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In the last thread, QM got his IP toggled and lost his powwuz.

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You, a Goblin of the Goblinslayer universe, chanced to rescue the grievously injured Yang Wuhan, 殃污琀, "Calamity-Corrupted Corpsepearl", also known as Divine Demon, Wyrmacide, Sword Specter, Wind Incarnadine, Gore Walker, Blade Emperor, the Absolute™, &c &c.

You being on the lam from (shudder) the Goblinslayer, and Yang Wuhan being on transdimensional lam from a desperate alliance of (puih) Righteous and Deviant sects, you find enough in common to form a Master-Student relationship.

He now calls you his Toady (Tudi; Disciple) and you call him Young Seafood, or Seafood (Yang Shifu; Master Yang). You being from an Always Neutral Evil race and him being all ways Chaotic Evil helps: you both understand and accept each other's abuse and exploitation with a hellish harmony.

You lead a lost child, Uille, to her death at Seafood's hands, because he asked for the blood of virgins, and Uille's 5. You also manage to break Seafood's World Piercing Dagger on a tree.

For your idiocies, Seafood punishes you by joining you and Uille, now Gui Li, 鬼 礼, "Ghostly Propriety", in Unworldly Matrimony. Your already fractious relationship with Gui Li is made worse when you respond to her demands for grudge-debt with a guts-to-gullet BRAAAAP. Your daily performance of Conjugal Performance Ceremonies (pastebin https://rentry.org/x8a6vnmo) and your impossible gobby ChaRizzma is the only thing keeping her in check these days.

Seeing your martial potential by how you broke a wondrous weapon that took 99 years to make, Young Seafood also begins to teach you the Thousand Segment Carrionpede Form, then you both go to Plague Town, aka Derreschston, so that Seafood can learn about this world's magic.

In the process of skulking and stealing all over Plague Town you manage to find a Whitey Big 'At's (Deacon Omer) body and Whitey Stick (Deaconic Rule; wand of office), Plague Dedder Dust, and Sordyfagg's (Dfidé Pieté; Paladin Squire) dirty laundry, and ovver inneresten fings.

While you are scouting and stealing from the Mayorate Court, a compound fortified and manned by the TownBoss (Mayor) and other commonfolk survivors, Seafood is making local business contacts...

>29 Dedder Dusts



>Yang Wuhan still needs 56LM
>22 days remaining
>Derreschston pop. 70LM remaining
>Current Derreschston Sus penalty -5

>+4(/4) Hit Chance, +2(/4) Physical Damage
>Gui Li causes -1 to stat gains in Form, to a min of +1 per gain.

Ep1: http://thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6051761/

A perfect circle traced in blood, with geomantic cardinals marked to match, and a Lein-in-Title of a House of the Dimmed, of Earth Under Earth.

One candle, minimal, of dead men's fat, melting into the eyes of a bestial skull.

A Word of Invitation: Abjuration of Heaven.

>...hs sh vh a a ahh

Hail thee, magician. Name thy desire.

"I will know your prices first. What can be got, for a soul."

A bargainer? I like thee rare. For most, their fate for their desire. For thee, the earth free for thy free will.

"Earth. Your dam (mother) can have the earth. I your Grandsire am the Sky."

[ t̵̛͖͚e̷̹̮̽ḙ̴̢̆e̵̬̊th̶͚̀ ]
Brief morsel know your PLACE

"Feih. What good comes from speaking to servants. Bid your Rank Venerable here. Or whomever masters you."

Dust and breath that dares to speak

b̸̡̡͚̼̦̣̥̠̰͇́̿̀̾̌̏͛͌͌͂l̸̫̱̯͉̪̘͎͔̋̍a̶̡͕̤͇̍̏͗͐s̴̥̥͉͒̿͘t̵͕̠͇̙̙̃͂̾̒́͒̕͘ ̷̱̝̪͚̯̈́̌t̵̳͙͙͖̞̗̝̖͆͊̈́̓̃̂͘h̸͓͉̯̋̓̋̈́̊̿͐y̶̧̭̜̥͚͕͔̣͔̾̂̇̀̚ ̶̘͓͎̙͌̌̚ͅm̴̡̡̝̟͆ǐ̵̢̢̝͍̼̭̗͔͚͋̈̋̏͝͝n̷̬̺͍͉̉͜d̸̡̡̡͓̝̜͒̈́ ̸̙̘̘̉͂́̌̂̎͌̕͝͠a̸̧̨̛̹̳̪̪̹̰̪͂͊̌̈̍͆͝͝ͅn̵̨̢̮̼̫̟͚̹͋͑͘d̵̩̈́̋̀̽́̏̏͠͠ ̸͔̳͍͓̎f̴̛͚̂̏̔̏̾̏́͝l̴̛͔͋̿̀̈́̆̐̎ẽ̶͔̬̬͂̌̕͠ͅs̶̀̊̈̒͆̎͂͝ͅḩ̴̧̧̫̳͎͕̳̞͛̊̆̾̚ ̸̛͔̝̝͉̻̜̬̙̍̈͂F̵̙̭̟̼͈̦̀͝O̴̗̼̭̒̉͛R̶̡̹̗̱̪̰̰͖̫̋͐F̷̨͇́͒Ȇ̵̛̳̯͙̜͍͓̏̀̓ͅͅĮ̷̧̼̞̖̖͖͍͇̺̐̋̈́̓͒́̑T̶̢͙̠̪̥̉͜

"... ..."



Profoundest Sorceress, Prodigious and Beautiful, how are you-

"Are you gone deaf, dogsbody? I your Grandsire bade call your Overlord! Forget it! Now I will call!"

Another circle, made outside the first, encompassing it, activates. This one is simpler, savager: a trench of fingerbones tracing rude address, and a known Title of Ancient Envious Vanity.

... ...

"Mistress, Oneself your customer am dissatisfied. Oneself came to call with ready business, being observant of Territorial Courtesies, and am treated as a peddler at the door by this pig-addle. Not a table and a cup of tea, not even asking One's Great Name, but to One's Person, boor voice and lout hand raised! How shall you redress this."

... ..?

"The mutterings of a gnat are hard to remember. "Mind blasted and flesh forfeit" was it? Mistress, One has some forty of this world's Souls in hand. One will gift them all to Yourself, to enjoy a Day's Dure at Whim 1 . In return, grant One permission to blast the mind of this for satisfaction, and to keep its body for suitable purpose. It is to be hoped that our business may resume hereafter. In good term."

1: Infernal Usages of Contractors and Traffickers.

Translated: a Cosmic Second's (437.5 earth years) worth of imprisonment with hard labor enforceable by Corralage Means (crops and goads, usually), but no Grievous Means (degradation; defiling) and no Torment (crf Divine Comedy, Jade Record, Perek Helek, Hundred Paths Brahmana &c) permitted.

Unless Someone finds out and manages to interfere, they are very very done.

... ...
... ...

"With Yourself the Mistress' permission, I would confine the soul of a failed Righteous Adherent in it. A "Son of the Charity." "

... ...
..! ..?

"Yes. To serve One's works. To mouth One's Truths. To eat One's filth out of Oneself should One so wish. All One bids, until the vessel fail and permit refusal. Thereafter, who can say. But till then..."


... ...

O Majesty
O Queen
O Empress

Pray TheeAAAAA
Ȁ̵̧̧̨̡̨̧̧̢̧̨̧̡̢̨̨̡̨̨̢̛̛̛̛̪͔̺̝͖̪̥̮̟͖̙̹̺̳͎͓͔̺̳̻̞̣̠͙̺̝͚̰̘͖͔̭̟̦̺̤̗̥͇͈̭̻̹͕̗̯͈̺͉͔͕̗̤̟̗̗̳̬̖̻̟̭̦̥̣͙̪̖̗̙̮͓̰̪̳̺̜̟̻̬̹̖͖̘͇͖͚̰̬̥̖̱̬͙̥͉͔̫̫̩̝̼̙͕̻̰͉̙̺̪̱͉̆̔̓̌̀͌̍͒͋̍̋̈́͒̔̈́̃̌̋̑̂̈́̓̇̈́́̊̿͋̉̐̈́͑̆̎́̐̀͐̔͊͆̆͌͆͌͛̈́͊̀̋͑͋̒͒̿̐̓͊̃̂̑̑̃͂̂̽̾̋̈́̔̉́͒͂̓͐͌́̐̃̌͑̋͑͒͆͗͋̿̈́̄̊́̾̌͘̕͘̕̚͘͘̚̕̕̚͜͜͜͜͝͝͠͝͝͠͝ ̴̧̧̧̡̧̢̡̧̡̨̨̢̢̢̡̡̢̧̧̢̨̡̡̡̛͖͕̯͖̟͇̤͎̹̞̮̭͔̹̝̫̘̜̫̻̖̝̜͔̗͍̥̘̰̱̖̪̩̞͍̻̗̙̦̹̥̗͙͇̤̟̪̼̗̙̫̞̦͙̱̰͙̗̙̭̹̭̻̱͙̬̺̞̗̙̙̣̰̬͙̫̬̯̰̭͚̳̝̰̖̻̪̱̞͕̦̤̭̺̪̖̭̖̳̹̟͔̘̙̗̦̞̥̭̖̰̰͚̙̱̱͔̞͓̺̳͎̩̩̺̳͙̬̝͓̼̳͓̱̠̬͚̦̝̮͙͕̰̥͍̜̫̥͍͇̤̟̙̰̱̭̬̞͔̠̪̫̥̟̠̺͎͖͓̩͖̬̫̹͔̝̜̦̘̞̻̹̥̗͖͇͚̬̭̠̘͔̬͉̺̣̳̱̼͚̺̳͖̰̭̼̰̫͍̥͇̺̺͚̗̠͈͓̜͔̪̝͉̼͉̻͖͚̮̖̪͚̰̹̬͇͍̼̝̝̩͈̠͔̼̰͇̪͆̔̃͗͗̑̏̐̒̇͛̾̿͑͊̏̔̉̑͗̈́͆̿̓͑̉̋̾̃̊̎͋͑͒̇̓̈́̈́͑̾͗̊̒̀̿͛̓̊̈́̓̓̾̆͒̿̏͗͒̾̽̔̍̓͌͑̏̀̃̄͛͊̑̊̀̑͊̌̐̾͂̊͛̊̋̀́̈́̍̀͒́̔̾̈́͂̐͗͌̐̋̕̕̕͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͠͠͠ͅͅͅͅa̶̢̧̡̧̧̧̧̧̢̧̧̱̺̬̝̖̣͍̺͓̥̘̪̘͈̯̙̪͕͍̺̱̹̬̠̠͍͚̜̞͙̖̼͉͎̫̹̻͉̬̮͈̗͇̠͓̺̠͉͈̭̱̟͇̤̣͔̘͙͎̺͈̥͇͙͚̗̮͕̻̖͈̻̺̩̣͙͖͚͕̹̤͚̳̘̫͙̩͚̩̜͚̺̳͕̮͚͌́̋̓̍͐̌̓́͘͜͜͜͝͝ͅ ̶̢̧̢̡̧̢̧̡̡̨̡̢̧̢̡̢̨̛̛̛̛̛͙̰̤̩͈͓̱̰̬̦͓͚̙͇͓̪̳͖͚͎̠̱͎̘͎͙̤̠̜̹̮̘̗͔̘̟͉̞̘̖͚͉͕̫͉̙̩̣̳͓̦͎̦͎͈̭̥͈̯͍̭̪̞̠͈̳͖̥̻̟̰̹̤͓͙͚͎͉̤͔̰͓̼̪̳͎̣̼̪̳͎̟͍͔̫̙̤͕̯̘̬̩͈̮̳͖͈̹̜̖̖̖̥̳͓̼̞̯͔̦̳̝̱͈̦̙̜̱̖̗̤͈̖͎̦͈͈̦͔͚̗̹͉͈͕͖̥̰̱̤̗̯͈̜̩͎̝͉̟̜͎͇̥̥̬͙͉̯̞̺̙͕̗̟̍̾̐̃̀̀̑̀̿̍̏̀͌́̂̐͐̄̓̆͐̎͋̒͐́̓͛̾̑̓̈̌̇̄̈́̄͐̑̃̀̿̐̒̀̿̎͆͋͆͌͒͐̈̍̊̓͂̋̿̈́̃̈́́͂̌̾̾̔̊̈́̈̿̒͌̎̊͊̒̒͆͊̈͂̈́̂͐̔̄͆͂̔̃̄̌̀̋̄͛̀̈́͌̔̏͊͑̋̆̎͂̽̓̎̔̑͑͂̎̏̋̍̓̈̈́͑͛͆̆͗̈́̒̋̓͗̃̈́̈̏͐̈̓͂́̏͛͌͒̔̀̆̌̄̀͐̂̈́̔̀͗͂̒̓́̈́̐͋̿̄̎̊͐͑͒̋͂̃̀̃͗͗̋̌̆̂́̍̾̂͛̓͛́̽̋̒́͒̄̐͊̿̿͐͛͑́̉͋̃͊̍͗̈́̓̉̃̓̂̒̌͐̊̀́͊̀̀̂̎͛̏̄͗̀͛̀͋͂̑̍͘̕͘̚̚̕̕̕̕̚͘̚͘͘̕̚͘̚̕͘̕͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͠͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͠͠͠͝͝͝͠ͅͅà̵̧̡̡̢̧̨̡̢̨̧̨̧̧̧̨̢̨̢̡̡̛̛̛̛̛̛̛͕͙̺̬̤̝̪͖͍̺̦̪̹̤̥̹͙̳̖͚̻̳̱͉̺͔͍͓̱̰͇̱͍͎̭̭̫͚̥̻͙̫̤̘̱͎̘͖̼̫͚͙͚͚̥̦̟̤̞̝̙̜̺̟͇̻̹̟̳̪̺͉̞̣̠͓̤̝̯̘͚̜̦͕̪̜̩̪͓͕̮̱͇̙̟̹͖̺͍͙͍͚̘̞͖̮̞̯͓̗͖̹͖͍̺̼̙̟̤̜̘͓̹̤̹̬̮͎̯̘̞̦͓̫͍̻̜̬̞̖͎̫̫̹̜̙͉̦̱̠̖͇̩̫̯̩̙̻͈̳̣̮̩̳͈͍̰̦͉̣͈̣̭̩̮̘̰͕͛̊̀̒͂͒̾̓̇̏̓̔̾̓̃̓̇̇͆̊̏͒̾̋̐̃̋̿̐́̔̉̐̍̆͑͆͗͋̍̔̓͌͌́͑͂͆͑̏̍͒̌̀͂̂̀̀́̉͐̏̎̐̿͑̀̈́̿̑͐̈̒̍̈́͑̊͂͒͗̀̄̋̑̃̏̓̌͆̀͆̂̆̔̂̑̆̒͋̒̑̍̒̍̇͐̎̓̉͆̀̉͌̌̎̔̽́͆͆̃̈́́͐̉̈́͗̒̍͐̋̃͛͋̄͗͒̈́̍̈̾̑̾̆̀͒́̈́̿͆͗͑͑̑́̑̎͊͗̃́͊͌̍̓̌̉́̊̉̊́̆́̾̓̏̍̃̃̈͊̈̑͂̆̽́͒̔̏̃̇͌͛͗̒̎̑̈̽̈́͑̔̉̑̈́̇̏̓̓̓̓͑͗̓̍̌̀͂͗̽͘͘̕̕͘̚̚͘̕͘͘̕͘̚̕͘͘͘̚͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͝͝͠͠͝͝͝͝͠͠͝͝ͅͅͅͅ ̴̢̢̧̨̧̧̢̧̧̢̢̨̧̡̡̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̤͉̮̺̘̩̮̰̠͈̮̳̩͖̗̯̦̤͍͙͖̪͍̰̹͎̠̫̣͔̯̞͉̬͍͇̪͙̻͍̞̩͎̬̠̥͕̖̰̮̹̮͇̼̭̝̙̪͍̮̖͖̰͔̼͕̭̜̥̖̟̜͖̖̼̰̬͖̫̞̺̗͕̘̺̞̥̺͙̳͉̬̥̗̹̦̩̘̦͕͈̮͚̺̟̬̟̩̱̤̜̼̰͖̳̭̝̠͇͇̪͚̠͕͓͔̻͍̝͓͕̖̟̯̰̯͖̥̝͉̝̭̟̩̼̯̥͈̩̳̬͔̤͇̫̣̖̰̙̙͖̩̿͐͆̋͂̌̊͑̀̎̀͗́̔͊̃̃͂̍͗͂̽͑͋̑̿͐̽̈́͒͌͒̏̋̉̓͂̾̈̾̽̏͑̈̈́̈́̆͊̿̃̍̄͋́͆̓͂̊̈͑̏̉̄̌̌̈͐̇͊́̌̈̏̌̿̽͐͒̐̂͐̈́͌̋̆̃̈́͛̍̀̍͑̊̂̾̀̋͒̓͌͐̃͋̉̑̑̋́͛̍̑̿̍̆͆́̈́̐̍͋́̏̂̿̓̽̾̌̋͒̒͋̌̀̇̌̄̓͗͑͐̌̍̈́͛̓̽͒̎̊̈́͊̈͗̓̎̾̎͆͐͋̌͊̿̊͂̉͊̌̃̈̿̀̐̏̈́͒͒͗͛̈́̈̓̈́̂̔͑͌̈́̃͌̆͗͆̕͘̕͘̕̚͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͠͝͝͠͝͝͠͠͝͠͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅa̵̛̍̉́͂̔͐̋̇͂͌̌̄̓́́̋̔̉͑̀̈́͊́̚̕͝͠
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"How do you find your new body, MoAo (墨襖
mo4ao3; Coat of Ink, literary, Coat of Learning). "

>I feel

"How does this compare, with your "Vampires"? "

>Don't know.
>yet empty.
>I have my own mind
>I possess this body
>yet neither recognize the other.
>Neither obey.

"Then make them obey. Learn."


[backlore postdump ends]

newcomers reply
and roll 1D100.

Writan and Xianxianigans begins in 16hrs
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Bear witness!
Don't forget to archive the last thread

Rolled 77 (1d100)

1 roller anon reporting for doody o7
well met.


Perfect timing.
You get back to camp ... stop.

Derrs sumn hurr. It feels like dat bich Gui Li, but she's always with you, riding on your shoulder. You're used to her background corner-of-your eye spookshit. Dis spookshit feelz here-n-now n diffrent.

No finking, you get yer Dagga and Sicky out, start stalking towards the camp.

The Carrionpede Form is not the best for sneekibreeki, since you have to go low enough to nearly brush the ground, but gets through reflex blocks and guardstances easy and killykilly.

You see it: a tall shape, taller than a Humie, tall as a tall Binny (Elf; ~8ft). It's not even standing full straight yet: fing's slouching. No doubt in your mind it's a fing.

It shouldn't be scary, it's a bedsheet ghost. Black bedsheet. Wiv holes cut out ferra face. Okay, juzt a plain biggy 'ole for a face.

Nuffin da be fraid of. You just needz ta find Seafood and you both can take im. No doubt about that either.

Unless it arreddy kilt Seafood. Then you're going to start nopeing the other way and not stopping until you run out of puke.

You don't think this likely, but you take a small swig of Gnoll Glenn + Delectable Solvent, just in case.

You half suspect this might be another of Seafood's doings; he did make the Corpse Mill 1 overnight, just so you can moosh up the Plague Dedders into Dedder Dust. And you have given him lots of BLOOD n dedders to date. And the Whitey Zappy Stick. And the crumped Goatface Cup. And the Bad Magic wots needled on Humie skid meats. There's no reason he can't make a... fingy out of all that. There's no reason he won't, neither.

Seafood can do all kindsa shidd. YOU just need to stay alive and useful and learn his Carrionpede all up, and you'll be kicking and plupping all kinds of ass.

You're still trying to see which approach might be quietest in when Seafood's current little-girl voice pipes up.

"Tudi. Come here." How does he fuggen do it? You wuzzent even moven r nuffin.

"Yah Sweetfoods. Mm here."

You get out of cover, tentatively going towards his voice. Yup: Seafood's there, cross legged in front of the fing, which had been blocking your view of Seafood's hovel.

You take care to doff your body and keep yerz Daggy n Sicky before presenting yourself.

When you step up, you do a half kneel, hands clasped, facing Seafood. Normally you're not this formal, but normally, there's no 8' tall black bedsheet hanging around listening.

Seafood gets you focussed:

"Where, whom, what. Speak." You gabble, answering the prompt before it gets upgraded to a pummel.

Courthouse. Fortifications. Guard. Supplies. TownBoss ready to leave; gives the guardchumps prezzies of booz n baccy candy; a semi-hidden safe, disguising an almost fully hidden Telly Popper stone tile.

1: Large grindstones, a vertical one with a push handle and axle on top of a flat one.
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The whole time you talk you notice the fing doesn't breathe, and the slow sway of the tatters it is wearing is not the wind.

If you were any closer to dat creepy muvva and it so much as turn to look , you might have lost your nerve and just shanked it out of instinct.

But you finish your report. It doesn't move the whole time.

Seafood closes his eyes, lays back to process.

"Mo Ao."


You shiver from it. There's no voice, just an 'orful feelen goin fru the inners of yer spine.

"Take off your Mute Garb (mo4 yi1)."

The fing draws back the part of the bedsheet covering its head, and the rest of it starts disappearing; shrinking into the gaps between bones and joints, looks like, but you're not sure, since this is creepy shit.

Underneath is Bad Ugly, a fuggen 'orful eyefull, but somehow not even half as bad as with the bedsheet on.

It smokes a little, all over; where dots of direct sunlight touch it the smoking is tripled.

"How does it feel, without the Mute Garb."



"Mm. Tudi."

"Yas Sweetfuds."

"Mo Ao."


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>chose TRAINAN
>rolled 1
>no nat100 from newanons+oldanons to counter

[C R I S I S

[Dimm Veyor Revenant]
[Demonic Undead]

HP: 66, per >>6083914
DMG: 10, per >>6083915
Hit Chance: -15 summoning sickness, -10 aberrant existence
Dodge Chance: -15 summoning sickness, -10 aberrant existence


[Thousand Segment Carrionpede Form Novice]

Kludge Armor: absorbing 2 out of every 3 dmg, 12/12 Dur, minus 1 Dur per 3 dmg
DMG: +10 Dagga, +4 Sickle, +2 Carrionpede bonus = 16dmg total
Hit Chance: +4 Carrionpede bonus, -5 Fatigue, -5 Flatfooted
Dodge Chance: -5 Fatigue, -5 Flatfooted

Mutual cancellation of Hit and Dodge penalties for both sides makes:

Hit Chance= -15
Dodge Chance = -15


Hit Chance = + 4
Dodge Chance = no mod



>TIME FER SUM BIG FINKS! WATCH AND DODGE ONE TURN AND TRY FIGGER SUMN! (gain +5 to Hit and Dodge by losing the Flatfooted status.) (Plus sumfin else)

>LEZZ FUGG DIS MUVVA UP! (Offense focus; higher roll chosen as Hit)

>KEEP OUTY REACH FIRST! STABBY SECOND! (Defense focus; higher roll chosen as Dodge)

>IMMA KLUDGE! GOT SUMN INNA POCKITSES JEZT ROIT TO REKK HIZ SHIDD! (write in; any previously mentioned items in simple combination)



>TIME FER SUM BIG FINKS! WATCH AND DODGE ONE TURN AND TRY FIGGER SUMN! (gain +5 to Hit and Dodge by losing the Flatfooted status.) (Plus sumfin else)
This thing wouldn't dare hit Seafood. Which means Seafood is excellent to put between us and it.
Rolled 41, 17 = 58 (2d100)

forgot roll
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[ C R I S I S ]


Rolled 54, 51 = 105 (2d100)

>TIME FER SUM BIG FINKS! WATCH AND DODGE ONE TURN AND TRY FIGGER SUMN! (gain +5 to Hit and Dodge by losing the Flatfooted status.) (Plus sumfin else)
Rolled 34, 88 = 122 (2d100)

>LEZZ FUGG DIS MUVVA UP! (Offense focus; higher roll chosen as Hit)
Go big or go home
Rolled 39, 49, 67, 81 = 236 (4d100)


Rolled 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3 = 18 (8d3)





You totally didn't expect to get thrown under the horsecarriage just after giving Shitfool a favorable report, but why are you not surprised?

>Bcuz Shitfool is an always-bugghole dats why

Lesson learned: bullybuggs do bad things for no reason, because unreason-ness inflicts constant fear in the victim's head. If you get out of this alive you're going to remember that.

Mo Ao the Fing swipes at you like he's trying to claw or grab you; it's real tall, tentacles everywhere, didn't hesitate one second after Shitfuck said Fight, but it's moving like a biped, and clumsy.

You tuck and roll backwards out of its immediate reach, hear it clench sod.

You could strike back immediate, but nope: you want to see how it moves, what it can do with that stilt-walker physique.

Once you have some distance you make feints left and right, and it follows you feints, tracking and predicting. So it's not stupid, just slow.

It walks over or brushes away obstacles; it's always solid.

It doesn't run or sprint, just walks with short lunges when it's near enough; no burst of speed, no pounce.

As it chases you get up a tree, which it tears at. The destroyed foliage lets down the sun, and you see bitty parts of its face and torso twist into mist.

So! The Fingy hates the sun eh!

There's not a lot of sun here, but if you destroy a tree in the camp clearing, or get to the open road like 200 steps away, you could-

"Hold." You both hold. You get your Dagga out though.

"Tudi. Stay where I can see you. Continue."


You're peeved by the setback, the invention of new rules just to shit on you, but there's no time to complain. Where next to run, if not for the sunny road? Where-

You run straight towards Slutpoop. Maybe you can bait the Fing into hitting him, or crash into him; maybe he'll be annoyed enough to hit it for you. You can always claim it was an accident, right? Accidents happen.

The Fing actually slows as you scrabble up the roof of Shitfuck's hovel, doesn't swing at you like you thought it would.

Shitfuck says to it, "Pretend I'm not here. Continue." And immediately the hands come down, clawing down planks. But youve already jumped clear.

You've taken the edge off your panic, and you've got a tactic: you'll interpose the hovel between you, and counter when the Fing wastes momentum trying to get you. It will work long as the hovel's up.

>Mo Ao loses 3hp per round in the sun in this form.
>Hovel has 8/8 Dur, absorbing 3dmg per Dur rounded up.
Rolled 11, 39 = 50 (2d100)

QM roll round2 attacks
ignore prev post,

round 2 attack based on

>66HP, 10DMG
>67 - 15 = 52 for attack
>81 - 15 = 67 for attack
>no typo; special ability

>12HP, 16DMG
>Kludge Armor 12/12 Dur
>Hovel 8/8 Dur
>88+4+5 for attack
>34+5 for defense


Those hands look like they're made of thick glue starch, but they're tough and land heavy.

You make a run around the hovel to gain distance, then into the hovel and crouch just behind Shitfuck, not touching him.

When the Fing brings its limbs down to smash the hovel and everything in it, you go on the attack.

You darted out a little slow, but fuggit: the hovel took all the punishment for you. Now it's time for


You reach and get going, really givvitim: instep ankle calf knee thigh-!

You finish your combo barely reaching its hips when it recovers enough to swat at you.

A few tentacle ends chopped off from your rampage up its anatomy wriggle off you, squirming on the ground.


>20dmg inflicted by Mo Ao
>hovel absorbs 20; 3dmg per Dur, rounded up; 1/8 Dur left
>Toady has 12 HP left
>Kludge Armor had 12/12 Dur left

>16dmg inflicted by Toady
>3dmg inflicted by sunlight
>Mo Ao has 47HP left


>GIVVIDIM! (Offense focus; higher roll chosen as Hit)

>DOJJIM! (Defense focus; higher roll chosen as Dodge)

>KLUDGE! (Roll to dodge and improvise! Improvise what exactly? Write!)

Current net bonuses for TOADY
>+9 Hit
>+5 Dodge

Current net debuff on MO AO
>-15 Hit
>-15 Dodge


12 hours.
Rolled 94, 90 = 184 (2d100)

i really put us in quite a predicament didnt i?
thats the price for high rolling for so long...
>GIVVIDIM! (Offense focus; higher roll chosen as Hit)
if we maintain dodge luck we can actually win. so lets focus on striking it down so we need less luck
>94 and 90
my redemption arc
Rolled 36, 3 = 39 (2d100)


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The Fing lurches on you, just not letting up.

>Mo Ao rolled Offense 36-15 = 21
>Toady rolled Defense 90+5 = 95

The first swipe misses you with loads to spare. But the second! A reckless follow-up, with tentacles whipping in every-

>Mo Ao rolled Offense 3-15 = 0
>Toady rolled Offense 94+5 = 99

Nevermind! Dat dum muvva tripped on it's own wormy bits!


You get it good again! Full combo! You think most Humies would be dead already if they weren't Fighty. The Fing's still on its feet, and coming again. Not bleeding, full motion. You're starting to think it has no gutts in there.


>16dmg inflicted by Toady
>Mo Ao has 31HP left

>hovel has 1/8 Dur left
>Toady has 12 HP left
>Kludge Armor had 12/12 Dur left


>GIVVIDIM! (Offense focus; higher roll chosen as Hit)

>DOJJIM! (Defense focus; higher roll chosen as Dodge)

>KLUDGE! (Roll to dodge and improvise! Improvise what exactly? Write!)

Current net bonuses for TOADY
>+9 Hit
>+5 Dodge

Current net debuff on MO AO
>-15 Hit
>-15 Dodge


Rolled 69, 55 = 124 (2d100)

quick update. nice.
>Mo Ao has 31HP left
i believe you forgot the 3 sunlight damage
>GIVVIDIM! (Offense focus; higher roll chosen as Hit)
stay on the offense. shitfool will be impressed (or at least surprised) when we no hit this fing
>>Stab it in the asshole and violate it
>but the 3 sunlight damage
nope, only if Toady commits to kludging a hole in the canopy.
This post was only a matter of time. Roll 2d100 ye damn poivoit; this will be understood as an Offensive focus.
Rolled 81, 88 = 169 (2d100)

was phoneposting and couldn't roll
Here you go!
Rolled 26, 18 = 44 (2d100)


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You're fairly sure of the Fing's tempo now: like a biped, doesn't change. Stomp stomp, stomp stomp. And you got its reach measured. The next time it sweeps-

>Mo Ao rolled Hit 26-15=11
>Toady rolled Hit 88+5 =92

You put the Dagga into its wrist and start gashing your way up it, forearm, elbow, bicep

>gunnae getz yer SHOULDA
>zennz I'z getz yer FA-

It's forward momentum doesn't stop just because you're laying it in, doesnt flinch just because you put yer Dagga n Sicky in it: the Fing smashes the last of the hovel between you, takes whatever you dish out, and follows through, landing its intended blow!


You feel several planks in your kludge armor snap, falling out of the double layered basket serving as a plate carrier. The impact went right through. Muvvafugga. At least it's just weird meat smacking you, not actual weirdness.

It takes another swing, not stopping that stomp stomp, stomp stomp.

This one you dodge: the arm sinks into the sod, the fingers and tentacles raking lines.

Behind the Fing, in the rubble of the hovel, Shitfuck pushes away wood rubble to get a better view. Cunt's lying down on his side, digging his nose. You haven't seen him piss or shit using the Pall Body; you'd bet a meal it doesn't produce boogers, and Shitfuck's just doing it to mogg you.



>16dmg inflicted by Toady
>Mo Ao has 15HP left

>Mo Ao inflicts 10dmg

>hovel has 0/8 Dur left; REKT
>7dmg carried over
>Kludge Armor soaks 2per3dmg, losing 1Dur per 3 damage, rounded up
>2dmg reach Toady
>3Dur lost
>Toady has 10 HP left
>Kludge Armor had 9/12 Dur left


>GIVVIDIM! (Offense focus; higher roll chosen as Hit)

>DOJJIM! (Defense focus; higher roll chosen as Dodge)

>KLUDGE! (Roll to dodge and improvise! Improvise what exactly? Write!)

Current net bonuses for TOADY
>+9 Hit
>+5 Dodge

Current net debuff on MO AO
>-15 Hit
>-15 Dodge

Rolled 42, 77 = 119 (2d100)

How the hell did the scopsucker hit us with our godly rolls and his cursed rolls
>GIVVIDIM! (Offense focus; higher roll chosen as Hit)
Rolled 21, 42 = 63 (2d100)

>GIVVIDIM! (Offense focus; higher roll chosen as Hit)
>how did dat jizzgobbla hit us

Creature Feature. It can opt to hurl itself at you with zero preservative instinct.

Translate: it will just tank your attack with no intent to dodge, just so it can attack u moar.

Most creatures who are not berserk or meth-enabled do not have this ability, YOU included. At least one of your 2d100s per round has to be a dodge.
Rolled 100, 31 = 131 (2d100)


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Now that you've been going at it for a bit, you know the Fing just plows through.

You're mostly healthy, your kludge armor still goodish; you'll take whatever it can dish for one round and finish the Unworldly puke.

>juzz geddinerre
>take a lick
>n cut itz TONKERS ORF
>no wait it has no tonkers

Out of respect for the 100, QM has optimized Mo Ao's rolls.

>Mo Ao rolls 31 -15 =16
>Toady roll 77+5 = 82

You eat the clumsy heavy smash on your back


and by trained reflex go into the Eight Transformations, squirming from the point of impact to face the limb, then you're squirreling up it in a killykilly frenzy.

You go as fast as accurately as you can up something with no consistent proportion or ossic architecture, taking the opportunity of its lowered shoulder to reach


Your Dagga goes in its nosehole immediately, and you lever it as many times as you can in opposing directions. Keeping your grip on the folds of its flesh with your feet

nerrrrrr ikyikyyuhkk

and holding the thrashing head in place with the Dagga, you get the sickle's crescent between the jaws trying to bite you, and


slice through the tungg, the jaws, and the spinal column.

Without missing a beat you kick off from the Fing's shoulders with the head in your hands, showing off.

You flip through the air, sticking yer jolly green chubber inna skull's neck 'ole while flipping through the air, then sticking the landing


while holding up the Fing's head handsfree.


Sleepfull raises his eyebrows. Points his pinkie. Over your shoulder. What-


You scramble, already digging your toes, pumping your legs to get away

>Mo Ao rolls 100-15 = 85 Hit
>Toady rolls 42+5 =47 Dodge

The golfsmack sends you upwards into the foliage. Yer chubber's gone by now; the Fing's head slips off. And the foliage stops enough of your momentum that you realize you are falling just where there's nothing to grab.

>aah shHIIII-


>16dmg inflicted by Toady
>Mo Ao is REKT

>Mo Ao inflicts 20dmg
>Kludge Armor soaks 2per3dmg, losing 1Dur per 3 damage, rounded up
>6dmg reach Toady
>7Dur lost
>Toady has 4 HP left
>Kludge Armor had 2/12 Dur left


next post 12hrs for real.
thank god we made it...
can we get positive nat 1s and 100s from now on please?
thanks for updating so fast QM
i was invested in that quest before this one
sadly, the QM of that quest also died, but it had no replacement QM
im hopeful you want die on us QM
what is a positive nat 1 or 100? I googled and it turned up AIDS tests. (YOU) and the enemy will both get your 100s and 1s paid out in some way, regardless of your bonuses. Neither will get you an instant KO, but they must feel like a kick in the tendies.

Don't feel too bad. I wanted to give you just some kit upgrades if YOU beat the Dimm Revenant, which originally was supposed to switch to defensive at 50% HP.

But you managed to beat it so good I let it play meth-head for one, then TWO turns.

And you still kicked its nads to the netherworld.

You're getting something better now.
lol, only the Weak Races need class levels.

Goblins gain passive utility skills like Bluff, Persuasion, Perform, Climb, Swim, Intimidate, Knowledge (Anything without Reading), Create Improvised, Improvised Weapon Mastery, Tactics, etc, just from surviving beatings; this is lore-accurate per GoblinSlayer.

Thus, the Goblin Chief at the end of season 1 that took a Guild Raid to get rid of, is still regarded as "just a Goblin".
link that pathetic display.

If it's interesting enough and still up after I have finished at least one Campaign chapter in Goblin Cultivator, I'm going to shit up that one too.

I probably won't get killed by boulders.

Rocks fear me.

As they should.
what i meant was that we got "something bad" for both the 1 and 100. RNGzuz has forsaken us. (the fact that you got a 100 on so few d100 rolls this quest is honestly insane)
so i would appreciate it if we could have the next 1 or 100 be "something good"
either way something interesting happens and i will be there for it
i did link it no?
have a look. updates were slow but it had great potential:
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ToadyAnon rolled nat1 for his daily choice; bad for YOU; QMonster rolled nat100 in combat, good for QMonster.

A horrid coincidence.

Next time YOU roll 100 expect to get similar or better treatment. Best offer.
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"Mo Ao. Dead yet."


Yang Wuhan finds the dropped skull along the trajectory the Revenant's body send his Disciple. Picks it up.

"How long shall you stay a skull. Can you call forth the Mute Garb in this state."

I can call forth the Garb.
I feel it might be almost two months before a new body rise
Under the Garb.

"49 days. Within expectation. Was there a reason you did not use any of your body's special characteristics. Are you incapable."

They are unnatural to use.
An alien sense of appendage.
I might use some of them if I was unhindered.
In close battle, difficult.
Even with practice I may take too long.

"Mm. Can you turn insubstantial. Invisible. Fly."

The Dimm Revenant tries. By turns it turns intangible, faint, slowly levitates above Man height. It attempts combinations of these, varying the effort distribution.


Not completely.
Not all at once.
Not well.

"Useless. What tools of soldiery can you use."

Simple weapons, in life.
Larger and heavier, in this flesh.
If I wear the Mute Garb they pass through.

"Can you retract the Mute Garb from your hands to wield physical weapons."

Focus is required.
Or practice.
I must turn wholly material to fight with plain arms, or be easily disarmed.

"Special arms then, for you. Your Master will see to it. Do you retain any memories of the last mind in that body."

Of arising in the Dimm Lands.
Of long intrigue between the Eminent.
Of career purpose. Surveyor, Conveyor, Purveyor.
It has never seen the Queen, nor ever hoped,
Until my Lord a stranger bade her forth with Art.
An aweful development, of inconceivable origin and implication.
The last moments of its mind was Terror.

"Hmph. Any spells. Information, precise and current. Secrets."

... ...
They feel...taken.
The pertinent memories stop, as paths in fog.
The path joins again, further in the way, but the city on the path, the memory desired, has been passed through unnoticed.
It is disorienting to try.

"Clever. No fool, the Dimmu Queen.

She is old.
Lord, to warn:
Careless address of Her is danger.
Only euphemistic, or deliberate.
This body somewhat listens, without my will.
Her mention quickens it.
Lord, pray thee, abstain.

He smirks. A gallant bow from a little girl's shape, form perfect, but of substance mockery and spite.

"All within expectation, Dimmu Queen."
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Rolled 4, 5 + 2 = 11 (2d6 + 2)

Shitfuck finds you hobbling back to camp. He waves you away with one hand; his baby doll is wedged in his armpit, his other arm is full carrying the hedd of the Fing.

"Henlo Sh-hm-hm, Sweetfoods."

"Forget the old place. Go that way."

You follow obediently. The moment you reach somewhere Shitfuck finds to his liking he plops down in the shade and commands you to build him another hovel.

No rest for or from the wicked.

You don't dare sulk.

Just fix up yer kludge armor a little and do one Ceremony before you go jobbing again.

>29 Dedder Dusts
>§107 -2 for impromptu repairs
>QM roll for new hovel cost and Dur

>Toady 5/12HP; no rest and patch permitted until later
>Kludge Armor 4/12Dur; no full repair permitted until later

>Yang Wuhan still needs 56LM
>22 days remaining
>Derreschston pop. 70LM remaining
>Current Derreschston Sus penalty -5


>Serch Cherch MOAR (Ш) (familiarity bonus +15)

>Serch Cherch MOAR (Ͳ) (familiarity bonus +15 +10)

>Pit (familiarity bonus +10)

>Mass Grave (Dedder Dust collection bonus +40)

>Mart Street

>Mayorate Court
>Courthouse (Familiarity bonus +15)
>Mayorate Residence + Stables


>by chokey choke? (GARROTE)
>by slashy slash? (DAGGA)
>[From whence? Write-in]

>[What? Write-in]

>Sordyfagg Sissy + ACTION (he suffers -12 Hit Chance and Dodge chance for your first encounter; -4 thereafter)
>Pit WatchBoss

>TRAINAN (Costs §2.5/day for Toady to completely focus on training) (Carrionpede Form is currently at +4(/4) Hit Chance and +2(/4) Damage) (Gui Li imposes -1 to gains in Form per gain at this time; min gain is +1)




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>29 Dedder Dusts
>§105 - QM roll 11 for new hovel
>=§94 bal
Rolled 25 (1d100)

>TRAINAN (Costs §2.5/day for Toady to completely focus on training) (Carrionpede Form is currently at +4(/4) Hit Chance and +2(/4) Damage) (Gui Li imposes -1 to gains in Form per gain at this time; min gain is +1)
Rolled 26 (1d100)

>TRAINAN (Costs §2.5/day for Toady to completely focus on training) (Carrionpede Form is currently at +4(/4) Hit Chance and +2(/4) Damage) (Gui Li imposes -1 to gains in Form per gain at this time; min gain is +1)
lets do it finally (would have come in handy during that fight)
or night doesnt matter here i think
wheres anon #3 at when we need him?
does he think hes the avatar or something???
Currently out and about so unable to roll. Sadge
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Training by day.
nice save anon #3
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>Bo3 89
>Reward for beating Mo Ao pending
>Reward for beating Mo Ao on HARD pending

>QM nap first
if you're a phoneposting filth like QM, here's a chan reader app that can roll dice.

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Rolled 19, 20 = 39 (2d20)

Before anything else, Seafood tells you to move the two grindstones that make up the Corpse Grinder to the new place.

He says that the Grinder had already started collecting Unworldly contamination from all the Plague Dedders you turned to Dedd Dust on it, but you can guess that's not the whole reason. He just wants to watch you work.

Whatever. With the help of some levers and pulleys you manage to get them edge side up.

Then it's just the chore of moving them some thousand paces across the forest floor to the new place.

Seafood tasks Moar Ow to help you, which is just a joke: the Fing's just a floating hedd now, not that you can see it when it's wearing its black bedsheet.

You do your best with your new workforce: you put two ropes through its eye sockets so it can help pull the bigger millstone vertical and steady it from overhead as you roll. Not too big a help, since Moar Ow sizzles when naked under strong sunlight, and when wearing the bedsheet it can only exert a moderate pressure for short periods before the ropes phase through.

If Shitfuck hadn't told it to take off the black bedsheet you're not sure a chance existed.

You manage to get the Corpse Grinder to the new place and set it up. A short rest after that, you start grinding Moar Ow's beheaded body in it. Seafood wants some for experiments; the great bulk of it he leaves to you, saying that cutting the Dedder Dust you've already collected with Fing Dust might make it...interesting.

You do as he says, taking care to plug your nose and ears, keeping your eyes and mouth covered in wet flour sacking. You're not sure how much these precautions help; after this you are going for a mudroll then a waterdunk, to be safe.

Moar Ow helps with the grinding of its own body. This is not the shittiest team building exercise ever, but it has passed the semis.


To pass the time, since the Fing's body is pretty biggy with a lot of unexpected cartilage, you make conversation.

"I killed you, you know."


"How's it feel, Deddy, loozen tuva Mastur Race? Will yer ancestors say yez lame?"


"How'd muh chubber taste? Gotza be a first time you tasted gobbjizz commen up. Mebbe it wuzznt the first time yez burped cumm? We've heard the storeez". You haven't actually heard any stories; this just shit Fighty Ones say around the campfire. It does seem to reliably annoy Whiteies though, especially Whitey Sissies. Maybe you can get him angy enough to tell you the story in terms of denial and apology (vis, coping).

It seems to work! Moar Ow speaks!

... Goblin.

You might want to get that looked at.

"Get what looked at?" You're suddenly suspicious. Fing better not be talking about your chubber. What you were sayen wuz juz joaks n larks. Goblins are not an Always Hoemoe-Gae Race, like the Vanilli Binnies, or their slightly cooler cousins, the EDSM1 Power Butt-hnrg Binnies.

>QM 2d20 for Dedder Dust gained from Mo Ao

EDging and StiMming
Holy shit. His body was so full of necrotic dust that it's worth more than what we already collected from a MASS GRAVE.
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He winces at your panicked shrieking, doesn't open his eyes, doesn't get up. He's counting something under his breath. You don't dare to interrupt him further, but your nerves fray as he makes you wait. You inch closer and closer with your crisis, to save time later.

Finally his fingers freeze in their count. With eyes still closed he says,

"Three steps back."

You do so, still holding the gray, fat, rot-pocked writhing fing in your hands.

He opens his eyes to glare at whatever you have to show him, and actually smiles.


You don't know why he's not alarmed; You're hysterical.

"What seems to be the problem, my precocious Tudi?"


"Wisest of your kind, that is not a thing. It is your thing."


Your circular dance of dismay actually makes him laugh, and the more frantic you get the funnier it gets for him, and you keep cycling through a feedback loop of hope and hysteria looking at him, until he has one palm on his belly and the other on the ground behind him to support his guffaws.

When he's finally done you've run out of tears. Then he tells you,

"Tudi. Come here." When you're in range he scratches you all over, especially on your belly and thighs, centering your fing, the same way he did when he Wed you to Gui Li.

"Done," he says, and claps his hands once. Sumn icky that isn't pizz or jizz comes out yez fing[/ii] to scald the ground, and you suddenly feel like it's yours again. It's grayer and gnarlier still, but the holes are closing. There's an ache in it like you get when a bone or a deep wound's mending.

Not your original nice cuke green anymore, but it's bigger in all directions. And gnobbier. And prehensile, woodjalookadat.

"Snff. Hic. Wad happent toit."

He waves you away. Somehow that reassures you.

"You wouldn't understand. Two diseases and a parasite. As you have no Spiritual Root, I've turned them into a False Spiritual Root, centered on your... root hmhm. Tell me when you tup a mortal female of a sentient dimorphic species."


"When you fugg something that is alive and possesses language and ovaries you utter goblin." Ahh. So he turned you back Gobliny then. Coulda jezt said. You're grateful anyway, a rare emotion. He saved yez gerkin. Yerz never calling him Shitfuck again. For now.

"Fanks BigBo-, nerr, Sweetfoods."


You spend most of Daytime trainan.

Gotta gitt gudd if Seafood's going to make Fings for you to fight now.

With Seafood's permission, you spend hours noif-climbing up trees with the Carrionpede Form trying to shank Moar Ow innaskullz.

>29+39=68 Dedder Dust balance
>additional minor reward for dat nat20 lootroll pending
almost double 20 is insane
QM continues to high roll...
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QM also went bugeyed. Handwaving like a mf.

Fresh demon corpse that got personally soulfragged by the Dimmu Queen. Whatever's left is +8 Narsty against the Living.
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Dis muvva is just annoying to foit, even without the black bedsheet.

It's gotten the hang of floating, so when you're not fast enough it always just levitates out of reach, forcing you to throw a shiv r sumn. If this weren't a forest with a branchy canopy layer and you didn't have a bow or rock sling, you wouldn't even bother fighting.

Moar Ao also started phasing through some of your attacks. Not a lot of them, maybe once in two full combos from you, assuming you're on target, but it's a troublesome development. You thought it could only phase through solid matter when wearing the bedsheet.

There is one good thing about fighting dis Fing: when you force it to phase, or if you clear the foliage over it so the sunlight hits its bare skull, it starts losing height quickish; if you use the sunlit patches to help chain your combos back to back, you can force Moar Ow to the ground.

Not having hands, just a bit of shoulder and couple ribs, Moar Ow doesn't have anything to counter you with. As you continue winning you get bolder.

And you twigg sumn.

The foit you had wiv Moar Ow wuz fuggen baalshidd is what it iz. Dis muvvaless Fing got fikk meats n lots bones n don't care what happen to it. It didn't flinch at all dis dirty cheap bastich BICH. It wuzzint alive, don't care for staying alive, proll don't even feel pain.

So of course it near kilt you: it could swing a plain smack, eat all yez slick killy combos face-on wiv how much meat it has, then follow through to get you. Four times it did this, fuggen no skillz no reflex no speed trash. And the gray finger-bone tentacles gave its swings some advantage of spread and reach, too, cheapy grabby glarkglugga. No bludd, no tendons, no gutts, nuffin. You might as well have been fighting fried dough.

Rigged foit, noskillz trash opponent, shidder Ref. Fuggen GARBIJJ.

When YOU fight, there's always the instinctive awareness of hurties coming, so there's always a sorty flinch margin in your head for ducken n rollen outta way. Smaatz Rolz, you call it. And Moar Ow doesn't have it.

It attacks accounting hurties already, not one fink about dodging. Sooo, if YOU accounts for hurties, n takes it face-on wiv yes armor...

"Reddy yer nutz, here I CUMMZ!"

When you give yerself no flinch margin, like yer 'reddy dedd, or finna die, all that momentum goes into getting KILLIER.

You manage to string TWO combochains back to back, without needing a patch of sunlight to stagger Moar Ow between them.

If Moar Ow still had a whole body it would have womped you real good in the exchange, no doubt about that. But against most anybody else you would have landed at least one combochain, guaranteed.

Fuggen noice.

Because it's not cheap when (((YOU))) do it.

It'z fuggen smaat.

>Thousand Segment Carrionpede Form Improved
>+4(/4) Hit Chance, +2+1=+3(/4) Damage
>YOU can now make your combat 2d100 BOTH Offense.
>hit on any>0
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>68 Dedder Dusts
>§94 -6 for kludge armor repairs -3 for self patch -2.5 for Trainan costs

>Toady 5+3=8/12HP
>Kludge Armor 4+6=10/12Dur

>Yang Wuhan still needs 56LM
>21 days remaining
>Derreschston pop. 70LM remaining
>Current Derreschston Sus penalty -5


>Serch Cherch MOAR (Ш) (familiarity bonus +15)

>Serch Cherch MOAR (Ͳ) (familiarity bonus +15 +10)

>Pit (familiarity bonus +10)

>Mass Grave (Dedder Dust collection bonus +40)

>Mart Street

>Mayorate Court
>Courthouse (Familiarity bonus +15)
>Mayorate Residence + Stables


>by chokey choke? (GARROTE)
>by slashy slash? (DAGGA)
>[From whence? Write-in]

>[What? Write-in]

>Sordyfagg Sissy + Action (he suffers -12 Hit Chance and Dodge chance for your first encounter; -4 thereafter) (write in for Action)
>Pit WatchBoss

>TRAINAN (Costs §2.5/day) (Carrionpede Form is currently at +4(/4) Hit Chance and +3(/4) Damage) (Gui Li imposes -1 to gains in Form per gain at this time; min gain is +1)

Improvement for TRAINAN is now Total of 3>150, OR Bo3 65.

Trainan cost and threshold for improvement will increase with Form level.






i dont know about you guys but i think its time we go rape someone
poor toady hasnt had pussy in who knows how long
and now that our dick got leveled up it seems like a good time to do that
we could also get a few kills while we're at it
who's with me?
Rolled 87 (1d100)

>Kidnap some wimmenz from the outskirts.
>At night.
knock 'em out if they ain't already asleep and tie 'em up and gag 'em and stuff 'em in the bag to bring back. Seafood can have the younger one(s?) that look virginal. We'll enjoy the other(s?)
Long as we keep them fed we can have 'em donate 10-30% of their blood to seafood. Probly closer to 30% since he's a hungry fugger. Then they heal up over a few days and donate again. Might be able to accelerate this by having seafood perform his amoral witchcraftery to push their body's blood generation to its limits at the cost of their longterm health (lol)
you must be new to this quest
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Rolled 1 (1d3)

The version of Pouch YOU have can slow decay, but most multicellulars will perish unless they have the appropriate Feats, Magic, Cultivation. Anyone you manage to push into it is going to die right quick. You might be able to time a boiling egg by them.

Seafood DOES have one that can keep living beings unconscious and alive; he won't give it because he knows everything you handle has ur smeggs n shidds on it. He is only able to consume the LM you bring him by extraordinary feats of coping.

>All other substances are untouched when I use the Crimson Banquet Essence Consumption (赭宴胭精, zhe3yan4yan1jing1)
>jing3 just means blood in this case and not semen also
>no, really

To start your bloodfarm you'll have to wrestle your livestock down conscious and alive, which might be difficult since you are at a size disadvantage with no Strength bonus, Mysticism or Alchemy.

The benefit of choosing to spec KillyKilly is being kinda shidd at anything that's not killykilly.

But just in case you roll like kings again, QM now rollan for netgains per LM if YWH overclocks captives to produce blood.
dice have spoken: no net gains from overclocking.

Google says, 10pints per adult; 1pint replaced in "a few weeks", so min 2 weeks for your bloodfarm to see a 10% return.

I'm not sure you have that kind of time before YWH loses his patience and you lose your favorite brain hemisphere.

Maybe after this, when you have the kind of time to start a real operation....
Rolled 23 (1d100)

nice creativity, but sadly it isnt feasible like that as QM said
lets just rape for now and not kidnap
kill after (or do we want to breed them?)
rolling (cant really get better than an 87 tho)

looks like my ID changed..
i only now noticed
would you mind me namefagging from now on?
as you please.

no idea why people get triggered by a site function.
Rolled 60 (1d100)

>by chokey choke? (GARROTE)
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writan starts in an hour
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Rolled 3, 2 = 5 (2d3)

Ohboyohboy (YOU)re going plupping tonight. It's been a good long while since you last struggle snuggled some sobbing wench and made her plopp a clutch of little (YOU)s.

The thought of preggen em by glopping right in theyz eggzbottles kicks your jizzgizzards into overdrive. You don't know what it is. All it needs is to be alive femmeat and can cry
>nooo nooo
while you're laying a mile of gobby plup innem, and it's got a #.

And with this fatty gnobbly, w r r i g g e l l y gutt masha you have a feeling they'd be screaming in pitches even if their saggy hamflaps were BRVVD n BVILT n TRVINT 4 MMT MVSSVV MVNVTVVRS.

Trouble of course is in that you're alone, no lair, no druggz, no Shammy Witchdocta to cast sleepy zapzaps r sumn; you're no good at rasslin at your size, and if you juzt shoved them innada Pouch alive they'll just die. Seafood told you.

