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Your name is Fido Ballthrow, and you're sixteen years old. A long, exciting, awesome summer has begun! You're quite sure it's going to be filled with lots of fun, parties, and flirtatious high jinks with attractive girls! Yeah, no. Things like that don't happen to you, and the world is going to end in a few years anyway.
You've been out all night. Or at least long enough for the sun to rise and the water to start glimmering. A normal teenager would be worried about their mother yelling at them when they get home, but your mom would probably yell at you either way. Hell, she'd probably yell at you for coming home too early. You could have had a night of new experiences by taking shrooms, but because you didn't wanna make your friend (and crush) Felino uncomfortable you decided you wouldn't do them. Your "friend" Little Pat is pretty pissed at you for this, but your other friend Eric was pretty chill with it considering he was the one who actually brought them. Now you stand by the lake, your "friend" Pat standing on top of a rock he could easily fall off of like an idiot. This is nothing new.
Previous threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=downerquest
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"God! Life is so fucking boring!" Says Pat for the eight-hundred-thousandth time.
"Jesus, Pat, if you're so bored why not do something?" Felino asks him, clearly annoyed.
He scoffs. "Um, the one fun thing we COULD have done was ruined by Mr. Downer over here, so no, we can't do something."
Pat sighs. "I think I might just go home guys."
Uh oh. If Pat goes home, you have to go home, and you DO NOT want to go home. That's like, your least favorite thing.
You ask him what Eric is off doing.
"Oh, he's off checking something out. Didn't tell me what it was. Anyway, I'm out of here."

Days: 5.5 Years

>Push him into the water
>Jump into the water
>Suggest suicide
>Suggest following Eric
>Something else
>Look at the water (do we know how to swim?)
>Suggest following Eric
Welcome back QM
Seconded. Glad to see you back, QM.

Welcome back, QM!
>Mr. Downer
Op op there it is! He said it!
>Suggest suicide
Ask him for his nintendo switch while we're at it.
Hurray! Welcome back, Downer Meister, we missed you!

Let's casually mention that if you get home, your mom Is going to yell at you again, suggest following Eric instead.
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You look out onto the water. It's quite nice at this time in the morning. Shiny like a sea of diamonds. You begin to zone out, like you often do, wondering what it'd be like to jump in. It sounds like fun, but you're not a very good swimmer. You think about all the possibilities and fun memories that could come from going for a swim. You think about what Felino might look like in a swimsuit... You're hopeless. Pat looks at you, curious about what you're looking at and thinking about.
"Hey, Fido, you on the same planet as us, buddy?"
You're almost startled by his words as you're brought back into the real world. You suggest under your breath that you should go follow Eric. Pat snickers.
"I have no idea what you just said, dude."
Felino steps in.
"I think he's saying we should go follow Eric, Pat."
Pat groans. "Fine, but if he hasn't found anything cool I'm out of here."
Pat leads the way in the direction he believes Eric went. You push through some shrubbery before coming out into a small area. In front of you is an old abandoned house that looks like it hasn't been touched in years. Pat swallows.
"Okay, Eric is dead, that's good to know. Let's go, guys."
Pat tries to walk away but Felino grabs him by the back of the neck and drags him to her side.
"No! He's not dead. Don't be a coward."
"Says the girl who wouldn't eat a little mushroom!"
Felino scoffs. "Oh, whatever..."
It's then that a horrifying groan can be heard from inside the house. Pat basically jumps out of his skin, but his fear turns to anger when he sees Eric stick his head out the window of the house with a cheeky look on his face.
"Oh, come on, man! You almost gave me a heart attack!"
Eric chuckles. "Sorry, I had to."
You feel yourself let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
>Scold Eric
>Make fun of Pat
>Ask about the house
>See if Felino is okay
>Something else
>See if Felino is okay
Infatuation dies hard
>Ask about the house
Urban exploring is cool, I say we check it out. Unless Pat's SCARED
By this I mean we subtly taunt Pat into going along with checking out the spooky house
>Make fun of Pat
>Ask about the house
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You say you'd wanna come in and check it out unless PAT is too scared.
"N-Nah, man, I'm not scared! Let's go! I'm like, fucking brave and stuff!"
You look to Felino. She seems okay. That's good.
You enter the house. It looks like people definitely lived here at some point, and for whatever reason left in a hurry and never came back again. You ask Eric how he knows about this place.
"My dad and I used to come to stay here during the summer sometimes. We'd go fishing and stuff."
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Eric leads you and the gang upstairs, before pulling a ladder down from the ceiling and climbing up. You follow, and soon you find yourself in an empty attic area, which is covered in graffiti seemingly put there by Eric himself.
"This is like, my hang-out spot," he says, "I come up here to read and listen to music. I thought I'd show it to you guys."
All fear seems to leave Pat's body, as he seems to become almost giddy.
"Holy shit, dude, it's like a clubhouse or something!"
Eric chortles. "A clubhouse?"
"Yeah, yeah, it sounds gay or whatever, but it'd be totally badass!"
Felino seems weary. "I don't know... this place is kinda dirty... Not to mention a bit eerie."
You aren't sure what to think.
>Ask about graffiti
>Agree with the clubhouse idea
>Agree with Felino
>Something else
>>Ask about graffiti
>Agree with Felino
I wanna go back to the present...with our cute girlfriend...and when the world is ending...
>Agree with the clubhouse idea
Good apocalypse bunker. You know, for when the world ends. We'll still die, but we can die in a cool clubhouse. About five and a half years now...
>Agree with the clubhouse idea
>Agree with the clubhouse idea.

