretends to miss her previous groups of ragtag individuals.

“I’m not corny.” You frown.
“Prove it to me.” Odetta points at you. “Say something interesting.”

“He’s plenty interesting, Odetta. I think you’re underestimating him.” Wilma believes in you!

“You know, I’ve been meaning to ask something, but I thought it might be too much for everyone to handle right now…” You hype yourself up.

“Spit it out.” Matilda is interested too.

“We’re listening!” Wilma wants to hear it!


What do you do?

>Ask everyone to tell an embarrassing secret about the person they got body-swapped with.
>"What's the worst and best thing about your swapped body?" Your answers are easy, closeness to the ground and buffalo-destroying potential.
>"Answer honestly, who would you have preferred to swap with and why?!" Why is nobody picking Fiora...?
>"What's your favorite type of sandwich!" No picking entities, that's unfair. (and if they don't like sandwiches (like bad girls), ask them for their favorite food)
>"Hey, Wilma and Matilda, how did it feel to turn into a flatty?" You’re sure that Odetta is gonna love this one!
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>"What's your favorite type of sandwich!" No picking entities, that's unfair. (and if they don't like sandwiches (like bad girls), ask them for their favorite food)
so we can fix them later, the food that is
>"What's your favorite type of sandwich!" No picking entities, that's unfair. (and if they don't like sandwiches (like bad girls), ask them for their favorite food)

Why did we vote for who we're staying with again?[/spoiker]
I agree, Matilda had already won the vote, STOP THE COUNT!!!
>"What's the worst and best thing about your swapped body?" Your answers are easy, closeness to the ground and buffalo-destroying potential.
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(Sorry for the confusing votes, but we were tied before (same amount of pro Matilda votes and plain continue talking votes. But I forgot to clarify. I’m going to give a chance to Matilda in this one for those who felt cheated out of my previous omission.)

“What’s your favorite type of sandwich!” You reveal in the most shocking of fashions! They’d never see this coming.

“That’s your question?” Odetta feels let down. “That’s the most boring question I’ve ever heard in my li—”

A hamburger.” Matilda dryly interrupts.

“…?! What are you talking about? Sandwiches have sliced bread, burgers have buns.” Wilma won’t let this misinformation slide.

Then I don’t have a preference...” Matilda will admit that she’s wrong, but she sounds dejected. You wonder why.

“What if we don’t have one?” Fiora meekly raises her hand, confused as to why this is important.

“You… don’t?” You’re puzzled.

“I’m asking in Ms. Matilda’s case.” Fiora clarifies.

“What is yours then?” You raise an eyebrow.

Fiora smiles to avoid answering.

“That doesn’t answer my question.” You frown. “In fact, everyone has utterly failed to say anything!”

“A chicken… sandwich?” Fiora says the first thing that comes to her mind.

“This is pathetic.” Odetta can’t believe she’s making it up on the spot. “I like one with smoked meat, if you’re wondering.”

“I am wondering, yes!” You write it down on your phone.

“I like Cheesesteak with some tomato slices to boot.” Wilma smiles.

“P-Peanut butter and… uh… jelly?” Fiora looked up one online.

“Fiora, keep some dignity.” You place your hand over her shoulder to make her stop humiliating herself.

“Are shawarmas a kind of sandwich?” Matilda wonders.

“Still no slice of bread.” Wilma retorts.

“Well, that’s what I like.” Matilda won’t pretend she likes something she doesn't like Fiora.

“How about you girls tell me your favorite meal period?” You feel like you’re getting the best results like this.

“You can say Hamburgers now.” Wilma tells the Tilda.

“But that wouldn’t be true.” Matilda crosses her arms. “Someone in my family used to make a type of dumpling I forgot the name of. I remember them being tasty.”

“Dumplings? I’d like to know more.” You wiggle your eyebrows.

“That’s as far as I remember. Sorry.” Matilda shakes her head. “You don’t have to ask Wilma, the answer is pudding.”

“...This isn’t fair.” Wilma was thinking if it was worth it to bring up.

“Figures.” Odetta isn’t surprised. “Okay, Fiora, this is your one chance to save face. Don’t be a freak.”

“I enjoy my tartufo with a cup of hot tea.” Fiora talks about a dish everyone has to pretend they know about.
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“It isn’t made out of spider eggs or something?” Odetta raises an eyebrow.

