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You are Uzumaki Naori, formerly a member of the mercenary organization Akatsuki, now the ‘great Sage’ of the Hidden Rain and of the ancient Shrike clan. After turning against that organization due to a difference in moral compasses – you had one and too many of the Akatsuki did not – you faced many strong enemies in the span of one extraordinary year. That year ended with you facing the awakened Ōtsutsuki Kaguya-hime alone, a duel in which a single misstep could cost your life and quite possibly the freedom of every single living person in the world.

Now, more than a decade after the end of the old Akatsuki largely at the edge of your blade, the top-level terrorist organization of the day is Kara. Divided into the ‘Inners’ off the organization proper and the ‘Outers’ who serve as their business associates, Kara has kept a far lower profile than Akatsuki ever intended to.

Your daughter Makoto has long been helping your village as it’s spearheaded the effort to deal with the Outers, dragging them out into the light for judgment, while your son Shiki almost seems like your favorite kind of ‘lucky idiot’. He played an outsized role in the defeat and capture of an Inner, the foul-tempered artificial woman named Delta, as well as securing the peaceful surrender of a former Inner going by the name Ōga. You should probably be teasing him more about the fact that he’s somehow managed to weasel his way into the good graces of the only two female members of Kara that you know of, but there will be plenty of time for that later. After all, it’s more important in your mind to finish cleaning up after your own generation’s messes while you’re still in your prime.

“Are there any other targets?” you press.

Kashin Koji, an enhanced clone of the legendary toad-sage Jiraiya, is apparently part of some kind of internal schism within the organization and therefore represents your best avenue for advancing against them. After besting him in a fight, he event seems to be cooperative.

“There are plenty of people who have been given advanced prosthetics,” Koji tells you. “If you wanted to go for some kind of ‘clean sweep’ you could target them. But aside from that… there are two. I’m not certain about them however.”

“Why not?” Fū asks.

“Because they were meant to be ‘decomissioned’ by Boro some time ago,” Koji clarifies with a slight frown. “I know I always suspected he could not do so the way Jigen intended.”

“… why not?” Sasori repeats.
“One of the two has a troubling effect on people,” Koji continues. “In fact, ‘infatuation’ is not even adequate description – ‘mind control’ would be closer to the truth.”

“Hate abilities like that,” Fū grumbles.

“So how does this ability work?” Sasori asks calmly, with slightly-narrowed eyes.

“That I cannot say,” Koji admits, “because I do not know. Only Amado-san knows how this affect was achieved.”

“So it isn’t a natural ability…” you muse to yourself.

“Does that help?”

“Yeah, so maybe,” you reply. “I’ve spent a bit of effort modernizing traditional kenjutsu with the philosophy that any technological trick or ridiculous ninjutsu has a comparatively straightforward answer. That hasn’t been untrue so far.”

“It sounds as if you have two options,” Sasori observes, “either speak to this ‘Amado’ directly, or find these two creations of his.”

“Assuming they’re still alive,” you frown. “If they were, where might we find them?”

“All of Kara have their own ‘secret’ facilities,” Koji tells you, revealing through his tone what he thinks of his mostly now-former comrades in the organization. “Including Boro, who had a cult of Ōtsutsuki-worshippers to do his bidding.”

“You think that’s worth looking into?” Fū wonders. “Certainly sounds like something you might wanna clean up, Nakkun.”

>I think it makes sense to deal with the cultists before they turn into a problem.
>The cult isn't my problem right now. But if these 'cyborgs' are there, we should investigate.
>Can't we just... you know. Deal with this last guy you mentioned? Code, wasn't it?
>>The cult isn't my problem right now. But if these 'cyborgs' are there, we should investigate.
This isn't how I remembered Shinigami Savant
... so here's what happened. The keyboard on my laptop is failing, and so when it gave me an autofill option I went for it instead of fighting my keyboard.

It autofilled to the wrong quest.

It was a close call, but rather than add to the confusion by putting up a second thread with the same OP image and sorting out the archive I'm leaning towards leaving this thread up. I'll give it a few more hours, see who turns up, and determine what needs to happen from there.
>>I think it makes sense to deal with the cultists before they turn into a problem.
>>The cult isn't my problem right now. But if these 'cyborgs' are there, we should investigate.
>Can't we just... you know. Deal with this last guy you mentioned? Code, wasn't it?
>best of three
Rolled 1 (1d6)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

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“That cult isn’t my problem right now,” you decide after considering the matter for a few moments. “Unless they suddenly start doing murders or terrorism on quite a large scale.”

