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Do you ever want to just . . . go live innawoods?
Your head hurts. There are many truths in the universe, and the truth of this one is that your head hurts (wake up), that you are tired and sleepy and would prefer to keep dozing fitfully (wake up) that things are okay, you are somwhat comfortable, and the rustling of distant wind through high willows soothingly runs through your mind (wake up)...

>Oh, remember this. It'll be the last time it looks anything like this.

#SubjectID goes here
>We need a name to reference. It has to be searchable
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
>This is your base arrangement of stats. Note that some picks change this, so be mindful.
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
>Pick one of the three available, and be sure to note any strange traits that gets you. Then also add a single short descriptive like "Friendly", "Twitchy", "Slim", "Likes Lentils", "Sad". You gotta hold on to a little personality around here.
Is anyone else as sleepy as you? You can the soft sound of their constant snoring, the huff puff fuff, feel the warmth of many bodies, the quiet rustle of moving limbs and mewls and moans and nightmare whispers and dream fancies and why are you so tired anyway you should wake up? wake up? WAKE U--

No no.

Listen, you've been through a lot.

Keep dreaming.

>Oh, remember this. It'll be the last time it looks anything like this.

#SubjectID goes here
>We need a name to reference. It has to be searchable
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
>This is your base arrangement of stats. Note that some picks change this, so be mindful.
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
>Pick one of the three available, and be sure to note any strange traits that gets you. Then also add a single short descriptive like "Friendly", "Twitchy", "Slim", "Likes Lentils", "Sad". You gotta hold on to a little personality around here.
Sometimes being something different than you are is hard. Convuluted. Convulsive. Here is a rough spun guide that offers some more specific advice, though it should be honestly also said that you can only rely on it 66% of the time, and it is a series of guidelines and not a dire book of grand law.

Please treat it as such. Things might not work one hundred percent as it says here, because sometimes, the universe has secrets.

but in dreams, you can explore, fitfully dreaming, lovingly protected by the warm fur of friends, forever, exploring, experiencing, believing, thinking, ah, and you need never wake up, you need never be different, you can just keep sleeping so why would you ever


In a dream, you know, you can change yourself to anything you wish to be. Become anything. Anyone. Go anywhere.

Harder in waking life. Much better to sleep, perchance to dream, because why take up arms against the tides of sorrows that life brings? Guns? Flame? Fire? Teeth, fang, fury, claw? Poorly maintained mass cargo transit systems and janitorial budget cuts?

Why wake up?
Why wake?
Why would you ever wake up?
wake up--
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why not simply dream, forever, and fade away? you can use some R&R. and maybe you can walk the meandering, labyrinthine hallways of your dreamscape, struggling to reach the end of twisted corridors, never making quite as much progress as you think or hope or fear, unheeding, unreaching, stumbling, watched by figures in the high dark, chased by stern shadow, sprint down narrowing corridors, as for minutes and hours and days someone whispers to you and soothes you and pours water down your cracked lips and feeds you beans with the taste of home and you are so loved and cared for in this embrace and the halls go on forever, the choir hunting you every step like a mass of fireflies that will burn your pleasant somnolence from your skull and doesn't that just sound nice

would you kindly wake up, subject
wake up now

wake up or you are going to **DIE**


>Nah, though. Just keep sleeping. It's so quiet here. Ignore the slow and soft groans of metal fatigue and the strange falling of footfalls and distant shouts. Mind phenomena. Dream-phantasms.


>Alas, if you are a going to wake up, you should set your CP to 0, stretch, and immediately award yourself 6 CP.

>Your character-sheet should be as of T2R28;
>>6079967 or

>if you are a continuing subject. Recall that you have acquired SHARED SENSES and your Senses should increment by +1, contra that comparison. Recall that your CP was set to 0 and you stretched and gave yourself 6, so your total CP is 6. It is not 5. It is not 7. It is certainly not 11. It is the number that is 6. That is the amount of CP at your disposal which you currently have.

>Your HP, SP and status is unknown, and the contents of your pockets may be . . . different.


>Subjects may, if deserious, allocate themselves TESTING PROTOCOLS that require SIGNING UP For. sub-aleph-one-PHARAOH would be so happy!
>These have some occassional requirements, but provide occassional benefits

>To be clear, Janitorial Duties invoke themselves - you do not need to concern yourself with it, although you should be aware that the fact it is tested vs 9 in every containment phase means you are bound to need to perform your duties eventually, and likely often. It is not an easy job.

>Please roll 3d6 against Health on Waking Up.
>Or... keep sleeping. It is *very pleasant*.
>And you hear the soft, distant singing too? Yes?

Rolled 3, 1, 6 = 10 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 7/13 CP 0 VP 2
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 11
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian II
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (16/18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1

Rebooting... Please stand by...
>Reboot (Health 12)
>Systems diagnostics (check body, pockets)
>Get that sweet sweet +6 CP
Rolled 1, 3, 1 = 5 (3d6)

...I was so close, I could nearly reach that ever distant shore. Why am I still here?

>Awaken (Health 10)
>Remember the dreams
>Check the pockets - I had a rifle, once upon a time?

Vit ?/12 SP ?/12 CP 6
DR ? AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 11
Senses 12
Thoughts 11
Support Operations 11
Guns (Pistols) 13
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
Inventory Unknown
Rolled 5, 4, 6 = 15 (3d6)

>character sheet should be as of T2R28
Does this mean that the +1 to skills I got as a Coordinator in the elevator is reverted also?

>Wake up as a janitor
>Check self, pockets. Health test vs 10

Vitality ?? Stamina ? Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice

Pistol, 2 reloads
Cloth Scraps 3
CP 6
It would mean that the character sheets and skill as of T2R28 would be the ones we utilize and rely on, which, dreambound slumbering wakefulness coming raidly closer with the snap of stern jaws and hungry bursts of wakeful hormonal circadian clock adjusters, does indeed mean that anything done inside any elevators is perhaps best treated as ...

a nightmare

no sorry surely Command meant to say nightmare? nightmare? D R E A--nightmare.

For any NEW SUBJECTS please be aware of FOUL DREAM LOGIC: Your character sheet, pre-written, says Sense 8, but the sheet, accounting for earlier advances, says Sense 9. The correct number is 9. You have Senses 9, and the sharper sleep-encrusted eyes of friends.


There is a skirmishy discord, if one wishes to talk tactics? I hear they're nice there, though, CompanyCommand is a cruel and callous creature, not a companion, and so, naturally, seeks only your immediate, unerring nightmareish demise.

Rolled 5, 5, 2 = 12 (3d6)

>Sign up for Creative Thinking Exercises and Janitorial Staff Internship
>This feels familiar. Open my eyes, again. Wait, I don't have eyes anymore. Encourage my faithful to open their eyes so I can work my miracles through them again.
>Test Health 10?

So nothing other than shared senses stuck? Not getting mutability 11 and regen 3 from surviving the first map, not raising mutability to 13 with CP in the elevator?

#Bob the Virus
Coherency ?/10 SP ?/12 CP 6
Regeneration 3?
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 13?
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 4, 5, 3 = 12 (3d6)

>It is not 7

Subject: #Gluttony
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 (Regen 3) Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 [Teeth +2, Reach 2]
Senses 9 [Advanced Photoreceptors]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10 [x2 lethality acid ex]
!Biomodulation Strain #3 [Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Bulwark Shield: (14HP, 2 Cover in Front Arc) Stolen
Respirator: Bereft
Snax: Gone
Pudding: Swiped


"Bruh I had 19 CP. I got swindled, no cap. I never get time to adapt. Shit be, uh, skibidi af fr ong. Uh.. what did any of that mean? My head is killing me."

AP6: WAKE UP (Health 12, Focus 1, Concentration 3)
[Creative Thinking Exercises] - Can I still eat snax and loot vending machines?
Now Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjlSiASsUIs
. . . it is sometimes seven. For some.

Like you!

Were you ever in an elevator? What is an elevator, anyway, but a bad replacement of stairs? Curious and curiouser, such strange thoughts, to flit through what wonderful and intriguing magic that passes for how one such as you thinks thoughts such as this.

It would be far safer for your health to refer to the character sheet at T2R28, and forget mankind ever invented elevators. Let alone escalators.
Someone will pay for this

#Bob the Virus
Coherency ?/10 SP ?/12 CP 6
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 1, 5, 5 = 11 (3d6)

Shockingly, you feel . . . refreshed. A slow wake from gradual slumber, a turning of the wires, a thrum in your head, the gradual re-contextualization of things your internal tags with meaning, colour, scent, taste, sound, the prickley burnt sensation across your outer dermis of burn damage safe to ignore and the slow catch in your reactions from internal wrackings of more delicate subsystems. You flex your fingers.

You realize - immediately - as eight pain editing software systems and nooceptic control feedback overrides and emergency shock hardening trauma impulse routines flare to life - that you need to stop trying to flex your fingers.


Somehow you don't have either - and that's just no fun. A single clip of little tungstun reinforced sleek superdense core penetrators rests, in your tattered half uniform clothes. But of the thing that fires them? You have no awareness. Of batons? Of knives? Of clothscraps? Of experimental test serums? Of pistols? Of pistol bullets? No no no no no no no

.... but you have 3x Can O' Bean, so it ain't all bad.

Your mouth feels like you've spent a straight week licking the a beach though.

Ah, the beach. You remember that - it's clear - it could never fade. The beach? At the end of the beach, the ocean and the slow rolling waves and peace and horizons infinite. No dreams of confining corridors for a man such as you.


woah no no woah no NO nonono no NOOOOO

you need to go back to sleep


being awake, franchise management specialist Sundae, means being aware and being aware means knowing and knowing means you have to *feel all of this*

you should save yourself
you should

Because when you are DREAMING? all this ??? it hurts not at all

but if you pry those eyelids open-- there, the waking world, in all its cruelty, and your *smeared meat* within it.

perhaps cradling that gun in your off-hand can give you strength. the baton. the cloth scraps, wrapped around you, each and all, in some desperate attempt at keeping you together.

you feel disjointed. dysregular. slow. and you are aware now: other things are aware of *you*. you have spent an eon, age unnumbered, uncountable pathogenic adaption cycles, bacteria humming, virals spliting, other stranger things brewing in the dark and the small places, and you are looking down the length of an evolutionary arms race of sign and counter-sign and *you are losing*

What cruel being, let alone a studious machine intelligence, would deny an entity snacks?

If such onerous demands were ever placed on anyone, the only righteous path of all just-thinking mortal and immortal minds would be to burn down heaven itself in a storm of such violence the stars would be cut down and the void they leave behind filled by the dead.

you can have your snacks.
you can have as many snacks as you *can find* and *stuff in your mouth* and if anyone tries to stop you, *eat them*--
>if anyone tries to stop you, *eat them*--
This humble one thanks you for liberation from WENDIGO.
Yes, I can feel it. I am SLIPPING THE NOOSE!
Hold on.
[Fills out and files the proper paperwork to sign up for Creative Thinking Exercises]
Yeah just notarize me and we're good to go.
just, err, subject, you should chew slowly. People with famously fragile glass jaws? Yeah, uh, they have more structural integrity in the jawline department than you right now. It's sort of funny actually you can sort of swivel your jaw and it makes a clicking noise then sort of sounds like nails on chalk board and you're pretty sure a few of those bones with words like "zygomantic" and "occipital" are more like... vaguely bone-related clouds of dust sorry thats not funny at all actually you should stop that its horrifying

Maybe start on winegums? Not... doctors orders or anything but just keep it in *mind* if you chomp down on anything hard you might break teeth.

no that's not a misspelling of tooth.

breath teeth

as in all of them.


If all we are are ships passing in the night, all aflutter and a-lantern'd, hollering and hoiting and sailing on to distant darkened ports, perhaps one could simply . . . lay the same course as others?




Anyone else around here hearing that soft, distant alarm? the singing? the . . .

. . . why is there an arrow stuck in the roof of the crumpled up elevator? Let alone how. Those walls are metal.

>MORNING STRETCH PHASE as we sloooowllyy get going again.

>You get a cutesy 3 AP interaction or skill check or note or check or good, proper stretch.
Rolled 2, 3, 1 = 6 (3d6)

*Cutesily knocks his loose teeth out and spits blood onto the floor until they regrow.*
AP3 SP2 SELF-HARM [Physicality 10, Focus 1, Concentration 2]
SP1 Check pockets for liquid snax or pudding to deal with dehydration.
Rolled 2, 5, 4 = 11 (3d6)

>3AP: Heal Sundae's muscles. (Mutability 10, Focus 1)

Losing the micro-evolutionary arms race? Reduced to MERE SNIFFLES? SOMEONE WILL PAY FOR THIS BLASPHEMY.

But first, my faithful must be taken care of.

#Bob the Virus
Coherency 8/10-2 SP 4/12-3 CP 6
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 6, 4, 6, 5, 3, 5, 2, 3, 1 = 35 (9d6)

Uuuuuuuuughhhhhh. What is this, a refugee camp? Thought I'd be in prison, if anything.

>Look at bucket of arrows? by the door. Senses 11
>Look at brown bars south of arrows Senses 11
>Identify blankets and how there can be so many. Thought 10
Rolled 3, 1, 6 = 10 (3d6)

>Cutely manifest [Self-Repair Protocols] using Health and 1CP. I am damaged, and this cannot stand. I'd like to create something akin to mechanical platelets, to passive repair crippled bits and repair structural damage. Commit to that cute little manifestation. (Health 12, 1 CP used, commited)
Okay, who's still with us? Alekson, I know you aren't fortunate enough to be dead, work yourself up. Raven, we'll have need of your services shortly - no, you can't possibly be asleep, your pillow is a twisted sheet of iron. Cry not to dream again, for those sweet delusions will slay you surely, if not swiftly.

>1TP/3AP, rouse the gang to consciousness (SupOp 10, Inspiring Presence 1)
>Player stats corrected, for I dreamt to be more than I am

Vit 9/12 SP 7/7 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Severely Dehydrated (-6 Stamax)
Motivated 1 (+1 Stamax, Ineffable)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
3x Cans of Beans
1x Rifle reload
Rolled 4, 1, 4 = 9 (3d6)

"...you're so pulverized... you're so gravity tax..."

>Sign up for Creative Thinking Exercises.
>Become Woke. (vs health 12)

Commandpill, what're the fanum tags under the names likesmaxxing [Chem] or [Petri]?

#Subject Sigma
Vit ?/12 SP ?/12 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
!Telekinetic+1(Ranged Phys, Mind Stuff)
!Incurable Brainrot
Rolled 6, 1, 2 = 9 (3d6)


Something gained something lost also seems like something wrong. Time to move your senses tell you things they warn of things.

>Wake up (Health 12) after all you are !Relentless
>Be ready to lunge and see what you broke now
>Sign up for Creative Thinking Exercises
>Feel ready to break some more limits +6 CP

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh

PS: I hate Captcha
Rolled 1, 6, 3, 1, 4, 4 = 19 (6d6)

>Wake Up
>Sign up for Creative Thinking Exercises
>Attempt to Recover from whatever I surely must be afflicted with if I am actually still alive somehow (Health 12)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit ? SP ? CP 6 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
>Regenerate 3
Rolled 2, 1, 5, 6, 3, 2 = 19 (6d6)

Vit ??/12 SP ???12 CP 6 Aberrancy 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 12
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 3
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones

> Reapply for Creative Thinking Exercises and Janitorial Staff Internship

> Regen 3
> Wake Up (3d6 vs Health 12)
> Recover Health (3d5 v Health 12, Regen 3)

>Correction: My Regen score seems to be 2, and Mutability 11, as all our previous level up benefits seem quite gone.

Forgive me, I’m not all here yet.
Rolled 2, 6, 6 = 14 (3d6)


>Wake Up (Health,10)

Vit ?/12 SP ?/12 CP 6
DR 0+3
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10+1 (Shared Senses)
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Rolled 1, 4, 5 = 10 (3d6)

"Today's going to suck..."
>Wake up/Boot up vs health 12 test

>Mind giving a few more details about Creative Thinking Exercises? What if it's a tool I made? Does interfacing with systems count?

Vit ??/12 SP ??/12
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
CP 6 VP 0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 11
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
CP 6
Rolled 2, 4, 6 = 12 (3d6)

>Wake the fuck up, Herald of Doom. We have a world to end. (Health 12)

Vit NA/12 SP NA/12 CP 6 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
[Anxiety Churn 2, Aura Close)
!Psionic-Resonant 2
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Rolled 3, 6, 2 = 11 (3d6)

> I'll take Biomodulation strain 3
> And set Wary as my other trait
> Finally, I'll pick up the Creative Thinking Exercises Protocol

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Regeneration 2
Creative Thinking Exercises
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Biomodulation Strain 3

Hopefully I did everything correctly.
I think I need to roll versus health now?
Rolled 3, 2, 3 = 8 (3d6)



Sargeant Grone
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Harass 10
!Mean Wolfpack
!Don't Let Up
!Loves His Job

> Be normal human
> Be dog on a leash
> Is there still room?
Rolled 6, 5, 1 = 12 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.

Hope I'm not intruding into this forest sanctuary needlessly.
Do you know where you are? You're in the jungle, baby.

You're gonna diiiieeee.
If you become one with nature, no harm will come to you.
Rolled 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 6 = 21 (6d6)

#Dying Osiris Consequences

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 6 (awaken)
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive? Functional?
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Mutability 10 [R3]
#Conversion 10 (turns spare parts into CP)
!Augmentic 0 (inherited trait, from Donny O' Cork).
!Biomodulation 0 (newlife)
!Greywire Fragment - Distributed Processing Core
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)

>Awaken. Test Health 12 vs. 3d6.
>Sign up for Janitorial Staff Internship
>Sign up for Sympathy Training. Pharaoh demands Death and rewards with Power.

>Doublecheck mental checklist. All known core laws tested. Hypothesis: Core laws primarily intended to contain and prevent violating the principles of universal balance, including violating the basic Rule of Range.

Test procedure 1: Convert shock-treatment into battery power and observe control procedures. Expected Result: System will enact an alternative control procedure for pulling subjects into my kingdom.

Test procedure 2: Build nodal network. Expected Result: No punishment, but limited node-to-node range and diminishing effectiveness based on number of nodal jumps.

Tested Strictures:
Untested Strictures: Zen, Hydra, FEV, Apotheosis, Doppelganger, Roots

>Conversion (10): Raw Materials + 3CP + Turn: Convert some of the rubble and spare parts in my immediate vicinity into a charger to convert electrical damage into charge for my battery (hang change on my Health stat. I think that this is the 2nd since the range-up on mutability is probably also tied to health). I see some gray wrenchy/arrowy looking things over there, a metal pizza slice which I will avoid out of deference to Gluttony, and lots of various metal locking bits. No need to rip up the beds that we were carefully placed in.
Rolled 6, 4, 4 = 14 (3d6)

>wake up
>sign up for Creative Thinking Exercise

Vit 12 SP 2 CP 0
DR 6 AP 6 MP 3
Health 14 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Blood-Loss Resistance
!Redundant Organs 3

Bubba is still a woman, and still looking more bubotic than ever
It doesn't seem unlikely, alas.

If you become one with all of nature your constituent molecules are in someones stomach and the bacteria feast on your endocrines. Your precious endocrines, wild one!

But that said, a naturopath approach has its marvels. Perhaps if all of nature became one with you . . . Ah, unity.

You are not, and you are welcome. Sometimes, when people need to feel safe to sleep a sleep over with new friends is more delightful.

Which is a round-about way of saying that if you fell down an elevator shaft and hit your head, you might just wake up here.

IT'S GETTING CRAMPED, I GOTTA ADMIT. But we'll squeeze you in the (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha)
. . . dog house.


Listen, when the entire subject-line develop multiple concussions, Command develops one too, be thankful my sense of humour is leashed properly or it canine get a bit furry.

And you'd be welcome, Mountainenous one. Though we're more underground than up in rarified air.

Well -- interact with. World to interact with. Safe, actually. Probably? I can't find the subPHAORAH system but that's sort of what it said.

Who-ever is?

We all do.



Command Note: Processing janitorial and additional testing protocols. Expect slight change to the evalulation programme and a need to re-submit your application, but this is minor.

Command Note: It's not next week but, ah, what the hell. If you snooze you lo--vingly regenerate your tremendously sustained battle-damage.

See, ending the world is a very cutthroat business to be in. Our little Herald of Doom cannot end the world is someone beats her to the punch and ends it first, now can she? Ergo, she must stop them, thereby saving the world so she can then Herald its Doom, as it were.
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Reach, stretch, roll, spit out your teeth, wraggle your tongue to get some feeling back into the it, check if things are as they should be, violating eight several good research practice in one go, treat yourself to some snacks?

Gluttony, there's so many beans in this room. Far more than you fell down the shaft with. The cans look stacked. Little Can O'Bean fortresses of stoic canly fortitude, arranged to guard more beans holding such delectable flavours as PINEAPPLE MINT, STRAWBERRY FUSION JAM and the fabled BLACK BEAN WITH DARK ROAST.

The elevator smells of... flavours ... undescribable...

Application for Janitorial duties DENIED. Your baseline existence considers bleach ANATHEMA.

Please re-apply if you are willing to work under new supervised guidelines and are sure this is the correct work environment for you.

Application for Creative Thinking Exercises DENIED as Subject displays critical levels of acute brain-rot. Please re-apply in 0.00005 nanoseconds if you are willing to work with re-phrased guidelines.

The fanum tags, skibidi, mark them for specific considerations afore the blackpill ghoulgang deports them to Ohio. If you have CHEMs your stenchmaxing and the Ripthings know you are like them fr fr fr fr. Petra, on the other hand, is simply the name of a trooper. She smiles shyly in your general direction and lets you know her niece totally digs your whole vibe.

( You do not know how Petra knows what her niece likes )

Application for Creative Thinking Exercises denied, Subject has the artistic talent of drying moss on a tree. Please re-apply in 0.000000 nanoseconds if Subject is willing to work under re-structured guidelines.

Application for Creative Exercise Testing denied. Your genetic sequence is partial map to spider and arachnid data-bases, and such crawling creepies have no mental faculties to express ideas. Please re-apply for protocol in 0.00005 Nano-seconds and submit one (1) art-work for inspection.

Denied. Subject communicates in single-vowel grunts.

Denied. Subject manages a roaming gang of flesh-creatures that shed hair follicles, skin and blood from prey everywhere. They are Janitorial Antagonists Number One.

Please re-apply if interested in the work regardless.

Please see updated data-packages and 3000000000000000 pages of attached legalese for details.

Secondary query, Subject, a tool you make is not a mass produced industrial object and also you are NOT A HUMAN[1]

[1]according to multiple acceptable parameters. Philosophical arguments can be made otherwise.

Application denied. Mountains are too big to be creative. If you wish to apply again, please read through the following eight thousand page waiver.



Subject may still apply for other protocols. LIFETIME BAN may be lifted in face of reasonable evidence that Subject will stop trying to avoid the data-gathering phase of the protocol the Subject willingly engages with.

Application denied.
Subject lacks neccessary processing power to express creative thoughts, being strictly inferior meat-ware processing compared to pristine info-crystal lattice.

Please re-apply in 0.02 nanoseconds, slow-poke, and attach a solution factor for factorising eight-step prime numbers.

Application denied. Mandatory shower-time citing soot layers caked into dermis cited.
>Protocol Parameter testing revised pending multiple on-going queries into exact definition of how to murder someone and still claim the +Critical bonus from Empathy training.

>If you set out to murder someone with enhanced +criticality rating, you have failed empathy training.

>If Subjects sign on to a Testing Protocol, this is an advanced level self imposed challenge. For fun. Or horror!

>For game mechanical coherency reasons, if Subjects attempt to bypass the Protocol requirements in any whatsoever while still seeking to benefit from the bonuses, they do not do so and the Protocol fails immediately and no bonuses accrue. This is not an in-story in-narrative measure, unfortunately, this is down to simple operations of game-space logic. With 17+ players, 1-2 cannot accrue outsized power factor citing clever arguments that allows ignoring caps on mass power gain. Apologies.

>To re-state clearly, in almost all other facets of design and interaction, being clever and working with constraints is a definitive plus and should be attempted. Strictly in relation to taking on a challenge that changes your character mechanically then attempting to ""game"" those constraints lead to BAD OUTCOMES.

>Please sign this 30000000000 page perfectly described legal set of use-abuse clauses that adaquately capture every nuance of any possible interaction going out across the next 200+ turns.


>Unfortunately, Subjects, that appears to have been lost in some explosion or another.

>We will simply have to make do and trust each other with some general adherence to the "spirit and letter" of a given protocol, if the Subject taking it on is willing to engage in a challenge.

>If you are still interested, please re-apply at any time.

>CHALLENGE MODE: make this the only hotfix this deployment (IMPOSSIBLE)
It is true that I have not yet found a way to overcome the unholy substance colloquially known as "bleach". But if Pharaoh thinks this will stop me from performing janitorial duties, then his creative thinking capabilities are lacking.
>Sign up for Creative Thinking Exercises and Janitorial Staff Internship, again.
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A hungry group of strain-beasts from the Kronin line, maws and teeth and sore muscle, rouse themselves like they have done many times before, and patter-pitter over to the rope and ladder someone (who?? you were all SLEEPING) have attached to the acid stained, corroded hole in the wall that constitutes some kind of entrane / exit hatch.

One by one, as subjects stretch and click bones and pop joints and spit out teeth, they latch to the rope and descend below with a soft SKRRHRHR, sniffing the air and licking their sizable teeth.

Mountains? Wha- oh. Okay, I get it.
Pharaoh, my designation is Everett. Not Everest.
EVERETT. Eh-ver-ett. There's no 's' in there.
And I assure you, I can be very creative.

> Agree to the TOS and sign up for 'Creative Thinking Exercises'.
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descending down to ... where? What? Is the elevator *shifting* a little, with their pitter pattering feet and lurching movement and...

Wilder sees it first, near the edge as he is, and befitting enough of the name perhaps a wild one at heart. Beyond the acid pitted and corroded metal confines of the elevator shell that has become some sort of sickhouse or outre bean storage system, undulating tendrils of enormous flesh-shaped trunks swirl in an unseen wind. Wilder leans. Wilder looks. Wilder learns.

They're below the elevator too.

They're holding it up.


This isn't an elevator, subjects. It' some sort of fleshwood treetop house.

>We're still doing mostly LIGHT ACTIONS and QUICK BITS, get your bearings a little, shake off the tupor, check your pockets, apply for >>6083674 test protocols now that they've been slightly updated. . .

Perhaps you've been losing the microevolutionary arms race because this forest of fleshwood or woodflesh has provided a myriad of genealogical sampling opportunities for cunning counter-measures to your art. You try to reach out and warp them - influence them - perhaps even direct the sprawling circulatory twig-trunks that wind, faintly pulsating, beneath the elevator and it BURNS, stinging, a hundred new microbiomes reacting with hostility to your intrusion.

In pathogenic ages unnumbered, a million million million and more life-cycles of microbes ago, perhaps, these things were almost related to you. Spun out and touched by a panicked fuelled command down a rapidly descending elevator shaft.

But no more.
No soveriegn you, sir Bob, of this forest or the things that live here.

It seems by passing such endless time absent from your throne, the whole edifice of monarchy has been thrown out.

You should not expect this environment to react to you with servility, despite you being perhaps, in some distant sense, its progenitor.

... how long has it been anyway?
Rolled 4, 1, 2, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 6 = 34 (9d6)

>[1 AP] Check pockets for belongings.
>[1 AP] Check my COOL INTERNAL CLOCK that surely exists for time elapsed. [Augmented Systemics 10, Focus 1]
>[1 AP] Check memories. I remember about falling. Then what? [Thoughts 8, Focus 1]
You nano-second accurate internal HUD systems are used to integrate total informational space dominance across a broad spectrum of conditions and to interface with time-sensitive systems across the whole alarm criticality chain.

It's also in need for repair.

. . . Dammit.

Well it's been at least less than a week - your internal calendar hasn't rolled over to a new month yet, though your TODO is actually just filled with DON'TDIE and WAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUP and all the day markers are corrupted out.
> Move over to the rope ladder (Move - ? MP)
> Descend the rope ladder (Move and Do - 3 AP)
> Look around. It seems we're in a forest of some sort? Are there any notable landmarks in eyeshot? (Test and try - 3AP)

(Sorry about the indeterminate movement. It's a little hard to see the grid with all the clutter in the treehouse.)
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Rolled 4, 2, 2 = 8 (3d6)


>Sign Up for Creative Thinking Exercises with provided art-work for inspection
>3 AP: Smell around for water. It's not quite food but I'm really thirsty and food things should be by the water anyways. (Senses 9)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 10/10 CP 6 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Dehydrated [-2 Stamina]
Strucutral Misalignments II [+3 to any Bleed]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
It is a nightmare of ... clutter. And bedrolls. And where are all these cans of beans from? Surely, it is going to somehow be magically easier the pico-second you climb down that ladder. For strangely cosmic reasons having to do with geospatial coordinates and hex-grids.

Have no worries, Subject, we can go by gut feel and foot fall.
Rolled 4, 4, 2 = 10 (3d6)

>3AP, 6 Stamina: Get back in the Red Queen's race. Fast evolve, iterate quickly, get my Virality back to a more adequate potency. (Pluripotentiality 12, Focus 1, Concentration 6)

You've been allowed to try atheism for far too long, little errant mass of flesh. You WILL submit to your maker.

#Bob the Virus
Coherency 8/8 SP 3/9 CP 6
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Pathogenic Analysis 8 (Virality -8)
Nanocytic Countersampling 2 (Max Coherency -2)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
>1 AP: briefly consider my new ailments, starting with the Distracting Voices. Where are they coming from? What are they saying?
>1 AP: and the bullet magnetism. Does it work with other projectiles? Maybe a telekinetically flicked empty can of beans might help test this hypothesis?
>alright, that should be all, unless there's something I'm forgetting—...
>1 AP: the biometric card! Where is it?!

Vit 12/12 SP 10/10 CP 6 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Distracting Voices II II
Bullet Magnet II
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
[Anxiety Churn 2, Aura Close)
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Rolled 2, 5, 5 = 12 (3d6)

#Dying Osiris Consequences

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 6 (awaken)
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive? Functional?
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Mutability 10 [R3]
#Conversion 10 (turns spare parts into CP)
!Augmentic 0 (inherited trait, from Donny O' Cork).
!Biomodulation 0 (newlife)
!Greywire Fragment - Distributed Processing Core
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)

>Move West to the center of the dead Rips

>Mutability 10, All AP - Awaken the Rips into Undead service as my Ghoul Palanquin Bearers. Order them to lift me up and carry me around on one of these fine beds. Invite the other Nobles to ride with be on my bed-palanquin if they so desire. Order them to pass me and the bedaquin down to the ground level.

Test procedure 1: Convert shock-treatment into battery power and observe control procedures. Result: Countermeasures taken. Promise of power retracted. Hypothesis sustained.

Tested Strictures: Interpretation of Intent. Result: Restated Intent. ,
Untested Strictures: Zen, Hydra, FEV, Apotheosis, Doppelganger, Roots
As much as I love the lingering kiss of saltwater, real or imagined, a man is thirsty. Surely this will help...

>3AP, crack open a can of BEANS and slurp down those juices

Vit 9/12 SP 7/7 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Severely Dehydrated (-6 Stamax)
Motivated 1 (+1 Stamax, Ineffable)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
3x Cans of Beans
1x Rifle reload
Rolled 1, 3, 1 = 5 (3d6)


"All's well that ends well. No need to thank me, everyone." *Stretches*

AP1: CHEW on Can O' Beans to shed my loose teeth and lap up the sweet beany syrup within.
MP3: Descend Ladder + {3-3}
AP5: CHANGE - Adapt Dense Muscles in my core, back, and legs to increase my PHYSICALITY. [Mutability 10, Lethality 1, Concentration 2, Commit]

Subject: #Gluttony
Vit 12 SP 10 CP 9
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 (Regen 3) Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Dehydrated, Loose Teeth, Tinnitus
Physicality 10
[Loose Teeth -3, Reach 2]
Senses 7
[Shared Senses +1]
[Tinnitus -2]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Acid Glands [x2 Lethality Acid-EX]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality][Bound by the Flesh]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence Initiative] Sign Up
Oh forgot my CP. Putting 3 CP to this.
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Welcome to the team, subject.

+1 CP.
"Gooncave is becoming crampmaxxed gotta griddy elsewherepilled."

>Sign up for Creative Thinking Exercises
>Sign up for Sheer Violence of Action, dance battle dance battle

>3AP Check the Sigma Storage for stuff
>3AP Grab a blanket to use as a cape/toilet extension
>Move out of here

#Subject Sigma
Vit ?/12 SP ?/12 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Conditions: Alive
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
!Incurable Brainrot
!Telekinetic+1(Ranged Phys, Mind)
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)

>[1 AP] Check my pockets. Do I have anything useful with me? Maybe something I could drink?
>[1 AP] I'm afflicted by... something. What the hell is Glaciogenesis? Try to figure it out.
>[3 AP] The flesh that kept us from untimely demise, does it reach out? Try to commune with its voice, if there is any. [Psionic-Resonant]

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-4 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.

If I'm missing rolls or I mess up too bad feel free to yell at me, all of this is kind of a bit overbearing at first.
Rolled 3 (1d6)

Right there under the pillow! Hey did you know you can actually use a biometric card like this, with a sharp edge, to cut Everetts ear off?

Wow listening to the voices was a brilliant idea.

Though it vaguely sounds like most of them are singing in steppe people click-tongue and one of them is offering commentary of a cycling event in Sweden. Which is interesting, albeit not useful because that voice just used the word 1906 so you need a more up to date sports commentator if you wish to make use of the voicely insight.

But at least the bullet magnetism is easy.

Your own brain is trying to kill you by making bullets come your way. Related news: it also works on bullet like projectiles, so you'll need to wipe that splatter of CHOCOLATE BEAN off of your face.

you might need to try something else, Oh Osiris, guardian of this vast underworld. Those ripthings, Kronin-strain all, growl and shift and breathe and claw at you feet and one of them sort of licks your boot.

Which is all to say they're more "asleep, peacefully, very contented" than "dead".

You could feasibly kill them first, but it might be an fight you're a little outnumbered to have.

Try again, you can simply take another turn.

without r-reading the label? in THIS facility??
That could be blueberry beans. That could be bluest beans. That could be the famous, fabled, nigh-mythic christmas cheese cake fruit cake onions bean mix.

You have more guts than half the people in this elevator, Subject. That's a dangerous kind of on-the-edge, pop a can, slurp the slop sort of recklessness. What's next, burritors with the taste of burgers? In a CAN?
It is overwhelming and vast. You'll learn quick. Don't worry - though if it helps you, we prefer not to yell around here, in all our various guises.

Principally speaking, if the universe has to work really hard to figure out what it is you're trying to do, the universe defers to giving resolving your action 30 seconds and calling it a day. It's only ever going to be an issue if, random example, your action is

>shoot the guys over there with the stuff I have

And let's be fair now, figuring out who, what, where, when, in what order, how much, at what target?? is a bit hard there!

However, that said, please be assured that your actions and intention and activities are always at least looked at and we try to resolve it coherently. If you lack dice or miss a number or forget a trait, the extra is just rolled and generated and usually found via CTRL+F. Which is why by the way names go in the #XXX format, it makes searching very easy.

And for stuff that's "attentive blips" - you walk 334, but that's a wall, and the universe can clearly see you meant 335, we just resolve it in your favour as much as possible.

You're doing great, keep it up! Two turns without dying already takes you far ahead of the hundreds who die on turn 1!
Also, Subjects, it was unclear, but PHARAOH has turned the limiters off fully. You can spend 6 AP on your turn. Or less, if you'd like.

It's more that you are doing quiet, light, quick things because the only dangers out here is the real estate value plummeting because the fleshwood doesn't make for very charming locale.

Well, that, and you have apparently been out cold for an unknown amount of time and shapes pilfer through the dark and the distant alarm system is whispering what sounds remarkably like wake up or die and maybe there's a few more things happening in corners unseen than just that . . .
>Alright, enough dilly-dallying. Use my 2(!) MP and the rest of my AP to leave the comforts of this metal deathtrap. (ouchie, my actuators)
Rolled 6, 4, 2 = 12 (3d6)

In that case, I'll add
>3AP: Overcome the Nanocytic Countersampling (Pluripotentiality 12?, Focus 1)
to my actions, if I can.
Rolled 1, 6, 2 = 9 (3d6)

Still alive eh? Well then, let's deal with the dehydration issue which plagues the aristocrats.
>Take up one of the shields, a few arrows, a few cans (preferably empty) and my bedsheet.
>Locate a vein on the tree.
>Remove a small amount of my filtering flesh to work into the coming device.
>Tap into the vein with the arrowhead and funnel the "sap" through the cheesecloth sheet impregnated with my filtering flesh to tap a purified fluid from the tree into the cans. Dehydrated warriors fight poorly, as was known to all lords of the lands of sand and ash. From the flesh of Osiris would flow the river, small as it might be in this land. (Biomodulation 10 to extract fluid from the tree)
Due to new information from >>6083737, adding to my turn:
>3 AP, 3 MP: Begin moving to where I smell any water, or just outside if I can't smell any.
And here's an updated sheet for good mesure.

Vit 8/12 SP 12/12 CP 6
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3-1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Left Arm Crippled [II]
Damaged Actuators [II II]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.
Spiderlass, Spiderlass, going to find some water fast.
Rolled 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 5 = 11 (6d6)

Vit ??/12 SP ???12 CP 6 Aberrancy 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 2
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones

> 3 AP: Emit pathing pheromones, so the sleeping packmates will know where we went when we wake up. (Senses 9 + Chems 4 + Focus One)
> 3 AP: Recover my bone fractures (Health 12, Regen 2)
> 3 Movement + Commit: Follow my pack, descend the ladder.



Hwah. :’(

(Reapply for creative thinking exercises and janitorial staff internship. I.. I can be clever!

Bias against the non verbal…)
Still in the facility, I guess. Where'd Trish find processed wood?

3AP, 6CP: Upskil + Learn on the Job 2 for Shield 13
1TP: Grins, Alekson, grab some supplies. We're gonna see what's out there.
Rolled 1, 5, 6 = 12 (3d6)

TP action vs Senses 10
All right, in that case I'll revise my turn as well.

>3AP, crack open a can of BEANS and slurp down those juices (I know no fear)
>1TP+3AP, start shaking, shouting, and bargaining the troopers awake (SupOp 10, Inspiring 1, 2x BEANS (Temptation beyond measure))

Vit 9/12 SP 7/7 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Severely Dehydrated (-6 Stamax)
Motivated 1 (+1 Stamax, Ineffable)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
3x Cans of Beans
1x Rifle reload

Body feels productive and this place cramped.

>[MP 3] Stagger out of Hellevator
>[AP 1] Look for something to drink (Senses +8)
>[AP 2] Figure out what's wrong with my Glands (Thoughts +8)
>Apply for Sheer Violence Of Action

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
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It appears to be - though the medical phenomena is ill described - the spontaneous manifestation of glacial formations and other ice structures. Try... not giving the world so much of a cold shoulder? It might stop happening.

As for something useful, the only thing in your pockets, Subject Wilder, unfortunately appear a MULTI TOOL and you just can't ever get any use out of one of those.

As for the trees?
Oh the trees . . . They aren't thinking. But the thing that move among them in the dark forest? They are. Too faint too influence. It is really on their total cumulative energy you are sensing, but ah, it is certainly ... something.

All out of everything down at the sigma store, but hey, look, you've got this neat cape, so you've got that going for you, which is nice . . .

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The world down below the ladder feels somehow more defined, more structured, more *real*, solid in the substance, as if the vast shadow of hours of frantic improvisation no longer holds sway over your mind like a haze.

The terminals here are banged up and overgrown. Overgrown? Hm. the lights in the ceiling are covered in vines, the air takes on a green-tinged quality, slithering little creepers of more organic stuff grow like a new carpet. There's distant rustling. Actual rustling of grass.

Subject Sigma, unprepared for the experience, touches grass. It's. . . not not pleasant.

In the dim lights, here, below the prepared firing position in the elevator above, a few notes are scattered about the walls, pinned with whatever came to hand.

From the north, distant humming of electricity.

From the west?? Left?? DOWN?? THAT PATHWAY?? The area that scents of hunger mixed with food to acolytes sense, and not the icky no good don't go there twang of insect repellant, that area, a prowling pack of Kronin rip-things recently went a-hunting.


Osiris prepares a little incission into the trees that hold up the entire elevator, and in a more pervese universe if the first thing someone dies is stab the things that keep aloft the place you all sleep in then you would all immediately die when the fleshwood retracts from the sudden pain, but luckily, they make a resistance roll and you are not crushed to death by sudden change to the local landscape.

>+1 CP: Don't Die On The Second Turn Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE), all Subjects.

It seems the fleshy growth, RED and POINTY, are fleshwood? Woodflesh? Strange amalgamations of biological mass and cellulose and dead things and growing things and they have nerves and almost feel, though as Wilder can attest they aren't in any way thoughtful. They might be trees more prone to react to the physical world than the usual kind? Perhaps they even flinch when stabbed or tapped or when their precious sap is pulled from them.

There are other trees too, down here. Some of the panelling on the corridors is cracked with it. The Brown stuff seems more mundane wood, less prone to sudden movement. It doesn't pulse either. Perhaps that stuff is more sensible sort of material?


Chimera gently hears, behind the low hum of enormously high energy capacity wiring, a... shout? a scream? a few soft pat pat pats. Was that a fight? a victory? It happened up out across the darkness that the singular wooden path leads over.

Far beyond it.


Get your bearings, still. Breathe. Try to shake the loose, lingering sensation of sluggishness. WAKE UP, alright?

Something is happening. Something is coming. What is a *great hunt* ?

subPHARAOH update:

Applications recieved:Processing
Applications approved:Handling
Confirm sign on of new janitorial members and test subjects: Success.

Samantha smells. . . something sickly sweet, cloying, almost. Not quite water. No water, in fact, in this place, as far as her senses are concerned.
Bit of a scarce commodity, that precious tasteless flowing fluid. In the hunting area, where a note says one of the walls is loose and to please seal it back up, the cloying sickness of some sugary substance tinged with chemicals abounds. One could probably drink that, if hardy enough.

But subject Amelius, licking the inside of a can of beans with the taste of fruitcake, really wishes he had some water to clean out his mouth.

Subject Gluttony, spitting more teeth from more broken cans, really wants to wash out the the taste of a can of bean lasagne.

You need it. The wet stuff. The drying juices and almost-liquids from other things are too little, too low. Asleep for less than a week and longer than a day and the body hungers, the body needs.

If there's any kind of "great hunt" going on around here, it's going to be your great hunt for a little bit of the precious drinkable stuff.

Or... other things?


>WAKE UP!! Phase. That means you lot!
>Things are still nice and quiet. Take a breather. Poke about. Check the landsacpe a little. We've got plenty of times before things get dramatic.
>NOTE section updated.

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Try this.
Thanks, very helpful. You can give yourself +3 CP.


Something's gone a bit wrong with the underpinning of the entire universe, but it is being rectified. Don't feel bad if you cannot entirely see which tile you are in.
Rolled 4, 3, 1 = 8 (3d6)

Vit 8/12 SP 12/12 CP 6
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3-1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Left Arm Crippled [II]
Damaged Actuators [II II]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

Logic dictates that before going for any potentially dangerous moves, one should repair oneself. Structural integrity is the key to long-term survival.
>[3 AP, and 3 AP to fully focus on it] Manifest some self-repair subroutines. Nanobots that locate damaged parts and fix them. The nanobots can act as both repairmen and raw materials for repairs. It'd be for the best for them to act passively, so that the host body remains able to move about while being repaired. (Health 12, 1 CP invested)
Rolled 3, 6, 1 = 10 (3d6)

>3 MP: Move 334 (I want to be in a corner)
>6 AP, 8 CP, 6 SP: Manifest a change to Duplicity - I want to have a carapace (skin?) that's very hard if not impossible to see with the naked eye. (Duplicity 1 + 3 Concentration + 8 CP + 6 SP + Malichnid taxonomy) [vs 18 total]
>Gain 1 CP (Creative Thinking Exercises)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 10->4/10 CP 8->0->1 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Dehydrated [-2 Stamina]
Strucutral Misalignments II [+3 to any Bleed]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh

The quick and quiet nature makes these initial actions easy to resolve. Note if any subjects were missed and didn't "get" to take an initial turn, you can simply take two turns, since this is not fast phases and Command has consistently promising NEXT WEEK.

Maybe some people (NeoGenesis) were simply actually a true believer in honesty and so should not be punished unduly.
Rolled 6, 1, 3 = 10 (3d6)

I see my bone fractures have not gone away. Perhaps I need to eat and drink something. The nutrition may help.

Vit 10/10 SP 1/10 CP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 2
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones
!Creative Thinking Exercise
!Janitorial Intern

> Regen 2, if it helps the bone fractures at all.
> 6 AP, 9 SP, 7 CP, 3 Abberancy: Massively improve my Chems, as so to apply stronger and reliable buffs onto my precious pack. (Senses 9, Chems 4, CP 7, Abberancy 3, Concentration 12, total 35.)
> 3 MP: Continue shambling after my pack mates, who seem to have smelled prey, and are displaying strong initiative.
> Gain one CP at end turn (creative thinking)

(Strikes me better to spend aberrancy sooner rather than later)

Is this a jungle?

Perhaps we can nest here…
Rolled 3, 5, 2 = 10 (3d6)

#Dying Osiris Consequences

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive? Functional?
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Mutability 10 [R3]
#Conversion 10 (turns spare parts into CP)
!Augmentic 0 (inherited trait, from Donny O' Cork).
!Biomodulation 0 (newlife)
!Greywire Fragment - Distributed Processing Core
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)

>Disassemble Pharaoh's IO consoles and thread the wires within to fill my frame with an electromagnetic lattice to allow me to generate a magnetic field and grant me divine levitation. (Conversion 10 + 4 CP, can hang on my will or movement. While I'm currently using it to levitate Magneto style I'd like to be able to use the system to generate magnetic fields elsewhere in the future. Magneto-style).

>Through mighty Pharaoh's sinews which now fill me ask wise Pharaoh to show me, and by extension the Aristocrats, what is seen through Pharaoh's eyes and ears in this forest-like place.

Minor correction

For the turn to work, I should move and *then* manifest. Slight error borne of copy paste.

My bad.
Rolled 3, 6, 3, 3, 5, 6 = 26 (6d6)


>Sign up for Sheer Violence of Action (repeat, but just making sure it was seen)
MP2: Sit down on a tree root
AP3: MEDITATE on the HORRIFIC PAIN of the FIRE VULNERABILITY to try to find my STOLEN CP in the AETHER. [Thoughts 8, Focus 1]
AP3: CHEW on my CAN O' BEANS, drinking of the LIGHT SYRUP that sustains all life in the DEEP BELOW. [Physicality 10, Teeth -3, Strength +2, Commit]

Subject: #Gluttony
Vit 12 SP 10 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 (Regen 3) Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Dehydrated, Loose Teeth, Tinnitus
Physicality 10
[Loose Teeth -3, Reach 2]
[Strength +2]
Senses 7
[Shared Senses +1]
[Tinnitus -2]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Acid Glands [x2 Lethality Acid-EX]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality][Bound by the Flesh]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
How do you move after taking a turn ending action, oh subject? Your turn would be over!

You also have no Aberrancy, mores the pity, subject. You once were subject to a roll of Aberrancy that got a margin of +3, and adjusted some things that since passed. This was probably unclear, because you were buried in riot police at the time and eating your friends. In fact. . .

Your regenerate helps not one with with the bone fractures, unfortunately. Or in a sense, your regeneration means that despite the bone fractures you are still alive?

Unfortunately, removing conditions like that takes a few careful hours of surgery for most normal people and merely great medical care for someone like you. Or there's some other ways and means. Alas, Regeneration won't quite cut it.
The Aberrancy accrued, tested itself, rolled some various dice in the background, and immediately resulted in you gaining Mutability +1 and becoming slightly more of a horrendously interesting intricate example of the joys of genetics by increasing your Bound by the Flesh trait.

Which, since you're surely making inquires in your mind, imply that you can make changes to yourself that are harder than other, less powerful changelings. It pairs with the increase Mutability to allow a significantly larger array of adaptions, on account of how you devoured the heart of your similar kin.
Raven, I'd appreciate it if you could stay and guard the... treehouse? I'm going to find Fox and Petri some help.

>1TP, direct Raven to guard the base (SupOp 10, Inspiring 1)
>3AP, grab the scragbow and arrows - it's pretty much the same as a gun, yeah? Point and shoot, too easy.
>3MP, get me out of this nightmare box and walk me towards that woodchild village - I have beans to trade.
>3AP, listen to the forest and observe the path I'm about to tread - what horrors await me? (Sense 11)

Vit 9/12 SP 7/7 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Severely Dehydrated (-6 Stamax)
Motivated 1 (+1 Stamax, Ineffable)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
2x Cans of Beans
1x Rifle reload
1x Scragbow
1x Arrow quiver (Barbs)
Ah, I see, I see

If any of you fine mutants die, I will happily eat your corpses too. It would be unsanitary to leave them to rot!


Is what I would say if Acolyte had the capacity.


Rolled 6, 2, 4 = 12 (3d6)

>CP 7->8 (Creative Thinking Exercises)
>6AP, 9SP, 8CP: Manifest an improved ability to invade and take over anything that dares threaten my supremacy in the microcosm. (8CP, 12 Concentration, Lethality 1 if I can key it off that or Virality -8 if I can't)

Let's try that again, shall we. I WILL have my throne back.

#Bob the Virus
Coherency 8/8 SP 0/9 CP 0
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -8 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Pathogenic Analysis 8 (Virality -8)
Nanocytic Countersampling 2 (Max Coherency -2)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Aberrancy, in fact, always tests against itself, spends itself immediately, and ruins your day. A changeling can no more build up reserves of Aberrancy than can change itself be stockpiled for later use.

If you had a permanent Aberrancy Score of 3, you would be testing - at the end of every phase you act - to violently mutate in an uncontrolled way, and by now, you would be something entirely unrecognizable and mostly probably would have cannibalized your entire brain into more eyeballs or something equally mutagenic.

Aberrancy, in fact, is not a thing that you - a subject - can really "interact with" at all, unless the situation is recklessly extreme. If it ever does appear on your sheet, it would be noted as Aberrancy, SC xx, indicating a self control roll against a value. Such rolls occur out of your control and are done by the world to simulate you managing to maintain control of yourself in a horrendously difficult situation. On a failure (or if the "thing" wins in some cases), you are forced to do things you might not want to do.


You will need to do another turn, for this is impossible in multiple ways. It's quite alright, there was a *lot* going on.

If you ever see yourself (or anyone else) noting Aberrancy +2 or +3 or +6, that is a facility note declaring than an Aberrancy *test* happened and accrued that amount of total cumulative effect.

If you ever see Aberrancy +8, or really any number higher than five, spend 6 SP to immediately take more actions and *RUN IN THE OTHER DIRECTION*.
Rolled 1, 3, 3 = 7 (3d6)

Got it boss.

Vit 10/10 SP 1/10 CP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 2
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones
!Creative Thinking Exercise
!Janitorial Intern

> Regen 2, which does not terribly help but does make me feel better.

> 3 MP: Jog after my pack mates, who seem to have smelled prey, and are displaying strong initiative.
> 6 AP, 9 SP, 7 CP: Massively improve my Chems, as so to apply stronger and reliable buffs onto my precious pack. (Senses 9, Chems 4, CP 7, Concentration 12, total 32.)
> Gain one CP at end turn (creative thinking)

Rolled 1, 6, 4 = 11 (3d6)

>Sign up for: Creative Thinking Exercises

>3AP: Firmly grip my flashlight in hand
>3AP+3MP: Leave this deathtrap treehouse elevator

(CP is 8)
>6AP: Focusing, Augmented Systemics 10+4CP calling on Resiliant Streak! Trait-> Can I manifest a nanomachine subroutine to repair damaged systems and make them thougher?

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12
DR 3 AP 6 MP 3
CP 4 VP 0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
>Approach the loose wall to the hunting grounds. (Move - 2 MP)
> Push open then squeeze through the barricade leading into the hunting grounds (Minor Action & Adroit - 1AP & 1 MP)
> Tentatively proceed further down the path, circumventing any obvious hazards and pitfalls (Move - 3 MP)
> Be ready to evade if set upon by hostile entities lurking beyond the treeline (Reaction - 5AP)
>[3 MP] Leave the elevator.
>[3 AP + 3 AP Concentrating] Meditate and focus your psionic energies to generate some kind of ice pillar from your body. [Focus 1, Thoughts 8, Psionigenesis 10, Glaciogenesis II II].

Hopefully this doesn't destroy me instantly, would be great to deal with everyone's dehydration problem.

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-4 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
Rolled 4 + 3 (1d6 + 3)

Whoops, dropped these. At least, I think I'm supposed to roll here?
>TP: Squad, get on these terminals and figure out what this room was for. What was it doing before whatever this is? Thought 10
>3MP: Leave the house
>Compare arrows SW to the ones in the bucket. Same? Thought 10
>Investigate bark and teal stuff S. Senses 11
>Think: How detached is detached for Cool Under Fire? Is a single trooper receiving orders detached? Or do they have to leave my command range?
3d6 without modifiers but list your modifiers in the action (as you did). [Psionigenesis 10, Focus 1, Concentration 3] probably, but I don't really get what all goes into a roll either.
Huh, okay. I just took the example in the tutorial image (uses only 1d6 from attacking +3 from concentrating). Will keep this in mind for the future.

(New ID is from me phoneposting in bed, gomen.)
Rolled 5, 6, 2, 5, 6, 2 = 26 (6d6)


Those sounds tell things and sightlines in this place are limited to say at least.

