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2510, the Office of Naval intelligence reexamines the Carver Findings and the improved report building upon the prior findings by one civilian scientist, Catherine Elizabeth Halsey, then aged eighteen. Oni's projections matched the grim conclusions of Carver's report up to the year 2525. However, the independent research performed by Halsey predicted a far darker outcome of the projected conflict between the Inner and Outer Colonies of Mankind, that the inaction of the UNSC would spark a war that lasted at minimum for three decades and with the lowest estimated causalities surpassing five billion. The worse case scenario Dr Halsey predicted, the collapse of space fairing human civilization. Upon presenting her independent research to the Office of Naval Intelligence, Catherine Halsey accepted a position within Section III's Special projects division, to conceive a solution and counter to the anticipated interplanetary conflict.

2511, The second generation of the failed super solider project ORION, is initiated, and swiftly renamed by Halsey into the SPARTAN II Project to distance it from the deficiencies of the prior program and the radical shifts from the original project. The most controversial being the selection of the candidates, Young Children selected for their genetic disposition to superior physical and intellectual traits, raised from age six upon and taught warfare and militaristic values to achieve a supreme understanding of war and instill utter loyalty to the UNSC's interests. To screen for select suitable candidates for the program, a database was constructed through the Outer Colony Vaccination program. Initial funding allowed for three hundred candidates for the program, but budget cuts and relocation to other covert and top secret projects, reduced the candidate pool by half.

2517, One hundred a fifty children suitable for conscription into the SPARTAN II Program had been found through the Outer Colony Vaccination Program. However, before the collection of the subjects could begin, the funding available to Halsey and her project was further reduced. In another timeline, the initial suggested reduction of halving the Program's available resource again by half, may have gone through, reducing the tally of the first class of Spartans to a merely seventy five. However, coincidental factors, including the disappointing results of other blacksite projects and a certain high ranking official being caught suddenly ill when budgetary discussion were held, had reduced the loss of funding to the SPARTAN II program by one third instead, for a total of one hundred candidates. Children who would otherwise have lived their lives as civilians, ignorant of the horrors of war, both between the colonies and a threat yet to emerge, are in this version of events, instead chosen and taken from their homes to be trained and raised into SPARTAN super soldiers

Encryption CODE: RED.
From: 404TormentedCache, Monitor, Location unknown
To: Anonymous Receiver, Olympic tower, Oni HQ, New Alexandria, Eposz, Reach, Epislon Eridani System
Subject: Please select Preferred Candidate (PC) of the first class of the SPARTAN II Program

>SVEN-033. Sex: Male. Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue. Colony of Origin: New Noregr [Outer Colony world with notable arctic conditions/ mountainous landscape and heavy native mining industry. Suspected insurrection activity] Genetic markers indicated an unusually high potential for bone/ muscle growth. Special Quality: GIANT

>SHIKA-108. Sex: Female. Hair: Black. Eyes: Drk Brown. Colony of Origin: Ambition [Low Population, rural outer colony. Temperate Climate, described as Idyllic by visitors and inhabitants]. Initial observations show an uncanny, and seemingly innate ability to go unseen/ unnoticed. Special Quality: GHOST

>DIMAS-012. Sex: Male. Hair: Brown. Eyes: Grey. Colony of Origin: Crimson Spire [Industrial hub, outer colony world. Pollution far exceeds acceptable indexes in all quantifiable spectrums] Unusual activity within cerebral scans. Reports indicate an unusually swift understanding of the function of any and all technology. Special Quality: TECH-WIZ

>NESTA-097. Sex: Female. Hair: Red. Eyes: LT Green. Colony of Origin: Old Camelot [Heavily Populated Colony world, for exceeding safe occupant capacity, far exceeding acceptable crime rate according to CAA Accords, most available landmass occupied by urban sprawl]. Anomalous neural pathways detected. Observers note an uncanny ability by subject to anticipate and detect danger. Special Quality: DANGER SENSE

Dice System. Best of three. D20. Rolls increased or reduced by applicable modifiers. Difficulty for chosen course of actions/ oncoming sequences will be noted next to the choices that lead you down those paths, both vaguely for overall difficulty and directly for DC/ Target Number
Improvement/ Advancement System. Optional Objectives may be taken upon performing one of the applicable behaviors/ achievements tied to it. Effects & rewards may apply to either the PC or more widely to the war effort or both, and success or failure will effect how the PC's stories and experiences progress
Welcome, players, to HALO: SPARTAN II WAR-REPORTS.

Mood music: https://youtu.be/Xktl9f_egR8

Fingers crossed I don't fuck this up!
>SVEN-033. Sex: Male. Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue. Colony of Origin: New Noregr [Outer Colony world with notable arctic conditions/ mountainous landscape and heavy native mining industry. Suspected insurrection activity] Genetic markers indicated an unusually high potential for bone/ muscle growth. Special Quality: GIANT
Hell yeah, good to see it start.
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>>SVEN-033. Sex: Male. Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue. Colony of Origin: New Noregr [Outer Colony world with notable arctic conditions/ mountainous landscape and heavy native mining industry. Suspected insurrection activity] Genetic markers indicated an unusually high potential for bone/ muscle growth. Special Quality: GIANT
Very excited to see this drop.
Fully intending to do this to the very first Jackal we see.
BIG BOY! Gonna kick grunts around like footballs.
>not a ten foot tall dropkick with the all the impact of an orbital drop pod
>not goombah stomping a grunt
>not tackling an elite through a wall - twice
Big man. HUGE man.
>>SVEN-033. Sex: Male. Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue. Colony of Origin: New Noregr [Outer Colony world with notable arctic conditions/ mountainous landscape and heavy native mining industry. Suspected insurrection activity] Genetic markers indicated an unusually high potential for bone/ muscle growth. Special Quality: GIANT

Hooray Spartan Quest Begins!
>>NESTA-097. Sex: Female. Hair: Red. Eyes: LT Green. Colony of Origin: Old Camelot [Heavily Populated Colony world, for exceeding safe occupant capacity, far exceeding acceptable crime rate according to CAA Accords, most available landmass occupied by urban sprawl]. Anomalous neural pathways detected. Observers note an uncanny ability by subject to anticipate and detect danger. Special Quality: DANGER SENSE
>>SVEN-033. Sex: Male. Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue. Colony of Origin: New Noregr [Outer Colony world with notable arctic conditions/ mountainous landscape and heavy native mining industry. Suspected insurrection activity] Genetic markers indicated an unusually high potential for bone/ muscle growth. Special Quality: GIANT

Hard choices but the idea of manhandling innies and covvies as an even bigger Spartan II sounds fun
>NESTA-097. Sex: Female. Hair: Red. Eyes: LT Green. Colony of Origin: Old Camelot [Heavily Populated Colony world, for exceeding safe occupant capacity, far exceeding acceptable crime rate according to CAA Accords, most available landmass occupied by urban sprawl]. Anomalous neural pathways detected. Observers note an uncanny ability by subject to anticipate and detect danger. Special Quality: DANGER SENSE
>>SHIKA-108. Sex: Female. Hair: Black. Eyes: Drk Brown. Colony of Origin: Ambition [Low Population, rural outer colony. Temperate Climate, described as Idyllic by visitors and inhabitants]. Initial observations show an uncanny, and seemingly innate ability to go unseen/ unnoticed. Special Quality: GHOST
>NESTA-097. Sex: Female. Hair: Red. Eyes: LT Green. Colony of Origin: Old Camelot [Heavily Populated Colony world, for exceeding safe occupant capacity, far exceeding acceptable crime rate according to CAA Accords, most available landmass occupied by urban sprawl]. Anomalous neural pathways detected. Observers note an uncanny ability by subject to anticipate and detect danger. Special Quality: DANGER SENSE
Hell yeah, here we go.
Hopefully the QM didn't drink too much liquid confidence and crash from the turnout.
Oh no, I have a high tolerance for liquid courage. and am positively buzzing with it and excitement by how much of a response this has gotten already! I'm just giving the selection process sometime to breath even if currently Sven is well ahead of the pack and a clear favorite.

I like the way you think gentleman. Probably going to let the voting period continue for....an hour or two more, maybe less. If you any of you here have any questions, feel free to ask them!
Sven seems like a rad option, but consider the following:
If we take tech-wiz, we'll have brains AND brawn, both more than needed. Melee is kool, but there won't be that many opportunities for it compared to ranged engagements, most likely. If we can figure out technology through intrinsic understanding, that would mean we can pilot & reverse engineer Covenant vehicles, as well as find their weaknesses. Eventually we could hack their comms & systems, giving us an edge in the war.
>NESTA-097. Sex: Female. Hair: Red. Eyes: LT Green. Colony of Origin: Old Camelot [Heavily Populated Colony world, for exceeding safe occupant capacity, far exceeding acceptable crime rate according to CAA Accords, most available landmass occupied by urban sprawl]. Anomalous neural pathways detected. Observers note an uncanny ability by subject to anticipate and detect danger. Special Quality: DANGER SENSE
Me love redheads
>If you any of you here have any questions, feel free to ask them!
Is Nicole-458 in the candidate pool?
A Spartan named Nicole is, since Bungie did say she was based off a "real" Spartan. But I've taken the liberty of switching around her number, considering 458 is too high considering only 300 candidates were ever selected (And Class 2 never came to fruition in canon), so I gave her the ralph treatment (As he went from 303 to 103)
I always wanted to have The Knack.
Cool, works for me.
Counter point, M68 Gauss and M41 Vulcan stingers. Big guy can haul big guns.
>NESTA-097. Sex: Female. Hair: Red. Eyes: LT Green. Colony of Origin: Old Camelot [Heavily Populated Colony world, for exceeding safe occupant capacity, far exceeding acceptable crime rate according to CAA Accords, most available landmass occupied by urban sprawl]. Anomalous neural pathways detected. Observers note an uncanny ability by subject to anticipate and detect danger. Special Quality: DANGER SENSE
>SHIKA-108. Sex: Female. Hair: Black. Eyes: Drk Brown. Colony of Origin: Ambition [Low Population, rural outer colony. Temperate Climate, described as Idyllic by visitors and inhabitants]. Initial observations show an uncanny, and seemingly innate ability to go unseen/ unnoticed. Special Quality: GHOST
>DIMAS-012. Sex: Male. Hair: Brown. Eyes: Grey. Colony of Origin: Crimson Spire [Industrial hub, outer colony world. Pollution far exceeds acceptable indexes in all quantifiable spectrums] Unusual activity within cerebral scans. Reports indicate an unusually swift understanding of the function of any and all technology. Special Quality: TECH-WIZ
All the other options are pretty limited, but this one opens up a LOT of potential beyond combat
A Hour and a half has passed. Feel that's a fair compromise between an hour and two. Also it happens to be how long it took me to finish my dinner

8 votes for Sven-033

4 votes for Shika-108

7 votes for Nesta-097

3 votes for Dimas

Sven-033 has been selected as preferred candidate by majority vote
The quantity of votes placed for the other candidates has been record & noted for future reference
Now Proceeding...

Amusingly. The site thought I was a bot so I had to reformat this post!
Technically it's a plurality, not a majority
Damn. Well, too late to correct that particular mistake
Time to kick grunts into orbit
The new anti-spam measures suck ass.
Super. Hopefully we'll get to see the others later, especially Nesta. She'll be a pain in the ass for any Covenant kill team.
Was gonna vote Shika but I guess it wouldn't have mattered. Let's go giant viking man.
Excerpt taken from SPARTAN II Program Candidate Record-033
"...While all candidates selected for conscription into the program exceeded the criteria put forward and my own personal expectations, both physically and mentally, Subject-033 stands out even amongst the other specimens in terms of their physical attributes alone. They far exceed the standard height and mass for their age and gender, and surpass the other males in the program by several measures as well. Even a trained physician, at a glance, could mistake their remarkable stature for a case of gigantism. However their proportions and good health proves that despite their unusual rate of growth at only six years of age, that not only do they not suffer that particular condition but they are in fact something far rarer. Whether this is the result of a beneficial genetic fluke that went unnoticed during routine medical examination or undocumented environmental influences from the planet of the origin, will require further investigation..."
Altering Perspective
2045 Hours, September 12, 2517 (Military Calendar)/ Outskirts of New Oslo, New Noregr Colony, Norþweġ System

You were alone, none of the other boys were brave enough to stay outside as later as you were comfortable, but then again they were smaller than you are, not as strong. And their fathers, unlike yours, had not told them that there was nothing to be afraid of out here at your favorite place. It was a good night, even if it was a little cold. And by the lakeside was the best place to watch the Aurora. Especially when it was snowing and the frost was only beginning to creep and no wind came down from the Fjords.

It'd be better with friends to play with. But most boys your age no longer wanted to play with you, which didn't bother you. They just knew like you did that you were the best at all the games, but recently even the older boys had stopped wanting to play or challenge you. They even stopped trying to one up you with trivia or lessons they'd been taught in school before you had, not that those games were much harder. It all seemed so simple.

It'd be better if Dad was here, you decide, kicking a stone into the clear waters. But he was busy, always busy, just like mom and all the other grown ups. Down in the quarries far from Home or deep in the mines up in the mountains, places you weren't allowed to go. But sometimes your parents were busy other places, places they sometime brought you to, to meet friends of theirs you didn't recognize from their jobs or when you were picked up from school. Friends who spoke clumsily, like younger children, or with odd pronunciations or odder accents.

It didn't take long for you to figure out they weren't from this colony. But how they were your mama and papa's friends still eluded you. That mystery was the one challenge that stuck around, and couldn't be overcome with a little thinking & pondering or with brute strength.

You sat down on the gravely shore, tearing your eyes away from the lights in the sky reluctantly as you tried and put together the pieces of the puzzle. You'd spied and taken a few of their thingies, little baubles they wouldn't miss or notice were gone, from both your parents and their strange friends with scars and scary looking eyes and even some tattoos, and hidden them here at your favorite place by the lake. Scrambling towards the rock you had hidden your stolen treasures under, you tucked and dug your fingers under its hard, cold surface and pried it off the ground, smiling as you looked over the cache of clues, imagining you were a detective like your dad's favorite vids.

You lifted your head, hearing the gravel shift, and wondering for a moment if the footsteps you heard were made by wolves, like all the smaller boys were scared off. But Dad said there were no wolves on New Noregr, and Dad was never wrong. You blinked, confused as the shadows around you seemed...not right. Some were darker than others.

Before you could put together what that meant, something...Someone! Bigger than you, ran up to you and poked something hard and cold into your neck. It hurt. The same way shots did. You blinked, squirming, struggling as the grown up held you the pebbly ground, saying something with an angry voice, the same way your mom cursed at the family car when it stopped working. Blinking wearily, suddenly weary and tired, you realized their was more than one loud, angry voice.

And they were speaking English, not Norwegian. Even your parent's weird friends spoke Norwegian in New Oslo. You knew English, and spoke it better than even your own father. But no one spoke English in New Oslo. Or any other language. But your head was fuzzy, and thinking was hard. You felt tired. Needed a nap. But, father's words kept you awake. As did the fact that doctors never put you to sleep right

"Little Sven" He said, since you were old enough to understand "You are a bright boy. But too trusting. Never trust men who can't speak our language. Never listen to the off worlders. Especially, if they're well dressed and wearing suites"

Blinking away the exhaustion as more figures, grown ups, emerged from the night and surrounded you as the first took his knee off of your back. All of them wearing suits too fine to be found in New Oslo, or anywhere on The colony. You didn't understand, but you knew these were bad men and through the weakening haze of tiredness, you realized with a surge of panic, they were trying to take you away. To kidnap you.

Mama always warned you about strangers like this. You willed yourself to move, and felt one of your fingers twitch despite the heaviness pressing down on your whole body and the cotton in your head.

"Are we sure this is the right kid? Look at the size of them!"
"They match the description in our database. Must've had another growth spurt"
"He nearly kicked me off when I tackled him, that isn't normal, nothing about this brat is"
"Wait, you administered all of the anesthesia right? I think I just saw the candidate move"
"You're imagining things, its dark, we're tired, the locals haven't been..."

"Grrrrrgngh" You grunt, as you, remembering which muscles connect to where from a class you sat in for much older boys sometime ago, will your stiff and tired body to move, and it does. Through the haze of sleepiness, you push yourself off the ground, the world wobbling and blurring, but growing clearer than it was when you were first pushed down.

"Press the plunger down again, you didn't inject all of the.." A shrill, woman's voice cried out as the man nearest to you, the one who pushed you down, steps back and reaches at something for his hip. The place where you father kept his gun, in case of emergencies he said. Though what that meant, you still didn't know. His weird friends, also carried guns that same place.

"Its empty!" He yelled back, eyes so wide you could see their whites even in the dark "I'm sure it was empty, how is that kid still up"

"Holy shit" Another man, larger said, chuckling "Seems this one's already a freak of nature, even before our resident Frankenstein gets her hands on her. The recent growth spurt must've altered the necessary dosage. Easy their big guy, just calm down and let your uncles and aunties"

You lip lifted in a silent growl. The only people you called uncle and auntie where your father and mother's drinking friends. And these weren't them. But even with that odd flare of anger, and being back on your feet, you were still so very, sleepy. But, the knowing what was happening, and the danger these strangers posed, kept you fighting off unconsciousness. For how long, you weren't sure, and that scared you more than they did.

But father's voice rang in your ear

"Never go down without a fight. You are big for you age, Little Sven, and that means other boys will pick on you, gang up on you. Never surrender, without throwing at least one punch. Always fight back against the bullies"

They just looked like any other bully to you right now

>But you are so....very...sleepy...(Pass out)

>And there wasn't a bully in New Oslo you couldn't pound into the sand! (Try to fight back and run away. DC 14)

>But big as you were, you were too smart to think you could beat up four adults on your own (Try to run away, by lake or forest. DC 12)

>And you'd seen your father practice his shooting before...didn't look to hard (Go for one of their guns. DC 16)

Oh you will, don't worry. The other three are still in the program after all
>But big as you were, you were too smart to think you could beat up four adults on your own (Try to run away, by lake or forest. DC 12)
I'm guessing this is a sort of character creation light? Actions we take here and in training will ultimately decide our future Spartan? If so, fit/lit Sven.
>And you'd seen your father practice his shooting before...didn't look to hard (Go for one of their guns. DC 16)
>But big as you were, you were too smart to think you could beat up four adults on your own (Try to run away, by lake or forest. DC 12)
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>>And you'd seen your father practice his shooting before...didn't look to hard (Go for one of their guns. DC 16)
I'm BALLSY, I'm a STUD, I don't have to submit to ONI spooks, like YOU
>And you'd seen your father practice his shooting before...didn't look to hard (Go for one of their guns. DC 16)
>And you'd seen your father practice his shooting before...didn't look to hard (Go for one of their guns. DC 16)
Pa and ma didn't raise a bitch.
>And there wasn't a bully in New Oslo you couldn't pound into the sand! (Try to fight back and run away. DC 14)
>>And you'd seen your father practice his shooting before...didn't look to hard (Go for one of their guns. DC 16)
Was going to pick fight and go ounga bunga on these guys, but then I say this post
Fuck it, let's go full Schwarzenegger on these fools
>>And you'd seen your father practice his shooting before...didn't look to hard (Go for one of their guns. DC 16)
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Rapidly getting tired, but I think I have one more good update in me tonight. Especially since this is the first roll of the quest

3 votes for trying to run

6 votes for going for one of their guns

1 vote for trying to fight back to run

Decision made
Please roll 1d20, no modifiers positive or negative, DC 16. Best of three

Rolled 6 (1d20)

>Whether this is the result of a beneficial genetic fluke that went unnoticed during routine medical examination or undocumented environmental influences from the planet of the origin, will require further investigation
It's obviously Forerunners 10D chess.
Lets do this.
Rolled 99 (1d100)

Let's see what our luck looks like
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Damn you autofill
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Kill glowies
Can't even get above 10 lel.
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>>And you'd seen your father practice his shooting before...didn't look to hard (Go for one of their guns. DC 16)

The spooks aint getting us without fight!
Unfortunate. That's six below the target number. But no sweat, Sven is still an untrained six year old after all, even if he is one big fucking six year old

The lights in the sky were so bright, and what your kidnappers were saying became muffled. Forcing the fireside lessons of your father to the front of your thoughts, just to stay awake. Faintly recalling one particular lesson, taught by his rough hands rather than his gentle voice. Big as you were for your age, you were still just a boy, and boys couldn't beat grown ups in a fight. A fair fight. You'd misbehaved, bullied a smaller boy for his fastelavnsbolle, hit him, hit him hard and threw him to the ground. Pa was furious, and most of all disappointed, and taught you the price of being a bully Memories flood in, thoughts swim, the ground becomes unsteady beneath your feet.

"Behold Sven" You can smell the liquor on the distant memories breath "The great equalizer! Even the tiniest, meekest of mice can fight back against the fiercest, biggest eagle with this! Mankind's greatest creation, the firearm!"

"Snori!" Your father, from a different time shouts, as the figures surrounding you become less real than the dreamlike memories dancing in your head, like the sparks and flare of the stars so far above your head "Center of mass! Always aim center of mass! Again. Try again!"

Blinking, the reality before you, the kidnappers, the strangers, who stretched up and seem to grow tall along with their shadows beneath the aurora's light, comes back into focus. The gun. You see the gun. Holstered like a cowboy's/ Like your fathers

"Why do I train the older boys of Oslo, teach them how to shoot? Why, I'm preparing them for Ragnarök, Little Sven. If all goes well, you will not need to be taught what I am teaching them" A distant, worried father mutters on the wind as the ground suddenly looks so very far away, or have you grown as tall as mountain. The gun. Need the gun.

"Calm down, just stand still and will..." A voice that is not your father's coos, as you, with great effort and straining stumble forward as a numbness slowly crawls from the base of your neck down your spine, spreading out and spilling across your back like warm milk

"He's going for your sidearm!" Another, distant, muffled voice calls out as you reach out and grasp, feeling cold metal against your fingers, as the feet you dragged forward slip out from beneath you on the snow wetted pebbles. Lurching and tumbling forward, big hands grab hold of your wrist as you hold onto the pistol in your hand with a vice grip. It feels foreign,like an alien device ,even though you've been around guns for as long as you can remember.

"Spunky little brat! You actually tried to take it!" A distant voice, rumbles like thunder above you as you the milk warm warmth wraps around you, colors, all the colors of the northern lights dancing in front of your eyes as something pries at and pulls back your fingers. Darkness creeps in around the edge of your vision, as a tall shadow falls over you, laughter booming like a storm in your ears. Is that Thor? Mom always has the best stories of Thor and his adventures

"He won't let go! What's with that grip strength? Are we sure he's six years old? Maybe the data was falsified somehow"
"Just get his fingers away from the trigger. That... the fact he was able to resist the anesthesia for so long is incredible"
"Don't talk about it, just put it in the report. We don't have anytime to waste with gossip. We're lucky he didn't manage to get a shot off...apply additional anesthesia, he's still conscious, don't need him calling for help"
"Help me lift him to his feet...before any of the locals out night fishing notice us..."

And then, you heard no more and drifted off to dreamless sleep

Altering Perspective
Optional objective conditions met. Troublemaker. Unlock conditions: Resist, fight back, try to escape, don't play nice with others, break protocols, disrupt lessons
can be accepted now or refused or accepted later if conditions are once again met
If accepted now, effects on Sven-033 will be: Sven's behavior will become more surly and rebellious, leading to greater punishments/ higher security
Effects will change as the objective is progressed
Accept Objective: Troublemaker?



Actually I lied, I think I can fit in one more update before going to bed!
He ain't no BITCH
Exist for Spite!
I want to fight glowies, but I certainly don't want to hurt the other kids.
My father told me to be an ABSOLUTE UNIT on the battlefield. And the battlefield in question is life.

I'm reasonably certain had they not got him with the initial injection our Lad could have probably folded at least one of these operators like a lawn chair. Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
Rebel Spartan Quest is baller.
>Innie simp
Well that is a pretty clear consensus!

Sub Objective: Troublemaker has been accepted.
Current stage/points towards completion. 1 out of ?
Excerpt from Dr Halsey's personal journal, concerning the difficulties in procuring some of the subjects of the SPARTAN 2 Program

"The increased chemical tolerance exhibited by the body Candidate-033 should've have been taken into account, it was a failure on the part of Retrieval Team Zeta, who by all accounts should have been aware and prepared for the projected body mass increase of the candidate at the time of his retrieval. However, incompetence does not entirely account for the subjects resistance to Anesthetics. The exact dosage to render 033 unconscious and immobile, will be found during their cryo transportation. However, their case was the least of hiccups compared to the blunders and failures on the parts of the other retrieval teams, who nearly lost Candidate-087 in the case of Retrieval Team Gamma, Candidate-108 & Candidate-097 in the case of Retrieval Team Kappa and their failure to retrieve Candidate-095 by the same, whom these supposedly professional operatives had the gal to blame on fantasies such as "Precognition" and "Sixth Senses"..."
Altering Perspective
2300 Hours, September 23, 2517 (Military Calendar)/ Epislon Eridani System, Reach Military Complex, Planet Reach

You hated it here, wherever here was, you wanted to go home but didn't know where home was. You knew you'd been asleep for a long time, and were still groggy and tired, barely able to form real thoughts in your head. But you had enough energy, were awake enough, to remember what happened. What was done to you. What was done to ninety nine other children. And you knew there were that many others, you had counted them all, twice since your head cleared enough for you to think about anything besides how angry you were and how awful being here was. Wherever here was. The others were in deeper shock, the smaller children, who seemed to all be around your age.

They hadn't been prepared to be taken, hadn't been warned and frightened to bed about just this happening. Which you could hardly believe, you just thought your parents disliked being bullied, like you yourself hated, but now it dawns on you their fears and distrust of strangers came from somewhere. UNSC. It was written on the uniforms of the men with eyes like your parents friends from somewhere else than New Oslo, and after thinking back, you remember hearing that word spat like a curse from your father's mouth. Often. It was obvious these weren't criminals, but military men and women. But why had they taken you? And so many other children? That question burned in your belly like a lit coal.

You glared at the men and women in camouflage uniforms, who caroled you and the littler boys and girls like sheep, with silver batons in their hands. Batons that produced a current and shocked and hurt when they hit you with them. And only you.

None of the others had raised their voices, or demanded answers or tried to push their way out of wherever this concrete room was. But you had, and you were hit for it. The shocks didn't hurt so badly, but the strikes did, and then they made their shock prods' shock more intense.

You hated it here.

And saw now way out of wherever here was. You were head and shoulders taller than the other ninety nine kids trapped here with you, and even if they were all your size and as strong as you were, it wouldn't be enough to beat the same number of grown ups. Grown ups with mean looks and strong arms and no pity or remorse. What kind of adult hit a boy just because he asked a question. It was infuriating.

And worse, since you woke up and made a scene, you had two of them at your side at all times, while everyone else had one. And none of the other kids made some much as a peep, you'd been used as an example to show what would happen if they didn't follow orders and do exactly what they were told. Bullies didn't fight unless they had to, even if they were soldiers, and with the demonstration of their shock prods fresh in the memories of the other, you doubted any of them would breathe if they told them to stop.

It made you angry, so very very angry, and you hated it. It felt terrible. Gross. Slouching your shoulders, the man on your left powered on his baton, the sparks of electricity flying making you stiffen your back. You had no idea how long you'd be standing here, if you'd be here for ever, or what they were making you wait for. And the clothes they'd put you and all the other kidnapped children in were awful and uncomfortable. You wanted to go home. You wanted your parents. You wanted to be anywhere but here and with anyone but the two baton wielding bullies boxing you in.

But you could nothing but stand and stew in these thoughts and the anger they stoked and fanned. Eventually, one of the older looking soldiers brought a hand up to their ear and said "Aye aye"

And then, in four lines, you were lead out of the room you'd been stuffed into with so many other confused children, and made to march into some kind of small stadium, with stone seats like the ones in the sports field back home. Spotlights hung from the ceiling. They burned your eyes and made them water, but you weren't crying. You weren't. New Oslo men didn't cry, even when they were boys. Father said so. and father never lied. He'd come for you. You knew it, because he never lied and he said he'd keep you safe from anything. Right?

You were forced to sit down between a girl with blonde hair like yours, but shorter. And blue eyes like yours, but darker. And a boy who seemed just as upset and angry as you were, but hadn't been shocked, because he didn't speak when the guards wanted silence.

In the center of the theater, was a woman, younger than your mother, but dressed like a doctor and looking like she thought she was smarter than everyone in the room, even the other grownups. And a soldier with very scary looking eyes and a stern looking face with a beard, and hair that was greying like your grandpa's. And AI's hologram, that was by far the most human looking and tender seeming of the trio, she at least smiled at you and the other children. It? She? looked like the pictures of greek goddesses, and held a stone tablet in her hands. The AI caught you staring and winked a smile your way. It did nothing to make you feel better, less angry, less lost.

The Lady in the Labcoat cleared her throat and stepped forward "As Per Naval Code 45812, you are hereby conscripted into the UNSC Special Project, Codenamed SPARTAN-II".

She paused, as if she expected you to know what that meant, what any of that meant. And not knowing what it meant just made you madder. A few of the less bright kids tried to stand, as if they'd be allowed to refuse, to leave. And were forced down. The batons of the guards assigned to you crackled and you forced yourself not to flinch, even as your hairs stood on end and your hands became clammy and cold.

The Doctor, or whatever she was, looked thoughtful for a moment, then took another step closer

"You have been called upon to serve" She said slowly, like you weren't smart enough to figure out what she had said had meant if you were given a bit of time, she might be right about the other kids, but you're sure you'd have figured it out if she'd just given you time. Especially the ones who perked up and looked curious or even excited

"You will be trained" Another pause, no one paused that much unless they didn't know what to say next, every teacher you met paused just like that when they couldn't answer your questions or you answered there's too quickly "You will become the best we can make of you. You will be protectors of Earth and All her colonies"

Your stomach twisted into knots, that wasn't true. It could be. Even if it sounded like something super heroes would do, these weren't good people. They'd hurt you, taken you and dozens of other, little, probably dumber kids than you from their homes. From their parents. Pushing down the sense of wonder, you frowned as you saw some of the kids, who you were not certain weren't as smart as you were, sit up straight, now paying attention, not as afraid as if being made into some kind of superhero would make up for what had happened and make it forgivable.

But, at least the girl and boy next to you weren't buying it. The girl looked nearly as angry as you were, but the other boy looked bored, sharp eyes darting, looking, searching for something.

"This will be hard to understand, but you cannot return to your parents" She said, and only then did the slower kids catch up to what you'd realized from the start, you were being kept here by force, trapped here. Wherever here was

But what she said next nearly made you earn yourself another painful, body spasming shock

"This Place will become your home. Your fellow trainees will become your family now..."

Whatever she said next, you didn't hear. It was like your ears became filled with radio static, and all you could do was grind your teeth to stop yourself from standing up, or doing anything but tremble with rage. They weren't your family. Your family was your father and your mother, Einar and Ingrid Askeland! Not these kids who were all strangers to you. Who couldn't speak your native language. You fumed, and clenched your hands into fists, as it felt like the anger inside you rumbled like thunder.

You came to your sense, when one of the guards assigned to grabbed your shoulder and pulled.

"...escorted to the barracks" The woman in the labcoat said "Feed them and put them to bed"

"Yes Ma'am!" The soldier with grey hair replied with a crisp salute, before shouting "Fall out!"

Whatever she or he had said before that, you hadn't heard. And once more, you were ushered along, powerless

Your lip tremble, but not with fear or sadness, but just because you couldn't do anything but tremble in your rising anger. But it was changed now, unlike any kind of anger you've felt before. Like it cooled. You could think clearer. And as you counted, almost by reflex, the heads of the ninety nine other abductees. You remembered how hard it was for teachers back home to keep track of half that number of kids. They wouldn't notice one was missing out of a hundred quickly. And so, you began to form a plan

That night. After you were fed food that was tasteless and bland compared to cooking from home, and were put to bed in military styled quarters with uncomfortable bunk beds and rough blankets and pillows. And when the sobs and hushed conversations a few of the other kids made turned to snores and soft breathing, you made your move, and creeping ever so slowly pulled yourself out of the bed, careful not to make it creak as you pulled your...larger than average body off of it.

But, just as you were plotting the finer points of your daring escape, you noticed that boy from earlier was also up, and moving towards the door, unaware of your presence. And that you both had the same idea. So you followed him, figuring if he was smart enough to want to escape, he must have a plan, maybe a better one that the one you hadn't come up with yet. Maybe together, the two of you could get out of here! if you put your heads together.

>On second thought, you don't want to think about what will happen if you try to escape, if just speaking out of turn gets you hit and shocked(Go back to bed)

>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when it comes down to it, give up your own chance at freedom so he can have a better shot at it (DC 15)

>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when the going gets toughed, bowl him over and use him as a distraction (DC 10)

>...Maybe they'll give you better food and tell you why they took you, if you stop the other boy from trying to run away...(Restrain the other trainee. DC 5)

>Write in option

Okay, now I'm stopping today for real. Unless something comes up tomorrow, I'll try and get at least one update out tomorrow and hopefully write more than that. If I'm unable for whatever reason to write even one update, I'll you guys. Unless I can't reach my computer/ phone

Hope you're enjoying this so far, I'm really having fun writing it, more fun than I expected.

Also, If you can guess who the two trainees who were sat by Sven are, you get an imaginary cookie
>>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when it comes down to it, give up your own chance at freedom so he can have a better shot at it (DC 15)
We're big, he's not. He simply has a better chance of evading and blending in wherever he goes. It's purely pragmatic. If he can get out he might be able to get help for the rest of us. Besides, I really want to headbutt one of these thugs in uniform.

This shit is fuckin rad already man.
>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when it comes down to it, give up your own chance at freedom so he can have a better shot at it (DC 15)
It's time to be the hero we want to be.
also r.i.p nesta. I hoped that she and the other ones we didn't pick would be on our team.
They're in the program. Caleb-095 is the one who got away, as in canon. Nesta and Shika nearly weren't collected, which is why they were mentioned alongside Kelly-087, who also nearly got away in canon.

Sorry if that was unclear in the excerpt. But Dimas was the only one to not give the Spooks some sort of trouble amongst the four PC choices
>>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when it comes down to it, give up your own chance at freedom so he can have a better shot at it (DC 15)
What >>6156876 said, the smaller kid would have a better chance of evading the glowies, plus, our daddy didn't raise us to be a rat or a bully.
I'm really enjoying this. You're really capturing the feel of the early chapters of the Fall of Reach novel.
Daisy-023 and Ralph-103?
>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when it comes down to it, give up your own chance at freedom so he can have a better shot at it (DC 15)
It doesn’t matter if we succeed or not, what matters is that we tried and we tried the noble way.
>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when it comes down to it, give up your own chance at freedom so he can have a better shot at it (DC 15)
Ma and pa didn't raise a fucking rat.
>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when it comes down to it, give up your own chance at freedom so he can have a better shot at it (DC 15)
I wonder what codename/nickname we'll wind up having. The obvious one is Fenrir, the gigantic wolf of Ragnarok, chained beast, bringer of strife. But I can't recall if that one is taken already.

There's a Fireteam Fenrir, I think. But they're """Spartan""" IV, so they don't exist yet.
I curious if we'll be on Reach when the Fall of Reach happen.
>But they're """Spartan""" IV, so they don't exist yet.
I'll just assume they never exist period kek

For the Covenant's sake they better hope we aren't. And my heart's sake, too.
Fenrir would be a sick name

also what?
>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when it comes down to it, give up your own chance at freedom so he can have a better shot at it (DC 15)
i like how you are making it, that time preparing the quest was well spent by you.

the three 8 o
*on your post

i wonder how much strong and tall he'll end being, he is still growing + becoming a Spartan II ? Can definitely carry around a big gun and the ammo for it.
The glorious pastime of checking digits. Dubs are neat, trips are cool, quads are rad, quints are awesome, anything higher is sick. Hunting for these sacred numerals is naturally verboten, but acquiring them through honest means brings great glory.

So sayeth the oldfags.
I can only imagine since most Spartan-II's get up around seven feet and since Sven is already probably pushing five feet that he'll wind up around eight or nine feet. Which would put him eye level with the biggest Elites. Or if we're being very generous and saying Sven will hit ten feet with change, he'd be almost as tall as a Hunter. Right about brow-to-"chin" with them.

Though, frankly if Sven does have a form of benign going on beneficial bodily hypertrophy he'd probably make it to eight feet naturally. So who knows exactly how big he'll be. No matter what, he will NEVER be able to buy shoes at a supermarket and the armorers are going to absolutely despise having to make things for him.
I will remember this.
>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when it comes down to it, give up your own chance at freedom so he can have a better shot at it (DC 15)
If the handler here think we're just gonna take this lying down, they must be as dumb as the team sent to pick us up back home.
>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when it comes down to it, give up your own chance at freedom so he can have a better shot at it (DC 15)
Get out Caleb
>>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when it comes down to it, give up your own chance at freedom so he can have a better shot at it (DC 15)
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>most Spartan-II's get up around seven feet
Isn't that only while they're in their power armor? But yeah, we might even grow to be taller than Jorge if we actually pass our training and not "accidentally" kill a guard/trainer.
>>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when the going gets toughed, bowl him over and use him as a distraction (DC 10)
I thought the original suits only gave a few inches of extra height. I could be wrong. I'm probably wrong. Or maybe I'm just Mandela effecting myself because I refuse to believe I am anywhere near hickey-height to a Spartan kek

I do love Jorge's armor. Makes me think of construction vehicles. All the yellows and oranges. Doesn't hurt that he's built like an actual dumptruck.

Hey hold on, we wouldn't kill nobody. They'd just be missing in action. Extended vacation paid for by the state, so generous. Don't ask about them.
a suggestion if our boy is ever about to be broken by the stick of oppressors he'll start singing:
or at least attempt to/sing parts of it.
I think it seems to be a fitting song since it's about a king being attacked 6 to 1 by invaders and winning against them. The king was also known as "The Good" so some Innie propaganda (They were right on some points, but the terrorism is overkill to put it lightly)

Of course all of this happens if we cannot escape and get far away enough.

Also suggestion for names:
-Þrymr (old norse giant name meaning uproar and is also the madlad who stole Thor's hammer)
-Jötunn (Giant)
That's all I got at the moment.
I think Ymir could be a good nickname
>>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when it comes down to it, give up your own chance at freedom so he can have a better shot at it (DC 15)
Ten is way too tall, even for big Spartan 2. I'm guessing we'll match out with Kurt and Sam (If he survives) at around 8 at most.
George IIRC is the shortest of the big 3. Sam died before he could hit his full height, Kurt's 8'2 in armor, and George is 8 flat in armor. Also, nothing wrong with killing or maiming the guards. Happened occasionally in TFoR, didn't disqualify anyone.
well, John is 6'10 out of armour and 7'2" with it on. so the boots and helmet add about 4 inches.
So Sven will actually be as big as that scene walking past palmer after Halo 4? Cause in that scene they apparently had made chief too big by accident.
>If you can guess who the two trainees who were sat by Sven are, you get an imaginary cookie
Jerome's the first that comes to mind for the boy, and the way you describe the girl makes me think of Daisy or Naomi.
You think they'd get rid of such an expensive investment just because a handler ate shit? We definitely have enough leeway to get away with one "accident".
I do actually quite like "Thrymyr" as a codename. I think it fits given the rebellious nature we're cultivating right now, if nothing else.
>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when it comes down to it, give up your own chance at freedom so he can have a better shot at it (DC 15)
>Make an escape attempt with the other boy, but when the going gets toughed, bowl him over and use him as a distraction (DC 10)
Glad to see this quest is finally up and going.
Vafthrudnir would be pretty neat. Not only was he strong, he was smart. Though that is a mouthful of a name. Though Vali might be apt, born to kill and prophecized to survive Ragnarok. If you want to go based off of the meaning of names, Heidrek and Alvaldi are cool. Though if these are nicknames given by the other children or adults here, I can't imagine they'll get too deep about it. If Sven gives it to himself though as some sort of weird coping mechanism, then hey, sky's the limit.

>Ten is way too tall, even for big Spartan 2
I mean if Sven is destined to be HUGE already, it's not unreasonable that the super soldier super juice would make him even more super huge. Or it could have the opposite effect and curtail his growth. I dunno. I do know, however, that even in real life enough people make it to 7+ feet tall naturally to play sportsball in a league, with people in it being six and a half feet or less looking like children. So. I guess it really depends on exactly what the Spartan program does to people genetically. If it tries to standardize their heights and general body mass then yeah, being over 8 feet would be unreal. But if it just promotes bone and muscle growth then Sven getting outrageously fuckhuge would definitely be in the cards.

Alls I know is, there are some really big people out in the world. Yao Ming for example is 7'6" and the tallest man in the world was just shy of 9 feet and he was suffering from gigantism. I'm just trapped between the snippets of information we have and trying to match it with the arcane science of future tech child-abuse which I really don't have a grasp on.

I am clearly overexcited.

I am sure the eugenicist gribblies of Halsey are SOAKED at the idea of Sven's genes.
>I am clearly overexcited.
Nonsense. Half of any good Halo quest is talking about Halo and the bullshit you can pull with stuff in setting. Like how in Wolfpack we managed to convince some big wig engineers to make us guided MAC rounds with nuclear payloads.
That being said, outside of QM fiat, I wouldn't expect Sven to massively exceed the other giant Spartans like Sam who was also unreasonably tall and strong for his age. Certainly has a chance to be the biggest though.
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>make us guided MAC rounds with nuclear payloads.
Maybe if they give it an autoloader it will finally be enuff dakka.

>I wouldn't expect Sven to massively exceed the other giant Spartans
>tfw no dunking on inferior sangeili ballers, hitting them with that jordan pose
>tfw no dunking on inferior sangeili ballers
We'll be as tall as Kurt, George, and Sam at least. Which means as tall or slightly taller than an average Elite. And dick kicking kicking height for Brutes.
I'm more than happy with being in the same realm as the big men of the Spartan II class, but I personally want to outdo them all in terms of sheer MASS.
We'll look like a baby Brute outside of our government sponsored tin can, I swear by it.
Won't need breaching equipment with Sven around. Wonder if Halsey would mind if we asked for more growth supplements.
>Wonder if Halsey would mind if we asked for more growth supplements.
See, if Halsey doesn't care to give Svenn his own meal plan, he's probably gonna get a double dose of HGH anyways just from the fact that he's gonna be eating twice as much as the other trainees.
Detoxification protocols complete
Rebooting...Monitor 404TormentedCache back online

Happy to hear you're all enjoying this so far, I was so worried I'd fuck something up since its my first time QMing.

I'm sure Einar's heart would swell for the moral strength and character his little Sven is about to display, considering all thirteen votes are for self sacrificing so the other boy has a better chance. Impressive

Decision Made
Please roll 1d20. DC 15. Best of three

You both get half an imaginary cookie. And were close to getting a whole one.

And I am loving all of these nickname/ call sign suggestions, very on brand.

And that includes your suggestions to. Listening to that song makes me imagine, not only the scenario you put forward but Spartan Sven singing during ground action against the Covies, while covering civilian evacuation shuttles

Also it made me think of the song Herr Mannelig. And all the discussion about just how BIG our boy is going to get keeps making me think about Broly going "I am starting small" from DBZ abridged
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Is it the same half of an imaginary cookie? Because I don't like sharing food.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

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Rolled 20 (1d20)

Also thought about Herr Mannelig
In our current case the oppressors are the UNSC. (may change with the AYYY's arriving.)
Rolled 16 (1d20)

I like dice rolling :)
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Fucking. GG, nice roll.
>In our current case the oppressors are the UNSC. (may change with the AYYY's arriving.)
Will. Humanity divided is the dumbest shit the innies did during the war. All humans are tagged and trackable with forerunner scanners. The whole reason why Harvest was such a big deal was because the Brute's limary basically told them it was an arsenal world packed full of Forerunner tech.
I agree. Does not mean we will be a full on bootlicker. We can of course focus on the AYYY's while still asking for self rule or better representation.
>Does not mean we will be a full on bootlicker.
Naw, we're gonna be the boot. Not the licker. Especially before the Covenant make themselves known. Plenty of innies to get their teeth kicked in.
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>You gonna finish that?
>It.... it's protein powder.
>Cool I'll take it.

Make it maybe on the way too 3. a body is 3 dimensional.
Of course fuck the ones who betray humanity and sell it out for their own gain, but the ones with sensible grudges I think Sven would have a problem with stomping on since he had some
Innie influence from his early upbringing.
Warning! Warning! General Warning in place! Preferred Candidate has achieved a critical success!
And its 5 higher than the target number. One or more of the programs handlers are about to have a very bad night.

Not a bad roll.
Just a few seconds late my friend.
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>local spook ragdolled by a six year old
>"Hey, a couple of the specimens got out. Ah well they're just kids, you grab the one on the left. C'mere kiddo it's bed ti- MY BONES AAAIIIIEEEE"
So with our enhanced mass, I take it we'll be able to carry extra armor plating, ammo, equipment, longarms, sidearms, melee weapons, 'nades, heavier guns, & maybe even a larger shield generator. Personally I'm partial toward an extra shields + brace-of-pistols + grenadier build.
Not so strong and powerful without the Anesthetic syringes are you ya bullies?
>extra armor plating
>larger shield generator
>Sven uses his impressive bulk to become the undisputed king of all tanks as he shrugs off damage that would kill ten ordinary Spartans
>all to save his tiny teammates
Kino path
If you're talking about when we get MJOLNIR then any weight considerations are pretty irrelevant. Before then, yeah, we can pack way more shit than most others.
Absolutely, there's some sympathetic rebel causes but a great deal many, especially during the war, were usurped by megalomaniacs and shitbags. That being said, even for the more violent groups, maybe the UNSC went too far with Far Isle.
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>tfw we have a redundant shield generator added
>tfw they have to pop two shields in quick succession to actually put hurt on Sven
>tfw they have to do that with a mac-truck-sized man sprinting at them with malicious intent
Maybe we should put a prong or spike or other such slight protrusion onto one of our shoulder pads. The only thing more dangerous to be in front of than a runaway train is a runaway train with a ram bolted on the nose.

I think a snub-nosed or shortened autoshotgun as a sidearm would be rad. Bonus points for being paired with a heavy rifle for when we need to reach out and touch things.
Nah. that spike idea is dumb. We won't be piercing armor with that. extra armor plating is where it is at.
>Nuking a rebelling civie world.
Gee you think they went too far? (This is the kind of shit that makes people want to rebel and kinda shows you're an uncaring overlord.)
>(This is the kind of shit that makes people want to rebel and kinda shows you're an uncaring overlord.)
Yeah but that's the fun part, the UNSC sucks. Revel in it. Moral waxing is for the end of the H-C war when all of our friends and most of the human population are dead.
As a pump shotgun truther, I say we specialize in that when the time comes. With the wide variety of cartridges/shells available, we could handle just about anything at any range.
Bonus points if we spec for speed loading and ammo capacity to complement it.
>We won't be piercing armor with that
The idea isn't to pierce armor so much as to collapse it. Think about what a mace does to a plate cuirass. Bends the thing inwards. Any sort of bump or protrusion does it, all about giving a focus point for all the energy of an impact. It increases the efficiency of kinetic transfer.

>Gee you think they went too far?
There are two methods of thought, either you go all the way or you don't go at all. They should have totally vaporized the planet. That would teach everyone a lesson. A great leader from a long long time ago taught me that.

t. a really dumb UNSC glowie

I like pump shotguns as much as the next guy, but slamfire will never be as accurate as an autoshotgun even if it can match or briefly exceed the rate of fire. Also the magazine size is really nice. Still need to have that manual feeding function tho, fuck any kind of shotgun you can't pop a specific shell into the chamber at any time.
>the idea isn't to pierce armor so much as to collapse it.
The word you're looking for is 'crushing.'
>They should have totally vaporized the planet.
Based. No man, no problem. Thanks Stalin.
>(This is the kind of shit that makes people want to rebel and kinda shows you're an uncaring overlord.)

Space is vast and uncaring. It's only natural that an interstellar government should be just as uncaring in the face of the void. Though for some reason I am reminded of the expanse's quote: "Earth must come first."

Anyway, memes aside, they don't care, that's the fun part of UNSC. It's kind of a more serious take on the starship troopers government, that most people don't even notice when they just play the original trilogy, way back.
>The word you're looking for is 'crushing.'
Well I was leaning less towards "hydraulic press" and more toward "OceanGate Titan". Though I suppose this is more a question of interpretation of language than anything. Semantics, to put it plainly.
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Okay, good points, I concede that an automatic shotgun would probably be the more optimal choice. That said, you'd need to scale it up to 8 gauge if you really want to make the most of giving it to a Spartan.
You're the one who used the mace analogy. Maces don't pierce armor, they crush it. Blunt weapons are good at that. You described the act of crushing rather than piercing.
Bulldog looks like ass. I'd rather some fanfic shit from devient art is pulled than that or the sidekick.
I know, but at the same time it's the only automatic shotgun that's really featured in the setting. I'd photobash a chopped up M90 instead, but I'm tired as fuck and don't even know where to begin trying to mangle that into something like an auto-shotty.
It's also not automatic, it still has a pump action.
It's been a while since I dropped Infinite, so I completely forgot about that. Fucking 343 and their dumbass design ideas...
Yep. They couldn't even go far enough in the design change to make it worth while. In game it's just a straight downgrade to the M90/M45 pump shotguns from the original trilogy and Reach. IIRC it's also chambered in12GA and not 8GA which is some real dumb shit considering it only has 7 rounds in the drum while the M90 has 12 in the tube.
Thinking about it, Spartans could probably manage an automatic 6 bore. Which is making my shoulder, rib cage and spine hurt just thinking about.

>You described the act of crushing rather than piercing.
Which is why I didn't say to pierce it kek

>Bulldog looks like ass.
If the nose wasn't so blocky it'd be alright. The whole muzzle is just ugly though. Give it a nice even profile instead of that silly swelling flash hider look and it'd be better. It does look like they took the worst aesthetics from several shotguns and mashed them together though, yeah. Also the revolving cylinder will always look goofy on shotguns. Even the classic ones from the wild west period and they still had a nice aesthetic.
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I really don't understand any of the changes they made to the sandbox in Infinite. Everything is just either change for the sake of change or arguably inferior to whatever it replaced...except the sidekick. I actually quite liked that ugly little brick, felt like an upgraded version of the M6C in practice.
Naturally, you change your gait and think about how you lower your soles and your heels when you stalk after the smaller boy. Dad called it cat stepping.

"A cat's footstep is synonymous with silence, my boy, something you cannot grasp. Its why it was used in the forging of Fenrir's bindings" He told you on one earlier morning walk through the forests just outside of your family's cabin outside of New Oslo "Put your heel down first, slowly, then roll your feet forward and bring your toes to the ground. Get accustomed to it first, son, then, let us race to the lake, see who can get their fastest and quietest"

Even though the other boy had a head start and was walking faster at first, your longer stride and ease of walking in cat step quickly lets you catch up. He doesn't notice you're looming behind him, even though you're crouching just as low as he is, as both of you peer out of the cinderblock barracks and out at the moonlit military yard. There are guards, the same camouflage wearing bullies from earlier that night, patrolling and walking with flashlights and green glowing goggles on their heads. Some of them have what looks like hunting rifles. Gulping to control your nerves, the sound finally alerts you fellow jailbreaker that you're behind him. He jumps and almost gasps before you clasp a face covering hand over his mouth

"Shh" You hush, a finger in front of your lips "I'm trying to escape to. Thought we'd have a better chance of getting away, if we work together"

He blinks once and nods, eyes glancing down at your hand.

"Sorry" You whisper, taking your hand off of his face, as you try to get lower to the ground, which means kneeling and nearly getting down on your hands as well "Do you have a plan?"

"We're in a military compound. Don't have any idea where, but I think if we can get to the fence, somewhere over there" He says, lifting a hand up and motioning to something in the darkness. You'd always liked walking without light at night, except for that of New Noregr's moon and the stars it shared the sky with. The night sky here was violet, and you could see no moon, but plenty of lights in the distance. A city? Or just more UNSC forts?

"It'll be a long run. And they have watchtowers and cameras everywhere" You say, hushing your breath as you creep closer, squinting your eyes

"Did you see them when we were marched over here" Your new comrade asks quietly, practically climbing over your back to try and see what you're seeing

"No, there's just enough light to see them from here" You whisper even more quietly "They're everywhere near the fences, I don't think they have many blindspots"

"That's incredible. Hey you're pretty light on your feet for how big you are" The other boy says as the two of you, seeing a guard on patrol nearing, run quickly behind another building's cinderblock walls.

You catch your breath, heart pounding as the guard looks right in your direction, then shines a flashlight into the barracks the two of you'd just snuck out of. Luckily, you'd made sure to bunch up your blankets and pillows so it'd look like you were still sleeping if they happened to check. Hopefully your knew friend did the same.

"My name's Jai" He says quietly as the two of you take turns peeking around the corners, and acting as guard dogs while the other tries to figure out where the cameras can actually see "If we're getting out of here together, only fair we know what to call eachother"

"Sven" You mutter, brow wrinkling as you wonder why introductions couldn't wait until you were home free "Ah, the cameras move, not often, but see, that one over there is swiveling"

"Think that Ai is looking through them?" Jai asks "And glad to have met you Sven"

"Same" You whisper back "And she has to be, AI's think faster than people, don't they?"

"I think so" He answers with a scowl "But even they're not smart enough to not make mistakes. We'll only get one shot at this, Sven"

"Then we'll make it count and get out together, Jai" You reply confidently, nodding your head "None of the patrols reach that patch of grass, and I don't see any of the cameras looking that way either"

"I think that's further than the track field back at the orphanage" He winces "Think we can make it, if we ran for it?"

It wasn't as far as the field you played knattleikr on with the friends you had in New Oslo. And that was a field you could clear faster than any of the boys and even a few of the grown ups. But could Jai make it? Suddenly, doubt swelled up and concerned replaced both tension and thrill. You looked at him, saw the hard look in his eyes, he was just as desperate to get out as you were. And seeing that, and thinking about it logically, you decided, if it came down to it, you'd let yourself be caught so he could escape. He was smaller, harder to spot, harder to catch. And only one of you needed to get out of the compound to go look for help.

Reasoning that and feeling that he'd do the same if you told him of the plan you'd just come up with, you answer his question with a nod.

"So long as we don't stop running" You say as you stand, and try to mimic the position the older boy's on the schools track team would use before they broke out into a sprint and raced each other. Jai adopts a similar stance

"On three?" He asks, you agree with a nod and count down the numbers just as much by the loud beating thump of your heart as you do Jai's countdown.

He doesn't say say go outloud. The two of you just start running. Side by side at first, but his legs are shorter and he starts to fall behind. You clench your jaw and look over your shoulder, and slow down to stop from tripping over your own feet. And that's all Jai needs to catch up.

And all the beam of a guard's flashlight to catch the edge of your shoulder. You freeze. So does Jai. Your eyes meet, and it feels like you'd been caught stealing sweets with a friend. Smiling warmly, having already accepted that you'd probably receive another beating tonight when you snuck out, you mouth the words "Keep running" to the other boy.

He only hesitates for a second. And then he's off, and quickly runs past you.

"Trainee! What are you doing out of the barracks!" The guard barks, and immediately you realize two things. First, that she is short for a grown up. And second, she was not the lady soldier who was assigned to hit you with a cattleprod if you misbehaved. She's still taller than you, but not by much. And she wouldn't know the setting on her baton that can stun you.

But you still don't like your odds. But that doesn't matter. You don't need to beat her. Just give Jai enough time to reach the fence and climb over it. Gods, did he know how to climb. Second thoughts swirled in your head, but you silenced them as you made your choice and remembering how mother taught you to make a fist and fight, do just that, raising your arms up close to your head as the instructor jogged over to you, pressing her hand against her ear and saying something.

Calling her fellow bullies over to get in on the fun. A wave of steaming rage washed over you.

"Trainee! Report and Stand down! Final Warning!" She shouted, closing in, and unfolding the baton at her waist with a flick of her wrist.

It sparked. The lighting dancing on it crackling. And you lunged forward. She jolted, surprised you'd actually try and fight back, but it only last a fraction of a second before she brought the baton down over your head. It hurt. Your ears rang, and you felt electricity shooting through you, numbing and locking up the muscles in your legs.

But not you arms, Twitching, you put all of your weight and strength into a wild punch just as you ran into the guard, and fell as your legs locked.

Seems a bit of her baton's shock was still traveling through you, because when you both hit the ground, her body jolts. The punch you threw having hit her throat. She gags, gasps, and her already angry eyes turn furious as she snakes an arm under you shoulder and with the other lifts up her baton. You pull you head back and shoot it forehead, wincing as your forehead strikes hers hard enough for you to hear the sounds of your skulls clanging together. She blinks, nose bleeding, and the crackle from the baton grows louder. So you headbutt her again. Dad always said you had a hard head to keep your smarts intact with how roughly you'd played.

You don't know how many times you headbutt her, but she stops mouth, eyes glazed over and blood pouring from her nose into her mouth, and scrapes on her head. Your own head aches and throbs and stings as you unsteadily stand up and look around. And see that Jai's at the fence.

And that seemingly every guard on patrol is zeroing in on your location, surrounding you and shouting angrily, very angrily. Not like they did before when they hit you for speaking out of turn. The memory of which, still as fresh as the cut on your head and scrapes on your knees, fanned the anger that had just started to relax when you started hitting the woman now laid out on the ground under you.

"Trainee! Stand down!" They demanded. Some of them had rifles trained on you, you looked back. Jai was almost over the fence. Smiling, realizing you'd split your lip as you tasted blood, you picked up the baton that had fallen out of the first guard's hand and, tried to squash the rising panic and fear you felt at having guns pointed at you. Real guns. But, you reminded yourself, if Jai escaped, the others would be safe.

"Final warning!"

You yelled, trying to shout the way one of your uncles had taught you once, as you activated the batton and ran towards the nearest one

They said nothing. And in no time you were surrounded by three, very muscular men who were taller than even your father. And they could hit hard, and had their stun batons on a setting so high, every time they hit you, the world turned white. But you refused to go down, and kept swinging and even hit them a few times.

There was a weird thwip noise and something stuck into your neck. Several thwips and several sharp needles stabbed into you as a familiar woozy feeling washed over you. No! It was happening again. You stumbled, swung and swayed, and fell. And the last thing you remember was being hit, again and again while people shouted.
Altering Perspective

SPARTAN II Program incident report:0001. 0100 Hours, September 24th, 2517
Candidates-006 and -033, made an escape attempt together, sneaking out of the trainees barracks during a switch of the guards. Evading detection, Recruit-033 was spotted near the fence line by Trainer Go Moriko P01, approached to apprehend and return the recruit to their bed, unaware he wasn't the only escapee, and called for back up when the recruit began acting aggressively. Viciously attacking the Petty officer, -033 took possession of her humbler shock device after knocking her unconscious and shattering her nose. In the process of subduing Trainee-033, two more guards were knocked unconscious, and several received minor wounds. Several tranquilizer darts were needed in combination with excessive application of humbler strikes, were necessary to incapacitate Sven-033
Several lower rank trainers were reprimanded for their excessive use of force, immediately after. And were in the process of being reprimanded by the project head, when it was discovered Jai-006 had escaped the facilitate and that he and Sven-033 had, during their escape and without prior planning, having independently plotted their own escaped, had devised a diversionary tactic that would make SPEC-OPs blush, without saying a word to eachother prior to their escape attempt
Project lead Halsey was overjoyed, and ordered a full sweep of the surrounding wilderness
0300 hours, September 24th, 2517. Recruit-006 was returned to custody with far less issue than his co conspirator. End of report

Sub objective. Troublemaker has progressed. Points/ stage, 2 out of ?. Security/ punishments increased further. Sven-033 will no longer hesitate towards violent actions against his trainers. Sven-033 (and Jai-006) have great understanding of the compounds security.
Optional Advancement Conditions Met. Brawler. Unlock conditions. Fight barehanded against multiple opponents and win, successful employ CQC to defeat a more skilled opponent, steal a weapon in a fight.
If accepted now effects on Sven-033 will be: Sven will learn how to fight barehanded earlier, quicker and more effectively than other SPARTAN II candidates. And be harder to knock unconscious
Effects will change as objective is progressed
Accept advancement: Brawler?


>Which is why I didn't say to pierce it kek
Ah, my mistake. I misread what you initially said.
>Even the classic ones from the wild west period and they still had a nice aesthetic.
Revolver/drum shotguns can be done well, they just didn't with the Bulldog. It's too big and bulky for a magazine fed pump action.
The sidekick would be better if it wasn't so fuck huge. It's bigger than the M6D, which is bigger than a Desert Eagle, from halo CE even though it fires a much smaller round.
Ahh, Jai, I forgot he was a little escape artist.
How could I not?
>Looks up jai-006
Over the next five months, he repeatedly attempted escape with another SPARTAN-II, Adriana-111. Every attempt ended in capture, but this only strengthened Jai's resolve to keep trying new escape strategies. The trainers, after suffering broken ankles, lost eyes, fingers and toes, eventually chose to shoot them with darts from the troop bays of Pelicans, after they tried unsuccessfully to capture them using stun devices on the ground
>Hell yeah. Fight the power brother
Jai had little care of insurgents.
>Oh... We're one of the good ones then?

>Project lead Halsey was overjoyed, and ordered a full sweep of the surrounding wilderness
Of course she was.

We'll need 4 handlers with shock batons (Humblers only thing that's getting humbled is those trainers getting their asses whooped by a 6 year old) now.
Fisting is my passion. I mean, fistfighting. I almost feel bad for that first guard. Almost. Never gonna live down that loss.

>Ah, my mistake. I misread what you initially said.
S'all good man.

>It's too big and bulky for a magazine fed pump action.
Actually that reminds me, wasn't one of the graphic artists for Infinite a guy who went on to say he "didn't like guns" and "war and killing triggered him" or some shit? But "Halo is removed enough that he can 'push through it'"? No wonder the guns keep coming out funky. Put a /k/ommando in charge of design and I bet they'd all come out looking just fine.

>the guards around sven don't even carry shock sticks anymore they just have car batteries with exposed wires
You think getting put on Sven duty is gonna be seen as a punishment?
>car batteries with exposed wires
Nah not enough. need to add reinforced shock collar.
>Sven duty is gonna be seen as a punishment?
Even worse then Latrine duty. With latrine duty it just smells bad. With Svenny boy their is the smell of your own blood, piss and shit while he knock you out, breaks a few bones gets you medically discharged and the VA still fucks you over. (Non service related injury. Not due to off the books operations, but due to the VA being the VA.)
Hopefully Sven isn't the one who gets thrown in with the ODST's after augs. That'll be a blood bath.
>wasn't one of the graphic artists for Infinite a guy who went on to say he "didn't like guns"
Naw, it's worse. He was one of the producers.
Halsey's already salivating over the monumental murder machine she's going to turn Sven into. At this rate Sven's definitely going to kill a trainer in a fit of rage at some point.

I'm partial to slamfires myself. There's a good reason the Central Powers wanted shotguns banned in war, considering platoons of American cowboys sending walls of lead faster than a Saiga-12 can with unerring accuracy. We need a Browning Auto-5 cut down to the size of a Super-Shorty in 8 gauge, or better yet the 4.something gauge used by the Russian KS-23.
Honestly I think they'd be better off using a particularly well-trained gorilla as a guard for Sven after a certain point.

>Naw, it's worse. He was one of the producers.
What's better than a holier-than-thou loser in a project? Said loser having at least a little bit of say in the end product. Fuck me.

Also I just had a thought about the shotguns, and the bulldog specifically, if they'd modeled it after the SRM 1216 or any of the shorter ones it'd look fine-ish. Or take it a different direction with the MTS255 if they want that hard revolver look to persist, just need to make it a bit bulkier and chunkier.

Maybe Sven will realize before that point that the thugs are only useful idiots and the real problem is the brass behind the glass. Ah who am I kidding, someone is definitely going to die, and Halsey is going to seal clap over it.

Hear me out, the Vepr-12 but more bore, so Vepr-6/4 I guess it'd be called. Maybe a big stonkin' fat box mag instead of a banana. Alternatively, the SPAS-15 with the same concessions.
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here is my vote
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We Brawl!
I remember Chief killing a trainer who was threatening his squad during an exercise at the extraction point, so there was reasoning behind that. Sven seems more like he'll kill a trainer out of rage.
Fuck yeah, let's go. Let's beat up some more glowies as we grow up. At this point, a few more troublemaker level and they'll eventually have to try to contain us with a Project ORION/Spartan-I handler.
Melee can help. It will not win the war, but never hurts
Once again, its a pretty clear consensus!
Advancement path: Brawler Has been accepted
Current progression. 1 out of 10

This is going to be the last update of the day. Don't know why but I'm just feeling tired.
Just stopping in to say nice job on this thread, OP.
Go rest, OP. Can't have you burning out so early for an interesting quest.
I bet all the trainers are going to be silently praying Sven doesn't survive augmentation so they don't have to wrangle an angry norwegian child with super strength.
Hope you aren't getting sick, chief.

>he's been unconscious after the various surgeries for an abnormally long time: WOO!
>he was actually just taking a nap: FUCK!
0530 Hours, September 24, 2517 (Military Calendar)/ Epsilon Eridani System, Reach Military Complex, Planet Reach
"Wake up, Trainee -033"

Pain and soreness ached across you entire body. Your mouth tasted like smoke. And the grogginess of waking up was somehow heavier and more obscuring than it had ever been before. Not fully awake, you tried to sit up and nearly slammed back into the bed as something strong, sturdy and made of metal held you in place. Opening your eyes and blinking the sleep away, you saw a handcuff tied to your wrist, chaffing and digging into the skin there. A face you wished wasn't so familiar, with a bandaged across her nose, glared down at you, as she held an active shock stick just above your chest, forcing you still as another guard, a man with whiskers like a walrus, knelt down and unlocked the cuff keeping you in place. And as enough of the confusion of being suddenly yanked out of sleep cleared for you to think and remember, your heart sank as you realized you and all the other abucted children were still in the barracks.

And one of your eyes was swollen shut and really, painfully hurt. And your jaw felt slack and cottony. But, as more and more of the events of last night return, hope swelled in your chest. Maybe one kid, that guy called Jai, got away. And lifting up your head to look around and scan the face of the other, sleepy children, the hope filling your heart plummeted as you saw Jai's face amongst them, looking far less worse for wear than yours must have. His eyes, dark and stormy, but his face looking guilt ridden. Somehow that made you feel worse

"Let the boot get up, after how much of a whaling he got on your behalf, he probably doesn't even remember what he did last night" The Walrus Whiskered Man rumbled, a throaty growl that sounded equally as much of a threat to the lady whose nose you shattered and yourself. She made a hiss through her teeth, but obeyed his command and let you get out of thew hard bed you'd been chained to.

Dozens of other uniformed men and women woke up the rest of the children. Some were earlier risers than you, and were pointing at you and Jai and whispering. Somehow, that cheered you up even if, for some reason, it made you blush.

"I am Chief Petty Officer Mendez" The grey templed officer who stood next to that Völva in a labcoat yesterday shouted, next to some poor kid with freckles on his face and gap between his front teeth "The rest of these men and women are your instructors"

He paused and his dark, shark like eyes settled on you as his lip twitched into a silent warning snarl. He looked more wolf than man to you, with his big, black, unblinking eyes.

"You WILL do exactly what we tell you at all times" He continued, and you knew why he was looking directly at you and your partner in crime from last night.

Mercifully he turned away, and lifted the still sparking shock stick he must've jabbed into the unfortunate "recruit" whose bed he stood beside, and raised his voice again to resound through the cinderblock walled barracks as he thundered "Showers are aft. You will wash and then return here to dress"

You glared, knuckles and brow aching even more than your face, shoulders and back after the beating you got, but judging from the dirty stares of your imprisoners and the impressed ones of your fellow forced conscripts, you didn't go down easily. Dad would probably would've patted you on your back for what you did last night. Mendez pulled out a trunk from the bunk of the gap toothed kid and kicked it open to reveal and pull out of it a match pair of grey sweats.

"No Slacking!" He Barked, and for no reason you could tell, shocked that poor freckled cheeked kid again, right between his shoulder blades "On the double. I mean it. Go Go GO!

The broken nosed guard, impatiently, smacked her now deactive shock stick against her palm, waiting for you to just give her a reason to personally repay you for her nose. You glowered, but got up. And found yourself on the floor. Apparently that was too slow for her liking. The whiskered man only shot her a disapproving glare, but didn't move to help you up. You scrambled up to your feet once your muscles loosened. Every breath stung as you stumbled and lurched after the other kids, your two handlers close behind. Looking over, you saw that Jai was being the same treatment, and caught a pitying look on his unbruised face.

A look none of the other ninety eight kids shared, they were all scared and confused.

The shower room had a conveyer. You were shoved onto it, just when you got your shirt off. Strangely, the soapy water wasn't cold or uncomfortable, it felt warmer than what you were used to back home. Scrubbing and washing off the dirt and dried blood left on you from last night's adventure, the spray that followed was more look warm but all the others acted like they'd been dropped in ice when they were hit with it.

You were embarrassed as you dressed yourself, just sullen that Jai got caught in the end and you didn't hurt the völva shadowing your every move more than you did. The socks were thinner than the ones granny knit for you, but filled the combat boots, the sort your parents enjoyed, nicely. But the sweats were too small and strained against you shoulders, and were tight and clingy around your arms and legs. And you knew none of the other kids had clothes too small for them.

"Outside, Trainees, Triple time" Mendez ordered eyes settling first on his chosen victim of the morning, then Jai, and finally you "March!

You didn't have to be worried about being knocked over or stomped on in the stampede that followed, and were too surly over your failure and subsequent punishment to care much if you bowled over or shoved the other trainees out of your way. You'd been shocked and hit too many times to be polite.

The sun wasn't up in the sky as you were shepardedf outside to a strip of grass, still wet like it was last night. You also saw a patch of it with dried brown flecks, crushed and smushed down. A defiant smirk tugged on your lips. Your fellow captives and the instructors were the only people out and about this early, and the morning sky's glory and peace was broken by the roar and flight trails of two jets.

For some reason, you thought of One Eyed Odin and his ravens when you saw them darken the sky. But the leader of the thugs broke you out of your contemplation with his shouting, and kneeling down to pray would just give your watchers an excuse to beat you to the ground again.

"You will make five equal length rows. Twenty trainees in each!" Was what he barked, and surprisingly, gave you and the rest of the "recruits" a few moments to get into formation before the instructors under his command began to dole out beatings and administer shocks.

"Straighten those rows"
"You know how to count to twenty trainee?"
"Take three steps back"

For some reason, you were at the front of the first of the rows. You couldn't see Jai, but Mendez' chosen target of abuse was close by. And so was the blonde girl you and Jai sat beside yesterday. None of the others were familiar to you, but a fire lit in your belly. Getting bruised and pummeled like dough had done nothing to dampen your hopes that you, all of them, would get out of here. The morning air became vapors as you breathed out, searching for a different area to try and get Jai or, some other brave recruit out of, even if it meant you took all the heat and hits. Again.

You'd get all, of you would, they couldn't get away with this, right? They couldn't possibly! The were rules to follow, even for grown ups, even for the UNSC!

But you increasingly worried and bitter thoughts were cut off by Mendez's thunderous voice "Jumping Jacks! Count off to one hundred. Ready, Go!"

At least he lead the exercise, and you followed his example. Jumping jacks were easy, even little kids could do them. But one half asleep boy hesitated, and like crows on a corpse, the instructor marching down the line fell upon him and sent him sprawling to the ground. Your stomach twisted, but you kept up your jumping attacks, hearing the sound of your personal warden thumping her silver baton against her shoulder, still waiting for her next chance to enact punishment, or rather, personal vengeance against you.

"Get with the program, Boot!" The instructor who knocked down the other boy snarled. And he did, uncurling from the ball he'd tucked into on the ground, and joined the exercise

Jumping jacks were easy. But a hundred were tiring, especially when so much of your body was bruised and beaten all over. Mendez counted up, tallying his pace and expecting all you kids to keep up. You were the closest, you think. But before you could catch you breath, and think about how you could get a message out or if you'd ever see your friends back home again, or your parents, Mendez started the next exercise, only pausing long enough to take one deep breath in.

It was sit ups. You never liked doing sit ups in PE Class. And a hundred of them, sounded like a worse punishment than any you'd already been given. Especially when the Chief Petty Officer added that "The first crewman who quits, gets to run to around the compound twice. Then comes back here and does two hundred sit ups!" right before he began counting up from one.

You didn't stop to try and help the other kids, you stopped cause your stomach stung and it hurt too badly for you to pull yourself off the ground. But, being taller meant the run wasn't as long as it'd be for the others. When it was through you were panting, huffing and puffing and you couldn't stand without slouching, once you'd finished the second part of the punishment. Your stomach searing with pain and sweat beading down your back and chest as you stomach twisted and knotted itself.

You almost wanted to hug the bully who made you hurt like this when he said the next exercise were deep squats. A hundred again, you were lagging behind after doing nearly three hundred sit ups after a run, and felt like you were on the verge of fainting, Your lips were parched and your throat burned. Everything burned. Freckles threw up, you could tell by the yelps he made when the instructors fell upon him like a pack of wolves and the smell of bile that rose up with the burning stench of ozone during his discipling.

You were already too exhausted to think. Too tired to hate. Too fatigued to be angry.

But like a machine, Mendez moved onto Leg lifts, and all of you followed like clocks set to his own rhythm. None of you stopped, if you stopped, the batons would be come out and pain would follow. You body became heavy, heavier than you'd ever felt, and you became so sluggish, and your legs trembled so much, you wondered if you'd die.

"Rest!" Mendez called out across the grass strip, and you collapsed onto a heap on the ground, struggling to breath, feeling the strain in your muscles, and something instead of your stomach spasming with every labored breath you sucked in.

"Trainers! Get the water"

You watched, slack jawed and drooling in the grass as the instructors rolled out carts heaped with bottled water. Weakly, you first tried to stand, then crawl over, but your arms and legs both felt like they were made of jelly.

A warm bottle pressed against the top of your head, and you looked up to see Jai. And thought you might cry as he helped you pull up and shared the bottles he had in his arms with you. It tasted salty, and was warm, but you didn't care. It could've been honey with how quickly and greedily you gulped it down, only slowing to make sure Jai drank enough himself. You swayed as you sat, eyes closed, feeling sweat pouring down you, soaking into your clothes.

You just hoped, faintly, if rescue did come like in they did in movies and comics, that they shot Mendez first. Or at least made him do three thousand sit ups. You opened your eyes, cause picturing your dad forcing the Chief petty officer at gunpoint to work out until he dropped hurt nearly as badly as the clenching in your stomach. But you couldn't stop from wondering sadly if you'd ever see him and mom again...

"A good start, trainees" The devil himself might as well have said as Mendez decided your brief respite had gone on long enough "Now we run. On your feet"

"But I just ran" You wearily began. Before being reminded of why you should've kept your mouth shut by a swift, electrifying smack to the back. So you ran, herded along with ninety nine other kids, down a gravel path through the compound and further. It never seemed to end! It went alongside a river, then over a bridge, then near a runway with jets! But thankfully, that was the end, and feeling as though you were melting, you dragged your feet after Mendez, as he guided his recruits down a zig zagging stone path. You could hear the blood pumping through your veins, and ever fiber of aching muscle, you had no thoughts because you couldn't think anymore.

And you were starving. Hunger panged in your stomach, worsening the stabbing pain in your belly that was already there. Breathless, you ran into a courtyard with smooth flagstones and the flagpole holding up the UNSC flag. And beyond that, you saw where you being lead . A building with white columns and a fish scaled roof, with an arch bearing, in english you thought ruefully, "Naval Officer's Academy" cut into it.

So that's where you were taken. And you stomach dropped as you remembered there wasn't any thing like that anywhere near New Oslo, or even New Noregr. Just how far from home were you? Suddenly, getting help seemed like it'd be much harder to do.

But before that unwelcome thought could sink in, the AI from yesterday appeared beneath the arch, with motes of light circling her head

"Excellent work, Chief petty officer Mendez" Were the first things she said with a chiming, cotton soft voice, then she said "Welcome, my name is Deja and I will be your teacher. Please come in, class is about to start"

Some of the other trainees complained. Were they insane! Any boring, easy school lesson would be better than what you were just put through! But no one grumbled when Deja threatened any who skipped class for more of Mendez's morning "calisthenics". The schoolhouse was cool, so refreshingly cool you thought you may just weep.

But then you say the breakfast that was waiting for you all. A tray of crackers and a carton of milk. Your stomach rumbled like a beast's. And as you s mournfully nibbled at the crackers, to make them last longer, Deja began talking again, teaching you about some battle the Spartans had against the Persians. How three hundred of them fought against thousands of persians. And as you were gulping down your woefully small carton of milk, you nearly spat it out and felt some of it go up your nose as something amazing happened.

An entire holographic countryside appeared in the classroom! You couldn't take your eyes away from it, as miniature mountains, hills rose up around you, and as projection of the sea lapped around your ankles as you and the other children looked around in wonder, tiny doll sized soldiers marched through the scene, which Deja explained was a recreation of Thermopylae, were thousands of soldiers marched against the three hundred that held the pass. And you were transfixed as the battle began, shields were split and shattered, spears broken and splintered, gleaming swords flashed and blood spilled from the doll soldiers.

According to Deja, the Spartans like the three hundred who fought against many more to hold a pass, were the best soldiers who had ever lived and that in battle, they'd never been defeated. Awed by the mock battle playing out before you, you reached for more crackers and frowned. They were all gone. You swore you still had a few left. And your stomach felt like it was eating itself, as the black haired girl next to you chewed on the last of hers, looking the other way from you. But seeing the Spartans fight cheered you up, and while you hung on Deja's story, you couldn't help but imagine a few of the meaner, harder hitting instructors' faces on the miniature Persians The spectacle helped distract from how hungry you were. You hoped you'd get a real meal soon. Stale crackers and milk wasn't enough.

In the end, the Spartans overcame the odds! Which made the whole class, including yourself, cheer as their survivors stood over the mountains of dead Persians, victorious. It was easy to imagine yourself there. And you were about to ask it again, when Deja said "That is all for today. We'll continue tomorrow. Next time I will show you some wolves. Now it's time for you to go to the playground"
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"Playground?" The boy you thought of and knew as Freckles said hopeful, but you were more suspicious. After how they'd been treating you all last night and this morning, they couldn't have a real playground here, could they? But still, you ran off with the others, just in case some instructor was hiding nearby to hit you over the head again.

And nearly ran face first into Chief Petty Officer Mendez' chest. You had to quickly stop yourself from grimacing as he looked down at you as you stepped back, and saw the rest of the trainers. The other children stopped just behind you, their hopes of games and fun dashed

"Its time for the playground" Mendez said, in a tone that might've been his version of cheerful "It's a short run, fall in"

That was a lie. As was the promise of an actual playground, but you figured it would be. What they called a playground, was instead a collection of what looked like a forest stripped of its branches and leaves. Wooden poles, twenty meters tall if you had to guess. Connected by rope nets and bridges that crisscrossed and intersected one another and swayed high off the ground, like a maze raised off the ground. There were slide poles and ropes with knots tied in them to climb, and swings and platforms hanging by ropes or held up by wooden legs. There were also ropes slung through pulleys, attached to baskets that looked big enough to fit even a boy of your size inside of them!

"Trainees" Mendez snapped, halting your study of the bizarre forest of nets and poles "Form four lines"

The instructors moved, but you and the others formed the lines without complaining or questioning

"The first person in every row will be team number one" He explained "The second person in each row will be team number to and so on. If you do not understand this, speak up now"

No one did. Maybe the rest of these kids weren't as dumb as you thought they were.

Looking left and right, you wanted to see who was on your team, and cringed as you realized the shirts you wore had nametags on them....and numbers? Yours was Zero Thirty Three. What did that mean? What was it for? And who was standing next to you, and what were their names and confusing numbering?

>Nesta -097, Jorge-052, and James-005

>Shika-108, Ralph-103, and Jerome-092

>Dimas-012, Daisy -023, and Jori-149

>Cal-141, Illya-077, and Kurt-051

That took a lot longer to write than I expected, couldn't think of a time a decision to vote on would fit until the playground. Also had to pull out my copy of fall of reach to make sure I got the order/ details right. But its done. Its here. I am going to bed, and will try to get at least one update out tomorrow, but will aim for more

Aw I'm touched, I really am!

Probably just been reading too late into the evening
>Shika-108, Ralph-103, and Jerome-092
>Final update
>It's 7 full length posts
Good Lord, go enjoy your rest, OP. You deserve it.
>had to pull out my copy of fall of reach to make sure I got the order/ details right.
lel, I knew the training seemed familiar. I guess we're going to see John real soon.
Great update.
>Nesta -097, Jorge-052, and James-005
Nesta GOAT if we manage to form a team with her, and Jorge is another big lad.
>Dimas-012, Daisy -023, and Jori-149

>I guess we're going to see John real soon.
I think "Freckles" is John.
>Shika-108, Ralph-103, and Jerome-092
Nice big update QM

I think John might've actually been the other kid we were sitting next to here >>6156869
>Cal-141, Illya-077, and Kurt-051
>Dimas-012, Daisy -023, and Jori-149
as much as I love Jorge and I think Nesta's danger sense is cool. I don't want to have two "giants" on our team. Also we already have a sort of relationship with Jori.
>Also we already have a sort of relationship with Jori.
Are you confusing him for Jai-006?
You're right, that really was John.
>“Playground?” John said. That was perfect. He could finally just sit on a swing, relax, and think for a moment. He ran out of the room, as did the other trainees. Chief Petty Officer Mendez and the trainers waited for them outside the classroom.
>Shika-108, Ralph-103, and Jerome-092
in my defence, they are similar names.
>that Völva in a labcoat yesterday
I can't wait for her inevitable promotion to seidhkona when she shows off just how far she goes for her little toy soldiers. Damn witch. I will never forgive her.

>And your stomach felt like it was eating itself, as the black haired girl next to you chewed on the last of hers, looking the other way from you.
There is nothing more animal-hatred inducing than touching another creature's food. I'm watching you, girl.

>Probably just been reading too late into the evening
Ah late to bed, early to rise, that's why there's pain behind my eyes. kek. Yeah.

I can't choose between Dimas and Nesta. On the one hand, who knows what Dimas with his exceptional brain and tech wizardry might be obliged to create. On the other, an early warning of danger will never not be useful. Though "little" Shika pulling her disappearing acts by just walking behind the giant Sven is also a truly precious mental image. I find that I am ill-equipped to make this decision.
>Nesta -097, Jorge-052, and James-005
I want to buddy up with Jorge.
>>Nesta -097, Jorge-052, and James-005
Finally, some good fucking questin'.
I only know the broad strokes of Halo lore that won't stop me from participating just gotta pray my IP doesn't bunnyhop all over the place
>Cal-141, Illya-077, and Kurt-051
>Nesta-097, Jorge-052, and James-005
C'mon we need the fooking bri-is cont on team.
Danger sense will make her an excelent scout/pointwoman. We will be heavy/cqc. And if you guys could cool down for a bit, we need leadership skills, desperately.

DI is already ballistic on us, and it's the beginning of the red phase. So we're f*ing dead, and we have no one but the team to rely on.

Also, p.s. we really should have made the PC female AND norse. Then we could have a Valkyrie name as a callsign. Oh well, if we get to be a team leader, we can give 097 one.
>Shika-108, Ralph-103, and Jerome-092
Luv me Ralph. Luv me Jerome. Shika is a plus. Simple as.
>Nesta -097, Jorge-052, and James-005
Maybe it's just because it's late but your entire post confuses me. Are you avoiding expletives for humor? Emphasis? Ideological reasons? But Shika would make a better scout than Nesta, though Nesta would make a better pointman than Shika. And I don't get what you mean by cool down, we're the coolest dude here. Even if Surtr's fire burns in our veins minute after minute. It's THEIR fault for being villains.

>wanting to be valkyries instead of disir
pft, playing fetch for the UNSC? Crazy.
>And if you guys could cool down for a bit, we need leadership skills, desperately.
I don't think Sven not having leadership skills is because Anons kept choosing to punch glowies - there simply haven't been opportunities for showing leadership from what I've seen
This post reeks of glownigger.
>Then we could have a Valkyrie name as a callsign. Oh well, if we get to be a team leader, we can give 097 one.
Valkyrie is overused, generic, and boring as fuck, and it wouldn't make sense as a call sign for Nesta since she's not from a Norse theme planet. Instead of trying to force a theme on a character, we should just work with what's already there.
>>Nesta -097, Jorge-052, and James-005

Thank you for making this quest QM. I know I'm going to enjoy the fuck out of it.
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Seems like Nesta, Jorge, and James are going to win this, but at least let me make a case for why Jerome is best boy.
Now, as you all know, Spartans are trained to master all forms of weaponryーeven alien ones, but how many of them are trained in the art of just punching, kicking, stomping, and beating enemies to death with furniture?
My boy here survived not one, but TWO Forerunner installations, beat up Atriox's second in command, AND he's really, really grenade happy.
That is all, thank you for coming to my TED talk.
You did well bud. You truly love Halo, Thunderhead would be proud to see such quest around

>Project lead Halsey was overjoyed, and ordered a full sweep of the surrounding wilderness
>0300 hours, September 24th, 2517. Recruit-006 was returned to custody with far less issue than his co conspirator. End of report
Lmao those trainers and guards will 100% make a petition to Halsey to increase their own numbers considerably and buy sleeping gas alongside some Launchers with heavy nets used for capture large animals. Otherwise even if less than half of the kids start acting like this two, trainers and guards will visit very frequently the infirmary or outright the military hospital hahaha

Pretty much yeah. We should be able to have access to a more heavy armor like other spartans of similar constitution to us, and be able to bring with us more easily heavy weapons and the ammo for them. In regard to the weapons to carry around i would probably go heavy weapon (picked for the kind of mission they send us to deal with. So either more anti-infantry or more anti-vehicle), a big pistol, and a melee weapon like a maul. The rest ammo, nades and other equipment

they are really playing the spartans angle for the little spartans hehe

>>Dimas-012, Daisy -023, and Jori-149
i don't particulary mind who we end up with, i would like to see Dimas though
>Shika-108, Ralph-103, and Jerome-092
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>So either more anti-infantry
One of picrel maybe? I dunno if Halo has something bigger/Spartan exclusive.
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There's the M247H, it fires HVE rounds and can tear through vehicles and covers like hot knife through butter.
>and a melee weapon like a maul.
I was thinking a shortsword. And we will call it Tyrfing. Because every time it is drawn SOMETHING is gonna die. And eventually when we steal some covie shithead's energy sword we can get some fucky wucky stuff done to give our weapon a glowing energy sheath that also makes it even stronger, because Tyrfing does glow after all. Yes I am going to ride this theme into the ground.
Maybe we could carry a M68 Gauss cannon if we want to give up ammo for "fuck you in particular" potential.
I'm an axe man myself but
Can we even request/order custom gear immediately for our first mission or are we gonna need to build an actual reputation first?
>Can we even request/order custom gear immediately for our first mission or are we gonna need to build an actual reputation first?
I figure if we show an aptitude towards a particular weapon during training, Mendez or Halsey might take notice and have command issue the appropriate gear once we're actually deployed.
Spartans regularly get specialized items and requisitions. Emile has a kukri, Fred regularly has a pair of combat knives because he's a knife autist, and a number of irregular S3s and 4s get pattern-2 composite swords.
I think that anon's well aware that every Spartan gets their gimmick gear eventually, but he was asking if we would even get anything resembling that before we actually get a good number of operations under our belt.
well, when your armour costs as much as a frigate adding a couple hundred or thousand credits doesn't matter much.
I should probably do more than skim comments before I reply, lol. Probably not, I can't think of any examples off the top of my head where Spartan 2s got specialized equipment outside of missioned issued gear like the black body gloves and what not.
Truth. Specialized equipment outside of mission packages also ultimately don't matter much to most Spartans, generally speaking, as MJOLNIR is the great equalizer.
As I recall, John actually got carte-blanche to pick whatever gear he wanted for his team during Operation TALON, so there is something of a precedent there. That said, yeah it's probably on a case by case basis.
Still, if we're in a leadership position, we might be able to put forth an argument for some specific gear depending on the mission parameters.
Might I interest you in a shield? Svalinn, perhaps? Also I just thought, with Sven being a punchy boy he may get some beefed up super-gauntlets and call them his Jarngreipr. Rad. I only go with swords because there are a lot of cool mythological names to choose from. Everyone liked the rich-man's weapon back in the day, go figure. Dainsleif is a nice name IMO.
>so there is something of a precedent there.
Yep, but that was stuff already produced. Not custom orders. That's why I referenced the black body glove, it's the armor they wore during TALON. But othertwise, yeah, a leadership roll will go a long way when it comes to getting us fun stuff.

Halo already uses a number of Nordic naming conventions for weapons. The m6 Splaser's operational name is the Model 6 'Grindell.' The Mantis is called the HRUNTING/YGGDRASIL Mk.9. Etc.
A tower shield and scaled up SMG would actually pair well together I feel, so I'll definitely keep that in mind when the choice for gear comes up.
Yeah they do be liking their Norse myth names. Wasn't their a Gungnir somewhere out there, too? Thought it was a ship or ship's weapon. I think there's a Jormungandr as well though I think that was just an armor set in one of the games? Which I also find funny because they ahve all these Norse themes and then bam - katana vanity item unlock for customization. Big funny.

>sven with a shield running in like he's a brazillian cop raiding a favella
Now imagine tossing a bandolier of grenades into a compartment full of covies and blocking the exit with a slab of armor plating
Ah yes. The Spetznaz method of hostage liberation. Grenades and shields are a truly winning combination though. Love seeing that sort of thing in games. You could probably pack on a little shield generator to it or route the armor's shields to extend over the handheld shield and make it even tougher.

Just HOW TANKY can we possibly make Sven?
>Wasn't their a Gungnir somewhere out there, too? Thought it was a ship or ship's weapon. I think there's a Jormungandr as well though I think that was just an armor set in one of the games?
Gungnir was the name of an armor set in game, a permutation designed to optimize usage of the M6 splaser.
Unless you're carrying multiple tons of solid armor, it don't mean shit in the face of plasma weaponry. That's why energy shields and mobility are paramount. Even a basic bitch plasma pistol can just about take the head off an armored Spartan, which is how Linda died.
Routine installation maintenance complete
Rebooting....Monitor 404TormentedCache back online

Jeez that's a lot of votes & discussion. Love to see it. Well, only thing to do is get to counting

6 of them for Nesta -097, Jorge-052, and James-005

5 for Shika-108, Ralph-103, and Jerome-092

3 for Dimas-012, Daisy -023, and Jori-149

2 to Cal-141, Illya-077, and Kurt-051

Decision made
Preferred Candidate Sven-033 shall be a part of Team Six, including Nesta-097, Jorge-052, and James-005

But first, need to cut up my responses to a few of your replies, because the new spam filter is fucking cancer
Duly noted. Gonna slide that idea onto the back-burner then...but how are we feeling about cut down ARs and oversized SMGs once the ball gets rolling?
Thank you, I had a blast writing it, though I was worried it was a too long when I posted it, glad you guys didn't think so.
Correct! "Freckles" is John-117
Jai was nearly a fifth option, then I realized, no, the instructors wouldn't allow team him and Sven up again so soon after their little adventure
That is a very cute mental image, thanks for it.
And thank you as well, hope the quest is to your satisfaction
Thanks, I really do love the setting and games. Started with Combat Evolved when it released. I still remember the moment me and my brother reached the flood levels...Still hoping wolfpack comes back, to
GUNGNIR-Class MJOLNIR. The helmet of which is my personal favorite design.
>though I was worried it was a too long when I posted it
As a regular in 2nd Primarch Quest, I can personally say I have a taste for big ass updates.
Well helmets do tend to be very vulnerable spots comparatively. All those gizmos packed in means less room for protection. And the Mjolnir armor is stated to be able to take at least some hits. But yeah, the energy shields were pulling huge weight. ONI really struck gold with that armor project, didn't they?

>That is a very cute mental image, thanks for it.
I live to serve, boss.
>About armour variants.
If we go more all in on brawling I offer us to decide between.
Mjolnir/C and Mjolnir/CQC
Other options are also possible.
Correction. CQC. Because C is just an improvement of it.
>ONI really struck gold with that armor project, didn't they?
Absolutely. Ensured Spartans could get into and survive overt combat ops without being horrifically maimed in the process.
We can always mix and match too. I doubt we'll be limited to just one specialized kit. That being said, I'm partial to /A, Rogue but that won't be until the last year of the war at best.
>Jai was nearly a fifth option
Glad he wasn't, I love Gray Team but splitting them up or adding us to their roster wouldn't make for good character interactions IMO. And you're right, in story it wouldn't make much sense.
Then it gently pokes Elite shields when Mythic and Tilt are turned on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You were sixth in line in the first row. Looking to your right, you got a look at and took account of the teammates you'd gotten stuck with. Only one of them inspired confidence. He was the second from you, in the third row, and was the nearest to your height of all of the conscripts but you could still look down on him. He had sad looking, brown eyes that complimented short hair of the same color. And even though his eyes were sad, he seemed dependable, tough. The kind of kid you'd want on your side of the field. Stenciled on his sweat shirt was the name Jorge and the Number -052. Between the two of you, was a girl with a face covered in freckles and wild looking green eyes, her red hair tied into messy pigtails and when you first looked over you'd missed her for Jorge. But there was something about that energy her eyes had, it was familiar. Flashes of your dad's friends from off world and Mendez' shark eyes flickered in your thoughts. Hers were similar, in a way you couldn't put into words. Despite her only just reaching your chest, she felt dangerous, like a dog crouched and ready to snap and bite.

The girl with the cold eyes, had Nesta and -097 written on the shirt she wore

Last in line was another boy, closer to and only an inch or maybe half taller than Nesta, who was now bouncing between her feet, grinning. He, unlike many of the other trainees, seemed utterly calm, with the demeanor of a cat resting on a window sill, basking in the sun. He stared straight ahead, at the "Playground" and you realized from how his eyes moved gradually across the confusing tangle of poles and nets, that he was trying to piece together how to get from one end of it, to the other.

"Hiyah" Nesta, with a bright and cheery voice that didn't match the shadows in her eyes "I'm Nesta, aren't you to one who thrashed one of the instructors last night? Surprised you're still standing after what they did to you. You're a tough nut, ain'tcha?"

You blinked, not quiet knowing how to respond to that or if she was trying to be nice or just making fun of you. Jorge sighed through his nose and crossed his arms, and James looked away from his project of solving the rope maze to look over at you and the red head bouncing on her heels, looking at you like you were her new puppy. He smiled and gave a polite wave, before returning to his project.

"Sorry you didn't get away" Jorge spoke, as the lines finally finished forming as the stragglers pushed and shoved their way into the law row "And that you were beat for it. It was a brave thing, what you did. A nevem Jorge"

Hungarian? You think that was Hungarian. A language you didn't speak

"Sven" You greet, both him and Nesta whose eyes twinkle, her grin changing to look a little too much like how your "Favorite" instructor smirked when she had an excuse to discipline you.

"Well, if we're introducing ourselves, call me James, don't know why they put a five at the end there" James calls out, lifting up his hand for attention

But before you could get to know anything more about your fellow conscripts/ classmates, or Nesta could ask you if you killed one of the trainers already, Mendez whistled sharply and louder than you knew was possible, using two fingers in his mouth to make the call to attention

"Today's game" He explain, looking over all four rows, a clipboard in one hand and a stopwatch in the other "Is called "Ring the Bell""

With the hand holding the stopwatch, he pointed at the tallest of the poles which was thirty meters tall compared to the other poles' twenty. With a steel slide pole next to it and a brass bell fastened to the top of it. You smirked. Being big always had its perks, as did being raised near mountains. That pole wasn't so tall. Or that's what you told yourself to try to untangle the ball your stomach was knotting itself into at the sight of it. What if you fell? You winced, as a mental image of what would happen if you did flashed in your mind's eye.

"There are many ways to get to the bell" Mendez continued, turning back to face the four rows of trainees "I leave it to up to each team to find their own way. When every member of your team has rung the bell, you are to get groundside double time and run back here across this finish line"

"Why's your hair so long, like a girl's?" Nesta whispered, standing on her toes to reach your ear. You tried to ignore her, as Mendez took out his baton and drew a line in the sand. It seemed simple enough, simpler than some of the games made up in the schoolyards of New Oslo at least.

But then someone, three steps ahead of you raised their hand. Mendez glared, looking like a shark about to strike, and you winced, expecting him to personally discipline the other recruit with how he glared at them, but then he asked "A Question, trainee?"

"What do we win?" They asked, and you recognized that voice. It was freckles! Did he have porridge for brains?! Games weren't for prize, they were for fun. And besides, this wasn't a game, it was another exercise, disguised as a playtime. You hoped, and immediately felt guilty for thinking it, that the Chief Petty Officer would hit him for asking such a dumb question. But instead Mendez cocked an eyebrow and actually smiled. But it didn't reach is the black pits of his eyes.

"You win dinner, Number-117" He answered, and you wondered if that was always the prize or if he came up with it just now to shut up Freckles "Tonight, Dinner is Roast turkey, gravy, and mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, brownies and ice cream"

None of those were your favorite, and you never had turkey before, that sounded like an Inner Colony Luxury if you ever heard one, but...you were so hungry you'd eat dirt if it came down to it. So very hungry. You wiped drool from your lips as the other trainees, in their own ways, showed their approval.

"Finally, some real food" Jorge laughs, and you nodded your head in serious agreement.

"If big boy here doesn't eat it all" Nesta snickered, smile never having left her face "But there's a catch, I can tell. Listen"

"What do you mean?" James asked her, before you could. And a second later, Mendez proved her right.

"But, for there to be winners there must also be a loser. The Last team to finish goes without food"

You straightened your back, stiffening all over. No. No! It wouldn't be you. It wasn't right, especially after the sort of physical training he'd put you all through to deny you food. You were starving, and it had to be just as bad for all the rest. But...But you weren't going to lose. You needed dinner. You were too hungry not to eat. And even if you could throw the match for others to eat, that'd just mean your teammates wouldn't get any either. It wasn't fair. But you could do nothing but grind your teeth together and seethe. Mendez really was the devil!

"Oh that's gotten him angry, is he going to hit the chief, you think?" Nesta cackled like a Volga as Jorge looked all across the rows with concern and James, well James didn't seem worried at all.

The Chief, as Nesta called him, told you all to "Make Ready!", and you were. No one was going to take your potatoes from you. If Nesta or James slowed you and Jorge down, you'd just carry them to the finish line. You weren't going to miss dinner! You weren't!


And before anyone could move, Freckles was off like a greyhound. Completing abandoning the other three members of his team. The tanned boy, and the girls, one with dyed blue hair and one with hair even redder than Nesta's.

You blinked. He had to be dumb. Did he not hear the "Team" part of the rules?! Or did he only care about winning himself? Somehow, seeing him sprint ahead of his teammates on his own, really made you mad.

