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Previous chapters: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Heretic%20Cultivator%20Quest
MC info Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/x5rCdZpq
Sect/ disciple info Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A0Yghkqs4WxALnnlVJ2uPpphQk9NQ4ME32DzC1qWp7Q/edit?usp=sharing
Folklore: https://pastebin.com/AnbsrDcd

It is a time of celebration! A grand festival of talent that has swept up all of Chuan, and not just those dwelling within the world of cultivation. The regal and resplendent tournament hosted by your dignified and majestic Palace of Natural Laws Sect (宫殿的野生彝宪, Gōngdiàndīyěshēngyíxiàn) that had excited everyone from the meagerest of pauper to the most venerable of daoist sages, has truly begun, with the little people of Chuan being given precedence and a chance to prove their worth to the arrogant and haughty cultivators, a group whom surely you the ever humble Huanliuxue (欢流血, Happy Bloodshed/ Happy to Shed Blood) the peerless genius founder of the heretical ghostly technique the Ruler of the Great Wheel's Law(统治者的这重大轮回法律, Tǒngzhìzhědīzhèzhòngdàlúnhuífǎl) cannot possibly be counted among. Already, two of the initial contests have produced winners, The tactician's trials narrowly being won by your first disciple, Fu of the two axe's, somewhat delinquent but well meaning little sister Ju, and a true genius emerging in the scholar's tests in the form of Ma Wencheng, former tax collector and imperial scholar.

Though while they have earned themselves a place amongst your disciples, you've found several other competitiors from both of the completed pre Qi condensation contests who could serve you and the palace of natural laws in ways besides filling its roster and becoming your students. Five scholars and eight strategists, much to the indignation of the other sect heads of Chuan, who had been ready to recruit the best of the runner ups before you pulled rank and used your privilege as a host to snatch the best of the losers and bring them into your employ.

And the most annoyed of the venerable, sagacious masters who are supposedly are your peerage, The Current Weiwupo (Great Witch, 伟 巫婆) of the innocent witch court (清白巫婆宫廷, Qīngbáiwūpó gōngtíng), was given the honor of observing the next two contests at your side, along with your friend, Lian Tianhua (莲 天花, Lotus Heavenly flower), the head of the thousand hall (千莲花殿堂, Qiānliánhuādiàntáng) and matriarch of the Lian clan, to whom your genius student Lian Luli, her little sister, unfortunately belongs to considering the inheritance she received from it.

And while the alchemist trials and crafting contests were partially meant to be a way to show off the material wealth of your heretical temple, both of them have proven to be far more exciting than even the most pitched battles of the tactician's bouts! What wonderous treasures these mortals have crafted with materials too rare to be found even in the nine heavens!


The magnificence of their ingenuity and high quality of their crafts, have caught the eyes and rapt attention of even the most haughty and dismissive of daoists and nobles, who watch in awed silence as they see supposedly mundane artisans and dabblers of low alchemy create wonders worthy of a cultivator's use

While every one of the artifacts made are worthy of reward and praise, like for example the collaborative project made by two of your most ardent worshippers the brothers who call themselves Boat Cat and Sea Cat, which is a net that can paralyze a novice who has just started to cultivate Qi and refine and improve their body, there can only be one winner.

And while that winner, a wide eyed smith with a scorched mustache and shaven hair, might have only won due to sheer dumb luck since the thing he forged wasn't what he intended, the fact he was able to create something so marvelous from an accident shows he has a crafter's instinct that is nearly comparable to Feiqing, who even before his forge devil's blood awoke, could sense he needed meteoric iron to break a bottleneck in his cultivation. His name is, funnily enough, Tiě zhēn (铁 砧, Iron Anvil), which Feiqing himself, who managed to find time in his busy schedule to watch you pick out the winner amongst the greatest of the crafts presented to you, explains is a name given as the result of a folk superstition in some isolated villages, the first son of a temple's smith are named after one of their tools, to try and trick the gods into blessing them. Which is pretty funny.

And Tie Zhen proves to be of good humor, since he does as well and makes a joke that he hopes his soon to be elder martial brother won't beat him like an anvil if he doesn't meet his or yours lofty standards. Which makes Feiqing drag him away to explain that, while he looks like half a demon and towers above most men, he has a gentle heart and certainly wouldn't beat his fellow disciples especially not for so petty a reason.

Which leaves you alone with the sharp eyed and tongued Weiwupo, who you can tell is already selecting which runners up she'll get away from you to recruit before you can add them to the growing list of mortal talents in your sect's stables, and Lian Tianhua, who is praising one of the alchemists who managed to make something that might be worthy of being declared the winner. Or it was, and you considered it, until you reached the last two alchemical products in the line.

A small glass bottle holding what is unmistakably the food of moon rabbits, Moon Dew, of lower quality than what can be gathered on the moon or made with a little lunar qi trickery, but would surely delight Piao Tuzi and Yewushi and the other jade rabbits you've rescued who still need to be named.

And a powder that the sunken eyed man who made it, who looks like he enjoys the company of the dead as much as you do judging from the light aura of ghostly Yin Qi surrounding him, claims will reveal and embody ghosts if it is thrown at them

A claim you test with Yujijiao, the ghostly snake, whose ghastly form sends the chicken hearted amongst the mortal contestants and more than a few of the cultivators in attendants scrambling for cover or crying for their more lion hearted friends for protection as the grisly sight of the jade horned serpent who lost her head is, for a few moments, given a physical body and the chamber the trials are taking place in is saturated with a sickly sour scent of rot and corruption, the smell of decayed flesh and putrid blood. Tianhua covers her nose, ripping a flower out of her hair to chew, while the Weiwupo simply covers her face with a fan and shoots you a concerned look as you take in as deep of a breath as you can to savor the comforting aroma of a corpse as Yujijiao groans, suddenly wracked with the pain of inhabiting a body that is rotten, and remembering the agony of having her head severed

Which adds her delightfully rich and savory grudge against the Ling Ogress to the mix of the perfume of her ghostly body, a grudge which you quite happily gobble up as the floor is soaked with the blood that oozes out of and escapes her neck along with her undying resentment.

"Sometimes, I momentarily forget that you are an outspoken heretic and cultivate the breath of ghosts" Tianhua remarks weakly, shivering as she watches you relish in the enmity surrounding you and the scent you had grown accustomed to early on in your career as a cultivator, as she stuffs more of her scalp grown flowers into her mouth to try and drown out the stench of decay that is so oppressive and heavy it can be tasted, while you barely even notice it

"I might need to hand over my title, this is a display worthy of a witch, but that is not so surprising, considering the kind of witch who raised you" The Weiwupo laughs "And I think I recognize that head, the Ling made a show of parading it around, claiming it belong to a tyrannical devil"

Yujijiao hisses, scales bristling up as the Weiwupo flicks her fan and nods, as the powder loses its effect and she vanishes from the view of those without spiritual senses strong enough to peer beyond the veil of death.

"Oh what a grisly spectacle" She remarks as Yujijiao changes her upper half to a woman's body and starts flinging all manner of curses, actual curses and poetic profanity at her while Tianhua looks sadly at the giant snake

"Poor girl" She says quietly "I'm sorry your life was cut so tragically short. Two of my sects most prized pupils were taken before their time, and I can only hope their souls have found peace"

You do not have the heart to mention that the last you saw of those two, they were still following her little sister around. But while Tianhua pampers Yujijiao, while Weiwupo scrutinize your ghostly student, which makes you wonder if she is going to go so far as to try and make a niche on your monopoly of ghost cultivators, you look between the bottle of moon dew and the silk sack of ghost revealing powder, and as more and more of the audience and contestants watch you with baited breath to see which you will choose as the winner, with growing frustration you realize you just can't pick.

Moon Dew is only ever gathered, not extracted, and sure you gave instructions, but even your fellow cultivators would struggle to follow them. But a ghost revealing powder, now that is the work of a pioneer, to make something that interacts with something that cannot be see out of wisdom shared and knowledge hidden. And is exactly the sort of ridiculous thing you expect of your students. Both are impressive, and once you've figured out how to decide who is the winner, you'll learn both of their names. The moon dew because of how precise the steps to refine it out of the lunar herbs were, and the ghost revealing powder because of how clever it is, even if it could use much improving.

triple Vote!

How do you decide to break the tie

>By simply declaring both of them the winner, and congratulating them both for making something so incredible you couldn't choose between them

>Tell them to remake the others creation, and whoever accomplishes it is the final winner of the alchemist trials

>Have Lian Tianhua and The Weiwupo act as tie breakers. Another honor given to both of them

>Tell them to fist fight and whoever is left standing is the winner

>Write in

What is the third ring of the mortal tournament

>Martial arts and combat ability

>Sorcery and magic spells

>The tests for luck

>the free for all brawl

>Write in

And what do you do while you wait for the next contest to start, Huanliuxue?

>Play with Piao Tuzi, Yewushi and the other moon rabbits, and introduce them to Lian Tianhua and Zhe'xínglǚ, and maybe Xia Jinse-Shayu

>Don't let the other talents escape into other sects, and quickly recruit the best of the runner ups like you did last time

>Get to know the winners of the four finished contests, besides Ju, who've you have watched grow up from the little brat to the slightly larger brat she is now

>Small talk with one of the other sect heads, and maybe see if you couldn't politic a little (Who and generally what do you discuss)

>Write in
>Tell them to remake the others creation, and whoever accomplishes it is the final winner of the alchemist trials
>Declare them both


>Polotic with The lightning boys and white devil army, Discussing the assault on the Ling temple. Any notable figures among their ranks to be wary of, rough guesses of their force disposition. Maybe hint at there being some rewards of plunder for tearing apart the sect.
Forgot the rest of the votes
>Martial arts and combat ability
>Don't let the other talents escape into other sects, and quickly recruit the best of the runner ups like you did last time
>By simply declaring both of them the winner, and congratulating them both for making something so incredible you couldn't choose between them
>Martial arts and combat ability
>Get to know the winners of the four finished contests, besides Ju, who've you have watched grow up from the little brat to the slightly larger brat she is now
>Have Lian Tianhua and The Weiwupo act as tie breakers. Another honor given to both of them.
>Martial arts and combat ability
>Small talk with one of the other sect heads, and maybe see if you couldn't politic a little (Who and generally what do you discuss) Ask around if anything is happening outside the lands of Chun. Besides the east wave, wondering if there are rumors of other heretical daoists running around.
>By simply declaring both of them the winner, and congratulating them both for making something so incredible you couldn't choose between them
They are clearly both talented, and they used very different approaches to great effect. As much as I would like to get them to try making each other's invention, I don't want to let either of them go so I say we just save some time and bag them both.
>Martial arts and combat ability
No real preference on my part, other than luck being last, right before the free-for-all.
>Get to know the winners of the four finished contests, besides Ju, who've you have watched grow up from the little brat to the slightly larger brat she is now
Recruiting others make sense, but I am wary of pissing of the other sects who are looking to recruit good disciples. We are getting the winners anyway so I say we let them slide this time and instead pick up some pre-Qi condensation stage runner ups later.
I'm also just curious about our newest members.
>Tell them to remake the others creation, and whoever accomplishes it is the final winner of the alchemist trials

>Martial arts and combat ability

>Don't let the other talents escape into other sects, and quickly recruit the best of the runner ups like you did last time
>Have Lian Tianhua and The Weiwupo act as tie breakers. Another honor given to both of them
>Martial arts and combat ability
>Get to know the winners of the four finished contests, besides Ju, who've you have watched grow up from the little brat to the slightly larger brat she is now
>By simply declaring both of them the winner, and congratulating them both for making something so incredible you couldn't choose between them
>Martial arts and combat ability

>Get to know the winners of the four finished contests, besides Ju, who've you have watched grow up from the little brat to the slightly larger brat she is now
>By simply declaring both of them the winner, and congratulating them both for making something so incredible you couldn't choose between them
>Sorcery and magic spells
>Get to know the winners of the four finished contests, besides Ju, who've you have watched grow up from the little brat to the slightly larger brat she is now
>By simply declaring both of them the winner, and congratulating them both for making something so incredible you couldn't choose between them

>Martial arts and combat ability
Make separate categories for choreography and combat

>Get to know the winners of the four finished contests, besides Ju, who've you have watched grow up from the little brat to the slightly larger brat she is now
>By simply declaring both of them the winner, and congratulating them both for making something so incredible you couldn't choose between them
>Sorcery and magic spells
>Get to know the winners of the four finished contests, besides Ju, who've you have watched grow up from the little brat to the slightly larger brat she is now
So after we wrap of the mortal stuff, we still have like Low, Mid, and High tier cultivators to work through?
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Ending the vote and tallying its result now.

Tell them to remake the others creation, and whoever accomplishes it is the final winner of the alchemist trials:2

By simply declaring both of them the winner, and congratulating them both for making something so incredible you couldn't choose between them:7

Have Lian Tianhua and The Weiwupo act as tie breakers. Another honor given to both of them.:2

Sorcery and magic spells:3

Martial arts and combat ability:8

Small talk with one of the other sect heads, and maybe see if you couldn't politic a little:2
-Storm mountain shrine+ White jade devil opposing army:1
-Outside of chuan/ Heretical sects:1

Don't let the other talents escape into other sects, and quickly recruit the best of the runner ups like you did last time:2

Get to know the winners of the four finished contests, besides Ju, who've you have watched grow up from the little brat to the slightly larger brat she is now:7

So you'll just declare both of them the winner of the contest, and while the martial arts/ combat contest is prepared, you'll get to know the winners of the four contests a little

Update will arrive shortly

More or less, yes, though there is also a magical beast only branch of the tournament,
You spend an almost embarrassingly amount of time trying to decide between the moon dew and ghost revealing powder, going so far as to hold both of them in your hands as if you were actually weighing them, rocking your head back and forth and tightening your lips as you glare at both the pouch of ashes and vial of moon water. But no matter what arguments you raise, you are arguing against yourself, and simply can't pick between either of things in your hands. But you still make a show of looking conflicted and in concentration and austere contemplation, when in truth its taking more focus on not letting your lips pull into a smile and a cackle to crawl out of your throat as the simple and obvious solution dawns on you, a little slower than it probably should have. After all you are the one hosting this tournament, all of its rules are ones you came up with, who can really complain or accuse you of being unfair if you just twist those rules to your favor? Cats are fickle creatures, after all!

"Yue You" You call out and nearly regret deciding to cut the knot and just pick both of the winners from the smug look on the bright, blue eyed scholar with hair that is only really common in the Ling Clan's crooked branches marches forward, shooting a dismissive sneer towards the gloomy and corpse like Coffin Maker Wen, who simply breathes in through his nose, showing as much dignity as the brothers whose paralyzing net was passed over. So, despite trying to keep a facade of impartiality and distant, imperial grace and corpse like composure, you can't help but crack a grin and sneer back at Yue You, who freezes, feminine face stricken with fear, lips parted as perhaps he wonders if you decided to be cruel like you were batting a mouse, and called him to tell him he'd lost. Whatever he's thinking, he nearly collapses as his rival's name leaves your lips

"Wen" You say, bobbing your head as you turn to the coffin maker, painted eyes narrowing with mischief as he starts and cranes up his neck, long black hair covering one of his eyes "I cannot decide which of your creations is more excellent, they'd be without peer, if one of you didn't partake in this contest"

Silence falls, and both the smug You and composed Wen exchange glances, their mouths drooping in silent, but stunned, realization of what you're doing.

"Hah!?" The Weiwupo roars "You can't just do that!"

But before she can continue Tianhua sighs heavily

"She can, its not like anyone is here who could stop her or her whimsy" She chuckles, flicking her fan towards the crowd "Unless any of you brave sages wish to get in the way of that cat's fickle marching?"

Silence, absolute, tomb like silence as the cultivators watching the trials went deathly pale and quiet, all avoiding Tianhua's eyes and the faces of their neighbor while the Weiwupo groaned and half growled through her clenched teeth, realizing no one had the guts to challenge you.

Since there wasn't a cultivator alive who hadn't heard what happened to Xue Laohue when he so generously and kindly offered himself up to be used as your own scratching post.

"I can, I make the rules, this is my garden and my tournament" You snicker, unable to hide your amusement at the old lady's almost childish pout "And You and Wen are both equally deserving of the title of victor. Honestly, if they weren't so clearly beyond the abilities of the rest, I'd have even a harder time figuring out whose alchemy to declare supreme"

"Me and this bumpkin, both win?" You says, as if you words weren't clear enough, does he need to clean wax out of his ears or something "That's...that's"

You a fix him and all but transfix him with your stare, locking eyes with him, waiting for him to slip up and give you a reason to slap that bitch confidence out of his skull, but instead, he starts to laugh, throwing his head back as Wen rattles with a low, dry chuckle

"Fantastic! I began to see this statue of a man as my peer and rival anyways" He boasted, flicking his sleeve and adjust his collar with his other hand in the same, theatric movement "I reached for the stars, he dipped his hands in the springs! Of course both of us deserve to be your student"

"Don't be so haughty, a tie is basically a loss for a noble like you, mi'lord" Wen drly mocked, shrugging his shoulders "We just showed we understood the basic principles of HER alchemy, nothing more, just enough for us to start, to be taught"

You clicked his tongue, while you smirked and shrugged, the silence once again becoming over bearing, and kind of awkward and uncomfortable as none of the other contestants or anyone in the audience knew what to say or do.

"Well, walk with me, both of you" You barked, like ordering around a dog, snapping your fingers impatiently "And Tie Zhen, you come to, while it isn't official yet, I'd like to get to know ALL of my soon to be disciples...FEIQING!"

"Ow!" Feiqing winces, as you wheel around and nearly slam right into his broad, wall like torso, and even though it wasn't his fault, shoot a glare up at him as he rubs the ears hidden by his hair, that he's combed to try and hide his growing horns "Yes, master?"

"Head off to get the arena cleared of loose rubble and debris, the martial arts portion of these games is about to start, and I don't want any folk-heroes tripping on a pebble and splitting their heads open before they can show of their skill!" You declare, just as loudly, making Feiqing wince "Yujijiao, be a dear and fetch Ma Wencheng and Ju as well, lets make this a date!"

"Oh?" The Weiwupo chirps happily, eyes glimmering as she notices that you aren't trying to tempt any of the other contestants into your service like you did for the last two contests "Well, I still have some observations of my own to make, if anyone here is willing to listen to the wise words of a witch"

"No reason to be so vague, auntie" You snicker, turning your eyes feline as you sashay past her "Just say you're recruiting, there's no shame in it, is there?"

You have to pin your tongue down to keep from continuing with 'In recruiting the losers, I mean', despite not intending to offend the Weiwupo for no real reason.

"Well, you'll have to compete with me, Great witch" Tianhua said sharply wielding her tongue expertly like a blade "And the thousand lotus hall accepts students of any gender, unlike your hidden court. Flowers need bees to bloom, don't they?"

The Weiwupo clicked her tongue.

"That may be the truth, but don't think I'll let you uproot any of the flowers I have my eyes on to replant at your leisure in your gardens, Lotus" She archly replies, eyes squinted as she reveals a glimpse of her dusk like Aura, hoping to make Tianhua wilt, but she stands firm and proves once again why she is the matriarch of her clan and head of her sect by meeting the stronger and more dangerous woman's confidence with a delicate smile.

But you don't stick around to see if they'll start fighting and pulling eachother's hair and clothes, instead, you lead the three star struck winners out and wander meanderingly around your own temple, looking for the most comfortable looking place to stretch out and enjoy the sun for awhile while you wait for the next stage of the tournament to begin. Some place where you can get to know all five winners of the four contests. Well, four of them at least, you're confident you know Ju pretty well.

While for a moment you consider using the spirit tree grove as the meeting place, you don't want any of the victors wandering into the dangerous orchard right next to it, even if the grove is vast, the risk of them meeting an untimely and bloody end is too great to consider it.

So instead you choose the hot springs of the pools of primordial origin. Ju will appreciate the chance to take a dip in them, to ease her aching muscles and bruises.

"Never knew a cat who liked water" Ma Wencheng observes, crouched on the edge of the springs as you lay in the shallows of the pool, letting its primordial beast essence rich waters soak into your fur, your ears twitching as you look up at him, and the other victors on the contests, who are mingling by the shore, none of them daring to step into the waters, except for Ju, who is soaking her feet in them rather shamelessly.

It is for their benefit you're in your native state right now, since even with the steam and mist as cover, none of the men could talk when you were undressing to swim in the waters and their heart rate spiked so much you were worried they might faint or flop over dead from an excitement induced heart attack, Heh-Heh.

"Oh? Many kinds of cats do, but I guess you're only accustomed to the pampered, court pets of nobility" You laugh as you stand from the water, looking rather miserable with all your fur wetted and soaked through

"My employers and colleges preferred dogs" He answers, lifting up his steamed over glasses "Though I've always had a fondness for cat's, they give off an air of intelligence unlike the simplicity of dogs, and live much more mysterious lives than any trained hound"

"Lady Huan may be weak to compliments, but she isn't that easy, ink fingers" Ju snickers, shaking her head "Still, that just means you might get in to the good graces of her self proclaimed head guard, that Yinying guy. You might've seen him lurking around in her shadow. He can be a little too serious, but he's nice enough if you respect Huanliuxue!"

"The one who leads the patrols of talking cats?" Wencheng asked excitedly "I was curious about him, as there does seem to be an unusual majority of awakened house cats amongst the magical beast populace of Chuan"

"I figured that was because Huanliuxue was the first" Wen said, looking at you with wonder as you, with the assistance of a quick shake and a little transmuted fire qi, dry out your fur and return it to its usual, silken fluff "Is...is there any truth in that assumption of mine?"

"Probably" You say, shrugging your shoulders as you pace up to the group "The abundance of primordial beast essence here, and in the world in general, mostly came from me after all. Might have something to do with what beasts awoke to the world and its spiritual energy, or maybe, like Wencheng said, the intelligence we cats are blessed with is the cause"

"It must be an equal measure" Yue You scoffs, hand under his chin "Both your presence and the natural abilities of house cats. A perfect environment for a whole lineage...no, kingdom of magical felines to awaken"

"Cats do see into the realms of the dead" Wen remarks somewhat spookily

"She's a guardian deity who is a cat" Tie Zhen gruffly remarked "The tools resemble the wielder, eventually, they're just her divine messengers and servants is all, surely. Enough of them lounge in her shrines and temples, so they must've been imparted a bit of their divinity, kinda like mixing sands to make better clay. Or alloying metal. You know, that demon fellah knew a lot about metal, he and I had a chance to talk, not sure what we were talking about before, but it turned to metal, eventually"

"That's because you and Feiqing both live in your forges, probably" Ju snorted

"Or perhaps, it is as he said, and the wielders shape their tools" Ma Wencheng mused, eyes focused on the sky, as he rubbed his glasses clean with the sleeve of his robe

"Or all blacksmith's end up with similar brains, after spending all their time in the heat and smoke of the forge" Yue You suggested "I find that laborers all grow to resemble one another, eventually, unlike we of noble birth"

He looked at you expecting support, but got a bored look back that you hoped he understood as 'Don't try to place the two of us in the same level of nobility"

"We all end up the same in the grave" Wen wisely remarked, rolling his neck as Ju groaned through her teeth

"No wonder she picked you, she talks like that to, sometimes. Never got why she's so obsessed with the trappings of death" Ju muttered and you pressed chin atop her head

"She's right here, and I just find a certain beauty in the macabre and grim, not to mention, I am the master of a ghostly law" You snicker as she pouts, unable to move under the weight you're gently pressing on her

"I am curious about that, I've heard, well, it is common knowledge spirits of the dead are quite...cantankerous" Ma Wencheng starts

"YEP!" Wen says suddenly, eyes alight and face more lively than you thought was possible for a gloomy looking man like him "got to bury them quick. Funerary services need to be done fast, or else, recently at least, you'll end up dealing with a loudmouthed ghost, if you're lucky!"

"Sounds like superstition to me" Tie Zhen said, and you almost felt sorry for him, knowing what a skeptical mind like that would go through after being welcomed into your primary, graveside temple

"Churl, you're speaking to a mystical shape shifter, who has tamed armies of the dead to march to her banner and whom has slain immortals!" Yue You laughs, as stretches out his fingers and balls them into a tight fist, ready for throwing "Is it so unlikely the dead rise? You've must have seen them in the morning mists, or milling about near graveyards!"

"Lots of wanderings souls in Chuan, I blame the blizzard" Wen snorted

"Ah yes, that unusual weather phenomenon had even the occultists in lord Chuan's employ baffled!" Ma Wencheng exclaims excitedly, flicking up his glasses "Before it was revealed to be the work of villainous daoist mystics!"

"Hey, I'm here, there's no reason to waste your breath not talking to me!" You shout, cutting short their meandering discussion about seemingly everything beneath the heavens, and forcing them to focus on YOU their soon to be master and teacher "And I've gathered you together, so I could get a feel for your characters and personality, and what better way to get to know you all, then a few questions. chosen randomly! By me!"

"Of course" Yue You submissively answers, kneeling down, head bowed

"Hmm?" Wen grunts

"Oh, well, I'm not interesting" Tie zhen answers

"Oh of course, I've prepared for harder interviews!" Ma Wencheng answers seriously

"Do I need to? You've known me since I was a little brat!" Just drawls, crossing her arms and dismissively looking the other way

You snicker.

triple Vote !

What kind of questions do you ask them

>General ones, about their history and life they lived before entering the tournament and talents/ interests. just casual conversation

>About their ambition, dreams and goals in life. Every cultivator needs ambition, something to strive to achieve, besides immortality alone

>About their feelings of cats and kids and a few hypotheticals to test their morals and three views of the world.

>How they feel about gods and their beliefs about the heavens, and of the supernatural, particularly ghosts, blood sucking ghosts and devils

>Something else (write in)

And do you tell them anything about yourself

>No. They aren't worthy of it, yet, well except Ju

>Tell them of your own lofty ambitions

>Proudly boast about how amazing and beautiful you are, switching between your two forms as you speak

>Just make small talk about your hobbies and interests, outside of cultivation

>Something else (Write in)

And who do you honor by giving them a seat next to you during the martial contest, Huanliuxue (Choose two)

> Su Zhe'xínglǚ, the sect head of the five colors and five purities.

>Xia Jinse-Shayu, the sect head of the summer sea dawn and your subordinant

>Lian Tianhua, Lian Luli's sister and the matriarch of the Lian clan and the head of the thousand lotus hall

>Shidi Xiudao, the sect head of the dusk marsh wolves and the rival of Xia Jinse-Shayu

>Shandian, the storm shrine's sect head

>Disi-Ling Huofeng, the head of the temple of celestial fire

>The current Weiwupo of the innocent witch court

>The head of the white jade devil opposing army

>Xue Long, your brother, just too lord over him the superiority of the Palace of Natural laws





>Lian Luli



>The Buddhist Master Shoushan, apparently a few Buddhists are partaking in this part of the tournament

>All five of the previous winners

>Someone else (Write in)
>Their ambitions
>Test their three views of the world.

>Tell them our lofty ambitions. And of the near future's clash with the Ling clan.

>Old master thousand
Hopefully the reason I choose to put a Ling master near us for the fighting match is evident.
Our Buddhist friend, mostly to provide expert commentary and display our fondness for buddhists
>About their ambition, dreams and goals in life. Every cultivator needs ambition, something to strive to achieve, besides immortality alone
>No. They aren't worthy of it, yet, well except Ju

>The Buddhist Master Shoushan, apparently a few Buddhists are partaking in this part of the tournament
>Disi-Ling Huofeng, the head of the temple of celestial fire
>>About their ambition, dreams and goals in life. Every cultivator needs ambition, something to strive to achieve, besides immortality alone
>Just make small talk about your hobbies and interests, outside of cultivation
just some understanding and smol talk
>Xia Jinse-Shayu, the sect head of the summer sea dawn and your subordinant
>Shidi Xiudao, the sect head of the dusk marsh wolves and the rival of Xia Jinse-Shayu
Another set of rivals bickering.
Huan showing her cat self drenched in water.
Truly the most dignified of beings.

I'll support this vote, no need to squash their ambitions by comparing them to ours, they will shift and grow as they interact with the world of immortals.

As for those who sit next to us showing support for the Disi-Ling is a good statement, as is showing a bit of favor for the buddhist who usually wouldn't have the chance to showcase their valor.
>About their ambition, dreams and goals in life. Every cultivator needs ambition, something to strive to achieve, besides immortality alone
A good place to start, and a great way to gauge their temperament as well.
>Just make small talk about your hobbies and interests, outside of cultivation
As skilled as they may be, they are at the bottom of the ladder at the moment. Let them climb a little higher before we start dumping our earth shaking, heaven usurping ambitions on them.
>Xia Jinse-Shayu, the sect head of the summer sea dawn and your subordinant
We have already invited multiple sect heads ahead of our direct ally despite calling Su up immediately, I would like to correct that before he takes offense. I'm sure he will get a kick from getting called up here before Shidi.
>Disi-Ling Huofeng, the head of the temple of celestial fire
This, martial brothers, is what is referred to as "foreshadowing"
>>About their ambition, dreams and goals in life. Every cultivator needs ambition, something to strive to achieve, besides immortality alone
>Just make small talk about your hobbies and interests, outside of cultivation
>Xue Long, your brother, just too lord over him the superiority of the Palace of Natural laws
>Disi-Ling Huofeng, the head of the temple of celestial fire
It'll be funny
>About their feelings of cats and kids and a few hypotheticals to test their morals and three views of the world.
>Just make small talk about your hobbies and interests, outside of cultivation
The Buddhist Master Shoushan, apparently a few Buddhists are partaking in this part of the tournament
>Disi-Ling Huofeng, the head of the temple of celestial fire
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Ending and tallying the vote now.

About their ambition, dreams and goals in life. Every cultivator needs ambition, something to strive to achieve, besides immortality alone:6

About their feelings of cats and kids and a few hypotheticals to test their morals and three views of the world.:2
Tell them our lofty ambitions. And of the near future's clash with the Ling clan.:1

No. They aren't worthy of it, yet, well except Ju:2

Just make small talk about your hobbies and interests, outside of cultivation:4

The Buddhist Master Shoushan:4

Disi-Ling Huofeng,:6

Xia Jinse-Shayu:2

Shidi Xiudao:1


You will ask, Yue You, Wen, Tie Zhen, Ma Wencheng, and Ju of their ambitions, dreams and goals in life, since every cultivator needs ambition and something to strive for

and reward them by telling them of what hobbies and interests you have outside of cultivation.

And will Honor the blind buddhist master Shoushan and the One Armed Sect Head of the temple of celestial fire, Disi-ling Huofeng by giving them the seats beside you during the martial contests

Update will arrive shortly
"Of course you have to, Ju, because only I've heard it. No reason to be tight lipped and secretive around your future martial siblings, your comrades in arms. Unless you're strong enough to challenge all the nine heavens alone" You teasingly explain, flicking your tail as you pace around the grumpy faced girl, and before anyone can mistake your sagely wisdom for arrogance add "Even the mighty me needs companion and allies, Kindred spirits and like minded souls. And acting mysterious doesn't looking pretty on everyone Ju'er, like it does for me"

Or Qiang, but if you say that, the misunderstanding of her being your daughter may grow impossible to disprove without a little wide spread killing. You snicker as you watch Ju's pouting face flush red and she slaps your tail away from her face grouchily, as Yue You titters alongside you.

"And, as proud as I am and confident of the power I've cultivated within myself, cockily thinking you can exist alone in the world and face every calamity and danger in your way, is a good way to end up dead with all your arrogance and ambitions" You sneer as you twist and turn around, grinning gleefully at the victors of the lowest of the tournaments contests "And, my once aged mother once told me, cultivating without a goal, centering your life on the pursuit of extending it for a thousand or so years, leads to you living a very dull life! Even if you survive as a lone wolf, what ambitions would be withing your reach, what goals could you strive towards, what dreams could you make reality without support! And it is because a cultivator's ambition is about as important as the quality of their foundations and simple natural talent, that the question I pose to all of you, even adorable little Ju'er, is, what are your ambitions?"

Yue You opens his mouth, and you lift a paw, commanding silence, as you were not through speaking.

"Why do you want to cultivate, what is the strength you seek for. What goal will the awesome powers you harness service. What are your dreams in the immortal life you wish to live, or even the mundane one you lead before proving yourselves worthy of my teaching?" You ask as Ju groans, and grinds her teeth while Yue You silently closes his mouth and rubs a lock of golden hair thoughtfully

"You already know mine" Ju rumbles shaking her head before forcing a strained smile on her youthfully pretty face, sharing her brother's former good looks "But I'll tell these idiot boys it as well. I want to be strong, so I don't have to have someone die protecting me again. I want to be strong so I never have to be protected again, but so I can protect others, like my big brother Fu and late father Ru did for me when I was little and being carried off by that piece of shit tiger! So no one else has to throw themselves into dangers jaws but me, I'll be tough and make myself strong, so no one, not even you master, need to worry about tigers, or demons, or any arrogant deity!"

"My my, the fire inside her belly is larger than her whole body. Impressive" Yue You half teases and half praises "That is certainly an admirable ambition, to become one of the mighty, a peerless power, to protect the world from the rest of the strong. Very lofty. Some may call it righteous, even, living to shield others from all the harms in the world"

"Oh? Do you think yours is better, spoiled little lord?" Ju defensively snaps, snarling at him as he continues playing with the same lock of his hair, twisting it between his fingers and braiding it

"I wish to learn, and prove myself more than my origins" He replies, completely unmoved by Ju's threat of barred teeth and clenched fists "Which, many would think would be pointless, considering the height the Yue clan reached before my birth, and the wealth I forsake in abandoning my inheritance. However, they are unaware of the true breadth and size of the world. Moon-Dew. A myth. Yet I created it in a day of toil, through my research and confidence that it could be done, even as wise masters all around me muttered their disbelief that it could be extracted from that queer glass you gave me! And I have witnessed far higher peaks I must climb"

He says that with his eyes set determinedly on you, and a flash of embarrassment rushes through you, but it quickly wanes and vanishes

"I wish to see all of the world, all of existences, and experience it all, learn about everything, from the highest peak of existence! The heavens! All there is to know, I wish to know, and if the insights I acquire bring me renown or make other's lives more pleasant lived, well that will simply make my goal all the more fruitful to reach" He continues on, turning away and smiling up to the sky and the distant uncaring heavens

"Don't like how you looked at our master" Ju mumbled angrily, shaking her head "So you just want to be smart is that it? Smarter than anyone or anything else"

"A different kind of cultivation, and a self indulgent goal" You rumble, looking at his back "You seek to become wise to experience all life has to offer. Are you a hedonist You?"

"Mmm, Guilty. If there are sights I haven't see, there is wealth and pleasures I have not experienced. Why, is this not an acceptable ambition for your student, great one?" He purred so perfectly you wondered for a moment if he might be a cat beside you or Yinying who attained human form somehow with you noticing

"I've heard worse" You answer with a smirk "And know you'll get along with my mother at least, just make sure not to only read about cultivation resources and methods, once you begin you cultivation, Boy...Wen, you want to go next, you have a nice look in your eye"

"Yes, unlike this self centered prick, I came here and sought to enter the world of immortals, to quiet the dead. The natural cycle of life and death is clearly in need of re-wheeling, with how many ghosts linger in the mortal realm. I just want to gain mystical power, so I may guide them to their next life, or whatever it is that happens to us once we leave this realm" He answers immediately "Even the monstrous and dangerous spirits, sinful hungry ghosts, every kind of dead. I would join the dead, if it meant putting even one of them to rest. And if I couldn't, but saved even one other person from the madness or hunger of the wicked souls wandering the world, well, that'd be just fine by me as well"

"Oh, I might have found Ping his first disciple, having more than than one...er, two exorcists" You answer, before remembering that Huili also knows a few exorcist techniques, since he also practices the nigh lantern Sutra (夜灯笼真经, Yèdēnglóngzhēnjīng) "In the palace of natural laws will be a boon"

Wen smirks at Yue You, whose easy going smile twitches half way to a frown

"And you're going to meet a lot of ghosts, Huanliuxue attracts them, I think" Ju snickers while Yue You's frown twitches and deepens

"A perfect fit for the temple, like a well carved cobblestone" He remarks, bitchily "But I'll leave dealing with the dead to you, and this Ping fellow, then. I trust you'll service the sect we'll join well, Sir Wen"

"No need to be bitter I and the girl have better ambitions than, see the world and indulge in it" Wen snorts and you giggle at the face Yue You makes after it, which just makes it funnier as he gets flustered

"Protector, hedonist, and grave guide! Ma Wencheng! You! Speak!" You shout at the quiet, glasses wearing scholar who nods

"Simple, I wish to use my intellect and breadth of knowledge to be an architect in building a more efficient means of governance that befits the people rather than the nobility. Having the ability to reshape the world to my will, will make it easier to carry out my reforms, through threat or literally remaking the landscape, political or not. It is easier to ensure all are fed, when a drought can be ended in a day by creating a river, rather than months or years too late by redirecting a river or several with labor. That is why I came here, figuring even if I did not succeed in entering into your service, I'd find a position of enough prominence that would at least allow me to make mundane adjustments to protocol and reforms to societal...."

"Shut up! You really have a mouth on you, huh? I get it, you want to become a cultivator to have the power to make peoples' lives better and make the way the civilized world less stupid. We do not have all day to go step by step over your plans about it, but as a ruler who understands it that a good and strong ruler seeks benefits for their citizens instead of themselves, I approve! As I often say, the weak may be prey to the strong, but it is the right of the strong to lead the weak, rather than bully them. Tie Zhen, what have you got to tell me about your dreams"

"Kill a god, I guess" he snorts, rubbing a finger under his nose

You blink slowly at him, without thinking about it

"What?" Ju cackles

"Oh my, quiet and scary here must want to impress that demon man in your temple" Yue You titters, glancing at you for any scrap of approval

"Hmm, interesting, wonder what a god's grave would look like" Wen pondered

"Actually, before anyone asks if its possible, there are ancient records of gods being slain in battle against the abhorrent supreme devil mind and her nightmarish hordes, in fact, to theologians, it is widely accepted that few if any of the old pantheon survived the conflict against" Ma Wencheng starts, and you suddenly realize he and Aodasheng will get along, if the ghost king doesn't just kill him on a whim or for annoying him

"Interesting~" You purr, stalking up to the smith "And may I ask why that is? Did they not listen to your prayers? Did you befriend a talking beast like me? Childhood sickness kill your mother or?"

He frowns, brown furrowed

"Not much to it, I'm named Anvil because of them...er, one of em, at least. My family served a rich temple for generations, I've seen where the alms went, and that gods don't give blessings. Sure, they aren't the ones who named me anvil, but I can't well beat my father's head in on my namesake for it, he was trying to do good by me, after all. They ain't ever do anything good for me, so I want to kill one, if its the one who took my prayers and ignored them, that's best, but I'd be content with scattering the brains of any deity...er, cept yourself, your majesty" He answers bitterly, eyes flaring with a grudge that has a peculiar taste, before they soften and he scratches his chin and grunts "Actually, why is it you stepped out of your celestial palace to help us mortals and live amongst us, is it like a hobby or something"

"I'm just worshipped as a god, and haven't a drop of divinity in my blood, well at least I don't right now, but I find doing good deeds to be...satisfying, it feels good to be heroic and noble, and is befitting of one of my station know? A cruel empress is nothing to be talked about, let alone praised and admired" You answer with a smile as he sighs in relief

"Oh, good, thought I'd offended you" Zhen laughs as Yue You snaps his fingers

"So righteousness is a hobby to you?" He asks as Ju laughs

"She has plenty hobbies, she doesn't need her good deeds to be counted among them" She taunts, wagging a finger "Trust me, I've seen where her whims can take her, besides charity and that kind of stuff!"

"First, Tie Zheng, the rest of you, I hate the gods, their rule made what I am illegal until recently and only in Chuan do people understand I am not a monster or demon. They got countless generations of my kind murdered and slaughtered for their beasts cores and organs. That you already hold them in contempt, just makes me like you more, secondly, No. If it were a hobby, I'd travel the world doing heroic and selfless deeds, if I'm in the mood to help someone, I do, its that simple. Third, I do have a lot of hobbies and interests, because I live an exciting and colorful life, even for a cultivator" You rapidly answer, lifting up a paw "I play the Guqin, I garden, I have my fing..er, paw on the throbbing vein of fashion and culture, I am fascinated by the true history of the world, I've explored places that no one else had ever seen. I'm fascinated by death, I will admit, never really understood why people get uncomfortable around moldering bones and rotting corpses, we all die you know?. I read casually, though I won't tell you what types of books I read, I have dabbled as an author myself! I like watching and playing with kids, even brats like Ju here, heh-heh. I occasionally go on killing sprees and wipe cities clean of their criminal element, I like drinking tea and eating fancy and expensive meals. I enjoy conversation with ghosts, visiting hell....really, it could take a year for me to list all of my interests and hobbies that don't pertain to my cultivation, Heh-Heh"

"Oh, you like fashion?" Yue You challenges "What is the current most sought after blush"

"In noble circles? A peachy red produced from crushing clams and mixing them with the sap of a tropical tree. I was given some of it as an offering at the shrine the Xia clan maintains for me" You answer, and the bitchy You nods with approval

"Tea? what kind?" Ma Wencheng asks

"Whatever is tasty?" You answer with a shrug as Wen lifts up a finger "And ghosts have a lot to say, when they aren't insane due to an over abundance of deathly yin qi

And somehow, you find yourself answering a lot of these questions and small talking about your various hobbies you told them about, and revealing a few more due to the pestering of Ju and You, but you keep the fact the novels you read are often romance novels and that you attend a book club filled with cut sleeve enthusiasts close to your chest. Since that is a secret you'd kill to keep. Literally. And without remorse.

In fact there's so much to talk about, both yourself and the winners of the contests, that by time it gets boring, the martial contests are about to begin!