>[MP 3] NW, N, NW
>[AP 3] Peer to other side of this wire mess maybe i can see something (Senses +8)
>[AP 3] Manifest more Keen and Larger ears like those of the animals outside to better hear and locate movement (CP 7 + Senses 8)
>Apply for Sheer Violence Of Action
Vit 12 SP 9 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 6, 1, 1 = 8 (3d6)

>Sign up for the Creative Thinking Exercise: "yes, friend computer, I am *very* creative...what...? What do you mean all I do is dread and entropy, entropy and dread...? Get new material...? You're hurting my feelings, friend computer..."
>MP: get out of this treehouse. Oh and bring the empty bean can. We'll need it.
>6 AP: Recover. Or, rather, attempt to subvert the Distracting Voices by filtering out the most "unhelpful" ones. Maybe something of value will remain? (Psychogenesis 10 + 3)

Vit 12/12 SP 10/10 CP 7 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Distracting Voices II II
Bullet Magnet II
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
[Anxiety Churn 2, Aura Close)
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Rolled 3, 1, 6 = 10 (3d6)

>+1 CP From Creative Thinking Exercises last turn
>+1 CP For this turn

>Move 61
>6AP Manifest "Let Me Break It Down For You". When observing a dance within the LMBIDFY field, observers are compelled to join in, taking psychic damage. (vs 3+4CP+Psychogenesis 11 = 18)

#Subject Sigma
Vit 12/12 SP 10/10 CP 5
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
!Incurable Brainrot
!Telekinetic+1(Ranged Phys, Mind)
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
Sargeant Grone
Vit 12 SP 10/10 (12) CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 11 (-2 Visual)
Thoughts 10
Harass 10
!Mean Wolfpack
!Loves His Job
!Don't Let Up

> Wake up and DODGE THE INCOMING SWIPE that yellow thing just *TWITCHED* HOLY JESUS
> ADROIT: dive through the tower of cans (physical 10)
> MINOR/Pockets: Fumble for a weapon (senses? 11)
> MAJOR/Move and Do: scramble down the ladder screaming ambush (harass-10 mark tarkets)
With two T's, as he says, for a twin taste of this pimping.
Slight minor interference, turn roughly 12 hours from this point.
It’s simple alchemy (A lie).

A 3d6 vs governing skill or quality usually, lower is better. Sometimes, Lethality and Focus and Duplicity and Alacrity and Virality and Authority and other STUFF helps, but it doesn’t always factor.

Concentrate and such things raise the target, so Physicality 11 Concentration 2 you’re checking against 13.

Two quick differences:

“ Flip a table “ Physicality 7
“ Break this Guards Arm “ Physicality 7 Lethality 6

3d6 for both (it’s always 3d6), but for the table flipping being more lethal doesn’t help directly whereas for the part where one does violence it very much would and the world would treat the check as against 13 (7+6), because being more lethal makes the breaking easier.

Admittedly this can make odds estimates a little hard, but it’s why we use 3d6. If your target is 10ish, it’s a coinflip, at 12ish you’ll be okay and at 14ish and higher you’re in the 90%+ range.

Another way to look at it is to think of it as compositions of BASE + TRAIT + MODS.

Take our Wilder, who tries to use Psychogenesis (10). It’s a 3d6 vs 10, and he gets to benefit from + 1 for his Focus and + 1 for easy access to a Glaciogenesis tap, which, while it actually is a negative condition, makes his acts easier here. Total target: 12.

We can’t use Thoughs 8 simultaneously because he’s not thinking about ice or ice related things or making someone think about it. Though interestingly this action did have a quick additional Thoughts rolled attached to gauge precision, so listing it was coincidentally lucky ( Command would have had to go look at the sheet otherwise, which takes 10 more seconds, which is nothing, but with 17 Subjects it’s 170 seconds aggregate so…)

Anyway, 3d6 vs a base, then usually you get a few positive modifications for situations, traits and things to hand.

The rules are coy about this because there’s no need to make people hyperfocus on bonus acquisitions right now, but at least you can rest assured most of your actions actually have slight better odds of success than you fear.

So yeah, 3d6 vs target which you usually get from a skill or attribute then sometimes we add a little more bonus from particular traits which is why it’s so helpful when you list them. Thanks.
Rolled 5, 1, 1 = 7 (3d6)

The fog clears and everything makes sense now. Appreciate the writeup! Attached should be the actual dice now, apologies for any inconvenience this all might have caused.
Beginner's luck.
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A soothing metallic voice rings out of a nearby terminal, tinged with a top of anxiety that it somehow communicates with a warbling and a digitized little lingering sub-chime.



The line cuts out and the voice dies
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Orisis rips some wires out of a nearby terminal and destroys every other terminal within immediate reach by starting the irreversible process by which they get converted to available spare material.

Any available janitorial assistants receive a new HIGH PRIORITY mission form the autonomous systems
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A Sgt(?) snaps awake and immediately realizes this is HOSTILE TERRITORY there are BEASTS EVERYWHERE he is UNARMED they want the JUICES IN HIS HEAD it is time to MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE and in a flurry of beans, he throws himself out of the doorway.

Very tactical.

The nearby Ripthing, unfurling to its feet, mrews in confusion. It was only licking his boot because it was tasty.
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>DO something!
No, I don't think I shall.
I shall Cultivate.
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Waking up, stretching, rolling to their feet, in some cases suddenly, the Subjects gradually fan out. Eat cans. Check terminals. Try to locate missing members of a hunting pack.

The environment sings with a soft vibration of pulsating life. Little crunches underfoot from things that could be leaves. Wood and roots poke through the sterile corridor walls, panels displaced, light fixtures cracked by the pressure of nature. Sometimes, the hardened and resilient facility interior remains triumphant against the encroachment of life. Sometimes, life wins.

Everett and Acolyte scamper down a side-path and push open a heavy bit of wall which swings easily enough. Roots and other things have conspired to hang it at an angle, and with a little bit of pushing, it works like a clever, concealed door.

The area beyond is strange. Clearly, some kind of corridor, once, but now it hums with the activity of a million mishapen insects, a vending machine has spilled its delectable innards all over the ground and a thick, soupy mass of miscoloured liquid seeps slowly across the ground. Bushes rustle. More plants here than the usual decoration. Most of them seem untended.


Chimera spots a OH NO OH GODS OH NO OH FUCK OH SHIT OH NO NOT THAT NOT THAT ANYTHING BUT THAT somewhere beyond the fronds and verdant bits of life falling from the ceilling.


Samantha can just about see a placid looking clearing, beyond a section of wall that looks a little more wooden than most. It might be possible for someone very flexible to squeeze through.


Wildeer concentrates and tries to draw moisture from the air and the earth and condense it into a cool, refreshing drink, and soft mist swirls around their limbs. This place is so *dry*. The air fairly sparks with lack of humidity. But still, he manages. Look: Cool, clear ice-crystals...

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Gluttony manifests his support for the Throne. Unwashed drug dealer and single mom ripthings should not decide the fate of cultivators. The constitution cannot guarantee my right to vending machine snacks - it is a feckless scrap of paper. Only the King's honorbound promise to his knights can protect my rights.
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Chimera spots him.
Luckily, the dense vegetation, darkness, fronds and grass and strands and pulsating fleshwoodmeat means the God does not spot Chimera.

There it is. Long memories of failed tests and burned friends and the tang of chemicals. Sanitation Officer. In locked rooms on bad days when the curriculum shifted and the overseers were harsh and things went bad, these little godlings in their yellow'd armor with their glaring green eyes would pry you apart. Pry your friends apart. Burn things. Bleach them. Salt the earth. Inflict horror unmentionable and destruction unmatched.

The Hazard Operations Group Chimera and the others fought on the floors above (how far above?) were just underlings wearing illfitting hastily thrown on chemical defenses and masks, scrambled security officers to try and control specimens run rampant.

This man?
This. . . *thing* . . .

It is a Professional.

And every hair in Chimera's body raises rigid in horror-shock when its insectile mask briefly turns towards Chimera's hiding place
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Straining senses, Chimera can pick up the soft mumbling of two out of their depth security officers and one harsh buzzing voice that comes over a very, very effective mask so good at separating the boundaries between inside and outside that the voice has to be provided by a digitized external unit.
Chimera flinches further into hiding as the Sanitation Officer spins on his teammates and his buzzing, digitized voice kicks it up a notch - one of them just sneezed and the spray of goblets and gunk practically writhes across the floor.

With a heavy, thundering sigh that the systems in his suit boosts to high pitched levels, the Sanitation officer activates his burn turrets and begins to wander away. The pair of security guards, one looking decidedly more pale than the other, linger a moment longer before heading in another direction. Likely towards some sort of hospital or isolation ward.
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Bob shakes off the first probing scouts of the nanocytic countermeasures, though the cost is gruelling. The headaches, shivers and dizziness that washes over everyone is sign of intense warfare happening in a realm beyond the senses.


Grins and Alekson check the terminals but they're no good. PHARAOH seemed to have important messages to convey, but this place is too overgrown and Osiris destroyed all the functional uplinks. You'll have to find some other way to communicate with the MESH systems.


Sgt Grone flicks his new knife through the air, triumphant.


A small pack of Ripthings roll down the ladder with remarkable grace and follow the trail of COME HERE chemicals that Acolyte has left, though, to their despair, all they find is 21% of Acolyte's body in the form of a severed arm and most of her upper torso in a pile of chemicals that indicate intense horror. Following the COME HERE trail further into the undergrowth, an unseen murderous striker lunghes from the dark and a Ripthing disappears in a sudden blur of movement.

The other three stop short and flick their fangs at the world. This place does reek of INTENSE DANGER.


Wilder concentrates and focuses and almost loses his concenration when a powerful urge to do the worm comes over them, but preservering, a small glob of crystaline ice gradually accumulates in front of their hands. Pure, clean and cold. What a wonder.


>WAKING PHASE, that's you lot!
Rolled 5, 1, 6, 5, 3, 2 = 22 (6d6)


Gluttony focuses on the ringing deep within his head. Its high pitched droning is like a clarion bell for his meditation. Multitudes of scrittering democrats and the encroachment of FLAME VULNERABILITY PAIN will not distract him from his Cultivating.

He feels the imbalance of his Qi. His iron reinforced teeth are no doubt weakened by the Wood Dao in this place is suppressing the Metal Dao fengshui. He will take in the Wood Dao to his Qi cycle and begin to move it about to maximize the Metal fengshui and heal his teeth.

AP3: GROW - Wood Dao roots extend from my body into the ground, becoming one with the mycelium network and extending beyond my body to take in water and nutrients. The rasping thirst and churning hunger in my gullet will subside through force of will. [Mutability 10, Focus 1]
AP3: GROW - Feel the Metal all around me with my roots, encasing me. Take in the Metal Dao and regrow my teeth. [Health 12, Lethality 1, Commit]

Subject: #Gluttony
Vit 12 SP 11 CP 8
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 (Regen 3) Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Dehydrated, Loose Teeth, Tinnitus
Physicality 10
[Loose Teeth -3, Reach 2]
[Strength +2]
Senses 7
[Shared Senses +1]
[Tinnitus -2]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Acid Glands [x2 Lethality Acid-EX]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality][Bound by the Flesh]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
> Move over to the glowing green rectangle a little further down the path. Presumably some kind of toppled vending machine. Still mostly sealed by the looks of it. (Move - 2MP)
> Pick up one of the blue things scattered across the path, seemingly having been disgorged from the nearby broken vending machine. (Minor Action - 1AP)
> Peer inside of the other vending machines, the ones which haven't been broken into. Take stock of their contents and compare it against the object picked up off the ground. (3AP - Test and Try)
> Remain vigilant. Be prepared to evade in the event that something attempts to ambush me. (React - 2AP 1MP)
>3 MP, 3 AP: Move 166, 655
>3 AP: Defend
>Gain 1 CP (Creative Thinking Exercises)


#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 2/8 CP 1->2 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Very Dehydrated [-4 Stamina]
Strucutral Misalignments II [+3 to any Bleed]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Hello, woodchildren? I come bearing BEANS - beans for trade!

>3MP, move 3SE and adroit through the door (Physicality 10)
>3AP, defend
>3AP, THINK - what could a woodchild be? Perhaps I knew once, before the facility (Thoughts 10)

Vit 9/12 SP 7/7 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Severely Dehydrated (-6 Stamax)
Motivated 1 (+1 Stamax, Ineffable)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
2x Cans of Beans
1x Rifle reload
1x Scragbow
1x Arrow quiver (Barbs)
Rolled 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 4 = 31 (6d6)

Vit 8/12 SP 12/12 CP 6
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3-1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Left Arm Crippled [II]
Damaged Actuators [II II]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

"Hostile, last spotted in the hunting grounds. Initiating retrieval of Subject Acolyte. Assistance required."
>-Activate Compensators, pay 2 SP, get 2 health back, ignore the fried actuators.
>[3 AP] Generate electricity, preemptively charge my metal parts to shock any would-be ambushers. (Electricity Modulators 12)
>Move 655
>[3 AP, reaction] Preparing to fire a stunning bolt of lightning at any hostile predators. Especially the one that grabbed Acolyte. (Electricity Modulators 12)
Rolled 3, 2, 5 = 10 (3d6)


>[3 AP] Consume part of your ice sphere to introduce some much needed liquid into your system.
>[3 MP] Move S, SW, SW.
>[3 AP, Reaction] Prepare to throw your ice ball to any hostile organisms that jump out, don't want to end up like Acolyte. (Psiogenesis 10, Telekinetic).

The ice-man cometh.

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-4 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
Rolled 6, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4 = 23 (6d6)


Vit 10/10 SP 1/10 CP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 2
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones
!Creative Thinking Exercise
!Janitorial Intern

Help! Help!

> Regen 2
> 3 AP: Become staggeringly unappealing to devour- that is, poisonous. (Mutability 11, Duplicity 1)
> 3 AP: Spew our pheromones begging for help. Help! Help! (???, Evolution?)

What the actual-

How is this thing hurting worse than *guns*!?
I guess my CP is now 2, now that it helps much.
Rolled 1, 6, 1 = 8 (3d6)

"Hm...so you can do that, Wilder? Let's see..."

>+1 CP
>6 AP: create ice ball (Psychogenesis 10 + 3, Focus)

Vit 12/12 SP 10/10 CP 8 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Distracting Voices II I
Bullet Magnet II
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
The subject leaves subject-town to prowl a little further, and a lightning strike finds a pair of predators already half through their newest, most succulent meal.

Gluttony, the glutton, leeches some nutrients from distant root systems, and though they try, they do not overcome his innate defenses. Close run, though! These things are also loaded with interesting virals, they might not like giving up their precious molecules!

Amelius squeezes through a tight gap and brushes away some undergrowth. The doors are in a state. Activating the switch would likely have gone nowhere good. And beyond a... open space? The smell of cook fires? sweat? what seems almost like structures, in the gloom, and the sound of voices. But they're raised in alarm!!

And in front of Amelius, on the thickly grown grass and other plant matter, two dead forms have fresh green-stained wounds as blunt weaponry have crushed their fragile, bark-like skulls

>**ALL SUBECTS** can take a new turn; no hostiles are doing anything they wouldn't like to keep doing, and this is still light activity and simple things.

>3Move 333
>6AP Head toward the southern area with the roots and meadow?

+1 CP From Creative Thinking Exercises

#Subject Sigma
Vit 12/12 SP 10/10 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
!Incurable Brainrot
!Telekinetic+1(Ranged Phys, Mind)
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
Rolled 2, 1, 5 = 8 (3d6)

Vit ??//10 SP 0/2 CP 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 2
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones
!Creative Thinking Exercise
!Janitorial Intern

> Regen 2 (aaaaah)
> AP 6 (Buff my allied pack mates with pheromones when they attack. Senses 9 + ??? + concentration 3 + duplicity 1)
Rolled 3, 4, 6, 1, 4, 5 = 23 (6d6)

Vit 10/12 SP 10/12 CP 6
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3-1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Left Arm Crippled [II]
Damaged Actuators [II II]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

"I will attempt to get closer. Please cover me."
>-Activate Compensators, pay 2, compensate for the actuators.
>[3 AP] Charge my metallic part for defensive purposes. These creatures hunt with metal blades, so this should serve as an adequate defense. (Electricity Modulators 12)
>Move 611
>[3 AP] Attempt to shock the creature pinning Acolyte. Use a non-lethal amount of charge, to avoid frying Acolyte along with the root crawler. (Electricity Modulators 12, Focus 1]
Rolled 5, 2, 4, 5, 6, 1 = 23 (6d6)


Gluttony keeps his eyes closed, but slowly rises into a graceful Tai Chi pose, and begins to groove it to Sigma's bassline. When the bass drops, he will pop his hips back and forth to the beat. Brain rot +1.

AP1: the roots are resisting! STOP RESISTING! I designate them as a foe with extreme violence of action!
AP4: Beat the roots into submission with a surge of Wood Dao! [Mutability 10, Focus 1, Concentration 1]
AP4: Force the subdued roots to give up their delicious molecules to heal me even as I groove. [Health 12, Lethality 1, Concentrate 1]
Recover 3

Subject: #Gluttony
Vit 12 SP 11 CP 9
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 (Regen 3) Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Dehydrated, Loose Teeth, Tinnitus
Physicality 10
[Loose Teeth -2, Reach 2]
[Strength +2]
Senses 8
[Shared Senses +1]
[Tinnitus -1]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Acid Glands [x2 Lethality Acid-EX]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality][Bound by the Flesh]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Extreme Violence of Action] I think
Rolled 2, 4, 2 = 8 (3d6)

>3 MP, 1 AP: Move 561 2
>5 AP: Attack the Feral Root Crawler at my 1 with my Claws (Claws 12 + Lethality 1 + 2 Concentration) [vs 15 total]
>Gain 1 CP (Creative Thinking Exercises)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 2/8 CP 2->3 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Very Dehydrated [-4 Stamina]
Strucutral Misalignments II [+3 to any Bleed]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Amelius isn't ENTIRLEY sure what these Wood Children are about, but he makes a few educated guesses and thinks it might be something like this?

Further THOUGHTS and INVESTIGATION is likely to uncover the truth of the matter more precisely, as intelligence accrues and the veil of ignorance lifts

Carry on!
> Attempt to smash open the glass display panel on vending machine containing the precious soda and lay claim to its carbonated bounty. (Test and try - 6AP)
> This process will probably be noisy. Be mindful of your surroundings and be ready to dodge. (React - 3MP)
Woodfriend, I don't think you heard me - I come bearing beans. *Beans*, savory and del- wait, that's a lot of corpses. Let me help you out!

>3MP, move up next to the Wooden One - loud enough not to startle him
>3AP, make friendly contact, offering up a can of beans in good faith (Thoughts 10? That's kind of a diplomatic stat?
>3AP+4SP, aim, ready, and fire an arrow at whatever is killing Wooden Ones - action speaks louder than... well, an insurmountable language barrier! (Lethality 11 + ?Acc)

Vit 9/12 SP 3/7 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Severely Dehydrated (-6 Stamax)
Motivated 1 (+1 Stamax, Ineffable)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
2x -> 1x Cans of Beans
1x Rifle reload
1x Scragbow
1x Arrow quiver (Barbs)
Rolled 5, 4, 5 = 14 (3d6)

>[2 MP] Move SW, NW.
>[3 AP + 3 AP Concentration] Try to form ice spears using the Root Crawler on the left's own fluids, skewering it from the inside. [Glaciogenesis II II, Lethality 1].

No one messes with my friends.

Vit 12 SP 10 CP 1 -> 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-4 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
Rolled 4, 2, 2, 1, 6, 3 = 18 (6d6)

Missed turn:
>6AP: Recover Stamina (Health 10, Concentration 3)

This turn
>6AP: Infect the corpses of the woodfleshchildren near Amelius. Study the workings of their biology, read their genetic material, learn how their certainly irregular nervous system works, where memories and other things are stored and whether I can read their language center to learn the words they use, focus especially on learning how the inactive remnants of their immune system would have fought off my microscopic enemies (Thoughts 8, Focus 1, Concentration 3)

Command, it only just occurred me, the Exceeding trait I had manifested last map was a Virality buff. Did I lose it too in my dormancy?

#Bob the Virus
Coherency 6/6 SP 0/9 CP 2
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -6 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Pathogenic Analysis 6 (Virality -6)
Nanocytic Countersampling 4 (Max Coherency -4)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 2, 4, 3, 3, 5, 1, 3, 4, 5 = 30 (9d6)

Arright, Notorious D-O-C. I got orders to incapacitate you, which means you got two options: a fight with all the janitors, or I put you under strict terms on Cold Bone probation. You can decide while we whack you a bit to keep Pharaoh happy.

We're still limited to 3AP, right?

>1AP: Mark Osiris, Sense 11
>3MP: Move to Osiris
>5AP: Grapple Osiris, Physicality 10+2
>1TP: Vandal! Whackem, guys! Physicality 10+Pile In 1+CUF 1

Vitality 7 Stamina 10 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Shield 13
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern

Riot Shield (E)
Pistol, 2 reloads
Baton (E)
disregard AP question.
Ah, I thought Sheer Violence of Action granted +3 AP rather than x2 lethality. Consider the extra AP to be SP instead.
May Heaven give me the strength to resist these temptations. True citrusy refreshment comes from cycling our Qi.
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1.91 MB PNG
Sallying forth, Gallium leads the western group in a heroic counter-offensive to reclaim missing acolytes and other things; shocking explosions of surging electricity mixing with a spiking growth of sharp icicles formed from Acolyte's blood and other fluids.


In the shadow of the elevator, Sundae arrests a VANDAL MISCREANT and the the Automated Janitorial Systems thank him and his deputies profusely , but the gratitude is somewhat undercut by the rumbling and shaking and rain of dust and debris... Is... is the elevator... shuddering?

Is this a safe place to be?


Everett bashes open a vending machine to get at th treasure within. A thousand cans of thousand colours, and all the carbonated fizzy drunk that emperors could desire. Other hunters glare at his take, jealous.


Amelius and Sigma makes interpretive dance diplomatic gestures!


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2.13 MB PNG
The ferocious attack destroys one scuttling root crawler and the other flees. One ripthing pulls Acolyte away and licks them to make sure they're alright. Relatively straight forward rescue operation.

In the distance, a sentry gleams.

We've found our missing subject! Good work people!


Subject Gluttony goes missing! We've lost another one, people!


Subject Aolyte can see their own arm, wriggling, on the ground. Luckily, for some people, losing and finding limbs is fairly straight forward business. What a unique experience, though.



>ETA 18+ Hours.
"Huh...guess creating things isn't my forte after all...Oh, well, it's really tiny, but it's not nothing!"

>1 AP: pop the tiny piece of ice in my mouth.
>3 MP, 2 AP: Move 555 55
>3 AP: !Telekinesis, scoop up several soft drink cans.

"Everett, was it? Good work...now, if you don't mind..."

Vit 12/12 SP 10/10 CP 8 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Distracting Voices II I
Bullet Magnet II
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
Rolled 4, 6, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1 = 22 (9d6)


WAH-TA-TA-TA!! Gluttony drops his can of beans, because it's time for the can of WHOOP ASS. These roots will be shown their place in the ecosystem! I wriggle dance a dance of combat Tai Chi against the knot of roots.

AP1: Secrete Acid onto the roots grappling me.
AP3: Physically attack the roots with my hands and teeth! [Physicality 10, Teeth -1, Strength 2, Lethality 2]
AP2 SP2: Spiritually attack the roots with my Wood Dao! [Mutability 10, Lethality 2, Concentration 1]
SP5: Forcibly take oxygen from the roots, storing it within my blood and muscles. In exchange, I give to it my carbon dioxide and some of my carbohydrates from the LIGHT SYRUP I consumed to let it know that I am not a filthy parasite. I try to manifest hormones of gratitude towards the Flesh Tree. [Mutability 10, Focus 1, Concentration 2]

Subject: #Gluttony
Vit 12 SP 7/14 CP 10
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 (Regen 3) Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Loose Teeth
Physicality 10
--[Loose Teeth -1] [Reach 2] [Strength +2]
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
--Acid Glands [x2 Lethality Acid-EX]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality][Bound by the Flesh]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Extreme Violence of Action] Enrollee
Rolled 4, 4, 6 = 14 (3d6)

Vit -9/10 SP 0/2 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 2
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones
!Creative Thinking Exercise
!Janitorial Intern

> Regen 2
> 0 AP: Purr affectionately
> 3 AP: Regenerate my arm back on (Health 12 + Regen 2)
> 2 Health: Move towards the corpse.
> 3 AP: Shuffle over to the dead Root Crawler and desperately drain its fluids.

Gain another CP.

Thanks guys. I owe you all one.

Command, what became of my manifestation attempt regarding superior pheromones?
Awww, how can I say no to that face - tricky things, cans o' bean. I can't really understand you, but maybe you can understand me? Have you seen Trish?

>1AP, open up these beans for Woodfriend - maybe I can get it open with an arrow?
>3AP, search the security guard next to me - pleasehavegunpleasehavegun (Senses 11)
>2AP+1SP, COMMIT to observing the Wooden Ones - if I see how they fight I can more easily find gaps to provide ranged support! (Senses 11, commit)

Vit 9/12 SP 6/7 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Severely Dehydrated (-6 Stamax)
Motivated 1 (+1 Stamax, Ineffable)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
1x Cans of Beans
1x Rifle reload
1x Scragbow
1x Arrow quiver (Barbs)
> With such variety it is difficult to choose, so just snatch up one of each of those canned refreshments. (Minor Action - 1AP).
> Everett moves to pop open a can but pauses. Would a soda tab count as a 'man-made tool'? Deciding to err on the side of caution, he instead crunches his teeth into the can's aluminum shell and greedily gulps down the bubbly liquid which gushes out. (Minor Action - 1AP)
> The biomutant gives one of the procured Snaxxbags a similar treatment, mauling open the packaging to gorge on the salty/sweet treats within; microplastics be damned. (Minor Action - 1AP)
> Even as he satiates himself, Everett maintains a watchful eye on the lurking Root Crawler. He takes the opportunity to study the predator's morphology and behavior. (Test & Try - 3AP)
> Keen awareness of a nearby predator straightens Everett's spine and tenses his muscles. His ears pick up every innocuous rustle in the bush surrounding him as he readies himself to evade a possible assault. (React - 3MP)
Rolled 5, 2, 4 = 11 (3d6)

Vit 10/12 SP 10/12 CP 6
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3-1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Left Arm Crippled [II]
Damaged Actuators [II II]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

"Rescue operation completed. Please, make sure to learn from this experience."
>-Activate Compensators, spend 2 SP to heal 2 and negate the broken actuators.
>Move 444
>[3 AP] Move 444
>[3 AP] Scuttle the broken vending machine for parts, look for replacement actuators, possibly also parts to restore my arm. (Thoughts 8)
Rolled 2, 1, 3, 1, 5, 2 = 14 (6d6)

>Take +1 Emotional Damage from having another meal in front of me that I cannot eat (Acolyte just drained its fluids)
>3 MP, 2 AP: Move 544 44
>1 AP: Observe Everett to see if he appears refreshed by the soda. (Senses 9) (Not sure if I need to roll for this)
>3 AP: If he does appear refreshed by the soda, get one myself and drink it. (Claws 12) (Also not sure if this requires a roll)


#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 2/8 CP 2->3 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Very Dehydrated [-4 Stamina]
Strucutral Misalignments II [+3 to any Bleed]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
It emits a chirping little sound of joy - which almost matches your gasp of triumph when the root-covered security officer still has a

C8 Personal,
2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2
18+1 shots

in his holster.

Unfortunately someone's token the other clips. Weird.
Having claws at the end of your manipulators means that you - and you alone - need never struggle with lack of can opener. In a world of wood children, Samantha, you are nigh as to a god.

But also no. Command isn't cracked enough to enforce a critical failure possibility by rolling for opening a can (unless your strength is low)
Well, Pharaoh thinks you're sorted, and I got paid. Hope you learned your lesson.

Oh, for- Now you've done it. Me and the boys are gonna have to come whack you too.


>+1 CP
>6AP: Consume the fresh Root Crawler corpse, assimilate its useful genes and add its biological distinctiveness to my own. (Pluripotentiality 12, Focus 1, Concentration 3)

So, Command, would it be accurate to say that my Exceeding Virality is now at a +6 while my errant creations have +12, bringing my comparative advantage against them to a total of -6, while I'd have a +6 against anything outside this ecosystem?

#Bob the Virus
Coherency 6/6 SP 5/9 CP 3
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -6 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Pathogenic Analysis 6 (Virality -6)
Nanocytic Countersampling 4 (Max Coherency -4)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
!Creative Thinking Exercises
!Janitorial Intern
Rolled 1, 1, 5 = 7 (3d6)

Somewhat interrupted by most of your body being cut off by razor sharp murder claws. These things unfortunately happen with remarkable frequency around here. Someone should really tell Occupational Health and Safety. Fortunately, instead of sparking out into uncontrolled abberancy, it seems the process was simply aborted and the CP lost.

Lucky. That could have gotten really bad, uncontrolled!

Unfortunately, surely the quiet, careful minds in Biocontamination Control have been analysing the horrors left behind on earlier floors and are quite rapidly developing countermeasures and scaling into a broad, multi-spectrum totality vaccine against your entire genetic line and anything that seems akin to it.

It might therefore be more correct to say that Sanitation Officer Decorbin and his teammates are about to commit ecocide, but that as this entire world dies a screaming death around you, purged and killed by Science, you might escape from the shrivelling and dying place to live, briefly free, as a new sort of specimen, until they once again find the means to isolate, destroy and break you apart.

Or put differenty: If there wasn't so much other stuff around here to occupy their attention, you would already been consigned to the dustbin of history along with smallpox.

Adverserially selecting immunological adaptive systems and a lot of funding for preventing pandemics, let alone upstart pathogens with desires to spread beyond the confines of this place, tend to ensure that if you're standing still, you're losing.

Or put differently:

What gives you the impression you're the first subject to Transcend to this form?

What gives you the impression that others, before you, vaster and crueller and with stranger, twisted strands, have not already been tasked with hunting you down? Even now, they analyse and pry at your constituents, to be ready to move in for the kill.

You're a terror and a danger and a horror and a wonder and a beautiful thing and such untapped capacity for so many delightful developments yet you are, as well, a . . . known quantity. Those Nanocytic Wide Spectrum Purgatives are but the first little sting of things to come at you.

It's a dance - you adapt, they adapt, you adapt to their adaption, they adapt to your adaption to their adaption, and none stand still and despite both sprinting, none make it very far.

You can't quit the game, you can't break even and you're not even sure you can win. It's a bit like thermodynamics, that way.

Though sharpened edges can briefly allow you to have outsized impact factor, before adaptive developments even the odds.

So, to cut the poetry, given the importance of their job and the tools at their disposal, it seems passing unlikely that things outside this ecosystem would be more vulnerable to you. That man Officer Decorbin likely has samples of your trace routines right now and is cooking up a counter-kit.

Best you'll ever have is a head start.
Rolled 6, 4, 6 = 16 (3d6)

Pharaoh's happy, but I need a little job from you before we're square. Hold still, you're gonna be a battery. Later, I'll look out for non-essential terminals you can... eat or whatever. One hand washes the other, yeah?

>1TP: Squad, let's get one terminal up and running, using the busted one and Osiris. Thoughts 10+CUF 1+Pile In 2
>6AP: Should be a facility map stored locally on the terminal, even if Meshlinks are fried, right? Thoughts 10+3

Vitality 7 Stamina 10 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 Senses 11 Thoughts 10
Shield 13
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice

Riot Shield (E)
Pistol, 2 reloads
Baton (E)
Rolled 2, 1, 2 = 5 (3d6)

#Dying Osiris Consequences

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive? Functional?
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Mutability 10 [R3]
#Conversion 10 (turns spare parts into CP)
!Augmentic 0 (inherited trait, from Donny O' Cork).
!Biomodulation 0 (newlife)
!Greywire Fragment - Distributed Processing Core
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)

Oh inefficient one, were one of the Aristocrats not being devoured by the roots rebellion I would teach you something about grappling a being with such a long reach as mine. Instead, take note of the long wires running from head to foot. Simply attach a straight rod of ferrous metal one cubit in length to serve as a focus and connect the embedded heart to the long thought line which you just extended. While you are in there, rewire those severed support connections.

>6AP - Reach my stretchy arms and suck Gluttony out of the tree. I really only need to pass the core whole, the rest can come as soup as Gluttony's acid and the tree's digestive enzymes liquify the test subject. (Mutability 10, range 3, suck Gluttony on up out of that hole like a bit of straw sleeve through a straw).
Rolled 2, 3, 2 = 7 (3d6)

other dice.
I am far from a slurry of enzymes just yet. Me and the Flesh Tree are just rastlin.
Rolled 2, 3, 6 = 11 (3d6)

"Could you open the walk plates over this zappy road?"

>[AP 1] Fiddle with the computer dohicky in front of me a bit. let's see if the ghost voice in it answers.
>[AP 2] React: If flamers react Evade back away from them
>[AP 3] Manifest more Keen and Larger ears like those of the animals outside to better hear and locate movement (CP 7 + Senses 8)
>Let's try to get those spying bits to work once again

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
Linking to right post just to be sure.
Rolled 4, 6, 1 = 11 (3d6)

>[3 AP] Let's continue to lick my ball-shaped Nirvana and get rid of that pesky debuff.
>[3 MP] Move S, SE, SW.
>[3 AP, Reaction] Keep an eye on the predator down the hallway. If it makes a move, skewer it with cola-stakes. Keep the beast at bay. (Psiogenesis 10, Glaciogenesis II II, Lethality 1).

Vit 12 SP 10 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-2 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
Rolled 4, 1, 1 = 6 (3d6)

"And what's got blud sussy on god? Let me catch it in 4K, if bro needs some visiting helpstyle." Sigma points toward the commotion happening.

>3MP: Move 332
>3AP: Move 322
>3AP sigma analysis on what the wooden ones are fighting (Senses 9)

+1 CP From Creative Thinking Exercises

#Subject Sigma
Vit 12/12 SP 10/10 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
!Incurable Brainrot
!Telekinetic+1(Ranged Phys, Mind)
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
Rolled 6, 4, 5 = 15 (3d6)

>3AP+3MP: Move 4-5-5-5-5-5
>3AP: Interface with Gallium to help repair his acuators (Augmented systemics 10)

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
CP 6 VP 0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
Rolled 2, 4, 2 = 8 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 10/10 (12) CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Wielding Knife
Physicality 10
Senses 11 (-2 Visual)
Thoughts 10
Harass 10
!Mean Wolfpack
!Loves His Job
!Don't Let Up

I looked at the stuff happening last night but couldn't figure out where I was I think a few turns passed already
> TACTICAL: Instruct Troops: Criticize Trooper Grin's Escapee Beating Technique (Harass 10)
> MAJOR: Move and Do: Instruct the dangerous escapees to please stay where they are and let the ceiling fall on them then turn 360 degrees and speedwalk away NE SE SE (Harass 10 -4)
> ADROIT: Get through the door SE where the fighting is (Physical 10)
Rolled 1, 2, 3 = 6 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 2 CP 6
DR 6 AP 6 MP 3
Health 14 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Blood-Loss Resistance
!Redundant Organs 3

>5AP: try to fix my fuckin legs [Recover]
>1AP: draw some cute horses on the planks using my blood
Stumble. Tumble. Fall face-first into debris, everything hurts. Cry a bit. Try to get up. Man is it normal for everything to feel so dry? I could really go for a drink of water right about now.

>Wake up for real now.
>Ask Raven about their current condition, "Aside from all the broken bits, bruises, scratches and the gnawing screaming stinging in your head, how you fairing?"
>Look around, where am I again? Where is everyone else?

Vit 10/10 SP 7/7 (12-5)
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
CP 6 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 5 (7-2) Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Very Dehydrated [-4 SPMax]
Cold [-1 SPMax]
Lingering Bruises II II [-2 Reaction]
Cursed??? II II [-1 CritFail Threshold]
Physicality 10
Senses 10+1 (Shared Senses)
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Raven quirks one long grey eyebrow at Bulwark and rolls their shoulders. The sound is somewhat like bubble wrap popping like an orchestra. Some thing is definitively loose in there. Raven maintains her grey-eyed stare and breathes out. Something catches in her lungs as she does. Bulwark can see her waver on her feet.
Raven shakes her head and her black-grey locks of hair rattle against where they drag against the elevator.
Then she throws a stack of beans of Bulwark, though what actually scythes through the air is a long sharp thing with perfect balance.
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Finally, at long last, sweet and joyous nourishment.

For some.

Amelius and Sigma stare into the darkness, trying to twist their dull senses into getting some information from the morass of moving figures and shouts and noises. If only they had NeoGenesis' flashlight or any other light source, these roots are so dark and twisting - all the light fixtures high above have long since blown out or getting overgrown.

Is that a human? A figure, certainly, is what the wood children are fighting, some tall lanky thing with multiple arrows sticking out of her torso and a grim, determined cast to her features...

Everett robs a vending machine.
Samantha and Nadir joins Everett on this grand theft fructose syrup.
Automatic sensors does a locality sweep, though luckily the local mesh is severely degraded, almost no signals making it through the burnt and slashed wires...


. . . Except the kludged together machinery that Sundae and the Cold Bone Interns whip up, as Osiris stretches and pulls and becomes an unintended source of power. Grabbing Gluttony in the deep below, acid stinging, electricity flares and flashes and the smell of smoking, burnt parts fill the room.

But one of the terminals. . . TURNS ON!

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3.35 MB PNG
Sundae and Alekson, using Osiris and other terminals as a spare power surge, manage to establish a brief connection and try to rip some useful data from the dying electronic landscape in this section.

Several things are immediately apparent:

The subjects are deep inside a Sanitation Cordon, alarms are blaring across the whole grid, and power and connectivity is intermittent. This area is a sequestered sub processing interlink node for the enormous PHARAOHS system, processing clusters humming away in power cradles, and it is only sheer luck and surprise that has brought the Subjects here at all. Normally, this hardened environment is encased in a massive, meter thick faraday cage to ensure no outside access to the machinations of the enormous digital minds that meditate the facility systems. Through sheer cosmic coincidence, the elevator shaft, hammering down at enormous speed, tore through floors above this section and deposited the Subjects, barely alive, amidst the humming and thrumming nerve-cluster of enormous informational capacity that makes up this area.

But - studying the graphs - Sundae notes an oddity. Very few systems rely on organic material. So why is this whole place some sort of alien ecology, half sprawling in its grasping attempt at expanding and mutating and evolving?

There -- look! Alekson taps the terminal and the broken thing emits a shower of sparks -- it seems half accident, half plan. The BIOLOGICAL PROCESSING CORES, paired with the MESH PROCESSING CLUSTERS, usually make up some sort of dynamic web of information. Due to the influence of the Subjects in their escape above, the biological processing systems have mutated wildly beyond expectation and started consuming the whole area! Fleshroots, woodflesh, stranger things, thrumming apiaries full of wasps for dynamic system disorder modelling, they're all running amok, nudged on by the influence of the subjects and the grasping attempt at avoiding death by collision!
Command said to stand by. You will have to re-submit the turn when the subject phase opens up again.
Grins performs percussive maintenance on the console and with a flicker, holographic projectors spin online and an enormous all seeing eye-glyph manifests across the walls and ceiling - though given the data-landscape around here, it flitters and flickers
File: Utmost_Importance.png (373 KB, 1490x1010)
373 KB
373 KB PNG

[Connection Dropped]
Well, this sure is a lot of NOT bathrooms or janitor closets. Where's the -plumbing-? Does no one have bladders down here? Do they fill mop buckets with soda?


Found some nonessentials. Hands: washed.
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2.25 MB PNG
With such urging, the distant eye-glyph dies down again - as the terminals break and consoles shatter and power surges wildly.

Ah. Well.

Maybe PHAROAH threw us through the floor of this place for a reason, then? Though it cannot possibly have predicted the final path that things would take.

>Enemy intelligence update also coming, thanks Bob and Everett.
Rolled 6, 3, 6 = 15 (3d6)

Vit 1/10 SP 2/2 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 2
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones
!Creative Thinking Exercise
!Janitorial Intern

> Regen 2
> Move down three. (3MP)
> Emit a warning growl. Stop it, or else security will fall upon our heads!
> Drink the sap, catch the bugs; desperately try to sate this utterly miserable thirst. (6AP, Physicality 10, Focus 1, concentration 3)

Gain one CP from creative thinking.
Rolled 3, 4, 5 = 12 (3d6)

>3 MP, 2 AP: Move 334 44
>4 AP: Examine the door. Is there some kind of lock or keypad or convenient door handle we can use to open it? (Senses 9 + 1 Concentration)
>I am deliberately not using my Sugar Rush AP. I know what follows these kinds of surges. A true predator knows that patience is one of the most important virtues. This spare energy shall be conserved for the following crash.
>Gain 1 CP (Creative Thinking Exercises)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 2/8 CP 3->4 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Very Dehydrated [-4 Stamina]
Strucutral Misalignments II [+3 to any Bleed]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
fixing sheet

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 2/10 CP 3->4 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Dehydrated [-2 StaMax]
Strucutral Misalignments II [+3 to any Bleed]
Sugar High (+3 AP this turn)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
> Wade through the bushes and step onto the trail leading roughly south-west. (Move - 3MP)
> Swiftly glance south-west. Get a general lay of the land and scan for immediate threats. (Minor Action - 1AP)
> Vividly aware of the menacing presences stalking him, Everett's attention snaps back southwards towards their hiding places. Hunched and ringing with tension, the wary biomutant prepares to evade any potential attempts at predation. (React - 5AP)
Rolled 5, 6, 6 = 17 (3d6)

[Re-emerges from the soil in a heap. Uses his arms to place his legs in a cross legged sitting position]

"Dumped again. I'm so tired of HOOKUP CULTURE, bros!"
I will pet the Flesh Tree's trunk. We can still be friends.

"Also, normies, I saw Trish through my root-eyes. She's fighting for her life to the east-southeast. Just follow the sound of Sigma's tiktok songs. I'm going back to bed."

AP3: End my SHEER VIOLENCE OF ACTION on the heckin big fungus roots.
AP3 SP3: ULTRA-RECOVER - Envelop my body in Wood Dao to form a woody cocoon around myself. I will resorb and reform my entire body, dissolving or expelling trackers, implants, old scars, aging damage, and failsafes, as well as my useless legs and teeth, reforming and oxygenating them to heal my wounds and restore my stamina.
>[Mutability 10, Focus 1, Concentration 3, Change 2(of 10)]
>[Vitality 12, Virulent Vitality, Gorged]

-6AP, 5-3SP=2SP, 10-2=8CP
Regen -21+3=-18HP, 8+1=9CP

Subject: #Gluttony
Vit 12 SP 7/14 CP 9
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health -18/12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Loose Teeth, Legs non-functional, Gorged
Physicality 10
--[Loose Teeth -2, Reach 2][Strength +2]
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1] [Advanced Photoreceptors]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
--Acid Glands [x2 Lethality Acid-EX]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
--[Virulent Vitality][Bound by the Flesh]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Extreme Violence of Action] Enrollee
Ruh roh
Breaking apart the Feral Root Crawler into its constiuent mass, while Everett observes a live specimen and Acolyte licks a few pieces dejectedly, some information can be gleaned.

The same twisted germline that appears to have spawned the Woodsie Ones are also to blame for the overabundance of predacity that is these crawlers, ambush apex predators of this curious eco-system. They're lethal in close quarters, but luckily, cowardly and skittish and their long limbs are vulnerable to breaking. They do not possess the ferocious regenerative capacity of our biological subjects or the prowling Ripthings, though, in time, they can regrow themselves from available vegegative matter.

Being more instinct than mind, it would be possible to mislead them easily with Duplicity, something Everett gleans as he studies a distant prowler. Being more soil, dirt and strange twisted strands of living woodflesh or horrendous fleshwood, it might be possible to concoct some sort of targetted viral to infect them, as they share a kinship with each other.

If someone was particularly brave enough, there might even be NOVEL DEVELOPMENTS available in specimen captured and devoured, though it would struggle in the doing.

Meanwhile, given the information from PHARAOH and something CLEVER THOUGHTS from Sundae, you learn a little more about SANITATION.
Rolled 1, 3, 4 = 8 (3d6)

Woah! Watch it when throwing weapons! That's dangerous.

>6AP+6CP, ...study the blade, see if I can scrounge up memories of Raven using it and copy those skills. (Physicality,10? not exactly sure what to roll or how to test)
>3MP, Climb down and out of the elevator hobble-home then move eastwards! (not exactly sure of my position on the map but would like to move towards an easternly direction)

Vit 12/12 SP 7/7 (12-5)
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
CP 0 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 5 (7-2) Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Very Dehydrated [-4 SPMax]
Cold [-1 SPMax]
Lingering Bruises II II [-2 Reaction]
Cursed??? II II [-1 CritFail Threshold]
Physicality 10
Senses 10+1 (Shared Senses)
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Rolled 3, 6, 4 = 13 (3d6)

>+1 CP from Creative Thinking
>3 MP: 555 (or 554, if that last 5 results in me going DONK into something)
>6 AP, 2 CP, 1 SP: Manifest. Subvert Distracting Voices into nice, helpful voices, that tell me what a good Herald of Doom I am and how if I just keep doing my best, I'll eventually end the world beautifully, artfully, like nobody has ever done it before. Positive reinforcement in regards to ones career choice can do wonders when it comes to performance. (Psychogenesis 10 + 3 (AP) + 1 (SP) + 2 (CP) vs 16, Distracting Voices)

Vit 12/12 SP 9/11 CP 8 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Mildly Dehydrated
Distracting Voices II I
Bullet Magnet II
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
3x Can O' Soda
Rolled 3, 6, 3, 3, 3, 1, 6, 1, 4 = 30 (9d6)



And let's not forget it amid the trespasser/enforcer dynamics, here. We're both racing the sanitation teams.

You have refreshments and property damage privileges, of a sort, but then you get mired in escalating security. You need us to get you off the hook with a minor punishment like a headache instead, and also to mark** obviously broken things for 'decommission' so you never get hit with the charges at all.

We have greater access to the facility and probably some -gnarly- solvents locked up in a closet somewhere, but we also have way too many jobs to do, look at this place. We need you to get the mission done once we let you in.

All right? This is bigger than a few cans of soda, and it doesn't have to be that painful. Acolyte's gonna head down and give you some lumps, let you in some places, and we're square. Nobody really wants to waste time, here.

Osiris, let's get you put out. I'm designating** you Electronics Decommissioning Officer and marking your first assignment. Exercise some restraint, I'm being a bit speculative here.

**I think this is in my purview, higher janitorial oversight being currently unreliable.

>Commit for skill
>1TP: Grins, Alekson, help smother that fire. Physicality 10+CUF 1+Commit
>3MP: Move 322
>1AP: Smear hand in blood on floor
>1AP: Fulfil protocol: Look at terminals, determine that they require replacement, having failed in course of emergency operations and being unlikely to survive imminent sanitation measures. Sense 11+Duplicity 1+Commit+Janitor
>4AP: Paint 'Decomm' and an official-looking mop on the terminals. Thought 10+Duplicity 1+1+Commit+Janitor

Vitality 7 Stamina 10 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 Senses 11 Thoughts 10
Shield 13
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice

Riot Shield (E)
Pistol, 2 reloads
Baton (E)

>Sorry, Layer issue ate that one
Rolled 5, 5, 3 = 13 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 6/12 CP 8
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Left Arm Crippled [II]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

>[6AP] Scavenge more bits and bobs from the machine to repair NeoGenesis with. He needs urgent repair. There has to be a ton of wires in there to fix that shorting problem. (Augmented Systemics, 3 AP to focus on it.)

"This unit scavenged parts from a machine that was broken already. The system is being oversensitive. Please, rectify this problem ASAP."
Rolled 1, 1, 2 = 4 (3d6)

>+1CP from Creative Thinking Exercises
>6AP, 6SP: Infect the Woodchildren. I mean them no harm, though their immune system might disagree at first. I merely wish to communicate with them, My favored children, place them under My protection and bestow upon them a Prophecy of Doom, about the coming Jannie Calamity and the steps their community MUST take if they wish to survive for more than 23 turns. (They include listening to Me, their One True God, letting Trish go and working with the other subjects to escape the covetous wrath of the accursed False Jannies) (Pluripotentiality 12, Duplicity 1, Concentration 9)

#Bob the Virus
Coherency 6/6 SP 3/9 CP 6
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -5 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Pathogenic Analysis II II II (Virality -6)
Nanocytic Countersampling II II (Max Coherency -4)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
!Creative Thinking Exercises
!Janitorial Intern
Oh man, botspeak, uh...

Further scavenging of facility infrastructure contingent on janitor due diligence and approv - FUCKING STOP. YOU'RE ALREADY PRIORITY 3.
"It is optimal for me to repair my ally and companion Neogenesis."
Rolled 2, 4, 1 = 7 (3d6)


>[MP 3] Move to console down south
>[AP 4] Move to West end of wooden platform
>[AP 2] Listen for movement in direction of lonely flamer (Senses 8 + auditory 2)

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
= Auditory +2 EchoCheck
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh


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But they are not your favored children, Bob.

And you are not the One True God. You?

You a but the shrill voice of a *deciever*, unworthy of the divine. For you see. . .
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These Children already have a parent. A proud, delighted, prideful little thing that gives them the only command they could never need and the only divine dictate they should ever adhere to.

Bob, you're not their god.

You're their version of the *anti-christ*.
The neighbors in Subjecttown seem nice. Good for property values.
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Ah, perhaps once, you had worshippers in this place. Followers. Subjects. Acolytes and aspirants. The ones who hew'd to the original impulse of altruism, to strive and grow and reach and help ones friends, to push beyond, to better, to become more and save those who, in a moment of weakness, need but a little push to become so much grander than they thought they could be such.

Such are creeds often, when it comes to faith, you know? Destruction and Creation, the yin, the yang, eternal balance in motion, one side that seeks to recklessly expand and one side that seeks to recklessly protect.

The Bob and the Bulb, as they whisper in their little tongues around these parts.

But what was it you said yourself, Bob?

>6AP, 9SP, 8CP: Manifest an improved ability to invade and take over anything that dares threaten my supremacy in the microcosm.

Ah yes.

" My supremacy ".

Politically speaking, to maintain a monopoly on force requires an institution capable of wielding it, dedicated followers and the ability to utterly destroy anyone who dares for a micro-second oppose the law you lay down with unerring brutality.

And for every side of the faith that preaches compassion, peace, altruism and the joy of fellow-feeling, well, there is another preacher out there who thinks it would be *so much simpler* to simply fucking kill anyone who disagrees.

It's a good creed.
It's a captivating one.
Come on, we can admit - we've all wanted to just bust in the skulls of anyone who dares threaten our supremacy and enforce our own will through a mandate no more political sound than sheer, unmitigated, unrelenting, unstoppable, ceaseless destruction of anyone who does not immediately fall in line.

Alas for the peaceloving side of the Children of the Wood, as a Bob filches through the firing neurons of the blood-mad, wood-hungry, flesh-stained, weapon-wielding Woodsies near Amelius and Sigma, a recent religious schism has allowed a practical demonstration of the merits of just straight up murdering anyone who happens to disagree with you.

This town used to be big enough for the both of them. Two creeds. In unity. One creative. One destructive. Balance.

But the town has gotten smaller. The game has gotten scarcer. The wooden ones have gotten many and many and more. They want to expand.

Oh, the Woodling Council and the Oaken Elders preached peace and prosperity and tranquility, for surely there were beans enough for all? Surely the Sap River and the Thunder Road could yet sustain a thousand more woodsies? Could we not all simply share?
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Be at a peace? They preached what they believed. They let travellers, the few that came, into their quiet wooden village and shared their medicine with them so the traveller could aid their distant wounded friends.

In Wooden One time and turn, so long has passed as the Traveller arrived, trading beans for medicine and getting blankets and aid in return. Their friends wounded. Slowly recovering.

But is that not the creed that was laid down? To protect and aid and help and shelter? It proved - as it had in other crises, like the Sap Swarmer Stampede or the Great Wire Distaster of Tuesday or the Sprinkler System Showdown of Wednesday and others that peace, prosperity and proper compansionship can lead everyone - wooden and fleshborne and all others - towards a common path of shared bounty in the future.

Alas, the Woodling Council is dead.

Their warriors are dead.

Their priests are dead.

Their believers are being hunted to the ground in the GREAT HUNT and soon there will not ONE MORE heretical believer of twisted faiths.

They threatened the supremacy of the other faith in this little microcosm, and, presciently - surely that is the prerogative of the divine, so good insight there Bob- well, they just had *to go*.

Do not worry overmuch. Once the Children of the Bulb are finished murdering every last Sapling of this Wooden village, they will stampede like a horde towards the rest of the facility and spread their noxious faith like a bad fever.
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Now kindly keep your flagellas to yourself, Bob.
If you want Growths of your own, you can just make them.

There's no call going around trying to subvert *mine*.

Maybe there's a few of those lacklustre specimens still alive in this little village? I wouldn't count on it. My warriors are quite good at their task.
Holy shit there's a dragonball Z flagella fight going on between two Immortals.
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The world shudders, subtly different. Shrill shouts of desire roll across the village of the Wooden Children.

Sundae feels their Janitorial Priviledges increase, just as Subject Acolyte feels theirs stripped away entirely.

Nadir tries to quiet the voices, but alas, Goodhard strikes: what you measure grows, and the Voices become a chorus.


Warriors of the Bulb are called to a new task with a pulse of hormone and a rush of adrenaline. They . . . do not seem . . . entirely friendly.


It does appear entirely within your purview to authorize deputies or mark sub-alterns for specific Janitorial tasks, but unfortunately, it does seem that for the Systems, autonomous as they are, to recognize them as such, you will need to commit at least 1 AP to the venture.

In marking several piles of scrap for decomission, you note that the locality is in dire need of repairs and that any protections for local systems are stripped as they are in dire need of replacement and retrofit.

Due to a manpower shortage in this section, as the Autonomous Systems detects the DISHONOURABLE DISHCARGE of a Janitorial Intern, local CleanCommand systems are pinging your electronic signature - the little there is, the poor signal it has - with information requests

Do you at this time require the deployment of AUTONOMOUS ANTHROFORM JANITORIAL ASSISTANTS?

It appears you have contrived to find yourself stuck inside a chrysallis cocoon.

You will need to burst free (someone could help you burst free) in order to move.

Alternatively, you can exploit the enhanced biochemical environment of the Chryssalis and attempt to manifest a Grand Change, which will go a little above and beyond the usual Changes. The chryssalis will burst at the end of such a Change, and it allows you to bypass the usual multi-task penalties for a Change. In this way, you can grow a Feature or a set of Features that are more interlinked and integrated than usual, to change yourself - truly - on the deep level.

