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Pangea turned around.

“I’ll inform Father and wait with you for him, what he does after is up to him.

Under the covers of night, Pangea returned through the same route she exited the palace. A quiet footstep followed, one in an earnest effort to not be heard followed by another declaring its presence. Pangea turned around, Alpharius stood in his armor holding his power spear. Her shoulders stiffened, while Amar seemed completely unfazed.

“Alpharius… I didn’t know you’d be here.”

“When the sole princess is gone, people notice, Pangea.” Alpharius’ gaze aimed at Amar. “Who is this woman?”

“She is… our contributor to our genes. The other half.”


“You must be Twenty.” Amar looked around. “Yet I don’t see Twenty-One. Where is your twin, my son?”

Alpharius’s eyes widened and Pangea gasped.

“Twin?” Pangea gasped. “Y—You have a twin?”

—That’s enough.—

The psychic message boomed, like a chime of a golden bell. At the other hall Father approached, flanked by his two custodians and Malcador. Chills ran up her spines. Malcador, her uncle, her mentor, approached with a furious and cold glare as did Father. They walked past Pangea and stood in front of Amar.

—Neoth.— Amar messaged with a frigid tone.

—Traitor.— Father said. —Pangea, you have disappointed me today. We will discuss your punishment at a later time. Attend the ball, and do not speak of this to anyone.—

Pangea’s shoulders drooped.

—At once, Father.—

At the ballroom, once the horns of the royal family blared so late, the people watched with extra attention.

“Presenting, Princess Pangea. Justice of Verona. Rogue-Psyker Huntress, and beloved sister to the primarchs.”
Pangea stepped down to the main floor in her toga much to Fulgrim’s disappointment. Other than Fulgrim’s magnificent robe formal wear combination that just about out fashioned everyone, only matched by Sanguinius’s presence, the rest of her brothers arrived in their armor.

“Pangea, I expected better.” Fulgrim said. “This is a momentous occasion you should have dressed up more!”

“This is still formal wear, brother.” Angron said with a reserved grin.

“She is the only princess, she ought to know that.”

“Only by title, she is a scholar, and one that needn’t be summoned to every ball.” Magnus said.

Fulgrim rolled his eyes.

“You only defend her because she chose Ahriman as her second in command.”

“And she chose wisely.”

Pangea saw the previous guests interacting. There was Hector, Leo, and Madison with other soldiers. Then there were Jack Valk, the ogryn, the ratling, the dark skinned man, and another woman.

>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first
>Pangea decided to speak to the ragtag team first
>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first
let's get this over with
>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first
Better to be done with the horrid nobles and then meet the team.
>>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first
let us hop to it
daddy please forgive us :(
>>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first
I told you guys not to wear the toga :/
>Pangea decided to speak to the ragtag team first

We don't need a fancy dress to look good. We just do.
>Pangea decided to speak to the ragtag team first
>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first

Poppa and Uncle are upset. Not the ideal outcome but maybe this will work out.
>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first
Pangea’s rebellious phase isn’t just about embarrassing writing and sneaking out of the palace. One might even think it’s a forgone conclusion given her natural curiosity and her duty to seek these things out clashing with the reticence of Big E and Malcador. There was always going to be growing pains with both the Princess and the Inquisition, given how both are still relatively nascent even by regular mortal standards.
>Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first
Then we can pop out to play with the cool kids later.
Also, you mentioned last thread that you weren't too happy about the quality of the quest. Anything you want to change in the future or any rules you want us to follow?
I'll count the votes tomorrow and update it.

Very good insight and yes, it's beyond the usual teenage things. I'm glad you caught it anon.

Nah not rules, I think thread 3 was just everywhere with no real plot that will lead to the next arc. I intend to get at least all if not at least a good chunk of primarchs during this qst and do a better job of keeping a coherent story this time. Thanks for asking kek.

Question to the players: Why the nobles first? I expected the abhuman team to be more popular.
>any rules you want us to follow
I remember it being mentioned last thread to not write retardedly long write-ins. I imagine it makes things difficult from the QM's perspective.
>Why the nobles first?
Needs must imo. Perhaps, having just been told off by her papa, Pangea feels the need to show her responsible side?
>with no real plot that will lead to the next arc.
I thought that was what the whole prepping for the Great Crusade was all about.
Just need to do the customary meet and greet before we can actually have fun.
Oh right that one yeah, that really was a problem along with write-ins that includes everything.

Huh that does makes sense

It was, but I just think it wasn't good enough and coherent enough, I could have done better.
I wonder what our punishment will be?

Also- we are totally going to bring up why father never mentioned the twin.

Votes counted
Pangea decided to speak to the noble group first. The nobles made a path as Pangea walked forward, though some tried to speak they seemed to shrink back down after seeing something behind her. Of course, all the nobles saw the primarchs closely watching their little sister. Once Pangea entered the group of honored guests, the nobles saw an exclusive group.

“Uh… she’s coming our way. What should I do?” Henrietta said.

Leo shrugged then sipped on his amasec.

“Honestly, she’s not that bad. Better than any governor’s daughters really.”

“You sure about that, sir?”

A bald headed man with wide shoulders stood at six foot seven, with dangling medals on his chest with soft eyes and easy going visage. Leo patted his back and laughed.

“Relax, Arch Militant Hoffman. She’s most likely mingling since that’s her duty.”

“She’s coming closer!” Henrietta said.

“Then be clam and act natural.” Hector chided. “Honestly. How come the only non-silver spooner in this group is not afraid? Except Hector of course but he doesn’t count.”

“Because she’s the most powerful woman in the galaxy?” An average height beige skinned male with an average black hair and brown eyes said. “C’mon TC. Anybody would be nervous especially she’s— Feth she’s coming right for us.”

The noble soldiers saw the ethereal figure walk, clad in white cloth and gleaming more than the lights and the golden interior. Her long hair, blacker than the void and flowing free like dancing silk swayed with grace. Just about everything about the princess seemed so otherworldly to the soldiers.


The soldiers snapped into a crisp salute.

“At ease, we’re at a party, officers. No need for formality. Captain Werserian, would you introduce me to your colleagues?”

“Your eminence, allow me to introduce Arch Militant Hoffman, awared the Silverite Medal for breaching xeno’s defense head first. This is Ensign Henrietta Quimby, awarded Auramite Wings of Valor for destroying a fighter jet piloted by a secessionist leader. This is Lieutenant Lee,” Hector gestured to the average looking man. “Awarded the Red Chains Badge for exterminating prominent officers of a human-xeno alliance.”

“An honor to meet you all.”

“The honor is ours, your eminence.” Lee said.

“A—As is mine!” Quimby quickly added.

“Tell me, I want to know…”

>What are your strengths and weaknesses?
>What do you value as a soldier?
>What is your proudest achievement?
>What do you value as a soldier?
>What do you value as a soldier?
>>What do you value as a soldier?
>>What is your proudest achievement?
>What is your proudest achievement?
Specifically what they're proudest of, not what their greatest achievement is.
If Big E is cruel and wants to drive Pangea right into the welcoming arms of Chaos? He’ll have her read her fanfiction in front of all of her brothers on a live Vox-cast to any/all sentient beings in existence.

Assuming that they still want to be instructive and demonstrate their position in a harsh yet productive way, they may try to assign her some kind of mission where she has to contain a memetic hazard of some sort that isn’t so harmful to her but extremely dangerous to mortals. Chaos is lousy with all of these hazards, and giving Pangea personal experience with it would demonstrate their point while also serving as a punitive assignment.
>If Big E is cruel and wants to drive Pangea right into the welcoming arms of Chaos? He’ll have her read her fanfiction in front of all of her brothers on a live Vox-cast to any/all sentient beings in existence.

Now there's an idea
Ironically, I think that might actually endear her to the Imperium and her brothers (the current ones at least) as a whole if she plays her cards right. A princess unashamedly sharing her dearest and purest hopes with a childlike glee would make her seem more like an actual person and family member to the citizenry as a whole, with a bright vision for the future. Assuming that Pangea can recover from ego death via terminal cringe, that is.
>What do you value as a soldier?
>What is your proudest achievement?
I support this.

Especially if in solidarity all of her brothers bring their own embarrassment.

I can see Valkan and Singrinious doing this
>What is your proudest achievement?
>>What is your proudest achievement?

“What is your proudest achievement?”

The soldiers stiffened at the question. Was this a trick question? Or was this a chance to move up in the military hierarchy? They did hear the recruitment of the princess, but none knew where her missions would take them or if they can even keep up with the girl who trained with custodes. Leo first stepped forward with a confident yet stoic visage, unafraid and eager.

“It was my promotion from private to captain.” Leo said.

“My proudest achievement is serving with you, your eminence.” Hector said.

Henrietta fingers interlocked as she looked down at her own feet.

“I uh… I made my mum and pop proud.” Quimby said. “And I ah— that’s about it.”

“I do not have any proud achievements.” Arch Militant Hoffman said. “I serve The Imperium. That’s enough for me.”

Lee shrugged, his attention more focused on the platter on his hand than anything else.

“Same thing with Hoffman, your eminence. Blowing up bunkers and toppling buildings while getting paid for it makes me the luckiest man in all of Imperium.”

“Then is there a building you are proud of toppling?”

“Oh do I?” Lee’s eyes flashed.

The night went on knowing the small group. Hoffman was a married man, who preferred calculated attacks than unorthodox combat. Lee, the soldier with the highest kill count both officially and unofficially, was the demolition fanatic, obsessed with explosives. Henrietta Quimby had to be the quietest of all, though her Auramite Wings of Valor meant she was one of seven in recent history to be awarded. All in all, she got a good understanding of her candidates.
The next day, Pangea and Angron walked along the palace grounds, this time her squad composed of Ahriman and Thurgood, along with an astartes from Dusk Raiders and Star Hunters.

“So Rackham’s ship is the reason why?”

Angron nodded.

“It seems his ship’s so called machine spirit was unhappy with his changes of the interior. He constructed a small chapel for his deity.”

Pangea rolled her eyes.

“Rackham… because of him the whole crusade is held back!” Pangea said.

“You cannot believe the spirit was offended, Pangea.” Angron said chidingly.

“I know, I was just looking forward to it.” Pangea said. “What the?”

From the second floor of the palace, Pangea saw an astartes she did not recognize, painted in the same dark blue and white accents. The symbol was a jaw with jagged fangs with an eye inside. The abhuman group seemed annoyed, and from a brief taste of the emotions, angry.

“Thurgood. Is this one of your battle brothers?” Pangea said.

“No, they are the new astartes under the primarch.” Thurgood said. “They are… no. There is a current schism within the legion. Us Terran born do not believe The Emperor is a God and that our primarch a saint. We are conquerors created to bring humanity together, not to spread his disgusting beliefs.”

“Well, just continue your patrol, I want to see what’s going on.”

Pangea hopped from the second floor. From the conversation, the astartes gave them an odd lecture about The Maker.

“An’ I said we ain’t interested.” The ratling said.

“It is but a moment of your time. Abhumans like yourselves must know his words to be saved.” The astartes said.

“Listen mate,” The ogryn said. “We ain’t interested in wot ever nonsense you got to tell us you hear? Bloody ridiculous this.”

For an ogryn, he was quite coherent with an odd low gothic accent. There was a female soldier standing behind, her furry ears stood high as did her tail. Whether she intervened or not, Pangea knew at least one side of the second legion would be less inclined to interact with her. Pangea…

>Chose to intervene
>Chose not to intervene
>Chose to intervene
Now Rackham's religious sons are harassing people. Great.
>You cannot believe the spirit was offended, Pangea
The Machine Spirit is reeeeeeal.
We'll intervene, we warned him to keep his belief to himself.

Which part of NOT A GOD did you have to he told.
>Chose to intervene
>Chose to intervene
>Chose to intervene
>>Chose to intervene


No Means No- now Battle Nephew- do you need to go back to sensitivity training?
The psychologists said that "battle.Nephew" was damaging to family cohesion and their mental health.

Panga you may not like it, but you should really call them "gene-nephews".
>Chose to intervene
>>Chose to intervene
I can see why someone like the second primarch would be disappeared and everyone gets memory wiped.
Xenos lover, preachy, pushes basic rules until they break like magnus
At least Magnus was totally played by Chaos and was intelligent enough to have some justified arrogance. Rackham on the other hand just seems to have a suicidally inflated sense of self worth or recklessness.
If he survives to he’s birth day we should gift hem a Fadora
>Chose not to intervene

Maybe see how the Abhumans handle the situation. we're suppose to be sneaky and hands-off.

Votes counted
Magnus was plenty arrogant on his own, he usually understood when to bite his tongue to avoid censure though. Which Rackham seems to lack, or at least his gene sons does.
Pangea chose to intervene. The ogryn and the ratling stood behind Jack Valk, while the feline female and another dark-skinned male stood at the back. Pangea’s heels clacked against the auramite floor, her hair flowed like black river, her mere presence caused the nobles to stop and watch the event unfold. The ratling was the first to turn, then tugged at the ogryn, the rest of the misfit turned around.

“What is going on here?”

The astartes was the first to speak.

“I was merely sharing the words of our primarch, your eminence.” The astartes said.

“And we said we didn’t want any!” The ratling shouted but quickly shrunk back with fear. “I—I mean we didn’t want any, your eminence.”

“What he said.” Jack Valk said with a tired and deep voice. “But he won’t budge.”

“Astartes, you will cease this.” Pangea said.

“With all due respect, princess. You have no authority over what the legion does.” The astartes said.

Somehow, this reminded her when Gwyn rejected her all those years ago. The rage that boiled in her stomach still remained fresh in her memories. This time, Pangea allowed the emotions to wash over her, then rein them in. As a psyker, letting her emotions run wild meant losing control.

“I don’t, but your proselytising is against the Imperial Truth.” Pangea said. “They are our guests of honor who has contributed to the Imperium. I will not have their times here ruined by wayward astartes. You shame your father with your behavior. Leave. Now.”

“You played on both sides, not once taking my father’s side. A sign of a coward.” The astartes said. “Just like the Terran borns.”

“What did you say?”

The air suddenly sharpened. The astartes with shiny, undented, power armor turned around and approached. Yet, no words leaked from him, not even a whisper. Pangea peered into the astartes’s mind. There was no fear, but regret, like a child who said something he should not have. He had now realized the innocent-looking princess had seen her fair share of battles.


“You are causing a disturbance within the grounds I am assigned to protect. Leave. Now.” Pangea commanded. “Unless you wish to test a coward's blade."

The astartes lowered his head. Then left. Pangea turned toward the abhuman crew. On the bright side, his could be a good time to examine her potential retinue.

>"You have my apology for my wayward gene-nephew's behavior. Rest assured, I will speak to my brother about this. Do you want him or his son to apologize to you?"
>“I must return to my duties, but I will properly apologize later. Do you prefer fruits or weapons as your preferred choice of gifts?"
>"You have been offended, and I doubt my brother will care. Is there something I can do to rectify that?"
>"You have my apology for my wayward gene-nephew's behavior. Rest assured, I will speak to my brother about this. Do you want him or his son to apologize to you?"
>"You have my apology for my wayward gene-nephew's behavior. Rest assured, I will speak to my brother about this. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
Rackham and his new legionnaires definitely won't apologize because they think they're in the right, but we should still at least talk to Rackham.
>>“I must return to my duties, but I will properly apologize later. Do you prefer fruits or weapons as your preferred choice of gifts?"
>“I must return to my duties, but I will properly apologize later. Do you prefer fruits or weapons as your preferred choice of gifts?"
>"You have my apology for my wayward gene-nephew's behavior. Rest assured, I will speak to my brother about this. Do you want him or his son to apologize to you?"
>"You have been offended, and I doubt my brother will care. Is there something I can do to rectify that?"
Rackham's screwed.
>“I must return to my duties, but I will properly apologize later. Do you prefer fruits or weapons as your preferred choice of gifts?"
>”I must return to my duties, but I will properly apologize later. Do you prefer fruits or weapons as your preferred choice of gifts?"

> “You played on both sides, not once taking my father’s side. A sign of a coward.”
Excuse you? Pangea is probably the only one in the higher ranks who has actively tried to cover for your genefather and has been actively trying to make peace between him and his brothers. While his sons do not speak for him, I wonder if this reflects upon how Rackham feels about the situation as a whole? Or is this just how Astartes post-human arrogance looks like when viewed through that kind of lens?
Just to clarify here, the second post was just speculation on the situation, not a vote for what Pangea should say or do.
I think it's just the usual schism between newly inducted marines and the original Terran marines in the legion type of deal. You get that a lot when the newbies are more loyal to a primarchs whose way of doing things is different from the Imperium norm.
I want to believe that Rackham himself doesn't feel that way about us and the other primarchs just because we're all related to his Maker.

Votes counted
It probably is, a lot of legions had a clear divide between the terran born marines and the ones born to their Primarchs home world.

Most Primarchs had after all been great leaders and warriors so they were naturally looked to more then the emperor by the new guard.

The old guard tended to be more dogmatic and often saw their loyalty to the emperor supersede that to their primarch.
“I must return to my duties, but I will properly apologize later. Do you prefer fruits or weapons as your preferred choice of gifts?”

The ratling and the ogryn both snapped his fingers.

“Booze and a new sniper rifle.”

“Pint and a new storm bolter.”

Pangea chuckled. Their unreserved answer was refreshing.

“I’ll have some drinks sent over to your barracks and commission a new weapon. You three?”

The felinid female cocked her head. The slit pupils dialed into a dark circle.

“Blades. The best daggers and one handed double edged blades possible.”

The dark skinned man cupped his chin for a moment.

“Auramite shovel and a new lasgun.”

Pangea turned to Valk. The pale skinned and black haired man sighed, Pangea noticed the dark bags sagging underneath his eyes. Even glancing at his thoughts made Pangea tired. The man was not skinny, perhaps lean fitted him better, an agile build with a bit of muscle unlike the dark skinned man who stood in the middle between the ogryn and Valk.

“Very well, I’ll have those gifts sent. Again, you have my apology.”

After the noon patrol, Pangea arrived to the ball on time. With Fulgrim at her side and with her other brothers, the suitors and opportunistic parasites dared not to approach. The few privileged gave their greetings and chatted, that being the high lords, Diani’s family, and the guests of honor.

“That’s what his son said?” Fulgrim said.

Pangea nodded.

“I could hardly believe it.” Pangea scoffed. “Why do you think Horus and Angron is with Rackham right now?”

“And yet there is no apologies made,” Magnus shook his head. “Arrogance, pure arrogance.”

“I’m sorry you had to face that,” Sanguinius said.

“It’s nothing.” Pangea placyed with Sanguinius’s feathers. “But if there’s a schism within his legion right before the Great Crusade, this won’t go well.”

Pangea saw Rackham being counseled by Horus and Angron.

>Pangea approached Rackham
>Pange waited Rackham to approach

Correct, if I recall this was true for the Raven Guard especially
>Pange waited Rackham to approach
Best to let Horus and Angron talk to him first.
Nice, a kot girl.
>Pangea approached Rackham
I want to see how Horus and Angron are handling him.
Hmm, I am torn.

Panga did nothing wrong, and should therefore wait to be approached.
But Pangea is absolutely not a reserved character, and incredibly pro active.

>Approach them.
Stop the brothers from seriously worsening relations if possible and demand an apology.
>Pange waited Rackham to approach

>Pangea approached Rackham
If its going well we can hang back and let them take the lead otherwise we can jump in to try and help.

> Correct, if I recall this was true for the Raven Guard especially.

I think it played out something like this. Horus had used Corvus legion as black ops team to suppress dissent on conquered worlds, Corvus who had just revolted against his slave masters was angry at his terran born marines for carrying out missions he deemed oppressive and basically exiled most of them from the legion by sending them on missions so far away they wouldn't return.
Would be nice if we could just take all unwanted Terran marines and form a sort of proto-Deathwatch.
Why not? If Corvus is gonna send them of anyway then we might as well "requisition" them.
>Pange waited Rackham to approach
Angron is a better empath than Pangea is, and Horus is extremely good at talking. Let them work their magic, we can always ask them about it later.
One of the theories behind the Space Sharks origins is that they are descendants of those exiled Ravenguard

>Pange waited Rackham to approach
>>Pange waited Rackham to approach
>Pange waited Rackham to approach
Damn, kitty hit us with that puss in boots stare the moment we mentioned handing out free shit.
>>Pangea approached Rackham


Votes counted
Pangea waited Rackham to approach

She waited.

Then waited some more.

While Pangea spoke with High Lord Prokofiev, Hector, Leo, and other generals, she noticed Rackham alone once Horus and Angron left him. Now that she realized it, Hystera was nowhere to be seen either. No one approached Rackham, and he did not seek any interactions either. Pangea honed her hearing within the party, fishing in whispers and the thoughts of others. The cold disdain for Rackham crystalized in just about every bureaucrats and generals.

“I hear his astartes insulted the princess.”

“The Terran born legionnaires are resisting his influence, good for them.”

The whispers flowed. Until the end of the night, when people began to leave, Rackham finally approached. Rackham saw his brothers behind Pangea, each casting a cautious gaze at him. Pangea turned around, and saw her brothers. She saw their gazes and rolled her eyes, then stepped away from them, and from Sanguinius’s wings. Pangea and Rackham stood face to face.

“Rackham.” Pangea said.

“Sister.” Rackham said. “You have my sincere apologies. I have already reprimanded my son and have ordered them to never do something like that again.”

“But your belief still stands.”

“They do, but I will not spread them or convince anyone of it. Will you forgive me and accept my apology?” Rackham said.

“Of course Rackham, we’re family.” Pangea said.

Rackham’s hardened visage softened.

“If you will allow, there is another request I have. The Terran born astartes have been against my teachings, almost got into a fight with my sons. I have tried to mediate but to no avail.” Rackham said. “I want you to have them.”

>Ask questions [this update will be very quick, like a bout a hundred word and will follow up back to the yes or no choice.]
Write in is ok for yes and no
>Ask questions [this update will be very quick, like a bout a hundred word and will follow up back to the yes or no choice.]
>Is this even an option within our remit?
We don't exactly have the infrastructure or support base to support even a fraction of a legion organically, and needing to rely on others is likely going to constrain our Strategic and tactical options.

>Has he reached out to his brothers to see how they have experienced or dealt with similar issues with non-integration of Terran marines or similar frictions within their respective legions?
Potentially reviewing how they are (not) integrated into the command / regimental structure, and if they are generally interspersed into squads evenly or segregated into their own units we need to help them find common ground in opponents not looking inwards at their differences.

An alternate option would be to review their grievances personally and interview them to see if we can find the fault lines ourselves and address what we can, which would provide some contact and hopefully allow us the option to redirect them when things go bad.

I'd lean towards a no for now, to see if any suggestions help. but it is certainly worth escalating in the background in case things fall through considering the upcoming Campaign that is about to begin and the potential implications and unpredictability of a renegade legion.

You would reject your own sons? Heroes of the Imperium who have fought through the unification wars? Have they not earned your love and respect with their sacrifices?

They may not share your faith, but they share your blood and will.
Question: Is the schism in your legion so bad that exiling your own sons is considered the best option? If your faith is going to cause this much issue within your own legion, imagine the damage it could cause once the Crusade begins.
>Ask questions
>"Why do you want to transfer command of them to me?"
>"Have you discussed this with the Terran Legion Master? They may prefer to serve under another primarch instead."
I'm not so sure this is a good idea but I lean towards taking them.
I wonder if the majority of the Terran marines will just be incorporated into the Ultramarines like in canon.
Questions first, then the decision later.

“Rackham, I don’t think I have enough resources to even handle your sons. I lead small squads, retinues, not a small legion.”

“You’ll get support from the Imperium’s resources, like I have. I promise.”

“Did you try to get any advice from Horus or any of our brothers?” Pangea said.

“I have, that was why I spoke with Horus and Angron several times including tonight.” Rackham lowered his head. “I’ve tried separating them into different squads. I have tried to find a common ground and listened to their grievances. But they still shared their distrust in me. Me. Their father.” Rackham said, his face scrunched into a hurtful regret. “They are born of my blood but they do not embrace me…”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Pangea said. “ Is the schism in your legion so bad that exiling your own sons is considered the best option?”

“Yes, it has.” Rackham’s shoulders lowered, he cupped his face tiredly. “They cannot stay in my legion. Not anymore.”

“Why do you want to transfer command of them to me? I’m sure our brothers will gladly adopt them.”

“Because I trust you the most. You are the only person that actively spoke for me.” Rackham said with a soft but torn smile. “My Terran Legion master did ask for a primarch, but I believe you are most suited instead.”

Pangea frowned, her brows knit close as her lips pulled back.

“If your faith is going to cause this much issue within your own legion, imagine the damage it could cause once the Crusade begins. Have they not earned your love and respect with their sacrifices? They may not share your faith, but they share your blood and will. You would reject your sons?”

“I didn’t reject them!” Rackham’s voice raise to an angry shout that rang like an artillery cannon. “I… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you.”

Pangea took a step back. Rackham saw his brothers’ sharpened glares. All except Sanguinius and Horus, who looked on with concern toward their little sister. Angron shared the same gaze, but his foot was forward, as if coiling himself for a full sprint.

“I—It’s alright.”

Rackham sighed.

“I didn’t reject them, they rejected me. Refused to see me as their father or their primarch. They obey only because they have to.”

“Rackham, If your faith is going to cause this much issue within your own legion, imagine the damage it could cause once the Crusade begins. Your faith is the reason why this whole schism is happening in the first place!”