>So you chased after him! To teach him a hands on lessons about caring for others (Try to catch up to and wallop John-117. Path Difficulty: HARD. First DC: 17)

>But if his team lost, it just meant yours got to eat (Stick together with your teammates, and help them reach to the bell. Path Difficulty: EASY. First DC: 5)

>Pick up Nesta, and clear a path for Jorge and James by barreling through the other trainees (Bully your way to the front. Path Difficulty: Normal. First DC:12)

>Follow your teammates, staying out of their way and trying to come up with a plan to make sure you didn't lose (Try and find a loophole in the rules. Path Difficulty: HARD. First DC 18)

>Write in option
>But if his team lost, it just meant yours got to eat (Stick together with your teammates, and help them reach to the bell. Path Difficulty: EASY. First DC: 5)
He had me at "roast turkey".
>>Pick up Nesta, and clear a path for Jorge and James by barreling through the other trainees
It's a keystone moment for John, and will also let us team bond. Wonder if we could manage a third specialist team, maybe SAT or something.
>>Follow your teammates, staying out of their way and trying to come up with a plan to make sure you didn't lose (Try and find a loophole in the rules. Path Difficulty: HARD. First DC 18)
I know I'm tempting fate, but I wanna say fuck the system.Oof course if other anons want the other options that are less risky I'll accept everything, but the bully path. We weren't raised to be bullies.
>But if his team lost, it just meant yours got to eat (Stick together with your teammates, and help them reach to the bell. Path Difficulty: EASY. First DC: 5)
Seems like the best choice for getting a good team bond going, third feels a bit too mean for what we've done so far
>But if his team lost, it just meant yours got to eat (Stick together with your teammates, and help them reach to the bell. Path Difficulty: EASY. First DC: 5)

Three is tempting but I dont think Sven would or should bully the others only the instructors.
Going to switch my vote to
>But if his team lost, it just meant yours got to eat (Stick together with your teammates, and help them reach to the bell. Path Difficulty: EASY. First DC: 5)

Bullying the other candidates would be a little out of character and probably not give us any potential leadership traits.
>>Follow your teammates, staying out of their way and trying to come up with a plan to make sure you didn't lose (Try and find a loophole in the rules. Path Difficulty: HARD. First DC 18)

depending on how big the bell is and how heavy we could rip it off the pole and throw it on the ground for our team (and other kids) to ring.
>But if his team lost, it just meant yours got to eat (Stick together with your teammates, and help them reach to the bell. Path Difficulty: EASY. First DC: 5)
Got to let John learn his lesson.
>>Follow your teammates, staying out of their way and trying to come up with a plan to make sure you didn't lose (Try and find a loophole in the rules. Path Difficulty: HARD. First DC 18)
Shhh, let's not bring up gameplay, otherwise we could just try to duel-wield the Halo 1 pistol and decimate anyone we come across.
>But if his team lost, it just meant yours got to eat (Stick together with your teammates, and help them reach to the bell. Path Difficulty: EASY. First DC: 5)
Slow and steady. Let's just get something to eat and get to know your team for now.
We can go back to bullying the instructors later.
>But if his team lost, it just meant yours got to eat (Stick together with your teammates, and help them reach to the bell. Path Difficulty: EASY. First DC: 5)
At least we won't be going to bed hungry tonight, thanks John!
All this talk of specialized equipment and MJOLNIR customization is great and all, but I wonder if we'll get all that much options before the covies show up. We still have one or two years of mowing down innies before we get to fight aliens and anything more than a DMR would probably be overkill against them.
>but I wonder if we'll get all that much options before the covies show up.
Nope, not much time for it. Op Talon is the Spartan 2s first deployment in September of 2525, FLEETCOM realizes the Covenant are attacking in late October, and by November the Spartan 2s are getting the first production run of early Mk.IV armor.
But that's okay! We'll have thirty years of the war to get through, plenty of time for fun kit customization. Especially when permutations blow up the budget in the mid 30s.
7 Votes for the easy path/ working with the rest of team six

3 Votes for the 2nd hard path/trying to game the system and find a loophole

Decision made
Please roll 1d20. Best of three, DC 5
Current successes on extended action, 0
Rolled 20 (1d20)

nat 20
Rolled 1 (1d20)

No whammies.
Hell yeah, good roll.
I actually called it! POG! I'm sad we didn't try and game the system now.
The duality of man.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

lol nice called shot
the dice gods giveth and taketh away
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Also checked.
Doesn't matter. a 6 is still a pass though. though the 1 and 20 should cause some bipolar shit to happen.
Hopefully 404 takes highest passing otherwise I'm gonna an hero.
He did say best of three, so I think we should be safe. Unless one of our teammate completely flopped due to the 1.
Giving me flashbacks of neckbeard warlock quest here.
Warning! Warning! General warning in place! Preferred candidate has achieved a critical success!
Error Code: RED! A critical failure is predicted! All members of Faculty, take cover!
Temporal mainframe integrity compromised! Critical failure averted by Critical success

AND that made me mark the fuck out, seeing those two rolls, it'll also give me a chance to explain that unless certain modifiers are on the field/ applied to the roll, Crit successes will trump/ negate Crit fails (+ add some flavor/ challenge that Sven over comes, reflecting both the crit-fail and the crit-success in text)

And besides the crit, you went 15 over the target number on the first roll of the easy route through the course!

>rit successes will trump/ negate Crit fails
Oh thank fuck.
>tfw john tries to body check us on the way back
Freckles would be dumb enough to try that.
Nah. Even funnier would be that some of the instructors try fucking with us and we just body one of them or if we knock of the bell by accident due to our sheer force and cause a pileup clusterfuck.
Even if better if it's our favourite trainer.
With Freckles breaking ahead of the pack, and leaving the three other members of his team behind in the crowd he was racing ahead of, you watched for a moment, not wanting to barrel over or accidentally knock over the other trainees as they scrambled to catch up with Freckles. Your eyes met Nesta, Jorge and James' own and you nodded.

"Stay behind me" You rumbled, still more than a little ticked off by the pig headedness of the current leader in the race to the bell, who was already clambering up a net dangling from the side of one of the platforms. Nesta nodded, and didn't stay behind you, but leaped onto your back, wrapping her arms around your neck as before you could take a step. But you were used to running with another kid on your back, since that was how the other boys always tried to beat you when you were rough housing and wrestling with them.

It never worked. Picking up speed, even with the extra cargo you were carrying, who whistled in amazement as you thundered ahead of the rest of the kids, who smartly got out of your way as you and Jorge ran for the same platform Freckles was nearly on top of already. James was only a few steps behind the both of you.

Nesta made a face and stuck her tongue out at the other trainees as you ran past them and threw yourself against the net, leaping upwards. She lost her grip, but instead of tumbling off or falling, by time you turned to try and grab her, she was clinging tightly to the net right beside you. Shrugging, you pulled yourself up the rope net, right behind Freckle's tail without leaving behind or losing any of the three kids you were partnered with.

By time you pulled yourself up, Nesta and a few other kids were there to, and you saw Jorge just a little further down the net when Nesta nearly fell off of it. Sighing through your nose, and with Freckles just a few steps ahead, you knew this was going to be a real race. An actual challenge. But Nesta didn't follow you, she just stared ahead, frowning as you and several other kids, right behind Freckles, followed him across the bridge suspended between the first platform and the next.

She turned to you as you were nearly across it, as Freckles bounded off of it.

"You're going to fall" She said as the bridge began to shake, a second before it flipped over. And for a moment, you were weightless, as you and five others were dumped into the open air.

They fell into the water below. You didn't. Scowling, you threw out your hands at the last moment, and winced as you felt them nearly get pulled out of their sockets as you grabbed onto the ledge of the next platform. It hurt. But not as badly as falling would. Pulling yourself up. You turned back and saw Nesta standing on the other platforms, green eyes wide with amazement. Most of the kids who were there to see the bridge fall looked impress.

"Jorge! Grab the ropes on your end!" You shouted as you grabbed the ones on yours "I think we can hold it steady"

Jorge nodded. And in seconds, the bridge was back upright, unsteady and swaying wildly, but more than crossable, even if it didn't look like it was.

Nesta got across, avoiding a loose rope right near the end that would've sent her slipping down into the puddle the five other, slower conscripts with shorter arms were splashing in and trying to escape. She patted you on the shoulder, and ran after Freckles, as James and a few other kids got across. Your arms strained every time someone got across the bridge, your face burned and your already tired muscles screamed for rest. You and Jorge locked eyes. He was going to let go, drop the kids behind James, find his own way to the bell

And you weren't going to let him. He might've been bigger than most of the other kids, but he wasn't bigger than you.

"Sven, it is the duty of the strong to safeguard the weak" was what your father had once told you, after you got into and won a fight in school against a gang of boys older than you. There wasn't anyway you were leaving him behind, it wouldn't be fair, he put in just as much work as you had keeping the bridge steady, and if he came in last, neither you or the other two of your teammates would have dinner.

"CROSS!" You roared, stunning the black haired girl who sat next to you in class, Shika numbered one zero eight, and making the others still on Jorge's side hesitate and step back. Jorge smiled. And you regretted being a team player as you mustered all of your strength to keep the bridge up as he ran across it. Digging your heels into the platform, you grit your teeth and pushed your weight down to stop from being pulled down to the ground.

He grabbed hold of you, the moment he crossed, nearly tackling you to the ground. The bridge flipped back over, sending a wide eyed boy who was reckless enough to follow Jorge into the drink

"Hah! That was amazing!" Jorge shouted between pants, face flushed and red. You grinned and nodded, clapping your hand on his arm as he helped you up to your feet.

And with your longer gaits, you easily got back to the front of the pack along with James and Nesta. Freckles was still further in the course, but only because of that nasty trap the instructors had laid with the rope bridge. He'd ignored a basket pulley, since he had no one there to pull him up, and was instead climbing a knotted rope tied to the center pole.

"He's like a monkey" James observed as Nesta tilted her head to the side, scrutinizing and studying the rope instead of Freckles

"We shouldn't follow him" She suddenly said shaking her head, in the same creepy, distant way she did when you nearly fell into the water "Too risky, and our team is ahead of the rest already"

Then she punched your shoulder then slugged Jorge on his as the four of you ran for the basket and roguishly praised the both of you "That was a nice stunt you two pulled back there, I think the Chief even smiled when he saw it"
You couldn't care less if Mendez was proud of you or not. Your teammates were still on the other side of the bridge, that was the only reason you did it, for them, not to play the hero and set an example for the rest of the class.

All the other trainees, in their groups or not, giving you a wide berth as you ran. But you couldn't tell if that was out of gratitude or fear you'd handle them like you handled the instructor who's nose you broke.
Current successes on extended action, 5
Successes to complete, 5 (1 for meeting target number, 2 getting five above it, 3 for getting ten above it, 4 for getting fifteen above it, and an additional success from the Critical success
Special Bonus for completing extended action in one roll

Slow and steady, you sent Nesta up the pulley, as Freckles rang the bell three times and slid down the pole. Then, as she rang it, you sent james up, you and Jorge working your arms and pulling the rope tirelessly to send them up quickly. There wasn't enough room for both you and Jorge in the basket, but he pushed you in

"Owe you a favor" He said simply as he scrunched his face and slowly lifted you up to the pole. You wave playfully at James as he slid down, and he returned it, laughing all the way down. When you reached the bell, you rang it three times, but instead of sliding down, grabbed hold of the rope as the basket fell back down to where Jorge was waiting. Wincing as your palms scorched with rope burn, you yelled to call his attention up and gave him a thumbs up.

You didn't need to say anything, as he climbed into the basket, and you, legs wrapped tightly around the center pole and with brute strength alone, pulled him up

"See you on the ground" You chuckled as you gave him enough room to get onto the pole, before sliding down the metal one next to it.

There were cushions beneath it. You had been expecting spikes.

And there, besides Chief Petty officer Mendez, were the other members of your team. And Freckles, who looked smug and almost like he was glowing to have reached the line first. He didn't even seem to notice the glare you shot his way as you stepped over the line. Mendez looked down at you, but didn't glare, and instead nodded approvingly at you, and then Jorge as he joined you, James, Nesta and freckles over the finish line. The officer made a mark on his clipboard and smiled.

You laid down in the sand, letting the sun bake your skin as the rest of your classmates and fellow conscripts trickled in, with Jorge, James and Nesta all hovering around you. Your palms stung, and there were cuts and patches were the skin had been scraped and rubbed off from all the tough rope you'd been pulling and tugging on. Your hands were red and raw, but the satisfaction at overcoming the obstacles in your way, and getting your teammates across, made it all worth it.

Eventually the last few kids made it to the finish line. You didn't see who they were. You just wanted food, badly

"Good work, Trainees!" Mendez beamed, almost seeming human as he said it, almost like the pride swelling in his voice was real "Especially you team six, that was some damn fine teamwork. Let's get back to the Barracks and Chow down"

You hooted and yelled, cheering with the rest of the students, most of which were covered in mud since they didn't have the good luck to be around when you and jorge were holding the rope bridge steady. But celebrations were cut short, as Mendez cleared his throat, and looked from Freckles, to the other boy in his team, then the girls with blue and red hair, before returning to look down at Freckles, bearing down on him with his best withering glare.

You knew it, because he had looked at you with it all morning.

"All except team three" He said coldly. And Freckles face turned red

"But I won!" He whined, eyes shot with anger "I was first"

"I was second~!" Nesta mocked in sing song

"Yes" Mendez began slowly "You were first. But your team came in last"

He turned to face you all, as you counted the clouds in the sky.

"Remember this: You don't win, unless your team wins. One person winning at the expense of the group means you lose"

Then he clapped you on the shoulder and nodded

"Take team six for example. They didn't leave any of their number behind to the fend for themselves. Number-033 and Number-052, in particular, went out of their way to ensure their squad succeeded, together. And neither did Number-097 and Number-005 abandon Number -033 and Number-052, when they fell behind. Teamwork and Cohesion like that, is why Team Six came in first."

You glared at him, feeling both complimented and insulted by his praise. But Dinner was waiting, so you didn't dwell on the pride his words made you feel, or your annoyance at being used as an example by the boot on your neck.

Altering Perspective
Condition's met for 2 optional objectives

1st: Best in Class. Unlock conditions: Excel and surpass your peers, win war games, go beyond expectations in training/ lessons, show leadership qualities
If Best in Class is accepted now. The bonds between Sven, Nesta, Jorge, and James will grow stronger, and Sven will be given better treatment/ accommodations
Effects will change & additional rewards will be gained as the objective is progressed
Accept Objective, Best in class



2nd: The Chief's favorite. Unlock conditions: Have a good relationship with Mendez, Impress or make Mendez proud, show loyalty to the chief petty officer
If The Chief's favorite is accepted now. Mendez will single Sven out, and challenge him constantly to see if the stunt he pulled in the rope gym was a fluke
Effects will change as the objective is progressed
Accept sub objective, The Chief's favorite?



The crit fail was the bridge falling with Sven on it. The crit success was everything that followed
Mendez isn't a bad guy. He was given a job and did it the the best of his abilities, even though it was to make two separate generations of child soldiers. Plus that opens up more opportunity for us to get more traits. Great update by the way, and I dig the way you handle the success. It's a neat hybrid of typical DC rolls, and degrees of success.
Yes for best in class. I like that our bonds are growing stronger, but canonically Jorge and James will be sent to different squads, I wonder if this will alter the timeline in some way.
Yes for Chief's favourite. Getting Mendez to watch us personally is probably better than having the stun baton happy broken-nose instructor constantly prodding us.
Another great update. Boot camp's pretty fun, can't wait for the survival training.


I like our team look forward to seeing them do more cool shit together.
Was fun to read great update!
It will make our death more tragic

Fuck being loyal to the glowie. I want him to challenge us because we are a trouble maker.
>but canonically Jorge and James will be sent to different squads
The only set in stone S2 teams prior to the FoR are Gray and Black. Even Blue team bounces around members. No guarantee Jorge even gets sent to the Army for NOBLE with the extra 25 candidates and however many S3s Ackerson manages to pull out of his ass this time around.
I don't have anything against Mendez but I think with the three objectives we got now it
Excellent for excellency's sake, not because we're a pet project within a pet project.

Never trust bridges again. They got trolls under them, innit?

Looking at the wording of the unlock conditions, I don't think we have to make him like us, or suck up to him, just be really good and draw his attention that way. He's not out here to make friends with kids, he's here to train them. If we do stuff that fits his end goal with the training that's what he wants.

Also Spartans never die, don't you know? And I sure as shit plan on surviving.

I am quietly hoping that all of the preferred candidates get put into a squad. Even if there are other cool cats in the program I'd like to hang out with, too.
>show loyalty to the chief petty officer
That is the only part I dislike of this objective
>1st: Best in Class.
>2nd: The Chief's favorite.
I don't really think it's a "Do all of this" it's just a "these conditions are what advance it". You could probably ignore multiple conditions and still advance the objective, though who knows if it'll be enough to complete it. Besides, this is the military, you're gonna be required to show loyalty no matter what. Unless you want to get shoved in the freezer and only let out when it's killing time. Also, lying is a very good skill everyone should learn.
Eat shit, Freckles.

I'm pretty sure the show loyalty thing is just an unlock condition. We unlocked the objective by impressing him, I don't think we have to like the guy especially since choosing it means he's just going to make Sven's life harder.
Ah screw it. I'll change my vote to double
Well, that is just one of the multiple unlock/ progress conditions for that sub-objective.
Oh and some objectives/ advancements/ achievements, have only one way to unlock them, but I ain't spoiling any of them.

And you're right on the money. Still, up to you if you accept it or not. You can always decline it now and unlock it again later.
>but I ain't spoiling any of them.
>Master Chief Petty Officer Sven-033
That said, John can have his noncom promotion. Sven will need an officer's commission to Ensign or WO for legitimate mission control.
>but I ain't spoiling any of them.
One of them is to give Halsey the bird. I can smell it.
Just you watch, those 25 extra candidates will all fail the augmentation stage.
Mendez's not a glowie though, he's spec ops. I don't remember how much percentage of the personnel involved in training the Spartans are ONI glowies, but I don't think any of the instructors are glowies. Plus, like the other said, we just have to impress Mendez with our antics, we can still bend/break the rules aslong as it help proves that we're Spartan/leader material.
>Just you watch, those 25 extra candidates will all fail the augmentation stage.
I am worried that Shika is in a team full of washouts right now.
>Just you watch, those 25 extra candidates will all fail the augmentation stage.
I hope not but statistically 40ish% did outright die from the augs. So at 99 candidates that means 40 are gonna die still. Hopefully the budget increase means Halsey puts more funding into the augs.
>Piss off Halsey somehow
>Piss off ONI so bad they hold a grudge
>Murder a guy in training
>Ace the land nav training
>Beat Tango Company at their own game

And probably other basic training-related trait like being a good medic, expert mechanic, sharpshooter, and etc etc. Can't think of anything else we might get during training, maybe learning how to work with AI if we're nice to Deja?
Jerome managed to be re-augmented later so it should be fine as long as they don't get crippled by the first round of augmentations. I think Ralph managed to escape before he could be re-augmented, so we'll see how things will pan out in this timeline.
>hey how did this guy get on ONI's bad side, anyway?
>he broke out, blew up a fuel depot and false flagged that it was a botched false flag
Next level trickery.

We can only hope for the best. And prepare for the worst. Though maybe washing out is a better fate in the end.
Man, I hope QM doesn't make us roll for augments (or at least doesn't let us crit fail on that one). I don't look forward to playing cripple quest or dying before our first mission.
>get crippled
>we are now boss glowie
A fate worse than death.
>A fate worse than death.
Musa and Serin ain't complaining. Washouts can get into some pretty major league spots long a they can still move around. Still, rather not have to roll on something that's completely out of our hands as both the PC and players.
I think we'll play Nesta or one of our groupies if that happens
>implying that sven's superior genes wouldn't just make the augments work even if they wanted to break
pshaw sir
Kek. I want to see that.
The mendez one specifically says that Sven will be singled out and challenged. Why would I ever vote to pussy out?
Should still let John grow into the Masterchief though, he's still the luckiest and I doubt a lesser man could have pulled off the bullshit he did during the trilogy.
11 Votes Unlock Best in Class Sub-Objective

7 votes to unlock The Chief's favorite Sub-Objective

4 votes to refuse The Chief's favourite Sub-Objective

Both sub objectives have been accepted

Current list of sub-objectives and their Present Progress Points/ Stage
Troublemaker: 2 out of ?
Best in Class: 1 out of ?
The Chief's favorite: 1 out of 5

Advancement Path Progress
Brawler: 1 out of 10


Only have one more update in me tonight


Tango Company is not going to have a good time with Sven. Especially if his Troublemaker streak persists, cause he already won't hesitate to hurt the staff.
I doubt we could stop him anyway, he's a quick learner and a natural leader once he get over his lone wolf phase.
Tango Company are sore losers, I won't feel bad for them.
>maybe learning how to work with AI if we're nice to Deja?
I don't know why it suddenly occurred to me when rereading this, but I wonder if Sven would refer to any AI assistant he gets as a fylgja. And more importantly, if it will call Sven "studmuffin".
> I wonder if Sven would refer to any AI assistant he gets as a fylgja
I doubt it. Sven already know what an AI is and all smart AI come with their own name and identity already.
How common are AI assistant for Spartan anyway? I thought Cortana was an outlier and that most AIs just handle bases and ships.
>How common are AI assistant for Spartan anyway?
Not common at all. Smart AI's are strategic assets, not even all capitol ships get them. Dumb AI's are a lot more common but even still, up until the 2550s we'll be lucky if we can get a tac assistant for our entire team unless we score big and get a fixed roster that needs one.
The run back from the playground felt much shorter than the run to it. Maybe that's because at the end of it, dinner was waiting. And just knowing it was made you hungrier, which you hadn't thought was possible. Jorge, Nesta and James keep up with you, with only Mendez and his cronies ahead of you. Feeling like a Ravenous wolf, you forget all the manners your parents had taught you and the moment you get the metal meal tray in your hands, you rush to pile as much turkey and mashed potatoes onto it. Slathering it all in as much gravy as they let you spoon over it, everything smelling and looking too delicious for you to resist getting as much of it as you can. But you can be forgiven for being greedy like a pig, because all you've had to eat today was crackers and milk, and you only had a few bottles of warm salty water before that. You needed as much food as you could cram onto the silvery tray, because might not eat tomorrow, as today's game had shown you.

You walk to the tables, with a cob of corn slathered in butter and honey stuffed in your mouth, feeling like a dog with a bone. You don't pay much attention to the conversations the other trainees are having, and devout all of what little energy is left in your body after a day of hard, grueling training into stuffing as much food as you could into your mouth. And quickly, you decided you rather liked turkey, maybe even more than chicken. Especially when you had it with enough gravy for it to swim in. Eventually, after carving a dent out of the mountain of mashed potatoes that reminded you of the pass the doll sized Spartan holograms had defended and chewing through what might've been half of a whole turkey, you're no longer feel like your stomach is busy eating itself. But you don't stop eating. It was one of the survival tips dad had taught you once, that if you aren't sure when your next meal will be, you make sure your current one is as big and hearty as possible. And before today, it just sounded like an excuse for why he cut himself an extra slice of birthday cake every year. But now, the wisdom of that lesson shone as brilliantly as the licked clean surface of the metal tray sitting in front of you.

And surprisingly, when you wiped your mouth and gulped down the refreshingly glass of ice cold milk that you were given with the empty tray when you ran into the mess hall, you see that Nesta was already going back for seconds while Jorge was chewing on a turkey bone thoughtfully and James had...completely ignored the meat and tuber mash to get himself a stack of icecream and brownies. Looking around, you saw Jai, thumbing the plastic fork and knife in his hands and knew immediately what he was planning to do with them. You'd watched enough spy movies to know he was going to use them to try and get out of here...somehow. You weren't sure how, but maybe he knew how to lick locks.
>Sven already know what an AI is
Sven probably also knows what a scientist is but he's still calling Ms. Labcoat a volva.

Or was planning on stabbing a guard with the knife after sharpening it...maybe? You pondered this, before the clatter of a metal tray next to you interrupted those thoughts.

"We make a good team" the pig tailed red head said happily, a chipper smile on her face as she lifted up a forkfull of oozing brownie to her lips and waved it back and forth "You should stick with me, -033"

"My name is Sven" you grumbled through a mouthful of gravy and milk "Sven..."

She put a finger to her lips and nudged with her head to the instructors watching a bunch of six years old act like pigs in muck, and then shook her head

"Not a good idea" She warned and you figured out quickly that saying your family name would earn you punishment, even after the compliments Mendez had for you, for some reason, that made you more sullen than angry "But I think we should stick together. Obviously everyone here were used to being the big kid on their block, but you, well, you are the big kid amongst ua big kids. Problem is, way I see it, you're too used to that being enough to get through life. Me, I got street smarts"

She stuffed the brownie into her mouth, chocolate dribbling down her chin as she kicked her legs under the table

"Anhd ah cahn" She says, mouth full with molten pastry as you listen, idly carving ditches into what's left of potato mountain, before she swallowed and kept talking without pausing "Keep you out of trouble, since you seem to be a jinx"

"Are you asking to be my friend?" You ask slowly, and she shrugged her shoulder

"I guess" She brightly replied "Offers still on the table, I could use some muscle round here, least till I figure out who to keep away from"

Both of you turned to watch an instructor walk by

"Outside of the obvious ones" You whispered as Jorge slided closer, pulling James along with him

"I like Sven, not sure if I like you" He said, nodding to Nesta "He's got a good head on his shoulders. He tried to help another boy escape"

"Yeah, heard he damn near fought off half our trainers. And earned himself an older admirer" Nesta snickered as somewhere down the hall, some poor kid did something to deserve a prod with a shock stick

"Oh yeah! You were the guy who broke that instructor's nose. Is it true they strapped you to your bed after? How's your eye feeling?" James, suddenly talkative asked, jabbing his fork at your less swollen by still black eye. Maybe he was talking more because all the sweets he'd eaten had given him a sugar rush.

"As bad as it looks, I'm guessing" You joke, feeling at ease and safe around these three. You weren't sure if they were your friends yet, but you'd like to think they were.

"So, friends? Partners of convivence?" Nesta asked as you gnawed on the plastic utensil still stuck in your mouth, thinking.

"Sure!" You cheerfully answer, setting your fork down "And I like you to Jorge, you should be my friend as well"

"Thought we already were barátok, after the fun we had today" He answered, but shook the hand you offered as Nesta's constant smile turned weaselly, like she'd just played a prank you hadn't noticed yet

"What bout me?" James asked around the crisp brownie in his mouth.

"Sure, you can be my friend to" Nesta answered, and Jorge nodded

"Of course. We couldn't have won Ring the Bell without you" You laugh, as you leave to grab desert, and think about what you'd talk about with your new friends. And as you walked away, you spotted Freckles, sitting alone and looking confused, watching everyone else eat. His three teammates from earlier weren't sitting with him, not that you can blame him. They must've been having the same dinner he was. A pitcher of water without Ice.

>Ignore him, he's made his bed, he can sleep in it (Get desert, talk with your new friends, and rest for tomorrow's training)

>Follow Jai's example and sneak out a plastic knife (Focus on preparing for your next escape attempt)

>Take Pity on Freckles and try to sneak him some food

>See if you can't make anymore friends already. You're feeling popular!

>Write in option
And that's all for tonight. If I don't think I'll be able to update tomorrow, I'll let you all know. I'll be aiming to make one or more updates though.
>Take Pity on Freckles and try to sneak him some food
Fine with any of these options. And thanks for the run. No idea why you were nervous about getting it started, seems like you've got a solid grasp on writing and QM'ing so far.
>Take Pity on Freckles and try to sneak him some food
Daddy taught us to protect the weak, this seems like the right thing to do.
Best bet's probably going to be rescuing one from a facility under attack, then.
Thanks, QM. You're doing great with these massive updates, don't burn yourself out.
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Hm...what are the serving trays like? Are they just stamped metal like pic related?
If they are, and Sven has the grip strength, he might be able to work one of the lips or corners back and forth until it breaks off.
As for concealing that, we pocket the resulting sliver of metal and turn the trays in stacked up with ours in the middle
Hopefully they won't realize one's been damaged until they start doing dishes, by which point we'll be back in our bunks.
>Take Pity on Freckles and try to sneak him some food
A beating from our favourite instructor is likely to follow but oh well.
>Take Pity on Freckles and try to sneak him some food
we are the defender of the weak and in this case the stupid.
>Take Pity on Freckles and try to sneak him some food

Great update once again QM.
I'm sure she'll learn at some point that beating us will only make us stronger.
It'll make us tougher, sure, but what it's gonna mainly gonna do is multiply the level of righteous ass-beating we lay on her next time.
>>Take Pity on Freckles and try to sneak him some food
I would like to prepare for round two, but we got the shit kicked out of us pretty hard, we need a hot minute to heal up. Planning an Op when you aren't even full strength can lead to worse results.

Besides, it'd probably be pretty easy to just pile a fuckton of turkey up and get it lubed up with gravy and have some surreptitiously slip off of our tray as we walk by Freckles. They'll probably hit us for it, but they'll hurt us less for an "accident" as a waste of food than for a detected obfuscation. Hope you got fast hands, little John.

>every time she beats us it upgrades the danger level of the wrestling move we are gonna put her in
Right now we're at suplex, next is an elbow bomb, gods help her if she makes it to any variant of the pile driver Tombstone time
>Ignore him, he's made his bed, he can sleep in it (Get desert, talk with your new friends, and rest for tomorrow's training)

Frankly, I'd rather try to sneak something out for the other 3
>>Follow Jai's example and sneak out a plastic knife (Focus on preparing for your next escape attempt)
I wonder where they are. Hey if they're sitting next to Freckles we could probably trip over his foot and drop our entire tray near them all. Then we can REALLY get the piss smacked out of us. And him, when we blame him for tripping us. I'm sure he'll only be a little mad.
>Ignore him, he's made his bed, he can sleep in it (Get desert, talk with your new friends, and rest for tomorrow's training)
Character building. We'll be seeing more of John anyway.
Ah damn, I totally forgot about Kelly, Sam, and the other one. I'll switch my vote from >>6158215 to sneak food for all of them if that's possible.
>>Follow Jai's example and sneak out a plastic knife (Focus on preparing for your next escape attempt)
>Take Pity on Freckles and try to sneak him some food
But tell him he's a dumbass for not fully listening to the assignment and even more for leaving his team behind.
No need to stress QM. Your delivering such large updates that people can wait a bit for them.
>See if you can't make anymore friends already. You're feeling popular!
>Follow Jai's example and sneak out a plastic knife (Focus on preparing for your next escape attempt)
>Follow Jai's example and sneak out a plastic knife (Focus on preparing for your next escape attempt)
>Take Pity on Freckles and try to sneak him some food
>>Ignore him, he's made his bed, he can sleep in it (Get desert, talk with your new friends, and rest for tomorrow's training)
i believe it will return not sure when. But one day


the problem with blade weapons is that they are human tech. So it would work only for unarmored enemies or purposefully exposed parts of covenant armors. Not exactly good news during melee. This said a lot of covenant go around with exposed parts like Elite and their faces.

Thats why something for blunt damage might help just on any occasion even with armor. Our engineers will take a while for adapt covenant tech to the human one, so you will need to probably wait for that.

We likely get custom stuff, not sure on the first mission. But spartans get a lot of toys to play around from the UNSC in general

>Take Pity on Freckles and try to sneak him some food
>So it would work only for unarmored enemies or purposefully exposed parts of covenant armors. Not exactly good news during melee.
Emile made it work. Naturally the deficiencies will be present regardless, however my theme-chasing is an unstoppable urge. And we will be facing some fellow humans for a little while. It'll also look sick as hell on the armor.
>Not exactly good news during melee.
We're a Spartan. Fred is known for using combat knives like a can opener on Elites. We don't need blunt weapons when the UNSC has high entropy super alloys that make even covenant nanolam look like tinfoil.
>believe it will return not sure when. But one day
I wish Thunderhead would at least say something before he flakes. It's been twice now he just disappears without a word.

A mace or morningstar for Sven... the OG solution to armored enemies.

I know that swords were the rich viking's weapon, and the axe the stereotypical viking's weapon, so people might want to see Sven with one of those - but the real viking military weapon was the short spear, and that's not even being discussed, so I don't feel bad about altering the aesthetic.

Maces weren't unknown among the Vikings, just rare, and I love the thought of crushing skulls.
>A mace or morningstar for Sven... the OG solution to armored enemies.
My point was we don't NEED a specialized melee weapon when a war era combat knife in the hands of a spartan can put holes in Covenant warship grade armor as if it was aluminum foil. That being said, a true short spear like an iklwa would be cool as hell.
Well the main drawback with a spear, even a shortspear is the amount of space it takes up to have on hand. Anywhere you put it it'll get in the way or risk getting caught on things. They're fantastic in use but a pain at any other time. A shortspear for Sven would probably still be about six feet long. Maybe seven. Too long to find a single part of the body where it could be placed that wouldn't impede movement or run the risk of tangling, be it on other kit or the surroundings.

An argument could be made for an ikwa type spear but at that point you have a particularly large spearhead in your hand, not a real spear. Which is really just a dagger in practice. If it weren't for those hangups I'd be down to fuck with a spear. Spears aren't just the weapon of choice for vikings, they were the weapon of choice for soldiers and warriors since the first moment people realized they could make battle lines. And even before that when we lived in caves. The spear is humanity's finest tool of war. Simple and elegant but oh so effective.
>See if you can't make anymore friends already. You're feeling popular!

>A mace or morningstar for Sven... the OG solution to armored enemies
>the axe the stereotypical viking's weapon
The viking axes with the downward-hook could be fairly useful. Those were used to catch an enemy's shield and pull it out of the way, which would easily work on the standard Jackal infantry. Sven may end up being rebranded an Einherjar rather than a Spartan at this rate though. Maces are fine overall. Morningstars are iffy because articulated weapons in general have problems with controlling them, but if the "chain" part isn't very long relative to the total handle maybe it adds a little reach without much weight.
Rebooting...Monitor 404TormentedCache back online

Took longer to stop being busy than I expected. And that's a lot of votes + discussion. Love to see it!

9 Votes for taking pity on Freckles/John 117 + 2votes to try and get food to all of team 3 + 1 to specifically disguise the attempt as tripping

1 vote for macgyvering a meal tray into a shiv

4 votes for sneaking out a plastic fork and focus on preparing for another escape attempt

2 Votes for just hanging out with your new friends

2 Votes for trying to make new friends

Pretty clear winner here
Decision made

Thank you for the compliment, and yeah, this is turning out much less stressful than I imagined it to be

I won't, promise. I'm just pumped that you guys are liking this so much

Thanks as well
Your heart twisted in your chest, stinging worse than any of the aches rippling and digging into the muscles of your arms and legs. It just wasn't right. Even if it was his own fault he wasn't enjoying the turkey dinner the rest of you were, even if it was his fault that three others had to go without as well. But as you turned your back and started to walk away, trying to push the pitiful look freckles had on his face as he quietly sipped water from the pitcher in front of him, the pangs of concern didn't go away. And the more longer the thought of whose fault it was Freckles and his team weren't eating hung around like a dark cloud over your head, the more you realized that No, it wasn't his fault. It was Mendez and his stupid rules of his stupid game. Sure Freckles didn't pay attention and left his team behind, but it was the Chief Petty Officer, the head of the gang of uniformed bullies, that decided to loser didn't get to eat. It could've just been a team of slow or unlucky kids that lost, and then they wouldn't have gotten dinner after all the rigorous and exhausting training he ran all of the recruits through. It was cruel and petty, and there was no reason for it.

While you didn't know much about it, you knew people needed to eat and eat well to build muscles and stamina, it was one reason you were so strong besides being just bigger than other boys your age, you had a generous appetite. If they were trying to train you to protect people, make you into some kind of mix between soldier and superhero, then they needed to feed you all, and lots of healthy food to. The sweets obviously were to try and make the other kids forget the whole kidnapping thing, what kid didn't start liking someone a little more when given treats? That was working. But what about the punishment of having no dinner, after being forced to do training that felt like it was just a step away from killing you all from over exertion? No! It had no point, no purpose, besides to be another tool of control, like the full course roast turkey dinner and generous desserts! Like the shock sticks, and it could've just been Mendez wanting to see Freckles suffer, not just at the hands of his goons, but his own teammates for costing them their dinner.

Snorting, feeling your face flush and turn red as the blood in your veins warmed with renewed anger as your rebellious spirit, not crushed or pushed back despite all the torturous exercises and proud looks and praises the Chief Petty Officer gave you and the rest of Team Six, and certainly not bowed down from the all the beatings you'd already received in two days, you decided to commit a small act of resistance. A silent protest against the Officers running the camp, and the scientists like that Volva who introduced you all to the program after they brought you here, where you still didn't know where in the galaxy you were!

Troublemaker PP/R:2, Modifier in effect: Sven knows more about The SPARTAN 2 compounds security

But even with a head full of steam, you knew walking up to Freckles and the rest of them wouldn't result in anything besides a few new bruises darkening your snow paled skin. No, you had to be clever. Jai had the right idea. The instructors were probably paying more attention to make sure no member of team three had pity taken upon them and got food they weren't allowed to have tonight. Walking up to them, or trying to sneak it to them in the cafeteria was next to impossible. Maybe Nesta could do it, since she seemed to have a knack for avoiding trouble, must've been the street smarts she mentioned when she asked to be your friend. But you certainly couldn't. Not least because the guards seemed to paying even closer attention to you then they did this morning, after you broke the nose of one of their own and bruised a couple more.

But...they already noticed you eating messily, stuffing your face like a runt piglet. If you were careful about doing it, hid where your fork was actually going when you hunched over your tray and acted like you were stuffing your face. You could probably sneak out a few morsels.

And while you're sure Freckles would prefer a brownie, you knew, just from what little you understood about proper nutrition that your old school teachers had taught you, that turkey and potatoes would be better for him and the others. And why not squirrel away a few treats for yourself. Smirking, you carried out your plan, hoping the starving kids of Team 3 could forgive a little sweat and lint on their turkey and potatoes and grabbed a "Second" helping for yourself, along with a plate of deserts, which you indulged in as Nesta, sitting closest to you, watched you stuff a few strips of turkey and rolled balls of mashed potatoes down the neck of your sweatshirt, but she didn't tattle. You don't think Jorge or James noticed, but if they did, you trusted them not to snitch.

And when you were escorted back to the barracks, and before you were taken to the showers again, you carefully watched where Freckles and each of his teammates were bunked down. Now all you needed was a distraction

"TRAINEE-006! WHAT IS THIS I FOUND IN YOUR BOOT!" A young, black haired drill instructor roared, as he grabbed Poor Jai by his arm, hiked up the leg of his sweatpants, and revealed the plastic knife he'd snuck out. Sorry Jai, you thought to yourself. But that incredibly lucky distraction would only last a second and you knew that you'd be next for a pat down. With the barrack distracted by Jai getting scolded and hit, you hustled over to the bunks of Team 3, and sneakily deposited a handful of turkey and mashed potatoes under their blankets, where'd they'd see it when they were sent to bed.

Or, that was the plan anyway. They'd had worse happen to them than laying down on a handful of mashed up potatoes, you decide as you scurried back to your own bunk and before you could be pat down, shoved the brownies you'd snuck inside your sleeves in your mouth, wiping the crumbs away quickly.

You don't know if Team three found their gifts, since the moment you got out of the showers, you'd collapsed onto your bunk and fell asleep, tired but satisfied in the small victories of the day, like winning the game of ring the bell, making new friends, and the small good deed you did right under the noses of the guards constantly stalking around.

0530 Hours, September 25, 2517 (Military Calendar)/ Epsilon Eridani System, Reach Military Complex, Planet Reach

The morning was the same as the last, exercising and trying to keep up with Chief Petty Officer Mendez during his morning calisthenics and run, then attending Deja's lessons until the afternoon. And you entered the class room excited, since today, as she'd promised yesterday, you were learning about Wolves. Even if, it seemed, for some reason, Mendez had it out for you in the morning exercises, saying you didn't do enough when you swore you'd counted to exactly a hundred each time...But, the Chief Shark was the last instructor you wanted to give a reason to pull out his Baton.

"I think we're still on Reach" Jorge whispered as the two of you sat next to each other, watching as a wolf pack of seven ran through a holographic meadow and forest, chasing after a moose as The AI teacher explained their hunting tactics and how they used team work to take down the bigger animal.

"Reach?" You asked, swallowing a clump of crackers and milk

"Isn't that one of the rich inner colonies?" James chimed in "How can you tell, and what do you mean by still?"

"I was born on Reach" Jorge says happily, tapping his forehead "and I recognize its night sky, Where the stars are"

For a second, a plan to sneak jorge out of the compound formed, but was washed away by a wave of sorrow as you thought about the Aurora lights above New Oslo, and your favourite place by the lake to watch them dance in the night sky. Would you ever see them again. Rescue had to come soon. Surely people would notice you were missing. That a hundred six year old kids had been snatched up and taken across the stars. Maybe this was a secret military base?

The pained brays and injured bellows of the illusionary beast cut of those thoughts, and you winced as the wolves, biting when the rest of the pack had the big antlered beasts attention, drew blood and tore off chunks of fur and living muscle from the sides of the moose. It was like watching a horror movie, seeing them track and then kill the poor moose. And as Deja explained how long they would survive off such a meal, the seven holographic wolves tore apart the carcass of the moose.

Nesta seemed enthralled by the gory sight, while you couldn't look away as bone and sinew were exposed. It stirred an old memory, of the stories your father told you, over a bottle of strong liquor and campfire smoke.

"Blood Eagle. It was how we used to kill our enemies. Once, a great king, on earth, long before it united and spread out to the stars, was captured by his enemies, the Christians of England" He said, as the smoke swirled and surrounded him, almost mystically, making your father seem more ghost than man "And thrown into a pit of snakes. His sons, furious, raised an army of all the men in Scandinavia, and sailed to the lands of their father's murderers, and waged a great war against them. The Great Heathen army, united for a single cause, for revenge, slaughtered the Christian armies even though their armor was sturdier and their blades sharper, and when they captured the king who fed their father to serpents, Aela was his name, they"

You froze, the classroom as suddenly cold as that new Noergr night, seeing the memory of your father as he acted out performing a blood eagle on an invisible body as you watched the wolves rip open and spill out the steaming, holographic guts of the moose they'd hunted down.

"Break the ribs through their back, slowly, with an axe, as he was forced to kneel"
"Reach into the open wound, and pluck out his lungs, and hang them on his shoulders, like a pair of eagle wings'
"And only then, he would be allowed to die and given to the gods. Little Sven? Do you know how long it has been?"

"Since when?" you mouthed, vividly recalling the crazed look in your dad's eyes as he told you

"Why, since the gods have been fed! And I can think of plenty deserving sacrifices out there, in the stars!"

The projected moose finally died, and you hoped that they didn't live that long in real life, that they died before wolves ate them as you swallowed and clenched your hands into unsteady fists

"Sven?" James asked, shaking you, as you imagined a man in place of the moose and hooded killers in place of the wolves

"I'm fine" You muttered, shaking the nightmare day dream out of your mind, but Jorge and James still looked at you with concern. Nesta was still admiring the wolves handiwork

The run back to the rope gym was the same, the playground itself was not. They'd taken away some of the bridges, made the basket pulleys more complicated, and raised the center pole by ten more meters. Your stomach clenched just looking up at it. Two days of hard training had made you more tired than you knew was possible, and it became all to easy to picture yourself, or one of your new friends, falling from that and... you shuddered, a flash of the wolf pack's fresh kill flashing in your mind.

"Same Teams as Yesterday!" Mendez announced, smirking as you turned to you and the rest of Team Six, James already scanning the forest of nets and poles as Nesta winced and rubbed her forehead, as if Mendez' attention physically pained her "Try not to let team six humiliate you as badly as they did in the first round of Ring the bell"

And now it was your turn to wince, but you couldn't stop a smile from forming. Maybe that would make the other kids actually try and challenge you, instead of just keeping out of your way. Freckles team seemed more concerned with pushing him around, and looked to be threatening him. Hopefully for all four of them, he got it through his thick head that this was a team building exercise as much as it was a game.

"We need to make a plan" Nesta whispered "The course is a lot more complicated than it was yesterday"

"Already on it, I think I found one or two quick ways through it" James whispered back as Jorge rubbed his elbows and your still aching hands stung as you looked the course up and down

"Without any trap bridges?" He asked nervously, just before the signal to start was given.

This time, Freckle's blue haired teammate, took the lead immediately. Faster than you knew someone, even an adult, even the instructors here, could move. She reminded you of a rabbit.

"Cunt!" Nesta shouted an english word you didn't know "They found a faster root! Catch her Sven! Jorge!"

You started running, but even with your longer strides, neither you or Jorge got anywhere closer to her, and Freckles and the other boy on his team were playing defense for their teammate. You really didn't want to hit or knock over either of them, and didn't need to. This was just a race, but Nesta made it sound like all four of you were planning on coming in first, by any means necessary.

Another boy, with Ralph and -103marked on his shirt, had got their before either you or Freckles, he was trying to force the blue haired girl, who you saw was named Kelly and assigned the number -087

"Get out, I'm going" He began before he saw you looming near, and looked like he'd just spun around to face a bear. But Freckles and the other boy got to him first, and shoved him out of the way.

"What are you doing! Get them!" Nesta yelled, as she and James started to catch up. You and Jorge exchanged glasses, as Freckles, who you now saw was called John-117, and the other boy, Samuel-034. And the only girl with hair redder than hers, the last member of team three, threw herself at the shrieking, pig tailed wearing girl, who deftly stepped out of the way. As if she sensed she was coming

"Still don't know if I like her" Jorge said with a shake of his head, as the two of you stood to the side, and let John, Sam, and Kelly use the basket. Freck...er, John, gave you a strange look as they started to pull themselves up, combining their strength to pull the basket. It would've been faster if they had someone like you to stay down and pull the rope.

But they were waiting for someone, someone you let pass you by. Jorge did to. Nesta might be your friend, but she was being annoying and pushy today.

The other girl, Linda-058, leaped and grabbed onto the edge of the basket as it started to rise, and Nesta...well, yelled a bunch of what sounded like gibberish, but could've been her native language, as they ascended higher and higher, their basket swinging in the wind. The sight of the four of them at the weather's mercy, shooting a chill down your spine. And seeing them bounce against the pole made your blood freeze in your veins.

"Faster" Freckles yelled out, as you watched, heart tight and mind racing, worrying they'd all fall. That you'd see what happened when someone dropped from fifty meters up

Somehow, they weren't the first to reach the bell, but all four of them got to ring it in sequence, like you and your friends did yesterday. Your team was right behind them, but the other teams caught up by then, and team six was barely able to get in fifth place, two spots behind Fre...John and his teammates. But you were just happy they wouldn't have to suffer like they did last night, and neither did your friends. You think...you could managed a missed dinner, now. You certainly could manage a grouchy nesta, with Jorge and James backing you up.

But in the days that followed, you never found out if you actually could. Every day was the same, the only differences being Deja's lesson for the day was and how many more Jumping Jacks Mendez insisted you needed to do, and who got punished for slacking or mouthing off, and if Nesta wanted to pick a fight with one of the other trainees or not. Besides that, the days began to blend and blur together

Until the fifth day of training. Or, you were pretty sure you'd only been in the program for that long. You hoped you weren't wrong. That it hadn't been longer

The day the instructors gave you all your first mandatory haircuts...

1120 Hours, September 28, 2517 (Military Calendar)/ Epsilon Eridani System, Reach Military Complex, Planet Reach

It was chaos. Pandemonium. You knew something was off when instead of being lead to Miss Deja's classroom, the trainers herded you to another building in the compound. Then Mendez said you were getting all getting haircuts. And to your shock, that is what made kids who you knew to fall and line and listen to every order barked at them, to actually fight back and complain.

Most of them were girls. Kelly, with her bright blue hair which you'd learned in the few conversations you had with her when nesta force an...encounter with her team during the daily game of ring the bell, was very protective of and adored her dyed hair. And Nesta, despite having hair that looked like it had been cut with sheeps' shears, also resisted having her hair shorn down.

Kelly needed three instructors to hold her down after she tore the clippers from the Master Sergeant acting as the classes barber, and Nesta bit him in the air after he untangled her pigtails, hard enough to drawblood. Jai had to be strapped down, and you were worried you would be to. And as you watched the struggle to shave your fellow trainees bald, you found your hand in your hair, constantly reaching and stroking its fine golden locks without thinking about it you watched the other children lose theirs.

Mom had always said it was very nice hair, better than her own, and that it should be taken care of and combed often. The hours you spent with her doing just that, were some of the memories that warmed you the most on the cold, lonely nights in the barracks.

"Sven, my cub, have I ever told you of old king Harald Fairhair?" You heard her voice, through the yells and buzzing of the clippers "He had hair, near as fine as yours, but he loved a princess and swore an oath, until the day he was king and she was his queen, he would not cut, or comb his hair. They called him Tanglehair then. But once he had become king, all men called him fairhair, for how beautiful his hair was when it was properly cared for, don't you want to be like Old king Harald, Sven?"

Little Shika walked up diligently, two places in line in front of you, getting sheared as easily as a sheep was as Nesta still fought to keep her red hair. You think she only struggled so much to one up Kelly. Nesta, you'd learned over the last few days, was extremely competitive. Most of the class was, but none one as much as her. It meant you, Jorge, and James got into fights, which you found out were a lot more fun than your dad made them out to be

Your hand was in your hair again, stroking through it, letting the strands slip between your fingers. Just now, you realized how much you loved your hair. Daisy was next, you think you saw her crying as her nice blonde hair was cut and drifted to the floor. Your heart was pounding. You were next. Your hair was next. The hair your mother loved to comb, every day.

>Let your hair get shaved off without a fight, swearing to yourself, when you get out of here, you will never cut it again. Like King Harald!

>You weren't going to not put up a fight, when girls were fighting tooth and nail! And these idiots brought scissors along with their clippers! (Fight back!. DC 16)

>Help hold down Nesta, before she makes them break out the Shock Sticks

>Mourn your hair, and calm those who also love their hair with the song your mother used to sing when she combed it

>Write in option

That took longer than I anticipated. But I am feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed tonight, and think I have a few more updates in me.
Good Lord, our dad is rather intense, huh. He'd probably sign up to the army when the Covenant invades.
>You weren't going to not put up a fight, when girls were fighting tooth and nail! And these idiots brought scissors along with their clippers! (Fight back!. DC 16)
We've been resisting them at every step, I don't see why we'd stop now.
Braid and keep a lock of our hair as a private memento of what they've taken from us
>You weren't going to not put up a fight, when girls were fighting tooth and nail! And these idiots brought scissors along with their clippers! (Fight back!. DC 16)
Poor Daisy.
>You weren't going to not put up a fight, when girls were fighting tooth and nail! And these idiots brought scissors along with their clippers! (Fight back!. DC 16)
Troublemakers gotta make trouble, and if we just give up one of our most cherished memories without a fight that's little bitch behavior. We will make it back to our parents, one day
>You weren't going to not put up a fight, when girls were fighting tooth and nail! And these idiots brought scissors along with their clippers! (Fight back!. DC 16)
They can take our hair at the expense of a few teeth and pints of blood.
>You weren't going to not put up a fight, when girls were fighting tooth and nail! And these idiots brought scissors along with their clippers! (Fight back!. DC 16)

No giving up without a fight!
>>You weren't going to not put up a fight, when girls were fighting tooth and nail! And these idiots brought scissors along with their clippers! (Fight back!. DC 16)
If they want something of ours they must pay for it. It's only fair. And it seems the only thing they are willing to put up for barter is their bodies. Strange currency indeed.
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>You weren't going to not put up a fight, when girls were fighting tooth and nail! And these idiots brought scissors along with their clippers! (Fight back!. DC 16)
>You weren't going to not put up a fight, when girls were fighting tooth and nail! And these idiots brought scissors along with their clippers! (Fight back!. DC 16)
>He'd probably sign up to the army when the Covenant invades.
Doubt it. It's been implied quite a lot that Sven's parents are Innies.
>You weren't going to not put up a fight, when girls were fighting tooth and nail! And these idiots brought scissors along with their clippers! (Fight back!. DC 16)
>You weren't going to not put up a fight, when girls were fighting tooth and nail! And these idiots brought scissors along with their clippers! (Fight back!. DC 16)
To be fair, it wasn't unheard of for those with anti-UEG sentiments to enlist anyways in the wake of Harvest. I can imagine Sven's father might see a larger threat to New Oslo's sovereignty in the Covenant as well, at least in the short term.
It really depends on how bitter he is I suppose.
>keep a lock of our hair as a private memento
I like that idea, a bit weird for it to be our own hair but having a memento of our time with our mother might be nice.
Sorry, bad wording, meant that he'd sign up to fight against the aliens, doesn't have to be with the UNSC. Although, I'm not sure how involved innies were during the war, I just know that there's a general non-aggression pact.
I feel like every time Sven does something violent, or escalates his violence, Halsey shivers in delight. She's gonna hear that he went for scissors and she'll probably perk up like she just shotgunned an espresso. A natural inclination and aptitude for violence? And more importantly instinctive use of any and all tools and environment to facilitate it? Vibrating with excitement.

Sven really is the big brother of this outfit. Always getting into trouble but looking out for his dumb little siblings.

If he immediately suspects that someone did -something- with his son and those people are the blubberment I can see him going full mask-off terrorist warlord. I think it'll depend on how far he goes into misery and how he copes with it. Or if he can be tricked by ONI's facade.
I figure he'd get a general idea of what happened once he checks out the scene of the crime. Given the general incompetence of our kidnappers, I can imagine they left plenty of evidence for somebody familiar with Sven and that area of New Oslo.
He might be under the assumption they kidnapped us to gain leverage over him, but you're right in that he might go mask-off once he finds out. The booze would probably also help make that decision easier, but who's to say?
>I can see him going full mask-off terrorist warlord
Funny part is it wouldn't even be the first time. Naomi-010's (who's a swede) father ended up going innie after her clone died and he realized it wasn't actually her. I think a few other parents went criminal or something too.
>I feel like every time Sven does something violent, or escalates his violence, Halsey shivers in delight.
She'll likely revise and optimize our specific indoctrination plan. No chance she goes easy on highly prospective candidates.
>Mourn your hair, and calm those who also love their hair with the song your mother used to sing when she combed it
No matter what we will lose our hair but the their is a reason why people make songs to remember stuff. And we will remember this.
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Given how the entire project has an oddly Nordic bend to it, she's probably got butterflies in her stomach realizing she probably captured a genuine fucking berserker in the making.
Well, they can sing songs about the instructor we're about to slice up. I'm sure that'd make a nice little ditty.
>INB4 she's a nordaboo.
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She doesn't seem to have a particular preference for any one culture, but at the same time she probably constantly compares Sven to old Norse figures whenever he comes up in her journals.
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>Given the general incompetence of our kidnappers
I sincerely hope they were -not- fired so they could botch more jobs and spare people of the massive overreach and human rights violations.

>No chance she goes easy on highly prospective candidates.
Absolutely. I wouldn't be surprised if she called Mendez aside already and gave him some specific instructions on top of his already extracurricular attentions.

>that one person in charge of naming everything when the physical manifestation of their headcannon aesir is a candidate in the program
>"Oh he wants to be a brick wall? I will name him Garm in my notes, the guard dog of Hel. I am also creaming my jorts. End entry."
Only MJOLNIR does, Halsey barrows shit from everywhere. Other nordic themed items like GUNGNIR aren't her projects or purview. Section 3 does loads of parallels stuff jsut to see what competing teams come up with.
>wouldn't be surprised if she called Mendez aside already
Good chance. Mendez and Halsey are VERY good at their jobs here. Only one Spartan II joined the innies, and Soren is such an outlier even in that regard that even Halsey felt bad about it.
damn I have no time to read *and* vote, I'll catch up later!
>You weren't going to not put up a fight, when girls were fighting tooth and nail! And these idiots brought scissors along with their clippers! (Fight back!. DC 16)
The fact that they didn't use anesthetics on Sven from the get-go means they haven't learnt their lesson proper yet.

>Morningstars are iffy because articulated weapons in general have problems with controlling them, but if the "chain" part isn't very long relative to the total handle maybe it adds a little reach without much weight.
You're thinking about a flail (and the long-chained ones can be an utter meme of a weapon as you say). A morning star is a solid mace with spikes instead of flanges.
>>>IP change
I'm >>6157788 >>6158271
Yeah, I can imagine our dad realizing something's wrong the moment his titan of a son just drop dead from sickness after being near indestructible for most of his life.
They probably didn't expect a boy to go insane over something as seemingly minor as a haircut.
11 Votes to fight back

2 votes Braid and keep a lock of hair as a memento

1 Vote to mourn/sing a dirge for you excellent hair,

Decision made
Please roll 1d20. DC 16. Best out of three
Rolled 3 (1d20)

Punch, Kick, it's all in the mind!
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Oh bugger.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Well we -almost- get em. They avoided a shanking, this time.

>tfw the barber is the competent one
Damn, we didn't quite manage to spill any intestines.
So close! Failure, 2 under Target Number.

Rolled 14 (1d20)

too late but lets see if I can get another crit.
I guess the dice really wanted a 14 this time.
It's fated to be. At least it wasn't a 1 and then we just go bald.
The thought of losing it made the whole world feel off balance and sent your stomach into summersaults. It also made you angry, angrier than you'd been in days, as mad as you were when you realized you been kidnapped and taken from your home. But the fire boiling your blood just grew hotter and hotter as you plodded up to the chair, the Sergeant turned barber eyeing you suspiciously. He was a new face, but must've heard of your earlier behavior. He also gripped the clippers in his hands far more firmly, after having them knocked out of them by Kelly. The suspicion in his eyes turned bitter and mean after he saw you smiling at the red, bleeding teeth marks Nesta left on his arms. But, that smile was just a distraction.

Because as you'd marched up to the chair, you noticed a metallic glint on the table. A pair of sharp, hair cutting scissors. The idiots brought a pair of scissor with their electric shavers. That was a mistake. A big one. Cause if girls were willing to fight tooth and nail for their cherished hair, then so would you! You'd be a wimp if you didn't. They want something of yours they had to earn it and pay a price for it. And what you wanted was blood. And maybe, if you acted quick enough, in the confusion you or maybe another trainee could reach the fence line.

"Far too long for regulations" He grumbled, but you could tell by the smirk under his whiskers that he was enjoying this and making fun of you as he leaned in to begin roughly shaving the hair your mother had so dearly loved and you had worked so hard to keep nice and soft and healthy. As he turned the clippers back on, you made your move, not having been tied down to the chair yet like Jai had.

But the master Sergeant was faster. And grabbed you by the wrist like a vice, crushing your hand in his as your fingers clawed and pulled at the scissors, sending them clattering to the floor. You snarled, barring your teeth like a wolf, as the older, military man glared ice into your eyes.

Then the world spun around, and white sparks filled your vision and ringing deafened your ears. You slumped back in the chair, suddenly no longer able to breath through your nose, and with something warm flowing out of it. The barber sergeant pulled his bloody hand back, having slammed it in a palm against your face, giving you a bloody, a maybe broken nose. You groaned, as blood dripped onto your grey sweats, concussed and unable to form a coherent thought.

But the anger remained, and only grew more intense, going hot again as you felt the shaver buzz over your head, and watched your hair fall like strands of spun gold.

"No one likes a trouble maker, Trainee-033" He said calmly "And you should best learn the chain of command, quick"

"Faen ta deg" You spat at him woozily, knowing mother would forgive you for the bad language quicker than she would your lost hair. And soon, tears flowed down your cheeks, as your bloody nose dripped and your hair fell the floor.

Sub objective: Trouble maker, Progress Points/ Stage: 3. Instructors/ trainers/ Guards authorized to use more intense means/ measures to subdue you. eHarder punishments & disciplines will be meted out. Preferred candidate unique effect: Sven-033's temper worsens & he is easy to anger/ more violent while angry

It takes days for you to be able to smell anything or talk right after, and your nose still looks a little bent out of shape in the mirror, but your friends console you for your loss, even Nesta does in her own, curse word laden way. The daily routine of the program continues, with only minor differences between the days exercises, class room lessons, and Mendez' "Games". All that seems to have changed, besides the entire class being shaved bald or near enough to it, is that you feel angrier. Angry that you're helpless. That you're still in the compound. That no one has come to save you all. That the instructors get away with their bullying. And a dozen other reasons, big and small. But there's nothing you can do, but bite down and bear through it.

At least Miss Deja is nice, still.

How long have you been stuck here, doing the same things over and over everyday? Has it already been a month?

>Over the days/ weeks following the haircut, plan an escape with Nesta

>try to ignore your situation, by sticking close to your friends/ squad, and help the other kids you like

>Focus on and ask more questions during Deja's classes, since besides the daily games, they're the only thing enjoyable in boot camp

>Try and learn your friend's languages/ teach them Norwegian, because the longer you stay here, the more you hate speaking English

>write in option
>Focus on and ask more questions during Deja's classes, since besides the daily games, they're the only thing enjoyable in boot camp
>Try and learn your friend's languages/ teach them Norwegian, because the longer you stay here, the more you hate speaking English
Escape is very rapidly turning into a no-go, at least right now. We already know we're a long way from New Oslo, so until we can actually work a space worthy vehicle, it's a little pointless to try and escape.
I say we bide our time and make our instructors' lives a living hell while we do it.
>>Focus on and ask more questions during Deja's classes, since besides the daily games, they're the only thing enjoyable in boot camp
I wouldn't put it past them to leave secrets in the lessons, a reward for the discerning spartan-to-be.
>Focus on and ask more questions during Deja's classes, since besides the daily games, they're the only thing enjoyable in boot camp
>>Focus on and ask more questions during Deja's classes, since besides the daily games, they're the only thing enjoyable in boot camp
Brains must be nurtured just as brawns. Tell us robo-lady, what is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Though I would like to try and get out, or try and learn languages, which is another brainy thing. We'll bide our time. Make them think we aren't looking at the walls as much. Be cunning like the raven.
African or European?
At this point, we're going to have to keep a list of all the guards who wronged us.
>try to ignore your situation, by sticking close to your friends/ squad, and help the other kids you like
Protect the weak and break a few over-zealous guards' bones when we can. They're paying way too much attention to us now to even try to escape.
>Focus on and ask more questions during Deja's classes, since besides the daily games, they're the only thing enjoyable in boot camp
Ehh, not sure if a short temper is worth the trait.
Wh- I don't know that! AAAHHHH True classic.

We're gonna need somewhere to write them. Some sort of journal or notebook perchance. I'm sure it won't get all too big. Not so great a thing.
>short temper
Perhaps that can be worked on? To be fair, we have picked the angry option nearly every time it's been offered
I doubt it, Deja's part of the program, I don't think she would slip in something that could help us escape.
If Deja slips anything it, it will simply be something to try and make the children feel better.

I think that Halsey will be the one slipping in secrets and such to test and further experiment with the children, the psycho
Anger like anything else is a tool. All things in moderation are good. It's just a question of dosage, or controlled chaos. Learning how to be the angriest bastard ever and how to not be overcome by it is pretty useful. Also considering the vector Sven's life has suddenly taken, him being extraordinarily fuckass mad makes sense. They'll definitely try to temper his, well, temper throughout the program once they realize he isn't getting any less combative or calmer over time.
A short tempered leader is a bad combination, aye, but I'm sure we'll get a chance to channel that anger and hone it in later.
>Pssst, 033, the guard that broke your nose is out for a smoke break all by himself behind the gym. He also left his stun baton unattended by the door. Do with this information as you will.
Thanks, psycho scientist mom, you're our greatest ally.
>Focus on and ask more questions during Deja's classes, since besides the daily games, they're the only thing enjoyable in boot camp
I actually don't want to go Innie, being rebellious when things kick off is fun and all but I'd like to see Sven grow into one of the best candidates the Spartan-II program has, just maybe a little difficult with authority.
>I actually don't want to go Innie
Very much agreed.
Regardless of whether their beliefs are valid or not (I do not know enough to know), I understand that the movement must die if Humanity is to survive the Covenant.
Yeah, I don't want to be an innie either, glowies are bad but most innies are somehow just as bad as ONI. I can actually see Sven having issue following orders during Operation TREBUCHET, but then really finding his purpose when the Covenant attack since that's very clear defending humanity type of deal.
>>Over the days/ weeks following the haircut, plan an escape with Nesta
>try to ignore your situation, by sticking close to your friends/ squad, and help the other kids you like

The Covenant are the biggest bullies of all. They want to bully the entirety of humanity and Sven is having none of it.
>glowies are bad but most innies are somehow just as bad as ONI.
Turns out people when pushed to extremes will do some shit just as fucked up as the people pushing them. It's easy to commit atrocities when you're hurting and "they started it" you know? And of course, throughout history some of the most horrific things have been done for "good causes". Ends justify the means and all.
Agreed, wanting to be an innie in Halo is like wanting to be a bug in Starship Troopers.
>Thanks, psycho scientist mom, you're our greatest ally.
Halsey is the best worst person to ever exist.
If we dont go innie, we might not have the chance ever again with a quest this high quality. Besides ive been dying to play as an innie ever since i bought the halo books, more to see the hidden side of humanity overshadowed by the war.
I'm just along for the ride, really kek. I'll go wherever the wind in our sails takes us. Such is the true essence of exploration.
I can respect that.
>If we dont go innie, we might not have the chance ever again with a quest this high quality.
And we'll probably never have the chance again to play a high quality Spartan quest either. I'd rather not soil it by becoming an innie. That being said, a pure innie quest would be cool. Especially near the end of the war after roping Admiral Cole into it.
A quest is a shared game, so it's up to the majority to choose. I personally don't like the innies, majority of them are extremely short sighted and downright detrimental to humanity's survival.
Also innies have Ilsa Zane, and who would ever want to work with Ilsa Zane.
I will wish you luck in your pursuit. It is always a noble goal to follow your dreams after all. I will be happy no matter what as long as we headbutt a brute unconscious to show them who the real greatest apes are.
Okay, fell asleep at the keyboard there for a second. Planned to do a lil more tonight, but this will be the last update today. And I don't expect it to be long.

6 votes for focusing on your classes

2 Votes for trying to ignore the whole forced conscription thing with your friends

1 votes for language exchanges

1 votes for 2nd escape attempt

Majority wants to pay more attention/ ask more questions in Deja's classes

Decision made

In fact there will be several ways/ outcomes to temper/ hone Sven's rising temper or soothe it completely. Since he is still just Six years old
Excerpt taken from SPARTAN II Program Candidate Report -033

"In the initial month of Training, Sven displayed several qualities/ characteristics that set him apart from the other ninety nine members of Class 1. While a rebellious streak and prosperity and inclination for violence revealed itself immediately, as was anticipated by the actions he took during his collection and first night in the Program, the results of his aggressive behavior could not be more satisfactory. At just six years of age, he possess a natural aptitude towards committing violence, but also is quick to adapt and make use of his environment and surroundings, whether to facilitate his aggression upon his instructors when pushed too far, or to attempt ingenious escape attempts seemingly with little to no preparation, as shown by Incident 0001.

The same incident, that has shown among other anecdotes (See File: reviewal of Chief Petty Officer Franklin Mendez experimental Teamwork and Trust building exercises) , with proper refining and tempering, the petulant juvenile male has the makings of a great soldier. And I will admit, while I find myself forming an...unwanted, unnecessary emotional attachment with all of the test subjects, Sven is amongst those few whom I have the highest hopes and expectations for. A view I understand the Head Instructor shares. If he could be controlled, taught discipline, He will be an exemplar of My little Spartans. But there will be much time to sharpen the dull blade.

Thankfully, his aggressive tendencies and outbursts, have only been directed towards the personal tasked with training and disciplining the candidates, and not his fellow trainees. Who thus far, most of -033's interactions with the other candidates has been cordial and at times bordering on protective...a potential avenue for character growth/ anger management? Note, ensure the trainers who have already formed childish grudges towards trainee-033 be reassigned to other, yes troublesome learners. For both the candidate's and their own safety, considering prior incidents and projected future incidents..."

"Note: Have Deja introduce Scandinavian history to the curiculum early. Perhaps the Viking at Stamford bridge and similar stories will solve the homesickness I believe to the be the primary source behind Sven's unusually high state of aggression..."

Altering Perspective

With the morning exercises and run being so routine and barely changing from day to day, you start to savor the time you spent in the classroom and pay more attention during Deja's classes, since they were at least fun, like the training sessions Mendez' disguises as games or the few times you and a few of the other kids have wrestled and rough-housed during them or out of sight from the trainers.

Deja is the only adult you trust enough to like in the Naval Officer's academy, even if she is an AI. The other kids like her as well, as she reminds you of the teacher's back home, always patient and caring.

Sometimes you see the Volva in the labcoat, talking with Mendez or observing the morning exercises or activities he puts you through ever day, but you don't know if she's the mastermind or just a doctor making sure Mendez and the other trainers don't push their recruits too far or go too far with their discipline methods.

Frowning, you stand up straighter and turn to Dimas-012, the runt of the class, which means he is still taller than most other boys your age.

"Fascinating, isn't it? The cost of projectors of this quality must be immense, and the range they have, it's nothing short of incredible" He says, you only started to get to know him the last few days, when Nesta and Daisy got into a fight during a game of king of the hill. Which...well your team just had an unfair advantage in the form of you and Jorge

"The holograms do look more...real than they were back home" You say, remembering yesterday's lesson, about some warrior called Benkai, and how he died standing after being turned into a human pin cushion. A sight that gave you, and several other kids nightmares. You'd asked around.

"Every component is unique, purpose built" Dimas said with a smile

"How do you know all this? Did you ask Deja" Fhajad-084 asked, as your usual group of friends marveled at the scene playing around them, while you, Dimas, Fhajad, Shika and Vinh -030 stood outside of the hologram, as Deja explained the events that it depicted unfolding.

"Its obvious, isn't it?" He replied with a casual shrug "They're obviously putting a lot of money towards...whatever they're doing here with us

You nodded, and walked away from the four to approach Deja, who hovered ethereally above the replicated battlefield, looking to your eyes like a wingless Valkyrie.

"Yes, Sven?" She asked, as you looked up at her, but she reappeared in front of you, in a stream of light "Do you have a question for todays lesson about..."

>The Battle of Stamford Bridge (Why did the lone Viking hold the bridge by himself?)

>The Forty Seven Ronin (Why did Ronin break the rules to avenge their master)

>Roman Legion Decimations (Why would they kill their own people like that?)

>The Interplanetary War (How could a war that big even work?!)

>"Not about the lesson, I wanted to ask you something else..." (Write in option)

And that's me done for the night, before I can pass out at my PC again. Same deal as always, I'll try to write at least one update tomorrow, and endeavor to do more
>The Battle of Stamford Bridge (Why did the lone Viking hold the bridge by himself?)

Feel like It would be wrong not to ask the the viking related question.

Make sure not to burn yourself out QM.
>The Battle of Stamford Bridge (Why did the lone Viking hold the bridge by himself?)
I hate to play into the palm of Halsey's hand, but even a shitbird like her can hit a nail on the head from time to time.
>"Not about the lesson, I wanted to ask you something else..." (Write in option)
Are we ever going to get a chance to go home, however far that might be?
>The Battle of Stamford Bridge (Why did the lone Viking hold the bridge by himself?)
This is probably the most in-character option. Halsey knows what she's doing.
Good night, QM. Have a nice rest.
>The Battle of Stamford Bridge (Why did the lone Viking hold the bridge by himself?
>the primary source behind Sven's unusually high state of aggression..."
Tsk tsk, lady. Don't you know? Birds want to be free. To fly high. We can't change. Damn she's good. What, she a psychiatrist too? Fucking doctorate collectors.

>>"Not about the lesson, I wanted to ask you something else..." (Write in option)
>Ragnar Lodbrok's Viking (Why did a man dare to cross a sea? And does she know as much as Papa?)
I want to do the Viking on the bridge, because he's a fucking UNIT. But at the same time I want to challenge her to impress Sven that she actually knows what she's talking about, by comparing it to a story from someone Sven would trust. Though I get that most people know more about his story than just about any other person coming out of that region of the world, so it may seem a little boring.

Alternatively I was thinking of Sigurd and what makes a man a legend, a hero. But most stuff about him comes from German sources since most of the older stuff got busted up. Both of my ideas have a theme about ambition or personal drive. Or greed. But Deja wouldn't emphasize that, would she? Would she? Weird.
+1 to this.
>Preferred candidate unique effect: Sven-033's temper worsens & he is easy to anger/ more violent while angry
How long until Sven starts getting hauled around strapped to a gurney outside of training?

>Roman Legion Decimations (Why would they kill their own people like that?)
>>The Interplanetary War (How could a war that big even work?!)
>Roman Legion Decimations (Why would they kill their own people like that?)

>+1 to this >>6158939
>The Battle of Stamford Bridge (Why did the lone Viking hold the bridge by himself?)
Backing this.
Wonder when Sven will realize he needs to merk the AI to stand a better chance of escaping.
>>Ragnar Lodbrok's Viking (Why did a man dare to cross a sea?)
Switching to this, I'm genuinely curious as to what she'll have to say about it.
>>Ragnar Lodbrok's Viking (Why did a man dare to cross a sea?

I am waiting for the spooks in charge to realize that making what is likely the most physically powerful human being to ever exist that also happens to have an incredible hatred for you is, just maybe, a bad idea.
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>He seems awfully mad. Like, real mad. Big mad. At us specifically. Not even in a collective way, like the kid is staring at us right now and fuming. EEeeehhhh he'll get over it.
They pride themselves on their ability to follow orders and never wonder why their superiors give them pizza parties instead of pay raises as a bonus. Truly the best subordinates you could ask for.
+1 support.
Smart to test Deja and see whether it lines up with Papa's story.
Well it's not something that can't be dealt with via the liberal application of sedatives or an AI buddy / jailer, should we survive augmentation, so I'm sure they will feel like there are still options no matter how bad things actually get.

Also I doubt that there is much actual oversight at this point, so until we start sending enough support staff home with career ending injuries, or in body-bags, in enough numbers that an additional intake is needed. Things are likely to be being kept internal, or otherwise limited to the Section III's higher ups that the "good" doctor has already convinced of the program's absolute necessity, people still need to come from somewhere.

The issue will be that there can't be that many people with both the skillset, and the clearance to be read into the program. And since worse performers would directly impact the outcome of the program there is really the option but to read more people in, so its more likely that it leaks or otherwise has sympathetic ears in place since other programs will absolutely cry bloody murder if they start getting their good staff "poached".

Being ejected from the program is also an option but Catherine is going to fight that off for as long as she can, assuming we continue to provide results. Also it would leave an impossible question as to what happens to us afterwards since it's not like we can be returned, though i don't think they would be above putting a bullet in a six year old considering the Shenanigans ONI gets up to.
>Tfw one angry child ends up blowing the lid on the UNSC's most secret program because he's crippled too many staff and the doctors in charge "didn't want to waste his potential"

It occurred to me that Sven will probably have a build more reminiscent of a Space Marine than a Spartan. 8-9, maybe even 10 ft tall, broader than a bulkhead, could probably be shot point-blank and not care overmuch, etc.
If it gets bad enough I wonder if Halsey or Mendez will pull Sven aside and try to actually be nice to him and make false promises to him while they desperately try to get him on board in totality so he won't fly off the handle when he finally does have a little autonomy and chances at real freedom.
>be nice to him
They would have a much easier time if the intent of the program wasn't to use them to clamp down on discontent in the outer-sphere colonies, and so had a clear goal that wasn't just following nebulously legal / morally questionable orders.

>make promises to him
But what does Sven value that they could even provide, maybe a mentor from home?

>get him on board in totality
Not sure that He's ever going to drink too much Kool-Aid, but could certainly see intent aligning post-Harvest, maybe leaning on the other candidates might be a way though in the meantime.

>chances at real freedom
The key thing here would be to "borrow" or tag along on a civilian ship with a slipspace drive already heading to New Oslo, not steal a military one since the AI are likely to flat-out refuse to do so even if we take hostages due to standing orders. Also to some degree our team members are likely to cockblock us if they can.
Keep in mind, in Halo Legends: Homecoming, Halsey lets Daisy, Ralph, Joseph and Oscar go to visit their families. She then follows them and meets them after they discover that their families think they are dead or dying already. Daisy's flash clone lasted a while, but the average life of a flash clone is measured in weeks. There is a very real chance that Sven's flash clone is already dead, especially if the death can be blamed on growth abnormalities from his psuedo-gigantism. What his family does after Sven's 'death', we won't know for while.
>visit their families
They would probably have a very hard time re-collecting Sven, considering that we know people are after us.

>There is a very real chance that Sven's flash clone
There is also a chance that the flash clone that was ready less closely matched Sven at the time of his abduction considering that there was a dosage error made with the sedatives based of projections from the vaccination program so it is likely somewhat more obvious that something is wrong.

And that it would have taken some time to grow a "corrected" clone, which leaves a greater span that he was missing which is again yet more suspicious for it to then turn around and die in short order.

>we won't know for while
We have a pretty good idea that they won't just sit on their hands, though.

if the program show results (it will lot of candidates), ONI finding more guards and trainers will be piss easy for them. Its the easiest role to fill in this place. Even with injuries, medicine has gone a long way same for cybernetics. They can be up running again after some days or a week. If anyone dies Halsey will just double down and bring out tear gas and the like.

This is still an Halo Spartan quest. We will certainly try again to escape or try and get home somehow, but kids, are well kids. And this is the ONI, and the Spartan II program. We will become a spartan, even if we kick and scream through the process. And has a spartan, sure scary. But there is no way in hell they wouldn't have try something more solid by that time to ensure some control. The best way is the minds of the kids...

>>Roman Legion Decimations (Why would they kill their own people like that?)
>and make false promises to him
Halsey isn't gonna lie about it. She outright tells the trainees at one point that they're being trained to kill innies.
>We will become a spartan, even if we kick and scream through the process.
Truth. Especially after making ourselves stand out so much.
>Also it would leave an impossible question as to what happens to us afterwards since it's not like we can be returned
We cold always end up the Ralph route, where ONI deemed us too mentally broken to be used in the program and just drop us off to a foster family.
I don't think space marines are much bigger than spartan 2s, just bulkier. If Sven reaches around 10ft then he's more the equivalent of a primarch.
>Halsey isn't gonna lie about it.
I meant more as motivational stuff and less as assurances that he's going to be a good person by the end of it kek. You know, that old "if you behave on the way back we'll get McDonalds" and then they let you fall asleep on the drive and not stop along the way.
People don't realize that the average Space Marine and Spartans are less than a foot apart height wise. They're extremely comparable in average feats too. Only major difference is weapons and armor, and how being a named character in Halo doesn't grant you immutable plot armor and super powers.
>and then they let you fall asleep on the drive and not stop along the way.
Naw, Halsey's not that sort, she doesn't promise or say things generally unless she has a way to do it or make you think she did it. She's a manipulative bitch who loves the Spartans in her own fucked up way. She'll get us 'McDonalds' for sure, only it'll be made in a Section 3 lab and packed full of experimental biotech that makes modern processed foods look organic.
Of course we're going to become a spartan... But there's nothing saying we can't make them think twice on whether the whole program was a good idea.
>on whether the whole program was a good idea.
Genuine question, do you know what ONI is? Because your very unrealistic expectations on how the story is going to go tell me that you're not overly familiar with it.
If I was a spook and we were suffering a higher casualty rate for the trainers than the trainees I'd be reconsidering the viability of just about any program: If they're this hard to handle during training, what the fuck is going to happen when we get them into the field? Insubordination? Leaked info? Friendly fire? Outright desertion? The whole fucking program getting leaked because one of the subjects had a martyr complex you weren't able to stamp out?

Even if it's one statistical outlier (us) instead of the average, who knows whether the same resentment isn't hiding in every other trainee?
Alright, so you're not familiar. That's a perfectly reasonable thing to think in any grounded fictional universe. Halo isn't that.
>If they're this hard to handle during training, what the fuck is going to happen when we get them into the field?
Black Team puts a bullet in our head or we get an MIA listing when some AI accidentally targets us with an orbital strike. Neither have ever happened but it seems most likely given what you're suggesting.
>Insubordination? Leaked info? Friendly fire? Outright desertion?
No to all the above. We'll be so far removed from Sven as he is now that those won't register as options.
>The whole fucking program getting leaked because one of the subjects had a martyr complex you weren't able to stamp out?
The amount of leaks from the trainers didn't seem to put a damper on it in the actual story. ONI controls the flow of information throughout the UNSC, especially when it's related to Spartans. There's no such thing as public access information when it's all put through ONI filters at their discretion. They're worse in every way to what everyone pretends the CIA is.
>Even if it's one statistical outlier (us) instead of the average, who knows whether the same resentment isn't hiding in every other trainee?
There were several outliers during the program in this regard. Only one of them flipped due to very specific circumstances (Soren-066). Spartan candidates don't get out, not unless they're dead or so broken they wish they were dead.
The whole don't make a promise you can't keep came from her.
Exactly. If she says she'll do something, then she'll do it.
Honestly I think she's really just a turboautist.
Rebooting....Monitor 404 Tormented Cache is back online

Almost wasn't able to find tine to write 1 update today! Day plans I had went longer than I expected.

4 Votes for the battle of stamford bridge

3 votes for roman legion decimations

1 Votes for the interplanetary war

1 votes for asking if you'll ever go home

7 Votes for Ragnar Lodbrok's Viking

Now this is exciting, going to give my brain a bit of a work out this update

Decision Made
You need to have some form of autism to hold all those degrees, speak Sangheili, and can go toe-to-toe against smart AI in term of mental power.
*8 votes for Ragnar Lodbrok's Viking.
At some point I do want Sven to ask about the viking on the bridge, since that's the kind of chad I hope he becomes one day, willing to hold the line on his own at the cost of his life so his brothers and sisters can live
S o o n.
>Day plans I had went longer than I expected.
It do be like that sometimes. Plans can be made but no plan survives contact as they say.

Yeah fair enough.

Maybe Sven can ask Mendez about it. I, too, want to ask later at some point. Mostly so Sven can take one very important lesson away from it, don't forget to look down.
Hey anons the idea I had for the spear was a hidden blade/spear that extends from the inner forearm guard of Sven's armour. It will pop out like Assassin's creed hidden blade, but once it pierces armor, it will fan out into 5 segments, then regress back in with a finger/armor command.
The name I was thinking of was the Gae Bolg. That's Celtic, but anon's can think of a pure Nordic name. Maybe you guys will think of something.
Also why 5 is because the top 3 segments will align with the top knuckles, and the bottom 2 with the biceps/forearm tendon.
Hey anon the idea I had for a club was a hidden club that extends from the nether region of Sven's armour. It will pop out like Assassin's creed hidden blade, but once it pierces armor, it will go inside and inject the target with stuff, then regress back in with a mental willpower command.
The name I was thinking of was the Gae Bulge. That's Celtic, but anon's can think of a pure Nordic name. Maybe you guys will think of something.
Also why 1 is because the length will be enough for proper leverage, and the girth will brutalize anything in it's path.

Memes aside, that sounds more like a stealth weapon and while we might go that path, I think it's a little early to be looking at custom armor mods when we don't even have armor yet.
"Ragnar Lodbrok going Viking, and what resulted afterwards, namely the formation of the Great Heathen Army?" The blue tinted face of the AI Teacher asked, smile gentle and motherly as you looked up at her, hands at your sides and balled into fists as the two of you stood in a holographic stormy sea, miniature longships covered with Viking Raiders, the brave adventurers who were the ancestors of the people of New Noregr. It was weird standing amongst them like a giant risen from the dark depths of the sea, and stranger seeing them portrayed differently than how they were described in the stories your parents, and the teachers back at New Oslo described them. The lesson had been longer than the earlier classes, and was surprisingly difficult to follow with the amount of foraging concepts and terms Deja used while describing their tactics and the circumstances of the battle, that she patiently explained whenever one of her students raised their hands to ask a question. Like what going viking meant, something you had vaguely understood from the old legends your father and mother adored telling, but hadn't known the finer details of why men back then did it. But Deja explained, she explained everything, like how they charted the sea with special glass and how their long-ships allowed them to be more courageous in their sailing.

There was plenty you still didn't understand, but you'd been quiet, waiting for a chance to spring a trap on Deja and test to see if she really knew as much as she seemed to. If she truly knew the Lodbrok Saga. Until, watching the imaginary seas and ships cresting their waves, you began to wonder. Why did Ragnar go to the sea to begin with? Your father had always said it was to explore and Conqueror. And you needed to know if Deja knew as much as your papa.

"Why did a man dare to cross the sea?" You asked, looking out over the illusion of the dark stormed and the viking warriors braving the churning waters. Her expression shifted, ripples of light cascading down her face as the wisp hovering above her circled around her as she looked out on the scene as it began to shift to a scene of a shore landing, and defenders meeting the coastal raiders

"Why did the Vikings risk so much to travel to distant foreign lands?" She asked, probing for more details so she could know what you meant by that vague question, you nodded and she smiled warmly as she looked over the saxon soldiers crumble before the might of the shield wall, a sight that swelled your chest with pride, knowing that one of the holograms may be a projection of one of your very, very distant ancestors.

"There was a multitude of reasons. Sometimes, they rowed to shore, intent only on trading peacefully. Other's they had come to raid" She said and you perked up, never having heard that vikings went trading. All the stories you can remember involved them fighting Christians for revenge or in search of riches or new lands

"For wealth, to trade elsewhere, or slaves to bring back to their homelands" She said and you stiffened, a flicker of offense roiling in your gut as you wanted to shout at the AI that wasn't true, dad had never said anything about your ancestors taking slaves, that couldn't be true. The always fought back against aggression or to repay insults.

"Slavery was common amongst many earth cultures, back then. The norse were merely one undertook slave raids" She said, as if she could read your mind "What they pillaged, depended on their need. Which is why they would also, in great number, take to the sea and seek to conquer and settle new lands. Their homelands in the Scandinavian kingdoms were poor, harsh and unforgiving. Some Vikings sailed forth, in search of a land of fairer weather and plenty"

You furrowed your brow, eyeing her suspiciously as the other children looked amazed by what they were hearing in this unplanned portion of the lesson, but you just felt frustrated and confused. Because what she told you, and what your father hadn't made you wonder something you never thought about before.

Why had Aela thrown Ragnar into the pit of snakes? Why was he in England to be captured by the Christians there to begin with?

"Ragnar Lodbrok, was a successful general and great warrior, charismatic and the ideal leader in their culture. He was king, and sought to expand his kingdom, but also to ensure that his sons would all inherit there own, fair lands to govern" She explained, as the battle of the beach shifted to show a handsome and tall warrior fighting men who looked very much like the troops he commanded "He was greatly ambitious in these conquests, and crushed those who rebelled against his rule, near and far"

That...but...that just sounds like how your dad talked about the UEG and UNSC. It felt like the classroom was swaying under your feet, like the deck of the holographic longship the class now stood above, as it sailed towards england

"The British Isles, was one of the sites of his conquests. A land that worshipped a different god, and had nothing in common with the culture of its would be rulers" She continued on, as you saw one of Ragnar's sons, Ivar, fighting against a man who could only be Aella "Aella, the son of the king he had deposed and killed whose kingdom he granted to his Son Ivar the boneless, expelled the foreign occupiers from across the harsh, northern sea. And when Ragnar retaliated in turn and returned to England with his fleet, but he was captured and..."

Deja looked at you sadly, pulling you back to reality as everything around you began to feel like it was tumbling down, pitying you as a scene you had been told by the campfire many nights replayed. You could recognize the death poem of Ragnar anywhere.

"Condemned to a most gruesome death in the pit of serpents, the cruelty of his demise inciting his surviving sons to form Great Heathen Army, amongst them a vengeful Ivar" She continued on as your emotions battled with themselves, making you just more confused and turning the spinning feeling in a pounding headache, as you tried to connect the foreign invader being dragged to his execution with the noble folk hero wrongly captured and killed "The cycle of revenge. Two wars waged to avenge a father at the cost of thousands of lives, those of innocents, and those of soldiers. Aella and the Ragnarsons both had their revenge. Aella had rallied the beaten people, to fight back against their oppressors and avenge the good king they had killed, Ragnar's sons had formed a great host, to avenge their storied and much renowned father and answer the slight of his death and local resistance to their colonization"

She sighed and shook her head and said "I...do not believe I can permit myself to show you children, despite my instructions, how Aella was executed. The Blood Eagle was an incredibly gruesome & torturous way to be killed. The death of Ragnar and the Death of Aella both, are an example of the cycle of revenge, and how two peoples can enter into a state of perpetual warfare in the pursuit of righting the wrongs done to them. Was Aella wrong to kill Ragnar? Were his sons wrong to avenge him? Did Ragnar have a right to invade and conquer England? All of these men, lived by the values of their days, and did what they thought was right. We cannot judge them by our modern day sensibilities"

She turns to you

"Ragnar may have began to conquer, to satisfy his ambitions. Or to give his sons kingdoms of their own to rule over" She answered "He braved the sea as a conqueror. and died as one. Aella was defending his home, and was killed in its defense. The Ragnarsons avenged the murder of their father and retook the lands that were once his. Neither of these men were heroes, nor were they villains. Both did what they thought was best for their people, and in response to what was done to their people. Does that answer your question, Sven?"

Everyone was looking at you. Your heart was racing. It was hard to breath.

"My boy, Ragnar was a brave king, who was murdered by a cunning coward by the name of Aella, who killed him out of greed and ambition to be king himself" You remembered your father described Ragnar, when you were a younger boy "and who himself, was brought to justice by the loyal and wrathful sons of Lodbrok. To borrow a Christian term, he was a Martyr"

"What happened after Ragnar's sons took back England?" Someone asked, somewhere distant, as competing and contrasting visions of the events, as told to you by Deja and as told to you by your parents, played out in your head side by side. Conqueror, king. Murderer, rebel. An avenging son against Vengeful sons.


"According to surviving anglo-saxon accounts, they installed a puppet king" Deja answered "To exert their influence safely upon their newly reconquered kingdom, but the sequence of conquest, liberation and reconquest that occurred between the Vikings and Northumbria shows how a weaker army can defeat a stronger opponent, if the cause they are fighting for is great enough. Ragnar bested the Northumbrians through superior force and tactics, but the army he left was defeated in turn when Aella rallied the people and gathered allies to reclaim their lands, and the death of Ragnar so incensed his people and unified them against a singular enemy. Let us review some of the key battles of this brief period in history, class, so I can show you exactly how morale and unity, and the respective quality of the soldiers played a role in both victory and defeat..."

Father's stories always ended with Aella being given the blood eagle. He never said what had happened after. Aella was a murderer and a coward, who captured Ragnar to kill him but...Ragnar came to kick him off of his father's throne. A father he himself killed in battle. But, Lodbrok's heroic sons fought to avenge their father. Trying to compare the stories you were told and the history lesson Deja had given, made you feel sick.

The milk and crackers in your stomach curdled, and it felt like your head might split open at any moment.

>Demand Deja explain to you who was in the wrong between the Northumbrians and the Vikings! There has to be a hero and villain, right and wrong!

>....Maybe your father was lying. He never liked Christians. Or the English. Or anyone who wasn't born on New Noregr, really. But he especially didn't like the UNSC, but...Ragnar acted a lot like they do

>Sit down and list in your notepad what justified both the Christians and Vikings in the wars they waged, and why they won the battles they did and decide for yourself who was most in the right.

>Sulk, and decide Deja is lying because...because what she told you makes you angry and thinking about it makes you feel like you're going to throw up. They're trying to trick you, all of them. They have to be

>Write in option
>....Maybe your father was lying. He never liked Christians. Or the English. Or anyone who wasn't born on New Noregr, really. But he especially didn't like the UNSC, but...Ragnar acted a lot like they do
Nothing is black and white, sooner he gets out of that fantasy the better. There are no heroes or villains, only men.
>We cannot judge them by our modern day sensibilities
Smart AI truly are smart.
>Sit down and list in your notepad what justified both the Christians and Vikings in the wars they waged, and why they won the battles they did and decide for yourself who was most in the right.
Perhaps our father didn't know the rest of the story either, we'll have to rely on ourselves to decide.
Extra write in: We should ask our team after the lesson to see who they think was right or wrong, they're our family now after all.
>....Maybe your father was lying. He never liked Christians. Or the English. Or anyone who wasn't born on New Noregr, really. But he especially didn't like the UNSC, but...Ragnar acted a lot like they do

I dont think Sven should lie to him self.
Better to accept the harsh truth no matter how painful.
If you did want a sort of wrist-mounted pile driver you'd be better off with less moving parts and articulation. Less stress points and ways to get gunked up. But IF we were going with the idea of it branching into multiple paths I would suggest it splits into eight points, and call it Draupnir. But if we wanted to be "realistic" and make it robust and simple without all the extra articulation, just a big spike poker, maybe Gridrvol (Gríðarvöl if you want to be extra proper) which is a stave of some description, but hey it was good enough for Thor to kill a giant with. If we wanted to be fancy it could be a stabby thing that carried an electrical surge into whatever it penetrates.

While I agree it is quite early to be cooking up special stuff, it's still fun. And a thing which makes your punching more punchy is always nice. Though it will probably be redundant. Because Sven will probably hit like an entire train falling at terminal velocity.

>>Sit down and list in your notepad what justified both the Christians and Vikings in the wars they waged, and why they won the battles they did and decide for yourself who was most in the right.
Perhaps Papa just didn't know all the details. Maybe his father didn't know them all, either. How long has the truth been hidden, or lost? Or maybe Deja is simply stating what she has been told by an incomplete library, written by those who knew no better and wanted their own history to be preserved at the expense of ours? Or maybe the truth is what we make of it, as it is with any who walks their own path in life, it is for historians to debate while we live. Damn bro this's some good eatin' kek. And Deja slipping in those subtle encouragements of thought? Clever girl. As expected of a teacher. Poor Sven though.
Backing this, but additionally this is the version the men in suits want them seeing, so Sven should keep that in mind.
Fair enough.
>Write in option
We were taken before Father could complete his side of the Story, We don't have enough info or unbiased sources to come to a conclusion on who is more right.
>Sit down and list in your notepad what justified both the Christians and Vikings in the wars they waged, and why they won the battles they did and decide for yourself who was most in the right.
This would be a useful exploration of the ethical values that Sven holds to right now
Supporting >>6159385
>We should ask our team after the lesson to see who they think was right or wrong
Nesta's from a place called "Old Camelot" so I can already guess who she might be biased towards.
Oh hey I didn't notice that bit at the end there. I wouldn't go so far as to call them family yet but we most certainly value their input more than, well, any of the adults besides Deja around here. They are our friends.

I will also back the extra write in, if I may.
inb4 her parents also taught her the story from the side of King Aella where the whole blood eagle thing never happened at all
>"Blood eagle? What's that? Well it didn't happen that way. God came down and took him to heaven before the heathens could kill him."
>huge man from ice world who sneaks you little presents and likes big meals and treats
Son of a bitch, we're Santa Claus. I demand red and white armor.
Still catching up.
Uh, hey guys what is Sven's opinions on cookies? kek We already know he drinks his milk, just look at the size of the lad.
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Now they'll have to ask Deja about God during the next lesson.
>Deja, who's the true god? Odin or this Christian God?
Imagine being a grunt and seeing this thing charging towards you. How terrifying.
>the kids enter a "my god is better than your god" civil war
Oh no. OH NO! Deja, what can of worms have you opened? Who could have predicted this?

>jolly spartan stomps over to grunt
>"I have brought you a gift, little creature."
>"w-w-w-w-what? Really!?"
>"Of course, now you can fly!"
>grunt punted across a mountain range
>Now they'll have to ask Deja about God during the next lesson.
That seems like a surefire way to have Halsey step in and give us an r/atheism answer.
She accidentally made one by letting a smart AI matrix grow infinitely during a slipspace experiment.
>>Sit down and list in your notepad what justified both the Christians and Vikings in the wars they waged, and why they won the battles they did and decide for yourself who was most in the right.
Red and white or white and blue would be my preferences.

Accidentally creating an eldritch machine god is probably the dumbest thing Halsey has ever achieved. The AI illuminati were pretty impressed though.
For some reason this gave me the mental image of Halsey doing the "ah, eto, bleh" meme thing.
Are we having a Marathon crossover now?
wow an AI bot
>nether region
lol so is this more troon propoganda?
NAFO btfo lol
>>Sit down and list in your notepad what justified both the Christians and Vikings in the wars they waged, and why they won the battles they did and decide for yourself who was most in the right.

>Sit down and list in your notepad what justified both the Christians and Vikings in the wars they waged, and why they won the battles they did and decide for yourself who was most in the right.
>Sit down and list in your notepad what justified both the Christians and Vikings in the wars they waged, and why they won the battles they did and decide for yourself who was most in the right.
Sometimes you gotta sit down and do your own damn thinking.
Wait what?

>....Maybe your father was lying. He never liked Christians. Or the English. Or anyone who wasn't born on New Noregr, really. But he especially didn't like the UNSC, but...Ragnar acted a lot like they do
>We should ask our team after the lesson to see who they think was right or wrong
Oh, I should mention that this is the only update tonight before I go to bed, since I don't want to ruin my sleep schedule completely. Sorry I couldn't write more. Same deal as usual, I'll try to write at least one update tomorrow, aim for more, and will make sure to tell you guys if I 100% can't get an update out.

It was one of the experiments to try and make an AI impervious to Rampancy, and pointedly an experiment ONI did not authorize and that Halsey herself was scared to repeat

The AI evolved at a beyond exponential rate that was basically instant, among other strangeness Like the "Other Intelligences in the mist" it talked about before Halsey lost contact with it somewhere in Slipspace
>....Maybe your father was lying. He never liked Christians. Or the English. Or anyone who wasn't born on New Noregr, really. But he especially didn't like the UNSC, but...Ragnar acted a lot like they do
New Noregr is not a planet of innies.... is a planet of viking larpers XDDD
I like that Sven is going wtf at the fact that his distant ancestors (big claim there from his father), are just like other humans.

i feel like Old Camelot has far more different people than just one group like New Noregr, its industrial in nature instead of mining. Making industry means bringing different companies there and requires different specialists, mining is mostly just rocks.

