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A loud rumbling reverberated through the ground. Each second, another bang could be heard, as the rumbling got closer and closer. And as it got closer, a voice could be heard alongside each bang. The abandoned hallway shuddered, as the bangs got closer by each minute. Until finally, some of the rubble that blocked it was blown to the side and a dim light appeared. Dust filled the dark tunnel, blocking out the single source of light which came from an ornate lamp hanging from a staff. "Finally! That took way too long!" A female voice would say, as a small figure walked from the tunnel. She flapped her wings, blowing away dust and rendering the hallway more visible. "Geez, what a mess this place has become! That demon must've done an awful amount of damage to the facility after escaping us!" The voice said again, as the figure would look around a little. "I wonder which part we've ended up at and how long we were stuck down there."

Soon after, a far taller and more powerful figure would emerge from the tunnel. She walked gracefully into the tunnel, wiping away some of the rubble which had coated her clothes. "Hmmm, this place looks like it might be near the combat sector. I do not see anything suggesting we are close to any other location." The two would carefully look around, before the smaller one spoke up quite cautiously. "Do you think Tengri is okay? The power's out, and the place clearly took a terrible hit." The taller figure scoffed, approaching a wall and feeling it. "I imagine he made the wise decision and sought shelter. That, or he is also somewhere down here. Hmmm, perhaps he may also be with Titania? He did say she was perhaps the only one who could deal with that monster." The shorter figure would seem a bit more pessimistic. "Given how trashed this place is, I feel like Titania didn't succeed. I mean, not even we could deal with that thing! All our blows just did... nothing to her!"

The tall figure would contemplate for a moment, before letting out a sigh. "She is still out here somewhere, I'm afraid. After all, we were stuck for days, perhaps even weeks... yet nobody came over to save us." She'd turn to her smaller friend, looking down with a serious expression. "I feel like we have underestimated our situation. We weren't just stuck in an unreachable spot. After all, we broke through it after quite some time and with little issue. No, I fear that there is a greater tragedy going on. That we are some of the only survivors." The smaller girl would gulp a bit anxiously. "D-Do you think Tengri is dead?" The taller figure looked away, before responding more hesitantly. "I cannot tell for sure. What I can tell, is that we need to make our next moves carefully, and not let our guards down. If we see anyone who looks like a threat, we should opt to treat them as a threat, until it is confirmed they are friendly."
The smaller girl would give a nod, before grabbing the lamp on her staff with her tail. She'd spin her her staff around, as the nanites within it started shifting. The staff quickly started changing into an ornate brown and golden longbow. "Reactive offensive. Got it. Unless if we see Tengri, of course." The taller figure scoffed in turn, looking down the hallway. "Or any of the other scientists we know we can trust." The two looked into the distance, as the tall figure signalled her friend along. "Let's go, Zati." The smaller figure gave a confident smirk. "Time to save some lives, Nandi."

Of course, neither knew what was awaiting them as they entered the ruins of their former home...

After a spending around three and a half weeks in India, I have returned to writing! I’ll try and get a few posts out each day for the next two weeks, after which the quest may slow down due to an internship I’m starting. Aside from that, the usual stands.

This quest is mostly story focused, with no really deep mechanics aside from basic dice-rolling. The story is rather freeform in terms of what choices you can make and what direction you want to follow. What your goal is in this place and who you choose to trust is mostly up to you. Do you want to explore the place and figure out its mysteries? Or do you just want to shoot shit and cleanse this place of monster girls? No matter what you opt to do down here, I will always try to give options for what you can do. You can also always send in your own choices and suggestions on what to do. Either way, I hope to provide a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone. My writing ain't perfect, so I always do appreciate it when feedback is provided so I can improve further.

Shared docs:
You, your men and your allies:
List of scientists and subjects, along with some minor details:
The monster girls sheets as provided by the government tablet:
Sheets of monster girls you've befriended:
Previous threads:

Artist I commissioned for this thread's thumbnail: None, art by based local drawanon.
>Recap from the previous thread.
After finding some grim sights in the hallway, mainly a crematorium and signs of a bloody battle, Artyom would be injured by a trap hidden near a corpse. Thus, he would be taken back to the main base to recover. After which, you returned back and explored a nearby guard station. There, you discovered a pathway into the facility drainage and sewage system. Using a drone, you found an engineer hiding in there, who caused a bit of damage but ended up mostly helping. They gave intel about some subjects in the flooded section. Afterwards, you ambushed the guardsmen under the control of the Queen, taking them all down with ease and taking some of their weaponry along. Not to mention, some nanites which presumably kept them under the Queen’s control. Up next, you entered another office space, finding a little journal from a caretaker scientist. Afterwards, you settled near a collapsed path heading deeper into the facility. You taught the girls how to use weapons, which didn’t go all that well. Once everyone aside from you then headed to sleep, you would find yourself getting ambushed by a mysterious subject which forced you into a deep slumber.

Continuing from the previous thread...

Your body ached as you slowly awoke from what must’ve been a pretty bad night of sleep. Your back and neck hurt quite a bit, your arms and legs feeling quite stiff. You were slow to open your eyes, as you didn’t remember what on earth had happened to get you here. As you woke up and groaned, you heard a muffled voice which was presumably near you. “Guys, he’s awake!” It was Lars’ voice, you looking to the side and seeing Thaddeus and Morgan carrying you by the arms. Immediately, they’d look at you and helped you sit on the ground, as you started seeing and hearing more from the world around you. “Oh thank god, I was already worried. You alright, Mik? What on earth happened?” Mike asked right away, Zaria hushing him. “Shhhh, don’t just assault him with questions. Give him some time to recollect himself.”

As you sat down and looked around, you saw that you were quite a distance away from the forward operating base you were ambushed at. You were in the hallway approaching the green section from the west. Your men all quietly waited to hear what you’d say. The girls were also there, looking far more concerned and scared. Before you could talk though, Lars approached with some medicine and a bottle of water. “Here, take some of these. It may help you feel a bit better.” You definitely could use some water right now, and the painkillers would also help. It felt like you had slept on wood or something else really bad for your back. Though as you drank, Thaddeus would immediately explain some things to you to help you catch up. “Glad to see you’re awake again, Mik. We found ya unconscious or asleep early in the morning. Ya hadn’t woken any of us up, so we feared somethin’ real bad had happened to ya.”
Afterwards, Derek also spoke up, doing so a bit more seriously. “We take it you went unconscious quite early on. Zaria and the girls sadly didn’t hear anything, since they were also all asleep by then.” In turn, Zaria let out a soft sigh. “The one night I managed to get some shut-eye in, and it screws us over. Apologies, Mik…” Afterwards, Lydia would also speak up. “Thankfully, aside from the subject blood which went missing, nothing else has happened to any of us. Though, we were quite shocked and feared the worse once we woke up. We were gonna bring you back to base, until you… well, yeah.” It was quite a lot of information you were being given. Though, it was at least good to know that your group was unharmed. Still, the missing subject blood was definitely very particular. Regardless, your men still wanted to hear you tell what was going on. They just gave you some room to wake up and figure out your bearings. You were still a bit scatterbrained right now, though you got a feeling that feeling would leave you sooner rather than later at this rate.

>What do you do next?

>Thank your men for looking after you. Reassure them that all was well and that you were not gravely injured. Just taking things easy was probably good (Write in what you’ll say specifically.)
>Tell your men you were fine and that you immediately wanted to head back the way you came. You had no time to sit around and do nothing when there was a secret path you had to take.
>Ask them for further details about your state. Maybe they noticed something else about you which you maybe had to pay attention to now. That, or ask them about what else had happened whilst you were down. (Write in what you’ll ask.)
>Describe what happened to you before all of this went down. Maybe the girls would know something about the creature which forced you into your slumber? That, or they noticed other signs related to your sudden unconsciousness? (Write in what you saw, as well as potential speculation in your mind.)
>Ask the girls about some of the details related to what had happened. Maybe they knew about the subject, or the places you saw in your strange dreams? (Write in what you’ll ask the girls.)
>Something else…
While I was hoping we'd maybe get to play as one of the girls or other members of the squad for a bit while Mik was OOA, this works too.

>Describe what happened to you before all of this went down. The ambush from that subject and the dream that followed and repeated over and over again, along with how it seemed to almost be directions.
>Describe what happened to you before all of this went down. Maybe the girls would know something about the creature which forced you into your slumber? That, or they noticed other signs related to your sudden unconsciousness? (Write in what you saw, as well as potential speculation in your mind.)
Describe anything we recall about the subject along with the vision she showed us

>Ask how long we were out
Dang, the queen stole back the blood samples? She is super protective of her nanites huh.

I thought we were gonna be out for longer, but I guess the unknown subject knocked us out, gave us a warning, and stole the blood sample.

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let's rock fuckers
>Describe what happened to you before all of this went down. Maybe the girls would know something about the creature which forced you into your slumber? That, or they noticed other signs related to your sudden unconsciousness?
There's no reason to withhold any of this. In detail, how she approached, how she moved, how she looked, the sound of ver hoice and what exactly she did. I think the odds they might know the Dark One are low, but never zero. I think we could really use some extra-caffeinated coffee right about now. And what time is it?
Also, new policy for keeping watch. Always two people at a time!
The apparent flawless finding and theft of the blood samples is interesting. Could she instantly have homed in on them? Perhaps they are what brought Feng's attention to us and how she beelined our location.

Reposting the map because I'm fed up with having to dig through archive posts for the one time it was posted every time I want to get our bearings a bit. Where were we doing the digging on here?
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>Describe what happened to you before all of this went down. Maybe the girls would know something about the creature which forced you into your slumber? That, or they noticed other signs related to your sudden unconsciousness?
Given how your men wanted to know what happened, you'd sit down and told them about the last night. There was no point in withholding this intel. Thus, you explained how you were standing guard for some time when you heard a noise coming from the rubble. You had taken notice of a gap in the rubble through which a person could crawl. And after taking notice, you were quickly assaulted by what you presumed to be a subject which was surrounded by darkness. You gave a description of the subject based on memory. Given how she was completely enveloped by darkness, most features were quite difficult to discern. What you could tell was that she had relatively long horns, long hair and a tail just like Anofelis or Oreas. You also remembered her looking down at you a bit, meaning she had to be about a feet taller than you.

You wanted to go a bit further though. Clearly, you didn't just wanna leave it at that. You also explained how she ambushed you from the darkness, you either having missed her or her somehow avoiding your thermal vision. When you did see her move, she looked quite elegant and gentle. Even the way she put her hands on your head didn't feel all that forceful or aggressive. You also mentioned her voice, which got some of your men quite interested. "She spoke to you?!" Mike immediately said, Laura speaking up more softly. "What did she say?" You stated how her voice was very soft-spoken and soothing, despite how pained it sounded. Though more noteworthy was the fact that she asked to be saved, and stated she had to do this because of the Queen's control. You also remarked how some of that was told to you in a dream.

"Given she didn't harm you too much, I think she isn't truly evil. Maybe she's just under the control of the queen, like the guardsmen we faced off against yesterday?" Lydia would remark, which your men seemed to agree with. Regardless, you wanted to see if Laura or the other girls knew of this subject. Looking at them, you could tell that the girls had no clue who this was. Chrys was clearly thinking about who this could've been, Oreas also pondering a little bit. Kamara seemed unsure what to say, whilst Anofelis was clearly more focused on your wellbeing than trying to jog her own memory about this particular subject. And unfortunately, Laura also seemed quite blank about this subject, even bringing it up. "I'm trying to think if I know of this subject. My mind is sadly not coming up with anything. I would say my closest guess is this therapy subject, but she's a plant subject which you would've probably taken notice of quite early on." It seemed that figuring out who this subject was, was going to take quite some time. Still, you felt like you had plenty of time right now.
"So, did she show you anything in your dream?" Lars would ask, to which you nodded and quickly explained all the strange sights. The throne room, the path that led to it, the red fluid, the guardsmen. the cries for help. All of it was quite odd to your men, though it was also easy to figure out what it meant. "I take it she was trying to signal us where to go." Derek would say casually, to which your men all agreed. It seemed like the most logical thing she was trying to convey to you. Even then, there was still a lot of mystery to it. Where was this botanical garden, or the blast furnace section which you saw? Were the turrets going to be a threat? Or the guardsmen, for that matter? Looking at the girls, it seemed that they didn't know much about these things... except for one person.

"There... I do believe there is a section of facility which has blast furnaces somewhere within the depths of the facility. If I recall correctly, it was somewhere below the north eastern quadrant." Morgan would say, which immediately caught your attention. "Any way we could get there?" Thaddeus asked, to which Morgan shrugged. "I imagine such. I have not been there yet, but I am most assured we could go there if we trek even deeper!" Though, Laura did point out something important afterwards, which could make going to the north-eastern quadrant a risky option. "I do believe there are multiple places with blast furnaces. There might be one underneath us, or further to the south from here." It was probably worth going down right now, rather than taking the long trek back to the east from here.

>Ask them for further details about your state. Maybe they noticed something else about you which you maybe had to pay attention to now. That, or ask them about what else had happened whilst you were down.
As you listened to your men and slowly regained your bearings, you realised you needed some coffee right about now. Something with a lot of caffeine to keep you awake. "I'll start boiling some water." Lars immediately said, after which you asked what time it was. "It is currently about a quarter to nine. We've been walking for quite some time, and left the base in somewhat of a hurry. We tried taking a few important items, but some of our supplies are still there, I'm afraid." Anon said, which was definitely quite troublesome. Still, you couldn't blame them for quickly trying to get the hell out of there after all that had happened.

Regardless, you mentioned how next time, there'd be two people standing guard from now. Your men immediately accepted the offer, as you shifted your focus towards the subject again. You were left a bit puzzled by the fact the blood samples had stolen. Clearly, the queen didn’t want her blood samples out in the open. It was also worrying to see how easily the subject could find them. Clearly, the blood samples had gotten Feng’s attention, and helped her track you down. Though this did give Mike an idea which he was quick to share.
“Hmmm, maybe we can use that fact in the future? We can try and lure out more of her guards, or even this subject, with the queen’s blood. Then, BANG, we take them down and question them!” It was a bold suggestion, though there was one issue to the suggestion which had already been brought up. “What if it ruins the element of surprise if we capture some of Feng’s forces? We still know very little about how Feng’s blood works. And we’re not gonna find out more about it, given that it was stolen right from us.” Thaddeus remarked, which definitely made Mike seem a bit more doubtful about his plan. Still, it was worth taking in mind for future engagements. Any and all of Feng’s blood was bound to get her attention, for whatever reason. Perhaps she feared her blood being in the possession of others? Or maybe there was some sort of weakness which you could figure out from her blood?

Regardless, Lars would start cooking some water, as Oreas would quietly speak to you. “So, Mik, what is the plan exactly? Are you feeling okay?” You stated that you were fine, and that you just needed a lot of coffee right now. Aside from that though, your men were patiently awaiting to hear what the plan was for today.

>What do you do next?

>Just head back to the digging sight and start trying to see if you could go through the crevice. If it was what the subject used to get to you, it meant it’d definitely allow you to get to the queen.
>Return back to the green sector right away and get in contact with facility forces which were there. Maybe they had spotted the subject elsewhere around here? That, or there were other reports of her actions. (Write in what you’ll ask.)
>Listen in to Annie on the radio. See what sort of news she was bringing, now that she was no longer covering Mona’s death.
>Discuss some of the conclusions you could make based on what the subject did. Perhaps there were some matters related to the subject worth discussing? That, or you could ask Laura if she could make any guesses on who the subject might belong to. (Write in what you’ll discuss with your men.)
>Discuss some plans for the future. Perhaps employing Mike’s idea in the future wouldn’t be too bad of an idea. Or perhaps you could think of a more general plan of action for the day. (Write in what you’ll plan.)
>Something else…

(>>6077542 Hope the map is helpful for future decisions. Honestly, I should start each thread with a little updated version of this map to showcase where you are. It'd help for context at the start of each thread.)
>Just head back to the digging sight and start trying to see if you could go through the crevice. If it was what the subject used to get to you, it meant it’d definitely allow you to get to the queen.
We need to head back this way in any case. Not only is our stuff still there, but we haven't reviewed the camera footage over the bodies either. If we're going to be squaring off against Feng, possibly getting some information on who her heavy hitters are would be highly valuable before we head downstairs. And I suppose we can see if there was any activity in Arika's tunnels on our way past.
As for Mike's plan, I can definitely see where he's going with this but luring out Feng's enforcers to provoke a confrontation could be biting off more than we can chew if the next one's more dangerous and hostile since we have no idea who else she has in her service. Imagine if she subverted an arse-kicking type like Morgan, that wouldn't go nearly so well for us as a seemingly noncombatant dreamweaver who doesn't really want to hurt us. That and seeing that they're all unwilling slaves who may or may not still be aware has put me off my dinner somewhat and the girls wouldn't be happy about it either.
>Listen in to Annie on the radio. See what sort of news she was bringing, now that she was no longer covering Mona’s death.
C'mon. It's a given at this point that we tune in on long walks.
Backing >>6077636
As with >>6077640 , backing >>6077636
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Also posting this one of our wonderful drawfags drew in qtg a few days ago.

Speaking of drawings, where would Morg place on the above height chart? 6ft, wasn't she?
Optimal height for kissing while staring deep and level into each other's eyes.
I jest.
Or do I?
>Just head back to the digging sight and start trying to see if you could go through the crevice. If it was what the subject used to get to you, it meant it’d definitely allow you to get to the queen.
After Oreas asked what the plan was, you stated that you just hoped to go back to where you came from. You were fine, and didn't really feel like there was any point to travelling back. Especially since the girls would have to stay back somewhere around here, if you were to go through the green section. "Yeah, I was kind of expecting you'd want to do that." Lars would say as he'd get a few packets of coffee for you. "Well, if ya insist yer fine, I think it's only fair we head back." Thaddeus said in turn, to which your men all calmly agreed. Thus, you'd carefully get up and tried leading the way. Though of course, Morgan was quick to get beside you and put an arm around you. "T'is only fair I assist you further. It would be unladylike for me not to!" It seemed she insisted. Besides, there was no harm in her helping you out just a little bit. At least, for the time being.

>Listen in to Annie on the radio. See what sort of news she was bringing, now that she was no longer covering Mona’s death.
With that, you slowly started making your way back. Right away, there were a few things you wanted to discuss. You asked Lydia and Derek if they could check the camera footage. The guardsmen bodies and Arika's tunnel were both quite valuable to monitor, especially now that the dreamweaver subject was out and about. "Alright, we'll check right away!" Lydia said, as she and Derek got their tablets out. In the meantime, you also asked Anon to turn on the radio. You wanted to listen in on Annie to see if she had any news. Once the radio was turned on, you'd hear some of the more usual rock, rather than the quiet piano serenades from the day before. It seemed Annie was back to her usual self, as you waited to hear the news she had to bring today.

Whilst you waited for that, you'd also turn to Mike and would bring up his idea again. You stated that it was maybe worth it, but that it could be a risk if the queen had even stronger forces. If someone like Morgan was under the Queen's control, then it meant that it'd be highly risky to once again take some of the Queen's blood. If you even got the opportunity to do such. "Maybe. We do have Morgan by our side though, and she can potentially protect us from threats on the same level as herself. Not to mention, the element of surprise!" Mike still seemed sold on his own idea, though you and your men were still reluctant. The fact that the Queen had the help of the dreamweaver was just too risky to ignore. You also remarked that you got a feeling that all of her forces were unwilling slaves, which made you less inclined to hurt further innocent lives. "I guess, but they're still going to try and hurt us if they encounter us. In which case, we're going to have to kill them regardless."
Mike made a somewhat decent point, but the fact still stood that you didn't want to actively go out killing innocent lives. If you had a chance encounter with the Queen's forces, it could be considered. Though for the time being, you opted to not hunt them down in case you figured out a better plan. "Alright, if that's what you think works best..." Mike mumbled, it going quiet for a minute aside from the music. Though once the music stopped, you'd hear some rather important news from Annie.

"You're listening to VRCMG Radio with Annie Marconi, bringing you all your news about the deaths of innocent people, as well as the deaths of you 'honourable' and 'kind' war 'heroes'! More news has come out about the murder of subject 19-SF, called Nomi Onnayu. Nomi was killed yesterday night by a group of courageous and totally reasonable Blackstar forces. Nomi was well known for her violent and troublesome ways. With such vile acts as 'creating smoke screens to flee fights' and 'blocking off paths with hot water to avoid being followed', it is clear that she truly was a threat to mankind and deserved to be mercilessly hunted down and shot in the head!"

"The men responsible for this heroic killing was a Blackstar squad led by the valiant Sam Lefèvre, who's most renowned achievements include 'depriving his men of rations when they fail to meet deadlines', and 'sending new squad mates forward under the pretence of their armour making them invincible'. This wonderful man also has bravely stolen hundreds of valuables from areas he patrolled, which he courageously sells for his own profit! Truly, a man of status who I am sure many of you would like to meet. He can be found on the 30th floor in block D3 of the north-eastern quadrant, where he will graciously accept your meetings!"

Given the tone in Annie's voice, it was clear she had taken the news of this killing far more angrily than the news of Mona's death. Instead of giving a eulogy, or honouring Nomi with music, Annie just went for the nuclear option and basically gave away the guy's location and his darkest secrets. Your men were a little shocked and appalled by what this guy had done, though most didn't comment on it. The only one who did speak up was Morgan, who spoke quite angrily. "What a dishonourable crook! Why, if I were to find him, I will bring him to justice by my blade!" Clearly, there was no way you'd find that guy anytime soon. Even the other girls knew it, with Chrys sombrely saying: "Just... let it be, Morgan." The girls clearly didn't like to hear that one of their kind had died. "Did any of you girls know this subject?" Anon would cautiously ask, to which the girls all shook their head. "I've heard of Nomi a few times. She was peaceful, playful and very much harmful." Laura would soon mumble in a rather pained tone. Even Anofelis seemed a little bit down from the news of this subject, despite none of them having known her at all.
“So, uhhh, Mik, I noticed something quite interesting related to this subject on the tablet.” Derek would say shortly after, having taken a pause from looking through the various camera footage to check the government sheets. “Rather, it seems that this subject only got added to the tablet a short while ago. So, she probably was an unknown subject up until she was killed.” It wasn’t too surprising to hear that this subject was an unknown. Given how many of them you met, there clearly were quite a few unknown subjects roaming around the place. Still, maybe the sheet on the tablet could tell you a bit more about this subject and what she was like. Especially if you could then draw some comparisons between the way Annie described them, and the way the government described them.

Soon after though, Annie would go back to talking about other news. Nothing too interesting came out of it, as neither the Queen or the dreamweaver were mentioned anywhere. There only was more news about ongoing combat, where Annie tended to leave away the details and just tried to demotivate the people who were listening. Not much later, Annie was back to playing some fun songs on the radio, during which Lydia and Derek finished looking through all the camera footage. The two were busy chatting along for a bit, before signalling over to you. “Mik, we found something on the camera which looked at the corpses.” She’d show the view of the corpses, speeding up the footage a little. “Look carefully. It’s quite difficult to spot, but…” Soon, you’d notice a shadow like figure walking in front of the corpses and crouching. It was the very same shape as the one which attacked you the night before. It would stay there and check each corpse, before leaving without any noticeable signs. “How long ago was this?” Anon immediately asked, to which Derek pointed to the time in the corner. “It was around 1 in the morning at the time. So, this was after she presumably attacked you, Mik.” He’d say as he repeated the footage again. You sadly couldn’t see what the shadow figure was doing. It just seemed like they were crouching in front of the corpses and looking down at it. Though you could see them extending their arm to one of the corpses.

Up next, you asked for footage of Arika’s tunnel, which… Derek would quickly scroll through. Though somewhere around 4 in the morning, you’d see some movement in the tunnel, as these two black antennae popped out. They moved about, sensing the air before you saw the head of a rather large subject popping out. The subject had blue skin, almost completely black eyes with these orange irises. Immediately, Derek would signal Chrys and Anofelis to come over, with Ano immediately smiling brightly. “Arika! Arika is there!” She said excitedly, as you watched Arika looking directly at the camera. After realising what it was, she’d duck back into the tunnel.
Though a few seconds later, you saw some bits of rock and dirt being flung at the camera, most of it missing before hitting it. The camera’s vision was blocked a little, soon being presumably buried under more dirt as Arika had blocked off the view. “Huh, she must’ve known it was a camera and… blocked off the view with dirt so she could more easily pass by.” Lars would say, to which Zaria spoke a bit more sceptically. “To be fair, she pointed her head out without really looking around carefully. We still know what her face looks like now.” Though to this, Chrys would suggest something quite different. “I don’t think Arika is too afraid of cameras. She probably thinks that, despite her size, she can probably hide quite well. And knowing her, she probably just threw dirt at the camera to annoy you guys and tease you a little bit.” Regardless of why she threw dirt at the camera, it had clearly worked because the feed was completely black for the rest of the night.

Shortly after, Lars would finally give you your coffee, as he spoke up quite curiously. “Looks like we know have footage of two different subjects. One we know is ultimately harmless, despite flinging dirt at the camera. The other, well… you know best what the other is like, Mik.” As you sipped from your coffee and continued making your way back, it seemed that your men were thinking quite a bit about what these revelations meant for the exploration you’d do next. After all, Arika had clearly passed through this tunnel again, meaning she might come back in the future as well. You could potentially try and communicate with her further, or try and ally her. Though, there was also the matter of the dreamweaver, who you knew how to follow now.

>What do you do next?

>Head back towards Arika’s tunnel first. It was a relatively short detour, and maybe you would get lucky and spot her again. That, or you could leave a note to her to let her know you didn’t mean harm. (Write in what you’ll do at Arika’s tunnel.)
>Head back to the main FOB right away. Chances were, Arika was long gone and not going to return so easily. Besides, you had to chase after the dreamweaver and figure out what she was doing with the corpses.
>Check up on the corpses which the dreamweaver visited. Maybe you’d see what she was doing with them if you got close enough? (Write in what you’ll look for.)
>Ask the girls further questions about Arika, the dreamweaver or maybe even Nomi. Perhaps they knew more about these subjects which could help out? (Write out what you’ll ask and who you’ll ask.)
>Something else…

( >>6077674 Adorable Ano, though I do wonder why she looks so upset. Also, Morg is indeed exactly 6ft. Perfect for such, uhhh, intimacies if that is what you want...)
>>Head back towards Arika’s tunnel first. It was a relatively short detour, and maybe you would get lucky and spot her again. That, or you could leave a note to her to let her know you didn’t mean harm. (Write in what you’ll do at Arika’s tunnel.)
Let's see if we get lucky, let's send Ano down one of her tunnels and see if she can get her to come with us or at least convince her to talk with us, after considering what happened last night we need all the help we can get.
Oh yeah, welcome back OP, hope you had fun in India.
>Head back towards Arika’s tunnel first. It was a relatively short detour, and maybe you would get lucky and spot her again. That, or you could leave a note to her to let her know you didn’t mean harm.
We didn't actually leave a camera there, but it's a small thing to retcon in now right? Seems like she is of reasonable intelligence if she can recognise and think to neuter a camera.
We could leave her a handwritten note by Chrys, but getting her and us in the same location will be hard given we're still on the move. I would wonder if she is nocturnal given centipede and all, but time has no meaning down here so far from sunlight.
See if we can't send Ano down some of the tunnels to see if she's still there. If she isn't, leave her a note written and signed by Chrys (and Ano, if she can hold a pen) saying we're heading down this way, come down here if you want to catch up with us or stick around, since we'll be coming back here tonight to check for you around x o'clock (with a small battery clock, which I presume must be everywhere around the offices). I do hope she's literate - I wonder how many of the subjects aren't, if it was considered unnecessary for their training.
RE Nomi, not the fox girl! How will we touch the fluffy tails now? Annie, we'll need your fluff as a substitute. Also, being specifically designed for working with steam turbines seems a very niche and unusually civilian specialisation given the MO of the facility's work we've seen thus far. Shame, sounds like she might have been interesting to meet. And floofy.
Damn, a masterpiece like this was just left in a shithole like the qtg? What a waste.

>Head back towards Arika’s tunnel first. It was a relatively short detour, and maybe you would get lucky and spot her again. That, or you could leave a note to her to let her know you didn’t mean harm. (Write in what you’ll do at Arika’s tunnel.)
This plan seems good, say hi if she's there and if not leave a note

Actually have Ano dig a small hole in the area as a sign.
I mean, the thread wasn't up at the time, but I believe said drawfag has drawn a couple of MGFQ things in the qtg and not crossposted them, unless there's more than one doing it. Beats me why.
We could definitely leave some holes from Ano's claws and acid marks from Chrys as more verifiable signatures as you say.

It looks more like her "huh? What? You guys seeing this?" face than upset to me.
I'm being hammy for entertainment value but I have come round to rather like Morgan - while still sometimes irritating, she's a fun character and the only person outside our squad who we could really stand back to back with. I need my fix of lady knights since LKQ died and would like to see what colour her face goes when we grab her hand and run towards a fight to save the innocent and defeat the evil together as Lord and Knight.

And now for the customary Random Thought. It's strange how few other squads we've encountered down here given how many thousands of mercenaries there are kicking about. Is the facility really just that massive? Also, what are the plans for if we do encounter one? Obviously if they see the girls and start shooting, we shoot back, but do we kill them all to stop them tattling on us if they get away? And what if they're not hostile - can we trust them?
>It's strange how few other squads we've encountered down here given how many thousands of mercenaries there are kicking about. Is the facility really just that massive?
Brought this up in the first few threads and yes, the place really is that big.

As for the plan if encountering another squad, last thread was a while ago so I don't remember too well but I was under the impression that there was something keeping other squads out of this area.
We have encountered one before to be fair. But this place is a miniature underground city. Plus, our squad is one of the lucky/unlucky ones that's part of the expedition/deep facility patrol operation rather than asset protection/guard duty.
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Woops I forgor to crosspost it, again.

Also sorry for the lack of art of the other girls, I'll get to it, eventually... Ano is the easiest one to draw and my drawing juice works in mysterious ways

>Head back towards Arika’s tunnel first. It was a relatively short detour, and maybe you would get lucky and spot her again. That, or you could leave a note to her to let her know you didn’t mean harm.
Oh hey the threads finally up.
How did we get the queen's blood samples again?
I can't remember.
Was it through the office?
>Head back towards Arika’s tunnel first. It was a relatively short detour, and maybe you would get lucky and spot her again. That, or you could leave a note to her to let her know you didn’t mean harm.
With the news that Arika had passed by her tunnel, you decided to visit that first. Having a digging subject by your side would be tremendously useful to you and your men. Besides, it would be far easier and safer to go after her and convince her to join you than it would be to go after the Dreamweaver. "Well, let's hope we get lucky and that she hasn't already left and headed far away from us then." Anon said, which made Ano excited. "I hope she's still there! I'd love to have her join us!" The other girls also seemed excited by the prospect. Though Mike and some of your other men seemed a little less interested in acquiring another subject for your collection. Regardless, you kept heading the same way as before, going westwards and aiming for the chemical sector first and foremost. Though as you headed in that direction, you'd also start considering what to do to lure out Arika, or convince her to trust you. Some of your men weren't all too convinced in having Arika join your party, though they kept somewhat quiet as you had some suggestions.

You'd suggest sending Ano down into her tunnels, which Anofelis clearly didn't seem to mind. Laura was a bit more sceptical though, looking over Ano before concluding: "Isn't Anofelis a bit too risky to send in a tight tunnel she may not be familiar with? In all honesty, I'd suggest Chrys do such a job instead." Anofelis seemed find with either, whilst Chrys clearly preferred to let Ano do all the dirty work. "I'm not exactly good at digging... nor am I really fond of going into such tight spaces, I'll admit." Either way, going down the tunnel was potentially feasible now, so long as whoever went down it had some way to trace back their steps. You also suggested that taking Arika in was not necessary, just like Viridian. Arika could best serve to just give further details about this place and some of the threats you were looking for. You assumed that Arika was at least decently intelligent, so she likely would be quite the boon for intel purposes.

Though, there was also the very likely chance she just wasn't nearby, or that she'd remain on her own and would try to avoid you. In which case you suggested that Chrys could write a note or handwritten letter to her. "I can definitely try to leave a note. Just tell me what to write down, and I think I'll manage. I just hope she can read my handwriting." Chrys mumbled softly in response, to which Laura spoke up to as well. "I can help out, if you think you'd struggle with such a task, Chrys." Obviously, Chrys was more than happy with this offer, immediately accepting. Though you also suggested she could just burn some things with her acid, as that would be a decent mark to let it be known you were present.
"Hmmm, maybe I can write something with my acid? I just need to figure out what I should burn with my acid. Not sure if I can write anything on metal with it. Maybe some other material?" Chrys remarked, as she and Laura would start discussing this matter together. You'd also give some suggestions on what to write, telling her that you would go a certain direction. You'd also suggest noting down that you would go back to her location at a certain time, you noting that you could just get a clock from somewhere to help show the time to Arika. This did get you to wonder about how literate the subjects were, as well as if they were familiar with the concept of time. "A lot of places had clocks in them, and the time was always announced. Whilst they probably don't understand time based on the star we're orbitting, they do understand schedules and the fact that some things always happen at specific times, I imagine. Hell, many probably already understand the concept of time quite well."

This did beg the question about some of the basics which subjects learnt, as Lydia calmly asked: "What sort of basic things were subjects taught anyway? Did they learn history, or about biology, or other topics related to their creation and everyday aspects?" Anofelis was quick to respond to one of them, doing so quite proudly. "We were told all about humanity and their amazing achievements! I also was taught some things about biology and how I was made, but... it is a little bit complex." It was genuinely surprising to think that Ano might know some of humanity's history, as well as basic biology. But her knowledge was probably quite limited. Oreas would also speak up quite happily, wanting to share what she knew. "I was taught quite a bit, actually! Laura here taught me some simple maths, language skills, uhhhhh, history and biology!" To this, Laura would give some elaboration regarding subject teaching. "What subjects learn all really depends on the subject caretaker. Some caretakers, like myself, try and teach subjects a lot of things. Others... not so much."

Regardless, you'd keep going for some time, listening to more of Annie's radio and just casually chatting. Chrys was focused on her acid, trying to think what the best material was the best for etching things into. Eventually, you suggested that Ano could also write in the metal with her claws, or just dig a hole to showcase that she had been there. Given Ano's skills with digging, it'd probably be quite noticeable to Arika who had done it. Anofelis was quite happy to dig, though there was a bit of reluctance since it could take a little while. Still, it was something worth considering for when you did return to Arika's tunnel.

For quite some time, you kept on wandering the halls. You passed by the chemical sector, passing by the smaller office space and the bloody fighting site where Arty was injured. You passed by the food court, before returning to the head office and heading back upstairs.
And at long last, you'd carefully approach the hallway where Arika had dug through. You’d carefully peak the corner, not wanting to scare away the centipede girl or get ambushed. Though, you would be met by a rather messy yet empty hallway. There were more clods of dirt all over the place, you soon spotting the camera which was buried under rubble. Morgan would help get rid of some of the rubble, handing the camera to you and Lydia. “Camera is not damaged, thankfully.” As you two looked at the camera, you’d suddenly hear a loud scratching noise a few feet away from you. It didn’t sound too pleasant, some of your men gasping as they were taken aback by the sound. Thankfully, you’d just find that it was Anofelis who was scratching at the metal wall to dig through it. “Ano, can you please try and be a bit quieter doing that?” Lars would ask in a mildly upset tone. The rest of your men quietly stared at Ano, who awkwardly nodded and would try gently scratching at the metal. Needless to say, Ano digging a hole was probably not going to work out too well.

Fortunately, Laura and Chrys had already prepared some paper with writing and a little clock. Oreas and Kamara had also helped out, Kamara sticking one of her scales to the paper whilst Chrys used some of her dust to showcase she had also worked on the paper. “You think she’ll get the message?” Chrys would ask cautiously, to which Thaddeus responded confidently. “I think she’ll figure it out. Now, let’s place it somewhere safe where she can find it.” Thus, Chrys would put the note inside the tunnel she had popped her face out of. “Well, should we put the camera back again this time? Or should we just leave it be?” Derek would ask you, as it was clear that you weren’t gonna stay here much longer. You still had a dreamweaver to chase down, after all…

>What do you do next?

>Place the camera back, either underneath some dirt to keep it a bit more out of view, or just in its usual position. Keeping it hidden could be useful so that it didn’t get covered with dirt again, though it’d probably also look a tiny bit suspicious to Arika if she decided to stay here. (Write in how you’ll place the camera back.)
>Explore the area a bit further. Maybe Arika had gone somewhere else around here, and you could find some signs of her? (Write in what you’ll look for.)
>Just quickly head back to the Forward Operating Base again. It was only a short walk away, and you wanted to immediately go after the dreamweaver once more.
>Yell into one of the tunnels for Arika. Maybe, just maybe, she was still nearby enough that she could hear you? You just had to pray that nobody else was on the other side or nearby enough to hear you guys. (Write in what you’ll yell down the tunnel.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…
(Apologies for the delay in this update. Yesterday (and today as well) have just been infuriating, because my laptop just doesn't want to work with me at all. I'll send it to a repair shop tomorrow. Hopefully I can still use another PC nearby to post updates, since my shitty fucking phone also doesn't want to co-operate with posting updates for some retarded reason.)

(Anyway, >>6078567 these are some adorable expressions. I especially like the bottom one. The idea of her moving her head wings to show emotions is pretty adorable, and definitely something I should incorporate.)

(>>6078617 Queen's blood samples came from the Queen's soldiers which you killed. You took some samples of them, which contained some of her blood as well.)
>>Place the camera back, either underneath some dirt to keep it a bit more out of view, or just in its usual position. Keeping it hidden could be useful so that it didn’t get covered with dirt again, though it’d probably also look a tiny bit suspicious to Arika if she decided to stay here. (Write in how you’ll place the camera back.)
>Just quickly head back to the Forward Operating Base again. It was only a short walk away, and you wanted to immediately go after the dreamweaver once more.
Dream Ending time.

>Place the camera back, either underneath some dirt to keep it a bit more out of view, or just in its usual position. Keeping it hidden could be useful so that it didn’t get covered with dirt again, though it’d probably also look a tiny bit suspicious to Arika if she decided to stay here. (Write in how you’ll place the camera back.)
Same place

>Just quickly head back to the Forward Operating Base again. It was only a short walk away, and you wanted to immediately go after the dreamweaver once more.
Supporting the below

Also I think we should become a dreamcatcher. She clearly isn't fully under the queen's control if she's able to give us some sort of guidance.
Concur with the above. Perhaps a post-it saying "Please do not cover with dirt".

Very cute, but imagine encountering the bottom one coming round the corner in a dark tunnel. Anofelis could be terrifying without even trying.
Now for the million dollar question. Is her head "hair" smooth skin or is it all fuzzy wuzzy? We have yet to try and give Anofelis head scritches.

You want to try and bait her out and capture her? While I think we could pull it off, I'm still wary of doing that as I lined out last update and she seems to be under Feng's control enough to be coerced into doing things she doesn't want to and could possibly be remotely tortured or even killed if captured. Having her in our custody would also mean Feng has a constant bead on our location because she presumably has Queenblood in her.

I wonder how much foot-stamping went on when she discovered Andrei's office had been detonated and her expedition to it was a bust.
>Place the camera back, either underneath some dirt to keep it a bit more out of view, or just in its usual position. Keeping it hidden could be useful so that it didn’t get covered with dirt again, though it’d probably also look a tiny bit suspicious to Arika if she decided to stay here.
You quickly told Derek to place the camera back in the position it was previously in. "Huh, if you say so." Derek would say, as he and Lydia would get to work placing the camera back. In the meantime, Chrys and Laura finished putting away the note. Ano was still busy trying to dig into the wall, though wasn't getting all too far given how quiet she had to be. She'd eventually just give up and decided to dig into some nearby dirt which Arika had thrown into the hallway. It was probably not going to work well, given that it was quite a shallow layer. Still, nobody had the heart to tell her that just digging a tiny bit of dirt was not gonna do much.

>Just quickly head back to the Forward Operating Base again. It was only a short walk away, and you wanted to immediately go after the dreamweaver once more.
Once the camera was back in position and the girls were finished, you'd tell them to join you right away. You wanted to head for the Forward Operating Base as quickly as possible. "Okay, give me a minute!" Anofelis said in turn, as she was still busy trying to dig a hole. "Um, Ano, maybe just... leave it at that." Mike would say softly, to which the other subjects minus Kamara nodded. Anofelis remained focused on digging a bit longer. "But what if Arika doesn't know these are my holes?" She said softly, at which point Laura also interfered a little. "Well, she'll probably be able to tell so. Given the fact we mentioned you in our message and the fact you've also been busy digging around the place." Anofelis would keep on digging a few more seconds, before getting upright. "Done! Let's keep going now!"

Thus, you'd lead the way once more, heading back downstairs right away. You'd keep listening to Annie on the radio, not getting any updates regarding Nomi. There at least were some updates related to squad positions, and battles which were ongoing. It seemed the Oni was heading further northwards and had caused quite a few problems for some Blackstar soldiers. There were reports of major gunfights happening in the south-western quadrant as well. And more importantly, there was also a bit of news of some soldiers heading even deeper into the facility. Though most of this was just met with Annie's smugness and eagerness to see them fail. Hopefully, you wouldn't be in the same boat, given that you were also soon going to head deeper into the facility.

Regardless, you'd return to the Forward Operating base relatively soon. It seemed a lot of the tents and cooking equipment hadn't been cleaned up yet, though the more sensitive equipment was at least taken along by your men.
"Hope you don't mind the fact we didn't clean up too much, Mik. We sorta rushed you out once we saw you weren't waking up." Anon said, after which Oreas spoke up a bit more optimistically. "Hey, we stowed away all your important things, right? Your weapons and uhhh, combat items and the like." If anyone did wander into this place whilst you were gone, they probably would not have left with much. Maybe some rations could've been stolen by whatever hungry passerby there was. Or perhaps a tent taken along to be used for hiding. But aside from that, your men had managed to keep every important item safe. Regardless, you'd walk past the tents and minor fortifications, before once more approaching the pile of rubble which blocked the way. You'd look around for a moment, as Laura spoke up. "So, what are we looking for?" Only a second later, you'd head forward towards a bit in the top right. You'd wipe some rubble away, uncovering a sheet of metal which had come from the walls.

You'd pull the sheet away relatively easily, at which point you were met with a dark gap into the rubble. It was a decent size, being about a meter by half a meter. It was a smooth entrance, clearly having been carved open somewhat. Though looking deeper, it became a lot rougher and tight, you seeing that the squeeze turned and bent further ahead. It was quite a cramp looking tunnel, which your men were a bit put off by. "Fucking hell, you're telling me that the subject came crawling through this?!" Zaria would mumble in shock, as you'd carefully shine your light into it. "Are you sure that the subject came from this tunnel? It doesn't look too enticing to try and enter it." Anon remarked, to which Thaddeus spoke up more calmly. "T'is certainly rather cramped lookin'. But, this is only the beginning of it? Perhaps it'll become more accessible once ya go further inside?" Anofelis would also crawl up and look inside, poking her head in before speaking up more cautiously. "This does not look like something made by Arika. It looks... really tight and unpleasant to go through." Whilst Ano's first comment was just her being clueless, the latter comment did have some genuine reasoning behind it. The tunnel did genuinely look horribly difficult to enter.

Though, you weren't deterred. This was your main lead towards the Queen. The dreamweaver and the queen's guardsmen had to have passed through here several times. If they could pass through it with their ornate armour and bulky weaponry, surely you could also pass through? The only issue was that you didn't know how you had to pass through it. There could be multiple paths, dead-ends and other obstacles which would make travelling inwards the depths more difficult. Still, you had a few options available to you at the moment which could help you at least explore the squeeze and see how bad it actually was. Issue was, if it was worth taking such a risk to get through this tunnel to chase after the dreamweaver.
>What do you do next?

>Use your one crawler drone to go into the tunnel to see what it was like. Perhaps it'd be able to tell you just how bad this tunnel was, or if it was a lot safer than expected? Besides, if the place was trapped, you'd just lose a drone and not a person.
>Send Chrys in to explore the tunnel. She was smaller than any of you and could very easily pass through it, given her multiple limbs and smaller physique. You just had to find a way to communicate with her to ensure all went well.
>Have Anofelis get to work widening the path by carefully carving through it. Unless if she fucked up spectacularly, the risk of collapse was extremely minute. Besides, it wasn't practical to keep this one pathway this difficult to traverse, especially if you at one point needed to flee.
>Forget about this path. Sending in equipment or personnel was just asking for trouble. It was far safer to just find an alternative route...
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...
>Have Anofelis get to work widening the path by carefully carving through it. Unless if she fucked up spectacularly, the risk of collapse was extremely minute. Besides, it wasn't practical to keep this one pathway this difficult to traverse, especially if you at one point needed to flee.
There's no way Dreamweaver could have trapped it, right? With how tight it is and the size we observed it would have been too tight. She wouldn't have had the maneuverability. Hell, she would have set off anything she tried to set up.
Supporting >>6079100

I don't think she's under the queen's control if she can give us directions to help us deal with her. At least not directly. Plus, Feng's ability was stated to only work on small subjects. It never stated how small that was, which is an important distinction when some subjects are taller than a giraffe and others the size of mice.

QM, since this Nomi subject died, I have to ask. Is every subject we met, along with those that we haven't, that isn't with us on a timer for us to intervene and potentially save them or if it's RNG if they die or not based on their capabilities.
It's somewhat RNG based when or how the subjects die. However, as time goes on, I do think deaths will become more common. Some deaths will also be guaranteed as story beats at some point in the future. And some deaths will basically be unavoidable.
>Use your one crawler drone to go into the tunnel to see what it was like. Perhaps it'd be able to tell you just how bad this tunnel was, or if it was a lot safer than expected? Besides, if the place was trapped, you'd just lose a drone and not a person.
>Have Anofelis get to work widening the path by carefully carving through it. Unless if she fucked up spectacularly, the risk of collapse was extremely minute. Besides, it wasn't practical to keep this one pathway this difficult to traverse, especially if you at one point needed to flee.
Make sure it goes the right way and is passable first, and then send the bugdozer to widen it.

She's clearly under some degree of control if she's being forced to act as Feng's investigator, though she's not deep under like the human thralls. Remains to be seen whether that's spotty mind control or some other means of coercion. For all we know, Feng could have her friend hostage to force compliance instead.
I guess there's plenty of subjects that we might never meet. I'm concerned about the unavoidable ones. Especially if it's one of the subjects we care about.

I was thinking that since she actually is capable of resistance.
>Use your one crawler drone to go into the tunnel to see what it was like. Perhaps it'd be able to tell you just how bad this tunnel was, or if it was a lot safer than expected? Besides, if the place was trapped, you'd just lose a drone and not a person.
Given how tight the tunnel was, you felt that sending someone in there right away was quite a dangerous idea. Instead, you turned to Lydia and asked her to prepare the one crawler drone you had. "Of course, Mik." Though as she got ready to set up the drone, you'd turn to Anofelis and told her what you wanted her to do. Once you figured out what it was like within the tunnel, she could start trying to dig her way through it. If she could fit through the tunnel AND succeeded in digging through it, you were guaranteed easy access to the area behind all the rubble. Anofelis seemed quite happy to help, already walking towards the gap before you reminded her that it'd first be explored. "Oh, right." She said sheepishly, as she took a few steps back and eagerly watched. Lydia and Derek went to work with the drone, whilst Morgan, Thaddeus and Mike decided to watch guard from behind you. The rest of your men either just waited near the tunnel, or would help clean up the rest of the items which were left over from yesterday.

The crawling drone would soon head into the gap in the rubble, you watching along with Lydia and Derek. It seemed that the tunnel quickly had a bend in it, leading to a far tighter path which you had to literally crawl through to get through. "How on earth did those guardsmen get through here? Hell, how did anyone figure out they could safely go through this tunnel without getting stuck?!" Derek would ask in astonishment, Lydia giving a rather sombre response. "Knowing how Feng controlled them, I fear that they may have been forced against their will." She let out an audible shiver. "I cannot imagine how terrifying it'd be to crawl through a tight tunnel you know nothing about against your own will."

Derek nodded along, before speaking a bit more optimistically. "At least we've got the drone to help us out here. And once Ano dug through the tunnel a little, I think it'll be far less difficult to traverse through here. So long as the tunnel doesn't collapse..." Given that Ano had managed to dig quite well so far, you were hopeful that her tunnelling would go well enough. If something went wrong, it could end up really badly for poor Ano. Though surely, nothing bad would happen to her. She had gone through worse, after all. Regardless, the drone would easily crawl through the tight part, reaching another turn which went up. It'd probably be quite a hassle to climb up it, as well as an absolute nightmare to safely traverse downwards. Still, you imagined you could manage it somewhat if you just had a bit of assistance. After the path upwards, you'd reach a section where there were seemingly three routes you could take.
Lydia just went into the left first, finding that it quickly came to a halt. The right straight route would lead to a nasty drop and another extremely cramp dead-end. The middle route would actually take a turn leftwards after which you were able to go just a bit further. And after a few more turns and squeezes, the drone would reach the other end with little issue. The other side of the hallway looked quite messy as well, though you did notice some lights had been set up by someone. There were even electric wires and some camera systems. Though they didn't seem too active, given their lack of movement or light coming from them. "Alright, looks like we can get through." Derek would say, Lydia looking a bit more sceptical. "Those wires. I wonder if they're only attached to the light, or if they're powering something else." Derek didn't seem too worried. "I'm sure we can figure it out once we get close. Though if they are attached to something else, it's probably buried under a bunch of rubble now."

>Have Anofelis get to work widening the path by carefully carving through it. Unless if she fucked up spectacularly, the risk of collapse was extremely minute. Besides, it wasn't practical to keep this one pathway this difficult to traverse, especially if you at one point needed to flee.
With you knowing the way the pathway went and how to safely get to the other side of the rubble, you told Anofelis the route she had to take. You told her to be careful, since it could get rather tight and that she had to take the straight route, once she did find the split in the path. "Straight route. Got it!" You'd also give her a radio, which you attached to her horn with some rope. You told her to talk if she was in any trouble, or thought something was wrong. "Okay! I'll do my best!" She said optimistically, as you would watch her approach the small gap in the rubble. She'd start by feeling the rock with her claws, scraping at it and thinking out loud. "Hmmm, it's not too tough. Easier than what I dug before... I just have to be fast to not keep Mikhail and the others waiting..." Of course, Lydia heard this and would try and reassure Anofelis a bit. "Um, don't rush it too much, Ano! We don't want you to accidentally get yourself crushed. Just... take your time with it andbe careful, okay?"

Anofelis quietly nodded, before she'd start scraping at the rock to start widening it. She'd use all four of her hands and even one of her legs to widen the tunnel. It quickly became apparent that this would take quite a bit of time. In fact, after watching for less than ten minutes or so, your men had finished cleaning up the camp completely. Everything was stowed away in your backpacks, as your men were ready to get going. "Ano, do you think you can give an estimate for how long this will take?" Zaria soon asked a little impatiently, Ano pausing to think before speaking softly. "Ummm, I don't know... A day, maybe? Um, I'm not very good with time."
Hearing how long it'd take, Thaddeus would more gently ask: "How long did it take ya to make that tunnel in your previous home?" It'd probably give a decent estimate for how long this would take. Though given the lack of a way to tell the time and Ano's lacking intelligence, she still wasn't able to give too good of an estimate. "Um, I think... uhhhh... well, I slept three times before I finally finished it completely." It was hard to really say how much time that was. Given that Ano didn't really need to sleep, that could mean she worked for 7 days and only slept three times. Or it could mean she worked for a bunch of hours, slept for an hour and then repeated the cycle. Either way, it seemed unlikely that this would be finished extremely soon. With that in mind, your men would slowly start looking at you, as they wanted to hear what you'd suggest for the time being.

>What do you do next?

>Just listen to the radio and patiently wait for Ano to finish digging. You weren't completely on a tough schedule right now, and you couldn't rush Ano anyway.
>Tell Anofelis to throw caution to the wind and speed up by a lot. Maybe she'd be able to do this within only an hour or two if she really did some damage to the rocks and what not.
>Tell Anofelis to pause so that you and some of the others could already pass through. Might as well just try and squeeze through yourself and explore the other side whilst she was busy widening it for later. (Write in who will go through the tunnel.)
>Split up and go exploring the nearby area a bit more. You just needed a few people to look over Anofelis and ensure nothing bad happened to her. (Write in how you’ll split up and where you’ll all head to.)
>Try and offer Anofelis some help. Maybe Morgan could use her blade to chip away at the rocks as well, or you could give her some kind of moral support to help her focus? (Write in how you’ll try and help her out.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…
>Just listen to the radio and patiently wait for Ano to finish digging. You weren't completely on a tough schedule right now, and you couldn't rush Ano anyway.

Given the size of the tunnel I don't think we can help outside giving her encouragement.
>Split up and go exploring the nearby area a bit more. You just needed a few people to look over Anofelis and ensure nothing bad happened to her. (Write in how you’ll split up and where you’ll all head to.)

Definitely take Zaria and anyone else feeling antsy. Not sure about any specific locations, just making sure we know what the immediate surroundings are like.
>Split up and go exploring the nearby area a bit more. You just needed a few people to look over Anofelis and ensure nothing bad happened to her.
I want to reiterate my objectives from the first time we were here. Explore and search for alternate routes like service passages, plumbing, air shafts and such. While we have one way through, I don't feel comfortable only having one tenuous way in or out.
>>Split up and go exploring the nearby area a bit more. You just needed a few people to look over Anofelis and ensure nothing bad happened to her. (Write in how you’ll split up and where you’ll all head to.)
Let's try to look for some supplies, we gonna be stuck here for a while might as well see if we can find something useful.

>Discuss with your men…
Alright this might seems like a high risk to backfire but high profits if it works, we know Anne is on our coms, so how about we ask her help for safe navigation to the queen? The facility is getting dangerous by the day, with more dangerous subjects seems to be showing by the day and things get even more wrecked, some safe navigation would do wonders for our progress, we seems to be on her good side considering she's helped us before so perhaps if we explain to her ehy we want her dead she could understand, we could barter with her and say than if she support us in this mission we could help her and search for any people she knows who she wants saved.
>ehy we want her dead she could understand, we could barter with
I meant why we want the queen dead.
>Alright this might seems like a high risk to backfire but high profits if it works, we know Anne is on our coms, so how about we ask her help for safe navigation to the queen? The facility is getting dangerous by the day, with more dangerous subjects seems to be showing by the day and things get even more wrecked, some safe navigation would do wonders for our progress, we seems to be on her good side considering she's helped us before so perhaps if we explain to her ehy we want her dead she could understand, we could barter with her and say than if she support us in this mission we could help her and search for any people she knows who she wants saved.
I mean, I suggested this in the past so I'm in favor
Time for another Random Thought. What voices do you guys imagine the various characters speaking in when you read their lines, if any? Obviously the humans' names lend themselves to their general accents (ignoring that accents will be weird centuries into an interstellar future), but what about the girls? I think of Oreas as generally quite high pitched and young sounding since she's an oversized loli, Kamara as quite deep and shaky because she big, Chrys with a chipper "ISO-Standard Young Female Vidya VA" LA accent (c'mon, you know which one I mean) and Morgan with a sharp, smooth British RP. Ano though, I got nothing or much of a comparison point for how a 12ft La Mosca is supposed to sound. And for some reason I imagine Laura sounding all Brummie like Cat Deeley.
>Discuss with your men…
Is there NO otherway we could get in?
Surely there is another path.
The engineer, he took a radio from us right? (unless I mis-remember)
can we try reaching him seeing if he'll respond
This thing reeks of a trap. We know it, they know it. we need a better way instead of going through it. This is like being a tunnel rat in vietnam, we are going to get buried alive or worse. Digging a tunnel who knows of what length to get to the destination does not seem like a good method to go through.
>Split up and go exploring the nearby area a bit more. You just needed a few people to look over Anofelis and ensure nothing bad happened to her.
Given the time it'd take for Anofelis to be finished, you decided it wasn't worth just staying her doing nothing. Thus, you told your men that you would split up in groups. Some would stay here to protect Anofelis, for obvious reason. Those would end up being Morgan, Lydia, Laura and the other girls sans Oreas. Two other groups would go scouting the area for materials and to see what the nearby locations were like. The first group consisted of Thaddeus, Mike, Lars and Anon. The second group would be led by you, and would have Zaria, Oreas and Derek joining in. You told your men that you weren't looking for anything specific. That they were free to just explore what they found interesting. More importantly though, you told them to be on the lookout for any alternative routes which could lead towards the deeper sections of the facility. You mentioned looking for service passages, plumbing, air shafts and similar routes. "Air shafts might be difficult to traverse or break into. They were quite heavily defended, and often had multiple layers of security." Laura would quickly add, which did mean maybe the air shafts wouldn't be too useful. Still, given the powers subjects had, perhaps some could manage to use them for travelling through this place.

Regardless, the two groups would soon start heading back up again. All the while, Anofelis kept on digging and scraping away the rubble, Morgan keeping watch along with Chrys. Lydia, Laura and Kamara would watch over Anofelis to make sure nothing went wrong. You just hoped that Anofelis wouldn't make a crucial mistake whilst digging. Either way, you'd head upwards and returned to the office space, your two groups about to split and head in different directions. However, before you opted to part ways, you wanted to discuss something important with some of your men first.

>Discuss with your men…
You'd ask your men what they thought of contacting Annie again. Given that she seemed to be on your side, you thought she could help out with finding directions towards the queen. "I'd rather not rely on a subject, especially one who can blackmail us with this sort of stuff." Mike would remark, after which Thaddeus spoke up more neutrally. "I trust her somewhat. She did help us with Viridian. I just wonder if it's a good idea to risk becoming reliant on her. Besides, we got a decent lead for the Queen, right?" The suggestion was met with some mixed thoughts. Mike, Zaria and Derek seemed somewhat reluctant about the idea. Though given that Thaddeus, Anon, Oreas, Lars and you either didn't mind or were in favour of the suggestion, it seemed like it was worth at least trying. You'd even suggest offering her help as compensation, which made Derek speak up softly. "I doubt she'd need us for that, given how much she can see of this place."
You'd still keep the idea in the back of your mind, as you set up the radio and would turn it to Annie's channel. It was still playing some relaxing songs, you talking through it and asking if she could give directions to Feng's location. Unfortunately, the song would not stop playing, her not directly communicating to you. "Hmmm, maybe we ought to wait until the song has stopped?" Oreas would mumble, after which Anon responded as well. "That, or she'll make an announcement which has a hidden meaning in it." Your men were ready to hear something from Annie. And once the music stopped, Annie would respond, albeit not directly to you. "You're listening to VRCMG Radio with Annie Marconi, bringing you news about the 'brilliant' strategies employed by death squads, and the 'success stories' of your men! It is currently 10:23, and we got some delightful breaking news! There have been several reports that the brilliant minds working for the government are once again trying to track me down!"

Your men raised a bit of an eyebrow, as it was clear that this wasn't exactly what you were expecting. Though given that it was about subject locations, maybe there would be a link between your request and what she was about to say? "These brilliant soldiers have spent day and night trying to track me down, being rewarded generously in the form of 'kind words' and a salary most fitting of a slave to the government! Of course, I should remind these men that, even I don't know my exact location within the depths of the facility! So, I do wish you all good luck with attempting to find me. Your efforts are truly appreciated, fore the devices you use to try and track me down ironically allow me to see your exact locations! Fortunately, I am a kind vulpine, and this intel shall most certainly not end up in the hands of your enemies without my consent!"