“It seems doubtful,” Sasori-han muses.

“Why’s that?” Fū asks, curious to follow the logic.

“Most people do not make such leaps so quickly or readily,” Sasori-han explains patiently. “If this group of cultists were already prone to mass murder they would already be well known, like the Jashinists.”

“And I would’ve wiped them out sooner,” you add.

Sasori-han inclines his head politely. “As you say. That fact is unlikely to change without some drastic outside influence, which we have no evidence to suggest is imminent.”

“And you’re not worried about Jigen becoming that ‘outside’ influence?” Koji asks with a frown.

“No,” Sasori-han frowns back. “Jigen clearly does not care enough about humans to do anything of the sort.”

“Why did you say that so aggressively?” Koji demands, gesturing at Fū. “This one got a pass.”

“Because Fū-san is a special case,” Sasori-han answers. “She is still quite innocent, where you should have known better than to ask questions to which you should have known the answer.”

“The man has a point,” you shrug. “So yeah, anyway, we’ll need to start looking into these cyborgs. Thank you for your assistance, Sasori-han… if you want to head off we can part ways at any point that’s convenient.”

“Yes, I think I will take my leave here,” Sasori decides. “I will continue to listen for any information which you might find interesting. If you would be so kind, a shadow clone to take me to the Land of Grass would be appreciated.”

“Well, that was every bit as destructive as I expected.”

Ever since you took Sasori where he wanted to be you’ve been going about sealing various bits of machinery and possible evidence into a scroll, while Fū keeps an eye on Koji for you. Two eyes, as a matter of fact, as well as the senses she has which you gather are improved by Chōmei’s presence.
“Think you’ve got enough to go on?” Fū asks curiously.

“Doubt it,” you admit. “But someone might see something I didn’t.”

“Fair,” she shrugs.

It takes you just a few minutes longer to process the scene, collecting all the evidence you can including photographs you take on your phone. This way, a specialist can stitch it all together in such a way as to have have a coherent view of things even without having to come out here and look at everything themselves.

“Alright,” you sigh, “I think this is about as good as we’re going to get.”

When you return to the hiraishin marking outside Ichiraku’s, you’re greeted with an immediate sense that something is wrong. Unfortunately you can’t quite put your finger on what. So you reach out and summon Isoka-han onto your fingertip.

“Ma’am,” she chirrups politely. “Something up?”

You place your fingertips over your left eye, invisibly linking your own optic nerve to hers. “Maybe.”


“Something, maybe nothing,” you grumble, “it’s hard to say.”

“So you want me to help you with the context, that it?”


“No problem!” she tweets, before zooming off into the sky.

“Problem?” Fū asks quietly.

“Maybe,” you admit. “My kid’s not here.”

“Shikkun? Off on a mission maybe?”

“Yeah, so they don’t tell me for the small stuff,” you shrug, forming a seal with your left hand and creating three shadow clones. “It’s weird though… who else you sense ain’t here right now?”

“… can’t sense the fox,” Fū realizes.

“Nor Sasuke,” you add.
You send one shadow clone to Shiki’s apartment to check for him, and one shadow clone to Kakashi-sensei and Konan-sensei’s home as well. The third you send to the Uchiha residence, while you yourself head for the Hokage’s office with Fū and Koji in tow.

“Yeah,” Shiki’s neighbor, a kindly-looking older woman who answers the door when you knock, replies when you ask. “Your son asked me to water some of his plants while he was away on a mission – that would have been yesterday morning, a little before lunch.”

“Thank you kindly,” you incline your head politely.

“You’re very welcome, miss…”

“Uzumaki,” you reply, and the poor woman’s coffee-cup shatters on the doorstep.

“Sasuke’s off on some mission or other with Naruto,” Karen shrugs. “Chasing down some lead on a terrorist organization or a cult or something. He didn’t specify which.”

“Are there really that many terrorist organizations and cults out there?” Sarada asks curiously, looking up from a late breakfast.”