Tell Felino that it's alright, Eric already knows the house, and having a place to hang around sometimes sounds like an awesome idea.
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You ask about the graffiti on the walls.
"Oh, sometimes I bring up spray paint and stuff just to mess around a bit. I stopped after a while because it always made the room smell deadly while it was still drying. The big blue and green thing is a dinosaur fighting a midget robot, by the way."
You agree with the clubhouse idea. This... could be pretty cool. An isolated little place to hang out where people like Mathers and your mom can't get at you. A secret little haven.
"Fuck yeah!" Pat exclaims, "Well if we have a clubhouse, what's our club name?"
"We already have a name," Eric says, "we're Dead Meridian."
"No, that's our band, dumbass. We need something else."
Pat looks to you. "What do you think, Fido? What should we call our club?"
>The Dead Meridian Fanclub
>The Not-so Freemasons
>Nice and Friendly Club
>Dragon's and Swords Club
>The Kristmas Krew
>Book Club
>Something else
>The Kristmas Krew
I like this one
>The Dead Meridian Fanclub
>>The Kristmas Krew
>The Kristmas Krew
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You suggest "The Kristmas Krew" for your club name, making sure to mention it should be spelled with a "K".
Felino giggles. "The Kristmas Krew?"
Pat sighs. "Leave it to Fido to come up with the gayest name in the history of the entire universe."
Eric shrugs. "I like it."
Pat chuckles. "Yeah of course YOU like it."
Eric reaches into his pocket and pulls out a red marker. It's one of those big paint markers professionals use. He walks up to a part of the wall, getting ready to write. He turns to you.
"For an acronym would that be 'KK" or 'KRKR'?"
Pat laughs. "KRKR! KK would be too close to another club we definitely don't wanna be confused with..."
Eric writes "KRKR FOREVER" on the wall, before turning back to the group.
"To total world domination!" Eric says, raising his arm in the air.
"What? We aren't like, evil!" Pat replies, clearly somewhat shocked and amused by Eric's words.
"Yeah but like, doesn't that sound totally sick?"
"I guess so..." Pat thinks for a moment, before raising his arm. "To total world domination!"
Felino scoffs, and looks away for a moment, but then shrugs and raises her arm as well.
"To total world... domination! Or... whatever you guys said!"
They all look at you expectantly. You raise your arm. To total world domination... You aren't someone with very much self-confidence, but in this moment, you feel like a person who's destined to go places.
And finally, all of you together, led by Pat, let out a small shout of pride.
"Kristmas Krew forever!"
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After that historical moment, you all aren't entirely sure what to do.
"Well, wanna get out of here?" Pat asks the room.
Eric nods. "Yeah, sure. Next time we come here I'll bring my CD player and maybe some board games or something." Eric looks at Felino. "You read to go?"
She nods. "Yeah, sure." she looks at you, "Where do you wanna go, Fido?"
Pat scoffs for the 50th time today. "Why does he always get to choose?"
"Fido always has good ideas. And he doesn't like going home for some reason..."
Hmm. Where DO you wanna go?
>Go to the diner
>Throw rocks at AJ Mathers' house
>Go home
>Something else
Go-karting is our thru-line. Somehow. For some reason. Our constant. Friends come and go, but go-karts are forever.
Hell yeah Mr. White!
I want him to INITIAL D one in the present before the world ends
Sorry for the lack of updates in the past few days, anons! My father's been sick so I haven't had the time to do any proper writing. Should be back to it soon, though!
Thanks for keeping us posted, and very sorry to hear about your father.
Take some time if you need it, bro. Personal stuff comes first, if we waited that long (not that it was that long anyway) we can wait a bit more.
Best wishes for your dad, OP!
Take your time.
Thank you, anons! It all kinda came out of nowhere so I had no time to really think about how I could prepare updates and such while also dealing with it. I'll get back to it as soon as I can, rest assured!
Please do, when you feasibly can! I eas very excited to see this quest come back.
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Ah, yes, Go-karts. The mall in your town has a pretty okay go-kart place. It's a place you've been to a good amount. You like pretending you're driving an actual car whenever you're riding the karts. You've been asking your dad to buy you one for a while, but he keeps telling you that until electric and environmentally friendly cars are less expensive, you won't be getting one. You don't like your dad very much.
You do not know, in this current moment, while you're having fun with your friends, that as an adult entering this go-kart place would be the thing that changes your (estimatedly) short life completely.
Pat didn't reach the height limit to ride the karts, which is funny considering he was the one most enthusiastic about the prospect of riding them. He learned that day that the reason his father refused to take him there as a kid... was because he knew he was too short, and just didn't have the heart to tell him. He watches you, Felino, and Eric ride though, and tries to egg you on to do cool and dangerous stunts. None of you listen.