So youre restricted to quickies, at least for now. That takes out half the fun already. You need time n private to plugg em until they love you, to see them pregg n plopp out mobbz.

If you're just doing quickies and carnt bring em along after, you'll need to killem when you're done: gobb pregged slutts always make a big noise to whoever's around, and if there's any suitable magic or medicine about they try to use it to bort the clutch you put in them. That's murder that is; if the Whities were really "pro-Loif" they'd let the preggslutts plopp all theyz gobby clutches, buncha hippy creeps.

Seafood sees you grinning absently while youre repairing your kit, sees the gray Gobbgantua slowly straining a hole in the front of your tuckeroos (gobby fundoshi) a warty girthy gray thrashing leaking tuber growing out of a goblin's crotch is impossible not to see , and says to no one in particular, "the jealousy of women hurry a man to death both sides of the grave."

Since he didn't say it to you, you think he's just thinking out loud. Seafood's kindy a poet; alluz sayen sum whimsy shit n refusen to elaborate.

Whatevah. You've put in more than a bit of work. You feel like you've earned sum Ræps n Ræproductens, gnehh heh hehh!


You go for the Skirts, appropriately; the poor are noticed last.

Lone Ræper that you are, you try to source very young or older women for easy prey. Not a lot of either to be frank; the Plague hit the weaker harder.

Knick-knicks hanging out to dry is a clue how many people in a place, if there's a man in there; swept cookfires or indoor kitchen means women, while unswept and outdoors means men.

No lights in any of these dwellings, though a very few have clay-and-wick teapot lamps on a stool by the bed or on the main table; no one wastes lamp oil in the Skirts.

Your first victim is a bit oldy, a Humie biddy approaching the Crone age category. She's hobfooted, judging by the cane next to the bed, with a stoop. Not exactly a MILP, but she'll do. You just need her to scream moar.
first of all: nice dubs
second: what have you done with QM, Anon?
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Like the last time when you did the bunch of feevy Humies, you poise a chokeychoke over her neck, this one made of a towel torn lengthwise. Your opener is a Blood Dot, temple + neck left, temple + neck right. As she opens her mouth to groan you yank down hard on your chokeychoke, concussing her, at the same time drawing the nooseknot of the chokeychoke closed, turning it into a gag.

Then you're on top of her. As she tries feebly to grapple whatever is trying to whatever her, you chicky wing the bich: put a shiv up each of her armpits. That cuts out the nonsense. Then you stomp her hard inna belly for giving you shit, and she's vomiting, swooning.

Bich this old wouldn't have been plupped in a long time. She should be grateful. You bind her wrists with ready nooses to the headboard, her ankles to the legs of the bed, and get out Gobbgantua.

It seems to have a semi-mind of its own, that you can read and command. You decide to plugg her bugg'ole first, because that always surprises them, makes them make that face, and later when they see you're about to plugg theyz ploppa wiv yez 'orble be-shidded GGP Green Gobby Penor, they make anuvva face. You're a connoisseur and it matters.


"N-no, no sta-UH"

She stiffens as Gobbgantua zeros in her sunless deeps, and with one thrust you spread a portal to her netherworld.

You hear a cricking in her body before you're even halfway in; sounds like da bich's backbone just got straightened. The half-breath scream that comes out by reflex makes you koom instantly.

And you're still 'ard. Still 'orny. You don't need to switch out with the next gobb in line: Gobbgantua still chubb n stiffu.

You get your grind on and glopp twice more inna bugg'ole.

"Nuuh, nuuh, hhhyezzz"

She's stopped moaning and fighting and is starting to smile. This new tackle really is sumfin, usually it takes a few weeks for you to fuggem till they lovvit.

Then you glopp once each in her sproggploppa n her mouf, because you're a perfectionist, and look at your handiwork.

She's grinning eyes open, staring at the ceiling, flat. Pupils really dilated, hrnn. No flinch response. You listen for a heartbeat: it's very slowed, like her breathing.

"Woi. Getz up." Here she responds, slowly like she's sleepy. You cut the binds from her limbs and start ordering her about.

"Dis fat Chubb ain't gonnae glaark itself."

" Now squatt onnet. Make it werk yez sproggploppa like yez churnen budda."

She obeys nearly all of your commands, except when it requires her bad hip or her chickywinged arms; she knows what you mean[/ii].

Making her take yer whole F I N G in all her 'oles just about rekt her tho': jaw dislocated, 'braded throat, perineal tears, prolapses, the woiks.

She can still walk good 'nuff, so you command she help wivva next un.
Sorrah, was lurking elsewhere, didn't put the tripp back.
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Wait a minute.
You get anuvva old bich living alone, and then, with two together, you team up onna third old bich, less old than the other two, stacked and built sturdier.

Same as before: chokeychoke noose, Blood Dot opener, and then the struggle. Normally she might have been able to fling you across the room with one hand if she managed to grab a fistfull of you. But at present you've already unlocked the door to let the two other biddies in before you started your choke+Dot combo. The moment the big old bich sits up and start to struggle, the other two bodily weigh down her hands while you panic and keep trying to Dot her through her two chins, before giving up and clocking her right where the back of the neck joins the skull wiv the blunt of your shoddy ax.

You do enough trauma for her to be trussed like a pig.

She's alive, and more deliciously, awake when you do her. She's still trying to get away from the things assaulting her in the dark, when you tear off her bloomers and begin an altogether different kind of assault.

She bleeds more than the other two, even though she's moister down'ere, and her struggling ugly-cry just riles you.

You mulch and plough her like a 'Bama cornfield, sending what must be half a pint of jizz right inna eggzbottles each time you KOMM, and after the third fikk fatt ngutt she's smiling too.

It's weird, but you notice you're a lot less interested in them once they turn gray and start grinning. Even though the big thicky biddy's still got her mouf n bugg'ole waiting to be bulged wiv splooj like a pastry chef trainee's kreempuff, youre off it.

When you got the first crippy old biddy to perform sexual gymnastics it was novel, but in itself, rippen innem once theyz gray is... mehh. Gotta ask Seafood about that later.

You ask the three you got to bring you food; they don't. You have to sack their hovels yourself to find some postcoital munchies and gluggs. Hrnnn. They have no memory then?

You ask them questions; they just stare at you with their blank, supportive grins. Yup: theyz lost everfin up dere.

And you get to finkin and twigg sumn else: the first biddy you did turned gray from bugg'ole pluppen. Did that mean your slutts don't have to have an eggzbottle to get turnt gray? What if you plupped a Man? Men Humies got bugg'oles too.

You wouldn't normally, because it doesn't feel right, man-pluppen.

But itz not gae if itz to maekem gray.

Gotza try. Fer zoiance.


Cuvkenmelle to a nauseating pain on both sides of his neck. He sits up gagging, on reflex and is hauled back down to the bedding by a noose around his neck.

He fights against the thing at the end of the noose trying to weigh him down. He gives a hoarse bark trying to shout, and his left temple is hit twice, and his gorge surges. The noose choking him doesn't let much of it out of his mouth; the surge goes up his airways instead, out the nose, chunks of his meagre dinner. Salt soup lentils.
He tries to roll off the bed, tries to kick, but something's got his legs together.

He manages to kick a foot out of its grip, but then something hard and blunt slams right into his crotch instead. In the haze of pain the noose tightens at the head of the bed, and his knees are kept together again at the foot of it.

A whiney scratchy voice shouts from his side.

"Ey! Derr fat un! Gedd innere!"

The door swings in. He sees the outline framed in the door, eyes still watering.

"Elpe? The hells-"

Then he gives up reasoning. He's been cornered by Vampeer Ghules before. Just got to be quicker! More vicious! He flings himself, manages to dislodge the weight holding the noose down; manages to stomp a solid crack on the one around his legs, sending it across the floor, and he rolls off his bed, hobbling, knees inward.

Then Elpe bears him into the ground from the front. He tucks his chin, keeps his forehead towards her. For some reason she's not coming in for a bite. Too bad! She gets an elbow across the face, then gutshots, and he gets a foot braced against her stomach, kicking her off him with all his might-

And the two others come in again: Grellse and Feuve or something; bitter, gossipy old bags. He's nearing the door, touching moonlight. He's never seen them smile this wide before.

He punches one off him, one more-

And a long pain goes through his body from the side, into the kidneys. He tries to twist away, swing at it, but Elpe's wrapped around his neck and shoulder, weighing him dkwn. The two others reach his arms, grab and drag him to the ground.


The pain in his side widens impossibly, traumatically, gouting blood.

It's still stabbing him! Sawing! Plunging!

A goblin! Rutting him! is that a cactus what is that?! I'm dreaming! I've died and gone mad!

"aguggug! GobbagobbaGNAAAHHH!! nnnngyAHHH!!

"Ahg! Hg-AAH! n-AAH! HGNAAaaaah~. Hah. Ha. Hyaazz."

>Toady has gained 5 Dimm Cult

>Can pass for Mortal by Day if not detected by magic
>1/3 to 1/2 of their strength and speed while alive
>Requires little/no upkeep
>Does not heal by itself or from normal means; Necrotic only
>Able to understand and obey simple commands from their genitor
>no initiative
>no ability

>Yang Wuhan still needs 56LM
>20 days remaining
>Derreschston pop. 70 - 5 = 65LM remaining
>Derreschston Sus penalty -5 -5 = -10
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>Cherch (Ш) (familiarity bonus +15)
>Cherch (Ͳ) (familiarity bonus +15 +10)
>Pit (familiarity bonus +10)
>Mass Grave
>Mart Street
>Mayorate Court Courthouse (Familiarity bonus +15)
>Mayorate Court Residence + Stables

>by chokey choke? (GARROTE)
>by slashy slash? (DAGGA)
>[From whence? Write-in]

>Pit (Dedder Dust collection bonus +40)

>[What? Write-in]

>cause Sordyfagg's Telly Pop-up to :
>choice of stop entry, or stop exit, or cause 1d8 damage on use
>[Else? Write-in]

>Sordyfagg + Action (he suffers -12 Hit Chance and Dodge chance for your first encounter; -4 thereafter) (write-in for Action)
>Pit WatchBoss

>TRAINAN (Costs §2.5/day) (Carrionpede Form is currently at +4(/4) Hit Chance and +3(/4) Damage) (Gui Li imposes -1 to gains in Form per gain at this time; min gain is +1) (Improvement for TRAINAN is now Total of 3>150, OR Bo3 65)





>§82.5 + 5 from drops - 2 for kludge armor repair= §85.5

>68 Dedder Dusts

>5 Dimm Cult

>Toady 9/12HP (reduced healing when doing hrnghrng)
>Kludge Armor 12/12Dur



Yes. Utility units.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

ROIGHT. We got four GMILFS and one STRONG N STOUT MALE ready to help us out. I say we:
>See if we can get them to understand how to use a Garrote. If they can, then spend resources to make Garrotes for all 5 of them, by day.
>Then, by night (when sunlight won't fuggem over) we go to the outskirts and go on a KILLIN SPREE with garrotes.

Ain't no way these isolated dipshits can resist all 6 of us. The outskirts should be CLEANED OUT by the time we're done. I actually don't know how many LM live out here compared to the other locations.
Uh. Also.
>Ask Seafood if you can borrow Mo Ao. He can turn intangible for a bit, so you can use him to unlock doors from the inside, easy as pie. Also to spy on people for you.
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your Dimm Cult workforce is measured as 5 units for crunch purposes.

For fluff, measured as four.

>Can has Mo Ao?
Sure. Here's the trade:
>Tactical (Write-in; he can lift-assist heavy loads, levitate slowly, bait or interfere with hostiles)
> -12 General rolls, because his weird presence unsettles normies; they'll look his way by instinct if he's too close
>risk a -20 Sus penalty if you fail your roll
>because he's a 8.5' Nazghul mf based on a CR 5 Wraith template
>sunlight won't fuggem over
Dimm Culti just look sleepy by Day; no bad effects. They start grinning when the sun's gone; can't help it. Anyone will immediately out them if they are seen by Night.
>make them garrotes and go AKILLEN

Dimm Cult are Utility Units. They can't manage anything as complicated and reactive as garroting.

They can however dogpile your prey, saving you energy so you can rack up moar killz; YOU get Degrees of Success Bonus for Garroting with at least 3 Dimm Cult; engaging more than 3 makes things too crowded for YOU to geddem.
>by chokey choke? (GARROTE)
Right, right. Modification to da plan then.
Chokey chokey with three of the dimms at night. Leave Mo Ao with Sifu because he's kind of a fucking shitter atm.
Make the dimms some facemasks that look like the kind of stuff you'd use to keep dust or germs outta your lungs. Good excuse for their mouths to be covered.
The dimm we don't take with us can uhhh, be ordered to do whatever Seafood asks them to do so he has some servants for the night. Might make him less cranky.
better idea (if possible)
make the dimm spread our 68 dedder dust around (by day)
this should give us some effortless kills over time
do we have an additional independent action?
>can we send Dimm Cult to Cropdust Corpsedust while we do an independent action?

Babysitting is recommended, bc they need course correction or they will obey your last orders like golems, and then just stand around waiting to get collected by YOU or busted by a normie.

The Dimm Cult benefit from the Night bonus if you send them to cropdust; their grinning will only out them if someone tries to interact with them by Night.

Sending the Dimm Cult to cropdust will:
>negate Necrotic contamination on YOU
>Cover more ground; YOU+3 Culti can cropdust TWO areas in one night.

Per above, rules for Ops Cropdust Corpsedust.
>Dedder Dust is measured in DustSpace; Dust per Space.
>68 DS means you can inflict a -68 penalty on 1 unit of Space, or -1 on 68 units of Space

>The Chantry of Ͳ block is 4 units of Space
>The Mayorate Courtroom + foyer are 4 units of Space total
>the Pit work camp is 24 units
>Mains is 10
>Mart St 12
>Skirts 16
>other spaces to be calculated if desired
How much of a penalty is needed to kill every living entity within a unit?
i would assume 100 (way too much for our means)

my other suggestion would be to take mo ao with us and kill sordyfagg sissy
while we leave the dimm to seafood for experimentation
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Throw enough dust to cause above -35 penalty and it will be noticed. That'd be like if a cement bag burst in the room. Anyone seeing a room like that will back out unless they are forced into it, like a pit trap, or you lock the door behind them.

Let's say that prolonged exposure of -40 will kill damn near anyone without resistance or detox within 6-8 months.

For YOUr purposes, let's say if you dunk -90 worth of it on their heads it will send them into toxic shock in 20sec; ditto if you manage to enclose them or trap them somewhere with -75 for one hour.

Here's what the Dimm Cult are good for:
>Bonus to large scale kludging
>Auto scavving cleared areas (roll extra 1d100, with -10 unsupervised penalty)
>Auto excavating the Mass Grave for moar bodies + grinding them to Dust (roll extra 1d100, with -10 unsupervised penalty)
>Faster Cropdusting (supervised only)
>Garroting gains Degrees of Success bonus
>infiltration by Day to enable simple sabotage or security breach
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[I N V I O L A T O]

Your Worship

By your will I have enquired into the affair involving the AB Archbishop L. of B..

The Witch-hunters were not mistaken in that Diabolism was conducted with his knowledge, nor the immediate execution untried of his person and those with him unjustified. It is my recommendation that they be given Notes of Lesser Reprimand and be reinstated to their former duties unprejudiced. Their action was warranted by an extremity of circumstance.

Though we should like that L. be discovered according to the Laws governing such matters, extending L. the offer of Repentance would have risked all the lives involved, and likely the opportunity to continue his efforts redoubled, knowing how short his time. The Witchhunter Principal made a command decision: it was not meet for his faithful troop to bear the risk for one who has so desdained his soul.

It is true: L. did consort with the False, and did by their assistance and advice conduct Rites through which the attainment of some Object was sought, though not known if it is truly his own desire or their design. As far as we know, he is damned. May the Charity extend to him, even to him.

The seeds of doubt that trouble us now come not from hasty judgment, but from a lack of knowledge only: were the ones called up by L. truly demons? And if they were, how was their appearance and manner so unfamiliar?

The Diabolic Summons and all entailed were usual, ascertained through my own contacts familiar with such matters. The original Proscribed Work containing those formulas is comparable, even identical, to those seized from other cases of Diabolism. The only difference is the result of their performance by L.

It is my postulate that L.'s uncharacteristic Demons only appear when they are Summoned by the Sanctified, or, less likely, in the presence of one. Proof I have none, outside of unreliable fragments.

The Cardinal Power they serve styles itself a Queen, in rivalry or parody of Our Lady. Their aim, if I must guess, might be the destruction in the completest sense of those that have been Called to the Charity.

Yet if there had been so committed an Adversary, how should we of the Cloth have never heard of it, even those of us sworn against them especially?

Here my own intuition troubles me, which though again without proof of substance, yet I feel very sure: we have never heard of these because they have always been with us, and those of us that have trafficked and contracted with them have never been brought to light, nor betrayed them.

It is my belief that L. was not the first, and at this time not the only. With Your Worship's leave, I would request Exceptional Remit to fully pursue the matter.

Your Obedient Servant

R. F.
Rolled 53 (1d100)

back to back dubs
how do you do it?

i will make my idea an official proposal:
>Sordyfagg + Action (he suffers -12 Hit Chance and Dodge chance for your first encounter; -4 thereafter) (write-in for Action)
take Mo Ao with us as backup and try to ambush and kill him (Mo Ao attacks first, Toady from behind)
Dimm Cult stays with Seafood for now
roll pls
Rolled 23 (1d100)

In case your roll wins, where do you propose to jump Sordyfagg?

>Chantry, while he's godbothering (no exit, but there will be lights and he will have his dedd af gf's Holy Moly Mally)
>Scullery, while he's washing n tryna eat (he'll be nakey n unarmed and mostly in the dark, but he can try to run or improvise a weapon)
>Parrish Setter, while he's cataloging (his Holy Moley Sord is in there, but he'll have trouble swinging it in a cluttered room; higher dmg, but lowered hit chance)

>STABBUTTAGE his Telly Pop-up while he's in the hidden floor and lock him in
>STABBUTTAGE his Telly Pop-up so it deals him 1d8 each time he passes through, then engage him in the Attic

QM rollan in case
Rolled 38 (1d100)

>Scullery, while he's washing n tryna eat (he'll be nakey n unarmed and mostly in the dark, but he can try to run or improvise a weapon)
i dont believe Toady or Mo Ao want anything to do with his holy-moley weapon
Mo Ao should also block the exit if he tries to flee but otherwise help killing him of course
Rolled 60 (1d100)

>we uh
>KILL va Sordfagg
>best roll 58
>+ 30 night bonus
>+ 15 + 10 familiarity bonus

QM rollan for 1%
familiarity bonus only for ambush round, because Sordyfagg is also familiar; net +5 in his favor for later rounds, if applicable
Rolled 10, 4 + 28 = 42 (2d10 + 28)

Rolled 3, 2 + 2 = 7 (2d4 + 2)

1d4+2 for melee
1d4 for improvised weapon
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"Yaz Sweetfuds." You both speak in the same uninflected monotone these days. Questions are ultimately unnecessary.

He waves a little finger over the various killykilly instruments you've prepared and are in the process of sharpening. Mostly the sickle and shoddy axe, plus a couple couple shivs just in case.

"Your killing intent has improved. Do you intend to see blood tonight."

"Yaz Sweetfuds. Finna kill der Sordyfagg Sissy wot lives inna cherch."

"Oh? Mo Ao."


"Would you like to help kill a "Scaromate" Disciple tonight."

... ...
I will as my Lord wills.

"Waste-talk; indeed you do. Need you even say it. But I asked if you wanted."

... ...

"Then the more you must. Tudi, take this brainless fen2pu3 (坟仆, grave servant) with you. No arms no legs, but it can take a few blows on its forehead. Mo Ao, heed him."

Yes Lord.

You've been meaning to ask to bring Moar Ow along too, just waiting for the right opening to bother Seafood. He just hasn't opened his eyes till now, just counted on his fingers with his eyes closed, mutter jibberjabber, n played with ... fingys.

"Yaz Sweetfuds. Fanks Sweetfuds."

"Heed, Tudi: don't let that Righteous Adherent reach his weapons, or the altar of his temple. Once he does, keep Mo Ao back and settle him yourself. Understand."

"Yaz Sweetfuds. Mma do."


You go a teeny bit early, while there's still sun, leading Moar Ow through the emptied skirts and the alleys between the houses you cleared on Main. It's not really a shortcut, since there's lots of bends and fences and things, but it's plenty cover for a tall biggy bedsheet to get around, and you know there's no one in those places to feel the heebeejeebees it gives off.

On the way, you think on Seafood's advice. You'd have tried to gibb the Sordyfagg while he was bent over on the ground in the Chantry, but maybe that wasn't such a good idea after all, since Moar Ow is with you. You did such a good job onnim he's still regenerating; if he takes some Whitey magic inna face and gets re-dedded Seafood will lose his turnip.

You reach the Cherch in good time, as planned: the workchumps have gone off, and Sordy Sissy will be out of his room for dindins soon.

He comes earlier than expected. He's not cooking: he gets nikked and gets a washboard out, starts scrubbing his soaked clothes inna tin tub. Laundry day.

You post Moar Ow in the far shadows, behind a blindspot.

"roit. yous stay ere, count to two hunnerd once I'm gone dis way. Den you go down dere, turn in lefty dat way. he's nakey n scrubben 'iz tuckeroos. Yez carnt smakkem yet, so jezt swoop onnem. Likes a ghost, see. scare him innada kitchin, to the door outavit. go slow. tell yez moar lader.

... ...

Moar Ow takes up its position, slouching more. You're not sure if it heard you.

"woi. yez deaf. hear what I sez."


Two hundred counts after you.

Scare him into the scullery, then out of it.
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Rolled 8, 27 = 35 (2d100)

1d100+20 for Mo Ao's jumpscare

1d100 for Pieté's nerve
Just barely good enough. Mo Ao, you fuck, stop doing the bare minimum!
You scuttle off to the front of Ͳ, counting under your breath.

When you reach the heavy scullery door you get out the doorstop from your Pouch, and jam it in the gap under the door. Since the scullery door opens outward into the hallway, it should stop him a little; Sordy will have to brute his way through, so he'll have no momentum when you givvidim.

Once there you get to listening. His splashing and scrubbing at the washboard is quite audible.

It stops.



Moar Ao just met him, scared off his Whitey whities; your cue.

You get into the Form, one step from the full swing of the door, Daggy n Sicky reddy fer bizniz.

You hear a loud scraping clatter, a splash.

"INGGANEVOLE!" A clang; something thrown. Frying pan? Clearly it missed.

There's one second you almost hear him trying to decide.

A crash, and another; table, chairs.

Then you hear bare feet coming towards the door, and you brace.


"Diavolo! Cazza finte!"


The first jarr loosened the doorstop; the second one flung the door full open, and you, with your new perspective on suicidal attacks, rush in n GIVVIDIM.

>42hp - 16 -16

He bowls past you, but you really goddem. Near anyone else be dedd.

He's running, trailing blood n gasping.

"Mani Consio!

>Healing Hands heals 15hp

His speed picks up immediately. Shit! He's got personal zapzaps! Fuggen Fighty 'Un baalskeet!

He's nearly at {C U R A}, slowing down! Picking up sumn on the ground!

>SUICIDEY AGAIN! (both 1d100s are Attack)

>GIVVIDIM BUT NORMALLY! (1attack 1def)

>TIME FOR BIGG FINKS! (2defense, order Mo Ao)

[R O L L]


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Sil vou plait, mignons.
Rolled 70, 96 = 166 (2d100)

>SUICIDEY AGAIN! (both 1d100s are Attack)
you might have gotten feces and dedder dust on your weapons from what you've been up to and down in, but this guy a Paladin; Immune to Disease is a Class feature. Sepsis is a foreign word to these people.
Rolled 64, 99 = 163 (2d100)

lets fuck him up good
>SUICIDEY AGAIN! (both 1d100s are Attack)
Rolled 37, 59 = 96 (2d100)

>SUICIDEY AGAIN! (both 1d100s are Attack)

The rewards of Bo3 are... considerable.

Txtgen happens in 14 hours.
Rolled 36, 23 = 59 (2d100)

please let these low rolls be a good thing
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rollan for Pieté

looks like he's gibbt
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Whateveh he finna do, he boudda do!

But yer gonnae do YOU!


He flinches like you just thwacked him the back of the head with a sloppy mop.

>rolled 96+4 to Hit
>vs 23 + 5 Familiarity Bonus - 12 Vulnerability Penalty

You're not letting up, barely even thinking at this point. Just smack him the same place with the same brick; it's so audacious no one ever expects it.

You've been stewwen n cooken zingers juzt for dis hoehole from the first time you saw his flabboi Whitoid sadgecuck simp$0¡ azz.


WE PLUPP ungh!


He actually turns! DUMDUM DEDD!!!

>rolled 99+4 Hit
>vs 36 + 5 Familiarity Bonus - 12 Vulnerability Penalty

He tries to dodge, but youre already in his zone! Your tailor-trimmed and targeted shittalk makes his already unsavable situation even worse!

He makes a jerky, unsure attempt to get away from the aerial blender of blades that is YOU, and it's not GUDDINUFF!!!

You hook in his wrist wiv yez Sicky, stick in yez Dagga wivva practiced systematic shunk shunk shunk through the wrist, inner elbow, and then swing-climb on the other wrist and inner elbow coming up to block you.

>Hit for 17 dmg forgot your Form upgrade; retroactively accounted
>25 - 17 = 8hp

Yez not stoppan; goan OAL ENN! You drop to his side past his useless hands shunkshunkshunkshunkshunk from ribz to crotch, and he slumps, his strength leaving.

He opens his mouth!

>Ah naw yez DOWNT!

Yez Dagga goes in SHKK. Don't needza hear yez last woids faggit! Die wivvem unsedd!

Juzt to be sure, you push the Dagga forward, levering his skull back, and saw yez Sicky cross his neck till you reach bone.

>Heal VAT!

>Hit for 17 dmg UNBLOCKABLE
>8hp - 17 = -9hp

Then you see what he was trying to do: there's a Whitey rune circle on the floor. Sumn prepped from before.

Shit! You're in it. But you've committed to SUICIDEY KILLYKILLY, and you're gonnae eat what's commen wiv yez tuffy gobba FACE!


%%% FSSSH %%%

>12 Radiant Damage from pre-prepped Explosive Rune, re-keyed from VS Undead to VS Evil
>Toady HP 9/12 - 4 = 5hp
>Toady Kludge Armor Dur 12/12 - 4 = 8/12Dur

Ooch! Hott! Hott! Ahh, should have healed up before starten, shidd!

But yez should see da ovva guy:

Collapsed on his side, bleeding from three times more holes than he wuz born wiv, mouf enlargement, and a second cope-hole opened up inniz froat.


Not dedd, even after all that? No, no, he dedd fr fr. It's just his last few seconds.

He's...tryna reach sumn?
Rolled 9, 8, 10, 17, 4, 17, 9, 12, 17, 1 = 104 (10d20)

Ohh. Wants his girly's goldy mally, wot he left by the door to his room.

You move it juuuust away.


Ooh, the pain onniz face, just before his light fades! Fuggen groose bumpz, izza izza! Now yez alluz gotta gudd 'un to tell ovva gobboys over eatz n swiggs. If yez evva have a mobb again.

Oh well!

You yoink the Holy Moley Mally, Holy Moley Book, shove everfin in wiv Sordyfagg's body innada Pouch.

Then you post Moar Ow as lookout while you go about cleaning up Ͳ, sopping up the blood with dry rags, then mopping up with wet rags. You use yez keen gobby schnozz to sniff out droplets wot got splatted where you carnt see, then you splash it wiv dirty soap water and mop again. Knowing that Towser exists is reason enough for the extra work.

If you ever fight that fleafactory mogger it will be on your terms.

All done, you put the table, chairs, and etc in the scullery back proppa-like, and get to lewtn Sordyfagg's room.


There's a finer touch needed when you lewtz someone wots dedd and supposed not to be. Yez carnt take everfin dat don't make sense for their taking.

Like the whole shelf of sorted gimgams n gubbins. Like all the big fatty toily books wivva gold edging on the other shelf.

But the things he might take if he went out, like hiz Sord n belts, hiz smol moneys, iron brims, smol helff potts onna belt bag, sum good levva vests, you bag.

Things that other people shouldn't know about, you bag: couple goldy rings inna velvy box, four crystal bottles of BIG booz, one teeny black corked bottle wivva drippy noif label, smellz reeeely spikey noisop nogrog, an extra fikk pot wiv purple speckles in, fings like that.

And of course, the big keyhoop you've seen him go about with.

Without the Wondrous Pillager Pouch it would have taken at least a mobb of ten to haul all that safely into the night.

The night's only half over; it's not even moon-drop yet. But yez don't want to stick here long, just in case.

Yez wantza getz back, patch up, n count lewts!

Yez gonna give Seafood his divvy, of course: one and half of the BIG boozes, you bury the rest, savem for badder days, the Sord n Mally, the big purp pot.

But the rest is YOUrs!

QM rollan lewts
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[Csarfena's Gave]

Dmg +4

Spell Charges:
>Sicuro Fulmine 3/3 (Holy Bolt)
>Valoranima 1/1 (Heroism)
>Guarire 2/2 (Heal)
>Immagine del'ente Carita 1/1 (Channel Divinity: Heal)
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[Pieté's Brand]

+8dmg +1 Radiant dmg

Spell Charges:
>Bellico Favore 4/4 (Divine Grace; +2 Radiant dmg for 2 rounds)
>Marchio Ira 2/2 (Wrathful Smite; +2 dmg and inflict Terror for 1 round)
>Immagine del'ente Carita 1/1 (Channel Divinity: Judge; +9 to Hit, +3 Radiant dmg for 3 rounds)
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both are Proscribed Productions; only saleable in Criminal Economies.

Church Adherents will recognize them.

Picrel is receipts that Pieté would have been either tedious or dangerous to fight if not ambushed literally naked.
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>Sicuro Fulmine 3/3 (Holy Bolt; 4 Radiant dmg)
>Valoranima 1/1 (Heroism; remove and immune Terror 2 turns, and +3hp in a zone)
>Guarire 2/2 (Heal +6hp)
>Immagine del'ente Carita 1/1 (Channel Divinity: Heal +10hp in a zone)

in terms of hierarchy, Csarfena ranked higher.
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"Aiih, to think that the Great Oneself should be reduced to a Goblin's nanny. Too far beyond the stretch of language! What Reason arrives thus? Haaaih." Dark Luminary, Blade Emperor, None Beyond, &c, sighed loudly for someone to hear and cower, or simper and pander. Either would do, so long as he felt Served.

He used to have empires at heel. Temples of hierodules fitted and supplied for his...appetites. Sorceror armies made of the eunuch sons of his enemies; a forest of black spears, each one marking the end of a noble or gifted bloodline.

All that sway and extravagancr now reduced to one greenoid with no hygiene and no manners, and a hovel at the edge of a ghost town.

Not that he stayed despondent for long: there is no need to mourn the present beyond what is needed to crave the future twice as hard!

He had been playing with these Dimm Culti for a bit, since his murderous disciple had gone off to help someone Across the Yellow Font, hmhm; they're a basic Deviant Alchemic creation: Living Crucibles, or Flesh Caulds.

A low kind of Cultivation, or very poorly explored, since its practitioners were usually just dirty old men, or young talents too easily distracted by the pleasure of the process to strive for attainment.

In a competent cultivator these Flesh Caulds would remain sentient, retaining most of their mind and memory, though volition constrained by spells and charms. The point of it was to burn up their Spiritual Root to form a Spirit Core for the cultivator to consume. These, being made from peasants, have no Root to begin with, so they could only be used as normal Alchemic Caulds, producing Pills and Medicines out of the rarities fed in.

As Alchemic Caulds go, these are of Poor quality, barely good enough for Exterior Disciples to practice on. The good was, Tudi's natural fecundity augmented by his new False Spiritual Root, meant that he could reliably create many of these, or as many as they needed.

If only they could take instruction! Then they could gather the herbs and so forth themselves and process it automatically. Haaih. Worthless.

This loss of mind and memory was that so-termed "Dimmu Queen"'s doing. Through these Dimm Culti she was extending her vision, if not also her reach, into this Mundane Realm.

Normally the Absolute™ would not take kindly to such intrusions on his privacy. But for Her he permitted it: if there was some way for her to reach into this Realm using these gray grinning dimwits he wanted to see it happen with his own eyes. If he understood her motivations he would tempt her to it, just to see, because to see is to discover, as to know is to learn.

He was already working out how they fed sensation and information back to Dimmu; if the knowledge of reaching into the Dimm Realm ever came into his grasp, the so-termed Queen's reign would be pleasantly shortened, and he, Yang Wuhan, will have One Crown Dominion over Two Realms! No less deserves the Absolute™!


"You're back, Tudi. What's good."
And it was not bad:

Two magic weapons, and a small variety of this world's alchemic produce in the form of potions, a bloodstained Sutra. Loath as he was to pick up any dogshit Righteous collection of contrived parables and meaningless fairytales, he needed to know their foundational texts fairly well to masquerade as Righteous. In the natural course of things the Righteous sects present themselves resplendent, transparent, upright, and obvious (光明正大) in the mundane world; their secrets should be easier to steal, posing innocent and believing.

"You had no trouble."

"Nerrh. Bitty trouble, Sweetfuds. Sordyfagg was tricksy. He ran and set off a zapzap at his door juzt before I geviddim."

"It's good you know how to take good advice, to attack before he had any chance to use the spells in these; you would have lost twice the blood, and Mo Ao, hmph, needless said."

"Yaz Sweetfuds. It wuz fanks to yez we goddem."

"Good that you know."

"Sweetfuds, I saved yez the Sordyfagg's body, and got yez sum big boozes to pair with."

"How considerate. What a good and filial Tudi I have, a head above ten thousands."

"Not me, Sweetfuds. I have a Maztur a biggylion biggylion heads above a biggylion biggylion. Headz. Er."

"Hmhmhm. Well said. Come. Let this your Shifu toast you a cup."

Wind Incarnadine, Gore Walker, Seven Crimson, &c, pours a healthy dram of VSOS into a clay cup, presenting it with head slightly bowed.

The Goblin knew just what to do: it kowtowed hard (on a soft patch of sod) and cried, "SWEETFUDZ! I NO DARE! LET ME TOASTY SWEETFUDZ!"

"Hmhmhm. Then pour and toast me," said Death Tide, who had been wondering if the halfpit halfwit would be fool enough to get poisoned by his Teacher.

It poured the VSOS into a wood dipper ladle that smelled of reused oil, taking care not to spill a drop, presenting it with both hands as one might a sword.

"Well? What do you wish for me with your toast?"

"Errr, errr, nerrrm. I wish Sweetfudz runz away from enuff foitz ta grows oldy wrinkly, n eaten enuffs uvviz enemeez to gets biggy chonkenchunk, n ploppz bastards evverwherr, n diez inniz dreamz wivva lotsy debt to everone."

"...You've widened the universe of my eyes, Tudi. Ganbei."

>QM rollan for Dedd Sordy's LM worth

>Cherch (Ш) (familiarity bonus +15)
>Cherch (Ͳ) (familiarity bonus +15 +10)
>Pit (familiarity bonus +10)
>Mass Grave
>Mart Street
>Mayorate Court Courthouse (Familiarity bonus +15)
>Mayorate Court Residence + Stables

>by chokey choke? (GARROTE)
>by slashy slash? (DAGGA)
>[From whence? Write-in]

>Pit (Dedder Dust collection bonus +40)

>[What? Write-in]

>Pit WatchBoss

>TRAINAN (Costs §2.5/day) (Carrionpede Form is currently at +4(/4) Hit Chance and +3(/4) Damage) (Gui Li imposes -1 to gains in Form per gain at this time; min gain is +1) (Improvement for TRAINAN is now Total of 3>150, OR Bo3 65)
Rolled 2 (1d3)





>§85.5 + 104 from SordyDedd - 3 from self patching - 4 for armor repair

>68 Dedder Dusts

>5 Dimm Cult

>Toady 8/12HP (+3 from early rest and patching with Stuff)
>Kludge Armor 12/12Dur (+4 from stuff)

>Use 3 Dedder Dust to patch up the fukt Dimm Cult, Y/N?

One of the key figures in Derreschston is missing unaccounted. Sus level will increase by 3 per day starting tomorrow to a maximum of 15.

>Yang Wuhan still needs 56LM -1d3
>19 days remaining
>Derreschston pop. 65LM
>Derreschston Sus penalty -10
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Yang Wuhan still needs 56LM -2 = 54
>19 days remaining
>Derreschston pop. 65LM - 2 = 63
>Derreschston Sus penalty -10
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Rolled 31 (1d100)

>Cherch (Ͳ) (familiarity bonus +15 +10)
Rolled 79 (1d100)

are there any farm animals/livestock we could kill for some effortless LM?
>Cherch (Ш) (familiarity bonus +15)
we havent found anything good here yet
>5 Dimm Cult
send them to gather more corpse dust at the pit
>Use 3 Dedder Dust to patch up the fukt Dimm Cult, Y/N?
>can we gibb livestock?
The few load animals and menopausal chickens have been accounted for in the town pop.

Now that you mention it, yeah, the next time we go gibbing I should try to outrage Peta and That Vegan Creature.
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give you a +1LM for that on yer next gibb.

It's not much, but I'm an honest jerk.
Rolled 49 (1d100)

Yeah, I'll support this.

We should also ask seafood what he's doing with the corpses of everyone we bring him. Is there a secret pile somewhere of drained bodies? Is he grinding them up in that grinder he made?
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While he's in a good mood, you take the chance to ask him sumn that been bovveren you.

"Nrrm, Sweetfuds. When I plupps the wimmins wiv me Arse Splitta roit-"


You present him Gobbgantua, aka Arse Splitter, which earns you a grimance. He closes his eyes and waves your pride and joy away. You cover it hurriedly.

"When I plupps em wivvit roit, I feelz like I wantz to pluppem. But after they go all gray n grinny I don't wantza plupp em. Izzit sumn wrong wiv Arse Splitta or them, yez fink?"

"Tudi. Do you plupp men."

"Ff. No.. Mm not hoemoe gae."

"What about female beasts."

"Nerrh. You meanz animals? Or beastfolks?"

"Animals. First."

"Sometimes. When derrs nuttn else ter nutt in. Don't wanna tho. Izz not va same."

"What about beast folk."

"Do they look like half wimmin? Proppy wimmin, wiv tiddies n cunts?"

"Does it matter."

"A bit. A biggy bit. If theys top half looks like wimmin n botty half feelz like wimmin, like minoturs n centurs, iz all guddy pluppy. If they don't looks proppy but feelz proppy, like tree folkz, iz okey I gezz. If yez feelen kinkish.

"But if theys has weird tops N weird botties like fish folks n snek folks, itz like animals again.

"Nnm. Ah! Sum Fighty Ones can turn inna animals, or halfyhalf animals. Those feel guud. Like if yez beatem down n catchem while theyz changed, then pluppem until they chance back? OOooOhHH. Fuggen guud 'at iz. But if yez pluppenem normal and they tryda change into halfyhalfs itz annoyan."

"What of the dead. Dead women."

"Psh. No."

"Beautiful dead women."



"S'becuz... cuz...erh. Yehh, nivver fott about dat. S'cuz they don't... gotz alivey eggzbottles?"


"Theyz babygutts. Wots wiv they plopp out grublingz after yez plupp n splooj innem."

"Hm. The womb. Does the idea of beast folk eggzbottles arouse you."

"Mmno. Gotza fink a bit so theyz proppa wimmin eggzbottles in me hedd when Iz pluppenem."

How interesting. An instinct not only to breed prodigiously, but to target the most ... accommodating, mmfufu... hosts to fertilize.

The Goblin species being only male necessitates parasitic (destroys the host for the parasite's gain) reproduction, while their instincts streamlines the process.

The Principle of Accommodating Advance under Mundane Tao (Evolution) cannot create such beings unless they arise in an area ancient with dense abnormal Qi. The Qi in this world is thin and even; there are few such places, none famous, or the Origin of Goblins would be purported, if not known.

A curiosity that bears investigation.

"I see you have your answer."

"Yaz Sweetfuds. Fanks yez Sweetfuds."

"Go away. And wash your cactus."

{loredump post
looks like there arent any new votes coming in
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Rolled 51 (1d100)

>Cherch (Ш) (familiarity bonus +15)
>Bo3 79 + 15 for Search

>79 + 30 - 10 Sus penalty

QM rollan Derreschston's vigilance
Rolled 6, 1, 2, 6, 4 = 19 (5d6)

>Dimm Cult sent to harvest Corpse Dust at -10 Gen Penalty
>79 + 30 Night - 10 Sus - 10 Dumb = 89

>5d6 instead of 5d10 Corpsedust gathering because even though larger, they don't have a Pouch
>no +40 Harvest Bonus that Toady has, because they can't tell which bodies are good for Corpsedust
>they just dig, get, bring back by Night, grind down by Day

>Use 3 Dedder Dust to patch up the fukt Dimm Cult, Y/N?
Three droogz iz enuff
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what model do you use for all these images?
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You make wood+rag stoppaz for all the empty booz bottles you got, and stitch up a new swagsack; you'll be raiding new freshy fuddz and you feel nyucky about putting fudds togevvah inna Pouch wiv the bags of Dedder Dust.

A light munch and a swigg of Necht Zuggsteigg and you're off!

"C'manz, dedd heddz. Time na woik!"

Two stops on this outing: you lead the Dimm Cult the long way around Plague Town, following the Skirts, until you hit the Mass Grave.

Once there you mark out a few likely places where there might be corpses without Whitey simbils on, and wot still got theyz heartz n nogginz.

"Roit, eejits. Dig up the bodies starting here, brung em back, n keep doing it until sun-up start. Goddit? " You don't really look for a response; you'll know if they goddit later, when you get back.

Next stop, the Ш half of the cherch. You remember a big messhall and kitchen on the ground floor wiv someone cooking in it, prolly the workchumps; you remember a locked armory wot you didn't have the time (or the keys, nyehh heh hehh!); there might be summat else in dere, and you feel ?uch safer now dat you've gone and topped Sordyfagg, RIP1.

You take everything a bit slower, with every advantage on your side:
>yerz jezt serchen this one place this time
>you know there's no soljaz, coppaz, workchumps, cowed boiz, savvijjiz, or slaves sangin all hours at the Ш, despite popular understanden
>and Humie workchumps like to hide lewts where they fink no one looks, jezt like YOU

One round on the outside, just peeken n sniffen; no smelz, no lights, all clear.

Kitchen first.

Dindinz here I cummz!

1: Ræpt Inniz Pen0rz, GYEHH heh heh HEHH!!
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Rolled 4, 9 + 4 = 17 (2d10 + 4)

just bing. c o m, image creator. No model, just shitpost a prompt, with " , Renaissance painting" or something for art style.

This is the golden age of /qst/.

rollan for missed fudd lewts.
There's some slop pailz near the cook stoves for peelens n gristle, upended: empty and rinsed. Humies do this when theyz got piggys nearish. You might try to sniff em out lader.

BUT! Since all the leftyovers are gone, you'll jezt have FRESH eats instedd, nyeh herh!

Whatever you can munch as iz, you do: applz, materz, cukes, tripe and brawn brine, unyuns, bredd endz, budda, cheez.

You swigg Necht Zuggsteigg as you eat; somehow you can keep more in when yer swiggen Bigg booz as you go.

Whatever you can't narm immediately, or might go down better cooked, you swagg: taterz, smoked sides of horse and beef, bread scabs, pumppkernz, gristle stock, boiled joint jellies coolen inna tubb, gritty flour, four kindsy dried beans, sunned fish; salt, sugar, oil.

You stash as much as yez can in the bottles and jammy jarz yez got, n wrap those in rags: those go innada Pouch.

Just this lot might keep you alive for a bit over a munf, on starvation rations.

But better than a full belly and a week of big good eats is the thought that in the morning, some sorry bastich wots known fer nickken nomz is gonnae get pinched for what YOU did.

Just finka dat poor muvva, getting dragged out bed n cornered n boxed from all directions, then stripped nikked and asked and beat about shidd he got nuffina do wid and dunno nuffin. Jezt shoutyshouty bashybashy, all day, all long, until he goes to sleep hungry and crying. GYEKKekekekekekek!!
Rolled 6, 16, 17, 2, 1, 17, 2 = 61 (7d20)

After a long steamy pess inna grass outside
>feelz gooOOood ngann
you go for the armory, slightly unfocused.

With the keys you yoinked off Sordyfagg's deddmeatz you get in easy. The smell of iron, metal polish, quench oil, leather, cockle salt kieselguhr; think fossil pumice hits you. Ahh! Smellz like robbery!

Everything is stacked real nice, easy to find what's good.

You go through it like a buffet, two or three each:

One corner's all armor, quite cheapy stuff: quilt long coats with tall collars, greaves and bracers, plain iron.

Next that, a stack of iron hats, chainmail hoods and hobnailed shoes.

Pollaxes, an axe-hammer-pokey on a braced wood stock, in bundles ten; you take three, one from each of the deepest bundles.

Assorted polearm heads, kindy shoddy; some have already been fixed on staves.

Lotsa small-ball maces with an iron punch-guard, couple longer axe-pick ones.

Almost as many short swords, obviously reclaimed or donated, none new: shapes and grades different, all kindsa hilts, rust spots and nicked edges.

Then it's a small forge and anvil, some quenches, a workbench, tool chests, a pedal grinder, and a shelf of tally books. The forge has no soot in it; new built. Can't tell with the anvil: it might have been donated scuffed. Same with the pedal grinder: smells like iron, doesn't mean it's been used here.

In a separate corner, locked boxes. The flat case ones are magic or helf potts in 24s. Easily counted because of the slotted cases, so you leave those alone for now.

Theres one or two longer lock cases, with fancier wood and a biggy seal onna front, like the ones in the attic in Ͳ. These need two different keys of the same type to open, but Sordyfagg's keyhoop only has one. They don't seem like magic, so you can take an axe to the hinges, easier to do than the locks. Lol, dum Humies, making thinny nicey hinges for something needing two locks. If it wuz you, the box'd be locked on four sides. Then again, if it wuz you, all this woulda been a waste of work n good Stuffs.

You chip away at the wood the hinges are fixed on. Once they're weakened enough you ease them out with a pickaxe head.


Inside of the longy boxes are a couple longsords, bit elvishy looky, good bet they're magic; four shiny fatty collars truesilver gorgets with matching buckle bracers and buckle greaves. You're yoinking this lot.

Theyre far too big n hefty for YOU to use personally, but Seafood should be able to, even in his little girl shape.

At any rate, the lot you've nicked already is enough to fully outfit a roit thuggy mobb of 8-12 gobbs without any quarrels.

Question is, what to do with the rest.


>yoink the WHOLE lot, board up the air slots, lock the door

>leave everything else, but CorpseDust the place at a cost of 30 DD; whoever comes in here after you will get a -30 gen penalty without their noticing

>Corpsedust more than -30 (qty?)

Rolled 20, 7 = 27 (2d100)

>48 mana pots, 72 helf pots, a bunch of empties to mix half-halves if they need to; wanna poison 3d20 of these with a drop of the bottle of "noisop nogrog" you found in Sordyfagg's room (18 Stuffs value)? (Dedder Dust will show up at the bottom of the potts)

>Pack all your BOOMputty (12 Stuffs value) in the furnace's stovepipe, at about Humie eye height; take the screws out of that bit of piping, clip most of their tails off, put the BOOMputty and some small nails in the seaming, then screw the piping back with the shortened screws.

>Leave everfin untouched, go back n ask Seafood wat do. He might tell you to do sumfin else first. This will take up at least one more day and one more trip back here.


Multiple options may be picked, so long as they don't conflict.

Doing this may not be useful, though. Example: if you steal EVERYTHING and also throw -30 worth of DD in, very few are going to get hit with that -30.

Or, if you inflict >-30 worth of DD in the room, they will more likely check everything before they use them, including the potts and forge.


Droogs, discuss. Roll-off only if you feel necessary.

If you arrive at a decision in 16hrs, I'll get to writan.

>2d100 for moar lewts
>because 61 is too small for this haul
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>=89 Stuffs

The RNGods have spoken, and they say

Most of what you have looted is shit quality.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>>leave everything else, but CorpseDust the place at a cost of 30 DD; whoever comes in here after you will get a -30 gen penalty without their noticing

>Leave everfin untouched, go back n ask Seafood wat do. He might tell you to do sumfin else first. This will take up at least one more day and one more trip back here.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

i wanted to agree with anon #1 first, but then i thought: why not just take all their weapons? that way some might not be armed when we have to fight them later (which should be more beneficial to us than a possible -30 penalty)
>yoink the WHOLE lot, board up the air slots, lock the door
>Pack all your BOOMputty (12 Stuffs value) in the furnace's stovepipe, at about Humie eye height; take the screws out of that bit of piping, clip most of their tails off, put the BOOMputty and some small nails in the seaming, then screw the piping back with the shortened screws.
>1 again
>NAT 1 Anon
i mean nothing that bad should come of this right??
>2 x nat1
Lordamercy, just who did you cut off in traffic.

>w-w-whats gonna happen QM Rick?
I'll tell you what's gonna eeurrk[/b] happen Morty: bullshit. Bullshit's gonna, gonna happen Morty, like a, a, fucking Tsunami Morty. Like, like, like if what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah was just a a a skim milk latte and a chillidog Morty? This one's gonna be kebabs and yogurt Morty. And not just any kebabs and yogurt Morty! It's gonna be yesterday's kebabs and yogurt, and it's gonna be from the food truck whose driver keeps scratching his ass, and his armpits don't stop dripping somehow Morty. Dripping into the FOOD Morty! It's gonna be that kind of a bad shit Morty, and we're gonna eeurrk RIDE that sonovabitch Morty! W-w-we're gonna ride that Seventy Times Seven Apocalyptic Super Tsunami of Shit all the way to Uranus with our mouths open Morty!! 1

Mehh, dunworryboudit.
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if you corpsedust this place and then decide to come back to do more bullshit based on Seafood's instructions, you are going to suffer -20 to your rolls for the next 3 days.

I'll pack in a small reward for you being this based.
Hmm that changes things, we really don't need any negative modifiers to our rolls

>yoink the WHOLE lot, board up the air slots, lock the door
>Pack all your BOOMputty (12 Stuffs value) in the furnace's stovepipe, at about Humie eye height; take the screws out of that bit of piping, clip most of their tails off, put the BOOMputty and some small nails in the seaming, then screw the piping back with the shortened screws.
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Rolled 58, 58, 64, 17, 25, 19, 49, 61 + 200 = 551 (8d100 + 200)


>yoink the WHOLE lot, board up the air slots, lock the door
>Pack all your BOOMputty (12 Stuffs value) in the furnace's stovepipe, at about Humie eye height; take the screws out of that bit of piping, clip most of their tails off, put the BOOMputty and some small nails in the seaming, then screw the piping back with the shortened screws.

Rollan for just how much is all this.
gosh darn low rolls...
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An armory full of mass-produced pig-iron and sino-steel cutlery from a charity box...

The Scaromate Ordinary is broke as fuck.
No need to overplot; big plans usually go wrong by step two anyway. YER RAKIN IN LEWTS BEYBEY!

Going as fast as you can you haul whole bales, baskets, bundles and piles. They feel too chippy or bendy to your experienced thieving grubbers. You guess a lot of this is big on coppa n lead, so's to skimp on iron. Musta been hastily ordered out of villages or sumn. Or bought off at bulk discount a gleeful ger-nome merchant somewhere who immediately vanished into a nearby tunnel.

You've stolen much better before, even the metal working tools. Hekk, the pickaxe heads from the Pit has less rust and more iron than most of these. Four no-grip pliars with two of them nearly rusted shut, four large screwdrivers of the same size and head, a hacksaw with no spares, and a woodsaw with missing teeth. These Whities seem to have taken up some Gobby philosophy when it comes to hoarding: make it cheap and crap and maybe no one will steal it. Fur fuggz sake...

BUT! To keep things in perspective, YOU have your lovely Swagger Pouch, so you WILL nick the bally lot, nyerr, just to make it so that (((They))) will have next to nuffins when they desperately needz it! No pottz, no metal hats and no bashyslashy!

AND! All this being so shit in quality means you can kludge it into something useful to YOU much easier! Copper plates for your kludge armor would be less bulky at least, maybe a bit heavier; and you'll have no end of shivs n shanks!

Gotza lookz onna bright side!

When you've emptied the lot, even the tally books, the pedal grinder and the tool chests, you start on your next bitty mischief, something Heckle-Heckle came up with before he blew himself up: you unscrew a panel of the forge's stovepipe out at around eyeheight, use some metal clippers to snip nearly all the tail off each screw, and smoosh the snipped tails with small nails into the BOOMputty you nicked from the Pit.

You're not sure how strong this BOOMputty is - Heckle-Heckle said there's exo loads n crit temps n burn rates n whatnot - so you use the whole stick, just to be sure. Once the putty has metal mooshed in, you smear some sheeping tar on the interior of the pipe and stick your mess of loaded BOOMputty all around the interior of the pipe. It will still have airflow, so no one will catch on until the forge fire reaches the stove pipe, and then it will BOOM right in their copeholes, the clipped nail heads and the stove pipe panel adding to the shrapnel, facing the front of the forge.

The one to start the forge will die bleeden n blind n deaf n be all like
>wad da fugg
>wad da -ack
gyehh heheheh!

Boom trap preppt, you lock up: shut and latch the airhole windows so no one has peeksies in, screw the issuing window in place from behind, then woodglue the hinges on the main door before going out and locking the place.

They'll waste a day jezt getting in, and when they do, getta prize of biggy fatty NUFFIN.

gyehh herr!
Rolled 4, 4, 3 = 11 (3d4)

On the way back to the Dedder Dump (Mass Grave) to collect yer Dimmies you have a bright finky.

What if you kept all the helff potts and gave Seafood just the mana potts? He won't notice if he don't know, right?

72 helff potts ain't nuffin. You usually don't get any, because Fighty Ones drink everfin when you givvidem em too good, and no one ever sells to goblins. You think about your foits wiv Sordyfagg and Moar Ow. If you had this little lot in a tinny that you could swigg out of inna middle of the scrapp you might have had more options instead of having to go all-in and gamble wiv yer jumblies.

Seafood won't need helff potts anyway; he's too strong even as a little girl, and YOUre the one doing all the dirty work.

What's stopping you?