“Father have yet to reprimand me so why must everyone assume the source of my problems is always because of my faith? Sister, will you accept them or not?”

>Yes [write-in]
>No [write-in]
>"I'll take them in, but let me talk to your Terran Legion Master first. He asked for a primarch, but I'm sure he'll accept a princess as well. As for Father... weーmeaning you, me, and all our brothersーshould talk to him about this issue and get it sorted out once and for all. Maybe then, our other brothers will have no more reason to distrust you."
I feel like the Emperor hasn't said anything yet because he's either too busy with some super project or is filing this away for the "I'll deal with it after the Great Crusade" folder again.
>Yes [write-in]
If you must exile them, I will accept them.
>+1 Yes
I'll fourth this reply: >>6158692
Geez, I wonder if Pangea's Inquisition will end up looking like some kind of weird amalgamation of the Deathwatch and some kind of Xeno/heresy investigation bureau?
That's what Malcador Inquisition was like at the start, just a bunch of loyalists from all the traitor legions. I do want us to form a sort of Deathwatch if only to foster stronger bonds between legions, but I'm also worried about it turning into a Warrior Lodge sort of situation.
I hope not, Pangea Heresy doesn't have a good ring imo.
>unwanted Rackham loyalists
>possibly other mavericks from the second unknown primarch
>nearly all of Corax's legion
>possibly some less insane Nightlords
If Pangea doesn't go insane from all the management and protocols and secrecy involved, she could end up as the head of a lot of unwanted Astartes. Given her strong connection to Alpharius, this might end up working out rather well so long as she remembers to build up a robust organization of regular humans.
It's a good thing that that probably won't happen unless BigE really do decide to read Pangea's fanfictions and broadcast it across the Imperium.
Don't forget the Iron Warriors who might end up being decimated. We might not get a full legion's number, but we'll get pretty close if just take in all the unwanted marines.
What should we call our Legion?

I am thinking something like ‘’The Brotherhood’’
support, we don't have a legion, and have been trained to be a knife for deliver precise strikes. While also doing our original role and new ones.

Its a good idea to talk to the Legion Master of the II and the Emperor about it, best to avoid another situation like we had with the Legion Master of the I. If they don't want to end up under our command.

Its also best to resolve the religious problem before the Great Crusade starts. Or stop the bleeding if nothing else.
Lurker here, with a question for those of you who regularly vote.
If it's canon that the Eldar betrayed the Krorks after the Necrons were defeated, then how do you think Pangea would react upon learning this information?

Would she be completely indifferent, simply thinking "who cares about this xenos nonsense"?
Would she be delighted, thinking "xenos killing xenos is purely of benefit to humanity"?
Would she be disgusted by the idea of betraying a former ally who fought alongside you?
Would she approve of what the Eldar did, and believe that the Krorks were danger that needed to be eliminated while the Eldar still had the chance?

Votes counted
After a few minutes of searching around, we could do some vague Athena themes with Owls. Since they will be working under Pangea and doing shady stuff.

The Black Owls
The Parliament
The Black Parliament
The Parliament Brotherhood
Brothers of Parliament

Something like that.
Is that new lore? I haven't kept up with 40k lore in a while now.
>Would she be completely indifferent, simply thinking "who cares about this xenos nonsense"?
Probably this? We still haven't faced any xenos yet, so I doubt she got any strong opinion about them other than what BigE taught her.
“I'll take them in, but let me talk to your Terran Legion Master first. He asked for a primarch, but I'm sure he'll accept a princess as well. As for Father... weーmeaning you, me, and all our brothersーshould talk to him about this issue and get it sorted out once and for all. Maybe then, our other brothers will have no more reason to distrust you.”

“I’m sorry to trouble you, Pangea.”

“No need for an apology, brother.”

The hurt in Rackham rippled. The acrid guilt stuffed his nose with indignation and shame. Pangea tasted the sour self doubt, the absolute humiliation of this scene. The next day, Pangea was summoned to the Throne Room. Father sat on the throne while Malcador stood beside. Pangea knelt, eyes down, not daring to meet her Father’s eyes.

—First you escape on the first day of the ball. Then return with an enemy of the Imperium. Now, your brother wishes to transfer his Terran born marines…—

The air in the Throne Room crackled as it always had. The Throne Room was brightly lit, the pyramid glowed in quiet blue and loud white from the top. The auramite pyramid gleamed like the sun, but never outshining her Father, the Imperium’s sun. The light she loved stung this time.

—Why did you bring her to the Imperium Palace?—

—I thought it’d be better to bring her in than to let her roam without a method to watch her. If there’s anyone that can subdue a powerful psyker, it’d be you or Uncle Malcador.—

Pangea sensed a brief… joy? The emotion was so brief that even she was not sure.

—I cannot fault you for that logic. It is better to keep friends close, and enemies closer. As for Rackham, his request will be considered. Speak to the Legion Master then report back.—

—Father, what about Rackham’s practices?—

—That is my concern, daughter. Not yours. You have your assignment. Go.—
On the other side of the Imperial Palace, far past the outer walls, lied the barracks of the twenty legions. The barracks were spread evenly like a checkpoint complete with anti air guns and astartes thunderhawks with drop pods and space port large enough to dock their flagships and more. Through a brief ride with the Talon Jethawk, Pangea arrived to the second legion’s barracks, where the legion master already awaited. Two custodians flanked beside Pangea, one being Ra and the other Longinus.

“Your eminence.” The legion master greeted, he placed his fist on his chest and lowered his head. “It is an honor to host you. Though I wonder why you chose to arrive here when a vox would have been more efficient.”

“You are my nephews, born from my brother’s blood. I thought this was a good opportunity to visit the barracks and see my nephews at the same time.”

The legion master nodded.

“Very well, will my office suffice?”

“It is, lead the way.”

The second legion’s barracks consisted of one half reflecting the Rackham’s homeworld and the other half having no changes at all, stripped of character where only function mattered. The legion master’s office presented the original culture through its minimalistic interior, consisting of gray ceramite walls and office supplies. Pangea sat across from the legion master’s black desk.

“I heard the Terran half of the legion wishes to be under a primarch and my brother wants to transfer you to me.” Pangea said plainly.

“That will be the ideal outcome. We do not care under which primarch, as long as we can serve the Imperium.” The legion master said. “Not because we do not believe you are inadequate. Your operations require precision and stealth. We are trained to break sieges and shock assault. I am unsure if we will be of use to you, your eminence.”

“If your men are under my command, will there be any issues then?”

“None at all.” The answer came quickly. “You did your best to defend our primarch when no one did and you have the Lord Regent and The Captain General’s confidence. You also share a strong bond between all the primarchs, I see no reason why there will be any issues. In the end, the choice is yours.”

>“Very well, then I will accept your men.”
>“I will have my brothers consider your requests.”
>“I will have my brothers consider your requests.”
I didn't know siege warfare and shock assaults were their thing. These guys seem like they'd fit in with the Imperial Fists. Would Rackham be upset if we transferred them over to Rogal?
>Accept them
Spec can change, and this is a political gesture.
>“Very well, then I will accept your men.”

They may not be stealthy, but siege breaking and shock assault are excellent skills to have when you need the goon squad to storm the cult stronghold.
>“Very well, then I will accept your men.”
We can diversify their tactics through time.
The Legion Master said
>You did your best to defend our primarch when no one did
I feel like the marines wouldn't want to serve under someone who so openly hate their primarch. Also, it's not siege warfare, it's breaking sieges. They might fit better with Perty, but he's not here yet.
>>“I will have my brothers consider your requests.”
>“Very well, then I will accept your men.”
What we have been assigned to does not require a legion, Malcador is setting up an organization around our work. Rackham terran sons, would cease to be a legion if they go under us. Even if we participate in the Great Crusade we wouldn't do the same job of our brothers. So the terran born use at the moment.... is very circumstantial.

For resolve that is very likely we will train them for fit with our organization, while keeping what is useful from their legion background. Being part of a new organization, they would need to wait on Rackham or the Imperium to send geneseed since they are not part of a legion.

Whatever the outcome of this situation, the Great Crusade will need a bit more time for launch. Rackham will need to refill those lost ranks and get at least similar numbers prior to his legion schism, minimum (unless he is not allowed to do so due to his views, which means trying to handle not later but now the religious issue. A time consuming effort). And Pangea or the Primarch that gets them, needs to reorganize the terran borns of Rackham (Pangea would have more work to do and things to learn obviously). A funny thing would be if Lorgar is the next to be found. Instead of one is two primarchs religions that need to be reeducated and removed.
>“Very well, then I will accept your men.”
>“Very well, then I will accept your men.”
>“Very well, then I will accept your men.”

Votes counted
“Very well, I will accept your men. If you will have me.”

“We will be honored to serve as the Lord Regent's hand.”

The transfer itself did not take long, with the training from High Lord Prokofiev, the paperwork required to integrate the astartes, equipment, and general supplies to support her new retinue was easy work. Pangea's orignal flagship, Marco Polo, switched to a bigger ship. The permission to name her ship was given to Pangea, and in her search for a fitting name her brothers of course gave their suggestions. In the end, Pangea named her new ship...

>Hydra, with Alpharius's permission.
>Lady of Chemos, by Fulgrim's suggestion when he had Pangea over for dress fitting
>Avenging Spirit, by Horus's suggestion during a game of Regicide
>Wings of Enlightenment, Sanguinus suggested during a painting session
>Tomekeeper, by Magnus's suggestion in another lesson

Despite the turbulence within Rackham's legion the process have been easy for Pangea. In the end, the Great Crusade would begin without Rackham. Along with recuperating the loss of his sons and the machine spirit's anger, Father decided to speak with Rackham. The night before, Pangea read over her lists of candidates prepared for her personal retinue and made her decision.

Inquisitor Assistant [IA]

Second in Command

>Captain Hector Werserian, Terran Imperial Army, 12th Exploration Division, 2nd Expeditionary Infantry
>Captain Thermopylae Leo, Terran Imperial Army, 1st Division, 1st Assault Company

Heavy Weapons/Demolitions Expert

>Sergeant Denog Gub, Dawnguard Janissaries, 654th Heavy Infantry Company
>Second Lieutenant Denik Lee Albian Crusaders, 233rd Infantry Support

Frontline Combatant

>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps
>Corporal Ontyep KamuI, Elsweyr Regiment, 2nd Scout Company

Frontline Combatant Second Position

>Sergeant Major Samgwee Wiser, Terran Raiders, 1st Reconnaissance Division, 1st Company
>Second Blade Nazir Hammerfell, Kushtun Naganda Regiment, 3rd Cavalry, 5th Company


>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing
>Jack Valk, 5th Penal Regiment, 1st Wing
So, if you do have a charactet you like previously from the threads, feel free to write them in like this

Frontline Combatant
>Wings of Enlightenment, Sanguinus suggested during a painting session
>Captain Thermopylae Leo, Terran Imperial Army, 1st Division, 1st Assault Company
>Sergeant Denog Gub, Dawnguard Janissaries, 654th Heavy Infantry Company
>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps
>Sergeant Major Samgwee Wiser, Terran Raiders, 1st Reconnaissance Division, 1st Company
>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing
>Resplendent Fervor

>Captain Hector Werserian, Terran Imperial Army, 12th Exploration Division, 2nd Expeditionary Infantry
>Sergeant Denog Gub, Dawnguard Janissaries, 654th Heavy Infantry Company
>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps
>Corporal Ontyep KamuI, Elsweyr Regiment, 2nd Scout Company
>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing
>Hydra, with Alpharius's permission.
It fits the Inquisition theme. Cut down one cell, two more will take its place.
Also our other brothers doesn't know Alpharius yet so it won't seem like favouritism when it totally is.
>Captain Hector Werserian, Terran Imperial Army, 12th Exploration Division, 2nd Expeditionary Infantry
>Sergeant Denog Gub, Dawnguard Janissaries, 654th Heavy Infantry Company
>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps
>Sergeant Major Samgwee Wiser, Terran Raiders, 1st Reconnaissance Division, 1st Company
>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing
Retinue Mascot
>The felinid girl we gave daggers and blades to

>Write in:
>Shadow of Intent. little on the nose but dang good ship name

>Captain Hector Werserian, Terran Imperial Army, 12th Exploration Division, 2nd Expeditionary Infantry
>Sergeant Denog Gub, Dawnguard Janissaries, 654th Heavy Infantry Company
>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps
>Second Blade Nazir Hammerfell, Kushtun Naganda Regiment, 3rd Cavalry, 5th Company
>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing
>The Ogrne lad we met chewing out Rackums son would be the best mascot

Ship Name.
>Palanquin Solar
(Because we're a princess, and we should appear as though we aren't up to anything shady even if people know we are. Also, we carry a bit of the Home Sectors authority with the name.)
I really want to suggest "Parliament of Swords" because I want to push for that Owl theme for the Marines, but it doesn't look like anyone else is interested.

Second in Command
>Captain Hector Werserian, Terran Imperial Army, 12th Exploration Division, 2nd Expeditionary Infantry

Heavy Weapons/Demolitions Expert
>Sergeant Denog Gub, Dawnguard Janissaries, 654th Heavy Infantry Company

Frontline Combatant
>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps

Frontline Combatant Second Position
>Second Blade Nazir Hammerfell, Kushtun Naganda Regiment, 3rd Cavalry, 5th Company

>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing

Retinue Mascot
>The felinid girl we gave daggers and blades to
Though, really, I still want the abhuman group with us for variety. They were cool.
>Hydra, with Alpharius's permission.

>Captain Hector Werserian, Terran Imperial Army, 12th Exploration Division, 2nd Expeditionary Infantry
>Second Lieutenant Denik Lee Albian Crusaders, 233rd Infantry Support
>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps
>Second Blade Nazir Hammerfell, Kushtun Naganda Regiment, 3rd Cavalry, 5th Company
>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing
So what I got it is

Second in Command

>Captain Hector Werserian, Terran Imperial Army, 12th Exploration Division, 2nd Expeditionary Infantry

Heavy Weapons/Demolitions Expert
>Sergeant Denog Gub, Dawnguard Janissaries, 654th Heavy Infantry Company

Frontline Combatant
>Arch Militant Hayward Hoffman, Albian Crusaders, 1st Shocktroop Corps

>Second Blade Nazir Hammerfell, Kushtun Naganda Regiment, 3rd Cavalry, 5th Company

>Ensign Henrietta Quimby, 1st Expedition Fleet, 5th Support Wing

You know what, I'm a sucker for cat girls anyways.

Retinue Mascot
>The felinid girl we gave daggers and blades to
Hah, I just put that as a joke.
I'm a sucker for felinids
At the balcony of the Sanctum Imperialis Principa, Hector saw something only a few mortal could. First, was the scenery, from the heart of the Inner Palace, Hector saw the hives of Terra and the golden city that was the Imperial Palace. The second, were the primarchs. The sons of the Emperor who carried his genes and the father of the astartes. What baffled Hector was the princess who fitted right in, a lioness in a den of behemoths.

“And you’re certain you can handle the astartes?” Horus said worriedly.

“Surprisingly, they managed to understand what I did quickly thanks to the Legion’s master.” Pangea said.

“Greer also seemed to approve of your Legion Master,” Angron said.

Pangea leaned back on her chair, stuck between Fulgrim and Sanguinius. She rubbed her face on Sanguinius’s wings that wrapped her around, almost addicted by its softness. Instead of a rebuke, Sanguinius patted Pangea’s head. Hector, who had been invited by Magnus, stayed at the door per instruction, shrouded by some psykic power.

“Pangea, you are a grown woman now. Must you bury your head like some pup? Throne, your executive officer is right there.” Fulgrim said.

“Come now brother, let her spoil herself a little.” Magnus said. “Our days of being together are numbered. Soon,we will all sail the void. It’s possible we won’t see each other for at least a decade.”
The room became silent. Rackham was nowhere to be seen and Rogal was also absent. Hector watched the princess’s smile drop.

“Guess Rackham won’t be with us.” Pangea said.

“He made his choice.” Rogal, sitting adjacent to Horus said. “Our coordination will not be in jeopardy because of his absence. Let us return to our council, we are wasting time, be focused, Pangea.”

“Alright alright…” Pangea said. “Look, I won’t know much until I get the assignment from uncle. I don’t see how I can contribute to this talk.”

“You have twenty thousand astartes under your command. If needed, we may call on your for support.” Horus said.

“But… I never lead a legion before. I’m not sure if I can help.”

“You’re not alone, sister.” Horus said. “You have your legion master and the wisdom of your second in command when you need them. Rely on them. As I do with all of you.”

Fulgrim patted Pangea’s head, and Angron also offered his words of encouragement, even Rogal’s support. The talks continued regarding what Pangea’s role can be during the crusade. When the talk was done, everyone left except for Magnus who dispelled Hector’s shroud.

“Do you know why I have brought you here, Captain?”

Hector nodded. He saw the red giant staring down, his large presence swallowed his stature. Hector was used to being a leader, someone who can intimidate when needed. Yet, with the priamarchs, he felt like a mouse among beasts.

“To understand the stake.”

“No.” Magnus said. “To understand how much we cherish our sister. You are her support, see that you do not fail and lead her new retinue well.”

“Of course my lord.”

The next day, Pangea arrived at Macaldor’s study. Finally, she was given her first assignment to be taken when the Great Crusade would launch.

>She would investigate a planet ruled by a powerful king rumored to be in Fenris [Leman]
>She would investigate a planet riddled with psychic beasts and knights who fought them dispute being humans [Lion]
>She would be a defense for of a planet that had been frequently invaded by xeno, a planet known as Nocturne [Vulkan]
>The room became silent. Rackham was nowhere to be seen and Rogal was also absent.
>“He made his choice.” Rogal, sitting adjacent to Horus said.
>She would investigate a planet ruled by a powerful king rumored to be in Fenris [Leman]
Maybe we can use this as a chance to soften Russ' view on psyker.
That was a mistake. Oops.
>The room became silent. Rackham was nowhere to be seen and Rogal was also absent. Hector watched the princess’s smile drop.

Sorry anons, that was a mistake. Rogal was in.
>She would investigate a planet riddled with psychic beasts and knights who fought them dispute being humans [Lion]

Spooky world, Go!
At the balcony of the Sanctum Imperialis Principa, Hector saw something only a few mortal could. First, was the scenery, from the heart of the Inner Palace, Hector saw the hives of Terra and the golden city that was the Imperial Palace. The second, were the primarchs. The sons of the Emperor who carried his genes and the father of the astartes. What baffled Hector was the princess who fitted right in, a lioness in a den of behemoths.

“And you’re certain you can handle the astartes?” Horus said worriedly.

“Surprisingly, they managed to understand what I did quickly thanks to the Legion’s master.” Pangea said.

“Greer also seemed to approve of your Legion Master,” Angron said.

Pangea leaned back on her chair, stuck between Fulgrim and Sanguinius. She rubbed her face on Sanguinius’s wings that wrapped her around, almost addicted by its softness. Instead of a rebuke, Sanguinius patted Pangea’s head. Hector, who had been invited by Magnus, stayed at the door per instruction, shrouded by some psykic power.

“Pangea, you are a grown woman now. Must you bury your head like some pup? Throne, your executive officer is right there.” Fulgrim said.

“Come now brother, let her spoil herself a little.” Magnus said. “Our days of being together are numbered. Soon,we will all sail the void. It’s possible we won’t see each other for at least a decade.”
The room became silent. Rackham was nowhere to be seen and Rogal was also absent. Hector watched the princess’s smile drop.

“Guess Rackham won’t be with us.” Pangea said.

“He made his choice.” Rogal, sitting adjacent to Horus said. “Our coordination will not be in jeopardy because of his absence. Let us return to our council, we are wasting time, be focused, Pangea.”

“Alright alright…” Pangea said. “Look, I won’t know much until I get the assignment from uncle. I don’t see how I can contribute to this talk.”

“You have twenty thousand astartes under your command. If needed, we may call on your for support.” Horus said.

“But… I never lead a legion before. I’m not sure if I can help.”

“You’re not alone, sister.” Horus said. “You have your legion master and the wisdom of your second in command when you need them. Rely on them. As I do with all of you.”

Fulgrim patted Pangea’s head, and Angron also offered his words of encouragement, even Rogal’s support. The talks continued regarding what Pangea’s role can be during the crusade. When the talk was done, everyone left except for Magnus who dispelled Hector’s shroud.

“Do you know why I have brought you here, Captain?”

Hector nodded. He saw the red giant staring down, his large presence swallowed his stature. Hector was used to being a leader, someone who can intimidate when needed. Yet, with the priamarchs, he felt like a mouse among beasts.

“To understand the stake.”

“No.” Magnus said. “To understand how much we cherish our sister. You are her support, see that you do not fail and lead her new retinue well.”

“Of course my lord.”

The next day, Pangea arrived at Macaldor’s study. Finally, she was given her first assignment to be taken when the Great Crusade would launch.

>She would investigate a planet ruled by a powerful king rumored to be in Fenris [Leman]
>She would investigate a planet riddled with psychic beasts and knights who fought them dispute being humans [Lion]
>She would be a defense for of a planet that had been frequently invaded by xeno, a planet known as Nocturne [Vulkan]
>Write-in [loyalist only]

I'll still count these votes if you are ok with it anons

>She would investigate a planet riddled with psychic beasts and knights who fought them dispute being humans [Lion]

space knights

i understood what you meant but good on you to correct it
>>6160893 here, I'll keep mine Russ.
>She would investigate a planet ruled by a powerful king rumored to be in Fenris [Leman]
>She would investigate a planet ruled by a powerful king rumored to be in Fenris [Leman]
>She would investigate a planet riddled with psychic beasts and knights who fought them dispute being humans [Lion]
>She would investigate a planet riddled with psychic beasts and knights who fought them dispute being humans [Lion]
Lemon Rizz

Lying Joe

Lion it is, writing
“Your armors and weapons are prepared? Lighting claws and power maul too?”

Pangea rolled her eyes. Dressed in her inquisitor armor, Pangea crossed her arms with a confident smirk. Despite being within the Inner Palace, they could hear the sounds of horns and cheers seeping through the walls. Pangea and Horus walked side by side toward the exit.

“Yes, Horus. They’re ready, as are my retinue, the ship, and my nephews.” Pangea said.

“Good, and if you ever need assistance—”

“Have my astropath contact you, I know.” Pangea said with a brief huff. “You worry too much.”

“And you worry too little.” Horus said. “You’re going to Segmentum Obscurus, it’s not thoroughly explored yet. It’s called Obscurus for a reason, Pangea.”

“Horus, I have twenty thousand astartes at my disposal and skilled laborers. Not to mention my retinue.” Pangea said.

“Yes, but they’re just mortals. They’re inferior compared to you and I.” Horus said nonchalantly.

Horus said with absolute ease. Pangea could not help but wonder if such belief should be excused, even if his words were true. Human, that was what she was, yet she was not, the same for her brothers and her father. Maybe uncle was as well but he was still a special kind of human. Before she could say anything else, she saw the Imperial Palace below from the balcony where her brothers waited.

“I hope you didn’t oversleep, sister.” Fulgrim said.

“Nothing of the sort, we were having a discussion.”

“As long as you’ve arrive not too late.” Magnus said.
From the balcony, Pangea saw the masses cheering on, appearing like millions of small dots celebrating the greatest era of humanity. Fireworks of gold and red painted the sky, triumphant horns and various instruments filled the air, and gently flowing flower petals rained. The parade of soldiers came through with waves, proudly displaying their pride and the military might of the Imperium.

“My lord primarch.” Kharn entered the balcony. “We are prepared for take off.”

“Good work.” Angron said. “Brothers, Pangea, I will see you all soon. I will head off first.”

One by one, each primarchs left soon as their vessels were ready. Pangea watched each primarch being called and then paraded off below all the way to the Lion’s Gate Spaceport. Last of her brothers who remained was Sanguinius.

“I’m going to miss our painting times.” Pangea said.

“I will too but this is not a farewell.” Sanguinius said. “You look worried.”

“The galaxy is full of danger that threatens humanity. I’ve seen that. But the future…” Pangea closed her eyes tight. “I fear if what we see is the future. After all, the Great Crusade is what started it all.”

“It won’t be.” Sanguinius wrapped his wing around Pangea.

For a brief moment, they shared a brief silence, a moment of peace before they delved into the void.

“My lord.” The final astartes entered. “It is time.”

Sanguinius knelt, allowing himself to be engulfed by Pangea’s small arms.

“I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too.”

Side story time

>Skip to Caliban


>Get to know the crew
>Explore the ship
Question: So far, which primarch do you think Pangea get along with the most?
>Get to know the crew
>Get to know the crew

Not sure. She gets along pretty well with all of them aside from Rackham and maybe Dorn.

>Get to know the crew
Start training nephews on small team tactics. I have a feeling Pageas role to play is tracking down her brothers and routing out chaos and other internal threats. So training them to act like a proto deathwatch while being a legion would be great.

>Closest Primarch
got to be Sanguineous or Alpharious. after that maybe Horus?
>Get to know the crew
And I think she's either closest with Sangy or Horus, maybe Sangy because he doesn't baby her like Horus
>Get to know the crew

Probably Alpharius
>Explore the ship
>Get to know the crew
I suspect Alpharius has a large lead just due to how much he’s been in her life. Magnus too possibly, given how he may have been astral projecting to speak with Pangea throughout her life even if she’s only recently remembered most of it.
Conrad Curze. His relationship with sanguinius is one of his better ones because they both have future sight

Votes counted
Hector Werserian stared at his new retinue sitting inside the conference room. The ogryn and the felinid sat close. Nazir sat at the end of the table. Hoffman and Henrietta sat together. Hector stood at the other end of the table. By all means, they were all accomplished soldiers. The only issue was having them work together and mold them into a deadly team.