“Seems like there’s always another one,” Karen replies. “Ōtsutsuki worshipers, leftover Jashinists, rogue shinobi, rogue samurai, idiots who managed to pool their lunch money and buy a bomb or two.”

“But they’re together?” you press.

Karen nods. “Yeah, Sasuke was clear about that much. So probably more important than idiots and their lunch money.”

“Probably,” you agree. “Thanks, Karen.”

“Sure. Next time stop in for coffee or something with your real body.”

“You will find Kakashi in the Hokage’s office,” Konan-han informs you quietly, as she pours herself a cup of freshly-steeped tea. “Naruto-san asked for him to take over for a day or two while he attends to something personally.”

“And he didn’t explain what it is?”

Konan-han shakes her head. “I assume something of international significance… shall I make preparations?”

“Probably,” you agree. “Thank you.”

“Of course.”
The regular staff in charge of deciding who can and cannot meet with the Hokage prove to be woefully inadequate at keeping you out of the office, and so you appear in front of Kakashi-sensei without having to explain even a single word of what’s going on to anyone between his door and the front door of the building.

“Where are Naruto and Sasuke?” you demand.

“On a mission,” he informs you. “Intel suggested it might be related to Kara, so Naruto went himself.”

“And my kid and his team?”

“Off on an unrelated mission,” Kakashi informs you. “Still a sensitive one though, which is why his phone is off.”

“Good,” you nod. “Good, then back to the topic at hand. Did either of them say where they were going and what, exactly, they were doing?”

“Investigating some sort of cult linked to Ōtsutsuki-worship,” Kakashi tells you. “Apparently they’ve got it in their heads that the Infinite Tsukuyomi was some sort of worldwide salvation, and that you denied them that.”

“Wait,” Fū interjects. “You mean like Nakkun specifically is some kinda… what, like some kinda anti-savior?”

“I guess that tracks,” you shrug.

>Koji, what are the chances that there’s TWO completely unrelated Ōtsutsuki cults out there?
>Okay, so where EXACTLY is this cult based out of, how do we get there, and how much backup do we get?
>Well, I guess that means the cult is now officially my problem – lucky them. Koji, tell me where we’re going.
>>Koji, what are the chances that there’s TWO completely unrelated Ōtsutsuki cults out there?
>>Koji, what are the chances that there’s TWO completely unrelated Ōtsutsuki cults out there?
>3d10 best of three
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Rolled 3, 3, 9 = 15 (3d10)

Rolled 10, 10, 6 = 26 (3d10)

Rolled 3, 8, 10 = 21 (3d10)

“So yeah Koji,” you muse in grim tones, “what are the chances that there are two completely unrelated Ōtsutsuki cults in this region?”

“In this region?” he repeats his stipulation. “And of any significant size? Not likely.”

You nod. “I figured as much.”

Kakashi watches Koji with a skeptical frown that you can read solely from his single exposed eyebrow. “Your name is Koji?”

“Yes,” Koji nods.

“You resemble Jiraiya of the sannin,” Kakashi observes.

“That’s because genetically speaking I am,” Koji clarifies.

“Under observation?” Kakashi spares you a glance.

“For now,” you answer.

>Koji, I need to know where this cult is located. We’re going to attack, in force, as quickly as possible.
>Then it sounds as if Naruto and Sasuke are providing me with exactly the sort of distraction I wanted.
>Then I will go. If I need help, I will let the rest of you know – but I will be the one to assess things.
>>Then it sounds as if Naruto and Sasuke are providing me with exactly the sort of distraction I wanted.
>>Then it sounds as if Naruto and Sasuke are providing me with exactly the sort of distraction I wanted.
>>Then it sounds as if Naruto and Sasuke are providing me with exactly the sort of distraction I wanted.
>1d6, best three of four
Rolled 1 (1d6)

Rolled 4 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

“So yeah, it almost sounds like Naruto and Sasuke knew what I’d want,” you muse. “A good distraction can be hard to come by these days.”

Kakashi pinches the bridge of his nose, suppressing a sigh. “I understand your intentions… and I suppose I lack the power to stop you. But can I at least ask that you be ready to call in myself and your former sensei should the need arise?”

“Yeah, I can do that,” you quickly agree. “In fact I’ve already let Konan-sensei know that something is happening.”

“You certainly don’t waste time.”