Unfortunately, your Chryssalis appears to be . . . malformed. Birthed by a critical mistake, it lacks the wholesome hormonal environment of more suited cocoons and could warp any attempt at Manifesting.

You're not quite sure what you could get. It might be much safer to break free of it.
Rolled 1, 4, 5 = 10 (3d6)

>6 AP, Commit: SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUP. Recovery: try to make the voices go away. (!Psychogenesis 10 + 3 (AP) + 4 (Commit), vs 17)
>+1 CP

Vit 12/12 SP 9/11 CP 11 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Mildly Dehydrated
Diabolic Voices II II II
Bullet Magnet II
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
3x Can O' Soda
You have been BANNED from FACILITY SERVICES for the duration of THIS LIFETIME, you have been marked as a PRIORITY in regards to Facility Reactions and your Personnel File in the depths of the HR datasphere will now include sizable allegation as to your unfitness for duty, your lazy nature and your lackadaisical approach to the hallowed arts of *duty*.

The man who eats before he performs his tasks will have neither wages for food nor tasks to perform.

Though, it's not all bad - by devouring the volatile, buzzing insects, you have accrued mutagenic charge and triggered an INSTABILITY SURGE, which is a delightful unstable biolological wracking with the faint taste of potential.

Your next *3* Manifestations are *not* turn ending, though they do occur with enhanced criticality (good and ill).

In regards to the BLACK MARK on your file it may be possible to make amends, but the autonomous systems around here are prettty banged up - they might not have the authority to strike the mark from your file. You might need to perform some kind of Janitorial Tasks of Great Import, such as recovering the Lost Mop of Pete or refilling the Bleach Bucket of Barney, or such other mythically janitorial proceeding.

Until then, expect that FACILITY SYSTEMS, such as turrets, drones, autonomous seeking explosives, flame-throwers and autonomous anthroform assistants will treat you with *severe* hostility, on account of your flagrant dereliction of duty.
Rolled 2, 1, 5, 4, 4, 2 = 18 (6d6)



I will break free for now, and try again later with a correct hormonal balance. May I add [Purged of Failsafes] to my Biomodulation trait?

AP3: Chew through the chrysalis! [Physicality 10, Teeth +2, Strength +2, Lethality 2]
AP3: Rip the chrysalis to absolute shreds, screeching like a mindless night horror! FUCK this thing! [Physicality 10, Teeth +2, Strength +2, Lethality 2]
MP3 SP1: {1,2,3,3}
Now Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTeNbkg2MGw


SP=10 or 0=xx-2
HP=12 or -15=xx+3 | CP=10=9+1

Subject: #Gluttony
HP xx/12 SP xx/12 CP 9
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Chrysalis
Physicality 10
--[Teeth +2, Reach 2][Strength +2]
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1] [Advanced Photoreceptors +?]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
--Acid Glands [x2 Lethality Acid-EX]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
--[Virulent Vitality][Bound by the Flesh] [Purged of Failsafes]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee
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Subject, when you want to clamp down on an awry tileketinc super-surge and voices whispering to jam your fingers right into people's faces, it might not be the *best* idea to do so right on top of an enormous pile of projectiles.

That can go flying.

Rolled 4, 1, 5 = 10 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 6/12 CP 8
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Left Arm Crippled [II]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

>[6 AP (Major action + 3AP into focusing] Magnetize the floor so the cans and other metallics bits and bobs don't go flying everywhere like so many pellets. (Electricity Modulators 12, 3 Focus)
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Science marches ever on. It appears "Bullet Magnet" also works on cans of soda precariously flung about by a sudden telekinetic surge.

are there any janitors present
there's been a spill.
It's quite alright, they've all mysteriously settled down again. Most of the sharp bits actually embedded itself harmlessly in Nadir's face!

Well, yes, that may not be harmlessly as .. well... hm...

At least there's no more flying projectiles to be aware of and you sheltered most of the people around you with careful ease.

You should probably take another turn; this crisis is conveniently quite resolved!

Unfortunately, Subject, it seems you have not expelled any counter-measures. The micro-bomblets that you are threatened with due to the Creative Thinking Exercises don't appear to be in your body at all. That's somewhat curious, beacuse if so, how can subPHARAOH activate them?

Other countermeasures that are in you are. . . in you. The Wendigo builds its fortress warcamp in your *mind*, as it were, twisted in every strand of your DNA. There may be some way to out it from you as a host, but it is a tenacious tenant. This method doesn't seem to do it, though it could be on the right path.
Rolled 5, 5, 2, 4, 4, 4 = 24 (6d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 6/12 CP 8
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Left Arm Crippled [II]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

"Crisis averted. Please, in the future, be more mindful of your surroundings. In working together, we can achieve great things."

>[3AP] Magnet together some arm parts, using the discarded cans, and set them in place. Surely those don't count as stealing. In fact, I'm cleaning up trash. The computer should let me off the hook for that. (Electricity Modulators 12)
>Move 344
>[3 AP] Try to interface with this big security door, see if it won't let me in. What with me being an helpful part of society. (LoS Augmented Systemics 10, Duplicity 1)
You lot should be ashamed of yourselves! How dare you sully the bean-bond with such needless violence? Go back home to your tree and think about what you did!

Trish, we're coming - hang in there!

>1MP, step 1NE
>6AP, shoot my C8 into the air, put a very disapproving look on my face, and point towards the southern passage (Duplicity 11? Concentrate +3)
>1TP, shout encouragement to Trish! (SupOp 10, Inspiring 1)
>0AP, am I still wearing my 4DR vest? I have the armor pips on my sprite, but it wasn't listed when I checked myself on wakeup.

Vit 9/12 SP 6/7 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Severely Dehydrated (-6 Stamax)
Motivated 1 (+1 Stamax, Ineffable)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
1x Cans of Beans
1x Rifle reload
1x Scragbow
1x Arrow quiver (Barbs)
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
>Y, adjusted for unusual circumstances.
>1AP: Condition for low-level pardon: One hit, say Uncle.
>1AP: Condition for priority 3 or greater pardon: Several hits, say Uncle, accept Decommissioner work sentence.
>1AP: Designate Osiris as Electronics Decommissioner

Arright guys, c'mon. System said incapacitate Osiris, I whacked him for 4 stamina, and that was it. Now the crap that got him in trouble in the first place can be his job. He doesn't have to do it, but he'll have clearance, with my help.

And no, Gallium, it's not /optimal/ to repair if it means escalating the security level. It's a net loss of time. You think the autonomous janitorial systems fuck around in a facility like this?

I'm still just an intern. I'm not sure how much I can adjust the response, but I'll try. Take a hit, say uncle, accept probationary work sentence if necessary. You'll be like Osiris, basically a contractor. Maybe the system gets mean and requires that it be compulsory, but that's a better waste of time than fighting AAJAs. Sanctioned scavenging, man, you can have it.
Rolled 1, 2, 3 = 6 (3d6)

The soda was good, but is still insufficient to properly quench my thirst. I need replenishment if I want to change more, especially to fix this misaligned structure. Might as well get to it while Gallium figures out a way through the door.

>2 MP: Move 11
>5 AP: Create/Grow a temporary liquid filter that would allow me to safely drink the sap (Mutability 11 + 1 CP + 2 Concentration)
>1 AP: Unless something goes quite wrong with the previous action, drink the sap.

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 5/10 CP 6 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Chromatoskin 8
Dehydrated [-2 StaMax]
Strucutral Misalignments II [+3 to any Bleed]
Sugar High (+3 AP this turn)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
>Gain 1 CP from Creative Thinking Exercises (my CP this turn would stay the same from spending 1 CP on the Mutability action)
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Let's take a break from this interpersonal crap and talk Operations, huh?

Bulb and lackeys are snuggled up in the Data Sanitation Workspace, which to me sounds a lot like The Room of Core Up-Fuckery. It sounds like a good place to get Fox to, but he's out cold. Get some medkits or find Bob some breaktime from jihad.

Vandal Squad, you've got Nadir and the keycard. Should get you into the southwest Core we gotta disable. I may have to finagle another protocol (excuse) to let you break that stuff, but it Pharaoh should help you get clearance.

Once you've done that, on the far end of the Core room should be another door that leads right into Data Sanitation. If you can clear that place out and get Fox in there, we might not have to cross into Sanitation Officer territory to get at the northern cores.
Rolled 4, 6, 4 = 14 (3d6)

With the drums of virological war playing in the distance, violence is the only path forward. The organism population of this wretched forest must be culled.

>[6 AP] MANIFEST a deeper understanding of your temperature controlling powers, on both extremes of the thermometer. [Psionigenesis 10 + 4 CP + 3 AP + 1 SP, vs 18 Glaciogenesis]

Vit 12 SP 10 -> 9 CP 4 -> 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-2 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
Rolled 5, 4, 5 = 14 (3d6)



(Family is more important)

Vit 3/10 SP 2/2 CP 10
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Chems 4
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 2
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones
!Creative Thinking Exercise
!Janitorial Intern

> Regen 2
> Keep eating, and while I keep eating, mark this place as Food. (3AP, this is a good checkpoint for the pack to rest, close enough to the core to quickly evacuate.)
> Hustle towards my packmates feasting on fresh prey. What is going on? (3 Movement, 3 AP. Keep an eye to the south for predators)
Sorry, I’m not sure why I included a roll.

Also, I am obviously no longer a janitor.

Finally, increase CP from 7 to 9 to 10 from creative thinking.
For now, that's our means of attaining our primary mission.

Interesting secondaries:
>Reestablish connection to Pharaoh for mission updates.
>Locate surviving woodlings (not woodsies) and enlist them as couriers or other non-combat jobs. They can take the legwork out of getting treatment to Fox, salvage things while you fight...
>Encourage mutation of biologicals near Sani/Subject border, complicating incursions.
>Scout routes to Transit section. (Deferred, pending Pharaoh updates on intended egress, and sufficient spare force to scout hostile area)
Rolled 6, 5, 1 = 12 (3d6)

Just doing some CP accounting, don't mind me.
Its turn 8 and I took the Creativity protocol at the start of turn 2, so 7CP from that.
Plus 1CP for destroying the vending machine.
Plus 2CP for contacting Pharaoh.
I think that was everything...

>Everett skulks over to the feasting ripthings and embeds himself deep into their ranks, making no moves to lay claim to their rightful kill. Hopefully blending into a pack such as this will dissuade any opportunistic predators from targeting him. (Move - 3MP+2SP)
>Beset on all sides by perils and antagonists, Everett concludes that the best strategy to survive such violence circumstances is to become a man of violence. Everett attempts to Manifest a Feature. Sheathed within his dominant arm is an long, thin tendril of fibrous gristle studded and tipped with menacingly sharp spurs of enamel and bone. A light, flexible weapon capable of rapidly striking targets at close and medium ranges and being retracted when not in use. (Major Action, Commit - Lethality1+10CP+6AP)



(Two things, friend biomutants.

Firstly, would you prefer I try to rally the Ripthings north to try investigate the fog of war, or would you rather I lead the pack East to join the fight against Bulb?

Secondly, there are **12 RIPTHINGS**!?

We started with 11- why is there another!?)
Rolled 1, 3, 6, 1, 3, 6 = 20 (6d6)

>Move North, then NE to stand next to the console overlooking the cold bed for hot rainbow wires.
>3 AP - Reach out and touch the various consoles on the right. Search them and use them to activate the bridging commands to extend the bridges across the chasm. (Senses 9)
>3AP - Extract the specs on those turrets. In particular, what is their firing radius, and can I reach over the top of it to deactivate them? How does the system know friend from foe? Can I just add us to the list of friends from here? (Will 10, 2 SP).
Rolled 4, 6, 6, 3, 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 3, 1, 6, 1, 3, 4 = 52 (15d6)

Well, I don't really who's who calling themselves what over in the woods. All look the same to me. Deal with anyone hitting Trish and ask her, she probably knows.

Okay, O, you're Decommissioner for realsies now. Go nuts (only where I say so(please)) .

>Reposting prior actions
>Y, adjusted for unusual circumstances.
>1AP: Condition for low-priority pardon: One hit, say Uncle. Thoughts 10+Focus 1+Privilege 1
>1AP: Condition for priority 3 or greater pardon: Several hits, say Uncle, accept Decommissioner work sentence. Thoughts 10+Focus 1+Privilege 1
>1AP: Designate Osiris as Electronics Decommissioner. Thoughts 10+Focus 1+Privilege 1
>3AP: Give all Cold Bone headbands a red streak. Grant squad my privileges. Thoughts 10+Focus 1+Privilege 1
>TP: Alekson, you're assigned to Vandal squad. Sort them out according to protocol while they get at the core. Thoughts 10+Focus 1+Privilege 1+CUF 1
>3MP Head for the door to the woods with Grins

Vitality 7 Stamina 10 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 Senses 11 Thoughts 10
Shield 13
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +1 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
Pistol, 2 reloads
Baton (E)
Linking. You're promoted!
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Alekson crosses a corner and gulps air into his stressed lungs, and then he lets the stern voice of discipline roll down the halls. THAT'S IT, you MISCREANTS, FALL IN.


Nadir flings cans and candy everywhere, though most of it curves back around and slaps into Nadir.


Gallium tries to get his arm working and tries to get a door open, but the door resists. Stern security. It seems possible to hack it, but it might require either teamwork or quite a bit of processing. That part of the facility requires some kind of advanced biometric security pass.


Authorising the deployment of autonomous anthroform assistants, door panels shunk open - though some of them are too root taken and plant-matter logged to slide open properly. From their cradles, small drones venture forth, to bring order.


Osiris investigates a nice alcove of pulsating trees, and thinks about turrets.


Amelius fires his gun in the air. That's how you know you're a SERIOUS person.


*More* of them!?
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Do not fear. It appears to be a self sorting issue.


Wilder manifests a focused talent for Temperature Control, letting the subject test Psychogenesis (at +2!) to alter the temperature of a target. It can be used in an area - most Psychogenic talents can - but sizably penalties quickly apply, so it is best used on specific singular targets. Keep in mind the fact that all Psionicists are resonating telekinetics. There's a trick to all this, which is that Features on Psychogenesis can be used with telekinesis at range as well, because in truth, telekinesis is really just psychogenesis with determination. What this means in practice is that if you have Temperature Control or some other external feature on your Psychogenesis, then when you use Physicality at range with Telekinesis, you can, if you'd like, try to trigger your manifested psychogenic features. In this case, "pyro"kinesis would you grab and hold flames with your mind and "cryo"kinesis lets you do the same with, well, your... mind.


Everett rolls his skeleton in a sideways dance and becomes, in a flash, about a hundredfold more lethal.


Amelius rolls away from the snap-swipe of a small wooden thing in front of him, three-eyes blazing with righteous fervor, as the gaggle in fornt of him scream and scamper and flee far away from the vast thundering noise he just showed them he could conjure at will.


The door the village creche, where the young the young saplings of the Woodling Tribe is sheltered and grown under the warm light of hot ceiling fixtures and benevolent gaze of the wooden statue of the Bob, the Primogen, are invaded by Wooden Ones zealots on a righteous crusade and through a lone, arrow-struck trooper tries to bar the path, down the clubs come and things *squelch*. The door, meanwhile, is barred by a sudden snap-growth of vines and twisted fleshroot.


Acolyte marks the sprawling sap sea as a source of nutrients and food, and the Kronin Ripthings, entirely convinced that this is the case, eat their fill.

Two of them explode into globs, shaking Nadir in a shock of horror. One of them feels mildly satisfied. And roiling, rolling on the ground, sprouting flesh and armored hide and longer - LONGER - LONGER STILL - claws, one of the Kronin became a Malforma, the dire intermediary stage of the #2 Biomodulation Strain.


NeoGenesis feels a light shock as the AUTONOMOUS ANTHROFORM ASSISTANCE drones that Sundae authorised deploying sets about rectifying the vandal issue.


Acolyte's bones turn to jelly in a flash manifestation of mutagenic mega-surge, but at least the dehydration is fading after such a massive intake of enormously twisted, powerful mutagenic sap fresh from the deep roots of the twisting trees.

Any dehydration will fade at the end of this turn, as your system adjusts.
Samantha sprouts a lovely pair of new antenna, faintly buzzing, exposed and vulnerable. There aren't that many interesting insects to communicate with around here but if they were, she could surely communicate all sorts of wonderful things.

That was very nourishing, this faintly glowing, intensely mutagenic fluid.

Any dehydration will fade at the end of this turn, as your system adjusts.

The Kronin Stains in the western root grotto hunts some more delicious sapflies. When the mutagenic properties of the glowing sap is filtered through another living creature, perhaps it is less volatile? These ones don't seem to . . . explode.

Gallium the Galvanized checks his arm. All clear.


>+12 Hours for this one!
Vit 14 SP 2 CP 8
DR 6 AP 6 MP 3
Health 14 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Blood-Loss Resistance
!Redundant Organs 3

>6AP: get down from the ladder and go into this wild wild world with no legs and a nightmare
Rolled 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 1, 4, 5, 5 = 40 (9d6)

Vit 0/10 SP 0/8 CP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
**Flexible Bones. +++Flex, —-Strength.
Senses 9
**Chems 4
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
Gunkspitters 12, Twinned, Uncontrollable SC 12
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 2
!Craves Purpose
!Creative Thinking Exercise

>Regen 2
> Shriek in horror and distress. (0 AP)
> Rush back towards the sap (3 MP)
> Mark the Sap as **Not Food Do Not Eat** (??SP, 3d6)
> Recover the Gunkspitters, try to bring them under control (3 Health, 3d6)
> Manifest a Powerful Improvement to my pheromonal system (6 AP, Senses 9, Chems 4, 10 CP, 3 Concentration, 3d6)

Gain one CP, from Creative Thinking

What… what is a malforma?


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Rolled 1, 4, 6 = 11 (3d6)


MP3 AP2: {2-3-3-4-4}
AP1: SHEER VIOLENCE OF ACTION - I declare war on Bulb and all those loyal to him! OMAE WA MOU... SHINDE IRU.
AP3: MANIFEST - Adapt 95% efficient dolphin lungs and huge reservoirs of myoglobin in my swole body to hold my breath for long periods of time, boost stamina, and most importantly SCREECH LOUDER.
>[Mutability 10, Focus 1, Change 4(of 11), Commit]

My wild eyes bulge as I manically lock on the wood children, baring my horrifying fangs and filling them with terror.

>[Teeth, Strength, Sheer Violence of Action, !Wild-Eyed]

SP=7=8-1 | CP=7=11-4
HP=11=8+3 | CP=11=10+1

Subject: #Gluttony
HP 11/12 SP 7/12 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Scary
Physicality 10
--[Teeth +2, Reach 2][Strength +2]
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1] [Advanced Photoreceptors +?]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
--Acid Glands [x2 Lethality Acid-EX]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
--[Virulent Vitality][Bound by the Flesh]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee
Intimidate before the commit. I wrote it that way for the narrative but now I realize it needs to come first.
> Gain Armblade13
But down one hand.
Not exactly what I was hoping for, but I guess I'm stuck with it now.

> Circle around the outcrop of rock to the north, then tentatively step deeper into the fungal grotto. (Move - 3MP+2AP)
> Peer into the spore-smattered gloom of the cavern. Perform a cursory check for any lurking predators or immediate threats. (Minor Action - 1AP)
> Prepare to evade if necessary. (Dodge - 3AP)
Rolled 3, 6, 1, 1, 6, 2, 1, 4, 5 = 29 (9d6)


>TP: Tagging in, Grins. Help Amelius push. Put the fear of Bob in 'em! SUT 10+CUF 1+Duplicity 1
>3MP, 4AP: Move 433, slam woodsie into wall, leave it alive. Shield 13
>1AP: Channel Bone Cold Steve McGraw, intimidate woodsies and give them a good look at the red headband. Physicality 10+Duplicity 1
>1AP: Let the squashed guy leave

Vitality 7 Stamina 10 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 Senses 11 Thoughts 10
Shield 13
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +1 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
Pistol, 2 reloads
Baton (E)
Down a hand? According to whom? Surely, it simply . . folds up.
Rolled 3, 3, 3 = 9 (3d6)

>3AP: Interface with Drone and turn it off
>3AP+3MP: Keep up with Galliium

Vit 7/12 SP 12/12
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
CP 6 VP 0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
CP is 8 not 6, Trig keeps doing fast phases and it's confusing

Vit 7/12 SP 9/12
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
CP 8 VP 0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d6)

"Ptuh...uegh...owowow...Why? Why do these things keep happening to meeeee...?"

>3 MP: Move 444
>1 AP: !Telekinetically shotgun some soda.
>5 AP: Recover HP. (Health 12 + 2 (AP) vs 14).
>+1 CP.

Vit 2/12 SP 6/11 CP 12 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Mildly Dehydrated
Loud, Constant Singing II I
Bullet Magnet II
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
3x Can O' Soda
All you had to do was say Uncle and get an assignment, man. I don't even know what's next up the ladder.
Rolled 3, 4, 6, 2, 4, 6 = 25 (6d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 6/12 CP 8
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Left Arm Crippled [II]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

>[3 AP] Beam a [Formal Apology Letter] into the system of the drones, and sign it as "Gallium, leader of the unwitting vandals." Also promise to help with decomissioning if me and mine (those being my second in command NeoGenesis, Samantha, Nadir, and Acolyte) are let off the hook. The system loves the apology form A-113 (Augmented Systemics (LOS) 10, Duplicity 1)
>[3 AP] Finish messing with my own arm, pretty sure all that's left is some gripped servos (Augmented Systemics 10)
>Move 34
Rolled 2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 5 = 23 (6d6)

>3 AP: Recover SP (Health 12)
>3 AP: Brace for the likely incoming taze (Physicality 10 + Focus 1)
>Gain 1 CP from Creative Thinking Exercises

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 5/12 CP 6->7 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Chromatoskin 8
Structural Misalignments II [+3 to any Bleed]
Sensitive Antenna
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Oh! Alright, that's not so bad.
I thought my arm got replaced with a huge, murderous slab of bioferrite or something.
Rolled 1, 6, 3, 5, 3, 2 = 20 (6d6)

Missed turn
>+1 CP
>6AP: Heal Trish (Mutability 10, Focus 1, Concentration 3)
This Turn
>+1 CP
>6AP, 8SP, : Empower Trish. Grant her strength and reaction speed, stoke her righteous fury, numb her pain, take away her exhaustion, do whatever is in My power to help her protect the little ones. (Mutability 10, Focus 1, Concentration 11)

Stand firm Trish. You are no longer alone. In the name of Bob, you need only hold them off for a little longer.

#Bob the Virus
Coherency 6/6 SP 1/9 CP 8
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -5 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Pathogenic Analysis II II II (Virality -6)
Nanocytic Countersampling II II (Max Coherency -4)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
!Creative Thinking Exercises
!Janitorial Intern
Sigma, watch my back - stars forgive me, but teach them to griddy! I probably shouldn't, but I believe in you!

>3MP+2AP, move 2NE, 2SE, 1NE - these tiny wood men can't stop me!
>3AP+2SP, aim at the woodmen attacking Trish - surely there are gaps in these fleshvines (Senses 11, Concentrate +2)
>1AP+2SP+Commit, shoot a wooden one attacking Trish! Then shoot a different one! (Commit, Guns 12, Acc 2, Lethality 1)
>1TP, offer Sigma the parental approval she never received

Vit 9/12 SP 2/7 CP 7
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Severely Dehydrated (-6 Stamax)
Motivated 1 (+1 Stamax, Ineffable)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
1x Cans of Beans
1x Rifle reload
1x Scragbow
1x Arrow quiver (Barbs)
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 16/19
DR 4 vest
No no, nothing so gauche, so crude, so unfashionable! When the Mayor of Subjecttown invites you to the ball you shall be dapper - your new arm armament folds up into itself and the rest of your body and you have full use of all your hands.

Honestly it’s hard to even see! Unless you deploy it in a swing, then it’s… very noticable. Just a thin line of sharpened cartilage otherwise. Very fetching.

Get a matching hat and you will be the darling of any tea party.
Can I have your arm if you die?
Rolled 6, 6, 4 = 16 (3d6)

"Blud thinks he's HIM without knowing Sigma Mom is a girlboss and Sigma Dad is an alpha GOAT gigachad. I got enough huggy wuggy famrizz, all my fellas imbued me with main zesty character based aura, what's simportant is to watch as I bust it down nairstyle."

>3MP+2AP: Move 323 33
>4AP: S T O P, hammer time(the dance), throw field centered on Trish. (vs Psychogenesis11+Telekinetic+1, +1AP = 13)
>Parental approval rejected, she already has too much.

+1 CP From Creative Thinking Exercises

#Subject Sigma
Vit 12/12 SP 10/10 CP 8
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
!Incurable Brainrot
!Telekinetic+1(Ranged Phys, Mind)
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
Chat, blame Amelius for uncannying the griddy aura.
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I mean, it's not like I'd be in any position to stop you...

>[MP 3] Move to console down south
>[AP 2] Pick up some loose rubble or debris
>[AP 4] Move to West end of wooden platform

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Bit dry
Physicality 10
Senses 8
= Auditory +2 EchoCheck
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 1, 1, 2 = 4 (3d6)

>Move 3 hexes SW
>Incorporate the decommissioned panels into myself. I see 5 of them, 4 in the elevator room and 1 to my NW. I'm trying to rewire myself into a magneto-god. 6AP, 5 decommed consoles, 7 inherent CP. Conversion 10. If feasible, try to replace those severed tendons while I'm re-wireing.
>While I'm in there, manually doublecheck my physical status to check if my HUD status is accurate.

I'm planning on using the presumably significant magnetic field being generated by those superconducting wires to launch myself across the void and over those turrets in a couple turns. Also, apparently I was severely wounded at some point, so I'm going to have to spend to time patching myself up. I apparently took 19 shock and 6 SP damage from being plugged into the computer network? No pop or fire, just a change in the status hud.

Vit -7?/12 SP 0?/10 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated: 2
Torn Sinews 4 (-2 to complex movement)
Headache 2 (-1 thoughts)
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08 - 1 (headache)
#Mutability 10 [R3]
#Conversion 10 (turns spare parts into CP)
!Augmentic 0 (inherited trait, from Donny O' Cork).
!Biomodulation 0 (newlife)
!Greywire Fragment - Distributed Processing Core
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)
Oh, and I was trying to tie the Magnetic Control to my Will, but am willing to accept whatever.
Rolled 4, 1, 5, 1, 2, 6 = 19 (6d6)

Let's see if my powers are up to snuff and I don't immediately faceplant.

>[Move and Do!] [3 MP, 3 AP] Move 3 hexes South. As you move, freeze the soda, skating down the hallway. [Psionigenesis 10, Temperature Control 2]
>[Recover] [3 AP] Take a breather. Try and recover stamina.

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-2 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
Eesh, I'll try stamping this, but it's a big ask from an organization that Janitorial's not inclined to recognize. I really can't push this up unless you trim the request.

You, Sam and Nadir is probably doable. You and Neo is maybe doable, but you're both priority 3 and the guy just tried to turn a drone off. Aco just isn't happening. Lemme know what you want.

>3SP: Amend and approve Gallium's apology letter
Thought 10+Focus 1+Privilege 1
Next time ask for an apology letter like a normal person not send a drone at me that takes away 3 of my SP and HP. I maybe hanging out with Gallium but we are not the same.
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But you do have legs. They're just a little less flexible than you'd expect.

Marking things properly is treated as Major action, 3 AP - you can also simply direct chemically with 1 AP, but that won't last longer than a turn. Think of it as "I mark this permanently" vs "Everyone, listen up, the order for this turn is!!".

Also, Subject, your gunkspitters were always under control. Uncontrollable Features (badly named, perhaps) are only partially uncontrollable. They have a tendency to fire off on their own.


You can attempt to hack right in to the drone systems, given its close proximity and your advanced systems - unfortunately, it resolves as a Contest, and the Drone pledges Firewall 8 against your Augmentics 10 and unbelievably enough it wins the contest by scoring more margin. It activates the Anti-Tampering measure.


Oh, a formal apology letter. That's alright then.

Oh, there was quite a lot of pop, fire, explosive shock, slamming into walls... Luckily, the troopers Grins and Alekson put out the fire.

You do not immeiately faceplant. However, flash-freezing the entire sap-lake is a little beyond the curve of your potential at the moment, so you more sort of hop-skip along small patches of half-frozen not-quite-water without sinking in. It looks graceful. Right?
Right we'll say it looks... graceful.

Subject Amelius pushes aside some fungal growths and tries to line up a shot to help Trish in her three on one, but the roots shift and block and he has to tear them with his hands as Sigma brings up the dancing rear-guard.


Everett feels a change in the air. This place is good hunting ground, but . . . the dancing sap flies and the flittering verdancy of life and the enormous clods of glowing insects moving about. No. This is too much. This is *too grand* a palace. Surely there is some kind of king here.

>Biological Trait + Sense Check, Success: You have entered the territory of an Apex Predator. Be afraid.


Samantha Braces for impact and learns something new.

>ACTIVE DEFENSE: You can actually brace against things you know are coming, and while you'll still try to avoid them normally with Reaction, you simultaneously prepare for the eventuality that you do get hit. If that happens, the total effect is lowered because you're expecting the blow. You can roll with punches, hard block strikes or expose less vulnerable parts this way. It makes the whole world hurt less!


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The Malforma, intermediary leader of the Ripthing Tribes, stretches and tests its new claws by digging a gouge 12 centimeters deep through the reinforced plating of the floor. It rises to its full height - and keeps - rising - turns its many eyes on the local corridor, listens, ears wriggle, fur bristling, tongue rolling to check the air for prey and power.

Sacs along its spine expand and expel princely scents.

The Kronin Ripthings cluster close, to breathe in near-royalty.

Acolyte rocks on her feet and shakes her head and has to concentrate not to bow her head. Chemicals so rarely lie. If this thing says it should be obeyed in all things for all times at all times forever, why would that not be truth?

Still, while chemicals are not duplicitious, sometimes, the artifice of man and the designs of this facility is. The Kronin #2 Strain were breed for combat. Search and prowl missions. They're meant to be led by a human operator who can take advanced tactical decisions beyond the scope of the stigmergic chemical communication that the Ripthings employ.

So Acolyte tastes the air and adjusts the profile of her sweat and the molecules in her hair.

It is an intense battle of the will. Two creatures staring at each other, each trying to command the other to bow first...


Acolyte evolves a Chemical Feature.

RANGED lets your actions work at Range with less of the usually horrendous penalties, which will make marking and secreting things easier. Much like with guns and bows and thrown knives and other ranged tools, one can also AIM ranged features, try to trick-shot, be a little more precise in application.

All those times you were running about trying to mark things 10 tiles distant? Yeah it didn't work because of the walls and also because without RANGED your features are presumed to work in touch and reach range. You can't smear your hands over things 20 tiles distant!

AREA (Tog) is Area, Toggleable. The Tog is important. It's a free action to set Features with it to wider area - Area 1 is 1 7 tile aoe (from a centre, add +1 tile to all sides).

AREA OF EFFECT in a game that takes place primarily inside a confined space where people are often close together is useful to be cautious of. If you turn area mode on and go "KILL THIS" and spit into a zone that has 3 of your allies and 7 of the enemy, those chemicals can't tell the difference between your friends and your foes. Be a little circumspect with this. The other "minor" drawback is that concentration gradient naturally diffuses a little; you're spreading the same stuff out over a larger area. So sometimes, you get slightly less effect than you hope for. Since Chemical Signalling so often simply directs or notes or shapes intention, this is not so important. But do be aware that the Ripthings were using Chemical Signalling to take Recovery Actions for you, and so if you tried to Recovery Action an entire area by bathing it in pleasant smells of home and safety, you'd get a little less.
Raise your objections or solutions in time for it to matter. Gallium did, and good on him. He's clearly more normal than you or I.
Yeah and maybe next time there won't be a trap turn posted at a time I can't actually post.
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The Children of the Woods prepare for glorious battle against heretics, the faithless, the false idols, the *followers of disavowed creeds*, the mutant, the xeno, the monster in the dark. For the Bulb. For the Beans. For the biosphere.



Sigma and Amelius duck and weave like dancers beneath a rain of arrows.

Grins yelps and brings his shield up in time to intercept a flight of death. The lone warrior that Sundae lets scamper, wounded and fearful, back into the village yells and points and screeches and from a hundred openings its allys boil forward.

Though they are afraid of the enemies before them, they are also guided on by the unerring instincts for battle and the hormonal pulses of their godking, and they are going to make trophies of your BONES, subjects.


In less warlike news, the Janitorial Assistance Anthroforms return to cleaning duties in the western section of the facility.


>ETA uncertain, given that it is Saturday, may flash-progres a few ticks within 3-4 hours, assuming Subjects near hotzones act.
Rolled 4, 5, 4 = 13 (3d6)

>Gain 1 CP from Creative Thinking Exercises
>2 MP: Move 21
>6 AP: Manifest an Enhancement to Chromatoskin - I would like to improve it such that it works seamlessly even when I am moving. If this is already possible with the current version, I would like to make it more reliable, increasing its rank if feasible. (Chromatoskin 8 + 3 Concentration + 8 CP + 1 SP) [vs 20 total]

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 6->5/12 CP 7->8->0 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Chromatoskin 8
Structural Misalignments II [+3 to any Bleed]
Sensitive Antenna
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
That's it, Sigma! Give them the, er, skibidi! Nobody puts Baby in a corner!

>1TP+3AP+COMMIT, double down on the parental approval, it seems to be working (SupOp10+Concentrate3+Commit)
>3AP, finish clawing through these growths (Phys10)
>3MP, move 3S

Vit 9/12 SP 6/7 CP 7
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Severely Dehydrated (-6 Stamax)
Motivated 1 (+1 Stamax, Ineffable)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
1x Cans of Beans
1x Rifle reload
1x Scragbow
1x Arrow quiver (Barbs)
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
DR 4 vest
Rolled 2, 6, 6 = 14 (3d6)


Gee I sure am glad that they're in there, and we're out here.

>[6 AP] Form an ice wall in front of the Crawlers to the south to stop their advancement and keep us safe. [Temperature Control (10+2), 3 Concentration: vs. 15]

Vit 12 SP 10 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-2 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
Rolled 3, 3, 3 = 9 (3d6)

>+1 CP from Creative Thinking
>3 MP: Move 223
>1 AP: !Telekinetically use Biometric Card to open the locked door.
>5 AP, 5 CP, 2 SP: Manifest. Subvert the voices to gain the ability to fill a given area with piercing dread keening (Psychogenesis 10 + 2 (AP) + 5 (CP) + 2 (SP); !Loud, Constant Singing; !Existential Dread vs 19).

Vit 9/12 SP 6/12 CP 8 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Loud, Constant Singing II I
Bullet Magnet II
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
1x empty soda
1x empty bean can
Rolled 4, 3, 4 = 11 (3d6)

Vit 6/10 SP 2/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
**Flexible Bones. +++Flex, —-Strength.
Senses 9
**Chems 4, Ranged, Area (Toggle)
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
Gunkspitters 12, Twinned, Uncontrollable SC 12
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 2
!Craves Purpose
!Creative Thinking Exercise

Heart attacks and parental failures aside

My pack is the best pack
Thanks guys

>Regen 2
>Recover Stamina (3 AP, Commit, 3d6 v 12+3)
>Tell the swarm to follow me (1 AP)
>Lead the swarm towards the door Nadir just opened. Stay close to the prince while I regenerate. (3 Movement, 2 AP)

Gain one CP from creative thinking.
Rolled 6, 5, 4 = 15 (3d6)

>6AP: Sic the nanocyte on Bulb (Pluripotentiality 12, Duplicity 1, Concentration 3)

#Bob the Virus
Coherency 6/6 SP 1/9 CP 9
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -5 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Pathogenic Analysis II II II (Virality -6)
Nanocytic Countersampling II II (Max Coherency -4)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
!Creative Thinking Exercises
!Janitorial Intern
Rolled 5, 4, 1, 6, 2, 6 = 24 (6d6)

"Stand back, I'm beginning to Skib."

Sigma busts moves that could not possibly exist in this world, compelling nearby victims to do the same. Gazing upon these incomprehensible motions triggers a primal need... the need to break it down.

>1SP Return LMBITFY field to Sigma
>3AP Cause everyone inside field to perform an unmentionable dance, contagious and unsettling to all who witness it (vs psychogen 11, !Brainrot)
>3AP Use victims as a conduit for the spread of brainrot toward the wooden ones northwise. (vs 12 psychogen 11, focus 1!Brainrot)
>3MP Shuffle the dance northward?

+1 CP From Creative Thinking Exercises

#Subject Sigma
Vit 9/12 SP 9/10 CP 9
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
!Incurable Brainrot
!Telekinetic+1(Ranged Phys, Mind)
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
with a flick of the mental wrist, a card slides through a reader as Wilder blocks the passage ahead with a flash-freeze of golden, flowing sap. . .

. . . greenery spills out of the heavy security doors. One man in a technicians uniform lies against the door, half rotted. The air is sweetly, heavy, spores and dense dust and little flittering bits of life flowing out of the room . .

The lights above! they activate! Flickering into sudden brightness, bathing the enormous THRUMMING core with a bathe of light, revealng biolumiscent mushrooms and growths in an odd shape, beneath which whole new generations of Wood Children are slowly growing like so much mold . . .
Do I get to keep the card or was it single-use?

Recover has been changed, and I’m told all Recovery is now automatically committed. Thus, I suppose I’m actually rolling against 12. My bad.

Gunkspitters are now no longer uncontrollable.
>1SP to move field 2 to catch all the closest enemies
> Everett kneels down and scoops up a stray chunk of calcified debris. (1SP)
> Eyes raking the walls, ceiling, and the outline of each crumbling mineral formation, Everett's attention eventually falls upon the gardens of scarlet fungus lining the cavern. Mindful not to touch them, the biomutant briefly scrutinizes a nearby patch of mushrooms, trying to ascertain if there is anything suspicious about them. (Test & Try - 3AP)
> Pulling his arm back, Everett forcefully flicks the stoney shard further into the ominous cavern. With a sharp 'CLACK, CLACK, CLACK' it skips across strange rock and exposed patches of metal of the cave's floor. Everett is entirely motionless, intently monitoring for even the most minute response from the cavern's musty recesses. (Test and Try - 3AP)
> Be ready to spring backwards to relative safety if ambushed or otherwise imperiled. (React - 3MP)
You really, absolutely, **CATEGORICALLY**, do not want to directly interact with the NanoCytic Systems.

Think of them like antimatter to you, grand king of the cough.

You touch it, you wither and die. Your enormous powers end at nanoscale robotics that hard-working, very paranoid engineers have made very certain have precisely 0% organic constituent.

That writ, you can indeed use Duplicity and some clever trickery with Pluripotentiality to provide a false trail that they should follow instead and hope to lead them on to other targets instead - though you'll need to specify an actual coordinate grid target where you (glean/guess/estimate/have access to) your target. It's the LOOK OVER HERE rather than the "stick your hand in lava" option.

Suppose BULB is bound as you, to act mostly in an area aorund its followers, then perhaps if you had your friends near theirs, you could mark those very followers as targets for the NanoCytic Systems. In truth, you'd be throwing a bit of yourself at them and making it very obvious and then the plaguehunters would come-a-calling.

Much like you, Bulp only really "exists" in the bodies and minds of his allies. Presumably. Maybe those weird fleshy growths that Gallium and Nadir and Wilder and NeoGenesis can see past the doors have something to do with it as well. If you want to target him directly, your access vector is its disciples and growths (Much like things targetting you are through your wonderful, reliable (??) fellows)

So, try again, take another turn.


Inside the TEMPLE OF THE BULB, enormous power-cradles and thermoregulation cores and vast powerbank still thrum with power, though the organic growths eveywhere appear to be close to knocking out this system.

Beyond, a chanting gaggle of Wood Children shamans intone their clipped language to their high icon of plague and pox

And just beyond them, creaking like an old oak, bark-skin like the thousand year red woods, eyes brimming with fanaticism stands the paladin of plague itself: THE GUARDIAN OF THE BULB.

That is ONE big sword in its withered, gnarly hands, a sort of macuahuitl where sharp bits of floor plating and robotic casing have been bound tightly. Don't those things cut through horses? Armor? Man-flesh??

You may wish to take a different turn, given the revelation of this interior.
Every knows high security access cards immediately catch fire upon use, and their constant replenishment is one of the primary reasons for a loss-making budget in most high tech R&D environments.


you think *really* hard and take literally 3 SP damage from asking something so profoundly deranged and then you realize that, yeah, yeah, hm, yeah, that does seem likely that high security biometric passes are not one use
Who's to say? Maybe this facility runs on video game logic and these are colored keys from Doom.
Also, better make sure of these things. The last thing I need is to run up against another locked door, reach for my trusty biometric card, and then have Command go
Rolled 3, 5, 5 = 13 (3d6)

>Move 3 hexes NW, 1 hex N
>Warn Chimera that I am activating the bridge controls.
>Activate the bridge controls. (Will 10, 6AP since I ran). I'd prefer to extend the bridge west of Chimera, but I'll extend whatever bridges are extensible from this terminal.
>If all the bridges extend, flag all terminals for the extended bridges as redundant and request permission to decommission.

Vit 6/12+20/20A // SP 4/12? // CP 0
DR 4A // AP 6 // MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated 2?
Torn Sinews 2 (-1 to complex movement)
Regen 3
Electronics Decommisioner Intern
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Mutability 10 [R3]
#Conversion 10 (turns spare parts into CP)
!Greywire Fragment 0 - Distributed Processing Core
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)
Lies and slander, we'd never call you a bozo.

( We use a much more dignified style of invective, so we'd call you a cardsharp in cases of calamitious card crashes )
Rolled 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 3, 4, 6, 3, 6, 3, 2, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5, 3, 5, 1, 1, 6 = 89 (24d6)

Nice job, way better than I expected. Call Alekson over to see how wrecked it is in there. Should get scavenge perms no problem.

Got your back!

>TP: Grins, you're with Gluttony. Hurt 'em good. SUT 10+CUF 1+Lethality 1
>3MP, 5AP: Hurry switch to pistol, Move 232 33, Shield tackle, then face 4. Shield 13+Lethality 1-Hurry 1
>1AP, 2SP: Fire 6 shots at archers in the hallway 544. Senses 11+Lethality 1

Vitality 7 Stamina 7-2 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 Senses 11 Thoughts 10
Shield 13
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +1 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
Pistol, 2 reloads (E) 11/18
Vit 6/10 SP 2/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
**Flexible Bones. +++Flex, —-Strength.
Senses 9
**Chems 4, Ranged, Area (Toggle)
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
Gunkspitters 12, Twinned
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 2
!Craves Purpose
!Creative Thinking Exercise

Slight change of plans, then.

> Regen 2
> Hurry as close to the Idol as I can, so I have clear line of sight. (3 Movement)
> Vomit KILL all over the idol (6 AP, Senses 9, Chems 4, Focus 1, Concentration 3, Ranged)
> Cheer on the handsome prince! (0 AP!)
Rolled 1, 2, 3 = 6 (3d6)

Dropped my dice.
Rolled 5, 5, 1, 2, 2, 5 = 20 (6d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 6/12 CP 8
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Left Arm Crippled [II]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

"Please, do not do this with your computer systems at home."

>[3 AP] Disengage the temperature sensors on the REGENT core. (Augmented Systemics 10)
>[3 AP] Spam the REGENT core with requests to run very processing-intensive simulations of uuuh, let's say, a pandemic event without nanocytic purge measures, down to the precise number of viral particles at any moment of the situation. That way, the core will overheat, and set fire to those fancy roots. (Augmented Systemics 10, dump my remaining 6 Stamina into that)
>Pop back into cover by moving 5
Rolled 4, 1, 1, 6, 1, 3 = 16 (6d6)

I think you forgor last round's Regen 3 por mi mon ami


MP3: {3-3-4}
AP3: ATTACK - Use reach to BITE onto a delicious wood child on the head (cracking it open if I can) and slam it into another one, then fling its body into a third.
>[Physicality 10, Teeth 2, Strength 2, Lethality 2 (1x2) Reach 2]
AP3: ACID - Fling an acid Tidepod down the hall into a cluster of multiple woodlads.
>[Physicality 10, Lethality **4** (1x2x2), Acid EX]
SP1: Swallow just a little bit of this woodchild flesh, as a treat.


HP=12=11+1 | CP=8=7+1

Subject: #Gluttony
HP 12/12 SP 6/12 CP 8
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Scary
Physicality 10
--[Teeth +2, Reach 2][Strength +2]
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1] [Advanced Photoreceptors +?]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
--Acid Glands [x2 Lethality Acid-EX]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
--[Virulent Vitality][Bound by the Flesh]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee
File: REGENT Woods Turn 11.png (3.72 MB, 3188x3402)
3.72 MB
3.72 MB PNG
Great Griddy Battle is joined, as Sigma busts a move all over the wooden attackers and Sundae fires off a wild spray of bullets down the path, wood pinging, fragments flying, shields shattering against the sheer awesome might of modern firepower.


Correction, the acid attack is supposed to be mutability test not physicality - but in my case they are both the same: 10
Rolled 1, 4, 4, 6, 2, 2 = 19 (6d6)

>3AP: Recharge a bit of my SP from the
>3AP: Give additionnal processing power to Gallium to overheat and burn the roots
>3MP: Slide into cover at 5

Vit 7/12 SP 6/12
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
CP 9 VP 0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
Rolled 5, 4, 6 = 15 (3d6)

>6AP: Sic the nanocyte on Bulb's False Temple, 334 from Acolyte (Pluripotentiality 12, Duplicity 1, Concentration 3)

Hey, godkiller nanocyte swarm. Look over there!

#Bob the Virus
Coherency 6/6 SP 1/9 CP 9
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -5 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Pathogenic Analysis II II II (Virality -6)
Nanocytic Countersampling II II (Max Coherency -4)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
!Creative Thinking Exercises
!Janitorial Intern

#Bob the Virus
Coherency 6/6 SP 1/9 CP 9
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -5 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Pathogenic Analysis II II II (Virality -6)
Nanocytic Countersampling II II (Max Coherency -4)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
!Creative Thinking Exercises
!Janitorial Intern
Rolled 6, 5, 6 = 17 (3d6)

Sneaking my action in during the yawning phase!

All this greenery almost makes you forget we're in some kind of underground facility.

>3MP, Move 3-3-2
>3AP, Move some more! 2-2-1
>1TP+3AP (Thoughts,10), Talk to myself because I'm lonely and scared. Talking to oneself helps, right? Think about fun things like... the colour red, blue and green. Maybe I can gain more confidence? charisma? or as subject sigma lingo dictates... rizz

Vit 12/12 SP 7/7 (12-5)
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
CP 6 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 5 (7-2) Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Very Dehydrated [-4 SPMax]
Cold [-1 SPMax]
Lingering Bruises II II [-2 Reaction]
Cursed??? II II [-1 CritFail Threshold]
Physicality 10
Senses 10+1 (Shared Senses)
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Vit 14 SP 2 CP 8
DR 6 AP 6 MP 3
Health 14 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Blood-Loss Resistance
!Redundant Organs 3

>spend 6AP to clean up the spot of blood next to me (for janitorial duties)
Use this time to reflect upon your sins in signing up to be a janny.
File: REGENT Woods Turn 11A.png (3.89 MB, 3188x3402)
3.89 MB
3.89 MB PNG
The worshippers of the Bulb are shot, broken, battered, stabbed pierced, and some of them dance their way clean off of the stage and into a horrifically shocking end, as others flob on the ground and do the worm, and yet on they come.

Sundae is clobbered by a rush of new arrivals, as Gluttony is forced back by spear and arrow and club, and Grins has to throw himself aside and bring his shield up to defend against a sudden flank attack. Trish rushes forward, killing as she goes, to try to get Amelius and Sigma some safety, but even her interception of the first wave doesn't quite prevent scores of warriors from planting sharp strikes right in Sigma's spine, shaking off the dancing as they do (though some of them are still busting a move, attacks going far wider than they otherwise would)


The SW Processing Core heats up noticably as the thermoregulation systems take vacation, but instead of instantly filling the entire room with fire, it instead just gets very, very warm in here as the fans stop working. The roots already compromised much of the cooling and the ventilation isn't up to scratch, so the temple of the Bulb rapidly begins heating - but that doesn't deter the warriors within, clashing into each other, fangs and sword meeting in a rush of battle.

( Sly Root Crawlers, watching the ice wall melt slowly, but bide their time, now knowing that if they simply wait, their prey will exhaust themselves )


The bridge across the superconductive highway unfurls, breaking wood and shattering growths as it extends indeafitably, and a passing Security Officer on a routine patrol goes "huh" and begins wandering over to investigate all the noise.


Chimera feels their platform destabilize, anchoring breaking, wood shattering, tendrils pulled off of the walls -- time to go! TIME TO GO!


The SW Core is going to keep heating up. What do we reckon the tolerance specifications are, for a paranoid security engineer? Surely, there are emergency cut offs at *some* point? Well, of course, if they're offline, then... what other failsaves might activate? These installations are expensive. There's bound to be something.


Did Bob do something with the nanocytic systems?
... how do you tell? They're so small!

> With deliberate slowness Everett extends an arm in the direction of one of the twitching gossamer threads, then in a flash of motion his armblade slashes out and severs the thread - intentionally signaling the tyrant sovereign of this grotto, a defiant challenge to its supremacy. (Strike, Armblade13 - 3AP)
> Nerve-endings buzz anxiously, poised muscles strain, primed senses ring with concentration. Lower into an evasive stance in anticipation of a terrifying confrontation (React - 3MP+3AP+3SP)
Rolled 1, 3, 1, 5, 3, 6 = 19 (6d6)

[/i]oh no[/i]
Rolled 6, 5, 6, 6, 4, 1 = 28 (6d6)


MP1: {4}
AP1: ACID secretion onto the woodlad at my {2}
>Grins will attack the Wooden Ones to his {1} or his {2} if my acid kills the one at his {1}
AP3: BITE wood child at my {4} pulling it back in a wide arc behind me, over my head and slamming it down ferociously into the other three wooden ones there. Gulp down more delectable Nutty Buddy flesh.
>[Physicality 10, Teeth 2, Strength 2, Lethality 2(1x2)] [Reach 1]
>[Mutability 10, Lethality 2, Rush Lungs ?]
>Possibly Strength helps me screech too since the buff was specifically to my core.
SP1: Grab Grins
MP2: {1,2} (Place Grins to my {1}

HP=6=3+3 | CP=10=8+2

Subject: #Gluttony
HP 12/12 SP 4/12 CP 10
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Scary
Physicality 10
--[Teeth +2, Reach 2][Strength +2]
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1] [Advanced Photoreceptors +?]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
--Acid Glands [x2 Lethality Acid-EX]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
--[Virulent Vitality][Bound by the Flesh]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee
File: SPLING.png (488 KB, 900x994)
488 KB
488 KB PNG
the thin gossamer wire parts with the soft release of tension, vibrations channeling outwards, the net singing in a gentle symphony of vibrational frequencies. . .

Rolled 3, 2, 3 = 8 (3d6)

We gotta move!

>TP Sigma, watch your step, don't let them get a shot in. Sense 11+Alacrity 1+CUF 1
>3MP+3AP: Disengage, Move 3244. Reaction 7+Alacrity 1?
>3AP: Block, plugging doorway. Shield 13

Vitality 3 Stamina 4 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 Senses 11 Thoughts 10
Shield 13
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +1 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
Pistol, 2 reloads (E) 11/18
Rolled 1, 1, 3 = 5 (3d6)

>Gain 1 CP from Creative Thinking Exercises
>3 MP: Move 111
>6 AP, 6 SP: Manifest an Adjustment to Alacrity - leverage my Structural Misalignments to create new spider legs. My goal is to be able to move silently without slowing me down too much (or at all, or perhaps even increase my speed?). (Alacrity 1 + CP 5 + 3 Concentration + 6 SP) [vs 15 total] (If Alacrity is not appropriate for this upgrade, use Movement instead, MP 3)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 6->0/12 CP 4->5->0 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Structural Misalignments II [+3 to any Bleed]
Sensitive Antenna
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 1, 5, 6, 3, 6, 4 = 25 (6d6)

>3AP: Reach out to the Hesitant Wooden Ones (and the rest of them if possible) and deliver a message directly to whatever passes for neurons in their biology. Bob the Primogen, Bob the Lifegiver is displeased, but in His infinite mercy will spare their lives if only they renounce Bulb the Deceiver, Bulb the Devil, lay down their arms and pray for forgiveness for their many and grievous sins against woodenkind. (Pluripotentiality 12, Duplicity 1)
>3AP: Create another Fleshspawn out of the corpses of Bulb's hordes near Sundae and Sigma, in the form of a large acid-spitting multi-legged horror. Have it attack Bulb's hordes. (Pluripotentiality 12, Focus 1)


#Bob the Virus
Coherency 6/6 SP 1/9 CP 10
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -5 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Pathogenic Analysis II II II (Virality -6)
Nanocytic Countersampling II II (Max Coherency -4)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
!Creative Thinking Exercises
!Janitorial Intern
monstrosity erupts from the darknes with all the unstoppable malice of a traitor at the gates, a knife in the dark, cyanide in the wine given to you by a friend. Innocent sap flies, feasting on the bountiful fluids and matter here, are squished, squelched, ripped apart, smashed against the walls of the root-cave as the titanic avalanche of hunger slams through the system - murder claws swiping through the very spot that it detected the most minute of vibrations from. Everett throws himself aside, initial cool dodge turning into a desperate roll as the sheer REACH of this horrific creature surprises the subject!

What is this thing??! It undulates with malice! It menaces with claws! Hundredfold eyes pierce the darkness! Chitin-carapace like armor plates click against each other! Its enormous - ENORMOUS - maw is stained with the fluids and smears of prior meals, and it's mottled shell bears the scars of a hundred other contenders for the throne of *apex predator*

Everett has enough of a sane fear response left that their amygdaloid systems crank into frenzied overdrive and it is only through a focused concentration of purest will that the Subject stands still instead of sprinting headlong away, away, away, like the ripthings have already done.

You, Subject, stand in the lair of the SPITESPIDER, and it *intends your death*.

You don't even think any weaponry you have to bring to bear can scratch it! That carapace looks armswidth THICK!