Hoffman and Quimby were a great addition and chosen well. Each was well regarded within his circle of officers. Even if she served his father, Quimby did not wear a mask, though he doubted if she was capable of such a thing. Hoffman was an honest and reliable man, he was one of few who qualified and gained the right to attain the rank of an Arch Militant.

“This an office but there ain’t no cuppa we can take? Some fancy this is.” Denog said.

Denog Gub, despite being classified as an ogryn he was a genius by his specie’s standard with plenty of feats of brutal but efficient soldiering.

“Where’s the princess? Isn’t this like, her job? I totally want to see how she keeps her hair so nice!” Kamui said excitedly.

Ontyep Kamui, even among the felinid she was considered the fastest and most nimble in her scout company. Though her young age did not allow her to rank to advance further due to fear of feeding into her ego. Finally, Nazir Hammerfell, a frontline driver and infantryman in the Old Hundred regiment with some parts of his record requiring Vermillion Alpha authorizations.

“The princess did call for us to be here, though she might be late since she has taken in the second legion. I’m sure she will arrive soon…”

The slid open with a hiss. Once the princess entered, everyone in the room stood at attention. They watched Dianis Nos, the trusted right hand agent, follow inside with her steely silver eyes and short black hair.

“At ease.” Pangea said. “You are no longer soldiers but agents of the Throne, my advisors, and investigators. You have all been summoned here because I wish to know more about you outside of the dossier I have read. We will be warp jumping soon but before then, we will…

>Do a team building exercise through a combat scenario
>Play a card game of omnicide, Terran rule of course
>simply chat.
>Play a card game of omnicide, Terran rule of course
>Play a card game of omnicide, Terran rule of course
>simply chat.
>>Do a team building exercise through a combat scenario
>simply chat.
>Play a card game of omnicide, Terran rule of course

>simply chat.

I'll need a tie breaker
as a card game enjoyer
>Play a card game of omnicide, Terran rule of course

Votes counted
“At ease.” Pangea said. “You are no longer soldiers but agents of the Throne, my advisors, and investigators. You have all been summoned here because I wish to know more about you outside of the dossier I have read. We will be warp jumping soon but before then, we will…”

Pangea brought a deck of cards made of gold with engraved silver. The cars formed into a spinning circle, spinning fast enough to cause a small breeze that filled the room. The sterile white light above made the cards shine more. The cards separated into two piles and were shuffled into a deck.

“I assume everyone knows how to play omnicide?” Pangea said.

“I’m surprised you know that game, your eminence…” Hector said. “Where did you learn it?”

“Torik, Horus, Angron, Kharn, just about everyone I know. Horus and his men love playing it but they play by Cthonian rules. And don’t get me started on Magnus, that cheating knows it all.”

Each of the agents were given five cards.

“Your eminence, will we be using our own Aquila Pieces or Thrones?” Quimby said nervously.

“Course not, it’s my treat after all.”

Pangea opened a small box filled with Thrones Ducats. Aquila Piece was a single value currency, Throne being five, and Throne Gelts being ten, with Throne Ducats being worth a hundred. Seeing valuable currency filled to the brim made Denog, Kamui, and Nazir stare in a bit of surprise.

“I’ll be the dealer.” Pangea said. “Oh, and no cheating. I’ll be able to tell.”

The game ran normally. Pangea observed each of her retinue’s expressions. Save for Quimby, each held their bearing well. Hector played cautiously, not being able to earn a high stack. Nazir and Hoffman were at an even score. Meanwhile, Denog raised more than the rest, earning him the highest pile far. Quimby however was on the verge of losing. Pangea flicked couple more Throne Ducats to her pile.

“Oh t—thank your eminence.”

“No worries, and don’t be nervous. This for me to know you all, not to see how good you are at card games.”

As Pangea dealt the cards, Pangea wondered what to ask.

>Why they joined
>Favorite weapons and method of operations
>What they hold precious
>Why they joined
>Why they joined
>Favorite weapons and method of operations
>Why they joined
>Why they joined
>Favorite weapons and method of operations
>What they hold precious

Votes counted
As Pangea dealt the cards, Pangea wondered what to ask.

“Why did you join?” Pangea said.

“Join, as in with you or the Imperial Army, your eminence?” Hector said.

“Both.” Pangea answered.

“Well.” Hector placed his card down. “There’s no greater honor than serving in the Imperial Army, and I wanted to carve my own path out of my father’s shadow. As for you, your eminence, I uh…”

Pangea gave a quick glance within Hector’s mind. A sour nervousness, one that sparked an odd sweetness. Appreciation? Exaltation? None of them seemed to fit. Pangea, in her ever curiosity delved deeper, to see the mind’s true lines. Surrounded by pink lights and a flowery aroma, a single line spoke out.

‘I am smitten with you. That, in my deepest hope, you will see me the same as I am to you…’

Pangea stopped in mid shuffling.

“Huh?” Pangea blurted out.

“Your eminence?” Hector said.

Her skin lit up around her cheeks, her eyes widened as her mouth opened agape.

“Uh, princess?”

Pangea blinked hard then opened her eyes back up.

“R—Right, I need to deal. A—Anyways, wat about you Denog?”

“Me pop passed away a couple years ago. I joined to support me mum and little sister.” Denog said with a proud grunt. “As for you, your eminence, I would get paid more which means me family gets a better life.”

“An admirable goal and I’m sorry for your loss. What about you, Hayward?”

Hoffman stood from his seat and snapped to a parade rest “Serving for the Imperium and you will be the greatest honor for House Hoffman, that is why, your eminence.”

“You don’t have to stand up next time, but thank you. Nazir?”

“My family also served the Imperial Army since the Unification Wars, but I don’t like the game of politics within the officer’s ranks.” Nazir said in tepid voice. “Serving you means I make an actual impact to The Imperium.”

“And I thank you for your family’s loyalty. Quimby?”

The questioned pilot flinched, almost tossing the card away. She looked down, then up, then toward her new peers. Pangea took a sip of her emotions, nervous but without the sweetness and bitter anxiousness.
“Uhm… I joined because I was told to by my parents, both in the navy and you, your eminence.”

‘That and get away from my parents…’

“To honor your parents is a good virtue. What about you Ontyep?”

The felinid’s auburn feline ears twitched, the entire time she’s either folded or simply did not speak when her chips were out. Ontyep had her feet on the table with her cards resting on her stomach. Now that you think about it, she asked for more chips than Quimby…

“I just like killing things.” Ontyep said. “Not just anything of course. I’m not a serial killer. It’s hard to explain but…”

“The thrill of battle and glory?” Pangea said.

Ontyep snapped her fingers. The flat crooked lips upturned to a smile.

“Exactly!” Ontyep said. “You get me Pangea!”

Hoffman slapped the table as he shot up from his seat.

“That is not how you address your superior, Corporal!” Hoffman said.

“We’re all her agents and not soldiers. That goes the same for you and me. Don’t think you can order me around.”

>“I do not mind if you call me by my name off duty, but during missions I expect you to refer to me formally, am I understood?”
>“I am your superior officer, you will refer to me by my titles.”

After the card game and the successful warp jump, the next plan was to decide how she would arrive to the planet known as Caliban. Pangea…

>Chose to arrive officially, with her legion and retinue in tow, bearing the Imperium’s Aquilla
>Pangea chose to arrive as a merchant (or some other disguise)
>‘I am smitten with you. That, in my deepest hope, you will see me the same as I am to you…’
Bold man. Very bold. He's lucky none of the primarchs are in the room.
>“I do not mind if you call me by my name off duty, but during missions I expect you to refer to me formally, am I understood?”
Yep, that's a cat alright.
>Pangea chose to arrive as a merchant (or some other disguise)
Same as last time, maybe? Plus, we gets to practice our stealth.
>“I do not mind if you call me by my name off duty, but during missions I expect you to refer to me formally, am I understood?”

>Chose to arrive officially, with her legion and retinue in tow, bearing the Imperium’s Aquilla
>“I do not mind if you call me by my name off duty, but during missions I expect you to refer to me formally, am I understood?”

>Pangea chose to arrive as a wandering knight
Dame Gaia

To be fair, Pangea was reading his mind and I'm pretty sure her telepathic and empathic abilities aren't well known outside of the Imperial family.
Yes, I used ' instead of ", since — is used for psychic conversations
>“I do not mind if you call me by my name off duty, but during missions I expect you to refer to me formally, am I understood?”
It's a practical thing to do. A good way to get people to lock in when there's business to focus on.

>Pangea chose to arrive as a merchant.

Merchant feels like a believable lie.
+1 should give us better access to Luther's dum dum club, if not an option, then change to merchant
Also giving Hector first name privileges will be funi
Why tf is 4chan putting 900s timers for these?
>“I do not mind if you call me by my name off duty, but during missions I expect you to refer to me formally, am I understood?”

>Pangea chose to arrive as a merchant.
>“I do not mind if you call me by my name off duty, but during missions I expect you to refer to me formally, am I understood?”

>Pangea chose to arrive as a merchant (or some other disguise)
>>“I do not mind if you call me by my name off duty, but during missions I expect you to refer to me formally, am I understood?”
This is a small breach of imperial expectations, but it gives us the beginning of a deeper personal trust with the command directly under us. Something that we see our brothers have with their legions commands no doubt.

>Pangea chose to arrive as a merchant (or some other disguise)
It shouldn't be an issue to buy a merchant vessel, give it some weapons for justify moving around segmentum obscurus which is filled by hostility and place some of our men with us in it. This decision is much needed for observe our brother before make first contact with them.

While we could rapidly do things officially, we wouldn't see certain aspects of them

I wonder if the assassin sent with us secretly the first time by our father, has received a permanent position of following behind us in secret.

“I do not mind if you call me by my name off duty, but during missions I expect you to refer to me formally. During combat you can call me something shorter for brevity, am I understood?”

“Got it.”

“Y—Yes, your eminence.”

Hayward sat back down dejectedly. Pangea doubted people like Hector or Hayward would agree but she knew she wanted a familial or at least a close relationship her brothers have with his sons. Then again she already called some astartes her nephews already. Though she doubted they would see her as such. The card games continued, with Hector as the winner.

“So this is Caliban…”

At the bridge of her ship, she saw the planet through the windows from her Captain’s seat. Both astartes and sailors operated the vessel she had yet to name. For now, her ship’s been designated as Daughter of Terra for now.

“Your eminence.”

The Legion Master of The Adjudicator climbed up. The dark grey power armor quietly whirled as the joints moved. The original colors of the second legion of grey with white accent shined proudly, dents and scuffs even prouder.

“Your eminence, we have arrived at Caliban per your instruction.”

“Thank you Dredd. Remain as you are, I will investigate the planet and call for your assistance if necessary.”

Pangea and her retinue landed on Caliban on a small freight vessel common throughout the galaxy. The data-slate of the planet showed where to land and the current political structure of Caliban, consisting mostly of feudal lords with no leader at helm. Pangea and her retinue landed at the largest space port at Caliban, posing as a merchant.

“Our goal is to investigate the beasts, and if possible eradicate them.” Pangea said. “But the Calibanites here are wary of outsiders like us, so be careful. Ontyep, you’ll be my lady in waiting, Denog, Hayward, and Nazir will be my bodyguard. Diani and Quimby, you’ll remain on the ship, stay alert and be prepared to move if things escalate, am I understood?”

“At once, my lady.” Diani said. “Also, you forgot Lord Wereserian.”

“He will be my…”

>Merchant Partner

After establishing a back up plan and evacuation plan, Pangea chose to first…

>Visit the local apothecary that has been patching up victims of the beasts
>Visit the local town’s inn to find more information on the psychic beasts and other rumors
>Merchant Partner

>Visit the local apothecary that has been patching up victims of the beasts
They might treat a husband as above us. And pangea isn't one to like being overlooked.
>Visit the local town’s inn to find more information on the psychic beasts and other rumors
I thought Hydra won by getting two votes?
>Merchant Partner
>Visit the local town’s inn to find more information on the psychic beasts and other rumors
Would be weird for a merchant to just start asking around the the local apothecary, and people would be more willing to trade/share info at a local gathering spot.
>Merchant Partner
I wanted to call him something like "master of inventory" or something. But I couldn't find anything that gave me a good official title.

>Visit the local apothecary that has been patching up victims of the beasts.
If anyone asks, we should claim we are hunting the beasts for the purpose of harvesting their hides and rare materials for those who can pay. Seem believable enough.
I believe this is what you meant

>Visit the local town’s inn to find more information on the psychic beasts and other rumors
Hydra did win by two votes, fuck I'll post a correct update rn
“I do not mind if you call me by my name off duty, but during missions I expect you to refer to me formally. During combat you can call me something shorter for brevity, am I understood?”

“Got it.”

“Y—Yes, your eminence.”

Hayward sat back down dejectedly. Pangea doubted people like Hector or Hayward would agree but she knew she wanted a familial or at least a close relationship her brothers have with his sons. Then again she already called some astartes her nephews already. Though she doubted they would see her as such. The card games continued, with Hector as the winner.

“So this is Caliban…”

At the bridge of her ship, she saw the planet through the windows from her Captain’s seat. Both astartes and sailors operated the vessel she had named Hydra, with Alpharius's permission. Hydra was received with odd reaction, out of all names a Hydra? Her brothers, while a bit disappointed remained curious at her choice of name.

“Your eminence.”

The Legion Master of The Adjudicator climbed up. The dark grey power armor quietly whirled as the joints moved. The original colors of the second legion of grey with white accent shined proudly, dents and scuffs even prouder.

“Your eminence, we have arrived at Caliban per your instruction.”

“Thank you Dredd. Remain as you are, I will investigate the planet and call for your assistance if necessary.”

Pangea and her retinue landed on Caliban on a small freight vessel common throughout the galaxy. The data-slate of the planet showed where to land and the current political structure of Caliban, consisting mostly of feudal lords with no leader at helm. Pangea and her retinue landed at the largest space port at Caliban, posing as a merchant.

“Our goal is to investigate the beasts, and if possible eradicate them.” Pangea said. “But the Calibanites here are wary of outsiders like us, so be careful. Ontyep, you’ll be my lady in waiting, Denog, Hayward, and Nazir will be my bodyguard. Diani and Quimby, you’ll remain on the ship, stay alert and be prepared to move if things escalate, am I understood?”

“At once, my lady.” Diani said. “Also, you forgot Lord Wereserian.”

“He will be my…”

>Merchant Partner

After establishing a back up plan and evacuation plan, Pangea chose to first…

>Visit the local apothecary that has been patching up victims of the beasts
>Visit the local town’s inn to find more information on the psychic beasts and other rumors
Thank you for the correction anon. I'll still count the votes from before.
>Visit the local town’s inn to find more information on the psychic beasts and other rumors
>Visit the local town’s inn to find more information on the psychic beasts and other rumors
Merry Christmas
Merchant Partner


Votes counted


Also counted
“He will be my… Merchant Partner.”

Hector nodded.

After establishing a back up plan and a plan of evacuation, Pangea chose first to visit the local town’s inn to find more information on the psychic beasts and other rumors. Pangea and her retinue dressed in tattered clothes and concealed their weapons, save for those designated as bodyguards. Underneath the crude appearance, their weapons were the best the Mechanicus could offer.

“Hello innkeeper.” Pangea easily imitated a rustic low gothic dialect. “How fares business?”

The innkeeper, a portly man with a bushy beard turned around, his stained apron flapped underneath his pot belly. The innkeeper squinted his eyes at the new group entering the empty and cold inn, dimly lit by crude animal fat candles.

“Don’t see much outsiders, are yee here to spend the night?”

“Several, got some business here.” Pangea said.

“Really, here, in Caliban?” The innkeeper said. “And what business would that be, if you don’t mind asking?”

“I heard there are beasts here, something of foul nature. I’m here to trap them.”
The innkeeper’s eyes widened, his body stiffened as he grimaced with pity.

“Young lass, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” The innkeeper said.

“Well, it’s a good thing that it’s my idea then.” Pangea brought a medium sized sack full of uncut gems and gold nuggets. “This is for our stay in the inn and the meals. Of course, I’ll be renting your entire inn, that amount would suffice?”

“I don't mind that you’re renting my inn, but those beasts really are dangerous you should reconsider…” The innkeeper pleaded.

“I understand, however…” Pangea fabricated a long sigh. “I am in a position where I have no choice. This is not just to make profit but an exchange for a rare medicine for my younger sister. Please kind sir, I have no choice but to find these beasts.”

“I can tell you all I can, but it won’t do you good.”

Pangea manufactured tearful eyes and a relieved smile.

“Thank you kindly, I promise you will be rewarded. House Montpelliere never forgets their friends!” Pangea snapped her fingers. “Oh boys, take my belongings won’t you? I must talk business with… my I never did introduce myself. I am Josephina Von Montpelliere, heiress of House Montpelliere. You are?”


“A pleasure, Mr.Johann.”
While her retinue unpacked, Pangea learned what her data-slate could not. The beasts were called “larkans” and there were many variations. Some beasts would have multiple eyes, tail hard as steel, and some that spat fire. However, each possessed a psychic ability that varied. The knight orders would take from the peasants, often for their own gains than to slay the beasts. Johann also said some local orders would cull them all, so they can continue their thefts. Along with other local knowledge and languages, she learned The Order, the only knight order respected and that took anyone who wanted to join regardless of background. Tensions have been brewing due to The Order’s expanding influence and the heroics of their two Grandmasters, Luther and Lion El’Jonson.

“On top of these damn beasts us common folks are facing a civil war so these damn greedy lords can keep their stomach fat.”

Johann stood on the counter while Pangea sat on the stool placed at the encounter. The soup made of local Caliban vegetables were better than she thought, Johann was quite the cook despite having little to work with.

“Are there beasts around here too?”

“Aye, past the walls but they are not frequent since the knight order here keeps them at bay. This is the largest trade city after all. They’re still thieves, taking whatever they want and beating anyone looking at them the wrong way.” Johann scoffed as he wiped the glasses. “You’ll find more once you leave and go further north. If you keep going you’ll also arrive at The Order’s fortress but the path there is dangerous, too man folks tried to go but died. Damn shame…”

>Ask a question to Johann


>Pangea chose to investigate the beasts withi nthe walls
>Pangea chose to go North where The Order was
>Pangea chose to investigate the local lord of the city

No update for tomorrow, have a Merry Christmas!

You too Anon, Merry Christmas
>Pangea chose to investigate the beasts withi nthe walls
Go on a little hunting expedition and see if we can't find evidence of chaos influence. Maybe we'll run into some watchers too.
>Pangea chose to investigate the beasts withi nthe walls
Do you mean "outside the walls"?
Nope, I meant to write within
>Ask a question to Johann
"Are there any members of The Order near by? I may need to consult them on how to best defeat the beasts."
>Pangea chose to investigate the beasts withi nthe walls
Might as well, we got a full retinue.
Merry Christmas, Mawmaw.
Seconding: >>6164661
Also hope everyone is having a very Merry Christmas!
>Pangea chose to investigate the beasts withi nthe walls

Ask a question to Johann
>"Are there any members of The Order near by? I may need to consult them on how to best defeat the beasts."

>Pangea chose to investigate the beasts within the walls
>Ask a question to Johann
ask what weapons the order regularly use for combating the creatures

>Pangea chose to go North where The Order was
Best consult with the "experts"

Votes counted
“Are there any members of The Order nearby? I may need to consult them on how to best defeat the beasts.”

“Not here no, and they’re not fond of outsiders. I can understand the need for profit, but The Order won’t. This city is protected by the Order of The Gilded Griffons, maybe you can ask them.” Johan said.

“Any specific weapons?” Pangea said.

“Just normal weapons I suppose. Cannons, pistols, blades, forged from the metals mined here.” Johan said with a shrug. “Can’t say if they’re special or not, knight orders keep their methods a secret.”

“I see, thank you for your time.”

The town’s people gazed at Pangea and her retinue. Mothers shushed their children as they pull them close. The guards did not dare to approach once they were caught in Denog’s and Hayward’s threatening gaze. Ontyep followed behind quietly as did Hector with his chest out and appearing taller than he actually is.

“By the way, your eminence.” Hector said, “why do you carry a whistle?”

Pangea looked down at a golden necklace with a cylindrical whistle attached.

“Oh this? That’s for Luna.” Pangea said.

“Luna? Did you have another cupbearer other than Diani?”

“Oh no, he’s my dog. I left him on the ship with Diani and Quimby in case something happens. He was napping in my room so I guess you didn’t see him.” Pangea chuckled.

At the entrance of the city’s wall, the armored guards stepped forward.

“Halt, the battlements are—”

With a wave of her hand, the guards snapped to an attention.

“You’ll lead me to the top where the beasts are seen the most.”

The guard stared past Pangea, as if their brains lost a part of their function.

“We will lead you to the top where the beasts are seen the most.”

Within the safety of the walls and past the confused guards, Pangea arrived at the battlement. A wide sea of green greeted Pangea.

“Quite the sight…” Hector said.

“Reminds me of home, though the trees are taller.” Ontyep said.
The binoculars and her Pangea’s psychic enhanced vision caught the beasts with ease. As the reports and the pictures showed, the beasts varied in appearances such as snake body and different wing types. Should she attempt to fly, Pangea was unsure if the cargo ship would survive. Not to mention, Pangea sensed the beasts’ potent psychic powers. The thick forests with external roots made for difficult terrain, in both combat and travelling both on the ground and aerial.

“We’ll have to fight them sooner or later.” Hector said. “Flying over them will be a gamble as well. We can always have the second legion assist us.”

“I can clear a path ahead, then take our transporter.” Pangea said.

“Not on your own, I hope.” Hector said. “Your eminence, at least let one of us accompany you or we can speak with the knights. Our assignment here is to investigate and if possible free the planet from the beasts and to investigate the knights who can somehow fight the beasts.”

>“I’ll go on my own and slay a few. I’ve faced worse, captain. Wait at the gates while I assess the beasts.”
>“We’ll go to the city’s knight order, maybe get some information before we make a decision.”
>“We’ll go to the city’s knight order, maybe get some information before we make a decision.”
>We will go to the knightly orders.

Once we have the local view, we might meet Johnson with a force of astartes, to give him a taste of imperial powers.
>“I’ll go on my own and slay a few. I’ve faced worse, captain. Wait at the gates while I assess the beasts.”
>“We’ll go to the city’s knight order, maybe get some information before we make a decision.”
>“We’ll go to the city’s knight order, maybe get some information before we make a decision.”
I want to see how bad the knights are.
>>“We’ll go to the city’s knight order, maybe get some information before we make a decision.”
>“We’ll go to the city’s knight order, maybe get some information before we make a decision.”

Votes counted
“We’ll go to the city’s knight order, maybe get some information before we make a decision.”

Hector released a heavy sigh of relief.

“Good idea, your eminence.”

The Order of The Gilded Griffons lived up to their name. Golds and other shining metals decorated the half of the meager castle. The knights wore golden wreathes or gauntlets made of gold. Instead of a primitive plate or chainmail, the armors moved like power armor and Pangea noticed the life support pack. Not only power armors, but rifles similar to bolters, albeit smaller.

“Halt!” A gilded knight said. “What’s your business?”

“I’m here on—”

“I didn’t question you, woman!” The knight snapped and pointed at Hector. “I grow impatient, say your piece merchant!”

“She is the merchant, I am her partner.” Hector said.

“Very well.” The knight sneered. “What business do you have, woman?”

Pangea smiled politely.

“Good sir, I am here to inquire how the beasts are slain here for I am tasked to bring the hides of the beasts.” Pangea said. “Of course, for reward I will make a handsome contribution for the security of this city.”

The knight huffed.

“Very well. I’ll lead you to our Grand Master. But your companions will wait outside the Grand Master’s office.”

Pangea nodded.

“I accept, thank you kind sir.”
fter much bribing and false promises Pangea learned the beast’s nature. Despite their appearances and psychic abilities, the beasts could be slain through conventional means. Be it stubbers or blades, physical weapons dealt damage. With strategy and overwhelming numbers, the beasts were easy prey even beasts with unique features. The only thing to fear of the beasts were the appearance of an enlarged head with its brain exposed. These beasts were known as mind-flayers. The origins however, remained in mystery, devolved into folklore.

“A swamp of corruption?”

“Aye, that's what the story was about. Not sure if you know since the locals are used to this but beware of this, girl.” The grandmaster said steadily. “Caliban is a living planet and will try to kill you if you are outside. The forest despises anything outside its inhabitants.”

The grandmaster handed Pangea a leather journal.

“These are guidelines for encounters you might face in the forest if you are brave enough to continue. And another thing.” The grandmaster said with an utmost serious gaze. “Stay away from The Order. I’m not sure what the locals have told you but it’s led by an inhuman giant. Don’t let their heroism fool you.”

“Of course, thank you for your time.”

Outside the castle, Pangea sighed as she walked out.

For now, Pangea knew this.

The beasts were killable despite their psychic abilities and have been slain by knights through modern weaponry. The beasts may be from a Chaos origin. The knights were normal humans, and The Order’s leader was a giant, or the leader wore power armor that made him look taller, many explanations could be applied to this mysterious leader.