“Sasori-han would never let me,” you shrug, before turning to Fū and bumping foreheads with her. “Hey, thanks for tagging along, sis.”

“Any time!” she replies cheerfully. “You figure the tailed beasts factor into these guys’ plans?”

“Can’t help noticing you never mentioned it to me,” Koji butts in.

You shake your head. “Why would I ask you? If you knew it were the case you’d have volunteered it by now.”

“And even if it were, he might not have been told,” Kakashi-sensei muses. “So it would even be meaningless to ask in that case.”

“Either way, I’m just gonna be cautious,” you shrug.

“Funny, that sort of behavior wasn’t in the dossier we had on you,” Koji grumbles.

“Yeah no, I don’t show that side to just anyone,” you roll your eyes. “So, you gonna tell me where I need to go or not?”

There are signs of a pretty serious fight near the location Koji leads you to, which you reach in just a matter of a few hours thanks to Nyoka-han’s powerful wings despite the fact that you’ve never been here before. At the altitude from which you approach you’re certain that nobody on the ground could possibly know what is happening – from the ground, even the greatest of the shrikes must seem like a more common bird flying at a lower altitude.
“This one can see no signs of preparation,” Nyoka-han reports. “Do yours see otherwise, Naori-dono?”

“No,” you answer simply. “Though there is a significant amount of destruction a few miles to the east.”

“Do you sense any unusual chakra?”

“Traces only,” you admit. “But it was a vast amount. Three very powerful belligerents.”

“Are they still nearby?” Koji wonders aloud.

You shake your head. “No, and they likely have not been for some time.”

That doesn’t mean you’re going to ignore it. In fact, far from it – you create a shadow clone and send it back to Konoha with the news. You don’t want to say it out loud here, where Koji will hear it, but you can’t be sure that Naruto and Sasuke won… at least, not outright. Whatever they faced, it must have been sufficient to catch them off their guard.

In the mean time, you look down on the cult compound Koji has guided you to and release a single kunai. It falls through the air, picking up speed, and eventually landing behind a small outbuilding that seems to be unattended. In less than an instant you’re picking up that kunai as Nyoka-han circles high overhead.

Given the clamor, you’d assume that the cult members here knew there was a threat practically knocking at their doors just a few hours ago.

>Blend in with the cultists using the transformation jutsu, gather some information.
>Use some more advanced infiltration techniques, let yourselves into the main building.
>Capture one of the cultists and interrogate them using genjutsu.
>>Use some more advanced infiltration techniques, let yourselves into the main building.
>>Capture one of the cultists and interrogate them using genjutsu.
>>Capture one of the cultists and interrogate them using genjutsu.
>3d6, best of the first three
>DC: 6
>SP: 6/6
Rolled 6, 4, 1 = 11 (3d6)

Rolled 5, 1, 2 = 8 (3d6)

Rolled 4, 5, 3 = 12 (3d6)

You decide to take a captive and interrogate them with genjutsu, get a general understanding of what’s been happening around here of late, then proceed accordingly. It’s a good plan all things considered. Very shinobi-like, in the way that Konan-sensei or Kakashi-sensei might approach the situation rather than how Naruto-kun or someone similarly impatient might jump straight to infiltrating further themselves. It isn’t hard to shadow one for a few moments either, until you have an opportunity to dash into the open and grab him before darting back into cover with your hand over his mouth.

It’s a rare occasion that you’re reminded how physically frail the typical person actually is – even in your ‘base’ form, without using any enhancement forms, there isn’t a single thing the man can do to stop you. And when you begin your interrogation, it’s immediately obvious to you that he can’t stop you from doing this either.

That having been said, something does stop you. Quite unexpectedly, the hammer-blows of your technique are met with an anvil of sorts capable of withstanding you. It’s certainly not the cultist’s mental defenses, those were rather pathetic. But as you try to cajole his mind into yielding recent memories and surface thoughts, even your sharingan runs into an almost active resistance far beyond what this man should be capable of. That resistance quickly builds until, abruptly and unexpectedly, he actually dies.

“… what did you do?” Koji asks you with a scowl.

“Nothing out of the ordinary,” you observe, testing for the man’s pulse. “Yeah… so I don’t even think that was his own mental defenses.”

“Then what was it?”