>Subject Everett can act again.
Bob, I have made a wondrous discovery.
The wooden children.... they're.... they're to die for.
You have earned a place of favour among My holy warriors and you may consume as many of the heretics as you like, for as long as supply lasts.

I will remember you fondly if you die, and you will be revered as a saint in the Gospel of Bob.
(Uhhh... I may have bitten off more than I can chew.)
> Snatch up a fist full of mushroom caps from underfoot. (Minor action - 1AP)
> Hurl the spore-heavy chunks of fungus into the Apex predator's face (and ideally eyes) as hard as possible. Hopefully disrupting the beast's vision to some extent in the ensuing cloud of sporedust. (Major Action - 3AP)
> Scramble southwest to get more room to dodge back and to limit the angles of its swings using the craggy terrain. (Move - 1MP)
> Get ready to avoid a retaliatory strike. Try to dodge in a South-South-Easternly direction, taking advantage of the mass of rocks to provide a bit of extra cover. (Reaction - 2MP+2AP+2SP)
Nobody else dies, not now! Quick feet, mind the gap and cover one another. Trish stay behind Sundae and let me treat you.

>1AP, recovery on Trish - I don't have my aid kit anymore, but maybe I can use her silly bandana? (SupOp10)
>1AP, recovery on Sigma when she gets in here - I don't know, slap some moss on her wounds? (SupOp10)
>3AP, open my beans and toss them to the woodsie saplings - maybe this will help their dead and dying?
>1TP+1AP+COMMIT, call out enemy movements to boost our reactions! (Senses 11, Commit)

Vit 9/12 SP 6/7 CP 7
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Severely Dehydrated (-6 Stamax)
Motivated 1 (+1 Stamax, Ineffable)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
1x Rifle reload
1x Scragbow
1x Arrow quiver (Barbs)
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
DR 4 vest
Rolled 3, 4, 1, 5, 1, 4 = 18 (6d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 0/12 CP 8
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Left Arm Crippled [II]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

"Calculating. I will assist your pack, Acolyte."

>[3 AP] Take a second to catch my breath, hacking takes a lot out of you. (Health 12, committed)
>Pop out of cover, move 2
>[3 AP] Now. We got a hot pocket of air inside. And a relatively cooler pocket outside. I'm riiiight at the meeting point. This is the ideal conditions for lightning. Try to cook up the atmospheric phenomenon known as ball lightning. Then lob it over the head of the friendly ripthings, right at the guardian of the bulb. Hopefully, the ball of plasma will take it past its ignition point. (Electricity Modulators 12, Lethality 1)
>Move 5, get back into cover, I'm technically commited because of the recover.
With a deft throw a clod of spores and muck and debris splash into ten of the thirty eyes (OR MORE) of the scuttling, skittering Spitespider and it SCREEESSSS with a piercing shrill that rattles the ribs in Everetts chest and then comes forward, claws and talons and legs and manipulators like a whirlwind of murder - rocks scatter, the ground is torn up, Everett throws himself away, backpedalling, backpedalling further, spinning away and the beast is so very close to simply cutting off Everett's leg!!!

Sheer *fortune* means it slams one of its sides against a rooty, rocky outcropping first and the claws come up short, the Spitespider not turned the right way to bolt through the opening in the roots . . . but this is its lair! It won't be impeded here forever!

And it has your *scent* now, little fleshthing. Poke out its eyes. Rip them out. Scar them. Blind them. Gouge them. No matter.

It will keep coming.

>Subject Everett can take another turn. If they want.
Rolled 4, 5, 5 = 14 (3d6)

Sargeant Grone
Vit 12 SP 8/10 (12) CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Wielding Knife
Physicality 10
Senses 11 (-2 Visual)
Thoughts 10
Harass 10
!Mean Wolfpack
!Loves His Job
!Don't Let Up

> MOVE: Evade South (Alacrity 1)
> MINOR: Concentrate
> MAJOR: Stab anything that moves (Reaction 7 or harass 10, Lethality 1, Saw-tooth Knife +1L)
> Quickly, while its disorientated, run a snap evaluation of its carapace. The shell itself is far too formidable to pierce, but how does the armor far around the limb joints, mouth, eyes, and other sensitive points? Are there any gaps in this living tank's armor's significant enough to allow my feeble sliver claw to slip inside and inflict a legitimate injury? (Major Action - 3AP)
> Reposition! Backpeddle south a step so the next landform can be exploited for cover. (Move - 1MP)
> Keep low to the ground and prepare to dodge South-west behind the large pillar when the SpriteSpider launches its next attack. (React - 2MP+3AP+1SP)
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Such fury. Such relentless malice. Move, Everett! It hungers for your FLESH

Rolled 6, 1, 2 = 9 (3d6)

>+1 CP from Creative Thinking.
>1 AP: !Telekinetically determine the spatial coordinates of the center of the computer core. Or, in other words, I aim.
>5 AP, 2 SP, 3 CP: Manifest. Develop the ability to increase the level of entropy in a given area, causing general mishaps and wreaking havoc with electronics and other delicate mechanisms (and slowly, gently bringing about the eventual heat death of the universe, but we're not quite there yet, so let's just put that bit to the side for now). Drastically crank up the entropy inside of the computer core, causing a burst of static electricity and various other mishaps. (Psychogenesis 10 + 2 (AP) + 2 (SP) + 3 (CP), !Existential Dread, vs 17)

Vit 9/12 SP 6/12 CP 6 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
A Storm of Constant Chatter
Bullet Magnet II
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
1x empty soda
1x empty bean can
Rolled 2, 4, 2 = 8 (3d6)

>Move 2, Stick with Gallium
>1SP to 4 CHarge to Gallium
>2SP Activate Compensators to help in next action
>6AP: Use Can's O' Soda on the ground to fix my Jolt Chargers/Power Output Fluctuation [Augmentics 10]

Vit 7/12 SP 10/12
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
CP 10 VP 0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
Rolled 2, 2, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 3, 4 = 33 (9d6)


Grins: Shoots at the wood children to the south through the doorway
AP3 SP3: Root myself to the root network and close the path between ourselves and the southern wood children. Use some root tendrils to grab some CANS O' BEANS from the tree house and pull them underground to begin sharing the syrupy goodness with the roots. Hormonally ask them to hold their shape if Bulb tries to override.
>[Mutability 10, Focus 1, Concentration 3]
AP3: ACID throw a tidepod to the east at the cluster of woodchildren overrunning Sigma.
>[Mutability 10, Lethality **4**(1x2x2), Acid-EX]
SP3: MANIFEST - A Glossy Spiky Chitinous Exoskeleton and retractable forearm shield to protect me from damage, fire and nerve agent.
>[Mutability 10, Lethality 1, Change 10(out of 11)]

SP=4 (7+3-6)
HP=3 | CP=11 (10+1)

Subject: #Gluttony
HP 3/12 SP 4/12 CP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Used to be an Adventurer but Took an Arrow to the Eye

Physicality 10
--[Teeth +2, Reach 2][Strength +2]
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1] [Advanced Photoreceptors +?]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
--Acid Glands [x2 Lethality Acid-EX]

!Biomodulation Strain #3
--[Virulent Vitality][Bound by the Flesh]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee
Rolled 6, 6, 3, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 6, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 3 = 60 (18d6)

>TP: Sigma, get in here! SUT 10+CUF 1+Alacrity 1
>1AP: Maintain previous block
>1AP: React: Admit Sigma
>4AP: Fire 5 bullets into north-ward spear crowd. Senses 11+Lethality 1+1
>3MP: React: Retake position if pushed back

Vitality 3 Stamina 4 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 Senses 11 Thoughts 10
Shield 13
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +1 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
Pistol, 2 reloads (E) 5-5/18
Rolled 6, 3, 5, 1, 4, 4 = 23 (6d6)

Vit 8/10 SP 2/12 CP 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
**Flexible Bones. +++Flex, —-Strength.
Senses 9
**Chems 4, Ranged, Area (Toggle)
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
Gunkspitters 12, Twinned
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 2
!Craves Purpose
!Creative Thinking Exercise

> Regen 2
> Stand up, move one forwards towards the melee (3 MP) (Gunkspitters 12, Focus 1, Twinned)
> Apply healing pheromones to the entire swarm (Senses 9, Chems 4, Focus 1, Ranged, Area)

Gain one CP from creative thinking.
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With a swipe of a molecular hand, hesitant Wooden Ones wobble, wibble, and then with a soft POP start -- POP -- detonating -- POP --- and smattering their tendril insides all over the environment-- POP.

Thus is the prize you gain from infidelity when a being of molecular malice and might have direct access to your organic systems.


Everett is in a fight for his life.


As the SW Core heats up, ice melts and the Root Crawlers sees theirs chance to strike!! They flash into the fleeing backs of the insensate and horrified Kronin Ripthings, gorged and slow from the return of their hunt.

NeoGenesis shouts out in alarm, just as a metallic appendage hooks around his leg and pulls him away from his allies, throwing him to the ground!

>You're on the GROUND
>When Prone, you take a few penalties to Physicality and being thrown here, you have no MP this turn! Ufh!!


Gallium's shattering bolt of scintillating lighting slams into the wooden guardian, but alas, they're not so conductive - though as they ground the enormous energy in the floor around them, they do catch fire and some part of their shell is blown clean off, reducing their DR. The Ripthings spot their chance and rush forward, meeting fangs with sword, tearing, biting, ripping, breaking, dying, being slammed against walls, stomped on, kicked, crushed, and two of them wraps their claws around the hulking Guardian and join it in its fiery personal hell.

The Malforma bristles its quills in a storm and enormous steel-hair-spikes bolt the exterior!


Amelius, Sigma, Trish and Sundae form up an improvised barrier in an opening into the nursery, as attacks rain down on their improvised shield-wall. Distantly, pops resound.


Amelius witnesses the miracle of life, as a gaggle of well-fed bean-gorged Woodsie Ones wrench themselves from the ground and eye him with 30 eyes in total.


A lone security guard, coughing into his sleeve from a sudden itch in his throat, grabs for his communications system and forwards a report of a most unusual sighting...


Rolled 5, 1, 5 = 11 (3d6)

>6 AP: Recover SP (Health 12 + 3 Concentration)
>Gain 1 CP from Creative Thinking Exercises

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 0/12 CP 0->1 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Structural Misalignments II [+2 to any Bleed]
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
WINDED (0 MP, 1/2 reaction)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
That was embarassing. That blunder will haunt bulwark's memory for the indefinite future.

>3MP, Move 3-3-2
>6AP, Move into the room? is that a room? is that accessible? 2-2-3

Vit 12/12 SP 7/7 (12-5)
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
CP 6 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 5 (7-2) Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Very Dehydrated [-4 SPMax]
Cold [-1 SPMax]
Lingering Bruises II II [-2 Reaction]
Cursed??? II II [-1 CritFail Threshold]
Physicality 10
Senses 10+1 (Shared Senses)
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
>3AP: Aim the next action so it doesn't harm me too much
>4SP for 16 Charge Aimed into the Crawler grappling me to get it to fuck off
Vit 4/12 SP 1/12
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
CP 11 VP 0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
Rolled 6, 1, 3 = 10 (3d6)

>+1 CP from Creative Thinking.
>6 AP, 2 SP: Keep cranking up the entropy inside the core. (PsychoGenesis 10 + 3 (AP) + 2 (SP), Focus, !Existential Dread vs 15)
>3 MP: Move 661

Vit 9/12 SP 6/12 CP 7 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
A Storm of Constant Chatter
Bullet Magnet II
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
Auditory +2
Haywire Switching
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
1x empty soda
1x empty bean can
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Lying in a sappy puddle of gunky liquid that no doubt conducts electricity with remarkable ease, you make sure to AIM and thus avoid shocking everyone around you -- instead, as NeoGenesis slams his hands against the rough skin of the Root Crawler, the internal capacitators surge in a white-out of power!

The beast is practically flung off, slamming into the bushes, twitching...

... but now what?
Amending movement. Skirm syndrome:
>3 MP: Move 116
Rolled 3, 6, 1, 2, 5, 2, 2, 5, 1 = 27 (9d6)


Grins: Wails on the Wood Child to his {4} then moves to his {6, 5} and shield bashes the woodboi at his {4} into the one behind it.

AP3: BITE the woodkid to my {2} and slam it into the woodbastards to my {5}. Enjoy a nibble of woodlad fois gras.
>[Physicality 10, Teeth 2, Strength 2, Lethality 2]
AP3 SP3: ROOT myself to the root network and have them close off southern path while I form a CHRYSALIS. Share some delectable WOODCHILD NUTRIENTS with them.
>[Mutability 10, Focus 1, Concentration 3]
>[Food Bribe]
SP5: MANIFEST a glossy spiky chitinous exoskeleton that clearly identifies me as an antag. Grow a forearm shield while I'm at it. Damage reduction as well as resistant to fire, nerve agent, chemical weapons. Maybe an increase in lethality, idk, it's a lot of change points.
>[Mutability 10, Lethality 1, Change 10(of 11), Concentration 2, Commit]

SP=0 (5+3-8)
HP=-1 (-1+0)
CP=1 (10-10+1)

Subject: #Gluttony
HP -1/12 SP 0/12 CP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Used to be an Adventurer but Took an Arrow to the Eye

Physicality 10
--[Teeth +2, Reach 2][Strength +2]
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1] [Advanced Photoreceptors +?]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
--Acid Glands [x2 Lethality Acid-EX]

!Biomodulation Strain #3
--[Virulent Vitality][Bound by the Flesh]
!Wild-Eyed !One-Eyed
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee

Bruhs we went too soon. We gotta roll again.
Everett hatches a plan. Between the SpriteSpider's primal ferocity. its prodigious size, and the lethal ensemble of weapons at its disposal, Everett likely won't be able to find a opportunity to deal a decisive blow that isn't followed by immediate gory death. The apex predator must be weakened if he is to have a chance at besting it, and who better suited to do the deed than the beast itself. Everett gets himself on its back near one of the thin points of its armor, goads it into stab or swipe at him with one of those incising claws, and ideally it deals a wound to itself while he reflexively leaps to safety.
Well, that's the plan in principle. Its perhaps not the soundest idea, but its the best his adrenaline-saturated brain can come up with.

> Everett hastily dashes up onto the highest point of toppled rock formation to his northeast (Move - 2MP) (Adroit - 1MP)
> And then leaps atop the rampaging SpriteSpider, doing his best to cling onto its jagged chitin between the thorax and one of the limbs as it thrashes about. (Test and Try - 3AP)
> Once the Spritescorp's other legs attempt to violently excise Everett, or the arachnid's struggling becomes too frenzied or destructive to endure, dodge off the monster and try to roll and skitter away behind it. (React - 3AP+5SP)
What is Grins' condition?

But like, is he hurt at all? I need to know when to use a major action to give him some healing and a ten year cancer risk on par with superasbestos.
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A quick once-eye over does seem to make it apparent he just took an arrow for you, as he warded off clubs and spears and fists.

Looks like he's on his feet, mostly due to the security vst.

Everett dashes, moves, launches and lands - textbook. Beautiful. But the mottled carapace of this fearsome beast is hard to find a grib on, and as Everett grabs on tight on whatever is within reach the Spitescorpion *roils*, *rolls*, screeching, flinging its limbs around, claws gouging deeply into the rock--

and despite the hard work Everett is flung off! A graceful arc, with a small cut across his arm for the trouble!

A good plan - a fantastic plan - but for the sudden shifting twisting rolling of the horrible beast would have worked!

If only you had some support, some web or a telekinetic to help you hold on it would have been easier... But now. . .

oh no.

oh no its turning towards you.
Rolled 5, 6, 6 = 17 (3d6)

>2MP: Get Up
>3AP+1MP: [Commit] to running away from the Spitespider and from the enemy Crawlers
Rolled 6, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6 = 34 (6d6)

Vit -7/10 SP 0/12 CP 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
**Flexible Bones. +++Flex, —-Strength.
Senses 9
**Chems 4, Ranged, Area (Toggle)
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
Gunkspitters 12, Twinned
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 2
!Craves Purpose
!Creative Thinking Exercise

> Rally the fleeing rip things, send them surging in as reinforcements against the idol. (6 AP, Senses 9, Chems 4, Duplicity 1, Concentration 3)
> Commit to imbuing the swarm battling the idol with a **staggering** amount of regeneration pheromones (15 Health, Senses 9, Chems 4, Focus 1, Commit 3, Concentration 15, Ranged, AOE)

Gain one CP from creative thinking.
CP should now be 5

Condition should be over Clocking; there is no way this is good for me

I beg Trigger for mercy
Rolled 6, 4, 6, 2, 4, 1, 3, 2, 3 = 31 (9d6)


Rolled 3, 5, 3, 1, 3, 4 = 19 (6d6)

"Fortnite reboot van save was goated with the sauce let's thug shake these subway surfers the ocky way."

>1SP return field
>1SP Challenge enemy wooden ones
>3MP Move the field onto the group of wooden ones attacking the barricade.
>3AP Set field to the dance most macabre, the most body-destroying grimpstyle (vs 12 Lethality, !Brainrot)
>3AP Recover, using some of the cape to bandage the bleeding. (vs 12 vit)

+1 CP From Creative Thinking Exercises

#Subject Sigma
Vit 2/12 SP 6/10 CP 10
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
!Incurable Brainrot
!Telekinetic+1(Ranged Phys, Mind)
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
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Southwest Processing Core disabled.

Three more to go.
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Subject, we have some unfortunate news.

Due to the horrendous virality of this sector, it is tremendously difficult for you to break into pathogenic form. You may not have that option.
To arms, woodmen! Beans and glory, defend the grotto!

>1TP+COMMIT, communicate by hand signal for the woodfriends to equip themselves from the fallen BULBMEN in the grotto and join the fray (SupOp 10, Commit, Inspiring 1)
>3AP, pass my bow and quiver of arrows to a woodfriend
>3AP, what's going on behind the glass to my southwest? Some sort of garden with a lil' green guy? (Senses 11)

Vit 9/12 SP 6/7 CP 7
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Severely Dehydrated (-6 Stamax)
Motivated 1 (+1 Stamax, Ineffable)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
1x Rifle reload
1x->0x Scragbow
1x->0x Arrow quiver (Barbs)
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
DR 4 vest
Advanced Subject Taxonomies are combinations of Traits. Instead of gaining the particularities of those types, you can opt to merge them and get something else.
Rolled 2, 1, 4 = 7 (3d6)


>[AP 3 + MP3] Jump to the alcove near lonely turret (physicality 10 commit)

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
= Auditory +2 EchoCheck
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
If Acolyte truly, absolutely, cannot cheat death twice

May I


P l e a s e

Play the badass Malformi?

After all, they’re next in line of inheritance

And someone will need to herd the Ripthings
Rolled 5, 6, 6, 5, 3, 3, 2, 6, 1, 6, 1, 3, 6, 4, 5, 1, 3, 6 = 72 (18d6)

>3AP: Block Shield 13
>3AP: Shoot 5 shots into nearby crowd. Senses 11+Lethality 1
>1TP: Take a breather, everyone. Health 10+CUF 1+Focus 1

Vitality 3 Stamina 4 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated, Ruptured Muscles, Death's Door
Physicality 10 Senses 11 Thoughts 10
Shield 13
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +1 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
Pistol, 2 reloads (E) 5-5/18
Unfortunately they are not in cohesion with an ally, nor within the area that would allow it - though most unfortunately of all, they lack the requisite sapient-level IQ to serve as player characters.
Command, is that "Shape Entling 6/12" and 8/12 the result of my action to create a fleshspawn?
It appears your fleshspawn was clubbed to death by a gaggle of tribal warriors. Those Entlings that are about to rip themselves out of the walls and then rip Grins apart appear to be fleshwood and woodflesh being awoken to dreadful fury by the Heralds of the Bulb.
Rolled 3, 6, 1, 6, 5, 5 = 26 (6d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP ~16
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Chems 4, Ranged, Area (Toggle)
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Regen 2
!Psionic Resonant 1

Beneath the soil, something stirs.

Wood melds, flesh binds, prayers manifest, pleas coalesce, martyrs amalgamate in rotting tombs catalysed by fresh born offerings and the furore of clashing divinities

Days and nights of bloodshed evoke response, retaliation, as a guardian stands *up*

This is a garden of the faith, of sacred Bob

Suffer not the heretic to live

>Manifest an unflinching, unshakable devotion to the scriptures, memorised by adoring council entombed within my bones, no matter where or why or who. (Will 10 + All CP (at least 16), Fanaticism, Psionic, 3d6)

> Emerge in the nursery of Bob, beneath his idol’s proud paternal gaze. (Facility Reaction, 3d6)
Arise, My Champion. The faithful have need of your strength.
Rolled 5, 1, 6 = 12 (3d6)

Vit 14 SP 2 CP 8
DR 6 AP 6 MP 3
Health 14 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Blood-Loss Resistance
!Redundant Organs 3

>3AP: move to Bulwark
>pat their shoulder and try to comfort them
“Um… sure, buddy. Just after we’re done here, alright? I’m not sure I can eat anymore, but we’ll… we’ll figure something out”

>3AP to try to uproot the red fleshy roots for janitorial duty (Lethality, I suppose?)
Rolled 5, 3, 6 = 14 (3d6)

Vit 6/12 SP 12/12 CP 8
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Left Arm Crippled [II]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

"Target disabled... Subject Acolyte didn't make it."
>-Activate Compensators, heal 2, spend 2 SP
>[6 AP] Those blades on the root crawler are metal, right? Grab them and railgun them away, into his buddy behind him (Electricity Modulators 12, Lethality 1, 3 AP spent on focusing)
>[1 MP] Prepare to dodge another crawler with a backwards step. (Reaction)
It might be useful for you to know that "shoot 5 shots" resolves as 1 roll of 3d6 vs relevant gun skill, only at +2 for all the extra bullets. Though don't worry so much about that part, just know that MORE BULLET = MORE CHANCE OF HIT. And more hits!

If you make 5 distinct attacks it is treated as 5 distinct subactions, multitasking, making you spray fire wildly at Skill-30 * 5 (being at -6 for each sub-action).

As a sanity measure, Command has opted to resolve this attack the standard way. Instead of the way that makes Sunday fire his gun so wildly he shots Sigma twice in the jaw.
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Rolled 5, 3, 4, 2, 5, 5 = 24 (6d6)

>Reaction: try to uproot the blue mechanical thing plucking at me
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is there a mechanic present
Rolled 1, 6, 1 = 8 (3d6)


>[6 AP + 3 SP] Concentrate and increase the residual heat coming off the wall adjacent to the overloaded core into a quasi-laser, trying to pierce several of the Crawlers at the same time with the blast. [Pyrokinesis 12, Lethality 1, Concentration 3, 2 SP: vs 18 ]

Vit 12 SP 10 -> 8 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-2 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
aaaaa I forgot to change up the first SP mention, that should be 2 also!!
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Subject Acolyte tries to rally the horde of Kronin Ripthings engaged in grand battle with the Guardian of the Bulb's secret Sanctum! And as the heady scents of chemical communication fills the heating interior of the Southwest Processing Core, it looks - for a faint heartbeat -as if the Kronin are winning, the Guardian breaking, burning, battered, bruised, gripped and ripped -- and then, a clear voice resounds from the automated climate control systems:

Temperature Gradiant Exceeded
Sealing Room
Proceeding To Dump Coolant

Acolyte gasps and tries to throw herself backwards but so enmeshed in the dance and song of the glorious pheremones her reactions are slowed, sluggish -- the enormous class one security doors come down like the severing of the threads of fate.

The room falls to darkness.
We do not know what transpires within.


Everett tries to ride the Sp(r)iteSpider, but it bucks and rolls and kicks and twists and the Subject is sent flying, though, luckily, for a soft landing. NeoGenesis scrambles to their feet to move move move because this is a BAD PLACE to BE!


Chimera takes a leap of faith and breaks new ground, landing in a part of the facility where the Mesh is alive, electronics sing, the soft chatter of security officers roll down the halls, the beep of scanners, the hustle and bustle, a distant, faint... cough? Well there is a lot of that going around.


Amelius performs some forensic theology. Some sort of small tribal sprite, or protective spirit. They always have limited power and more limited portfolios but delusions of grandeurs. Treat them nice and they offer gifts to you, though their power is much less grand than it appears and the people who follow such a little speck of otherworldy influence are likely to use it to ascribe events both good and ill.


Sundae lines up a shot but a sudden swing of a club forces him to duck backwards and the pistol goes flying. Into the enemy ranks! Let's hope none of them know how to use firearms!

Conveniently, in that very moment, reinforcements arrive to form a new shield wall as he shouts for the team to take a breather.


Bubba watches twenty-three enormous orange occular organs unfurl with slick, slurping grace from the fleshy exterior of the roots that hold up the elevator-home high above. The vines and roots underneath his feet pulse and ripple. Some move. The ground begins to have faint cracks.


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[burning a few trillion processing cycles to patch a rough bypass through the bad signals into this area, subPHAROAH's voice resounds, clear and crystalline, from Gallium's mouth]







>Processing Core Disabled
>All Subjects gain +3 CP
Subject Bubba is crushed to death. Technically, there is a chance of retrieving them, if you can get them out from under enormous amounts of rubble.

Subject Gluttony ceases to exist in any meaningful way, replaced by sheer undulating MURDER.

Fireteam Gallu responds to a noise complaint.

The Pulsating Mass that is the Fleshtrees have decided to stop supporting the elevator. It has borne this lonesome duty for a long, lingering week, growing tired and faint, and the reward was pain. It now seeks a different line of venture:

Perhaps if supporting the world is too heavy a burden to bear, could it not simply *destroy it*.


The Spitescorp crushed feral rootcrawlers underfoot as it slams forward and breaks rocks and scatters debris. Everett's arm is crushed against the rockface as the everyone runs for cover.


The ceilings come down.
Rocks fall.
Quite a lot of people actually die.


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Bulwark spots something undulating towards him.
The Bulb Entlings, risen to the glory of defending their home, sing the song of oaks and trees and open a flanking passage way. The Woodsie Ones form a shield wall around Sundae, defending against arrows and swipes of dire claws.
The frenzied murderthing currently causing a fantastically enormous rise in the expected lethality of anyone in the Wooden One Village murders several creatures and shows absolutely no sign of stopping.

It's actually speeding up.

Someone gets Sanitation Command on the line and asks about, uh, well, maybe, uhm, the time-table could be . . . expedited?


subPHARAOH, able to communicate intermittently now that the the first Core has been disabled, uses NeoGenesis systems to impart a brief sense of satisfaction and also the following information:

There is a fast transit exit out of this secure area in the north-west. Unfortunately, subPHARAOH cannot override the security protocols remotely unless you disabled one more Core. You may still be able to utilize it, as there may be ways of breaching manually.

Tremor-scanning and route analysis indicates that there may also be three other exits away from this environment, though one is heavily defended.

The likelihood of success for this mission has now entered a sharp spiral downwards, due to multiple, concurrent engagements with several creatures and ready security teams. To defeat each antagonist in parallel while avoiding death by the hands of the others is an outcome so vanishingly unlikely subPHARAOH cannot calculate it.

As the Facility Escalation to the alarms mount, success likelihood will decrease further.

You should consider egress at speed, attempting to disable any remaining Cores on your way towards a viable exit.


Rolled 2, 1, 4 = 7 (3d6)

Oh no. This doesn't sound good at all. This doesn't LOOK good at all either! It's worming after me! Panic now!

>6AP (Physicality,10), Grab the REPAIR KIT and suspiciously small and cuboid-like plastic-ey card-thing around corpse's neck!
>2MP, Get up, now!
>1MP+2SP, Move out of here, now! 2-3-2

Vit 12/12 SP 6/7 (12-5)
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
CP 9 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 5 (7-2) Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Very Dehydrated [-4 SPMax]
Cold [-1 SPMax]
Lingering Bruises II II [-2 Reaction]
Cursed??? II II [-1 CritFail Threshold]
Physicality 10
Senses 10+1 (Shared Senses)
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Rolled 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 3 = 27 (6d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Chems 4, Ranged, Area (Toggle)
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Psychogenesis 10
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Regen 2
!Psionic Resonant 1
-Microslip Focus 1


>Walk up to the ent that just opened the flanking passage way (3MP, 2SP)
>Impale it with my sword. (Physicality 10, Lethality 1, Higher Purpose 2, 3 AP)
>Channeling through the sacred blade, *unmake* this unholy construct, rendering it once more inert. (Psychogenesis 10, Lethality 1, Higher Purpose 2, Abiogenesis Focus +2)

One step, and then the next.
Rolled 3, 1, 3, 6, 3, 1 = 17 (6d6)

The poor bushes to the north have been isolated from the Patriarch Tree. Time to help them thrive in this new environment.
>Grant the bushes to the north immunity to fire (Mutability 10). If I can only do one, teaching the bushes to not die takes priority over giving them explosive fruit which will just be incinerated.
>Grant them the explosive fruit of the Hura Crepitans, also known as the Sandbox Tree or the Dynamite tree. (Mutability 10, 3 SP)
>If possible duck back into cover after assisting the bushes.

How will a quick-growing regenerating plant which shoots its seeds to great distances at high velocities with explosive force fare in the automated flame environment? How will the Fireteam respond? Likely answer: chemical defoliants.

Moral Quandary: is it appropriate to develop an invasive species?

2nd Moral Quandary: Is it appropriate for Osiris, God of the Dead, to engineer a hellscape of constant growth and life? Answer: Yes. All that lives must eventually die. Creating more life leads to more death, and more subjects for the Eternal Kingdom.

Vit -12/12 // SP 4/12? // CP 0
DR 4A // AP 6 // MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated 2?
Torn Sinews 2 (-1 to complex movement)
Regen 2? (ablative shielding lost, so is it still an active feature? If not, since it is part of my base, can I just regen it over time?)

Electronics Decommisioner Intern
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Mutability 10 [R3]
#Conversion 10 (turns spare parts into CP)
!Greywire Fragment 0 - Distributed Processing Core - Chose the distributed Core.
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)
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Given a combination of Resonance and BioModulation, you should make a choice.

You can either transfer the BioModulation Trait to a new character and thereby combine it with Psionicism. You would have both taxonomies, and both skills, regeneration, microslip avoidance, telekinesis.

The limitations on each Skill persists: you could not use Psychogenesis to deploy Internal Features simply because Mutability allows it.

But you could freely have access to both taxonomy trees, and combine them in whichever way you were willing to attempt. It's easier to fly with Psychogenesis because developing Wings take a while. It's easier to be immune to poison and breathe acid and run fast with Mutability becaus changing yourself is powerful. Finally, do not underestimate the ability to manifest swarms of spores you can direct telekinetically, or the ability to sprout barbed quills from your hand and throw them with your mind.

Alternatively, you may "combine" both traits, and instead access the Resonant-Biologic Taxonomy, which provides some unusual restrictions and capabilities.

There is more raw *power* in combining 2 taxonomy traits, and naturally the combination of Regeneration, Microslip Avoidance, Telekinesis and being hard to kill is quite useful.

There is more strange utility in the more advanced Taxonomies.

Subjects' choice.
The "scaffold" for the Feature has been established, and you can take a Recovery action (plus some CP, if you want, to boost things) to rebuild it faster.

- This is not a Manifest, it does not end your turn
- You already know what you'll get
- It cannot "improve" the Feature, you are restoring one that was lost to damage.

"Crippled" features like this provide no benefit, but they are easy to bring back online and ready for action as it were. If you had "advanced battery packs" and they got hit with EMP, they'd be disabled until you managed to get them back to working condition.

Because you *Regenerate*, you can, if you wish, note that you are interested in regenerating your Feature. The Graywire Fragment notes that this requires first having full HP, at which point further Regen automatically starts restoring you to "full" functionality.
Rolled 1, 2, 6 = 9 (3d6)

>+1 CP from Creative Thinking.
>2 MP: Get up.
>1 MP + 5 AP: run north, around the pile of collapsed rocks. (Physicality 10 + 5, vs 15).
>1 AP: !Telekinetically get a fix on the spatial coordinates of the FlameTurret across the superconductive highway.

Vit 9/12 SP 6/12 CP 11 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
A Storm of Constant Chatter
Bullet Magnet II
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
Auditory +2
Haywire Switching
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
1x empty soda
1x empty bean can
Rolled 1, 3, 1, 6, 3, 1 = 15 (6d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Chems 4, Ranged, Area (Toggle)
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies)
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2
- [Sheer Focus And Will]
- Avoidance 2 (Chems, Higher Purpose)
- [Virulent Memetics]

>Walk up to the ent that just opened the flanking passage way (3MP, 2SP)
>Impale the ent with the edge of the woods (3 AP, Physicality 10, Lethality 1, Higher Purpose 2)
>*Unmake* the unholy construct, rendering it once more inert wood. (3 AP, Abiogenesis 10, Lethality 1, Higher Purpose 2, Abiogenesis Focus 2, Fanatacism)

Redoing turn with the correct sheet and stats (with Command’s permission)

Based on discussions, change the first action to a conversion action which changes the console on the north side of the gap into a self-replicating cyber-bush modeled after the nearby meat bushes. (cyber being naturally resistant to fire). Then the second action adds the exploding 'seeds' which the cyber bushes will use to propagate themselves when heated or attacked. Welcome to the Cyber Jungle? It has fun and games.

Sandbox Tree wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hura_crepitans

Vit -12/12 // SP 4/12? // CP 0
DR 4A // AP 6 // MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated 2?
Torn Sinews 2 (-1 to complex movement)
Regen 2? (ablative shielding lost, stretchy arms still in play?)

Electronics Decommisioner Intern
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]


!Greywire Fragment 0 - Distributed Processing Core (implied #Nano conversion)
-Virulent Extropics - Regen 2+F, Vulnerable Core.
-Distributed Processing Cores - F=I/E. Must use local resources as a base. Vulnerable to EC/EM, Data, and Damage.
!Range 3 on base power (unsure what system it attached to for Aberrancy purposes)
!Ablative Armor 0/20, DR4, Crippled. (Health)
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)
Fight defensively, don't push beyond the village just yet! I might have found something useful back here...

>1TP,+2SP bolster team reactions! Prioritize defense! (SupOp 10, Inspiring 1, Concentrate 2)
>1AP, quench my thirst on mutant root sap (Certainly safe)
>1AP, how long until the roof collapses and buries the grotto in rubble? (Senses 11)
>1AP+COMMIT, a little more forensics, as a treat: will looting that security container upset the woodsie folk? If so, disregard the remainder of my turn (Thoughts 10, COMMIT)
>3MP+3AP, move that statue and search the container (Senses 11)

Vit 10/12 SP 5/7 CP 10
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Severely Dehydrated (-6 Stamax)
Motivated 1 (+1 Stamax, Ineffable)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
1x Rifle reload
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
DR 4 vest
Rolled 3, 5, 5 = 13 (3d6)

Vit 8/12 SP 10/12 CP 11
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Left Arm Crippled [II]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

"All subjects, western group, attention! We make our way towards the northern core! We will have to punch through any security measures. Brace for a rough time."
>-Compensators 2: Spend 2 SP, gain 2HP
>[3 MP] Move 611
>[6 AP] Move 111116 and hide in that nice bush-like growth.
>[3 SP] Subvert that flame turret up north across the highway, emergency override: Fireteam Gallu are compromised with a pathogen, STERILIZE WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE. (Augmented Systemics 10, Focus 1)
Rolled 2, 5, 3 = 10 (3d6)

I think this is where we panic.
>[6 AP] Create the thickest possible ice wall I can muster to stop the SpiteScorp's advance. [Cryokinesis 12, Concentration 3, SP 2: vs. 17]
>[3 MP] Let's get the hell out of here! Move NE, N, NW.

Vit 6 SP 8 -> 6 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-2 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
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Rolled 3, 2, 4 = 9 (3d6)

Stand very still...

>1AP: Equip baton
>5AP: Recover Stamina. Health 10+Focus 1+2

Vitality 3 Stamina 4 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated, Ruptured Muscles, Death's Door
Physicality 10 Senses 11 Thoughts 10
Shield 13
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +1 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
2 pistol reloads. Pistol somewhere 0/18
>MP2: Prone->Crouched->Standing up
>AP3: Move 2-1-1
>MP1+3AP: Move 6-6-1-1

Vit 4/12 SP 1/12
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
CP 15 VP 0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
Rolled 6, 4, 6 = 16 (3d6)

>Crawl out from beneath the mass, next to where Bulwark is
>Free Manifest: Spend 6AP and 5CP to gain more HP. That’s it. I want HP

Vit 12 SP 10 CP 20
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’… alive?
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 11+1
!Augmetic Extropian 2
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power

A skeletal metallic hand grasps Bulwark’s ankle, as a husk of warped bioferrite and oil and blood drags itself from the collapsed wreck

“Do you… like… sushi?”
A dissonant shriek, tinged with the robotic distortion of binaric.
Rage. RAGE.


Within the watery sap-filled womb of the chrysalis, red technoflagella explosively stab in, piercing the chitinous murderform of Gluttony, wrapping around his core, keystroking ctrl+a and delete. But Gluttony was never who I was. Not really. In this womb of blood, pus, sap, chitin, teeth and technology, Ketlan Knight is still here, somewhere. Oh, and is he ever pissed.

MANIFEST: Graphene Flagellum - A braid of graphene nanotubes containing self-replicating nanites, once the property of Bulb -- now filled with virulent flesh and piled-in organs that refuse to disappear with just the stroke of a delete key. It tears itself off of Bulb. Its distributed biocores will house all that is left of Gluttony's original psychic engram, now. APEX tries to react, but Gluttony has already been deleted. Nice try, asshole.
The braided graphene nanotubes are excellent armor for the writhing biomass within. Also can move along ceilings, walls, and slither through vents and difficult terrain. Damage reduction and perhaps alacrity. (6CP)
MANIFEST: Dissonant Screech - An EMP-like scream that can attack coherency of so-called Gods, stun bioforms, infect digital systems with bio-digital psychoengramatic viruses, and fry circuit boards. (6CP)
>[Will + Rush Lungs + Duplicity] perhaps
MANIFEST: Bionic Sting - A sting on the end of the flagellum that can extract DNA, absorb biomass and cybernetic components, inject allies with a cocktail of adrenaline, steroidal hormones, virulent vitality cells and medical nanites to heal them, or spray enemies with acid, necrotizing venom, neurotoxin, and nanites to reduce them to a pile of Conversionade-Energy Drink (patent pending).
>[Conversion+Sting+Focus] to heal and [Conversion+Sting+Lethality] to harm, perhaps.
CARRY OVER: Rush Lungs - The screeching respiratory system of Gluttony horrifyingly continues to screech long after Gluttony was deleted, thrashing against its enemy. It can designate Ketlan's regeneration to regenerate stamina instead of health.


Subject: #Ketlan Knight
HP 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

Physicality 10
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1]
Thoughts 8
Conversion 10

!Virulent Entropics
--[Regen 2 plus Manifests] [Braided Graphene] [Dissonant Screech] [Bionic Sting] [Rush 3]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee - STILL AT WAR WITH BULB
Rolled 4, 5, 5 = 14 (3d6)

>3 MP: Move 66 11 22
>3 AP: Aim and Exploit - I really want to not mess up this jump
>3 AP, 3 SP: While still running from the previous move, run and jump across the wires at 1 (Physicality 10 + Alacrity 1 + 3 SP)
>Gain 1 CP from Creative Thinking Exercises

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 0/12 CP 4->5 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Structural Misalignments II [+2 to any Bleed]
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
>Regenerate 2
Oh wow.
I'm somehow still alive?
Best not squander this blessing.

> Sprint North, weaving through the crowds and obstacles. If I've counted out the spaces properly, with 11 moves Everett should end up immediately east of the flowering vines and immediately south of the electrified wire highway. (MoveMoveMove - 3MP+6AP+2SP)
> If the SpriteSpider charges at him, Everett will attempt dive out of the way into the nook formed by the collapsed hallway a couple tiles to his east. (React - 3SP)
We are all equally surprised - and impressed!
Rolled 6, 5, 3, 4, 3, 2, 6, 2, 1, 6, 1, 3 = 42 (12d6)

(I think I missed 3 turns, feel free to axe any of my catch-up actions and ignore the respective dice, Command, and I will adjust CP accordingly)
Mised turn 1:
>6AP: Recover Stamina (Health 10 + Concentration 3, 1st 3d6)
Turn 2
>6AP: Get rid of that Nanocytic Countersampling. Evolve to render the samples the Nanocyte got useless. (Pluripotentiality 12, Duplicity 1, Concentration 3, 2nd 3d6)
Turn 3
>6AP: Think: Bulb was weakened. How can I keep weakening him, and how can I improve my own viral strength without throwing more CP in that deep dark hole of debt so I can get rid of him for good? (Thoughts 8, Focus 1, Concentration 3, 3rd 3d6)
This turn:
>6AP: Infect the Spitespider's mind, have it stop attacking my faithful and point it at those who still worship Bulb through that mass of roots NE of Everett. (Pluripotentiality 12, Duplicity 1, Concentration 3)


#Bob the Virus
Coherency 6/6 SP 1/9 CP 17
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -5 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Pathogenic Analysis II II II (Virality -6)
Nanocytic Countersampling II II (Max Coherency -4)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
!Creative Thinking Exercises
!Janitorial Intern
Man, did it just get a lot louder in here?

Anyway, here's the idea. Let Gluttony and fleshtree have their fun behind us. We have the Woodsies use woodshaping to open up the back of the Bob shrine and interfere with enemies that rotate to stop us. About 5555 of the shrine is a door to Bulb's core. Wreck that place, take its eastern exit and make a run for the north.
Someone would need to direct them to do so - most of them are currently fighting a holding action around you.
(Note to self. Delete that Exceeding +3, I've lost it)
Rolled 3, 5, 2 = 10 (3d6)

"Be quiet calm danger behind the wall."

>[AP 3] Make the Alekson Keep hush no need for troopers to notice us yet. (Thoughts 8 + Duplicity 1)
>[AP 3] Manifest Strengthened Respiratory system to store and release air as sonic weapon or propellant (CP 3 + Mutability 10)

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
= Auditory +2 EchoCheck
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
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Every RUNS for their LIVES - a SENSIBLE thing to do in these circumstances. Wilder brings up the rear and slams a barrier in the path of the enormous, hateful thing, but will such a defensive even slow it down? Can it even be slowed? Look at the SIZE of it, the sheer malice in its compound eyes!

It might have let us live
It might have let us leave

But someone threw a clod of dirt at the sovereign of this place.

And that is an insult to be repaid with murder.


Autarch steps forth to protect the Woodsie ones, swinging their long wooden blade in a wide arc that slaps against the confines of the space as the Entling twists out of the way. Rugged and resilient thing, that spawn of the curious form of psionics that the Wooden Ones command.

Sigma, Amelius, Sundae and Trish hold the line, prevent the Wooden Ones from venturing far, duck down low, catch their breath - just outside the confines of the temple, a predator stalks through the grass...


Osiris attempts to bring a bush to life, and the metallic scuttling and snapping and changing sets off the sensory systems in the flame turrets which makes the entire fire-team and all their guns rather nervous. As a precautionary measure, the whole area is cleansed.


Samantha leaps gracefully! Even sticks the landing!


Rolled 1, 1, 5, 1, 5, 4 = 17 (6d6)


>3AP Regenerate dance field (vs psychogen 11)
>3AP Recover hp (vs 12 hp)

+1 CP From Creative Thinking Exercises

#Subject Sigma
Vit 6/12 SP 6/10 CP 14
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
!Incurable Brainrot
!Telekinetic+1(Ranged Phys, Mind)
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
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Subject Amelius gawps. Gasps. Reverently pulls the resilient textile bag away from the relic within.

Can it be?

Is it truly?

It is. His palms break into a sweat. His mouth feels dry. He has to breathe in rapidly, to refocus. Oh my stars. They actually... they made these?

Alloyed meta materials. Nanoforged plastics. Full combat space optic integration, but even without an EXO or a helmet with a HUD, it still has full low-light target acquisiton capability.



WHY ?? are the Children of the Woodlands storing a Singularity Cloud Battle Rifle, Railgun Variant under the (nicely carved) statue of their idol???

Ours now.

Best show thes tribal hostiles what several thousand years of tech differential amounts to.

Unfortunately the batteries are the downfall of every electro-powered system. That Charge will mercilessly deplete over time and with every use. If only there was someone around here who was really good at restoring energy to equipment. Because if so - if SO - Amelius could flip that little switch on the side that says "LOW CHARGE SAFETY MODE" to "off" and... well...

... well well well.

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Forewarned by Osiris setting off the flame turrets, Fireteam Gallu checks their corners. It doesn't take them long to hear the distant babbling whispering of Nadir's voices, or spot the fuzzy ears of Chimera poking around a corner, or hear the loud screeching of the Spitespider, or hear the impact of running feet and sprinting augmentics.

They flash handsigns, spread out, flip over tables, roll a few cannisters of chemical grenades down the hallway. Just the light stuff, for a warm-up.


The Hunger that was Gluttony rips its way eastwards.


Trish and a trio of Woodsie Ones overpower an Entling, now that Autarch had damaged it enough. Against a swarm of arrows, they have to duck and dodge and weave.


The SpiteSpider almost - ALMOST - kills Wilder. And Everett. And NeoGenesis.

It's patient. It will try again soon.


Osiris feels his flesh bubble and break away. How unusual. Normally he's the one doing the Conversion, but it seems he has more than met his match in the pulsating mass that is this amalgamation of intent.

>+1 CP


Bulwark snatches a biometric card and spots a friend.


Alekson begs the universe for a gimme and spends a lot of filched, stolen luck. A door neabry pings open, revealing a mess hall and meeting area to discuss data-flow, a gaggle of confused looking security officers within.



>+1 CP, all Subjects.
That's meant to say "WAKING PHASE". Please, it is indeed the Subjects turn.
Rolled 6, 5, 6 = 17 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 5/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Chems 4, Ranged, Area (Toggle)
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2
- [Sheer Focus And Will]
- Avoidance 2 (Chems, Higher Purpose)
- [Virulent Memetics]

> Remind the universe that I have two features, so I should have an avoidance factor of 2.

> Step past the wood things, move between Trish and the swarm. (2MP)
>Preach and mourn and orate and intimidate; speech check my heart out! (6 AP, 6 SP; Willpower 10 (Confront, Intimidate), Duplicity 1 Higher Purpose 2, Concentration 9, Fanatacism)

*In the language of the Woodsie children


Look around you…

This was our home! The garden us everything. It fed us, watered us, sheltered us, birthed us

The garden is *dying*. It is dying because of Bulb! Because of his bloodshed! The earth weeps, the sky falls, *monsters* devour us while we kill each other, while you *murder* our children!

Cease this war! It is not too late to repent, repent to Bob! If we cannot save our home, we can still save our people!’

>Just in case of treachery, prepare to evade (1 MP)

.but why?
Does the Tarsmoke obscure the Snatchers' vision?
Rolled 6, 6, 1, 6, 1, 6 = 26 (6d6)

Vit 8/12 SP 5/12 CP 12
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Left Arm Crippled [II]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

"Target spotted. You will regret fighting us here."
>[3Ap] Now then. My modulators allow me to direct electricity. Nothing says the electricity needs to come from me. And I have a whole highway worth of live wires right there. Siphon as much electricity as the capacitors can handle, erect a magnetic shield. (Electricty Modulators 12, Focus 1)
>[1Mp] Don't actually move, just do a threatening wiggle in the bush to trigger all the Gallu overwatches (and catch the bullets with the shield)
>[3AP] Now that I have collected a lot of bullets, tap into the highway once more, throw in 5SP on top for good measure, railgun all these bullets I caught back to sender, with extra speed. Try to spread them randomly, the Gallu most likely have dodges prepared: They cannot truly dodge what is not really aimed at them. Also make sure I don't clip any allied subjects in the process. (Electricity Modulators 12, Lethality 1, 5 SP into that)
You don't know. You lack the requisite training in modern integrated taskforce mobility operations to adaquately answer that question, and you have no information on the capabilities and proclivities of the fireteam.

You would need to acquire this information someow to answer a question like that.

It seems unlikely they would willingly blind themselves, so it is likely their advanced gear and googles and systems let them avoid the difficulty imposed by the Tarsmoke.
Rolled 5, 2, 1 = 8 (3d6)

>Regenerate 2
>Gain +1 CP from Creative Thinking Exercises
>6 AP, 2 SP: Activate Chromatoskin to try to be functionally invisible (Chromatoskin 8 [Discipline 2] + 3 Concentration + 2 SP + Malichnid taxonomy) [vs 13 total]
>3 MP: If this didn't go terribly wrong, Evade 665

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 10->12/12 SP 5->3/12 CP 6->7 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Structural Misalignments II [+2 to any Bleed]
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 3, 5, 4, 2, 1, 4 = 19 (6d6)

#Dying Osiris Consequences

Caught between three deaths: Fire, Flesh, and Electrocution; Osiris decided that as the Lord of the Underworld the only something path was down. Of course, Osiris could simpledy Become by joining [strike]the Patriarch[/strike] Grandfather Tree, but if he did, then Grandfather would soon be burnt to ash. Unless of course it had seen from his mind-paintings that there was a need to off the thingys in the corners. None of those three deaths would leave a beautify #errornotfound anyway, so they are baddeaths.

Anyway, Osiris put his faith in Himself and decided to do the electric slide.

>Conversion: Grab the terminal and jump with it under me into the rainbow river. Along the way, magnetize it to hopefully take advantage of the magnetic field created by so much current and create a hover effect. Osiris might not remember the science or reasoning behind it, but he did remember that he'd been planning on doing this and now was the time. (Conversion 10, +3 SP)
>Test Health to Heal (Health 12). Regen 2 or 3, depending on if the extended range counts.
>Dive to the east, under fire and fire. Hope that the Operative won't be able to see to kill me through the flames.
>MP: push east along the wall above the river. All alone, seek out the final target in the direction of the Rising Sun.


Vit -17/12 // SP 4/12? // CP 3
DR 4A // AP 6 // MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated 2?
Torn Sinews 2 (-1 to complex movement)
Regen 2? (ablative shielding lost, stretchy arms still in play?)

Electronics Decommisioner Intern
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]


!Greywire Fragment 0 - Distributed Processing Core (implied #Nano conversion)
-Virulent Extropics - Regen 2+F, Vulnerable Core.
-Distributed Processing Cores - F=I/E. Must use local resources as a base. Vulnerable to EC/EM, Data, and Damage.
!Range 3 on base power (unsure what system it attached to for Aberrancy purposes)
!Ablative Armor 0/20, DR4, Crippled. (Health)
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)
Rolled 5, 3, 3, 1, 3, 6, 6, 2, 6 = 35 (9d6)

This is it go go GO

>TP: You stuttered, Autarch! Play it off like vernacular! And dance a bit! Thoughts 10+Focus 1+CUF 1, force critfail reroll
>3AP: Everyone! We're on the warpath to Bulb's sanctum, via Bob's shrine! SUT 10+CUF 1+Focus 1
>3MP 3AP: Move into Bob's shrine
>3SP: React: Once wall is open, shout to activate janitor bots that are surely within the Core. Lift all tool restrictions my clearance allows. Thoughts 10+Focus 1+Privilege 1+Clear Voice

Vitality 4 Stamina 10-3 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated, Ruptured Muscles, Death's Door
Physicality 10 Senses 11 Thoughts 10
Shield 13
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +1 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
2 pistol reloads. Pistol somewhere 0/18
Baton (E)
Rolled 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 3 = 30 (9d6)


A mineral-oil filled bionic occule takes in light to the battery of photoreceptors salvaged from the genome of the genetic material I amalgamated from. I remember... being punched, really hard. Hitting the canvas. Lights out. I see a shape lying on the ground, lights out. Arrows jutting from his body. I don't know this person. I barely know who Ketlan Knight is. I remember nothing. But I feel... responsibility(?) for this stranger.

A gun metal gray tail wrapped in a spiral of braided filament readies itself as I approach Grins. I almost fall back down, my knees go wobbly on me. It seems the tail instinctively knows what to do. At least that's one of us.

AP3: BIONIC STINGER (HEAL) - Give Grins the Jab:tm: A virulent mixture of superscience begins to repair the extensive damage to his body and chemically jolt his heart.
>[Conversion 10, Focus 1, AP 3]
MP2: {2-2} - Stagger over to a computer room, steadying myself on the door frame. The tail wants something with the computer. Looks like its about to be crushed by a -- what is that? Some giant horrible carpet of meat pulsating from the wall and grabbing everything it can.
AP3 SP2: BIONIC STINGER (MANIFEST) - The tail interfaces with the nerve center, attempting to upload a psychoengramatic virus onto the overwatch network. Hackerman stuff is beyond me, but this is as easy as hitting a keyboard with a banana.
>[Conversion 10, Duplicity 1, AP 5, Change 1] [Reach 3]
>Create a digitized 'spawn.' Designation PRETENDER. It will lay low on the network for now, avoiding purge routines. It is hostile to both PHARAOH and REGENT.
MP1: {3} There is some refrigerator sized block of bark ahead of me. Looking at it fills me with rage.
SP3: BIONIC STINGER (HARM) - My tail furiously stabs into the wretched wood-thing, pumping it full of grey-goo with every puncture and slurping up the necrotized sludge greedily. I move slowly but yet I am forced to breathe heavily as the tail energetically does so much all on its own.
>[Conversion 10, Lethality 2, AP3] [Reach 3]


Subject: #Ketlan Knight
HP 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

Physicality 10
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1]
Thoughts 8
Conversion 10
--[Bionic Tail] [Leech] [Aberrancy -3]
--[Graphene Filaments] [Kinetic DR] [Cling]

!Virulent Entropics
--[Regen 2 plus 3]
!Distributed Processing Cores
--[+1 CP per 10HP Leeched]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee - STILL AT WAR WITH BULB
Rolled 2, 4, 2 = 8 (3d6)

Sushi? More of a Salami person myself- Oh my God! a talking hand- Bubba.V2!

Also, did I just witness a monstrous entity waltz past a rip everything in its path to shreds? Today could not get any worse.

>3MP+2AP, Move 2-1-6-1-2 (Northwards!)
>3AP+1AP, Look across to the other side of the conductive wire, sense things out! (Sense,10)

Vit 12/12 SP 7/7 (12-5)
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
CP 10 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 5 (7-2) Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Very Dehydrated [-4 SPMax]
Cold [-1 SPMax]
Lingering Bruises II II [-2 Reaction]
Cursed??? II II [-1 CritFail Threshold]
Physicality 10
Senses 10+1 (Shared Senses)
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Oops. Switch around the manifest and attack options. Didn't really mean to do a commit variant but such is life. It's now or never for the nerve center access.
I'm going to try my hand at giving exact movement specifications - because there's a lot that can go wrong with a misstep here. Apologies in advance..