You think really hard: there's nothing wrong with your idea at all. And yet... and yet...

You don't do it. Don't take the helff potts n bury em somewhere for later. Instead, you slowly uncork the helff potts one by one and dribble a few drops out of each into a nearly empty oil kittle wot you got from the armory forge. You put a screw in a small picy cork for a stopper and tie a cord loop around the kittle, and you have yourself a handy tuffy swigg bottle of helffy juice.

>[Helff Swigga] GETTY!!!
>6/6 Swiggs
>4hp to YOU per swigg
>Refills with 1 Mid or 3 Smoll Helff Potts

By the time the kittle's full, you've done all the helff potts. Then you do the same to the mana potts, except you dribble those into the Necht Zuggsteigg you emptied over dinner.

When it's all done, all the bottles liquids looks nearly uniform again. Except for the grub prints you left while handling them.


You wipe them hastily.


The cloth you wiped it on was from the armory and oily!

>wat fuk wat fuk nnnnn

You wipe ALL the bottles with the same cloth, then all the boxes, outsides n innies. You're going to tell Seafoods you found em all dat way in the armory. If he's still gonnae thrash yez after dat, welp, you tried; there's jezt no runnen from some fingz.


After burying the bones and skins of Seafood's leftovers in the main part of the Dedder Dump you all troop back to camp, where you show off your swaggz before the grinning Dimmies and Seafood.

On seeing the Elf longsords and fatty Dorfy collars Seafood arrests you.

"These war-tools are not simple; Phoenixes above pigeons, against the others. Did you find any documents with these."

To this you hand him the tally books, the only paper stuff you found.

When you show him the potts, to no surprise, he takes them all, uncorking one of each type for a taste.

If he feels the oiliness on the glass he doesn't mention it; maybe he's getting used to your perfectly acceptable standard of cleanliness. Or maybe he's testing you, letting fings slide so you'll get bolder and carelesser later. You keep yer face supa grinny, so's he carnt see yer little twitches.

QMroll1: days gained
QMroll2&3: LM gained
Seafood pops the corks on a mana and a helff pott, tasting each in turn while you watch, grinning anxiously.

He smacks his lips.

"Supplementary Vital Qi in a suspended medium, as very low quality spirit stones process for the consumption of Mundanes. Tudi."

"Ah! Yiss! Er. Yiss?"

"Did you put poison in these."

"N-no! Toady no dare poisnny Sweetfudd's drinkies!"

"Hm. I did not think so. My eye for talent is not wrong; not even one drop of Alchemic talent in you. But your complexion...is unwholesome. What are you hiding from me, Tudi."

"Ner-ner-nuffinz! Looky! I bringy outy everfin!"

And you do: the whole swagg you got from the armory. At first you think youve impressed him, because he's gone quiet. But then you hear it in his voice:

"Tudi. How much did you take from their stockpile."

"Alluvit! Dissiz alluvit! Now theys (almost) nuffin to foits me wif, and I can clear the whole towny easy!"

You read Seafood's expression and feel yez cockles shrink. He's trying not to kill you.

At last he turns his face from you.

"Short. Sighted." he says, and doesn't elaborate. He starts swigging the potts instead of booz, while you get to stowing all the stuff you hauled out of the Pouch.

>He's twigged on yez!
>And yez still alive!
>Letz never try dat again!
>Dis munf!

>§182.5 + 14 Fudd Lewts + 89 Armory Lewts + 551 Armory Lewts - 12 BOOMputty - 3 Self Patch

>68 Dedder Dusts - 3 to repair Dimmies + 19 DD gained
>=84 DD

>5 Dimm Cult

>Toady 11/12HP (+3 from Self Patch)
>Kludge Armor 12/12Dur (+4 from stuff)
>Helff Swigga 6/6 gluggz


>Yang Wuhan still needs 54LM -7 = 47LM
>19 + 4 = 23 days remaining
>Derreschston pop. 63LM
>Derreschston Sus penalty -10 - 3(/15) from Sordyfagg Missing


>Cherch (Ш) (familiarity bonus +15) (mostly sacked apart from kitchen, maybe one or two upstairs roomz...) (if you sack the kitchen it WILL be noticed by breakfast)
>Cherch (Ͳ) (familiarity bonus +15 +10)
>Pit (familiarity bonus +10)
>Mass Grave
>Mart Street
>Mayorate Court Courthouse (Familiarity bonus +15)
>Mayorate Court Residence + Stables

>by chokey choke? (GARROTE)
>by slashy slash? (DAGGA)
>[From whence? Write-in]

>Pit (Dedder Dust collection bonus +40)

>[What? Write-in]

>Pit WatchBoss

>TRAINAN (Costs §2.5/day) (Carrionpede Form is currently at +4(/4) Hit Chance and +3(/4) Damage) (Gui Li imposes -1 to gains in Form per gain at this time; min gain is +1) (Improvement for TRAINAN is now Total of 3>150, OR Bo3 65)





Rolled 10 (1d100)

Rolled 61 (1d100)

oh wow we got more days!
and i would like to try to kill him while we are already there
we cant have towser sniffing us out later

Would it be a bad idea if we let one of the dimm be found by the humans? my thinking being that they wont connect that with toady and that way they are worried about other things than a single goblin

anon #3 where are you? come back to us!
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>moar days!

You cheapshotted a key figure into a wretched end.

Of course you should be rewarded.
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>let one of the Dimm be found by humans

Under what circumstance and for what purpose?
i was just thinking that MAYBE we could go unnoticed longer if they watch out for smiling grey people instead of a short green creature
on the other hand that would raise their alertness level probably
but isnt that high already anyway? many people went missing without a trace (other than blood sometimes) and now the armory got cleared out
if we let them find one of the dimm they will think every missing person became like that
they wont connect that to the armory thing
so at worst they will call in more church fags to investigate, which might lead them to the dimmu queen, but that doesnt concern us (right now at least)
thats what my tiny brain thought of
Sus penalty capped at -40. After that they can't get any more vigilant even if paranoid.

Current Sus at -13 is still not too high, if you only act by Night, and haven't put the pop. below 60.

Sending the Dimm Cult to harass the Town will just spike the general Sus level with no real gain to YOU. Townies will be extra vigilant for gray grinning creepy people, but their widened twitchy eyes will also be open to spot YOU.

An additional disadvantage: if the Townies manage to kill a Dimm Cult and somehow send a detailed SOS, or worse, an SOS with the dead body out of town for study...
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then... lets let them gather dedder dust again (its a surprise tool that will help us later)
Rolled 17 (1d100)

supporting this
sorry im late lads


I'll need to cook this a bit.

Writan starts 16hrs.


Attempting to engage Towser will likely rouse Stumpy, his owner.

Will you:

>Deploy Mo Ao to screen one while you attack the other? Whom and whom?


>Get Mo Ao to help you bumrush one in an attempt to finish them quickly? Whom?

Will you also:

>Attempt to use noisop nogrog on your slashyslashy? (9 stuffs each)

>Attempt to use noisop nogrog sling darts? (3 stuffs each) (you expect some failure on light armor though...)

>Smear noisop nogrog onna shiv and let Moar Ow attempt sumn (6 stuffs; one only because he's a skull a spine and 3 ribz)

>Any Combi totalling 18 max


>No, saving the noisop nogrog
>Deploy Mo Ao to screen one while you attack the other? Have Mo Ao screen Stumpy, Towser is ours
>Attempt to use noisop nogrog sling darts?
>Deploy Mo Ao to screen one while you attack the other? Have Mo Ao screen Towser, We take out Stumpy first
>Attempt to use noisop nogrog on your slashyslashy?
lets see what this does. i just think sling darts wont go through thick fur
correct; darts vs fur = damage reduced, in exchange for engaging at 1-turn range
24hrs moar, or until I see a third opinion
summoning anon #3
surely there is some lurker who can give a quick vote
Rolled 2 (1d2)

fuggit we rollferrit


Given the darts vs matchup the better option won
*darts vs fur
Rolled 6, 2 + 24 = 32 (2d10 + 24)

Rollan Stumpy hp

Towser hp will be the larger of the 2d10s +24
Rolled 26 (1d100)

Busy + CharGen + pic gen

writan delayed

still goin

QM rollan for Gille's alertness.

delay 12hrs
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"Killing, Tudi."

You put down the bottle of "noisop nogrog" you were about to drip your Dagga wiv. It's unlikely, but if you died because you accidently nicked and poisoned yourself you'd be beyond angy.

"Yaz Sweetfuds. Derrs a biggy mutt wot bit me at the end ovva Plague Town Mains. Bin meaning ter take his bwolls offem but I wuz busy dat time. Mutt gotta Boss, I callem Stumpy cuz he's one leg missen. I figger I gotsa fix him first."

"And what is that you are going to fix him with."

"ionno. Once I stabbem wivvit we both find out, I guezz."

"What a clever idiot, a ready answer for everything. Give it me."

You do so almost unthinkingly. Your eyes widen when Seafood lifts it to his lips. But he doesn't drink, just inhales through the mouth, thoughtfully flapping his tongue over his top teeth with his mouth open. You stifle a snigger; Seafood looks retarded.

"le le le le le. hff. hffhff. mm. Petrifier Poison, with some inert adulterant for volume. Forced calcifaction and ferrication of soft tissue seems to be the main mechanisms; a partial interfeeding process. No Bestial Odor; seems an Alchemic imitation of a known substance. Not bad."

"nner. Wazzat mean. Wazzut do."

"Turns them stone, to your eyes. It must hurt terribly, mfufu."

>Does additional immediate damage with piercing or cutting attacks
>Target loses 1 Defense roll for the next three turns
>eg if they decide to Attack, they will not have any Defense
>if they decide on full Defense, it will only be Defendx1 + Act, or Defendx2 no Act.

this is revealed because you gibb Stumpy in one turn; no chance to see the effects otherwise

Now that you know what it does, you save it for when you need to really cheat. Stumpy's too weak to waste this on. So's Towser, without his Boss. You can take em one at a time just cheating normally.


You start by breaking through the back of the Town, from the Dedder Dump side; you're avoiding the end of Mains, where Towser is.

From there you dip a little into Mart Street, and you're here: the back of Stumpy's house.

You get entry from the kitchen window, figuring Stumpy will have his sleepies somewhere downstairs, because he's stumpy inna leg.

You smell a bitty booz breath and follow it. There he is: Stumpy the Humie, asleep onna couch in front of the fire. He's older and leaner than Sordy, smells of animal and blood; bathes just the right amount.

He doesn't snore, even when boozed; must be a habit. Should be a light sleeper then, but he's fully out. Musta been working hard all day huh, da poor fing.

You get out Daggy n Sicky and one ferocious SUICIDEY later, he's beddybye forr evah.

You peek out the living room window: Moar Ow's still where you sent him: across the street towards the Mayorate Court, looking this way.

Towser's not making a sound. Probably not asleep, knowing that sneeky bastich mutt, but Moar Ow has gotten his full attention.
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You've just finished stuffing Stumpy and his blood-soaked cushions innada Pouch when there's a crash like pottery from outside.

Almost immediately, fire, air burning orange, and Towser BOARKing his muttmonster head off.

>da fugg

You race to the front door, throwing it open to see: biggy tree infrunnada the house on fire.

Then you hear a thwipp somewhere above a behind and feel a sharpy poke in your back.

>4 dmg
>Kludge Armor saves 3 dmg, loses 2 Dur
>Toady 11/12hp
>Kludge Armor 10/12Dur

"Gakk!! Hey! Das cheatn!"

You see the little shit: a bit past grubling age, short bow. He'd waited until you opened the door and stood still in it before loosing at your silhouette. Clever.

"Mm comman fer yez BRAINZ negzt brat! Finna slurp it out yez skull wivva STRAR!!"

He ducks out of sight and you hear an upstairs door slam.

There's glisteny oily stuff glopping over the top steps out of a wide-mouthed bottle.

You risk a glance back out: yup, that's the tree holding Towser's rope. You might have a minute or two before the fire weakens it enough for doggface to snap it free of the tree.

When Towser breaks free, he'll be coming at your back.

But if you don't get the kid...

>muvva fuggen SHIDD





Writan when va two killa droogs report in.
Rolled 17 (1d100)

no one shall see us and live

you caught me right before bedtime!
anon #2 please save this roll
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Anon #2 to the rescue! (hopefully)
Never mind
when i dont roll a 1 i often roll the highest...
can we break that habit at some point (preferably now) please?
anon #3 if youre still with us: we require your assistance now more than ever!
hurry up before QM returns!
(now i really go to bed tho)
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lmao, I'll allow one more anon in then.

Paging droogs.

Bedtime anon, sleep is impt. I'll let this sit for 12hrs. Go zzz.
Rolled 41 (1d100)

Rolled 49 (1d100)

>QMRollan for a plucky, promising little Rogue >wots about to get his short life cut even shorter
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You go up the stairs, but not like a dumdum: that slicky stuff could be anyfin, oil, glue. On the step before the slick starts, you continue to go up by climbing the outside of the bannister.

When you reach the top, just before you hup up and over, you spot anuvva trap: the top of the handrails have been smeared too, with the same stuff. You squeeze between the badly spaced columns, not touching the handrails.

Then you step on something round and owwie and almost slip: marbles? No, slingshot sluggs: Waste slag from forge work melted again for lead, then poured out into clay trays with pocks innem. Once the lead sets, break the tray and round the set lead pocks into sluggs.

>Gotsa remembah dat.

You spy the closed room, open it slowly, so you don't get jumped from behind the door or sumn. Bedroom.

Quick scan, no movement. Stab through the covers, look innada cupboard, unnada bed.

>wat da
>derrs two uvva rooms
>theys doors were open
>the wee bastich slammed this door to fake me out

You look through the first open door: storage, all clutter, near no place to hide and can't reach the windows.

That leaves one room, door slightly ajar.

You creep, fully alert.

>yez fots yez were clever didjer

You see on the top of the door is a biggy can balanced between the door and the jamb, so that if you walked innada door it would topple on yez 'edd and dent yez.

Times wasting and Towser's rope's burning: you kick the door open and leap three goblin steps back.

The can topples down, denting the floor where you would have been, spilling

The window's open! The bedsheet's tied onna bedpost to rappel out and down! Yez gotza catch dat-


>Toady Bo3 41
>vs Qivin 49
>Kludge Armor soaks 6dmg for 3Dur, rounded up
>Toady 11-2 = 9/12hp
>Kludge Armor 10-3 = 7/12Dur

-youre punched backwards by something too fast to dodge. It goes through two biggy plank pieces on your chest and jabs you deeper than the arrow that hit your back, drawing blood and knocking the wind out of you.

>wat da fuggen wat

You look down at it: a crossbow bolt. You look up again, innada room: the little shit's rolled out from unnada bed, where he'd been laying with a biggy crossbow aimed at the door; probably Stumpy's.

"Ooh, you little SHIT!!"

You get up just as he begins to rappel out the window.

"Yez fuggen booger bugg'ole GEDDBEKK'ERE!!"

You're just through the door when he holds up something in his hand!

>Fire Flask!

And you're in the middle of turpentine!


You backpedal, backroll until you hit the wall outside, then side roll just in case, just in time.

You totally dodged the...



He faked you out AGAIN!!

>1d100 with +30 Night Bonus
>vs Qivin 1d100 +15 for Familiarity into Mart Street


QM will be back in 10+hours
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Qivin's a filthy sneekn moddn cheatn spawncamper izzenee.

just like YOU
Rolled 93 (1d100)

surely QM wont roll an 80+ or anything
i have a bad feeling about this...
nevermind i have my high roller powers back
when we get to him, can we incapacitate him and bring him back to seafood? i think he would love a living meal again after so long
without his master towser isnt such a big issue anymore
what do you think anons?
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Rolled 17 (1d100)

QM rollan picrel
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Youre closing on him, galloping on all fours; the moment he stumbles, or has a split second's indecision, you'll go right into the Carrionpede Form and gibbem.

Neither of these happen; he knows where he is on Mart Street, and where he wants to be. He also knows where the alleys join and which buildings are empty and zips in and out a couple of them trying to lose you.

Too bad each improvised stumbling block and cheap shot he makes against you just wastes seconds. They're all kidz tricks in the end.

And you got your nose and night-sight pointing him out, against which his U-turns and double-ducks do nothing. In the empty quiet of Mart Street at night, every little noise he makes is crisp.

Losing his trail is almost hard for you: he's got some iron on him, spots of turpentine, and his clothes got a certain kind of gutty. In about a quarter Time he's getting winded, stops zipping around, makes for where he meant to go at the end, straight lines.

You suppose he has a specific killing ground in mind; it'd be fairly easy to use everything he's got against you, if he had total homeground advantage and a bitty time.

Now, he can only hope to trap and stall you then try to get away, most likely back out to Main then either to the Cherch or the TownBoss' Stockade.

You guess you're there when he takes half a second longer to go through the door; he means for you to glimpse n follow. It's a biggy sunyard with a small tannery shop at the back.

To your reckoning he's left the crossbow behind for being too biggy to use on the run; four or five smally arrows left, and a longy choppa wot he picked up that he doesn't really have the strength to handle; and one Fire Flask.

You don't go in from the back door, like he wants; you climb up a post to the ceiling, giving you full view of front and back and sides of the workshop.

From there you start your own ruse.

"Where da fugg dat widdle waskal go. Come oooout liddle boyyy. Toady aint finna hurcha."

As you say this, you get a pre-made noose lasso from the Pouch, lower it to catch on both door handles of the double-doors in frunnada shop, and quietly garrote it closed. The front double-doors are still not locked tight, but he won't be getting out from there fast enough to make it.

He might still try the front windows though...

You give him no time to think: slapping the windows closed on all sides of the shop, you drop into the back doorway, holding up Stumpy's half torso as a shield.

A wavering arrow hits it, then the Fire Flask, which bounces off and breaks on the floor; you throw Stumpy down onna flames and sprint through.

With all his ploys and bigg plays flopped, the little shit starts a screamy moan.

He pushes against the main door to get out, but it's not opening far enough. You're two steps from entering his zone when he gives up and draws the choppa wots too bigg ferrim.

He holds it double handed over his head like a longsword. One swing is all he's good for, youre sure.
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>Take the hit and GIVVIDIM SUICIDEY (2 Attacks, 1 guaranteed to hit)

>GIBBEM but normal (1 Attack 1 Def), so you might dodge his hit

For either of above, one successful attack will end Qivin the Gonad.

>Switch to a long pokeypoke, play on his reach disadvantage (1 Attack, but Qivin makes 2 Def trying to close the distance again)

>Bring out a prepared Kludge item (Write)

Towser is 4 Turns behind YOU. Qivin screaming is a beacon

20 hrs to next update.
Rolled 11, 72 = 83 (2d100)

>Take the hit and GIVVIDIM SUICIDEY

Rolled 4, 77 = 81 (2d100)

>>GIBBEM but normal (1 Attack 1 Def), so you might dodge his hit
He's a kid I doubt he has much HP to need two attacks to down. gonna wanna save some hp for towser
Rolled 56, 55 = 111 (2d100)

>GIBBEM but normal (1 Attack 1 Def), so you might dodge his hit
sure lets do that then
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Rolled 85 (1d100)

Rollan desperate swing!
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before we make Qivin's bad day very very bad in 12 hrs,
has suggested not gibbing him, but turning him over to Seafood. For giving YOU so much trouble, the little shit deserves something a little worse than death.

What say ye.
Hand him over
seafood will be pleased
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"Wacha finna do wivvat beefy ol choppa liddle boyy. Bet itz hevvy as you iz. Itz ovah if yez mizz."

"I won't."

You rush into his zone the moment you finish speaking, thinking to fold him like a blanket while he's still answering.

But his answer's terse, his focus complete, his form practiced. He didn't learn this on his own.

He manages a half-side step as he swings, bringing the machete into your charge with full momentum.

It's old, pitted everywhere, but no rust, no nicks; sharp as a boy can make it. It takes the tip off your ear then crunches into your shoulder, splitting the wicker and a biggy plank.

>Toady Bo3 77
>Qivin 85
>Kludge Armor soaks 4dmg for 2 Dur
>Toady 9 - 2 = 7/12hp
>Kludge Armor 7 - 2 = 5/12Dur

There's a cold splitsecond when you look in each other's eyes and both realize it's over.

Then you GIVVIDIM, doing a full chain of Carrionpede. Only the first three slashies are serious; for the rest you reverse your grip on Daggy n Sickky and sink their pommels into meat. You beat him near unconscious, so that he doesn't even cry when you break one of his pinkies.

"I've got sum bwollz to collect inna minit. So you sit n sleepies quiet, and I won't killz yer. Nodz if yez geddit, neh? Neh."

The moment he nods, you Blood Dot him, two temple, two neck, one unnada plexus. He retches, passing out, and you truss him with moar nooses: ankles together, then wrists and elbows together, then everfin to his neck. You hear galloping paws outside, and something being dragged along the ground, a papery abrasive sound. No time to hoist him on the rafters. You empty a pile of Stuff onnim instead.

Then, after a quick swigg from yez [Trusty Helff Glugg], out the backdoor of the shop, hup onto the roof and prone, assuming the Night Leaper stance, and wait.

>Toady 7 + 4 = 11/12hp
>Kludge Armor 5/12Dur
>[Helff Gluggz] 5/6

>Carrionpede Hit Chance bonus +4






Towser's attacks are Grapples: when successful he will do damage once, then continuous damage until you break free (2Defense+Act) or hurt him (1Attack with your strongest weapon + Carrionpede Damage bonus +3)
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add note, Towser's natural armor soaks 1dmg per 2.

Towser has 30HP, natural armor 20/20Dur

Basic Bite is 6dmg; when Grapple is in effect, Towser will thrash his head to tear the wound: this is a standard attack (1attack+1defense) + 4dmg per turn.
Rolled 25, 72 = 97 (2d100)

Rolled 94, 9 = 103 (2d100)

oh god
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Rolled 34 (1d100)

because anons chose to attack Normal in Ambush, next turn Towser must choose 2Defend+Act to regain his bearings.

rollan for reaction to beat 94+4
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You keep low, waiting, listening to doggface snuffing up your trail.

Because of your chase with the little shit your scent's everywhere going in and out the backalleys of Mart Street.

When he picks up the scent of fresh blood through the smell of curing leather he heads through the sunyard, straight for the tannery shop. You should not be surprised, since a dogg's schnozz is still better than a gobb's at catching meat-scents, but you're still a little impressed: it managed to catch the whiff through the fuggy stink of this place.

Just as Towser is just under the lip of the roof, you jump him: mutts don't look up when tracking and chasing; that's how cats escape, and how slikk n savvy gobbos

>Towser 30 - 8 = 22HP
>Natural Armor 20 - 9 = 11 Dur

The sound of your kickoff makes him swivel, already too late: you land in the middle of his back and sink yez blades innim, kicking away just when he starts to react, then rolling to his blind side again.








14hrs from now, or until i get enough / good enough rolls from anons
Rolled 40, 49 = 89 (2d100)

normal again i say

QM can you roll for anon #3 if he doesnt show up? (when we need it)
>QM halp roll for Toady?

Rolled 25, 55 = 80 (2d100)

Rolled 67, 30, 76, 41 = 214 (4d100)

1,2= Toady
3,4= Towser
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Thinking to stay cautious, you take a half second to gauge the distance, and pounce!

>Toady Bo3 Attack 67+4 =71, Defense 55
>Towser Defense 76, Defense 41

You don't know if the mutt heard you somehow, or smelled you coming, or if it just timed your probable next attack and dodged in the correct random direction, your weapons catch only the air.

You land just where he had been, and find that he's righted himself to face you full on.


"Yehh? Fugg yez fleabaggz. Wherrz yez BossMan? Sleepen? Shidden? Dedd?



>SUICIDEY (2xAttack)

>NORMAL (1Attack, 1Defence)

>DEFEND + ACT (2Defense, 1Action (what?) )




QM reporting in 10+ hrs
Rolled 38, 66 = 104 (2d100)

>NORMAL (1Attack, 1Defence)

whats mo ao up to btw?
>Mo Ao where?

Towser worked out that the bedsheet is a screen and ignored it to chase YOU.

Mo Ao's somewhere at the beginning of Mart Street, floating into the air trying to spot where the action is.
Rolled 95, 3 = 98 (2d100)

>NORMAL (1Attack, 1Defence)
check 'em
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Rolled 30, 36, 78, 24 = 168 (4d100)

1,2: Toady

3,4: Towser
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You go in! You know you've done some damage, going by the blood that's starting to pool down the mutt's leggz. He's just acting tuffy.

See you tuff THIS!!

>Toady Bo3 95+4 vs Towser 24
>Towser 22 - 8 = 14HP
>Natural Armor 11 - 9 = 2Dur

Your blades sink in and you're sure you scrape bone, but between the iron collar and the Matty fur you're not getting in as deep as you should have.

Good news though: doesn't look like he's got much fur left on his top and flanks! Gneh herr!


Shit! Getting inna his zone means he's in your zone too! The mutt lunges, and you try to drop and twist away, but you're not fast enough!

>Towser 78 Attack vs Toady Bo3 66
>Toady 11 - 2 = 9 /12hp
>Kludge Armor 5 - 2 = 3 /12Dur
>[Helff Gluggz] 5/6


>Struggle! Tryda break free! 2d100 Defense + Act: Escape! If your defense succeeds the grapple ends!

>GIVVIDIM STILL! 1D100 attack! Dagga10dmg + Carrionpede3dmg = 13dmg!

Rolled 35, 27 = 62 (2d100)

>Struggle! Tryda break free! 2d100 Defense + Act: Escape! If your defense succeeds the grapple ends!
Rolled 98, 41 = 139 (2d100)

>Struggle! Tryda break free! 2d100 Defense + Act: Escape! If your defense succeeds the grapple ends!
We definitely just inflicted a grievous injury on the mutt. I say we git outta dodge and let him BLEED OUT a little.
Rolled 5 (1d100)

Towser 1d100 Attack!
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You remember the last time dis hellmutt got a grip on you: he spun his head tryna tear a chunk off you.

And he's doin it now! If you don't get free quick you're nuggets!

Just as the dogmonster starts to thrash its head around, you get twisting and wriggling, throwing your momentum into the leftrightupdown thrashing!

And it works!

>Towser Attack 5 vs Toady Bo3 Defense 98
>small oof 4dmg
>Toady 9 - 1 = 8 /12hp
>Kludge Armor 3 - 2 = 1 /12Dur
>[Helff Gluggz] 5/6

Couple biggy pieces of the Kludge Armor from your shoulder down to your belly gets torn free, leaving you with mostly just the underrigging and the wicker basket over your back.

Fuggit, it's just kludge. You've still got mosty yez skin!

And da mutt's about DONE



Rolled 70, 73 = 143 (2d100)

Rolled 16, 29 = 45 (2d100)

Rolled 27, 27 = 54 (2d100)

You can see it in his eyes, the indecision: run? get the boy? fight?

If only BossMan was here huh. When Stumpy wuz around ye didn't need to reely fink didjer, doggface?

"I'mma save yez sum trouble, dumdum! Jezt worry bout ME!!"

You rush! This 'un's called Disturbenna Grass!


His choices forcibly narrowed, Towser pounces! But your extremely low profile, almost flat on the ground, and the Carrionpede's weird wormy movement slides under and past!

>Towser Attack 27
>Toady Defend Bo3 73


>Toady Attack Bo3 70+4
>Towser Defend 27
>Towser 14 - 15 = -1
>Natural Armor 2 - 2 = 00

You just finish a full chain combo, fuggen clean, when Towser's legs give out; you adjust for it so that he falls wivviz froat right onna Dagga point, and you watch his light die.

If thingz had worked the way you wanted you'd have shot him wiv Stumpy's crossbow, then cutt offiz bwollz wivvim alive n watchen.

But this you weigh them in hand, like two furry cojoined chicken eggs will do just FINE!!!
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Rolled 1, 1, 4 = 6 (3d4)

You throw off the remains of the kludge armor - it's just getting in the way now - and go back for the clever snot you left buried under a pile of Stuffs.

After stowing the lot, you check the brat: still breathing, still asleep. Just to be safe, you Blood Dot him again.

He dry retches. So, already awake n tricksy ehh. Looks like someone needs a liddle persyykolojjikal adjustment.

"Jezt like I promizzt:" You yank his head, angling it out of the door, so's he can see the dedd mutt.

"I zed if yez quiet, I don't killz yez."

You look into his eyes, patting his head, smoothing his hair. Grinning like a shark.

"Meanen also I don't killz yez; n I don't killz yez; n I [d]don't[/d] killz yez."

He doesn't take long to work this out; you Blood Dot him just when his eyes widen, and you truss him proppa.

Ooh he'll be beggen for va Dogg's death before Seafood's done wivvin!
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"Oh. A guest."

" Gneh. Gave me all kindsa shidd Sweetfudz. Shot me twice, loosed the dogg on me wivva Faya Flask, made me chase him innin out the Mart Street. Chopped me. Got me kit all half-tore before I even started on the mutt."

"Mm. So you want a junior disciple."

You feel Seafood's taking the pess, so you play straight n stuppud.

"Nar Sweetfudz. I figger jezt deffs too quick ferrim. I fort I'd brungum fer yez. Mebbe yez can drain orf orl hiz bludd while he's livin n watchen. Make it moar pain n orful loik."

"I seeee. Your Shifu is your torturer and executioner, hmm. A dumping ground for offal and leftovers, hmm."

"errr.. N-no? P-pleez no?"

"Hmhmhmm. I will want a good answer later, Tudi. Think carefully. You. Come. Here."

The boy's lifted and dragged through his air, his toes trailing on the ground. This was the same thing Seafood used on you, but at that time there were lotsa blood squiggles on the ground.

Either Seafood allus could do this without blood squiggles, or there's squiggles here wot yez carnt see snrff. But derr izzint any blood onna ground thoe?, or he no longer needs squiggles now. Whichever it is, you ready yourself to get punished in some gruelling way; when Seafood gives these kinds of questions he's in a mood, and it don't matter what you answer. Best butter yer skiddz n prepare yerz bugg'ole.

"Mm. Some intelligence; good spirit. Hmm. An Eight-Gate Affinity; powerful, if you find the right teacher. Someone who knows both Righteous and Deviant Peak-level Arts. Meat and bone a little thin, nothing a year wouldn't fix. Lad. You've seen how deadly this imbecile disciple of mine is, with just a little teaching. If you kowtow to me three times and call me Teacher, I will teach you much more. When you have attained Mastery, what will not be yours. Wealth, women, position, power. The world. Empire. Revenge," he says, glancing at you with the red pinpoints of his eyes. The boy follows his gaze into yours. In the eye that isn't swollen flows a black hate you've only seen one place else: in the gray grill-helm of the Goblin Slayer.

You shrink and flinch, hearing this. Waddafugg duud... Mebbe dis weren't the best idea at all...

"How about it."

"... ... yes. Teacher."

The moment Seafood lets him off the phantom grip, the boy goes on both palms and both knees, bowing his forehead to the ground in front of Seafood. You feel sicker each time his head knocks the floor.

On the third knock, before he can list his head again, Seafood in his little girl body places a hand on the back of his neck.

"I acknowledge your request." When he lifts his hand there's a black squirming fing on the boy's neck.

"But the Wind Incarnadine doesn't accept Disciples."

As the boy jerks up, surprised by the horrible new sEnSaTiOnZ, Seafood rams one more weirdseed inniz mouf, neck hollow, under navel.

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Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d2)

In the same motion, Seafood scratches the boy quickly on his body, then palms his face. The boy twitches on his knees, arms stiffened, fingers splayed.

"Twenty days westly, walking by night or through the forest, following the main town road, you will find a place the sun doesn't touch and no wind moves. There will be a broken cabin in that place; you will know. Kowtow in the darkness of that place and grow: tall supporting heaven, wide embracing earth; long living, all hearing, unfearing of iron and fire. Go."

As the boy shambles off the weird shiddz already growwen, eeuch you hurry to get a biggy rag or quilt armor to throw over him.

"Forget it. Wind and rain can beat, but, as though a drunkard, he will not feel it."

"Nerr. But peepl'll see, Sweetfuds. Theyz followem n stoppem. Dat be bad for uzz, wunnit?"

"Hmhm. Worry about your answer instead, my presumptuous Tudi. Those who follow him will join him!"

>§821.5 + 6

>84 Dedder Dusts

>5 Dimm Cult

>Toady 8/12HP
>Kludge Armor 1/12Dur
>[Helff Swigga] 5/6 gluggz


>Yang Wuhan still needs 47LM - 2d2 from Stumpy and Towser
>22 days remaining
>Derreschston pop. 63LM - 2d2
>Derreschston Sus penalty -10 - 6(/15) from Sordyfagg Missing - 6(/18) From Towser and Stumpy Missing


>Cherch (Ш) (familiarity bonus +15) (mostly sacked apart from kitchen, maybe one or two upstairs roomz...) (if you sack the kitchen it WILL be noticed by breakfast)
>Cherch (Ͳ) (familiarity bonus +15 +10)
>Pit (familiarity bonus +10)
>Mass Grave
>Mart Street
>Mayorate Court Courthouse (Familiarity bonus +15)
>Mayorate Court Residence + Stables

>by chokey choke? (GARROTE)
>by slashy slash? (DAGGA)
>[From whence? Write-in]

>Pit (Dedder Dust collection bonus +40)

>[What? Write-in]

>Pit WatchBoss

>TRAINAN (Costs §2.5/day) (Carrionpede Form is currently at +4(/4) Hit Chance and +3(/4) Damage) (Gui Li imposes -1 to gains in Form per gain at this time; min gain is +1) (Improvement for TRAINAN is now Total of 3>150, OR Bo3 65)




"I haven't forgotten you Tudi. How ungrateful of you, to ask your Shifu so frail and old in this Pall Body, to do your torturing and killing for you. Will you next have me wash your bugghole for you."

"N-no, Sweetfudz. Cuzz I nivvir wash me bugg'ole."

Seafood tries, but even he carnt do nuffin wiv this fatt accomplice.

At last, he gives up.

"Tudi," he whispers simply. "Come. Here."

>Arhh shidd. Here we go aginn.



>Yang Wuhan still needs 47LM - 3 from Stumpy and Towser

>22 days remaining
>Derreschston pop. 63LM - 3
>Derreschston Sus penalty -10 - 6(/15) from Sordyfagg Missing - 6(/18) From Towser and Stumpy Missing


Rolled 35 (1d100)

we should be able to upgrade our armor with what we looted from the armory
going out again in our current condition would be risky

should we send the dimm cult out again?
I'll support this, but I want to make a quick pit stop to toss Towser and Stumpy's bodies into an empty house and put a pot of way too much oil on the stove, and a sack of random meats n veggies in the pot. Then light the stove up and leave.
It'll cause a very convincing housefire that'll consume the bodies and will, upon investigation, seem to be caused by overly capricious food frying.
Dimm Cult can spread 30 dedder dust by day at the uhh, places they're keeping their livestock. Mix it into the animal feed. People used to grind up all sorts of shit to feed to livestock during times of hardship.
Feed it to the animals and once they get slaughtered and eaten it'll transmit to the people. Also animals could use some good maluses because they've got inconveniently good senses against mo ao.
Rolled 95 (1d100)

Forgot me roll
>>6096938 +1
>It'll cause a very convincing housefire that'll consume the bodies
we already took the bodies with us
>Dimm Cult can spread 30 dedder dust by day at the uhh, places they're keeping their livestock
QM said before that something like this will probably not yield the desired results without us babysitting them
try rolling a 100 anon #3 we believe in you!
Yes. Plant the bodies and set up a believable scene for why the two are now gone and dead. Should reduce sus.
>Bo3 General

>Dimmies go autofarm moar dust
>bc yer too dumm to do real skull diggery

>Wanna+needa new kit
>Make it wiv Armory Stuffs

>Crime Seems Invalidashumz, gnehh heh hehh

Normally wouldn't allow two actions, but since TAMPER EVIDENCE is fairly minor, will spread it over two or moar days.

Corpsedusting the Town through its livestock and foodstock will take a Day; maybe vote again for tomorrow, since anons should agree making new Kludge Armor takes priority.

Will get to writan in a couple hours, since I have three droogz who checked in (yay!) and it's not a vital narrative or tactical decision.
i hope this quest never dies :)
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wiv YOU ro/qst/arz innere feeding the dumpster fire, it probably won't
After a few hours hanging from a branch by yez nose hairs, Seafood gets bored and lets you go. You scarper out of his immediate reach, nursing your widened schnozz'oles.

>Dat went bedder den expegtid


You look at yer oldy kludge armor made of short planking n two wickerwork baskets and feel really glad it wuzzint YOU wot got chewed on.

Between the brainy liddle shit and the muttmonster, you might be dead more than twice over if not for the spiffygood kludgeware you had on.

If the kidd n mutt got any luckyyer, or teamed up somehow, things would have gotten real dicey for YOU.

Good fing you fixxd Stumpy first, hheh. That was the only correct decision.

Imagine getting grappled by Doggface while Stumpy's slotten arrows in yer from a window. Then imagine that while you wuz busy geddun chewed n shott, the liddle shit runnen orf to get the TownBoss.

>fugg DATT.

Welp! Probblim's solved anyway! Yerz and theyrz! kekekekekekek!

While patching yerself and doin yer Ceremony, you daydream what and what-with you're finna make.

It will be tuffyyer dan yer old one, being made of meddl. A little more weight, but lots less bulky than wood, so it will move around the same. And having proppa screws n fastnuts is heaps better than just string n chikky wire, so it'll eat a few whacks without falling to pieces. Or so many pieces.

Having the Dagga is a big help: just rest it on summink a few seconds wiv yer hand on it, and it starts to eat through thin mundane metals, at a rate of ~1mm per 3 seconds. Faster than sawing and drilling.

For a base you start by resizing some quilt armor material: halve it into a shirt n skirt, then take orf the sleeves from the shirt, leaving a vest.

With a tenting needle and a thinny cord you get to sewing ringmail and hardened leather patches on. It's dismaying how easily you can pick the ringmail apart; a goody crossbolt or semi-serious pointy will get through these, no question. At least it might slow some slashies...

For the breastplate you got a Humie shoulderplate fixed over a cast iron frying pan with no handle; for a belly and lower back you get two greaves beaten flat, then strapped to each other making a kindy corset; for the backplate, you run part of the chestplate rigging and part of the corset rigging through the straphoops onna goody-ish buckler 's too shiny n light; tinny eluminuminum and wood batter. At least the punchboss is bronze....

Rusted trowelheads for shoulderplates, leather kneeguard wiv ringz n plates sewn on ferra helmet, and one of the quilt sleeves cut up into tuckeroos n chappies.

>Ain datta Beaut!

>§827.5 - 3 Self Patch - 20 for Quality Kludge Armor

[Quality Kludge Armor]
[Goblin, Gnoll, Kobold and Vermen Only]
>Soaks 3dmg per Dur
>Loses 1Dur per 3dmg soaked, rounded DOWN
>Lets in 1dmg per 3dmg soaked
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QM receipts for Qivin the Gonad before the start of the fight with Stumpy.
Rolled 54 (1d100)

>Bo3 95 + 30 Night Bonus (permitted) - 22 Sus penalty - 10 Dumb penalty

>vs Derrechston
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Rolled 3, 1, 4, 4, 4 = 16 (5d6)

>Dimmies 93 vs Townies 54
>Not Detected

>rollan Dust gained
Rolled 17, 1, 19, 15, 18, 6, 9, 17 = 102 (8d20)

As the sun sinks you start preppen a few fings.

You're tired from all dat kludgeworking because if the refits, but not so tired you carnt fit in a bitty arson.

While you kludged by day you've gotten the Dimmies to collect dry leaves and grass from the open fields, which they turn in before you send them off to get more dedderz to make into Dust.

With the dry stuff prepped you start sorting out flammables. You're running low on sheeping tar, and burning booz seems a kindy waste...

You're prepared to sacrifice a halfbottle of Toebend's Delectable to start a biggy blaze, but you'll need ovva stuffs that won't be found out or won't look weird if they were.

>ahh fuggit
>I'll make sumn up when I get derr.


Stumpy's house is the same as you left it: kindy a shambles. You put the toppled chairs and things upright again, put new cushions from other places on the empty couch.

You're going to burn this place unrecognizable anyway, so you think to loot all you can before then.

After leaving some props behind of course. Like the crossbow the boy abandoned under the bed, and the biggy machete wot you carnt use anyway.

You start from the cellar: quite biggy n deeply, plenty stuffs: charcoal loggz, pig fats and oil in sealed clay jarz, dry grains in biggy sealed clay waterpots; lots rope, a workbench with drawrerz of Humie medicine and meat-toolz, and a biggy tool chest wiv common metal and woodwork toolz. Ahh! Two biggy tins of sheeping tar! And booz bottlz of thinna n turpemtime! Naaaizz.

You take most of it, leaving one or two jarz of rancid pig fats, and a few empty bottles. Then you heap the place with all the dry wood the Dimmies collected for you.

Next level up, kitchen and liven room. Quite meh stuff apart from the foodz n cooky cutlery n stuffs. You take everything, leaving a few shoddier equivalents from the Pouch in their place, just enough that it doesn't feel sacked. Something nice from the kitchen: four biggy juggy bottles with herby bits n berries stewing in clear wood-booz. These are too good to burn; you need every advantage dealing with Seafood.

Stumpy's war-tools are on the second floor. You take and replace everything you can with the crappy stuff you found in the Cherch armory. His hunting knives are really sumn. If there was a mobb looting with you there'd be a stabbing over them.

From the little shit's room...meh. Trash. Leave everfin...oh henlo...

It's an old horseshoe beaten into a slingshott. A smally hole's intentionally left in the leather-wrapped handle to make a pinkie-ring. Three thicky short bowstrings have been left untied in the nailholes on one side; he only strings them when he needz to shoot, so's they keep elastic.

The boy had left this after spilling all the lead shotts to tripp you. Hehh.

>[Huntn Noif] GETTY
>Slash as gudd as the Sicky!
>But yez can pokey wivvit too!

>[Slingyeety] GETTY
>Get attention or distract with this!

>QM rollan Lewtz!
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There's several small bales 3/4' x 1/2' ea. of quite good baccy in Stumpy's room; Sordyfagg smoked this mixed with sumn cheaper. All of it is yours now.

Then onto the roof. Here you heap up the leaves the Dimmies collected, then go back down again.

You picture the story you want busybodies to see: a sleepy Stumpy by his fire, burning baccy into his pipe; he's drunk sum KAMKHATKA XKØLL, spillz sum. The fire from his baccy ash catches it. Then it catches...err... a carpet. You soak the carpet in Delectable. And the carpet catches... the tablez n chairs n... some rags (here! plenty ragz)! And the rags starts eating up the wood floor (moar wood! n coal dust)! And they reach... the curtains? Budd he haz no curtain? Ahh! Bedsheets! You getty them from the second floor, tack them up over the windows, and a splashy splash thinner! Yes!

Stumpy's body can't be used; you've cut it in half. You take out a spare dedder you got, choppy off the leg, and leave a piecy wood in its place, to fake his pegleg.

Roit! Yez finks dats everfin.

So you startz it!

Basement first, because there's coal dust; you just heap lotsy wood from the pile outside the house, bitty pork fat to get it going, cellar door open to let the air circulate.

Fires burn up; you hurry up the wood stairs out of the cellar, the fire lapping up the oiled straw you left strewn behind you.

As the floorboard start to heat up you take a candle to everything in the living room, smashing two lamps into the ground to speed things up just before you bugger off out the back door.

Yup: no saving it now. You go half round the house, and close the cellar door. Like you wuz nevr eer.

By the time people see the flames and start fetching buckets the house is a torch.

The fire itself might be suspicious, but no one will be wondering about Stumpy's disappearance after this.

>§804.5 + 102 + 1 = §907.5

>84 + 16 = 100 Dedder Dusts

>5 Dimm Cult

>Toady 11/12HP
>Quality Kludge Armor 15/15Dur
>[Helff Swigga] 5/6 gluggz


>Yang Wuhan still needs 47LM - 2d2 from Stumpy and Towser
>22 days remaining
>Derreschston pop. 63LM - 2d2
>Derreschston Sus penalty -10 - 6(/15) from Sordyfagg Missing - 6(/18) From Towser and Stumpy Missing


>Cherch (Ш) (familiarity bonus +15) (mostly sacked apart from kitchen, maybe one or two upstairs roomz...) (if you sack the kitchen it WILL be noticed by breakfast)
>Cherch (Ͳ) (familiarity bonus +15 +10)
>Pit (familiarity bonus +10)
>Mass Grave
>Mart Street
>Mayorate Court Courthouse (Familiarity bonus +15)

>Mayorate Court Residence + Stables

>by chokey choke? (GARROTE)
>by slashy slash? (DAGGA)
>[From whence? Write-in]

>Pit (Dedder Dust collection bonus +40)

>[What? Write-in]

>Pit WatchBoss

>TRAINAN (Costs §2.5/day)(Carrionpede currently +4(/4) To Hit & +3(/4) Dmg)

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Rolled 3, 9 + 5 = 17 (2d10 + 5)


>Try to fake Sordyfagg's death Y/N? Cost 2d10+5 Stuffs

>Loot+ruin Stumpy's Tannery Y/N? Cost 4 SUS




>Yang Wuhan still needs 44LM
>21 days remaining
>Derreschston pop. 60LM
>Derreschston SUS penalty -10 - 9(/15) from Sordyfagg Missing - 8 From Towser and Stumpy Presumed Cooked

36 hrs

Rolled 85 (1d100)

>Mayorate Court Residence + Stables
i thought about using our dedder dust in this area (and the courthouse)
>Try to fake Sordyfagg's death Y/N? Cost 2d10+5 Stuffs
Y we can certainly try
>Loot+ruin Stumpy's Tannery Y/N? Cost 4 SUS
N i dont like being sus
we probably cant do a second thing i just realized
scratch that then
we cant waste a day faking a death
Rolled 49 (1d100)

>by chokey choke? (GARROTE)
>by chokey choke? (GARROTE)

Rolled 79 (1d100)

>No to both
We already made it look like sordyfagg decided to leave. Made all the right choices of looting for it, we did. Be strange if he came back just to die.
>Mayorate Court Residence + Stables
>By night
Wanna spike the animal feed with dedder dust. As previously discussed.
Just doing it personally instead of using the dimm, I guess.

>Send DIMM CULT to hunt wild animals out inna woods by day. They can bring anything they get back to seafood to keep him occupied and happy. Also so you can have a proppa meal later.
yeah lets see what the dimmies can do
next time we can go killing again (i think)
~A Brightborn Apology in support of promoting Rare Sexualities through the Examination of Pure Hyperheterosexuality manifested in Gobliny~

Siding popular consensus has never been the hallmark of those on the right side of history or intellectual honesty. 1

The notion of hyperheterosexuality as the "correct" sexuality merely on the basis of propagative necessity is puerile.

Rare sexualities are of a course superior to the common sexualities, as a gold pleasure lace2 is superior to the spur-copper or oxbeak ore from which it is ultimately drawn.

That Rare Sexuality is not original, or, non-existent in the natural state, is no reason for its suppression or denial of promotion. Rather it must be actively pursued and cultivated precisely for its rarity and difficulty.

Rather, if the normal majority must be correct, and hyperheterosexuality the normal majority, then why do all Darkborn 3 not uphold the humble Goblin as a model of sensual and sexual correctness? Unless it is some unspoken Darkborn qinq to nurse untenable hypocrisies? Of course it is so; it is all ~{they}~ do.

Going by Adventurer accounts, the Monstrous Races, especially Goblins, and the Orcs and Trolls to a next-less extent, seem to manifest the fewest incidences of Rare Sexuality when compared to most other sentient races, even the culturally stunted Squatborn Dwarves.

Goblins, by their nature, are only male, relying on the sexual predation of the females of other species to propagate. Goblins in captivity presented with a sexually prepared trumale homosexual top-exclusive express no sexual interest and, depending on the number of Goblins present, either fear or hostility.

When presented with equally sexually valid numales twinxtrapxubx the Goblins evince initial interest, followed by outrage and a greater willingness to pursue violence belying their numbers.

Thus, in sexual practice if not in sexual psychology it is next to impossible to investigate this, as the discussion of anything sexual with these creatures quickly devolves into a glee of insult and innuendo from the Goblin, the Goblin is hyperheterosexuality manifested in its purest form: heterosexual demogyny without queeriosity or qucq-aversion.

1: Neither has the siding of unpopular notions, an observation that often escapes remark. -Editor

2: An Elvish invention without analog in any other culture; an elaborate, constrictive and extremely revealing formalwear worn for aesthetic humiliation through urethral stimulation. Further explanation is not adequate without involving a host of rich and complex Elvish cultural concepts.-Translator

3: i.e. those ignorant or in disagreement with Brightborn thought.-Editor

The typical Goblin verbal response when presented with a opportunity to explore their Rare Sexuality, or with any opinion or action deemed "weak", is to use slurs in Common, the most usual and unthinking being "faggit," "hoemoegae," and with Brightborn m->f martial transvestitism in particular, "gae-shamurai" and "moanen roenen."

Who else shares this violent impulse of homomisia? Hyperheteros! And with the same results, history reflecting fact!

By refusing to entertain Rare Sexuality even conceptually, the Goblins have rejected imagination and invention, and thus have not progressed beyond stoneworking in terms of technology 1 and cave painting in terms of language, art and culture 2. Likewise, what significant intentions have hyperheteros made except in pursuit of war or homomisic gaynocide? The great minds of all races were Rare Sexed either openly or in secret; this is beyond all serious dispute 3.

If a Hyperhetero of a sentient race will not change what they are pleased to call their mind, they are then lower than Goblins, who are incapable of changing their nature 4.

To embrace change, to choose change, to change oneself, one's Nature, even or especially by force, is the only way to advance culture, yielding only advantage: when the Fourth Eye is opened, the Third is opened; One's Temple gains Light as one's fundament is fullfilled.

To refuse the choice, to even reject it, is the weak futile deathcry of the heteronormative on the wrong side of history, Goblins in but name and shape.

>Jjaq Çhiq
>Written from ll Seltue Alalme The Sweaty Elms

1: The Dwarven Initiative Concerning Slandery desires that it be put to record that it takes strong exception to such remarks.

2:The Barbarian Illiterati of Touchstone Moot has delivered a brace of bloodied implements to the Apology publisher's personal quarters at speed when the Apology was read to them and explained.

3: Disputed seriously.- Editor

4: Rare Sex Apologists are famously dubious when questions involving Intelligent Will and Nature arise.
{Shitpost Saturday Complete}

Proper Questposting continues.

when done


>Jjelq Çhiq

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Rolled 80 (1d100)

>Bo3 General 85 - 27 SUS penalty total + 30 Night Bonus
>SERCH Mayorate Court Residence + Stables
>ALSO Dedder Dust this location
>QMrollan for Derechston Mayorate Residence

>Send DIMM CULT to hunt wild animals out inna woods by day. They can bring anything they get back to seafood to keep him occupied and happy. Also so you can have a proppa meal later.
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Rolled 12 (1d100)

Before you leave for your night outing you have the Dimmies digg a biggy hole for you, about as wide as you are tall and over twice as deep as you are tall.

When done you start planting stakes at the bottom, about twenty, and over the top of the hole, about your chin height, you hang a fruit, a prunn or appl or sumn, dangling on a cord from a tree.

Then you cover the deeply pokey hole with thinny leafy branches.

When this is done you tell them

"See dis? Everywhere I hang a fruit onna string, you make a biggy spikey hole for me and cover it. Then you go away. When the sun comes up you go visit each hole and peeky. If derrz anerfin wiv meats onna, make sure itz dedd n bring it up to me."

They don't acknowledge, just slouch off to do your bidding. You hang like ten-ish fruits a hundred paces from each other.

Just diggy hole and planty spikes. The Dimmies carnt possibly mess dat up, rait?

>85 Gen roll, no penalty no advantage
>QM rollan for Natural Selection
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You're hitting the TownBoss' place tonight. Not the bigg house, you've already mapped that one; the littler one, wiv common folk inna, and the stables.

The watchchumps are bitty skitterish tonight; two lanterns lit on each side, and two spares each side at their feet, with a bottle of lamp oil.

Both sides of the stockade now have a smally bell stand too; last time there was only one, you think.

Sordyfagg going missing, then Stumpy dying in a fire must be eating up their nerves, hheh

You spot where you got in the last time: a stockade log dislodged at the bottom pointy end. It's been fixed: the loose log has been hammered deeper, and there's a biggy fat log behind it, bracing it closed.

>Townies rolled 80
>Toady total 88

Not a problem.

You sneek across the spikey moat like last time, then up to the stockade wall.

From the smell you can guess which bit of the wall the guards manning the front of the stockade usually pee off of: a bit after the corner, where the tops of the logs dip and the lamplight doesnt quite reach. When one chump pees the others look away. You'll use that.

You cross the moat of spikes, jam in a shiv at headheight between the logs for a foothold, then squat tight with a grassy mat over you.

You chew Stumpy's baccy toffee wiv Liddle Shitt's slangshott ready, n juzt wait.

It doesn't take long, with the amount of strong tea they're swigging.

"Hey. Gonna pee."

"Kay. Go."

When you hear that, you scuttle quick around the corner to the front of the stockade, nock a lead ball in the slangshott and ready aim.

When you see the watchchump's todger come out over your side, you count two beats and loose.

The lead ball smacks the tall rickety pole they hang their lanterns on, and the one closer to the peeing watchchumps topples.

The stream of pee shudders (lal) at the crash. You take that moment to duck back around the corner to the pee-stained wall, so's they see nothing when they try to look under the smacked lantern.

While the pisser hastily finishes and tries to light the fallen lamp with its unfallen partner, all the other watchchumps scan and peer intently into the darkness, trying to spot movement.

You use your foothold shiv to hup up the piss wall quickly and just dropp into the darkness behind the struggling watchchumps's back.

No alarm.

You Carrionpede along under the shadow of the stockade platforms quickly, darting into the par-dark of the front guardpost. You remember there's a tunnel innere.

The lamp's lit again.

"All good! All good!" says the watchchumps. You feel the four of them relax. It was nuffin after all. Just the wind. We need a less bendy lamp-pole, is all.

Nuffin ever happens.

"Until sumfin does, kek."

The trapdoor over the tunnel is not locked. You grease the hinges with quench oil, lever it up slightly with a shovel for a lever, listen: you don't hear movement or nuffin.