You end the fun outing, now having to deal with a thoroughly disappointed Pat.
Soon, all your friends go home, and like usual, you find yourself wandering the streets debating on whether or not you should as well.
You don't feel like dealing with your parents... but... HER...
That "her" is referring to your adoptive sister, Alice. Your father decided to adopt her after reading in some magazine that adoption is "like, totally fucking hip, or whatever". She's a lot younger than you, only four. She's a good kid. If you don't go home soon your mom is probably gonna choose to pick on HER. But, on the other hand, if you go home, she's DEFINITELY gonna pick on you. It's her favorite thing, really.
So... what should you do?
>Go home
>Wander until you find something interesting to do
>Something else
>>Wander until you find something interesting to do
>Wander until you find something interesting to do
There's always something happening somewhere
>Wander until you find something interesting to do
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You begin to wander, soon finding yourself lost. And, as you usually do when you're lost, you seek out guidance from your old third-grade music teacher, Mr. Bird. He's homeless now, ever since he got fired for throwing a chair at one of the kids, but he's an alright guy and the only person you really have who can give you real adult advice. He's also the only one who knows about what he calls "the inkling"... In the current day, Mr. Bird is dead, but that doesn't matter right now.
He sits in an alley (as usual) behind some cheap coffee shop. Hanging on the wall is a poster for that event your sister is going to in the next few days. She's pretty excited about it.
As usual, in Mr. Bird's arms is a kookinhoggin, a two-stringed instrument he invented, and was never able to sell. He looks up at you, at first confused, but when he realizes it's you, he chuckles.
"Hey, kid. Back for more advice? Or do you wanna talk about 'the inkling'?"
You nod.
"Alright, what's troublin' you now?"
>Ask him what you should do instead of going home
>Ask him for advice about Felino
>Ask him for advice about girls
>Ask him for advice about music
>Ask to hear a song
>Ask him for advice about your parents
>Ask him about "the inkling" again
>Something else
>Ask him for advice about your parents
>Ask him what you should do instead of going home
>Ask him for advice about your parents
>Ask him about "the inkling" again
Should we even bother ever going home, since we know none of it is going to matter anyway in the end? Maybe it's okay if our little sister catches shit?
>>Ask him for advice about your parents
>>Ask him about "the inkling" again
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You decide to ask him about "the inking".
Ah, yes, "the inkling". The inkling is this... feeling you've had ever since you were young. This feeling that... the world will end sometime during your lifetime. By your estimate, in the next five or so years. You have no real idea if it's true, it's just... an inkling. You don't really remember when it started, but how much you actually believe in it has fluctuated over the years.
When you were in the third grade, on a day when you were particularly anxious about the inkling, you decided to go talk to the school counselor about it. Walking past, Mr. Bird overheard your conversation, and that day, after class, told you that... he had the exact same thing! Now, your estimates differ, him believing it'll happen much sooner than you do, but it's something you could relate to. Ever since then, he's been sort of a role model to you... the only one you really have.
"You have any visions today, kid?" he asks.
Sometimes you have visions of how the world might end. Mr. Bird believes that the only thing set in stone is the TIME the world will end, but with each passing day, as decisions are made, the how of it can be changed. Mr. Bird often talks about how the only way to survive the inevitable is to try and push humanity into a less disastrous apocalypse. Mr. Bird is hoping for a nuclear war.
You tell him that no, you have not had any visions.
"I had a couple. I think it might be a meteor if we don't try and move the Earth or somethin'. I know the government put giant rockets in the Earth's core to keep it spinnin', so I'm sure they could do it."
You ask him for advice about your parents.
"Advice? Kid, your dad is a crazy hippie schizo and your mom's a former professional blowie-giver. Sorry bud, the only advice I have is GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN! You know that. That sister of yours is sweet, though, take care of her."
You ask him what you should do instead of going home.
"Well... face it, kid, there ain't much to do in this town. You could go-kart!"
You tell him you already went go-karting.
"Oh. You could go to the Mathers' place. That little diner."
Ugh... that would be fun, but... fucking AJ. You could give it a chance, but you'd probably rather deal with your parents than fucking AJ Mathers, the world's biggest psycho with the world's smallest penis.
What now?
>Ask him for advice about Felino
>Ask him for advice about girls
>Ask him for advice about music
>Ask to hear a song
>Go home
>Go to the diner
>Something else
>Ask him for advice about music
>Ask to hear a song
>Go home
The one man who cared...