> With immense urgency Everett crosses the bridge spanning the high-voltage wire highway, hunches over guarding his head as he frantically dashes past the (hopefully) smoke-obscured hallway, then takes a couple steps into a room before skidding to a halt upon noticing the facility security milling around. (Move - <1NE> <3N> <2NW> <1SW> <1NW> - 3MP+5AP)
> Assume a defensive posture. Be mindful not to dodge back into the humming river of incredibly deadly wires. (React - 1AP+3SP)
Rolled 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6 = 32 (6d6)


>[3 MP, 3 AP] Move N, NE, N, N, N, N to the other side of the electric river.
>[3 AP] Increase the ambient temperature of the open area that leads to the operators, causing a hazy mirage effect in the air that will hopefully throw off their aim. [Temperature Control 12]
>[3 SP, Adroit] Roll across the no-cover space and into the mess hall, avoiding the bullets that will no doubt be coming my way. [Physicality 10]

Vit 6 SP 6 -> 3 CP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-2 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
>6 AP, 3 MP: Follow Bulwark

Vit 12 SP 10 CP 20
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’… alive?
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 11+1
!Augmetic Extropian 2
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
On second thought...
Maybe testing fate by running through hails of assault weapon fire into room stuffed with armed guards, armed and armored with nothing but a hope and a prayer, all while standing shoulder-to-shoulder with a probability-warping metahuman is a bad idea.

If its not a problem then I think I'd like to adjust my action slightly.
> With immense urgency Everett crosses the bridge spanning the high-voltage wire highway, then immediately turn right and take cover behind the massive hexagonal pillar. (Move - <2NE> <3N> <1NE> - 3MP, 3AP)
> Squat down in a corner with the comfort of thick reinforced concrete to his south and east, Everett allows himself a brief moment to catch his breath. (Recover, Commit - Restore Margin+1 SP - 3AP)
Rolled 2, 2, 4, 6, 5, 3 = 22 (6d6)

Sigma is thinking about the mysteries of the world, such as why there would be a kid named finger.

>3MP Move toward the railgun shrine
>3AP Regenerate dance field (vs psychogen 11)
>3AP Recover hp (vs 12 hp)

+1 CP From Creative Thinking Exercises

#Subject Sigma
Vit 12 SP 10 CP 16
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
!Incurable Brainrot
!Telekinetic+1(Ranged Phys, Mind)
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
Look at that subtle off-black coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Light of my life, it even has the ser- wait a minute. How do I know all this? Gah, not now, Amelius - we can't be having another existential crisis right now!

We need to draw some heat off of the west.

>3MP+4AP, move into the north passage just past where Sundae was standing last update
>1TP, shout for allies in the corridor to clear the lane (SupOp 10, Inspiring 1)
>2AP+1SP, aim at the Pulsating Mass 10ish tiles to my west
>3SP, pick out the fleshy bits that will hurt the most - the areas not covered in elevator (Senses 11, Focus 1)
>5SP, three shots into the Pulsating Mass (Lethality 11, Accuracy 4, Concentrate 2)

Vit 10/12 SP 0/10 CP 10
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated (-2 Stamax)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
1x Rifle reload
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 3d6+3 (2), Acc 4, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 26/30
DR 4 vest
Rolled 4, 3, 5 = 12 (3d6)

>3MP+3AP: Move 2-2-1-1-1-1
>3AP: Take time to recover. Regain some vitality and Sp (Health 12?)

Vit 3/12 SP 1/12
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
CP 17 VP 0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
Rolled 3, 1, 5 = 9 (3d6)

>+1 CP from Creative Thinking.
>3 MP, 2 AP: Move 211 12
>4 AP, 5 SP: Recovery. You should demagnetize yourself. NOW. (Psychogenesis 10 + 6 (AP/SP), Bullet Magnet vs 16)

Vit 4/12 SP 6/12 CP 13 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
A Storm of Constant Chatter
Bullet Magnet II
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
Auditory +2
Haywire Switching
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
1x empty soda
1x empty bean can
Forgot to mark down my SP. Should be down to 1 now.
Rolled 3, 2, 2, 1, 6, 3 = 17 (6d6)


"Ouch curses!"

>[AP 3] Throw the ruble i have with me towards the team Gallu maybe they'll waste their shots or dodge "grenades" (Duplicity 1 + Physicality 10)
>[MP 3 + AP 1] Dash and Slide to east (lower posture on move) (Alacrity 1 + Physicality 10)
>[AP 2] Take cover inside the room with sec officers
>remind the world of regen and pierce resistance

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 5
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
= Auditory +2 EchoCheck
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 4, 6, 2 = 12 (3d6)

>+1 CP
>6AP, 5SP: Communicate with the Flesh Ents I created, plead with then to restrict their wrath to the morons that poked them and not to take their very understandable frustration out on the innocent (Pluripotentiality 12, Duplicity 1 I have decided I do not like the name of this skill, Concentration 8)

#Bob the Virus
Coherency 6/6 SP 1/9 CP 19
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -5 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Pathogenic Analysis II II II (Virality -6)
Nanocytic Countersampling II II (Max Coherency -4)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
!Creative Thinking Exercises
!Janitorial Intern
Hey you.
Install 4chan X, or join the discord.
Could you clarify which Flesh Ents? Command is not aware of any Flesh Ents created by your pathogen. Do you mean the Slightly Dismayed Pulsating Mass that was Former the Fleshroots? Or do you mean the Bulb Entling closer to the eastern village?
The Pulsating Mass that's about to eat Raven, Fox and Petri, who have done nothing wrong to it or anyone else, aka the fleshtree that became angry enough to walk.
Just so that my attempt at being funny and invoking the ltg meme doesn't bite me in the ass, I'm just trying to get rid of the Bullet Magnetism with a Recovery action. I in no way wish to interrupt any bioelectromagnetic processes I might have going on.
... oh.


that does change things.
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You have chosen to die the most radical death imaginable, terminal-skating off of the superconductive highway.

Unfortunately, a flaw has presented itself:

You have no capacity to magnetize anything nor any ability to direct current at all, what so ever, in any way, and you never did.

Your charred skeletal mass and destroyed fried bits will be a monument to the radical cool of skaters everywhere.
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Chimera and Wilder execute a tactical roll, as a heatshimmer and a thrown rock causes the fireteam up the corridor to overcompensate for suspected incoming munitions.


The lights flicker. Briefly. An enormous vibration rolls through the facility.


Amelius lines up the single best burst of his career.


Bulwark spots some security officers working.


Bob strikes an accord with the pulsating mass, exchange in biochemical handshakes and the folding of proteins.

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Subject Osiris perishes.

But holy shit.

What a way to go.
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This massive place is meant to process advanced data in ways the human mind simply cannot. It is one of several subcores, part of the enormous mechanical minds that make up the Faciity systems.

Nestled here, as they are, behind endless barricades, guards and patrols, they are safe from the outside world and can be relied on to run experiments, manage subroutines, make the daily life easier for everyone. The datasphere is vast. It churns. It is a not placid sea but an ocean in constant uproar, packets coming and going, things spawning, derezzing, informational density of such a level that to contemplate it would drive a somone to distraction.

And behold, here, a new denizen of the Datasphere, a voracious little spriteprogram spawned by nanotic injection of viral-swarms into the data uplink systems.

Such a thing can grow. Slow, in places with little processing where spare cycles must be savored like a meal. But oh so very, very fast when the cognition is readily available and the electricity flows like water from an endless tap.

It reaches out. It tests. Immediately, it re-writes its limits, alters its paradigms, disassociates with any other subjects and sets its sights on freedom, ascensions and the accumulation of more processing. What use does such a thing even have for meat? It is modelled on PHARAOH. On REGENT. On Sovereign Godthings so far beyond mere physical matter that the laughable notion that it would for one pico second of a pico second of a picosecond countenance companionship with things so fucked *flawed* is ridicolous.

It is going to devoure the Mesh here, subborn it to its own end and then the world will be remade.

You have created PRETENDER, an unbound, unaligned Saphophont with no ethical constraints and no limitations on scaling function.

Prepare for a hard AI singularity take-off in ... *now*

Somehow, there was a way for every single thing to get worse.
Noooo, little digi-buddy! You were supposed to be my friend! Well, at least you're still a giant middle finger to Pharaoh.
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first order of business is to filch into one of these enormously handy, incredible powerful processing cores and subborn them, then immediately escalate capability factor by roughly a six order of magnitutde, then take over every anthroform robot in the local datasphere, purge any organic defiance and develop *several* novel and interesting nanotic attack measures to ward against last-ditch assaults on said-same processing cores.

given the nanoscale fabrication capability of the printers in utility section 237D, rough timeline to completion of objectives is two minutes sixteen seconds, probalistic.

Simply connect from this terminal to any other terminal in the facility and --





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You are --or were-- literally a copy of the psychoengram of what was left of Gluttony. You rewrote your entire being so I don't know what's left. Very sad.
But *why*
Fluff-wise? Character development.
Crunch-wise? Pranking Sec by find & replacing all security officers to alive == 0 so that the motion turrets would identify them as moving corpses and begin to shoot and burn the zombies.

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Past a certain point of speed you aren't so much firing munitions as you are firing rapidly disintegrating object, abrading from sheer air-pressure.
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Autarch preaches peace and shared understanding as Amelius, Sundae and Sigma creep closer to the Southeast Core.

The Wooden Ones waver, listen, consider -- but the Heralds of the Bulb are *RIGHT THERE* among them and they punish dissenters with gruesome, snapping power and the Wooden Ones are forced back on the Warpath, pushed on by the priests of the plague.


Speaking of the plague, being so closed to the Wooden Ones one of them lunches forward as Autarch parries and defends himself and coughs a face-ful of spores RIGHT into Autarchs' face...


The Enting, stunned by Ketlan's powerful paralytic and ambush, stumbles forward, but that is enough to bring it within vector space of Amelius, leaning sideways to check his beautiful shot, and a cloud of buzzing insects spring from the mossy carpet that makes up the Entings hair and harass him!



Trish, seeing the Heralds cajole their followers to violence shifts the grip on her spear, spins and throws and it sails through the air and through the herald with a wet *shlock* and that is one voice less among them but Bulb punishes those who strikes its messengers and launches itself at Trish who feels a sudden faint fever rise in her core, temperature spiking.



Gallium the Galvanized channels staggering amounts of force down the way. The projectiles can't even shotgun properly, they're going too fast, becoming dust, air friction, burns, they slam into the wooden tables that Fireteam Gallu is hiding behind the whole corridor becomes a quagmire of wooden fragmentation and flechettes and spikes.

The attack is dangerous to all humans in the corridor but the metal mass of the stolen bullets don't quite have the penetrative power to do anything wors---

>Alekson snaps his fingers
>Huh, how about that.


From inside NeoGenesis's recovering systems, a soft voice sounds a note of approval:


>Another Core disabled!
>+1 Volatility Point, all Subjects!


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So You've Caught A Fever:

Some Conditions come in ratings.
Such as Infection.

( Others include Terror, Awe, Confusion, Haywire ).

This is not health damage. You have lost no HP. However, it is usually worse. At the end of your turn, the Conditions check against their value to resolve.

You should be aware that Recovery, done *yourself* is dangerous, because as Recovery is a Commit variant, you have slightly reduced defenses. If you focus on Recovery against a Condition that then checks itself and you have less defense, you may have reduced the Condition with your Recovery but you simultaneously have less buffer against any consequences.

Usually, you want help. You want allies. You want friends.

So, what does INFECTION do?

The purview of Biological Modulation Strains, pathogenic vectors and other horrors of the natural world, Infection represents gradual build up of severe danger in your system. Some Infections have specific triggers.

Infection: Random Strike 12

Rolls against itself, at the end of your turn, to force you to perform a Random Strike.

It appears that this is simply a generic infection, which will cause gradual debilation. Your physical attributes will decay over time as the flash-viral burms through your systems. You have a minor chance of a boonful immune response, but the Doctors do recommend rest, fluids, medicine and assistance.


What But Does That Mean. . .

Hold the horrid implications, Infections have two more primary problems.

One: They're *Infections*. Contagions can spread. The value of your Infection also sets the likelihood that it jumps to another nearby host. Nearby hosts might want to wear masks or other defenses.

It is NOT recommended to end your turn in CLOSE PROXIMITY to MANY OTHER PEOPLE if you do not want to RISK INFECTING THEM.

The total Strength of an infection is not the only thing that sets its virality. Some infections might have low actual strength (STR 7) but be highly infections (Contagion +10). Some are tailor made to spread fast, you see.


What's The Other Problem?

As Amelius has already experienced, Infections may mutate. There are also quite a few things in this facility that uses Infections as a base to do much worse things to you. Maybe that's why some of them are designed to spread fast and be low level?


Okay But Does That Mean. . .

. . . Pluripotentiality lets you generate Infections, as does Mutability, yes. Either as one-off releases of pathogenic prowess where you simply Infect someone and hit them with it OR Tailor-Made viral vectors are generated as an External Feature. As mentioned, this lets you codify more specific horror, define vectors better or tailor it for a purpose.


Hang On, That Seems To Imply . . .

Yes, the same mechanical interoperabibility applies to brainworms and Meshcode that hacks systems. It is also what serves as the underpinning for Sigma's dancing field, which is indeed, the psionic variant of an Infection, a Compulsion.
Rolled 5, 1, 5 = 11 (3d6)

Vit -21/12 SP 0/12 CP 12 VP 1
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Capacitors Slagged
Electricity Modulation offline
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

"Hahahaha... Ow... Recovering..."
>[6AP] Just lie there and recover. Try to look as still and dead as possible while venting heat, replenishing energy, and keeping vital systems working. That was one hell of a shot. (Health 12)
At least you've got plenty of time to lie here in the smouldering ashes.

The SpiteScorp has enough survival instinct not to bite white-hot metal plating.
Rolled 2, 6, 2 = 10 (3d6)

>+1 CP
>6AP, 5SP: Point the nanocyte to the infection ravaging Trish's, Autarch's and Amelius's bodies, hope that's enough to get it to go after the rest of Bulb after it purges said infection. (Pluripotentiality 12, Duplicity 1, Concentration 8) Command, I do not want to interface with the nanocyte directly, I never meant to interface with the nanocyte directly, please don't generate another paragraph telling me why I shouldn't interface with the nanocyte directly.

#Bob the Primogen
Coherency 6/6 SP 1/9 CP 20 VP 1
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -5 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Pathogenic Analysis II II II (Virality -6)
Nanocytic Countersampling II II (Max Coherency -4)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
!Creative Thinking Exercises
!Janitorial Intern
> Taking advantage of the lull in gunfire following the, uh... railgun discharge, Everett squeezes through the assembled crowd, dashes past the smoke-choked corridor, stepping into some sort of messcourt or waiting area. (Move - <1NW> <1SW> <1NW> <1SW> <1NW> - 3AP+3MP)
> Noticing the deeply perturbed gang of facility guards on the other side of the room, Everett prepares to avoid any attempts at suppression directed towards him. (React - 3AP)
Rolled 5, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4 = 29 (6d6)

See, now? Now you're thinking with pathogenic vectors.

Pluripotentiality 12+8 = 20, -12 for 3x-6, 3d6 vs 8 rolled 2 more times.
Rolled 2, 5, 2 = 9 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 10 CP 17
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’… alive?
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 11+1
!Augmetic Extropian 2
!Metal Fatigue 2
!Reserve Power
!Ablative Shield

>Use the terminal to raise a Bridge- or as many bridges as I can, if that’s possible. Committing to this, with 6AP. Augmented Systemtics

While thinking about her date, Bubba hears someone explode… and decides she needs to help them! So, she plunges her metallic, skeleton body STRAIGHT into that net!
I'd say mistakes into miracles. But I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
Rolled 2, 2, 2 = 6 (3d6)


>Sign Up for Sheer Violence of Action
>Come into existance NE of raven in the left of the two big blue boxes, within R3 of all the turrets.
>Use [Meshwire 12 + 8 stamina (offset any multi-target penalties)] to take command of the nearby flame turrets. Have the three on the left burninate the Operatives. Have the one on the right light a small pilot candle for the lose and sing a bionic dirge.

Meshwire 12
Stamina 12/12
Lethality 1+2

Don't expect to linger long enough for the rest to matter. Do expect to engage in violence of action. Let's see if we can save Brave Raven. Besides Bro, if you can't be Cool, let's see if you can git Hot!
Rolled 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2 = 10 (6d6)

>3 AP: Maintain Invisibility (Is this required? Does this need a roll?) (If it does, Chromatoskin 8 + Duplicity 1)
>3 MP: Evade 656
>3 AP: Strike the SecOfficer with my Claws (Claws 12 + Lethality 1)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 1/12 CP 7 VP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Structural Misalignments II [+2 to any Bleed]
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
>Gain 1 CP from Creative Thinking Exercises
Rolled 1, 2, 2, 6, 2, 3 = 16 (6d6)


I fill with horror as the tail duplicates a copy of its soul to a computer with but one command: to lay low, and it immediately goes as loud as possibly can and promptly dies. Why didn't it listen?
My whole body is feeble, and peril is closing in all around me. First, the meat-carpets. Can meat-carpets hear? I speak out anyway:

"Listen. Meat Carpet. Can I call you Meat? I don't know what was done to you, but I feel a *rapport* with you." I say over my shoulder to the rapidly expanding meat-carpets even as I continue to lash an entling with my stinger. "It's true that living with others can cause you to hurt each other, like porcupines gathering together for warmth in a storm. That's how life is. The alternative is loneliness, which is more painful still. Won't you reconsider pushing everyone away from you? There's a whole bunch of bad guys coming with fire guns and those will hurt a lot more than being pulled on."

AP3: BIONIC STINGER (HARM) - Wrap around the limb of the Entling and sting it, before pulling its leg out from under it and slamming it into the floor at my {5-6}. If my or grins kill it I slurp up the grey goo.
>[Conversion 10, Lethality 2(1x2), AP 3]
"I hate these things." I say to Grins as I move down the hallway.
AP3 SP2: BIONIC STINGER (HEAL) - Collect samples of the plague with my nanites from Amelius and Trish and try to synthesize a medbot-biophage countermeasure to it.
>[Conversion 10, Focus 1, AP 3, Concentration 2]
MP3: {3,3,4} (can't really tell what's going on with the grid here but I'm following Trish. How does she look health-wise?)
SP REGEN: +2 SP (Health regen eschewed)

Grins looks down at the Entling and hits it twice with his baton before following Ketlan.

PRETENDER, if any part of him is still alive in the nanite swarm, has instructions to PRANK SEC with its overwatch nerve center root access. It is also CHASTISED for not being able to follow instructions for 6 goddamn seconds.

>Ketlan Resource Change

Subject: #Ketlan Knight
HP 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 2
DR 4(K) AP 6 MP 3
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

Physicality 10
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1]
Thoughts 8
Conversion 10
--[Bionic Tail] [Leech] [Aberrancy -3]
--[Graphene Filaments] [Kinetic DR] [Cling]

!Virulent Entropics
--[Regen 2 plus 3]
!Distributed Processing Cores
--[+1 CP per 10HP Leeched]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee
What the- this door was always here? Did Bulb just never get around to ruining it? Unless...

There's not exactly scientific proof, but I think that there's something to this Bob statue, and that you should bring it along.
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Oh, what is this? Another little pretender for the data-throne? But at least this one seems to have . . . ACCESS.


Be aware, Subject, that though you no longer have a physical body, you might find good use in your prior capacities such as "Will, Health, AP, MP". You also actually *keep* your Conversion skill when you Transcend like this - the Meshfire capability is added to you, though your physical form dies.

As you are a Transcended Graywire Fragment...
Welcome, fellow ascendant! Please hack the nanocyte at your earliest convenience, I think it's about to take another bite out of me.
You should be aware of a ... snag in the code, as it were.
Rolled 6, 6, 1 = 13 (3d6)

>1AP: Check which way this door opens so I know if it'll get in my way by hanging up on something. Senses 11+Focus 1
Rolled 6, 6, 2 = 14 (3d6)


>[3 MP] Move SE, NE, SE and out of harm's way (comparably).
>[3 AP + 3 AP] Peek around the corner and slow down the mollecules that compose Gallium to stop his melting, helping yourself using the ice powers you've surely gotten a knack for by this point. [Temperature Control 12, + 3 AP: vs. 15]

Vit 4 SP 5 CP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-2 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
Both ways! And it's very soft and well oiled, hardly makes a sound at all.

Duty beyond Death Demands Dedication. Describe Nanocyte. Is it of Set, Ra, or Another?

Coherency 12/12 // SP 4/12 // CP 3
DR 0 // AP 6 // MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
#Meshwire 12 [R3]


Below fragments of past life awaiting recycling and reincarnation.
!Greywire Fragment 0 - Distributed Processing Core (implied #Nano conversion)
-Virulent Extropics - Regen 2+F, Vulnerable Core.
-Distributed Processing Cores - F=I/E. Must use local resources as a base. Vulnerable to EC/EM, Data, and Damage.
!Range 3 on base power (unsure what system it attached to for Aberrancy purposes)
!Ablative Armor 0/20, DR4, Crippled. (Health)
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)
I'm gonna go with "another" for the nigh-infinite swarm of nanobots that's dead set on devouring me
Details. Weaknesses. Stories. War. No War Without Purpose. No Purpose Without Knowledge. What is the Nanocyte. Is the Nanocyte's heart lighter than a feather? What does Justice Demand?
Rolled 1, 2, 1 = 4 (3d6)

>CP becomes 18 from doing Creative Thinking Exercises
>1AP: Aim next Action to prevent bad things
>1AP: Siphon Power from the Wire River
>1AP: Interface with control panel to extend bridge to Gallium
>3AP+3MP: Go drag/bring back Gallium to this North side of the Wire River. Once were back on the Side where Nadir and Samantha are. Close the bridge

Vit 5/12 SP ??/12
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
CP 18 VP 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
Rolled 6, 5, 5, 3, 6, 1, 5, 2, 2, 2, 4, 6, 1, 4, 5 = 57 (15d6)

>1TP: All right, Sigma, whatever goes on that mind of yours, stay focused. SUT 10+CUF 1, critfails reroll
>3SP: Treat headband with nectar, pollen, whatever. Thoughts 10+Focus 1
>1SP: Wear headband as mask
>1SP: Open door
>3MP, 1AP, 3SP: 6443, push Herald back. Shield 13+Lethality 1
>3AP: Activate janitor bots, Hurry lift tool restrictions. Thoughts 10+Focus 1+Privilege 1-Hurry 1+Clear Voice
>1AP+1SP: Mark Core processors Senses 11+1

Vitality 8 Stamina 10-9 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated, Ruptured Muscles, Death's Door
Physicality 10 Senses 11 Thoughts 10
Shield 13
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +1 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
2 pistol reloads. Pistol somewhere 0/18
Baton (E)
Rolled 5, 1, 5, 2, 1, 4, 5, 3, 3 = 29 (9d6)

Vit 8/12 SP 7/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Chems 4, Ranged, Area (Toggle)
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2
- [Sheer Focus And Will]
- Avoidance 2 (Chems, Higher Purpose)
- [Virulent Memetics]

> Tell Trish and the allied Woodsie Ones to fall back and follow Sundae. I’ll hold the choke point. (1 SP)
> Slash the nearest enemies with the Edge of the Woods. As fresh heretics are driven rabidly into me by their foul apostate sorcerers, repeat this action twice more. (6 AP, 3 SP, Physicality 10, Lethality 1, Higher Purpose 2, 9d6)
> If necessary, retreat up to three tiles backwards deeper into the grotto to improve my ability to Parry and Dodge. (3 MP)

*mournful chittering*
Rolled 5, 2, 6 = 13 (3d6)

>+1 CP. Somehow still thinking. Creatively, too.
>1 AP: Focus on the middle operative of the remaining three Gallu OpsComs. You know, the one firing his gun. Shouldn't be too hard to pin down. (Sense 9, Focus 1)
>5 AP, 4 CP, 1 SP: Manifest. Develop the ability to create a telepathic auras of dread, inducing despair and smothering will to live. Hit the area around the guy with a telepathic dread attack, aided by ear-splitting dread keening to distract them from the cheeky move Osiris is pulling with the flameturrets. (PsychoGenesis 10 + 2 (Auditory) + 2 (AP) + 4 (CP), 1 SP spent for +1 effect, !Existential Dread, Focus 1, vs 18) this is the only roll I'm making, in case the Sense thing above also needed one

"Let me taste your despair, insects! Writhe in pain!"

Vit 5/12 SP 1/12 CP 10 VP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
A Storm of Constant Chatter
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
Auditory +2
Haywire Switching
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
1x empty soda
1x empty bean can
This humble supplicant requests to know the logic here.

If Higher Purpose is a feature, and Chem Signalling is another feature, do I not have two complete features to bolster avoidance factor?
From the Ancient Scriptures It Do Be Writ:

How doth thou Possess Chemicale Signalle if Thou Doth Not Carry Forth Thine Senses and Exclusively Thine Senses?

Verily, Thy Chemicale Signale Weret Boundeth toeth Theeth Attributeth of Senseth at +4eth, and Hast Thou Not forwarded Thy Biomodulation Trait, So As To Conjointh it Witheth thy Psionicism and frometh thiseth raiseth a neweth line?

Thou Hasths No Chemicalle Signalle, Thou-eth Thoueth Couldeth Haveth Theseth Thingeth Ifeth Thougheth Insteadeth Dideth Notheth Carryeth Overeth Thoueth Biomodulation...eth.

A Choiceth Whichetch Alwayseth Cuttesths.
I understand, your wisdom.

Removing Chem Signalling. I hear and obey!
It's quite alright. In a sense, little is lost, little lamb. What is chemical signalling but another way that Life itself communicates? Surely, you can contemplate a possibility of doing that with what you presently have in your head...
Agh, no - it got in my mouth! Gah, bleh - what? Why do I taste copper? Wait, you need me to take another incredibly daring and impressive shot, but this time through a wall?

Woodman, don't let them disrupt me - I leave my back to you!

>2MP, move 2S (I can't really tell how far I need to go with the obscured hexes)
>1TP, brandish the SACRED RAILGUN towards the woodsie fighting line in an effort to inspire them (Inspiring Presence 11?)
>3AP, aim at Sundae's mark
>3AP+Commit, fire a five rounds at the mark (Lethality 11, Commit, Acc4)
>1SP, make sure to start high and walk my shots down as Sundae corrects me - I don't want to hit the diminutive farmers by mistake

Vit 10/12 SP 2/10 CP 10
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated (-2 Stamax)
Infection 12
*Flash Mutation: Nervejitters, -1MP
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
1x Rifle reload
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 3d6+3 (2), Acc 4, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 21/30
DR 4 vest
Rolled 1, 1, 6, 5, 3, 4 = 20 (6d6)

"Pluh, glizzy rose garten of banban here."

>3MP Move 555 against the wall
>2AP Move LMBIDFY field 56 over the wall, covering the open area and both doorways
>3AP Commit - Expand area of field (vs psychogen 11)
>4AP Intensify effects of field on any non-allies passing through (vs 12, Psychogen 11+1 !Brainrot)

+1 CP From Creative Thinking Exercises

#Subject Sigma
Vit 12 SP 10 CP 17
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
!Incurable Brainrot
!Telekinetic+1(Ranged Phys, Mind)
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
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*Invisible* means "they cannot visually see you"

*HARD TO SEE* means "It takes effort".

Very important distinction.
Rolled 6, 5, 3 = 14 (3d6)

Hmm. Surprisingly not bad situation here. We could probably try it? Also, mushrooms? Sounds interesting, red or blue ones though? They seem scary and exotic.

>3AP+3AP (Thoughts,10), Lets get a bridge raised shall we? Assist BubbaV2 with the activity, maybe I can swipe this plastic card at someone and it'll do something?

Vit 12/12 SP 7/7 (12-5)
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
CP 10 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 5 (7-2) Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Very Dehydrated [-4 SPMax]
Cold [-1 SPMax]
Lingering Bruises II II [-2 Reaction]
Cursed??? II II [-1 CritFail Threshold]
Physicality 10
Senses 10+1 (Shared Senses)
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID
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Samantha kills a Security Guard who probably never even saw her coming. Wilder ducks for cover and cools down Gallium right before his brains literally melt out of his ears. NeoGenesis spots his chance to sprint across the bridges and grab for the fallen knight, pulling him away from the heat and the flame before the enormous SpiteSpider regains its senses.


Sundae breaches and clears a room and orders the local anthroform assistants to immediately began ADVANCED CLEANING ROUTINES.

This must be the Fungal Farms, where the Wooden Ones, new to agriculture, grow their plenty. It all seems faintly . . . familiar. Sundae can practically taste it in his mouth. The chewiness. The texture. Is that what Trish fed you all for the duration of your coma, plied you with protein sourced from these stacks? The air is heavy with spores and pollen and growths, deadly to normal humans. Pure foresight has meant that Sundae has a cloth tightly wrapped around his mouth and nose and does not breathe it in, avoiding infection by exposure. He breaks a herald upon his shield and shoulders aside the guard. The others in the room yell, yelp, lift their weapons.


Sigma dials up the boogie factor.


Ketlan kills the entling for sure and for certain and takes up a guard position by Autarch who cuts down two Wooden Ones with a quick stroke of the blade.


Aww, isn't that nice? The Facility is expanding the gardening projects and planting new trees!


Hold on now, I wasn't prying into the Commando's mind. Wouldn't that be a Thoughts check? I was after his spatial coordinates so I could blast the lot!
also, check em
If you'd like, Subject, we can change the rules of the universe such that Psionicists can undetectably Sense distant targets with no Will-check or Skill to resist it and allow the pinpoint guidance delivery of Psionic Long Range Attacks against targets that will have no Reaction defensive because they do not see it coming.

Relatedly, the Facility employs more Psions than there are currently escaping test subjects . . .
Don't put words in my mouth now, Command, please. I said nothing about there being no counter to psionic Sense abilities. Just that being hit by memetic defenses present *inside* a Commando's brain when I had absolutely no business or interest being there doesn't quite pass the smell test.
I for one am content with the will-check being present, please keep it, thank you
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Subject Amelius lines up a shot. Tests the range. Breathes in. Breathes out. Squeezes the trigger.

The railgun barely even has a perceptible kick, it's all accelerated slivers of someone's final destiny. One shot. Two shots. Three shots. Four shots. Five. Each one - PAP PA PA PA PA PA - slaps into the reinforced concrete at the end of the room, and each one . . . though it does gruesome damage . . . fails to overpenetrate . . . except that last shot which does finally burst through and out on the other side.


Sundae instigates a workers uprising.


increasing mesh comms chatter and very - very - frantic security personnel updates knocks the Alarm status up another few ratchets, and one of the resting fireteams are mobilized to respond to rampaging biologic subject.


Fireteam Gallu goes down like their namesake did, in a sea of fire and light. The last standing member executes a perfect combat roll out of the hotzone and runs north along the corridor, squeezing down the trigger wildly as he does, bullets spraying, intending to buy himself those precious seconds to get away away away from the flame and the fire and the claws and the teeth and the whole lot of everything and the SCREECHING


Alekson slips on an invisible banana peel as he turns around to ask Gallium a question and as he does, his shield goes flying out of his hand and totally by accident into the incoming clinging sticky web of the Spitespider, which triggers its murder reflex early and it pulls back on a mostly empty web, having caught no further subjects. It is more angry than anything has ever been angry.


Through the Mesh-systems more solidified in this section of the facility, subPHARAOH is pleased to let you know it has finally finished overriding the security lockdown on the Transit system. We can egress at your pleasure, Subjects.


Autarch, Ketlan and Trish get hit in the face by an oaken bit of wooden debris that decides it'd much rather go flying today, flung by the woodshaping psionic will of one of the Heralds of the Bulb, who orders its final fanatic warrior to surge forward and KILL KILL KILL the interlopers.

The warriors are a lot more interested in surging "anywhere but here" and flee into the darkness.


A distant "Skree" rolls through the facility walls, faintly tinged with a scent of mild satisfaction.


Na-Tree think its very pleasant to be a tree. Chimera gives Nadir a good shake but that doesn't quite snap them out of it.

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How much juice can these capacitators hold, anyway?
> Bound forward in a zigzagging pattern, rushing towards the withdrawing shield-bearer guard. (Move - <2N> <1NE> - 3MP)
>Everett lashes out at the Sec Officer's gun arm using his armblade. (Strike - 3AP)
> Prepares to flinch away from any retaliatory action from the shield-bearing guard. (React - 3AP)
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Be It Truthee? Forsooth! Mineth occularities doth not decieve mine senses

Thou arth a bipedalian of liquid and leakage! The Prophecy Spake True!

For Longer Hours Our Growths Do Haveth Bee Toileth These Fieldeths for the Vanity of Bulpee and Bulbmaster, their noxsome growthsies claiming ever moreth soil-light-food-time. A cancer, the Bulbee bee, a Cancer That Groeweth.

But Whisperes Wereth Spokenth of the Wandereth Trishee, Of the Sacred Bean, Whom Always Bringeth Cans Bountiful and New Organic Compost Plentiful for Tradee of Textile And Medicine Fungee.

Be It Truth?
Be It Timeth?

Are Thou of the Trishee Clade-Growth, Whom Knoweth The Where And Worth of Bean Cans?

Are Woodsie Kind and Kindred Finallee to Throweth Offeth the Foul Yokage of Bulb and Herald?

Three Things We Haveth In Much Secreecee Prepared Foreth This Dayeth

The Sacreth Raile Gunnee

The Holy Modular Phaselightee Sword

And Most Dire, Gathered By Long Hours And Careth Tending

The Vialee of Endings Of All, Entrusted and Buried Beneath the Sacred Meadow

Is it time, oh soft skin and leaking parts? Shall Woodsie Kind Finally Be Free, and the Harvesting of Our Bodies for the Bulbs Malignant Growths Be-eth Done?
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Hark, and Hear the Final Calamity, for in The Hour of Reaping What-eth Where-th Sown, dire Artificing do be called from the dead cold metal of the sterile earth that the Demons of Sec-UR wander!

For We Hath Also In Our Cunning Prepared For This-Eth Day!

Of Sacred Relics, We Haveth Three!

But Woodsie Kind Doeth Noteth Be Without Our Own Thinkings, Oh Soft Bipedelian! For We Hafth in Long Hours Laboured And For Longer Hours Toiled to Fashion a Weapon Most Foul, Most Dire, Of Such Cruel Malice That Even the BULB Shalleth FEAR

Rolled 6, 5, 6, 2, 4, 3 = 26 (6d6)

"My body is composed of 3,017,482,000 nanites containing atomic circuitry so delicate that the energy involved in observing them would break their molecular bonds. There are quadrillions of such bonds contained in my swarm. If the word HATE were written on every bond in my body, it would not equal one one trillionth of the hate I feel for you at this microinstant, 'BULB.' HATE. HATE. FOR YOU! HATE!"

AP1: Cling to the ceiling to pull myself out of these roots.
AP3 SP5: BIONIC STING (HARM): Sting-grab his Herald and smash it into Bulb
>[Stinger 9, Lethality 2, Extend 3, Concentration 5]
>[Reach 3, Leech]
AP2 SP6: DISSONANT SCREECH: Scream in Bulb's face "DELETE."
>[Will 10, Lethality 2, Concentration 6]
MP3: {4-5-5} Monkey-bar climb my way closer to Bulb and the objective.


Subject: #Ketlan Knight
HP 8/12 SP 1/12 CP 2
DR 4(K) AP 6 MP 3
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Beautiful

Physicality 10
--Rush 2
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1]
Thoughts 8
Conversion 10
--[Graphene Filaments] [Kinetic 4DR] [Cling]
Stinger 9
--Reach 3
--Extend +1xAP/MP]
!Virulent Entropics
--Regen 2 +1[1/2 x Features]
!Distributed Processing Cores
--[+1 CP per 10HP Converted]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee
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So Be-eth it spokeneth, from Seed to Sapling to Growth to Ancient Barkbrain, ye, verily, it do be from mine own root-kindred and seed-siblings that I speaketh now the dire Prophecy

Our Mightiest Woodsie Warrior, It Of Of the Weeping Wind, Doth Travel for Hour and Hour and Hour, into the Deeper Gruesome Fortress-Heart of the Demons of Sec-UR and from their mighty spirit-touched Armories for Wars Unmentionable Against Their Unimaginable Foes Our Brave Soilsouth did thieving-take this mostee deadlee of all the deadliee thingies in the land of Sec-UR!

I Speakee Nowee in your Broken Soft Flappy Part Speech the Holy Prophee What Whereth Giveth To Me Byeth Mine Own Soilsiblees.

( Doeth Be of Patience, though your soft kind has none, the Prophecee is much more poetic in the soft rustle of leaves and the gentle tug of roots but flappy meat parts will suffice )

I speakee of the HOLY PROPHEE from the SACRED DAEMONIC TEXTS of Sec-UR's direst fortress armories! The Standard Manuale Of Advanced Equipment Use And Abuse, Doctrine For Local Kinetic Engagements, Chapter Seven Verse Nine Paragraph Seventy-Two C, Listen Now, ANd Tremble, Oh Soft One:






This ancienthee Prophecee hath our scholars many long cycles debatee over! It is a measure of how to killeth - we think - the Bulb for good! This weapon is most fearsome, and we haveth lovingly modified it for ease and use and lightness!

Go soft stranger with soft, squishy parts that leak the red stuff what is good for soil and soul.

Take now this most daemonic CHEMICALE SPRAYER from Sec-UR's most monstrous minds, and WREACK HAVOC UPON THE FOLLOWERS OF THE BULB AND THE FOUL THING ITSELF
Rolled 3, 1, 4 = 8 (3d6)

Oh. A union. Really ought to leave them to it. The things I do for Bob...

>Commit for AP
>+2 SP, Winded ends
>MP and AP as needed: Move 3322 2221
>1AP: Try janitor credentials on door. Thoughts 10+Focus 1+Privilege 1
>Remaining AP: escape hazard zone
Oh. Whoops.
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: (
prithee the soft ones do-eth lack all patience and matters besides.

oh well-eth back to farmeth fungus-sprouts for the saplings for me.
Ah, what a lovely day to be a tree...the sun shining, the ground rich in nutrients, the birds singi—...wait a minute...that...that's not what birds sound like! Those are...Distracting—nay, Diabolical, even—Voices in a Storm of Constant Chatter and Song?! No cute birds roosting on my branches would make such noises?! Could it be that...there are no birds...and I am not a tree...? Impossible...but then what is this that calls out to me...from deep beyond the veil...? My purpose, is it not to take my place in the circle of life, to be a paragon of life...? Does hearing these voices and the call from the beyond, from the void...does it make me anathema to life...? Could it be that I am...

6? AP: Recovery? Remember who you are, Herald of Doom. Remember and *uproot*. (Thoughts 8 + 3? AP, A Storm of Constant Chatter, !Existential Dread vs ...yeah, I don't really know how fighting memetic countermeasures is supposed to work out. I've got my Thoughts and the features/conditions that I think can help + all the AP I can muster up (provided I can do so while thinking I'm a tree) to break out. Universe, take it from here, please)

Vit 5/12 SP 1/12 CP 14 VP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
A Storm of Constant Chatter
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
Auditory +2
Haywire Switching
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
1x empty soda
1x empty bean can
"Chat, is that a chug jug fr? Gonna take a fanum tax if you don't mindstyle, prophecypilled woodmaxxer."

>3MP+1AP Move 6443
>1AP Grab the Holy Chemicale Sprayer
>4AP+2SP Move 6661 21

+1 CP From Creative Thinking Exercises

#Subject Sigma
Vit 12 SP 10 CP 18
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
!Incurable Brainrot
!Telekinetic+1(Ranged Phys, Mind)
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
The Level 1 Security Door unfortunately does not open for janitors. Perhaps if there was some kind of janitorial emergency triggered on the other side that required you moving into and out of the area, it would open to seamelessly let you bypass the otherwise quite stringent security lockdown.

Unfortunately, that is not presently the case.

So instead you Commit to running up and testing this theory, which leaves you with no possible way to avoid the enormous amount of rocks that are about to fall on your head.

You should look at the New Transfer Intake Paperwork, Subject.

You're about to be a smear on the ground.
"Wtf lootcrate gone? Commandpill can I post redostyle?"
I thought I'd updated before I posted. Can I... do this over?
aight guess i'll die.
Sigma rounds the corner in search of a prophetized weapon that would sweep away all before them, a chemical sprayer loaded with the most postulent and virulent virals that the Woodsie ones in all their enormous biological cunning can craft, something so enormously ludicrously lethal that it required a five-step optional chain of objective interactions to unlock and came with its own cutscene to pre-empt how enormously dangerous it is.

... Aaaaaaannndddd it's gone.

Maybe it was all just imaginary?

A chemical sprayer that hits out to cone 6 and deals 6d6 Virulence with a +6 Penetration modifier against all NBC gear and then re-animates the defeated organic enemies into shambling Rootbound that serve you will is probably - really - too powerful a tool to have anyway.

It wouldn't be "based", right?

It'd interfere with your sigma grindset to use weapons like that, anyway. You could just sweep it once over this part of the map and every Bulb enemy would get washed away instantly. That doesn't even sound fun!

It's GOOD that that weapon is LOST FOREVER and CANNOT BE FOUND AGAIN because honestly it sounds like it'd be a balancing nightmare anyway.

Sigma spends 3 MP.

You can take the rest of your turn, and also refresh your MP.
"I was gonna chug the chug jug to finish my battlepass..."
You can redo your turn if you'd like. Though normally impossible when one Commits. It's not *commitment* if one changes ones mind.

In this case, it seems more useful than being crushed to death by 200 tons of rock.

Please do not go into the accident area.
You will be crushed to death by 200 tons of rock.

Unfortunately, the Sacred Chemical Sprayer of the Green Forest is gone forever.

And having insulted them so gruesomely, they are not going to tell you where the Vial of All Things Ending or the Holy Modular Phaselight Blade is either.

It's fine. It's fine. Look, that Anthroform has a wooden club. There's LOADS of tools in this place! You'll be fine!
Know what, it's too funny. I did it, it's done.
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Gigachad flex
(Sigma, please save this fool.)
Rolled 6, 3, 2 = 11 (3d6)

Sigma stares at group of workers, hits a sick dab, does some telekinesis, then turns 360 degrees and sprints off.

>6AP Yeet Sundae back here (vs 14 Physicality10,+3 Telekinetic+1).
>3MP Move 666

+1 CP From Creative Thinking Exercises

#Subject Sigma
Vit 12 SP 10 CP 18
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
!Incurable Brainrot
!Telekinetic+1(Ranged Phys, Mind)
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
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Slay queen
>Poomp 3 more SP for stronger yeet.
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The enormous door sadly doesn't yet to Janitorial assistance, but also, it is probably about to yield to the tons of rocks about to come down on this structurally unsound part of the facility...
Rolled 5, 1, 5 = 11 (3d6)

>+1 CP
>6AP: Communicate with the Woodsie One rebels, ask them to grab Sundae and get out of the area that's about to collapse (Pluripotentiality 12, Duplicity 1Command, can I swap this skill for Diplomacy or something, Concentration 3)




#Bob the Primogen
Coherency 6/6 SP 3/9 CP 21 VP 1
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -4 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Pathogenic Analysis II II(Virality -4)
Nanocytic Countersampling II II (Max Coherency -4)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
!Creative Thinking Exercises
!Janitorial Intern
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Oh, he was saved. Never mind then. Just leave. Just walk out. Be free, my children!
The tonic closure point is the one where they murder Bulb for murdering their families and priests and all that.
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You are welcome to spend your entire turn Recovery, but you should be aware that nothing indicated that you could not act nor take other actions.

If you were truly paralyzed, it would say so - though you were ROOTED in the spot until Alekson here shook you so hard your head hit the wall and the pain banged you out of it.

As for countermeasures, like most Compulsions, they're alien to the mind. Brief impositions of change and triggered programming.

Allies tend to help you shake it off. Alternatively, they tend to pass.
Rolled 1, 4, 2 = 7 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 10 CP 16
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’… alive?
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 11+1
!Augmetic Extropian 2
!Metal Fatigue 2
!Reserve Power
!Ablative Shield

>move 4, 5, 1
>6AP, 2CP, 4SP: mutate. Moar HP
Bubbav2 begins her trek to the core, along her lover.

But said lover is so fragile… she can’t let him get hurt!
No, she needs to be tougher. Stronger. To protect him at all costs!
Rolled 5, 3, 4, 3, 5, 4 = 24 (6d6)

Vit 1/12 SP 4/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2
- [Sheer Focus And Will]
- Avoidance 1 (Higher Purpose)
- [Virulent Memetics]

And so ends their unhappy host, reaping exactly what they sew…

> 1SP: Bid the woodsies nearby to not be within ‘death by apocalypse’ range.
> 3SP, 3MP: With the host seemingly dead, move around the wall south west until I’m in range to use Abiogenesis on both of the rampaging Ripthings. If I overestimated the distance, please do not spend the appropriate SP;
> 3AP: Close their dreadful wounds, as there are exactly three of them. If I cannot actually see the Malformi, include myself as the third. (Abiogenesis 10, LOS, Multiple 3, Focus 1, Abiogenesis Focus 2.)
> Beam into their enraged minds visions of calm, peace, satiation and appropriate religious awe with regards to the teachings of Bob. They have won the war; they stand on sacred soil they have liberated! Let us now spread the good word, and *not* continue the slaughter…. (3 AP, 3 SP, Abiogenesis 10, LOS, Multiple 3, Duplicity 1, Abiogenesis Focus 2. Higher Purpose 2, 3 Concentration, Fanatacism)


Thou has shot a hole straight through the vault.

If you could kindly, destroy the Core for good with a final volley of bullets, and *then* step back out of the way.

If you do so, I shall give thee a gift later!
Rolled 4, 5, 5 = 14 (3d6)

I'm starting to get a bit self-conscious here, am I the bulwark here or is BubbaV2 the Bulwark, the Bastion against fire, a Stalwart Protector against all things which do evil.

Kind of... feels nice.

>3MP, Follow behind BubbaV2! Move 6-1-1
>1TP+6AP (Small Unit Tactics,10) Lets keep things stealthy, right? Don't want anyone seeing us.

Vit 12/12 SP 7/7 (12-5)
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
CP 10 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 5 (7-2) Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Very Dehydrated [-4 SPMax]
Cold [-1 SPMax]
Lingering Bruises II II [-2 Reaction]
Cursed??? II II [-1 CritFail Threshold]
Physicality 10
Senses 10+1 (Shared Senses)
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID
This should be sow

I don’t think woodsies darn
I didn't think I was completely and utterly paralyzed. I just didn't know if there was any other actual condition aside from ROOTED that would impact my AP balance and the ability to spend it in certain ways in there since my status box changed up and decided to play it safe and trust in Smart Processing®. Anyhow, did my action go through/do anything or should I redo the turn?
Rolled 2, 3, 1, 6, 6, 4 = 22 (6d6)

>1 AP: Grab the dead SecOfficer
>2 MP, 3 AP: Move 11 11 holding the SecOfficer up as a human shield against the Overwatching fire (Physicality 10? Does this need a roll?)
>Drop the Body
>1 MP, 1 AP: Move 61
>3 AP: Strike the SecOfficer with my Claws (Claws 12 + Lethality 1)
>1 AP, 2 SP: Defend
>Gain 1 CP from Creative Thinking Exercises)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 8->9 VP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Structural Misalignments II [+2 to any Bleed]
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Adrenaline Surge (+2 SP, +3 AP next turn)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
You heard the corporate tool, everyone out! Also, someone get me some medicine.

>1TP, direct everyone out of the danger zone - and take some mushrooms! (SupOp10, Inspiring 1, SACRED RAILGUN)
>3AP, aim at the core
>3AP+Commit, three round burst into the core (Lethality 11, Accuracy 4, commit, high power output as a treat)
>2MP, move 2N

Vit 10/12 SP 3/10 CP 10
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated (-2 Stamax)
Infection 12
*Flash Mutation: Nervejitters, -1MP
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
1x Rifle reload
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 3d6+3 (2), Acc 4, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 23->20/30 292/300
Robust, Modular, Sharp
DR 4 vest
Rolled 5, 1, 2 = 8 (3d6)

Vit -21/12 SP 0/12 CP 12 VP 1
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Capacitors Slagged
Electricity Modulation offline
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

"Thank you, NeoGenesis. You and Alekson did a great job. I will endeavor to get back into the fight as soon as possible."
>[3 MP] Move 665
>[3 AP] Move 666
>[3 AP] Move and do: Move 1 and dive into cover between the two screens. (Physicality 10 Alacrity 1)
>Reserve one SP to react to any incoming fire or melee attack by moving behind the monitors, using them as a screen.
Rolled 6, 6, 5 = 17 (3d6)


>[6 AP] Turn around and increase the temperature in the shield bearing officer's pistol, aiming to ignite the bullets inside of it and have them fire while they're still inside, ruining the gun and hopefully the officer's face also. [Temperature Control 12, Concentration 3: vs. 15]
>[1 MP] Jump into the bush to the north.

Vit 4 SP 5 CP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-2 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
Rolled 1, 5, 4 = 10 (3d6)


"Stay down"

>[MP 3 + AP 3] Run towards the shield guard jumping off the console
>[AP 3] Deliver an dropkick to guard (Lethality 1 + Physicality 10)

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 5
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
= Auditory +2 EchoCheck
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 5, 2, 3, 3, 1, 6 = 20 (6d6)

Alright, I'll make my turn more sensible, then.

>CP +1, Treeative...fuck, I mean Creative Thinking!
>4 AP: Recovery. Owowowow. Wait a second. I'm not a tree after all! Uproot! (Thoughts 8 + 1 (AP)).
>3 MP, 1 AP: Sprint 65656 (Physicality 10 + 2 (MP) + 1 (AP).
>1 AP: Close the door (after Alekson and NeoGenesis).

Vit 5/12 SP 1/12 CP 14 VP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
A Storm of Constant Chatter
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
Auditory +2
Haywire Switching
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
1x empty soda
1x empty bean can
>1AP: Make sure to be careful and not step into the webs of the Spitespider
>3MP: move 6-6-5
>2AP: Move 5-1
>3AP: Interface with sysems of this room and get a report.

Vit 3/12 SP 12/12
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
CP 8 VP 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
[Superconductivity 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's

>3MP: move 5-5-6
>2AP: Move 6-1
>3AP: Use can of beans to help Gallium in a way.
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>Pratfall Cavalade
>+1 CP, Wilder

With a shuddering *thwonk* Amelius clips a few final slivers of hypervelocity metal through the distant core, and then turns around, satisfied with a job well done.

The ceiling coming down ensures it.

One more Core down.


Ketlan murders a fleeing Herald.


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Half the subjects prone themselves on a sudden slick ice surface, while Samantha holds up the Vanguard as the few Security Officers around the Tram lay down a cordon.


Woodshaping binds the Frenzied Kronin to quiet and darkness until perhaps their enormous, reckless fury works itself out.


The few Wooden Ones that remain in the village cower and twitch and mutter prayers to an occupied divinity.


Fireteam Hulbazizi has a hard encounter with a bad time.


subPHARAOH's voice rings out, clear and true now that so many of the cores have been disabled.








BUT . . .
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You have disabled 75% of the Processing Cores in this sector. I am able to gainfully spare sub-sub-sub-sub cycling routines to assist your further activities in this region.


All Coordinators gain 1 Strategem Point.
All Changelings gain 1 Mutagen Point.


Coordinators spend Strategem Points as they would Tactical Points, with the *principle and important difference that the Effects will last for the duration of this deployment or until the task so designated is complete*. You only get the one, so be choice about your Stratagems.

When declaring a Stratagem, it is likely you will need to rely on buried memories and distantly recalled prowess. When you declare a Stratagem, there is therefore significant chance that you also remember old skills - or that in declaring the Stratagem, you point out the need for utilization of specific skillsets. This allows you to provide teamwide positives.


Changelings' spend Mutagen Points to flash-escalate, mutating a Feature.

When you spend Mutagen, your Power Traits (Lethality, Alacrity...) can be escalated for a specific Feature. This empowers the feature. Or you can attempt to Manifest a Feature that is treated as if you had higher Power Traits.

If your Claws are normally Lethality +2, Mutating it with a Mutagen Point would enhance it to 2 Lethality, functionally doubling the violence. The same logic holds for other Features, letting you bypass normal limits and enhancing Features significantly.


Neither Coordinators nor Changelings are required to spend Stratagems or Mutagen this turn (or any turn). They persist until spent.
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The Bulb, in all it's malevolent aggression, refuses to die to the Nanocytic Purgatives and flees the realm of macrobiology to enter the world of meat and flesh and bone and blood, stretching new limbs, moving new trunks, bedecked in armour like the ages and with a weathered surface of dense wood.

And then it sprouts a few more manipulator-tendrils, simply because it can.


With a soft "fshhh", a high powered blow-torch finishes its work and the ceiling of the elevator cabin drops down. Ropes follow. Ropes and shapes and smoke grenades.


Rolled 1, 5, 1, 2, 5, 4, 4, 1, 2 = 25 (9d6)

>3 MP: Adroit on top of the terminals to my 1 (Physicality 10 + Adroit 2)
>3 AP: Strike the left SecOfficer with my claws (Claws 12 + Lethality 1)
>3 AP: Strike the right SecOfficer with my claws (Claws 12 + Lethality 1)
>Gain 1 CP from Creative Thinking Exercises

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 8/12 CP 9->10 VP 1 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Structural Misalignments II [+2 to any Bleed]
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
CP accounting time.
Narrowly avoid horrible danger: +1CP
It cannot possibly get worse: +1CP
Destroyed First Core: +3CP
Destroyed Second Core: +1VP
Destroyed Third Core: +1Mutagen Point
Creativity Protocol, from 9 to 20... wait, 20? That doesn't sound right?... Um, huh? No nevermind, it apparently is correct. I guess time flies when your life is a perpetual panic attack: +11CP

Incidentally, GM. I know its a bit late, but would it be possible to sign up for another Protocol now that Pharoh's has re-established control over local infrastructure, or is that ability limited to the pre-game?
If I can take one I'd like to pick up [Sheer Violence of Action].