You're in.
Rolled 8, 5 = 13 (2d10)

The tunnel's easy for you; might be a bit low for Humies.

Judging by how they went in and out only from the tunnels, you guess that at least the maindoor and backdoor of this place is boarded up solid.

Yup: nicely made woody doors now with wood beams hammered to brace against the floor.

The windows are all boarded up too, from the outside and inside.

There's fewer weapons lying around than in the courthouse, and more food.

Furniture and carpets pushed to the walls, ready to block off either the main door or the windows.

You work out the main footways of this place and, after swagging some lewts of opportunity, start spreading DedderDust everywhere: the middle of the main room, the stairs to the second floor, the stairs to the cellar with the two tunnels leading out

You want to poison their fuddz if you could, but the gray dust has a look and smell that shows up against most things.

In the end you swirl some into their flour and mix it so it just looks bitty gritty; some in the clay pot holding the teapowder; bit inna ground peppah; lotz inna black pippy stuff lentils; and in every crockware oil jar and water jug.

Then you lightly Dust the kitchen for good measure.

Everone who lives here gon be fugged up, and everone who comes to take care of them be fugged up too.

You take the other tunnel out, the one leading to the rear guardpost.

You're doing the Stables next.


The horses shy when they smell you, retreating into their stalls with their ears flattened.

Two mares and a geld; judging by the furniture hung up near the entrance, the mares are for a carriage, the geld is for a rider.

You do this place quickly, not wanting the horses to panic and start making a racket.

Dusting the floor and the horses won't do; the horseshit gets shoveled out regular, looking at how clean the stalls are.

After a bitty fink you get up a post and start Dusting the crossbeams. You do it thicky, knowing no one ever cleans here.

When you're done you go out and do the interior of the horse carriage in front of the stable, especially under the cushions, so's they puff Dust when sat on.

Your mischief done, you Carrionpede cover to cover back to the rear guardpost. From there you wait until both watchchumps are turned outward, then scuttle under the drawbridge arch.

The Courthouse blocks the view of the watchchumps in front, and the watchchumps here can't see under their own feet.

Using their footsteps and the creaking wood to mask your own movements, you crawl up the closed drawbridge and through the gap at the top. Then you fire off another lead ball, this time into the compound, smacking the roof of the Courthouse.

As the four dumdums swivel inwards, you drop and scamper to the outer corner of the stockade, where the moat's shallower.

A little creeping after that, out of the range of the lamplights, and you're gold.

>residents and watchmen at Mayorate compound -25 General Penalty
>horses -25 gen. pen.
>Bal Dust = 00
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Mayorate Residence Common Areas = 2 units Space

Kitchen = 1 unit of Space

Stables = 1 unit of Space

100 DustSpace' worth causes -25 GenPen in 4 units of Space.

Mayor suffers only -5 GenPen, as he does not go into the Residence or Stables.

When he does, he will suffer -25 like the others.
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When you get back it's past moon-drop.

You go check on the Dimmies progress. Not bad at all. You just add a few pokeys at the bottom of the pits, adjust the leafy coverings, and itz gudd.

You mark out a few other spots for them to do before sun-up.

You have a gudd feeling about your pit traps.

Who knows. You might even kill a Man.

>Dimm Cult Bo3 85 Gen vs Wildlife 12
>7 degrees of success
>You will get 1LM free per day for 7 days

>§907.5 + 13
>= §920.5

>00 Dedder Dusts

>5 Dimm Cult

>Toady 12/12HP
>Quality Kludge Armor 15/15Dur
>[Helff Swigga] 5/6 gluggz


>Yang Wuhan still needs 44LM
>20 days remaining
>Derreschston pop. 60LM
>Derreschston SUS penalty -10 - 12(/15) from Sordyfagg Missing - 8 From Towser & Stumpy Dedd


>Cherch (Ш) (familiarity bonus +15) (mostly sacked apart from kitchen, maybe one or two upstairs roomz...) (if you sack the kitchen it WILL be noticed by breakfast)
>Cherch (Ͳ) (familiarity bonus +15 +10)
>Pit (familiarity bonus +10)
>Mass Grave
>Mart Street
>Mayorate Court Courthouse (Familiarity bonus +15)
>Mayorate Court Residence + Stables (Familiarity bonus +10) (DUSTED: YOU will suffer -10 GenPen for two days if you visit here again)

>by chokey choke? (GARROTE)
>by slashy slash? (DAGGA)
>[From whence? Write-in]

>Pit (Dedder Dust collection bonus +40)


>[What? Write-in]

>Pit WatchBoss

>TRAINAN (Costs §2.5/day)(Carrionpede currently +4(/4) To Hit & +3(/4) Dmg)




>Yang Wuhan still needs 44LM
>21 days remaining
>gain 1LM/day for the next 7 days
>Derreschston pop. 60LM
>Derreschston SUS penalty -10 - 9(/15) from Sordyfagg Missing - 8 From Towser and Stumpy Presumed Cooked

36 hrs


Dear droogz, you have successfully looted and hobbled most of Derrechston.

Unless you wish to explore more there is more, I extend you the offer of rollan multiple Days of BLOOD GETTY until you have diminished Derechston's Pop. to <45, and max out total SUS penalty at -40.
Rolled 81 (1d100)

i lol'd
>You will get 1LM free per day for 7 days
better than i had hoped for wow

>BLOOD GETTY by chokey choke
wanted to start doing that anyway now
i propose we go kill TownBoss next night
Rolled 89 (1d100)

>>6099218 +1
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>TRAINAN (Costs §2.5/day)(Carrionpede currently +4(/4) To Hit & +3(/4) Dmg)
>By day.
>Dimms keep hunting.
Gonna wanna spend a few days recovering after we directly handled dedder dust, lads.
By which I mean spending time soaking our balls in the sun as god intended.
we didnt get that debuff yet as i understood it
Toady suffers no (significant) Dust contamination at this time.

If you go back to any DUSTED place to carry out a prolonged action like Search or Stalk, you will suffer the Dust Penalty.
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Abnormal. Definitely abnormal.

This is the seventeenth corpse he had told the fortune of.

Counting backwards from the day and time and manner of death all those that Tudi brought him were Violent Deaths; counting with a constant was much easier., and guessing from the conditions of their bodies, what was left of their palms and faces, Yang Wuhan was able to ascertain an approximate horoscope.

From these tangendental points of single interstice, and using the date of his and the goblin's meeting as a Greatly Fortuitous Crossing of Paths, he triangulated to find his Tudi's Heavenly Stem and Earthly Stem, and from those derive the goblin's BaZi, Eight Characters.

He found out that the Goblin was born before spring three years ago, 8th day 11th month 2geng 1dian past night (10pm).

Reading Tudi's fortune was... diverting, but not the goal.

For with one complete reading of BaZi, he was able to begin a conversion of this world's calender to one that corresponds accurately with the Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Stems, and from there, match the Heavenly Courts constellations of this world to the ZiWei, Purple Star astrological tellings.

With these two foundational systems deduced to a workable state, though not accurate enough to be relied upon, he began building upwards to more esoteric methods, capable of charting fortunes after death, or of those whose lives did not end with death: Tudi's gray helpers, the Dimm Cult.

Tudi, as a Goblin, was born under a Governing Power: Chaos. This overruled some aspects of his BaZi and ZiWei while quickening others. Some Cultivators used such knowledge to seek patrons who have Attained, so-termed Sages and Immortals, or Demons and Gods.

Yang Wuhan did the same, and was mildly surprised that he was merely Extremely Favorable as Tudi's patron. The true ideal patron seemed to dwell in Chaos, or rather, was Chaos, to be understood as both Principle and Person.

Truly unheard of. Divinity is inborn, Immortality attained. But what is both a Personal Person yet an Impersonal Principle?

Then he charted more tellings, cursorily, for the commoners who were of the Dimm Cult, the dead commoners in the mass grave who were branded-staked-beheaded, and those not; and the troublesome characters Tudi encountered in Plague Town.

The troublesome ones, and those from the mass grave that were branded and staked, mostly had Light, Order, Truth, Abundance as their ideal Patrons.

Those that had been afflicted and Rerisen by the Plague, though they were also all commoners, fell under Chaos, like Tudi.

Mo Ao and the Dimm Cult all fell under Darkness.

There were other Patron Powers unrepresented: Law, Illusion, Knowledge and Destiny.

And he, Yang Wuhan, fell under none of them.

Does this mean that I alone in this world am truly free. Or that One's Existence is beyond these ten Overuling Cardinals to contain or predict.
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In an inspired moment he assumed that all those that fell under a Patron Power were Continuing One Path with IT, and discovered to his simmering delight that the Patron Powers had BaZi and ZiWei too!

Granted it was impossible to tell exactly their fortunes and futures, not having his present charts in this world or his native world converted to match the Heavens THEY were under, but the fact that there was a recession to a Beginning and a declensions to an End, strongly suggested that they were not Eternal Principles, though in this world they ruled above Gods.

Peculiar peculiar peculiar.

And there were two other factors that interfered with his calculations: a Wind called Chance and a Wave called Fate.

It was these that had caused Mo Ao and the Dimm Cult, whichever Patron Power was favorable to them at birth, to be converted instead to Darkness.

And between the Ten Patron Powers and the Wind and Wave of Chance and Fate, there was something else. It also ruled this world with the Ten Patron Powers, as an Eleventh but ... at an elevation, and more completely, yet more distant in its involvement, Patron to no one.

The true God. The true Power.

Patron to none?


It was a Patron. But to a very extremely few. These were not elevated to great height, nor did they attain significance in the course of this world. But they were invulnerable, even if they could be hurt; ever-victorious, even if presently defeated. These and these alone of this whole world, though native to it, were unruled by the Wind and Wave of Chance and Fate.

Even were they Immortal Sages it should be a difficult matter to escape Chance and Fate completely; as Mundanes who have not broken free of Causal Existence, it should be impossible. Yet in this world, such exist!

It was natural that such persons were extremely few and of apparent insignificance, else the other Patrons would be thrown to uproar, and this whole world and all in it end in an hour.

Even so, the existence and proximity of just one of such persons The GoblinSlayer, the Favorites of the Eleventh, had distorted probabilities and possibilities enough for him, Yang Wuhan, to enter this world in his flight between realities. Not only that, but to immediately encounter a Goblin with a Pinnacle Martial Body who also just came into possession of a Thousand Year Lingzi, just in time and just in place to save his life.

When he had come again to strength he intended to find these Favorites of the Eleventh, and from them derive access and opportunity to IT.

Yang Wuhan, Devil of Heaven, had only contempt for so-termed Gods. Had he not defeated and defiled enough of them in his career?

But that discrete yet supreme, sublime yet creatural Eleventh!

That was an existence truly WORTH the killing!

~~Fillerpost End~~

tldr, hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife Kumo Kagyu
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Itz mee, ladz.

Updating in 14hrs.
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Rolled 26 (1d100)

>Main at Night = 4d6 LM
>With 3 Dimm Cult assisting = Degrees of Success enabled

>Current SUS -27
>Night Bonus +30
>Net +3

>Bo3 Gen 89 + 3 = 92
>vs QMrollan Derreschston
Rolled 5, 6, 1, 6 + 6 = 24 (4d6 + 6)

Rollan new victims
+6 degrees of success
Gains: 24 x 150% = 36LM gained for Yang Wuhan

Derreschston pop is now 60 - 24 = 36

per >>6077616 , you now gain -15 SUS penalty for being pop. <60, and -15 SUS again for being pop. <45

> -27 current SUS
> - 15 - 15 SUS from overall population dip
> - 24 SUS people newly ded
>= - 71
BUT only - 40 SUS will be effected in Derreschston.
thats a lotta LM :O
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You're goin' noosen tonight, wiv the Man Dimmy and the Fat Woman Dimmy as your grinnen gray helpers: you sneeki in, let them innada house, they weigh down the victim, while you supply the coup de -ACK. Quicky n sister-manic.

You choose the Mains to do, since it has the most Humies at night after the Pit, and you see how your depredations has affected it: the increasing vacancy and growing quiet of the Skirts has prompted its survivors to move into the town center to squat for safety.

These take up the poorer empty houses on Main where some of the unrulier workmen from the Church and the Pit have been squatting comfortably.

With a bitty chalk you sneek from house to house, marking out those with few people, sleeping separately.

When you're done with the whole Mains you start from the end first, so's fewest people hear if you or your Dimmies fumble the kill and cause a ruckus.

But you don't: you get in through smashed windows, grease the doors, and let in your helpers.

Then, room by room, starting with the one closest the exit so's you can gibb anyone further un wot wakes up n tries to run, you do them in.

When you've choked them out, fainted, you just roll them innada Pouch and let it kill them proppa, saving you work.

Even with this, you are so successful you have to have a short snakk n napp in summun's warmy bed you tell your Dimmies to face the wall first, va creepy fuggs before continuing.

By moon-drop you've cleared all the houses that are safe to do. The rest is couples, or else peepl cluttered all in the same room. Too risky: you might end up having to fight them all, or chase them through Plague Town while they're screamen n carreyen on. If even one of them got away, there'll be a description: a hemsem killa-killa Gobbo and two gray grinnen mutes. You're not up for that.

You guess that xxPANICxx will set in past breakfast, and whoever's still living will huddle for defense in the TownBoss House Mayorate Court and the Cherch Ͳ block, since it's enclosed on all sides.

The work at the Pit will probably stop, and whatever is in Ш will be emptied out and distributed between the BossHouse and Ͳ.

They'll find the Ш armory empty then, kek, and they'll be hurrying to kludge some kindy weapons quicky. Of course they'll use the stabbuttaged forge in the Ш armory, KEK, and that will take out another handful, probably the ones who are good at kludging metal.

And venn! And venn...

They'll be sending summun to get halps.

The only good horses you've seen were at the BossHouse stables; probably the geld.

You'd better get back to camp quickly and borrow Moar Oww from Seafood: you'll need to chase the rider, and having the menacing bedsheet on hand to stall the horse will be useful.
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Rolled 2 + 1 (1d6 + 1)

"Early." says Seafood, eyes still closed.

You don't really reply, just keep on dragging out the new dedders you got from garroting.

When one pile gets too big you start another, until there's two and a half piles of them, most still warm.

To pair, you serve up a 3/4 full booz bottle of Stumpy's herby hooch and a half bottl of Gnoll Glenn.

Only when the booz is gone, and one pile of dedder's reduced to uneatable jerky almost the thinness and crunchiness of dried leaves do you venture your request.

" Sweetfuds, derrs gonna be a difficulty by brekkfast. I've kilt ennuf ovva gitz n Fighty Ones datt deyy might send summun onna horse out to fetch halp. Mebbe Sweetfudz can lendz me Moar Oww and I try to stoppem ."

Seafood pauses in his bloodsupper.

"You would chase a horse. Perhaps your legs have grown longer, or brain smaller."

"I gotz allada horses Dedder Dusted. It won't run too fast. And itz still gotta sleep."

"You are sure of where they will send for help."

"Nerrh. Nut reely. But errh, derrz only two outs outta town: the road to the Dedder Dump (mass grave) and the road through Mains. I can tryda bet on one road, and if I can has Moar Oww, he can block the ovva one orf ferrabit."

"Hai. It is ever the naive and pigbrained who are optimist."

So saying, he casts a longy chanty magic using blood squigglies and his dedder leftovers, and a bitty Dust from the Corpse Grinder. When he's done, the bones jump and fix themselves into something twoheaded and sixlegged, big azza minotur riding a centur.

Less impressive is that itty bittz uvvit start loosening and falling off almost immediately.

>QM rollan 1d6+1 for Necrosleiph's lifespan in Days
>Toady does not have Mounted Combat or Monstrous Mount feats; he can only point it somewhere and hang on
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>Necrosleiph will last 3 Days
>Runspeed 0.8 of a normal horse x 2 by going 24 hours
>=1.6x of YOUr Rollan

>YOU now suffer -10 Fatigue Penalty to your base Rollan
>This will increase per Day unless you choose to Rest


Choice 1:
>Which road will YOU guard?
>Out from Main
>Out from Mass Grave

Choice 2:
>Where do YOU want to post Mo Ao?
>With YOU, to reduce your Fatigue Penalty
>At the other road that YOUre not guarding, to Stall the Emergency Rider if they go that way

and roll 1D100
Rolled 67 (1d100)

>Out from Main
>At the other road that YOUre not guarding, to Stall the Emergency Rider if they go that way
Rolled 5 (1d100)

yeah this
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Rolled 2 (1d3)

1,2= Out Main
3 = Out Mass Grave
Rolled 59 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

QaMen Raida!!
Rolled 16 (1d100)

apparently Dice doesn't do "- X"

>Toady Bo3 67 - 10 = 57
>x 1.6 = 91

>Rider 59 - 25 = 34

Caught him within daylight hours.

Now rollan Evacuation Carriage going the other exit (Mass Grave Out)
It does, but it's finnicky.
You would type dice+1d100+-25 for it.
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> 16 - 25Dust Penalty
> = 0
>The Evacuation Carriage stalled a little outside of Derreschston

You're supposed to roll (1d100-10)x1.6 to race back, but theyre not making it with just a 0+34 Distance Bonus.

This QuickTime challenge was too easy.

will start writan in 12hrs

next time then
we got lucky :D
Mo Ao fucking slaughtered the evac
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Riding the Bone Beastie is very uncomfy: it has spikes all along the back, and where it's not spikes, they snap off after a bit and become spikes. You have to watch your jumblies a lot while riding, or they might get caught in the joints or poked by the spikes. You don't need this kindy risk when you're jobbing.

So you take up residence in the rib cage instead, stringing ropes in a web through the shoulder blades and spines to spread your weight, so you can hang across them like a hammock.

Pad the ribs with some foliage and things, keeping a gap open in the breast for you to peek fru, and no one will even see YOU, just the Bone Beastie galloping at them.

Apart from its crumblyness, you discover another drawback to the Bone Beastie: it's real dumm, even worse than the Dimmies.

The Dimmies need simple words in short sentences and supervision, but at least they get what you're trying to make them do. This bonepile understands single words, three at most, and not more than two syllables each. If you tried to use it in a raid or sumn - forget war, this ride will last a week tops, assuming no one fights - you'd become the biggest and ironically easiest target.


You send Moar Oww to watch the road going out of the Dedder Dump while you watch the road going out of Mains.

You camp further down, so's only the last house of the Skirts infrunnada Plague Town entrance has any peeksies at all at you.

Then you have breakfast: a few lumpy shredds of rabbit you've saved, and a fatty old frogg wivva stikk fru da bum, toasted over a candle. Not too bad, as breakfasts go. At least it's meat, and kindy freshy, thanks to the Pouch.

To stay awake you roll ciggies wiv Sordyfagg's baccy leaf and hymnal paper (you're saving Stumpy's baccy until you have some real peace and quiet to enjoy it) while chewing some baccy toffee.

You're still tired, but the work and the toffee kindy takes the edge orf.

When sun's nearly full up (~10+AM), you hear a galloping coming down the road. You pack up your rollies and stuffs and get into your driver's hammock.

As you watch its approach, even YOU can twigg the rider's making the horse go too fast. The nearest settlement is at least 20sumn days on foot(3mphx12hrsx20= 720++miles); that's still two and a half days at a gallop (720÷25mph÷12hrs). There's just no way the horse can make it if he makes it go top speed right out, even if YOU hadn't dosed the stables with Dedder Dust.

Whoever's riding isn't thinking.

>they sent a Humie wots not full grown yet
>jezt a grubling wiv poobz
>'course he carnt fink
>not even the dum Humie kindy dum fink

You wait until he passes you, jezt so he can't just wheel back, then set course.

"Roit bonebrain. After 'em"

The geld is already panting when yerz Bone Beastie kicks orf; the rider takes one look back at the arythmic batter of eight mismatched hooves and legs, and screams his dummy head orf.
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Rolled 1 + 1 (1d3 + 1)

The geld carnt go any farster, yez fink. You carnt see its eyes, but going by yer guttz it's going to give out in a few minutes.

You loop a cord noose in your arm with plenty of lax; when the Bone Beastie's close enough to the geld's rump, you get outy the ribcage and up the neck using the gaps like a ladder.

Reaching the head you noose the antlers for a safety, and bigg hupp off bonebrain's snout before the geld can make a gap again.

The messnjjerboi's so fixed on speeding the horse he doesn't even know you exist until you're in the air, and then he scrabbles for a wee sord at his side.

Which he fumbles and drops lmfao

Ainvat a roit blooman SHAME!!!

You do him quick, don't even bovva wiv a combo: just ram yez Dagga in his kidneyback, next to the spine, then double-arm the grip and lift-push it hard as you can against his bodyweight. It slices through his ribs like hardened cheese, and when you can't really go up any more carved into shoulderplate at a bad angle and got stuck, you forcefully curve the blade into the spine. He's dedd; let him topple orf, outva way.

The horse slows a little, confused at the loss of instruction, slightly relieved that bonebrain's slowly lagging off behind.

Then it smells blood, then it smells you, then it starts panicking again.

Not being confident in dealing with troublesome animals Animal Handling or Mount Proficiency you do the next best fing: stab yez Dagga in itz neck and jump off.

While they bleed out, you help yourself on several mouthfuls of their blood until it stops dribbling out, then some slices off the messnjjerboi that might believably written off as fight wounds, then innada Pouch they go.

"arrait bonebrain. Back to town. No, no, vat way, VAT WAY. Moran."
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Rolled 4, 2 + 2 = 8 (2d4 + 2)

You go most of the way back to town then make a biggy circuit and bash through the forests a bit to keep hidden.

You haven't met anyone on the way back to Plague Town; the Humies haven't sent anyone else out from Mains.

You bash through greenery until you hit the road leading out from the Dedder Dump.

You don't see Moar Oww where you posted him; that means he's on the chase; means someone was sent orf.

You don't go far from there when you feel dat liddle prickle you get when Moar Oww's about. You follow the sensation until you find him, a bitty into the forest.

He addresses you before you can speak, without turning his hood to you. You can't imagine anyone trying to get a jump onnim.

Goblin. They sent a horse car out from the back of the town. Two horses. Women and children, many sick; they've slowed.

"Wotcher. Aincher done 'em yet."

He makes the front of the black bedsheet shrivel a bit: he's still mostly neck and ribs, and short tentacles growing everywhichwhere like fingers with too many joints.

Your doing.

You smirk. " Yerr. Gibbed yez gudd dinnai, nehh."

The hood turns away, back to watching the stagecoach. The horses are barely cantering, the coach driver barely minding. You've Dusted them all guuudd

Try it when I am regrown. Without Lord Yang's Parrying Sword. And every power of this body permitted.

You guess that probably won't end well for you. But Hell if you'd ever admit it.

"Whadevvah yez zey, bedsheetz. N wash yez mouf r sumn. Evertime yez talks I smellz my cock."

You get a feeling, like something that physically existentially can't laugh is laughing.

. . . . . . yet everyday you pleasurably self-abuse using MY cock.

That one got in your head; can't backsmack it quick enough to count. You're just going to take it out onva wimmin n childrin.

"Ahh goww fuggz yerzelf, yez cummy pillowbag."

. . . . . .Need I while you live?

Oohh dem bichz n bratz are gonna take a while to die!
>Yang Wuhan still needs 44LM
>- 36 from GARROTEN spree
>- 2 from Messenjjrboi
>- 8 from Evacuation Coach
>- 1(/7) from Pit Traps
>= +3LM


>Derreschston pop. 60LM
>- 24 garroted DEDD
>- 8 E.Evac DEDD
>Derreschston SUS penalty capped at -40
Let's celebrate by slaughtering the rest with seafood!
Wait, no.
Raping the rest?
I think we should rest first so we can enjoy ourselves with our full stamina
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Rolled 7, 7 + 10 = 24 (2d12 + 10)

With the latest intake of Living Man's Blood, the decay of the Pall Body and the subsequent dispersal of Soul and Spirit was prevented.

The immediate worry was past.

Granted his powers were still halted where they were not cut off, and his original body in a woeful state, but now at least he might seek repair and remedy at leisure.

Even if he was now limited to the bare colorless Qi of this world, and the fragility and unconductive without-essential nature of the Pall Body, he retained all his knowledge and experience undiminished. And though he might not be able to use all Methods and Techniques (fa3 shu4; Mystic Arts) immediately and directly, given time and material he could do the same with Mantic Arrays. And if this world did not have the precious rarities needed for alchemic formulation or mantic-tool construction, Once cannot claim to have attained the Acme if unable to improvise past difficulty.

What, then, is beyond him?

Just teaching that idiot Goblin the foundations of the Thousand Segment Carrionpede Form had all but extinguished the last of the worthless lives in this town, the remainder struck with fearful panic, yet clueless of cause.

The useful green miscreant had gone to sleep in a shaded nest, exhausted after a night and day of bloody work well done. Let him have his rest undisturbed; he should be useless else. And anyway, his possible and most probable contributions to One's longer-termed decisions were not required.

Yang Wuhan, Blade Emperor, Devil of Heaven, Deviant Peak of Second Origination, considered the artifact plunder before him, the most interesting of which was:

>the two Elven longswords; unremarkable material, paltry , yet immaculate in straightness, and mirror-like bright. A people of misplaced priorities, counting all things precious; unable to distinguish value, careless of time, none more deserving to be robbed. [HEIST]

>the sets of Dwarven gorgets, greaves and bracers; heavily made, and hardily, as though expectant of a hundred years war at any moment. Their makers are scrupulous in expenditure, yet uncaring of actual necessity; closeminded, closehearted, secretly eager for contest, and once decided, intractable. If deceived successfully, they themselves will knowingly uphold the deal, to prove themselves honorable. Strong. Who are you to deprive such willing dupes. [INTRIGUE]

>the Righteous weapons: the Sword, Wand, and Hammer. If all that is needed for determined Mundanes to acquire Mystic Arts is to plant fours and kowtow to a Patron, then is it not an easy thing to style Oneself a God. Not one so soft yet miserly in gifts as their "Lady", but generous indeed, asking for little but commitment, expecting nothing in exchange for One's Gifts but the pursuit of their will, their desire. One was no dirty giver, but Frank! Fair! Mmhmhm. And whoso thinks not need but say! [CULT]

QMrollan total new lewt
>the two Elven longswords; unremarkable material, paltry , yet immaculate in straightness, and mirror-like bright. A people of misplaced priorities, counting all things precious; unable to distinguish value, careless of time, none more deserving to be robbed. [HEIST]
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>The handwritten message and Mayorate seal of office. Where a lawless land had many warlords, where Rule of Law prevailed corrupt officials abounded. The shadows in the hearts of men are more reliable than their pretense of a Light! For enough money readily overpaid, who knows what one may buy: today a virgin's honor, tomorrow the Regent's Ear! [TRADE]

>A haematite pendulum of minor ormphalic property, its nine faces cut with script, on a steel chain made of tripled rings. A token perhaps; a key to some society. At any rate indicative of various crafts, remarkable not for the extent of their mastery, but for their coordinated unity. As the Absolute™ himself understands, though Martial, Mystic and Alchemic Arts are disparate and difficult to combine, three Cultivators of the Third Rate who succeed will surpass three of the First Rate by their results. A body with this basic understanding will come to sway the world. [DISCOVER]

You have done nearly all worth doing here. What do you do with the huddling survivors?

>pehh. No one sawrus, so jezt leave em. Fugg dis borran place anyways. Wanna kill n fugg more inneresten peepl quiggly. consequences.

>Convert the surplus LM to:
>Dimm Cult?
>Meat Stuffs?
>Use it to convert a Mundane item into a Charged item with a combination of spells/charges?
>Restore Moar Oww quickly?

There's a hidden cubby floor in Ͳ, and you heard Sordyfagg quarrallan wiv sumfin in derr; Seafood can break in the Telly Poppup with little trouble, now that no one's guarding it. Do you tell him?


There's a Cash Holders place at the head of Mains. Do you wish to hit it for some ready cash? and consequences.


2D1000; Gui Li is acting up again.

Dysfunctional Marriage 660 + 50 for Adultery making 5LM worth of Dimm Cult with yez Green Gobby Cork, aka Gobbgantua.
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full list of campaign options are out.

36 hrs

Mayorate message and Seal were found on the Messenger.

Haematite pendulum found on one of the Coach passengers; Mayor was calling in a Favor he's not supposed to have.
>>6101268/ >>6101286
Sticking with>>6101269
>Use the surplus LM to convert a Mundane item into a Charged item with a combination of spells/charges
Hidden cubby floor in Ͳ
Cash Holders place
Rolled 910, 995 = 1905 (2d1000)

difficult decision...
>The handwritten message and Mayorate seal of office. Where a lawless land had many warlords, where Rule of Law prevailed corrupt officials abounded. The shadows in the hearts of men are more reliable than their pretense of a Light! For enough money readily overpaid, who knows what one may buy: today a virgin's honor, tomorrow the Regent's Ear! [TRADE]
i decided on this because i think we shouldnt risk making enemies of elves or dwarfs yet. increasing our influence and power via money seems like the most reliable and safest option.
>pehh. No one sawrus, so jezt leave em. Fugg dis borran place anyways. Wanna kill n fugg more inneresten peepl quiggly.
if a whole town is found wiped out... who knows what they will do?
Hidden cubby floor in Ͳ
Cash Holders place
how DO i do it?
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>fear risk
Assume risk and reward about equal for all choices. This is really a question of what kind of plot arc you want.

Pick your taste.
lets see what anon #3 wants
>A haematite pendulum of minor ormphalic property, its nine faces cut with script, on a steel chain made of tripled rings. A token perhaps; a key to some society. At any rate indicative of various crafts, remarkable not for the extent of their mastery, but for their coordinated unity. As the Absolute™ himself understands, though Martial, Mystic and Alchemic Arts are disparate and difficult to combine, three Cultivators of the Third Rate who succeed will surpass three of the First Rate by their results. A body with this basic understanding will come to sway the world. [DISCOVER]

>Convert the surplus LM to:
>Dimm Cult?


are you a new anon?
no my ip just changed
>A haematite pendulum of minor ormphalic property, its nine faces cut with script, on a steel chain made of tripled rings. A token perhaps; a key to some society. At any rate indicative of various crafts, remarkable not for the extent of their mastery, but for their coordinated unity. As the Absolute™ himself understands, though Martial, Mystic and Alchemic Arts are disparate and difficult to combine, three Cultivators of the Third Rate who succeed will surpass three of the First Rate by their results. A body with this basic understanding will come to sway the world. [DISCOVER]

>Use it to convert a Mundane item into a Charged item with a combination of spells/charges?


You flop into yer gobby nest, leaving Seafood to a second helping of bloodsupper. By the looks of things there might even be a surplus.

With this little lot in his lap the threat of him draining you of blood is never fully gone no longer at the top of his head. A cloud of weight goes off you, and you fall asleep after a long cold glugg of water.

It's been a night and half a day of action; you need a biggy napp. You'll eat a nice snakk wivva fancy herby swigg when you wake up.

>Fatt eatz. Fatty fatty


You wake up in the middle of a mist. You're standing, but it's not ground, and somehow that doesn't bother you.

You pat yourself: yez Daggy n Noiffy are still belted on yez. You get them out. Daggy seems a bit... weakish somehow? You swish it around: yerr, verr glowy trail that it makes is gone, and it's much lighter.

You casually poke its point on your Quality Kludge Armor's shovelhead shoulderplate, leave it there. Press it a bit. It's not curling the metal away like it always does when you use it to trim plates n fings for kludging.

You test the edge on a fumbnail. Then on yez fumb.

"Aah shidd."

>Sky Piercing Dagger (Ruined) is a Knife dealing 3dmg while in Gui Li's Domain

You get low, start sweeping the area, wading the mist at a cautious pace.

It parts as you wave it away, coming back only very slowly, but there is a lot, a LOT of it.

>dizziz Gurlie's buggshidd
>fuggen waiden till I wuz poopt
>den tryna do me while I'z nappen

Good thing she didn't try this while you were injured from sumfin else.

haaas baaand

hware arr yuuu

You keep your nerve and your wits, keep still in the mist. You've faced worse before. Like muttface.

haaas baaand

>dum bich givven away whurr she yiz
>finks shez hotshittz duz she
>trappen me innere, callen me out
>well! Time fer sum hoamskoolan!
>daddy bouder lern yer good!

You close on her voice, winding through the mist like a werm fru a cheez. When you see her floaty shoes you attack immediately!


There is a perfectly cut scream a quarter beat before you reach her, then an inaudible pop of reality readjustment, and you're awake, wide, wide awake, and Gui Li's floating right over you, pinpoint reddy eyes glazed over.

Without thinking you sock her right in the eye, jarring her awake, and one innar meof nyerr! , and you nearly manage one moar when she dissolves into the sunlight, that surprise-nutt look still onna faice.


But nuffin answers you.

Finally, Seafood's voice.

"Woman-troubles, Tudi."

"Nerr. No trubbl. Nuffin a backhand kin solv countzaz trubbl.

>Dysfunctional Marriage DC 710
>rolt 910
>2 degs of success
>DC down to 690
>rolt 995
>3 degs of success
>DC down to 660
filler post

saving every other anon the bother of rollan

so what happens when the tie isnt resolved?

QM rolls for tie breaker
Rolled 1 (1d4)

Elven Sordz [HEIST]:

Messijj n Seel [TRADE]

Blekky Poity Pendlam [DISCOVER]

Since there's no overwhelming majority, we dice.

1: Heist
2: Trade
3&4: Discover
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[HEIST] wins by dice.

secondary decisions:

KILLAM UOLL + turn their gibbs into gubbins preparing a menu now

Hit Sordyfagg's cubby YES

Hit the Cash Holders YES

writan starts soon
excited to see what you cooked up when i wake up tomorrow!
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Rolled 9, 4, 69 = 82 (3d100)

The Dimm Cult will spend the whole of this last week digging 24hours a day, with a couple hours direct supervision a day by Toady.

Rollan for all Dedder Dust produced; Mass Grave is now exhausted of unshriven unclean corpses.
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Rolled 408, 631 + 200 = 1239 (2d1000 + 200)

Rollan for pillijj of the whole town, Mayorate and Pit included, of anything worth taking.
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>§920.5 + 1239
>=§2159.5 Cash Holders pending

>+82 Dedder Dusts

>+3LM balance after feeding Seafood
>+6LM in the course of the week from pit-traps
>+26LM ex-survivers lolno'd
>=35LM budget for yerr noo majjikk gubbins

>5 Dimm Cult

>Toady 12/12HP
>Quality Kludge Armor 15/15Dur
>[Helff Swigga] 5/6 gluggz
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The day after Goodman Tules' boy was sent off East to the Border Duke's with Mayor Hopvoit's Seal, and Xemvarla with the women and children West to Hollyhock City Hopvoit had friends there, he said. At least one., Derreschston sunk ever more into its new quiet.

The sound of work was no longer heard at the excavation of the old Church, nor the new, nearly built.

The trades that went on at Mart Street, crockery, carpentry, curing and casting, work that were always needed, ceased.

People just waited, measuring grain and water by day, and spending their oil anight.

The quiet was different from when the Ghules came, under the Curacy of Deacon Omer. Then, by day they waited, in cellars, emptied houses, the woods, venturing the streets for blood by night, a hissing, ravenous crowd. But there were ways against them. Methods. They could be drawn and tricked, over and over; outrun if the way was clear. A thick collar, workboots and garden gloves, bought time: to split their heads, spear their hearts. The talismen of the Lady worked, keeping them from entering owned houses; the Prayers of Agunechemba worked, with faith.

But this new quiet was not bayed by either. It had no one method, and kept neither to day or night strictly. It cut necks and spilled bowels, spraying blood in gouted waste, but nary sound, no bodies found.

Those who lived past the first nights grouped together for protection, keeping watch by shifts day and night, always paired and sober. It did not work: those that huddled together vanished alike, with every worthwhile thing taken. It was supposed that they had left secretly without word, though those that remained remained unsure.

Those who took their apparent example trooped out by daylight in determined march for Maratvan Station, the watch of Dwarf Lord Baralt overseeing the Myrmid-Rhean disputed territory. They never reached their destination, and notice was never made.

Those too stricken with a new unaccountable weakness, or by their own cowardice, huddled inside the Mayorate stockade and the new Church in-progress, waiting for help that will never come... in time.

The Shoeturner who lived at the head of town volunteered to break open the Church Armory; the Lady would pardon their trespass, if Love was real. The dismay of their find broke their spirits: empty! The Keepers of the Charity LIED!

Those that had long-nursed a hard-bitten doubt of religion rallied and began to make what they could using the armory forge. Their reward was a devastating report that left blind and deaf whom it did not slay. The faithful hearty Shoeturner died painless; near headless. They were staked, beheaded, thrown in a shallow pit, covered together. There were none left who knew the Rites, not one who believed.

The last of them waited together in the Mayorate, drinking and smoking in Hopvoit's strongroom by candle light, pissing into a large empty barrel in the corner, because no one who went out came back.
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They had determined that what water and victual they had secured would last a month; the liquor, five days.

These they enjoyed in a resigned peace but one, when the Teleportation Tile hidden under Mayor Hopvoit's safe activated.

For a second Hopvoit glimpsed a hope: Perresill the Wizard, who discovered Omer's scheme, who made the Tile that so helped Derreschston in its defense against the Ghules, was come!

But the rest, through their twilight stupor, were ready for the end. It was too late to tear down the battened door now, and there were no windows in the hold. Here was their undoer at last, to kill them face to face. There would be no escape now.

He was littler than they expected, quite ugly, but not the tall umbrous shape long rumored. Of course not a Ghule, and not a Vampeer. In this there was relief: a better death, at least; violent, but undamned.

In under two minutes they were dispatched, to whatever gods there heard them.

The last clear thought of the original dwellers of Derreschston was from its Mayor.

"A Goblin?"

"yerr, n moar, oldfagg: vee Gobballan. I gatts plenty errens so, nice chatty, but ferr yez itz FROAT ta SKROTE!!!"

Night had set on Derreschston, and the searching Day would rise to find...nothing. Standing buildings, but a vanished town.


You've already did Sordyfagg, and lewted everfin inniz roomz, so really there should be nothing worth having in his secret cubby. But you want to go anyway, juzt in case there was sumn juicy waiting. It's going to bother you if you don't, months ahead; might as well clear it up.

You make a proper frottage of the Telly Pop-up stone in the Ͳ block, out of a cleany white apron and a lot of tailor's wax, and also out of the other Telly Pop-up you found inna woods while making pit-traps with the Dimmies.

You bring the two frottages back to Seafood for a gander.

Seafood is more enthusiastic than you are about the cubby: he doesn't even punish you for asking his help to crack the Telly Pop-ups.

"I smell scandal in the Church. Go and bring back anything interesting. Kill anything that isn't."

"Wotcher Sweetfudds."

You go fru the Sordyfagg's Telly Pop-up first. He goes innere wivvout his Sord n fings, so it should be safey, you figger. You have yer Daggy out, just in case.

You pop-up in the dark, next to a short table with a lamp, full reservoir. Near nothing in this room but a... kindy table? A metal slab fixed on a biggy square stone. Smells like mixt iron steel. N blud. Lotsy lotsy blud.

A fikky chain jerks weakly as you go closer for peeksies.

Oooh, itza Humie! Black tatters for a dress, but you kindy recognize the heavy material and unflattering cut: itza nun-niform! And she is FUGGED UP.

No arms, no legs; they've been chopped off, cleany. The stumps have been burned shut wiv Whitey simbils. Ditto her eyeholes. Mouf n tungg too. Carnt beat a Whitey for torchurr, once they get going.
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Rolled 10, 3, 7 + 3 = 23 (3d12 + 3)

She's shriveled up like a raisin too, skin gray-y n saggy. But she's alive.

"Lllove. Mmyy Lllove. Mmyy Kesss."

She goes on like a drunk nutter this way; you figger she's safe, being a blind, scorch-moufed nubbins. You almost reach in to get at the neck-manacle and the torso belt holding her in place, but then her head starts towards your hand without warning, and you remember the first bitey dedder you found in the Dedder Dumpz.

"Kkesss. Kkesss."

"Yowza. Mebbe lader, eh, slutt."

You make a ball gag out of knotted rope, hood her in some sacking, cut the restraints orf.

Immediately she gets livelier, wriggling like a wormy towards you. You open up the Pouch so that she topples in. Zip.

Now that you get a good looky at the mixt iron slab, you find that its the metal fixxens from the front of a biggy biggy door, like a fort. Or a cherch.

Where the nubbin nun's been tied over it is a Whitey crest, you guess from the old Cherch wot fell innada Pit.

From the looks of the grotty black stuff crusted on it, the nubbin nun has been sizzling like a porkrind in a waffle iron.

You take the cut the bolts holding the mixt iron slab to its stone blocks and let that topple innada Pouch too.

That done, you paint the whole cubby with your fermented pott of gobby glopp, a stench they will never divine nor exorcise.

A haunting more persistent and awful than the worst grudge-bearing ghost.

"gnyerr hur hur hurrr... huekk... hur hur hur hur hu... uekk... gehh heh heh HEHHH uekkkk..."


"Hmm. Pretty. Leave us."

You do, but spy from a safe distance.

You can't really make out what Seafood's doing, but it looks like his sorty majikk: blood squiggles n fings onna ground, scratchies and pokies, and paper pasties wiv reddy squiggles on. At one point Seafood takes out the Binny longsord you found inna Cherch Armory and starts waving it about, like he's slicing strings you carnt see. With every one the nubbin nun thrashes like she's getting whippt r sumn. You bet she'd be screaming, if Seafood hadn't rammed like a bogroll of paper pasties in her meof ahead of time.

With a last dervishy flourish that takes Seafood around and around the nubbin nun, he does an air-spinny like seven times and brings the Binny longsord down on the nubbin nun's head.

Upon which the sord shivers and shatters with a bright, clear TANG, the pieces shredding greenery, slashing lumber. You duck a little late, but all the pieces miss you.




"Yas Sweetfudds?"

"You have a pet, and I have a nanny. Feed her until she's recomposed."

"Nerr. You wantz I fry sumn up? Or oats porrijj wiv snaylz in?"

"Blood, idiot. Feed her blood. Perhaps twenty Living Men's worth. A white-jade beauty should prove useful while we walk among carnal Men."

>QMrollan Bluddslutt cost
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Rolled 227, 589, 627 = 1443 (3d1000)

Normally you wouldn't, knowing that troops of Road Warders will soon come after anyone who hits a Cash Holders' office, tuffy and zappy and cheaty enough to deal even with a gang of Fighty Ones, but you make an exception.

The Cash Holder Boss wuz probably one of those you already gibbed that was heading for the smoll Dorfy Fort, and you're leaving temarrer, so what the hell.

You sit steady in frunnada grill door, and press yer Daggy on the bars one by one until you cut a hole big enough between them to weasel fru.

Inside, you get up the teller counter and do it again to those grills. After that you sit and a bit and sniffy for silver: Grain coinz are like a scratch of silver 15% with tin, and proppa silvy coinz are like a goody platt silver 50% with nickel. Locating the strong boxes and change drawrers you wedge yer Daggy bitty in between the wood, and just work the locky tungg off. Handy, dis Daggy.

You get out two barrels from your Pouch, one formerly used for pickling, and a smaller one for beer. Innada pickle barrel goes the Grain coins, and innada beery one goes the Silvies.

You're probably the richest Gobbo in the world right now, since it will take mebbe ten full mobbz to cart around everfin you got, if not a biggy underhold. Those come with their own problems: yez mobby gobbies stealen from yez, tryna off yer to take yer stuffs, Fighties showing up. The Wondrous Pillager Pouch is a game changer!

"I lurves yer, Wundy Plundy Pouch! Muuwah!!"

First 2d1000 is cash in Grains
Last 1d1000 is cash in Silver
>Stuffs, aka Gobby Tender n Kludge Material §2159.5
>Grains, aka Road Tender Ꮆ816
>Silver Piece, aka Trade or City Tender Ᵽ$627 PS= Paga Shiavo, "Pay of Slaves"

Using Silver to pay for things on the road is possible, but you will probably get a bad exchange, and quickly noticed.

>82 Dedder Dusts

>35LM budget for noo majjikk gubbins

>5 Dimm Cult

>Toady 12/12HP
>Quality Kludge Armor 15/15Dur
>[Helff Swigga] 5/6 gluggz

>Bluttslutt needs 23LM to revive

14hr break. may need 36 hrs after that, to think on the


Will notify in 14 hrs.
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After seeing Seafood do his richool on the Nubbin Nun, you follow-up on the frottage of the second Telly Pop-up you found innawoods. It led to the Telly in the TownBoss' strongroom. You were wonderun how to get innar.

With the TownBoss sorted, you hit the Cash Holders at the front of town. You'd expect them to hold moar than what you managed to bagg, and Gauld and Plattnumm, but maybe that's because of the Plague; Ger-nomes love money too much to park it where there's no business. What you got was their candy n baccy munny. Loose change.

Well whatever. This town is done and so are you.

With Gui Li's Altar, the Dimmies and the Nubbin Nun packed into your Pouch Undead are not killed by storage, you're ready to set off whenever Seafood's ready.

He's been kludging sumfin since before you went to make the two frottages, maybe from the night you slept hungry and Gui Li attacked your dreams. All the surplus Living Men's Blood you've wrung from the Dedd Town (siwaddaididdurr) has gone into his kludge.

For reference he has the Whitey Sord, Stikk, n Mally in front of him, which he examine thoughtfully from time to time. When he does, he always glances at you, like he's measuring you. He's writing a lot, using charcoal on toily books. You think he's composing or inventing sumn, because sumtimes he goes back and tears or crosses out bits, and sumtimes he copies several different bits wiv bludd onna rag. You ready yourself for sum baalshidd, because when is it not, with Seafood's this innerestid.

Then the chanting starts, and you start feeling the sumn like the beginnings of a zappy. You get the hell away and make a new nest, made under the mixt iron slab the Nubbin Nun was on.

Three days later Seafood calls for you.


"nerrrr... yah?"


"MM COMMAN mm comman! I herja va furz time Sweetfudds."

"And did not present yourself. Have you never died before."

"nerr... no?"

"Shut up and get naked."

"...iz we pluppen Seafood. Can yez be gennl. Cuz I'z not a hoemoegae for va buttstuff."

"I am not a Sleevecutter hoemoegae either, fool; neither I were, to pick you for transmissive frolic."

"Should I take me tuckeroos orf too."


"But i'z shy"

"Shut up and do it, idiot. If I did not need to I wouldn't."

"Nerr. So Sweetfuds backed up too?

"What. No. Tss. Come here. Shifu needs to put this on you with his own hands." It's a reely longy necklace, made of wood balls n bronze ballz n glass ballz, and lots of swishstrings tassels n trinkkittz. Some of th

"...painal beedz?"

"Come. HERE!"

You get over there before he really loses it.

It's too longy for your neck as-is, and the string is metal rope that doesn't twist, so he slings it across your body instead.
"Wazziz. Izza safe."

"Even if your Shifu said it divided your body and shattered your bones, dare you not wear." Well, since he put it like vat...

Then he points at you and {Curse}s you. The ring of beads n trinkkittz tightens around your body. You can adjust it, lift it off parts of you, even resling it on the other shoulder, but at least nine beads will always be stuck fast on your body. You feel like if you somehow tore it orf your meat and bones will follow.

"A useful experiment, reproducing their Mystic Arts. Trifling play. Tudi, I am going to teach you a few Chants. Learn and remember. With this Mantic Tool (Mo3 Qi4; also understood as Demonic Tool) you have no excuse for failure."


Additional spell Charges after the first are bought at 1/2 cost, rounded up.


Tag a target physically by touch to know their location for 20 hours

Tag a target with one degree of touch (ie Slingshot) to know their location for 8 hours.


Set a location you have explored as a POPUP. With one minute of chanting, vanish from your current location to that place, and feel fugged up for 3 minutes.


With 20 seconds of muttered chanting, turn ghostlike for 60 seconds (3 combat rounds)

In this state you are not able to interact with physical objects, nor they you.

You move in any direction at a slow walk speed, through all Mundane matter.

Magic attacks hit at 50%; Radiant attacks hit at 100% and immediately destroy the PILLOWSHEET

1minute muttering

For ~10 minutes you can sense Magic in a ~5 meter radius.

'TECT ZAPZAP makes no differentiation between Items, Persons (eg Genies and Faerie), Traps, Castings; you will have to guess by their intensity, position and movement (roll for it, with bonuses or penalties). On the plus side, almost no one can detect your casting even if they are the target.


5second chant, 25seconds chatty

Communicate with Seafood OR a person tagged by this charm within a distance of 81 miles.

Recipients apart from Seafood require you to speak in a normal Indoor Voice.


10second chant.

Does 3 dmg, and 1 dmg per turn the target is not free.

Target must roll 2Def1Act successfully. 1Def will be used up on this trap; YOU may jump in and get up to TWO autohits with Suicidey


A fraction of Gore Walker's monstrous Murderous Atmosphere (Sha1 Qi4) floods the room. Opponents and non-undead Allies suffer 2d6+6 penalty to Hit Chance and Dodge Chance for the duration of the fight.


Your bonuses from Carrionpede x2, lasting for x2 the number of levels in Carrionpede you have. Currently, +50% to Carrionpede bonuses for 1 turn, since you don't even have one complete level of Carrionpede.

Seafood will not upgrade your Trinkkitt willynilly; avail only with major campaign successes.
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Propose a majjikk loadout from the menu given, stating which spells and how many charges.

QM will take the spellz in common between your choices and do some tailoring.

48 hours, moar if you need it.

last spell should be

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You must play this on loop while deciding your spell loadout.

12 total so far.
>{POPUP} 10lm
Give the last 1lm to Mo Ao lmao loser.

One charge of each gives us versatility. Popup doesn't specify range so we can prolly slip halfway across da country with it if we need to. Also doesn't say we have to be at the location when setting it, just that we have to had explored it at some point.
or this

>halfway across the country
lol my lapse. I expect no less, rulez goblin

I'll let your first charge of POPUP be Global, for catching it.

All subsequent POPUP charges set at 1.5days' march: 3mph x (12+6)hrs = 54miles. Enough to zip inna City or get out of Town quick.

You need to leave a detachable mosiac Telly Beed in the designated location before you can POPUP in it; 1 Charge = 1 Telly Bead. Not letting you popup in multiple locations on just one bead.

Caution about Global Popups: if Seafood calls and can't find you, and don't know where you are, and you don't show up within 28days, it might be a good idea to avoid him for ever.

can we learn the other spells later when we have more LM?
Yes, but it will be a long while between times.
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26subtotal + 18BULLYBUGG = 44. Budget 35. You're not counting on MY math being shit to try to sneak phosphorous ammunition into the airsoft fight are you. Crafty bastich.
I'm just bad at math and failed to redo the maths correctly for an alteration on my post mid-vote

Put up an adjusted list, if you like.

I'll get on this in 12hrs

I got lost on your math too. Spent 10 mins wondering why it was off
i also saw nothing wrong with it lmao
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The first few days setting off from Plague Town you do your Stances and Transformations.

It's been a while since you last practiced your Carrionpede Form properly; it feels good to improve again.

And, Seafood is no longer making you haul wagons and shit, now that he had the biggy Woman Dimmy to carry him piggaback all hours. Your only problem is always being a little short on sleep, because Seafood insisted on tromping from the beginning of sun-drop to sun-high (~15-20hrs) to make up for the Dimmy's shuffling speed.

You and Moar Oww speed up the road ahead for some hours, then spar or rest until Seafood catches you up. After about a week you notice you're not getting any killyyer. You can guess there's more to some of the Transformations, more branches and switch-ups in the combos, but you cant begin to guess at them. You try to invent switch-ups, but they only work out in your head: trying them in free-fight with Moar Oww usually breaks your combochains, or leaves you open in a blind spot for a smack or poke with a par-grown femur.

You don't dare ask Seafood for help, thinking maybe it's juzt you not getting it or sumn.

Once he's seen you practice however, he orders a clearing made and camp set up. For the next ten days he shouts at you and drubs you and strangles you in between teaching you weird shit: lotsy riddle-rhymes that don't rhyme or make sense, like

Cut carrying cut, pierce widening pierce, two butterflies halve a kingdom, two needles take a dragon's head.

Out-side-under hook and sweep, limbs tangling limbs; under-up-out pierce and split, body parting, body obstructing.

Two blades one, one limb four, head and tail in opposing mirrors, confusion unlearns nine years Form.

In water rush water, in grass sway grass; six chi ruler-lengths stillness makes eight bu paces reach.

Seafood says the riddle-rhymes are the Sick-Rat Ass-Ants of the Carrionpede, containing movements in the tempo, and sequences in code. It was up to you to match them to the combos and stances you already know and work out the new ones. You'll really need to sit and twigg on them to get it.

Apart from this he now forces you to walk with a bitty stick clenched at all times in your toegrip, armpit, elbows, knees. He says you're supposed to learn ta foit like this. Baalshiddizdis.

You try your best, earning a new bruise every time you drop a stick, but it's really too much. On the third day of this your body freezes up and contracts painfully, fixing you like a dead spider. Seafood has to come stretch you out across a wagon wheel and lather hotty scorchy shit on you. It does help: after a few hours you unstiffen enough to massage yourself to nearly normal.

>+4(/4) Hit Chance, +4(/4) Physical Damage
>Toady now 16/16HP

>+0(/2)% Dodge, +0(/6)% Hit, +0(/6) Phys Dmg
>new weapon slot at 10/14 upgrades
>1d3LM & 1D6§ & 1d3Days per trainan
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With the threat of certain pain hanging over you, you learn all 36 of the Sick-Rat Ass-Ants riddle-rhymes by heart before too long, word for word in tempo.

Threatening you with the remaining Binny longsword seems to add mass and crease to your sponge: you pick up and twigg things many times faster than your normal. Even if you don't or can't understand what you are learning immediately, your memory fossilizes the whole block of experiential time for you to examine after you survive Seafood's teaching.

You're amazed that you can be such a boffins when your tonkers are on the line.

Even Seafood is amazed, you think.

"Illiterate and unintelligible bestial mind, yet fear furnishes pen and ink, and dread makes room to write."


The new Carrionpede stuff is harder: you actually have to think about relative positions and momentum, even of individual limbs.

You can't just practice hitting static targets anymore, or even Moar Oww; you actually have to See Bludd, how bodies twist and fold and fall to your attacks, and how to twist and fold and fall with them, to maximize yer killykilly; read their instincts, see what they might or are doing even before they understand they're doing it. You will need to kill a bunch to improve.

