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It has been 100 years since ancient beings, known as the Old Ones, walked the Earth with their two strong feet. Now they are gone and we animals now rule the remains that they left behind. With our new knowledge of sword and sorcery, we were able to survive in peace for a while, but then came the three factions.
The Apes: Strong giants, claiming to be as just as the old ones and believe they should be the ones to rule over the new world.
The Pigs: An intellectual but slothful group who wish to rule the world with an iron hoof and remain kings while the others remained as dumb animals.
Then there the Lizards: A fast and large group that want to set the world a blaze. Trying to forget the harsh past that the old ones left.
All three sides wishing to go war and destroy one another to bring in what they believe to be true peace.
But, unbeknownst to everyone, there was another group. One that was trying their best to find a way to heal everyone. To bring back order.
You found it.... and now you are taking care of it.

A D&D Homebrew Adventure.

Previous Quests:https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Rise%20of%20the%20Awakened
To join the game and create a character, please follow the instructions on the PDF.

Games are on Tuesdays and occasionally on Thursdays.
Should be available tomorrow (maybe 12 Hours). Sorry about not being here. Last week was hectic. Hopefully things will be better for me.
Last time on the RotA Campaign
>The group investigates Arsene's Murder
>The group find an assassin.
>Kinny tortures him with music and they find out he's a cephlopod
>Ursus met the otter
>The group kidnap Father Gawain
>Bobby got kidnapped
>Ursa met and got injured by Lincoln
>A terrorist plot was foiled
>Now it is Nighttime and they have a few days left.
>But there is still that prophecy, can they end up preventing that?
Find possibly this week in RotA

Sessions are usually on Tuesdays and possibly on Thursdays
Ursus is up and gearing up to look for kidnapping leads and other clues for the missing animals, Ursus hopes his group is thinking the same thing more eyes on a subject the greater chance of success
How are you gearing up?
Armor up note pad up, having a medkit ready.
What do you do after getting your gear.
I'm here. Somehow I missed this thread yesterday.
I get everyone together to plan our route to comb through the city
>Adler, Jessica, Caramel, Maggie, and a mostly healed Ord, Potato, and Bobby all gather around the area.
"So... what's the plan? Who's going where?"
>Maggie curiously asks.
Whoa, wait what? I don't think we ever found out the cephalopod/raccoon assassinated Arsene. Or if we did, I forgot. I meant to finish rereading the quest a couple weeks ago, but between being sick and then being busy the next week, I never got up to the then-current thread.

"I'm going to the castle, Gawain wanted me to see the scrolls, so I'll go and determine the truth for myself."
I’m pretty sure that the cephalopods will be leading this sacrifice so I’m planning on following along while letting looking into copies of missing persons reports that would fill the supposed prophecy
"Okay, just try and be...subtler than you were with Lincoln. We're dealing with factions bigger than us. If you stir the pot too much, you might end up giving someone indigestion as their next meal. Be especially careful about revealing the humans. I'm not sure if you ever said that you implied or directly told Lincoln about our ancient companions, but it'd be sheer recklessness to do so, both then to the chief arsonist himself, and now to the wider public. Lets meet back here in three hours, at least an hour before dark. Take care buddy." Mog replied, standing up on his hind legs to give Ursus an affectionate pat on the back.
Ord potato and Superman can be the muscle, if they feel up for it.
Bobby and Jessica can help with catching anything we miss as Bobby mog and kinny aswell as caramel can help speak to people on where the missing persons where last seen any associates and other key points to note. Any criticism, alternative ideas or suggestions with this outline of a plan
I did not reveal their existence he just said he smelled human on me and the heated interaction occurred from that
Of course my message comes out right after mog’s, my plan can occur when we fully meat back up and hit suspect areas for investigation
"Like I said, I'm going to the castle to retrieve Gawain's scrolls. Maybe to talk to the Queen too, if I get the chance. I think at least one sneaky person should come with me, just in case people recognize me through my disguise and arrest me. That way whoever comes with me can run and inform you guys. How about this, after about an hour and a half, we'll meet back here. After we meet up, I'll join you in searching for missing people for the remaining hour and a half, before meeting back up here again to prepare for our nightly outings. Sound good?"
That sounds optimal
Bobby should go with him if she feels up to it.
"If we are going by the prophecy the otter gave to Ursus, it would be ten Wolves, five Pigs, three Gorillas, one Rabbit, a False God, which I am going to assume is a human, a lizard, and finally the otter herself."
>Bobby says as she looks at the note that was given to Ursus by the otter.
"Sage must be a crazy mother fucker if she is going to go towards her own death. Still I think it's best that Jessica and Maggie need to stay out of the summit for their safety. Don't you agree?"
>Maggie then stepped up.
"But wait! Wasn't I supposed to come to the summit to help show that humans still exist and be a counter argument to Persephone to show she isn't a god?"
>Maggie interjected
"Yeah, but we can't have you dying on us."
>Bobby countered.
Agree with Bobby?
>Adler went to Mog.
"Want me to help or would you rather I stay?"
Let Adler go with you?
"Counter argument..."
>Bobby then brought up.
"Are you sure it is a good idea to let Caramel talk? I mean she's good at it... but we're talking about Caramel."
"I can try to keep my interests to a minimum. Besides pussy cat I was told I was quite lovable."
>Caramel responded
"Not to mention we need someone to keep an eye on both Gawain and our cephlapod in a jar."
>Jessica brought up.
"If we are going to have someone do that... I think it should be someone who could responsibly handle it. Any suggestions?"
"Place is going to be crawling with guards. Need a good spy?"
>Jessica suggests.
Take Jessica?

Sorry for the late response guys.
Here’s the problem, regardless of if she’s stays behind for her protection or not, I would not put it past these bunch that they have a back up plan to substitute, case in point if Superman was out and about I would not be surprised if there was another human they had captured or have on back up even if it’s extraordinary.
Jessica I trust you on your espionage skills from what you told you have told me, as for watching over our captives, might I recommend bobby, reason being I would not be surprised that these squids have already an idea of our position what with their master seemingly capable of remote detonating his subordinates, if they don’t know where the human is the better chance we have at subterfuge as for why I want to bring caramel i don’t trust myself with being as skilled in communication as she is (unless kinny would like to take point on that)
"Hmm, I doubt they have a backup human just lying about. We can't assume that without evidence. Persephone is the only human we've heard about from the cultist camp, from Adler himself mostly. Most of the humans in this city would come from the icy vaults within the temple basement, we'd know from Arsene if there were more that had escaped previously." Mog started, scratching his jaw idly.

He began pacing around the table, doing his best to think while talking "As for whether or not Jessica or Maggie should come to the summit, I say we leave that issue to be discussed later. We're burning daylight as is."

Circling to Jessica's side as she spoke up, he gave her a thankful lick, then said "I'd be glad of your company. Though if you come with me, then I think Adler...and maybe Maggie should stay to guard the seed house and our prisoners while we head out. Ursus can manage with everyone else for our initial foray into missing persons investigating. Thoughts?"
Indeed we are burning daylight.
>Ursus nods his agreement
>Jessica then nods her head and gives her icegun to Maggie.
"If they try anything funny shoot the fuck out of it."
>Maggie then nods her head and saluts Jessica.
>Bobby then chimes in.
"Alright we have our missions let's go."
>Mog and Jessica (disguised as a wolf) then head to the palace.
>Ursus heads out for his own investigations with Bobby, Ord, Potato, and Caramel.
What do you do as you head out?
All right then Ursus fully geared begins to maneuver around towards the local law enforcement office to ask for any leads in missing persons and any information about them make himself look like a private investigator looking for possible leads
Mog donned the upper-class disguise that Kinny had made for him on their first nightly outing in the city.
>The guards of the law enforcement then stare at the bear.
>One of them looking like the guard that was there during the search for Bobby.
>The guard wolf look at the bear.
"Excuse me sir, may I ask why you barged into our precinct?"
How do you respond?
>The castle was well guarded.
>Jessica of course donned on her disguise as a wolf to wear armor, making her look like your bodyguard.
>There as soon as you approach the area, you see one giant wolf approach the two of you.
"Who goes there?!"
>He asks with a huge growl.
"What brings you to this castle?"
I apologize I am looking for missing persons to help assist the local community, Ursus says up front to the officer I apologize for barging in unannounced.
Specifically I’m looking for leads and information in finding missing individuals and possibly assisting the local community
Sorry, had to step away for a bit. Should've mentioned it. I'll be a bit longer.
Rolled 5 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

"I guess I could help with that. More animals we find the better... wait a second... you look familiar."
>Give me a Deception check must beat the insight.
Rolled 3 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Hey can I get assistance with this from my group?
"I recognize that bruise. You're the bear that talked to Lincoln. How's your throat? Didn't know you were a detective, why didn't you mention it?"
>Ursus begins to list his reasons one claw at a time
Because i was quite distracted, my freind could have died while i was far away, my other freinds where injured when I found them, and then I find out that it was an attempted assassination not to mention nothing about being a detective would give me any ounce of persuasion in getting my freind back from being taken away forever so I’m sorry for not mentioning this officer, as for my throat I’m fine, the cost of a tussle and possible burns is nothing compared to my friends safety and well being.
Ursus said all of this in a calm monotone in an attempt to keep his emotions from surfacing.
"Yes. Understandable. Now onto the missing animals case. We only had three reports an-"
>Before the guard could continue, the door was opened.
>One of the rookie guards Ursus met earlier had arrived.
>Carrying a rabbit in his mouth.
>Not just any rabbit but Chief Cottontail himself.
>Flailing as he demands to be let go of.
"Your queen will hear of this! I demand justice!"
>The rabbit chief says.
"Sorry but rabbits are not allowed in the summit. Them's the rules kid. And with the way you are constantly asking to put in there, I understand why some dogs were calling for harassment."
>The younger guard said.
Intervene Ursus?
Mog wordlessly stepped closer and gestured to his lapel, where Gawain's pin had been tacked.
"Ah. You have permission to enter Gawain's quarters. Acceptable. You may enter."
>The giant wolf steps aside.
Ursus intervenes, sorry officer but I have evidence backing that that rabbit is in fact a leader of multiple tribes of rabbits he does actually have some serious connections and power, ursus turns towards caramel can you please elaborate on this more for the people who are not in the know
Mog nodded, walking past the giant wolf calmly.

When they were out of earshot of the wolf, he whispered to Jessica "Keep track of how many footsteps we take and the different branching hallways we pass, it'll be useful to make a map of this place for later, in case we come back here. This place has changed since last I visited."
>Caramel nodded but then you were interrupted by the young guard.
"No. Rabbits can't be part of the summit. Despite their "importance" within their community. I don't care what complaint he has, rabbits get no say to official hearings."
>Caramel and Ursus then turn to the older guard.
"What he says is true. You can thank or blame father Gawain for that one."
>The older guard confirms.
"So far 20. But still counting sir."
>You then hear someone rummaging through what sounds to be papers.
"A thief?"
>As you soon arrive in the room you soon spot a female wolf looking through the documents that belonged to Gawain.
>Judging by the gown she was wearing you could tell she was in fact royal.
"Where is it. I know he gad names for when the event happened."
>The wolf says as she continues to rummage on and on.
Ignore her and question her.
That seems extremely biased and shifts power something extremely towards imbalance in power, Ursus pauses rubbing the bridge of his nose, you probably do see that but are gorced to follow along any way because of the law. (That will have to be discussed in the summit), if you have a list of things you would like to discuss please get it in writing, now back on the task we just got off topic can I please get information that you’re willing to disclose the three reports and the detail would help
"My queen?" Mog questioned hesitantly, reaching out hesitantly to turn her around by the shoulder.

As he did so, he channelled the Goddess's light through his paw, purging any maladies from the fervent royal.

>I use Lay on Hands to attempt to remove the influence of Gawain on her.

Lay on Hands can remove poisons and diseases. You did say the cephalopods count as a parasite before, though I'm not sure their mental influence can be removed when they aren't inhabiting the person themselves. But, if a squid were inhabiting her, this should remove it, I think.
"Thank You kind bear."
>The chief says as he begins writing everything he can down.
>The younger guard then scoff.
"Yeah good luck reading that. Everyone knows that bunnies are stupid creatures. Especially with their dumb fascination with the old ones. Wish we had the old laws back. Making it illegal to even touch thevold ones stuff. That would put the rabbits back in their place of fearing everything."
>The older guard glares at his younger protégé.
"Sorry about him. Let's get to those reports."
>The queen stares at Mog.
"I thank you for healing me. I don't know of what but you are free to use your magic however you please. Though I will admit I have been tired lately. Now what brings you here mister...?"
"That's lord. He is Lord Tavish of Baskerville."
>Jessica says, giving you a wink.
>She's been doing good learning of your world's geography.
"Baskerville? Where all the rich hounds live. A pleasant surprise. What brings to these fine lands Lord Tavish?"
Thank you Ursus gives an appreciative smile to the experienced guard, and then an extremely nasty side eye to the green horn.
Unfortunately, I have to go. I'm needed outside. Feel free to continue without me though, since we're in separate groups. I should also mention that I'm glad that this is back. I'll see you guys on Thursday, hopefully.
>The guard then leads you to a room with documents.
>Three of which are the missing people.
>Two wolves... and a bear.
>The bear being the apprentice who Arsene had.
>The two wolves you do not know.
"I'm sorry about earlier by the way. I really didn't see your cat friends. I don't know how I didn't. I'm also sorry about my rookie. He shouldn't have said that."
Fair enough Mog. Be safe.
I am also sorry for earlier it was extremely unprofessional and to be honest Bobby is extremely adept at being hard to spot, I honestly don’t understand how wolves can see rabbits as unintelligent, I’ve seen rabbits operate extremely complex equipment such as an old one plowing machine, he should seriously look into understanding them more because if he underestimates a rabbit with ill intentions he could wind up dead.
>Ursus looks over the reports writing as much as he could down such as locations suspects, witnesses and those reporting the missing people (with the skill of a trained book nerd).
I will let you know if I find anything or if these people turn up.
We can take a pause it’s getting a bit late for me
Should be available tomorrow
I'll probably be there early tomorrow, but I'll have a short time available to participate.
Hey guys. I'm sorry to say that I don't think I'll have time to participate today. Hopefully next week will be better.
Hopefully kinny will be present
For next game for clarification
Sorry had a bit of a rudh got called in and I had to rush into some things. I forgot. Sorry.
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Nice to see your epic pics again Kinny.