“Yeah no, I can only think of one similar case,” you reason, the gears of your mind turning. “A mangekyo sharingan that placed a jinchūriki under such a deep genjutsu that breaking it killed him.”

Koji seems concerned by the implications. “Do you think something similar may be happening here?”

“Similar, maybe,” you answer. “But not the same. There are only a few eyes capable of using mangekyō abilities and I know all their bearers.” You elect not to delve too deeply into details of Izumi-han and Shisui-han’s eyes, which you yourself possess.

“So somebody used an ability similar to a mangekyō sharingan genjutsu,” Koji muses. His choice of words catches your attention.

“Ability,” you repeat. “Not technique?”

He realizes immediately that you picked up on his mistake, and so he comes clean. “I suspect I know what we are dealing with.”

“One of your creator’s other projects?”

Koji nods. “Eida. Jigen ordered her disposed of… I suppose that now makes for another thing which that oaf Boro failed to do.”
this is boring
i miss the third great war
“Yeah no,” you muse, sealing the body into a scroll to keep it from being found – you’ll incinerate it later. “Even if you look like him you definitely aren’t Jiraiya-tono… he wouldn’t speak ill of the dead.”

“You’re right,” Koji agrees.

“So what would this Eida do if approached by someone like me?” you ask.

“I can’t say,” Koji admits. “Our creator kept his projects distinctly separate, but I would expect her to have a difficult personality.”

>Then I’ll walk in. If this is some elaborate trap springing it gives me something to work with. If not, I’ll have avoided any misunderstandings.
>I’ll probably have to continue infiltrating then. Use the techniques at my disposal to create a situation where she can’t attack even if she wants to.
>I wonder what would happen if these cultists met someone who was personally given a dōjutsu by Kaguya-hime.
>>Then I’ll walk in. If this is some elaborate trap springing it gives me something to work with. If not, I’ll have avoided any misunderstandings.
>>I wonder what would happen if these cultists met someone who was personally given a dōjutsu by Kaguya-hime.
>>I wonder what would happen if these cultists met someone who was personally given a dōjutsu by Kaguya-hime.
>>Then I’ll walk in. If this is some elaborate trap springing it gives me something to work with. If not, I’ll have avoided any misunderstandings.
“… I wonder about something,” you muse, before abruptly walking out into the open quite to Koji’s confusion. “Let’s see what happens when someone with an eye given to them by Ōtsutsuki Kaguya-hime herself.”

“Good afternoon!” you greet the first group of cultists you run into, who are all startled to the point of initial inaction. “My name is Uzumaki Naori, and the glowing eye you see right now was shoved into my skull by Kaguya-hime herself.”

Not quite technically true, but that’s essentially the gist of it.

The cultists remain stunned for a moment before the first of them start to snap out of it and move to encircle you, their hands straying towards short, straight rods made from what looks to be white oak.

“Oh?” you muse, tone almost teasing. “Is that so?”

“None of us said anything,” one of the men, all dressed much like off-brand monks, insists.

“Yeah, so you don’t need to,” you answer. “Your positioning and your postures do that for you – you intend to use your tanjō as a group to lock my arms and legs, to effectively restrain me. Which won’t work. Like… at all.”
>1d6, taking the best three of four
Rolled 5 (1d6)

Rolled 2 (1d6)

Rolled 2 (1d6)

Rolled 2 (1d6)

And for at least a few moments it seems that they’re ready to do it, too. But one gets a call on his personal phone, which he answers. After a few moments, he hangs up and lowers his weapon.

“You’re being invited in,” he tells you flatly. “Follow me.”

You exchange glances with Koji, who despite seeming suspicious of this sudden change of pace elects to follow your lead in letting this play out.

Inside one of the buildings on the compound, you find a cozy-looking room away from which an old man with several missing teeth scurries in something approaching a panic. The occupant who does not flee is a young woman, with dark hair featuring pink underlights and eyes that are almost uncomfortably blue. You’d have to confess that in conventional terms the word ‘attractive’ doesn’t quite do her appearance justice, and although you’d probably break the neck of anyone who dared assert that this stranger is prettier than your own wife you’d have to further confess it wouldn’t be an unfair assertion. You simply wouldn’t agree.

Maybe it’s the fact that she carries herself like someone who knows she’s that attractive? No matter.