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You ask him for advice about music.
"Well, kid, learn to play more than one instrument. While you can rely on other people if you really need to, you can't just put all your eggs in one basket. Trust me... I've been there. In the end, if the people around fail you if all you've got is one, then that's all you'll ever have..."
Mr. Bird looks down, a solemn expression on his face. You have a feeling this advice wasn't about music.
You ask to hear a song.
"Alright, kid. Here's a new one."
He starts repeatedly strumming his instrument in a strange rhythmic pattern, before beginning to wail.
Oh, and rock and roll.
You aren't sure if that was a song or some kind of strange, disturbing therapeutic ritual, but it was interesting nonetheless.
You say goodbye to Mr. Bird and finally decide to head home.
When you walk through the door, you are immediately greeted by the familiar smell of sweat and cigarette smoke. No incense or weed though, so you're assuming your dad isn't home. You look over to see your mother sitting in the chair she's usually in. She looks over at you with a look you can only really describe as cold hatred. She seems to loathe the very fact you even walked through the door.
"You've been out a long time," she says, coughing as she inhales her five millionth drag for the day. "I had to deal with your sister since your father isn't home."
You tell her that you were out with friends.
"Oh, yeah, I forgot you had those. Surprising, really. Anyway, go on, boy, I'm trying to watch my shows."
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You go upstairs at your mother's request. You really don't like her. You hate her, really. But... it still hurts to see her look at you like that.
As you begin to walk down the hallway (which is decked out in strange streamers and dreamcatchers year-round thanks to your father), headed towards your room... you're stopped. A little girl in an old homemade military uniform, wielding a stick that vaguely looks like a gun. It's your sister, Alice.
"Stop right there!" she says, in a slightly authoritative voice. She generally doesn't talk much, so she must be really into her little make-believe game...
What should you do?
>Raise your hands
>Playfully rush at her
>Tell her to move out of the way because you don't have time for this
>Just walk past her, paying her no mind
>Shoot her with finger guns
>Something else
>Raise your hands
>Raise your hands
play along for her sake
>>Raise your hands
>Raise your hands
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You raise your hands, pretending to surrender. It's then that she yells out the word "bang", before miming the action of reloading her weapon using the stick, before yelling "bang" again. You close your eyes and let your tongue hang from your mouth, pretending to be dead. She giggles, amused.
You feel like mentioning to her that what she's just pretended to do is DEFINITELY a war crime, but to be honest she probably already knows that.
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After a moment, she puts the stick away, walks up to you, and pulls on the hem of your shirt, looking up at you with a sad expression.
You ask her if she's hungry. She shakes her head.
You ask her if she's thirsty. She nods.
Makes sense. Your mother doesn't really try at all to understand what Alice needs, despite the fact that it's not very hard. She's mostly mute, but she can read and write, and if you just ask her what she wants, she can find some way to tell you... She's smart enough to get it herself, really, but she's too short to reach the sink...
You feel like you should help her, but you also aren't entirely sure if you feel like going downstairs to get her something to drink... especially since you'd have to walk by your mom. You COULD get her some from the bathroom sink, but you aren't 100% sure that'd be clean...
>Go downstairs and bring her up some water
>Get water from the bathroom sink
>Raid Dad's wine cabinet
>Ignore her and go to your room
>Something else
>Raid dads wine cabinet
Only the finest barefoot
>Raid dads wine cabinet
Early alcoholism
>Go downstairs and bring her up some water
>Go downstairs and bring her up some water
Doesn't wine actively make you thirstier?
>>Go downstairs and bring her up some water
>Raid Dad's wine cabinet
>>Go downstairs and bring her up some water
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You think about raiding your dad's wine cabinet because you're pretty sure he might have a few non-alcoholic beverages you can give Alice in there, but eventually, you decide it's too risky. You tell her you'll be right back with some water. She waves her arms excitedly as you leave.
As you walk past the living room on the way to the kitchen... the home phone begins to ring. Damn it. Your mom yells out at you.
You let out an exasperated sigh, walking over to the phone, and picking it up.
On the other end, you hear Pat's voice.
"FIDO! FIDO! Guess what, dude, guess what."
You ask him what he wants.
"Listen, I was talking to Logan Wilkingson, y'know, the kid with the big nose? Anyway, he has an invite to this house party that's happening tomorrow night! And he said... that we can PLAY THERE! Now, they don't have a way to set up all of our equipment, but if we bring an amp to set up the bass and a couple of acoustics, we could TOTALLY play a few songs. I talked to Eric about it and he said yes as soon as I told him, and apparently Felino was already invited... weird that she didn't say anything."
House party, huh? Could be a good opportunity... But, of course, there's the most important question. You ask him if AJ Mathers will be there.
"Well... that's the thing. He's hosting."
You say no.
"Come on, dude! I know AJ is a dick, but this could be big! Don't fuck this up for me, man! Plus, Eric and Felino are super excited about this! Could also be your chance to finally get some pussy or something!
You sigh. Why do things like this always happen? Whenever you finally get an excuse the world always somehow finds a way to shove you into a room with the biggest vagina in the universe, AJ Mathers. I MIGHT be fun, though...
What will you say?
>Tell him you'll go
>Say no
>Tell him you'll think about it
>Make up an excuse
>Something else
>Tell him you'll think about it
Fido puts the pro in procrastination.
>Tell him you'll go
For Felino, just like the start of thread 1.
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You reluctantly tell him you MIGHT go. You feel like you probably will just so you don't disappoint anyone, but you'd like to keep it to a "maybe" so if you really don't want to go you can still back out.
"Alright, I can take that! See you, man!"
He hangs up.
You head into the kitchen and get the glass of water you had planned to get Alice.
As you walk back towards the stairs your mom calls out to you again.
You tell her it was a telemarketer like you usually do.
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You bring the cup of water upstairs and see Alice sitting on the floor with a book. She reads a lot for a four-year-old girl who barely speaks. You hand her the glass of water. She takes a sip before placing it on the floor, running over to give you a quick hug, and then sitting back down. She seems pretty engrossed. That's that taken care of.
>Ask her what she's reading
>Go to your room
>Something else
>Ask her what she's reading
>Ask her what she's reading
I wonder what this prolonged flashback is leading up to
>>Ask her what she's reading
>Ask her what she's reading