Again I need to apologize about not being here.
I'll be able to make it tomorrow, though I'll be pretty late.
Should be available in 10 hours.
Now I’m thinking of a cat version of Shan that hunted a large shark instead of a whale
That’s supposed to say Ahab not San
"It's because we're all scared of the dangerous ones. Someday someone is going to find something very dangerous and just mess around with it because they think it's a plaything. Then as soon as one accident happens... we're all doomed. I heard it happen to herd sheep once. It was a huge massacre. I can explain the fear of the old one technology but not the rabbits. Honestly I'm just as confused about that as you are. But can't really argue with our current preist. Though Arsene could but he retired... or rather was retired."
I wouldn’t be surprised if they already have and then deactivated it, rabbits seem to know a lot more about old one tech then any of us, probably studying and learning from the devices they uncover, I think they are probably more equipped than us to prevent possible destruction. That’s the problem with not actually getting to know a group of people and marginalizing them, you tend to think them stupid, or cowardly or affix stereotypes that have formed because of that marginalization. But hey I’m just talking aloud as I read these reports the bear report seems much older than these two so I’m going to focus towards them not to mention the priest passing gives me little on leads there
To be clear
I’m focusing on the wolve reports to be clear I think a typo happened
"How do you think the priest's passing is connected?"
I’m not certain it’s more a gut feeling so I’m not going off of it yet as for the wolves I need to investigate further, if I come across the temple I will probably speak to her successor to find out more details
"I guess that makes sense. No need for whistleblowing."
Indeed and especially with respected members of the community, that’s a one way ticket to getting shoved in the back
That’s meant to say shived
"Are you sure you feel you well guarded in this town? Need some guards with you?"
No I’m good besides I know how to avoid that not to mention the possibility of evidence or information becoming unrecoverable due to to many laws on the ground if you understand the metaphor not to mention imagine if I and the guard detail you put in place get caught I can imagine the backlash
>The old guard nodded.
"Anyways I wish you luck on your investigations. Be safe detective."
I'm here. Will be a little while before I can get a post up.
Thank you Ursus nods towards the man, have a good day.
Ursus nods towards caramel and the rest of the group, it’s time we truly begin, as he walks towards the exit and informs his crew on the leads he’s gained.
>As you exit the building and get to a safe unsuspecting area, Bobby, Ord, and Potato soon arrive.
"What's the situation?"
>Bobby asks the bear.
We have a total of three leads one of a missing bear two are wolves, I would not be surprised if there are more missing that are unreported but I have hunch that they will lead back to the plan
That’s not supposed to say plan but kidnappers/ kidnapper
>Bobby then looks at the bear again.
"No offense Ursus but this is literally the bear you found in the subway when fighting the spiders. Guess we forgot to report on that."
Shhh I know that, Ursus quites Bobby and then points back to the authorities.
Do you wanna get arrested for failing to report a dead missing persons?
>Bubby said completely muffled by the bear's massive paws.
"But it's still something that should be investigated. Then again how do we explain everything in the subway. Maybe you're right we shouldn't."
I have an idea but we can elaborate on that further, right now the wolves need to be investigated aswell
"So what do we do about the wolves?"
Rolled 7 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

Sorry for the wait. Should get less hectic for me when summer ends.

Mog bowed low, as was appropriate. He held the bow, waiting to be relieved. While he did so, he spoke "My purpose here is multitude, your grace. To begin with, I initially came to speak and listen at the summit. Though I also intended to meet with an associate, Kimmy Cash, if you know him?" He waited for her answer, politely. Then he carried on after acknowledging their lack of mutual acquaintance, "Along the road, I had two curious encounters, one with some sheep who led me to speak with Father Gawain, the other with someone who I now understand to be a fugitive..." He hesitated for a moment for show, "...a fellow by the name of Mog...or something or other. Anyways, Father Gawain spoke to me at length, and we really hit it off, even if we disagreed. As for this Mog fellow, he wanted to meet with you, said this was all a misunderstanding. He ran off, but I have a feeling he'll want to be in the city as well, if I happen to run into him, I could arrange a meeting between the two of you, get this 'misunderstanding' all cleared up?"

Again he waited for an answer. Then made a show of silently mulling it over, before seemingly deciding to move past the issue while he thought her response over. Instead he finished his story "Anyways, Father Gawain and I met in a tavern by chance, here in the city, I mean. He gave me this pin, told me to collect the scroll and all his materials, said I was ready to be shown the truth. He's a tad indisposed at the moment, what with this dreadful business with Arsene passing and his injuries from the Monkey King."

>Persuasion to try and get a meeting between her and the 'real Mog'.
*should say "Father Gawain and I met again in a tavern by chance"

Implying a second meeting.
"Mog? A criminal? Why I haven't seen Mog since I was a small pup. He didn't seem to be a bad dog when my grandfather was still king. He was just a stern stoic wolf, only snapping to prove a point. At least that's what I recall. That was 12 summers ago. Maybe it was a different wolf I was thinking of but my grandfather did speak highly of him. Either way I can't see a wolf like that betraying this country. It's unorthodox and out of character. And while I would like to gave a private meeting with him I simply can't. I am far too busy to prepare for the summit. I must make sure it is perfect and that no animal warm or cold blooded can break it. Must reinforce everything. That's why I am in this room. I'm searching for the schematics for the courtroom in which the summit will be held."
>The queen says as she continues to search around Gawain's room.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

Mog hid his disappointment, instead moving to search the room himself. He motioned for Jessica to help him look for the scroll.

As he stepped in beside the queen, he chuckled, then asked curiously "An interest in architecture then? What use is a blueprint for a courtroom that has already been built? Some modifications being made?"

>Investigation check with advantage from Jessica's help to find the scroll and any other interesting material from Gawain.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Forgot to roll a second die.
We go and speak to witnesses and people who reported the disappearances investigate known locations and identify possible culprits then reconvene with our group and raid these areas then rinse and repeat gather clues on possible organizations they could have taken people who haven’t been reported missing
Make another roll since Jessica is assisting you.
And you have already done so. Take the higher number.

"To make the building stronger. I may have only lived in this castle and roamed a bit in this kingdom, but I know the tension between our three factions. If we are lucky we will settle all of this peacefully with no issues. But this... goddess business. I am not sure what it is or if it is a danger to all of Canis Lupin, but I will make sure that whatever damage it does, it will only be sealed in the courtroom."
>The queen says as she continues rummaging.
"No luck with you two either huh?"
"No luck here I'm afraid." Mog replied with a huff.

He stepped back to survey the room, looking for hidden compartments. After a quick glance around, he decided his eyes were too poor for the task, so he tapped Jessica on the shoulder to get her attention.

"Why don't you take the lead on this, look for secret rooms or compartments, my eyesight's no good." he murmured quietly to her.

>I'll provide assistance to Jessica on Perception or Investigation to look for secret compartments instead.
Here are your two wolf reports.

June Driftwood
Age: 17 Summers
Sex: Female
Fur: Brown
Eyes: Golden
Occupation: Blacksmith Apprentice
Last seen by the fountain area in the town square with a group of four unidentified wolves.

Hogar Grimmsnarl
Age: 24 Summers
Sex: Male
Fur: Grey
Eyes: Glossy Gold (Blind)
Occupation: None
Last seen near the entrance of Canis Lupin.
Rolled 1, 18 + 3 = 22 (2d20 + 3)

Also cooking lunch brb.
We check the blacksmith first the second one will be the outskirts disappearance, i have suspicion that the one closer to town was perpetrated by squids while the other might be owl bear or squid
>The group agrees.
>Bobby and her group decide to keep watching from the rooftop.
>Only jumping in when things get really rough.
>Jumping in with daggers and claws if things get rough.
>Caramel stood by the bear being his ward, the Robin to his Batman.... whatever the fuck that meant.
>They then head off to see the Blacksmith.

>Jessica thought using her snout to sniff it out might help, but it clearly didn't.
>Plus there was an off putting smell in this room.
>To her at least, not to any wolf.
>Strange best to ask about that in private.
>Jessica then helps the old fashioned way.
>She had to dig through a few files but eventually found it.
>Jessica then looked at it for a bit.
"Huh... this looks really old. Like Old Ones old."
"Careful with that, here, look for a umbilicus to attach it to, then find a tube to put it in. I'll get the rest of what we came for."

Mog began looking through the rest of the files, trying to find any info on his plans for the queen, the summit, anything to do with the rest of the cephalopods.
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Couldn’t find a robin themed bunny
Give me a Perception check.
Rolled 8 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>You found nothing that will help you.
"Einstein, I don't suppose you came along for the ride, did you?" Mog asked to the open air.

Really, it was a faint hope. He was hoping for one of those bags of holding. Alas, the mouse rarely ventured far from Kinny. Stockholm's syndrome was a chain that bit deep it seemed.

The wolf waited a few moments, hoping the mouse would reply. If not, he'd have to start stuffing everything in sight into his pack.
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so uuuuh where are we..?
You want to say you are with Mog and Jessica?
No... I will... stumble out of the shadows. Let's say Kinny had to go for a.. uh... business. Of sort. And he is now back...
But do keep in mind it's an hour before I can give game my full attention. Just remembered it's tuesday.
>posts a second before me
is this a challenge of speed
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The castle, in Gawain's room, with the queen. Or if you're with Ursus, then you are investigating missing persons. We are separated.
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Always has been.
What is jessica's form currently? And... why is queen in gawain's room? Is gawain dead? Anything I should know?
Jessica is a wolf
The queen was looking for blueprints to the courthouse to make it stronger incase a fight does break out.
Gawain is not dead
Ursus has met the otter
Prophecy about wolves dying
Wolves are missing
Wolves are racist against rabbits
We currently have Gawain and he has a squid in him.
Also stopped Lizard Terrorism
Ursus has met Lincoln.
Kinny slid into the room inconspicuously, brushing a suspicious feather off his shoulder and letting it drop to the groun. "I'm back." The black cat stated as he gave his battle-scared companion and then the transformed human a nod, nonchalant as if he wasn't gone for days on end. Only after doing that, did he realize the royal-looking wolf in the room and after adding two and two together, determined this could be the wolf queen. The cat gave her a nod as well. "Queen."
Can't wait to learn I just broke all the rules of royal wolf etiquette. Ah well, I will just Acrobatics out of the room if necessary.
"Oh you must be this Mr Kash. Lord Tavish mentioned he was traveling with you. Will you be at the Summit as well?"
>The Queen asked.
Mog did a triple take, glancing, then peering over his shoulder at the familiar voice, only to disbelievingly turn back around to face back towards his scrounging work, then snap back around when he realized who it was. He almost gasped in relief at the cat's timely arrival, hurriedly padding up to him before the cat could blow their cover.

"My queen, this is the associate I told you about, Kimmy Cash, an-ah...financier." The wolf brushed down his slick threads self-consciously, leaning in to whisper to the cat, "Hey, good timing buddy, I kinda need your bag of holding to vacuum up all these papers, we're looting all of Gawain's stuff."
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>Ursus is over at the blacksmith there he sees the Blacksmith.
>Big fella really.
>He is an ox.
>Mostly black with a small blue hue to it.
>He seems to be working on some strong armor at the moment.
Care to ask him for his time.
"Well judging by his fancy clothes I assume he was rich. His fancy stride also gives me an idea that he has about a million silver. Possibly two. Mr Cash may I have a referral to your workplace if this kingdom ever by some plague go into debt."
>The mouse popped up stealthily from Kinny's pouch as the queen was distracted talking to the mouse.
>Must be learning from the Kin-meister himself.
>He of course starts to go close to Mog.
"Something you need good sir?"
>The mouse asks.
"Hey there Einstein, looking real sly with those moves. Guess you learned from the best. Can you vacuum up all those papers and any other small objects that will fit in the magic purse? Real quiet-like, while the queen is distracted. Gimme a tap when we're good to go, then hitch back up into Kinny's pocket and we'll be on our way outta here." Mog leaned down, close to the ground to whisper into the mouse's ear.
>Einstein gives out a thumbs up.
>He soon begins the process of gathering paper.
Ursus walks over to the oxen blacksmith, sir may have a moment of your time to talk it up involves the missing person’s report you filed? I understand you are a busy man and metal working takes a great amount of concentration
>The stops as he places the metal in cold ice water to cool down.
>He soon then turns to the bear.
"You have come to help look for my apprentice correct?"
>The bull asks.
"I already helped the dogs, they didn't help me in return. You sure you can help?"
I believe I can help.
>Ursus raises his note pad and pen and gets read to write.
I already have a few theories on the disappearance but I need to have more concrete information
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"Independent entrepreneur." Kimmy corrected Lord Tavish with a wide smile on his face. "No problem, Mog." The cat whispered through his teeth so thst the queen wouldn't hear.
Kimmy then turned towards the Queen. "A cat of my rank does not concern himself with such pocket change, my Queen." The black cat bowed, and while he bowed, he sighed so that nobody could see. Coming here unprepared was risky, hopefully he wouldn't have to prove how deep his pockets were. Especially since the most important pocket just ventured away with one very particular mouse.
Don't you love waiting 60 second before making a post!?
But...that's not a gif.

"Right, yes, of course. Independent entrepreneur." 'Lord Tavish' quickly corrected himself, rejoining the conversation to make cover for Einstein.
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"I would offer to have dinner with you but unfortunately I must go and fix up the courthouse before the summit. However..."
>The queen then gives Kinny a pin.
>A royal pin.
"Maybe we can talk afterwards Mr Cash. You may use that pin to come in and out of the castle if you wish. Lord Tavish, the blueprints please."
I fucking hate the captcha as well. It's worse when you have to wait 300 seconds to start a fucking thread.
>The bullsmith says.
"I already told the police that she was with four wolves I didn't recognize near the fountain. After a while she was gone. I never saw her after that. She disappeared without a trace. I couldn't find her and neither could the others."
Rolled 4 (1d20)

"Ah, right, we're still looking. It'll just be a moment, my queen." he replied obediently.

Immediately he turned around to the pile of what few papers were still scattered about that hadn't been vacuumed up already, and made a show of neatly sorting them out and looking through them with quick, hurried motions.

>Dunno what kind of check is needed to find the blueprints she's looking for. Maybe a wisdom or perception check, in which case my bonus would be +3 or +1, respectively.
"I'm honored." Kimmy took the pin and placed him on his chest. "I will try to find time for a visit later, but my schedule is rather busy, too." The cat said with a hint of sadness, like he wasn't spending all of his time sleeping and conning various animals of stature higher than his.
>Wait 5 minutes to post
>Hack into 4chan backend in 2 minutes

"Should I keep her busy longer?" Kinny nudged and mouthed the question to Mog.
A term I heard from some where.
Hmm did she mention anything unusual before the disappearance, any odd shift in behavior?
"As long as it takes for Einstein to finish up." Mog squeaked out the side of his mouth.