And when you slip away, when Ma Wencheng is enthusing about how the various types of tea are harvested and processed and age, leaving him to torture the rest of the victors of the pre qi condensation contests with his expansive understanding of seemingly everything there is to be taught beneath the heavens, you make your way back to the arena. And find the two guests you've given the honor being seated right next to you in your private viewing stand waiting outside of the gate, ignored by the crowds slowly flowing into the stands past them

"Huanliuxue" Disi-Ling Huofeng greets with a bow with his one hand held flat, the knot tied on the sleeve of his missing arm flapping as he does "I thank you for this honor, being seen at your side should make it obvious that the Disi-Ling and the temple of celestial fire have cut ties with the main Ling clan, and are not the enemy of Chuan any longer"

"Oh, and just now you were moaning about her gathering the broken and crippled around her" Elderly Shoushan cackles, eyes gleaming with mischief

"I was merely complaining about how it'd be seen, I wouldn't want the state of us to reflect poorly on our host, though, considering her ties with Buddhists like you, I can tell she isn't overly concerned about such things" Huofeng snaps back, as the old priest laughs

"She is a rare breed of daoist, who sees we are more alike than we are not, and these clouded eyes of mine do not make me as blind as the common sort of daoist, hm?" the old man retorts expertly "And I do extend my gratitude to you as well, Lady Huanliuxue, my fellow buddhists will be overjoyed to see one as venerated as I watching their matches beside the Red Cat Goddess herself, it may inspire on of them to reach the end of this contests, even"

"You speak courageously for a man without cultivation or spiritual energy" Huofeng remarks off handedly, eyeing Shoushan suspiciously "There's more to you than how you choose to appear, old priest"

"His name is Shoushan, Ling, he's a friend of mine, and there is. Buddhists just don't flaunt their power as readily as we Daoists to" You answer sharply, and Huofeng bows his head as you do "And I'm certain they'd have realized you weren't the enemy when you gave up that arm of yours helping me crush the winter blossoming sect, er, well in hindsight I mean, before my trial, they probably branded you as a cult of heretics like me, Heh-Heh"

"Fortunately, they didn't pay us much attention, and the beast stampede has kept the main branch occupied on matters beside crushing their revolting cousins" He answers with an attempt at a good natured smile

"Oh, just because you were a little rude does not mean you are revolting, Lord Disi-Ling" Shoushan consoles with a pat on the other man's shoulder, which makes the one armed man laugh

"Haah, it is good to laugh at one's self every now and again, You are better company than I realized, Shoushan, perhaps in the lulls of the fight, you and the Huanliuxue can tell me, how a seemingly ordinary Buddhist monk and the Bloodshed herself became acquainted" He asks as he follows the two of you into the theater of the martial contests, as you and Shoushan, blind though he is, exchange playful glances

"Volunteer work" You both answer in sync with the other, which seems to unnerve poor Huofeng

"Well, then, I'd ask you to explain when the fighting gets dull" He quickly recovers, flicking his sleeve and waving his hand "Though I doubt there will be a lack of excitement, And I do need to pay close attention to even the losers"

"Replacing the losses you've taken recently?" You shamelessly ask

"Yes" He bluntly replies "The main branch is powerful, and the Disi-Ling need every advantage they can before winter arrives and we strike back against them"

"Well, perhaps, some kind hearted, war minded Buddhists may take up your cause for their own" Shoushan idly remarks, stroking his cane as you help him up the steps, holding your hand out to him as you lead him to the top of the arena, which judging from the clamor and excitement of the crowd beneath you, the first match is already underway. Throwing a glance down at the ring, you can see that its the two brothers, Boat Cat and Sea Cat and frown sadly at the sight of them fighting, with an anchor and a net and trident. Seems fate has pitted the two against each other early one, so even if one of them makes it to the end, the other will have lost in the first round.

What shitty luck!

Double Vote

How close do you pay attention to the fights

>Extremely, you are always working on refining your ghostly feline martial arts, and are curious what kind of fighters may join your sect

>Closely but only for the matches where one or both of the martial artists are noticeably talented or make use of strange styles

>Only for the ones in which you recognize one of the combatants

>Not much, only when the fights get exciting

>Write in

And what do you talk to Shoushan and Huofeng about, as you watch the fights, Huanliuxue?

>About the fights and ask them to give you and the crowd their thoughts on them with a shared voice amplifying spell

>Now that you have Shoushan alone, finally ask him about that Journey to the west story Buddhists like to reference around you, and Huofeng can hear it to!

>Explain to Huofeng why you hate his family and offer to get him a new arm, since he hates them to, and that practically makes you friends, doesn't it?

>How the buddhist daoists relations in Chuan are going. A lot of Buddhists temples migrated here recently and that isn't counting the massive army of enraged monks that came to fight Daoists on your behalf...

>Write in
>Closely but only for the matches where one or both of the martial artists are noticeably talented or make use of strange styles

>Explain to Huofeng why you hate his family and offer to get him a new arm, since he hates them to, and that practically makes you friends, doesn't it?
This man gave us an arm and has been waiting for our aid, lets give him a *Hand*.

>Offer to get him a new arm.
>Ask how the Buddhist relations are going
We should keep an eye on the religious splits. Also yes, killing Ling does make us friends. Even when you are a ling.
>Extremely, you are always working on refining your ghostly feline martial arts, and are curious what kind of fighters may join your sect
>About the fights and ask them to give you and the crowd their thoughts on them with a shared voice amplifying spell
Only proper since Shoushan can't see
>Closely but only for the matches where one or both of the martial artists are noticeably talented or make use of strange styles
>Explain to Huofeng why you hate his family and offer to get him a new arm, since he hates them to, and that practically makes you friends, doesn't it?
>Closely but only for the matches where one or both of the martial artists are noticeably talented or make use of strange styles

>Now that you have Shoushan alone, finally ask him about that Journey to the west story Buddhists like to reference around you, and Huofeng can hear it to!

>Explain to Huofeng why you hate his family and offer to get him a new arm, since he hates them to, and that practically makes you friends, doesn't it?
>Closely but only for the matches where one or both of the martial artists are noticeably talented or make use of strange styles
>Explain to Huofeng why you hate his family and offer to get him a new arm, since he hates them to, and that practically makes you friends, doesn't it?
...can we give him an arm? We can probably figure out how to grow one given our skill set, but last I checked we haven't done something like this before. Correct me if I am wrong.
Either way, poor dude has been wrestling with a bad hand for a while, and has been helpful to boot, so we might as well make the effort to turn an alliance of convenience/desperation into an more positive one.
>Extremely, you are always working on refining your ghostly feline martial arts, and are curious what kind of fighters may join your sect
>About the fights and ask them to give you and the crowd their thoughts on them with a shared voice amplifying spell

I'd just find it more funny for Huan to become super autistic about the combat matches and provide running expert commentary on every move
I'm gonna update the paste bin so if anyone can remember when was the last time we got power ups before the sea monster, I'll get to it.
we've had the ability to bring back stuff like limbs for a while. First thing I brought up when I caught up with the quest is why we didn't bother giving qiang her eye or I believe feiqing, his face. We've had feats of well beyond their capability, but given that we have mastery over flesh and blood, and we were able to cat morph and de-cat morph people, an arm should be no issue.
Reminder to add Qiang’s enmity incarnation. It gave us her skills with a sword, as well as her ability to predict the movements of enemies.
Feiqing I believe the common thought was dude will probably find a way to reforge himself. Now why we’ve never offered Fu the opportunity to have his mauled body fixed I don’t know besides us being like Huan and getting distracted.
Some issues there.

They were mortals we were changing, Disi Ling is a golden core like us. But we are the glorious Huan, so such a trifling matter will be easily achieved.

As for Feiquing, his face is motivation to reforge himself.
For Fu, it's never bothered him. So why fix that isnt broken.
Ending the vote, tallying the result now. Was too stressed out yesterday to do it, since I had just learned my own grandfather caught covid and is in the hospital, and nearly worried myself sick.

Closely but only for the matches where one or both of the martial artists are noticeably talented or make use of strange styles:5

Extremely, you are always working on refining your ghostly feline martial arts, and are curious what kind of fighters may join your sect:2

Explain to Huofeng why you hate his family and offer to get him a new arm, since he hates them to, and that practically makes you friends, doesn't it?:5

How the buddhist daoists relations in Chuan are going. A lot of Buddhists temples migrated here recently and that isn't counting the massive army of enraged monks that came to fight Daoists on your behalf:1

About the fights and ask them to give you and the crowd their thoughts on them with a shared voice amplifying spell:2

Now that you have Shoushan alone, finally ask him about that Journey to the west story Buddhists like to reference around you, and Huofeng can hear it to!:1

So you will closely watch the matches with talented/ interesting fighters, and explain, for the first time to a ling, why you hate the Ling, to Disi Ling Huofeng and offer to get him a replacement arm.

Update will arrive shortly
However, despite how terrible the combined luck of the two sailing brothers is, their brotherly brawl is absolutely enthralling, and while you had planned to catch up with Grandpa Shoushan and maybe make sure Buddhists weren't lynching aggressively surly and ill-mannered daoists, at least in Chuan, or perhaps try and hammer out some kind of comradery with Disi-Ling beyond the present alliance of convenience and desperation into something more positive and enduring, the way the two burly, sun darkened men do battle with one another is so unique and thrilling that you're not the only one struck dumb and silent. Both the brothers have incredible talent with their abnormal weapons and counter the others skill from what must be a deep knowledge of how the other thinks and fights. The worst kind of a match up to have in a real fight, but the best for entertaining a crowd, the kind when both fighters have an intuitive, instinctive understanding of the other and their read of eachother begins to verge on outright precognition.

Boat Cat, Chuanmao, fights strangely cautiously for someone hefting around and swinging a mass of iron the size and width of the naval warship anchor he had some how procured, Chuandapo would probably be able to tell you how much it weighed, but it had to be more than his own body by several magnitudes. Sea cat, his brother Haimao, fought just as cautiously, circling around the breadth of how far Chuanmao could swing his anchor, spinning and twirling his net which you recognized from the crafting trials, trident held at his hip, eyes focused and bulging as he waited for his other half to close in near enough for him to safely strike without being at risk of being battered away or crushed by the barnacle encrusted anchor he was dragging around

You didn't notice it at first, but the tension in the air had drawn you over the railing, and you wear leaning over it, backside arched and eyes locked on the slow, relaxed dance of your two worshippers, wiggling your head and hips to match their paces as you watched, enchanted by the view as the boundless amount of air in the arena grew heavy with anticipation of thousands, Qi rising and swelling in the air as several other powerful cultivators who just like you became engrossed in watching these two strong men clash.

The actual fight, surely puts to shame most of the martial artists of Chuan and even a fair amount of the martially skilled Qi Condensation stage cultivators that call it home.

Despite how brawny they are, and without the mystical techniques and specialized training to refine their muscles and the body they're wrapped around beyond mortal limits and dexterity, the two brawny sailor brothers move with the swiftness of rogue waves. Doubtlessly, the mundane members of the audience, who do not see mount Tai, lose sight of them immediately, and no doubt the martial artists do as well, except those scrapping the very bottom of the world of cultivation.

But to your eyes, and the eyes of every cultivator in the crowd, they move sluggishly enough for you to analyze and study every move they make. Haimao makes the first one, closing the distance with a five pace sprint, throwing out his paralyzing net as Chuanmao's eyes flash and he lunges, charging with his shoulder forward before anchoring himself to the ground two steps ahead of where he began. Then, twisting around, he used the anchors weight to hurl it bodily at his brother. Haimao lept, using his trident's haft as a vault, and flew over the anchor as it flew through his net and carried forward through the air. Before it could slam into the arena wall, Haimao, with a grace that you could only call feline, spun around midair and pressed both his feet on the head of his trident, slamming it and himself down towards the head of Chuanmao, his own brother.

But Chuanmao, showing finesse equal to his brother's, side stepped, and as the anchor slammed into the lower wall, as the ringside audience scattered, spun around again, kicking out his leg in a whipping scythe strike as his brother met the ground at the same moment the anchor crashed into the beautiful wall you had made. It didn't dent it, but a hairline crack formed and blood dripped out onto the sand out of the stone. The first blow of the match when to Chuanmao, as he slammed his heel hard into the skull of Haimao, and sent him clattering to the ground. Showing now mercy or leniance or any kind of fair play to his own flesh and blood, Chuanmao charged, closing the distance between him and the stunned Haimao, his arms held out to his sides, hands wide to grab hold of him and you could, through your own honed fighting instincts, see only two outcomes that might come next when they met. Which was impressive, especially for mere mortals. But that just goes to prove the quality of those who sing your praises and worship you as their goddess, Heh-Heh-Heh.

The first possibility. Chuanmao grabs Haimao by his head, and drags him across the arena floor until he reaches the edge and hurls him out like he was a bucket full of fish guts.

The second, Haimao recovers quick enough to reach the dagger tucked in his boot, and the fight continues.

You smile, folding your hands together as the next few moments pass by like a shadow play. The second outcome is the one that actually happens, with Haimao sinking his knife into his brothers thigh and coiling around his leg like and eel before kicking him away with both of his feet, using the thrust of his legs to leap back onto his feet as his brother reels and stumbles towards the edge of the arena.

Haimao throws himself at him, moving to tackle him out of the ring, but Chuanmao slaps his wounded knee, spreads his legs apart and adopts a wrestlers stance, lowering his center of mass below the soles of his feet as he bows his head.

And like a thunder crack, grabs hold of his brother by both of his shoulders, taking another knife slash across his cheek as he rotates his shoulders and putting his back into it, slams him on the ground. Haimao briefly faints, but wakes up fast enough to dodge a series of hard, skull fracturing stomps his brother aims at his head. He rolls, and launches himself up back onto his feet the moment his palms touch the sand. He narrowly dodge a powerful punch launched at his jaw by Chuanmao, who shuffle steps closer.

And then the fight devolves into a fist fight , Haimao having dropped his dagger and Chuanmao apparently entering the arena with no weapon besides the anchor he tossed away the moment the fight truly began. The two are equally matched, but the outcome of the fight comes down to who got hit on the head more. And Chuanmao struck Haimao twice there before Haimao even began aiming for his brother's own head.

It is a long, drawn out, and brutal brawl, but Haimao succumbs and is knocked unconscious, and you only realize it was him from his tattoos, both the brothers had shattered teeth, broken their noses, and had black eyes, their faces puffing up with bruises.

And a moment after Haimao fell backwards onto the arena floor, Chuanmao fell to his knees, callused, thick fingers reaching and grasping at the wound that was spurting and oozing blood out of his thigh.

You noticed you were now the center of attention, as those who couldn't tell the brothers apart as beaten, bloodied and bruised as they were now, which was most of the audience, looked to you to see who had one and who needed to collect the winnings on their bets.

"Congratulations, Chuanmao! You and your brother, Haimao, managed to entertain me! What a vicious brotherly bloodshed, if you can still stand, walk out of the arena and get treated with your defeated opponent and hope the healers and doctors on staff are able to fix you up before your next match, Hmm?" You exclaim, clapping your hands and launching yourself explosively back to your throne by kicking off the railing "To be honest, I expected nothing else but the best from two of my most zealous of worshippers! Both of you have earned my regard!"

"They certainly have talent yes?" Shoushan chuckled "Though, their defense is lacking, both victor and loser would benefit from balancing their aggression with caution, and learning to protect their precious lives in combat, rather than using all they have as kindling for a sequence of explosive, but costly attacks"

"Get them armor and some medicinal steroids and stamina increasing pills, and a cultivation technique that allowed them to harness all of their bodies prodigious strength and improve their essence enough to fuel their powerful blows, and they'd be a lethal threat on the battlefield. Imagine, if they could move with the swiftness of the wind, but maintain the raw power of their strikes" Huofeng remarks excitedly "What talent! Even with simple, basic moves, a somewhat stable foundation and a cup's worth of refined Qi, and they'd make a name for themselves"

"Or they could use their strong arms for charitable means, rather than for the violence of war, sowing prosperity and benevolence rather than death and strife" Shoushan idly remarked, picking a scab on the back of his withered hand "They were born with strong bodies for a reason, beyond a warrior's life"

"A cultivator must expect to fight for their life any day, and be ready to die for their beliefs or by their master's orders as frequently" Huofeng countered as you listened to their debate with quiet fascination, hearing the names of the next two fighters, and deciding from a glance, and the fact they were both fighting plain and boring swords, that their match wouldn't be anywhere near as entertaining as the cat brother's bout and that they probably only had enough talent to be renowned in the martial world.

"What utter nonsense, your kind faired ten generations of peace, yet a few squabbles break out, and you begin professing a warrior's lifestyle" Shoushan snorted "And what, prior to your intersect wars, did you fight? Confused, scattered children, or near mindless spirits of the dead"

Disi-Ling Huofeng did not answer, and clearly calmed his boiling blood with a long, ponderous breath from his nose as he tempered his pride and temper with a brief meditation. When he had composed himself, you decided to chat with him while Shoushan stared blindly at the arena, tapping his fingers in rhythm with the clashing of steel, sensing them through his own, mysterious jmeans

"Do you know why I hate the Ling, Huofeng?" You ask, smiling blithely, the audacity of the question demanding his attention

"I've heard stories. That the ambitious Ling Meng, in his ambition to live as a warlord and become a conqueror in an era of peace, created you through his pointless slaughter of peasants" He answers plainly, though respectfully back "I assume, with how widespread this tale is, and that it hasn't been replaced with another myth of your birth, it is mostly true"

"Oh, well, yeah, that is basically right. Ling Meng burned my home to the ground for no reason but his own ego, and trampled and murdered children out of vainglory. I loved those kids, they died trying to keep the little cat I was safe, scared out of their wits, running through smoke and fire. It was their blood that made my fur and hair the color of blood, you know" You say, as Huofeng looks uncomfortably away "And it was the meat, blood and fat of Ling Men's soldiers and toadies that made me into a proper magical beast, I didn't know what I was, and just killed anyone wearing his colors, but when the enmity and hatred I felt subsided enough for me to think clearly, I remembered his face, sought him out, and avenged myself. But I only hated Ling Meng and the scum that followed him then, and satiated the grudge that made me me with his honestly quiet succulent flesh"

"You are aware, that hearing about how a relative, however distant that he was, tasted, is unnerving, especially when you tell me about this wearing a fairy's fair face" Huofeng snapped, hands folded on his lap and brow furrowed "Being told how human flesh tastes, is disquieting of the mind and greatly discomforts human hearts, like mine"

"Oh I am, it just amuses me is all. But see, I didn't really start hating the Ling, until they cried over Meng dying like the dog he was, when they pointed at me and called me a monster for devouring a child killer. When they sought me out, and put so much energy into killing me, they caused a war between two whole regions worth of sects and broke the peace the cultivation world enjoyed for however many years, all because they couldn't kill me and couldn't swallow their pride and admit their fuck up! They blamed the Winter Blossoming sect, they killed innocent magical beasts who had just woken up and new nothing of the world or even themselves. Yujijiao, was marked for death and massacred, because it was easier to send their wild bitch Yaonan after her than it was to face the truth, all their woes after my awakening and Ling Meng's death, were their own doing" You explain cordially smiling predatorially as you look into Huofeng's eyes and explain exactly why you hate the main branch of his clan and their crimes against you, all of beastdom and the people of Chuan "So as you can see, there isn't just one reason I despise the ling"

"I expected it to be more complicated and extensive than the legends would have us believe, I was unaware of most of those offensives" He answered back coolly, nodding his head "Though, I would ask you, for etiquettes sake, to not relish in describing the consumption of human meat in my company. Even if I can scarcely call some of my relatives of the main branch human, in terms of their character and actions"

"And you, why do you hate them? Sure you might be one of them, but we both want to kill Ling dogs, which makes us practically friends, and while I enjoy sampling all sorts of grudges, it is the resentment felt by my friends I find most delectable. And it can't just be frustration for how they've treated you and yours like their lapdogs and servants for however many generations, right?" You needle and press, leaning closer to him, still grinning wide enough to show off all of your teeth

He sighed deeply and reached towards his empty arm

"They commanded all of the disi-ling to hold lost ground and died when they fled from Chuan, after you revealed your presence and single handily took down the elite hunting squad sent by them and their former enemies, the Xue Clan" He explain coldly, eyes burning with disgust "And they killed my brother for openly refusing the suicidal command in their presence . The elders and patriarch of the main branch no longer tolerate disobedience of any kind, not after one of their number exposed their neck to that monster Yaonan and ended up headless for it. They demanded I seek you, or any of your followers out, and buy them time"

"For what?" You question curiously

"I do not know" He answered "They were frantic, crazed, unable to believe a beast had managed to rise so high with all the apparent effort of turning over her hand or fluttering her eyelashes. But they made it clear, they wanted us to give our lives to stall for time, even if they did not speak it outloud, after the war they began cost me many of my students and some of my friends. We were never well treated, but to become disposable over night, for a relative to cut down my brother for no reason besides refusing to die pointlessly for them. That, is when I started truly hating the main branch, though I've always disliked them, for their pompous attitude and many, many humilations of my family and sect"

"So we're in the same boat then" You snicker, nodding, patting the shoulder above the empty space where his arm would be "And thus, should strive to become friends, yes? Say, why not, as a gesture of good will, I replace this for you"

His eyes squinted, suspicious clear on the wrinkles of his face.

"And what, will that cost me, karmically? You are no outright demon, but, heretical and outlawed techniques are forbidden for a reason" He questions, though you can tell he is wanting any reason to accept from the wild, desperate look in his eyes

"Nothing, if I do it right, and I never make mistakes" You cackle back, flicking the sleeve of his missing arm playfully "It won't require you to betray your virtues or do anything wicked, but, it would be, in the eyes of the orthodoxy, quite taboo"

He closed his eyes, maybe trying to imagine or picture what kind of horrific and near demonic method you'd use to return his lost limb to him.

"I am grateful for your offer" He says, carefully phrasing his words, his tone measured but plodding "But in good concious, I cannot accept, without knowing what it is you'd do, and how I'd gain another arm"

"Smart man" Shoushan suddenly laughed, having been as quiet as a corpse for awhile "She might just staple and stitch a corpse or ghost arm to you, and even if it was donated willingly, despite all you'd be willing to do for power and self refinement, in your world view that wwould be a step too far, yes?"

Huofeng's hard expression softens, lips twitching in something that almost resembled a smile.

"I am not so ambitious as to toss away any standards of behavior and morality for my own gain" He chuckled "But, I suppose a ghost arm wouldn't be so awful, but only if I lost this other arm of mine

"Oh, then where is the line drawn? A corpse's arm? Or just one not given with permission? Or is it the prospect of being wholely crippled that you'd betray yourself, Huofeng? Huanliuxue? What are your thoughts?" Shoushan questioned, clearly trying to turn this into a learning experience for someone.

How do you answer, Huofeng, Huanliuxue

>By openly admitting you WERE in fact planning to stick a ghost's arm to his body. But that he can choose his arm from any willing donators

>By telling him about Yuyi and how you "Cured" her of her cat like features with a little internal alchemy and bloodwork. Remaking an army wholesale shouldn't be difficult.

>Offer to attach him the arm of one of the wretched Ling, doubtlessly they've built in some hidden treasures into their own bodies and have techniques that require them

>That you'll have Feiqing invent a mechanical arm for him!

>That you've always wanted to see what your blood Qi can create when really put to the test with alchemy, and wouldn't it be cool to have a dragon's arm as his own?

>Write in

Such diligence deserves many commendations and praise, junior! You have my thanks!
>I just want to push my blood Qi to the test. Say, don't you want Yang aspected arm? Or a dragons arm?!
>>By telling him about Yuyi and how you "Cured" her of her cat like features with a little internal alchemy and bloodwork. Remaking an army wholesale shouldn't be difficult.
Let's jsut give this man his own arm back.
If it comes out just the way it was he'd prob feel even more thankful.
Hope your grandpa turns out fine, man.
>By telling him about Yuyi and how you "Cured" her of her cat like features with a little internal alchemy and bloodwork. Remaking an army wholesale shouldn't be difficult.
>>Offer to attach him the arm of one of the wretched Ling, doubtlessly they've built in some hidden treasures into their own bodies and have techniques that require them
>Write-in Depends you've got options
>>By telling him about Yuyi and how you "Cured" her of her cat like features with a little internal alchemy and bloodwork. Remaking an army wholesale shouldn't be difficult.
>That you've always wanted to see what your blood Qi can create when really put to the test with alchemy, and wouldn't it be cool to have a dragon's arm as his own?
>By telling him about Yuyi and how you "Cured" her of her cat like features with a little internal alchemy and bloodwork. Remaking an arm wholesale shouldn't be difficult.
>That you've always wanted to see what your blood Qi can create when really put to the test with alchemy, and wouldn't it be cool to have a dragon's arm as his own?
>By telling him about Yuyi and how you "Cured" her of her cat like features with a little internal alchemy and bloodwork. Remaking an army wholesale shouldn't be difficult.

Behold the marvels of modern advanced sorcery!

I considered the mechanical arm a bit but while a marvelous creation being made by a lower realm cultivator it would probably be less effective than replacing his own real arm.
>By telling him about Yuyi and how you "Cured" her of her cat like features with a little internal alchemy and bloodwork. Remaking an army wholesale shouldn't be difficult.
>That you'll have Feiqing invent a mechanical arm for him!
>That you've always wanted to see what your blood Qi can create when really put to the test with alchemy, and wouldn't it be cool to have a dragon's arm as his own?
All three, if only to flex how limited their views on us are.
Think I got everything and everyone.
Only really needed to note our phyqical refinement in carmine mysticism and the change to moon collapse.

I'm not updating the Sect document until we have people undergo training.
Oh, did put that our young king has his human form now.
I think he's the 9th, but I can't remember
>>That you've always wanted to see what your blood Qi can create when really put to the test with alchemy, and wouldn't it be cool to have a dragon's arm as his own?
>By telling him about Yuyi and how you "Cured" her of her cat like features with a little internal alchemy and bloodwork. Remaking an army wholesale shouldn't be difficult.
Growing back the arm of a golden core cultivator might not be entirely straightforward, but I want to try. I would make for a good proof on concept too, we could immediately ask Qiang if she wants her eye back.
>By telling him about Yuyi and how you "Cured" her of her cat like features with a little internal alchemy and bloodwork. Remaking an army wholesale shouldn't be difficult.
Ending the vote, tallying its result now.

That you've always wanted to see what your blood Qi can create when really put to the test with alchemy, and wouldn't it be cool to have a dragon's arm as his own?:5
--I just want to push my blood Qi to the test. Say, don't you want Yang aspected arm? Or a dragons arm?!:1

By telling him about Yuyi and how you "Cured" her of her cat like features with a little internal alchemy and bloodwork. Remaking an arm wholesale shouldn't be difficult.:8

Offer to attach him the arm of one of the wretched Ling, doubtlessly they've built in some hidden treasures into their own bodies and have techniques that require the:1

Depends, you have options:1

That you'll have Feiqing invent a mechanical arm for him!:1

So you'll tell Huofeng about Yuyi and how you "fixed" her after accidentally turning her partly into a cat, with internal alchemy and blood refinement

Update will arrive shortly

Thank you for your supreme diligence record keeping junior, And yes he was

It goes

1. Huanliuxue
2: Jionghuagege
3: Tiexingege
4. Siwang
5. Yinying
6: Baifenchi
7: Huili
8. Chuandapo
9. Youzaiwang

Which means felines make up a perfect third of the beasts with human forms in the modern era, and insects hold another third between the geges and Baifenchi

Thank you, heard he woke up and nearly punched out a nurse the moment he did.
"Me, personally, I simply wouldn't lose an arm to begin with" You cattily reply to the old monk, resting and balancing your chin on the back of your hand, which you use to give a playful flutter in his direction, not letting slip that you could probably simply refine and transmute your body into blood and reshape it whole again if you were so grievously injured as Huofeng was after he decided to fight that contemptible bastard Xue Laohue one on one and, from what you've heard through gossip, had it frozen solid and shattered like a sheet of thin ice.

Huofeng is not greatly amused by your remark, but maintains a balanced and serene expression and polite attitude, nodding along as if your bragging is some sagely wisdom whispered down to him from the heavens. Shoushan just cackles under his breath, amused by the at times heaven's defying scale of your self confidence, but doesn't continue his philosophizing, allowing you to speak your offer freely to your other honored guest.

"However, I do have experience in repairing bodies, beside my own. Living bodies I mean. I have a friend, a doctor of no small renown by the name of Yuyi" You begin and Shoushan nods along, silently lending credence to your claim to the perhaps rightfully suspicious Huofeng

"A friendship which would've convinced even the most open minded of daoists of her supposed demonic nature" He remarks off handedly "Though, she did benefit from your temporary possession of her, even if rumors tell me she suffered some curious side effects"

"Side effects?" Huofeng asks, one eye brow raised, looking from the monk to your much fairer face

"Turns out when the soul of a sufficiently powerful magical beast can cause changes in human hosts, its similar to how some people have started growing animal parts around Chuan recently. Primordial Beast Essence resonates with certain human bodies. And they don't need to have a special physique or scandalous ancestory, if a spirit as saturated with primordial beast essence as mine enters them for a, uh, while" You explain cheerfully, waving your hand in the air dismissively as you also shake your head "But, that has nothing to do with your injury or how I intend to fix it, outside of how I turned Yuyi back to her plain old self after I accidentally improved her looks and made her a much more gorgeous woman by my mere use of her as a disguise of sorts"

Huofeng's gaze is piercing and he turns to Shoushan, his expression looking more baffled than accusing to your eyes.

"I met her while she and Yuyi were occupying the same body, and she did many good deeds at our temple and beyond" He answers with an approving air to his words "Though I've since heard from Yuyi, Lady Huanliuxue more or less strong armed her into the position of her human face, though without threats or abuse of any kind"

"I was more wondering how she is your friend after you accidentally transformed her body, she must be as forgiving as a buddha" Huofeng snorts, eyes flicking back in your direction "So how did you treat her affliction"

"Well, I only did it cosmetically, the essence that got trapped inside her ended up making her the founder of a feline bloodline, and she had a litter of cat eared and tailed kids not long after as a result, but she looks as normal as the day she was born, with all the features given to her by her mama and papa" You answer with a nod, rubbing your chin as you look up at the sky nostalgically "But to stop being coy and waving the answer like a cat-tail in your face, I used an expression of Blood Refinement"

"Blood Refinement (血精炼, Blood Refinement)!?" He immediately shouts back, eyes bulging "That demonic art?!"

"Tch, only if the sight of blood is too gruesome for your delicate stomach. The art itself isn't even or corrupting, in fact, if wielded properly it can be cleansing and purifying. And by applying the basic principles of alchemy, while using it properly, it can be transformative as well" You answer with a smile, that doesn't reach your eyes as you glare into Huofeng's own shocked eyes "Altering living blood still inside of veins, I practiced with some woodland creatures first, and quickly learned how to evolve them without any generational gaps, Heh-Heh-Heh"

"So you simply regressed the bodily changes of this Yuyi character?" He calms, settling his hand atop one of his knees, his armless shoulder twitching as his expression briefly flickered with discomfort of a phantom sensation

"Yep! A internal alchemy, some magic, all powered and conducted through her own blood, and her adorable ears went poof" You answer with a exaggerated pout "And I've only improved my skill with blood refinement, and grown more accustomed to the Pure Blood Qi powering it since then. At my current level, regrowing an arm should be no trouble at all. Sure, making a golden core worthy arm may be a challenge, but I've never shied away from a chance to prove my skill, Heh-Heh"

"How long would it take?" He asked immediately after you'd finished speaking

"Don't know for sure. I'd only be improving your natural healing to be so ridiculous it was no longer on this side of sanity" You answer with a shrug "Yuyi's changes didn't occur immediately, but considering how many pieces of her had changed, internally and externally, I think just remaking your arm shouldn't take too long or be too difficult for the talented me to accomplish"

"But it will take more energy and essence than was expended treating Yuyi's changes" He states as if he's the expert on blood manipulation between the two of you. It doesn't matter that he's right

"Of course, but I can refine blood, we can go cull a few thousand chickens if I don't have enough Qi to fix that injury of yours" You snicker, purposefully downplaying how grievous of an injury losing an arm is, to inspire confidence in Huofeng confidence that you can fix it, which you aren't entirely sure will be as easily done as you've made it seem "However, considering I spread Blood Qi where-ever I go, that should be a none issue"

"That would explain explains why Chuan has turned so peculiar after you began trampling around it" He mutters, glancing around at the archaic foliage hanging from the ceiling of your private seating box "And those odd plants populating this garden of yours"

"I am a fountain of the primordial breath of nature and the vigorous breath of life embodied" You brag, grinning as Shoushan clicks his tongue "So are you in? Have I convinced you? Or is blood refinement to scary for you to approach, Disi-Ling? Hm?"

"While it is rude of me to interrupt the discussion you two are having, one of my students is about to enter the arena, and will surely upstage the amateurs who followed the incredible display of prowess of those two brothers" He states, clapping one hand over the back of the other, drawing your attention "And I'd be remiss to not point out my fellow Buddhists unusual martial talent to my friend and most beneficent of hosts, you, Huanliuxue?"

"Eh, that's not Yongzheng" You grunt, seeing the man wearing a cloth mask swagger into the area, a bo staff slung cockily over his shoulders

"He is competing in the higher tiers of the tournament" Shoushan answers with just a hint of pride in his voice

"Is that safe? He isn't a cultivator, your kind doesn't practice the collection of spiritual energy" Huofeng says, worried for the safety of a man he hasn't met

"But we do seek enlightenment" He says, blind eyes locked on the strange, hooded monk stepping into the arena with an odd, loping gait

"Buddhists and Daoists have more in common than most realize" You chuckle, smiling at the old monk and just looking away for a moment from the arena floor nearly makes you miss the beginning of the short fight

The monk is more like a monkey with how acrobatically and quickly he moves. You can barely call what goes on between him and his opponent a fight, since doing so feels like an insult and disservice to the obviously skilled fighting monk. He dances around his more aggressive counterpart, a desert nomad with twin sabers, using a martial style that you've seen once or twice before, you don't know the name but it involves a lot of spinning, twisting motions and looks more suitable for a street dancer and her ribbons than a battle scared warrior.
And for a brief time, the two seem equally matched, until the monk gets serious, and he blocks one blow of the sabers and counters immediately with the other end of his staff. Then he starts vaulting, leaping, cartwheeling and even rolling around, over and under the nomad, whose dance like moves grow clumsy and sluggish as he struggles to just keep facing the bouncing monk Around. Your jaw drops just watching the buddhist ,who must've been an acrobat before he entered the monastery if he wasn't a monkey in his previous life, play with his opponent

And this humiliation goes on for a few moments longer before Shoushan wordlessly lifts his hand, And a moment later, you watch the brutish nomad go flying out of the arena. The monk had slipped his staff between his legs and with a flick, sent him sprawling out of the ring.

It takes several more seconds for the gong announcing his victory to be struck. And you can hear several familiar voices yelling in outrage. Seems some of your fellow cultivators took offense that a buddhist had won in a "Daoist contest" and with such insulting ease!

"His name is Xiang" Shoushan speaks as Huofeng picks up his jaw from the ground "He comes from an isolated temple in the mountains of Bǎo. He fought for you against the cruel daoists of the winter temple. He's been very excited to meet your acquaintance. And, he is a big fan of the story of the journey to the west, if you couldn't..."

"Uncle Shoushan" You interrupt, as kindly as you can manage "I do not know anything about this journey to the west you keep mentioning, and while I like you, my temper is easily lost when I am bullied"

"...He will be happy to explain it to you, I'm sure" The old man laughs, shaking his head

"I've only seem movements so fluid performed by those who have began to refine their bodies through intense, rigorous training" Huofeng remarks, clapping his forehead in astonishment

"We Buddhists also undergo intense training, physical, mental, and spiritual" Shoushan humbly states "We may not use mystical means to improve these transient vessels we inhabit, as you daoists do, but we do work hard to achieve mastery of them"

"Maybe we should exchange notes" you joke, as you wait for Huofeng to remember your previous conversation

"And yes, I do accept your offer, Huanliuxue, so long as the means used to obtain the blood fueling the treatment are not...illicit or evil in nature" He answers after sometime, after the monk Xiang takes the chance to showboat and incense the outspoken enemies he's made for himself in the crowd, for just showing up

"Bah, you're like a little child being given his medicine, you're talking to the person who made the Jade Doctor be called a saintess, who saved the emperor's life from his own sinful lifestyle with only medicine she had on hand" Shoushan teases, wagging his walking stick in the air "You can trust her, I know her character, she will not damn you on a whim..."

He frowns and rubs his chin in thought

"Probably. She did save and then help kill an emperor on just such a playful whim" He muses as Huofeng rubbed the stump of his arm, and did not continue the now uncomfortable conversation.

However, now that the next match was getting started, you realized it was going to be torturously boring compared the first match, and the spectacle of the flying monk you'd just watched.

What do you do while you wait out the uninspiring and unimportant matches of the martial contest, Huanliuxue?

>Quietly meditate and attempt to calculate how much refined blood and blood Qi you'd need to regrow Huofeng's arm ( Intellect trial. Variable DC)

>Ask Huofeng exactly how that piece of shit Laohue disarmed him, since you've heard a few stories about this

>Try to squeeze the knowledge of the journey to the west from the tight lips of the elderly Shoushan

>Leave your body and go wandering as a spirit, maybe spy on a few of your guests, or partake in the fights in someone else's body, Heh-Heh (Stealth trial. Auto-success)

>Write in

Also my fuck up here Blood Refinement (血精炼, Blood Refinement), amuses me greatly, since It reminds me of those old, poorly dubbed hong kong kung fu flicks.

It should've been "Xuèjīngliàn! (血精炼, Blood Refinement)", but I find it very funny the way it is
>Quietly meditate and attempt to calculate how much refined blood and blood Qi you'd need to regrow Huofeng's arm ( Intellect trial. Variable DC)
>Ask Huofeng exactly how that piece of shit Laohue disarmed him, since you've heard a few stories about this
>Ask Huofeng exactly how that piece of shit Laohue disarmed him, since you've heard a few stories about this

He lost it for our benefit may as well hear how it happened.

As for calculations, perhaps later.
>>Leave your body and go wandering as a spirit, maybe spy on a few of your guests, or partake in the fights in someone else's body, Heh-Heh (Stealth trial. Auto-success)
>Quietly meditate and attempt to calculate how much refined blood and blood Qi you'd need to regrow Huofeng's arm ( Intellect trial. Variable DC)
not that I am voting for it,
but I just realized the journey to the west is probably a divine beast heritage story.
Its quite literally about a monkey ascending.
He proceeds to stand in defiance of the heavens.
Holy shit Wukong our brother in arms where are you at
>Tell us the journey to the west!
>Quietly meditate and attempt to calculate how much refined blood and blood Qi you'd need to regrow Huofeng's arm ( Intellect trial. Variable DC)
Use some of his blood as seed blood and refine water to match the blood. In theory we could use some five elemental water to enhance the blood and fill in the lacking energy for a golden core cultivator. We could perhaps use precious materials to enhance it based on his cultivation method. Which would be something yang aligned.
>Try to squeeze the knowledge of the journey to the west from the tight lips of the elderly Shoushan
>Ask Huofeng exactly how that piece of shit Laohue disarmed him, since you've heard a few stories about this
>Leave your body and go wandering as a spirit, maybe spy on a few of your guests, or partake in the fights in someone else's body, Heh-Heh (Stealth trial. Auto-success)
That's a great idea.

I don't know about using 5 element water, it's quite balanced, but it is qi water that we can turn into blood. Which has to be better than regular water.

Could also use some stuff from the sea boar. Maybe.
>>Quietly meditate and attempt to calculate how much refined blood and blood Qi you'd need to regrow Huofeng's arm ( Intellect trial. Variable DC)

why wait to make the DC lower when we can do it now
"Me, personally, I simply wouldn't lose an arm to begin with" You cattily reply to the old monk
somewhere in the heavens, a house guard god sneezes
>Ask Huofeng exactly how that piece of shit Laohue disarmed him, since you've heard a few stories about this
We quite clearly have both of our arms.
How could we have lost them?


anyway fellow disciples.
What do any of you think about studying under the Buddhists for a little bit.
See if our good karma translates to Buddhist merit.
>Ask Huofeng exactly how that piece of shit Laohue disarmed him, since you've heard a few stories about this
Buddist study might give us an angle towards divinity from piousness...
Or perhaps since nirvana is (from my unenlightened undestanding) a form of enlightenment from nothingness and we have some ties to space void stuff it might give us insight never before attained by daoists or buddhists before now.

>Leave your body and go wandering as a spirit, maybe spy on a few of your guests, or partake in the fights in someone else's body, Heh-Heh (Stealth trial. Auto-success)

Speaking of monkeys, why don't we have a monkey disciple yet? One would assume it's pretty easy for them to awaken, considering how close they are to humans to begin with.
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Monkeys are close enough to humans to know it's not worth it
>Holy shit Wukong our brother in arms where are you at
We potentially had the chance to meet him on our first space trip, but things played out the way they did.
wait what
I don't remember that
I remember United States of Dao
but nothing monkey related.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Ending and tallying the vote now. Meant to do so yesterday, but couldn't find the time to.

Quietly meditate and attempt to calculate how much refined blood and blood Qi you'd need to regrow Huofeng's arm:5

Ask Huofeng exactly how that piece of shit Laohue disarmed him, since you've heard a few stories about this:5

Leave your body and go wandering as a spirit, maybe spy on a few of your guests, or partake in the fights in someone else's body:3

Try to squeeze the knowledge of the journey to the west from the tight lips of the elderly Shoushan:1

Use some of his blood as seed blood and refine harmonious five elements spring water to match it...etcL 2

So there's a tie between meditating, and asking Huofeng how he lost his arm, and since they can't be combined in the timeframe given of until the next interesting/ talented match

I'll tiebreak

1: Meditate
2: Ask about the arm

To be fair, Huan never lost her arms when they were cut off, and she didn't misplace either of them lol

Mi Shendao, the head of the eight heavenly gates sect, has an Ice Tailed Macaque among his beastly disciples, called Mi Wánpíshèng

It was the partner/ other sub path of Moon Maddened. Monkey's understudy, like how Sun-killer was the other choice you had when you picked the Blood Moon path.
Alright! Guess Huan will be crunching some numbers then!

Update will arrive shortly
Leaning back into your throne, you impatiently drum your fingers on its arms, the match after Xiang's progressing as dully as you thought it was, the styles used by both of the contestants being so ordinary and widespread that if you were paying any kind of attention to their match you'd be able to predict the outcome from the first move both of them made. Groaning, you glance at your company for the martial arts tournament, Huofeng, who is paying attention to even this so boring you might cry fight and Shoushan who is counting the prayer beads strung about his neck and chanting some buddhist mantra pleading for the protection of his fellows who are next to fight. For a moment, you lift yourself up, intent on asking Huofeng the dirty details of how exactly that unrepentant bastard Xue Laohue took his arm, before, as your eyes focus on the space where said arm used to sit before the frozen old fossil had his way with it, a flash of realization strikes you enough to force you back into a seated position.

A golden core cultivators body is far finer a treasure, and far more refined and profound in how it has been trained and imbued and empowered with Qi than any ordinary woman's form. Sure, kick starting an unnaturally fast and effective healing shouldn't be hard, due to the innate qualities of blood Qi, but the problem would be ensuring the arm that sprouts out of that stump is as strong and rich in spiritual energy as the rest of Huofeng's honestly impressive body. He's surely spent decades refining every strand of muscle and chunk of marrow and piece of bone inside of his body and unlike the ghostly yin Qi imbued arm you gifted Ping as you saved his life, you can't imagine the Disi-Ling patriarch would be too appreciative if you grew him back an arm that wasn't up to par with the rest of his carefully built and sculpted body. Just activating the Vein Hunting Eye (血管猎-眼睛, Xuèguǎnliè-yǎnjing) for a moment and glancing his way, shows you just how powerful his life force is and how rich his blood is with vitality, as well as some peculiarities of its flow that tells you he's created several secret organs or stowed some bodily treasures inside of himself.

That arm he lost must've been a treasure. That unworthy Gold core Ling Bitch you killed alongside the magnificent Xue Ming, had nails hammered into her arms you ripped off of her, enchanted, magical nails that reinforced and strengthened them. And while Huofeng is from a branch family, he is still the head of that family and the sect it heads, so he probably had similar gifts buried in the pounds of flesh he lost. Hm. Come to think of it, two of thing Ling you've met have lost their arms, could it be a familial curse of sometime or do Ling just have a bad habit of picking fight with things and people they really shouldn't piss off? A question for later

Now, you need to focus all of your mental energy and intellect on working calculations to figure out what exactly it'd take to replace the wonderful arm Huofeng lost while fighting on your behalf. A mark of a proper lordly character is being able to repay loyalty shown to you tenfold! And honestly, fighting the main branch Ling with a one armed man is the kind of risk you'd never take personally, the kind of gamble only an utter moron would make!