>This mattered little, she has done her job. The second legion will be unleashed in Caliban.
>Pangea chose to travel up north to meet The Order after gaining more information [write-in any questions and they will be collected and I will release a short update]

Either way, Pangea will meet Lion don’t worry just under different circumstance
>This mattered little, she has done her job. The second legion will be unleashed in Caliban.
>Pangea chose to travel up north to meet The Order after gaining more information

>Write in question
>You call yourselves The Order. you seem to think you're rather special, compared to the other knights. Why is that?
Qm, link me to the start of this ARC so I can start reading from there.
>Pangea chose to travel up north to meet The Order after gaining more information
>Pangea chose to travel up north to meet The Order after gaining more information [write-in any questions and they will be collected and I will release a short update]
We are exterminating your biosphere, you in nerds?
>Pangea chose to travel up north to meet The Order after gaining more information [write-in any questions and they will be collected and I will release a short update]
What makes you so different from all the other knightly orders on this planet? What is the most important aspect of being a leader?

Votes counted
Pangea chose to travel up north to meet The Order after gaining more information. The Order has been confirmed to be led by a giant where his feats have been inhuman and his strategies perfect. As Pangea gained more information, she could not tell if the Grand Master was a primarch material or made from folklore.

“We’ll be heading north, we’ll be investigating The Order. I have a feeling this Grand Master is a primarch.” Pangea said. “Quimby, start the ship. I got a map from the locals will you be able to navigate?”

Inside the ship’s cockpit, Quimby read the parchment, her eyes scanned the various legends and locations along with a data slate that translated the map. Luna’s head rested on Pangea’s lap, soaking in the gentle pats.

“Yes, your eminence. We can fly out.”

“Good, prepare the ship and set a course for the North. The Order’s fortress is large enough to be seen so we’ll make our stop there. Denog, Hayward, and Ontyep, there should be turrets at the starboard, stern and port. Arm them incase we face flying beasts. Diani, a cup of tea please.”

“At once, my lady.”

Pangea nursed the steaming cup in hand and sat in the back while Diani acted as the co-pilot. For the next hour, nothing seemed to be chasing the ship or even turbulent weather. The ship flew underneath the blanket of grey sky.

“Ms.Nos, can I ask you a question?”

“If I can answer it.” Diani said.

“How did you meet the princess?”

Diani smiled, she regaled their meeting and the adventures that occurred. From Pangea’s sacrifice at Chemos, the subjugation of Verona and a year of psyker and cult hunting. Quimby wiped the streaming tears away.

“To think your eminence had sacrificed yoru dignity for someone you didn’t know…” Quimby snorted in a snot. “I’m touched.”

“Uh huh…” Pangea said. “Well, I wouldn’t be here without Diani, that’s for certain.”

“You give me too much credit, my lady.” Diani said.

“I think I give you too little.” Pangea said.

The radar suddenly shrieked out a siren. Quimby’s slobbering face jolted out.

“We got thirteen bogeys.” Quimby flipped the coms. “Stern what do you see?”

“Whole lot of beasts and more!”

The radar’s second pulse revealed more following.

“If we keep going north we might put the inhabitants in danger!” Quimby said. “Your eminence!”

>“Keep going and steer toward The Order’s fortress, they have an anti-air defense. They’ll question us how we managed to get through.”
>“Have the guns fire, I’ll go up and take care of the beasts myself. The Order might question us but it’s better than taking an unnecessary risk.”
>“Have the guns fire, I’ll go up and take care of the beasts myself. The Order might question us but it’s better than taking an unnecessary risk.”
>“Have the guns fire, I’ll go up and take care of the beasts myself. The Order might question us but it’s better than taking an unnecessary risk.”
>Have the guns fire
>“Have the guns fire, I’ll go up and take care of the beasts myself. The Order might question us but it’s better than taking an unnecessary risk.”
>“Have the guns fire, I’ll go up and take care of the beasts myself. The Order might question us but it’s better than taking an unnecessary risk.”
>“Have the guns fire, I’ll go up and take care of the beasts myself. The Order might question us but it’s better than taking an unnecessary risk.”
>“Have the guns fire, I’ll go up and take care of the beasts myself. The Order might question us but it’s better than taking an unnecessary risk.”
>>“Have the guns fire, I’ll go up and take care of the beasts myself. The Order might question us but it’s better than taking an unnecessary risk.”
We can show them we means business.

Unanimous votes counted
“Have the guns fire, I’ll go up and take care of the beasts myself. The Order might question us but it’s better than taking an unnecessary risk.”

Quimby flicked the comms on.

“Fire at will, I repeat fire at will!”

“There’s too many!”

A dense black mass followed behind. The cogitators showed each turret easily shredding through the beasts. Pangea took Palatine and hung Godive on her back then climbed upstairs to the hatch. A sudden lurch of the ship nearly knocked Pangea into tumbling down the stairs. Pangea gritted her teeth and continued her climb and pushed opened the hatch. Standing on top of the ship, Pangea’s metal heels latched onto the ship’s surface. The beasts began their psychic attacks.

“Nngh!” Pangea gritted her teeth, the amassed psychic attack hit her harder than she thought. “Damned beasts!”

Pangea aimed Palatine beam and fired.

The adrathic beam tore through the hordes of beasts, where not even a speck of dust floated. A clean hold had been punched through, yet, this was not enough. The beasts did not comprehend weapons, they only knew hatred. After the long flow of atom shredding beam, the adrathic systems needed to recharge. Pangea drew Godiva and began pummeling the wave of beasts with its numerous arrows.

Two more would replace one fallen beast. There was no end in sight. This was with the turrets raining bolter shells.

"How long until The Order's fortress!" Pangea said to her vox.

"Couple more minutes!" Quimby said.

"That's not enough time!"


>Aimed her hand and fired a powerful psychic shockwave, the ship would lurch but she trusted Quimby to pilot the ship skillfully.
>Ran to the edge of the ship’s surface, used her psychic power to attract herself and twirled Palatine, shredding any beasts foolish enough to chase her
>Used Godiva and its explosive arrows, the ship could handle the damages
>Aimed her hand and fired a powerful psychic shockwave, the ship would lurch but she trusted Quimby to pilot the ship skillfully.
>Used Godiva and its explosive arrows, the ship could handle the damages
This might also attract some attention from the fortress and they might send out more help.
>Aimed her hand and fired a powerful psychic shockwave, the ship would lurch but she trusted Quimby to pilot the ship skillfully.
>Aimed her hand and fired a powerful psychic shockwave, the ship would lurch but she trusted Quimby to pilot the ship skillfully.
>>Aimed her hand and fired a powerful psychic shockwave, the ship would lurch but she trusted Quimby to pilot the ship skillfully.
>>Ran to the edge of the ship’s surface, used her psychic power to attract herself and twirled Palatine, shredding any beasts foolish enough to chase her
Votes counted
“Quimby on my count, push the boosters at max!”

The vox crackled. A semblance of a voice followed. As much as a confirmation was required, time did not allow for such luxuries. Pangea approached forward, aimed her hand and fired a powerful psychic shockwave. The air rippled, a deep bass thuumed and a great gust of force punched through the black mass. Any beasts unlucky enough to be in the front exploded into shred, and the rest blew away.


The ship took a dip then lurched, then shot up in the air. The magnet clamped onto the surface. Diani opened the hatch and fired her lasgun in full power with methodical shots, incinerating any beasts getting too close within six hundred yards.

“Quickly my lady!” Diani climbed back down to the hatch.

Pangea followed Diani and returned to the cockpit together. Quimby had her eyes forward, not noticing Pangea and Diani’s arrival. Pangea grinned, despite the ensign’s nervous nature when it came to piloting not a sweat dripped, and her mind was stalwart as it was tranquil.

“Status report gunners.”

“Stern clear.” Hayward said.

“Starboard clear.” Denog said.

“Port clear.” Ontyep said.

“Top turret clear.” Hector said.

“Good work, continue surveillance.”

An hour later, The Order’s tower soon came into view and so did the small towns surrounding the castle. Despite being in the middle of the forest, the town seemed unharmed, though Pangea could not tell from the ship’s cockpit.

“There’s no real place to land, your eminence. The forest is too thick, we’ll have to land at a village nearby.”

“Then that’s what we’ll have to do. I won’t risk going through the forest on foot” Pangea said. “Look for a good place to land and then do it slowly, give the people the time to move.”

As the ship landed near, The Order’s fortress came close. The fortress was similar to the Imperial Palace. The tall gray walls stretched throughout the forest with watch towers and battlements. Tall towers watched for threats and inside the walls people lived akin to a small village. Quimby landed a ship at an open field three miles from the fortress.

“What now?” Quimby said.

“We wait.” Pangea said. “I’m sure they heard the gun sounds and the beasts. Diani, a cup of tea if you please.”
Knights soon arrived on draft horses, tall and thick with muscles the horses carried the knights in power armor with ease. Pangea stepped out of her ship with Diani and Hector, then gave a deep bow.

“I am Gaia, a humble merchant here to seek an audience with The Order.”

“For what purpose, outsider? Your ship is armed, don’t think we can trust you easily.”

“I am but a merchant ordered to harvest the skin of the beasts and we had to defend ourselves I’m sure you can understand. I heard The Order has the best knights, so I wish to offer an investment. My merchant guild will offer your order with resources necessary to kill the beasts in exchange of their hides. I wish to make this offer to your grandmaster.”

The knight stared at Pangea, his plated helmet hid his gaze. With a quick glance, Pangea tasted uncertainty.

“I will come alone, if that’s necessary. Though I’m sure a gentleman such as yourself won’t let a lady walk on her own?”

Pangea pulled her special move that not even the primarchs could resist. The puppy eyes.

“V—Very well.” The knight said. “Just hop up and I’ll grab you, my lady. I’m sure you’re light as a feather.”

Pangea hopped up and the knight hoisted Pangea into the back of his horse. The interior of the fortress lacked the auramite and the elegance of the Imperial Palace. The stone walls were lit by rows of torches and crude iron chandeliers. The sound of anvils and the heavy steps echoed throughout the halls. Pangea waited at the fortress’s courtyard after the knight first took her to the grand master’s chambers.

“An outsider…”

“Look at her clothes. That’s the nicest blue coat I’ve ever seen, is that gold?”

Pangea saw the peasants and the children staring at her, whispering loudly. The adults with distrust and the children with curiosity. The knight soon returned.

“It seems that Grand Master Jonson and Grand Master Luther are training, it will take time.”

“How long?” Pangea said.

“They are training other knights. It will take a while.”

>“How about you ask them this, if I beat all the knights that are training will they see me?”
>“I suppose I’ll entertain myself in the courtyards then.” Pangea saw the children huddled up behind a barrel, brimming with curiosity. “Getting to know the locals.”
>“I suppose I’ll entertain myself in the courtyards then.” Pangea saw the children huddled up behind a barrel, brimming with curiosity. “Getting to know the locals.”
>>“I suppose I’ll entertain myself in the courtyards then.” Pangea saw the children huddled up behind a barrel, brimming with curiosity. “Getting to know the locals.”
>“How about you ask them this, if I beat all the knights that are training will they see me?”
Gave this knight The Look and he folded instantly. Pitiful.
>“I suppose I’ll entertain myself in the courtyards then.” Pangea saw the children huddled up behind a barrel, brimming with curiosity. “Getting to know the locals.”
>“I suppose I’ll entertain myself in the courtyards then.” Pangea saw the children huddled up behind a barrel, brimming with curiosity. “Getting to know the locals.”
>I'll get to know the locals then.

Show some compassion, she trained these eyes on Dorn himself.
>“I suppose I’ll entertain myself in the courtyards then.” Pangea saw the children huddled up behind a barrel, brimming with curiosity. “Getting to know the locals.”
>“I suppose I’ll entertain myself in the courtyards then.” Pangea saw the children huddled up behind a barrel, brimming with curiosity. “Getting to know the locals.”

Better first impression for the Lion if we are entertaining children, also if Dorn cant resist us NO ONE CAN
>“I suppose I’ll entertain myself in the courtyards then.” Pangea saw the children huddled up behind a barrel, brimming with curiosity. “Getting to know the locals.”

Happy new year
“I suppose I’ll entertain myself in the courtyards then.” Pangea saw the children huddled up behind a barrel, brimming with curiosity. “Getting to know the locals.”

The children hid in various spots as Pangea explored the small courtyard. The smith gave a curt nod but did not speak. The women walking past carrying a basketful of laundry did not speak either. The people always carried on with a worried and tired gazes in their eyes, determined to avoid Pangea. Leaning on the courtyard’s wall, Pangea saw some pebbles then the children hiding behind a pillar.

“Hey look!”

The children awed at Pangea juggling three pebbles with one hand. Then with four then five. The children who wanted to get a better look nearly tripped one another, causing a loud commotion. Pangea stopped her juggle, then motioned one of the children to come. The bravest one puffed her chest and approached. Pangea squatted.

“I’m Gaia, what’s your name?”

“A—Angol.” The boy replied.

“Hello Angol. Would you like to learn a game?”

Pangea proceeded to layout five pebbles on the ground, then began to toss each in the air picking the other pebbles up. Once they were all in her hands, she tossed the five pebbles and had them landed on the back of her hand. Pangea flicked her wrist, tossing the five pebbles in the air then snatched the pebbles with the same hand.

“Woah…” Angol said.

“Now you try it.”

Children soon formed a circle to learn the game and to watch pangea’s deft hands. The children chanted for Pangea to go faster, wanting to see just how many and how quicker she could move. That is, until the arrival of a giant.

“It’s Ser Luther!”

Pangea stood up, watching the children circle around a middle aged man with a shaven head and a beard.

“You must be the merchant that fought off the beasts. I am Luther, one of the Grand Masters of The Order.”

Pangea bowed.

“I am Gaia, a traveling merchant.”

“A merchant with an armed ship like yours? Hard to believe you are just a merchant.” Luther said.

“But Ser, she’s a good outsider, she taught us a fun game!”

The children cheered on, some of the boys did more, defending Pangea’s honor. A small upturned grin showed for the briefest moment before hardening back to an impasive visage. The adults and some of the knights quickly corralled the children away.

“I hear you are seeking a way to harvest the beast’s hides. Though I can’t see the use of it.” Luther said. “But I can tell you’re not just some greedy fool either. For now, we can discuss the details during dinner. You and your companions may stay in the fortress, it’s better you stay here than outside the forest. I will have my men guard your ship.”

>“Then I will take your offer, thank you.”
>“Thank you for your offer, Grand Master. But the ship is too important to leave it empty, it must be maintained on a daily basis.”
>“Then I will take your offer, thank you.”
>“Thank you for your offer, Grand Master. But the ship is too important to leave it empty, it must be maintained on a daily basis.”
>>“Then I will take your offer, thank you.”
>I will take your offer.

>lock it down. We know we can.
>“Thank you for your offer, Grand Master. But the ship is too important to leave it empty, it must be maintained on a daily basis.”
No update today folks, got some stuff to take care of for the new year.

Happy New Year!
happy new year !
>“Then I will take your offer, thank you.”
It's risky, but as another anon has mentioned we can lock it down. I'm not familiar with how the Lion operated prior to joining up with the Emperor, but a gesture of trust and sincerity might not be a bad thing here.
Hope you have a Happy New Year, Mawmaw!
>“Then I will take your offer, thank you.”
>“Then I will take your offer, thank you.”
Let’s try our best to show trust. It’s not like we aren’t capable of defending ourselves. We do have a warship relatively close of things go really bad.
Fun quest. I just caught up after reading the archives. Keep at it QM. I have a soft spot for the bonding stuff between Pangea and her family.
Thank you, I'm happy that you're enjoying the quest.


Votes counted
Does it ever state how big Pangaea is compaired to a normal human
She’s a normal sized human from everything I can gather. She’s still small compared to an astartes, and is utterly dwarfed by her brothers.

Pangea's about 5'9 right now. Normal human, but strong enough to spar and win against astartes. Think Malcador but with the potential to exceed more thanks to Papa E's gene mixed in.
From the art Maw draws she seems to be normalish height compared to her brothers.
>Right now
Is she still growing?
Who knows?

Real answer would be spoiler
Just means that we can ride on a primarch's shoulder and act as a turret.
ah, she is actually getting smaller
“Then I will take your offer, thank you.”

Pangea remained in her own private quarters with Diani next door. The rest of her retinue were quartered in the same area, not as grand as Pangea’s room but enough to show respect. The bed was not nearly as large and soft as her bed back in Terra.The luxury she longed however was the price of keeping humanity safe. The only thing Pangea was disappointed about was not being able to meet the giant grand master. Pangea laid on her bed, looking up at the ceiling with thought plaguing her sleep.

Amar Astarte.

No news of her reached her ears. Uncle Malcador had yet to ask for updates. Her brothers did not send any messages as well. While she had her new retinue, Pangea reminisced about spending her time with her brothers. The talks with Fulgrim, sparring with Horus, painting with Sangunius… it all seemed like yesterday. Pangea heard footsteps approaching, then a three periodic knocks.

“Hector?” Pangea said.

“Yes, may I enter?”

“I’ll get the door. S—stay over there. Understand?”

“Understood.” Hector said. “I am aware that a lady takes—”

“Stay. Over. There.” Pangea threatened.

Pangea sat up, she quickly tied her hair into a messy clipped ponytail then straightened her synthetic-silk sleepwear. Pangea used the mirror in the room to ensure her appearance, breathed in and out slowly, then opened the door. Unlike Pangea, Hector was in his outfit though his eyes seemed to look at the wall past her. Hector harrumphed.

“Do you want to come inside?"

"Come inside?" Hector shook his head. "Of course, thank you, your eminence."

Hector briskly walked inside, his hands folded together at his back and his heels stayed together at forty-five degrees.

“I’ve done additional investigations. It seems that these beasts move and coordinate like soldiers.” Hector said. “One of the knights here told me they often probe the defense before an attack.”

"You're assuming they are of higher intelligence, a xenos?"

"Possibly, though I have another theo—"

Suddenly, a thunderous bell rang five times. Knights’ chainmail rattled as the people gathered. Orders were shouted, and cracks of guns soon followed.

“That means there’s an attack, a big one,” Hector said.

“And Palatine is inside the ship…” Pangea grimaced. “If I use my abilities then our cover will fall.”

>“We need to keep our cover but we can still help them.”
>“Help the knights, I’ll grab Quimby and Diani then reach the ship to give air support.”
>“Damn the cover. People’s lives are at stake!”
>“Help the knights, I’ll grab Quimby and Diani then reach the ship to give air support.”
>“Damn the cover. People’s lives are at stake!”
Xenos? Daemons? Doesn't matter, it's time to fight and make a good first impression.
>“Damn the cover. People’s lives are at stake!”
I am torn between this, and trying to maintain the cover. Frankly, I think this option is pretty in-character for Pangea. She is kind of soft-hearted towards mortals. Besides, if we draw enough attention we might even get Lenny Johnson to come over himself. It’s even funnier when you consider that the Emperor canonically met a few of his sons by making the dramatic entrance after coming disguised as a nomad. Pangea can keep up the tradition.

Also, it’s been a while since I participated in any quests or done anything at all on 4chan, and I’m somehow not at all disappointed that the fucking captcha is even more of a pain in the cock.
>“Damn the cover. People’s lives are at stake!”
The emperor himself forgos his cover when interacting with his sons when it becomes dangerous
>“Help the knights, I’ll grab Quimby and Diani then reach the ship to give air support.”
>>“Damn the cover. People’s lives are at stake!”
Surely we should get dressed first
>>“Help the knights, I’ll grab Quimby and Diani then reach the ship to give air support.”
>“Damn the cover. People’s lives are at stake!”

>“Damn the cover. People’s lives are at stake!”
I think Malcador is going to be a bit disappointed when he sees that Pangea may not be cut out for the stealthy/sneaky type of work that the Inquisition requires. But perhaps in this timeline, people will actually cheer instead of cower when they hear that the Inquisition has arrived.
I can imagine if Pangea wakes up in 40k gets hella mad that the inquisition are feared and full of power mad inquisitors kek
Speaking of 40k, which of the primarchs that we've found so far do we think are most likely to fall? So far my money's on Horus, Magnus, Rackham if he isn't purged and Fulgrim. Magnus is still a dumb bastard who thinks he knows better than everyone else and Fulgrim's fall wasn't even entirely his own fault to begin with. Rackham's refusing to see reason and I'm starting to think his wife might be the problem.
Magnus is definitely still very susceptible to being manipulated by Chaos. The only way I see him reigning himself in is if Pangea attempts to do mimic his warp fuckery out of desperation and ends up seriously injured as a result. Rackham really seems like he's trying, but his belief system seems to be too important to him to give it all up; he unfortunately seems to have inherited Big E's conviction and pride in his own righteousness.
>I'm starting to think his wife might be the problem
Quite possible, she could be an agent of Chaos for all we know. Or maybe she's just a true believer in the wrong stuff while also being a genuinely amazing wife to Rackham. There must be something going on here that is making Rackham too reluctant to try and adapt his beliefs to something more palatable to Big E's tastes.

I don’t know beyond maybe Rackham or Magnus, but I can almost see Pangea becoming disillusioned and maybe falling to despair herself if things play out against her in the right (or wrong) ways.

As an aside, I’d like to think that Big E acting out of character and actually trying (or feigning) to be compassionate is a result, at least in part, of Pangea doing her intended purpose that well. Even if Emps doesn’t realize it himself. I’d like to think she’s able to break through even his shell bit by bit.
A giant could mean a primarch or an enemy in disguise. However, the beasts on Caliban possessed a worse threat to humanity. Pangea knew there was a time to be deceitful and when to save lives at the cost of her anonymity. Pangea sucked in a gulpful of air.


Diani slammed the door open, decked in full black carapace armor and her Kalibrax Pattern III lasgun with a bayonet. Diani snapped to a crisp salute. Few seconds later, the rest of her retinue arrived in her room, fully equipped.

“Good the rest of you’re safe.” Pangea said. “Diani and I will head off and assist in the defense.”

“But your cover, your eminence.” Hayward.

“Damn the cover. People’s lives are at stake! It’s not worth it in this situation.” Pangea said. “Hector, help the defense of the fortress, how you’ll do it I will leave it up to you. Kee[ Quimby at the back, no frontline combat. Understood?”

Hector saluted.

“Yes, your eminence!”

“Good. Diani, with me.”

Pangea armed herself with dual bolt pistols and two monomolecular combat knives, then quickly set off. The knights stood on the battlements, flinging stones, hot oils, and firing heavy bolter shells. A gurgling roar multiplied, repeating in a cacophony of mind numbing chorus. The fleeing people held their ears, some were on the floor foaming at their mouth. Pangea sensed the rippling of psychic energy. Pangea and Diani weaved through the knights and arrived at where the most dangerous beasts were. One glance was all required for Luther to block Pangea’s path

“What are you doing here, merchant? This is no place for a woman!” Luther said.

“Complain later, grand master!”

Pangea leapt on top of the battlements and aimed her hand. Powerful spears of lightning bolted down and chained through the beasts. Five more lightning chains pierced through the beasts until the hordes stopped. By then plumes of black smoke rose from the charred remains.

“You… You’re no merchant are you?” Luther said.

Pangea smiled.

“We can discuss that later.”

Pangea tuned her senses. Another horde was on its way, this time to the west in a larger ripple in the psychic wave this time to the east.

“Where’s the other grand master?”

“On the east… why do you ask?”

“You have another horde coming. Stay on your guard, grand master, the night has just begun.”

Pangea ran through to the eastern gate. Below the battlement, she saw a primarch sized green knight by himself surrounded by cleaved beasts. Brief flashes sparkled her vision. For the first time, in her harrowing visions of the future, she saw a shining loyalty that was her brother, Lion El’Jonson. The ground trembled, and the stamping of cloven hoofs rumbled closer.

>Pangea hopped down, landing next to Lion with her daggers unsheathed.
>Pangea hopped up to the top of the battlements. Her hands sparked with psychic energy, Pangea casted [write-in]
>Pangea hopped down, landing next to Lion with her daggers unsheathed.
>Pangea hopped down, landing next to Lion with her daggers unsheathed.
>Pangea hopped down, landing next to Lion with her daggers unsheathed.
Was there any other choice?
>>Pangea hopped up to the top of the battlements. Her hands sparked with psychic energy, Pangea casted Bigger Fish?!
>>Pangea hopped down, landing next to Lion with her daggers unsheathed.
>Pangea hopped up to the top of the battlements. Her hands sparked with psychic energy, Pangea casted [write-in]
Mass Testicular Torsion
>Lands beside the lion with Daggers unsheathed

There is a time for Deception, and then there is a time to serve.
And besides, our purpose is familial unification. Breaking cover serves better than staying hidden.

support, might horrify any men we are fighting with but oh well
The beasts do not have testicles so this vote will not do. However, in the future, when Pangea needs to defend herself I will allow this spell.
That’s fair- I’ll change my vote to;

>Pangea hopped down, landing next to Lion with her daggers unsheathed.

Let’s save the trump card for the HH
Alright, then Mass Power Word: Scrunch
I doubt Pangea knows Enuncia
Malcador kinda dropped the ball then
> Pangea hopped down, landing next to Lion with her daggers unsheathed.