A small measure of despair wormed its way into the paladin's head. Einstein must've vacuumed up the blueprints already, they weren't in the pile he was looking through. Hopefully it didn't come up. The summit being safe was pretty important. If nothing else, now that they had access to the the queen, returning the document should be easy.
"Lord Tavish... you are holding the blueprint. Forgive me my queen. Lord Tavish has had several memory problems as of late."
>Jessica then took the blueprints from Mog and gave them to the Queen.
"Thank You dear, and please make sure that Lord Tavish is safe when it comes to those memory losses."
"Then maybe another time Mister Cash. I'll be sure to wear my best dress the next time we meet."
>With that the queen leaves, leaving Kinny, Mog, Jessica, and unknowing Einstein alone in Gawain's Chamber.
>Einstein then popped his head up.
"Excuse me Mog, but may I ask why you want these blank religious documents?"
"None. She was just her usual helpful self. Always was. She was always asking if I needed help. Just because I am old. Newsflash bear, once you reach 40 Summers, you are considered old, however just because I am old doesn't mean shit. I can do things by myself. I know she's just worried about me but I don't need her to baby me. I was in four major battles in this war, I think I can handle myself."
gonna bath, be back in a bit
To be clear, we aren't talking about the scroll, right? Because I explicitly handed that off to Jessica to hide in a scroll case. I wasn't holding it. Like seriously, that was the whole point of us coming here, we should probably retcon that moment if it was the scroll.
Though, if it was just the case of Jessica noticing I was holding the thing she was looking for and didn't notice, then I'm fine with that. Just as long as the blueprint and the scroll aren't the same thing. Mog's watery blind eyes and all that.
No it wasn't the scroll it was the blueprints to the courthouse which was very old and from the old ones time.
Scroll is safe.
>Ursus makes an apologetic face.
you care a lot about her, well I’m going to be looking for her and some other missing people I will give you updates on the investigation, now I’m going to go investigate a fountain see if there are possible exits and entrances to a possible lower level to the underground, I already know there are a lot of tunnels running under this city, and who knows maybe they might return to the scene of the crime
Mog blinked, both relieved and disappointed in the wake of the queen's lingering presence. They were no longer in danger at least, but he'd missed the chance to clear his name with her. Perhaps if he had just come out with it, now that Gawain was out of the way. It would have been risky though.

He turned slowly to Einstein, having heard him as if from a great distance. "Blank? All of them? You could've left the useless paper, we just needed the baubles and any documents regarding his plans. Nevermind, lets get out of here. It's a risk being here overlong."
Okay, thanks for clearing that up.
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>Einstein blinked, confused by the wolf's statement.
"But they're all blank. Even the one Jessica is holding."
>Einstein pointed out.
"Are you blind mouse?! This scroll clearly has religious.... text... on... it? I'll be damned mousey is right. But that's impossible. There was clearly text on it a minute ago... right?"
"Maybe it's like magic runes?"
>The mouse suggested.
"Magic runes? You hearing this Mog? Magic runes. I mean the world's definitely changed but I draw the line with magic runes. There's no way those exist."
>Jessica says as she tries to yet again find words in the scroll again.
Mog what do you do?

>Meanwhile with the Bear Detective, he goes on to look around near the fountain.
"Nothing seems off Detective."
>Caramel says as she looks around.
"Nothing that looks like a secret entrance to the tunnels."
Ursus roll me an investigation check with assistance from Caramel.
Rolled 1, 5 + 2 = 8 (2d20 + 2)

Rolling investigation
Mog grabbed the scroll from Jessica's paws, activating his magical sight to examine it and the room at large.

>I use detect magic

We've been bamboozled, fooled, and quite possibly taken advantage of. Not necessarily in that order. Guessing either everything is fine and there is just some invisible ink shit going on, OR the queen tricked us and ran off with the real thing. She was a spellcaster from what I recall, and I gave myself away by healing her right at the start of our interactions. She could've cast an illusion.
Rolled 12 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Incase we can get a mulligan because come on let’s move the story
Rolled 20, 18 + 3 = 41 (2d20 + 3)

>Thanks to his magical insight, the old wolf was able to tell...
>There was nothing written on them at all.
>But they are as old as Gawain.
>This could lead to three options.
>One, the goddesses and their lore is fake, which is not the case because Mog has read the scrolls before.
>Two, there was nothing on Gawain's scrolls and he's either lying or the squid is manipulating him and he doesn't know it.
>Three they are hidden somewhere else.
>Hopefully Option 3 is the right answer.

>The caped crusader and his ward were not able to find a clue at all.
>Leaving the dynamic duo completely baffled at this peculiar puzzle.
"Holy Honey Bunches of Oats Bearman, we're really stuck with this missing person's case are we?"
>Caramel uncharacteristically said with a 1950's filter.
>Also Bearman?
>The hell?
>There should be a hypen there somewhere.
>But not to worry, because Bearman Ace Detective was not alone as he had eyes in the sky.
>Thanks to the acrobatics of Bobby and her two clumsy comrades of Ord and Potato.
"Alright boys I think we should go ahead and see if we can find something our ace detective friend's looking for."
"Right away Missus Bobby Ma'am!"
>Can our cat friends help our bear detective out?
>Don't miss out on our next episode, "The Blind Bear"
>"How the Heck Did We Not See That?!"
Rolling Perception with assistance.
Thank god I have people who have better eyes than me. I should really invest in some glasses
"Kinny, can you give this room a once over for secret compartments with Einstein? I had a look, but I'm not good at this, so I couldn't find anything. I'm gonna go after the queen, see if she cast an illusion or if her blueprint also faded. Meet back at the seedhouse afterwards." Mog blurted out, before dashing out the door with Jessica in tow.

He sprinted down the hallway after the queen, glad for the fact that he had Jessica map out their path to Gawain's chambers.
Rolled 13 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

"Why are we looking for religious scrolls anyway? Don't you have it all memorized by now?" The Kinny asked the wolves while dumping some more blank scrolls on the floor, with second question being specifically addressed to Mog. "Sorry I was gone, the side hustle took a little detour." He added, lifting his head.
The cat squinted and looked around
>Rolling... Perception(?) to find secret passages
>We return back to our story where the Bearwinkle's been stumped by this peculiar puzzle of a missing mammal.
>Only to recieve help from eyes in the sky from our feline friends, the bobtail babe herself, Bobby.
>Bobby with her special 20/20 vision was able to spot something off about the fountain as one of the spouts was not shooting any water whatsoever.
>So the acrocat bounced safely from the roof towards the bear and bunny.
"Bearwinkle this is Bobby. I spotted the problem. The spout shoots no water."
>Bobby explains to our heroes.
>Bearwinkle then notices and gently pulls the spout.
>Leading down towards a secret stairwell.
"Alright Bearwinkle I think it's time we put on our brave faces and head down those stairs."
>Caramel said as she put on a mask of a brave face.
>And so they did put on those brave faces which were masks.
>Bearwinkle and his paw-some posse of Bobby, Caramel, Ord, and Potato head down to the bottom of the starewell.
Roll for Perception Ursus.
"So Mog... I guess the Princess knows you and says you served under her grandfather. Were you like really important or something? If you don't feel like answering that what's our next plan?"
>The clever cat notices something off about the cupboard.
>Like it was recently put in there.
>With a quick tug or two Kinny can see that the scrolls are actually hidden in there.
>Thankfully he has a mouse who can get in there easily.
>With a quick minute or two Einstein was able to get everything in there.
>Einstein then showed Kinny one of the papers, whoch actually had writing on it one that would look very familiar to Mog.
"Are we done looting Mr Cash?"
>Einstein asks the cat?
Stay or start following Mog.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Hopefully my eyes won’t fail me a second time
Rolling perception
"Good job, Einstein. Get everything you can and let's get out of here." Kinny was ready to follow Mog as soon as the documents were loaded and his mouse on board.
Uhm, I'm feeling too sleepy to continue tonight and think I'm gonna sleep. Sorry for being away for a very long time, I just couldn't find motivation. Planned to ne around today but forgot and I no longer have my alarms, so rip
>And the bear's eyes didn't fail as what he was a couple of caged wolves.
>Wolves that heavily resemble the missing mammals from the posters.
"You did it Bearwinkle! You found the wolves! Now let's get them out of here."
>Caramel said as she started pulling on the cages.
>Only to get a weird response from the wolf Grimmsnarl.
>Who was rushing towards the cage and then just...
>Only barking.
>He wasn't even saying a single word.
>Just barking.
>Caramel jumped back as the wolf charged at her trying to bite her.
"What happened... why is he acting like... that?"
>Caramel asked, looking at whatever became of Grimmsnarl.
What do you do Ursus?
>With the documents fully loaded the cat and mouse soon caught up with wolf and human in wolf's clothing.

I and every one of us are happy to see you are safe and sound.
Ursus thinks for a moment and then digs out the nihm he has, if I think what has happened to these wolves has happened then this might help Ursus moves the rock towards the wolf, remember who you are
Uh, lets just pretend I replied quickly before running off.

"Gawain supposedly came into possession of a holy scroll outlining a heterodox view of our faith. He's been using it to subvert the faith of my people. I need to see the truth for myself. Especially since him being possessed by a squid is no longer a viable explanation for his behaviour, since we learned that he managed to form some sort of symbiosis with his parasite. He still has control of his faculties, they are both simultaneously conscious, apparently." Mog explained.

"Important? I suppose, yes and no. I was a royal retainer, one of the very first to take up arms in support of the royal family, not quite old enough to have served the first awakened generations and heroes of old, but I've lived a life of long service directly to the royal line. There's more to it than that, but I'll tell the story some other time." Mog stopped, unsure if they'd gotten lost in the hallways. He looked to Jessica for confirmation they were going the right way, before following her lead as she led on down a split hallway, "I didn't even awaken my paladin powers until the war, where I was guided first by my unit's chaplain, then the elder paladins, once our units reconnected. Upon meeting them, I was charged with duties both sacred and secret, the latter of which I cannot speak on. Nor was I a general, at first. Just a sergeant who was repeatedly breveted up during the course of the war as we took on rapid casualties. My social rank and military rank were vastly different until the gulf closed halfway through the war. And then - are we going the right way?!"

Mog looked around, again querying the lieutenant to see if her mental map model was correct. "Maybe it is better if I lead and you do your pathfinder thing and keep track of where we've been. As for the plan, simple check the princess's blueprint to see if the same thing occurred to it, or to see if she bamboozled us. My detect magic spell is still running. If we catch her in time, I should be able to determine the truth. Now lets go."
He’s blind so he doesn’t know who we are but he’s also acting feral, I think someone pulled the nihm out of him or at least something horrific
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Alright, thanks. Goodnight anons.
Alright, I'm just glad to have you back. The pace was a bit slow without you, and I was a tad demotivated too once your participation fell off. Though thankfully Ursus stepped up a lot with their participation, really doing a lot of independent things and a bit of worldbuilding. We can stop for today, if that's alright with everyone else.

Though, Thursdays still busy for you, or are they clear again?

I'm good to stop here. Are we good for Thursday?
Alright although now I have to worry about the horrific implications of the removal of a person’s sentience
>As soon as Ursus got rid of the stone, his vision became clearer a bit
>No longer did he see everything as a syndicated 1950's drawings but rather as the life he knew himself.
>Maybe getting rid of that stone was a good idea.
>The wolf looks at the stone.
>He sniffs it a bit.
>He is unsure what to think of it.
>He of course ignores it.
>Rather going for the bunny instead.
>Or attempt to.
>Suddenly you hear the door open.
>Bobby leads you behind the staircase.
>You then see a couple of creatures.
>All of them standing on their hind legs.
Give me perception Ursus with Advantage.

>The group then exit the building.
Give me a perception check....
Possibly Thursday.

I will possibly be here Thursday. Can't 100% confirm it. I do need to cook supper though so here's hoping that I can make it on Thursday. Good Night and have a Blessed Time Friends.
Rolled 4, 1 = 5 (2d20)

Rolling perception
Rolled 4 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

I'm guessing Kinny explains to us that he found the real scrolls, so we don't have to chase after the princess anymore. In which case, the plan is to meet back up with Ursus and help his investigation.
Good night anons, enjoy your sleep/dinner.
Ursus may not be able to determine what species these things are but he gets his axe out
Rolled 13 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Aw, sorry I left. I just took a day off and then folded completely, because I naturally can't deal with schedules and commitment and at some point need a change.
>Thursdays still busy for you
Not all of them. Also uh, next tuesday I have a doc visit because I am ancient and falling apart.
>Rollin Perception
>Ursus may have not been able to see them.
>But he was able to hear them.
"So you are telling me, I can pour this red liquid, even a tiny amount... and they will go feral."
>The first voice said with a couple of snorts.
"Precisely. With no cure at all so if you do use it, use it carefully."
>Another voice said, with a voice that sounded dark and sinister.
"Oh I will. Imagine if you will, all I am doing is my business of convincing the wolves to help us in battle, and being paid handsomely might I add, when suddenly the queen goes wild and then stsrts attacking everyone. That's when me and my men come to the rescue, people will adore us and make the pigs ruler of Wolf country. Sounds like an amazing plan, no?"
>That's when the other being started choking the one.
>You could tell that much from the shadows.
"You are not to expose the queen at all. She is needed for MY PLAN! I am fine with anyone else, but NOT HER, or THE GODDESS!"
>The other figure then started gasping for air.
"Okay okay! Not her! Got it! Who then?"
>The other figure then throws the figure to the ground revealing one of them to be a pig.
"Anyone of them is fine. Just be sure that it's not the ones I have mentioned."
>The other figure then stopped.
"We're being watched. Must be that group again."
>The unseen one said again.
"I must take my leave. Do what you will but don't ruin my plan."
>The pig said to beig as he stood up on his hind legs.
"What do I call this red stuff? I might want to buy it off you again."
>As the other being faded to nothingness it's shadow... looked towards Ursus and his crew.
>It then answered.
"Liquid Nimh."
>The figure then disappeared.
"Liquid Nimh? Never heard of the stuff."
>The pig said as he approached the cage.
"But it seems to work well. Now this is a weapon I can work with. All I need to do is find a way to put it in tbe food. Wonder how much it would costs to nrine the wolf chefs?"
What do you do Ursus?