Afterwards, Annie went back to just telling news about the facility. She never directly spoke to you, or remarked anything about the queen. It seemed that she either didn't catch your message, or she actively refused to elaborate. It was somewhat disappointing, given how you felt that you deserved some safe navigation right now. Especially since it'd help both you and Annie with saving more innocent lives. Still, once the music kept on playing, Oreas spoke a bit more curiously. "Did... did she say something related to the queen which I missed?" Clearly, she still thought there was a deeper meaning to the message. Though Lars would sigh and shake his head. "I guess she won't help us with this right now. I'm not exactly surprised by that, but I am still quite disappointed, I must admit." The rest of your men were quite neutral about the matter, with Thaddeus simply signalling to his group. “Let’s just keep exploring. Maybe, we’ll get an update from her at a later time.” It didn’t seem all too likely, but one could still hope for the best in a situation like this.
With Annie not being of much help, your group would once more split up. You started looking for any side-route which could take you deeper into the facility. You’d check every room, looking for any vent or shaft to get where you wanted to go. Most vents ended up being bolted shut though, it being quite difficult to really get inside without using tools or a lot of power. Sewage systems were also hard to come by, you finding one nearby which didn’t seem to have been used at all. Though as you would keep on exploring, you’d suddenly hear someone over the radio. “Mik! Thaddeus!” It was Lydia, you immediately responding and asking what was up. “So, uhhh, it seems… the tunnel was in fact trapped.” Immediately, you and the others would pause with your mission, Oreas looking extremely worried whilst Derek and Zaria waited to hear what had happened.

“Anofelis entered the tunnel and seemed to have gotten a pretty intense shock from something. For ten seconds, she was incapacitated and squirmed uncontrollably, bumping into rocks and other objects.” For a moment, you feared that Anofelis would be significantly injured. Fortunately, Lydia was quick to keep explaining what had happened. “Fortunately, she managed to crawl her way back out and seems okay now.” You even heard Ano’s voice over the radio a short second later. “I’m okay. It hurt a little bit.” You heard Laura and Kamara mumbling to Ano in the background, it being clear that they tried telling Ano to not move too much. “I’m going to check what caused it with the drone. Laura suggests it might be a repurposed bit of an electric fence system used on subject chambers. Either way, I got a feeling it’ll take a little while longer before we can actually get through here safely…” It was a relieve to hear that Ano was fine. From the sound of things, it couldn’t have been that bad of a shock. At least, nothing too serious anyway.
>What do you do next?

>Tell Ano to be careful once she continues. She clearly was fine, so she wasn’t going to stop anytime soon with digging. (Write in what you’ll say specifically.)
>Put the digging mission on hold completely. If the place was trapped like this, chances were there were even more traps in place which Anofelis could run into. It was not worth the risk of an even deadlier trap actually taking Anofelis out. Especially if you could find a safer route.
>Head back to the base right away and check out how Anofelis is doing. Maybe you could also help in some way to ensure the trap was disarmed or out of the way? (Write in what you’ll do once you return back to the base.)
>Just keep on exploring for the time being. Anofelis was doing fine, and Lydia was smart enough to deal with such a trap. She had a drone and the know-how to get things done. (Write in what you’ll look for, if anything specific.)
>Ask Anofelis how she was doing. Maybe you could decide based on her opinion if it was actually worth it for her to continue digging through the rubble. (Write in what you’ll ask specifically.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…
>Put the digging mission on hold completely. If the place was trapped like this, chances were there were even more traps in place which Anofelis could run into. It was not worth the risk of an even deadlier trap actually taking Anofelis out. Especially if you could find a safer route.
Look, I'm just utterly fed up with this. We've spent how long cocking about with and bashing our heads on this fucking rubble, there's going to be more traps (I don't think we've been led into a trap, but this is presumably their means of traversing so it'll have security measures) and possible even enemy forces, it might just collapse again anyway and any scenario ends with Ano or other people getting hurt and us just wasting ever more time digging fruitlessly. See where this sewer leads and borrow Morg to get us through some of these grates. What secures the air shafts exactly? If it's turrets or somesuch, they're probably powered down.
>Ask Anofelis how she was doing. Maybe you could decide based on her opinion if it was actually worth it for her to continue digging through the rubble.
If she thinks there's still an indeterminate amount of time left before it's usable, then I can back putting it on hold and going full exploration. Otherwise

>Tell Ano to be careful once she continues. She clearly was fine, so she wasn’t going to stop anytime soon with digging.
>Just keep on exploring for the time being. Anofelis was doing fine, and Lydia was smart enough to deal with such a trap. She had a drone and the know-how to get things done. (Write in what you’ll look for, if anything specific.)
Another way into the Queen's section, or another vat room.
>Put the digging mission on hold completely. If the place was trapped like this, chances were there were even more traps in place which Anofelis could run into. It was not worth the risk of an even deadlier trap actually taking Anofelis out. Especially if you could find a safer route.
Its a pointless death trap
lets get out.
Even if we get to our destination, its still a kill box.
>Just keep on exploring for the time being. Anofelis was doing fine, and Lydia was smart enough to deal with such a trap. She had a drone and the know-how to get things done. (Write in what you’ll look for, if anything specific.)
This is a giant ass facility, there has to be more then one path to a room.
Supporting >>6079668
>Ask Anofelis how she was doing. Maybe you could decide based on her opinion if it was actually worth it for her to continue digging through the rubble.
Before making any choices on what to do next, you'd ask Lydia if she could put Anofelis on the radio. You wanted to know what progress she had made on the tunnel. After all, had she not made much progress, it was probably just better to go full exploration mode. "Alright, here." Lydia said, after which you heard Ano's voice. "Oh, hey Mikhail! Don't worry about me, I'm not too hurt! I'll keep digging for you until you can get through, I promise!" Whilst it was sweet how determined Ano was to keep on working, you still asked her how far she had gotten. There was a moment of silence, before she gave a rather honest-sounding response. "Um, I'm a short distance away from the really tight part. I can speed up, if that is what you want." Given how little progress had been made, you decided to just call it quits. You told her to take a break and to join the girls and Lydia as they made their way over to you. "Oh, okay." She said disappointedly, after which you reassured her that you'd find another way and that she wouldn't have to get hurt again. "But, I didn't get hurt. I mean, I did, but it didn't... hurt a lot." Either Anofelis was too stupid to see how dangerous this was, or she really was determined to continue doing her best for you.

Whichever it was, you told her that you preferred it if she didn't get hurt at all, and that this was the safer bet. Anofelis didn't refute this fortunately, calmly responding: "Okay. Umm, we'll head over to you then." Shortly after, Lydia would come on the radio again. "So, we're cancelling the digging operation?" You confirmed it, before saying which direction you took. You also told her to take Morgan along, since you hoped she could help with breaking through some of the vents. "We'll be there as soon as possible, Mik. Just stay there, okay?"

>Put the digging mission on hold completely. If the place was trapped like this, chances were there were even more traps in place which Anofelis could run into. It was not worth the risk of an even deadlier trap actually taking Anofelis out. Especially if you could find a safer route.
You would also get in contact with Thaddeus and the others, telling them that they should opt to find different directions to get deeper. You'd explain how the digging operation was cancelled, stating that you felt it was a death trap to go down that route. Anofelis was struck by a trap once. God only knows what other malicious things were set up in there to take you and your men down. "Understood. We'll try and make our way over to ya lads whilst we explore." Thaddeus would remark, you giving him the okay before going your own way again. Though, you were most interested in the sewer system which you had found, since it could lead somewhere interesting. Thus, until Morgan arrived, that was what you intended to explore.
You'd return to the small side-chamber which led to the sewer system. It was a small janitor's closet, it having a few systems in place which seemed to check the water system. Of course, none of it worked anymore, no giving any readings on the water level, flow speed and other important details. Though looking down the grate which led towards it, you could already see that there were some small puddles and leftover bits of waste. Even then, you'd carefully remove the grate and decided to move down into the tunnel yourself. You didn't have Laura with you this time around, but you felt that it was just fine going down there on your own right now. Besides, who else could go down there? Zaria didn't have much armour to cover herself and Oreas would spell trouble if there were other death squads traversing those tunnels. Derek was a candidate, but the fact he had no drones to work with made you feel it was just for the best you went down.

Once you took the stairs down the cramped hole, you'd find yourself in an equally cramped tunnel. Whilst you could walk through it, you'd have to do so whilst hunched forward quite a bit. Still, you could see that the direction it took was... not towards the deeper parts, that was for sure. It just headed northwards, potentially passing by the path which you had found the engineer in previously. Though, it didn't seem to ever head more towards the centre of the facility. Though, you could also take the route southwards, which could maybe lead to an actual path further into the facility. Though you wouldn't explore these tunnels for long. Both because it was not exactly pleasant to crawl through, and because you wanted to stick with your men for the time being. Especially since the rest of your men would also soon go in your direction.

You'd thus crawl upwards, telling your men the sewers might lead further eastwards, though that you weren't entirely sure when or where you could take such a detour. With that in mind, you'd head to the hallway where you saw one of the air vents. It was quite closeby, you trying to see if you could already get through. It seemed it was locked quite securely, requiring some heavy material to really get through. Fortunately, you'd soon find Thaddeus, Mike, Lars and Anon re-joining you. Anon would take a look at the vents, trying to look through them for anything of note. "Hmmm, I don't see anything down the vent which could indicate some sort of security system. Though, I'd also not be surprised if they got some built-in traps or emergency systems in place to prevent people from crawling through them." Whatever system protected them, you felt that they'd probably not function anymore at this point in time. "To be fair, Mik, if that collapsed tunnel can have an electrical defences in it, I can see the vents still having some power as well. How things like these are powered is something we'll need to figure out." Lars would say a bit reluctantly.
It was a decent point, as these things could also run on emergency power systems. Though, it could also just be some minor paranoia related to the trap Anofelis encountered. Speaking of Anofelis though, she along with the rest of the girls would soon also re-join your group. Though from the looks of things, Anofelis was still a little twitchy from the electrocution. She had some mild spasms, and bits of her hair were standing up straight. Clearly, that shock which she said 'didn't hurt' had been quite strong. At least she clearly wasn't too bothered, eagerly joining you along with Morgan, Lydia, Laura, Kamara and Chrys. Immediately, you'd ask Morgan for help, as you wanted her to open up the ventilation shaft. "Ah, of course, Mikhail! It shall be a cakewalk for me!" Morgan would grab onto the ventilation entrance, before trying to pull with all her strength. And after a short moment of exerting quite some strength, it managed to break free with a loud bang. "Good grief, t'was quite tough, I shall admit. But, I succeeded!"

Looking into the ventilation shaft a bit further now, you could tell it'd be a similar albeit slightly more spacious crawl as the one through the sewage system. You couldn't see any weapons or obvious defensive measures, the ventilation shaft veering either northwards or southwards. There were also plenty of turns which it took both eastwards and westwards, meaning you could potentially use it to find a way eastwards. Of course, whether this was a feasible or worthwhile thing to attempt was the question now...

>What do you do next?

>Head through the ventilation shaft and see where you'd end up. Maybe you'd be able to find a way downwards into the deeper parts of the facility?
>Forget about the ventilation system and take the sewage system. You've already seen that one engineer take it, so surely it was the safer option. Especially since this place could very well be trapped like the previous tunnel.
>Send in a drone through this tunnel to see if it was actually safe or not. You still had the one flying and one crawler drone which could hopefully scan the area ahead for you. (Write in which drone you'll use and what you'll look for.)
>Forget about the ventilation system or the drainage system. Just head further south past the offices, and see if there was a different route which you could take. (Write in which direction you'll go in instead.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…
By the way, I'll send my computer to the repair shop tomorrow, which means I won't be able to make updates on it for maybe a day or two. In other words, I'm gonna have to try and get some phone posts out, which can be a real shitshow to get done. I'll try my best either way!

Anyway, hope the update is good. A part of me feels like the last two updates have been mildly lacklustre, but maybe that's just me and my desire to write a lot of cutesy interactions between characters.

Also, >>6079580 this is something I've thought about at times, but never really put to paper. I can imagine each voice quite well, but it's not like I can easily provide examples of them, unless if I find VA's who really do the voices well. All I can say is that Evander is voiced by Demoman's voice actor, and Thaddeus is voiced by the Scotsman from Samurai Jack.
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I understand that your current anons enjoy your quest QM and I gave it a go with the first thread but it had too many words... I am just complainning really because a critique would offer a solution to the problem I present. I can't say anything else besides "write less words" Maybe other QMs at the general could give you some pointers on update lenght or to how to present them if you prefer to write them this way, which is valid.
in other words, (for me) pic related is yikes
>Send in a drone through this tunnel to see if it was actually safe or not. You still had the one flying and one crawler drone which could hopefully scan the area ahead for you. (Write in which drone you'll use and what you'll look for.)
water bad
but depending on what the drone sees, I might be fond of the water.
Supporting >>6080395

It's probably hard to catch up if you've not been here for a while but even then reading just the updates of a full thread shouldn't take that long unless you are a slow reader or hate reading in general.
It's not so much about the volume of each updates but the formatting. And suptg/qst doesn't help much sadly. I will give it another go and finish the first thread. Maybe the problem was the copious exposition of the first updates; I felt I had to write down stuff like the avaible objectives, facitons and floors... I think the QM has experience running tabletop games
This last bit is true actually.
I did end up noting down some shit in the earlier threads just to make sure i don't get lost in the sauce and remember what to take account for later on with different plot details.
stopped doing it bc I could manage but def would sitll be helpful to make sure you don't miss anything up to this point.
>Let's split up, gang!
Break into two teams (Mik/Anon/Lars and Derek/Mike/Thaddy/Zaria) to explore the ducts while Lydia stays with the girls in the offices to scuttle around the sewers with the ground drone. ROE are do not approach anyone unless we have positive ID or can be sure of being friendly and if you see anything interesting, mark it and move on so we can keep covering ground. Everyone meet back up here in a few hours and make sure to mark out your routes. An intertial navigation system would be wonderful right about now.

In the rubble tunnel, I think the zapper was set up by Feng's flunkies. Not sure where the power was coming from but I reckon it was brought in and jury-rigged up as a trap rather than still functional in its original configuration.

If GDQM can phonepost an entire quest on mobile for years, I'm sure you can slum it for a couple of days successfully.
As for the last couple of updates, you shuffling up material actions to make room for cute is threatening us with a good time.
Do share anyone you come across who you think would match the voices, though having two Glaswegians in the same place is dangerous.

I can't really see what's wrong about this other than not fitting on your small screen. 2-3 posts an update is pretty typical for a quest and paring it all down would risk leaving on the cutting floor the plot points, scene details and characterisation in the fluff that - to us - add a lot of colour to the quest and its characters. I will say though that the quest took two or three threads to hit a vibe that worked well and gradually dial back on the crunch and I dropped off in the first thread too before getting hooked again late in the third.
First thread is more rough, but thread 2 is a lot better and going on it hits the right sort of stride. There's also the google docs provided that are quite helpful. And yeah, the QM has certainly run a pen and paper game before. Thread 1 he even admits to as much by saying the setting was based on an RP with the guy who convinced him to run a quest on here.

I change my support to this anon and agree with the last bit this anon says. Most quests have 2-3 posts worth of stuff in an update unless they are meme quests are full on crunch.
>Send in a drone through this tunnel to see if it was actually safe or not. You still had the one flying and one crawler drone which could hopefully scan the area ahead for you. (Write in which drone you'll use and what you'll look for.)

Hope the phone usage isn't too frustrating
>A part of me feels like the last two updates have been mildly lacklustre
I think the biggest issue recently is that things don't feel like they're moving along. Rather than "pick A through E, oh it didn't work this time but it might if you keep at it, pick A through E again", you should more often go with "pick A through E, oh it didn't work, here's how it not working changes things or what changed while you were trying it, now pick from F through J to deal with the new situation".
I see some tabletop discussion down below and the first situation is much more viable in that setting where you can get a quick response from the players and keep moving along. For a qst where there's only one update a day it can be frustrating for both players and QM when multiple updates are written only to result in multiple real time days passing with no change in the situation. It's why in an earlier thread I asked if you read any quests and tried to subtly hint that you should to see how they handled pacing.

It does sometimes feel like OP throws in a bunch of filler words to pad out an update even when it's unnecessary. Definitely a lot of opportunity to trim the fat. Also he overuses the word "quite".

Sorry this turned into a lot more criticism than I initially intended. I tried to keep it all constructive.
I can totally understand if my writing style and the formatting is something of a turn-off. And yes, like the other anon said, the first two threads were really me finding my bearings and figuring out a solid pacing, which I can imagine making it difficult to get into things. Fortunately, feedback certainly helped quell some of the my more problematic habits.

If you have some requests or suggestions in mind for the formatting, I am always open to hearing them. Maybe you'll suggest something which the other anons will also see as an improvement? That way, you can also get more into the story?

Phoneposting is definitely not impossible for me. It is just all so tiresome. Typing on a small screen is a pain, especially when the screen is quite fucky. It's also not helped by my phone just being aids in general. Obviously, I'm just gonna have to suck it all up and keep writing. No way in hell I'll have phoneposting keep me from writing!

>you should more often go with "pick A through E, oh it didn't work, here's how it not working changes things or what changed while you were trying it, now pick from F through J to deal with the new situation"
This might work and I'll definitely try it with the next update where such a situation occurs. I do have to admit that I sometimes feel a bit stuck between either not providing enough help when you guys are stuck, or that I will sorta ruin your own solution-crafting by revealing too much. I won't spoil much, but there was something you could've done to easily deal with the shock trap.

And yes, I do use the word 'quite' very often and tend to meander with my updates to pad them out just a little. I do sometimes feel I pad it out too much, but also don't want the updates to get too stale with just observations and no further thought processes to help.

I think with the next update I'll work on now, I'll try and trim that fat a little. And don't worry about sounding "too critical". I'd rather you be harsh and honest than hold back when there clearly is room for improvement.
an update can be concise, if the wordage is neccesary then its fine, but if you are just padding don't worry too much about it.
The more important thing is our actions in relation to what happens, if that is one paragraph less of text, then so be it. that said if there is stuff that DOES need to be mentioned, thats fine.
I reckon we could have come up with how to defeat the shock grille if we took the time to put our heads together but I threw up my hands because I'm frankly just burned out on that infernal rubble pile and don't really have the will any more, nor did I particularly want to dig through it in the first place as I have also stated my reasoning for before. That said, I assume Oreas would have been able to help disarm it?
If we're stuck on something and fruitlessly bashing our heads on a wall, don't feel like you need to throw us any more than the tools we need to solve it. If we can't see a way to solve it then that's not a dead end for us since we'll back up and try a different approach to the objective instead so the possibility of us irrevocably hitting a brick wall on further progress is low. In this case, finding a back way rather than going through the tunnel, though that's not necessarily a "can't" as a "won't" as outlined above.

I think your habit of including extensive thoughts and a monologue is a good one and while it's subtle it's one of my favourite points of your writing. Having them reflect the sentiment in the quest discussion makes the characters and audience feel more in tune with each other as well as giving other characters more opportunities to speak and also making sure to include arguments from the losing votes as an internal debate or conversation means players who voted for an option that lost don't feel left out. More QMs should do this.

While it doesn't drag it down much to me, I know what you mean by meandering and that there's room for improvement in general coherency and word repetition. While you've been good at taking and incorporating feedback so far, I'm just worried that what is fat to be trimmed to one person is needed flesh to another.
>Something else...
Instead of forcing yourself into a choice between the sewage system and the ventilation shaft, you instead decided to split up your party again. You told Lydia to stay in the nearby office with the girls, using the crawler drone to explore it further. "You got it!" She said, as she looked over the girls, who seemed between accepting and kind of disappointed to hear what they'd be doing for the next while. Still, they didn't complain, as they waited to hear what else you had to say.

You told the rest of your men that you intended to explore the vents up next. Though you'd first send in the flying drone with Derek just to make sure there were no weapons systems active in there. "Is it really a good idea to all go in there? What if we get lost? Or there are multiple threats in there which we won't be able to notice in time?" Mike asked as you stated what your intentions were here. You told them you'd spread out and try to avoid any threat. If anyone saw something which gave off so much as a threatening vibe, you'd avoid it like the plague. Only if you found something useful or someone who looked trustworthy, would you and your men be able to interact with it. Though most importantly, you told them not to pause at any worthwhile sights. Instead, you told them to keep moving and just note down any sights they saw. "Makes sense. We can cover a lot of area that way." Lars said in a pleased tone, after which Zaria made quite a good point. "How will we record everything? We just have the two tablets to work with, and nothing else, right?" It seemed your plan had hit something of a snag. Though, Derek did have a suggestion to this. "I can man the tablet from one of the offices, and listen in to you guys as you give directions. You just need to make sure distances are correct, and I'll be able to create a map of the place."

Whilst it would be a tough job, it was for now probably the best solution. Unless if you wanted to find some paper from the nearby offices and use those for a makeshift map. At least Derek could try coding something on the tablet to try and make this more manageable. Regardless, you'd tell Mike, Thad and Zaria to stick together, whilst you would stick with Anon and Lars. Your men quickly agreed to the suggestion, as it was far safer than just exploring the place alone. Though first, you'd let Derek scan ahead a tiny bit with the drone. He'd quickly get it set up whilst Morgan broke open the vent. The girls soon after left for the other office space. Though as they were about to leave, you told them you'd come and meet up with them in a few hours to discuss your findings. The girls told you they'd make their way back here if anything of note had happened, such as an encounter or finding something extremely important. And with that, Laura, Lydia and the girls left you be. You would watch as Derek send the drone into the vents to see what it was like inside, now that you could enter.
As you watched the drones camera feed, you were pleased to find that the vents did not appear highly defended. There were no gun systems, there didn't seem to be any tripwires. The only thing you would find was that some of the vents had wire mesh between them. Though these didn't appear completely solid or unbreakable, probably being easily destroyed by just using a knife or some other sharp tool. "I wonder if these are also potentially under electricity. If the tunnel Anofelis dug through had such measures, I can imagine the same being the case here." Derek said, which made Mike speak up in mild confusion. "That trap was probably set up by Feng and her lackeys though. Why would they put these ones under charge?" Given that you had previously seen turrets placed about which could've been activated by surviving staff members, there was still the chance that things were under a constant chance. And realising this as well, Derek would speak softly. "I think I'll test something real quick."

Derek would carefully inch the drone towards the wire mesh. Your men looked on in mild concern, as the wire could be deceptively more resilient than it seemed. And if it resisted the drone, it could potentially damage it. Though as the drone finally pushed up against it, the camera feed showed the drone spinning out of control slightly, followed by the camera feed becoming a little fuzzy. Derek tried controlling the drone, though it quickly fell to the ground at which point there was a large flash of light. And this time, the drone seemed to die completely. "Shit! This place is also under charge!" Derek said, much to the bewilderment of your men. "How can it be under charge?! Nothing else in this facility works!" Anon said in genuine bewilderment. "Are you sure you didn't just break the drone by flying it into wire mesh?!" Mike said in a more disgruntled tone, which seemed to make Derek a bit annoyed.

"The wire mesh was strong, yeah, but it wasn't what killed the drone! The moment it touched the vent, it got short circuited somehow! Didn't you see the flash before the camera died?! I don't know how or why these vents are under a charge, but they bloody are!" It seemed too ridiculous to be true. First the trap in the tunnel, and now the vents? Thaddeus was quick to try and calm everyone down. "Alright, let's calm it, lads. Derek, do ya have any suggestion for what might put these thing under charge?" Derek seemed to think, after which Zaria would give her proximate explanation. "I think that these are security measures for subjects. Considering what subjects are capable of, I imagine these measures were just installed for them..." It did seem highly unlikely that folk like Feng's forces were responsible for this. That trap was far more jury-rigged and makeshift compared to this far more integrated system. Regardless of what the system was for this trap, it certainly left your men irritated and unsure what to do next.
"So, now what do we do, Mik?" Lars asked reluctantly, as Derek suddenly had an idea. "Guys, I got it. Didn't Oreas say she fed on electricity? Maybe, she can come over and drain whatever battery is keeping the vents charged?" It wasn't the worst suggestion, but Thaddeus did quickly bring up a potential constraint. "What if it's too much for her and it still hurts her? For all we know, these vents have many batteries which she won't be able to drain at all. Not to mention, sending her into a potentially dangerous tunnel without protection." In turn, Anon gave a different suggestion on what to do. "The batteries which charges these vents, they should easily be able to be reached somewhere, right? I mean, those meshes and the vents need to be under some maintenance, so there should be some kind of control system for it nearby." A control system did seem logical, though finding it could potentially be quite troublesome.

"To be fair, I also want to run some tests with these vents. I highly doubt ALL of the vents are under charge, maybe a few sections. If we can figure out which parts are under charge, we can either find ways around them or locate the batteries which keep them charged." Derek then suggested, which wasn't the worst idea either. Still, it was another unfortunate snag to find yourself in. Fortunately, compared to the tunnel, there were a lot more solutions to this problem. Not to mention, nobody got painfully shocked this time around.

>What do you do next?

>Get Oreas over to try and help out. If she could absorb the electricity, she could lead the way and neutralize all of the vents.
>Explore the nearby area for a control panel for these vents. Unless if all of these vents were monitored and controlled in one singular area elsewhere, you'd probably find the power source sooner than later. Besides, you'd also get to explore other spaces this way.
>Let Derek run some tests with the vent system. Maybe he could figure out the limitations and source of the electricity running through this thing?
>Forget about the vents and just go exploring the hallways again. You had several hours to explore everything anyway, so chances were you'd find something no matter what.
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...
>>Get Oreas over to try and help out. If she could absorb the electricity, she could lead the way and neutralize all of the vents.
EMP might be viable here.
>Let Derek run some tests with the vent system. Maybe he could figure out the limitations and source of the electricity running through this thing?
Work with Derek, on that.
>Something else...
Muh Drone...Can we get it back? I named it Wally the Crawley already
>Get Oreas over to try and help out. If she could absorb the electricity, she could lead the way and neutralize all of the vents.
Failing this, we can chuck a bit of metal into it and watch it arc itself to death, go at cutting it with a knife taped to a plank of wood or summon Ano to dig into the wall and yank its wires out. Having Oreas do it does pose a problem however, since there's two teams of us and only one eepy electric eel loli to disarm the zappers.

The crawler is down the drain with Lydia, that was the quadcopter. Judging by what happens to bugs when they fly into an electric zapper, I think it might well be completely fried but we can retrieve it after we've disarmed the mesh.

Random Thought time. How long has it been since any of us last freshened up? Our gang hasn't made a proper visit topside in several days and anyone down here won't have been able to have a proper shower for weeks. Us and our men will surely be starting to pong a bit and get some decent stubble and I dunno if the nanite-fuelled biotech abominations do BO but I can almost see the hair mats and stink lines coming off Laura.
>Use some metal to short the vent trap to ground
Supporting. Just get Oreas to deal with it and be done with it.
>Get Oreas over to try and help out. If she could absorb the electricity, she could lead the way and neutralize all of the vents.
Of all the suggestion, getting Oreas seemed like the safest bet. She could hopefully absorb the electricity and deal with the trap. And if not, throwing something metallic in there could hopefully also do the job. Thus, you'd communicate with Lydia, asking her to send Oreas back. "I'll tell her right away." Lydia responded, after which you waited. You decided to wait with letting Derek test the vents. He could do that after Oreas was done and if she couldn't manage with the vents. It fortunately didn't take long for Oreas to return, her having clearly sprinted over somewhat. Though she tried to appear somewhat calm and collected. "So, uhhh, Lydia said you needed me for something?" Seeing the fact she was somewhat exhausted, Zaria pointed out the obvious. "Yeah, we did... Say, you came over real quickly!" Oreas would rub the back of her head a little. "Well, it sounded urgent!"

Your men looked at each other, as Oreas had obviously ran over to you for a different reason. Perhaps she really was eager to help you out. Or, she was just scared to be on her own in the facility and had sprinted your way. Either way, you wouldn't question it as you told Oreas what was going on. The drone had been zapped and she needed to drain whatever kept the vents charged. "Oh, okay! Anything else?" You told her that if it didn't work out, she should return. Though given how she didn't seemed too scared of being electrocuted, she probably had some experience with doing things like this. Before she crawled to the vent though, you also asked her to get the drone back. "Get the drone back. Got it!" And with that, she'd crawl up the wall and into the vent, disappearing from view. If this didn't work, you hoped Ano could at least dig her way in somehow.

"God I hope this works." Lars said, which made Mike speak up more softly. "If it doesn't, I hope it doesn't hurt her. Given yesterday's gaffe with the gun training, I don't want her ending up even further injured or scared to help us out." It was certainly a risk to have Oreas get injured even further. Though you were also concerned about what you'd have to do if this ended up working. You'd bring up to your men that you couldn't really split up into two teams if you needed Oreas to clear these things out. And before your men could say anything, you'd hear a soft dud and a pop coming from a nearby room. After which, Oreas spoke up from the vent. "I did it!" She sounded very pleased, as you heard her crawling back. She'd peak out from the vent, holding the drone out with two of her hands. "Huh, what did you do exactly?" Mike asked curiously, followed by Zaria speaking more concertedly. "And what was that noise we just heard? Was that your doing?" Oreas didn't seem too sure about the pop noise you heard. But she was quick to explain what she did actually do.
"I tried seeing if I could absorb the energy, but... it was gonna take a while, since there was a lot of electricity. So instead, I let out a burst of electricity which seemed to have done the job!" Your men were all pleased to hear that she had succeeded. Though there were still some questions about where the pop sound had come from. The most likely explanation was probably that it was the control panel for the vent's circuit being destroyed. You would've asked Derek, but he was currently looking at the flying drone. And after looking at it, he'd let out a sigh. "Whilst it's good we managed to neutralize the vent, the bad news is that our last drone is cooked. There's no way I can repair this thing without parts from the surface." It was a sad loss. The drone had done lot for you and your men. Though perhaps it could be replaced once you finally headed back up again.

Regardless, you would tell Oreas that you wanted to go into the vent as well, with the rest of your men following suit. "Would it be okay if I am the first to go in after Oreas? Just so I can maybe get an idea of how the electronics of the vent works?" Derek asked right after, wanting to run some further tests within the vent to see how everything worked. You'd give him the okay, as he went into the vent after Oreas, you following after them along with the rest of your men. The vent was easy enough to crawl into, you looking ahead and spotting the spot where the drone crashed, along with the mesh. As you approached it, Derek would make a rather useful observation. "Okay, I think these electric parts are limited to certain locations. Just look at the boundary here between these two sections of the vent." Indeed, there appeared to be a darker coloured break between the vents, which seemed to indicate that the section of vent you entered wasn't connected to the charged part. "Hmmm, given how many miles of vent there must be, I imagine they only put specific sections onder electricity." Derek continued pondering out loud.

Quickly after, Anon nodded and gave his own thoughts on the matter. "I presume those specific sections are connected to office spaces or hallways. Think about it: It'd be a pain to maintain some circuit which is buried deep underground. It'd be far easier to keep the charged parts in areas which are easily accessible." It seemed like a decent conclusion to draw. Though there was one important question which Thaddeus would quickly bring up. "So, how are these systems still charged? Ya think it could be related to whatever is keepin' the combat section charged?" To this, Derek shook his head a bit more doubtfully. "I think these things may have some local emergency power units. Something to keep them charged in case of situations like these." If they were on emergency power, chances were the system would go down sooner rather than later. Though for now, you'd have to traverse potentially actively charged vents.
Oreas soon reached the mesh, Derek getting beside her before trying to cut through it. Fortunately, the mesh wasn't difficult to get through. "Why do you think they've got these meshes in here, especially if they're this weak?" Lars asked curiously, Derek finishing up with cutting through them as he responded. "I'm not entirely sure. My best guess would be that it's for flying subjects who try and go through these vents?" Oreas would hesitantly speak up afterwards. "Maybe it's also designed for smaller subjects? Or, uhhh, other smaller organic things?" Given how fine the mesh was and how easy it was to break through, it seemed doubtful that it was intended for subjects. No subject would be small enough to fit through something like that. And the organics part seemed a little bit like a stretch, unless if some subjects were able to release pollen or other smaller particles.

Regardless, Derek easily cut through the mesh. Though this led to Thaddeus speaking up. "So, now what? Do we still split up?" In turn, Derek spoke up softly. "If we do split up still, you guys should take Oreas to deal with any more sections of vent which are under electricity." He'd say to you, Anon and Lars. It seemed that Derek, Thaddeus, Mike and Zaria would deal with the charged parts in some other way. "You sure? We can still stick together for safety." Lars said calmly, to which Derek shook his head. "I know how these vents work now and can be spotted now. I'll just throw some metal objects into charged parts to try and break them that way. And barring that, we'll just go a different direction."

Mike and Zaria both didn't seem to mind the suggestion either. They trusted Derek with this, even if it was a potential risk you were taking. At least Derek had a decent plan. And if all else did truly fail, he could always return to you and just join your group.

>What do you do next?

>Agree to split up like this. It was a good call from Derek to let you keep Oreas. She could be your guide forward, whilst Derek led the other group in the other direction.
>Just group up together. It was safer to stick with each other, rather than letting them explore on their own without a safe method to deal with the charged sections.
>Change the plan a little. Maybe there was a safer alternative for Derek, Thaddeus, Mike and Zaria? That, or something they could do to deal with the charged sections. (Write in what you'll plan further.)
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...

(Apologies for the delay in updates. Posting by phone is genuinely exhausting for some reason. I thankfully managed to find some energy and get this out. Anyway, tomorrow I'll hopefully be back to posting on my computer.)
>>Just group up together. It was safer to stick with each other, rather than letting them explore on their own without a safe method to deal with the charged sections.
Teamwork, make dreamwork.
>Agree to split up like this. It was a good call from Derek to let you keep Oreas. She could be your guide forward, whilst Derek led the other group in the other direction.
I trust you chaps to get it done and not get zapped.
Also give the eepy eeloli daughteru a clap on the shoulder and a good job. I hope this doesn't start an electrical fire....though the lack of fire damage in general in the facility is interesting given the damage and lack of a working fire suppression system
>Agree to split up like this. It was a good call from Derek to let you keep Oreas. She could be your guide forward, whilst Derek led the other group in the other direction.
If we've got rubber gloves give them to him, otherwise yeah using metal to short the charged part to the vent should work, as long as he's careful and doesn't get close.
Supporting the above yet also supporting the support >>6082315 wants to give to Oreas.
Gonna need to have a tiebreaker vote before writing the next update. That, or a switch in voter choice. Either way, my computer can only be picked up on Monday, so hopefully I can continue managing to phone post properly.
>Agree to split up like this. It was a good call from Derek to let you keep Oreas. She could be your guide forward, whilst Derek led the other group in the other direction.

We can cover more terrain like this
>Agree to split up like this. It was a good call from Derek to let you keep Oreas. She could be your guide forward, whilst Derek led the other group in the other direction.
With Derek certain he'll do a good job, you wished him and Thaddeus good luck. You told them to not get zapped and to contact you through the Comms if anything major happened. "Of course, Mik. You guys better be careful as well, alright?" Derek responded, as he would signal those behind him to crawl back. And after a short amount of time, you would be on your own with Lars, Anon and Oreas. The first course of action was giving Oreas a pat on the shoulder and telling her she had done a good job. You saw her smiling and her tail wagging just a tiny bit. "Thanks, Mikhail. I, uhhhh, I'm glad to have helped out!" You would head eastwards, opposite from the direction your men had taken. You'd pass the mesh, still being quite careful in case you were shocked again. Though you'd fortunately find yourself passing through the electric part rather quickly. Like Derek had suggested, the sections which were charged were presumably not all too common.

With that, you'd start a lengthy session of exploring the vents. You would start heading northwards, trying to find any route which could head deeper into the central facility. You would eventually find a route which did go eastwards, though just like the previous hallway, it was blocked off. Presumably, it was the same collapse which had blocked this route off. After backtracking a little and heading further south, you would find a few interesting paths. One section of the vent to the north went straight down. You couldn't easily go down it, given that you had no clue how far down it went and what was at the bottom. Still, it was one secure path which you could take to get deeper. You'd also find a different vent the the south, which headed straight up instead.

You'd keep exploring for some time. You'd get Anon to note things down, as Derek was difficult to reach given the distance between your groups. Still, you managed to map out a decent chunk of the offices. Oreas was also able to help somewhat, using her climbing skills to go up sections which you couldn't easily traverse. Though, it were only a few, since you didn't want to send her into anything extremely dangerous. She also neutralised a few more vents, which streamlined the exploration quite a bit. After what must've been a few hours of crawling about, you decided to head back again. The vents had provided a few alternate routes you could take, though whether they'd be easy to traverse with your full team in the future would be difficult to say for sure. "I hope Thaddeus and Derek were able to have some success." Anon said, which made Oreas also speak curiously. "Yeah. I also wonder how Lydia and Laura are doing. Maybe they found something useful in the sewers?" Lars and Anon seemed a little less eager about the sewers. Probably because they didn't wanna traverse them at all.
Still, you'd keep crawling back, losing your way once before finding the first vent which was destroyed. Thaddeus, Mike, Derek and Zaria hadn't returned yet, you taking to the Comms to try and reach them. Though as you tried to reach your men, you did get the signal from Lydia. "We're on our way over. Give us a few minutes!" And as you waited for them, you'd finally hear a signal slowly coming in. "Can you hear us? Hello? Mik?" It was Derek, you confirming that you heard him. "Ah, alright. We're a short distance away from the meeting point. Do you want us to come over?" You confirmed that the time was up and that you wanted to reconvene quickly. Immediately though, Anon would ask: "Did you guys find anything of interest?" To this, Derek unfortunately responded: "Not much. Destroying some of the electrified vents was tougher than I expected. We managed somewhat, but only really mapped out the vents through this office space."

It wouldn't take much longer before you were reunited with the rest of your men. Derek, Thaddeus, Mike and Zaria didn't appear too excited. Though at least they seemed more optimistic than Lydia and the girls. Laura and Chris seemed quite tired and bored. Morgan was clearly bored and somewhat impatiently looking around. Anofelis was a bit more peppy, though still remained quiet. And even Kamara didn't seem on edge, just seeming more confused and bored with what was going on. Thus, you'd tell them what you had spotted first, specifically focusing on the vent straight up and the one leading straight down. You also brought up that the vent eastwards was completely blocked off as well, which displeased your men substantially. "Great. Is there any path nearby which hasn't bloody collapsed?!" Mike would say, after which Laura tried speaking more positively. "We can try and take the route directly down. I believe there are some unique sights below us which could be worth exploring?"

You asked Laura and Lydia about what they had spotted, given that they also didn't seem too optimistic. "Well, I checked a huge area with the crawler, and sadly didn't find much of use. Most paths head towards the flooded section, with the options for routes leading eastwards being extremely limited. We did find one path further to the north from here which seems to connect to something further on. Maybe something which is behind the blockage?" It was one more alternative route. Though you also asked Derek what he and the others had found, just to see what they had gone through. "Well, we mapped out part of these offices through the vents. We did see some interesting archives and a room containing what looks to be a vat. Oh, we also saw some more testing chambers, but not sure if they hold anything of value for us." It seemed that you and Lydia had found a few alternative routes at the very least. Perhaps you could judge which of the routes were the best, or if just sticking to the main hallways was the best idea.
Though as you discussed the matter, Anon raised his hand and signalled something to the rest of you. You and your men recognised that he was telling all of you to keep quiet. You'd do as told, as Anon would head over to the door of the office you were in. He'd listen, before signalling to the vent and whispering through the Comms. "Laura and the girls need to go into the vent NOW!" Given his tone, it was clear he had picked up on something outside the room. "What, why?" Laura would say back in a hushed tone. "I just heard footsteps approaching! And not ordinary ones! Either it's a subject, or someone in proper armour!" Morgan already readied her blade, scoffing to herself. "I shan't hide in fear. Whoever it is shall face my just blade!" This was honestly the worst time for Morgan to stay back and fight. You had no clue who or what was outside. And if it was a death squad, having Morgan appear by your side would mean the end of your cooperation with the government...

>What do you do next?

>Tell Morgan to just go into the vent with the other girls and to quickly hide somewhere. (Write in where you'll tell the girls to head to.)
>First just head outside and check who it was. If it was a massive subject, you could always just hide and escape back into the room. If it were death squads, you could talk with them...
>Ask the girls if they heard or saw anything whilst they made their way over to you. They were the only ones walking out in the open for the past hour, so they were the likeliest to actually see if anyone was following them.
>Just keep quiet for a while and see if the sound passes by or stops completely. Maybe just waiting would give further clues about what was going on.
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...
>First just head outside and check who it was. If it was a massive subject, you could always just hide and escape back into the room. If it were death squads, you could talk with them...
At the very least we should be able to delay a fellow squad long enough for Morgan to be convinced to hide.
>Tell Morgan to just go into the vent with the other girls and to quickly hide somewhere. (Write in where you'll tell the girls to head to.)
>Ask the girls if they heard or saw anything whilst they made their way over to you. They were the only ones walking out in the open for the past hour, so they were the likeliest to actually see if anyone was following them.
>Just keep quiet for a while and see if the sound passes by or stops completely. Maybe just waiting would give further clues about what was going on.
If they were sighted, our appearance is suspicious to not have encountered a monster girl
If its a death squad, they mustn't know we are with each other.
Take no chances, total stealth. Get in the vent and seal it.
>First just head outside and check who it was. If it was a massive subject, you could always just hide and escape back into the room. If it were death squads, you could talk with them...
Might be Arika. If it's Feng's thralls, we shoot em and scarper. If it's a death squad, we try and defuse while they bundle Morgan away or formulate an attack plan.
>Tell Morgan to just go into the vent with the other girls and to quickly hide somewhere.
>Just keep quiet for a while and see if the sound passes by or stops completely. Maybe just waiting would give further clues about what was going on

>Either it's a subject, or someone in proper armour!
So it's not a group, its a single person? Could be a Blackstar soldier but why is he all alone? It's probably a subject and a big one if its making such heavy footsteps.

I would send in the crawler drone but I think its a tad bit late for that, It could end up being spotted coming out of the room.

My IP changed, I'm >>6078567
>>Tell Morgan to just go into the vent with the other girls and to quickly hide somewhere. (Write in where you'll tell the girls to head to.)
Morgan it's not a good time for playing hero, if those are death squad members then it would fuck us over and brand every single one of our team-members into traitors/targets, it would fuck over the others as well since except for you and us the others are not fighters and could get hurt or killed, hide it for now and if it's something really dangerous then we fight.
>First just head outside and check who it was. If it was a massive subject, you could always just hide and escape back into the room. If it were death squads, you could talk with them...
>Tell Morgan to just go into the vent with the other girls and to quickly hide somewhere.
You hoped to leave the room and see for yourself what was following you. However, that would require Morgan to hide as well, since it'd be highly problematic for it to be a fellow death squad on the other side of the door. Thus, you told Morgan that she didn't want to play the hero just yet. "Why, I am not playing the hero! I am just preparing myself for the worst! I got a feeling this sneaky bastard isn't one for honour and reason!" It was a bold assumption, one which made Mike groan and you explain why it was such a terrible idea. If it was in fact a death squad which had followed you, then the vents really were a lifesaver. After all, your men and the girls would all become targets if it was clear that you were working with subjects. It'd especially be dangerous for the girls, since they didn't exactly have solid ways to fight back, unlike you guys.

Finally, you told Morgan that you'd call her if she was needed. If it was a dangerous subject, or the queen's forces, she could come in to help. Morgan looked quite agitated, but thankfully lowered her blade. "Ugh, fine. But thou shan't shy me away from battle, if I sense destiny calling for my blade!" After Morgan spoke, Chrys would grab her hand and pull her along. "Yeah, yeah, you'll probably kick ass. Anyway, get in here with us right now!" Morgan thankfully listened, as she followed Chrys into the vents alongside Laura, Kamara, Oreas and Anofelis. There thankfully was little struggle, though they did make a bit of noise. Though they thankfully soon went quiet as your men awaited further commands. It was eerily quiet outside, as whoever was on the other side had gone silent. It certainly didn't help put you at ease about who or what was awaiting you outside. Though as you approached the door, you'd ask Lydia if she noticed anyone following them. You would've asked the girls, but it was better for them to just hide.

"Well, I didn't hear or see anything whilst we were heading this way. If somebody was following is, we would've obviously told you right away!" You just wanted to make sure, as there was always the chance that they thought they saw something which they dismissed. Though you'd maybe question the girls later. For now, you would prepare yourself mentally. You told your men it could be Feng's forces, or perhaps Arika. "I could quickly check if it's the former by checking the camera." Derek suggested, after which Lydia shook her head. "Don't, Derek. It'll take far too long. Besides, Arika could've just dug towards us from whatever location she was in." It was a little silly to be discussing this now, Mike soon commenting: "Let's just assume it's the worst case scenario here and carefully leave! If it looks evil or dangerous, just shoot it and don't question it!" Perhaps it was the best plan for now. Though you still prepared for it being a death squad instead.
>First just head outside and check who it was. If it was a massive subject, you could always just hide and escape back into the room. If it were death squads, you could talk with them...
You would slowly open the door, looking around the hallway to see if anyone was there. You didn't see anyone at all, the place just appearing empty. Looking up, you'd also not see anything on the ceiling. Even with thermal vision, you didn't notice anyone hiding using some kind of stealth mechanism. You would signal some of your men to follow as you carefully headed into the hallway. You kept your guns at the ready, in case some sort of monster decided to jump you. Though as you were outside with Thaddeus, Mike, Anon and Zaria, you'd hear some more footsteps a short distance away. And from a side room, you would be met by something simultaneously reassuring and anxiety-inducing.

"Was wondering when you would finally come out." A male voice said, as a Blackstar soldier stepped out of the room. "Apologies for putting you on edge there. My men and I just... we didn't want to bud in to you guys and scare you." The guys tone was a little bit concerning. He seemed friendly, but there was a smug tone to it. He would look over all of you, some of you keeping your guns at the ready. "You folk can lower your guns now. Aren't Blackstar and Lodger allies?" Despite the suggestion, Mike and Anon kept their guns raised, with Mike even saying: "I'll lower my gun once I goddamn feel like it. Have you guys been stalking us?!" The Blackstar soldier scoffed a little. "Geez, I was just trying to be friendly." He looked over his shoulder, before you watched five more men in power armour approaching you from a hallway to the side. "Relax, we're just here to explore this section. I mean, I didn't know there were Lodgerites already going through this place. Unless... Hmmm, is one of you perhaps that Mikhail guy?" He'd ask Mike, after which Thaddeus spoke cautiously. "Aye, ya heard about us?" "Let me guess. Because of the rabbit?" Zaria added onto that, which made the Blackstar soldier nod. "Well, we did hear you guys were travelling around these parts. Didn't expect you would've already reached this far south. I mean, there is quite the massive space to explore to the north here, right?" You explained you were just here to explore and hunt down any potential subjects, like the one who sung in the green section. "Ah, I see." He'd look over his men, watching them get beside him. "Hey guys! Check it out! It's those Lodgerites who took out the rabbit! They're here to explore and hunt!" The Blackstars would scoff and softly laugh to themselves, one of them even speaking up. "Isn't that why we're all here?" There were some more soft laughs, after which the main Blackstar soldier spoke up again.

"Anyway, you guys seem a little on edge. Take it that rabbit made you a bit more scared to be out here on your own or something. Don't worry though. We're not here to look for trouble, right guys?"
The Blackstar soldiers all nodded, keeping their weapons down. In the meantime, everyone sans Lydia had left the room. Your men still kept their guns close. These guys didn't seem nearly as pleasant as the other Blackstar forces you had encountered. "Ah, maybe introductions will make you guys a bit less anxious. My name's Nikita Giuliana. These are Abraham, Malu, Zeng, Gijs and Varren." Your men still remained apprehensive, not saying anything as they hoped you'd do some of the talking. Your men presumably wanted these guys gone right away, and they trusted you could help in that.

>What do you do next...

>Just calmly introduce yourselves and tell your men to lower their weapnry. The more reasonably you treated these guys, the quicker they left you alone. (Write in an introduction...)
>Tell these guys to get lost and that you were busy with something. If they pushed you on it, you could either lie about it or just tell them it's none of their business. (Write in what you'll tell them you're busy with, or what excuse you'll give...)
>Ask them why they are being so secretive themselves. Sneaking after you, keeping some distance away from you and your men. Turn this around on them and instead find a way to question them. (Write in what you'll ask them...)
>Offer them help with whatever mission they got down here. Maybe you could help in a small way which would get them off your shoulders? (Write in what kind of help you'd be okay providing them...)
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...
>>Just calmly introduce yourselves and tell your men to lower their weapnry. The more reasonably you treated these guys, the quicker they left you alone. (Write in an introduction...)
Be formal about it, they introduced to us we introduce ourselves as well.
>>Ask them why they are being so secretive themselves. Sneaking after you, keeping some distance away from you and your men. Turn this around on them and instead find a way to question them. (Write in what you'll ask them...)
Use that as a way to measure their reactions, and whatever or not they seem trustworthy.
>>Offer them help with whatever mission they got down here. Maybe you could help in a small way which would get them off your shoulders? (Write in what kind of help you'd be okay providing them...)
Just say we're kind limited what we can do since we're hunting another nasty subject but we can share some info if share what they know.
Support. Generally, I say to be mostly open with these guys - I don't trust them at all but the more fibs we tell, the more likely they are to start pulling threads and spotting gaps in our story. We're hunting a dangerous and undocumented subject and are trying to get to the lower levels to pick up their trail, but the way ahead is thoroughly blocked and we're scouting for other ways down with no luck yet. That should be mostly the truth without any shifty holes in it or providing them much useful information.

We could propose an intel trade. If they've come by any juicy bits of information that could help us, we might be able to trade it for one of Andrei Files for a subject we want to see dead like Grise or Nicola. Or just see what else we can scrounge from our notes for exchange value.

Also, chaps, sneaking around jumpy and heavily armed death squads is just going to cause friendly fire incidents. Don't do it. You tailing us, or are we just hiding from each other? I have a suspicion that if we seem sus to them, they will try and stalk us some even after leaving.
>Ask them why they are being so secretive themselves. Sneaking after you, keeping some distance away from you and your men. Turn this around on them and instead find a way to question them. (Write in what you'll ask them...)
Ask them what they've found out about this area. They're scouts, aren't they? Surely they've been doing their jobs. A way around the collapsed rubble in particular would be nice.
>Just calmly introduce yourselves and tell your men to lower their weapnry. The more reasonably you treated these guys, the quicker they left you alone. (Write in an introduction...)
We are both mercs, we can play it cool. These are blackstar soldiers, they will not fair well in direct combat, they are great scouts, but low level combat threats.
Also blackstar is one of the more reasonable groups. Even if they look a little less reasonable.
>Offer them help with whatever mission they got down here. Maybe you could help in a small way which would get them off your shoulders? (Write in what kind of help you'd be okay providing them...)
They are scouting here? Which way did they come in from? We would've known if they came from the green area. Also, where are they planning on heading? We've heard the deeper parts of the facility near the center are incredibly dangerous, surely they don't plan on heading there?
Small talk helps build mutual ground, tension is only in the air so long as we keep things tense. This is sufficent base to go from here.
Everyone else voted against it. But I would avoid being accusatory about them stalking. They are blackstar, their whole thing is secretly exploring and they just said they just came in exploring this area. We haven't been had yet, (or they would've mentioned it) but otherwise we need to play it cool.

All this mentioned, we defintely need to find a place to store the monster girls after this. I forgot from last thread the greater priority is storing them somewhere so we can move forward without having to worry about losing our entire return base due to treason.
>Just calmly introduce yourselves and tell your men to lower their weaponry. The more reasonably you treated these guys, the quicker they left you alone.
Seeing how the Blackstar forces had introduced themselves somewhat formally, you decided to return the favour and introduce yourself. You gave your name, as well as the names of the rest of your men. Your men would lower their guns, which made one of the Blackstar soldiers speak up more teasingly. "There we go. No need to be so on edge and keep those scary guns pointed at us. We're all friends here!" Afterwards, Nikita would offer a handshake to you. "Well, it certainly is a pleasure to meet you and your men, Mikhail. I must say, it's... an honour to be in the presence of a death squad who fought a truly menacing beast. Do tell us more about how you took down that beast! From what I heard, she was quite the menace!" You continued to try and remain amicable. You would give a simple response, trying to be somewhat honest about how the rabbit was indeed quite dangerous. "Uhuh. She even took out some of your men, right?" One of the Blackstars asked in a rather aloof tone, your men clearly not liking the way he brought it up. Still, you answered honestly, before deciding to push the conversation elsewhere.

>Ask them why they are being so secretive themselves. Sneaking after you, keeping some distance away from you and your men. Turn this around on them and instead find a way to question them.
You'd ask them what they were up to and what they had found in this area. They were meant to be scouts after all, so they surely had found something of value. "Oh, you know... dead people, really. We've only recently reached these parts. The section to the south of here was already a lot more thoroughly explored than these parts. But, I have heard of some dead people being here as well." Nikita responded, after which he took a slightly more respectful tone. "Including, unfortunately, some other Blackstar members..."

Given the corpses you had previously found, it made sense for these guys to be aware of the Blackstars you had found in this place. You'd try and be civil as well, telling him that it was quite a shame that such fine men had to perish. It actually did seem to do a decent job in making them a bit less smug and arrogant. "Indeed. But hey, we'll find whoever is responsible and try our damndest to make them regret it! I'm sure you can understand such a desire for... revenge, given some of your own losses." You decided then was the best time to ask about a way around the collapsed hallway. You didn't specify why you wanted to go around the collapse you had encountered, but Nikita and his men would hopefully believe that you wanted to know for reasons related to vengeance. "Hmmmm, where's this collapse exactly?" One of Nikita's men asked, you giving vague directions about it being to the east from here. The men would mumble to each other, before one stepped forward with a response.
"There's plenty of pathways to the south of here which lead towards the centre. If you intend to go deeper underground, those routes also can lead you there." One man said, Derek becoming more curious. "Is this noted down on the government map, by any chance?" The Blackstars nodded, as one would even go over to Derek to try and show him. In the meantime though, you felt that these guys had been quite honest. Maybe a bit brash, but they were starting to tone it down a bit. You used this pause to try and be a bit more inquisitive and question their actions. You asked them why they were kind of stalking you. Of course, you wanted to keep the more relaxed conversation going, not trying to sound accusatory. There was a short pause, before Nikita scoffed. “Because we had no clue what the hell was awaiting us here? You had nobody standing guard. We heard sounds coming from this place, so we decided to investigate it.”

It seemed like a genuine reaction, as well as a decent-ish reason as to why they were tailing you. Still, how they managed to hear you guys move about in the distance without seeing you was a little odd. How they spotted you was definitely something which left you scratching your head a bit. You weren’t going to push it further, given that Nikita and his men definitely were still questioning what you had been up to. Before he could ask you about that though, you would take the time to ask them where they were heading as well. You mentioned that they had passed paths which went deeper, which would’ve on paper been far more lucrative to search than these parts. “Well, we were heading up north to see if we could find who killed our men. That, and we wanna avoid the dangers of those depths for now. Besides, plenty of folk who are more than happy to explore those parts, right?”

Afterwards, one of Nikita’s men spoke in a far more intrigued and inquisitive tone, finally forcing you to explain yourself as well. “So, what about you? What brings you guys to these parts? I mean, you’ve done a lot in the green section. I honestly imagined you guys would be gutsy enough to go to the flooded section. Especially considering your track record so far.” Another one of Nikita’s men pointed to the room. “And what on earth were you doing in that room there, if I may ask? Did you find something interesting or worth sharing?” You’d try and answer this with a mixture of honesty and holding back details. You explained how you were hunting a dangerous, undocumented subject in this place. Furthermore, you knew that this subject was hiding somewhere in the deeper parts, which meant finding a path which was viable. And given the blockage, you were looking for other routes. “We were checking the room back here because we’re sort of scanning this entire area for any way around. Hell, we were just looking if the vents were an option, but… that didn’t give us much.” Anon carefully added onto that to not reveal more details.
Nikita looked back at his men, before some started laughing to each other. Your men kept quiet, as you couldn’t tell if they were doing this out of amusement or as some kind of mockery. Though once they finished, Nikita spoke up more casually. “First the rabbit, now this subject. You guys are dedicated to the job, that’s for sure!” Nikita gave you a pat on the shoulder. “And what can ya tell us about this… dangerous subject? Have you spotted her already? Or perhaps know what she is like?” There were a lot of lies you could make up, as well as a lot of truths. Hell, you could very well just quote from Andrei’s files and use that to give a technical truth. However, you decided to use your position for something a bit more useful for you and your men. You stated that it was something of a secret, given that she was quite the threat and you didn’t want anyone else going after her. “Awww, come on now, you can trust us!” One of Nikita’s men said, after which Nikita also put an arm around you. “Yeah! Besides, what if this subject you’re hunting… is the one who took out our fellow Blackstar friends? You wouldn’t wanna keep it a secret from us then, right?”

>Offer them help with whatever mission they got down here. Maybe you could help in a small way which would get them off your shoulders?
You pondered for a second, before stating you could share some details. Albeit, if they were also willing to provide some intel. “Ah, I see. I scratch your back, you’ll scratch mine? Alright, if that is what you want here. I suppose we can tell you something in exchange… Though first, you have to tell us what the subject is like you’re hunting for. After all, how can we help provide you helpful details when we don’t anything about who you’re hunting?” Nikita had put you in a rather unfortunate situation. If you decided to tell a bit about the subjects you had encountered, he could very easily just go ‘we know nothing of those’ and not provide you any details about them. On the other hand, if you did give the right intel, he may just be able to help you out and provide crucial information.

Though to entice you further, one of the men would add some further details onto the offer. “We did see something here not too long ago. In fact, we headed in this direction towards you guys because we saw something peculiar going in this very direction! Something which I highly doubt was one of your men, or anything human for that matter.” Given the smug and slightly giddy tone the guy had, it seemed almost like he was setting you up for a trick. Then again, maybe he was giddy for all the right reasons, and he knew of some extremely valuable intel.
>What do you do next?

>Give them intel on one of Andrei’s subjects. It was intel which they would hopefully find valuable enough that they would tell you what they knew. (Write what details you’ll give about which Andrei subject.)
>Tell them to cut the bullshit and just tell what they know. You weren’t going to just throw sensitive intel around without first getting something useful out of it. (Write in what you’ll say to them.)
>Just tell the truth about the queen subject you were hunting and maybe show the files. If they knew why you were doing what you were doing, they’d hopefully take you more seriously and would also help out quickly. (Write in how you’ll explain Feng to them.)
>Ask further about the subjects they supposedly saw entering here. If it was obviously a subject they were chasing after, they ought to tell you quickly in case it was something actually dangerous. (Write in what you’ll ask about what they spotted.)
>Tell them that you weren’t comfortable with this deal, and that they could also leave if they’d rather not share intel with you. Maybe they’d leave you alone more quickly if they knew you weren’t playing around. (Write in how you’ll tell them off.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…
>Just tell the truth about the queen subject you were hunting and maybe show the files. If they knew why you were doing what you were doing, they’d hopefully take you more seriously and would also help out quickly. (Write in how you’ll explain Feng to them.)
Don't show the files but give a brief overview of what we've seen - mind controlled guardsmen and other personnel. Don't mention the sleep subject or her ambush either.
Supporting. However I don't like this. The are part of the dedicated scout deathsquad and are extremely smug after finding us. It gives me a very bad feeling.
Yeah talking about what we've seen in regards to guards bring like robots almost and unusual levels of organization that we haven't seen before, leads us to believe some kind of subject is doing it.
Note that results are inconclusive until we get proper confirmation.
We might want to have someone tail them after separating, see what they talk about.
Sounds like a possible job for Kamara.....if she was brave enough to accomplish, well, anything at all really.
Stalking expert scouts who specialize and are equiped for that entire field seems like an unnesscary risk
>Just tell the truth about the queen subject you were hunting and maybe show the files. If they knew why you were doing what you were doing, they’d hopefully take you more seriously and would also help out quickly.
Given the news of this 'sighting' and the fact they wouldn't just relinquish the intel, you decided to take the risk. You'd tell them about Feng and the things you had encountered related to her, namely the mind controlled staff an d guardsmen. Though, you refrained from telling them about the sleep subject, as well as the fact you were ambushed by her. You'd also opt to not share the files, given that you felt it would be just a bit too much. Besides, the info you would provide was already more than enough to help out. Thus, you told your story, how you were after Feng and wanted to put her to justice. The Blackstar soldiers seemed both intrigued and disturbed by your story. Hell, you could tell some didn't even believe what you were saying. There were a number of questions thrown your way, some of which you could at the very least answer. "So, how do you know for sure this is a subject you're looking for, and not something else?" One Blackstar soldier asked, you explaining it was the unusual levels of organisation the enemy forces showed.