Votes counted
Pangea hopped down, landing next to Lion with her daggers unsheathed. Lion and Pangea shared a brief glance. The tall green armor reflected the light red moonlight, casting small droplets of shadows where the bite marks and claw slashes struck. The air tasted earthy and heavy with moisture. A brief crackle of psychic lightning sparked from her eyes.

“You are no merchant, and I will have no blades of a deceiver.”

“I am a merchant, but keeping one’s ability under a cloak is better than flaunting it like a fool, don’t you think?”

“Then you will explain yourself once this is over.”

“I will, you have my promise.”

A pause. Lion nodded, he raised his great sword. Pangea raised her dagger held hands. Bright rows of spectral bolts bloomed around her. The firing support above held the beasts but only momentarily. Once the beasts trampled into her range, the bolts flew, whistling through the air then piercing the beasts. Pangea charged, sinking her daggers into the vital spots of the beasts like a scalpel while Lion’s brute strength and martial prowess cleaved the beasts in pieces.

“Amazing…” Quimby muttered. “

The retinue saw the princess’s martial skills in action. One moment the princess would slay five beasts with her dual daggers in a blink of an eye with deep slashes or precise thrusts. Other times, the princess would turn into a fog to position herself for a deadly lightning chain. Psychic bolts formed and launched continuously, penetrating through scores of beasts before fizzling out.

“I thought they were just stories…” Ontyep said. “She’s a killing machine with those daggers.”

“That’s what you’re impressed with?” Denog said then laughed. “Imagine her with a storm stubber with her psychic bullets. She’d be unstoppable!”

“Less yapping more shooting!” Hayward ordered.

The battle raged on. By the time the sun rose, sweat and dirt caked Pangea and her retinue. Mountains of beasts, charred, pierced, and decapitated, covered the ground. The knights and the people cheered. Once the gate opened, Lion turned to Pangea. The tip of his greatsword suddenly aimed at Pangea’s throat.

“Explain yourself. Witch. Why did you come to Caliban?” Lion’s voice was tempered, cold. “I will allow this one chance to explain to honor your assistance in this hunt. Lie to me, and I will kill you and extract the truth from your servants.”

Pangea stared back at the slits of Lion’s helmet.

“The truth may be stranger than the lie, grand master.”

“I will be the judge of that.”

>Pangea knew telling the truth will make the matter worse. She chose to make a believable lie. [write-in]
>If he wanted the truth, he would get it. [write-in]
>Lion would get neither the truth nor a lie. Pangea knew she had to escape.
>If he wanted the truth, he would get it.
"Hello, brother." let's just spill the beans.
>If he wanted the truth, he would get it.
The truth, from a cetain point of view.
>"I was sent here to find you. To see what sort of a man you are."
he is not going to like that ambiguous talk
>If he wants the truth, he shall.have it.

>Give a princess' bow to a peer. "Lionel Johnson, Grandmaster of a knightly order, My eldest brother, I greet you to see what kind of man you were and I threw that cover aside to see your people safe.
I'm Pangea, Your only sister and Princess of the Imperium of Mankind. Charmed, aren't you."

Any reason to lie to the man who really dislikes lies and dishonour?
>If he wanted the truth, he would get it. [write-in]
"I am here with an invitation from our Father, the Emperor of Man. You are one of his lost son and the time has come for you to retake your place by his side. Humanity is about to embark on the greatest crusade in our history and we need great leader such as you to help lead us into a brighter future; there are many great beasts amongst the stars, and humanity need you to defend them."
If I remember correctly, Lion was a bit prideful so appealing to that side of him might work.
I like this one. Just give it some touch-ups so it reads a bit smoother.

>Give a princess' bow to a peer. "Lion El’Jonson, Grandmaster of this knightly order, and my brother, I have come to see what kind of man you were, and I threw that cover aside to see your people safe. I'm Pangea, your only sister and Princess of the Imperium of Mankind. Charmed, aren't you?”

I don’t think Lion is really her eldest brother, since they’re all technically the same age. Either way, he’ll be full of questions, so we’ll be having a long talk afterwards.
He is primarch 1. The first legion material and the first to start development.
So the oldest by their rankings.
Alright, fair enough point.
Yes, I'm aware of how much of a hard ass the Lion is. He's very full of himself. He needs a sense that he's being tested.

Gonna use some parts of it, but I'll alter the write in
If he wanted the truth, he would get it. Pangea lowered her head and curtsied.

“Lion El’Jonson, Grandmaster of The Order, I am Pangea, your sole sister and the Princess of The Imperium of Mankind. I arrived here to investigate the psychic beasts on Caliban. Then when I heard of an extraordinary individual, I knew I had to investigate. I have disposed of my disguise because the people’s lives were more important. Charmed, I hope.”

Lion nodded, relieving Pangea’s worry.

“Now that you have investigated, what will you do?”

“Eradicate them if possible.”

Lion’s shoulder shifted, as if something heavy had been lifted off. Pangea dipped into his mind, relief and focus, pure energy of unstoppable will and duty bound thoughts. No tangible emotions pinged her detection. Maybe a deeper look would have found a better result, though this was for another day.

“And how will you do that?”

“I have an army of twenty thousand super soldiers.”

“On Caliban?”

“No, on my ship. Not the ship that’s being guarded but one up in space.” Pangea said proudly. “My investigation is over, but I am also bound by my duty to protect humanity. As all our brothers are. That is why I plan to stay here until all the beasts are slain. Unless you have an objection.”

“I do not. You may begin when ready.”

True to Pangea’s word, a giant ship loomed over Caliban. The arrival of Pangea’s true power shocked the Caliban nobility. With the backing of the astartes, Lion and Luther were able to unite the knightly orders. In a single month, with Lion’s knights and Pangea’s astartes, the beasts plagued Caliban no more.

>Pangea stood back with Dredd, learning about astartes tactics than hunting the beasts, this gave her time to know the second legion’s origin and culture more
>Pangea took an active part in the hunt with Thurgood and Lion, learning about Caliban’s cutlure.

After reporting the finding of the First’s discovery and her success to Malcador, Pangea…

>Waited for her Father’s arrival
>Waited for the next mission in her ship in the void
>Pangea stood back with Dredd, learning about astartes tactics than hunting the beasts, this gave her time to know the second legion’s origin and culture more
We have a legion, might as well learn how to wield it properly.

>Waited for the next mission in her ship in the void

>Pangea took an active part in the hunt with Thurgood and Lion, learning about Caliban’s cutlure.

After reporting the finding of the First’s discovery and her success to Malcador, Pangea…

>Waited for her Father’s arrival
>Waited for her Father’s arrival
>Pangea took an active part in the hunt with Thurgood and Lion, learning about Caliban’s cutlure.
>Waited for her Father’s arrival
>Pangea took an active part in the hunt with Thurgood and Lion, learning about Caliban’s cutlure.
>Waited for her Father’s arrival
>Pangea stood back with Dredd, learning about astartes tactics than hunting the beasts, this gave her time to know the second legion’s origin and culture more

>Waited for her Father’s arrival
>Pangea stood back with Dredd, learning about astartes tactics than hunting the beasts, this gave her time to know the second legion’s origin and culture more
We need to learn more about our new legion and how to lead them properly.
>Waited for her Father’s arrival
I assume this just means that we'll be waiting on Caliban until Big E shows up?
>Pangea took an active part in the hunt with Thurgood and Lion, learning about Caliban’s cutlure.

>Waited for her Father’s arrival
>>Pangea stood back with Dredd, learning about astartes tactics than hunting the beasts, this gave her time to know the second legion’s origin and culture more
>>Pangea stood back with Dredd, learning about astartes tactics than hunting the beasts, this gave her time to know the second legion’s origin and culture more
>Waited for her Father’s arrival
> Pangea stood back with Dredd, learning about astartes tactics than hunting the beasts, this gave her time to know the second legion’s origin and culture more

>Waited for her Father’s arrival
A formal display of formality and family ties can have powerful symbolism. That, and I think Pangea might still be at that stage where she likes to show off her triumphs to Big E.
sorry guys update will be tomorrow too tired for today
Terra has fallen
Have a good rest, QM.
>Pangea stood back with Dredd, learning about astartes tactics than hunting the beasts, this gave her time to know the second legion’s origin and culture more

>Pangea took an active part in the hunt with Thurgood and Lion, learning about Caliban’s cutlure.

>Waited for her Father’s arrival
8 votes

>Waited for the next mission in her ship in the void
1 votes

Father’s personal flagship.

When the ship arrived, just about everyone panicked. Some claimed to be coming of the gods, some lamented the end of the world. Either way, all of Caliban shuddered, trembled and prayed. At a large and cleared field a mile from the fortress, the knights in polished armor stood in two lines far apart one another per Pangea’s instruction. They held their sword high with Lion, Luther, Pangea, and her retinue waiting at the end.

“Is this all that is required, Lady Pangea? This kind of welcome is rather… bare.” Luther said.

“Sir Luther, look above you, my Father’s ship is covering half of Caliban’s sky. What possible kind of welcome can impress a man with a ship like that? There is no need for something lavish, my Father is here for Lion, not for diplomatic talks.” Pangea said.

“We will see.” Lion said.

A golden thunderhawk twice the normal size descended. After the thunderhawk landed, the shuttle door opened up with a hiss. The retinue knelt, the knight's head fixed onto Father and Luther, while he did not kneel, had his mouth hanging low. Pangea stood and waited.

“That’s…” Luther said.

“Is my Father, The Emperor of Mankind.” Pangea said proudly. “One who will unite the stars.”

Four custodians accompanied Father, one being Ra Endymion and Longinus. Father stood a head taller than Lion. For the first time in his life, Lion had to crane his neck up.


A pause. A moment of clarity, brief but deep, as if an old memory rose from the ashes.


—We shall talk more on my ship, there is much to do now that I have found you.— He turned his head then looked down. —You may return to your ship, your assignment is done here.—

Pangea’s expecting smile dropped. No praise, no acknowledgment, Pangea wanted to ask if she had done well, if she had made him proud. But she knew better not to ask, she was no longer the little girl who desperately sought her Father’s attention. This was not her time.

Pangea raised her chest and straightened her back. She nodded with grace befitting the sole princess of The Imperium.

—Yes, Father.—

Pangea hoped her Father would praise her again one day, even if she were not a primarch.
The hunt’s call, as alluring as the call was, needed to be ignored. Pangea stood back with Dredd, learning about astartes tactics rather than hunting the beasts, this gave her time to know the second legion’s origin and culture.

“You would send a devastator squad instead of snipers?” Pangea said.

Inside the Hydra, Pangea and Dredd looked over a large miniature of a dark brown terrain with ruined buildings. On one side were grey figures of the enemy composed of heavy armor and astartes. The other side were The Adjudicator astartes, outnumbered and outgunned.

“Picking off specialist enemies won’t matter when the order was to hold the line. The heavy armor will matter more than killing enemy commanders when chain of command will do its job.”

Pangea rubbed her chin, staring with intense focus. Her other free hand massaged Luna’s scalp masterfully, a skill she learned over the years.

“If I may ask, your eminence. Is this because of your foresight?”

“It is.” Pangea said, voice slightly agitated. “Do you think it’s fruitless because I am not a primarch?”

Dredd shook his head.

“I cannot say. I neither have foresight nor the wisdom of the future. I do my duty as all others do and our loyalty is to The Emperor. That is all that matters.” Dredd said calmly.

“If I recall, your legion recruited from Lazil, yes? Tell me about it.”

Dredd nodded.

“I was a sergeant when we arrived at Lazil, it was a hive of absolute lawlessness where murder occurred everyday. A trash heap consisting of humanity’s worst characteristics.”

Pangea picked the miniature devastator with heavy bolters, each painted herself. She wondered if she could even put game mechanics with dices.

“You were not recruited from Lazil?”

“I was not. I do not remember my childhood and I do not care for it.” Dredd said. “I was stationed in Lazil in case another riot or a surge of crime would occur. Within three years, with the assistance of the arbitrators and my men, Lazil became the most respected hive. Lazil now produces the Lazil Riflemen Corps and was the recruiting ground for the second legion…”

“Until my brother changed that.” Pangea said. “That is a shame, to think he is recruiting from that world. I hear your legion is an ardent supporter of The Imperial Truth, is that why the schism happened?”

“Yes, my men and I did not agree with our primarch and he tried to convert us. Though his insistence was curbed by his wife.”

Lady Hystera… Pangea expected her to spurn Rackham’s tendency not to dissuade him.

“Thank you for sharing, Dredd.”

“Yes, your eminence.”

>You don’t have to call me that if you wish. You can call me aunt if you’d like we are family after all.
>Pangea nodded.

>Pangea chose to visit Father later that day
>Pangea visited her legion’s barracks and training grounds
>Pangea visited her retinue
>You may call me aunt if you like.

>Visit the Retinue
Keep building up the loyal inquisition.
>You don’t have to call me that if you wish. You can call me aunt if you’d like we are family after all.

>Pangea visited her legion’s barracks and training grounds
Lets get this proto Deathwatch going
>Pangea nodded.

>Pangea visited her legion’s barracks and training grounds
>You don’t have to call me that if you wish. You can call me aunt if you’d like we are family after all.
Doesn't have the same ring as FATHER but it would still be nice to bond with them.
>Pangea visited her legion’s barracks and training grounds
Let's go praise them for their steadfast devotion of the Imperial Truth. I'm sure most of them must still be depressed over their primarch's rejection of them.
>You don’t have to call me that if you wish. You can call me aunt if you’d like we are family after all.

>Pangea visited her legion’s barracks and training grounds
>Pangea nodded
>Pangea chose to visit Father later that day
>Pangea nodded.

We don't need to risk making it weird.

>Pangea visited her retinue
>You don’t have to call me that if you wish. You can call me aunt if you’d like we are family after all.
Hopefully he doesn’t reject us. I’d like to build a good bond with our astartes.

>Pangea chose to visit Father later that day
Call me crazy or headstrong, but I think we should see if Pangea can maybe work on getting Big E himself to soften up a little bit. It would go a LONG way to helping our brothers out, and it still kind of falls into the purview of our purpose. Maybe we can ask him about his past, or just ask for advice on things. Get his opinion and ideas and thank him. He is pretty self-assured and pompous. Playing into that might be a good start.
>You don’t have to call me that if you wish. You can call me aunt if you’d like we are family after all.

>Pangea visited her retinue
>Pangea nodded.

>Pangea visited her legion’s barracks and training grounds
>You don’t have to call me that if you wish. You can call me aunt if you’d like we are family after all.

>Pangea visited her legion’s barracks and training grounds
>You don’t have to call me that if you wish. You can call me aunt if you’d like we are family after all.

>Pangea visited her legion’s barracks and training grounds
Votes counted
“You don’t have to call me that if you wish. You can call me aunt if you’d like we are family after all.”

“I will… consider it, your eminence.” Dredd said.

An awkward pause rang between Pangea and Dredd.

“A—Anyways. Thank you for your insight. You are dismissed.”

Inside the metal grav-cart gliding through the roads of Hydra, heat crept from her neck to her cheeks. While Dredd wore his helmet, the absolute quagmire killed whatever confidence she had left, so much that she did not get a glance in his thoughts. Luna licked her hand, whining for more massages as she waited to arrive at her destination.

“Your eminence.”

At the entrance of the barracks, two astartes stood guard.

“Good evening, anything to report?”

“None, your eminence. Shall I announce your arrival?” The astartes said.

“It’s alright, I’m here to visit.”

The training grounds were split into three areas. One for melee training and physical training, bolter, and tactics. Of course, she chose the first room, after spending time in the rear her body ached for combat. Tactics could wait. The entrance led to the top step of the colosseum where one could see the astartes train.

One area of the colosseum was dedicated to strength training, heavy weights weighing in tonnes thumped and clanged as the astartes’s enhanced muscles flexed. The second area had the astartes run in full power armor through an obstacle course while carrying variously shaped weights. The final area was melee combat, mostly being practice knives or fully armored and with real weapons officiated by a sergeant. No one had noticed her presence, and the astartes seemed to be focused in their training…

>Pangea chose to move on to the next area
>Pangea stepped down, she would test her nephews’ skills

Announcement, tomorrow I'll be making much updates as possible so stay tuned!
>Pangea stepped down, she would test her nephews’ skills
>Pangea stepped down, she would test her nephews’ skills
Good way to build camaraderie. And get to know a few astartes personally.

>Announcement, tomorrow I'll be making much updates as possible so stay tuned!
I love it when a QM spoils me.
>Pangea chose to move on to the next area
>Pangea stepped down, she would test her nephews’ skills
Fight me nerds.
>Test her nephew's skills

In a society of warriors, martial skill is the first and fastest way to respect.
> Pangea stepped down, she would test her nephews’ skills
It’s been too long since she had an honest spar. Perhaps she can give them some pointers that she learned from her time under the Custodes.
>>Pangea stepped down, she would test her nephews’ skills
test time nephews.....
>Pangea stepped down, she would test her nephews’ skills

Votes counted
Pangea stepped down, she would test her nephews’ skills. Not to mention, she already brough the practice versions of her melee weapons in a cart pulled happily by Luna. Once within view, the astartes ceased their training, except for those lifting. The sergeant officiating a fully armored match walked over, lowered his head, then spoke.

“Your eminence, is there a new order?”

“No, sergeant. I wish to test my nephews’ skills.” Pangea said. “Bring forth volunteers.”

“I will see if there are.”

Opposite of Pangea’s expectation, the volunteers arrive en masse, and the spectator seats were half filled, more than she expected. One astartes in full armor stepped in.

“We meet again, your eminence.”

“Thurgood,” Pangea said with a welcoming smile. “You are here to challenge me then? Tell me, why are so many astartes here?”

“You see…” Thurgood lowered his voice “they are unsure about you and of your strength due to staying back during the beast hunt and how easily you took us on. Some believe you did this to be like a primarch.”

Pangea frowned.

“It was you and your brothers that rejected him.” Pangea said icily.

“Yes, we all hoped to be under a primarch. But you were still better than him. So we had no choice.”

Her brow twitched. Pangea breathed in and then out, Thurgood meant to tell her the legion’s current thoughts, not to mock her. Thurgood served her well, and now he gave her how the legion thought.

“Thank you for the insight, Thurgood.” Pangea said. “I hope you are ready?”

“I am. I hope you understand I will not hold back.”

Pangea giggled, almost exploded into a full laughter.

“I see. I will do so as well.”

>Pangea brandished Palatine.
>Pangea brandished her dual daggers
>Pangea brandished her power maul and lightning claw

What is this? An update in the middle of the afternoon? That's right!
>Pangea brandished Palatine.
Not too sure whether to go with the power maul/lightning claw or Palatine. Pangea could use some experience with her newest set of weapons, but showing her skill with a weapon that is commonly used by the Custodes could also have some symbolic value.
>Pangea brandished Palatine.
>Pangea brandished her power maul and lightning claw
>Pangea brandished her power maul and lightning claw
>Pangea brandished Palatine.
I don’t want to use Horus’ weapons because I think it would reaffirm their belief that we want to be like a primarch. Even if Pangea does, I think it’d be good to show that she’s more than just the left-behind sister who’s trying to be like her brothers.
>Pangea brandished Palatine.
Agree with >>6173235
agree with this post>>6173270
typed wrong one>>6173270
>>Pangea brandished Palatine.
>Pangea brandished Palatine.
She has to beat them with her own weapon.

Votes counted
Long before the princess’s duty, the second legion knew Princess Pangea. The little girl who walked amongst giants. The princess who sparred with the primarchs and the custodes. They all heard the purge of Luna, the subjugation of Verona, and the numerous cult crushed under her heels, they only heard of her achievements. Now, they all had the chance to witness her strength, against Sergeant Thurgood, one of the best duelists.

The guardian spear did not twirl in her hand, its spearhead stayed near the ground quietly. The princess stood with her feet together, a neutral stance more to impress fools than a real battle stance. A trap or pure arrogance?


Thurgood raised his chainsword and knife then charged. The tempered fury of Thurgood’s attacks sailed through the air. The princess did not jump away, but dodged in close range, not even her absurdly large hair bun braid suffered.

“You’re the greatest my lady!”

At the corner of the stand the princess’s retinue cheered on. Except for the furry felinid who held up a data-slate to record the bout.

“You’re the best princess in all of galaxy my lady!”
Thurgood continued his assault. The princess sidestepped, she tapped Palatine on his leg then at his torso, indicating her hits. Two hits in half a second? Perhaps faster than that. Thurgood stood, he lowered his weapons and deactivated his chainsword.

“It is my loss, your eminence.”

“It is.” She leaned forward.

Pangea saw the astartes, their gazes and bearing did not show their emotions. A quick peek resulted in tasting no sour doubts, but a minty respect.

>Pangea turned toward the crowd and addressed to the waiting astartes. “Are there any other challengers?”
>Pangea picked up Palatine and walked out of the coliseum, tea with Diani sounded like a fine idea
>>Pangea turned toward the crowd and addressed to the waiting astartes. “Are there any other challengers?”
>Pangea turned toward the crowd and addressed to the waiting astartes. “Are there any other challengers?”
They might think he threw the game. Let's make it clear that we're the best, just the best.
>Any other challengers.

Let's go until the last of them drop
>Pangea picked up Palatine and walked out of the coliseum, tea with Diani sounded like a fine idea
>Pangea turned toward the crowd and addressed to the waiting astartes. “Are there any other challengers?”
>Pangea turned toward the crowd and addressed to the waiting astartes. “Are there any other challengers?”

Votes counted
Pangea turned toward the crowd and addressed the waiting astartes.

“Are there any other challengers?” Pangea said calmly.

The astartes, one by one, challenged Pangea. Each time the challenging astartes lost within the seconds. Palatine neither cut nor cleave through ceramite despite its sharp blades. After the hundredth opponent, no astartes came forth.

“A squad. Send me a squad!”

A squad of five astartes challenged then failed quickly as they came. Ten squads challenged her and ten squads lost. Once again, the astartes paused.

“Are there any other challengers!” Pangea beckoned, she raised Palatine’s balde at the astartes, locking eyes with a challenging glare. “I said, are there any other challengers!”

Silence. Pangea pulled back Palatine in a neutral stance.

“I am not a primarch!” Pangea declared, her voice boomed like cannons. “And I will never be one. If it’s a primarch you seek, then speak to your legion master to find a primarch to serve! Humanity’s destiny is to rule the galaxy under the Imperial Truth, guided by clarity of logic and science.”

>“I have no need for waving fools when we are at the cusp of reaching my father’s dream. I have served with the Albian Crusaders who were ten times the soldiers than you are and they were not gifted a geneseed. You are not children throwing a tantrum switching one favorite parent after another, you are astartes. So be one!”

>“Under my command you will serve the Imperium not only as conquerors but as saviors of humanity, the heralds of the Imperial Truth. You will see the depths of terror and forces of evil that you have never faced before. I do not need those who lack devotion in my retinue.”

>Write-In [Please try to make it around mid length like the options I did, and do not combine both of the speech]
>“Under my command you will serve the Imperium not only as conquerors but as saviors of humanity, the heralds of the Imperial Truth. You will see the depths of terror and forces of evil that you have never faced before. I do not need those who lack devotion in my retinue.”
>“Under my command you will serve the Imperium not only as conquerors but as saviors of humanity, the heralds of the Imperial Truth. You will see the depths of terror and forces of evil that you have never faced before. I do not need those who lack devotion in my retinue.”

I can’t think of anything better to say than this.

Thanks for the multiple updates, Mawmaw.
>“Under my command you will serve the Imperium not only as conquerors but as saviors of humanity, the heralds of the Imperial Truth. You will see the depths of terror and forces of evil that you have never faced before. I do not need those who lack devotion in my retinue.”
>“Under my command you will serve the Imperium not only as conquerors but as saviors of humanity, the heralds of the Imperial Truth. You will see the depths of terror and forces of evil that you have never faced before. I do not need those who lack devotion in my retinue.”
My pleasure
>“Under my command you will serve the Imperium not only as conquerors but as saviors of humanity, the heralds of the Imperial Truth. You will see the depths of terror and forces of evil that you have never faced before. I do not need those who lack devotion in my retinue.”

You have spoiled us with the updates as of late. It's been a fun progression.
>"Your answer is silence astartes of the second ? You have rejected Rackham, are you so restless on not having a primarch to reject me ? I am the sole, Ayan of the Imperium and let it be know if its war you want i shall give it to you. And war in my service will make all your shoulders bear duties heavier than adamantium."
I'm not sure of the legions view currently.

Are they kinda doubting us and saying we are trying to imitate a primarch for the sake of command?

If so
>I've No need for wavering fools.
>“Under my command you will serve the Imperium not only as conquerors but as saviors of humanity, the heralds of the Imperial Truth. You will see the depths of terror and forces of evil that you have never faced before. I do not need those who lack devotion in my retinue.”
>>“Under my command you will serve the Imperium not only as conquerors but as saviors of humanity, the heralds of the Imperial Truth. You will see the depths of terror and forces of evil that you have never faced before. I do not need those who lack devotion in my retinue.”

Votes counted writing
Also, glad to hear it. Half of the fun is hearing you guys enjoying it.
“Under my command you will serve the Imperium not only as conquerors but as saviors of humanity, the heralds of the Imperial Truth. You will see the depths of terror and forces of evil that you have never faced before. I do not need those who lack devotion in my retinue!” Pangea declared. “You wish for a primarch, now is the time.”