>As Kinny and Mog talk to each other, the top cat soon notices a certain queen.
>He sees that she is over at the courthouse.
>Along with a bunch of apes wearing orange hats.
>Usually when you see an ape with an orange hat, you know it's for construction.
>Seems she is trying to reinforce the courthouse...
>But why ask apes to do it?
>Kinny of course gives this crucial information to Mog as well.
What do you two do?
Charging the one with the supposed liquid nihm
Rolled 12 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Going right for incapacitation
That’s also a plus two with my proficiency so it’s a 16 to hit
Sorry for the late response. Doing dishes.
>Ursus immediately goes for the charge.
>Pinning the pig down to the ground without breaking the bottle of Liquid Nimh.
>Bobby immediately but carefully goes for the bottle.
>She then carefully wraps in it cloth and other cushioning objects so it will never break while in her possession.
>The pig continues to try and escape but can't.
"What the hell?! What are you doing here?! This was a secret location!"
Rolled 2 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

That’s for me to know and you to find out, urdus goes for a head butt
Damage is 1plus my strength modifier so 3 points
Rolled 3 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Wait I have him grappled so I think it’s wich means I have at least advantage
>Ursus really needs glasses.
>As he somehow misses the target he is literally grabbing.
"Are... are you trying to headbutt or kiss me? If it is either it is a poor attempt. Because I really don't know how you are missing. I mean you are quite literally squeezing the life out of me with those strong arms."
>The pig says.
"Either way.... How dare you hold me in such a manner?! Can't you see that I am in fact a Royal?! I am part of the summit representing my nation!"
And you are holding something to make people feral and we have a literal feral wolf that has been missing
Not a good look regardless of diplomatic status besides what’s preventing that literal shady figure from just backstabbing you and raining liquid nihm everywhere?
"Do you know how easy it is for me say you could have attacked me and planted that on me? Why I could easily get you banished from this area! Besides I paid good money to make sure I am safe from this new weapon I have just purchased. And on top of that, I've been experimenting on it. Been applying it to the female and having the male eating/drinking it. Only works if you eat it."
Bobby can you please fetch a gaurd
I already have a alibi for why I’m here do you?
Speaking of where is the female
Wait on that guard I have an idea
Tell me how much would it take for a drop of nihm to permanently drop your intelligence? How much could get away without leaving you completely animalistic but also not quite sentient?
".005 milliliters. Though I will speak it to you in a way that you will understand. It's about a small sprinkle of it. But if you really want them feral. .5 milliliters. 10 drops if you will."
Ursus grabs the bottle out of the pigs hands while the other is on the pigs head allright, so tell me where she is or I’ll start shoving it down your throat
Bobby has the bottle and has it safely sealed, so I'll just say you took it from her.

>The pig then laughs.
"She is literally in the cell next to the feral one. She's been crying for a while now. Only recently stopped. Been sleeping mostly."
I'm here, just catching up.
Hmm that’s good then she could always act as a witness Ursus ties the pig up. Alright there. Now Ursus bends down to the cage the lady is supposedly, hey are you June driftwood?
>She's silent.
>She mostly stays in the shadows.
I’m going to open the cage now is that alright? Ursus opens the cage gently
>You hear her scream loudly.
"Please don't..."
>You can tell something is very wrong here.
Enter or stay where you are.
I’m not going to but there’s clearly something you feel is wrong, can you please elaborate? What did that creep do to you?
"It wasn't him... it was... it was that thing. That strange furless thing. He chained me up and rubbed that... stuff on me. Four different times."
I can super emphasize with needing a change part. I tend to have to switch things up things somewhere between every two weeks-two months. This is pretty much the only thing I try not to miss, because I've made the commitment to everyone else playing. Even then, I haven't been the greatest at keeping to our weekly sessions owing to having to help with renovations, and a couple times just because I wasn't feeling up to it, or was sick.

"Oh, you've got the scroll? Then I suppose we don't really need to follow the queen, I thought that in my clumsiness I somehow misapplied the Goddess's light and failed to cure her affliction. Was quite embarrassed to have been tricked by my own sovereign. It seems that wasn't the case though." Mog mused, seeing the clever cat had found their missing scroll after all.

He pointed by way of lowering his head and making a flicking motion to indicate the queen and the work-apes. "Should we meet back up with Ursus now, or do wanna take a brief look at the construction. We could at least look at the blueprint. Y'know, to make sure the apes aren't doing something crazy, like those lizards were with the bomb underneath the castle? Oh - wait...right, you were guarding the seedhouse or something...carousing with your contacts maybe...hey, what were you doing during that time?"

The wolf looked over his shoulder at the cat, suddenly curious. The ape business probably wasn't important. As much as he resented good jobs going to apes instead of wolves, it was probably an honest labour contract.
And you’re afraid I’m going to become feral if I come in? Or did it have an adverse reaction with you? listen I’ve seen some horrific stuff such as a half half tree thing, and even stranger stuff than this, trust me I’m pretty desensitized to the weird and strange
>The figure then crawled towards the bear.
>You could see how she was now.
>Her fur wasn't as thick, it was a bit thinner.
>She was taller.
>Her paws were more...
>More human like.
>In fact a lot of her was more human like.
>Her hind legs were more elongated and her hind paws were more like Maggie and Jessica's feet.
>Though she still had her animalistic features such as the already mentioned fur, her snout, and her tail.
>She looked up to you.
>Tears in her eyes.
"It hurts to walk now."

Also it is really hard to find kobold (dog version) images for some reason
Seeing his friend was taking some time to think over his answer...or maybe he was just contemplating the optimal position of comfort on Jessica's back, Mog motioned for them to return to the seedhouse to meet back up with Ursus. The construction workers would still be here tomorrow, and they could access the palace anytime now.
>Jessica nods her head.
"I'll go check on Adler and Maggie. You two can try to find Ursus and the others."
>Jessica said as she then started dashing towards the seedhouse.
Ursus immediately puts his coat on her and helps her, is it your legs that hurt or your back and pelvis that hurts when you walk?
He’s trying to get her to walk like a human slightly
Here see how I’m walking upright try it like how I’m walking.
"It all hurts... everything hurts."
>She cries out in pain.
>She does end up walking upright thanks to Ursus but she still winces in pain.
>Bobby, Caramel, and the rest just look at the situation.
"Good god...."
>Bobby says silently as she stared at her with horror and concern.
"The hell happened to her? Is she okay?"
>Meanwhile Caramel's gaze at her was more... curious if anything.
The pig tied up over there did this to her, bo by can you fish out some pain killers for her, I think she has serious joint pain and back pain. Ursus is making sure as much weight is taken off of her body
"I can try to find some."
>Bobby says as she tries to look for some pain killers.
My pack has the first aide kit
"Where would we even look?" Mog muttered.

He looked down the street, trying to visualize which way Ursus went.

If they left here, then Ursus may end up coming back while they wandered off looking for him. The sure thing would be to stay put and trust the bear to meet the deadline they set for meeting back up. On the other hand, Ursus might need their help. But he had Caramel and the cats with him, they'd have sent a messenger if they required aid, surely. He decided to pop into the seedshop.

"Hey! We're headed to the police precinct to get on Ursus's trail. If he gets back here before us, let him know, so he knows we came after him and where to find us. Don't want us going in circles trying to find each other." Mog poked his head into the various rooms, making sure the squids were still secure and everything was alright with everyone.

Donning his lower income disguise, he set off down the street. Vivid red dye was applied to his scar, making it seem worse, and he emphasized his pronounced limp more. An eyepatch and bedraggled rags for clothes followed, though he took the time to put his full plate armour back on, rubbing grease and grit into it to make it fit with the disguise. A war veteran who'd seen better days, a common sight amongst the lupine folk. The final touch was the shoulder-board mounted plaque with the symbol of their make-believe detective agency, something to give her a touch of legitimacy and a reason to be looking after Ursus to the guards.

The city had changed, but the streets were unmoving stone all the way through. Core civil infrastructure remained, where business and houses changed owners and facades. The precinct would be where it had always been, even if once familiar streets were no longer so. It'd been awhile, but he was home at last.

Onto the chipped stone walkways, into the stone station.

>Let the crew know where we are headed. Check to make sure everything is alright.
>Go to the police station.
"Got it."
>Bobby said as she got the Asprin.

>Mog got some stares from people.
>Not the suspicious kind but more of the "Oh another homeless soldier."
>A mixture of pity and annoyance.
>As you travel across towards the police station you do end up seeing the young officer seemingly deal with a problem.
>Probably best for you not to intervene...
to give him*


Stepping into the imagined vision of himself, Mog stepped to the side of the road, the very image of a version of him that could have been. He made a show of lingering, watching the altercation up close, eerily silent.
Hmm we can’t stay here and we can’t let that pig or grimsnarl go or else this guy gets off free so we probably going to need the rest of the crew to help exfiltrate every one out. So we should gag muffle and tag the pig
Ursus is giving june the pain relief
>As the war veteran continues to go further towards the commotion to see what was happening.
>While one would assume it is the young brave officer helping out civilians... it wasn't.
>Rather it was the young officer talking to four wolves.
"So they got the bitch now right."
>The officer asked the wolves.
"They do. Took them two weeks, but we also finally got our money."
"50,000 Silver?"
"Less now, 40,000. They brought it down thanks to the others now know she is missing."
"Dammit. Thought she was a loner. That's why we went after her."
"Don't worry. Next one we get we will make sure is someone no one will care about."

"Gag and muffle! You dare do that and I will make sure you will recieve the death penalty! You will be hanged for this!"
>Ord and Potato then start gagging him with random objects from their pouches.
"Good luck with that retard!"
>Potato says to the pig as he stuffs his mouth with a potato.
"Yeah everyone knows Bears have no neck."
>Ord follows up as he shoves fertility statues in his mouth as well.

Sorry I am late. As you can tell had to go somewhere.
Don't worry about it. I think I'm gonna have to disappear myself in a minute. No real reason for it, I'm just super tired, I barely slept last night. This might be it for me today. Sorry for barely participating. Assuming my brainwaves don't flatline for 8 hours, I'll try and come back in a bit after a nap.
Thank you now June I’m going to need you to be very brave for me alright? I have some friends I’m going to introduce you ok? we are then going to take you some where else where you can get some help, in going forward alright?
We can pause here but this is getting really interesting
Alright, I'll see you three later.
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How I imagine her form looks and how liquid nihm effects mammals
Imagine from palladium games tmnt mutants and other strangeness a pen and paper RPG
Image not imagine
AAAH FUCK I fucking forgot. Although, I'm sick anyway so I couldn't participate much either. Sorry anons.
Should be available in about 13 hours.
I should also be available about 30 minutes to an hour after you are, based on the time you gave.
Going to be available but be aware that later on since im starting college my schedule is going to be crunched
Basically I’m going to be posting slowly between beats in lectures
Wish you luck on your college lectures Ursus.
I also hope you are safe with the doctor Kinny.
See you soo Mog.
"But how can I go on?"
>June asks as she cries.
"Look at what I am now. I am a monster and suffering because of it."
>Bobby then got the pig gagged and bound.
>Making sure he can't speak or move at all.
"Pig's done.... what do we do about the blind guy?"
>Bobby asks the bear.
Hey hey hey you still have your mind that’s the important thing, you are not a monster I’ve seen monsters and you are not that, as for pain and image I have a temporary fix that might work Ursus pulled out one of the rings they had, this ring lets a person shift their form temporarily its old one stuff but it should still work if it doesn’t I know a few people that will definitely want to help you ok? I have a few theories on what has happened to you but please try to keep going ok I know there are people who care about you especially the ox blacksmith who wrote the missing persons report,

Now I’m going to help get Grimsnarl safely out and ready to not immediately try and eat caramel, I think his mental state has reverted to his ancestors which means he’s as good as a wild animal at this point. also if anyone asks just tell them the truth up until it reaches the pig bastard over there he’ll deny it and use the legal system to get out of this so if we can’t find a stronger legal way around then we’ll bury him into the ground.
How you handle Grimsnarl?
Rope gag and a lot of being bit
Ursus gets in front of the cage taking up the frame of the opening read to block an attempt to escape with his body to make sure he doesn’t get out
Rolled 7 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>Potato and Ord get Caramel out of there immediately.
>Ursus then gets in front of the cage.
>Rope and gag ready.
>He soon opens the gate.
Roll me a strength check, you must beat this dex save.
Rolled 1 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolling strength
Rolled 4 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Ah come on! I swear it’s like this board hates me, well upon realizing I’m being over powered I immediately switched to flipping the wolf into its back in attempt to regain the upper hand
Rolled 12 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Yeah the way this board hates you rolling dice is bullshit.

I'm rolling a disadvantage die since he is technically blind.
>Apparently, the bear was not fast enough to grab the blind wolf.
>You would think Grimsnarl would go after Caramel, June, or maybe Bobby.
>Or maybe seek freedom once he was out of that cage.
>But no.
>Why leave when he has a perfect snack right in front of him?
>Neatly packaged for him to eat.
Ursus what do you do?
Rolled 2 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Ursus attempts to tackle him once again with his mass
Rolled 17 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Really audible sigh
I’m going to be attempting this a lot it seems
Rolled 8 (1d20)

>The bear then successfully tackles the blind wolf.
>Pinning him with his weight.
>Grimmsnarl, now angered by the bear, soon starts trying to bite him.
Ursus does this hit you?
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I's here and kinda clueless on what the current motions are. Sorz.
Do you also find it difficult to get yourself started on complex tasks? Like remembering what was going on here and reading and getting into writing/character (combined)?
You just found out that one of the guards, the young one, was actually responsible for one of the kidnappings.
Nope gotta love body armor
>Luckily it felt more like he was just a pup teething on you rather than a huge wolf biting you.
>Thank the Frozen King.
>Still he was trying his best on his futile journey to bite you.
>It was there you decided to try and tie him up first as he was distracted.
>You then proceed to gag him by tying his mouth shut.
>Now the wolf was bounded like the pig.
>Looking as the damage to the pig however...
>Looks like he did a number on him.
>Going towards the neck.
>Instantly killed him.
Well there goes any legal options and possibly getting information out of him. On the flip side it cuts out a few problems as well, still a very grim end, I’m sorry you all had to see that, this old man has some serious strength, in the mean time we are going to package the pig and sneak his remains out then bury him somewhere he isn’t gonna be able to get out, then we get you two out to the safe house, as for how that ring I gave you July might be able to shift your form back temporarily to your original one then we can work on a permanent solution ok?
>June nods her head.
>She then puts the ring on.
>Turning back into a regular wolf.
>She feels very exhausted still but thankful that she is back to her form.
>June then thanks the bear.
>She soon starts going up the stairs with Bobby.
>Meeting up with her men and Caramel.
Ursus what do you do.
Be careful that ring needs to recharge via sunlight, Ursus gets the body of the pig closing the wound so it doesn’t leak bless then B line towards the forest, think his gleaming axe he has shovel, I need to burry his remains in the woods if an owl bear digs him up they can eat him as long as his bones aren’t identified, don’t need a possible war to occur better the pigs just think he went missing.
He’s putting it in his pack of course not letting people see the body Ursus is not that stupid, (The damn text deleted the segment about the backpack)
Sorry I don't think I am in a mental place right now to continue after all.
Hey man you do what you need for your own sanity, it’s ok if you need the day off
>Ursus ran as fast as he could to the forest.
>Luckily no one noticed the dead bleeding pig on his back.
>As Ursus then arrived in the forest, he then heard a familiar voice.
"Need help disposing that?"
>Ursus looks up to see none other than Sage the druid otter.