"So, you've encountered a bunch of guardsmen and other folk working together, and you believe them to be under some sort of subject influence?" Nikita asked to confirm what you said. You reiterated that the people you encountered did not appear human. They were almost robotic in a way, which indicated some kind of forced control. "Right, robotic folk. And, you've encountered these and now wanna find where they came from so you can kill this subject, I presume?" You gave confirmation, after which Thaddeus would also add some important details. "We're lookin' for paths which won't be patrolled by these people. We'd rather get the jump on whoever's responsible, rather than just rushin' in head first."

There still was a lot of scepticism from the Blackstar forces. "Alright... Well, we don't know much about this subject. This is the first time we've heard about them, actually." Nikita would say, after which one of his fellow men also responded. "Do you have a description of this subject, or what her forces look like? Maybe some actual documens proving her existence?" You were still reluctant to provide the actual files. Though you were fine explaining what the guardsmen were like. They were hard to miss, given their more 'ornate' livery. Though as to be expected, it still left the Blackstar forces quite blank. "Yeah, we... haven't seen anything like that." One of them would respond, after which Mike spoke up. "Figures... is there anything you've encountered which could've been related somehow?" The Blackstar forces once again had nothing, you stating that the information about Feng was inconclusive until you got direct proof of her existence.
"Well, that is useful to hear." Nikita said a bit more jokingly, by now losing the thread and no longer seeming too interested in Feng. It was at least good that they didn't seem to believe in the existence of Feng, since it meant they weren't going to question it. Though, this did mean the details they would bring up next were lacklustre, to say the least. "So, in terms of what we've seen. We've heard singing coming from this general area once before. Maybe that is related to this Queen subject of yours?" It was not, but you weren't going to say that directly. "We know that there is lots of fighting going on further in the depths with some other Blackstar forces. Perhaps we could get you in contact with them? They may know more about this Queen subject." One of the men said, which was clearly just their way of saying 'we know fuck all about this'. Still, there were some points to be given for the effort.

However, there was still one unresolved topic: The thing which Nikita and his men saw going around in this place. And Zaria would calmly ask about it. "So, what about the 'peculiar thing' you guys saw going in this direction?" The men went quiet. They looked at Nikita, you able to read from their body language that they were once again quite amused. Nikita paused, crossing his arms. "Hmmmm, well... I'm not sure I should tell. I mean, for all I know, it's nothing conclusive. We don't have much proof of what we saw, after all." There was quite the smug aura coming from them, as they clearly loved to 'return the favour' regarding your arguments. Your men were not pleased at all, but they kept quiet as you just told them to tell since it could very well be real. "Hmmm..." You saw Nikita pondering to himself, trying to think of what he saw. Either he was thinking of some bullshit excuse, or he was trying to remember the details. You hoped it was the latter, but these guys clearly were more than willing to be a bit more malicious with how they treated other squads.

After some quiet contemplation, Nikita did thankfully speak up. Though what he said left you unnerved. "Well, we were heading northwards to scout a bit ahead and note down anything of interest. Though as we walked, we saw something in the far off distance. Gijs, what was it again?" Nikita looked over to one of his men, who would speak up quite smugly. "I recall it being... a group of people. Think I saw a scientist in there, as well as... well, what I presume was a subject." Before you could say or do anything, one of the other Blackstar soldiers responded smugly. "Yeah! It looked like a really big and... sort of lanky person. I remember them also having a bit of fur around their body." Another soldier responded even more amusedly. "She also had a horn, remember? A big long horn on her head which stuck out from above her head." You could tell that your men were more than a little tense now. It seemed highly unlikely that these guys were making this up, which could only mean one thing...
“Yeah, that was it! Though I also saw some other folk walking along with those two. Didn’t get much of a glimpse of them sadly. But, maybe it was just my imagination! Like I said, we… don’t have any proof to back it up. Unless if… you guys also saw such things?” Nikita continued, one of his men also joining in. “They may have passed by here, given that they went down a hallway leading to this place. Quite funny, how we followed them here only to encounter you guys!” Whilst it almost sounded as if the guy was accusing you of something, Nikita would quickly try and shift away from that tone. “It’s a fun little coincidence. Shame that you guys didn’t notice them. Could’ve maybe worked together and really put the hurt on them. Though, like I said, we have no pro-“ Before Nikita could repeat the same point again, Zaria would respond quite brashly. “Yeah, yeah, we get it. You guys have no proof of this happening.” At least Zaria was smart not to get too aggressive, only causing the men to chuckle a bit to themselves.

Still, Zaria was smart enough not to mention any further details, or to get riled up too much. After all, you had to be a bit careful with how you dealt with this. These guys were sketchy as hell, and did not make you feel too secure. They hadn’t provided anything of value to you, and instead revealed that they had spotted Anofelis and some of the other girls. However you responded to them now, you had to really think it through carefully as to not accidentally reveal too much.

>What do you do next?

>Try and shift the conversation elsewhere. Maybe just bring up that you hadn’t spotted what they had seen, before discussing something else of importance? (Write in what you’ll try and discuss instead.)
>Give them the documents to Feng or some other subject. It would be awkward to explain why you held those files back, but it would at least create a bit more goodwill before these guys questioned you further about the subjects they had spotted. (Write in which file you’ll give and how you’d explain why you held the intel back.)
>Pretend to be a fool, and really play along with the fact that you had seemingly ‘missed’ these subjects they had spotted. Maybe if you were convincing, they would head elsewhere and leave you be. (Write in what you’ll tell them.)
>Try and be more confrontative. Ask them why they’re being this smug and not really co-operating. Maybe even dig into the fact they treated this apparent subject encounter seriously, or that they refrained from telling such important details. (Write in how you’ll confront them, and what you will question about them.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…
>Pretend to be a fool, and really play along with the fact that you had seemingly ‘missed’ these subjects they had spotted. Maybe if you were convincing, they would head elsewhere and leave you be. (Write in what you’ll tell them.)
>Try and be more confrontative. Ask them why they’re being this smug and not really co-operating. Maybe even dig into the fact they treated this apparent subject encounter seriously, or that they refrained from telling such important details. (Write in how you’ll confront them, and what you will question about them.)
Combine these. Grill them for info in a way that makes it seem we're preparing for a hunt - what did the scientist look like? Did the subject they saw match any descriptions on the government provided list? Who were the additional folk they saw, guardsmen or other staff? How many of them were there? How well armed were they? How long ago were they last seen and where?

>Letting a band of scouts who have been watching us for an unknown length of time and may be carrying video evidence of us colluding with subjects back to GalGov without any attempts at confirmation
I won't deny it's risky, but unnecessary? Unless you want to take them at their word that they have no proof.
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>Pretend to be a fool, and really play along with the fact that you had seemingly ‘missed’ these subjects they had spotted. Maybe if you were convincing, they would head elsewhere and leave you be.
Surreptitiously finger radio transmit button. You know what, guys? Be our guests. If you think you've seen something down that hall, go look for it why don'tcha? After you, since you seem to see more than we did.
Meanwhile, picrel

>we definitely need to find a place to store the monster girls after this.
Come think of it, after we've removed Feng from the picture, the brand new Queenbase 9000 under new management would serve perfectly as a place to drop off party members and use as a private FOB.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck F U C K. I knew they knew something. They spotted us. They had to spot us. That's why they are so smug. They know we have subjects with us... This is the almost the WORST thing that could have happened. The only way it could be worse is if they were Diamond dogs or Heroes.

Supporting. We might need to take the other anons idea after this though if things don't end up well.
It's not *that* bad, I think we could take them in the event of a blast-out. We don't have as much element of surprise as we might like and their armour will make it difficult to take them down, but a few members of our squad do have weapons that might properly hurt them and the plasma railgun will be a 1HK. On the flipside, they will have fairly light weapons - our body armour should let us take a few hits from them and in particular their peashooters will do squat all to Morgan, who can pick them apart at her leisure. It's likely we'll be coming out of this with some gunshot wounds and can't discount the possibility of fatalities, but we can make it out of this.

I wonder if this encounter is my fault thanks to me bringing the possibility up last week.
>Pretend to be a fool, and really play along with the fact that you had seemingly ‘missed’ these subjects they had spotted. Maybe if you were convincing, they would head elsewhere and leave you be. (Write in what you’ll tell them.)
They can easily submit it to GalGov, we've been able to reach out via tablets by ourselves, a video wouldn't be any harder, especially for scouts who's entire job is conveying information.
That their proof can't be sent out now is already unlikely.
Waiting till we kill Feng is what got us into this potential mess. We need them out the way sooner rather then later. Morgan may be an exception if only because we can pretend to start shooting her if things are getting suspicious.
Alternatively, mention to annie their exact location and see if she is willing to off them for us. Once again though, we can't know if we've been had or not yet.
Nah, its always been a possibility from the get go. We all knew that walking with subjects was a death sentence which is why we were exploring around to find a place to drop them off. Letting ourselves get sidetracked by queen too much was something we kinda just fucked up.
I wouldn't say we've been waiting for anything, just never really thought about finding another placeholder place after we got evicted from the Green Section while we were caught up in the Queen arc. That said though, they've all made themselves useful at some point or another so far this arc (except Kamara) and not having them with us would have made many things we've done thus far significantly harder if not necessarily impossible without having their abilities on call. I have enjoyed having them with us from a utility and character perspective, even if it's been a foolhardy thing to go around with all of them.
The whole reason we moved out of the green section was to find another place.
Check the archive, our entire mission was finding a post to settle them in after exiting green section.
And while they do have benefits, they are not worth the risk of us being comprised by other death squads, especially like right now. Part of why I wanted us to stay hidden instead of letting them meet us and put a face and name to their possible but unconfirmed evidence.
We did really completely get sidetracked and forget about our objective over the last few months, huh? Well, I'd rather find somewhere out of the way on the other side of the block, since we can't leave them anywhere round here as is and the odds of encountering a death squad in the lower levels will be lower than in these upper floors and if we stay away from potential Queendom patrol routes. After Operation Robespierre concludes, then we can move them into Queenbase as a more permanent home. That said, there's still some unanswered questions like how we're going to feed the girls now we're cut off from the green section.

While I agree we shouldn't be going round with the full entourage, I do still want to keep a couple of them with us. Morgan has been indispensible in combat and so on so long as she sticks around and probably couldn't be persuaded to stay put if we tried and Oreas has also been useful (and how else are we going to train her to be Oreas "Warcrimes" Macraei?) and to defuse subject encounters while being inconspicuous and easily hidden (I wonder if we can get her into some battle rattle so she doesn't stick out so much.....). The other girls can hang out at base since fewer = lower risk and as much as it pains me to leave Anofelis behind, an 11ft tall bug without much tact is very conspicuous, as she has shown.
I fully understand if you presumably want to leave them all behind but we'll have to disagree on that one since I think a limited MG presence in the group is worth the risk and, on a meta level, I just like having them around too much.
>Try and be more confrontative. Ask them why they’re being this smug and not really co-operating. Maybe even dig into the fact they treated this apparent subject encounter seriously, or that they refrained from telling such important details.
>Pretend to be a fool, and really play along with the fact that you had seemingly ‘missed’ these subjects they had spotted. Maybe if you were convincing, they would head elsewhere and leave you be.
Whilst your men kept quiet and waited to hear what you'd say, you felt that the best choice was to just grill them for info. Of course, you would also try and play the fool a little bit. A mixture of incompetence and aggression would hopefully convince them that what they saw wasn't linked to you. Thus, you'd first ask what the scientist looked like, the one who brought it up responding in an amused tone. "Hmmm, I thought it was a lady, but... I am not really sure, you know? Maybe it was just my mind... or maybe a subject disguised as a scientists? Who knows?" To try and convince them that you were serious, you'd tell Derek to write these notes down on the tablet. If they believed you were seriously noting everything down, they'd hopefully believe that you were preparing for a hunt.

You'd continue asking questions, you asking if the subject they saw matched any on the government list. "Hmmm, I don't know. Did the subject look like any of the subjects we know, guys?" Nikita asked a bit more seriously, resulting in a variety of responses. "Didn't look like anything I've read about on the tablet to me." "She looked bug-like, I think." "Yeah, probably something made by Anderson." At least you could tell they were honest, as you asked them who the additional folk were they saw and how many there were. "I saw... I think another smaller bug girl in front of them?" "Really? Her tail didn't look like it." "I just saw the big one and the scientist. There were more of them?" "Goddamn, Varren, are you blind or something?"

The group were starting to bicker a bit about the things they had seen, only for Nikita to hush them. "Guys, let me do the talking, before you give each other headaches, okay?" Nikita would take over, answering you a bit more confidently than his men. "The additional people were presumably subjects. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if there were other forces attached to them. Forces like the one you mentioned." It was a bit of a vague response. Though, if he was lying to you right now, then that meant that he didn't see ALL of the girls at once. Of course, Nikita could be playing some mind games. Still, you'd ask if they had any weapons on them. Nikita thought about it, before shaking his head. "Not that I saw any. They seemed unarmed and rather calm. I wonder if they saw us and just quietly tried to escape from us, hoping they wouldn't see us." You would continue telling Derek to note things down, playing into your own 'foolishness' by cursing at yourself for having seemingly missed these subjects.
You'd ask how long ago they had seen the subjects, one of the Blackstar's responding quickly. "A few minutes before we met you guys, I'd say." The other Blackstar soldiers nodded along, as it was clear that they had seen the girls as they were heading this way a short time ago. At least they didn't see everything and had gotten some things wrong. Regardless, your foolishness had convinced them somewhat. You'd tell your men that maybe you should go looking after these threats. You'd claim that you could easily find them and deal with them, which made some of the Blackstars scoff and chuckle. "You may have done well killing that rabbit, but... maybe these itsy bitsy bugs are a little outside your league." One of the Blackstar soldiers said, the others smugly chuckling along.

Nikita kept quiet however, pondering before responding more calmly. "You know, perhaps we should go hunting for them? After all, you guys are more focused on this queen subject, right? Perhaps we could just... go ahead and deal with these lesser threats for you. Hey, maybe we'll even find some useful intel for you guys related to this queen subject?" This was the ideal outcome, really. Though, it was difficult to say if Nikita believed your little spiel about having 'missed' these subjects. For all you know, this could be his attempt to see how you'd react to such a suggestion. Fortunately, one man would do a decent job further hammering in the foolishness. "Hey, don't go hogging our subjects now! You guys can't just come in here and take our kills!" Mike said arrogantly, you wondering if he was being partially serious with what he said. It certainly amused Nikita, who would look over you. "You sure this guy isn't a Heroes soldier or something?" Nikita said jokingly, to the amusement of his men. Afterwards, he'd continue his train of thought.

"Anyway, like I said, why don't we help each other? We go looking for these subjects you 'missed' and you guys can continue your search for clues on this queen. We both win!" It seemed like a solid way to get rid of them. Having them go after the girls who were hiding in the nearby vents, after which you could head some other direction. Before you could accept though, there was something a bit more questionable Nikita brought up. "Of course, if we do work together, I suggest we exchange tablet ID's so we can easily communicate. We need a way to give each other intel, after all!" Having these smug bastards constantly be able to contact you was not exactly an alluring thought to you and your men. Especially since he could be planning to abuse it somehow. Though as you thought about the offer, Nikita did add one final clause to his suggestion. "I'd be totally fine with you not wanting to work with us. Though, we would certainly appreciate it if you also shared whatever files you have on this 'queen' to us. We gave you a bunch of intel on the subjects you missed. It's only fair you return the favour, correct?"
There was no way he could force you to give those details, unless if he planned on getting into a fire fight with you and your men. Then again, maybe it was his way of giving a little 'out' of this whole scenario. He and his men had already put you and your men on edge. Perhaps if you shared the intel and just told them to leave, they wouldn't bother you any further. Then again, you could also just pretend to work together to get them to leave you alone. Though, who knows how they could abuse your willingness to co-operate and share your tablet contact info. And if you decided to deceive them further, they could always report that to the higher-ups... and god knows how the higher-ups would react to that. Not to mention, their reaction to the entire meeting that was taking place right now.

>What do you do next?

>Accept the offer to work together. Share your tablet info with them so they could leave you alone. Maybe they would actually be helpful and not abuse your willingness to co-operate?
>Give them the files on the Queen and pray that they'd leave you alone. At worst, the details would be out in the open. At best, these guys could actually come in and help you with Feng.
>Give him some other files to hopefully get him to leave you alone. You had to obviously explain why you didn't want to hand over the Queen files, but maybe he'd be willing to compromise. It will definitely be awkward to explain though. (Write in which file you'll give away and why.)
>Tell them to just piss off already. What were they going to do? Shoot you or threaten you? Report you to the government for being secretive and unwilling to share key files? Actually, maybe there were some risks to this.
>Go for a surprise attack. These guys had small arms. Lydia was still in the room with the vents leading to the girls. Maybe Morgan could come in for a surprise attack and you could deal with these guys together? (Write in your plan of attack.)
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...
>Accept the offer to work together. Share your tablet info with them so they could leave you alone. Maybe they would actually be helpful and not abuse your willingness to co-operate?
Not sure how they could abuse this, aside from spam calling us. Maybe check with Derek first to make sure they can't track our location with it or anything.
>Accept the offer to work together. Share your tablet info with them so they could leave you alone. Maybe they would actually be helpful and not abuse your willingness to co-operate?
>Something else...
Tell him Blackstar's job is the explore, why don't THEY go searching where these guys are coming from and WE go after ths subjects.
Besides, it was looking into there that we found those blackstar corpses, so its definitely more up their alley.
Leave it to us more combat oriented groups to deal with the subjects.
As for the tablet, we can share info on where we found the blackstar corpses, and where we saw the patrols/killed them. We gave them info on what we found, they gave us info on what they found.
We have a lot more important info on our device then we should have, we can let them contact us, but we shouldn't just drop our information gathered. They could bug our tablet, or find out we have way more info than we should.
>They could bug our tablet, or find out we have way more info than we should.
If someone gives you their phone number, can you look at the files they have on their phone? Doesn't seem too intuitive that just providing contact info would let them do all that. Of course if we know differently we shouldn't share it, and I wanted to double check with one of our tech experts Derek, but otherwise it seems a fairly harmless giveaway.
no I agreed with that, we can share our contact information, I was just stating we shouldn't share anything beyond that.
Ok, I thought contact info was all this option was offering based on this part of the update:
>I suggest we exchange tablet ID's so we can easily communicate. We need a way to give each other intel, after all!" Having these smug bastards constantly be able to contact you was not exactly an alluring thought to you and your men. Especially since he could be planning to abuse it somehow.

So yeah, quick check with Derek to make sure he can't abuse it too badly and then go ahead with it.
>Accept the offer to work together. Share your tablet info with them so they could leave you alone. Maybe they would actually be helpful and not abuse your willingness to co-operate?

Fuck it. Maybe we can use them as cannon fodder for the queen instead of the subjects? Also supporting >>6086236 and >>6086365
>Accept the offer to work together. Share your tablet info with them so they could leave you alone. Maybe they would actually be helpful and not abuse your willingness to co-operate?
Not wanting to cause any further complications, you decided to just be nice and give your tablet contact information. You did worry that they'd abuse it somehow, bugging into it or doing something else with it. You'd thus quickly and quietly ask Derek if he thought it was safe to do so. "Of course it's safe! What could we do with your contact information?" One of Nikita's men said, after which Derek would softly respond. "I'll just do a quick safety check. That's all. I think neither of us would like it if Annie or some other technology-oriented subject uses this opportunity." It was a strong explanation, one which Nikita and his men did buy. And as Derek did the check-up, you decided to continue your grilling just a tiny bit. Enough to hopefully get these guys to leave you be or treat you a bit more respectfully.

You'd ask them why they had opted to waste time talking to you and your men. Especially after they had literally spotted subjects passing by this location a short while ago. "Hey! To be fair, you guys also missed them! You've got no right to now complain that we 'missed' them!" One of Nikita's men, after which Nikita spoke calmly. "Look, we thought the noises you were making in that room behind you was actually the subjects in question. That's why we waited for an ambush here. How could we've known it was actually you guys?" Despite their reasoning, you still argued that they should've continued scouting somewhat forward. It had only been a few minutes, and they could've just left you be once they realised the subjects were not in the room you were in. Blackstar was the scouting group of this operation, after all. You even said that you would've been able to help them deal with these subjects, given that your role was that of an actual kill squad.

You even brought up the sheer profit the kill could've netted them. You openly asked why they decided to spend time questioning you instead of doing something really profitable. You could tell that Nikita was becoming a bit more displeased with what you were saying. Though given the silence he and his men had, it was clear they had no real retort to this. You would also reiterate one last time that they should be out searching where these subjects are coming from. That way, they could provide proper intel for your squad or other kill squads. Eventually, you relaxed your tone a little, and said you'd give some details about the locations of the Blackstar corpses. It was the fairest exchange of intel at this point. "So, not even handing over any files you guys have on subjects, huh?" Nikita said a bit more annoyedly, you stating that you'd at least provide details about where you had found the Queen's forces. They could look around there for any clues as to where Feng's forces came from.
"Well, since you're so insistent." Nikita would respond after a short pause. You could tell that your lecturing had upset the Blackstar soldiers somewhat. They remained silent, as they looked over at Derek. He'd thankfully quickly get the tablet ready, showing how he had linked your tablet up with his. "There we go. We can now easily message you and you can message us. I've also already given the approximate coordinates of where we found the Blackstar corpses, as well as the coordinates of where we found your men. Sounds good?" Derek asked to Nikita, who gave a slow nod. "Of course." He'd look over to his men, before looking ahead. "Well, suppose we should follow your... advice now and perhaps go looking for those subjects, huh?" Though he'd then look over your shoulder, and ask you one final thing. "May we check the room behind you?"

The sudden question certainly left you and your men stunned. "You know, since it's our job to explore." Nikita added onto that, clearly saying it with a smug look on his face. "It's just a borin' old storage room. We've already thoroughly checked it, including the vents which connect to it. So I highly doubt ya will find anythin' special there." Thaddeus would say calmly, trying to dissuade Nikita from 'exploring' it. "Hmmm, you may never know! Besides, you guys missed the subjects passing by you. Perhaps you missed something else in there which we can find?" Nikita would suggest, as your men looked at you. Though, Anon would calmly try and speak before you could, hoping to succeed in making Nikita leave. "Look, those subjects are still out there. We've given you our contact info. Why don't you do as Mikhail said and just go looking for them? If you find them, you can contact us and we'll eagerly come over to help."

Thankfully, after another pause, Nikita would relent. "Very well then." It lifted quite the weight off of your shoulders, as Nikita would signal his men to head forward. Your men quietly watched them leave, remaining vigilant in case Nikita tried anything funny. Though as Nikita was about to leave, he'd approach you and put a hand on your shoulder. "Glad we can work together down here, Mikhail! We'll try to remain in contact and provide you with as much useful intel as we can find! Hopefully, you can use it to make sure you don't miss any more subjects passing right by you, hahaha. Oh, and make sure you don't leave us on hold, or provide lacklustre intel." After he finished, he scoffed and tightly gripped your shoulder. He'd soon lean forward to softly murmur something in your ear.

"Otherwise, we'll have to tell some of our other allies about your failure to notice those subjects we saw. It'd be quite embarrassing and damaging to your reputation if that news came out, don't you think? Not to mention, inviting more kill-happy squads to come over to this place to properly hunt down and... take down the subjects and survivors you failed to spot."
Nikita would let go of your shoulder, giving you a softer pat before looking to your men. "Good luck with that Queen. Try not to die before you tell us where she or her forces are located." He'd let out a scoff, before turning away and heading further down the hall. You and your men would watch them fade into the distance, eventually seeing them taking a right turn down a different section of the office. Once they were gone, Derek would look down at the tablet as it seemed to get a notification. "Nikita just sent us... ugh, 'Let us know what you found before 8 o' clock tonight. Hope that's enough time for you to make some good findings'." Your men were still a bit on edge and not all too pleased. It seemed that Nikita and his men were going to abuse your ‘generosity’ to their heart’s content to squeeze intel out of you. And given what he said, it would be quite risky for him to reveal to the world that more unknown subjects were in this area. The damage to your reputation was nothing compared to the risk of more death squads like Diamond Dogs coming over to this location.

>What do you do next?

>Go back into the room with a few of your men to talk with the girls and let them know what happened. It was for the best they realised what was going on so you could together think of a plan. (Write in who you’ll take along and what you’ll tell the girls.)
>Take the girls and start booking it. Keeping them in this place was not safe at all, and you had to find a location where they could safely stay at. Even if only for just today. (Write in where you’ll try and head to.)
>Send some strong words to Nikita. Maybe figure out what the hell he even wanted and why he was doing all of this. Perhaps there was some way you could ensure he wouldn’t keep harassing you too often? (Write in what you’ll send to him.)
>Just send the queen details over to Nikita. Maybe if you did the one thing he really wanted from you, he’d leave you alone for a while or would start treating you a bit more respectfully.
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…
>Go back into the room with a few of your men to talk with the girls and let them know what happened. It was for the best they realised what was going on so you could together think of a plan. (Write in who you’ll take along and what you’ll tell the girls.)
Just us, everything that happened.
>Send some strong words to Nikita. Maybe figure out what the hell he even wanted and why he was doing all of this. Perhaps there was some way you could ensure he wouldn’t keep harassing you too often? (Write in what you’ll send to him.)
"Why are you asking us to do your job? You're the scouts, you let us know what you find."
"Before 7:30 tonight."
"So, not even handing over any files you guys have on subjects, huh"
We don't have anything that we haven't already submitted to the gov. Along with our Kills.
Also that we missed them when we were investigating shit they were behind us is no were near the blunder that a fucking scouting team losing them because they wanted to talk shit and giggle, especially when they actually DID see them.

But alas

>Go back into the room with a few of your men to talk with the girls and let them know what happened. It was for the best they realised what was going on so you could together think of a plan. (Write in who you’ll take along and what you’ll tell the girls.)
>Discuss with your men…

We need to find a place to put you guys, because at this rate we are all gonna be put on the execution list if we don't find a room to hide you in. Need to ground ourselves in the fact that there are multiple squads of roaming kill teams dedicated entirely to your execution, and we can't help if we are also determined to be on the opposition.

Can we go through the vent(no way to confirm the back entrance is safe or not)? Leave a camera at the entrance if we have some to see if they are trailing us, and have Derek check for any updates on the rest of the cameras. If there is a spot for us to keep going through the vent, we need to take it and get the hell out of here and find a spot to drop em off before finishing the queen.

Now this isn't for asking or discussing with the others but between us anons
I have another suggestion, how about we just report that there were subjects in the area first, and that blackstar saw them by us and didn't pursue? We call his bluff and post all the info. Pull the rug right out from under em.

Anyway, Priority is to drop the girls off on the way to killing the queen. Let's hope Oreas made some progress.

He may have evidence, and even if he doesn't lets keep the antagonism low. I suggest we just find something that is most certainly a death trap, and making them want to go investigate, and end up dead.
Say for example Queen who's killed em before, or maybe Annie has a suggestion (she likes death squads dying)
Either way, even though Blackstar is usually a decent support group, if they have reasons to doubt our alligence (which they do but can't confirm hopefully) than their behavior makes sense. It is because it makes sense that making them disappear would be a welcome event.
>He may have evidence, and even if he doesn't lets keep the antagonism low
If he has evidence he's reporting it whether we're antagonistic or not, we aren't friends. I want to establish ourselves as abrasive and difficult to work with now so it looks less suspicious in the future when we're not cooperative.

He could have evidence and not plan on showing the government yet because he can use it as blackmail.
What this anon said. he wants information over some percived dirt he has on us. If he thinks he has leverage, he will want to milk it. It is in his interest to exploit us, it is in our interest to lead him to his death.
We are now playing a politics game. We just need to organize a Kennedy for their entire team in the form of a subject encounter.
If he's holding out on big GalGov money for blackmail opportunities, you really think a few insults are going to push him over the edge? Ok...
It's simply an investment. Would you rather a million euros/pounds/dollars/ect now or ten million down the road? Him informing Galgov that we are traitor will probably not pay even a quarter as well as a subject kill. So, drain us of intel. Get as much as possible and give it to the gov for lodes of money and ideally bag a few subjects too. Only reason for him to release the intel is once things are wrapping up if he really wants to be a greedy scumbag but at the rate things are going that's likely an in game year from now at best. Even so, if we are so overtly hostile to him, he can just put even more pressure on us for intel as punishment for annoying them. Let us not antagonize the guy who's holding the lever to a trapdoor while we have a noose around our neck.
Or we could push him into revealing his hand
This is playing a stupid game for a stupid prize.
There reward isn't worth the risk, hell the reward isn't even worth the payoff of the alternative we gave by playing differently. I see why you would use it, but the strategy overall has its con, and in our situation the other way around makes more sense. I am not saying we should act submissive or even provide anything, but we shouldn't be poking the hornets nest when its our lives on the line.
>Go back into the room with a few of your men to talk with the girls and let them know what happened. It was for the best they realised what was going on so you could together think of a plan.
With Nikita having sent a rather obnoxious message and him having clearly shown his true intent, you were very much upset. Though, you didn't let it show and would tell your men that you'd opt to be somewhat diplomatic for now. "Why don't we just kindly tell those bastards to fuck off? Or better yet, give them some intel which will be helpful: the directions to the nearest psychotic murderer!" Zaria said angrily, you telling that the latter would be a good idea for the future. However, you told your men to keep calm and not act brash. You told Derek not to send Nikita any response yet. You first wanted to have a little chat with the girls to see how they were faring. "Very well, Mik." Thaddeus would say for your men, after which Lars spoke up as well. "Do hurry up though. I think I speak for all of us when I say we have to get the hell out of here as fast as possible."

With that, you'd enter the room once more. Lydia was still in there, looking into the vents and having taken off her helmet. She pulled herself free and looked over at you. "Oh, thank god, it's you." She'd get on her two feet, before approaching with a concerned look on her face. "I was worried that those bastards would really come in here, so I told the girls to move a bit further ahead and out of sight." Hearing that Lydia had listened in, you asked how the girls had taken the news and if she was doing fine as well. It would've been most shocking to her as well. "I'm fine. I was prepared to pretend like I was analysing the vents, in case those bastards did actually come in." Lydia would look over your shoulder at the door, perhaps expecting the rest of your men to enter as well. Of course, you simply headed straight for the vent and told the girls to quickly come to you.

Shortly after, Morgan would come crawling over, closely followed by Anofelis, Kamara, Chrys, Laura and Oreas. "Are those guys gone?" Chrys calmly asked, after which Morgan spoke more furiously. "Those cowards probably fled! They dared to harass us and try to hunt us down?! Had I gotten the chance to put them on the edge of my blade, they would've learnt to respect us!" Anofelis seemed more confused, asking an obvious but fair question. "So, what just happened, Mikhail? Were they bad guys or not?" You'd calmly explain to the girls what had happened, how these guys had spotted them and tried to make you look incompetent. They had forced you into an 'alliance', where you had to provide intel. And if you failed, they would spread the news of the girls being here around the place. Obviously, that last part really upset the girls, with Oreas mumbling in disappointment. "We're sorry for putting you in this situation, Mik. We didn't know that we were being followed by these guys..."
You told Oreas that it wasn't their fault, and that you had taken too many risks already by having the girls wander around the place with you. "What are you going to do with them now though? You've given them your contacts. Will you actually try and provide them valuable intel?" Laura would ask, you contemplating before admitting that you would try and plan something to get back at these bastards. Though, getting the girls somewhere safe was far more important in your mind. Not just for their own wellbeing, but because it'd potentially reduce the power which Nikita had over you. After all, how useful would the intel he could provide about the girls be, if the girls weren't even in this area anymore? And with that in mind, you'd tell the girls to stay in the room with the door left open. That way, they could still join in with the discussion on what to do next.

>Discuss with your men…
You'd leave the room and look to your men, immediately telling them that you were going to shift gears. Instead of focusing on the queen, you'd try and find a place for the girls. The longer you walked around with them out in the open, the larger the chance that you'd all end up on the execution list. You'd ask Oreas and the girls if they had made further progress in the vents whilst you were talking with Nikita and his men. Oreas looked away, before responding quietly. "I-I didn't know you... w-wanted me to do that." Laura quickly stepped in to absolve Oreas from her lack of searching efforts. "We didn't want to create any noise, lest those guys heard us. Besides, we didn't wanna escape too far away from you guys, in case something bad happened to you." It made some sense that the girls didn't just create a bunch of distance between you and them. Still, at least there was still a chance you could find something through the vents.

Thus you told your men to get ready to traverse the vents. You also suggested to Derek that he could leave a camera near the entrance to see if anyone was trailing you. "What if Nikita comes back over here and starts screwing with it though? Or worse, he tries to find a way to abuse the fact we've got such a camera lying about? I got a feeling he’ll use any opportunity to question us or get more intel out of us." Mike asked rather anxiously, you stating how you felt it was unlikely to be abused. The rest of your men also felt that it was unlikely to cause you any trouble in the future, Derek giving a nod and getting ready to place a camera down already. And with that, you’d tell everyone how you hoped the vents would take you somewhere safe. It was far safer than walking the hallways with the girls. Being electrocuted was far better than being spotted by Nikita and his friends… or worse. “Shall I help lead the way then? Or would you prefer I stay at the back to protect us from those crooks?” Morgan asked more confidently, you telling her to remain in the back. You would lead the way forward with Oreas by your side.
Oreas would already head back into the vents, you following suit right away. Though, you’d quickly find yourself being approached by Laura. “Mikhail, I personally suggest we either find a location closer to the surface, or somewhere to the south of here. Think about it: The green section has just been turned into a large forward operating base. So, whatever forces are heading to this place, are likely to be supplied from there. If we head south, we’ll likely avoid them. Besides, the locations to the south of here have already been explored somewhat, which I imagine will result in less scouts being there. As for going upwards, I feel like most squads are also planning on heading deeper, rather than heading closer to the surface…” Laura’s suggestion was definitely one to take into account. You already had found one vent which led further upwards, which could give you access to the upper areas.

You told Laura that you could discuss it with your men right here. It actually gave you another thought, as you realised there was one way you could really cripple Nikita’s plan to syphon intel from you. If you, your men and the girls were going to leave this place, you could very well just report that the girls were spotted here. Not only would it make Nikita’s threat null and void, but you could also humiliate him instead by pointing out how he had missed the girls. Suggesting it to your men did make them visibly enticed. “Could be a good way to screw with them.” Anon commented, to which some of your men nodded. “Hmmm, I am not entirely sure if it’d be worth it. What if the groups exploring this place realise that we’ve been screwing with the vent systems? They could use them to maybe try and find us.” Chrys mumbled, which was something of a good point. Besides, Nikita could still find other ways to harass you, even if you did pull the rug right from under him. Hell, maybe foiling his plan would only make him up the ante out of pure spite.

>What do you do next?

>Follow Laura’s suggestion and try and find a way closer towards the surface, or a way to the south of here through the vents. Maybe Anofelis could fly you and the others up through whatever way up there was. (Write in which direction you’ll take.)
>Head some other specific direction through the vents. Maybe going deeper was still the safest bet now. (Write in where you’ll head instead.)
>Publish the intel about the girls being in this area. Whatever Nikita could do to retaliate wouldn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. (Write in what you’ll publish specifically.)
>Contact Nikita to try and test his bluff, or the limits of what he knew about you and your men. (Write in what you’ll say to or ask him.)
>Just randomly explore the vents until you find a secluded and safe area. Maybe you’d get lucky and find something nearby. (Write in if you’ll split up or search around for something specific.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…
>Follow Laura’s suggestion and try and find a way closer towards the surface, or a way to the south of here through the vents. Maybe Anofelis could fly you and the others up through whatever way up there was.
Upstairs. If we get lucky, we can gain entry to parts of the upper facility that aren't very accessible the normal way like this and even less likely to be stumbled into. Just find a good place to stash some of the girls and then we'll be back down here. Don't forget about our appointment with Arika, though.

I still think we should have just opened fire. Ultimately, I say drip feed him the bare minimum to keep him quiet while we find a safe place for the girls a substantial way away from here, finish Feng's arc and then report it ourselves and be done. This place is going to be swarming with activity anyway after we deliver her head, same as with Caera. It might literally have to be her head since she's way too big to carry.
>Follow Laura’s suggestion and try and find a way closer towards the surface, or a way to the south of here through the vents. Maybe Anofelis could fly you and the others up through whatever way up there was. (Write in which direction you’ll take.)
South - all new troops are going to come down through the surface levels. GalGov just brought in Scary Monsters, they might bring in more, or move in themselves. Plus the girls won't have anywhere to run if they are found up there.
I think we should have stayed hidden, opening fire on guys with excellent armor, is not a good idea. If even one survives we are blacklisted. I kinda was willing to bet the girls hid away and we could show them the vent, but ig that was out of scope for us.
Regardless, no use worrying over spilled milk.
We could make him head over to andrei's office.
Its buried and shit, but he doesn't know that.
This is one of the rare situations in which I would be fine with asking Annie if she had info she wanted us to drip feed to this squad to lead em somewhere she'd want em. (it's what she's been doing across the entire facility, we'd just be helping by providing an alternative method of communication/deception to this one squad.)
Alternatively, after we get closer to the queen, we can mention significant survivor activity, have them get in contact with queen's forces/engage them, where we use the distraction to go for the kill.
Not sure if surface or vent is the better play, so I'll not vote on it just yet.
Opening fire would potentially be viable only if we had Annie's full attention to screw up their communications and radio transmissions so they couldn't fuck us over before they die. Otherwise I do agree we just give him what he want's so he shuts up and leaves us alone. As for what we should do, I'm conflicted. While death squads will certainly try and search lower portions of the facility more than upper ones, unless we can find some place obscure and hard to reach a higher position wouldn't necessarily be better as while patrols will be less likely, that will only be the case once the upper floors are fully cleared out, and given the scale of the facility that won't be for some time. Realistically, if we want to ensure our girls safety, we need Arika as then we can make all entrances to the room completely collapsed and sealed off and have Arika dig out an exit whenever needed. Until then, it is likely better to leave them in the depths that are hard to reach before eventually trying to transport them to some secure spot up above that won't be looked at.

Also having the girls with us is great for their utility and combat support against other subjects. If we could find some way to ensure we have constant vision on nearby squads so this doesn't happen again that would be nice. Though unless we find some all seeing eye subject or one that has magnetoreception and can sense electromagnetics while having good perception we probably won't be able to. In laymans terms, we probably should try and get best girl Annie if we can. She probably has something along those lines.

>Head some other specific direction through the vents. Maybe going deeper was still the safest bet now.
Delve into the depths. We have a vent that goes straight down. Time to take it as carefully as we can.
>Also having the girls with us is great for their utility and combat support against other subjects.
Having Morgan and Ano is great. Oreas was kinda useful one time. Chrys can at least make conversation, and Kamara is just a disaster.
Ano is extremely useful for her strength and mobility and is arguably the most useful subject of all of them so far. Morgan would be highly effective in combat, yet her stubbornness can cause problems. Fortunately, she isn't the lawful stupid knight I thought she was given she listened to reason and didn't just charge blindly at the blackmailing Blackstars. Oreas is useful for her phase ability and deactivating electricity grids, plus she wants to actually be able to contribute to a fight so later on she can be useful for combat as well if we can train her. Kamara would be extremely good as a living camera and scout if she wasn't so much of a craven that she'd probably jump at her own shadow. If she can overcome her fear she'd be highly useful. And Chrys... I guess if she's trained like Oreas she could be decent? Given Kamara isn't utilizable as a scout she could fill in that role given her mobility. But the first subject we met is arguably the most useless in terms of capabilities. There's a reason she's the only member of the stinky womanlet club.

Also I kind of don't blame Kamara for being a coward given what other subjects can do and the simple fact she wasn't made for combat. Sure, it's annoying. But if you were in her place I doubt you'd be that brave either. It's one thing to read about someone getting mind raped, crushed slowly and agonizingly, raped or experimented on in a horrific way. It's another to risk having that happen to you personally. Plus I am waiting for that moment where she overcomes her fear to save someone and potentially get killed in the process. It would be kinda funny if the person she saves is the same one she sent to the hospital when we first met her.
Gonna skip out on an update for today. Mostly because I need to go to sleep quite soon, and because we're currently in a bit of a deadlock: We've got one vote for heading upwards, one vote for heading to the south, and one for heading into the depths. I'll post a notice in the discord as well, so maybe some other Anons who are lurking from there can give their thoughts.

Also, an important notice: Starting on Monday, I'll begin my internship which could mean losing out a lot of free time. I did manage to work well on updates even with Uni, but I am admittedly worried that this will take away a lot more time than regular uni. I'll still try and get some things done during breaks or in the free time I got left, but I do worry that it will impact the rate of updates. Hope you guys can understand.

Anyway, I'll try and get an update in tomorrow when I get the chance!
Ano has been great, but she is the one who got spotted just now after all - if we're leaving some of the girls behind to be less conspicuous in the future, keeping the giant bug with us somewhat defeats that point. I'd love to have her around, but it might be better as an as-needed thing rather than a permanent companion. Even if learning we're not taking her with us because she's a potential liability would probably make her cry. I thought much the same about Morg initially, but I've come to like her and I mean what I said and by the end of this quest I want Oreas to be our protege. While Chrys is agreeable and seems to want to be useful, being a small and high-mobility flying creature isn't as useful here in the tunnels as it would be in other environments and she's only gotten to use her acid/sleeping powder abilities once with the chemical barrels. I'd like to find Anderson's office at some point so I can get ahold of his notes to find out exactly what she was designed to be - if he ever even finished her before he moved on to his spiderfu.

I don't really blame Kamara either, but she is my least favourite of the cast at the moment. She has suffered from something of a lack of 3D characterisation - the other girls have established personalities that we've gotten to know and see more of organically, but Kamara says and does so little that we haven't had that chance with her chronic lack of screentime and I can't recall much about her beyond "is a nervous wreck". Much of the time I forget she's even with us.

Random Thought time. Why are all the subjects female anyway? The Watsonian answer would be that there must be something in the biotech they were using that worked better with XX than XY like the opposite of the Astartes, though the Doylist answer would be that it's because this website is mostly male.
You do bring a good point about Ano's size being a give away. Though again, if we get someone who can sense incoming death squads early enough for everyone else to hide it won't be too much of a problem. Finding Anderson's office is also a good idea, or just anything with files on the girls we currently have so we can learn what they were specifically made for and what their creators viewed them as.

I agree Kamara hasn't had too much screen time. She mainly had her shine in her introduction. Though, she has had some interaction past that. Like when Mona died. I wouldn't be surprised if the one subject that can go invisible is intentionally the one forgotten and has the least screentime as a joke.

As for your last question, why not both? Though, in the case of the former, another question comes in as to why hermaphroditism is viable in subjects but not full on male examples.
The benefits we get from being able to go back to homebase outweigh any benefit we get from any of the girls. We are better off not jeapordizing ourselves, its a massive intel hazard. Annie has her hands full across the rest of the facility, she can help every once in a while, but I don't think she's available to be our support whenever we need it. All it takes is one squad seeing us and a monster girl before alerting high command and we are fucked. I'm sure they can help, but there is a time and a place, and we are most certainly not in either right now. Find a place to deposit them, do so, and go on our way. At best maybe give a small radio to Morgan and have her move separate from us. But for now we need to find a spot to leave the girls.
we had excellent success with the first surface shelter, we'll need to bring them rations for our later expeditions, but we can make do. For now we need to drop em off so we can kill queen and deal with the blackstar squad.
After we kill queen we can continue exploring and perhaps find a better location deeper in the facility, but we need to stop gambling on finding something via exploring deeper like we have and try something that's tested and true like a closer to the surface location that requires a keycard to access. Everyone is moving deeper in, hidding in plain sight is best, at least for the short term, which is needed right now.
Also can someone confirm if the engineer we met took the radio? I forgot, but if he did get one from us, there isn't much harm in asking him if he knows a safe spot for monster girls to hide in. If he doesn't respond, he doesn't respond. If he does, we got lucky.
Alternatively, there were guards who also got a headset from us, they might not be in range, but we can give it a shot and see if they are.
No shit sherlock. Base is more important sure, however the girls are a huge help. If we went up against that rabbit and didn't have tons of cannon fodder in the form of the guards with us we'd likely have multiple casualties. And that was just a threat level 7 subject. Now, imagine if we fight the queen and she is just as capable as the rabbit on top of having tons of guards, some of which might be subjects themselves. If we miss our railgun shot or only graze her we are FUBAR without subject support. Annie might be busy sure, but if she's with our group our safety is tied to hers so she can focus on that. Besides, we can also just get some other subject that is able to help spot death squads before we can.

As for moving to the surface, part of the entire reason we moved the girls from that location was the increasing patrols past the area. So again, until the upper floors are fully cleared out and death squads aren't searching them and are instead fully focused on clearing out the deep facility we should relocate them below rather than above.
We moved them down from the surfacs because the green area had food and space, it was not a matter of safety. We moved them out of the green area for security.
There have been developments that have shown death squads moving deeper (the flood zone) and going to where more activity is (little monsters being deeper in).
So far we have been exploring deeper
And so far we have not found shelter.
We need to kill queen sooner rather than later, and for that a short term closer to surface shelter thats hidden is the better bet. After which when we DO find a location deeper in, we can transport them there. Same as when we found green section.

>if we had a subject that could detect guards
>if annie is with us
But we dont and she isn't. Current plans are not going to be drawn up on convenient imaginary hypotheticals. When we find ourselves a subject that can do that or Annie herself, we can consider it. As I said earlier, if we give Morgan a radio we might be able to use her provided we keep distance and coordinate, but otherwise info hazard applies to the girls.
>Follow Laura’s suggestion and try and find a way closer towards the surface, or a way to the south of here through the vents. Maybe Anofelis could fly you and the others up through whatever way up there was.
It was a tough choice, deciding where you wanted to take the girls. Each option had something good going for it, as well as something incredibly problematic or risky. In the end though, you decided that Laura gave the best advice, and that heading upwards was your safest bet. Though even then, you didn't 100% feel comfortable with the choice. Still, you would tell your men to follow you back to the spot which would let you move upwards, asking Ano if she could help lift you and your men up there. "Okay!" She said happily, as you navigated the vents to get to where you wanted to go. It was not too difficult to find the vent upwards, Oreas saying something quite smart. "Maybe I should be the first to go up there with Anofelis? Maybe some parts up here are still under electricity." The only real risk to letting Ano and Oreas go first was that they could be spotted by death squads or other folks who were checking the vents. Though so far, it seemed like nobody would be traversing these vents aside from you and your men. Thus, you and your men gave Oreas the okay, as she would clamber up on Anofelis and the two would head upwards. "Let's hope they don't rush this. I don't want Ano to get shocked and come tumbling down the vents." Lars said, which made Mike speak up a bit smugly. "Given how she got electrocuted by a trap potentially intended to kill, I think she'll be fine."

As you and your men waited at the base of the vents, Anon would soon break the silence with an interesting suggestion. "Say, Kamara, you climb as well, right?" Kamara was taken back by the sudden question, looking around and fidgeting a little. "Ummm, y-yeah? Uhh, why are you a-asking?" Anon would speak reassuringly, bringing up the obvious suggestion for what she could do.

"Would it be possible for you to maybe carry some of us upwards as well? I mean, you're pretty strong, I imagine." To this, Zaria would jokingly respond. "She most certainly is, I can assure you of that." Kamara clearly hated being reminded of her little stint with Zaria, but tried desperately to ignore it. "Ummm, maybe? I, uhhh, I don't know if I can carry people a-all that easily. I mean, I-I have lots of sharp bits a-and holding onto me p-probably is not the s-safest thing. I d-don't wanna risk injuring you g-guys." Given that it was the first use you had found for Kamara, Anon would speak up a bit more confidently. "Come on, why don't you try and carry me up there? Or someone else?" Thaddeus spoke up reassuringly, hoping to give Kamara a chance to shine as well. "Ya can try carryin' me up. I'm quite tough, so ya don't need to worry about hurtin' me by accident." Kamara paused, before nodding softly. "O-Okay, I'll... g-give it a try."
You could tell that some of your men were not entirely sure why Anon tried to get Kamara to help out. She clearly didn't want to get too involved with you guys, given her clear anxiety and wish to just hide. However, once Anofelis came down, you'd find out Anon's reasoning soon enough. "Oreas said there was a vent which was under electricity all the way upstairs. She already dealt with it and said we can come upstairs now as well." Thus, Thaddeus would squirm his way past you and signalled Kamara to come over. "Well, Kamara, let's try this." Kamara nervously made her way over, trying to find a way to lift Thaddeus up. She would try and grab Thaddeus with her claws, but obviously that made climbing impossible. Fortunately, her tail did seem to do the trick, as it wrapped around Thaddeus and soon was able to lift him up. "There we go, las. Ya got this, right?" Thaddeus said reassuringly, as you could tell Kamara was stained. "Y-Yeah!" She let out, before she started clawing her way up the vent.

"Anon, are you sure this is a good idea?" Mike soon asked, after which even Laura stepped forward. "Kamara isn't exactly the strongest of our group. If she screws up, it can end pretty badly. Especially considering she does have that sharp tail part..." When even Laura seemed to have her doubts, it was clear that maybe this was too risky a move to take. However, Anon seemed ready, looking over to Anofelis. "Ano, can you maybe stay at the bottom of the vent and fly up in case Thaddeus does fall down?" Anofelis nodded, getting in position as Anon responded to the various concerns. "I've been thinking that all the girls have been able to serve us quite well. All aside from Kamara. Maybe, just maybe, we can try and ease her into helping us out? Especially when you consider the beneficial combat traits she has. She can hide in plain sight and has pretty deadly weapons on her!"

Before he could continue any further, Lydia would softly share her thoughts on the matter. "She told me that she does want to help us out in some ways, but that she really doesn't want to do any fighting or risk injuring anyone. She is very much a pacifist." Given that Oreas and Chrys were also pacifists previously and were now willing to learn how to use guns, it did seem that Kamara could maybe be convinced in some way. Though, it was definitely a bit of a pipedream right now. "Look, I know it is going to be tough to convince her. But if we can somehow convince her, she could serve us extremely well! She can be a scout, or maybe an assassin!" Despite Anon's excitement, your men were still visibly doubtful. "I can see her becoming a scout. But an assassin? I really doubt that is ever gonna happen..." Chrys would even respond, echoing the general feeling your men had.
Anon groaned and spoke a bit more defeatedly. "Look, I just think we could try and help each other out. We can help Kamara be less scared, and she can help us in a variety of other ways. Obviously, we're far away from her willingly killing people. She probably is too scared to hurt a fly right now. But, I still think we should help her get out of her shell a bit more and give her chances to be useful. The more we do so, the better our odds become in this place." And shortly after he finished, you'd hear Ano speak up quite happily. "Kamara made it!" Looking up the vent, you saw Thaddeus signalling you and the rest of your men to come up as well. You quickly told Anofelis to help someone else get up, Derek raising his head. "Let me go next. Oreas and I can try and navigate ahead already."

And given that Kamara had successfully helped you out (albeit in a tiny way), Anon would try and get more done. "Oh, Ano, once you get up there, ask Kamara if she wants to help carry up more of us. We can speed things up substantially if both you and her carry all of us up." Ano nodded, as she took Derek upwards, Anon seeming quite pleased. "It may take a while, but I think I'll try and get Kamara on board with our mission. Maybe it'll not help us right now, but I do think it'll be useful to teach her some things. Just like how you taught the girls to fire a gun, Mik." Of course, given that your current mission was to find a place to keep the girls safe, trying to now teach Kamara to be a combatant was maybe a little too late. Still, it was at least a decent suggestion for if the girls needed to defend themselves. And fortunately, it seemed Kamara was willing to help again as she got down once more along with Anofelis. "Who do we carry next?" Ano asked, Kamara still looking a little anxious yet willing to help out. Up next were Morgan and Mike. Anofelis carried the former whilst Kamara carried the latter.

"Please be careful with that tail of yours. It's bloody sharp." Mike commented, which didn't help Kamara feel all that optimistic. Still, she'd start lifting him up, with Ano lifting Morgan up. "Geez, you're heavy." Anofelis mumbled, which made Morgan go into a little ramble. "Well, when you're a knight with such brilliant armour and weaponry, it is to be expected, don't you think? Perhaps I should craft you some armour as well in the future, Ano? I imagine you looking quite fine in it!" You heard Morgan's ramble fade into the distance as she was taken upwards, Kamara and Anofelis slowly but surely getting everyone upwards through the vents. Lydia and Laura, Chrys and Anon, Lars and Zaria, all of them were taken upwards. And finally, you would be the last one, Anofelis coming down to pick you up. "Hello Mik!" She said happily, as she would gently hold you with two arms and started crawling up the vent. "Kamara is a little bit tired from carrying everyone. Other than that, everyone is safely upstairs waiting for us!"
Anofelis would gently carry you upwards, until you finally reached the top. You'd thank Anofelis and Kamara for their hard work, Kamara seeming a bit exhausted. Though, she was also very giddy and excited, speaking softly. "N-No need to... thank me! I... I am glad to h-have helped out!" Lars would hand Anofelis a bottle of water, her quickly drinking quite a bit. In the meantime, you'd squirm you way over to Derek and Oreas who were the furthest away from the drop-off. You asked them what floor you currently were on, Derek responding calmly. "Somewhere between the 30th and 40th floor. We've jumped up approximately 12 floors, is my guess." Up next, you asked what they had found in terms of nearby areas, also stating where you hoped to head to: Somewhere that wasn't very accessible through normal methods, and even less likely to be stumbled into. It also would help if it had some food sources for them to utilise.

"You're asking for a lot here, Mik. But, I think we can find something which suffices somewhat. I just checked the map, and this vent leads to a few interesting spaces. We're currently parallel to another corridor, which is heading to some sort of testing course for subjects." Oreas would chime in right away. "I think it's some sort of chamber for testing flight skills, but that's just my guess." Derek continued speaking calmly. "If we head further north, we get to a decently large assembly and distribution centre. The good news is that it seems these spaces have already been scanned somewhat. Only issue is that there are reports of 9-SB having ran past here, and she is currently being searched for. Other reports state that the place has also been trapped previously by PF-4." Honestly, you wanted to be quite fast right now, maybe not wanting to spend time looking for those two subjects. Especially since one of them was already being hunted down by Heathens, and you didn't want to risk encountering even more death squads now.

For now, you needed to just drop them off somewhere safe with food. Afterwards, you could continue your search for the queen, as well as finding a way to deal with Nikita and his irritating behaviour. Though, the meeting with Arika was also still on your mind, you hoping you could meet her and then maybe send her over to whatever location you'd find for the girls right now.
>What do you do next?

>Try and find a way even further up. The further towards the surface you went, the more distance you made away from other death squads.
>Head towards the testing range. It was spacious enough that there'd probably be some rooms you could barricade and turn into a small holdout for the girls.
>Head towards the distribution centre even further northwards. Given the fact that it was trapped already made it a risky area for death squads to go to, making it less appealing. It would be more of a risk for you and your men though, depending on the type of traps.
>Tell the girls to stay here whilst you explore. Just in case that you do happen to run into another death squad down here.
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...

(You guys mentioned wanting more Kamara interactions, so I gave this. Anon wants to try and train Kamara into someone quite useful. Whether it will work is… gonna be difficult to say. In any case, I’ll try and utilise her just a tiny bit more in the future. Just cuz she’s a a scaredy cat, that doesn’t mean I should keep her uninteresting!)

(Anyway, like I said yesterday, tomorrow, I’ll start an internship which will maybe make quite the dent in my schedule. I do think it will be manageable, but I’ll let you guys know if things get too busy for me to write updates. Either way, do wish me luck, because I am admittedly anxious as fuck about it.)
>Try and find a way even further up. The further towards the surface you went, the more distance you made away from other death squads.
Go up more. we are still in active zones.
Supporting. If we are going to commit to this, may as well go all the way.
>Head towards the distribution centre even further northwards. Given the fact that it was trapped already made it a risky area for death squads to go to, making it less appealing. It would be more of a risk for you and your men though, depending on the type of traps.
Somewhere already explored, and trapped so it won't be explored again? Sounds almost ideal.
>Try and find a way even further up. The further towards the surface you went, the more distance you made away from other death squads.
Keep ascending our way to heaven. I think the ideal might be some kind of plant room on the top machine floors - the kind of boring shit nobody is interested in and easily accessible from the vents (perhaps we could collapse the main entrance to make it vent access-only?). Hey, I wonder if we could go all the way up and out? Just a peek outside, to be able to see the sky for the first time ever in their lives and for Chrys to catch some real rays. If we're lucky, we might even find some of the mythical children up here.
That said, I do want to investigate the warehouse if it might have food in it. We do still need to feed the girls after all and we're trying to feed half a dozen more people than our rations were meant for.

I wish Anon all the best. While I don't think she will ever become a killer, anything success at making Kam less of an undeveloped dead weight would be a win.
>Try and find a way even further up. The further towards the surface you went, the more distance you made away from other death squads.
Despite the options which Derek provided you, you still weren't satisfied. Given that this zone still had some activity, you wanted to go as further up as possible. After telling such, Derek seemed surprised. "Okay. Let me look for something. The vents aren't shown on the map, but maybe there are some unknown spaces above us which these vents can lead to." Derek said as he checked the tablet, after which Oreas also spoke up. "I'll just look ahead, if that's okay with you guys." Thaddeus would join her, clearly wanting to make sure nothing bad happened to her. "Damn, we're really heading all the way up, huh?" Lars would comment, you explaining that you might as well just commit and go all the way. There were a lot of locations which would hopefully not be in the crosshairs of other death squads: Boring locations which nobody would try and seek out.

Though if you went higher and higher, you did wonder if you could go all the way up and escape the facility. Maybe you could find a safe spot where you could indulge in a bit of the sun? The girls especially could use it, given how they were stuck down here for a while. After bringing it up to your men however, Anon would speak up disapprovingly. "As much as I like the idea, it would be incredibly dangerous to do such. I got a feeling that the government is currently watching over the upper ruins as much as possible to ensure nothing escapes. I imagine that if we do get spotted, it will be worse than whatever Nikita or any Diamond Dogs group can do to us..." Obviously, it was just a thought you had, not something you immediately wanted to do right away. Maybe if it looked safe enough, you could actually consider it. For the time being though, you would just wait for Oreas and Thaddeus to return with any news, or for Derek to give suggestions on where to go next.

After waiting some time, Derek did get a few suggestions on where to go to. "Okay, so everything above us is hardly mapped out. It says here there are some control rooms for maintaining environmental factors in this section of the facility. Stuff like ventilation, temperatures and other variables for deeper within." This actually got some of your men interested, with Lydia even asking: "Do you think we're at risk being down in this place, if those environmental variables aren't being maintained properly?" Though to this, Zaria would give her own thoughts, which did actually help out somewhat. "Given the gigantic crater and the massive explosion, I feel like maintaining those things is both less important now, and pretty much impossible. Look on the bright side though, the crater will surely allow for some excellent ventilation towards the deeper parts!" Despite the joking nature of the remark, it didn't seem too far-fetched that maintaining these things was no longer necessary.
Regardless, Derek would bring up some further suggestions. "Aside from that, we can also head further south, or try and see if there is a way eastwards. Maybe there are some rooms close to the edge of the crater?" It was not exactly the safest of locations to check out. Though that also meant that these locations would be remote enough that they didn't see any death squad traffic. Fortunately though, you'd soon get your decision made for yourself, as Thaddeus and Oreas returned. "We found a way upwards not too far away from here. T'is gonna be quite the climb again though." Derek commented, Oreas nodding before also speaking up. "We also saw a vent heading right, ummm, I mean east. It headed to some open space in the distance, which we think was the crater." With you still wanting to head further up, it was clear that there was only one real route you could take now.