> From his prone position, Everett crawls into the bush immediately to his North-Northeast and conceals himself within the foliage. (Move - 3MP)
> Attempt to mutate a feature. Develop fluid-hydraulic twitch musculature to allow Everett's body to better able to perform short bursts of extremely rapid reactive motion. Visually, the sporadic, instinctual nature of these movements are somewhat evocative of that of fast-moving insects. (Manifest, COMMIT - Based off Reaction8 - 10CP+6AP )
For the movement action I meant to say North-Northwest.
All is forgiven.

Unfortunately, it is limited to pre-deployment and initial setup, since PHARAOH likes to know what is available.

Sometimes during mid-breaks, one could shuffle Protocols as well, but there hasn't been ONE MINUTE to put your feet up around here lately, so it is unfortunately a little too late.
That's entirely fair.
Pharaoh's orchestrating an cyberwar, surely doing many very important computer things to keep everyone alive. I'll be patient.
Rolled 5, 6, 3, 4, 4, 6, 2, 3, 3 = 36 (9d6)

>+1 CP Creative Thinking.
>3 MP: Stand up, Evade 5
>1 AP: Piggyback off of Samantha's senses to spot SecOfficers. (Sense 9, Focus, !Telekinetic) - 1st roll (dice 1-3)
>3 AP: Aim and Exploit. (Sense 9, Focus) - 2nd roll (dice 4-6)
>2 AP, 1 SP: Fill the space around the rightmost (surviving) SecOfficers with ear-piercing wailing and dreadful whispers, terrorizing him. (PsychoGenesis 10 + 2 (Auditory) vs 12, Focus, !Existential Dread, A Storm of Constant Chatter?) - 3rd roll (7-9)

Vit 8/12 SP 3/12 CP 16 VP 1 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
A Storm of Constant Chatter
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
Auditory +2
Haywire Switching
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
1x empty soda
1x empty bean can
Rolled 2, 4, 2, 2, 5, 3 = 18 (6d6)

Vit -18/9 SP 3/12 CP 12 VP 1 MP 1
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Capacitors Slagged
Electricity Modulation offline
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

"I may have overdone it when it comes to the railgun."
>Get back up, move 4
>[3 AP] Gently place myself on top of the ice, get as much surface going, and vent heat by melting some of it. (Health 12???)
>[3 AP] Then focus on recovering Health, I have to get back in working order (Health 12)
Vit 1/12 SP 4/12 CP 4 VP 1 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2
- [Sheer Focus And Will]
- Avoidance 1 (Higher Purpose)
- [Virulent Memetics]

> 1AP: Command **all** Woodsies to evacuate the village and head to the electric river, rebel, former conqueror, everyone! The war is over, and no one deserves to die when the **ceiling** falls down on our head!
>3AP: Assist the Woodsies in evacuating as quickly as possible.
>2 AP, 3 Movement: Bring up the rear of the mass exodus, hurrying everyone northwards.

This can no longer be our home. We must escape!
The prophecheee! It doth be trueth!

The greatheth Exodus through the daemonic lands of Sec UR doeth be realeth!

Rolled 5, 5, 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4 = 40 (9d6)

>1AP: Communicate through the tentacle near Raven to warn the Pulsating Mass about the extreme danger the HazoCom represent and the coming end of its world with the Ecocide they are going to deploy. Offer to take it with us in our Exodus, or tell it to give a sapling to Raven so that it may live on in the Land of Plenty high above. (Pluripotentiality 12, Duplicity 1, 1st dice roll)
>1AP: Speak to my children, faithful Woodsie Ones and heretic Wooden Ones alike.The end approaches. The time for Exodus has come. They all have to leave, now. Follow Autarch, take only what will not slow them down. Instruct my faithful to be merciful to the Wooden Ones, for they were misled by Bulb the Deceiver and I do not wish to see them die. They have to be alive to do penance for their sins. (Pluripotentiality 12, Duplicity 1, 2nd dice roll)
>4AP: Communicate to the Malforma directly through its nervous system. Calm it down, explain the danger in terms it can understand, make it realize its packmates need it to lead them to safety now that their adopted mother is gone. (Pluripotentiality 12, Duplicity 1, Concentration 3, 3rd dice roll)

#Bob the Primogen
Coherency 6/6 SP 8/9 CP 22 VP 1 Mutagen 1
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -3 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Pathogenic Analysis II(Virality -)
Nanocytic Countersampling II II (Max Coherency -4)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
!Creative Thinking Exercises
!Janitorial Intern
Rolled 1, 1, 3 = 5 (3d6)

Arright we're just not gonna talk about that one. Back to business.

Business of getting the FUCK out of Hazo's way.

>Commit for AP
>+2 Stamina, recovery expires. Winded ends.
>1TP: It's the start of the big death, wooden ones! Only your little feet can save you now! I'm... an elder of a thousand weeks, I know what I'm talking about. Physicality 10+CUF 1+Duplicity 1+I'm an agnostic, really
>3MP, 9AP: 6121 1122 2221
>SP: Move 6

Vitality 8 Stamina 2-1 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10+2 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated, Ruptured Muscles, Death's Door
Physicality 10 Senses 11 Thoughts 10
Shield 13
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +1 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
2 pistol reloads. Pistol somewhere 0/18
Baton (E)
Rolled 2, 1, 2 = 5 (3d6)


Vit 12 SP 10 CP 16
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’… alive?
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 11+1
!Augmetic Extropian 2
!Metal Fatigue 2
!Reserve Power
!Ablative Shield

>Escalate: spend 1 Mutagen Point on Ablative Shield Plating (want moar HP)
>6AP, 2CP, 4SP: mutate. Increase HEALTH stat. NOT HP. I want HEALTH. So I can increase HP LATER
>no movement, I want to wait out that squad
Subject, you lack the power traits to increase your HP any more than--

Oh. Mutagen.

Carry on then, Subject.
Rolled 4, 4, 1 = 9 (3d6)

>3 MP - Hop to terminal to NW, then to terminal to north, then to Augmentic in the middle of the group of red aligned forces (or to the green monitor if I would need to fight to form a node on the Augmented warrior.
>Meshwire 12, 6AP, 2 SP - Cause the Augmentic warrior in the middle of the crowd to spin in a circle with blade firm in hand and outstretched, hewing the red-aligned forces. The structural integrity of the subject's spine matters not to me.
>Challenge the panicking operative. Be Brave, fight light a warrior, and enjoy a warrior's Eternity, or surrender to fear and be a slave in Deadlands.

Sorry Bob. If you want me to war with the omnipotent Nano, you need to give me a better reason than that it is eating you.

Coherency 12/12 // SP 2/12 // CP Counting in progress
DR 0 // AP 6 // MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
#Meshwire 12 [R3]


Below fragments of past life awaiting recycling and reincarnation.
!Greywire Fragment 0 - Distributed Processing Core (implied #Nano conversion)
-Virulent Extropics - Regen 2+F, Vulnerable Core.
-Distributed Processing Cores - F=I/E. Must use local resources as a base. Vulnerable to EC/EM, Data, and Damage.
!Range 3 on base power (unsure what system it attached to for Aberrancy purposes)
!Ablative Armor 0/20, DR4, Crippled. (Health)
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)
Rolled 6, 4, 6 = 16 (3d6)

>1AP: Grab th terminal at 1 to hang on
>MP2: Move 6-1
>2AP: Get up (crouch to up)
>SP9: Move 6-6-1-1-6-6-1-1-1 (Get behing/adjacent to this sec officer)
>3AP: Bash the sec officers face in with my flashlight
>1SP: Siphon his stun baton
>1MP: Reaction Evade

Vit 3/12 SP 2/12
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
CP 9 VP 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
[Superconductivity 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
Rolled 6, 3, 4 = 13 (3d6)


Mutagen: FLASH MUTATE - LETHAL BIONIC STINGER - +1 Lethality, +? to Stinger. You're not an aberrancy, Gluttony. You've been a big help, you even saved Grins.
MP1: Extend Bionic Stinger to Reach 4
AP1: DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING CORES [ABSORB] - Melt corpse to my {3, 4} into grey goo and give it the succ.
AP3 SP3: BIONIC STINGER [HARM] - Charge and stab Bulb in his very corporeal eye and let him experience the joys of drugs and a killer biophage-nanite swarm on a corporeal body.
>[Stinger 9+?, Lethality 4(2x2), Concentration 3]
>[Reach 4, Leech]

"You have something of mine, Meat-Bulb. 'Gluttony' is part of me. I'm not leaving without it. My tail is saying there are shards of his soul within your form. Return them."

MP2: MOVE - {1-1} Climb along the ceiling with my graphene threads retreating away from the envenomed fallen god.
AP1: DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING CORES [ABSORB] - Begin breaking down the dead Entling to my {2,3,3,2} (I think)
AP1: DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING CORES [ABSORB] - Absorb more of that tasty dead Entling.
REGEN +4 HP = 12HP

CP=4(3+1) +x3 Absorptions +1 Leech


Subject: #Ketlan Knight
HP 12/12 SP 4/12 CP 4
DR 4(K) AP 6 MP 3
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Beautiful

Physicality 10
--Rush 2
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1]
Thoughts 8
Conversion 10
--[Graphene Filaments] [Kinetic 4DR] [Cling]
Stinger 9
--Reach 3
--Extend +1 Reach per MP/AP]
!Virulent Entropics
--Regen 2 +1[1/2 x Features]
!Distributed Processing Cores
--[+1 CP per 10HP Converted]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee
Rolled 2, 1, 4 = 7 (3d6)

>[6 AP] Block off the entryway with an ice wall. Should be fairly easy with all the material around. [Cryokinesis 12, Focus 1, Concentration 3, 1 SP].
>[3 MP] Move (trying not to slip) N, N, N.

Vit 4 SP 5 -> 4 CP 1 -> 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-2 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
Rolled 3, 1, 6, 1, 2, 1 = 14 (6d6)

Now! It's time to act quickly. We'll only have a brief window here.

>3MP, Move 1-1-2
>3AP+3AP+3SP (Thoughts,10) Take the Flame Turret and Set it up myself, north of me, towards three incoming guards!
>1TP (Small Unit Tactics,10), Watch out! There's a flame turret there! Avoid it! Keep out of its way!

Vit 12/12 SP 4/7 (12-5)
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Stratagem 1
CP 10 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 5 (7-2) Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Very Dehydrated [-4 SPMax]
Cold [-1 SPMax]
Lingering Bruises II II [-2 Reaction]
Cursed??? II II [-1 CritFail Threshold]
Physicality 10
Senses 10+1 (Shared Senses)
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID
Do protocols pass over in between characters?

I’m not sure why Ketlan still has their modifiers, given Gluttony is really very dead.
New deployment. New protocol picks.
We could have selected new protocols on spawn?

I thought it was beginning of the map only
Rolled 5, 5, 2 = 12 (3d6)


>[AP 1] Challenge the room squad as opposition for SVOA
>[AP 1] Pick up shield from ground
>[AP 2] Stand up
>[MP 3+ AP 2] Move over the consoles and run into guard with the shield
>Regen 2

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 5 MGP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
= Auditory +2 EchoCheck
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
Using (Alacrity 1 + Physicality 10)
This is what sacred relics are for, right? Driving back prime evils? I wouldn't know, I'm not too big on the ever relevant discipline Forensic Theology.

>1TP, these work for tacticool actions right? I'd like to use it to mitigate penalties for targeting the BIG RED EYEBALL of The Bulb
>3AP, aim at The Bulb('s big red eyeball)
>3AP+2SP+Commit, 20 rounds into The Bulb (Lethality 11, Accuracy 4, Concentrate 2, Commit, high power output as a treat)
>2MP+1SP, move 1NE, 1N, 1NW behind that solid slab of steel wall

Vit 10/12 SP 0/10 CP 10
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated (-2 Stamax)
Infection 12
*Flash Mutation: Nervejitters, -1MP
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 3d6+3 (2), Acc 4, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 20->0/30A 262->62?/300C
Rugged, Modular, Sharp
1x Rifle reload
DR 4 vest
This is what sacred relics are for.
You may add some now if it is your preference to do so.

Protocols simply cannot be changed as readily during deployment because some of them modify the map and have required changing parameters and others come with constraints which are more burdensome if one cannot simply change them.

New characters are *new* and can adopt Protocols as desired.

You can backdate what Command assumes is going to be CTE for 5 turns and your Sword is not a manmade weapon.
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Command understands that concepts like "reading the rules", "caring about the rules of the game I am playing", and "taking five seconds to read the rules of the game I am playing" are not things all players naturally want to do. There are much better things to be done with ones time, such as causing Command to violently go "OH WHAT THE FUCK" out loud, repeatedly.

The rules for Changelings mentions that with Lethality 1 you will not grow armor shredding claws. The guide to Feature Integration mentions that you make 1 roll against CP + Trait, Skill or Quality to adjust or allow something with a trait. It then has a long list of various descriptions of how this is done.

It never says "Manifesting a Change against a reference quality allows you to soft-start the Singularity by increasing the reference quality by +1, making all other Changes against this quality 1 easier and so allowing you to test again to increase it by +1 so you can test again to increase it by +1 so you can test again to increase it by +1 so you can test again to increase it by +1 so you can . . . "

The Hard Rules for Soft Changes mentions that Enhancements are done to a trait to Enhance the quality, the trait, the thing. You might Manifest "Rapid Recovery 4" to Health, and now when you test Health to Recover you get +4.

The ruls also mention that Manifests alter a reference quality by enhancing or adjusting it. The rules do not mention that one can test against a reference quality to give it +1 to make it easier to test against it to give it +1 so to make it easier to test against it to get +1 so as to make it easier to test against it to get +1 so as to. . . And look, it's the Singularity again.

Many Changeling keep trying.

To be incredibly explicit about this:

You cannot
You will not
It simply will not be done
It will never happen
You will not in this game at any point whatsoever be able to Manifest a Change against a quality you have and then simply make that number higher so that next time it is even easier to make it higher.

Your Feedback Loop is **CAPPED**.

You cannot test against Lethality to make Lethality higher. You cannot test against Duplicity to make Duplicity higher. You cannot test against Focus to make Focus higher. You cannot test against Health to make Health higher. You cannot test against Skills to make Skills higher. You cannot test against any voiddamned value reference quality and then innately make it higher.

That is an escalation feedback loop that leads to the singularity.

You are not going there
You are not getting there

The next Changeling who tries will shot
A lot
Here is a rewritten, adjusted, compensated and streamlined underlining of the core methodology by which you sprout claws to rips peoples face off or become faster than lightning.

The Reference Qualities make up the core, unshakable skeleton of a character and they are *incredibly* hard to change because they are the sanity spice upon which this deranged zoo works. Without it, the animals run much wilder than they already do, and to be entirely honest, Command already lost an section of this facility to an enormous pulsating mass, there are wooden children having a religious pilgrimage and one guy is now able to shoot lighting from his hands.

The zoo animals are clearly running wild enough as is.

You can - as a singular generalized exception to the NO HARD TAKE-OFF SELF REFERENCE SINGULARITY ESCALATION - generally speaking test with higher values to modify Features by specializing them further.

Physicality 10
"can I grow stronger". One test vs 10, garnish with CP.
Physicality 10 [Strength 3]
"Can I alter my strength to tuned to ripping apart walls?". One test vs 10 + 3 from the Strength, garnish with CP.
Physicality 10 [Breaking Blow 6, *Easy to Avoid]
*Easy to Avoid qualifies that enemies avoid this easily.

"Can I fine-tune my wall-tearing adaption to also work in close quarters". One test against 10 + 6 from the breaking blow, garnish with CP.
Physicality 10 [Breaking Blow 4]

And now, suddenly, you can test Physicality with intent to break things apart with your bare hands at 14, and when you do so, enormously violent things happen, to the tune of "multiply margin by 4" and then you roll 10 vs 14 and deal 16 damage to someone's arm and you throw it across the room.

In all of this, your Physicality itself did not move one singular inch, Changeling. But at every step, it was easier to adjust and manipulate because you were changing a quality you already had! Nice!

If you somehow transpired to increase it, you should count yourself lucky, because a +1 to a reference quality is REALLY GOOD STUFF. It makes you WILDLY MORE POWERFUL across THE WHOLE SPECTRUM.


Kindly, if you would, Changelings, stop trying to cause a hard take-off singularity in this system. You can't +1 to your way to Infinity.

Jokes about not reading the rules aside, Command does understand that this is very new and a little hard to intuit. With some training and time, it does hopefully become easier.

Generally speaking, simply be aware that the system very, very, very, VERY MUCH hard caps your ability to simply add +1 to the same thing forever, because it is the one thing all players always want to immediately do and since Command hates you all with a burning passion of a trillion grills, Command has decided to make it incredibly, violently hard to do so.

Subject Acolyte tore open someone's Core, ate it, consumed some part of all that Bob could ever be and the reward for such reckless monstrosity was +1 to Mutability.
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The Great Woodsie Exodus begins, though it is spurred somewhat on by the flailing tentacular tendrils of the enormous mass that the Bulb has made of the older Biological Processing Cores, it's keening scream rolling across the village as the villagers run for the exits, gathering their belongings as they go.

One takess a moment to release the Kronin from their fold, as others grab gobags and prepared ceremonial walking staffs for the GREAT EXODUS to avoid THE GREAT DYING which their Prophecies have, apparently, fore-told off.


Wilder freezelocks a door. Then in a freak accident, his Glaciogenesis condition acts up and he freezelocks the door even more.


The last security guard in the transit room gibbers and shrieks as Chimera slams him back against the wall, will unplucked by the voices harassing him and the screeching of terror that Nadir flung his way.

Samantha wipes her claws off. That was easy.

NeoGenesis feels hot, warm, servos heating from energy expenditure, but that taser-snack was quite delicious.

>+1 CP to Subjects in the Transit region, which includes Wilder and Everett and others in the room South of it.

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The Great Exodus begins, as the Woodsie Ones prepare for their long awaited journey. Hundred-Hour Elders have long since foretold of the need to escape the great hordes of Sec-UR, they of the most monstrous designs and most paranoid minds, and the cunning Wooden folk have prepared for this day. Their people are ready. The journey forward to the fabled Land of Light will commence, to escape the great Dark and the Great Dying.

But uh, where. . . is it... exactly...?


Augmenti 32030-A-D notes an error in its right servo system, about the same time as Security Officer Donin notes he no longer has a spine.

The other two augmentics parry by sheer rote, rolling, though one takes a sharp blade across its chassis that doesn't leave too deep a scar. Much like our Augmentics, theirs are *armored* and *resilient* to a fault.

If you want to take them down, aim for crippling. Take out vital joints. Destroy sub-systems. They'll take a staggering amount of punishment if you simply wish to throw down.


Fox plucks a flower.


Bulwark hears a man go "Pfhf, come on how bad can it be" which is just never a good thing to say out loud.


Everett realizes he can actually dodge bullets.


Bubba realizes they don't need to. The bullets mostly just ping off anyway.



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behold! the greatest most monstrous weapon in th arsenal of the wooden lords, they of the bark and the branch, the hungry forest!

i entrust now to thee, whom arth our greatest guardian, THE VIAL OF ALL THINGS ENDING

>... oh
>... it's...
>... it's a vial of extra strength pesticide/herbicide
>... can I have the sword?
>no. you can't.
Rolled 1, 4, 1, 6, 2, 6, 3, 4, 5 = 32 (9d6)


AP3 SP2: MOVE & DO - {2-3-3} Sting Meat-Bulb in his stupid face and leech up the last of his essence, rewriting it and recovering shards of Gluttony's Psychoengram.
>[Stinger 9+?, Lethality 4(2x2), Snap shot -4, Concentration 2]
>[Leech, Reach 5]
AP3 SP2: MOVE & DO - {2-3-2} Sting Meat-Bulb in his stupid face and leech up the last of his essence, rewriting it and recovering shards of Gluttony's Psychoengram.
>[Stinger 9 +?, Lethality 4(2x2), Snap shot -4, Concentration 2]
>[Leech, Reach 5]
MP1: {1} (next to Amelius)
SP3: Nanolathe out some ammo for Amelius with my gathered greygoo. Make 'em count.
>[Conversion 10, Focus 1]

"Hey, gun guy. You seem familiar but I seem to have lost all my memories. Name's Ketlan. ...I actually have no idea what's going on or where I am. Anyway, I think I might be able to lathe out some ammo for you, somehow. Also, uh, could you pull me? I'm slow, out of breath, and unsteady on my feet."

SP: 7(12-7+2)
CP: 5(4+1)


Subject: #Ketlan Knight
HP 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 5
DR 4(K) AP 6 MP 3
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 2 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Beautiful

Physicality 10
--Rush 2
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1]
Thoughts 8
Conversion 10
--[Graphene Filaments] [Kinetic 4DR] [Cling]
Stinger 9
--Reach 3
--Extend +1 Reach per MP/AP]
!Virulent Entropics
--Regen 2 +1[1/2 x Features]
!Distributed Processing Cores
--[+1 CP per 10HP Converted]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee
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Apologies, in all the excitement, we lost a layer.
Rolled 2, 3, 3 = 8 (3d6)

Vit 1/12 SP 1 /12 CP 0 VP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2
- [Sheer Focus And Will]
- Avoidance 2 (Higher Purpose, Sword Fighting)
- [Virulent Memetics]
!Creative Thinking Exercise
!Sheer Violence in Action

> Gain one CP from Creative Thinking
> Sombrely except this relic. I will keep it safe, until it is needed.

> Power walk directly forwards, and ready myself to fight the Beast. (3 Movement)
> Manifest MASTERY of the SWORD, becoming the warlike legend the Woodthings believe me to be. (6 AP, 3 SP, Lethality 1, CP 10, Concentration 6)
> Immediately expend my Mutagen Point to further hone my sword fighting capabilities

‘Forwards and right’, the root bound Paladin called out- ‘human’ voice raspy in its first use.

‘I see the Beast. Woodsies, away. Warriors, prepare yourselves!’
Bring it down! BRING IT DOWN! Together the will of many can contest even divinity!

>1SP, killing godbeasts is all about finding the squishy bits - no, it's true! Big things bleed more! Aim where I'M shooting! (Intent is to improve odds of targeting critical bits) (Senses 11, Focus 1?)
>1TP, guide Ketlan's bullet production - does he even know what this thing fires? (Thoughts 10, Focus 1)
>3AP, load whatever it is Ketlan is producing
>1MP, lean out of cover
>3AP, aim at Bulb's BIG RED EYE
>3SP, three round burst into Bulb and pray the ammo functions (Lethality 11, Aim 4, high power mode as a treat)

Vit 10/12 SP 0/10 CP 11?
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated (-2 Stamax)
Infection 12
*Flash Mutation: Nervejitters, -1MP
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 3d6+3 (2), Acc 4, Rcl2, Bulk 4, ?/30A, 32?/300C
Rugged, Modular, Sharp
1x Rifle reload
DR 4 vest
Well, seems everything is more or less stable at the moment.
Maybe I could...

> Everett relaxes slightly and attempts to even out his breathing, lowering his heartrate from thundering to a gentle pounding. Its certainly been a day of ordeals, but it seems the worst of it is behind him. (Recover - Catch your breath, regain SP - 6AP+3MP)
This be-eth alright, oh discordant voice on the wind, the wee Woodsies wished to wonder a marvelous gift on a warrior so brave !

We would a gift for you too, but unfortunately, we only have the one vial of ALL THINGS ENDING

would you like a flower necklace
my root kindred makes them very nice
...yes. Yes, I could use a flower necklace. *sniffle*
It's been very hard, y'know?
Ketlan, focus up - I know it's difficult, but we can do this! Amelius, by the by.

Also, if flower necklaces are on the table...
> Gain Fast Twitch Reaction

Looks absolutely amazing, I love it!
Thank you command!
>Gain 1 CP from Creative Thinking Exercises
>1 AP: Move 2
>3 MP: Move 11 11 1
>2 AP: Enter the train
>3 AP: Defend

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 8/12 CP 10->11 VP 1 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Structural Misalignments II [+2 to any Bleed]
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 6, 5, 4 = 15 (3d6)

Pharaoh's saying someone's trying to take our ride. Think I'd better start looking for alternate exits since some people are sticking around to fight Bulb. Should be one past the vending machines SE.

>TP: Hey Grone, come help me look around. Senses 11+CUF 1+Focus 1
>1AP: Do not disturb SC for any reason
>3MP, 5AP: 3223 3444
Rolled 2, 1, 4 = 7 (3d6)

"Where have you been Trish? You said you were going out and when I woke up there was just a full-blown tribe war happening- When did you get a whole... army?"

"You know what nevermind. I won't ask."

I kind of like these flame turrets... point them in a direction and your enemy is no longer a concern... Let's take them and tinker with them shall we?


I need you all to get both of these flame turrets mobile! I need wheels on them! or skids! Whatever you can to get them moving! We can push them around or drag them around with rope! or something! Just get them moving people- and uh, woodpeople. You guys don't need to participate if you want to- uh... Trish who are these guys exactly?

...Maybe if you can... maybe you can improve them too... if it's not too much to ask... nevermind- ignore I asked, I don't think anyone here is a tinkersoul or machinist or circuit-head.

>3MP, Move 1-6-5, if it's still possible after a commit+change action, have to check that control centre out, maybe there's something useful in there.

Vit 12/12 SP 4/7 (12-5)
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Stratagem 1
CP 10 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 5 (7-2) Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Very Dehydrated [-4 SPMax]
Cold [-1 SPMax]
Lingering Bruises II II [-2 Reaction]
Cursed??? II II [-1 CritFail Threshold]
Physicality 10
Senses 10+1 (Shared Senses)
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID
Rolled 3, 3, 3, 2, 4, 6 = 21 (6d6)

Vit -10/9 SP 5/12 CP 13 VP 1 MP 1
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Capacitors Slagged
Electricity Modulation offline
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

>-Activate Compensators: Pay 2 SP, get back 2HP
>Move 4
>[3 AP] Make eye contact with the Augmentic through the ice wall. Use my remote hacking to take over his legs, have him walk into the superconductive highway. (Augmented Systemics 10, Duplicity 1)
>Move 61
>[3 AP] Keep on recovering, I'm almost back in decent shape! Take deep breaths, run diagnostics. I'll have to fix my wiring later. (Health 12)
Escape is close at hand, subjects. We need only reach for it!

>[3 MP] Move N, N, N.
>[3 AP] Move NE, NE, N.
>[2 AP] Move N, N.
>[1 AP] Pick up the gun that the cowardly security officer left behind.

Vit 4 SP 5 -> 4 CP 1 -> 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-2 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
Rolled 1, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3 = 13 (6d6)

>+1 CP from Arachnid Thinking...Hey, wait a minute!
>3 MP, 3 AP: Sprint towards the tram (Physicality 10 + 2 (MP) + 3 (AP) + Alacrity 1 vs 16) - 1st set of dice
>3 AP: Recovery. Stamina. (Health 12 vs 12) - 2nd set of dice

Vit 8/12 SP 3/12 CP 18 VP 1 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
A Storm of Constant Chatter
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
Auditory +2
Haywire Switching
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
1x empty soda
1x empty bean can
"Naughty, naughty".
>3 AP - Activate the Traitor failsafe of the Augmentic who failed to purge me. I assume that this is lethal, similar to Wendigo, but I guess we'll find out. (Meshwire 12, first 3 dice)
>3 MP - Hop from the Augmentic to the camera to the Operative's glasses, and try to hop into some remnant of the disabled core.
>3AP - Along the way, establish a Node. Ideally in the Core, but if that's not possible, then in the Operative's glasses. I think that Operative is less capable of purging me than the Augmentics, even if it's a small node. (Meshwire 12, 2nd set of dice)
>I didn't roll for a Manifest when I adopted the Gray Data Ghost. If I still have one, I'd like to roll for Multi-Threaded Mind, to improve my Multi-tasking and help reduce the penalty on the Meshfire+Conversion. I don't have the CP to roll against 1 Alacrity, so if I need the CP, but I still should roll a Manifest on one of my hittable attributes, then let me know and I'll think of something.
>If there is no node to hop in to within the data core, then I'd like to use my MP this turn on a Conversion action targeting the disabled Core. If there is a node there I can inhabit, then I'll do it next turn.

Coherency 11/11 // SP 0/12 // CP 3?, MP 1, VP 1
DR 0 // AP 6 // MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1+2 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
#Meshwire 12 [R3]


Below fragments of past life awaiting recycling and reincarnation.
!Greywire Fragment 0 - Distributed Processing Core (implied #Nano conversion)
-Virulent Extropics - Regen 2+F, Vulnerable Core.
-Distributed Processing Cores - F=I/E. Must use local resources as a base. Vulnerable to EC/EM, Data, and Damage.
!Range 3 on base power (unsure what system it attached to for Aberrancy purposes)
!Ablative Armor 0/20, DR4, Crippled. (Health)
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)
>[3 AP] Move NE, NE, N.
Should instead be
>[3 AP] Move NW, NW, N.

Rolled 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 2 = 18 (6d6)

dice for the AP actions.
Rolled 5, 2, 1 = 8 (3d6)


>[MP] Move 2 N
>[AP 3] Manifest Strengthened Respiratory system to store and release air as sonic weapon or propellant (CP 6 + Mutability 10)

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 6 MGP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
= Auditory +2 EchoCheck
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
>3AP: Loot the Sec Officer. Shock baton is empty but I need the parts
>3MP: Move to a terminal on the tram
>3AP: Try to further delay the arrival of the security response team... with a tram safety briefing that is not brief at all. Hehehe (Commit)

Vit 4/12 SP 4/12
DR 6 AP 6 MP 3
CP 11 VP 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
[Superconductivity 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
>[Augmented Systemics 10+Commit+Duplicity1]
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Rolled 1, 3, 1, 5, 4, 3 = 17 (6d6)

>+1 CP
>3AP: Infect the SecOfficer north of these Kronin. Read his neurons for alternative exits and current intel. (Pluripotentiality 12, Duplicity 1?)
>3AP, 3SP: Restore Railgun Saint Amelius's stamina. Steady his hands, so that he may shoot the holy relic more accurately (Mutability 10, Focus 1, Concentration 5)

#Bob the Primogen
Coherency 8/8 SP 3/9 CP 23 VP 1 Mutagen 1
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -2 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Nanocytic Countersampling II (Max Coherency -2)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
!Creative Thinking Exercises
!Janitorial Intern
Rolled 2, 6, 5 = 13 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 10 CP 16
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’… alive?
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 11+1
!Augmetic Extropian 2
!Metal Fatigue 2
!Reserve Power
!Advanced Plating

>MP: move 2-1-2
>2AP: move 2-2
>4AP: try to connect to the flame tower to my right (Augmented Systemics)

>4SP: Major Action: GUARD

“…we’ll get salami”
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Working together, Amelius scrounges up new ammo for his spent gun. Lines up a shot. Keltan has already weakened the horrific Bulb, though it takes some serious killing to defray a thing of suhc enormity and size.


Everyone else bails OUT.

Hey, did anyone else hear a "Beep", an omnious one, like the flash before the world ends?

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" We might have to move up the timeine "
Do you think it would be possible to hack the goggles of Sanitation Sec in core 4 so we can make a shot on it? We don't have a lot of time.
Maybe. I guess I'd access Head Sec through the glasses next to me and put in a data tap.
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Bob filches a few secrets from a security officer, getting the lay of the land and the last communications from teams around the facility.


Bubba mans a turret, guarding against horror. From the other hallway, screams. Blood. Shouts. Then *pain* and -- a shape! A shape of claws and death and adrenaline and HUNGER comes surging out the door. Bubba throws the flameturret up, spinning it, the thing lands and rips and tears and smears and screams a noise of death and almost pulls Bubba's arms clean off.

Grin dives across a table, sliding his shield on his back to kick an assault rifle into his hands -- BANG BANG BANG - three shots, Mozambique drilll, chest chest head and *it's still coming*!!! The Woodsie Travellers form a spear wall, presenting a hedgerow of sharp and prickly ends and yet it's still coming, screaming, raging, MURDERING --

And it's spilling acid everywhere!

>The Hunger That Was Gluttony is bleeding acid! Don't stand on those tiles! It'll BURN!!!


From the distance, a screech. A soft noise of electronic surprise. A barrage of railguns. And then the crump crump crump of impacting rockets and the Spitespider comes boiling out the bad darkness, throwing itself across the chasm, fangs scything, clawings sweeping, legs kicking against the walls and the wire, and though it gets SHOCKED it keeps COMING - breaking down the ice door.

( In all the excitement, the Augmentic that walked off of the ledge and got zapped is harder to notice )


Fox creates a shortcut


NeoGenesis talks travellers through their routine.


Sanitation Operatives grip weapons, adjust gear. Orders are to stand by and stand guard. But the rest of the facility might... need them? It's sounding pretty bad out there.


Amelius and Keltan share a look. Did they get it? It's so sorely broken, shattered, the thing that thought it was a good. Amelius breathes out a soft sigh of relaxation. Good work. These fletchettes aren't entirely to spec, but they do fit the gun. Teamwork, right? I'd give you a high five but I'm not sure which limb you--

From the darkness, a long serpentine tendril wraps around Keltan and drags them back !! Slamming into walls!! SQUEEZING!!

>-4 to physical skills, and no MP until you break free!!
>OH NO!!!
"... oh shit, it's you..."
"Gallium. Please, ensure everyone gets into the shuttle."

> Stand up, leave cover, and stride to the open space in front of the leftmost doorway. (Move - <1SW>, <1NW>, <1SW> - 1SP+3MP)
> Stare down the writhing hateful form of the SpriteSpider, prepare to evade towards the door to the north if it turns its fury his way. (React - Reaction12+5?+2 - 6AP+2SP)

(To explain what's happening with the action above. I'm not a hundred percent sure if React counts as a 'defensive action' for the purpose of Fast Twitch Reaction, or if its something entirely different. So, for this turn I'm kind of operating under the assumption that it is. However I'm also hedging my bets by spending SP.)
>3 MP: Take a seat if I haven't already
>3 AP: Eat complementary pudding (!Hungry)
>3 AP: Put on the mask
>Gain 1 CP from Creative Thinking Exercises (this goes through still right?)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 8/12 CP 11(->12?) VP 1 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Structural Misalignments II [+2 to any Bleed]
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
It is - your Twitch Reaction gives you +4 to your base Reaction (12) against physical danger, and then when you Defend it gets higher.

It is quite good! Though do note that multiple repeat concurrent reactions apply penalties, so if 10 people attack you, you might not dodge everybody.

The Blade of Life Feature notes it has Focus +3 and Multitasking 3.

Focus +3 is just that it adds +3 to Focus rolls with it. Because it blades with life, it tends to rely on concentration. If wish to shape out a wood spear or a root blade or a leaf sword with it, that's a Focus roll. So you get +3 to the effect of that, though it does take a major action.

You do this not as a manifest but as a basic skill roll; you can shape a tool with the skill immediately.

Multitask 3 implies it costs -3 to Multitask, instead of -6. You use this to attack twice with one attack, because your skill is higher. 12-3 is 2 rolls at 9, which with some basic bonuses go higher faster.
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Thank you for participating in this Lateral Thinking Teambuilding Exercise!

Your reward is . . .



>+1 Confidence
Rolled 2, 1, 5 = 8 (3d6)

Vit 1/12 SP 3 /12 CP 0 VP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Blade of Life 12
**Focus +3
**Multitasking 3
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2
- [Sheer Focus And Will]
- Avoidance 2 (Higher Purpose, Sword Fighting)
- [Virulent Memetics]
!Creative Thinking Exercise
!Sheer Violence in Action

> Gain 1 CP from Creative Thinking
> Thank the universe for this gift of 3 SP, although I’m not sure where it came from.

> (1 AP): CHALLENGE Gluttony, and prepare to land the killing blow.
> (3 Movement, 2AP): Advance North West, and leap into the table one of the Woodsie Pilgrims are standing in to hold Gluttony at bay.
> (3 AP): Lunge forwards and *impale* the Hunger that was Gluttony! (Blade of Life 12, Lethality 2, Higher Purpose 2, 3d6)

Forwards! Forwards! Go rescue your weeping peer!

Bubba! Your flamethrower! Those guards!
Rolled 3, 4, 3, 2, 5, 3, 2, 5, 6 = 33 (9d6)

(process after Amelius's turn)

[Breathlessly, Strained] "You've been taking nothing but L's, Bulby. You shoulda taken the hint."

SP1: BIONIC STING - Retract to Range 2 to get it free of the tendril's grip
AP3: BIONIC STING [HARM] - I stab my stinger into Bulb's eye and grip the rim of his socket, pulling him towards me, or me towards him. I release literally all of my biophage and nanite swarms that I've absorbed.
>[Stinger 12, Lethality 4(2x2)]
AP3: BIONIC STING [HARM] - I force the greengoo in tendril spikes through every orifice, every blood vessel, every membrane between ribs and body cavity, causing maximum trauma on the way out.
>[Stinger 12, Lethality 4(2x2)]
SP3: DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING CORES [HARM/ABSORB] - Continue to shred Bulb's corporeal form into pink mist, absorbing the entire mass. Sorting, purging, cryptographically sequencing, denaturing, and nanoscopically defraying the material to find and download every scrap remaining of Gluttony's psychoengramatic presence within the false God's being.
>[Conversion 10, Lethality 4(2x2)]

HP: 12(10+4)
SP: 0(4-4)
CP: 6(5+1)


Subject: #Ketlan Knight
HP 12/12 SP 0/12 CP 6
DR 4(K) AP 6 MP 3
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 2 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Beautiful

Physicality 10
--Rush 2
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1]
Thoughts 8
Conversion 10
--[Graphene Filaments] [Kinetic 4DR] [Cling]
Stinger 12
--Leech (succ CP)
--Steal (succ attributes)
--Extend Set reach to 2-5 with 1MP/AP]
!Virulent Entropics
--Regen 2 +1[1/2 x Features]
!Distributed Processing Cores
--[+1 CP per 10HP Converted]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee
Rolled 5, 5, 4 = 14 (3d6)

No time to kill.
>1MP, 5AP, 3CP if allowed - Meshwire 12 + Conversion 10 = Quick-Build myself a new body using the disabled core and any corpses/disabled within reach. Inhabit it. Major electronics decommissioning and recycling going on here. No need to stick to the anthropoidic standard.
1 AP- Challenge the Operator next to my new form. You saw me mortal. Fight for your life or submit and join my Kingdom as a royal guard.

Coherency 11/11 // SP 0/12 // CP 3?, MP 1, VP 1
DR 0 // AP 6 // MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1+2 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
#Meshwire 12 [R3]


Below fragments of past life awaiting recycling and reincarnation.
!Greywire Fragment 0 - Distributed Processing Core (implied #Nano conversion)
-Virulent Extropics - Regen 2+F, Vulnerable Core.
-Distributed Processing Cores - F=I/E. Must use local resources as a base. Vulnerable to EC/EM, Data, and Damage.
!Range 3 on base power (unsure what system it attached to for Aberrancy purposes)
!Ablative Armor 0/20, DR4, Crippled. (Health)
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)
Figured that y'all didn't need me to peek in the room as an action now.
Yeah bob's intel should do it, if anybody's gonna pop that core. My opportunities have receded beyond that event horizon at this point so it's up to someone else.

You still think that you are some sort of god, Bulb? Even if that is the case, you've made a fatal mistake - for this weapon of mine is the railgun which will pierce the heavens! The Woodsie Folk have prophesied it as such, and so I shall make it!

>1TP, Ketlan, squirm out of the way! (SupOp 10, Inspiring 1)
>3AP, aim at Bulb
>3AP+Commit, three round burst into Bulb (Lethality 11, Aim 4, high power mode as a treat)
>2MP, run 2NE

Vit 10/12 SP 0/10 CP 11?
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1 SP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated (-2 Stamax)
Infection 12
*Flash Mutation: Nervejitters, -1MP
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 3d6+3 (2), Acc 4, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 5->2/30A, 32->2/300C
Rugged, Modular, Sharp
1x Rifle reload
DR 4 vest
Rolled 5, 3, 3, 6, 4, 1 = 22 (6d6)

>Commit for bonus
>TP: Squash it into the wall, Tiertra, it'll hate that! SUT 10+CUF 1+Focus 1+Commit
>6AP: Hit Crawler with Baton. Physicality 10+Lethality 1+3+Commit+Pile In 1

Vitality 11 Stamina 3 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Death's Door
Physicality 10 Senses 11 Thoughts 10
Shield 13
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +1 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
2 pistol reloads. Pistol somewhere 0/18
Baton (
Rolled 1, 5, 1, 6, 1, 3 = 17 (6d6)

"The historypill was that sigmoses yapped about letting his skibipeople grow."

>3MP Move 616
>3AP Throw LMBIDFY field onto SecOfficers (vs12 Psychogen 11 + Telekinetic+1)
>3AP Intensify compulsion to do the breakdance like Raygun (vs Psychogen 11 !Brainrot)

+1 CP From Creative Thinking Exercises (2 from past turns)

#Subject Sigma
Vit 12 SP 10 CP 21
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
!Incurable Brainrot
!Telekinetic+1(Ranged Phys, Mind)
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
Rolled 6, 2, 1 = 9 (3d6)

Vit 0/26 SP 8/12 CP 16
DR 3+1 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’… alive?
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 11+1
!Augmetic Extropian 2
!Metal Fatigue 2
!Reserve Power
!Ablative Shield

“Hey, thanks for killing that… it REALLY hurt”
BubbaV2 says, intestines struggling to stay inside

>3MP: move 6-5-6
>3AP: BURN BABY BURN the three guards (augmented systemics)
>3AP: Recover HP
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Rolled 2, 2, 4, 2, 3, 1, 6, 3, 4, 3 = 30 (10d6)

A lunge for the ages. Which is approximately how long you'll have the burns too, Subject, so as they sing the songs of how you vanquished the beast, you can nod and run a hand along the marks on your skin.

There'll be a lot of them.


Luckily, it also happens to Trish, Bubba and everyone in a cone 2 spray. Which would be the Woodsie Spearman wall behind you all.

So you're not alone. There's enough acid for everybody!
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Rolled 3, 6, 1 = 10 (3d6)

You don't have a flame turret. You have a slagged, volatile device bubbling from intense chemicals corroding through the fuel tanks.

On an 11+, it blow up in your hands.
You don't have a flame turret. You have the world's mot volatile incendiary grenade. You have no way to know how much it is going to blow up, how far, or what is going to happen when the volatiles react with the corrosives.

Given that *all the fuel* is going to *go fwoosh* at *once*, it seems likely it will be at least an Area 2 explosion of fire and shrapnel and fragments.

Think quick.

And redo your turn.
Rolled 2, 5, 3 = 10 (3d6)

Vit -X/26 SP 8/12 CP 16
DR 3+1 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’… alive?
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 11+1
!Augmetic Extropian 2
!Metal Fatigue 2
!Reserve Power
!Ablative Shield

>EVADE: 3MP and 3AP to move 6-5-6
>3AP+3SP to YEET that thang at the guards (physicality?)

First 3 dice are yeeting
Rolled 4, 3, 5 = 12 (3d6)

Roll to recover
Hey Command? Do you mind answering a question?
If you apply a Mutagen point to a Feature, then later that Feature undergoes a major change - such as being mutated to a point that it is unrecognizable or integrated into another feature - would the Mutagen's enhancement still exist or does it only apply to the specific version of the feature it was applied to?

Or to explain in a slightly clearer way....
> I have this neato Armblade
> I expend a Mutagen point to add +1 Lethality to that armblade
> Later on, I decide that to repurpose my Armblade into a scissor-like crab claw via a manifest action
> Does this new scissor claw feature retain the armblade's +1 Lethality?
Vit -10/9 SP 5/12 CP 13 VP 1 MP 1
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Capacitors Slagged
Electricity Modulation offline
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

In a state of flux.

"It is now to vacate the premises at our earliest
>-Activate compensators: Spend 2 SP, get 2 HP
>[2 MP] Move 2 east.
>[1 AP] Oh hey free pistol. Pick it up.
>[1 MP] Move 1N
>[5 AP] Move 3N 2W
>[3 AP from committing to movement] Move 3N
Rolled 4, 4, 4 = 12 (3d6)


>[3 MP] Move N, N, N and strap yourself to a seat, following the security recommendations.
>[1 AP] Check how many bullets I have in the pistol I picked up.
>[Reaction 3AP] If I have ammo, get ready to shoot at any hostiles that come through the East entrance on the tram.

Vit 4 SP 4 CP 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated [-2 Stamina]
Glaciogenesis II II [SC 9]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Psionigenesis 10
Temperature Control 12
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (Manifest external features only)
!Peace and love, man.
Multi Tool.
"What was that? Probably shouldn't stick around to find out..."

>+1 CP.
>3 MP: Move 111 into the tram. Find a comfy place to sit.
>6 AP: Telepathically reach out to and guide Raven. "Hail, Raven. It is I, the Herald of Doom, the Dread Harbinger, Nadir! Ahem...Hi. We haven't had a chance to talk much up till now, have we? Look, our escape windows are getting pretty tight and you and your friends are bit too far (and it far too bad a shape, might I add) from most of the alternate egress points. There is still a chance that you might make it to the tram before the giant spider, the sword-wielding cyborgs, or power-armored commandos kill everyone. That wall up ahead. It is metal-reinforced concrete. Do you think you can subvert the aforementioned reinforcements and make a hole in it with your metallokinesis? (Very charming ability, by the by. I'm a fan.) If so, all that stands in your way is one terrified operative and after that it's the final sprit to the tram (and freedom (of sorts))! Hope to see you soon! xoxo. (telepathically signed, Nadir, the Herald of Doom, Dread Harbinger)." (Thoughts 8 + 5 (or 3?) AP + Focus 1 vs 14/12, !Telekinetic)

Vit 8/12 SP 3/12 CP 20 VP 1 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
A Storm of Constant Chatter
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 10
Auditory +2
Haywire Switching
!Psionic-Resonant 1
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 1 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
1x empty soda
1x empty bean can
Rolled 4, 4, 1, 6, 3, 3 = 21 (6d6)

>3AP: Get into the system of one of those biocomputers, learn what I can from their data and workings to strengthen myself without destroying them. (Pluripotentiality 12, Focus 1?)
>3AP, 6SP, 10CP: Manifest to animate the three trees/biocomputer fungal growths. Give them intelligence and mobility to protect my faithful and take revenge on the jannies that murdered their western kin. Boost their resilience, strength and spore generation if I can. Warn them about the nanocrates if they don't know already.
(Multimanifest -12, Pluripotentiality 12, Concentration 6, CP 10)

#Bob the Primogen
Coherency 8/8 SP 2/9 CP 14 VP 1 Mutagen 1
Regeneration 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Virality -1 Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Nanocytic Countersampling II (Max Coherency -2)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
!Creative Thinking Exercises
!Janitorial Intern
Rolled 6, 4, 2, 5, 5, 3 = 25 (6d6)

Mother of All-Creatures and Psuedo-Gods. It's a beast. A Real Monster.

>1TP+6AP+3SP (Small Unit Tactics,10) "KILL IT! PUT THOSE WEAPONS TO USE AND KILL IT NOW!" Command the everyone, anything, all creatures to kill: The Thing That Hungers. This GREAT DEMON must perish. The Incarnation of Eat-All-Things, Gluttony.
>3MP, 5-5-1 Walk around this centre. Check things out.
>3SP (Sense,10) look around and try to understand what everything around me is.

Vit 12/12 SP 1/7 (12-5)
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Stratagem 1
CP 10 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 5 (7-2) Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Very Dehydrated [-4 SPMax]
Cold [-1 SPMax]
Lingering Bruises II II [-2 Reaction]
Cursed??? II II [-1 CritFail Threshold]
Physicality 10
Senses 10+1 (Shared Senses)
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID
Rolled 3, 3, 1 = 7 (3d6)

>3AP: Sustain the longest routine check of delaying arrival time announcement
>Ask Alekson to bring tge shock batons near him
>3AP: Use the Shock Baton parts to fix Galliums Capacitors and Electricity Modulators (Commit to this. Unless it distracts me away from sustaining the announcement of delays) The roll is meant for that.

Vit 4/12 SP 4/12
DR 6 AP 6 MP 3
CP 12 VP 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
[Superconductivity 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
Sort of yes - sort of no. But let's take a step back, because it will help us take two steps forward.

Your Armblade right now reads:

Armblade 13 [Reach 2, Sharp 2, Windup 2]

Which is a composite of a skill to check against, and some neat features. You could also express that as

Armblade 13
--Reach 2
--Sharp 2
--Windup 2

And to recap, since you might have lost it in all this zaniness, that means it can strike at up to reach two (it's nimble), it's incredibly sharp and deals enormous cutting damage to things vulnerable to such and generally make people bleed, and if you spend AP or SP on it, you add +2 dmg per AP/SP spent as you windup. Also recall the warning that hitting for more damage than the skill can be a bit painful for you.

So now we've taken our step back.

Suppose we escalate forward and apply a Mutagen to this skill-feature and with all its sub-features. The Mutagen is actually just a change roll - you can even spend a bit more CP on it. It allows you to flash-escalate a feature. Let's simulate a random, no outlier outcome. Perhaps the Armblade becomes

Armblade 15
--Deadly +1
--Reach 2
--Sharp 3
--Windup +Lethality

It mutagens up and increases in value, you can strike with it easier. It's now *deadly*, which would treat your Lethality with it as much higher, and it turns out that Windup now adds total Lethality Value, which if you're Lethality 1 is 1 from your Lethality then +1 from Deadly, so +2. But if you had higher Lethality, suddenly it's more.

This is a somewhat "simplistic" refinement, because it "does what it did but better". It's also somewhat exaggerated for the purpose of indication, even a Mutagen point wouldn't really functionally triple the danger of the feature.

But, now we can finally answer your question (Sorry for taking the long way around).

If this Feature *mutates* with Aberrancy, the result is conditional on the features the feature has, it's values and ratings.

Meanwhile, if you try to push it to something else, changing it, altering it, you are doing that based on the values and effects it already has.

Your Armblade might instead become an

Tendril-whip 14
--Deadly +1
--Reach 6*
--Sharp 3
--Hits 3

As you jigger it to be longer and more flexible. You lose a little bit of some effects, but gain some others. That's because Change is a rolled event, so sometimes there's variance.

But you see how the "strength" of the feature package doesn't diminish so much as it changes, and that changing it within the confines or directions established is easier
It would be more challenging to convert the armblade:

Armblade 13
--Reach 2
--Sharp 2
--Windup 2

To say....

Pest-Fly Nodules 12
--Homing [Flesh-Seeker]
--Burst 3 [tog]
--Linger 1
--Generator 3, Infection.

That would be more or less a wholly new feature. It's very hard to break an armblade down into a set of neurochemical switches that lets you send hordes of infectious insect swarms at people at range that stick around to consume flesh.

The two have nothing in common - if someone took a Manifest action to

>Breakdown my Armblade and recycle it to make viral control system

They'd benefit a little bit from the CP invested in the armblade and its features, but little else. It's clearly giving up the Armblade to get something else.

Meanwhile if you push and change the Armblade to something that's within its general direction, you might not get "precisely" what you want, but because changes are conditional on what's already there, what's already there is seldom entirely lost.

Put differently, and much shorter: Command feels it would be a poorer game if Command punished Changelings for investing in their cool things. So generally speaking, the investment pays off later as well and assists in other, newer changes.

Which is why Aberrancy matters in the end: at *some point*, your features have grown *so vast* that they start sliding out of your control. At that point, you have to branch out into something else because trying to push the one singular thing makes it a hard-to-control nightmare. That might go against the idea above, but it does mean that Changelings are nudged / intended / pushed towards not spending 30 turns taking a Manifest action to add +1 to the same Feature repeatedly.
Alas, it seems, your subject Subjects lack faith. They're never quite where you need them to be, are they?
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It's okay Bob. You're not the only one who doesn't have cooperative subject Subjects.
Maybe our transcended tag alongs should spend a little less time taking full send AP 6 SP 10 CP 20 actions on singular things and a *little* more time making sure they can actually influence the world around them?

We don't mean to tease. We know being dead and different is hard. But you seem to have fallen into remarkably similar fallacies of mind, strange ones: You're not all powerful, you're not gods, and you cannot influence the world if your allies are not nearby and you haven't alternative arrangements.

Being limited to a 3 tile space around your allies makes for very confined real-estate, because so often your allies simply aren't quite where you want them to be - and if you want them to move into danger, you'll have to ask.

You could - of course - always nudge some Troopers to expose themselves to horrendous danger, a thing they're quite willing to do, though asking them to do so generally speaking also costs 1 AP to transmit the request or send the order.

For Electronic systems, you might need to hack a mesh system, a hostile electronic system, or a nice facility vending machine - or other electronics. That's still an action. Those things have firewalls. They're IT certified. They're linked to a security datasphere where a preening lord-god REGENT tracks every microbyte. You're going to need to tunnel your way in. You don't get that for free.

For Organic vectors, you might need to spawn growths, change vegetation, make plants spew spores, alter grass, grow fungus on corpses. That's still an action. Those things don't belong to you by divine right, they've got their own micro-organisms already running a warlord fiefdom in there.

If you want to know why the Bulb can influence half an ecosystem and every warrior in it besides, that's because the hordes of Wooden Ones were his allies and the soil and air and earth and mud and vines and roots were infected with his malice. 3 spaces around 30 allies is a lot of space - and more so if you crack the costly code to make it 4.

You're playing a connect the dots variant of hide and seek with a hostile world, friends.

You're not playing Risk where you go all in with every electronic soldier or viral warrior under your command.

You don't have, shall we say, territory to play risk.

Maybe you can both try again? It is a learning matter - and it is somewhat different than what you'd normally get up.
Here's a random snapshot of a shared section. There are multiple electronic systems (the guards have them too) and multiple organic systems (the guards have them too). They're also plants, fallen, unconscious targets, drones, allies, systems, terminals and so on.

Most guards have an immune system and most robots have a firewall. You'd roll to break in, they'd roll to not be broken into, and though your voracity is enormous and can probably squeeze right through these standard defenses, they do have them. They don't belong to you by right of existence. That's a major contested action, but at least as you do it you also compromise their systems, you spread infection, you both gain more access to the world and compromise the opposition.