Roll 2d100. Best out of five. Higher result= better outcome
Rolled 21, 60 = 81 (2d100)

Check it out, the jack-off arm of the century
Rolled 44, 74 = 118 (2d100)

Rolled 88, 93 = 181 (2d100)

Dr. Huan is on the case.
Rolled 3, 49 = 52 (2d100)

Rolled 44, 94 = 138 (2d100)

181! You've reached a solution that is both economical and effective, a heavenly treatment for the cheap!

also, Junior, your words have afflicted me with a heart demon to see Huanliuxue in a nurse outfit.

update will arrive shortly
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Rolled 68, 41 = 109 (2d100)

While any dabbler of blood alchemy could refine a province into raw materials and extract their blood Qi and vitality to be able to brute force a golden core's arm back into existence, that is inelegant, brutish work and the kind of atrocity that gave Blood Qi and the arts, sorceries and techniques derived from it the bad reputation of being demonic cultivation. It is the sort of thing those unblessed with towering intellect would do in desperation to heal their own bodies, what untalented carmine mystics would pursue to unnatural bloat themselves with life force and stolen strength. And besides the grossness and contemptibleness of using so many innocent lives to heal one cultivator's injury, that kind of deed is simply as wasteful as it is vile and evil.

And while many others who'd refuse it for just that reason would meet an obstacle of finding a means to produce blood qi and blood of high enough quality to serve as a catalyst for the rebirth of such a profound limb as the arm of a golden core cultivator, for the blinding and peerless intellect and wit you were born with, it is as simple as coming up with a game for children. You won't even need to dip into you reserves of refined blood and purified blood qi to accomplish. It is an equation about as simple as one plus one making two. All that needs to be done is taking a piece of Huofeng, saturating it with his blood and your blood Qi, and transforming it into a seed of flesh, that you can implant in condensed refined blood from any source, though you could use his or your own to expedite the process of improving it with alchemical treatments and mystical rites. And with some of the basic principles of Red Dust Revival (红尘复兴, Hóngchénfùxīng), the price of blood you'd have to drain from your or his wrists could be reduced even further.

What would've taken a slaughter for anyone of lesser skill and insight to accomplish, you will be able to perform with a barely a pound of flesh and bone and a basin full of already Qi rich blood. The flesh should be taken from his shoulder, using the memories in its muscles and bones and the very blood still flowing through it as a foundation to craft a flawless recreation of his arm. Honestly, you're impressed with yourself, that it only took you a few moments of casual meditation to reach this conclusion, and find an answer that's brightened your mind with a wealth of new insights! If you meditated on them seriously, you're sure you'd invent an entire new path of medical techniques and healing spells or even further refine your carmine mysticism to new heights!

Success has sharpened your intellect. +44 to your next cultivation/ training roll. If your next training is in pursuit of medical techniques or blood aligned, the result will be treated as double effective!

You snap your fingers and emerge from you meditation

"Huofeng, if you want your arm back, I'll need to carve into your shoulder" You state in a severe, tone heavy with authority, meeting and locking gazes with the currently one armed cultivator "And a basin of my blood or yours, and before you ask me why, the flesh is needed to act as a seed. Blood and muscles contain memories of a sort, and I'll use them to recreate and exact match of the arm you lost"

"Truly?" He asks, blinking rapidly and dumbly, which is probably all he can to do not stare at you with a gaping mouth and looking like an even bigger idiot

"Impressive, isn't it? Seeing her natural genius in action" Shoushan idly praises, nodding his head demurely as he speaks "I wish I could see it plainly with these useless eyes of mine, it must be incredible, seeing her expressions shift as she closes in on a solution that would elude even the brightest of minds"

"Thank you for your kind words uncle" You titter cheerfully, covering your mouth with the back of your hand "And yes, I'm certain it will work. And that isn't just my pride speaking. It is the best and easiest way to produce an arm worthy of a golden core, though I'm sure those with better quality cores would take a bit more effort, the alternative would be refining blood and flesh until it reached a state that could barely pass as equivalent to the rest of that body of yours, crafted and sculpted through your long years of training and cultivation"

"I...expected I'd need to retrain any arm you gave me, this is astounding" He admits readily, stroking his chin to look like he understands any of what you just told him, but that's fine, you can't expect even an intellectual to understand the process you've come up with for regrowing his arm. He's just lucky he didn't lose it to a curse or...

"Wait, Huofeng, how did you lose that arm of yours anyways?" You ask quickly enough to catch him completely off guard "It might be important, curses and the like could complicate things"

"Xue Laohue hooked his scythe under it and pulled" He answered, wiggling his fingers "After I'd lost three of the five fingers attached to it to frost bite, brute forcing my way through his peerless and formerly renowned as unbreakable defenses. I faired better than most who tested their fangs against his, and that's because I had experience killing the Xue clan and their followers. A confidence that proved insidious, when he showed how adept he'd become at fighting those who practiced the same style of martial arts as I do, the diving phoenix fist that parts the sea, but he only used any magic on my arm after he'd cut it off, and held it above my head to gloat. Which is how I escaped that fight with my life"

"That shouldn't be a problem then" You blithely answer, curiosity as to what actually happened when the two of them clashed as well as the worry that Laohue would trouble you beyond his dog piss soaked grave both quieted as you turned your attention to the arena "And before you fret, you'll have all five of your fingers back when I craft your new arm, unless something goes terribly wrong"

"And what could go wrong?" He asks as you watch the young woman who won the match force her opponent, a veteran soldier dressed in a martial artists stuffy suit, to yield

"Nothing, since I'm the one doing it" You brag with a smirk "But a untrained, lesser manipulator of blood could accidentally birth a demon in the attempt, but don't worry, all I have to do is drain the chunk of you you provide of any lingering resentment and the blood inside of the fury it carries, very simple"

"Now I see why your golden core is of such an abnormally high quality" Huofeng chuckles as Shoushan looks at you warily

"It amuses me, that one so nice can speak of things that sound like you'll be cursed to just hear them so casually and sweetly" he remarks, wagging a finger as the next match starts.

Scratching Post (Māozhuābǎn, 猫抓板) and mortal decendant of the Xia clan, who is greeted with cheers from his cultivating relatives and boos from their rivals.

Maozhuaban is dressed in a ramshackle armor, befitting his past as a mercenary, while the Xia clan member is wearing a sailor's garb with shark skin leather nailed and stitched to it, and instead of anything sane or ordinary, walks into the ring with a fishing pole as his weapon.

You watch with baited breath, as your worshipper and the Xia clan member greet eachother with respectful bows, like they were old comrades greeting eachother after a long war. And then, after exchanging polite acknowledgements of the other's skill, begin fighting before the gong can be struck.

The hook and tether of the fishing pole go flying, And Maozhuaban ducks under them, avoiding it as his opponent tugs his arms and with an almost magical ability, controls the flight of the hook and string attaching it to follow Maozhuaban. And a moment later, your realize the string is made out of steel wire, when Maozhuaban strikes it aside and a shower of sparks fly between it and his blade. Judging from the sound it made, it is also razor sharp! This repeats several times, with Maozhuaban using a common place style of swordmanship, that while lacking flair or unique stances or strikes, has been clearly refined into his hands so the basic swings and mundane moves he performs with his sword have become masterful. The finesse with he wields that sword would probably impress Qiang, the best swordswoman you know.

He doesn't need flashy techniques to fight, and having mastered the basics of swordsmanship and honed it to his natural strengths and talents, only slightly adjusting the thrusts and slashes to better fit his strengths and balanced but confident fighting style, Maozhuaban has an obvious martial talent. And you realize, practices more than one style of swordsmanship, since the one he is using in this fight, is completely different from the flowing and elegant moves he used in the tacticians' contest, and nowhere near as dance like.

But the fishing pole fighter still puts those skills to the test, and scratching post earns a few more scrapes and cuts dodging and brushing away the cutting steel wire. But with an almost scary look on his face, Maozhuaban closes the distance and thrusts his sword forward, the xia clan mate steps back and the former mercenary catches him by his collar, headbutts him, and knocks him out with pommel strike to the back of the head that is so hard it makes a ringing noise.

He turns to face you, lifts up his sword, then cups his fist and bows deeply,

The next match is no less exciting, as the shidi clan member from the tacticians' trials, Shidi Li, that Maozhuaban beat, gets a second chance to prove himself worthy of your sect. And his performance is met with applause, as he takes down a buddhist monk who fights with a meteor hammer, down with nothing but his fists and brawn. Though that is because he had lost his glaive when he'd slammed it flat against the monk's back, who with a flex, tensed his muscle enough to make the haft break rather than his spine.

Ho, the chicken farmer, surprises you by how well he fights, after being given just a few lessons by Moazhuaban. Using a rope, he quickly overcomes his adversary, who was, according to some of the gossiping you heard from the stands below you, renowned in the martial world for his skill. But he never got to show that skill, as the lanky chicken farmer bound his wrists with the rope and pinned him to the ground and hammered his head with flicking punches until he gave up and fell unconscious. And it was lucky for the cocky martial artist he got knocked out, cause you weren't able to stop yourself from howling with laughter when he did.

And after Ho wins, a wild beast enters the arena. And you almost feel sorry for their opponent, because apparently an awakened gorilla who'd heard of the tournament had come down from the mountains and entered his name in the martial tournament. Which, he is allowed to do, since you didn't ban beasts from partaking in the the rest of the tournament outside of the beast only bracket.

And, well, no matter how much you train with spear and shield, you can't really beat a gorilla in a fight if you aren't as strong as one. Which is a fact that the gorilla proves by whacking the spearman aside with a slap of his hand, before grabbing him by his leg and swinging him over his head and against the ground a few times until they cry out that they surrender.

"I know it is uncouth to gamble in the presence of a monk" Huofeng suddenly says, smirking as he watches the gorilla amble out of the arena "However, these last few fights have invigorated me, and I'm sure a lady of refinement and good birth such as yourself would be opposed to it, but how about we place a bet on the outcome of this tournament?"

"You sure? I've got a good sense for these sort of things" You warn him with a flash of fangs in your human mouth "Besides, we haven't seen all the fighters yet, and next, I think, one of my own people is going to be fighting"

"I to, have a sense for these things, and I think we've seen the finalists all ready" He answers with a nod "So, how about it"

"I'll place this walking stick of mine on Xiang of Bao winning" Shoushan blithely remarks, making Huofeng laugh

"And I'll place a favorite sword of mine on Maozhuaban winning" He replies with a smile "And you, lady Huanliuxue? Will you join the bet?"

Well, Huanliuxue?

>Snort through your nose and refuse. You only bet on real fights

>Roll your eyes, and bet on the gorilla. Its just common sense

>Join Shoushan's wager on Xiang.

>Gang up on the buddhist by also betting on Maozhuaban

>Bet on Ho

>Bet on Chuanmao

>Bet on Shidi Li

>You're the empress of all cats, so you'll bet on your subject to win, even if you haven't even seen them yet

>Write in

And the total bonus to your next cultivation/ training roll is 1708
>Roll your eyes, and bet on the gorilla. Its just common sense
I mean non cultivators vs a gorilla? Uhhhh. So no amount of martial arts is gonna overcome the weight difference of a couple hundred pounds.
That's not true. Xia can touch the edge of the immortal world.

>Bet on Ho
The guy has natural winner energy. He won't get cocky.
Anyway, I want to bet. . . A drop of refined blood. It should be good for either of their students. Or something else to help body tempering.
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>If your next training is in pursuit of medical techniques or blood aligned, the result will be treated as double effective!
Damn, son. That's a lot of oomph.

Come to think of it, flower girl's bloodline affliction is based on an art deriving from altered blood magic, right? Perhaps we could put our next training roll into the association between plants and blood and the bloodline "curse" to give us a huge amount of enlightenment towards such things. Curing and cursing learned in one fell swoop. All poisons are medicines in the right doses. Yes. My brain is expanding, I can feel the insides of my skull. Or this is a bad and silly idea.

Also this chicken farmer is proving more and more that he is no ordinary man. How odd. A hidden prodigy or disguised master? Maybe he's the reincarnation of someone long dead. That'd be a hoot. Or a cluck, perhaps!
Well we know the devil reincarnated before so this could be another reincarnation of someone of the past. Could just a be a genius.

I think a fun one would be the creation of spiritual roots for medical or an art to body cultivation which would be cool.
>Success has sharpened your intellect. +44 to your next cultivation/ training roll. If your next training is in pursuit of medical techniques or blood aligned, the result will be treated as double effective!
I do hope we can finally boost our (poorly developed) Divine Mysticism with a drop of divine blood.
>Bet on Ho
This seems like the most fun
>Bet on Ho
He's continually shown to be way more capable than he should have any right to be. Fucking Saitama in the martial arts tournament type shit.
>You're the empress of all cats, so you'll bet on your subject to win, even if you haven't even seen them yet
>>Snort through your nose and refuse. You only bet on real fights
>Roll your eyes, and bet on the gorilla. Its just common sense
I'll be honest man. I want to get a minimum of 500 on the next roll and dedicated it to our carmine mysticism.
With our insight from spectre starvation and this double xp buff, we can get to 1000 which previously netted us a gold core of ultimate quality.

I'm looking forwards to activating Bloodline creation, so we can maybe adopt Qiang properly!
And then refine our Blood Control to not need Qi. Which will put us even closer to understanding intent.

And I'm pretty sure could offer the chance to evolve our body in other ways.
Now, I certainly like Ho but I don't see a chicken beating a gorilla with just a little tips about fighting.

Maozhuaban is a decent choice if he can prove himself enough of a swordsman to avoid being grabbed but would be a very close thing and he's probably not used to fighting gorillas while the gorilla probably only ever had human opponents.

Xiang Bo is a buddhist monk so he probably exercised by breaking gorillas on his knees or something, that said he needs to be careful of not getting his staff grabbed but otherwise it would let him match the reach of the gorilla, and again gorilla fingers aren't as tough as his arms... and I would like to remind you all that he got to fight Daoists during the war with the winter sect.
(Also I recently read chimni tekken.)

>Join Shoushan's wager on Xiang.
>Snort through your nose and refuse. You only bet on real fights
>Roll your eyes, and bet on the gorilla. Its just common sense
It’s that funky monke, but if Ho wins it’ll be amusing too
Hey grandfather, are any of the sects here adorned in robes of predominantly green? With green highlights of lighter hues?
Ending the vote now, tallying the result. Meant to do it yesterday, but a poor decision prevented me from doing it

Roll your eyes, and bet on the gorilla. Its just common sense:3

Bet on Ho:3

You're the empress of all cats, so you'll bet on your subject to win, even if you haven't even seen them yet:1

Snort through your nose and refuse. You only bet on real fights:2

Join Shoushan's wager on Xiang.:1

So there's a tie, but I do think that Huan would be audacious enough to place two votes instead of one, so we'll go with that instead of breaking it or waiting for more


You'll vote on the gorilla and Ho

Update will arrive shortly

Oh, the guy who you ran into when you got your human form? He's a disciple of the storm mountain shrine sect.

He actually showed up at your trial, actually

"You pause as you see the disciple diligently kneeling behind the static wreathed old man, all scarred over like he's been struck by lighting. His face looks eerily familiar You've must've seen him somewhere before, but you can't put your finger on when or where. Ah well"

Some Sects just have different robes assigned to different tiers/ and the specialties of their disciples

The thousand lotus hall does it. actually

go for it
You have many, deep thoughts about who would be wise to bet on. Though you will admit some of the thought you put into deciding who you'll place your bet on are much more shallow and simple than the rest of your consideration. For example, the gorilla, who probably doesn't even have a real name or even a epithet, is just an obvious choice. Sure, you think Chuanmao or Shidi Li could probably match or overpower an ordinary gorilla, but that is a magical gorilla, and like most magical beasts, has grown larger and more colorful than the rest of his species. However, while you have half a mind to simply scoff at Huofeng's offer, you also feel like that odd chicken farmer Ho, who is unusually famous and far renowned, could actually best the gorilla. Scratching post could to, but you are loath to share your bet with someone else, which is why you also don't even consider putting down cash on the amazing flipping monk Xiang to win. You always forge your own path and march to the beat of your own drum. More than whatever you'll place down to match the wagers of the other two, your pride and face is on the line here!

Winning this bet, besides a new sword or walking stick you'll probably give back or toss away, will improve your reputation by however small an amount. Because winning means you were able to anticipate the outcomes of every match the winner fought, before they started, without knowing who their opponents would be, and that you have an eye for talent and potential! And while the rest of the sects admit you are a fantastic and very skillfull teacher, and had even before they decided you weren't a monster to be hunted down and culled, having more face never hurt anyone, has it?

"Well, I'll vote for the Gorilla" You say with a titter, leaning back in your throne and kicking one leg over the other as you glance to Huofeng "And Ho, the chicken farmer!"

"Ah, taking full advantages of the privilege of the host, are you?" Huofeng replies with a stiff, but unwavering smile "Well, I am being shown great respect just being placed at your side, and have earned much standing amongst the Chuan sects by just appearing next to you, so I shall not raise my voice in complaint, even if I do think it is somewhat unfair"

"Is it truly unfair? it is common sense is it not? What use is honor to a guileful cat?" Shoushan remarks with a grandfatherly smile, patting his hand on his walking stick "However, I would think, that if Huanliuxue places two bets, then she must raise two wagers. I however, will not press the issue, for I know how easily one may be scratched if they offend a cat's sensibilities and ignore their strict boundaries"

"Sure, that makes it more exciting, thank you for the idea, uncle" You cackle, and Huofeng's smile becomes a little less stiff and forced

"So, what will you wager, Huanliuxue?" He asks as your heart sinks as you actually recognize the wolf size house cat that trots up to the arena. You've seen them before, in Suiqi!

That's one of the pets of the nobility that you kind of accidentally awakened and turned into a magical beast when you planted that giant ancient tree in the center of the city and dispelled the enchanted blizzard the winter blossoming sect had placed over it. And in the sea of voices, you can pick out their old owner's, who you guess is now their mama, cheering them on. An old, half senile old hag who spent most of her fortune on her pet cat, that you only know since you snatched her grandson's grudge directed towards the once harmless lap warmer when walking through the city not long before Xue Laohue attacked it....Thinking about it, that man is probably dead now. Even if he isn't, he's probably given up trying to take back his fortune from the cat since....well you'd probably kill him if he tried anything. On the principle of that cat being one of your subjects, of course.

"She's going to get slaughtered" You sigh, rubbing your temple to alleviate the headache you feel coming on as the chubby cat stomps into the ring, a long silk bow tied around her neck and a bow noted on her dust sweeper thick tail, sapphire blue eyes twinkling as her cream and brown sugar coat moved in the breeze while a very amused looking, thuggish seeming buddhist monk entered the arena her opposite

"Don't let your subject hear that, your majesty" Huofeng laughs, eyes twinkling "But, what are the stakes you put down, Huanliuxue?"

"Hmm, who knows, the pampered girl could surprise us" Shoushan mutters, but you can tell his heart isn't in it, and he's just trying to cheer you up

"I don't think I can look at this" You pout, shaking your head, trying to avoid thinking about the shame you're about to feel on behalf of your subject "And give me a moment to think about it, Damn! Greed is unbecoming of us sages, isn't it!"

"Well, it certainly is for Buddhists, but covetousness is unfortunately an all to common affliction amongst Daoists of this age" Shoushan chuckles, smiling warmly as Huofeng allows both comments slide off of his back like water on a duck's feathers

"On this we agree, brother Buddhist, too many of my peers forget themselves and forget the virtues of their predecessors, and seek only to provide for themselves without any concern for those whom their greed troubles and benights" He answers back seriously "But this is just a friendly little gamble, if I was greedy, I'd have asked our host to fly across the heavens and tear out that damn Ling Yongzheng's throat out like she did that empty headed brute Ling Meng"

"It shames my disciple greatly that he shares a name with that warhawk" the old man growls, blind eyes squinted in venomous fury, unbecoming of him as a Buddhist master "Though, when his time, I shall pray for him over his grave, like I did for the thug that blinded me, that found purpose in bullying the weak and hunting sinless children"

"It just annoys me, why do you humans have so few names" You mutter angrily, just thinking about the leader of the Ling and the dead and graveless Xue Laohue has ruined your good mood worse than knowing another housecat was walking into a humiliating defeat as you spoke "But, we can stop talking about that trash and save our breath for more important matters, I've decided on what I'll wager..."

Double vote

And what will you wager [Pick two]

>The crown of trapped sands and caged winds

>A massive pearl of Primordial beast essence

>Conditional access to the primordial basin

>Cosmic Cultivation Materials

>Pure Blood Qi!

>Prayer bead sealing artifact

>Ghost taming seal


>one drop of godly blood

>Xue Laohue's eyes

>A few hundred spirit stones

>A kiss

>One of your other treasures (Write in)

And what else do you do while the martial tournament progresses until its end, Huanliuxue?

>Decide to cheat, not so you win the bet, but so that other cat doesn't make an utter fool of herself and wins at least a match or two before dropping out

>Actually cheat so you win the bet! (Trickery Trial. DC 135. Ho or the gorilla. Bad Karma)

>Just watch and commentate on the matches, and secretly let a few other cultivators into the gamble, to increase your winnings if you win.

>Ask Huofeng about Ling hierarchy and this Ling Yongzheng. And who was the elder of theirs that the ogress beheaded

>Ask Shoushan if the buddhists have had any trouble from the Daoist sects in Chuan.

>Write in?

Also, the time when Huanliuxue met that guy, it was a good idea to disguise your sect when traveling since, you know, the Ling and Chuan sects were in open warfare until she made herself enough of a problem for them to very briefly join forces to try and kill her

Which went poorly, since they ran into Tiexingege and her literal army of giant, monstrous and armored ants + Jionghuagege and her kids+ massive impenetrable walls of thorns and flowers
>A few hundred spirit stones
>Ask Huofeng about Ling hierarchy and this Ling Yongzheng. And who was the elder of theirs that the ogress beheaded
>A few hundred spirit stones
>Conditional access to the primordial basin
I'm not really sure what prizes we have that would be of specific interest to these two, but my rationale is that a lot of the things on the list fall into one of two categories: they're either *only* useful to us (or to other heretics), or too high in strategic/overall value to give up. Xue Laohue's eyes, Jingyu, and the Primordial Beast essence are in the former category, while the God Blood, Cosmic Cultivation materials, and Pure Blood Qi are in the latter. Treasures are all well and good, but I feel like we have better uses for giving them to our disciples (Ping could probably benefit from the Ghost Taming Seal as a backup, or Siwang from the Crown of Caged Winds, since both practice related Dao). Of the remaining options, the money and access to the basin cost us the least.
>Ask Huofeng about Ling hierarchy and this Ling Yongzheng. And who was the elder of theirs that the ogress beheaded.
>Ask Shoushan if the buddhists have had any trouble from the Daoist sects in Chuan.
I do want to hear from both of them, but... I feel like one is slightly higher priority. Any information we can get about the Ling, and potential insights into how they operate are valuable, particularly considering we have a big raid planned in the near future, to fulfill our end of the bargain. We shouldn't slight Shoushan-- maybe ask to talk more once the tournament's over, since there are currently other things which require our attention.
>A kiss
>A few hundred spirit stones

>Ask Huofeng about Ling hierarchy and this Ling Yongzheng. And who was the elder of theirs that the ogress beheaded
>>Prayer bead sealing artifact
>>Conditional access to the primordial basin

>Ask Shoushan if the buddhists have had any trouble from the Daoist sects in Chuan.

one for the monk, the other for everyone
>A kiss
>Pure blood Qi.

The others raised a sword and a cane. A kiss from us is worth either.

>are the Buddhists having trouble?
>Ling organisation structure.
Whoops just picked one prize so I'm changing to
>A few hundred spirit stones
>Conditional access to the primordial basin

>Ask Huofeng about Ling hierarchy and this Ling Yongzheng. And who was the elder of theirs that the ogress beheaded
I figured It was him. Then I forgot and was rereading Swiangs diatribe where he attained human form and it struck me again.

Now. . How do we get into mischief with this.
>A kiss
>Cosmic Cultivation Materials

>Ask Huofeng about Ling hierarchy and this Ling Yongzheng. And who was the elder of theirs that the ogress beheaded
>Ask Shoushan if the buddhists have had any trouble from the Daoist sects in Chuan.
>>A few hundred spirit stones
>Pure Blood Qi!
These are the most inexpensive items for us.
we pump out blood qi
and spirit stones are spirit stones.

>Ask Huofeng about Ling hierarchy and this Ling Yongzheng. And who was the elder of theirs that the ogress beheaded
>Ask Shoushan if the buddhists have had any trouble from the Daoist sects in Chuan.
interested in these two

a kiss from us is priceless
Anons are you crazy?! These simple men couldn't stand a kiss from the Great Huanliuxue!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ap3D1PZzjmQ

>A few hundred spirit stones
>Prayer bead sealing artifact

i thought on giving the Cosmic cultivation materials, but the least I wanna see if this being given to some cultivator and found out there's Eldritch demons on the space who could posses people who somehow has access to the cosmic cultivation (And of course, no strange space demon would try do something with Huan, because on my reasoning she got to space first, cultivated Cosmic, and then came down to Earth, but that's a concern I have)

The rest of stuff we have are truly priceless or with huge valor that I wouldn't like to throw away on a simple gamble like this. Also, does somebody remembers that one demon Lei had inside him? Is it time we make a little visit to check her out?
>A few hundred spirit stones
>Ghost taming seal
This is low stakes, so low stakes Item (though I cannot recall if we can make the seal or if I'm confusing it with the ghost sealing jars. If the later)
>Pure Blood Qi

>Ask Huofeng about Ling hierarchy and this Ling Yongzheng. And who was the elder of theirs that the ogress beheaded
>Ask Shoushan if the buddhists have had any trouble from the Daoist sects in Chuan.
>Pure Blood Qi!
>A kiss

>Ask Huofeng about Ling hierarchy and this Ling Yongzheng. And who was the elder of theirs that the ogress beheaded
>Ask Shoushan if the buddhists have had any trouble from the Daoist sects in Chuan.
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Ill tidings, Juniors. My grandfather's condition has worsened considerably, he suffered a stroke and isn't likely to live much longer. And seeing him in the condition he's in now, well, its is truly and deeply upsetting. I won't be able to write today, and will see if I'll recover in the morning
My deepest condolences, Grandfather. I hope that he lived a rich, full, life-- and that his memory will comfort you, even after his passing.
My heart goes out to you.
You don't have to force yourself to write for our sakes.
>A kiss
>A few hundred spirit stones

>Ask Shoushan if the buddhists have had any trouble from the Daoist sects in Chuan.

Rest well grandfather
Heaven be with ya Grandfather.
Reflect and enjoy what you have left.

For something else to focus on,

Fu got his.
But ping? Qiang? Feqing? What would they wear?!

I think, in my not so humble opinion, that Pings would go all in on the Buddhist angle, being a monk, our adorable spider tailor knows that, so maybe grey and white robes folded over the form, and a chain of chattering skulls over his chest, with some bowl hat thing.

That could be pretty cool
I fell for you when my grandparents passed away one by one it was tough. I cried I drank. Take some time off to morn brother it'll do you some good.
My condolences. I hope whatever time he has left is as painless as possible, and I hope you and your family are doing as well as can be expected.
Grandfather, rest.
The quest can be returned to, the departed cannot.
Just wanted to give my deepest, and most sincere thanks and appreciation for all these incredibly kind words and condolences you've given me, they mean a lot. I'm truly touched.

But I'm still reeling and coming to terms with what's happening to my grandfather, but I'm a lot better off than I was two days ago, so I can see the update on the horizon I just need to, as you all suggested, take a few days off to recover I think.

Writing this made me tear up, but I didn't want silence to be my only message to you guys. I really do appreciate you all, not just the shoulder and kindness you've lent me here, but that you've all been sticking around and participating in this quest for as long as you have and i mean that, from the deepest part of my heart
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My grandfather has passed, I'm still hurting, but not so bad that I can't write, and it might help distract me from my grief a little, so I'll end the vote and tally the result. Thank you all so much for your understanding and kind words

A few hundred spirit stones:8

A Kiss:5

Prayer bead sealing artifact:2

Conditional access to the primordial basin:4

Pure blood Qi.:4

Cosmic Cultivation Materials:1

Ask Huofeng about Ling hierarchy and this Ling Yongzheng. And who was the elder of theirs that the ogress beheaded:10

Ask Shoushan if the buddhists have had any trouble from the Daoist sects in Chuan.:9

So You will wager a few hundred spirit stones and a kiss, and ask Disi-Ling Huofeng about Ling hierarchy, their patriarch/ sect head and who exactly the ogress killed and Shoushan if your fellow daoists have been causing his fellow buddhists any trouble

Update will arrive shortly
May your grandfather have a bountiful afterlife, wherever he's gone to.
"A bit of wealth, and something truly priceless" You vaguely and playfully promise, rolling your wrist and waving your fingers as you try to ignore the shameful display of your fellow cat going on in the arena, which is drawn out by the hesitance and unwillingness of the oddly demure monk with a thug's brutish face to actually harm the chubby, overly pampered lap warmer of a white furred cat, who similarly extends her own humiliation by making use of the odd, almost supernatural seeming bursts of speed and athleticism the fattest of felines can tap into sometimes, that can even put the more fit of your kind to shame every now and again. Though, usually it is done in pursuit of dried fish or the most comfortable cushion in the house rather than escaping the unhappy and hesitant swings of a monk's rake.

"Oh?" Huofeng suddenly perks up, being similarly put out by the sad and sorry display in front of his eyes "Priceless you say? the mind boggles at what unknown treasures deserve such a descriptor given from the mouth of a brazen heretic who has peered upon all the wealth of the yellow springs"

Shoushan however, not tempted by greed or material possessions merely twitches one of his bushy eyebrows and flicks his eyes to glance at you blindly, his face stony and solemn

"I would not be so sure its value is a material thing" He muttered, as if he somehow caught up to the bold and perhaps a little shameless game you're playing

"Why it is worth more than any jewel found beneath the earth or under the heavens, and even the gods in heaven would clamor and fight over it" You brashly proclaim, waggling your fingers and pursing your lips, hoping that Huofeng will catch on. He just frowns, the innate greed of cultivators battling against his good sense and strong virtues, overwhelming it enough that he doesn't flinch at your blasphemous claim

"Is that so, is that so?" He says, as a yowl and hiss from the arena makes your fur stand up on end as the monk finally and mercifully ends the charade by simply startling the pampered pet with a loud shout, before gripping her by her scruff and pinning her immense, wobbling body to to the ground, where she, exhausted from running and hopping around, gives up with a defeated and tired sigh and....promptly falls asleep

Huofeng leans closer, eyes bright with the same greed that easily washed past Shoushan, intrigued by what it is you're offering, before his sense of humility and etiquette tempers his raging avarice.

"Though, I am merely risking a sword, and this old blind uncle a weathered walking stick, it wouldn't be right to accept such a heavy wager" He begins, looking away and composing himself and his posture to appear austere and dignified, stealing glances your way "Even if it is indeed a very fine, and well tested sword that I offer, quenched in the blood of those who were once both of our enemies, I'd feel a thief if I were to take a prize that'd inspire envy amongst the righteous deities and"


"Oh! Well, they'd only be so jealous if I was wearing this face when I gave it to them" You snicker, lean closer, pouting and making your lips plush, making them redder and more vivid with a little redirected blood flow, as Huofeng's eyes boggle and bulge, as he finally realizing what it is you're betting, and then his face turns as red as your hair!

"I imagine most of those sticks in the mud would rather fight not to be kissed by a "Demonic Beast" like me! But I've fooled one or two of them with this second face of mine" You cackle, sneering as he turns away, the blush burning to a deeper shade as it shoots down his neck and crawls up to the tips of his ears "And I know, just the sort of madness men would be driven to just to earn a chaste peck on their cheek from the beautiful and magnificent Me!"

"You...y..you" He stammers like a virgin boy when met face to face with Monu's bouncing twin peaks "This is...behavior, unbecoming of a..."

"Oh, so you're tempted, you cannot hide your hearts desires from me! I can see how it thumps and beats in excitement~" You purr, tittering as you lean ever closer as he winces and clenches his teeth

"I will, offer half the winning pot to nephew Huofeng" Shoushan giggles, eyes narrowed in a very feline fashion "To show the generosity of my temple, and faithfulness to the Buddha's teachings"

"This is not the buddha's teachings!" Huofeng roars, slamming his fist on the arm "And you, do you have no shame, Lady Huanliuxue! This wager is even more outrageous than I imagine"

You frown, and remember something your mother mentioned off handedly once, when talking about men.

"Oh~" You tease, leaning back and feigning shock "You're unmarried! Aren't you, Sir Huofeng!"

He remains silent

"Ohoho, I think it is worse than that, friend" Shoushan begins, and then Huofeng's eyes shoot and glare at him murderously, razor sharp as a wave of killing intent washes over the playful old master

"Don't you dare" Huofeng threatens, and Shoushan smiles a knowing smile as you try to and work out why exactly he got angrier at his teasing than your own, and tap your chin a few times, before speaking the first thought that comes to mind

"You're a virgin!" You declare, and Huofeng clasps his one good hand over your mouth, eyes pleading and face redder than fresh spilt blood. And you have no idea why he's so ashamed. You've never mated before, and you aren't ashamed of that fact, if anything, it'd probably add to your allure, that supposed purity, not that you give a damn

"Let us speak of other matters" He pleads, Shoushan trying hard not to laugh as you continue wondering why it is men would care if they haven't lain with a woman. Feiqing was also oddly sad for a few days when he, on principle, refused those nice tribal ladies who wanted to court him, Lei and Ping. And that randy tiger prince gained his intellect through how successful he was at breeding. So it has to be a pride thing, right?

"Very well" You say, pushing his arm away and stopping yourself from twisting his wrist to pay him back for covering your mouth "How about...how the Ling clans are organized"

He sighed deeply in relief, his shoulders relaxing immediately as he practically collapsed back into his seat

"A very standard sect hierarchy, though, as fruitful as the Ling bloodline is, it is an extended hierarchy. The lesser branches, such as my own, are structured in much the same way as the main branch. A grandmaster, advised by a council of elders. The younger branches obey their seniors. I am of the fourth family" He calmly begins, casually selling the secrets of his kin "In the lower branches, the elders are simply chosen as they are in most sects, for their wisdom and profound cultivation. The main ling family however differs, in that the only way to become an elder, is to surpass the previous holder of the holder of their symbol of office, a multicolored jade mask, similar to the ones granted to the heads of branch families such as myself"

"And the ogress killed one of them?" You ask curiously, wondering if this means the elders aren't worth their weight in jade or the years they've lived

"Treacherous bitch killed her teacher, the fool thought her tamed with the bloodshed she was allowed to commit, and divulged the secrets of his cultivation method. When the Qi of heaven and earth become unusually dense for a fortnight, he attempted to ascended beyond golden core, expelling all of his Qi and becoming as a mortal man, a weakness of his chosen path of cultivation. Somehow, she disguised her killing intent, and cut him down" He explains venomously, eyes dark and brooding "The old, arrogant fool did not heed to the warnings of his superior, and took a risk with a wolf slavering behind him, so he died, and that brute ran off with his mask and sword. And hasn't stopped killing since, from what I've heard"

"Ling do seem to court their own deaths" You muse, sighing as you rest your chin on the back of your hand and recline in your throne. Huofeng smirks at the remark

"He was the head of the elders, the crimson mask wearer, the most profound master of the fire aligned technique of the Guardians of celestial sunlight, besides of course the young master Yongzheng" He continues on without showing any sign of outrage or piqued rage "He had tried to temper the unrefined blade of Yaonan, and was devoured by the relic of the mortal branch for his troubles. But he was the worst of his era, haughty, prideful, contemptuous. I do not mourn him, and yes, he did court death, thinking this was an age old men with their heads stuck in the past could flourish"

"My my, what venom! Maybe I should take some of it and turn it into the base of a Gu poison" You cackle, as you lift your eyes up, to see that the gorilla is fighting a somewhat fairer match now, against a heavily armored fighter who uses two, spiked shields like gauntlets on his hand, and you pause for a moment to watch them fight, each of them throwing punches that would snap lesser opponents in half or pierce them through with those nasty looking spikes on their shields

"And Yongzheng" You mutter, not really thinking as you watch the gorilla slam on of his hands on the ground and use it as a lever to lift himself off the ground and spin around mid air, slamming the armored fighter with the length of his arm, sending him sprawling on the ground "What do you know of him"

"The son of a god" Huofeng answers, sounding a little shaken, but that makes your ears perk up "The previous head of the Ling clan and the guardians of celestial sunlight sect, ascended to divinity"

"He fucking what now?" You balk, hands clenching and nails, turning partially to claws, carving through the arms of your throne as you nearly leap out of it

"Ling Dàshī-Huǒyàn (Great Master Flame, art name, 大师-火焰)" Shoushan bitterly interjected "A renowned hunter of demons and beasts and heretics, deified as the warden of mountain paths, a martial god, and stable-keeper of the head martial god, the red star general, the groom of his thundering steeds, and carrier of his quiver"

"He is the last known cultivator to attain immortality, and to be welcomed to the celestial courts. His is a legendary tale" Huofeng answers respectfully, nodding solemnly as you find you're clawing the arms of your throne to splinters "Yongzheng, is expected to join him in the heavens. Before your sudden arrival, he was considered the greatest genius of cultivation known in several generations, not just within the Ling clan, but across all of the expansive world known to us intrepid immortality seekers"

"His father was letch and a cheat at dice" Shoushan grumbled "I am old enough to remember the buddhists he swindled, one of them was my own master's master"

"Well, the heavens don't interfere" You state to comfort and stop yourself from worrying about some god that would very much like to interfere with and end your life, for various reasons "How strong is Yongzheng, he can't be that powerful if he's a genius by orthodox standards"

"He is the last known cultivator to attain Nascent Soul state" Huofeng says weakly, paling "He is in the early stages, but, nascent souls are as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. He is simply too arrogant to walk amongst us lesser beings, and only speaks to his direct lineage and elders."

You keep quiet, but quietly curse yourself for not gathering more information about who you were picking a fight with before promising to fight them in a couple of seasons worth of time, and Huofeng for not mentioning the pertinent detail of your opponent being at the pinnacle of the modern era of cultivation....Wait

"What quality was the golden core he formed?" You ask slyly

"It was graded to be of divine quality, in the lower levels of the mythical first quality of golden cores," He says slowly as a vicious grin spreads across your lips "I believe, he is one of a handful of golden core cultivators to have a core higher than tier four"

"Is that so? And he could just be an upper end second tier" You answer back, worries forgotten as a triumphant smirk graces your fair features

"I've met him. It is of lower quality than yours" Huofeng plainly admits "That is why I've courted your alliance. I couldn't imagine fighting and winning against that monster, without another walking catastrophe on my side"

"Is that all you intend" Shoushan accuses, and Huofeng looks away, ears a cute shade of pink again

"Oh stop teasing him! You buddhists are supposed to be getting along" You say as the flying monk Xiang, with a loud, shrill war cry, flips one of his fellow monks out of the ring and into the first row of the stands "And, speaking of our inter-faith relations, you haven't been getting bullied by any mean daoists have you?"

"We have been welcomed by the mortal populace of Chuan, and your worshippers accept us, because we too give offerings and gratitude to the divine guardian they believe you to be" He answers happily, sipping on his tea "The common folk accept us, because we perform charity, the nobility accept us, because the Lord Chuan has a mind as open as his heart and endorses debates of a philosophical and mystical nature. And none of your kind of daoist, the cultivators of spiritual energy and seekers of immortality, have done much more than pick and lose fights. I think, seeing how we conducted ourselves in war, and the friendship of a someone who they know could crush them on a whim like men do with beetles, has them cowed and tamed. So no, we haven't been bullied, and we've even found sponsors and friends from some of the like minded sects"

"I heard the eight heavenly gates sect is counted amongst them, and the white jade devil opposing army" Huofeng remarks as you all watch Shidi Li grapple with a similar large, and muscled man, after Ho had made a mockery of a storied spear dancer by simply sliding under his thrust and pounding his fist into his groin

"And the innocent witch court, our vows of chastity makes them more cordial than they are to other men" Shoushan chuckles good naturedly, as he tilts his head and winces, as Shidi Li bites into the shoulder of his opponent, which makes even you wince. Human teeth aren't meant for that!

"There's only a few more rounds left, funny how quickly so many competitors, numbering in the hundreds, are reduced to a handful" Huofeng remarks "And all of our favorites to win are yet in the running"

"We all have good eyes for talent" You remark and Shoushan feigns offence at your words

"Exciting isn't it?" He adds after the three of you laugh about his little gag "Not just the contest of hundreds, but the fact our instincts are being tested and weighed"

"Yes, finding out which of us will be right will be exciting" Huofeng says, avoiding your gaze as he rubs the stump of his missing arm, as Chuanmao grabs his opponent, a wielder of a three section whip, by the legs and takes them on a ride across the ring, spinning them around and around to the delight of the crowd, which prepares the ground for Maozhuaban's bout against a woman with a peculiar physique and two sabers about as larger as she is tall

"A contest of instinct, is it? I'm sure to win" You brag, fluttering your eyelashes as you relax and wait to see who will win in the end. But well, you can't relax. Talking to Huofeng about his bastard family has brought new troubles and worries to your mind, and you can't sit still. Tapping your foot, you look for an outlet of this nervous energy.

What do you do, Huanliuxue?

>Just meditate and squash your fears. You're huanliuxue! You've made fools of gods and have someone who could probably eat the dipshit Young Master Ling alive as your bodyguard!

>Ask Huofeng what exactly is Yaonan's problem, and how dangerous he thinks she is, not letting slip that she is "Technically" an ally of yours

>Mention your suspicions of the Ling connection with the beast stampede

>Decide that teasing Huofeng will distract you from the fact you'll be fighting a nascent soul level opponent by winter

>Start playing Ghost Empress melody to keep your hands occupied

>Ask Shoushan how old he actually is

>Write in

Thank you for your kind words, junior, they're worth more than jade in my eyes
>Mention your suspicions of the Ling connection with the beast stampede

>>Ask Shoushan how old he actually is
>Tell them about crow king. Time for round 2 realm kill
Maybe rest well and welcome back.

>Mention your suspicions of the Ling connection with the beast stampede

Could think about using a drop of gods blood as a weapon. It's a pretty far realm gap so we'll need to reach a higher stage and train.
>Ask Huofeng what exactly is Yaonan's problem, and how dangerous he thinks she is, not letting slip that she is "Technically" an ally of yours
>Mention your suspicions of the Ling connection with the beast stampede
>Ask Huofeng what exactly is Yaonan's problem, and how dangerous he thinks she is, not letting slip that she is "Technically" an ally of yours
>Decide that teasing Huofeng will distract you from the fact you'll be fighting a nascent soul level opponent by winter
Gods blood sc for consumption is 180 and failure injures us.

But consuming it would skyrocket our carmine mysticism. If it works. Maybe look into finding conditions to make it easier? Dilute the hit with seas of lesser blood. . Or the blood of the sea monster we killed? It's blood was divine and pure. Might be a method.

Other leveling fields. Sunkiller beastly evolution. That would massively fix the odds in our favour.

Other beastly evolutions would be weaker for our purposes but just as fine. But I do urge everyone to remember we have 9 total evolutions. And we already have 2.

Drugs, artifacts, maybe train our cosmic qi further.
This isn't including the time it takes to train our sect.

But oh boy. Guys. We are facing and ENTIRE REALM DIFFERENCE.

Aren't you fucking excited!
Remember we have a double roll bonus if meditating/training blood (and other things). Might be a good time to eat the god blood. Turn it into a nice little think session to see exactly what it does in our gut.
doesnt mean we cant take steps to make it more palatable. maybe shove it in some of our remaining natural moon dew in a sealed vial then letting it rest in a nice grave to make it attune some to our foundations.
I DID consider that actually. it would be legitimately insane.

but I'm really hesitant. the odds of success [of rolling 180 with 2d10 and 5 tries] are 2.31% If we can lower the DC somehow I'll be much more confident. Really, using this now IS one of our very best options, just. . . grah!