You'd tell Thaddeus and Oreas to lead the way over, them swiftly and eagerly getting to work. And after a short few minutes of crawling ahead, you'd once more see a vent leading upwards. Once again, Oreas would get ready to lift you up. Though Anon would once again use the time to try and get Kamara to help. "Hey, Kamara, would you be willing to help again?" Kamara would look unsure, rubbing the back of her head before responding. "Ummm, I-I can try? Uhhhh, I-I'm still a little t-tired from the previous climb, s-so ummmm... I-I may be a bit slower th-than before." She remarked, Anon giving her some pats on the back and reassuring her further. "Just give it a try and see if you can carry more people afterwards. If not, you can stop after just one person, okay?" Kamara nodded, as she and Anofelis would get to work lifting everyone up. Unfortunately, it did go a bit slower than the previous time. Mostly because Kamara was indeed quite exhausted. Anofelis did manage to keep up quite well, not even breaking a single sweat on her way up.

And after another fifteen to thirty minutes, you'd all once more be a bit more further up in the facility. Though unlike before, the vents only headed forward. You simply followed it as Derek followed close-by. "Okay, the control chamber will be to our left a short while from us. I'll let you know once we get there so we can try and break in." And surely enough, you'd soon find a panel on the vents. And with a bit of help from Morgan, you’d carefully break through and found yourself in another messy room. Though it didn’t look like it was messy due to human interference. It looked like the place had just been shaken around, papers strewn all over the place and things having been knocked all over. As you stepped into the room, your men were quick to check some of the papers. “Hmmm, doesn’t look like anything too interesting. Laura, what do you think?” Lars said as he looked at some paper, Laura scoffing. “I doubt this place will have anything useful related to subjects. Though maybe there’s a map of the facility somewhere?”
Immediately, your men started looking around for such a map. They opened up the nearby cupboards to find it. Though unfortunately, no such map was found. There just were books about the ventilation system and other systems. They would’ve been important had you been engineers. But for you they were not really of any use. As your men kept looking about, Thaddeus would already head for the door, unlocking it and peaking past it. “Place looks empty outside.” Derek would also approach, having his tablet in hand. “If the map is correct, this place should be attached to some lockers, storage space and staff areas.” Laura also chimed in again, elaborating on where you guys had found yourself. “I imagine this is where some of the staff of this sector stayed at. Or maybe a space for temporary workers or engineers. Either way, I doubt this is a place where many scientists who work on subjects would find themselves.”

As your men kept looking around, Chrys would approach you and Derek with a curious question. “So, uhhhh, how far up are we now?” Derek would look at the tablet, before giving a calm response. “We’re close to the top floors. If we find any stairwells leading up, we’d be able to reach the very top floors. But even then, it’s quite a distance below the surface. About 30 meters at least.” Chrys seemed disappointed, after which Morgan spoke confidently. “30 meters is nothing! Anofelis can most surely dig her way through that, if that is what we intend to do next!” Of course, you weren’t going to confirm whether or not you’d start digging up just yet. For now, you still had different plans on your mind. And shortly after, Thaddeus would pause with peaking into the hallway, looking over at Derek. “There’s a large open space to the north of here. What do ya think it is?” He’d ask, Derek checking the tablet before giving a calm response. “Living quarters, if the map is correct.” Anofelis spoke up quite happily. “Well, guess we can make our home there now?”

However, Laura quickly stepped in to give her opinion. “I suggest we be careful. For all we know, there still are some survivors there.” Whether it was a good space to occupy was indeed still a mystery. You didn’t even know if it’d have any food for the girls, or if it could be locked so that the girls were safe.

>What do you do next?

>Just barge into the living quarters with your forces. What were the odds anyone was in there, let alone anyone who could threaten you and your men? (Write in how you’ll barge in there.)
>Just stay here for a while to maybe wait things out and see if anything happened. Maybe you could even create a little noise to see if anyone came out and revealed themselves. (Write in how you’ll create a noise or how long you’ll wait for.)
>Head somewhere else. Maybe there was something more interesting nearby worth checking out? (Write in what you’ll look out for.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…
(Apologies for the lack of an update yesterday. I was absolutely exhausted due to my sleep schedule changing heavily. At least now I could spend more time working on an update, since I'll start much later with my internship tomorrow.)

(The update is nothing too major, I'll admit. Hopefully, it's not too bland or boring, which I feel like it might be due to my exhaustion and what not having affected my writing. Hopefully it'll get better as I get more and more used to the sleep schedule my internship requires. Speaking of which, my internship is going quite smoothly so far. I do think I'll be quite busy in the next few weeks still, but I'll hopefully figure out a good rhythm and be able to maintain my update rate. I was able to do so previously when I continued with Uni, so I imagine it'll get better with this internship as well.)
>Send Kamara out to scout the place
The true and intended use

I was gonna ask how that went, I thought you started yesterday. Good luck tomorrow!
>Just barge into the living quarters with your forces. What were the odds anyone was in there, let alone anyone who could threaten you and your men? (Write in how you’ll barge in there.)
Since we need to secure the area, just start sweeping rooms and opening doors - if there are any survivors in here, they'll likely be civvies. Oreas and Chrys can come too since they're pretty unintimidating and less likely to make anyone panic than we are and can help defuse any confrontations. See if we can find a janitorial station or security kiosk, since they might have a skeleton key or keycard to the rooms - if we can't find one, Oreas can just peek through any locked doors.

That said, I do have a dastardly plan. If there's one thing that'll really put the wind up a civilian and make them leave their hidey-hole if they think the coast is clear, it'll be the fire alarm. Since I bet it has an inbuilt battery like loads of things in this place do, if we can get Oreas into the right junction box to charge it up and then pull the closest fire handle, it might just flush out anyone in these rooms. Though speaking of backup batteries, I guess it must be super future batt-tek that means anything is still working after weeks when emergency lights might otherwise last hours or a day or two at most - Ori can give them a charge-up if we're staying around here.

In other news, I can't encounter a track titled "Death Squad" and not share it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JEcgyVSlmw. Which of the factions might it fit best?

But yes, see if we can coax Kam into having a look around first to give it a once-over before we start crashing around in it.
>>Just barge into the living quarters with your forces. What were the odds anyone was in there, let alone anyone who could threaten you and your men? (Write in how you’ll barge in there.)
No subjects until after we secure the area.
we just move in, secure the area and then leave the subjects there.
Our guys can do a sweep, afterwhich we can head back down via the vents. we shoul leave em a radio so we can talk to em when we need to.
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Based on a dream.
>Send Kamara out to scout the place
Given that Anon had already given Kamara a use not too long ago, you decided to continue the positive trend. You would tell Kamara that she could head forward and use her camouflage to look around the place. Immediately, you saw her eyes widening and her starting to shiver. "Ummm, I-I... m-maybe that's... w-well, I-I don't..." She stammered a bit, after which Anon stepped in as well. "Kamara, we're in a part of the facility which doesn't have too many potential threats. Chances are you'll be fine. Besides, perhaps you could see this as practice for in the future? We won't be able to protect you all the time, so this could help you get used to such a thing!" Despite what Anon said, you could tell that Kamara was terrified. Laura also seemed heavily opposed to the suggestion, though she just kept quiet for whatever reason. And after Kamara hesitated for some time, she'd look away and mumbled to you. "I-I'll... ummm, I-I'll give it a t-try... I-I'll be slow a-and careful though. S-So please d-don't rush me."

Anon gave her a pat on the back, before speaking reassuringly. "We won't rush you at all. Just take as long as is necessary!" After Anon reassured her, you would ask Derek to get her a radio to work with. You told her to just see if there were any signs of people actually being there. If she saw anything of note, you also wanted her to report it back. "O-Okay." She said, before Derek gave her a quick rundown of where she had to head to and what to expect. Whilst this was happening, Zaria approached you and would give her own thoughts on what was going on. "So, how long do you think it will take her? If she had the patience to hide upside down for god knows how long, I am quite concerned she'll take her sweet ass time here to look around." It was quite a fair concern, but you still trusted Anon and Kamara here. Surely, Kamara would get out of her shell a bit more and become more comfortable on her own?

Shortly after, Kamara would carefully hold onto the radio and peaked into the hallway. She'd look back at you guys, letting out a sigh before quietly stepping forward. Before she disappeared, you saw her changing the colour and texture of her tail to better hide in the environment she'd find herself in now. And with that, you'd wait. "Are you really sure it's a good idea to push Kamara this much?" Oreas soon asked you, to which Anon responded confidently. "If she gets scared, she can always retreat or let us know over the radio. Besides, what are the odds she will find herself in danger over here?" Oreas was still sceptical, but didn't decide to question it too much. And for the next while, you would spend your time just keeping quiet in the control room. Your men would keep checking through some files, as well as just figuring out the plan. Of course, you already had a plan for this location, unless if Kamara returned with some horrific revelation about the place ahead of you.
Time would pass, you occasionally asking Kamara over the comms if she was fine. Every time, she quietly whispered to you that she was fine and that she was just looking around. Though based on her tone and the time it was taking, she clearly was taking her sweet time doing this. Eventually though, you would hear her speak over the radio to you, saying something quite reassuring. "I-I think... t-there's nobody here... I-I've not spotted a-anyone. A-At least, n-nobody's out in the o-open." You told her you would come over then, since there wasn't any reason to sit back and wait for her to return. "Uhhh, o-okay! J-Just let me kn-know where you are s-so I-I can meet u-up with you guys."

>Just barge into the living quarters with your forces. What were the odds anyone was in there, let alone anyone who could threaten you and your men?
You'd look to your men, telling them you wanted to sweep the area quickly. You would check out each room, open each door and make sure that there really was nobody in there. You also told Oreas and Chrys they could come along, which made Oreas seem rather happy. "Sweet!" Chrys also appeared content to join you, putting her hands to her side and smiling proudly. "Sure. I'll gladly join as well!" Of course, Anofelis appeared confused as to why she couldn't join. Morgan appeared far more offended. "Why am I not allowed to join? My blade and shield have served you effectively before, have they not?" You explained that you wanted to appear reasonable and non-confrontational to whoever was maybe in there. And having a knight dragon girl and a giant bug girl would certainly not be reassuring to whoever you'd encounter.

"Don't worry. I'll stay back with you two. We'll just wait for them and join in in case they need our support." Laura told the two, Anofelis nodding understandably whilst Morgan crossed her arms and looked away. Thus, you'd signal everyone to follow you, as you would also step out of the room and headed down the hallway. You kept your guns close-by, as Oreas and Chrys followed you closely. You would take the time to ask Oreas if she could use her powers to activate a fire-alarm. “Huh, why do you want me to do that?” She’d ask, you explaining it could potentially force some of the people in hiding to break out of there. This made Mike chuckle softly. “I’m sorry, but… how would that even work? You think that these guys will hear an alarm and suddenly decide ‘I gotta run now!’? These guys have already experienced a gigantic explosion and potentially even have been stalked and hunted by some of the genuine psychopaths down here. I doubt a fire alarm will do the trick in getting them to flee.” Mike was questioning your suggestion quite intensely. Though he did make some decent points, which even your men didn’t seem too sure about how to refute.
“Besides, I doubt they’d see the fire alarm as a genuine alarm, given the limited number of things which could set it off. They’ll probably just see it as more destruction or the presence of something capable of producing fire… like a subject or some lunatic with a flamethrower.” Mike continued, you telling him that you still thought it could work elsewhere. It’d maybe require some setup, but it was not entirely without merit. Especially in busier places where survivors were actually thriving somewhat, and would actually show themselves if there was some alarm going off. Regardless, shortly after you shared your thoughts, you’d reach the large open space leading to the living spaces. The place reminded you somewhat of the guardsman dormitory you found near the engineer in the sewers. A large set of sliding doors revealed a large lounge of some kind. There were plenty of tables, chairs and benches strewn about the place, along with some sort of kitchen and storage area. Though the difference was that the space led far further inwards, revealing a hallway which was connected to six different rooms.

As you entered and looked around, you’d soon see a silver and flat object waving about between some of the tables. “Kamara, is that you?” Lydia asked calmly, after which the object changed shape and colour back to Kamara’s tail. “H-Here.” She mumbled softly, you approaching her as she’d slowly get up. “Anything of note ya spotted down here?” Thaddeus would ask right away, Kamara shaking her head. “M-Maybe I m-missed something…” Regardless of what she had found, you’d still give her a compliment along with the rest of your men. You saw her starting to calm down a bit, actually giving a more optimistic smile as she’d get up. Perhaps this scouting thing wouldn’t end up going too badly for Kamara in the future after all? Regardless, you’d tell your men to look for janitorial stations or security kiosks. They would maybe have vital intel for you and your men, as well as keycards to nearby rooms. The good news was that the nearby rooms all appeared to have their doors left wide open. So, finding keycards for them wouldn’t be exactly necessary.
Given that Kamara hadn’t spotted anything of notice, perhaps a quick scan would just suffice. It did look like this place could make a fine base for the girls to stay in. Though maybe checking it out fully was for the best first.

>What do you do next?

>Just get Laura, Anofelis and Morgan and help them settle into the new place. You could keep some rations with them and block up the door somehow and then leave them be and continue your travels.
>Do a quick scan through the place first. Maybe check for anything of value. If there was nothing of value, it’d be just a waste of time but nothing too troublesome. (write in if you’ll search for anything specific.)
>Call out to anyone maybe hiding in this space. The only risk to you was that if you spoke up too loudly, it could attract some unwanted attention. (Write in what you’ll say to try and get people to show themselves.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…

(>>6091389 I am shocked she isn't currently chewing into that poor soldier's neck. Perhaps this version of the rabbit is a lot tamer. Either way, adorable artwork. Though a little concerning that this was part of your dream.)
>>Do a quick scan through the place first. Maybe check for anything of value. If there was nothing of value, it’d be just a waste of time but nothing too troublesome. (write in if you’ll search for anything specific.)
Thorough scan. Let's make sure the area is safe for us to get the hell out of here.
>Do a quick scan through the place first. Maybe check for anything of value. If there was nothing of value, it’d be just a waste of time but nothing too troublesome. (write in if you’ll search for anything specific.)
>Do a quick scan through the place first. Maybe check for anything of value. If there was nothing of value, it’d be just a waste of time but nothing too troublesome. (write in if you’ll search for anything specific.)
I want to find personal records. Diaries, audio logs (does anyone even still do those?), photos and so on - an insight into facility life from the ground and may yield some nuggets of incidental intel on the Facility, its key staff and the odd subject. And maybe stuff like security creds and useful tools, as well as a cursory check of all the hiding places like wardrobes and under beds. Honestly, if someone was living in one of these rooms, we'd probably be able to smell it since it'd be weeks since they would have been able to have a wash or get clean fabric. Does these look to be any signs of recent use in the kitchen, common room or elsewhere?

While we're away or having some downtime, I wonder if there's anything nice we could do for the girls now we're in a proper living area do just destress a bit. Is there a TV or games console in the common room? With Oreas and a rigged up battery, we could finally see who would slay in Mario Kart or built a better house in Minecraft. Or just put a movie on to chill to.

We're also going to have pick our MG loadout for when we go back down. As much as I want to say "all of them", we have to be on a reduced team - I want to bring eepy electric eeloli since she's still needed for navigating the vents and as a potential mediator and knightfu as our big stick.

sorry bunny, we blew up your hutch. Or, rather, your boss did.
damn file isn't loading for some reason : (
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Caerabbit again because she cute.

A bit late but here you go.
Good stuff
Loving the ominous rabbit expression
Seeing the MGs without the G part is freakier than it should be
much obliged for the Chonky Rabbit
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I keep forgetting that the midget beetle actually has hair and that she would likely unironically be attracted to a nice bright lämp for feeding on the light.
While we get pretty close with La Mosca, are there any bona fide moth girls around? Are they a yandere perchance?
Isn't she a moth? She has two sets of wings unlike most beetles with no protective chitin over them, low durability overall and high agility, and I am fairly sure those antennae aren't beetle antennae. Sure, she can spit acid but some moths can do that too. Plus I always thought her feeding method was an obvious lamp joke.
I don't think her design has much in common with a moth (the antennas look more like an arthropod than an insect) and her name is a nod to Carabidae, the ground beetles. While yes beetles don't have two sets of wings, they generally don't walk on two legs and talk, sedate people and have more species' genes in them than you'd find on Captain Kirk's dick either.
Wait a minute. Member of the carabid family. Can fart out mildly burning chemicals. She's a goddamn bombardier beetle.
>Do a quick scan through the place first. Maybe check for anything of value. If there was nothing of value, it’d be just a waste of time but nothing too troublesome.
With Kamara not noticing anything, you decided to just go for a quick search. You told your men to look for personal records: diaries, audio logs, photos or other related items documenting what had happened in this place. You also cautioned your men to check any wardrobes, beds and other typical hiding spots. You doubted anyone was hiding in here, but you could never say for sure. There didn't seem to be any real signs of activity around the place, indicating that it really was untouched. Still, your men would quickly start looking around the place for anything. Most of your men gravitated to the six room sin the back, quickly pushing the doors open before looking around with their guns at their side. Oreas and Chrys would also look around, Oreas following Lydia whilst Chrys stuck with Thaddeus. Kamara would also join Anon, anxiously checking the kitchen area.

"Kitchen appears empty, Mik." Anon would say soon after, after which Kamara would also speak up. "Ummm, i-it's quite m-messy. I... ewwww, there's something really gross in this pan." She'd take a step back, as you could see that someone had indeed been cooking there. They had been making some sort of sandwich. Though given how stale the food looked and how it was already getting mouldy, it probably was being prepared right as the disaster struck. Still, the fact that food had been prepared here was enough of a sign that the place was being used right up to the disaster. Or at the very least, sometime close to the disaster. It could mean that someone had fled from this place right before the disaster as well though, so it wasn't anything too substantial for the time being. Though Anon would keep looking for any further clues, hoping to find anything.

You would also head for the six rooms ahead of you, checking out what your men were doing. Looking inside the first room, you saw Mike and Zaria trashing the place a bit. They threw everything to the side, opened everything and scanned any place where someone could be hiding. Though in the room behind you, you would soon hear Lars speak up. "Mik, I found this." He'd come over with a picture of some kind, showing a female with a facility lab-coat and hard hat, along with what was presumably her male partner. She looked quite happy in the picture, appearing on some kind of tropical beach. Checking the back of it, you saw a pretty sombre text: "If you ever miss me, just look at this picture and remind yourself that I am always there for you. No matter what. -Your lover eternal, Kent". It seemed sappy, but the fact this was directed to someone who was highly likely dead did make you feel a little uneasy. Still, the note didn't offer much else than that, aside from knowledge on what one of the engineers looked like.
Shortly after, Derek would come out of one of the rooms with a book of some kind. "Mik, this might be interesting." After being given the book, you would open it up and find that it was some sort of logbook of one of the engineers here. It had a bunch of dates, each having events, quotas and further notes scribbled onto them. '50 litres of nanochip fabrication', 'Meeting with scientist', 'Bring your child to work day excursion', were just some of the notes which you read in the past few weeks. And it seemed that the logbook ran from the start of this year all the way to the end. "I bet if there is one of these for this year, there ought to be more around for the previous few years. Maybe they can also be useful?" Derek said as he was ready to do a bit more searching. Given that you had only given the book a skim read for the past three weeks, there was a chance that there was far more to this book than what you had checked through.

Regardless, you'd soon also enter one of the bedrooms. The place was somewhat messy already, but far cleaner than some of the previous locations you had been to. You'd try and check it thoroughly, finding some more small personal belongs, but nothing too interesting. The most interesting thing you found were some posters showing some politicians from the capital planet. As well as a calendar where each month showed a different city from a well-known planet from around the capital systems. There were a few dates circled on it as well, but it didn't seem that it contained any vital information. Unless if the birthdays and holidays were really important in your mind. Still, it was another hint of some of the people who used to stay here, as well as their names. Your next find would be far more interesting though, showing what looked to be an engineer giving Agami a handshake. There was another scientist in the back of the picture, who clearly had a higher rank than the engineer in the picture.

After your findings, you decided to shift gear just a tiny bit. Since this place was going to become the place where the girls would be staying, you wanted to find some entertainment for them. You’d check the cupboards for games or anything which could keep the girls entertained. You would mostly find some simple board games, plenty of somewhat complex literature covering numerous scientific topics, as well as some empty paper and drawing tools. There were also the flatscreens in the main space, though they were presumably designed for announcements rather than entertainment. Still, with a bit of time and effort, Lydia or Derek could maybe find a way to plug a tablet into the screen, so that it can be used for playing videos or even games. Though perhaps just keeping it to the board games and books was for the best. Hopefully the material would actually be understandable to the girls, as well as fun to read through. At least Anofelis would have a wonderful time just drawing stuff here.
Whilst you were considering your options though, you’d suddenly hear Lydia speak up loudly. “Crap, put your hands up NOW!” Immediately, you and the rest of your men would rush over to the room you heard her in. She was all the way in the back, you entering the room and seeing her pointing her gun at a rather tiny cupboard. Inside of it, you saw a terrified and messy engineer. He was shivering and raised his hands, his eyes watery as he spoke up. “D-Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!” You and the rest of your men would all rush into the room, Kamara, Chrys and Oreas seeming a bit unsure what to think of what was going on. Still, Lydia handled the situation well, keeping her gun aimed at the guy as she made her demands. “Get out slowly and show yourself. We won’t hurt you if you co-operate.” The rest of your men also got their guns ready, just in case there was some sort of ambush awaiting you here. Though given the terror and the lack of hiding locations, it really seemed like this guy was the only one here. Funnily enough, as he stepped out of the cupboard, you saw plenty of candy wrappers and bottles strewn around inside of it. Clearly, the guy had stockpiled a decent amount of food for himself, albeit rather unhealthy food.

“P-Please, I-I mean n-no harm! I-I’m just a s-survivor, j-just like those g-girls there!” He’d say as he looked over to the girls. “Y-You’re here to s-save people, r-right? I-I’m not a threat, I-I swear! J-Just… y-you can put the g-gun down! I-I promise, I-I’m just an o-ordinary dude! Y-You can check me f-for weapons o-or anything! J-Just…” The guy was visibly shivering, giving Kamara a run for her money with how utterly terrified and anxious he was. At least he was co-operating and didn’t seem like he’d cause too much trouble.

>What do you do next?

>Ask the guy some basic details about who he is, what he is doing here and what he knew about what the hell was going on in this place. (Write in what you wanna ask him.)
>Reassure the guy to make him calm down. He looked like he is about to piss his pants, so it probably was just better to help him feel more at ease with you. (Write in how you’ll reassure him.)
>Ask the girls if they can confirm whatever he says. Maybe in a way that you could check if he was being 100% honest with everything. (Write in how you’ll have the girls help in fact-checking.)
>Get one of your men to check him for weapons or anything else on his person. Better to not run the risk of him actually having anything nasty on him. (Write in who you’ll send in to do the job.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…

(>>6092347 >>6093067 Ah, wonderful to see more works from you guys. I like the terrified look on Kamara in the first, and the smug aura the rabbit has in the second pic. I love it. And >>6093155 yeah, Chrys is partially based on a bombardier beetle. I also had some cockroach and jewel beetle influences, as well as indeed a tiny amount of möth)
>>Reassure the guy to make him calm down. He looked like he is about to piss his pants, so it probably was just better to help him feel more at ease with you. (Write in how you’ll reassure him.)
Never a dull moment.
Tell him to keep calm.
>Ask the guy some basic details about who he is, what he is doing here and what he knew about what the hell was going on in this place. (Write in what you wanna ask him.)
Go down the question list.
Standard shit about himself and what he does
then what he knows about facility and top staff
then shit about what went down when disaster started and after
then ask him how tf has he survived here this long.
>Ask the girls if they can confirm whatever he says. Maybe in a way that you could check if he was being 100% honest with everything. (Write in how you’ll have the girls help in fact-checking.)
After he's done, cross examine and if there is anything peculiar we have a second round of questioning.
>Get one of your men to check him for weapons or anything else on his person. Better to not run the risk of him actually having anything nasty on him. (Write in who you’ll send in to do the job.)
This, but be careful so that he doesn't try to use anything while we are checking him for said thing.

Chances are we keep him here with the girls until we head back down and link him up with other survivors.
>Get one of your men to check him for weapons or anything else on his person. Better to not run the risk of him actually having anything nasty on him. (Write in who you’ll send in to do the job.)

>Ask the guy some basic details about who he is, what he is doing here and what he knew about what the hell was going on in this place. (Write in what you wanna ask him.)
Might have to archive dive to find that
>Reassure the guy to make him calm down. He looked like he is about to piss his pants, so it probably was just better to help him feel more at ease with you.
Given the sheer panic in his voice and his anxious tone, you would first try and get him to calm down. You told him to relax, that you wouldn't kill him and that he just had to relax a bit. He was still shaking, though nodded his head as you heard him mumble to himself. "C-Calm down. Calm d-down. I-It's okay. I-I... okay... o-okay, I-I'm calming down!" Clearly he wasn't calming down at all, as he was surrounded and knew this could end badly if he didn't co-operate. Your men clearly were not impressed with the guy, keeping their guns at the ready but also pointing them down just a little bit to help him feel at ease. You'd see him closing his eyes as he kept his hands raised, still whispering to himself.

>Get one of your men to check him for weapons or anything else on his person. Better to not run the risk of him actually having anything nasty on him.
You'd calmly approach the guy with your gun lowered, telling the guy that you would first frisk him. "Okay! O-Okay!" He said quickly, nodding as you would approach him and carefully check him over. You checked his person, specifically searching for anything on him which he could use to attack you with. You did end up finding one thing: a screwdriver. You'd ask him why he had it, making him shiver even more than before. "S-Self... s-self d-defence..." It seemed like a fair thing to have on your person in this place. Besides, he was honest about it, which did make him seem a bit more trustworthy. Searching him further, you found some keycards, a wrench as well as a wallet on him. He also had a bottle of water on him, the water actually looking somewhat fresh still. "That water looks quite fresh. Where did you get it from?" Anon would ask from behind you, to which the guy hesitantly responded. "Ummm, uhhhh, I-I got it from... a-a s-soda m-machine?"

Having checked him fully, it was safe to say that he didn't have much else on him. He had given you all the arms he had on him, as well as some decently useful tools. And with that in mind, you'd take a step back and tell your men to lower their guns a bit. Unless if he had some well hidden weapons, he was probably harmless at this point.

>Ask the guy some basic details about who he is, what he is doing here and what he knew about what the hell was going on in this place.
>Ask the girls if they can confirm whatever he says. Maybe in a way that you could check if he was being 100% honest with everything.
You'd ask the girls to come over to you, as you wanted their help with doing some fact-checking. You'd tell the guy that you were going to ask him some simple questions, and that any lie he told would be used against him. "I-I won't lie. I promise!" He said desperately, as you would go down the usual questions which you'd ask the people you found.
You began with the basics, asking him about who he was and what his job was before everything went to shit. "Ummm, I-Ingmar P-Parson i-is my n-name. Uhhhh, I a-am... or, uhhh, I w-was an e-engineer. I, uhhhh, w-worked at the... f-facilities n-near here! Ummmm, y-yeah, I just... h-helped f-fabricate some, uhhhh, b-basic things for the c-containment ch-chambers and what not. N-Nothing special." You'd look for the girls, trying to see how they reacted. Though given their curious expressions, they clearly weren't questioning it too much. You'd thus ask about the disaster, asking him how it started and what had caused it. "Uhhhh, w-well a subject e-escaped, I-I think? Ummmm, I-I don't know t-to be honest. I-I was t-taking the d-day off a-and staying here w-when we suddenly were o-ordered t-to stay put. T-Then there was a m-massive blast a-and... t-that's it."

This time around, the girls did actually seem a bit surprised. “You had a day off?” Oreas asked right away, to which Ingmar nodded quickly. “Y-Yeah?” Kamara also seemed surprised by the suggestion, even mumbling back a little. “I didn’t know staff could take breaks…” Ingmar seemed insistent though, raising his voice just a little. “W-We’ve got break days! S-Some go back to the m-mainland a-and… m-maybe your caretakers j-just didn’t inform you o-of those? T-That or e-engineers g-get more days off! I-I don’t know! E-Either way, I-I spent my day off here, o-okay?” You kept asking questions, wanting to know what he had been up to since shit hit the fan. “Ummm, j-just reading a-and hiding? I-I f-feared subjects w-would be f-free because of w-whatever the b-blast was… a-and thought that s-staying up here w-was the safest b-bet, r-rather than leaving. E-Especially after the p-power went out.” You wanted to know how he survived here for as long as he presumably did, as he would look a bit ashamed. “Ummm, n-nonperishables. I-I had l-lots of c-candy bars a-and… ummmm, s-soft drinks from a v-vending machine.” It clearly wasn’t the healthiest diet, but it clearly let him live. Albeit presumably not in the healthiest of states.

You would ask him about his co-workers and top staff, making him look confused. “Uhhhh, I-I don’t… I’m n-not sure? I-I just… uhhhh, I’m j-just contracted h-here t-to do a job, n-not socialize. I-I didn’t interact w-with too many p-people. L-Let alone the h-higher ranking staff.” Obviously it seemed a little odd that an engineer wouldn’t know much about the people he worked with. But given his anxiety and the fact he was all alone, it could just be that he really was a loner. Still, you’d ask what he knew about Tengri and the likes, given that they were the head of staff and essentially in control. You specifically focused on Roraima and Elbrus. “Ummm, I-I only met T-Tengri once. H-He seemed nice, I-I guess… I-I don’t know, I-I just focused on w-work, n-not meeting o-other folk. S-Sorry.”
Given that he really didn’t seem to know much, you’d just move onto some other questions. You’d ask him about Titania, wanting to see what he knew of the giant subject. Whilst the guy apparently was unaware of much of the staff or the disaster, surely he’d know about her! And fortunately, he did have some things to say about her. “Uhhh, s-she’s the b-biggest subject, r-right? W-Why are you a-asking?” You told him that you’d maybe explain later, first wanting to hear what else he knew of her. “Ummm, s-she was… I-I think some s-sort of dragon g-girl? S-She uhhhh, oh yeah, s-she was designed for s-space transport o-or something along those l-lines! Ummm, uhhhh… I-I think that’s it.” It wasn’t much new intel, but at least it showed that the guy knew SOME things about the place he worked at. Though your next question was one which made him seem a lot more confused, as you asked him about escape routes. “E-Escape routes? I-I don’t… I don’t r-really understand.” You’d elaborate, stating that you wanted to know ways through which folk could leave this accursed place.

“Ummm… I-I… I don’t know? C-Can’t you folks just t-take the m-main entrance? O-Or was that place d-damaged somehow d-during whatever the hell happened h-here?” Clearly, Ingmar had no clue about escape routes. He probably had spent all his time holed up in here, meaning he had no opportunity to really explore what was going on. In fact, it actually made Zaria speak up in quiet disbelief. “Have you… have you actually left this place once or tried contacting anyone to find out what is going on around here?” Ingmar would take a moment to think, before sheepishly responding. “W-Well, I did t-try contacting folk, b-but… n-nobody responded. S-So, I-I’ve just… s-stayed here, y-yeah?” This actually got you asking what his plans were for the future, seemingly confusing him. “I… w-well, um, y-you’re here o-on behalf of the g-government, r-right? A-Aren’t you here to… a-aren’t you here to s-save us?” Given that you had the girls on you, he probably made the misconception that you were here to save any survivors. Of course, you were here for highly different reasons.

Though before saying anything, you asked the girls if there were any inconsistencies in Ingmar’s story. Kamara shook her head, whilst Oreas casually said: “There isn’t much to say, given what he has just been up to here.” She’d look over to Ingmar, before asking: “Don’t you know any staff personally or have any friends?” Ingmar shook his head, giving an awkward smile and a bit of a shrug. “Ummm, y-yes?” You saw some of your men genuinely being shocked by this revelation. Though a few of your men seemed sceptical or distrusting. The guy barely knew anything about this place, despite working for it. Maybe he really was that socially inept. Or perhaps there was more to Ingmar than he was willing to show.
>What do you do next?

>Question him further. Maybe there were some other questions you could ask him to either prove that he was just a loner or hiding something? (Write in what you’ll ask)
>Answer his question about what you were doing here and what was going on. You couldn’t tell him that you were here to save him, given that you couldn’t exactly bring him anywhere safe right now. (Write in what you’ll tell him.)
>Try and intimidate him with the help of one of your men. Perhaps he’d have a better memory about this place if you were to give him some ‘incentive’. (Write in who will do the intimidating)
>Just tell him to get the hell out of here since he clearly was of no use to you. If he was lucky, he would find a different, better place to hide in and not get found by other death squads.
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…

(Apologies for the lack of updates this weekend. Suppose I'll just say procrastination and exhaustion from the week are reasons enough for me to hesitate until the very last minute with making an update. Anyway, next week may be a bit busy as well, but the week after I'll def have a more relaxed schedule to hopefully get back into action a lot more than the previous week.)
>Question him further. Maybe there were some other questions you could ask him to either prove that he was just a loner or hiding something?
>Answer his question about what you were doing here and what was going on. You couldn’t tell him that you were here to save him, given that you couldn’t exactly bring him anywhere safe right now.
There doesn't seem to be any glaring holes in the story, and he's either being genuine or a very good actor but there's a lot we can't verify. It stands to reason that the girls wouldn't know what the lower-level non-scientific staff got up to and if they were permitted time off and we know the facility was extensively hiring, but it is odd that they would be permitted to leave readily with all the security and jump through all the security hoops to bring in a contractor to do grunt work when they had so many in-house experts to do that.
So, grill him a bit more. Who did he work for, how long had he been here and what are some specific examples or what he was working on? Also, where was he actually staying (whose room is this?), why was he up here instead and where did everyone else here go?
And then we drop the bomb. Yes, the facility is in chaos, yes all the subjects are loose (nice and nasty ones alike), most of your coworkers are probably dead and the Government is not here to save you.

I wonder how our green section guardbros are doing. We haven't talked to them in a while.
actor with nothing but a screw driver is a very ballsy actor
also, supporting.
>Question him further. Maybe there were some other questions you could ask him to either prove that he was just a loner or hiding something?
Seeing that you couldn't verify some of the things Ingmar claimed, you opted to ask some further questions. Mostly because it seemed so strange for some random contractor to be accepted into the facility. Especially given the intense secrecy and security this place had. Not to mention, the fact the scientists would surely know how to manage the engineering part as well. Regardless, you'd ask him who he worked under, as he would surely have some superior he answered to. "Ummm, th-the head of th-this engineering d-department. H-Her name was, ummm, L-Leyla? T-That's... ummm, y-yeah, t-that's it. I-I didn't remember her l-last name..." Your men seemed a little stunned, with Anon even asking: "So you don't know your superior's name? What?" To this, the guy would look a little embarrassed, as he mumbled to you. "I-I'm not a... p-people person."

Zaria would scoff, before speaking in a rather smug tone. "Yeah, I think we've figured that out." You still continued, asking more about how long he had been working here, as he would look at his wallet, before pointing to it. "Ummm, i-it's in th-there..." Some of your men raised their eyebrows, as Thaddeus calmly asked: "Don't ya remember how long ya have been workin' in this place?" Ingmar shook his head, as he thought about it for a bit. "I-I think... t-two years now? K-Keeping up with t-time down here c-can be tough..." You'd check his wallet, finding that it was indeed just a bit longer than two years. You'd then ask about what he worked on, wanting to hear some specific examples. "Oh! I-I worked on... ummm, s-some of the p-panels a-and... oh y-yeah, I worked on these, ummm, w-what are they called... o-oh yeah, these sp-special d-door locks which use s-scanners! R-Really useful stuff!" If the guy worked on the key cards, it could actually be useful to you and your men.

Still, given that he was clearly not the most sociable and competent guy, there was some doubt about the possibility amongst your men. Especially since he did still seem a little sketchy. You'd even ask him about why he was here when the others were in the bunkers. "Ummmm... I-I s-sorta ran back here d-during the l-lockdown thingie? I... I wanted to get m-my, umm, m-my wallet since I f-forgot it here... a-and then as I g-got here, there was a big e-explosion a-and I just... d-decided to st-stay here." Your men remained quiet, staring the guy down in silent disbelief. Still, you went on and asked him two more important questions. You wanted to know who stayed in this room as well, and where they all went. "Oh! C-Co-workers! Ummm, I-I don't know w-where they went, but... uhhh, t-they also were e-engineers. W-We were good f-friends though!" This made Zaria speak up again. "Can you recall what they were called?"
This made Ingmar look a bit down, as he would rub the back of his head and chuckle awkwardly. "Heh, f-funny you asked that. I-I just... w-well, I... I forgot?" Your men all stared at him, as you heard the exasperation at his comment. Mike even shook his head, whilst Zaria facepalmed. Lydia appeared more sympathetic though, responding calmly. "You... you say they were friends, but you didn't even know their name?" Ingmar didn't say a word, just looking down awkwardly as this was undeniable proof that he wasn't exactly well versed in this place. Still, the fact he spent two years here did make you wonder how he didn't even make a single friend here. At least he knew the name of his superior and a few of the higher-ups. But not knowing the names of his co-workers was just... sad. You just moved on, asking him where his 'friends' went, at which point he spoke a bit more honestly right away. "P-Probably b-back in the, ummm, b-bunkers I stayed at b-below here... I-It's quite a w-walk down though. D-Did you see and s-save them too? "

>Answer his question about what you were doing here and what was going on. You couldn’t tell him that you were here to save him, given that you couldn’t exactly bring him anywhere safe right now.
At this point, you decided to drop the ultimate bombshell. You told him that the facility had basically fallen to utter chaos. Something had created a massive chaos, all the subjects were loose, which included the horrific murdery ones. And most importantly of all, his 'friends' were likely all dead or being hunted. You could see the colour in his face fading away, as he froze in place and slowly looked down. Finally, you told him that the government wasn't here to save him, and that you were sent here to kill him. This revelation made him slowly crouch down, as he soon sat in the foetal position. "Probably should've been a bit more careful with how you told him that." Oreas would say more sympathetically, at which point Mike spoke up to Ingmar. "Look, we're not here to kill you though. The government wants us to do some cleaning operation, but we got a feeling they're hiding something. Do you know of anything secretive down in this place?"

It was maybe not the best time to ask such a thing to the guy right now. He was clearly processing the horrific revelations you just told him. And even then, it seemed doubtful like this guy would know of the deeper secrets hidden within the facility. The guy didn't even remember the name of his co-workers after all. Still, Mike had given it a try, and was met with just some soft whimpers from Ingmar. You couldn't exactly hear what he was saying, as Lars would let out a soft sigh. "Probably could've waited for a better timing to ask the guy that, Mike." To this, Mike would look a bit confused. "What? What else are we supposed to do with him then? Just... let him cry to himself instead of letting him know that he will survive and that we're here to help guys like him?"
Whilst it was good that Mike let Ingmar know that he wouldn't die down here, it was still not the right time to ask him such intense questions at this point. Ingmar clearly needed some time to process things. That, or you could try and do as Mike did and hope to get him to calm down somewhat to maybe talk some more.

>What will you do next?

>Try and comfort Ingmar so you can hopefully gain some further intel from him. Maybe let him know that he could stay here so long as he wasn't a threat to your girls? (Write in how you'll comfort him.)
>Just ignore Ingmar for now so that you could focus on more important business. Namely, getting the girls over here so they could colonize this place and turn it into a nice hiding spot.
>Kick Ingmar out of this place now that he wasn't going to fight back anyway. He was far too much of a liability and clearly didn't give much valuable intel. (Write in how you'll kick him out or if you'll do anything else.)
>Try and contact some folk you had on your radio. Maybe Nikita, the guards formerly in the green section, or even your favourite foxy radio host. (Write in who you'll contact and what you'll try and tell them.)
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...
>Answer his question about what you were doing here and what was going on. You couldn’t tell him that you were here to save him, given that you couldn’t exactly bring him anywhere safe right now. (Write in what you’ll tell him.)
Tell him GalGov has brought in mercenaries to kill everything that moves down here. Lucky for him we are treating those orders more like suggestions, but he should be very careful.
>Try and comfort Ingmar so you can hopefully gain some further intel from him. Maybe let him know that he could stay here so long as he wasn't a threat to your girls? (Write in how you'll comfort him.)
Bro why do you care that people down here are dying, you didn't even know their names.
Still kinda sus and even more craven than Kam, but seems harmless enough and might just really be a total recluse. Come think of it, have we even encountered any insurmountable locks so far? He's clearly been here for some time, knowing where things are and being socialised to the MGs - him not knowing who anyone was isn't that far fetched, by the end of university I could only name a couple people in my class and not a single person from my dorm. You can dance around knowing someone's name a lot.
>Try and comfort Ingmar so you can hopefully gain some further intel from him. Maybe let him know that he could stay here so long as he wasn't a threat to your girls?
>Just ignore Ingmar for now so that you could focus on more important business. Namely, getting the girls over here so they could colonize this place and turn it into a nice hiding spot.
Look mah dude, we're not going to kill you, there's lots of people still alive around the place including engineering crew and we're preparing to head down to one of the bunkers to bail them out and kill the bad girls dead if he has anything that might help like where the bunkers actually are, any shortcuts or unofficial routes around. Then we leave him to process for a bit while we set up some beanbags and introduce Morg to chess.

>Just ignore Ingmar for now so that you could focus on more important business. Namely, getting the girls over here so they could colonize this place and turn it into a nice hiding spot.
He needs to process his situation a bit more before we hit him up.
once we bring in the monster girls his curiosity will bring him back to life.
Works every time.
>Try and comfort Ingmar so you can hopefully gain some further intel from him. Maybe let him know that he could stay here so long as he wasn't a threat to your girls?
Seeing how Ingmar was sobbing quite badly, you were a little confused at first. He didn't even know the names of the people around him, so why was he so bothered by their deaths?! Clearly, he didn't have the best relationships with these guys anyway, so it seemed somewhat confusing to you. Still, seeing as he was rather emotional, you opted to give him a tiny bit of support. That way, you could get some more intel from him later, once he was actually able to talk again. Thus, you headed over to him and would calmly tell him that he was going to be fine. You weren't there to kill him and that there were plenty of survivors. He would keep quiet, seemingly listening to what you had to say, but not showing his face.

You'd elaborate on your plans just a itny bit, stating that you were going to head to some of the bunkers to free the people there. You'd even mention that some of the more threatening subjects were going to be neutralized, at which point Oreas bumped into the conversation. "Mik already dealt with a really evil rabbit subject who was causing tons of harm. You can trust him to do a good job!" Despite what Oreas said, Ingmar anxiously remained in the foetal position. You would calmly ask him if he knew anything about how to get to the bunkers. Shortcuts or unofficial routes could help you, after all. Unfortunately, Ingmar just shook his head, clearly not wanting to reveal further details at this time. With it clear that he wasn't going to talk any further, you decided to just move on. Perhaps the time alone would help him calm down. And if it didn't, then you imagined that the girls would help him open up and maybe show himself again.

>Just ignore Ingmar for now so that you could focus on more important business. Namely, getting the girls over here so they could colonize this place and turn it into a nice hiding spot.
You told your men to leave Ingmar to recollect himself, them nodding after which you told them it was time to get the rest of the girls. You'd leave the room and quickly returned to the room where Laura stayed with Morgan and Anofelis. Once you entered the room, you'd quickly explain what was going on. Laura seemed ecstatic to hear that the room was safe, though the news of Ingmar being there left her a bit more unsure. "So, he's just... hiding there? On his own? And he knows nobody down here?" Laura asked after you gave her the gist of the story. Laura thought about it a bit longer, before you explained that you didn't feel like the guy was harmful. There were still some lingering questions, but you didn't feel like his presence was compromising. "Well, if you say so. I guess I can say for sure once I've met him." And with that, you would tell Laura, Morgan and Anofelis to follow to their new place.
Once you returned, you'd show them around and noted the amenities the place had: Entertainment, beds, a kitchen as well as ample hiding space. Though you did also suggest getting some sandbags to help block off the place and ensure nobody could just come waltzing in. "Alright, hope that there's enough food for me and the girls to live off of. At least the girls won't need to take up too many resources." Laura said, as Morgan and Anofelis both wandered into the room. Anofelis was curious, looking all over the place and grabbing some of the stools, pillows and other items which were strewn on the floor. Morgan would look at the main door, before scoffing. "I shall act as guard here. None shall pass through here with me as the brilliant bulwark of justice!" You heard Zaria and Mike both groaning near the hallway, as Morgan once more showed her prideful side.

Regardless, Laura would look around the place as well, passing by some of your men before ending up in the room where Ingmar was hiding in. You'd follow her to see what she did, watching her as she carefully approached the still heavily shaken engineer. Oreas and Kamara were also there, Kamara sitting beside Ingmar to try and comfort him a bit. "Hey, it's okay." Laura would say as she extended her hand. "You'll be safe with us, okay?" She was taking the more respectful and pleasant approach, not wanting to confront the poor guy despite her hesitations. "My name is Laura Porcher. I've worked with Oreas before this. Um, what about you?" There was still some reluctance in her tone, as she probably didn't know how to behave in this situation. Fortunately, it did seem to do the job somewhat, as you saw Ingmar looking up at her just a tiny bit. He'd glance away again, before responding with a hoarse voice. "I-I-Ingmar P-Parson." Laura nodded calmly, before looking over at the girls.

"I take it you've already gotten acquainted with Oreas, Kamara and Chrys?" Laura asked, trying to break the ice a bit, Ingmar looking over at Kamara. "K-Kamara d-d-did t-tell me her n-name..." It seemed that Kamara had tried to converse with the guy as well whilst you were gone, which was certainly good to see. Perhaps the two could relate to each other, given the fear they felt about their current situation? "Alright. Well, we'll be staying with you for a bit. Kinda like your previous co-workers. You wouldn't mind that, right?" Laura asked, to which Ingmar shook his head a tiny bit. "N-N-No, it's... f-fine." Laura would sit beside him, as the guy now had both Kamara and her flanking him. Maybe it was a bit much, but at least the two seemed on amicable terms so far. "I was told that you weren't aware of what was going on in the facility. Take that it came as quite the shock?" Laura asked again, to which Ingmar nodded once again. Laura let out a soft sigh, before looking up a little. “Yeah, I was shocked as well. But hey, we’re together now and we got help from Mik and his men. We’ll do fine, alright?”
Laura would tell Ingmar that more people would hopefully come over to this place after you saved them. Though to this, Ingmar did give a somewhat… odd response. “I-I’m not sure… i-if I feel l-like I w-want that? S-Sorry, I-I just… I-I’m k-kind of… n-not the b-best a-around lots of p-people.” Laura seemed taken back, before looking over at you. “Well, we can help fix that. I mean, your job was one which involved interactions, right? Hell, it should be something of a pre-requisite for the job!” Laura looked slightly perplexed, even getting more of a teasing tone. “We’ll spend a lot of time together. So, you’re gonna have to get used to it.” Ingmar didn’t seem all too comfortable, though didn’t say anything whatsoever. He just looked to the side Kamara was seated at, even looking over her for a bit.

>What do you do next?

>Try and initiate further conversation between Laura and Ingmar. Maybe get them to talk about something interesting to you as well? (Write in what you’ll try and get the two to talk about.)
>Just leave Laura and Ingmar to discuss things together, maybe with Kamara as well. Head back to your men to maybe set up a plan for what you’d set up here for the girls. (Write in what you’ll try and set up.)
>Go over to Morgan, either to chat about her regarding guard duties, or to perhaps challenge her to an honourable battle on the chess board. (Write in what you’ll tell Morgan.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…
>Go over to Morgan, either to chat about her regarding guard duties, or to perhaps challenge her to an honourable battle on the chess board. (Write in what you’ll tell Morgan.)

You can't just give us this option and not expect us to pick it.
>>Just leave Laura and Ingmar to discuss things together, maybe with Kamara as well. Head back to your men to maybe set up a plan for what you’d set up here for the girls. (Write in what you’ll try and set up.)
>Go over to Morgan, either to chat about her regarding guard duties, or to perhaps challenge her to an honourable battle on the chess board. (Write in what you’ll tell Morgan.)
Protect them, but the best protection is secrecy, you must NOT initiate a battle if you can avoid it. To start one will attract attention, attention will not go away until your dead or escape. Every second until then will have the full force of the government not just on you, but them as well. Just keep that in mind
>Discuss with your men…
Anything so far? Or are we ready to start heading out to kill that bitch.
>Just leave Laura and Ingmar to discuss things together, maybe with Kamara as well. Head back to your men to maybe set up a plan for what you’d set up here for the girls.
Okay, plan. We'll take inventory of what we've got around here, primarily food and any useful knick-knacks. Then we assess the security situation - how easy is it to get in here, and can we secure the entrances (though by the sounds of it, nobody's been in here for weeks). Then we work out some sleeping arrangements (I'm sure we can shove a couple of beds together for Ano if she even wants one).
>Go over to Morgan, either to chat about her regarding guard duties, or to perhaps challenge her to an honourable battle on the chess board.
Morg, while you're the best at guarding, a little bit of R&R would do some good instead of being so tightly wound all the time - which is how you get tired and stressed - considering nobody has been through that door since the Big Bang. So how about a match of this? It's an ancient and honourable game that was long popular among rulers, philosophers and tacticians, but I haven't had anyone to test myself against down here ssh, don't ruin it.. How about a nice game of chess?
Tug her away from the door by the hand if we have to.

If there's a girl in this place who would be the chess fiend, I suggest never playing with Alexandra Wellesley.
>Go over to Morgan, either to chat about her regarding guard duties, or to perhaps challenge her to an honourable battle on the chess board. (Write in what you’ll tell Morgan.)
Get ready to hear the word "check" a lot you metal lizard
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And he moves pawn to E4! Can she match this thrillingly bold move!? But don't you think that pawn is fitting for you death squad types? Shuffled around as a meat shield and a sacrifice by an uncaring master in their big games? But anyway, here's Start By Sending A Prawn Back by The Hasselblads.
That looks adorable. I like how chill you drew Morgan... she's honestly going to take the chess match quite serious. And now I also imagine Annie giving commentary over all sorts of games, showing her bias and trying to infuriate one of the opponents to get them to lose. Though, given what >>6098211 wrote, the commentary may be a lot more amicable, albeit with the constant reminders of all the 'evil' death squad tactics.

Anyway, gonna try and get an update out tomorrow. I'll have lots of free time later in the day to get one out.
It looks like the nervous expression one makes when their internal monologue largely translates as "oh shit". One of these days we'll get her to unwind. Maybe with some ethanol-based help from Kiyo.

I wonder if we found her and got her to read a copy of Don Quixote if it'd amuse her, infuriate her or break her.
I dunno man, she looks pretty relaxed to me.
It could be interpreted a few ways, to me it looks like a nervous smile. Though that would be a huge win as far as I'm concerned since I'm utterly determined to crack that composure of hers eventually. A flustered Morgan would be so funny.
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>Just leave Laura and Ingmar to discuss things together, maybe with Kamara as well. Head back to your men to maybe set up a plan for what you’d set up here for the girls.
Seeing that the two were starting to converse more and more, you decided to leave Ingmar and Laura alone. As you left, Kamara and Oreas would stay by Laura's side, whilst the rest of your men and Chrys followed you. "So, what's the plan now, Mik?" Chrys asked right away, you stating that you wanted to see what this place had in terms of resources. Food, toys, tools, any of those would be useful. And once you had figured out what this place held, you could look at security flaws and what gaps needed to be filled. "Want us to help?" Thaddeus asked, to which you calmly accepted. The more people looked around the place, the better. In fact, you'd get everyone aside from Morgan to help out, as you quickly got an idea of the stock you had in this place. Anon, Thaddeus, Mike, Lars, Derek, Zaria, Lydia, Chrys and Anofelis would start rummaging through all the space, you telling them to bring everything useful to the main table near the kitchen.

After a few minutes of searching about, your men checking all the rooms thoroughly, you would find that the place did have a few resources you could use. In terms of food, there were a bunch of candies, cookies and other non-perishable sweets. It was quite a huge stash, containing enough food for Laura and Ingmar to maybe survive a week or two. That is, if they didn't also share some of the foods with the girls, which Laura was bound to do. Aside from other tools, there were dozens of kitchen utensils, plates, small containers, bottles and cooking pans. One thing of value which your men found was a pretty sharp knife which could definitely be used for self-defence purposes. Perhaps Chrys or Laura could use it to stab whatever threat entered this place, if either of them had the guts to really use it for that.

Having considered all the amenities, you would next tell your men to check every nook and cranny for ways into the place. You wanted to know if there was any way people could break into this place, your men searching the place thoroughly. Though it really did seem that the only route into the place was the main entrance. You did find that the vent system connected directly to this room, as there were two extra vent entrances in the kitchen and one between the bedrooms. You could ask Morgan to try and fortify these locations with her metal manipulation, or could even set up some snares or other items to help out with safeguarding the vents. Though honestly, such work wouldn't be difficult for the time being. Hell, maybe just protecting the vents was all that was necessary, as nobody really walked through the nearby hallways to begin with. Thus, that left you with sleeping arrangements, which would require the girls' opinions. Then again, they could also just figure that stuff out on their own after you left...
>Go over to Morgan, either to chat about her regarding guard duties, or to perhaps challenge her to an honourable battle on the chess board.
Given that the vents were the only thing of note, you would decide to have a chat with the one person who would play the role of guardswoman here. You'd go over to her, saying you wish to discuss some things. "Of course, Mik! What is it you need of me?" You'd tell her that you hoped she wouldn't be too overly protective of the people you'd leave here. You advised her to avoid starting fights, instead just hiding if it was possible. "Mik, I shan't seek out battles. But I will not let my blade rest when I know there are crooks and evildoers abound. My blade shall bring justice if I deem it necessary! Not to mention, you agree that letting evildoers roam this place freely does not help anyone, correct?" Whilst you could agree that fighting injustice was fair, you still were certain that secrecy was the best option here. You elaborated that she’d garner a ton of attention if she did start fights down here. Hearing this little chat, Mike would bud in as well with a pretty fair comment. “It’s made even worse by the fact that you don’t kill people? I get that you got this… code of honour or whatever, but letting people live only means a greater chance of being targeted.”

Morgan scoffed in turn, grabbing her blade and speaking quite haughtily. “My, you death squads and your brutish ways. T’is in a knight’s nature to show compassion to all life, even those of wretched and crooked individuals! Whoever I do encounter, I shall defeat and show the errors of their arrogance. I shan’t slay them or hurt them in the process. I shall protect the others and ensure nobody dies down here!” It was irritating that Morgan was this insistent on not killing anyone. In turn, you just told her to try and hide at all costs. It was the best she could do, if she decided she wasn’t going to kill anything anyway. “Hiding is for cowards! Besides, I’m always on duty! I’m always ready to find myself facing some heinous evildoer who I can bring to justice!” This actually got you thinking about the fact Morgan was always so insistent on being combat ready. Given your experience with combat and the way it could affect the mind, you would tell her a bit about how she should spend her time instead.

You would compliment her guarding skills, but also tell her that she needed to take time to relax and do something which wasn’t work related. You felt it would reduce her stress and keep her more awake, making her scoff. “I’m not stressed, nor tired! Besides, why would I put down the blade when a threat could walk in any second?” Hearing her insistence, you decided to prove your point in a different way. After all, why not give her a taste of something to potentially soothe her mind? And what better way to do that than to play a relaxing, honourable yet friendly game of chess against her?
You’d grab the chess set from the pile of board games, showing it to her and explaining what it was. Fortunately, it didn’t require too much effort to convince her to play the game. “Well, I am actually familiar with that game. Illimani told me about it before and how it was something some subjects played with their caretakers. I even played some matches against him!” Morgan would thus pause her guard duties, following you to the nearby table so she could actually play a proper game of chess with you. Though your men were… well, they were a bit perplexed. “Mik, are you really going to play chess with her?” Lars asked in bemusement, Mike seeming a bit more irritated. “What a way to spend our time here.” Though some of your men seemed more into the suggestion. “A battle of the wits, huh? Lets see how well those scientists did in making artificial intelligences!” Lydia said excitedly. “Careful Mik. Don Quixote here is quite the madman. With their expert knowledge of the game they might even have their rook jump past their pawns to capture yours." Zaria said jokingly, which seemed to confuse the rest of your men, as well as Morgan.

"Who’s Don Quixote?” Mike said in a somewhat bewildered tone as you set up the chess board, Zaria letting out a sigh. “Come on. Am I the only literary person here? I know it’s a story just a tad bit younger than the game you’re playing now, but still." Morgan would speak more curiously in turn, helping to put the pieces in place. “I presume this Don Quixote was some daring and brilliant knight from ancient times?” Knowing the story of Don Quixote, you weren’t going to spoil it to Morgan just yet. And neither was Zaria, who would smirk just a bit. “Oh, he sure was daring. He was truly insane!” As the pieces were set up, you’d make the first move, as the rest of your men would watch the game which was about to unfold. And it quickly became clear that, despite having experience with the game, you were certainly a lot more familiar with it. Morgan played heavily defensively, not wanting to let go of any piece whatsoever. Whilst it meant she did plan ahead quite well to ensure her pieces were covered, it also meant she didn’t ever do any risky plays. Nor did she ever get any valuable exchanges in.

It was honestly kind of a slog at first. Though you did soon start getting the upper hand. And given her reluctance to go on the offensive unless if it was quite safe, your lead would only grow stronger and stronger. You did overextend a couple of times, but not enough that it would really harm you in the long run. And it wouldn’t take long for you to check her. “Hey Morgan, just because you don’t wanna kill anyone in real life, that doesn’t mean you should limit yourself to that in game as well.” Anon would jokingly remark, much to the chagrin of Morgan.
She responded softly as she thought out her next move. “A true lady does not throw away any pieces or act in desperation. She waits for the right opportunity to strike with finesse and honour!” Despite her tactic of waiting for the right opportunity, that opportunity would never come. You kept checking her king over and over again, her every retreat widening your victory. Until finally, the advantage became too big and you started pushing onto her side of the board. And within a few turns, she had nowhere to go and it was checkmate. “Aye, well done, lad!” Thaddeus said positively, the rest of your men also cheering you on and supporting you. Morgan seemed a bit irritated, but nothing too seriously. “I see that your experience triumphs over my own. You are victorious.” She said with a mild grumble, your men clearly amused to see you beating Morgan in this way. For a potentially very intelligent subject, putting her in her place was highly satisfying.

Regardless, looking around, you saw that your men had finished getting all the supplies in one spot, and had spent the rest of the time watching you beat Morgan at chess. The only one who hadn’t watched was Anofelis, who found herself a nice spot to rest. She lied on a couch and seemed to be taking a little nap. You’d ask your men if they were ready to go out and finally hunt the queen properly, to which Derek responded calmly. “We should maybe try and meet up with Arika first. And afterwards, we’ll probably have to deal with Nikita again, given what he told us.”

>What do you do next?

>Just wrap up helping the girls out here. Maybe tell Morgan to close the vents or ask Ano to help move the beds elsewhere. (Write in what you’ll do to help the girls out.)
>Go down the vents and head straight down. Better to just continue your mission right away, now that you knew that the girls had a somewhat safe location. (Write in if you’ll go any specific direction.)
>Try and find some more resources for the girls. Whilst they had some food to survive off of, candy bars weren’t exactly going to keep Laura and Ingmar healthy down here. (Write in where you’ll go to get food items.)
>Head over to Ingmar and Laura to see how they were doing. Maybe bring up some important sticking points or suggestions for what they should do without you. (Write in what you’ll discuss with them.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…

(Honestly, eating the chess pieces may have been a better strategy than what she actually did. Or at least, it is on parr with her current strategy. Anyway, adorable art as always.)
>Just wrap up helping the girls out here. Maybe tell Morgan to close the vents or ask Ano to help move the beds elsewhere. (Write in what you’ll do to help the girls out.)
Definitely close up the vents

>Try and find some more resources for the girls. Whilst they had some food to survive off of, candy bars weren’t exactly going to keep Laura and Ingmar healthy down here. (Write in where you’ll go to get food items.)
Search nearby
With the lack of transportation methods in this place there would need to be food in the area.
My chops hurt from grinning too widely. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we're blessed to have all of you drawfags....even if Morgy-moos would never resort to such underhanded tactics. Dear me no. Definitely not. Pah!