Put it this way: this is the first I remember hearing of a sister. I... Don't know if she's going to make it, bros.
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You ask her what she's reading. She looks up at you, confused for a moment, before smiling. She picks up the book and shows it to you. Seems it's some Civil War history book. Looks pretty long... definitely not four-year-old reading material. She's really smart, hell, maybe even smarter than you and you're like twelve years older than her. She looks up at you with sweet, innocent eyes before looking back down at her book.
You love her, you really do. She might be the only person in your family you actually have any connection with, and you're not even related to her.
Suddenly, she looks back up at you... and speaks.
"Will you ever leave me?" she asks.
You're taken aback by the question but answer. You say no, and you mean it. She's been abandoned and failed by pretty much everyone in her life, you can't fail her too. But little did you know at the time, that you'd probably fail her worse than anyone ever has...
"Do you promise?"
Yes, you promised. Oh, did you promise...
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Your name is Fido Ballthrow, the 22-year-old college dropout, borderline sociopath, murderer, and soon-to-be corpse who got his best friend shot. You lay on the floor of your girlfriend Lily's home, surrounded by empty liquor bottles from last night. You're pretty sure Lily is still asleep. You have no idea what happened after you got to her house, but you do remember stopping at a liquor store (that you surprisingly didn't burn down this time), which probably explains the mess.
Feeling like a hammer being bashed against your skull, a knock at the door is heard. Goddamnit...
What will you do?