156 is the last number with a 10% chance straight up. so if we can knock 30 off the number somehow.
I have been informed my maths is wrong.

with the 5 tries it is actually 11% or so.

. . . still want to lower it tho.
Don't we have a shitton of bonuses saved up?
fortitude trial, not training trial.
bonuses don't apply. But once we pass the fort trial, we're getting stonks bonuses.
: (

My condolances OP, I wish you the best, and hope the best for your family as well.

>>Mention your suspicions of the Ling connection with the beast stampede
Possibly very valuable information
>Decide that teasing Huofeng will distract you from the fact you'll be fighting a nascent soul level opponent by winter
>Ask Huofeng what exactly is Yaonan's problem, and how dangerous he thinks she is, not letting slip that she is "Technically" an ally of yours
But that sort of hesitation is exactly what forces us to court doom!

Not hitting the DC will "only" result in an injury (our last curse was the result of a large amount of injuries). We could be long past this and be fully healed if only we had taken the chance to make the best of this delicious, divine blood. The opponents are becoming stronger and stronger: this Ling won't be the last (the Ogress still is around), there are some fallen gods on earth and sooner or later some proper gods's defenses will need to be tested by us. Boosted Carmine Mysticism would also have supported us strongly in our past fight against our latest ghostly follower.

The heavens must fall (or be restructured), else the great injustice against Ascended Beasts will persist. They know we are after them and work on countermeasures - we musn't loiter. Any time-intense action that doesn't make us or our sect stronger is detrimental. (I see this current tournament as being very strengthening for our sect, so no complaints about what we are currently doing)
Yeah dilute it with moon dew and hit that shit on the moon! That's Huan level crazy alchemy!
Ending the vote, tallying its result now. Had a pretty rough day yesterday, that involved drinking and me bleeding from my head at the end of it.

Mention your suspicions of the Ling connection with the beast stampede: 4

Ask Shoushan how old he actually is:1

Tell them about crow king. Time for round 2 realm kill:1

Ask Huofeng what exactly is Yaonan's problem, and how dangerous he thinks she is, not letting slip that she is "Technically" an ally of yours:3

Decide that teasing Huofeng will distract you from the fact you'll be fighting a nascent soul level opponent by winter:2

So you will air out your suspicions that the Ling might have something to do with the beast wave to Shoushan and Disi-Ling Huofeng

Update will arrive shortly

Thank you all for your kind words

Folding your hands one over the other, you stop tapping your foot and ponderously lift your leg up to cross it over the other as you breath in deeply and cleanse your mind of worry as you relax your shoulders and back and practically melt into your throne, watching as the favorites to win the martial contest begin running into each other as the herd is thinned enough for only the truly talented or lucky to enter the ring, the crowd's roar adding a comforting din that oddly silences your fretful and worrying thoughts. But, with your thoughts still dominated by the Ling, even if you've forcefully torn them from the man that no matter how hard you try to come up with a demeaning or belittling moniker for, you can't help but view and think of him as the Ling threat, a thought that you had once.

After that sham of a trial, when you were gossiping with the old toadies and somewhat bright elders of the other sects of Chuan, making acquaintance who desperately wanted to be counted in the privileged few you call your friends, and the discussion turned toward the beast wave consuming the other former provinces of the now defunct empire. You suspected the Ling had something to do with it, since it started on their side of the border, in their backyard, and there have been no signs of it affecting them like it has the other orphaned provinces. And what's more, where the stampede supposedly began, was right behind the last position of the mortal army of Chuan before they followed their lord back when you summoned him so he could meet his "Household deity" and "Divine protector" face to face. And just like you thought then, you can't help but to think that it is all a little too convenient for the Dogs to lay in a bed and not have fleas when everyone who touches their pelt get at least a few in their robe.

You just didn't have any proof or evidence besides the fact the Ling have proven themselves to be selfish, self absorbed bastards who despite how righteously they act and claim to be, practice techniques that make the worst of what you practice seem terribly tame and harmless, and the way it had transpired certainly made it look like they were trying to set your innocent and gentle self up as the next supreme devil mind.

And while you still don't have any evidence or have heard back from Monu and the rest after you sent them to search for proof or at least a sign of what caused it if it somehow wasn't the Ling getting up to their usual tricks and backstabbing nearly the entire world of cultivation all at once to just save a little face and shield themselves from the beating they well deserve, you can't shake the feeling that you don't really need proof to start throwing out accusations. Since, who else could've done it, really?

You just didn't want to seem stupid or get a reputation of being a vengeful woman or spiteful little girl, by bringing it right after you'd cleared your name and managed to get pardoned for the crimes you actually did commit, Heh-Heh. And to a crowd of daoists who still think the Ling are truly righteous

"Huofeng, Shoushan, what I am about to say, is merely suspicion, but ever since I heard of that beast stampede terrorizing the rest of the world outside of Chuan, I've suspected I know who the culprit is" You venture slowly, looking at both their faces several times, steeling glance to make sure they don't think you're being ridiculous or rambling like a lunatic. Though, considering your Moon based abilities, you may be the only true Lunatic beneath the heavens

"Mmm, yes, I to have my own theories, though I have not mentioned them in the company of Daoists" Shoushan mutters, wincing as Shidi Li takes a full strength gorilla punch straight to the stomach and is forced to his knees, the ape furious after he'd cut his brow and broken one of his fangs with the pommel of his guandao "As some are so prideful, they take an accusation against their peers as a denouncement of themselves, and I learned my lesson of tempting the ire of daoists long ago"

"You're looking at me warily, Huanliuxue, I suspect then, that I already should know whom both of you suspect of committing such an atrocity as to unleash a beast wave upon the world and its mortal realms" Huofeng says quietly, but not angrily, his tone tempered and low, as he crosses his arms and leans back into his own chair "Who would embrace villainy and commit such great evil for their own benefit alone"

"The Ling" you and Shoushan say nearly in unison, his voice ringing out a little after your own

"I agree they are duplicitous and arrogant fools, and have tarnished their name and reputation" Huofeng interrupts, a hand held up as Shidi Li makes the gorilla work for his victory, giving the dawn pink furred brute the first actual challenge he's faced in the whole of the tournament, but its clear that Li is one his last legs, but that he lasted so long and drew so much blood speaks of his martial talent and raw strength. Hell, if you had to measure them against one another, in terms of physical power and prowess, the distance between him and the gorilla would be closer to a trench than a cliff

"However" He continues, tilting his head as he watches Shidi Li counter a gorilla punch by biting into the knuckles, the force of the blow still knocking him out for around three seconds "It is rather shameless to level such a dire accusation even against the worst of them, our region has been less affected by the stampede, this is true. But to make the leap of logic from our good fortune to the main branch conspiring, through some demonic pact or unknown ritual, to spark a beast wave, is brazen and the act of cheeky brats"

Shoushan smirked, you glared, but he held up a hand, beseeching the both of you to let him keep speaking as Shidi Li continues his defiant struggle against the gorilla for longer than you expected him to, going so far as to actually grapple with the massive ape and push him back towards the edge of the ring.

"If you do not have solid, irrefutable evidence pointing to them being the architects of this ongoing disaster devastating all lands. Since it would be easier to accuse you, Huanliuxue, of being the cause, even if in Chuan and amongst my followers, it is known you'd never be so petty and thoughtless to unleash such a rampage" He continues on "You expel a steady stream of primordial beast essence, and it is now known beasts attaining a human form cause a burst of the same energy. A skilled orator could easily lay blame at you and your kinds feet"

"Siwang could walk them like a dog needing to take a piss in the street" You snort back, shaking your head "And isn't it just a little too fortunate, that your lands have avoided the worst of the stampede, that it began, right after it came to light I had friends and allies in the locale daoist temples? That the people of Chuan supported me, that an army of buddhists marched at...well"

You smile and turn to Shoushan, grinning brightly as you pat his wrinkly arm lovingly

"Not command, but for my benefit" You chirp happily as you twist your neck around to look at Huofeng again, still grinning widely "I can't even call it a coincidence, with how good the timing of it would be for the Ling Clan and their toadies. Think about it, I'm a threat and it was clear I wasn't one that could be snuffed out as easily as it'd be to wave a lit stick of incense"

"I cannot argue with that, but you lack context. What I said, is what others in the lands of my birth accuse you of, they think you the mastermind behind it all, think the Chuan sects have thrown in their lot with a demonic beast and turned down a demonic path" He explains levelly, eyes locked with your own "That all of the province has become a hive of villainy, lead by a false king and prophet, that the land itself has become haunted and the playground of cruel spirits and maleficent devils, and many speak of winds reeking of blood and rot wafting from the once peaceable land of a thousand rivers. Similarly, I've found those in Chuan do not realize we too have suffered and bled, even if the beast wave mercifully passed by our lands. People speak rumor when they do not know fact, I mean no offense but...."

"Oh I didn't realize I was so famous already" you jokingly bark back, idly twirling a lock of your hair as Shidi Li is finally knocked out by the fifth in a series of stone breaking head butts delivered to his skull by the now enraged gorilla, who holds his bested foe's unconscious body over his head, either showboating or trying to honor him in some way only apes do "The difference between the similarity of what we say in Chuan and what they say elsewhere is that they are ignorant, I know just how low Ling can stoop. They'd lick a pig's ass and you can't deny that"

"I wouldn't put it in so crude a terms" Huofeng chuckles "I know my extended family tree, they have shown their vileness to me, they're kin slayers and think themselves too mighty to make mistakes, too arrogant to recognize their own folly. But, I cannot believe they'd be so treacherous as to manufacture a beast wave, for pride's sake alone. Do either of you have proof, or is it just your, admittedly well placed, mistrust in my overly haughty cousins?"

Shoushan lifts up his hand but falls victim to a coughing fit, as you comb through your mind as it frantically races to try to find something more watertight than "I just don't trust that clan of dogfuckers to not pick the worst or most reprehensible option when a choice needs to be made"

"I..*Hack* *wheeze" Shoushan starts, tears in his eyes "Know...*Cough* an old story, a myth"

"Speak quickly" Huofeng pleasantly asks of both of you"The next fight is Maozhuaban and Chuanmao, and I will be too distracted cheering on my favorite to hear any claims you may make"

What do you do, Huanliuxue

>Tell him the Ling are descend from the supreme Devil mind, and practice techniques that make outright demonic cultivation seem innocent and cute, bringing up the soul killing fire Yaonan threw out at you

>Present him the account given by your ancestor, the first beast betrayed at the start of the five wise immortal sages coup!

>Make a case that the main branch ling are just naturally rotten, providing examples with Yaonan, Meng, And the actions of Yongzheng, in accusing the winter blossoming sect of murdering the assassins you killed and trying to force his own clan and sect to be their sacrificial pawns

>Let Shoushan speak first, smacking his back to help him with his cough

>Admit you don't have proof that they caused the beast stampede, but hope your disciples will find in their investigation of the stampede

>Weave a tale that is woven purely out of horseshit and falsehoods (Persuasion/ Trickery trial. DC variable, can gain a bonus if you provide a believable write in)

>Write in
>Present our ancestors account.
>Slap the old monks back.

>I have deeper proof. But that can wait until we heal your arm.
>Tell him we never said we had proof and called it a suspicion since the start, and that we have our disciples investigating the matter as we speak.
>Do I have direct proof no. But we can consider the benefits and negatives of such an action in what they could gain.
>Namely attacking my name and putting the fear of beast into people again.
>Making my allies distance themselves if they frame me for such a thing.
>And as a fountain of primordial beast essence awaken animals wouldn't act in such a manner unless provoked. As they would just start understanding the world. For a sudden wave to appear out of nowhere? And with them no doubt of such low cultivation level. The Ling could easily kill such a wave with a few foundation-level experts if they wanted to show a strength of force.
>However I know of a similar scheme from the WBS that used a heretical cultivator to frame me for my assassins death and mainly ignored the twisted bastard.
>Simply with their inaction speaks of scheming and the question then becomes how dare I say warding them off and more how are they controlling them.
>And I have a theory that could explain such a scenario, however, to speak it would upend the orthodox world as we know it. Especially the Ling, and then I ask myself if it would be worth the chaos from such words.
No doubt an orthodox schism would happen, and the war with the WBS would be just a kitty fight compared to it.
Rivers would be dyed blood, and mortals would weep as cultivators raise the land, sea and sky.

The question becomes in the end to let the world live in ignorance of the past or tell them what really happened.

Laugh and smile asking if they want to know such a truth. Give them an options of yes or no. Afterall it's a really juicy tale.
>Let Shoushan speak first, smacking his back to help him with his cough

I wanna hear this

Take care QM
>>Let Shoushan speak first, smacking his back to help him with his cough
>Present him the account given by your ancestor, the first beast betrayed at the start of the five wise immortal sages coup!
do NOT drop the supreme devil mind point here.
Also we've seen the ling use "unorthodox forbidden" techniques relating to the soul.
>>Let Shoushan speak first, smacking his back to help him with his cough
>We'll say our piece later. Maybe when we fix his arm.
I'm curious. Maybe Shoushan's myth will be an ancient truth we already know?
>Weave a tale that is woven purely out of horseshit and falsehoods (Persuasion/ Trickery trial. DC variable, can gain a bonus if you provide a believable write in)
Ending the vote, tallying its result now.

Present him the account given by your ancestor, the first beast betrayed at the start of the five wise immortal sages coup!:2

Let Shoushan speak first, smacking his back to help him with his cough:4

I have deeper proof, but that can wait until we heal your arm/We'll say our piece later. Maybe when we fix his arm.: 2

Tell him we never said we had proof and called it a suspicion since the start, and that we have our disciples investigating the matter as we speak.:1

Do I have direct proof no...etc:1

Weave a tale that is woven purely out of horseshit and falsehoods :1

So you'll let Shoushan speak, slapping his back to help the old monk with his cough

Update will arrive shortly

Thank you. I'm trying junior, but some days are harder than others in terms of grief.
Realizing with a start and gasp that Shoushan won't be able to speak at all before Huofeng is distracted by the upcoming match, you swiftly take action, and with all the gentleness you can muster with a body as refined and powerful as your own, restricting and sealing the strength in your arm, you give the incredibly elderly monk a few pats on the back as delicate and soft as a kitten's purr and as gentle as your own footsteps. He winces and coughs a few more time, lifting up the sleeve of his robe and snorting in through his nose before he shamelessly hacks up a wad of phlegm and mucus, taking in a deep breath and looking greatly relieved, placing a gracious hand on your shoulder as he turns to the now very concerned looking Huofeng.

"A cup of tea before you tell your tale?" The daoist to the right of you offers the Buddhist to the left of you, and Shoushan nods, smiling appreciatively as Huofeng pours him a fresh draught of steaming green tea, which the elderly monk takes a long gulp from before setting down the cup and adjusting his posture, taking in another deep breath as you settle him into his seat and sit, half crouched and cat like upon your throne, waiting to listen to the legend he has to share and how it may prove the Ling's involvement with the beast stampede.

"From a time when men and beasts were kindred, long before the separation of heaven and earth, and further yet from the day daoists outlawed the existence of speaking animals and declared them Yaoguai and the product of so called demonic cultivation" He begins, as scratching post and Boat Cat's match begins with a loud gong ring, and you shift in your seat, getting as comfortable as your human body can be when you've decided to lounge like you were in your original, cat body "Long, long ago. When talking animals were not as common as they are now, but not as rare as they once were. One of the first of their kind, brought up and raised by a daoist sage, when there was less understanding than there is now about their nature, but more than there once was"

He nods solemnly, thoughtfully before taking another gulp of tea and rubbing his throat.

"Though they were adored by their peers and praised by their seniors, theirs was a lonely existences, they knew no other beast that could talk, and though they could forsake their fur to walk amongst them, they felt they were amongst strangers. So, they sought out the guidance of the few beasts that were like them" He continued on "And by recommendation of the first of their number to cultivate, the bull sage, they were given a letter of recommendation to visit an earthly deity of the forge, who, gave her nine trials, to be accepted as their student"

"And this myth connects to the present beast wave how?" Huofeng urges, eyes shifting towards the arena below

"For a man older than me, who intends to spend centuries in the singular pursuit of immortality, you are quiet impatient" Shoushan snaps, stricking his walking stick on the ground

"A thousand pardons, old master, but I do not see what this myth is supposed to teach me, and how it is meant to convince me to share your suspicions of my black hearted cousins" He states as you perk up

"Its the story of the creation of an artifact. The names of the actors and the details have been forgotten to history, but what is remembered, is that a beast like me made a treasure to solve her loneliness" You state, as if it were the truth, when its really just a wild guess, and Shoushan nods approvingly, so you pump your first triumphantly and flash a smug smirk Huofeng's way

"More or less. She passed the trials, what they were, what the forge god asked of her, are long forgotten, and became his pupil" He continues on "And how she came to alleviate her loneliness, and produce children of her own and spread the range of magical beasts, is a story that is better remembered. The part of the myth that matters to you, my impatient friend, is of the failures she experienced on the road there. A curio she formed, early on in her apprentice ship, a shape-shifting dagger, that she imbued a shard of her own beast core into, in the hopes it could be used to transform other beasts forcefully and make them awaken as she had"

Huofeng frowns, and Shoushan lifts up his cane.

"A dagger, whose history was once well record, in both Buddhist and Daoist texts. That, once she abandoned it in disgust at seeing all it could do was turn beasts into monsters that resembled true magical beasts, under the command of the treasure's wielder, fell into the hands of villains whose names have been scourged from history, but whose deeds may still be remembered by your people, even with the censorship and burning of your histories" He explains, tapping his cane a few times on the ground, and smiling as he strays from the topic to tell Huofeng "Oh, it seems Maozhuaban has beaten his brother in arms and faith"

"Excellent, next is your flying monk and Huanliuxue's chicken farmer, yes?" Huofeng chuckles, and you sit up a bit straighter in your seat at hearing that

"I think so, but as I was saying, the dagger's existence and place in history, is well recorded, more so in the temples of my faith" Shoushan starts again "And I could tell you of the many warlords, ambitious souls and monstrous devils who wielded it, as well as the few times it was used heroically, to prove its existence, but I can share with you the accounts of it I've gathered secretly. What matters is, the last time it appeared. In the hands of"

he lifts up his cane from dramatic effect

"A Ling!" He declares with a theatric swinging of his walking stick "A ling, who I know you share blood with! As he is the root of the Ling clan still present beneath the heavens! A ling who used the knife to fight the supreme devil mind"

Shoushan paused them and turned to you, though it took you you nearly a minute to notice, as you were busy watching Xiang and Ho fight, a fight that wasn't going in the chicken farmer's favor, as the monk leapt over his head and walloped him on the back with his long staff, but the gangly man you were rooting for to win had a cunning look in his eyes. A look you've seen before, and have worn before. He was focusing on learning how his opponent moved and calculating his speed and trajectory. Treating the incredibly skilled fighting monk like he were a common hen and he were a fox hunting it.

"Do you have anything to add, Huanliuxue? Surely, you know more of this part of the story than I do, like, for instance, how the Ling came into possession of the dagger, and from whom he inherited from" Shoushan respectfully asked, head bowed, and you realized immediately why he did. He knew you knew that the Supreme devil Mind and Ling Wucai were wife and husband, and could guess that the Ling he spoke of got the dagger from his mother...or would it be their grandfather? You had no way of telling, but he was giving you a chance to blow Huofeng's mind with the revelation that he and all Ling were descend from the Supreme Devil Mind as well as the five colors emperor.

You pondered what he expects you to say, and briefly forgot about the chance he offered you, when, suddenly, Ho reached out and grabbed hold of Xiang's ankle as he vaulted over him, and using the natural momentum of his fall, slammed the agile buddhist hard into the ground, and tied one end of the rope he liked fighting around his mid-section. And also took the chance to pull a short blade from his belt. Now the grounded Xiang frantically blocked his rather merciless assault of downward stabs and pommel strikes.

And, you knew, that the monk Shoushan bet one wasn't going to get back his advantage of mobility, and Ho was going to win in eight....no, seven! moves

What do you decided to do, Huanliuxue?

>Admit that you actually don't know as much as shoushan is acting like you do, but that the Ling ancestor he's speaking of probably got it from the supreme devil mind herself, before she went crazy. Oh, and that the Ling descend from both her and the five color emperor.

>Pretend to know exactly as much as he claims you do, and tell Huofeng that in your studies to reclaim the lost past of your people, you found out a lot of scandalous information about the Supreme devil mind, The Ling clan, and how they're connected and the five wise immortal sages usurped the heavens. And like Shoushan, you have proof to back up these claims.

>Tell Shoushan you actually don't know more than he does, and let him finish talking about the dagger, giving up your chance to soil the Ling legacy

>Sigh and just take the account of the first betrayed beast out of your dimensional gourd and unfurl it.

>Shake your head, wave him off, and focus on Ho and Xiang's fight!

>Write in
>Reveal that his family is related to the great sage ling. Who is son to the five colour emperor. . . Born from his marriage to the Supreme devil mind. And I have proof I can share, but I do not recommend you tell the rest of your sect this truth.
>>Sigh and just take the account of the first betrayed beast out of your dimensional gourd and unfurl it.
This right here is a good bypass.
Oh so my theory was right. Well. It's time to blow his mind might as well rip off the banaid. Also congratulate him on being distantly related to a cat.
My only unsolicited advice is that grief is like a tide. It'll come and go as it pleases and likely will for a long time as well. So don't fight against it, let it pass however it may. Take your time and express yourself as you need to. There's nothing shameful about feeling.
>Sigh and just take the account of the first betrayed beast out of your dimensional gourd and unfurl it.
>Sigh and just take the account of the first betrayed beast out of your dimensional gourd and unfurl it.

Feels to me like such a truth bomb needs more of a setup.
(Also it seems the monk met his match in the idiot savant huh, but I still think this chiken farming genius will come short against the gorilla, who would have lost against the monk if their match came earlier like a game of rock paper scissor.)

>Sigh and just take the account of the first betrayed beast out of your dimensional gourd and unfurl it.

Don't know if I've said it before but we definitely need to recruit "cluck around and find out" Ho
>"Ling Dàshī-Huǒyàn (Great Master Flame, art name, 大师-火焰)" Shoushan bitterly interjected "A renowned hunter of demons and beasts and heretics, deified as the warden of mountain paths, a martial god, and stable-keeper of the head martial god, the red star general, the groom of his thundering steeds, and carrier of his quiver"
I might be reaching, but during our trip to the heavens, we’re perhaps shot by this guy?
>Sigh and just take the account of the first betrayed beast out of your dimensional gourd and unfurl it.
Given his titles he might have actually been the one on guard of the martial god estate and the one who cut off Huan's arms.
Okay, so either way we have a reason to kick his ass for revenge.
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Ending and tallying the vote now.

Reveal that his family is related to the great sage ling. Who is son to the five colour emperor. . . Born from his marriage to the Supreme devil mind. And I have proof I can share, but I do not recommend you tell the rest of your sect this truth.:3

Sigh and just take the account of the first betrayed beast out of your dimensional gourd and unfurl it.:5

So, with a sigh, you'll reveal and unfurl the account of the first magical beast betrayed and allow Disi-Ling Huofeng and Shoushan to read it

Update will arrive shortly
Seven moves you don't want to miss. And brushing aside Shoushan comment in a elegant show of humility or pouncing on the chance to soil the reputation of the Ling Clan, would both take far longer than the end of Ho and Xiang's match will take now that he's practically nailed the scales and the monk to the floor. These are seven moves you cannot miss.

So, with a put upon and annoyed sigh, with trained speed, you uncork your dimensional storage gourd and using a spell that can be performed with only the signs of a single hand, you pull out one of your most closely and dearly cherished treasures out of its depths, past everything else you carry on your hip at all times, and, as its radiance blinds Huofeng, making him turn away and shield his eyes while Shoushan admires the letter that flies from your hand to glow as brilliantly as the day you broke its wax seal with a drop of blood. And with the same hand that summoned it out of the gourd, you cast a simple, obscuring barrier spell around your private seating, so no undeserving eyes can look upon the message written for you long before you were born. A little bit of Yin Qi infused into the barrier, aligned to darkness, is enough to obscure the text from any wandering eyes sharp enough to read a note from the distance of the bottom of the stands to their top.

The Crimson, Scarlet and Carmine writing glowed as the ancient primordial beast essence still spilling out of it intermingled with the beastly energy your body's meridians constantly produced and overflowed with.

"Read" You bark, commanding and granting permission to both Huofeng and Shoushan to look upon the priceless treasure and legacy of your people, as you, with eyes adjusted to piercing through the lightlessness of sealed tombs, watch as Ho and Xiang finish their bloody, pummeling dance.

Xiang flips off his back, slamming the heel of his foot into Ho's chin. Ho reels back, but recovers, turning and dodging the whipping staff of the monk, leaning back to avoid it and dragging the buddhist back to the ground with a tug of his wrist. Your eyes boggle as, for a brief moment, the chicken farmer's muscle tense and a faint pulse of Qi, a whisper of spiritual energy, reinforces his arms, his meridians dribbling with Qi that his body wasn't born possessing. A rudimentary reinforcing technique, crude and performed instinctively somehow, below weak in terms of its effects, but when the opponent only has to rely on the strength granted by exercise and low level physical refinement, it is an incredible boon.

'But, he had to be taught it' You think, eyes narrowed 'unless he is a natural genius at cultivation, that rare talent that accidentally practices Qi Gathering, and that is as unlikely as a chicken farmer doing...well everything Ho has done, actually'.

Xiang slams into the ground, in a cloud of dust, wondering how Ho had drawn upon such monstrous strength. Only long enough for Ho to lunge and slam his fist through the ground next to his head. Xiang realizes the rope wrapped around him has snapped, and hops up, and drives his own fist into Ho's bowed head. Ho counters with a head butt, and as the sand and dust around them settles and Xiang's leap carries him past Ho, the chicken farmer stumbles back, rubbing his head as the monk shakes his pats his aching knuckles.

Huofeng makes a horrified noise, something between a dying rattle and a gasp that draws all the air out of his lungs. He must've read to the revelation of the five wise immortal sages true character and self serving villainy, or maybe he kept his composure and reached the scandalous part of the true relationship of Five colors and the supreme Devil Mind, Heh-Heh-Heh. You don't care to ask, as Xiang and Ho both rush the other for their final clash. Only three moves left.

Ho parries Xiang's assault, punching away his staff as he swings its top and bottom at him with a defiant cry. And then, stepping under a swing the monk trusts to much of his momentum and strength, over extending for the chance to turn the fight around by knocking Ho out with a whip strike so fierce it warps the wooden haft of his weapon, Ho lunges and wraps his arms around his waist.

Both are lifted from the ground, but Ho recovers first and nearly drops his drops as he fumbles for it, having stuck it in the rope holding up his pants.

Xiang just relaxes, and smirks as the excited chicken farmer, trembling from heel to hand, presses the shortsword he was loaned against his neck.

And all of the stadium cheers, so loudly, that you can feel their enthusiasm shaking in your teeth. Even the buddhists are cheering for Ho, but the bull-head daoists who rooted for him simply because he was fighting a buddhist by far cheer the loudest. They're relieved, that a buddhist monk didn't snatch the victory that "Rightfully belonged to right minded daoists" in the last few rounds of the mortal martial tournament. And that thought is enough to sour and thoroughly spoil your good-mood at seeing the funny chicken man actually make it to the end of the tournament again.

Though, his next fight is against his teacher. Even if all he was taught was a few pointers, that sort of bond isn't easily trampled down. And thinking about that, and reflecting upon the poor behavior of your fellow daoists, you nearly miss the equally upsetting noise Huofeng makes, like drowning man would make if they were dragged from the water just to be lead to the gallows.

While you feel a certain dark kind of satisfaction in seeing a "normal" cultivator like him feel the same sorrow and grief you felt when you first read that letter, you realize that he's also feeling the sort of shame you can't even imagine, because if what he's reading is true and he has enough spiritual and common sense to know how difficult and expensive it'd be to forge something like that letter, then that means he's descended from the most despicable and wicked villains ever born beneath the heavens and the foundations of the world he believes are built on a lie that has defined an era and lead to programs and genocide against an innocent people and the stagnation and erosion of cultivation. Which has to be a just awful experience and revelation. You don't even want to try imagining the kind of turmoil he's experiencing.

"But...But" He croaks, rubbing his throat "That...this would... It would mean everything, all I know is...it can't, I can't. How could this have been allowed to happen!"

Suddenly you feel a twinge of guilt hearing Huofeng start to break down, and wince as the letter pushes the dying memory of its writer, of a lazy, sunny afternoon they spent as a kitten on the lap of their owner, is thrust into your mind's eye and hits you like a slap to the face.

And then you feel like you were slapped a second time when you realize Huofeng wasn't at your trial either, and would've only heard the histories and accounts of the beast cultivators every sect once had through the, surely embellished, versions he'd have been told by the few Chuan cultivators who'd be willingly, brazen or oblivious enough to be seen talking to a Ling man. And all they would've done is brag about how incredible their "Shamefully forgotten" predecessor was. So Huofeng got hit by the revelation that made crying drunks out of your jury and a far more terrible truth that you kept from them, at the same time. The elders and sect heads of Chuan, at least have the cold comfort of thinking the erasure of beast cultivators to be the act of a crafty demonic cultivator.

But Huofeng? He's confronted by the truth that is was the designs of not only the pinnacle of the heavens, but his own ancestors. Oh, and that the greatest enemy of the righteous sects ever faced is also a relative of his.

Oops? Now you feel kind of like trash for shoving that letter into his face, because it was easier than explaining it yourself. Hmph! Well, guilt isn't something you like to feel. And it is unsuitable for a royal face as fine as your own to wear it around! But the frown on your face grows heavier, as you realize this twinge of guilt won't be snuffed out under the heel of your prideful bearing as easily as most of your other shameful feelings have been.

Awkwardly looking back at Huofeng who is reading over the letter again, grinding his teeth hard enough to draw blood from his gums, you try and think of someway to console him. Or at least distract yourself from the shitty feeling his pain is making you experience.

"...I never knew the finer details" Shoushan mumbled, shaking his head sadly and clicking his tongue "Only what was done and what resulted. To hear it from the final, confused thoughts of the first victim of their boundless ambitions, is trying. Forgive me, for unwittingly opening old wounds, Huanliuxue. I can see why speaking of this would've been painful and why you could not have done so. Reducing this to a few words, would've been a trial of the heart, that if I were presented I doubt I could've completed myself"

And that nearly makes you forget that you're feeling bad for Huofeng, as you shoot a baffled and somewhat offended look at Shoushan, who doesn't seem at all sorry for the crying cultivator he'd been so friendly with up until now. And as if answering your expression, he shrugs and explains "I have nothing of worth to say to him, sometimes grief is a beast that must be grappled with alone, so it is also with shame and regret. I cannot help him, but to respect his pain"

You have to admit, that is as fine an excuse as it is worldly wisdom

What do you do, Huanliuxue?

>Take Shoushan's advice, and somewhat awkwardly try to ignore Huofeng's breakdown while the martial tournament concludes

>Decide that may be true for Shoushan, but it isn't for Huanliuxue, and try to help Houfeng overcome his grief.

>A distraction! Tell them both that the Five Colors emperor isn't even in the nine heavens. That might cheer up Huofeng

>Point out the funny coincidence that the first beast cut down was also a housecat, like your magnificent self!

>Write in
>>A distraction! Tell them both that the Five Colors emperor isn't even in the nine heavens. That might cheer up Huofeng
Brother we are at a tournament, please stop weeping.

I think a little moment for himself might do him some good or he might risk one of those blood spitting injuries that can cripple cultivation or something.

We should allow him to retreat to a quiet place, perhaps even bringing him to the moon to see the earth from above, at least until the end of the day.
>A distraction! Tell them both that the Five Colors emperor isn't even in the nine heavens. That might cheer up Huofeng

And leave him with the comforting thought of our meeting of five colors to anchor his feelings around a core of truth.
>A distraction! Tell them both that the Five Colors emperor isn't even in the nine heavens. That might cheer up Huofeng
>A distraction
>Write in, offer to try and set up a meeting. We want to visit old five colours anyway.
>Decide that may be true for Shoushan, but it isn't for Huanliuxue, and try to help Houfeng overcome his grief.

Why do you guys think dropping another bomb will help the poor guy? Dilute some of Mom's opium and let him hit it to calm down a bit.
Well, it is supposed to be a distraction, and not directly help him process what he's just taken in, but letting him get to it at a later time.
>>Point out the funny coincidence that the first beast cut down was also a housecat, like your magnificent self!
>Decide that may be true for Shoushan, but it isn't for Huanliuxue, and try to help Houfeng overcome his grief.
>Decide that may be true for Shoushan, but it isn't for Huanliuxue, and try to help Houfeng overcome his grief.
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Ending the vote and tallying its result now. My keyboard was having some issues, but they've worked themselves out now.

A distraction! Tell them both that the Five Colors emperor isn't even in the nine heavens. That might cheer up Huofeng:
-Offer to try and set up a meeting:1

Decide that may be true for Shoushan, but it isn't for Huanliuxue, and try to help Houfeng overcome his grief.:3

Point out the funny coincidence that the first beast cut down was also a housecat, like your magnificent self!:1

So you will provide a distraction by way of mentioning that the five color emperor isn't even in the nine heavens, to try and cheer up Huofeng

Update will arrive shortly
A distraction got 4 votes, btw, forgive me juniors. I hit send a bit too swiftly
And while you're confident what is true for Shoushan isn't true for Huanliuxue, as through your meditations on grudges, conversations with ghosts and own personal experiences with it, you understand grief and have more insight about it than most your age or several times it, like Shoushan, could ever hope to attain or so much as briefly gleam. However, it is easier to help an earthbound ghost overcome the shackles of sorrow chaining them to the mortal world than it is to stop up and mend a still bleeding wound upon a still beating heart. Especially when the wound is so freshly made the cut that make it is practically still ringing in your ears.

However, from personal experience and the same meetings with the dead that have granted you a portion of your broad and vast knowledge of grief, you know that it is a malady whose symptoms can be temporarily treated before it is healed. And one of the best treatments for it is distraction! Oh is it ever! How much did you distract yourself from facing the sadness fueling the murderous rage that fueled the grudge that practically created you? How many lives were snuffed out and devoured and how many murders did you commit before you came to terms with the tragedy that awoke your intellect? Killings caused by enmity born from grief! So, while you may be master of grudges, you are certain you know grief well enough to be the expert on it between you and Shoushan, and your expert opinion is what Disi-Ling Huofeng needs right now is a distraction, so he can pull himself out from the mire of emotional turmoil and confront his sadness with a clear and unclouded mind. And who knows, maybe the distraction you intend to provide will give him a spear in the form of relief and good cheer to combat his grief head on!

"Well, if its any consolation" You begin and Shoushan inhales sharply through his nose but doesn't move to stop you "and as that precious letter makes clear, Old Five Colors had no role to play in the mass slaughter of my proud ancestors and the rest of their generation of gods and lower cultivators. In fact, as you read, he wasn't and hasn't walked into the nine heavens since his self imposed exile. Of that, I am certain"

Shoushan coughs, and Huofeng's head shoots up, a look of outrage waning and relaxing to one of what you can only describe as utter confusion, with the way his lip curls back making it look like he's trying to get a better whiff of the air in front of his face as both of these older men slowly, glacially slow, turn their heads towards you and you half expect to be scolded for being so inconsiderate and unkind to Huofeng as he experienced his whole world and understanding of his place in it flipped around and completely upheaved and quickly try to come up with a way to deflect and excuse your lack of tact, before their silent stares start to make you feel more than a little uncomfortable. And their silence itself starts to piss you off.

"Huuuh?" you drawl, sounding a little bratty to even your biased ears, crossing you arms defensively over your chest "What's the matter, why are you looking at me like that, huh? What's it I said that's struck both of you wise master dumb"

"Repeat" Huofeng chokes, rubbing his temple "Repeat the last words you said"

You open your mouth and Shoushan lifts his hand, interrupting as politely as is possible

"Just the last few words, about the daoist immortal Ling Wucai's whereabouts" The buddhist says, almost sounding giddy with excitement as you feel your eyes bulge as you realize, in your haste to distract poor Huofeng, you accidentally let slip a secret you weren't even trying to keep. That Old Five Colors has spent all the time he was supposedly ruling over the nine heavens and the world beneath them, instead sitting atop a mountain in the world's largest private garden and that he hates what has been done in his name, to beasts like yourself and the practice of cultivating Qi and pursuing immortality as a whole. And that his palace was completely empty until you blasted off its doors with the blood of one of his supposedly divine servants, while running from a pack of furious deities who were supposed to be his direct underlings and second in command.

You almost feel out of breath simply mentally recounting every important piece of that particular mystery you alone know. Until now, if you choose to share it.

'Now that is one incredible distraction' you admire yourself, as you notice Huofeng isn't crying and looking like his blood was flowing in reverse painfully, or reading the letter anymore, which you had already gingerly took from his hands before he could stain it with the tears still trailing down his cheeks

"What did you mean by that?" Huofeng presses, grabbing hold of your wrist tightly and only stopping himself from tugging you closer as he asks more things, like "Has he departed this realm entirely, surpassing even the heavens? Has he joined his true disciples and inheritors of his will in death, did he leave signs, a message that would be overlooked by even the five wise immortal sages? Did...did you speak with the ghost of the supreme devil mind"

You recoil, shocked by the places one armed's mind raced to after only hearing that you were certain he wasn't in the celestial realm, even as you're thrilled that he immediately and implicitly trusts the dying record left behind by one of your distant ancestors. Actually, come to think of it, the supreme devil mind had to have been reincarnated by now, several times in fact and you never saw so much as a whisker of her down by the yellow springs. And come to think of it, the actual way you met five colors sounds like a lie made up on the spot to try and patch up the holes in a ridiculous story that a known boaster rattled off without thinking about it.

Since, honestly, who would believe anyone, even someone as reliable and trust worthy as yourself, if they cheerfully said they met the peak of all nine of the heavens and the ruler of heaven and earth, living like a humble mountain hermit, drinking tea and completely ignorant of the goings on of the world since his departure from it?

Or that all the cataclysms that rocked and terrified the world not too long ago were the result of his outrage after hearing about what's been going on beyond his garden's walls as told to him by a certain, adorably ludic feline

"Oh, that gorilla is fighting again, oh woe, another one of my Buddhist brothers is about to be beaten by a wild ape again. How sad, at least they will learn a valuable lesson here. If they are not too concussed to reflect upon the fight afterwards" Shoushan speaks up, smiling at you as he tries, and fails to shift both your and Huofeng's attention back to the fights of the tournament.

"What has made you so confident he is not in the heavens?" Huofeng repeats, eyes blazing as he tries to stare a hole through you and your soul, and knowing what you do about Ling techniques, he might actually be capable of it "That was no idle boast or poorly timed jest, was it? You've wandered places no man would dare tread, exploring places where powerful cultivators would hesitate to so much as fly above. Was it there you found proof of the absence of the five colors emperor from the jade throne of the heavens?"

Well, that at least squashes one of your worries. And tells you Huofeng would believe anything you said if you actually tried to lie to him, if he puts so much trusts in just you saying you're certain of it.

What do you tell Huofeng, Huanliuxue?

>Nothing, him grabbing your wrist has annoyed you enough to reply with a slap rather than an actual answer

>Laugh and explain you reached the moon by sprinting through all nine of the heavens. Turns out, the only thing keeping mortals out, is the belief they cannot fly high enough to reach it. And that when you ran through the temple at its peak, the only thing there was dust and cobwebs

>"It is a long story, but it starts when I saved Ping, Feiqing and Lei from a bunch of cultists, and... It really is surprising I haven't bragged about this to anyone before, huh? Anyways, our journey together ended when I found an old man atop a mountain..."

>Tell him five colors gifted the gege's their cultivation methods and techniques and that they used to live in his personal garden, and he's been there all this time but you have no clue where he is currently

>Shrug and say that five colors would never tolerate the actions of the five wise immortal sages, but don't answer how you know this. A girl needs to keep some mysteries to herself after all

>Lie and say you found the five colors imprisoned under a mountain, for no real reason.

>write in
>>Shrug and say that five colors would never tolerate the actions of the five wise immortal sages, but don't answer how you know this. A girl needs to keep some mysteries to herself after all
He got distracted, he can ponder that.
No need to spill too many details outside of that.
>>Laugh and explain you reached the moon by sprinting through all nine of the heavens. Turns out, the only thing keeping mortals out, is the belief they cannot fly high enough to reach it. And that when you ran through the temple at its peak, the only thing there was dust and cobwebs
>"It is a long story, but it starts when I saved Ping, Feiqing and Lei from a bunch of cultists, and... It really is surprising I haven't bragged about this to anyone before, huh? Anyways, our journey together ended when I found an old man atop a mountain..."

Is there really a big reason to keep this under a huge amount of concealment? It's not like either of these guys are gonna go telling everyone about it.
>Tell him five colors gifted the gege's their cultivation methods and techniques and that they used to live in his personal garden, and he's been there all this time but you have no clue where he is currently
And I just realized I miscounted by one and it should've been 5. How truly shameful
>Laugh and explain you reached the moon by sprinting through all nine of the heavens. Turns out, the only thing keeping mortals out, is the belief they cannot fly high enough to reach it. And that when you ran through the temple at its peak, the only thing there was dust and cobwebs

We really shouldn't reveal that we're in contact with Wucai for no considerable benefit.
>Laugh and explain that we ran through the heavens
>>Tell him five colors gifted the gege's their cultivation methods and techniques and that they used to live in his personal garden, and he's been there all this time but you have no clue where he is currently
>"It is a long story, but it starts when I saved Ping, Feiqing and Lei from a bunch of cultists, and... It really is surprising I haven't bragged about this to anyone before, huh? Anyways, our journey together ended when I found an old man atop a mountain..."

Funny how it's called the forest of the tragic lovers and nobody remembers who they were huh?
And that heartbreak can make one want to shut himself into hiding for an era.
Anyway this all started when a little curious kitten boldy entered into a home not of her own...
>>Laugh and explain you reached the moon by sprinting through all nine of the heavens. Turns out, the only thing keeping mortals out, is the belief they cannot fly high enough to reach it. And that when you ran through the temple at its peak, the only thing there was dust and cobwebs
Also say that we have directly talked to him, but not where. He probably doesn't want to be found by anyone, or else he would make the places where he stays public.

Alright, that's enough of a good reason to switch to

>Laugh and explain you reached the moon by sprinting through all nine of the heavens. Turns out, the only thing keeping mortals out, is the belief they cannot fly high enough to reach it. And that when you ran through the temple at its peak, the only thing there was dust and cobwebs

for me.
So any ideas on how to prepare to fight the Ling?

I say we evolve as a beast again and try to get Sunkiller.

We can also meditate and experiment with Carmine mysticism, maybe take gods blood too for double the money.

I don't think a ghost evolution would be thst helpful honestly. An option but a bad one.

Just a generalised all around training to familiarise ourselves with all our Qi types?
break their control of the beast tide
see if we can seize it for ourselves, drive it towards them.
Otherwise, rally a united chaun with sects, buddhists, insect sisters, ghosts, see if we can rope in a few enemies of the Ling and go blow for blow.
I rather not a beast evolution or beast evolution just yet.
I'd rather continue gathering "living source" and spirit roots so that when we DO have a beast evolution it'll be that much greater (think what huan may have been able to evolve into before golden core vs after golden core vs now lol)
The knife he has does that.