The beaten astartes avoided her ferocious gaze. Especially those beaten. Hector shot from his seat eager to follow his inquisitor. Diani placed her hand on his shoulder as he stood, she shook her head. Hector and Diani faced off, locked in a glaring match. Ontyep stayed, while the rest returned to their businesses.

“My lady does not need the words of a subordinate.” Diani said.

“But a cupbearer is?”

“I have served her far longer than you have, just when she has gotten her longed attention from her father, the man who has neglected her right until she became useful.” Diani said. “I know her secrets, her dreams, and her fears. Do not dare to assume you know her more than I do.”

Pangea laid on her bed, staring at the at the ceiling with no thoughts.

Was that the right words?

Will they follow?
Three knocks, soft yet firm.

“What is it Diani?”

“Is everything alright, my lady?”

“No.” Pangea said.

“Would you like some tea or perhaps something to relax you?”

Diani always knew what to do. If not for her, Pangea knew she would be lost. Luna slept next to her, snoring like the old man he was.

“Are you also going to join me?”

“As long as Luna is asleep.”
The tea time between Pangea and Diani often began at the evening. A hot cup of the finest, personally curated and picked with the expense covered by The Imperium’s treasury. Pangea nursed the cup in hand, basking in the aroma. Diani looked at her mistress, the woman who rescued her from poverty of Chemos, who allowed her children an opportunity few could afford.

“Hey, Diani. Do you think they will stay?”

“They will, their honor will not allow them to seek another master.” Diani said.

“But not for me.” Pangea said.

“They will soon. This was your first mission, one that required you to stay in the rear. The next assignment we get, you must be in the front leading by example.” Diani said sagely. “Though I hope the next mission won’t require facing beasts like that again. They were the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Pangea giggled.

“We’ve seen worse, Diani.”

“That we did.” Diani said. “Let us hope our next mission will be peaceful and one without conflict.”

Pangea and Diani stayed silent, then broke into a giggling frenzy. As if there was a peaceful mission. The next morning Pangea woke up as usual, with a morning recaf and some form of breakfast served by Diani on her bed.

“The astropaths have intercepted a new encryption, The Lord Regent has another assignment for us.”

“So soon?” Pangea said as she chewed on freshly peeled fruit. “I’m assuming neither father nor Lion will visit us then?”

“Not that I know of, Bucephelus is still in orbit and resupply will be finished by the end of the day.”

“Makes sense, I guess he’s still angry about Astarte.” Pangea sighed.

>“I’ll visit Father, I didn’t get to apologize to him maybe it’s best I do before we go.”
>“If he doesn’t want to see us, then we'll go on our way, tell me about the new assignment.”
>Go to apologise.
>“I’ll visit Father, I didn’t get to apologize to him maybe it’s best I do before we go.”
Who knows when we'll see him again, best do it while we can.
>“If he doesn’t want to see us, then we'll go on our way, tell me about the new assignment.”
>“I’ll visit Father, I didn’t get to apologize to him maybe it’s best I do before we go.”
>“If he doesn’t want to see us, then we'll go on our way, tell me about the new assignment.”
Give us the silent treatment why don’t you? We’ll show you, then!
It’s not like anything bad even happened, Amar turned herself in without a fight. The Reddit Emperor can seethe that it was “too risky” or “inconsiderate” of Pangea to ditch the ball and go alone but it wasn’t a big fuckup by any stretch of the imagination.
>>“I’ll visit Father, I didn’t get to apologize to him maybe it’s best I do before we go.”
>“I’ll visit Father, I didn’t get to apologize to him maybe it’s best I do before we go.”
>“I’ll visit Father, I didn’t get to apologize to him maybe it’s best I do before we go.”
>>“I’ll visit Father, I didn’t get to apologize to him maybe it’s best I do before we go.”
> >“I’ll visit Father, I didn’t get to apologize to him maybe it’s best I do before we go.”
Even if the reception Pangea gets is cold, this might still be a good idea. It might put her mind at ease, if nothing else.
>“I’ll visit Father, I didn’t get to apologize to him maybe it’s best I do before we go.”

Votes counted
“I’ll visit Father, I didn’t get to apologize to him maybe it’s best I do before we go.”

The Emperor of Mankind does not worry, he contemplates.

The Emperor of Mankind does not indulge, he lectures.

The Emperor of Mankind does not fall, he orders.

The Emperor of Mankind…


Submerged in silence, The Emperor of Mankind stood at the door of his war room. The auramite walls and floors glistened in brilliance. The flat circular platform projected the map of the Segmentum Obscurus, dipping the room to glow in green. So much covered yet so much left.

“Father, it’s Pangea. Ra told me you were inside.”

Much had he talked with Lion, and much still needed to be done. Xenos to exterminate, religions to abolish, and humanity to save. He is and always will be Him, the apex of human revolution, the only savior for humanity.

“Father? I know I upset you. I just wanted to—”

The door opened. His creation, his unnumbered, his unifier, his daughter.


Pangea walked inside, encased in red power armor with a golden right arm. He noticed the blue makeup and the blue hair tie, a silent honoring of Alpharius and now Omegon.

‘Father… I’m sorry I brought her back into the palace. I didn’t—’

‘You didn’t think.’ The Emperor interrupted.’You brought a traitor right into the heart of The Imperium. I know you didn’t think.’

He steeled himself. The words cut into his daughter, but she needed to learn. Astarte so far showed no betrayal, but once a traitor would do so again.

‘Why did you bring her with you?’

‘I saw no reason not to, should she try to harm you I know you can defeat her. You are the most powerful man I know.’

‘And if the battle reaches outside the palace, what of those who could not defend themselves?’

Pangea’s eyes widened, she looked away.

‘I was disappointed by the lack of foresight on that night.’ The Emperor shook his head. ‘Do not disappoint me again. Do you understand?’

‘Yes Father. I… I understand.’

Pangea returned to her ship, shoulders heavy and mind plagued with her Father’s words as she walked the halls to her room. Diani stood nearby the door.

“Shall I prepare some tea or a meal?”

Pangea shook her head.

“No, is this about the new assignment?”

“It is. We are tasked by the Lord Regent to…”

>“Eliminate a rising Xenos world and its technology.”
>“Investigate another cult, and you are not going to like this… They are worshipping the hermit from Verona.”
>“A world has been lost and I’m afraid they are…” Diani leaned forward to whisper. “Daemons, both possessions and a breach.”
>“Investigate another cult, and you are not going to like this… They are worshipping the hermit from Verona.”
Well, that could have gone better. Oh well.
>a silent honoring of Alpharius and now Omegon.
Yay, more Alpharius to pamper us.
>“Investigate another cult, and you are not going to like this… They are worshipping the hermit from Verona.”
Let's go finish this.

So, I remembered that this qst is about primarchs. This mission will not have a primarch but this part will not be a full adventure but a narrated one. So for example it'll be like this.

“Eliminate a rising Xenos world and its technology.”

The world of whatever with whatever xenos was discovered by Pangea's fleet blah blah blah. Pangea...

>Ordered the destruction of not only the xenos but the planet itself
>Took back the xenos technology and one alive specimen
>Kileld all xenos but left the world to be repopulated

I hope that makes sense.


You can revote if you like and if you guys want to actually want to go through the quests feel free to tell me.
>“Eliminate a rising Xenos world and its technology.”
Let's take the lads and go commit a little xenocide.
Ah, like Rogue Trader's planetary mini-quest/CYOA. I'll stick with the Cult choice, it'll be a good chance to show our Legion the type of enemy we'll be dealing with.
Yeah something like that, thank you for making it sound so much understandable kek.
>“A world has been lost and I’m afraid they are…” Diani leaned forward to whisper. “Daemons, both possessions and a breach.”
>“A world has been lost and I’m afraid they are…” Diani leaned forward to whisper. “Daemons, both possessions and a breach.”
>“A world has been lost and I’m afraid they are…” Diani leaned forward to whisper. “Daemons, both possessions and a breach.”
An anon above said these are the types of enemies we’ll be targeting, so it’s best to get used to fighting them, and that’s solid logic to me.

As far as apologizing to E Man went, I think it played out a bit better than I had expected. I know it might look bad, but read close and there are a couple signs in there otherwise. He mentally referred to her as his daughter, and not only as an object like he used to. He also had to “steel himself” in order to lecture her, which indicates that he resented having to do so, presumably because he dislikes having to hurt Pangea’s feelings or be harsh with her. Both of these are good signs to me that he’s changing at least slowly.
Yup, nicely analyzed!

Gonna count it early since I plan to do all three
Oh cool, thanks. I'm looking forward to seeing how Pangea will react to her first Xeno encounter. She only had visions of the Horus Heresy and Chaos so far, so this should be fun.
One thing I'm curious about, I wonder if Pangea will tell her legion that they're daemons or if she'll call them another type of psychic xeno like what Big E did earlier in the Great Crusade.
“A world has been lost and I’m afraid they are…” Diani leaned forward to whisper. “Daemons, both possessions and a breach.”

Trial by fire and iron.

The world of Roith have been suffering numerous posessions. When Pangea arrived to the world, she witnessed absolute madness. Murder a common place, but people who lived in barbarity, sacrificing neighbors and children to avoid another possession. After successfully infiltrating the nearby city, Pangea discovered the world’s leader was the daemon in disguise. Not only that, every elite in the world were as well. Discovering this, Pangea first taught her retinue and the legion everything about the spawns of the warp.

If the second legion was sent, the corrupted armies would be crushed, forcing the daemons to unleash their hosts of daemons. Pangea…

>unleashed the second legion to free the world from the daemon’s grasp
>Enacted the first exterminatus in Imperium’s recorded history
>recorded the world then informed Malcador and Father.
>>Enacted the first exterminatus in Imperium’s recorded history
Have Malcador taught her about how long lasting the influence of chaos can be? Because I feel like, in-character, Pangea might be more likely to drop the entire legion down for a trial by fire, but knowing what Chaos is like Exterminatus is probably the safer/correct option.
>>Enacted the first exterminatus in Imperium’s recorded history
She is taught that yes.
Alright, RIP our first planetary campaign.
>>unleashed the second legion to free the world from the daemon’s grasp

A trial by fire in a straight up fight might be the best training we could ask for. We need the 2nd to cut their teeth on the Great Enemy at some point.
>Enacted the first exterminatus in Imperium’s recorded history
"Heresy is like a tree" as they say. This planet is thoroughly corrupted, there's no saving it now.

This is going to really damage Pangea's reputation and confuse or upset her brothers, isn't it? "What? MY little sister just murdered a world inhabited by billions for seemingly no reason? Impossible, not MY sweet sister!" But hey, maybe we'll get a nice epithet out of it? Pangea the Dread. The World-Ender.
Look the bright side, now we'll have something we can use to get through to Mortarion and Perty.

If the second legion was sent, the corrupted armies would be crushed, forcing the daemons to unleash their hosts of daemons. Pangea enacted the first exterminatus in Imperium’s recorded history. The planet of Roith was no more. A false report have been made under Malcador’s order, Roith was destroyed due to the planet’s resistance and the possession of a dark age weapon capable of spreading an incurable virus that could adapt in overwhelming speed. An exterminatus was the only option which became an agreed sentiment to those who heard of the news. The existence of daemon needed to be kept secret, or at least they must be seen as what they truly were.

The exterminatus bore her a new title, Pangea The Princess of Ruin.

The weight of the guilt cut deep into her. The damnation of the innocents, no matter how justified, shutted her into her room. She would be visited by her Father through a psychic message, consoling and offering words of comfort.

Quimby tried to make silly jokes, or became a willing victim of Ontyep’s prank. Denog and Hayward offered a friendly spar. Ontyep took her princess on a pranking spree. Diani brewed her favorite tea, comforting her in the only way she could as she had done before. Dredd recounted her a story of a similar situation and reminded her of the duty she had fulfilled and such things would be inevitable. Hector did his best, confessing his admiration for his princess for having the will to make such a decision; Never realizing his true wish to marry her and take her away from war was seen by Pangea. Hector would look for every opportunity to console her. Be it snacks, jokes, a conversation, anything to see her smile.

Three years did not heal the wound of her guilt but dulled the pain. Pangea knew Malcador had experienced the same and warned her such guilt would be her duty as the princess to bear. Her next assignment was to…

>Crush another cult that worshiped an old and forgotten enemy, The Hermit.
>Investigate a rising xenos federation that also had humans, one with technology that outpaced The Imperium’s
>Hector did his best, confessing his admiration for his princess for having the will to make such a decision
Oh that's good. At least our legion understands that it's necessary.
>Investigate a rising xenos federation that also had humans, one with technology that outpaced The Imperium’s
A normal, straightforward war should cheer Pangea up.
I don't think we need to destroy a planet to get through to Perty. All Perturabo really wanted was to be acknowledged. He killed Persephone, one of the only people he ever truly loved, when she rebelled against the Imperium and all he got in return was an automated message saying "Good job, get back to work". Perturabo's kind of similar to Pangea in this regard, feeling neglected and ignored. I think all Pangea needs to do to get on Pert's good side is show genuine interest in his achievements and work. It worked for Magnus.

Destroying a planet probably would help Morty hate Pangea slightly less though. Fuck Mortarion though, he's the absolute worst.

>Investigate a rising xenos federation that also had humans, one with technology that outpaced The Imperium’s
Sounds like the Interex though the Interex was ruled by abhumans not xenos.
>Investigate a rising xenos federation that also had humans, one with technology that outpaced The Imperium’s
>Investigate a rising xenos federation that also had humans, one with technology that outpaced The Imperium’s

I feel sorry for her. I really hope this doesn’t ruin her empathetic tendencies. The Imperium needs that kind of character.

Xenocide! Xenocide! Xenocide!

Total Xeno Death
Actually, this one is better

Also this one!
>Investigate a rising xenos federation that also had humans, one with technology that outpaced The Imperium’s

If we treat these events like a trilogy, then this is thematically the middle story with the next Hermit encounter as the climax and an excellent redemption opportunity for the exterminatus.
This is not bad actually.

But you can’t go wrong with this either.
Her next assignment was to investigate a rising xenos federation that also had humans, one with technology that outpaced The Imperium’s. Upon investigation Pangea discovered that this alliance called themselves The Galactic Federation.

Pangea disguised herself as Gaia once more and investigated. The leading xenos lived for centuries, they prayed to two gods that represented war and peace. The religious aspect was weaved within the federation’s structure and only those who have converted to such religion could be appointed into higher offices. Unfortunately, humans have been part of the federation for many centuries, holding high offices in both domestic affairs and military affairs. Worse, they were discovered by the xenos race and were obviously groomed to be their loyal servants.

Their domestic technology offered medical benefits and for colony developments such as agriculture and manipulation of nature. Their military focused on their ships primarily, while their infantry were equipped with shields similar to conversion fields and beam weaponries. Defense and long ranged combat was the federation preferred methods. She discovered they were not expansionists and stayed in their small sector.

Pangea approached as an envoy of The Imperium and offered the leader of the human faction a choice. Join The Imperium, throw away the ignorance that their religion imprisoned them in and be enlightened by The Imperial Truth. The human reception party were immediately slaughtered after Pangea found out they were going to warn their masters. Pangea would make the first move, starting The Lightning Campaign.

The federation was but five planets. The first planet was decimated by twenty thousand astartes through thunderhawk deployments. After Pangea extracted every critical structure of every planet, she ordered a drop pod deployment targeting the structures. Pangea took part in the drop pod insertion on the capital planet, watering the planet’s ground with xenos blood and traitor blood. Within three days, the federation was no more.

What Pangea assumed the conversion field projector to be a xenos origin, she discovered that the conversion field was a STC. The rest, however advanced, were of xenos origin.

>Pangea erased the technology and the records of the federation, no xenos and humans of the federation were spared.
>Pangea saved the technology and the records of the federation and imprisoned the xenos for further study. The humans were handed over to the nearest Imperium world for enslavement
>Pangea saved the technology and the records of the federation and imprisoned the xenos for further study. The humans were handed over to the nearest Imperium world for enslavement
>Pangea saved the technology and the records of the federation and imprisoned the xenos for further study. The humans were handed over to the nearest Imperium world for enslavement
If write-in is possible:
>Turn the technology over to the Adeptus Mechanicus and let them decide if it's clean enough for human use or not. The human inhabitants of the world will be left in the care of the Adeptus Administration and Arbite, in a few generations they might become good Imperial citizens.
Forgot to add, Pangea abhorred slavery from what we've seen with Fulgrim and Angron, so throwing 5 whole planets worth of human into chain seems a bit out of character for her
>>Pangea erased the technology and the records of the federation, no xenos and humans of the federation were spared.
>Pangea saved the technology and the records of the federation and imprisoned the xenos for further study. The humans were handed over to the nearest Imperium world for enslavement
>Give tech to mechanicus after having the human origin STC data duplicated so they cant munchkin horde it.

We have to honour the treaty of mars, but its also really dumb to bin tech when we have a history of humans using it to verify its safety.
I’ll second this: >>6175163

and the write-in if possible
I agree with
>Pangea erased the technology and the records of the federation, no xenos and humans of the federation were spared.
>Pangea saved the technology and the records of the federation and imprisoned the xenos for further study. The humans were handed over to the nearest Imperium world for enslavement

+1 for the write in

And then the write-in will be counted
Pangea saved the technology and the records of the federation and imprisoned the xenos for further study. The humans were handed over to the nearest Imperium world for enslavement, at least that was what Pangea wanted at the beginning.

The xenos technology and the STC were given to the Adeptus Mechanicus and soon the new rosarius came into production. The human traitors were placed into reeducation facilities instead of execution. This decision alleviated Pangea over the exterminatus, not completely but enough to soothe the stinging scar. Perhaps within the next few generations, they will become good citizens.

Two more years of assignments later. A startling news reached her. The Cult of The Divine Hermit, not in Verona but a planet in the Segmentum Obscurus. The investigation led to the survival of The Hermit’s son, an obvious lie spouted by a psyker. At least, that is what Pangea assumed. No, this was The Hermit, just as she assumed. Pangea spent no time for other investigations.

The Second Legion descended. While the second legion fought for five years, the assignments from The Lord Regent always demanded the toughest jobs. Drop pods descended. Tanks and armored carriers broke through the lines. Rapid and armored assault were the second legion’s specialty.

Six hours. A brand new record for the second legion. At the final assault, The Hermit and Pangea battled, psyker versus psyker. Once and for all, The Hermit was slain with his soul eviscerated.

The Great Crusade raged on. More of her brothers were reunited with Father. Leman Russ and Ferrus Manus was soon found after the launch of the Great Crusade. In her recent dreams, Pangea discovered another home of her brother.

>Nostramo, Pangea met up with Fulgrim and Rogal Dorn, and finally met Ferrus Manus before descending onto Nostramo.
>Barbarus, where she saved her brother Mortarion by ending the necromancer just in time.
>Colchis, she met up with her Father and Magnus before descending to the near the largest temple

New arc time
>Colchis, she met up with her Father and Magnus before descending to the near the largest temple
>Barbarus, where she saved her brother Mortarion by ending the necromancer just in time.
>Barbarus, where she saved her brother Mortarion by ending the necromancer just in time.
my boy morti
>Nostramo, Pangea met up with Fulgrim and Rogal Dorn, and finally met Ferrus Manus before descending onto Nostramo.
Evil batman
>Barbarus, where she saved her brother Mortarion by ending the necromancer just in time.
Support. I already got a plan
>Barbarus, where she saved her brother Mortarion by ending the necromancer just in time.
make sure he doesnt drink the hate pyker coolade
>Colchis, she met up with her Father and Magnus before descending to the near the largest temple
>Colchis, she met up with her Father and Magnus before descending to the near the largest temple
Cam on, let's help Lorgar not fuck everything up.
want to change answer to>>6175413
>Colchis, she met up with her Father and Magnus before descending to the near the largest temple
fuck Erebus in every possible way
I am a bit worried that, even if we "save" my boy Lorgar, the chaos gods will just focus their effort on someone else to be their champion and spread chaos. Unironically Rackham would probably be their last choice out of all the primarchs since he's hated/ignored by all our other brothers.
While the primarchs are the big prize they already have sunk their claws into the legions with people like Typhus or Erebus. Its not just the Primarchs we have to worry about being corrupted.
>Barbarus, where she saved her brother Mortarion by ending the necromancer just in time.
>>Colchis, she met up with her Father and Magnus before descending to the near the largest temple
>>Colchis, she met up with her Father and Magnus before descending to the near the largest temple
>Barbarus, where she saved her brother Mortarion by ending the necromancer just in time.


Fuck I need a tie breaker guys I'll check back in like an hour
Just combine the two
>Colbarus where she met with up with Lorgar to save her brother Mortarion by descending to the Necromancer just in time
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Fuck erebus but
1 is barbs
2 is erebus
Let the Erebus fucking commence.
Colchis it is. Writing and if I don't freeze to death by tomorrow cause the thermostati s fucking retarded I'll update tomorrow.
i canged from mortarin to colchis
hold up let me recheck
You did so Colchis won either way right?
Five years.

Time did not seem so slow when the crusade began. Yet, in one blink of an eye five years have passed. Five years ago she stood in the auramite hulls of Bucephelus and for five years Father did not contact her until three months ago, to report to where his flagship resided. Pangea stood at the bridge of Bucephelus. The auramite walls and floor shined as usual. The custodians and the elite voidsmen-at-arms patrolled. The techpriest hummed in binary, spreading their incense like the blind fools they were. Thousands of cogitators and consoles clicked and whirled altogether in a quiet orchestral cacophony. The windows of the bridge showed

“Big planet.” Pangea said.

Diani’s silver hair was cut to her shoulder length. From a young girl to a woman, she became taller with a motherly appearance. Diani now wore a dark grey and white powerarmor with no symbol on both pauldrons. Diani stood on Pangea’s left side.

“Quite so, my lady.” Diani said. “Three times larger. The geography of the planetary scan indicates tall mountains and deserts. It takes five years for a full orbit around the sun and one hundred and seventy hours to rotate.”

Pangea nodded.

“What did the spies report?”

“A religious world. Once technologically advanced but reduced to a feudal state under a new regime led by Lorgar Aurelion, dubbed The Urizen, meaning the wise one.”

“Ah. Another self proclaimed sage with an overblown ego. What’s their defense like Dredd?”

Dredd’s armor no longer held dents and battle marks but was freshly refurbished. His armor finally took its last hit in the most recent battle. He stood on Pangea’s right side.

“Weak. We will require more ships if we are to conquer the planet within the average time.” Dredd said.

“Please, they’re feudal lords, just dangle some gold and they’ll kill each other and save on fuels and bolter shells.” Pangea sighed. “I don’t know why my father wanted me to do scouting when he already knows what’s down there…” Pangea sighed. “Maybe it’s a test to see if I'll bring in a priest to this ship like I did with Astarte to see if I’m still stupid and naive. He tells me to come to his ship and doesn’t even say hello.”
“I wouldn’t say that, my lady. Maybe he wants you to learn about Colchis for an assignment?”

“He wouldn’t invite me to his ship then, he’d just have an astropath send us a message like the other times.”

“Or he wants to spend time with you?” Diani said.

Pangea raised one single eyebrow.

“Optimistic today aren’t we Dani?” Pangea said.

“Or you became a cynic, my dear sister.”

A familiar voice called. Pangea’s fixed frown bloomed into a full smile.


Pangea ran toward her big brother who knelt with open arms. The two siblings joined in a warm hug.

“It’s been so long.” Pangea said.

Magnus pulled away and observed his sister’s face. He ran his hand softly on Pagnea’s cheek. Pangea held herself back from seeing his emotions and instead saw his regretful smile.

“You look different.” Magnus said.

“Magnus I look exactly the same five years ago.” Pangea said with a disarming giggle. “How have you been? It’s been a while since our last message.”

“I’ve been well.” Magnus said. “We will be descending to Colchis soon. Father told me to let you know not to hide yourself. We can talk later.”

“Diani, Dredd, I’ll leave the matters to you.” Pangea said.

“At once my lady.”

“At once, matron.”

Pangea and Magnus arrived at the thunderhawk inside the hangar. There, Father, Ra, and Longinus awaited.


‘Pangea. Magnus.’ The Emperor messaged. ‘I am glad you have both arrived on time. We do not have time to spare. Let us go.’

The thunderhawk descended on to Colchis’s capital city Vharadesh. The walled city did not have the tall spires and hives of Terra, but the size of Vharadesh easily could rival Terra. The thunderhawk landed on the walkway to a giant temple where a grand procession has already been prepared. A heavily armored warriors raised their spears high in the air and the robed people prostrated, chanting quietly. At the end, two men stood. One primarch sized blad man knelt with golden words tattooed on his head, the other an old man. Her eyes met with Lorgar…

The old visions of horror drowned her mind like a great tsunami. Nothing, nothing like Lorga’s vision have smashed into her psyche as it did before. Betrayal by his hands then by the hands of those who trusted. A victim and a perpetrator. The fool and the puppeteer. Lorgar Aurelion…

“Pangea, can you hear me? Pangea!”

Pangea knelt on all fours, then looked up.

Right here.

Right now.

Killing Lorgar would have been difficult, but Kor Phaeron? That old and frail human could be easily atomized. Pangea closed her eyes shut.

>She stood up. [write-in on how to kill Kor Phaeron right here right now]
>She stood up, then collected her thoughts and allowed Magnus to help her up. He needed to die, but patience required it.
>Message to the emperor. "The old man needs to die. In whatever way doesn't compromise his compliance. Demand it as a sacrifice, arrange it as an accident, He must die as an arch traitor" Reveal nothing else on her face.