“It’s a famous dessert.” Fiora chuckles at the ghost’s ignorance. “It’s the only dessert that I enjoy, it’s not like anyone is capable of replicating my father’s.”

“Riiight.” You look it up. It’s some sort of ice cream dessert. “And you, Odetta?”

“A smoked meat sandwich with eggs on top. I like food that fills my arteries with the oily relief of death.” Odetta shrugs. She should know that smoked meat doesn’t have oil.

“Cool. Got it.” You write it all down.

“What is your favorite?” Matilda wonders. “The answer is *my* hamburgers. Good to know.” She won’t let you decide for yourself.

“I’d like some context, but I don’t wanna hear about some shitty onions burger or something.” Odetta finds the greedy girl’s behavior as strange as they come. “Oh hell, that was actually your damn question?!”

“Well yeah.” You shrug. “Though, I have another question, Fiora, Why were you really fucking weird befo—”

“Look at the time.” Fiora pulls out her watch to rudely interrupt you. “We have cast as much time as we’ve needed for this meeting. We should return to slumber. Good night, everyone.” Fiora stands up and leaves the room.

“Hey, we have the same room! Come back here!” Odetta shouts at the witch. “You! Muscles, take me to her!”

“I’m not your servant.” Matilda won’t do it.

“This guy will pay you handsomely.” Odetta points at you. Matilda side-eyes you. She looks like a puppy.

You were planning on staying with Wilma here, but maybe Matilda will feel lonely if you group her with the others…

What do you do?

>Tell Matilda to throw Odetta at Fiora. She’s gonna sleep in this room too.
>Tell Matilda to return later! Talk with Wilma first since you have unfinished business with the tomato. Talk to the two separately.
>Promise to pay Matilda and stay with only Wilma for the entire night.
>Write In.
>>Tell Matilda to throw Odetta at Fiora. She’s gonna sleep in this room too.
>Tell Matilda to throw Odetta at Fiora. She’s gonna sleep in this room too.
>Tell Matilda to throw Odetta at Fiora. She’s gonna sleep in this room too.
>Tell Matilda to throw Odetta at Fiora. She’s gonna sleep in this room too.
>Tell Matilda to throw Odetta at Fiora. She’s gonna sleep in this room too.
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“I can only afford for you to throw her.” You say like you have any idea how much these things cost.

“Very well, commission accepted.” Matilda grabs Odetta by the robes for a judo throw.

“W-Wait, that’s not what I waaAAAAAAAAAAnt!” Odetta complains as she’s launched through the air to hit Fiora in the back, the flustered sorceress uses her magic spiritual hands to grab the ghost bullet. She looks back at all of you, smiles, then the door swings to a close. That was some magic horseshit.

Bye Odetta and Fiora for now! You’re glad that you could meet them in a different place than a graveyard.

“Hmm, it’s 10 bucks.” Matilda is proud of her throwing technique. Her pricing methods are a confusing enigma.

Here…” You have lost 11 of those in a day because of this greedy martial artist. “We’re all sleeping in the same place again, huh?” It’d be nostalgic if it wasn’t that recent in actuality.

“Yes, I'd rather stay here.” Matilda didn’t like the idea of staying with Fiora. She’s a shy little girl.

“No sleeping bags this time around.” Wilma says, making clear to both of you that she remembers those details.

“And we won’t be cramped together.” Matilda feels comfortable.

“Want to put the beds together?” You ask. “This sign says we can.” It’s above the bed, in a better part of the season, this is a makeshift answer for couples who couldn’t book the right room.

“...it’s *for* couples.” Matilda taps the upper part of the sign. “We have a bed for each one of us, what’s the point?”

“For the slumber party feel?” Wilma argues in your favor.

“Is this what we’re trying to accomplish here?” The Judo master didn’t have a clue.

“It’s our turn to celebrate for destroying the wedding, like, we did the dirty work.” You find this appropriate. Rest in peace, Ms. Cooldown, wherever she is.

“Are you sure that you’re not tired? I’ve seen you running off fumes all day.” Wilma is a little concerned.