I think we were doing that anyway but good to cover our bases.

I am talking about specific personal prep to improve our odds of fighting an entire stage above us.
However I think your concern is foolish. We have 7 more evolutions left before we are capped out, so using one now still puts us at 1/3rd our potential. And the special upgrade I am saying we focus on, gives us an absolute immunity to heat and fire, which the Ling are completely specialised in.

There is 0 other evolution as well suited to the upcoming fight we are aware of, which isn't just a deepening of Sun Killer. The opportunity cost you are concerned with is valid but the immediate and applicable reward is more than enough to offset it.

Like seriously dude, how many evolutions would let us tank a hit from one of the Five wise Sages or Ling Wucai himself if they used a fireball?
I dunno man. Does soul fire burn the same way as sun fire? Or ghost fire? Or god fire? Is it all the same kind of fire? What IS fire? Perhaps the real fire was the wine we drank along the way.
And also, just being a single stage apart can make it so your flames are stronger enough to ignore any fire immunity. We've seen this several times with our dying grudge shields being totally broken instead of reflecting the force.
. . Yes? If it's good enough to dance on the sun, it is enough to ignore shitty soul fire.

The Grudge shield is NOT immunity, it is a spell we came up with in qi condensation.
It's a great spell, proving we are the great and magnificent us, but it is just Qi that catches force and reflects it.

It is NOT immunity. And it has never claimed to be, I don't understand the argumentative angle here.
>it is enough to ignore shitty soul fire.
The sun isn't made out of soul, though. That's like saying having fire immunity means you can't get chemical burns. Pshaw, sir, PSHAW!
>Chemical ""BURNS""
Checkmate fire in disguise. Be countered.

And even if you are squeamish and suspicious that technicalities will fuck us, I point out that dead Heat Qi and Arrows are both capable of sealing or consuming FIRE of any stripe, per their definition.

Though I am.not confident in sealing any attack from a stage above because seals have a strength limit. Like the Grudge shield.

>The sun isn't made out of soul.
How do YOU KNOW sir?!? Have you been there?! Do you not feel your soul nourished by the suns rays?!
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Really though. I'm just worried about things getting mighty funky. I'm worried that the highest eschelon of their soul destroying techniques combines fire and that forbidden stuff and while we might find a way to stop the heat it won't stop it from attacking our soul anyway. Obviously every other step of the way it would be useful, but after a certain point I feel it is dubious. And in the Celestial realms a lot of things work "because he willed it" rather than by any actual logic. Chinese Mysticism is rad like that.
Just will it harder to not work.
The tier 9 evolution of demonic beasts, never before reached, is merely "Huanlieuxe". The being who told the Dao itself, no, I am ME.

And even in this concern, it is still tied together into fire. Making it still a shit match up vs us.
And let's not forget, I am focusing on Immunity. The ability to be a supreme archer so we never need get close.
Perfect eyesight.

And how it ties in with our Physique.

The idea is that even such a spell that can reflect energy is susceptible to breakage. And how is resistance or immunity brought forth into effect? Those would also end up as some sort of concept or force, of which it could be possible to overpower, and considering we're going to be against the only person to approach Nascent Soul anytime recently, they're sure to be very powerful.
Don't get me wrong, Sun Killer is goated as fuck, it was my first pick amongst the options presented. But caution is always prudent. Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer as a crazy old man might say. Though crazy old men also say hesitation is defeat. It's not so much that I'd rather pick something else to pursue it's that I'd rather not get caught up in thinking we have any true invincibility in any way.

Our surety in our own ability almost got us severely injured against a Ling already. I'd loathe to make the same mistake on one with even more arrogance and even less charm.
Is there any possibility that we can cultivate ourselves up from Golden Core to Nascent Soul? Given our previous jump, it shouldn't be impossible-- though we might have to burn through all of our bonus, and some of our resources to achieve it. Practicing our moves never hurts, but... with the difference of a large cultivation realm, our opponent may just be able to overpower us. Cosmic Evolution might help, but it's not a guarantee
Minor possibility but I don't recommend it.

The reward for surpassing the heavens and overturning immense odds is usually worth the efforts.
he can attack our soul directly, our ghost arts make us resilant towards that.
If he uses flame we can damage him with cosmic and blood. There isn't much point focusing even more to defense when its already so damn hard to kill us.

Arguing soul fire and sun fire are the same is a mistake. They work differently, and sufficent mastery in either can offset the other

Also I do not believe we can beat him in the short term
which is why I am not talking about the short term
I believe we can win against the ling, but after sufficent ass whipping he will be forced to come out of isolation.
If and when he does, that is when we need to be prepared, but its entirely possible we fight the ling and make a temporary truce before then. The time we have can vary, so we need to see.

Right now rather than taking hits, my higher concern is how the fuck do we deal damage? Us and our Ghost King pal would be the only ones who could even scratch him. So if we can both make breakthroughs it becomes a two on one.
I am considering improving our understanding of carmine knowledge + blood manipulation, not at the level of like the evolutions, but enough to where we can consume god blood. God blood should help us level our playing field against him.
Dead heat Qi is hard counter to fire and heat.
That is why I push for it. Huans thoughts about it are "will make killing the ling as easy as flipping over ones hand.". And at the same level, none of their GC experts can stand a chance either.

As for damage. . Well I already espoused the benefits of dead heat Qi. But my only solution is drugs, our artifacts, and an absurd amount of refining our body with carmine mysticism to the point where our body is as good as his.
The God blood and the double dose roll benefit is our key there.
I dunno man, our defense is more "don't get hit" than anything. Even taking into account Huan's ability to heal and mitigate through various means. Icicle was a genuine threat to us even with his ice attacks when we have an inherent type-advantage against that with our supreme yin body. You truly can never have enough defense. And yeah, damage is important, I won't deny that either. But for that we'll probably need to get some more directly deadly techniques or just more raw power. A lot of our attacks are debuffs in disguise and DOT. We don't have anything like swordlight in our deck.
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Loving all the discussion and planning, my most astute juniors. Sharpen your fangs!. Meant to end and tally the vote sooner, but I was battling my heart demons after slipping on spilled tea and launching one of my prized teawares into a wall, thus shattering it completely.


Shrug and say that five colors would never tolerate the actions of the five wise immortal sages, but don't answer how you know this. A girl needs to keep some mysteries to herself after all:1

Laugh and explain you reached the moon by sprinting through all nine of the heavens. Turns out, the only thing keeping mortals out, is the belief they cannot fly high enough to reach it. And that when you ran through the temple at its peak, the only thing there was dust and cobwebs:5

"It is a long story, but it starts when I saved Ping, Feiqing and Lei from a bunch of cultists, and... It really is surprising I haven't bragged about this to anyone before, huh? Anyways, our journey together ended when I found an old man atop a mountain...":1

Tell him five colors gifted the gege's their cultivation methods and techniques and that they used to live in his personal garden, and he's been there all this time but you have no clue where he is currently:2

So you will laugh and tell him the story of how you reached the moon by running through the heavens, and what you found in five colors' palace. Namely, nothing.

Update will arrive shortly

Also. as you might've guessed Ling Yongzheng will be another fateful encounter like the fight with Aodasheng was, so you are right to be cautious and plan

Also you didn't hear it from me, but there is a chance you run into a different fateful encounter before him. Not saying who or where it is thou, or giving any clues about it.
>thus shattering it completely.
Now is the time for glue and glitter.

>Not saying who or where it is thou, or giving any clues about it.
Yo shit guys, it's Iron Fist Tung. He's going to iron fist us.
The Ling Daughter,
Whatever growth she's had, I think we overall have still been outpacing her, or at least have been neck and neck.
At some point we will come to blows. When we do, its her head. One main character option confirmed to be terminated.
The croaking, witch like laugh you're so proud to have inherited from your mouth bursts out, breaking your gentle and demure smile and making Huofeng and even the kindly and ever composed and polite Shoushan wince and shudder from hearing it as you throw your head back and toss away your dignity to simply laugh uproariously and almost ferally at the lord of the renegade Ling's dogged questioning and the severe tone of voice he's using while daring to grab hold of your wrist. A deed so bold and rude you only have clawed him because it's more funny than offensive, and thankfully for him and your pride as a cat, his shock at his heavy questions being met with stomach hurting laughter has made him loosen his grip enough for your hand to slip from his grasp naturally

"What is so amusing?" He snaps, a vein bulging above his eye as you double over, still laughing, and wave him off as you rise, clutching your stomach to try and stop it from hurting as you try and smother the chuckles still rattling through you as you look into his eyes, and blink as he's made blurry with tears.

"Oh, well, its just that I went up there and saw it for my own two eyes" You snicker, flicking the wrist of the hand you made calming gestures with to thrust a single finger towards the heavens above, as you hear as Buddhist prayer shouted followed shortly by the unmistakable thump of a body being thrown and then hammered into the sand, followed by a guttural ape's roar, but the gorilla's victory isn't called, and glancing back, you see that the monk is back up and the ape is clutching their side. The cunning little priest is using a knife like a rope dart!

Smiling, you turn back, and see Huofeng staring blankly at you, lips parted dumbly as Shoushan ignores your conversation to cheer on his fellow buddhist.

"What?" Huofeng asks weakly, sounding almost faint as your smile curls into a excited grin

"I said what I said, and I did it as well!" You boast, lifting up your chin to stare down at him past your nose "I reached the heavens"

He blinks, claps his hands, bows his head, and takes in a deep breath

"You what?" He said in a hushed tone, barely speaking above a whisper, but his expression and harshness of speech made it sound like he was yelling it in your ear despite being as quiet as a mute mouth

You nod, grin shrinking to a truly audacious smirk as you tap a finger on your chin and uncoil onto your thrown, laying across its arms, relaxed as can be

"I said it twice didn't I? I've visited the celestial realm, pranced through the nine heavens" You state brazenly, licking the back of your hand as you roll it's twins wrist in a playful gesture at Huofeng feng, who claps his hands again and covers his mouth and nose, sighing heavily again

"How? Why?" He asks as if in pain, furrowing his brow and lurching forward. You just titter, and flick your sleeve over the lower half of your face to hide your newly renewed grin that must be gross with pride at the moment.


"Turns out the only thing keeping mortals out is the belief they cannot fly high enough to reach its gate" You snicker, rolling your eyes up, feeling almost intoxicated reflecting on one of the deeds and tricks your perhaps the most proud of, next to attaining this beautiful human form of yours and thrashing Aodasheng "And how else would I reach the moon to douse it in my color and scent, if not through the heavens, hm?"

Huofeng groans hard through his hands, eyes closed tightly and wincing as he practically growls. Looks like he's suffering an awful migraine just from hearing of your heaven crashing adventure without knowing the details.

"Want to hear more?" You press, rolling over, kicking your legs playfully and tapping him on the head as he suffers, he just nods, unable to find words to beg to hear more your incredible accomplishment "Well, it wasn't easy. Security was looser than I expected, but I still almost died reaching the bottom step. This and that happened, I tricked some martial god boys into thinking I was a goddess in danger, and ended up in the supreme martial god's palace, and escape out his gardens, got my arms sliced off by a guardian deity and"

Huofeng glares at you, annoyance clear in his eyes as yours are drawn to his stump and what you said earlier about it, but you brush off his irritation with a coy smile and continue

"Well, I played a trick on them, not saying what and ran away to the palace of the five color emperor and" You say, pausing with your tongue pressed to your upper row of teeth, and decide you might get throttled if you explain how you got into the palace, and you don't want to have to kill Huofeng over a story "Well, I got inside of it, pursued by the five wise immortal sages. And it was the oddest thing, it was completely empty, except for dust, cobwebs and untouched finery and heavenly treasures. No a single servant, and certainly no emperor. The throne was empty"

Huofeng's aura darkens, and you can tell he's trying to fit the betrayal he just read about with your story of your run through the heavens.

"Oh don't worry, he isn't dead" You quickly explain, waving a hand in front of your face as you flip back up to sitting in your throne properly "I've spoken with him before, actually, but respect his privacy. He just wasn't in the heavens, and hasn't been for a long time. You'd have to find him yourself if you want to know why.

Huofeng's shoulders relax and his expression unclenches and softens as he places a hand over his heart

"I feared he had been" He admits with a nod "Knowing he lives, is a great relief, hearing that his name has been used by usurpers for their own designs, that they've saddled his authority to their aims and ambitions. Which is greatly upsetting, truly enraging. I see I share blood with villains without equal!. I wouldn't put patricide beyond them"


"Then I scared some star shepherding goddess and" You continue on and are only interrupted when the victory gong is run, and you look up to see who had won between the gorilla and monk, not that you need to, though the buddhist did draw more blood and leave more of mark than you expected. And you can't seem to make your tongue move when Ho and Māozhuābǎn step into the arena

The air is thick with tension as they move to their ends of the ring , saying nothing as they lock eyes. You and Huofeng, both struck silent exchange glances, as the two fighters bow quickly, and before the gong can be rung, throw themselves at eachother.

"Both are using Qi" You whisper, eyes widening and nearly popping as Huofeng nods and Shoushan smiles, oddly viciously as the crowd that can keep up with your faithful worshipper and the chicken farmer cheer loudly as they each move with the swiftness of expert martial artists who scrape the edge of the limits of mortal ability.

"Its crude" Huofeng agrees "Just a sheathing, speeding up their limbs, adding weight and power to their strikes, improving their blows and their resistance, but it is something to be lauded"

"The gorilla is naturally attuned to spiritual energy" Shoushan remarks "As a magical beast, they are closer to the first stage of your system of cultivation"

"Why do you think I bet on them to?" You snicker, unable to tear your eyes away from the clash of the master and pupil, the former who shows no emotion, and the second who is sweating and smiling awkwardly as he keeps up with the pace set by the mercenary turned devoted priest.

Ho avoids an impaling thrust, accidentally making use of lightness skill. That stuns the crowd to silence. Maozhuban just smirks and leaps into the air after him, making use of it as well. Ho learns quickly, quicker than even the one who taught him realized, and whatever is going on in his head, makes him truly unpredicteable. You aren't sure who will win. If Ho does, you win the bet. If Maozhuaban does, you have a chance to use. This is the last fight before the finale.

Ho keeps up with his teacher, who until now has only been using styles he had used prior in the fights. Then he changes.

"Ling" You gasp. You've seen that stance before. The ogress used it when you fought her in corpses

"No, Chuan. That is the crashing thunder grip" Huofeng corrects "Ling Yaonan is a stealer of styles. She's absorbed the moves of several disparate schools into her own patch work swords manship. I believe she killed the official heir of that style. Didn't think they taught it outside of their school"

"I see why it earned that name" You mutter as Maozhuban holds his sword with both hands and keeping it above his head, rains hard blows down on the now defensive Ho, who has replaced his rope with a chain "That's extreme aggression. The ogress only used one move from the dozen he's using in this sequence"

"I call her technique patchwork, but she combines the most effective strikes she encounters into her style. The first thunder clap, as it is termed, is the most effective, the follow ups tend to have less strength behind them, and quickly exhaust the wielder" He explains, as Ho, taking advantage of that weakness, throws and wraps his chain around Maozhuban's blade, who stance shifts, as he lowers himself to the ground like a serpent, and pulls his sword out of the chain lock before it can tighten

"Dusk marsh viper?!" Huofeng gasps, standing from his chair as Maozhuban shifts his feet and adjust his grip on the blade subtly "Merciful current?!"

The chain is out of Ho's hands.

"I surrender" Ho says, holding up his hands, smiling blihtely as you grind your teeth, ready to fly down there and strangle him for giving up so easily "Don't think I can keep up with yer fancy footwork, Shifu"

"A pity. We could've fought for longer" Maozhuban says, as Ho nods in agreement

"If I ain't gonna win, I ain't gonna get cut up more than I hafta to see I ain't gonna win" Ho says sagely "Good luck against the big monkey, friend"

Maozhuban frowns, and so does Huofeng, who bet on him winning

"Dastardly" He complains, pouting as he looks at you "Taking advantage of your privileges as the host"

"No, it's smart!" You argue, shaking a fist at him as Maozhuban, reluctantly drags himself over to the edge of the ring, as the bloodied and battered gorilla stomps past the retreating Ho, eyes heavy.

"I have no name" he states, looking into the wincing eyes of your worshipper "I understand, it is polite to exchange them, before battle"

"He is a lot more refined and politely mannered than I thought he'd be" You admit as the rest of the arena is stunned by the gorilla finally speaking, and sounding like a refined gentlemen

"My name is new, so don't feel bad, maybe you will win one" Maozhuban offers

"I hear it mean's cat's toy" The gorilla remarks

"Something like that, scratching post" He explains, holding out his hand to motion to the scar you gave him on his request

"Will I get a name if I win?" The gorilla asks

"What goddess would not name their servant?" Maozhuban asks

"Then, I must win" The ape says with a bowed head "To have identity beyond this strength"

"And I must win, to serve her holiness" Maozhuban says, with a bowed head

They stand upright, nod in mutual understanding, and wait for the fight to start.

It is over in one move

"Dammit!" You roar, slapping your forehead, as Huofeng laughs, as Your gorilla and his own favourite to win both hit the sands.

"They knocked each other out! In the same move!" Huofeng howls with laughter, slapping his knee as Shoushan strokes his beard

"Both had gotten too injured in their previous fight, Ho could be called the winner, for realizing his limits" He remarks as you gnash and grind your teeth, glowering from where you slouch upon your throne. The stadium is silent, and already you can feel thousands of questioning stares, looking up to you.

"Isn't that just hilarious, Huanliuxue!" Huofeng laughs some more "We were so wond up and worried about which of us would win, we never considered a draw to be possible"

"What the hell" You mutter ruefully, gnawing on the nail of your thumb "You're a gorilla, how'd that strike knock you out in one go! Sure you've lost some blood, but that's pathetic!"

"He did knock out Maozhuban before he fell, that wild punch was inspired! It had real technique behind it" Huofeng snickers, as you stew in annoyance and grumble, knowing you're expected to declare the winner of that disappointing last bout. Ho and Maozhuban's fight was far more exciting.

triple vote

Who do you declare the winner

>Both the gorrilla And Maozhuban, getting two disciples for the price of one

>The gorilla, so you win, and because Maozhuban hit the ground first

>Maozhuban, since the gorilla was unconscious first

>Arbitrarily declare Ho the winner, since he showed more wisdom than these two and knew and respected his limits

>Write in

What do you do about the bet

>Declare it void, since really none of you bet on a double knock out

>Generously refuse the staff and sword, even though you technically lost as well

>Hand over the spirit stones begrudgingly

>Give the kiss you promised

>Laugh and state even though you half lost, Shoushan and Huofeng lost fully, because they only bet one thing!

>Write in

And what is the next step of the pre qi condensation tournament, Huanliuxue? (All three options will be much quicker than the martial tournament was)

>Sorcery and magic spells

>The tests for luck

>the free for all brawl
Rolled 2 (1d3)

The winner is the one who is standing at the end, as the saying goes. But that is unfair to these two who have shown valor in their contest. Should we award prudence? Should we award perseverance? I cannot decide. Perhaps we should wait and see who gets up first? Since in such a scenario where either MAY wake up before the other, they might finish the other off, hypothetically. Hmmm.

I shall roll a die,
1 I'll vote a tie win
2 I'll vote Ho wins
3 I'll vote a write-in to wait and see who wakes up first to see who wins (but not waiting so long as for the gorilla to potentially bleed out, in which case Maozhuban would obviously win for not being dying)

>Declare it void, since really none of you bet on a double knock out
I mean, there is no clear winner. So shouldn't our own bet reflect that? Only seems fitting. Inconclusive.

>Sorcery and magic spells
I say the serious stuff gets done first, then the luck, then the free for all to end it on a really high octane and exciting note for all of these daoists of lesser patience to have a good time before they go. Like toddlers watching a game.
>Both the gorrilla And Maozhuban, getting two disciples for the price of one.
And honorary mention for the chicken farmer for being wise about his capabilities.
>Arbitrarily declare Ho the winner, since he showed more wisdom than these two and knew and respected his limits

>Generously refuse the staff and sword, even though you technically lost as well.

>Sorcery and magic spells

I've also been thinking about names for the gorilla, maybe "honored by name"?
Or something cheeky about the importance he gave to having one.
>Both of them.

>declare the bet void.

>Both the gorrilla and Maozhuban, getting two disciples for the price of one
Generously refuse the staff and sword, even though you technically lost as well
>the free for all brawl
>>Both the gorrilla And Maozhuban, getting two disciples for the price of one
>Declare it void, since really none of you bet on a double knock out
>Sorcery and magic spells
>Both the gorrilla And Maozhuban, getting two disciples for the price of one
>Laugh and state even though you half lost, Shoushan and Huofeng lost fully, because they only bet one thing!
>Sorcery and magic spells
>Both the gorrilla And Maozhuban, getting two disciples for the price of one

>Give the kiss you promised
Because we're a generous demon

>Sorcery and magic spells
>we're a ... demon
Skinwalker detected, get em, boys! The real Huanliuxue fans would never call her a demon.
>Both the gorrilla And Maozhuban, getting two disciples for the price of one

We must absolutely recruit Ho as well though!

>Declare it void, since really none of you bet on a double knock out

>Sorcery and magic spells
New idea, qe study some of Lei's demonic cultivation.

His two focuses are Meridian sealing and qi stealing.
If we can seal some meridians, Yong might have a harder time incinerating us
>Both the gorrilla And Maozhuban, getting two disciples for the price of one
>Give the kiss you promised
>The tests for luck
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Ending the vote, tallying the result now.

Ho wins:1

Honorary mention for ho:1

Ape and Scratching post win:9

Declare the bet void:5

Generously refuse the staff and sword:2

Laugh and gloat that you only half lost:1

Deliver the kiss:2

Sorcery and spells: 8

Luck: 1

Free for all brawl:1


So it is a landslide for declaring Maozhuban and the gorilla both the winners, and for sorcery and spells to be the next game, and you'll also declare the bet void.

Update will arrive shortly
Groaning loudly and burying your vexation beneath a veneer of magnanimity and regal grace before it can grow and contort your forbearing expression into a grimace of anger, you rise from your throne and flick your arm and the sleeve covering it out as you step to the very edge of your podium and with a simple expression of your will and revealing of your aura, create a gust of wind from just a gesture. A breeze like a whisper of death, chilling and silencing. The great masters who've decided to sit high in the stands to demonstrate their place in the hierarchy of the world, you can see, collectively shiver as their arms rise with gooseflesh, and even the mundane folk lower down wince and rub their arms, paling in the face of the meekest expression of your graveyard aura.

"What an exciting and unexpected outcome of the finale match!" You declare with false jubilation, squinting your eyes to try and disguise the venom in them as mirth as you lift up your hand "A magical beast whose spent their life in quite contemplation in the mountains, against a worldly man who strode proudly into a world of mystery guided by a singular admiration and devotion to a greater power. A beast born strong and a warrior hardened by a mercenary lifestyle. Even one as shrewd as myself couldn't have anticipated that this man would prove the equal of the wild, rampaging beast"

You titter, and bring your sleeve to your lips, as if to cover a playful smile, but actually so no one can see that you're grinding your teeth so roughly you're surprised they aren't sparking.

"Hm, hm" You click your tongue and hum, swaying your head and hips side to side cutely as you pretend to consider which of the two one "The faithful daoist or the innocent ape? Why, to these cat eyes of mine, I think both of them hit the sands at the same time, isn't that correct, Master Disi-Ling? Master Shoushan?"

Huofeng starts and quickly adopts the composed and dignified mask of a elder cultivator

"My perceptions beheld the same sight, spiritually, both of them were defeated at the same moment they were physically exhausted" He answers, throwing a baffled but appreciative look your way, one hand reaching for the sword secured to his belt, relief clear on his brow

"Hmm? Sorry, this old fossil stopped paying attention when the last of his buddhist brothers were ousted from this tournament, the resounding cheers hurt my ears, so I couldn't quiet hear what was going on" Shoushan says, playfully playing up to the stereotype of the foolish and careless buddhist, and his own blindness, but you see him wink at you.

"Then, I suppose it is settled, that pink furred brute and my mortal follower, Maozhuban, are both the victor" You declare, clapping your hands together, repressing your aura and releasing the whole of the arena from the crushing pressure it can generate if you allow it to "And thus, are both welcomed into my sect! They both defeated the last opponent in their way, so both receive the expected prize! If anyone in attendance wishes to dispute my decision, well, you can meet the terrifying me in the ring they've left empty, Heh-Heh-Heh"

And then you turn back, relishing in the sparks of enmity some of the more completive and greedy cultivators shoot your way, the elders and masters who were hoping to pick up second place, and now must content themselves with third. And will soon find they won't even have that, if you'll have your way. Even if Ho isn't suitable for the palace of natural law's inner ring, your sure a humble chicken farmer can't say no to a princess asking him to move his flock to her garden, Heh-Heh.

"So, what does this mean of our bet?" Shoushan asks, rubbing the top of his walking stick as Huofeng grips the handle of his sword tightly, a sour look on his face, like a kitten being pulled by their scruff

You let out a long and annoyed sigh, flicking a lock of your hair out of your eyes

"its voided. It wouldn't be fair to you two to declare myself the winner, when the match was inconclusive, there was no clear winner" You groan, hanging your head at an angle that makes your neck look like its been broken in several places, mostly just to see what sort of unnerved expression Huofeng will make at this kind of macabre display of your supreme flexibility

"But I lost totally" Shoushan says gently, eyes soft as he looked nearly directly at you "You and Lord Disi Ling both could claim you were the winner"

"Our guesses were wrong" You firmly state

"We bet one or in her case, one or another, may win" Huofeng laughs, grinning brashly as he turned to the elderly monk and bowed respectfully, as if he were his own grandfather "So it is our lost as well"

Shoushan smile, well, his entire face wrinkled, as tears trailed down his cheeks, twinkling in the sunlight. But as he rose to give his gratitude where it wasn't needed, since it was a fair loss for all three of you, Yujijiao emerged from the wall, and made him turn in shock

"The little rabbits are causing trouble" She snickered, as Huofeng reflexively moved to draw his sword "Lanfen and the other delicate ladies of the sect can't keep up with them"

"Oh? Children being rowdy?" Shoushan chuckled warmly as Huofeng frowned and arched one of his eyebrows

"What kind of trouble?" You asked calmly, tilting your head curiously

"Well, Yewushi bit Niu's hand so hard she fainted" The ghostly snake said, struggling not to laugh "Then he dragged Piao Tuzi and the other four to play some childish, peasant game, and, well they're causing mischief. I think your sister may be helping them"

'Dammit, Xuebai' you think, more amused than upset, before you ask "So they aren't in danger or killing anyone?"

"No" Yujijiao answered "Just hopping around and playing, but...I think the little brats are a bit more of a handful than we uh...expected"

"Clearly, they lived on the moon, they only eat Moon dew, Tuzi and Yewushi traveled with me, of course they've gotten a bit of extra spiritual energy in them" You cackle, having meant to test the kids for cultivation talent, since you were sure they'd have some level of potential to cultivate Qi from the nature of their creation if not their base nature as cosmic beasts "Is Niu alright, at least?"

"She isn't dead, might wish she was" the ghost in front you says bluntly "Also, aren't you going to announce the next step in the tournament"

"It won't be too exciting, so why waste my breath" You drawl, crossing your arms and looking skyward in deep contemplation as you decide what to do about the moon rabbits little game and the fact Niu got kicked into a wall "The only condition to win is to be able to cast any sort of spell, or create a talisman or Qi Array. I doubt there will be any winners"

"Ohoho, you may be surprised" Shoushan suddenly remarked, wagging his finger.

What do you decide to do, before the next round of contests starts, Huanliuxue? Two actions can be taken

>Go and stop the rabbits from causing too much trouble, and join in their game to calm them down

>Tell Yujijiao to get Fu, Feiqing, Ping or Lei to catch the rabbits and calm them down, and go congratulate scratching post, and the gorilla, who you should probably think up a name for

>Make sure no one is causing actual trouble like, for example, the reborn demon whose been pestering Feiqing.

>Don't delay even if the even will be short, and go right into the spell trials

>Recruit some of the runners up in the martial tournament, before the second best can be drawn into other sects

>Give one of your guests special treatment and speak to them privately (Who?)

>Enjoy the adoration of your guests and the crowd from the mortal realm of Chuan

>Write in
>Tell Yujijiao to get Fu, Feiqing, Ping or Lei to catch the rabbits and calm them down, and go congratulate scratching post, and the gorilla, who you should probably think up a name for.
>Enjoy the adoration of your guests and the crowd from the mortal realm of Chuan.
Two things I want: talk to the victors and interact with the commom folk. Great opportunity for fun dialogue between them and Huanliuxue.
>>Tell Yujijiao to get Fu, Feiqing, Ping or Lei to catch the rabbits and calm them down, and go congratulate scratching post, and the gorilla, who you should probably think up a name for
>Make sure no one is causing actual trouble like, for example, the reborn demon whose been pestering Feiqing.
>Enjoy the adoration of your guests and the crowd from the mortal realm of Chuan
A small (quick) recess
>Make sure nobody is actually causing trouble.
>Send Fu and others after the rabbits.

>Make an off hand remark to Disi-ling.
"When I've torn your cousins heart and throat out, there might be room in he alliance for the only Ling I don't behead on principle."
>Tell Yujijiao to get Fu, Feiqing, Ping or Lei to catch the rabbits and calm them down, and go congratulate scratching post, and the gorilla, who you should probably think up a name for
>Recruit some of the runners up in the martial tournament, before the second best can be drawn into other sects
Ending the vote, tallying its result now. Ignore the mention of Niu getting kicked into a wall last update, it doesn't exist juniors, grandfather certainly didn't forget that in their editing.

Tell Yujijiao to get Fu, Feiqing, Ping or Lei to catch the rabbits and calm them down, and go congratulate scratching post, and the gorilla, who you should probably think up a name for.:3

Enjoy the adoration of your guests and the crowd from the mortal realm of Chuan.:2

Make sure no one is causing actual trouble like, for example, the reborn demon whose been pestering Feiqing.:2

Make an off hand remark to Disi-ling.:1

Recruit some of the runners up in the martial tournament, before the second best can be drawn into other sects:1

So I'll be generous, and after telling Yujijiao to get your head disciples to catch the playing rabbits and congragulating scratching post and the gorilla, you'll enjoy the adoration of the commoners and make sure no one and nothing is causing a problem in your tournament

Update will arrive shortly

Oddly cute
Scrunching up your nose, you wonder what he meant by that and what he knows that you don't, before you remember there is something far more important to worry about. The poor little children aren't being baby sat anymore and are left on their own. That needs to be fixed immediately. Sure they may be moon rabbits, but even with Yewushi's boisterous personality, they're all still little kids, toddlers more or less, who just so happen to be change their shape. Even if all six of them turn out to be supreme prodigies to rival your own natural talent, they're still just basically babies right now, and even if they're having fun now, they might get scared and end up lost in the winding streets and foot-paths of your garden. And while you'd love nothing more to run off and find and frolic and play with the adorable little rabbits yourself, you have responsibilities as both sect head and host that prevent your from indulging in that overwhelming desire and playing around with the kids you picked up from the moon.

Sighing heavily, you click your tongue and put your hands on your hips as Huofeng and Shoushan depart, seeming to have become friends in the short time they spent in your company

"Well, find Fu, Ping, Feiqing and Lei, wherever they are, and give them a job of catching the little bunnies" You say, smirking and giggling as you mime the bouncing motion of rabbit ears with your hands, now that you're alone with the ghostly, younger princess "And have them calm them down, or if they can't manage that, keep them entertained as their playmates"

"Oh, and here I thought I could tempt you to making a fool of yourself by showing off your motherly side to all eyes of Chuan" Yujijiao sarcastically laments "I'll deliver this command with haste, and make sure Niu's hand isn't bleeding too terribly"

"It's just a hare bite" You brush off Niu's injury with a wave of her hand "Not sure what she was expecting, Yewushi always threatens and tries to bite people when he's in a fiesty mood, which is most of the time"

"I won't tell her you said that" The ghostly serpent titters, her ethereal form hazing and half between her true appearance at death and the grotesque yet eye catching half human form she likes to take on since she evolved as a dead spirit

"I'm sure she feels stupid enough without me telling her how bad of an idea it was to pick up that boy with having deft hands and good reflexes" You sneer as you prance out of your private viewing box and accompany the knocked out gorilla, who you really should be thinking up a name for, if only so he isn't disappointed when he wakes up, and the similarly unconscious Maozhuaban to the gathering place of the other winners of the pre Qi condensation tournament. Neither of them wakes as they're carried by the lowly, talentless and in your eyes nameless laborers of your sect.

Ju is the first to greet you, grinning ear to ear as she rushes past her brother Fu as he lumbers off, looking nowhere near as thrilled as he should be with the most honorable and privileged duty you gave to him in part.

"Master! I was on the edge of my seat that whole tournament! Almost wish I wasn't the first victor, so I could've joined in the fights myself!" She declares, bouncing on her heels as the other four winners, and the thirteen other and lesser new recruits who have been lead to the glorious place of the true victors by Song Xiaoli, all of whom are sticking close to the glasses wearing Ma Wencheng

Whose glasses are glinting as he adjusts them, and then takes them off to quickly and roughly clean them on his sleeve

"That is a gorilla" He gawks, pointing at the pink furred gorilla as if you hadn't seen it. Ju stops her bouncing and stares deadpan at him, and Tie Zhen smacks his palms over his eyes, sighing long as Wen starts to rattle with a giggle and Yue you pinches his nose at the surprising stupidity shown by the much renowned intellectual

Without missing a beat, and to demonstrate and after stomping down on the brief flare of embarresement that rises up as you realize what you're about to do, in one swift motion, you toss off your finery and transform into an Ox sized cat. And while Yue You and Wen quickly avert their eyes and Tie Zhen lifts his head and peeks through his callused fingers to see why Yue You just shrieked like he was the one being exposed.

Ju just stares down at her own chest morosely and sadly pats it. You flick your tail as Ma Wencheng blinks, blush fading from his cheeks as he makes a single sound "Ah"

"Did...did you forget our new master was a magical beast herself" Wen the coffin maker asks, clearly struggling against himself to not fall over and die laugh. The scholarly Wencheng says nothing and just turns up his nose

"My lady, if you must be so bold, please warn your disciples before you disrobe! My blood nearly flowed in reverse, and bumpkins like Wen do not deserve such divine sights!" Yue You whines, as Tie Zhen coughs and bashfully looks away

"I do as I please" You answer bluntly and simply, feeling a swell of womanly pride at Ju's despair and wondering if you shouldn't tease the smith with ambitions to slay gods, but before you can tease your newest disciples, you hear a groan behind you and, surprised by it, yowl and twist around, arching your back and hissing on reflex.

The gorilla, rubbing their head, blinks dumbly as they come face to face with the fangs of the deadliest house cat beneath the heavens

Quickly composing yourself, and shooting a threatening glare at Ju to stop her from laughing at your reaction, which the other victors are smart enough to not draw attention to you approach the stunned Gorilla, much more elegantly

"Oh, did I win? Forgive me for not presenting myself" He rumbles, looking away and breaking eye contact in what you recognize as an instinctive reaction to avoid a fight "But, I cannot seem to recall the last few moments of my final bout to win my place at your side, queen of beasts? In fact, I seem to have forgotten more than that, the last hour or so is a bit blurry"

"In part" You answer coyly, as you motion with your snout to his side "It was a draw, you and Maozhuaban fell precisely at the same moment"

"It was incredible!" Ju cheers, pumping up her fists, momentarily forgetting her loss total loss to you in the field of womanly charms "Truly amazing! An awesome display of martial skill"

"I didn't watch the fights, I will admit, I was busy speaking with my new seniors" Ma Wencheng admits

"I was hounded by a weirdo with long hair and a never vanishing smile, asking me about my new elder brother, that Feiqing fellow" Tie Zhen grunts "But if a man fought an ape to a draw, it must've been an amazing fight"

"I'm surprised there were no fatalities" Wen remarks in a way that sounds half like a sigh

"Why? Sad you missed out on business" Yue You accuses with a bitch's smile, but the coffin maker ignores him. The gorilla, awkwardly, clumsily, puffs out his vast chest and lifts up his head, trying to appear noble bred and dignified in front of you

"I accept that outcome" He says in a quieter, more shy voice than he did when he spoke to Maozhuaban "I am simply gratious to be taken as your student, oh sagacious master"

Then both her and Ju look at you expectingly, their child-like glee boring a hole in your front and back as you flick your tail back and forth. And it wouldn't take a mind reader to know what they want. They both want to hear the gorilla's new name, which you haven't even come up with yet

Quickly covering your own ass, you make up an excuse "You will be given your second reward once you are officially inducted into the palace of natural laws sect"

Maozhuaban wakes up a few seconds later, after the gorilla and Ju both deflate and stare at the ground, the latter pouting like you just took away her own name!

The mercenary makes a confused sound, eyes glazed over and half closed as he looks around, making a pained expression, before he catches sight of your fur and, still half concious, throws himself to the ground.

"Oh magnificent one! Most magnanimous divine spirit! Guardian of Chuan and her children! I am unworthy to stand in your divine presence!" He excitedly exclaims, as he pounds his head on the ground, scrapping and kowtowing as Ju looks Smug, Ma Wencheng pushes up his classes, Tie Zhen growls in disgust, Wen clasps his hands to join him in his prayer, and Yue You preens himself like he were a peafowl "This one is humbled to behold your radiance personally once more, this time as...your..."

He trails off as he lifts his head and notices a familiar hairy foot beside his head

"Huh?" He grunts, hopping up and turning to face the gorilla who is now picking bugs from his hide "Wait! Did I win or did I not"

"Calm down, we both won" The gorilla grunts "I am waiting to be given my name by your goddess"

"Forgive me for my reaction, Madame Huanliuxue, I forgot myself" Maozhuaban quickly declares, turning around and with a snap bowing into a deep bow, hands pressed together in prayer "But I am simply overwhelmed by the energy surrounding you, it is as if I am standing before a temple grander than the heavens! A living deity, my patron, right before me, as I become her servant"

"Didn't you meet her before, at the sea side city?" Ju remarks drolly, crossing her arms

"Now is different" your worshipper declares adamantly "Besides, then, I was surrounded by immortals, so her divine essence was polluted, contaminated!"

"Like a dog begging for scraps" Tie Zhen mutters under his breath, and Maozhuaban doesn't seem to hear him "Must you allow him to persist in his delusions, master"

"If the temple were also a grave, I'd agree, standing in the presence of THE happy bloodshed is overwhelming and kind of scary" Wen admits shamelessly as Yue You, for once, agrees with the "Bumpkin"

"But in an odd way, isn't it comforting?" He muses, rolling his wrist artistically as he looks away, at nothing, but if there wasn't a wall in the way, he'd be looking to the horizon...you think

"My my, how perceptive of my worshipper, it is to be expected my followers are of fine and refined taste" You snicker, delighting in his praise "Of course, my authority and aura were tainted by the presence of other, lesser beings when we first met face to face, but now that we stand in my garden together, why I can only imagine my presence must be truly overwhelming, my radiance over powering"

Tie Zhen grumbles like an old man complaining about his stiff joints and shuffles to the corner of the well appointed tea room, and starts filling a kettle full of water to start brewing tea to distract himself from Maozhuaban's innocent zeal.

"The other immortals have different air around them, but Huanliuxue's is familiar to me, it is of the grave" Wen remarks, still talking with Yue You

"Hah! The grave?! It is of imperial grace and feline mirth! The purest and most natural form of nobility given form!" Maozhuaban interrupts, smacking his fist on his chest as he defends your divine graces to your amusement "The rising sun warming my face, the very breath of life filling my lungs"

"Now that you mention it, scratching post, the air around her does taste different, like high in the mountains, but heavier" The gorilla points out, lifting a finger that was previously stuck in their nose

"Oh, so you have a weak, unweakened spiritual sense already, hm?" You praise, as Ma Wencheng shuffles closer, some how having a notepad ready, expecting answers, while Maozhuaban turns to you, with an awed look

"Ah! I've heard that term before, spoken in idle conversation by the lesser, earthly immortals" He says proudly as Wen grunts

"May I get into the tea stored here?" Tie Zhen raises his voice to be heard

"It wouldn't be there if she didn't want us having it" Ju answers for you

"Surely we could have one brief lesson together, before we're granted tokens of our membership into the palace of natural laws?" Ma Wencheng begs, simpering before you

"No~" You cutely reply, lifting a paw to your chin "And do save your energy, Maozhuaban, I know it is always a delight to be in my company, but there is more excitement to be had later, and you need to recover"

"Yes, yes, it would be a shame to work so hard to reach your side and become your servant, only for me to keel over dead from the sheer thrill of it!" He declare enthusiastically

"I was worried she was going to eat me when I woke up" The gorilla meekly admits, patting Maozhuaban on the shoulder

"That would be a high honor, a reward of a lifetime of service, a grand reward of course" Your fanatic solemnly states as Yue You tries to ignore the talk of eating people, as Wen shuffles over to help Tie Zhen and Ma Wencheng nods along and jots down notes about....something

"Actually, do you still even eat people anymore, Master?" Ju wonders out loud, making the new hires lead by Song Xiaoli very nervous

"Most humans don't taste good" You answer plainly "But, like any meat, that depends on their diet and lifestyle"

"Hoooh" Ju says with an amazed, wondering look "I wonder how I'd taste, Big bro probably tastes like old leather, Hmh?"

"Probably" You agree with a smile, before feeling an odd sense at the back of your head, that you haven't felt before, and turn to face the pull only to see Maozhuaban praying to your back, and quickly stopping, and stuffing his hands behind his hand when he realizes you've noticed him, as if admiring you was somehow naughty.

However, while his single minded devotion is sweet, all it does it make you hungry for the mass adulation of a crowd. And so, like a cat leaving through a door carelessly left open, you trot out and take your leave of your champions to mingle with the common folk of Chuan.

And decide, as you approach the throng of guests in your garden, treating the tournament with the veneration and excitement it deserves, like it was a once in a life time festival, that the time receiving their praise could also be used to patrol your territory and make sure none of the visitors or uninvited guests were causing any issues.

And once your presence is noticed, well before you reach the crowd, several of your red robed, cat mask wearing devotees push and shove their way to the front of the crowd. Most of them fall to their knees and bow, to the ground, probably rightfully thinking themselves undeserving to look upon your magnificence as you walk by, but a few of the more enthusiastic have pulled daggers and cut open their palms in an offering.

That unfamiliar electric tingle you felt when Maozhuaban was falling over himself to praise and worship you returns, and just like them you shake it off, as you catch sight of Chuanmao, Haimao, and Huannupu, who stand in front of your swarm of worshippers, the two brothers looking determined and the young girl meek as you glide past them, overlooking and trying to not pay attention and encourage your bloodletting worshippers, lest one of them gets it in their head to kill themself or some unfortunate bystander to try and please you for more attention

Holding your head high, you swagger through the parting tide of human bodies, pausing to make sure the magical beasts watching from the sidelines, shadows and rooftops can notice you looking directly at them and gracing them with a smile, to show them their liege cares about them, and allowing the children bold enough to race up and reach out to touch your silken coat to do so, as their parents watch by, fretting about their brave kids as any good parent should even as they are awed by your presence.

Some of the nobles try to get your attention, some of them looking similar enough to Lord Chuan and the one Chuan you noticed in the contests for you to guess they're cousins belonging to a lower branch of the now royal family, but you don't pay them any heed, since the only ego needing stroking is yours! And as you make your patrol of your second temple, you listen in on the conversations and gossip of the crowd bustling around you, soaking in the festival like atmosphere of the tournament as well as their earnest praise and amazement at just catching a sight as magnificent and regal as yourself.