It's okay Friend. If you need some rest and a break that is fine.
I'm here, just catching up. Will be a while, making a late breakfast. Also wasn't fully caught up on Ursus's side of the story once we separated IC.

Sorry to hear that, take all the time you need. Was it a struggle to catch up or a lack of confidence to begin writing? Or are you just not feeling well?

Only when I'm not in the right mood, sometimes I can just begin things and keep going without trouble. Other times projects get me into a perfectionist mood and I can't begin actually starting until I go through a capital R Ritual of mapping out how I want to do it and then having to stick to how I imagined doing said task.

Sorry for being so late, though to be fair, I wasn't expecting you to start so soon based off of when you said you'd be available.
>Ursus takes a moment to breath in and out to calm himself.
Are you going to use what’s happening here as leverage to get me and the party to do stuff? We’ll iether way i have a shovel to dig this corrupt monster an un marked grave but I’m also worried the corpse will just resurrect and that means a walking reason for war and o start between wolves and pigs which I really don’t want, if you are willing to help get rid of the corpse that would be helpful.
>Sage simply replied.
"Just wanting to help out. You did just kill two of the animals that were destined to die. Making the prophecy come faster. I was just wondering if you needed the body gone since you are afraid of it coming back to life. I do have hungry owlbears that would enjoy the taste of pork."
>(Ursus mental shuts up because if he says he only killed one by negligence he would probably ruin the plan).
Well if you can take if the bones then that would work aswell did you see everything that happened or some how could guess through all that nihm stuff I’ve heard about?
I just feel like shit about my self and can't get my overanalytic mind to get through the lack of information about literally anything. We left what I presume was chapel or whatever and I don't know where we are or what we're doing or anything. But yeah, I just want to burn everything today.
"I just know this stuff bear. I hope you can accept that answer. In the meantime. .gip eht taE"
>Two ferocious owlbears then took the pig's corpse from Ursus and began devouring it.
>Bones and all.
"Satisfied bear?"
>She asks with a smug smile.
Am I satisfied with this not coming back to possible war between pigs and wolves yes, am I satisfied about the death and suffering no but I am going to have duck it up and keep trying, now i apologize for the briefness of this meeting but I have to go take care for some of the victims that owl bear tormented and experimented on.
"No need. The blind one will die soon. As for the one now on two legs... she might survive. However I am unsure if she was destined to die."
Oh and of course I forgot to add what I wanted to add. What you describe sounds a bit like ADHD. Both need for change and getting into flow of things/perfectionism. If the questions from the ADHD "test" are of any indication, at least.
Understandable, education takes priority. We managed to continue going forward for almost two years even with stuff going on in our lives, so I'm sure we'll manage.

It needs moonlight to recharge, actually. We'll have to manage who uses a ring more carefully from now on, given that they don't last 24 hours and we only have like...4 of them, I think. If June, Jessica, Maggie, and possibly superman or one of us uses them, then the rotation gets all fucked up.

Well, I'm not done rereading the whole quest myself, so my notes are wildly out of date since the beginning of the Canis Lupin arc. But, if I have the time - which I probably won't, given my schedule - I'll try and write out a quick timeline for you of what has happened so far in the arc, on either Wednesday, so that you are informed for Thursday, or sometime on the weekend, so that you are ready by next week. Depending on when you think you can participate. For now I'll just try and update you on what has happened since the previous night in-game.

Woke up --> spent a lot of time essentially relaxing in character and doing not much (OOC, I needed to take it slow around that time, since I was both busy, tired and out of it and wanted a slower pace) --> met 'Superman' (a human from one of the underground vaults, iirc, who thinks he's superman and was mugging the forest cultist's owlbears) in the park --> got led to Superman's home --> got his backstory, sorta --> I think we had some revelations about Nihm, but I can't remember if that was here or later --> got attacked by an owlbear and killed it --> tried to sneak back to our safehouse but were tailed, so we mugged the raccoon --> interrogated it, it was Arsene's killer under the employ of Gawain, also a squid --> due to info from interrogation, I decided Gawain was evil and that there weren't a splinter faction of squids --> decided to assassinate Gawain --> kidnapped him instead when he revealed that he lives in symbiosis with his squid and is in control of his body --> still waiting for a more detailed interrogation + way to kill the squid inside him --> current thread --> Ursus and I separate, he investigates missing people, I go to find Gawain's 'holy scroll' that contains this strange alternate version of Mog's faith that he Gawain is using to subvert people to his ends --> you know the rest up to this point from our end --> Ursus tracks down missing people to a secret underground hideout where a pig and some secret dude (maybe a human with ties to Xenarus?) are keeping the kidnapped people --> one wolf is feral, the other is half human, half wolf --> Ursus mugs the pig, the secret dude gets away, ties up the feral, gives June (halfie) a transformation ring --> goes to bury the pig body --> you and I meet a younger cop that Ursus met earlier, turns out he hired the 4 kidnapping thugs on the pig's behalf, but we don't know that yet.
Real post next, will be probably 25 minutes. Sorry for taking so long, wasn't writing out a monster post or anything, was just eating/looking after guinea pig.

Maybe. I dunno. I've been like this for a while. Not the foremost of my concerns though, the OCD is worse.
Is there a way to prevent that from happening? Maybe through some form of magic or religious faith based restoration? On top of that is there a proper way to cure or at least help June, she didn’t deserve what happened to her and having a counter to the liquid nihm would be helpful, especially if the squids make the stuff gaseous and spread it through the streets.
>Ursus ponders.
This liquid nihm is clearly mutagenic maybe a retro mutagenic substance could be derived from the substance hmm was the liquid nihm supposed to create new humans by mutating animals?
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Hey, it's all good. Take your time Mog.
"Well.... you could ask Ozwald... but he's hundreds of miles away."
Rolled 2 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

One's mind would be scrambled, deciding how to solve this issue. It was plain as day what these bold-faced criminals were talking about, once you gave it some thought. The issue was how to bring the truth to light without also getting himself in trouble.

Then it clicked. He was disguised as Ursus's partner. Ursus now had a reputation for hotheaded, outright reckless pursuit of what he thought was good. It followed that his partner would have similar convictions. He just had to play the role, he'd preserve his disguise, and assuming all went according to plan, keep out of prison.

It was absurdly reckless, but he had a plan.

Raising his voice to the crowd, Mog yelled "Is this what our great city has come to?! Corruption, conspiracy to kidnap, taking bribes, assault in the process of said kidnapping! What has become of our once noble lawkeepers!?" He violently tore his sword from its scabbard and flourished melodramatically, levelling it at the group of conspirators, "Doesn't it make your blood boil, to see how low we've fallen? I charge you with these crimes and demand you surrender in the name of the queen, I'm making a citizens arrest!"

How was he to come out of this intact, when they had the law on their side? Easy, Mog had a trick up his sleeve. He just had to win the fight.

>Mog demands they surrender and performs a citizen's arrest. Intimidation check. I'm fine if it fails. If they disobey or try and run/arrest me, I immediately attack.
Rolled 5 + 6 (1d20 + 6)

I assume that fails. I don't use Lucky. I attack them, nonlethally. The younger cop specifically.

For my party members, no I haven't gone insane. I do in fact have a plan on how not to get arrested.
Would you like to use your Lucky?
Ursus ponders on that bit, hmm maybe there might be magic that could Assist in communicating with ozwald but he needs to put that on the back burner to go tend to his new charges thank you for the information.
No. Though to be clear, that roll was for the intimidation check, which presumably fails. The next roll was for the attack, since I assume they run/try to arrest me/ignore me.
Rolled 7, 19 = 26 (2d20)

"Yeah, you and what ar-"
>Before the rookie could finish, Mog slammed his sword.
>The wolf was hit but his armor was able to protect him.
"You son of a bitch! Striking an officer of the law! Get him boys!"
>You see all the wolves grab their sword.
>It seems you are now in trouble.
>Time for a fight.
Roll initiative.
Rolling for enemies (+0)
Rolling for Jessica (+5)

"You are welcome. Be careful. I expect you to play a bigger role than expected."
Rolled 1 - 2 (1d20 - 2)

Want to use your Lucky now?
Ursus quickly rushes past back towards the group to get to grimsnarl and attempt to stabilize his condition.
Rolled 14 + 7 (1d20 + 7)

>Mog seems to be flung back.
>Thankfully Lord Tavish does have his Bodyguard who immediately lunges at one of the wolves.
>Going for a good bite on one of them.
Rolling for hit, unarmed strike so dex + prof.
Rolled 1 + 5 (1d6 + 5)

>She lands a hit.
Rolling damage.
>The young guard notices the bear running towards the fountain.
"You there follow that bear."
>One of the four other wolves than rush towards the bear.
Mog... you have an attack of opportunity.
Technically I'm disguised as a different unnamed (so far) person from 'Lord Tavish', since the detective disguise is different from my noble disguise or my guard disguise.
Rolled 17 + 6 (1d20 + 6)

Rolled 2, 3, 2 + 4 = 11 (3d4 + 4)

>physical Damage
Thunder damage next
Rolled 8 (1d8)

>Thunder damage
Ursus stops at the airport he mention of his name and guards being sent to stop him.
>he doesn’t want to immediately bring suspicion upon the rest of his party
He turns around towards the wolves officer what is the problem?
Why is the word airport in my post!? Ignore it
Rolled 10, 16, 9, 14 = 49 (4d20)

>Mog utterly destroys the fucker trying to head towards Ursus.
>By slicing him completely in half and the sound just obliterating him.
>While her bite was strong, it was not enough to stop the wolf.
>The wolves then start attacking.
Each wolf attacks.
>Ursus sees immediately that that wolf in particular is no longer a problem.
Ursus looks around are there any witnesses?
>There are no witness
But if you want, make a perception check.
Do 14 and 16 hit you Mog?
Not my place to say, but I will say that previous posts by QM mentioned there were people that stared at me because of my disguise, and I reinforced that by mentioning there is a crowd that Mog was playing to. Try and take the younger cop alive, I need him for my plan.

It was more a dull cerebral sensation than a great moral panic, noting the wolf's spirit escaping his mortal flesh as Mog casually cleaved the criminal in half. The Goddess would have mercy, he would not.

As he swung his sword, the motion caused him to catch the sight of Ursus out of the corner of his eye. A convenience to be sure.

"Take the cop alive!" Mog shouted.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Rolling perception
If he sees anyone he will probably still join in but time is quite literally of the essence Ursus gets into the mix attempting to take them alive
Sorry about this guys but I must leave now. Sorry for all the late responses.
Understandable have a good day
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Alright, take care.

See you Thursday guys, have a good day!

Also, basically my plan was to knock out the cop and maybe a couple of the thugs for redundancy, then take them to the older cop and use my Command spell to make him Confess. Mog was just struggling to think of what to do when suddenly happening upon info about corrupt cops out of the blue, while keeping up appearances with his disguise. Since there aren't a lot of ways to compel a corrupt cop to reveal the truth in a system where everyone has been corrupted by literal mind controllers and a bunch of political factions using money and superior tech, along with diplomatic immunity to get their way. Eventually in-character he decided to just take the straightforward route, since he remembered Ursus was his partner (or at least his disguise had him as such) and had a rep for being really energetic with Lincoln.

Again, sorry for being so late myself.
Tomorrow looks to be pretty hectic for me. I should be available, but quite late, probably not until around lunch, your time QM, maybe later. Even then my posts will have to be short, as I'll be a bit busy. Thankfully we don't need more than that, since we are in combat. Will probably be a short session on my end.
Should be here in about 4 to 6 hours.
>The bear could not see anyone around him that looked suspicious.
>Still he could tell his friend was in trouble.
>He then ran towards Mog to help him out.
Rolled 29 + 4 (1d29 + 4)

Ursus swings to concuss with his weapon rather than slash and pierce the bear defending his freind adding his own mass as defense against these possible crooked cops
Oops typo dice
Rolled 5 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Rolled 20 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

I'll just say this was a nat 20.

>Ursus then swings his mighty axe and knocks out a guard.
>Well more like Freezes him.
>He's still alive thankfully but now frozen solid.
>Now it was time to knock out the others.
>Jessica then went on to try to make her opponent submit with one more bite.
Rolling for Jessica.
Rolled 2, 2 + 5 = 9 (2d6 + 5)

Holy shit another one.
Rolling damage.
Rolled 15, 20 = 35 (2d20)

>With another bite towards the neck, Jessica was able to choke him out.
>Knocking him unconscious.
>Leaving two left.
>The young rookie and another of his accomplice.
>The rookie decided to go after the bear while his accomplice went for Mog.
Do any of these hit you two?
First one for Ursus, second one for Mog.
Rolled 5, 2 = 7 (2d6)

Another fucking crit.
So.... Mog is definitely hit. Rolling damage on him.
Ursus are you hit?
His armor blocks the first, the second hit
Btw good morning
This is a close range disordered fight you need your A game.
Thanks for that
We have to wait for Mog on his turn, but Ursus (or Kinny if you are here and your character was hiding) you can go ahead and state what you with to do on your turn.
Rolled 12 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Ursus will also like to activate his feat when ever mog is close which gives him an opportunity attack on any enemy that attacks an ally within range of him
That hits go agead and roll for damage.
QRD? Where we fighting?
In an alleyway.
And just to make sure, I'm there with Ursus and Mog?
Going into long un responsive ness be aware
Would you like to make an attack?
Sneak attack is double damage, right?
Fair enough.
You guys are level 4 correct? That means you roll 2d6 extra damage for Sneak Attack.
4-4? My sheet has level 2 on it...
Let me check the archive real quick because you guys should be a high level now... either that or I am thinking of the other group who are about to be level 5.
Confirmed, you guys are Level 4, a long way til you reach Level 5.
Rolled 14 + 7 (1d20 + 7)

I refuse to level up, you can't make me. Anyway, STAB, with fire knife.
Roll all the damage Kinny, if you are lucky, you will knock him out.
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d4)

Damaj for knife (pierce+fire)
Rolled 5, 4 = 9 (2d6)

Sneak damage
>Kinny was able to do a ton of damage to a wolf.
>He was unable to knock him out, but the wolf was barely hanging in there.
Can I roll back using cunning action? If so, I do before the turn's end.
You may use Cunning Action to Disengage yes
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>Jessica then lets go of the unconcious wolf.
"Nice work Kinny."
Kinny gave confused thumbs up from within the shadows, he was pretty sure the wolf still stood up before his tactical disengagement.
Just waiting for Mog now. Hopefully he's okay.
I’m back btw

Sorry for being late!

What do I need to roll?!?
You just recieved 7 damage from a critical hit.
How does Mog react?
Rolled 1 + 6 (1d20 + 6)

Yes, we are all level 4. For the record, my max HP is 29 and my AC is 20, Plate + normal shield. I have one spell slot left, I went back in the archive to check since I was worried my plan wouldn't work because I forgot how many I used since we last slept.