“Yesterday, I learned that I can go all night long.” You mean it that way, but they don’t know it. The Tomato believed the innuendos were Matilda’s domain. “Besides, we’re relaxing, it’s not like we’re about to go on another adventure.” You look through the window outside and wave at the buffalo. Then close the curtains. You can tell by his eyes that he will sneak into Fiora and Odetta’s room at some point.

“What time is it anyway?” Wilma wants someone to check the time. The 11 Gordollar girl reveals it’s past midnight. It’s insane people’s time, nobody should stay past these hours frequently.

“You girls tired?” You wonder.

“Uhm, maybe, maybe not.” Wilma gets a little tomato as she lays down. “I don’t want this day to end, that’s all…” She had way too much fun.

“I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a little bit.” Matilda stretches.

“Liar.” You were in her body, you know it has stamina for ages.

“Are you going to pretend that you know me better than I know myself?” Matilda finds your comments curious.

How do you respond?

>“I was in there, Mat. I know what it feels like.” Argue back!
>”I’m saying you're a liar! You haven’t even told Wilma that you think she’s your best friend! It’s cute!” Expose the Liartilda.
>“I mean, we know you well, right, Wilma?” Get backup from the backpack.
>“Well, you don’t know your favorite food, so you aren’t exactly an expert.” Tease back.
>Write In.

What’s next?

>Put the beds together. This is officially an after-hours slumber party!
>Watch late-night TV together, the peak of programming.
>Go to sleep! Recharge before doing something else. You feel like you’re going to wake up early in the night...
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>”I’m saying you're a liar! You haven’t even told Wilma that you think she’s your best friend! It’s cute!” Expose the Liartilda.
>Put the beds together. This is officially an after-hours slumber party!
Also want to add a little something
>"Do you girls think the inn provides some alcohol?, we need to celebrate big, not everyday you get to ruin a wedding like this"
+1 we are having a good good time
This is fun, supporting this
+1 Yeah.
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“I’m saying you’re a liar!” You believe it’s time to expose her! “You haven’t even told Wilma that you think she’s your best friend! It’s cute!”

“H-Huh?” Matilda is caught off guard.

“You know it’s true!” You condemn. “Your incredible body doesn’t lie…”

“You must miss my counterpart a lot. We connected very well.” Wilma finds it adorable.

“To me, you’re one and the same…” Matilda blushes a little. Takes a lot out of her to admit it.

“…!!!” Wilma is overjoyed to hear this!

“Best friends hug each other!” You push them to embrace each other! Hopefully, you don’t get to witness a blood pact between the two...

“W-What has gotten into you?!” Matilda can’t handle you at your dumbest.

“...I don’t mind, Mat.” Wilma tenderly holds her tiny friend. A reverse of how it was in the Bubble.

“…” Matilda doesn’t know how to respond but goes along anyway.

“Mat, how do you feel being an honorary tomato?” You continue teasing.

“Be quiet…” The blushing Matilda gets grumpy. “Wilma, Johnny loses his marbles once he’s tired. He’s unpredictable in this state. And I’m afraid we’ll have to restrain him.”

“I tease you once and you think I’ve gone mad? Please, Mat, don’t be ridiculous.” You scoff at the idea of not doing this for the sport.

“It’s true, he plays jokes on me all the time...” Wilma doesn’t fully buy it. The tomato teasing has paid off in ways you weren’t expecting. “I think we should tease him back.”

“If you say so…” Matilda trusts Wilma’s judgment.

“I’ll calm down a little. Okay?” You have your senses under control. “So, are you girls in favor of putting the beds together or not?”

“Sure! I mean, we did get married. Sort of.” Wilma taps on the couples part of the sign. “Matilda, you stay where you are.” Wilma leaves the Tilda on the center bed.

You and Wilma push your respective beds to the middle of the room. There were drawers in the way, but you moved them aside. Now your Super Bed: Ruby Class is done! You’re all on top. You’re on the right side, Matilda is on the center, and Wilma is on the left. You’re not cuddling, but close enough that you could watch TV together, and nobody would be in a weird watching angle.

“Do you girls think the inn provides some alcohol? We need to celebrate big, not every day you get to ruin a wedding like this.” You propose. This is the closest you’ll get to doing a successful heist movie plan in real life. “I know Matilda is underage, but...”

“I’m not unfamiliar with alcohol, you know that.” Matilda frowns slightly. “But yes, a worthy celebration demands some drinks.” She learned that from her grandfather.