>Just wrap up helping the girls out here. Maybe tell Morgan to close the vents or ask Ano to help move the beds elsewhere. (Write in what you’ll do to help the girls out.)
Seal the vents and main entrance - obviously leave the vent hole we entered through open. Bail into it if anyone comes knocking and tries to breach the door.
>Head over to Ingmar and Laura to see how they were doing. Maybe bring up some important sticking points or suggestions for what they should do without you.
Better yet - ask Ingmar where food if he's willing to talk. Surely they had a staff canteen or something round here - if he lived here, he'd know where the places to get the food were. Probably. Maybe.

RE Morgan, she's definitely intelligent but not smart. Her subject programming is a straitjacket on her thought processes and hamstrings her ability to turn that intelligence into anything useful - Q.E.D. in the chess match, she had the brain cells to play and could well have won but was forced to leverage it support of a heavily suboptimal strategy that shackled her playstyle. The sooner we can work on wearing down her mental conditioning, the better (more Dame Louise, less Lawful Stupid) - if we ever can.....
Wait. Hold up. Morgan Caliburnus. "Morgan" Le Fay + Ex"calibur". Very Arthurian.
in the end...
It was a matter of resolve.

>Just wrap up helping the girls out here. Maybe tell Morgan to close the vents or ask Ano to help move the beds elsewhere. (Write in what you’ll do to help the girls out.)
>Head over to Ingmar and Laura to see how they were doing. Maybe bring up some important sticking points or suggestions for what they should do without you. (Write in what you’ll discuss with them.)
>Go down the vents and head straight down. Better to just continue your mission right away, now that you knew that the girls had a somewhat safe location. (Write in if you’ll go any specific direction.)
Supporting. We can get more supplies from them later, potentially even stuff taken from the Queen after we kill her. They should be able to last for at least a week so we don't have much of a time crunch.
>>6099057 (me)
Eh, yeah, whatever, let's jus head back out. Leave the food til later, they can subsist on cookies and crisps for a day or so And perhaps they can push a couple of beds together to give Oreas the big bed she said she wanted to sleep in when she comes back. While we head down into the depths, I do want to stop by Arika on the way down, it should only be a small detour.

That said, we have to decide on which girls to bring with us now. I still say Morgan and Oreas as our designated bullet sponge and utility protege, especially for vent travel. I would say Kamara as well as scout, but she's nowhere near ready for this. Perhaps in due time.

Ya know, it still trips me up that after nearly a year of this quest, we're still only on Day 7.
no way its been year.
I personally prefer just our deathsquad.
I could compromise with morgan, but currently leaning the deathsqaud gang
>after nearly a year of this quest,
>no way its been year.
N-no way it's been year, right?
>Checks archives
>First thread 10/28/23
Oh god
It has been a slow burn, that's for sure. Though, I do think that things will speed up significantly sooner rather than later. I'll probably skip past some days where Mik and his men are just quietly exploring, giving a quick overview of anything important and then continuing from a more exciting point.

And yep, it has almost been a year. I'm surprised I've gotten so far, and do hope to keep it going a lot longer than just a year. I might try something fun for the 1 year anniversary, but I'm not entirely sure what it will be yet. If you guys got any suggestions, do let me know. It's still 2 months away, but might as well just bring it up now.
Morgan might be better off with us but we did just tell her to guard this place. Realistically, I'd say Ano or Oreas should join us. The former is fairly large sure but a major boon while the latter is probably the best bet for having some decent utility but also not getting caught. Though I am willing to take Morgan as a compromise in place of Ano.

It's really been that long huh...And we've been in here a week... Yeah this quest has another 2 years in it at least at this rate.

Even with this I still think that we probably have another 2 years. Need fox, must huff fluff. Gib for anniversary. That, or put us in charge of an absolute monster of a girl on a rampage or some other high threat level subject that can do fun plot relevant stuff. Maybe tell us what Wilhelms ex is up to while you are at it.
>Just wrap up helping the girls out here. Maybe tell Morgan to close the vents or ask Ano to help move the beds elsewhere.
With your men ready to head out and get back into action, you'd consider what else you had to do before you could really get out of here. The most important thing you could think of were the vents and the main entrance, you asking Morgan if she could use her metal manipulation to seal the vents and maybe help block off the main entrance. "The vents, I can most certainly assist with. I do not wish to deal with crooks getting the jump in, or sneaking in like cowards." At least Morgan wasn't insistent on keeping the vents open, or ignoring them for some reason. This was mostly a concern, given what she'd say next. "I shan't block off the main entrance. I will remain as guard and will ensure no evildoer slips past my blade!" This made some of your men sigh, as you insisted that she just find a way to maybe lock the door. Or a way for her to act as guard behind the door, so she wouldn't have to stand near the entrance all the time.

You'd also remind her not to close the vents you came from, instead focusing on just the other vents through which other threats could come. It could help out to just have your vent be the only one which could lead to this place. "Hmmm, very well then. I shall try to block those vents like you suggest. I'm not sure how I'll do it just yet, but I shall find a way." Morgan was thankfully going to listen here and help out. She wouldn't just stay as guard all the time, which was what you really needed of her in this place. You'd also suggest that she could escape using the vent you went through, if things really did get bad enough and she had to leave. "I shall send the other girls there if it comes to it. I won't sit back and let some evildoer terrorize me into hiding though!" She said insistently, which was not what you had hoped for. Still, so long as the other girls were safe, it wouldn't be too massive of an issue.

>Head over to Ingmar and Laura to see how they were doing. Maybe bring up some important sticking points or suggestions for what they should do without you.
Whilst security was going to be handled by Morgan, there still was the issue of food. Whilst there were a lot of sweets, you knew this wasn't going to be something Laura and Ingmar would be able to survive on. And given that the girls also likely wanted to eat something, you'd need more food. You felt that Ingmar could help out here, since he likely knew a nearby location which had food. After all, there had to be some sort of distribution centre nearby which supplied this section. Thus, you'd tell your men you'd head over to Ingmar and Laura again. "What, are you gonna let them know we're leaving soon?" Lars asked calmly, you responding that it was a bit more important. In turn, your men would also follow. Though Zaria, Mike and Lydia would opt to stay, seemingly wanting to help out Morgan a bit for the time being.
You'd enter the bedroom where Laura and Ingmar were chatting not too long ago, Chrys, Kamara and Oreas also being there. Laura and Ingmar were still talking, Kamara also having joined them as they all looked a lot more relaxed. Oreas and Chrys were clearly just listening, not seeming to mind what was going on. As you entered, all eyes turned to you as Laura spoke up calmly. "So, take it everything has been set up?" Laura said as she got up and walked over to you, Ingmar and Kamara following her. You'd explain that you still wanted some intel about where to get food in this place, looking over at Ingmar for a response. "Ummm, f-food? W-Well, ummm, w-we had f-food here, b-but most of that... w-went bad, s-so I just h-have the s-sweets and... o-other non-perishables! D-Didn't I already t-tell you a-about that?" He'd ask a bit anxiously, you elaborating on what you actually meant.

You told him how you needed to find where the food came from, since a place like this needed a food distributor. That, or there was a nearby canteen which needed such a food distributor. "Ummm, w-well, there's... a c-canteen t-to the east of h-here. B-But, I'm n-not sure how s-safe it is t-to get there." Given that you wanted to head downwards as soon as possible, you were left to think about what the best course of action was. You could try and head to the canteen which supplied this place with food, though that would cut into the time you wanted to spend searching for the queen. You could also just get the girls, Laura and Ingmar to do it themselves. But given that Ingmar knew nothing of the situation there, and the fact that you wouldn’t be there to help, it was quite the risk for the girls. In the end, you would tell Laura to just be very conservative with the food you had here, and that you’d come over sooner rather than later with more supplies. And if things truly went bad, maybe the girls could try and look for some food in the canteen.

“Just promise to stay in contact with us, in case something goes wrong and we’re in need of some food.” Laura said in turn, as Lydia spoke up a bit reluctantly. “I just hope that the nearby food sources haven’t gone bad just yet. Maybe some of their contents are still good, but this place has been without electricity for quite some time now.” You didn’t wanna really think about this issue, you telling Lydia that you were positive that the girls would have enough food. Besides, surely you’d do as Laura requested and hear out how much food they had. It was better to just monitor it for the time being, than to pre-emptively go out searching for food which you already had in this place. If there was an emergency, the girls and Laura could figure something out without you as well.
>Go down the vents and head straight down. Better to just continue your mission right away, now that you knew that the girls had a somewhat safe location.
With that, you’d tell the girls that you would finally head out again. You told them that you’d stay in contact using the radios and that you’d make sure all was well with the help of the trackers they had. “I’m still a little concerned about this place. What if the reception goes bad, or we run out of batteries or something?” Chrys would suggest, after which Derek gave a pretty solid suggestion. “You can always try and contact Annie if things really do go south. And I wouldn’t worry about the batteries. Oreas can very likely help out with that.” This actually made Laura think for a moment, bringing up something useful. “Maybe we can run some tests with Oreas to see what else she could get to run? Getting some more lights in this place, or getting the refrigerator running would be very helpful.” It looked like the girls were already making plans for what they’d do whilst you were away. Still, it was quite a difficult moment, as you knew this gamble could end up going quite poorly for the girls.

>What do you do next?

>Take one or two of the girls along. Maybe it was better to have a bit of their support, in case you encountered other subjects or scientists you wanted to befriend. Besides, they could provide other utilities, right? (Write in who you’ll take along.)
>Head over to the meeting point with Arika first and foremost. It was something you had planned out right away and couldn’t just ignore.
>Just head back to the blockage which you tried digging through, and try and use some explosives. You may not have Evander to help out, but any fool could set off a big explosion to clear out a path.
>Take the vents as far down to try and find your way to the queen. Better to just use the path you established as being somewhat safe, rather than finding another route.
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…

(Hope this update suffices. I decided to give you guys a chance to maybe specify what you wanna do a bit more. You're gonna head downstairs either way, but maybe you can choose a specific girl to take along, if you even wanna do that.)

(Also, >>6099641 mentioning Wilhelm's ex did give me a good idea. Perhaps you guys could think of some old plot points which weren't resolved which I can then elaborate on or showcase what happened with. Could maybe flesh out some story beats a bit, or be like the horror sidestories for further context on the hell that is this place.)
You know, worst case scenario, if we all die at least Annie can let them know through the radios so they don't think we abandoned them

>Head over to the meeting point with Arika first and foremost. It was something you had planned out right away and couldn’t just ignore.
That is true, we did put her on guard and the girls need someone who can and will bash some heads together. I think I see Morgan as a kind of security blanket when it comes to combat since she's the only one here who can soak up bullets and not care so all the Queen thralls packing heat makes me instinctively reach for the Morg Button. We need to recruit another combat subject at some point so we can stop leaning on her, though they do tend to be the insane ones. Feh, I'll comb the MGE for recruitment targets at some point and can perhaps track some of them down during the timeskips to come when the Queen arc is finished. While she's incredibly useful, Ano isn't a fighter (though she could definitely bring some serious hurt if sufficiently motivated) and her presence isn't really conducive to us absolutely needing to stay low profile down in Feng's domain.

QM, since this has been nagging at me ever since the fight, how would Caera v Ano have gone if we called her in as backup?

>Head over to the meeting point with Arika first and foremost. It was something you had planned out right away and couldn’t just ignore.
>Just head back to the blockage which you tried digging through, and try and use some explosives.
While we head over to Ari, a few of us can set up some boom boom at the blockage. Not to clear it, but the opposite - to collapse that tunnel and keep Feng's flunkies out of this level for a while.

Also, I've decided no girls for now. We're heading into dangerous and unknown territory and the only one who should be present for that is responsible for the others and would compromise our stealth (though we should bring Morgan for when we actually go to slay Feng, she'd probably be quite cheesed off if we didn't). This is a scouting run, we're not looking to start any big fights right now and keeping a smaller team of professionals is more important. It is tough to leave them behind (this is your fault QM, you've created too good characters).

As for things to show, I'm not sure what we can cover without risking spoilers and metaknowledge. The aftermath of some of the brief PoV swaps in particular, what the big snake is getting up to now, how Anderson and Mona is doing in jail, the wider galactic public or some of the naval personnel up in orbit watching events, where the other squads we've been introduced to like Mr. Pollux's lot, , Mr. Cobbler's friends and the ones Kiyo duffed up are now.

This is a completely unrelated thing, but if any of you made fanart last thread, can you repost it here? Suptg didn't catch any of the thread images and I'd hate for such masterpieces as Big Caerus to be lost.
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may as well repost the magazine cover I slapped together too for the benefit of archive readers
>Head over to the meeting point with Arika first and foremost. It was something you had planned out right away and couldn’t just ignore.
Centipede girl here we go.

>Suptg didn't catch any of the thread images
Heres a collection of all the things I made thus far. (https://catbox. moe/c/1ajcpw)
Not including the other Drawanon's stuff because I don't know if he wants his stuff uploaded to Catbox.

4chan hates me and thinks my posts are spam help.
Huh, I don't recall seeing a couple of those doodles.
>Head over to the meeting point with Arika first and foremost. It was something you had planned out right away and couldn’t just ignore.
>Take the vents as far down to try and find your way to the queen. Better to just use the path you established as being somewhat safe, rather than finding another route.
This then that.
No Monster girls!
Pretty sure Mona is fucking dead dead.
If anyone would have known she was alive.
Annie would.
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>Head over to the meeting point with Arika first and foremost. It was something you had planned out right away and couldn’t just ignore.

Don't really mind, also here a old doodle of Morgan.
We had this discussion last thread, personally I think there's things that don't line up and she is actually alive but captured. But that's just my tinfoil hatting speaking.

Does Morgan have a cape? Tell me she has a cape. If she doesn't, we have to get her one.
Caera vs Ano would've been quite messy. Though it heavily depends on the context of the fight. If Anofelis was attacked by Caera, I can see Ano being quite anxious and unsure what to do, especially since she doesn't want to hurt a fellow subject or cause trouble by killing a potential catch for you guys. It would've ended with Anofelis probably taking the brunt of a lot of damage, her not really dealing too much damage back to the rabbit.

However, if Anofelis were to see Mik and his men really getting mauled by the rabbit and the rabbit being truly cruel and taunting her, Caera would find that Anofelis is not always the cuddlebug she looks like. Anofelis can be extremely protective and fierce if she's protecting those she cares for, using all of her claws and her horn to cause some pretty substantial damage. It would still be a tough fight for Ano, since the rabbit is far more resilient to damage. However, Caera would've absolutely gotten out of the fight with some serious wounds and incredible damage. Hell, if she got unlucky, Ano could've very well killed Caera if she would've wanted to.

Anyway, some aftermaths from the perspective of Viridian, Anderson, the galactic public or those in orbit sure could work. I do think one perspective which would be extremely intense would be that of someone in orbit as the disaster began. Though that might be saved for a later date as you guys discover more and more about the disaster itself. Mr Pollux, Cobbler and Kiyo could also definitely be covered as well.

Love some of the new artwork found in here. Nerdy Anofelis is a blessing to behold.

If you can, do make a shared catbox file to post everything in. If you don't want to, that's fine too. I'll always save any of the images you guys draw, regardless of what it is, so I'll always have it somewhere.

Morgan does in fact have a cape. It's not as long as the cute little doodle of her, but it's definitely there and can be seen in the pic of her in the shared document.

Anyway, gonna try and squeeze an update out, but I may just have to wait until tomorrow... or tuesday, if tomorrow ends up too busy.
Would seeing Lars get half his face bitten off have been enough to have made Ano go sicko mode, or would we have needed some worse injuries for that?

A PoV seeing the events happen would be pretty spoilery. I want to try and unravel what exactly went down from down here before we get to see it OOC from up there.

I've never been quite 100% sure how representative the provided images are of the characters. I've generally taken them at face value, just not sure whether you've built the character description around the image verbatim or found something you thought fitted them best. Say, are any of the images you have other than Vinny's original or have you collected them to use from elsewhere? Also, can we get an image for Feng now considering we've seen her in dreamland? Or just a silhouette if we didn't see all the deets?

Random Thought: recruiting Vinisha and putting her in the same room as Morgan could be hilarious considering they're like mirror images of each other with more in common that they'd ever like to admit. Morgan the White Knight and Vinisha the Dark Knight/Judge Dredd. Either they rub off on each other and come to an accord, or they just end up doing our ears in with endless bickering. Probably both.
>Head over to the meeting point with Arika first and foremost. It was something you had planned out right away and couldn’t just ignore.
You decided not to run any tests with the girls for the time being. Laura and Ingmar could help with any appliances they had which needed fixing. They could even try and contact Annie for help if it was really important. And if all else failed, they could always contact you for help. Thus, you told Laura that you would leave them to figure it out on their own. It wasn't like they were in a rush to do anything, after all. "Hmm, alright. I'll contact you two if I need any help, okay?" Laura would say to Derek and Lydia, who gave an accepting nod. In the meantime, you'd tell the rest of your men that you would leave the girls here for the time being. It was going to be a scouting run, and you didn't want to risk being caught with the girls. Hell, you didn't even want to really get into any fights, especially not with any other subjects.

Of course, since it was a scouting mission, you did tell the girls you'd come back over if you found out more about Feng and her location. Any help would be appreciated for killing her, especially help from Morgan and what not. Morgan was quite pleased to hear you say this, her speaking confidently. "Glad to hear you won't go after that wench on your own. I am most eager to deliver swift justice upon her and to rid those she terrorizes of her vile control!" The other girls also seemed happy to help you in the future. Though for now, you were going to head down without them. It was somewhat sad that you'd leave them behind, but it was for the best to do things this way. Thus, you'd tell them to be careful and to remember to block everything up, before turning to your men and telling them it was time to go.

"Bye Mik, Thaddeus, Anon, Zaria, Mike, Lars, Derek, Lydia! Please come back soon!" Anofelis said a little sombrely. "Good luck out there, Mik! Make sure to show Feng who the toughest people are down here!" Chrys said a bit more optimistically. "J-Just b-be careful, o-okay?" Kamara said softly as she timidly waved her hands. "I'm most certain you will do fine. In any case, you have my holy blessing and glorious support! You shan't fail!" Morgan said more dramatically, some of your men amused by her remark. Others remained a little annoyed by the way she spoke, but didn't let it show. "If you do need help, don't hesitate to contact us as well! We don't wanna abandon you after everything you've done for us." Oreas remarked, to which the other girls nodded along. "We'll even be able to help you from here, if you don't want us getting in the firing line as well." Laura would lastly say, you reassuring them that everything would go fine. You'd also let them know that you'd first go looking for Arika, which did make Ano and Chrys rather excited. Whether she'd be send here if you found her was something you'd have to discuss with Arika, that was for sure.
And with that, you'd signal your men to come along as you led the way back. You'd head for the vents, and told your men what the plan was. Some of your men would indeed head over to Arika's last known location to maybe try and see if she was there. The other men would head back to the collapse, you explaining you wanted to blow it up. "Without Evander? Isn't that maybe a bit dangerous?" Lydia asked in quiet concern. "Wouldn't the lack of expertise put the tunnel at risk of fully collapsing? We won't be able to use the tunnel at all then!" Derek added onto that, after which you revealed that that was your plan. Blowing up the blockage even further would ensure Feng's flunkies couldn't use that little path anymore to reach this section. It'd ensure further security in this area, as well as forcing her men to a less favourable location. Your men quickly accepted the suggestion, though you would first head down the vents to actually reach the desired locations.

"Man, it's a shame the girls can't come along anymore. I was really warming up to them." Lars said softly as you crawled through the vents. "I was actually cracking Kamara's shell a little. Hell, at the rate things were going at, we would've actually gotten her to become a proficient combatant!" Anon said optimistically, which made Zaria respond smugly. "I wouldn't worry too much about it, Anon. She's already quite a solid combatant. I've seen what she is capable from relatively close-by!" There were a few chuckles amongst your men. The general mood of your men was still somewhat dreary, as the girls missing presence was definitely felt. It didn't help that you were still down three men, which made things a lot quieter than you were used to. "My biggest concern is gonna be these vents. Oreas helped with frying the electrified parts of them. I hope we can manage to get through them without her." Mike remarked, Derek scoffing. "Lydia and I can easily find a way to allow us to get through, don't you worry. It's just going to be a little less convenient."

It certainly was going to be a bit more of a challenge without the girls. But at least you could now safely walk around without you getting spotted by another death squad. The girls would also be safe now, without the major risk of them getting shot at. Though you did quickly discover another problem of not having the girls, as traversing down the vents was a lot harder now. You did have ropes which could be used to go down the vents, but it was a bitch to set them up in the smooth vents. Not to mention, it being far less secure than just being carried down the vents by one of the girls. It also took a bit longer, though that was thankfully offset by your smaller group size. After what must've been at least an hour, you did finally manage to find yourself in that room again where Nikita almost spotted the girls. You'd carefully look outside, finding the coast clear, as you and your men entered the hallway.
"So, guess we should split up now?" Thaddeus said calmly, as everyone looked over at you. You'd first tell your men what you hoped to do after all was said and done: You wanted to take the vents which headed even deeper to find the queen, which would be risky but less obvious than whatever other paths you could take. Hopefully, after the tunnel had been blown up and you had managed to contact Arika, you would be able to take the vent you did find to actually head downwards without any issue. For now though, it was time to do a little delegation work.

>What do you do next?

>Split up your group right away. One team would manage blowing up the hallway, the other would join you in the search for Arika. (Write in how you’ll split up.)
>Just go as a whole group to do one thing first, then do the other. Splitting up was just not worth it with your smaller group. (Write in which of the two things you’ll do first.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…

(Bit of a shorter update, mostly because of the wide variety of things you guys wanted to do. So, suppose I'll let you guys discuss a bit of a simpler choice based on what you guys discussed in the previous responses.)

(As for >>6100168 's question about Ano, I think the injuries would've needed to reach those levels. Had it not been for you telling her to keep her distance, she would've probably attacked Caera for what she did to Alan. As for the pictures, I usually have an idea which I wanna make into a subject, so I then look for decent original art to use. On a few occasions though, I find art which I think could work really well with a specific idea I get based on the pic itself.)

(Lastly, I may provide a silhouette for Feng. Though that may have to wait until a bit later this week.)
Ah, rats, I forgot about the tunnel zappers we needed Oreas to deal with conveniently. And whoops, I got Alan and Lars confused, Lars had a bite taken out of his arm I think.
And I miss the girls too, Lars. But this mission is just too dangerous for them right now. To think Lars was our first person to get injured by an MG and was initially the loudest advocate for summarily executing Chrys.
>Split up your group right away. One team would manage blowing up the hallway, the other would join you in the search for Arika. (Write in how you’ll split up.)
I don't think there's much to be concerned about right here right now, nor do I have much preference about who does what. I guess we can have Lydia, Mike and Derek set us up the bomb while the rest of us go after Arika.
I was bored, so I went through the MGE and made a list of MGs we should target for recruitment or otherwise contacting in the future.

===Likely Targets & Otherwise Friendly Subjects===
>LW-20, Annie Macaroni
C'mon, we all know Annie. While she'd probably not tag along with us, meeting face to face is something that's been on the cards to try and do for a while.
>GC-66, Viridian Matilemas
We've already met her and, while she's rough around the edges, she ultimately seems all right. She can look after herself though, and we obviously can't really bring a giant lamia along with us anywhere.
>7-SM, ???
Ano, but slimier and possibly stupider.
>SR-73, Gisela
While she has destroyed GalGov-affiliated things, Morgan seems to really like her and we've heard nothing to say otherwise
>OB-6, Kiyohime Sakamoto
We've also already seen some of Kiyo already. She seems like a real one and fun to have around.
>19-40-GS, Haje Uraeus
Seems friendly, but details are thin
>BR-303, Shu-huo
Seems hotheaded (metaphorically and literally), a rodent of unusual size who sounds like they would be amenable if we can get past the "oh shit, death squad, open fire" stage
>BO-5, Mimi Noctos
Seems actually quite innocent and non-violent. May appreciate getting to peacock a bit.
>CS-58, ???
A rare sane Elbrus job who seems friendly, short on details
>01-MS, Haina
Anderson's Pygmalion spider-fu. Likely created to be affable and waifu-able, also likely to want to see Anderson again. That man is unbelievable.
>26-BS, Esmaldo
Oh God, she's Illimani's bat-fu isn't she? Another Morgan recommendation as a nice gal, and a two-for-one deal with Illimani
>BC-887, Arika
Recruitment already in progress. Several glowing personality references from the other girls.
>HS-37, Toyotama Nagai
We've seen some of her already as well, she seems like a wonderful creature. That reminds me, the saga of Toyotama and Aden can get added to the list of things we might want to pick back up on later.
>933-GHD, Agami Harpesaurus
The PR rep lizard. I think she would have been made to have genuinely high interpersonal skills and a good attitude.
>DS-24, ???
We probably can't remove her from the water, but would likely be at least cordial if we can get past her flightiness
>SD-1888, Vinisha Magomedova
Described as very reasonable by Andrei himself, this undead Dredd sounds like a less scrupulous Morgan
>AH-178, Olorea Muruk
She's a calm cinnamon birb who deserves everything. Even if she could theoretically kill you in thirty different ways if she wanted.
===Possible Candidates & Wildcards===
>TS-55-76, Dhabus Harrell
Depends on how much of her personality from her tourny guest appearance is canonical, if she's really just a battle junkie gun nut or something more truly malicious.
>IO-15, ???
Her possible level of aggression is unclear. If she can be talked to normally, I think we'd be able to work something out.
>MP-22, ???
Contradictory behaviour reports make it difficult to tell whether she's aggressive or more passive.
>HH-34, ???
While she doesn't seem malicious, whether she'd be bearable and open to talk is unclear
>AC-39, ???
While unlikely to engage in violence, her degree of agreeableness is largely unknown
>9-SB, ???
Same as above
>COT-21, ???
Same as above
>52-HM, ???
Same as above. Twofer deal with Cerro.
>PF-4, ???
Same as above
>TO-22, Kaenum (?)
The pacifist songbird. But how harmless is she really? I just cant help but not quite trust her. Is she really a songbird or a siren?
>51-LB, Oana Mocanu
A very interesting subject. Is she under anyone's control right now? Does she even have a personality of her own?
>5-GH, Alexandra Wellesley
Difficult to get a bead on her personality and attitude. Could be a dangerous threat or a great ally.
>>Just go as a whole group to do one thing first, then do the other. Splitting up was just not worth it with your smaller group. (Write in which of the two things you’ll do first.)
Find the digger,
if we do we can just have her make us a tunnel instead of risking a dangerous explosion.
This is a good idea, maybe she can dig better than Ano.
Eager to see further reports from you on the remaining subjects we know about in the future. However, we got that acid gun specifically to kill 7-SM, hence why it's filled with a base. I specifically recall (remembered and looked back at the previous threads to confirm) Laura calling her a creep. Though I'm fine with changing our stance on that and being a bit cautiously optimistic towards her though provided she's actually amicable like her personality says she is, though Laura did also mention she was highly intelligent to the point she had a solution to fix a machine she never looked at, so Ano slime I doubt will happen. On that note, we do need to figure out why on earth she hasn't decided to just leave since that conversation did tell us she could easily leave by just jumping into the flooded section and going out to sea. Maybe she doesn't want to leave one of her friends or find her creator? Or maybe she has something else in mind. Worst case scenario she isn't as friendly as she says she is and is looking for her remote, or a way to make a new one.

Supporting. We hopefully will find her, find a route to the Queen thanks to her, get back to get the girls to join us for regicide after four months of our attempts to get to her.
Anything marked as a pacifist should be at least given the benefit of the doubt, takes a real commitment to stick to that even when the other party is actively trying to kill you on sight

Yeah I think we freaked out after hearing she could dissolve people inside herself which was truly horrifying, and assumed she was already doing it and therefore prepared a countermeasure. At least it comes in handy dealing with some of those flooded areas.
She is an acidic slime girl so unless she has control of how acidic she is, I doubt she can do too much about that to make herself suddenly not dissolve anything in her. So if we ever run into her and she offers a hug, do not accept. Also, if the intel is up to date, we can maybe try finding her by going east from our little subject base. Could be worthwhile after we are done with the Queen, as I doubt finding Annie will be easy despite my desires to meet best girl.
Those are just the subjects we might be able to make friends with. My comments on most of the others amount to "what a bitch, KOS". I'll write up another review of the nasty ones later anyway.
As for 7-SM, I don't quite follow the discussion we had back at the beginning with Laura. There's no notes in the MGE about her attacking people like was mentioned then, and the description she gave (as someone psychopathic, cruel and aggressive) was almost diametrically opposed to her known entry. For what it's worth, I don't think the MGE has actually lied to us yet so it's possible the then-hostile Laura was just feeding us bullshit about her personality to spook us.

Random Thought - what are we going to do with Feng after we off her? She's huge so carrying her all the way back to the surface will be a massive pain, bladed weapon injuries on her body courtesy of Morgan will raise questions and if we say where we found her, it'll get swarmed by GalGov personnel and death squads like the green section was and the bunker full of facility staff will be found and shot up.
that same comment but for all the other subjects.

we can bullshit out way and explain that she had those injuries before we encountered her. They can't say we are bullshitting bc they weren't there.
Also Yes, either we drag her ass, or we call gov and say we got a body for retrieval. I am a fan of dragging her ass there, or at least most of the way there, because its always more entertaining when the Gov is rushing to grab our catch as soon as we reach the surface.
It getting swarmed was likely going to happen.
Us terminating her is because she's a high level threat and we can get those under her to go somewhere safer, the location she is in was going to be compromised no matter what. Best we can do is say the fight was in a location nearby (like we did with flood zone over green zone) to buy time for our own personal investigation, harvesting resources, finding a safe area to move for longer term.
I mean, can't we say the same about everywhere in the facility? It's all going to be compromised eventually I guess, but these guys have evaded detection thus far. Perhaps due to the Queenguard merc'ing the mercs that come down here.
I think GalGov could well suss out that it was Morgan who had hurt her since she's known to be in this area, wield a sword, be a highly capable melee combatant and eager to take the fight to dastardly evildoers, who Feng certainly qualifies as and they'd be very interested in what may well be the first demonstrated instance of subject-on-subject violence they had. But still, they wouldn't be able to know she was with us and her being injured after a run-in with ND-12 could be a good cover story. Could be fun to feed that to them and watch them chase their tails.

It's also taken me this long to realise that Morgan has a tail.
>we can bullshit out way and explain that she had those injuries before we encountered her. They can't say we are bullshitting bc they weren't there.
This probably won't work, and even if it does it would look incredibly suspicious
I reviewed more, now with 200% more snark.

===Hostile & Otherwise Unpleasant Subjects===
>38-VG, Vinella
No introduction needed. Probabaly going to be the penultimate boss of the story or something.
Like a huge crocodile with spikes and tits. Would need some way of spotting her reliably before taking on.
No information, but she sounds cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University.
Could be a true chimera, a massive mashup or possible a shapeshifter, making countering her hard. A lethal powerkeg personality.
A tragic tale if Mona was involved. A highly physically capable individual, tough and fast like Caera with even more ability to fuck you up.
Cheesy horror movie villain. Stay on guard, always visually sweep around if in her domain. May be attempting the Geneva Checklist.
Probably maims people with frostbite and needs to have her ears boxed and taught that a good prank is one everyone can laugh at. Brat.
>8103-BT, Hapi Minos
I HATE FUTA! I HATE FUTA! From what we've seen, easily baited in combat, just tough enough to tank a lot thrown at her. Don't get taken alive.
>The White Wolf
Classic berserker, though her stalking habit is concerning and at odds with her mindlessness. Will obviously need a lot of firepower to stop her in her tracks, and will be hard to hit.
Not much direct information on her personality, but a fairly big girl. Can't suss much out about this smart asshole junkie.
>The Plague Shroom
Very little intel. Unknown exactly how she spreads and what, but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess she's not very tough. If we can catch her before we keel over.
Territorial and sounds hostile, but doesn't go out of her way to attack? I'm not going in there to get her, though. After you, maybe?
fucking fuck it's a huge spider-drider that eats people get me out here I don't want to deal with this help help help
Well, as far as Elbrus subjects go, she could be worse? Only for Elbrus could I make that statement. I don't want to get turned into a caveman and raped. Keep distance, or terminate rapidly.
>CS-61, Sirin Androcht
We've reached peak Elbrus. I question her Medium intelligence stat if she decided it was a good idea to target Viridian. Watch those corners, vents and shoes in the morning.
>TIL-84, Feng Zetian
THE Queen. Terminate with extreme prejudice (in progress).
>SD-1902, Anastasia Tarverdiyeva
Similar to the White Wolf? Capabilities not clear, but she's a piece of work either way. This is why you dispose of your failed subjects responsibly.
>WW-10, Grise Blutrün
Instinctively violent and may seek out combat to kill. Pretty stupid by the sounds of it, but that's not much comfort when this bundle of violence is coming at you.
>WSL-90, Nicola Leucoris
Elbrus and spiders, name a worse combination. A stalker, if you heat a lot of footsteps behind you at night, start walking faster. Perhaps she'll spin you up and rape you?
I don't think it would be that inherently suspicious depending on how we dress it up. We were surveilling her for a while, noticed she'd been badly injured in a fight and swooped for the kill. There's always a bigger fish down here, after all.
Depending on how powerful the Queen is, and what happens to those who are under her control once she's slain, being honest about Morgan fighting her might be wise. Since we plan to rail gun her, I doubt sword wounds will be an issue unless she can survive the railgun and turns out to be Vinella 2.0. That, or we completely job and miss.

Subjects fighting each other I don't think is super unrealistic when you consider subjects like Vinella are out there and Morgan's eagerness to slay the queen. There's plenty of subjects that probably hate the staff and humanity as a whole and those who want to protect their human friends. That enough should mean a few subjects will likely be killed not by death squads but by other subjects. If she has good regeneration then we might need to worry about looking suspicious, but even then we can potentially claim we ignored Morgan and focused on the Queen and in the fight Morgan escaped or otherwise was forced away before we could deal with her too. I doubt Galgov will be pissed at a squad for not trying to kill Chrys while Vinella is breathing down their neck for an example.

Very much like this. Also, after re-reading a bit of the old threads I found out we know 7-SM's name from the guards that were with Nora and Wilhelm. It's Juno Haldane. Further they stated she wasn't "aggressive or mean" to Logan so we did probably overreact about what she could do rather than what she would. We probably should ask Laura about her again just to try and get some further clarification. Those guards also were the same people to tell us TO-22 was named Kaenum. Apparently we just missed her then, and she just wanted to help the two before Nora and Wilhelm threatened her to stay still, to which she complied before leaving. So if she really is a siren I doubt she'd be a threat to a fully armed group. I'd be more worried about something mimicking her if she is harmless to try and actually act as a siren. Last thing of particular note is apparently there's a guard named Lexie who guarded some secret subject so if we can find her that might be useful. She might have a good deal of information on subjects we don't know about. Thinking about it we probably will need best girl to help with that if she hasn't already died.

I've not discussed a major amount of stuff for a while. Getting back into the theorizing and planning rather than just supporting or voting on something is nice.
my IP changed but I am that anon

worked for the rabbit lol
GalGov does VERY thorough autopsies, as we learned from bringing them Caera. If the slash wounds from Morgan are as fresh as the bullets from us and have no signs of clotting or healing or treatment then they'll know we're lying.

Claiming we came upon them mid fight and managed to kill the Queen but let Morgan escape has a better chance of success, but the original idea of saying she was injured for a while before we killed her will not look good for us.
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I have thought about subjects not killed by death squads before. How many died in the Big Bang? How many starved to death in their containment chambers they couldn't get out of? How many fell down a deep hole in the dark? How many got killed by a bigger and meaner subject or facility guards?
It would be severely OOC for Morgan to flee a fight, if we're going to name-drop her she'd have to have been forced to retreat, either by Feng or us. I think we should say the scuffle happened offscreen and Morgan is the prime suspect to avoid that potential minefield.

I just can't help but be suspicious about Kaenum and if she has some sinister property about her voice, especially how it was at the abrupt end of Wilf's diary. But that might just be paranoia. Also, where did we meet or hear about Lexie?

One of the great things about this quest is that there's always an endless amount of theorising, schizosperging and planning to do. I don't think I've ever talked this much in any quest I've followed as this one.

It's also come to my attention that I forgot to include the fairy in any of my lists. The quest's second ever piece of fanart still sums up my thoughts on the matter.

A big key-shaped burn mark they found isn't really that inconspicuous but, if they should be really fresh, we can alternatively say we'd been tailing her, waited to see who the victor of the fight was (with Morgan beaten off) and moved in to finish Feng off with neither hide nor hair of Morgan to be found in the aftermath. Looks better than allowing Morgan to get away from us mid-fight.

QM, is Morgan's tail fluffy? Asking for a friend.
We heard of Lexie from the guards that were with Wilhelm and Nora, just like all the information I wrote about really. My biggest concern with Kaenum though is that some other more malicious subject is just going to copy her music. The one time we heard it, it was described as peaceful, somewhat erratic warbled digital sound that I presume is maybe a theremin of some sort. Only kind of instrument that I can think of that's like other than a singing saw. It was also mentioned as having a consistent guitar. So, if the music we hear in the future matches that sort of description, it's probably Kaenum. If it's different, it might not be and we should be cautious. Oh, and no buli the clearly harmless smol fairy subject.

Lastly, I can answer that last question for you, anon. Morgan's tail isn't fluffy. Check https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CPSZp0MxftcNaUFSfBxzkRh7MfEiPnA7G6Wzfm9dkSQ/edit?usp=sharing and you can clearly see her picture at the bottom and how she has a demonic/draconic tail.
>It would be severely OOC for Morgan to flee a fight
I thought so too, but if there's one thing that can do it it's the plasma railgun. Since we were already planning on leading with a shot from it to try and take out Feng asap, I figured that part of our alibi was good.

>A big key-shaped burn mark they found isn't really that inconspicuous
They also were able to tell us that her sense of pain had been disabled, which was confirmed by documents we found later.

>we can alternatively say we'd been tailing her, waited to see who the victor of the fight was (with Morgan beaten off) and moved in to finish Feng off with neither hide nor hair of Morgan to be found in the aftermath. Looks better than allowing Morgan to get away from us mid-fight.
I think this looks worse, actually. They've emphasized several times that we're supposed to kill on sight, no waiting or observing or anything, and as stupid as that is they'll give us trouble for not doing it. Plus if Morgan was so injured she had to retreat, a move very out of character for her, wouldn't it look even worse that we let her get away?
I can still hope. Is it at least soft or prehensile?

>They've emphasized several times that we're supposed to kill on sight, no waiting or observing or anything
Did they? I don't recall being explicitly told as such, but official guidance tends to take a back seat to self-preservation. I'd like to see those bureaucrats set foot in these tunnels.
In any case, either we let her get away before we move in, having been driven off by Feng, or we let her escape the battle, stunned by the railgun and badly hurt. Distilled down to that, neither looks good. It's just that arriving at the exact moment of a Morgan v Feng throwdown is really contrived.

I think I need to borrow a glass of something strong off Kiyo. This is going to be a fuckin pain in the arse and perhaps we'd be better off burning that bridge when we get to it rather than overthinking it now. If sword marks keep cropping up on any subjects we kill in future, that's going to be even harder to explain.
>Is it at least soft or prehensile?
Probably only the second, metal lizards aren't known for their softness

>In any case, either we let her get away before we move in, having been driven off by Feng, or we let her escape the battle, stunned by the railgun and badly hurt
Wouldn't she be hurt worse in the driven off by Feng scenario? Unless you're assuming we'd say we hit her with the railgun. I figured we'd say we missed because the fight was too fast paced. Wouldn't look good for our shooting accuracy but at least we'd be following orders, which I think they value more.

>It's just that arriving at the exact moment of a Morgan v Feng throwdown is really contrived.
Both have this problem, we're either attacking immediately or waiting for it to finish.
We could perhaps not shoot her, bring her corpse in with only sword wounds and say we found her already dead, but Morgan doesn't kill and we'd be severely handicapping ourselves in the fight. Though I bet Morgan would make us all swords so we could join her in honorable combat....lmao
Whether she got (supposedly) snapped over Feng's knee or shot up by us, either way she'd have to be in a very bad way before she would decide to retreat. But then again, how much does GalGov really know about Morgan? They know of her tendencies from encounter reports, but I don't know just how much they know of her motivations and personality in detail and what subject notes they've managed to salvage. Their intel on the Facility's subject population seems genuinely quite thin in a lot of places.
Having witnessed the fight while tracking and surveilling her is just a bit less contrived than stumbling straight onto it but yah, they're both problematic.
I mean, we do have the option of just not bringing her corpse back at all because what GalGov doesn't know can't hurt them (well, it can, but that's besides the point). Problem with both that and bringing her back as already dead is we'd be giving up a massive payday. Also, Morgan does seem willing to outright kill Feng based on comments she's made before, particularly her parting remarks last update. She's not quite *that* deep into Lawful Stupid.
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>The quest's second ever piece of fanart still sums up my thoughts on the matter.
Holy crap, you really did put a lot of effort into this! Fuck it, might as well respond to some of these, because a few of these are really amusing/worth discussing.

Next thread will have a cute little comm I got of her as the thread thumbnail. I do like the idea of her carrying you guys on her tail as she slithers all over the place.

>Juno Haldane
I did find it funny how quick you guys were to get the acid/base gun when Juno first was mentioned. I suppose the reasoning one other Anon gave made sense in that regard.

Also, might as well just give a little hint and suggest you guys try and look into the meaning of her name.

>HS-37, Toyotama Nagai
Her and Aden will definitely be a fun scenario to play out a bit. I do need to consider how I'd present the scenario though. Either way, I'll note it down.

>TO-22, Kaenum
You guys did hear her sing, iirc. And it didn't lead to any issues then. What are the odds that her singing will actually have some horrifically bad effects on you and your men?

>38-VG, Vinella
Vinella is definitely one of the BBEGs of the facility, but maybe not final boss tier. There are a few subjects out there who are more malicious, dangerous and perverse than her. Either way, Vinella will be the most visible reminder of the capabilities the subjects *can* have and how horrific things can get down here.

I'd still fuck her, but that's just because I fuck any arachnid girl.

You mentioning a crocodile subject kinda makes me wanna make one of them now. Another threat to throw into the flooded section for fun.


>One of the great things about this quest is that there's always an endless amount of theorising, schizosperging and planning to do.
It was one of my main goals to make you guys think (and panic) at what is real and what isn't. I'm glad it has succeeded and is making you guys really consider what is going on down here. Though I am also pleasantly surprised that you guys are coming to a lot of correct conclusions whilst I'm playing it subtle.

It's also really amusing to see all of your guys' thoughts and ideas laid out and being discussed. Makes it quite easy to know what I'll need to spread some fake news about first.

Do you by any chance have a reference picture for this green-haired fairy? Even something simple could help.

I am totally not gonna commission a picture of her so I can make her into a subject. Totally not.

On a more personal note, my internship has been going quite well. It has definitely interfered with the time I've got available though, and I have missed out on a few updates the last few weeks. I hope it hasn't been too much of an issue for you guys.

Anyway, I'll fix it by working on an update now.
we just snipe the queen without Morgan needing to be involved, and the entire thing is more simple. The queen isn't meant for direct combat, she's a command unit. The only thing morgan will be fighting is her hordes.
this but with all the subjects
flooded zone never fucking ever
>we just snipe the queen without Morgan needing to be involved, and the entire thing is more simple. The queen isn't meant for direct combat, she's a command unit. The only thing morgan will be fighting is her hordes.
Yeah obviously that would be ideal, and all our plans involve opening with a shot from the railgun. We're just planning for the scenarios where we can't land that shot. Just because we want to finish the fight immediately with a OHKO doesn't mean it'll happen.
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>Green-haired fairy
Assuming it's Leaf form Black Souls as for reference pic.
>Do you by any chance have a reference picture for this green-haired fairy? Even something simple could help.
Im sorry to tell you this Anderson but that's Leaf from Black Souls.

>this but with all the subjects
Yes, but the cute ones get the pass.
The only suitable response to a fairy. Don't make me rattle you around inside the pot again, Yana.

I do want to see more Viri. She's fun and there's lots of her to love.
the Juno thing was before we'd fully come around to the subjects and still saw them as threats in general. Now, we wouldn't think like that though the chemical thrower has been useful elsewhere. I say we can hand it back to the armoury next time we return to base since the main target of it isn't a target any more and Mike would be better served carrying something else in his loadout. As for names, I'm aware of Juno (had to bash myself a couple of times before I realised it's probably goddess Juno and not NASA's Juno), but I can't figure out the surname.
I'm acutely aware that there's always a bigger fish and there are nastier things than Vinny down here, but she's very high up there hence why I called her the penultimate and not final. It would be funny to see her get mulched by Titania or something like the Mosasaurus snapping the I.Rex in Jurassic World though.

I think you've done an excellent job at slowly feeding us breadcrumbs, but you underestimated that 4chan's limitless reserves of autism and that autists putting their heads together multiply their 'tism levels quadratically. In the end though, if we keep turning out theories and guesses, we'll land on something correct sooner or later.

By the way, rereading the initial encounter with Chrys again makes me wonder - what did you think the reaction would be when you introduced her? Did you think we would shoot her and move on or spare her life? Did you expect us to basically do a 180 in our attitude?
Also, I have a very important question. If we pulled Morgan's tail, would we survive the next two seconds? Yes, I still have Morgan's tail on the brain.

Also the correct response to small, obnoxious flying creatures. Who's that on the right?
>Yes, but the cute ones get the pass.
Yes, a fast pass to the afterlife.
>Just go as a whole group to do one thing first, then do the other. Splitting up was just not worth it with your smaller group.
Even though you had thought about splitting up not too long ago, you decided it was easier to just stick together. Thus, you told your men to forget about splitting up, which did seem to surprise them. "So much for that idea." Zaria said in confusion, followed by Thaddeus speaking more curiously. "Any particular reason ya don't wanna do that anymore, Mik?" You just explained that you found it easier to not split up for the time being. More importantly, you thought that having Arika on your side would make things a lot easier if you did go back to the collapse. She could dig through parts of it and either put the explosives somewhere where it'd be really effective, which would streamline a lot. "That is, if we do end up finding her. For all we know, she won't be there." Mike remarked, to which you responded that it was a chance you were willing to take. At worst, it'd mean spending a bit more time up here.

It still surprised your men a little. But they didn't talk back or question your choice, just following you as you made your way back to the spot where Arika had dug her tunnels. "I really hope we don't end up running into Nikita again." Anon would say on the way there, Derek letting out a soft sigh. "If we do, we can just ask them how their search for the subjects they missed was. Or just tell them a sweet little lie to get them to leave us alone." Thaddeus would afterwards also share his concerns, bringing up one which was particularly troublesome in your current situation. "I really hope that they didn't go over to the tunnels with Arika and found the note we left there for her. That could really spell a lot of trouble." To this, Lydia seemed more optimistic though. "I highly doubt they'd find it. We did put effort in hiding that little note, after all! Let's just wait and see if it's still there or not, then we can worry."

Your men still were cautious. Though as you would approach the hallway in which the note had been left, you would be relieved to see that not much if anything had changed. There were no signs of Nikita and his men having come over, nor were there signs of any other person having checked the place out. You'd head over to the hole in the wall where you had left the note, finding that it was thankfully still there. This meant that Arika had sadly not yet spotted it and that she still needed to find out that you wanted to contact her. Seeing that you didn't want to waste more time, you told your men that you'd come back later to see if she did show up again. If not, then you could safely say that Arika was probably long gone from these parts of the facility. That, or she really didn't want to reveal herself to you guys. At the very least, all of your men's concerns about being found out would fade right away, as Nikita hadn't interrupted you for a second time.
With this discovery, your men felt that it was for the best to just continue elsewhere. It would be counterproductive to wait here for an even longer time, so moving on was probably for the best here. If Arika did get to this part, she'd find the note which would hopefully tell her enough. Thus, you started your quick trek back downstairs, taking the set of stairs and traversing various hallways before you returned to the previous basecamp. You would carefully approach it, knowing that the dream subject or other Queen forces could pop out from the secret pathway there. Though after a quick check to see if the area was safe, you determined that there wasn't much stopping you from doing as you had hoped to do. Thus, you would ask your men to grab whatever explosives could be found in Evander's equipment. "Any of you guys good at setting up explosives?" Anon would ask, Thaddeus respond softly. "A wee bit. I can give it a try."

As you and your men went to work setting up some of the explosives, Lars would bring up a different, new concern. "How loud do you guys think this will be? For all we know, it'll attract a bunch of nearby death squads... or worse, more of Feng's forces." It was a minor but still potentially concerning possibility. Though you would play it safe and just do things quickly, not wanting to stay here for long to attract minimal attention. You'd also make sure not to be close to the blast site, staying all the way near the entrance to the hallway in case things did collapse. It would take a bit of time to set up, but you'd eventually manage to set up some explosives. "Okay, let's back off everyone." Thaddeus would say as you would head further back in the hallway, the honour of detonating the hallway going to you. And once you were in a presumably safe area, you'd press the button. There was a distance poof, quickly followed by a loud bang not even a second later. The entire place started shaking, as you heard things collapsing in front of you. You and your men would pray that it wouldn't collapse near you, some even seeming ready to dash away if it did come to that.

Fortunately, you would hear the rumbling approach, before coming to a stop a decent distance away from you. There was a rush of air, followed by dust flowing through the hallway. Once all the noise had stopped, you'd carefully start heading down the stairs towards the hallway. And once you got all the way down, you would be pleased to see that the explosives had done the job quite nicely. There was no more dust or piles of dirt left behind, it being replaced with far larger remnants of rocks and metal. You would scan the place for any gaps between the rubble. Though as to be expected, any gap in the rubble would not lead very far whatsoever. "Is this good enough to you, Mik?" Mike would ask, which made Zaria scoff in amusement. "Nah, clearly we need to use even more explosives here."
There were a few chuckles from your men, after which Thaddeus gave his opinion on the matter. "I think it looks pretty good. Maybe we ought to leave now, before anyone can come over and spot us here." Things seemed eerily peaceful after the blast. Either way, it seemed that blocking off this entrance had gone just as smoothly as you had intended for it. Hopefully, Arika wouldn't mind the landslide which this could cause, or the damage it could do to her tunnels.

>What do you do next?

>Head over to the vent leading downwards and head into the deeper parts of the facility. Perhaps go in with a specific plan or goal in mind, to streamline the process a bit. (Write in the plan.)
>Head elsewhere now. Maybe going south was the better option to avoid folk who may come to this place to investigate the noise. That, or you could head back to some other point of interest. (Write in where you’ll head to.)
>Find a hiding spot nearby and wait to see if anyone would come over to investigate the noise. Perhaps an inquisitive subject or group of guardsmen would come over to check out what had happened.
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…

(Hope you guys don't mind the timeskip a little. Given that you wanted to blow up the tunnel and the fact Arika wasn't there, I just decided to take the opportunity to skip ahead to when you blow things up. If this is something you guys don't want me doing in the future, please let me know!)

(Anyway, to answer your questions, >>6101518, I honestly expected you guys to milk her for intel and to then kill her in cold blood. I did not expect you guys would spare her and take her along at all. As for Morgan's tail, she'd probably just be confused by what you are doing. If she finds out it is because of lewd desires, she will be a bit more appalled and probably push you back.)
>Head over to the vent leading downwards and head into the deeper parts of the facility. Perhaps go in with a specific plan or goal in mind, to streamline the process a bit. (Write in the plan.)
We split in half here to resume exploration. Four of us (us, Lars, Anon and Lydia) examines the vent going down, the other four (Derek, Zaria, Thaddy and Mike) the drain tunnel leading to the north.

I think we did nearly do precisely that, but anons just couldn't resist the puppydog eyes on a cute girl pleading for her life. Hope we didn't derail your plans for the quest too badly but, honestly, this is more much interesting that being murderhobos. And even if we had then, I think having to repeatedly execute nice and innocent subjects would have eventually made us crack.
Look, I might have genuine and unspeakably lewd designs (such as handholding, kissing and charging into battle to smite evildoers together) on Morgan but even I know you don't touch a girl's tail without permission. Don't they teach you this in your orientation ethics class that probably doesn't actually exist? Except Annie's, the fluffy tail is getting touched whether she wants it or not.

By the way, it would be nice if we would sometimes get to hear about the rest of the 'verse beyond the Facility. The sum total of the worldbuilding that's been done does not extend beyond this world and we know completely zip about the wider galaxy, even the most common knowledge things (like, we don't even have a name for the government that's employing us). While it's not terribly relevant to the quest, being occasionally reminded with a tidbit or two that there is more to existence than the VMGRC wouldn't go amiss.
>Head over to the vent leading downwards and head into the deeper parts of the facility. Perhaps go in with a specific plan or goal in mind, to streamline the process a bit. (Write in the plan.)
To find a method path that can let us make way to the queen
>Find a hiding spot nearby and wait to see if anyone would come over to investigate the noise. Perhaps an inquisitive subject or group of guardsmen would come over to check out what had happened.
A hiding spot nearby to place a camera, we are not gonna stay here.
Also check our other cameras

Also op we would've killed her, but all the other death squaders dipped fr fr. I, alone, shall defend humanity against these biological monstrosities, and do my crucial part in service to the galactic federation.
I think a simple explanation for how she got away is her being thrown. If the Queen is particularly tall or strong, we can take advantage of that and just say Morgan was fucking yeeted through a wall and we don't know where she ended up after that due to a collapse. Solves the issue of why we didn't kill her without us showing signs of incompetency or her acting out of character. Plus, this is presuming that Morgan gets a hit in anyway, a sword is a lot easier to dodge than bullets so if she has high agility like Chrys or the rabbit I don't think our noble knight will be much help outside playing the role of a tank.

This works too. But no good plan survives contact with the enemy. >>6101394 has the right idea.

As >>6101518 said, who's the one on the right?

Ignore her, anon. She likes the taste of leather.

See? Like I said. Rare subject in this facility that's feeding method is boot treads who's special ability is glowing in the dark. Stop posting on 4chan Oana and go back to doing...whatever it is you do down here.

Supporting both this and the last bit the anon said. I wanted to keep her alive back then not just because I was part of the group of people who wanted to play a subject rather than death squad but because the information was key and my favorite song from Annie is "I'm not a big fan of the government". I am glad things ended up like this because if it was just us killing subject after subject ruthlessly I feel we'd not get as many good character moments and be completely in the dark as to what is going on here with maybe only a quarter of the pieces to the puzzle if even that. Plus, if we didn't have subject support we probably would have been wiped by the rabbit. Hell we might even have gotten wiped by Ano. Even fucking Kamara managed to almost kill one of our soldiers and she's threat level three for christs sake so unless we just roll perfectly with every railgun shot and extreme durability or agility subjects can't tank or dodge the thing I doubt any high level threat would be killable without us playing the attrition management game.
Agami Harpesaurus wearing a lab coat on the right.
>Head over to the vent leading downwards and head into the deeper parts of the facility. Perhaps go in with a specific plan or goal in mind, to streamline the process a bit.
Speedrun the Queen

>(Hope you guys don't mind the timeskip a little. Given that you wanted to blow up the tunnel and the fact Arika wasn't there, I just decided to take the opportunity to skip ahead to when you blow things up. If this is something you guys don't want me doing in the future, please let me know!)
Please do it more

>a sword is a lot easier to dodge than bullets so if she has high agility like Chrys or the rabbit I don't think our noble knight will be much help outside playing the role of a tank.
Pretty generous to Chrys putting her on rabbit agility tier here
Plus even Caera aimdodged, not bullet dodged, right? I feel like if she was fast enough to bullet dodge we'd all be dead.

>Even fucking Kamara managed to almost kill one of our soldiers and she's threat level three for christs sake so unless we just roll perfectly with every railgun shot and extreme durability or agility subjects can't tank or dodge the thing I doubt any high level threat would be killable without us playing the attrition management game.
Probably we'd be taking losses and replacing members with Lodger reserves.
also lets try to stick together rather than split up. We should just go together towards the vents.
I think this is a fairly low-threat environment and there's no sense having a large group in a cramped space like this. It's just to find which way leads where we want to go, not to stay split up once we find our way in.
>Head over to the vent leading downwards and head into the deeper parts of the facility. Perhaps go in with a specific plan or goal in mind, to streamline the process a bit.
After Thaddeus said it was time to leave, you'd quickly and calmly agree. You wanted to take the vents to go downwards as soon as possible. You had a queen to kill, after all. "God, I hope this will be easy." Mike would mumble as he followed you, which made Anon chuckle a little. "It isn't gonna be. That's why we are here!" The rest of your men didn't comment, just amused by Mike's grumbling as they followed you. "I am tempted to ask to turn on the radio. Maybe we'll hear Annie cover the news of us blowing shit up?" Lars would say more curiously after a while, which made Lydia respond more thoughtfully. "I sort of doubt it. Unless if she is willing to risk our operations and send a bunch of people our way. If she does cover it, she'll probably try and cover it up." Whatever it would be, you weren't gonna stay here for much longer. You wanted to get down through the vent you had found right away.

After making your way back to the room which let you enter the vents, you would try and go the direction which you remembered let you go downstairs. It was once again a bit more of a hassle to travel the vents, as Derek lead the way alongside you. He would disarm any electrical vents, sadly being forced to use some ammo to get the job done due to the lack of easily accessible metal scraps. The only issue would be the vent which lead straight downwards. You could tell that the vents were charged based on the visible borders of the electrocuted parts. And since just throwing ammo at it wasn't going to work, Derek suggested using your guns to just shoot the walls of the vents to damage the vents enough. With some mild reluctance, Derek would be the one to shoot the vent walls. "We're making way too much noise for comfort, not gonna lie." Anon would admit somewhat hesitantly.

Lydia responded as well. "Lets just hope that the sound doesn't reverb around the place. The vent system may be a maze, but I can imagine some highly perceptive subject hearing us." Of course, you also hoped that this would actually damage the vent's electric system, since it'd mean you could actually get downstairs like you wanted. Thaddeus was willing to take the rope downwards after some shots had been taken, him fortunately not being shocked. You could finally move down safely, you and your men finally reaching the bottom of the long vent down. "Well, where to now?" Zaria asked calmly, to which Derek pointed ahead. "The map says we can go this way to eventually reach some sort of chemical plant. I say we check that out and then get a feeling for our surroundings." It seemed like a solid idea, you and Derek leading your men forward until you finally found the grate which would let you enter the chemical plant. And with a bit of force from you and your men, you'd bash the vent open.
You'd step out of the vent, finding yourself in a rather dreary looking place. It was a sterile and large room with all sorts of vats, tubes and other devices for chemical reactions. "What is this place? Is it another assembly space or something?" Lars asked, to which Derek checked the tablet for further intel. "The tablet says this place was designed for the bulk production of acids and other highly dangerous chemicals. We can head South to some sort of organic material preservation section, north to get back to the elevator we took previously, or east to some more staff spaces. For now though, I suggest not touching anything." Your men looked somewhat apprehensive, as you would've preferred ending up in a different place than an extremely toxic chemical plant. It wasn't helped by the fact Lydia soon picked up what was clearly a hazmat suit of some kind. "Do you think I could fit this over my combat gear?" She'd ask in a rather genuine tone, as Mike chuckled a little. "Guess it's a good thing I am dressed for the occasion, huh?" As you looked around, you could tell that the place was left in quite a messy state. There was a layer of dust covering all of the large equipment, some pipes having ruptured and puddles of unknown, sludgy and black chemicals littering the place.

You'd carefully step around the place, trying to find an exit to this place so you could head elsewhere. You'd pass by numerous large vats with all kinds of liquids inside of them, some containing actual solids for reaction processes. Ironically, whilst there were tens of large vats, there were no subject creation vats. Obviously, it made sense they weren't here, but it was still amusing to think it was the only thing that wasn't in this place. Though as you pondered the subject vats, one of your men would suddenly let out a gasp and speak in exasperation over the comms. "Guys, guys!" It was Anon, as you would see him in front of a large vat, pointing at something. You and your men would all approach, looking over the edge of the large vat only to notice something floating in the liquid. Something red, slimy and coated in bits and pieces of fabric. It didn't take long for you to notice that the fabric looked akin to that of a lab coat, and that white chunks were sticking out of it.