And wax, apparently.
You're really spoiling us with all these rapid updates.
>She stood up, then collected her thoughts and allowed Magnus to help her up. He needed to die, but patience required it.
+ Excuse ourselves and ask Father if we could have a moment alone with him before we proceed with the ceremony, we need to warn him about this old man and the possible consequences of his action.
>arrange it as an accident
Sacrifice could potentially piss Lorgar off enough that he develops a hate boner for Big E, but a shuttle accident, that's definitely good. I'm also partial to the Dornian Heresy idea of rigging his rejuvenat treatment servitor to mess up somehow and kill him I'm the process.
Though I'm not sure if a psychic message would be a good idea, he might be a frail old man but his patrons may be listening in on this moment. If we want to talk to Father then we should at least do it surrounded by the Sister of Silence.
He's an old man and Pangea's a powerful psyker. Maybe use biomancy to give him a heart attack? We could even do it now.
Actually I'll just vote to do that instead >>6176399
>She stood up.
>And subtly utilized biomancy to give Kor Phaeron a deadly heart attack. Hopefully his death with be chalked up to the Emperor's magnificence being too much for the old man's failing heart. A medical tragedy rather than act of murder.
>She stood up. [write-in on how to kill Kor Phaeron right here right now]
Begin to gradually and subtly heat up both us and the already hot environment around us with our psychic gifts, once the two sides, Imperial and Colchis are in front of each order that heat all in one singular point : Kor Phaeron. For ensure he doesn't escape we will do this under the approach of an unrestrained friendly greeting by shaking his hand vigorously and firmly before smiling sincerely and moving to do the same with our brother. An heat stroke will take him, the Colchisians and Lorgar will think the magnificence of the emperor, magnus and pangea was so great it enveloped all of them and it overwhelmed Kor. For make the act more natural others should look heated too even Pangea herself.

Should have invested in umbrellas and fresh drinks. I was thinking of faking an ambush, wildfire, accusation or assassination. But it might be problematic and kill other people (religious people yes, they are still humans)
Man, people gets real creative when it comes to killing Kor Phaeron.
>She stood up, then collected her thoughts and allowed Magnus to help her up. He needed to die, but patience required it.
agree >>6176394
>She stood up, then collected her thoughts and allowed Magnus to help her up. He needed to die, but patience required it.
>+ Excuse ourselves and ask Father if we could have a moment alone with him before we proceed with the ceremony, we need to warn him about this old man and the possible consequences of his action.
I'll let this cook a little longer

>Message to the emperor. "The old man needs to die. In whatever way doesn't compromise his compliance. Demand it as a sacrifice, arrange it as an accident, He must die as an arch traitor" Reveal nothing else on her face.

As much as I'd like to end him in a subtle way now, Lorgar might question why the Emperor didn't save his life when he easily could have.
Seconding this: >>6176394
Tzeentch is probably having a grand old time watching Pangea trying to puzzle her way out of this. Too fast or too blatant and we may alienate Lorgar. But at the same time, labyrinthine plans have a certain way of being exposed at the most inopportune times.

Let’s go with >>6176394

Let’s explain that this man is an extreme danger, not just to Lorgar, but to nearly ALL the primarchs. Emps might still be on that line of thinking where he considers our visions to be just one possible future, rather than the absolute future. He may write it off as us being paranoid or over-zealous.

Also, Dredd calling us Matron is nice. Shows the legion is coming to accept us.
>He may write it off as us being paranoid or over-zealous.
That's what I'm worried about the most. I swear, if he does another one of those
>It is all according to plan, just leave this to me
I'm going to flip.
He is changing slowly, and yeah, I get where you’re coming from. I think the best way to play this out is to try and appeal to him by acting extremely concerned, rather than vindictive and assured. I think if Pangea can convey that she saw just now something worse than she’s ever seen before (save probably the first time she saw her father as a corpse on a throne), ask him to at least consider her worries and keep them in mind, and heed us if we sense something wrong further down the line, we might be able to leverage that bit of affection he’s starting to develop for her. Although we probably won’t get him entirely on our side, we can at least leave him open to considering what we have to say and keep his own eyes open.
Also, not to keep running my mouth, but we have both Magnus and Big E with us. Any psychic bullshittery we pull to kill this guy will absolutely be spotted by them immediately. And it would not look good.
Yeah, getting him to be more careful might be the best we can hope for. Though, I'm still in favor of killing him before he get to join the crusade proper, preferably by more mundane mean like >>6176398 , not only can Big E and Magnus sense psychic attack, but it'll probably be more prone to blowing up in our face if the chaos gods are watching, too.
>She stood up, then collected her thoughts and allowed Magnus to help her up. He needed to die, but patience required it + Excuse ourselves and ask Father if we could have a moment alone with him before we proceed with the ceremony, we need to warn him about this old man and the possible consequences of his action.

>arrange it as an accident

Votes counted


Very well spotted, if Kor did die she'd been in trouble
Glad to see you liked it
Matron's a good title, it's much better than having them call us
For sure
She stood up, then collected her thoughts and allowed Magnus to help her up. He needed to die, but patience required it. The last time such visions harrowed her was her Father interred upon the Golden Throne, a crumbling Imperium rotting within. Beads of sweat ran down her cheeks as her eyes stared down the ground. Magnus helped Pangea up slowly. She saw Father pausing in his steps, watching without a change in his visage.

‘Father. I must speak with you immediately.’ Pangea messaged. ‘It is urgent.’

A pause, the crowd watched Pangea stand back up with Magnus’s assistance. The people began to put their hands together to chant a low humming in Colchisian. Their very display of strange tongues creeped on her skin like bugs crawling all over her body.

‘I will join you soon. Magnus, bring your sister back into the ship.’

‘Father I—’

‘I am not doubting your visions, Pangea. We will discuss this later in private. Will that satisfy you for now?’

Pangea nodded.

“I am not feeling well, Father. I must retire.” Pangea said outloud. “Will you help me back inside? I’m afraid my strength has left me.”

“Of course.” Magnus then messaged. ‘I trust you will explain?’

‘I will. Now carry me in your arms. I need to look as vulnerable as possible!’ Pangea messaged.

‘Pangea… sister.’ Magnus messaged chidingly. ‘Must you employ theatrics?’

‘Fine then, I’ll ask Hector. I bet he’ll carry me without a complaint.’

‘Oh for— I’ll carry you.’

Magnus easily lifted Pangea into his arms then returned to the thunderhawk. Inside Father’s personal quarters, two squads of anathema psykana stood guard after his return. Their collective presence never bothered Pangea, she even recognized Iai from all those years ago.

‘Father, the vision I saw. That man Kor Phaeron needs to die. He and another man is responsible for the downfall. I beseech you to allow his assassination.’

‘You are asking to kill your brother’s foster father.’

‘I am asking to save the Imperium. This man is aligned with the Great Enemy. Not corrupted. Aligned.’ Pangea stepped forward. ‘Having him killed will leave Lorgar to your influence, not his. Maybe Rackham can’t be saved but Lorgar might have a chance. Please let me save my brother.’

‘Your only proof is your foresight.’

>‘Allow me to find evidence then have him charged and process him through the official way. But until then I ask you to separate Lorgar and his foster father as long as possible.’
>‘It is but I have never been more sure. Allow me to free Lorgar and let me eliminate Kor Phaeron. For the good of The Imperium. Haven't I served you well?’
>‘Allow me to find evidence then have him charged and process him through the official way. But until then I ask you to separate Lorgar and his foster father as long as possible.’
We’ve been pretty good at the detective work so far. This might also ease Big E’s reservations against us acting on a vision. Bit more difficult, though.

>‘I will. Now carry me in your arms. I need to look as vulnerable as possible!’ Pangea messaged.
Smart girl. Looking vulnerable in front of Kor Phaeron and the other warriors will make them lower their guard around her more. Also that Hector line kek.
>‘It is but I have never been more sure. Allow me to free Lorgar and let me eliminate Kor Phaeron. For the good of The Imperium. Haven't I served you well?’
I feel like Lorgar is too loyal to his adopted father that an actual trial would only make him hate the Imperium.
Good point. Maybe a better choice would be to do the investigation just to show that we’re on the right track, but then have him put down without a trial?
>And it's the most powerful vision I have ever felt. I don't want to hurt my brother but. . This is too important.
>let me find evidence then
>>‘Allow me to find evidence then have him charged and process him through the official way. But until then I ask you to separate Lorgar and his foster father as long as possible.’
I mean the big E is a man of logic, he's gonna listen if theres actual physical proof the guy is the traitorous shit we know he is. That being said, also because he is a man of logic, the man needs proof to move and actually do shit, because that is how a wise ruler works when it comes to things like this, and the visions aren't really hard enough proof considering it's only a possible future and not the guaranteed one, so we need to get off our ass and actually do proper inquisitor shit and get the proof needed to execute the heretic.
>‘Allow me to find evidence then have him assassinated'
I've read up on Kor Phaeron and wow
Did Emps drop the ball with Lorgar
> Allow me to find evidence then have him charged and process him through the official way. But until then I ask you to separate Lorgar and his foster father as long as possible.’
Just wait till you get to Erebus.
"Father, when I say that my foresight is the greatest asset the Imperium has besides yourself it is not out of false pride, but conviction." Pangea leaned in towards the Emperor, breaking with any sense of decorum and willing him to believe her. "I would give my life, my everything to avoid the future I have seen." Hot tears gathered in her eyes as emotion nearly overcame her but she kept her voice steady, this was too important to break out into hysterics. "This is it, he is the seed of a abysmal future. One way or another Kor Phaeron must be removed as an influence on the galaxy. Please father, if you've ever trusted foresight or me... Please."
>‘Allow me to find evidence then have him charged and process him through the official way. But until then I ask you to separate Lorgar and his foster father as long as possible.’
>‘Allow me to find evidence then have him charged and process him through the official way. But until then I ask you to separate Lorgar and his foster father as long as possible.’

Evidence it is
‘Allow me to find evidence then, but until then I ask you to separate Lorgar and his foster father as long as possible.’

‘That, I can do. You will have five days, then I will depart but you may stay in Colchis to find your evidence.’

Pangea bowed.

‘Thank you, Father.’

The quiet hall of Bucephelus echoed with the clack of Pangea’s heels.


Kor Phaeron needed to die, at the very least, kept out of the crusade and from Lorgar. Evidence. Where would she find evidence? His room? The rituals? Or maybe she could plant evidence herself, no one would deny her movement around the temple knowing she would be treated as a goddess. She needed a plan.

She stopped her trek.

“Sorry, Magnus. I didn’t know you were looking for me.”

“What were you discussing with our father?”

“Nothing important.” Pangea immediately placed a wall on her mind. “And I’ll ask you not to invade my thoughts.”

“I wasn’t going to do that… What did you see? Is he also a traitor in your vision?”

“He is. I intend to fix that. I’m sorry Magnus I need to go.”

Magnus stepped closer, face full of worry. He looked down at his sister, gone was her usual smile and energetic hop in her steps. She’ve changed, the look in her eyes once full of bravado and excitement wilted to a pair of sharp calculating eyes. Her armor had dents and signs of wear. Magnus remembered her being called “matron” by the astartes. Her little sister won the respect of the astartes, something he never thought possible due to her naivete.

“Pangea wait!” Magnus said. “Let me help you.”

She looked back, pausing for a brief moment.

“I’ll ask you when I need it. I’ll see you later on, brother.”

Hydra’s war room differed from Bucephelus. The grey ceramite walls had physical boards attacked on the walls, where pictures and informations were connected with a red thread and a note explaining the connection. The center had the flat circular platform projecting various 3d models. A long rectandgular table was littered with notes with comfortable chairs with the grandest chair being at the end of the table. At the side of the war room also included a fully stocked snack cart, with a small note written by Diani to warn Ontyep, Denog, and Hector to take in moderation or suffer the consequences. Pangea retinue sat at the table with Pangea taking the head of the table.

“What will we be looking for anyways?” Ontyep said. “Chaos cult are good at hiding themselves, especially when they’re at a higher position. This one’s a bit unique since we got a primarch.”

“This one will require patience.” Pangea said. “We know the planet’s culture and the significance of religion.”

“Can’t you just pull them out of his head?” Ontyep said.

“What ripping his head off?” Denog said.

“It’ll be seen as creating false evidence.” Hayward said.

“Our goal is to have something that proves Kor Phaeron of worshipping chaos. That means we must know everything about him. We can either gain access to him by expressing interest or through the primarch. Meaning… this can only be done by you, your eminence.” Hector said hesitantly.

Pangea sighed.

“I thought so…”

>“I’ll speak to Kor Phaeron directly.”
>“I’ll try to get around Kor Phaeron through Lorgar…”
>"Maybe I should ask Magnus for help."
We might be able to do two birds with one stone.

Inform Magnus of the possibility of Cognitohazards. Not that they're alive, or originate in the warp, but that they exist. Knowledge that is actively harmful to the one who knows it. Then give him some mental defenses to withstand limited contact with them. Any other methods are welcome.

Magnus is an inquisitive soul by his very nature. Him asking after the practices of Colchis in an effort to bond with Lorgar, and further pursuing this line of Inquiry with Phaeron might just be the juicy bait needed. The testimony of another Primarch, even one who by design doesn't understand the nature of what he's testifying to, will neatly sidestep any protection Lorgar might offer.

And there's nothing wrong with personally making sure Magnus' mental defenses are up to snuff, especially if he's continuing his experiments in secret.

Which he probably is, the shit.

And yes, I understand the risks. But frankly, there's not much we can do to save Magnus from himself beyond, once again, explaining how dumb it is to meddle with this stuff that actively wants to invert your mind-anus.
>“I’ll try to get around Kor Phaeron through Lorgar…”
You make a point. Magnus is very inquisitive, and is probably continuing his experiments in secret. I consider it possible that he may also begin looking in to what is happening here on his own. He already knows of Pangea’s visions, and he accurately deduced that Pangea saw a negative future for Lorgar. I think shunning his help may have negative consequences in the long run. But at the same time, revealing the truth that Malcador and The Emperor have shown us to him would be seen as an enormous breach of our reliability to them.

I think the best we can do might be what you suggest here. Have a long talk with Magnus, and explain that there are dangers in this world that he doesn’t fully grasp. Considering just how worn-out and hardened Pangea appeared to him, it will lend weight to her request for help and her warnings.

I just worry that her father and Malcador will be more than a bit ticked off if they find out we inadvertently led Magnus to something they didn’t want him to know, even if it was inevitable.

>Maybe I should ask Magnus for help?
The power of family motherfucker.

Denog raised his hand. "Okay! Hear me out. What if, we just dropped a big rock on em?"

Ok, actual vote.
>"Maybe I should ask Magnus for help."

Because I do like this suggestion.
>“I’ll try to get around Kor Phaeron through Lorgar…”

>Inform Magnus of the possibility of Cognitohazards. Not that they're alive, or originate in the warp, but that they exist.
I'm not sure what you're suggesting with that. Magnus knows about Chaos and the danger they pose, pretty sure it was mentioned that the Dad-Emperor told him about Chaos when Pangea stormed into his room and caught him talking to warp entities a thread or two ago. I'm guessing Big E actually took Pangea's warning of Magnus' fall seriously since a huge portion of His grand plan revolves around Big Red remaining loyal. Unfortunately, Magnus is a dumb bastard and will probably fuck up and fall to Chaos anyways.

Having Magnus snoop around using his scholarly interest as a cover might be a good idea though. Or a bad one if Erebus manages pull some bullshit out of his ass and corrupt Big Red early.
Please make a clear objective guys, I'm not sure what the plan in for the write-in though I'm loving the discussion.
>”Maybe I should ask Magnus for help."
Also supporting: >>6177888

I’m not the author of the post in question, but it seems to be that the intent here is to ask Magnus for help in regard to the Kor Phaeron issue while also trying to buff up Magnus’ mental defenses in case he encounters anything that might make him more susceptible to Chaos influence or other negative outcomes. We do this because Pangea genuinely loves her brother and doesn’t want him to fall further into his dalliances with the Ruinous Powers, and because he’s pretty likely to continue being contacted by them (willingly or not).

Magnus is smart and will likely have ideas about promising leads that Pangea can follow, and his earnest pursuit of knowledge also makes him a tempting target for any Chaos adherent to try and convert… which may also turn into promising concrete leads that Pangea can pursue. Both of these factors could work to our advantage here as Magnus tries to learn as much as he can about Lorgar and Kor Phaeron, which he was probably going to do anyway during his time here.

Of course, Pangea is also a tempting target for Chaos. Even if she’s the wish.com bootleg version of Anathema, that’s still a massive prize at the end of the day.
File: keke.png (40 KB, 510x546)
40 KB
Gotcha. Also.

>wish.com bootleg version of Anathema

Poor Pangea kek. Could've just called her a bootleg but you went for a double-tap.
I guess a good question is, does Magnus know what chaos is at this point? One anon above suggested that Big E already told him probably, but I don’t recall if that’s the case or not.

If Magnus already knows, then we simply need to buff his mental defenses and ask for his help.

If the opposite is true, we may need to have a talk with him first.
We could just, you know, double check with Father before we ask Magnus for help.
>The primarchs knew about the warp and the creatures within, but they only saw them as devious creatures of lies. Unlike Malcador and Pangea, they understood them as Chaos. The only primarch that was aware of Chaos was Magnus.
Alright, then there’s genuinely almost no reason not to ask him for help and explain the situation.

Well, considering the case now, I don’t think it’s necessary.
I am the same anon, btw.
So what I'm assuming is

>"Maybe I should ask Magnus for help."
>Inform him of Lorgar, including his downfall with [unknown] and Kor Phaeron and enlist his help
>Ask Magnus to get close to Lorgar and go from there
>“I’ll try to get around Kor Phaeron through Lorgar…”
I'd like to limit what we tell him directly, beyond just 'inquire about religion from a scholar's perspective, and try to include or even directly inquire with Kor Phaeron.'

And at the same time 'Also, here's a refresher on how to not be corrupted by Chaos. This is completely unrelated, wink wink.'
"Maybe I should ask Magnus for help."


>“I’ll try to get around Kor Phaeron through Lorgar…”

So because I don't really have a voted in write-in I'll try to include bit by bit. Next time guys, try to have a write-in voted in or at least state that this is the write-in
Do your best mawmaw. Thanks for putting up with us.
“Maybe I should ask Magnus for help.” Pangea rested her head on her hand. “The meeting is adjourned.”

Pangea arrived at Magnus’s quarters. As expected, books and tomes willed the shelves. Magnus sat on his throne with several books floating around him. Magnus stacked the books beside his throne on top of the pile he already made. Pangea made a silent ripple on the psychic pool in a brief attempt to detect any questionable psychic presence.

“Sister, it’s good of you to visit.”

Magnus always seemed so large, yet with her his size appeared smaller, still large but never intimidating.

“I have been given a task by Father and I need your help.”

His eyes lit up with curiosity. A small throne made of books quickly assembled.

“Go on.”

“This might take a while. Do you recall your… my foresight about you?”

Magnus’s interest immediately guarded up with caution. His shoulders stiffened and his gaze sharpened.

“I do. Horus tricked Leman into attacking Prospero and I had no choice but to turn traitor.” Magnus said bitterly.

“Well…” Pangea did not need her psychic ability to see and feel his grimace. “Lorgar is one who triggers it. Lorgar was corrupted by his two trusted aides, one of them being Kor Phaeron his foster father. He and another aide start it all.”

Magnus leaned close. Despite his calm demeanor Pangea detected the very alarm and sheer change in his emotions. Magnus closed his eyes, then lean back. The aura surrounding him from his psychic residue evaporated quickly as he exhaled slowly.

“I see.” Magnus said coolly. “That old man is one of the architects of our downfall. What can I do?”

“Father tasked me to find evidence of Kor’s involvement in chaos. Tomes, rituals, memories, even residue of chaos sorcery is enough I bet. We can’t just kill him.”

“Why not, he’s just a mortal.”

Pangea shook her head.

“Father won’t just allow a blatant murder because of my foresight. That and if Lorgar protests we will have evidence and he will be protected by Chaos I just know it.” Pangea said.

“What do we know so far?”

“He holds the second highest position so he’s well protected. Psychic wise, he’s not one. There’s too much I don’t know about him.”

>“I need you to distract Kor Phaeron so I can go to his room.”
>“I’ll distract Kor Phaeron, meanwhile I want you to scour the temple.”

Any questions please ask before if you wish
Nah it's fine, I'm happy to see discussions. Also, I didn't have Pangea explain to Magnus since he already knows the danger of chaos like the previous thread said and being well aware of one of his future .
>“I need you to distract Kor Phaeron so I can go to his room.”
>“I need you to distract Kor Phaeron so I can go to his room.”
>“I do. Horus tricked Leman into attacking Prospero and I had no choice but to turn traitor.” Magnus said bitterly.
When did Pangea tell him about this? This quite the bombshell.
>“I need you to distract Kor Phaeron so I can go to his room.”
And as for question, do we have our legion with us or in orbit? Call me paranoid, but I have a feeling that the old man won't go down without a fight.
>“I need you to distract Kor Phaeron so I can go to his room.”
>“I’ll distract Kor Phaeron, meanwhile I want you to scour the temple.

Magnus is probably well practiced in seeking out things one would rather hide. And seeing what Kor Phaeron tries to tell us could also be helpful.
>“I need you to distract Kor Phaeron so I can go to his room.”

Update will be later on due to working on my personal project
>“I need you to distract Kor Phaeron so I can go to his room.”
“I need you to distract Kor Phaeron so I can go to his room.”

Magnus raised an eyebrow.

“Is it wise to go by yourself?”

Pangea rolled her eyes with a click of her tongue.

“I’ve done infiltrations before, Magnus. I just need him distracted. If I try to distract him and have you investigate, I won’t be able to distract him long enough.”

“Why do you think that?”

“You’re a primarch, I’m not.” Pangea said tersely. “Are you going to help me or not?”

Magnus chose not to make a comment, not now at least.

“I will, when do you require the distraction?”

“Tomorrow. Father’s going to talk to Lorgar again and I’m certain Kor phaeron will be behind him. I just need you to keep him talking and warn me if he does leave.”

“I will. You can trust me, Pangea.”

The next day, all of Colchis gathered around the temple’s walls once more. A prison made for a better label than a temple. Devoid of elegance and artistry, the monastery was made of grey stone with a rectangular design on the outside with few windows on the top. The interior reflected the exterior, lacking colors and warmth.

“Did you see them?” A servant said.

“I did I did! Magnificent he was! Our God finally descended, surely there will be more fortune to come!”

The social hierarchy and behaviors were already learned thanks to the effort of her spies. Colchis, in the cities especially, religious positions equated to a political position. There were the common people, jobs outside of the temple such as black smiths, artists and skilled laborers. The lowest of the temple’s hierarchy was the scribe, servants for the priests of all levels. Pangea…

>Disguised herself as a scribe
>Disguised herself as a mid level priest
>Disguised herself as a mid level priest
>Disguised herself as a scribe
Unnoticed and unremembered.
>Disguised herself as a scribe
People might recognize mid-level priest, no one's going to question a no-name scribe.
> Disguised herself as a scribe
>Disguised herself as a scribe
>Disguised herself as a scribe
>Disguised herself as a scribe
>>Disguised herself as a scribe

>Disguised herself as a scribe

Votes counted

Update will be tomorrow
What won?
Probably the write-in
Pangea draped herself in the light brown scribe robe. The coarse fabric scratched her face and legs, she wore a light carapace armor beneath the robe. The stony halls echoed with the jubilation of the people inside the monaster, praising her father’s arrival not as a rescuer of humanity but as a God. They disgusted her, like water filtered through a trash bin.

“The Urizen and The Emperor has come to save us he did!”

“Praise The Urizen!”

“Praise him indeed!”


Pangea walked past a corner and the guards. Smiles were on every person she passed by, she could not deny the energy the people had though the reason for their jubilation disappointed her. Pangea climbed the stairs. Near the top of the monastery, two guards stood.

“Halt. What business do you have in the sacred halls?”

“You never saw me.”

Pangea let her psychic control ripple into the guards’ minds then strode pass with ease. Another flight of steps later, a double door made of stone stood. Pangea knelt to observe the lock then retrieved her lockpicking tools. Be it due to stc or human ingenuity, locks always seemed to take a similar shape enough to use her tools. Pangea entered Kor Phaeron’s room.

The room was spacious with the same stone walls and floor. The white crystal chandelier above glistened. Beautiful engravings adorned the funiture’s body rich fabrics stuffed couches and chairs. Pangea noticed a small library in the next room with displays of scrolls and old tomes bound in black fur. The second room did not have the emanation of chaos, swords in twisted shape, pendants from unknown origins, cloaks, they all seemed like typical chaos relics but without the energy that she could detect.

‘Sister, Kor Phaeron is returning. I suggest you escape while you have time.’ Magnus messaged.

The tomes and book or the relics? Pangea concentrated, her psychic ability sniffed as best as it could to find anything with a hint of chaos power. She could either take the tomes and hope whatever she grabbed was correct or take a bet with the chaos relics. Pangea wondered if she would have the time to investigate further.