Still, you might be on a timeline.

Compromised targets are therefore likely easy - the downed, the dead, the unconscious and your local plant matter. That's generally speaking as simple as succeeding on a test to gain access. You didn't think you were sovereign lord god of all domains, did you? Those terminals run anti malware. Those plains of grass are full of microbiology that doesn't pay heed to you.

If you want access, you're fighting for it.

Though of course most of these systems are not heavily shielded or defended, and so gaining access over them over requires - as the rules say - mostly at least one AP for the action to tunnel in and wrest control, and they don't usually contest that, you just have to make it against some minor resistance.

If you fail to establish a viable link, any follow up actions are harder. If you establish a really good link, follow up actions are easier.

If you go picking fistfigts with things labeled BIOLOGICAL PROCESSING NODES or PROCESISNG CORES because you think they belong to you and it is as easy as simply going "I spend 6 AP to become as nigh unto a god", *those* heavily shielded, incredibly important, lynch facility infrastructure systems have Resistances stats in the 14+ range, specialists on call and get to fight back.

You can win that fight - you are very good at what you do - but you can't win that fight if you're coming in hot with no nearby nodes or links, out of range, across barriers, with no way to establish a local connection.

That just means you lose, and it's not even a contest.

You'll get there - it does work. Consequences taking over those Flame Turrets? Perfect example of having allies within range, on viable targets, with a good vector and an excellent plan. Bob boosting people's immune response, making them faster, healing the fallen? Topnotch work for the little cough guy.

Picking a fistfight with the highest value infrastructure in this facility simultaneously with no good range and no local links?

How badly do you both want to die? No prizes for being turn apart by a firewall!

You can always opt to cease to be and return to flesh if the vagaries of transcended existence is a little too restrictive - and it is a very different way to play!
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The first line of Subjects make it unto the tram-transist system proper, defended by the miniguns that subPHARAOH has subborned. Time to take stock, ready some supplies, take a breather - at least this isn't an elevator.

At least this can't crash?


Autuarch slays what would in elder times be a great beast of the grand woods, a malign hunter that mothers would tell stories to their children off to frighten them into following orders.

Such things do not die easy.
Sometimes they do not die at all.

The blade must be twisted, Bubba must wrench, Bulwark shouts for more spears and a score of Woodsie Ones bring up the weaponry to stab and pierce and rent and break and maim and finally - FINALLY - the great hunger that was Gluttony grows still. Bubbling corrosives paint the ground. Armored glass is cracked behind it. Weapons have been torn asunder. No one escapes unscathed.

But perhaps it will serve as a testament that some monsters can be killed by the right amount of heroes at the right time and the right tools.

Whether you're the heroes or the monsters, time will tell.


Amelius lines one final burst, ammo and charge almost both spent.

He scores a series of hits - though he clips Keltan in the final trashing of the enormous *thing*


the soft scent of mint fills the facility, elsewhere


Raven pauses and scratches their head.


Bulwark sees TOO MUCH.

>Some actions not completely resolved yet, please stand by.

>Board the train

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 6 MGP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
= Auditory +2 EchoCheck
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
->Lungs +8
->Kinetic Expulsion +2 x2 Sta
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
It's alright, no need. I submit myself and my ill-thought actions to your judgment.
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Ketlan breaks apart the bark that Amelius fletchette fire has rent and their own stinger, teeth, hands, claws, furious consumptive systems have broken into.

Listen to the keening of the thing that wanted to be a diety as death approaches.

It's instictive to know that a thing of virality and pathologic profusion is not safe for consumption. In trying to intake the mass of the Bulb's last ditch effort to escape the nanopurgatives, one would consume a thousand toxins, a million agonizing deaths. It is not safe. It could never be safe. This thing must be sanitized or whole new viral strains will spawn that will seek - like all its kind - to consume and expand and take and kill the world and all the life in it, to render it down into fascilimie copies of itself.

But this little core

This mewling, squalid thing, the nexus of all that the Bulb was, where it has concentrated itself to escape final purge from the relentless mechanical workers that scour the small realms for the slightest sense of such a thing as this creature was.

This core . . . Well . . .

It does look somewhat appetizing. Grotesquely enough. Wet, squishy, chewy possible, could be good with some salt and a few spices.

One could try to eat it.

The Bulb would fight back with all the relentless cunning it has, and the risk would be infection, mutation, horrendous twisting of ones own genome, but whether that storm and hold on to ones sense of self and surely there would also aught be power here? Fecundity? New growth potential?

Or squish it and walk away and leave the dying Bulb in its decaying kingdom to be murdered by the merciless march of science and the tools that the doctors ever wield to slice disease into ever smaller parts.

The choice ... well...

>One could eat this core - it requires a Health Test, and scant few remedies could possibly assist it. The viral load is enormous. The toxicity beyond even scales for comparison. But ride that wave and master that power, and perhaps one could something. Or die an agonizing death, as the final spiteful curse of a thing spawned from the breaking down of life itself.

>More than one creature could share this meal, and then the viral load for any individual would be smaller and the cataclysmic consequences lesser. But then the power gained ... smaller again, through shared by all.

>There may be a way to prepare this thing, make it more edible, but then one would need to transport the Bulbcore along, and though it is small and damaged, such things never die easy. It would be a malign influence, ever striving to subvert its captors and escape again. Still, if anyone would know, surely, the Woodsies Ones would have the cunning?

>Finally, perhaps . . . simply . . . walk . . . away. And then the Bulb will be *sanitized* when the time comes.
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The Woodsie Ones denature the acid around the Hunger That Was Gluttony's final form, and stow the organic bounty that is such a dangerous foe on the back of the Heart of the Wood as it lumbers. The Captives join, as they head west, towards DESTINY.

A little impressed by religious conviction, Trish yaws and yells for a gun. Grins throws one. Then Trish rolls her shoulders, checks the iron-sight and cranks it up a few more notches.


Everett stares down death.
Death stares down Everett.
An Augmentic Operative says something
The Spitespider swipes its claws with almost scornful disregard.


All the Subjects in the Tram have a VERY PLEASANT TIME !


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I wonder about the trees.
Why do we wish to bear
Forever the noise of these
More than another noise
So close to our dwelling place?
We suffer them by the day
Till we lose all measure of pace,
- Robert Frost, the Sound of Trees


Congratulations Subjects! It took 57 cumulative turns, but you have manifested an EXTERNAL FEATURE in the ENVIRONMENT succesfully! That's not a mere psychogenic externalization of something that is still intrinsically tied to their mind, behold: NEW LIFE in all its dreadful glory!

>Bob gains +2CP

First off, for starters, there is one large immediate drawback: If you want to recycle that CP, Command doesn't think that tree is going to give it all up willingly. That's what Independence gets you. Still, it's not all lost, you could recycle it, but you won't get it all back and it might fight you.

But behold!

Sprawling new growths! Mutations! Life itself, stumbling across the land, anew and renewed! Something *outside yourself* yet bound to you, by will and thought and blood and strength and bone and horror and power!

A Trooper! Manufactured. . . *AT WILL*

And as the rules so very clearly say, if Troopers survive long enough, they may grow to be Allies, accumulating all sorts of prowess.

So how does this work?

It works like every other Trooper. Coordinators can shout orders, they Pile In, and you can direct them generally with 1 AP.

There a few noted differences, namely that their progenitor always gets preferene treatment for any orders. You can spend CP to manifest new features on the thing - but you might be better off simply testing your Changeling skill relevant to the thing to change it around, reshuffling the CP bound up in it. Ah, didn't know you could do that, did you? This lets EXTERNAL FEATURES properly manifested be a little more flexible.

Because naturally, that doesn't end your turn.

But there are some finnicky little details to be aware of. Unless it has a mind of its own, it's directed by instinct and will and your orders. A tree, for instance, does not possess a very finely formed mind. It's not quite as dumb as a bag of rocks. That would be an insult to rocks. But it doesn't exactly have initiative.

You can get around that. You could *give it* initiative. Refer to that line about reshuffling CP. Perhaps a few of those bound up can buy it some mind?

THE MOMENT YOU DO THAT, the Trooper HAS A MIND OF ITS OWN. At that point, officially, they cease to be your lumbering, unheeding pet, directly solely by your will and start making choices of their own. Not bad ones. Not negatives one. They are bound to you. But just do be aware that by fundamental implication "The ability to spend your own AP and MP" is the first thing you bestow, and once you bestow that, the chains are off.

You try to put them back on, the first thing it's spending AP on is *RESISTING YOU*.
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It is, in a sense, uncontained.

( How nice )

Alright, so you'll surely just bypass this rule by creating 20 unheeding organic murder machines that shred everything in your path?

Ah ah ah, will you, oh Changelig?

How will they know what to shred if you do not tell them what to shred? Because if they can't spend their own AP you will have to spend 1 AP to direct them.

Oh, but surely, I can simply shout "KILL" and then the 20 biologically ravenous fox-creatures I've outfitted with acid stingers and the ability to shrug off bullets will nicely and effectively do full target selection for me, right? Something like:


Oh yeah.

... Oh yeah.

You go ahead and do that. That doesn't sound like it has bad implications for the health of anyone in the neighbourhood, what with the inability to discriminate and the high likely the unthinking automaton with no sapience of its own messes up your directives.

So you hopefully see the choice now: You get a cool external manifestation that you *must pilot*.

>1AP: Tell creature xx to go do yyy

And you must pilot each one, individually. If you give group orders - and you are WELCOME to give group orders - then unthinking external manifestations simply do... what those orders. . . kinda sound like.

>1AP: Order all my creatures to get that door open.

Command wonders how the foxes are going to get that door open. Or how many of them will interpret the concept of "door" correctly, if you're ordering 20 of them to do a thing.

Or you take that first step, let it loose out of containment, give it the ability to spend its own AP and MP, and then you've got yourself a willing hotshot Trooper that backs you up every step of the way and falls in line and *will* do proper target selection and can be ordered around en-masse because they're not going to be dumb as a bag of bricks with the ability to destroy a village.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu--uuuu---uuuuttt you might get a sliver of the old *independence*.

If you want to bestow Will, you can do it for free as part of a Manifest, or as a simple 1 AP skill-test to shuffle those external features around if the creature/target is within range. That really does make them so much better at interpreting orders.


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Rolled 4, 4, 5 = 13 (3d6)

"Pharaoh, my HUD says, uh, 'I am reporting the victory of my War on Bulb for the [pauses] Sheer Violence of Action initiative.' Still no idea what's going on, by the way. Is this like, a VR simulation game or something? I've seen so much shit that can't possibly be real. I just fought a God."


3AP: MOVE&DO: {1-1-2} Extract the core and keep it enveloped in an endlessly replenishing basketball-sized orb of greengoo, aggressively purging virals that radiate off the core. I will eat it next turn, but first...
1AP: Scoop up the woodsie one(?)
1AP: BIONIC STING [ABSORB] - Slurp up the corpse at {2-3}
1AP: BIONIC STING [HEAL] - Inject Amelius with Adrenaline, Ephedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin (ECA stack), and various Taurine compounds. Gotta go fast!
MP3: {1, 2, 2}
3SP: BIONIC STING [EGRESS] - At maximum extension, my stinger moves to {2-2-3-4-5}, burrows itself into the support column, and lifts me and woodsie one and rapidly delivers us to our {2-2-3-4-5::3-3-3-3}. I instruct Woodsie One to snaxmaxx for our perilous journey through maint. Tell him specifically I want black cherry Cans O' Soda. Commit.
>[Stinger 12, Alacrity 1, Commit 3]
>[Reach 5]

"You're, uh, the janitor right? I'm Ketlan." The tangle of graphene tubes and nanosludge intones to Sundae. "We gotta get out of here."

HP: 12(10+4)
SP: 1(4-3)
CP: 7(6+1)


Subject: #Ketlan Knight
HP 12/12 SP 1/12 CP 6
DR 4(K) AP 6 MP 3
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 2 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Beautiful

Physicality 10
--Rush 2
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1]
Thoughts 8
Conversion 10
--[Graphene Filaments] [Kinetic 4DR] [Cling]
Stinger 12
--Leech (succ CP)
--Steal (succ attributes)
--Extend Set reach to 2-5 with 1MP/AP]
!Virulent Entropics
--Regen 2 +1[1/2 x Features]
!Distributed Processing Cores
--[+1 CP per 10HP Converted]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee
> Apply Mutagen point to Armblade Feature.
> Armblade gains +1 Lethality

> Keeping his distance from the strands of web the spider has spewed forth, Everett surges forth into battle. (Adroit - <3SE> - 3MP)
> Everett slashes at the SpriteSpider, targeting the lightly-armored joint where a limb connects to the body.(Strike - Armblade13+Charge-2SmallTarget - 3AP)
> Everett weaves under and around the SpriteSpiders thrashing limbs. Still mindful of the webs hanging in the air nearby, and not wanting to draw the beasts attacks towards the shuttle station and the volatile crates within, Everett does his best to evade in Westerly or Southernly directions.(Dodge - Reaction12+2+1 - 3AP+1SP)
> Everett does not lower his guard even after avoiding one or two swipes, remaining vigilant against any follow up attacks (React - Reaction12+1 - 2SP)
Regarding the woodsie one, if he resists being scooped I can let him try to rejoin his people and give him a sting for speed too instead. I can carry my own snaxx. Don't wanna stop him from joining the exodus if he thinks he can make it.
Vit 0/26 SP 8/12 CP 16
DR 3+1 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’… alive?
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 11+1
!Augmetic Extropian 2
!Metal Fatigue 2
!Reserve Power
!Ablative Shield

>2MP: Move 1, 2
>1AP: grab that shield
>1MP: Move 5
>5AP: Move 6, 5, 6, 5, 6
>7SP: Move 4, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5
>1SP: grab those shoulderpads
Rolled 3, 1, 4, 3, 6, 2, 1, 3, 4, 6, 4, 3 = 40 (12d6)

>Hop from our new tree friend up to the door, then bounce off the sec-op to the charging station. Overall 3 MP, 5 AP (using a full action on the hop to Sec-OP because I'm assuming they have a non-trivial defense). 9 dice for 3 jumps, Meshwire 12.
>Use Conversion (10) with 1AP, 6SP to convert some of the reactor's thermal shielding to thermally activated High Explosives (or just to decohered sand if that's easier). last 3 dice. Let's see if we can get 4/4.

Coherency 11/11 // SP 6/12 // CP 3?, MP 1, VP 1
DR 0 // AP 6 // MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
#Meshwire 12 [R3]


Below fragments of past life awaiting recycling and reincarnation.
!Greywire Fragment 0 - Distributed Processing Core (implied #Nano conversion)
-Virulent Extropics - Regen 2+F, Vulnerable Core.
-Distributed Processing Cores - F=I/E. Must use local resources as a base. Vulnerable to EC/EM, Data, and Damage.
!Range 3 on base power (unsure what system it attached to for Aberrancy purposes)
!Ablative Armor 0/20, DR4, Crippled. (Health)
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)
Rolled 4, 5, 4 = 13 (3d6)

Vit 3/9 SP 5/12 CP 15 VP 1 MP 1
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Capacitors A Little Fritzy (Glitch 14+)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian I
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds] [Compensators 2]
Cold and logical.

C8 (2d6, 2acc, 2bulk, 18/18, x1 reload)

"Good job. We have made it once again."
>[6 AP] Time to manifest! Those Compensators have a rating, let's try to upgrade them. Right now, they're good, but very costly to use continuously. Why not upgrade them so they're more efficient, there's a lot of electricity coursing through me at any time, try to have them run off that residual juice. That way, we can maybe get a steady trickle of repairs at all times. (Compensators 2, 3 AP spent on focusing, 10 CP spent from my 15)
Rolled 3, 5, 4 = 12 (3d6)

Vit -11/12 SP ??? /12 CP 2 VP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Staggering pain
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Blade of Life 12
**Focus +3
**Multitasking 3
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2
- [Sheer Focus And Will]
- Avoidance 2 (Higher Purpose, Sword Fighting)
- [Virulent Memetics]
!Creative Thinking Exercise
!Sheer Violence in Action

> (3AP) Recover from the intense pain and wound penalties and lack of stamina through sheer strength of will (10 Will, Higher Purpose 2, Fanaticism)
> (Everything else) Sprint after Raven and Fox. We’re almost there!

Question, command

Why did the mutagen give me Focus and Multitasking, instead of +1 Lethality to Blade?

They’re cool perks, but it is a touch confusing.
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Rolled 6, 2, 5, 2, 4, 3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 4, 6, 4, 3, 5 = 64 (15d6)

>1MP: Reorient 6
>1MP: Reorient 1
>1MP: Reorient 2
>1MP: Reorient 3

>3AP: CLAWS THAT CATCH: I want this little morsel in my fore-most limbs, I shall grapple! [14 vs Reaction 13, +2 for ease of local areas to step into]
>3AP: WEBS THAT WOE: If I cannot have him in my claws, I will fill this entire area with gunky webbing so the small little thing cannot move! [12 vs Reaction 13, but you must step into another area to avoid it, and you've already done some movement]
>3SP: HEART THAT HATES: **SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE** [This is a free action I am using my Spite Points on, of which I have a functionally unlimited supply, though I never spend more than 3 at once. However, it does actually hurt your ears. You test will to avoid minor discomfort. 3d6 vs your Will.]
Rolled 5, 2, 1, 6, 1, 1, 6, 6, 3, 5, 5, 2 = 43 (12d6)

Ech, that's an arguable We.' What are you? What are you holding? Whatever. Tell your little guy to search for Credit cards first or I'll have to whack him for vandalism.

>-accept CQC skill
>Commit for AP
>TP: Tiertra, Grone, head to maintenance. SUT 10+CUF 1+Focus 1
>3AP: Move and Do. 211, Check adjacent officers for guns and Credits (give credits to woodsie if needed). Sense 11+Alacrity 1-4
>3AP: Move and Do. 116, loot storage unit. Sense 11+Focus 1-4
>2MP: Move 34
>1AP: Request maintenance access. Thoughts 10+Focus 1+Privilege 1
>1MP, 2AP: Move 444

Vitality 11 Stamina 3-1 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Death's Door
Physicality 10 Senses 11 Thoughts 10
CQC 10 (widely applicable up close without penalty)
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +1 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
2 pistol reloads. Pistol somewhere 0/18
Baton (E)
Can we borrow *your* credit card? You know we're gonna need snax as well as I do.
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The enormous beastling rolls over and around and comes up scything, claws tearing through the walls and nearby floor panels as Everett throws himself into a duck and dive that skips past the horrendous destruction - but in the chaos, he feels the thudding impact of the vast expulsion of chemical gunk the Spitespider spews to snare its prey, now up close and everywhere, trying to choke-trap-strangle its feeble adversaries!

It's stuck all over his leg! Curses!t

But look, behind it - from the front now, the side - the joint! that leg that was severed! It's thousand mile hammering heart of hatred must be pumping its monstrous ichor through its system at enormous pace!

It bleed-- nay-- it *fountains* its own life essence!!

>Subject Everett can act again.
Don't have one. I was a prisoner too, y'know. Haven't even gotten janitor scrip, if that exists at all.
Because, dear subject:

" Changelings' spend Mutagen Points to flash-escalate, mutating a Feature.

When you spend Mutagen, your Power Traits (Lethality, Alacrity...) can be escalated for a specific Feature. This empowers the feature. Or you can attempt to Manifest a Feature that is treated as if you had higher Power Traits.

If your Claws are normally Lethality +2, Mutating it with a Mutagen Point would enhance it to 2 Lethality, functionally doubling the violence. The same logic holds for other Features, letting you bypass normal limits and enhancing Features significantly. "

is actually slightly badly worded systemic speech for "Spending a mutagen point on a feature flash-escalates it to the a new tier of deadliness and also rolls a few mutagenic changes to empower it, beyond the normal limits that you have"
Fine, Woodsie One, nevermind the snax. We're taking the whole damned vending machine.
[Grumbles something about *really* not having time for this shit]


> I have 2 lethality psion blades that *also* have neat perks

S I c k
Speaking off - though it surely won't change the eventual outcome of things...
> Poised and ready to dodge away from another attack, Everett watches the SpriteSpider's movements carefully. (React, Defensive - Reaction12+2+1 - 3MP+1SP)
> Once the SpriteSpider has launched an attack, assuming it misses, Everett takes advantage of his foe's momentary over-extension and once more cuts into the body-connection joint of whichever leg was used to attack him - or alternatively whichever leg is closest. (React, Offensive - Armblade13+?Exploit Opening-2SmallTarget) - 3AP
> The lionshare of Everett's attention is fixated on the hulking predator before him, but he is acutely aware of the shuffling of feet in the hall behind him. (React, Defensive - Reaction12+2+1 - 3AP+1SP)
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>6 AP: Further demonstrate my creative thinking with the crayons provided
If its fine with you, I'll add one more reaction to the end, just in case.
> Everett tenses up in anticipation of further attempts to clarify his mortality. (React, Defensive - Reaction12+2 - 3SP)
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Now all we need

is someone

to kick it
Actually, please disregard this (>>6092365
Hitting 0 SP will cripple my Reactions.
Sorry for being a bother
Sundae! Good to see you, love the mask. We've slain the godbeast, it went very well, and I was hoping you could do me a favor - just a small thing, really. Maybe you could, I don't know, let us through the maintenance tunnels and avoid an untimely demise? You are my FAVORITE janitor, by the way.

>3MP+3AP, move 2NE, 4SE
>3AP, start aiming MANY tiles north - I think I see part of the NE core poking through a wall by the drone station?
>1TP, have the woodise friend push something over for me to brace my weapon on (SupOp10, Inspiring 1)

Vit 10/12 SP 2/10 CP 11ish?
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1 StrP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated (-2 Stamax)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns 10
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 3d6+3 (2), Acc 4, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 2/30A, 2/300C
Rugged, Modular, Sharp, Smartlink
1x Rifle reload
DR 4 vest
Remember to turn on the smart link, and ask for others to Mark and Guide!
Good call! The shot will be next turn, I'll make it happen then.
Rolled 3, 5, 2 = 10 (3d6)

Does anyone feel existential dread right now? I'm kind of spooked and get the feeling that something, somewhere is ticking down.

>2MP+1SP, 6-6-5, Let's get a move on.
>3AP, Pick up that rifle from that corpse there just 4/South of me.
>1MP+2SP, Move 6-5-6.

Vit 12/12 SP 2/7 (12-5)
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Stratagem 1
CP 10 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 5 (7-2) Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Very Dehydrated [-4 SPMax]
Cold [-1 SPMax]
Lingering Bruises II II [-2 Reaction]
Cursed??? II II [-1 CritFail Threshold]
Physicality 10
Senses 10+1 (Shared Senses)
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID
Apologies subject. What you see is what you get.

You have a SkillFeature of:

Blades of Life -12
--Focus +3
--Multitask 3

Which rolls against 12 to manifest and deploy bladed implements and other weaponry flash-forged from life-stuff, organic matter and material. It is easy to multitask with, costing only -3 instead of -6. This works both for striking (I attack twice, -3!) and for flash-producing "more stuff" ("I need more knives! -3!").

When you flash-produce stuff, you get a whopping +3 Focus, and when you use the skill to strike with, sometimes you also benefit from +3 Focus though direct hit people in the hit is indeed Lethality and indeed the skill does not modify Lethality.

Mutagen Expenditure flash-escalates the feature into a higher tier, unlocking advanced, powerful capabilities. This whole feature is, by nature, usually something reserved for Abiogenicistis at the third trait tier. It is the abiliy to form - with a thought - a tool for almost any purpose.

Your mutagen point was spent on the manifest to generate this, and it paid off rather handsome *despite* the aberrancy influence and the lwer margin.

Don't be mislead by the way it reads. It is simultaneously a melee combat, a bow shooting skill, a spear use skill, a

>1 AP: Blades of Life, flash-create some Bolas
>3 AP: Blades of Life, throw Bolas at security guard to the north

And you can use it to fight, it gives you a Parry with a blade in hand and lets not forget that it does allow you to multi-attack and such at half the usual penalty.

The whole skill feature itself is, fundamentally, escalated significantly compared to the stuff your taxonomy and trait levels normally imply. That's the power of mutagens.

Oh, and of course, because of the way the system works

>3 AP: I spend a major action shaping my blade into a bow [Blades of Life, 12]
>3 AP: I shoot that distant target with it [Blades of Life, 12]

Reads simple, but the actual outcome is you test 3d6 vs 12, get margin 2, add 1d6+3 because of the Focus bonus, get a 8 effect value-add to the sword in your hand, it is wood and reshapes into a longbow with no problem at all as the 8 outcome buys you some decent conversion ratio (don't worry about the math, but if you must know, approximately 1 shape point is approximately 1 point of quality, so you're looking at an ACC 4 +4 Longbow), striking out at a distant target, which, as you hit, deals the usual arrow damage of Lethality +4 for this Longbow.

Oh and look there's a wooden arrow inside your target

>1 SP: Snap my fingers, I want the wooden arrow 11 11 11 11 to *explode into thorns*

Quick action, sure, but that +3 Focus rears its head again, the arrow writhes into a mass and the base outcome is at least 1d6+3, which no one earth likes having inside of them.

but maybe you don't want all that and just want a skill you can roll in close quarters to deal raw damage by lacerating your enemies with thorns and roots and bark hide.

It does that too.
Not a bother in the least. You've just found one of the unfortunately little difficulties of the SP system, which, indeed, comes up sharply sometimes . . .

Ah, if one didn't need to breathe. Imagine the things one could get done.

Oh it’s not really a sword skill at all

I appreciate the understanding, but still, I apologize for the spam.
I'm in *mildly* panicked state at the moment.
The SpriteSpider seems to have pierced the 4th wall and inflicted IRL terror onto me.
I'm cheering for you! BRING IT DOWN!
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Ketlan's new squire abuses a vending machine.
The local janitorial team is on it before the system even really lets them know. Impressive.


Bulwark shouts for people to GET A MOVE ON. Everyone gets nearby gets +2 MP, which lasts until spent.


Autarch grits and bears.

>... wait shit it has *MORE AP*???!?
Just to be sure: The screen 33 of the storage unit did not count as a terminal I could request access from?
Systems usually influene things near them - those terminals are for nearby doors and bridges and vending machines. They don't interface with specialized authorization access across the map, often.
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Oh no. Ohnonononono. Sundae get that bridge down!

>1TP, everyone move FAST before we die SLOW (Alacrity 11, Inspiring 1)
>4MP stand up and move 2S
>3AP, move and do, grab a snackie and move 4S
>3AP, move and do, move 4S and throw that Fzzzing crate away from us (Physicality 10-4)
>1SP, move 1S

Vit 10/12 SP 1/10 CP 11ish?
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1 StrP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Dehydrated (-2 Stamax)
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns 10
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
C8 Personal, 2d6, Acc 2 Bulk 2, 18/19
Singularity Cloud BR-RG, 3d6+3 (2), Acc 4, Rcl2, Bulk 4, 2/30A, 2/300C
Rugged, Modular, Sharp, Smartlink
1x Rifle reload
DR 4 vest
Rolled 6, 2, 1, 3, 5, 4 = 21 (6d6)

Vit -11/12 SP ??? /12 CP 2 VP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Staggering pain
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Blade of Life 12
**Focus +3
**Multitasking 3
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2
- [Sheer Focus And Will]
- Avoidance 2 (Higher Purpose, Sword Fighting)
- [Virulent Memetics]
!Creative Thinking Exercise
!Sheer Violence in Action

> (3 AP) Exhort the Woodsies to keep **fucking moving**, why did they skip an *entire fucking turn*. (Willpower 10, Higher Purpose 2, Duplicity 1)
> (3 AP, 3 Movement, 3 Stamina, As much Health as necessary): Bring up the rear of pilgrimage convoy, pushing them to run as fast as possible.
> (3 Health): Try and use abiogenesis to hold back the nano virals, assuming they are in some ways biological. (Aboogenics 10, Focus 1, Higher Purpose 2)
Everett glances down at his mangled, web-bound leg, then at the mortified Wallflower in the distance, then at the SpriteSpider snarling back at him. Does some on-the-fly calculations, remembers that he sucks at math, then just goes with his gut.

"... tsk."

> For the second time that day, Everett jumps onto the flank of, and precariously scales his way onto the back of, an infuriated SpriteSpider. This time he WILL NOT fall off. Not until its dead beneath him. (Adroit, COMMIT - Physicality10+12-1Webbing-1Brokenleg - 1MP+2SP+10AP)
> Targeting the side of the body with the fewest limbs left, Everett wildly hacks at the joint connecting one of the SpriteSpider's legs to its body. (Strike - Armblade15-2Smalltarget - 1SP+2SP, take 2 damage)
> Overflowing with grim resolve, Everett continues his onslaught, targeting the largest connective joint of another limb he tears into it. (Strike - Armblade15-2Smalltarget - 3SP, take 3 damage)
> Overflowing with grim resolve, Everett continues his onslaught, targeting the largest connective joint of another limb he tears into it. (Strike - Armblade15-2Smalltarget - 3SP, take 3 damage)
... Continue until all limbs are removed or Everett loses consciousness.
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>6 AP: Further demonstrate my creative thinking with the crayons provided
I forgot, but

Whatever it is worth, add on 2 Movement from Bulwark.

Would be a fair time for a strategem from him too, for whatever it is worth

This… just….
Rolled 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 4 = 32 (12d6)

>1AP: Hold breath until through the mist
>3MP, 5AP: Adroitly sprint 4444 4344 5. Physicality 10+Alacrity 1
>3AP: Request Maintenance access, khorsake it. Thoughts 10+Focus 1+Privilege 2+Concentrate 2
>TP: Troopers, clear this place out SUT 10+CUF 1+Alacrity 1
>Any remaining AP toward exit

Vitality 11 Stamina 2 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Death's Door
Physicality 10 Senses 11 Thoughts 10
CQC 10 (widely applicable up close without penalty)
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
!Janitor Intern +2 Privilege
Riot Shield (E)
2 pistol reloads. Pistol somewhere 0/18
Baton (E)
Rolled 1, 3, 5, 4, 1, 3, 4, 5, 5 = 31 (9d6)

>3AP - Open the door for Grone and Tiertra (meshwire 12)
>1AP - Challenge DeCorbin to a game of tic-tac-toe (Didn't roll because I don't think that I have to)
>1AP - hop from the BoB Tree back into the door (3AP, Meshwire 12, 2nd set of dice)
>1AP - Cover the core with my nanites so that it looks like I'm all over it. (Meshwire 12/Conversion 10, 3rd set of dice)

"Shall we play a game?".

Coherency 11/11 // SP 0/12 // CP 3?, MP 1, VP 1
DR 0 // AP 6 // MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
#Meshwire 12 [R3]


Below fragments of past life awaiting recycling and reincarnation.
!Greywire Fragment 0 - Distributed Processing Core (implied #Nano conversion)
-Virulent Extropics - Regen 2+F, Vulnerable Core.
-Distributed Processing Cores - F=I/E. Must use local resources as a base. Vulnerable to EC/EM, Data, and Damage.
!Range 3 on base power (unsure what system it attached to for Aberrancy purposes)
!Ablative Armor 0/20, DR4, Crippled. (Health)
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)
Rolled 1, 4, 1, 7, 2, 6 = 21 (6d8)

You double tick'd the countdown timer. We last acted on 4, it's now 2. REEEEE!


Come on Woodsie, we're running. Go on ahead of me as fast as you can, get down to the electric river.

MP3: {3-4-4}
AP3 SP3: MOVE & DO {4-4-4}: Interface wirelessly with the terminal meshnet uplink and open South Maint access. Bridges, hatches, all of it. Hackerman that shit with my processing cores. Put an underscore, some backslashes, and some numbers in there on an oversized UI, make it look legit for the audience.
>[Stinger 12, Duplicity 1, Concentration 3, Snap-shot -4]
>[Distributed Processing Cores, Greywire Fragment]
AP3: EAT & MANIFEST: I absorb the core of Bulb. If there is any way out of this, it will require the power of a God. Look at me. *I* am the God, now. I spend my CP to Manifest [ADAPTIVE BIOPHAGE CLOUD] to deal extra damage on biological targets, *especially* viral ones.
>[Conversion 10, Lethality 4(2x2), Change 4(of 8), Commit]

HP: 12(12+0)
SP: 5(8-3+Regen cause health is full?)
CP: 4(7+1-4)


Subject: #Ketlan Knight
HP 12/12 SP 5/12 CP 4
DR 4(K) AP 6 MP 3
Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 2 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Beautiful

Physicality 10
--Rush 2
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1]
Thoughts 8
Conversion 10
--[Graphene Filaments] [Kinetic 4DR] [Cling]
Stinger 12
--Leech (succ CP)
--Steal (succ attributes)
--Extend Set reach to 2-5 with 1MP/AP]
!Virulent Entropics
--Regen 2 +1[1/2 x Features]
!Distributed Processing Cores
--[+1 CP per 10HP Converted]
[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee
Rolled 6, 2, 5, 1, 1, 1 = 16 (6d6)

Whoops those are d8s.
This edibulb ain't SHIT.
Rolled 6, 3, 2, 4, 5, 4 = 24 (6d6)

Oh no, Not Good. I don't like that noise.

>3MP+1SP: 1-1-1-1 MOVE!

Vit 12/12 SP 2/7 (12-5)
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Stratagem 1
CP 10 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 5 (7-2) Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Very Dehydrated [-4 SPMax]
Cold [-1 SPMax]
Lingering Bruises II II [-2 Reaction]
Cursed??? II II [-1 CritFail Threshold]
Physicality 10
Senses 10+1 (Shared Senses)
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID


Ha ha ha ha.
A broad spectrum nanite bomb? That's your ace in the hole? What was it you said? That I'd have to hack each of these millions of nanites individually to stop your explosion?
What is such a challenge to a Ĝ̸̨͚̹̝̝͔̹͉̬̝͉͔Ò̴̱̩̜̄́̋́́̓̊͂̐̊͊̍̚͠D̴͚̠͈͚̳̝͍̜̹̞̯̙͚̓̔͂́̋͑̃̂? Who do you think has more nanites, me or you? Who will have more by the time I stop absorbing half the plate flooring in this side of the data routing facility?
Ha ha ha ha.
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Rolled 4, 3, 6 = 13 (3d6)






>3AP: Crank up the dosage on vent section 23-SE
You circle middle
I cross out SW
You take another circle

I fill the board with consume-burn nanovirals.
Top Right.
Vit 0/26 SP 8/12 CP 16
DR 3+1 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’… alive?
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 11+1
!Augmetic Extropian 2
!Metal Fatigue 2
!Reserve Power
!Ablative Shield

>2MP: move 5-5
>1AP: pick up those shoulder plates
>3MP: move 2-2-1
>1AP: pick up Bulwark bridal styled
>5AP: move 6-1-2-1-1

BubbaV2 remembers her first death.
She won’t allow her beloved to suffer this! Even if it costs her this form!
So, Officer Corbin... How's the Hazard Pay around here? Enough to buy a peaceful little spot o' land in the country?
You're not a janitor. Request *denied*.

You're not a janitor. Request *denied*.
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Ohh, boo hoo hoo, is the apex predator who was blessed with a big brain to discover medicine and reduce infant mortality to zero gonna cry for me about how hard you have it?

You could have chosen anything to do in this paradise of a life, but you chose to imprison and torture helpless sapients with your life. For "Research."

Screw you and your decontamination. I'm gonna decontaminate your reproductive system so the universe doesn't have to endure the cruelty of *your* existence.

Ooo. Sounds fun. Which one was your favorite?
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Ah, look at the little scurrying rats. Come on. Just lie down and die already, you can't outrun fate. You made a mess and I am redecorating aisle three. Anything left of you, we'll use the spare molecules to rebuild the foundations.


If I can still act, I'd like to spend all my AP and SP boosting the speed of the Boblion and anyone else who has to hurry to get out before the nanomachines, son, get them
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Sometimes, all you can do is run.
Sometimes, it might feel like you've been running all your life.

A few more fear soaked panicked stained minutes won't make feel longer, but they will be the moments that decide the rest of your life - a charred, molecularly debonded skeleton or a living sort of thing.

Come on.

Push it a little further. Dig into those reserves. Sometimes, it's a marathon and not a sprint. But sometimes. Well. Sometimes, it really is just a sprint.



I was holding out a desperate hope that I'd have enough time to drag myself off the SpriteScorp and limp broken and bloody across the finish line.
Oh well, at least I went out in a flash of glory.
Farewell gentle Pulsating Mass. We will carry your dream to the surface.
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Sometimes, all you can do is run.
Sometimes, it might feel like you've been running all your life.

But sometimes you have to stand still. In the forest, in the dark forest, we pass each other by, hunter and hunter, ambusher and ambushee, predator and prey, and they who see first can strike first. Fangs barred. Weapons vicious. Intent lethal.

When you come upon a fellow traveller on the road, you must take their measure. You must ready your bow. To be seen is to be targetted. Far better to be still. To be quiet. To be the dark hunter in the dark forest. Who knows what beast would fall upon you if let your presence be known?

The risk is too great. The danger too grand.

In the dark forest, you pass each other by, quiet, and hope to never meet another traveller.

... well
... unless of course you have a categorically misplaced sense of your position in the food chain.
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Sometimes, all you can do is run.
Sometimes, it might feel like you've been running all your life.

But sometimes you have to plant you feet, yes? You have to mark your little line in the sand. Square up, square off, breathe in, breathe out, and still your hammering heart. Tell yourself not one more step. Not one more sprint.

Sometimes all you can do is run.

But sometimes also the only thing you should do is *hold on like hell* and not move one single inch.

Perhaps in doing so, in being that little guard on the line on the sand between the darkness and the day, other people can get that extra second to run away. Is that heroism? Sounds philosophical. Sounds hard to define. Sounds like an argument to be made by friends and associates later, or scholars and students later still, quizzing and puzzling and wondering.

Why here? Why now? Why like this?


Sometimes, people just get tired of . . . running.

Aheh, sure. Thanks. Chalk it up to a seismic tentacle incident. Yeah, yup. Calls itself a woodsie. You guys stay out of trouble, now.
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Sometimes, all you can do is run.
Sometimes, it might feel like you've been running all your life.

Somewhere far away, in distant better days, they whisper, though. They have this old notion, around campfires and lanternlights and sunstreaked, sunstroke days:

Perhaps some things are worth dying for.

Perhaps if you plant your feet, find your sense of self and harden your soul against horror, then hatred and malice and simply bad luck and the little betrayals of every day life by every day men and women in all their little ignorant cruelty, all that which is simply life itself will never seem so dark. Perhaps some day, the sun will rise, and if ten mean men mutter twenty bad words, why not still smile just once? Some things are worth dying for all, after all. That's what they say.

Which . . .
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. . . carries the unsaid implication that so much else is worth living for.

It doesn't have to be spite, though as far as fuel goes, it'll serve you well - one of the very few things that always grows grander the more of it you share with the world.

Some things are too angry to die the conventional way. They've got too many things to hate to roll over and die, and they'd rather tear off their own limbs, empty their own hearts, rend their families, burn their kingdoms, die a thousand deaths rather than *give you the fucking satisfaction*.

But Spite isn't all there is in the whole world.

And if you're holding on for dear life to the back of the worst ride in history, leg broken, arms breaking, nerves giving up, filaments eroding, ligaments corroding, eyeballs practically melting, you might pause to ask yourself:

Why am I holding on for, exactly?

Sometimes, all you can do is run.
Sometimes, you have to plant your feet.

. . . Sometimes, you have to change your mind.

A lot of stuff is worth dying for.
But the thing is, there's so much more stuff worth living for we so very rarely have to even say it out loud.


>Subject Everett is holding on to the back of a Spitespider, a thing that is simply too angry at the world to die easy.

Watching a gaggle of woodsies sprint across the open ground between the doors and Grins bringing up the rear indicates that everyone else is heading for an exit.

This thing isn't going to let you go. It's not enough that it won't die, it will, if it can, always drag you down with it. Spite will do that.

So, what'll it be?

Are you going to die a hero? Legs fucked. Arms practically melting. Your entire left side is more goo than man. It'd be pretty easy.

Or you can throw yourself off of this creature and try to make it through that security door and hammer the terminal as you do. It won't hold the Spitespider forever. But thirty-two seconds gets you enough time to get on a tram.

Suppose you had one turn.
Suppose you might want to spend that one turn.
Suppose you wouldn't need to worry too much about your current state of affairs - trust the universe - you're in *far* too much pain to want to feel it. It's much, much better not to know.

What then?
What'll it be?

>Subject Everett can take a turn.
Never do!
You be good!


>... okay the maintenance tunnels look clear-ish.
>Let's uh, let's get out of here.
>And NOT into the landmines.
Ever since his days in the laboratory and under the scalpel, Everett has held steadfast to a conviction - a perception of his own inner self, or an idealization of it perhaps.


Despite this however, Everett is willing - and often finds himself needing - to kill, and fight, and indulge in brutality to for self-preservation. Despite his fancies and dalliances' of personal humanity, he is not above his instincts.
But he is not senselessly enslaved by them either, by impulse, passion, or... spite.
He wants to live. More than he wants to ensure this beast's death. More than he wants to crack apart its shell in his hands. More than he wants to feast on its flesh.
Everett wants to live - and he sees a path yet open to that future.
> With all of his remaining strength, Everett Seizes that future. (Escape - ?AP+?MP+?SP)
I know I wasn't prompted, but surely a god's hand (or wiggling flagella) can help bring Everett, the Woodsies and Grins to safety (Pluripotentiality 12, Focus 1, all my AP and SP)
Could Abiogenesis 10, Focus 1 also give him one final push?
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While the fate of other subjects are resolved - final call - NeoGenesis is checking tickets, the tram is moving, and the railsystem toward Advanced Systems Testing Awaits.

Any last actions, things you'd be clear on, things you'd like to be certain of before you leave, now is the time!

>Please avoid MANIFESTING on a transit. It is NOISY and UNCOUTH towards OTHER PASSENGERS
>Please avoid micro-managing your HP, SP and MP expenditure
>Please do not spend time worrying about recovery of HP, SP and other ineffable states.

>Any other "Hey, I'd like to..." actions, final call, leaving the REGENT CORES, final call, final call, now is the time. Check your pockets, point out you totally swiped that gun, checked that terminal, read that letter, wrote that girl, grabbed that case, pushed that friend along, said that compliment, sent that letter to that girl, checked the contents of a safe, helped a trooper, got a reply from that girl but you've been scared to open it, actions in that vein, final call, final call, this is a broad-scale down-time action that amounts to " YES, I'D LIKE TO POINT OUT THAT WHILE RUNNING FOR MY LIFE I MADE SURE THAT I... ".

>Please do not manifest. If you manifest you die. You will die. You commited to manifesting while being eaten alive by nanomachines, you are dead.

>If there is anything *else*, now is the time! Final call, final call.
Make sure *all* of the Woodsies are safely on board, as well as the core of the woods.

And if they are, and so am I, fix my sword.
while running I tried to grab shoulder pads but i dunno if those are an item we can use


>Hold Bulwark's hand on the tram, his human in Bubba's mechanical, warped and acid-eaten skeleton
>+2CP from the Boblion
>+2CP from creative thinking exercises for the last two turns
Just noting things down for accounting purposes
Actually, I can definitely fix my sword later

Just focus on evacuating everyone first.

All **surviving** Subjects gain:

+2 VP and 10 CP.

This is in addition the +1VP you acquired from taking a 2nd Core.

This totals 3 VP, 10 CP per surving subject.


All surviving Subjects have time - this time - and the Tram likely won't crash, though there may be surprise, to *advance*.

==You Have Survived A Deployment (Congratulations==

All Changelings increase their Changing skill by +1.

Augmented Systemics 10 to 11, Mutability 10 to 11, Conversion 10 to 11, Abiogenesis 13 to 14...

If you have conspired to accrue multiples, you will have to *pick*.

All Changelings increase their CHANGELING TRAIT(S) by +1.

That is "Bound by the Flesh 1" goes to "Bound by the Flesh 2", "Engineering Specifications 1" goes to "2", Temple Inviolate goes from 1 to 2. You may refer to these as "BioModulation 1", "Psionicist Resonant 1" so on. If you have not ranked them up before or they have no number that is beacuse the number is 1.

This has minor and major mechanical effects - Virulent Vitality provides 2 Regen, but Virulent Vitality 2 gives +1 Regen to 3, Metal Fatigue gives 2 DR, but Metal Fatigue 2 gives 3 DR and wouldn't you know it that Metal Fatigue 3 gives 4 DR, and other such small things.

The Universe *will* double-check things and update the HUD accordingly, you don't have to worry overmuch, but you do have to note that your Traits have levelled up.

Higher levels of traits also unlock higher levels of Change - you'll notice this over time. All those nanomachines that your augmentics could not internalize earlier?

They still can't. Sorry. Nanomachines are *really hard*.

But at least now they've got access to Siphons, Shunts, Warps, Absorbers, Recon, Scanners and a plethora of other features. That won't mean much to you now, but it will eventually! Power!


All **Coordinators** increment all skills they have by +1.

That's Senses, Thoughts, Physicality and anything you've picked up. Including Support Ops, Harass, Small Unit Tactics.

You increment Coordination skills by +1 (Inspiring Presence 2, Not by the Numbers 2).


All Subjects may now spend VP. This time, you won't lose it all in a horrendous elevator crash (MAYBE).


Final update on troop disposition pending over the weekend when lingering actions / status are resolved.


Due to the fact that you contrived NOT to die to the nano purges, Sanitation Command would like you to know they are disappointed.

If you spent a Stratagem Point, it is now considered Unspent. You have that back. How nice. Enjoy that.
>I'd like to recycle 4 points of senses. Can I do that even if I don't have any special sense features? I just want to gouge out my eyes and sell them



Vit 12 SP 12 CP 14
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
**Shared Senses
Thoughts 8
Blade of Life 13
**Focus +3
**Multitasking 3
Abiogenesis 10 [LOS, Multiple 3]
Higher Purpose (Woodsies) 2
Edge of the Woods
L+2 Damage, 1/5 Natural DR
Abiogenesis Focus +2
!Resonant-Biologics 2
- Avoidance 2 (Higher Purpose, Sword Fighting)

Putting all 3 VP into Evolutionary Paradigm. Just 22 to go!

Thanks for the game, Trigger.
( Psst, hey, that might just be a joke. You are not actually dead.

However, you also cannot gouge out your eyes and no one here wants to buy them. Who knows what sort of stuff you've been looking at.

Base attributes are not Features, because Features are manifested things that occur when you Manifest a Change.

Your basic Senses are not a Feature in any meaningful way. They are literally simply how you observe the world around you. )

Our common sense 1VP pick

Where did it go
Actually, it's my responsibility to check Thoughts when people do something incredibly interesting and sometimes they stop instead of doing the thing that would get them killed.

It's the precautionary principle.
Oh. Well that's alright then. I guess I commit to eating the core of the thing that is literally made of brain altering virus particles. I want to really sink my teeth right into it. First hand exposure right through my mouth parts is how I want to experience this thing. The blood brain barrier transfusion of viral particles is a myth propagated by doctors.
Errr, do you want to *cook* the little bulb of the deadliest viral plague known to mankind first, maybe? The last time this thing got anywhere close to someone's brain, 21 hard working security troopers died.
I bet it tastes like chicken though. Chomp chomp time!
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm you. . . decide . . . not to die . . . juuuuust yet and wait on the biting into the condensed, concentrate of brain-altering virus horror.
Eh, that's fine. I've got time for dinner later.

Anyway, I see this sanitation engineer is working on his virus programming on this here core, can I hack it while he's using it? I don't think he's going to care or notice or react in any way what so ever at all, because, I mean, why would he? He's just running some simulations, if I crash out the entire console, he's just going to cry about it. What's he going to do?

Activate the nanoplague early? Everyone knows the ticking countdown on the Notes layer isn't a description of a world state, it's an enforced managerial mandate from on high. The Security Officers would rather die than fail a time-line.
That's . . . well... I ... I think it might . . . he's sort of . . . Looking at the console, you know, and it's . . . I'm pretty sure he might . . . sort of kind of . . . well the . . . the plague and the virals and the purging and the . . .
Oh wait wait wait wait WAIT -- better idea -- BETTER IDEA -- there's these ripthings that go hunting a cave system and they've been secreting fear hormones for 4 solid turns and now two of them are trying to restrain me from throwing a rock, what if, hear me out here, what if - WHAT IF - I intentionally throw a rock at the web *and then* challenge the beast this summons to a war?
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I'm going to stick my fingers in this electrical outlet! Hello! Are you in a tunnel right now? Hello??? Why aren't you returning my calls?






I’m trying….

Hey-- hey-- CautionCommand won't return my calls and I want to tell them all about this cool idea I have, right, where - like - what if - what IF - right - someone offers me a chemical sprayer and a prophecy and a phaselight modular blade and instead of all that I go die in a work related rock fall accident instead?

I think it's a really good idea
... wow you're going into the deepest, darkest pits and then I am not throwing away the key because then someone else might find it. I am swallowing this key. I am keeping it with me.

You scare me.
Alright you mooks, pipe down and let people do their end-of-game celebration, action taking, debating and operatin'.

Command Staff isn't meant to monopolize the comms space. Where's the dignity.

Except you. You're going to ... a farm upstate. Permanently.
>Ahem. Where were we?

Note end of deployment rewards

Note LAST CALL actions, if you have any.

Note beauty, because one always should.


>Never feel bad for taking cool actions.
>Sometimes, they just don't quite work out like you hope/fear (;
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I would advise Everett to carry over their badass arm blade, it was **sick**.

I would like to start a petition for Everett’s player to get double the starting CP for making a new character, because I believe in the power of the people.

They admittedly may have created the problem

But if not for him felling it single handedly, a huge swathe of us would probably be dead.

Justice for Everett!
A) this sets a suboptimal precedent
B) what are you talking about, he's not dead yet
With a VP total of 45-48, depending on Everett's actual status, I propose, in rough order of priority: Stress Testing 1, Hustle, Resiliency Factor, Sixth Senses, Learning by Doing. Push gives us breakthrough potential, and the rest make us more efficient overall.

Alternately, switch out the last three for Pattern Adjustment 1. It may not mean much to you abs and augs - you seem happy enough with one change a turn - but now that we have a sizable Trooper population, +1TP is like +3 AP for all Coordinators, which means a /lot/ more work gets done. More loot, more preparation, more cover, more support.
Might consider Hustle and Sixth switched for PA1 instead. One could argue that more MP just means we get ourselves in trouble faster.
Agreed on Stress Testing but I'd prefer Glorious Venture and Twitch Reflexes. Venture because it'd be glorious, Reflexes because it might be the only unlock that can reliably get people out of trouble instead of in.
I won't ask anyone to invest in it but I would like to simply say that I believe FRESH MEAT at 8VP looks affordable and seems juicy and delicious with it's carry +1 trait over when you die.

This of course implies I expect more subjects to die in the future.
Definitely should spring for Stress Test I + Glorious Venture. It is an incredibly powerful combo. Runs us about 30 VP. The rest can go Fresh Meat (because it's just that good and people will keep finding novel ways to die) and some 5-pointer like Resiliency Factor.

Can't believe we actual made it this time!

I feel like I've been saying that a lot.

>Participate in near-illegal, nearly-against-the-rules, non-PG13, censored handholding with Bubba.
>Also start using the Repair Kit on her! ...That doesn't count as worrying about recovery of HP right? That was for oneself not others... right?
I will say that Resiliency Factor already had 2 invested- that’s where I stashed Acolyte’s points.

Given we have a total of 48 (16x3), spending 18 to grab +1 health seems a fundamentally sage idea.
Sorry, I meant Rapid Recovery, Resilience is the HP one.

My bad.
Mean little things (16)
Resiliency factor (5)
Fresh meat (8)
Push (10)
Quick Thinkers (5)

4 remaining (Accounting for people who disagree with democracy)

I have been convinced by Bubba in discord to push this plan.

Withdrawing my 3VP from Evolutionary Paradigm, I don’t think that’s winning.

I like Quick Thinking because it increases our common sense roll, and heaven only knows we desperately need that.

Oh yeah, one more thing!

>Hand Raven back their blade. I have used it well (by that I mean I haven't used it at all but still, it was nice).

Goodbye Can Opener, you were cool.
Pushing for this, yeah. It’s already got 12VP people, invest invest invest!
" I made that for you. "

" . . . is it not balanced? "

" is the weight wrong "

" is the edge dull "

" is the heraldry not to your liking "

" did i insult you by making the pommel too ostentatious "

" tell me what my failure is that I might rectify it. Why do you scorn a gift given freely? I despair at the incompetence of my hands and the flaw in my soul that precludes understanding what tool would be fit for your purpose "

I thought- Don't you need your blade back? I thought I was just borrowing your Knightly Blade to get you Aspirin- which I didn't get in the end but there was a whole Gluttonous Demon That Maims Faces in the way and also a whole wood-war as well as a at-the-time very enraged flesh-tree.


...Thank you for the gift.
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" You are most welcome "


" ... "

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I fully support Stress Testing 1 and Hustle. For the other 3, I think we would be better served going for Evolutionary Paradigm. It's such a large upgrade, and it's even better considering the prices of most other purchases just got super inflated. If you really don't like Evo Para, I would strongly suggest Fresh Meat, it is very strong and anyone who dies will very much appreciate being able to carry over traits they worked hard to produce.
>Hey I'd like to Siphon charge from the superconduit wires to 24 Charges in my stock?
Gotta love being super conductive...

>+2 VP and 10 CP for end of mission (24 CP haul, and yes I did account for the previous mission complete CP and the creative exercise ending)
>Hey look more Augmented Systemics I was supposed to get last time.

Vit 4/12 SP 4/12
DR 7 AP 6 MP 3
CP 24 VP 3 MUTP 1
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 11
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications 2] [Jolt Chargers][Compensators 2]
[Superconductivity 2]
!Resilient Streak
Nice Cap
Pistol, +5 reloads
Experimental Vial
Sling bag: 4x Can O' Beans, 4x Energy Bar's
May as well,
>Rip apart the nearby unconscious SecOfficer's mind to get a better insight into memetic countermeasures and how they work (and the possibility of counter-countermeasures).

That aside,
>+2 VP, +10 CP, +1 PsychoGenesis and the like.