“Good afternoon, intruders,” she muses calmly. “Now, if you wouldn’t mind being dears, would you please kill each other? I would appreciate it.”

You can’t help but chuckle. “Yeah no, do you really think…”

After a moment of resistance, Koji draws in natural energy and attacks, thrusting with a rasengan already prepared. Then, inches away from striking you, he abruptly stops.

“… you stopped me?” he wonders. “I’m not displeased mind you, but how?”

“Yes,” the woman agrees. “How indeed… I suspected you were not normal, Uzumaki Naori-san, but this is a bit beyond even that.”

“… I see,” Koji realizes, after glancing at the spot on the floor between you and realizing that he stepped on your shadow. “Who taught you that?”

You shrug. “I get bored, you see. So I play around with recreating unusual techniques, sometimes including hiden, based on things I already know.”

“Are you positive you’re not related to Lord Third?”

“Lord Second, actually.”
“Anyway,” you change tracks, “that was rude.”

“Admittedly,” the woman agrees. “You may be wondering who I am.”

“You’re the one we’re looking for.”

“Eida,” the woman introduces herself. “My younger brother Daimon-kun is taking a nap at the moment.”

“Eida-han then,” you nod. “You seem surprised to find someone who your abilities don’t work on. Why?”

“The only people who aren’t instantly charmed when they see my face are blood relatives and Ōtsutsuki,” Eida replies calmly. “I would be willing to guess that you are not the former.”

“I would bet money you’d be right,” you answer.

“Which means that you must be Ōtsutsuki,” she continues, “or else you must have some significant link to them.”

“Have you seen an Ōtsutsuki up close?” you ask.

“I have not had the pleasure.”

“So yeah, let’s just say I’m missing a lot of the characteristics you’d look for in an Ōtsutsuki,” you shrug. “Though that being said, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya-hime did do something so that my body could accept a ‘jōgan’. I don’t know the true extent of what she did to make that happen, so it could be conceivable that she did enough to shield me from your own ability.”

“That seems likely,” Eida agrees. “I’ll admit that together with your lack of killing intent, it makes me wary.”

“Understandable,” you shrug.

>… but there’s no need to be concerned. I have no intentions to kill anyone today.
>So, you and your brother’s abilities are that threatening to the rest of Kara?
>If we’re going to fight then I’d prefer to get to it.
>>So, you and your brother’s abilities are that threatening to the rest of Kara?
>So, you and your brother’s abilities are that threatening to the rest of Kara?
1d6, taking the first three
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rolled 4 (1d6)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

“So yeah, from what I can tell you’re here because you and your brother are a threat to the rest of Kara?” you reason.

Eida shakes her head. “Not to Jigen, no.”

“I assumed,” you clarify. “Who else?”

“Boro of course,” she answers, “but really, it was everyone else.”

“Everyone?” Koji repeats with a frown.

“Yes,” Eida asserts. “That does include Kodo.”

“I was under the impression that his white kama would prevent that?”

“Yeah no, that tracks,” you shrug, before sparing Koji a glance. “I don’t think you mentioned that the loser inhabiting Jigen was trying to find a suitable host, but the existence of the technique is already a known factor.”

“Wait… it is?” Koji stares at you. “Kaguya?”

You nod. “Yeah, and having one doesn’t make him an Ōtsutsuki so isn’t a problem. But a power that doesn’t work on Ōtsutsuki not working on me… that makes me wonder what exactly Kaguya-hime did to me.”

“Well, it’s hardly my business,” Eida replies.

“I’m not sure that’s true,” you observe.

“… is that so?”

>If your abilities are a threat to Kara’s current and former Inners, they’re a threat to… well, pretty much anyone else who isn’t me. We can’t have that, can we?
>I’m about to make it your business. Whatever this nonsense power of yours is, it’s a potential asset to me in eliminating Kara. I’m sure we can come to an agreement.
>Well, I was just thinking that with your… let’s say ‘hypnotic’ abilities… you should be able to do whatever you want. Instead you’re here. There’s a reason, right?
>I’m about to make it your business. Whatever this nonsense power of yours is, it’s a potential asset to me in eliminating Kara. I’m sure we can come to an agreement.
>>Well, I was just thinking that with your… let’s say ‘hypnotic’ abilities… you should be able to do whatever you want. Instead you’re here. There’s a reason, right?

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