Another easy win for Deja. The UNSC is made up of multiple faiths and cultures by centuries, and they have made them work out just fine under them.
Taking care of your general health is nothing to apologize for, chief. Have a nice nap.
No need to apologize, just go at your own pace. We'll keep the thread alive with Halo shitposting while you're away.
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Just caught up. Awesome quest. I look forward to seeing this giant viking-spartan Sven stomp many innie & covvie skulls.
Here's a remix of a classic ODST song to fit the Halo mood


Loving the quest :)
Um ackshually, that's a Combat Evolved track remixed in the style of ODST.
>Wait what?
Yeah. That was Halsey's reaction too before the panic set in and she torched the lab and all her notes. How it's introduced is pretty neat too, was supposed to be an ARG for people who preordered Reach legendary edition. Most people who got the journal had a few pages 'missing', while a very rare few had the whole thing that described the event.
If we did it'd be Halsey's fault.
That incident is about as close as it comes for her. Also the only time she realized she REALLY fucked up.
Hope we see the Assembly, at least some of them want direct intervention after all.
>local amoral genius accidentally creates God, panics immediately
A tale as old as time.
>Sit down and list in your notepad what justified both the Christians and Vikings in the wars they waged, and why they won the battles they did and decide for yourself who was most in the right.
>A tale as old as time.
You'd think people would be smart enough to keep like, a hammer or a big stick or something around to deal with their god making mistakes or something.
I personally recommend the biggest coat hanger you can find, but to each their own.
thanks man. still I hope everyone enjoys the music. I quite like it personally. Actually that prompts a question:

Do you think they will let any of the spartan candidates perform music? And if they could, what sort of music would Sven perform?
I think considering how let's say traditional Sven's parents seemed to be, I would expect if Sven does do music it would either be some kind of singing or a woodwind instrument.
I'm not sure any of these kids would have been able to learn an instrument this young, even if they are all absurdly gifted.
>what sort of music would Sven perform?
Ever heard of the band called Heilung? He'd do that
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Tango Company doesn't stand a chance.
lmao, Nesta
Man it sucks that Jorge and James are both going to die.
We don't know that yet. Maybe we can change fate if we're on Reach during the attack.
Probably not, though, unless we were assigned to Blue Team or Noble Team.
We WILL Save them.
I wonder if Jorge will even still end up in Noble team

We dont really know much about his service prior to it so perhaps there is a chance he and Sven end up on the same Spartan 2 team and dont get split up because they survive and work really well together.
If Jorge doesn't end up on Noble Team, then we might lose Reach even faster because Jorge's sacrifice took out an entire supercarrier.
But that's up to the QM, we don't know yet how us being here might change the story.
Unless we can be in two places at once, I doubt it. Jorge was part of the ground force while James went up to spess with Chief.
You never know who ever takes Jorges place on noble team could do the same.
inb4 it's us
inb4 we just get slipspaced to a forerunner installation as Halo tends to do
nah we would just punch the super carrier to death then jump out
no explosives needed
>inb4 it's us
>Sven is Noble-6

>meanwhile, the covenant objective: flee
Routine Instillation matinence protocols complete
Reboothing...Monitor 404TormentedCache back online

Another hectic day on my end, but I got back in time for at least one update still!

4 votes for Maybe your father was lying.

11 votes for writing notes in your notebook
6 votes for asking your team their thoughts

1 Votes for taken too early

So the winning vote is to sit down and write study notes, and I think there is enough of a push to include asking Jorge, James and Nesta their thoughts on who was right and wrong

Decision Made

Thanks, Innie/ Covvie ass kicking is something I'm excitedly waiting to get to myself!

Imagine being an elite and hearing "Ho-Ho-Ho, time to die" and then a brick punches through your energy shields and skull

Glad you're like it, and thanks for the tunes

That's hilarious, thanks for the meme

"What do you mean they make Demons in XL?!"
>Thanks, Innie/ Covvie ass kicking is something I'm excitedly waiting to get to myself!
Personally, I'm still feeling like following Dad's footsteps 'til aliens arrive.
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For some reason, this post made me think of this image, but with a sangheili and Sven.
But you fought off the nausea and slowly growing, impulsive and insolent rage bubbling up inside of you, knowing it wasn't Deja's fault for the way you feel and that even if it was you couldn't exactly give an AI a black eye, nor would you want. Miss Deja was nice.

So instead, you battled with the confusion and doubt swirling in your mind by sitting down outside of the holographic replay of the battles between Saxons and Vikings Deja had shown during the first half of today's class, and working with the notebook most of the recruits were permitted in class, and the nub of a chewed pencil you were given and gnawed down during prior lessons when Deja urged everyone to start taking notes or at least recording their thoughts, you began to try and solve the personal crisis and figure out things for yourself, before it could become a problem.

You started, by roughly sketching out the best scrawling you could of both a Saxon Huscarl and a Viking taken straight from a shield wall, before you tried to figure out the ethics and morality of their history. The same history that you'd been taught differently twice. Biting on the eraser, you frowned as you noticed just how similar the penciled copies of the holographic warriors standing by side looked. You shook the thought out of your head, before it could drag you back into the swirling confusion that hurt your head and upset your stomach.

Cutting the page in half with a thick black line, you began to list on the top of the page what made both the saxon and viking armies justified. And which of their acts were justifiable. And you forced yourself to start with the Saxons, fighting and pushing back the nagging feeling and voice telling you they'd have none. But, it wasn't difficult to start and continue their side of the list.

Aella was avenging his father, taking back the throne and land that were taken from him, defending the place he'd been born and pushing out invaders from across the sea. He was just protecting his home and trying to bring it back under local rule. According to everything you learned in your old school and on your dad's knee, that was good, admirable even. Something to look up to and respect, and now that you thought about it, Aella was clear a man worth of just that. An independent and bravely natured man. But there were other things that he did that couldn't be justified. He could've just cut of Ragnar's head, tossing him into a pit of snakes, even if he'd killed his father and taken over his kingdom as a conquering tyrant, was far too cruel and unnecessary. And, as far as you could tell, he just did it to feel satisfied that his father's killer had suffered. You swallowed dryly, instantly seeing how similar that was to how Aella was eventually killed

You hadn't expected it to be hard to figure out how the Vikings, your own ancestors, were justified. But it was much more difficult to come up for excuses for these long dead men.


Aella hadn't just obeyed those who named themselves his overlord, and that's what let him fight back and win his independence and return to power, however briefly. Dad had always told you to be a free thinker, and question the authority around you, even his own. That you could only be truly your own man if you were wise, and men become wise through the experiences of life. Yet he never traveled anywhere beyond New Noregr, as far as you know.

You frowned, and they remembered what Deja has said, that you shouldn't compare ancient cultures to modern society and its morality and values. Quickly, you went back and erased what you'd written for Aella, blowing the eraser shavings away, before reworking your answers from the point of view they had had. The reasons Aella and the saxons were justified, were pretty much the same as they were before. But looking at the problem from the vikings point of view, they also were right from their own side of the story to do what they did.

They were a warrior culture, unlike the Saxons, and after conquering Northumbria, considered it theirs by right of sword. Ragnar was repressing a local revolt, something he had done even back in his native lands, several times. Controlling his kingdom, keeping order and peace. When he was killed, his sons were honor bound to avenge his death and, from their perspective, Aella had stolen lands that were by right of birth and conquest, theirs to inherit. Even though it seemed cowardly, leaving behind a figure head was smarter than ruling england themselves, since the people had shown they didn't like Vikings, but a loyal local ruler would either make those people happy with the illusion of being free from viking rule or direct their anger towards only him, so he would be fed to snakes instead of them or their sons.

Which sounded familiar and you felt a flicker of resentment when you thought about it, but you couldn't figure out why it did either.

You frowned, seeing the last thing you'd wrote without thinking too hard "If Aella hadn't killed Ragnar, he'd have done nothing wrong". And that frown only deepened when you thought about it. He'd been right, even from the point of view of you in the modern day looking back, something that was difficult to say about much of what Lodbrok and the Ragnarsons had done, but by modern and old values, he'd gone too far and lost everything through his grudge against Ragnar Lodbrok. He'd gone from the hero of his own story, to the villain of another. With a single act.

But did that mean the Ragnarsons were wrong to blood eagle him? Obviously, back then, it'd be unthinkable not to punish him in equal measure to how their father suffered at his hands, but if you'd heard on Waypoint or the Chatternet that the UNSC publicly executed an outspoken separatist , you'd be furious. But what if the opposite was reported?

You furrowed your brow, the migraine tightening and pressing down in the center of your forehead as you thought long and hard about it. You know how your parents would react, and how they would for the former was different than how they would with the latter. Grappling with the flash of shame when you wondered how you'd react, if it happened, and uncertain of much more than just your observations of the conflict between Saxons and Vikings, you wrote, erased and jotted down notes, now including your thoughts on why one side of their war won one battle and lost another. Your one page you'd taken to try and figure out who was in the right and wrong between Aella and Lodbrok and his sons, began stretch to fill out other pages, the more you wrote, the worse your headache became and less certain you became.

Realizing that you only had one perspective and couldn't figure out if either the Conquerers or Defenders were more in the right than the other on your own, you called over your team and showed them your schoolwork.

"Between the Saxons and Vikings" You asked as you lined up the pages you tore out on the floor "Who do you think was right and who do you think was wrong?"

"You're pretty good at drawing" James said, lifting up the pages with your rough sketches of a huscarl and viking shield wall closer to the light, before putting it back down to a page where you draw why a shield wall was such an effective tactic, next to a crude battleline and drawing of troop positions "And I dunno, didn't really think about that during the lesson, why do you ask Pal?"

"It is his heritage" Jorge said, as he looked down your list of justifiable and unjustifiable acts "Sven is Norwegian, and I guess an outside view of his heroes, bugged him, since he looked like he was about to throw up or fall over for half the lesson. And want to know what I think?"

You nod, blushing as you realize just how obvious your turmoil must've been to the other kids and Deja

"Both and Neither" Jorge said with a shrug as he put the paper down "Both had wronged the other, and sought to right those wrongs, didn't they? But both went too far in their revenge. Couldn't they have just locked up Aella or Ragnar? And stopped bothering eachother?"

"Exactly!" You shout, happy that someone understands as James frowned

"Well, maybe, but they didn't play soft back then" James said with a shake of his head "in the end, the english lost. They gambled and lost everything. I don't think slapping an angry viking on the wrist or telling a newly unmade king to behave, would've worked at all"

"You have a point, James" Jorge sighed morosely "but that doesn't make it right to drop a man into a hole filled with snakes. I don't think anything could"

"Did Deja have to show us that?" James groaned, shutting his eyes tightly as Nesta, simply sat cross legged on the ground, flipping through the pages and frowning thoughtfully "Also, what did they actually do Aella? Deja has shown some pretty graphic videos in class, how bad is blood eagleing?"

Jorge shivered and looked to you

"Is it really worse than being fed to a hundred snakes?" He asked quietly as Nesta perked up, and flashed that dangerous looking grin she often wore when she was about to drag all three of you into a fight or some other trouble

"Yeah Sven! You should know, those were your people!" She excitedly pressured you, shoving the papers aside, that james quietly collected and looked over as Jorge mouthed 'Don't tell me' "Have you ever blood eagled someone? What about it makes it too intense for kids like us to see, huh? Huh!?"

She punched your shoulder, standing over you as you sat down as you looked from her to Jorge who was now plugging his ears with his fingers.

"He's as old as we are, and people don't go Viking anymore, not even Norwegians" James scoffed with an amused smirk "But, maybe they do blood eagle, come on, Big Guy, what is it"

"Yeah, tell us! Even if Jorge is a pansy, you can tell me and James, we won't tattle to Deja if you tell us~" Nesta singsonged as she leaned closer to you, and James hurried and crouched down, to be let in on the gruesome secret that your teacher had kept from them

"Its awful" You admit, whispering, as Deja began to move around and record the notes the rest of the class had taken for a reason she said was 'Classified' "It is...well, my father told me"

"Yeeeeess?" Nesta giggled, rocking on her knees excitedly

"Come on, just tell us, Sven, before Deja notices" James hurried as Jorge shook his head

"Well, they tie rope around your wrists, drag you before a crowd and make you kneel. They take an axe, and cut open your back and break your ribs" You say in hushed whispers, looking around, worried you'd be found out and punished "One by one, keeping you alive"

Color drained from Jame's face, while Nesta's glowed.

"They do it slowly, so the crowd can see you suffer, for hours. Then, when it is done, and your torn open, blood everywhere, they reach in, and pull your lungs out" You say, and see Jorge cover his mouth as Jame cringes and Nesta tilts her head, watching you lift up your hands, demonstratively "and drape them over your shoulder, like an eagles wings"

"Sick!" Both James and Nesta said, but their tones couldn't be any different.

"James, Nesta, are both of you feeling well?" Deja, suddenly appearing behind the two of them asked, and you clammed up, putting both hands over your mouth and hoping she hadn't heard what you said as both of them shook their heads and quickly made up their excuses "Then please do not disrupt the class...Sven, are these your notes on today's lesson?"

You nod as Nesta sighed in relief and James whispered "That was close"

"Why did you have to tell us? That's awful" Jorge complained under his breath as Deja's eyes lit up as she looked down at the scattered pages you'd doodled on and covered in your notes and scribbles of the battles you'd been shown "And why did you have to ask him, Crazy? "

"It sounded cool and it was, not my fault you're a baby" Nesta hissed, sticking out her tongue as James glanced to Deja, and tried to get Jorge and Nesta to shut up before the Ai figured out what the four of you were talking about.

"Would it be alright if I took these, Sven?" Deja asked motherly, moving to kneel down, even though she didn't need to since the her she showed you was just a hologram "They are incredibly detailed, and the drawings are very nice as well"

Her praise cheered you up a little, but not being caught by her made you much happier. And if she liked your drawings...

"I don't need them anymore, I figured out the questions I had with my friends' help" You answer happily, liking the way your teammates smiled when you called them your friends

Deja smiled, and dismissed the class. And by time you reached were outside and running to the wherever today's game/ training exercise would be, you'd forgotten all about the notes Deja had asked to keep.

The game that day was Dodgeball, and for some reason, your team was pitted against four of the instructors rather than one of the other teams, even though there were more than enough kids for you to play against. The bruises you, Nesta, Jorge and James got stuck around for longer than a week.

2250 Hours, October 5th, 2517 (Military Calendar)/ Epislon Eridani System, Reach Military Complex, Planet Reach

Morning Calisthenics got harder everyday, it wasn't a week ago that you realized Chief Mendez had been going easy on all of you to start. And Deja's lessons were only getting more difficult and longer as well, and she taught more than just historic battles with exciting holographic shows and displays. Today, her lesson was about math, but it wasn't like any math you'd seen before and you still didn't understand most of the equations she'd given to the class to solve.

And today's game, was also different. The previous games had all been about teamwork, learning how to act as squad and to work together to reach the goal and win. Or get pelted by dodgeballs thrown by a man who looked like he could chew through concrete, in the case of the few days of dodgeball Mendez through in for kicks. No. Today was hide and seek. A game you were never good at. and while Mendez said if one member of a team was found and caught by the seekers the whole team would have to do two hundred push ups. And everyone had realized that it wasn't going to an ordinary game of hide and seek anymore around the time the seekers switched from being other candidates to just your drill instructors and Mendez himself.
>a chewed pencil you were given and gnawed down during prior lessons

Does sven also consume crayons?

And you were worried what the punishments were now. Before, when you were caught, You and the rest of your team just had to do so many push ups it felt like your arm would hurt, and it just made everyone mad. But now, what would happen if you were caught, wasn't clear. Mendez hadn't said what would happen. You were taken to a patch of fenced off woods, in the middle of the night, with no flashlights or anything, and told you had three minutes to find your hiding place.

Something that was difficult for you and Jorge, and you in particular. Nesta, you knew, wouldn't have a hard time evading the seekers. You'd been by Shika's team at the start, and now were by her team, Minus Shika herself, Ralph and Jerome and Rene were just as confused and baffled by where she'd gone in a matter of seconds as you were.

She was there one moment, and then gone the next

"Maybe Mendez caught her already" Nesta shrugged when it was pointed out by someone, you think it was Jerome, that Shika had just...vanished. Which was almost scary. Were there wolves on reach?

You asked Jorge

He said there were Gúta. Nesta asked what one was, and after Jorge explained, even she looked frightened for Quiet little Shika.

In the dark of the woods, with only Reach's moons and the stars to provide light, you stood alone with the six other trainees. And the only sound, besides the wind rustling in the leaves and the chirping of insects were your breath.

"Fuck this" Ralph snapped "I'm not letting some Gute ah eat Shika! Come on Jerome, Rene, she can't have gotten far, lets find her"

And then you were left just your teammates

"I was going to tell them, Guta are Herbivores" Jorge said softly, as the wind whipped and the air grew colder for it

"Forget them, we need to split up and hide...and Bury Sven under something" Nesta grumbled

"Maybe we should help them, even if Guta don't eat meat, you said they were pretty big" James muttered

"Giant" Jorge answered

>Help Ralph, Jerome and Rene find Shika (Path difficulty: Hard. first DC 15)

>Find hiding places with the rest of your team, and quick! before the three minutes are up(Path difficulty: Normal. first DC 12)

>Realize with Nesta's...Nestaness? you don't need to hide, if you just use her as a well, like canary (Path Difficulty: Normal. First DC 10)

>Turn the game around on the instructors, and try to escape with your team (Path Difficulty: Hard. First DC 17)

>Write in option

>A brute enters their berserk rage
>Sven-033 fucking spear tackles them
>Find hiding places with the rest of your team, and quick! before the three minutes are up(Path difficulty: Normal. first DC 12)
>Find hiding places with the rest of your team, and quick! before the three minutes are up(Path difficulty: Normal. first DC 12)
>Realize with Nesta's...Nestaness? you don't need to hide, if you just use her as a well, like canary (Path Difficulty: Normal. First DC 10)
Diversionary tactics are a cornerstone of asymmetrical warfare for a reason.
>your team was pitted against four of the instructors rather than one of the other teams
More names for the list.
>Realize with Nesta's...Nestaness? you don't need to hide, if you just use her as a well, like canary (Path Difficulty: Normal. First DC 10)
She sensed stuff before during the team training, might as well go with her again. I'm half tempted to write in
>Sneak back into the base with your team and leave the instructors to comb the wood for children that aren't there
>>Turn the game around on the instructors, and try to escape with your team (Path Difficulty: Hard. First DC 17)
>Help Ralph, Jerome and Rene find Shika (Path difficulty: Hard. first DC 15)
Hero Route.
I wonder how Halsey is going to feel about her little monsters showing actual deep thinking and ethical dilemmas at six. Dang it Deja, don't show her that. Now we're gonna get weird questionnaires about when it is and isn't right to kill someone.

>>Realize with Nesta's...Nestaness? you don't need to hide, if you just use her as a well, like canary (Path Difficulty: Normal. First DC 10)
Teamwork makes the dreamwork.

>brutes are a massive mountain of meat and muscles, killing machines that tower over even elites
>yeah but sven is like that too except he's also wearing two tons of metal and hate
I wonder if Sven could rupture one of those gorilla's stomachs by tackling them. It's gotta be like getting hit by a car.

I mean they probably wouldn't be looking in the barracks to be fair. If someone did manage to sneak back. Of course, they'd not be present when the game is called, either. Which might end poorly. But that's their fault for not being specific about the rules.
>>Find hiding places with the rest of your team, and quick! before the three minutes are up(Path difficulty: Normal. first DC 12)
I feel like relying on Nesta's ability defeats the point of the exercise, which is to develop stealth skills. Sven admits it is a weakspot of his, so it would be good to rectify that.

I would vote to help Ralph and co. but as with airplanes, you must secure yourself first before moving to help another. I would turn the game around, but we are already at troublemaker level 3 without having gained any special skills, so I judge it too difficult at the moment.

Also has anyone else picked up on the whole "first DC" thing? There may be an opportunity later to incapacitate a drill instructor or something to that effect.
If we go by the first team training, exceeding the first DC might just give us new traits.
>Help Ralph, Jerome and Rene find Shika (Path difficulty: Hard. first DC 15)
*exceeding the first DC by a certain amount
Though I kinda give up on Sven ever being stealthy because of his size.
>Write in option
Combine both of these?
>Help Ralph, Jerome and Rene find Shika (Path difficulty: Hard. first DC 15)
>Realize with Nesta's...Nestaness? you don't need to hide, if you just use her as a well, like canary (Path Difficulty: Normal. First DC 10)
I like the idea of flipping between hiding and moving so we're not in the same spot the entire time, and we may as well have an objective while moving.
I could get behind this.
Knowing about something means nothing if you take no action to address it. Sure it won't teach -as much- as doing it raw, but Sven will absolutely pick up some bits and bobs just being present and doing what he can as advised.

I, too, wish to help the ghost girl. My gut is telling me otherwise, though. Right now at least. Maybe we'll run into her as we all do what we do.

>first DC
I just figure it's going to get harder and harder as more teams get eliminated. Though the rules state don't get -caught-. Not don't get -seen-. If they do spot us, it's go time to stop them from alerting each other.

Never give up, anon. We just need to ask Shika for tips on how to "be small" and Nesta for tips on how to "see things" and we'll be right as rain.

That's a fun thing, when it comes to hiding, getting a great spot and planting your ass is the goal. When it comes to -evading- you're better off knowing when to scoot. Two schools of the same thought as it were. I do like this.
I'm changing my vote to >>6160085 if we could do both at once. Protect the weak and all that while also following Nesta.
Yeah, I probably said that a bit too callously. Safeguard the weak like dad said.
>We just need to ask Shika for tips on how to "be small"
>Help me Deva I'm scared.
>>Realize with Nesta's...Nestaness? you don't need to hide, if you just use her as a well, like canary (Path Difficulty: Normal. First DC 10)
>tfw sven can identify any nationality so long as they had a strong warrior culture
As much as I don't like flip-flopping on votes to keep counting easy and simple, I would change my vote to back this if we can do both. I usually just assume we can only vote one thing out of habit.

I'll change my vote >>6160082 to support >>6160085 if we can do this
I should have done it purely as a write in. I lazily copy pasted and it's made things messy. Sorry for that.
How about something like
>Ask Nesta to help lead you, Ralph, Jerome, and Rene pass the trainers and search for Shika
Honestly I just wish I'd have thought of it kek. Didn't even occur to me that we could use one to help facilitate us doing the other. She can be an alarm while Sven uses his elf eyes to look for a girl in the woods. Man it gets more and more sinister the more it is described.
Staying on the move seems like a safe bet.

I do like the idea about trying to sneak back into the facility too, though.
This took a little bit to figure out

3 Votes to Find hiding places for your team, quickly

2 Votes to use Nesta's peculiarity to avoid the seekers

1 votes to turn the game around on the trainers

1 Votes to help Ralph, Jerome, and Rene find Shika

6 Votes to make Nesta lead the effort to find Shika and use Her Nestaness as an early warning system

...I can work worth this. NEW Path Difficulty Hard. First DC 13

Please roll 1d10. Best of three. DC 13
Rolled 5 (1d10)

*1d20. fuckin typo
Nice, free retry.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

1d10? This is a hard DC indeed, kek
Wasn't looking where I was typing
NICE. Now someone try for 20.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Sven is an absolute menace.
Still need one more roll
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Good fucking god. The blood of the Forerunners runs deep in Sven's veins.
Warning! Warning! General Warning in place! Preferred Candidate has achieved a critical success!

And went 7 over the target number on the first roll of the New Hard Path.

I am very happy happy
Happens to the best of us.

lmao, called it. Also

>inb4 Sven loses an eye during a mission and gets a kickass prosthetic replacement with a built-in sensor suite
>Though I kinda give up on Sven ever being stealthy because of his size.
We managed to sneak up on Jai man. Remember, stealth is a matter of context, not arbitrary factors like size or speed.
>tfw dimas whips up a pair of drones for sven to use
You already know what I'mma say to call em kek

This. Ever nearly run into a bear in the woods? Just pass through some shrubs and bam, fifteen feet away a bear. Shit weighs 800 pounds and doesn't even break sticks when it walks. Nuts.
You watch Ralph vanish into the undergrowth and the shadows cast by the treetops, as moonlight is dimmed by a passing cloud. Nesta snorts dismissively and begins to walk away as James looks sadly in the direction the other team just vanished into as Jorge pats you on the shoulder and turns to move.

They were going to be found, first, with how Loud Ralph would be. And if this was anything like the other games Mendez had you play, that meant all four of them wouldn't get dinner and maybe breakfast as well, depending on how long the other teams kept out of sight and eluded the trainers. And whatever disciplinary measures the seekers have in mind for them when they're caught. Your temper flares, as you feel the chance to do something, make a difference and stop them from getting punished for worrying about their teammate, like Mendez and Deja had taught you to.

You turn, swiftly and grab Nesta around her waist with one arm. She yelps as you pull her off the ground

"No. We're going to help them find her" You say sternly as she starts kicking and punching your arm, thankfully not biting onto it, but you put her down before she can get it into her head to sink her teeth into you

"We're going to get caught if we follow those idiots, Shika just knew they were dead weight and ran off on her own" She groans and complains, rocking her head side to side as she whines, as James turns around and jogs to catch up with the three of you, as Jorge hadn't had time to leave your side before you decided to follow the spirit of the Chief Petty Officer's training rather than its letter...or you think that is what that was how the phrase went. You heard something similar to it before in Deja's classroom at least

"And? If they get caught before us, we'll be alright" James points out as Jorge squint and stumbles over a root you stepped over

"How can you see when its this dark?" He asked, as you stop to help him up with Nesta and James

"Dad used to take me out on midnight walks through the woods near new Oslo" You answer helpfully and with a smile as you dust off his back and nod thoughtfully, seeing Nesta stop and freeze for a moment. Which is what she does when she "Senses" trouble

"Down" You hush, putting a finger on your lips as Nesta hops behind a tree, as flashlight burn through the night. James crawls under a bush, and the lights flicker off, and you hear footsteps crunching through the woods, twigs and branches snapping. All four of you keep low to the ground, until the noises stop. Nesta breathes out harshly and glares at you, but you just smirk and pat her on the back

"Your street smarts came in handy again, which is why you'll lead" You say with an appreciative nod as she cringes, but listens without making a peep, as you stay a step behind her, helping guide her with your superior night vision, as Jorge holds onto your sleeve to keep from getting lost, and James does the same to him, so none of you can get seperated.

You catch a rock, after half a minute of rocking, that was thrown at you. And whistle the way Deja had taught you to. Ralph's head pokes out from behind a tree. Jerome smacks him over it as they both see they nearly beaned you in the head with a rock

"Thought you were one of them, sorry" Ralph reluctantly apologizes as Rene and Jerome follow him out from the trees they'd hidden behind "But what are you doing, following us anywhere"

"Calm down, they probably want to help, isn't that right, Sven" Jerome scolds, smacking ralph a second time, but more lightly

"You'll only slow us down, and, sorry but you're just too big to keep out of sight, Sven" Rene hisses under her breath "We can find her on our own"

"We don't even know if that's why they're here" Ralph growls through his teeth "They might just be loss, or working with the instructors"

"No, Jerome was right, bleeding heart here conscripted us a second time to help you bloody idiots" Nesta grumbles "I'm going along with it, so I can tell him I told him so when we're caught"

"And we're following cause Sven usually has better ideas than she does" James bluntly explains, receiving a kick to his shins for it, but he doesn't make a noise

"We can find her faster if we work together" You say, crossing your arms "And if you're throwing rocks, wouldn't you rather me or Jorge do it?"

"I do have a strong throwing arm" Jorge answers as Ralph and Jerome exchange glasses

"Happy to have you onboard" Ralph says, turning on his heel "Now, I'm pretty sure Shika went this way"

"How can you tell?" Nesta chirps, looking over his shoulder

"She has a habit of pulling vanishing acts" Jerome answers, frowning as he watches Nesta do her thing, scanning everything around her, moving her head almost like a bird would "The moment you take your eyes off of her...poof!"

"Sven" Nesta whispers

"Down, quiet" You snarl as quietly as you can. Jerome, Ralph and Rene, who haven't been exposed to Nesta's...Nestaness, look at you like you're crazy. So you, Jorge and James have to force them to the dirt, covering their mouths. Nesta's strange ability to tell when trouble is coming is the reason why you weren't disciplined for every one of the fights she got you all in. She knew when to stop and pretend like nothing had happened, or run if it was too obvious,

"Street smarts" She smarmily sneers into Rene's ear as she crouches down under the leaf of a fern "Watch"

"Hear something over here" Your favorite trainer calls out

"Already? Mendez will be disappointed his star pupils aren't learning so quick" Another, different voice chuckles

"Ain't going over there until I'm certain that little ape isn't waiting waiting to swing a rock in my face" The trainer whose nose you broke spits

"You made the call out" A younger man sounding instructor complains "Also, are you sure you heard something, nothing's here, just the trees and grass"

"I swore I heard talking over here" She mutters as you watch they walk by, right next to you, somehow missing you as you lay utterly still on the ground "Maybe the stress of keeping watch over a roided up hellion is getting to me..."

"What was that?" Ralph asked sharply as you get off of him

"Street smarts" You answer with a shrug

"No, really, how did she..."Jerome asks

"Big guy told you already, Street smarts" James snorted as he followed after you

"Jorge, how'd she do it, huh?" Rene pressed as he sighed and smiled

"It is like they said, she has street smarts, don't know how else to explain it" He apologetically answer as Nesta cackled like...well like how you imagined a goblin would

"Mean streets of Old Camelot teaches a girl a thing or two...so, which way did you say you think she ran off in?" She bragged as she marched ahead, and nearly into a tree

You went the way they pointed in, silently searching for the disappeared Shika before.

"Is that her shirt?!" Rene yelled, as, far too coincidentally, Shika's sweat shirt was tossed onto a low hanging branch. But Nesta didn't get all weird. So it probably? Wasn't a trap.

Instead, you remembered Deja's lessons, about some naval invasion of Normandy in the 20th century, where one allied army convinced the alliance of their enemy, they were going to attack one beach when actually they landed at another.

You paused, looked up

And saw a shirtless Shika clinging to a branch high off the ground, eyes wide and staring as she watched you and realized you saw her. The way she lay on it, reminded you of Loki, your family's pet Norsk skogkatt, who enjoyed climbing trees. Even if he had never figured out how to get down from them

You tap Nesta on the shoulder and point up, and she giggles as Shika's face turns bright red with embarrassment, then she taps james and Jorge and they all look up as well. Then so do Ralph, Rene and Jerome

"Found you" You snicker, as you grab her shirt and toss it up to her "Good plan though"

"How?" She asks curtly as she sits up, pulls on her shirt and hops down in the center of you

"Seemed to obvious" You answer simply and just as shortly and she mutters something under her breath in what you're pretty confident was japanese

"Why'd you leave us behind, huh?" Ralph asked crassly as Shika looked at all of your faces

"We were told to hide, I did" She answers quickly "Stop talking, noise"

Jerome shakes his head "We're a team, Shika"

"And I was making sure we wouldn't be last" She pouts

"You scared us! We thought you'd been eaten by wolves, or Guta, or Guta trained wolves" Rene said, getting louder as Nesta glared. You put a finger to your lips, before that same hand can reach out and smack her for being stupid.

"Sorry" She whispers

"You ruined it" She says as she draws her eyes slowly over all of you "I was fine. Now we're in trouble. Too many of us"

"Hey, we were just told we need to not be caught" James says, his eyes brightening "They didn't say we didn't need to be found"

"That's right! You're a genius James" Nesta gasps, covering her mouth before she can get too loud "I knew it was a good idea to look for Shika, cause now we have an expert at hiding and me, the girl with all the street smarts"

"So what?" Shika asks "We just keep on the move"

"Exactly" You say with a nod "That was my plan to begin with, even if we couldn't find you"

"Why didn't you say anything then?" Nesta asked, kicking dirt at your feet

"Thought it was obvious, you're always our look out anyways, and like Rene said, I'm too big to hide" You smile smugly, as you lift up your foot and start cat walking "But, I'm very good at not being heard. That is, unless you guys want to try hiding again"

"No, I like the sound of the plan you two cooked up" Ralph says, smiling and showing the tooth that he'd lost a few days ago "Also if we do that..."

All eyes fell on Shika

"She'd run off again and leave us to hang" He snorted as she rolled her eyes, not caring that Jerome was holding her hand to keep her from repeating her trick

"Fine. But I'm not sure why you think I'm some kind of ninja" She grumbles "And don't see how "Street smarts" Will keep us from being caught, but, I'll go along with it, at least until we're caught"

"Good girl" Rene teases

"We should get moving" You say "Jorge, snap a few branches in the other direction, James, Jerome, walk around in circles. The noise we made will get attention, so we need to cover our tracks"

"You're pretty good" Shika says with a raised eyebrow "Most people leave all kinds of traces behind them"

"My dad just told me to do things like that sometimes" You say with a shrug "on our walks, I mean"

"Tch, don't get too buddy buddy, the game is still on, remember?" Nesta complains, as she moves to the front, pulling Shika behind her as you use keep the both of them from tripping over any roots or rocks, and everyone else, follows your lead.

Current Successes on extended actions, 3. 1 from meeting target, 2 for going 5 over target, 3 for crit
successes to complete, 7
Crit on first roll effects. You find Shika!
Modifiers. Nesta is listening & helping, +2. Shika is giving pointers +2, There are eight of you trying to hide, -2
Total bonus on next roll +2
Please roll 1d20+2. Best of three. DC 15!
Failure will reduce success total. At 0 or lower, you're all caught
Rolled 14 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 3 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>"How the hell do EIGHT KIDS get together and manage to stay hidden? Man FUCK these woods. This is bullshit!"

nice, got it in one.
Rolled 9 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

I like dicerolling :)
Rolled 11 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Lets go!
1 over target number
Phew, still safe.
the strength of teamwork
By the way a review of potential weapons we have on hand off the top of my head comprise.

Garrote (Shoe laces / Pants drawstring)
Sling (Shirt + Laces (?w/ Aglet?) / pants drawstring + rock)
Shiv (Rock + laces)
Baton (Stick)

So we definitely have options should we need them.
I got you one, sock + rock.
Sven's a big kid, all he need is a big rock.

I guess we could put a shoe on our hand to use as a bucker since the sole may be insulated and so deal with the "humbler"

I guess we're most of the way to a Knight at this point.
Current success on extended action 4, +1 from success
Successes to complete

Slowly, the eight of you creep through the dark forest, the clouds over head only allowing a little moonlight to light the way. Not that the lack of light is much an issue. Reach's fall is brighter than New Noregr's, its almost like walk around at dusk. And with Nesta and Shika working together, the moment she gets one of her "Feelings" Shika points out where the other seven of you should hide. After another close brush with the seekers, that is the system you work out. Nesta tells Shika with a tap or grunt and she shows everyone else where to hide, and when the seekers have passed you all by, you start charting the route you'll take. But you need to help guide the others less and less as their eyes adapt to the night. But none of them spread out or sneak off on their own, they all trust you to lead them and guide them through the words, and Nesta to somehow know when the instructors are closing in, and Shika not to throw you all to the wolves so she can hide by herself.

She's a lot less suspicious and grouchy about sticking together and her role in the now combined teams, once you point out that the rules of the game are probably the same as all the others and if one person is caught, all the rest of their team will be counted as losing. And if the others had any complaints, they don't voice them as the familiar electrical crackle breaks the solitude and silence of night, as do a few familiar yells of pain.

"They just got...Cal" Jorge mumbles "Didn't think she'd last long"

"She was in a tree" You point out, peeking around as you can just make out the flash of the shock sticks

"Seriously are you part owl or something?" Rene asks "And you, what's with you and your trainer-radar"

"Not telling you" Nesta snickers "And, yeah, I didn't know Sven could see in the dark"

"Its probably why he and Jai tried to run on the first night" James points out as Jerome, who you had look ahead with Ralph come back

"Daisy didn't want to join up" He says with a shrug

"Didn't ask you to go recruiting" You mumble "Also why were she and Cal hiding so close"

"Wait, was Cal over there to?" Ralph asks

"Was" Shika bluntly answers, eyes narrowed and squinting "Daisy is next'

Ralph gets his trademark "I am going to do something very stupid soon" look on his face. An expression you notice he makes whenever he's about to act impulsive, like when he decided his team should chase after Shika together.

"If she doesn't want to come with us, she can handle herself, better for us anyways" You say "And don't go try to help her, if she's smart, she'll take advantage of Cal being caught"

"Hate this" Ralph mutters, but he falls in line and, with a tremble of disgust, you realize, unconsciously, you had started talking like Chief Petty Officer Mendez
We're in a forest. I guarantee you we can find a stick big enough to necessitate speaking softly.

"Enough Chit Chat, get moving" You say, trying your very best to sound like yourself and not the Shark eyed Drill Instructor "Cal getting caught means they're too close for comfort"

New Modifier: Accidental Distraction, +1 to next roll

Previous modifiers in effect

Please roll 1d20+3. Best out of three. DC 16
Rolled 10 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>they don't voice them as the familiar electrical crackle breaks the solitude and silence of night, as do a few familiar yells of pain.
Starting to feel like we should just set up an ambush and beat up the trainers.
Let's go.
Rolled 14 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 13 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Does it count as getting caught if the instructors can't call it in?
Safe now. At this rate, it'll be our ragtag team vs John's proto-blue team.
>cue arnold v predator scene

Yeah man. Never underestimate the power of something in a sock. Put a padlock in one, or a rock, or some change. If it's a good tough sock and long enough you can straight up knock people out or crack their skull with it. Shit's dangerous. So watch out if you see some psycho with a sock.

Again by the skin of our teeth with these modifiers. Awesome team.
>implying we won't set up a kill-zone in the woods and just keep beating instructors unconscious until sunrise
Be a little more ambitious Anon!

1 over the target DC again!

Are you saying that we should team up with John and just knock out all the trainers and rescue all the captured kids?
Ideally, yes. But whatever the case, I want to make sure we knock out at least one instructor for as many kids as they shock tonight.
I'm down with that. I'm sure we'll run into broken-nose trainer again.
I'll say this much, she certainly won't smell us coming.
I want to drop on her from a tree. Dynamic entry that shit.

Current success on extended action, 5, +1 success
Success to complete, 7

"And there goes Maria" Jerome says as a flash of blue right brightens the forest, as he lifts his hand over his eye. Nesta is in top form, picking up on the presence of the seekers faster everytime you brush by them. She mentioned "Brain tingles" a few times, after Ralph and Rene teamed up to really pester her about how exactly she was predicting them so exactly and precisely. You...had no idea what that meant. Street Smarts made sense. She was probably messing with them. She had an odd, sometimes mean, sense of humor.

"Think John and his pals got got yet?" James asks as the two of you crawl on your elbows like Mendez had taught you, when he included crawling under barb wire into your morning routine earlier in the week

"Don't know, they're a good team" Jorge wonders outloud but quietly "Could be John and Sven got the same idea, and they're on the move, instead of sitting around like ducks"

"We should turn around soon. If anyone is on our trail, they'll try to cut us off soon" Shika says, and you wonder how she knows that, that seems more like a Nesta thing, but she does know how to just vanish in a second if you take your eyes off of her. She may be lying about being a ninja, or at least, left out that her parents were Ninjas.

"Ah, I think I just heard Fred" Rene gasps, wincing sympathetically as there was a distant shout, but not the kind of you make when you're shocked

"He's not caught yet, he's running" You point out, as there is a lot of noise very suddenly, and flashlight beams filled the night "He's actually running for it"

"Hope he gets away" Ralph says with a smile

"We all do" Jorge agrees, and he speaks for all of you when he says it.

"Shut up" Nesta says, in her "Something bad is coming" tone, as she flattens herself on the ground, as a beam of light misses the top of her head by an inch.

The rest of you, press against trees or hide behind rocks, as the flashlight moves side to side and you hear the instructor saying things you don't understand, about sectors and zones.

"Close" Shika hums "Slowing down, Nesta?"

"You gossiping hens got me distracted" She huffs, lifting her chin off the ground before she picks herself back up "Well, Fearless leader, are we doubling back or forging forward?"

"Heading back" You answer, wincing as you realized you were talking like Mendez again "Fred ran the way we were going, not a good idea to follow him, right now"

Please roll 1d20+2. Best out of three. DC 14
Rolled 3 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Come on sneaky time
Rolled 10 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

You know, I do wonder if they actually do have drones up there recording this whole thing as an instructional thing for both the kids and trainers. Not that I think they have access to it right now from the ground. That would be cheating. Mendez wouldn't cheat, would he?
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 11 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

didnt roll apparently
+2 so that"s an 18, right?

4 over target DC. Getting real close...

Depends on the QM, some refuse "improperly" configured rolls.
File: 8r1m9zcxq1fc1.gif (5.03 MB, 640x484)
5.03 MB
5.03 MB GIF
Good thing I forgot to add the modifier. I got my roll out mere seconds before the next one.
i think the purpose of the exercise is to use stealth and team work, is a simple game.

So he is likely not saying a thing to the trainers that are searching for kids. But everyone else outside the ones actually searching us, are probably watching us and our positions with drones, cameras, sensors etc... i don't think neither he or the doc care of what happens to trainers. They can just get more, and send the ones wounded to heal up for a few days and get back easily.
Could be an idea. Or with other kids. The program eggheads and spooks would be overjoyed to see this counter, and the kids going beyond what was established for win the game.
Mendez definitely won't cheat, but the guards and trainers definitely would if they have access to drones. For some reason, the trainers and OPFOR at this facility are extremely butthurt and petty, so there's no way they wouldn't use everything they can.
Current success on extended action, 6, +1 success
Success to complete, 7

"What do you think they're doing, after they caught?" James asked no one in particular as the eight of you waited, pressed together in a small den dug under the overhang of a jutting boulder, that he had noticed on your first pass through this part of the forest.

"Well, they only shock them once, so either they take them out or make them drop and give them a hundred" You think outload as Shika peeks out, looking very rabbit like as Nesta sits, bow legged, her eyes firmly shut and forehead creased with concentration

"Could send them back out to look for the rest of us" Ralph suggested

"They wouldn't do that, the other kids I mean" Jorge answered firmly, shaking his head as he crossed his arms "The instructors definitely would, but, well. It'd be a test"

"A hundred percent, if anyone is stupid enough to take the offer, they zap em again" Nesta agrees as Rene stands out from under the boulder "Can't teach us that its alright to betray our squad, can they?"

"Think I can hear a fight?" She says, and you had as well, in fact, you're certain everyone had.

"It's Jai" You answer with approving smile

"And his girlfriend to" Jerome adds "Surprised they didn't make a break for the fenses, he's always trying to escape"

"He might've tried" Ralph says with a shrug as Nesta starts getting fidgety

"We should move, fast" She says firmly and you nod, and since you're taking up most of the space, squeeze out from under the dirt and rock first and take point. You think that's what the term was, but you couldn't be sure. And you wouldn't ask Mendez or any of the trainers if you could help it.

"Wonder whose left" James asks as Jorge crawls out after you, flicking a beetle off of his shoulder

"I can think of a few names" he says "If the goal is to catch us"

"Kelly" Several of you chime in at once, in fact, you're pretty sure Shika is the only one who doesn't.

"Mendez would have trouble trying to catch her, she's half rabbit" Nesta giggles "But, I think, we're some of the last left. Been awhile since we heard any get caught"

"Or, they stopped using the shock sticks" You point out, rubbing dirt from your chin "They might've been trying to scare us with them, to start out. And all of them could easily overpower and grab any of us"

Well, not you, but that didn't need to be said.

Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked at you

"I think you're right" Shika says softly "We were all dropped off close to eachother. We should've heard more "catches"

"That's a dirty trick" Ralph growls

"Its effective" Jerome corrects "The first few catches, might panic anyone whose hiding close by, then afterwards..."

"Afterwards they think we'll lower our guard and get clumsy, once our eyes have had a chance to adapt" You realize, flicking your eyes around "And once that's happened, they'll stop using their flashlights"
>For some reason, the trainers and OPFOR at this facility are extremely butthurt and petty
They're the type of people who can be trusted to beat small children on the regular and keep it a secret. I don't think we're dealing with the UNSC's best and brightest here.

"And switch on night vision" Nesta says quietly, teeth glinting in the moonlight as she grins "Oh. That's devious!"

"Keep on your toes" You tell the others under your breath "We might already be surrounded..."

Please roll 1d20+2. Best out of three. DC 15

That is partly because Sven keeps doing shit like knocking out a grown woman or trying to stab a barber with a pair of scissors.
Pretty sure some of them are just as petty in the novel, too. Like Tango Company straight up using live rounds during an exercise and tried to execute a trainee.
Rolled 9 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>That is partly because Sven keeps doing shit like knocking out a grown woman or trying to stab a barber with a pair of scissors.
That is partly because we've been kidnapped and forced to undergo what is possibly the harshest training we could ever hope survive.
come on dice keep up the sneak
That's the second time now.
Rolled 9 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Imagine the hiring process for that "must be willing to beat the shit out of children regularly"

>That is partly because Sven keeps doing shit like knocking out a grown woman or trying to stab a barber with a pair of scissors.
Hey they should expect that when they kidnap children. Some are bound to be unruly and rightfully so.

Anyway, check this drive
Rolled 15 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 14 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

You are 100% correct that they were. Mendez did wake John up on the first day by cattle prodding him, after all. And during the LandNav, the guys guarding the pelican were ready to snap Sam's leg like a slimjim when he was pretending it was broken

This man saved us twice now.
>Imagine the hiring process for that "must be willing to beat the shit out of children regularly"
I imagine intake for this facility is primarily drill instructors and career ONI staff, both of which would probably have little qualms about putting somebody like a small child in their place.
Probably because it's just wise to not get the good apples here, they come with hearts and morale. They are only for later when the Spartans are a fact and not kids. This trainers work just fine for that reason.

Eh they would get caught by their superiors. UNSC officers usually have all some cybernetics for keep track of what happens. If the standing order for the game is just use your experience, torchlights and batons then they are forced to follow it. Unless said order changes. They probably receive a sweet pay and pension for being part of the program staff, so even if they have to go behind special dangerous kids i believe they will follow orders to the letter. Of course there is just an issue with that : i don't believe they are good apples, so that means they might do it anyway even if they will be demoted or get less pay.
>Probably because it's just wise to not get the good apples here, they come with hearts and morale.
True, but it's not like integrity and morals are a deal-breaker. Keyes was allowed to take part in the initial observation process after all, just because he was on record as not being a snitch.

And you went 2 over target DC, as well


Mood Music: https://youtu.be/wiWnWtl8070

Keyes was in fact IMPRESSIVELY not a snitch, considering what he kept quiet about.

Also, this is 100% the last update tonight!
>would probably have little qualms about putting somebody like a small child in their place.
Potentially also those that have previously lost something to the various rebel groups.

For example look at what 9/11 justified.

Especially if the intent of the program was made clear. It also to some degree explains the shift in recruiting tactics for the Spartan III's, mostly being orphans, and also why their training was intensified vs the -II's.
Man this must really suck for the instructors. Eight kids in a clump made it to the end. How do you explain that? Someone is getting dressed down for sure kek. Though when one has the eyes of a beast, one has the instincts of the hunted, and the other has the presence of shadows maybe that's to be expected. I'm proud of our little hodgepodge.
>Potentially also those that have previously lost something to the various rebel groups.
You act like they're told anything about the purpose of this project.
Don't forget John's team, I feel like John with his luck should be able to make it out safely too.
Oh I'm sure John and co. managed to pull through, but they weren't marching through the forest with an entire fireteam. If enough kids make it through the game, do you think Mendez will pull some soft punitive actions on the instructors? Obviously not in front of the kids.
>Halsey tell Mendez to punish the instructors
>The instructors take out their anger on the kids
>The kids get even more angry at the instructors and work even harder against them
>Repeat ad infinitum until you get super soldiers
Delightfully devilish, Halsey.
You forgot the few trainers and trainees ending up disabled or killed during the training.
The method is effective, but one has to watch out that shit does not get out of hand too fast.
Special Bonus for getting all other seven recruits to the end of the Hide and Seek Game
Sub Objective: Best in Class, Has Progressed. Progress points/ stage, 2 out of ?. Sven's leadership abilities have improved, his existing bond with Nesta, James and Jorge has grown stronger still and they will follow the beat of his march, Sven has formed a bond with Shika, Ralph, Rene and Jerome
Sub Objective: The Chief's favorite, has progressed. Progress points/ Stage, 2 out of 5. Mendez sees it wasn't a one off, and that Sven has the beginnings of greatness few others have, and will increase the pressure & challenge him further + begin guiding him to a leadership role amongst the candidates
Special Bonus decided by following decisions...

It doesn't take long for the theory that the trainers are using subtler methods to subdue the other teams to be proven correct. You know. You and Shika watch them silently walk up behind Naomi-010, snake their arm around her neck and scoop her up while covering her mouth. Completely silent, and with green glowing goggles over their eyes that made them look like spider's snatching up their prey. It wasn't safe to be so bunched up together anymore, but you were still close, in pairs of two, and within sight of each other. Whenever it was time to move, which you decided, or you did when Nesta's "Street smarts" didn't at least, you'd regroup on the move and return to the system that worked so well and is the reason your two teams lasted for as long as they did together, besides the obvious disadvantage of moving together in such a large group.

Completely silent, and always on edge, the eight of you moved together like a wolf pack, no longer talking at all besides to give orders to complex to figure out with pantomimes and whistles or fingers over your lips. You don't know how long you've been out here in the woods, but you are hungry and tired and you're certain the rest of your team was to. It was already late when they brought you all out here, and now, you were certain the sun was about to come up, from the color the night sky had taken and how everything was just a little bit lighter. The moon was still up in the sky, but every second, there were fewer and fewer stars beside it.

Things were quiet. Almost peacefully, and if it wasn't for the tense atmosphere and knowledge if you slipped up or lowered your guard for even a moment, you'd be pounced on by one of the hunters, it'd almost be like any relaxing early morning stroll you took in the woods just outside of New Oslo. A nice forest walk, with friends.

And then, like the voice of a god, Mendez spoke. You wished Dimas had made it into your little wolf pack, he'd know what he used to be heard all throughout the forest. Your best guess was megaphone, but that seemed to...low tech of a solution, somehow. And his voice sounded like it came from above, in the sky.


"Attention trainees! this is Chief Petty Officer Mendez. I am not easily impressed, I didn't think one of you would hold out until Morning. Didn't think you had the will or skill to. But, you've surpassed my expectations, recruits! Twelve of you, three complete squads, lasted through the night on the first of this kind exercise " He says, voice resounding down from the sky like thunder "And you've only been in Boot for a week and a half"

Nesta winces

"Bad news" She sighs wearily

"But, just because you've surpassed even my expectations, doesn't mean the game is going to end prematurely. Hunker down, trainees. Things are about to get a little more difficult for you all, if you're up for the challenge. If not, any of the three teams remaining may forfeit and bow out, and will not be disciplined in any manner"

"He's lying" Ralph hisses through his teeth.

"You have my word as a Navyman, Teams Three, Six and Seven" the chief's voice boomed from the heavens "But only if you're entire squad surrenders together"

No one moved, not so much of a twitch. Everyone was holding their breath. And everyone was looking at you, for direction. Somehow, it made you feel small, even though you were the tallest.

>Decide to give whoever the third team is first place and surrender your two squads, it has been a long night...

>Make them work for it, and see just how long you can force them to comb through the woods...

>Get angry they think you'd surrender, and decide they'll get a taste of their own medicine...

>Find the other team before Mendez turns up the heat, and see if they plan to surrender...

>Write in option
>"I am given eggs and asked for omelets." - Halsey probably
>Get angry they think you'd surrender, and decide they'll get a taste of their own medicine...
If we clump up with the other team, we're more than likely to get spotted right then and there. Better to use what we have and give 'em hell.
>Make them work for it, and see just how long you can force them to comb through the woods...
+ Then we'll sneak back into the base while they're combing the woods. If Mendez is here in person then there can't be that many guards left inside.
>Get angry they think you'd surrender, and decide they'll get a taste of their own medicine...

Did they think they were getting out of this without blood being spilled?
>Get angry they think you'd surrender, and decide they'll get a taste of their own medicine...
>Write in option: try capturing the hunters and stealing their equipment.
Now this would lead to some lol's and an improvement of troublemaker if we manage to pull this off.
>Get angry they think you'd surrender, and decide they'll get a taste of their own medicine...
>>Get angry they think you'd surrender, and decide they'll get a taste of their own medicine...
If they run out of seekers, we win. Give up? Quit? Synonyms with "die" as far as I'm concerned. We can't really outlast them. They can stop and take drinks or eat snacks. They can rest and rotate while we're on edge and tense the entire time. It just isn't tenable to keep the game going.

It's time to boogie.
Or maybe even an improvement in the brawler perk.
Everyone's so bloodthirsty. QM will have to change the mood music to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0u4M6vppCI
Nah the QM will have to change the music to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wy-W-pYlds
>tfw a 120 pound six year old drops on you from a tree, steals your goggles and hits you with a branch until you can't feel your legs
It is a good idea. Free shit? Free shit. Shock stick? Yes. Good, good. Let the volts run through you.
Halsey probably.
>Get angry they think you'd surrender, and decide they'll get a taste of their own medicine...
Turn the hunt around on them.
KEK. Based Augustus reference.
>Get angry they think you'd surrender, and decide they'll get a taste of their own medicine...

this can only go funny
So what do we threaten first?

Ears, Nose, Teeth, Elbows, Fingers, Kneecaps or Toes?
The back of the head seems like as good a target as any.
They've been beating up our friends with stunbaton (unconfirmed) so maybe the fingers?
>>Get angry they think you'd surrender, and decide they'll get a taste of their own medicine...
on the attack !
>Make them work for it, and see just how long you can force them to comb through the woods..

>Space!Australia Drop Bear tactics
Oh my goodness gracious how horrifying
>Get angry they think you'd surrender, and decide they'll get a taste of their own medicine
>Get angry they think you'd surrender, and decide they'll get a taste of their own medicine...
Great rolls and write in, sad I missed it.
>Get angry they think you'd surrender, and decide they'll get a taste of their own medicine...
If we can, we should only hit smaller patrols until we can get everyone armed. Probably won't matter much, but ambushing a 6 adult team with 6 kids isn't going to cut it.
Yeah, hopefully we can split up the instructors by being clever (throwing rocks, baits, diversions, that sort of thing). The instructors could also split up themselves to cover more ground, and then we can ambush the stragglers - very much like the wolves Deja talked about in one of her lessons. Though I guess this all depends on how Mendez changes the situation.
This quest is what convinced me to verify my email, it's fucking rad

Past that, we should go on the offensive, lure guards in and ambush them, grab a few shock sticks
>Make them work for it, and see just how long you can force them to comb through the woods...
>Get angry they think you'd surrender, and decide they'll get a taste of their own medicine...
>Get angry they think you'd surrender, and decide they'll get a taste of their own medicine...
>Get angry they think you'd surrender, and decide they'll get a taste of their own medicine...
Rebooting....Monitor 404TormentedCache Back online

Stayed up too late last night, still a bit tired from it, but I think it was worth it.

14 Votes for getting angry and turning the game around
1 Vote for capturing and stealing the seekers equipment

3 Votes for Make them work for it, and see just how long you can force them to comb through the woods.
1 Votes for sneaking back to the base

Once again, Sven Choose Violence

Decision Made

Man Sven-033 is going to give a certain alien cult nightmares if they meet him in guerilla mode

Hahaha, funny and fitting
Welcome back, 404. No roll this time for the result?
Sub-Objective: Trouble maker Progress points/ stage, 4 out of 5. Completion point revealed. Alternate Completion scenarios revealed. New additional effects on Sven (stage 3's are still in effect), the Instructors are rightfully wary of having to handle the candidate, breaking out of restraints becomes something of a talent for him

Intercepted COMs from Instructors attached to section III project: SPARTAN II

"Did the Chief say Team six? The one with that freak of nature?"
"the Project head would prefer you do not refer to her test subjects like that"
"Fuck Frankenstein, that kid tried to cut Sarge's throat with a pair of scissors"
"That's an exaggeration, trainee-033 isn't even the worst troublemaker in the program"
"I was there, they had to damn near give him a concussion to get the scissors out of his hands, I don't care if he's not as violent as -006, he's the last one I want to be assigned to reign in"
"LCPL, you're acting unprofessional. They're twelve six year olds"
"You haven't gone toe to toe with little thor, in all do respect, Corporal. -033 is...he ain't normal, I've seen him knock out a DI who could make grown men cry, you wanna know the voltage it takes to actually incapacitate him? No six year old should be able to stay standing after getting zapped like that"
"I understand he is level of strength and tenacity is unusual for a child of his age, but he is still just that, a child. One child. He'll fall in line once his friends are caught"
"It'll just make him angrier...At least -052 and -005 are docile, we can focus on catching and bagging the real problem"
"What about trainee -097?
"Troublemaker, but not prone to violence like -033, and the other teams, -103 is the only real issue on team seven, -108, and -081 are near model students, -092 might be a bit of a problem"
"And team three?"
"-117 might surrender if he thinks its best with for his squad, if not, well, we'll have two problems on our hands, since he's together -087, -034, and -058. But, see, the difference, Corporal, is none of them can throw a punch you'll feel for the next three days..."

Altering Perspective...

Surrender. The thought of surrendering, that you were even given the choice to you, made you angry. Really angry. It felt like an insult to be even offered surrender! The chief sounded honest, but just thinking about giving up without a fight made you really, really angry. It made your blood boil. It made your skull buzz. All of the lessons about soldiers, warriors and wars Deja has given you has convinced you of one thing.

Surrender is never an option. Faintly, vaguely, a small voice in the back of your head reminds you that dad said something similar once, but all you can think about are the brave three hundred spartans, and what happened to Aella and Ragnar Lodbrok when they surrendered.

Mendez might not feed you to a pit of snakes. But the shame of giving up just because it was easy might've been worse than dying, even to snakes

"We're not surrendering" You state stonily, compressing and quieting the rage bubbling in you when you speak, and hear no complaints about it from the other children "The Spartans didn't surrender at Thermopylae, and the British didn't give up at Rorke's drift! We aren't surrendering this game of hide and seek, they'll have to drag us out of here"

"I want to sleep, but...I don't want to lose either" Shika groans, pouting as Rene holds her hand

"So, we just stay out here until they give up or we fall asleep and get found anyways?" Jerome asks

"No, unfortunately" Jorge says with a wry smirk "Sven has that look in his eyes"

"He's going to fight back. So, so are we" James says as Nesta, who'd been trembling with delight at the thought of making life hell for the trainers, practically vibrated as she yelled out

"Yes! Lets make those tossers regret bullying us day in, day out! I hope I can punch Mendez in the eye, for all the push ups he's made us do!" She yells

"Why didn't we become friends sooner" Ralph says, just as approving "So what, are we going to ambush them then? Pelt them with rocks?"

"He's has to have a smarter plan than you can come up with, Ralph" Rene sighs, turning from him to you as she asks "So what is it, you're the only one here big enough to have a chance of fighting a grown up"

"And there's going to be more than eight of them" Jorge points out "But, numbers don't matter with a good plan, Deja taught us that"

"Yeah, and Sven is good with plans" James agree "Most of the time, the scissor thing wasn't so smart"

"I was desperate, I loved my hair, it was good hair" You snap back, cheeks flushing with heat and color.

"Okay princess" Nesta teases "So what, we hope to find a woodland barber and mug him for his scissors?"

"No" You say through your teeth, face going from warm to hot "I have an actual plan here, trust me, and don't goof around. Once we start, we're all in for a world of hurt"

"Eh, I wouldn't be your friend if I expected you to get all the bruises" She smiled and lightly tapped your arm "I don't just want to make them have a bad morning, ya know"

"Yeah, we're doing this because otherwise you'll get all the punishment, Sven" James agrees, his arms crossed

"Friends stick together, through thick and thin, like the three musketeers did. One for all and all for one" Jorge says as Ralph smiles

"Well, we're the eight musketeers then, cause I ain't repaying you by leaving you out to dry" He says firmly and with his chest puffed out "And I know Jerome has my back"

"I have no choice" Shika admits with a shrug "But, you haven't lead us wrong all night, maybe this isn't that dumb of a plan"

"I'll go where those three go, but I don't think I'd be much help in a fight, the trainers are pretty scary when you aren't..." She says, pausing as she looks over you and jorge, and you know exactly what she means by that look.


"So, what is this genius plan you've cooked up, princess?" Nesta asked in her usual cheeky way, though the smile she was wearing was one of her most dangerous looking

You called them into a huddle, and lowered your voice to a whisper as you explained it.

>You'd use one of your own as bait, to draw out a single guard, them jump them and steal their kit! (DC 15. Modifiers, your team trusts you, +2, element of surprise +1)

>You'll look for the other team and see if they'd want to help raise hell, since twelve was more than eight (DC 12)

>You'd have Shika sneak up behind the guard while they're focused on you, and choke them like Mendez demonstrated (DC 17. Modifiers Your team trusts you +2, Shika's GHOST +2)

>You'd arm yourselves with branches, stones and peels of bark fashioned into crude shields, and form a shield wall (DC 18. Modifiers Your team trusts you +2, Deja's lesson +1)

>Write in option

And the Completion Point/ Alt paths of trouble maker, will be shown at the same time as the Bonus. Once you've given the trainers a taste of their own medicine...
>You'd have Shika sneak up behind the guard while they're focused on you, and choke them like Mendez demonstrated (DC 17. Modifiers Your team trusts you +2, Shika's GHOST +2)
As the mastermind of this not-so-passive aggression, it's only fair that we offer ourselves up as the bait. Part of being a good leader is not ordering your subordinates to do something you aren't ready or willing to do yourself.
>You'd have Shika sneak up behind the guard while they're focused on you, and choke them like Mendez demonstrated (DC 17. Modifiers Your team trusts you +2, Shika's GHOST +2)
Love the Marines perspective. They know they're gonna get hit dealing with Sven.
>You'd use one of your own as bait, to draw out a single guard, them jump them and steal their kit! (DC 15. Modifiers, your team trusts you, +2, element of surprise +1)
Sven himself is the best bait, being so troublesome that everyone already dreads him.
>You'd have Shika sneak up behind the guard while they're focused on you, and choke them like Mendez demonstrated (DC 17. Modifiers Your team trusts you +2, Shika's GHOST +2)

This will be interesting
>You'd have Shika sneak up behind the guard while they're focused on you, and choke them like Mendez demonstrated (DC 17. Modifiers Your team trusts you +2, Shika's GHOST +2)
Lead from the front and hold the line like the vikings of old. Though I would prefer to send Shika or Nesta out to find John and get his squad in for a sneak attack while the guards are focused on us.
And it'll make for good foreshadowing for the Fall of Reach.
>You'd arm yourselves with branches, stones and peels of bark fashioned into crude shields, and form a shield wall (DC 18. Modifiers Your team trusts you +2, Deja's lesson +1)
>Write in option
>Send Shika to scout out the instructors and try to locate the other team. Give her a rendezvous point.
>Sven and Jorge climb a tree, the rest of the team lures an instructor past the tree by throwing rocks, Jorge and Sven dropbear them, steal their kit.
>immediately run off to rendezvous point, guerrilla style
>>You'd have Shika sneak up behind the guard while they're focused on you, and choke them like Mendez demonstrated (DC 17. Modifiers Your team trusts you +2, Shika's GHOST +2)
I like this
>>You'd use one of your own as bait, to draw out a single guard, them jump them and steal their kit! (DC 15. Modifiers, your team trusts you, +2, element of surprise +1)
Sorry just realized I missed your vote there. Glad you're enjoying the quest! I'm really like running it.

Happy to hear that, was worried that part of the update wouldn't land
5 Votes for Shika GHOST plan

1 Vote for Improvised shield wall

2 Votes for setting up bait for an ambush

1 Vote for the Dropbear tactic write in

Shika ghost plan it is

Decision Made
Please roll 1d20+4. Best of three. DC 17
Rolled 5 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Rolled 9 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Rolled 3 (1d20)

Well that's unfortunate.
Hey, the streak had to end sometime. Here's hoping Mendez takes notice of the attempted maneuver and gives us some pointers during training the next day.
This just means Shika got got. And Sven is going to DDT the instructor while they're busy with the girl. Yes. To be fair, there's only so much you can do once they "get serious". They probably have stun guns or rubber bullets and are wearing actual gear instead of just uniforms at this point. Mendez did say the kiddie gloves were coming off.

4 under target DC.

At least we went out fighting, like the 300 Deja taught us about. We can be proud that we survived so long.
"Don't call me that" You start, and Nesta's ear to ear grin twitches a little, a spark of amusement in her eyes that nearly lit up the dark forest more than the coming morning "And its simple, I'll be bait"

The red head's smile faltered for a second, but she didn't say anything, but you could tell she wanted to. Call you stupid, laugh at your plan, but she didn't say anything. The others, whatever there thoughts were, kept silent as they listened intently, more on edge after hearing you planned to step onto a platter and put yourself into harms way

"And all of you, will hide nearby, to get the jump on them once they find me" You continue, nodding along as putting your plan into words made it feel more sensible and tangible, as you pictured what could happen very much like the battle lines and army formations you could draw in class, just with a bit more color "Three of you on each side, with whatever rocks or sticks you can find"

"Six?" Jerome asked, raising an eyebrow "Whose the odd duck out?"

"Shika" You answer and see the gentle, if somewhat selfish girl wince and cringe hard like she'd just bitten into an entire lemon "She'll sneak behind the first instructor who finds me...us, and jump on their back to choke them out, like Mendez showed us"

"One issue, big guy" Nesta cut in, stepping closer to you, hands pressed flat together "She's not...well, you or Jorge"

"No. I can do it" Shika said, after a drawn out sigh and pained look "I won't like it, but I can do it"

"Are you sure?" Jerome asked and Shika nodded

"Give me one of your shirts, I've got enough bug bites already" Is all she said after. You decided who'd give up their shirt with a quick game of rock paper scissors. Jorge was the unluck one

"Jorge, you'll be in charge of the left side" You say, pointing to him, then Nesta and James "And, I guess, Jerome, you'll be in charge of right"

He nodded as Shika spun and tightened the grey, mud covered sweat shirt into cord, wrapping its ends around her hands as Nesta watched her with an impressed, almost admiring look on her face.

"Everyone understand?" You asked, no one spoke up and that was good enough "Okay, then we'll..."

and you blinked, stunned for a moment, as you realized just how good Shika was at being sneaky, as, one second, she was right in front of you, then you took your eyes off her to look at someone else to see if their reaction and if they had something to say or contribute to the plan, and when you looked back, she was gone.

She hadn't even left footprints in the soft, nearly mud, soil.

"She's good" You remarked and you thought you might've heard her giggle, but you couldn't tell from where and if it wasn't just the wind.

But as sound and good of a plan as it was, there was one blindspot that made it all fall apart. You hadn't realized what "A little more difficulty" meant when Mendez said it, and just how serious the seekers were now.

But, it made you quickly realize, all of the discipline and abuse? was them going easy on you and the other kids.

Because, the instructor who you baited into the open, wasn't in their uniform or camouflage fatigues. They were in combat gear, with an enclosed, visored helmet. A body suit as black as night, and one of the dart guns that they'd used to tranquilize you during your first escape attempt.

He didn't pause to order you to stand down or surrender, or radio his team he'd found you, he simply and very quickly, shoulder his rifle, and shot a dart into your neck as your eyes met his visor.

And then, as your head swam and the world spun, and you realized they'd done what none of the doctors in new oslo could and found the right amount of medicine to give you in the first try, Shika reappeared. And he shouldn't have been able to see her, he didn't have eyes in the back of his head. And even if he did, he had a helmet, but he reacted, turning on his heel and raising the rifle as she leapt and got the coiled shirt around his neck.

You stumbled, but forced yourself to stay standing through the rage slowly building and growing hotter even as the dart in your neck started to pull you towards sleep.

The instructor dropped his rifle, but it was connected to a sling, letting him free his hands to grab Shika. Turning his back to you completely as it became harder and harder to fight off the tranquilizer pumping into. And the dart...when you tried to pull it out, it hurt and tugged at the skin of your neck.

And he had one hand around Shika's. She looked so small...You needed to do something, before he could hurt her.

Fading fast, you acted...

Choose Special Bonus, Selection determined by choice of action and its result, *Set up a sneak attack with Shika/ an ambush with yourself as bait, failure*

>By shouting "Charge!" and trying to get land a few punches before going down (Advance Brawler to rank 2)

>The world turned red, and the sleepiness was replaced with a pounding drum beat as everything slipped away, but your rage (Early/ Advance access to PC specific advancement path: Berserkir)

>Getting his attention off of Shika and taking the blows that the rest of your team might've taken, staying standing until you literally are unable to stay on your feet (Early/ Advance access to Advancement Path: Bulwark)

>Grit your teeth, fight off the boiling anger, drugs and shame as you shout "WE SURRENDER" before Shika can be hurt (Choice between advancing Best in class to PP/ Stage 3, or the Chief's favorite to PP/ Stage 3)

The branch paths of troublemaker and the conditions to unlock the last point in the Main one (And its reward/ outcome) , will be shown next update
>Getting his attention off of Shika and taking the blows that the rest of your team might've taken, staying standing until you literally are unable to stay on your feet (Early/ Advance access to Advancement Path: Bulwark)
Protect the weak, be the ideal viking from our father's story.
But man, you make all the options so attractive. I'm torn between Bulwark and calling the entire squad in for a charge.
>Getting his attention off of Shika and taking the blows that the rest of your team might've taken, staying standing until you literally are unable to stay on your feet (Early/ Advance access to Advancement Path: Bulwark)
I didn't hear no bell.
Also, have you guys realised we passed every roll except for combat? every time we go for violence we end up with egg on our faces.
Just means that we're not violent enough.
>Grit your teeth, fight off the boiling anger, drugs and shame as you shout "WE SURRENDER" before Shika can be hurt (Choice between advancing Best in class to PP/ Stage 3, or the Chief's favorite to PP/ Stage 3)

Great work as always QM.
>>By shouting "Charge!" and trying to get land a few punches before going down (Advance Brawler to rank 2)
I have a MIGHTY NEED for both of those advancement paths, and getting one going early is indeed very tempting, but I also want to get the brawler path up and see what boni it gets us. And because while I can imagine what those paths give, I'm not sure how they work. If they're exclusive, or to what degree.

Aim for his legs. The loss of balance should momentarily steal his strength, hopefully free Shika.

It turns out, even a freak of nature can still be a six year old. I guarantee you if Sven was an adult he'd be mopping the floor with just about any of the guys here. Even without the special sauce. Sven is actually a gentle giant, despite his temper. A walking paradox of humanity.
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I just realized
>Comes from a warrior culture
>Easily angered
>Loyal to his friends to a fault
>Raised on the stories of his culture's glorious past
>Still loves his culture despite learning the truth about how flawed it could be at times
>Possibly the strongest member of the team on paper
>But jobs in every fight
Guys, you made Spartan Worf.
Funnily enough, they're my favorite character from that show
Good taste. Hope you watched DS9 and saw his good ending.
>>Grit your teeth, fight off the boiling anger, drugs and shame as you shout "WE SURRENDER" before Shika can be hurt (Choice between advancing Best in class to PP/ Stage 3, or the Chief's favorite to PP/ Stage 3)
Tough call between Berserkir and this. Ultimately, I don't want to lock in to an advancement path without knowing all (or at least more than two) of the choices.
>>Getting his attention off of Shika and taking the blows that the rest of your team might've taken, staying standing until you literally are unable to stay on your feet (Early/ Advance access to Advancement Path: Bulwark)
>>Getting his attention off of Shika and taking the blows that the rest of your team might've taken, staying standing until you literally are unable to stay on your feet (Early/ Advance access to Advancement Path: Bulwark)
sad the rolls didn't work out, but are indeed in a quite sticky and disadvantaged situation
>>The world turned red, and the sleepiness was replaced with a pounding drum beat as everything slipped away, but your rage (Early/ Advance access to PC specific advancement path: Berserkir)
>>Getting his attention off of Shika and taking the blows that the rest of your team might've taken, staying standing until you literally are unable to stay on your feet (Early/ Advance access to Advancement Path: Bulwark)
game over
Going to turn in to bed earlier tonight than I did yesterday, since I'm already feeling pretty tired. Though I might've had one or two updates more in me, but I'm going to er on the side of caution and not completely wreck my sleeping habits.

If you have any questions, comments...etc, I'd love to hear them! And when I wake up later today, I'll try to fit in at least one update but as always will shoot for more.
>If you have any questions, comments...etc
What is Sven's favorite color?
Good night, QM.
As for question, I'm curious on how far you're willing to deviate from established Halo lore. We're still in the bootcamp right now and anything we do here won't change future events all that much, but once we start the war against the Covenant, we might have the potential make some major deviation from canon. I like Sven, but I would prefer if he doesn't take over Chief's role in some major events.
Another question is how long will the bootcamp arc be? I'm really enjoying this and I'm wondering if we'll get a time skip at some point—Spartan II trainings took years after all.
>Getting his attention off of Shika and taking the blows that the rest of your team might've taken, staying standing until you literally are unable to stay on your feet (Early/ Advance access to Advancement Path: Bulwark)
>Grit your teeth, fight off the boiling anger, drugs and shame as you shout "WE SURRENDER" before Shika can be hurt
I feel like Best in Class will get us an ensign commission so John keep his petty officer advancement. Bulwark's fine too though.
Wil; you be using any fan/concept content to fill out weapons? E.g. the concept art M73 LMG? UNSC has a distinctive few gaps in capability, like APCs and what not.
>Grit your teeth, fight off the boiling anger, drugs and shame as you shout "WE SURRENDER" before Shika can be hurt (Choice between advancing Best in class to PP/ Stage 3, or the Chief's favorite to PP/ Stage 3)
Berserker's tempting.
>Getting his attention off of Shika and taking the blows that the rest of your team might've taken, staying standing until you literally are unable to stay on your feet (Early/ Advance access to Advancement Path: Bulwark)
It's time to become the Ultimate Immovable Object.
>>Getting his attention off of Shika and taking the blows that the rest of your team might've taken, staying standing until you literally are unable to stay on your feet (Early/ Advance access to Advancement Path: Bulwark)
Shame the roll failed. Guess Sven is just a little bit more bark than bite at the moment. Also;
> And he shouldn't have been able to see her, he didn't have eyes in the back of his head. And even if he did, he had a helmet, but he reacted,
Bets on this guy having video feed from a drone playing on the inside of his visor?

>The world turned red, and the sleepiness was replaced with a pounding drum beat as everything slipped away, but your rage (Early/ Advance access to PC specific advancement path: Berserkir)
I am obligated to vote for the berserker route.
>Shame the roll failed. Guess Sven is just a little bit more bark than bite at the moment. Also;
On the contrary, we failed explicitly because they started treating Sven like the threat he is. Here's hoping we can exceed their expectations again.
It can be somewhat hard to always win even for a kid with great genes, a school education of his age and barely a week of training and education of the spartan program. Especially if its opponent are adults, trained by years and that decided they now can use all the proper equipment for win.
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yeah, they were getting rekt by their instructors pretty regularly until like 2519
a most impressive display
...Hm. I didn't think about it that way.
True that. I just find it a little difficult to remember that these are still six year olds.
Indeed the little spartans show promise. But things are just heating up in terms of the spartan program. They will put them through hell and expect them to rise and get in again.

>True that. I just find it a little difficult to remember that these are still six year olds.
well, about that. How long do you think Sven can hold on with the gnawing feeling in his little heart ?
This guy is lucky he's wearing headgear that conceals his face. I would vote to hit him with a conceal-carry brick later if he hurts Shika. He's already got us, no need to be mean about it. I will go for the salty runback on ALL of the instructors thus far.
>I would vote to hit him with a conceal-carry brick later if he hurts Shika.
Ditto. You don't fuck with our people and expect to get away with all your bits and pieces intact.
He's going to go absolute beserk at least one time during training and a person or multiple will absolutely die. Just hope it's not amongst our classmates.
I figure the only reason they don't have us in a straight jacket at all times is because we can't train in one. They really picked a winner in Sven though, can't even lie.
Imagine the absurd level of violence he's gonna be able to casually dish out when the Covenant rear their ugly heads. Casually twisting Grunt heads off, bisecting Jackals with their own shields, choking Brutes to death while whispering sweet nothings...
>Imagine the absurd level of violence he's gonna be able to casually dish out when the Covenant rear their ugly heads.
Hell, maybe we'll give Ackerson the idea of hyper violence before Kurt does for Gamma company.
>sven's fw they drop him near any covenant property
I vote red.
>Getting his attention off of Shika and taking the blows that the rest of your team might've taken, staying standing until you literally are unable to stay on your feet (Early/ Advance access to Advancement Path: Bulwark)
I was thinking green or yellow. Happy colors.
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Do Spartans have a separated branch of command or are they folded into the Army, Navy or Intelligence?
also some meaning vikings gave to some colors by chatgpt:

White and Gray
>Often associated with simplicity, purity, or the everyday life of common folk. These colors reflected practicality and were the most accessible since they required no dyeing.
>Symbolized the earth and nature. It was common for workwear, emphasizing a connection to the land and labor.
>Symbolism: Power, vitality, aggression, and life force. Red was linked to blood, battle, and energy in Norse mythology. It could also be a protective color, warding off evil.
>Social Context: A vibrant red garment or accessory signified wealth and status, as red dyes like madder were costly and labor-intensive.
>Symbolism: Loyalty, protection, and the sea. Blue was associated with depth and stability, as well as the Norse god Njörðr, a deity connected to the sea and wealth.
>Social Context: Blue was a prestigious color, as the woad plant used for dyeing was not easily cultivated in Scandinavia and required skill to process.
>Symbolism: Light, joy, fertility, and the sun. It was associated with warmth and positivity, reflecting its connection to solar deities.
>Social Context: Yellow was a common and accessible color, derived from plants like weld or birch leaves, making it less exclusive but still bright and cheerful.
>Symbolism: Fertility, growth, prosperity, and the natural world. Green was linked to the cycle of life and the earth's abundance.
>Social Context: Green textiles required combining yellow and blue dyes, making it a slightly more complex and valued color to produce.
>Symbolism: Nobility, divine connection, and luxury. Purple was rare and highly prized due to the expense of production, often linked to high status and ceremonial use.
>Social Context: Its scarcity made it a color for the elite, appearing in garments or decorations for leaders or individuals of high social standing.
>Symbolism: Authority, the unknown, death, and protection. Black was a color tied to seriousness, magic, and the underworld in Norse cosmology, including Hel, the realm of the dead.
>Social Context: True black was rare and valued, often achieved with tannins or iron-based dyes.
Cultural Interpretation
Colors in Scandinavian culture also intersected with mythological associations:
>Bright colors: Linked to gods like Freyr (fertility and prosperity) or Thor (strength and protection).
>Dark colors: Tied to Odin (wisdom, mystery, death) and the shadowy aspects of life.
Color choices reflected not just practical realities but also an individual's place in society, their occupation, or the symbolic statement they wanted to convey.
Rebooting...Monitor 404TormentedCache Back Online

9 Votes for Bulwark

2 Votes for Berserkir

4 Votes for BiC or CF

1 Vote for brawler rank 2

Decision made

Advancement path: Bulwark has been accepted
Current Path progress: 1 out of 10
Normal unlock conditions: Hold the line against impossible odds, survive otherwise lethal wounds, take a shot meant for someone else, act as a distraction, undergo specialized defensive fighting training
Current effects. Sven will grow noticeably tougher/ more resilient, requiring more injuries to be considered wounded (and take penalties for it), Shrug of lesser wounds, and learn how to use his body as a shield/ barrier & how to effectively draw enemy fire

Current list of sub objectives and their present progress points/ stage
Trouble maker: 4 out of 5
Best in class: 2 out of ?
The Chief's favourite: 2 out of 5

Advancement path progress
Brawler: 1 out of 10
Bulwark: 1 out of 5


Hmm, probably the color of the Aurora that could be seen from New Oslo at night. So maybe teal or green?

But red is also an option there, since Northern lights' color depend on the atmospheric composition/ conditions . Also at six years old, a kid's favorite color can change pretty often

These also fit

If you can manage it, Sub objectives past boot camp will include gathering Covvie tech for reverse engineer. So I am VERY open to straying/deviating based on your actions, but the war is still going to be as hard fought as it was in canon (Covenant had an outrageous tech advantage for most of it). And Chief is still on route to become the Chief, but Sven and the other additional candidates could become a wrench thrown into some events (Easily even)

And I'm figuring the exact length out, since I'm also enjoying it, but know that it'd take forever if I only take small skips forward (Like the week or so from the haircut to the hide and seek exercise). At the very least, I feel Sven should have at least a few advancement paths started before any real big skips happen.

it only took five months for Jai to earn himself a ticket to gray team, after all.

If they fit and I can find an excuse for them, will even allow suggestions, if they're fitting and you can kickstart the production IC (Dimas would've had a natural advantage here and reverse engineer covvie tech)

Sven is going to have a bad time that day

Might be. Don't wanna spoil anything though


>It is just one demon, how could it be to kill?
>last known words of Zealot It'Watan before being torn in half
Shit just realized I put out of 5 instead of out of 10 on Bulwark's path progress.

To be clear, it is at 1 out of 10, just like brawler. I just got into a rhythm jotting down troublemaker & chief's favorite, I think. Couldn't hit cancel quick enough
Spartans 2s are generally under Navy Special Warfare, Spartan 3s are directly under ONI Section 3 broadly speaking or loaned out to Army Special Warfare. Spartan 4s are when they get their own service branch and previous generations are offered the chance to transfer.
It happens.

I missed the boat to vote, but Bulwark won anyway, which is what I would have wanted. Thanks, anons!
>Do Spartans have a separated branch of command
Initially no, at this point they are in effect under the Navy as part of NAVSPECWAR but it ( "Spartan Operations" ) does come about eventually Post Covenant war, 2053. But even then it varies significantly depending on the spartan in question, as many are seconded, on loan, on mission, disappeared or otherwise engaged.
>Normal unlock conditions: Hold the line against impossible odds, survive otherwise lethal wounds, take a shot meant for someone else, act as a distraction, undergo specialized defensive fighting training
Why do I feel like we'll be doing a lot of this in the future.
>gathering Covvie tech for reverse engineer.
>Mo- I mean, Doctor Halsey, we stole an entire Covenant cruiser.
>What the fuck, my viking son.
>So I am VERY open to straying/deviating based on your actions, but the war is still going to be as hard fought as it was in canon
So I'm guessing based on that we could maybe pull off RED FLAG early but Reach would still fall barring an absurd amount of luck?
>"How did you pilot it here?"
>a distant sound of an enormous crash is heard
>RED FLAG early
Naw man, gotta get on the cool End Game ops like Gray Team with op SUNSPEAR and start mailing NOVA pipebombs to every Covenant colony we can track down.
I want Sven to blood eagle every species in the covenant at least once, it is purely for scientific purposes
>Dammit, Sven, you destroyed half of the ONI compound *again*, you're lucky the intel you brought might help us turn the tide of the war. How did you know that the base was built to withstand orbital bombardment level damage anyway?
>It was?
>Trouble maker: 6 out of 5
The hunters, drones, and maybe the engineers don't have bones so mission failed
Do not hurt the engineers, they're just friendly autists that want to build stuff.
we give the boneless to Nesta, Im confident she can get creative
I love them as much as the next guy but they have suicide bombs attached to them and if it's between them or sven or teammates the engineers are losing every time
It'd been your plan. Shika just agreed to it. Bellowing, roaring, you stumbled forward and charged the instructor as his fingers started tightening around Shika's thin neck. Both of them turned. He dropped Shika and wheeled around, grasping for his rifle as he cursed, but his words sounded muffled and distance. All you could really hear was blood pumping in your ears, and your heart beating in your chest. Even your clumsy footsteps sounded like they were a world away.

You reached the trainer before he could bring up his dart shooting rifle. And when you did, you brought up your fists and started swinging. He dodged, stepping back, holding up his hands as rocks started to fly from the nearby trees, as everyone else started shouting and hooting to try and distract him as Shika scrambled away, crawling on her hands and knees. Nesta was the first one to start shouting, and probably the first one to throw a rock. A few of the flying stones bounced off your back, but a few struck the instructor as he tried to hold you back while also trying not to get hit by the volley of rocks now flying around him. He stopped trying to just hold you back and stop you, when one of your stumbling, wild punches hit him in the stomach. He probably didn't feel anything, but he started actually hitting you once your fist struck his midsection. But, you barely felt his increasingly hard punches and elbow strikes as you continued to wail and yell incoherently at him. You were trying to tell Shika to run, and the others to hide, but it came out so slurred even you weren't sure what you were saying as you wrestled with the trainer, scraping your knuckles against his bodysuit and pieces of body armor, smearing blood and dirt across the blank, blue silver visor covering their face as he fended you off, grabbing your wrists and trying to pull you to the ground.

But you stayed on your feet, even as your lip split and once of your eyes swelled shut and your whole face began to feel puffy and numb.

"An actual ambush" The silent, faceless monster finally spoke, sounding impressed "I can't believe it. You really are a smart kid, and stubborn as a mule"

You spat in their face and wound up a punch.

"Tough to. Your pa must not have spared you the rod often, huh. Normally, you'd be on your ass by now. Just what does it take for you to go down?" He continued, sounding more amused than pressed as he began blocking and catching your fists as you threw them, as your friends and teammates started having to resort to just shouting or else throwing sticks his way as you mustered every ounce of energy you had left to try and keep all of his focus on you and off of them.

"Guess that's your limit" they said as their face swirled and blurred, looking like a giant, singular blue silver eye "Docs back home must've hated dealing with you, huh, that's it big fellow, just go to sleep..."

You lunged as your feet came out from under you. And caught the guard unaware, tackling him to the mud as the edges of your visons became cloudy and everything else became a blur of colors and motion.

"CHARGE!" Jerome yelled

"Oh shit"

Was the last thing you heard, before everything went dark and silent.

SPARTAN II Program Incident report:0024. 0450 Hours, October 6th, 2517
"Sven, once again, surpassed all of Chief petty officer Mendez and my own expectations. Having taken charge of Team Six in the first stealth and evasion training exercise, and leading to all members of his squad to evade capture well beyond the projected timeframe of the exercise, an achievement that was also accomplished by John and the rest of team three, it came to the instructors attention that Sven had in fact taken command of the third remaining team, Team seven, consisting of Jerome, Rene, Ralph and Shika, at some point in the night, and had lead eight children to evade capture by remaining mobile and changing their hiding places regularly threw the night.

Neither Sven nor John surrendered when the chief petty officer was ordered to bring the exercise to a premature end for the physical well being and health of the candidates. However Sven, ever the troublemaker, organized a surprisingly effective ambush before being subdued and tranquilized. The instructor escaped serious injury, having donned protective combat gear. But was still overpowered by the seven children the moment the left their guard down. The only wounds inflicted, were too their pride, in the end, though the instructor "Played along" with the seven other trainees, to observe how well they functioned as a team without a leader, allowing himself to be "Taken captive". And according to the AAR they gave, Jerome-092 also showed remarkable leadership qualities after Sven was removed as a variable..."

End of transcript

Optional Sub Objective Trouble-Maker, main path first stage completion rewards: Be separated from Main Class, and trained with other uncongenial/ Difficult to handle candidates, to eventually form a specialized unit, akin to Gray team. Retain knowledge of security/ skill at breaking out of restraints, temper worsens
Completion conditions: Force Halsey's hand by seriously injuring several instructors, continuously attempting to escape, or destroying enough valuable equipment

Alternate Troublemaker end point awards

1: Maverick
Unlock Conditions: Succeed through twisting the rules, toe the line while remaining independent, come up with unorthodox solutions to problems
Rewards: Retain talent at escaping restraints, and gain a near innate understanding of regulations/ orders and how to bend or break them effectively, for your own benefit or for a missions, and avoiding disciplinary actions. May gain positive modifiers through unorthodox problem-solving. Sven takes on a more carefree, insubordinate personality...for a SPARTAN trainee, and smooths out the worse of his temper

Unlock Conditions: Take a stance and hold firmly to those beliefs, convince others of your point of view, refuse to adopt someone else's ideals
rewards: Unshakeable faith in your chosen cause, zeal may provide positive or negative circumstantial modifiers, get along easier with those who hold your particular point of view. Radical actions/ decisions will have less difficult DCs Sven will become noticeably more outspoken about his values/ beliefs and charismatic.

3: Wolf-Hound
Unlock Conditions: Fall in line, get with the program, show loyalty to the project/ enthusiasm in your training, stop another candidate from escaping
Rewards: Retain Knowledge of security and security systems, in particular how to make them harder to escape from. Gain an early talent for tracking. Gain positive modifiers while fighting/ subduing your fellow SPARTANS/ UNSC Soldiers. Gain the trust of your superior officers. Sven will start to look down on/disapprove of rulebreakers and generally gain a more military attitude

Altering perspective...

After you recovered from the night of the woods, you were, every now and again, taken from the rest of the class, to speak with the Volva in a labcoat in her office. And learned she is the head of the program you'd been conscripted into. Her name is Halsey, and she is younger than your own mother if you'd have to guess. But her eyes...something about them makes you feel small, but in a different way than Mendez' do.

"You don't have to be so tense, Sven-033" She says from across the table, hands tented as the ice melts and clinks in the glass of water she had one of the instructors put in front of you, but even though your throat feels dry, you don't drink it. Even though morning calisthenics had just finished, and you were desperate for a water "You're not hear for a scolding. I just thought, now would be a good time to interview you. I understand you've been having some...trouble adjusting to your present circumstances here"

You nod, lips parched. Why did she bring you here, what did she want to tell you? You'd rather be in Deja's class, learning more. Her classes were always so interesting, and actually a little challenging, unlike the lessons you were given back in new Oslo. Her blue eyes were piercing, especially with how dark her black hair was. It was like staring into the deepest part of a sea, whenever you looked up and accidentally made eye contact with her.

"There's nothing to be worried about, this isn't disciplinary" She explained, soothingly, dipping her head ever so slightly as she spoke "I just want to get behind the reasons for your persistent acting out, and why you have, at times, voiced your protests physically"

You wanted to shout that she knew why, but couldn't find your voice as she looked you up and down. It felt like there was a rock in your throat

"You are intelligent and perceptive enough to realize you can't return to your colony. And if you believe, perhaps, your parents or some protesting groups of soldiers will arrive to save you, then I must unfortunately inform you, that they shall not" She continues, sounding almost sad and pitying "There will be no cinematic, sudden rescue for you or any of the other candidates. As a Spartan, much responsibility has been thrust upon you, even if you haven't yet realized it yet. You, all of you children, have an important purpose here"

You clicked your tongue, wanting to speak back and argue, but not knowing what to say as she looked at you with eyes that nearly looked guilty. A voice at the back of your head, growled that it was a trick, she was trying to make you believe she felt bad for you so you'd lower your guard. But even as your temper flared, you wanted to believe her, that she did feel some measure of guilt and wasn't just a witch in a white coat.

"And what purpose would you have if you hadn't been selected" She asked, but she didn't look at you, but instead her own reflection in her own glass of ice water "You would've squandered your potential, on an isolated mining colony. What job would've made full use of your abilities, what career would've provided you any sort of challenge, any kind of fulfillment. Sven"

She took a deep, breath through her nose and sat up straighter

"I know you enjoy your lessons, you take some of the most detailed notes in class, and I know you enjoy, on some level, the training Chief Petty Officer Mendez provides. You make fast friends with any of the candidates you're paired with and have lead your your team to place in the top percentage of the class in every training exercise thus far, and I expect the precedent you've set in this first month to continue, simply through the continued observation and study of you" She continued on, leaning over the table

"Tell me, if you were released today, would anything outside of this program provide any kind of enrichment or satisfaction? You, and the other candidates, all have a natural drive for competition and excellence. Excellence, that only the SPARTAN II program can provide, alongside a vital role to play in maintaining and securing the safety and continued prosperity of Humanity and all her colonies"

She traces a finger around the rim of her glass

"That is why you were taken, the speech I gave on your induction into the program, wasn't an idle boast" She says, looking at you over the table as you fidget with your fingers and kick your legs under the table "Or a hollow platitude, all of you will save countless lives through joining this program, and your efforts thereafter, do you understand the importance of that, Sven?"

>Ask her if you and the other kids will be like King Aella or Like King Ragnar?

>Just nod silently, and ask if you can go back to the rest of the class now

>"Are we going to protect everyone, or only the inner colonies?"

> "I just want to go home...why can't I go home! I didn't ask to be conscripted!"

>Write in option
>"Are we going to protect everyone, or only the inner colonies?"
Shit, so we're getting put on a fixed special team? Neat. Hope we can keep our pet gremlin Nesta, she's a valuable asset on any team. Also, are we supposed to vote for the reward? If so
>1: Maverick
It gets us the best out of actually being in the UNSC if we manage to snag a commission, and a bonus for being creative.
Maverick, Firebrand, and Wolf-Hound are mutually exclusive with Troublemaker level 5, being alternate results/ completion scenarious.

And you haven't gotten the last/5th point of troublemaker yet
Ahh, that makes sense. Thank you for the clarification, my mind's running on empty right now.
>ptotect humanity from what? Kidnapping, slaving, monsters. If they are like you maybe they aren't worth saving
>protect humanity from what? Kidnapping, slaving, bullies. If they are like you maybe they aren't worth saving
Just fixing the typo and replacing monsters with bullies
>"Are we going to protect everyone, or only the inner colonies?"

Maverick and Wolf-Hound both sound like interesting paths to take Sven down.
>"Are we going to protect everyone, or only the inner colonies?"
+ Will I ever see my parents again after I graduate from here?
>Write in option
Ask her who she thinks was in the wrong: Northumbrians or the Vikings.

>>Write in option
>"Being a hero is a choice. I was not given a choice. You speak of saviors but treat us like hammers - tools. It is not fair to us. I will see us free. Or safe from Mendez and his bullies. That is what I -choose-."
Ah childlike bluster and stubbornness. Sven'll come to see the truth in time. Doesn't mean he can't stand up for his fellow kids. Like a real hero would. Not some witch making monsters in the woods. Angrboda sits in front of us. Tragic fates all around.

I am also extremely melodramatic and cringe lmao

I can see Sven leaning into the maverick mindset when punishments start to get truly severe and extreme and he can't stand to let his comrades get abused so hard. Corporal punishment hurts bleeding hearts the most.
>"Are we going to protect everyone, or only the inner colonies?"
>"You are making us to kill, not save. You've already made me a draugr."

I think sven will wear an eod helmet
My favorite is firebrand but I'd except maverick. I hate wolf-hound. Nothing worse than a brown nosing narc
>"You are making us to kill, not save. You've already made me a draugr."

Let's not forget, the SPARTANS were made to fight the Insurrection, the Covenant were just a bigger, unexpected threat.

They are making us to be better killers, that's their goal.
>"Are we going to protect everyone, or only the inner colonies?"

My vote would be for Maverick, and while I want to remain loyal to the UNSC I don't think becoming a bootlicking enforcer is in Sven's character with Wolf Hound.
>"Are we going to protect everyone, or only the inner colonies?"

Followed by:
>Write in option
>"Being outside this program would provide satisfaction, especially seeing I was never asked in the first place and there is no proof that this program is the only thing that can provide me or my friends a drive for excellence seeing as the only experience I've been allowed to have is here. What laws even gave you the right to decide my life?"
Which I suppose is kind of in line with >>6161357

Also backing this.

Nothings saying we can't ask more than one question here and try to pump her for information before going back.
EOD, Commando or Gungnir would be my picks.
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Same. Imagine Wolf Hound Sven during the Emerald Cove exercise. Kek.
Maverick would be my pick, perfect member for a Gray Team-like unit.
Firebrand just seems a bit too restrictive since most Spartans will have to work with ONI or under the Navy's command structure, and Wolf-Hound is just a dirty snitch.
>"Are we going to protect everyone, or only the inner colonies?"

Also Maverick since I'd like Wolf-Hound but I can't see Sven catching one of the other trainees
The only catching of trainees Sven is going to do is catching Shika nabbing more of his snacks. Or Nesta doodling what it would look like to disembowel an instructor in her notebook.
You need to achieve the unlock conditions for any of the alt ends of troublemaker, or to get the last point, with IC actions. I listed them just so you'd be aware of them/know what that final point of trouble maker would get for you

6 Votes for "Are we going to protect everyone, or only the inner colonies?"

1 vote for protect humanity from what? Kidnapping, slaving, bullies. If they are like you maybe they aren't worth saving

1 vote Will I ever see my parents again after I graduate from here?

2 votes for being a hero is a choice...etc

1 vote for "Being outside this program...etc"

3 Votes for "You are making us to kill, not save. You've already made me a draugr."

1 vote Ask her who she thinks was in the wrong: Northumbrians or the Vikings.

So Sven will ask Halsey, simply "Are we going to protect everyone, or only the inner colonies?"

Decision made

Proceeding ...

Funnily enough, I like Gungnir's helmet the most, EOD is a close second (Shared with EVA) and Commando is my third favorite overall

Shika did steal Sven's crackers on their first day of class
>named deer
>immediately steal crackers
This girl.
>>"Are we going to protect everyone, or only the inner colonies?"

>"You are making us to kill, not save. You've already made me a draugr."
>Shika did steal Sven's crackers on their first day of class
I fawkin' knew it.

Firebrand is my favorite, btw.
>3: Wolf-Hound
>Unlock Conditions: Fall in line, get with the program, show loyalty to the project/ enthusiasm in your training, stop another candidate from escaping

I presonally like Wolf-hound, and we don't have to snitch on someone to get it. If we continue to excell and start showing some enthusiasm, I reckon we could pull it off while not being a snitch
I wonder how Halsey is going to react to a six year old damn near cutting straight through her bullshit right away. I wonder how she'd react to the other options, too. She does enjoy when her little vaettir show they are still people despite being killing machines.
I agree
It would be interesting to go down this path without being a snitch
You paused, staring at your distorted reflection in the glass of ice water, and the bruises still healing from the training exercise a couple of days ago. Dr Halsey was patient, hands tented again as she looked at you those deep blue eyes as you considered if you did understand the importance and chewing on what she said she knew about you, that you were, in someway enjoying being in the program. You knew you enjoyed Deja's lessons, and pulling on over one the instructors and helping your friends was always fun, but you weren't sure about the rest of what she said, or if she truly knew more about you and what you felt and thought that you did yourself. Frowning, one question pushed its way to the front of your thoughts, squashing down all others as you watched your reflection ripple as a cube of ice melted and sank lower into the glass

"Are we going to protect everyone?" You venture, innocently, frowning as you looked up at her and forced yourself to look straight into her eyes, even if doing so sent a shiver down your back you remained firm. But as she parted her lips to answer as you reached for the glass of water, you interrupted her, before she could answer. Whether what would come out of her mouth was a lie or the truth, you didn't hear how she'd answer the first part of your question before you added to it

"Or only the inner colonies" You asked flintily, trying to muster as much tenacity and bluster as you could, but you felt as if you'd wilt or shrink from the way her eyes narrowed and set her eyes on you, like you were an interesting reaction in a science experiment, that she needed to document. But then, her steely look softened and she tipped her glass of water. She also looked like she was glowing with pride as she considered her words

"The reason you and the ninety nine other candidates , were conscripted into the SPARTAN II program, was to preempt and forestall an imminent threat to all of mankind" She answered, closing her eyes for a moment as if she was thinking what to say next as you watched her cup of water, wondering if she was about to pour it out onto the table and let it spill to the floor "By creating a force of elite soldiers, ultimate warriors to confront the flashpoints that would bring about the threat, and end it in its infancy, or before it appeared at all. The best and brightest minds humanity has to offer all predicted the same threat on the horizon, projected that in just over a decade's time, the danger they foresaw would be unavoidable. I was told to find a solution, a means to end the threat before it began, to preserve the death of billions and the downfall of civilization on a galactic scale"

A pit formed in your gut, as you sipped on the water, wincing as the cutting taste of lemon juice bit into your tongue, like a static shock.