As well, you'll need to eat moar meat, so's your body can keep up with how much you're pushing it. Doesn't matter what kind, so long's warmish freshy n got reddy blud inna. Grubling "meat" and vejjis aren't going to cut it; neither just lard n crackling. Hazta haz bludd or your whole body will cramp up again.

To see to this new need you want to start gibbing travellers, but Seafood forbids you.

"We head for roaded settlements; why reveal our route with corpses."

You'll need to figure something out yourself later.

Seafood seems quite interested in people now: he comes up to caravans in the daytime, holding a Dimmy's hand, or travellers' camps at breakfast, just as they're breaking camp and prepping to kick off. Begging a crust of bread and smiling sweetly, he asks them all kindsy questions, peeks at all they do.

He orders you and Moar Oww far off when he does this, to keep his dupes from twigging on. It works mostly mostly; there are a couple typy groups that are always wary of strangers in the wild, even little beggar girls: Fighty Ones, Murkers Mercenaries, and YOUr Sorty Sorts Delinquents, Hoodz, n Nogoodz.

Whiteys and Wizzies especially, even when Seafood's sweetalked the rest of the Fighty group Rogues included; Seafood's acting's GOOD; most Whiteys n Wizzies still feel off about Seafood somehow, even if none of the zapzaps they sneeki-cast can detect it.

He is insulted that they are bothered at all; he'll be trying to fix this, you're sure.
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Following Seafood's choice, you keep on the road out of Plague Town due


>Hollyhock City
>Human+Padfoot government and majority
Padfoot = GoblinSlayerverse Cat/Cow/XYZgirls

>-11 to -20 SUS penalty for Seafood being a lone child speaking freely and coherently to adults
>Toady is Kill On Sight (KOS) within most of the City, and all public commons

>A clear route to Elven Territories

Requisitions, forgery and other related sub-legal activities while under hostile scrutiny; Cash Holders and Faithful Brethren of Inquiry present and alert.

>Settlements (up to Town size) in Myrmid/Rhean Contested Land
>Myrmid and Rhean majority by territory
>Dwarven Peacekeeper presence

Myrmids: GSverse Sentient Mantises; light/medium Natural Armor, Natural Flying

Rheas: GSverse Hobbits, Rhea means "Meadow/Garden People"; native Druidic tradition and received Illusionist tradition; 14% of all Adventurers are Rhean, but they represent 57% of all Rogues of Adventurer Guild Ruby Rank (5th /10) and above

>No penalties on Seafood
>up to -12 SUS on Toady, depending on Race, instead of default KOS
>leads to Elven & Faerie Heritage Land

>1D2+1 transit clearances due to the recent regional conflict


[R O L L]
>because you are WANTED
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pingspam just in case.

Rolled 29, 96 = 125 (2d100)

the path of least resistance
Rolled 528, 217 = 745 (2d1000)

oops wrong dice (a shame for that 96)
I'll take your roll as flat 960, since it's so good.
benevolent QM moment :V
Rolled 975, 656 = 1631 (2d1000)

Rolled 68, 43 = 111 (2d100)


Killing Mantises might help our training.
Rolled 144, 655 = 799 (2d1000)

Doh, 2d1000
>killing mantises might help
Killing anything helps. I'll accept mantis death as LM.

Trainan now costs:
1d3 Days
1d3 LM
1d6 Stuffs
Rolled 366, 622 = 988 (2d1000)

rollan for da Fuzz
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Derrechston Township Branch Office intrusion warding breached twixt Laud and Best 7am and 11am.

Entry breach made at the gated front doors, dimensions 3 spans by 3.5 spans pinky tip to thumb tip, full extension. No filings, chemcaust, runeburn, or blasticine traces found. Suspicion of Masterwork Phasic weaponry usage, not in line with the coinage value targeted. Initial impression of misfeant being well-prepared or well-backed, yet simple. Gate has been removed for forensic sampling.

Door and gate locks untampered.

Entry breach through Teller Cage made similar to the gated doors, despite the counter side entry being unlocked and unobstructed. Surmise that cutting through the cage was easier for the misfeant than casual observation and search for any easier access.

Cash boxes and changing tills breached without search or hesitation, possible foreknowledge.

Drawer and till locks were destroyed a sliding of the same breaching tool used on the gate and cage into the gap between lock and jamb. Breaching tool supposed to be a needle or blade not thicker than 2 scruples 36mm. Length and shape uncertain.

Preliminarily, no castings were made on premises during the time of breach.

No local assistance available: Derrechston is completely depopulated and without representation.

Warders have withdrawn to observational distance.

Additional forensic resources and Wardry support urgently required.

Misfeant is expected to be diminutive, as Rhea, Gnome, certain Padfoot phenotypes, or small Dwarf. They should be without magic, work singly or in small cohort. Assume dangerously armed and unpredictable. Presume high access and connection to Evil elements or bodies.

Statement of coinage accounted at last close, coinage presumed removed, and damage assessment are enclosed with this report.

Road Warder Mule Dew
Road Warder Skelly
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There's a Refugee Camp erected on what used to be a meadow, close by Everdote, a Rhean village. Those in the Camp are mostly Rhean civilians from the hinterland villages already razed or occupied by Myrmid warswarms

There had been a river two days away, according to locals, but it's been trampled dry by battle.

Only the presence of Dwarven Peacekeepers has stalled the fighting, both sides preferring to let the other strike first in front of an impartial witness, since the Dwarves will readily prevent the worst of it. That the fact of the first strike will give the other side cassus belli is lost on no one.

For this politic advantage, Myrmids and Rheans keep presenting ever more tempting targets without war import and provoking displays to their enemy while moaning about land theft, barbaric oppression and genocide. The Dwarves, who were originally here to stabilize the region and maintain trade routes, just sigh and keep their axes honed. Timeoff is suspended, out-rotation extended, and beer-rationing has begun. Nobody's happy.

Coming within sight of Camp Everdote you don't think there's a war on: Rheas know how to cook, esteeming food to the point of cultural religion1, and it smelz GREAT.

There's a hundred cookfires all over the camp, each serving up to three families either seated on the ground or at kludged pikkynikk tables. Food's plain but plenty, thanks to the Dwarven watch over the relief trains: all food issuance is quickly made to the Rhean community representatives on the day of arrival, because otherwise the rations just evaporate from the wagons under active guard; the Dwarves on duty get charged with Demerits, and the now slightly plumper Rheas complain ever louder about oppression through starvation.

Seafood gets off his Dummy piggaback ride some distance from Everdote.

"Tudi. This your Shifu is weary of the journey. He will surrender himself to the generosity of the common folk awhile. We will meet again at this place in 1d12+2 days."

"nerr, can I'z surrender too? Could do with some hot eatzies."

"You. Too ugly, too odorous. Take Mo Ao with you and sort yourselves. Don't bother me. Immerse and enrich yourselves. Of all the things to steal, knowledge and information are the most valuable."

So saying, he takes some Stuffs and Grain coins from you and meanders off. Not into the Camp, but into the village.

You follow him from the dark of the forest. He picks a cottage to knock at: two old Rheas open. He immediately starts blubbering, offering them Stuffs and Grains.

And they take him in! Just like that! You catch his smirk at you just before the door closes.

"hhkek. Based."

1: You've seen a Fighty One challenge a Rhea party member to a duel by breaking a single uncooked string-spagett in front of her. You're still not sure if it was a joke: they both died from mobb pluppens before you could fink to ask.
Rolled 2, 7, 2, 8 = 19 (4d10)


1,2: Stuffs taken
3,4: Grains taken
Rolled 1 + 2 (1d12 + 2)

Days Seafood spends gallivanting.
Seafood plays hard to get, but clearly he missed toady more than he thought he would.
lmaoo canon now
>rolls 1
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YOU have three days to muck about with, and Moar Oww and 5 Dimmies to assist.


>inna forrist
>inna Villijj
>inna Camp
>near the Dorfy Fort
>atva Foit Zone

Not building a hovel to zzz in gives you more opportunities to spy and do, but you will be taking fatigue penalty per day until you napp.

Day 1 wat do
>mingle and trade with:

>if you vote this and the Days required is 1d3=3, you will spend all of it trainan

>from Dorfs
>from Villijj
>from Camp

>Dorfussy (challenjjen)
>Myrmidussy, maybe (v challenjjen)
>Otherussy (separate rolls for discovery and success)

>collect LM for Bluddslutt

>bright idees?
>every choice above may be modified with WRITAN

>1,2 vs DA FUZZ
>3 General

>Stuffs §2159.5 - 9
>Grains Ꮆ816 - 10
>Silver Pieces Ᵽ$627

>82 Dedder Dusts

>5 Dimm Cult

>Toady 12/12HP
>Quality Kludge Armor 15/15Dur
>[Helff Swigga] 5/6 gluggz

>Bluddslutt needs 23LM to revive

This default, for being what everyone wants and so nicely budgeted.

QM permits a buy-in for this one spell for 12LM

QM thought anons would make multiple charges and he could tailor those; having to pick between two loadouts is harder. Next time the dice decide.
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should we look for information like seafood wanted us to anons?
i suggest we spy on the peacekeepers and see if we can learn something

Everyone in the village is tightly knit, and the Camp is packed.

Trying to do anyfin narsty will come at a penalty, and SUS spikes fast.
doing what seafood says might gain you an edge while you're trying to navigate this region.

this was the Warzone option when Toady was asked where to get BLOOD.
Rolled 932, 461, 508 = 1901 (3d1000)

>near the Dorfy Fort
Rolled 384, 341, 296 = 1021 (3d1000)

>near the Dorfy Fort

spy on the dwarven peacekeepers and listen for any information seafood wouldnt be able to obtain himself by conversing with the locals
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Rolled 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2 = 37 (25d2)

You smack your lips. Welp, Seafood's comfy sorted, at least. Save you some Stuffs since you don't need to fix him up a hovel.

The forest around the camo is cleared and thinny abouts, with lots of open; that's no place to sleep, with all these Rugfoots rooting in the green for eats.

Slumming in the villijj ain't much good either: you're not local, and the empties should be already shacked up with refijjees. Rugfoots are famous for having lotsa "frenza frenza rilitivza frenz," which could be no one at all or everyone at once, depending on what they needed it to be.

You think Rugfoots are the only race savvyyer n sneekier than Gobbs; you comfort yourself that Gobbs are much much killyyer.


Beyond Everdote Camp and Village are a series of short stone blocks about YOUr height plus one head taller, arranged in concentric arcs centering a smol roundy stone fort, facing the Foit Zone.

The ground has changed where the Dorfs have made kip: the land here was flat meadow elsewhere, but the ground under the blocks and the fort was rock moor.

The fort looked real tuffy, like the rocks that make it up had been cut wivva noif. You're not sure there'd be enough of a gap to climb the walls quicky, even if yez Dagga could cut little noif holds into the walls.

The cooking was done on the upper floor, into the open air. Pessen n shidden were done in diggy holes away from the fort.

In the far distance, maybe a day or two's march, you can see a similar blot in the landscape as this Dorfy Fort; the same rock moor popping up in the middle of a meadow rise.

You count eight Dorfs visible on duty: three on watch duty on top of the stone blocks, two at the fort gate, three on the second floor.

You're not going to hide anywhere on the moorland, but since the fort and its dorfs are facing thataway, you make a little nesty at the lee of the hill thisaway. There's a sparse copse of trees and bushes to keep you out of sight, and the roads take an easier path around. The Rugfoots sometimes loiter a long while looking out towards the Dorfy patch, beginning maybe a hunnerd paces from the stone blocks. They smoke and chat and watch, and the Dorfs watch back at them, and after a while they fugg orf. You're fairly sure there's something to that.

Ah well. Time fah sum kludgen! Then snakky, wiv sum herby swiggz, then a nappy, then you'll be up n frisky!

>QM rollan ration and hovel cost
>28d2 = rations consumed travelling here +2
>3d2 = hovel cost +1
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Rolled 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2 = 10 (6d2)

+6d2, because dice limit is 25
>44+2 Stuffs consumed in travel rations
>3+1 Stuffs consumed for hovel construction
>total §50 consumed


If no other anon votes+rolls,
will be Day 1

will be Day 2
where did the other anons go? :(

maybe you should make a new thread so more people check this quest out
since we are at the start of a new chapter thats a reason to do so anyway

also can you roll in place of the absent anons again?
Rolled 336, 933, 346, 645, 516, 91 = 2867 (6d1000)

>start a new Scroll
I'll think about it. I want to fully clock out the post limit of 1000. It gives me power.

>roll for the anons killed by Boulder-kun
Yeah okay.

>123= ghost anon rolls
>45= QM rollan DA FUZZ
>6= QM general roll

>932, 933
>vs QM 645, 516

>Bo3 Gen roll
>vs QM 91
>Four degrees of Success

y'all's some lucky bastiches.is all I can say.

writan in 12 hrs
wots da fuzz gunna do if th theys spot uz?
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Not spot, CATCH. Failing Bo3 vs Da Fuzz means you have been caught up and identified and an attempt will be made to apprehend you.

You won't be fighting a nakey cripple in the shower or asleep onna couch this time: they will be kitted and rested and take YOU as real threat. Be wary and flattered: very few single Goblins have attained this.

You are a significant menace that:
>Got the attention of the CHURCH AUTHORITY
>for fully depopulated a town recovering from a recent crisis, standing about 135 persons (Derrechston pop. had been 80+ before you started your bloody harvest)
>1d2+1 Cherch Fuzz sent after you; at least 1 Cleric + 1 Paladin will accost you

>Got the attention of the CASH WARDSHIP
>For hitting their Derrechston branch with frankly extraordinary means
>in order to steal the coffee-money
>the CASH WARDSHIP are not sure if you are a test run, a provocation, a distraction, a mistake, or a moron
>They are fairly sure that you fit in a hole of 3x3.5 spans and have access to a Phasic weapon.
>1d3+1 Munni Fuzz sent after you; at least 1 Rogue/Ranger and 1 Caster will accost you.

>The WARDSHIP are currently investigating independent of the AUTHORITY

DA FUZZ will accost you in a fair fight until you are known as a Significant Menace.

You can go quietly (Daggy n Pouch will be confiscated and locked up as proof; specialists will be called in to examine them, and you.) or you can fight your way out.

Fighting your way out means killing at least one of the Fuzz.

You will also want to kill the rest quickly, within the next few days, or you will be promoted to a Significant Menace. The next time you fail to dodge the Fuzz, they will try to ambush you.

Giving you a few spells was the only way to give you a fighting chance, you absolute lunatics.

Toady took 80+ L M, which translates to about 135 actual persons, including children.
>the government found the shit drawer
i see!
do we have to roll every day to dodge da fuzz or only if they can realistically find us? (we could be going in a random direction leaving no clues as to where we went)
and one question about the spells: do we have one charge of every spell for free or do we need to pay with LM from the start?
just asking to confirm
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Rolled 4, 2 + 2 = 8 (2d4 + 2)

After kludgen up a comfy kippy for yourself, you get out Gui Li's Altar and do a round of Ceremony. Since you're eating the good stuff, you can afford to splurge a little on the nine Oaf Dishies shared for Gui Li: bitty roast rinds, berry jamz, maggy brikk bikkies hard tack; maggots are common for the cheaper sort sopped in herby swigg, fingz like vat. Fine dinnering. You know how to treat a woman.

Seafood says putting out fancy eats for the Ceremony gives brownie points; if you butter up your Ghost Bride enough you might get something out of it. So you do, whenever itz convenient. Nuffin so far, cuz Gui Li a bich.


After a nice biggy snooz you get ready for a night on the town. Okay okay, a late afternoon in the refijjee camp. Yez rich and yez wantz hot eatz.

>4 Degrees of Success
>1st Degree:

But before that, you think on what Seafood did to dupe the two oldies: pretended to be needy and helpless, took just a liiiddle munny n stuffs wivvim, even though he (ie YOU) had a lot, and juzt ask fer fings upfront, like you're the most innocent fing inna world.

So you doff your Quality Kludge Armor innada Pouch, and pull out a quilty skirt, needles n string, scissors, leather bridles, n raggz. Nuffin fancy: you want armor that doesn't clatter when you walk, looks juzt cloff n levvah, a few pouches, a few shivs onna bandy, n a tradishnal Gobby Grabsack on your back wiv sum Stuffs in. And over all this, a hat and coat of straw, like a mendycunt.

Now you look a peekchur: a right gobby saltminer or woodchoppa, a little bit of munny, alone, not danjrus at all, kek.

>2nd Degree Success

You stick the shoddy axe in the front of your belt, like it's supposed to scare off people looking at you, and you have a couple munny pouches on you: one with Grain coin at your side as ready munny, a slightly biggy one in your Grabsack containing Grain and a couple Silver as biggy munny, and one moar biggy fancy one, stitched levvah wiv bajjur fur, and clattery Silver pieces inside, slung on your belly buckle as panic munny.

Vat one has sumn speshul inna, kehh heh heh!

The Daggy n Helff Swigg you stash inna Pouch, and the Pouch you bind onto the Trinkkitt, right over your heart. You won't be able to do your best killykilly without Daggy, but you don't want anyone to see it. Sitting still a few minutes you make yourself to never touch the lump over your heart while you're schmoozan.


Alroity! Time fer cold swiggz n hott eetz! Yahh!

>QM rollan light kludge armor
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>da gubmint found da shidd cubby
not YET, hurhurhur

but they WILL, huekkk
Toady recharges spells by building an Altar to Seafood and praying at it.

The same way Paladins n Clerics have to pray to get their spells recharged. No real cost, just prep and time.

Seafood reverse engineered the Whitey weapons and got this. Amusing and useful, hmhmhm.

Seafood takes the same position as Vecna, a necromancer that attained lichdom, then godhood; Toady is an off-brand Cleric of Vecna.

Never as good as a Goblin actually talented in Mystic Arts, but you'll need some options apart from raw killykilly to face a Fuzz party.

The current 12LM cost is just to get {'TECT ZAPZAP} included in your current spell loadout; the original price was 6LM.
i misunderstood
thanks for clarifying ^^
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Visions of the future...
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999 get
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The moment you walk onto the Camp grounds you're watched, and not just because you smell like an old shoe.

You have poity ears, yer front teefs iz poity, yer green, n yez haz munny.

You act poor, walking quickly to the bazaar area, where most of the trading is. Most of it is crafts n eats; just one or two smol places selling kludge weapons and wear, a little better made than what you can do, nuffin speshul. No tooly or zappy or potty potion stalls; you guess those might be too valuable to set out, and too useful when big foits are within half-day's march.

You keep your elbow brushing the Grain pouch at your side, one hand on the shoddy axe.

You buy a ball of very fluffy how DUZZ dey doit fried dough flavored wiv nunyunz n buddah, glazed wivva sinnimin shuggah from one stall, and a Biggy Tot by Rhea standards; 3/4 pint of Tabler ale; low alc beer warm-fermented with spice bitters from the next one along; run by relatives.

"Ngaaaah! Datz va stuff!" The proprietor of the Tabler smiles at you, the twinkle in his eyes frozen.

"Another dram, traveller? Have another! Half price, for a thirsty Rh...er...Dw...Traveller! Fancy a roast quail with it, traveller? Goes a treat. Three grain the lot; my pal Dretlund runs the roast pit, he'll wink."

Ohh, here it comes. Here's the try. You act cool, like you're Humie dumb. You give him your best happyface.

"Haff pwice! Wivva roast quwayal wazza quwayal?? Yowzaz, I could do anuvvah. Yer on, BeerBoss!"

"Ahh, first! That'll be a Grain for the Tabler, two for the quail."

"vech, zure, zure..." You take up the Grain pouch, count out three like you're real stupid. The BeerBoss makes a point of not looking your way while you're touching money; you feel the eyes at your sides and back lighting up.

You pass him the money, he tops your tumbler again, and a bearded Rugfoots slightly older and fatter than him passes him a smally fatty roast bird on a wooden spit; their eyes don't meet, their mouths tight closed, both acting hassled, meddling with random things infrunnadem to look busy. Cahoots. You soak it allllll up. Good thing the booz is weak: your eyes are clear as river rain.

A minute after you bite into the bird dizziz fuggen GREAT! Itz ALL crunchy uppy, even the bones! N itz gotzis munchy veggy stuffen! WOW!! you feel your belt is lighter; you brush the place where your coinbag was, with your elbow: gone! So! DATZ how itz dun!

When you bought your first drink, the BeerBoss have you the tumbler first before taking your munny; that's showing trust to get trust!

VENN, an offer! So genrus! You'd be a fuggen DUMDUM to refuse! So you take it, revealing where you put your coinz, and VENN, anuvvah sneeki! They hold out a Tabler in one hand, a quwayal in the uvvah, so yez reach out two hands to get it, and datz where they got you!
shidd. sorry for the format fail

>3rd degree of success

With yer BRAINZ n eyes fixed on food, two hands full, cloak spread open by your reaching out, you were wide open! Five beats was all they needed to nick yer Grainbag off the belt.

Not only were you distracted, even if they fudged the attempt your hands would be full, unable to snatch back at them! You'd need at least two beats to think to drop your nice snakk n drinky, and that's all they need to retract their hand and run! How's you gonna catch them in a crowd full of their frenz n relativz pretending to be stupid to clott up your way? They're scott free!

You finish the quwayal before pretending to find out about the missing Grainbag.

"H-hey! Me Grainz r gone! I'z been pikkypokkt! WHAD DA FUGG! WHO STOWL MAH GRAINZ???"

Immediately you get a small audience of concerned coping faces, asking you what happened. Anuvvah trikk! They're stallen yez, see if yer really dat dum, giving the feef at least anuvvah minnit to bugger off! The BeerBoss is the best at it.

"Really!? Oh dear oh dear pity! And on a new visitor too, tired from the road. How much was it? Twenty five!! My days I'm so sorry Traveller. That's terrible! Two months pay at the salt mines?? Oh dear oh dear. Here: this'll do you. I'm so sorry Traveller, truly." and he tops up your tumbler, not quite half.

Anuvvah Rugfoot trikk: they've been so friendly n nice, it carnt be them wot dunnit. It would be simply ingrateful to make a ruckus n shiv peepl until you get yer munnies back, wouldna?

You take in everything, drawing out the not-quite-pint of Tabler as long as you can, like yez bigg sadd, then plonk it empty on the beer stall counter top.

"Mm goin. Fanks for the drinky, Bosser."

"No trouble, no trouble. Careful again, Traveller."

>yer yer
>cunt bastich
>I'll 'member yez fershur fuggface

You browse about the stalls, pretending to sulk. You wear your grabsack on the front, alerting those watching that there's still moar to steal.

Some trikks are tried. Drunks and quarrelers bump into you from the front or sides, no luck: the grabsack has a foldy tuby mouf wivva drarwstring, which you keep tucked towards your chest.

They get more daring when they see you don't twigg on: someone jostles you from the back so that you trip over the foot of someone in front, and land in the arms of two. There's a lot of oos n aahs and friendly hands dusting you off patting you down.

Right after that tripp, the smell of tin nickel n silver wots been in your nose from the biggy munnybag back in your grabsack disappears. It's already gone.

But the weight of the grabsack stays the same. Ooh, a switcheroo, izzit. Dats a lot of deft hands at work; three or four at least you fink: picking the grabsack's mouf, picking the biggy coinbag, planting the fake weight, then tying the grabsack back. All in the time it took from you tumbling then righting yerself.
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You don't even bovva looking around to see who got the biggy cashbag from your grabsack; you know it's been passed on at least twice since you noticed the smell of your munny gone.

Handy innit: any time the crowd's thicky, YOUre about to get fixed, and it keeps being thicky around you until the feef's fugged far orf, or you've come to terms with your new poverty.

A goblin is never just one goblin most times and a heist is never just one feef. It's a web and it's a chain, and if it's planned good enough the planner don't even need to show, just keep far off n play innocent.

>wat, ME? Steal the royal gubbins?
>I wuz sitting home n mending socks n rollan ciggies fer weekz!
>Arsk annywun!

You amble along, seeing moar smiles from the corner of your eyes; none directed at you, just smiles between people chatting, happening natural. You work it out: they think they got all your munny, it's tucked tight somewhere with them, now they're watching you for the moment you find out and freak.

>4th Degree of Success

With your hands in your cloak, you fake a stumble on some discarded peelings and make a short jangle of the fancy pouch at your waist, containing silver.

The smiles vanish like mist from a fire, eyes drop into half-drunk cups, and the bright chattychat you've been hearing slows to tense muttering.

You got their attention. Now itz time to bait.

You head for the part of the bazaar that's wider and quieter than the food and crafts portion. Here's where the service-trades are: tinkers, sharpers, lettermarks, barbers, inkers, doctors, gamblers; all sorts.

A few whores eye you. There's a fix there waiting, you're sure, but you don't want it to be so easy they get wary, or risk your own distraction. You need them to make a risky leap, and you need YOU to be fresh n crispy, to catch them in the try.

You steer away from the whores; you spy one whispering to no one in particular before turning back to chat with her fellows; you've already been marked and they're angling.

Of all your senses you keep your nose the sharpest now. Unbeknownzt most of YOUr cashes have been smeared with smegg. Not a lot of it, just enough to feel very faintly stikki.

Because itz Gobbo smegg, and not just any smegg; itz YOUrz and it's been made weird by your interaction with Moar Oww. You can tell it's close just from a whiff, especially if it's freshy.

You stop by a readers' rental, pay a Grain to read two volumes of your choice, start browsing. You still carnt read squiggles, but Seafood's are better. Fiercer, like they could bite you. Gnarlier, like they're the ones reading YOU.
And then:


You take some sideway steps like you're reading the titles on the higher shelves. You get a stepladder from the bookrent, take a steppy uppy.

When the crowd behind you quietens and thickens you drop your bait: tippytoe with one leg aside, reaching up for a biggy book wot caught ur eye.

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You barely notice the featherlight touch on Gobbgantua; it's the muffled gasp behind the shelf that alerts you.

Quickly and forcefully, with none of that hoitytoit nancy gingerness you've been putting up till now, you push most of the books on your shelf out the other side, where they land with a meaty thump on the feevan faggits.

That gives you one second moar: you thrust yourself through the emptied shelf and drop down on three Rugfoots.

Two break one way, one another, a preplanned action. You preplanned too: pick the one where your smegg stinks strongest, and stick on him until you get him.

Ohh they pull out all their trikks then, when you're hot and close: sudden crowds heading right to you, not even ambling, some of them even making eye contact; people carting crockery and glass n longylong planks in wagons and hoistpoles suddenly crossing in front of you; a crowd of Rugfoots all wearing the same hat and specs and duellist mustache.


The ones that dare surge on you get a shiv each: you already have yer pokies out under your straw coat, pointed and waiting for them to bump you, then you dig right in their tendies, and if they don't pull back pronto and draw off their fellows you Carrionpede GOUGE.

It takes only two gougings before the surges stop. They knew you would be angy, who wouldn't be, after having fourty-some Grains and a handful Silver nicked; they just didn't expect you would be you.

The mobile barricades were trouble only for peepl used to going around on two legs and can't swerve on tight angles. YOUve fully mastered the Foundation of the Carrionpede, and it takes nothing for you to just drop and scuttle, confusing the raw fugg out of them. You can see their eyes bulge. Their guy got slowed even moar, since he had to go through the cluttered paths hiding the mobile barricades, and now YOUre catching up.


The last trick was their trump, real masterful. Everyone plus the liddle pube-rat pulled out a red cap and a guisey specs-n-stachy, and then just milled. Ooh you can feel them anticipating your confusion when you encounter a crowd completely saturated with Same. And you act it too, just walk dumly, swiveling your head like a lost turkey, all the while following your unerring schnozz, nostrils in the wind: the pube-rat has to match the pace of all other meanderers or be marked out, so he loses distance trying to blend in. The crowd also doesn't push or crowd at you, firstly because you stab like they stole your food 2dmg shiv each + 4dmg Carrionpede bonus; you make a penknife do the same damage as a gladius, second because it let you twigg that you're close.

Their trikk works against them: you close the distance, two breaths away, and then you charge, right at him.

He loses his nerve, breaks into a sprint, outing himself. The six who instinctively move in behind him get sliced. Screams.
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QM: "0 ffs"

Some of the quick thinking ones, Roogs probably, pop out and spray you with pump-insecticide and kus-kus perfume and ground pepper.

You sneeze a few times, gash their arms open and jostle past.

Between handling your Grains and Silvers and touching Gobbgantua, the featherfingered thief has touched enough smegg that you can't lose him. Her. The pube-rat's a she.


It makes her flinch to hear you; she loses one second just processing your foulness, and you use that window to send the shoddy axe her way, blunt first. It catches her on the shoulder, putting her off stride. She rights herself, tries to push on, but she's out of puff and you are far, far too fit.

The moment you close within arm's length she suddenly spins on you, flinging glass dust, glisteny knife ready. You're ready too: a handful of Dedder Dust, and good ol Sicky, pommel first.

You break teeth right on the first blow; she cuts you once, and you whallop her.

By the time her troops arrive you she's painting the ground: you've rammed her face several times into it.

You're both panting, her neck resting on the Sicky's curve, you looking up at a crowd of helpless, angry Rheas.

You draw out yet anuvva shiv, lay it across the back of her knee.

"Get me the Bosser of your pikkypokts. Or Liddle Mizz Muffet never plays hopscotch again. You have ninety beats."

"S-sir, we don't know what this is about-"

"Eighty beats, and I'm gettn nervus."

They bring him. It's the fatty oldy quwayal roaster. Dragg Lord or sumn.

You just stare at each other for a bit, sizing up. You both know YOU have a better hand.

"So you're the Bosser. I'm not happy Bosser. Make me happy."

He clears his throat.

"It is only money, Traveller. There is no need for such a... vigorous response." Only money, says the guy wot had a crowd and several streets planned out to cut you off.

You move your hand holding the shiv, from the back of her knee, to between her right thumb and poity.

"It'll only be juzt a fingy then. She's got nine more to cheat at Pooker with. Forty Grain and eight Silver is a good price for a fingy, inna." Your total lack of inflection, Seafood's pattern of speech Intimidation (2) , is working: his resolve is cracking. He's trying to hide it, like you've always tried to hide your fear of death around Seafood. He can't Bluff you.

"What do you want?"

"yez made me run n all. I'm hungry again. Two quwayals. Two Biggy Tablers. Wanna eat."

Dragg Lord makes eye contact with two people; they duck off into the crowd. In a minnit they're back: one holding two tall Tablers, one holding two quwayals onna stikk.

"Bringgum. Mm starvan." They approach, eyes cold, bending to lay your demands before you.
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Before they can set down their offerings, you chime in. Another of Seafood's trikks: always change direction.

"Ah-ah. Mm not hungry any moar. But you two muzt be, runnen n fetchen. Thirsty, hungry work. Siddown. Eat up. Now."

They stiffen. Yup, knew it. Pizzened. You press in before someone can think up an excuse.

" I sedd sidd n eat, Runtdorfs." You lift Sicky a little, making the red line in Mz Muffet's froat a little redder.

" Or Mizz Muffet will nivvir swaller nuffin again. FREE! TOO!! "

Your sudden escalation forces them to act: the one holding the Tabler quaffs them, and the one holding the quwayal scarves.

Before they fully finish you bellow again.

" Now SIDDAN. Put your hands onna floor. Spredd yez fingies. I sedd SPREDD!"

Prevented from reaching their antidotes, and now three hostages in your reach, Dragg Lord is in an even worse position than before.

In under a minnit, the two Rheas who brought the food topple backwards, snoozen.

You smirk at Dragg Lord, who looks stonily back. He's doing his best, at least. Someone might have gotten the Dorfs, you don't know. Time for YOUr demands.

You point with your shiv.

" You. You. You. You. You. You. And you, Bosser. All of yez, prick a drop of bludd on this ragg roit narr infrunna me. Doing. Firty beats. Go." They don't understand, they're afraid, and they obey.

" Narr cut orf a locky yez hair, n put it on the ragg. Firty beats. NO. ONE. MOVE. Vat means YOU , DROOD!"

When you have their blood and hair, you add Mz Muffet's to it, easily. You pocket the mess.

"Now I have your lives. Bluff (2) I was never 'ere, you sor no wun lookan loik moi. Do. You. Unner. Stan."

The crowd nods. Oh they nod.

You pick up a spilled beatle-nut from the ground, touch it to the pool of Mz Muffet's bludd, and point it at every one whose hair and blood you just took.

>you, you
>you, you, you
>You especially, Bosser
>and her

Then you put it in your mouth and crunchy. They all flinch.

Then you, muttering your {POPUP} chant, start dragging Mz Muffet into a tent stall wats empty, and cut the flap down.

When her angry boyfriends or brothers burst through moments later, you've already {POUF} gone.
Rolled 6, 3, 8, 1, 10 = 28 (5d10)

>Stuffs §2150.5 - 50 travel rations - 8 light kludge armor construction
>Grains Ꮆ806 - 4d10
>Silver Pieces Ᵽ$627 - 1d10

>82 Dedder Dusts

>5 Dimm Cult

>Toady 16/16HP
>Quality Kludge Armor 15/15Dur
>OR Light Kludge Armor 8/8
>[Helff Swigga] 5/6 gluggz

>Bluddslutt needs 23LM to revive
>Stuffs §2092.5
>Grains Ꮆ806 - 18
>= Ꮆ788
>Silver Pieces Ᵽ$627 - 10

>82 Dedder Dusts

>5 Dimm Cult

>Toady 16/16HP
>Quality Kludge Armor 15/15Dur
>OR Light Kludge Armor 8/8
>[Helff Swigga] 5/6 gluggz

>Bluddslutt needs 23LM to revive
seafood would be proud if he wouldnt be so angry with us for causing a scene
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You got a nice meal and learned lots for juzt a buncha munny.

You just wanted sum dinna; (((veyy))) starded it. You didn't expect it, but neeva did veyy, lal.

Pity they took a whole buncha silver tho, but oh well. You'll make back lots later.

>+15 Bonus to Sneekibreeki related rolls in future
>+15 Bonus against civilian Rheas; +7 Bonus against Adventurer Rheas

After being up close observing them, how they talk and act, when normal n when foitn n when scurred, you have the beginnings of an idea that you might be able to pass off as one of them.

An especially old and ugly one, a little grayer skinned and harsher voiced, but you've seen a few decrepits that might pass for YOU. With a little makeup, dress, n acting, you'll be able to pass as one of ((themm)). See the Rhea, Burglar, of the GSverse, GS's own Shifu.

>You are now able to enter the public commons of most Cities without being Killed On Sight.
>Entering the Cities themselves is a separate challenge.

Day 2, spy on Dorfs, try to get information not available to civvies.

>the Fuzz are not efficient

nah, it's foin.

You have the refijjees in the grip of terror, at least for several weeks.

Seafood's not disturbed in his Bed n Brekkfast; the ruckus is not big enough, as far as he cares.
Rolled 78 (1d100)

meaning: no official reports will be made of YOU until it's nuffin more than a dreadful story told in taverns.

>Four Degrees of Success
You've beat the odds like a redheaded stepchild.
Rolled 5 (1d100)

Heh. Heh. Heh.
Rolled 34 (1d100)

Rolled 5, 79 = 84 (2d100)

>Bo3 78
>+15 Sneekibreeki
>-12 default SUS vs Dorfs
>vs QM Dorfs
>Bo3 78 + net3 = 81
>Dorf Troop 79

ooo, close

good thing you just learned lots.
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building BS meter
Rolled 3, 1, 2 = 6 (3d3)

In your downtime you kludge an altar for Seafood, nuffin speshul: sum plankies for a base and roof at the foot of a tree, a dishy for offerings, two candles yez juzt chop a short one in half; he won't know, and a little act-him figgy of him in the middle, painted red and decorated gnarly like with quwayal bones and shiny bugg shells n fings like that.

You've got tiles n bricks n all from looting the constructions at the Plague Town Cherch, but you think you shouldn't built big, since you're here just for three days, and you carnt pick up and keep Seafood's altar like you do Gui Li's: Seafood's a kindy god wot yez getz zappies from, and shifting his altar counts as a sackky legg. It sounds bad, and you don't want it.

So you build cheap and small, just enough to do you a few days.

After chanting a short henlo chant, you spend a Time (40min) bugging the act-him figgy at the altar for zappies like it's really Seafood. You don't need to use your Outside Voice like you do with Gui Li, so it's more sneeki n low-key than the Ceremony, but you do need to mean it.

>ooh Goody Goody Sweety Sweetfuddz gimme zappies
>I needy needy zappy zappies
>ter sneekisneeki killykilly
>for yez, 'course
>pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls
>puhLEEZ, puhLEEZ
>pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls

You feel a black shiver go through the place, and your Beed Trinkkittz feel weirded and a bit heavier; that's how you know you're all topped up.

Now, how to do the Dorfs.

They're earth dwellers, cities not just in mountains, but in biggy biggy cellars deep underground. They've got Dark-Peek about as good as yours Dorfy Dark-Peek better at seeing detail; Goblin Dark-Peek better at detecting movement., so you have no advantage prowling by night like you do against Humies.

You're not confident of burrowing at their fort walls either: the moor ground would be hard to dig without noise, and to climb fast you'd be leaving tracks, like crimp holes and tar stains.

And they're awake all hours too, in shifts; twenty-sumn of them means there's always watchers.

You sit and do a biggy fink. You're lots better at finking these days, for cheekibreeki n fings like that. Could be that hanging around Seafood's slowly making you smart.

Then you go snooping, starting from the direction of their shitpits and working towards the fort.

Dorfs don't shidd much beer and meat diet, but like all the other Weak Races they don't like to be around it once it's out.

There's a waterbutt with rainwater near by for washing. YOU get to washing, remembering how the Rheas' noses always crinkled when they were facing you in close quarters. There's soap-cakes in little beer pails; you pick the biggyst, nicest one, and do yourself over thorough. This is the first wash in your life and you want it to last you.

After washing your pitts n bugghole you put it back in the soap pail with the others.
>Take a bath
>Get cleaned up real nice
>+10 Charisma
>Charisma score is now 12
>Mod of +1 in dnd terms

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After washing, you start making yourself smell like a dorf: you smear metal and leather polish paste on the outside of your Light Kludge Armor, quench oil here and there, some storage grease an oil+tar mix, keeps rust off big manual tools, like spades and pickaxes; sticky and awful and works , and a goody splash of Toebend's Delectable across your back. You don't think Dorfs got schnozzes as good as Gobbs'; you just don't want to get outed for smelling like YOU.

All these strong smells on you will interfere with your schnozz some, still not enough to keep you from sniffing out Dorfs around a corner: Dorfy sweat smells like stew 1 all wear mixt meddl bin-cans steelplate, n soljahs wear lots. Even they Dorfy Sissies jangle like bags of change. Them getting a drop on you is not likely. They could still charge you into a corner and thrash you though. Or chop yer; more likely chop yer. Dorfs is big on choppan. 20 Dorfs in bin-cans might be the end of you, if they twigg you.

Now kitted and prepped proppa, you dig Moar Oww out of the Pouch and send him a biggy biggy round through the forest to the Foit Place that the Dorfy Fort's stone-blocky defenses are facing.

While Moar Oww's off, you creep with a grass blankie over you until you're within sprint of the walls, just out of bowshot.

From what you can see, the Fort's evenly made, same height and thickness all around; no obvious weakpoints.

That leaves only the Dorfs themselves to exploit.

From your observations, you guess at the best time to try them: the most drinking's from moon-up to moon-drop, so the most hangy pukey's probably about sun-up to just before high-sun. 2

You time Moar Oww's appearance at the big Foity Grounds to be around that time.

When that happens, there will be a commotion and alarum at the Dorfy Fort walls. All their heads will turn to look at Moar Oww, and that's when you'll sprint to the walls and {PILLOWSHEET} in.

When it's time to go, you'll {POPUP} . Even if they had hands on you, you're gone.


1: Dwarves are the only populous race that can get regular meat-sweats without a coronary, blind drunk without cirrhosis, and consider arsenic salt an acquired taste.

Dwarven Theopologists use the fact of their impervious constitutions as hard proof of their Divine Design. Certain Elvish Nöléma Balaín ("Learner of Divine Holiness"; Theopologist) build on this to wittily conclude ("snëéde") that the brains of the Dwarven pantheon were made of rocks.

Wars have been fought over this.

2: Toady doesn't know the extent of Dwarven alcohol tolerance; there's not enough in beer rations and contra-regulation stashes of thimble-mead at Urdrin Und 11 (Trade-way Watchpost 11) to give any five Peacekeepers a hangover. But Toady did predict the timing fairly well: 1000-1330hrs is when half of those on duty will be quieter and tetchier.
lol it's going to take more than a handsoap wash to give Toady charm and appeal.

He's barely housetrained right now.

Interested anons will need to write in on how to make Toady Gobzanova.

This might go anywhere.

>we wantza HEIST
>n we wantza doit ZEXEY
From your perspective, getting the {PILLOWSHEET} on makes everything kindy misty, including yourself.

Your mist catches on the mist of everything else, so you struggle just to reach not-quite-walk speed.

Good thing is, you go through rocks like yer swimming through mucky water. The walls are proper castle walls, really thicky: takes you six steps to get through.

Then you're indoors. This fort is juzt a thikky round house with a castle roof, nothing like what you've heard.

You've stepped into what looks like a jail, big enough for maybe eight or nine of YOU, if you're not stacked feetz-on-heddz 3 or 4 Humans .

Its empty and unwatched; not a proper jail, just an empty room with a heavy grill door.

Either side of the jail is bunks and supplies, taking up three quarters of the fort's interior, with a wall separating here from the front gate. All empty right now: everyone's been called out to look at the big scary black bedsheet drifting across No-Dwarf's-Land.

From the jail door you spy a stairwell going down from the middle of this bunk room.

Your {PILLOWSHEET} is still on, so you sink and swim into the floor as fast as you can, knowing there's a cellar level below. You get through the floor and settle on a rafter arch just as the spell cuts off.

Dorfs build mostly stone; you can move about on load-bearing structures and floors without anything creaking. You might be able to keep out of sight a few minutes if someone comes back down; you can't stay long.

Six bunks against the walls, crates put together to make a biggy table in the middle, over which are charts and maps set up, boxes of papers, one box of books; these are official diaries, like the ones the TownBoss of Plague Town kept, much better made.

You move quickly, nabbing handfuls of crumpled papers off the floor, moar crumpled papers out of a biggy beer pail at the head of the crate-table, things that won't be missed.

You don't dare to take the diaries from the box; the Dorfs made them big, immediately noticeable if one of them went missing.

Instead, you take out several of the older diaries and shake them by the spine. Whatever falls out - sheave-folds detached from the spine stitching - you bag.

So far you haven't seen weapons, armor, tools, medicine bags, nothing you can nick offhand. The Dorfs each have their own chests, one bigger than the other, for rations and issued kit.

You empty the trash pails near the bunks into your Pouch instead. You'll sort it all out later, maybe get some clews out.

The stairwell to this level widens into a ziggyzaggy ramp after the landing, growing down to yet another lower level.

By your estimate the stair well could fit maybe two and a half Dorfs side by side; the ramp might fit six abreast.

There's a warning sign on a metal plate just before the ramp: you don't know what the words say, but it's in red and yellow, and shows two Dorfs with long axes making another Dorf kneel.
Remembering how Sordyfagg had a zappyzapp rigged up to toast you the moment you stepped on it, you back off from the warning plate.

You don't want a Dorf zappy going off in your face. It will almost certainly involve biggy rocks.

clumpclump, clumpclump, clumpclump, clumpclump, clump

They're back! Coming down! There's no time from where you are to scuttle up the pillars. You blitz for one of the bunks, grab a pillow off the top and duck under the bunk, already chanting for {POPUP}. You hold the pillow up, using it to block their view. The tempo of Dorfy talk sounds like they garglen rocks, kek doesn't heighten or slow. Ain't seen you.

Your hand brushes something: quality print paper, crumpled.

Without stopping your chant mutter you examine it.

>Ooh, wazzis?
>A Dorfy pinnup!
>yer geddin tribbz layder, Squattie

You shove it in yer cloffy armor.

There are footsteps coming towards the bunk, but you can feel the zappy kicking in.

" kek, too slow, dirt fairy!" you whisper, just as you see the inquisitive beard at the head of the bunk begin to lower. You're gone.
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>Stuffs §2092.5 - 6 for Seafood Shrine
>Grains Ꮆ788
>Silver Pieces Ᵽ$617

>82 Dedder Dusts

>5 Dimm Cult

>Toady 16/16HP
>Quality Kludge Armor 15/15Dur
>OR Light Kludge Armor 8/8
>[Helff Swigga] 5/6 gluggz

>Bluddslutt needs 23LM to revive


>+15 Sneekibreeki
>+15 Gen vs Rhea Civilians
>+7 vs Rhea Adventurers


[C H O I C E]


>mingle and trade with:
>Dorfs only

>only trade with Villijjerz
>limited mingling


>if you vote this and the Days required is 1d3>1, you will expend Stuffs and get nothing.

>from Dorfs (known: v difficult)
>from Villijj
>from Camp

>Sneekibreeki into the Dorf Fort's again, now aiming for the second cellar


>need 12 LM to unlock {'TECT ZAPZAP} spell
>need 23 LM to revive Bluddslutt

>bright idees?

[R O L L]
>1,2 vs DA FUZZ
>3 for general


36 hrs

Note: Seafood will look over your literal trash intel gathering after tomorrow
Rolled 121, 489, 146 = 756 (3d1000)

they should tell us everything worth knowing about their race, culture, currently frozen conflict and their enemies the mantises
preferably provide us with writing containing such information

"knowing your enemy is half the battle" or something

also: if we roll high enough i think we deserve to fuck one of them too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>also: if we roll high enough i think we deserve to fuck one of them too
proceeds to roll horribly
Rolled 635, 341, 362 = 1338 (3d1000)

Rolled 71, 448, 31 = 550 (3d1000)

>only trade with Villijjerz
>limited mingling

Good information gathering opportunity. No need to pry, we just need to get more of a feel for things. Maybe then do a little pluppin and gibbin based on what we learn?
Rolled 453, 105, 68 = 626 (3d1000)

let's see.

All other anons may still pick a course, but no more rolls.
Disguises n shit will work better if we can speak like a normal person.
Maybe even read like a normal person, someday!
But obviously not something accomplished in a single day.
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>Bo3x3: 635, 489, 362
>vs Fuzz 453, 105
>vs Gen 68


the casefile cabinet caught on fire while the attempted to process a Dragonkin.

Toady is off the hook again.

>QM somehow managed to roll lower than we did on all 3 dice

good idea
supporting this when we have more free time next
I also think this is a good idea for later.

Watch as our speech still stands out- for being overly formal.
George Bernard Shaw would have lost his fucking mind.
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A homely, pleasant race, skilled in the kitchen and the garden. They will make good house-serfs, he thought, helping himself to more pancake and sap-honey.

Richer fare Yang Wuhan had eaten; far rarer and costlier, dismissed untasted. How strange, then, that a simple flour-cake made by slow, old hands, hot off the griddle, should so satisfy. Four had gone, now two more grace his plate.

Perhaps it was because he was a child now; perhaps it was because he had presented himself a recent orphan. But harsher had he seen dealt to such in his own world than here, and his present body was not of the race of his hosts.

The fraud philosopher that said "Man is born with Good Inherent", spoke not of Man, but of Rheas, who attain their dotage with souls unstained.

The Blade Emperor never asked the names of those unequal to shedding his blood, but now he learned the names of two:

The Husband was Clettennoak, the Wife, 'Telda, Haybarrows of the Everdote Haybarrows.

The land had been an inhospitable wild when their forebears were granted it of the Humans, themselves granted it of the Faerie; the land rejected those that fed without tending, that wrung without feeling.

Under Rhean care, the rockfast trees gave way, the hookbrambles withdrew to grass, then meadow country. The Rheas made a welcome home, loving the soil; in return, the line of Human Border Dukes gained a par-share of tea and tobacco of good quality two years of every three (the third was for fallow; the Rheas insisted strenuously, withholding work and yield under fines and hard detention, until even Greed stood rebuked), and exemption of all corvee.

The Myrmids, seeing such expanse so fruitful and succulent, declared it within their bounds by virtue of ancient hives new discovered, an Ur-Myrmid civilization flightless and underground. The locations of these were not disclosed, purportedly for fear that other Races would destroy them to deny the Myrmid claim.

Counterclaim by appeal to historic Human records containing no report of Myrmid presence during the Human tendmanship of Everdote is rejected outright by the Myrmid Host: the Mammalian supremacy shakes hands to defraud the Right and Just Insectid Interest, to thwart and contain Our Inevitable Ascendence!

The Dwarven intervention purports to be for peace while acting in the interests of commerce.

In such circumstances a Rhean Underground has begun to operate, drawing their numbers from the displaced, sabotaging the Myrmid nestholds in the forests across the battlefield.

Both sides boast of having Faerie sympathy and historic claim; neither have an interest in truth. Both are of dubious repute: one side as invasive infesters, the other as swindlers and wanton thieves.

Is it a wonder if some wish both to kill each other. he thought.

"Slow down dear! Or you'll have no space for chowder toasties with mulberry marmie!"

Yang Wuhan smiled rare happy smile.
I have decided. I will never kill All of them.
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Same with Hellboy.
>Is it a wonder if some wish both to kill each other. he thought.

The plot thickens. Let's make it worse, lol!
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One moar day of free time before you meet up with Seafood again, and you decide you haven't had enough of shidding up the Refijjee Camp.

That last jaunt taught you plenty, but you wanted a vaycayshun, just like Seafood, eaten n funnen n horren. All you got out of it wuz two drinks and a delishy stunty chikkin. It wuz priddy gudd, but it wernt no vaycayshun. And even for that little bit of enjoyment they made you work.

Yez want souvies, yez wants moar eatziez, sumn sumn, anna coot Rhea gurlie wivv floral shampy smellen niceynicey to pluppypluppy screamyscreamy, gnehh heh hehh.

You don't get your hopes up too high: after all that ultraviolence you visited on the tribe of feeves wot tried you, you carnt trust a bite of food from their hands. They'd probably keep their women and children out of your sights, buncha pre-cuck cucks.

So it's going to be souvies. Put the squeeze on n get sumn out of them. You're going to look bossyyer than usual for the occasion. You need to look Bad.

You keep your Light Armor and get out the Quality one. You mod it a bit, for better effect: tap a couple holes in the shovelhead shoulder plates, put a longy screw in upwards, put a rat or rabbit skull or two the spike and glue it up; get a shitty spearhead, smear it with blood so it looks grotty, make a crummy handle out of spare wood and glue bones on, and wear it across your back like a Boarbearrian. You won't be using it anyway: Stumpy's Noif and yer own Sicky will be your go-to, carried in reverse draw between your ribs and your elbows.

Your tin [Helff Swigga] gets the same treatment: an animal skull put over and glued on.

The Pouch will be secured to your Beed Trinkkittz, under your Quality Armor.

Your ready money you put in the fancy Bajjur bawbag that you baited them with the last time. You wear it different this time: shorten the sling, wear it openly over your belly. You dare them to steal it. Just to make it blatant, you paint a skull in brown over the chest and belly of your Quality Armor, where the Bajjur Bawbag is hanging. You're not sure how many Rheas are worth 1 measure of Living Men's Blood, but let them Rheas try you again and you'll both find out.


You figger that near dinner time again is good to visit. They set store by nice dinners, and you want to spoil it. You also figger that these Meadow Folks won't have Dark-Peek, so Night's better for YOU.

For this, you prime Moar Oww as a distraction, hiding in the treeshade.

" if yez hear this wissil, *HEEEET*, or seez zapzaps n shouting in the camp, come out and juzt walk through va middl ovvit. Scare their tonkers orf so I'z can geddout. Savvy?"

Your language is atrocious where not foul. Perhaps if you applied yourself you would not be such a pox to hear.

"Psh! Layder! You gotva plan??"


"Gudd! Mm orf! Fagg."
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You say nuffin, letting the clatter of your Quality Armor announce you.

As you pass, you grab whatever good eats you see out of their hands n cram it or swigg it.


No chance of poison at least in the first several minutes of shock. You pack two full dinners in your belly, veggy numgies, stacked ribbz, Anna whole cauldron of stoo to-go. Shame you have to share sum with Gui Li, but waddahell.

You head for the BeerBoss' stall again, knowing he's one of the feevz. You know Dragg Lord's probably got more rank, but eing completely predictable and obvious is a flex and a trap.

The beer stall's still here, still up. Different Rhea minding the till, younger, maybe dumber than the BeerBoss, but taller and stouter, by Rhea standards; almost a malnourished Dorf size. Two other yobs with the same look lurk nearby, their hands under the table or behind their backs, watching without looking. They ain't your match if it comes to killykilly; probs they're just stalling for their Roogz n Droodz to get in position. You're not pressured: even theys Roogz n Droodz will need some time to find their ballz, and when they do try yer they'll either gitt gibbt, or be too busy keeping their frenz n famblys from bleeding out to catch YOU.

"Wotcher, free-fourfs. You know me. Wanna talk tuva BeerBoss. Whurreeat."

"Tunner Aldan's off sick. So convenient, lal On account of you, baddie. Give me a reason why I shouldn't box you."

"Cuz dat will leave yez one less hand to wank wiv, dumdum. Same goes for everwun hearen this n hidy theys hands. Meanen yez, yez, yez, yez. "

Nobody moves or breathes, all acting like they're not the one. You growl and slowly reach for the biggy spearhead across your back. Sicky's already out and lurken under yez raggy cloak. Before your hand reaches the prop sord, their hands appear: flat on the table, at their sides or laps, palms out. Some you hadn't pegged have their hands raised halfway up, clearly cucked.

The yob standing in for BeerBoss has lost some color.

"Va BeerBoss ran a scam on me day fore last. Vat's ten Zilverz n eyyteen Grainz. Now I'z here to run one too. Yer va BeerBoss, today, lukky yew. Dat means I run yew. "

He's half expecting sumn, but you're still faster: Sicky swings from below, outward, then in, hooking his neck from behind. He hastily leans forward over the bar as you pull Sicky in.

" Givvus all yez Zilvaz."

"Goodsir Traveller! We haven't got any!"

" Yez took plenty frum me. Plenty more from uvvaz. Wherez it oll."

"Gone donated and spent sir! For a just cause!"

"Den I might jezt guttz yez fer yer bludd, juzt 'cuz."

"Is there anything else wanting! W-we'll accommodate!"