DAY TIMER: 24:00:00

>Go see Lily
>Yell out and tell the person to fuck off
>Go answer the door
>Do something else
>Go answer the door
>>Do something else
Peek outside the window to see who it is before we answer.
>Do something else
Wake Lily up and make her answer the door.
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You paranoidly look out all the windows, trying to get a peek at who is outside knocking, but none of them give you a clear view. You go to shake Lily awake, selfishly wanting her to answer it.
"W-What...?" she asks, groggily, "It's probably just the mailman or something, babe... go answer it..."
With no more choice, you reluctantly walk up to the door, reaching towards the knob with a shaky hand, before opening it.
Many ideas of who it could be pop into your head. The cops, Ralph, Felino, a hit squad, the devil, God, ANYONE! Everyone crosses your mind... but the person you actually see standing before you. Someone you haven't thought of in a long time...
It's your adoptive sister, Alice. And she's carrying... luggage?
"I'm here," she says, "it's me."
You... you... what?! You haven't seen her... well, since you moved out... Why is she here? HOW is she here? What the hell is going on?
>Question her
>Invite her inside
>Slam the door
>Hug her
>Something else
>"I'm here," she says, "it's me."
Powerful statement. Clear, not accepting challenge.
>Hug her
>Something else
Have her wait while we clean up the liquor bottles from inside.
Don't say anything yet
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You stare at her for a moment, bewildered, before going in for a hug. She pushes your arms away. You're hurt, but you understand... you haven't spoken a word to her since you were eighteen. You're basically a stranger to her.
You wordlessly pick up her luggage and bring it inside, signaling for her to wait. You also take an opportunity to clean the place up.
When you come back out, she seems... less than pleased.
"Why do you seem so shocked? she asks, "Did you forget I was coming?"
Not only did you forget, you didn't even know in the first place. Why is she here? How is she here?
"I called you last night." she says, "Do you not remember?"
She sounds disappointed.
>Question her
>Invite her inside
>Slam the door
>Something else
>Invite her inside
Stay strong, don't cry!
Swallow that sadness
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You invite her inside. You both walk into the house in complete silence, you sitting down on the couch and her sitting next to you. You stare at each other for a moment. It's unbelievably awkward.
"Did you forget?" she suddenly asks. She doesn't seem pleased.
>Question her
>Kick her out
>Call out to Lily
>Something else
>>Question her
>Admit you were really drunk last night...
It mjst have been obvious from the phone call, surely, if we drink several bottles of hardbar?
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You tell her that you were drunk last night and don't really remember what it was you and her talked about.
"Oh, yeah, maybe I should have guessed that."
It's surreal to see her, especially with the way she is now. She had just started to learn how to properly speak when you left, but now she's incredibly well-spoken and... somewhat cold. You're almost intimidated by her in a weird way.
"So, I guess I have to explain everything again?" she asks.
You nod.
"Dad is dead and Suha is in prison." she says, very matter-of-factly, "She killed him."
You aren't even sure what to say to that. Suha is your mother. She forbade Alice from calling her "mom", so Alice calls her by her actual name. You... are weirdly unphased by this news, at least not by the fact that it happened... You have no doubt that your mother would be capable of such a thing, and you have no doubt that her victim of choice would be your father. You also aren't shocked that it happened now. The world will end in a few days, nothing really surprises you anymore. But... for some reason... the news makes you frown, especially since Alice had to see that. You... really left her alone in that house.
Alice begins to speak again.
"I spent a few days at a friend's house, and eventually they told me I had to get in contact with you to see if I could stay with you instead. We managed to find your number, which was hard, by the way, and I called you. When you heard it was me you started crying, and after I told you the news you gave me the address right away."
She glances around the room for a moment. "Is this your house?" she asks.
You shake your head.
"Knew it."
>Ask her how it happened
>Question her
>Call out to Lily
>Something else
>Explain your situation (except for the part where we killed our girlfriend's dad)