Mog raised up on his hind legs, aiming to trap the oncoming blow to his side against his chest. He moved to wrap his arm around the sword, too slow! The blow was shockingly fast! A full charged knocked him back, unsteady as he was on two legs.

He rolled, came up fast, blood scraping against the cobblestones.

"You'll pay for that, wretch!"

Sprinting to meet the wolf's second charge, they passed like two ships in the night, Mog's head moving from side to side, a cut meant to gut the wolf from end to end.

He was no longer aiming to take everyone alive, they had enough witnesses. As long as the rookie lived, all was fine. Survival came first now.

>Attack thug attacking me.
Hell man, when did we get those 2 levels? Last time I checked I was up to date with levels... maybe I just had it marked 2 on lvl4 sheet?
>Maybe because it's been a while since Mog has bled.
>Maybe his age was finally catching up to him.
>But for some reason when Mog tried attacking again... he was now dizzy.
>Everything around him was now swirling.
Mog has 1 Exhaustion point.
We gained them throughout the 'Forest Cultist' arc. Which is when things really began to slow down, so I'm not surprised you don't remember it. We haven't had a ton of combat since.

Noted, who's next in initiative?
Ursus would like to take agro
Btw another thing of absence is coming
You did fight the squid in the tavern and technically a raccoon assassin.

Also Ursus is technically next. He already made his roll.
Yeah, like I said, not a ton.

So who's next after Ursus?
How many enemies are left? Thought it was just one guard.
I think there's two remaining. The young rookie corrupt cop, who we want to take alive, and one thug who is already almost dead thanks to you. The cop is fighting Ursus, the injured guy is fighting me.
Sorry guys have to leave. Something came up.
Alright, take care, stay safe.

You too guys, stay safe. Sorry for being so late again. Have a good weekend.
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It's okay, gl with it
Goodnight and have a good weekend anons.
Love the cat pick
I can hear it telling me to get a job
What a shame.
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May as well finish what you started before thinking about becoming a wagie for the rest of your life.
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An early heads up; I won't be able to participate at all this coming week. Sorry anons. I should be available in September. Hope you have a good week.
Woke up in the middle of the night.
But I should be available in about 7 hours.
Sorry guys I know I said I'd be here but I'm really tired right now. I bet some of you are too. I think we should take a break this week. Sorry everyone.
Should be available tomorrow.
I should also be available in about 17 hours.
I am here in transit toward college
Hey Ursus if you can roll for damage on this. Since it is your turn and you never rolled damage for it.
Rolled 4 + 1 (1d4 + 1)

Rolling damage
Rolled 6 + 1 (1d6 + 1)

>Because Mog asked you to do this non-lethally, Ursus then smacks the fucker with the side of his axe.
>Leaving him completely knocked the fuck out.
>Leaving only the young guard left.
>He looks at his situation.
>One of his wolves is frozen solid.
>Two knocked the fuck out.
>Another cut in half.
>He's completely surrounded.
>He mutters as he know he is cornered.
Hey mog I’m going to need your faith and magic in a bit to help someone who really needs it, you police officer stand down please, yedus cravks his neck and stretches his joints, some one is in need of medical attention and I’m particularly not in the mood to cause possible brain trauma when it’s unnecessary
"Here's the thing... I'm not going to jail.... Especially after I do this."
>He then takes something from his backpack.
>A vial of liquid.
>He soon attempts to drink it.
Everyone make an attempt to stop it by any means necessary.
DC 16
Strength check to grapple
Rolled 10 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Rolled 7 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

I’m going to guess I’m getting advantage from mog
Don't worry we still have Mog and Kinny to rely on.
Here. Just gimme a minute.
Just remember Mog you have disadvantage to ability checks due to exhaustion lvl 1.
Rolled 9 + 6 (1d20 + 6)

I'm a little confused, did Ursus knock out the rookie cop or one of the thugs/even more junior guards. Because earlier he was fighting the rookie cop, I think, but the opportunity attack he was rolling for may have been for the guard who was near me? So depending on who Ursus meant to attack, the rookie shouldn't even be conscious, potentially.

"Gotcha, whatever you need bud-whoa, STOP HIM!"

Mog rushed forward to grab the vial out of the wolf's paw, not quite understanding the danger they were in, but acting on instinct nonetheless.

>Athletics check to grapple him, using Lucky to negate disadvantage.

Sorry, was looking up rules and looking through the archives to see how many charges of Lucky I had left.
You should have a full thing since you rested.
No, I was missing one charge of lucky, since I used one during the fight with the lizard terrorists in the sewers.

I was trying to preserve my charges of it because I'm saving them for night time. Not sure we'll get a chance for a full rest before then, since by your last word of the time it was 4 hours until nightfall. We can still rest, but we'll be wasting part of the night cycle to do so, we have a lot of skulduggery we need done.
OK that makes sense.
If Kinny doesn't show up after a while, maybe you can roll for him and the other NPCs until he gets here. This seems like an important roll. Waiting and watching warmly until then.
Rolled 11 + 7 (1d20 + 7)

Rolling for Jessica.
Non-lethal attack roll.
Is Jessica even here? You specifically mentioned her staying behind at the seedhouse. >>6081368

I was thinking of the cats and Caramel. Weren't they all with Ursus?
Yes she is with you guys.
Though I will admit I do not know why I am out of it today. What the fuck is wrong with me?
You aren't feeling well? How so?

If you need to rest or take a break to eat something, just say so. We can wait. Or reschedule for Thursday if you are really out of it.
It's not that I feel unwell, it's just I feel like I should be remembering more things since I run the campaign, type all this out, and even have the ability to read it over again. Still there shouldn't be anything wrong with me though, I think I am fine.
I probably do need to eat. Will do so. I'll see you guys in a few minutes.
Back anyone else here?
I'm here. Am eating though.
I can type now. Just waiting on everyone else. You could also roll for Jessica's damage now.
>Jessica then bites the neck of the wolf rookie.
>Not in a vital area.
>More like in the back of the neck.
>Like where a mother cat would punish their kitten.
>Forcing the fucker to drop the vial of Liquid Nimh and landing on the ground.
>Thank the moon goddess that it did not shatter or that he uncorked it.
>The rookie was now captured and the liquid Nimh was now acquired...
>That is if you really want it.
Rolled 1 + 5 (1d6 + 5)

I knew I forgot something.
Mog darted forward, yoinking up the vial precariously in his mouth, before gently wrapping it in some soft bedding from his backpack and tucking it away.

"Quickly now, drag the living ones to the police station, we need to get off the streets. Ursus, you can fill me in on how your investigation went in the meantime."
Ursus quickly does so, ok so what police officers can we trust?
>Jessica and Kinny help Mog out by carrying the bodies to the station.
>Takes a while with the icecube though.
After this we need to immediately book it back to the fountain there’s someone who needs medical attention aswell as alot of people to figure out a cure for their condition
"Frankly, I have no idea. With Horace gone, I don't know who to trust. My guess is that our best bet is to trust the older veteran cop you talked to. I can force the rookie to confess. We also need to decide on whether to read the cops and the queen in on this conspiracy. Telling them could tip off the other factions who have their ears to the ground, so to speak. But this is of vital concern the security of the nation. If June consents to it, we should probably show her to the veteran cop before I heal her. Evidence and all that."
"Oh, shit. We left her? I thought they were with you. You should go get them, she should still be safe with the cats accompanying her, but we cannot be too careful."
>After the four live bodies and one dead was gathered you all then head to the station.
>There you all meet the old veteran who was busy with paperwork.
>His eyes widen ashe sees the rookie cop brought in and captured.
"Good goddess what the hell happened? The hell did he do this time to get like that?"
That can wait I found the missing people but they where very much scathed and changed from their experience, meet me by the fountain, Ursus charges out towards the fountain I need your help mog, NOW!
"Hello sir, I'm Ursus's partner; Mobel. I overheard this youngster discussing the splitting of 40000 silver between him and the rest of this band of thugs, for the kidnapping of June Driftwood and Hogar Grimmsnarl as test subjects for experimentation. The employer is an unknown entity, though I believe my partner here saw him, standing on two legs, in a hidden facility underneath one of the central fountains." Mog began.

He stepped forward, showing off his disguise's shoulderboard as proof of his employment as a detective alongside Ursus. Once the detective was satisfied, the paladin slowly paced over to where the young rookie was drooling on the floor of the station. Violently slapping the younger cop awake, he held up his other paw to the veteran, holding off any protests of ill treatment.

He continued "So, hearing such conspiracy talk, I performed a citizens arrest. To prove my allegations, I will now force a confession from the perp, using my powers granted to me by the Moon."

Turning to look the now awake wolf in the eyes, he spoke loudly and clearly "The conspiracy to kidnap June Driftwood and Hogar Grimmsnarl for 50000 silver, the liquid Nihm, your employer, all of it, I COMMAND YOU: Confess!"

>I use my last spell slot on the Command Spell. The one word command is: "Confess".
My thing can go after yours mog Ursus says that mog is undead a partner and then he book it to prevent a death
Mog ignored the bear for now. He trusted him to bring the victims here. The bear had Bobby, Ord, Potato, and Caramel to help carry them. The wolf was exhausted, running now would only tire him out further. Dangerous when they had so much to do when night fell. There wasn't much Mog could do for the victims anyhow, given Ursus's description of their affliction. At best he could try applying his meagre talent for curing disease by touch. Anything further would require a proper cleric of high rank.

Missed your post, so I'm choosing to play it off as if Mog is delegating fetching the victims to you, while he explains to the cop. Remember, I received a level of Exhaustion during the battle, so Mog is canonically tired as shit. Plus I don't really have the means to heal them, beyond attempting Lay on Hands.
I was confused about the undead part.
>The young guard then looked at Mog then at his superior.
>He was trying to fight the spell but once hit by Command you have to do it.
"I.... I confess. I did help kidnap the two wolves. I did get paid by a pig, but less because of your missing mammal posters. And I know what that liquid does but I don't know what it's called. So how do you know what itis?"
Also, hopefully you meant Mobel (I assumed we would've worked out our alternate identities and disguises beforehand), because remember, Mog is still Wanted in this city. We can't go blurting out my name in public like crazy.
Rolled 18 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Mog shrugged "I don't. My partner overheard it mentioned in the underground prison, I think."

Glancing over his shoulder at the veteran, he asked "This good enough to clear my arrest?"

Looking over the older cop, he tried to gauge his thoughts. Was he shocked at the betrayal? Or part of the conspiracy and trying to think of what to do to cover all this up.

>Insight check on the older cop
>The cop looked over to the young guard and the old Mog.
>You can tell he has a strong sense of justice, even if he is stuck in the old ways like Mog.
>The wolf then stands up, gets hempen rope and starts tying up the young guard.
"Tiberius, you're under arrest."
>He then looks over to Mog and Ursus.
"I'm sorry for all the trouble detective."
OOC: I think rather than tell the cop right this moment about Nihm and the humans, we just tell him about the crimes and the minimum he needs to know about the experiments on the victims and the location of the underground facility. That knowledge of Nihm and Nihm instead going to the queen. Depending on what my insight check reveals, maybe we can trust him though, we'll see. Ultimately though, I was thinking of using my other disguise along with Kinny's royal pin to get another audience with the Queen later tonight (ingame), pardon Mog's name early, explain the humans and Nihm and the prophecy, try and prevent disaster at the summit early.
"No problem, though that silver ought to be put to good use, compensating the victims for their troubles. Hope you don't mind if I wait here and rest, while we wait for my partner to return with the victims."
The silver I'm referring to being the money paid to Tiberius from the pig.
"I'll make sure that happens."
>Detective Ursus and Mr Mobel then head towards the fountain to check on Grimmsnarl.

Were you waiting on me or something?

I was waiting for you to run whatever scene you needed to for Ursus. Thought you were typing out a whole scene or something. Since he said he booked it immediately upon arriving at the station to go help them, whereas I chose to stay at the station 'cause Mog is tired. I thought you would've just run the two scenes concurrently because they should've taken place at the same time.
I kind of assumed that's where you and Ursus wanted to go next.
I mean, I don't mind, but I don't know why this is a whole thing at all. Like I said, it kinda contradicts what I wrote out, about Mog lethargically resting at the station while the empathetic Ursus went back for the Hogar. Kinda thrown me through a loop and made me out of it. I don't know why a brief solo scene with Ursus wasn't done concurrently with my one with the cop. Or one in the time between now and an hour ago. Then we could meet back up at the temple or the seedhouse or the station. I've just been sitting here eating lunch, confused the entire time, waiting for you to describe a scene or Ursus to prompt me on what he wants me to do to help. (He's the lead on this particular plotline after all.)

>Mog will use 5 of his Lay on Hands HP Pool to try and cure Hogar Grimmsnarl.

Sorry, a noeffort post for this. The long wait thoroughly confused me, I'm basically checked out at this point.
Same kindof checked out as well.
We'll try to continue on Thursday.
Alright, have a pleasant evening you two. See you in a couple days, hopefully.
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Well hello to you too Kinny~

Woke up to heed nature's call. Just checking in to say I will be available later today.
I probably won't be around today until like 6⅓ hours from now, idk. Train and bus-hopping for 5 hours, ree.
Need a morning coffee, so will be here in a few minutes or so.
Will be up until physical education class and asm
>While you do heal him of his wounds physically inflicted on the old blind wolf, he is still his wild self.
>He tries lunging at you, trying to bite you but thanks to Ursus' binds can't.
>It's horrifying what happened to him.
>Can't even speak at all.
>Instead he resorts to just snarling and growling.
>Acting like...
>A feral animal.
Ursus takes on a sad face, this one had nihm force fed to him and it apparently did not take that much to cause this, but apparently applying it topologically causes an individual of our origins to take on a bipedal stance similar to an old one, and some intermediatary traits between the two species, of which is apparently not great as June Driftwood can attest she is still very much alive thankfully through quick application of those rings powered by moonlight.
>The wolf continues to growl at the two of you.
What do you do?
To be clear, I'm using the feature of Lay on Hands that allows you to spend 5 points to heal a disease or poison. Still nothing?

"It's no good. He's beyond my current abilities to heal. He needs the attention of a more powerful cleric. Or ministrations of someone knowledgeable in Nihm and its applications." Mog growled out sorrowfully, shaking his head in the negative.

The light of the Moon wasn't healing him. An unthinkable thing, but they were already witnessing something that should be impossible. Perhaps Mog was simply an inadequate conduit for Her power? Moonlight healed all ailments, Mog knew this for certain, he must be at fault. He had to get stronger.