You're about to say "yer mam n yer ziz", but you reconsider. You can just grab puzzy. You need fings made.

"Want threddz, blangz n drippz. Gotteny."
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>2 degrees of success

For most of the night till midnight the Rheas get you sorted, per request: they dress you, teach you to bathe, 1-2 pattyface makeup; just foundation.

No one tries to slice you or zap you or poison you. They listen to what you want and do their best, anything to get rid of you.

"If yez fix me ter look a twat to peepl, Mm killen a Hunnerd Rheas dedd. Might not be yez, but it will be a hunnerd 'a yez." They got your message already, but beheadden a dedd horse stops it rizzyrectum.


>cheap puff-fume and clogglunggz
>talcam n pattyface powder
>proppa bathy soaps n bathy cloffs


>Sets of Formals (weddnz n funnylalz) (n posh folks, mebbe)

>Sets of Mercantines (marts n trades)

>Sets of Roog Amblers (Guilds n Murkers)

>Set (1) of Droody "Pied Brett": a holly green mantle closed with purple rope, luxurious material (Circles and Ordinaries)

All these have the same likelihood of failure even in their favored domains. What they give YOU is at least superficial access and the chance to attempt a Bluff.

in 40hrs, Seafood looks at the Trash Intel to decide wat do + set off

>>Sets of Mercantines (marts n trades)
>>Sets of Roog Amblers (Guilds n Murkers)
>Sets of Mercantines (marts n trades)
>Set (1) of Droody "Pied Brett": a holly green mantle closed with purple rope, luxurious material (Circles and Ordinaries)
>Sets of Roog Amblers (Guilds n Murkers)
>Set (1) of Droody "Pied Brett": a holly green mantle closed with purple rope, luxurious material (Circles and Ordinaries)
>Sets of Mercantines (marts n trades)
>Set (1) of Droody "Pied Brett": a holly green mantle closed with purple rope, luxurious material (Circles and Ordinaries)
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You tromp off into the darkness towards Moar Oww's position, hauling two battered suitcases.

The bigger one, canvas with cardboard backing, holds your noice new Mercantines, clothes n shoes n workbibs as any respectable trader, chandler, or crafthand might present. The shoes were more difficult to make: they had to get larger sizes then trim down the sides, on account of Gobby toes having one more joint than theirs.

The other suitcase, smaller, crumbly leather with brass bits, holds the hats, bathy things, kus-kus smaels, pattyface, and the spiffy Drood dudz. Up close it looks kindy shabby and old, just well cleaned, but you've no doubt that you'll look soopa cash flashing this. People will just get out your way from respect without you needing to waste effort threatening them. You're not sure what you might do if they ask you Droody stuff, but you'll figger it out.

You're fairly certain no one's trailing you, but to make sure you get Moar Oww to help you check once you're deeper innawoodz.

Moar Oww floats up a bit, just below the treetops, and does its thing 120' Complete Dark vision + {Detect Living}, scanning the surrounds in a widening spiral.

When you feel safe enough you *HEEEEET* it back, start stowing your extorts inna Pouch, and stock up on Ceremonying Gui Li. Get it over with while you're rested.

Seafood's going to come here in a few hours; the next week might be busy.


He's gotten fatter. You don't point it out but he has. Must be the cushy living. You envy him. You keep the impulse to rob him as far deep inside as you can; if he sees it on your face you're going to suffer for it.

He's got new duds too: peasanty travel clothes, a floppy hat, a whistle on a chain, and two foody bags. You already know he's not sharing.

He takes in your report, looking over your fresh lewts his eyes flash at seeing the Druid "Pied Brett", and he touches it; it's on his mind to rob you. But he doesn't.. Then you tell him about using the zappies in the Beed Trinkkittz to get into the Dorfy Fort. This gets his interest.

You sweep all the trashed papers you swotted from the Dorfy Sitch Room onto the floor Seafood glances at the squatty pinnup; he looktidder tiddz, lal and get to uncrumpling them in a spread.

Most of it is in Dorfish, which Seafood doesn't know yet. Some are missives or order chitties, written in Humie or Rhea; these he can make out. There are also rough maps of the area and the land beyond the Foit Ground.

He sits some Times sitting n finking while you and Moar Oww keep perimeter.

Reffijjee stragglers, for the most part. A food wagon train under Humie and Rhea escort. The reffijjee Rheas don't touch the food wagins, since these have to be signed over to the Dorf Fort; they don't steal if it gets their own in trouble. They wait until someone else is responsible. Then all the sossijjiz go missing.

Liddle shits.
i nearly thought the bolders got to you haha
not yet not yet

just bit busy

writan in an hour
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Gore Walker looked at the rough hand-drawn map, walking the land in his mind.

The largest Tower symbol, marked 11, was the near-center of the map. This was the outpost of the stout soldiery, "Dwarves".

There were other , roughly following the trade road, facing the forests North; these were containment positions.

Triangles on squares represented villages; two together represented towns; crossed out meant destroyed.

Behind the line formed by the Towers, close by Towns, were enclosed (½)s, followed by (𐤲) or (ꕤ), often both, with numbers.

In the empty land between the forests and the Towers, and in some of the crossed out villages and towns, were a few ( }|{ ), sometimes accompanied by dates and numbers, or (‽).

The forests had many more ( }|{ ), drawn larger, undated; bigger numbers.

Some small 𐤲 and ꕤ in the forests, with dates, no numbers.

A Rhean shadow war was being fought under the whiskers of the Dwarves; they knew of it, yet kept abreast, committed to a superficial peace.

The point of the Rhean Underground was to make occupation untenable for the }|{, to force them into open counter-action, thereby forcing the Dwarves to commit themselves and act.

The question for Gore Walker was, where to place his ( )


>Among the Dwarves; continue along the traderoad through the line of . Safest in terms of having the fewest active belligerents; most troublesome in having to contend with... bureaucrats.

>Among the Rheas; reach out to the Underground of ½𐤲ꕤ, possibly obtain smuggle routes in exchange for... services

>Among the }|{ ; their public image is poor at present, even if they have made successful occupation on most fronts. They should be happy to take in... public sympathisers

note: there will be opportunities later for anons who want to drive up the conflict


>1 vs Gui Li; DC 660
>2 gen


if I get 3 replies within 20hrs, I can get back to writan quickly.

Sorry for shortpost; need anons to chart course.

Dwarven Tower symbol was supposed to be a Black Rook


Yang Wuhan's personal was supposed to be a

( 8∆8 )
verdamnt this place eats symbols
Rolled 676, 665 = 1341 (2d1000)

>Among the Rheas; reach out to the underground of ½𐤲ꕤ, possibly obtain smuggle routes in exchange for... services

>Among the Rheas; reach out to the Underground of ½𐤲ꕤ, possibly obtain smuggle routes in exchange for... services

Best learning oppoetunities.
Rolled 408, 593 = 1001 (2d1000)

Dice roll vots eated.
Rolled 111, 112 = 223 (2d1000)

i might aswell agree
>Among the Rheas; reach out to the Underground of ½𐤲ꕤ, possibly obtain smuggle routes in exchange for... services
wow almost double trips
Rolled 536 (1d1000)

>Bo3 676 vs Gui Li 660
>she chickens out last minute
>Dysfunctional Marriage remains DC 660

>QM rollan for Rhean Underground
>Seafood Bo3 665
>Rhean Underground 536

Writan in 12 hrs


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You smell burning and snap back to look. Most of the smoothed out papers are curling into ash. Only some sheets and the Dorf Diary segment in Seafood's hands are spared. You suppose they'll suffer the same once he's twigged what they contain.

"Tudi. Bring out the Tomb Serf. We are going." Without any other instruction he gets up and starts walking vaguely South.

You hurry Moar Oww into the Pouch, then hurry again ahead of Seafood to get the big fat woman Dummy out the Pouch.

She already has a harness strapped on, with a small chair tied on and a brolly in a holdyhole. You crouch a little and clasp your hands to give Seafood a leg-up.

He steps on your hands, then face, then the Dimmy's forearm, on which he gets lifted to the shoulder and the babby seat just behind.

You know full well he doesn't need to do this, or to do it this way, but he will.

You don't bother asking where you're going, and why Southerly, when Binny Land's East and North. You just tromp along, ready for orders.

It saves time and thrashings.


When you hit a forest road again after several days Seafood gets off his Dimmy ride.

"Tudi. The Mundane clothes you stole. Wear them."

You get to it quickly: a water douse and gargle, quick scrub with soap and dirty rags, a wipe-off with clean rags, then on with the Mercantines.

You slap on and smooth the pattyface like the Rhea fitters taught you, then kus-kus your pits and crotch. The socks they give you are just old sweater sleeves sewn shut on one end, but they fit. You powder them with talcam; they said it helps against food itchies. You don't want those; you know at least two Gobbs wot lost toes to foot itchies they didn't; it was gangrene.

"Are you DONE yet. Vainpot sloth." You are done immediately.

"Yerr, Sweetfudds. All gooded."

Seafood looks you over. No compliments, no change in expression, just a sniff, and he's up and walking towards the road.

"Listen well. I am Beska, a Human orphan from Derrechston. You are my mute and slightly mentally ill adopted Uncle Oats, a Rhea... what skills do you have besides stealing and killing."

"Nerrrr, I kin kludge, n sharpen sharpish, n do meat stitchens wivva hookneedle anna double shott hooch-"

"You are Uncle Oats, a Rhea Tinker-Barber, a refugee of Yarrowvale. Act stupid and mad, the quiet kind. Do not answer to anything; turn away and act frightened when strangers engage you.

"In front of strangers I will hold your hand; one press means turn left, two presses means right; long press means stop."

"Which iz left?" This gets you a knuckle in the plexus. He keeps speaking over your nausea.

"This is your left. Dolt. If you're not sure, point with your other hand, slowly in a circle; I will press long for yes, rapid for no. Pretend to lead me. From time to time I will pretend to talk to you, and you will pretend to talk back. Do not reveal the Pouch, the Dagger, or use any Amulet unless I tell you. "
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Rolled 2 + 5 (1d10 + 5)

You give your shoes and Seafood's a brisk spit'n'polish, stow Moar Oww and the Dimmy, and you're off acting civilized.

Barely an hour later you start meeting folks on the road, mostly Rheas, some Dorf n Humies, clearly outsiders, but fitted the Rhea fashion: waistcoats, calf trousers, sandals, long curvy baccy pipes with white clay or ivory bowls. The Dorfs still wear armor, but not a full set: just chestplate, metal hats, and hobnail boots, and even the chestplate looks like a waistcoat.

These accepted outsiders don't get their money stolen and have learned not to carry good food around Rheas, just enough Graincoin to buy from day to day. They're small trade officers or chandlers, going by the pocket ledgers they carry. Probably deal goods and tools from Dorf and Humie towns for tea and baccy here.

You act like Seafood told you, face down, shying away when anyone says hello. Seafood, "Beska", answers and explains for you in Humie Common:

You're a kindly boffer by-passing wot took her in after the Bad Happening at Derrechston, taught her Tinkery and Barbery on the way to your hometown of Yarrowvale.

The Myrmids tui! Stickbug scum! razed Yarrowvale one day before you were due to reach it, and you escaped only after three days and nights without water or fire, evading the swarm detachments. The experience left YOU, Uncle Oats, with a "Bit of a Turn", and now you, that is, "Beska" hoping your old smuggler stories are true, are heading to Whythistle.

Seafood sells the sob story like a Boss, while you just look as fried as possible. It works: people just look at you and wag their heads now. At the next rest stop you get a quarter wedge of cold pie amazing what they can do with shroomz n mutton gristle and a half pint of bitter ale for Second Breakfast.



Being in a traveller train in Rhea country meant that there's no big fights. No beasties or bandits or the like. Just the occasional scuffle over food.

In under two weeks you're at a Town: Whythistle. A little bigger than plague Town, a lot livelier, being mostly Rhea.

Seafood gets the both of you a bedsit off someone's recommendation: the upstairs of an older widow cousin, simple first breakfast with drip-hickory beggar's coffee and three days bed for a handful of Graincoin.

Seafood tells you to behave while here, then lets you rest up to the beginning of moon-up (5-6pm).

"Tudi. Wash and dress in new clothes. We are paying a visit."

You notice that Seafood never washes. Accherly, he doesn't sweat at all; you don't smell much from him. He doesn't pee r poop neeva; he never has.

Maybe when there's a plausible reason to ask, you might.

Scrubbt and kitted up again, you get your Moron Face on. Seafood gives you a final briefing before opening the door.

"We go to a Thieves' Den. If anything goes wrong, fight your way out and come back here. Or to the pony market."

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Whythistle's Mart Street starts big, wends a little before becoming a square, then parts three ways.

Since it's evening, the three ways are quiet. The daytime businesses of Mart Square have mostly been given over to vending eats and drinks.

You want to try some of everything, but Seafood keeps pointing you forward, so you leave be for now. You're not real hungry, just greedy.

The middle branching way after the Square is the widest and longest: most of the Humie and Dorfy stores are here; chandlers and outway goods.

The righty way is wrights and turners; big crafts at the front, services the midst and the end.

The lefty way's shortest, looks like fine living: curers and bakers at the front, vinters and confections at the end.

You take the middle by Seafood's leading, leaving the cookfires and happy chatter of the Square behind. No one's open, of course. Maybe a few stores doing a late stock-count or packing. Everyone wants to finish up and hurry off to dinner.

Except the umbrella maker. Waxpaper or proofed canvas umbrellas in erronwood still on display at the shopfront; inside, rainhides for persons and wagons; parafine wax, mulberry paper and branches, sneezy smallcures. It doesn't smell like it has thieves in it: no burnt leather, rust powder, iron, mineral oil with soot in. The place smells like it... makes brollies: waxpaper, paint, stripped wood and glue. And the noseclot of peppermint, from the smallcures.

Seafood leaves you by the door to drool, goes in by himself. The tillkeeper is a half-old middleaged Rhea male, bottle-end glasses, beard, sharp eyes under a bored look. He spares one glance at you, focuses on Seafood.

Seafood picks, in order: a glass tub of brown smallcure, brown safflower tun, the smallest roll of mulberry paper.

"Do you have cane," he asks the tillkeep.

"Making an umbrella." says the tillkeep. Not ask, says. You gently paw your crotch, staring at the wall, listen.

"Making a kite. For when the rain stops."

"Need string."

"No. Just cane. Contsie or batarba, if you have it."

"Heavy for a kite."

"It's a big one."

"Got some catlock to clear; half price."

"No. For contsie I'll pay full." So saying Seafood lays out some Grain coin, one with a melted side.

The tillkeep paperbags the goods, Seafood takes it, not a second glance, comes out.

>dafugg dat about

But you don't ask. He takes your hand and leads you.

While you're in an alleyway cutting into the lefty branch he starts rummaging the paperbag. There's something extra wrapped in paper that he didn't buy: a dark wooden coin. looks heavy, maybe lead-bedded. There's a ( ⁜ ) on one side, a ( ÷ ) on the other.

"Well done, Tudi. You are in your element, acting the dullard. Keep it up."

>I guess?

The wrapping paper has something short written on. He reads it, crumoles it. The paper wrap crinkles black in his hands, which he wipes on your shoulder.

>dis wuz clean!

"Come. We are close."
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The lefty branch has shophouses for shops, quite poshy looking, selling baccy and booz, the good stuff. The sellers continue until about the middle of it, then the cobbles turn nicer and bigger, and the shophouses become just houses, a compact terrace row.

Seafood counts out the houses, waits at one particular side door. When a gruff Rhea housemaid opens it, he palms her the wood token.

She secrets it, giving YOU an ugly look as she does.

"Using children now. Beast."

You want to sock her, but Seafood's pinching the back of your hand, so you keep your Moron Face on.

She hurries you both in, bolts the door. The back and frame are iron.


She leads the two of you into a coal cellar, another iron door leading downwards, then a narrow brick tunnel. She passes you what the Rheas call a Thief's Teacup: a lidded tin cup with a hole cut out the front, so that the candle or oil wick inside projects a beam just forwards, leaving the user's eyes partially adjusted to the dark.

You don't need it, having Dark-Peek, but you leave it on.

When you reach the other end, another iron door, Seafood knocks. An eye-slot opens.

"Pretrichor," says Seafood. The slot closes, the door opens.

So this is a Thieves Den. Bare walls and floors, wood furniture. Card and dice gambling is happening here and there, with sandwich components for ante. There's drinks being served from a small bar; no ale or beer, only clear shots from dark green bottles. Smells like mealy apples.

You're under watch the moment you're through the door. Unlike the reffijjees of Camp Everdote, they don't hide that they're watching, or that they're armed.

One of them, the doorwatcher, points you to a table at the far end of the cellar. There's a Rhea sitting at it. You see his eyes without meeting them. He's Fighty for sure.
Before Seafood can reach the table the Fighty Rhea addresses YOU.

"That's an old watchword you gave. Who gave it to you."

You have no idea what to say. You glance at Seafood, to find him giving you a hard look. You remember your briefing and start to tremble visibly. You make a face like you're about to cry and pull your hood up, turning away.

Seafood comes in close, patting your back, whispering.

"Good. When I next whisper to you, mumble and gesture. I will press your hand for you to stop."

You nod several times, hamming full retard.

Out loud Seafood addresses the ThiefBoss.

"Sorry sir, but my 'dopted Uncle Oats' had a Bit of a Turn since Yarrowvale. We got the watchword from Clettennoak Haybarrow of the Everdote Haybarrows. He said we can give it if help was ever wanted on our way."

"Hmph. Everything's short and bare these days. What help can we spare you? But speak. Clettennoak's proven, even if his mother isn't."

"Oh no sir. We're here to ask you. Do you want out help, since we're passing this way."

You can feel their eyes peel.

"You? Beg pardon little miss Twiceling, but what can you do?"

"I can't much, except what Uncle Oats taught me: a little Tinkery and Barbery, enough to shave a Grain. But me Uncle Oats has got a vewwy spuhsfic set of skews, that makes him a nightmare for baddies like the Sticks tui!.

Everyone follows almost reflexively, showering the ground with phlegm.

The ThiefBoss looks YOU over, so you cringe and whimper believably. You've had lots of practice, everytime Seafood tells you to "Come. Here."

"Him? He can't kill a curry."

"He's bloody murder he is! A right artist wivva noif!"

>ey yo waddafugg

"Sure he is."

"I'll show you! He'll show you! Who here's good wivva blade?"

Several smirks light up; Roogs.

Seafood looks through them, points one out. Slim, for a Rhea. Two knives visible in the belt, identical; probably has two more.

Seafood pops the tinny of safflower tun waxy waterproofing paint, dips your thumbs in, then the slim Rhea's thumbs.

"Your thumbs are now knives! Uncle Oats! Mister! When I drop my hand, you try to smudge each other's clothes! The first to smudge thrice wins! Readyyyyy!"

The Rhea moves in before Seafood's arm is fully down, but so do you. This isn't a real fight, nothing's on the line, so you go all in SUICIDEY.

You dropping into Stance makes him miss his cheapshot, and you close distance in one move, Parting Litter, and you're already on him: heel heel kneeback kneeback hip - he spins, trying to slash your back, and you follow his movement, out of reach - hip bellycrossandup armpit - he tucks and tumbles, trying to get clear of you - and you follow his trajectory, scuttling under him.

He slashes as he does. You're not sure he got you: you didn't feel anything, so it might have been just paint being flung off, spatting your shirt front. But you definitely get him: wrist elbow neck neck face.
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Rolled 1 (1d2)

Your momentum crossing his throws both of you

Everyone in the room is on their feet. Lots of knives out.

Seafood's grinning.

Slim has one knife half out his belt. Both of yours are under his jaw, your nails digging in. His face is all smeared with safflower tun.

"yew roont mah shirt. My shirt wuz kleen." Ooh you are SO mad. Whatever smudges you got from Seafood are going to get taken out on him.

"It'll wash. Ey, ease up eh, Oats. You've showed your chops."

"It wuz paint. Paint ztainz." Your claws dig. SO mad.

"Ey, ey! Cmoan! I got coupons for Prestie's Laundry! Fully clean for five Grains per garment, or your clothes back!"

Seafood chips in.

"Unca Oats, please let him go. We'll take the coupons. Clean it all up nice. See, mister? Unca Oats is COOL!"

You let up, because Seafood spoke. Because everyone is now looking at you, you crouch and cower, drawing your hood over your face.

If ThiefBoss has doubts about Seafood's story they are outweighed by how useful YOU might be.

"Short and bare, like I said. So happens we do need ...help. There is a-"

ThiefBoss cuts himself off, because Seafood is whispering to you. You pretend to whisper back, twiddling your fingers, pointing randomly, while Seafood nods and smiles encouragingly. You're starting to enjoy yourself when Seafood presses your palm hard enough to leave a bruise.

So you stop.

"Unca Oats says he wants free and fast passage to Elven Lands."

ThiefBoss takes a minute. "That way is long. Passing through-"

"How many jobs is that worth."

ThiefBoss bites his cheek.

"Let's start with one."


>The building of new Myrmid forward post has been observed
>Hiving activities have begun
>Undo this.

>Supply attempts across the warzone have been harried by aerial Myrmid squadrons
>Secure the convoy, break the choke

>Scouts have reported possible locations of the Myrmid's so-called Ancient Hives
>Discover and penetrate these locations
>If fake, expose.
>If real, destroy.


Due to 1degree of success, QM rollan 1d2 for number of Support Operators YOU may bring.

>Bring Support Operators Y/N


>5D100, all for Mission
>will +15 for first and second roll, since Sneekibreeki is involved

>Stuffs §2086.5
>Grains Ꮆ788 - 7 for lodging
>Silver Pieces Ᵽ$617

>82 Dedder Dusts

>5 Dimm Cult

>Toady 16/16HP
>Quality Kludge Armor 15/15Dur
>OR Light Kludge Armor 8/8
>[Helff Swigga] 5/6 gluggz

>Bluddslutt needs 23LM to revive


>+15 Sneekibreeki
>+15 Gen vs Rhea Civilians
>+7 vs Rhea Adventurers

Rolled 100, 51, 15, 8, 74 = 248 (5d100)

>Scouts have reported possible locations of the Myrmid's so-called Ancient Hives
>Discover and penetrate these locations
>If fake, expose.
>If real, destroy.

>Bring Support Operators Y
i finally did it
Rolled 50, 24, 39, 90, 4 = 207 (5d100)

>Bring Support Operators No
I don't doubt they would have order to keep an eye on us and keeping up the act would make things harder
Rolled 56, 28, 3, 87, 14 = 188 (5d100)

Nyerr. Ancient places have good goodies.
Rolled 1, 93, 81, 90, 95 = 360 (5d100)

>Go alone
Rolled 25, 7, 9, 66 = 107 (4d100)

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>5D100 Bo3
>100, 51, 39, 90, 74
> - , 25, 7, 9, 66

>No Rhea Operator Support needed, kthnx

The Rhean Underground has three main branches of operations: the Butchers, the Bakers, and the Candlestick Makers.

The first one is where the fightiest ones are: killy-spec Roogz, Beastmode Droodz, Sniper Rangers. Your kind of peepl. So-named because they see blood and sell meat: earn their budget allocation through bounty and pillage. Given how Weak Rhea usually are, these usually involve ambush and unequal numbers. For some reason Rhea are squeamish about poisoning food and water.

Bakers are liars: information and disinformation. Mostly Scout- or Spah-spec Roogz, Landstrider-spec Droodz n Rangers, and Bards for some reason. A few capable Illusionists and Bards make up the leadership; that's all most know.

The Candlestick Makers is where they send YOU, with a small square of leather burned on one side with the sign on the ThiefBoss' ring, the other side ( !iji! ).


Seafood had left the choice of which mission to take up to you, and you picked the one about reported locations of Ur-Myrmid hives. There's some big argument going on between the Rheas and the Bugs about land, and right now the Bugs are claiming dibs by Right of Conquest and by Historic Rights. YOUre not sure why anything apart from Right of Conquest matters; it's a Weak Race thing.

But your hyperspecialized brainbulbs lit up when ThiefBoss said the Bugs' claim of Historic Right was based on New™ Discovered™ Ancient™ Cities™.

Ancient Cities! Dat meant lewts dunnit? N traps not the nice kind n cults n fings, 'course, but PHAT LEWTS!

While you were a grubb you've seen Ancient Someplace just appear overnight when and where no one's looking GS canon; the DM/Player called Chance just generated a Dungeon. Every goblin just accepted the appearance of these Places as natural weirdness, like lightning, or ocean waves, or how you allus pee when you poop but never poop when you pee.

Goblins avoided exploran, because traps cannot be cheated, and in closed unfamiliar corridors there's no hiding; gobbs usually don't run fast enough or hit hard enough to beat whatever Lurkz in there.

Adventurers love these Ancient Someplaces, and you, like every goblin, resent that they can just march in with their shiny gear and overpowered cheaty zappyzaps, and come out richer with shinier gear and zappyer zappies. You feel entirely justified if a party of Fighty Ones go in an Ancient Someplace, get thrashed to fugg, all zappies and helff gluggz used up, barely escape, only to get rippt n ræpt by a mobb of gobbs. Completely fair.

Why should theys get it all juzt bcuz they wuz born tall, knowing words, having spiff kit and zappyzaps? Why not you? Why NEVER you? Why never YOU?

Like hell you're passing up a chance for real good goodies, even if the ThiefBoss thinks it's most likely faked noiz.

Yez not lissnin, bcuz PHAT LEWTZ
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You don't actually find the Candlestick Makers place; you barely got the directions down.

It's the smell that twigged you: from three buildings in all directions you pick up whiffs of BOOMputty.

It smells complicated. There's rust and spark mettl and all kinds of rare stuff in there.

Another clue is how all the houses in three directions are empty and quiet, and this one house in particular has all new brick, no paint, no plastry. Gotta be it.

You go to the side door, knock the special way they told you.


The door opens a few inches, revealing multiple door chains. You smell cannon powder, tasteless dry grime.

You pass the leather square in. The door closes.

While waiting you observe: the heaviest BOOMputty smell seems to come from upstairs lose just the top floor instead of the whole building if something overcooks , sweaty eggy smell; the windows are opaque paned with grills underneath; soot blooms and cracked plastry on the neighboring wall.

Your package gets slid out the door, quickly yet gingerly. Two heavy unmarked unlabled palletwood boxes, generously padded outside and in with straw.

They don't tell you to be careful.

You don't want to Pouch or {POPUP} where you can't be sure no one's watching, so you hup it by hand back to the attic room Seafood rented.

When you get around to Pouching it, you take a good look: big brown-red toobz, wrapped in stamped baking paper: HMX His Majesty's eXplosive, or HiMaX; a Gnomic patent, in plain black block letters.

This stuff's got more BOOM in it than the one you planted in the Cherch stove back in Plague Town; you can smell the yellow in it. It's sweating a little too, something that smells kindy soapy fatty. That's how you know it's gooood.

>(3/4' x 1") sticks
>3 x 4 in a box
>2 boxes
>= 24 sticks

You have to go to secondary Candlestick Maker sites to get the wires and detonators, for safety reasons: copper wire and spike-pegs from a musette midget box piano tuner's, a box of extremely fat, bright yellow citron from a specialist grocer's under counter.

You marvel at how sour it smells, even at arm's length. This can't possibly be edible. The grocer glares at you, quietly frantic.

"Don't take it out in public you fool! Cover it up and go!"

You do as he says, not even mad.

When you refused Rhea Operator Support, one of Chai Gravyrun's doodz briefed you on how to set up the high-yield boomcandles you'll be using.

The SOCOM Citron was the detonator.
12-14 hours to next post

Rolled 24 (1d100)

back in seat

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A word from the Underground gets you a sitting space on a wagon bench going towards another Rhean town. No one on the wagon asks you questions or looks at you much; when they offer you food and drink, you take it.

Two days' ride on, the wagoneer snaps his fingers for the other passengers to wake you. No words: he gives a curt nod, points left, you jump off left. A little into the woods from there a pair of Rhea Scouts collect you.

They're puzzled that only one dood came, and quite empty-handed apart from a fry-press pasty. They were expecting fireworks.

You tell them to just give you a map and let you worry about boombooms. They don't completely doubt you, seeing how serious you are about camo.

You don't know what they're talking about; it's just your Light Kludge Armor and a longy scarf made of picnic tablecloth. What they call camo is your pattyface getting smudged off. But the positive attention and default respect are new sensations, so you don't ask too much.

There's a series of short tunnels going from behind the Dorf Towers, to blindspots between the hillocks, then coverholes leading to more tunnels.

The Scouts take peeksies before exiting; heat makes the Bugs think and move slower, so they stay in cover when it's bright. Before emerging, the Scouts rig up a timed device that would spray a colored cloud out of several chimney holes. Then you all take a snakk n napp in the tunnels till next sun-up, once the Bugs have tired themselves looking. Thinking and moving costs calories; make the enemy hungry and dead-tired, and no one needs to die. So goes the Rhean martial philosophy.

YOUre not convinced; when gobbs get too hungry and there's enemies needing killing, they might make a meal of their own dead or injured. Everyone turns to bugshit in the end; it's Weak to be squeaking about the meat of your own kind. In a way it's kindy YOUr meat, if yez fink about it: your belly needs less work to turn one of you into YOU. Stands to reason.

But you don't argue the point, because there isn't any. You probe them for information.

Rheas have this bantzy way of chatting, allus joking n jibing each other, but without the social-survival and demonstrative-hierarchy aspect of Gobby bantz. It's weird; it takes so much brain juice bouncing jokes off songs off jokes off real talk like they do, and no one wins anything off anyone.

For their part, they obviously think YOU weird, because you don't bantz and can't bother following. They've been told you've got the Turns, so they let it slide; there's plenty of stories about everyday Rheas who get Turns because bad things happen. For someone with a reputation like Cutthroat Oats the Rhea information network are daisychained clusters centering a local regulatory Authorities, called Our Aunt Molly or Mom, who crosschecks and sorts them based on priority and reliability. News of YOU travelled fast, since you panto-killed Our Shawn, they almost expect it.
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Like how Binnies, Humies, Dorfs, Rheas, and all the rest are mostly different but kindy same enough to get along and do business, the Myrmids are mostly different and kindy same.

That is, they aren't all one kind. Most Bugs that make cities are hivey types, like termites or bees and such. The others vary in habit and community: there's some that live in family clusters, like scorpions or wasps, and there's some that go on their own, like beetls n mantizez. Most Bugdood Fighty Ones are beetls r mantizez.

Most Bugdoodz have at least a little Natural Armor, and lots of them can fly, or make short fluttering hops that for you might require a giant slingshott. Thus, unless they're really biggy beetlz wiv face-horns as long as they are, Bugdoodz don't wear heavy armor or use heavy melee. They flavored very fine blades, thin and sharp, mounted on grips that complemented their body movements. Some have natural spit attacks, but on the whole they're not good with throwing or shooting.

They're good raiding troops, like how Rheas are good sneaky troops. If left alone the Bugs and Rheas will just chase each other in circles till the end of Time; that's why YOUre here: to throw a wrench in it.

Weaknesses, a few. They can't see very far, or in many colors. But they can pick up all movement in close range, and in the dark. If you're ambushing and in range, no need to wait for a blind spot because most likely there isn't one. Just close and deal in the shortest distance.

Bugs can pick up some scents especially well, depending on their species, but on the whole they have no nose. Or ears. They sense air movement and pressure instead, with their hedd-leggz. If you keep still enough just out of reach, they might miss you.

Their breathing holes are in their belly and chest areas; a natural chink in their armor.

Big fires and long bright light disorients them; Rhea Bards and Wizzies have been trolling with {'TECT EPILEPSY} stacked castings of Dancing Lights for a while. Hive types suffer and recover faster from light-sickness than others, maybe because their internal clock and compass are based on the sun's heat and light.

You ask if either of the Scouts ever fought or killed Bugs before. They say they have, until you clarify that you meant gibbing them face to face. Then they haven't: they just come out of a moss bank or some other concealment pelting rocks and firework bombs, then scatter when the Bugs come close, then do it again.

You rub your chin and nod as you listen.

Yup: Rhea are tiresome to fight and satisfying to ræp. But you keep your wisdom to yourself.


Next sun-up you all come out of a coverhole and sprint for the treeline into Bug territory.

The Dorf Towers can surely see YOU and the Scouts appearing on the Myrmid side of the Big Foit Ground, but youre too far out to be called their problem, so they pretend they didn't. It only takes a couple minutes before they officially saw nothing.
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>Crossing DMZ
>Reward later, along with Degrees of Success Total

>Crossing treeline
>+1 Degree Success

Flushing smoke through the chimneyholes has two effects: immediately, it puts the Bugz on alert so that they watch the area the smoke's coming from, thinking the Rheas will come out from there. With this distraction, the Rheas could appear another place with less notice, OR, waste the Bugz time and energy then appear close by, when they've assumed that the Rheas already snuck through.

The delayed effect was, the smoke had hotty peppery stuff mixed in that made your eyes water. As it drifted with the wind into the forest, the Bugz stationed in there get hazed.

It does some good: some of the Bugz have moved higher up the trees or away from your point of entry, and quite a few of the ones left expose themselves when they periodically sputter their wings; Buggy sneezing.

You want to kill a few eazy ones, 3v1, but the Scouts say best not. Hive types and certain beetl n carrion types can mist stink when they die messy; it gets the rest of their type that's close by riled to swarm. You'll have to get your kills later, when you have them all together.


>Bug Patrols
>+3 Degrees of Success

The Scouts want to move by day, so that they can see the Bugz just as well as the Bugz can see back. You accommodate, for now; they think YOUre just a Rhea Reffijjee with Turns. You're not about to spoil a lie that took so much effort to make, least ways when your Dark-Peek's not absolutely needed.

You watch the Scouts take point, picking up what they do. They listen more than look: for fast rustles in the leaf litter, for the thrum of wings. It's an iffy way to go about things; while the wind is carrying your way you use your schnozz.

Bugz have another kind of smell entirely, pretty noticeable, all over the place in this forest. It smells like roaches and cracked ants a little, a bit waxy like good candles. You can pick out the big concentrations fairly easily; you steer the Scouts away from them, no explanations. After a look between themselves they accept your input, make detours.

Your advice pays off: far off behind, the place you marked, there's a crash and at least two voices trill-screeching. Bugz; hunting or squabbling. The Scouts take your call-outs seriously after that.

After some hours you're at a staging point: a fallen hollow tree, with one end sunk into a pocket lake, stuck in the mud.

The Scouts skip stones across the water; a Rhea game, looks like. Then there's a dim light coming out from the sunken end of the tree. You're hustled into it: a sloshy sewerage along the riverbed with some headroom for air, leading into a waterlogged cavern of spell-shaped stone.

A smuggler's harbor.

A short rest later, you get the map drawn out for you, with the smuggler's harbor as the starting landmark.

The Scouts will be heading back. The Drood that keeps this place will be station here.

After this you're on your own.

>cont in 14hrs
Rolled 3, 4, 4, 1 = 12 (4d4)

rolling for 1s
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Theres four locations marked out as possible Ancient City sites, deforested compared to the area around them, all above waterlevel. There are others further off, but marked with "¿?"; these four are the largest.

Looking at them you just get a feeling it's White 'Edds termites, like you have to eat in lean times. The marked supposed Cities and ¿? cities form a rough semicircle; your gut feel is if you go far enough into the forests, nearer their Colonies, you'll find other ¿?s that, with the known ¿?s, make a full circle.

You look at the hill terrain in the middle of that circle. Hills follow a pattern, too, usually. Small hillocks lead to hills, to ridges, then mountains. This hill tallish, but has no buddies, and isn't fatty for its height.

It's not a real hill; it's an earthworks. Old and collapsed and washed by rain.

There's the real city; that, or someplace under there.

"Ey Drood. Needa faivah."

Your adherence to OpSec impresses him, but really you just can't be bothered to learn the names of peepl that don't matter.

"What do you need, Oats."

"Distracshun. Yez a Drood innya. What zappies yez gotz."

He's willing to use Mold Earth, Shape Water, Bonfire, Control Flames cantrips for YOU, cast Protection from Poison lvl3 spell, but that's the limit. He's keeping all his other spells for emergencies.

"And I can't leave the post."

You know his language: he's a Rhea. Where there's a meal there's a way.

"Not leave it. Juzt go out for a shit. Who's gonna shidd on yez fer shiddin? Yez don't shidd where yez eats n sleeps do yer. I gotza halfbottle of herby swiggz for yez. N a handy baccy. It'z dry."

"Eh? Where? Lemme see."

"Do it so'z I come back live. You'll get it then, or me name's not Oats."

"And if you don't...make it?"

"Den itz last rites fer me. A dedder's request."

His eyes waters a little. He's awed. Cutthroat Oats is tough nuts.

He agrees after you assure him it won't take more than a Time.


After a Time's trudge away from the pond, you have him Mold Earth for a bit: each casting moves 5'x5' of soil out of the ground, until the ground's crater looking. While he's busy you clean out the Pouch of old rubbish: fully broke and unusable Stuffs, leftovers, the emptied shidd pot. And a few sticks of HiMaX.

You gently cut up the HiMaX up like carrops, mix them with the rubbish, and throw them about in the crater near the outer rim. You save one wedge of HiMaX, about an inch, and put it at the center of the crator. You cover it wiv da shidd pott, like a pea inna cup.

At the furthest distance he can cast it, 60ft, you have the Drood cast Bonfire on the shiddpott and take cover. The BOOM, contained by the shiddpott, is made several times louder. The shiddpott flies high, straight up, burst and wonky.

The Drood nearly scarpers, but you hold him.

"No! Wun moar."
One location is a fake one, maybe? Or maybe it's the only real one. Hard to say...maybe 4s are really convincing fakes.
You gonna enter toady into the quest battle? or maybe seafood...
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You both keep low and still.

Within several minutes you hear the thrum of Bug wings.

Two patrol squadrons, over ten Bugz total, arrive at the crator. They confer, make three of the younger smaller Bugs go towards the center of the BOOM, check it out.

The young ones are not sure what they're looking at. No Dorf or Rhea tunnels coming up, like they might expect, no prints, no movement, no bodies.

The older ones with rank, seeing nothing happen and getting worthless answers, start getting into to see for themselves.

Sikky n Noiffy are out. Sikky's jaggkt n rusted where it's not all crudded up, but not to worry: the jaggz make it like a sawr, see, and no one you ever used it on died of tittyness whatever that is

>+8 Degrees of Success


The Drood casts Bonfire again, at a position somewhat closer to you, then Control Flames twice, once to flare the Bonfire, once to move the 5'x5' mass of flame, sweeping all over the crater.

It sets off a chain reaction. Even the ones who reacted fast enough to begin liftoff are caught in it. YOU waste no time, charge right through the bushes. The Drood, face white, gets a hold of himself enough to ready a spell, in case you need backup, or he needs to run like a liddle bich.

The seed of this plan came from YOU getting through the Rhean Reffijjee pikkypokkt gauntlet: the first trick is never the real one.

The execution and executions are all YOU: in order of priority, attack the stunned, chase wounded, finish the halfmaimed; the fainted and near dead can keep.

None of them gave you much trouble: the Candlemakers' HiMaX formula had a bit of spark in it, smells like dedd fish inna potty phosphorus; even if they don't have much in the way of ears, they're dazed by the light. With their eyes the way they are, seeing all-round, when the BOOMcandles cooked, even if they were not caught in the concussion wave they'd have their brains fried in the light blazing through every cell in their honeycomb eyes.

No struggle, no trubble, even if Daggy's not at work.

You find a few things out through active experience: their natural Armor's quite good, grown closed, sometimes layered, so you have to stab into the joints or breathing holes to get started at all. This might be a bit of a problem for YOU if you need to fight one face on: the Carrionpede, as far as you know, leads with hooks and ends with slashes; it's not big on pokies, or at least accurate ones. And the twistygougy that you do with a hard pokie might not be possible if the armor is layered and thick enough. Like a Bug's.

You're so focussed on your twiggings youre absentmindedly chewing on a Bug's head when you get back to the Drood to dismiss him.

"Whadd." you say to his ashen face, picking up a stone to crack the Mantid head open, like a crab. The mandibles are still moving.

The Drood leaves after barfing. You leave after Pouching the rest, to go.
>one location fake right
No, I was rolling 4d4 for entries into the hidden city. It deffo exists, per this earlier roll >>6111262.

I had not planned for it to exist at all lol. RNGoblins took the wheel at shivpoint.

lol no. Seafood is too fucking OP because of XianXia powerscaling. XianXia MCs are beyond wushu by chapter 30; Yang Wuhan might be the Concluding Arc Endboss.

And most of Toady's power is stolen/borrowed/power of narrative. Blame GoblinMolesterQM for giving him endgame items in the first few posts. Dagga and Pouch are much too much for most balanced characters of equal level.

Let the ro/qst/ars have their fun. ^^
how many LM would that be?
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You're not too good when it comes to orientating direction pretty bad, since it's a skill you never needed. You only really need to find things and peepl within sprinty-to-stabby range, and having a robust constitution along with low standards means youre at home almost anywhere that grows green life.

To get to the closes suspected City marked on the map, you follow the land contours as much as you can, using the sun and the pond far behind and below you to keep a rough line.

In the end it was giant White 'Edd Bugz that led you to the place; slaves to the Blue 'Eddz, looks like, who work among them at a ratio of 1:4, bullybugging and rushing them. Slower moving Preyer Meantitz, the same kind as the ones you splatted earlier, stand guard, 1:20 White+Blue 'Eddz.

They're moving soil to build mud stacks around the entrance. Some of the Meantitz here sit high on trees, looking outwards.

>Bare Success, +0

They don't spot you, like you nearly didn't spot then, with their leafy barky colors.

The mud stacks and the Meantitz keeping watch from up high reminds you of something: the digs that went on at the Pit in Plague Town.

This is an excavation. Means YOU wuz RIGHT: PHAT LEWTZ.

It doesn't look like any serious digging's started; they just managed to scrape out a sealed stone arch in the ground.

You guess they're prepping for the big works; need more comfy snuggs if they want to bring Moar doodz.

The next closest possible site might be half a day off from here. Since this one is still sealed and swarming, you might as well try looking at the others.

You can't sleep in the open in Bug country.

tired. Toady will continue B&E tomorrow.
Rolled 5, 8, 6, 10, 6 = 35 (5d10)


1,2 = LMs + 2,
3,4,5 = Stuffs; should be low because they pack very light, being aerial units with natural armor

will also be adding 1+3+8+0 as a reward later.
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15 LMs. Since you can't store it past 24hrs,

{TECT ZAPZAPS} is unlocked, Bluddslutt Rezz 20LM remaining.
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The next two locations are even better built up, with White 'Edds working on the sealed arches.

You're bushed, and the last one that you haven't looked at is back vat way, but you get a munch anna swigg and push for it. Much as using the HiMaX to clear the Bugz out would be easier, it was only easier now; you still need enough to wreck the Ancient City. Projecting the size of the City by how wide apart the entrances are, you're not sure just two boxes or HiMaX is enough.

But fuggit. Not your problem.

The last entrance is visible from the ground: it's part of a biggy batty cave, quite near the end of it.

You might have missed it entirely if you hadn't spotted the partial carving of the cave mouth: either the beginnings or remains of an arch.

You don't find any Bugz here, weird. Maybe because it's further out from the other sites, so they haven't gotten around to digging at it yet?

Or maybe the Rheas found one the Bugz didn't. Toady found it. From getting fully lost even with a map..

Either way, there's no seal-slab blocking it up, no one and nuffin in the cave but bats n bat shit.

You get your Quality Kludge Armor out and on, and swap Sikky out for Daggy. And a bunch of chalk, paint. It's sumn you've seen Fighty Ones do quite consistently when going into Suddenly Someplaces, especially Dorfs and Roogz.

After a second thought, maybe you want to zzz a few hours first. You need to be fully crisp when you start spelunking Bugg City. You don't want to miss traps or lewts.

You roll a bunch of rocks around a stalagmite for cover and pull out some planks n rags for a makeshift kippy.

You fall asleep with the smell of bat shit in your nostrils.



You wake up fully rested, undisturbed. Nothing came by this place this whole time. Fantastic.

You take a swigg to warm up, and down you go.
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The incline down is not stepped. No sudden drops, good, but time and wet have smoothed it. Some places you have to go on your ass, planting Knoiffy n Daggy inna soil for handholds, or risk skidding forwards for an unknown distance. Climbing up again is going to be a bich.

At least the tunnels are biggy, enough for four of YOU abreast standing straight. If you tippytoe you can tippy ear the ceiling. Myrmids, Rheas and YOU count this location as Normal to Difficult Terrain; Dorfs, Slightly Difficult to Very; anyone taller, Difficult to Hazardous

Every so often the path branches two ways, one keeping about level - you use a clear quarterbottle of booz as a level - or tending upwards, and another tending down.

You mark your way by vandalizing the ceiling. With chalk if it's dry enough, or by scratching out the packed clay with Noiffy if it isn't. Where the ceiling's crumbly and can't be obviously chalked or scratched, you use paint.

The places that the tunnels tending up or level lead to - YOU check out a few - tend to look like places the Weak Races built: got some kindy mortar, angular corners, carvings even. There's even metal Stuffs here and there. Iron-y n coppa. Too rotty and grotty to be used for anyfin, but there izz metals.

The ones tending down tend to open up wider. You're not sure what the rooms are supposed to be used for, but they're made bigger than the upper rooms.

There's also gunk on the walls. Like dried boogers, but so old they shriveled into black nuggeez. It don't smell bad; got a bit of that good-candle waxy smell. And fungus, sometimes: white roots with purple fingers that branch and spread up the whole wall. It doesn't taste bad; it squeaks when you burn it. Inside's pockety, mooshy when raw, crunchy if you sear it right. You get greedy and hack down a carpet of these for later. Maybe Seafood can make up sumn good.

At the next branching chamber you take a rest stop. After a munch, you use the Bug gibbz you got earlier to feed the {TECT ZAPZAPS} Trinkkitt like Seafood taught you. The balance you moosh and scrape out for juicies and feed to the Bluddslutt nubbins. A few bitties leftover you use for Gui Li's Ceremony; you don't need her starting shit while you're down here.

While you take a shit and make a stinky waypoint here, you get to finkkin.

What next.


>Uppish or level



>Light (Sneekibreeki +15, 8/8Dur, soaks 1dmg per Dur)
>Quality (Sneekibreeki +5, 15/15HP, soaks 3dmg rounded DOWN per Dur; any dmg that doesn't go over 3 doesn't reach you or reduce Dur)

>Mo Ao only
>If YES, Mo Ao ahead or behind?

>Deploy Dimm Cult to harvest fungi
>You MUST collect them or lose both

>Whythistle Town
>Cave Entrance
>Near Smuggler's Harbor
>Right here, a small Tunnel Hub
>Later; it's not even a day yet, and we haven't reached Bug City


>3D100 Gen
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>Build Seafood Shrine here Y/N

>Cast {'TECT ZAPZAP} now Y/N

>Stuffs §2086.5 + 22 from killz - 2.5 YOUr eatz
>Grains Ꮆ781
>Silver Pieces Ᵽ$617

>82 Dedder Dusts

>5 Dimm Cult

>Toady 16/16HP
>Quality Kludge Armor 15/15Dur
>OR Light Kludge Armor 8/8
>[Helff Swigga] 5/6 gluggz

>Bluddslutt needs 20LM to revive


>+15 Sneekibreeki
>+15 Gen vs Rhea Civilians
>+7 vs Rhea Adventurers

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>Light (Sneekibreeki +15, 8/8Dur, soaks 1dmg per Dur)
>BACKUP NO, leave him in da pouch. He's our sekrit weapon.
>HARVEST YES, fungi gud.
>We put the beed in Seafood's pocket if he woulda let us.
>Yes shrine, fuggit
>Yes spellcasting, fuggit
Consider making a google doc or somethin for a character sheet, less balance stuff needed and you can explain what does what on it
yerr, I'll do vat. Next post onwards balancesheet will be on a pastebin.
missed one:

>pick uppish or level tunnels

>or pick down tunnels
>Down tunnels
Everyone knows deeper is better.
Rolled 10, 77, 13 = 100 (3d100)

>Light (Sneekibreeki +15, 8/8Dur, soaks 1dmg per Dur)
>Right here, a small Tunnel Hub
>Build Seafood Shrine here Y
>Cast {'TECT ZAPZAP} now Y
Rolled 59, 44, 55 = 158 (3d100)

>Light (Sneekibreeki +15, 8/8Dur, soaks 1dmg per Dur)
there shouldnt be anything here we need backup for
why not. dimm cult is expendable anyway
>Later; it's not even a day yet, and we haven't reached Bug City
we dont need to decide right now
>Build Seafood Shrine here Y
we have to destroy it again before we leave tho
>Cast {'TECT ZAPZAP} now Y

quick reminder to roll :)
Rolled 43, 38, 49 = 130 (3d100)

Unbelievable, thought I did
Rolled 58, 53, 51 = 162 (3d100)

>>Uppish or level

>>Light (Sneekibreeki +15, 8/8Dur, soaks 1dmg per Dur)

>>Behind, in case we get caught in a trap

>>No, backtracking to collect the Dims would be a mega pain I think.

>>Near Smuggler's Harbor
Rolled 58, 4, 96, 45 = 203 (4d100)

>uppish or down
down3, up1

>heavy or light armor

n3, y1

>Dimmies harvest
y3, n1

>POPUP beed at:
Near Smuggler's Harbor 1
Later 1
Right here, Tunnel Hub 1
Seafood's Pocket 1

>Seafood Shrine


>Bo3 Gen
59, 77, 55

QM rollan 3d100 for Environment, 1d100 for how many Dimmies left behind; every 200 rounded up, means 1LM worth of Dimmy here.
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3LM of Dimm Cult left here to harvest Purple Fungus.

Bo3 results:
Success+0, Success+7, Failure -4

writan begins soonish
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-6 as previously established Seafood Shrine cost

Goblin Balancesheet, or STUNKS, will now exist here:

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You do a {'TECT ZAPZAP} while in the Tunnel Hub, testing each one of the tunnels in turn. You don't find anything specific, just that there's a faint ping ahead. The thing detected might be close and big, or far and strong; you can't make it out. A quarter Time later (~10min) the spell fizzles.

You get to building a Shrine to Seafood. You got the formula pat: a cardboard box or small fruit crate, a candle, a flattish clay shard or flat stone for a bowl, and an Act-Him Figgy. You pray at it, get your zappies topped up, and you're off.


Time stops having any meaning when you're deep enough: the unchanging world gives you nothing to tell time with, except maybe your own hunger and thirst.

At least there's nothing else to worry about: you haven't heard the faintest sound for hours apart from your own footsteps and bodily gurgles.

>success +0

The air's gone thinner too. Not enough to choke you, but you notice. Like a stale burp from someone starving.

The range of your Dark-Peek has shortened too. Not expected. You allus thought you could see in the dark; turns out you needed at least reflected starlight. You can still see 20steps ahead, so you leave off lighting a candle on your head. You don't want to get sudden dark-blindness if something blows the candle out, like a fight.

Gotten chilly too, like a beer cellar. Colder, mebbe: there's ice dust growing on parts of the ceiling. You throw on a padded quilt armor with the skirt tucked up; you'll throw it off fast if you need to. And tie some rags on your soles; even tuffy gobby feet don't stay comfy on cold rock.

Good thing you got plenty swiggz and no one to share with. Keeps you hotted up.

You've gotten a taste for Gnoll Glenn, the nice five-sided brown bottle with a tall old timey label, and the glass stopper with a snarling mutt on it. Tastes posh. No.


The chambers you get to branch less as you go, and usually get bigger.

Some of them have traces of dry mulch away from the "path" of the chamber, the straight line between entrances. You dig a little into the crispy ice-dusted surface. The soil's very black under there. Smells...you don't know. You keep thinking it's scabs, but it don't taste like scabs. Tastes grotty, like Toe Cheese' feet used to smell.

>success +7


Your hand-trowel taps and cracks something hard; the soil over it caves into the sudden cavity. You pray at the edges of the thing, starting with the chipped part.

>datza nugget dattiz

It's a skull of something. Rhea, you fink; pretty smol. Shouldn't be Gobbo: the jaw hinges too narrow. Lower jaw in pieces; closegrown teeth, but sorty jaggy. There's a chippy layer of skin still onna, and raisins of what might be eyeballz n brainz inside.

But the fingz growing on top isn't hair. Theyz freshy fungi. Okay not fresh, juzt sorty alive, just very dry, like old toast left forgotten. Just enough moosh in it to tell it's not wood.
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The color's really nice, somehow. You can't say exactly why. Just comfy milk-wiv-tea-on-top lookin. You remember some stories about what Gobby Shammies get up to innawoods: licking toadz and smoking jenkem and freeki richoolz. Shroomz n algae might be part of it, you think. Not sure.

You rag-wrap and Pouch the Fungus Head, looking for others. You get the Big Momma Dimmy out to help you dig. Moar Oww hasn't grown his hand ones yet; he doesn't know what to make of the Head Fungus either, but he tells you to wrap a wet rag around your face and not to eat anything.

"Yez sedd yez dunt know, den yez sedd I gotsa dis n dat. Whicchizzit, Cockupine" He doesn't take your bait; the bonetail tentacles growing on him don't swish or curl like when you fought him. Dedders don't care.

General principle. Why hurry to die. There is nothing here.

Mopey git. You shove him back innada Pouch. You take his advice though: pee onna banditchief to make it wet, wrap it over your schnozz and mouf n over your eyes a little. Yea itz pee, but it'z YOUrz.

You and the Dimmy turn up moar of these Fungus Heads. There's lots about, but only several are as freshy as the ones you find; most are dead and black, crumbly as the skin on the skullz. You Pouch all the freshy ones, and a couple complete skulls and spines clotted with dedd Head Fungus.

You dare to guess the first skull's Rhea, because you find several others around the same size and shape. One should be a Dorf: it's dome's fikkest. A few are Humies, you think. You don't know how to tell between Binny and Humie domes yet. There's nothing on these bodies; you find some scraps of cords around them, what might have been rope belts, some bits of cloff, that's it.

No Bug skullz, because Bugs don't have skulls. Instead, you find lots of Bug shells. All kindzy Bugz, and very probably lots moar numbers than the races with skullz: Beetl necks and wing-cases, Mantiz ribbz, lots of hive-type legz.

You Pouch the biggest clottiest complete samples and have a break.

It's been several hours of work in thin air, and rooting up this whole place might take months even with 30 Dimmies. You don't even know if the Fungus Heads are worth anything yet.