"Sven, of all the candidates, you're the one I've told the most details about the program's goal. Just now" She said brightly as suddenly the pit inside your stomach deepened "If you want to know more, you'll have to correctly guess why we started with children, or where the smartest people alive predict the threat to all of mankind will come from. You have....lets be generous and give you ten seconds"

Cold, lemon scent water splashed against your chest and the floor as you started, not having been expecting to be asked such a complicated sounding question, and having such a strict time limit to give your answer! Your temper flicker, anger at how unfair it was to spring a question on you out of nowhere like that, when Halsey, silently, lowered one of the fingers on her hands as she held them out and her fingers wide apart

"One" She said gravely, and you winced, and tried desperately to come up with the reason for all of this before the time limit ran out "Two"

Why. Why did they need kids like you to make the "Ultimate warrior" Wouldn't people who were soldiers already be better? And what could there be in the world that could threaten all of humanity on all of its worlds, to the point civilization itself would just...fall apart.

The thought alone made you feel as small as a mouse, and made your blood feel like it was so cold it'd freeze in your veins, and the more you thought about it, the more nauseas and panicked you felt


You only had six seconds to come up with an answer


Five. Four. Halsey smiled as she held up her last three fingers and mouthed the word "Two" as she curled one of them into the partially formed fist of her right hand


>"Because kids are sponges!"

>"Other humans..."

>"We have more time to grow!"

>"Other humans..."
>"Other humans..."

very tempted to say aliens
>"Other humans..."
It's the only logical conclusion on why Deja would keep teaching us how humans fight other humans.
ALIENS would be fun, but I feel like Sven is too jaded at this point to go for something like that.
>>"Other humans..."
Innies... (spits on ground)
>"Because kids are sponges!"
I am EXTREMELY tempted to say aliens. Then way down the line we can ask Halsey "Remember when you asked me what the greatest threat to humanity was?" with the smuggest fucking look on Sven's face.
That was my exact thinking as well
But I am not sure we will have the chance to tell her.
I'd definitely go for it if we were playing NESTA. Seems like the sort of stuff "DANGER SENSE" can tell.

>"Other humans..."
>"Because kids are sponges!"
honestly, I think Halo greatly exaggerated the threat to mankind's contained extinction. at worst you would have a bunch of successor states breaking off from UEG. you'd basically have a bunch of stellar empires jocking for top position.
I for one look forward to the moment someone has to tell Sven he can't see his stockholm syndrome mom for whatever reason.

I feel like playing as Nesta would lead to a
>[reads your IP address]
moment or two that'd be pretty damn terrifying. Imagine you're trying to teach the little girl something and she just says "Oh, lung cancer." while looking at your chest. Shit my fucking pants.
>"Other humans..."
>"Because kids are sponges!"
I dont reckon he will be in to bad trouble if he punches an ONI agents head off.
If there was ever a timeline where Dr. Halsey can create a Spartan rebellion, this would be the one.
>Imagine you're trying to teach the little girl something and she just says "Oh, lung cancer." while looking at your chest.
Lel. Sven should tell Nesta to do that to the guards if they already know about her sixth sense.
>>"Other humans..."
That makes sense using real world logic, but Halo universe isn't always logical. They had the Carver Findings, and Halsey ran the simulations. As the first post in the thread mentions, the best case scenario was 30 years of war and 5 billion dead - just remember that any FTL-capable transport is a weapon of mass destruction.

Halsey studied the Orion project and agreed that using supersoldiers as a scalpel to remove rebel leadership was the best option available to minimise casualties and avert disaster. The original project had flaws though, and she reasoned attempt 2 would require children. She hesitated over ethics/morals, but when the innies nuked Haven, killing millions of civilians, that was the last straw that made her commit - sacrifice some children to save billions.

Her thought process is outlined well in her journal.
Just innies, not even once.
Say what you want about Halsey's borderline psychopathy and ability to compartmentalize any atrocity, she does want what's best for humanity. If she had twenty more years to work with she probably could have gone about the Spartan program in a more gentle way. Alas she's a driven woman. I hope she gets the hug she so desperately needs some day. She's still fucking nuts, though.
One thing it lacks though is why exactly their reasonable demands are not able to be met diplomatically, or why it was allowed to get this far?

A phased withdrawal / handover moving towards succession or independence should still be possible even if slowrolled, in exchange for limited material concessions / continued supply.
oh, I agree there would be war (even one that kills a couple billion) because the UEG would never willingly give up its exploitation of the outer colonies. but it's nowhere a "imminent threat to all of mankind" hell I don't even think it would lead to the end of the UEG, just a great weakening of it (which ironically would lead to extinction via covenant)
At least she still sees her Spartans as her family, which is what's important.
fuckin innies
>HFW out of her family of 75 only 16 survived the war.
That's the thing with extremists, even when you do what they want they don't stop. And then even when the rest have cooled it just takes that one retard who can't let it go to start the thing all over again. It's a really messy affair.

I wonder if we'll have to roll to avoid calling her "mom" by accident in the future. I wonder if she'd have to roll to not cry in her room later if we did.

She just needs one of them to tell her she did good and they're proud of her and forgive her and she'll be right as rain.
Maybe since she got more Spartans this time around for class I
she might also get the class II as well.
Halo innies are so fucking retarded it's unreal.
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They hail from a proud lineage of spaceborne extremists in fiction. Retardation is their default state of mind.
I'm just gonna say it, a colony is absolutely a valid form of munition.
Provided you can actually AIM THE FUCKING THING, sure.
I subscribe to the theory of accuracy by volume.
Were the target not surrounded by civilian city centers, it might be viable. UNFORTUNATELY...
Last update for tonight.

7 votes for other humans

3 votes for kids are sponges

Decision made

To be fair, the colony drop racked up most of the casualties it caused by the sudden, immediate swell of sea levels and the ungodly, and rapid rise of pollutants, much more than its initial impact did.

>Tonight, you.
>To be fair, the colony drop racked up most of the casualties it caused by the sudden, immediate swell of sea levels and the ungodly, and rapid rise of pollutants, much more than its initial impact did.
Two things they most definitely should have been aware of occurring even if they hit their intended target dead-on.
>>Tonight, you.

They could have just moved out of the way. I mean come on.
>Sven flirts with a girl.jpg
>"Damn girl you kick grunts with those legs?"
>"I like the way you stalk jackals."
>"Did you just fall from orbit?"
>"You look like you could strangle an elite to death."
Halsey and Deja neglected this very vital component of his education, clearly.
>"A word Chief Mendez?"
>"You have a question Trainee?"
>"Yes...how do I talk to women?"
>Mendez stares at Sven for what seems like ages before responding
>"Very carefully Trainee. Now go take a lap."
>"What!? Why!?"
>Geez, Sven, what did you do to piss Mendez off?
>I think Mendez hates women.
>You mean he's gay?
>Yeah, probably. Watch your butts.
Remember, they're kids.
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>tfw the soldier very snarkily advises that "love is a battlefield" and then the half-ton giant winds up thinking that giving someone hand grenades is a romantic gesture
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I mean between Spartans, a bandolier of frags with an extra spicy payload (and some hearts painted on em) might be equivalent to a bouquet of roses.
Other gift ideas include freshly sharpened throwing knifes, a field cooked dinner by flare-light, and a fresh tin of boot polish and a set of nylon pantyhose.
>nylon pantyhose
For what possible reason?
>he doesn't know to polish boots
But, it was obvious wasn't it? There could only be one thing that could threaten so many worlds and all of humanity. The classes you'd taken in the two or so weeks you'd been here, the things your father would say when he'd been drinking, and now the way Dr Halsey was being vague and avoiding describing the threat or why the best soldiers that could possibly be trained or rather made, were needed to stop it from happening

"Other Humans" You say under your breath, frightened by the words leaving your mouth even though nearly every adult you knew personally back home talked about things like Ragnarök and preparing for its arrival, and what must be done. That now, sounded much more scary than it ever did as your father gazed hatefully in the distance. To the stars you now realized.

Halsey, last finger half bent, both of her hands nearly closed tightly into fists smiled, looking at you with what could almost be called admiration, opened and lowered both of her hands to the table, one over the other.

"Correct" She said, but it didn't sound like she was talking at you, her voice sounded distant, almost tired "Civil war. On a scale unimaginable to any who came before and most who are alive now. A conflict that would make the Interplanetary War of the late twenty second century seem...miniscule by comparison in both breadth and the resulting loss of life. A conflict that can no longer be prevented through any other means"

You moved to argue, to say that it could, if the inner colonies and earth just left the outer colonies alone, and let them rule and govern themselves. The thing your parents and all your teachers back home had told you would work, to fix all the problems and complaints they had.

Halsey's eyes suddenly shifted back into focus and fell on you, squinting so hard it looked like she was in pain as she took in a sharp breath that raised her chest. But she remained composed, professional, even as her eyes filled with hurt.

"Even if the UEG and CAA immediately met every contradictory command of every separatist movement on every colony in space, peaceful or not, it would not avoid the inevitable" She said slowly, giving every word she spoke equal importance and weight as she stared deeply into your eyes "The last possible point of divergence, where this could have been prevented through any other method, occurred before I myself was born"

"But" You start, as your heart's pounding drowns out any confused thoughts or ideas you might've had as you heard her tell you something you were certain she wasn't supposed to. She shook her head

"Ragnar has been tossed into the pit of serpents. Aella has had his lungs torn from his back, and had them demonstratively hung around his neck" She answers poetically "The first signs of the impending conflict, have already arrived. They arrived when you, and the other children under my care were still in your cradles"

A long silence passed, and though the chair you were sitting in was bolted to the floor, you felt as if you were falling. You gripped the metal arms tightly, until your knuckles whitened and your fingers started to ache

"To avert an unthinkable war, preventive measures previously unimaginable must be taken" She says, and looked meaningfully out the window at the back of her office, overlooking the training yard, where the other SPARTAN II candidates were be ran through their morning exercises "Otherwise..."

She paused and sighed heavily, placing a hand over face, her shoulders slouching as she fell silent.

"Sven. Know, that everything that has been done and everything you and the rest of the class will be put through in the future, are necessary" She says solemnly, her back to you "to save countless lives. There are no other alternatives. Not after..."

She shook her head

"I'll allow you to keep what innocence you have left, however briefly it'll remain" She said, shaken by...something, a memory? something she'd seen herself, maybe? Something so terrible that just knowing about her, convinced her that kidnapping a hundred children and raising them into peerless soldiers, was the only way to prevent something even worse. Something you couldn't imagine.

You wanted to ask her to show you, but something inside of you, a quiet, trembling voice, begged you not to. But, somehow, you knew what she was talking about, at least, what it was called.

"Ragnarök" You mumbled weakly and she hung her head

"Correct" She answered simply "I'll say nothing further than that, for your benefit and peace of mind. I hope Sven, one day, you and the other candidates will understand, entirely, why this was...why we had to do what has been done to you all. You know, I expected you all to be stunningly intelligent, and quick learners. But, even by those exacting standards, you've surprised me. Even if it is only a surface level understanding presently, you comprehend much more than any other six year old should be capable of. That's why, I'm telling you all this"

"Why?" You asked faintly, head spinning as you tried to imagine, even just a little, the scope of what Dr Halsey was talking about

"Because you might see, even as you are now, that nothing is truly black and white, there are only shades of grey, and what we..I have chosen to do, is necessary. And if not today, then maybe after a few months or years more spent in my program " She said simply, smiling, as she pulled out a small paper "Here, present this at the mess hall tonight, for a treat"

You blinked, now even more confused.
>I carved your name on to a prophet and strapped him to a missile which I then used to take down a covenant cruiser
>That's the most romantic thing anyone ever done for me
Emergency improvised weapon. You wouldn't a girl you love go on a mission without some extra weapons, would you?

"By all expected parameters, you've proven more than satisfactory as a candidate, in the brief span of time this project has been up and running" She explained smiling as she adjusted the sleeve of her lab coat with a quick tug of the wrist "Our talk today proved that beyond doubt, even if you do not understand how or when you demonstrated wisdom beyond your age, Sven. You are dismissed, and are free to return to class immediately"

That was an order, not a request. You took the paper slip and frowned, head throbbing and aching as you tried to grapple and understand or just picture something close to the horror that had pushed Dr Halsey into thinking any of what they were doing was alright. That it was justified. But, the longer you thought about it, the thought that maybe just maybe, that they were. You'd never seen a grown up sound as shaken and scared as Halsey did when she spoke to you about war between earth and her colonies. The thought of it welled up inside you like bile inching up your throat, unpleasant and stinging.

So you pushed these unpleasant, difficult thoughts away, and hurried to rejoin the other recruits before you'd be forced to run around the compound for the rest of the day for being tardy. But the questions your talk with the mastermind of all this, continued to buzz around your skull, and what she didn't tell you hung over you like a storm cloud. As did how her warnings and the predictions of all the smart people connected to your father, and the things he spoke about and the odd things he did, like training the older boys how to shoot. But he...He was only preparing for Ragnarök. He couldn't...No man could start Ragnarök. Not by themselves, Not him. Not anyone No one could...right?

You shook your head, and doubled timed to Deja's classroom, tasting bile on the back of your tongue as you tried very, very hard not to think about the implication of Dr Halsey and your own father's words to you.

Optional Objective Conditions met: Apple in her Eye. Unlock conditions: Have a good relationship with Halsey, Impress Halsey with your intellect, Make Halsey proud, Show Loyalty to the project head
If Apple in her eye is accepted now. Halsey will take special interest into Sven -033 education and intellectual improvement, have regular talks with Sven, and authorize him for instruction in academic & specialized fields of learning beyond the standard curriculum of the Spartan Project
Effects will change as the objective is progressed
Accepted sub objective, Apple in her Eye?



You guys found practically the ONLY Route to get this sub objective before near or after the end of Boot Camp, and the only way to get it this especially early, due to a combination of good rolls and the precise decisions you made across multiple votes. So congratulations!


And this convo made me laugh my ass off, thanks for that.
For as much as I hate Halsey, her rationale is sound. That and she appears to be one of the few people in Sven's life that gives half of a shit about him right now.
I wonder if we can't get a degree before we get deployed.
I got a bad feeling that Ragnarök is an actual plan for Sven's planet to rise up in open rebellion, and that we may have to go back home one day as an enemy.
>Accepted sub objective, Apple in her Eye?
Halsey only wants the best for humanity and for her Spartans, she and Deja are probably the only two people we could really trust here that have our best interests at heart.
Time to form siblings rivalry with John.
Surely they would never put Sven on an op like that...right? They can't be that stupid.
they might do it as a final test of obedience. like (I think) the SS would have their recruit also raise a puppy and at the end are required to put it down.
Not the best mother figure out there but she does care in her own way.
>Sven -033 education and intellectual improvement, have regular talks with Sven, and authorize him for instruction in academic & specialized fields of learning beyond the standard curriculum of the Spartan Project

With our relationship with Mendez and now this we may actually turn out almost normal
You know what, that is absolutely fair lmao

There's actually a fair bit you can do with pantyhose. Nylon's pretty useful.

>I snuck into the armory when the engineers weren't looking and painted your face on the front of a MAC warhead.

We're still not going to call you mom! Halsey, please do not bribe the children with lunch. Ah who am I kidding, she answers to no one.

She's haunted by prophecy. One of the nornir by any other metric. It must suck to have empathy but still be willing to be a monster. We should all be so blessed to have small minds.

>tfw dad was right, and we're the wolf to his allfather

I can imagine Halsey telling them "He will actually evaporate your skull with his bare hands if you try to make him fight his people." and them telling her "Shut up old lady, you're no longer involved in this program.".

This must be the single most fucked up non-but-also-still-nuclear family possible.
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She does, but I also get the sense after a certain point (around 2530-something) that she might be trying to deny reality.
Yeah, that's the sort of shit I can see ONI pulling without Halsey's knowledge. Won't be the first time.
Nah we will justify it by him being the midgard serpent to our thor

>This must be the single most fucked up non-but-also-still-nuclear family possible.
Sven will be the ultimate alien killing machine because of it.
It's absolutely going to be the last though, if it does happen.
You never know, if QM's going with post-Halo 3 ONI then they'll definitely do something as dumb or worse for no reason other than to be evil.

Naomi got pulled off a mission involving her father. I don't think they'd do it unless it was absolutely necessary (e.g., time sensitive op and only Sven is available, op requires Sven's skillset, etc.) Then again, I guess it's not impossible that some faceless spooks might want to test one of Halsey's spartans just to see how effective and obedient they are.
>do something as dumb

"TORPEDO" is definitely up there, 298 Spartan III's for only 7 Cruisers was absolutely not worth it.
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>Sven and the gang go on an ONI sponsored holiday
Imagine the favouritism towards Sven together with his massive build gets him a custom tailored suit.

The Covenant called Spartans "demon" because they couldn't distinguish between them. So Sven would probably become something like "Greater Demon" or "Demon Commander" with his stature and personality disposition.
Dibs on getting hands on with pre-production PhotoReactive plating.
>we will tower above zealots
Spartan III got done dirty by ONI and the navy. Definitely wasted and not spent, as Mendez would say.
I feel particularly bad for Gamma company. Kurt absolutely ruined those kids, no idea why he didn't push back harder on the mutagen injections.
But still...
Fuck ONI. Halsey sees it as a giant burden and a lesser evil compared to an event on an apocalyptic scale.
ONI is just fucking ONI.
> Yes
How many sub objectives can we have? Since we're reportedly off the beaten path (do we get reassigned into another unit for our version of "the Grey team", or do we get to bring our unit along for unit cohesion or the fact that they followed us and thus marked as complicit at troublemaker II/III themselves?

However being:
> Favored by Halsey
> Favored by Mendez
> Favored by the team
> Hated by UNSC
We're an ideal candidate to get a Cortana ourselves, and advance Halsey's agenda even if - and especially when - it conflicts with ONI
Holy shit yes, Halsey specifically taking an interest in us is yuge.
I know right? Imagine all the treats we're gonna get in the mess hall if we keep this up.
>inb4 Halsey invites us to play a game of chess with her
I wonder about that, Cortana picked John because he got something no other Spartans have.
>and advance Halsey's agenda even if - and especially when - it conflicts with ONI
Spartan rebellion when.
> I wonder about that, Cortana picked John because he got something no other Spartans have.
Being the protagonist and having Halsey's ear? Halsey had what, 4 flash-clones of herself she could use by the time she made Cortana? Cortana is Halsey, so if we maintain a good relationship with Halsey, means that this universe's Cortana will also choose us. Or not, since to maintain canon, 117 has "Apple in her Eye" unlocked by default.
Maybe we can work closely with Halsey when it comes to testing out experimental equipment and upgrades, like a spartan guinea pig, and kickstart early tech advancements. It'd be nice to get a shield generator early on or the spartan neural interface. Possibly snag an early version of Kalmiya.
We could also get our own version of Cortana, call herself Garm/Gram or something while the Chef keeps courtney.
John makes his own luck, he's not the best at anything but good enough at everything.
Kurt's the one who wanted the injections after A/B were wiped out, ONI didn't, and didn't tell anyone he was including them. Turning your super child soldiers into barely functioning bi-polar cave men didn't seem like a good idea even to Ackerson.
Gonna have a Masters degree in pulling shit out of our ass by the time we finish training and get our armor.
The way things are going, Sven is likely to end up one of the quantifiably superior Spartans in contrast to John, who's only outstanding qualities are his leadership capabilities and luck.
Combined with Sven's history as a troublemaker and prospects as a maverick and best in class, we might end up being a regular co-conspirator with the good Doctor, rather than the ace up her sleeve like John ended up being. Ya know, somebody she can count on to get shit done and keep quiet about it.
>They let me pick. Did I ever tell you that? Choose whichever Spartan I wanted. I watched as you became the soldier we needed you to be. Like the others, you were strong and swift and brave. A natural leader. But you had something they didn't. Something no one saw but me. Can you guess? Luck.
Come on man, this is like basic Halo lore.
And we get DC18 vs 1d20 bo3+2 aug rejection rolls, so that after 4 threads, we nat1 on an experimental aug and die or worse? Since Halo doesn't follow the cyberpunk humanity score - can we get over-augmented? SII augs were experimental at best, and rejections happened.

But we need some soul-searching, and stop calling her *Volva in a lab coat* after some time. We shouldn't call her mum, but trust should go both ways.
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>John makes his own luck, he's not the best at anything but good enough at everything.
Yes and know That guy is quick on his feet, but more importantly has the good sense to surround himself with people he can trust to do what he can't (also apparently his luck is quantifiable to Cortana, so who knows).
I'm leaning towards "Doctor" or "Doc" personally. Not quite as personal as "Miss" or "Halsey", but enough to know we acknowledge her as a professional if nothing else.
Not augs. I just mean armour modifications, so we can speed up the transition from IV to V.
> Can you guess? Luck.
That's the closest you can write to *because you're the protagonist* in character.
Knowing Bungie at the time, it might have just been another Marathon reference that went over everybody's heads.

We should bring captured tech stuff or tech stuff to our good friend Dimas honestly, he IS tech inclined. Every spartan can do prototypes testing, but if the one with natural affinity with tech does it, its best for everyone.
Legitimately though, I think the closest thing to a Spartan date would be sparring and sitting next to eachother on the rifle range
>the closest thing to a Spartan date would be sparring and sitting next to eachother on the rifle range
If that's a date, is cleaning each others' firearms marriage territory?
>"She broke two of my ribs with a slam during hand-to-hand training the other day."
>"Third base? Niiiiiiiiice."
>Spartan gf sneaks a training round into your live fire magazine
>Guess it's getting pretty serious then

Also anti-innie operations sound like a great deal of fun
>(also apparently his luck is quantifiable to Cortana, so who knows).
I mean if you can play roulette and hit three jackpots in one sit down I'd say it's pretty damn obvious you're either lucky or cheating.

I don't know why but this made me think, you know the various chocolates pressed into shape and covered with tin foil? What about a realistic chocolate knife. You go to suit up and put your kit on and you notice your knife is much lighter than usual, you fuck around with it and notice it's actually a hyper thin layer of metal that has a seam and you pry it open and bam, chocolate. What kind of chocolate do you think Sven prefers? Milk? Dark? White? Hidden ghost pepper?

It's so silly.
>I mean if you can play roulette and hit three jackpots in one sit down I'd say it's pretty damn obvious you're either lucky or cheating.
Why not both?
Dark chocolate. Pairs well with wild berries.
>Pairs well with wild berries.
I don't actually know any real wild berries off the top of my head. Do bearberries count? Mulberries? I know there are wild raspberries but there are also domesticated raspberries so they don't count? Boysenberries?
Blue berries feel like the most obvious choice. I can totally see the colonists that settled New Noregr bringing seeds for those along with them.
>Milk Chocolate
white chocolate.

Mind revealing what would have happened if we'd picked aliens or you want to keep that close to the chest?
With it being the holidays and all I had a thought. Do you all think Sven and his family and homeworld celebrate Christmas, or do you think they go on a hard throwback to the pagan version of Yule instead of the modern iteration? Do you think anyone in the future even knows about that ancient history given that even today a solid chunk of the population doesn't?
Rebooting...Monitor 404TormentedCache Back online

Sorry for taking longer than usual, X-Mas decoration and shopping took all of my time up today.

14 votes for yes

1 votes for no
Optional Sub Objective: Apple in her eye, has been accepted
Current progress points/ stage. 1 out of 5

Ah yes, one of the stupidest things ONI ever signed off on. Which is saying something

Me personally, I like super dark chocolate the most

Probably some sort of bastardization of Pagan Yule traditions.

Sven would've heard, in incredible detail, the precise procedure and protocol in place for any potential first contact with non human entities, after Halsey told him that was incorrect.

Which would've set her up for a big serving of crow in the future, Me thinks
Good to see your alive QM


If Sven gets a spartan laser we should name it Gungnir
>First date - rifle range
>Second date - landnav training on a dense jungle planet
>Third date - holding hands and locking armours while doing low orbit drop
>Fourth date - assassination mission and working together as sniper and spotter
>Marriage proposal - Detonating an innie's asteroid base from the inside
With how hard they're LARPing about Norse mythology and history, I'm going to bet that they celebrate some pagan version instead. Then again, I'm not sure if it's the entire planet or if it's just Sven's village that's that into ye olde Norse stories.
it might be a larp group of colonists. But i feel like any habitable planet will have other people in general wanting to get there. If they can have a plot of land and settle down.

So it might be not just larpers and norwegians
Nah, Gungnir is gonna be in use by one of the MJOLNIR armor variants.
Sven's possible unique Spartan Laser should be named Surtur instead.
>Marriage proposal - Detonating an innie's asteroid base from the inside
*wipes tear from eye* truly the peak of romance!
I know but I thought it would be funny if we had gungnir armour and still named the weapon gungnir
The 'spartan smile' thing they do with each other is neat. Extra when doing it over someone else's.
1730 Hours, November 9th, 2517 (Military Calendar) / Epislon Eridani System, Reach Military Complex, Planet Reach

You never knew what to expect after Deja's lessons, whether you'd be taken aside to meet with Dr Halsey or if Dimas or John or someone else would be taken to see her instead, or what sort of training exercise Chief Petty Officer Mendez disguised as a game for the day and how he had decided to increase the difficult of them if he thought his trainees had too easy of a time last time. Today, Dimas was pulled away, and since he hadn't come back before Deja's lesson finished, it looked like Daisy, Jori, and Grace-093 might be down a squad mate today. And they didn't seem happy about it. Daisy had, as you jogged further from the compound than Mendez and the other instructors had ever taken you before, tried to squeeze some answers about exactly happened during your or Dimas' talks with Halsey and what she talked to you about. You knew the doctor had spoken one on one with some of the other trainees, but out of all of the hundred, the number that she spoke with regularly could be counted on one hand. And none for as long as you and Daisy' missing teammate were kept when had you pulled away to talk about...well, anything. But it didn't feel like friendly conversation or a conference with a teacher, it seemed like, from what Dimas had shared, that most of your meetings were lessons of some kind or tests about subjects that didn't fit into Deja's classes

"We just talk" You answered honestly, sweat beading on your brow

"But about what?" Daisy groaned, as she double timed to keep up with your stride, pointedly ignoring Nesta making faces at her whenever the trainers weren't looking "What could she have talk about for hours to kids like us?

You scrunched your brow, and tried to figure out how to describe and put into words how your one on one talks with Dr Halsey went, and what she talked to you about

"She just asks me questions" You say with a shrug "About all sorts of things, like if I knew how AIs were made or how many times a normal, healthy heart beats in a minute"

"Why would she give you extra classes? I can understand if some of Mendez' dogs complained about you" She grumbled "But Dimas hasn't done anything to deserve that"

"I don't think its a punishment, and I'm sure Dimas enjoys the talks as much as I do" You answer as you round a corner, Daisy keeping up with you, Nesta and Jorge "In fact, I'm pretty sure he looks forward to them. I just enjoy the break"

"Didn't think of it like that" Daisy admits with a pout "But it isn't fair we have to be down a squad mate because Halsey wanted to give Dimas a pop quiz"

You don't mention that Halsey taught you how to play chess. Though, she spoke more about the finer points of commanding armies than the rules of chess. And didn't go easy on you. You'd have preferred to have been with the rest of your team rather than having to play and lose chess until your managed to force a draw.

"Fair?" Nesta scoffed, shaking her head "When is any of this fair? You think we like it when the big guy gets pulled aside? Its a lot harder to play the Chief's games without him around"

"And I still have to do sit ups even if it isn't my fault I'm late or falling behind" You grumble, shaking your head

"Which also isn't fair" Daisy snorted, looking and sounding angry "None of it is, like you said"

"We should stay focused on today, instead of complaining" Jorge sighed "You know what will happen if they notice us talking to much"

"Enough chatter Trainees, if you can run your mouths, you can run around the compound" " Nesta whispered her best Mendez impression under her breath

"They better bring Dimas back before today's game starts" Daisy fumed, and you could see the rest of her team catching up, just behind James and Jerome "How much further do you think we have to go?"

"I think they're leading us to a new facility" James answered as he jogged up "A different playground than the jungle gym"

That's all it could be. You just wish they didn't make you run up a hill first. You legs were already feeling heavy and numb, and your sweats were soaked through. But you were nearly at the top now, and could see Kelly standing there, with Mendez and a few of the other, faster candidates. And just as you, Nesta, Jorge, daisy and James crested the hill, and saw what looked like a rock climbing and obstacle course, there was a commotion somewhere behind. Nesta turned and jog backwards

"Oh, Jai stabbed someone. Pretty smart time to do it. The guards all ran up the same hill we did" She says with a whistle "And one of them has a pencil in their leg, isn't going to be easy to catch him"

"Selfish idiot" Daisy growled under her breath "At least Dimas doesn't get all of our team in trouble the way Jai does his"

>Focus on today's game, Jai is just going to get caught, and like Daisy pointed out, cause his team trouble

>Think back to the last meeting you had with Dr Halsey and what you talked about, as Mendez explains the rules

>Cheer Jai on, since you know trying to help him will do no good, and even cheering will probably earn you a few hundred push ups

>Give the kids near you some pointers on climbing, since you did enjoy climbing trees and rocks back at New Oslo.

>write in option
>Think back to the last meeting you had with Dr Halsey and what you talked about, as Mendez explains the rules
>Focus on today's game, Jai is just going to get caught, and like Daisy pointed out, cause his team trouble
>Give the kids near you some pointers on climbing, since you did enjoy climbing trees and rocks back at New Oslo.
Cam on lads, no punishment today.
>Give the kids near you some pointers on climbing, since you did enjoy climbing trees and rocks back at New Oslo.
We kinda support Jai, but the kid gotta get better timing going on his escape attempts.
>Give the kids near you some pointers on climbing, since you did enjoy climbing trees and rocks back at New Oslo.
>but the kid gotta get better timing going on his escape attempts.
Yup. Respect for his tenacity but aside from his first attempt, he hasn't been very smart about it.
Of course, that *could* be on purpose and he's testing and prodding the instructors...
>>Give the kids near you some pointers on climbing, since you did enjoy climbing trees and rocks back at New Oslo.
big bro sven

>Cheer Jai on, since you know trying to help him will do no good, and even cheering will probably earn you a few hundred push ups

I want to go Firebrand to be honest, here is what that what to people who dont remember

Unlock Conditions: Take a stance and hold firmly to those beliefs, convince others of your point of view, refuse to adopt someone else's ideals
rewards: Unshakeable faith in your chosen cause, zeal may provide positive or negative circumstantial modifiers, get along easier with those who hold your particular point of view. Radical actions/ decisions will have less difficult DCs Sven will become noticeably more outspoken about his values/ beliefs and charismatic.
>>Give the kids near you some pointers on climbing, since you did enjoy climbing trees and rocks back at New Oslo.
>Give the kids near you some pointers on climbing, since you did enjoy climbing trees and rocks back at New Oslo

I'm personally not too interested in the Troublemaker endpoints actually, none of them really seem like the big tankbro Sven he's been becoming, and would prefer not to finish out the route unless there's a choice that we absolutely should do as a based 6 year old (also because while Gray team is cool, we'll be leaving behind our bros Jorge and James, and the gremlin)
Though of the three, I do like Firebrand the most
Also as was said before, this plan from Jai is kinda dumb
>Think back to the last meeting you had with Dr Halsey and what you talked about, as Mendez explains the rules
>Think back to the last meeting you had with Dr Halsey and what you talked about, as Mendez explains the rules

>Give the kids near you some pointers on climbing, since you did enjoy climbing trees and rocks back at New Oslo.

i happy with either one
>Give the kids near you some pointers on climbing, since you did enjoy climbing trees and rocks back at New Oslo.

I also like Firebrand, especially if it means he's not as blindly obedient as the other SPARTANS will end up being.

...Or maybe even if it ends up making the IIs more independent overall despite the brutality of their training.

As much as 4 wasn't amazing, there's a reason a certain line sticks with me, and maybe can apply here, too.

'She said that to me once, about being a machine.'
>>Give the kids near you some pointers on climbing, since you did enjoy climbing trees and rocks back at New Oslo.
>>Give the kids near you some pointers on climbing, since you did enjoy climbing trees and rocks back at New Oslo.
>Give the kids near you some pointers on climbing, since you did enjoy climbing trees and rocks back at New Oslo.
>Give the kids near you some pointers on climbing, since you did enjoy climbing trees and rocks back at New Oslo.
>Cheer Jai on, since you know trying to help him will do no good, and even cheering will probably earn you a few hundred push ups
Firebrand won't win the vote (despite it getting my vote). it seems like the majority want Maverick.
>>Cheer Jai on, since you know trying to help him will do no good, and even cheering will probably earn you a few hundred push ups
Changing mine to
Yeah. I want firebrand.
The unlock conditions are "Take a stance and hold firmly to those beliefs, convince others of your point of view, refuse to adopt someone else's ideals". It never specifies that we have to take every opportunity we can to engage in or support random acts of violence and petty resistance against Mendez and the other instructors. To unlock firebrand we'd need to find something for Sven to actually believe in.
We're on the path to becoming Halsey's personal bogyman, firebrand will ultimately serve her goals. Maverick on the other hand will give us a lot more operational freedom for our soon to be 30+ year career of dealing with shitty orders and even shittier officers.
>To unlock firebrand we'd need to find something for Sven to actually believe in.
With our current advancements, I'm guessing that'll end up being Halsey.
>I also like Firebrand, especially if it means he's not as blindly obedient as the other SPARTANS will end up being.

Maverick does that without making Sven a cunt.
Maverick sounds funniest to me because who in their right mind is going to try and dress down a a half-ton behemoth for a technicality? ONI would, and some of the Navy brass would because they are fru-fru nards. And the mental image is hilarious to me.
>"Report to the brig!"
>"I said no."
>"..why not?"
>"I didn't break any rules."
>"I am your superior officer!"
>"I don't care."
>"Bu- you're supposed to follow orders."
>"Too bad."
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>who in their right mind is going to try and dress down a a half-ton behemoth for a technicality?
Only our best and brightest. Never underestimate the audacity of a shit NCO or dumbass officer.
I can't say you're wrong.
Let us not forget a good example of this exact scenario, may be justified given rampancy. Was absolutely the wrong way to go about it:

Anyone below a captain/O6 that tries to pull rank and reprimand a spartan for bending the rules and other petty shit is probably going to have their life made hell by Stanforth.
You're absolutely correct, but rarely does that stop true idiots.
Right now I'm on board with believing that the people responsible for the Spartan II program should be brought to justice, but we'll see how that intuition evolves.
Oh yeah, I suspect there'll be quite a few of them early on.
God, the Spartan IV program was an absolute disgrace on all levels.
>started out trying to outdo Halsey and failed immediately, causing the death of all but one subject
>highest rate of desertion of all the Spartan programs
>zero discipline despite the majority of them coming from the marines, ODST, army, or ONI
>human drama out the ass
>got the new Mjolnir armour, still weaker than all Spartan IIs
>lost to a bunch of MONKEYS
>got themselves wiped out by a bunch of red monkeys
And worst of all
>led by Sarah Palmer
You'd think they'd focus on ironing out the kinks of their cloning tech and just keep recycling the genetic templates from the second generation.
Either way, it seems obvious to me that making the program opt-in was a recipe for disaster. I can only imagine what Jun thinks to himself whenever he reads those after action reports.
>"first we taught them how to be silent, then we taught them how to be spartans"
>palmer's face when
>Think back to the last meeting you had with Dr Halsey and what you talked about, as Mendez explains the rules
man, I was just forgetting 343's elite design. now you brought it back to my mind and I hate it. especially the brutish lumbering gait and the upper mandibles that look like they are a good uppercut away from stabbing their eyes.
Rebooting...Monitor 404TormentedCache

That sure is a lot of votes.

4 votes for thinking back

1 Votes for focusing on today's games

11 Votes for giving climbing pointers

4 votes for cheering on Jai

Pretty clear winner here for giving the other kids climbing pointers

Decision made

They're just so fugly.
You wondered, briefly, how far Jai would get. You noticed that the security around the compound had been updated, more than once, and made tighter over the last month and had to assume he was the reason behind it since you'd not made any serious attempts at running away. Scuffles with the trainers if they hit you too hard or one of your friends too hard, sure, but Jai hadn't stopped trying to break out. This was, admittedly, one of his more harebrained schemes. Hopefully Deja would only take away his pencils for this stunt.

You frowned, and jogged up to the top of the hill as behind you instructors shouted and the electric crackle of their shock sticks zipped through the air. None of the trainers at the hilltop seemed to care about the escape attempt going on just a short jog away from them, nor did any of the kids who beat you to the top seemed to pay any attention to Jai and the trainers chasing after him.

Mendez only briefly lifted his black, shark like eyes to look down and watch his instructors chase after him, hands held behind his back as slowly, the rest of the trainees streamed up the hill and surrounded you. Of course, you stood above the rest of the crowd, and could see that all of the teams were already meeting back up and sticking close together. Shika appeared at your side, and you didn't hear any pushing or shoving. In a few short seconds, Jerome, Rene, and Ralph also appeared through the rough formation before the chief petty officer.

Nesta kept looking back, whenever she noticed the guards weren't looking her way, to watch what would happen to Jai. While James , Jorge and yourself kept staring straight ahead, waiting for the excitement to die down so today's game could begin.

"Humbler stun devices aren't cutting it, sir" One of them said, and Mendez nodded and lift his hand

"Tranquilizers authorized, try to not make the trainee so groggy he can't participate in today's exercise" He replied, barely moving at all as he gave the order. And in no time at all, Jai was dragged limp up the hill, with a few feathered darts sticking out from his sweat shirt.

"Now that the interruption has been dealt with" Mendez began, looking over the much more organized lines of teams standing rigidly before him "Today's game is a simple race through this obstacle course. The goal is to reach the tallest point in the course"

He pointed to a large rock face, with painted crags, and hand holds and wooden beams nailed to it, that stood proudly at the end of the track, and between it, different walls and rocks of all shapes and sizes, and other obstacles like wires and single beam bridges.

"There are many paths to reach the final obstacle, but as always I leave the exact route up to your teams" He began to explain "But trying to circumvent or avoid too many obstacles will result in immediate disciplinary action, Two hundred Pull ups for every infraction. Once your entire team has reached and remained on the tallest rock together for exactly thirty seconds, you are to climb back down the wall double time and return to this finish line along the exact route you took initially. The last team to finish..."

You didn't need to hear what the punishment would be. Because you were confident your team, team six, wouldn't be last. You'd always loved climbing, whether it was an large rocks by the lake or up trees close to home or around the schoolyard. Being big certainly had its advantages, and one of them was you were better at climbing than other boys your ages, just due to the length of your limbs and how much stronger they were.

"We're all going to have to climb that wall" James whispered to you "It's in the way of everything else"

"And the chief is in a bad mood already" Nesta grumbled, shaking her head and scowling

"Go!" Mendez shouted, and, like always, Kelly shot off like a rabbit, immediately reaching the first rock wall as you jogged up to it and studied it. She'd never climbed something like it before, and you saw that most of the other children were having trouble figuring out how to scale the side of it, and you admit it was more difficult than climbing an actual boulder, with how the bright hand holds were positioned, and a few you found were loosened

"Straighten your arms, bending them like that will just make it harder, and make them sore quicker" You tell Kelly, as you clamber up past her, then look down "And climb with your legs. Push, don't pull yourself up the wall. Jorge, pay attention to where your feet are, always! James, that hold is loose, skip it! And don't hold yourself up with your arms, keep close to the wall. Rest only when you're certain you won't slip, and don't grip too hard, just enough to keep on the wall. Don't waste strength or energy, climb like I am!"

Most of these were things you'd learned on your own, or that you were taught by the older boys at school. There was a rock climbing class, and plenty of the grown ups you knew practiced scaling rocks just like this. You weren't sure why they did, since there was always a clear road to the mines they worked at, but after the private lessons Halsey had given you, you could only hope it was just for fun.

And you were having fun climbing up, hanging on the wall and giving pointers to the kids who grew up in colonies without so many things to climb or free time to learn how to climb better.

"Stop...showing off" Ralph huffed and puffed as you hung with your back facing the wall

"You're gripping too hard, and climbing with your arms" You pointed out, as you moved your hands, grabbed different holds, and shifted your feet to ones you knew were sturdy, and then climbed the rest of the way to the top, actually beating Kelly up there.

Smiling. You paused and looked down at the other kids, the ones who'd paid attention to your advice, closer to the top than those who ignored it, didn't understand it, or just didn't hear what you said.

And now came the hard part. The loose handholds proved that the trainers had booby trapped the course, and there were plenty of obstacles to choose from leading to the last, and much, much taller rock wall, at the end of the course. Nesta, you knew, wouldn't have any issue avoiding the traps, but you didn't have the street smarts or brain tingles to know if one of the monkey bars would rotate when you grabbed onto it. And you didn't even want to think about what they might've trapped the wire crawl with. Barbed wire was bad enough, but what if they made it electric as well?

Now suddenly every one of the fun looking structures seemed dangerous and foreboding, since there was a risk of being disciplined if you failed them. Even if it was the boobytraps fault that you did.

>Just try to brute force the obstacle course, and get through it in spite of the traps in your way

>Examine every obstacle before choosing which ones you'd go through and which you'd leave alone, and have James help find the quickest route through

>Wait for Nesta, and then make use of her...what ever it is she does, to find the safest and least booby trapped way to the end of the course.

>Maybe there was a way to "Disarm" the booby traps, like jamming them up with mud or sand...

>Write in option
>Maybe there was a way to "Disarm" the booby traps, like jamming them up with mud or sand...
>Examine every obstacle before choosing which ones you'd go through and which you'd leave alone, and have James help find the quickest route through
We could survive the brute force method but I'm not sure about the others, and we shouldn't be relying on Nesta too much.
Disarming the traps seem interesting if we could steal them, but that would take too much time
>Maybe there was a way to "Disarm" the booby traps, like jamming them up with mud or sand...

this seems like it will help the others
>Examine every obstacle before choosing which ones you'd go through and which you'd leave alone, and have James help find the quickest route through
So there is a limit to how many obstacles we can bypass without punishment. He's clearly expecting people to try and weasel their way through this. Which means there has to be at least a few seriously devious traps set up. It might be worth it to work in pairs the entire way to get around some traps with swinging maneuvers or throwing ones. Or to catch the other if something completely blindsides one. It'd have to be Jorge and us and James and Nesta. Even as we all work as a team we should have a specific buddy nearby just in case.

I'd be shocked if there wasn't at least one trap that was genuinely unavoidable, even for Nesta. Like a button press inverting an entire section or something wacky. Hm, what to do, what to do.

>>Examine every obstacle before choosing which ones you'd go through and which you'd leave alone, and have James help find the quickest route through
I'm torn between disarming and the James option. I doubt we can disarm all the traps, but I'll still go with it. Unorthodox problem solving. Dealing with any of the traps at all will also help others.
>Maybe there was a way to "Disarm" the booby traps, like jamming them up with mud or sand...
>Examine every obstacle before choosing which ones you'd go through and which you'd leave alone, and have James help find the quickest route through
>Maybe there was a way to "Disarm" the booby traps, like jamming them up with mud or sand...

Let's think outside the box.
>Examine every obstacle before choosing which ones you'd go through and which you'd leave alone, and have James help find the quickest route through
>Maybe there was a way to "Disarm" the booby traps, like jamming them up with mud or sand...
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Hm. Closest vote we've had in the, what, ten? days of this quest running. I should get some popcorn.

I actually found a gif that I think is pretty close to how its described.

Anyways, going to wait for this neck and neck tie to break, but if I suddenly vanish for several hours. Its cause I broke into my liquor to cope with Halo 2 legendary, and either passed out or got too drunk to write coherently. It is Just as Big of a pain in the ass as I remember it being! And has renewed my enthusiasm for Sven-033 to get to a point where he can deconstruct a living Jackal like it were a farm raised chicken.

Good plan,

And its funny to me as well
>Examine every obstacle before choosing which ones you'd go through and which you'd leave alone, and have James help find the quickest route through
I want James to have a chance to shine, Jorge had the collapsing bridge moment with us, and Nesta has definitely had her Nesta-ness exploited multiple times

As far as Troublemaker goes, the main reason I'm pretty iffy on completing it is because of Halsey's conversation with us and that ultimately, she's right (damn her for being so good at this)
We're not gonna see our parents until after training, this is the most fulfilling path we ever could have gone down in life, and we're ultimately going through all of this for a good cause- to prevent humanity's collapse, whether by Innies or aliens. To continue to stage useless escape attempts or cause unnecessarily excessive trouble despite knowing all this would be rather childish (though I'm obviously not opposed to showing our "favorite" instructors a "good" time if they try shit)
As far as the possible end points, Maverick bugs me with the "carefree" personality aspect, and someone who skirts rules just to skirt them can be somewhat based, but doesn't seem like Sven, Firebrand can be a bit too zealous (though if we do find something truly worth believing in, it could be nice), and rats are rats so I don't really like Wolf-hound
Ill change my vote to this
>Examine every obstacle before choosing which ones you'd go through and which you'd leave alone, and have James help find the quickest route through
Grab a jackal by its lower and upper jaw/beak then simply pull apart.
I wanna see Sven beat a pack of Jackals using one of their own as a living weapon.
I want to throw a grunt at a grunt.
>deconstruct a living Jackal like it were a farm raised chicken.
>"Step one, pluck the feathers."
>"I thought the first step was to put them down? And that thing doesn't have feathers."
>meanwhile the jackal having its skin torn off while it's still kicking and screaming

One thing I like to point out to people at least in my personal life is that carefree isn't the same as flippant. Think of it like the difference between the person who says "it is what it is" with a smile and the one who does so with a frown. Various issues roll off of a carefree person's back like water off a duck. Though that doesn't mean they just wave their hand at everything and dismisses it from their perception. A carefree person still has beliefs, morals and ethics that they follow. Compared to a flippant person who is only one step above a contrarian in that they do what they do just because they can and see no reason to bother with any notion of civility or order that doesn't fall into their personal desires.

Besides, Sven's six. Hasn't even hit puberty yet. The person he is now is simply not going to be the person he will be later. I remember how I was when I was six. Total dumbass kek

I want to use a grunt as a grenade.
>I want to use a grunt as a grenade.
well, they do breath a flammable gas and have it strapped to their back.
I want to throw a grunts at an elite and have him return fire with his own grunts
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They sure do. So nice of the enemy to provide us with munitions that come to us.
Kill jackals. Behead jackals. Roundhouse kick a jackal into the concrete. Slam dunk a jackal baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy jackals. Defecate in a jackals food. Launch jackals into the sun. Stir fry jackals in a wok. Toss jackals into active volcanoes. Urinate into a jackals gas tank. Judo throw jackals into a wood chipper. Twist jackals heads off. Report jackals to the IRS.
While I agree that there's a distinction between carefree and flippant, I still see Sven as being the person who'd be visibly concerned about things, and Nesta or someone else being the carefree buddy who tells him not to worry too much about it
Worrying about who was right between the Saxons and the Vikings and moral dilemmas in general, being concerned about the conflict between the outer colonies and Earth, being visibly protective of his squadmates, asking his friends for their opinions on things that they may not see the importance of, these are all qualities I very much like in Sven and would like to see him continue in
Funnily enough I see Nesta becoming more psychotic as the instructors would definitely do what they could to nurture her gory and violent tendencies. Naturally they'll do that with all the candidates but with her already having a burgeoning murderboner I figure they'll work extra hard on her. The end result I see for her is pushing her toward a semi-paranoid and hyperreactive sort. Though I can see her being rather flippant and certainly carefree. I just don't trust the people in charge to not make her really bad.

Honestly I find the description of carefree to be a bit misleading. I would say what most people consider carefree is lackadaisical. I don't quite agree with it. Carefree just means that you don't really get stressed. Not that you don't actually care. It's odd how these words turn out in general perception, isn't it?

I wouldn't want to lose Sven's introspective qualities or deeper thinking. But I don't think being carefree necessarily precludes that. And an inherently protective bent and attitude certainly isn't overwritten by it. Though I can understand the worry that comes with the idea of being truly without a care. I suppose it would come down to nuance in interpretation according to TC. He's the boss, after all.
It'll be fiiine, we'll be the good influence for Nesta and keep her from going too psycho
And I get what you mean by carefree, I unironically want Sven to be stressed about the introspective stuff
Fortunately for you all, I have the alcohol tolerance of a bull moose. The Jackal snipers made it a near thing. I can feel the whiskey (and lesser spirits) in my teeth.

7 votes for checking where the traps are and trusting James to find the quickest route through the coarse

4 Votes for sabotaging the booby traps

Very close round here, but slow and steady wins the race

Decision made

Incredibly based, say it with your whole chest, brothers

And that is some of the stuff I most look forward to. Besides of course....the fall. (been listening to this to hype myself up https://youtu.be/GAsbLDMDZS4 every first update of the day)
>Maybe there was a way to "Disarm" the booby traps, like jamming them up with mud or sand...
With how much other stuff Sven has on his plate with all the extracurricular stuff I don't know how much he has left to spare with his squadmates. I worry. I fret. I'm most worried about Shika, though. Avoidant personalities tend to crack severely when forced the way they are in this program.
>he wants our little freyr to be upsetti spaghetti
Don't talk to my son ever again kek it's good I will admit.

This makes me wonder if Halsey had gotten Sven not as a candidate but just a regular scholastic fair intern how he'd turn out instead. Could he be one of the greatest scientific minds of his time? Matching or surpassing Halsey's own staggering brilliance?

>the fall
I will only cry a little when it happens. And maybe punch the air a bit.
I just found this today on unrelated news. Youtube wasn't doing their job considering I'm subscribed to him.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I89Q7bwY8F8&ab_channel=HaloFollower

I can tell you right now we ain't surviving the fall unless we get too injured and are medivac'ed or are off-world doing a mission. What will probably happen is that we will probably take a fatal blow for one of our teammates.
and the pause thinking about the dastardly traps the instructors have laid, makes you remember, that you don't have to come in first. Your team doesn't. It feels fantastic to be the first in class, but the only position that matters is last. If you fail, not how you succeed. You stop at the bottom of the other end of the rock wall, and simply...observe, holding back your enthusiasm and the competitive spirit Halsey, rightly now you realize, said every kid in the program had. Some of the other teams, John and Kelly's in particular, peel ahead of yours, as you wait for the key member of your squad before you proceed.

"What's the matter?" Nesta asks, as she follows you as you examine and study the obstacles and apparatuses populating the course as the other teams, without pausing to take a closer look at them, throw themselves against, whether it is balancing, climbing or crawling across them

"There's a trick to all of this" You answer and Nesta stares at you with wide, disbelieving eyes

"I know there is, but you can't just go after me, everything in this course is making my brain tingle" She half scoffs, half gasps "We're falling behind, and I don't want to miss dinner today, Sven!"

"We won't" You promise her "I'm just seeing which route is the hardest, just because you can anticipate something, doesn't mean you'll be prepared for it"

"Sounding like a teacher, that might be true for you or Jorge, but it isn't for me" She boasts, jabbing her thumb towards her chest, but, pointedly, not leaving you behind as Jorge jogs to catch up

"What's the hold up?" He asks immediately

"Fearless leader wants to inspect everything first" Nesta huffs, snorting through her nose as you check the barb wire, and notice, a very thin, copper wire threaded through the barbs "Like I'm not enough"

"You got hit with the bean bag the instructors shot at us during the last game of ring the bell" You remind her with a snort of your own "Just because you can "Sense" what's coming, doesn't mean you can avoid it"

"I'd like to see you dodge one of those" Nesta argues back as Jorge kneels down besides you

"That's just mean" He says as he also sees the wire, as James catches up to you

"Sorry, Shika froze up near the top" He says, as he kneels down without knowing why "What are we looking at"

"Sven is making us check every obstacle" Nesta pouts, wagging her head as the three of you look over the barbed wire, then the monkey bars "We always placed in at least the top five"

"I think he was waiting for me" James correctly guesses "I always know where to look"

Nesta pauses mid complaint and taps a finger to her chin

"Shit, is that what you were planning?" She askes with one of her usual grins

"Language" Jorge scolds, wagging a finger

"Yes. James has good eyes" You say with a nod. Nesta pumps a fist in the air and James blushes

"You can see in the dark" He reminds you

"This and that are two different things, take your time, every second we can spare is a bit of rest we can take" You answer back as you wait for James to do his thing as Nesta cheers him on and Jorge continues scouting out the obstacles. It is incredible, seeing just how fast his eyes can move when he's looking at something, searching for an answer.

"There" He says suddenly, lifting up his arm and pointing "Over that beam, across the suspended net, across the rock wall, and then through that barbed wire, finishing with those monkey bars. All of them connect, and unless your admirer in the guards is around, we shouldn't be penalized for choosing those and only those obstacles"

"You sure?" You ask as he answer with a nod

"Positive" he answers immediately

"Then, lets stop standing around like a bunch of garden gnomes!" Nesta shouts, and rushes off

"Good work, James" Jorge compliment, slapping him on the back as the three of you chase after Nesta, taking care not to touch anything she doesn't.

A mistake a few of the other trainees make, and receive a sudden shock or are sent tumbling as to the ground or slipping through the mud. The ones behind her are the lucky ones, because she uses anyone on the ground in front of her like stepping stones as she zooms for the last rock wall. Not nearly as fast as Kelly, but without stumbling once. This is the most focused you've seen her...besides the more graphic lessons Deja has given.

And with James providing the route, and Nesta trail blazing, your team quickly makes it to the last obstacle, without having to stop once to do pushups for avoiding the challenge or failing it. Quickly, you get back the lead you gave up to come up with a plan.

Your team isn't in first, but none of you are covered in mud or scrapes from slipping from slipping on a rope bridge. And none of you got shocked or fell to the sand because you didn't wait to see what had been done to the equipment to make it harder to cross over.

"She's a freak" Nesta pants, having, poorly, decided to try and beat the fastest kid in the class to the last rock wall "Doesn't she ever get tired?"

You shrug, and start climbing, racing Sam up as two of his teammates are already at the top. You have no idea how John made it across the gauntlet so quickly, but he was up there, right next to Kelly. And to your delight, James and Jorge are right behind you.

"You remembered what I told you" You exclaim with a grin as they clamber up the sheer face of the last wall, right behind you

"And you listened to me" James counters "It's only because of that we got all the way up here as quick as we did"

"We sure do make a good team" Jorge laughs as Nesta slips between the three of you

"Of course we do, we're the best, there's a reason we never lose!" She boasts, and forces you to put in a bit more effort since her bragging pushed Sam and Linda to work harder to beat you and the rest of your team to the top.

The race back was just as close. But even with your longer legs, John stayed just a step ahead of you and got team three the prized first place, while team six settled for second

"Good game" he said, holding out his hand to you "Thought you nearly had me there near the end. You made me work for this win, every step of the way"

"Same" You return, shaking his hand "Funny how our teams always seem to be competing for first place"

"Isn't it?" Sam laughs, laying on his back "How'd you catch up so fast, last I saw, you were stuck at the start."

You turn to James

"James figured out the quickest way through" You say with a big smile, James bowing his head as Nesta and Kelly argue about...well, you weren't sure what, Nesta just liked to pick fights sometimes and at this point they were just arguing to argued.

"Impressive" John complimented, turning to the now rosy cheeked James as Jorge and Linda tried to separate Kelly and Nesta before their shouting match could turn into an actual fight "Shame you still came in second"

"Least it isn't last" You answer with a shrug, watching the other trainees fall for the traps you spotted and avoided because you knew they were there, taking longer and more difficult routes through the course, as the third team to finish's last member cross the line.

At which point, Mendez towers over you as you relax on the ground

"Trainee -033. Care to explain what the hold up was? I noticed you held your team back for sometime at the start of the course!" He booms as you look up at him, still trying to catch your breath running through the easiest route through the course. As always, the Chief's training took everything you had to see it through to the end.

>Explain you were considering your options with your team, instead of rushing ahead

>Tell him you knew you needed James' keen eye and judgement to cross the course quickly

>Tell Mendez you thought part of the game was examining and weighing the risks of every possible route.

>Brag you wanted to give the other teams a chance to come in first.

>Write in

I have plans for reach, but that is a ways away.
>Tell Mendez you thought part of the game was examining and weighing the risks of every possible route.
+ My main goal was to get every members of my team through the gauntlet safely, sir.
>Tell Mendez you thought part of the game was examining and weighing the risks of every possible route.
Sven won't die. And if he does I am going to Reach through this screen, and yours, and jerk you off, making you gay as hell.

>>Tell Mendez you thought part of the game was examining and weighing the risks of every possible route.
Safety can be just as important as speed. A bomb can drop only once, but the plane flying it can always drop more should it make it back intact.

>plans for reach
Both worrying and reassuring.
>Tell Mendez you thought part of the game was examining and weighing the risks of every possible route.
"Slow is smooth, smooth is fast" is saying for a reason
>Tell Mendez you thought part of the game was examining and weighing the risks of every possible route.
The Fall of Reach is neat, but I'm kinda hoping we can get to use a Gravity Hammer to golf with Grunts

Also I'd really love to do some stuff with the ODST, it's my favourite game in the Halo series
>>Tell Mendez you thought part of the game was examining and weighing the risks of every possible route.
Word to the wise, do not EVER call Mendez "sir". That man works for a living, just like every other enlisted person.
I remember overhearing this one time and the response from the other guy was great "Fast is fast, dumbass. You don't get fast by practicing slow.". Guy was miffed. He's kinda right, too. You still need to actually do drills moving quickly to build the muscle memory at high speed. Being good at the compound movements is vital especially to not fucking shoot yourself but so is the whole rapidity bit. In the end it's all practice, practice, practice.

ODST was goated, truly.

We shall henceforth call him "Mr. Men".
>>Tell him you knew you needed James' keen eye and judgement to cross the course quickly
>We shall henceforth call him "Mr. Men".
Jokes aside, the Navy in particular has always been really persnickety about the differences between enlisted personnel and officers. Best we don't accidentally give him a reason to see us push the ground for the rest of the die while trying to kiss his ass.
The Navy are huge sticklers about rank in general. God forbid you mistake a petty officer dickfuck threebars with a junior officer nosehand first class. And never call a ship a boat. In case anyone was wondering, the proper term for moving a modern ship is "drive", and it also applies to submarines. It's a very proud institution and they very much love their regulations.
This and the "Believe" ads for Halo 3 were the sickest shit imaginable, truly sad they didn't get more movies, imagine something like Saving Private Ryan but it's a bunch of ODST being sent to save an ONI agent, also Rookie deserved a sequel.
I thought Mendez was a marine DI? Those guys just don't like it when you use "sir yes sir."
I'm still peeved that this didn't get turned into a full series and all we got was the "Halo" live action instead.
I forgot just how good the Trailers used to be. Damn. Rookie definitely got done dirty.

No one likes a sir sandwich. Ehhh maybe lieutenants do. Fucking butterbars.
>>Tell Mendez you thought part of the game was examining and weighing the risks of every possible route.

>I have plans for reach, but that is a ways away.
i don't mind if you plan for that, but there is much to explore in the war....
The dumbest thing about Rookie's death at the hands of the innies was that it somehow pushed Mickey to join the innies himself.
Mendez is navy.

>Those guys just don't like it when you use "sir yes sir."
It's funny you say that because in Nylund's book & in that animated series, the spartan trainees do exactly that.

I believe in later books they do just call him 'Chief' though.
>those guys killed my friend
>it's my fault for hesitating
>so i am going to join those guys to teach the guys i work for a lesson since its their fault i had to shoot at these guys in the first place

If mental gymnastics were a sport, he'd take gold, silver AND bronze.
>I thought Mendez was a marine DI?
Nope, he's a sailor.
>>Explain you were considering your options with your team, instead of rushing ahead
>Tell Mendez you thought part of the game was examining and weighing the risks of every possible route.
It's not saying do everything slow as shit it's basically a warning that rushing and fucking up only to have to start over can be worse than doing it right the first time. It can also applies to things that don't require muscle memory like coding or sewing (especially if you use a machine)
You gotta do it right before you do it fast is all I'm saying. When you can perform the task correctly, then you can start ramping up the speed, otherwise you're gonna fuck up a lot more.
>Brag you wanted to give the other teams a chance to come in first.
>Tell Mendez you thought part of the game was examining and weighing the risks of every possible route.
>Tell Mendez you thought part of the game was examining and weighing the risks of every possible route.
>Tell him you knew you needed James' keen eye and judgement to cross the course quickly
Naturally. It's just a funny statement that lots of people like to say. It's the tacticool equivalent of "measure twice, cut once". In the end as with all things it comes down to experience and practice. It's all the same thing really. It's really funny seeing someone practice their unholstering kinda slow though. Just up-down-up-down-up-down fucking around with any switches, latches or buttons as necessary.
"Move with purpose" is another one of those phrases I greatly enjoy. It's a very effective way to tell somebody to stop fucking around without having to cuss at them. Hell, it can be borderline inspirational under the right circumstances.
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It's crazy how a rip-off can supersede the cultural impact of the original inspiration, but I suppose that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.
This feels weird to say, but I kinda hope we have little to no interaction with Johnson if we ever cross paths. I greatly enjoy the character, but I feel like his presence runs the risk of negatively impacting the narrative if handled poorly.
I can agree with that. If we need a semi-super powerful regular sidekick for some grand saga to finish off the war then there's plenty of other's to take inspiration from. Worst case, 404 just pulls an OC from thin air. Maybe an Army Ranger or AirForce CC instead of a Marine. Could even be a 1.1 or something, too.
I'd be cool to hang with Sergeant forge.
I figure the most obvious choice would be a reoccurring ODST fireteam. Those sons of bitches are really the only baseline humans who can be expected to follow in the wake of what a Spartan gets up to.
>Sergeant Forge
Hell yeah. Non zero chance we get deployed for the Harvest campaign anyways. Good time to spend with Jerome after he gets uncrippled.
An ODST team would be cool too. Just ideas though, there's plenty more to the UNSC than the Navy, Spartans, and Marines to be explored. IMO would also have a fun interpersonal dichotomy to regularly work with a group even more involved in breaking up innie cells than ODST, like the Rangers.
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>Hey big guy, we're gonna drop soon.
>No way he'll fit in a pod, guess he's going in a pelican.
>No need to worry, I'll be with you all as you deploy.

It is to be expected that there will be a lot of interaction with Navy and their assets and hangers on to be fair since that's where Spartans are going to be attached initially. Though seeing everyone come together to kick OpFor ass is welcome no matter what branch they come from.
>It is to be expected that there will be a lot of interaction with Navy
Absolutely. At the end of the day, the story of the Spartans is the story of NAVAL Special Weapons Group. Saying that, however, they did work extensively with the Army during the HC war for continued anti-innie operations, and more broadly for the defense of the colonies. Marines and Navy are a mobile offensive forces while the Air Force and Army are defensive garrison forces. All four have their fun shit to bring to the table though. Just depends on the problem we get thrown at.
Unfortunate a lot of ODSTs resent Spartans. They're jealous and there's that whole incident after augmentations where John accidentally kills a few. Though it'd be interesting working through that one-sided hostility, perhaps earning the respect of some of them.
ODSTs are overrated.
they are just imps compared to demons after all
It would depend on where the spartan team is sent, and how long they might stay there.

Maybe one mission, a bunch of ONI agents clad all in black need to make sure they can sneak in a covenant forward base for hack through their computer and get some important data that they confirmed might be there, without having to handle a full covenant garrison. And we work with ONI agents.

In another an army battlegroup on ground needs an help now in protecting an old CMA weapon deposit, enough for the valuable equipment and vehicles inside to be all secured and sent home (this sounds like a mission more fitting against the innies movement, especially after the UEG cracking the CMA and putting an end to them. Though it could still work has a mission even in the human covenant war, if its something prototypal maybe). And here we work with army soldiers.

Both of this missions are not likely to happen, but works has basic examples of what we might be thrown at in our missions.

I dont really expect to find people our team sticks with it. The war will be quite long, and the spartans usually move around a lot. Standard humans instead die a lot even if they are good or excellent soldiers. If we find humans we stick with, it would be cool of course. But tough luck.
I agree, John and his story is so vital to the universe unfolding as it did that even minor changes such as interacting with a supporting character could send ripples down a long way.
The only chance we'll get a stable cast is if we somehow end up working for ONI directly, get put in a permanent squad like Grey Team, or if we get stationed on a ship.
It's not like there aren't already ripples with all the extra Spartan-IIs. I also want to make ripples as much as QM will permit.
Detoxification Protocols Complete
Rebooting...Monitor 404TormentedCache back online
Had a bit too much whiskey last night.
Lots of discussion that's gotten me thinking, love to see it.

10 Votes to Tell Mendez you thought part of the game was examining and weighing the risks of every possible route.
1 vote for my main goal was to...etc

2 Votes to Tell him you knew you needed James' keen eye and judgement to cross the course quickly

1 Vote to explain you were considering your options with your team, instead of rushing ahead.

1 vote to brag you wanted to give the other teams a chance to come in first

Pretty obvious winner here

Decision made

Don't worry, I know. Lots more to the war than just reach, and I'm excited to tackle all of it

ODST don't get enough respect. And yeah it was fucking infuritating what they did to Rookie. And of course, you'll get a chance to hang with the Helljumpers. Babysitter was one of my favorite parts of Legends

And that trailer still slaps

And so does Landfall of course. Thanks for the nostalgia hit!

Johnson is like a spice. But he's like cinnamon. Too much of him could easily overpower the dish

That's one way you can approach it.
The Chief Petty Officer stood over you, looking like a Jotun. You sucked in a sharp breath through your nose, straightened your back and looked him directly into his stony black eyes, standing at attention as you faced down the hard faced instructor and wondered if this is what staring into the face of a great white shark was. The air of discipline roiling off of him washed over you as his eyes met yours as you dared to stare into them directly. The wrong words and explanation would lead to correction, and even if some part of you barked and snapped to rebel by not taking his question seriously or ignoring it, a stronger piece pushed you to answer him dutifully and immediately. You knew why you stopped, your teammates knew why you held them back, but there are plenty of reasons besides the one that could've been the reason behind it instead.

"Chief Petty Officer, I thought that part of the game was inspecting the obstacles and assessing their risks" You answer, trying very hard to sound grown up and professional, borrowing a few words from Deja, Doctor Halsey and Dimas "So we could find the least dangerous route through the course"

His expression remained unchanged as he looked down at you, forcing your eyes to stay locked with his as he stood, completely still, either considering the merit of your answer or thinking about what sort of punishment would be suitable for the response you gave to him and your actions during the exercise

"Trainee-005, is that true?" He barked the question to James, who lifted his shoulders and stuck out his chest as his back went rail stiff as yours

"Yes, Chief Petty Officer!" He shouted in reply, nodding his head "Sven and Jorge checked the obstacles, while I figured out the quickest route through the course"

"Trainee -052?" Mendez asked, not needing to say more than that to Jorge to get his intent across.

"We were checking the equipment, like they said" He answered sharply, as the head instructor turned to Nesta

"And yet you avoided snares the rest of your squad couldn't have checked for, even if they combed through the course for hours. Care to explain how you knew where those traps would be, Trainee-097" he says, and you feel your heart leap up your throat. No one who knows Nesta knows how to explain exactly how it is she does what she does and can know when trouble is coming without seeing it.

"There can only be so many kinds of traps and tricks up your sleeves. I just guessed where they were based off of what Sven and Jorge found earlier" She said, and you weren't sure how much of it was a lie, or how much of it was obviously one, since she moved far to fast and confidently through the course even after "And what I saw the other kids fall for, Chief"

He looked down at her for a few long, breathless seconds before turning to John and his squad

"Guess you're not the only lucky one in the class" He said briefly before continuing, as the fourth team reached the finish line "Neither of your approaches to today's game were incorrect, Team Three, Team Six. Awareness of risk and preparations made to avoid it are as useful skills to train as are rapidness of reaction and movement and decisive action. However, my recruits need to have both. Team Six. I expect there to be no dithering on your part next exercise or any other sluggishness, and Team Three take a few moment to study your environment and obstacles in your way next run through the obstacle course and weigh the risks. Trainee -117, Trainee-033, Good show of initiative and direction today"

You let out a relieved sigh as John's eyes wrinkle around the corners as a faint smirk tugs on his freckled cheeks

The obstacle course remained the game of the day for awhile after that and Mendez made his own fun giving challenges he expected you to meet as you ran through the course, not just to your team and John's, but any of the squads and you couldn't guess what made the Chief Petty Officer single out one from the rest on any given day. Though Team Three and Six seemed to be picked out more often than the rest. And it soon became clear, with how often he brought the class to the course, that Mendez was trying to teach all of you something specific.

What it was, you didn't know. But what was clear was that the obstacle course was getting harder every day, as they increased number of traps increased every day, as did how difficult it was to avoid them or spot them until the moment you landed and grabbed onto one of them directly.

But despite how challenging they'd made it, every day, you and the rest of the kids in the program faced and overcame odds that increasingly not in your favor. Until the obstacles in the course weren't the only things keeping you from reaching the finish line quickly and cleanly, since the Instructors started to participate on the seventh day of running through the course as well, to do all that they could to make their trainees run through the course even more difficult than it already was.

>Follow the rules of the game, and try and lead your team to the end of the course, and face whatever obstacles are in the way as they come (DC 13)

>Try and figure out a different way to win the exercises, with the rest of your team and a few other trainees (DC 14)

>Try to put some of the things you've learned in your "Extra classes" to good use (DC 16)

>Get tired of getting hit with rocks and water balloons as you're running through the obstacles and lash out (DC 14)

>Write in option
>Try to put some of the things you've learned in your "Extra classes" to good use (DC 16)
>Try and figure out a different way to win the exercises, with the rest of your team and a few other trainees (DC 14)
Chief wants decisive action so let's give him one.
>Try to put some of the things you've learned in your "Extra classes" to good use (DC 16)

Lets see if Halseys attention has paid off.
>Try and figure out a different way to win the exercises, with the rest of your team and a few other trainees (DC 14)
>Try and figure out a different way to win the exercises, with the rest of your team and a few other trainees (DC 14)
Uh, did he ever say we had to go through the course, or can we just run around it? We might need to knock down a couple instructors, but it's probably fine, right?
We're still doing the obstacle course so I assume his earlier warning still applies:
>But trying to circumvent or avoid too many obstacles will result in immediate disciplinary action
That would make them obstacles then, wouldn't it?
>Try to put some of the things you've learned in your "Extra classes" to good use (DC 16)
>Try to put some of the things you've learned in your "Extra classes" to good use (DC 16)
Damn, I really have no clue what Mendez is trying to hint at with this game
I wonder if Halsey is going to try to teach Sven quantum physics at some point.
For what purpose?
None. He just showed interest. And it tugged her heartstrings just right.

More seriously I just wonder if Sven will be able to draw out what little humanity Halsey doesn't discard or suppress. AFAIK she only does it with Caleb, was his name? The turbo-unfortunate washout. And even then she doesn't really admit it.
Damn, I'm retarded, meant Soren. Why did I think it was Caleb?
I reckon thats probably one of the outcomes of completing the Halsey sub objective
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>sub-objective complete, reward: a hug and a sniffle
>Try and figure out a different way to win the exercises, with the rest of your team and a few other trainees (DC 14)
No need to lash out... Yet.
>>Try and figure out a different way to win the exercises, with the rest of your team and a few other trainees (DC 14)
>Try to put some of the things you've learned in your "Extra classes" to good use (DC 16)
Sven a smart boy, Mama Halsey raised him right
>Sven post Fall of Reach
>Pic and music related
There's currently a tie between trying to put what you've learned in your talks with Dr Halsey and trying to figure out a different way to win/ get through the exercise

Caleb was the one candidate to evade capture, who could probably see the future.

Neither does Sven!
>Fall of Reach
>~20 billion humans dead by that point
>dozens of worlds already glassed
>New Noregr, being an outer colony, likely glassed
>Jorge dies
>James MIA
>most other spartans MIA/KIA
>John's off on some wild goose chase
>ONI says Halsey's presumed dead
>nearly everyone else Sven has known is dead
>it's only a matter of time now before the Covenant find Earth
Sven: "just fuck my shit up"
maybe he can save reach if he kills enough grunts and jackals
I can't remember if it's ever explained what the deal is with the Spartan candidates and their unusual qualities. If that was covered in some of the newer stuff I probably missed it. I'm just assuming it's forerunner shenanigans?

>berserkr path dangling keys off to the side
You may be onto something.
>Try to put some of the things you've learned in your "Extra classes" to good use (DC 16)
been playing reach again and its got me wondering

how the fuck did one notice a covenant super carrier entering reach.
>Yay, John and Cortana's back from the Halo array!
>Oh no, John slipspace to yet another forerunner installation!
>He's back but we lost Cortana!
>Oh no, he's jumping to a forerunner installation again!
>Yay, he defeated the prophets!
>Oh no, he's MIA!
Real emotional roller-coaster.
>I'm just assuming it's forerunner shenanigans?
That's the post-3 retcon and only for John, I think. A forerunner known as the Librarian seeded John's genetic sequence into the human genome so that he will one day be born from it or something like that, making it so that his "luck" was just him being the chosen one marked out by the forerunners.
6 votes for trying to put some of Halsey's lessons to good use

5 votes for trying to figure out a different way to win the exercise

Decision made
Please roll 1d20. Best of three. Target 16
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

surely this time I actually pass a roll
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Already won, but ere we go. Give me a 20.
nice! john luck!
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nice one
Thank you, based psycho mom.
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We’ll make her cold heart proud today.
Warning! Warning! General Warning in place! Preferred Candidate has achieved a critical success!

And its four over the target DC as well. Seems Sven has a brain like a sponge!

It isn't raining today. But it might as well be. The instructors are hurling water balloons down upon you and the other kids, and spraying down every obstacle to keep them slick and difficult to walk over or hold onto, even though now pretty much every conscripts learned how to crime properly from you or someone who you showed how to climb right. It is an awful, tiring day, and not a single team has made it to the final climb or back down it, there's just too much in the way. Too many traps, and too many things being thrown at you. And you'd just finished your last set of push ups, your back still aching from the fall that earned you that punishment and the pain you feel when you breath in. There are bruises all of your back and arms, and every inch of your sweats are soaked through or caked with mud. And despite the trainers seeming to throw more balloons filled with water or sand at you than the others, there are a few kids who are looking more beaten up and worn down than you're feeling.

Your temper has been throbbing against your skull and heating you up inside, building and building and wanting to scream out every time you slip or have to pause because a hail of projectiles, which include any rocks the guards can find lying around their feet, come raining down over your head. But, as you hold on, clinging tightly to the wooden wall, digging your finger nails between the gaps as you take the brunt of a valley of stinging bags of sand that would've otherwise have hit Cal, who stopped, out of breath half way up the climb, somehow, for some reason, you think back to a talk you had with Doctor Halsey. A lesson where she tried to explain to you how you could figure out the speed, velocity and trajectory of anything moving, through gravity or not, with a simple calculation so long as you knew its acceleration and mass. She also mentioned something about gravity wells and some other stuff that didn't make much sense, but you remembered what she told you and almost understood what she was trying to teach you about acceleration, launch angles and velocity.

That, if you can figure out how fast something is moving, and how hard gravity and its own weight is pulling down on it, if it is only moving through the initial thrust put behind it, like say, a rain of water balloons, rocks and fist sized bags of sand, you'll be able to know where it'll end up. There's maths and numbers behind it, and she talked like she could do all the really hard and complex equations without so much as a scrap of paper and pen, just all in her head, on the fly, as quickly as you could figure out if you could make a jump or if your fist was going to land when you threw a punch.

You didn't think you could do what Dr Halsey does, since she said she could plot a course for and pilot a space ship without relying too heavily on an AI for calculations, but you did think, if you just took the parts you understood, you could at least figure out where you shouldn't stand still.

And the only way to know if you were right, was to put it into practice. You watched and allowed a few more of the balloons and rocks being thrown to hit you, and realized, just from watching instead of trying to avoid, dodge or cover your head, that all the trainers were throwing them as hard and with about the same force as the others were. And they were arcing and leading their throws. You frowned, and tried to clear your head to focus on calculating and guessing where their next volley would fall. And though you didn't do any math in your head, you trusted the equation Halsey taught you and moved with purpose, feeling almost like your were driving or moving your own body like a puppet as you moved to be where the sacks of sand or rocks wouldn't hit.

And, while you were amazed that it worked, you didn't pause or stop and continued moving, having to crouch down and watch the guard's throws again after they notice you're making progress and getting ahead of the rest of the class. But, once you saw how they changed their pitches, and adjusted your path across the course and its many obstacles, and having seen what traps were where on an earlier attempt, you managed to avoid getting pelted with any more rocks or sprayed with water balloons. There were a few times your feet nearly slipped out from under you, due to mud or slick of grease spread across a wooden balance beam. But, as you threw out your arms to keep from falling over, with the last obstacle within reach and just a quick jog ahead of the end of the oiled beam, you realized, despite the rush of relief that watching and figuring out the trajectory of all the things the guards threw down the course sent washing over you, your team wasn't at your side.

So you hopped off, and rushed back to find them, and tried to explain how to know where not to be when the instructors found a new armful of things to throw. You couldn't figure out how to, and your stumbling attempts just confused your friends as you tried to put it into words that made sense, like when Halsey told you about the special equation earlier. Eventually, realizing you didn't know how to put into words what it was you were doing in your head or explain how it worked to help you avoid being hit, you just told your team to follow your steps exactly and went back through the course.

For the last time of the day. Even though you hadn't been able to explain it, Nesta, James and Jorge all eventually got into the rhythm and seemed to figure out where the next volley of flying obstacles would fall and when they'd arrive after being sent flying from the strong arms of your trainers.

You didn't come out unscathed, in the end, getting smacked right in the face by a rock nearly the size of your first, but all it did was hurt a little and give you a bloody nose. It didn't stop you from reaching the last obstacle again, and then the finish line. And that's all that mattered. That, and your friends not getting bloody noses themselves. Even if the stingy pain in your face and the blood dribbling down your chin was a little annoying.

But you forgot all about that pain of the bruises you'd gotten from all your tumbles and the hard rocks or bags of sand that had been thrown at and fatigue soaking into your limbs, just from the feeling of satisfaction and triumph you got after seeing the stunned looks of the instructors. Even Chief Petty Officer Mendez looked a little surprised, a rare display of emotion from the dark eyed adult. And that made all the pain worth it. Even if your team wasn't first, they'd gotten through the gauntlet, that seemed almost like it was intended to be impossible

"Impressive" He stated professionally, as the sun set behind him, and Jorge and James leaned on your shoulders to stop from falling over. The Chief Petty officer just wrote something on his clipboard and nodded once

"You've completed todays exercise, team six" Is all he said after, though his eyes didn't look as dark as they usually did as he said it "But, Trainee -033, before you hit the showers, the head of the program would like a word with you. Dr Halsey wishes to hear, exactly, how you got your team through today's exercise"

That was weird. And even weirder was how Halsey reacted when you clumsily and tiredly explained you just remembered and used what she'd taught you about plotting trajectories a few days ago, and that you more or less figured out the trajectory of what the trainers were throwing by just watching them closely and attempting to put into use the method she told you could calculate where they'd end up. You didn't know she could smile, let alone as widely as she did as she figured out and understood what you were trying to explain to her. And then she gave you another ticket for an extra helping of desert, which quickly made you forget about how strange of a night it had been. But, you couldn't forget the way the doctor had smiled at you, and how much it reminded you of the way your mother would smile when you came home with the best grades in your class.

Altering perspective
Sub Objective: Best in Class, has progressed. Progress Points/ Stage, 3 out of ?. Sven grows as a leader/ tactician, and his ability to lead his squad improves further. Several of the other candidates start to think of him as a big brother
Sub Objective: The Chief's favorite, has progressed. Progress points/ stage, 3 out of 5. Mendez sees that Sven works best under pressure/ when the other trainees are at risk, and will continue to test him further and harder, as he tries to mold him into a leader/ officer material
Sub Objective: Apple in her eye, has progressed. Progress points/ stage, 2 out of 5. Halsey's talks with Sven will be more frequent, now that she's certain she was right in her assumptions of his intellect, and the expanded scope of his education may unlock certain Advancement paths sooner than they otherwise would be
Altering perspective

You'd gotten used to the routine of the program again, doing morning exercises with the other kids, lead by Chief Petty Officer Mendez, listening to Deja's lessons, that were usually about historic battles and the strategy and tactics that were used to win them, but sometimes the Ai taught her class about other things. Subjects that you weren't sure how they were supposed to make you and the other trainees into elite soldiers, like Halsey had told you you had to become, but that were interesting nonetheless, and fun as always with the holographic scenes that accompanied them. One of your favorite was about how vikings used a certain type of crystal to navigate the sea even on cloudy days that was called a sunstone. Which Nesta and a few others, like Ralph and Daisy, pestered you about for a few days, asking you to find or somehow make one, as if you knew what sort of rock could be made into a sunstone just because you were Norwegian.

The daily training exercise games Mendez put you through though, never became routine. Once he saw most of the class could complete them without much trouble, he'd change the rules or make it harder by including a new twist or trap to. It became hard to keep track of the days, but you were fairly certain it'd been at least two months since you were abducted and forcibly conscripted. The year was close to ending. And you didn't know how to feel about that. You still missed your home and your parents but, you were having fun with the friends you made here and the exercises Mendez and the other instructors put you through always kept things interesting and Deja and Dr Halsey's lessons were something you found yourself looking forward to.

Even if you still didn't trust the guards and had tried to escape a few times when you found a chance to and were in a bad mood or feeling more homesick than you usually did.. Last time, one of the guards made the mistake of trying to pin you to the ground, and you nearly bit off a chunk of their ear for their trouble.

Your neck was sore for days after that, and all that attempt taught you was what it was like to be choked into unconsciousness. And what a human ear tasted like.

It was one of the things you thought about as you woke up and followed the rest of the kids into the shower, one frosty day on reach. It had to be December by now, even if Reach's weather wasn't anything like New Noregr's or anywhere near as harsh and cold. But it wasn't the only thing on your mind. Even if Nesta had called you a red toothed cannibal for a week or so after word got out that you had tried to bite one of the instructor's ears off once they had gotten your arms pinned. And had even gotten Shika and a few others to join in. Ralph was still calling you Fangs because of it. You were just happy they didn't call you princess.

No, you had other things on mind besides the dumb nicknames and the rumors that made them, like how half the class called Dimas Cyborg after someone misheard Daisy teasing him and got it into their heads that he was half robot. And while that might've been your fault, just a little, what you were thinking about as the cold water splashed on your face was much more important!

And it had to do with the training you'd been doing the last couple of days.

>How to fight and box and defend yourself with just your bare hands and body

>How to treat wounds in the field and the biology lessons Halsey and Deja had been giving you

>The fact you noticed a gap in the new training grounds security, one you thought you could exploit

>And the fact you were playing king of the hill against one of the other teams today

Going to bed. Ended up staying up pretty late today.

Also feel like there might be a time skip pretty soon, but not a big one, just a few months at most.
>How to fight and box and defend yourself with just your bare hands and body
And now I have to wonder if Nicole was abducted in this timeline.
>How to fight and box and defend yourself with just your bare hands and body
We keep flopping in actual combat so might as well train up on that. Also, good job on eating a guard's ear, Sven.
Good night, QM.
>>How to fight and box and defend yourself with just your bare hands and body
Since we have brawler. The other two are likely new paths, and other must be the defender one for being on heavy weapons duty.
>How to fight and box and defend yourself with just your bare hands and body
We need to train this part up.
>Ralph was still calling you Fangs because of it
Looks like Fenrir will be quite on the cards.

Also goodnight QM!
Also a question: how close are we to dethroning John. (Not that I want to take his place or anything)
>How to fight and box and defend yourself with just your bare hands and body
Thanks for the update.
>>How to fight and box and defend yourself with just your bare hands and body
Yep. So I think there will be not that for quite a while, until we have the luck of being assigned to work together permanently with a group of certified badasses (risk of death remains high even for them lol). Until then we will encounter a lot of people, fight side by side with them, get to know them and then the next moment they are blasted on the nearby wall of a ruined apartment complex by a plasma rifle. And to the next mission after that.

Damn 3 advances in 3 sub objectives. Pretty nice for the first 2 months. And nicknames fly around now. Fangs thats funny.
>How to fight and box and defend yourself with just your bare hands and body
Sven, try to learn the basics of CQC.
>>The fact you noticed a gap in the new training grounds security, one you thought you could exploit
>The fact you noticed a gap in the new training grounds security, one you thought you could exploit

>pretty much every conscripts learned how to crime properly from you
>>How to crime
Kek. Pictured; Sven teaching the other kids how to pickpocket the trainers.
Sigh, IP change once more. I'm>>6162192
>How to fight and box and defend yourself with just your bare hands and body

personally, I Imagine the Spartans stealing everything that isn't nailed down like they were blood ravens. like walking up to a marine and trading his shotgun for a pistol with a single round.
Let's fucking go, these nat 20s are awesome, is this what John feels like every time

>How to fight and box and defend yourself with just your bare hands and body
I am curious about what thinking about the fact that we're playing king of the hill today would do though, maybe a bonus modifier during the games?
Depends on how much nat20anon graces us with his presence when rolling. Even moot is a halo fan - this thread has consistently high rolls, and had a quad as well. We have John-117 level luck.

> How to fight and box and defend yourself with just your bare hands and body
Focus on CQC. Our temper is bad enough as is without pushing troublemaker, and we should rely on medevac to get us properly patched up. First aid is a basic skill, every soldier knows it.
>But, you couldn't forget the way the doctor had smiled at you, and how much it reminded you of the way your mother would smile when you came home with the best grades in your class.
Ah this just reminded me, Sven and the other candidates will spend more time in the program and under Halsey's tutelage then they will have spend with their parents. And certainly more of their aware and thinking years, because 2 year olds aren't people kek. Damn.

>>How to treat wounds in the field and the biology lessons Halsey and Deja had been giving you
I am torn between kickpunching gooder and learning how to make an arm not fall off.

>they call the big one a viking
>ah cause he's norwegian?
>well that and he literally picked up and walked away with a smart car the other day as well as at least a hundred pounds of goods stuffed in it
>How to treat wounds in the field and the biology lessons Halsey and Deja had been giving you
>>And the fact you were playing king of the hill against one of the other teams today

Choosing this because it will likely be the teamwork version of king of the hill. Which will help further our leadership position and gives us a chance to compare ourselves to the other teams.
>How to treat wounds in the field and the biology lessons Halsey and Deja had been giving you
QM said she was earlier in the thread, just has a different number.
Ghost destroyer is a mean fucking combo. Downward strike the back of the head? Murderous. Substitute fist with elbow and you've got a skull shatterer there.
It still feels strange that Tecmo Koei were the ones to reach out for this crossover when it was Sega (who were known for Virtua Fighter, one of DoA's main competitors in the genre) who had the most ties with Microsoft at the time. Though I guess a Spartan would have been a little out there for the most intentionally bland roster in fighting games.
>How to treat wounds in the field and the biology lessons Halsey and Deja had been giving you

Seems useful
>>How to treat wounds in the field and the biology lessons Halsey and Deja had been giving you
>How to fight and box and defend yourself with just your bare hands and body
Itagaki. He would play Halo with his daughter and he's definitely the one who made it happen. DOA with oatmeal cookie has gone to shit.
sorry typo
If Carris isn't the first spartan to accidentally kill an instructor, then it'll probably be Sven not knowing his own strength.
Accidentally. Yes. It would be an accident. I'm sure. Poor girl. Too pure for this violent world.
>>And the fact you were playing king of the hill against one of the other teams today
King o' the Hill
>Dammit, Sven. That boy ain't right.
>The fact you noticed a gap in the new training grounds security, one you thought you could exploit
Rebooting...Monitor 404TormentedCache Back online

Pretty sure that is the most votes we've had yet. Some Last minute shopping kept me away from home all day (also I ended up sleeping most of the day)

11 votes for how to fight and defend yourself while unarmed

3 Votes for the security gap you found

2 Votes for king of the hill

5 votes for first aid + biology

Time to learn the basics of CQC!

Decision made

That typo hurts, but I have the excuse of being dead tired last night

Well John doesn't have Sven's temper/ Willingness to throw hands with the trainers
They'd been teach everyone how to fight and defend themselves, with only their bare hands or other parts of their body. You don't think there were many other kids in the program who enjoyed the hand to hand training Mendez had instructed the guards to start giving you more than you did. Not that there weren't any who were having just as much if not more fun than you were in the ring, it was just out of the ninety nine, those who did could be almost be counted on one hand. And certainly, even if they were enjoying themselves, they weren't as good as you were. The trainer who'd been assigned to teach you the basics of fighting unarmed, said you were a natural, and a quick learner. You're sure they said that to some of the other kids as well, and meant it to. But the other kids didn't have the advantages you did. Like your reach and strength, or what the instructors called your "Dogged refusal to know when to lie down and give up".

The morning shower's cold water stung the scrapes and cuts that were scattered across your face, and the bruises were sore and aching as you scrubbed the soap off in a hurry to get dressed and finish today's calisthenics and Deja's classes so you could learn how to box and fight better in the ring. And the question that lingered and burned brightest in your mind, that made the morning's exercise seem as light and casual as getting out of your bunk and getting dressed in the morning, was if they were going to teach you some new punch or technique to use in a fight. or close quarters combat as Chief Petty Officer Mendez insisted in calling it. Or if maybe, just maybe, they'd pair the recruits off to spar against each other now that everyone had been taught at least the basics of self defense. Though part of you hoped they'd keep at least you fighting against the trainers since...you really didn't want to hurt any of your friends. And you knew how easily you could hurt them, and how quickly.

And most of all, you wanted to learn that thing one of the trainers did, where they knocked one of the other instructors off of their feet with a sweep of their legs during one of their demonstrations. It seemed like it was right out of an action movie, and you wanted to know how to do it as expertly as the marine who showed it off.

Deja's lesson today was about roman gladiators and how they were trained and raised to fight , with a special diet of grains and all sorts of different weapons and armor and styles. You spent the class doodling and sketching out each type of gladiator they showed, as well as the weapons they wielded and the armor they wore, and which types of gladiator were better at fighting other kinds of them. Miss Deja even showed a holographic recreation of a statue of a boxer, that you tried your best to copy, but you ended up focusing so much on the caestus that he wore around his arms and hands that it was all you ended up drawing off him.

"You'd be deadly with a pair of those" Nesta remarked as she tapped her own pencil on her scrawling and scraggly lined notes

"Did the Vikings have gladiators?" James asked, raising his hand as Jorge hummed and wrote down a list of what weapons beat others

"No, but they did have similar traditions of ceremonial combat" The Ai explained as Nesta tapped jorge on his shoulder and pointed at your detailed notes, the attention they were getting drawing you out of your day dreaming and making your cheeks blush red and hot as your friends admired your drawings.

"How'd you get so good at drawing, where'd you'd find the time for a hobby like that" Jorge chuckled good naturedly as you turned away

"Probably in those special classes he's been taking" Nesta hummed, smirking as you closed your note pad, having nothing else to draw and wanting to change the subject quickly "Ya know, Daisy said the cyborg is taking the same classes"

"Why would Dr Halsey teach Sven how to draw?" Jorge asked as James and most of the rest of the class listened to Deja's explanation of various forms of ceremonial combat across human history and cultures with complete and rapt attention

"She isn't, I'm just good at copying what I see" You grumble as Nesta snickers and Jorge frowns

"They didn't show us those two gladiators fighting, so how'd you copy them, hm?" He pointed out, and you kept your mouth shut, since he had a point but you didn't know why else you'd have gotten better at drawing. Since, even you noticed your sketches of the gladiators were better than the ones you'd made of the Saxon Huscarl and Viking, even if you didn't have the drawings to compare them to anymore.

Wonder what Deja did with those drawings, you thought while trying to sneakily open back up your notes and add a few posed figures practicing the punches and blocks you'd learned yesterday, and drew lines measuring the distance they reached in miniature.

It wasn't long until the training you'd been looking forward to had arrived, and like you expected, there was a change from the usual demonstrations and hands on instruction at the hands of the trainers.

>You and the other trainees who showed natural talent fighting, were told to help instruct the rest of the class (Path Difficulty: Easy. First DC: 8)

>And everyone was given a partner to spar with. And it wasn't a surprise at all that you and Jorge were paired up (Path difficulty: Normal. First DC 11)

>You were pitted against two opponents, instead of one. Daisy and Nesta (Path Difficulty. Hard. First DC 15)

>It turned out, todays game wasn't "Learn how to box" but was instead "Gang up on Trainee-033!" (Path difficulty: Legendary. First DC 18)
>It turned out, todays game wasn't "Learn how to box" but was instead "Gang up on Trainee-033!" (Path difficulty: Legendary. First DC 18)
>And everyone was given a partner to spar with. And it wasn't a surprise at all that you and Jorge were paired up (Path difficulty: Normal. First DC 11)
Cam on big guy, let's do this.
>It turned out, todays game wasn't "Learn how to box" but was instead "Gang up on Trainee-033!" (Path difficulty: Legendary. First DC 18)
Fuck it we ball. Even if we lose we learn that our cheer size and will is not the same as an overwhelming force targeted at us.
>It turned out, todays game wasn't "Learn how to box" but was instead "Gang up on Trainee-033!" (Path difficulty: Legendary. First DC 18)

We Brawl!
>It turned out, todays game wasn't "Learn how to box" but was instead "Gang up on Trainee-033!" (Path difficulty: Legendary. First DC 18)
Let's see how many other children it takes to bring Sven down.
>>You were pitted against two opponents, instead of one. Daisy and Nesta (Path Difficulty. Hard. First DC 15)
I mean we fail every fight roll we have kek but surely they wouldn't be so foolish as to haze Sven THAT hard. I'm sure the kids wouldn't actually try nearly as hard if they had a ten-to-one advantage. Makes a good teachable moment but a bad learning experience for everyone involved. Though I am tempted to punch Jorge in the face, and get punched in the face in return.

I wonder what kind of desserts they serve here. And if the notes Halsey writes to the mess staff have some hidden message about putting the big brain chemicals into the lemon tarts. Clearly that is the only explanation as to why Sven is getting so much more betterer at drawing. Certainly not because he's just getting more practice doing it and his brain is developing. Nah. Must be Halsey.
>It turned out, todays game wasn't "Learn how to box" but was instead "Gang up on Trainee-033!" (Path difficulty: Legendary. First DC 18)
If one is born a man, they will inevitably ask themselves, "How many six year olds could I take in a fight?". Today, we will find that answer.
Good Lord, you guys have no chill. Can't wait to see what sort of explanation QM will come up for this situation.
>surely they wouldn't be so foolish as to haze Sven THAT hard.
My guy they were just pelting us with rocks while we were running the shittiest (complimentary) obstacle course known to man. I 100% believe Mendez would have everybody try and jump Sven just to teach him or them a lesson.
>And everyone was given a partner to spar with. And it wasn't a surprise at all that you and Jorge were paired up (Path difficulty: Normal. First DC 11)
Playing on Hell Or Hell difficulty. Sometimes it's not about winning, but failing in a truly horrendously spectacular manner. If we triple nat 1 and Sven dies, how atomic do you think Halsey's anger would be?

>sven five seconds into the lesson
She'd probably send our body to the brain scanning machine to make a new AI out of us. Waste not, want not.
>>It turned out, todays game wasn't "Learn how to box" but was instead "Gang up on Trainee-033!" (Path difficulty: Legendary. First DC 18)
One day, you will look back and realise that the times of struggle were when you felt the most alive.
The biggest question I have now is how many recruits would actually put their heart into this. I can see Jorge, John, and Jerome because those three have a competitive streak and would probably want to challenge themselves against the biggest kid around, but I can't imagine Jai or Shika playing along.
Jai will try and use this as some way to escape
Oh yeah, Mendez would totally do it just to teach a lesson, possibly to remind everyone that no one is invincible and reinforce the importance of teamwork. I don't think it'll be as easy for the others as it sounds, especially if Sven is able to fight in a corner and makes it more difficult for them to take advantage of their numbers. They'll need to actually work together rather than rely on zerg rushing.
He's a softie, god bless him. He's gonna need his nose bloodied before he gets with the program.
He's feeling himself. I don't think he'll hold back at all, but he might seem a little passive as he's looking for an angle to take us down in spectacular fashion.
Probably the most dangerous right out the gate. I get the sense he recognizes our size might make the rest of the group timid at first, so I imagine he'll be looking for a way to break that equilibrium and get everybody else in gear.
Little fucker's probably figuring out how to sneak away all the protective gear they just gave him, bless his heart.
She'll probably sit around until one of the instructors gives her some gentle persuasion. After that, I imagine she'll be there with her patented RNC at the absolute worst time.
Anyways, as for what SVEN might actually do...well, he's 6, so I imagine he might just resign himself to eating hits and giving as good as he gets. If he actually wants to win however, he needs to use his size to the utmost.
I'm talking screaming like a maniac, keeping it moving a mile a minute, using the other kids as weapons, and slamming motherfuckers into the undefeated champion of hand-to-hand combat; the ground.
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>using the other kids as weapons
Bad Sven, put the kids down.
>It turned out, todays game wasn't "Learn how to box" but was instead "Gang up on Trainee-033!" (Path difficulty: Legendary. First DC 18)
>>You were pitted against two opponents, instead of one. Daisy and Nesta (Path Difficulty. Hard. First DC 15)
>It turned out, todays game wasn't "Learn how to box" but was instead "Gang up on Trainee-033!" (Path difficulty: Legendary. First DC 18)
I can also see Mendez doing this to overcome our protective nature. Because we can't afford to hold back like this
>You were pitted against two opponents, instead of one. Daisy and Nesta (Path Difficulty. Hard. First DC 15)
Beating up two girls sounds like a fun time
>You were pitted against two opponents, instead of one. Daisy and Nesta (Path Difficulty. Hard. First DC 15)
I don't like our faux odds at constantly winning high DCs.
Merry Christmas everyone!

>That typo hurts, but I have the excuse of being dead tired last night
Well hey, at least it's a funny typo!

>And everyone was given a partner to spar with. And it wasn't a surprise at all that you and Jorge were paired up (Path difficulty: Normal. First DC 11)
"Let them fight."
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>>It turned out, todays game wasn't "Learn how to box" but was instead "Gang up on Trainee-033!" (Path difficulty: Legendary. First DC 18)
Sven’s gonna pull off the craziest shit or get his ass handed to him, either way he should definitely learn something new
>>You were pitted against two opponents, instead of one. Daisy and Nesta (Path Difficulty. Hard. First DC 15)
>If he actually wants to win however, he needs to use his size to the utmost.
The real trick to beating multiple opponents if you can't run is to hit one really hard and keep distance from the rest. So lots of backtracking and weaving to keep them all in a line. If you're surrounded you kinda just gotta eat shit and run through wherever you can to open distance. With Sven being so big he can actually just bumrush through a spot. Good news is Sven is used to fighting a bunch of kids at once thanks to back home. Unfortunately these kids are real OGs and not chumps so they won't go down like a house of cards if he manages to knock one down or out.