"Maybe the application of Nihm to the skin results in a slower, more even distribution throughout the body? Whereas jamming it in or drinking it causing a more concentrated amount to be absorbed into the local tissues? I don't know much about biology or medicine, so you'll have to forgive my amateur musings." the wolf speculated, trying to play the muse to Ursus.

He motioned urgently to the exit.

"We have to move him, somewhere where he won't be arrested or killed, quietly. As much as I hate the thought, the temple may actually be better than the seedhouse, he'll make too much noise otherwise, the seedhouse is too close to the streets, we'll be noticed. We can put him in one of those fridges that the humans come out of. Until we have an appropriate treatment. Or if that is too hard to do for lack of knowledge, chaining him up in the tunnels will put him out of earshot of the cops or citizens."
Well I helped to at least fowl some of that terrifyingly well informed otter’s uncovered prophesy, tell me do you think we can get grimanarl safely contained in the police precinct in his own cell so he’s not a danger to himself in others? I want to find a cure for this mutagenic material asap to undo the horror it has caused to grimsbarl and June, Ursus sighs at the ever increasing amount of tasks and responsibility, wait… is there an old one Jessica knows that could possibly find a cure for this feral degeneration? it’s a long shot probably but this is way out of my knowledge base something to figure out, in the mean time im going to get grimdark to a much more disclosed local, I will debrief you on rest of things, after I take grimsnarl, then get the oxen blacksmith informed of June’s… condition, only the amount he needs to know.
Maybe there’s an old one scientists that could aide us in a cure
as for local, that might be a bad idea one paw while a great idea in the other paw, our resident dear telekinetic could use his skill to prevent escape but also be warned he attempted to have caramel as a meal so I would not put it past him to try our deer as a food item
Thank you for echoing my idea of using an old one scientists for this btw mog
As for circulation of materials In our systems it really depends on the creature but I suspect your on point in this situation, this also worries me greatly, imagine the damage if someone makes this into a gas or at least exhibit gaseous qualities, Infact I think that might be what our advisory is planning on doing that or leaking it into the town water supply system, something to look into. Now if you excuse me I have a blind feral wolfing to lock up in the church for their own safety.
>Ursus continues his cycling around to avoid attention and getting followed.
"No...problem?" Mog replied haltingly, "Wait, maybe my memory is going again, but who is this local, and telekinetic that we know? But, yes, Jessica may be able to help us, by identifying a frozen scientist that we can let out who can cure Grimmsnarl."

He fiddled with his backpack, wadding up some bedsheet fabric to use as a gag for the snarling wolf.

"Hold his head for second, I'm gonna gag him. Then we should cover him up and move him to whoever you have in mind, then the temple to put him onto ice until we have a cure ready."
>Ursus cocked an eyebrow
You mean Adler, he has telekinetic (I believe that’s the word it?) magic barriers he could summon, he also became the owner and practitioner of the church after arsene died. Honestly I want to check up on him it’s been a bit since we talked so much stuff happened
>You all successfully then gag the wolf.
>Thankfully it was easy since he was already bound earlier.
>Still best not to let him bite you.
>You all head back to the seedhouse first to check on June's condition.
>There you see the two burly cats, Potato and Ord still trying to help her out by putting on some sort of soothing cream to help with the muscle ache.
>Maggie then notices you two.
>Especially Mog.
"Mog are you okay?"
>Maggie asks the wolf.
"You look like you could use some sleep. Need me to grab a blanket for you?"
That’s a fantastic idea aswell but before we put him on ice we should purge him of the mutagenic nihm in his system to prevent further damage in his system same with June, maybe diuretics and a lot of water? Ursus shudders at that image.
He and to extension the rest of us have been run ragged we should probably immediately go get rest, a fatigued mind is a dull one and all
"Ah yes, I thought you meant it in a more fluid way. I'm pretty sure he just has some unique version of a wall of force spell, wizards can do that too. I'm pretty sure we still have to look into transferring the temple's ownership to him, though he may have already handled it himself in the meantime."

"I-um" he looked to Ursus to see if the bear if he was still needed, then seeing he was he nodded, "Yeah, I'm pretty tired. I better rest. Wake me up while it's still dark, we have a lot to do tonight."

He followed after Maggie, nodding as he passed Ursus. Better leave the gag-worthy medical stuff to the brainy bear.
>Maggie then gave the old wolf a blanket.
>Making sure he was comfortable.
"When was the last time you slept? Or really any of us?"
>Maggie uttered to Mog and herself.
"Either way you guys have been doing these night missions for a while without rest. I think it might be time you do get some. At least two hours."
>Maggie made dure the old wolf was comfortable.
>Ursus then went to Adler.
>The young deer notices the bear.
"I saw the way the wolf looked like. She was standing on two feet. I tried healing her. Even tried using Harold. I couldn't help her. All I could really do was soothe the pain and that was it. Sorry Ursus."
We tried the same with grimsnarl, this clearly something that requires old one skills and knowledge to fight, the damage is done we must now medicate the symptoms now ever we can to minimize pain and suffering Ursus gives are shoulder pat to Adler
Ursus nods and turns towards June and then grimsnarl, so since grimsnarl is not capable of giving requisite consent I shall be going ahead without permission, I don’t want him suddenly melting or something horrid afterall his stable condition could change and being able get him to drink healing potions and the like to prevent relapse would probably increase his chances of living till we get a cure, as for you June I will outline a possible way mitigating more damage with the nihm that was absorbed into your system, I can’t undo the damage that’s been caused so far only medicate the side effects rather than the source, anyhow as for the possible chances of nihm still persisting in your system I am going to be using both perspirants and possible diuretics to help you naturally purge the foreign material from your body, this will require you drinking a lot of water to prevent dehydration while your body purges it manually, following me so far?
"I mean...it would've been last night, wouldn't it? I think we slept near daybreak, slept in late, yeah? Something like that."

Mog lay down, getting comfortable in his bedding.

>I'll begin a Long Rest.

As long as it took IRL, on my end we really only walked to the castle, talked to the queen, and fetched the scroll, then had a fight. Like I said before, I remember you mentioning it was 4 hours until night before Ursus and I split up, so this whole thing was probably only an hour or two in game. The idea is that we burn basically half the night away sleeping, but wake up after midnight but before dawn to continue doing our stealthy shit.
then seeing he wasn't*


just correcting because it changes the context of the sentence
TLDR we can fade to black with this I don’t think anyone wants to outline any of this, after word Ursus will ask if June would like the blacksmith oxen her sent out her missing persons report to meet her in a secure place to help lessen her and his worries
Mog no longer has exhaustion.
>After some much needed rest the group then comes back together.
>June is still resting however and Grimmsnarl is still trying to break free of his bonds.
>The group tries to think of a way to cure the Liquid Nimh's effect.
"So if we go by Ursus' plan of unfreezing a scientist to undo the process of liquid nimh, I think we are going to have a bit of a problem."
>Jessica begins.
"First of all we need to figure out which scientist has in fact worked with nimh and judging by how I only know that it was Niklas and Faris, that makes it easy to figure out who to get. However I know for a fact that those two are nowhere near the cryochambers."
>Maggie then raised her hand.
"I know a few more because of my Aunt."
>Maggie points out.
"Maybe I can find someone I recognize and then maybe they can help out from there."
>Adler then stood up.
"Um... I do have an idea... but I think you guys will hate it."
>Adler says with a nervous tone.
"Maybe... we can ask Father Gawain or rather his squid for a cure. Maybe he has an answer since he technically has nimh inside him. Just a suggestion though."
What do you do?
At this point I doubt Gawain is gonna do anything bad if we approach him on this seeing as how he isn’t actively helping our enemies hell I’ve met the being he’s not as insane as the other and who ever the hells been spreading the nihm we’ve been finding around and squids. If he’s not amicable to the offer then we can try getting any sufficiently experienced scientists/ medical expert because anyone is better than the knowledge base we are starting at
Just for clarity, Ursus you're okay with fade to blacking until I wake up (which will take 8 hours), or did you just mean ftb on the disgusting diuretic stuff on the two victims? I mention it 'cause Ursus may have wanted to use that time to do stuff while I was asleep, we have other shady shit to be getting to during our nightly hours.

"I don't think the good Father will know anything, he has a measure of symbiosis, that doesn't make him a professional doctor with knowledge of the Old Ones or the squids. Likewise, his squid is just some hateful puppet, we can't trust anything he has to say. Since Maggie already has a decent solution, I think we should go with her idea first."
Wait I think I was referring to the wolf person we met back over where poko had his blacksmithy, are they the same person?
As for the spoilered stuff Both I’m going to be in class for a while so I don’t want it being jarring
"Alright so we have 1 vote on each idea."
>Caramel points out.
"Kinmeister Kinny I think you should be the one that breaks the tie."
>Caramel says as she points to the cat.
"Unless anyone else has any ideas, cause.... I was thinking.... why don't I try this rubbing thing with the liquid nimh? I mean Ursus still has the vial of it still with him an-"
>Maggie says to the rabbit, immediately dejecting the idea.
"How the fuck could you even suggest such a thing? I mean do you not see how much pain that one wolf is in? Did you forget that one wolf literally tried to eat you?!"
Wait, in which post are you referring to a wolf we met by the blacksmith?

Anyways, just to cover all my bases...

Poco is a cat, the strong one that had a bunch plate armour we bought and sold diamond armour. He helped us in this city, but I'm not sure if he was running a smithy here, I recall it was a bar, but I may be mistaken on that.

In Plato, Poco ran a smithy but also helped out at the bank. The only wolf I remember meeting in Plato was Sean, who we'd met at the beginning of the quest. Sean is kinda sketchy weapons dealer, but has ties to Elder Swift/Lanesboro, eventually Swift cleared his name when I got paranoid and conspiracy theoried my way into thinking he was a slaver.

Poco is not the Oxen smith that June was an apprentice to, they are different.

Ah okay, I may also be afk for a while, not sure yet. If I disappear suddenly, then that is why.

I just wanted to know, 'cause if you want stuff done with the Nihm victims I thought it was better done while I was asleep so we don't waste nighttime hours, we have more snooping to do on the other factions. I don't mind waiting. Not a huge deal either way though, not every minute needs to be time optimized.
>assume I'll be here by 6
>sit down at 5:59
down to the minute. huh.
"Rubbing what into what of who?" Kinny's fur all stood up as a unified force.
"Yeah, are you okay Caramel? That is an INSANE idea. We don't know how to utilize Nihm safely, we shouldn't be reckless with it." Mog asked, concern evident in his voice.
Right on time. Welcome friendo.

"Guess I wasn't the only one that slept well. Thoughts on whether to go with Maggie's idea or Adler's? I don't see why we don't just do them sequentially, Maggie's idea first, then the other two if hers doesn't work out. We could be deceived by Gawain otherwise, taking advise from the the squid in his head is an even worse idea."
"Onto me of course. Duh."
>Caramel said to the cat.
"I mean... look at June."
>The brown bunny says.
"I want to be an old one too."
>Maggie then has a twitch on her face.
"You stupid fuck! Can't you see she's literally in pain?!"
>Maggie asks Caramel.
"Well yeah but that's because she doesn't know how to stand and walk like an old one."
"First of all, she's not fully a human. Secondly, what makes you an expert on humans?"
"I've been studying them for a long time."
"Either way we all agree no is the answer! Ursus make sure that vial never leaves your sight!"
ooc, did we turn some animal human?
Right here.
Meant to type more but forgot. A pig and Someone else used Liquid Nimh to turn a wolf (who was on the missing animals list) into a human.
Looks like my initial response holds up very well.
Can I roll to disarm Caramel? Just take the bottle (or whatever) from her for safety's sake?
Ursus has the bottle, and I believe he will keep it safe. But you may make a roll against Caramel if you wish.
Ah, no need then. Point was to take it away from her. Not because *I* think she'd use it, but because Kinny would absolutely disarm a smaller animal with a grenade (or a nihm bottle) without consulting with anyone.
"Back to the topic at hand."
>Jessica tries to reel back on to the mission.
"Kinny should we go with Adler's Plan or Maggie's plan first?"
"Wait...oh no! This stupid shit again? No, we're not doing this! Studying the remnants of another species's society with an entirely different language, a hundred years after the fact mind you, does not make you an expert! Not to mention that standing wrong, like a wolf, even with her current anatomy, wouldn't cause you to be in horrible pain to the degree she is in! Her bones must be fused in some strange way, incompletely or something. Not to mention front paws are still digitigrade." Mog broke out in a violent rant, his anger stoked by putting up with this rabbit for so long.

He took in a deep breathe, trying to calm himself. Then the rationalization began, along with the natural contrarianism. Caramel was just naturally curious. Wanting to be something or someone else was extremely unusual, but the basic sentiment behind it wasn't too out there. No! She was just some disgusting pervert, acting out on her bizarre fetishes! She'd honestly barely contributed to the group this whole time. Sure, she'd tagged along and offered some differing opinions, but she was just annoying most of the time.

Terminating his line of thought, he refocused on just silencing his mind so he could speak without anger again.

"We're not here to serve your puerile fascinations. Wanting to be a smarter, faster, stronger animal, I can sort of understand. I don't want to dismiss your whole worldview, but this is just sheer recklessness. That Nihm is dangerous, measuring the current dosage to turn you into a human rather than a feral being is probably impossible given our current knowledge. And, at the risk of going to far, I have to say that I frankly just don't trust you with this. Turning into a human RIGHT when there has been talk of using the exposure of humans to the public as icons, to be worshipped as GODS, by Jenkins, by the otter or whoever else. No, I don't trust you with that power." Mog continued, trying, and failing, to keep the disdain from his voice.
her front paws are still digitigrade*
After realizing that Caramel didn't, in fact, have the Nihm, Kinny calmed down a little. "As much as I hate to say it, we should at least try to ask the squid and before we unfreeze any more humans." The cat said, rubbing his two braincells patiently, in great juxtaposition to Mog currently exploding not too far away from him.
Just as a reminder as to what Mog is talking about; back at the rabbit festival Jenkins brought up the idea of using Maggie as a false god to brainwash the wolves into a cult to counteract the other factions. Needless to say, Mog was upset. I'm also pretty sure Sage the otter and/or someone else in the recent arc has brought up the idea. To add to the mix, Ursus wants to reveal humans to the public, for admittedly altruistic reasons, like to heal the divide between the lizards and them, for the tech, and lots of other stuff he mentioned or that we've discussed. So this issue is a pretty hot button issue for Mog, as he still sees himself as the leader of this group, and people are just going around casually talking about subverting the religion of his people, or brainwashing them with idol worship, or using dangerous mutagenic drugs to transform into other animals for funsies, or revealing the truth of humans in the capital of his people with other nation's leaders present, which could cause unrest.
"The vote is settled then. Lets go talk to the dear Father Squidwolf." Mog sighed in resignation, letting a small degree of sarcasm worm its way into his voice.
>Kinny and Mog then head to their prisoner's room.
>There they see Gawain, still confined to the bed he was brought in.
"I assume you two wish to learn about something?"
>Father Gawain asks the cat and wolf.
"Sorry Mog" the black cat offered his apologies.
"Do we good cop, bad cop this motherfucker?" Kinny whispered to Mog.
caramel I don’t think that’s how that works second, I’m pretty sure being an old one won’t give you access to anything special other than maybe thumbs and an upright position, also I’m pretty sure none of what happened was controlled and the effects probably very horribly from say doing nothing at all to melting into goop, Maggie caramel and many other people worship humans as gods because of what was left behind, think about it your form people deified I mean hell my own culture has a giant wooden carved statue of a human with an axe as a religious figure, while highly stupid and reckless please understand where her want stems from, did you guys want to be worshipped I’m pretty sure any sane person would not want that, hell I wouldn’t want that but that’s what happened, and caramel use rather you not possibly live in a combination of pain and suffering because of your want to resemble humans, and that’s right they are called humans, not gods not spirits, not old ones, they are people like us. Their power came from their accumulated knowledge and wisdom it was not given to them they had to EARN IT there is no shortcut in that path to knowledge and study the only true treasure that can be provided by humanity is a common goal to a better future to improve all our lives to better tomorrow and that doesn’t start with nearly killing your self in some effort to resemble another species besides we have rings for that. As for June she had no say in the matter no chance to opt out of it same with grimsnarl to do what you want to do with that stuff will only lead to more pain it will be an insult to the people who have already suffered at that concoction’s hand!!! Head the suffering of others caramel DONT!!!
"No worries friend, you gave your honest opinion. No shame in that. We save time talking to him before travelling to the temple anyways." Mog soothed, not wanting to let his bitterness taint his closer relationships.