“Oh! Right! We missed the festival because of me...” Wilma feels guilty now that she recalls. “You two must be upset for losing your first chance to taste some. I’ll call reception!” She wants to make up for this and grabs the phone. “Do you two prefer wine or beer?”

Your first celebration with actual alcohol, you’re growing up so fast…

What do you do?

>Compete with everyone, let’s see who can drink a bottle the quickest!
>Pass through the traumatic stage of not enjoying the taste of alcohol until you do. Might require to drink more than you’re prepared for, but you can take it, you have the guts!
>Have a moment with everyone. The drinks will only help to open up.
>Write In.
>>Pass through the traumatic stage of not enjoying the taste of alcohol until you do. Might require to drink more than you’re prepared for, but you can take it, you have the guts!
>Have a moment with everyone. The drinks will only help to open up.

We had a fuckton of adventure today, and might as well and just enjoy the company with this girls
>Have a moment with everyone. The drinks will only help to open up.
>Pass through the traumatic stage of not enjoying the taste of alcohol until you do. Might require to drink more than you’re prepared for, but you can take it, you have the guts!
>Do not become like your dad, Stan.
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“Huh, the most tasty of the two?” You answer. As long as it’s not the Magnum Melbourne crap your dad loved, you’ll be fine. You knew this moment would arrive 18 years ago, you’re going to power through the taste to get used to it! Last time you drank anything like it, well, it wasn’t great.

“Wine.” Wilma lets you know with a smile on her face. It’s her preference. Since it’s your celebration, she goes ahead and asks for a bottle or two. “Edony will bring us a couple of bottles.”

“Couple?” Matilda raises an eyebrow.

“What? Are you scared?” You tease.

“Nonsense.” Matilda shakes her head.

“...I don’t think you’re being honest here, so no wine for you, miss.” You adjust your glasses.

“Hilarious.” Matilda isn’t laughing. She’s going to drink whether you want it or not. What a delinquent.

The door is knocked. As the responsible adult, Wilma is the one who takes care of the situation with the innkeeper.

“Just one explanation will suffice! Anything to quench my curiosity ever so slightly!” Edony stops the door from closing.

“I-I’m sorry, Edony, but you will have to stay thirsty. I’m winding down and ready to relax for the rest of the night!” Wilma wants to close the door after receiving a tray with the wine and empty cups.

“Y-You brought a BUFFALO!” Edony shouts as Wilma shuts the door in her face. Those were the innkeeper’s last words.

“...Rather pushy, isn’t she?” Wilma chuckles as he comes over with the drinks.

“I’ll serve them.” You expertly use the corkscrew to open a bottle, and fill the empty cups with wine. This is the one thing your dad actively taught you to do. It became annoying to deal with because every visit to the kitchen, he’d ask you to fix him a drink. You didn’t leave the room as much, and sometimes skipped dinner. “Here you go.”

“You always know your way around the kitchen.” Wilma is really impressed, and a little curious as to why. Seems like corks were the bane of her existence at one point.
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“Did you learn that working in the food cart?” Matilda asks out of curiosity.

“Who knows…” You’d rather be mysterious than truthfully answer this one. “Okay, I don’t know why I served 3 cups when Matilda isn’t getting any.”

“Stop messing around.” Matilda grabs her damn cup. “Cheers.” Matilda drinks it in one go.

“I-I don’t recommend you do that.” Wilma wasn’t expecting the money gal to be so daring.

“Hmph. It’s nothing.” Matilda pretends to be unaffected.

“Cheers, everyone.” You’ll learn to like this enough to not be the awkward kid who doesn’t drink anymore.

It’s worse than you expected, but not intolerable. It’s more in the realm of you being a picky eater than a distaste for it. That doesn’t make it easier. Obviously, you keep on chatting, but the main focus of all of you was on the drinking. It took you until your third cup to realize this isn’t going to get much better, but it’s better than medicine, so you’re gonna take it.

“Johnny, you’re going to get tipsy if you drink that fast.” Wilma is not exactly concerned, but advises you to be careful.

“I know!” You have the guts to get to this point, and the knowledge not to keep threading the line. You feel funny, but not out of control.

“How do you like it?” Wilma wants to know how this experience is going.

How do you respond?