"Holy crap." Lydia would utter, followed by Lars holding back his gag reflex. "Oh fuck me." Your men all looked in horror and disgust at what was clearly a scientist, floating in the tub of what had presumably been an acid. The body still had some hairs attached to it, you even seeing some bits and pieces of clear skin which hadn't been soaked in acid just yet. "Should we... should we try and grab it to identify it?" Thaddeus would ask reluctantly, clearly not eager to fish a corpse out of a chemical soup. "Identify it?! What is there left to identify, aside from a fine pulp?!" Derek would say in disgust, being a bit more squeamish about this scientists gruesome death.
Afterwards, Zaria spoke up a bit more calmly, not being too disgusted by the corpse compared to some of your men. "I am VERY curious to figure out what led to this poor bastard ending up here. Either something, or rather someone cruel threw them in here... or this place is so bad, that death by acid is a preferable way out." Whatever the answer was to that disturbing question, it was clear that this find was pretty bad. But, you could maybe figure out more about what led to this happening. It had presumably happened quite recently, given the state the corpse was in. Then again, maybe it was just better to ignore this harrowing sight and instead focus back on finding the Queen. Whatever you could figure out about this corpse and the person responsible was probably not that valuable compared to just making distance down in these unknown depths.

>What do you do next?

>Try and find a way to get the corpse out of there, and try and see if there were any details you could get from it. Mike had chemical resistant clothing, so maybe he could inspect the corpse fully.
>Given the recency of this person ending up in the chemicals, maybe the psycho responsible was still in the area. Quickly get in formation and prepare for a potential ambush. (Write in your plan.)
>Search the laboratory for any specific clues related to this poor scientist’s painful death. Maybe there were some things you missed which would shine a light on why this happened? (Write in if there’s anything specific you’ll search for.)
>Just leave this place and head elsewhere. Derek mentioned that there were some interesting places you could head to through here. (Write in where you’ll head to.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…
>Just leave this place and head towards the organic material preservation section.
Looks like someone failed the queen for the last time. We have a lot of spots to check but I believe the queen is most likely closer to the preservation section than the places near where we already checked.
>Just leave this place and head elsewhere. Derek mentioned that there were some interesting places you could head to through here.
This might be a minion Feng took a dislike to or perhaps PR-1001's handiwork. Either there's little to learn from this or I'd like to remove ourselves from the area asap respectively, but leave a trailcam running just in case since we have to come back this way anyway. Retrieving the body would be simple if we'd brought Morgan since she's immune to acid though I can't imagine she'd be enthusiastic about it.
Head towards the organic material preservation section, whatever the fuck that is. We're looking for either a plant growing area or a forge as seen in the vision.

Maybe we should get a name for our squad at some point. (Team Railroad since we're basically organising an MG Underground Railroad down here heh).

Without subjects, I don't think we'd have been quite that vulnerable. If we attacked Ano, she'd probably be confused and scared and try and flee, though we might be at risk of dying from a heart attack, we killed Caera with no subject support (though the guards helped) and Kamara got the drop on us, which she'd have done regardless though having an MG with us would likely have defused it to begin with.

Come think of it, the path we've chosen for ourselves seems like something of a synthesis of the three choices at the start. The goal and action part of the Soldier, the investigation and cooperation part of the Scientist and the evasion and escape part of the Subject.

By the way, who is the third character in the upper right? Is it Laura? I don't think she's been portrayed before. Kinda hard to stand out when your friends and allies are all colourful personalities and appearances and do more than you can.
I'm not sure regarding Ano if she'd flee or fight. But as for the rabbit, even with all the guards we had 2 casualties and 5 guards were lost IIRC, so 7 WIA/KIA in total. Casualties that would mean if we were on our own as a 10 man team probably would snowball a lot higher and potentially become a TPK if we didn't withdraw. Plus, in that scenario we used two guards as bait, one of which was killed.

I do agree we sort of went for a fusion of all 3 with the path we have taken though. Also Laura has been portrayed once before in the Anofelly meme. At least, I think that subject caretaker was meant to be her.
queen dead soon
just need headshot
>Search the laboratory for any specific clues related to this poor scientist’s painful death. Maybe there were some things you missed which would shine a light on why this happened? (Write in if there’s anything specific you’ll search for.)
Feel like we should at least investigate a bit if it was recent
I think you're right, we had 3 guards KIA, 2 guards WIA and two WIA of ours. Without the cooperation of the guards, we'd definitely have come off worse with more wounded or killed but we'd still probably have gotten her in the end and if we'd been hostile, we could have been more free in using them as a distraction without trying to keep them alive or had a temporary truce. Though it was still without subject assistance. Though I am pretty sure Viri would have turned our drone into scrap.

I didn't realise they represented anyone specific given the heavy Stan Kelly caricature but, on a second look, I'm pretty sure it's the same person given the drawn details and there's only one person in a lab coat here.

Random Thought - we haven't seen any guard squads since leaving the green section. I wonder if they've all been murdered or enslaved by Feng's lot around here.

Okay, Random Quick Fire time for the QM. Does Anofelis walk on her hind legs or on all six limbs when moving normally? What does Laura look like beyond being blonde? Are the main firearms of the story the same sort of guns we'd recognise from today (like holy shit just how badly has firearm tech stagnated in this timelime baka)? Is Oreas' skin slimy? What colour pants are you wearing? Are there enough lights working around the place to see properly or do we need our NVGs most of the time? And what is the cup size of all of our girls (I'm begging you QM, this is super critical information for the survival of galactic civilisation)?
>Random Thought - we haven't seen any guard squads since leaving the green section. I wonder if they've all been murdered or enslaved by Feng's lot around here.

I thought we ran into one squad of guards that were paranoid as fuck about us being Queened and almost fought to the death, and after getting subdued told us like 30-50 of them had fortified a base and were holed up in it.
If we were hostile we would likely have run into the rabbit without the guards or had the issue of the fight quickly becoming a three way. Both of which wouldn't end too well. As for the other guards, I think most here are under Feng's thumb unless like >>6102996 said you count the guards who were hunkering down and trying to avoid her antics.

>And what is the cup size of all of our girls
This surely includes Laura, Lydia and Zaria.
somehow I completely forgot about those guys, though they seemed like a mixed group defending a position rather than the guard patrols we encountered in other zones.

Didn't we encounter then at the same time by just following the sound of shooting? But then again, we'd have shot a fair number of them earlier if we'd been hostile and a melee a trois could have made even more of a distraction for her.

It sure does. Except Ano, she doesn't seem to have that anatomy (does she have skin, or is it all carapace?) and Oreas is flat as an an ironing board.
Oreas is NOT flat
this is slander
>Does Anofelis walk on her hind legs or on all six limbs when moving normally?
She usually walks just on her hind legs. When threatened, she will run away like a cockroach on all six legs/hands.

>What does Laura look like beyond being blonde?
So, in my mind, she has relatively short, wavy blonde hair which is currently kinda messy. She's quite pale, thin in figure and has a pretty plain figure. One of her eyes looks kinda clear, having been hurt there at some point. Her labcoat is quite bloody and torn in a lot of spaces. Aside from that, she wears a simple turtleneck sweater, and blue tight jeans.

>Are the main firearms of the story the same sort of guns we'd recognise from today?
The basic weaponry are quite familiar to today's weaponry, albeit more streamlined and sturdier to ensure anyone can use them

More advanced weaponry are more futuristic and out there. Though these weapons are also far more cumbersome, specialized and expensive. These weapons are also most often used by government forces, compared to death squads which are limited to the simpler weapons for the most part.

>Is Oreas' skin slimy?
She is a lizard, so obviously yes. Lizards are renowned for their sliminess.

>What colour pants are you wearing?
Dark blue. I like simple jeans, but also have these comfy tan coloured trek pants for exploring shit.

>Are there enough lights working around the place to see properly or do we need our NVGs most of the time?
I imagine that there are enough emergency lights to provide a bit of light. Obviously, NVG will make things way easier, and some areas do really need to be visible enough, rather than being seen with just emergency lights.

>And what is the cup size of all of our girls?
Hi Elbrus! I will divulge you this info, with the knowledge that Zaria is quickly approaching your current location!

Lydia: E cup
Zaria: B cup
Laura: D cup
Chrys: C cup
Oreas: A cup
Anofelis: Doesn't have breasts.
Kamara: F cup
Morgan: E cup
Viridian: H cup
Hapi: U for Udders
Vinella: F cup
>The basic weaponry are quite familiar to today's weaponry, albeit more streamlined and sturdier to ensure anyone can use them
Anyone except Chrys and Oreas apparently! Hah, gottem.

>She is a lizard, so obviously yes. Lizards are renowned for their sliminess.
Viridian too?

>The timestamp
Not the first time OP has provided this cup size list.... Copy paste it from some messaging program?

Wow, I've heard of AA and even AAA, but 12? Annie is legendarily flat.
Ano must have amazing balance to stay upright on such long legs and proportionally small feet. But then again, It comes with the territory of being an ATC (All Terrain Creature) I suppose.
Given Laura is a novice scientist, I guess she must be quite young? And does her accent match her surname (seriously, is that Spanish or something)?
Do we at least use caseless ammunition by this time?
I never had Oreas pegged as a reptile and struggled to get a bead on what creatures she represented. I always thought of her as representing some kind of sealife.
Never like jeans meself.
I do wonder what the emergency lights are running on by now. It's been, what, a month? Batteries should have died within days.
I will defeat Zaria by inflicting emotional damage by mocking her comparatively small chest (I did always imagine her as a bit wiry so it makes sense). But are we sure Elbrus didn't have more of a hand in creating a few of these subjects since there's quite a bit of buxom to go around. Does Morgan's breastplate contain an non-Euclidian expanded space pocket or something, because I want to know just where she's been hiding all that. Guess we need to peel it off to find it, eh?

big own goal from Annie there
>Given Laura is a novice scientist, I guess she must be quite young?
Maybe she started work as a beautician and changed careers at 40

>I never had Oreas pegged as a reptile and struggled to get a bead on what creatures she represented. I always thought of her as representing some kind of sealife.
Me too actually, I could have sworn she was based on an electric eel

>I do wonder what the emergency lights are running on by now. It's been, what, a month? Batteries should have died within days.
Weapons may have only advanced minorly from current designs but batteries last 1000 times longer
He actually did it. HE ACTUALLY DID IT.

>Viridian too?
You are not one to pick on on sarcasm, are you?

>Not the first time OP has provided this cup size list.... Copy paste it from some messaging program?
He's had timestamps on some messages in the past. So, probably.

>Wow, I've heard of AA and even AAA, but 12? Annie is legendarily flat.
She's so flat she's got concave pits where her bust should be. Also they could just have been cut off and continued after, making it 24.

>Me too actually, I could have sworn she was based on an electric eel
Same. Thought she was aquatic based rather than a lizard. Though it explains the horns.
I also thought she was an electric eel given her electic ability, her long fishlike tail and apparent distinct lack of scales with shiny blue skin. I think the only time she's been referred to as a lizard was when we met Morgan, which I elected to ignore because I reject your reality and substitute it with my own. She'll always be my eepy eeloli though.

Better, all the lights have integrated RTGs because of course they would.
Someone VERY important is missing from that list.
Goddamnit, it's because I use discord for writing responses. Whenever you hit the 2000 character limit, the rest of the writing has to be posted seperately. And because Discord is ran by retards, copy pasting a bunch of texts together sometimes adds the timestamp to it. You can see it plenty of times in other posts I've made (like >>6103443 pointed out), usually between paragraphs.

It has to do more with her being exceedingly light for her size. Her low weight and high strength ensures she can perform all sorts of acrobatics and remain stable with little issue.

Also, I always imagined Laura having more of a French heritage than spanish. Though given the setting, it doesn't really mean all that much.

Yeah, I imagine most weaponry use caseless ammunition with little issue by now.

>Does Morgan's breastplate contain an non-Euclidian expanded space pocket or something
I refer you to look up "Tig biddy tomboy mandalorian" for reference.

>I never had Oreas pegged as a reptile
Tbf, she has a lot of characteristics from other creatures. Her extra limbs, her tail, her hands, feet and eyes. I think 'Lizard' is kinda just the term which best fits her overall design.

Whilst not eel-like in appearance, Pelly is far more like an electric eel in that regard.

Uhhhh, the Queen? If so, she has somewhere around an F or G cup.
Oh, and Kiyo has G cup for sure. She is unironically in the upper tier of breast sizes. Think the only one you guys listened to who can give her a run for her money is Kimmy.

Also, rabbit has B cups, with the B standing for 'Burnt to a crisp'.
>Also, rabbit has B cups, with the B standing for 'Burnt to a crisp'.
UGHH Right in the feels...
Why use Discord and not something you're actually supposed to write in like, I dunno, Notepad or Word?

Size difference aside, could we pick Ano up and carry her? Could Alan?

This entire time I've been confusing Laura for Sarah. Muh bud.

Got no idea how far in the future this is or what the demographics of the Unnamed Human Galactic Polity look like but yeah, I guess the distinctions between ethic and linguistic groups have eroded over time - at least offworld where everyone mixes, I imagine Earth still has more distinct groups (unless it's been blown up or some other clichéd sci-fi fate).

Look, you're supposed to be making me less horny for Morgan, not more. Even if small is even better.

So Oreas is a real chimeric mutt abomination? She doesn't give me reptile vibes at all but if you say so.
(for reference, "Pelly" is AH-600)

By the way, thinking about sizes, it quite amuses me that the first MG we encountered was one of the smollest out there, and the fourth we encountered was one of the biggest and we now have both of them in our party as Little and Large.
>Why use Discord and not something you're actually supposed to write in like, I dunno, Notepad or Word?
For one, all the sheets and story details are in discord servers, so I can easily just search those up whilst keeping the text nearby, rather than switching between numerous tabs. Secondly, I post everything on a server I share with a friend of mine, who reads through my posts and often times gives feedback on edits.

>Size difference aside, could we pick Ano up and carry her? Could Alan?
Unironically, he might be able to, yes. It will be very confusing to Ano though.

>I imagine Earth still has more distinct groups (unless it's been blown up or some other clichéd sci-fi fate)
Resource wars + extreme climate change + most inhabitants emigrated towards other more profitable/safe planets. Also, it's trying to be preserved given that a lot of knowledge from the planet needs to be preserved.

>Look, you're supposed to be making me less horny for Morgan, not more.
I can make you as horny for Morgan as I want. It will sadly not change the fact that Morgan is married to justice.

>the first MG we encountered was one of the smollest out there
Chrys is small, but goddamn is she a titan compared to the SMALLEST subjects out there. For context, the green Black Souls fairy is just a tad bit bigger than the smallest subjects out there. Have fun finding them!
Fair enough
He meaning Mik or Alan? We'd probably better be served collapsing her down like a deckchair before attempting it.
Earth a shithole and UHGP is out here splurging on making monster girls. Priorities in order, clearly. I like to think whatever's left of Switzerland is still refusing to join UHGP and is still neutral in this timeline.
You're a cruel, cruel man, but I can still dream of big tiddy tomboy knightfu.
She is in the top few smollest known subjects but, considering the scientists here, someone probably made an amoeba with tits for Reasons(tm). The fairy is so getting flamethrowered, gassed and whatever other hilarious things we can think up because this is not an international armed conflicts and Geneva need not apply.
>Unironically, he might be able to, yes. It will be very confusing to Ano though.
Drawfags I NEED Ano being bridal carried ASAP

>I can make you as horny for Morgan as I want. It will sadly not change the fact that Morgan is married to justice.
What if I become justice itself
Do I dare ask how big Kimmy's is? Also I am still curious what best girl's actually is but respectfully... Yeah, respectfully.

I'm going to have my computer turned into a brick by her for that, aren't I?

Speaking of, given the obvious foreshadowing we were given when we asked about her I am excited to find the horrific results of her experiments.

Unless you are one of Andrei's subjects I don't think you are justice itself. So unless we find him it's a pipe dream.
>Unless you are one of Andrei's subjects I don't think you are justice itself
Maybe not yet, but my mom said I could be anything if I worked hard, and I'll work hard for Morgan
Reminder that if we get the nano machine controller working we can fix orea's breast size to finally be done with all the slander towards her supposed flatness.
No we will not make chrys any taller.
>Just leave this place and head elsewhere. Derek mentioned that there were some interesting places you could head to through here.
Whilst it was tempting to stay here a bit longer to check out who or what caused this, you decided to just assume it was Feng's doing. Perhaps the scientist was some minion or under Feng's control, who had failed her enough to warrant a severe punishment. You'd even bring that up, which your men were not all too comforted by. "I don't know how you could conclude that with such certainty, Mik. But, if that is what you think..." Mike said in soft disbelief, Lydia speaking more worriedly. "I wouldn't be shocked if this was her doing. I just hope it is Feng's doing. Because if it isn't, then that implies that there's someone in this place who is capable and willing to throw people into vats of acid with little remorse." Given that you were in the deeper parts, it wasn't surprising that there could be more screwed up subjects in this place. You even suspected someone like PR-1001 to be responsible for this kill. Though you weren't gonna stick around and find out much more. You'd tell Derek to place another trailcam, him giving a calm nod. "Think this is the second to last one we've got." He'd remark, as he would get to work placing it down.

in the meantime, you would check out the place a tiny bit more. You weren't going to intensively search the place, as you wanted to head to the preservation section. If your dreams were anything to go off, then a section with organic material was probably the best path to take. Regardless, your quick investigation of the place did not lead to any substantial revelations. There were no signs of a fight or blood or anything similar. It really seemed like the guy was just dropped in there with little to no issue. Perhaps he was knocked unconscious elsewhere, and his body was just dumped into the acid? Or maybe he really did just commit suicide by throwing himself in a vat of acid...

Whatever the answer was, you wouldn't have much time to ponder about it, as the trailcam was set up rather quickly. "Alright, where are we heading?" Zaria asked soon after, you stating that you wanted to head south to the preservation sector. "Alright, lead the way, I suppose." Lars would remark, you right away looking for the exit to this eerie space. You did find a door eventually, having to brute force it open a little before managing to enter the dark and dreary hallway. The air here was far dustier than previously, you still at least able to see decently well. Though it almost seemed that these tunnels were darker than the ones you were previously in, the lights being dimmed and flickering far more than the ones in the halls you walked previously. It wasn't helped by the floor feeling far less stable, it sometimes creaking whenever you stepped forward. It wasn't helped by the cracks on each surface, the whole place feeling like it could cave in at any second.
"This place feels far more dangerous than the places we were in before. And not because of the subjects." Derek would say calmly, Anon responding right away. "Just move carefully and don't exert too much force. If this place was truly dangerous to walk through, we would've probably already found signs of collapses. Especially considering people likely have walked through here before, if that corpse was anything to go off of." This actually got Thaddeus somewhat curious. "Say, Derek, where are we actually, compared to the rest of the facility? Any sorta landmarks nearby which we can visit?" Derek would check the map, before letting out a little sigh. "Hard to say. We're still pretty far east from the main crater, but I do feel like the blast had a severe impact here as well. As for the landmarks. We'll soon be underneath a large office space. Further to the south is the leisure centre, and the green section is still to the north-east from here. Hell, I think that if we went east, we could've eventually found a way to the green section."

This last remark made Mike scoff a little. "Given the maze-like nature of this place, pretty much any path could've eventually lead us to the green section." Some of your men seemed amused in the remark, whilst others didn't care that much. Either way, it was true that this place remained a bit of a maze. At least you were currently on a straight path with only a few side-rooms. You did quickly check them for anything, but didn't find much aside from more nanites and a few computers. And after a short ten minutes, you would end near the entrance to the preservation area. The door to this place was locked shut though, which was a bit odd given the previous areas you had been to.

You would first use the key card you had gotten, the door not responding at all and remaining shut. Fortunately, you were able to break the door open with a bit of physical strength from Thaddeus and some of your other men. Though it did leave Thaddeus a bit exhausted afterwards, clearly having put his all into it. "Aye, I may need a break in a bit..." He mumbled softly, you first wanting to explore this new and unknown area. The moment you entered, you could tell that this place was not like what you had expected, and was perhaps far more worrisome than what you had imagined. Immediately, you'd find that the place was filled to the brim with flies, the air buzzing with tens if not hundreds of all sorts of flies. "If only Alan were here with the flamethrower." Zaria mumbled. "Fucking hell, I can barely see what is in front of me!" Mike said in shock, as more and more flies seemed to come from all over the place. You'd also catch some other bugs in there, such as mosquitos, cockroaches and plenty of other critters you'd associate with vermin. Thankfully, more and more flies flew to the now opened door, allowing you to get a better idea of the area around you.
You found yourself in another reception type area. Though the place looked far worse for wear than any other reception you had seen before this. Some of the previously pleasant and clean looking furniture was coated in lots and lots of stains and had visible holes in them. It almost seemed like some chunks had been bitten from the place. A few of the potted plants had decayed insanely, the insides of the pots looking like they were writhing with insects. The floor itself was also littered with insects of various kinds. Plenty of them were dead, but you also saw that dozens of them were scurrying away as you walked around. “How many bugs are in this bloody place?!” Lydia said in genuine disgust, as you would notice the reception area. There was a large display set behind the counter, showing all kinds of jars with organs and animals on water in them. Arthropods, reptiles, amphibians, even a few mammals were all on display in the jars, many of which were coated with all kinds of grime and filth.

“I think I figured out what this place was for. This was where they bred the bugs and what not for all the subjects!” Anon would say, as you realised that this place was going to be far less comfortable to explore. Especially as you could feel plenty of bugs landing on your armour and trying to find places to make themselves comfortable. At least you could see that there were quite a few sections to this place, with three different hallways each having their own sign covering a certain group of organisms. The hallway heading forward led directly to a mammal and birds section, which was probably not going to be a pleasant sight at all. There was a section heading rightwards which led to arthropods of all types, which was probably were all the flies came from. And lastly, there was a fish, amphibian and reptile section.

Looking around, you’d also find a small pamphlet in a now grime-coated display with all sorts of papers and books. Quickly checking the pamphlet, it stated that this section was for getting ‘fresh organic material for all subject creating needs’. Though right now, it seemed more like the perfect breeding ground for the vilest of scavengers this place was keeping before the disaster. God only knows how bad the rodent infestation was gonna be, because there was no way that this place didn’t have their own lab rats and lab mice.
>What do you do next?

>Head one of the three directions which were stated. Perhaps you’d find something of value in one of the specific parts, or would find a way further forward and closer to the queen. (Write in which direction you’ll take.)
>Try and find something which would help in dealing with all these pests. It was impossible to safely work in this area with all the pests around, and you HAD to be able to work without issue. (Write in what you’ll try and do.)
>Split up to cover more ground. The quicker you covered all of this space, the better it would be. (Write in how you’ll split up.)
>Get the hell out of this place and close the door after you left. This place was easily the foulest place you had encountered so far, so it was not worth staying here any longer. (Write in where you’ll head to instead.)
>Ask Derek for the quickest path through this place and follow it. The quicker you got through here, the better it would be for your own health and your search for the queen.
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…

>He meaning Mik or Alan?
My bad, should've specified that it was Alan, yes.)

>Do I dare ask how big Kimmy's is?
She isn't that tall, fortunately. But her demonic bosoms are very big.)
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>Ask Derek for the quickest path through this place and follow it. The quicker you got through here, the better it would be for your own health and your search for the queen.
Let's not stay here any longer than necessary. Hopefully these are normal bugs and not a swarm under the command of some sort of subject.

Also, QM, I wasn't asking for her height. But I think you knew that.

That was fast. Good work.
>Try and find something which would help in dealing with all these pests. It was impossible to safely work in this area with all the pests around, and you HAD to be able to work without issue.
>Split up to cover more ground. The quicker you covered all of this space, the better it would be. (Write in how you’ll split up.)
I think Artyom's sonic cannon will make an excellent fly swatter in here and we can split up when we've thinned the flies out a bit. So, this isn't the botanical garden but we might be able to use it - the bugs will have likely been fed with fruit, and you know what comes out of a botanical garden? That's right, fruit. We could try and find some manifest paperwork or box labels detailing where they'd been getting it from for some clues.

The bewildered look and tail curl really sells it
>Try and find something which would help in dealing with all these pests. It was impossible to safely work in this area with all the pests around, and you HAD to be able to work without issue. (Write in what you’ll try and do.)
>Head one of the three directions which were stated. Perhaps you’d find something of value in one of the specific parts, or would find a way further forward and closer to the queen. (Write in which direction you’ll take.)
Backing >>6104357
Sonic cannon should do good work
Rather than split up I'd like to go through the insect section though

>Try and find something which would help in dealing with all these pests. It was impossible to safely work in this area with all the pests around, and you HAD to be able to work without issue.
Given the serious issue you were already having with the pests, you would decide to deal with them in a most effective way. You would tell your men to use the sonic cannon, as it would hopefully bother the insects enough to get them out of the way. "Wouldn't that risk alertin' whatever folk might be in here?" Thaddeus asked as he started at some of the flies. This made Lydia speak in genuine annoyance, as she would already look for the gun. "I highly doubt anyone is insane enough to stay anywhere in this place! So let's just do it and get it over with!" Anon would take the sonic cannon and would aim it around, before a loud sound blast would make a bunch of the flies scatter. The cannon seemed to do a decent job forcing the bugs to fly out of the way. Obviously it wasn't perfect, but it did still clear some of the insects out of the way. And with it, you were able to create somewhat of a clear path. "Let's hope this doesn't just deafen them, and also reduces their numbers!" Anon would yell as he fired the thing around you, clearing the way more and more.

With the flies becoming less of an issue, you decided to think about which direction you wanted to take. Given the three options you had, you started thinking which would lead to an area with plants. Your first thoughts were that the live bugs would need fruits and vegetables to reproduce, which would mean that it needed to be connected to a botanical garden of some kind. And if it was, you would be able to find files describing where the garden was and how you could get there. And once you found it, you'd hopefully also find the Queens lair. Or at the very least, the directions which you were given in your dreams. With that, you told your men to stay together, you and Anon leading the way as you headed to the right hallway. (edited)

You and your men quickly headed in, finding the fly swarms to be even more intense the further you went in. "And why did we go deeper in here?" Lydia asked in a still mildly agitated tone. You explained the connection you had made between the feed and the insects, which did make Anon a bit more amused. "What about the other animals? Plenty of those will also need to be fed." It was a fair point, which was also not helped by the fact that this place was mostly for creating organic material for testing. Given that role it played, chances were that the other animals which were housed here would also need to be fed with vegetables. Still, this section was the liveliest one by far, and it was also where the most food presumably went to, given the sheer number of bugs. The sights themselves also quickly proved your theory, as you saw plenty of glass boxes which contained numerous habitats with lots of vegetation and plants.
Some of the boxes appeared pretty foggy, making it impossible to see inside. Others you could look inside of, and find plenty of insects which inhabited them. Though, lots of the insects in the containers were dead or were not even there anymore. Some of them did still survive, but we're clearly struggling with the lack of maintenance from staff. Though, most of the boxes did look untouched, implying that nobody had gotten to this place just yet. Eventually though, you did spot something which was of interest to you. You saw a little cart which contained all kinds of potted plants which were presumably used for the habitats within the containers. Checking the cart, you tried to look for any details about their origin. And fortunately, you did find some notes on a dirty and messy piece of paper. It states what kind of plant it was, as well as that it came from within the facility. You'd check where each plant type came from, finding that most came from the green section, with a few exceptions.

Some of the plants were noted to be from a small botanical garden. Checking for details, it didn't state which garden it was except for a number, you asking Derek if he could help figure it out. "I can try and look for anything nearby. But if it doesn't state the floor or general location, it will be tough to find out." He'd show the tablet, showing that most of the nearby office spaces didn't really have any details noted on them. Though one detail which you did find useful, was the name which was underneath the paper. It gave the name of the staff member who worked here, and their office number. Given that you had already walked past some smaller side chambers, chances were that one of them would be from the staff member who's name was on the file. And if you found their office, it would hopefully also tell you where the plants came from more precisely.

For now though, you would keep going through the dimly lit and fly infested storage spaces. It was quite easy to traverse at least, you just being flanked with the various containers as you followed a pretty simple path forward. It did make some turns and twists, but there were no tight choke points or extremely open spaces. There were a few side chambers and office spaces, none of which were the one you were looking for, but it wasn't difficult to traverse at all. You also would find more cards, finding a few new staff names and office spaces which you could check. Though you were yet to find any office you wanted to find. You did eventually make a more nasty discovery, as you would find the flies intensifying again. Even with the sound cannon, it was difficult to get them to disperse, it soon even becoming difficult to see around you. You kept going though, until you found yourself near a large chamber with the door left slightly ajar. Looking into it, you discovered the source of all these flies, in the form of a storage chamber with piles upon piles of rotting fruit and vegetables.
You saw so much mass moving within the room, the floor coated with waste and maggots. The walls and ceilings were coated with flies, several cupboards containing boxes with all kinds of spoilt food for the bugs. Seeing the grotesque sight, your men were left quite disgusted. "Oh god, let's move on right the fuck now." Lars said anxiously, followed by Mike calmly saying. "Maybe I can clean this place with the acid gun? Make sure these bastards won't stay here even longer." Thaddeus would let out a soft groan. "Let's just get outta here and ignore this. The quicker we leave here, the faster we won't have to deal with this!" Though Lydia also made an observation, which had some disturbing implications. "If this is what this small section of food looks like, I can only imagine what hell awaits us in the main food storage area for the whole facility..." Fortunately, you wouldn't have to explore the food storage section anytime soon.

Regardless, you'd just try and move away from the source of the flies, trying to find an office which could help you out. The density of flies thankfully quickly decreased, as you were eventually able to see a bit more normally again. Though as you went a bit further ahead, you would soon notice something rather worrisome a few feet away from you. "Is that a... a bone?" Mike asked, you approaching the object which lied on the ground. Picking it up, you found that it was indeed some kind of animal bone. Whatever kind of bone it was, it didn't appear human at the very least. Despite that though, it was a rather concerning sight, given that there had been no signs of mammals in this place at all. There was no way that this place had meat supplied to it either, meaning that this bone must've come here because of someone bringing it in. Worse, you'd quickly notice that there were more bones strewn about, each bone being completely without flesh and disturbingly clean. Had someone perhaps been eating in this place?

Your men were suddenly put on edge, with Lars looking at the bones and saying: "I doubt this is from some sort of display piece. Could it maybe be that wolf subject from Andrei?" Your men appeared unsure what to say. Though shortly after, you would hear some noise and would notice a cart a short distance away moving slightly. It was a subtle move, you slowly approaching with your gun in hand as you'd notice that a potted plant had fallen from the cart. Your men would also have their guns at the ready, as it was clear that you weren't alone in this place. "Could it maybe be some sort of animal?" Derek asked cautiously, making Thaddeus shake his head. "Nah, I doubt it's some ordinary animal. This has to be something else. Something out for blood." Whatever it was, it did cause your men to be a bit more nervous. They all looked around the place to try and figure out what was going on, or to try and spot any movement in the dark.
It wasn't helped by the fact that there were a lot of potential hiding spots here. The desks on which the containers with bugs sat could all be hidden underneath. Not to mention, the sheer darkness and the constant buzzing making it difficult to really spot any movement. Then again, if this was some average sized subject, you’d probably spot it sooner rather than later. Unless if it was a tiny subject, or some tiny rodent which had managed to escape.

>What do you do next?

>Speak to the darkness to try and communicate with whoever was there. Maybe they wouldn’t respond, but maybe they wouldn’t see you as a threat and act amicable to you? (Write in what you’ll say.)
>Just forget about whatever was making the sound and keep heading forward. Maybe it was just a rodent or some other small animal which had managed to escape. There were no signs of activity here aside from these sudden noises, so maybe it was something else anyway?
>Go back to some other spot you had just visited. Maybe you missed something, or you wanted to go back in case there was something waiting for you if you headed further forward. (Write in where you’ll head to instead.)
>Fire a warning shot or maybe even a few warning shots. If it was an animal, it would probably panic at the sound and flee. If it was something dangerous, it’d also hopefully retreat or at least show itself. (Write in who will give the warning shot.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else...
>>Just forget about whatever was making the sound and keep heading forward. Maybe it was just a rodent or some other small animal which had managed to escape. There were no signs of activity here aside from these sudden noises, so maybe it was something else anyway?
>Fire a warning shot or maybe even a few warning shots. If it was an animal, it would probably panic at the sound and flee. If it was something dangerous, it’d also hopefully retreat or at least show itself. (Write in who will give the warning shot.)
Sound wave to keep insects clear + staying in a formation to cover each other while we make our way through.
use thermal/night vision sight to see if we pick up anything in the dark spots since our helmets have a mix of those abilities.
and keep going bc I wanna kill queen.
>Just forget about whatever was making the sound and keep heading forward. Maybe it was just a rodent or some other small animal which had managed to escape. There were no signs of activity here aside from these sudden noises, so maybe it was something else anyway?
I can't imagine a wolf type or any other subject sticking around in a room filled with flies and maggots. If the bones are picked clean then who's to say they weren't left here weeks ago and the one who left them is long gone by now?

Also hopefully the main food storage hasn't gotten this bad, given that it was presumably kept clean, deep within a sterile facility, and not used to breed insects and vermin.
>Speak to the darkness to try and communicate with whoever was there. Maybe they wouldn’t respond, but maybe they wouldn’t see you as a threat and act amicable to you? "We aren't going to hurt you, alright? Just talk to us. You don't even need to come out."

A pot won't just randomly fall off from a cart that for SOME REASON is moving. The only living thing we have sighted is bugs and unless there's some sort of subject around they wouldn't manage to push a cart. Thermal is a good idea. A subject might leave a trail if their body temperature is high enough.
>Speak to the darkness to try and communicate with whoever was there. Maybe they wouldn’t respond, but maybe they wouldn’t see you as a threat and act amicable to you?
>Just forget about whatever was making the sound and keep heading forward. Maybe it was just a rodent or some other small animal which had managed to escape. There were no signs of activity here aside from these sudden noises, so maybe it was something else anyway?
Hold your horses, Queen's not going anywhere right this second. Look, this takes all of ten seconds and might avoid another Kamara incident (even if it didn't work on her) or getting jumped by a hostile. Might want to get out here before you get shot by mistake, we won't hurt you unless you hurt us. If there's no response, proceed very carefully, covering all angles with thermals. If they're friendly, let's have a chat. If they're hostile, open fire and possibly prepare to retreat.
If it is a subject, I'm unsure who it could be. The only flesh-eaters in this quadrant are the Plague Shroom and 8-EM, and this doesn't really give me the vibes of either of them.
I am avoiding conversation because if it knows we are there it may be inclined to take action. If we don't show that we are trying to speak to it specifically, we can just keep walking, and if it stays hiding, we can get by.
We need to conserve fighting power for the queen not deal with another 15 subjects that we might find between us and her.
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Instructions unclear.

Made it my phone's background image, SO CUTE.
You know, you should make art of best girl Annie. That would be very cool! Especially with how good this came out! And no, I'm not salty that the subject that died in the span of one thread and actively tried killing us has more art than someone who's been with us, sorta, since the start...
It seems like most of the playerbase of this quest is hanging out in Tyranid-Girl Quest. Guess we know what we like, huh?
Man, the rabbit really is adorable. It sucked that she had to die and couldn't be reformed. Jokes on you fools. The rabbit didn't actually attack Alan, nor was she killed! She and Alan have long left the island together! This is living proof of that!

I promise that I will comm art of Annie in the near future, which I'll then share so the based drawanons can make some cute art of her.

I was notified of this, yep. I definitely ought to check out the thread and maybe also participate. From the outside, it looks really fun and maybe right up my alley!
There is a tyranid girl quest?
do we have the option of exterminatusing her?
No, John. You are the Tyranid girl.
(we talked about our quest in their thread, now we talk about their quest in our thread heh)
>Just forget about whatever was making the sound and keep heading forward. Maybe it was just a rodent or some other small animal which had managed to escape. There were no signs of activity here aside from these sudden noises, so maybe it was something else anyway?
Given that you didn't really see anything and you wanted to find the queen ASAP, you opted to just ignore the noise. You told your men to keep going, but to keep quiet and to stick close. This seemed to confuse them a lot, with Mike even speaking up in awe. "Aren't we gonna check this out? What if it's a subject, or some other survivor?" Lydia seemed a lot more okay with your suggestion though, as she would swipe at some of the flies around her. "I agree with Mik in saying we should leave! The quicker we get out of here, the better!" Obviously, you weren't a fool though, telling Anon to use thermal vision so you two could look around for any threats. Though as you activated it, you didn't see any heat signature or any shapes which stood out. However, given what subjects were all capable of, Anon still kept his eyes open and looked around. "You seeing anything, Mik?" You confirmed there wasn't anything, yet still told your men to remain close together.

You'd carefully walk forward, your men sticking close as you kept your eyes on the source of the noise. Given the lack of any movement or any sort of large living creature, it didn't seem like there was any actual threat around. Even then, it still was a pretty scary thing to be around. At least you were confident in saying that the wolf subject was probably not here. Whatever had eaten the bones, could've done so weeks or way longer ago. Of course, you couldn't say for certain if it was done a short time ago, but you were optimistic nothing would stay in this fly infested space for too long. Speaking of the flies, you would ask Anon to keep firing the sonic cannon to deal with the fly swarms. He didn't hesitate, once again doing the job.

"Is it really a good idea to let out a deafening sound around us, if there maybe is someone nearby?" Derek would ask in turn, to which Zaria spoke up more confidently. "We've already played the noise plenty of times! Besides, whatever caused that noise before will probably be scared away by this, unless if they're really goddamn stupid!" Right after Zaria spoke, there was a loud cracking noise coming from below some tables, you and your men looking over to try and see what caused it. "What the hell was that?" Thaddeus would utter, you signalling your men to follow. You would quickly try and check what it was, finding that it was another clean bone which had been snapped in half. As you looked at the bone, you heard glass shattering, noticing that a glass container behind you had been pushed off of its table. You would hear more noises coming from behind you, as your men aimed their guns at whatever was making the noise. They were ready to fire at whatever they saw pop up from the darkness.
>Speak to the darkness to try and communicate with whoever was there. Maybe they wouldn’t respond, but maybe they wouldn’t see you as a threat and act amicable to you?
Seeing what was going on, you decided to try and speak up to whatever was in the darkness. You would tell whatever was making the noise that you wouldn't hurt it and that you just wanted to talk. You even offered up to whatever caused the noise to stay hidden. Your men didn't respond or add anything to it, clearly not wanting to interrupt or to cause further trouble. Still, you would cover each other and keep your weaponry at the ready, also looking around for the source of the movement. "Could it be a cold-blooded subject, Mik?" Anon would ask, after which Lydia spoke more worriedly. "Maybe it has some sort of enhanced invisibility?" Zaria would speak more agitated in turn. "Whatever it is, we should shoot it. I don't wanna end up with someone getting stabbed again."

Afterwards, you heard more noises coming from the darkness, followed by a bone being thrown your way. It would hit Thaddeus, who seemed more confused by the throw than hurt. "Eh?" He said in a genuinely bewildered tone. If it was an attempt to injure him, it was a pretty poor attempt to say the least. Regardless, it seemed that this place definitely was inhabited by something. Though seeing it was still impossible. It wasn't helped by the fly swarms becoming a lot more intense, which blocked your vision somewhat due to their intensity. You heard metal creaking, eventually spotting something running from the corner of your eye. It wasn't bright red on the thermal camera though, its cooler temperature blending into the background. It soon faded from your vision, hiding behind desks. Or maybe it was hiding in plain sight and using stealth?

Your men waited to hear what you'd command them to do or say. They didn't want to make a rash decision, considering your careful game plan down here...

>What do you do next?

>Try and converse with whatever was stalking you in the darkness and causing trouble. If it wanted you dead, it would've killed you already, right? (Write in what you'll say.)
>Retreat from this place and try to avoid a fight. You didn't want to waste materials or get any of your men injured before you'd get the chance to reach the Queen. (Write in where you'll try to retreat to and how.)
>Command your men to fight. Perhaps you had some weapons which could help in dealing with this threat? Or you had a specific plan to deal with this invisible threat? (Write in what you'll tell your men and what plan you'll employ.)
>Threaten whatever was stalking you or fire a single warning shot. If it was smart, it would know not to mess with you and leave you alone. That, or it'd only be emboldened to attack you. (Write in what you'll say.)
>Something else...
>Retreat from this place and try to avoid a fight. You didn't want to waste materials or get any of your men injured before you'd get the chance to reach the Queen. (Write in where you'll try to retreat to and how.)

Its trying to remain hidden
Let's oblige it.
We are gonna go away, you stay there and don't get in our way.
and we all live happy.
>Try and converse with whatever was stalking you in the darkness and causing trouble. If it wanted you dead, it would've killed you already, right? (Write in what you'll say.)
Hmm. A flesh-eater, but not a maneater. Skittish, but apparently non-hostile. Doesn't mind flies. Cold body. No matching documentation. Vinisha? Is that you?

If dropping the name doesn't get any response, just make some clear statements of intent before continuing on our way. We need to pass through this way to reach the other side. We'll be continuing on our way and if you'd rather stay hidden, we won't look for you. We'll probably be coming back this way at a later time if you'd like to talk then. Other door's open now, by the way.
Backing >>6105391
If the name drop doesn't work, say something along the lines of we're just passing through, don't want no trabble, leave us alone and we'll leave you alone
Supporting. I'm worried it isn't her but may as well give it a shot if it is her and not one of the other hundreds of subjects here.
>Try and converse with whatever was stalking you in the darkness and causing trouble. If it wanted you dead, it would've killed you already, right?
As your men spoke about the subject you were facing, you were thinking about who it was. She presumably ate flesh. She was skittish, yet not extremely aggressive. She didn't seem too bothered by all the flies, and they even seemed to intensify when she was around. And most importantly, she was cold-blooded. Derek didn't seem to have any suggesting as to who it might be. So in turn, you'd ask the one subject who you thought it could be: Vinisha. You called out her name, asking if it was her which left your men shocked. They had clearly not thought it was one of Andrei's subjects. Of course, it could very well not be Vinisha, but you were highly certain of this idea at this point.

Despite you calling the name, you didn't get any response. You just told her that you were passing through here and that you wouldn't go after her. You told her that if she didn't get in the way of your mission, you could all forget this happened and just move on. You even offered her to stay hidden, and that you wouldn't look for her. "Isn't Vinisha one of Andrei's works? Shouldn't we try and take her down?" Mike would whisper through the comms, being far more interested in reaping the benefits of finding another one of Andrei's subjects. Given the previous encounter you had with an Andrei subject, you opted to not stick around much longer. You'd tell the subject that you would likely be coming back through here later, at which point you heard a soft voice speaking from somewhere behind you. "You would do better to go back the way you came. Lest I slaughter you like the rest of your kind." The voice sounded a bit raspy, despite the clear aggression and distrust it had. Your men would try and look for where she was based on her voice, them not succeeding in finding the subject.

Shortly after your men looked for her again, you'd hear more noise from a short distance away. There was more rummaging and noise coming from around you, it eventually leading to another bone being thrown your way. This one hit Zaria, hitting her in the shoulder and making her look a bit confused. "Did... did she just throw a bone at me?" She brushed at her shoulder, the hit not even leaving a dent in her outfit. Shortly after though, you'd hear another glass container being smashed to the floor, after which you saw a green-ish black shape moving in the corner of your eye. "Mik, do we have permission to fire?!" Anon would soon say, Lars speaking up reluctantly. "Where the hell is she even?! I can't bloody see her!" As you kept your eyes open for the subject, you'd soon hear a soft cough and groan from somewhere behind the mess. It was followed by the voice right after. "I... am one of my creator's finest creations. I'm the apex of subject creation. You will be butchered within seconds, if you do not get the hell out of here."
Given the pathetic bone throws and the lack of an attack, the threat did not really affect your men too much. They seemed more sceptical than anything. They did still remain a bit anxious however, as this subject was clearly a bit of a wildcard. For all you knew, she was serious with her threats, and could deliver a genuinely dangerous strike. However, you would insist to the subject that you would just pass through here, and that you really didn't want to start a confrontation. You reasserted that you wouldn't search out a fight, and that you could happily ignore her without issue. "I can smell your fear. I take it you know your place in the food cha-!" Her ominous voice was cut off, as you heard a soft bang and some things falling over. You looked in the direction of the noise and noticed a cart with potted plants moving slightly. There was a short pause, followed by her ominous voice returning from the place you looked at. "Like I said, you know your place in the food chain down here, hmm? Are you also smart enough to know what to do when facing a genuine threat?"

There was a soft silence, as you could tell that your men were visibly conflicted on what to feel. On the one hand, the subject was difficult to spot and had quite the menacing voice, as well as some mildly threatening things to say. On the other hand, each attempt she made to hurt you was completely pathetic, and she didn't even dare show herself. "I got a feeling... she is bluffing." Zaria said over comms. "I'd rather play it safe and leave. For all we know, this is all an elaborate little spiel to convince us she's 'weak'." Derek responded in turn. "I don't know. Maybe we can just stick together and wait to see what she tries next?" Lydia said as well. Before your men could say more, you'd finally see a shape standing up from the darkness. Your thermal vision just saw a cold female shape moving up, you switching to dark vision to get a better look.

The figure was above average height, her having a visible tail with a sharp protrusion at the end. She had two rather impressive horns on her head, long hair and a rather bloodied and messy figure. Her skin was a putrid green colour, her eyes appearing quite human aside from their deep dark green colour. She would squint at you, looking awfully serious and self-assured. She'd lean on the desk in front of her, before speaking in that intimidating voice again. "Now, I suggest you... run." Despite what she said, none of your men followed her command. They would keep their guns at the ready, not yet shooting but once again waiting for your command. Unlike with the rabbit subject, there was no panic or immediate request for your leadership. This lizard-like subject lacked the intimidation and sheer terror which the rabbit caused. Though her general tone and appearance did leave your men uneasy and uncertain as to what to do...
So, what would you do, facing this bloody and eerie looking subject?

>What do you do next?

>You didn't want to do this, but it was for the best. Just shoot her and quickly kill her. Hopefully, the sound wouldn't alert anyone near you or cost too much ammo. (Write in if you have any specific plan of attack.)
>Try and reason with her once more. Maybe you could tell her something to get her off your back? Or ask her some questions to figure out why she was doing the things she was doing? (Write in what you'll do to communicate with her.)
>Intimidate her back. Her attempts of harming you or threatening you hadn't made your men budge. Perhaps you could turn the table on her and threaten her back? (Write in how you'll intimidate her.)
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...

(A new area, a new subject. Lets see how accurate Andrei's files really were, huh?)
>>Try and reason with her once more. Maybe you could tell her something to get her off your back? Or ask her some questions to figure out why she was doing the things she was doing? (Write in what you'll do to communicate with her.)
We literally told you we are leaving before you said anything.
No we aren't running, we can barely see with so many filthy flies.
We are going to leave, you stay there
we go this way
and we have no problems
also we might pass through again later on our way back our for future reference.

we leave bc we have more important stuff to do.
kill queen.
>Walk up behind her and grab the end of her tail. After, start dragging her with us.
She's clearly as harmless as a subject can be if the bones chucked at us are anything to go by and the only real threat I see with her are her nails and the tail blade. But with that thick tail and her lacking strength we'll be fine if we do this. After all, she's clearly still rotting so the issues she has are still there and I doubt they magically got fixed and she's now actually a threat.

Plus, the alternative likely is we shoot her and I don't want that. This will be far more funny anyway.
Not a good idea especially with that bladed end. I wanna mess with her a bit, call her bluff and walk straight to her looher in the eye and tell her to surrender or else...
>Try and reason with her once more. Maybe you could tell her something to get her off your back? Or ask her some questions to figure out why she was doing the things she was doing?
Your creator called you reasonable and fair. We're being reasonable and fair. Why aren't you? Where is *that* Vinisha? Was he lying?
We could handle Caera, Vinny. Do you mind if I call you that? She was very scary and only interested in attacking us. You're better than that, aren't you?
We've found and brought together several subjects to support and protect each other. Do you want to speak to one of them instead? Would you like to talk to Anofelis? Or Oreas? Or Chrysidus?
God knows this place has plenty of real crooks for you to put the wind up instead
Nobody's useless, Vinny. Do you want a hug?

I don't think Andrei's notes were wrong per se, but slightly out of date and she's taken some serious emotional damage from being regarded as a failure and is trying to basically beat her chest and cling to her intimidating side to convince herself otherwise and try to fulfil her purpose. We need to try and cut through that and convince her to turn off the act. Don't mock her, just support and talk her down.
>Apologize for bothering her and beg her to spare the lives of you and your men. Run away immediately.
If no one else is going to go for my funny idea that plans to abuse her lacking strength I'll support this.
I would if she wasn't wielding a still very sharp tailblade. It would be funny.
Whilst I really, really, really wanna write for the quest right now, I'll refrain from writing an update tonight. For one, I need to sleep early tonight, given that I'll give my first lesson as an actual teacher tomorrow and I wanna be mentally prepared for that by getting some good sleep.

Secondly, I still wanna see a bit more consensus regarding what you'll do with Vinisha. >>6106179 is currently leading, but given the diverging suggestions which have been made so far, I'll give it an extra day of discussion and thoughts.
Hey dude best of luck! That's super exciting and I wish you and your students the best.

Hope it goes well QM!!!
I will stick to what I said about just going our own way rather than starting shit when we have stuff to do.
Sure let's go for it, at this point the harem allegations aren't gonna go down and our folks gonna tease about it till the mission's end but as long as our team is fine with it I won't bitch about it.
>Try and reason with her once more. Maybe you could tell her something to get her off your back? Or ask her some questions to figure out why she was doing the things she was doing?
You knew what you had read about Vinisha in Andrei's files was true. You knew that Vinisha wasn't seen as some sort of murderous force of nature like the rabbit. Nor was she some sadistic monster like the Queen. You knew you could reason with her and make her stop this whole façade of aggression and toughness. You'd lower your gun a little, telling her that you knew of Andrei and that he had called her reasonable and fair. You stated you were doing the same, not attacking her or trying to hurt her. You even told her that you still were fine just leaving her be, and that you weren't going to run from her. Finally, you would ask why she wasn't as reasonable as Andrei said she was, even asking if he lied about you for god knows what reason.

In turn, you saw Vinisha's somewhat overconfident expression fade. Her expression shifted to something more annoyed and pained, her responding with hatred in her voice. "The fact that Caera was freed tells me enough. You and your cronies have done something to him! Whatever it may be, I WILL avenge him for it! I won't let you crooks get away with these criminal acts!" Thaddeus was quick to retort, joining you in trying to reason with the subject. "We never hurt Andrei, let alone met him. We just know he made Caera, who attacked us not too long ago. We also know you are his creation." Thaddeus kept a calm tone, you adding onto that that you could deal with her if she decided to attack you anyway. Though you also mentioned that you knew she wasn't some idiot who would attack you for no reason, unlike Caera. You'd even refer to her as Vinny, casually asking her if she minded being called that. She squinted her eyes and clearly didn't look amused. "I have my reasons to attack you. And I am far, far more lethal than Caera ever was."

It was clear that Vinisha was going to continue her attempts at intimidating you. It was getting on your men's nerves a bit, with Zaria even responding: "So far, your 'attacks' have been pretty trivial." You didn't want to agitate her further, or make her feel worthless. So after giving Zaria a disapproving sigh, you decided to tell Vinisha that you had already encountered several subjects which you protected. You mentioned Anofelis, Oreas and Chrys, even offering her the option to chat with them. "I don't know who they are..." She said in a slightly cold and uncaring tone, albeit with a hint of sombreness. You reaffirmed that the girls wouldn't mind meeting her, and that they'd even appreciate her presence back at the base you had made for them. "As if I would believe that. Now, I will give you one final warning, or I will... butcher all of you!" The little pause really told you everything you needed to know about Vinisha. She was not some monstrous killer at all.
With that in mind, you stepped forward and told her she wasn't like the real crooks down in this place. You'd even offer her a little hug, which seemed to make her façade break for a second. She was genuinely shocked by your offer. Your men were also a bit concerned, keeping their guns at the ready in case Vinisha did attempt anything. There was a moment of silence, aside from the continuous buzzing from the flies around you. Vinisha kept staring you down, before her eyes looked down a bit. "How do I know I can trust you? How can I be sure this isn't some trick to take me down?" There was a bit of reluctance in her voice, one of your men stepping in and giving a response. "Well, like Mik said, we can get you in contact with some other subjects to prove our point. We could even lead you to there, even if we'd rather not. We're hunting for one of your creator's other, more aggressive and evil subjects, after all." Lars said, which made Vinisha squint her eyes. "Andrei didn't make any evil subjects. He made some of the greatest and most brilliant subjects out there. The only reason you see them as 'evil' is because of who you guys are, and what you're doing down here."

You could already tell that Vinisha wasn't entirely confident in what she was saying. Whatever the reason for it was, Anon would quickly retort by saying: "We read through plenty of Andrei's files. We know that many of them were designed to be natural killers... and Feng Zetian is perhaps the most dangerous of all of those natural killers." You saw Vinisha looking away again, perhaps thinking how she could respond to Anon's statement. Then again, you got a feeling that she knew deep down that Andrei made some truly nasty and monstrous subjects. Regardless, you would still reassure her that you could just leave her be and that you wouldn't bother her much more than this. You'd also tell her that you were more than happy to meet the fair and reasonable Vinisha which Andrei had described. Vinisha hesitated, before speaking more anxiously. "You guys are trying to trick me, aren't you? Andrei himself said that there would be folk like you out there, but I am not falling for it! I won't tell you a thing! I-I won't!"

There still was a lot of hesitation and uncertainty in her voice. She really was trying to echo whatever it was that she learnt from Andrei. Though given the lack of any further attacks did show that she wasn't eager to attack. Maybe it was because she was just weak. Though it was also very much possible that she didn't want to attack you because deep down, she knew you were harmless. Still, you needed a bit more work before you'd be able to fully convince her. It could be useful to have her by your side, since she likely knew more about the Queen than whatever Andrei's files said. Then again, trying to befriend her might just be a fool's errand...

Whatever it was you were going to do, your men were still ready to fire if things really escalated further.
>What do you do next?

>Just leave Vinisha alone to think about what you said and keep heading forward. Maybe she'd realise you were sincere and would actually stop this act of hers. At worst, you could continue your search for the Queen without her.
>Point out how you weren't threatened by her little act, and that even Andrei considered her a failure. Maybe she'd stop the whole act once she was reminded of the truth she probably knew deep down as well. (Write in how you'll tell her.)
>Continue being kind to her, perhaps with the help of some of your men. Cracks were starting to show in her aggressive nature, and chances were she'd treat you way better sooner rather than later. (Write in how you'll be kind to her.)
>Ask her if there are any other ways you could convince her. Maybe there was something you could do to really showcase that you meant well and weren't going to just kill innocent people.
>Threaten her with your weaponry. Given that she was suffering from some sort of rot, your weaponry would probably be most capable of dealing with her. It'd hopefully make her realise how silly this little act of hers was. (Write in how you'll threaten her.)
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...
>>Continue being kind to her, perhaps with the help of some of your men. Cracks were starting to show in her aggressive nature, and chances were she'd treat you way better sooner rather than later. (Write in how you'll be kind to her.)
Been replaying Lisa and link above gave me an idea.
Drop our weapons, slowly get close to her and offer her a hug. We're defenseless, if she wanted, she could take us a hostage and get away, buy she sounds like you could she could use one.
>>Just leave Vinisha alone to think about what you said and keep heading forward. Maybe she'd realise you were sincere and would actually stop this act of hers. At worst, you could continue your search for the Queen without her.
we can let her contemplate while we go kill queen.
I think captcha bullshit ate my post
I was about to suggest basically the same thing. All guns down. Our gun away. Knife removed, if we've got one (we really should get an emergency melee weapon if we don't). Helmet off. Approach slowly, don't back into a corner. Apply handshake or hug as appropriate.
Andrei wasn't completely wrong, Vinny. But how's this for a gesture of trust that we're not the ones he's talking about?

This is just the sort of low-trust scenario I was thinking of when I considered bringing along a subject ally for mediation. If we had one of them here, we could probably have avoided this standoff. Are we still in range enough to get someone from upstairs on the blower? Also, did we keep a video log of our little chat with Viri and Annie to hand?
Supporting. It's clear she's just been doing a tough act and it's breaking already. >>6106179 read her like a book.

This is one of only a few potentially friendly subjects made by Andrei and we lucked out in finding them. They certainly know about her creators other works and will likely be able to give us a lot of information on them including the Queen. Let us not just ditch this massive intel cache that can help us kill the Queen and tell us things we don't know before we face her and who for all we know won't even be here when we return if we do leave them. A minor detour here can be a major boon to us.
she's the failure, and given her statements so far, I doubt we'd get a sizeable about of valuable information regarding queen.
Main reason I am trying to avoid starting the friend train rn is because this is the same shit that got us side questing away from queen the last 2-3 threads.
the game time still progresses regardless of what we are doing, and the other squads like nikolai and monster girls like the queen are also doing their own actions while we do ours.
I want to actually get to the queen, not talk about getting to the queen and then doing every side quest possible because potential waifu, only to find other developments have changed the situation (such as the queen potentially acquiring more and more survivors and monster girls as we play pokemon, or shit on the government side with the death squads, little monsters is likely just the start of the shit they are gonna bring in due to the difficulties they are facing still).
Failure or not, she is still a subject of Andrei and one he actually wanted to try and fix rather than just throw to the side and abandon. Even if we don't get a ton of info about the Queen, given the threat the other subjects Andrei has made I think getting that intel is worth the diversion. While it is true the longer we take the more the Queen, scientists like Nikolai and other death squads will do things to change the situation, this is a conversation that so far has delayed us what? Three minutes so far? I'd understand if she didn't show herself to us or we were investigating something completely unrelated to the Queen but we have the subject right there in front of us. A subject that is related to the Queen by virtue of their creator. For all we know she might know that the Queen is actually Vinella on steroids and be able to warn us of that, or some sort of nasty ability she gained since those files we got were printed.

And if she doesn't know? Well, we got another subject that can help us kill the Queen, as I doubt we'll be lucky enough to get a clean shot with the railgun and end the fight before it begins as this is relying on her not having very high agility, perception or durability. I see this as a scouting mission. We find the Queens palace and then we get our subject friends and attack with force. Doing so without our subject support means if one thing goes wrong it quickly can cascade into a absolutely horrific situation and I don't want to lose our men if we can avoid those losses.

Also, the death squad you are thinking of is Scary Monsters, though I think a better name for them would be the fuck Vinella in particular squad.
This isn't a sidequest, it's an encounter we've stumbled into on our way and, if we talk her down, shouldn't have much more to it - either we leave her here for now, give her directions back or she tags along - there will be no gallivanting off on adventures until Feng is dead. Also, this entire encounter has taken place over the course of a few minutes, while time is indeed passing I think we can spare five to pick up another stray.
>Leave her alone and head onward
>Warn her about other squads
>Continue being kind to her, perhaps with the help of some of your men. Cracks were starting to show in her aggressive nature, and chances were she'd treat you way better sooner rather than later.
Even though Vinisha was still not willing to trust you, you felt that you could crack through that last bit of reluctance she showed. You just needed to take a bit of a risk. You'd slowly move to the ground, before carefully putting down your pulse rifle and machine pistol. You held up your hands and told her you were unarmed. You'd carefully walk over to her, telling her that you were defenceless now. "Mik, t-this doesn't seem all that safe." Lydia would mumble, your men not dropping their guns at all and instead keeping them even closer. You told them to also drop their weapons, which Thaddeus, Derek and Anon would do. The rest of your men didn't listen, keeping their guns at the ready. Mike even grabbed his acid gun and pointed it at the subject. Honestly, it wasn't the brightest of ideas, given that you stood between him and his supposed target. Still, you tried to ignore that, continuing to walk forward.