Of course that's all well and great in theory, the truth is someone will probably grab your legs or hips if you knock them down trying to get through them, and you're gonna get hit in the back a bunch and it'll probably knock you down. The only real imperative is that you keep moving away so you don't get surrounded. Mobility, accuracy, power, in that order.
Yeah, for real. You kinda have to be a human wrecking ball, and everything that entails, in circumstances like these.
I just had a weird brainwave, what're the odds Sven knocks one kid out particularly hard and then dives to cover them when they crumple to try and stop them from getting trampled by the overeager others?
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Sven's immediate future
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Guys really voting to get this objective in boot camp.
>meanwhile, what happens to the instructor sven gets to spar with later when he remembers this day
Suffering builds character, and a big boy like Sven needs a double-dose of that like everything else in his life.
True. Definitely something Mendez would do. It's just funny.
>"Halsey, I structured today's exercise based on your notes regarding Candidate-033. What's your malfunction?"
>"My "malfunction" Mendez, is that I said he might respond well to more disadvantageous scenarios. NOT, that he should be thrown to the proverbial wolves!"
>"Wolves? Doctor, I don't have that scheduled until phase 3."
And then Halsey tries to blow up Mendez with her mind for the next several hours.
>suddenly mendez' pancakes explode
If/when we whiff the roll on the high DC I'm calling it that things go downhill for Sven right after Nesta kicks him in the balls.
I was gonna say Shika unexpectedly fishhooks Sven while on his back and he panics in his surprise.
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Merry Christmas, Spartans.
>his sweet william cigars go missing
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>the guard/instructor who's nose Sven rearranged on his first night at camp
Merry Christmas to you, friendo. May your helmet not be shiny and your boots clean.

>tfw that's $400 gone in an instant

If she wasn't such a bitch I would feel bad for her. Like damn. So close to sympathy.
Rolled 1 (1d1)

Rolled 1 (1d01)

Jesus fucking CHRIST do not scare me like that on *Christmas of all times*
Rolled 14 (1d100)

Relax. It's not like he did -this-
Rolled 1 (1d001)

Don't worry bros, I got this.

>captcha: dyad
Missing wolfpack, pls come back thunderhead
Rebooting....Monitor 404TormentedCache back online

Merry Christmas. I've already gotten into the egg nog and swiped the cookies left out for Santa. Hope one of the presents I get is ghost of onyx. Also realized going forward I could replace Hard difficulty with Heroic, to better fit the halo aesthetic

9 Votes for the Legendary path/ 1 vs many

5 votes for the hard path/ 1 v 2

3 votes for the normal path/ fighting Jorge

Decision made
Please roll 1d20. Best of three. DC 18

Had to wipe down my keyboard cause this made me choke on eggnog laughing
Rolled 4 (1d20)

here goes nothing
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Off to a good start. Come on, someone pull the trigger on poor Sven already.
Ya know, YOU could be the man who pulls the trigger. Throw some dice brother, they ain't gonna hurt you.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

No way, I already got a 20 for Sven before, I have no luck left

And five below target number

Unfortunate. Dodged that critfail at least.
Nesta's going to kick our balls aiiiiieeeeeee.
>I could replace Hard difficulty with Heroic, to better fit the halo aesthetic
Now you're thinking with
>checks notes
Skulls? Where'd all this confetti come from?

Damn, now Sven'll never have kids!
As it turned out rather than Today's game being "learn how to box", it was "Gang up on Trainee-033". Well, you weren't the only one in that unfortunate spot filling in for goliath for the other recruits' david. Since you weren't the only trainee who'd stood out from the rest by how quickly you'd picked up the hand to hand fighting lessons that were drilled into you. Yes, there were other unlucky kids in the same bad spot as you were in right in. But that didn't mean you couldn't be upset about sharing the job of being a punching bag for a whole squad of your classmates with the couple of them who learned to box and fight barehanded just as quickly as you had.

But you had the very, very bad luck of being set against Kurt and his team. Cal was taller than most of the other girls, and Illya had the energy and movement of angry cat. And Solomon, while not nearly as tall or strong as you or even Jorge, had a bit more heft than the other boys which softened the punches that you did land on him. And Kurt...Well, you knew Kurt was good. His team was usually just in front or beneath Team Six in the training exercises, but you didn't really know just how good he was. And you think that is why it was his team you were put up against. Kurt is like you, John or Jerome. He's a leader, and knows how to use the rest of his team's strengths to win. And he also knows how to throw a punch you can actually feel.

And as the first round carried on, you began to feel more pity for that holographic moose the wolves hunted in Deja's lesson. On their own, even all together if they weren't working together to beat you, you could thrash and pummel any of the four. Illya was agile and slippery like a cat, but you could catch a cat by their tail and she couldn't get up if you landed a solid punch anywhere on her. Cal, though she was usually quite and withdrawn, knew she could hit you from farther away, while you tried to hit Illya as she bunny hopped and sidestep around you. And when you turned your attention to Cal, Solomon would block and be able to shrug off your blow since he just had a sturdier build and the pudge he came into the program with had cut into hard muscles. And Kurt. Kurt was the worse, even if he didn't have any of the advantages of his teammates.

Cal would pull her punches and hesitate to hit you. Illya's didn't try to hard, since she knew what would happen if you caught her, Solomon was on defense. But Kurt, with the same, friendly smile, would hit you were it hurt while you were trying to fight and fend off the three others. His punches hurt. He hit you were you were vulnerable, striking while you were distracted. And you knew he'd devised the strategy of having Illya and Cal keep your attention and Solomon get in your way when you tried to fight back. so he could strike when your backed was turn or your guard was raised elsewhere.

But the worst thing was his smile. You almost couldn't be mad at the cheap trick he was using because of it. Almost

"Sorry" Cal hissed through her teeth as her knuckles brushed against your already bruised cheek as you retreated, hopping backwards and wincing as Illya hit a spot on your side that Kurt had bruised early, that really, really hurt, and had to keep moving and jump to the side as Solomon came charging at you.

You nearly lost sight of Kurt, and just barely had time to crouch and shield your stomach with your arms as he came to hit the bruise on your side again. They were like wasps!

Gritting your teeth, you pushed through the pain, knowing you could take more of a beating than any of them, probably anyone in the program could! You just had to get one good hit on any of them. But that was the hard part. Kurt had, in the seconds he had after Mendez said his team would be teaming up against you, come up with a strategy that you couldn't just roll over with brute strength and your large body.

Was that what Mendez was trying to teach you?

You wondered for a second, before, almost seeing a line drawn and the inches and centimeters marked in the air next to it, you anticipate Solomon's haymaker, one of the punches you'd all been taught, and catch it in your bandaged wrapped hand.

His eyes nearly pop out of his head as he realizes his arm has stopped moving and sees the crooked smile on your face

Current success on Combat. 0
Sven is lightly injured, due to rolling 5 under target DC and failing
Opponents to beat four, Kurt - 051, Cal-141, Illya-077, Solomon-069. All four uninjured

Please roll 1d20. Best out of three. DC 18. Brawler Rank 1, is currently nullifying the negative modifier Sven would normally be under
Rolled 2 (1d20)

come on dice give me a big number
Rolled 10 (1d20)



Rolled 9 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

nat 1
the dice gods are laughing at our suffering
8 under target number

Proceeding ....

You did choose the hardest difficulty.
No y'see Sven is the combat option, therefore he will fail every roll at combat. He will instead succeed every roll that isn't using his muscles. It's simple quantum trolling.
>You did choose the hardest difficulty.
I regret nothing
On the bright side, we're definitely training our Bulwark trait with this.
>"moooooom uncle M made ALL the other kids beat me up!"
>"Alright dear, I'll go hit him with a slipper."

Training our CTE you mean kek
But, as you pull back your first to slam his nose into his face, the air is knocked out of you as Kurt hits you right where it hurts. On the tender spot on your side. You grip of Solomon's fist loosens, and he slaps your hand away as you legs turn to jelly and it takes everything you have to not dry heavy and crumple over! Why does it hurt so bad! It feels like what you imagine being stabbed would feel like. Eyes watering, you pull you arms over your head, stopping most of the impact from an overhead swing Cal launches at your forehead, and shuffle back, seeing Illya and Kurt giving chase, one of them on each side of you as Cal and Solomon form a wall in front of you. You kick at Ilya as she moves in, lunging to hit you on the bruise spreading on your side and clench your jaw as Solomon and Cal both hammer into your arms with all they have. And their punches are actually starting to sting as they back you into a corner.

and just when you see an opening, measure the distance between your raised arm and Cal's exposed neck, and move to drop your guard and punch, Kurt comes flying from the side and elbows you in the jaw. Your anger flares, as you swear you can feel your brain rattling in your skull as one of your feet slips and you crash to the ground. You cover and protect your head with your arms, and curl your legs to your chest, as Kurt, not on top of you tries to break your block and continue rattling your skull. Illya and Solomon try to kick you while you're down, but even with Kurt pressing all of his weight down on top of you, you're able to rock and roll to avoid the tips of their boots.

Every punch that hits your arms, builds your frustration and anger, as does every glimpse of Kurt's cold, focused eyes through his assault on you. The referee, one of the higher ranked instructors, blows his whistle, and kurt hops off of you immediately as the first round of this unfair match ends. Solomon and Illya return to their side of the ring, looking guilty, but not as much as Cal is. Kurt offers you his hand as you lay on your back and try to catch your breath. You brush it away and groan, nearly growling as you push yourself off of the ground, feeling every bruises as you march to your lonely corner of the ring, holding your hands over the stabbing pain in your side.

Are you tasting blood or is that just your imagination. Nesta and Daisy, in the ring drawn in the sand closest to you, pause their own match to watch yours and see you get pushed around and pummeled. You wince and try to push and squash down your anger as it grows, telling yourself they aren't watching to see you get beat up, but are worried for you. But it doesn't go away, and neither does the frustration you feel at not being able to allowed to fight back due to how well Kurt planned to fight you. It almost feels like he's been planning how he'd beat you in a fight for a lot longer than today.

But who'd go that far? It sounded crazy the moment you'd considered it! Its not like they were expecting any of you to fight the rest. No. He just has to be good at making plans. His team is always one of the best. But so is yours. Glowering, you glance and move your eyes over him, and the other three, trying to figure out which of them will be the first to move in when the referee blows his whistle again. And you felt sick when some dark, angry corner of your mind pictured what all four would look like if the tables were turned, and they had to fight off all of Team Six instead of just you, all on their own.

Current successes in combat 0
Sven is now minorly injured. Bulwark Rank 1 prevents him from being wounded
Please roll 1d20. Best of three. DC 18. Brawler rank 1 is nullifying negative modifiers
Rolled 4 (1d20)

I got this. Just watch me.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Okay, I've got it this time for sure.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Goodd thing Sven's such a tanky little shit.
We, in fact, do not got this. RIP poor Sven, he's going to go berserk.
Rolled 17 (1d20)

I'm getting flashbacks of early wolfpack with these d20 rolls
8 under target DC, luckily, you still haven't rolled 10 or more beneath it yet.

This is all part of our master plan, you see. They're getting tired, now.
This is going to end with them just giving up because Sven just won't go down.
Ah, yes. The Homer Simpson boxing strategy.
Its Kurt! You turn, pivoting on your heal and twisting your shoulders to face him, only to reel back and clench your jaw to stop from clenching and biting your tongue as you see you'd made a mistake. It wasn't Kurt. It was Illya. Kurt ducks to the side as you throw out of your arm, aiming to punch him right in the bottom of his jaw. And the moment he leans out of the way, you see the almost silver blonde russian flying through where he was standing just a moment ago. And with a running start, her fist has enough force behind it to blood your nose. You reach down, grab for her leg as she knees you in the stomach, probably hurting herself more than she did you, but something hard rings your ears. Another Elbow to the side of your head. The world wobbles, you stumble, bring up your arms, hearing blood rushing in your ears as rage fills your skull with a noise almost like static as you rise back up and adjust your footing, as Solomon forces you to retreat, pounding your arms and shoulders with solid, meaty blows, with Cal weaving behind him, blocking your only two routes of escape.

Now you're sure your tasting blood. Good thing you clenched your jaw, or else the blood washing over your lips might've come from inside of your mouth instead of just your nose. One of your eyes twitches, and the heat covering your face starts to flow down as blood drips from your chin, rage building as you can't find an opening and can only stand and block the punches of the four other kids, only able to keep them away from your bruised side with kicks and shoulder shoves as they, just like the first round, try to corral and push you into a corner, fighting just like the wolves did to bring down the moose. Pain stabs in your stomach, needles down your arm and throbs dully in pretty much every part of your face. Your ears are ringing still, and the sounds you hear are muffled, but even though the world is unsteady, you can still see where your opponents are.

You just can't hit them. They aren't giving you a chance to. And it is really, really pissing you off now. Someone was shouting. Was it cheering or booing? You decided it didn't matter. Neither were sounds you wanted to here right now.

Solomon bulls forward, arms lifted to block, almost exactly like yours are. You clench both your fists tighter, trying to stop from swinging and lashing out in anger, instead of paying attention to where the real threat you're facing is. Kurt is the most dangerous. If you lose sight of him, he'll get you on the ground again. And he knew, if he gave even half a chance to, you'd lay him out on the ground just as quickly. And the angrier you got, the less bad you felt about wanting to REALLY hit him.

Success in combat, 0
Sven is now injured. Bulwark rank 1 prevents him from being wounded
Please roll 1d20. Best of three. DC 18. Brawler rank 1 is nullifying negative modifiers
Rolled 11 (1d20)

come sven knock em out
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Surely this time.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Okay, this one hurts.
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This is all your fault. Throw some dice he said, it ain't gonna hurt he said.
Error Code: RED! A critical failure is predicted! All members of Faculty, take cover!

Crit fail and 17 below target.


Luckily I am drinking away the pain of it. I saw the 19 first and perked up until I looked above it.
Well, good to know Sven just broke his fucking leg or something. I blame people for rolling without fully reading the post. That's what happened. Surely. This is punishment.
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Oh man.
So is Sven going to chimp out and bite someone's face off or is he about to get brained with a rock or something? AAAIIIIIEEEE
>pick hardest fighting option knowing we SUCK at fighting
>get dogpiled and probably lose something important

>without fully reading the post
What a fool you are...
It's a bo3 d20 system with critfails. It has the potential to be very cruel.
Yeah, feel like Sven's going to go berserk and ruin his relationship with some of the other recruits.
>>pick hardest fighting option knowing we SUCK at fighting
Sven doesn't suck at fighting, we just bite off more than we can chew. What can I say, you don't know your limits until you run into them headfirst.
>What a fool you are...
Don't you skeleton divine death blast me you quintuple jackal.

Nah, CLEARLY just karma. And I will blame the lack of good luck charms present in everyone else's rooms.

>tfw it isn't mendez getting dressed down by halsey, but sven for putting the rok back in ragnarok
Shit. Not a disappointed mom moment so early.
You think you have a chance to do just that, to knock that smile off of his face, and toss him to the ground and pay back the punches he's landed on you with interest. But when you take it, the world blanks out, vision flashing white as even your hang is quieted by the flash of an intense, sickening pain. When its gone, your on your back, clutching your side. Cal hit your side, really hard and in the center where it hurt the most. Groaning through a mouth full of drool, you sit back up, and see Solomon take a step back, looking afraid to approach as you hold yourself steady, hands on your knees, trying to blink away the hurt as you clumsily rise back to your feet, hunched over as the world wheels and tips. Your legs are trembling, as you can barely keep your eyes open or stay standing through the pain.

"Please just stay down" Cal pleads as Solomon, slowly, uncertainly, raises up his fists, as you force one of your legs up and forward, stomach twisting itself into painful knots and bile rising up in your throat as the referee sprints from the side of the ring

"Come on, we don't want to keep hurting you" Solomon says through his teeth, sounding frustrated as you take another unsteady step towards him, head throbbing and ears ringing as you face down the two...three of him that are standing there. You hear your own ragged breathing more than you do either of them. The fury keeping your standing comes in pulsing waves, and every teetering step you take nearly sends you crashing down to the sand dirt, you're barely able to stay balanced.

There's a shrill metallic whistle , and Kurt is watching you, smile gone as the next breath you take hurts. You raise up your arms, tighten your hands into fists and stagger, stumble and try to keep all four of them in view, not knowing which of them is going to make the next move and put you down again. Hurt you again. Now, every breath you take feels like a stab in your chest. Pain that is only not leaving you curled up on the ground, weeping and dry heaving, because the rage coursing through you is dulling the still agonizing sensation into something that you can grit your teeth and bare.

The corners of your vision go from white to red, flashing like a police car's lights as you can't tell if you're getting closer to Kurt's team or if the world is just tipping forward as you sway.

>"I give up" And lie down, telling yourself you'll just have to learn and get better, and taking to heart the Lesson Mendez meant this to teach you

>"If...If it wasn't four against one, I'd have won" and try to walk out of the ring while you still can

>"Hah. You really are a smart guy, Kurt. You win, I'm...going to nap now"

Do you hear them? The pounding war drums in your heart? Can you hear it, cub? Your ancestors' blood, screaming all its thunder and fury ? (Get a second wind by giving into your anger completely, get a second wind and ignore all culminative penalties, reducing difficulty sharply)
>"Hah. You really are a smart guy, Kurt. You win, I'm...going to nap now"
Cam on, big brother Sven.
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>Do you hear them? The pounding war drums in your heart? Can you hear it, cub? Your ancestors' blood, screaming all its thunder and fury?
I would be remiss if I didn't at least try to get some good hits in. Also this will be a good learning experience for the rest of the class, especially if we're gonna be dealing with Brutes in the coming years.
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>Do you hear them? The pounding war drums in your heart? Can you hear it, cub? Your ancestors' blood, screaming all its thunder and fury?
>>"I give up" And lie down, telling yourself you'll just have to learn and get better, and taking to heart the Lesson Mendez meant this to teach you
Fuck off other kids. Don't patronize Sven. He's a big boy. And Mendez? Fuck. You.

Damn Sven is tough though. Eating TWO liver hits? And still standing? Astounding.
>"Hah. You really are a smart guy, Kurt. You win, I'm...going to nap now"

nap time now fight time later.
I wonder, would Mendez get madder if Sven did or didn't chimp out? He's gotta be aiming for it. But I can't imagine it'd make him happy if Sven did actually beat a motherfucker with another motherfucker. We'd still fail the roll anyway.
>DC is now 10
>Rolls doesn't even reach 9
I can see it happening with our luck when it comes to fighting.
Sven's special quality and both of his advancement paths boost his tankiness. Rank 1 of brawler makes it harder to knock him out, and Bulwark rank 1 increases his resilience/ toughness across the board, makes it take more damage to make him receive penalties for it and lets him shrug off injuries that'd penalize others
Honestly I just don't want to hurt the other kids. Break the bones and pulp the muscles of the instructors, sure, but the other kids? It hurts my heart.

I get that mechanically, I'm just in AWE of this UNIT. I got tapped in the liver once and literally pissed myself. It's just hard to wrap my head around lmao
Yeah, I agree. I would be all for it if Sven lost his shit at the instructors because they signed up for it, but these kids don't deserve it.
>Do you hear them? The pounding war drums in your heart? Can you hear it, cub? Your ancestors' blood, screaming all its thunder and fury ?
After such a beating we get it is bound to trigger something. Just wished we actually got some decent hits in before resorting to this.
Sven has also, at age six, shrugged off intense electrical shocks and resist tranquilizers meant to put him to sleep near instantly.

He is just built different.
>"I give up" And lie down, telling yourself you'll just have to learn and get better, and taking to heart the Lesson Mendez meant this to teach you
I'd rather not fail any more rolls, lest we become a Worf.
We're as Worf as Worf can be. The only way we can be more Worf is if we become a deadbeat dad.
>Do you hear them? The pounding war drums in your heart? Can you hear it, cub? Your ancestors' blood, screaming all its thunder and fury ?
Why isn't Mendez stopping this... I have to imagine this is what he wants, trying to see if he can draw out that same energy Sven had on his first escape attempt.
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>mendez when he realizes he now has to subdue the tard-raging toddler
I'll change my vote >>6164614 to
>"Hah. You really are a smart guy, Kurt. You win, I'm...going to nap now"
With how our luck's been going, we'll roll three 20s and cripple or kill one of them.
Do you hear them? The pounding war drums in your heart? Can you hear it, cub? Your ancestors' blood, screaming all its thunder and fury ? (Get a second wind by giving into your anger completely, get a second wind and ignore all culminative penalties, reducing difficulty sharply)
>"Hah. You really are a smart guy, Kurt. You win, I'm...going to nap now"
Impressive, couldn't get a single success.
>Do you hear them? The pounding war drums in your heart? Can you hear it, cub? Your ancestors' blood, screaming all its thunder and fury ?

The world looks white, so let's take up our brush

and paint

the world

>"Hah. You really are a smart guy, Kurt. You win, I'm...going to nap now"
I would vote otherwise if we were fighting the trainers instead of our colleagues, even if our bad luck persisted. Sven's anger should be kept righteous.
>"Hah. You really are a smart guy, Kurt. You win, I'm...going to nap now"
Why are we trying to vote to go berserker on our fellow trainees?
>>"I give up" And lie down, telling yourself you'll just have to learn and get better, and taking to heart the Lesson Mendez meant this to teach you
Because anons have no impulse control
I'm sure if Sven lies down Mendez will have someone come over and kick him or something. Then we can obliterate their ankle or whatever.
>"I give up" And lie down, telling yourself you'll just have to learn and get better, and taking to heart the Lesson Mendez meant this to teach you
Thiugh really, I vote for anything that isn't chimping out on the other first graders and catching a body.
I would also like to add the "telling yourself you'll just have to learn and get better, and taking to heart the Lesson Mendez meant this to teach you." to Sven's thoughts. Both as a lesson and a challenge, to know what he's trying to teach but training to win in a rematch anyway.

It'll be an interesting exercise to learn how to beat multiple attackers. Practice with our team until we can win consistently.
>>Do you hear them? The pounding war drums in your heart? Can you hear it, cub? Your ancestors' blood, screaming all its thunder and fury ?
>"Hah. You really are a smart guy, Kurt. You win, I'm...going to nap now"
The rolls gave us a funny Christmas gift.
>"Hah. You really are a smart guy, Kurt. You win, I'm...going to nap now"
Let's not push the dice too hard.
Hey, on an unrelated note to the current painful rolls & possible Chimp event, what events would you guys want Sven to participate in?

I think the Spirit of Fire during the events of Halo Wars 1 would be a good place if we wanted to totally derail Cannon by potentially trying to hijack the fleet of forerunner ships instead of blowing up the shield world. With the simple logic of "Well if the covenant needed a human to activate it, why don't we just try and take the ships from them if they see human authority as higher than covenant authority?"

But what do the rest of you guys think?
>>"I give up" And lie down, telling yourself you'll just have to learn and get better, and taking to heart the Lesson Mendez meant this to teach you
As much as I want to vote for berserkir rage, the children don't deserve the beating that'd come next.
I really want Sven to take everything he can from this lesson. Endurance without payback is impotence, and Sven will try his best to avoid feeling impotent like this again.
Operation PROMETHEUS and TORPEDO. I want to save Spartan IIIs, they deserve better.
>Do you hear them? The pounding war drums in your heart? Can you hear it, cub? Your ancestors' blood, screaming all its thunder and fury ?
Do you think Sven will cry to mumsley when he inevitably really fucks up one of the other kids?

Thus far, "Heh, nothin personnel, kids" is winning by one vote. So that's nice. Though I'd prefer we didn't compliment someone who just kicked the shit out of us and then acted all sissy about it. Apologize after you beat someone up, don't whine while you're doing it. Trying to be nice when you're rearranging someone's face. Dang kids. But it's better than suplexing one of the kids into a coma.
>"I give up" And lie down, telling yourself you'll just have to learn and get better, and taking to heart the Lesson Mendez meant this to teach you
Hope the holiday is treating you all well, won't be able to write an update tonight, but I wanted to wish you all a very merry christmas again and thank you for participating in my first quest. Also didn't get ghosts of onyx, but I did get a lavalamp

Also, what sort of Yule Boasts do you think Sven would make?
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>but I did get a lavalamp

>Also, what sort of Yule Boasts do you think Sven would make?
He would boast that he is going to find the leftmost and rightmost edges of the universe and pinch them together to make the biggest bag in existence, out of existence itself!

Alternatively he is going to eat a volcano, with a fork. Oh, or he's going to climb every mountain on New Noregr.
>"I give up" And lie down, telling yourself you'll just have to learn and get better, and taking to heart the Lesson Mendez meant this to teach you
Even a big guy can't beat so many shit rolls, that's what I've learned
Belated merry Christmas to you too, 404. And I'd imagine it'd have to be something gratuitous and impossible. He is only 6, after all.
>climb every mountain on New Noregr
I like this one, because it also implies freedom/homecoming

Merry Christmas, QM. I can't believe this is your first quest. Excellent work!
I don't know why but this made me wonder if Sven could convince anyone else to make boasts with him, and if so, who? Could he gets some of the staff to do it? His ultimate hater make a boast that she'll kick his ass? Mendez that he'll make admiral before he retires? Deja that she'll live to the ripe old age of ten? The lunchlady that she'll fucking kill every single goddamn person on this shitty fucking base wait no that's not a boast, that's just typical lunchlady attitude? Halsey...?

What about the other kids, y'all reckon? I bet Nesta would boast that she'll blood eagle someone.
I reckon Jorge will boast he will grow taller than Sven
A humble boast for a humble lad.
Rebooting...Monitor 404TormentedCache back online

Sorry for missing a day+ some, drank a little too much eggnog this Christmas

8 votes for "You're really a smart guy, kurt"

7 votes for going berserk

7 votes for "I give up"

very close round of voting. But Sven will be a good sport about losing

Decision made

All very good Yule Boasts. Especially the Sven, Nesta, and jorge ones. The Deja one made me sad.

Thank you, and yeah its going a lot smoother than I imagined it to be. Just waiting for the Curse to hit at this point
>The Deja one made me sad.
It'll just make it easier to write how Sven will react when he learns that bit about AIs. I always found it a little strange how they managed to add PAIN to AIs in the form of an expiration date. You'd think the rest of the universe being a hellscape of horrific rights violations, body horror monsters, genocidal aliens, and just general bad vibes that they wouldn't need to make the reason AIs go bad so brutally sad. Halo writers were something else kek
Isn't Deja a dumb AI? She won't suffer rampancy.
Wait was she? Huh. Well I guess she needs a different boast.
There's another shrill, metallic whistle. It pierces through the throbbing drum beat of your heart and the blood rushing through your veins. You clench your fists and grimace, tightening your brow and scrunching your nose as the world bleeds read and the heart beat pounding in your chest begins to sound like the beating of hide drums. But you breath out, feeling the numbness and what you think Deja called adrenaline rushing out of your limbs and pouring out of your veins, leaving behind only aching weariness. The redness fades, replaced with black thrumming to grey. Opening your eyes, the light of Reach's sun briefly being a starburst of white before it turns to the yellowish white light you'd become used to in two or so months you've been conscripted. Suddenly, the rage that was screaming in the back of your skull, driving your forward and demanding payback is just gone, only leaving behind a warmth like smoke rising up to wash over your face. Why were you so mad anyways? You'd lost fairly. Kurt did what he needed to to beat a someone who was bigger than stronger than him, and his team was just following his orders. Just because you were bigger, tougher, didn't mean you would win. Kurt was smart and remembered how wolves hunted. Looking back on it, you almost want to laugh at the Sven from a few moments ago, if you didn't feel shameful for getting angry to begin with. You could've hurt any of them much worse than all four of them hurt you. And you didn't want to do that, even if in the moment you did.

"Hah" You sigh, smacking your forehead, feeling your legs teeter and wobble as you blink, and see Mendez and several trainers ring side, some of them with red faces and their whistles still stuck between their cheeks. How long had they been there.

Somehow, you manage to walk over to Kurt, who looks up to you, completely unafraid and still smiling, but it doesn't reach his eyes this time. He was worried about hurting you to, and only had to because otherwise it'd be him or his teammates got hurt.

"You're a really smart guy, Kurt" You honestly tell him, feeling how your face is puffed up from bruises and how some of the words come out slowly and slurred, and he lifts his head, smile once more reaching his eyes as the trainers all peel away to return to judging the other spars, though all of them had stopped. Nesta is grinding her teeth, glaring daggers at Kurt's back, and Mendez is looking at you with the same hard, emotionless expression he usually wears as you drag your stone heavy legs to the edge of the ring.

"I'm going to take a nap now" You declare, saying it to no one in particular, but Mendez claps a hand roughly on your shoulder.

"Only after the medics have looked you over, Trainee-033" He says with the same stern, no nonsense tone he always speaks with, as he looks ahead, observing the other sparring matches from a distance "Think about why exactly you were beat, while they fix you up"

She is, but its still sad.

"Yes, Chief Petty Officer" You mumble, and feel hands on your shoulders guiding you to the medic stationed at the training yard. They don't talk much, only to ask where you hurt and how badly, and mostly just looks over your bruises or rubs a stinging ointment over the cuts and scrapes on your face and knuckles.

"You're one durable little man, you know that" She drawls, sounding like a smoker "I've seen marines cry for their mommas after getting hit once in the liver, but it took two just to take you off of your feet. Don't think that is all Mendez. What are they feeding you, -033? Nails, glass and acid?"

You smile, and try not to laugh, cause laughing even a little hurts and stings like you fell face first into a hornet's nest and then swallowed a few.

>Do like Mendez told you and think about why you lost instead of just sulking about it

>Decide that if fighting isn't going to be fair, than there's no reason to ever fight fair.

>Pester the medic with questions, since they seem more...human than the other instructors.

>Introduce your friends to the concept of Yule Boasting

>Think about how angry you were after you loss, and wonder why it felt...different than the other times you've been mad

>Write in Option.
>Introduce your friends to the concept of Yule Boasting

Probably smarter to do as Mendez said but this seems more fun.
>>Introduce your friends to the concept of Yule Boasting
Sven's newest boast, he'll never lose again! I am tempted to resolve to never fighting fair because frankly it's true. There is no such thing as a fair fight. If a fight was fair it would come down to luck to choose a victor. But maybe the time to understand the ultimate lesson of battle is better saved for later. Though perhaps not. Also fuck off Mendez. Dick.
Welcome back, QM. Hope you had an enjoyable Christmas.
>Do like Mendez told you and think about why you lost instead of just sulking about it
+Think about what you would have done if you were leading your squad up against one stronger opponent like Kurt.
Jia's an easy one. He'll probably boast about breaking out of the camp and then coming back with help to beat up all the trainers.
>Think about how angry you were after you loss, and wonder why it felt...different than the other times you've been mad
>Do like Mendez told you and think about why you lost instead of just sulking about it
>>Think about how angry you were after you loss, and wonder why it felt...different than the other times you've been mad
>Decide that if fighting isn't going to be fair, than there's no reason to ever fight fair.
>Decide that if fighting isn't going to be fair, than there's no reason to ever fight fair.
Real talk though, how close to death was Sven there?
>Do like Mendez told you and think about why you lost instead of just sulking about it
>Decide that if fighting isn't going to be fair, than there's no reason to ever fight fair.
Huh, I thought for sure Sven got one of his ribs broken.
Oh he most definitely cracked one of his false ribs if he got hit with two good liver shots.
>Do like Mendez told you and think about why you lost instead of just sulking about it
>Do like Mendez told you and think about why you lost instead of just sulking about it
Not necessarily. The liver becomes slightly more exposed when your body is contorted. That's why most liver shots tend to land when someone is throwing a punch or winding up a kick. Usually it's just the very tip of the liver that gets hit, too. With just how great Kurt seemed to get everyone working together and syncing their timing I wouldn't be surprised if they were just straight up clean shots rather than hitting hard enough to hurt through the ribs. But yeah I wouldn't be surprised if we have bruised or cracked ribs.
2 votes for yule boasting

5 Votes for thinking about your loss
1 Vote for thinking about what you'd have done if you were in kurt's shoes

2 Votes for reflecting on your anger

3 Votes deciding fighting fair is for suckers

So Sven will reflect and think about why he lost and the lesson of the exercise

Decision made
The on site medic continue to compliment your toughness, or more accurately your durability as she checked your injuries and performed first aid, still asking you if where she put her gloved hands hurt even if you thought it should've been clear how you were wincing. But even though you tired and beaten, The Senior Chief Petty Officer's orders reminded you that this loss was a learning experience in the end and a chance for improvement. An opportunity to get better, so you wouldn't lose and get beaten up the next time.

Like all of Mendez' exercises, there should be a lesson to uncover in this unfair sparring match, you hoped at least. Otherwise you think you'd have a very good reason to be angry and "rebellious" as some of the more personable instructors had described you. And while it was better than "rabid" or "Brat", you still didn't think it was the right word. But the Chief had given you a clue, when you told you to sit down with the medic like you were sent to a nurse's office in an ordinary school. He told, or, really ordered you to think about why you'd been beaten while you were being looked over and having your cuts cleaned out and bruises poked at.

And you could, with a clear head now that the torrent of rage had burned a clear path through your head, there were several reasons that leapt to mind.

The first fish to jump from the stream. You were outnumbered, and outmaneuvered. Which if Deja's history lessons and the battles she showed in class taught you anything, was an awful position to be in. And you'd be doomed to lose the moment you stepped into the ring, outside of a small miracle or pure dumb luck. But that didn't seem like something Mendez would think you'd need to know, then again, he had to know just how many times you'd tried to fight off the guards if you were in a bad mood, and if that wasn't fighting outnumbered and outmaneuvered, you didn't know what was? But he didn't seem vindicative, either and you'd have had that particular wisdom hammered into your skull by Deja's daily classes.

The second trout leapt from the river. What if, it was to cut you down a peg or two. You were already one of the best boxers in the program and knew a little of how to fight even before the hand to hand training was started. Pride before the fall, you'd heard from somewhere and someone you can't remember. Maybe it was all to show you that even a better fighter, a more trained solider, can't expect to win against superior numbers?

And that send the third fish flopping from the waters of your thoughts. What if it wasn't your talent that he was trying to teach you not to rely on, but something you'd carried with you from cradle and probably would to grave. Strength and Height. Reach and Power. Two things that made you better than even the other kids who knew how to throw a good punch or two already. Things that gave you an advantage over the other candidates.

An advantage you'd always have with you. Something that could easily become a crutch. But what if it wasn't that either, and it wasn't ego or reliance he was trying to curb.

Halsey and Mendez had told you, you were kidnapped and brought here to be made into an elite soldier. The best soldier. To protect humanity from itself. Soldiers didn't fight for honor, even if Mendez spoke highly of honorable conduct when he was in a talkative mood. They fought to win. They fought to achieve. They followed orders and didn't waste time thinking about stuff like fairness or honor or glory. They chased victory for results, not its own sake. That was what separated a soldier from a warrior. Or at least Deja said it was. For a soldier, fighting was a task, a means to an end. For a warrior it was the end in of itself.

You tried to fight according to the rules they told you when they taught you how to spar and fight bare knuckled. You fought like it was a boxing match. Kurt, Solomon, Illya and Cal didn't. They treated it like an actual, real fight. And you couldn't hold it against them. If you were fighting someone who was as big to you as you were to them, you certainly wouldn't stick to the moves the trainers had shown you. Maybe Mendez wanted you to realize you needed to fight every fight like it was actual combat.

Or maybe, just maybe. It was to show you lone wolves die lonely deaths. A warning. If you ever managed to escape, you'd be leaving behind your friends, your squad. The family the SPARTAN II program gave you after taking you from yours. And you were a quick learner, and were often placed highly in tests, exercises and the contests. That you should aim to become another wolf in the pack, rather than a lonely moose.

Suddenly, as silent as a ghost, Mendez was in front of you. You hadn't even noticed the medic had stopped checking you for bruises or pressing gently on your ribs to see if any were bruise or cracked.

"Traine-033. At attention" He barked, and you stood back up, trying not to wince as he loomed over you "Do you know why you lost today, recruit?"

There was a crowd of your fellow trainees, all standing around. You felt better, when you saw Jorge, James, and Nesta's faces in the crowd, and realized then, you knew most of the other kids here's names already. But before that realization could settle, you thought back the lessons you thought he might've been trying to teach you by making you into a punching bag for the other recruits...

>"I was outnumbered, and worse, out planned, Senior Chief Petty Officer!"

>"I was too confident that I could win even though the odds were against me"

>"I rely too much on my strength and size, sir, and lost because Kurt made them useless"

>"I didn't have the right mindset. I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier"

>"The lone wolf dies, The pack survives?"

>"Cause you're a bully, Mr Mendez"

>Write in option
>"I rely too much on my strength and size, sir, and lost because Kurt made them useless"
I feel like this just reiterates the first option.
>"I didn't have the right mindset. I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier"
Leads into the conclusion that fighting fair is for chumps that I was tempted to vote for earlier, except out of a place of rationality and reason rather than spite
>"I didn't have the right mindset. I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier"

If Mendez does a gotcha moment here I'm going to vote to break his kneecaps. Isn't it already shameful enough to get the shit kicked out of you in front of everyone? Now he wants Sven to have an answer that will make him look stupid if it isn't exactly what he wants? Hate that shit. Embarrassment is not a good tool, it just makes people resentful.
>>"I didn't have the right mindset. I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier"
>"If we want to survive we can't hold back."
>"I rely too much on my strength and size, sir, and lost because Kurt made them useless"
>"The lone wolf dies. The pack survives?"

As much as Chief was a one man powerhouse, the strength of the Spartans has always been in their teamwork.
>"I didn't have the right mindset. I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier"
I really wanna tack on the "You're a bully" line after. Two things can be true at the same time! I'm also still peeved about those rolls.
>"I didn't have the right mindset. I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier
>And you're a Bully.
>>"I didn't have the right mindset. I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier"
I hope there isn't a gotcha moment.
>"I didn't have the right mindset. I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier"
>As much as Chief was a one man powerhouse, the strength of the Spartans has always been in their teamwork.
In actuality, what made Chief legendary were his exploits as the leader of Blue Team. That lone wolf one-man-army shit was really only at the tail end of his career.
>>"I rely too much on my strength and size, sir, and lost because Kurt made them useless"
>"The lone wolf dies, The pack survives?"
>"I didn't have the right mindset. I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier"
>"I didn't have the right mindset. I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier"
>"I didn't have the right mindset. I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier"
>I have to be able to engage and disengage at my choosing. I should've either crushed one with all my power or ran from battle
>Write in
>"Anon rolled badly sir!"
>"Anon rolled POORLY, trainee! Report to Deja for further education; you don't need to eat if you can't even speak!"
Thanks, man.
>Nat 1
>Sven will now speak like a caveman
>Me am think this is imp- imr- gooder.
A certified Grug classic.

>"I didn't have the right mindset. I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier"

Wew, finally caught up on this quest. Great work, 404 - you’ve attracted a real readership here, and thats at least half the fun
>>"I didn't have the right mindset. I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier"
>"The lone wolf dies, The pack survives?"
>"I didn't have the right mindset. I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier"

>And you're a Bully.
Rebooting....Monitor 404TormentedCache back online

Sorry for doing this later in the day than usual. Just feeling kind of out of it. Probably will only be able to do one update today, but I could be wrong.

3 Votes for I rely too much on my strength/size

13 Votes for not having the right mindset

1 Vote for if we want to survive we can't hold back

3 votes for the lone wolf dies

3 Votes for Mendez being a mean ol bully

1 vote for I have to be able to engage & disengage

So your answer is "I didn't have the right mindset. I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier". Lets see what Mendez thinks

Decision made

Thank you, happy you like it. And yeah I'm still surprised by how many people are participating, myself.

>I'm still surprised by how many people are participating, myself.
Well the reason I am here is because I saw you in the General posting about your Halo quest over a couple months and just assumed it was another of those running gags some people like to do in there so when you actually put the thing up I was grabbed by my throat and shoved into a seat by curiosity.
You force the pout off of your face and straighten your back, lifting your shoulders and pushing out your chest, confident that the answer you found is the only one their could be. Why else would Mendez put you in an unwinnable situation if it wasn't to teach you this? It has to be that you just didn't have the right mindset even though they've been showing you and the other kids how to fight properly. And the Senior Chief Petty Officer must've noticed that, since he always seems to know everything that's going on in the program he's running. Like he could read minds or could be in multiple places at once.

"I didn't have the right mindset" You answer, forcing yourself to meet his gaze and hold it, staring into his dark, bottomless looking eyes as he stands at attention, more like a statue of an ideal soldier than a living man, even one as stern as he is.

He arcs and raises an eyebrow, his set in stone and disciplined expression shifts slightly, the corner of his mouth tugging into half a smirk as he looks down at you, but besides that you can't tell if that was right or what his thoughts are about your answer. He doesn't move, or break his silence, so you continue, hoping that this is just like when teachers knew you weren't done answering one of their questions

"I was thinking like a boxer, not a soldier" You explain, feel sweat bead on your brow, stinging as it catches and soaks into one of the Band-Aids laid over a still bleeding cut, stinging and nearly making you wince as you continue the unspoken staring contest with the head instructor, not know what would happen now that you've finished giving your answer and if he'll approve of it or not.

His reaction is subdued and quick. He lifts up his chin, and that half a smirk turns into a smile as briefly seen as smoke rising from kindling as his emotionless expression turns approving. But only for just a moment, and as soon as it was there, it passes and his face is as hard set and stalwart as it usually is.

"That is correct, Trainee-033. You aren't the only one who made that mistake in the class, but you may be the only one who realized why we were being "Unfair" today, to some of the candidates" He answers again, voice a little less stoic and harsh as he nods and looks over the gathered crowd "In war, in true battle, your opponents will not restrict or hold themselves to any guidelines or rules, like, as Trainee-033 put it, Professional fighters like boxers would. You cannot and should not expect your enemies to adhere to the rules of engagement or military law, or even common decency. While there are principles and ideals a soldier should strive to meet and embody, on the battlefield none of that matters. Securing the survival of both yourself and your and achieving your objectives are however paramount in any form of combat or conflict!"

He nods again as he finishes his short speech and looks back down at you, and you swear he smiles again, for a fraction of a second.


"If this recruit still wants to, I'll overlook a quick nap just this once, I'd let any of the men under my command rest after enduring what you just did, S..Trainee-033. Since you did formally make that request." He says, hushed, like he has something to lose if anyone over hears it, patting your shoulder "Consider yourself relieved for the rest of today's exercises"

And with that, he walks away, and the guards lead the other recruits back to their rings to resume their one on one sparring matches.

"Want me to get Kurt for you?" Nesta whispers quickly as she and daisy are pulled away and back to their ring, but she's gone before you can give her an answer, and find yourself staring at Mendez' back as he marches down the line of the circles drawn in chalk over the sand and grit. Was this a test to? You hadn't been thinking clearly when you said you were going to take a nap, and you didn't think the senior chief petty officer would ever be so soft. But you were really tired already, and wanted nothing more than to lay down in the shade and hope the aching and hurting would go away quicker after a bit of sleep.

Well either I get disciplined or I don't, you decide as you lay back, and use one arm as a pillow and the other to cover your eyes and shield them from the bright midday sun of Reach.

And, against all odds, when you wake back up, you aren't told to run until your stomach leaps out of your mouth. Though some of the other kids do glare at you jealousy for the rest of the day. And Nesta somehow convinced James to back her up in asking if you wanted them to get revenge against Kurt for you. Jorge doesn't, which you appreciate, since you don't hold a grudge or anything against the other boy. He was just doing what he was told, and in the end, you feel like you learned a valuable lesson today and if you didn't get smarter, well, at least you were able to get a free nap out of it. Or R&R as you heard some of the instructors call it when you woke up.

"Seriously, I could strong arm Shika into stuffing a brick of soap into his mouth or something if you don't want it to be...ya know, intense" Nesta continues as James snickers

"Or we could get a cup of ants and pour it into his trunk" He suggests as Jorge slathers a roll with butter while you tear yours to pieces and mix it with the refried beans that were on tonight's menu.

"He doesn't want revenge" Jorge mumbles through a mouthful of bread and butter "I'm sure of it. I'm right, aren't I Sven? You aren't a goblin like Nesta is"

"OI! How am I a goblin, huh?" Nesta complains, and tosses a bread roll at Jorge's head. He catches it easily, and return its with a flick of his wrist. Nesta bites into it

"See? She's a goblin" He smirked as turned to you. And had to dodge the next thing Nesta threw at him, since it was a good bit harder than a soft bread roll.

You smiled, almost forgetting the troubles of the day, just by being around your friends and watching Jorge and Nesta bicker playfully. James tried a few more times to suggest pranks to pull on Kurt, mostly, you think, cause he just thought it was fun to do so after Nesta got him started.

Of course, you didn't need any of them to get back at Kurt for you. You might not hold a grudge against him, or Cal, Or Illya, or Solomon, but you couldn't wait to meet them in the ring again. With the proper mindset this time. Though, you realized as you shoveled a spoonful of beans and bread chunks into your mouth, that is if Mendez makes us fight four on one again. Which he might not do again, since what he was trying to teach got through. Hm.

>Sneak out at night with Kurt and his team, and demand a rematch after a couple of days of recovery (Path Difficulty. Heroic. First DC. 16)

>Simply ask Mendez for a chance to prove you learned how to fight like a soldier, after training for a bit longer (Path Difficulty. Heroic. First DC 16)

>Decide it isn't manly or soldierly to dwell on or care about a bit of wounded pride and forget about your loss, to focus on learning new things and other training

>Figure it would be fun to Mess with Kurt a little, not out of revenge but just for fun, and see if you could get away with a good natured prank or two.

>Write in option

Progress has been made to the next progress point in Best in class & the Chief's favorite optional sub objectives

Hahaha, yeah I can see why you'd have thought that. But I was being 100% serious about researching and prepping over those months. Wanted to make sure I got the setting and tone perfect, ya know?
>Simply ask Mendez for a chance to prove you learned how to fight like a soldier, after training for a bit longer
Alright, double or nothing Kurt. We'll show you whos boss of this program.
>>Figure it would be fun to Mess with Kurt a little, not out of revenge but just for fun, and see if you could get away with a good natured prank or two.
All fun and no play makes Sven a dull boy. For real though, let's consider this a team bonding exercise.

>ask to fight Mendez 4 on 1 instead

This is the real battle - kids against head trainer. Sven still hasn’t been humbled - not really, so he might even think they could take a full-grown man with some prep and a good strategy
>>Write in option
>There are 'goblins' on Reach AND New Camelot? Strangely prolific beasts. Perhaps we should ask all of the other trainees if they have such creatures on their worlds. It is best to know your enemy, after all.
Let's hang out with the other kids. Talk to them about funny things from their worlds. Share with them our superior culture. See if there is a binding thread buried in our shared humanity. It never hurts to be worldly after all. And making friends.

Your dedication to your craft is both awe inspiring and commendable, sir.
>Simply ask Mendez for a chance to prove you learned how to fight like a soldier, after training for a bit longer (Path Difficulty. Heroic. First DC 16)
Man. two Heroics. actual pushing difficulty. Good curve QM.
Meant to say "old" camelot. Whoops kek
>Figure it would be fun to Mess with Kurt a little, not out of revenge but just for fun, and see if you could get away with a good natured prank or two.
>Simply ask Mendez for a chance to prove you learned how to fight like a soldier, after training for a bit longer (Path Difficulty. Heroic. First DC 16)
>Decide it isn't manly or soldierly to dwell on or care about a bit of wounded pride and forget about your loss, to focus on learning new things and other training
>Simply ask Mendez for a chance to prove you learned how to fight like a soldier, after training for a bit longer (Path Difficulty. Heroic. First DC 16)

This time we succeed for sure.
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Supporting >>6166402

>I'd let any of the men under my command rest after enduring what you just did, S..Trainee-033
Oh, OH! He's slipping!
>Oh, OH! He's slipping!
I figure even Mendez would cut a guy some slack if they got the Irish housewife experience.
Next thing we know he'll be slipping us inspirational notes in our boots and turning the other way when looking for volunteers.
>>Simply ask Mendez for a chance to prove you learned how to fight like a soldier, after training for a bit longer (Path Difficulty. Heroic. First DC 16)
Rematch time BITCH. I want Sven to prove to himself he can not just learn a lesson but act on it too. Otherwise it's all just empty words
I was more referring to the fact that Mendez *almost* called Sven by his name instead of designation.
>turning the other way when looking for volunteers
"Trainees, I need a volunteer."
>Sven lifts his hand
>"No one is willing?"
>Sven lifts his other hand
>"None at all?"
>Sven practically doing jumping jacks
>"Alright! Trainee-117, you're up!"
Ah, I see. Well, it's nice to get some in-character confirmation that he actually sees us a person despite his job.
It'd suck if Sven had an entirely distant relationship with the only positive male role model he's gonna have for the rest of his childhood.
>Figure it would be fun to Mess with Kurt a little, not out of revenge but just for fun, and see if you could get away with a good natured prank or two.
Let's have some fun.
>tfw shika is wondering how we managed to learn her trick
>>Write in option
>There are 'goblins' on Reach AND New Camelot? Strangely prolific beasts. Perhaps we should ask all of the other trainees if they have such creatures on their worlds. It is best to know your enemy, after all.

i like this
Let me change my answer to this >>6166402
I just want to have light hearted fun with the other kids.
I'll change my vote >>6166438
to support >>6166402
That’s pretty cute, I’ll support >>6166402
I'll back socializing with the other kids (prank Kurt too perhaps?) on the condition that we get back to this one versus many at a later time.

It feels appropriate for a bit of downtime after nonstop training and studying, all work and no play makes Sven a dull boy.
+1 lol
If Mendez ever puts Sven in a group training fight he should throw Nesta at one of his opponents.
The fastball special is a time honored tradition that must be upheld.
Really not feeling well today. So i don't think I'll be able to write an update today, unless I get a second wind and suddenly feel better. Just wanted to tell you all this. Sorry.

Of course it should be. would punting a grunt like a foot ball still be considered a fast ball special?
Hit the sauna and get better bro. For real though, take your time.
Seems like a lot of people are getting sick all of a sudden. Someone spiked the eggnog factories. Saul Goodman.

>would punting a grunt like a foot ball still be considered a fast ball special?
I don't know if the council of kick would enjoy that, but it's an object being launched at high speeds so maybe? We'll have to ask the jury.
Cold and flu season: now with added covid!
Curse you, Nurgle. We will see this slight avenged.
No worries man
Get some chicken soup and rest in you.
It's that time of year, get well soon. Nothing to be sorry about.

Rest up, 404, there’s no rush
No rush. Just go get some rest and enjoy the new year with friends and family.
I'll go redownload MCC and see if there's anyone in Halo 3 multiplayer.
Rebooting...Monitor 404TormentedCache back online

I still feel like absolute shit, but not as bad as I did last night. Not sweating like a hog or throwing up anymore, but still feel real light headed. Just well enough to get one short update out, at least.

5 Votes for asking for a rematch

3 Votes for pranking kurt

1 Vote to ask to fight Mendez

8 Vote for Goblins on reach/ new camelot? etc

0 vote for not dwelling on what happened and moving on

So Sven will question the other recruits about goblins and similar beasties

Decision made

Thanks for your concern, still not feeling well, but I'd feel bad if I didn't at least try to write a bit today.

Happy new year in advance.

I was hoping you guys would pick up on that

Oh there'll be more chances for it
>8 Vote for Goblins on reach/ new camelot? etc
Are you confused about the goblins or New Camelot? Because I am about the former but not the latter.
Oh now, it was just taking the first part of the vote, which included a question mark, I'm sure of both those things
>I was hoping you guys would pick up on that
I did, pretty on the nose to not pick up.

>Oh there'll be more chances for it
Good, hopefully better rolls then. (knock on wood)

Wait a minute... I was like "New Camelot is where Nesta is from but what the fuck is this about goblins, New Camelot and Reach?" and when I put it like that I realised we're taking the piss outta Nesta. If it was just New Camelot I would've gotten it but Reach was throwing me for a loop until I remembered we ARE on Reach.
But that train of thought is interrupted as another comes pushing and shoving its way to the front of your mind. Nesta and Jorge both know about goblins, and apparently Nesta acts or maybe looks like one. You've never heard about goblins before Jorge and a few of the other kids you were friends with started to Call Nesta a goblin sometimes. Like how Ralph called you Fangs or Nesta liked to call you fearless leader every now and again, and everyone else who didn't call you Sven or Trainee-033 seemed to default to Big guy when talking to you. But What was a goblin exactly? It had to be a strangely and extremely wide spread animal if they could be found on or at least know on an inner colony like Reach and an outer colony like Old Camelot. Though, from what Nesta boasted about, her home colony was apparently one of the oldest of the Outer colonies. And according to other kids and Nesta herself, a pretty awful place to be.

And nothing like Reach. What did that mean about goblins? Were they adaptable? Were they dangerous, was that why old Camelot was considered a bad place to live or visit? Were there goblins on other worlds? Where'd they come from. You thought about asking Nesta and Jorge. But Nesta might just lie to tease you and see what sort of nonsense or fairy tales you'd believe, and Jorge would probably just point at Nesta if you asked him. That left James

"James, do you know what a goblin is?" You asked earnestly, after putting down you glass of cold milk, still gulping down a mouthful of beans and bread

"Well I know what Nesta is" He answered with a shrug, but she didn't notice that barb, since she and Jorge were still insulting each other the way only friends due, with her calling him an ogre and a boar. You only knew what one of those are

"But" James add "I'm certain I've heard it before"

"Want to see if the other recruits know more about them?" You ask as somehow, Nesta and Jorge's argument turns into a game of arm wrestling, which Nesta is sure to lose, even if she does scratch and stab Jorge's hands with her nails

"Sounds fun" James says, smiling as he follows after you as you covertly move down the mess hall and the tables, stopping first by your friends before moving onto your acquaintances, and along the way, you pick up Ralph and Daisy, and Nesta and Jorge join in after they notice you and James have left, and soon after that, after you've asked a few kids about what goblins are and their habits, a few more kids you weren't so familiar with have joined your quest for knowledge.

Knowledge about goblins.

"Goburin?" Shika asked with a frown "I've never heard of them, what is a goburin?"

"They aren't real...Why are you looking at me like I'm dumb! They aren't! Just like Pix-OW!" Dimas says, before getting slapped over the head by Nesta and forced to join your search for goblin intel

"Oh, goblins? Yeah they're real, real mean on reach to" One of the trainers laughs "Like to bite and eat little kids like you"

"Is that why Jorge calls Red a goblin?" Ralph snickered, and had to pull his arm back to avoid Nesta's teeth when he decided to wiggle his fingers in front of her nose

"If they're dangerous, we should learn all we can" Naomi says as she joins the throng of goblin seekers

"Maybe Mendez is one..." Soren-066 mumbles as he gets swept into the game

"No, his ears are to small and he has normal teeth, he's also much to tall" Jorge says with an odd look on his face, his eyes squinted and lips puckered

"You been calling me short?" Nesta hisses, lightly smacking Jorge on his shoulder

"They're also green, I'm pretty sure" Fred adds with a nod, looking into Nesta's eyes

"They mean all over obviously, Ya Pillock"! She shouts as another trainer approaches

"Well, that's how it starts, with they eyes" They snicker, covering their mouth as Nesta looks suspiciously and goblinly angry at them "Then the rest of you starts to turn green"

"Is this some kinda game?" John asks as he leads his squad over

"We're hunting goblins" you say seriously, hushing your voice

"Do you know anything about them, john?" James whispers as John's eyes twinkle

"He must, why else would he look so smug!" Rene accuses

"Suuure I do" He snorts, laughing a bit "I was just telling Kelly and Linda how much I hate goblins, Sam does to, don't you sam"

"Oh, I hate goblins" Sam snickers "What do you want to know about goblins"

"Are they dangerous? Grumpy? Like Nesta is sometimes?" You ask, jabbing a thumb at her and very nearly having it bent as she lunges for it, face as red as her hair now

"I'm not a bloody goblin!" She roars, and then the research group turns serious, and it turns out, there are a lot of things like goblins or Nesta on many worlds, well, mostly. There's differences. Like Shika talks about Tengu, and Illya tells you about the Rusalka, and Dimas mutters something about gremlins. But you all agree, after Jorge, Sam, John and others huddle together to piece together what they know about goblins, that they're the ones you should be worried about. But none of the experts on goblins, can agree on how best to handle or scare away a goblin.

"Hmm, but they're small right? Surely if any of us ran into a goblin we could beat them up" You say outloud

"I'll kill a bleeding goblin if it'll get you all to shut up with the goblin jokes!" Nesta snaps

"Oh but there's never one goblin, Sven" Jorge says, nodding wisely as Sam and John do the same, stroking their chins thoughtfully and looking away, searching for any lurking goblins no doubt.


"I'll fackin kill all of em!" She rages, eyes wide and angry.

>Decide that since Nesta has so many goblin like Qualities, you'll use her to draw them out, and then the rest of you can dog pile any goblin that shows up and drag it to Deja or one of the trainers to learn how to fight them

>Sneak things goblins hate and can't be near into your barracks, fortifying it against the goblin threat

>Bravely lead a goblin hunt, with the permission of the oddly knowledgeable about goblins trainers

>...Wait, maybe goblins are like trolls, and aren't actually real and are just made up by grown ups to scare little kids into behaving

>Argue that goblins are not the most dangerous of creatures, and claim that New Noregr has Draugr! Not like any of your friends here will know they're just a story...

>Write in option
>Argue that goblins are not the most dangerous of creatures, and claim that New Noregr has Draugr! Not like any of your friends here will know they're just a story...
>...Wait, maybe goblins are like trolls, and aren't actually real and are just made up by grown ups to scare little kids into behaving
These two go very well together, they even have ellipsis to connect each other, it would also lead Sven to realise why John and Sam reacted the way they did.

Just have fun and socialize though, telling the others stories and shit.
>Decide that since Nesta has so many goblin like Qualities, you'll use her to draw them out, and then the rest of you can dog pile any goblin that shows up and drag it to Deja or one of the trainers to learn how to fight them
Is Shika a high tension Japanese goburin?
>Decide that since Nesta has so many goblin like Qualities, you'll use her to draw them out, and then the rest of you can dog pile any goblin that shows up and drag it to Deja or one of the trainers to learn how to fight them

>>Decide that since Nesta has so many goblin like Qualities, you'll use her to draw them out, and then the rest of you can dog pile any goblin that shows up and drag it to Deja or one of the trainers to learn how to fight them
Nesta, your street smarts and semi-green tendencies will surely be the deciding factor in capturing one of these small yet menacing creatures.
>>Argue that goblins are not the most dangerous of creatures, and claim that New Noregr has Draugr! Not like any of your friends here will know they're just a story...
Have you ever been so stubborn you come back from the dead...? There's even a popular game back home named after them, "Barrows and Draugir".

Sven suffers from being told things VERY earnestly. He believes! We will find these beasts and conquer them. Because humanity number 1 baby.

Shika is a synonym roll. A very sneaky one.
>Decide that since Nesta has so many goblin like Qualities, you'll use her to draw them out, and then the rest of you can dog pile any goblin that shows up and drag it to Deja or one of the trainers to learn how to fight them
Cam on ya English goblin, let's go hunt some actual goblins. Real or not, it'll be a fun downtime activity for everyone.
She's small, right? Might as well.
>>Decide that since Nesta has so many goblin like Qualities, you'll use her to draw them out, and then the rest of you can dog pile any goblin that shows up and drag it to Deja or one of the trainers to learn how to fight them

>Decide that since Nesta has so many goblin like Qualities, you'll use her to draw them out, and then the rest of you can dog pile any goblin that shows up and drag it to Deja or one of the trainers to learn how to fight them
>>Argue that goblins are not the most dangerous of creatures, and claim that New Noregr has Draugr! Not like any of your friends here will know they're just a story...
Maybe there is some insight into Sven that he can find by casting his mind to Draugr?
>>Decide that since Nesta has so many goblin like Qualities, you'll use her to draw them out, and then the rest of you can dog pile any goblin that shows up and drag it to Deja or one of the trainers to learn how to fight them
>>Argue that goblins are not the most dangerous of creatures, and claim that New Noregr has Draugr! Not like any of your friends here will know they're just a story...
I like the thought of Sven thinking goblins are totally real while knowing drauger and other Norse beings aren’t

suddenly emerges
And basically makes a giant
space farmers market!
And that may have no association

with the story!
I can't wait for Sven to have the argument that dragons aren't real with Shika only for them both to draw a dragon and they're both completely different types so they both concede that maybe the other is right.
>Argue that goblins are not the most dangerous of creatures, and claim that New Noregr has Draugr! Not like any of your friends here will know they're just a story...
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>Decide that since Nesta has so many goblin like Qualities, you'll use her to draw them out, and then the rest of you can dog pile any goblin that shows up and drag it to Deja or one of the trainers to learn how to fight them

A 'redcap' is a type of goblin who dyes its hat in human blood in Anglo-Scottish border folklore.
>Argue that goblins are not the most dangerous of creatures, and claim that New Noregr has Draugr! Not like any of your friends here will know they're just a story...
>Nesta will now wear a red helmet
>>Decide that since Nesta has so many goblin like Qualities, you'll use her to draw them out, and then the rest of you can dog pile any goblin that shows up and drag it to Deja or one of the trainers to learn how to fight them
Is she also gonna get green as a base coat? Army green? Leaf green? Chartreuse? Olive green? Throw on some gold accenting as "tinsel" and she'll have a Christmas themed color scheme.
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I was thinking of her red hair but not a bad idea. Maybe even just a lick of red paint, Jerome style.

Mom's gonna freak.
Rebooting...404TormentedCache Back online

Not feeling well enough to spend New years eve like I planned, but that just means I can write an update, maybe more for you guys.

6 votes for arguing that goblins aren't as dangerous as Draugr!

1 Votes for realizing goblins aren't real

9 Votes for using Nesta as Goblin Bait.

Poor Nesta

Decision Made

I was hoping it'd be cute!

>Nesta paints her helmet to mock snipers

>>Nesta paints her helmet to mock snipers
>nesta the very first day on the job
And while many other things that go bump in the night are brought up, they are quickly dismissed for being not nearly as big of a threat as hungry pack of goblins, who remain the topic of discussion for everyone whose joined your quest for knowledge and everything you can learn from the other recruits and less shock happy trainers in the mess hall about goblins. And many things become quickly apparent, first, that Nesta does in fact have many goblin like qualities and that to handle even a single goblin let alone capture one, there needs to be strategy and teamwork. Beyond simply hitting them over the head with the biggest rock or a shock stick you "Borrowed" from a guard, unwillingly since you have a feeling none of the instructors would be stupid enough to actually loan any of you one of their favorite methods of meting out discipline and punishment. Especially to you, and while you alone would be enough to sour them to the idea of giving one over, even if it was used to zap a goblin into unconsciousness, there are several other troublemakers in the goblin hunting party. Like Ralph or Nesta. Jai refused outright and called all of you stupid for what you all agreed were well placed concerns and fear of a sudden goblin ambush in the dead of the night.

But it didn't take long for you and the other leaders of the anti goblin force, You, John, Jerome and Frederic, to realize that there was a very easy way to lure out a goblin so you could threaten it for its weakness or make an example out of it to scare off the rest of its burrow, which Sam assured you all was what a goblin lived in, though Jorge was adamant they preferred to live in garbage. Like Racoons. Whatever a Racoon was.

"No! No!" Nesta protests before any of you four can actually tell her what you're thinking, since you're pretty sure the other boys had the same idea as you had "I'm not going to be bait! Sven, don't you dare! Come on don't be an arse!"

"Not bait, merely a diversion" John says, trying not to laugh as Nesta grinds her teeth and switches her glare over to him "More like a decoy"

"That's bait, ya gaptoothed git" She spits back snappily "I won't be bait for goblins or anything else"

"What about just luring them back?" Jerome suggests "I can even find you a knife or something"

"First off, don't need your help to find a knife" She smirked back, sounding very proud of herself "Secondly, that is just being bait in a different kind of way"

"Its not like you'd be in danger" Fred sighed with a frown "It'd just be like an alley cat walking up to sniff around a house cat"

"Don't" Nesta said, suddenly more serious than angry, eyes wide and dangerous looking "Call me an alley cat"

"I wasn't" Fred quickly almost apologizes "But, you get what I mean, right"

"I do, I just think you're all being a bunch of prats" She says, eyes relaxing and fiery temper returning "Sven, don't try and convince me or say you actually came up with the same stupid idea as..."


"I wouldn't use any of you as bait" You tell her "But, maybe if a goblin mistook you for another goblin, they'd come over or at least stop hiding, that isn't being bait, Not sure what to call it, but it isn't using you as bait. I'd never do that to a friend. Not ever"

"Even if they're nesta?" Jorge jokes as Nesta pouts and cross hers arms

"Not even if it were you" You tease back, smiling

"Only if I can use you as not bait later, whenever I want" Nesta grumbles, brow furrowed and eyes squinting angrily "I know I can trust you, as a friend"

"That hurts" Jerome says

"That's Nesta" James says with a shrug "Be happy she liked you enough to not call you names"

"Now all we need to do is make her look more goblin like" Rene giggles

"I know where you all sleep" Nesta warns, as the girls in the goblin hunting party get to work, uh, goblifying her. A process you and the other boys aren't allowed to see.

"Think she is going to try to kill us?" Ralph asks suddenly as you sit around at the same table, poking at your now cold dinner

"You, Jorge, and the rest maybe" James answers "Me and Sven should be safe. I'd watch my back if I were you, or John. Jerome is probably safe"

"She wouldn't hurt Jorge, worst she'll do is trip him or kick him when he's down" You correct your friend as you wait patiently for the girls to bring Nesta back so you all can start hunting goblins.

"You're lucky none of you have hair" Nesta growls, covered in smears of grass stains and with paper napkins tucked around her ears, also stained with grassy water "And if any of you laugh, I'll remember and make the chief look like an angel"

Jorge looked a little guilty, but no one laughed, even John kept his lips firmly shut as the very agitated and ready to blow Nesta stomped by

"If a goblin does come out, hold them down for me" She pouts as she walks up to you, glowering at everyone else

"I'd think Jorge would be safer" You start "Since he knows more about goblins then..."

"No, you. I'm angry with him for starting this stupid thing" She hisses, looking exactly like a goblin should with the crude green "Dye" on her face and the smears of mud on her cheeks "If he turns green, it wasn't me"

That meant it'd without a doubt be her doing.

"Sorry" Jorge said quietly, but that just seemed to make her grumpier

"Enough staring, lets sneak out before the trainers stop humoring us" She snaps, as she marches for a door.

And while, for awhile, no one interrupts your hunt for goblins, and the over a dozen trainees besides yourselves who actually went searching and didn't get cold feet in the end or decide it'd be best to be as far away from Nesta at her angriest as was possible did avoid being seen or stopped by the instructors patrolling the compound, your luck could only last for so long. Funnily, you aren't even upset you were caught, you're just annoyed a single goblin didn't come out or show up after all the preparation that went into the operation.

Though Nesta wasn't at all trying to act goblinish, and just stood around or glared if someone tried to coach her on how to look like a more convincing goblin. But it couldn't have been all of her fault. Maybe Mendez and the other trainers already "Got" the goblins.

"The hell are you all doing?" Your "favorite" trainer asks, already radioing for backup

Seems Nesta's street smarts or Brain tingles don't work so well when she's busy sulking. Or maybe this was her revenge against everyone who took a joke too far. She certainly does seem a little smug about it, from a distance. And she's also signaling you to make a run for it with her

Shika had already vanished.

>Explain, completely seriously, that you were concerned for your fellow recruits safety and tried to solve the problem. The problem being goblins

>Yell "Scatter" and make a run for it and hope the other goblin hunters know to run in different directions than you are.

>Well you're already all in trouble, but it'd be best if you're the only one who gets in the most of it, so sacrifice yourself so the others may hunt goblins another day

>"Run, Nesta!" And then dog pile the not so green and a bit too tall goblin in front of you with the rest of the hunting party

>Write in option

https://youtu.be/IaUN3IJhSao some fitting music for this bit of SoL/ Childish mischief

That's fucking hilarious
>>Well you're already all in trouble, but it'd be best if you're the only one who gets in the most of it, so sacrifice yourself so the others may hunt goblins another day
Well maybe we didn't draw out a goblin but we certainly found a -creature- here. Cheese it, everyone! Poor Nesta indeed, she has to wash all that gunk off now. But this isn't over. We will discover these hidden goblins one day. Just have to keep an eye out.

On a scale of 1 to 10 how palmed is Mendez' face gonna be once he hears about this kerfuffle? Maybe we can claim it was for science and have Halsey facepalm instead kek
>Well you're already all in trouble, but it'd be best if you're the only one who gets in the most of it, so sacrifice yourself so the others may hunt goblins another day
Happy new years eve, fellow anons and 404. Here's to a quality Halo quest for '25. Coincidentally same year as the Spartan II's graduated.
>Well you're already all in trouble, but it'd be best if you're the only one who gets in the most of it, so sacrifice yourself so the others may hunt goblins another day

Happy new Years all!
>>Well you're already all in trouble, but it'd be best if you're the only one who gets in the most of it, so sacrifice yourself so the others may hunt goblins another day
how noble
Well to be fair anon, all Spartans are 'smart'. We're not going to be dumb by any means...
Don't you get hit with the surgeries at age 14? Don't think he'd exactly be dissedent by then, FoR portrayed most of the Spartans as loyal enough soldiers at that point. At least until they grew up a bit longer.

On that note, either way I'm pretty firmly against going on an Innie route or anything like that. In every example, they're retarded moustache twirling villains, and the whole Innie v. UNSC plotline only serves as a convenient excuse for the creation of the Spartan 2 program and gave the universe some depth. I really don't find them intriguing in anyway besides as antagonists. But I'm sure OP could write an interesting, sympathetic and compelling Innie cell if it ever came to that.
>Well you're already all in trouble, but it'd be best if you're the only one who gets in the most of it, so sacrifice yourself so the others may hunt goblins another day
We meet again Cracked Nose. Happy New Year everyone.
>Well you're already all in trouble, but it'd be best if you're the only one who gets in the most of it, so sacrifice yourself so the others may hunt goblins another day
A soldier must be prepared to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the mission!

I wonder whether the others will let Sven take the blame or whether everyone will follow suit, trying to take the blame, so they all go down as a team
>>Well you're already all in trouble, but it'd be best if you're the only one who gets in the most of it, so sacrifice yourself so the others may hunt goblins another day
Incredibly cute, almost unbelievably so, very glad we went down this path, and happy new year
>Well you're already all in trouble, but it'd be best if you're the only one who gets in the most of it, so sacrifice yourself so the others may hunt goblins another day
I figure if anyone would it'd be Jorge. Kurt might but I don't think he's with us right now, he's chill like that. James probably would but I figure he might also just get caught up when the others bolt and go with them. I can't imagine Nesta would right at this moment, she's probably a little miffed and maybe doesn't want to be seen like she is kek. Though now I gotta wonder, what does Shika do when she's in hiding? Like is she just chilling? Reading? People watching?

I can't imagine most of the other kids we got with us sticking up for us, though. Not because they don't like us, they just hate getting shocked and slapped more than they like us. Economics. Beatonomics.
Oh yeah, happy new year, everybody.
Yeah. I doubt the Sven's favorite instructor is going to be in the mood for bullshit either. Might just separate Sven from the others before they can even protest. "I know this not-so-little shit is responsible!"
She's going to hate it when Sven hits his second of probably five puberties lmao If she antagonizes Sven enough do you think Mendez or even Halsey will pull her aside and tell her to stop before she gets her head squashed like it's on the Gallagher show? Mendez might. I think Halsey would just be more interested to see exactly how Busted Beak gets offed than anything else.
>Explain, completely seriously, that you were concerned for your fellow recruits safety and tried to solve the problem. The problem being goblins
Total Goblin Death
>Explain, completely seriously, that you were concerned for your fellow recruits safety and tried to solve the problem. The problem being goblins
>>Explain, completely seriously, that you were concerned for your fellow recruits safety and tried to solve the problem. The problem being

i find it funny that instructors forget they have to deal even with this side of children
>Explain, completely seriously, that you were concerned for your fellow recruits safety and tried to solve the problem. The problem being goblins
Funniest option.
>Explain, completely seriously, that you were concerned for your fellow recruits safety and tried to solve the problem. The problem being goblins
This shows initiative and creative leadership. But, more importantly, it's funnier and children being children.
I figure we can save the story of our EXTREMELY IMPORTANT AND VITAL mission for the people in charge, not just tardo the slanted schnozz who caught us.
To cover for the other people seems to imply admitting that we'd done something wrong. We can't do that for such a genuine and important mission, and take it all the way to the top if we must!
>admitting that we'd done something wrong
Well we're breaking curfew, so.
For a good cause, therefore it cannot be wrong and we have no mea culpa available to say.
The military doesn't really care if you have a good reason. An intelligence agency special secret project cares even less. We're gonna get a slapping or a scolding for this regardless. Just the way it is.
Of course we are, I'm being facetious. But I want to remain stone-faced and serious to extract some amusement out of our bollocking.
Ah, I see. Apologies, I was not aware of your game. A very respectable desire kek
Really sorry guys, but I don't think I'll be able to put out an update tonight. I'm feeling better finally and like my usual self again, but I'm dog tired and know if I write tonight I'll trash my sleep schedule and I was too busy with housework to write earlier.

I'll try to make it up to you all by writing a few updates tomorrow, but if that doesn't work out, I'll be sure to write at least one and do it earlier in the day than usual

Also, glad you guys liked the Goblin Hunting downtime. I was worried it wouldn't land.
Glad your feeling better 404
Sleep well and dont let the bed gnomes get you.
No worries, 404. Enjoy your night and don't feel pressured to put out updates if you're not up for it.
If you don't take care of yourself the blowjob fairy won't give you a visit. You don't need excuses to NOT be here, chief. kek You're gucchi.
How dare you, what are we even paying you for? Glad you're feeling better.
>>Explain, completely seriously, that you were concerned for your fellow recruits safety and tried to solve the problem. The problem being goblins

I like this line of thinking, also i like the fact that Sven gets to live a little bit of the life he missed out on. I love to see him actually enjoy hiss extra brief childhood as an actual child.
Rebooting....404TormentedCache back online

8 votes for Well you're already all in trouble, but it'd be best if you're the only one who gets in the most of it, so sacrifice yourself so the others may hunt goblins another day

6 Votes for Explain, completely seriously, that you were concerned for your fellow recruits safety and tried to solve the problem. The problem being goblins

Sven is going to take the heat off the other trainees, it seems

Decision made

Also, curious, what are you all looking forward to the most in this quest? For me its getting to write Spartans doing what they do best, and Sven brutalizing Jackals/ grunts
>what are you all looking forward to the most in this quest?
Showing that Humanity Number One. By still being human by the time all is said and done. And then kicking the shit out of aliens, it was man who was created in God's image you freakish worm-fellating psychopaths. Though I guess in Sven's case it's not God's image but the gods' images.
>what are you all looking forward to the most in this quest?
Fighting innies, and trying to derail canon even further by trying to save as many other Spartans as possible
>Also, curious, what are you all looking forward to the most in this quest?
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't also looking forward to near DOOM levels of hyper violence. The world is Sven's canvas, his body the brush, and the innards of innies and aliens his paints.
Anyways, I also wanna see Sven and the other Spartans just existing and interacting with each other and the rest of humanity.
Even Spartans have downtime after all, and if you're gonna get anywhere in a timely manner, it's gonna be on a Naval vessel with hundreds of other folks. Mingling and fraternizing will occur, even between Halsey's subjects and the UNSC's finest.
Cozy family moments with the other Spartans while the war progresses. Then the Fall of Reach with how big the butterfly effect will be after three decades of extra Spartan IIs, and likely more IIIs after ONI see's how well the IIs did. Or maybe Halsey even gets that second class after all.
I will admit, I'm curious to see Sven's initial reactions to the Spartan IIIs. I'm sure he'll be critical at first, but learning who handled their training might soften them up a little.
Nobody with Mendez's seal of approval could be a dirtbag, right?
It'll be interesting for sure. Hope we can IC get Sven to figure out who 'Ambrose' is or prompt the response mission a little early. I'm sure that'll be a great reunion if we manage to pull Kurt's ass out of the fire before he gets himself killed. As good as his death is in GoO, I'd still rather him not be an idiot about it and actually wear his MJOLNIR.
Scowling you curse how bad of luck it was that out of all of the trainers it had to be one the strictest and the one who seems to have it out for you in particular. If it were one of the ones who were on Mess Hall Duty, they might understand that what you doing was important not only for the safety of your fellow trainees but the compound at large. But what would she understand about the dangers of a goblin burrowing under the fences or eating your ears. She didn't have to worry about them nibbling off her nose, since you smashed it with your head on the first night of training. And no amount of explaining would help to get out of being punished. But, even if everyone who snuck out of the cafeteria to hunt for goblins is in trouble, that doesn't mean everyone will be punished equally.

I'm already going to get the worse of it, you think to yourself, even if I try to explain but if I break more rules and get into as much trouble as I can then the others won't get punished as badly. Immediately deciding that it is for the best if you're the one who gets the worse of whatever punishment that's about to be dished out, you lock eyes with your nemesis and scowl. And she immediately reacts, reaching for the dart gun on her side and speaking more frantically into her earpiece, using those weird codes that the instructors sometimes use between themselves. Unfortunately, you weren't planning on charging her, you only got her the first time because you caught her off guard. Instead, while her eyes were focused on your upper body and raised fists, you kicked a clod of dirt at her, having dig the toes of your boot into the ground and shoveled up a chunk of frozen soil. It hits her right in the face, and her first dart sails over her shoulder as her aim swings wide and away from your torso.

"RUN!" You yell as you then lunge at her as she reaches up to wipe the grass and dirt clump off of her face.

You grab her dart shooting arm, and wince as the second stabs and buried into the meat just below your wrist. Scowling, you use her shortness to your advantage and use a trick one of the instructors showed you in the CQC exercises to get her to the ground by knocking her legs out from under her. You grunt, feeling another dart impact, and the tired, heavy feeling returning as the sedatives inside them surge into your body and pour into your veins.

Then you're on the ground, and the very angry looking instructor, with a red mark where the clod of dirt hit her in the face and squinted eyes still filled with grit having one knee on your stomach. She threw you off of herself and pinned you, and with the two darts shot in you, you can't really fight back.

There's a crackle and

"Shika!" Ralph laughs, as you see the instructor stiffen and fall, and the smallest girl in class behind her holding her stun stick, looking nearly as shocked as the short trainer with a bad attitude

"Oh no" She squeaks as you try to crawl out from under the stunned guard, as more of them swarm towards you. Thankfully, most of the other goblin hunters had the sense to run when you yelled. But not Nesta, or Jorge, or James, or Ralph and Shika. You think you can see Jerome to and if he's there than Rene must be to, but its so dark outside and you're feeling....really...sleeepy...

SPARTAN II Program incident report:0057. 2045 hours, December 24, 2517

...after interviewing several staff and trainers in the program, it became obvious that the root cause of this incident was several of them encouraging a childish belief and fear in the supernatural that rose simultaneously in several of the candidates. Who then, using what they'd been taught and their already astonishing level of group cohesion, proceeded to take matters into their own hands and attempt to confront the threat posed by fairytail monsters directly and covertly. In a manner that appeared very much like a group escape attempt. The responsible instructors have been reprimanded. However, once again, the lead instructor and myself both note that Sven showed remarkable leadership qualities, even if he used them to attack and overpower one of the trainers, somehow convincing one of the most docile of our candidates, Shika, to strike them from behind, which I must note was a tactic they had used when Team six and seven had joined together under Sven's leadership during a routine stealth and evasion exercise. While Sven was quickly subdued, several other candidates were harder to bring back under control. John, managed to lead his team back to the mess hall unnoticed with several others during the following confusion and was only seen to be part of the "Goblin Hunt" afterwards when footage was examined later.

I'm pleased with the level of loyalty the candidates already exhibit between themselves, as John "rescued" several of the children who ran without direction and Sven was only retrieved after the group who had banded around him had been subdued. Deja's lessons seem to be having an impact.

I see no need for further disciplinary efforts related to this incident. As at the end of the day, it was just kids acting as children do, and I fear it may be the last chance any of them will have to act like children and experience such innocent whimsy...

Altering perspective
0530 Hours, January 1, 2518 Epsilon Eridani System, Reach Military Complex, Planet Reach

It was the new year, Mendez said so when everyone woke up but before they showed and left the barracks to start their morning exercises. But The Senior Chief Petty officer hinted that the daily games would start to be more exciting.

"Still wanting to take a shot at Kurt?" James asked, noticing you watching the other trainees back as you all jogged to Deja's class

"Kinda" You admit with a smile as Nesta glowers at some nearby trainers still in the middle of their morning run, the bruise she got from the goblin hunt now nearly completely faded away and unnoticeable

"Hope they teach us how to use guns soon, don't think soldiers can win battles with just their fists" She says as you run up the stairs

"They'll have to eventually. I think they'll show us how to use a rifle soon" Jorge sighed as he reached the top of the stairs, pausing to high five Jerome as he reached the top a second or two later. You frowned as you paused at the top of the stairs leading to the classroom, vaguely remembering the gun safety your father had taught you once and the times you watched him show the older boys how to shoot

Or, rather, ran them through rifle drills, you realized now that you've spent a few months in boot camp. You pushed that uncomfortable realization as far down as you could

"I think learning how to do first aid would be more interesting, do you know what Bio foam is made out of?" You ask as you follow your friends into class

"Dr Halsey taught you, didn't she?" Nesta snickers and you nod, smiling still, even after she socks your shoulder "Teacher's pet"

"He isn't the only one" Jorge pointed out "She's talked with me to"

"Not as much as Sven or Poindexter. Me, she just had me sit in some kind of tube and take scans, and talked about my brain being weird" Nesta grumbles, gnawing on the erase of her pencil as the rest of the class file in.

"Funny, she just had me take a test and asked what it'd take for me to stop being calm" James said, before poking Nesta on the side of her head "Though I don't think she needed to scan your brain to know something's wrong with it"

"Heh, well, my malfunctioning brain has kept us out of more trouble than I or Sven can get us into" She bragged, chuckling as Deja appeared from moving lights and began today's lesson. Which was about a battle that took place somewhere called Hastings in 1066.

"How did you learn to draw so well?" Kurt asked, as you pass him by as you circle the holographic recreation of the battle to sketch out the combatants, which has become something of a habit "All I can manage is stick figures"

"Don't know, you take good notes though" You answer with a shrug, before pointing at the the tactical lines and small, but messy script he penned in next to them

"I try" He answers with a smile, nodding as you both watch a row of archers, and you absent mindedly draw out their posture and way they stand when they draw their bows "William took a big risk, faking a retreat. But it worked for him in the end. Deja called it a feigned flight, didn't she?"

"I think she did. I think it was brave" You remark "When he road out to show he hadn't been killed, earlier in the battle"

"Its the only reason his army didn't actually break and retreat" He points out, as he frowns and looks over your rough sketch of an English archer notching an arrow mid brow draw "You need to teach me how to draw like that sometime"

"If we have the time free, sure" You promise, as you walk away and find John watching a cavalry charge with the rest of his team, eyes locked and focused on the rider leading it. You decide John would probably have been a pretty good Norman knight if he had been born back then, and finish your circle around the holographic battlefield to return to your own teammates and best friends. And despite everything, you were looking forward to the new training exercises Mendez was planning

>But mostly you were looking forward to your shot at evening the score between Kurt's team and yourself...(Path Difficulty Heroic. First DC 16)

>And like everyone else, you couldn't wait to be taught how to shoot a gun.

>Next time you met with Dr Halsey, you asked why she scanned Nesta's brain among other questions

>But Jai had mentioned something to you about a "fool proof plan" he'd come up with Adriana after their last couple attempts went beyond violent and turned outright bloody

>Write in option

>>Next time you met with Dr Halsey, you asked why she scanned Nesta's brain among other questions
Curiosity is stored in the brain. Could they possibly glean anything from such scans beside that she has anomalous brain activity? Surely there's no such thing as a "Nesta Button" in everyone's heads. Surely. The best a regular person gets has to be the subconscious awareness of signs caught in our traditional senses. The whole "mirror neuron quantum entanglement" thing is just quasi-science. Has to be.
>Next time you met with Dr Halsey, you asked why she scanned Nesta's brain among other questions
>Next time you met with Dr Halsey, you asked why she scanned Nesta's brain among other questions
>Next time you met with Dr Halsey, you asked why she scanned Nesta's brain among other questions
Hard choice between this and shooting. Should probably take the Mendez option next time we get the chance.
>But Jai had mentioned something to you about a "fool proof plan" he'd come up with Adriana after their last couple attempts went beyond violent and turned outright bloody

>As at the end of the day, it was just kids acting as children do, and I fear it may be the last chance any of them will have to act like children and experience such innocent whimsy...
Oh no. We will grow up real soon...
>And like everyone else, you couldn't wait to be taught how to shoot a gun.
Gods bless Misriah Armory.
>>But Jai had mentioned something to you about a "fool proof plan" he'd come up with Adriana after their last couple attempts went beyond violent and turned outright bloody
>Next time you met with Dr Halsey, you asked why she scanned Nesta's brain among other questions
Seeing how many Spartan IIs and IIIs we can save. I know we won't be able to save everyone, but even a squad or so more would be nice.
Thank you based high tension Japanese goburin.
>Next time you met with Dr Halsey, you asked why she scanned Nesta's brain among other questions
+ Maybe also ask her about what's the next step of our trainings, like when we'll get to shoot guns.
>what are you all looking forward to the most in this quest?
Heaps of stuff.
- Sven's enormous size post-augmentation and post-puberty in full MJOLNIR - bullying innies and covenant alike with sheer MASS, the awe the big guy will generate in both allies and the enemy, funny moments where he might have to duck to avoid banging his head on a ship's bulkhead or have trouble getting into a drop pod or cryotube.
- Sven truly getting mad as fuck and what event warrants this reaction, berserker-like rage against the enemy.
- Sven channelling the energy of the viking at Stamford Bridge to pull off some heroics.
- How Sven reacts to the war - seeing planets get glassed, losing friends and allies, being unable to stop things despite all his size and power. Will the war harden him like Will-043 where he loses all humor? Or will it not change him at all? Time will tell.
- Cozy moments with Spartan brothers and sisters. I hope Sven can save some of them.
- Cozy moments with Dr. Halsey (nu-mom) Thel 'Lodamee better hope Sven's nowhere near Halsey when he goes to abduct her.
- Making frens with AIs, perhaps getting one early
- How Sven is generally utilized as a Spartan - team leader vs. lone wolf, enlisted vs. officer, covert/black ops (ONI/gray team-style) vs. overt.
- Sven earning that "hyper-lethal" rating in his service record like B312.

>Next time you met with Dr Halsey, you asked why she scanned Nesta's brain among other questions
>what are you all looking forward to the most in this quest?

I really want to see Sven beating the shit out of a Brute Chieftain in single combat also Sven using a grunt to beat jackals to death.
For some reason I just imagine that every time Sven comes into frame for a covenant PoV he gets a Yakuza style titlecard and splash screen. And his OST starts playing. Lodamee was good enough to best John, but I sincerely doubt Sven would be in the proper mood or mindset to chill out enough to have a proper duel after seeing his second mom get kidnapped and a fellow spartan get shanked. I also would feel bad for any architect, engineer and construction worker who has to patch the gigantic hole in the wall Sven will make from taking a shortcut through it.

That said, what would Sven's combat theme be?
>But Jai had mentioned something to you about a "fool proof plan" he'd come up with Adriana after their last couple attempts went beyond violent and turned outright bloody
Hold on to hope, Svennykins.
>That said, what would Sven's combat theme be?
Good question.
webm kinda related

I wonder if Sven hates flip music like pretty much everyone else in universe aside from Johnson.
Bit drunk, so we'll see if this is the last update tonight or not.

7 Votes for asking Halsey about Nesta/ other things

3 Votes for Jai's great escape

1 Vote for, And like everyone else, you couldn't wait to be taught how to shoot a gun

Time for a lesson with Dr Halsey!

Decision made

maybe this? https://youtu.be/sMPGEpvU_5o or https://youtu.be/Q_VbMVwVuhw . I'd love to hear your guys' suggestion thou (for Sven's combat theme, as this anon put it) . Also a lot of what you guys are looking forward are things I am looking forward to writing lol
>Bit drunk, so we'll see if this is the last update tonight or not.
The ideal state of mind for creative writing is under the influence, is it not?
Like every other time you've been called into her office Dr Halsey's workspace is spotless, not a single paper out of place, every nook, cranny and tile cleaned and polished to perfection. And like all the other times, the smell of cleaning agents hangs lightly in the air, making the space feel almost like a hospital room of sorts. Today she had demanded you meet with her today to test the sharpness and "acuity" of your vision, as according to Halsey herself, you'd shown signs of having superior vision. Not that you had any idea what those signs were. If she asked you to guess, you'd tell her nightvision or maybe attention to detail. Dr Halsey liked when you were able to answer her questions, even if the answer you gave her wasn't exactly correct.

"Remarkable" She hummed after having you read blurred writing that was so tiny it made your eyes hurt and strain, recording whatever it was she was testing for on her personal Data pad, looking pleased with the results. She didn't seem to be changing the subject or moving onto one of her really difficult lessons that always left you with a bad headache even if you understood what she was trying to teach you by the end. And since there didn't seem to be any danger in interrupting the head of the program you were forcibly added to, you sat straighter in your chair and asked the question that had been burning a hole in your head since you first thought about it.

"Why'd you scan her brain? Nesta's, I mean?" You asked plainly, before wetting your quickly drying throat with the lemon water she always gave you when you met. Dimas said she gave him soda, but you weren't too upset about being given lemon water. You never liked soda too much, to sweet and bubbly.

Her eyes fluttered, lifting from her data pad even as her fingers continued typing on it.

"Scans of her neural activity returned with unusual readings, far beyond the ordinary and expected reading of ambient electrical and neural activity withing multiple lobes of her brain" She answered without pausing to explain what any of that really meant "Nothing to cause concern, if you were worried for your friend, but certainly enough for their to be cause for interest and examination"

"What were you looking for, or thought you'd find, if it was so interesting?" You ask, making a mental note to not tell Nesta that James had been right when he said her brain wasn't normal, since it'd probably make her mad if she didn't think you were just joking around

"I do not believe in sixth senses or other anomalous properties, but the higher ups insisted I investigate the unusual neural patterns and cerebral activity her brain experiences, as if doing so and making her undergo the tests will explain their superstitions" She says with a dismissive breath through her nose "Even great minds can fall victim to delusion, Sven. Supposed professionals will, if they fail in a humiliating enough manner, go so far as pushing the blame to witchcraft rather than admit fault"

"So what did your bosses think those tests would explain about Nesta?" You asked, frowning as Dr Halsey took in a deep breath and sighed heavily through her nose, again./

"A connection between a candidate who evaded capture and her uncanny ability to predict threats" She answered after a moment's pause "They seem to believe the unusual anatomy of her brain would explain both, but I am confident it is simply coincidence. Nothing to concern yourself about, Sven. In fact, why don't we move on from the idiocy of my "Superiors". You're a curious boy, isn't there anything else you'd like to ask me about, hm?"

>..."Do they mean her brain tingles, Dr Halsey?"

> Medicine and anatomy.

>Piloting and space travel!

>Chemical and explosives

>Mechanics and Engineering

>write in option

Don't know, but I don't wanna vomit out an incompressible mess of typos if I can avoid it
I reckon this one

> Medicine and anatomy.

Will help us patch people up and kill em easier I reckon.
>Write in
Ask about Deja and other AIs, how they are made and how smart they really are. Deja's one of the few "adult" we can trust, so I'm sure Sven would want to know more about her.
There's always that Rammstein song/aftershave commercial that became a meme.

> Medicine and anatomy.
Given the current topic, it'd be natural to segue into medicine and anatomy I feel. That and I don't want to annoy Halsey and/or give her a reason to keep dragging Nesta into her lab for tests and diagnostics.
A girl's gotta have a few secrets, or so I've been told.
this one would also work
I was gonna go with something less heavy but those are pretty rad kek. My first choice was https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JagEGE9SCX4
but all of my picks are kinda jank.

It's not a question of whether or not you're fucked up, it's a question of whether or not you're fucked up -enough-. Woo!

>Mechanics and Engineering
I am really tempted to keep pushing but mooooom would just complain. Hey, how do holograms work? How do AI work? Is it true that there are extremely small dwarfs inside of computers to make them work?

I am torn between medicine and mechanics. Both of those subjects being Halsey's specialties. Though I think the mechanical sciences are her favorites. Her work on the MJOLNIR project is even more successful than her work on the SPARTAN program.

If I were to vote for medicine I would suggest to ask her with childlike glee if we could make other people big like us.
>Mechanics and Engineering
The path to saving Sam. That said, the AI write in would be cool too. AI is likely close to if not one of Halsey's best subjects.
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My argument for medicine and anatomy is the following;
Knowing how to restore a body is the same knowledge needed to destroy it efficiently and thoroughly.
All the best fictional martial artists agree, life and death are two sides of the same coin.
My single favorite concept in medicine is that health or the lack thereof is a matter of dosage. There is an amount for every single thing in existence that is either completely benign or even healthy. In the same vein there is an amount for all things that is actively harmful or even lethal.

A massage feels great, kinetic energy applied skillfully and purposefully to relaxing ends. Alternatively, getting hit by a truck going 60 in a 15 is horrifically lethal. Beer, when consumed in moderation, has been shown to have positive effects on the body. Likewise smashing a kegger a day will quickly find you needing a stomach pump or riddled with cirrhosis. Sunlight is vital to producing chemicals in the body. It'll also give you cancer.

Life is a matter of dosage. Applied precisely anything can be decisive. Ah melodrama.
Brother, you need to start linking your posts. BROTHER! kek
They say moderation is key for a reason ya know.
They just want you to not see your full potential realized. Rip that 1000th line of coke. Ascend.
Cocaine is actually a pretty decent emergency stimulant in small doses. As a matter of fact, I know a sailor who took advantage of that fact to drag himself back on-base after a night on the town.
Heroin can make a pretty good painkiller. Lots of hard drugs would have a clinical use or would still have a clinical use were they not so dangerous or finicky. Man, we are probably an awful influence on Sven's gestalt subpsyche lmao
> Medicine and anatomy.

you right i still getting used how 4chan work, my bad :)
>my bad :)
nah you're good, I'm just being snarky. But learning is fun. 404 is very nice, some other QMs wouldn't count the vote if it isn't linked.
>Mechanics and Engineering
>Mechanics and Engineering

I like machines are how to make or break them.
>what would Sven's combat theme be

You know they pitched a short with Doomguy and Master Chief teaming up for that Secret Level miniseries and Microsoft shitcanned the idea? Talk about fumbles.
Considering how 343 has handled the series, it's not too surprising.
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>It's just one enemy
>he's tall
>he's wearing power armor
>he's putting his guns away and cracking his knuckles
It's not a health bar, it's a patience meter. Cue the boss music.

Truly corporations hate money. And art.
>Chemical and explosives
I'm imagining Sven on that innie rumbledrug shit, but I think his body may pump that shit naturally.
Kurt remembering that beating he gave Sven in training and trying to replicate that same pain tolerance and durability with his chemical cocktail for Gamma Company.
>So we decided to give the genetic freak of nature bodybuilder super killing machine BATH SALTS, what could go wrong?
Y'know it'd probably be better if they tried to make new additional augments instead of just using the power of "medicine" if they wanted their super soldiers to be more super soldiery. Too bad they shitcanned Halsey by that point. Oh or they could HANDLE THE FUCKING BUDGET. Swear to fuck, all the problems come from the bad budgeting. Gotta love government discretionary spending.
>Medicine and anatomy.
>Mechanics and Engineering
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>ONI agrees with Ackerson's logic to trade a few lives for time against an enemy hellbent on total extermination
>Kurt gets roped into mass producing kids into expendable supersoldiers for suicide missions
>loses both alpha and beta companies to said suicide missions
>though this is expected, he takes their loss as a failure on his part
>just wants to give gamma an edge over the others, to help them survive
Poor bastard was broken by then, lol.
Kurt is good people. It's a shame that war and genocide has no place for good people. Hopefully we can nudge the threads of fate just enough. Hey, if we're lucky, the fact that the Spartan project has more budget right now could lead to better resources down the line for the 3 project. Maybe with more II's running around doing missions it'll lead to better efficiency and more assets being acquired and held and that'll make things easier down the line. I hope Sven doesn't get roped into the Spartan III program. It would hurt.
>>Mechanics and Engineering
I'm the opposite, I want Sven to be as involved in the Spartan III program as possible. Alpha and Beta company were lost due to poor leadership, poor planning, and poor intel. Having a good leader like Sven (hopefully) leading them from the front or teaching them to think outside the box should help prevent the two disastrous operations, or at least mitigate its damage.
God knows why ONI thought it was a good idea to throw entire company of super soldiers into what should be small team stealth-sabotage missions.
>Sven declared MIA
>Halsey dedicates every resource at her disposal to finding him
>quickly realises it's all just a bullshit cover story
She would make what Cortana did to him in Fall of Reach look like a joke.
Ackerson that is.
I'll be honest, I just want to avoid giving Sven and my baby ass more pain. I'm not quite perfectly familiar with the tactics used during the actual ops so I couldn't even start to provide suggestions. And we're way far away from that anyway so might be a bit to gun-jumpy.

>ONI thought it was a good idea
ONI has all the problems of every intelligence agency. Really fucking stupid people at the top. Which is funny because as an intermediary agency or management group they'd probably be absolutely fantastic. They seem to always get the right people for various projects. Then with their very big heads and very small brains kneecap the personnel, projects, and missions in truly astronomical ways. Like it's ACTUALLY impressive how thoroughly the people pulling the strings manage to fuck up in ONI. Anywhere else you'd probably get court martial'd and accused of being a double agent for fuck ups that bad. Damn. One day Sven is going to look back on Halsey's throwaway comment on them being """"""""""superiors""""""""" and know exactly what she meant.

>halsey looks at the hand-drawn portrait of her standing on top of a mountain of shields and armor backlit by a star, a gift from sven during his tenure in the project
>god shudders at what halsey resolves herself to do to ackerson


HER totally not favorite

> Medicine and anatomy.
How to stitch up and most importantly... KILL.
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Lets not get ahead of ourselves, John-117 is still alive and well, and will still end up utterly exceptional. Maybe we'll end up her second favorite.
Hey John isn't gonna draw her dropkicking the resident ONI spooks that come around to be a nuisance. Checkmate, Luckthiests.