>“I guess I’m not made for alcohol...” Lament the fact that you’re a weirdo. But hey, now you know your limits.
>“It’s not my favorite, but I’m glad I can drink this stuff.” You can stand it and not be awkward about it. You won’t spend money on this, that’s for sure. It’s a win-win.
>“It’s decent.” You lament the fact that the wine sucks. But maybe one day you’ll find something worth spending money on.
>Write In.

The Celebration continues! What’s next?

>Like the good drunkards you are, you think you can cuddle together until the sweet embrace of a good night's sleep takes you all away.
>Ask Wilma why two bottles, isn’t that weird? What is she planning on doing? You must tease this tomato.
>Ask Matilda why she drank it all so fast. Does she want to get tipsy? You must tease this Matilda.
>Ask them both what it felt like to be flatties during the Body Swap. Just for fun!
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we finish the thread tomorrow!)
>“It’s not my favorite, but I’m glad I can drink this stuff.” You can stand it and not be awkward about it. You won’t spend money on this, that’s for sure. It’s a win-win.
>Ask them both what it felt like to be flatties during the Body Swap. Just for fun!
>“It’s not my favorite, but I’m glad I can drink this stuff.” You can stand it and not be awkward about it. You won’t spend money on this, that’s for sure. It’s a win-win.
>Like the good drunkards you are, you think you can cuddle together until the sweet embrace of a good night's sleep takes you all away.
I think it might be better for Johnny because wine goes with food a lot more often than beer and other alcohol does. That could appeal to his chef instinct and help him overcome this alcohol aversion thanks to his shitty dad
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“It’s not my favorite, but I’m glad I can drink this stuff.” You can stand it! The big victory is that you can season some food with it and not be repulsed.

“...I thought you were loving it.” Wilma was expecting the total opposite answer with how eager you were drinking.

“Don’t tell me you’re trying to find confidence with this?” Matilda thought you were better than this.

“Hey. I can talk about whatever I want.” You won’t be looked down upon.

“Do it.” Matilda crosses her arms, she’s a little more pushy than normal, or maybe your senses are a little off.

“Well, I’d like to know what it felt for you to become flatties.” You don’t know how to word this in a way that isn’t awkward.

“I’m not following.” Wilma looks a tiny bit confused as she takes a sip of her wine.

“During the body swap.” You clarify.

“You mean like…?” Wilma looks down to her chest. You nod. “Uhm, don’t you already know what it is like? You’re a man!” She’s laughing because of the absurdity of your question.

“I have pecs.” You have an athletic build! “But you know what I mean, Odetta and Fiora are...”

“She’s hiding more than you think.” Matilda points out. Odetta is malnourished and uses baggy clothes, so maybe she’s right...

“Still, I want to know how this felt for you two!” You feel like they’re not trying to be honest with you!

“I suppose that it reminded me of how lighter I used to be.” Wilma remembers her times as a tiny sweet tomato... “But Fiora’s legs were so long that they were hard to control. I felt so clumsy! Always wary of falling on my face.”

“Do… you really believe my chest is big?” Matilda doesn’t believe her Tildas to be of significance.

“They’re of considerable size, yes.” You adjust your glasses.

“Take in consideration all the people you know. Do you really categorize me that way?” Matilda is in a thinking pose.

“If both of you aren’t considered sizable, then I’m unsure how the world works.” You get real for a moment.

“Grace. Chio. Nariko. Kata. Picture them in your head. Those are big.” Matilda demands another assessment. “I’m not talking about disproportionate sizes like Uccelli’s. Just regular big. How about now? Where do you categorize me?”

“That’s not how measurements work. You don’t need to feel inadequate. I like your chest.” You respond like it’s a normal thing to say.

“Of course you do, my body is magnificent. Perfectly proportionate and crafted.” Matilda is proud of that fact. She has never been shy about it. “But they’re not big in the grand scheme of things.”

“C-Calling them big is a compliment, Mat. You and Wilma have beautiful chests!” You’re confused!

“We are not the same. Hers are bigger. Look and compare them.” Matilda puts Wilma by her side so you can make the comparisons.

…?!!” Wilma doesn’t know how to react except to look like a tomato!

You don’t understand what is going on, but you’re not complaining…

Sadly, this is all we have for this thread! Thanks for playing! And See you next thread!
Thanks for running
Thanks for the run

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