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You tell her you're sorry for... pretty much everything. You can't tell if you're apologizing for what happened with your mom and dad, or for completely abandoning her. Both, you guess.
"Well, there's no fixing it now," she says.
The way she speaks betrays a deep... sadness. Or at least something negative. This isn't the sweet girl you knew before you left home, this is someone much different.
You begin to explain your situation. How this is your new girlfriend Lily's house, and that after some unfortunate events, your friend Ralph got hurt. While talking about this you remember two things. Not only is today the day of Alienfest, but Felino and Jon should also be in town. Maybe you should give them a call at some point.
"Mom told me you dropped out of college."
You nod.
"Seems about right I guess."
You remember all the times you used to call your mother and ask to speak to Alice, only for her to tell you that Alice doesn't wanna talk to you. There's no doubt about it, Alice resents you for abandoning her. This is... miserable... And you suppose she's your responsibility now...
>Ask her how it happened
>Tell her about the end of the world
>Question her
>Call out to Lily
>Call Felino
>Tell her about Felino and Jon
>Tell her about Alienfest
>Try to catch up
>Something else
>Ask her how it happened
>Tell her about Felino and Jon
>Tell her about Alienfest (INVITE HER!)
>Tell her about Felino and Jon
>Try to catch up
I feel like trying to invite her to a party right now wouldn't work.
>Call out to Lily
>>Make introductions
>Invite your sister to Alienfest
>Tell them about Felino and Jon
>>Speculate aloud whether Felino, Jon, and Alice might want to join your band
Since Ralph's out of commission and all...
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You ask her how it happened. She looks down at her lap.
"It was night. I was just sitting in the living room when Mom came downstairs all covered in blood and... smoking. She told me to leave the house and go for a walk and... well I was scared so I did. When I came back the cops were already there. I think she called them herself."
You note that the longer the conversation goes on the more she calls her "Mom"...
You sigh and tell her how sorry you are that she had to see that and that she's welcome to stay if she wants. You always felt that your mom was going to snap someday... a part of you is kinda glad you weren't there to see it because she would have probably tried to kill you too. Not that it would matter...
You think that maybe you should change the subject to a lighter one, so you bring up the fact you plan to go to Alienfest later.
You explain to her what Alienfest is.
"Oh. I guess that's cool... I don't know if I really wanna go."
Okay... that's fine... You decide to tell her about Felino and Jon.
"Oh, Felino? Like your old friend? I haven't seen her in a long time..."
You ask if she'd like to meet her again.
"Maybe. I don't know. I don't really see much point."
Wow, she's... kind of a downer... You feel weird thinking that, but... it's true.
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An awkward silence fills the room for a moment, and soon, unable to bear it, you call out to Lily. She groggily enters the room, stretching and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She seems... very confused to see who is in her eyes some random kid sitting on the couch.
"Psycho, who is this?"
You tell her that this is your adoptive sister Alice and that she'll be staying with you.
Lily chortles, looking at Alice, looking her up and down, seeming to try and figure out what her deal is.
"Hello, Alice," she says, "shouldn't you be in school?"
"My dad got murdered."
"By my mom."
"And it's a Sunday. I think..."
The room is silent for a moment.
"So... you into... stuff?" Lily asks.
"Like... what do kids like...?"
"What do kids like?"
"Do you think every kid likes the same things?"
"Well... y'know there's... trends and stuff I guess."
"I don't follow trends."
"Me neither."
This conversation is just RIVETING to listen to but you feel like you should do something...
>Leave the room to go call Felino
>Try to make conversation
>Ask Alice about her interests
>Tell Alice about Lily's interests
>Offer to make breakfast
>Try to catch up
>Something else
(Hello, anons, sorry for the lack of updates this past while! Been a busy weekend.)
>Offer to make breakfast
>Try to catch up
This seems good, innit?
>Offer to make breakfast
>Tell Alice about Lily's interests
>Tell Alice about Lily's interests
Help them find common ground while we cook. Then we can just let them talk to each other and retreat.
>>Offer to make breakfast
>>Tell Alice about Lily's interests
>>Tell Alice about Lily's interests

Disregard my previous vote. Fatfingered the keyboard.
Shit qst for a retarded pedocow.