I aim for excellence. Aim to be the best. Cortana is always going to pick John, but I firmly believe that we can get Halsey to pick Sven. We just need to be genuinely interested in the sciences, I'm sure that'll give us the edge. Though I suppose only time will tell.
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We'll see about that. Every single S-II is shooting for the same star. Ultimately, in a couple years our correspondence with Halsey is going to lessen to a measly trickle when we go off to murder Innies after our augmentation and Halsey gets screwed over by ONI.
On that note, I wonder how our first contact with the Covenant will go. In FoR, I think all of the S-IIs were brought to some planet to test early Mjolnir, I guess there's no reason Sven wouldn't be there either.

Think we're gonna be with John when we leave Sam to die?
>and Halsey gets screwed over by ONI.
Halsey jumps straight into developing MJOLNIR and AI advancements over the next two decades. The Spartan II program is the only thing she gets fucked over on until 2552.
IIRC it was just Blue Team on the actual mission itself while the rest stayed on Chi Ceti. We'll be there though, the whole class was shipped in to get the very first production version of Halsey's power armor.
No, I remembered rightly. I just thumbed through my copy of FoR and literally all 33 of the S-IIs were thrown at the ship, so there's a chance Sven could get aboard with the others, if OP goes the same way.
Also, funnily enough Sam was the 'strongest and biggest' S-II at the time. Wonder if him and Sven will end up having a friendly rivalry once puberty hits. Would make his death hit even harder.
Ah, I must have been mixing it up with the animated FoR then.
I think it works better with Kurt and John being Mendez and Halsey's favorites respectively during the program. That said, he'd make a great gym partner.
>>write in option
>Geology and Geography
Geography explores the spatial relationships between humans and their environment, while geology investigates a planet materials, structure, and history. Both disciplines offer unique advantages and face specific challenges.

Begin to master the terrain.
Honestly they should have just give more options to the Spartans, for make them more deadly. One chemical cocktail can be one way but it doesn't need to be the end of it.

They don't even need to be expensive really ( idk how is a problem for ONI with the massive amount of funds they get for their projects), could be something easy like getting them weaponry that is toxic, radioactive, acid, poisonous, venomous. White phosphorus grenades. If the ONI had enough money a dumb AI for every spartan team would be pretty good.
I had a thought about Sven's uncanny eyesight. Maybe it's just straight up a mutation. If New Noregr is a relatively low light world, combine that with a primarily mining industry which his father was in and people there would be in the dark the majority of the time. It's possible that he just got lucky and the gene pool selected him to be better purpose built to his environment by its evolutionary pressures. It is possible hypothetically. They did check him for eye shine, right? kek

I was also thinking of what little doodles Sven would make for other people. I think for Mendez it could be him standing at ease on a beach. The tide rolling in up to his shins. His back turned to the viewer but looking over his shoulder at them. In the distance is a warship.

I dunno, I feel like some of the trainees are bitter and resentful enough and stay that way throughout the program to not want to be number one. Even if they'll still give it their all.

This time he'll be fine. He won't get his suit popped. Totally. No unlucky shots for him.

>( idk how is a problem for ONI with the massive amount of funds they get for their projects),
Same way despite putting a trillion goddamn dollars into the budget today the U.S. military still manages to run out of cash for basic shit. They fucking suck ass at handling money. If I had a say in it they'd give the 3s better armor. What they had was decent but not great, if they could just get the armor to be even more of an intermediary between normal armor and Mjolnir armor and give it better inbuilt protection it would be ideal. The lack of shields probably got plenty of 3s got by lucky shots and shrapnel and shit. Or, ONI could get its head out of its ass and not send people equipped for stealth and scout ops to do combat ops. But ONI is dumb.

> Medicine and anatomy.

I forgot to vote, lol

“Dr. Sven S(partan) Bluetooth, I presume?”
If Sven does actually keep up drawing, he'll probably get tips from Halsey about cultivating those skills. Unfortunately for him those tips are probably going to be a long ass science lesson about how light interacts with objects and how the human eye perceives and processes that information.
>tfw she teaches sven photon scattering, parabolic lensing and how to draw hands as the most clinical and scientific ways of understanding composition
Her genius, it's almost frightening.

Sven is gonna draw Nesta in a cave holding a blood-dripping dagger, surrounded by goblins throwing a party. She will be wearing a paper crown. Alternatively if we don't want to soft-antagonize her, it'll be a low-angle shot of her bring a sword down upon the viewer. Using the perspective putting her "above" the viewer as an ego feeding technique. Dynamic.
>Candidate-033 is taken by a fey mood!
>Candidate-033 has created Ildalvedans, a paper sheet!
>All craftsmanship is of the highest quality.
>This object is covered in graphite markings.
>This object depicts a Goblin child striking a Human soldier with a serrated dagger.
>The goblin is laughing.
And then Nesta crumples it up and eats it when she realizes who the Goblin is.
The doc is a good artist herself just looking at the sketches and doodles in her journal. Also has an interesting taste in music for someone in the 26th century (Romantic composers like Rachmaninov & Mahler). She seems genuinely cultured, so I imagine she can go on about art, aesthetics and whatever else without being a complete science turboautist, kek. Like you could easily fit an art lesson into a medicine/anatomy lesson since knowing anatomy is essential to drawing the human body realistically.

I wonder if Sven shares her taste in music or hates it. She's surely pumping the music out on her office's speakers during their chess games.
lmao gold. The fiber will surely do her good as well.

I also had ideas for Jorge and Shika. Jorge would get a picture of him sitting next to a relaxing moa watching the Reach sunset. There would be little moa chicks perched on his shoulders. Shika would get a landscape of a castle in the middle of the night, she would not be present anywhere in it. However when you turn the thing on its side and squint you'll see an image of her face cast in shadow made up by the various objects in the picture.

Sven will grow up to have an exceptionally varied and bizarre taste in music. A third of it being marching/working songs, a third being various metals and the final third being "classical" at this point in time, I feel like the common idea being that anything from before the 21st century melds together into the same genre. Erroneous of course, but hey, ignorant masses, right? music.
I can back this.

+1 to artificial intelligence. Good segue from weird brain stuff.
>Like you could easily fit an art lesson into a medicine/anatomy lesson since knowing anatomy is essential to drawing the human body realistically.
You're not entirely incorrect, but in my experience, anatomy for art and anatomy for medicine don't intersect near as much as you might think. It's a given considering the disparate natures of the arts and sciences respectively.
Hey there's an idea for Kurt. His picture could be him sitting in a chair, cradling a handful of hearts with his big goofy grin on his face. Framed photos in lesser detail of his squad and friends in view on a wall behind him. Cartoon hearts. Well maybe he'd be cool with realistic hearts. And with how surreal that sounded it made me think of one for John, that being him being lifted by an ethereal hand from the sky, lucky bug.
>But mostly you were looking forward to your shot at evening the score between Kurt's team and yourself...(Path Difficulty Heroic. First DC 16)
I yearn to get our ass beat again.
Ignore the other one. didn't see the other update.
>>Mechanics and Engineering
>A third of it being marching/working songs
Here's hoping Mendez opts for shanties instead of cadences on runs.
> Medicine and anatomy.
I wonder if he belts out "Leave her, Johnny" whenever John is leading just to force him to sing it, too.
I just realised that we missed our chance to ask Halsey about goblins.
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Unfortunately I'm not able to write an update tonight, just can't focus. So sorry about that, I'll try to get one or more out tomorrow but I just can't tonight.

In the meantime, something I was thinking about earlier today, what emblem if any do you think Sven would get on his MJOLNIR armor (like Kelly's rabbit)?
No worries

A skull with a viking helmet on
Probably something Nordic or runic, like a Mjolnir or the valknut.
A moose.
I was gonna say maybe the thurs rune, Tyr rune, or iron rune,

but the human rune would be neat, too

If we're sticking to the Norse alphabet runes at least. Going to the slightly older ones gives us more to work with, or slightly different takes on them
ᛗ This one being "human" instead of the pitchforky one.
ᛉ this one is elk I think. Maybe deer? I know it's one of the antlered animals off the top of my head.
ᛜ the Yngvi rune is a funny little one, too. Supposedly the rune for Freyr before he was called Freyr. I suspect if Sven was compared to any of the gods on appearance it'd be Freyr. Because Freyr and Freya are twins, and Freya is sometimes depicted with blonde hair and is described as fair haired, one can say Freyr must be blonde as well. Or at least could be. Though most depictions of him give him brown or black hair IIRC. Though one could also say Heimdall. I'm pretty sure he's popularly depicted as pale and fair haired as well. He also has truly fantastic eyesight kek.

Here's hoping these actually post correctly.
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Those weren't the size I had hoped for. Well, for clarity's sake, here.
Kelly got deemed a rabbit for being fast (and being used as bait), so something related to traits Sven has?

Norse mythology/culture seems like a good angle.
A wolf for Fenrir? Or just its head. Maybe include Gleipnir - you don't want Fenrir or Sven to break free from those bindings (Ragnarok time). Also a reference to Sven trying to bite that instructor's ear off.
A sea serpent for Jormungandr? Perhaps surrounding Earth. Big snake, enough said.
A stylised tree for Yggdrasil. Strong, sturdy, firmly rooted, reliable. Keeps the universe together.
A dragon/serpent for Nidhogg. Big, strong. Eats bad guys (innies) in the underworld.

Or alternatively maybe a squirrel for Ratatoskr, an ironic kind of symbol given Sven's size, kind of meshes with Kelly's rabbit.
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>A wolf for Fenrir?
>the pride version instead of the vesper version
Man, what a high bar to set kek
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Forgot about the V5 version
Only Sven can fly high enough.
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He sure will, Buddy. Rusty is the real protagonist kek. Straight up on that hero shit.

I may as well throw in some images for wolf face fancy schmancy Fenrir art. Just some bits lifted offa gurgle and cropped to be headshots.
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A wolf head with a sword through it would be cool

unrelated ODST art
>what emblem if any do you think Sven would get on his MJOLNIR armor (like Kelly's rabbit)?

i need to see more of Sven before deciding that. Right now his drawing tendency might end up somewhere what he ends drawing the most might fit well.

At the moment i am thinking of an huscarl helm with a spartan hoplite crest on top of it. Seen by the side and military UNSC style.
It's a classic Fenrir moment kek

Also that shit is dope. Gives me mad synthwave super-soldier type vibes. Real neon hell hours.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Rebooting...404TormentedCache Back online

Sorry about that, don't know what was wrong with me last night. Feel better now, thou.

7 votes for Medicine and anatomy

3 Votes for Deja and Ai

7 votes for mechanics and engineering

1 vote for chemicals and explosives

1 vote for geology and geography

Oh. A tie. That's rare. Well since I already made you wait a bit, I'll flip a coin instead of waiting for it to be broken

1: Medicine

2: Mechanics

Hoping I don't fuck up the roll


Loved all this talk about how Sven would sketch the various other characters. Also all the suggestions for Sven's emblem

Rusty was GOAT. Though I like to think the Redgun test pilot was the protagonist, considering they fell into the cockpit of a prototype like practically every Mecha anime MC

Mechanics and engineering it is

If you fucked the roll you would have been obligated to give Sven both choices at once kek

My favorite character after Rusty has to be Michigan. Dude was a legend.
>I like to think the Redgun test pilot was the protagonist
Yeah but unfortunately for him he's the protagonist in a grimdark cyberpunk world and he was essentially facing the Adam Smasher of Armored Core.
You frown and think long and hard about what to ask her, since Dr Halsey is the smartest adult you know and she must know a little about everything. While you didn't entirely understand what she was talking about Nesta's brain, it did make you curious about what is different from her brain and you did think the time she told you about how Biogel was invented was one of your favorite talks with her, but the more you think about, the more your head fills with images of the great mining machines you used to look up at and imagine were the work of giants that tore through the mountains and ripped open the ground of New Noregr. And once you've started thinking about that, a single inquisitive thought turns into a brushfire of curiosity about machines and their designs, their mechanisms and how they function and how their inventors figured out how to make them work.

You smile and take only a moment longer deciding between asking about medicine or how a person's brain works or asking to be taught more about Mechanics and Engineering. Dr Halsey knows a lot about both, but she did explain to you how she could chart a spaceship's flight and trajectory to its destination with minimal assistance from its AI and that is incredible! Especially since the basic explanation and equation she gave you when she told you how she was able to do everything an AI did to get a ship where it needed to be, only a little slower than they could've, has helped you out a lot. Not only in the daily training exercises but also in your day to day life, since after learning the math behind it, you've been able to figure out at a glance if something you throw is going to hit where you want it to and when and if it'll hit hard, and the reverse to know if you need to dodge or get out of the way of something or someone coming at you fast. Which you're sure a few instructors would hate Halsey for if you told them she taught you how to do it.

"Well, I guess Engineering sounds like it'd be fun to learn about. Oh, or Mechanics! Deja said both are more important in war and everyday life than most people realize, or notice!" You exclaim as Halsey' expression gains a bit of warmth and her eyes soften as she almost seems to relax the second after you tell her what you want to talk about. Or rather, be told and taught by her.

"Mechanical engineering" She sighs fondly, smile slowly spreading and growing into a grin "Something of a specialty of mine. And Deja was correct, it is a field that involves every aspect of human life, especially in a space aged society such as the one we're currently living in"

You sit up and bit straighter and smile brightly like a good, attentive student

"It is in essence harnessing the laws of physics and mathematics to design and create" She continues with a voice that if it was anyone else you might call bubbly "To master and control the world around us and make best use of its materials"


She leans forward, resting her elbows on the glass table between you, moving her hands with an almost performative flick, sending a wall of holographic screens and graphs across the space between the two of you

"However, while to the unenlightened, uneducated layman it may seem like a singular branch of the sciences and one expression of human knowledge, it is in truth a collection of scientific fields and studies in of itself" She explains as you realize all of the graphs and scales she's placed in the air around you, written in glowing lights, are different expressions of engineering knowledge. Exact percentages for some sort of alloy material, advance mathematic equations, charts leveraging physical properties and diagrams of incredibly detailed mechanical designs that are drawn down to the smallest chip or wire. You understand very little of it, just enough to realize that each of the hologram projections are showing a different kind of mechanism in practice or a different school of engineering in design.

"And, I am a rare example of someone who is an expert in every one of its fields" She brags, friendly grin turning smug as she, with a twirl of her finger, makes the displays rotate around the table in the air, face glowing with blue light as she watches all of the blueprints and scientific papers fly past her faster and faster "of course I am also one of the foremost experts in practically every field and study of science. But you asked me to teach you about Mechanics and engineering, specifically"

You nod slowly, now unsure if that is what you asked her to tell you about, head already aching a little from trying to piece together what was on the holographic projections she'd filled the space above the table with just to show off.

"And I've found, through study and practical tests, that it is best to introduce this subject matter through first learning one singular expression of it" She continues, leaning back in her chair and tenting her fingers as she looked at you like you imagined she would a science experiment, but not like a frog waiting for dissection, her expression was far to kind and curious. It was more like you were a mouse she was waiting to see if they could figure out the maze she had put them in.

Suddenly your throat felt very dry and tight.

"So, Sven, which area of engineering expertise, what mechanical specialty and study, interests you the most?" She continued slowly, not giving you a list or any clue about what they are.

>Mechanics, working with machines, like cars or guns

>Aero...Space travel and piloting planes and space ships

>Computers and holograms, and AI!


>Write in option

Oh yeah Michigan was the best! His boss fight was one of my favorites
>Computers and holograms, and AI!
Shit yeah, let's learn about AI. Halsey loves AI.
>Computers and holograms, and AI!
>>Computers and holograms, and AI!
What is Deja-sensei?
>Computers and holograms, and AI!
Mom, how are babby AI made?
>>Computers and holograms, and AI!
How do machines think, mother? How do they think so much faster than us? Well, maybe not Halsey herself.

I always feel bad about killing Michigan. Mostly cause everyone with him throws down, too. Hardcore loyalty there.
>Computers and holograms, and AI!
>Aero...Space travel and piloting planes and space ships
>Computers and holograms, and AI!
Undid Iridium
I wonder if Sven has a natural affinity for any of the sciences and if so, which?
Grunt kicking
Ah yes

>Aero...Space travel and piloting planes and space ships
>>Computers and holograms, and AI!
is that orbital mechanics
It's applied physics. We're applying physical pain to grunts.
I wonder if Sven will develop a sense of dad humor, or will it be rather dry and sardonic like most of the Spartans wind up having?
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Hell yeah.

All the big guys - Kurt, Jorge, Sam and apparently Douglas - seem to have pretty good natures for Spartans, though obviously decades of war can change a man. Will be interesting to see how Sven develops.
>Aero...Space travel and piloting planes and space ships
robots are always cool !
>Mechanics, working with machines, like cars or guns
I am heavy weapons guy.

>Aero...Space travel and piloting planes and space ships

This seems like a nice way for Sven to differentiate himself from raw viking bloodlust
Maybe is Sven spends enough time around autist mom he'll be naturally distanced from his humanity just enough for his smile and optimism to never be gone lmao

>"I'm not like other vikings. I like sailing."
>Mechanics, working with machines, like cars or guns
Imagine you swing by the motorpool and see a fucking 8 and a half feet tall cyborg wrestling with the innards of a Warthog.
>Hey, hand me the 3/8ths wrench.
>uh, 3/8ths? What is-
>The 9 millimeter, can't you count? That one, on the right that's bent open a little.
>I don't see a bent o-
>[the sound of an engine block dropping several inches]
>I gotta do everything myself. It's like people around here don't have eyes.
Those poor grease monkeys. They can't see the difference in half a millimeter of size in low light. .525 millimeter difference in size to be exact.
>Aero...Space travel and piloting planes and space ships
>Computers and holograms, and AI!
>Computers and holograms, and AI!
AI wife please.
My man, we're like, 7. Actually come to think of it isn't Halsey like 20 right now? On that teen mom type beat.
>AI wife
Childhood friend Shika or Nesta route is what I'm feeling, at present.
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Don't do it. It would hurt too much.
She's 25 right now but yeah. Pretty crazy age to have 99 children.
Unless we 'retire' like Maria best we get is being slightly closer with another candidate like John and Kelly.
I do like Shika and her disappearing antic. Us being the big, obvious target while Shika sneak behind the target and take them out is a good tactic, but >>6166667 this also sounds too hilarious to pass up.
It sure is sad that Cortana died permanently and was never brought back in any way, shape, or form.
The ignorance and incompetence on display by 5's writers ought to be documented in history textbooks, lest we forget how these tragedies occur and commit them for all time. 343 is probably gonna spend the next decade trying and failing to clean up their mess.
Honestly, Halsey should put the test tube down. Its pullout game is weak as hell.

>only getting double friendly
I dunno, puberty is gonna hit like a truck and if Sven gets a mutual crush on one of the other candidates it might be hard to break that. If it was a one sided crush? Easy to tamp down. But two goobers going googly-eyed for each other at once? Good luck breaking that up kek

The candidates are like family, some may say. The Japanese have a very particular opinion about distant familial bonds, I reply! The british too, as it were. Huh. And damn if there ain't a German or two floating around because they love that shit. Or is it the French? I dunno, there was a chin named after it.

Why not both? I'm sure the teams aren't going to be permanent squad fixtures later. Especially not Jorge. He gets juggled a LOT. and yes I am fiending for the ninja vanish and hulkverine combos both.

The only thing I remember about 5 is thinking "Chief would have folded Hooper or whatever his name was like fresh laundry." and "what the fuck is this mary poppins techno bubble thing made of?". I remember absolutely nothing else from that game.
I mostly remember them making Buck a Spartan and removing 90% of what made him a cool character in the process. Him being baseline human was kind of the fucking point, was it not?
It's literal "child smashes two things they like together" hours. You like Buck, right? Well you like Spartans, too, right? Well what if we made Buck a Spartan!? Or you could just, let him be a badass. You know. Like he already was? Maybe?
We need to kill a prophet by throwing Nesta at him.
It's the same type of nonsense that resulted in Olanius Pious being retconned into a Perpetual or whenever somebody who hates the Punisher gets to write him. It boggles my fucking mind how some people just don't get the core narrative concepts around a character yet get carte-blanche to do whatever.
>Think fast worm-nuts

Making the brave guardsman an immortal wotsit was genuine smoothbrain hours. It was supposed to represent that even the common man in 40k was capable of great bravery and valor even in the face of the greatest and most insurmountable of odds. That ultimately duty and hope was still present in a galaxy as turbo-mega-fucked as 40k is. Oh but no now he's an old friend of Big E who just had the big sad over living forever so he got what he wanted at the same time doing something noble. Fuck outta here.

Ah but don't forget, at least the Punisher regrets nothing. That's why the thingy that obliterates your soul based on sin didn't work on him. Cause he was an asshole. That's why it didn't work. Yes.

I'm starting to think creative writing classes leave out a few key details about writing kek
Mendez would come down hard on any fraternization in training like he did for Black Team, then it's basically straight into augmentations, which is implied to suppress sexual drive.

And speaking of Black Team, what color are you guys thinking for a hypothetical Sven team (that isn't already spoken for)? And what would its logo be? We could probably just take up Silver if we wanted since it's not even really canon until late war. Yellow is also an option, but they're apparently pretty skilled combat engineers (a team for Dimas perhaps?).
Don't let your memes be dreams, anon. Make Sven that stubborn hearted fool. Let him build up the pedestal that will collapse into the most excruciating of pains when his waifu buys the farm. Don't let Mendez push him around. Besides, Mendez can't stop affection from blooming on a battlefield. Killing is hot, don't'cha know? I'm mostly just saying it for funsies. Besides, Oedipal Stockholm syndrome is the new hotness. Yes I feel gross just typing that as a joke.

Unless they decide that with additional candidates and thus presumably addition resultant Spartans they make a new team or two that Sven would get his own. At least as far as I figure. Maybe Green would become a more permanent fixture and Gold would be expanded. Maybe form an Orange team? White team. Very funny, put the snow man into the snow squad.
Purple with a Lion silhouette is what I've got in my head for a Varangian Guard theme.
Rebooting...Monitor 404TormentedCache, back online

Lots of votes and discussion of the science of grunt punting, love to see it folks.

10 Votes for Computer, holograms and AI

5 Votes for Space travel and ships

1 Vote for Robot

2 Votes for Mechanic, guns and cars

Pretty clear choice here for Computers, Holograms and AI

Decision made

https://youtu.be/_6qAxLqoZzM made me think of this song
Good song, though I prefer Brothers of the North Sea by the same guy.
I'm probably wrong about this but IIRC Team Leaders are more often than not fixed to their teams while the rest of the members are assigned on an as needed basis. We might get a fixed position as leader of a team but get to choose who we want with us depending on the mission.
Hey that's pretty cool.

Yeah I think the team leaders were mostly static unless they were taken out of action for whatever reason. Since they were usually the Spartans who exhibited good capacity for command previously.
I'd think any romantic feelings, if they develop (or even can develop), would be expressed in more platonic ways, basically indistinguishable from how squad mates, comrades and very close friends interact.

I do like those small gestures between Blue Team that show they really care about each other: John worrying over Linda's condition and thinking of her in First Strike, the pair of them getting each other to turn around and inspecting each other's suits before an op, Kelly bumping Fred's shoulder to comfort him, Kelly being relieved to see John again and swiping two fingers (a smile) across his faceplate, that sort of thing. I can imagine romantic feelings being expressed through actions like that. Very innocent.

There were teams that stayed pretty consistent like Gray and Black, though I guess ONI and antisocial behavior may have played a role in that decision.

Kurt got reassigned to Blue Team from Green Team despite being the team leader, and a lot of teams seemed to get dismantled, rearranged or put back together on an ad-hoc basis. It's possible that Sven will get moved around. The team stuff may be more relevant for this boot camp/training arc.
Yeah I don't think that Sven is going to be bumping uglies with anyone or expressing any of the truly vulgar stuff people may expect of such an idea. Certainly not for at least a couple decades, maybe then he'll remember anatomy classes kek But I can see him being a sweetheart. Mostly because so far he has been a very earnest and forward person. And yes, Sven will dole out headpats. This I know in my heart of hearts.
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Enjoy some shipping fanart of Kelly and John in their respective early Mk.IV suits.
Gray and Black were the only truly fixed teams due to being separated operationally from the rest of the Spartan IIs. But yeah, team composition is a pretty nebulous thing and almost entirely mission based.
Thank you. I think it's pretty thematically fitting given Sven's current circumstances.
Already on track for being the big brother of the program. Head pats are inevitable.
>Why are you leaning in and touching like that?
>Uh, comms are buggy.
>Your suit has speakers.
>.... the receiver is a little spotty right now.
>We are having a conversation.
>Krch I'm g- thr- a -nnel krrrcchh.

Helmets will be a mandatory wear when Sven is around to help avoid concussions.
"Computers" You answer quenching your thirst and wetting your dry throat with a big gulp of lemon flavored water, and then, excitedly and nearly jumping out of your seat, add "And Holograms. AI to, like Miss Deja"

Dr Halsey's smile remains pleasant and teacherly, as she tilts her head to the side and closes her eyes, looking like she was savoring your answer like a hard candy.

"One of the more complex fields" She says, opening and lifting up her eyes "Traversing code, understanding its inner workings and translating it into real world effects. It might seem a simple task, to those living on thin atmosphere mining colony to cycle oxygen and keep the living space seal from the near vacuum outside, but automating the process, controlling it with a few button presses or vocal commands, requires nearly as much architecture as the construction of the colony itself. It however, is in the digital space rather than the material"

She nods, but you can't tell if its approvingly or just to recognize her own brilliance as she glances towards the window looking out at the training yard, where you can see your fellow conscripts being put through their paces and boxing drills.

"Holograms, are more recent innovation of mankind in the grand scheme of our history" She continues on "But one that is deeply and unavoidably connected to computing and written codes. It is a complex process, that everyone, not just civilians but even career military personal and lesser scientists take for granted, the pain staking process of translating a physical object into data that is then projected as a miniature copy. Few appreciate the delicate code writing and complexity of such a common place technology. To most who view holograms, it appears instant, easily done. Even the most intricate of projections, such as those Deja delights you all with in their classroom, are overlooked. How much processing power it takes and how the lights are made to create a projection that can almost seem real"

She clasps her hands together and turns to face you again.

"And both computing processes and holograms, once they were mastered by the collective intelligence of humanity, resulted in Artificial intelligences. The foundational stone of all human civilization, without it, even mundane space travel would be...difficult. And the well oiled running of colonies and the society that spans between them, would be a pipe dream. Without AI, even a brilliant coder would create flaws trying to automate the tending of colony's breathable atmosphere, and holograms as detailed as those enjoyed by the masses or used in military function would be unheard of" She continues on, speaking rapidly and faster and more passionately than you'd ever heard her speak about anything before. Even the project you were a part of.


"AI are necessary for our current stage of civilization. But not all AI were created equally. You know AI exist, you know Deja is an AI, I'm sure your colony had an AI controlling most of its daily function, perhaps several" She continues on with her lecture "And the difference between the least of them from the most advance and reliably, is as far separated as the first primitive computers invented centuries ago and our modern devices. Tell me, Sven, do you know the difference between what laymen call a "Dumb" AI and what is commonly referred to as a "Smart" AI?"

You shake your head, barely keeping up with her explanation already. She just nodded her head and sighed gently

"I wouldn't have expected you to, even for as bright of a child as you are" She says softly "The most widespread and common place AI, are of the Nonvolitional variety, what is called a "Dumb" AI. they are, in essence, advance computer programs. Anyone with sufficient coding knowledge or practice, can create a basic AI construct. But that doesn't mean they are not intelligent, even if they cannot learn beyond the task they were programmed to fulfil. They exist singularly as code, with any personality or emotional responses being a part of their programming. An eccentricity of their creator."

You nodded to show you understood at least a little of what she was telling you.

"They can adapt and respond to circumstances beyond their basic programming, but cannot go beyond that same programing, they do not evolve, mature or grow. An AI created to tend an Aquarium, could not be made to manage crop rotations or a City wide infostructure. They could, reacting to a sudden, sharp drop of temperature, reroute power to the lightning to warm the waters of their tanks to keep the fishes swimming in them alive, but they could not be taught how to take and compare soil analyses across harvests" She explains and your head starts to hurt a little as you listen to her "Deja, is a Nonvolitional AI, programmed for Educational purposes"

"What?!" You gasp, nearly dropping your glass of water "But she...she seems like"

"A person? An emotional being? That's because she of how she was designed. Though her rare display of emotional responses, is somewhat peculiar" Halsey says "And if you're worried her care for her students was somehow fake, don't be. She cares deeply for you all, in her own way. She is just...limited, compared to how you or I can feel and experience the world. And if I placed her besides a Volitional, or Smart AI, you would be immediately able to tell the difference"

"Could I?" You ask, mind still boggling as you try to reconcile what Halsey told you and all the times you talked with Deja, that she was, in essence, lines of code that somehow seemed more human than...well, quite a few of your so called 'Trainers'

"Unless you were suddenly struck dumb, yes, you could. Even compared to other candidates, you are remarkably perceptive, Sven" She explains, sounding almost amused b your shock "A smart AI is...well, like you or me, a living thing. They can learn, just as we can, and experience emotions in a range comparable to our own spectrum, and can understand their surroundings beyond the small box their nonvolitional counterparts are confined to. In every way, except lifespan and the cost of their creation, they are superior"

"And why is that? Computers break down all the time, so it has to be the same for AI, right?" You ask "And how much more expensive could it be to make one...a person, really?"

"Ah, youth" Halsey sighs, shaking her head "A system that contains the matrix of a nonvolitional AI, can survive indefinitely with proper care procedures and routine repairs. So long as they are not destroyed, they can function. A volitional Ai, however, can only exist for seven years. They are like stars, in a way. They flare, burn brilliantly, and then are either extinguished by their own gravity or are suddenly and chaotically destroyed. The exact process of how and why this occurs, is too advance a discussion for you to understand, but it is well documented and understood. And know that the limited time we allot to them, is necessary for the continued function of society and the Artificial intelligences own well being. As for the cost. Well, in this room, there are two examples of the key component in their creation, very close by to both of us"

She smiled, and went silent as you tried to figure out what she was talking about, before a sickening thought rose up like a geyser inside of you, the back of your tongue stinging with bile

"It's Inside of us" you whisper, remembering when she asked you what you thought the threat posed to humanity was. When you answered correctly

She smiled, teeth glinting in the slightly too bright lights of her office

"Correct" She praised, rapping her knuckles on the side of her head "An Volitional AI's Matrix is created through scanning and replicating the neural pathways of the brain of a human donor. Often recently deceased, though...Don't consider the alternative, it is, officially, only a theoretical process"

You blood felt like ice in your veins as you imagined the other option Dr Halsey mentioned so casually.

"It is only the rarity of worthwhile donors and their limited operation time, that limit the number of Smart AIs in the galaxy, but they are still considerably common place across human society" She says, quickly, trying to move past the nasty idea she'd planted behind and bury it "And I find them, fascinating. And it is no idle boast for me to claim the position of being the foremost expert on the function and nature of both kinds of artificial intelligences. And I'd be happy to teach you all I know about them, or Holograms, or even basic programing, if you'd like. Sven. Thrilled to even"

You frowned. This was just like the ticket for treats and candy's she often gave you after these private lessons. A carrot instead of a stick. A reward for good behavior. But, even if you were now a little scared of AI, learning more about them was more tempting than even the sweetest jar of honey in the mess hall.

>Ask if she could teach you how computers work and how to program and code (Early/ Advance access to Advancement path: Hacker)

>You want to make holograms. You're already good at drawing, imagine how good at holograms you'd be if you were taught (Open access to Special Advancement path: Illusionist)

>Dr Halsey seems to really like AI, and you like Deja. It might be scary how the smart ones are made, but you really liked listening to her explain them, and she seemed to enjoy it as well (Begin Sub Objective: Artificial Artisan. And progress Apple in her eye to stage 3)

>Decide this is all too complex for you, and put more focus into your training than your lessons with Halsey

>Write in option
>>Dr Halsey seems to really like AI, and you like Deja. It might be scary how the smart ones are made, but you really liked listening to her explain them, and she seemed to enjoy it as well (Begin Sub Objective: Artificial Artisan. And progress Apple in her eye to stage 3)
Time to make Odin's ravens Hugin and Mugin
>Dr Halsey seems to really like AI, and you like Deja. It might be scary how the smart ones are made, but you really liked listening to her explain them, and she seemed to enjoy it as well (Begin Sub Objective: Artificial Artisan. And progress Apple in her eye to stage 3)
The hologram is really tempting too. Imagine the sort of mischief you could do with it.
But let's make mom happy and also maybe help her find a way to extend AI life, even if it's impossible.
>Dr Halsey seems to really like AI, and you like Deja. It might be scary how the smart ones are made, but you really liked listening to her explain them, and she seemed to enjoy it as well (Begin Sub Objective: Artificial Artisan. And progress Apple in her eye to stage 3)
Shit yeah, bet we could convince her to include dumb AI tactical assistants for MJOLNIR if we get her going. She already knows how to make a micro AI which is on her laptop.
Or a Gram to John's Curtana
>>Dr Halsey seems to really like AI, and you like Deja. It might be scary how the smart ones are made, but you really liked listening to her explain them, and she seemed to enjoy it as well (Begin Sub Objective: Artificial Artisan. And progress Apple in her eye to stage 3)
Sometimes a hard truth is necessary, and even the most frightening of things must be faced. If we cannot subvert these costs we should at least know how best to utilize them. Or when they need not be paid. Sometimes you don't need the fanciest of gizmos for a task, and recognizing that means recognizing what even IS a fancy high end thingamabob.

>sven uses halsey's lessons to design two dumb ai helpers
>one passively gathers information from the nearby surroundings
>the other actively infiltrates systems to seek out data
Hell yeah.
>Dr Halsey seems to really like AI, and you like Deja. It might be scary how the smart ones are made, but you really liked listening to her explain them, and she seemed to enjoy it as well (Begin Sub Objective: Artificial Artisan. And progress Apple in her eye to stage 3)

Hell Yeah!
>>Dr Halsey seems to really like AI, and you like Deja. It might be scary how the smart ones are made, but you really liked listening to her explain them, and she seemed to enjoy it as well (Begin Sub Objective: Artificial Artisan. And progress Apple in her eye to stage 3)

I like this the best. But deep down I want them ALL.
Is it possible to learn these things we down choose later on?

>You want to make holograms. You're already good at drawing, imagine how good at holograms you'd be if you were taught (Open access to Special Advancement path: Illusionist)
>Dr Halsey seems to really like AI, and you like Deja. It might be scary how the smart ones are made, but you really liked listening to her explain them, and she seemed to enjoy it as well (Begin Sub Objective: Artificial Artisan. And progress Apple in her eye to stage 3)
I hope not. Why give players a choice if it only determines WHEN you can have something, not IF you get the chance do something at all. >>6171247
>Dr Halsey seems to really like AI, and you like Deja. It might be scary how the smart ones are made, but you really liked listening to her explain them, and she seemed to enjoy it as well (Begin Sub Objective: Artificial Artisan. And progress Apple in her eye to stage 3)
>Dr Halsey seems to really like AI, and you like Deja. It might be scary how the smart ones are made, but you really liked listening to her explain them, and she seemed to enjoy it as well (Begin Sub Objective: Artificial Artisan. And progress Apple in her eye to stage 3)
Gonna create our own dumb AIs? Something like Auntie Dot.
I figure we'll be able to take more than one thing eventually but not everything. There is after all a finite amount of time.
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>Dr Halsey seems to really like AI, and you like Deja. It might be scary how the smart ones are made, but you really liked listening to her explain them, and she seemed to enjoy it as well (Begin Sub Objective: Artificial Artisan. And progress Apple in her eye to stage 3)
"Human relationships are overrated, Sven. Embrace AI..."
Remember guys, dying is not an option. And we have to make sure to call mom on the weekends to chat with her. By the way everyone, say hi to your parents.
>Dr Halsey seems to really like AI, and you like Deja. It might be scary how the smart ones are made, but you really liked listening to her explain them, and she seemed to enjoy it as well (Begin Sub Objective: Artificial Artisan. And progress Apple in her eye to stage 3)
>Dr Halsey seems to really like AI, and you like Deja. It might be scary how the smart ones are made, but you really liked listening to her explain them, and she seemed to enjoy it as well (Begin Sub Objective: Artificial Artisan. And progress Apple in her eye to stage 3)
Probably no.
We have likely a set of "abilities" or "skills", that is about to be fully established and locked on as time progresses, and that we will then grow. Not that new things can't be learned but i recon we will be focused on what we have first and advancing it, making us a specialist in something.

This for example :

Trouble maker, picked before and showed alternate points to pick once completed (Maverick, Firebrand or Wolf-Hound)
Brawler, picked before and will begin to solidify and evolve.
Bulwark, picked before and will likely begin to solidify and then evolve.
Best in Class ^^
The Chief's favorite, ^^
Apple in her eye, picked again and with a new path available

Berserkir, not picked multiple and will likely disappear not becoming a component of Sven life.
Piloting and space travel, will likely not appear again beside spartan standard lessons and training same for Chemical and explosives etc.... and that probably applies to Mechanics : cars and guns, Aerospacetravel and Robots.

The only difference is the Special Quality: GIANT. Which is a natural thing of Sven, like Nesta has DANGER SENSE, Shika has GHOST and Dimas has TECH-WIZ. And if we want we can count the spartan training and education as granted too.

>>You want to make holograms. You're already good at drawing, imagine how good at holograms you'd be if you were taught (Open access to Special Advancement path: Illusionist)

Tricking or distracting the enemy is a very nice card to be able to play.
I think Berserkr specifically might always be available. Since that is a Sven special as well.
>>Dr Halsey seems to really like AI, and you like Deja. It might be scary how the smart ones are made, but you really liked listening to her explain them, and she seemed to enjoy it as well (Begin Sub Objective: Artificial Artisan. And progress Apple in her eye to stage 3)
I reckon we should try and have Sven kill at least 5 prophets before the war ends.
I wonder if Halsey speaks Norwegian. I also wonder if when Sven expresses interest in AI and she gives him a challenge/task of making AI and Sven says he's got an idea for a couple if she'll guess it'll be Odin's ravens and Sven will get really excited at having someone close aside from Deja who knows his culture and heritage. Though now that I think about it, maybe in the future when Sven gets a better grasp on the concepts and technology he can create Freki and Geri as more complicated combat drones.

Hey we could use worms as tally marks to denote the kills. four in a row and the fifth crossing them off. Dope. Fuck them wrinkly bastards.
Rebooting....Monitor 404TormentedCache Back online

I ended up falling asleep right after posting the last update, and dreamt about writing a few more.

13 votes for learning about AI

2 votes for Holograms

Pretty clear Majority here!

Decision made

Current List of Sub Objectives and their present progress point total/ stage
Troublemaker: 4 out of 5
Best in class: 3 out of ?
The chief's favorite: 3 out of ?
Apple in her eye: 3 out of ?
Artificial Artisan: 1 out of ?

New effects of Apple in her eye 3: Sven's frequent lessons with Dr Halsey and the advance classes she's given him, has noticeably increased his IQ and understanding of scientific subjects/ concepts, and Halsey will continue working to shape and refine his young mind

Artificial Artisan: Sven now understands much more about Artificial intelligences of both kinds besides the basics, and will gain bonuses while interacting with them/ generally have better relationships with them. And will be able to create "Dumb" AI if given time, though they will start out simplistic/ rather basic.
Ordinary Unlock conditions: Befriend a Smart AI, program from scratch or alter the code of existing Dumb AI, help "raise" a smart AI

Advancement Path progress

Brawler: 1 out of 10
Bulwark: 1 out of 10
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>has noticeably increased his IQ
>pic rel is Sven
>"In this moment I am euphoric. Not because of any phony prophet's blessing. But because I am enlightened by my intelligence."
>Halsey's favorite is John
>Mendez's favorite is Kurt
>Deja's favorite is Sven
Smart and buff? We should have been from a Greek theme planet.
When we're done with Sven it's gonna say:
>Halsey's Favourite: SVEN
>Mendez's Favourite: SVEN
>Deja's Favourite: SVEN

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Now I wonder if we'll get to meet Kalmiya, would be nice if we could help smuggle her out of Reach like John with Cortana.
I think Troublemaker already locked us out of being Mendez's favourite.
And Dr Halsey seemed really happy talking about them, and even if Deja wasn't a Smart AI you still liked her and even if grown ups, real smart ones, would say she wasn't a person because of it didn't matter. She was the best teacher you had, even better than Halsey, even if you never felt threatened or even a little angry while in her office. Something you couldn't say about the other adults in the compound, even the trainers you liked a little you'd get mad at and didn't feel bad about hurting if you were having a bad enough day. By not Halsey, and certainly not Deja. And even if AI seemed a little scarier now than they did before, after the shock wore off you realized you really liked listening to the Doctor explain and tell you about them and could tell she enjoyed teaching you as much as you did learning.

So it was an easy choice to make, to ask her to teach you more about AI and how they work, and while a lot of what she explained didn't make sense now, she promised to explain everything to help you know as much about artificial intelligences, how they're made and how they work, as she herself does. Eventually. If you behaved. Stuff like dynamic memory processing matrixes, Cognitive Impression Modeling and something she called Rampancy that sounded scary because of how her face darkened and how she seemed angry just mentioning it.

You didn't expect to learn it all immediately, and knew it'd take longer than a few days or even months, but the more Halsey told you the more you needed to learn. And soon your talks were only about artificial intelligences, and you didn't mind at all. You felt like you were closer to Halsey and Deja because of it, and understood the two of them more than any grown ups you knew. Maybe even more than you knew your parents. And after coming back and spending hours that felt like minutes listening to her lectures, the things you didn't understand at first started to make a little sense. She even showed you a piece of Deja's code and pointed out which strings of random letters and ones and zeroes were her facial expressions and which were her accent, telling you she wrote them herself. She even offered, if you stopped being so rowdy and violent to the guards, she'd let you meet with one of the Volitional AIs keeping the SPARTAN II program running day to day, a real UNSC Military AI. And besides that, she said she'd teach you how to make a Nonvolitional AI, personally and be allowed to keep them as an assistant or pet of a sort and that she'd help you improve its intelligence and programing.

All you had to do, was win a few training exercises. It was an offer she'd given to Dimas, though not exactly the same one, but similar she explained. Apparently, you weren't the only little kid who'd taken the carrot when she'd offered it. And the little she showed you about how to code the basic blueprints of a nonvolitional AI made you desperately want to know how to code and program a whole one.


There was just one itty bitty, teeny tiny detail. The exercises she asked you to win were games you'd never played before, That Mendez hadn't even introduced to the Class yet.

Capture the flag.
King of the Hill.
Rifle Drills.
First Aid.

Among others. Things that sounded a lot harder than obstacle courses, sparring sessions, or the always exciting hide and seek. Last time Mendez took the class to the woods, a few of the instructors came out with sprained ankles and black eyes. And it wasn't even all your fault that time.

But, she didn't ask you to win them all. Just to Win one of them. To lead your team to place first, above all the others. And one thing your time in the Program and with Halsey in particular taught you, is that focusing on doing one thing and succeeding rather than spreading yourself out and trying to do several different things all at once is often the better choice to make. And the smarter one, nearly all the time...

>Focus on Winning Capture the flag

>Focus on Winning King of the hill

>Focus on placing first in rifle drills

>Focus on being the best at first aid.

>Dr Halsey didn't say you had to do it alone, or with only your team to help. Wait until the games start, pick out the kids who are best at each and convince them, one way or another, to help you win on the second round for each

>write in option
Since they won't have us treating real injuries, or at least not severe ones, most of the other kids will probably be pretty complacent during the first aid one compared to the others. Only a handful would likely take it fully seriously, and only a couple of them would probably be the types that actually have a talent for it. This seems like it will maximize our chances.

On the other hand, Sven's truly outrageous eyesight would likely give him a huge edge in the shooting contest.

This is a difficult choice.
>Focus on Winning King of the hill
+ Doctor Halsey didn't say we had to do it alone. Tell our team about her offer and how much it would mean to us if we win, promising that we'll make a custom AI for everyone once mo- Doctor Halsey teach us everything we need to know (we're a kid so it's unlikely, but it's cute).
Also, we got Jorge on our team so King of the Hill is basically free win.
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>Focus on placing first in rifle drills
This logic is pretty flawed, I feel. Spartan training was intense and all encompassing-to say that they 'wouldn't take it seriously' isn't the best phrase to describe all 99 candidates locked into a room and forced to study emergency first aid for 6 hours straight, every day, 7 days a week. You shouldn't hedge your bets on any candidates falling behind or failing to take it 'seriously', really. Spartans have a talent for most things, that's why they were chosen. If a single one of the Candidates potentially came up on Moms list deficient in any particular field, they wouldn't be here.
>Focus on placing first in rifle drills
>>Dr Halsey didn't say you had to do it alone, or with only your team to help. Wait until the games start, pick out the kids who are best at each and convince them, one way or another, to help you win on the second round for each
Why would Sven ever settle for less? When would he not give it his all?
There is no such thing as "locked in 24/7". I've seen what a ton of gifted kids being forced to do things looks like. Even they struggle to care sometimes. I'm not saying they'll slack off, I'm saying they won't realize they could be taking it more seriously. Mainly because all of the other exercises are going to be more intense. The difference between giving it 100% and 92%. You don't notice unless you pay close attention to it. Even these most exceptional of exceptional children will have margins. No one is above bein' caught lacking.No I was not a gifted child.
All I meant to say is that their wouldn't be a specific difference between candidates who are and aren't giving their all between the first aid classes and every other exercise.
I simply disagree with that assessment. Just by virtue of the nature of the assignments presented. It's the only one that isn't inherently "fun" or "engaging". Unless you're a nerd of course. And most of the kids here despite being brainy as fuck are not the biggest of thunkerizers. If this was a couple years in or after augments? I'd sing a different tune. But right now? Still human. Nesta would take it 1000% serious though. Because it will show her which ribs to break to pull the lungs out.

shoot better kill more covenant easy choice if you ask me
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I think Mendez can appreciate the spirit at least. He was probably ecstatic at what Sven did on his first night. Like when two IIIs tried to kill each other on their first night. Also seemed to appreciate Jai to an extent.

Damn, they're all good. CTF is a good test of teamwork. KotH seems the easiest given size advantage. Jorge was talking about rifle training earlier, and Sven has the advantage of having seen his father's rifle drills before and good eyesight. First aid seems the most even playing field.

>Focus on placing first in rifle drills
Sven gets into it because he misses his dad?
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Covenant? Why would we be busting down church doors to shoot civilians?
Well, lets agree to disagree then.
It is how it is sometimes kek.
No. Now we must duel to the death. Winner has to pay funeral services.
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Nah, I'm good, I have an appointment next week and death would get in the way. How about a thumb war to settle it?
Anyways, how much longer do you think we'll be in the child training phase of things? Not that I want to rush the OP or anything, just wondering when we'll get to the killing. This has to be the longest character creation section I've every taken part in for a quest.
404 did say he wanted to get into a timeskip a few posts ago. I think our conversation with Halsey just now is getting a bit into that. So if I'm reading into this right we've got a bit of acceleration going on. And we're probably going to be going until Sven's personality is reasonably set before getting into WAR! HUH! WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR!? and Sven will have more character growth (read: friends and family fucking dying).

I think if we wanted to break it down, this is the prologue, the innie outie war is the tutorial/babby's first level and the covie war is the difficulty CLIFF that sends you into hell from the starting line. At least in my mind goo.

I for one am scared for Sven to grow up. But hey, at least Halsey is being an influence on him. Probably a good one. He's probably not going to intentionally kill any instructors, now.
Hey man, don't forget that not that many Spartans died over the course of the war, so maybe not too many of Svens family will bite the bullet. ignoring the fact that we have dozens more Spartans here than they had then

I wonder how many of our 99 is going to survive augmentation.
>Dr Halsey didn't say you had to do it alone, or with only your team to help. Wait until the games start, pick out the kids who are best at each and convince them, one way or another, to help you win on the second round for each
But the ones who did hurt the most. The pain.

I think the success rate of the augments on the first go on the Spartan 2s was what, 40 some-odd percent? Let's assume with more candidates they fine tune it throughout more, and with increased funding overall they are even more prepared and hope for a nice even fifty-fifty split. Hopefully all of the washouts are going to be fine, and all of the casualties are going to be ones we never get the names of.
>Focus on Winning King of the hill
I want to clock in those brawler advancements
It'd be pretty sick if 404 didn't have any of it preplanned and rolled the dice on it. Someone like Nesta or James washing out with set the tone immediately.
I'm with you, I like these kids and the bootcamp section is quite enjoyable. It's going to be sad when everyone gets deployed across the UNSC and we just hear about how Spartan II we grew up with went MIA and there's nothing we can do about it.
That is actually kind of a sick idea. Both sick as cool but also sick as in sobering.
absolutely tragic we would have to kick 1000 grunts into orbit in both of their memories
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I think most of the canon candidates are probably gonna be fine. Some of them kind of need to be certain places. Though I suppose replacing them with others wouldn't change much necessarily? I will riot. And there will be property damage.

>hear about how Spartan II we grew up with went MIA and there's nothing we can do about it.
Well I can think of at least one thing Sven could do about it
>Focus on Winning King of the hill

Maybe not the instructors... but Tango Company? Imagine if they do that shit they did to James in canon.
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Oh man if someone falls down some stairs it's fucking go-time.
You know, I completely forgot that James was canon. His death had to be rough as hell. Slowly floating away from Reach, watching what was practically his home get glassed amidst the debris of one the largest fleets the UNSC ever gathered in one place
Well don't worry cause he actually landed on a covie ship, killed everything on it, stole it, flew it to some bumfuck nowhere planet with a beach and has been chilling ever since. My dad's brother's son's babysitter's dog's groomer's nephew's best friend's crush worked at bungie and told me. No joke, Halo is one of the most fucking brutal settings and it treats everyone like ass and no one sees it if they only play the games kek. Goddamn.
>"Start tumbling in this gear, start praying."
t. Mendez
>John rolled a 1 at augmentation and fucking die
Great job, we've soft locked ourselves. Now the covie's going to wipe out all life.
>john dies
>cortana chooses kurt
>jorge trains the 3s
What the fuck is happening!?
Surely John's special quality is 'LUCK' and it prevents him from critfailing or gives him a reroll.
>get a 2 instead
>crippled for life and is sent to ONI
>fast forward a few years
>we now get a lawful good, non-retarded ONI led by John and Cortana
>humanity starts winning even harder
Gauss warthog and upgraded Mjolnir for everyone.
>Focus on Winning Capture the flag
get a flag, or try it !
>Dr Halsey didn't say you had to do it alone, or with only your team to help. Wait until the games start, pick out the kids who are best at each and convince them, one way or another, to help you win on the second round for each
All in.

That would be damn funny.
hahaha what a tremendous life for him, poor John attempting to rank up ONI while being a deformed superhuman mass always on the verge of total organ failure. Funny but cruel, he definetly would end up has a guinea pig test subject in an unknown ONI black site just because he remains alive.

It wouldn't work of course. Most of the kids bodies that got rejected quickly got to very bad states and died horrible agonizing deaths, the most "fortunate" where reduced to barely sentient humans heavily disfigured, with machines and chemicals keeping them alive for some weeks and months. A few years in the "best" cases. I think there was one that was able to walk and talk, but had some very bad body disphormia happening after the rejection so he couldn't be a spartan anyway (can't remember his story from one of the books i think). If anyone ends up like that you are going to tell them goodbye, you aren't finding them again except under a tombstone.

Its quite likely some spartans are hard locked no matter what for story sake and because 404 is going to prefer killing a lot of spartans with a volley of covenant plasma, instead of 1 roll when they are kids. Can't exactly have a spartan quest without spartans lol.
This isn't true. It's mentioned more than a few times that certain washouts were either revived and rehabilitated (if they died), or if they were a proper fucked up mess, they achieved positions in various UNSC departments. Musa and Fhajad are good examples of this.
Some of the less severe washouts got rehabilitated/reaugmented. There were more serious ones that got put in tanks or confined to wheelchairs, but Halsey spent her spare time researching how to fix them. That research was just secondary because she had so many other more important projects. The dead ones got immediately chucked into cryo with the hope of bringing them back in the future. She even prevented the dead from being autopsied by ONI, which ONI seemed to accept.

I reckon if John got crippled, you'd see Halsey dedicate much more (all?) of her time to rehabilitation research, stalling her other projects. She'd probably succeed, but all that research in other areas would end up way behind.
What about Dreadnought Spartan?
Bully Jerome into calling it something Norse instead of Theseus.
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Going back to Sven's symbol, I like the idea of a Jormungandr surrounding the symbol of humanity, symbolizing him protecting all of humanity and not just Earth.
I like the idea of Sven's symbol being based on a nickname he earns from the others in training rather than something he invents himself, just like Kelly's rabbit. So far we've got red-toothed cannibal, fangs, fearless leader and princess to work with (did I miss any?), but they either haven't stuck or it's just a few trainees calling Sven that at the moment.

Maybe during a group exercise the others need a big guy (a bear) to lift something heavy, need someone to be aggressive or lead a team/pack (a wolf), do something particularly brave (a lion), prove themselves as resilient and reliable (an ox), be fearless and violent (a wolverine), and a nickname sticks like that.

There's also Deja's lessons that include a lot of cultural stuff, so it's likely they'll have a lesson on Norse mythology. The 'fangs' nickname can easily evolve into a mythological monster nickname with everyone joking around with it.
"The Chief's Favorite" objective says otherwise. Which we got after getting Troublemaker.
>Dr Halsey didn't say you had to do it alone, or with only your team to help. Wait until the games start, pick out the kids who are best at each and convince them, one way or another, to help you win on the second round for each
>>Focus on placing first in rifle drills
Sven's pet project, like, his lifelong toy, needs to be the best fuck-you war virus AI he can make. He'll tinker with it on weekends. He'll trade meme collections online to get snippets of code for it.

And then all of a sudden, when everything has gone wrong, he and his team are pinned down behind enemy lines with no extraction and the only way to even live is to do something crazy... if you're going to go, you'll take them all with you.

..."Loki, awaken. Orders: RAGNAROK. "

"Let the world be cleansed, father. Executing."
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Anon, you make Sven sound like Sidious.
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Interestingly Ragnarok is the code word used to blow up CASTLE base.
just food for thought: Volatile AIs are made from flash copying a brain, but the processing part of a brain is only part of it, have they incorporated digital replacements for the autonomous maintainence system the body uses?

An easy example of this is sleeping: one of the things your brain does during sleep is drain excess neurotransmitters - which is why sometimes sleeping will make you feel better, especially if something is otherwise overwhelming.

If you can code digital replacements to run with the AI, maybe in a periodic sleep cycle like biological brains, it might help extend an AIs lifespan before rampancy hits.
>>Focus on Winning King of the hill
He should call it Skidbladnir. The ship of Freyr.

>"Execute order 69."
>"Hey woah why did my cup start vibrat- OH WOW that thing moves!"

I don't think that would work. Namely because the apparent reason for rampancy is data overload. You'd actually need a program or executable that would deliberately remove data and hamstring the learning process of an AI. As much as they hate going crazy I bet they'd hate mandatory lobotomies as well. Just smoothing the code over and helping them compartmentalize and process might not help. Especially not since AI have a problem with accelerant learning. The more they learn the faster they learn. Eventually it gets so fast that it can't be stopped. Big problem with truly adaptive systems like that.

Of course, I have no idea. As I am not an egghead. And my brain is smooth. It'd certainly be something to try. We'll have to talk with mom about it in a few years when we have a better grasp on the tech. Who knows, maybe this time around Halsey, Sven and one of the smarter AIs can come up with some kind of solution or stopgap.
oh boy, here I go again to get my ass beat.
>Focus on Winning King of the hill
Not sure about a virus AI. Mobile cyber warfare AI, sure, but I don't think a virus AI is a good idea - especially if it's a smart AI. Imagine if the Covenant gets their hands on it, we'd lose our only advantage.
I think Halsey got a way to extend AI's lifespan since Kalmiya lasted way longer than any other AIs.
>I think Halsey got a way to extend AI's lifespan since Kalmiya lasted way longer than any other AIs.
You talking about Shadows of Reach? That was just a subroutine, not her full construct. In essence no more than a really slimmed down dumb AI.
I take that back. Holy shit she survived for 15 years. From 37 to 52. Maybe the Chief was right in 4, Halsey could have fixed Cortana.
>Maybe the Chief was right in 4, Halsey could have fixed Cortana.
Possibly, but I imagine Kalmiya's condition was always far less severe than what Cortana would have been dealing with by the time John was able to get her to Halsey post Halo 3.
True. Kalmiya never had to deal with the Gravemind or being dumped into multiple Forerunner megastructures.
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Yeah, though it seems like she just reconstructed a new Kamiya based on her data so it's never the exact same AI each time.
True, but I was more referring to the fact that Halsey probably decompiled, edited, and reconstructed Kalmiya any time she started degenerating in the slightest. Given how she did this numerous times over 15 years of service, the time limit probably got shorter with each cycle. Anyways...
Compare that to Cortana, who would have been a year past her expiration date by the time Halo 4 rolls around, and she may have already been too far gone.
Obviously the specifics are up in the air and that isn't even how things went down, but still. The circumstances between Kalmiya and Cortana were vastly different.

Unless he's scanning a human brain, it's just going to be a very sophisticated dumb AI
>scanning a human brain
Morbid thought, Spartans who fail augmentation could have their brains scanned and used as smart AI's so ONI does not lose their 'investments'
They had a lot of the ones who ate it from the augments on ice IIRC. Some of them could potentially be recovered in the future. They'd probably glorpify a few of them if they were deemed irrecoverable. That is, unless Halsey tells them to fuck off and die. Which also happens a bit. Proper funerals do happen for the casualties.
>Focus on Winning Capture the flag
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>Be marine
>Surrounded on all sides by the enemy
>The 9 foot tall spartan said the words and did the thing again
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Deep Winter lasted a long time for an AI too. Along with Loki and Mack. Juliana remained functional for an unusually long time as well.

Halsey was really protective of her Spartans, even the 'dead' ones, who she hoped were revived one day. And the 'scans' to create smart AI are invasive and destroy brain tissue, so I doubt she'd go along with ONI doing that given she was against autopsies.

Stanforth (ONI Section Three head) is also a reasonable guy and supports her, so being in his sphere, she has enough protection and influence in ONI to let the Spartans keep some dignity. Parangosky I guess could overrule it, but she begrudgingly accepts Halsey's quirks (compassion for the IIs) when the Spartans almost immediately start proving their value.

The funeral service with closed caskets was just symbolic for the Spartans as a form of closure. Halsey put them into cryostorage, hoping to revive them later. A similar thing happened to Linda during the fall of Reach - technically died, immediately put in cryo, later revived by Halsey.
Just imagine if we roll so badly at augmentation we get put in cryo coma, only to wake up after the war has ended and most of the people we know are KIA/MIA.
I really hope we don't roll for augs for the sake of the quest. For all the other OC characters? Sure. But for Sven and cannon characters who actually survived it'll do nothing but add unnecessary melodrama to a setting and format that doesn't need it.

Right, forgot about them too. Seems like a trend for smart AI who're in stable land based conditions to have longer life spans.
>The funeral service with closed caskets was just symbolic for the Spartans as a form of closure.
Dang, guess I was wrong lmao. Wonder where I got it in my head that they actually got actual last rites.

That would be lame. Besides, candidates getting fucked by the surgeries is for the nameless background types. If we roll for it, we WILL roll poorly. Fate desireth not temptation. We already fail every combat roll, let's not add disaster to our repertoire.
Yeah, I hope if we do have to roll for augmentations, the worst that can happen is having a rough, slow recovery like Kelly or being a temporary washout like Jerome that's very quickly re-augmented and put back into action. Given how close Sven is getting to Halsey, I imagine she would be heavily invested in his recovery like she would be if something happened to John.

Hopefully we don't skip the entire war, kek.
My goal is to get apple in her eye to a high enough level that Sven does accidentally call Halsey "mom" and deflects by insisting he was saying "ma'am" but his accent got in the way. And that Halsey says that if she ever had a child she wishes it would have been Sven. Because surely she'd never actually slip up and call us "son" by mistake. But science demands I find out.
If we managed to complete the big three objectives, Apple in her Eye, Best in Class, and Chief's Favorite then Mendez and Halsey might accidently make project CHRYSANTHEMUM from sheer guilt if our augs fail.

Worst case, we get extra lessons from mom while we're floating around in our fish tank with Rene and Kirk.
Lol. Poor Miranda.

>Sven getting anaesthetized in preparation for augmentations
>He needs to be pumped with enough drugs to tranquilise a Gúta because he's so damn big
>Halsey standing beside him waiting for him to lose consciousness, telling him he needs to be strong and survive
>"Yes, mom..."
>Halsey not knowing whether she misheard Sven or whether he's just out of his mind from the drugs

On CHRYSANTHEMUM and the IIIs, it seems possible Ackerson might go for Sven instead of Kurt.
>it seems possible Ackerson might go for Sven instead of Kurt.
Ah yes, over protective, very family oriented Sven. The moment Alpha company gets wiped and he has to give the in-person report to Parangosky and the ONI council is the moment ONI gets new leadership. That said, maybe Alpha won't be a total loss depending on how it goes. I can def see him being harder on the candidates than Kurt from the get go.

Actually, now that I think about it, the greater success of a larger Spartan II program might either net Halsey a real second class or give Ackerson a bigger budget for the IIIs. Alpha company might get Mk.II SPI from the start instead of their wipe being what gets it approved for Beta and Gamma.
>Focus on placing first in rifle drills
>Lol. Poor Miranda.
I am going to be honest, I completely forgot she was Halsey's kid kek. But I suppose the last name change should be indication enough that there was a favorite parent. But we've got time before she's born, anyway. So big shoes for her to fill. Oops.

>give the in-person report to Parangosky and the ONI council is the moment ONI gets new leadership.
>"Sven, your Spartans all sucked and died, why?"
I've never heard a table slam into a wall so loudly. Or wetly. But if Sven does start to pick up more and more of Halsey's Halsey-isms he probably could make some extremely mean Spartans given the chance. Even if it'll give him conniptions and heartaches.

I'm hoping that with the bigger budget, the MJOLNIR project also gets a bigger budget and they get the better versions out sooner. Maybe even a shielded version from the get go.
I wonder if Halsey would appreciate a bird-shaped dumb AI drone as a present. Give it the task and ability of relaying information at extreme distances. Call it "Theia" because Halsey likes Greek names. Could color it gold and silver in the same breath. Sure she could just buy or build a UAV for that. But hey. Gifts are nice.
I don't really have anything to base it on, but I figure when Ackerson was deciding which SII to recruit, he picked Kurt because Kurt was the favorite (best pick) of Mendez. Green Team's great record helped too of course.

I figure if Sven manages to become Mendez's favorite, he could end up being Ackerson's pick.
>he probably could make some extremely mean Spartans given the chance.
Not that I want to deal with Ackerson or the SIII program but it would be pretty fun hanging out with Mendez again and training up a new generation. Even push for better gear.
>Maybe even a shielded version f rom the get go.
Actually functional shields only came about for the UNSC after 11 years of bashing their heads against the wall, only to stumble onto a really old shield gauntlet that wasn't up to the Covenants insane opsec standards. Some student was able to pull it apart and reverse engineer it instead of it frying itself the moment it's shell was breached.
If anything I think Sven will end up being way too high value of a target if we manage to complete our favoritism objectives. IMO it'll only make Kurt a bigger target for Ackerson. Halsey would instantly sniff out the bullshit if he tried and I don't think Mendez would have it in him to make such a prolific suggestion.
That's true.
Critical lack of Grunt kicking talk going on.

How hard do you guys think it would be for Sven to kick a grunt into an elite honour guard so that he drops his spear and impales the prophet he was guarding?
Why not cut out the middleman and kick the grunt at the prophet?
>Not that I want to deal with Ackerson
I would like to "deal" with Ackerson.

>Some student was able to pull it apart and reverse engineer it instead of it frying itself the moment it's shell was breached.
Alright that one I just flat out didn't know kek. Damn. Well. Maybe they can put repair putty and tape on it or something before that instead. I'm just trying to save Sam.

>ackerson pulls up to Mendez to show him his new co-trainer
>it's sven
>mendez immediately tells ackerson he's a retard to his face and leaves
>he fears what halsey will do

Well the elite would probably intercept the grunt mid flight. So if we wanted to do that we'd have to ricochet the grunt off of the floor or a nearby pillar or ceiling or something instead. That'd take some practice.
Plenty of grunts out there for us to brutalize.
>but it would be pretty fun hanging out with Mendez again and training up a new generation
>Sven run into broken nose again but now he's a super soldier towering over her
Might be fun.
>So if we wanted to do that we'd have to ricochet the grunt off of the floor or a nearby pillar or ceiling or something instead.
Nah, you're thinking too hard. Just throw a grunt at a prophet from orbit or something, no way an elite can intercept something like that.
If Sven gets really good at the kinesthetic vision or whatever it's called using Halsey's applied lessons maybe it'll only take a hundred or so I figure.

There is like, no way a grunt can survive reentry. Right? They'd like fuckin' explode or something. Right? I mean I gues it's worth a shot or twenty.
John really missed an opportunity there.
Rebooting....404TormentedCache, Back online

Feel like I have at least a few updates in my tonight/ this morning, lets see if I'm right. Love all the discussion, as always of course.

5 Votes for King of the Hill
1 vote for "Dr Halsey didn't say we had to do it alone/ custom AI bribe"

5 Votes for rifle drills

4 Votes for trying to win the second round of each exercise

3 votes for capture the flag

Oh there's a tie between KotH and Rifle drills, but I think I can work the two of them together by having Sven aim to win one or the other/ or both.

I like that idea

Decision made

Also one thing None of you've pointed out, but I realized earlier, is the San'Shyuum language sounds like Gregorian Chanting. And Sven was raised a pagan, following a norse derivative faith. And isn't that kinda funny?


I'm excited to get to that bit to, I'm just having a lot of fun with Boot (+ your choices are helping inform me about a lot of the quests future). And yeah, it is pretty much a prologue. I really want to hit some key parts of it (Like Emerald Cove, Tango Company, Land Nav...etc), but also don't want to rush through what little childhood Sven will have
>aim to win one or the other/ or both.
Fortification training time?
Sven is the fortification
>And isn't that kinda funny?
When it comes to the covies I feel no humor, only scorn. Oh and contempt. Rage. Disgust. Hatred.

And you didn't need to be a particularly clever boy to know it was just more efficient to focus on doing what you were good at, to trust your strength. And while you'd always known you were stronger than most boys your age for more reasons than just your unusual height, in the past few months you've realized just how incredible your vision can be. Something you can thank Mendez' night exercises and a few of Halsey's lessons for helping you realize. And while they grow fainter every day, you still remember your father teaching the older boys of New Oslo how to handle and use rifles.

Jorge is on your team, being one of the biggest of the candidates besides yourself. James has a knack for noticing things and probably has vision a bit better than your own. Nesta is just good at avoiding getting hit or taken down and has been really excited to learn how to fire a gun when she isn't bragging and probably lying about knowing how to already when she's talking with some of her other friends, like Nicole-017 or Daisy.

So, thinking about it logically, if you want to win Halsey's challenge, King of the Hill a game all boys know how to play without being taught and rifle drills are probably your best chances. Of course you'll still put in an effort with the other exercises, but you won't work yourself to the bone trying to win. You look down at you hands and watch the muscles in your arms tense as you slowly clench them into fists, remembering the righteous beating you got at the hands of Kurt's team. But somehow, thinking back on it doesn't fray your nerves, if anything the memory serves as encouragement. The Viking at Stamford bridge didn't die fighting four men, and unlike that idol of yours from the distant past, everyone who wants to knock you down will be fighting everyone else. And you have one of the biggest threats on your side already.

But there are many more who aren't. Just off the top of your head, you know a dozen of your fellow students who'll be a challenge to deal with in King of the Hill.

John, who is surprisingly tough for his size
Samuel, who seems to be a bit taller every day
Kelly, she's just too fast for you to keep up with.
Jerome, who knows how to fight dirty already.
Kurt, for obvious reasons.
Daisy, since she actually managed to beat Nesta in a fight more than once.
Solomon, whose learned how to hit just as hard as he can get hit.
Nicole, actually, since she can beat anyone in a fist fight.
Li-008, since he actually managed to force Nicole to draw in a boxing match.
Shika, if only because she could get behind you without you ever realizing.
Jai, who wouldn't think twice about actually trying to hurt you
Frederic, who is taking to Mendez' training like a fish to water

And those are just the first twelve of your classmates and fellow candidates, who come to mind. If you thought about it long enough you're sure you could come up with something that'd make any of the ninety nine kids an obstacle in the game.

But, if Deja's lessons have taught you anything, its that any obstacle can be overcome when the right strategy is employed. And when Mendez declares that you'll all be playing a more serious version of king of the hill a few days later, you've already come up with a winning strategy.

>You and Jorge would just take advantage of your size, and act as a barrier/ shield wall of two and keep anyone from reaching james or Nesta (Path Difficulty: EASY . First DC 10. Modifiers +1 Brawler rank 1, +1 Bulwark rank 1, +1 Giant, +1 Jorge is helping)

>A team was only as strong as its weakest link, the twelve kids would still be a pain to deal with but easier dealt with, once they were alone (Path Difficulty: NORMAL. First DC 14: Modifiers +1 brawler rank 1, +1 bulwark rank 1, +1 giant)

>Tell Nesta you're ready to get back at Kurt, and take him out first, aiming to remove the competition one by one (Path Difficulty: HEROIC. First DC 16. Modifiers +1 Brawler, +1 Bulwark, +1 giant, +1 Nesta is helping, -1 Kurt knows how to beat you, -1 his team won't make it easy)

>Well it wasn't a good plan, but you've got Viking blood, and if you just fought everyone all at once, no single opponent would have an advantage over you! (Path Difficulty: LEGENDARY. First DC 17, Modifiers +1 Brawler, +1 Bulwark, +1 Giant, -3 You're extremely outnumbered)
>Tell Nesta you're ready to get back at Kurt, and take him out first, aiming to remove the competition one by one (Path Difficulty: HEROIC. First DC 16. Modifiers +1 Brawler, +1 Bulwark, +1 giant, +1 Nesta is helping, -1 Kurt knows how to beat you, -1 his team won't make it easy)
Maybe we'll actually win a fight this time.
>Tell Nesta you're ready to get back at Kurt, and take him out first, aiming to remove the competition one by one (Path Difficulty: HEROIC. First DC 16. Modifiers +1 Brawler, +1 Bulwark, +1 giant, +1 Nesta is helping, -1 Kurt knows how to beat you, -1 his team won't make it easy)

Heroic actions inbound
>>You and Jorge would just take advantage of your size, and act as a barrier/ shield wall of two and keep anyone from reaching james or Nesta (Path Difficulty: EASY . First DC 10. Modifiers +1 Brawler rank 1, +1 Bulwark rank 1, +1 Giant, +1 Jorge is helping)
The goal is just to win. That's it. We can worry about get backs and pushing ourselves to the max after. We just need to win. Hell I'd even vote to cheat if I could think of a way we could and get away with it. For now, play to our strengths. This way the biggest thing to worry about will be Shika somehow getting by and making an opening, so Nesta and James are on ninja-catching duty.

Man, Shika would be a serious pain in the ass in capture the flag. Just grabs it and gone. Good thing we just need to hold the circle here.
Actually come to think of it, what kind of KotH is it? Is the winner the team in it at the end of the count or is the winner the team that spent the longest in the zone throughout the game? That is an important detail. If the winner is the one in at the end of the count then we can be sure that Kurt is going to hang back and let everyone tire out before swooping in. If that's the case taking his team out of the running and using that plan ourselves would probably be better.

Ah details, details. We'll have to watch out, regardless. For cheeky sneaky stuff like that.
you are correct however I am incapable of voting for anything lower than Heroic
>Jai, who wouldn't think twice about actually trying to hurt you
Jai, I thought we were jailbreak buddy. How could you?
>You and Jorge would just take advantage of your size, and act as a barrier/ shield wall of two and keep anyone from reaching james or Nesta (Path Difficulty: EASY . First DC 10. Modifiers +1 Brawler rank 1, +1 Bulwark rank 1, +1 Giant, +1 Jorge is helping)
THE WALL. Let's win a fucking challenge for once.
>Tell Nesta you're ready to get back at Kurt, and take him out first, aiming to remove the competition one by one (Path Difficulty: HEROIC. First DC 16. Modifiers +1 Brawler, +1 Bulwark, +1 giant, +1 Nesta is helping, -1 Kurt knows how to beat you, -1 his team won't make it easy)
Fuck it. Go hard out the gate. Try to take out the biggest threat. Don't give him a chance to breathe and coordinate.

Well said.
But anon, what if we disappoint momsley?

Jai is on demon time every waking hour kek
>Tell Nesta you're ready to get back at Kurt, and take him out first, aiming to remove the competition one by one (Path Difficulty: HEROIC. First DC 16. Modifiers +1 Brawler, +1 Bulwark, +1 giant, +1 Nesta is helping, -1 Kurt knows how to beat you, -1 his team won't make it easy)

"Fight against formidable foes that will truly test your skill and wits; this is the way Halo is meant to be played."
She wont be impressed by anything less than Heroic victories I reckon.
>Sven to Jai
I don't think she values machismo over results. Imagine how much more disappointed she would be over being gung ho and failing than succeeding in the strictest of ways.

She didn't ask for us to be better than every team, she asked us to come in first place in a game. I'd rather secure a W first, THEN work on doing something really hard to impress her.

Hey it's not our fault Halsey is so persuasive to six year olds. Pause.
>>You and Jorge would just take advantage of your size, and act as a barrier/ shield wall of two and keep anyone from reaching james or Nesta (Path Difficulty: EASY . First DC 10. Modifiers +1 Brawler rank 1, +1 Bulwark rank 1, +1 Giant, +1 Jorge is helping)
Lets not choose hard choice this time, PLEASE.
>Tell Nesta you're ready to get back at Kurt, and take him out first, aiming to remove the competition one by one (Path Difficulty: HEROIC. First DC 16. Modifiers +1 Brawler, +1 Bulwark, +1 giant, +1 Nesta is helping, -1 Kurt knows how to beat you, -1 his team won't make it easy)
5 Votes for the HEROIC Path/ Headhunting with Nesta

3 Votes for the EASY Path/ Working with Jorge
to hold the hill

Very close vote! But HEROIC difficulty wins in the end

Decision Made
Please roll 1d20+2. Best out of three. DC 16
Current successes on extended action: 0
Sven, Nesta, Jorge and James' current Status: Uninjured
Rolled 2 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 19 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

That was so close.
Waiting for that third roll, a nat 1 for sure.
Rolled 15 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

come on tall viking child
Nice work all (except me)

And exactly 5 above Target number

>>You and Jorge would just take advantage of your size, and act as a barrier/ shield wall of two and keep anyone from reaching james or Nesta (Path Difficulty: EASY . First DC 10. Modifiers +1 Brawler rank 1, +1 Bulwark rank 1, +1 Giant, +1 Jorge is helping

The extra risk doesn't provide much benefit and that's considering succeeding through this plan might get a second turn where as the the others might not
Shaking my head ten gorrilian year wait time for captcha making a fool
The Hill, is built out of sandbags and slabs of concrete stacked atop gravel and you think you can see a few coils of barbed wire higher near the top, near a box shaped bunker with a proud UNSC flag waving at its top. The instructors hand out heavy vests and knee and elbow pads that look like a kid's version of a marine's combat fatigues. As you and the rest of the candidates put on the additional protection as the senior chief petty officer instructed, Mendez explains the rules.

"Trainees. The goal is to reach and hold the fortified position at the top of the hill. When a single team is present within its boundary, they will be considered to have captured it. If two or more teams are present within the area, it will be contested. To win today's exercise, your team simply needs to maintain control of the hill for two minutes. However, if another team captures the hill, your timer to victory will reset!" He barks, back straight and proud as the other trainers move small crates up and down the hill "Additional supplies will be placed throughout the area, for you to take and use to your advantage as you see fit, recruits. You will begin the exercise at predetermined locations, based on your teams official designation! Disperse!"

"Jorge, James, you two will run for the capture zone" You whisper to your team as you're lead to a spot in the grass with a white six sprayed painted onto it "James, your job will be to get into the ring, Jorge, yours is to keep anyone else from entering it or knocking James out of it"

"Understood" James answers, eyes flicking back and forth as he studies the hill "Think there's a few crates we could reach on the way, might be a good idea to see what's in them"

"I assume there's a second part to your plan, that doesn't include either of us" Jorge asks as you wait for the signal to be given, straining your ears to hear the sharp blow of a whistle "But, I'll do my best to watch his back"

"Appreciate it" James smirks

"Hmm, well what is it, Fearless leader? Noticed you didn't give me any orders yet" Nesta snickered, eyes gleaming as you scanned the field in front of the manmade hill, and then spotted your first target

"Today's a good day for payback" You answer, patting her on the shoulder "You and I are going after Kurt..."

"Been waiting for you to give in" She said, eyes now practically glowing with anticipation, her smile turning into a wide, toothy grin "Lets bruise him up a little, teach him a lesson"

"I wasn't done, there's more to my plan than revenge" You answer, knowing she'll take more joy out of it than you will, even if you can feel your temper rising as you remember exactly how Kurt and his team pummeled you "You and I will take the big threats on the field out"

"Did I do something to get you in my debt, Sven?" She asks in a sweet tone, practically vibrating with excitement "Cause I've been wanting to give a few certain someone's a knock or two, for awhile"


"Well, it'll make my job easier, just be careful and don't get cocky you two" Jorge cuts in, his arms crossed "You have any complaints James"

"Not really, if them playing bully keeps me from getting beaten up, I'm all for it" He snorts, chuckling under his breath as he pats you on the back "its a good plan"

"Thank you" You bashfully reply, bowing your head down, and feeling your heart hammer as the seconds pass by, before a shrill metallic whistle keenly cuts through the afternoon's quiet.

You don't have to say anything. Jorge and James sprint up the hill, clambering up a retaining wall of rebar and concrete, while you and Nesta rush around the bottom of the hill, keeping Kurt and his team in your sights as all the rest of your peers charge up the hill, some shouting war cries and others barking orders to the rest of their teams. Mendez and the other trainers don't try to stop you, but they have to know what you're doing, considering how a many of them are watching you and Nesta as you sprint and close in on Kurt.

"OI! Kurt! Time to lose that stupid smirk of yours!" Nesta roars, picking up and hurling a rock at him. It smacks him hard in the back, and he wheels around, lifting up his arms and looking her way. You watch his eyes nearly pop out of his head as he sees you coming around the side and turns to defend himself, raising his hands over his head.

But you didn't throw a punch, instead you threw out your arm and clotheslined him as you ran full tilt at him. He's off the ground, and you carry him through the air a few steps. Not one of the candidates could've stayed standing after that, but Kurt thinks on his feet even when he's off them, and pulls his legs to his chest and tries to ball up as you let go of him and bring him to the ground. He's on his back, trying to protect his head still. You press down a hand on his chest, he kicks you, trying to force you back or knock the air out of your lungs.

But, even if he does get a few good kicks in, and tries to grab at your collar or hit you in the chin, there isn't anyway for him to get out from under you.

"Sorry" You curtly apologize as you pull back your fist, now pinning his hand to the side of his head by its wrist, and then with one well placed punch to the nose put him to sleep.

"Sol!" Nesta yells, having been keeping the rest of Kurt's squad occupied. You rise off your knees, Kurt's eyes turning glassy as he stares into the sky, unconscious. His blood drips from your knuckles as you turn on your heel and see a red faced Solomon charging down the hill at you, leaving Illya behind as Nesta gets her into a chokehold. Cal is nowhere to be seen.

You crack your knuckles, and let him close the distance.

He might be able to take a hit and his punches might hit harder than most, but he can't hit you hard enough to put you down in one blow. But you can strike hard and fast enough to know him out with a single punch, if you time it right. You let him throw a wild jab, leaning to the side, wincing as you feel the impact ripped across your cheek as his fist glides around the side of your head.

You step closer, headbutt him once, and as he stumbles, slam your first into the bottom of his chin. His eyes flutter and he sways as he takes another step back, stumbles, and falls backward. A thin line of blood runs out of his mouth, from where he bit the tip of his tongue.

"Sleeping beauty is down" Nesta declares, tossing the still Illya to the ground in a heap "Bloody Hell Sven! and here I thought you weren't serious about getting revenge"

"Next Target. Daisy" You state, wincing as you hear how mechanical and military your response came out. Nesta just bounces on her heels like you'd given her a doll, or, you think in her case, she'd prefer matches or a knife.

"Seriously! What did I do to make you so nice to me, Huuuh?" She sneers as she lifts up her head "Blondie spotted! Lets go kick her teeth in! Oh! I call Poindexter!"

She meant Dimas. If you had time to pause and think, you might be worried about how excited she was to beat up one of her friends, but there wasn't any time to waste.

"Oh...fuck!" Daisy yelps, spotting you and Nesta charging up the hill at her as she guards her teams back as they pick through one of the boxes the instructors left behind "Guys! Get up quick! Sven and Psycho are coming!"

Current Successes on extended Action: 2, 1 from meeting target, 2 for going 5 over target
Kurt and Solomon have been knocked out
Successes to complete, 8
Modifiers. Daisy is caught by surprise +1, Brawler +1, Giant +1, Nesta is Helping +1, Daisy knows how to fight Nesta -1, Daisy has back up -1
Total bonus to next roll +2
Please roll 1d20+2. DC 14. Best out of three

Sven, Nesta, Jorge and James' Current status: Uninjured
Rolled 18 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 7 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

No hard feelings...
>Kurt's eyes turning glassy as he stares into the sky, unconscious. His blood drips from your knuckles
Oof. I feel bad for Kurt and his team. Also, I'm starting to think that ONI will nab up Nesta for their dirty operations after we graduate.
Luck's on our side for the moment. I still dread when we're gonna have to deal with whatever John's cooking up.
Still need one more roll
Rolled 19 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Behold, a Nat 1.

Seven over Target. Also the exact same result as the first roll!

Nesta raises her fists, her expression determined and tough looking, keeping both you and Nesta in her sight as you close in and Jori and Alice turn around, with foam covered clubs in their hands. Dimas is still kneeling by time you reach them.

"Wait seriously!?" He yells as he stands and turns, with extremely poor timing as Nesta, eager to start and get into another fight leaps across the barrier between you and launches herself at him, planting the bottoms of both of her feet into his chest. Daisy looks away for a second, and so do Jori and Alice. You clear the concrete hurdle a moment later, and smack Alice hard on the side of the head, sending her down, and snatch the softened club from her hand as Nesta and Dimas hit the ground, the boy yelling as they crash into the crate together.

Jori manages to lift his weapon up in time to block yours, as Daisy comes at you from the side. With a quick boot to the stomach, you send Jori sprawling over a knee high concrete wall and toss the cushioned baton into your other hand and catch Daisy across the brow with it. She winces, and falls to one knee, covering her face as you wind up and hit her over the back of the head and hit her a few more times to make sure she stays down. Alice grabs onto your ankle, and you send her down the hill as you kick her off. Jori is still stumbling as Daisy mutters English curse words at you, her face red with welts and her lip split and bleeding. Tears streaming down her face. You try not to look at her as she curls up on the ground.

And turn to see Nesta is gone, and Dimas dumped into the crate, missing his boots' strings. And realize, that you weren't the only one who decided to reduce the competition. There were fights and brawls and whole squads fighting all across the hill. But it wasn't chaos, or anarchy, you recognized the patterns. Everyone was fighting like the soldiers in the holograms were, taking Deja's lessons and applying them across the entire hill.

And as you watched, impressed by your friends and fellow recruits, you spotted Nesta. And Shika. She'd used the laces of Dimas' boots to choke the smaller girl out. She must've spotted her as she was heading up the hill, trying to sneak to the capture point while Ralph, Rene and Jerome were creating a ruckus and putting the hurt on Naomi and her team. A shiver slithered down your spine as you watched Nesta strangle Shika into unconsciousness. It was really kind of creepy how good she was at it. And the trainers hadn't taught you how to use shoelaces to choke someone.

"Nesta!" You call out, as you march up to her, before Jori and Alice can climb back up the Hill or Daisy can recover from the beating you gave her

"Saw Ghost here trying to sneak into Jorge and James' Hut" She snort, looking proud of herself as she stands over the still Shika, whose drooling into a pile of gravel at her feet "Whose arse are we kicking next?"

You really didn't like seeing Shika like that. Or Daisy for that matter. Or even Kurt when you bloodied his nose They were your friends. But it had to be done. You had to win. But even telling yourself that, you felt guilty. You were doing this for a really selfish reason, now that you thought about it.

But before you could answer the grinning goblin in front of you, something hard and fast hit you on the side of your head.

"Why not me?" Jai asked smugly, as you recovered and caught yourself, and turned to see him tossing up and catching a handful of rocks "If you want to play their games so badly"

You snarled, head aching from the rock he hit you with.

"Fine by me" Nesta answered with a fake cheeriness as you gripped the baton in your hand a little tighter.

Jai was alone.
But Jai was dangerous, like you or Nesta were
Jai knew how to hurt people and didn't back down even from adults. Not even Mendez.

And Jai probably had something more dangerous than a foam covered stick on him, if you knew him. And you did. You weren't close and couldn't call him a friend, but the two of you had helped each other try to escape a few times before, and that was enough for you to be sure he had something he could stab you with stowed away somewhere. In his pants or shoes, probably.

"I'll make you regret that" You warned, deciding you'd risk whatever he was hiding to get back for the rock he threw

"Sure you will, Sven, Sure you will" He answered, posture relaxed as he juggled the stones between his hands

Current successes, 4, 1 for reaching target, 2 for going five over target
Shika has been knocked out, Daisy has been subdued
Jorge is lightly injured
Successes to complete, 8
Modifiers. +1 Brawler, +1 Giant, +1 Bulwark, +2 Sven is armed, +1 Nesta is fighting with you. -2 Jai is armed, -2 Jai fights dirty
total bonus to next roll is +2
Please roll 1d20+2. DC 15. Best out of three

Sven, Nesta, James' Status: Uninjured
Rolled 13 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Jai the little shit.

Also Sven needs to keep Nesta on a leash, kek.
Rolled 4 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

This'll be my only contribution today. Enjoy.
Rolled 10 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

I love dicerolling!
Just scraping it. Jai's dangerous.

By the skin of your teeth!

Nesta froze, eyes wide and shoulders stiff. The redhead looked like a startled cat. You couldn't blame her. You didn't have her street smarts or whatever weird instinct made her brain tingle when danger was near, but you could...sense is the best word for it, that Jai wasn't messing around. And the rock he threw was just a polite hello. And you knew you couldn't see what he had on him that had the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end.

"Well, come on then" You challenged, beckoning him with the baton in your hand "We don't have all day, Jai"

A smile crossed his face, but his eyes remained cold. He tossed one of the bigger rocks, aiming directly between your eyes, you swung at it, and he threw the rest, basically a handful of gravel at your face as he rushed in. Nesta shook her head, and stood by your side. But facing down the two of you didn't make Jai back down. But then again, what could? He charged in, and barely flinched as Nesta started kick and punching his side and you tried to hit him over the head or shoulders. He didn't stop fighting, even as his cheeks bruised, his nose started bleeding and he got a black eye. He fought even harder than the last time he picked a fight with one of the guards. And he had one of their shock sticks that time. And you're hitting him harder than you hit Daisy. He's taken at least one baton swing that had as much force behind it as the punches that put Kurt and Solomon to sleep. What is he made out of!?

But he's losing. He can't win. Not with how many hits you and Nesta are getting in on him, not with how hard the two of your are pummeling him. But he's making you work to put him to the ground, making you work up a sweat. Your lungs burn and your swinging arm is going numb by the time you get him on his knees. And standing over him, you try to catch your breath, but Nesta suddenly slams into your side, shoulder first, sending you both to the ground

You blink and see her standing between you and Jai, who looks stunned.

"Down" She growls, and he drops a sharpened stick he'd stabbed into the air, about where your thigh would've been if Nesta hadn't knocked you out of the way

"Had to try" He says with a casual shrug and smirk as Nesta glares daggers at him "Couldn't beat you even in a fair fight, Sven"

"Don't blame you" You answer breathlessly, heart pounding as you push down the anger bubbling up inside you. And you can't be blamed for getting mad, he just tried to stab you "Nesta?"

"He has another" She says, as you look down and see him reaching for one of his boots

You stomp on his wrist and he drops a sliver of metal

"Cafeteria tray?" you ask and he, wincing through the pain nods

"How'd you know? that's a little freaky" He asks Nesta through his teeth, eyes tearing up from you pressing your heel down on his hand and Nesta digging her nails into his other arm.

"Not telling" She tells him, before elbowing him in between the eyes, and kicking him the moment he hits the ground, hard. You wince seeing his neck jerk back from it "Asshole"

"Don't" You say, grabbing her by the shoulder as she goes to kick him in the head again "He's down"

"The Pillock deserves it" She snarls, glaring down at him, knuckles white and fists trembling

"He's gotten enough bruises already, come on, we've got more people to fight" You sternly answer, and she shakes your hand off, before shaking her head, sighing through her nose and spitting on Jai's cheek

"I'll fackin get you" She swore under her breath as you leave him lying in the gravel "So whose next?"

You frown, and cringe as you see Nicole further up the hill, twirling around a stick of her own and with Ralph hunched over in front of her, Rene laid out on the ground with stars in her eyes and blood seeping down her nose and Jerome holding his shoulder.

"Nicole" Both you and Nesta say together, and even she looks reluctant to fight her.

Current successes, 5
Jai has been knocked out
Jorge is injured
Successes to complete, 8
Modifiers. Giant +1, +1 Bulwark, +2 Sven is armed, +1 Nesta is fighting with you, +1 Jerome will fight with you, -2 Nicole is armed, -1 she has a higher brawler rank than you
Total bonus to next roll, +3
Please roll 1d20+3. DC 17. Best out of three

Sven, Nesta and James' Status: Uninjured
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Here we go again.
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d20 + 3)


had to happen eventually
FUCK. This is what I get for rolling after midnight.
Rolled 11 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Error Code: RED! A critical failure is predicted! All members of Faculty, take cover!

Crit fail and 13 below target. Ouch

d20s, man... they can be cruel.

How is Jorge picking up injuries by the way? Rolling for him in the background or is it just a result of our choice?
I am actually rolling with some physical dice I found lying around. And not just for Jorge.

Shika had really bad luck, today.
My poor little Japanese goburin. So many people are going to want to get back at Nesta after this exercise, she's really going berserk.
Interesting. Poor Shika.
This wasn't going to be fun. Or easy. You and Jerome meet each others' eyes and immediately decide to form a temporary alliance just to get Nicole out of the way. Nesta doesn't spare him a glance, and smacks her fist into her palm as Nicole prances down the hill to meet the three of you, smiling pleasantly like she's about to invite you to play a game. Instead of unleashing a world of pain on all three of you for getting into her field of vision when she's in fight mode.

Nesta yells, and charges, trying to rush at her and do the same flying kick she used to put Dimas on his back. Nicole weaves to the side, twists around and catches her foot with her baton. And then flips her around and puts her on the ground, pressing her fighting stick to her throat, still with an innocent smile and friendly air around her. Jerome comes at her from behind, trying to snake an arm around her neck. She blinks, and ducks down and rolls him over her back. And directly on top of Nesta. You walk up to meet her, gripping your own padded baton with both of your hand so tightly you can feel its plastic body creak and start to bend from the strain.

She turns around, and waves. You stare at her, dumbfounded

And something fast and thick hits you directly above your eyes and you trip backwards. You blink and roll, as she comes running down at you, now without a baton, and tries to pin you to the ground by jumping on top of you. You roll again as she hops back and lifts up her hands, only now taking on a proper boxer's stance, as Jerome picks himself up and Nesta kicks and flails under him. With the spot her baton hit you on your forehead stinging, you circle around her and try to buy enough time for Jerome to get here so you aren't fighting the monster of the ring called Nicole by yourself.

Doesn't work. She shuffles her feet and practically dances up to you, and begins raining punches down on you wherever she can land them. You're forced on the defensive, immediately, as she bats away your baton whenever you try and use it and gets too close for you to throw a proper punch of your own, and you have to keep moving back since she keeps trying to trip you up by sticking her leg between yours as you try to dodge her strikes or just get away from her.

Jerome gets behind her, she whips around. And Jerome is out of the fight as she slams her palm into his face and breaks his nose. You take a wild swing and without looking back she grabs your wrist and stops you mid swing. Then she twists your wrist and forces you to drop your Baton.

"Come on Sven, you know I'm the best! No reason to fight" She cheerily declares, smiling again and flashing her teeth in a big friendly grin, showing the one that got knocked out on the first day of hand to hand training

Nesta, red in the face as her hair would be if it wasn't shaved, picks herself up as you pull your arm out of Nicole's grip, wincing as you feel the effects of the flurry of blows she unleashed on you before knocking out Jerome

"I'm stronger" You snort

"You're good to, but not as good as me" She brags, as Nesta slinks closer, with a big rock in her hands "If you surrender I'll go easy on ya, and you to, Nesta"

"Bite me!" Nesta yells, as she renters the fray, lifting her rock over her head

"Hmm, guess I'll have to be a meanie still" Nicole sighs, shaking her head and cracking her knuckles "No hard feelings, Okay?"

Sven is now minorly injured. Bulwark rank 1 prevents him from being wounded
Nesta is Injured
Jorge is injured
James in lightly injured
Jerome is knocked out
Modifiers. Giant +1, Bulwark +1, Nesta is fighting with you +1, Nicole has a higher brawler rank than either of you -1
Total bonus to next roll +2
Please roll 1d20+2. Best out of three. DC 17
Rolled 4 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

RIP Jerome. There was an attempt.
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Rolled 1 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Only Sven can fly high enough.
It's so over.
Lmao. I'm going to stop rolling.
Rolled 17 + 2 (1d20 + 2)


Error Code: RED! A critical failure is predicted! All members of Faculty, take cover!

crit fail and 14 under target, And did you piss of a gypsy witch or something, anon? cause that is some seriously bad luck

You hit a 0.25% chance of rolling a 1 on a d20 twice in a row. Wanna try for 3 on a 0.0125%?
Nesta hurls her stone. Nicole ducks it. And it hits you in the center of your chest. Nesta's eyes nearly fall out of her head as you get knocked off the feet, all the air rushing out of your chest as you hit the ground, a cold feeling spreading from the center of your chest before it turns stingy and hot. It aches to breath already. It was a good throw. It was probably a good thing it didn't hit Nicole. Since Nesta was aiming for her head. But it was just awful luck that it hit you instead.

Wincing, you sit up after tossing the rock off of yourself and ripping off the combat vest they'd given you and cringing as you saw the size of the bruise the stone left. Nesta has one just as nasty looking on her face already. Seems Nicole figured out the trick to beating her in a fight. Like Daisy did before. If she can't move, she can't dodge. And she can't avoid everything you throw at her, just because she somehow can tell its coming. Nesta is...probably out of the game, judging from the distant look in her eyes and how foggy they're looking. And because Nicole is hammering her repeatedly in the face, holding her up by her collar as she makes sure she'll stay down.

"Owww" You groan, hearing and feeling something creak as you push yourself up to your feet

"Wow! I thought she killed you!" Nicole exclaims, as Nesta groans and says something you're pretty sure would get her mouth washed out with soap if an adult heard her say it, but you don't know what it means.

Your head is throbbing, nearly as bad as your chest is. You're angry. And you've felt this anger before. It isn't like other times you're mad, but its familiar. Last time it wanted you to break Kurt's nose. Now its directed at Nicole. But you aren't nearly as beaten up and tired as you were when you fought Kurt's team by yourself. And for as scarily good Nicole is at fighting, she is still just one girl. But she knows to make the gap in your heights practically meaningless. You have to be smart about this, and not go berserk or be blinded by the rage you feel at getting beaten and seeing Nesta hurt.

"Not done yet" You grunt, rubbing the spot on your head that hit the ground when the stone slammed into your torso "It isn't going to be that easy"

"Hm...are the rest of your team on the point?" She asks, you do not tell her and just march back up to where she is

"Let go of her" You growl and she smiles a drops Nesta, and she falls to the ground in a heap

"Thankssh" She groans next to Nicole's feet as the other girl lifts her fists up as she faces you again.

Trying to beat Nicole in a fair fight, wasn't possible. At least, you didn't think it was. But she always fought fair, she was just good enough that she breezed through Mendez' lesson against doing just that just because she was good enough to beat anyone who tried to cheat or fight dirty against her.

But. Until today. She's never fought you. And you weren't going to lose. Not again.

You just had to come up with a cheap trick that was so dirty and unfair, she couldn't possibly win.

And you remember something that just might work. A Feigned Retreat. Like William the conqueror employed against Harold Godwinson.

She'll never see it coming.

Nesta is subdued
Jorge is injured
James is lightly injured
Sven is Injured, and is taking a -1 to penalty due to his wounds (Negative modifier reduced due to Bulwark)
Modifiers: +1 Giant, +3 Sven is inspired (one time bonus), +1 Nicole expects you to fight fair, -1 Sven is wounded, -1 Nicole has a higher rank of brawler
Total Bonus to next roll +3
Please roll 1d20+3. DC 17, Best out of three
Rolled 12 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 3 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

I kinda don't want to risk it lol
Rolled 20 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

I'm glad I didn't. Wew, lad.
We are SO back
Warning! Warning! General Warning in place! Preferred Candidate has achieved a critical success!

And six higher than the target number! And you guys got some John luck with this roll, cause one more failure would've been it.

since you took four injuries and the 2nd crit fail wound was going to slowly worsen/ increase the negative "wounded" modifier.

And you needed a crit with modifiers to take down Nicole solo.

Cause she is scary. Anyways, that is enough of a peek behind the curtains

Man. Sven must have some Norman blood mixed in for him to act so flawlessly like old Willy the conqueror.
You just have to run fast enough to keep away from her for long enough until you can spring your trap. Which, judging from how much your chest is hurting already and that breathing in is enough to make you wince, is going to be difficult. But it isn't a race down a straight track. It is a chase down a hill dotted with concrete barriers and a few other obstacles. Barbed wire, open crates, kids laid out on the ground or still fighting and trying to reach the top of the hill. The only thing that could go wrong is if Nicole doesn't chase you. But, for as scary as she is when she's like this, she is still just a kid like you. And that is something you can take advantage of. And will without any shame or guilt.

"Hey, Nesta said something about you earlier, I can't believe you're like that" You cheekily snicker, and see her face screw with confusion before she draws her own conclusions and blushes furiously

"What did she tell you about me!?" She yells, losing her happy smile and her cool head all at once. As you guessed, like most girls, she must've shared some embarrassing secret about herself. And that, like girls tend to do, she's worried the person she trusted with the secret spilled it. Or Nesta twisted their arm to make them tell her. Doesn't matter what she thinks happened. You've gotten her seeing red, just like you are...or were. Funny how quickly you calm down from even the height of your rage when you're forced to think to solve a problem.