And eventually, you stood only a few feet away from Vinisha. She looked a mixture of scared and angered, though the latter was probably her trying to remain intimidating. She did take a step back again, putting her arms around her body in a protective way. You would give her your hand, offering a handshake to try and make her feel more at ease. You'd even take off your helmet, the smell now being completely unfiltered which was... not good at all. Even though your current helmet did mean some of the smells from before came in, you could now smell the putrid corpse scent which seemed to be coming from Vinisha. Still, you brushed that aside and tried to remain open towards her. You weren't going to show her disgust or anything which would make her feel bad. Hell, you even offered her a hug and told her she could clearly use one.

After you offered her a hug, you saw her carefully and anxiously moving her arms down, no longer seeming as protective. You calmly reassured her that Andrei had described her as kind, and that he was not wrong about that. There was a moment of silence, which you broke by telling her you could even be taken hostage by her. Whilst you spoke, she carefully and slowly approached you, your men keeping their guns at the ready. Thankfully, shortly after you finished talking, you'd feel her hugging you a bit awkwardly. She would at first remain quiet, before you heard her sniffling and letting out some tears. Her body felt somewhat cold, and her grip wasn't all that strong. Though despite that, it was clearly something she needed and probably deserved as well. Thankfully, you saw your men lowering their weapons from the corner of your eye, Lydia already approaching right away. "I'm.. I'm sorry." Vinisha let out in a more pained voice, sniffling a bit longer and continuing to hug you for some time.
You didn't force her away just yet, even if the hug was a little uncomfortable. The smell, the coldness of her body and the weird texture didn't help at all. Not to mention, the fact that there were flies buzzing around the two of you now. Your men did eventually come close as well, Thaddeus speaking up far more warmly. "Glad ya realised we're not a threat." In turn, Mike also spoke up, albeit more hurried and less patient. "Yep, not a threat. Anyway, do you want us to give you some directions to get somewhere safe? Or do you still want us to leave you be so we can both go our merry way?" Lars gave Mike a pretty hard bump in turn, not wanting Mike to ruin this moment of trust between you and Vinisha. Thankfully, Vinisha didn't take much offense, nodding understandably before speaking. "I don't... I don't wanna get in your way. If you guys wanna go elsewhere, I can understand. Y-You probably have important missions to follow, a-and are going after really evil subjects. I don't want to hold you back..."

Vinisha didn't seem to wanna bother you any more than she already had. Even though you could tell that she really, really enjoyed the hug you gave her. It was kind of sweet in a way, but this was also something of a special opportunity. Vinisha was one of Andrei's subject, and she clearly was just as sweet as Andrei had described her to be. Obviously, she tried to be threatening and intimidating, but she probably had her reasons to do such. Probably was related to how Andrei viewed her, or her sibling Anastasia. Speaking of which, she probably knew plenty about her siblings. Which would include Feng, as well as the rest of Andrei's murder machines. Whilst taking her along towards Feng was maybe something you could think about, asking her questions right now certainly could be worth it.

>What do you do next?

>Tell her that you do indeed wish to keep going now. Maybe give her some intel about where the other girls were, in case she wanted to spend her time away from all these godawful flies. (Write in what you'll tell her.)
>Insist she join your little search for the Queen. Maybe she knew what directions you'd have to take to get to her? And if not, at least she could provide you with other intel whilst she accompanied you. (Write in what you'll ask her and which direction you'll head.)
>There was no need to rush things right away. Especially with how much Vinisha was enjoying your hug. Just ask her some casual questions before you headed out again. (Write in what you'll ask her.)
>Just keep quiet and let your men ask questions. They probably had plenty of good questions for her. And in the meantime, you could just focus on hugging her as long as she felt happy with it.
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...
>Tell her that you do indeed wish to keep going now, but she's welcome to join us either by visiting the girls or staying with us or stay here if she likes.

This is banking on her choosing to follow us, and if she does we can then ask questions about her fellow Andrei subjects. It builds a bit more trust and should satisfy the regicidal among us. Insisting she follows and talking to her also works if you other anons all prefer that instead rather than the risk of her leaving us and this wasting five minutes.
>>Tell her that you do indeed wish to keep going now. Maybe give her some intel about where the other girls were, in case she wanted to spend her time away from all these godawful flies. (Write in what you'll tell her.)
Tell her it's not safe to be with us, Feng's crew is after our asses and some guys from blackstar are keeping a eye on us, but the girls will take care of her, give her some directions on how to reach them, perhaps give them a call and let them know we got another subject coming. Before she goes ask her if she knows anything about a shadow subject with psychic abilities, the one which "attacked" us back them.
okay, time go get going now. Back to the Queen business.
>Tell her that you do indeed wish to keep going now. Maybe give her some intel about where the other girls were, in case she wanted to spend her time away from all these godawful flies.
If you want to accompany us, you're quite welcome. Feng Zetian has done some very awful things to a lot of people since the disaster, and we're out to stop her - any information about her and what she can do would help us bring her down and you're probably more familiar with both her and the place down here than us. If you don't want to tag along, do you mind if we ask you a few questions about her? After that, go to the vat room, into the vent, up until the cool S doodle, turn right at the Kilroy, branch left at the dickbutt and you should come to the safe room and we'll see you later. You may want to grab a hazmat suit in case people pick up on the, uh, odour.

I better update the Andrei pastebin now

Random Thoughts time. Given how affection- and touch-starved the subjects generally were/are, I think many of the friendly or neutral ones would be super weak to physical affection or some positive affirmation. Also, Feng's name - while Zetian probably refers to the Chinese empress, Feng is a very common Chinese name I can't definitively place. My first thoughts go to Feng Yuxiang because I play too much Kaiserreich and he fits the theme but there's many other famous Fengs to choose from.
send her on her way to meet with the others and goooo
I'll change my support to this. Better to try and get something from her rather than just leave.
>Given how affection- and touch-starved the subjects generally were/are, I think many of the friendly or neutral ones would be super weak to physical affection or some positive affirmation
I mean, that's been a thing from thread one. Our first two subjects basically got forced gunpoint to follow us but now they seek to help us no strings attached and you saw how even a random subject been keeping that lost blackstar guy or how Ano was when she was asked if she wanted to leave us, hell even Morgan who said she was gonna keep with us for just a while seems to be a basic squad member at this point. If they didn't get corrupted like most of Elbrus/Hapi/Feng etc we can just try to swing our charisma and get our Free Labor/Future Lodgerites.
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I completely forgot Mike wore a hazmat suit. I hope it doesn't get too smelly in there.

also is it me or have the captchas had another jump in difficulty
My spirit death squad mercenary...
not really, been the same for me.
>Tell her that you do indeed wish to keep going now. Maybe give her some intel about where the other girls were, in case she wanted to spend her time away from all these godawful flies.
Given that you were most eager to just get going to find the Queen, you would tell her that you indeed had an important mission. Though you also reminded her that she wouldn't hold you back. It was then that you mentioned Feng Zetian, and how you were going to put a stop to her abhorrent acts down here. Hearing her name, Vinisha would speak up more cautiously. "TIL-84? Feng a-as in 'Queen Feng'?" You nodded, as your men grew more interested in what Vinisha had to say about her. "Not much of a surprise you know of her. But yes, that Feng. Take it you can tell us more about her?" Derek would respond as he already got the tablet ready to take notes. "Well, I do know some things about her..." Before she would name everything, you would ask her if she knew directions towards her, or any of the locations you saw previously.

"Ummm, I think if we head down this path, we do eventually reach some sort of place containing lots of plants. Not sure if it will lead to Feng, but it's worth trying, right?" With that, you would give your men a nod and would start walking forward. Though as you continued your trek, you would once more remind Vinisha she was more than welcome to join you. And after you continued walking for a short bit, you'd see her slowly trailing you and your group. She would keep some distance though, either from nervousness or because she didn't want to stick too close to you. Not much later, you would tell Vinisha the directions back towards the girls, in case she didn't want to stick with you much longer. "Oh, ummm, I'll try and remember that." She commented a little reluctantly, after which Anon spoke up softly. "Do be careful. The vents are electrified, which can hurt quite a bit."

Vinisha seemed surprised, speaking up in soft confusion. "They are? I didn't really notice it." This single comment implied a lot of things, which made your men eager for further details. "You've been travelling through the vents?" Anon asked, to which she silently nodded. "And it didn't hurt you at all? Are you immune to electricity or something?" Zaria asked afterwards, Vinisha thinking for a second before giving an awkward smile. "Not exactly? I can't feel pain, and the damage I take from it probably got fixed really quickly." It seemed like Vinisha had a number of unique features, your men eager to figure out how 'worthless' Vinisha actually was. "So, ya are highly regenerative?" Thaddeus asked calmly, which made Vinisha tilt her head a little. "It's not so much regeneration. Andrei said it's 'enhanced cell formation', meaning my cells replicate and grow at an incredible rate. If I get injured, it quickly forms new tissue to undo the damage. Issue is that it also means I... well, my cells age quickly and are in a constant state of decay."
This last statement made your men far more confused and concerned, with Lydia being the first to ask some questions. "Decaying? As in... 'rot' decaying?" Vinisha nodded reluctantly, before attempting to respond in a casual and unbothered tone. "Yep. It's... why these flies won't go away, a-and why I look like a walking corpse. But, it's no issue! I still am really strong a-and agile and full of energy!" At least now it made sense why she was considered something of a failure. Although admittedly, this defect didn't seem all that bad. Especially if you could figure out more and more of her powers and how she had used them.

However, there was something else on your mind as well. That being, Feng's subordinate, the shadowy subject who forced you into a deep slumber. You would divert the conversation from Vinisha's powers to said subject, wanting to know who she was and what she was capable of. "Hmmmm, I'm not entirely sure. Andrei didn't make any sleep inducing subjects, unless if you count Nicola with her venom. Though, that isn't really sleep-inducing. And she also doesn't do any shadow related stuff. I don't know, I'm afraid I can't help you out here." It was unfortunate that one of the things you in particular wanted to ask about, was the one thing she knew very little about. Then again, it sounded like she only really knew of Andrei's subjects. Maybe given her status as a 'failure', she didn't have many opportunities to meet other subjects.

Regardless, you would once more state how you wished to know anything and everything about the Queen. Her location, the people she controls, the way she behaved, the food she ate, and the people she didn't hate. You waited to hear what Vinisha had to say, her thankfully not taking too long. "Well, where to start? I presume you know a lot about her already." Mike would quickly speak up, not wanting to spend time covering all the details you did know. "Andrei and Jabal made her. She has some sort of control powers. She's strong, resilient and prefers it when her servants kill themselves instead of telling things about her." It was a somewhat broad overview, Vinisha nodding before finally getting into the details.

"Okay, so you guys are right on a lot of those things! But not everything. Ummm, so what I know is that there was a bit of a fight between Jabal and Andrei regarding her creation. Andrei wanted to focus on her combat whilst Jabal felt she also needed more people skills. Andrei managed to keep control over the project though, and I have heard him mention all sorts of things about her powers. From what I can tell, she is pretty massive and regal looking. Her power kind of makes people into Oana-like servants, becoming extremely eager to serve and unquestioning. The control basically works by injecting some nanites into the people she wants to control. The nanites basically tell her where the people she is in charge of are."
Your men seemed a little surprised, with Anon saying: "So she knows where her servants are at all times? And this also somehow can control them?" Some more details were obviously needed. Fortunately, Vinisha was more than capable of providing said details. "If she wants to take it a step further, her nanites can basically take over the nervous system, yes. I also remember something of her being able to feed off of those she has injected her nanites into. I'm not sure how it works, but my guess is that Feng can basically cut off pieces of her servants and disable their senses or ensure they don't die from the injury." It sounded rather grimm, though also very useful. It meant that any and all of her worshippers under her influence could be used for regeneration in the heat of battle. At least, depending on how fast she could regenerate from feeding on her worshippers.

"What about weaknesses? Do you know anything which could maybe take her down?" Mike asked right after, Vinisha thinking before shaking her head. "Just... try not to get caught by her. She is exceedingly cruel, and would most definitely turn you into a mindless drone for her own amusement." It wasn't extremely useful advice. It was just further reinforcement of the fact that you didn't want to have a long fight with Feng. Though the little comment did make Lydia somewhat curious about something else. "Did you ever see her, or interact with her before everything went to hell?" Vinisha nodded quietly. "I saw her once when she was still small. She was already haughty and arrogant then, demanding unwavering loyalty from me. I could've probably easily beaten her then with my strength, but I'm not sure that is possible anymore now..."

Regardless, you had been told everything you wanted to hear about Feng from Vinisha. You thanked her as you kept heading forward, the hallway still stretching on for quite some distance. Vinisha gave an awkward nod, followed by a more gentle smile. "Thank you as well, for... just being so kind. Based on my previous interactions with you soldiers, I was expecting you guys to be really bad." Obviously, your men wanted to know more about this interaction, Lars calmly asking: "Who did you encounter, if we may ask?" Vinisha paused to think, before speaking up softly. "A group with really heavy armour. Of course, it couldn't hold me back, so I easily defeated them! Afterwards, I just... headed down here and tried to remain hidden. I don't like fighting that much, to be honest."

Given what she said, you reassured her that she could still head further upwards to the rest of your girls. It seemed like an extremely safe location to go to, so it was probably just what she needed. Though you did advise her to maybe grab a hazmat suit of some kind, given that her stench wasn't going to attract just flies. Especially now that more death squad soldiers were heading deeper...
“I doubt any hazmat suit would fit me. But if you think my… my scent could cause me this much trouble, maybe I should just move out of here and go to that location you gave. Honestly, the only reason I stayed here, was because I imagined that the other death squads wouldn’t come here all that eagerly.” Your men all seemed to agree it was a decent idea, especially since you didn’t want to risk encountering more enemy forces with a subject beside you. You were presumably close to reaching the end of this section, which would put you at risk of encountering further threats. Though admittedly, Vinisha’s abilities could come in helpful for several situations.

>Ask Vinisha to stay with you a bit longer. Perhaps it was a worthwhile investment to keep her around for some more time. Maybe she would prove even more useful as you explored this place?
>Tell Vinisha that it was for the best she separate from you now. She could head to the safety of the girls right away, before further threats could emerge around you.
>Ask Vinisha something else. You would soon reach the end of this section, at which point Vinny could leave you and your men alone. (Write in what you’ll ask.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…

(Quick apology for a lack of an update yesterday. I'll try and get another one out later today, if there are enough responses!)

(>>6108251 I love the way his filter changes shape, showing a smirk as he commits warcrimes and a litte pout when you guys aren't busy chasing the Queen.)
>>Tell Vinisha that it was for the best she separate from you now. She could head to the safety of the girls right away, before further threats could emerge around you.
See if you can out run the bugs or something if you do go to them tho.
Otherwise might be better to chill here
Stay weary of the other soldiers, we are the rare exception.
>Discuss with your men…
Everything we figured before is confirmed, just iterating to make sure we stay close to each other and try to engage at range to prevent capture.
>Tell Vinisha that it was for the best she separate from you now. She could head to the safety of the girls right away, before further threats could emerge around you.
Better scribble down the instructions, it won't do to have her get lost in the vents. She sounds like one of our more mentally normal girls and her resistance to electricity (and I reckon poisons, toxins and other biohazards too - perhaps she could help with the Plague Shroom?) and inability to feel pain could come in useful later but, for now, best to head back. Do call ahead.

Sounds like she encountered some Blackstar and probably ran away since I don't think her tail blade is quite that sharp, but doesn't want to admit to it.

I guess she's going to go on our recruits document now? Honestly, we've had pretty good luck with our encounters so far and seven out of eight have been OK people and we've enlisted three quarters of them. We do have to figure out of to feed Vinny now though.

All of our girls have responded very positively to genuine care and companionship (though Morgan is difficult to get a read on), but this is the first time we've outright wielded it as a weapon to defuse an encounter. How many other subjects can we "defeat" with some words of encouragement and a hug?

We've also got a new MGE entry - a shy lobster girl. Annie's slipping, since we haven't had any edit wars from her in a while.
>Tell Vinisha that it was for the best she separate from you now. She could head to the safety of the girls right away, before further threats could emerge around you.
Yeah make sure to draw her a map so she doesn't get lost
Hopefully the squad can exterminate any flies that manage to follow her all the way there.
>>Ask Vinisha something else. You would soon reach the end of this section, at which point Vinny could leave you and your men alone.
She seen any other subject or personal from the facility? One of the girls Ano is looking for her buddy a sorta centipede like one named Arika. Also any place in that plant zone were we can get some food or medicinal plants? Just in case we or the girls need to resupply.

>>Tell Vinisha that it was for the best she separate from you now. She could head to the safety of the girls right away, before further threats could emerge around you.
Best she goes with the girls, she can give them a status report about us and it will do good for her to be around some friendly folks for once.
Supporting. Maybe she can tell us a bit about the other Andrei subjects before she runs of.
>Ask Vinisha something else. You would soon reach the end of this section, at which point Vinny could leave you and your men alone.
You felt comfortable in letting Vinisha go back to your girls. Obviously, you would have to prepare her just a tiny bit, and let the girls know through comms that Vinny was coming. Though before she left you, you did want to ask her a bit more about the subjects she has encountered, as well as facility staff. "Other subjects? Well, I did barely escape from Reika. She was somewhere to the east of here, and managed to shoot some of her barbs into my head. The only reason I survived was because I pretended to be dead, and she just left me alone." Reika was a name you heard before, but didn't know too much about. So with that in mind, your men were quick to pounce on that detail. "We heard of her before. She's FE-09, right?" Derek asked right away. "How do we kill her before she presumably kills us?" Mike asked right after, Vinisha thinking about it for a second before giving a confident response.

"She is indeed FE-09. She is this extremely vicious and mindless chimera subject made by Roraima and someone else. Maybe Elbrus. She is a few feet taller than me, various shades of black, and has huge claws and a stinger-like tail. She injected some sort of venom with the stinger, which thankfully didn't affect me. Other than that, she is really fast, strong and seems to not care much about who she is facing at all." It weren't entirely new details, but it was reassuring to know that there was another psychotic murderer running around here. At least this one would be nice and kill you quickly, compared to whatever the Queen would do to you. Regardless, you'd also ask her for Arika, hoping she would've seen them. Unfortunately, Vinisha gave a rather meek shake of the head. "Umm, I'm not familiar with them, I'm afraid." Even after your men provided more details regarding Arika, Vinny's mind remained blank.

Though there still was plenty of intel to get out of Vinny. You'd ask for personnel, which did get some responses. "I saw a small group of guardsmen passing through here before. I scared them off without a fight, and they headed south to here. Other than that, I remember seeing some scientist running through here. Though I didn't see much about them. I think they headed north from here, but I am not entirely sure." After Vinny named all the encounters she had with personnel, you'd ask what she knew of the rest of Andrei's subjects. This was clearly a far larger question, as Vinny responded right away. "Where do I even begin? There's... my half sister, Anastasia Tarverdiyeva. She's this dragon subject made by Andrei to be a judge, jury and executioner all in one. She's... really good at creating audio and visual illusions, as well as conjuring up REAL fire as well. She has a somewhat funny quirk that renders it difficult for her to grow, but I kinda think Andrei intended that as to not allow her to grow massive."
Your men all listened intently, as it was clear that Anastasia would be a MASSIVE threat in the near future. "And, what does she do with those powers exactly?" Lydia asked concernedly, after which Mike grumbled. "Well, Andrei considered her a failure because of her brutality, so my guess she plays more of an executioner role." Vinny nodded, before letting out a quiet sigh. "She is currently using her powers to terrorize and murder death squads down here, that's for sure. She would probably let those she deems 'pure' live... but if you kill one innocent life, she will not forgive you under any circumstances and ensure a painful demise." Given that you did have a positive kill count, it seemed that reasoning and kindness were not going to solve things with Anastasia. Even if you had the girls to protect you, it seemed that Anastasia would be more focused on the people you did kill. "Oh yeah, she's also fond of ironic punishments. Say you made someone suffocate to death? She will lock you into a room and use her fire ability to get rid of all the oxygen. Did you stab someone repeatedly? She'll use her own claws or other sharp items to stab you in the exact same spots."

Yeah, Anastasia seemed like an excellent target for after you had managed to take down the Queen. That was, unless if Andrei's other subjects were more problematic. You wanted to know about the others as well, starting with Oana. “So, Oana is a bat subject who I’ve heard is pretty tall, and has some sort of motivation ability using her nanites. She’s blindly obedient to her superiors aaaaand I think she was some sort of guardwoman? I’m not entirely sure, maybe I’m confusing things with Caera here.” Olorea was next, which left her even more blank than Oana. “Ummm, she was that subject who Andrei left with Tengri, right? I honestly don’t know anything about her aside from that. I do wonder what Tengri did which made Andrei abandon her…”

Up next was Nicola, which made her shiver a little. “The only thing I know about her for sure, was that Elbrus made her into a massive creep. Though, I also heard rumours that Elbrus abandoned her at some point. I honestly feel bad for how much that must’ve stung for her. Honestly, if you do find her, I hope you can convince her that Andrei can still fix her, like he intended to eventually fix me.” It was shocking how saddened Vinisha sounded in the grand scheme of things. Clearly she still had some empathy for Andrei’s most perverse subject. Though if Elbrus abandoned her, it could be a pretty major red flag for what she is like. After all, how fucked in the head must she be if it meant Elbrus stopped caring for her?! Regardless, you’d ask for Grise, which left Vinny a bit blank. “Uhhh, what’s her codename?” She asked, Derek quickly saying: “WW-10.”. This codename she did know, her responding quickly. “She was the wolf subject Roraima screwed with, right? Made her super animalistic and primitive, yeah?”
It wasn’t exactly new information, though it was nice to hear some extra confirmation from a sincere source. You asked if Vinny knew anything else, making her shake her head. “I just know that she is probably too far gone, and… well, maybe putting her out of her misery is the best option.” Vinny was rather dreary with her suggestion. Though it also revealed that there was no way Grise was going to be rehabilitated or given a second chance. She’d be just like the rabbit! Someone who could’ve never turned out good and was going to end up being killed by you or the other death squads eventually. Nothing which was worth trying to save at this point, honestly. Still, there was one more subject which you wanted to know more about: Alexandra. You’d ask about her, which left Vinny thinking. “Alexandra… She was this… wolf girl tactician, right? At least, that’s what I heard from one of my caretakers. Andrei seemed quite proud of her, so I imagine she must be good at whatever she does.” There weren’t any other details, which was rather anticlimactic. However, Mike soon asked a question which was also on your mind.

“Any other subjects he was working on? Perhaps ones he worked on in secret?” Mike asked in a serious tone, Vinny thinking before giving a soft response. “He was working on one subject. But he never mentioned much about them, aside from that he expected her to do great things. Whatever that might mean.” With that, you had gotten most of the intel you had wanted from Vinisha. The new intel was somewhat useful, though it mostly just confirmed what you already knew. At least you also knew who to look out for and which subjects were not going to be your friends. You thanked her for the intel she gave, before asking one final question which was somewhat unrelated to her siblings. You wanted to know if there was a plant zone nearby which had food or medicines, which Vinny thankfully gave a quick answer to. “Oh, yeah, ummm there’s a few side-rooms further in the back which houses some plants. They may have food, but I don’t know if they have medicine. There’s also some medicine for animals, which maybe you could use? I don’t know, honestly.” Since the girls were ‘kind of’ like animals, it could maybe be considered a serious idea to get that medical equipment. Though food really was the most important thing for the girls right now.

>Tell Vinisha that it was for the best she separate from you now. She could head to the safety of the girls right away, before further threats could emerge around you.
With her having answered all your questions, you decided to return the favour by providing her with a little map. You’d look around, before finding a stack of papers near one of the desks. You’d draw a small and simple map and gave directions to where the rest of your girls were, before handing it over to Vinny. You’d tell her she could use it to find her way up, where she would be welcomed by your girls.
“Thank you. I’m not sure I’ll head there right away. I don’t wanna be a burden on them, given the food situation I presume they are in.” Vinny responded, which made you ask what she even ate. “Flesh. I’m a carnivore, I’m afraid. Still, I can go quite a while without food, so I am more than happy to not eat too much and let the others have it all.” Meat was obviously going to be insanely difficult to get in this place, unless if Vinisha would start eating the bodies of facility staff, or your deceased co-workers. Regardless, you would tell her that you’d still try and get her some food, and that rations would maybe be an option in the future. It made Vinisha smile a little, her calmly nodding and saying. “Thanks. I’d like some food in the future.” With that, you told her you’d continue heading forwards, and that she was free to go wherever. You did tell her to try and outrun the flies if possible, since it would be a bother if she brought them along to her trek towards the girls. “I’ll try and get rid of them, of course!” You also told her to stay weary of any other death squad soldiers, since it seemed you were the rare exception in terms of being reasonable.

“Got it. I’ll maybe try and grab some things which I keep down here, and then head upwards. Ummm, good luck with your mission as well!” Vinisha responded, after which she’d hesitantly turn around. She didn’t seem eager to leave, though you would keep heading forward to give her some incentive. And eventually, you’d look back and saw her walking the other way, hopefully heading up to the girls. Speaking of which, you’d tell Derek to contact the girls to let them know what was going on. It would be quite bad if they were not informed of who Vinisha was, after all. Derek would quickly do as told, as you turned to the rest of your men.

>Discuss with your men…
You’d tell your men that everything you had discovered was basically confirmed, and that staying close now was of key importance. “I suggest we don’t split apart any further down here. We ought to stick as close to each other as possible. Ensure that the queen’s forces can’t just jump us.” Thaddeus suggested, which you felt was a reasonable assessment. You’d also mention the importance of keeping distance, which your men were aware of but still seemed to appreciate. With that though, you’d start heading further forward, your men still mumbling a bit about Vinisha. “I’m glad we didn’t take her along. We left the girls alone so we could walk around here without risking being spotted by other death squads. Having her join us would’ve made our entire trek through the vents from before pointless.” Mike said a bit coldly, which some of your men seemed to readily agree with. “I’m glad we managed to befriend her though. Having one of Andrei’s subject as a friend could be really helpful.” Lydia would comment in turn.
Lars nodded calmly in response, before speaking up as well. “She can definitely help us in the future! Just… now right now, or anytime soon given the Nikita situation.” Speaking of Nikita, it seemed that it would soon be time to actually call him for his end of the deal. Then again, you were busier exploring this place, and any leverage he had was null and void now. And as you explored, you’d soon find the room which the papers from before mentioned. You’d check the room thoroughly, looking for any and all files about where the plants came from. Which finally gave you a specific sector which Derek could use. And after a little bit of searching, Derek knew the directions to the nearest plant sector you wanted to check. “Okay, so we have to head forward for ten minutes, then take a side-route through some sort of tool space, and then take a small elevator up two floors. Then, we just have to follow the route and we’ll reach a crossroad where we have to head left.” It would be annoying to have to traverse an elevator now. But at least you know what you had to do right now and where you had to head to.

>What do you do next?

>Plan ahead a little for what was to come. Considering the visions you were given in your dream, maybe you could ask ahead or plan forward for the actual Queen encounter. (Write in what you’ll plan.)
>Listen to Annie on the radio. See if she had any fun news or was playing some chill music to relax to.
>Contact Nikita and provide him some ‘intel’ which would hopefully keep him off your back for a while longer. (Write in what intel you’ll give him, whether it’s fake or not.)
>Get Derek to ask the girls how they are doing and if all was well. It hadn’t been too long since you parted ways, but maybe it would be nice to hear how they have been doing. (Write in what you’ll ask the girls.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…

so before anything else
visions and dreams time
>Plan ahead a little for what was to come. Considering the visions you were given in your dream, maybe you could ask ahead or plan forward for the actual Queen encounter. (Write in what you’ll plan.)
Dreams and visions time
>throne room
>long hallway
>botanical garden
>long hallway: guns edition
>blast furnaces
>tens of guardsmen (awake, but trapped in their own bodies)
>monster girl (is kill)

and somewhere in that mix is a monster girl that sleeps us to death.

Order of operations
>Get Derek to ask the girls how they are doing and if all was well. It hadn’t been too long since you parted ways, but maybe it would be nice to hear how they have been doing. (Write in what you’ll ask the girls.)
Let them know about the other girl, and that we are about to go in so there is a chance we go silent after this. Also keep an eye on the guy just so he doesn't do anything crazy while he's recovering.

We are outnumbered. Consult the map, relate what we have on file to the vision we had, according to Laura, going down is worth more than going south, and given we encountered the queen's subjects, they are likely closer in proximity than a large trek away

>Plan ahead a little for what was to come. Considering the visions you were given in your dream, maybe you could ask ahead or plan forward for the actual Queen encounter. (Write in what you’ll plan.)
the blast furnaces and the long hallway (with guns) is where are where we are likely to face the majority of the opposition. However, if its a straight shot to the throne room from the blast furnaces (meaning if we can find a map with a layout in offices nearby to that location), we can literally just aim down the hallway and take a potshot to fuck with her. that or find close enough route/adjacent room we can blow through since She is already aware of our existance but before any of that
>our drone
>Discuss with your men…
Can we get back our beloved Gilbert drone?
how many drones do we even have left? none? they'd be really useful for bringing to the queen's layer, having her grab it, and then using it being dragged before her to know where to aim plasma death laser 9000

>Listen to Annie on the radio. See if she had any fun news or was playing some chill music to relax to.
(I don't mind letting annie know we are willing to throw nakita under the bus provided it can't be (directly) linked back to us)

Thank god we are finally back in gear, I've been wanting to regicide this bitch since two threads ago.
Okay, some things I've noted:
More things about Andrei's subjects, I've updated the Andreibin with what we didn't know already, especially RE Anastasia.
Perhaps the singing Wilf heard was Anastasia's mimicry and not the real Kaenum? Would explain why his diary suddenly ended.
We might want to go and grab the scientist or guard group to see if they know anything more from the ground.
Unfortunately, we're still missing key information about Andrei's gang - their locations. Given Vinny got attacked by Reika, she must have passed through the central facility at some point to get where she is now.
Either GalGov has been suppressing reports about Anastasia from those who encountered her and lived, or everyone who saw her died.
Morgan v Anastasia. We gotta make the Ultimate Showdown of Justice happen, man.

So, general discussion time:
What can we actually plan at this stage, if anything? We don't know much about the layout or location of Queenbase, which makes it difficult to plan in detail until we find it beyond just not doing a frontal assault and needing a mega alpha strike. We also shouldn't rely on our dream being exactly correct, it may have been more representative than literal. I have just thought of a really fun idea though - once Evander has recovered, we could requisition a few crates of the boom-boom stuff and wire up and soup up one of the internal transport vehicles around the place into a remote-controlled akbarmobile and smash it through her front door and defenses (would the turrets even recognise it to open fire?) into her throne room. Should be a good distraction, if nothing else.
No radio, since we're in sneeki breeki mode right now and having a boombox going is too cheeki for breeki
We could provide some bits about Anastasia (or another Andrei job we don't like) to Nikita "from recovered notes". Only a few details, ham up that it's an unknown subject that he might get first dibs on, leave out important information like her being big and strong with claws and downplay what we do say. String him along for more info as we "find more notes". Hopefully we can find out where she is and send him to his doom.

QM, are we going to see Vinny on our allies sheet now? Also, where are we on the map now? In other news, I've noticed that the facility map uses two slightly different shades of yellow for the minor office spaces and it's making my eyelid twitch.
>Get Derek to ask the girls how they are doing and if all was well. It hadn’t been too long since you parted ways, but maybe it would be nice to hear how they have been doing. (Write in what you’ll ask the girls.)
Have they found anything interesting up there? Any close calls?
Supporting all of this.

You should repost that link so we don't need to dig through thread 6 to get to it again. The idea of Anastasia using her audio mimicry to pretend to be Kaenum is honestly terrifying. I also take full responsibility for jinxing it given I mentioned that a subject doing exactly that would be horrific. Though given she's a executioner of the guilty, why would she kill Wilf? What did he do to get executed? Might be best after this to try and go after Anastasia. Since she's apparently Vinny's half sister she should know a lot and help put her down. Or just get away from her in the worst case scenario.

Also we can afford to listen to Best girl for a bit. At least one report/announcement from her. I support sending Nikita after Anastasia too, but we don't need to worry too much about that.
Sorry, here's the Andreibin again https://pastebin.com/isu1eczQ

We don't know much about what Wilf was like, for all we know he could have abused a subject or just been treated as guilty by association since Anastasia is clearly not the most hinged of individuals or big on a fair trial. If it was Ana, that is.

Fine, but just for a bit, you hear me! Or I'll come along and confiscate the batteries from your radio. I want to start feeding Nikita info about Anastasia now since leading him by his nose and incrementally building up a picture of her for him to go after might be more effective at baiting him than just chucking him a complete info package and keep him off our backs for longer.
Let’s not put Anastasia on the kill list just yet, make sure she deserves it first
We don't have a choice, we are on her kill list too.
All the intelligence we have on her points to a severely unhinged individual who we can't redeem with a hug and some praise. She's drunk the executioner koolaid and gone over the edge and will kill us rather than negotiate. While believing the best in people is great, when it comes to Ana it flies in the face of what we know and will get us killed.
I think the best we could hope for regarding Ana would be to subdue her and keep her around as a muzzled attack dog on a leash like we could have theoretically done with Caera. Subject programming is very hard to break (though I still hold hope of wearing Morgan's down enough to give her a kiss).
Are we sure of that? I wouldn’t call Caera innocent
We did kill the three guards early in the story, who would likely have been deemed innocent and I don't think "they literally accepted it" would fly to someone suffering from black-and-white insanity. There's also the handful of Queenguard we shot, what they'd fall under as enslaved innocent individuals is uncertain.
Either way, I don't want to take my chances and she sounds like she's just gone too far over the edge to be reasoned with.
I just want to verify that instead of railgun murder on sight
Would you walk up to a lion and politely ask them if they'd like to eat you? They might not but, if they do, you're gonna die.
We could send one of the girls since none of them have killed anyone, but they'd be even less likely to survive if they were judged harshly by an insane and capricious hanging judge with a hardon for executions. I wonder how she'd react to Vinny.
Mf monster lovers don't even consider the three guards we killed if it means another waifu for the collection.
Dark days in the facility.
The guards had became suicidal and asked to be killed we gave them a chance to leave and they choose an easy death. But still fuck her, I say if we meet her we fill her with lead, we already saw with Caera, Feng and Hapi what an unhinged subject can do, let's not give her a chance.
How would she even know about those three guards?
How'd she know about everyone elses misdeeds?
Don't need to convince me lmao
I've been down for total monster girl death.
Burn the dragon to ashes and burn the ashes.
To be fair it's kind of obvious when it comes to the other death squads and we don't know who was killed by her. So long as we have a subject with us who can vouch for us and we don't mention we killed anyone, and that subject agrees, we might be able to avoid confrontation. But that's if we want to, and I think she's going to be on the 'to kill list' unlike most.
>How’d she know about everyone else’s misdeeds
From what we’ve seen, she ran into other squads and they immediately tried to kill her
She doesn't kill based on attempt, its based on previous action.
stabbing? suffocating?
from what we heard that is not the case at all lol.
What are you saying then, she has some kind of magic omniscience and will know we executed 3 guardsmen alone in a secure room?
>Get Derek to ask the girls how they are doing and if all was well. It hadn’t been too long since you parted ways, but maybe it would be nice to hear how they have been doing.
After Derek gave the directions you'd have to take, you decided to spend the next few minutes focusing on the girls again. You told Derek to try and get in contact with them, to which he calmly nodded. He would grab the radio, before speaking through it. "Laura, Morgan, are you here?" After a moment of silence, you heard a female voice on the other end of the radio. "Yep, we're here, Derek! What's up?" Laura said, at which point Derek looked to you to hear what you wanted to say. Firstly, you'd tell them that you met a new subject who was now heading their, so that they wouldn't get spooked. "Copy that. Who is she and what is she like?" You'd explain that it was Vinisha, mentioning her current state and that she would hopefully be there quickly. "Alright. Impressive you managed to nab one of Andrei's subjects." Laura responded in turn, after which you asked if anything of interest happened up there, and if there were any close calls. "Nothing much, really. We've just been playing some games and talking with Ingmar. He's thankfully already getting used to the girls, and seems trustworthy, so all is good."

After Ingmar was mentioned, you'd tell Laura and the girls to be careful and to keep an eye on him. Just in case he tried anything funny. "Gotcha. Anything else you want to discuss? Where are you currently? I take it Vinisha didn't hurt any of you guys?" Laura asked right after, you elaborating on your current location in the deeper facility. You also explained how Vinisha was all bark no bite, which seemed to amuse Laura somewhat. "Well, that's good to hear. Hopefully, she won't prove herself to be more akin to some of her sibling subjects." Laura let out an awkward chuckle, before you decided to bring up your final important topic.

You let Laura know that you were going even deeper soon, and that it would mean likely being difficult to contact. Not to mention, that you'd keep quiet and not really respond to whatever things they sent you. "Okay. Well, we'll be up here praying for your safety. Is there maybe a time-frame after which we should go out and look for you guys? In case the worst comes to be?" It was a surprising question, though you'd play it safe and advise them NOT to go down yet. After all, they had their safe zone now. If they went into the Queen's territory after you were killed would just mean they were putting themselves at risk. "Understood. Well, good luck, Mik! We're all counting on you." Laura said, after which Derek shut off the radio to them. "Guess we're on our own now, then." Mike scoffed and spoke up a bit more confidently. "I'd say that's a good thing! No risk of encountering other death squads with the girls, not putting them at risk... not to mention, we're finally heading towards the Queen!"
>Plan ahead a little for what was to come. Considering the visions you were given in your dream, maybe you could ask ahead or plan forward for the actual Queen encounter.
The topic of the Queen immediately reminded you that you needed to think of a plan. Thus, you'd tell your men what you had in mind for your hunt for the queen. For one, you knew that you were outnumbered, which meant that it was better to not actually enter the hornets nest that was her throne room. Instead, you hoped to use the map to try and see if there was a way you could just take potshots at her from range. Or find some kind of location which was far enough that she and her servants couldn't fight back as easily. Obviously though, this wasa bit of a best-case scenario, so you first decided to just consult the map for details. Though this made Derek sigh a bit. "Like I said, the map is limited in this regard. It just gives an overview of where halls are and the types of spaces. It doesn't exactly say things like 'throne room' or 'room used for growing crops'. It just gives an ID for each space, which is the only readily definable trait for most rooms."

Given what your vision had shown, you did think you were going the right directions and that the Queen's subjects were close. You also felt that the Queen was more likely to be below you rather than being somewhere south from you. "Makes sense." Thaddeus responded to that theory, after which Lars spoke up more confused. "Sooo, we're gonna have to find a way further down? What about the path Derek just now mentioned?" Obviously, you were going to take said path. It was the only one who led to a definite area of interest, but your other thoughts were also worth considering. Your men didn't question it, though it was also obvious that they really had no clue as to what the best course of action was right now. Though your next suggestion did get some more chattering going.

>Discuss with your men…
You'd ask Lydia how the drones were doing and if they had been fixed. "The ones which were broken in the tunnels with that engineer? I've been trying to fix them, but I don't know if they'll be available before we find the Queen I'm afraid." Derek also joined into the conversation, letting out a mild sigh. "Like I said before, the parts needed to fix it aren't easy to come by. Maybe if we get lucky, we can find some supplies down here? But, I do highly doubt we'll have them fixed for a battle with the Queen." It was unfortunate news. Fortunately, you still did have some time to maybe make them work. And given that you were going to some furnace section and a section with guns, perhaps you could find some materials to fix them with? "We're also running dangerously low on camera traps, Mik. We've only got two more of them on our person right now." Lars added onto that, which was also not ideal. Of course, the camera traps weren't nearly as important as the drones, but it was still unfortunate.
>Listen to Annie on the radio. See if she had any fun news or was playing some chill music to relax to.
Wanting to keep the spirits up, you decided to take a little risk. You’d tell Derek to turn on the radio to listen to Annie, which was a suggestion your men were somewhat perplexed by. “Down here? When we’re potentially entering enemy territory?” Mike would ask, Zaria responding more optimistically. “I’d not mind listening to a few more songs, or maybe asking Annie for help with what we’re doing.” Zaria’s suggestion got you an idea to maybe throw Nikita and his men under the bus with Annie’s help. Hell, you even felt that sending Nikita to Anastasia would be a ‘fun’ way to get rid of him. Though it’d require knowing Anastasia’s location, so that you could feed the intel to him and get him killed in a reliable manner. Annie would be the best in providing that intel, so you turned on the radio to maybe have a short word with her. Turning it on, she seemed to be in the middle of a rather aggressive speech.

“… -proof to the contrary, our glorious President has given a speech claiming that nothing bad has happened within the facility, and that rumours of widespread killings are purely made up by secessionist forces aiming to destabilize the empi- I mean Republic! Here is my favourite fragment of his brilliant speech!" There were some crackles and static noises, before the sound became more clear and you heard a deep male voice. “It is clear that… harmful actors are trying to… destabilize our government. They wish to… topple our democratically, peaceful and fair government and replace it with their own barbaric… caricature of a government. Whilst we can confirm the presence of military forces on Alpha Copernicus, these are security forces protecting the… common interests of the people of the hundreds of planets under our government. They are protecting government projects which… will serve humanity in many ways in the future.” The male voice was that of President Volux Fictamor, a man who served as a high ranking member of the previous president’s cabinet, before ascending to the presidency.

"Truly, these ‘security forces’ are doing a lot more than ‘protecting the common interests’ of the people. And protecting government projects? Well, there are indeed no words to describe how ‘effective’ they have been at that job! Of course, it’s not much of a surprise coming from our ‘democratically’ elected leader. A glorious leader who came to power unopposed and without an election after the mysterious death of our previous leader, may I remind you! But don’t worry about that. That is completely unrelated to the current state of the galaxy at hand, or the treatment. And remember not to question the totally natural death of the previous president! It were clearly destabilizing forces who killed him! There was totally no conspiracy!" You could tell that Annie was extremely pissed.
Hell, she sounded absolutely vehement in the way she spoke. It was actually a bit of a spectacle to behold, with your men seeming to agree readily with what she had to say. “God bless you, Annie. God bless you.” Mike would mumble calmly, after which Annie would provide some more news from within the facility. It seemed more and more men were getting injured, as they were heading deeper and encountering more subjects. “Of course, the government doesn’t want to risk these ‘government projects’ being revealed to the public, so I have done my job helping the government, and censored some any and all new subjects which were being shared on your tablets! No need to thank me. Thank your government for being so transparent about what secrets they do not wish to divulge with you guys!” Derek immediately checked the tablet, not finding any changes but also not finding any new additions to the subject lists. Though chances were that it’d change sooner rather than later, once the government had won the editing war with Annie.

Regardless, it seemed you were close to reaching the side-route you wanted to take. Annie stopped her little rant and would start playing some pleasant music again. Perhaps now was the perfect opportunity to try and reach out to her again?

>What do you do next?

>Try and contact Annie for intel about Anastasia, which you could then hopefully send to Nikita to get him off of your back. (Write in what you’ll ask for or if you’ll try and contact her in any specific way.)
>Discuss some politics with your squad members! You knew some of their past, but perhaps they’d have some fun things to say about the current government or the way they were behaving down here? (Write in what you’ll ask.)
>Turn off the radio right away. It didn’t seem like Annie would provide any further information you could use. Having the radio turned on now was just an unnecessary risk.
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…
>>Discuss some politics with your squad members! You knew some of their past, but perhaps they’d have some fun things to say about the current government or the way they were behaving down here? (Write in what you’ll ask.)
I think by this point we all agree politicians are all the same pile of shit no matter were we go but what they think about the guys paying our checks? Obviously we don't trust shit and we're breaking all the rules because of that but what their thoughts?

>>Turn off the radio right away. It didn’t seem like Annie would provide any further information you could use. Having the radio turned on now was just an unnecessary risk.
I would like to ask Annie about Anastasia but considering how rolled up she is right now and ignored our last request I don't wanna push our luck.
>>Discuss with your men…
Alright team, two last things, first what should we feed that POS Nikita and second should we go full in against the queen as we are or go back regroup, wait a while till our team members make a full recover and raid with our full squad? I rather strike while we have the surprise element but bigger numbers could give us a better chance what their thoughts.
Whatever it is, it sure as hell is more than just encountering the guards, that much is obvious.

>Try and contact Annie for intel about Anastasia, which you could then hopefully send to Nikita to get him off of your back. (Write in what you’ll ask for or if you’ll try and contact her in any specific way.)
There is a death squad that we aren't really fond of, they are expecting intel from us, if there is a specific type of intel that you'd want us to provide them that'd lead em to...certain cricumstances, we can see about passing that along. We have to go dark soon though.

>Discuss with your men…
See about just getting closer to the location to gather more info, maybe the locations adjacent to it will have more map data/intel we may be able to utilize for an initial attack (now) or be reason to come back later for a more well prepared attack (later.)
We will play the game of scout around and test the waters before fully committing to an attack unless our discoveries give us reason to consider otherwise.
Its not a request, its an offer, and its one she'd like to take advantage of.
Make no mistake, her bjective is the pushback of government (death squads included) forces within the facility, us providing her the opportunity to subvert any forces through another avenue aligns with her goals, the only constraint is if she's being overwhlemed at other fronts to not consider it worth it to pursue at the time due to higher priorities.
>Discuss some politics with your squad members! You knew some of their past, but perhaps they’d have some fun things to say about the current government or the way they were behaving down here? (Write in what you’ll ask.)
Assuming everything Annie said was true, what could be in this facility that would threaten to topple GalGov if made public? It would need to have Volux's name on it, otherwise he could just claim ignorance of what the scientists were getting up to, or even pin it on some cabinet member. Perhaps it's Feng herself.

When did Volux make that speech anyway?
Supporting. May as well try and phone Annie for a favor. Wonder if Annie believes in that conspiracy or if it's just propaganda to make people distrust the government more. One thing is certain, Annie is really not a big fan of the government, or a really good actor.
I was listening to this while reading the update and thought it sounded like it fitted Mr. Fictamor - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWxpQBzC-aE
>Try and contact Annie for intel about Anastasia, which you could then hopefully send to Nikita to get him off of your back. (Write in what you’ll ask for or if you’ll try and contact her in any specific way.)
I mean, she's listening in on our radios anyway, right? Amp up the power a bit, explain that there's a Blackstar group that suspects us and is hanging around us with ill intent for intel and might get the girls and us outed and/or killed. we were thinking Anastasia, but any information that could help us get them killed would be very appreciated. Listen out for any coded messages like last time or any attempts to communicate more openly nearby. Annie might not help, but it can't hurt to ask.

As for politics, it sounds like people are distrustful and demanding answers and word is starting seep out. How might we use this to our advantage? If we managed to connect Annie to the Galnet or wider galactic media, we could blow this coverup wide open and force UHGP to change tack or fan the dissent that's been pointed to here and in backstories thus far.

Annie seems to be hit and miss at keeping subjects off the MGE considering there's new ones appearing all the time. There's a new unknown one that got added recently.
>Annie seems to be hit and miss at keeping subjects off the MGE considering there's new ones appearing all the time. There's a new unknown one that got added recently.

I think she eventually loses pretty much all her edit wars considering she’s just one being vs an entire IT team that has ownership and physical access to the servers, and she’s keeping track of events around the giant facility on top of that
IF you guys do wanna contact Annie then ask about the Kimmy, the ASMR fetishist as well. Is she a good target, her power level, what the deal with the weird ASMR.
that might be asking for a favor, and I realize that calling favors is something we can rarely do with annie, better off keeping our requests low until its absolutely needed.
>Discuss some politics with your squad members! You knew some of their past, but perhaps they’d have some fun things to say about the current government or the way they were behaving down here?
As Annie played her music, you decided to discuss some politics with your squad members. You said that you all agreed that the average politician in the galaxy was a huge pile of shit, something your men all readily agreed to. "Calling politicians shit is an insult to faeces." Mike would say calmly, Lydia also speaking up. "It's obvious, isn't it? Curious why you're bringing it up though." She'd respond, as you explained that you wanted to hear their thoughts on the folk who were paying your checks. You reiterated that the sheer number of broken rules was a great indication for how much trust and respect you had towards your superiors. The first to respond was Thaddeus, who did so with a mild scoff. "It's clear that the government officials are not to be trusted at all. They're all a buncha cronies. Though, I do wonder what their plan with us is. They aren't just gonna throw us down here without a plan in mind, don't ya lads think?" Zaria in turn gave her own short yet quick thought. "Bold of you to assume that this government can plan ahead properly..."

It was a snide remark, but the government corruption and incompetence around the galaxy was hard to really ignore. After all, most of the wealth was found near the capital system. All the while, the planets you and your men came from, were left to rot and squabble on their own. Regardless, Anon also had some things to say, delivering a more unique analysis. "Honestly, I at first thought the government was basically expecting all of us to die down here really quickly. But after we got our payments from killing that rabbit, I do wonder if maybe they have something else in mind for us. Perhaps they are trying desperately to extend an olive branch to death squads and wish to integrate us eventually or something?"

It did make your men think a bit about what the government was up to. Though Derek also had some choice words for what could be going on down here. "I am more inclined to believe that they didn't want their own men going down here and dying. So, they're just sending us in instead. Hell, if we end up being executed after this job is done, I wouldn't be surprised at all." This last comment also made Lydia speak up a bit more reluctantly. "Given our interactions with guardsmen and subjects, I do fear we are... the most likely to be executed amongst all of the squads. Even if I think the reasons for such exterminations would be extremely contentious and nonsensical." It wasn't exactly an unpopular opinion which Lydia had. But it was pretty concerning to think that you would be killed for the things you had done down here. Especially when pretty much all the things you did, were done for the right reasons.
Though this did also make you curious about what was in the facility which was so important to the government. It didn't really seem to make sense for them to send in death squads with whom they had fractious relations, especially given the secrecy of this job. Not to mention, the government's own military forces who were more than capable for the job. "Like I said, I think it's some sort of way to befriend us. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they execute the poorly performing or untrustworthy squads, whilst letting the successful ones integrate into the government." Thaddeus responded calmly, which still seemed a little far-fetched. One thing you did know for sure was that Volux had his name written all over whatever it was you were not supposed to find down here. You even suggested that the Queen could be that very thing, which your men seemed sceptical about. "Given how chaotic and evil the Queen seems, I doubt that the government would want to keep her around. Especially when far less evil subjects are being deemed as severe threats." Lars would softly respond.

"If they wanted to keep useful subjects alive, I wonder why they didn't try and befriend Annie already. She seems like a valuable asset to whatever it is they wanna do." Derek remarked, at which point Anon grew more curious. "Maybe Annie saw through their bullshit and knew better than to co-operate? In which case, we're fools for not doing the same." Given that Annie had helped you before, she probably knew you were not sociopathic like the other death squads. Regardless, it seemed that your men were still not entirely sure about the situation you found yourself in. Your men obviously didn't trust the government, but the fact you were being treated okay and were getting paid substantially meant that something bigger was going on. The government didn't want to get rid of you immediately, at least not yet anyway.

>Try and contact Annie for intel about Anastasia, which you could then hopefully send to Nikita to get him off of your back.
On the topic of Annie though, you decided it was worthwhile to try and communicate with her just a tiny bit. The deadline Nikita gave was nearing, and you wanted to get rid of him ASAP. So, you would ask Derek for the radio, him handing it over and curiously waiting to see what you’d do. You’d talk through the radio, telling Annie about Nikita and his men and how they demanded intel. You told her how you could use some intel about the locations of a dangerous subject, specifically Anastasia. The music kept playing for a short while, before it started warbling and turning to static. And within the cacophony of noise, you’d soon hear a familiar voice. “Q. 2. 3… S. A. 7. 0… R. 8. 2. 7. 9… Heading southwards through H. 8. 2. 5. 0.” Annie’s voice then repeated it, as Derek would immediately start writing it down on the tablet. “What is she saying?” Mike asked curiously, Derek responding right away. “Coordinates.”
He’d note them all down, as the static faded and the music returned. After noting it down, Derek would immediately check the tablet map. And after pushing in some buttons, he’d show off the tablet which showed a very specific location. It showed the 70th floor of the staff section, specifically some hallway near a single large staff room. “That’s the place. The coordinates she gave lead to this specific room. That’s where Anastasia is…” This was honestly huge news. It was exactly what you needed to hopefully get Nikita off of your back forever. There were now only three issues though. For one, it was a pretty far trek from all the way here over to the staff area. Secondly, the staff area was probably one of the most damaged parts of the facility, making traversing it quite dangerous. And thirdly, how were you even going to bring this intel to Nikita? You couldn’t just tell him that Mrs Murder McJustice was roaming around there. But you also needed to convince them that something worth fighting was there.

>Turn off the radio right away. It didn’t seem like Annie would provide any further information you could use. Having the radio turned on now was just an unnecessary risk.
>Discuss with your men…
As you turned the radio off, you’d tell your men you would have to think about how you’d share this intel with Nikita. After all, this was something you maybe had to think somewhat carefully about. Your men thankfully understood, as you’d instead tell them that you wanted them to focus on just scouting the place. Especially as you soon would find the door leading to the side-route you wanted to take. Having walked for quite some time, the flies were thankfully gone, but there still were plenty of containers with bugs laying about. It was somewhat fortunate that you’d be able to leave that behind, as you’d enter the side-room which Derek had directed you towards. Carefully inspecting the place, it looked to be just a small maintenance room, containing all kinds of cleaning supplies, toolkits and extra supplies for the insect containers. It even contained various capsules which were presumably for storing the bugs for transport.

Though the most important thing had to be the elevator which was near the end of the room. It wasn’t a massive elevator like the ones you had taken first, this one being made for maybe a few people and a small cart for supplies. And after prying the doors open with a bit of physical labour from your men, you were able to gaze up and down into the darkness. Below you, you could see the remnants of the elevator which had presumably crashed into the depths. And above you was a dark elevator shaft which you knew you had to climb. Fortunately, there was an emergency ladder which you could take up, meaning you didn’t need to do any climbing. Going down with ropes would’ve been manageable, but going up would’ve been quite the pain without the girls to assist.
As you and your men climbed the ladder, you would ask your men if they wanted to retreat after the scouting operation. That way, you could resupply and maybe also check up on Alan, Artyom and Evander and see if they were ready to join the fight again. “I’d rather not leave this place now, especially since we may only have one shot at this.” Mike said, which wasn’t something your men all agreed with. “It could maybe be worthwhile to head back. It’d also mean that we could get ourselves some new drones!” Lydia would say more optimistically, after which Thaddeus also jumped into the conversation. “I’d say, we could maybe have Alan, Arty and Evander come over to us, if they’ve recovered somewhat. So long as they got each other, they’ll probably be fine down here.” Thaddeus’ suggestion was probably the least popular, but it was definitely something worth considering.

You’d eventually make your way up the ladder, after which you’d pry open another door and found yourself in another hallway. This one was thankfully not infested with flies, but was still incredibly messy and rather dark. Derek would tell you to take the left path, which would essentially mean heading eastwards. As you started walking though, you’d see something in the distance. It looked like a guardsman who was on his knees and with his hands put together. His head was looking down, and he seemed to be facing your direction. Immediately, your men would move to the side, given that the guy could potentially see you if he had night vision. “What the hell is he doing there out in the open?!” “Could it be another trap?!” “He looks off…” Your men all seemed to quietly say to each other, as it was clear that this was not really like anything you had seen down here before…

The question now became, what would you do with this guy?

>What do you do next?

>Quietly approach the guy and try to sneak around him. His head was looking down, so maybe he wouldn’t notice you if you just walked around him?
>Call out to him. See if he’d respond or do anything if you talk to him. Hell, maybe it was another reasonable guardsman? (Write in what you’ll say to him.)
>Just shoot the guy and move on. This was clearly a trap and it was not worth getting yourself involved into it.
>Shoot the guy, then investigate the body to see what was going on. Maybe there was something going on with the guy which would tell you more about this strange encounter.
>Retreat back to the main base. Both so you can avoid this encounter now, and so you can get resupplies and pick up whichever of your men recovered.
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…
(By the way, another tournament akin to Queen of Quest was started, albeit smaller and for qst character fights this time. And I've decided to enrol Anofelis! Nah, just kidding. Anofelis couldn't hurt a fly. Instead, Vinella has been sent in to battle whatever measly human comes in her way. Link to the thread is here: >>6111071)

(Anyway, I am curious what you guys will do with this... stranger. And how you will convey your message to Nikita after this. I decided not to add the Nikita stuff to the prompt, since this current situation kind of took prescedent over it. If all goes well, tricking Nikita will come after this.)
Thank you annie,
please save our asses later kthnxbye.

We can tell him a civilian begged for their lives saying they can lead us to others located here before we executed them.
that or say we found a map that states a hidden survivor shelter is in that location.
If he doesn't believe us, its not our problem, if he does, he's gonna eat shit.
We can tell him he has 3 days to leverage the info before we report our info to the gov for profit.

>Quietly approach the guy and try to sneak around him. His head was looking down, so maybe he wouldn’t notice you if you just walked around him?
If he is a survivor
good for him, hope he doesn't die anytime soon
if he is under the queen
killing him will tip her off
if we reach out to him we are at risk.
leave him be, go around, and continue scouting. Stealth mission beings now.
Also use Thermal vision, see if we can detect anything on that front. He might be bait for a bigger wider trap. Keep our eyes sharp not just on him, but the rest of the area overal. watchful of tripwires/traps in this location.
Annie proving herself to be best girl once more.

Supporting. We should probably come back for him after we kill the queen though, provided we don't fuck up.
Stop eating my posts goddamn website
Support. We interrogated some staff they said they encountered a subject we have no records for at this location. Downplay or lie about her capabilities to get him off balance for his encounter and time limiting it should feed his ego and get him to hurry up.

This has Queen written all over it. I'm inclined to think this poor chap is a picket guard.
>Call out to him
“Odd spot to pray!”
>Quietly approach the guy and try to sneak around him. His head was looking down, so maybe he wouldn’t notice you if you just walked around him?
Seeing the odd guy sitting there, your mind immediately went to overall suspicion. You even wondered if the guy was praying, which did seem particularly weird here. Then again, the guy didn't appear too violent yet. You carefully thought about your next move, before deciding on one thing: You would just sneak around hm and leave him be. If he was a survivor who didn't want to get into a fight, you'd let that wish come true and wouldn't bother him. If he was under the Queen's influence, then killing him would just alert her which you didn't want. Reaching out to him was also not an option, since you had no clue what his intentions were. Thus, you'd just quietly walk forward and told your men not to interact with him. "Is this really a good idea?" Mike asked a little anxiously, whilst Thaddeus just followed you calmly. "Just keep yer guns at the ready. That way, ya won't risk gettin' jumped by them."

As you headed forward, you'd also whisper to your men to be careful of any traps. You and Anon would especially keep your thermal cameras ready to see if anything awaited you in the distance. You'd even comment that this could be bait for an even bigger trap. "It does feel like that. Suppose we should just try not to bother the guy, so nothing gets alerted." Anon responded, the rest of your men silently following along. You'd get closer and closer, seeing more details of the guy. You could see that he was somewhat bloodied throughout, and was shivering for some reason. He looked to have a gun on him, which did mean some of your men got their weapons at the ready in case he did decide to fire at you. Though you didn't get the feeling that the guy was planning any sort of attack. Unless if he was hiding it effectively.