"See? That proves she is of divine nature to all you who doubt, she's changed shape, remember, she's walked as a human among us when the tournament started, now moves in the divine form she first took when meeting with faithful Lord...King Chuan"
"I now I should be comforted, that she is our guardian, but something about standing close to her makes me feel like death is looming over my shoulder"
"Hey! You turned my prized kitty into a spoiled brat who won't stop bossing me around! I demand recompensation !"
"See, even the fierce spirits and hungry ghosts wandering Chuan bow before and are tamed by her mere presence, the winners of the contests must be honored to be taken as her disciples"

"The statue at her main shrine doesn't do her beauty justice...though they should build one to show us mere mortals what her other self looks like, if they can find a sculptor who can get her uh, two divine peaks rightly sized"
"Even with all the scary people and freaks partaking in this tournament, her presence makes me feel safe to rub shoulders with immortals and beasts"
"Do you think she could make me grow ears as fine as her? I've been jealous of my cousin ever since they grew a tail when she descended to save us from the cold..."
"Some cultivators spend their whole lives trying to be worshipped as a god, and she stumbled into becoming a popular false god by accident, doesn't seem fair"
"Nothing about Huanliuxue is fair, didn't you hear about what she did to Xue Laohue?"
"Well deserved I say, that bastard had it coming, maybe with him dead and her ascendant, we can finally stretch our legs and actually cultivate"
"Not like heretics are being punished like they once were"
"See there goes the star of the era! I'm sure we'll be seeing more monsters like here, with how the old masters have been relaxing the ancient restrictions..."
"I mean, several outlaw sects are partaking, I think I saw one of those sword maniacs picking a fight with that one creep"
"That's to be expected, isn't half her sect beasts and one of her students a demon or at least descended from one?"

Though, while you have a little fun ease dropping on those who don't realize just how sharp an awakened housecat's hearing is, you do take note of several issues and troublemakers that might end up causing a scene or a real problem, but that you could probably confront and solve before the sorcery trial is finished being readied

'Probably, if I care to' You reflect, as you sit, crouched, with Yinying and his hand picked personal guard of other, wolf sized, awakened house cats sitting around you, watching as Ping, Lei and Feiqing struggle to catch Yewushi, who defiantly resists being caught, even though Fu, Tianhuagege, Qinxin, and Hong have already caught Piao tuzi and the four other moon rabbits whose names you're still trying to decide on.

It is quite the show, and so entertaining you're tempted to watch the three sworn brothers bumble around as they try to catch the little rowdy boy instead of enforce the peace in your temple.

What problem do you sort out while you have the chance to, Huanliuxue?

>You heard some of your adorable beastly subjects are being bullied, so you have a few skulls to crack, maybe even a couple of lives to end in their defense

>There have been complaints of some of the five unrenowned cultivators you meant to keep an eye on, whom you suspect to be fallen gods. Mostly they've been face slapping the few cultivators audacious enough to try and test they are as strong as they claim to be

>Xie'e Mowangzi has killed someone. Not anyone important, a member of the seven slaughtering swords sect, but you do need to scold them at least. Either the reincarnated devil, or the seven slaughtering swords so they don't try their bullshit in the tournament proper

>...Your worshippers might be a little too enthusiastic, you had meant to give Chuan Jianjun and your head priest some guidelines to follow, but never got around to it, but you should probably step in and throw around some edicts before one of them tries offering you human sacrifice or something ridiculous

>None of these are worthy of your time, but watching Yewushi make a fool out of Ping, Lei and Feiqing? That is very much worth your time.

>investigate or do something or bother someone else (Write in)

Woke up today feeling a lot better than I have been since my grandfather's passing, not sure exactly why.
>>...Your worshippers might be a little too enthusiastic, you had meant to give Chuan Jianjun and your head priest some guidelines to follow, but never got around to it, but you should probably step in and throw around some edicts before one of them tries offering you human sacrifice or something ridiculous
please no bloodletting or human sacrifice.
its not good for optics.
>Xie'e Mowangzi has killed someone. Not anyone important, a member of the seven slaughtering swords sect, but you do need to scold them at least. Either the reincarnated devil, or the seven slaughtering swords so they don't try their bullshit in the tournament proper
if we have time for it.
>Worshippers need edicts.

>Someone is bullying beasts? NO!
THEY WILL be bullied later, but not in our event. Strife builds character.
>>None of these are worthy of your time, but watching Yewushi make a fool out of Ping, Lei and Feiqing? That is very much worth your time.
>...Your worshippers might be a little too enthusiastic, you had meant to give Chuan Jianjun and your head priest some guidelines to follow, but never got around to it, but you should probably step in and throw around some edicts before one of them tries offering you human sacrifice or something ridiculous
Rules include
No killing children.
No human sacrifices or awakened beasts.
Once a week worship is fine and not mandatory.
Offerings such as food is good. Using to feed starving children and the truly desperate.
Acquire more faith such as thanking the sect, farmers and Huanliuxue for such meals.
Shall not murder with killing acceptable under military campaigns, reasonable duals, under law, invasion of the country.

Legal owl when he is not busy will flush out any other needed rulings but those are the most basic I can think of.
To control law is to control a nation.
I'd personally add a "serenity" or "non-disruptive" clause to duels and shit. Yeah you can go out and fight over whatever bullshit you want, but you have to do it in such a way or place that it will not disturb the peace or disrupt livelihoods. Probably best to sort out official dueling grounds. Can't have people fighting in the streets because someone creased their jays by mistake. Take it outside.
Bloodletting is fine just don't go too crazy with it. Doing it so much that you end up too weak to do anything or accidentally kill yourself would be a problem.

I think once a week worship should be mandatory if you want to be counted as a good worshipper. While going to a temple to conduct ritual with fellow worshippers is ideal, doing so at their personal shrine is acceptable if you are incapable or no temple is available. Conviction and dedication should be a part of any faithful's worship.

Now Im thinking of the ritual's of this cult. Im imagining various holidays, festivals and general customs are based on events from Huan's life. Her birth, her revenge, her meeting with Monu... I was gonna go on but there are many many stories that could be used.
>There have been complaints of some of the five unrenowned cultivators you meant to keep an eye on, whom you suspect to be fallen gods. Mostly they've been face slapping the few cultivators audacious enough to try and test they are as strong as they claim to be
Good rules.
We are the queen of awakened beasts, and we ought have a line of comms by priests to our sects. Or use our sect as branches for reports.
>...Your worshippers might be a little too enthusiastic, you had meant to give Chuan Jianjun and your head priest some guidelines to follow, but never got around to it, but you should probably step in and throw around some edicts before one of them tries offering you human sacrifice or something ridiculous.
>You heard some of your adorable beastly subjects are being bullied, so you have a few skulls to crack, maybe even a couple of lives to end in their defense
If we can. Others aren't that important.
>You heard some of your adorable beastly subjects are being bullied, so you have a few skulls to crack, maybe even a couple of lives to end in their defense
might send Yinying to sort that out, give him a role to play.

>...Your worshippers might be a little too enthusiastic, you had meant to give Chuan Jianjun and your head priest some guidelines to follow, but never got around to it, but you should probably step in and throw around some edicts before one of them tries offering you human sacrifice or something ridiculous
Anon here has some good rules
Maybe change a few
No mistreating children (more broad than just killing)
No live sacrifices
Bloodletting only in special circumstances and with a healer at hand.
Worship when you feel like it, whimsically as a cat would.
Food offerings may be taken by those in need.
Always enjoy the bits where he hear what the common person thinks of us and our actions. Pour one out for the poor sap getting bullied by their leveled up cat.
>...Your worshippers might be a little too enthusiastic, you had meant to give Chuan Jianjun and your head priest some guidelines to follow, but never got around to it, but you should probably step in and throw around some edicts before one of them tries offering you human sacrifice or something ridiculous/
Please, worshipers, stop being insane
>You heard some of your adorable beastly subjects are being bullied, so you have a few skulls to crack, maybe even a couple of lives to end in their defense
Bullying our people in our house is courting death. But maybe send someone in our stead if the first takes too long
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Ending the vote, tallying its result now.

...Your worshippers might be a little too enthusiastic, you had meant to give Chuan Jianjun and your head priest some guidelines to follow, but never got around to it, but you should probably step in and throw around some edicts before one of them tries offering you human sacrifice or something ridiculous:7
-Rules Write in:3
--Adjusted rule write in: 1

Xie'e Mowangzi has killed someone. Not anyone important, a member of the seven slaughtering swords sect, but you do need to scold them at least. Either the reincarnated devil, or the seven slaughtering swords so they don't try their bullshit in the tournament proper:2

You heard some of your adorable beastly subjects are being bullied, so you have a few skulls to crack, maybe even a couple of lives to end in their defense:4

None of these are worthy of your time, but watching Yewushi make a fool out of Ping, Lei and Feiqing? That is very much worth your time.:1

There have been complaints of some of the five unrenowned cultivators you meant to keep an eye on, whom you suspect to be fallen gods. Mostly they've been face slapping the few cultivators audacious enough to try and test they are as strong as they claim to be:1

So, realizing your worshippers may be getting a little too wild, and having meant to give them edicts earlier, you'll give your flourishing cult some commandments before they start getting out of control

And will, if you have time to, put an end to the bullying of your beloved subjects

Update will arrive shortly
However, the moment you contemplate just laying back and watching the comedy of four renowned cultivators and folk heroes try and fail to catch a single bunny eared little boy, even if you can tell Xuebai is making it harder for them from the random slicks of ice that Lei in particular keeps slipping and sliding one, your responsibilities as a leader of both sect and land are a little too important and demanding for you to be so indolent. Besides, if the trouble doing your duties as is expected of you actually breaks out, you'd lose face and look foolish and just the thought of that is enough to drive you to action. So, standing up, stretching out from the tip of your snout to the end of your tail and yawning, you hop off of the roof top, trusting your most trusted disciples to catch a single rabbit while you deal with matters of far greater importance.

While wandering around, you'd heard of some incidents of your beloved beastly subjects being bullied. You aren't certain how they are being bullied, but it can't be too serious if you'd only heard some hushed voices talking about it or some young magical beasts whingeing about it. No one had so little self preservation instincts to openly brag about being the one doing the bullying, so you can't know for sure what kind of bullying is going on except that so far except that none of it has gone far enough to be brought to your attention. So while protecting and defending the subjects of your kingdom is an important duty for a proper, caring ruler, it is one that is of less importance than the other major issue you're forced to confront. Worse comes to worse, if you don't have time to end the bullying yourself, Yinying or another one of your disciples can be given the honor of shielding the weak in your stead.

But, the more pressing matter at hand is the fact you've only now realized how enthusiastic your faithful worshippers have gotten since you've made your grand entrance into the public eye and saved a lot of Chuan's mortal population, particularly the peasantry, from being frozen to death due to the sheer and cruel apathy of one ice hearted prick who should've known to die years before he ran into you.

To be entirely honest, it was seeing their ritual bloodletting that clued you in on the fact you should probably descend and appear before your mortal followers to hand out some edicts and "divine" commandments to follow. While you have faith that those who'd pray at your temples are only of the finest and most gallant character, you also are well acquainted with the astonishing stupidity of man kind, so it might be necessary to tell them not to hurt or mistreat their or other people's kids. You hope you don't have to, but you've only spoken with your self appointed head priest once, and while Chuan Jianjun has a good head on his shoulders, the leader of your temples seemed a little manic when you met him.

And, while you probably shouldn't have been surprised, you find he's attending your tournament as well once you find the largest congregation of your worshippers present in your garden. Some of whom are dressed in flowers you certainly didn't give anyone permission to pick or pluck from the ground! The insolence! And as you watch the head of your priest proselytize to a crowd and a crow who are both practically dancing in the palm of his hand, while the buddhist priests asking for alms beside him receive more charity than they've ever been given by daoist hands, you realize you don't actually know the guy's name.

Honestly, when you hadn't cared to ask it when you graced him and Chuan Jianjun with your presence, since at the time Xue Laohue was basically pounding at the door howling for blood and death.

Frowning, you flick your tail thoughtfully as you listen in on the red robed priest's preaching, his face obscured by a very mask carved into a very flattering depiction of your own beautiful face, complete with golden whiskers threaded through its red lacquered surface. And unlike most of the Huanliuxue masks you see people wearing, his actually have gotten your facial fur marks completely and perfectly accurate, lending him a portion of your uniquely regal air as he speaks, arms flapping this way and that as he passionately speaks to the crowd of mask wearers and curious onlookers. As well as one or two amused cultivators, who giggle at his fervor churlishly.

"We humans have sinned against ourselves! Trapping and caging ourselves in the vestments and laws of society, severing our connection to the pure natural world, denying our very souls clarity and innocence. See, how beasts are looked down upon as savage and witless, but are they not unchained by the stresses, rigors and complications of civilized thought?" He bellows, arms lifting high above his head, prayer beads shaking as you try not to laugh as you see each is adorned with a bright pink paw pad carved and painted onto it "We have been sold the lie that mankind stands above other animals, that our world is better than the pure and simple landscape enjoyed by the beasts outside of our walls! The guardian of the most innocent has sighed and breathed out a cleansing air, see how Chuan is transformed, how the familiar roads become overgrown and sad, sorry patches of controlled growth burst and flourish to become true wilderness. See how the dirty streets of Suiqi have been washed clean and living nature and the stone and plaster of civilization co-exist most harmoniously! She planted the primordial tree that shades the city where she fought the iceborn devil and melted their wicked heart and putrid flesh to a soothing mist, ages before we knew of her presence, and now it has sprouted and spread its branches high into the heavens, to be seen from all corners of Chuan, a sign of her favor and love for us, a living wooden monolith proclaiming the righteousness of the Chuan dynasty!"


The lung capacity he possess can't be something he was born with, he had to train to be able to speak so long and so fervently without having to breath in even once, it is honestly impressive. And so far, he hasn't said anything you disagree with or balk out, though he is wrong about men needing to return to a primitive lifestyle. Most of mankind's natural place in the world is within cities or towns or villages. There's nothing really separating humanity from other beasts, besides the thought that they are indeed separate. Even you thought that was true before you began your search for human wisdom. But at least he's heading somewhat in the right direction

"Yes, and as we all know" A voice whose owner it takes you a moment to recognize, but you realize they're Chuan Huan, the very same who was bested by Ho in his first match in the tactician's contest "Princess Huanliuxue delights in works of charity and altruism, was it not her daoist servants and divine servants who fed and sheltered the people of chuan when the demonic cultivators from the frozen peaks rode upon cold whirlwinds and killing gales to terroize the people? Good deeds done by her command, carried out in her service and by her will. Was it not her fangs that tore the throat of the Ling invaders, when we had no true army to defend ourselves, answering my uncle's prayers when the false emperor would not even lift himself from his throne to stop the senseless slaughter committed by the lunatic Ling Meng?"

"Yes, the emperor who was struck dead when he thought to imprison one of the most favored of Huanliuxue " The head priest spits, as you remember, in that precise moment, that he got it into his head that the gods in the heavens right now are demons and are pretty certain in his ravings that day he said something about burning down the temples of the pretenders "The Jade Doctor, the blessed saintess, Yuyi! Whose young children are granted the features of our loving guardian, or so I have heard from those blessed to walk in the shadow cast by the den chosen by our scarlet mantled maiden!. A true divine punishment, immediate and swift as a paw swatting a sparrow. He sought to defile one whom our goddess as fond of, and was met with a grisly fate"

And is currently suffering in hell at the hands of some crow demons, reduced to a petty bribe to get that old crone out of your whiskers and stop causing trouble and killing people so close to your territory

"I venture, she appeared in his very throne room, and gobbled up him and all who still served the dog emperor, we have heard of the slaughter of the former imperial court" He continues on "And that the distant lord Bao claims three of his men committed the deed, but was not one of the favorites of Huanliuxue menaced by bloated Tiantunri? It is clear she cut him down for the offense of thinking to steal away the doctor she taught the secrets of celestial medicine to, but why then, was she the god to act, when we all know the old emperor was unworthy of the position, title and mandate given unto him by the heavens?

You should probably interrupt before he starts an interfaith war. And also because a wave of killing intent just washed over towards his direction, from several people close enough to cut him down if he says something he shouldn't. Also, didn't your head priest just present the perfect opportunity for you to flashily make your entrance to give your cult a code of conduct and rules to follow just now, anyways?

And what are the edicts you'll be commanding your worshippers to adhere to, Huanliuxue?

>Just basic stuff to keep them from getting on your nerves and not earning your ire, or from ruining your good name.

>Basically just your three views and way of approaching life and its obstacles, the personal philosophy and natural laws you've lived by

>Drop the truth of the world and its past and actually help the Head priest's chaotic belief opposing the entrenched temples and gods in Chuan

>Rules to make sure they don't become a nuisance or outright menace, focusing on them doing charity and protecting kids

>Well its a good thing you have a list already prepared (Write in for Detailed rules, tenants, doctrine, mandates, methods of worship, holidays....etc. Can accompany any of the sweeping options)

I also enjoy writing them, so I'm glad you enjoy reading them, junior
What are Huanliuxue's three views btw?

>Drop the truth of the world and its past and actually help the Head priest's chaotic belief opposing the entrenched temples and gods in Chuan.
I don't think the full truth will do him good since I don't trust him to keep such a big secret but enough to tell him that everything he said besides the excessive primitivism is pretty much correct. Suiqi is the example both of the worst and best a city can be.

>Rules to make sure they don't become a nuisance or outright menace, focusing on them doing charity and protecting kids.
Self explanatory.

>Well its a good thing you have a list already prepared (Write in for Detailed rules, tenants, doctrine, mandates, methods of worship, holidays....etc. Can accompany any of the sweeping options)
Oh boy oh boy, this a really good outlet for world building so I'd hate for it to be limited to just this vote. I hope we can keep adding to this in the future QM. Anyway, I'd leave detailed mandates and doctines to out owl boy so I'll focus on rituals and holidays and spitball ideas:

Specific prayers to be said before meals, during child rearing or about about the dead. Im currently not of the mind to write the poetry-like style of prayer so perhaps some anon or QM himself can come up with something.

Weekly rituals at the temple involve some form of bloodletting as an offering and a feast to shared amongst the worshippers. Sermons that revolve around some moral lesson that can be extracted from Huan and her followers' tales.

Holidays about special moments in Huan's life. Her awakening, her revenge, her meeting with Monu, the founding of her sect, her triumph over Xue Laohue, her journey to the moon and her primordial roar. They can vary in importance from minor celebrations to weeklong festivals to maybe on having a dedicated month (her awakening perhaps?).

I'll stop here since I should've been sleeping hours ago but I'll keep thinking about it.
I can support these.
Regarding weekly rituals.

A month long observance, beginning with our awakening involving wearing Chuan colours, stained with blood during the inauguration ritual. Maybe mark the event with burnt honey rice cakes. Because burned down village

Make this the official time to install a high priest or sufficiently high up official of the Faith.
The month ends and the cloth is burned at the end of the month and the ceremony concludes with a heart taken from a dog or a prisoner convicted of child abuse/series murder being thrown into the flames. Representing how we tore out his heart and set the camp.on fire to send the ling men scattering.
Ultra hard-core worshippers can take a bite of raw heart before throwing it in.

Monu gets a minor celebration of a wine drinking night in a room filled with scented smoke, while the day after is dedicated to meditation and study for the priests and perhaps the day after is considered a holy day for making children. Because Monu. And she taught us to cultivate.

Then a month of Grudges.

Find them. Make them. Resolve them. Marked by absolutely dunking on all the Gods, especially the five villains of heaven, and the month is marked by the end of winter, with maybe a grand bonfire, I heavily encourage all sorts of mayhem and violence. We are a guardian spirit of VENGENCE!
This obviously representing our attaining of human form and roar, as well as killing Xue.
What I wrote here.
Also this support.
Owl boy can fill it out more detailed rules.
>Also he's close yet misunderstands our view on civilization. You see humans are weak, don't have claws, think skin, sharp teeth, and must wear clothes to stay warm. I went on a journey to obtain my human form to understand the difference and the truth we came to. Ect etc. basically civilization and the wild all have a place in the world. Everything else was pretty spot on a job well done.

The bottom part is nip the potential problem of people living off in the wild who then get mauled to death by something.

>Tho I thought of something fun a month-long survival trial for youths/faithful as a coming of-age ceremony of the faithful. To teach them how to treat wounds and survive in harsh environments to share what they learn to their fellow villagers/towns folk. To embrace the wild primal energy that lingers in the air.
Kinda want to make it a secret realm. That would be fun.
>Basically just your three views and way of approaching life and its obstacles, the personal philosophy and natural laws you've lived by

>Rules to make sure they don't become a nuisance or outright menace, focusing on them doing charity and protecting kids
now as for
>Well its a good thing you have a list already prepared (Write in for Detailed rules, tenants, doctrine, mandates, methods of worship, holidays....etc. Can accompany any of the sweeping options)
I don't think our awakening should be an entire month.
Remember, our awakening was not a happy affair, it was not a pleasant occasion. It was awakening to the death of all our loved ones.
The day we awakened should be treated as a day of mourning and respect to the dead and the wronged, to remember them and do right by them.

Absolutely no sacrifice of life.

Special days can be like the ones you mentioned, some names I thought of are.
The Moon Leap festival (moon trip)
Day of righting wrongs (ling death)
the founding of her sect would be an anniversary type deal that we would also be celebrating, less so a religious affair, but it makes sense they'd partake.
The day chaun was liberated from frost (Xue Laohue)
And the day the providence of the wilds was granted to teh world (Haun's Roar).
with the day of her awakening being mentioned above.

support, have owl boy help in ironing out a lot of the guidelines to make more sense in implementation.
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Golden meme kek

>tfw huan creates a sort of boy/girl scouts to teach kids self-reliance and natural harmony

I wouldn't mind throwing in a season of charity for the leaner months to mirror Huan's good deeds in general and foster closeness within communities. Where throughout the season they share food and general living supplies as they can. Mostly intended ceremonially and not as necessity. Like you walk over to your neighbors and give them some home-made soup and they hand you some firewood and they exchange pleasantries. Neither party might need what the other is giving per se but it is intended to show solidarity in trying times.

It could be in autumn as it is the season of dying or in winter as it is the season of stasis. Winter would reflect the magnanimity Huan showed during Yellow-snow's rampage and might further inspire people but I don't think it's strictly necessary to put it in winter.
>>6113260 +1 But combined with
>Also he's close yet misunderstands our view on civilization. You see humans don't have claws, thick skin, sharp teeth, and must wear clothes to stay warm. I went on a journey to obtain my human form to understand the difference and the truth we came to. Ect etc. basically civilization and the wild all have a place in the world. Now if you want to cast aside civilization that is fine but it is not required .
I like all of those except for the killing the dog part and the last one. Any animal sacrifice should be for consumption not justice. The last one just sounds like an anarchic mess which I don't think Huan would desire.

>I don't think our awakening should be an entire month...
Celebrating the awakening isn't about the events that happened that day but about celebrating Huan's second birth.

Also when you say sacrifice of life, what do you mean exactly? Because I sure as hell don't believe Huan would have a problem with killing animals or plants so long as nothing was left to waste or killing humans for a righteous reason, though you wouldn't need to eat them afterwards.

Boy and girl scouts is an great idea! It fits perfectly!
They can eat the dog if they want.
Don't advise eating human though.

What's anarchist about the month of grudges?
It is just a normalisation of an already established cultural norm, Grudges and their sating. From martial artists to cultivators, Grudges are the other half of Brotherhood which makes up the social fabric of immortals.

Let there be a month dedicated to solving them.
Also fuck yeah
>Support Huan scouts.
Do we call them kitten scouts?
I mean no leeting bloodletting devolve into suicide cults/sacrifical cults where they decide that instead of just a lil blood, someone's entire life should be given up to sate happy bloodshed.
support, beasts have their way of living, man has there way of living, they each have thei repsective pros, but neither has any need to wholly abandon their own or the other, they must simply pay honest respects within the bounds we have, that is all.
>Don't advise eating human though.
I think they'd be fine as long as they don't eat the brain. Can't imagine why you would either since I imagine it's taste and texture is terrible.

>What's anarchist about the month of grudges?
The "I heavily encourage all sorts of mayhem and violence." part.

>I mean no leeting bloodletting devolve into suicide cults/sacrifical cults where they decide that instead of just a lil blood, someone's entire life should be given up to sate happy bloodshed.
That is reasonable. I'd just make an exception on that last part for criminals sentenced to death.

>beasts have their way of living, man has there way of living, they each have thei repsective pros, but neither has any need to wholly abandon their own or the other, they must simply pay honest respects within the bounds we have, that is all.
They don't even have to be seperate, like I said before, Suiqi is a perfect example.

On a quite unrelated note, what's Fu's hometown called anyway?
yeah I know I was just saying they can choose to join together, but neither should feel to abandon the other.
i.e. both are okay.
Well I absolutely do encourage the violence and mayhem. More grudges is good for us!
but I still think the idea has a valid merit.

Fu has no hometown, it was a nameless mountain village.
it has since become Fu's town in the shadow of the mountain
>Well I absolutely do encourage the violence and mayhem. More grudges is good for us!
Come on anon, Huan likes grudges but she's not gonna endorse making them for their own sake.

>Fu has no hometown, it was a nameless mountain village.
Don't be pedantic about it being a village and not a town.
>it has since become Fu's town in the shadow of the mountain
Yeah but what is it's name?
Anon, this is dumb.
I am a pedant. but I also mean that the village no longer exists, it was abandoned to set up shop next to our mountain.

>So what is it's name.
Fu's town in the shadow of the mountain.

>Fu's town in the shadow of the mountain?
That's right.
>So what's it's name?
Fu's town in the shadow of the mountain
>Yeah that one
I just told ya!

no seriously, it's got no name. It's name is just the most apt description.
I think the closest name given was 15 hours ago, when the high priest said the town was "in the shadow cast by the den chosen by our scarlet mantled maiden"
It has no name. it is not important enough.

>She wouldn't endorse them for their own sake.
I disagree on the principle that strife and calamity is exactly what a cultivator needs to grow strong. Strength is build through nurture and overcoming adversity.

But as a monarch, yeah, letting the peasantry make grudges willy nilly is a breakdown of public order.
But I maintain that this ought be a branch split between the martially inclined and the "uninitaited" worlds. A month of resolving grudges, however, by itself, is still a great idea. Especially if you push for none violent resolutions, like the boring sops demand.

I'll need you to be specific before I engage with you. I thought the ritual for our awakening being marked by bloodletting on chuan coloured fabric was a good touch.
and caramalised honey rice cakes sound delicious.
Oh, I don't remember it being abandoned and I remember the growing town being said to become very relevant in the local area so surely it has acquired a name by now.

Also, if conflict for conflicts's sake trumped other considerations then why would Huan think and behave the way she does? She doesn't act like Khorne after all, anon.
Yeah, Fu's the town's chief and the guy in charge. They all obeyed him when he said "we're following the giant cat" and went on.

>Relevant in the local area
Utternly NOT relevant to us. The relevant relation is "It is owned and ruled by Fu, and our mortal friends live there." I cannot recall any post giving it a name.

And need I remind you, we didn't even know Fu's comrade's names until we took them as direct students AFTER the Ogress beat the shit out of them.

>why would Huan behave as she does now?
it is not for conflicts sake, it is conflict and grude bearing for personal refinement. A way to break the staganacy of 10 generations on a societal level so severe, the sword schools of assassins and thugs are frail and ill used to the extent that a true talent like Qiang can cut through them like butter. Nevermind a true genius.

Martial artists, and cultivators, need grudges to grow, develop and improve. We send our students into danger for experience and grudges feed that [like Pings grudge against Jingu]. This is not the case of the farmers and scholars, but it's absolutely true of warriors and mystics.

anyway, enough defending my stance on "making" grudges clause.
I challenge either of you three on why "resolving" grudges in a given month as a act of divine reverence is a bad thing. Either releasing them or satisfying them
yeah a month of just wanton chaos is not a vibe
Conflict for the sake of advancement is still conflict for the sake of conflict. It'd be a different thing if we were talking about conflict as in competition but a conflict that would start a grudge is most often very personal, not sportsman. Like Huan's awakening for instance.

Im fine with the resolution of grudges, though I think such a thing is too nuanced for your common pleb. Now Im thinking of it as a combination of Spooktober and Thanksgiving/Christmas.
Specifically, a month of mayhem and violence is dumb, and that it wasn't your guess is somewhat concerning.
I've come up with something:
A pilgrimage to all of Huan's most interesting spots a collecting a kitten from each to bring back home and establish a feline colony.
Or perhaps only one in any of those spots? (Without forcing or caging the cats but willingly befriending them into following.)
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Since this is a pretty important vote, I'm going to let it continue for a bit longer, but I'll end it either tomorrow or the day after if I'm too busy. Also, I'd like to beseech and plead one of your noble juniors to assist me in tallying the vote, since looking at it right now is giving me a bit of a headache
Yes, Lord Grandfather
>Just basic stuff to keep them from getting on your nerves and not earning your ire, or from ruining your good name. 0 votes

>Basically just your three views and way of approaching life and its obstacles, the personal philosophy and natural laws you've lived by (2)

>Drop the truth of the world and its past and actually help the Head priest's chaotic belief opposing the entrenched temples and gods in Chuan. (2)
MFSTNMuG (not full truth though)

>Rules to make sure they don't become a nuisance or outright menace, focusing on them doing charity and protecting kids. (4: winning choice)

>Well its a good thing you have a list already prepared (Write in for Detailed rules, tenants, doctrine, mandates, methods of worship, holidays....etc. Can accompany any of the sweeping options) (7+, the problem was what is actaully agreed on)

yFext75m (supports above)
9hnRroov (didn't vote but went into detail on what they wanted)
Y1JfwvJ3 (wrote some rules/guideliens earlier)
lAkmmlbV (me with more details)
wNjxCzlH(also had thoughts)
wbNFU7Q3 (supports lAkmmlbV + views on wild vs civilization)

most of what follows is debate rather than more voting,
from this point forward I will clarify some points that had notable pushback or support for the religious edicts. This junior will attempt to be neutral, but if some some points seem misunderstood, I invite my fellow juniors to clarify. see next post:
2 in support of
Specific prayers for meals, child rearing, or regarding the dead.
Weekly rituals in teh form of bloodletting as an offering and a shared feast + sermons about moral lessons learned from Huan and friends.
Holidays about about special occasions in Haun's life. - Contention:1 Against having Huan's awakening as a celeberation but instead a time of mourning/remembering the dead. Unless this junior meant Haun becoming human then nevermind?

Month long observance of special promotions in faith - Contention:3 people were against the sacrifice/month of gudges idea, not much pushbach on the rest.

2 in support of
No killing children.
No human sacrifices or awakened beasts.
weekly worship being non-mandatory
Offerings such as food used to feed starving children and the truly desperate.
recogonize thanking the sect, farmers and Huanliuxue for such meals as an act of the faithful.
Shall not murder with killing acceptable under military campaigns, reasonable duals, under law, invasion of the country.
Duels must not be disruptive and be serene. perhaps via official dueling grounds. We do not want to ruin people's peace or livelihoods.
Have owl boy flush out these guidelines to be detailed and well written.
Clarify that The Wilds and Civilization aren't at odds/can mutually exist, there is no need to abandon one or the other.
Sacrificing lives acceptable (don't let bloodletting escalate to ritual execution)

Some names are provided here
but to be honest they are kinda rough and so ill leave it to your discretion.

season of charity for harder monthsto foster community. (winter/fall?)
Boy/Girl Scouts where kids learn to be self-reliant and harmonious.

Pilgrimage where you befriend cats (junior this is silly, but I encourage a pilgrimage of going around doing good things in general rather than expliectly for a cat colony.)

This concludes this juniors tally, most of these ideas weren't mutually exclusive, so this junior included them, if there are some that do indeed have pushback, please let your voices be heard so that Grand Father may hear our thoughts. This junior apologizes for any mistakes made in this process.
This actually made me realize that temples are going to attract a lot more cats than usual and because of it, professional cat wranglers are going to become a thing. I pity the poor souls who will have to take up that responsibility.
This plus,
>Huan's boy/girl scouts.
>Rules to make sure they don't become a nuisance or outright menace, focusing on them doing charity and protecting kids

>Well its a good thing you have a list already prepared (Write in for Detailed rules, tenants, doctrine, mandates, methods of worship, holidays....etc. Can accompany any of the sweeping options)
>What are Huanliuxue's three views btw?
I assume one is about Children, not sure about the other two.
I think another is (paraphrased) the strong should rule the weak but not bully them
fuck bitches get money
hide your kids hide your wives
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Ending the vote now
Thank you for the assistance, diligent junior, I really needed it, though figuring out the outcome even with your help still gave me a headache
So with, as far as I can tell, 10 votes cast

Rules to make sure they won't become a nuisance or outright menace, specific prayers, weekly rituals at temple/ bloodletting/ feasts/ sermons

the list of "No killing children, no human or Magical beast sacrifices, once a week worship is fine and not mandatory, offerings such as food is good used to feed starving kids and the truly desperate, acquiring more faith such as thanking the sect, farmers and Huan for such meals, Shall not murder but killing is acceptable in war, resonable duels, under law, invasion of the country...etc + the serenity no disruptive clause for duels, Having Siwang iron out the specifics of the laws and fill out/ make more detailed rules when he comes back,

"Also he's close yet misunderstands our view on civilization. You see humans are weak, don't have claws, think skin, sharp teeth, and must wear clothes to stay warm. I went on a journey to obtain my human form to understand the difference and the truth we came to. Ect etc. basically civilization and the wild all have a place in the world. Everything else was pretty spot on a job well done." (A lot of this does basically fall under the "Don't cause me trouble" rules that are being included)


"a month-long survival trial for youths/faithful as a coming of-age ceremony of the faithful. To teach them how to treat wounds and survive in harsh environments to share what they learn to their fellow villagers/towns folk. To embrace the wild primal energy that lingers in the air."

Holidays/. special days celebrating important moments in Huan's storied life

You've driven your grandfather into the wine barrel, Juniors, but these are all of what I see getting the most support after checking junior's tally and reading through who is supporting and talking about what

But rejoice, the Huan scouts are now (or will soon be) a reality

Well, Someone's three views are their views on Life, the world and the values they hold.

And to answer your question, of course you can keep adding to this so long as you, you know, actually speak with your worshippers

Chuan Jianjun did declare cats holy creatures like, at the start of the quest, once rumors and stories spread about the angry demon cat eating the Ling invaders
also I meant to attach the "A lot of this is basically the common sense rules, to the list that one anon made" not the huan scout write in.
Grasping and pouncing upon the opportunity the head of your cult unknowingly made for you, you make your grand and perhaps somewhat unsettling entrance by making it seem you emerged from his shadow, after bounding silently down from the rooftop you had been watching his sermon from and slipping behind him, unseen and unheard by even the cultivators listening to him promote your good name and the faith that's budded up around it in Chuan. The priest shivers, and you can't tell if its with the overwhelming delight of a zealot being approached by their idol, or from instinctive terror at having an ox sized house cat suddenly step behind them and lift their head over their shoulder, flashing their fangs in a smile as they step out of a shadow that couldn't possibly have hidden all of them.

There are gasps, cries of pure bliss, and of course, your name being shouted with all the veneration and praise you've deserved from your entrance in the world of cultivation. And, the moment you step onto the scene, the killing intent you sensed directed towards your enthusiastic priest shifts focus and changes to be barred in your direction.

"I could tell you why that was, but the story leading to the reason I was there to see the last of the Long emperor's perish, is perhaps a little too long to be told before the next trial begins in my illustrious tournament" You titter, lifting up a paw to your chin as you prance in front of the awestruck priest, who falls to his knees in a show of submission and subservience, muttering mantras and prayers under his breath, as much of the crowd follows his example, including Chuan Huan. The Buddhists don't however, they simply watch, their alms collecting bowls still held firmly in their hands as they pause their own preaching to listen to what you have to say to your worshippers

"I...I was not expecting to be blessed, privileged with your presence, your divinity" The priest stammers, running his prayer beads between his fingers, not daring to look up at you or into your eyes as you circle around him a second time "Even though I was granted admittance to your most holy garden, I did not think you would deign to descend to enlighten me with your radiant presence. As you can surely tell, Most majestic, I was mid instruction to the new attendees and devotees of your temple"

"Which is why I approached you. Lift your head up high and raise your shoulders, I'm about to bless you all with a revelation!" You declare loudly, forcing yourself not to wince as the killing intent you've been feeling at the back of your head sharpens like a dagger pressed against the back of your neck "And hand down a mandate and edict of etiquette for my worshippers to follow, so get off the ground, it isn't your place to grovel in the dirt like a worm, Heh-Heh"

Dutifully, your priest obeys, and your shoot a glance at Chuan Huan to command him to stand as well. He might not be as of refined birth and high nobility as yourself, but he is a close relative of a king so it isn't right for him to be kneeling in the dirt.

" Oh you honor me more than I deserve, radiant one! I have often prayed to be delivered such a message, to better instruct your mortal followers in appeasing and pleasing your grandness, oh greatest of all cats" The priest says, wringing his hands and grinning in a way that makes his face resemble a statue of the buddha, even beneath the mask he's wearing "Please, enlighten us, instruct us, take our hands and guide us to the proper path, we are but your humble servants"

"I will carry these laws of the spirit of the the pure wilds to my uncle, so the royal family of Chuan may know how best to honor their divine guardian" Chuan Huan declares, as several other, lesser nobles move to stand, but quickly decide against doing so when you pull your gaze over them as you look over the crowd to make sure everyone is listening.

"Well, no point in wasting anytime or breath" You blithely state, moving to sit in front of your priest, mimicking the pose of the statue they built of you in the ruins of your home village "Consider your ears blessed by my voice, and listen to every word I say and try not to be overwhelmed by my stunning beauty and overwhelming presence. To begin, you already are doing well protecting with and venerating my lesser, mortal kin, allowing them into my temples and doting upon them. But furry children aren't the only ones I expect you to be watching over and guarding, though I probably don't need to openly state it, I will anyways just to be safe. Do no harm to children and protect them with your lives, it doesn't matter if they are yours or a relative of yours, if you see a child in danger, rise to their defense! Doesn't matter if they walk on two legs or more, it is the duty of any right minded adult to act as a guardian and shield for youngsters, the little ones, unaware of the evils of the world and pure in their ignorance of them, their safety and well being should be the foremost of your priorities if you wish to earn my favor and happiness"

"Oh course, of course, we have been taking in any orphans who find their way to the gates of our temple, feeding and clothing them" Your head priest states loudly "It is common sense that the great guardian of children would expect her followers to do the same, we have not strayed from these teachings my master, we have been steadfast in following your example there"

"I expected as much, but humans can be so silly and selfish sometimes" You happily reply, flicking your tail before giving your next proclamation "Charity! Do it in my name! Not just to win over the hearts of those who haven't heard my name or all the good deeds I've done, but to fill the bellies of those who don't have a single grain of rice to cook. If these lands are under my protection, it is unsuitable for even one life to end from starvation under my watch. Acting charitably, being generous and spreading and ensuring the prosperity of the lands I rule and guard, should be your second priority, only behind the protection of children in importance. Also, don't got burning other temples or picking fights with worshippers of other gods, it reflects poorly on me and Chuan has bled enough as it has over petty strife and meaningless aggression, debate and humiliate them, sure, I find it amusing, but don't go destroying monasteries or killing adherents of other faith. Unless I tell you to, of course"

Your head priest suddenly goes deathly silent, and several priests in the crowd try to avoid your gaze when you look down at them. Ah well, the rice is cooked, if they've already burned a few temples well that's too bad for the gods they were built to honor, you'll just stop them from causing any trouble or making your lose face, you won't reprimand them for spitting in the eyes of apathetic and cruel gods. So you give them the dignity of not pointing out their violent and thuggish actions, and quietly allow their acts temple burning to blow away, like the ashes of the temples they put to the torch.

"And don't go picking fights, at least ones you can't win. Protect yourselves if you're threatened, but don't war to honor me unless I specifically ask you to" You continue on after breaking through the awkward pause caused by the last commandment "Do not menace or terrorize or bully others to worship me or give tribute to my temples. And don't kill without a just cause, murder can be righteous but petty grievances or insults are no reason to end a life, not all grudges are equal after all. And if yours demands blood be shed, then fight, kill and die in a way that won't disrupt the peace or damage the livelihoods of others. Go into the woods if you need to settle the score with a hated rival, or climb a mountain instead of drawing your swords in the middle of a street!"

One of the cultivators in the crowd chuckles, no doubt remembering what you did to the two trouble makers in Suiqi

"Basically, don't be nuisance to the public or natural order, and don't act violently or wildly without my express permission" You say gingerly, smiling and showing forgiveness to the now very guilty looking priests "And so long as you feed the hungry and keep the kids I can't protect personally safe, I will be pleased with your faithfulness, respecting my palace and my subordinates and servants will just make me all the happier. Now, I have a few more laws to make and mandates to give, so keep your ears open!"

"How could we not be listening intently, when you are bringing us such revelations, blessing us with your heavenly, worldly wisdom and enlightening us with the truth of the primordial, the sensibility of the natural and primitive world!" Your head priest bleats, clapping his hands and bowing over and over so excitedly you briefly wonder if he's gotten stuck doing it

"Ah!" You say, eyes flashing as you pat a paw on his head, and try not to wince when his whole body trembles with pleasure "I must correct you, like any good teacher would. While you're close to it, you misunderstand my view on civilization. You see humans as weak because of it, because you don't have claws, thick skin, sharp teeth and must wear clothes rather than fur to stay warm"

"Forgive this old man for his foolishness!" The priest under your paw shouts, eyes still rolled back in delight at being touched by you

"Don't ask for forgiveness, listen" You snap, batting him on his head gently and without claws "I went on a journey to attain my human form, and achieve understanding and find the truth of the world, I wasn't always able to walk as both a cat and woman do. Nature and civilization aren't so opposed, they both have their place in the world, but besides that, your beliefs were pretty much accurate and spot on, so good job knowing and interpreting my will. Men and Beasts are equals, but so are the city streets and forest paths"

He sniffles, tears in his eyes at just that much praise. While the killing intent you've been feeling grows intense enough to remind you someone is looking at your back with murder in their eyes. something you just said, must've really pissed them off.

"However, one of the things you were right about, is that humans can learn from the examples of beast and be better off for it" You say, feeling another flair of murderous intentions directed right at you, and lift your head to try and find the source while you speak "Which is why, I will instate a coming of age ceremony for the young and faithful. To take advantage of the wild and primal energy I exhaled over the world. Teach them how to mend wounds and survive in the harsh wildernesses of the world, so they can teach others the same and share what they learned, just as the talking animals of the world will be brought into cities and taught how to live alongside man, so to shall you humans be taught to co-exist with them and if you have the eyes for it, see the world from their point of view. Oh, but before the first ceremony of this kind is undertaken, I'll have my winged messenger come down and detail exactly how it is to be performed and rules of it, along with other, more general detailed rulings and guidelines for you to follow, for those who don't innately understand my wisdom. Though, while we're on the subject. Food is good for offerings, don't sacrifice humans or intelligent beasts, if you wish to show your devotion through shedding your own blood, I'll be happy to add it to my coat, but it isn't mandatory. Weekly ritual worship is fine, but if you're busy with other things, I'll understand if you can't make the time for it, but do try and use the time well, to inspire and give lessons that can be gleamed from my life or those of my underlings and dear companions"

The head priest is now instructing one of his own underlings to take notes, recording every word you say, though with some flourishes and ornamentation that weren't part of your already peerlessly elegant proclamation, at least judging from the quick glance you took of it

"Though" You begin as a playful whim presents itself "If you truly wish to please me, then you can surely do so by celebrating certain, significant dates in my life, Grieving the way I did when my home was turned to cinders, celebrating when I fulfilled my oath and grudge against the vile Ling Meng, the day I met the toad witch, When I built my palace and gathered my disciples, when I broke the blizzard over my knee, when I flew up to the moon and painted it red, and other achievements and adventures of mine. Though, I'll go into more detail of how each can be best observed and what they'll actually entail, when we next meet, or else when the owl judge delivers the rest of my edicts to your temple, hm?"