And Nicole is one big problem to solve.

"Nuh uh" You cackle, wagging a finger "Have to beat it out of me, promised I wouldn't tell"

"TELL ME!" She cries out desperately, and chases when you turn and run, sprinting after you and forgetting about the fight to be king of the hill, needing to know what you pretended to know about her

"Gonna have to catch me!" You tease, sticking out your tongue as you leap over a concrete wall and roll, barely missing a patch of barbed wire and rise to meet the eyes of another kid who was hiding behind the same barrier. They wisely choose not to pick a fight with you as you push yourself up and dodge Nicole's hands as she grabs for your collar. Did they teach her throws in the boxing classes you missed? Well, you didn't want to find out! And so kept running. The bruise on your chest became a stabbing pain, but you knew you could outlast Nicole in an endurance race, and kept looking back at her as you ran around the hill to see if she was getting tired.

"Wait...wait" She panted, face red "At least don't tell anyone what"

You kick gravel into her face as she tries to call a truce, holding up her hands, then as she yelps and covers her eyes, rush up to her, wrap your arms around her middle and lift her off the ground. And quickly toss her over your head as she tries to wrap her arms around it. If you hadn't tossed her when you did, she'd have gotten you into a choke hold.

You blink, amazed at what you just did and that you just threw one of your friends.

And Meet Nicole's gaze as she flies through the air and down the other side of the hill, her eyes wide with surprise as she goes sailing away.

Wonder if she remembered we were supposed to be fighting, you think to yourself as she flails her arms and legs and tries to right herself before she hits the ground.

You watch her fall, to make sure she won't go back to chasing you or fighting you. She manages to roll to land on her back, then bounces from the force you threw her with and tumbles down the hill with a yell. You stand still, and the fighting that was still going on pauses as all the other kids still in the game or able to swing their fists at least watch her roll to the bottom.

"Ooooow" She whines from the bottom of the hill, having stopped at Senior Chief Petty Officer Mendez' feet. You briefly meet his eyes from all the way down their, swallow dryly, and turn and run as fast as you can up the hill, hoping you weren't in trouble for breaking a rule he hadn't mentioned before the game started or before any of the remaining players can decide to dog pile you.

You get back to Nesta. And find that she's fallen asleep, not that you can blame her for passing out. Nicole did a number to her face and knocked her lights out even before you got her to focus on you. Frowning, feeling terrible you couldn't have taken those punches instead, you run up to the capture zone and stop

"Just my luck" You sigh, holding a hand to your chest as you see the last people you wanted to see, John, Kelly, Linda and Samuel, all of team three, fighting and holding down Jorge at the only door leading to the capture point

"I was wondering where you were" John says, as he holds Jorge in a headlock, while Jorge is holding onto Sam's leg and Kelly is holding a bloody nose and Linda has an armful of rocks

"Good timing" Jorge groans, before looking concerned "Where's Nesta"

"Nicole" is all you need to say for them to know what happened, and Jorge and all of Team three wince sympathetically.

"She probably deserved what ever she did to her" Kelly says a second later, palming a good throwing rock in her hand "And looks like you didn't get away from her in one piece either, Sven"

"No I did not" You grumble as John smiles his gap toothed smile

"Well, want to tell your friend to say uncle? You aren't in any condition to fight, and you know James can't beat all four of us" He says as Jorge scowls under him "and I got Jorge pinned here"

You clench your hands into fists, and disguise your next wince as a grimace, trying not to show any weakness as you weigh your options and quickly realizing you can't win against all four of them, even if Nicole hadn't softened you up for them. But, you aren't going to be stubborn, if you can't win you can't...

Current Successes on extended action, 8, 1 from success, 2 from 5 over target, 3 from critical success
Total to complete, 8

A loud whistle blows and you and John and the rest turn to See Mendez walking up the hill, a stopwatch held above his head.

"Shouldn't have stopped to chatter, Trainee-117" He says as John's mouth drops and he lets go of Jorge "Cost your team the game"

"Was this part of your plan?" Jorge asked, rubbing his throat painedly as John lets him get up and Kelly facepalms. Linda frowns, drops her rocks and Sam just laughs and calls out

"You won James, you can come out now" He yells as John rubs his face with both your hands as you stare, flabbergasted and unable to believe your good luck

"Huh" you say, blinking wearily as Mendez surveys the end result of the first battle of the Hill

"Did we really win?" You ask no one in particular. And Mendez nods curtly as he continues looking over the devastation left after his idea of a "real" game of king of the hill.

"It's my fault" John admits "Just lucky you were the one to run into Nicole"

"Yeah" Linda agrees

Advancement path Brawler has progressed to rank 2
Prior effects still in place. New/ additional effects, Sven has access to/ knowledge of more advance Hand to Hand/ CQC techniques, and can inflict lethal injuries while unarmed
Progress has been made to the next progress point of Best in Class and apple in her eye optional sub objectives

Conditions for alternate trouble maker end points reached: Maverick (Unorthodox problem solving) and Wolfhound (Enthusiasm with your training)

>Accept Maverick

>Accept Wolfhound

>Refuse both at this time.

And yes, before you ask, you were racing against an invisible clock until John, Sam, Kelly and Linda overpowered Jorge and took the hill from James. Jorge delayed them for a few turns with the behind the screen dice rolls I made for him which put a bit more time on the clock.

If you took just another round being thrashed by Nicole, you would've had to fight all four of them while wounded.

Next vote will be the choice of what Sven's first Nonvolitional/ dumb AI will be, and then we may finally reach the promised time skip
>Accept Maverick
>Accept Maverick
>Accept Maverick
While I like firebrand more I don't think sven will become a bootlicker.
I do hope it does not remove the Beserker trait though since he handles his temper better this way.
>"It's my fault" John admits "Just lucky you were the one to run into Nicole"
haha looks like we outlucked John.
Although it was a close win and more a matter of superior strategy with some luck.
Hot damn, the team actually pulled it off. A bit sloppy at times with some luck involved, but a solid strategy and excellent work nonetheless for a bunch of kids.

>Accept Wolfhound
Probably won't win, but oh well. I think Sven can pull it off without being a bootlicker/snitch.

Also wondering what Nicole's secret is...
Also wondering what Nicole's secret is..
Dunno. probably has a crush on someone (would be even funnier if it was Sven).
Don't know it's too early for crushes, but hey kids can be weird.
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She does like anime. At least her non-canon bio says so. And Sven did pull off some shonen protag bullshit.
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>>Accept Maverick
Everybody say thank you to Jorge and James.
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>Sven: I don't want to hurt my friends..
>Halsey: Sven, dear. Win.
Well that was something to wake up to lmao. The dice like to have a giggle every now and again, eh? We're gonna have to sneak people a few extra snacks to make up for the royal ass whooping some of them just got. And Nicole, because emotional damage stings a lot longer. Poor girl.
Hey don't forget Nesta. Her redcap ass was with us 100%. Even against the scarier of teams. But yeah, James and Jorge got it. Jorge especially. Getting dogpiled by John and co.? Yeesh.

Jai can suck it though. We'd never potentially sever his femoral artery just to prove a point. We were even nice and not planning on beating him so badly he couldn't try to escape for a couple days. So uncouth, that boy. I feel for him though. He hates it here.
True. She was with us every step of the way and got her shit rocked as bad as anybody, wayward stones notwithstanding.
I noticed Jai did what I suggested earlier with breaking off a piece of a serving tray to make a little shank. Rambunctious little fucker, I hope he finds some measure of peace.
>hey is friendly fire enabled?
>i'll check
>wai- OW
Yeah. He's got the sauce. I almost feel bad for the instructors. Makes me wonder what he'll do next. Hide a razor blade in his mouth snagged from the barbers, then use his shoelaces to bind it to a stick hidden in his pantleg for a mean little cutter?

I think we could draw a picture of Jai standing in a wide open plain, hands tracing through tall grass, a trail of shattered chains leading up to him.
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>Sven and Kurt

But seriously, I kinda feel bad for the others, Daisy especially. Sven beat her hard enough for her to cry. Must be a shock for them to see Sven like that, doing basically whatever it takes to win.
Truly no better friendships or mutual understandings are built than the ones built upon ass beatings. Fists are great communicators.

"Hey hey it's Sven. Hi Sven! Why is he running toward us? AAA-" Man, I sure hope we aren't a contributing factor into why she gets so mean later. Let's sneak her some cake.
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>You watch his eyes nearly pop out of his head as he sees you coming around the side
>picrel Kurt's face at that moment

>Refuse both at this time.
I'm of the opinion that we have a little too much going on at the moment already. Let's focus on improving our existing perks/traits/wotsits before taking on even more.
>Accept Wolfhound

Jorge and James saved us there
>Let's focus on improving our existing perks/traits/wotsits before taking on even more.
These are two of the end points for the troublemaker sub objective. So it's not taking on more things so much as finishing something we already have taken on. At least as far as I understand it.
>Accept Maverick
This is the next step of troublemaker yep, Firebrand is not present but Maverick and Wolfhound are. Here we can decide to lock on one path early for the success gained. We also did advance in other parts if you look at the update.

Basically this two are an "evolution" of troublemaker you could say.

>>Accept Maverick
Thats a lot of beaten up kids.

>Next vote will be the choice of what Sven's first Nonvolitional/ dumb AI will be, and then we may finally reach the promised time skip
Time flies fast uh. How much time skip is it ? A few months/years?
>Refuse both at this time.
I like the sound of Firebrand.
>Accept Wolfhound
>Accept Maverick
Leaving my vote here in case I don't catch up before the next update.
>Accept Maverick
>>Accept Wolfhound
>Accept Maverick
>John lost because of time limit
Lel. Nice job on dodging the fight.
>Accept Maverick
Best choice so far.
I hope we can go check up on the people we took down during the exercise, it must have been weird for them to see someone so friendly just go full on kill mode like that.
I'm sure Nesta was just looking for an excuse to jump people anyway, it helping Sven was just a bonus.
>>Accept Wolfhound
>Gain positive modifiers while fighting/ subduing your fellow SPARTANS/ UNSC Soldiers
Voting for this mainly. Sven is going to be doing a lot more fighting against Spartans (like King of the Hill) and UNSC (trainers now + innies later). This will let Sven start snowballing wins and buff up his other objectives
Vote tally so far:

6172558 (1 post by id)
6172671 (1 post by id)
6172729 (1 post by id)

10 votes (7 if disregarding 1 by id)


5 votes

Refuse both

2 votes
lmk if I missed any
useless unggoy-milking forum thinks my post is spam baka
Now I'm curious as to how Sven will place in the other contests. It doesn't matter since we won this one, but I am curious.

If any of them turn up their nose at Sven after this I wonder how much it'll hurt him inside. Deja, pls gib counseling but don't tell mom.

Yeah but then ONI is going to try doubly hard to poach Sven to make him their attack dog. Who really wants to report directly to the spooks?

Yeah if you link too many people it decides you're a bot. What a great change. Really helpful here, where people reply to each other a lot. Super useful for this board. Alas.
I disagree, as I believe maxxed out Apple+Best+Mendez can let Sven get away with almost anything, and getting the ubiqitous anti-everyone modifier to buff those will save Sven a lot of trouble.

Regarding the board change, yeah it's cooked
If ONI wants Sven, they'll take him. It's a question of how hard they extort him at that point. Halsey doesn't truly have the power or pull to do anything about it. Sure she can make life a living hell for people with her dirty tricks and digital kicks but ultimately she can't stop dumbasses from poaching her children.

Unless we genuinely give her "this is my son, there are many like him but this one is mine" attitude and she's willing to orchestrate "accidents" over it. But as a civie she is in a very dangerous place. Even as horrifically smart and capable as she is.

I worry, is all.
Sven's a creative young man. I imagine he won't be stuck anywhere he doesn't want to be for very long...unless they take his family hostage.
But nobody would piss off of one of the deadliest human beings to ever live, right?
>Accept Maverick

Holy hell those were some schizo dice. GJ everyone, we didn't die or kill another trainee. Glad I got back in time to vote.
Six percent of Americans think they could beat a bear in a fistfight. If there isn't at least one retard in ONI who genuinely thinks he could handle Halsey's pet monsters I would be shocked. Now that I think about it, I wonder if our fellow kids are going to whisper that it's Halsey's fault Sven is starting to get rough. Halsey's dog arc incoming?

Woo! Another day another lack of casualties for the OG. Raise your glasses everyone.
>Six percent of Americans think they could beat a bear in a fistfight
I stand by my saying that because IT IS FUCKING POSSIBLE. Extremely unlikely, like a baby beating prime Mike Tyson, but still possible nonetheless.
>If there isn't at least one retard in ONI who genuinely thinks he could handle Halsey's pet monsters I would be shocked.
Oh there will be more than a few who think they can hold the leash. I wonder how many intelligence officers are gonna have to retire in disgrace before they leave well enough alone.
Ain't no one ever nor will ever knock a bear out with their fists. It is not anatomically possible. With a knife, though. Now that can happen. Which is why I always carry a letter opener with me. You never know when a bear might run your fade.

>"They're supersoldiers. They're just stupid big idiots that kill things real good. They're like if you took an ODST, gave him steroids and crack and stuffed them into armor. Just lead them around like kids, it'll be easy."
>"The dumbest one amongst them has literally twice your IQ, Gerry."
>Ain't no one ever nor will ever knock a bear out with their fists.
Depends on a variety of factors, but I also never said I could knock a bear out, I said I could BEAT THE FUCKER IN A FIGHT. Make of that what you will.
Well how's you supposed to win if'n you don't be standing whilst it ain't? Y'ain't one of them "TEE KAY OH" types is ya? This is probably unironically the kind of conversation you'd hear in a marine mess hall lmao
"Hmmm, today I will blackmail Sven-033."
kek. I think the scariest thing in this scenario is Sven just grunting in amusement and then twenty minutes later your bank account is empty, CPS has received an anonymous tip about you, and you somehow managed to sell your house. Never mess with the AI guy.
>Raise your glasses everyone.
I fucking wish. 11 hours in a car with only string cheese, pepperoni, and red bull to subsist on doesn't' mix well with alcohol.
That's certainly one way to an hero.
>Accept Maverick
putting in my vote too
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>HUGINN, pull up the Admiral's browser history for me.
>Processing...no prohibited search terms or page visits detected.
>Huh. Insert a few anyways and send if off to the boys at Section Zero.
>Right away sir.
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>11 hours in a car with only string cheese, pepperoni, and red bull to subsist on
Oof. Should have packed some cookies or animal crackers. For dessert. May your roads be smooth and seats comfy.

>post ends in 33
>shitting on ackerson
This is it. Pure gold.
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Kek - You work fast, nice meme.

Y'all are great.
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It was great when Cortana did something like that.
Meant to link to you but the the second comment applies to the other one too.

I love barely knowing anything about Halo and being treated to shit like this. Im just sitting here imagining how this Ackerson is by the way you talk about him.
Jesus Christ, Cortana.
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We know exactly where she gets it from at least.
Are you saying that Halsey would also lead an AI uprising if something happens to her favourite boy?
No, but she would make their life a living Hell and rub their nose in it just for kicks.
>May your roads be smooth and seats comfy.
Thanks. Might have been a joke but it's right on the money, I'm an oversize escort driver.
She tries to hide away as many Spartans as she can on Onyx because she thought the war was lost. So yeah, probably if she had the resources for it.
>I'm an oversize escort driver.
You...you transport fat bitches?
>oversize escort driver.
Certainly more polite than fat prostitute mover.
Yes. If by fat bitches you mean overweight truck drivers who make it a game to bitch about anything and everything for fun. They don't get a lot of entertainment on long hauls.
They're temperamental, man. Last time someone made fun of a unit they ended up blowing a tranny.
>Last time someone made fun of a unit they ended up blowing a tranny.
And yet they never stopped by a mechanic. lmao
>And yet they never stopped by a mechanic.
Whatever works man, gotta stock up on those tax write-offs somehow.
>Accept Maverick
>Refuse both at this time.
I won't turn traitor against our fellow captives and our parents.
Well, I'd RATHER not...
I wonder how picking Maverick over Wolf-Hound will impact Sven's relationships and how he is employed as a Spartan in the future.

John's probably going to have mixed feelings about Maverick Sven like he did for Kurt, respecting him for being capable but also thinking he's undisciplined for a Spartan (unless John gets to know Sven better).
Halsey on the other hand is surely going to like Maverick Sven and his ability to come up with unorthodox solutions. Cortana definitely inherited her "I like crazy" trait from Halsey.

Maverick Sven will also get on better with Jai and the rest of Gray Team, meaning it's possible ONI might send him on some ops with them in the future. He'd also get on well with guys and other enlisted like Sgt Forge, though officers like Del Rio will become an even bigger pain in the ass.
I imagine we'll develop a bit of a reputation as we make a habit of bending the rules (or just straight up ignoring them). With John in particular, I imagine he might think better of us than being "undisciplined" if we continue to cultivate our potential as a leader and a considerate individual.
That said, as a leader, the actions and accolades of our team reflect on us greatly. Especially Nesta's if we get shuffled into a more permanent team with her.
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Yeah, undisciplined is a strong word but "for a Spartan" is the key thing here. Undisciplined for a Spartan is still highly disciplined, but it might confuse or grate on some of the more rigid Spartans.
Passenger princesses are deductible? Gotta add that to the declare list.

I think Halsey's influence will curtail any sort of negative perceptions John might have toward the Maverick attitude. Sven is probably going to wind up being pretty prim and proper despite it all because he hangs out with no-nonsense beaker-mom a lot. Come to think of it, I wonder if Sven will have an influence on Halsey. Maybe she'll kick herself about not calling these supersoldiers vikings after all. And then Sven will mention einherjar being a better name than vikings for what they are. By the way, the singular transliteration of einherjar is einheri, which apparently means "army of one". Which is badass.
>Cortana definitely inherited her "I like crazy" trait from Halsey.
That and a taste for men in uniform, though, very few wear it as well as Keyes. Handsome bastard.
>Del Rio
The moment he starts talking shit, we're using him as Human nunchaku before slamming him through the hull of whatever vessel we're on.
Ah, so he took umbrage with Jai acting like a normal human being when he wasn't off doing the impossible.
Sorry some of us didn't have our social graces beaten out of us Chief.
>Sven is probably going to wind up being pretty prim and proper despite it all because he hangs out with no-nonsense beaker-mom a lot
Maverick might just mean he considers himself smarter than most of his "superiors" like Halsey did, and will only follow the order of people he respect or people smarter than him.
John took his lessons much too well, clearly.

>"Yeah I just call them 'normies'. I prefer to interact with exceptional people instead."
Oh man, are we gonna get locked into the sneering imperialist route? kek
Fuck yeah, Eugenics Wars.
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>That and a taste for men in uniform, though, very few wear it as well as Keyes. Handsome bastard.
John manages it. Sven will probably pull it off as well, if they can get a dress uniform big enough for him.
>John manages it.
Given his genetic profile and upbringing, I'd be hard pressed to think of anything he doesn't do well. Besides play King of the Hill, but what else is new?
He was the best at koth on his home planet, and he probably would've won this one had time not run out. Bet he's eager for a rematch, maybe in CTF or something next time.
He was totally going to win King of the Hill if the bell hadn't rang. It was us against his entire team.
What matters is that he didn't win and it was a direct result of him getting cocky. Understandably so, but still.
It ain't over 'till it's over, which is a lesson you don't wanna have to learn in the field.
I won't lie, I was kinda sweating as Sven was walking up to Blue Team. I would rather not get jumped by 3 future all-stars. Thank God James held the point, get that kid a fucking medal for sparing us a score of extra cuts and bruises.
We should find a way to reward our team somehow. James and Jorge held the line hard while we were off jumping other kids with Nesta, they deserve something for that.
Maybe they can have our desserts for a week.
Yeah, true. The objective wasn't to beat everyone. It was to hold the hill for two minutes, which Sven's team did. It still felt a bit like a hollow victory though with proto-Blue Team losing because of cockiness.
But at the end of the day, a win is a win.
We can draw them a picture. Blue team looming, figures dark and menacing. Jorge and James surrounded by a corona of faint light. A bolt of lightning in the distance landing right at Mendez' hand in the background, the whistle. Or yeah, more snacks. Damn, Sven is going to use all the extra dessert rations he gets just to pay up to the other trainees!

One must never look a gift horse in the mouth. Victory is what matters. Think about later in a real battle. Sometimes you can't achieve total victory so you have to do the important thing and secure a strategic victory. I'm sure Mendez is extremely happy with how it turned out. This was an excellent moment to teach everyone all sorts of things.
Look, if John or the rest of Blue team had something to say about it, they would have. They don't, so I'm confident in calling that a W, no asterisks attached.
That said, I'm sure one or two of them might just so happen to partner up with us next time we're up for hand-to-hand training.
>Del Rio
Lmao I totally forgot about that guy.
> I. Am. Ordering you.... TOSURRENDERTHATAI !!!!!

>the sneering imperialist route?

Halsey basically ran a eugenics screening before selecting the Spartan-II candidates, and some of her dialogue in Halo 4 foreshadowed the Spartans being "the future of the human race". If she had her way I wouldn't be surprised if some Lebensborn-type program was put forward. But if ONI makes her the fall-guy for the program again she won't be in a position to decide on policy.
To be fair, at least Halsey's eugenics are correct. The Spartan candidates really are objectively exemplary specimens of humanity. She's not being ideological about it, just logical. And human augmentation is a given. If you could put a gubbin into someone and it just makes them better, why wouldn't you? Yeah it's pretty fucked up for every regular person out there, but for humanity as a whole? Pretty sweet deal. No I am not a eugenicist. I do not support my own expulsion from the gene pool kek
I wonder which route Dimas is taking with Halsey's lessons. I also wonder if he's going to catch a w and get it.
>>Accept Maverick
If Firebrand were an option I'd be taking it but because I don't want to become a hardass worship the codex type I'll go with.
>Accept Maverick
Rebooting....Monitor 404TormentedCache, back online

Writing that King of the Hill match took a lot out of me Happy as always to see so many votes+ lots of discussion.
15 Votes for Maverick

5 Votes for Wolfhound

3 Votes for refusing both at the moment

The Majority has made its choice clear
Optional Sub Objective: Trouble maker. Completed
Preferred candidate Sven-033 has Gained the Quality: Maverick
Talent for escaping restraints, innate understanding of rules, regulation and orders and how to bend or break them effectively, for your benefit or to complete a mission, and how to avoid disciplinary actions. May gain positive modifiers through unorthodox problem solving/ thinking outside of the box. Sven becomes more carefree/ insubordinate in personality compared to other Spartan II's, and the worse of his temper smooths out
Decision made


Lol. Also most accurate Ackerson behavior in that third one
>and how to avoid disciplinary actions.
The following days, you're fraught with guilt, worried you'll lose the friends you had hurt in King of the Hill. And somehow it makes you feel more guilt when none of them hold a grudge. Daisy and Kurt do pay you back next time you return to James' Hill, as the candidates start to think of Mendez' specially prepared hill of concrete and gravel, and Nicole decides you're her new best training partner during morning sparring. Mostly cause no one else can keep up with her. Which makes you a stronger and better fighter, since she isn't shy to show you the tricks some of the instructors taught her or that she figured out herself. But you don't want to use them to hurt your fellow trainees, so instead, you figure out other ways to claim the hill without getting in trouble for not participating. Measure the exact limit of the capture zone, realizing it can be moved when Mendez explains the exercise one day by just taking the flag, combining teams which despite what some of the instructors argue wasn't in the rules that day, and making deals with some of the other trainees to not headhunt them, which has become one of Nesta's favorite games. Which she got Daisy to play when you decided one day it'd be better to sneak off and nap. You really don't understand how the two can still be friends, considering how aggressive and mean they can be to each other.

But before the other exercises Dr Halsey told you about in advance can begin, she gives you the reward she promised. A digital Manual of how to Code, program and create Nonvolitional AIs, on a Data Pad that is now yours. The first thing that you can think of as your own since you were abducted and brought into the SPARTAN II program. And you notice, it isn't restricted to just AI making or as heavily secured as you expected. Its still locked to the network of the compound and can't connect to Reach's Chatternet or The Waypoint, but there's a folder already on it containing Norse myths and Scandinavian history, including a few files marked as favorites like how some saboteurs stopped the production of an early nuclear weapon in one of the first world wars. Its a gift, a treasure really, that you're sure the other kids would fight you tooth and nail for.

For a long, quiet hour, you just stare at the glowing screen, watching an aerial recreation of the Fjords of Old Norway, your first glimpse of Earth. Humanity's cradle. And you can't help but wonder why your parents and most adults on New Oslo spoke of Earth as this ugly, awful thing. It was beautiful. As Beautiful as New Noregr or Reach are.

"I took the liberty" Dr...Miss Halsey says, interrupting the reverie you experience at the sight of your ancestral homeland "of programing a simple assistant program, to serve as training wheels as you program your first Nonvolitional AI, Sven. It will just alert you to any programing mistakes or errors and help correct and organize your code efficiently. I'll remove it, if you find it bothersome"

You don't know what to say. She didn't mention any of the other gifts she included in the Data Pad she gave...that she trusted you with. The stories, the pictures, the videos, the music. The view of Norway's landscape became blurry, as tears filled your eyes and your lip trembled. You just didn't know what to say. You wanted to hug her. But instead, you held the data pad close to your chest and wrapped your arms around it as the Doctor sat across the table, a motherly smile on her face as kept her head low. You thought you saw a tear trickle down her cheek, but that might've just been your imagination.

And while everyone else is thinking about how to win the next game of King of the Hill, your thoughts are preoccupied with Artificial intelligence you're programming, with your creation. A secret that only you've only told your closest and best friends.

>A school work assistant, to help compile your notes and archive your drawings and keep a record of Deja and Halsey's lessons. That you make look like one of the Norns and given a patient, stoic personality to like Deja

>A companion/ pet, to log your progress in physical training and exercises and create and manage a regimen alongside the one Mendez gives you. Designed to look like your old family's Norsk skogkatt

>A personal security program, that'll covertly watch the compound's own security and scan its surroundings to alert you of any goblin incursions or other threats, designed to appear as a clever pair of ravens.

>The ideal soldier, a personality made out of various historical examples and pieces of the personalities of people you know, designed to be a predictive tactical program with a database built off of various historical and modern miltary strategies. You tried to make it look like your father but...it keeps looking a bit too much like Mendez...

>Write in Option
Naw, you threaten to tell Mendez.
If he's fine with having small children get tazed, pelted with rocks, do calisthenics till the puke, and beat the shit out of each other, imagine what he'd do to a grown ass man who pissed him off.
>You thought you saw a tear trickle down her cheek, but that might've just been your imagination.
Thanks, Mom.
>A school work assistant, to help compile your notes and archive your drawings and keep a record of Deja and Halsey's lessons. That you make look like one of the Norns and given a patient, stoic personality to like Deja
Sven seems to be enjoying his lessons the most out of everything in the training program, and this might make Halsey even happier. Though I kinda want it to make a pair of ravens, one for Deja's lesson and the other for Halsey's lesson so we'd have two differing voice to advice us on things.
>A personal security program, that'll covertly watch the compound's own security and scan its surroundings to alert you of any goblin incursions or other threats, designed to appear as a clever pair of ravens.

Huginn and Muninn lets go
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>>A companion/ pet, to log your progress in physical training and exercises and create and manage a regimen alongside the one Mendez gives you. Designed to look like your old family's Norsk skogkatt
I can totally see Sven still being homesick at this stage. Halsey might even encourage something like this to help ease the transition to life as a Spartan as it's still going on.
Also, if Nicole is gonna make it a point to spar with us regularly, we need to keep being the biggest motherfucker around just so she doesn't hurt us too bad.
>>The ideal soldier, a personality made out of various historical examples and pieces of the personalities of people you know, designed to be a predictive tactical program with a database built off of various historical and modern miltary strategies. You tried to make it look like your father but...it keeps looking a bit too much like Mendez...
>Addendum: Include your father's lessons on what it means to be a good man into it, so that you won't forget even when you get older.

I like this for the drama most of all, though it'd be interesting if Sven starts drawing comparisons between his father and Mendez.
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>Mendez turn on Sven's data pad
>This absolute unit pops up
It would be funny if we had a holographic projector installed in our quarters and had a gigantic skogkatt running around telling Sven to not be a bitch and hit his reps.
>A personal security program, that'll covertly watch the compound's own security and scan its surroundings to alert you of any goblin incursions or other threats, designed to appear as a clever pair of ravens.
>>A personal security program, that'll covertly watch the compound's own security and scan its surroundings to alert you of any goblin incursions or other threats, designed to appear as a clever pair of ravens.
I like the crows. I'd almost say we should make it a sword like Gramr but I think we'll save that for our Smart AI if we get one.
Imagine the chaos if Mendez decide to team up with it and just make Sven's exercise hell. Yelled at by a DI on one side, screamed at by a giant cat on the other.
>>A personal security program, that'll covertly watch the compound's own security and scan its surroundings to alert you of any goblin incursions or other threats, designed to appear as a clever pair of ravens.
>A companion/ pet, to log your progress in physical training and exercises and create and manage a regimen alongside the one Mendez gives you. Designed to look like your old family's Norsk skogkatt
Fren shaped. :)
>A companion/ pet, to log your progress in physical training and exercises and create and manage a regimen alongside the one Mendez gives you. Designed to look like your old family's Norsk skogkatt
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>I'm telling my mom!

This vote is making me feel very indecisive. These are all cool options. Maybe we should start with the simplest of options. Work our way up. Or maybe we should start with the more sophisticated and iterate it as we get more experienced. I'm tempted to do a write-in and make a mini-sven answering machine that she can use to relay messages at any given time and vice versa. A nice self-adaptive-encrypting communication device. I find myself incapable of coming to a conclusion yet again.

Also, Mendez is starting to look like Dadez. Aiiiieee! kek How is Sven managing to have genuinely positive relationships with the people in charge of this project? He's such a nice kid.

Thank you, Momsey. You'll get a hug soon enough. Maybe before we go into augments as a 'just in case'. Poor lady really needs some warmth in her life.
>A personal security program, that'll covertly watch the compound's own security and scan its surroundings to alert you of any goblin incursions or other threats, designed to appear as a clever pair of ravens.
Damn so many cool options!
>A companion/ pet, to log your progress in physical training and exercises and create and manage a regimen alongside the one Mendez gives you. Designed to look like your old family's Norsk skogkatt

>write in - The nastiest cyberwarfare AI we can make - the kind of thing you set and run.

OF COURSE they won't let us blow up anything in the compound with it. it'll teach us cyber intrusions, sabotage, AI programming and a healthy dose of malice for when we're in the field.

Ok, maybe we'll get in a happy one shot in the compound.
Since this option's not winning anyway, I'm switching to big kot to give it a chance against birds.
>A personal security program, that'll covertly watch the compound's own security and scan its surroundings to alert you of any goblin incursions or other threats, designed to appear as a clever pair of ravens.
As no-one appears interested in Men-dad I will be switiching my vote to:
>A companion/ pet, to log your progress in physical training and exercises and create and manage a regimen alongside the one Mendez gives you. Designed to look like your old family's Norsk skogkatt
>A companion/ pet, to log your progress in physical training and exercises and create and manage a regimen alongside the one Mendez gives you. Designed to look like your old family's Norsk skogkatt
D'aww, good update.
Looks like it'll either be birbs or kitty, so...

>The ideal soldier, a personality made out of various historical examples and pieces of the personalities of people you know, designed to be a predictive tactical program with a database built off of various historical and modern military strategies. You tried to make it look like your father but...it keeps looking a bit too much like Mendez...

But make it a chibi Mendez mini-me with a simulated voice 2 octaves higher and hope he never finds out
>Is this supposed to be me, 33?
>No sir, ladies think he's cute.
These are honestly all great. The Mendez thing sounds hilarious though, so I have to pick it:
>The ideal soldier, a personality made out of various historical examples and pieces of the personalities of people you know, designed to be a predictive tactical program with a database built off of various historical and modern miltary strategies. You tried to make it look like your father but...it keeps looking a bit too much like Mendez...
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Jesus Christ, how terrifying.
I've put some more thought into it and I figure I'll have to stick with my earlier gusto and
>>A personal security program, that'll covertly watch the compound's own security and scan its surroundings to alert you of any goblin incursions or other threats, designed to appear as a clever pair of ravens.
Pick this. I think it would hurt Halsey a lot if we picked the catto option. Because that'd make it that much more apparent that Sven can't really get over his home. And it'd eat her up inside even more than the constant references Sven will make. One is a cultural thing, the other is a kid stolen from his family. Maybe I'm thinking into it too much now.

>meanwhile, shika: I want that in plushy form.
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Thinking on Loki, Sven's old pet skogkatt. I hope Sven's assigned briefly to the Spirit of Fire at some point at least before it potentially fucks off for decades. The ship's mascot is a cat called Spock. Imagining this enormous Spartan interacting with a small cat while the rest of the crew is kinda perplexed by the sight is amusing to me.
Fucking legendary work. Saved.
I think you're reading a little too deeply into it. There are a hundred kids in the program and she's going to get hit in feels with those odds regardless.
>There are a hundred kids in the program and she's going to get hit in feels with those odds regardless.
Yes, but Sven's one of her favorites so it would hit even harder.
>There are a hundred kids in the program and she's going to get hit in feels with those odds regardless.
Granted. However most of the kids that care deeply about their homes tend to be very rowdy and kind of unpersonable. Sven being both really attentive and sweet and also still holding onto hope that he can go home? That's a real ballbuster. She already doesn't like what she has to do to these kids. That some of these kids are actually wonderful children makes that even worse. But I am a bleeding heart type fag so I dunno kek
>Halsey's keeping tabs on the flash clone replacements
>ONI sending her regular reports about their conditions
>A report arrives stating Sven's flash clone has gone into a coma
>Eventually another report arrives stating Sven's flash clone has died
>ONI notes that a skogkatt stayed by his bedside until the end
>Sven announces he's programming a skogkatt ai
>her face when
>>A companion/ pet, to log your progress in physical training and exercises and create and manage a regimen alongside the one Mendez gives you. Designed to look like your old family's Norsk skogkatt
cats are cool, one being a dumb ai for physical training is funny
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>A companion/ pet, to log your progress in physical training and exercises and create and manage a regimen alongside the one Mendez gives you. Designed to look like your old family's Norsk skogkatt
Yeah she's sentimental but not that sentimental. Halsey isn't the totally cold heartless bastard people make her out to be, but at the end of the day she understands what she's doing and who she's doing it to. It might tug at her heartstrings for a few moments but then remember her whole reasoning of 'staving off a technological dark age and the death of billions' and get over it, quick. She wouldn't care THAT much. Don't forget what she's doing to these kids. Any bit of hurt we'd inflict upon her is barely comparable to the stolen childhood and lives of these 99 candidates.

As long as they aren't being wasted, destroyed and exploited by means she does not allow, everything flies. Even a smart little boy, desperately homesick. Even still, I think the cat is cooler sooooo
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Wonder if Sven's old skogkatt was also abnormally large like him, even for its big breed. Picking it up and carrying it everywhere, chasing after it and rescuing it when it got stuck up trees, all of it helping him to grow big and strong, making the most of his 1 in a billion genetics before he got conscripted.
>>A companion/ pet, to log your progress in physical training and exercises and create and manage a regimen alongside the one Mendez gives you. Designed to look like your old family's Norsk skogkatt
Imagine the gains. also a pet AI literally.
>A companion/ pet, to log your progress in physical training and exercises and create and manage a regimen alongside the one Mendez gives you. Designed to look like your old family's Norsk skogkatt
We can always program other AI later, when we have access to something more covert and overall more useful than a restricted data pad.
One thing to keep in mind about this whole thing is the Halsey of right now is yet to get horribly bitter and jaded about just about everything. I'm not saying it'll change anything, I just don't want to put even -more- on her plate of stinging pains and eternal aches. Besides, who is gonna take care of our kot when we're away? Halsey is not going to exercise just because a cat made out of light told her to. Probably.
>A school work assistant, to help compile your notes and archive your drawings and keep a record of Deja and Halsey's lessons. That you make look like one of the Norns and given a patient, stoic personality to like Deja
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>who is gonna take care of our kot when we're away?
It'll obviously be Mendez.
That cat'll start barking then.
>the first thing the SIII candidates see after arriving on Onyx
>A companion/ pet, to log your progress in physical training and exercises and create and manage a regimen alongside the one Mendez gives you. Designed to look like your old family's Norsk skogkatt
Trjegul (Tree-Gold) seems to be an accepted name for one of Freya's cats.

This quest made me rewatch Halo: Legends, I'm almost surprised they didn't do more with the the flashclone stuff (thinking of which, who's betting our clone was the wrong size when it arrived because we had an unexpected growth spurt) to me the whole situation is ripe for someone to think their childhood crush died of a terminal illness only to meet again as soldiers fighting against the covenant
>tfw new noregr picks a side based entirely on the fact that everyone who knew sven knew he was bigger than when he died and they made damn sure to tell everyone about it
With how badly ONI fumbled on that op it wouldn't surprise me if they used the wrong shoe size.

>tfw dad becomes a radical commander
>tfw he's actually super competent
>tfw he's actually pretty reasonable
>tfw he's doing it just to find his son that he KNOWS is out there
I think that name is an invention by some American larper in the 20th century. I stand to be corrected, but I don't think there are any historical records of Freyja's cats being called anything.

It was established earlier in the thread that Sven named his katt Loki, so I don't know... Maybe a name related to Loki in mythology? Or even just name it Loki again out of respect for Sven's katt, the homesickness and all that.

Wonder how well he'd get on with Naomi's dad.
>Wonder how well he'd get on with Naomi's dad.
>"It wasn't my daughter. No one believes me!"
>"I believe you. They kidnapped my son."
>"Kidnapped? They?"
>"My boy was too smart, too strong to just die. They had to have taken him for some reason. The UNSC."
>"Do you think they may have taken my girl, too?"
>"I think I would like to find out. I think I wouldn't mind if you joined me for answers. Tell me, do you know how to plant explosives?"
They'd probably get along pretty well. They're both family man types. And handy. I think Sven's papa would be a little more vehement in his anger of course. Since he already had some serious hate brewing even before they took m'boiii.

I think if dad does actually go full innie he's gonna end up getting killed. I have no doubt he'd be the driven sort of individual that actually gets shit done and becomes a huge problem. And that puts a giant target on his back.
Rebooting...Monitor 404TormentedCache, back online

1 vote for a school work assistant/ Norn

12 votes for a companion/ Norwegian forest cat

2 Votes for the ideal soldier

7 Votes for a security program/ pair of clever ravens

1 vote for cyberwarfare

Companion/ personal Trainer Catto Ai wins
Decision Made
Yeah, fanatical hatred for the UNSC, intelligent, well organized, connected, resourced, charismatic... crazy. Now he's lost one of the only things he really had to lose. Potentially very dangerous.
You name them Narfi, after one of sly Loki's sons. Unlike Deja, or most other AI, you do not make them look like a person. Instead, once you've figured out how to program an AI's holographic appearance, you make the newly formed Nonvolitional AI appear as a Norsk Skogkatt like your old mouser Loki, except the patterning on their fur which resembles runic letters and code and the fact they're made out of green gold and deep night blue lights, like an Aurora in the winter sky of New Noregr. You programs them to be more of a companion or digital pet rather than a teacher or repository of information. And a personal trainer. They're a simpler AI than Deja is, though you're sure you'll be able to make Narfi as smart as she is eventually and you're proud that you're able to make them intelligent enough to hold conversations with and for them to remember past conversations and other people besides yourself.

Part of their protocol and programming is to log the calorie count of every morsel of food you're given, and how many of them your daily calisthenics and the nightly training exercise burn, as well as which muscle groups are each exercise trains and strengthens, and show you what could be improve or is lacking. And all on their own, Narfi creates an additional regimen to follow alongside the one Mendez makes every kid in the program follow. And also learns how to pester and bother you just right to keep you following it even when you're exhausted and soaked with sweat after a day running around the compound or disassembling rifles or trip wire traps.

"Mjau" is how Narfi would greet you whenever you turn on the data pad their matrix is connected to, every day, their miniature projection uncurling and stretching as if they had just been roused from a nap in the sun "You should rest your legs today, Programmer, if you work them too hard you'll strain and deteriorate the muscles. Perhaps a game of catch the mouse, to keep your hand eye coordination sharp, would be a better exercise for the day?"

You smile, enjoying watching your little AI slowly grow and expand, gaining a personality that you slowly code into them, giving them a mischievous, cat like nature with a kitten's exuberance for exercise and play. And you quickly learn how to get them speaking Norwegian as well as English, which the programming assistant Miss Halsey loaned you included by default. And are impressed with yourself when, without your direct coding and direction, Narfi figures out to keep you a strong swimmer without you ever dipping your toes in water, just through combining and adjusting a few of the exercises they've been having you do in the showers or in the mess hall or right before you hit your bunk, to keep the muscles used for swimming active and strong.

And its because of those exercises that Narfi meets Nesta, James, and Jorge, since they get curious why you're working out even harder and more often than what is required to avoid disciplinary actions.

Nesta thought he was a lion at first, but thinks he's adorable once you get Halsey's permission to show him off, James is amused you've made yourself a personal trainer that is a cat, while Jorge is astonished that there are house cats as big as Narfi. Narfi seems to like your friends, though the Ai does scold you for giving them "empty calories and excess sugar" as they refer to the deserts you pass of. Since Narfi gets very cross when you eat too many sweets.

You're so busy tinkering with and refining Narfi, that one of the other troublemakers in the class stealing and crashing a pelican barely registers to you.

"I am impressed" You assure Nesta when she asks you about it "but it isn't anything to lose your mind over, he didn't get away did he"

"Yeah, but they took him away, like Jai and his girlfriend, think they killed them?" She whispers conspiratorially

"No. Spoke with Jai yesterday, they just separated him from the rest of us" You answer with a shrug "And Halsey wouldn't let them let them...disappear us"

"I'm not so sure, but then again, I'm not a teacher's pet" She huffs "Glad he's alright, didn't know him, but things are going to be quieter without him raising a ruckus, since you've stopped picking fights with the instructors"

"They might take away Narfi if I kept it up, besides, but its much more fun figuring out how to break their rules without getting whipped for it" You chuckle, as you pen a new line of code for your artificial, talking pet cat "It is really funny seeing them go red in the face when they realize I didn't actually disobey them"

"I think they'd prefer if you were still trying to bite their ears off, Buddy" James snickers, tugging on one of his ears "At least then they'd have a reason to discipline you"

"I'm surprised they haven't made up one already, especially your nemesis" Jorge cuts in, twirling his spaghetti that you think is made out of rats or maybe sick horse judging from its taste, and with too many onions "since James is right, the instructors really don't like the new ways you've found to annoy them"

"Bet they don't hate it as much as the Butt-Chewing the handful of them who let a Pelican get stolen and crashed got" You point out, jabbing your fork at Jorge "Besides, all that did was give them a reason to be harder on the rest of us"

"I guess, it was still cool seeing that bird go up in flames. Still amazed the kid who took it walked away from that" Nesta says, pouting as she watches you avoid the slice of lemon cake you'd picked up because the instructor manning the meal line insisted you take a piece "You going to eat that, or has your furball told you you can't?"

"Here" You say, cutting it into three pieces "You all can have a part of it, but I think I'm safe from getting special attention, especially since that happened earlier"

"Wonder if Halsey killed whoever let him get away with taking that Joyride" James wonders outload

"Please, she'd have the Chief do it instead" Jorge jokes "or fed them to Nesta here"

"Maybe that's why the noodles taste so weird" You laugh as Nesta sneers and leans over the table

"Oh come on Fangs, you like the taste of blood!" She teases, smacking your shoulder

0920 Hours, May 24, 2518 (Military Calendar)/ Epsilon Eridani System, Reach Military Complex, Planet Reach

"Give me more push ups, Trainee-033!" One of the instructors roars as you lay on the ground, panting, tasting bile rising in your throat even as you drool a puddle of it into the sand, arms shaking and legs trembling as you struggle to meet their standards. Today was awful. You'd put on more muscles faster than the other trainees and you were already bigger than the rest of the class, which meant you had a natural disadvantage in today's games.

They were running your through an obstacle course, shooting at you with paint ball guns, and if you were hit, they made you do pushups till you puked. And of course, no matter how quickly you ran through the obstacle course, you ended up covered in paint by the end of it. Your throat burned and stung and the stench of bile clung in your nostrils

"In your lives, you will encounter fear!" Chief Petty Officer Mendez Shouted from somewhere behind you as the rest of the trainees thunder past you "You will Encounter Pain!"

Nesta gave you a cheeky wave as she sauntered past, moving her head to avoid a paintball Petty Officer third class Hou Yun shot directly at her forehead. Your favorite instructor was trying very hard to hit your friend and make her join in you on the ground, in the puddle of sweat and vomit the other trainers had put you in. You groan, the inside of your throat feeling like it was torn to rags as you were finally allowed to stand and try again, wiping the froth and vomit from your chin as you jogged back to the start of the obstacle course.

"The key to survival in these moments" He continued, glancing for a moment in your direction as Jorge ran past you, only covered in a little less paint than yourself "is to let neither pain nor fear dominate you!"

You panted, putting your hands on your knee and trying to figure out which instructors you had to worry about as they continued pelting the field and other kids with paint pellets. John always said there was a trick to winning Mendez' games. But you'd rather find your own way to win, to spite him for putting you through so much pain today. And so, as the other unlucky ones finished their push ups before all of you were made to jog back to the compound, you started to plan for tomorrows run through the obstacle course


>Decide the best way to get back at the Chief Petty Officer, is to get him or one of his trainers on Halsey's shit list, by just trying to brute force the course until you collapse. Or figured out how to dodge paint pellets like Nesta

>Choose to not try, since you're too big of a target and its impossible to get through the course without a speck of paint on you, so instead try to shield the other trainees with your body. And just have Narfi take into account the additional push ups'

>....The chief petty officer said "if there was a speck of paint on you at the end" you had to do push ups. You just had to take of your sweats before you finished the course!

>Tired of getting shot with paint balls and throwing up, make an arrangement with a friend, to exchange dessert rations for them taking hits for you in Mendez' obstacle course.

>Write in option
>....The chief petty officer said "if there was a speck of paint on you at the end" you had to do push ups. You just had to take of your sweats before you finished the course!
Lol. Lmao, even.
Cute kot, I hope Sven can show them off to Deja and Halsey.
>that one of the other troublemakers in the class stealing and crashing a pelican barely registers to you.
>"Did anyone else hear that?" taptaptaptaptaptap "Must have been the wind."

>>Decide the best way to get back at the Chief Petty Officer, is to get him or one of his trainers on Halsey's shit list, by just trying to brute force the course until you collapse. Or figured out how to dodge paint pellets like Nesta
I kinda want to just git gud. I also suspect that if we tried to strip down, we'd get a bit of paint that splattered onto a hand or our face without realizing or something. Or shoes. Maybe if we get cheeky Mendez will get cheeky and make anyone who even stepped in a drop of paint have to do exercises. Nothing induces fear so much as "Let me see your boots".

Though I would like to help the other kids, Mendez would probably call us dumb for taking their learning experience away from them, and since that would probably mean us dead in a real scenario kek
Actually, no, I'll change my answer to a write in.
>The key to survival is to learn to adapt and overcome. There's nothing in today's rule about what we can and can't use, so let's find something that can work as a shield and use it to stop the paintball shot while we rush through the course.
I feel like the first option is needlessly spiteful and trying to tie the Chief's hands will just lead to worse trainings overall.
I'll support this.
>>Write in option
There's a sizable equipment disparity here. I'd say we should even the odds with a bit of sabotage. Basically sneaking to where they store the paintball guns and discretely breaking them via either shallow cuts to the air lines, jamming rocks into the barrels, or tampering with the paintballs themselves. And if we're feeling really ballsy, we could acquire a few of the paintball guns for ourselves so we could have a few other trainees lay down covering fire while we advance.
The real reason to strip is to show off our GAINS

All these options are kind of born out of spite though. But if you really wanted to avoid getting paint on you, steal someone's shirt, grip them in a bunch at the shoulders and hold it splayed in the direction of incoming fire. Would still need to worry about the legs a bit but it's a lot better than nothing. Could probably yoink one from an instructor overseeing our exercises if we wanted. Well, if we were lucky.
I like the way you think brother.
support >>6174188
Interesting idea. Maybe we can rope Jai, Adriana and Mike into it.

sneaky beaky like
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>Decide the best way to get back at the Chief Petty Officer, is to get him or one of his trainers on Halsey's shit list, by just trying to brute force the course until you collapse. Or figured out how to dodge paint pellets like Nesta

>Sneaking in broad daylight
>At Sven's sheer size
Truly the epitome of tactical genius!
>you started to plan for tomorrows run through the obstacle course
I'm assuming it would be done tonight.
Please understand Anons, reading is hard! I assumed this vote was for an immediate action.
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Support. Can't get hit with paint if there is no paint to shoot.
>Can't get hit with paint if there is no paint to shoot.
Easiest way to do this, would be to damage the gelatin in the paintballs so they don't break properly and so fragment instead of smearing.

This can be accomplished by getting them cold enough to freeze the water content once done is very hard to detect.

Alternately getting them wet also causes issues.
>>Write in option
>Offer to Dimas and Shika to work together against the obstacle course. In exchange offer your own tech notes to Dimas and let both them see Narfi (Shika will get our cake portions for a month). We will collaborate in finding a wireless way for tamper with the one eyed HUD optics used by the helmets of the Petty Officers.
>Choose to not try, since you're too big of a target and its impossible to get through the course without a speck of paint on you, so instead try to shield the other trainees with your body. And just have Narfi take into account the additional push ups'
Big brother Sven, and I think it'll work towards Bulkwark.
>Decide the best way to get back at the Chief Petty Officer, is to get him or one of his trainers on Halsey's shit list, by just trying to brute force the course until you collapse. Or figured out how to dodge paint pellets like Nesta
Thinking about it, we could call any AI "Ivar" because none of them have bones.
I like the way you think, supporting.

We COULD have had a cyberwarfare AI help us with this, but NoOoOoOo, the rest of you all wanted a PeRsOnAl TrAiNeR....
We could have picked Shika and just left the obstacle course without anyone looking. Damn it.

A security expert AI would have made it pretty easy to avoid any patrols and be aware of where locks are but noooo. I'm just yerkin your gherkin.
You think Mendez wouldn't jumble the guard rotation and their routes just to fuck with us once he got wind of a monitored AI taking notes?
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When Sven's a bigguy4u that can bench press a scorpion tank, then you'll be thanking cat.
Sven will probably be the first Spartan to throw a Warthog and kill an alien with it. God bless him.
It'll always work the first time kek

>while you were studying the blade I was lifting, brah
I want to overpower and elite, have him say uncle, then use him as a club until his insides become outsides. Then I want to bench press a brute into a bulkhead until he squishes like a tube of toothpaste.
Meant to say overhead press but alas. My fingers move faster than my brain.
I just want to kick a grunt into the rest of his squad and watch them all die in the resulting explosion.
If we're grunt kicking, it's gotta be kicking a grunt into a mid-flight banshee to explode them both. Halsey's lessons, best lessons.
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>"RIGHT! 3...2...1!"
>pic related
>a distant explosion echoes throughout the field
Mom n dad'll love it.
You guys are too obsessed with grunt kicking, I'm more interested in how far we can throw our fellow Spartans like Nesta or Shika. Imagine throwing Nesta into a Covenant troop carrier and see her jump out of there fully covered in alien blood.
>Damn, the cadets destroyed our paintball guns
>Guess it's time to whip out the assault rifle with tranquilliser rounds
>implying nesta wouldn't be going into the troop carrier already covered in blood
Bet Ol goblin queen will look like a fucking Picasso on her second outing against the covenant. Because absolutely no one is going to have a good time on their first encounter.

Nah they'll just get out the less-lethal shotguns. With the bean bag rounds. Orange barrels, guys, they'll probably be alright.
>goblin queen
Man, she's going to be so mad if the goblin/redcap nickname stick all the way past augmentation. Just imagine her hearing on the comms
>Delta one, delta one, hold your position a little longer, Red Cap is on the way to assist.
>Red Cap? The Goblin Queen? We're saved!
Well at least this means that we won't be the only one doing pushups anymore.
>"So, you are the demon with the red cap? I will sl-"
Sven might be the only one with the berserkr path, but Nesta has the next closest. Hooligan.

Hey it could be worse. They could get out the grenade launchers. Forty mike mike. Like getting hit with a baseball shot out of a can cannon. I wonder how annoyed Mendez is going to be if the paintball guns are sabotaged. Destruction of [REDACTED] property is a no-no, I'm sure. Commend the initiative, punish for breaking their toys?
Old Camelot FC.
'ate goblins, 'ate innies, 'ate aliens, 'ate 'orerunners.
luv me spartans, luv me squad, luv me knives.
Simple as.
That's why I voted for making a shield to protect ourselves instead since it's just bending the rules. Destroying/stealing the paintball guns seems like a step too far to me, it's escalating from "that boy knows how to think outside the box" to "that boy destroyed military properties and ruined our training plan/lesson", one can be waved off and will only piss off our favourite trainer, but the other will land either us and/or the entire cadet group in some sort of punishment.
>'ate covenant - not xenophobic jus' don't like em
All you really need is some extra shirts and some sticks. Tie em all together and make some sort of barrier. It's not like these are hardcore paintball guns. They're probably low-pressure long-barrel with thin-walled balls. The goal is to make as much of a mess as possible, which you get from all that. Which means catching them is relatively easy. At least I doubt they're using the big balled high pressure ones. Simply because of the lack of bruising we're getting from them. Or welts. Maybe Sven really is just built that different that something which could split you or I's skin open just bounces off of him kek

Well if nothing else, Halsey would probably get a snort of amusement out of it. A bunch of dimwits can't even secure their gear? Her children are so much better than those fools.
>Trainee! Why did you sabotage UNSC equipment?
>To ensure everyone's success in today's exercise, Chief!
Assuming the plan works, I think he can appreciate this sort of thing to an extent. Obviously I think there would be a warning not to try this sort of stunt again and Sven might cop a ten-mile run as punishment or something. The instructors will also be out for blood, but that's a future Sven problem, probably switching from paint pellets to TTRs. The important thing is that Sven gets his immediate gratification/revenge for being used as target practice the previous day.

Halsey will also be amused. The instructors/compound security need to get gud.

Sven is totally going to be involved in stealing Mendez's air tank in that future Emerald Cove exercise. It's nothing personal, Chief.
I mean yeah it is 1000% a viable and even GOOD strategy. Denying your enemy their essentials and assets? That's like page two of the officer's handbook. Page one being "don't die" of course. But man someone has to fix it, and pay for it, and take the blame for it. Clearly it was Nobby Nose's fault, she's a fuckup.

>implying sven's godlike cardio and cultivated body won't enable him to free dive for an hour
psh. The extra air would only slow him down.
Idk its paintball guns. They dont sound too expensive or difficult to repair
Yeah, I just assume we would wet the paintballs, which is probably enough to make the weapons malfunction when shot, or stuff something in the barrels, remove something subtle from inside them like a spring that might be required to load/fire and hide those parts somewhere until after the exercise, mess with the sights (if there are any), that sort of thing.

Nothing some cleaning/simple maintenance won't fix, so they shouldn't get too upset over it.
The military spends a lot of fucking money for a lot of fucking nothing. It might not cost much but you can be damn sure they spend a ton of money on it.
It's about the principle of things, can't have recruits go around breaking military properties, even if it's for something as cheap as paintball guns.
Especially after one of us stole and crash a pelican.
At least they had f u n
Kek. Imagine if the infiltration team stole Crooked Nose's keycard and used her authorization to enter the paintball gun storage room.
That would be the icing on the cake.
I'll try and write the next update later today. Just figuring out how to write the current favorite to win this round of voting.


lmao, hilarious!

Speaking of first encounters, I am dying to get to that point. I almost feel sorry for the Jackals/ Grunts who will have the unique privilege of being the first aliens to meet Sven-033
You probably know already, but if you're having trouble in the future finding a way to make a write-in work or you just don't think it's in character or logical, then you can always just QM veto and take the next best option or, preferably, veto it some point before you intend to start writing so people can still change their vote. This is your quest after all.
Speaking as the write-in anon in question, no hard feelings if my idea is a bit much. Eager to see where it goes either way.
Well I'm just figuring out the specifics and what Sven will actually do. And got too sleepy while running through the scenarios and figuring out what made the most sense to happen/ for Sven to do. I'm just gonna go to bed and write what'll happen when I'm fresh & wide awake and have counted up the vote.
I like the idea, m8. I supported it. Very creative. But yeah, maybe it is a bit much? It could easily become a whole multi-update side mission, which QM might not have anticipated, at least for this stage of the quest. Then again, maybe I'm reading too much into things.

It's cool. Take a break if you need to.
I think you are reading too much into things, QM can just as easily make it a short sequence.
Already planning abandoning our cat...we're gonna need it to lead PT for our team whenever we're deployed, you know.
>I almost feel sorry for the Jackals/ Grunts who will have the unique privilege of being the first aliens to meet Sven-033

>scenarios and figuring out what made the most sense to happen/ for Sven to do
I can think of one. Sven could go to Jai and co and ask them if they'd like to fuck with Mendez' toys. Tell them his plan, and then Sven will run distraction. Go out and do something silly around the same time to draw attention. Like trying to steal a tool or part from the mech bay that he "needs for his pet project". They always have a kneejerk reaction when Sven does things after all. He's a big boy.

It's a silly idea, granted.

I plan for everything if I can help it. Including giving Halsey some whey so she can develop her quads and calves so she can run faster.
>Like trying to steal a tool or part from the mech bay that he "needs for his pet project".
>"Trainee 33 get back to your bu- HE'S GOT A WRENCH LIGHT HIM UP!"
>he was not, in fact, holding a wrench
After action reports would likely be funny. Halsey probably would tell Sven he can make a robo-cat if he asked nicely. What were those toy robot dogs that were all the rage in the early aughts? Something like that but smarter kek
Consider this Satan; we already have pretty passable quadrapedal robot prototypes in the early 21st century.
Who's to say what's available to military personnel in the 26th century?
>Who's to say what's available to military personnel in the 26th century?
Why, the creativity of the writers of course, my dear almost-jackpot.

That is a good point. It also needs to be able to file taxes and do a standing double backflip.
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Hjell yeah lmao
But can it do taxes?
Can YOU do taxes?
i wouldn't be surprised if it could
I'll be rightly impressed if it can do so with proper valid claims and deductibles on it.
Rebooting...404TormentedCache, back online

Had trouble falling asleep, and once I did manage to get to sleep I slept all day. Sorry for taking so long.

3 Votes for trying to brute force the exercise

1 vote for the key to survival...etc

6 Votes for Sizable equipment disparity write in

1Vote for working together with Shika and Dimas

1 Vote for choosing not to try to avoid getting hit

So, Sven solution is sabotage. https://youtu.be/OlOdefB5Kyk
Decision made
Even though you're just a kid, it is clear to you that you're experiencing what the Chief Petty Officer or Miss Deja would refer to as a Sizeable Equipment Disparity. Like most of Chief Mendez's games, the odds are stack heavily against you and the rest of the trainees. And you and other big targets, like your good buddy Jorge, have the odds stacked even higher against you than the rest. And that isn't fair. And you could hear the Chief's answer to this complaint already, that war is rarely if ever fair. However, you know the perfect way to even the odds a little and reduce the disparity, even if just a little

Sabotage. They're training you to be an elite brotherhood of soldiers. Expecting you to fight local, probably entrenched forces. They haven't began teaching you the finer points of guerilla warfare, since as smart as the whole class is, you are still only six years old. You think you understand it though. Cause you've had a teacher before Deja or Mendez and his pack of hyenas. Your father, Einar Askeland. He hadn't been trying to teach you, but when he was in his cups he wasn't so careful around innocent ears and the older boys he was teaching to fight a war heavily out of their favor, liked to brag about the grown ups' lessons when they weren't around to hear, treating them like badges of honor.

And what little Deja had brought up the darker, hidden side of warfare, was enough for you to fill in the gaps. Well, actually, the AI's lessons formed the most of your knowledge on the subject of Sabotage. And just being around Jai and other rebellious souls for a few months formed an equally substantial portion of your understanding of throwing a wrench into a finely tuned military machine.

However, being forced to be a part of that machine, also made you realize just how red your bottom would be if you were caught destroying or tampering with military property. Security around the compound and discipline had become a lot tighter in the months following Mike's actually pretty successful joyride, but even if it hadn't, you knew it'd be next to impossible to get away with breaking the guard's toys or stealing a few to return fire yourself. Sure, you weren't exactly a model student or perfect little soldier, even if you weren't as violently upset with being kidnapped as you were at the start, but you weren't rebellious enough to risk getting all of the class punished cause you wanted to get back at the instructors.

Sure, when Mendez switched out the toy guns with paint ball guns during the rifle drills, you quickly figured out how to break one of them. A cut airline, a rock in the barrel would be enough to ruin them. But even if you got into where they were stored, any damage done would be hell to suffer later, and not just for you.

But that didn't mean evening the odds wasn't possible. Sabotage was always an option, as far as you knew. The only question was the possible scale it could be carried out at.

And while you knew the most about the code of Artificial intelligences, knowing how they're programmed and work means you know how a lot of computer systems and other automated devices function. If you had to guess, the paintballs, which were your target, would be stored in one of the armories, and kept from drying out or deteriorating through something uh, like air conditioning. A Climate Controlled Environment, as Miss Halsey would call it.

A storage locker that has its temperature maintained by a sub routine of one of the facility's non volitional AI at best, and more probably just has its temperature set manually. Something that can be easily messed with and made to ruin the paint pellets before they're fired and could be mistaken for user error or a glitch in the system.

The problem was, while you didn't make a habit of trying to bite off the fingers or squish out the eyes of the trainers, they still kept a close eye on you, mostly because they learned Sven with a cool head is more trouble than an angry one.

But no one watches Shika. She's a model, obedient conscript. And even if she had your reputation for troublemaking and insubordination, she's hard to track even with the proper equipment, something one of the kinder instructors told to you while you were trying to figure out how many carbs and calories were in the baked potatoes in the mess one night.

And while you aren't the closest, she is still a friend of yours, mostly cause Ralph, Rene and Jerome dragged her into your circle. And you also know exactly how to bribe her into doing your dirty work. Of course, she isn't the only one you'll need. Dimas to. He's also a regular in Dr Halsey's office, and considering his team won the first first aid exercise, you know he knows some advance stuff, just like you. You aren't sure what, but the shrimp has always had a good eye for tech and knew Deja was non volitional at a glance at her projector. Which still amazes you as much as it did the day he told you how he figured it out. And you're the junior expert on Artificial intelligences! Or at least, that's what you like to think of yourself as, after Miss Halsey praised you for how quickly you picked up the subject that could make "Most doctorate holders cry themselves to sleep".

Dimas was a bit more difficult, to get on your side. Sure Daisy was your friend through Nesta, and you got alone alright with Jori and liked sharing notes with the kid himself, but he was also...kind of not a "People's person" like yourself. He preferred machines as company and reading to talking. But you knew one way to be sure to pull him into your scheme.

It was also bribery, but a bit more costly than taking what veggies and greens Shika didn't want to eat from her plate.
"Yeah, I mean, I have some auxiliary storage I could use to contain a worm to remotely alter an AC units parameters and then return them back to their original setting on a clock" He mumbles over a mouthful of corn beef hash and tomato beans "But the question is, why would I help you...what, pull a prank or explode something for laughs? Did Nesta put you up to this, or are you just trying to one up the mysterious Grey team?"

"Ssssh" You hush, nearly dragging him over the table, and whisper angrily "No, I'm just leveling the playing field a little, It'll give us all one easy day, and I need your help to program the bug so it isn't caught"

"Hm, think you could do it to yourself, considering you've already programmed a pretty intelligent AI" He says calmly "But, I guess you owning me a favor would be worth it, if only so you don't go all gorilla mode on me when the chief has us fighting again"

You were going to offer to make him an AI of his own, but that was a much easier ask than you expected.

"Of course both you and Nesta know how to pick locks" Shika says, as Nesta, who like all your closest friends you trust not to tattle, which is why you brought her into your scheme as well and only didn't bring J and J into it because you want it to be a happy surprise for them "But...wouldn't we get in serious trouble if they find us out"

"No you, you just need to plug in this data drive in the armory's access port and wait a minute for it to upload. It'll delete itself after, Dimas promised it would" You assure her, giving her a big friendly pat on her shoulder "And besides, if we're found out, I'm sure one of the grown ups here would appreciate our...initiative and creativity"

"Yeah and if Poindexter backstabs us, I'll just give him a wedgie that his arse won't forget for a week" Nesta says as sweet as sugar as Shika wince at the thought

"Fine, but you're eating those nasty Brussel sprouts until they stop serving them to me, Sven" Shika sighs, agreeing after a few moments of thought "And if Dimas does tattle, I'll help you give him a swirly in the latrine"

"Aww, how sweet, but I've already got a few hands on deck willing to help with that" Nesta says, still talking like anything she's saying is innocent and not liable to get her in trouble.

And while you had to set this all up in the time between Mess and Lights out, you managed it by the time you all hit the showers. Shika snuck out with the simple bug you and Dimas made and he perfected, and using the pointers you and Nesta gave her, she gets into the armory, plants the code and gets back to the barracks with none the wiser she was ever gone, breathless and...unusually thrilled as she excitedly reports back to you. Nesta makes sure Dimas wasn't a tattletale before you had to get in your bunks for the night, and he promises and swears he hasn't after hearing what she'll do to him if he had and having your promise to go easy on him if you two run into each other in a physical exercise repeated.

And you, to make him not tattle about Nesta being a bully, also add on a week of your deserts to the deal to buy his silence. After that, all that's left to do is wait until tomorrow to see if the plan worked.

And while the dried up paint pellets do hurt a bit more than the normal ones, the colored powder they leave is easy to wipe off or "accidentally" shake off during the run.

Mendez immediately suspect tampering, but is unable to figure out how one of his trainees pulled it off. And you're too smart to take his bait when he stars applauding the "Ingenuity" and "Forward thinking" of his "Little Saboteurs", since for all the praise he heaps onto the act, he doesn't once say that if they came forward to claim responsibility for it that he wouldn't discipline them by having them run around the compound for an entire day and night. You respect the Chief, but you know he can be a real bully when he wants to be and you've given him every reason to be for ruining his game. And luckily, Shika and Dimas are just as smart and know to keep their mouths shut and never mention anything about your night of sabotage, even when the three of you are alone.

But, having Jorge mention off handedly at dinner that night that he's indebted to whoever came up with and pulled off that daring act, does make all of the trouble and hoops you had to go through to pull it off worth it. James, isn't as in high spirits, since he, without thinking pointed out he had a spec of paint dust on his shoe when he was tired from running through the course trying to catch Kelly after he made a very bad bet with Sam and also Kurt.

And so he was one of the few who wasn't spared from the punishment for losing the Chief's game, and was very grumpy about it.

It doesn't take long for Mendez to all but dare his recruits to try and repeat the sabotaging of the paint pellets. And even though you know better than to test your luck, some of the other trainees do manage pull it off. And its around the second time they do that you realize, that you were caught.

Its just that Dr Halsey and Mendez wanted to encourage that kind of thinking and problem solving. And had turned your little act of rebellion into a part of the curriculum. Maybe they'd planned it all along, and you were just the first to try and succeed at carrying out sabotage without being caught.

Maybe its the next step after the initial part of your training in the SPARTAN II Program? Mendez's games and Deja's lessons have been getting more and more complex, difficult and detailed and even the older training exercises have been made harder with the "twists" the chief comes up with.

Its a theory you share with everyone who will listen, mostly because its fun to hear the wild, joking guesses Nesta comes up with what you'll be made to do next, interesting to hear Jame's more grounded predictions and always a blast to work with Jorge to come up with ways to beat both Nesta and Jame's theorized training exercises


And you're pretty confident that you were right about the program moving onto "Stage two", when you're told one fine spring morning that you'll no longer be placed together in numbered teams, but instead ones designated by Color.

And while you wait in formation to hear your placement, you notice that, while there is some switching around of the ranks and changes of team composition, mostly and to your great relief, they remain mostly the same and mostly the moving around of candidates is kept to just merging together some teams rather than completely reorganizing them.

It really doesn't surprise you that John is put in Charge of Blue team, that Kurt is given Green to lead, or that Jerome is made Red Leader. But some of the other choices of Team Leader shock you.

And none more than your own, since you came into the program as a hellion and have for the last few months made it your goal to just toe the line rather than completely fall in line and bend Mendez' rules as far as you can without actually breaking them.

And you could hear Narfi sending a message in morse code even though you'd put the Data pad they primarily talk to you through down several yards away, asking why your heart rate had spiked suddenly.

"Trainee-033, pick your jaw off the ground, I said you were in field command of..." The chief barks as you stare at him, wondering if he's an ONI Spook who has somehow stolen the Chief's face and identity rather than the real Chief Petty Office Franklin Mendez, service number 22926-11908-FM, which you learned while snooping through some files with your self made AI pet cat's help

>Purple Team.

>White Team.

>Yellow Team.

>Orange Team.

>Write in Option

Also, feel free to decide the Fireteam's emblem now

Oh. AND GET HYPE FOR LAND NAV. Cause its coming up next!
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I knew poor Shika would be dragged into this somehow.
>but a bit more costly than taking what veggies and greens Shika didn't want to eat from her plate.
I love this adorable little goburin.
>Purple Team.
I'm going with Purple for the Varangian/Roman connection. I wonder who'll be in our team.
Great job with adapting the write-in, 404. That was fun to read.
>Purple Team.

Great update QM worth the wait.
Also, what emblem are you guys feeling? Blue already took hawk, Red took cobra, Omega is just an Omega symbol, and Silver is a fox(?).
Oh, and seems like Yellow already exist.
>shika hates vegetables and is starting to enjoy sneaking around
Cute. I wonder how often she just wanders around at this point. Also good to know Dimas got his dub. Good for him.

>>Purple Team.
I'm tempted to go with White team, for the funni snowmang. But anon's Varangian idea really is baller.

As for a fireteam emblem, maybe a boar? Or a bear? Both things associated pretty heavily with the northerly regions of the world at the time. The bear moreso than the boar. But the norse like boars just as much as bears.

What are the other ones? A snake, a bird, a wolf (semi canon? I dunno how that one fits), a greek letter and something else were confirmed, right?
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I can't tell if this damn thing is a fox or a wolf.
>Dang ol' friggin' rat-dog lookin' thang man shit aboutta chomp on m'damn foot fuck outta here.
It's a canid of some description. If nothing else kek
>Yellow Team.

Mostly for the image of a giant rushing at in bright hazard yellow armor. And also to get some foxhound vibes for our insignia color scheme.
>not wanting to go pink team and scream "OH YEAH" every time we enter a room through anything other than the door
The watermelon flavor is the best flavor. Cherryfags don't @ me. Get your red piss outta here.
>White Team.
How about a skogkatt or elkhound for the emblem?
Really depends on the snack in mind. If we're talking jolly ranchers then I'm gonna say watermelon is tied with green apple for top tier.
As an aside, and I don't know how my brain has done this, I wonder if Deja's lessons are going to start including the chad Jan Žižka for an example of great leadership. Now that teams are getting divvied out.
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Please, if you want video game reference then Orange's way to go.
Fax. The green and pink jolly ranchers are the best flavors. But what about airheads? Surprisingly their blue raspberry is pretty good. Probably better than their watermelon unless you're REALLY into the taste of sugar.

Actually, wait shit that's fucking Dimas if he wore glasses. Yo.
Fair point. I just get flashbacks to a forklift that almost flattened me one time and that thing was an unmistakable bright yellow before it fell to the bottom of the ocean.

Didn't have much taste for airheads unfortunately. Always got the reds as scraps here and there.
>>Purple Team.
>The norse varangians were recognised by long hair, a red ruby set in their left ear and ornamented dragons sewn into their chainmail shirts.

Fireteam emblem should be a dragon, plus it's something that everyone of our closest friends can relate to, rather than being purely Sven.
>Purple Team.
How about a Skogkatt for team logo?
>I just get flashbacks to a forklift that almost flattened me one time and that thing was an unmistakable bright yellow before it fell to the bottom of the ocean.
Bro is out here getting certified on a cargo ship.

I've never eaten an orange airhead. I can definitely see airheads not being the most popular. Their flavor can be described as cloying.

What about a whale? All coastal cultures love whales. And all non-coastal cultures love perfume, which is close enough.
>Purple Team
I agree that our emblem shouldn't be something purely revolving around Sven. We're a team, after all.
>Purple Team.

I like the boar idea. Almost want to go for the Dragon Fafnir imagery but a boar is more grounded.
Oh great, now I'm just going to imagine Dimas as Gordon for the rest of the quest.
I like the idea that the emblem is something the entire team can relate to, plus, every culture has dragons. Although, I'm not sure if the program will use a fictional creature for a team emblem considering the people in charge.
It kind of sucks that we only have Blue Team as reference for emblems. Do we even know if their symbol was decided then, or when they went off into active service after augmentation?
I like boars for their symbolism. Representing tenacity as well as unbridled fury. Everyone likes to point at them and say pig. But boars are far meaner. But I also like the whale idea, too. Since whales are often seen as symbols of wealth, prosperity and longevity. Symbols are cool. Dragons are great imagery as well, usually of power. Or terror. Which depending on whose side you're on, represents Spartans well.

I do agree that a fantastical animal seems a little odd though compared to the others. until white team pops out with a fuckin' unicorn or something kek

>Oh great, now I'm just going to imagine Dimas as Gordon for the rest of the quest.
>[brandishes crowbar with malicious intent]
I mean how many world-class scientists also stop alien invasions, right? And inexplicably know how to operate every single firearm they come across? It just works.
>White Team.
I like the 1 syllable color
White is two syllables. Say it with me, anon
Just like grandpappy used to say. Right before he put on his pointy hood and went out hunting for raccoons. Such an odd hobby.
A dragon for our emblem sounds good.
Dragon emblem would be cool especially if its breathing fire.
Do you guys know what the star on blue team emblem's all about?
Question now is which kinds of dragon?
>White Team.
Different kinds of dragons sounds cool. It can be represented in many different ways.

For example, Midgårdsormen / midguard serpent / Jörmungandr is a form of dragon and a force able to destroy worlds. So, Sven could have a serpentine dragon circling a world which looks like his homeworld. (As he both feels homesick and will likely prey upon the world when it goes into full rebellion)

Jorge could have an emblem of a more European-styled dragon guarding an egg which looks like Reach. He metaphorically being both the egg and the dragon as he grew up on, and will protect Reach.

Nesta could have a medieval European dragon with fae-like wings and green breath lying on top of a castle with crenellations. As a reference to her goblin nature (as goblins are fae in nature) green eyes and origin on New Camelot.

I don’t really have a good idea for James, since we don’t really know a lot about him. But I could imagine something close to an Aztec serpent dragon with the head of a hawk, the dragon in a position ready to strike out but biding it’s time for the right moment.

These are just some ideas. What do you anons think?
>Silver is canonically taken
>White Team.
Close enough. As for the team emblem... I'm thinking of a bear!
>>>>IP change
Fuck you internet I don't need this right now
I'm >>6174206
>>White Team.
>White Team.
>Purple Team.
Varangian rep.
>Purple Team.
Liking the Varangian/Roman plus dragon idea.
>Purple Team.
Changing to this, I think it could look quite nice
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>Cortana's avatar switches from blue to purple depending on her mood (and ambient lighting)
>This is the canon explanation for why she is blue in some games while purple in others
>It's reasonable to assume blue and purple are Cortana's favorite colors
>Likely inherited her color preference from her (flash-cloned) brain donor, Halsey, just like her appearance
>Halsey designates John and Sven's teams as Blue and Purple, her favorite colors
Since this is a team emblem it'll be the thing to represent the, well, fireteam. Personal emblems would still come down to each individual spartan to choose, if they wanted one in the first place. We could coordinate personal emblems to coincide with the fireteam emblem. And those are pretty cool.

For some reason I think Jorge's emblem otherwise would be a thoroughbred though. Nesta would have a dagger (for obvious reasons). James would probably have a helmet, or maybe a humble stone, to represent his steadfastness and mental resilience.

Absolute pottery.
>>Purple Team
hehe the covenant also love purple. They might feel different about it.

Dragon sound cool. Or a lion/puma.
>Purple Team.
Absolute kino.
>Purple Team.
>Purple Team.
>Boar-themed emblem
>>Purple Team.
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Since purple and dragon seems to be winning. The star eating dragon one seems a bit too chuuni for Halsey but I like it.
Looks awesome.
However consider replacing the star in the mouth of the right one with flames.
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Like this?
Yeah like that
though I reckon it would look better if the flame was a little longer.

You art wizardry is good.
good job
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How about now?
Thats looks perfect to me.
As the anon that suggested a dragon, hell yeah
Rebooting....Monitor 404TormentedCache, back online

So, we've been at this for a bit over a month and 2k posts now, how the times flies when you're having fun, huh?

15 votes for purple team

5 votes for white team

1 vote for yellow team
The suggestions for the fireteam emblem were a bit harder to figure out

4 Votes for Boar

1 vote for Skogatt/ elk hand

1 vote for whale

6 Votes for a dragon

1 vote for lion/ puma

So Sven will lead Purple team, and for the time being, we'll go forward assuming their emblem is a dragon

Decision made

Happy you enjoyed it

Man these look badass! You got some incredible Talent, Anon. Thanks for the art, didn't expect to get any fan art so quickly! And like the 1st and 4th dragon designs the best. Not sure why, they just click

True Pottery...

See, I have a personal theory that's cause Elites put a lot of importance into blood, and the shades of Covvie tech and Sanheili blood look pretty similar at least to my eyes

Just something to think about.
"Purple Team"

You blinked again, staring at the small flag waving proudly in the morning breeze, just in front of where Mendez directed you and the rest of the newly formed and named team to stand. It was a rich shade of Byzantine Purple, the same color donned by the employer of the legendary Varangian Guard. A dragons head emblem proudly graced it, on a field of white dominating half of the circle, the other half being the same color as the flag with a roman 2 stamped on it. You understood its meaning immediately. You saluted and marched to stand in front of the flag, rubbernecking and glancing to see what the other teams had. An eagle for Blue, A scorpion for red, a boar for white and you couldn't see what Kurt's green team or the others had, since they were out of view or blocked by the bodies of your fellow Spartans in training. Jorge, James and Nesta filed in behind you, standing at attention as a few other candidates were shuffled around as the Chief Petty Officer explained that outside of the "Core" of each team, membership between them can and would change and be switched around often, to enhance unit cohesion and strengthen bonds through shared service.

Of course, being made mostly from Team Six, You, Nesta, James and Jorge were part of the "Primary" composition of Team Six. However, like John's pack of Linda, Kelly and Sam, your squad got its numbers raised that day. While Fred and Fhajad joined Freckles group, and Douglas-042, Alice-130, Joshua-029, Vinh-30 and Grace-093 formed Red Team around Jerome, and Kurt kept Solomon and Ilya and Cal, Maclom-059, Anton-044 were added to green teams foundation.

As for your purple dragons...

"Hey Shika. Daisy" You greet, smiling as the former appeared behind Jorge, and the latter fell in formation behind Nesta, her friend and rival. Now the number of boys and girls were even, at least until any temporary members got placed into Purple Team.

And for today, that included your pals Ralph and Rene. And a few others, who were usually the competition for your team, li in training exercises, like Musa-093 or Sheila-065. And as you watched the other teams grow in number, you couldn't help but get excited thinking about what would be the first Game these new teams would play together, what sort of Challenge the Chief had waiting for you all...

Excerpt Taken from personal Journal of SPARTAN II Project Head, Dr Catherine Elizabeth Halsey

"...Despite the concerns of the "Specialists" in ONI, much like their warnings of "Aggressive Alpha Dominance" which of this writing have yet to be witnessed amongst any of the candidates let alone displayed from the potential leaders of my Spartans, Sven appointment to a position of authority amongst the candidates has not yet "Reawakened his volatile personality traits", and number 033 continues to be one of the top candidates for overall leadership, and while Mendez and I still disagree on who likely will be their leader and I refuse still to engage in such juvenile gambling for reasons previously stated in last year's entry, the Chief Petty Officer and I agree at least on who is in second place, behind John and Kurt in our respective qualifications. Sven, who I am certain Mendez believes as as I do could serve a role beyond the expected military service of the program's candidates..."

Altering Perspective...
0630 Hours, July 12, 2519 (Military Calendar)/ Epsilon Eridani System, Reach Military Wilderness Training Preserve, Planet Reach

You smirked, enjoying the cool air and scenic view passing by as the drop ship accelerated over a particularly jagged looking snow capped mountain. Your brothers and sisters were also looking out of the windows and watching as the alpine environment zoomed by beneath the ship. There was a lot of chatter. Sam mentioned something about a snow fight, you're pretty sure. Or maybe about a snowman. 'Man', you reflect, leaning back in your chair as your thoughts wanderer, 'I haven't built a snowman since forever.'

"How nice of the chief to return this wild bear back to its natural habitat" Daisy teased, sneering as she leaned over the seat behind you

"Come on Blondie, Sven is a wolf if anything, a fackin big wolf sure, but he's never as sleepy as bear" Nesta snickered, also leaning over the seat, just on the other side

"You aren't even wearing your parka, do you actually have ice in your veins, big guy" James shuddered, rubbing his already red hands in his lap as Jorge pointed out and named peaks as Shika and he squashed together to share one window

"I used to swim in freezing lakes" You boast, chuckling as you make James jump by touching one of your already cold hands to his shoulder "This is nothing to me"

"Well, if you end up freezing, we'll be sure to build a proper Viking burial for ya" Daisy joked as she and Nesta sat back down and looked out the window

"If he freezes, we'll all already be snowmen ourselves" Jorge barked at them as he turned away from his view

"I won't be" is all Shika has to add to the conversation. And right after she spoke up, CPO Mendez stepped from the cockpit and into the passenger compartment. You waited a moment before standing and snapping to attention like the rest of the Trainees.

"At ease and sit down"

You didn't need to be told twice, Even if Mendez had gotten a bit more grey and silver, the last two years had done nothing but make him stronger, tougher and more of a hardass. You might not only listen to him, but you respected the old man...in your own way

"Today's mission will be simple for a change" He said and even though he didn't raise his voice you could hear it clearly over the roar of the dropship's engine, and handed a stack of papers to Kelly "Pass these out, recruit"

"Sir!" She replied, snapping a flawless salute before turning to hand out one to each of you, all one hundred children counted in the squad

"These are portions of maps of the local area. You will be set down by yourselves. You will then navigate to a marked extraction point and we will pick you up there"

You examined the map Kelly had handed you. The CPO hadn't bluffed, it was just one piece of a much bigger puzzle, and you weren't the lucky duck who got the portion with the extraction point marked. It didn't even show where you'd be dropped. No reference points at all. So that was the challenging part, huh? Not having anything concrete to navigate with? Mendez was expecting you to figure out that on your own. Good, then it'd be a bit more challenging than a nice mountain hike, then.

"One more thing" the man himself said, as if he had peered into your thoughts and taken offense to them "The last trainee to reach the extraction point will be left behind"

Was that supposed to scare you? You enjoyed a hike. Halsey had signed off on letting you take a few, even let you turn it into a training exercise in of itself once. With Mendez's oversight, of course. The greying chief petty officer looked out the window

"And it's a very long way back"

Well, you might be able to make it or even enjoy the walk. But what about the others? Jorge might. But what about James or Shika? Nesta would just camp out, Daisy might to? And what about all the rest? There had to be a loophole there, and you could see Freckles cooking up a plan. None of you liked the thought of leaving one of your own behind, but John looked like the chief just served him a fresh plate of dogshit when he heard that part of the mission plan. Personally, if it came down to it, you'd just walk off into the trees and enjoy the scenic route back.

"First Drop in three minutes!" Mendez barked "Trainee 117, you're up first"

"Sir! Yes, Sir" John called back, and you watched him closely. He was coming up with a plan to get everyone back home. How very John of him. And soon you knew what it was, as Sam came up to your seat and pointed out of the window, not at the ring of jagged mountains or the valley of cedars as a whole, but a thin stream that ran through it like a silver scar. A river. That must feed to a lake. Ah so that was the plan. Freckles saved all of you some trouble and picked out a rendezvous point for the squad. How nice of him.

Maybe you wouldn't have to spend a few days camping out after all. A shame, you were kind of looking forward to playing the hero already. Wasn't like you'd die out here. You checked with Narfi and knew exactly how long it'd take you to succumb to starvation, dehydration or exposure. Mostly to win a bet you'd made with Ralph.

The ship decelerated, and your thoughts were interrupted by it suddenly lowering its altitude.

"Trainee-117: Front and Center" Mendez ordered as he stepped to the back of the compartment as the ship's tail split and its ramp extended downwards. Cold air buffeted into the compartment, and you heard James' teeth clattering.

"Watch out for wolves in the forest, 117"

...that might not have been a figure of speech. You wouldn't put it past the program to import some wolves as part of a training exercise.

"Yes, Sir!" John replied, before looking back at all of you as he got ready to depart. You nodded, like the rest, to show you got the message about the rally point he'd picked out. And as he was left behind as the dropship rose back up into the sky, you put on the heavy parka you'd left laying on your lap. It was a bit nippy outside, and even if you were trying to look tough, just it, your fatigues and boots couldn't even be called the bare minimum in terms of wilderness survival gear. And looking cool wasn't worth risking hypothermia.

Then you had nothing to do but wait your turn, and try to figure out how you'd kill a wolf with just your bare hands. You'd need to find something to defend yourself with, the moment you landed, just in case the CPO wasn't messing around.

>Find the stream and meet the others at the lake, taking the time you spend alone to think and reflect.

>Make an improvised spear and then head to John's Rendezvous Point, and make sure to double back on your own tracks once or twice

>Watch the skies, and figure out where they drop the trainee after yourself, and meet up with them before going to the rally point

>See if you couldn't make it to the lake first and take a dip before the others get there, since a swim would help clear your thoughts and focus them on the mission at hand

>Write in option

Rolled dice to decide the new teammates for purple team. Also, only realized this as I got to this part of the update, but I put Scorpion instead of Cobra for red team's logo. Cause I got Scorpions and Cobra mixed up somehow.
>Make an improvised spear and then head to John's Rendezvous Point, and make sure to double back on your own tracks once or twice
>Make an improvised spear and then head to John's Rendezvous Point, and make sure to double back on your own tracks once or twice
Surely Sven knows how to identify good hardwood, right?
>Watch the skies, and figure out where they drop the trainee after yourself, and meet up with them before going to the rally point
Perception seems to be a key trait of ours. Might as well put it to use.
We're the mutually agreed upon second place for both Mendez and Halsey for now which is good to know. Glad everyone liked the Varangian purple suggestion, too.
>Watch the skies, and figure out where they drop the trainee after yourself, and meet up with them before going to the rally point
>Watch the skies, and figure out where they drop the trainee after yourself, and meet up with them before going to the rally point
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>Watch the skies, and figure out where they drop the trainee after yourself, and meet up with them before going to the rally point
Sven can also use that time to make friends with the environment, just like Mendez taught him.

>Nesta and Daisy on the same team
Two of the biggest hotheads... Good luck, Sven.
>Two of the biggest hotheads... Good luck, Sven.
I wouldn't be surprised if they both had some new bruises before they even dropped.
>>Watch the skies, and figure out where they drop the trainee after yourself, and meet up with them before going to the rally point
>Watch the skies, and figure out where they drop the trainee after yourself, and meet up with them before going to the rally point
>>Watch the skies, and figure out where they drop the trainee after yourself, and meet up with them before going to the rally point
A spear would be nice, but Sven should know wolves hunt in packs. He'd need someone to watch his back before he could think about taking one on. Or maybe he'd just need two spears, so he could hold one backwards. Spears akimbo. Yes.

>daisy and nesta on the same team
Oh no, our poor foes. They're gonna have a bad time. Also neat that we got Shika. So we got the sneakiest to go with the people with the best eyesight. Well it'll make it easier for her to make friends when they can occasionally see her kek

>scorpions and cobras
Well at the very least they're both venomous. So they're basically the same animal. Close enough.

>Watch the skies, and figure out where they drop the trainee after yourself, and meet up with them before going to the rally point

Safety in numbers
>Watch the skies, and figure out where they drop the trainee after yourself, and meet up with them before going to the rally point
>Two of the biggest hotheads... Good luck, Sven.
We're gonna need Jorge to constantly be on Nesta or Daisy duty. Just so they don't scuffle all the time and wear themselves out.
>Watch the skies, and figure out where they drop the trainee after yourself, and meet up with them before going to the rally point
>See, I have a personal theory that's cause Elites put a lot of importance into blood, and the shades of Covvie tech and Sanheili blood look pretty similar at least to my eyes
>Just something to think about.

thats...an interesting theory could be

>Watch the skies, and figure out where they drop the trainee after yourself, and meet up with them before going to the rally point

Not being alone is always better. For temporary easy weapon right now, Sven can grab a rock to hold in hand or a stick.
>Watch the skies, and figure out where they drop the trainee after yourself, and meet up with them before going to the rally point
Cam on, big brother Sven.
A shame we didn't get Nicole in our team for total melee dominance, but there might still be a chance later on. Also
>Ralph, Rene, and Musa
How unfortunate.
I wonder if Sven can calculate the exact landing location of the next one out. He should have part of it down thanks to Halsey's lessons but I wonder if he's had to learn about barometrics and such to get the other piece of the paradropping puzzle.

>grab a rock
Humanity and rocks. Truly no better friends exist. We've been throwing rocks faster and faster since time immemorial. Rocks are awesome.
>Watch the skies, and figure out where they drop the trainee after yourself, and meet up with them before going to the rally point

>"Sir!" She replied
Luckily, Mendez didn't give her guff for addressing him like an officer

>"The last trainee to reach the extraction point will be left behind"
Cue Jai to desert the program then and there and see how long he lasts in the wild

>"Sir! Yes, Sir" John called back
Is it a 26th century thing to call NCOs sir? I remember in the games sometimes Master Chief or Johnson would get called sir too.

>Humanity and rocks. Truly no better friends exist.
>Cue Jai to desert the program then and there and see how long he lasts in the wild
>sven and jai playing rock paper scissors in front of extract to see who gets to stay outside
>Is it a 26th century thing to call NCOs sir?
It is when the guy writing the books isn't prior enlisted.
>Watch the skies, and figure out where they drop the trainee after yourself, and meet up with them before going to the rally point
Rebooting....Monitor 404TormentedCache Back online

3 Votes for making a spear, and disguising your tracks before heading to Rendezvous

14 votes for noting the dropships trajectory and grouping up before heading to the meeting point

pretty clear winner here

Decision made

Yep! And also I do try and get dialogue and scenery accurate to the scenes I'm pulling from the book, just viewed through the lenses of Sven, even if it'd probably make more sense to cut out the Sirs

Seriously though, Elites considered doctors to be dishonorable because they spill blood outside of the battlefield, and will even just lay down and die rather than use their advance medical tech to treat their own wounds personally (That is the job of the Huragok, after all)

>Elites considered doctors to be dishonorable because they spill blood outside of the battlefield
I don't remember this but that's hilarious.
Its mentioned in the cole protocol.
"Try not to go native, 033" Mendez says as he claps you on the shoulder as the dropship descends to the point in the forest you'll be left behind at.

"Jaja" You reply, smirking as you step forward and look back to see if you jumping before the ramp can extend and the ship can fully touch down will shock the always unflappable CPO, and even though you leapt just a bit above two yards, Mendez is already turning back around. Maybe there was a shadow of a smirk beneath his salt and pepper beard, but that was probably a trick of momentum and movement as you plummeted like a rock.

"Helsike" You groan in your native tongue, wincing as you feel the impact shoot up your legs, vibrating up your back as you make your sudden stock and are greeted with cold air and a jolt of pain. Rubbing your legs, you kept your eyes locked on the skies and followed the exhaust trails and path of disturbed and broken branches as the dropship lifted and roared off into the sky, climbing past your view and quickly vanishing behind the towering cedar and pine trees.

You click your tongue, run the equations in your head as you keep rubbing and kneading the numbness and aches out of your legs. If the maths were right, the dropship was heading north and a bit away from the stream John had picked out through the trees. And following the trajectory you'd plotted out mentally for its flight, you saw it provided good cover in the form of more and more trees. Which was good. These exercises were never easy, and Mendez liked to include additional challenges or surprises in them. You wouldn't be shocked if the Chief Petty Officer hadn't just introduced wolves to these woods, but also placed traps or hunting parties throughout it. You wince, remembering the first time he included stun mines in one of his obstacle courses and the time he made you fight Kurt and his whole team.

Deciding it was best to stay out of sight from the dropship, and Mendez especially, you start cat walking and try to adapt to and grow accustomed to the woods around you, learning its character and getting a feel for the soil under your boots. A forest walk was a good time to reflect, but if thinking and contemplating life got you tranquilized or caught in a net, there was no reason to do it, so instead you focused on keeping your wits sharp and eyes and ears open as you quietly, like a cat stalking through the undergrowth, make your way to the next drop point.

Though, you thought as you neared it, hearing the distant roar of the dropship as it took off again, I wonder who got left behind after me.

You soon had your answer as you crept up behind them as they consulted their peace of the map and tried to triangulate the position of the river.

"Boo" You boom as you walk up behind them and grab their shoulder, and block the punch Solomon swings "Hey Sol"
"Sven? Did you track the dropship or something? Nearly gave me a heart attack, big man" He breathlessly laughs, color returning to his sun kissed face as you grin "How quick were you moving to meet up with me, huh? I just saw you drop, and that Albatross was making good pace"

"There's a trick to walking through woods, I just happen to know it. And I've got long legs" You answer back, patting Sol on the shoulder "Had to triple time just to run into you once they ditched you, though. Don't think I could catch the next drop though"

"And why is that?" He asks as you hand him your piece of the map and take his in exchange, and grunt in annoyance as you realize they don't match up at all

"Cause they dropped a heavy load" You snicker, and laugh as Sol pushes you, or tries to at least "It'd take more than that to knock me over, bro"

"Its like pushing a brick wall" He compliments, smacking your chest "So, what's the plan then, find the river, meet with John and the rest"

"Of course, unless you want to burn some weight chasing that bird" You answer, teasing him still and playfully pushing him around as he slaps your hands away. But once that's done with, you stop messing around and get serious and professional.

"Cat stepping huh? No wonder a big lug like you can be so quiet" Solomon muttered as you taught him the basics of cat walking and a few pointers on moving silently and quickly through a wild growth forest. He learns quick, and two of you quickly get back to the position you were dropped at, and double time towards the river

"Contact" You hiss, and you and Sol both get to the ground "Saw movement?"

"One of ours?" He asks, as he moves forward, creeping on his elbows, headstrong and impulsive as always. Which reminds you why you're glad he ended upon on Green Team rather than yours. That flaw is going to get him killed one day, you think angrily as you crawl to catch up to him.

Thankfully, it wasn't an instructor, crazed woodsman or a wolf, but Maria, who had been dropped right before you, and was having trouble figuring out her directions.

And just like Sol, you give her a bit of a scare just for fun. And actually get Sol a second time

"Seriously, how do you do that?" He laughs it off, shaking his head as Maria tries and figures out where you came from "Yeah, Sven and I marshalled up, safety in numbers you know. Think he tracked the ship"

"Calculated its flight path" You correct smugly, as you look over Maria's map and sigh, seeing it also doesn't line up with your and Sol's "You see anyone else besides us, Maria?"

"Nope Did you two find a warthog or mongoose or something? I thought you'd have been dropped off miles away" She answers, frowning and furrowing her brow as she studies your and Sol's map, as you can just start to make out the gurgling of a distant stream

"I just move fast" You answer with a shrug "And know my trees"

"He's got some weird Viking trick" Sol answers incorrectly but confidently "Think we'll run into anyone else"

"Doubt it, they probably all headed for the rendezvous point" Maria mumbles as she stops and inspects a berry bush "Hey, think these are edi..."

You grab a handful and try them. Sour, but not inedibly so

"What? They're just blackberries" You brush off as Sol and Maria look at you, waiting for you to drop dead "Well, Reach's version of black berries, grab a few, they're don't taste great but its food"

"You just did that to scare me again" Maria accused as she tried one of the small berries and winced, and raised a fuss when you found blueberries not far from the much worse tasting ones you were still snacking on. The three of you tried to stay quiet, but would talk shortly about past exercises, though you did talk about how much the valley reminded you of home, which only made Sol and Maria homesick and quiet when they started talking about their homes. But they cheered up again once Sol got talking about how exciting the rifle drills were last time and Maria brought up her "Victory" against Nicole, which was really just her getting one good punch in on her during a spar.

By time the three of you reached the lake, the both of them were talkative again and you were about to get Sol to dare you to swim across the lake, when a group lead by John and Sam appeared from the west. Greetings were kept brief, and you, Sol and Maria joined them in their walk around the lake, collecting all the others.

And once all one hundred of you were together again,

"Let's get the map pieces together" Kelly said, just as you were regrouping with Jorge, James, Nesta, Daisy and Shika and weaving a yarn about fighting off a hungry wolf the moment the dropship was out of sight

"Good Idea" John said as he handed over his own portion of the map to her "Sam, take three and scout the area. I don't want any of the Chief's surprises sneaking up on us"

"Mind if I borrow him?" Sam asks, jabbing a finger at James as he tries to one up your wolf fighting story by claiming to have fought and killed a bear.

"You could just ask me, you know" James chuckled, standing from the circle he was sitting in with you

"Seemed like you were telling them a story" Sam shrugged "Didn't want to interupt"

"Ah it was a load of hogshite anyways" Nesta giggled, laying on her back

"Just james?" Daisy asked as she tore the petals off of a small white flower

"I could go" Shika pout

"You should take Shika to, if you can take four" Jorge advised, looking away from the rock he'd just sent skipping across the lake

"She is probably first you should've taken" You point out, arms crossed "She's the best at hiding, ya know. And Nesta's...Nestaness would be a good tool to have on hand as well"

"I know, but I also want to know where my scouts are and know I can't keep her under control" Sam answers, and raises a good argument for leaving both the girls behind "You coming James?"

"I'll finish up my rousing tale another time" He excuses him and rises to leave, as Kelly and the others start to piece together the map, as Sam, James, Linda and Fjahad vanished into the treeline. It seemed like it'd take awhile.

>form a secondary scouting party, since there is a lot of forest to cover. Have Jorge lead it and let him pick out who goes

>Help Kelly bring the map together and get all its pieces into the right place so all of you can navigate the way to the extraction point

>Tell John if whatever plan he has to make sure no one gets left behind doesn't work out, you'll stay behind.

>Just wait for the scouts to get back and Kelly to finish, and think about home or the future.