>Pangea grabbed a chaos relic and escaped
>Pangea grabbed the tomes and escaped
>Pangea stayed in the room longer, focusing to find even a tiny shred of chaos presence
>Pangea stayed in the room longer, focusing to find even a tiny shred of chaos presence
Worst comes to worst, we could just pretend we had order to clean his chamber.
>Pangea grabbed the tomes and escaped
>Pangea stayed in the room longer, focusing to find even a tiny shred of chaos presence
Double or nothing.
>Pangea stayed in the room longer, focusing to find even a tiny shred of chaos presence
>Pangea grabbed the tomes and escaped
>Pangea grabbed the tomes and escaped
>Stay longer
We can slip away if needs be.
>Pangea stayed in the room longer, focusing to find even a tiny shred of chaos presence
>Pangea grabbed the tomes and escaped
I’m betting that beaked piece of shit did something to help Kor Phaeron hide the influence of the materials. The tomes have the best chance of revealing something to us.

If a tie happens, switch me to the other option.
>Pangea stayed in the room longer, focusing to find even a tiny shred of chaos presence
> Pangea grabbed the tomes and escaped
Kor isn’t stupid. He wouldn’t leave any blatant Chaotic materials lying around in the open. But maybe his academic reading material or other records might reveal other points of interest to investigate.
Staying in

Tomes and escaped

Votes counted
Pangea stayed in the room longer, focusing on finding even a tiny shred of chaos presence.

‘Just a tiny bit, that’s all I need…’

Pangea let her psychic mind delve inside the room. No strands or ripples popped in her sense. Chaos powers. The psychic eye saw everything in different colors with a black background, should a psychic residue or influence of Chaos reside the color would bloom or be in strands. Yet, she found nothing to trace, not even a hint of a clue. Deeper, clearer, Pangea’s strained her eyes.

“Such a magnificent sight wasn’t it?”

“It indeed was, my heart is leaping for joy.”

The psychic eyes snapped out. Pangea heard Kor Phaeron approaching with another individual she did not recognize. The room only had one exit and entrance, but also a window in the bedroom. Pangea heard the steps coming close. She grit her teeth and opened the bedroom window and saw the monastery’s empty garden and past the city’s busy street.

‘Guess this the best option I got…’

Pangea leaped into the garden, at the last few seconds Pangea used her psychic telekinesis to have her land softly. She looked around her surroundings of purple grass, red berries, and blue flowers in sickly green bushes, all neatly trimmed and kept. The scent oddly captivated her, long enough for her to snap herself away. The coincidental colors did not slip from her eyes. Pangea plucked the flower, bush’s leaf, a blade of grass and red berries and slipped into her pocket. Pangea blend into the crowds, and quickly escaped back into Hydra.

Pangea nodded. Inside the war room, Pangea crossed her arms and grimaced. Her retinue sat in their usual seat and also shared the same grim visage.

“Hey your eminence,” Ontyep said. “If our goal is to get rid of Kor Phaeron, why can’t we just implant fake evidence? You said he already has weird chaos-looking relics.”

“This is an investigation, not a persecution,” Hayward said. “That is not what we do.”

Hector nodded.

“But Kor Phaeron is a threat,” Diani said. “Methods will not matter as long as he’s gone.”

Hector frowned, his brows furrowed in shock and anger.

“We are the majesty’s inquisition. Not some tyrant’s secret police! Even if her foresight said so, we can never—”

“Are you doubting her foresight?” Diani said.

“That is not the issue and you know it!” Hector said.

Pangea sighed.

“Enough.” Pangea waved her hand. “Meeting is adjourned.”

Pangea remained in her war room, she closed her eyes with her feet perched up on the table. Her foresight never left her memories, they were stored in her mind like data-slates for each of her brothers. Lorgar, the first one to fall and the one to corrupt her brothers. Her goal is to eliminate Kor Phaeron, or at least separate him from Lorgar.

>Pangea decided to enter Kor Phaeron’s room again
>Pangea would visit Kor Phaeron
>Pangea would plant a fake evidence instead
>Pangea would visit Kor Phaeron
+ Play the role of a lost soul looking for guidance, saying that the extermination of Roith made us doubt in the vision of the Emperor and if this is the right path for humanity. While recording everything, of course.
We'll get our evidence if he tries to sway us to chaos, and we might get something that would soothe Lorgar if Kor Phaeron denies the Emperor's vision/divinity. Two birds with one stone.
I can't help but fear the warp spwan will whisper to him
Yeah, I thought about that as well. Was going to suggest borrowing Father's Sister of Silence to stand guard in front of the door to help block outside interference at first, but I want to give Mawmaw a chance to shoot this down in-story if it'll ruin a story beat.
>Pangea would visit Kor Phaeron

I'm tempted to try his room again. But That feels like it's inviting karma.
Seconding this: >>6181090
>Pangea would visit Kor Phaeron

Short answer: Yes you can have a Sister of Silence with you.

Long answer:

You can bring a sister of silence. In lore, it is stated that blanks can exude an aura of a blank that makes people uncomfortable but it is an aura that can be somewhat suppressed but always will be active. However, this is a Sister of Silence, one seasoned enough to be stationed in Bucephelus and walk with the Emperor. She can use her ability to influence the "human mind to omit facts of blanks' existence." (Lexicanum, 5) and "trained to move and act with little notice will be rendered imperceivable even for physical inspection. This ability is of particular interest to the Sisters of Silence.Skilled individuals are known to unnaturally not emit even sounds that are physically bound to be at least muffled." (Lexicanum,5). I will spoil now and Kor Phaeron will not know what a blank is and will be unaware due to the current Kor being not important enough to be noticed by the Chaos Gods and will basically be invisible to him but not quite so.

That and I like to use old characters and I like SoS. They are such an underrated faction.
Well with >>6181241

Let's fucking go.

Votes counted
The princess had grown.

That, Iai could tell.

Though, the psychic messages used to communicate never seemed to cease being amusing. Iai watched the princess and The Emperor share gazes, and make gestures mostly from the princess. A brow raised, a shrug, a sigh, the princess remained the expressive young woman she met briefly years ago.

‘One of the sisters?’ The Emperor said.

‘Just one.’ Pangea messaged back. ‘I need help, Father. There are tasks that I cannot do alone.’

The Emperor nodded.

‘Iai. Accompany my daughter for her mission.’

The psychic message reached. Iai lowered her head then pressed her fist to her chest with the heels of her foot snapping at a forty-five degree angle.

‘Thank you, Father.’ Pangea said, she turned to Iai. ‘Hello, Iai. It’s been quite a long time.’

‘It has your eminence.’ Iai signed.

‘We have much to discuss, this is what your role will be...’

Pangea gave Iai a brief plan of hers. Pangea would approach Kor Phaeron and pretend to have a crisis of faith then speak about her doubts. The best scenario would be seeing Kor Phaeron attempting to sway her into chaos, and the worst she would gain information about Kor Phaeron. Be it his favorite food or his philosophies, any information would help.
The next morning, Pangea arrived to the temple with a full retinue, including Dredd and Hector. The full welcome was prepared for Pangea’s arrival, but this time with the most beautiful women on one side dressed in the finest grey and white dress and another side with the most handsome men in black robes with yellow accent. The bottom appeared normal but the top was form fitting with the top’s collar ran down in a V shape, nothing like the robes of a scribe.

“Ahh, ahh!” Kor Phaeron knelt. “To be basked in your presence, your holiness. It is an honor!”

“Greetings, ArchDeacon. I apologize for asking to meet you the day before.” Pangea said.

“Nonsense!” Kor Phaeron said. “To be able to give you counsel will be my deepest, deepest, pleasure!”

Pangea wanted to stick Palatine into his guts right then and there. She was not holy and neither was her Father or Lorgar.

“Please, we shall discuss this in my office.”

“Iai follow me, the rest of you are dismissed.”

Unlike Kor Phaeron’s room, his room reflected the monastery’s culture. No tapestry, art, or even a hint of decadence. The office was surrounded by the grey stone walls. On the wooden table was an inkwell, quill, and a neatly stacked parchments.

“Please, take a seat.”

Pangea sat on a wooden chair across Kor Phaeron’s table.

“You said you needed… counsel.” Kor Phaeron smacked his dry wrinkly lips. “How may I be of service to you?”

“The truth is, my heart is in a troubled state. Years ago. I had to destroy a planet to contain a xenos threat, including the innocents.” Pangea said, shoulders sagging.

“For the good of the mass, of course.”

Pangea nodded.

“I wonder what my Father is doing… if this is the true path for humanity. Destruction.”

Kor Phaeron nodded.

“Destruction is unfortunately a part of the path for greatness.” Kor Phaeron said. “Not all can be saved.”

>“But there has to be, if my Father could not help the planet, what can?”
>“But I want to save everything, to keep what I love forever by my side!”
>“But there has to be, if my Father could not help the planet, what can?”
Cam on, bite the bait.
>“But there has to be, if my Father could not help the planet, what can?”
>“But I want to save everything, to keep what I love forever by my side!”
This seems like something that would bring a person into a cult
>But I want to save everything!

We need to offer our personal woes for him to pry apart.

>They call me the Princess of Ruin, Phaeron. Princess of Ruin. Destroyer, murderer of innocence, this great crusade is Fathers mission to restore humanity and my title amongst it is slaughterer of my people. I don't want this, I want to be like my brothers, beloved and saviors of society but I can't! It's not fair!

We might feed some real emotions in there. Or we might need an oscar
>"Bur I want to save everything, to keep what I love forever by my side!"
This would come off as more "genuine". The other option sounds like something a bad fed (read: inquisitor) would say.
I'm switching my vote to this. Always good to mix some truth in with our lies.
support this guy, its write in
>“But there has to be, if my Father could not help the planet, what can?”
Support for this one here.
I'll make this fun.

Do you guys think or want this to be actually emotional or an oscar moment?
Release her pent-up fanfic power, unleash the chuuni!
Anon I have no idea what that means
A chunni is someone who projects themselves as a dark protagonist often possessing of great supernatural powers or inhuman personage, in a form of grand megalomaniac delusion.

They are usually 13 and "Lord death reaper the master assassin" is his moniker.

And. . Hmm. Dunno. I feel like we should push our emotions into it. The greatest lie is the one we earnestly believe, we just need to clamp down our emotions when the chance presents
Ah, gotcha.
I'll second this: >>6181786

In all honesty, Pangea's bound to have some deep-seated regret and horror at what she's done, even if it was viewed as an understandable choice by those with the full picture. While she's powerful and influential in her own right compared to her brothers, she had to struggle to earn a spot in the Great Crusade as well, and had to make some tough choices that haunt her to this day.

At the risk of sounding like a vote that wants to select both options, she could've intended it to be an Oscar. But in that moment she pours out significantly more sincerity/emotion than she realized she had, blurring the lines between it being an act or being sincere. I think it'd be a good character moment if Pangea herself doesn't honestly know whether she was putting on an act or not either.
Well put.
>“But there has to be, if my Father could not help the planet, what can?”

>But I want to save everything! + write-in

>"But I want to save everything, to keep what I love forever by my side!"
Votes counted
“They call me the Princess of Ruin, Phaeron. Princess of Ruin.”

A dry and acrid chuckle jumped from her throat. Pangea angled her lips to a frown, strained her voice to a vulnerable young woman. A character she played time and time before. If there was one thing about men was that they loved to be the hero, the shoulder to be cried on, to be the hero for a maiden.

“A destroyer, murderer of the innocents.This great crusade is Fathers mission to restore humanity and my title amongst it is slaughterer of my people.”

Pangea remembered the eyes of the soldiers. The whispers among the citizens. A red boiling rage slowly pooled in her guts.

“I don't want this. I want to be like my brothers, beloved and saviors of society but I can't! It's not fair! Why was I made but not as a primarch!”

Pangea looked down. Her hands tightened into a fist.

“You desire to be like your brothers, that’s understandable. Your duty does not allow you glory.” Kor Phaeron said.

“It doesn’t.” Pangea admitted.

The door opened after a soft knock. A young man entered in a scribe’s robe.

“Forgive me, Arch-Deacon, your holiness,” the young scribe bowed. “There are some urgent matters from your deacon.”

Kor Phaeron’s face twisted into venomous anger, wrinkles folding into a canyon of leathery skin.

“And what was so important that he decided to send a message when I am clearly busy?” Kor Phaeron said.

“It was regarding this evening’s sermons. Deacon Haes said it was urgent that you speak with him.”

“I see.” Kor Phaeron said. “Tell him I will meet him at my office later in the evening then.”

>“Actually, I will take my leave, but may I trouble you again?” Pangea decided to end the talk for now, and to listen into their conversation.
>“An evening sermon? May I participate?”
>“Actually, I will take my leave, but may I trouble you again?” Pangea decided to end the talk for now, and to listen into their conversation.
>“An evening sermon? May I participate?”
>“An evening sermon? May I participate?”
>“Actually, I will take my leave, but may I trouble you again?” Pangea decided to end the talk for now, and to listen into their conversation.
>“Actually, I will take my leave, but may I trouble you again?” Pangea decided to end the talk for now, and to listen into their conversation.
>>“An evening sermon? May I participate?”
>“Actually, I will take my leave, but may I trouble you again?” Pangea decided to end the talk for now, and to listen into their conversation.
Idk why if Pangea is ever thrown into 40k I wonder which she will hate more the Inquisition that grew crazy or the new Adepta Sororitas calling her as their Reverend Mother or Mother Superior.
Probably the Inquisition. They do far more damage than the sororitas.

Votes counted
>“I suppose, but I will ask you to be brief and here.”
“Actually, I will take my leave, but may I trouble you again?”

Pangea decided to end the talk for now, and to listen into their conversation. Something in her guts told her watching the discussion would provide better information than to attend the sermon, Kor Phaeron’s wrinkly face unfolded to a disappointed sigh. His hands folded together and rested on the wooden table. He wore an iron ring on his index finger.

“Very well, and I do so apologize for the interruption, your holiness.”

“Don’t be. I will see you soon.”

Pangea returned to Bucephelus’s bridge and Iai left. She stood alone, amidst the sounds of clicking cogitators and voices of the sailors an unfamiliar footsteps followed behind. Not astartes, and too wide for an astartes. Pangea turned around, the visions struck her once again but she quickly wrenched the visions away. The face with golden tattoos smiled.

“Greetings, sister. We meet at last.”


“Greetings, brother.” Pangea said.

“May I speak with you?”

Her plans mattered more, not spending time with the first traitor. He stood right there, vulnerable, killable.

“I’m afraid I am occupied for now. Perhaps another time?”

“I insist. It’s important. I wish to speak to you regarding your duties.” Lorgar said. “Won’t you make time for your brother?”

“Then we can talk here.”

Lorgar shook his head.

“I wish to speak to you in private.”

>“I suppose, but I will ask you to be brief."
>“I can, but not right now.”
Had to make a correction do you still want me to count yours?
>“I suppose, but I will ask you to be brief."
Seems like we already have the old man's interest, wouldn't hurt to make a good impression with our brother to help soften the blow during the trial.
>“I suppose, but I will ask you to be brief."

You're assuming we'll find anything concrete to condemn him. With what little we've found so far it almost seems like Chaos is taunting Pangea by waving fake or coincidental evidence in her face. If we can't find a way to convict and kill Kor Phaeron and Erebus then I say fuck it, just let time prove us right.
I think we'll be able to trick him into revealing something concrete. Everything we've seen of Kor Phaeron in the novels point to him being extremely powerful hungry and willing to do anything to increase his authority; there's no way he wouldn't try to sink his claws in the princess of the Imperium.
As for killing him, I voted for arranging an accident to kill him, so I'm all for it if we can't find any evidence.
>“I can, but not right now.”
>“I suppose, but I will ask you to be brief."

If we're trying for an honest effort to save Lorgar from himself, then we shouldn't push him away now.
>>“I suppose, but I will ask you to be brief."
I like that Pangea almost cant handle her disgust of religion and what the visions show her in the future, she really wants to put any traitors down.

Try a smile pangy lol

There is good chances Chaos will help him in avoid being found out. At the same time Kor wouldn't let this opportunity slip away, until he finds out what game Pangea is playing of course. For do that he would need to gather informations, a tad difficult to do for a priest of a feudal world when Pangea could lock easily any informations going in and out of Colchis. Just with her authority alone, nevermind her agents.

Beside we weren't given a time limit for this mission, we could extend it with our own authority and argue the importance of ensuring its done one way or the other. We can play a long game, this is a father figure of a primarch.
>“I suppose, but I will ask you to be brief."

Votes counted
Thank you.
The Galactic Federation Campaign.

The Cult of The Divine Hermit.


Each world his sister arrived, she laid absolute ruin. Trained by Father’s Lord Regent, Malcador The Sigillite and trained by the Adeptus Custodes, his sister honed her skills into not only war but melding into the shadows, specializing in cult extermination with heavy derision of any religion. A heavy sorrow weighed his heart down the moment he met his sister’s piercing glare.

“I suppose, but I will ask you to be brief. There are matters I must tend to.”

“Thank you.” Lorgar swallowed his apprehension. “I heard you spoke with my archdeacon.”

“I did.” Pangea said.

“I also know you specialize in enforcing the Imperial Truth.” Lorgard said.

Lorgar turned to face his sister, his shoulders stiffened but he maintained a calm smile. The light made his sleeveless leather robe shine. Pangea noticed that for someone in a high position, Lorgar wore modest clothing.

“May I ask why you chose to visit my archdeacon? Surely it was not for counsel.”

“My reasons are my own.” Pangea said tersely.

“Do you not see the jubilation of the people upon our Father’s arrival?” Lorgar said. “Archdeacon and my people do not practice foul magic. Did you not feel the jubilation when you arrived? There is no need to investigate.”

“You and your people worship our Father as a god. That itself is foul and it goes against everything that The Imperium stands for.”

The scowl harmed him. Lorgar pitied the venomous hatred seeping from his dear sister. If only she could understand as he does, The Imperium would be in a better place.

“I understand, but I will ask you to stop investigating.” Lorgar said.

“No.” Pangea said.

“This… apprehension of yours. Is it because what you saw foresaw?”

>“I just detest all religions, they all lead to ruin and corruption. You haven’t seen what I have seen, do not even try to lecture me when you’ve lived in that planet of yours.”

>“No. And if you try to stop me or impede me, I will use my authority and place that monastery in lockdown and wrench out the evidence. Just stay out of my way.”

too late now, but yes. I don't see why not count it.
>“I just detest all religions, they all lead to ruin and corruption. You haven’t seen what I have seen, do not even try to lecture me when you’ve lived in that planet of yours.”
I am Father's agent, his eyes and ears. What I do is for the good of the Imperium and to serve Him. If you truly believe in our Father then you will let me carry out my duty. If there is truly nothing to hide then this won't take long.
>Write-in "I will not pretend to know what you went through during your years on Colchis, but it is not simply the religious beliefs that draw my ire. Kor Phaeron has a deep predatory darkness in him. And I fear it will poison you and your sons if it is allowed to linger."
Supporting >>6183524
This one here. Honesty is the best policy.

We should have known Lorgar wasn’t an idiot. I also think an apology may be in order, if not now then later on, for avoiding Lorgar so much and not trying to connect with him like Pangea is supposed to do. Not just because of her role, but because he is her brother. We tried to help Rackham, even if it seemed like a lost cause, we owe Lorgar the same effort. Though I suppose our efforts here are meant to do exactly that, we’ll only fall into the Emperor’s mistakes if we try and eliminate the issue without also dealing with the parts the linger inside of someone.
Seconding this:>>6183558

Maybe also add in that we would genuinely like a chance to sit down and get to know him better. Pangea is jaded and has a lot more baggage than she did when she was still a bright-eyed young princess, but I’d like to think that she still wants to connect with her brothers.

Votes counted
“I will not pretend to know what you went through during your years on Colchis, but it is not simply the religious beliefs that draw my ire.” Pnagea looked down through the windows of the bridge. “Kor Phaeron has a deep predatory darkness in him. And I fear it will poison you and your sons if it is allowed to linger.”

Lorgar frowned.

“That man raised me.”

“He abused you.” Pangea said, her hair whipped as Pangea’s head turned to Lorgar. “My visions are not clear like picts, but I know it. Tell me Lorgar, will you risk all of humanity for one man?”

“Never.” Lorgar said immediately. “What I want is the truth for humanity.”

“Then leave me to my own investigations.”

Pangea’s hair swished as she turned to walk out of the bridge. The heels of her sabaton clicked against the ground. Not once has she looked behind her brother. For now, Seventeen would be an obstacle for her mission. Another footstep followed, Diani, her ever vigilant shadow trailed behind her steps.

“My lady, the latest report of the spies are in your room. There are no notable changes so far.” Diani whispered.

“Then the mission will go as planned.”

“Is it wise to go alone?” Diani said.

“If our asset is discovered skulking in their holy place this will break the investigation.” Pangea said. “Deacon Haes is traveling from Ssarthal and I heard he’ll arrive on Coldfall, wake-main. What time is it now?”

“Post-noon, rest-eve, nearing on Duskeve wake-rise. We have approximately two days and we have them under surveillance” Diani said. “Colchis’ size does make things different.”

>“I’ll wait then go in a disguise like before.”
>“Prepare my thunderhawk. We’ll grab Deacon Haes and interrogate him.”

I forgot that Colchis works on a different day night cycle. Please disregard the evening >>6182298 and assume Deacon Haes will arrive on >>6184197 update.

Gonna quote from Lexicanum:

Colchis was a massive world, three times larger than Terra. It took 4.8 Terran years to orbit its sun and 170.4 Terran hours to rotate once around its axis, giving it an extended day-night cycle to which humans could not adapt; thus, the Colchisian civilizations developed a unique method for keeping track of time.

bWith this extended solar day, time was broken up into seven sub-days, known as Dawnaway, Mornday, Long Noon, Post-noon, Duskeve, Coldfall, and High Night. These sub-days are further divided into three segments (wake-rise, wake-main, and rest-eve) to correlate more closely with a Terran day.

The hottest time of day on Colchis is wake-main of Long Noon, and the coldest is rest-eve of High Night.
>“I’ll wait then go in a disguise like before.”
>“I’ll wait then go in a disguise like before.”
> “I’ll wait then go in a disguise like before.”
>>“I’ll wait then go in a disguise like before.”
>“I’ll wait then go in a disguise like before.”

So far so good but lets see if we can keep them from trying any sorcery shenanigans
Votes counted
On Coldfall, Wake-Main, pitch darkness blanketed the grey monastery. The clouds suffocated the moon. No light, save for the rows of torches, truly fought off the darkness. People filtered in and out of the monastery for the mass on wake-main. Amongst the faithful, Pangea slithered her way through the busy scribes.

“The One has come for us, we must make this sermon the best there is!”

“You there, get the best wine we have!”

“I pray The One can hear our hymn high above…”

The stone halls echoed with hurried whispers and fast footsteps. The activities of the first two floors muffled past the fifth floor, where no one roamed. Pangea softened her footsteps, she tapped into the psychic residues by making a small ping like auspex, and none bounced back. Pangea erected a psychic barrier that deterred people to walk further through mind manipulation. Once close to the door, Pangea honed her ears and her recorder activated.

“The Urizen found himself a false god, slobbering like a fool.” Kor Phaeron said. “His owner will bring him to the rightful place and I will be with him.”

“But his vision came true. The people are swayed already.” Haes said.

“That does not matter, we will lie and wait. The Old Powers will take hold again. Soon.” Kor Phaeron said. “Soon, Lorgar will walk the right path again with me by his side.”

“What should we do until then?”

“Blend in. Structure The Covenant to please Lorgar until time is right. The Old Faith and the Old Gods are benevolent and they are patient.”

These were enough for Pangea. As much as her heart desired their death, she made a promise to bring in evidence. Easily as she slipped in, Pangea returned to Bucephelus and at Father’s chambers.

‘This is enough.’

Pangea nodded.

‘Then… what will happen to him?’

Father paused, then looked down at Pangea.

‘You will decide his fate.’


‘I do not care what happens to him. Lorgar has returned, that is all that matters.’

>‘I will have him assassinated and stage it as an accident.’
>‘His death will sadden Lorgar, I will find a way to make Kor Phaeron stay in Colchis.’

And that is it for thread 4! Please leave any thoughts, criticisms, or comments and I will see you guys on thread 5!
If you guys have any questions feel free to do so too!
>‘His death will sadden Lorgar, I will find a way to make Kor Phaeron stay in Colchis.’
cutting his influence from lorgar is enough
>‘I will have him assassinated and stage it as an accident.’
No clemency for slaves of Chaos. Lorgar can bitch all he wants like the worthless runt he is.
>‘His death will sadden Lorgar, I will find a way to make Kor Phaeron stay in Colchis.’
Assassinating him would be the best choice, BUT someome had to go and tattle to Lorgar that we're investigating him, so if he dies Lorgar will put two and two together easily.
>"I can't have Lorgar jumping to his own conclusions. I'll present him with the evidence and See how he responds."
I’ll second this: >>6184970
I'll switch to this too
What do Pangea’s other brothers think about her nowadays? Are they mostly busy with their own thing, or did they meet and decided to have Magnus scope things out before they tried to meet her on their own?
They are doing their own thing, and Magnus came cause this was in the canon so I brought him as well.
I will be taking bit of a break and start a new qst till about going into page 5 or 6. The summary can be found here. >>6185459
Correction. I might. Not sure yet.
Is Rackham still an active part of the crusade? He lost like half of his legion to us.
We need to show him how insidious the true enemy is and how dangerous blind faith can be.
Still is
This one here.
throw my support at this

Votes counted, update will be on Sunday or Monday.

New thread is up!

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