Turning to the side, so that his bulk was blocking the prisoner's view of Kinny - one couldn't be too careful regarding lip reading after all -, Mog whispered back "Yeah, sure, I'll play the bad cop, you wriggle in. That is...if he doesn't just fess up what we want to know right away."

Circling around Kinny's back until he was at his other side, Mog spoke to Gawain, harshly and directly "Liquid Nihm. It has the ability to mutate people, even to turn good wolves human, or at least into an awful half state. Or render them feral, back to the way we originally were before we Awakened. Tell us how to cure this, turn someone back into a sentient wolf, no hybrid physiology or anything. Tell us, or I'm gonna break out the ice water and give you a taste, squiddie."
Can I get a little update on uh, what might be used to lure Gawain's squid into helping here?
Sorry for the late response had to do something.

"So what you're asking is... you wish to revert.... evolution? To remove important changes that will help us progress in society?"
>Gawain then laughs.
"You can't undo evolution Mog. It's impossible. Simply put. It cannot be undone. Though... I must admit it shouldn't be rushed either. Whoever caused it to start, is clearly another squid possessed being. But I can't say whom, otherwise it will be the end of me."
>Caramel... seems to understand your words.
>Still she can't help but feel jealous.
>And as much as an amber ring would help her curiousities, it just wouldn't be the same.
>So Caramel just leaves the room and simply goes into another room.
Rolled 5 + 7 (1d20 + 7)

That's a good roll.
>The wolf then looks at Kinny.
"You seem smart cat. Maybe you could explain to the wolf how he can't revert them back... but... maybe there is someone. But you would have to go to the desert lands. Near Lizard Country. There you'll find one dragon. Ozwald is his name. He might have an answer for you. Though... from I have heard, he never talks to anyone."
I want to try deception to make Gawain believe the dragon is dead and if he knows anything, it is time to spill beans.
Uh...I dunno if I can help you on that one buddy. Squids are evil psychics that literally serve the edgiest god, THE INCARNATION OF HATE (literally). So beats me what might tempt one. We know they want to body-hop into smart people. Maybe offer to let him or an ally of his to 'temporarily' lounge in your body. This offer will of course be in bad faith, since we can't have a squid puppetting you. My plan is just to threaten to torture him until he gives in.

"Progress in society? We HAVE a society! A wolf society! We don't need human traits to further our morals or technology, we're already sentient, with the Old Ones tech base to work off of! You speak of 'evolution' like it is some destined end, of teleology. This is stupid, Gaia put us on her surface, each with our own niche. There is no need to change to become humans, our society is fine as is." Mog argued back.

He took a breathe.

"I don't need to know who it is, for all I know, it is someone Xenarus related rather than a squid. You could be misleading us there. All I want to know...is how to cure the changes caused by Nihm. Clearly one can make someone revert to their original feral nature, or make someone more human-like, so clearly it works both ways. We know this. So talk, last chance, or the ice water comes out."
You may try.
DC 15
Ursus physically purses his lips wanting to go after her and nip this in the bud but that never works, you can’t stop someone who is determined at self destruction you just have to block their destructive destination and be there to catch them when they fall. ursus begins calming himself down he has people he has to help,
>Ursus walks to June.
June do want to see your oxen friend and inform him you are alive?
>June looks up to the bear.
>A bit of fear in her eyes began to grow exponentially as he asked that question.
"No! Please no! I don't wish to be seen! Not now.... please not now."
Rolled 18 + 7 (1d20 + 7)

rollan lies
I won’t force this, just pointing it out as an option, that you deserve to know you have. I won’t tell him, but if I see him do you have a message and something to convey to him you’re at least alive and safe somewhat, no judgement no forced meetings
Kinny how do you lie to this man?
>The wolf looks to the bear.
"Maybe... tell him I'll be in bed resting... from this sicknes.... but... tell him I'm sorry that I won't be able to help for a while."
Since this has come up before, I'll say that QM is just asking for you to type out your in character lies, like just a sentence of you lying to Gawain. The roll is taken care of now, so you succeed, we just need to know what you say.
Ursus nods then stops and thinks for a second, any way to prove it’s you like maybe a personal thing you guys do as friends or maybe a personal secret only you and the oxen knows
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With straight face I tell him that dragon is dead, Mog killed him on accident. Or if I have to be serious, I lean to Mog, pretend to be confused and as if I remembered something and quietly ask him if Gawain means the desert lizard he knocked out with a big rock a while ago. Just loud enough for the wolf to hear.
Mog attentively leaned in as the cat did the same, listening, then nodding in confirmation. "Mmm hmm."
"I have nothing with me to prove it was me who said it."
>Gawain.... seems to trust you both.
"Hmm.... that makes sense. My brothers and sisters are unable to travel across the desert lands without a vehicle due to risk of dehydration. So I will take your word for it. You do seem very trustworthy cat. Very trustworthy."
I see GM responded, so I'll just post this as a spoiler.
Kinny then turned back to Gawain with an awkward cough. "I uh... the dragon might've suffered a little accident at the paws of my canid friend over here. I'm afraid you're the last source of the information for us... as far as I'm concerned, you're free to not cooperate, but the wolf is entitled to his own opinion." The black cat shrugged with half-apologetic expression and stepped aside to let Gawainsquid really take Mog in.
"As for information... I might have some. Though it will do no good. A doctor Wallace does reside here. She has studied the stone... however I don't she will help you, due to the fact she is frozen solid."
I take it your first post was just a summary, and the spoilers are what you actually said? It's just that QM posted before you, yes?

Mog leered at the priest as Kinny worked his magic, licking his jaws in apparent anticipation.

Internally though, he was getting impatient. Kinny's acting was good, but just because Gawain had nowhere else to deflect to without his squid suffering torture at Mog's paws, didn't mean he wouldn't just choose to take the pain. The wolf was have suspecting he'd have to get his paws dirty and actually engage in torture for real. Hopefully the squid wouldn't have the stomach for that and would just blurt out the answers they wanted. It was a symbiosis, right? That meant Gawain couldn't be 100% in control.
"Wallace huh? How'd you know she was frozen? You didn't have access to the vault. Heck, how do you even know her at all?" Mog questioned.

It was a relief to actually get some useful information, though Maggie could've probably found her on her own anyways. They were getting another person to chase down instead of the actual cure, which was frustrating.
"As I said, my god was there during the war. He knew where some humans were. To unfreeze a human you must require a password. The spy might know it, but just because you two chose not to stab me, I'll freely give it to you. The password is ATLUS."
Yeah, since I didn't want to leave your >>6098077 post hanging. Hopefully it was at least amusing.
"A wise choice." Kinny gave Gawain a thumbs up and beelined for the exit.
Mog nodded in appreciation.

"You're off the hook for now. Lucky you. We'll be back, if it turns out you're lying. You know what happens then."

With that, Mog turned tailed and walked out of the room. They'd gotten what they came for.
>Adler approaches the two.
"Any luck?"
Then I will have to be truthful up to what you want out
"Yep. You 'n Bobby and co should guard the prisoners, and look after the June if she's staying here instead of coming with us to the temple. Ursus, Kinny and I will go with Maggie and Jessica to the temple, we found a human who can help. We'll need the girls along with us, to help calm the thawing popsicle down." Mog explained.

Then he went to get Ursus and the humans.
>Maggie and Jessica then hear the news.
"Alright. I shall assume my cat form."
>Jessica says as she prepares her ring.
"I guess I'll be a bunny."
>Maggie says as she puts on her disguise.
"So what's the full plan guys?"
"Should we get some clothes? For the hooman I mean. Maggie seemed traumatized last time she got stripped." Ever-so-practical, Kinny tackled the unseen elephant in the cryochamber. By the look on his feline face, it would seem this was the matter of utmost importance.
>Maggie then realized the cat was right.
"Ord! Potato! Bring us clothes!"
>Maggie ordered the two.
It was indeed amusing.

"We found a human frozen in the temple who can help the victims, and the password needed to unlock them. I don't want to spend on night on this though, we still have our moonlit cloak and dagger maneuvers to get to, y'know, with the factions and stuff. Especially since we burned nighttime hours to rest. So if things seem like they are going to drag, maybe we can leave you two with Ursus and the victims to work out how to cure their afflictions. Perform some science experiments, y'know, work on figuring out how Nihm works. Meanwhile Kinny and I can resume our previous night time activities, along with the rest of the cats."
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"Smart thinking. Anyways, distribution of who goes where can come later, and we can all make our own choices. Point is, we still have things to do on the streets, work left unfinished. Maybe Kinny will want to stay with you humans, since you all seem to get along so well, maybe not. Up to him. I think Ursus is invested in mystery with Nihm and helping the victims, but we could also use you out in the streets and alleys tracking down this mysterious squid who has been handing out Nihm like candy. At the very least, I need to get out there with Bobby and the others and resume last night's work."
I'm okay with going anywhere, but also need to go on power saving mode. Been out all day and only slept 5 hours, feeling sleepy.
Got called in, going to have to leave. Have a Blessed Night Friends.
Get some much needed rest Kinny.
It's all good, I barely slept myself, was gonna call it quits soon anyways. It's close to our usual stopping time too. Was more for discussing where and what we'll be doing next week.

I wish you all a good night, and an even better week/weekend. See you all next Tuesday! Gonna catch some zs now.
Oh okay, goodnight then. Sorry I wasn't around on tuesday.
No worries, I understand. Sometimes you (general you) just have other things going on. Good night.
Stay safe
Have a good one everyone
Was commissioned to do the underpinning/skirting of someone's house. Not sure if I will be late or even available tomorrow.
Okay, well in case you can make it, I should be here, between 18-20 hours from now.
Give me about an hour and I'll be ready.
Minor emergency on my end, my mother fell, I'll be delayed by about 3 hours as I take her in and then come back. This is Mog btw.
I'm sorry to hear that Mog.
Just to be sure though who will be going to the cryochamber?
You guys still here?
I’m here but only for an hour and less then 30 minutes
Think we should try Thursday so that way everyone has more time to participate?
I'll go.

Alright. Sorry about the sudden schedule shift, couldn't help it though.
no prob
Nearly forgot about today. Woke up at 5:00 AM with huge stomach problems. Not sure if it was something I ate or a legit sickness. It isn't going to stop me though.
Just remember that it's fine if you need a break.
I'll take a quick nap see if that helps me out any.
Yeah I'm not any better. Sorry my Friends.
You can still talk amongst each other and make plans if you want. I'm sorry for all these fuck ups as of late.
All good
I think Ursus is in his winter sleep and Mog in church or something
Damn, I'm really sorry to hear that dude. Hope you feel better soon. I'll echo Kinny and say that there's no rush, we'll still try and be here every Tuesday/Thursday regardless, even if we don't always make it. Just take a break if you need it.

Just make sure that you see someone if you think it's actually food poisoning or something, that shit is serious. I think this is actually the second time somewhat recently that you've had some sort of stomach issue, maybe skip the rare steaks or something, yeah?

lol no

Just regular late. Slept poorly, decided to sleep in to make up for it, then had to take my dad to the lab for some test, that's all.

I'd be all good to discuss the game or RP in character like QM says, but Ursus has college I think, so there's not much point without all of us here.
College happened plus online friend with issues mentioned how he wasn’t doing well mentally so I immediately helped Talk him into going to therapy which he is now I got metaphorically sucked punched with distractions also exams are coming up so I am actively cramming right now
Well, good to hear that you helped him. Take all the time you need. Real life comes first. Good luck on your exams.
I'm hoping I am okay by Thursday.
Oh shit. You still aren't well? Take as much time as you need. I hope you get better soon.
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Hydrate and survive
Is Mog on Monday a Mong? Or does Monday with Mog become a Mogday? Questions, questions... Moggin' Day.
>Found out it was Stomach virus more than likely
>Head to bed feeling dehydrated and like shit.
>Into the dream void while listening to music.
>Usual I am back in college and doing work I apparently missed bullshit.
>Except this time me and my family are either actual D&D adventurers.... or we're just larping.
I mean that's new but Wat?
>Ask if I can join this adventure.
>Before dream mom can actually answer...
>Real mom wakes me up with news that a cat was locked inside my dad's car and we need to get it out.
I don't know if that was an actual call to adventure or my sickness hallucinations but I oddly find it amusing.
I am here
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How wude! (read in the voice of Jar Jar Binks)

T'is indeed a Moggin' Day, yesterday.


No session today, I think? QM is still sick with a stomach virus. Though if there is a session today, it'll be a short one from me, as I made plans for today under the assumption that our host was too sick to run today.
You better be resting and taking measures to get well
Will be here in about 10-11 hours, give or take, barring emergencies.
Give me about an hour.
I got called in.
We'll try again on Tuesday.
The thread will probably expire by then. I'll archive over the weekend, and you can make a new one.
Thread archived: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Rise%20of%20the%20Awakened

Just a heads up, I probably won't be available tomorrow, so perhaps it'd be better to try for Thursday. I'll try and let you guys know by Wednesday if I'm able to make it, assuming QM makes a new thread tomorrow or this one is still up.

Take care.

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