"Of course, we will patiently await your next appearance and incarnation upon our underserving mortal plane!" The head priest declares, as you idly ponder what exactly each of these holidays you've just planted the seeds of will actually be about. Certainly, the day you became a magical beast will be a time of mourning and respect to the wronged and the dead, to memorialize their lives and do them right, but a day honoring Monu? well you have a few ideas, but none you'd be willing to voice since they're all a little....embarrassing. You're sure she'd adore all of them though, knowing your mother. Which might thin the herd of wandering spirits the abundance of deathly yin Qi has caused already, before what was left of Aodasheng's army after he granted them a merciful release to the wheel of reincarnation joined that particular, ethereal flock.

But that can wait, it is a problem you can safely and confidently place further down the road. And you will! Since it turns out running and hosting a tournament for practically all of Chuan's sects is a lot of busy work!

What do you do now that you've made certain your worshippers won't turn into a death cult or something like that, Huanliuxue?

>Hurry to the sorcerous/ spell test to see if any of the contestants can actually use magic, and to amuse yourself with their efforts to try.

>Join Yinying and see exactly how your beastly subjects have been bullied, since even though you're confident he can stop it by just using your name, you are curious what actually happened, and feel the need to slap and claw whoever was bullying them.

>Oh! Youzaiwang is back from his wanderings, sooner than you expected, and he brought a friend! Which is even more surprising! Go greet him and welcome him to the tournament

>Investigate the source of the killing intent you felt during your mandate delivery personally

>Have Aodasheng investigate it instead, you're too busy to check and see who you've pissed off

>Invite the head priest to join you in overseeing the sorcery contest, and actually learn his name and get to know him a little

>Write in

I am going to go lie down and pass out now.
>Have Aodasheng investigate it instead, you're too busy to check and see who you've pissed off
>Invite the head priest to join you in overseeing the sorcery contest, and actually learn his name and get to know him a little
>Investigate the source of the killing intent you felt during your mandate delivery personally
>Investigate the source of the killing intent you felt during your mandate delivery personally
I really really wanted to pick option 1 but I feel like this is more important
>Have Aodasheng investigate it instead, you're too busy to check and see who you've pissed off.
>Hurry to the sorcerous/ spell test to see if any of the contestants can actually use magic, and to amuse yourself with their efforts to try.

My bad Grandfather
>>Have Aodasheng investigate it instead, you're too busy to check and see who you've pissed off
>Hurry to the sorcerous/ spell test to see if any of the contestants can actually use magic, and to amuse yourself with their efforts to try.

I'll support this, no need to investigate it ourselves and it gives Ao something to do to keep himself busy.
I admit I am curious about the head priest so you've got my vote.
>Have Aodasheng investigate it instead, you're too busy to check and see who you've pissed off
>Invite the head priest to join you in overseeing the sorcery contest, and actually learn his name and get to know him a little
I'll try to end the vote later today and write the update, but I can make no promises that I will be capable of it, juniors. As I feel as though I am hovering between life and death after the ill advised decision to sample a shady restaurant's orange chicken after waking up from my nap I took after writing the last update. I'll be practicing my family's traditional treatment of such afflictions, chewing on ice, but considering how sick I'm feeling, I doubt I'll be able to write today unless my condition suddenly improves.

Learn from my folly, juniors, don't trust the suspicious orange chicken!
>Investigate the source of the killing intent you felt during your mandate delivery personally
Look, if you wanna fight and you have enough killing intent to threaten us, sign up for the higher tier tournaments.
Maybe you should try an herbal remedy of a laxative and copious amounts of fiber and water?
I hope you recover from the potential mild food poisoning. But it did make me thing, how well could Huan cook?
I can't believe our grandfather cannot enjoy the ethnic dish of dog meat in the region.Truly he did not see Mt.Tai.
Yah gotta be careful.
I am worried for the food safety in your area Qm.

And how easily the orange chicken seemingly surpasses sushi as a health hazard.
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Ending the vote and tallying the result, a bit later than I meant to, but I woke up with a pounding headache since I hadn't felt well enough to drink tea, which meant my body was practically falling apart at the seams because of how deeply it is saturated with tea down to the very marrow of my bones, which probably worsened the symptoms of my food poisoning in hindsight.

Have Aodasheng investigate it instead, you're too busy to check and see who you've pissed off:6

Invite the head priest to join you in overseeing the sorcery contest, and actually learn his name and get to know him a little:4

Investigate the source of the killing intent you felt during your mandate delivery personally:3

Hurry to the sorcerous/ spell test to see if any of the contestants can actually use magic, and to amuse yourself with their efforts to try.:2

So You'll have Aodasheng investigate the source of intense killing intent and invite the head priest of your cult to oversee the sorcery contest, and make an effort to learn a little about him beyond just learning his name

Update will arrive shortly

I deeply appreciate your concern for my well being, juniors.

As for how well Huan can cook, I don't think she's ever cooked for herself or anyone and if she did, she'd probably over use fancy and expensive ingredients just because they're status symbols or use only medicinal ones since she'd be drawing on her experience making medicines and poisons and drugs. And also probably would undercook it if it were meat. So if you somehow could convince her to cook, it'd probably wouldn't taste good/ possibly be deadly since she decided some terrifying ghost spirit herb would make a good spice, or in the best case, be basically a stir fry of medicinal herbs and be very healthy if not tasty.

Or it'd be a copy of what Monu has cooked for her.

I will admit, this did make me giggle
. . . I don't care what you say grandfather, a stir fry of medicines is absolutely a great idea and it will be the reward for the Golden core level of the tourniment.

Bonus points if it tastes like shit to everyone but us and is still immensely healthy.
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>meanwhile, the gorilla which is already used to eating shoots, roots and grasses
However a thought that is a bit more tangible than a whim cuts short your ponderings about the precise details of the celebrations in your honor and what would even be being honored for each festive, special day, as your head priest whose name you still don't know continues bleating platitudes and praises in front of you, half bent over as he simperingly rubs his hands together with his head bowed in a show of utmost submission to you. The thought is simply realizing that it is kind of rude and somewhat shameful that you don't know the name of perhaps your most devout worshiper, who organized all the scattered temples and folk traditions and superstitions that sprung up not long after you awoke as a magical beast and began devouring the wretched invaders who struck the spark of spite that enlightened you. And, admittedly, a slight twinge of guilt for thinking his shows of faith are annoying but that is quickly quieted by simply remembering how manic he is. He did what you thought impossible, and ended up being over enthusiastic in showering you with praise and veneration, but that's still no reason to scorn him by overlooking and ignoring him except when he's useful to you.

"Oh, don't speak as if we'll depart one another's presence so soon, my faithful servant" you purr, leaning down and nearly pressing and bumping your forehead against his as he shoots up, straight as a young stalk of bamboo "I've chosen to honor you, be delighted, be humbled! For I will allow you the privilege of overseeing the next step of the contest at my side! A place usually only reserved for my fellow immortals and enlightened daoists. I grant you this prestige in recognition of the good you've done in my name, and the praises you've sang of it. I'm somewhat flattered by it, so I bless you with this rare recognition. Treasure it, and dress your best"

"I...I" He stammers, eyes misty with tears, lip quivering and legs weak as you stand above him and smile, and twist around and leave him before his amazed flock with a playful curl and flick of your tail as they stare at the both of you in awe, and the moment you're far enough away that there's no risk of him losing control of his emotions and pulling on your fur to hold himself up, the priest stands up, towering in a way only a man emboldened by faith and the direct and undeniable recognition of the source of that faith can, and resumes his preeching

"See! What other priest in living memory has been personally commended by the god they devout their every thought and very lives to! In any cataclysm or disaster, natural, man made or sorcerous, has a goddess stepped down to directly intervene and prevent it, to bring the suffering of us meager mortals to an end! This is why Huanliuxue's temples should be uplifted, why worship should be directed to her shrines and alms and offerings given that would've been squandered and wasted on her apathetic and distant peers! She is a deity born from Chuan's own soil and suffering! She is one of us! A fellow countryman! We should venerate her above all others, cast away the family of rain fairies and that ancient hero who conquered the desert savages and..." is all you can hear before he is drowned out by the bustle of the crowd that quickly gathers around you, most of the noise coming from cultivators trying to chat you up and gossip with you and a few who meekly beg amnesty for people you haven't heard about for offenses they caused to your subjects. Which has to be the bullying you sent Yinying to sort out. What was going on there? Well, at least it seems it wasn't physical at least, that takes one worry off of your mine

But thinking about harm that wasn't done to the young beasts in your garden, brings another, much more personal and present fear to the forefront of your mind.

Escaping the throng of visitors and contestants, you slink away into the one place you're certain there won't be any eavesdroppers or overly curious onlookers, the hungriest and bloodthirstiest portion of your spirit fruit orchard, and then, sitting down and licking the back of your paw to clean off the smells of other people from your fur, you call your bodyguard, advisor and friend.

The ghost King Aodasheng.

And he makes his appearance in a properly dramatic and foreboding manner, emerging from a black cloud of screaming skulls and wailing, ghostly faces consumed by ghostly teal fire, before a pair of ethereal draconic hands tear a hole in the ghostly smoke and like cracking open a pearl that was an egg, he steps out from the unnaturally darkened shadows, wreathed by a hollow of his death infused fire.

His willow leaf eyes soften, the black and red swirls of color within them alighted by the ghostly fire burning around him, casting shadows on his face, sharpening his features and deepening the beard framing his jaw and making his ever curious expression seem rather crazed and deranged as his corpse's pupil focus and refuse to budge or look away even a whisker's breadth away from you.

"Huan" He says, sounding as though he was delighted "I was just exploring those far flung islands and making sure that curious beast we slew hand in hand was properly dissected by your pet fishes, and happened to wonder what the strongest of this era looked liked beyond your fascinating self, so I happened to be close by, so I could appear immediately at your summons. Right beside your shadow as it were"

Now that's intriguing, even if you're confident what his answer will be

"Oh? And what are your thoughts of my supposed peers. Ao?" You ask curiously as he flicks his hand back, and disperses the morass of deathly yin qi he used to teleport right in front of you with all the casualness of waving away incense smoke

"Utterly disappointed, while I am surprised that certain sects remain intact and others have either vanished, rebranded or fractured, the strongest of Chuan would've been fodder in my hayday" He answers cheerfully, eyes flashing with a killer's intrigue "Barring a few noticeable exceptions, It saddens me to see how far cultivation has truly degenerated and stagnated, from the era of my prominence. I respect that incarnate devil, if only because he acted as a cultivator should and cut down the fool who thought he couldn't due when he went around waving a sword and wielding insults much of the same, and a few...other oddities like yourself"

"Oh, so you probably already have an inkling of the work I'm going to shuffle down to you then?" You ask with a giggle befitting a princess as he nods, expression still stuck on an amused smile, like his face was struck with rigor mortis

"Investigate the actual threats covertly. I did not miss how they looked at you when you stepped down and put on a show of acting like a benevolent deity" he answers, the spear of mortal death materializing in his grasp as he leaned over to rest against it "Which must've put a bend in the tails of the more stifled and self righteous minded in the crowd. Those who claim prominence are easily infuriated, especially when another assert they own a title they themselves have claims towards, and do so with more believably"

You narrow your eyes and growl in your throat

"Yes, I've been doing my job as your bodyguard well, scrutinizing every potential threat and angle of attack" he rather chipperly explains, eyes wide and turning blacker as a deep, potent enmity roils out of his lips "And in the years since my burial, I never forgot the stench of the heavens. Either they're the favourites of the heavens or they have fallen far from them and lost that most sought after accolade of divinity"

"And you're certain they're the ones who've been looking at me so murderously and jealously?" You ask, a little impressed by the keenness of his watch "

"There's one of them here at least, a trashy god, who we should attack just out of principle I say" He says with a shrug, leaning his head against his spear with a frown, his eyes clearing and turning more read as he nods his head in thought "But I am certain they're of the golden core stage, the one's who glare behind your back, your highness"

"I shouldn't need to tell you what to do then?" You say bluntly, eyes still narrowed with concern and anger both

"Investigate who is glaring daggers at your back, who you've enraged by openly pretending to be a god and encouraging your worship? See if it is the worse, or perhaps from a certain point of view, best, case scenario and they're a former god with a vendetta or simply a particularly pious cultivator who could actually pose a threat?" He quickly listed off, counting down with his fingers

"You speak my thoughts, Ao!' you congratulate happily and nod as you prance away from him "And don't pick a fight with them unless they're already moving to take my head. That nose of yours could be muffled by its own decay, you know"

"Could be, I could've also imagined that slightest presence of heavenly, divine Qi in the air. The demon's Qi was unmistakable, but the celestial spiritual energy was, if that was what I truly sensed, was faint and cloudy, polluted by earthly energies" He rambles as he stands, slowly dissipating in the air and blowing away like the white ashes of a funeral pyre "I'm curious to see, if I was right the first time, or if I truly am mistaken! Have fun playing with the uninitiated, I'm curious how many mortals of this modern era can excel and reach the pinnacles long unseen"

And with that, the ghost king takes his leave, leaving you only with a pressure inside your head, a concern that's only grown from what he's revealed and a worry that's spread its roots when you start to wonder if a fight maniac like Ao will be able to resist the lure of a real challenge if it presents itself

"Ah well" you say to yourself, cheerfully, brushing away both the fear and worry about whoever is impudent enough to want to kill you for no real reason and your underling's somewhat volatile nature as you stride back into your gardens populated streets and find your way to the place those wannabee sorcerers, supposed sages and desperate occultists have gathered to be tested for their aptitude to make real magic.

And for some reason, Renshu and Ruolan are both there, watching creepily from the sidelines, dressed in funery garb and overall dimming the atmosphere and spoiling the mood rotten. Besides them, in the crowd of spirituals and wannabee spell casters, are a few familiar faces. Including the three other members of your cult sent to try and join your sect, the brothers Boat and sea cat, and the adorable Happy Maid (Huānnǚpú, 欢 女仆), who is excitedly rocking back and forth in her seat between one wild eyed maniac with a sparse beard and what looks like an imperial oracle, who is glancing around nervously at the other, far more colorful and dangerous looking contestants

There is also Ho, who is looking over the guidelines written on the scroll in front of him with a heavy brow and a look of concentrated effort on his face, sweat beading down his reddened cheeks as he squints at the words and...is he illiterate? Well, can't expect a cock farmer to know how to read or understand the complex arrays and arrangements of even a novice's spell's characters.

And your head priest, without his mask, revealing his long, somewhat horse like face and triangular, thuggish look eyes, dotted with freckles and sun tanned, with his chestnut hair tied into a simple farmer's knot as he looks down at the crowd imperiously, dressed in robes that somewhat resemble your own, spider demon woven wild princess regalia, though clearly a few steps lower on the social ladder. He has a common look to him, and wouldn't stand out amongst farmers in a rice field or a line of common foot shoulders. Except for the hanging lobes of his ears and the clean, priestly air surrounding him. Oh, and the wild, half insane zeal blazing in his eyes that look threatening no matter how you look at them.

"Look how many insects dare to think themselves worthy to shower daily in your radiant presence, some are sickened by the hallow air surrounding you, the mere touch of the ghosts you subjugate sickens them and weakens their resolve" He fittingly, cattily remarks, looking disdainfully over the already stressed group of hucksters, dabblers and holders of scraps of true insight and understanding "See, how they quail before your two blessed servants, chosen and risen from their graves to serve you in perpetuity! A reward I shamelessly envy"

"Hoh? Horse face priest thinks I've died!" Renshu laughs, waving and twiddling his fingers, as he admires the paint on his nails, watching it crack as he partially performs the aquatic transformation technique of the aquamarine school of carmine mysticism just to show off, the red shadow around his eyes making him far more imposing than his eccentric and feminine fashion would normally allow, while Ruolan giggles behind her sleeves "The one eyed man mocking the blind"

Your priest pouts
"I am unenlightened and ill informed of the mysterious of the divine world you inhabit at your side, and find no shame in admitting it, just as your present state fills me with a gnawing envy" He says as Renshu sidles up next to him, one leg crossed over the other, and with a fan in his hand

"Humility helps hide your age" He laughs, flicking his fan at him "And will help keep wrinkles off, in case you are worthy of this gift me and Ruo'er share"

"Don't call me that" Ruolan puffs, her cheeks filled with hot air as she tottered next to you, and ruffled down her dress before sitting on the ground besides you "We may be close, but not close enough for cutesy nicknames, blood brother"

"Oh but you're so adorable I just can't help but give you them!" Renshu snickers, hiding his painted lips with his fan as Ruolan pouts and you wonder if that blood drinking peacock remembers what she did to her actual brother by blood. Despite her cute and doll like face, Ruolan is probably one of the scariest member of your sect if only due to what she's capable of doing in pursuit of revenge, though she is far below yourself and Monu in that regard as well

"Renshu, please, stop talking the ear off of the head of my temples" You say cordially though Renshu obviously remembers the threat you pose to his person more than the one Ruolan could and quickly shuts up. Which shows his wisdom and survival instincts haven't been dulled by the power you gifted him, since he clearly recalls what happened to the other potential carmine mystic who became drunk off of it and burst like an overfed mosquito with a clench of your hand.

Smiling pleasantly, you turn to your priest and tilt your head, allowing your hair to cascade over your shoulders as you bid him to look you in the eyes with a flick of your sleeve

"Whose name I would like to hear" You say, careful not to reveal you don't know it intuitively from his faith "Since, isn't small talking with their idol an even greater show of my benevolence compared to the others worshipped in Chuan and beyond?"

He perks up, his cheeks flushing bright red as he turns his seat to face you and bows, hands clasped as if in solemn and serious prayer.

"This one, upon being welcomed into and ordained in a local temple, early in his youth, took on the name Shi Chúnxīn (Pure Heart, 纯 心 ), but upon switching my worship from the undeserving and discovering your divine self and righteous deeds, I took upon the name Shi Tángmùshī (Crimson Priest, 赯牧师), though, I cannot tell you the name I was born with, I have long ago forgotten it and my parent's names and faces, shamefully" He answers excitedly, head bowed with a delighted smile on his face "The temple I was raised at, was nearest to the place of your earthly origin. I am proud to say I performed some of the cleaning of that hallowed ground, and left offerings on the graves you guarded there"

And already, your fondness for him has grown by severalfold!

"Oh?" Ruolan chirps, eyes wide like a curious kit, and you quickly cover them with the sleeve of your robe, as you notice a bright light glimmering in their red depths, one that you recognized all to well as the sparks of the hypnotic or lunatic eyes, carelessly activated, but when she peeks her eyes over your arm, the embers of madness have vanished.

"Yes! We had to run for the nearby woods when the ling came! Killing without a thought! I had never been more afraid! The smoke, the smell of burning flesh and hair! the screams! Oh the screams haunt me so! Of women, children and my monastic brothers!" He says, eyes wide and filled with tears as a tremble goes down your spine as his words bring back the memories of that horrible night, as fresh as they were they day you suffered through them. Memories you'd prefer buried deep in your heart rather than dredged back to the surface of your mind

"The villages, the farms, any sign of civilization, burned for days! The forests were lit aflame, all were put to the sword, rich and poor, sinner and saint, pauper and noble, old and young" He raved, gnashing his teeth as in his eyes, you saw reflections of the horror you and him both survived "And...then, in that vision of hell manfiested on earth, as I scurried about like a rodent fleeing flood waters, I found sites and signs of slaughter. Whole troops of the invaders, rent asunder, torn to pieces, their limbs and guts scattered about, their organs and flesh devoured, picked to their very bone! Their armor, sundered and clawed apart like paper screens! Their spears snapped in two! And the screams were no longer of women, children and old men, but of the soldiers themselves! In the smoke, shadowy figures darted, fleeing an unseen devil. But I knew it to be the work of a heavenly spirit, a divine guardian sent to broker piece through bloodshed. And I heard, the Ling dogs who lived long enough to seek shelter in the very hovels they put to the torch, a name. A title and epithet. Huanliuxue! That is what they called their hunter! Their punishment! The happy bloodshed! The smiling spirit of vengeance that devoured them like the rats they were!"

"...Maaster~ hearing about your youth from a first hand source has made me admire you all the more" Ruolan mewls cutely, holding on your arm and miming a cat as she rubbed her cheek against it, which brought your eyes down to see that you'd clawed marks into the throne you were sitting bolt straight in, from when Tangmushi brought back to life your most unpleasant of memories.

"But, I forget myself, surely a goddess already knows of how I found my true faith, at one of the roadside altars you left being in your persecution of the filth who dared to assail the lands under your blessing" he says pleasantly, cheeks rosy and smile beaming "But I shall answer any questions you give me, and hope they shall please your beneficent divinity. A chance to learn from my god, is a rare chance to treasure indeed"

What do you talk with Tangmushi about,

>How he got adopted into a temple to begin with, and his childhood

>How he survived the Ling invasion, when he was right where it began

>The work he's done around your home village, and if he's remembered to leave gifts at the children's grave

>Ask him to be honest, and tell you how many "heathen" temples he's burned already

>Write in

And do you give any of the contestants who are close to performing magic/ casting a spell, a little covert push, Huanliuxue?

>Hell no! You're going to enjoy watching them flounder like fish out of water!

>Only the ones you like already

>Only if they're painfully, painfully close to achieving success

>Tell them all enough to perform the most basic level of Qi control, and see if they're able to actually do it

>Write in

And the moment I tell a family member I'm no longer sick, they ask if I can water and weed their garden for them. Typical, really.
>>How he survived the Ling invasion, when he was right where it began
>Ask him to be honest, and tell you how many "heathen" temples he's burned already

>Hell no! You're going to enjoy watching them flounder like fish out of water!
We aren't here to rig the results, this is to give a chance to those who are diamonds in the rough, not the haystack that hides needles.
>Ask plainly how many temples he burned.
>the work he has done.

>Let them flounder and fail, some might surprise us. If nobody has even once succeeded, then give them instructions for the most basic level of Qi control.

Test natural affinity. If nobody passes, then test instructed natural ability
I'll support this, we haven't invited them here to laugh at them if they fail at achieving the impossible but to nurture talent so they can shine under our tutelage!

And I want to know how the interfaith skirmishes have gone.
>Ask him to be honest, and tell you how many "heathen" temples he's burned already
Hell no! You're going to enjoy watching them flounder like fish out of water!
You know another of my random thoughts.

Luli would benefit greatly from learning under Jionghuagege, since her shit is big on area manipulation and plant growth.
And Jiong's law is ancient and potent.
>How he got adopted into a temple to begin with, and his childhood
>How he survived the Ling invasion, when he was right where it began
>The work he's done around your home village, and if he's remembered to leave gifts at the children's grave
Let's ask him to start from the beginning. I don't really care about the other temples.

>Let them flounder and fail, some might surprise us. If nobody has even once succeeded, then give them instructions for the most basic level of Qi control.
Smart write-in.
Ending the vote, tallying its results now. But good news! I'm being paid in steak for tending someone else's garden, instead of the usual reward of absolutely fucking nothing!

How he survived the Ling invasion, when he was right where it began:2

Ask him to be honest, and tell you how many "heathen" temples he's burned already:5

The work he's done around your home village, and if he's remembered to leave gifts at the children's grave:4

How he got adopted into a temple to begin with, and his childhood:1

Hell no! You're going to enjoy watching them flounder like fish out of water!:3

Let them flounder and fail, some might surprise us. If nobody has even once succeeded, then give them instructions for the most basic level of Qi control.:4

So you'll ask Tangmushi how many "heathen" temples he's burned and the work he's done and if he remembered to leave gifts at the kid's graves


let the contestants flounder and fail, and if none of them succeed, give them instructions on basic Qi control (Very clever write in btw)

Update will arrive shortly
>I'm being paid in steak for tending someone else's garden, instead of the usual reward of absolutely fucking nothing!
The celestial court finally shows gratitude. There must be some upheaval we cannot see. Beware of any funny hats they may try to gift you.
You consider what you want to actually know about the zealous heart of Tangmushi, slowly throwing your regal gaze over the varied and colorful crowd of characters competing to prove their occult knowledge, spiritual potential or magical talent to you and that they were worthy to join they roster of the palace of natural laws' members. Ho was scratching his head, with a truly frustrated look on his increasingly red face, the twin brothers of Chuanmao and Haimao scattered scrimshawed bones and rubbing their cheeks or foreheads in deep contemplation, while the ever smiling Huannupu seemed to be preforming the initial steps of a religious rite that involved moving her hands like a cat's paws and swaying back and forth in a trance. That that wasn't the weirdest and most bizarre of the attempts to perform the spells that were plainly explained down to the hand signs to perform it or the characters to place it in a talisman, only made it take longer for you to figure out what you wanted to ask of perhaps your most devout worshipper. Someone had taken out a mummified hand and was slowly curling its fingers, another was smashing gems into powder along with a paste of ginseng and what looked like bonemeal wetted with human blood, and another just next them, powder with gemstones, was consulting a star chart while their next neighbor was wincing as they lifted and then, hesitating, lowered a curved dagger that very much resembled one of your own claws

"Master?" Renshu asked softly, shaking your shoulder and pulling you from the stupor you'd fallen in, analyzing and barely believing all the different ways the ignorant masses were trying to perform magic without having any understanding of Qi, internal energy or the flow and control of either

"Sorry, spaced out there for a second" You admit shamelessly, fluttering your eyelashes "I was just entranced by the amusing ways the contestants are attempting to surmount the challenge I placed before them, Well, Shi. I have to ask, how many "Heathen" temples did you burn before I told you to stop?"

He paled, swallowing hard and tugging at the collar of his robe, Ruolan and Renshu leaning closer to listen, both dipping their heads as they nearly tipped over their chairs, looking absolutely ridiculous doing it.

"Personally or by my command?" He squeaked, wincing as a single drop of sweat beaded on his bro, as some lunatic began shouting mantras that seemed to be a list of treats and toys a cat would like

"Yes" You answer with a smirk, joining your two carmine mystic descendants by leaning forward to place your chin on the back of your hand

"Not counting minor shrines?" He said, as if asking himself that question "Or the idols were tossed out from Suiqi during the celebration of your banishing of the storm, and the pyres after the victory against the ice devil themselves? I personally commanded the destruction and scouring of nine"

"Holy shit" Renshu gasped, covering his mouth and shaking "That must be at least three generations worth of bad luck!"

"Well, that's one way to get the heavens full attention" Ruolan said quietly, much more composed than the flamboyant blood drinker to the other side of you

"That is a bigger number than I expected, but I assume" You start, leaning back in your chair and kicking a leg up as you tipped your seat backward, throwing your head back as you slouched over its back, but still keeping your gaze centered and locked on Tangmushi's eyes "That you had a hand in a few more fires than a meager nine, not counting minor shrines that can't be truly called a temple"

"You are most perceptive, as expected of a deity" He answers honestly, head bowed "I do not believe, any temple worthy of being called such, remains in the lands protected by the paw print banner of your earthly palace without honoring your place within it"

"Not that there were many left that didn't at least have a nook devoted to you and your "earthly messengers" Renshu adds, flicking a curl of hair out of his eyes "Chuan Jianjun had made certain your worship had a prominent place in the temples and monasteries of Chuan"

"Yes! We were simply fighting back against those apostates that sullied your good name, refused the royal edicts, and named you still a demon and a horror! Most of the ransacking was actually committed by the common folk" Tangmush explains rapidly, looking greatly relieved by the lifeline Renshu practically hit him over the head with "Who were enraged by their mistreatment by those supposed righteous sages, led by that devil you slew outside of Suiqi's walls. We simply..."

"Destroyed the ones who weren't overturned by the angry mobs of peasants?" You ask, genuinely curious of what had been happening beneath your notice now, but at least from the sounds of things, Tangmushi hadn't kickstarted a religious war and the majority of the people and temples approved of his extreme actions. Though the priest dumb enough to still openly proclaim you a demon, probably deserved to end up in a pyre made out from their own monastery. But, reflecting on that, you also know most Chuan sects had expelled a number of their own members for their refusal to accept your pardoning. Even the most righteous, such as the Eight heavenly gates sect, and you're certain the white jade devil army had at least one of their demon hunters go rogue in frustration over you not being executed for the simple crime of existing and being better at it than everyone else.

There was a fit of coughing, and an acrid smell filled the air, as a few contestants resorted to burning herbs and lightning terrible smelling incense.

"And the ones that refused to accept your place in the celestial bureaucracy, I have no problems with temples devoted to other gods, but refusing to recognize your benevolences place in the heavens is intolerable" They explain simply with a nod "Though, I will admit, only half of the nine I personally ordered burn, were in retaliation"

"Well, try to play nice with the other temples, if they do anything to piss me off, I'll crush them myself" You say as you lean forward and slam your throne back onto all four of its legs, as several more voices start chanting mantras, bells and chimes are rung, and the idiot with the curved dagger finally plunges it into their palm with a yowl of pain. Ho is still glaring at the written characters on the page before them, as if that will make sense of them and remove the hurdle of his illiteracy, and Huannupu is...Praying? with a loose ball of yawn between her hands, kneading and rolling it around

"I will keep the promise I swore to not seek violence or put other places of worship to the torch" Tangmushi swore, a hand over his heart, and head bowed deeply, but a sudden jostling noise of movement reaches your ears, so you glance up, resting your head against your knuckles, as you see Huannupu, eyes closed, and hands still tugging and kneading the ball of yarn in her hands, gliding through the chaos of the contest hall towards that absolute moron who thought they could perform blood sorcery with just a regular knife. Perking up, feeling your tapered ears twitch, the notched one more noticeably, you sat up, and as you watched the girl who changed her name because she was saved by one of your disciples in their travels, you, without much thought, asked Tangmushi

"And what exactly is the work and duties you've performed for my home village? I've seen the statue built to me there, and seen how its been rebuilt to be a shrine and a memorial of sorts, but what exactly have you been doing there?" You ask idly, eyes still focused on and tracking Huannupu's ponderous yet purposeful movements

"Ensuring the sanctity of your place of origin, keeping it undefiled and clear of detritus, preserving the site of that most tragic day, replacing incense, ensuring the lanterns are lit, collecting the offerings left at your first official shrine, overseeing religious ceremonies and performing rites and blessings in your name" He lists of, with an air of utmost pride as he does so, sitting a bit taller as he explains the work he has done for your long emptied and abandoned hometown "Keeping a guard over the graves of the fallen, who will one day watch over new additions as well, if we are granted your permission to inter your most faithful alongside the populace of your hometown. Repairs...not sure what happened, but before the emergence of the beast-kin, the statue built there was broken to pieces and much of the shrine grounds were blasted apart!


"And, have you been making sure the most important graves there are well tended to, given the respect they deserve and showered with offerings and gifts?" You ask sharply, shifting your eyes to his direction as you press your knuckles into your cheek

"Of course, I wouldn't dare appear in front of you if I did not recall the importance of those nine graves, and pray that those poor children have been reborn into better circumstances, after their short lives were so pointlessly cut short" He answered solemnly, voice low and grave, the very ideal of respectfulness "They are well cared for, of course and"

A scream and scuffle pulled your admiring gaze from the priest you now respect a lot more than you did this morning, to see Huannupu, Haimao and Chuanmao holding down the idiot who stabbed a knife in their own hand, the two burly sailors pinning them by the shoulder, while Huannupu, ball of yarn still in hand, examines the wound

then she does something incredible than surprise even you!

She, drawing a string from the yarn with one hand, pinching it between two fingers, suddenly tears the dagger out of the palm of the other contestant, who wails and thrashes around violently, eyes blazing with terror and panic. Then, with a fog in her eyes like she were possessed, moving like a puppet, the girl dips the string in the open wound and slashes a thin cut into her own palm. And then, your eyes bulge as you see Blood Qi alight and flow clumsily and thickly, a few drops of spiritual energy languidly moving through her veins into the now blood wetted string, as she chants a prayer to you, pleading for the health and healing of the idiot who put a hole in their hand on purpose!

And, slowly, the blood spilling from the open wound, pours back inside of it and begins to staunch. It isn't a true healing spell, but it has quickened the natural healing process of the stab wound and forced the blood flow to ignore the injury and remain inside of the body. A very, very immature and weak form of blood control, slowing the bleeding and adding vitality to the patient. But...but that is

Undeniably Blood Control and a weak form of magic powered by Huannupu's internal lifeforce and the little blood qi innate within her blood supply. A crude form of healing, that could be mistaken for a miracle

How the hell did she do that, seemingly following instinct alone! Making her...what? The forth person to make use of blood Qi in the current era?!

Renshu and Ruolan notice her accomplishment a moment after you, and Tangmushi follows your eyes a few seconds after that. Then the injured contestant realizes the weakening feeling has stopped, and the others near him notice he has stopped screaming like he was about to be murdered and turn to gawk and stare in disbelief at the girl with hair the color of rose petals who is still pouring her own life force into the wide eyed and empty headed idiot,

Its only when you clap your hands together slowly, and start to slowly cackle with delight that Huannupu realizes what she's done with a start, eyes big like a calf's as she looks around, realizing in astonishment that she just performed crude magic. And thus earned the right to enter the palace of natural laws. The twin brothers laugh and proudly pat her on the back, lifting her up off her shaky legs that look like they're on the verge of collapse, lifting her up high to a chorus of cheers and applause by the occultists, hucksters and wannabe sorcerers and sages of Chuan!

And, since you'd taken two victors in prior trials, they redouble their efforts to be the second to do the impossible and actually perform magic.

And a few manage to muster enough of an effort for you, who has a natural talent for picking out potential, especially when it concerns cultivation ability, to see they could actually cast a spell if they were properly instructed. Including Ho, but you already knew he had began the process of opening his meridians, somehow, while training with Maozhuaban.

But the only one to succeed is a Buddhist monk who, does so seemingly without any real trying, but lifts his hand when the crowd begins to cheer him on, and plainly states he has no interest in entering the palace of natural laws and merely joined the spell casting division to serve as an example and earn some face for his home monastery

Double Vote .

What do you do after the sorcery trial actually produced a winner

>Congratulate Huannupu and her alone, and bring her to where the other victors are gathered and enlighten her about how amazing her feat actually was

>Have Renshu and Ruolan perform a display of carmine mysticism and see if anyone has the guts to ask to be brought into that very elite and selective school

>Be incredibly generous, and point out those with the potential to cultivate, so it isn't wasted, and recommend them to seek an audience with sects that are friendly to yours. Except for Ho, you want to see if he can win one of the remaining two contests by his own talent. [Good Karma]

>Study the ball of yarn, to see if its special.

>Introduce Tangmushi to Huannupu, since they're of the same faith, and it'd be good for your good reputation if he spreads the word of her "miracle"

>Write in

And what is the next part of the pre qi condensation tournament, Huanliuxue?

>The luck trial

>Free for all brawl

I will take heed of your warnings, junior. But I also really like steak...
>Be incredibly generous. [GOOD KARMA]
who cares, it costs us nothing.
>Have the Bloody twins give a demonstration, see if anyone is bold enough to ask.

We need to sieve through them very very carefully. But we can expand the school more.
And fuck it, Free for all.

Let's have fun.
>>Be incredibly generous,
Should never let any talent go to waste. Even if they aren't in our sect. Rivals and talents scattered around fosters competition, after all.

>The luck trial
Everybody is already up all night to get lucky anyway, eh?
>Congratulate Huannupu and her alone, and bring her to where the other victors are gathered and enlighten her about how amazing her feat actually was
>Be incredibly generous, and point out those with the potential to cultivate, so it isn't wasted, and recommend them to seek an audience with sects that are friendly to yours. Except for Ho, you want to see if he can win one of the remaining two contests by his own talent. [Good Karma]

>Free for all brawl

I think luck should be done last, because I imagine it's going to be the most unfair one overall, and it gives anyone who couldn't win any of the other events a final chance to win. It is also our special bracket, so having it be last just for that seems fitting.
>Congratulate Huannupu and her alone, and bring her to where the other victors are gathered and enlighten her about how amazing her feat actually was
But before bringing her to the other victors or telling her what she did...
>Be incredibly generous, and point out those with the potential to cultivate, so it isn't wasted, and recommend them to seek an audience with sects that are friendly to yours. Except for Ho, you want to see if he can win one of the remaining two contests by his own talent. [Good Karma]
Do this "off screen". It has relevance in impact, not by itself.
>Study the ball of yarn, to see if its special.
This has comedic potential so I have to include it.
>Introduce Tangmushi to Huannupu, since they're of the same faith, and it'd be good for your good reputation if he spreads the word of her "miracle"
Dialogue between her, Tangmushi, Ruolan and Renshu with Huan interjecting at the end to explain what she did exactly.

I would vote for the second prompt if not for the meta reason that we're already getting a big injection of new characters and I'd rather see fewer of them more often than more of them less often.

Im happy with either choice on the next part of the tournament question.
I'll support this, the carmine mysticism school still has quite the stigma and I would rather avoid being put on trial again so soon. Better keep it secret.
>>Be incredibly generous, and point out those with the potential to cultivate, so it isn't wasted, and recommend them to seek an audience with sects that are friendly to yours. Except for Ho, you want to see if he can win one of the remaining two contests by his own talent. [Good Karma]
Accumulate good, the more good we are, the greater the irony when we clash with the heavens.

>Free for all brawl

Luck is the lottery, saved only for the end.
>>Be incredibly generous, and point out those with the potential to cultivate, so it isn't wasted, and recommend them to seek an audience with sects that are friendly to yours. Except for Ho, you want to see if he can win one of the remaining two contests by his own talent. [Good Karma]
>Free for all brawl
>Be incredibly generous, and point out those with the potential to cultivate, so it isn't wasted, and recommend them to seek an audience with sects that are friendly to yours. Except for Ho, you want to see if he can win one of the remaining two contests by his own talent. [Good Karma]
We have been selfish a few times so let's be generous
>The luck trial
>Be incredibly generous, and point out those with the potential to cultivate, so it isn't wasted, and recommend them to seek an audience with sects that are friendly to yours. Except for Ho, you want to see if he can win one of the remaining two contests by his own talent. [Good Karma]
>Free for all brawl
I hope the steak was/is going to be very good.
>>Be incredibly generous, and point out those with the potential to cultivate, so it isn't wasted, and recommend them to seek an audience with sects that are friendly to yours. Except for Ho, you want to see if he can win one of the remaining two contests by his own talent. [Good Karma]
>Study the ball of yarn, to see if its special.
Cat sees yarn, cat plays with yarn. It is the law
>Free for all brawl
>Study the ball of yarn, to see if its special.
I would like to add this to my vote as well.
good karma, but also ball of yarn 0-0
I'll remove the good karma vote if it means another one of the prompts I voted for win.
So I shall try to tally.

Votes: 11
Generous: 10
Demonstration: 1
Huannupu alone: 3
Introduce worshippers: 1
Yarn: 3

Free for all: 9
Luck: 2
Either: 1

I think I got that right.

There's uhh. Very little chance of anything but good karma option going through without some of the dao of the deal going on.
taking this into account, I will assume he removes his vote making the Good option have
>9 options for Generous.

As a reminder, you want half of a vote to get in.
So most likely is Yarn and praising Huannupu especially.
>A half of the total votes to get in.

So 5.

Me, being a humble servant of my fellows, Is willing to extend his hand to help. Because my preferred option is winning anyway.

>Add Praise Huannupu and Inspect Yarn to >>6119287

I also just realised this motherfucker is somebody who also voted.

Making it
>Votes: 10
>Generous: 9
>Demonstration: 1
>Huannupu alone: 4
>Introduce worshippers: 1
>Yarn: 4

>Free for all: 7
>Luck: 2
>Either: 1

So there. One other person changing their votes to include Yarn and praising the gal especially and they go through.

Someone else adding a new vote? also goes through [I think].

two people adding to the vote with anything else? Nay
I haven't vote so
>Good karma option
>Congrats Huannupu
>Inspect Yarn
>Free for all

Hope this helps tally anon
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Ending the vote now. Got a new Gaiwain I'm breaking in with a session of Milky oolong rn

And a thunderous applaus for this junior's diligent tallying! Always appreciate the help.

And since I'm feeling nice, I'll include Huannupi and the yarn ball, since they're on the cusp of getting into the update anyways!

So, marking Huan's 13th good karma deed, You'll, in a show of incredible generosity, point out those with the potential to cultivate and recommend them to sects friendly to the palace of natural laws

Congratulate Huannupu and introduce her to the other victors and tell her just how amazing of a feat she pulled off to win the contest

While also examining the yarn ball for any hidden enchantments or special properties.

Update will arrive shortly
Oh and of course, the free for all is the next step of the Pre Qi Condensation Tournament. Forgot to mention that, forgive me
And while several pale and concerned faces look at you from the audience and the crowd of contestants who have managed to pull their attentions away from Happy Maid's miraculous healing of the idiot who stabbed himself in the hand, all of them no doubt thinking the fickleness that every real feline has resting somewhere in the heart will turn cruel at the apparent disrespect and insult of the Buddhist refusing to enter your sect outright. That, or they've heard or personally seen you in a fight and know just how easily you can go from smiling to reaving your way through a battle field of supposedly "battle tested" Cultivators and think a heretic is much more prone to random acts of violence or jolts of bloodthirst than the pure hearted orthodox cultivators. What a load of horsecrap

You surprise those looking horrified for the buddhist or thrilled to see them slapped around for their impudence against their fellow daoists for not only daring to enter the tournament but to then refuse the prize at its end, by just laughing uproariously and very unlady like, throwing back your head and clapping your hands as you kick off the ground in front of your throne and elegantly leap into the air above the completely calm monk's head, and continue clapping as the weakest expression of your specter lightness skill keeps you airborn like a thread of cotton tossed to the winds.

"How amusing, how amusing! Well, then you'll just have to bring an alternative prize back to your temple, and have a paw print on your Kasaya to prove your victory to any who doubt your claims, to show the generosity and openness of my palace of the natural laws" You cackle, rolling through the air as the Buddhist smiles, light catching off the bald top of hiss head as he nods to show he appreciates the kind gesture as you twist your shoulders and roll onto your back and survey the astonished crowd beneath you watching your drift through the still air like a leaf on the breeze.

And quickly picking out those you sensed to possess the rare, innate blessing to have any potential to cultivate at all without the trick of creating it through carmine mysticism you discovered, and with a swirl of your wrist mimicking the movements your tail often makes when you're in a cheerfully mood, you point them out and call them to attention, confusing all of them as even if they are dabblers and ill informed, they realized that hadn't done anything to equal Huannupu's seemingly miraculous achievement.

And its while your looking down at their baffeled expressions and wondering eyes, that your whimsical smirk stretches and curls into a grin like a crescent moon, as your pupils probably sliver to also resemble that celestial body graced to be stained with your warm blood.

"All of you who I pointed out, have potential slumbering inside of them. The bodies given to your by your mamas and your papas, possess the ability to draw in spiritual energy, absorb and store it within yourself to cultivate and refine it!" You bark, wagging your head side to side as some of the more free willed cultivators laugh, while Tangmushi just stares at you, eyes boggling with amazement as several of the crowd slap their faces and gnash their teeth, realizing they never had a chance in the first place, while their less selfish peers simply look thrilled to have learned something even the most excellent of scholars don't know.