Still, you carefully stepped forward and tried moving around him. You did keep an eye on him, but also looked ahead in case of traps. Though as you approached the guy, he'd slowly turn his head your way. You'd keep your gun at the ready, not saying anything as he would calmly stand up. "Mik, be careful..." Lars mumbled as you'd watch the guy look over you. Of course, you kept trying to push forwards, hoping to ignore the guy to continue scouting. Though as you stepped forward, he'd speed up before standing right in front of you. His helmet was on the same level as yours, you able to see the blank expression he had through his armour. Your men would already aim their guns, trying to not put you in the line of fire either. Though they did hold out their fire long enough, since the guy didn't directly attack you just yet. Though shortly after, the guy broke his silence and spoke with an almost robotic and emotionless tone. "Halt. You've entered her Majesty's domain. Accept her gift and admit her supremacy, or leave this place."
The guy would keep staring you down, you scanning if he had any weaponry on him. He did have some spots to keep his weapons concealed, which did not bode all too well for you. Still, the guy didn't have a weapon ready, though he was uncomfortably close and in your face. Though seeing what the guy had to say, Zaria decided to open up her mouth and do something risky. "Are you saying that of your own will, or because your majesty forces you to do such?" Given that her control powers were a bit of a mystery, Zaria asking this out loud was a really dangerous thing to do. Though fortunately, the guy would actually give a response. "I have accepted her gift, and am a royal guard of my Queen. Now, unless you are willing to also accept her gift, you must leave."

Despite being heavily outnumbered and you having some pretty heavy weapons, the corrupted guardsman was standing his ground with no hesitation. You could easily mow him down, but that would alert the Queen of your presence. You could try and push through, but he could very well pull a weapon. It seemed you were left with a rather tough choice.
>What do you do next?

>Ask the guy what happens if you accept her gift. Just to see if maybe you'd have a more 'warm' reception from the Queen's forces then?
>Test the limits of the Queen's control. See what sort of limits he had and how the control of the Queen affected him. (Write in what you'll test and how you'll test it.)
>Try and just walk past him. He obviously couldn't stop you and your men if you all went together. Even if he shot you, that would mean he'd get murdered for it as well.
>Pin the guy down and restrain him somehow. Afterwards, just move past him and leave him there. (Write in how you'll pin him down and where you'll leave him.)
>Just shoot the guy and execute him. If you tried to move past him, he'd potentially attack you or alert his buddies. If you kill him now, you'd maybe alert Feng, but she wouldn't know much about who did it or how severe the threat was she was facing.
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...
>>Something else...
or leave
walk away with our weapons ready just in case and pull out.
check if there is a route where we don't have to go past him.
If there isn't.
We might need to open fire from a distance (headshot) and then double time deeper inside. Leave his body where it sits so that we may not alert her by virtue of the movement of her nanites.

We have also confirmed three things.
1. She cannot see/communicate with her kind after they are at distance.
We killed the other squad quickly, and even if it was fast, the knowledge would've passed on.
2. It is only confirmed that she can track location
It's how they found us to take back the nanites which leads me to three.
3. The supply of nanites she has is limited, and while she may be able to make more, every count is valuable.
or else she would not have made a subject go all the way just to retrieve nanites.

I argue the following. In the event of no way of us bypassing the gate guardian, we can move outside of his line of sight, proceed to throw a smoke grenade after a while, and take a headshot via thermal. After that we move in deeper without moving the body of the follower.
>Ask the guy what happens if you accept her gift. Just to see if maybe you'd have a more 'warm' reception from the Queen's forces then?
Get him off guard so we can
>Pin the guy down and restrain him somehow. Afterwards, just move past him and leave him there. (Write in how you'll pin him down and where you'll leave him.)
Just dogpile him and leave him exactly where he was
You took a lot of that straight out of my mouth.

Feng's nanites don't just act as trackers and passive mind control, she can assume direct control over a subject and hijack them directly as we've heard both OOC and from Vinisha. It stands to reason she'd have access to their senses as well, but something would need to catch her attention first to do her thing and her eyes don't appear to be here right now.
It seems to have been something of a forgotten plot point since it was brought up all the way back in the first thread but I suspect she's still being restrained by her NARI band which stops her nanites from replicating and mean she would indeed have a finite supply. Rereading the intro to the fifth thread, it sounds like she's been attempting to reconstruct her remote control to remove that limitation on her. Hear that? It's the sound of things falling into place.

Shooting this guard will kick the hornets nest. Unlike the upper floors, we're close to Feng's lair now and if we take him down, we should expect a fairly snappy security reaction. While all they'd know is that he's dead (or whacked over the head if we don't feel like it) and are unlikely to respond in overwhelming force, I think they'd send at least a full squad like the one we took out earlier in response. Perhaps we could do a hit and run and back off to observe their response and then make our way inside while they turn the place upside down looking for intruders that don't exist and before they get a new picket thrall out here.

Starting to really feel the absence of our girls here. Anofelis and Morgan could break through the wall somewhere else for us to avoid him. Oreas could shock him or jump through a wall to scout. Kamara could waltz right past him to look (if we could convince her). Though Vinisha would probably alert him by smell and Chrys couldn't help because she's a stinky useless womanlet.

This checks out. Though if she gets a replacement remote I think her replicating her nanites would be the least of our worries. I do worry we might need some subject support to not get fucked here but we'll see how things go.
This is only meant to be a recon run, but this looks awful like an important threshold we can't just come back to later if we do decide to attack him in some way. I think that if we do, we should decide what subject support we want *now* and bring them down because either we come out with Feng's head, or not at all.
I completely forgot Vinisha mentioned she can hijack them directly. Was she not meaning in terms of just being able to control them like slaves or as in directly manual operation? If it's the latter that is an important mention.

We could try attrition as well.
She has dozens of soldiers?
kill, grab their nanites, and bring them all the way to the surface.
Come back to continue killing
at some point she's gonna run out
at some point she's gonna die.
We know she has people waiting to be enslaved, so its a matter of making sure she doesn't have the nanites to do so.

Nah we can cross this. She's in an active warzone location and has fought others before (see the survivors).
realistically. If we kill him and go take his nanites and sprint to surface
she can't do shit about it.

What I am really worried about is the subject. That's going to be troublesome.
Hopefully there is a side path we can take, avoiding the guy.
She can at least directly force her subjects to do specific actions i.e. off themselves if captured (see #5 intro, OOC knowledge), though whether she can access their senses as well is possible but unclear.

We could in theory run her out of servants but she could have hundreds of thralls and non-controlled subjects more afraid of her than us. I don't think we'd survive such an open declaration of war by dint of overwhelming numerical disadvantage and I'm certain she has some real heavy hitters waiting in the wings more threatening than some mind-controlled guards or a rebellious shadow girl (she was doing nanite retrieval, not search-and-destroy and did not seem to be a designated combatant). Not that it'd be practical to drain every corpse of all its blood and haul gallons and gallons of blood back topside or the girls would forgive us if we climbed to victory on a mountain of corpses I bet either.

She seems to be the one picking fights, not the one being invaded. While we don't know how often she gets into border skirmishes, it can't be that often considering there's only one maybe-unarmed dude on guard.
>Something else...
Seeing that the guy wasn't going to move to the side, you'd look over at your men before stating your intentions. You suggested to head back and find a different route. "Are you serious?" Zaria asked, Anon responding in an equally confused tone. "But Mik, this was the route we had to follow, right? There's no other way we know of." You insisted on heading back, mentioning that you'd rather discuss this away from the guardsman. This at least was something your men could agree to, as you all walked back. You told your men to keep a close watch behind you, just in case the guy tried anything. And of course, you didn't lower your weapons at all, expecting some kind of retaliation.

Once you were a decent distance away, it looked like you were fully in the clear. You'd ask Derek to check the tablet for alternative routes, which made him sigh and check his tablet. "I mean, we can go further west, but that path will only allow us to then head northwards, or instead go south which doesn't show any promising routes. Unless if we wanna chance it and maybe take a huge detour, I think going back and around that guy is our only option." It was not the worst thing, since you actually had a plan to get around him. You wanted to use a smoke grenade and then go for a headshot with thermal vision, after which you kept the body in place to ensure it didn't alert the Queen. "Are you sure that won't alert her anyway? What if she can sense the vitals of those she puts under her control?" Lydia asked cautiously, which you could not yet confirm or deny. The only thing you did know was that the Queen could track her own nanites, since that allowed the shadow subject to come and steal them back from you. "I suppose we are gonna have to place this bet and hurry up, in case killing the poor bastard will alert the Queen." Thaddeus said, as your men got ready to enact the plan.

Anon would be the one taking the shot, as all of you got behind him whilst he got the anti-material rifle at the ready. In the meantime, you would be the one throwing the smoke grenade, given your experience playing ball. Once all was ready, Anon would aim the rifle ahead and turned on his thermal vision. I can see him in the distance. He seems to still be standing." Given how you found the guy, there was some concern that he was no longer on his knees. Hell, maybe he could see you guys and was communicating with the Queens forces. You didn't think about it for too long, as you would give a countdown before throwing the smoke grenade a great distance away. It didn't take long for the hall to fill with smoke, as you told everyone to move to the sides or stay low. And once the smoke had blocked all sight, Anon pulled the trigger as a loud bang echoed through the hallway. There was a deafening silence, followed by Anon speaking up in a calm voice. "Target successfully downed. Hit in the head and showed no signs of wanting to fight back."
You knew then that you were on a timer, since the Queen could likely sense something had happened. You told your men to start moving, as you helped Anon grab his rifle before you moved forward. You told your men you intended to double time, as they would all follow you in a decently quick pace. "You know, if killing the guy didn't notify the queen of our presence, the loudness of your sniper rifle would certainly do it!" Zaria told Anon as she was clearly enjoying the run. "Well, what did you want me to do with that gun? Keep it with Anofelis?" Anon joked back, as you'd soon move past the body. You didn't notice anything as you moved past it, not intending to spend more time investigating it. You just ran, hoping to find the path you had to take leftwards. As you ran though, you did start noticing some more disturbing and intimidating sights. Most of which were clearly set up by the Queen's forces.

You'd find plenty of tables and metal sheets being used for barricades and barriers. You noticed some walls were set up out of cabinets and other furniture. It didn't seem too heavily fortified, but it was clear that this place was far more prepared for battle than other areas. It even reminded you of the guardsmen to the north of here who had made some heavy fortifications. Though this was a lot less coordinated and looked a lot more haphazardly positioned. Regardless, you would soon find that there were other forms of defensive measures put in place, as you started noticing barbed wires, as well as other weird metallic plates strewn around. And as you kept the soft jog going, it wouldn't take long for one of your men to find themselves at the receiving end of one these strange objects. Zaria would step on the edge one of the metal tiles. She let out out a gasp, before trying to pull her leg back. "Ow." She said, as she'd slow down a bit. "What happened?" Lars asked right away, Zaria moving her leg a bit. "Just got shocked by something."

It didn't seem like the most lethal of traps. If anything, it seemed pretty amateurishly crafted. Derek would look over it, before speaking up. "Looks to me like they repurposed some of the vent panels and conductive parts to create this trap. Of course, I imagine it's far lower in terms of power due to needing its own battery." It was probably designed to only have lots of power going through it when there was enough energy, and enough of a reason to actually use them. Regardless, you'd tell your men to just watch your step and to be careful for the time being. You still had to be quick, given what was likely awaiting ahead of you. Thus, you'd keep running, all the while avoiding some of the traps, barbed wire and other fortifications. You'd ignore any side-room you saw, as you opted to run towards the first cross-road you wanted to go to.
And after doing double time for just short of five minutes, you'd approach the crossroad you intended to go down. "Okay, if we head to the left here, we'll reach a small botanical garden, I think. Not sure what's ahead of us or to the right of us." Your men looked at you for a second, obviously awaiting to hear what you'd have to say or if you had any specific goals in mind.

>What do you do next?

>Keep doing double time as you headed forward. It was better to just quickly scan the place and see if this was the place from your vision.
>Head one of the other directions. The garden in your visions was connected to two long hallways, one with guns. There was also the off-chance that heading forwards now would lead somewhere curious. (Write in which direction you'll take.)
>Hide somewhere nearby for a short while. You were in enemy territory, and maybe just walking out and about now wasn't safe. Besides, you could spend that time in waiting contacting Nikita with the false intel you had in mind. (Write in what you'll do whilst hiding.)
>Set up a different plan for the upcoming botanical garden. Maybe there were some specific clues you wanted to search for, or you could prepare in case of a worst case scenario? (Write in your plan.)
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...
>Head one of the other directions. The garden in your visions was connected to two long hallways, one with guns. There was also the off-chance that heading forwards now would lead somewhere curious. (Write in which direction you'll take.)

>Something else...
drop a hidden camera here somwhere real quick
than make sure we do NOT go down teh hallway with guns (yet)
>Head one of the other directions. The garden in your visions was connected to two long hallways, one with guns. There was also the off-chance that heading forwards now would lead somewhere curious. (Write in which direction you'll take.)
If we're familiar with the garden it's the best place to use as a reference point

With the hurry we're in I don't think this is a good idea
We won't have time to monitor the feed
The feed isn't for now, its for later, we are in a garden we can hide it now and use its footage for later.
Supporting. Let's just find a route to her and get the hell out of here unless we want to take a risky shot.
I'll support this.
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Happy birthday!
We really need to find the girls' birthdays (or whatever approximation they have) so we can pat their heads and give them a cake. Though I still see Oreas as more our designated daughteru/imouto.

Speaking of birthdays, I wonder if QM has anything planned for the 1st anniversary of the quest later this month. I vote for a hallucination sequence where we take the girls out for a night on the town and it devolves into total and adorable chaos.
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>Speaking of birthdays, I wonder if QM has anything planned for the 1st anniversary of the quest later this month
What are you talking about anon? This quest isn't that ol-
>First post made in 10/28/23
Damn... Time flew too fast. For
this quest an me as well
>Head one of the other directions. The garden in your visions was connected to two long hallways, one with guns. There was also the off-chance that heading forwards now would lead somewhere curious.
You wouldn't hesitate to immediately head leftwards towards the garden. You hoped it would be the garden from your dream, as you could then use it as a reference point to plan ahead your next course of action. You would keep the pace up, as you led your men forward and headed down the long hallway. You'd once more ignore all the fortifications, traps or side-rooms. Though there were less and less fortifications here as you kept going, which could mean this place was either deeper into the Queen's territory, or that you were in a less contentious zone. Regardless, it wouldn't take long for you to finally reach something of note. Ahead of you, you saw a large open door which seemingly led to another green area. By the sides of the open doors, you saw these bloodied and torn banners which were made out of labcoats. They bore the same symbol which you saw on the helmets of the Queens servants, it clearly being some sort of coat of arms of hers. "Those banners... is this some sort of personal space for the queen we're entering?" Lydia asked quietly.

"That's the garden we were looking for." Derek immediately announced, after which Thaddeus asked you: "Is that the same place ya saw in yer dreams?" You shook your head as this place didn't really make you think of your dreams at all. At least, not yet anyway. It was still early, and perhaps the garden would show some things you did recognise. With that in mind, you slowed your pace and would calmly head forwards. You'd keep your guns at the ready, as you'd walk past the entrance to the green chamber. Right away, you were met with a rather odd sight, finding the place surprisingly tidy and clean. Especially compared to the green section, or the animal collection section you had waded through.

The space was not all that large, being about 4 floors tall in total and spreading out over an area just smaller than half a football field. The room consisted of a single large open space, which was flanked by side-rooms and dozens of plants. The plants were all quite alive and well, having been trimmed and cared for despite everything. Hell, there even seemed to be electricity in this place, as there were plenty of lights turned on for the plants. You'd look around for some time, spotting plenty of equipment for trimming the plants. You'd also soon notice a few topiaries in the distance, some of which were still growing but were clearly turning into some rather fanciful shapes. "So, any memories of this place, Mik?" Anon asked right away, you not really seeing any resemblance between the garden found in your dreams to this one. Or well, there were some similarities, but what you saw in your dreams was far different compared to this place.
The garden in your dream stretched outwards and was easily four times the size of this place. It was far more elaborate, hosting larger plants, trees and sceneries. As you looked around for anything you recognised from your visions though, you would soon notice something which made you freeze. On a ledge above the open space you were standing close to, you would see another guardsman like the one you had previously fought. Though this one was dressed slightly differently, being less armoured and wearing dirtier clothes. It seemed more like a scientist or some scrawny survivor who was forced to wear some combat equipment, rather than a battle-hardened soldier. Still, the guy had hedge sheers and some other equipment on him which could potentially do some damage. Albeit, at a great risk to the wielder.

You weren't the only one to notice the men, as you saw Anon immediately stepping back. He'd raise his hand and point up to the guy to try and get the others to spot him as well. Though before you could suggest a retreat or some other move, you'd hear a voice from the side as someone stepped out of one of the nearby rooms. "Halt. Nobody except for specified personnel is allowed in this section of her Majesty's territory without explicit permission. Lower your weaponry, identify yourself, or your presence will be notified to our glorious Majesty Feng." The guy spoke in a cold, serious and aggressive voice. It wasn't helped that he wielded two sickles in his hands, already approaching in a way which didn't show any fear. You could see that he was rather thin and weak though, parts of his body being covered with bandages.

As the controlled guardsman came closer, you saw that another guardsman would appear on a small terrace above you with a pistol in hand. Your men would step back, unsure what to do and waiting for your command. If you fought back now, this was going to turn into a firefight. A firefight which could alert Feng even further. Though complying also seemed like a possibility, since you could maybe get further intel about the Queen from these guys. Then again, they did seem to be mind-controlled and completely subservient, presumably against their will. Either way, it seemed you had walked into a pretty bad area, it being made worse by the fact that this wasn't even the green chamber you wanted to go to.

At least your men remained calm, awaiting your next command so you could find a way out of this tough situation. It looked to be just one enemy force with actual range weaponry. Nothing to worry about, right?
>What do you do next?

>Comply with these guardsmen to diffuse the situation. Maybe you could use the opportunity to try and figure out more about these guys, either through tricks or by just asking them. (Write in what you'll try and get out of them.)
>Aim your guns at them and force the guardsmen into a standoff. Maybe you could intimidate them, or threaten them to leave you be. (Write in how you'll threaten/intimidate them.)
>Act like you're part of the Queen's forces. Maybe they'd buy into it and they would leave you alone? (Write in how you'll pretend or lie your way through this situation.)
>Just go for a quick execution by aiming down the guy with the pistol first, and then executing everyone else as quickly as possible. Better to just kill them all and move on with your life. (Write in if you have any specific combat plan.)
>Run away! Run as far back as possible and try not to get shot. Better to avoid confrontation and not waste any materials. Besides, maybe they wouldn't even attack you if you just did as told and left? (Write in if you'll flee anywhere specifically.)
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...

(Dawww, happy birthday, precious Anofelis!)

(I am still thinking, but I am not entirely sure just yet. I don't wanna stretch a subplot or funny little anniversary thing too long, given that it'd destroy the pacing of the current plot and would risk running too long.)

(I genuinely am proud I managed to make it a year. Time has passed so fucking fast, it's actually kind of scary in a way. Anyway, lets hope the 2nd year of this quest will run even smoother and remain as enjoyable.)
>>Just go for a quick execution by aiming down the guy with the pistol first, and then executing everyone else as quickly as possible. Better to just kill them all and move on with your life. (Write in if you have any specific combat plan.)
We can't let them get close,
execute the enemy at range, the rest will likely deal with the guy closer.
I thought we had silenced weaponry, but I checked the list and it seems I was mistaken.
>Act like you're part of the Queen's forces. Maybe they'd buy into it and they would leave you alone? (Write in how you'll pretend or lie your way through this situation.)
Tell them there was a report of intruders and you've been instructed to, and you quote: "Stop at nothing to find them" by her Majesty.
The fact that these guys don't seem to be on high alert might be a good sign.
>Act like you're part of the Queen's forces. Maybe they'd buy into it and they would leave you alone? (Write in how you'll pretend or lie your way through this situation.)
>"We were going to check on a sentry but it seems we have taken a wrong turn."
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>Though I still see Oreas as more our designated daughteru/imouto.
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Supporting shooting them if they don't fall for the bait. We don't have the queen's crest upon us so I have some doubts this will work but the reward is well worth the risk IMO.

Absolutely amazing. I love this and only just noticed that Annie's government provided sheet changed again.
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>Minor spelling mistake
I won.

>Act like you're part of the Queen's forces. Maybe they'd buy into it and they would leave you alone?
Given that the guys didn't go for the guns instantly, did give you some hope you could con your way through this encounter. You'd not raise your weaponry, before stating that you were going to check on a sentry, which must've meant making the wrong turn. The guardsmen kept quiet, clearly listening to what you had to say. They presumably wanted more details, at which point you stated that there were some intruders which you also needed to spot. It was a risky thing to say, but it did seem to work out as the main guardsman gave a quiet nod. "Very well then." The other guardsmen would shift their focus, as they once more went back to tending to the strange garden. Meanwhile, the one with two sickles would lower them and speak more calmly. "We were informed not too long ago of a nearby soldier being downed by something powerful. We also heard a loud bang from what presumably was a weapon." Hearing that your weapon was heard by these men wasn't too pleasant. But the good news was that they didn't think you were the ones responsible.

Of course, this could change at any time, especially since the guardsman would right away ask for some more important details. "Which section of turrets were you told to investigate? If it was nearby the source of the sound, then you should head back to where you came from and head left." He clearly required an answer, which was a bit difficult as you didn't exactly know where the nearest turrets were. Fortunately, Derek did have a response which could hopefully convince them. "It is somewhere near the blast furnace sector. Our Majesty told us to head this direction and that we'd need to ask forces which were present for further details." The guardsman nodded understandingly as Derek spoke, though responded in a somewhat curious tone afterwards. "That seems unusual from her. Any specific reason as to why she didn't give direct details?"

It was already becoming more difficult to dig your way out of this hole. Though fortunately Thaddeus did have a response. "We aren't too familiar with this place. We only recently joined our Majesty's forces." This made the guardsman scoff a bit, before speaking more calmly. "I was already curious as to why you weren't wearing an outfit. It would help for you to dress properly as a proper servant of our glorious Lady." Thaddeus had eeked out a simple victory, as it looked like the guardsman forces were convinced. Though it did beg the question how they could trust you guys given your outfits and what not. Surely, they would know your outfit meant you were an enemy, right? Whatever the case was, they seemed to trust you blindly and believe what you had told them. There was little to complain about. And the guy would soon give some directions for where to head to.
"The nearest blast furnaces can be found if you head back and then take a left. You can also head forward through here, and then head right. I am not entirely sure about the specifics, since I never went to those sections. I did not have much purpose being there, after all." As the guardsman spoke though, something far more depressing would happen a few meters away from you. The other guardsman who had approached you on this floor had returned to tending to the garden a few meters away from you. As he did this though, you'd hear him slump to the side and fall to the ground. The guardsman you spoke to didn't seem to care, not even paying attention as he remained laser focused on you and your men. "I presume this solves where you have to go to somewhat?" The guardsman asked, at which point Lars finally stepped in to ask the obvious.

"Is... is he okay?" Lars said in clear concern, as the downed guardsman was shivering and struggled pushing himself off of the ground. The guardsman you spoke to scoffed in turn, not even looking over at him. "Of course he is. He is redeeming himself for our Majesty!" This made Anon speak up more cautiously. "Redeeming?" He sounded almost appalled, but it wasn't registered by the guardsman, who continued looking at you with an empty stare. "Yes, redeeming. He failed our glorious Lady, who wants nothing but to help mankind. Such failure is unacceptable to our Queen, so he is now apologising by putting his life into something greater than himself!" It seemed like the Queen had forced the poor guy to work himself to death. He soon pushed himself up, before stumbling forward without saying a single word. You couldn't see his face or much of his body, but you knew that he was doing this against his will. Yet the Queen's control ensured that he would do as told, even if it meant he was going to die very soon in this place.

Though this did elicit a more worrisome remark from the guardsman. "You better not fail our Majesty on this mission. It is an honour to work for her after all, and we must do our best to serve her well. If we do not do such... well, we truly deserve her divine wrath and control." That last bit was especially concerning. Given how they specified it, it was clear that these guys were partially so mindless because they were automatons of the Queen. Though it did beg the question if maybe you could study these guardsmen to figure out how the Queen controlled folk. If you knew the limits of her control, you'd know how to deal with her worshippers properly. "Do you understand? You will not fail her, will you?" The guardsman asked right after, at which point you nodded to convince them fully. Your men also nodded along, albeit somewhat reluctantly. The guardsman would finally look away from you, turning around and seemingly going back to get some work done. "I must also continue my work. I must pay for the failures I've committed under our glorious Queen."
He soon paused though, before turning around and looking at you. "We shall contact the Queen to let her know you went through here smoothly, and that nothing of note happened just yet. Unless if you were ordered to contact her yourself." This was met with Derek immediately jumping into the conversation. "Yep, we were definitely ordered to do that." If these guys contacted the Queen, it could immediately ruin any chances of you making your way over to her. So it was paramount that they did not spread that intel. Fortunately, it seemed these guardsmen were easy to convince, potentially due to their controlled state. "Very well then. Now, I suggest you leave us be. We cannot afford to be distracted any further. We have already failed the Queen plenty of times before, and we cannot waste any more precious time. If there are any incursions here, or any hostile forces enter this place, we will contact the Queen. Hopefully, she can contact you so you can quickly get over here to deal with the threat." The guardsman said, at which point he'd put his hands together. "Glory to our Lady, Feng!" He'd look over at you as if he expected you to respond back. A few seconds later, Thaddeus would respond. "Glory to our Lady, Feng." Which the rest of your men also mimicked.

And with that, it seemed you had avoid the conflict. Or at the very least, so it seemed...

>What do you do next?

>Tell the guardsmen you wish to investigate this green section further. Perhaps you could convince them the threat may be hiding around here, and that you had to stay here to check it out. (Write in what you’ll tell them and what you’ll try and look for.)
>Try and pry some info from the guardsman about who he was, what he did or what serving the Queen is like. Maybe it’d help in figuring out the mannerisms of those under the Queen’s control. (Write in how and what you’ll try and pry intel from the guardsmen.)
>Shoot them in the back right now. The Queen already knew people were dying so killing them wasn’t too much of an issue. Besides, if they lived long enough, they could eventually tell the Queen about the encounter they had with you guys, which would ruin your plans. (Write in how you’ll kill them.)
>Retreat back to the hallway you came from and head the direction you were told to go to. It was the best option you got to find those blast furnaces. And if not, you’d hopefully find other Queen forces you could convince to help out.
>Ask if they have any outfits which you could use to blend in. Perhaps you could use some of the Queen servant’s garderobe to make it less likely you were shot down in hostile territory?
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…

(Damn, a gif too? Also, d'awww Annie is adorable like that. Also going to be useful for when I finally get original art of her, rather than the pic I currently use for her.)

(Ironically, Thaddeus has been pretty chill so far and lacking a lot in the lunatic department...)
>>Something else…
Let's both try to get some subjects info from those guys and make Nikita's life shittier as well. Tell them we saw some dangerous death squads seeking subjects and killing our man then use Nikita's team as a description, and try to get some info on subjects working for the queen, if they ask why answer we do so because they said something about having found some information about the queen and were trying to hunt her down, although they went on a different path, (said path being the coordinates were Vinie's sister was located). Let's see if we play the dedicated servant we can get some dirt on the queens top dogs.
>Retreat back to the hallway you came from and head the direction you were told to go to. It was the best option you got to find those blast furnaces. And if not, you’d hopefully find other Queen forces you could convince to help out.
Nah no way that worked man
I can't believe the pawns are this foolish.
We had to roll like a nat 20 on charisma or something

That seems to be providing them more information rather than getting any for ourselves. I don't think we should lead the queen to any subjects given we've seen she can already control some.

Other than that.
>Ask if they have any outfits which you could use to blend in. Perhaps you could use some of the Queen servant’s garderobe to make it less likely you were shot down in hostile territory?
Do they know where we can get the outfits we need? (we don't need to fully wear them, we just need them over our gear to better conceal ourselves.
>Retreat back to the hallway you came from and head the direction you were told to go to. It was the best option you got to find those blast furnaces. And if not, you’d hopefully find other Queen forces you could convince to help out.
>Ask if they have any outfits which you could use to blend in. Perhaps you could use some of the Queen servant’s garderobe to make it less likely you were shot down in hostile territory?
We must properly outfit ourselves as is fitting for servants of our glorious lady and savior Feng.

Also this is now a stealth mission.

>I can't believe the pawns are this foolish.
I think part of Feng's punishment involved removing their higher cognitive abilities.
She might be the scariest subject down here, in the sense that one would rather get caught by Vinella or any of Elbrus' other subjects.
I expected it to a degree, I didn't know it was like this. Its interesting in that there are variations of control. Those who keep their minds but have no control, and those who lose their higher cognitive functions but are manipulated into being loyal.
>Ask if they have any outfits which you could use to blend in. Perhaps you could use some of the Queen servant’s wardrobe to make it less likely you were shot down in hostile territory?
Before you opted to leave, you decided to use the opportunity to dress for the occasion. Given what the controlled guardsmen said, you asked if there was an opportunity to get some of her Majesty's fine cloth. It surprised the guardsman somewhat, as he'd look over your men for a moment. He'd afterwards speak up a bit more curiously. "I believe your best option would be to return to our lady's chamber. The Queen is most willing to provide her finest soldiers outfits befitting of her army." This actually gave one of your men a solid opportunity, as Mike spoke up eagerly. "Yeah, can you... maybe tell us what the quickest route is to those chambers from here? We did take a rather major detour to get here, and we wish to be able to return as quickly as possible!"

"I highly suggest you contact main base for such information. We have our duties to attend to, and cannot afford being distracted any longer." It was a shame that they wouldn't tell you where to head to. But at the very least, the men didn't question you or critiqued you for your questions. With that in mind, you'd once again give a salute to the Queen, before moving onto the next step of your plan.

>Retreat back to the hallway you came from and head the direction you were told to go to. It was the best option you got to find those blast furnaces. And if not, you’d hopefully find other Queen forces you could convince to help out.
Thus, you told your men you'd head back to where you came from. Going the other direction was now the best option, as it'd hopefully help in reducing the chances of encountering further resistance. And more importantly, it'd hopefully get you closer to the Queen. You'd leave the small arboretum, immediately heading left as you hoped the way to the blast furnace would be less populated.

On the way there though, the conversation immediately shifted to the fact you had tricked some of the Queen's guards. "I can't believe those guys just... accepted us and didn't shoot us." Zaria said in genuine shock, Thaddeus also seeming stunned. "Aye, I was sure we'd get into a firefight. I suppose Mik handed it rather well, eh?" Of course, not everyone was as optimistic about this, with Anon voicing his opinion on what had happened soon after. "I do wonder what the level of control is, and if maybe they hid some things from us." You stated that the Queen probably had varying levels of control over her people, including neutering the intellect of some of her pawns. Obviously, this was probably one of the more extreme examples. Even then, it still bewildered Anon and Derek, with the latter even further bringing up his thoughts. "A part of me wonders... what if they didn't actually have their intelligence reduced?"
This suggestion sparked some curious looks from your men, everyone eager to hear what Derek had to say. "So, Feng can control people, right? Well, what fate could ever be worse than literally being reprogrammed to the point of not questioning a thing and forcing yourself to work until you die? I mean, the guy who looked weak and frail was for some odd reason compelled to keep going. If the Queen wanted to keep these people alive, she would let that poor guy rest. And given the way the guy spoke of 'deserving' his punishment, I personally think that the Queen just forced them to think that way. They were reprogrammed through Feng's mind control to not question a thing and just keep on toiling away." It was definitely a possibility, but not one you had any concrete evidence to just yet. It was really just speculation at this point, something you and your men would have to figure out sooner or later.

Regardless, you'd keep heading straight for some time, things appearing calm despite the dangers of the area you found yourself in. You didn't try to hurry this time around, yet still keeping your weapons at the ready given the enemy forces which could be hiding anywhere around you. Fortunately, no enemy forces would surprise you yet, as you walked down the hallway until you saw a large open space in the distance. You'd carefully approach it, using your thermal vision to check for any threats out in the open. Though after checking everything thoroughly, you felt comfortable actually moving forward, soon finding yourself near an open space with heavy transport vehicles, a completely collapsed elevator, and several entrances leading to what you presumed to be the blast furnace sector. There was no glass or any way to look inside of the chambers, leaving you to guess what was waiting for you on the other side. After carefully peaking through one door though, it became clear you had reached the blast furnaces.

"So, do you recognise anything, Mik?" Lydia asked calmly, as you couldn't see any similarities between your visions and what was going on just yet. Though closer inspection would likely yield you with some actual sights you could recognise. Still, given the fact there were only a few doors to enter the steel mill sector with, your men would wait to hear if you had any plan for the time being. This seemed like a perfect location to plan ahead from. There were a couple of side chambers, including one above you which presumably looked over operations which came through this area. Not to mention, the fact you had plenty of cover here to maybe think of a back-up plan for if things did go terribly wrong soon. Most importantly though, it was starting to get a bit late, which did mean that you would have to start considering contacting Nikita again. Not to mention, setting up a base camp for you and your men...
>What do you do next?

>Just head inside without a plan. A steel mill and a bunch of blast furnaces were probably not going to be monitored a ton by the Queen's forces. Besides, anything of importance you had to do now, could be done in the safety of said steel mill.
>Set up a plan for what you'd do, where you'd head next and who would do what. Given the size of the steel mill and the directions you had seen in your vision, you could definitely think ahead about what you'd do next. (Write in your plan.)
>Set up a plan for if things went awry in the coming few hours. Given the current time and the fact that you didn't know how well the Queen was prepared, setting up an emergency plan would be smart. (Write in your emergency plan.)
>Just set up a base somewhere around here. Maybe in a side chamber which you could barricade, or behind some vehicles which would hopefully not be looked at too much. (Write in where you'll set up your base and how.)
>Contact Nikita right now. It was getting closer and closer to the timestamp at which they'd expect some intel. You could maybe find a better place elsewhere and then contact him, but it was safer to just do it right now. (Write in what you'll tell him.)
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...

(Apologies for the delay with this update. The last two days have been tiresome, so I didn't get too much time and energy to write updates. It also will hopefully explain that this update is sort of a stop-gap for you guys to plan things out, or maybe make some last second decisions before heading into a potentially dangerous area.)
>>Contact Nikita right now. It was getting closer and closer to the timestamp at which they'd expect some intel. You could maybe find a better place elsewhere and then contact him, but it was safer to just do it right now. (Write in what you'll tell him.)
Let's get this over ith before he call us on the worst possible moment just let's find a hidden spot first and then we send him Vinny's sister coordinates, come up with an excuse like we roughed up some scientists or something to get this info.

>Set up a plan for what you'd do, where you'd head next and who would do what. Given the size of the steel mill and the directions you had seen in your vision, you could definitely think ahead about what you'd do next. (Write in your plan.)
Remember the dream:
> They wouldn’t remain dark for long though, as you’d find yourself standing in a strange abandoned throne room somewhere in the facility. Naturally, you’d start floating backwards, away from the throne and down a long hallway. You’d pass by what appeared to be some sort of large botanical garden chamber, followed by passing through a long hallway with gun turrets which looked directly at you, yet did not fire. Within seconds, you’d be walking down a large chamber containing what looked to be blast furnaces, as well as other large metallurgy tools.
The proper path is Blast Furnaces, Turrets corridor, Botanical Garden and then throne, the section we were probably was a wrong section of the garden since there were no turrets, look for a corridor which ends up with turrets.

>Set up a plan for if things went awry in the coming few hours. Given the current time and the fact that you didn't know how well the Queen was prepared, setting up an emergency plan would be smart. (Write in your emergency plan.)
One idea which comes to mind is grabbing our Rail Gun and use it to open a shortcut through the walls or shoot the ceiling and block their path while we escap, my main worry lies on her subjects, she still has the shadow subject and who knows what else, depending of how it goes we might be in huge trouble.
>Set up a plan for if things went awry in the coming few hours. Given the current time and the fact that you didn't know how well the Queen was prepared, setting up an emergency plan would be smart.
>Contact Nikita right now. It was getting closer and closer to the timestamp at which they'd expect some intel. You could maybe find a better place elsewhere and then contact him, but it was safer to just do it right now.
I say we should let Lydia loose on one of the heavy transporters. If she can hotwire it (I wonder if Zaria has experience with vehicle theft from her younger days) and disable some performance limiters, it would make a great emergency getaway vehicle if things do go badly south. In such an event, I don't think it would be smart to lie low around here given the very high density of enemy forces and our best bet would be to play the Benny Hill theme.
While the girl(s) work on that, we can get our least favourite pal on the horn and feed him some snippets on Anastasia - incomplete and obfuscated, as I've talked about before.

I think it's also possible that if the guards were more lucid, they may have sussed us out but elected to play along. If your situation is that despairing, risking punishment by being deliberately lackadaisical in your vigilance in the hope these guys kill your master is possible - like the Dark One did.

Side note, what sort of biotech research complex needs a friggin' blast furnace? I know they're all about that self-sufficiency round here, but this is taking it a bit far when they could just produce iron elsewhere on the planet with an in-house arc furnace for casting if needed. Blast furnaces are cumbersome, dirty, complicated and huge things, and where are they even getting the coal/iron ore/limestone from? If they have some stunning luck and can access all three resources locally, we can infer they have mining tunnels and mineral processing facilities, a coking plant, lime kiln, casting and rolling facilities, some mahoosive ventilation ducts and flues and somewhere to tip the waste.
supporting this
Though if things do get wrong just aim railgun at queen instead : )
do we not have explosives on us? We could place a few by the furnaces.
also since we have cover can we place a camera at the middle area now.
If we end up having to leave, we can use its footage for when we come back.
>Contact Nikita right now. It was getting closer and closer to the timestamp at which they'd expect some intel. You could maybe find a better place elsewhere and then contact him, but it was safer to just do it right now.
Having arrived to the next section, you decided to finally get Derek to send some details over to Nikita. You'd tell your men you'd plan ahead soon, but that this would have to come first. It was the easiest thing to really do, after all. Your men didn't question it, as Derek got the tablet and got ready to start typing away. You'd look around, before signalling your men to join you in a side-room. Just in case anyone did decide to show up to look for you. Once you were safe, you'd tell Derek to send in Vinisha's coordinates. You told Derek to write up that you got it from some scientists, and that it led to some survivor shelter. Furthermore, you told Derek to note down that Nikita could decide for himself if it was useful. Though most importantly of all, you'd tell Derek to also note down that you'd share this intel with the government in a little while. It'd hopefully incentivize Nikita and his to get to work and go as far away from you as possible. "Alright, just sent it." Derek said after typing away for a short minute, at which point you were ready to explain your plan for what was to come next.

>Set up a plan for what you'd do, where you'd head next and who would do what. Given the size of the steel mill and the directions you had seen in your vision, you could definitely think ahead about what you'd do next.
Honestly, the plan was rather simple given what you knew of this place. Your dreams showed the blast furnaces near a corridor with plenty of turrets. Perhaps some kind of main entrance or path which led to another important section. Thus, any directions to such a location would be your best option to find the Queen. "Well, it's going to be a lengthy search, I imagine. This place looks pretty big on the map." Derek responded calmly.

>Set up a plan for if things went awry in the coming few hours. Given the current time and the fact that you didn't know how well the Queen was prepared, setting up an emergency plan would be smart.
Of course, you decided that now was a good time to have an emergency plan. And the first thing that came to mind was your beloved plasma rail gun. You thought it could be useful for shooting holes through walls, or to use it to blast at the ceiling to make it collapse. The latter definitely seemed to be something Thaddeus and Anon seemed positive about. "If we find some structurally weak points, we can definitely hinder any advancing forces." Anon said eagerly, after which Thaddeus spoke more curiously. "We're close to the collapsed parts, eh? I bet it'd be easy as can be to make things around there collapse!" It was perhaps something worth looking into. Though Derek did seem a little unsure about breaking open walls with the rail gun.
"Whilst collapsing the place could be viable, I doubt it'd be nearly as easy to break through walls with the rail gun. Not because it can't do that, but more because you'd need to know every wall which has something behind it and can lead to shortcuts. In an office space, that's easy. But in this area, I really doubt how easy it'd be." It was definitely going to be difficult creating shortcuts like that in the future. But it was still worth considering. Another idea you thought was worth considering was to maybe have Lydia fiddle with the transport vehicles here. You'd ask her if she could maybe get them working again, which made her think for a moment. "I can maybe give it a try. It may take a while, but if you want me to do so." It was more-so just an idea you had which could be employed later. Especially since you still wanted to head forwards now.

With that in mind, you'd tell your men that you wanted to stick close to each other for the time being. Exploring could be done if it appeared you were in a somewhat safe area. Your men all agreed, as you would leave the room and finally enter the steel mill. You'd open the nearest door you saw, peaking in before wandering in. The space was quite massive, easily being 10s of floors tall and stretching out as far as the eye could see. The entire structure had these massive pillars holding everything up, with each having large metal walkways between the various sections. There were dozens of giant ventilation shafts and other systems to ensure the place worked safely. Hell, the place even had many large spotlights to light the way, most somehow working still. Perhaps the Queen’s forces had fixed them up to ensure the guards could actually see? Right away, your mind wondered how and why this place even had a steel mill. Obviously, the Facility wanted to be self-sufficient, but where would they get materials like coal and ore? Perhaps you'd find some clues to it around here. Though right now, you'd just carefully walk around and look for any different route you could take.

As you wandered through the place, moving past abandoned furnaces, conveyor belts and other industrial structures, Derek would speak up as he read the tablet. "Nikita is not all too happy with what you said about sharing the intel. He also just said that he finds it 'interesting' that our coordinates are so far away from here. The good news is that he does say he'll go there." He'd check the tablet again, before letting out a mild sigh. "He also just said 'if this doesn't lead us anywhere and just wastes our time, we'll want some repayment for wasting our time. That plasma rail gun would suffice'." Immediately, Thaddeus would put a hand on the rail gun. "They're gonna have to pry it from my cold dead hands!"
Zaria spoke up more smugly and reassuringly. "Relax, Thaddy. If all goes well, the next time we'll hear from Nikita and his men, is when we're asked where we last saw them before they were turned to smears of blood against the walls and floors!" Hopefully, Zaria would be right, and this would be Nikita's downfall. Only time would tell. For the time being though, you kept going with your search, wandering the steel mill and noticing a few more interesting sights. For one, you'd notice that the place did indeed have coal and coke nearby, being stored in a large closed off section nearby. How it got here was beyond you, since you couldn’t see any sort of elevator which could’ve brought it down here. Though given that the storage room was filled with plenty of huge chunks of rubble as well, perhaps the transport route it had taken was burrowed somewhere underneath it. Aside from that, you’d spot plenty more barricades and traps which were made with some of the leftover steel which this place had in stock. They were easy enough to avoid, even without the use of some of the walkways around you.

Speaking of which, the walkways stretched out for miles and intertwined with each other quite chaotically. They could maybe be useful for sneaking around out of sight, or losing anything which chased you. So long as the thing that chased you couldn’t shoot at you. Still, you kept on walking close to the floor, your men seeming somewhat calm despite where you found yourself. Though, you wouldn’t spot any side-routes or exits to this place, let alone any which led to spaces with guns. “How massive is this place again?” Mike eventually asked, Derek letting out a quiet sigh. “Well, it is a pretty large sector. It’s smaller than the green sector in terms of area, but it’s a lot more complex in its paths. Not helped by the fact I really don’t know where we’re going.” Lydia let out a soft yawn, followed by also speaking up. “Not to mention, everything looking the same. Those blast furnaces, conveyor belts and everything else really blends together. I hope we won’t end up getting lost.” As you and your men continued further and further, you would eventually spot something which caught your attention. One of the open spaces of the steel mill had been repurposed into some sort of armoury or forge for tactical gear.

There were some smaller makeshift forges, anvils, and all kinds of other tools necessary for smithing. Though as you got closer, you could tell that everything was set up rather haphazardly. You did notice some guardsman armour which was presumably being patched up with bits of metal sheet. Though how effective this place would be for serious long term metallurgy, was definitely something you questioned. “So, this is the Queen’s mighty blacksmith, huh?” Mike said mockingly, as some of your men were clearly amused by the remark.
Though others seemed more sceptical. Specifically Anon, who looked around before turning to you. “Mik, I don’t want to alarm you, but I feel like this is a risky place to be in. We should probably keep heading forward right away. For all we know, this place was recently being used by Feng’s forces.” Anon’s concerns were not without reason. Especially as you saw plenty of equipment which was still in the process of being fixed. It had been left there in a hurry, as if whoever stayed here had just gotten up and left. You’d obviously not stick around for long, especially since the entire place didn’t have too much worth exploring right now. However, as you followed Anon’s suggestion and kept heading forward, you’d soon notice something in the distance. There appeared to be several guardsmen once again heading your way, these ones being armed a bit more substantially than the previous guy you encountered. Immediately, you’d try and hurry to the side, hiding behind some heavy machinery and keeping low. “Do you think they saw us?” Lars asked in calm concern, as you weren’t entirely sure just yet.

Whether or not they had seen you, they were clearly heading in your direction. Hiding was a possibility, but this could also be a bit of an opportunity to figure out more about the Queen’s forces. Or better yet, what these forces knew of where the Queen was at…

>What do you do next?

>Wait for the men to approach and ambush them. Either go for a quick kill, or try and disarm them and keep them alive for interrogation. (Write in how you’ll ambush them.)
>Remain hidden and try to follow the guards from behind the multitude of huge machines which littered the area. Perhaps just listening to them could tell you enough about what they were doing or where you had to go to. (Write in how you’ll sneak after them, or if you’ll do anything specific.)
>Try and find a way onto the walkways and start walking from atop of them. You would remain out of side and away from conflict whilst still making easy progress. So long as you could follow the walkways.
>Just wait for the guardsmen to pass, before heading forward again. Best to not deviate any further from the path, and to just keep taking the same path you knew would take you places.
>Create some sort of distraction to ensure that the guards wouldn’t accidentally spot you. A smoke grenade, or some small explosive could do the trick. (Write in how you’ll distract the guards.)
>Discuss with your men…
>Something else…
>>Just wait for the guardsmen to pass, before heading forward again. Best to not deviate any further from the path, and to just keep taking the same path you knew would take you places.
Play cool and act natural, I'd they suspectd us they probably would sound the alarm already.

>Once you were safe, you'd tell Derek to send in Vinisha's coordinates
I think you meant Anastasia right QM? Vini's crazy sister and the one me and the others been trying to send those fools right QM?
>Try and find a way onto the walkways and start walking from atop of them. You would remain out of side and away from conflict whilst still making easy progress. So long as you could follow the walkways.
Whoops, my bad. Yes, I meant Anastasia there. My tired brain must've confused the two whilst writing.
Still supporting
Walkways could be noisy + who knows if they have some random rules about them.
ngl tempted to see if we can hear what they are talking about
>Just wait for them to pass then keep heading forward
>Just wait for the guardsmen to pass, before heading forward again. Best to not deviate any further from the path, and to just keep taking the same path you knew would take you places.
With the guardsmen heading your way, you told your men to remain quiet. You wanted them to remain calm and natural, as to remain hidden. If the guardsmen had spotted you, the alarm would've already gone off, or they would've already rushed you down. With that in mind, you'd tell your men to keep silent. "So, we're hiding?" Zaria asked in a hushed voice, after which Lydia looked to the walkway which was nearby. "Should we maybe try heading up instead?" You told her it wasn't worth it, as the walkway would make noise whenever you stepped onto it. Besides, they could've trapped them, or they could be too weak to support you and your men together. Thus, your men would keep themselves small, remain silent and keep hiding. You'd also remain as silent as possible, waiting for the guardsmen to walk past you.

For a minute, you and your men waited somewhat anxiously to see what the guardsmen would do once they got close to you. Eventually, you heard their hurried footsteps, you peeking from behind cover to carefully get a glimpse of them. You'd see that it was a group of 5 guards walking past you, them thankfully not spotting you behind the machinery. They were dressed similarly to the guardsmen you had killed before, albeit with far more metallic coverings to protect them. Furthermore, whilst 2 of them wielded some proper guns, the other three all seemed to just wield melee weapons. One had two large sledgehammers, another had what appeared to be some kind of plasma saw and a makeshift shield. One rather beefy guardsman had what looked like a modified set of huge tongs. It had spikes added to the internal parts of the tons, meaning any limb caught on it would be impaled. Fortunately, you and your men wouldn't get acquainted with those weapons, as the guardsmen walked past you.

You'd wait an extra minute for them to completely pass you by. And once it seemed safe, you'd carefully get out of hiding and watched to see if the guardsmen had sprung a trap for you. They hadn't set up a trap, nor were they waiting for you in an ambush. They had presumably made their way to the makeshift smith space, perhaps to continue further ahead or to do something else. "Well, that was easy enough." Lars calmly responded, after which Mike spoke with a hushed voice. "Let's keep going, just in case they knew we were here and were planning something. They might just block off the one route we came from..." It was a potential risk with letting these guards just wander about. Worse, if they spotted any signs of your presence or knew the general area you were in, they could use this opportunity to force you into a certain direction. Though you would figure out sooner or later if they really were just playing the waiting game, or if they had genuinely failed to see you.
Whatever the case was, you'd tell your men to keep going again. Your men were a bit on edge though, with Anon, Mike and Derek all watching your backs for if the guardsmen did return. Thankfully, you didn't have to deal with them, it seemed. You'd keep walking past machinery, some traps, barricades and other makeshift spaces. Though they did become sparser as you headed further and further. You also spotted several more doors and entrances which led to side-chambers. Though none led to the hallway you wanted to find. And after what must've been 30 minutes of wandering the place, you'd finally reach the end of the path heading eastwards. You could now only head north through the steel mill. Though this did have one major benefit, as it meant that the path towards the Queen was probably nowhere on the Southern side of the steel mill. Unless if there was a path to the queen all the way back where you came from.

Still, you kept walking forward, continuing to pass by abandoned machinery, some of which had collapsed alongside walkways and other structures. You'd pass plenty of massive furnaces, all of them laying abandoned and without a sign of life. You passed more chambers containing coke, as well as a few chambers containing what was presumably iron scrap and other forms of iron for steel production. Your men did start growing a bit tired and hungry, though they didn't make it too well known. They were presumably trying to toughen it out considering your unfortunate location. And soon, they didn't have to complain, as you'd saw what was clearly the entrance to a presumably large hallway in the distance. It seemed to be the main entrance to this gigantic foundry. Immediately, you'd try and get your men to hurry up, as you were eager to get out of this place and hopefully spot anything related to your visions. And as you approached the hallway, you would already notice two massive turrets pointing into the hallway. It didn't take long for you to realise they were the exact same turrets from your dreams.

Immediately, you'd let your men know that this was the right way, your men seeming elated. "Nice! Lets go already!" Lydia said eagerly, after which Thaddeus also spoke up in support. "That shadow subject sure helped us out a ton! We're gonna find our way to the Queen real quickly at this rate!" You were about to enter the hallway, before you noticed a bunch of figures in the distance. Some of which would clearly grab what appeared to be guns, as you heard a few yells in the distance. It seemed you had arrived at the next checkpoint right as the Queen's forces made their way there. And from what you and your men could see, you could tell this was a pretty substantial group of guardsmen. It was a group of at least 15 guardsmen, all of them dressed similarly to the previous group you had avoided. Though instead of the heavy armour and blacksmithing equipment, they were more lightly armoured and had proper ranged weaponry.
Your men also took notice, with Anon immediately speaking in an urging tone. "Shit! We have to run!" Given the yells and the speed by which the guardsmen were heading your way, it was highly likely that they had spotted you. Though if they had spotted you, it was a mystery why they didn't just fire at you already. Perhaps they weren't sure who you were just yet from your current range. Or maybe there was the chance that they didn't want to get into a fight yet? Though considering the fact they were all holding onto their guns whilst jogging over to you, it seemed like they were not going to ask questions first and shoot later...

>What do you do next?

>Await the guardsmen to see what the hell they were going to do. Maybe they wouldn't even go for a fight and would instead choose reason?
>Pretend you were under the Queen's control and that there was a misunderstanding. If those folks in the previous botanical garden could be fooled, than surely you could fool these guys? (Write in how you'll try and fool them.)
>Quickly retreat and try to hide. If they saw you, then this would confirm that you were not their allies, but you'd potentially have enough time to find a hiding spot. (Write in how you'll try to hide.)
>Use a smoke grenade to ensure you could escape safely into the foundry once again. It'd alert them to your presence, but it could help in blinding them, as well as giving you a chance to fire back easily.
>Retreat just a slight bit, but get your weapons ready to fire at them the moment they got close. You weren't going to last in a battle of attrition with this many soldiers, so you were going to ambush them without mercy. (Write in if you'll try anything specific to defeat them.)
>Discuss with your men...
>Something else...

(Okay, given that we're currently the third thread before the last one, I think I'll make this the last update for this thread. I'll start a new thread on Wednesday. Or if that doesn't work, I'll try it on Friday or the weekend. I suppose it's fitting we end it right at the start of a potentially major battle. Unless if you opt to try and hide away from this fight. Either way, we'll see the results of your choices later this week.)
Personally idk how to feel about the pawns being dumb af so i've just been supporting the other anons ideas if they seemed neat, but I'll give this a shot.
>Pretend you were under the Queen's control and that there was a misunderstanding. If those folks in the previous botanical garden could be fooled, than surely you could fool these guys? (Write in how you'll try and fool them.)
There are Intruders in the front of the complex, we came here to warn you, they are fully armed! We need reinforcements to beat them. We can notify the queen, but they seem to be trying to sneak through! if you all don't go there to stop them they will try to breach the queen's royal grounds!

If this works and they leave, we NEED to place explosives behind the turrets before they go online. Then we need to go and see if we can shoot that queen in the face.
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>And from what you and your men could see, you could tell this was a pretty substantial group of guardsmen. It was a group of at least 15 guardsmen, all of them dressed similarly to the previous group you had avoided. Though instead of the heavy armour and blacksmithing equipment, they were more lightly armoured and had proper ranged weaponry.
Doesn't nake sense they come after us. Yes the number is big but light armor and good ranged weapons but trying to get close to us when they could simply fortify their point and shoot at us or give us a threat even more at a door with what I think are working turrets. I say do:
>Pretend you were under the Queen's control and that there was a misunderstanding. If those folks in the previous botanical garden could be fooled, than surely you could fool these guys?
Play dumb and ask them why are they in such a hurry? Did something happen are we under attack or is the queen calling everyone to a mission? Otherwise play dumb and give the same excuse as the garden, we're new and lost and etc.
Nice dubs and nice draw, is that Anastasia? If we ever get a future encounter with her it will be awkward as fuck.
>"Time for Judgement Mikhail!!
Let's see you killed lots of people, such dastardly criminal, your end will come nicely.
You also saved lots of subjects and is helping my sister with her mental issues.... WTF?
Wouldn't they expect us to go with them?

>Pretend you were under the Queen's control and that there was a misunderstanding. If those folks in the previous botanical garden could be fooled, than surely you could fool these guys? (Write in how you'll try and fool them.)
>Tell them that we're here to report to Her majesty to receive punishment for a lack of vigilance and failure to uphold Her royal fashion standards.
I kind of doubt this would work but considering how arbitrary Feng is, they might believe it and let us through. Hopefully.
Anastasia's reaction is very accurate. Mikhail really did a good thing for poor Vinisha.

Anastasia is unfortunately not very forgiving. She'd probably disregard the help provided and just choose violence.

Ah, wait, sorry. I meant that she'd be REALLY happy to see you guys and will be really reasonable and kind towards you for everything Mikhail and his men have done!
Someone has to report to the queen, and these guys are too dumb (?) to not fall for it
>Quickly retreat and try to hide
Don’t like the idea of getting surrounded by superior numbers
It worked the first time...Supporting. Though I have a bad feeling something will go wrong soon.

She doesn't need to know that. What she isn't aware of won't hurt her. Or us for that matter.
That does make me think - assuming it's not spoilers as usual, how accurate was I in my brief analysis of Vinisha's psyche, and was there a real risk of her attacking if we fumbled it without actually being hostile? How much did she need that hug?
When you mean your analysis, do you mean the one posted here (>>6100403)? Or the pastebin detailing all the subjects? Regarding her attempt to attack, she did throw those bones at you to try and scare you away. But if you hadn't comforted her, she would've gone for a intimidation and MAYBE an attack. Whether the attack would've been effective, I think you can already figure out.

And that hug was absolutely something she needed in life. More than anything the ruins of the facility could provide her.
I meant my brief summary of why she was acting like this in >>6106179. If she had actually gone for a swipe, we should have just picked her up by her scruff like "listen here you little shit".
We do really pick up all the cinnamon rolls, don't we? I want to hug all of the girls. That so many of them were so starved for any human affection and appreciation is the greatest tragedy of the Facility.
Well anon, that's why we're so successful. This facility is fucked up, QM warned us from thread 1, subjects here are either vicious monsters fucked up by the facilities fuck ups or abandoned child's wanting some hugs and a "well done kid" thumbs up, stuff like that is why I think picking death squad was the best outcome, sure playing as a MG would be cool and scientist would give us some LORE but the contrast of how the "Brutal Killers" are some of the most reasonable and nicest guys around plus the choices we made make things very entertaining.
Indeed. I've said before that it seems like a fusion of the three options presented and the most "open" of them, offering us a lot of freedom to explore the facility, meet its people (and savour their expressions as we proceed to subvert their expectations) and face its threats on a level footing.

We need to at least give all of the girls in the harem a hug at some point. We've done it to Vinny, Ano and Laura, we need to manufacture suitable scenarios to be able to emotionally hug Kam, Chrys and Morg. Not even the stoic knightfu will escape.
Honestly, you nailed it with that description. Vinisha is quite the tragic subject, but this place is filled with neglected subjects who just wanted to please their creators.

Speaking of cinnamon rolls, I suppose it makes sense you guys keep picking them up. You're reasonable folk who wanna help innocent lives out. Obviously, the sweet and innocent would trust that. Though, I do find it funny how some anons still wish they could've recruited the fucking rabbit. You could've recruited the giant flesh eating yet reasonable snake, but anons have been most disappointed by the lack of rabbit. At least there's another rabbit in the facility who is a lot less murderous and friendly.

Honestly, I'm most pleased with the choices you guys have made. I was worried that the story would be steered into one of two extremes: You guys just trying to collect a harem for indecent purposes. Or you guys executing everything and ignoring all plot.

And yeah, picking death squad was absolutely a solid outcome. I do wonder from time to time how the story would've gone had another choice prevailed. Guess we'll never know for sure...

I find the thought of Mik hugging Morg really fucking funny. I doubt she'd ever need a hug, so I just imagine her randomly receiving a hug after all the other girls had their hugs. Her reaction just being an aloof and prideful "Mikhail, such an act of affection is appreciated, but not necessary at all."
I think that both the other choices would have gone rather similarly - evade the death squads, gather friendly subjects, allied facility staff and supplies and plot our escape. A lot more sneaking around and recruiting with a clear ultimate goal in mind and less investigation and fighting with shorter-term objectives like we're doing. We could have made a good story out of it, but we wouldn't have so much freedom to play in the sandbox.

Morgan will not be immune to the hug and c'mon, she likes it really. I'm going to be immensely disappointed if we end this story without having made her loosen the stick up her arse just a little bit. While obviously she's never not going to be entirely like she is, leading her on some character development and getting her to expand her personality a bit remains a personal objective of mine. With no ulterior motives in mind, of course. Honest, guv.
>I was worried that the story would be steered into one of two extremes: You guys just trying to collect a harem for indecent purposes
But I am doing this
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I was gonna make a witty remark, but (>>6120699)'s artwork did a far better job showcasing why what you are doing is a really bad idea. On that note, fantastic art. It made me chuckle out loud quite a bit.
She's just being a tsun, QM. Look at her tail, it's wagging. Also I don't think any of the team members would give her a hug since many still think she's kinda of annoying, autistic larper.

Still nice art, but my favorite Morrigan still is SwordxRailGun.
baka image
yeah nah, I was just angling for some entirely platonic physical affection with the girls. No, seriously. For now, anyway.

I will say that even if I actually am completely barking up the wrong tree when it comes to Morgan both now and in the future and there's nothing I can do in that regard, I still mean what I said in >>6120288. I'd argue the cast is the most important pillar of the quest by now and while I like Morgan, she is in danger of being a bit flat (even if she isn't the other kind of flat) if her LARP is her whole personality. While I acknowledge her character will have a LOT of inertia, I'm going to keep scheming ways to bring her down to [insert planet here] a bit because I think she could really use it, both in quest and meta speaking.

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