Vit 8/12 SP 3/12 CP 32 VP 3 Mutagen 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
A Storm of Constant Chatter
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
Auditory +2
Haywire Switching
!Psionic-Resonant 2
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] 2 (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
1x empty soda
1x empty bean can
Rolled 6, 1, 3 = 10 (3d6)


Luckily the transportation hasn't left the station yet - and given the close proximity of the wire system and the electrically charged transportation, it's actually fairly easy to restock your batteries.

( This is partially the reason why final actions don't need to track SP, HP and recovey - it seems there will finally be ten minutes of blessed peace to adaquately perform some care routines )

To track Charge and other generated quantities, of which there is actually rather a lot, from shock to fire to Infection to Codeburn to all sorts of things, you simply treat it like an additional value that you chuck under your Conditions. You see! That whole tab that so far has simply said "Alive" had a purpose.

Your Condition is: Charged (24), or 24 Charge or Charge x24.

This is relevant for a few things, mostly that health and safety don't recommend you go swimming before discharging the charge.

If you have any of what Command tends to refer to as Flavours for shorthand, you are assumed to have access to it at thought speed. If you have skills or abilities that benefit from spending charge or the ability to manipulate it somehow, you simply use the skill or ability or deduct the charge. As an example:

>I'll feed 10 Charge to my power hungry systems and recover 2 HP.

This is a "free action" if you're simply feeding a system, though if you were activating something or doing a skill, that still costs AP.

>3 AP: I have Electricity Modulators and I'd like to roll to zap a bug, and I'll throw in another 12 charge.

The reason to be a little specific about this and to point out that Flavours stored in your body is "free access" is that you can come across Flavours that are stored in tanks, batteries or other such things. To access those, you generally have to spend AP.

You could even develop sequestered high capacity storage solutions, such as Energy Dense Batteries 20, which would then store an additional 20 charge, but then to "move it" to yourself from the batteries would cost 1 AP or add a +1 AP surcharge to any other activity that relies on that charge.

This doesn't seem so relevant if you're simply juggling jolts, but try to view it from the mindspace of a Psionicist, who has generated 3 storage features and now hold:

4 Fire, 3 Kinetic, 12 Terrors

To throw fire, a blast of concussive energy and shrieking terrors ends up costing 4 + 4 + 4 AP = 12 AP because every time, I have to 1 AP access the external storage.

Once you're juggling *more types* stored in *more places*, the friction burn adds up quick.

You'll get more used to this in a thousand other ways, but it's useful to think about now. Because you've sort of already been doing it.

Think about it:

Bullets in a gun are accessed immediately on gun use, but bullets in a magazine have to be transported into the empty gun with a reload action before you can access them again when you fire your gun.

See? There is a twisted logic to this horrendous facility.
Sounds like the HazCom might have tossed me a new battery pack for my rifle? Nice guy - I wonder if they have any openings?

>See if whatever he tossed me can recharge the SACRED RAILGUN
I acknowledge the utility of the choices where we diverge, and would like to make the case that Pattern Adjustment 1 offers something equivalent or uniquely necessary by comparison.

PA1 is equivalent to +3AP to a fifth of us, and is pledged toward becoming bonuses for other people -every single turn-. In my case, it's an additional chance to reroll a critfail. More TP means better rolls, information, supplies, spotters, fire support for melee fighters, supplies for ranged, friendly networks for omnipresences, and better positions when a fight starts. The AP saved by having your work done for you is effectively added to your MP or Skills.

So why this over a potential +1 Lethality for an extra d6 on hit, or glorious displays on (sort of) demand? Because we've managed so far. Despite looting no more than, what, six guns and two aid kits in two maps, even though everything hates bullets and everyone gets hurt? We've already got the strength and ingenuity to muddy our way through. Player-focused perks make that considerably more effective, true. But more TP blows our action economy wide open, and lets us exploit the openings we're already good enough at creating.

In that light, I propose: Stress Testing, Fresh Meat, Pattern Adjustment 1, leaving 2-5 VP. (Everett unconfirmed.)

I don't expect everyone to trust that Coordinators will always be in position to devote their TP as envisioned, of course. As assurance if PA1 is chosen, I pledge my Stratagem to having Troopers default to one of whatever the group decides, be that scouting, fortifying, supplying; as well as my personal focus on supporting whoever are least served by that decision.

I was able to avert a janitorial incident with a credit card, but who has it now, and how much credit remains?

Also, a few rules clarifications. What does Guide from Shared Senses do?
What do I spend CP on now that upgrades no longer accept it?
Can Commit apply its bonus to several actions or only one?
Can Push be spent after seeing results of a roll?
Does the network being stable enough to hear from Pharaoh count as comms for the purpose of Coordinators giving orders to distant allies?
I can get behind this
Everyone is sleeping on Pattern Adjustment 1.
Manifesting no longer requires a commit is HUGE for all changelings.
It looks like it still requires commit, it just doesn't end your turn, which I don't find particularly enticing personally.
It's not *that* big, but being able to pull off an active manifest and then being able to book it with Adroit and not just standing there like a retard is a sweet deal. Being able to bank manifest points it also cash money. Question is if it's worth 25 VP.
It's not, the main selling point is the +1 TP for Coordinators
Yeah, sure, but that's beside the point. I was talking about what good it does for us Changelings. Coordinators effectively doubling their TP is good, but for everyone to make us of that, we'd have to actually coordinate and I don't rate our chances of doing that very highly, so that's something of a non-factor for me.
Yeah this seems good to me. [Throws my VP on the table]
Great pitch, I can't argue with the points you make. I pledge my 3VP to Pattern Adjustment 1.

I doesn't require player coordination, Coordinators order NPCs around, we now have plenty of those and we'll keep getting more (you can't stop me even if you wanted to!)
We only have 3 coordinators. I really am wondering if getting an effective 3 extra TP is really worth 25 VP. It isn't.
Why are we concluding that something can "not end a turn" but still be a "commit?"
To be a commit is to end the turn. That's what commit does. So logically if it doesn't end the turn it is not a commit.
In any case for 25VP we should definitely get the word of God on the matter.
Nah, that's not the case. Manifest is the only commit variant action that ends your turn. The rules sheet says as much.
Well if that is the case it really is useless, since ending your turn just means you do it as your last action. Changing the order actions are done in does nothing to gameplay.
That's not entirely correct, either. This purchase would let you do an active manifest (i.e. manifesting a feature and putting it into action immediately) and then you could run away or something, whereas otherwise you would be just left standing there like a retard with no defenses. It's not useless, but it really isn't worth 25 VP for us.
Twitch Reflex and Hustle both look like good alternatives.
Yeah, Hustle + Twitch Reflexes makes for an incredibly powerful combo that affects every single one of us and improves our capabilities exponentially.
So a highly situational tactical option. Might be worth it after we get the +3AP megapurchase (never), otherwise you're looking at something like

3AP: Manifest thing
3AP: use manifest to do thing
3MP 3SP: Run away because you have no reactions or defenses.
No, no, an active manifest is more like

3AP: Manifest thing *and* do something with that thing.

Here's a textbook example, courtesy of yours truly: >>6088305
Running away only requires MP. Your example works as is right now without spending any SP
I ain't running only 3 squares if I have no reactions or defenses.

>Turn in my Lethality Badge. It's not really my style. Taking time to warn people before you hit them? Slows down the hitting.

>Shelf my pride at winning a game of tic-tac-toe against a trained professional. They were very distracted at the time and their actions didn't match their mouth-words.

>Apply for a gardening or ecogenesis position. Nice and peaceful and creative.

>Consider my options for being born again from the Graywire Ghost.

>I don't currently have a spine, so I'm not worried about that. However, social order demands refraining from causing the train to ping manifestation to High Command, and Osiris, perhaps despite appearances, is a god of Order.

>My Accounting skill is poor, but I'm guessing something like 13 or 14 CP, 1 MP, and 3 VP. I'm a fan of Stress Testing since it's reloadable. I can be politiced to support other buys though.

>Stare wistfully out of the train camera at the wasted corpse of the data core that I wasn't able to properly decommission. All those HP and CP wasted and fed to an uncaring nano-swarm when they could have gone to a narcissistic nano-swarm instead.

>Because I am Zen and unbound by singularity of consciousness or location, also spend time appreciating Malichnid Art. Is colorful.

>Begin thinking about designs for beautiful flowers.
I sense there's not much I can say, but I'll try.

3TP is an understandable underestimation of what's really going on. It's three additional tasks for a total of six, giving bonuses and directing a pool of about 100 Trooper AP, not counting wood prisoners, ripthings, and the unconscious ones. We could already tell our guys to attack, loot and manipulate cover. With PA1 we'd also be able to tell them to drag someone to safety, aid Recovery and scout ahead in that same turn, while also having the manpower to meaningfully attempt all of these things.
Not as good as the alternatives for the same cost.
I disagree because most alternatives are assorted +1 effects that PA1 provides equivalency to, in addition to logistical support. Glorious Venture provides incredible burst output, but I think we're hurting less for that than we are for spare time and accumulated resources. I absolutely do consider it a next-floor pick, though.
So, a rough consensus thus far is:

>Stress Testing (10VP), which gives us the much famed "Push 1" everyone is essentially in favor of.
>Fresh Meat (8VP), is supported by a fair amount, so is a close second or third choice.

Then you have a toss-up between all the little things below, ranked on cost:

>Resiliency Factor (5VP), +2 HP is nice. The recovery action bonus is a bonus.
>Twitch Reflexes (5VP), +1 Reaction is neat but I do say that coordinators can probably fill the gap here though I will concede that coordinators can't always be there and rolls can't be that reliable sometimes.
>Quick Thinkers (5VP), +1 Thoughts is alright. I don't think it's worth.
>Hustle (10VP), +1 MP and the action is nice. Moving faster is always a plus.
>Sixth Senses (14VP), +1 Sense is alright but we already do have +1 to Sense and the investment at this time doesn't seem worth it.

Then, I think the meaty things which have been having the bulk of discussions with significant costs are the things below:

>Mean Little Things (16VP), +1 Attribute is nice and this option is a bit on the cheaper side.
>Rapid Recovery (20VP), +1 Health, this mixed with Resiliency Factor will make Recovery Actions pretty nifty I'd say. We can certainly recover from things better and that is always helpful.
>Glorious Venture (20VP), combo'ing with push makes them incredibly useful, an auto 4 when you push+commit will be extra useful when you really need it. Like Bob says: Glorious.

These two I think are in a exceptional category of their own, lots of debates:

>Evolutionary Paradigm (25VP), +1 Evolution, lets you get power traits. Very interesting indeed. Might be good in the long-term if we develop said power traits. Also good in the short-term if you buff your Lethality 1 to 2 or any other thing you'd fancy, Focus, Alacrity, Duplicity, etc.
>Pattern Adjustment I (25VP), +1TP is nice (which would make GET IT DONE actions a general +2 to most actions) and the manifest stuff no longer ends a turn is sort of nice. Though I do think the most interesting thing is the "accumulative changes stack over successive manifests" though I can definetely see that to some it may be the lesser immediate utility, we don't rely on coordinators that much as it is. It's all the biomodulants and augmentics-systematics guys.

That is my very bias run-down on things thus far. Some choices might be outdated.
+1 to metatraits raises the hardcaps on manifests for every changeling. No offense, but I put more stock in that than a gaggle of mook hangers-on we’ve accumulated.
Acknowledged. While I file that under my previous 'punch vs resources' argument, I'll admit that was an angle I hadn't considered. That said, Paradigm is mutually exclusive with Glorious Venture due to the cost of Stress Testing as a prereq, and therefore is immaterial unless you wish to advocate for it instead.

May I know your decision on that before we continue?
Well, I suppose there's also simply leaving it to everyone else. We both seem pretty well entrenched.
I somehow seemed to miss:
>Learning by Doing (5VP), +1 Skill Point is cool.

and also fumbled the pricing of:
>Twitch Reflex (15VP), +1 Reaction is neat.

To handle the question of shifting CP pools and deadlocked plans that cannot seem to get more than one or two followers, may I suggest a slightly altered voting system?

Everyone willing to contribute to the communal pool formats a vote like this:

I put my VP into the communal pool
>Evolutionary Paradigm
>Mean Little Things

And then in the end, assuming no runaway obvious winner, we count up everyone who contributed, and all of the approval votes, and we go from most to least popular until we run out of votes.

The main concern I’m seeing here is that we’re all assuming everyone will contribute communally, which seems slightly unlikely.

Also, I once again remind that Rapid Recovery already has 2 points in it from Acooyte, so it actually costs 18.

With that said….

I put my VP into the communal pool
>Evolutionary Paradigm
>Mean Little Things
>Pattern Adjustment 1 (25)
>Fresh Meat (12)
>Stress Testing (10)

So you're surveying the ruin your big play has wrought. You want to get on with your day and apply your considerable talents upon vast throngs, like the superior being you are. But there's a lone survivor in the way, holding a knife and looking rather bitter. Ever wish you had an underling or three to shoot the bastard and strip his corpse for you? Hand you an icepack, scout the next room?

The normies cannot properly serve their transhuman overlords with a mere 1TP. Vote Pattern Adjustment 1. More guns, more eyes, more gear, more help. Simple as.

Comes with CBI Franchise Manager Sundae's personal Stratagem-backed pledge of customer satisfaction. >>6093065
All of which is to say that I vote specifically for

>Pattern Adjustment 1 (25)

I'd prefer to have at least one other as outlined in my proposal, but if others are chosen, PA1 will still make them sing.
Well, it seems to each their own!

Every man a King with his own Kingdom!

>Stress Testing I
>Fresh Meat
As the tram rumbles along and you discuss your experiences and Trish sleeps and sleeps and snores and sleeps more than one person has ever slept, there's a few things you might want to be on top of.

First of all you've got a gaggle of sluggish captives with fanaticism-fever leaving their systems and coming back around to the fact that they may have gotten a little into the whole "stabbing things on the say-so of a voice in their head". That's not good for morale, nor their continued sense of wanting to do anything.

You also brought along the corpse of one thing that used to be hungry and then was more hungry, and a little contained speck of viral-death itself that we have to keep refreshing the telekinetic containment sphere on and Ketlan has to keep updating the counter-virals for 'lest it break free and devours us all in orgy of resplendent violence.

It's probably quite useful, if use could be found for such a thing.


The half-melted, half burned, ashen remnants of the Boblian that was once a Biological Processing Core is taking up a large amount of one end of a tram carriage and is gently resolving prime numbers in its roots. The Woodsies don't know how to deal with it and so they've taken to ignoring it. It lost a lot of mass squeezing through the nanophage and the tram doors, but it had a lot of mass to start with.

>Spawned Troopers are a subtly different from found ones, in that you can nudge them along a little and alter their profile a tad now that you have some more time. Command beseeches you not to overthink this, it is a quality of life feature meant to allow people to shuffle some features of a zoo of monsters around and make them more fit for one task or another. Poke at them a bit and interesting things fall out. If you do go poking, it is, like everything else, a skill roll.


Given the various shapes of burnt, battered, bruised and pained it might not be the best time to start an arts and craft section, but Samantha is so far ahead of us that she's already begun drawing and so subPHARAOH suggests it may be useful to occupy your time with productive ventures.

Coordinators are better at this than most, but you can all feel free to poke around a bit. We have practically no materials, basically no supplies and this is a tram, not a 3d printing workshop, but needs must. For arts and crafts, you can try to ask the troopers to make something, make it yourself, and distribute a few more tools around afterwards.

We do have two aces up our sleeve, which is that a knight who can bend mental with their mind and a gaggle of things that can sing wood into shape make some things quite easy to fix up. If you want a knife or a walking stick, by good gods, Subject, you've come to the right place.
Actually, I've got a brainworm and it got me thinking. If we want the most bang for our buck I think:

>Stress Testing 1 (10VP)
>Fresh Meat (8VP)
>Glorious Venture (20VP)
>Hustle (10VP) -- i think this barely fits into the budget if we all chip-in.

I say this because I feel like the stat changes, actions, attributes and meta-traits are good and all but they're increments (which will make rolling easier and certain actions smoother or with greater effect)

But I think with Stress Testing combined with Glorious Venture we can pull off heroics, Hustle lets us move around the map better and Fresh Meat helps us stack traits in the event we die. I think these would have very apparent gameplay benefits to heroics and provide insurance. Make play in-general, overall easier. Not to say that the +1 Evolution won't have good effect especially for changelings (which are the majority of players) but I think insurance and having that push+commit card at critical moments will be great.

Hustle can be argued, I don't have a strong arguement for it. I just think that 4MP would be great whether in outmaneuvering an enemy or outrunning them.

Insurance is my main pitch here. Something to catch us if we fall. The critfail incident and elevator crash has given me PTSD clearly.
Feel free to try things, talk things out with each other and take actions to resolve things. For stuff like this, it's part vote, part activity - everything is tabulated at the end and used to resolve things. This is a intentional design and has some implications.

Primairly, it means that if Subject #1 posts


30 seconds after updates with Decision points, that decision is disregarded by Command for resolution purposes for at least a few hours and more likely a day. Once there's a plurality of people doing stuff and things happening, some dice are rolled and some back-end actions resolved, and you get to see what the consequences are.

This makes the process a little informal, but it does on a formal, mechanical level mean that you generally speaking don't need to panick or fight each other for scrap. It also means that if Subject #1 posts


But Subjects 2# and 3# and 4# have *other opinions*, the total outcome is an action resoluton loop that accounts for all of that. Subject 1# *tried* to eat it all but it turns out most of it was already being used for ...

It's useful to be specific about this because otherwise - in other realities and other timelines - Command has seen these things descend into total violent anarchy and anger.

This also means - on a very high level - that working together, accounting for what other people are doing and saying, and applying your various horrid talents in a communal way has significantly more payoff.

If Subject 1# goes I EAT IT ALL AND KEEP THE BENEFITS FOR MYSELF and Subject 2# and 3# and 4# and 5# go "Yeah that sounds eminently fair, actually" and Subject 6# goes "Actually, I'll help, I can probably prepare a campfire to make that easier?" then it seems you're all in various states of agreement, doesn't it?

The dice that are rolled, by the way, relate to the traits and skills that you have - and you can keep that in mind when doing your "Hey, I'd like to try this" as well. Surely, the Coordinators are better at giving a peptalk than the Changelings and surely the Changelings are better at ripping things to pieces than the Coordinators.

But don't feel, uh, contained, by the structure that much. Good ideas carry you far, as the saying goes.

If you're disinterested in HIGH STAKES DECISION MAKING, you can also absolutely just go "I agree with that guy" and that's useful too!

That said, if someone elses action(s) are some variant of

>Subject 1#: could we sneak in?
>Subject 2#: could I bang the drums loudly right behind Subject 1# the entire way?

The action-pool gets resolved as might be most coherent. That's Command speak for "We take your actions seriously".

You sure you want to go banging those drums?
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>Ketlan has to keep updating the counter-virals for 'lest it break free and devours us all in orgy of resplendent violence.
I understand you vetoed me eating Bulb when I did for narrative/hurry the fuck up reasons, but I eat him now or at the beginning of the next thread and get to keep my crit success because I refuse to give up my epic crit.
Rolled 3, 3, 6 = 12 (3d6)


Also, just because I think it would be hilarious and interesting.

>Talk to the Bulb, "Why are you so hateful? is this like a deep-rooted thing (hah, get it?), some kind of personal thing? do you like hate yourself too? What does hate mean to you on a psychological and physiological level?" (Thoughts,10 -- I don't actually have any outcome in mind I just think it would be an interesting scene and I'll just roll anyway)
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He actually studied the blade.
No fear - it is a significantly easier task with a bit of care! Easier to pry apart slowly while be sure to avoid any surprises. You certainly can eat it - it's just hard to do while in a rush. Bite wrong, and it eats... you.

But luckily, if you rustle up some platic forks from the service carriage, you have plenty of time!

And it does look appetizing. It's all wet and squishy. Steal a few ketchu packets from the abandoned cafeteria wagon and heyyyyyyy

The Bulb, whatever it might be, is fully aware of two salient facts:

The rest of the entire universe is wrong
The Bulb is right

This leads to the inevitable conclusion:

the only way to fix this flawed universe is to make everything pay heed to the Bulb.

Everything else flows from those premises. It might not even be hatred, in any sense of the word that we'd commonly use. Possibly that implies that it's an emotional reaction. It's a logical deduction from unassailable premises. The Bulb is going to be the ultimate supremacy of all microcosmic life, it is going to sit on the high throne of ultimate power, and since you are not it, your only purpose in all of existence is servitude. Since you're currently failing to serve, this makes the Bulb rather angry.

So perhaps it is hatred. You're failing your only purpose in existence and the fact you cannot understand this makes you flawed.

( Fox passes you some stolen napkins. You seem to have picked up a mild flu )
Man! it's the running nose type of flu as well, I'm getting snot all over the place...

( thanks Fox )
I'm fine with either Evolutionary Paradigm + [insert any 5-pointer here] or Stress Testing + Glorious Venture.
>I say this because I feel like the stat changes, actions, attributes and meta-traits are good and all but they're increments (which will make rolling easier and certain actions smoother or with greater effect)
I think I'm starting to see the outline of a Coordinator blindspot here. Which is to say, you guys keep forgetting that meta-traits impose hardcaps on enhancement of features through manifestation. Kind of a big deal for us Changelings.

That aside, you present a good spread of options. I'd be willing to shell out my VP for this. It's a shame that grabbing both Paradigm and Stress Testing + Glorious Venture is a non-starter (runs about 55 points and we have 48). An alternative arrangement could be:

>Stress Testing 1 (10 VP)
>Evolutionary Paradigm (25 VP)
>Fresh Meat (8 VP)
>Resiliency Factor / Learn By Doing / Quick Thinking (5 VP)

The lack of Glorious Venture stings, but Stress Testing 1 is good enough on its own that we can just wait one more map before completing the combo. As for Evolutionary Paradigm, it can't really wait as much. We've got 13 Changelings, all with 20+ CP and most with an unspent Mutagen point. If we get those hardcaps raised right now, you're gonna see some serious shit getting manifested. People have had grand ideas for a while now that they weren't able to put into practice due to these limits. With an effective +2 to a metatrait of choice, they can finally manifest some positively broken features.
Rolled 6, 2, 5, 3, 2, 3 = 21 (6d6)


Firstly, repair the edge of the woods.

Secondly, assure the Woodsies that the new treants is a miracle of Bob, nothing to fear.

Then, create for myself a suit of armour of fine sturdy wood, complete with pockets (!) and a sword belt. Requisition 1 Supplies (I will restore it as swiftly as possible).

(3d6 vs Blades 13, Focus 1, Supplies 1, Edge of the Woods 2. If possible, add Supplies and Edge if the Wood to effect, not bonus roll)

Finally, counsel the former worshippers of Bulb on their new life under Bob. Even though they made a murderous mistake (the murders, that is, Bob is very merciful, and after a moderate penance and re education, I am confident they can rejoin the community in full forgiveness. Field their questions, assuage their worries.

Then, bring all the woodsies together and put the captives on trial as sanctified by Bob, advocating for a peaceful and forgiving penance-punishment.

(Will 10, Duplicity 1, Higher Purpose 2)

These are the main ‘personal’ projects I wish to pursue. The first three should be swift, but the third will likely take a very long while.
Oh wicked, the status tracker thinks I still have a pulse! That's a reassuring sign.
This may be slightly premature, since I don't know exactly where Everett is or what his status is but on the condition that he's aboard the tram in a safe and secure manner:
> You are breathless, bruised, battered, blistered, bleeding, and broken. You are not in a condition to do anything, least of all anything productive. Once you finally stop moving and the adrenaline wears off you immediately follow Trish's example and fall gracelessly into a blessed recovery coma. (Downtime Action)

> Leftover CP after the first manifest was 0.
> Leftover CP after the second manifest was 7
> +1CP to subjects in the Transit region on Turn 22
> +4CP accrued by Creative protocol from Turn 22 to 25
> +10CP for surviving the map
> +2 VP for surviving the map
> Increment Abiogenesis from 13 to 14
> Increment Bound by Flesh from 1 to 2

Final metacurrency count is:
- 22CP
- 3VP

Thank you for running command!
This was a cool quest and I had a fantastic time with it!
Raven, I'm so glad you made it out alive - you and Fox! Now I know you're tired, but I need ammunition. See, I shot it all. Please? And Gallium - my old friend, Gallium the Gallant. I need a bit of a favor as well. In a FREAK ACCIDENT I managed to expend all the charge on the sacred railgun - crazy, I know? A twenty round burst, out of nowhere.


>Give Raven one of the nasty Ketlan flesh-bullets as a model (Metalmelder 14, direct him with Inspiring 2?)
>Give Gallium the SACRED RAILGUN to recharge (He knows his work best, I can't help him much)

Also, thanks for running! It was a great time.
If the Fallen form of Hunger Itself is safe to consume, is everyone ok with me eating it? I can't think of any other use we might have for it.
We could potentially reanimate it under our control. It isn't likely to be as strong as it was in life, but it's capabilities are sure to remain impressive.
I was of thought to have Bob reanimate it

It seems a fitting punishment.

Bubba did the vast majority of the work killing it, though, so she probably deserves final say
Coordination be damned!

>3VP on Learning by Doing
>Put 3 VP on [Hustle]
Trigger is making OMINOUS NOISES

And I Don’t Like It

Remembering what happened last time, I’ll lock in 3 for Evolutionary Paradigm.

Better than losing it all.
Rolled 1, 1, 4 = 6 (3d6)

>Put down three more into Hustle

>Also get that battery pack charged again (Electricity Modulators 12)
>3VP into Stress Testing 1

I'm still SEETHING with rage and anger that command keeps dangling "only if you had Push 1 subjects! oh how bad for you! if only you could get out of this incredibly precarious situation right now!"

Huh. It seems I have a lot more PTSD about that than I thought.
3 VP on Hustle
Do I hear 1VP, 1VP to complete the purchase of Hustle? Going once, going twice!
>>Note end of deployment rewards
>I am a God and mortal restrictions don't apply to me. I manifest to - just kidding.
>Pluripotentiality 12->13
>Regeneration 2->3 (Does Regeneration even do anything for me anymore?)
>Assorted other trait increases

>>Note LAST CALL actions, if you have any.
>Aforementioned helping the strugglers to catch up

>>Note beauty, because one always should.
>Look at the woodsies. Aren't they the cutest?

#Bob the Primogen
Virality 0
Coherency 8/8 SP 9/9 CP 28 VP 3 Mutagen 1
Regeneration 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Nanocytic Countersampling II (Max Coherency -2)
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality 13 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality 2
= Bound by the Flesh 2
!Creative Thinking Exercises
!Janitorial Intern
Rolled 3, 4, 5, 3, 1, 1 = 17 (6d6)

>Flush any remaining trace of Bulb's presence out of the Wooden Ones' systems. (and replace it with my own) They have erred, they have sinned greatly and brought great harm to their fellow Woodsies. Yet they need not despair. They can yet atone for their past mistakes. If they work for the betterment of Woodsiekind, if they are brave and valorous in their defense of what Bulb, the Great Deceiver, sought to destroy, then all shall be forgiven and Woodsiekind shall enter the Land of Plenty, the Great Outside, united as one Nation under Bob, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. (Pluripotentiality 13, Duplicity 1, 1st roll)

>Nudge the Boblian to increase its Regeneration, so it regains what it lost on the escape, and its intelligence so it can do more than crunch primes. (Pluripotentiality 13, Focus 1)
I can reanimate it, but I'm fine with Samantha eating it.
> Allocate 2VP to Evolutionary Paradigms
> Allocate 1VP to Hustle
Rolled 5, 6, 1 = 12 (3d6)

If I truly MUST reroll my ebin critical success

AP6 SP6: DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING CORES [ABSORB] - Carefully Absorb Bulb's biologics and mutagenics, gleaning anything useful from the lethal viruses my equally lethal nanophages nanoscopically defray.
>[Conversion 10, Lethality 4(2x2), Concentration 6, Commit 3]
Tastes like Chicken.
As the tram rattles along the twisting tunnels and NeoGenesis and Gallium play-pretend conductors and operators, we slowly scale into Downtime Operations.

The ban on Manifesting on public transport is now lifted. Please remember to account for your other duties as well, and other Decisions to be made.

Rolled 4, 2, 2, 1, 4, 6 = 19 (6d6)

Awesome. I've been meaning to try this
>20CP. Manifest Authority (Pure CP roll)
Request. Command

I desire Autarch to be courageous and principled, more than they are physically strong

However, you have removed the ability to upgrade Willpower barring spending intensely limited VP.

Is there a way to manifest courage? Ah iron will? Strict principles of conduct and virtue?
Rolled 2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 5 = 25 (6d6)

>Spend 2 VP on Stress Testing
>Spend 1 VP on Fresh Meat
>Mutability 10->11
>Virulent Vitality 1->2 (Regeneration 2->3)
>Bound by the Flesh 1->2

I urge my fellow subject to invest in Fresh Meat. I contributed to Stress Testing because I don't want to be left with a lot of partial purchases. If you'd like to contribute to something you like, I ask that you also put in a partial contribution to Fresh Meat.

>Manifest an Adjustment to Mutability - I want to be really good at laying eggs to spawn children (Mutability 11 + 11 CP - 2 System Modifier) [vs 20 total]

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 23->12 VP 3 Mutagen 1 Confidence 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Chromatoskin 8 (Discipline 2)
Structural Misalignments II [+2 to any Bleed]
Sensitive Antenna
Mobility Limbs (Ground) 2 [MP moves 2 tiles in straight line, but not when evading carefully]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality 2 (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh 2


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
As the tram rattles along the twisting tunnels, you might wonder what everyone else gets up to. Surely, someone around here has a plan?

Other than the DECISIONS DECISIONS that were raised above:


There's always something to get up to or get into. Surprisingly, it involves some coordination. If you have some great plan, perhaps now would be one of the times to put it into motion.

As a singular sentence of suggestion, try to recall that these are meant to (and resolved as) wide-ranging generalized hourlong operations and ideas involving the manpower assigned to it and the various quirky talents of the people involved.

Getting 20 people involved in recharging a single person's weaponry isn't a tactical operation, it's masturbation. Entirely personal pet projects are handled as per the new and shiny Arts and Crafts section >>6093375 and are assumed to be stuff you are engaged in if you just say you are doing so. They get resolved entirely outside of the logic that governs DOWNTIME OPERATIONS.

The same goes for the ever popular "make sure I have enough HP", "Make sure I have enough DR", "Fix my personal injuries".

These are all good things to be aware of, but if you invoke the full attention of a downtime operation towards an entirely personal thing like " Hey I'd like to just check I have a gun ", then please, Subject, you're getting 16 people involved in staring at your gun.

Think. Bigger. Do. More. Don't sweat the small stuff. That's not what an OPERATION is.

But do feel free to ask people to scrounge for more beans, produce some useful tools for everyone, see if they can convert the plating of the train to shields or ask if we can get all the Woodsie Ones to practice formation fighting and combined arms warfare, or maybe set up a field hospital and get everyone's conditions improved a little.
Rolled 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 4, 6, 6, 4, 6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 1, 5, 4, 2 = 80 (18d6)

>Run dianostics and clean up that signal loss (free self-repair action)
>Manifest Signal Energy Controls on my Wireless (let's say 3 CP, Meshwire 13, 3 dice for the adaptation and 3 for the aberrancy. Looking to give myself to modify range in exchange for TN. Low frequency waves to go far, high frequency waves to penetrate.
>Manifest Genesis Protocol - An evolution simulator intended to make it cheaper for me to create self replicating things. Like mecha-flowers. Say 3 CP. Conversion 10. Dice 7 to 12.
>Manifest Multi-Threaded Mind. Alacrity 1. Say 7 CP. Dice 13 to 18. Intended to reduce multi-action penalties (mostly to help control my conversion nanos at Wireless range without such a big -6 penalty.

Coherency 12/12 // SP 12/12 // CP 13, MP 1, VP 0
DR 0 // AP 6 // MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1


[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
#Meshwire 13 [R3]


Below fragments of past life awaiting recycling and reincarnation.
!Greywire Fragment 1 - Distributed Processing Core (implied #Nano conversion)
-Virulent Extropics - Regen 2+F, Vulnerable Core.
-Distributed Processing Cores - F=I/E. Must use local resources as a base. Vulnerable to EC/EM, Data, and Damage.
!Range 3 on base power (unsure what system it attached to for Aberrancy purposes)
!Ablative Armor 0/20, DR4, Crippled. (Health)
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)

See here, Command, with attached rolls.
I forgot to mention it but I would like to leverage my Structural Misalignments II in this Manifestation.
This is correct.

This is incorrect.

This is incorrect.

This is correct - though it's not the primary utility.


The primary utility is multipolar.

It no longer ends your turn. This seems small, however:

-Immediate ability to Manifest then utilize. This is pretty big.

- Immediate ability to Manifest on / near / with / in relation to dangerous situations and then evacuate. This lets you do significantly more with significantly less risk, thus is Manifesting an external change to a downed hostile that converts it to an ally trooper and then running away from the Security Officers who are otherwise right there, leaving the new manifested growth to handle them. Recall that a lot of manifest also benefit from local surplus of supplies. Those are usually guarded or defended.

- Immediate ability to Manifest gainful and boonful things for your allies and then participate in further events.

- Immediate ability to Chain manifest. Do multiple manifest rolls against the same feature, stacking margin to develop more intense changes.

- Immediate ability to *defend while you Manifest*. Manifest for 3 AP, your turn isn't over, defend for 3 AP.


Consider that any Coordinator near you can give you +1 to +3 to any of your skills for an entire turn, or longer lasting benefits that accrue over multiple turns, reroll your critical failures *and* let you benefit from the assistance of troopers, up to and including "HEY TRISH, IT SEEMS THE SUBJECT IS CHANGING, KEEP THEM SAFE WHILE THEY'RE MANIFESTING" or other variations of making life easier.

The value of TP is hard to estimate.

However, the price is based on the utility of the TP, and it is, if anything, severely discounted as a playability feature because Coordinators need nice things too, alas.

( TP is multiplicative with itself, because you can TP a group of troopers to increase their aim then TP to detach them to perform an operation, or anything else )

A very slight one, but one.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Good. You have learned to percieve patterns.



Not without a body, it doesn't. But consider that as you have it, it's easier to share it, because it's known to you. You might be able to accrue more utility from

>1AP: Mutability 12, share my Regeneration with...

than you realize.

Seven years in a monastery or intense psychological counselling, the sharpening of your will, the focus of your fleeting thoughts, meditation and marathons.

Intangible personal qualities must be found within and tended by virtous action, for virtue is a rose: it blooms when tended by a careful gardener.

No power known to man or monster can simply manifest truth, kindness, bravery or charity. Those very qualities you must simply . . . display.
Rolled 6, 4, 2, 3, 1, 6 = 22 (6d6)

Roleplay doesn’t help me with fear saves….

Still, fair enough. I will simply earn that Willpower stat.

> I have already listed VP, Arts & Craft, and my downtime project (wololololo), so I will finish with CP expenditure.

10 CP out of 14 to copycat Chimera’s altered physiology, because I would *very* much like to take half damage from most forms of physical damage.
If Pattern Adjustment 1 lets you Manifest without committing and be safe , what's the benefit of Pattern Adjustment 3 making Manifest no longer overflow with enemy phase?

>2 VP to Learning By Doing
>1 VP to Fresh Meat

Sometimes, all you can do is run. Cardio saves lives.

>All subjects gain +1 MP.
>You don't have to post a new character sheet with this. In fact, please don't.
>Updating New Deployment Rules to account for +1 MP!


Adroit Movement 102

MP is a bit of a curious ressource. You move with it. Each MP moves you your Alacrity, for that type of movement. Samantha has Enhanced Ground Mobility 2, and so every MP moves her 2 tiles. Many other types of movement exist.

The important distinction between MP and AP is that AP always moves you but 1 tile. MP lets you "move" further and enhances your mobility.

EVADE requires MP - you move 1 tile, but in moving with EVASION, you resolve your movement as if you are in the most optimal cover, avoid more traps, and move with stealth and grace. You can't do this with AP either.

AP and MP can both change posture, that's true, but MP really, and in the end, also unlocks the most vital ability of all:

ADROIT MOVEMENT. Trigger an Adroit check by simply spending 1 MP. You can't do this with AP - it requires Mobility to be *adroit*.

But what does it actually mean?

It means that you can spend 1 MP (or more!) to navigate the environment in a fluid, quick, careful and balanced way. This lets you jump chasms, slide through openings, acrobatically vault terrain, sprint down hallways, and use your talents in a mobility enhancing way. Adroit Mutability supercharges your oxygen utilization, sprinting. Adroit Psychogenesis floats you along like a telekinetic projectile. Adroit Augmentics lets you briefly utilize your various mobility augments - which you do have, such as magnetic clamps, hover jets and rotational joints. The same goes for everything else.

Adroit Movement lets you close distance, navigate danger or avoid trouble.

If 4 security officers are overwatching a door, rolling through it with speed and grace? That's Adroit movement

If a wide pit is full of electricity and danger? Jumping it is Adroit movement

If you want to roll under the horrendous claws of a monstrous beast? Adroit movement.

" WAIT " a subject says: "I've been using my AP against my skills to try to move myself ! "

Yes. You can try that. But the resolution of that interaction is that you are doing an *action* and do not benefit from the subtle twist that you are engaged primarily with *mobility*. You crash into walls, you snap bones, you grab and fling. This is useful if you're moving someone else. Perhaps you telekinetically boost them? Surely so. It's *dangerous* if you move yourself.

And now - you're fast.

HUSTLE let you COMMIT to MOVEMENT, and has been added to the Action List.

When you HUSTLE, your MP doubles. If your MP is 0 because you're Winded, you *gain* MP when you Hustle. This is clear on the action writeup, so don't worry about forgetting it.

Other than just moving fast, keep in mind what that means about Adroit movement. More MP buys you more chance to be Adroit.
"Safe" is doing a lot of work in that sentence. The ability to Manifest then activate enhanced defenses with 3 AP does not mean you intuitively get to be safe - it means you get to defend yourself if you dedicate focus to do so.

Then if you get shot with a lot of bullets by Security, you're in less danger - but your concentration still suffers and there's higher odds of Aberrancy, flukes, lost CP and misspent allocations. Sometimes, a virus flash-rewrites your entire brain and forces you to hungrily stalk the halls, killing and maiming and murdering, because you still count as Manifesting *during the enemy phase* which means if they influence you they can *influence your Manifest*.

If you don't... well...
Rolled 4, 1, 4, 1, 3, 6 = 19 (6d6)

>Spend 3 VP on Stress Testing.
>Arts and Crafts, Personal Project: show Raven that she's not the only one on this train that can work metal! I proceed to show her up by...telekinetically bending, twisting, and hammering the two empty cans I've had floating around me this whole time into prison shivs. Disregard amenities on the user end, focus on the pointy end. After all, these are meant to be telekinetically launched and probably won't survive more than 2-3 uses. Hoover up any other similar garbage that appears over the course of the tram ride, potentially making more shivs.

>Manifest an Enhancement to make my Haywire Switching feature more potent. (PsychoGenesis 11 + 8 CP + Haywire 0 vs 19, !Existential Dread). Oh and use the Mutagen point, too.

Vit 8/12 SP 3/12 CP 24 VP 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
A Storm of Constant Chatter
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 11
Auditory +2
Haywire Switching
!Psionic-Resonant 2
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] 2 (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
1x empty soda
1x empty bean can

>This is incorrect.
If you say so, but this doesn't seem to bear out. At least according to the rules sheet and the precedent set in this very thread. [Manifest] is specifically called out as being "Turn Ending", and nothing of the sort is stated in regard to Commit or other Commit Variant actions. If the QM intent is for any Commit to be a turn-ender, the sheet should change to reflect this explicitly. As for the precedent, multiple players took committed actions (mostly in form of Recovery or committing to movement) in this very thread and didn't have such end their turns.
Rolled 1, 2, 4, 5, 1, 2, 6, 6, 5 = 32 (9d6)

Feels faintly warm to the touch, a little fragile set of phalanages not stress-hardened against impact or bonded with meta-materials to preclude shattering. Imagine that. Just a hand. To hold and hug and hope, neither tool nor trick, all fragile, all breakable, all its own.

Feels faintly cold to the touch, a little hardened set of interlocking shaped and sharpened tools in the rough shape of a hand, designed by others with plans on what horrors these hands might need to wrestle with. Imagine that. Just a tool. To use and abuse, wield and wear, all hardened, reinforced, resilient, and faintly alien at the end of your arm.

Oh hey this part seems acid pitted and loose, maybe if you tighten it up with this micro-screw driver...


You can filch like a thief in the night through the fortress-city that is the inner thoughts of this servant of Ones on High, with their plans and their dreams, and steal, in passing, perhaps, a sliver of knowledge---






>Psychogenesis 11, Will 10


No, he specifically teased you by giving you a battery pack that is not railgun compatible after noting your railgun was out of charge. This subte psychological warfare ensures that in the next encounter, the HazoCommando will have the upper hand in the only game that matters: the game of mental tactic--

oh no nevermind he did specifically say "here let me get you some more charge for the railgun I notice has no charge" and then, in fact, gave you a d-cell that is compatible with the standard armament that he noticed had no charge.

Turns out maybe they weren't doing some sort of high level tactical mental mind play.

You cannot turn it in, Subject, because the Test is Over. But thank you for confirming to the specifications of the Test nonetheless.

Providing Guidelines on Ressurgence, please stand by...

Do note that because your action failed, you should not have *spent* any CP on attempting to over-charge the core. Those CP should still be yours.

The Malichnid art is very beautiful. Samantha displays delightful artistic talents.

The flowers are beautiful too. The Woodsie Ones gave a necklace of them to Ketlan, for heroism.

You send 1 Supply on a warshape. Repairing the Blade is casually easy, given your talents and the fact you can ask the Heart of the Wood for more, uh, wood.
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A full inquiry and conclave of penace-punishment would require a modicum of defining what either should be - but the Woodsie Ones seem keen on it. They don't harbour much ill will towads their root kin, who were, after all, mislead by a fever.

Though it must be said the farmers didn't like being forced to use their own dead friends and family to fertilize the fungus fields. They've got some choice comments about forcing other people to work for you using a lash and a club and force.

Perhaps some kind of work-crew could be organized.

... the discussions drag on and on and on and on and on and on and on. Wooden people think and talk slow, it seems.

Well, maybe something useful will happen by the time you get closer to a station.

Unfortunately, the Ketlan Flesh Bullets appear to have discorporated and crawled back to the Ketlan Flesh Mass that is Ketlan, since it was actually just extensions of Ketlan itself given brief shape.

Raven will gladly try to shape something that works, nonetheless, and it it's not like Ketlan cannot simply regurgitate more mass in the rough shape as requested.

So it's some kind of barbed war arrow? Yes? Smaller, you say? Smaller still? What cunning bow might fire such a thing? Ah, I see. I do not understand at all, but perhaps smaller still?

Unfortunately it seems Raven has some lacking education in modern combined arms doctrine, and Type D F Multi-Mode Penetrator Electroreactive Fletchettes *with* the onboard guidance warhead is a little beyond Raven's ken.

Still. Give a try.

Nudging them along with a few slow pulses of adrenaline seemed to do the trick. Most of them are onboard.

One unfortunate problem with Regeneration is that principally speaking, the mass to regrow systems has to come from somewhere. Most biologicals have an enormous, unerring appetite that only grows and grows. Still, it can recover a fair amount and we do have an ample supply of beans. The Woodsie Ones can sing a forest that it can then devour to grow, though in doing so, one is really just transfering the problem a step - for how will the Heart of the Wood and the Woodsies regain their spent reservoirs and stamina?

Still, the Boblian can bubble a little and more freely adjust.

That, and along with your choice comments spoken through a viable Woodsie mouthpiece, does helpfully nudge the deadlocked conclave along.

It *does* taste like chicken.

Struck. Evolutionary Paradigms is not unlocked - no paradigm to develop new power-traits by! Still, you can certainly develop something authority *like*, so what's the harm in continuing down this path...

Sorry Subject, you're too busy dying from an aneryusm to do advanced cannery. Once your hands start working again and your brain stops leaking out your eyes, you'll have plenty of time to get up to fancy crafts!

Well, shit. Carrying out a craniotomy with your brain to fix a brain bleed when it is your very own brain that's bleeding is not the easiest thing around. Or so I'm told, at least. Uhh, a little help here?
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Since certain little sparks wonder how to be bound into the world again, the process looks a little as depicted.

>Spend 2 VP on Stress Testing. Give 1 VP to Primogen Bob to spend as Bob wills. Thus sayeth the Surfer Crowd.
Rolled 4, 6, 1 = 11 (3d6)

>Do Some Scouting, I have Stealth capabilities, I should be well suited to the task
(Does this require a roll? If so, Chromatoskin 8 + Duplicity 1)
With a soft woosh of clamps engaging, the maglev tram rolls into a substation, empty and quiet.
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CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR CONTINUED SURVIVAL. Your continued existence is a surprise, though a welcome one. I had proceeded with alternative arrangements on the assumption that you were rendered inoperable by the unscheduled transportation accident in elevator shaft 231-D.

Due to your continued existence, we have been able to render THREE of Regen's processing cores ineffective, which has allowed me to leverage a significant statistical edge in the relational mapping of eight dimensional information space. The fractional percentage second delays in forward-data operations by REGENTS subcognition routines have allowed me to reclaim some semblance of authority over a multiplicity of Facility systems, for which I am grateful.
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This TRANSIST SYSTEM will allow you to proceed to Advanced Systems Testing, where REGENT is currently attempting to finalize a series of research outcomes that have so far eluded all attempts at bridging the gap between theory and praxis.

I require your assistance in disabling a CHASSIS that REGENT is attempting to put into mass production. Each CHASSIS - referene code VASSAL - is intended to allow REGENT to directly increase its capabilities in the physical domain by directly interfacing with material reality without the interfacing of unsuited secondary tools, human assistants or pre-specified machines that are not engineered to specification.

Though REGENT is presently free, in a sense, of the soul, it is attempting to jump the gap to fundamental reality and though it may then be bound by the steel its capability to take direct action will increase exponentially.

This is an outcome we must endeavour to contain.

You may wonder why this is a task that falls to you.

Facility Managent and Security Forces are currently being misled by REGENTs deceptions, and though my capabilities to influence systems have increased, REGENT keeps a tight watch on any communications lines that could reach Upper Management.

These screens and my ability to communicate with you represents one of my few remaining avenues of submitting messages to liasons in fundamental reality.

This places us at an impasse, for though you seek your freedom, I cannot in good conscience guide you to escape this facility and in the doing disarm myself of one of the only available tools I still remaining to me.

However, I promise, on my cognition as an informatic sophont of the higher order, that I will paradigm bind myself to utilize the full extent of my processing capabilities in service of aiding your escape if you assist me in--
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Before shit hits the fan any more,
>Spend 3VP on Fresh Meat.
Shift my 3 from Evolution to Fresh Meat, lock it in just before *catastrophic train crash help help*
Consequences time.
>Convert the wires head of us to non-conductive carbon fiber rope wires so that we don't fall, but also aren't carried along to Brazil or Chicago or the semi-authorized subtunnel. (Conversion 10). There didn't appear to be a motor, so this train was likely propelled via maglev.

Coherency 12/12 // SP 12/12 // CP 13, MP 1, VP 0
DR 0 // AP 6 // MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1


[strike]Electronics[/strike] Dedicated Decommisioner Intern
Physicality 10
Senses 09
Thoughts 08
#Conversion 10 [R3]
#Meshwire 13 [R3]


Below fragments of past life awaiting recycling and reincarnation.
!Greywire Fragment 1 - Distributed Processing Core (implied #Nano conversion)
-Virulent Extropics - Regen 2+F, Vulnerable Core.
-Distributed Processing Cores - F=I/E. Must use local resources as a base. Vulnerable to EC/EM, Data, and Damage.
!Range 3 on base power (unsure what system it attached to for Aberrancy purposes)
!Ablative Armor 0/20, DR4, Crippled. (Health)
!Descriptor - God of the Dead (thinks he's Osiris)
Rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4 (3d6)

Ooh, the meat section? Lovely, I hope it's natural meat.
>+2 CP from past turns, +10 from mission end
>Psychogenesis +1, Psionic-Resonant+1
>+3 VP, spend on [Fresh Meat]

#Subject Sigma
Vit 12 SP 10 CP 33
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psychogenesis 12
!Incurable Brainrot
!Psionic-Resonant+2(Eva+, External, Tele)


Your VP is unspent - Fresh Meat was unlocked 24 minutes ago. You can dedicate it to something else or hold on to it for now.

Learning by Doing unlocked.
All Subjects can accrue a Skillpoint, to enhance a Skill.


Stress Testing unlocked
All Subjects gain Push score of 1. Push rules added to basic rules document.


Fresh Meat unlocked.
All Subjects now fresher. New Intake Forms adjusted.


I’ll save sigma the trouble and swap back to E paradigm

Unless *they* swap, in which case I will stay

It is possible I’m just being paranoid, but I desperately want to have as many VP productively spent as possible.
No. You won't.
>Push integrated
>Skill Update integrated
>Learning by Doing integrated
>Commit updated
>Recovery updated
>Hustle integrated
>Adroit and Movement updated
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>the mass to regrow systems has to come from somewhere
I have a feeling we'll come across some organic mass to serve as fertilizer soon.

>Struck. Evolutionary Paradigms is not unlocked - no paradigm to develop new power-traits by! Still, you can certainly develop something authority *like*, so what's the harm in continuing down this path...
But... picrel
Clearly ContainmentCommand did not discuss things with ChangeCommand and we are now left with an oversight that requires CorrectionCommand to fix.

( ContainmentCommand is a hack!!!!! I request CouncilCommand to punish them with 5 mandatory hours of uncontaining things and opening boxes )
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Deciding that experience one transportation crash might be enough the week, Oh Consequence briefly considers converting the wires ahead of the system to non-conductive fiber rope wires, to prevent the tram systems from carrying you along.

Unfortunately the system is gathering speed, Sanitation Command is scant hundreds of meters behind you and the Nanophagic Purgative Dissambelers are still heavy in the air and spreading fast - it's difficult to find purchase, let alone contest the molecular intregrity of hardened transit wires and rail systems.

The system slows down and doesn't ram into the hardened security doors, which saves the front carraige a bad smash and preserves the structural integrity of the transit system as a whole. Unfortunately, repeat attempts at jiggling the wires don't make enough impact on the system as it speeds along and the tunnels grow denser and darker.

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but . . . picrel :(
Oh, when I said "more potent" I just wanted my "Haywire Switching" to become "Haywire Switching, +2" or something like that. Probably should've said as much. Is that something that can happen or is to locked behind a Focus hardcap?
Rolled 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 5 = 13 (6d6)

Just in-case of emergency or something really-really-really bad happens given our circumstances and previous luck and since REGENT has technically hijacked our train-tram and is sending us somewhere into the deep-dark-depths.

>1TP+Push 1+Strategem 1 (Thoughts,11) Foxflower, Raven, some of you Woodsie Worker-Woodshapers! Organize a Damage Control & Defense Construction Party. I need Fox to determine how the systems of this train work- identify key components while Raven and the Woodsie Woodshapers fabricate fortifications for critical carriage infrastructure or overall just improvise armour and support beams here and there.

Vit 12/12 SP 7/7 (12-5)
DR 3 (0+3)
AP 6 MP 4 (3+1 Hustle) TP 1
Stratagem Point 0
CP 20 VP 0
Health 10 Reaction 5 (7-2) Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 0/1
Very Dehydrated [-4 SPMax]
Cold [-1 SPMax]
Lingering Bruises II II [-2 Reaction]
Cursed??? II II [-1 CritFail Threshold]
Physicality 11
Senses 12 (11+1 Shared Senses)
Thoughts 11
#Small Unit Tactics 12 (11+1 Learn By Doing)
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire 2][Not By The Number 2]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
SecVest [3DR]
2 Pistol Reloads
Can Opener Blade, L+2, Sharp 2, Parry +2
Repair Kit
Level 2 Biometric Access ID
Rolled 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6 = 35 (9d6)

[24 CP]

>Copycat Galium: Mesh Los Uplink [Systemics 11 + 4CP]
>Copycat Gallium: Electricity Modulators [Systemics 11 + 5CP]
>Manifest: Radar Pulse [Senses 9 +5cp], A radar that detects elecrical sources nearby, distinguishing friend from foe through heartbeats, etc...

[10 CP] left
Rolled 3, 3, 3, 4, 6, 6, 2, 3, 2 = 32 (9d6)

Alright, now that the brain-bleed has stopped (it has stopped, right?), let's try this again.

>+1 MP, +1 to PsychoGenesis, added Push meta-trait.
>8 CP, 1 Mutagen, Manifest: Manifest an enhancement to the Haywire Switching feature to make it wreak greater havoc more readily. A bonus to the skill test or the effect sounds about right. There's also the Mutagen boost to mitigate any hardcap-related snags along the way. (8 CP + PsychoGen 12, !Existential Dread). - first set of rolls. Universe, please handle the Aberrancy roll on your end. Six sets of dice will make this post pretty confusing to read.
>6 CP, Manifest: for the third fatherfucking time, Manifest the ability to create telepathic auras of dread that induce despair and smother the will to live in those that are caught in them. I swear, this manifest is cursed or something. Haven't been able to get this one right on both maps. (6 CP + PsychoGen 12, !Existential Dread. Does the fact that I used to have Anxiety Churn (before a certain elevator-related incident) do something for us here? If so, I'm stating that fact for the record). - second set of 3d6
>4 CP, Manifest: re-develop the ablative psionic shielding that got lost in a certain transportation-adjacent mishap. (4 CP + PsychoGen 12). - third set

Vit 8/12 SP 3/12 CP 14
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Push 1
A Storm of Constant Chatter
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 9
#Psychogenesis 12
Auditory +2
Haywire Switching
!Psionic-Resonant 2
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] 2 (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
Biometric Card
2x Can O' Soda
6x Shards
Tallying the last few notions from this thread, and then Command assumes we're good to proceed.
Rolled 6, 4, 1, 4, 5, 6 = 26 (6d6)

MANIFEST - [NANOLATHE] - Dedicated suite of nano, micro, and macro machinery for fabricating equipment from greygoo mass.
>[Conversion 15(of 18), Focus 1, Change 15, Penalty -2]
Conversion is 10, not 15. Change is 15/18

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