Ho, meanwhile, unaware that he could technically be considered the lowest level of cultivator, picks some wax from his ear, the chicken farmer not caring about the revelation you just handed down to them and maybe not having heard it at all.

"While you are worthy of my sect, I'll grant you all my recommendation, present it to the temples of the Five Colors and The Five Purities, the Summer Sea Dawn, The Dusk Marsh wolves maybe, The Thousand Lotus hall certainly and I'm sure the White Jade Devil opposing army, Eight heavenly gates and innocent witch court wouldn't scoff at you if you manage to find your way to their sect gates" You happily explain, rolling around to look like you were lounging upon the air, relaxing backwards onto it "And I ask nothing of you in return, you hear me? You aren't indebted to my majestic self and I expect no favors or anything of the like in exchange for this generosity~. It is simply in my nature to encourage and safe guard potential, I hate to see it wasted you see, and speaking of potential"

Huannupu, weary and drained from her self sacrificing healing technique, starts, as you're suddenly crouched on the table in front of her, in a posture rather more toadlike than feline as she blinks rapidly, swaying back and forth.

"You have a lot of it, my worshiper. As expected of those who idolize me, only the finest of talents flock to my temples" You snicker, praising her while also bragging about yourself as you hop up and balance on your heels, holding your head high "And you've certainly managed to impress me with that talent, for someone completely uninitiated in the mysteries of cultivation and sorcery, you put on quite the amazing display. I can count on one hand the people in this world who make use of that particular type of spiritual energy you unknowingly channeled!"

Her cheeks flush pink and she tries to speak, but only stammers and stumbles over your words, as gossip begins to spread around her.

"Rare and forbidden due to the worst possible uses of it, but the best Qi to fuel healing magics" You explain as you lean over her, hands clasped behind your back "And in this world, this wonderous body of mine is the only existing source of its pure form. Blood Qi! The only two others I'm certain wield it are my two disciples over there, and yet, here you are, managing to pull a refined enough string of it out of your veins to cast a spell on instinct and feeling alone, remarkable! Truly remarkable"

"I..I....thank you for your kind words" She squeaks, rose hued hair fluttering over her eyes as she bows her head, most of the blood left in her rushing to fill her cheeks

"They aren't kind, they're just accurate" You huff, grabbing her by her wrist and lifting her off the ground "Now enough dallying and stammering, come, you need to be placed with other new kits joining my sect"

"Is that why you've been dragging away the victors after every contest?" Renshu asks completely serious while Ruolan hops off her chair and shuffles behind you demurely, Tangmushi stroking his chin in thought, eyes glittering with pride as he sees one of his fellow cultists be literally dragged into the magical realm of immortals and dieties. You completely ignore his questions, since it might cause some weird rumors to spread about yourself and your habits if you acknowledge his slip of the tongue in any way

"I will take my leave, I have already overstayed your welcome I feel, it is not the place of an adherent to relish too long in the presence of the object of their worship" He explains with a deep bow as you quickly transport the flustered and weak Huannupu to the rest of the victors.

"Mama!" Piao Tuzi cries out, nearly knocking you off your feet, a feat that the greatest of warriors in all the realm would be hard pressed to replicate, as she rushes you, arms outstretched to wrap around you, as you see the Fu, Ping, Lei and Feiqing are also here. And so is Tianhuagege, Blind Hong, and Qinxin. Seems after they finished the corralling of the rabbits, they decided to baby sit them with in the same tea room you've been leaving the victors in

"Punch! Punch!" Tewushi roars, trying to hit his fist into Ping's face as he's held upside down by an exhausted looking Feiqing, while the four other moon children watch, in their mostly human form, sat in a circle where Tianhuagege is entertaining them, along with some of her own children. She waves at you sweetly as you gently set down Huannupu and catch the teary eyed Piao Tuzi as she leaps into your arms

Patting and ruffling the hair between her rabbit ears, you shoot a scathing glare at your students

"Didn't do anything" Fu states, holding up a hand "She just started crying when you didn't show up like I promised you would"

"Meanie! Liar!" Tuzi accuses, clinging to your robes as you hold her close and try to look stern and angry on her behalf as Fu slouches forward

"If anything, we should be reprimanded" Ping sighed, dodging one of Yewushi's ineffective punches "Considering the ordeal me and my sworn brothers went through to catch this brat"

"Fu had experience on us, as did Tianhuagege. And, despite being his sworn brother, Lei could explain why Qinxin and Hong had less trouble than we did" Feiqing explains, trying to turn Yewushi around, not flinching as the boy tries to get him to let go the same way he did Niu, by biting as hard as he can on his hand, but Feiqing's hands hard as steel with the particules of metal infused into his skin down to the marrow of his bones.

"I am the eldest of five siblings" Qinxin proudly explains while Hong just scratches the bandages around his empty eye sockets

"Eh, they just hid from me, thinking that I was completely unable to keep track of them because I was blind" He explains

"I could give you some lessons, sir Feiqing, in child rearing, I mean" Tianhuagege chirps, as she holds up a tea cup full of moon dew up for the little one she is letting sit on her lap to drink from

Smiling, and happy that none of the little bunnies had been handeled roughly, you walk over to the other victors, most of them who are silently freaking out at sharing a space with your other disciples, several of whom had made a name for themselves before it was known they were their students

"My sister in faith!" Maozhuaban exclaims excitedly as Huannupu, who was still laying on the floor where you dropped her, staring at the rabbits, frozen still by their cuteness no doubt

"Sir scratching post! I was overjoyed to hear you won!" She shouts back, suddenly energized "And...Do you have a name yet, sir gorilla?"

The gorilla huffs and whimpers, Wen patting his broad, pink furred back as he looks up at you with the same sort of eyes a kitten begging for a piece of fish would use. Tie Zhen is trying to help Feiqing control and calm down the ever rowdy Yewushi, while Ma Wencheng and Yue You are...stir frying some noodles by the look and smell of things. Ju is nowhere to be seen but the moment Fu catches you looking around for her

"My little sister ran off with your older sister, master" he explains "And this little brat here bolted for the door before I could stop her or ask where she was going with her"

"Knowing the fox, to find trouble or sow ruin over some poor man's life" Ping grumbled, as the combined efforts of Feiqing and Tie Zhen finally got Yewushi secured if not calm, and Piao Tuzi had fallen asleep in your arms, not long after you started holding her. And the gorilla was looking at you, even more pathetically and simpering, with Maozhuaban and Wen now assisting in his effort to force you to name him earlier than you said you would.

Huannupu was, somehow, already recovered, excitedly talking with Tianhuagege and hanging off her every word, as the bee princess relished in the chance to be treated like the royalty she was and heaped with earnest praise and affection. It was kind of cute, actually.

And while you dearly, desperately wanted to play with the bouncing kids in front of you, or at least cuddle with Tuzi until she woke up from her nap. The second most exciting contest was about to start for the non cultivator section of the tournament, and with Ju running around with the ever mischievous Xuebai, and Aodasheng spying for you, there was a lot on your plate without adding a heap of idle conversation and gossip. Or that the big ape was pouting and tearing up their eyes, trying to tug on your heart strings to be given a name, like he'd die if he didn't have one.

You didn't really have a proper name for most of your earlier life, and you didn't suffer for it. However, seeing all of your soon to be newest students getting along with one another, well, besides Wen and Yue You, did bring a smile to your face, and the atmosphere in the tea room was almost as relaxing as that of a cold, quiet tomb.

And, that's when you remembered that you had snatched the ball of blood soaked yawn out of Huannupu's hands, certainly not because watching her roll it around made you want to play with it or anything of the sort. But because you were curious if it might be somehow special, woven out of a fabric infused with spiritual energy or doused in a numbing agent or even the material itself being special. And while you thought over what you'd do with the little time before the start of the free for all combat, you examined the yawn extensively, as you sat down with Piao Tuzi on your lap to free up your hands, rolling and batting it around a table, watching its stray end dance and bounce around as it rolled, the dried blood flaking from it as you inspected it with your palms, fingers and spiritual sense.

And found that it was utterly ordinary if incredibly fun to play with and roll around, except for the traces of blood Qi that lingered inside of it, containing bits of Huannupu's lifeforce and essence still. You'd probably keep the yarn ball, just in case some hidden property escaped your intense scrutiny and hands on study of it, and not because you forgot how amusing it was to play with Yawn. Certainly not.

double vote

Do you try to do anything before the free for all brawl begins

>No. You'll miss the most exciting part, the chaotic start, if you try

>Yes, mingle with your students, new and old (Anyone in particular, and what do you talk about/ do)

>Find Ju and Xuebai before they can cause too much trouble or get into too much of it

>See if Aodasheng has anything to report already

>Write in

And, while the brawl probably won't be long, who, if anyone, do you invite to sit beside you during it, Huanliuxue? [Pick two]

> Su Zhe'xínglǚ, the sect head of the five colors and five purities.

>Xia Jinse-Shayu, the sect head of the summer sea dawn and your subordinant

>Lian Tianhua, Lian Luli's sister and the matriarch of the Lian clan and the head of the thousand lotus hall

>Shidi Xiudao, the sect head of the dusk marsh wolves and the rival of Xia Jinse-Shayu

>Shandian, the storm shrine's sect head

>Disi-Ling Huofeng, the head of the temple of celestial fire

>The current Weiwupo of the innocent witch court

>The head of the white jade devil opposing army

>Xue Long, your brother, just too lord over him the superiority of the Palace of Natural laws





>Lian Luli




>write in
>>No. You'll miss the most exciting part, the chaotic start, if you try
Much as I want to go and find those two doofus girls, it's unseemly to not show up for our own tournament events.

>Shandian, the storm shrine's sect head
>The head of the white jade devil opposing army
I do not know why. I just have a feeling.

Also did you mean to say Jiong instead of Tianhua?
Yes I did, clumsy me, I'll kowtow for this typo. It happened, I think, because I by force of habit, wrote Tiexingege alongside Jionghuagege since they're usually joined at the hip (Which isn't the first time this has happened since she's gone on that investigation mission. actually) , and when I deleted it since Tie-Tie was in front of Jionghuagege, and I was focused more on not dropping my new gaiwan, my brain put down Tianhua, since her name starts with a Ti and also has a Hua in it and I didn't notice because Tianhua+gege does at a quick glance fill the same space as Jionghuagege, which is probably why I didn't notice my mistake (Which did happen before, for the exact same reason I hypothesized, but no one noticed my mistake except me, and I cursed at myself for not checking closer when I was reading through the update to check for grievous errors before posting)

Still, an utterly shameful mistake on my part,
kek it happens. We all already know that Tie-Tie is a hypertsundere so it's fine.
>No. You'll miss the most exciting part, the chaotic start, if you try
Shidi Xiudao, the sect head of the dusk marsh wolves and the rival of Xia Jinse-Shayu
>The head of the white jade devil opposing army
>Xia Jinse
Give the man some face. He is our servant and fellow alliance head.

I wanna ask about our flirting admirer.
Oh, and uh

>Report on adosheng
>Give a name to the gorilla already
Name him Fen Kong
Meaning "Pink Air"
Or basically Pink Kong

>The current Weiwupo of the innocent witch court
>The head of the white jade devil opposing army
>name the gorilla
I would like to give him something witty like: "honored by the name" or "named for his achievements" or "honored by achievements" since he earned it with his prowess in a tournament.

>The head of the white jade devil opposing army
>Shandian, the storm shrine's sect head
I'll trust your feeling, also because I want to know these two.
>Find Ju and Xuebai before they can cause too much trouble or get into too much of it
>Xia Jinse-Shayu, the sect head of the summer sea dawn and your subordinant
>The head of the white jade devil opposing army
>>See if Aodasheng has anything to report already

>The head of the white jade devil opposing army
>Shandian, the storm shrine's sect head
We haven't had these two yet iirc.
>No. You'll miss the most exciting part, the chaotic start, if you try
The other things aren't a priority.

>Shandian, the storm shrine's sect head
>The head of the white jade devil opposing army
I'll follow other anons' lead on this.
>Find Ju and Xuebai before they can cause too much trouble or get into too much of it
>Shandian, the storm shrine's sect head
>The head of the white jade devil opposing army
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Ending the vote, tallying its result now. Had a busy weekend and it Seems Suptg is down, so we'll ride this thread a bit longer and I'll hope its back before we drop off the board.

No. You'll miss the most exciting part, the chaotic start, if you try:3

See if Aodasheng has anything to report already:2

Name the gorilla:2
-Fen Kong (really like thisname btw):1
-Honored by name/ named by achievements :1

Find Ju and Xuebai before they can cause too much trouble or get into too much of it:2


WJDA Head:8

Shidi Xiudao:1

Xia Jinse-Shayu:2


Very close vote for the action, but pretty clear on the side of the honored guests

So you'll waste no time with trifling matters and rush to the free for all brawl, inviting Shandian the grandmaster of the storm shrine mountain sect and the sect head of the white jade devil opposing army who you have never met before to sit beside you and bask in your aura of magnificence

Update will arrive shortly
Apparently some anon in that normal cultivator quest saved the page as a pdf and gave it to the QM as a backup. Maybe you could do the same?

lol, lmao
Making a promise to yourself to play with Piao Tuzi, Yewushi and other moon kids during the break before the next bracket of the tournament starts and also making a mental note to come up with names for the gorilla and the four jade rabbits you rescued from the moon to be part of your grand entrance, you take your leave of the tea room. Ju and Xuebai can have their fun, and Aodasheng probably hasn't learned anything you don't already know about those mysterious five cultivators who you have a sneaking suspicion have taken a shot at you before considering that cultivators of their level don't simply sprout up like bamboo suddenly with no reputation or deeds to their name, and mingling with your students can be done the same time you play with the rabbit kids or whenever, since it isn't like you'll be struggling to find opportunities to meet your own disciples in the future.

Trifling matters like small talk or playing around are nothing compared to the responsibility you have to oversee the contests and to be seen doing it. It be a faux pas to be absent for even a single moment of these games, and being thought of a careless and indolent women is the last thing you want to happen, having a reputation of acting lackadaisical would be humiliating and shameful for any cultivator even a cat like yourself.

So diligently, you find the prepared portion of the spirit wood grove, far away and sectioned off from where it intersects with the spirit fruit orchard and its blood thirsty trees and vines, and skip up the empty and hastily built stand, smiling at the workers of your sect who constructed it as with utmost grace and elegance, you sit your bottom on the throne you had them drag up there. And its only when you sit down that you see that you aren't the first to arrive so earlier as to watch the grounds be prepared for the massive melee that is planned.

There is a man who makes Feiqing and Fu both look like wimpy, willowy boys. A giant of a man whose taller than any of the men you've come face to face before in your life, even counting the cultivators. Only Jinse-Shayu's wife might be taller and broader than he is, amongst humans. You gawk, eyes wide, and lips tight as you stare, looking him from the soles of his feet to his scalp. Which is a journey of the eyes that seems to last for miles. His legs, each as thick as a tree trunk, and clearly corded with dense and ultra refined and trained muscles, the very ideal of good physical cultivation and exercise, are sprawled out and spread apart, and covered by very fine armor.

Covered in prayers written on paper talismans and mantras carved into the material itself, it is a mixture of meteoritic iron and celestial jade, both incredibly rare materials. It must be a heirloom among heirlooms and a treasure amongst treasures. You read one of them on his thigh as you eyes slowly crawl up to his middle


It reads "Pursue evil, challenge evil, execute evil" and next to it is another one that states "No remorse or quarter given to the wicked". His midsection and vast wall of a chest, are covered in armor that is much of the same, except for a single black piece of jade carved into the shape of a sword and placed just above his heart, the inversion of the white jade devil opposing army's own sect symbol. Atop his shoulder, spiked pauldrons secured with enchanted chains glowing white with the spiritual energy hammered and worked into him, and a long flowing cape of silk as pure white as his armor, sit and are draped.

And his head is covered by a full helmet, a featureless white guard covering his whole face. Well, featureless except for the single, piercing eye carved across its brow that flashes with blue light as he turns to you. A simple spell allowing him to see despite completely covering his face.

"The general of the white jade devil opposing army?" You ask slowly, awkwardly, not used to looking up to others or having to crane your neck up so high to do it, and feeling almost small sat beside him. His legs are wider than your whole torso! What sort of diet and training has he gone through to end up like this.

He answers with a nod, and slowly, mechanically, more like a puppet than a living thing, turns back to the field. You can almost swear you heard clinks and clacks as he moved his neck. You blink, eyes still boggling as you try to come to terms with the sheer girth and height of the man before your stunned mind refocuses as you realize he didn't so much as introduce himself! After you gave him the honor of joining you to watch the upcoming contest at your side! The most respectable and honored seat in the stadium besides your own.

You adjust your sitting posture, rock your head side to side and lift up a finger rudely to give the arrogant bastard a piece of your mind and a scolding for not introducing himself cordially and politely in spite of the honor you gave him, despite being wronged by a member of his sect and cleaning up a mess in their own backyard.

And then Shandian arrives, with a thunderclap. Caught off guard, you leap out of your throne and high into the air, teeth bared like to fangs instinctively as the hair on the back of your neck stands up. Crashing back down, you snarl, irritation redirected to the storm cloud sitting at your side, one leg slung over the other, still crackling with arcs of lightning and surrounding by the stinging reek of burning ozone.

"Sorry" The head of the white jade devil opposing army says in a booming voice, that has to be their idea of a whisper "I forgot myself, Madam. The life I've lived up to now, hasn't given me many chances to view true beauty, and so up close. Fairies like you do not tread near the wastes of the forge devil's furnace, and the few women who join my temple are blessed with fair looks. I should've given you my name, but it skipped my mind as my nerves escaped me. Have you ever been told sitting beside you is like standing before a monument built at the heart of an ancient and sanctified crypt? It excited the warrior's blood within my vein and roused my fighting instinct"

You quickly look away, having glanced their way to hear their excuses and then being caught completely off guard, realizing that a blush had started to form and appear on your cheeks.

"Is that a rude thing to say to a woman?" He asked plainly and somewhat bashfully, head bowed and tilted to the side as Shandian casually flicked a burning piece of hair out of his beard and looked up to him

"Knowing what I do about Huanliuxue, she might've mistaken than bizarre comment as flirting" He joked, and yowled as you stomped hard on his foot for that rude slip of the tongue

"Don't make me regret inviting you, storm cloud" You snap, wagging a finger in his face as he leaned back, rubbing his foot

"I've been drinking, the thousand lotus hall brought their finest medicinal spirits" He barked his excuse for his rudeness, but you didn't smell liquor on his breath or see it on his cheeks "And the heat of this place creates a powerful thirst"

"The primordial energy here does thicken and warm the air, but it feels cool compared to my marching ground" The head of the white jade devil opposing army says with a roll of their shoulder "Ah...I keep forgetting, every time I look your way, I get side tracked planning and imaging how I'd fight you. I am, if the name of one as clumsy and unaware as myself would not be offensive to hear with such pretty ears as yours, Bai Shèngzhànshì (圣战士, Saint Soldier, Art name). It is a name I took upon my accession to the seat of grandmaster of my sect, and was granted to me through intense prayer and fasting"

"Interesting" You chuckle, hiding your smile behind the sleeve of your robe "I'm named as I am because I dyed my fur red through bloodshed"

"Every patriarch of my sect renames themselves Shandian" Shandian cuts in with a smug smile, which just makes you want to stomp on his foot again "I do not believe I've made your acquaintance before, Lord Bai"

"Few have. I spend most of my time scouring the demon corrupted lands in search of leaks and holes to hell" He states simply "But I have heard of you, and you, Madam Huanliuxue. And I am humbled you'd grant me your company after the actions of one of my disciples. I am glad we had not met earlier"

"Cause you'd have had to try to kill me?" You ask curiously, head tilted to the side

"Yes. Our records, like many sects, had been altered by some villain, and unwarranted, magical beasts were named as a type of earth born demon" He answers without a hint of shame "But I've never killed one. They were considered low class threats. Unlike the crow devils you subjugated"

"Oh I've heard some of your students gossiping about that, and know Huanliuxue isn't shy about boasting about her frequent trips to the yellow springs" Shandian remarks, rubbing his chin in thought, lightning crackling from his fingers as he styles his hair with it "Maybe you should ask her to give you pointers on how to fulfill your duties"

"May I?" Shengzhanshi asks innocently, unaware that Shandian was probably making a joke at his expense "Your expert handling of the eye eaters proves you know more than our moth eaten texts can teach! Also, what is the contest I've been invited to observe? Some kind of horse riding event? My underlings were too excited by the gesture to tell me. A few of them fainted out of delight. Truly, yours is a forgiving heart, Madam"

"Free for all brawl" You answer, and the giant perks up, as does Shandian

"Ah!" They say together "A true man's contest"

You have to bite on your tongue until you taste blood to stop from yourself from laughing.

"Have you got any favorites to win? I've been making a killing off these martial contests" Shandian asked as the contestants began to file in "I see that chicken farmer is competing again"

"And the two large brothers" Shengzhanshi pointed out, Boat and sea cat, as if he didn't make them look like midgets "their matches were entertaining. And it is insulting to wager on a warrior's contest, is it not?"

Shandian just smirks and fans himself, eyes flashing like a storm was contained in their grey depths. While you keep your mouth shut about your own thoughts about betting and gambling on fights.

As the free for all melee begins, what do you do, Huanliuxue?

>talk with Shengzhanshi about demons and fighting them, and ask if he'd like to cause some havoc down in hell some day

>Announce the contest and hype up the crowd while giving commentary and asking Shengzhanshi and Shandian to do the same

>"Why the hell are you so tall!"

>Ask Shandian about the disciple of his you met when you attained your human form

>Place a bet of Ho

>Write in
>>talk with Shengzhanshi about demons and fighting them, and ask if he'd like to cause some havoc down in hell some day
Sandy is tastefully snarky and Sheng is borderline autistic. Truly a winning combination! But by jove this lad is a true UNIT. Bet he eats rocks for the calcium kek.

We should probably start getting him used to the idea that most demons and devils are evil as shit but not always unreasonable. Some are even polite or meek. Not to try and get him to not kill them, but instead to use their natures against them to his advantage and focus his attention away from killing everything out of the Springs that he sees immediately. Would hate for him to find out how to get in there and stumble upon our spider friend entirely by happenstance and hurt her.

Or maybe that's too far for a first meeting. Decisions decisions.
>>6123425 +1
>place a bet on ho [Bet a Kiss]
>tall about demons and killing them.
>How the FUCK are you do big?
I'll support this, it's going to be chaotic enough even without our commentary.

And a heretic's insight about demons must be valued a lot, and even more so on the methods of travel into the yellow springs.
Though he should be made to recognize an escapade to hell would be only for research into devil fighting insights and not whatever is the asian equivalent of a crusade.
(I worry of stirring up more trouble than it's worth by catching the attention of the truly powerful demons. We're already a vaunted prize in regards to pure carmine arts and free passage to the living world after all...)
Ah, a flight of whimsy grips my heart.

>Storm cloud, you brought a junior with you to the trial of mine. One of your inner disciples, is he here? He amused me when we first met in the foundation establishment stage if he isn't competing then bring him up, he might impress me.

Why do I want this? Gives the guy who saw our beautiful form first an official meeting. A possibility to strengthen ties. And if he makes a good impression then we might have cause to invite him on a mission with our disciples. As a prelude to inviting him to be instructed with his training as a reward.
Which if we repeat we can gather enough cultivstors to train 100. Maybe a 1000 at once. And that will buff our teacher trait!

My thought process is 2 parts "follow up on chance meeting" and one part "potentially invest in a future elder of an allied sect"
>>talk with Shengzhanshi about demons and fighting them, and ask if he'd like to cause some havoc down in hell some day
>>"Why the hell are you so tall!"
Man must be extremely pure if he thinks it was his fighting instinct that was roused

>talk with Shengzhanshi about demons and fighting them, and ask if he'd like to cause some havoc down in hell some day
He probably was roused with his fighting instincts. man doesn't seem to have much experience outside of an army setting.

Also, does nobody else wish to indulge in the whim of meeting our fellow daoist whom we now eclipse?
If not for the whimsy think of the politics. If not the politics, consider the chance to strengthen our trait.

And I'm honestly surprised Huan is such a good and dilligent sect head, who would have thought.
I don't know how Static would take it if we asked to have a lesser member of his sect sit with us. It's kind of a slight to make a big deal out of inviting people to sit with us and then almost immediately say "Hey yeah bring that subordinate of yours over.". Especially from an (mostly) orthodox sect. They're sticklers for rules and traditions and shit. And we don't have quite the full measure of his personal conduct and values yet. He might take rank pretty seriously even if his attitude towards intrapersonal relationships is lax.

Huan doesn't halfass anything. Even if it means doing boring things like "teaching" and "stopping people from eating each other alive in the courtyard because one of them thought the other intentionally put too much taro root in the soup (he literally cannot taste it)". Y'know, minutiae.
It's also reasonable to read it as us extending an honour to his junior and a show of favour.

And if he is Storm cloud's own personal disciple, then twice the good.
We are presently the scary heretic with power nearly unmatched and a lot to offer, that's a good spot to take any opportunities we offer them.

And we do half ass some things. But those things are boring.
Ending the vote, tallying the result now. Slept the whole day by accident after watching 2004's van helsing.

talk with Shengzhanshi about demons and fighting them, and ask if he'd like to cause some havoc down in hell some day:7

Place a bet on ho:2

How the hell are you so tall?:3

Storm cloud, you brought a junior with you to the trial of mine. One of your inner disciples, is he here? He amused me when we first met in the foundation establishment stage if he isn't competing then bring him up, he might impress me.:1

So you'll talk with Shengzhanshi about demons and fighting/ killing them, and ask if he'd like to cause some havoc in hell someday

Update will arrive shortly
Hundreds, perhaps thousands of fighters, some whose faces you vaguely remember from the martial arts leg of the tournament, fill the cleared ground. Rivers, shards and beams of moonlight filter through the branches gently swaying in the night breeze, the towering titans of spirit-wood trees the only source of light besides a dancing array of false and true ghost lights and flames of all colors, giving the whole dirt floored arena a somewhat gloomy and foreboding atmosphere. Which is only added to by the growing desperation of the contestants, and the anticipation of warriors and swordsmen to cross their blades and clash their spears. If it could be bottled, the killing intent and bloodthirst filling the field could be bottled and sold as a fine vintage.

Smiling, you twirl your hand and flick your sleeve, lightning up the perch you're sat atop with two of your fellow grandmasters with carmine hued ghost flames that make shadows crawl across the three of you, making you seem as distant and terrifying specters overseeing a brutal bloodsport. Though you made certain to tell Jionghuagege to fetch her daughters and the medics of your sect to help prevent any tragic deaths. Loss of potential in a festival meant to encourage it and help it flourish, would be truly unfortunate.

"Hm" Shengzhanshi grunts, looking up at the fake ghost light hovering just over your heads "Deathly Yin Qi? A dangerous substance, especially to cultivate within your own flesh and marrow. You must be a true Savant to indulge in so risky a source of power as this graveborn spiritual essence"

"My big friend, Huanliuxue lives above a grave and revels amongst the ghosts, of course the breath of ghosts would be in her area of expertise" Shandian giggles, swirling a small crystal glass of what smells very much like your mother's favourite throat burning liquor, bringing some credence to the claims of being drunker than a fish he made earlier that you were certain was just him making an excuse to avoid your wrath. If he is, he hides it well, very well, almost frighteningly so.

"Is that so? I thought my subordinates were merely speaking poetically when they dubbed you the lethal princess of ghosts and shared rumors of you being behind the wide spread hauntings across Chuan" Shengzhanshi asks, as the first blade is unsheathed and the sound of it sends a delightful shiver down your spine.

Flicking your eyes up to look at the eye in the center of his mask's forehead, you crack a cheeky and probably unnerving looking smile.

"Of course. And to answer your earlier question, you may ask me what I know of demons and the insights I've achieved on that front" You titter, lifting up your chin and sharpening one of your carefully groomed and cut nails, making certain the scarlet coat you'd given it hadn't begun to chip off yet "But to teach, I need to how much you already know, how truly experienced you are at fighting devils"

Shengzhanshi crosses his massive arms, the sleeves under his armor clearly being strained and pulled taut as his powerful muscles flex slightly from just that little movement.

"More than most, but I cannot yet claim myself a master of combating and subjugating the filth" He answers drolly, an entirely unashamed to admit that he isn't the best beneath the heavens at doing what his school was founded to teach, the very purpose for his sects existences "My predecessor was idle. Demons, true demons, rarely venture forth from deep below the earth. But the ones who did, were either true monsters or the servants of such calamities, to be capable of piercing the boundary between the world of the living and that of the dead. Something, I heard, you are quite accomplished at doing"

"Yep!" You cheerfully confirm, grinning even wider than you already were, flashing your teeth, the moonlight catching on the most fang like of them and making them glint wetly "One of the earliest tricks, er, techniques I learned, was how to step into the underworld"

No reason to tell him that at first you had to do so by separating your body and soul. He might not be after your head, but spreading the secrets of your cultivation law could prove deadly even if you share them with a friend and true ally.

"So you sharpened your claws and fangs on the hides of devils?" He asks "I can see how you came to know so much of them, and the subject of killing them in particular. I've only thrust my sword into the black, twisted hearts of Spider Demons, Wolf Demons, Maggot Demons, and others who are adept at slipping through the cracks in the earth, such as the vile memory devouring wretches"

"Oh-ho-hooo?" You gently chuckle, leaning back and resting your chin on the back of your hand, a wave of protectiveness towards your shy little spider friend washing over your heart, but you don't act on it, you can explain why Anjing doesn't deserve killing later and protect her if it comes down to "Never Crow devils?"

"Their threat is they flock, or so I read. The texts, treaties and manuals, mentioned nothing of them being capable of inhabiting corpses" He said, sounding like he was barely holding back a snarl "That is how they alluded me, and how I learned you knew more than I, and the previous generations' heads of the white jade devil opposing army. You who spends so long in the company of corpses in the dead, I imagine the spirits of the slain guided your hand"

"I knew they were picking at the corpses of the battleground between I and Xue Laohue, and took the ghosts of my allies as their prize. And down by the yellow springs, I am called Crow Killer, so of course I was familiar with their habits. I simply had to scare one into leading me back to their nest, and that was that. Crow devils are cowardly when they are weaker than you, but cruel when they're confident they surpass you" You explain with a few snickers, fondly recalling your life or death battle against the crow king

Particularly how he died.

Shengzhanshi nods, respecting you a bit more for that boast while Shandian silently refills his cup with liquor and reclines with a long sigh that chills and electrifies they air like the approach of thunder clouds do

"And how many did you kill to earn such an epithet?" Shengzhanshi asks

"Oh just one, their king" You answer, and his gasps with a start, swinging his head to look down at you "He was one of my deadliest opponents, to be entirely honest. But through good technique, a lot of drugs and body enhancing medicines, and sheer grit, I took off his head. I did that when I was building my foundation, and if I had to place him on our scale, I'd say he was a whole stage above me"

"Their ruler was at core formation stage?" He asked, sounding almost...disappointed, or is that disbelief

"Crow Demons are natural weaklings, he was an exception, they flocked to him because he was strong enough and made sport of killing their bullies, I guess" You answer with a shrug "Also because he at the previous king down to his bones, picked his teeth with him"

"As is the nature of devils" Shandian remarks with a hiccup that has you leaning away, worried that the vapors on his breath will ignite and catch fire

"They are often cannibalistic, yes" Shengzhanshi answers seriously "I assume their grudge against you, or their fear, is how you made such easy work of tracking down the flock that had nested in the mortal realm and making them your prey"

"Something like that" You answer vaguely "I just know how a crow flies is all, never killed a wolf demon, did stomp my fair share of spiders though"

"Wolf demons are cunning, and sadistic. They are one of the most common breeds" He explains, like he were repeating lines from an old record, and you recall something like that being a part of the text describing their character in the Record of Wraiths and Phantoms "And they can scent out paths up to the world of men. Often disguising themselves as common beasts or bandits. They in particular have a taste for human flesh. Spiders, are more mysterious, they kill seemingly at random, but with purpose. None speak when encountered, except to congragulate their killer"

"Assassins" You answer bluntly

"Ah, that makes sense, wonder why we never realized their occupation" Is his reply "How did you find out"

"Spiders don't like being stomped on, so one came to stomp me and end the fun I was having squishing their siblings" You snicker, and are joined by Shandian

"A trouble maker, even down in hell!" He roars, like he was congratulating you, as the scent of sweat and blood became strong enough to overpower his breath, even as far as you were sitting from the action on the field below

"Hm, come to think of it, I should've known to search the bodies of the dead" Shengzhanshi suddenly groans, shaking his head "Maggot demons do to. It is the only way they can walk beneath the heavens, stealing and inhabiting bodies of sinners"

"I've seen them served on skewers in markets" You mumbles and Shengzhanshi goes silent and stares at you for an uncomfortably long time without saying a word or so much as twitching as the sounds of fighting grow louder and more ferocious.

"You don't just go to hell to punish devils?" He asked, like a puppy whining, wondering why it had gotten hit over the head and scolded

"Hell is super saturated with Ghostly Yin Qi. I enjoy the climate and atmosphere there, why else do you think I made my home above a giant grave" You cackle with a voice as sweet as the smell of decaying meat "And if you know where to look down there, you can find troves of treasure and wisdom. All souls end up down there eventually, and old masters especially spend a long time suffering for their mortal transgressions"

"But they would attack you, to devour you, I can sense the purity of your heart and feel the profoundness of your cultivation, you'd be a rare prize" He bleats, still shocked and trying to make sense of what you've casually told him

"They know not to fuck with me!" You drawl, swaggeringly with a cocky smirk and feral light in your eyes "They've seen what I do to devils who bother me! They watched me kill the crow king and fight off the eight armed killer that came after me! I've quite the reputation down their, you know, I was well known amongst the hungry ghosts, suffering souls and wild devils before any of you knew my name!"

"Hm" Shengzhanshi grunts "Demons respect strength, But I was unaware they had enough sense to resist their natural urges"

"That's because you've never been to hell. Demons only come and trouble mortals when they're confident they can get away with it, strong enough to actually do it, or looking for someone to bully because they're weak" You answer confidently "They actually have a remarkably orderly society down there, because the strong keep themselves in check. You'd be surprised to see the dead and demons getting along as well as they do, ya know, when they aren't being tortured by them"

"Hm" He grunts again, but you think he sounded more contemplative "Interesting, this means, if the crow demons are any sign, the demons who crawl out of hell's bowels may be more organized, more trouble some to face. Exciting"

"If you want, you and I can go and cause some havoc in hell, get you some hands on experience for fighting the kinds of devils you've never met before" You cackle, your laugh bouncing off the noise of the fighting down below, making it sound even more witch like than normal.

And that makes a torrent of murderous intent crash into you, and pulls Shandian from his reverie caught between his drink and the sight of the brawl beneath the three of you

"What?!' He coughs, choking of his liquor

"May I bring others, to also earn some hands on experience?" Shengzhanshi asks excitedly, his sleeves ripping at the seams as he speaks

"Only if they want to rampage around and smash some heads" You answer, still cackling "And listen to me, that's the most important part. I'm used to walking the streets and alleys of the underworld, so I know where its too dangerous for even mortals like us to tread and....OH! Right, most living things, even cultivators, would be struck dead by just how much deathly yin qi is in the air down there! I know work arounds for that, not that I need them, but you may need to take precautions, even with that impressive body of yours"

"Wait, wait, why are you going to invade hell?" Shandian asked, in disbelief "That's suicidal, even for a ghostly cultivator"

"The white jade devil opposing army knows no defeat" Shengzhanshi barked brashly

"Not invading, just going for a stroll" You snicker "Even if the big guy here causes trouble, well, its the yellow springs, there's always trouble or someone being torn limb from limb there, and he asked me to teach him what I know, per your suggestion, and you really can't learn how to kill demons without slaughtering a few"

"Correct. We capture the weakest to train our disciples and hone our skill" The big guy himself answers "I often drag back my opponents to be used in such a manner, and wish you had left some of the crows alive for the purpose, but didn't bring it up because...well, you know"

"I know" You assure him, patting his thick arm

"Demon hunter and ghost tamer alike are both out of their minds" Shandian says in a way that makes it sound like a compliment rather than insult "Seems like only the strong are left in the field now. Never knew before today chicken farmers were so valiant, but that Ho is treating those renowned martial artists like the cocks he handles"

"What manner of demons shall we pursue?" Shengzhanshi asks brightly, with all the joy and excitement of a child being told of a new game "Ox heads? Horse Heads? Pinwheels? Memory eaters? Sinner Bone Centipedes? Mock Dragons? Hoarfrost lords?!"

His enthusiasm for murdering devils was almost charming. And close to being a little too intense. Maybe he and Aodasheng could be friends, considering how much that ghost enjoys both learning and fighting.

What do you tell Shengzhanshi, Huanliuxue?

>To calm down, and that there are some demons and spirits who are off limits no matter what, because they're your friends

>"Whatever suits our fancy. There are a lot of demons down in hell after all"

>The barbarians of the underworld, since you can't risk him and crow granny running into each other, since he like everyone else in his sect, has made to mistake of thinking you actually killed the crow devils

>Let his imagination run wild, and play close attention to the latter half and finale of the brawl, now that the rice has been separated from the chaff

>Tease Shandian and ask if the thought of fighting demons in hell doesn't excite him and boil his blood, and if he's really a man

>Write in
I've got an idea!
Certainly there must be some dead from their sect down there and if they kept themselves loyal to their vows then they probably collected much more info about killing devils than any other living cultivator!
Rescuing a few of these souls to then shackle to a temple or cavern to pass on their wisdom to the next generation is a project only a true heretic would come up with!
>To calm down, there are a few who are off limits.

>We could even enter a tourniment down there. Win some treasures huh?
I support this idea
>>To calm down, and that there are some demons and spirits who are off limits no matter what, because they're your friends

>The barbarians of the underworld, since you can't risk him and crow granny running into each other, since he like everyone else in his sect, has made to mistake of thinking you actually killed the crow devils

also support, but this isn't really something we can do now, but very smart for later.
I can support it if the secr approves.
>watching 2004's van helsing.
A fine campy vintage.

>>The barbarians of the underworld, since you can't risk him and crow granny running into each other, since he like everyone else in his sect, has made to mistake of thinking you actually killed the crow devils
If he wants to get hands on experience fighting demons, he should keep an eye out for the demons that will actually fight. The insidious and cunning ones won't pick fights like that, they'll kill or mislead you in other ways. So he should focus on the stupid and violent ones instead.

>Tease Shandian and ask if the thought of fighting demons in hell doesn't excite him and boil his blood, and if he's really a man
Come on Stormy, can't you at least see the value in knowing potential foes? You never know if some occultist madman somewhere is going to rip open a portal to the Springs in some gruesome sacrifice in a village near your territory after all. Besides, demons probably HATE thunder and lightning.

That's also a good idea. Something we should keep an eye on. Snag the ones who want to leave and document insights from the ones who don't.

Compile the "White Jade Devil Opposing Army Yellow Spring Record of Service Treatise". Because these guys have a long ass fucking name they have to have an even longer ass fucking booklet title kek
I've got another idea that could work on top of that

>Talk with Martial focused sects and those devoted to the Heavens
>Talk them about their ancestors
>Convince them of the idea that some Spirits that haven't got reincarnated are still on the Wheel/Heaven, either because they want, is not their turn of reincarnation of whatever
>Look for those who have more Yin Qi and blood test them, to see their lineage and know if there's some Ancestor still on the Wheel Heavens
>Single Handedly create a Heavenly Dao using Ghostly Qi to summon ancestors, see if they're willing to stay on this plane to help their descendant to cultivate/protect them/guide them, and show the more orthodox sects ghosts aren't all blood thirsty maniacs and there's a reason Chuan is having a peaceful life with them on the Earth

It could not only show Huan genius to come with something like this, but hugely change the Orthodox and show how even "Evil Qi" can be turned around and be used in a more benevolent style, how even after death Ghost are willing to stay to defend their families or loved ones. Think of it like Kenshin from MK except with that weird telekinesis stuff he has that for me it doesn't work thematically

Not only that, but we could ask the sects for giving us their students for this new Benevolent Ancestor Protector Dao so we can really study it and make sure nothing goes crazy (After all, we're like maybe 2 living people who know this deep about Ghosts, and even if it would funny seeing all these sects experiment and basically being heretics, things might go way too South)
I forget, can we do that? I remember we did something funky with blood and ancestors before but for the specifics elude me. I also remember that one former Emperor coming down and saying we were doing the lord's work but I don't think we've pulled a spirit out of nothing from the celestial sphere before.

I feel like even if we can do that, eventually the person in charge of watching souls and the cycle would catch on and stop us.
>To calm down, and that there are some demons and spirits who are off limits no matter what, because they're your friends
I remember we got a special power, using blood and grudges, we discovered those grudges can not only being carried through your descendants, but also invoked. We can grab a drop of blood, taste (?) it and know the whole family tree of the person, and apparently some of their past lives? We used that on ourselves, on Heaven when fighting that protector God who maimed us before the fighting god came dragging him, we stoped him by summoning a bunch of beast cultivator, one that stayed with me was some kind of Chimera monster, and one who the protector God apparently knew personally was some winged god/cultivator

And what your talking about is the Father of the previous Chuan Lord, an obese and disgusting fuck who had such a sinful life that his own Father came from Heaven to stop us, saw our soul (and high Good Karma) and said "You know what? Fuck him, do whatever, he deserves it" before going back up

>I feel like even if we can do that, eventually the person in charge of watching souls and the cycle would catch on and stop us.
Naaah, I don't think that's what's going to happen. After all we know (or we were shown thanks to the Emperor's Father) that souls from that Plane keep their consciousness, and those who vague on the material plane are normally confused. If there's at least one ghost from Heaven who decides to watch over their loved one cultivator, of even lend a hand with either combining themselves with a weapon/armor/relic or even staying on a temple to give his insights on cultivation, I'm sure the ones who control the Wheel won't be THAT mad. They're actively giving help and refusing the reincarnation, but is still their choice, if there's no funerary God who take the lost souls, I doubt there's one who cares if one in the Wheel decides to descend heaven and stay as a ghost, after all, people agree is better to be reborn as a beetle than being a ghost forever, is literally giving up heaven and the opportunity of a new life to stick around as your previous life
Someone in the /qtg/ said that suptg is working again. I checked and it seems good to me.

Just thought I'd let you guys know.
>Let his imagination run wild, and play close attention to the latter half and finale of the brawl, now that the rice has been separated from the chaff
Ending the vote, tallying the results now.

Thank you junior, I archived this thread with haste!


Dead cultivator rescue mission:6

To calm down, and that there are some demons and spirits who are off limits no matter what, because they're your friends:3

We could even enter a tournament down there. Win some treasures huh?:1

The barbarians of the underworld, since you can't risk him and crow granny running into each other, since he like everyone else in his sect, has made to mistake of thinking you actually killed the crow devils:2

Tease Shandian and ask if the thought of fighting demons in hell doesn't excite him and boil his blood, and if he's really a man:1

Talk with martial focused sects...etc:1

Let his imagination run wild, and play close attention to the latter half and finale of the brawl, now that the rice has been separated from the chaff:1

So You'll suggest planning a mission to "rescue " some of the ancestors of the white jade devil opposing army so they can share the demon fighting insighted they must have had accrued in their time in the underworld

New thread will arrive shortly

And here it is!

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