Chcik out the better yellow diamond quest threadzzz >>6098844
This feels like bait.


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You tell Alice about Lily's interest in horror movies and music and mention to Lily that Alice used to be into the Civil War...
Alice is slightly surprised by this. "You actually remembered that?" she seems almost touched for a moment, but soon her expression becomes serious and displeased once more, "Whatever.."
Lily looks towards Alice.
"Civil War, huh? I liked that one movie... what was it? The Undea-"
"The Undead Rebels?"
"That movie was very historically inaccurate."
"Well, no shit, it was about zombies. I mean... crap... crud... whatever."
You suddenly stand up, exclaim that you'll go make breakfast, and leave the room. You enter the kitchen and pour a couple of bowls of cereal. Thank God you were able to find a reason to get out of that room... and you don't thank that guy very often.
Okay, okay, you finally have some time to think. Jesus, this is gonna be a long day. You're sort of happy she showed up because now you get to see her before the world ends... but you're also unhappy... because now you have to see her WHEN the world ends. You have to watch her die after everything you've done... or, well, not done. And after everything that's happened... Is it even possible to make up for something like that in a few days? Is there even any point in trying? Plus now you have to see Felino and Jon and that's sure to open up some old wounds... even though you are kind of excited. Okay, what now?
>Call Felino
>Bring breakfast back into the living room
>Call in Alice and Lily
>Sneak out of the house
>Something else
>Bring breakfast back into the living room
>Bring breakfast back into the living room
>Bring breakfast back into the living room
>Bring breakfast back into the living room
OP are you ok
(Hi! Yes, I'm fine. I apologize for the extreme lack of updates, life has just been a little difficult right now. My dad's been sick and all, and there's been a couple of other unprecedented things I've been caught up with that have made life a bit more hectic. I'll update if and when I can, and either way, the quest will continue.)
I hope things improve for you soon. You're one of my favorite QMs on the board.
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You bring the two bowls of sugary cereal back into the living room and offer them to the two. Lily shakes her head.
"No, I'm not hungry. Hey, kid, why don't you have them?"
"Both bowls?"
"Yeah, both bowls. I'm gonna... go outside for a smoke. Fido, you should join me."
You shake your head, but Lily glares at you, and her tone becomes more authoritative.
"Fido, you WILL join me, right?"
You gulp. This is not gonna be fun.
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You follow her outside for a "smoke". As soon as you get out the door, she turns around to look at you.
"What the hell is going on, Fido?"
You tell her you don't know.
"I thought we were supposed to die TOGETHER. Just us."
You tell her you're sorry.
"Sorry, are you? Yeah, that helps a lot. You know you're fucking up OUR last days, right? You do know that?"
You don't know what to do. A part of you wishes Alice wasn't here, but another part of you is happy to see her. And even so, Alice hates you, and now Lily is pissed at you. To quote the late Mr. Bird... "Women".
Lily looks at you expectantly. What do you do?
>Kick Alice out
>Call someone
>Something else
(Life has FINALLY slowed down so I should be able to get back to arguing. Once the thread archives I'll post a new one not long after. Sorry for the wait, anons!)
Ask her what we're even supposed to do, we didn't exactly know our mother murdered our dad and we can't just kick her out into the curb either.
She doesn't have anyone else, she's our sister, she's cool, the world is ending anyway.

And if that doesn't work...
>Leave with Alice, I guess.
>leaving with alice
Dude, we killed someone with a knife for Lily. We can't just bail out like that.
We can't bail on our sister, either. Not again, in the last few days she'll even be alive.
That's fair anon, but our sister does hate us. Lily literally only has us.
I suppose, but we're not the one being all controlling and weird.

Also, welcome back, QM! Got excited to reply and forgot to say it earlier.
>I suppose, but we're not the one being all controlling and weird.
Anon, I feel like you should have probably abandoned the idea that we could have a normal, healthy relationship when we stabbed a man to death and buried him in our garden.
+1 this. Like I get she's annoyed, but we're flatfooted by this situation too
We're not bailing out on our sister after the shit she's been through
Agreed, which is why I'm prepared to unceremoniously and impulsively bail on it or force an ultimatum on the basis of unsubstantiated apocalyptic prophecy, lol.

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