Youve collected your bodymass of the stuff. It's enough, you think, because your hands are starting to itch a little.

Moar Oww tells you not to sleep here, and to wash yourself with booz, to be safe. Seems like a waste of booz, and it's advice from a dedder, but what the hell. You spit-spray Delectable on your hands and feet, and give yourself a damp wipe with a Delectable-soaked rag.

Your skin's lightly chafed from all your rubbing, but the itchies have gone, at least.
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Rolled 1, 4 = 5 (2d6)

The tunnel you pick opens up into a shelf: it's a Tunnel Hub with biggy tunnels going out, but two's collapsed together, so's half of the chamber fallen into a shaft.

You keep off that side, hug the wall. You smack your lips a bit. Moisture. Close to running water, maybe.

The ground's damper, you feel. Some parts might be aiiiiice!

The skid carries your feet forward, leaving you to splat back. You don't try to get up immediately, spread your arms and legs wide to steady yourself. It slows you just enough for you to know you're going over the edge.

You get Noiffy out to slow you, try to dig it in the ground, but the places you stab at are just thick with ice. Noiffy skids, giving you nothing.

Sikky's having a better go: it's slightly longer and the hookyness just gives a little more weight to your swing.

Too bad it snaps right at the curve when you have on it, trying to break


>Sikky broke
>refunded as 2 Stuffs
>QM 2d6 for fall damage
>Light Kludge Armor will absorb only 2dmg for this
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>Toady now 13/16hp
>Light Kludge Armor 6/8Dur

You pick yourself up and dust off. And hear some baalshidd really close by.

Itza Bug. Biggier n fikker than any you've seen above ground by like 3 or 4 times. about 5x Toady's size It was buried in the mud wall, all caked up, and YOU fuggen woke it.

You don't see any entrances, or can't make out any. You know for sure there's a hole in the roof.

As far as you can tell, this Bug is nakey; no kit, no toolz. Going by the dust and crudd it hasn't moved for years at least. It might be a cool dood.

Or it might be a fuggen bugghole.


>FIRST STRIKE SUICIDEY! (Bug rolls 1 defense dice only; no attack)

>Nyerr (got sum Rhea berrybredd innere) Parley?
>You don't know how to speak Bug, but everwun understands berrybredd right?
>Fuggen Rheas better be right about food being bridges.

>Look for a level entrance (2def+act)

>Get the hole in the ceiling (1def+act; second turn onwards, race the Bug to escape)

>Get Moar Oww out (1def+act)
>Moar Oww's placement?
>Front, side, behind?

>FUGGIT AI ZAY NOOKEMALL (1def+act to get the HiMaX out; rolling to strike a match successfully next turn)



>in case single dice choices win, only the first 1D100 will be considered
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forgot one option:

>Keep still. SneekMaxx and make distance first
>SneekMaxxing is (2def + act)
Rolled 88, 28 = 116 (2d100)

i assume this is a guardian of some kind
it will probably not be pleased to see us
best to deal with a potential threat before it becomes one
(or we could try to sneak past it since we have the right armor on for that)
>Too bad it snaps right at the curve when you have on it, trying to break

::::too bad it snaps right at the curve when you put your weight on it, trying to brake.
Rolled 6, 26 = 32 (2d100)

>FIRST STRIKE SUICIDEY! (Bug rolls 1 defense dice only; no attack)
Rolled 88, 62 = 150 (2d100)

Hear me out, lads.
We plupp it to make it a member of the Dimmy Cult.
Maybe not now. Maybe when it's weaker.
But at some point, we plupp it.
i am unsure if we would even be able to plupp it
but yes, we should try out which species we can convert and if we can control doing so
chances of us rolling the same number with the same dice?
>>FIRST STRIKE SUICIDEY! (Bug rolls 1 defense dice only; no attack)

Pluppin, eh?
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Rolled 1, 18, 11, 1 + 40 = 71 (4d20 + 40)

rollan HP
Rolled 73 (1d100)

>1 & 1
ooh RNGoblins on the job

you happy bastiches

Rollan Bigg Bugg defense
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Rolled 12, 4, 10, 9 = 35 (4d12)

>wakey wakey, stabby FACEY!!!


>Bo3 88, 62
>Bigg Bugg 76

>QM rollan Bigg Bugg Natural Armor
>if roll total is over 20, it is kochylthyreos cladding, soaks 5dmg rounded down
>if roll is under 20, it is aspitomis sheathing, damage from each weapon and bonus reduced by 2
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>HIT for 19dmg x 2
>Bigg Bugg -6 Dur, -6 HP
>29 Dur 65 HP

You don't think, you drop to Carrionpede, speeding in like a runaway blender, coming up so fast you come up under where its head ends.

Noiffy n Daggy get going. You're not sure if Buggz have tendons, but they got joints like everfin else, so you get your combos on starting with the forelegs.

When you dispatched the Bug Patrols above ground, you already got the idea that Bugs' Natural Armor resists slashies; you need a smashy or a real gudd stabb innada tendies to do real damage.

THIS Bugg got Natural Armor thick as your thumb's length almost; it's as good as Fighty Hevvi Kans fullplate.

Your hits do damage, no doubt, but it's not deep as you like, and you can't do the Carrionpede's signature diggy TWIST even wiv your blades stuck in.

It screeches, jerking its legs back, its hedd-leggz waving wildly, big sikky mouf bits clacking and scissoring.

This might hurt a bit.


>Attack normally

>Flank the fatty
>It carnt bite where it has no mouf
>2def rolls

>1def roll only

>1def roll only
>need one more turn and success to light a match

>run the circumference of the room looking for an exit? (2def rolls)
>get back up the landslide, make for the ceiling hole? (1def roll; Bigg Bugg will only make 1def roll to chase you)

>{POPUP} out of here
>2def rolls
>3turns needed

>Carrionpede Hit Chance bonus +4

>Toady 16/16hp, 8/8Dur
>5/6 Helff Gluggz (heals 4hp per swigg; one turn per swigg)
>If it breedz, we can pluppit.


>roll 2def
>hold the fugger in place first
Rolled 72, 51 = 123 (2d100)


Next round, once we got all our units out, is to use snaptrap to trap it. And have all our gang hold it down for extra security.
Then we pluppit.
You all in agreement?
Rolled 93, 67 = 160 (2d100)

>1def roll only

We'll gang up on it after this.
a couple risky turns needed for trying this while it's still fiesty.

Rolled 71, 67 = 138 (2d100)

for this good roll, I'll speed up a turn.

>Bigg Bugg attacks with Caliper Mandibles
>Aggressive; higher of 2d100 is attack
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Rolled 11, 2 + 24 = 37 (2d20 + 24)


"Cockupine! I needy yer ter -


>Mo Ao will roll SUICIDEY

>Mo Ao will roll 2def
>Bigg Bugg will attack Mo Ao first
" -while I'z -


>"-shiv va muvva!"
>Normal Defensive?
>Normal Offensive?

>2def rolls

>"-getty da BOOMZ out!"
>1def roll
>need one more turn + success to light a match

>"-getty da Dimmy out!"
>1def roll
>2LMs worth of Dimm Cult
>1dice only
>attack is a Grapple with no ongoing dmg

QM rollan Mo Ao's HP/66

Toady has 13/16 HP, 8/8Dur; forgot about the fall damage.
Rolled 1, 51 = 52 (2d100)

>"-getty da Dimmy out!"
Enough grapples should make this thing Immobile and Restrained, nyerr!
Stack those fuggin penalties!
Rolled 17, 78 = 95 (2d100)

>>2def rolls

>"Wharz dat bugghole!"
You want Toady to flank; what do you want Moar Oww to do? Flank also?

>Moar Oww:

Gobbgantua doesn't need a fuckhole to work; just an opening into the core organs. How fast you can koom under these conditions is up to YOU

He'd probably be a better grappler with more body.
>Toady FLANK 3
>Mo Ao Grabpple:Flank:Smack, 1:1:1

waiting 20hrs for anon4

otherwise RNG decides all ties
Rolled 60, 88 = 148 (2d100)

i have returned...
>Mo Ao will roll 2def
>Bigg Bugg will attack Mo Ao first
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Rolled 1, 16, 96, 92 = 205 (4d100)

1,2: Mo Ao GRAPPLE
3,4: Bigg Bugg Attack
dear god
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>TOADY Bo3 : 1, 88
>MO AO : 1 , 16
>BIGG BUGG : 96, 92

"Cockupine! I needz yer ter GRABBIT while I'z FLANKKITT!"

>Mo Ao's nat 1

Your plan is GUDD. If everwun lissened to YOU everfin would be FINE.

But noooo. Moar Oww chooses this exact moment to lose his temper. You didn't even know he had one.

Not enough that you keep me in a pocket dimension without light or time when I am not needed, or treat me as an oracle bauble when you get an itch, will you now command me as my Lord Himself? Green vermin.

>YOUR nat 1

His old wummunish tone of voice in turn gets you started. Like he has any place to boss you!

" Ey! Fugg YOU, baggy bone bich! I'z Seafood's Disspl! He teach me killykilly n zappyzaps! YEZ got killt by Sordyfagg n Stumpy! I'z got yez bones back! Yez owes me, bich! Venn I'z killt DEMM wot killt YOU! Dat makes you muh dubbl DUBBL bich! Venn I'z beatz YOU, fairies queer! Dat means you muh TRIPPL FOUR-PL BICH, Cockupine!"

Just this exchange is enough for the Bigg Bugg to get you both.

>Bigg Bugg has Compound Eyes, +8 Hit Chance
>Uses Caliper Mandibles on Mo Ao
>Mo Ao has 31HP left and is now GRAPPLED and PINNED

>The momentum partially Crushes you
>3direct damage
>Toady 10/16 HP, 8/8Dur, and is PINNED

Next turn Bigg Bugg will maintain Grapple on Moar Oww, and will attempt another attack.


>Swigg helff glugg!

>Wriggle n break the pin!

>{SNAPTRAP}! Give it something else to worry about!
>This will only work if you don't take damage next turn


>2D100, 2def only

Rolled 52, 6 = 58 (2d100)

shit. fuck.
i dont think killing it is an option anymore
either we plupp it or get out of there
we should at least try to get our better armor on
>{SNAPTRAP}! Give it something else to worry about!
lets hope this does something
Rolled 13, 75 = 88 (2d100)

>{SNAPTRAP}! Give it something else to worry about!
>>This will only work if you don't take damage next turn
>{SNAPTRAP}! Give it something else to worry about!

This bug is no joke. Maybe geting pinned will get us worked up and ready to plupp?
roll please :)
Rolled 65, 30 = 95 (2d100)

Snappin an trappin.
Sorry about the nat 1 lads, I'll make it up with this nat 100.
Rolled 18, 15, 71, 28 = 132 (4d100)

>Bo3 65, 75

>1: Mo Ao attempts {SHROUD}
>2: 1-34: Bigg Bugg targets Toady; 35-100 BB targets Mo Ao
>3,4: Bigg Bugg
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>Mo Ao {SHROUD} failed
>takes 2 dmg

>Bigg Bugg targets TOADY with CRUSH attack
>no +8 Perception bonus for targets already PINNED
>BB 71 vs Toady 75

>Toady Casts {SNAPTRAP}
>deals no initial dmg or oncoming damage because of Natural Armor (5)
>Bigg Bugg has to break this to do anything else apart from ongoing GRAPPLE dmg on Mo Ao

Toady is free.


A successful attack will remove PINNED from Mo Ao

>get a HiMaX out


>look for ground exit!
>ceiling hole!

>1d4 roll because the split for location was 1:1:1:1

>I...HEVV... DA PEN00000R!!!
>Look for a stabby hole and stabbit wiv Gobbgantua
>Try to plupp n hope to koom quickly
more than one turn needed; minimum 3 turns, unless someone gets 100

% dice on whether he gives a damn, and how much help that is


12 hrs or more to next post.
Rolled 94, 36 = 130 (2d100)


Rolled 2, 42 = 44 (2d100)

>I...HEVV... DA PEN00000R!!!
the most entertaining outcome is the most likely

dont forget your rolls frens
>needs 100
>almost gets a 1
ah my luck...
Rolled 28, 84 = 112 (2d100)

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1,2: Mo Ao, rolling to get free
3,4: Bigg Bugg
Rolled 56, 83, 24, 6 = 169 (4d100)

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narrative posting for prev rounds + current round.


The Bigg Bugg charges, snapping its Caliper Mandibles across Moar Oww's middle, and plows on, PINNING Moar Oww against the earth wall.

From the direction of the charge, YOU are right behind Moar Oww, so you get PINNED too, under Moar Oww! Shit!

It knocks the wind out of you; you hear your bones creak. There's going to be a big bruise patch on your back later.

"Narr look what you did, bone shit! "

Walking garbage talking trash. Gods and worlds are in awe.

"Nerrh! Fugg you bich! FUGG YOU!"

Without consultation you both start to cast your zapzaps to get free. Moar Oww starts to turn a little ghosty, the original version of your {PILLOWSHEET} zappy; YOU start chanting the trigger for {SNAPTRAP} .

The Bigg Bugg tries to push more, to Crush you again, but you just manage to wriggle into a crumblier part of the wall, so it does nothing but moosh you a little.

Uninterrupted, you get your zappy off: there's dead faces suddenly in the dust of the ground under the Bigg Bugg. Humies, Dorfs, several Bugz and Beasts. One of the faces is Towser. They bite on anything of the Bigg Bugg they can reach, mostly its toepoints, and hold on, trying to chew through. The Bigg Bugg's shell is too thick for the dead faces to get any damage done, but between them keeping it from charging, Moar Oww starting to phase and the now crumbled wall surface, you squirm free.

Moar Oww, not so lucky. Turning himself into the Black Bedsheet needed more focus than just saying a chant. He would have gotten free of being GRAPPLED and PINNED if he succeeded. Instead, the Caliper Mandibles grind and squeeze on him, breaking his concentration. He turns solid again, in the same predicament he was before.

"Hawhawww! N00B!


>Toady Bo3 94, 84
You roll to your feet and hup it, sprinting a wide circle as you can away from Bigg Bugg's head, undoing the Pouch as you do.

Sliding to a stop you pull the drawstrings wide and thrust a hand in, dragging the Fat Woman Dimmy out. Handy how the Pouch always sorts out what you want to get without you needing to rummage.

"Okay fatass. Grab and hold down the Bugg. Don't lettit move!"

She lurches forward, grin wider than it has ever been.

>Since Bigg Bugg is completely unable to attack Toady
>and the rolls are high
>Toady has now Flanked the Bigg Bugg and gotten the 2LM worth of Dimm Cult out in one turn

>2LM= 24HP
>Assumed to Roll Grapple next turn.

Moar Oww braces with his feet, pushing off from the wall and ground. From the way parts of his bedsheet move, he's also using his floaty power to push. It works: more of the wall crumbles. He's free of the PIN.

The Bigg Bugg, for its part, ignores all developments, pauses to work something out from inside, and sprays the wall behind Moar Oww.

Whatever it is it stinks. Probably burny.
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>Focus on breaking the Grapple (95, carried over) (2def; higher taken)


>SUICIDEY! (no other attack makes sense; you can't be hit anyway while you're Flanking and the Bigg Bugg is Grappled)

>wounds and breathing holes are on the underside of Bigg Bugg; it can use CRUSH on you if you try
>Bigg Bugg has 29Dur 65HP; -29 penalty to this roll




>29Dur, 65HP


Known attacks:
>Caliper Mandibles: 8dmg, with 2 ongoing dmg next turn. May not use on Flankers.

>Stink Horn: ??? May not use on Flankers.

>Crush: 6dmg against all opponents in melee range, assuming solid ground or wall; CAN be used on Flankers if not GRAPPLED.

BIGG BUGG will have +20 bonus to breaking Grapples of beings significantly smaller than itself.

This will apply to the 2LM Dimm Cult's Grapple.

If Mo Ao decides to Grapple, this will not apply to him.
Rolled 15, 14 = 29 (2d100)

or do you think it makes sense to use a turn to get our better armor on?
signing off for a while...
Three turns: one to get Quality out, one to throw off the Light Armor, one to throw on Quality (with some parts missing, 2d2 Dur worth).

This is already counting it cheap.
Rolled 85, 49 = 134 (2d100)

makes sense unfortunately
Rolled 73, 72 = 145 (2d100)

>Focus on breaking the Grapple (95, carried over) (2def; higher taken)
>SUICIDEY! (no other attack makes sense; you can't be hit anyway while you're Flanking and the Bigg Bugg is Grappled)
writan in a couple hrs
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Rolled 40, 74, 64, 54, 34, 43 = 309 (6d100)

1,2, applying higher: Mo Ao, breaking BB GRAPPLE (95)
3,4, total: 2LM Dimmies; -10x2 for being Dimmies, -20x2 for Grappling a Large creature

5,6: Bigg Bugg
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29Dur, 65HP

{SNAPTRAP} (120)
Dimm Cult (58)
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>Toady Bo3 85, 72

The Fat Woman Dimmy lurches forward the moment the last word leaves your mouth. You charge in half a beat later, scuttling.

You reach and start hacking, working up the leg joints towards the side sockets. You do as little damage as the first time, but every little chip helps. At the least this will bring it down juuuust enough for you to pluppit.

The Dimmy Fatass does as told: it grabs the nearest two legs, latches on, and bears down on the Bugg with its weight.

With the Bugg bogged down by your {SNAPTRAP} and the Dimmy Fatass weighing down two legs, while also focused on messing up Moar Oww, you won't get mooshed by its CRUSH attack anytime soon.

>Toady Deals -6Dur & -6HP to Bigg Bugg
>23Dur, 59HP

Moar Oww, no longer PINNEDs, pits his strength against the Caliper Mandibles of the Bugg. The serrated curve of the Mandibles still crush and saw at him meanwhile, but he makes a lot of progress. He's going to break free of the Grapple in just a bit.

The Bugg, probably starting to realize that it's been dogpiled, opts to do damage instead: the squickking gurgling noises in its chest-guts start again, working up another gob. This time it hits, spraying down Moar Oww's back and sizzling. The stink is puke made of cracked ants formic acid. Coupled with Moar Oww's creepy meat, it burns with a stink both strong and indescribable.

>Mo Ao takes 2ongoing dmg from Caliper Mandibles
>Mo Ao takes 3dmg from Acid Horn; this will be reduced by 1 per turn. Stacks to 5.
>24HP left
>GRAPPLED (95-74=21)


10/16HP, 8/8Dur
>SUICIDEY x 1 turn
>x 2 turn
>x 3 turn

24HP; does potentially 10dmgx2 SUICIDEY
"Once you gitz free:"




>will attempt to improve Grapple until further notice.
>SUICIDEY until DUR is 10 or lower, then begin the PLUPPENING. Keep targetting the same section of chitin if possible, wanna make a GUD hole.
Rolled 40, 53, 84, 72, 79, 85 = 413 (6d100)

forgot THIS. Three sets in case we do it for 3 turns.
Rolled 73, 74, 15, 13, 11, 82 = 268 (6d100)

>SUICIDEY x 3 turn
Rolled 15, 37, 57, 17, 51, 84 = 261 (6d100)

i support the funni
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Toady Bo3x3
>73, 74
>84, 72
>79, 84

>Chipp orf va shellz

Writan in 14 hrs
Rolled 41, 96, 38, 38, 79, 25 = 317 (6d100)

1,2, Mo Ao
3,4, 2LM Dimmy (grapple Capped at 70 because of penalties)
5,6 Bigg Bugg
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You can't really keep whacking at a certain spot to make a plupphole; the Carrionpede combos are all about continuous movement. But you can keep going over the same-ish area until the chippings crisscross enough for you to cram Gobbgantua in.

That's your biggbrain plan.

The Dimmy Fatass trying to improve her GRAPPLE, doesn't: her lack of coordination and the greater mass and size of the Bugg work against her.

Moar Oww pries the Caliper Mandibles far enough that he can squeeze what's left of his middle out of the gap. As he does, the Calipers close, snagging one last bit of creepy flesh. Then it sprays bugg puke again, this time all over Moar Oww's front.


>-6Dur -6HP
>17Dur 53HP

>-2 ongoing from GRAPPLE
>-2 ongoing from ACID HORN
>-3 direct damage from ACID HORN
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Rolled 49, 31, 35, 42, 94, 94 = 345 (6d100)


1,2 Mo Ao, to GRAPPLE MOUF (Mandible Calipers Disabled if successful)
3,4 Dimmy
5,6 Bigg Bugg
the dice arent on our side...
Rolled 80, 47, 75, 66, 20, 48 = 336 (6d100)

Moar Oww obeys your order without a sound, just like the Dimmy; he fights like that too. Doesn't strain r nuffin. Didn't even flinch when the puke flushed out his face holes and creepmeat started smoking. It'd be unsettling if you didn't have your own skidmeats to think about right now.

You do your bit, wearing down the Bigg Bugg's shell. Once the fikky outer plate is cracked, inside is just a thin tuffy layer, like punkon skin.

You catch a glimpse of Moar Oww trying to grapple the Bigg Bugg's Calipers and missing. Maybe because he's been slicked up with Bugg puke. Or maybe he's just shit.

The Dimmy keeps fumbling, can't quite get her hands together behind two of the Bugg's legs.

The Bugg, for its part, decides that its biggest threats actually deal no damage. It drops its armored mass heavily on your {SNAPTRAP} faces, grinding and mooshing them against the ground. When it gets up again, a whole lot of the faces are messed up and useless. There's still some holding on: Towser, with part of the brow and dome crunched up.

>-6Dur, -6HP
>11Dur, 47HP

{SNAPTRAP} (120-94=26)
Dimm Cult (58)

>-5 ongoing from ACID HORN

1,2 Mo Ao
3,4 Dimmy
5,6 Bigg Bugg
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Rolled 225 (1d1000)

The patch of chitin you keep crisscrossing suddenly sags in a corner. Weakened! You sink Daggy n Noiffy in hard, punching levering yanking the sag into an open break. Then, with Noiffy wedged in, you saw at the revealed weak points with Daggy until the whole broken piece peels off, like boiled eggshell.


Sticking Daggy's handle in your mouf, you hang on with one hand, get your cock-monster out your tuckeroos with the other.

Moar Oww, still slicked up in smoking puke, manages to grapple both Calipers, clenching them closed in his arm bones. He's been fucked up terrible. Even the bones in his face have melted inwards. He's going to be useless for two more months at this rate.

The Dimmy finally succeeds locking her hands behind the Bugg's two legs. She's fastened.

The Bugg throws itself downwards again, somewhat clumsier than the first time. The last of the {SNAPTRAP} faces get smashed to bits. They keep their shape a little until the struggle scatters them: dust again.

>-6Dur, -6HP
>5Dur, 41HP

>Mo Ao (80)
>Dimm Cult (70) + (66)

>-4 ongoing from ACID HORN


>roll 1D100 for RÆP (CUMULATIVE)
>beat QM 1D1000


Mo Ao and Dimmy will keep holding until further orders.
Rolled 77 (1d100)

Rolled 20 (1d100)

Rolled 32 (1d100)

too late to start

back in 14hrs

4th anon can still chip in with the 1d100 GOON roll
Oh shit, not Bo3?
Lurkers, fuckin ROLL
Rolled 13 (1d100)

sorry for being late!
kinda amazing that with 4 rolls we cant beat 225
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Rolled 48, 12, 63, 78, 4, 62 = 267 (6d100)

>QooM DC (225)-77-20-32-13=(83)

You enter a dissociative state as you start to plupp the wound you made, a trancelike internal regression to the long bridge of time between vegetable being and animal awareness.

There is, in this wordless void, a manner of discourse self-evident, self-serving and self-understood, that renders every other philosophy farcical by its ecceity.

It says to YOU:

>The purpose of plupp is not koom
>koomz izva meenz
>the End is the perpetuation of This Moment
>into the Eternity of Time:
>into flesh, by preggin n ploppen out moar new Gobbs
>or in YOUr case, moar Dimmies;
>an IN flesh, by sploojjen seem inter the Enemy
>thereby making THEM, so long as they exist,
>ontologically YOUr plupphole.

>even if YOU get killt by them later
or by your cage-faced nemesis, the GobboCaust
>even if THEY get ranked up into Saintess or Realm Knight
>they will ALWAYS have been YOUr GGC enjoyer
>it will ALWAYS have been TRVE

It is with this understanding, this baseless yet irrefutable knowing, that you cram Gobbgantua into the virgin crevice, and start thrusting right into the wet gurgly Bugg guttz.

1,2 Mo Ao (bigger roll than 80 improves it)
3,4 Dimm Cult x 2LM (bigger roll than 66 improves it)
5,6 Bigg Bugg
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From your pluppy perch you take a quick glance around.

The Bigg Bugg's throwing its head about, trying to shake Moar Oww off. One particularly concerted swing nearly breaks the hold, but Moar Oww rallies, keeping a grip somewhat. He's still smoking. Some of his joints are starting to get buckled. He's nearly done.

>Moar Oww's hold (80) - Bigg Bugg's effort 62
>Moar Oww then rolled to maintain Grapple (18)->(48)
>-3dmg ongoing from ACID HORN

The Dimmy Fatass clenches still tighter in the interim, both arms and both legs clenching two of the Bugg's legs together. If Moar Oww wasn't holding the Bigg Bugg still she should have suffered a CRUSH, maybe a CRUNCH.

5Dur, 41HP

>Mo Ao (48)
>2LM Dimm Kult (70) (70)

You can do this.

You CAN do this.

"Git. Prg. Nnt. Git. PRG. NNT. GIT. PRGG NUNT!!"

>Beat 83+5x4 (retroactive application of Armor penalty),
>= Beat 103 QOOMulative
>-5 per roll from remaining Armor Dur

Rolled 38 (1d100)

Rolled 17 (1d100)

can we please stop the low rolling?
Rolled 65 (1d100)


Just... think about caves.
>barely beats the dc
"a good horse only jumps as high as it must"
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Cleared the surprisingly low QooM DC.

Fat rope NUTT happens in 12 hrs
Rolled 97 - 5 (1d100 - 5)

Gonna skyrocket past that DC we will!
"and then there's THIS horse."
thats a waste of a high roll right there
You can stop anytime you want Tudi.
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Your thoughts drift towards caverns, the primordial dark under the world, and the secret moon behind it, from whence the first Gobbos were said to have come.

Your steady piston-plupp has adjusted to accommodate the unnatural girth, length, and wormy gyrations of your GGC Gray Gobby Cocc, in YOUr case; all that's left is KOOLMination.

It's not about sex: you're not pluppen a plupphole, it's a Bug wot might not even be female, and the cocc youre using doesn't really feel like yours, more like it's in your possession.



It's not hoemoegae even if the Bugg were a male Dorf or Humie or sumn, because you're not using a plupphole, and you're not lusting at all, in the leastways.

You're doing the raep to maek them the hoemoegae. You do it to see they FAES when you maek them yez BICH.

Just as you manage to finish, you catch a glimpse of the Dimmy Fatass' big ol' gray tiddiez, exposed from the rip in her dress from rassling the thorny legs of the Bigg Bugg: your hyperacute horni uptake, coupled with the beginnings of post-GNUTT clarity, slows your perception of time to a gloppy ocean.

You see, you feel, those saggy pendulous NORKS just


iggle iggle iggle iggle iggle

and the first clott of your barely successful koom, is overclocced and overKOOM by the outload of 'nads you didn't know you had.

An eldritch cluster galaxy of them channels tribbs through your testes, and out of Gobbgantua in a monK O O M
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Rolled 2 + 1 (1d2 + 1)

The Bigg Bugg freezes one second, as if surprised. You use that second to squelch the clott of jizm into its system.

The next minute it's shivering, twitching. Moar Oww and the Fatass keep their holds on, though it's not much point: the Bugg doesn't spend any more time fighting them.

When the Humies turned Dimmy they turned gray and started grinning when it's dark. You're not sure how that translates to Bugs.

The innards you can see turn more grayish. From the outside, nothing perceptible; a slight discoloration between the seams of its pumkon underarmor, that's it.

Then it pukes.

Not from the original puke hole that it horked on Moar Oww with, which is a kind of spray-spike with a carapace lid, but from its mouth.

The pale green frothy chunky stuff is coming out of its mouth, a little bit out of the eyes and some headholes, and a little bit more out of the underholes in what YOU might call its chest.

And it's shitting. Dull yellowy brown goop, with a hint of the same smell as the face-puke.

It judders a little after puking n shiddin itself. Without you telling them, Moar Oww and the Fatass lets go of the Bugg.

"You. Put yez left legg in. Narr put yez right legg art. Narr lift yez buttbutt up. N yez shake it allarbat."

It does everything you say, although it hesitates with Left and Right.

YOU got a new ride.


>5/35Dur, 40/40HP
>1 dice only
>rollan, how many turns to get it out the Pouch

>CLIPPY MOUF: 2dmg+GRAPPLE, with 2 ongoing dmg next turn, OR, 8dmg. May not use if Flanked.
>SMOOSH: 6dmg against an enemy in melee range, unless GRAPPLED.
Boss seafood is going to be so proud of us. Also, this big bitch is going to be perfect for making more dimmy cult with. He's got insane grabs.
Once we restore his durability he'll be insanely tanky too. Noice.
And less of a cunt than Mo Ao.
Wonder if the big guy will get some kind of necrotizing acid once we repair the damage to him...
>Do we get va puke gun
No. ACID HORN worked when its biology was Living. Like saliva.
At least we can get it to eat a whole bunch of rotting meat and then vomit up the contents of its stomach on people we don't like. Will it do damage? Probably not. Will it give them HIV? Maybe. Will it be disgusting and cause THEM to vomit? Definitely.
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Rolled 9, 3 = 12 (2d12)

You listen and sniff the air a bit, to see if anything's moving.

Moar Oww says there is, but quite far off; you don't trust him, cuz he a fukkup. He carnt tell for sure if he can sense the Buggs that are sleepies, like Wagon wuz.

You rinse the remains of the puke off with some water, some rags, and pack Wagon and Fatass into the Pouch. Then you use Moar Oww as a floating safety-handhold he's not strong enough to lift YOU and float well to get back up to the ceiling hole you fell through.

From there, you backtrack until a longy chamber, with moar rocky walls, and start digging out an adjoinment from the middle, with Wagon and Fatass helping. You keep Moar Oww posted first at one end of the tunnel, then another.

He doesn't sense any Living, or movement. Good for YOU.

When the rock wall's broken through, you have Fatass and Wagon keep going twenty paces, then widen the tunnel into a smally chamber.

As they carry on biggening the smally chamber, you continue tunnelling alone, digging forwards on your hands and knees with shivs, kicking out the loosened dirt under you.

When everything's done, you have the entrance to your original tunnel closed off with rubble and a kludge barricade, and a drop-trapp over your secondary tunnel, so that when you kick it down from the inside a pile of rubble falls and covers up the opening. You'll have several vital moments to yourself if you're ever backed into this corner.

Then, with Moar Oww watching the first entrance, you patch yourself, snakk, napp.

When you wake up again you build a Seafood Shrine.

>2d12 Stuffs worth of kludge and rations used

Before you start praying for zappyzaps, you compose a message, make it as packed as you can, and use up the charge of {SPEEKICHATTY} you still have to call Seafood. You're going to have to pray for your Trinkkittz to get topped up anyway, might as well use everything that still has juice in it.

You take rapid breaths, repeating your message in your mind. From the moment you reach Seafood, you both have 25 beats to speak.

*klk* "What, Tudi. Shifu's busy." You hear babbling and bustling in his background. You open your mouth biggybigg and speak loudly. You carnt fumble a word of this.


You don't know how much of your message he got. You hope you spoke well enough. Seafood's supergenius will have to make up for the rest.

"...Shifu cannot help you. Yet. Come back first. If you make more Lightless Ones... Careful. Don't say or do anything important in front of Mo Ao."

The spell cuts just then. Perfect. Both of you got your chatties off. Looks like Moar Oww and Wagon will stay fugged up until you can get them back to Seafood. Not good.
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[T A C T I C S]

Who stays out?

>MO AO Y/N (-0 Sneekibreeki)
>Kludge Armor? Y/N ({SHROUD} disabled by default; when enabled, Armor falls off) (-10 sneekibreeki)

>how many LM? (-5 Sneekibreeki per LM)
>Kludge Armor? Y/N
>how many LM? (-8 Sneekibreeki per LM)

>WAGON Y/N (-20 Sneekibreeki)
>...attempt a Kludge Armor? Y/N (may spoil his remaining Kochylthyreos Armor for a lower quality Kludge armor, which will also use up much moar Stuffs than usual)

Toady's Sneekibreeki Bonus is currently +15.

[R O L L]



>Light Kludge Armor?
>Quality Kludge Armor? (-5 Sneekibreeki)
Rolled 450, 805 = 1255 (2d1000)

>N, put Mo Ao back in the bag where he fuggin BELONGS
>No dimmy out but outfit them with Kludge Armor for later, just to be safe
>Wagon stays in da bag for now
>Don't kludge armor for wagon but do make a good saddle for you to ride on and maybe a strap harness with spikes so he can impale anyone he backs up into, just in case someone tries the same trick you used.
>keep using light kludge armor
Rolled 434, 304 = 738 (2d1000)

>Kludge Armor? N
>Kludge Armor? N
>WAGON N (-20 Sneekibreeki)
>...attempt a Kludge Armor? N
Rolled 429, 127 = 556 (2d1000)

if something else shows up we wont be as vulnerable. also it probably enables us to cover more ground faster
>...attempt a Kludge Armor? Y
what >>6117732 said
>Quality Kludge Armor
with bug fren we wont need to stealth anymore

>MO AO Y/N (-0 Sneekibreeki) N
>Kludge Armor? Y/N ({SHROUD} disabled by default; when enabled, Armor falls off) (-10 sneekibreeki) N
>how many LM? (-5 Sneekibreeki per LM)
>Kludge Armor? Y/N N
>how many LM? (-8 Sneekibreeki per LM)

>WAGON Y/N (-20 Sneekibreeki) N
>...attempt a Kludge Armor? Y/N (may spoil his remaining Kochylthyreos Armor for a lower quality Kludge armor, which will also use up much moar Stuffs than usual) N
mistake spotted

my bad

previously stated,
>Light KA +15sneekibreeki bonus
>Quality KA +5bonus
You know what, I'll swap my huge write-in to this.
He makes a good point.
noted all

busy atm

starting in a few hrs
Rolled 2 (1d2)


>WAGON : 1D2
>1 YES
>2 NO

>TOADY: same 1D2
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You sit and think for a good long bit: what to do with Wagon.

On one hand, it'd be nice to not have to walk. Just go climbing with Wagon in the Pouch if you need to, trundle on downwards until you find the city.

Wagon might not be much faster than YOU going on foot, since it only manages a walk speed as a Dimmy, but you envied Seafood his piggaback ride from Everdote to Whythistle, and you want to see what it feels like to be carried long distances all cushy like.

Why Not is common sense: Wagon Yuge. It clomps along like an armored rhinoceros, that thick clonky carapace scraping close spaces. There'll be no sneekibreeki, going with Wagon. Of course you can still kit up in your Quality Armor, fuggit, bash through everything, but you don't know what you're dealing with yet.

It's Bugs and Fungus related you think, but what kind and how many, you have no clew. Better to be a sneek for now. You can always come back to this particular cubby if things go bad and you need to fight your way in or out.

Just in case, you gird Wagon in several ropes with knots in them, for easy mounting. For a saddle, a biggy cut of leftover quilt skirt glued right onto the shell. You'll need more time to kludge a nice comfy drivey seat, and now ain't it.

You get to patching yourself. The small scrapes have closed; there's still bigger wider ones, half healed, from your fall. Those get some owwie-dun, maybe some sheep tar if they're seepy. You don't know what to do with the biggy bruise over your back from when Wagon mooshed you. You think a massage might help, but hell if you ask Moar Oww to do it, with his extreme finger surplus. Maybe that's one reason to get the Bluddslutt fixed...

You decide to sleep off the bruise. You'll be in this place for a while at least. Might as well take your time, since it's not unpleasant.

You get out Gui Li's Altar, do one round of Ceremony in lieu of a propper snakk, and get ready for kip.

You get Wagon to back up to the opening of the chamber, blocking it off, and curl up with a small lit candle at your back for warmth.

>+4hp from patching and natural healing

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Uh oh.

This place again.

You know it's bad, but can't quite remember why.

Your hands grab instinctively at your sides: Daggy and Noiffy. They're lighter than you remember, like they're made of tin.

You're not sure what you're supposed to do here.

It's hard to think but you try, keeping your eyes open.

You'd want your back against something, but this whole place is empty.

You take a Stance and keep trying, your mind obscured by the same mist.
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You see her when she is upon you, yet all you remember is


She the hell's her problem? And what the fuck's her name?!? walks weird, like her spine is broken in different places at every step; like she can take the same step twice, departing time and causality, suddenly closer; like she's three people at once, at YOU

[R O L L]

>1, to dodge, for just this round
>2, 3: next rounds action

Next round:



Toady has 14/16HP, +4 Hit Chance, +4 Dmg

Nothing else known.

Fight and find out.
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Rolled 74, 41, 21 = 136 (3d100)

In the event of a ghost attack, strip fully naked and look at the ghost DEAD IN THE EYE. Trust me, this works 100% of the time. This nat 100 is proof.
Rolled 4, 80, 66 = 150 (3d100)

Rolled 49, 92, 100 = 241 (3d100)

you mean this nat 100?
Rolled 1, 90, 24 = 115 (3d100)


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Rolled 95, 65, 29, 87 = 276 (4d100)

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You ready yourself to dodge.

Whack-sticks are easy: they have to pull back for a stab, heft for a clobber.

You being at a weird height means the attack will always be downwards, whether it's a stab or -

gsssss! doublehanded overhead chop. The spiked head of the pole-club sinks into the ground.

>See? Eas-

The stick's coming up again! You cross your body with Daggy n Noiffy in icepick grip, ready to parry, but the head of the stick, the part that went into the misty ground, has vanished!

It lifts - and comes down again, with a sikky on! You roll on your back, swinging Noiffy out to parry, and Daggy to Eatva Fingies touch the opponent's weapon and slide down hard, to catch his fingers - and the sikky's gone from the head of the stick!

The stick is snatched back, shortened again, - THRUST - SPEAR!!!

It stabs through what would have been your 'nads into your body. It hurts like blazes, not at all like a spear: you feel it as a press of cold needles throughout your body.

You're not bleeding, or crippled, even though you should have skewered past halfway through your bowels. But you're hurt. It's bad. You feel a warmth over you that you somehow know is your own blood, followed by the beginning of a chill that doesn't leave, like when you're fevered sick.

You roll, get back to Stance.

The stick, now drawn behind her waist to swing, is an pole axe. A scythe. A spear.

The face looking at you has eyes you can't see, a mouth too wide, both teeth too many and lips too thin melting together into string, always pulling closed.

It mouths sounds, not words; the last cogent memory in the last of its mind.

The last thing YOU said that stuck, now its only thought.


> -9HP
>Toady 5/16HP
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You keep your distance, fully defensive, trying to think through the fog of your mind.

It has to have a pattern; it's too good with the stick for this to be random: every step has three possible movements, every attack, three transformations.

Suddenly your mind clears, the weapons in your hand feel heavier, warmer. Familiar.

It's using killykilly, like YOU. Part of the stepwork and stancing is the Carrionpede's. The rest, only possible with her hang-neck broke-back and shift-steppy body.

The stickwork is all her own, thought up, tailored, just for YOU.

>Immediate [STYLE] Clarity
>+1 Save, for this battle

}}GUI LI{{
[曾春摺] 1
[Plucked Before Spring] Style

WOMAN: +6 To Hit
CHILD: +6 To Dodge
VIRGIN: +6 Damage

Klujj Kruch: 3 dmg

>TSCF (I) : +4 Hit, +4Dmg
>base damage unknown



>What Action?
>Write in.


Ceng2 Chun1 Zhe2. Literal: Folded before Spring. Literary: Destroyed before Spring.
Rolled 46, 39 = 85 (2d100)

i feel
on this one. we have to show her where her place is again is my guess
i assume you need 2 rolls from us again
Yes, 2d100


Rolled 40, 53 = 93 (2d100)

Rolled 79, 56 = 135 (2d100)

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Rolled 60, 58 = 118 (2d100)

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>79+4=83 vs GUI LI 58+6= 64

She wants a foit, she gon fuggen GEDD un.

So she's been spying on you the whole time, picking up clews when you Train in Carrionpede, then getting killykilly on her own in this dark world while you're busy doing real shit.

This is how gudd she's gotten in the past couple months. No surprise; not impressed. If YOU didn't need to eat or sleep or slogg for Seafood you'd be this good too. Not even counting how much time SHE keeps wasting by needing so much Ceremonying.

It's her fault you're not as good as you could be, and you still owe her a right sock in the eye from the other time she pulled this stunt.

" Carmageddit, curz I'z GIVVIT!!!!"

The spear swings across from the back of her waist, arcing down; POLE HOOK!!

>oo oo
>oops try again

A deft hop carries you just past as it sinks into the earth. The stick's momentum unto the earth keeps going, following-through, emerging out of the ground behind her as a CLEAVER!!, chopping down.

>nope, lal

You make a short darting jump with your blades downgripped ready to draw inwards - Snaring the Swallow - and you're in her zone.

The first in-draw, with Noiffy, catches the stick she's using. It's not wood, not metal; feels like wet cloth left out in winter, chippy brittly cutty. The stick doesn't break; the slight pull forwards you make with your in-draw stops Gui Li from using her shiftystep, puts Daggy in line with her WRISTS BICH!!


>Gui Li -10/??HP

Yup, your weapons are weaker here. Daggy's usually much moar killyyer. So's Noiffy.

Kindy you geddit: Gui Li's Klujj Kruch is not a fingy, it's her; the Daggy n Noiffy in your hands are not really Daggy n Noiffy, they're YOU.

She's not downed; moar killing needed.

The backend of her stikk tho.

It just got swung forward at her waist in a boatoar swing.

The sikky that's suddenly on it sinks into your side.

ffffffuuUKKK K K K

>GUI LI 60+6 vs TOADY Bo3 56
>Nat 100 Save used




[R O L L]



>PURE DEFENSE + Use Helff Glugg
Its all magic so it should still be there and help.
None of your IRL kit is here.

No Armor, no Pouch, no Trinkkittz, no Gluggz.

Your options are of this nature: beg, deceive, bargain, distract, run. HOW is up to your write in.
Rolled 9, 57 = 66 (2d100)

surely she doesnt have more HP than we do
i bank on one more hit putting her down
all we have to do is roll high
I'll change to

>PURE DEFENSE + use chattyspeaky or otherwise pray to Seafood
lets see your roll
Rolled 85, 77 = 162 (2d100)

Pray hard
i say QM rolls 90+ anyway and we just die (or lose at least)
Rolled 14, 75 = 89 (2d100)

>PURE DEFENSE + use chattyspeaky or otherwise pray to Seafood
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Rolled 23, 92 = 115 (2d100)

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You keep hovering back, forcing her to commit and attack. You're not sure how much more killing she needs to get put down and stay down, and you're not up for trying.

You really really really wish Seafood was here to bail you out. This baalshidd is all his fault anyway. All you asked for was a plupp of his nice loli Pall Body. He doesn't use the plupphole; he doesn't even pee. You still don't know why he lost his turnip.

Gui Li commits, her stikk's head changing from a bull-moon outward pointed crescent to spindlepoint.

You stay low, do a side-winding dart forwards like you're finna gibb, but then roll back in a diagonal tumble.

Immediately you're on your feet and sprinting off and away, top speed.


You find that you don't need air here, no need to sync your pumping legs with your breathing. Granted neither does your Bride, but you have an additional advantage. You make the most of it.

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You're barely a hundred steps into the dark fog when you reach a house.

There's no sound behind you except the moving fog, but you know that means nothing.

It's dark in there. Not so much a house as a hovel. A bare minimum of effort. There's no mist at all past the empty door, which somehow makes it seem worse.


You skid just enough to swerve aside of it and keep running.

The Trinkkitt Beeds are not on you, across your torso like usual, but you know they must still be on your real body, wherever it is.

You put your hand where you remember the {SPEEKY CHATTY} Beed was and start chanting.


Nothing; there's no zappy pickup like usual. You last remember closing your eyes for a kippy-bye before Gui Li started attacking you out of the mist.

Your real body should still be asleep. Maybe if you shouted louder, you might mumble in your sleep and activate the {SPEEKY CHATTY} that way. It'z shit odds, but shit is all you got right no-

>wad da fugg

You've just swerved past the hovel house just now, and here it is again, the same house, rising out of the mist.

You snatch a quick glance over your shoulder. The corner of your eye catches sight of a small skinny shape mid-leap, the long wicked implement it's thrusting juuust touching your back, just next to the spine.

You're got.



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You're supposed to be skewered, but you're not.

Gui Li's leap is still ongoing, just really really slow, an atom a second against your skin.

And in front of you, between you and Gui Li's hovel, is • T H A T •

You have no doubt somehow that its pronoun is Her but also no doubt anotherhow that it's unpluppable. No eggbottle or bugghole or wotszits. And in this worst possible moment, Gobbgantua is starting to get a chubb.

... ... ... ...

... ...

It's speaking. You don't hear it at all: nothing in your learning holes, nothing in your sponge. Only a memory of what it said.

It said that you are Riot's Chaos, a Principle of this world; a Player in the world above this world Creature, and everything in the Dark Darkness, another Principle/Player belongs to Her.

In this moment YOU are in trouble. She finds Someone You Know of interest.

... ... ...

... ... ...

In return for Nine Beats of Life, to be called on at any time She sees fit, She will intervene here, now.

You have one Eternity to decide.


>Seafood carnt hear me anyway
>if I don't take the deal I'm fukt
>fuggit n fuggim
As Seafood is your Shifu, all your associations and contracts must go through him. Taking this deal constitutes [Betrayal] against Yang Wuhan.

You are going to get skewered the moment this Eternity ends. You will need to struggle for consciousness and life on your own.

[R O L L ]
>everyone roll

Rolled 959 (1d1000)



>Seafood carnt hear me anyway
>if I don't take the deal I'm fukt
>fuggit n fuggim
Rolled 311 (1d1000)

Going with Betrayal or Struggle?
Struggle. Inshallah I SHALL STRUGGLE.
Rolled 183 (1d1000)

if we betray seafood we are as good as dead anyway
how has no one else voted yet?
that 959 is pretty hard to top at least, so we dont need more rolls i would say
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>Bo3 959
>The Struggler

You can't speak in this Eternity, but your intent is clear: whatever She is up to with Seafood, you're not backing it.

You don't owe Her, and you don't feel like starting. Serving one tyrant is enough. Besides, based on how he takes things, if you rat on Seafood now you will thank him to just kill you when he twiggs on. He reads things and people really goodly, and you're a small book with big letters.

••• •••

••• ••• •••

••• ••• ••• ••• •••

Ooo, She angy. Not with you, more like at. You're not sure you can't understand her because you don't have the thinks and idees to approximate what She's saying, or really because She's REEEEEEEing for the sake of REEEEEEEing. Wimmin.

Suddenly She was never here.

Gui Li spits you, lifts you loft.

You wriggle, clutching the haft coming out of your chest.

You're too weak to hold on for more than a few beats; you sink, slowly, painfully, into her waiting arms, still kicking, still-

>Toady -7/16HP
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Rolled 776 + 200 (1d1000 + 200)

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Rolled 70 + 200 (1d1000 + 200)


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Your eyes are clouded dim red, everything's numb with cold. You don't have the strength or the time to chant.

But you have the WILL


You won't die here, like a roach.

Because you're WORSE


[R O L L]
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Our choice of having an unusually good body is going to do us well here!
We would have done better if seafood bothered to teach us how to cultivate qi, too. But the lazy arse hasn't yet! We've just waited on him hand and foot, we have. We did get a cool martial art outta it though.
Still, we need qi! It's a goblin's right to steal from the world itself! To devour and consume the riches of nature!
I swear to seafood that I'm going to vote to eat that dead bitch, too.
Rolled 630 (1d1000)

Could swear I attached my roll. Again!
Rolled 250 (1d1000)

Rolled 206 (1d1000)

Like lilac bushes.
Rolled 466 (1d1000)

we need to tell seafood about this and demand (beg him) that he does something about this whole gui li thing
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Rolled 878 + 100 (1d1000 + 100)

Wait a minute.
>Seafood made us get haunted by a creature that we can only fight with our own body.
>One that will always have more time to be more skilled than us.
>One that lacks a corporeal form and exists only through spirit.
Did sifu always intend for us to eat Gui Li as a start to our true cultivation? The best way to deal with her would be to drain her qi and weaken her severely if not outright destroy her that way.
Rolled 704 (1d1000)

Toady -9/16

no one wanted to listen to me as i said we should try one more hail mary attack
i am sure she would have "died" then
but thats in the past now...
Quads of DEATH.

Seafood intended for YOU to:
A) Make the spooky bitch an ally
B) Get motivated by her trying to kill you to git reel gud at the Carrionpede

Due to continuous good rolls vs Gui Li, based anons picked C: Neither.

QM didn't want this either.

>R O L L
>1D1000 AGAIN

1D1000, last chance, all hands
Rolled 363 (1d1000)

I still say we should eat her face and drain all of her Yin.
Rolled 156 (1d1000)

I pray to the dice god!
Man, if that +200 didn't cuck us in the first round we'd have another go at it
as it stands the die want us to die
Rolled 488 (1d1000)

Biiiiig diiiick
Hold out hope, anon...hold out hope.
until my god awful roll i still had some...

i gotta go sleep now. i dont want to wake up to a dead toady...
so while i am gone someone (maybe QM) can roll for me if required
Who knows, maybe undeath is in the cards for us. It'd certainly hold a lot of benefits!

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Rolled 665, 570 = 1235 (2d1000)

total v total
Rolled 994 (1d1000)

back again
SURELY our second highest roll ever will be enough right? (above 990 is basically as rare as 100)
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yes, it's enough.

did not report and roll, every thing ends here.

DEATH =1235
WILL TO LIFE = 363+156+488+994

I thought if the Droogs can't beat 2d1000 with 3 or 4d1000, Toady really does deserve to die.

Dice goblins have been trying to kill you since rolling 1 for YOU and Mo Ao while fighting Bigg Bugg.
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Rolled 146, 908, 136 = 1190 (3d1000)

Your hand grabs hold of the Helff Glugg, starts pulling it towards your face. You want to get your other hand in on the action, but there's not enough strength in you to lift it across your body.

Your mouth finds the spout you know is there and you try to tilt it back for a swigg, but your hand can't lift any higher. It's blood loss.

Like. HELL.

At the heart of YOU is Appetite, the desire to eat and ræp the earth, the World. In your titanic struggle for Life it is This that emerges. A Goblin is a Cork, a Belly, a Tungg, and a Meof.

You bite down on the spout like on a chicken bone, hard as you ever bitten, lick the stopper off, and tilt the whole thing back with just jaw strength.

The Helff Glugg goes in, hotting up your insides. You feel pain again, and that's good. That's LIFE. The red haze darkening your vision starts clearing up.

You finish near all of the Helff Swigg before you feel the heaviness leave.


You're stablized. You live.

>-9/16HP last
>3 Helff Swiggs consumed
>now 2/16HP
>[Helff Swigga] 2/6

You look at yourself: you've been coughing and snotting up blood in your sleep. That was the warm feeling you had when Gui Li shafted you right 'tween the 'nads.

Her and her cheaty stikk wrecked you gudd. You're going to moan at Seafood about her when you get back. He might thrash you for asking for help, but this is his doing anyway. Even if he thrashes you, it's just a world of pain; you probably won't die. With that spooky bitch you almost just did. You're not sure you can repeat what you just did if you got got like that again.

You're going to kipp here a few days more, just eating and schlepping, letting your body close up.

>QM rollan for Ancient Buggz
>vs Toady's Cubby DC 800
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On the second day you get awakened by a scrabbling.

You get your kit on doubletime: Quality Kludge Armor, no question.

You're not sure what's digging into your cubby, but it doesn't sound big or many.

You might have just enough time for one moar move.


>Mo Ao, 6/66HP
>2LM Dimmy 24HP
Wagon is still outside
>engage the enemy(s) face on

>HIDE under Wagon
>SUICIDEY ambush when they focus on Wagon
>Enemy(s) will have only 1def

>hide in your secondary bolthole
>observe what happens
>not able to fully ambush; enemy(s) will have 2def
>enough time to activate {POP UP} if needed

[R O L L]

Rolled 15, 87 = 102 (2d100)

>2LM Dimmy 24HP
>HIDE under Wagon
>SUICIDEY ambush when they focus on Wagon
we are still pissed off and want to kill something

whats our HP look like now? we must have regenerated a bit
pick one.

>SUICIDEY ambush from under Wagon


>Get out the Fatass Dimmy and face whatever's coming head on.
Toady 6/16HP
then i am sticking with
>SUICIDEY ambush when they focus on Wagon
kill 'em, then eat 'em
we can always drink from our helff swigga if necessary
Rolled 17, 74 = 91 (2d100)



Just hide. Shit. Maybe it will go away.
Rolled 21, 85 = 106 (2d100)

>SUICIDEY ambush when they focus on Wagon
Rolled 2 (1d2)

1 Cubby
2 Suicidey
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1,2: how large is this troop; total ÷ 25, rounded down
3: Defensex1
Rolled 78, 81, 73 = 232 (3d100)

dice didn't load
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Your insides are still fugged up, you're still salty from losing to your Bride and nearly dying.

Which makes it the BEST time for them to come bothering you. Sumn to let you take your temper out on. Your only gripe is they carnt scream.

You get under Wagon; it adjusts almost unconsciously to give you a clear run at the crumbling wall.

The first one that digs through and fully enters getza FYCE FULLY NYVS

>Bo3 21, 85; +4 Hit Chance
>vs 73
>1 HIT for 19dmg

}Diggy Bugg Swarm x6{
72HP total
24Dur Light Natural Armor; soaks 2, rounded down

>-6Dur, -6dmg
>18Dur, 66HP

The trouble is, it's not one Bugg, it's a clump of them, each of them 3/4 YOUr size. You slash into the clump anyway, like itza biggy Bugg.

This lot seem livelier than Wagon when it was alive, moar fatty under the shell; probably better fed. Lots easier to crump though; you can stabb quite deep if you lean your weight on it.

They're not proppa Fighty types; neither was Wagon: too slow, not a lot of obvious ways to hurt YOU with.

Just bloody many of them.


6HP, 15Dur
>Normal Attack Defensive
>Normal Attack Aggressive


>Full Defense + Action

>BUGGBRAIN! SMOOSHUM! (1Roll, 6dmgx2)
>CLAMPUM! CHEWWY UPPY! (1Roll; 2dmg for every ongoing round; swarm reduced to 5; no more CLAMP attacks until the one in its mouth is dedd)

[R O L L]
Rolled 50, 92 = 142 (2d100)

>Normal Attack Aggressive

>BUGGBRAIN! SMOOSHUM! (1Roll, 6dmgx2)
Rolled 90, 95 = 185 (2d100)

>Normal Attack Aggressive
(if we dont dodge this time i give up)
>BUGGBRAIN! SMOOSHUM! (1Roll, 6dmgx2)
that should do it
although QM is on a high rolling strea recently
Rolled 43, 22 = 65 (2d100)

>Normal Attack Aggressive
>BUGGBRAIN! SMOOSHUM! (1Roll, 6dmgx2)
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Rolled 78, 93, 32, 70, 50, 81, 59, 65, 81, 56, 22, 61 = 748 (12d100)


The way they swarm, crawling over each other and pushing between each other from the back, keeps their meats and shells in rotation: you can't really focus on one and chop it up.

Not that that's any problem for YOU.

You're not a bug yourself, but if you wuz, you'd be a Carrionpede!

Just because they're not a whole organism, with joints and weakpoints and things, doesn't make the Carrionpede stop working: in the swarm, each Bugg is like an arm, each meof a clawy hand. If you think of it like that, your killykilly works jurst FOIN.

1,2: Wagon using SMOOSH, advantage against multiple smaller opponents
3,4: bugg1 v toady
5,6: bugg2 v toady
7,8: bugg3 v toady
9,10: bugg4 v wagon
11,12: bugg5 v wagon

all Buggs attacking defensively
>Wagon smashed all but 1
It's going to be a lotta damage since it'll be however much for EACH one in the swarm! Whew.
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>-6Dur, -6HP
>Diggy Swarm now 12Dur, 60HP

You do so much damage one Diggy Bugg gets gibbed outright, and the two flanking it get their share of maimz n painz.

Wagon lumbers sideways, using it's biggy shells to SMOOSH the Diggies; Wagon manages to catch one against the wall, the other scuttling and sliding just fast enough to escape.

>-2Dur, -2HP
>Diggy Swarm now 10Dur, 58HP

They're still moving, but almost wrecked: every one of the Diggies got cracked backs and legs bending the wrong way. They're all kindy puzzy, keeping out of your way, trying not to get hurt.

You dodge the first one coming at you easily. The other two coming in get you with no chance of defense.

>-2Dur, -0HP
>Toady 13Dur, 6HP

The same happens to Wagon: the one it missed comes in to nibble at a legg.

>-0Dur, -0HP
>Wagon 5Dur, 40HP

>Yer Quality Kludge is too fikky!
>N Wagon's shell, even fikkyyer!
>The Diggies don't bite hard enough to get through!

}Diggy Bugg Swarm x5{
10Dur, 58HP
Light Natural Armor soaks 2, rounded down
SWARM: up to 3 units can engage one target
NAMM: 3 Damage

[R O L L]

>6D100, for 3 turns SUICIDEY

Tutorial post for Swarm mechanics. You might encounter creatures with this trait deeper in.

Rolled 82, 44, 49, 56, 63, 38 = 332 (6d100)

I say we GRAB 'EM and SHOVE 'EM into the pouch that notoriously kills living things put inside!
Rolled 50, 35, 19, 97, 58, 38 = 297 (6d100)

see guys? not a problem

how much LM would that net us?
and how about we get a training session for carrionpede in after that?
sure: if everydroog goes with this, each pair of 2D100 is assumed to be 2def+Action(Grapple).

If either of your 2D100s beat the Diggy Bugg's defense roll, it's in the Pouch.
i say we plupp one of em
smol buggy could be useful
1LM per 3 Diggies; 2 total.

Diggy Buggs fit the bill for Trainan, which now requires live yet non-threatening targets.

Toady also needs to contemplate the Carrionpede Koans, so trainan can't be done willynilly on-the-go.

Anons can choose to go on a Diggy Bugg hunt to train; since Toady is well stocked on Stuffs, current circumstances are ideal.
then i will elect to do that

do i remember correctly that we get a level up after the next succesful training?
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you get a HP up per Carrionpede level completed.

Per GS lore, apart from special circumstances Like Paladin Goblin; the Principle/Player of Knowledge was doing a meta-experiment of some kind. This upset everyone but Paladin Goblin Goblins don't get class levels or class skills. Like most creep monsters, Toady will never level. This will be an inexhaustible source of existential resentment and motivation.

They just get a heap of passive skills, like Tactics, Tracking, Dungeoneering, Weapon Mastery etc, from near-death experiences.
Rolled 40, 27, 84, 61, 92, 80 = 384 (6d100)


Clank clank clank
found the post i thought of: >>6103728 (for anons to remember too)
those are some nice bonuses
with seafood busting our ass we dont even have time to go for pussy
so thats probably as good of an opportunity we will get in a while
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Toady BoBo3: 82,44 ,84,97, 92,80


1,2: Wagon SMOOSH
3,4: bugg1 v toady
5,6: bugg2 v toady
7,8: bugg3 v toady
9,10: bugg4 v wagon
11,12: bugg5 v wagon
Rolled 70, 89, 8, 78, 44, 22, 22, 37, 27, 73, 46, 37 = 553 (12d100)

didn't load
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Rolled 2, 2, 59, 69, 63, 66, 100, 28, 54, 87, 48, 84 = 662 (12d100)

>-6Dur, -6HP
>-2Dur, -2
>Diggy Swarm 2Dur 52HP

>-3Dur total
>Toady 9Dur, 6HP
so wagon rolled two 2s there?! wow.
and we get critted? holy RNG
Rolled 94, 99, 10, 8, 96, 4 = 311 (6d100)

I wish your rolls counted fren...
We still have Popup, right?
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Rolled 78, 46, 99, 70, 47, 84, 8, 54, 27, 1, 50, 57 = 621 (12d100)


You wade in, confident that your Kludgework will stand up to Buggy Bites.

> -2Dur, -34HP total

There! All of them are cracked and leaking! You hit one of them so hard it splits and splats everything in an ikky yelly spray!

Some even in yez MEOF!!! Tastes buggy, wiv soggy woodmush in it. Not the worst.

Now you juzt FINISH-


You skidd, losing both spin and momentum; par-blind from the gunk in your eyes, most of your slashies end up being nicks. Only the Carrionpede's Disembowelly Twisty +4dmg makes your second combo worth anything.

>discounted -15HP for Diggy Bugg's Nat100
>Diggy Swarm 33HP

Fuggit, two more down, three left.

Rhythmically, Wagon parts from the wall and MOOSHes again, this time towards the small clump of survivors angling to face YOU.

Wagon UTTERLY MISSES, nearly checking you.

"Ey! Watza big idee! Focus, moran!

>Toady 6Dur, 6HP
>we hazza {POPUP}?

If you ever use it here, I will roll 1d4 to see where Toady ends up, since all 4droogs chose different locations.
whoops, rolled too many

Will be counting only first 3 Diggy Buggs for this.
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>Diggy Swarm 14HP
One moar down!

>Diggy Swarm 8HP
Wagon shuffles and drops on one, squitching it.

You brush the buggy meofs still nibbling futily on your Quality Kludge. It's badly chewed, but YOUre not. Good enuff!

>Toady 3Dur 6HP

Larst one!

>94, 99

Jurzt D I E !

>Toady 2Dur 6HP


>+0(/2)% Dodge, +0(/6)% Hit, +0(/6) Phys Dmg
>new weapon slot at 10/14 upgrades
>+6HP on completion

>13Dur incurred
>= 26Stuffs needed for repairs per 2LM of Diggies killed
>= 13Stuffs per LM in this location

>additional 1d3LM & 1D6§ & 1d3Days per trainan

>Uncle Oats is under strong suspicion of collaboration with the Buggs for being MIA this long with no BOOMBOOM
>Toady needs to clear/destroy both upper and lower levels of the Ancient City to clear his name.


20hrs minimum to next post
>Tell Seafood about your plan to train on the bugs, see if he can give them updates on 'unexpected resistance' and 'mazelike tunnel systems making it hard to navigate'.
>Oh and brag to seafood about your new wagon.
yeah lets do that
we can at least confirm the ancientcity is real in the first place
what would happen if toady stops doing gui lis ritual?
it was just annoying before, but now doing what she wants is what we actively dont want
we will never forgive almost being killed
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>if we stop doing the Ceremony n shit what happens
to start with, the Dysfunctional Marriage DC will go up, and she will try to jump you more often. At this time it's once per 10 days or so, maybe more if QM forgets. Spite her Conjugal Rights and it might be as little as once per 3 days.

Doing anything with a vengeful ghost haunting you would be dangerous, like Toady just experienced: she might have a go immediately before or after a big fight.

Gitting gud quick and curbstomping her is one way to keep the DC down.

No bonuses for doing it this way, but its direct and it works.
then we will wait and hopefully seafood cares to deal with this pest he burdened us with
at least make it easier on us or something
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mathing Toady's TRAINAN happens in 26 hrs from here

There are benefits from doing people's laundry. Their marks of trade, station, outlook and habit of life are on their loads. And these merely for those with eyes and noses; those that have knowing can tell much more: character, luck, direction, and fate.

Match these to the dropped morsels of the washerwomen's gossip and a picture emerges:

Many Rhea of Whythistle will die a violent death, and more follow from privation. Not that they are aware at this moment; possibly no one knows but the ones preparing to act upon them.

For all the Rheas cultural sneaking and thieving, it wasn't unknown that a key node of the Underground was hidden and supported in Whythistle.

What was unknown was that Myrmid spies have already come among them: transient Humans in the main, but also Rheas of low character, low station, none of their own will, none conscious of their condition.

They suffered a kind of aural mites, each no larger than a speck floating in sunlight. But they left their victims in a perpetually hightened state of curiousity and verbally compulsive, unable to keep secrets under stress. It would be easy enough to send a host of such infested persons among the common folk, then harvest a crop of them the following year or so with an "invitation to tea".

This mite was a cultivated 蠱 (Gu), Yang Wuhan was sure. Very weak in its suggestive power, impossible to improve and therefore pointless to cultivate, and yet, employed in quantity, might spoil kingdoms by their secrets.

Information about the Underground was already being fed to the Myrmids; the concerted destruction of Whythistle was a pending matter.

All this he learned just from doing laundry at Prestie's.

The other great benefit was that it kept him in money; Tudi had run off without giving him any.
Prestie, or "Preston" Uffo Bunts, was one of many enterprising Rheas sent to study in Big City Magitechnic institutions on community funds.

For an eyewateriing fee and under two years of practicum, a commoner without talent for magic would be able to learn Cantrips, that is, spells that took no special effort.

Advanced courses, for a positively extortionate fee, granted a small spread of low level spells, up to Level 2.

The spells offered were mostly non-offensive, available to Wizards by default; Orizons, the Cleric equivalent of Cantrips, and many Cantrips unique to a Calling Character Class, were privately taught by more insular bodies or masters, never to the general public.

In themselves the Cantrips had limited use for the average person. But two or three in judicious conjunction or sequence made a cottage industry.

In Prestie's Laundry and Seamsters' case, Prestigitation took care of most stains and stenches, and Mending made good the worn and torn. Preston took care of the hard cases personally.

His children, with carefully moderated Acid Splash, Shape Water, Light and Gust, took care of the normal bulk washes. Within ten years they had paid up everything owed to Ambrosend Magitechnical College and, Family teaching Family, the Uffos would have a ready living, so long as the [Bunter Book] remained.

There were many such cases:
>Edlong & Herdling Constructors, in-laws using Mage Hand, Mould Earth, Earth Tremor, OnOff, and Unseen Servant
>Majeste Messengers, Crier Couriers, using Encode Thought, Thaumaturgy, and Infallible Relay and Detect Thought and Expeditious Retreat; trade secrets
>Poll's Ponies, tamers and trainers, using Lightning Lure, Shocking Grasp, Spare the Dying, and Speak to Animals

It was only possible for Mundanes with a large extended family of at least two generations pooling resources without infighting.

Such practical education suited the Rheas uniquely, promising access and prosperity for any Rhea cleverbritches smart enough not to waste their chances.

Provided first an enduring peace, of course.
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Once Yang Wuhan received word from his disciple about an ideal training location, he decided to start working himself; the Goblin would be busy "gettn muh foit on" for a month, maybe more.

There was no way the Rhea widow putting them up would accept a month on credit.

Thus, working two or three shifts a day, every day that ends in "y", on top of gathering information and casual pilferage, Yang Wuhan began to steal Cantrips off his employers by eidetic observation.

Prestie's repertoire he learned in less than three days; the others, with a good testimonial from Mistah Preston, let him into their premises as a cheerful, hardworking Human Orphan.

By the time his Disciple returned, Yang Wuhan had collected the better part of all Cantrips available to Wizards, and several jealously guarded Spells.

When he used them, their effects would equal any from the Circle of Eight, their quantity per round equal to any four.
did you run a quest or DnD campaign before QM?
new filler posts pog
I live in a kinoless backwater, no one to run with. Storyboarded and simulated a few campaigns on my own informed by Ravenloft, 3.5, RogueTrader, OOTS and Mr Welch.

Played to the max, Count Strahd can take on two full parties on his own. Forcing a 1v1 duel using a "Chosen" Paladin is the only way to win without narrative devices. A real campaign on such terms might have taken years.
Tudi should have left some money behind. Oh, he'll get smacked for that.
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Rolled 3, 3, 3, 4, 2, 1, 4, 3, 1, 3, 4, 4, 2, 5 = 42 (14d5)

Rollan Days taken; usually 1d3 days per improvement, but adjusted to 1d5 to reflect additional time taken scouting and hiding: can't take on Troops that are too big or too close together, or Troops with combat Buggz.
Rolled 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 = 30 (14d3)

Rollan LM culled
Rolled 4, 4, 4, 1, 3, 2, 5, 2, 6, 4, 1, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 2, 4, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 6 = 77 (25d6)

Rollan rations consumed
Rolled 5, 6, 1, 6, 1, 5, 5, 1, 1, 5, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 6 = 56 (17d6)

rollan rations consumed part2; total 42 days worth
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Rolled 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2 = 21 (15d2)

>13StuffsPerLM x 30LM culled
>=390Stuffs used for Kludge Repairs
>subtotal for rations consumed 77+56=133
>total Stuffs used 523

>15LM pending; paid up
>Rollan conversion of balance surplus 15LM into 1d2 Stuffs

>Lodging 7Grains per day x (42trainan+7travel)days total
>= 343 Grains currently; will increase the longer the mission goes
>Seafood will dock this from you when you get back.
>plus an affectionate thrashing
dice go brrrr
Give surplus to repair wagon actually
>repair wagon with surplus LM
Can't. Wagon's a Dimm Kult, doesn't consume anything, neither slowly selfheal like Mo Ao, which is a perk of his Dimm Demon body. Need necromantic arts to fix the likes of Wagon.
can seafood repair him?
Short answer, yes.
we might need to bother him about it then, at the right moment...
Rolled 91, 53, 8, 37, 50, 75, 40, 85, 46, 83, 49, 80, 37, 61, 48, 87, 27, 35, 77, 18, 90, 95, 21, 92, 66 = 1451 (25d100)

Now that you have a goal and a clear means of getting at it, you embrace the suck.

There are no sun-moon cycles down here, so you mark time by napps n snakks n Ceremonies. The rest of your time awake is spent thinking about gibbing and stalking Diggy Bugg troops to gibb, to see how your Carrionpede Killykilly fits in with the Seek-Rat Ass-Ants riddle-rhymes Seafood taught you.

You begin by testing out the tempo, matching first your foot- and blade-work to it, then, in stages, incorporating what you think the riddle-rhyme is advising.

Seafood said you'd need living bodies for live practice, so okay: when you jump a troop of Diggies the first few rounds you try out combos adjusted to accommodate things you got from the riddle-rhymes.

When you chop enough of their leggs orf, or when there's just one or two left, you slow down, start experimenting with the really minute points that you're fairly certain of. Fine-tuning, like.

This really is a Bosser Martial Art: it's got crossouts n low air ravers n agger lays n wake-ups in all kindsy mixies, and a biiiit of shimmy footsies. It's heaps better than what your Bich Wife got; she's banking on her basic cheapass ghostyness for hits n hurts n hides. It's not complex at all; no switchups, no bait-punk, nuffin. 1-2-hup, 1-1-hup until it hits and that's it; it's strong, but it's lame. YOUZ gart SKYYLZ.

After a good bit of butchering Buggz while muttering the mantras like a serial killer, you reach the next stage of understanding your Carrionpede Killykilly: you start to anticipate whatchermacall the Fear Flinch and Fight Flinch and Fail Flinch, so's your attacks end up where their bodies will be without either of you really thinking or acting for it. It's like their bodies are no longer a target, but somehow now part of your attacks; swept up, naturally and impersonally, into a tableau of cut hair and dead leaves, a momentary cosmos with Death in the middle.

>QM rollan which day Gui Li tries again
>any roll under 7
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Rolled 19, 31, 48, 96, 21, 68, 20, 96, 34, 64, 54, 93, 64, 25, 67, 4, 28 = 832 (17d100)

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You don't know it's because your napps are short and out of whack, or because your Oaf Dish offerings are better no. or because she really thought she killt you this., Gui Li doesn't try again until you're almost done with the last couple riddle-rhymes.

You open your eyes to see the House again.

>jump froggy jump

You that is, the Carrionpede Style don't have much in the way of dodges; when she bursts out of the mist you flinch and hope that you're ducking in the right direction.


+2 Dodge, +10 Hit, +9Dmg
3 Weapon slots: 9Dmg in the Mist

>Normal Defensive
>Normal Aggressive

[R O L L]

>1 for ambush
>2,3 for first round

>Normal Aggressive
Rolled 11, 67, 96 = 174 (3d100)

Rolled 11, 30, 90 = 131 (3d100)

>>Normal Aggressive
Rolled 27, 36, 45 = 108 (3d100)

>Normal Aggressive
writan in 14hrs
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Rolled 24, 56, 69 = 149 (3d100)

The first one is always cheap: she appears out of the mist directly above you.

You catch a movement and just roll.

You're faster now, thanks to all your training, so you clearly see the spear stabb change into a reap-axx mid-plunge just before it chops you. The axx bites nearly all the way to your middle.

If you had guts here you'd be starting to spill out.

>Toady Bo3 27+2 Dodge = 29
>vs Gui Li 24+6 Hit = 30
>Toady 7/16HP

You feel the stab of pins throughout again, like the first time, then a distant hotness across your chest you know is your own blood in the waking world.

You can't let it end here. You haven't had enough yet, either of her killing you or YOU living your beast life.

Taking advantage of the reap-axx sticking in you, you spin backwards, tearing yourself off the axx and starting a grab-cutty climb up it with your knives, using the sticky-catchyness of the contact both to keep the bich from vanishing like a cheapass, and to get right in her ZONE.

>Toady Bo3 96+10 Hit
>vs Gui Li 56+6 Dodge
>3x3dmg base + 9dmg bonus

Her klujj kruch vanishes the moment all your knives left and right hands, the third being a short double ended stickblade being juggled between your elbowpits and armpits lose contact with it, but it's too LATE, she's got GOT.

On a real body all her ribs would have been split to the shoulders, one blade across both sides of the neck, one into the heart and down, and the stickblade across just above the hips, spilling her girly guttz uterine pouch.

As is, the killcrazy red pinlight of her eyes snuffs in a haze, dulled dark.

Ffu kk k...

Immediately the mists around you lighten.

>Gui Li -4/14HP

Then you notice the two sickle knives stuck in you, one up the middle of your chest, one up under your chin. The stikk turnt to sikks. So vatts a fing. Huh.


>Toady -2/16


>roll 5d1000

Rolled 491, 95, 184, 594, 119 = 1483 (5d1000)


Come on Toady!
Rolled 42, 56, 97, 82, 88 = 365 (5d100)

That cheating whore.
Rolled 90, 23, 573, 808, 905 = 2399 (5d1000)

Oh 1000. FUCK. I thought I did so good on that roll.
Rolled 862, 789, 367, 739, 701 = 3458 (5d1000)

i just noticed... arent we supposed to get a HP up too?
Rolled 100, 87, 83, 70, 94 = 434 (5d100)

Rolled 542, 851, 275, 890, 939 = 3497 (5d1000)

Whoops, rolled 5d100 not 5d1000. Here are the right rolls
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Rolled 84, 585, 122, 939, 161 = 1891 (5d1000)

Your air raver combochain ended with the Carrionpede's Five Partings Corpse-Split; that ended with Gui Li's cheaty stikk turning into sickle-knives and ramming in your chest and neck in double undergrips.


But her ghost body disintegrates before you can bite her face orf.

For a moment you have a faint suspicion that the numinous unpluppable She might show up again, a thought which passes as you continue falling forwards on your own momentum, stuck like a pig on Gui Li's knives.

You crash into and through the front of the grotty leany hovel-house.
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>862, 851, 573, 890, 939


You start, eyes open, staring at a dirt ceiling.

Immediately you bite down hard and tilt your head back: you've always slept with the spout of the [Helff Swigga] in your meof like a baby wivva bottle since the last time, just in case.

You keep chugging until the red haze choking your vision goes away. The [Helff Swigga] toots empty. Then the hurting starts.

>dat BICH

You're gashed in the middle, a wide ragged scab. There's a closing hole under your plexus, and another where your jaw juts off your froat.

she got you good. But this time YOU got her BACK.

" How'd dat taste bich. Beat yez on yer own turfs. Fugg YOU. Eat. My. Shit."

You flip her altar a double bird. Huh. It's rekt. The walls got caved out, ceiling caved in.

Eh. You'll just make anuvva later.

Nope, you're not making a nicer one, and nope, you're not making her Oaf Dishes out of anyfin but Bugg gutts for the foreseeable future.

Because FUKK dat BICH, you're BOSS, n BOSS don't take no SHITT.

not yet; Gui Li showed up juuuust before you completed the full trainan, second-last day. No HP-up until the Form is fully completed.

QM *DID* forget the usual Bo3 1D1000 vs DC 720 for Domestic Disputes.

So, to compromise, Toady will also be left alone for the next month or so by Gui Li.

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>HP total +6

>+2 Dodge, +4+6 Hit, +4+6 Dmg

>Daggy +10dmg, Noiffy +5, Nudda Noiffy Onna Stikk +5

>30Dmg per Hit
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}}GUI LI{{

>+6 Dodge, +6 Hit, +6 Dmg, +2HP max (already added; original HP cap was /12.)
>Klujj Kruch +3 Dmg

Domestic Dispute DC 700
Petition to unvirginize her next time to eliminate one of her bonuses. Hopefully da damage one.
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While you were hunting and butchering Diggy Buggz, you remember to Pouch their remains so you can squoosh out their juices for your pet nugget, the Bluddslutt.

She seems to be growing back nicely: her bottom half's filled out, most of her legs and arms.

She's getting less bitey too, not that you'd ever go to sleep except with her gagged and Pouched.

You'd plupp her if she weren't dedd n cryen bludd alla time.

"Eyy. Shuddup n open yer meof, idz feedn toim.

You never ask her name because you don't fuggen care.

When she's nearly all grown back she starts asking you questions, where are we, who are you, where's Pieté, blah blahblah blahblahblah.

You don't have the time or fucks to give to anuvva mouthy dedder, so you beat her like a sandbag. She mends quickish, she can take it.

Out of curiosity you bite a toe off her as an experiment.

>bad meat
>dedderen dedd

She screams of course, so you cram her meof with moar bugg gutts, enough to shut her up and grow the rest of her missing bits back, like Seafood wanted.

Then you kick her in the tits back innada Pouch.

In the following peace and quiet you fix up your Quality Kludge Armor, clopping Diggy Bugg backs back thoracic carapace; the hardest part over the gaps with wood glue.

You're near healed up now, and heaps stronger; your bich wife was just interrupting the inevitable.

You're continuing down, deeper into this literal Bugg Hole, after a longy napp.

>Quality KA 15/15Dur
>[HELFF SWIGGA] 1/6 QM miscounted
>3days x 6stuffs per day to patch and heal
>4stuffs for a new altar

QM stopping here. Next post 18hrs
meaning Virgin at Death, lol; pluppen postmortem won't change that. But repeated squeals to debuff Gui Li noted.
is there a tier III and can we know what bonuses that would bring yet?
>is there a TSCP III
yes yes........yes........yesyes
yes .yes.......yes....yes........yes
yes.......yes. yes....yes........yes
yes........yes yes........yesyes

>what does it come with

let QM cook, grasshoppa.
what the hell is that
you had my curiosity, now you have my attention

Of all the enterprises visited, Teletell Shortcoms and Majeste Messengers were the most skilled-labor intensive and profitable... for the Owner.

Both had Line Operators who needed to be capable of at least one Cantrip, and Front Operators, each of whom needed to know at least two. Line Leads and Front Leads had to know four Cantrips minimum, or two Cantrips and One Spell minimum, respectively.

Their business was urgent messages and deliveries, usually of limited legal and fiscal nature, for a nominal fee with adjustments for weight and speed and additional services, such as double-encode, traceless delivery Pass Without Trace (lvl2 spell) and similar spells are employed, and other effects Suggestion, Id Insinuation, Gift of Gab and similar Spells are legal but frowned upon; a premium service granted only if the client also agrees to be listed by Law Authorities.

The Business Owner collected a teeny Token per transaction, usually 0.2-0.3 Grains; multiply that by the couple hundred orders per shift at three shifts a day, they could work a year and feast for ten.

Setting everything up to that point took risk and time though, usually too much to be worth it.

In the normal course of things it would be impossible: proper Spellcasters with Callings Class Levels who could easily manage Line requirements found Adventure more enriching and profitable, while common folk needed a minimum of two years in training just to fulfill a minor role.

And what was to stop a Line Lead from taking his four Company Cantrips and a few senior Line Operators and starting his own business?

The risk was all the Company's: it had to undertake the risk of training him before he could even be deployed, but after becoming competent he might leave at any time, taking all the training and trade secrets with him!

It was the Rhea social and familial support network made things possible: Interns had to sign a Work Bond with two immediate family members as guarantors, and paid the training costs full up front, usually with a loan by the same guarantors. To help offset costs the intern would usually take auxiliary roles in the Company for 4H1T Four Hots and a Tot, being First and Second Breakfast, Teatime and Supper, plus communal lodging; a Rhean cultural standard for minimum wage, as runners, paperpushers, learning the culture and day-to-day expectations as they worked supporting the Lines.

On occasion a Twiceling, that is, a Human, or very rarely, a Beardie, a Dwarf, down on their luck, might be vouched for by two Rheas of good standing and be accepted for Internship. Their Work Bonds were longer, and training costs included a percentage on top, usually explained away as a lack of Family discount, but actually was a conditional deposit set aside as a Murk Fund, to hire Collectors against the Intern if the Work Bond was violated.
Yang Wuhan, that is, Beska of Derrechston, as a transient hire, was worth first four, then eight, then twelve Grains per shift, unheard of for child labor.

Her memory for short orders and adhoc instructions was impeccable, her ability to navigate the estab workflows the systemic accretions of multiple management philosophies, once implemented as stopgaps and holdovers servicing the perpetual feud between Marketing and Accounting, now regarded as Legacy and inviolate almost unnatural, her energy indefatigable.

Her course through the local branch of these Rhea franchises ran roughly thus:

First day, the Sub-Lead she was assigned to gave her the lightest work, which was common sense, and a discretionary Canteen Voucher for the staff catering service, which was Rhean good nature showing pity.

Past Teatime, late afternoon, it would be noticed that the transient workers were taking more tea and baccy breaks than normal.

By lunchtime the third day they would be positively loafing and the orders still got closed, which would prompt the Sub Lead to investigate and quickly escalate their discovery.

The Lead would then ask the new hire, Beska the Twiceling bint, to come into the shop office to discuss Employee Matters. That is, she would be offered a tentative Perm Hire, and if her legal guardian was willing, she had excellent potential for the Internship programme.

At which point she would innocently ask to be attached to the high-performance Lines, unpaid, for a few days, just to see what it was like. Inevitably, she would tell the Lead that she was interested, but she had to wait for Unca Oats to come back from his ... beastness trip, hmhm... before giving a definite answer.

Then she would repeat this in the next firm. And the next. And next.

After the third firm news of "Beska the Stint", rumored to have some kind of Underground connection, started spreading, so she made use of Change Appearance, Friend and Suggestion, picked up from Cheery Chaim's Sales-Angling Optimisation Seervice, and continued her intellectual pillage incognito.


Yang Wuhan made an important discovery. The Qi in this world was not sparse, but controlled.

It was uniform in a syncretic World Harmony maintained by the Principles. When Magicians cast Spells, they did not cast it out of their own resource though they undoubtedly feel they do, the weaklings, but only initiated it. It was the World Harmony that empowered the initials, making the castings possible.

What the Magicians termed "Spells" were really single personal Arrays, made with verbal, somantic and material components, to tap into the World Harmony. What they called their "Spell Slots" was merely the capacity to initiate. Hence, when high level Magicians travelled to other worlds, they might find some in which there was no Harmony, or a contrived False Harmony Ravenloft, and there be practically useless.
Not so for the Blade Emperor &c.

For Cultivation as he practiced it did not rely on the World, but plundered it, devoured it, until he was in himself became a World, self-sufficient.

Where the Magicians here may only initiate their Harmony-derived Magic, then faint and possibly die of fatigue if pushed, he, at 9th Peak of 9th Realm, could draw on the Harmony as much as any gang of them, in just this Recovered Pall Body.

If his real body was restored he could cast Spells out of himself indefinitely, with such virtuosity none in this world save their so-termed Gods might tell his blade-work apart from his magic before he slew them. Hmhm.

What the fools here called 巫器武法 Swords and Sorcery™ was child's play.

He now knew he needed all the known ways to access the World Harmony.

Out of that will arise restoration.

And revenge.
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As YOU go deeper, following the trail of Diggies, you come to areas that are... brighter. Damper.

The smell of Buggz n buggshit is freshyyer.

The Diggies have mostly retreated from the several webbed stretches of tunnels YOU came from, ever since you started gibbing them in earnest; after the first couple dozen YOU had needed to start putting effort into hunting them.

The smell of them's moar here. The tunnels have also gotten narrower, somewhat steeper. On one hand it will be safer: since the Buggs coming through already tested it, the floor won't fall through like it did when you met Wagon.

On the other hand, there will deffo be Buggs ahead, and probably not just Diggies. Maybe not Bigg like Wagon, but maybe they got stings n pukes. Or they might be Carrionpedes.

You've never met one, never seen one, but if your killykilly is cribbed off them, you don't want to meet them.

You dimly remember getting told by the Racist Dance Guy that your mission was to kill Buggs if you find them. Or to blow up the place.

Now that you're here, there's several things wrong either with your memory or with his instructions.

You carnt possibly kill awll the Buggz: they're too many. Even if they're all just Diggies, a hundred Diggies stampede would be too much even for YOU: yeah they carnt chew through Quality Kludge straightaway, but you got probably two minutes tops before their bitey sideways meofs reach yer meatz.

And as for blowing up the place, from what you've seen of Rhean BOOMcandles, even twenty crates might not be enough to take care of all of this.

Seafood also told you via {SPEEKICHATTY} that you have to succeed, or else, because you took so long Trainan that the Reees got angy. Or sumn.

>Toady dis Toady dat
>Toady gibb me gibbz
>Toady wash u azz
>Toady bring me booz
>Why u no wash hans after washy azz Toady
>fugg. me.

There are a couple tunnels keeping level, away from the steep damps.

These are wider on all sides. Much dryer: gummed up with dry boogers. You smell for Buggs thisaway.


Yup. Deffo Buggs. But. No bugg shitt.

There's no guarantee there won't be Carrionpedes galore that way either.

You've thought and trained so hard your sponge is full of Carrionpede.

>Vey p-prolly don't exist anyway
>Seafood be hamming, izzall

You mark this crossing out with paint and seem while twigging which way to go, and how.

>Go deeper, steeper.

>Keep level

>Quality Armor or Light Armor?

>Who, if any, if all, out of the Pouch?
>2LM Dimm Cult
>Mo Ao 9/66HP
>Wagon 5/35Dur 40/40HP

[R O L L]


Rolled 9 (1d100)

>Go deeper, steeper.
i feel like we want to avoid getting side tracked from now on
>Quality Armor
>Who, if any, if all, out of the Pouch?
>Wagon 5/35Dur 40/40HP

from now on, we can give all LM to Mo Ao so he can finally fully regenerate
did the long time we spent here already do anything for him?
Rolled 73 (1d100)

>Go deeper, steeper.
Collapse the foundation, and the rest will follow. Trust in the process, toady. Even Seafood knows that you must strike at the enemy's foundation if you wish to succeed.
>Quality Armor
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>did the long time we spent here do anyfin for Moar Oww
QM forgot. Mo Ao now 50/66HP, recovering at 1HP a day.

LM doesn't help Mo Ao or the Dimm Kult heal; need to see Seafood to fix them, for now.

All LM gained will be converted into Stuffs until there is something to feed it to.
Rolled 40 (1d100)

>Go deeper, steeper.
>Quality Armor
>2LM Dimm Cult
Rolled 67 (1d100)

>quality armor
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Rolled 51, 52 = 103 (2d100)

>Go deeper, steeper.
>Quality Armor

rollan for Environment
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You choose to go with your nose, down deeper, towards the smell of freshy buggshitt.

>73 vs QM 51

Wagon saves you effort, going down: the tunnels narrow so much that Wagon can just brake when it starts to slide by going tippytoe and scrubbing the ceiling.

At first you hide under the large plates of Wagon's wingcase armor, letting them take the worst of the scouring, but then you find that hanging from under Wagon, like you did on the skelly horse back at Plague Town, serves you much better. You don't get mooshed when you direct Wagon to brake, and you eat a lot less tunnel crudd.

It's getting warmer and damper as you go, the chambers smaller, with less partition of purpose: purple fungus grown next to beige, with signs of grazing: fresh bald patches in the fungi, and lots of Bugg shitt.

You think there might be larger Diggies or something tending to the fungi here, but herded away ahead of you.

>scared eh.
>Dissiz moar like it.

The purple fungi growing here are a lot smaller, lots purpler; don't squeak as much when you toast them under a candle. Got a bit of flavor in them.

You harvest a bunch and are about to Pouch em when you remember that the Pouch kills things.


You get out the carpet of purples you harvested nearer the surface.

They're browning and soppy, not quite mush yet, but deffo dedd.

Same with the itchy fungi you collected growing from the bed of dedders. Those don't itch nearly as much now, but just to keep safe you gargle and spray some Delectable on your hands, and toss off the rags you use to handle them.


Finally the tunnels get too small for Wagon to fit through. You park him - in your mind it's a him, because you're a him - in the branching chamber just before the choke, facing the tunnel you're going into.

The tunnels don't seem to get any wider as you go; unlikely you can just Pouch Wagon here and pull him back out again. Given how small the chambers are getting, it might be too cluttered to pull him out and fight in.

Still, good for YOU, you think: there won't be nuffin as big as him down there.

If you park him here, his business end will be ready to clamp and bodyblock anything particularly troublesome you might encounter.

You sneek onwards alone. There's a faint brown light in the depths ahead, the source of the increasing heat.

You haven't forgotten your original motive for picking this mission: ancient anywheres means goody LEWTS.

Politics n BOOMBOOMS are secondary.

>67+5 vs QM 52

Unexpectedly the tunnel opens out into a kindy cone-y shape, with the point at the bottom.

There's still freshy buggshit here, but dispersed because of the space; there was never a lot of them. Couple hundred, tops.

You think the whole Mains and Bossy House might fit in this place, it's huge.

The ceiling is roughly spherical, lots of cracks centering a biggy hole about the size of four of YOU.

The ceiling and the top half of the chamber is hard rock but melty-looking.
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From the radiating cracks in the ceiling water is coming down in trickles, forming salt spikes nearly long enough to touch the ground.

The drops and drops pool where pocks allow them, running over and down to the steep pit wiv the glowy thing.


Where the water approaches the glow it starts to steam, nearly all of it before reaching the bottom. Whatever it is down there, it's hot.

It doesn't seem to be moving apart from the heat haze, you think. It looks kind of crusted over: there seems to be wet clay intentionally clopped on it nearly from all sides except where the waterflow is heading for it. There's clay that's been baked and cracked and fallen orf in biggy shells, and drag marks where theyved been pulled away. You don't see any bodies; could be they've been cleared.

You check the rest of the chamber first.

No signs of life; good. You backtrack and get Wagon before continuing; you don't want to leave him so far back in case you're forced to {POPUP} out of here.

There's what looks like cheesy honeycombs on a far wall, empty when you check. You find some chippy thin shells.

>Bugg eggz.
>Deezr grubbling holes.

You take a bunch, just cause.

Closer to the pit there's a ruin of black rocks, all intentionally shaped - bricks, tiles, columns - some with carvings on.

With Wagon's clamps you Pouch the biggest intact pieces of these. While doing so you see that the ruin has no floor. That is, no set flooring. All of this stuff fell through from the crack in the ceiling, following the glowing thing's wake as it crashed through the higher levels and bedded here.

This isn't the city. The insects here are just wild Buggz: no language, no civilization to speak of, just like YOU.

The real place is up top.

Given how wide this cavern is, there aren't any obvious load-bearing points here.


>approach n attempt to obtain The Glowy Y/N

>Look for the exit tunnels the Buggs left through and chuck some BOOMcandle down; collapse it on them and waste them. Pool's closed, lal.
>Seek them out. Serch n destroy. Wagon's too big to follow though. Tunnel's too pinchy for anyone but YOU.
>FUGGIT. Had enough of this bugghole. Try to bring this whole cave down anyway using your whole stock, and immediately {POPUP} out. Say you did your best and hope Seafood don't let them send you back here again.
>Save the BOOMcandle for when it WILL work, and there's something WORTH wrecking: climb into the cracked ceiling.

[R O L L]
>1D100 general, 1D100 follow-up action


>you think the Whole Mains and Bossy House of Plague Town might fit in here
Rolled 99, 92 = 191 (2d100)

>approach n attempt to obtain The Glowy Y
surely its just some fancy bug light right?
>Save the BOOMcandle for when it WILL work, and there's something WORTH wrecking: climb into the cracked ceiling.
with those rolls we should be save from whatever glowy thing might be
you wont believe me but i had a feeling i'd get a 99
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Rolled 83, 9 = 92 (2d100)

>>6124654 +1
Rolled 55, 56 = 111 (2d100)

Grab some of those salt spikes too, could be valuable.
>Save the BOOMcandle for when it WILL work, and there's something WORTH wrecking: climb into the cracked ceiling.
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Rolled 5, 1, 1 = 7 (3d10)

You're getting The Glowy, no question. With a rope around your middle tied to Wagon, and Wagon's meof clamped onto a biggy chunk of black masonry for additional anchor, you descend the cone for it.


The burny smell forces you to cover up with lotsy wetted cloffs. It gets hot enough that you think maybe you carnt just going and handle it with mittens.

So you get out of the funnel and start kludging a solution: get out a crappy sword from Plague Town, beat its mostly copper head into a hook with a rock; extend the handle with lead pipe; use Daggy to make two holes at the end of the pipe, to put a biggy screw through, so you can winch the thing to Wagon's rope.

>Dat'll do yer.

With this you hope to claw on to The Glowy with the hooky end, and Wagon can do the rest.

It's still difficult, not just because of the heat. The Glowy doesn't have any obvious hookholds, and including the clay clods is more than twice your size, too heavy to lift.

You get out a ball mace thankee Plague Town, drench yourself with even more water, and dart in, smacking the clods off a dozen whacks at a time, before you have to retreat yelping.

Any time you think of stopping, you think instead of Seafood being pleased with your haul and giving you goodies. He allus gives goodies when you do good.
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Rolled 50, 86 = 136 (2d100)

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>Toady 99 vs The Glowy 50

By the time The Glowy is beaten out of its mud-case, YOU feel medium rare.

With the clods removed its real size is slightly bigger than your body, maybe twice as fat around.


Your kludge hookstaff clangs on the metal bits, gets a pinch, holds.


Everything holds together long enough for you to get The Glowy onto the funnel rim. There, you thoroughly dunk the Pouch in water and stretch it open across Wagon's clamps, and direct him to swag The Glowie, bagging from the top, like a kidnapping.

The heat being thrown off by Glowy's immediately diminishes when the open mouth of the Pouch gets close.

>well shidd
>should have just started with dis den
>fugg. me.

You take a break to cool off.

Next course is up.

>7 Stuffs deducted for spoiled kludge tooling and protectives


Before starting you test out the salt spikes, see if they can take your weight.

They're mostly stone by now, salty but the baddy kinds arsenic and sulphur . You whack off a couple trunks of them, two or three times your body weight in case they're worth something, Pouch 'em

Wagon's useless for climbing the salt spikes, so you swap him out for Moar Oww.

"We're going up, Old Wummun. Gunna need yer face ferra foothold. "

He seems like he's about to say something, but he doesn't in the end, resigned to his lot in unlife as your all-purpose bumrest.

>das RAITT
>Mm der Bosser yez, koomface

>Toady 92 vs The Climb 86

With Moar Oww boosting you you make good time up to the ceiling. Getting to the hole the radial cracks are coming from is harder: the rocks here are melted nearly smoov, so there's nuffin to grab and nowhere to dig a noiff in.

You have to rely on Moar Oww hovering you from the root of the salt spike you're on to the nearest large crack, maybe a hundred steps from you, two hundred tops.

It takes him a whole Time to float both of you there, the git.

•I told you it would be slow before we began. You are too heavy.•

" n I'z told YEZ yer a koomface faggit, Old Wummun. AND yer MAM."

That shut him up.

After a short kip in the crack, with a wedged plank for a bench and Moar Oww under it for a safety, you're good to go again.

Once you get to the mainshaft it's easier in many ways: The Glowy passed through here fast, so the rocks are not completely melted: there's hand- and footholds.

And there's levels, sure ground for you to rest.

Most of it is empty, same black masonry as the ruins below. While you rest you get out Wagon to haul a few moar pieces innada Pouch. Only the real valuable looking ones: you're sure there's much better whole pieces above.

You're maybe two long climbs away from where you can feel the air opening up.

You can see part of a gigantic dome, mostly gone where The Glowy smashed through.

>Looks fancy
>looks like lewts
>so why do I feel like shitt
>and why's I getting a chubb.
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Moar Oww confirms your heebiejeebies.

•Goblin. Hide me.•

"Wat fer, Koomface."

•We approach ground consecrated to Darkness. While I am without, you can be seen as you are by Whom this body came.•

You work it out.

"Whaddabout the Fatass. And Wagon."

•They are lessers of that same Darkness. Through this body this world may be spied as through two cracked mirrors; through them, it shall be as though through seven shattered mirrors.•

•Though alone they are not much, in a place given to the Darkness the mirrors are clearer; in a place aboding multitude, a Light as small as yours can be caught between two shards.•

You work this out again.

"Whaddyamean Darkness, Dildohead. I gotsa Dark-Peek just foin."

•This Body may not knowingly refer, only infer, or we shall both be Known.•

You twigg it: he means That one. Seafood already warned you about Moar Oww; this is why.

Without another word you stash him and get out a bunch of BOOMcandles, just in case. The last part of the climb won't take long, but you suspect you might meet...sumn.
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The floor you emerge from spread with sharp black sand of some kind, melted and dried in places into webbed blades.

There's definitely structure here; it's built like Humies build, kindy, with arches and pillars and things.

You get on a banditchief to keep the shark dust out of you, and some footrags to protect against the sharp floor, start having a looksee.

In the immediate radius of the hole, maybe fifty paces, there's nothing recognizable. After fifty there's very small fragments, really old, frozen into the melt-webs, of Buggs.

You can't tell how big they are, they're blasted too small to fit together visually. Going by how wide theyre spread, you guess there was a whole bunch of them. A Super Mobb at least, several hundreds, maybe couple thousands, if they're packed close.

Most of the stuff here is burned or melted; it's going to take a long time to chip anything out of the hardened melty mess.

There is an altar nearby; from the looks of the flooring, it's the subordinate part of a main altar, right where the biggy hole is.

>dey really pissed off summun up dere
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The subordinate altar is one of the remaining obvious load-bearing pillars on here.

Gnarly looking fing.

You hold off immediately blowing the shit out of it just to explore around outside.

From what you can tell this is just a temple; no guarantee it will bring down everfin wivvit.
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Outside's not better. It's clear Whose temple this is. Either Hers directly or an Aspect of Hers.

The streets are clear, though. Nothing like the inside, packed full of shattered Bugg bits frozen in the rocks. Fully empty.

But you're not out of the unsettled feeling you got down below.

You start to feel like you're being - not yet watched - but starting to get looked for. Like when a Fighty One suddenly snorts in his sleep as you creep closer to his camp, and without opening his eyes or actually waking, his hand drops to the hilt of his sword, or his zappy stikk.

It feels like that.

The Temple is one of the main load-bearers in this part of the City.

The distant rock ceiling has a smally hole where The Glowy crashed through and into the Temple, made at great speed; The Glowy reacted and exploded bigly only inside the Temple propper.

You don't have much time, you feel; whatever you finna do, best do quick.



>Temple of BOOM: stuff the Sub Altar and the Temple full of candles, finish off what The Glowy didn't, and {POPUP} out the moment you set off your ring of charges. Taking no chances.
>LEWT Crusade: the rest of the City's intact; do an any%speedrun through their biggest buildings with your Pouch open. You can always try to blow up another load-bearing building if something happens. Giving no fucks. -10 Penalty
>Raid of the Dark-Breaker: now you really REALLY want to see what BTFO'd the Temple and Her Thereof. You'll need to climb up a City Spire nearest the ceiling entry, then get Moar Oww to float you the last 30ft or so to get a grip. Balls=>Wall, Baybay! Icarus and Prometheus ain't got SHIT on (YOU)! -20 penalty

[R O L L]

Rolled 74, 51 = 125 (2d100)

>LEWT Crusade: the rest of the City's intact; do an any%speedrun through their biggest buildings with your Pouch open. You can always try to blow up another load-bearing building if something happens. Giving no fucks. -10 Penalty
>Raid of the Dark-Breaker: now you really REALLY want to see what BTFO'd the Temple and Her Thereof. You'll need to climb up a City Spire nearest the ceiling entry, then get Moar Oww to float you the last 30ft or so to get a grip. Balls=>Wall, Baybay! Icarus and Prometheus ain't got SHIT on (YOU)! -20 penalty
QM will low roll
Rolled 74, 85 = 159 (2d100)

actually forgot to roll
Rolled 84, 15 = 99 (2d100)

>Raid of the Dark-Breaker: now you really REALLY want to see what BTFO'd the Temple and Her Thereof. You'll need to climb up a City Spire nearest the ceiling entry, then get Moar Oww to float you the last 30ft or so to get a grip. Balls=>Wall, Baybay! Icarus and Prometheus ain't got SHIT on (YOU)! -20 penalty
Check out this nat 100
Ay wouldn't it be funny if we put a shrine to seafood right where HER shrine used to be
Rolled 66, 59 = 125 (2d100)

>LEWT Crusade: the rest of the City's intact; do an any%speedrun through their biggest buildings with your Pouch open. You can always try to blow up another load-bearing building if something happens. Giving no fucks. -10 Penalty
Rolled 33, 56 = 89 (2d100)

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>Bo3 84, 85


>first called his own 99
>then called QM's low roll
also remember how i called you would get above 90 and kill us?
sometimes i just... hear the dice speaking to me
and the confidence i have in my predictions makes them come true
you cant just hope you are right, because then its up to chance anyway
only if you really know you are right, will you be right guaranteed
(but call me schizo if you want)
oh and: since we have a tie as of now (are new votes still accepted?)
i ask you to not let this be resolved by a d2
>6125194 and me rolled highest so its only fair
i say this because the RNG wont be in my favor i think it would be a shame
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QM uses FIAT!

The higher risk option is now CANON!

Droogery has its rewards!
Reminds me of Ghost.
^ ^
heard them

genuinely diabolic
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Rolled 3, 8, 3, 1 = 15 (4d8)

YOU're going up.

This is somehow Her city; Moar Oww already hinted. The smell of Bugg n buggshitt is barely there; aged dead. You'd like to speedrun and sack the place, seeing most of the buildings are intact, but that would take at least two hands, and no telling what could come at you in this dark. Or how many.

If you're going to gamble, might as well bet big: you want a piece of whatever yeeted The Glowy through the bedrock over the Temple and BoomTFO'd everything and everyone in it. Something that caused so much property devaluation in one second just makes you giddy like Gibbsmas.

You look about, pick the nearest bunch of spired buildings built connected rooftops, or within rappel range, and get going.

If you crawled up the building exteriors you won't need to worm around inside and get lost or jumped; even if you have to backtrack the way is clear: you can see anything coming.

Your Dark-Peek is still good for the outdoors; indoors like in the Temple, you start to miss far corners, and anything being vewy vewy qwiet in them.

Hard Nope.

>QM rollan ropes and climbing kludge used
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>84-20 vs 33

From the top of the first spire you climb you start to map your progress: if you get down again, head for there, there's an up to a sky bridge; drop from the bridge go roof to roof till there, you're one long swing to a much taller spire, more bridges, closer to The Glowy's entry hole.

In the course of things you sometimes have to tie a rope between two high points and monkey across. It pains you a little to leave good rope behind, but fuggit. Better rope than time, and better time than meat.

The awful feeling of being searched for is getting oppressive. You can swear you hear movement sometimes, when you're catching your breath between big hups.

Fugg the rope, really.


>85-20 vs 56

You're starting to feel crowded, outnumbered. The Dark in the buildings, the whole City maybe, moves like a biggy Slime: like it's all one half-brain, just smart enough to follow anything with meat on.

The only reason they carnt get a bead on you is you're jumping like a flea across the skyline; they don't seem to make the connection that you're trying to reach the Out.

They follow your progress with Lightless eyes when you make big hups across open air; their feet follow their eyes, when they can. From a few glimpses you guess they might be Buggs, since they all move flat along the ground. Kindy like YOU, when you're in Stance. You're not fully sure though: some of them look hunched but upright.

The thought suddenly strikes you that they might be grinning, and this makes you climb farsta.
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The bad feels lessen somewhat once you keep above a certain height; might have to do with how few of (((them))) can fit in the towers at this height, which only get skinnier.

As you approach the ceiling you find that you don't need to get to the tallest spire and use Moar Oww to float the last bit up: there's a couple towers that have toppled against the cavern wall. This route is further from the Out, a long climb, but you have Daggy: at any point you can sink it in the rock one-handed and squat on it for a rest.

There are smaller salt spikes growing on the ceiling too, no shortage of holds. With the Carrionpede you already have, this much is nuffin.

The climb actually becomes easier as you reach the Out: moar salt spikes, and moar fikky.

By this time you can actually see masses in the city streets, crowds, while the feeling of being sought is almost gone.

>sukkit, Dimmies
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The hole The Glowy made through has clear spirals on the inside. Not like it melted, more like it got turned to cloff n twisted n turned back to rock.

The corkscrew tunnel narrows as it goes up, the spiral pattern getting more closely spaced and even.

It's a long way: youre forced to take napps as you go, by cutting out ledges in the wall with Daggy and slotting planks in for a bed.

After several widely spaced napps you reach open air again, through a near vertical puncture barely larger than you.


It's big. Not Humie big, which is also tall, but it's wide, maybe two or free hunnerd paces across.

And it's blasted: there's charrs on the walls, lots of things in bits.

The centerpiece is the thing on the ceiling: a biggy massy gubbins made up of Moar littler gubbins, pointing at the hole in the floor you just crawled out of.

The middle's been blown out of it, clearly rekt.

There are some black scorches where you suppose might be bodies. You look them over: nothing much to lewt. Almost all of them are wearing a fikky plate necklace techtorq, which you help yourself to.

Around the perimeter of the room are gubbin tables consoles, more or less rekt. The chairs for the table though: short, smaller than you are.

You start fiddling with the gubbins: the buttons go clickyclick, the dials go ktktktktktkt. Satisfying! Fun!

And derrs a big red 'un!







A voice, very deep yet high (???), without inflection or emotion, blares at you from every direction. One lone orange light in the corner flashes in rhythm; all the rest are busted.



Some of the plate necklaces in your hands make a little vibrating sound, drowned out by the ***URN URN URN*** still going on between the biggy voice yapping in repeat.

You chuck em, get out Daggy and the gang, and drop into Stance.

Instantly the voice and alarm stops, only the orange light keeps going. A door caved outward tries to open, fails. There is a crash of things piling up outside.

Nothing else happens for a bit.

Slowly you get on your feet... and the blaring starts up again.




It doesn't; worth a try.

You cram rags in your ears and get lewtn.

Most of all you want The Glowy Gunn, mounted into the ceiling.

It's bursted and busted sure, but it's easily the biggest lump of gubbins in the whole place.

You stretch the Pouch open between four chairs then climb up the Gunn whistling. At the top, you rig a harness and start cutting through the bolts and fixings using Daggy.

When you come to the last few you lean away, ready for when they give, and the whole contraption falls innada Pouch.
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When you're partway through the third last bolt it snaps; the weight of the entire contraption falls on the two remaining bolts and, after a beat of stress, tears a chunk of the roof moorings out and falls.

You've already kicked off the perch and swung clear on your rigged harness. This doesn't hold very well: you get smacked against the wall by your momentum, turn upside down, and drop out.

Good thing the distance to the ground is fairly short; you didn't even black out.

The contraption is almost all the way into the Pouch. The only thing holding it back is a very fikky kindy sproingsproing fing, reaching into the ceiling.

It doesn't look very tuff: it's metal, but also paper. From some tears in it you make out that there's ropes inside. Not woven ropes like usual, but sorty hard rubbery, like gew sap when it's been left out in the sun, but harder.

Welp, whatever. Chop through this lot and you're d-

>QM on cliffhanger
>back in 12-14hrs
is something like this in GS lore?
No, we're in freefall.
I know what it looks like, but it's not ayys.
Page 11 alert!

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