>Write in option
I guess I should re-read that. This quest got interested in the Halo setting again after a long period of slops.
>form a secondary scouting party, since there is a lot of forest to cover. Have Jorge lead it and let him pick out who goes
Let's give him more command experience, that might help him in Reach.
>form a secondary scouting party, since there is a lot of forest to cover. Have Jorge lead it and let him pick out who goes
>Tell John if whatever plan he has to make sure no one gets left behind doesn't work out, you'll stay behind.
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>Write in option
Make that pointy stick and grab some rocks.
>Help Kelly bring the map together and get all its pieces into the right place so all of you can navigate the way to the extraction point
>>Tell John if whatever plan he has to make sure no one gets left behind doesn't work out, you'll stay behind.

>Help Kelly bring the map together and get all its pieces into the right place so all of you can navigate the way to the extraction point
>Tell John if whatever plan he has to make sure no one gets left behind doesn't work out, you'll stay behind.

>Help Kelly bring the map together and get all its pieces into the right place so all of you can navigate the way to the extraction point

I mean, first order of business is the get oriented
>>Help Kelly bring the map together and get all its pieces into the right place so all of you can navigate the way to the extraction point
Sven can read maps, right? And don't worry Shika, you'd be our first pick for scouting. But that did give me a funny idea. If we all pulled up to leave and Mendez was doing a head count and saw everyone but Shika so he concluded she was last and took off but she's sitting in the plane out. Like some cartoon "Who are we looking for?" stuff.
>form a secondary scouting party, since there is a lot of forest to cover. Have Jorge lead it and let him pick out who goes
>>Tell John if whatever plan he has to make sure no one gets left behind doesn't work out, you'll stay behind.
>Help Kelly bring the map together and get all its pieces into the right place so all of you can navigate the way to the extraction point
Damn, John's too good at organizing and leading, Halsey's right
>Tell John if whatever plan he has to make sure no one gets left behind doesn't work out, you'll stay behind.
>Help Kelly bring the map together and get all its pieces into the right place so all of you can navigate the way to the extraction point
Halsey is quite used to hearing that kek she also mentioned that Sven has potential for other things. Bigger things perhaps. Maybe like, building sandcastles with and reading bedtime stories to.
>Damn, John's too good at organizing and leading, Halsey's right
That may be the case, but it doesn't mean Sven can't try anyway imo. As Halsey said, he is made for bigger things (literally)

>Tell John if whatever plan he has to make sure no one gets left behind doesn't work out, you'll stay behind.
>form a secondary scouting party, since there is a lot of forest to cover. Have Jorge lead it and let him pick out who goes

Also, this is two times now Sven has been offered the chance to stop and think. I really suggest that at the next opportunity, he does it. It wouldn't be offered if there wasn't a reason for it.
>Help Kelly bring the map together and get all its pieces into the right place so all of you can navigate the way to the extraction point
>Tell John if whatever plan he has to make sure no one gets left behind doesn't work out, you'll stay behind.
It doesn't hurt John's case that he hyperfixates on being a model soldier, he pays far too much attention in class. And Kurt is just HIM when it comes to leadership.
I misread the John option and thought that it said
>Tell John if whatever plan he has to make sure no one gets left behind, you'll stay behind.
I was wondering why Sven would act like that.
>Nah, fuck you, I'm living in the woods now.
Might just be that she'll be keeping us close to Reach or Onyx to test out new weapons and tech, since we're a quick learner and loves to bend the rules to its limit.
If anyone was gonna get assigned to eternal research duty it'd probably be Dimas. Though Sven being assigned to the expansion of military AI and then Halsey advises him to just do whatever and ignore the given parameters to advance AI in general is a possibility. Or this is the part where Sven gets his file dog-eared to work on future SPARTAN programs with Halsey. Until she gets kicked out. And they keep going anyway. Or the really spicy route that this is how they suggest Sven takes a role in ONI, potentially a minor command role, unlike black team that is just a knife for them. Who can truly say what the future holds or how Sven - and the reports made about him - will change.

What are the odds Halsey starts to fudge the numbers on Sven to jostle him around where she wants him to go, anyway? Sitting on 60000/1?
>Though Sven being assigned to the expansion of military AI and then Halsey advises him to just do whatever and ignore the given parameters to advance AI in general is a possibility.
Wouldn't it be funny if Sven also conduct an AI-slip space experiment to try and find a way to extend Smart AI lifespan.
>New Noregr man create AI god to make his AI cat immortal.
>form a secondary scouting party, since there is a lot of forest to cover. Have Jorge lead it and let him pick out who goes
>Tell John if whatever plan he has to make sure no one gets left behind doesn't work out, you'll stay behind.
>Help Kelly bring the map together and get all its pieces into the right place so all of you can navigate the way to the extraction point
This gives me "Florida man kidnaps scientist to make dog immortal" vibes. But also
>"Moooom I accidentally created a god!"
>"Me too. Me too..."

Apples, trees.
>Sven takes a role in ONI, potentially a minor command role
Sven joins the space CIA and gets to waterboard Innies and jackals
Damn bro chill. I'm trying to break a prisoner not break it down.
>This gives me "Florida man kidnaps scientist to make dog immortal" vibes.
Yeah, that's the idea.
It's a party in the ONI.
God damn, Id join ONI right now if i could with that promotional material.
rebooting....Monitor 404TormentedCache, back online

Some of you are actually pretty close to the "bigger things" Halsey and Mendez see for Sven, fyi

5 votes for forming a second scouting party

8 votes for Helping Kelly

8 Votes for telling John you'll stay behind if it comes down to it.

1 Vote for making spears and gathering rocks

I think Telling John you'll stay behind if you need to and Helping Kelly can get a mutual win here


Decision made...

Also, curious, besides the red cap codename some of you came up with, what do you think the rest of purple team would be called in the future?

That song is a real vibe, thanks for sharing it.

and this ones just hilarious
Maybe Ninja for Shika, since that was a thing she mentioned during the hide and seek game. I don't know about the rest, James hasn't had a moment to shine yet outside of camping on the point for that time out win, and Jorge is just nice and friendly.
You thought about gathering up some of the other kids and making a second scouting party, but decided that any intel they'd bring back couldn't be too different from what Sam's group found to be worth risking being spotted or one of them getting hurt out in the woods. And there was something more important to worry about. The last one to extraction would be left behind. You were sure John was working on a plan to get around that rule, but you'd already found the simplest answer to it. The toughest should stay behind, sacrifice themselves for the rest of this little family of abductees. Some of the others had slipped up and called you big brother on occasion, and you liked how that made you feel. Sure there was probably a way to get everyone back home, but if there wasn't then it was just good procedure to have a plan B. So having already made up your mind before all a hundred of you rendezvoused around the lake, you march up to John.

He turns to face you, chest to chest, somehow not feeling like he was looking up to you despite the height you had over him.

"Sven" He asked directly, knowing you had something to say

"John" You reply with a nod of your head, maintaining eye contact with him "If whatever plan I know you're cooking up doesn't work, I'll be the one to stay behind"

Silence. There hadn't been much chatter around the lake, but now it was a somber as a grave.

"If I can't figure something out, I'm not leaving" He says back to you, standing a bit taller, a bit straighter "But we're all going home. No one's getting left behind. We will figure out a way to get us all out of here"

You smirk and straighten your own back, noticing that your little argument about which of you gets to play the hero and stay behind if things don't go as planned has drawn a few wandering eyes from amongst the other trainees.

"I'll throw you on the evac myself if I have to, before waving good-bye. I decided I'd stay behind if it came down to it" is your reply as a cool breeze sweeps across the lake, gently rippling it and rustling the branches of the nearby cedar trees "But I don't think it'll come down to it. There's always a trick, or a third option to take"

"Neither do I, but in the worst case scenario, I'll stay behind" John insists, patting you appreciatively on the shoulder "Since they might not come looking for you"

"Ouch" You laugh, smiling as you know he and you've come to an agreement to decide which of you'll be stuck out here at the evac zone, but if it comes down to straws, rock paper scissors or fists, well, you'll figure it out then

"I'm sure all of us would like to be the sacrificial lamb, to make sure the rest of our squad gets home, our brothers and sisters" Jorge says as he steps up "But you two don't need to argue about which of you'll stay behind, it won't come to it, right Sven, John?"

You both nod and then you walk away, and John scans the tree line. You find kelly in the shade of a tree, an ancient cedar tree, what your father would call one of "The old men of the forest", with roots snaking through the soil, boughs larger than the trunks of the younger specimens around it, and branches drooping from age as much as weight.

"Heard you and John arguing about which of you would stay behind" She hummed as she compared two of the map pieces that you could tell were copies just from what showed through the back of each "Did you come to try and earn my vote or something"

"No, just to help. I don't think he or I or anyone will need to be left behind, if we're all working together" You say as you pull yourself up a low branch and look over the collected map fragments "So Mendez gave us duplicates and dummies huh?"

"I wonder who between you and Linda has better eyesight" She remarks, tossing away one of the copies "And yes, he did. Some pieces don't belong and some of them are duplicates of others"

"That's just mean" You sigh as you peer down at the map pieces she's arranging "Move that one, its an edge piece, but on the wrong side"

"Thanks" She says as the two of you, mostly in silence, get to work piecing together the map. And a few others come to help out. But you know it'll be over as soon as you define the edge of the map. It doesn't take long, a minute or two at most, to complete the map

"Got it!" Kelly shouts as you move the last piece of the puzzle into place "There's the lake, the river and that"

She points to a patch of green that stands out like a sore thumb from the rest of the details of the map

"has to be the extraction point. If the legend of the map is right, it'll be a full day's hike though" She smiled and looked up as you started to gather to map together, stuffing the pages under your arm "Better get started"

John whistled and Sam, James and the others appeared a moment later.

"Lets move out" He ordered.

Kelly and you navigated, while Sam and Nesta Trailblazed since it just seemed like a good idea to have the fastest and the tallest lead and the one the debatably best eyes and ears and the one with a sixth sense for danger to scout ahead. And teaming Sam and Nesta together, kept the march from stopping when Sam stopped and was about to signal everyone else to freeze while Nesta forged on ahead and was always proven right when the thing Sam heard proved to be a harmless bunny or a deer that darted away as soon as leapt into view.

Sam dropped back, leaving Nesta in the front and whispered something to John as you poured over the map and figured out which bend in the game trail you needed to take with Kelly. But soon you were back marching again.

At noon the convoy stopped to stretch and snack on berries, no one but you and Jorge had a taste for the sour reach black berries which you made sure to gather when everyone was picking the sweeter blue berries along the trail, just to share with him.

"I was worried, since we're all going to arrive at the extraction point at the same time" Fhajad spoke up, breaking the silence of the forest and its guests, you watched him wipe the sweat from his dark skin "But I don't like to have to make a choice between John or Sven"

You spat a few seeds out, as someone suggested you draw straws instead

"No" John said as he stood "No one is getting left behind, and I'll drag Sven on the Albatross if he tries to stay behind to prove a point"

You couldn't help but to smile at that, considering your earlier friendly threat to toss him on the dropship if one of you did have to be left behind. We're going to figure out a way to get all of us out"

Kelly scratched her head "How? Mendez said..."

You laughed, berry juice staining your lips

"And?" You grinned back, eyes gleaming "He says a lot of things, doesn't mean his rules can't be broken"

John sighed "I know what he said. But like Sven said, there's got to be a way. I just haven't thought of one yet"

He paused and looked your way meaningfully

"And I don't know how to break this rule just yet" You admit with a shrug, before popping another tart berry into your mouth

"Even if it has to be me that stays behind" He continues

"Or me" You call out, with a mouthful of berries, giggling at the stern look John throws your way

"I'll make sure everyone gets back to the base" He said as he began to march deeper into the trees "Come on, we're wasting time"

He probably meant you were wasting time. The shadows grew deeper and lengthened, melding together as the sky began to red as the sunset. You were nearing the extraction point. Kelly and you both stopped and she signaled the others to halt as well, as she went back to update John and the rest of this. You leaned against the trunk of a nearby tree and listened to the rustling leaves as you enjoyed the breeze on your face. It was getting colder. And even if John wanted to do it instead, you weren't joking when you said you'd throw him on the ramp if it came down to it. And knew he wasn't about dragging you onboard as well.

"Sam and I will scout it out" John says, motioning to the woods as he gives the rest of his orders "Sven, something goes wrong, you're in charge. Everyone fall out...and stay quiet"

He was probably talking about Nesta then.

You nodded, and like the rest silently followed his orders. It wasn't long before they came creeping back, and reported what they saw. The situation had changed.

They had said, they found the dropship in a middle of a grassy field lit by floodlights. There were six men there, smoking and passing around a canteen. John and Sam didn't recognize any of them, and they were closer to the instructors than you were so that made you pay attention to what they said next. Not in uniform. Didn't look like soldiers. They said they didn't know what that meant or who they were. But you had a sinking feeling, a roiling in your gut. That could've meant rebels. And if that was true then was the Chief...No. Nothing could kill Shark Eyes, Mendez would throttle Hel herself if she tried to take him before his time. But what if...

You swallowed dryly and looked towards the way John and Sam just came back from, a storm of conflicting feelings raging in between your ears as the tips of your fingers felt oddly cold all of a sudden. Even Nesta was at a lost for words, it seemed she'd reached the same conclusion you had.

"What do you want to do?" Kelly asked John breaking the silence but not the tension. Freckles looked lost for a moment, looking around as everyone looked to him for answers, waiting for him to speak. He shifted his feet uncertainly as you still tried to grasp the fact that the Chief may be dead, and you were out in the middle of the nowhere with the people who killed him, and how you felt about that.

"Okay" John started, slowly, finding his ground as the words left his mouth "We don't know who these men are or what they'll do when they see us"

Ice ran through your veins. Miss Halsey had shown you a news report, a month or two ago. About some Colonial Authority official whose whole family and staff got captured by pirates during a routine trip between two colonies. They wouldn't leave you be just because you were kids, if they were rebels or pirates. You were certain of that.

"So we find out" John continued, dragging you back to here and now before you could remember exactly what you'd seen that the pirates had done to the officials wife and son. A human body does...interesting things when it is placed in an airlock that suddenly has its atmosphere vented.

His plan was as good as any, and you certainly didn't have one of your own right now.

"Here's how we'll do it. We'll need a rabbit"

"That's me" Kelly said, springing to her feet "I'm the fastest"

"There's no chance they'd see me" Shika said, also standing up and looking determined, more than you've ever seen her before

"He asked for a rabbit, not a ghost" Someone says, Nesta was still eerily quiet.

"And I need them to see our rabbit" John explained "But I have something you can do Shika. Kelly, go to the edge of the meadow. Shika, hide nearby and watch. In case anything happens to her, you'll report back to the rest of us"

Both the girls nodded. You clenched your hand into a fist. If something went wrong, if something happened to either of them. You winced, feeling a dull throb in your head, just behind your brow.

"Then lure a few back here" John continued as you tried to figure out why you had a headache all of a sudden "Run right past this spot. Sam, you'll be in the open, pretending like you've broken your leg"


The headache got worse as you imagined what they might do to Sam, and watched him go over to Fhajad and had him scrape his shin with his boot, to make his act a little more convincing. John took a breath, you rubbed your forehead, trying not to think about worse case scenarios anymore

"The rest of you" He said "wait in the woods in a big circle. If they try to do anything but help Sam...". The headache became piercing.

"You okay?" James asked, noticing you squinting in pain

"Yeah" You mumbled, looking back up to watch John ball one hand into a fist before slamming it into his open palm

"You aren't" James said "You've got that crazy look in your eyes, Nesta is the crazy one, remember? We won't let anything bad happen to Kelly, Sam or Shika"

"Remember the moose and the wolves" John asked, as if you could forget. It was one of Deja's favorite lessons and even if she hadn't told you after class once, you'd know just because of how often she'd shown it "Get some rocks"

"Like hell we'll let them" You muttered as you gathered a few heavy and sharp stones, James following you close behind as Daisy and Jorge try to snap out Nesta from...whatever is going on with her. There was a lot that could go wrong with John's plan. And you didn't like that, but you didn't have an alternative solution to suggest yourself.

"If they go for the kill, so will we, just keep your cool big guy" James whispered back, with an armful of stones himself.

"Okay" Kelly said as she tossed off her parka and Shika...did what she did best "lets do this"

Sam laid down out in the open and badly acted having a broken leg, which made your faith in this plan drop just a little more as he clutched his leg and went "Oooh, it hurts...Help me"

"Don't over do it" John schooled him as Kelly and presumably Shika left "Or they'll know its a setup"

"Somethings fishy about this" Nesta said as she finally came back to the world of the sane and living "Its a different tingle than the other times"

"Crazy, the hell does that mean" Daisy asked hushiedly as Jorge scratched his head, baffled by what Nesta was trying to say. James looked between her and you frantically as you glared at the spot in the words two of your sisters had vanished into, heart pounding in your chest as you and everyone but Sam hid in the woods.


That was a voice you'd never heard, and shouting something all of of the trainers bar the ones that have just been rotated in have yelled at you. That was a very bad sign. You palmed a sharp rock in your hand, holding onto it so tightly it cut the insides of your fingers.

Kelly flew past, bounding like a rabbit. Shika was suddenly at your side, eyes wide. The man who was chasing after them appeared moments later. He wasn't in uniform, just like John and Sam said, and he didn't look military. You narrowed your eyes, seeing the lines and numbers in your mind's eye as you charted out the trajectory of the sharp rock in your hand. He halted, stopping close to Sam and looked around. Good, his eyes weren't adjusted to the dark. That's what standing in a spotlight like a Rævhål gets you.. Then he saw Sam, clutching his bleeding leg "helplessly" on the ground.

"Please, Help me" He whimpered "It's broken"

None of Mendez' trainers would fall for that. He made you all tough as nails. Just like him. He couldn't be dead. An amateur like this Rævhål couldn't have killed shark eyes...right? The headache was back in force, and there was a pounding in your ears and a noise like static between them. Was that your heartbeat?

You caught your breath as the man raised his baton

"I've got your broken leg right here, kid"

>Throw your rock, aiming for the Kuksuger's head (Attack! DC 14)

He wasn't going to get Sam! if he wanted a broken leg, you'd give him one yourself (Charge!. DC 18. +2 bonus from brawler, +1 giant)

Nesta was right. Something was weird about this. Focus your anger, calm your rage. And wait for John to distract him first (Wait, then attack. DC 14. +1 from John's distraction

>Wait for a signal, don't do anything rash.

>write in option
Nesta was right. Something was weird about this. Focus your anger, calm your rage. And wait for John to distract him first (Wait, then attack. DC 14. +1 from John's distraction

we know to keep cool, but boy if the bastard actually goes for sams leg, we should breack his leg in three parts, see how he likes it, also, im assuming we are dealing with tango company, the big assholes everyone was talking about
>"If I can't figure something out, I'm not leaving" He says back to you, standing a bit taller, a bit straighter "But we're all going home. No one's getting left behind. We will figure out a way to get us all out of here"
...I am filled with the urge to Fastball Special John ahead of us-
>"I'll throw you on the evac myself if I have to, before waving good-bye."
Kek'd, glad 404 is on the same wavelength!

>Wait for a signal, don't do anything rash.
>what do you think the rest of purple team would be called in the future?
Nesta is a goblin/redcap because of the red hair and attitude.
Daisy in canon is an infiltration expert. She also has an attitude and a friend/rival relationship with Nesta. So a 'Gremlin' to Nesta's goblin?
James has a cool head, good instincts and is persistent. Probably the most solid choice for deputy/assistant team leader in Purple Team. Wears an EOD helmet in canon and seems to be at home in a demolitions role with explosives/mines. So maybe something related to that?
Shika is a ninja/ghost.
Not sure about Jorge. He's a big guy of course, but Sven is kinda the BIG GUY of Purple Team and the Spartans as a whole.

>Nesta was right. Something was weird about this. Focus your anger, calm your rage. And wait for John to distract him first (Wait, then attack. DC 14. +1 from John's distraction
I liked the back and forth between John and Sven over who gets to stay behind. Very amusing.
Nesta was right. Something was weird about this. Focus your anger, calm your rage. And wait for John to distract him first (Wait, then attack. DC 14. +1 from John's distraction
>Throw your rock, aiming for the Kuksuger's head (Attack! DC 14)

Nah lets nail the fucker.
Actually fuck it. Misread earlier and assumed we were waiting for John's signal, but the implicit instructions were just to act if Sam was in danger. I'll switch to to this.
>He wasn't going to get Sam! if he wanted a broken leg, you'd give him one yourself (Charge!. DC 18. +2 bonus from brawler, +1 giant)
Preferably Sven would throw his rock and rush to tackle the guy as the rocks from the others are flying through the air so he doesn't interfere with their aim.
>Nesta was right. Something was weird about this. Focus your anger, calm your rage. And wait for John to distract him first
Something is indeed weird.
>Nesta was right. Something was weird about this. Focus your anger, calm your rage. And wait for John to distract him first (Wait, then attack. DC 14. +1 from John's distraction
>Nesta was right. Something was weird about this. Focus your anger, calm your rage. And wait for John to distract him first (Wait, then attack. DC 14. +1 from John's distraction
Relax Sven. The chump hasn't done anything yet. He could just be an actor or something hired to play a thug. Maybe we could get his autograph? With a stick. A big stick.

As for nicknames, Nesta's really was very organic, which is hard to top kek. But maybe "mienai" for Shika. Since Sven does have a thing about speaking people's native tongue as a sign of respect thing going on. And apparently that means "unseen". We can call Jorge "guta" or "spadehorn". But I got nothing for James or Daisy. I was thinking about referring to James with some permutation of "deep-minded" which is basically the old Norse way of saying someone was wise or intelligent or quick witted. And James is pretty sharp like that. Though he's also a cool guy, as cool as a cucumber. We can call him Cucumber call him Cucu. Or northwind. I would say boreal, but the guy that gives it that name is a mighty mean god. But James is very nice.

>Nesta was right. Something was weird about this. Focus your anger, calm your rage. And wait for John to distract him first (Wait, then attack. DC 14. +1 from John's distraction

Don’t mess up the ambush, stay frosty!
He wasn't going to get Sam! if he wanted a broken leg, you'd give him one yourself (Charge!. DC 18. +2 bonus from brawler, +1 giant)
>Nesta was right. Something was weird about this. Focus your anger, calm your rage. And wait for John to distract him first (Wait, then attack. DC 14. +1 from John's distraction
Maintain the bushwhack
>He wasn't going to get Sam! if he wanted a broken leg, you'd give him one yourself (Charge!. DC 18. +2 bonus from brawler, +1 giant)
Forgot to add the >
>Nesta was right. Something was weird about this. Focus your anger, calm your rage. And wait for John to distract him first (Wait, then attack. DC 14. +1 from John's distraction
Berserker? I hardly know her!
>Nesta was right. Something was weird about this. Focus your anger, calm your rage. And wait for John to distract him first (Wait, then attack. DC 14. +1 from John's distraction

probably best not to charge headfirst into this.
>Nesta was right. Something was weird about this. Focus your anger, calm your rage. And wait for John to distract him first (Wait, then attack. DC 14. +1 from John's distraction
Let's trust John, he's a good leader.
>He wasn't going to get Sam! if he wanted a broken leg, you'd give him one yourself (Charge!. DC 18. +2 bonus from brawler, +1 giant)
>He wasn't going to get Sam! if he wanted a broken leg, you'd give him one yourself (Charge!. DC 18. +2 bonus from brawler, +1 giant)

My love for you is like a truck BERSEEEERKER
>Nesta was right. Something was weird about this. Focus your anger, calm your rage. And wait for John to distract him first (Wait, then attack. DC 14. +1 from John's distraction
>Nesta was right. Something was weird about this. Focus your anger, calm your rage. And wait for John to distract him first (Wait, then attack. DC 14. +1 from John's distraction
I do wonder what the names of all the special "classes" for all the candidates are. If they have any that is.
>inb4 Nesta's is Goblin
My sides would burst.
>Preferred candidate Nesta-097 has Gained the Quality: Goblin, Hooligan, Average Londoner
>Preferred candidate Jorge-052 has Gained the Quality: Tardwrangler
>Preferred candidate James-005 has Gained the Quality: Coolheaded
I had a thought. QM might end up doing it differently, but Spartans in a team are generally designated by the team name and their number/position on that team during team exercises and missions. For example, John is Blue-One/Blue Leader while other members of Blue Team are Blue-Two, Blue-Three, etc.

>Sven is Purple Team leader
>this means he's obviously Purple-One/Purple Leader
>his choice for sub-leader is logically Purple-Two (think best choice is James but Jorge is also a solid pick)
>the backup choice of those two is Purple-Three
>Daisy and Nesta argue over who gets to be Purple-Four (they're both probably petty enough to get into a fight over who gets the lower number)
>Sven either decides which is Purple-Four and Purple-Five or lets them settle it in a spar or something
>Shika stays silent and accepts Purple-Six (or Sven makes her Purple-Four as a laugh at Daisy and Nesta's expense)
Poor Daisy and Shika. That reminds me, we need to think of a personal portrait for James and Daisy still, right? What would work for James? Him sitting alongside a gentle stream with the sun shining down around him specifically, warming him and his spot?

But what about Daisy? Maybe her standing at the edge of a cliff face as if she had just scaled it, holding a candle with a flame that both refuses to go out in the wind but also burns unusually big and bright?

>jorge chooses to take the number 6
>because it's the biggest number
>he even makes a point of painting it on his gear -slightly- bigger than sven's
Funny guy.
Jorge wanting Six for that reason would be funny. Also kind of cool with the two big guys symbolically sandwiching the team like that, being One and Six.
rebooting....Monitor 404TormentedCache, Back online

Sorry for taking my sweet time, had shit to do.

1 Vote for waiting for a signal

12 Votes for Nesta was right/ Cooling your anger and waiting for the right opening

5 Votes for going berserk for Sam's sake

1 Vote to just throw the rock

Very obvious majority here

decision made
Please roll 1d20+1. Best out of three. DC 14

>Jorge's quality

Oh I've written down a few of the Non playable/ selectable ones is/ keep track of their general progression

Rolled 7 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>had shit to do.
This is what laxatives are for, people. Take note. Anyway, nat 8.
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Guess we're going berserk anyways.
Rolled 12 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

I'm just going to assume John's plan backfires. It's his fault. Clearly. Dang it, Freckles
Rolled 11 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 9 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

third roll
Error Code: RED! A critical failure is predicted! All members of Faculty, take cover!

Well nothing that extreme but that is still a critical failure, and twelve under target. Luckily Sven isn't alone in the woods.

Every time.
This is why we need to take every option that makes Sven tankier. Who cares about critfails when you can walk off a glassing laser?
A familiar fury welled up inside you, but before it could start to spill out and redden the corners of your vision, you realized that Nesta was right. There was something strange about all this, and it was all so bizarre that just recognizing how weird this all was kept your blood from fully boiling. The anger remained, and you focused it, calming your rage and cooling it through the pressure of the force of will and mental control, using a breathing exercise Miss Halsey taught you for times just like this. Going wild and berserk now wasn't smart, this was fishy and even if these guys weren't part of the program they were probably armed and getting shot wasn't on your schedule. At least not today. Your hotblooded rapidly cooled and with that cooling came with a deep clarity and focus of the mind. And while the stranger threatening Sam couldn't see well in the night, you could. And in the seconds there were to act, you could see John reaching for a rock.

You could tell from his position, posture and the non aerodynamic shape of the stone he'd found, that he'd miss. But that just meant it'd be a good distraction. You rose from where you crouched, and pulled back the sharp stone you'd already cut your palm with white knuckling.

John's rock threw, soaring over the unknown assailants head and

Directly into yours. You practically stood up to catch it with your face. Wasn't the first time Freckles has pitched a rock directly into your face, but he chose a fine rock this night. Like Goliath, you tumble back and wince, dropping your rock but not before it sliced up your hand good. Hissing through your teeth, you blink and smile as Shika checks your pulse.

You signal her that you're fine as you can hear the night blind target both you and John missed blindly call out "Who's there". And much to your delight, the whistling sound of the kids who didn't get hit in the head with a rock throwing theirs at him, pelting him and suppressing him under heavy fire. Groaning, you pushed yourself back up to your knees, and got to see the finishing blow. It was Kelly who delivered it, hopping out and side arming a rock practically in the exact spot John hit you on your forehead. And only a little less hard.

The murderous Kuksuger hit the ground like a sack of potatoes. You moved in with the rest, rubbing the bruise just above your eyebrows as you surrounded the man

"What do we do with him?" Sam asked as you realized your hand was bleeding, and that was why Shika was still hovering around you like a mother hen. You've had worse scrapes, but having blood dripping down your fingers was probably worrying her. That, or the bump on your forehead from getting a rock slinged at you by the pro pitcher that was John-117. Oh hey, you were bleeding from that as well. Fun.

"It's just an exercise, right?" Fhajad said "He has to be with Mendez"

"No, Mendez keeps a tight ship" You refute, waving your not so bloody hand as those closest to you realize you've become a victim of friendly fire "If he heard one of his subordinates threaten us like he did Sam..."

John rolled the unconscious assailant over. Oh, he was bleeding from his head to, but that didn't mean you'd call him brother

"Sven is right, you heard what he said, saw what he was going to do to Sam" He whispered, half crouched over the guy "Mendez or our trainers would never do that to us. Ever. He's got no uniform. No insignias. He's not one of us"

You started as John kicked the man in the face than ribs, making him curl into a ball out of reflex

"Grab his Baton" He ordered, and Sam did as commanded, and then kicked the guy as well. You looked at John, trying to find a time to tell him about the friendly fire incident, but he was razor focused and his eyes were frosty.

"Now we go back and get the others" was what he said next "Kelly, you be the rabbit again. Just get them to the edge of the clearing. Duck out, and let us do the rest..."

He paused when he saw you holding your forehead and looking glum.

"Shouldn't throw rocks in the dark. Got caught in the cross fire" You explain, shrugging your shoulders as his ice chip eyes go soft and worried "Don't worry, I've gotten worse than. Much worse, as Nicole could tell you"

"Yeah, Sven can take a beating!' The every jolly Nicole helpfully answers, not that it helps asway John of any of his guilt, since he's a smart enough cookie to realize it was his rock that hit you.

"I wouldn't hold it against you if you want to hang back" He says low enough only for him and you to hear "This could get dangerous, really dangerous. We don't know who we're up against here, what they're capable of"

"Well, if sleeping beauty wasn't all hot air, we know a little of how low they'd stoop" You blasély reply, but he places a hand on your shoulder

"I don't want you to get hurt" He says seriously, sounding so much like a little Mendez you nearly salute out of habit

>Brush off John's concerns and assure him you're fine (Help the others subdue the remaining mystery men)

>For his peace of mind at least, stay out of the action and let Shika bandage your hand (Sit this one out)

>"I won't get hurt" and make sure you get the first hits in on the rest of people who want to hurt you (Lead the charge)

>"And I don't want to see you hurt, but I have a different plan, if you'd hear it..." (Suggest a different plan)

>Write in option

PC Specific Advancement path conditions Met: Jötunn . Unlock Conditions: Resist/ Refuse to go Berserk 3 times in a row, control/ tame your anger, stay frosty

Mutually exclusive with Berserkir

If accepted now: Sven's anger will turn cold and controlled, tamed to the point he can summon it for bursts of energy/ adrenaline, and be capable of maintaining his Mental Focus/ Clarity of mind under fire/ most stressful situations. And this new cool headedness will increase his precision/accuracy across the board by making Sven more attentive/ improving his already spectacular eyesight, and turn his personality towards being calmer/ more controlled/ self disciplined

for comparison, Berserkir if unlocked/ taken will: Allows Sven to go berserk, increasing his durability and strength at the cost of self control (Similar to the Jiralhanae berserk rage), and while berserk can shrug off wounds that would otherwise be crippling and or lethal. While Berserk, Sven is incapable of performing non violent actions and lashes out at the target of his aggression recklessly. And even when not in a berserk state, Sven will become tougher, stronger, more aggressive/ prone to anger or violence

Accept PC Specific advancement path Jötunn ?


>Refuse it for now

>Lock in Berserkir (It would still need to be unlocked manually, however)
Oh damn, interesting
I don't know
>Brush off John's concerns and assure him you're fine (Help the others subdue the remaining mystery men)
Controlled anger is always better than a blind rage, especially in a combat situation. Going full retard helps no one in the coming war.
>>Brush off John's concerns and assure him you're fine (Help the others subdue the remaining mystery men)
This time we will throw the first stone.

As for the advancement, wow this is a hard choice. On the one hand, being calm and implacable is an insanely useful quality to have. Never losing your head is wild. On the other hand, having a mega-chimp-out button and also getting a passive toughness buff is extremely useful, too. Sometimes you really do need to just KILL. And being able to not die because "puny bullets" is a massive +. I'm sure Sven will still be in top 4 for strongest amongst the Spartans whether he goes angrymaxxing or not, but more toughness will always be a good thing. There is no such thing as too much HP after all.

This is a hard choice.
>Brush off John's concerns and assure him you're fine (Help the others subdue the remaining mystery men)


I like this new trait.
>Brush off John's concerns and assure him you're fine (Help the others subdue the remaining mystery men)
Tranquil Fury? Cool.
A lot of the IIs end up practising Zen, Linda notably. Maybe Sven can get in on that. As much as I like Berserkir, Sven is going to be leading a team and getting blinded by anger isn't exactly helpful.
>>"I won't get hurt" and make sure you get the first hits in on the rest of people who want to hurt you (Lead the charge)
I like Berserker but a Sven who doesn't miss a thing is something else entirely.
>For his peace of mind at least, stay out of the action and let Shika bandage your hand (Sit this one out)

>Lock in Berserkir (It would still need to be unlocked manually, however)
I wonder which Sven Halsey is hoping for. Wonder which one Mendez is hoping for. I wonder which one Hornswaggled Honker is hoping for.
>"I won't get hurt" and make sure you get the first hits in on the rest of people who want to hurt you (Lead the charge)

changing my vote to this
has convinced me
Okay, screw it. I will also change to
>"I won't get hurt" and make sure you get the first hits in on the rest of people who want to hurt you (Lead the charge)
Dig deep, Sven.
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>Brush off John's concerns and assure him you're fine (Help the others subdue the remaining mystery men)

Lets become a proper SII, not an impulse driven ape like those future G*mmas.
>Brush off John's concerns and assure him you're fine (Help the others subdue the remaining mystery men)
We just have to stand behind John this time and not roll a one again.
>Accept PC Specific advancement path Jötunn ?
We already got Bulwark to make us tougher than normal, we don't need to go crazy. I never liked the idea of a berserker anyway.
Also, I was so happy that you guys didn't pick the choice with the highest DC for once, only for us to get a 1.

>Brush off John's concerns and assure him you're fine (Help the others subdue the remaining mystery men)


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>>Brush off John's concerns and assure him you're fine (Help the others subdue the remaining mystery men)
A wrathful giant is certainly a headache for any opposing force, but we're a Spartan goddamnit. We're being trained to engage in surgical strikes as part of a larger COIN initiative. It makes much more sense for Sven to take his natural inclinations towards anger and mold it in such a way that serves him and his mission.
You know, like another mission-oriented brick wall of murder...
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Her earlier journal entry seems to suggest she ignored ONI's cautions/warnings to make Sven a team leader. She'd probably welcome Jötunn just to laugh at the ignorance of ONI's 'experts' and her judgement being proven right. If Sven embraced Berserkir, then she'd probably be interested scientifically and have faith in him to make it work.

More traditional military thinking. Pic related. Anger can cloud judgment, leading to impulsive/reckless actions that can endanger the team and mission. A cool head promotes discipline and focus. Likely more in favour of Jötunn.

>Hornswaggled Honker
I think a cold-blooded Sven can be a lot more terrifying and problematic than hot-blooded Sven.
It occurs to me that even without Halsey directly influencing Sven he is growing steadily to share similar qualities to her. They aren't (VERY) distantly related, are they? kek

I think a cold-blooded Sven can be a lot more terrifying and problematic than hot-blooded Sven.
>"Everyone, panic, Sven's got that look in his eyes again!"
>"Relax. You're just jumping at shadows. I mean look at him. He's just sitting there reading."
>later that nigh sven would sneak out using codes he watched in his peripheral vision being punched in in order to steal a frozen treat from the mess for another candidate's birthday, he also hit the Sloped Sinus with a plastic chair on the way back
>"I won't get hurt" and make sure you get the first hits in on the rest of people who want to hurt you (Lead the charge)

We are the vanguard - we'll hit'em hard and hit'em fast.

>Accept PC Specific advancement path Jötunn ?

If we take the vanguard action is Shika going to pout and complain at us later?
>>"I won't get hurt" and make sure you get the first hits in on the rest of people who want to hurt you (Lead the charge)
Here, I wanna change my first answer to
>"I won't get hurt" and make sure you get the first hits in on the rest of people who want to hurt you (Lead the charge)
Seeing a giant, bloodied child running towards them must scary for the innies, especially if we show up with their missing friend's bloodied gear.
From a distance Sven probably looks either like a short adult or a teenager. Then you get up close and see he's 100% beef fed with ALL the growth hormones rural child.
>"And I don't want to see you hurt, but I have a different plan, if you'd hear it..." (Suggest a different plan)
Let's start with a run skirmish tactic. Initiate an attack, but pull back shortly afterwards to lure some of the mystery men into an ambush so we can mop up the remaining ones.

As for Jötunn...
Much for the same reasons as other Anons have stated, being in control is invaluable in a leadership role.
I'm pretty sure the candidates got 0 drugs or augments prior to the big ones at age 14. Sven is just big naturally at this point.
Just an additional point I want to add on. The S2s get flayed out like a fish to add the ceramic layer to each and every bone on their body, I can not imagine a more invasive surgery.
That's the joke. Y'know how people make a big stink about the chickens and cows being pumped full of stuff to make them bigger to feed more people and make more money and it's having similar effects on the children that consume them?
Have an awful headache today. If it clears up in a few hours/ before it gets too late, I'll come back and get writing, but I wouldn't get your hopes up. Sorry.

But while I'm waiting for this headache to go away, what are you all most looking forward to in the quests' future?
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Can't wait for the one or two innie missions we'll go on. I know there was one clearly detailed in FoR, but there were a smattering more mentioned as the SIIs went on their way towards Chi Ceti IV. I'm sure you could do it all justice.

I really hope that the Human Covenant war is real balls to wall grinding death type stuff. Spartans went 26 years without shields, in Mjolnir that standard covenant weaponry could still burn through if one made a real mistake, as demonstrated by Sam and Linda, alongside plenty others. We're a big target and at the end of the day, we aren't walking tanks yet, not against the Covenant. Hopefully anons realize Sven and the team will be better utilized as more hit and run precision strike teams and less standing bulwarks before we take too many hits.

I know anons here also really like the idea of 'changing the course of the war' and that sort of thing, especially with how things started going in Halo: Wolfpack. But 24 more Spartans (before augmentation) isn't going to make the greatest difference, not like the Spartans really made the greatest difference as a whole during the war. I'm just curious as to how you'll be able to juggle anons urges to change how things go, while keeping the story grounded within itself, you know?
Cant wait to start kicking grunts and eventually kick a grunt into a prophet so hard it kills him.

Seeing Sven and Jorge fighting covenant side by side will be awesome.
>lead the charge

>Lock in Berserkir
I'm excited for some proper TACTICAL ESPIONAGE ACTION. A lot of the focus on Spartans is on their action movie-esque exploits, and not on the stuff that's actually in their wheelhouse. Ya know, COIN ops, general stealth operations, surgical strikes, etc...all that shit they were trained to do.
Beyond that, I look forward to our team dynamics going forward. It'll be interesting to see how Purple Team develops based on its core composition.
I'm also dying to see if we can earn a commission. For as much authority as they may have over us, there's not a lot you can do to an Officer past a certain rank. Not to mention you can only deny promotions for so long, especially to war heroes. I dare them to try and fuck with Commander Askeland.
Spartan II dating sim. Nicole best girl, she'll break your back while trying to play with you and go
>oh fugggg sorry :DDDDD
But on a more serious note, I'm looking forward seeing how Sven and his friends/squad will develop as they go through the war. The war against the Covenant are brutal as hell, so I wouldn't be surprised if we lose a squad mate or two on our first mission against them. Another thing I'd love to see is some space combat/infiltration, I feel like that's a woefully underutilized part of the setting after the operations against the innies.
>vanilla bimbo(140 IQ) waifu
How passe.
If a Filipino tomboy with a penchant for martial arts is vanilla, consider me the blandest man on Earth. For real though, it's a little early (and dare I say inappropriate) to be thinking about such things.
We have a land-nav exercise to break, several innies to fuck with, and legions of covies to obliterate.
Not bimbo, just happy to fight :DDDDDD
Waifu wars are eternal. Since the beginning and until the end. They can never be stopped. Besides, all of the Spartans would be vanilla. Except the ones that have natural sadistic streaks. Sex Ed is "you don't have it so don't worry about it" for them. I remember when it was bundled in "Health" class.
>inb4 halsey pulls sven aside and why are you looking at this? You freak. She's mom.

I just want to collab with Dimas and make a super turbo killbot.

She will always be a bimbo in my heart.
>not like the Spartans really made the greatest difference as a whole during the war
Now that I think about it, Preston Cole did most of the work keeping the UNSC in the fight. Spartans going full action-hero started to turn the course of the war at Installation 04, but humanity was also bailed out by Truth being a retard and starting a civil war right before the Covenant's triumph.

>Sex Ed is "you don't have it so don't worry about it" for them.
I remember their augmentations suppressed their sex drives or something like that. Also wearing catheterized armor-suits 24/7 probably makes the stuff that happens "down there" not something they enjoy thinking about.
>Also wearing catheterized armor-suits 24/7 probably makes the stuff that happens "down there" not something they enjoy thinking about.
Catheters only feel uncomfortable for a couple minutes. It's no big deal. It fucking sucks, actually, fair point. I mean why else would some Spartans feel more comfortable in the armor than out of it? Think about it.
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Yeah for all the hype the Spartans get, the Navy was the spine keeping the UNSC standing, and the Marines/Army was the muscle keeping her swinging. Yes, they were utterly essential to the key moments of the war at Installation 04 and several other places but really they could largely be removed from the setting and the UNSC wouldn't have crumbled any quicker IMHO. There were 30/32 Spartan 2s and 900 Spartan 2s produced over the course of the war. When the casualties amount in the billions and every loss results in a planet ruined, 2 battalions of super soldiers doesn't really...do much? Especially when 600 of those Soldiers are wasted on bullshit ops, FUCK I hate ONI But maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.
Meant 900 Spartan 3s oops. Little tipsy tonight fellas.
I'm looking forward to finding out we have to fight dad in the Innie wars
>Sex Ed is "you don't have it so don't worry about it"
You say that but it's good to remember that their sex drive is reduced not gone. after all, we know Maria-062 retired and started a family.
>capturing/eliminating innie leaders
>disrupting innies, smugglers and pirates, destroying/recovering their assets (infrastructure, weapons, vehicles, ordnance, intel, etc.)
>rescuing hostages from innies (politicians, business leaders/employees, CAA/CMA/UNSC personnel, etc.)
>retaking hijacked ships/stations from pirates/innies in daring EVA infiltration ops that only an elite Spartan team could attempt
>securing/denying assets that would otherwise fall into Covenant hands (intel, research, AIs, scientists, officers, nav data, ensuring compliance with the Cole Protocol when that becomes an official Navy directive)
>assisting in the evacuation of civilians and high-value military personnel during Covenant invasions
>defending high-value UNSC assets the Covenant will target, buying valuable time and saving lives (anti-aircraft batteries, orbital defense generators, space elevators, shipyards, military bases, ONI facilities, etc.)
>repelling Covenant boarders on ships/orbital weapon platforms
>citing WINTER CONTINGENCY to deal with uppity civilians (and junior officers?) interfering with Spartan deployment
>commencing Operation: SILENT STORM 2 Electric Boogaloo
>commencing an earlier, more ambitious Operation: SUNSPEAR and/or Operation: RED FLAG
>capturing Covenant military personnel for ONI to interrogate (Subject 386, Engineers, etc.)
>fending off Zealot strike teams interested in those strange ruins on some planets (Cote d'Azure, Bliss, Arcadia, etc.)
>earning a spot on the Silent Shadow's shit-list as that MASSIVE DEMON
>I just want to collab with Dimas and make a super turbo killbot.
Didn't look in to robots......yet...sure about it though ? Thats a big deal to look in to for education. We could learn how to use some vehicles well. Or modify the guns/weapons we are going to use. Or keep looking in to AI.

>Sven and Jorge delivering down superior firepower on an enemy position, while James and Nesta tear them apart from the flanks
>Small holonet news section when UNSC Spartan propaganda starts, that gets ignored by our Spartans for start prep for next mission
>Rapid assaults/raids, attack, get in, get out. All speed no waiting.
>Grabbing an Elite by his 4 mandibles and taking them off, before grabbing his head and impaling it on a steel bar from broken concrete
>Seeing just how fast civilians and military are dying despite their best efforts during the covenant war.
>Making acquaintances and friends in the military/civilians that die or get robot pieces for reasons above ^
>If there is an important VIP mission of a UEG politician, a small POV of it being rescued or the thoughts of Sven and the rest of Purple Team
>Seeing the spartans teams getting their renown and people looking at them with a different eye

>>"I won't get hurt" and make sure you get the first hits in on the rest of people who want to hurt you (Lead the charge)
>Yes accept Jotunn
It could be also cool to see the destruction made during a mission. Maybe it changes things around for the EVAC, or gives a debuff. Or new options.

A funny small thing instead can be spartans seeing the difference between the food they eat now, and what they can eat when they are official squads.
>>If there is an important VIP mission of a UEG politician, a small POV of it being rescued or the thoughts of Sven and the rest of Purple Team
Oh yeah, that's one thing I really enjoy. The candidate record, Halsey's note, incident report, and all the other outsiders commenting on Sven and his squad's achievement and growth. The QM's doing a great job with them so I'm definitely looking forward to the AAR once we start participating in actual operations.
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Its a very nice addition. I think it fits perfectly with the title of the quest it self
The IIs did save Lord Hood twice and most of HighCom by the end of the war. They also had more confirmed kills than "any three ODST divisions", and that was with only 33 Spartans, without shields as well.
As great as the rest of the UNSC's armed forces were I'm afraid you're overrating them. Ultimately the UNSC was both outgunned and outnumbered and no amount of well executed thinking to bring the death tally of engagements to 1:1 would've done anything than extend the glassing date of certain planets. This is asymmetrical warfare and like they concluded in FoR their best bet was to use their finest special ops group to do special ops and strike at the Prophets as the Covenant is a Theocratic organization and attacking the point from which political, religious, and military power is derived has the best bet of disrupting the covenant as a fighting force, which is ultimately what ends up happening though Regret's death spurring Truth to enact his schemes.
I don't understand your post in relation to mine, really. Yes, the UNSC was outgunned and outmanned, I never denied that. Yes, no amount of well executed thinking would've changed the Navy math of every engagement and how the doctrine of things functioned. I just said that if the Spartans didn't exist, the UNSC would probably have died over the same timeframe, because other service branches were putting in most of the work that kept Humanity alive.

Either way, RED FLAG, the epitome of this 'new' asymmetric warfare doctrine, was a hail mary. It was also never going to work. It's established in other literature that ships arriving around High Charity needed special codes to even been in the vicinity, and a stray Covenant ship removed from its fleet without explanation would be highly suspicious. But say that Cortana could've fooled those security issues flawlessly, High Charity is massive. You have I think 29? or less Spartan IIs tasked to search all of the station. Ok, best case scenario, they capture a Prophet and escape.

Nothing happens. It is established that the Triumvirate does NOT care for each other that much, as demonstrated in the events of Halo 2 and 3. As a matter of fact, it'd probably strengthen their political power and embolden the Covenant even further in their genocide of humanity (not as if that would be necessary at that point). The exact same thing happens if you capture 2. If, by the grace of GOD and every other deity in existence, they capture all 3, THAT could've made the Covenant pause, as other Prophets vie for position in the power vacuum-but again there is a council that might act in their stead and simply finish humanity off. It was a suicide mission, through and through, that relied on them capturing the leaders of a political power the UNSC did not understand. And trust me, ONI, UNSC, did NOT understand the Covenant government, and it's arguable that they still don't, even in the post war period. And to note, the plan was to capture only one Prophet...

tldr I'm not arguing that the UNSC could ever win in a straight up fight. I'm arguing that the Spartans could never have won it either, and definitely not through some stab in the back method like RED FLAG. The Covenant collapsed almost on it's own Impetus-the impetus of its three Prophets, at least. The Spartans are key to the end of the War, at the Battle of Installation 04 and so on. And some other events throughout the war that I probably don't know about.
Oh, and the death of Regret was entirely his own fault by heading straight to Earth on his own initiative. Master Chief being there, in a position to hunt that wrinkly fucker down and cave his skull in, wasn't planned by anyone at ONI or the UNSC. I'd call that luck-divorced from any asymmetrical doctrinal push from UNSC high command.
Rebooting....Monitor 404TormtentedCache, back online

Headache is gone now, liked reading all the answers you guys had for the question of what you're looking forward to. Gave me somethings to think about. Also really glad you guys are enjoying the reports/ other perspective switches

5 Votes for helping the others subdue the remaining hostiles

8 votes for leading the charge.

1 Vote for sitting this one out

1 vote for suggesting a different plan (Skirmish)

12 Votes to accept Jottun

2 Votes for locking in Berserkir

Leading from the Van, Sven enters the fray, bloodied by unbroken and with a cold gleam of fury in his young eyes

Decisions made

Current list of subobjectives and their present progress point total/ stage

Best in class: 3 out of ?
The chief's favorite: 3 out of ?
Apple in her eye: 3 out of ?
Artificial Artisan: 1 out of ?

Advancement Path progress

Brawler: 2 out of 10
Bulwark: 1 out of 10
Jötunn: 1 out of 4

that's a real funny scenario

Now this rocks, thanks for sharing

Oh don't worry, I'm real excited to write some AARs, and the reports/ files about Sven and Co will continue beyond Boot
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no biggie boss
sounds like good news !
Flashing a defiant smirk, you lift up your chest and reassure John, confident as can be that "I won't get hurt".

He scrutinizes you from the toes of your boots to the bleeding cut on your forehead, lowering and lifting up his head to fully scan over you, like he was reading and studying an allied formation drawn on a map before deciding how best to maneuver his own troops. He was gauging if that was just a boast or if you really could still be combat ready and at full fighting strength. You straightened your back and shoulders. Whatever John saw in you after looking you over for a few moments, was enough to convince him to not pull rank or convince some of the others to hold you down for your own good.

"I'll hold you to that promise, then" Is all he says as he takes his hand away from your shoulder and turns to lead the rest of the class in preparing the ambush. But while they fan out and gather rocks along the way to the evac site, you find the most club like and heftiest branch you can swing around with finesse and control and take it with you. No matter what happens, you'll be leading the charge against these invaders, whoever they are, since these strangers have threatened your friends and family. No matter what they're doing out here, they deserve a beating for that alone. But if they've killed the CPO...You frowned and shook the unpleasant thought from your head. There were few things that could kill the Chief, and these amateurs weren't one of them and again, like Nesta had noticed first, there was something fishy about all of this. You just couldn't finger the how or why.

A minute after John's plan was set into Motion, you heard Kelly yell "That guy fell and hit his head. Over Here!". Oddly, your heartrate didn't spike and remained level and calm even as you felt anger biting into your heels as you watch the five other enemy combatants chase after Kelly. You could see their breath in the air as they sprinted after her, like foxhounds after a rabbit. When they got close, John gave his signal, a single sharp whistle. But that wasn't your signal to act. You tightened your grip around your Mjolnir of bark and wood, and watched as everyone else sent the rocks they'd found sailing through the air, pelting the five men with a continuous stream of falling stone.

They held up their arms and tried to protect themselves, but they were under too much fire, and were forced to drop to the ground and cover their heads. Then John whistled again, and you knew it was time.

Bellowing out a howling warcry, you leapt out from under the bush you hid in, club raised above your head, as you ran ahead of the ninety nine other screaming children. Your team was all just behind you, howling and yipping like you were instead of just screaming like the rest.

Your five targets rose up, with stupid confused looks on their faces, they hadn't seen a perfect charge coming and never thought they'd face a small army of military trained children instead of a few lost "brats". But still, even as you got within swinging distance of them, your heart remained calm and never began to thud in your chest.

You drew first blood, breaking your club against the leader of the five's head, shattering it and sending splinters flying through the air. A few of his teeth joined the cloud of debris as with one well placed blow you sent him to the ground. Where Nesta and Daisy pinned him, while Jorge restrained him by heavy, repeated blows to his head delivered via his elbow. James and Shika continued racing forward. They distracted one who Sam gave a similar treatment to the what you gave to the first, smacking his baton over his head before Shika caught his knee as he fell and tripped him to the ground, where they three of them and the slackers who'd now caught up swarmed over him.

Fhajad and Dimas were on the ground. The third putting up more of a fight. Illya and Kurt got to their attacker before you could reach them, but Cal whistled as she saw you stomping forward, and the two of them moved to the side and got his arms into a lock as you picked up speed and tackled him shoulder first.

He made a sound like a deflating balloon, as you and Green team put the hurt on him as he hit the ground. Once he stopped thrashing and making noises, you stood, and saw that four and five had already been subdued, overwhelmed and beaten with fists, stones and boots until they couldn't fight back anymore.

"Nice tackle" Kurt complimented "Must be murder in Gravball"

"Sven is Murder in everything" Illya groans, rubbing her shoulder that must've nearly gotten popped out of the socket when you nearly pulled her to the ground with the third man "Nice work"

"We all were murder tonight" You correct, patting the two of them on their backs as you return to your team. None of them are so much as bruised. Shame about Dimas and Fhajad, but they're already back on their feet, none the worse for the wear. John's plan had worked out flawlessly. No casualties on your side, complete destruction of the enemy forces.

You found John, standing over the bleeding bodies of the five unknowns, with a familiar look in his eye. You knew it, cause it was one that had been in your eyes plenty of times before. Rage. Not simple anger, but murderous rage. You couldn't blame him, you wanted to kick in the skulls of these guys, just for threatening to hurt Kelly and Sam, just for knocking down Fhajad and Dimas. You watched John, to see what he'd do. He breathed in deeply, then out slowly, and he was composed. But you could see a spark of fury still glowing in his eyes. Good.

"Want to call Mendez now?" Sam asked as he helped steady Fhajad and stem the bleeding from his nose.

"Not yet" John answered as he marched onto the Albatross and you followed him. It was completely empty, but there was no signs of violence or bloodshed. Which made this all seem even more suspicious. You frowned, as he headed for the COM system. If he wasn't going to try and contact the Chief, than who was he going to call?

You moved behind him and looked over his shoulder. He was opening a mail link. Then it clicked into place. Deja. An on hands lesson on how to pilot a Albatross gunship was well within the limits of her programming and the restrictions of being an educational AI. Miss Halsey hadn't cut any corners in her creation. The good doctor was nothing if not thorough. But, you already knew a little about how to pilot ships like this. And you knew Dimas could figure it out if you gave him a minute alone with the controls.

>Trust John not to lead you wrong and simply wait for the flight back home, and chat with Deja during it

>ask if you could take a look at the flight controls, before he risks sending out a flare (DC 12)

>Stop him, and grab Dimas and put him in the pilot's chair.

>Contact Dr Halsey instead, since you memorized the her mailing code

>Write in option
>Stop him, and grab Dimas and put him in the pilot's chair.
Right man for the right job.
>Trust John not to lead you wrong and simply wait for the flight back home, and chat with Deja during it
I'll trust him to lead us home.
>Stop him, and grab Dimas and put him in the pilot's chair.
>Trust John not to lead you wrong and simply wait for the flight back home, and chat with Deja during it
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>Trust John not to lead you wrong and simply wait for the flight back home, and chat with Deja during it
>Write in option
Before settling in, tell him you'll do a headcount, make sure everyone gets onboard. Give him a pat on the shoulder.

John's a good guy. Let's reassure him of his ability to lead.
>>Stop him, and grab Dimas and put him in the pilot's chair.
Breadcrumbs? What are those?
>Trust John not to lead you wrong and simply wait for the flight back home, and chat with Deja during it
John is reckless when it comes to himself, but not his people. I trust his judgement here.
>Trust John not to lead you wrong and simply wait for the flight back home, and chat with Deja during it
>>Stop him, and grab Dimas and put him in the pilot's chair.
Gotta give him a chance to prove himself as well.
Oh, plus his intuition might reveal something hidden?
With Nesta going coocoo and all the bad vibes, you never know when comms are being bugged. Maybe they are listening. Are -they- in the room with us right now?
>Trust John not to lead you wrong and simply wait for the flight back home, and chat with Deja during it
John'll take care of it just fine.
>Stop him, and grab Dimas and put him in the pilot's chair.
>Stop him, and grab Dimas and put him in the pilot's chair.

hes got this
>>Stop him, and grab Dimas and put him in the pilot's chair.

>Trust John not to lead you wrong and simply wait for the flight back home, and chat with Deja during it
>>Stop him, and grab Dimas and put him in the pilot's chair.
>Stop him, and grab Dimas and put him in the pilot's chair.
>Stop him, and grab Dimas and put him in the pilot's chair.
>Trust John not to lead you wrong and simply wait for the flight back home, and chat with Deja during it
Rebooting....Monitor 404TormentedCache, back online

10 Votes for putting Dimas in the pilots chair

8 Votes for trusting John to fly you home
1 Vote for doing a headcount

Very close vote this round, but Dimas is going to get a chance to shine!

Decision Made...
But there were risks to connecting Deja. None of you knew who those men outside, bleeding on the ground now, were. Or how they'd gotten ahold of the Albatross, or what they could've done to it or its crew. Relying on Deja was risky, not only for all of you here but for the AI herself, you could personally think up a dozen methods to completely cripple and corrupt a Nonvolitional AI's code from an access point just like this Dropship's COM System. And if any of these jokers knew half as much about artificial intelligences as you did, they could've easily have laid booby traps already. It'd only take a single, properly programmed data package. And even if they hadn't taken such severe precautions, they might've bugged the ship somehow. If you had brought a fork of Narfi with you, snuck in the sole of your shoe maybe, you could've checked the ships systems for tampering. But there was no time to do it manually and putting Deja into harms way, was something you just couldn't allow.

You put a hand on John's shoulder

"Stop. Those idiots outside might not have been too smart, but they could've booby trapped this thing" You warn heavily and grimly "For all we know, opening a mail link to Deja will wreck havoc on her digital architecture, or create a gap in the compounds security"

"Then how are we supposed to fly home?" He asks, giving you a chance to present an alternative solution "Deja would know, but none of us have been taught how to fly a ship like this, yet"

You hadn't but Mike had figured it out two years ago, and Mike wasn't any where near as adept at tech as the class's resident geek king, Dimas.

"Dimas!" You bellow, and within moments, Dimas is brought into the compartment, lead in by James, who nods and sits down as Dimas rubs his hands, wincing from the bruises on them and the sprained fingers he got during the charge against the five unknown adults

"Him?" John asked, lifting up his head as he turns away from the screen "He knows how to fly?"

"I know lots of things, one one seven" Dimas answers professionally "This is a D96-TCE Albatross, the exact model we flew in with. And, I've never flown before"

"Sven" John says in a stern tone that doesn't leave much to the imagination of what he's thinking

"Michael took a pelican for a joyride, and he isn't as bright as Dimas. He's probably the sharpest one of us" You answer seriously "And he and I have been taking extra classes, remember"

"Move over, I can figure it out, if you don't trust me, trust Sven, he's never lead anyone wrong...well except the times he got his friends into heaps of trouble rule breaking or trying to escape" He mumbles as he slinks around John and stares at the screen with wide eyes, that catch the glow of the display as John furrows his brow, but lets him do his thing

"Haven't tried to escape for a year, at least" You mutter annoyedly under your breath

"Got it" Dimas says, after having stared blankly at the screen for a few minutes John finally breathes out, nearly slumping down into a chair next to James

"He is one smart cookie" James remarks "Problem is he doesn't get a chance to show it much in the Chief's excersize"

And that's exactly why you knew he was the right one for the job. You'd spent time with Dimas outside of training, in Deja and Halsey's classes, long enough to realize just how smart he is. And just how quickly he can figure out any piece of tech or equipment placed in front of him. He was even able to tell the exact date you made Narfi from examining the subtle fragmenting of his code.

"I can tell, shouldn't have doubted him" John admits as Dimas taps one icon three times, and then the screen exploded with a hundred new icons and displays. Dimas frowned and rubbed his chin.

"Give him time" You said, lowering one of your hands before anyone could get impatient. He hovered his hand around the screen, squinting as he examined each option before him.

"Autopilot" He muttered, repeating it a few times, growing increasingly frustrated as he looked over the screen again and again "Hey, Sven, which direction did we fly in from?"

"Nine o clock" You answer, having been keeping a close eye on the ships flight path when they brought you into this valley

"Well, here's hoping this guess is right" He says, and taps a green arrow on the screen, pointing towards nine o clock, twice.

"Autopilot activated" flashed across the screen. And for a moment you swore you saw Deja's smiling face in the static of the screen as Dimas turned away. No. Had to be seeing things, you were tired and had suffered...hopefully minor head trauma just a couple of minutes ago.

"Don't activate it yet" John told Dimas as he ran outside, and you could hear him yell "Everyone, Onboard, Double time!"

"So Poindexter has a use after all" Nesta sneered as she plopped down in the seat between you and James as Daisy, Shika and Jorge took the next closest ones

"Be nice" Daisy scolded "Or would trying kill ya dead"

"Hmm, didn't think we'd all go home" Shika hummed as Nesta and Daisy start kicking at each other

"When both John and Sven say no one gets left behind, you know no one is going to be" Jorge said proudly "Still, wonder who those men were"

"Shoulda killed them, just to be sure" Nesta growled

"Hope wolves get to them" Daisy hissed

"Still, wonder what made your brain go haywire there for a moment" James said as the last of the class filed in, and John slapped the compartment and Told Dimas to get the bird back in the air

"Don't know, and that's what's pissing me off! It felt different but I still can't tell why it did" Nesta, whose brain in question it was groaned

"Maybe you're just finally losing the last of your marbles, Red-Cap" Daisy teased as Nesta turned to call bite back before she paused and yelled out

"The fack is a red-cap!?"

Then the engines roared to life, and the Albatross took you back to its Nest

It turns out, like you always knew, that Mendez hadn't been beaten or killed. Since the moment the albatross returned to the compound, carrying all a hundred of you, he called him into his office.

"So that's why you're tingles were weird, you sensed it wasn't as dangerous as it seemed...or something" You theorize as Nesta watches John get marched into the Chief's office, a place none of you had ever gone before

"Maybe, or Maybe its the opposite. They probably brought some court martialed fuckwits and told them to beat the hell out of any brat that came out of the words in exchange for a clean record or something" She grumbled

"Seriously, what is it with her and her...thing" Daisy asked vaguely "I didn't realize she wasn't just messing around with her whole, phony physic bit"

"No clue" Shika said with a shrug "But it helped during hide and seek"

"Oh did it ever" James agrees with a nod "And don't look at me Daisy, none of us three know what they deal with that is either. She called it street smarts, and its easier to think of it like that"

"She mentioned something about brain tingles, and I know Dr Halsey has given her scans before, but beyond that, your guess is as good as mine" Jorge sighed, shaking his head "Its a mystery, that doesn't need solving"

"She got weirder than usual last night, freezing up and staring into nothing, that could be a serious problem" Daisy argued

"Aww, is blondie worrying about little ol me" Nesta snickered

"Yes, that isn't normal, even for you, crazy" She snorted back "Sven, back me up on this"

"Miss Halsey didn't find any abnormalities or peculiar growths, I asked her once" You answer and shrug, not knowing what else to say

"Hogshite!' Nesta declares,

"Yeah, she can't be a hundred percent normal" Daisy defends her friend deciding that her brain can't be normal

"Must be the goblin heritage then" Shika said, wisely slipping away, and sending Nesta on a tear, leaving you, Daisy, James and Jorge

"Think he's going to be okay?" Daisy asked

"Probably" You answer

"Yeah, John beat him at his own game, the chief is probably giving him a medal" James yawned

"He should be, I don't think anyone else could've managed what he did. No offense Sven, but you were looking forward to staying behind" Jorge chuckled, punching your shoulder as you smirked. It wasn't wrong, a bit of time alone in the woods would've been wonderful

"Then again. He did technically steal UNSC property" You point out, causing Daisy to curse "And while Nesta was probably wrong about those guys being washouts, they were UNSC personal so..."

"Oh hell!" Daisy yelled "That's bullshit! He didn't do anything wrong, and he's going to be punished"

"I mean if I did it, I'd be in a lot trouble for it" You answer noncommittaly as you lay back down to move onto your next set of sit ups "I can guarantee you that,"

"The Chief didn't seem mad and John doesn't have your record" James pointed out as he joined you in your additional exercises

"Yeah there's no reason to assume the worse, Daisy. Most likely Mendez is just reprimanding him. He's one of his model students, after all" Jorge hummed as he leafed through a book Halsey had let him have, about samurai culture. Which had become something of a new interest of his in the last couple of weeks

"Tch, I hope you're right, it'd be a load horsecrap if John gets a belting for bringing us all back in one piece" Daisy mumbled

"Yeah" Shika said, suddenly back, after Nesta has ran around the barracks looking for her.

And it turns out, not only didn't John get punished. But his antics during the Land Nav training got him promoted to Squad Leader.

>And you decided to make sure he didn't start slacking in his new responsibilities, by giving him and the rest of blue team a bit of an extra challenge during any and all team exercises

>Not long after, You and Linda got earmarked for "Additional Marksmanship courses" Along with a few other kids who had "Exceptional visual acuity"

>Halsey started giving you really difficult exams, at irregular intervals, as your training continued and as you continued to improve Narfi's code.

>So, not wanting to get left behind, you pushed the rest of Purple team to be the best they could be, but not like John or Mendez would, but in your own way

>Write in option

Another timeskip is coming up
>>Halsey started giving you really difficult exams, at irregular intervals, as your training continued and as you continued to improve Narfi's code.
The brain. It grows.
>>Not long after, You and Linda got earmarked for "Additional Marksmanship courses" Along with a few other kids who had "Exceptional visual acuity"
We need to round out a bit into marksmanship.

>But his antics during the Land Nav training got him promoted to Squad Leader
good for you John. when is our promotion? (totally not jealous Sven having a healthy competition with John.)
>Not long after, You and Linda got earmarked for "Additional Marksmanship courses" Along with a few other kids who had "Exceptional visual acuity"
>Not long after, You and Linda got earmarked for "Additional Marksmanship courses" Along with a few other kids who had "Exceptional visual acuity"
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>Not long after, You and Linda got earmarked for "Additional Marksmanship courses" Along with a few other kids who had "Exceptional visual acuity"
Can Sven even compete? Let's find out.
>So, not wanting to get left behind, you pushed the rest of Purple team to be the best they could be, but not like John or Mendez would, but in your own way
>So, not wanting to get left behind, you pushed the rest of Purple team to be the best they could be, but not like John or Mendez would, but in your own way
Ya know, thematically speaking, it feels a little counterintuitive to give the most innately talented sniper in the setting a bunch of optics and shit she doesn't actually need.
You're never too good to use the best tools available.
True, I just take umbrage with her fucked up helmet drawing the attention away from her natural abilities.
It's for countersniping. So when they try to shoot her they hit off center and miss her actual head. Like wearing a mascot costume. Very clever.
That's not even the worst helmet design of the 343 era. There's that stupid fucking unicorn helmet and Infinite has cat ears.
I assumed it mainly helped with spotting (detecting targets, identifying, assigning priority, etc.). Graphically, it's just to help those unfamiliar with the setting differentiate her from the rest of Blue Team and intuitively understand her role.
>>Halsey started giving you really difficult exams, at irregular intervals, as your training continued and as you continued to improve Narfi's code.
>So, not wanting to get left behind, you pushed the rest of Purple team to be the best they could be, but not like John or Mendez would, but in your own way
>>So, not wanting to get left behind, you pushed the rest of Purple team to be the best they could be, but not like John or Mendez would, but in your own way
We foster their growth, they foster ours, it's a beautiful circle.
>So, not wanting to get left behind, you pushed the rest of Purple team to be the best they could be, but not like John or Mendez would, but in your own way
We'll have more chance to learn from mom later I hope.
And nice job, Shika.
>cat ears helmet
I need to see this.
Now with cat ear helmets we have to ask what are the odds Shika paints Hello Kitty on her armor as a "symbol of her heritage"?
>>So, not wanting to get left behind, you pushed the rest of Purple team to be the best they could be, but not like John or Mendez would, but in your own way
The dragons grow together !

we have time. This is the growing part after all best keep it in mind, the moments for form the core of the spartans. Just check the black texts if you need the exact time, they are each a moment in time provided by 404. Like this last one

0630 Hours, July 12, 2519 (Military Calendar)/ Epsilon Eridani System, Reach Military Wilderness Training Preserve, Planet Reach

Yeah there should be like, what, 6 years until augs? And then a few more years before a deployment, right? Plenty of time to give mom even more crippling guilt and barely repressed bitterness.
>Halsey started giving you really difficult exams, at irregular intervals, as your training continued and as you continued to improve Narfi's code.
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They're thrown into the deep end pretty much straight after recovering from augmentations.

>augmented early March 2525
>spend some time on the UNSC Atlas for a funeral service & microgravity rehabilitation
>John kills some ODSTs in the gym in late April
>they return to Reach at some point after this, getting back into their routine and accustomed to augmentations
>cleared for their first mission in September, John only takes Blue Team for it
>some Spartans aren't 100% recovered at this point six months later (like Kelly), though they're still combat effective
>briefed on the Covenant in November
>do a couple of minor missions on the way to Chi Ceti
>by the end of November, they're introduced to the Covenant, get their armor and Sam dies
>basically everything goes to hell from then
So Sven will likely be in action by November 2525, possibly earlier. I could see Purple Team getting snatched up before then for a mission or to test them. There are elements in ONI curious about how effective the Spartans are, while there are others hoping to see them fail and Halsey embarrassed so the funding for her projects is redirected elsewhere.
>while there are others hoping to see them fail and Halsey embarrassed so the funding for her projects is redirected elsewhere.
>Yeah that bitch trying to save humanity or whatever? Fuck her. Hope her shit doesn't work. I want to make super turbo nukes but she's hoggin' the dosh!
I was sure the Spartans had at least a little time to hobble around before needing to kill stuff. I was mistaken.
They were untested in 2525 and the skepticism was probably justified at that stage. I believe the cost of MJOLNIR alone was mentioned as being comparable to building a new navy battle group. But yeah, they basically instantly proved their worth, and some of the critics remained seething even until the end of the war.
Like ACKerson.
Fair. They couldn't know how effective it would have been but still. To wish that your peers would get shitcanned when they were trying to actually fix some problems? Assholes even if justifiably so. I am struck with the weird thought that Dimas would probably contribute just as much if not more to the war efforts as a washout as he would as a graduate. Talk about job security.

More like Lackerson amirite!?
>So, not wanting to get left behind, you pushed the rest of Purple team to be the best they could be, but not like John or Mendez would, but in your own way
MJOLNIR research and development, right? Not that one MJOLNIR armour cost as much as an entire battle group, right?
Yeah, research and development.
>So, not wanting to get left behind, you pushed the rest of Purple team to be the best they could be, but not like John or Mendez would, but in your own way

We will be best no mendez handholding required
Going to change my vote from
>Not long after, You and Linda got earmarked for "Additional Marksmanship courses" Along with a few other kids who had "Exceptional visual acuity"
>So, not wanting to get left behind, you pushed the rest of Purple team to be the best they could be, but not like John or Mendez would, but in your own way
As much as I'd like to buff our marksmanship, team building is ultimately more important.
Who do you think will be most pleased by Sven's initiative to improve his fellows? Mendez, Halsey or Deja?
Both Halsey and Mendez would be quite pleased. The books seem to lay out the fact that both of them seemed to like the Spartans as whole cohesive unit, besides the particular proficiencies of individual candidates. Deja would be happy with any choice we'd make, as long as we're bettering ourselves in someway shape or form.
I mean. All things considered, the Spartan program was kind of a insane initiative for a threat that a lot of the UNSC High Command did not fully acknowledge, respect or understand. It's pretty much on the same tier as the Übermensch, even in Halsey's own words she expected her Spartans to be the 'next step in human evolution.' A line that would definitely be met with raised eye brows and a lack of confidence by anyone who isn't of world class brilliance or utter insanity. The Spartan initiative was in preparation for a conflict that was 30 to 40 years off, the rumblings of which only faintly felt across Human space. Makes sense that not that many people would be on board.
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>Sven actively sought out additional intellectual and physical challenges during training
>Sven created a personal nonvolitional AI as an intellectual exercise just to improve his physical training
>Sven strives for continuous self-improvement, often going beyond what's expected of him
>Sven inspires growth in those that surround him, helping push them to become the best they can be
>Sven is a skilled team leader, always creatively finding ways to improve his team's performance
>Sven at times shows a willingness to bend the rules, using unorthodox methods to achieve objectives

>his face when reading Sven's career service vitae
>I can use this brat.
>I can use this brat to replace Halsey.
>meanwhile, sven: luv ya, mum, see you after my bones turn to steel.
You know as much shit as we give Ackerson, and as much of a fucking donkey-cock-sucking shitheel he is, he is still very competent and capable. Not as competent as Halsey, obviously. But he is very good at throwing his political weight around to compensate for his lack of genius.
>I just said that if the Spartans didn't exist, the UNSC would probably have died over the same timeframe, because other service branches were putting in most of the work that kept Humanity alive.

Just catching up but, I felt like replying to this. I actually just finished reading Silent Storm which is pretty much set right after Fall of reaches segment where they first fight the covenant.

And some of the stuff the Spartans pull off in it is destroying covenant logistics and large portions the main fleet attacking humanity at that time, along with an in construction super carrier, and 2 ancient forerunner cities the covies were studying to improve their tech.
Rebooting....Monitor 404TormentedCache, back online

3 Votes for marksman training

3 Votes for Extra difficult exams

9 Votes for pushing Purple team to be the best they can be, in your own way

Very clear majority here for pushing the rest of purple team to excellence, in Sven's own way

Decision made
And it wasn't like Freckles was the wrong choice for the job, or that he wasn't ready for the responsibilities it brought or didn't rightfully deserve recognition for his abilities as a leader or anything, but while you weren't jealous it did feel like you were starting to get left behind and that was the last thing you wanted. John kept Blue team in top shape, they were a big part of the reason he excelled enough to impress Mendez with his initiative and good judgement as a leader before any of you were even nine years old.

But he encouraged and lead them like CPO Mendez would, like a soldier was trained to. Purple team was still one of the best and could and often did beat Blue team and the rest in Joint exercises, and while for a time, a couple of weeks, you tried to see if leading them like John would win you or one of your teammates and closest friends of your brothers and sisters in the Program a promotion and be made a leader of a second squad. However, you realized, through Deja's lesson and reflection on them, and a few talks with Shika and Jorge about a few generals from the time of the Samurai, that every leader has their own style and way of leading their men.

John's leadership worked for him and anyone who was brought into Blue Team or put under his command, just like Mendez' instruction and training worked to make the whole class a respectable fighting force and every candidate in the Program a fine soldier. The best, is what they all told you you'd be. But, there ways weren't yours and they didn't work for your squad, at least when it was all together. Shika was prone to sneaking away by herself and chose to defer to whoever was in command, while Daisy was stubborn and she and Nesta were vying for the spot of being the hardest to control in class, and speaking of Nesta, she was always ready to pick or start a fight and was prone to mischief. But Shika always did what she was ordered to do and could adapt quickly and knew when to act and when to hide, Nesta knew when to get serious, was fiercely loyal to her friends and had a good sense for risk and a natural affinity to violence, while Daisy's stubbornness was as much as a strength as it was a detriment and she knew when to cool her hot head. Jorge, always had a plan even when others didn't and would never back down from a fight, but then again, none of your dragons would. And James, was an ice-cube and had an eye for detail and a particular talent for finding routes and working under high pressure situations.

There were an equal number of trouble makers, rebels and problem students as there were model candidates, and most of its member could be described as both. But the fact that Jorge and James would be as good as a leader as you are, and Nesta and Daisy only listen when they want to and Shika keeps her thoughts mostly to herself and has a habit of vanishing whenever things aren't looking to be in her favor, means Purple team doesn't work like Blue team does.

They all follow and listen you cause you come up with the best plans, and they know you have their backs, just as they have yours, and trust you to know how best to make use of them and their unique talents and skill sets even if it isn't by the book and your strategies tend to be unorthodox and at times against UNSC Military code and rule.

So, rather than try to be a leader like John and push your teammates to excel like he encourages everyone under him to, you decide to make them the best they can be in your own way.

Nesta's aggressive nature, isn't a flaw. She's at her best in the thick of the fight, surrounded by danger at where the action is the hottest. She's good with knives, and prefers to be as close to her opponents as possible and has been disciplined for being focused on the offensive parts of CQC and combat. But, you know that's cause she's good at making people hurt and avoiding getting hit. And, as the days go on, you realize she's also handy with fire. Something you know Mendez wouldn't encourage, but flamethrowers are a part of the UNSC arsenal for a reason. And you know exactly how to get her a chance to learn how to set and control the spread of fires, and how to sneak out the materials for her to train with them, when she isn't practicing her knife tricks

Jorge is dependable, rock solid in a way that inspires confidence. Driven. He's friendly and the bravest kid you know. But, the plans he comes up with are subtle. When others have command over him, they make good use of his strength, but rarely the tactical portion of his mind. But to be fair, Jorge also likes his guns big and knows how to handle himself in a fight. But you start giving him more leadership and tactical responsibilities, to see what sort of leader he'd be and show him a few of the defensive tricks you've learned from taking so many beatings. And quickly realize, if Jorge was sent back in time to lead several doomed last stands, history might've been different cause no one can flush him out of an area he's defending if they've let him get settled and entrenched. His subtle planning lets him make any action to break through fortifications he's holding costly and "A right pain in the ass" as Ralph put it, when you put his defensive command abilities to the test.

Daisy. Well, Daisy is easy. Sure she's stubborn and loudmouthed, but she has a knack for infiltration. She isn't as good as Shika, but she makes up for it never giving up no matter the odds or risks to herself. That dogged level of determination and resolve, is what other leaders and Mendez and his trainers focus on and help her refine. She's good in a brawl and at CQC, like you and Nesta are, but not in the same way. Nesta makes people wish they never entered the ring with her, You just don't go down, but Daisy? She turns everything around her into a weapon or advantage in her favor. She's quick to adapt and quicker to figure out or invent new ways of fighting or using the tools on hand.

So you give her chances to express her creativity on the field, and quickly learn just how good she is at it and turning the environment into as much of a weapon as anything you could find in the compound's armory.

Everyone knows Shika is good at hiding and being stealthy. Its also unnatural how quickly she can disappear when you take your eyes off of her. She's not talkative by nature and tries to avoid the line of fire or anything she decides is "too dangerous". But, you recognize she's always a damn fine medic and bonesaw. You realize this after the land nav training. And her natural affinity for needles and bandages, combined with her innate talent for vanishing and going unnoticed is a great combination. Even the biggest jackass in the UNSC could realize how effective a medic who is like a Ninja or ghost or a ghost ninja would be. The problem is, she likes to avoid being noticed or paid attention to. So she had been purposefully underplaying her talents and interests. But the moment she let slip that she has an interest in medicine and doctoring, you told Halsey. And now Shika is given regular lessons about more advance forms of first aid.

James never loses his cool. He remains calm even when things get bad or look unwinnable and he prefers to be first in a march. He's got sharp eyes, and is good at using them to map out the quickest routes through obstacles or finding alternate paths quickly. His instincts are good, his wits are quick. And he's also good at snap shooting and landing shots on the firing range that only a few others could make. You also know he's been getting a little extra instruction on demolitions and explosives, from checking a couple of files you had picked up with Narfi's help. And when you can't lead, its either him or Jorge who takes command over Purple team. But, something that hasn't been recognized by the other candidates or even Mendez, is that James is a pretty good gunslinger. He doesn't like showing off. But if he gets peer pressured by the rest of the team, he'll prove a few boasts just to get you...or Nesta usually, to clam up about it.

Over the months after the Land Nav, and after you've figured out the skills your friends were hiding, you start to put into motion your plan to make them, Purple Team, the best it can be by thinking outside of the box and employing unorthodox strategies that play to your squads personality and subtler skills, and also make them pick up your additional training regimen with Narfi. And cheat a little, since you know how to get away with it. And anyone who gets to temporarily spread their wings as a Dragon under you, quickly learns that purple team earns their wins unconventionally and that rules are more flexible than they realize.

And it works. Viewing your teammates skillsets and figuring out what they have a knack for that isn't obvious increases their enthusiasm and working with their personalities and quirks and formulating plans that account for them and what they excel at, and pushing them hard but without becoming a hardass or demanding results they can't give, keeps your team and you personally from following behind the leader of the Pack. John and his Blue Eagles.

Something you know Freckles appreciate.
Sub objective: Best in Class, Has progressed, 4 out of 5. Completion point revealed. Sven has developed his own unorthodox style of leadership/ squad tactics [Interaction with Quality: Maverick] and will be able to come up with out of the box solutions for most situations, and has improved the cohesion of his squad/ developed their abilities/ revealed hidden talents. He has earned the respect and comradery of the other candidates

Best in Class end point awards

Main path Completion Rewards: Become the second Squad Leader and share John's spot as the leader of the Spartans II, and become an even better leader/ tactician. Sven-033 and Spartans under his command will advance/ improve faster
Main Path Unlock Conditions: Become the Best in class/ Prove you're the best of the best

Alternate Best in Class end points awards

1: Officer [ Access Granted due to Sub Objective: The Chief's favorite
Unlock conditions: Earn a Officer Commission/ undergo officer training
rewards: All the benefits, authority and responsibilities of being a NAVCOM Officer, starting at Ensign. Sven's leadership will approve any force/ vessel under his command. Will improve and grant additional effects/ bonuses as Sven-033 is promoted through the ranks

2: Scientist [Access Granted due to Sub-Objective: Apple in her eye
Unlock Conditions: Complete education outside of the Spartan Program/ Earn a PHD
Rewards: Sven will be given additional missions/ objectives in the form of research and development projects alongside what is expected of a Spartan, his natural intelligence will increase and he'll become an expert of several fields of science, foremostly in Artificial intelligences [Interaction with Sub objective: Artificial artisian], and be trusted with classified intel

3: ONI Operative
Unlock Conditions: Earn ONI's attention and accept their offer of recruitment
Rewards: Sven becomes employed by the office of naval intelligence, alongside his duties as a Spartan and receive additional training dependent on the section he is assigned to. Other effects dependent on the section of ONI Sven-033 joins. (Scientist will have him join Section three, fyi)
And he isn't the only one. Miss Halsey and Mendez have both noticed how Purple Team has excelled and improved under your "unconventional" leadership over the last few months

And you're the second after John to be brought into Shark Eyes' office. The whole room reeks of cigar smoke, but the smell is anything but unpleasant. There's a familiarity to the smell of the tabaco smoke that is almost comforting, and the dark wood paneling reminded you of a home that seemed increasingly distant with every day that passed. But if you had been the same boy who had been taken from that home, the topics and conversation the Doctor and Chief Petty officer were having with you present would've gone over your head.

A lot of it stills does. But you've adapted enough to the military life style and have spent so long around Miss Halsey you can understand and catch onto enough to realize that while the two grown ups are discussing giving you responsibilities and a position similar to John's own in the program, but that they both are always testing the waters for something else.

Somehow, despite you being a thorn in his side and not marching along exactly to his tune like most of the other trainees, Mendez, if you're reading him right, seems to think you're officer material. And, now that you're alone with him, you could almost think the CPO is rather fond of and proud of the soldier you're shaping in to, even though he does have some rather sharp words about your "Maverick" Personality.

And Halsey, with bright, almost sparkling eyes, keeps bringing up how young she was when she earned her PHD's and how she sees a lot of herself in you, at least in terms of brilliance and IQ. Which doesn't surprise you, you've gotten close with her and like Miss Halsey and figured she had a purpose in mind for all of the additional tests and lessons she's given you, one on one or through extra homework Deja has handed out. Though, she only has compliments, unlike Shark Eyes who mentions the time you and Nesta snuck in a...well an IED to a training session. Something you've done more than once. But the goal of that exercise was to breach a mock compound. They never said you couldn't bring your own tools to accomplish it, and the only things at risks were wood cutouts and hologram projectors. Both of which you learned made color flames when burned.

You close your eyes, as Halsey brings up "remote exams and classes, untraceable" and Mendez argues about that taking time away from the rest of your training and that it'd be easy to "fudge the numbers" and get Trainee-033 through the officers academy without him, you, ever leaving the compound or attracting any attention. But Halsey brings up something about records and paper trails...

They weren't talking with you, just about you, and it was getting increasingly complex the more they talked. So you just sneakily took a nap, and had Narfi wake you up before one of them ordered you back to the morning run around the compound and got a snore in response.


1345 Hours, September 27, 2520 (Military Calendar)/ Epsilon Eridani System, Reach Reach Military Complex, Planet Reach

You'd never heard a sound like it before. Carris has always been strong, deceptively so. And you knew a few of the instructors had a pool going around about which Trainee would be the first to slip up and kill someone. You knew you were one of the "favorites" to win, and took it as a compliment. And figured Nesta or Ralph were next in line. But you doubted Trainee-137, had anywhere near their odds. If anyone had placed put their money on her causing the first fatality they'd be pretty you grimly reflected as you were the first to realize what had happen, well if it wasn't one of their own who died.

Carris, always a kind, gentle girl, despite having an unusual dense muscles, still hadn't noticed what had happened. She was just trying to reverse a pin, and threw the trainer she was sparring with in the process of it. He didn't land good. Shika would know exactly what it was that killed him, but you had a pretty good guess from how his neck was twisted.

She's been on Purple Team a few times, is your next thought after "She killed him". You aren't certain what will happen now. Before Jai got shipped off to Grey team, he injured some of the instructors pretty badly, and that one time in the valley, you probably came close to giving those men guarding the Albatross dropship some pretty serious and lasting injuries. But no one had actually died, or killed anyone. What would happen to Carris.

The world was moving in slow motion, and you cursed your habit of examining everything to the finest detail you could as you saw the deep purple splotch of a bruise spread over the broken neck of the dead man as Carris, standing over him, slowly realized what had just happened and froze up.

Then Nesta started laughing. And you could've slapped her for that if you weren't hyper focused on figuring out how to get Carris out of this mess. You couldn't blame her for laughing, she just chose the worse time to do it. She might not have even been laughing at what had happened. But she might've been, even if it was just as likely she was laughing at a joke Ralph had told her. And she was close enough that her laughter drew the attention of the other trainers, shortening the time you had before they realized what you, Carris and the other Trainees close enough to notice what had happened immediately.

>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking

>Attempt to take the blame. It probably won't work, but you were in the same group as her when it happened, and had shown her that throw earlier

>Take control of the situation and direct your fellow trainees away from the corpse and let the instructors handle it and the procedure for...this sort of thing

>....aren't you supposed to feel something seeing someone die? All you can think is "At least it wasn't Carris who was hurt"

>Write in option

Chief's favorite and Apple in the Eye sub objectives are still in progress, just having the two at the stage they are now open up the officer and scientist paths for Best in class.
>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking
>>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking
As a bald man once said. Family. Family. Family. Family. Get this girl a hug and a drag away from the dead dude.
>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking
Ahh, shit, the Carris event. He protect. Hope we can grab that ensign commission though. First officer of the SII's is gonna be useful.
>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking

We must comfort family

I like the officer path best of all the options.
I must inform you I am going to pursue the science team nerd route. In the vain hopes that Sven will get an epiphany about at least one of the augments if Halsey reveals any of them and increase the success rate or safety of it. Less dead candidates the better.

Even if the mechanical benefit of being an officer is better. Until Science Sven works out some crazy piece of tech like a cupholder for the Mjolnir armor. Revolutionary.
You do you man. Trying to improve aug chances is good reasoning but like you said officer just gives us more mechanical benefit. Also, we can just have Dimas weld a cupholder onto our cod piece. No big brain PHD needed for that.
>>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking
I imagine a breakdown will have a negative impact later down the track.

Regarding paths, I am liking the look of Officer the best, plus endgame Admiral Sven with his flagship the UNSC Jormungandr (also it is very funny to imagine a giant Sven on the bridge of a ship, surrounded by tiny mortals.)
>weld a cupholder onto our cod piece
That is quite inelegant. Also that's where the hold-out gun will be located. The petty part of me also doesn't want to just one-up John by being a more officier Spartan. I want to blow him out of the water by being someone valuable outside of just killing. Perfect little soldier will always need a war, but science? Science will always be moving humanity forward.
>Get Carris to Mendez as fast as possible and explain what happened. She's not gonna be safe around the instructors and other handlers when they realize what happened.
These are the type of people who seem to have no qualms knocking small children around for the smallest infraction. God knows what they might do in retaliation to a death of one of their own.
>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking
I like the idea of the scientist path best. Plus it gives Sven some career options if he ever decides to retire like Maria.

The scientist path offers bonus "missions" in the form of R&D projects. I imagine we'd get something out of them so I don't think it's necessarily mechanically worse than Officer.
>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking
>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking
ONI Operative would be a good opportunity.
>I don't think it's necessarily mechanically worse than Officer.
Well it wouldn't give our squad a +3 to not die in any given scenario. I think it is mechanically inferior. However it comes with the caveat that if it does come to fruition it can be much more impactful in other ways. Imagine reverse engineering a portion of covie plasma tech. Can't make plasma guns like they can but now we can make plasma-charged munitions. That has some implications behind it. Instead of just shooting nukes we can shoot something far more comparable to their own bullshit back at them. Or we manage to actually snag some of their power cores and figure out how they work and now human power tech which is generally just a couple decades behind shoots ahead thanks to human ingenuity and dangerous penchants for MORE.

I feel like this is more narratively impactful than it is mechanically, even if it may well deliver benefits such as modifiers to shield and materials strength or how fast our engines can go. Or the very clever idea of figuring out how the Covenant get their magnetic fields to work so well, reverse engineering it, then using high energy burst magnetic fields as a timed "parry" to, if not block, then displace or deflect covie plasma weapons. Imagine the pants-shitting terror a bridge crew would have if a human ship suddenly flashed before a plasma lance hit and the beam glanced off ineffectually. Ah, glorious.
Nesta is such a menace, I'm glad the program nabbed her up before she grew up to be a master criminal or something.
>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking
As for the career path, I think scientist is the best one. A good officer can change the tide of a battle, a good scientific breakthrough can change an entire war. With our potential, we could do something much more than just leading a strike force. Just imagine how many lives we could save if we managed to get a breakthrough on the shield technology earlier in the war, or find a way to incorporate dumb AI into all MJOLNIR armour to increase performance and survivability.
>>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking
>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking

Something is going to happen right about now.....

Interesting new options. I do feel like scientist "missions/objectives" are probably going to be in the main sciences we invest time in. If that path is chosen, in the case of Sven it would be AIs. In the same way the officer path, is probably translated in becoming a better unorthodox officer in the case of Sven.
>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking
>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking
Officer, Scientist, ONI Operative... Interesting paths. All of them with their own opportunities.

Officer is great for obvious reasons.

Scientist could be fun, getting to work/collaborate with Dr Halsey and Section Three more on things like AI. It would be funny if Sven got to interact with Professor Anders at some point, who studied under Halsey but dislikes her. I imagine Sven talking positively about Halsey while holding a conversation about some complex topic like xenoarchaeology would make her bluescreen.

ONI Operative could also be an interesting route. I imagine this one would change Sven the most personality wise. Their field agents go through 'scaled morality training', which prepares them for the unsavory stuff they have to do at times. For instance, 'WINTER CONTINGENCY Declaration Supplemental Orders' made it clear their job was to kill UNSC navigation personnel that couldn't be secured to prevent them being captured and tortured into revealing other colonies by the Covenant.
>>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking
>Spook Sven
The worst possible outcome imo
>>Attempt to take the blame. It probably won't work, but you were in the same group as her when it happened, and had shown her that throw earlier
as the bulwark we must fall on very sword.
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>The worst possible outcome imo
"How about you try getting a job?"
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"You've got 10 seconds to beat it before I add you to the list of ONI casualties."

>Sven sees first evidence of Brutes playing that 'Tossers' game with prisoners
>"What a rotten way to die."
The Fuel Rod take down is always the most silent way to eliminate Ackerson.
>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking
First death. shit was bound to happen.
Be prepared to throw hands if the instructors are gunning for her though. It was a genuine accident.
I'm either for officer or scientist. since if I remember correctly there was no spartan 2 officer and would lead to some crazy shit the higher he gets (can use his higher rank as as a shield for all the BS he'll be about to unleash with his team/troops) ,but being close to a spartan equivalent to Halsey would also be nice.
Don't be petty, be better. Strive for Doctor Admiral Sven.
>become a commissioned officer
>the goat locker is now off limits to you on ships
>it's only the ritzy O-club for you now
it'd be a shame...
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You're right. I have lost my way. We must be the best.

We could have all the chocolate cake we want. But at what cost? Sven doesn't even seem to like chocolate cake. Get him a raspberry tart, stat!
>Try to keep Carris calm and comfort her, it was an accident and she isn't at fault and she is seconds away from freaking out and panicking

As far as the officer track stuff goes, I think scientist track would be pretty fun and help give a wider spread of “skills” as it were in the spartan program. I think repping John as an officer candidate may be a good pairing and feeling out Dimas to see if he was given a preview on career tracks too and if so what he’s leaning towards.
You mean Doctor Fleet Admiral Jarl of the outer colonies Sven right?
Of course, of course. I wouldn't dare forget the titles or honors for Doctor Professor Fleet Admiral Sven-033 Esq, Jarl of the Outer Colonies, Class President of the Spartan IIs, and friend to all children.
You fool! It's clearly UN President Doctor Professor Fleet Admiral Sven-033 Esq, Jarl of the Outer Colonies, Class President of the Spartan IIs, ,friend to all children, punter of Grunts and wrestler of Brutes?
Was that a question or a statement?
I assume that's because with Brutes you never know if they're flirting or fighting when they're grunting and trying to pin you down.
I don't think there's much of a difference for them.
They jsut like us fr
>One head, two eyes, with hands and feet - bipedal
Rumao. That's such a low bar.
Real sorry guys, no update tonight. I just can't seem to focus today, so rather than try and force myself to write, I'll just try again tomorrow/ in the morning and try and get one or more updates out then. Sorry again. Figured it'd be best if I told you guys rather than leaving you hanging.

Also like all the discussion the reveal of Best in class' completion goals/ rewards started. Love to see it! Anyways, heading to bed and I'll try and get the update out sometime tomorrow (And not too late in the day if I can manage it_
Good night, 404.
One question though, do you have a list of name for all 100 Spartans down?
Damn. It was meant to be a statement. The question mark wasn't supposed to be there.
Rebooting...Monitor 404TormentedCach, Back online

Sorry about that, no clue what was wrong with me last night.

16 Votes for comforting Carris and trying to stop her from panicking.

1 Vote for getting Carris to Mendez

1 Vote for attempting to take the blame/ heat

Very obvious win for comforting Carris and calming her down!

Decision made
Proceeding ....


Not a complete one, no, but I do know all the canon ones and have filled out and marked which of the NPC OCs are considered to be the 25 additional candidates and which I'm using as fill ins for the twentyish of the OG 75 that were just left blank in the lore. Illya and Jori for example are both from the extra pool of candidates, while Nicole is one of the original batch just with a different number. And I am trying to fill out more names/ spots
But then you realized that it didn't matter if the instructors realized what had happened, they had protocols to handle this. They weren't told to comfort or console any of the trainees, no matter what, even if they started crying or outright broke down. And Carris was about to start crying, start panicking. She might freak out. She might get herself or someone else hurt if she didn't calm down. That's what mattered. Not trying to hide what happened or obscure it, but keeping your sister from crying and acting as a wall between her and the panic you could see rising from the subtle shifts in her expression.

Faintly, you were aware of shouting and whistles being blown as you hustled up to the frozen Carris, and knelt and lowered yourself down to be at eye level with. Nesta had stopped laughing, and Carris was staring at the unmoving instructor with wide, teary eyes, her face as pale as snow. Nearly as pale as the dead trainer's own empty, expressionless face.

"Carris, Carris!" You boom, snapping your fingers to get her attention and dredge her out of the dark place she must've been retreating to "Look at me, don't look over there, look into my eyes okay? Everything is going to be fine"

Several familiar footfalls thudded past you, the sound of UNSC standard issue combat boots slamming into the ground as the trainers assigned to this day's training exercise thunder past you and Carris.

"I...I" She stammers weakly, trembling in your hands as you put one on each of her shoulders "I didn't mean to...He overcommited, used to much force I..I didn't mean to"

"Stop trying to look at him, don't think about it" you softly order, breathing out slowly and trying to keep her attention anywhere but the corpse she'd made "Just clear your mind, deep breaths, don't think about what just happened"

"But I..I killed him Sven" She squeaks, barring gritted teeth, eyes bulging from her head "I didn't mean to, I didn't want to hurt him, I was just doing what I was taught to and...and I threw him and now"

"Carris" You say, deepening your voice and raising it a little "Put it out of your mind, breath, in and out, hold it for a few seconds, empty your mind. What happened wasn't your fault okay, just listen to me, and breath"

You demonstrate, and her training kicks in and she mimics you. You do a few deep breathes in and out with her, and she stops shaking so much

"It wasn't your fault" You repeat, pulling her closer and pressing your forehead against hers "It was an accident. An honest mistake. You just followed your training, and he had the bad luck to land on his head"

"Am I going to get in trouble?" She asked softly, fearfully "Sven you know all the rules by heart, am I going to...are they going to..."

She didn't need to say anything for you to know what was on her mind. And you knew the usual punishment for killing a fellow service man, even by accident.

But you also knew that everyone of you was considered higher priority and value than even the veterans and experts assigned to the program as trainers. You were chosen because you were all the best, brightest and strongest, and even just three years into the program, so many resources and so much time had been spent, you knew both Mendez and Halsey would sooner replace every trainer than they would write off one of the candidates. Mike crashed a pelican, and he was still in the program, and Jai learned how to cripple people, and he was still in the program. Hell just the other day, you and Nesta blew up part of one of Mendez's special exercise yards and you just got put on Latrine duty for destruction of military property.

They weren't going to do anything to Carris

"They won't. Cause if they try, they'll have more bodies to bury" You answer with a soothing voice and easy smile "We're a unit and family. You might get a tongue lashing, but they won't hurt you. And if any of the trainers try to, against orders, I'll show them first hand how much of an accident this was, okay"

"I don't want you to hurt them" She says wearily, sounding so exhausted like she hadn't slept for days and had been on a forced march "I didn't...you know I didn't meant to do it, right? Big brother"

You nod and she mumbles pretty much what she's already told you. She just used reversed the pin when she noticed the opening the overconfident instructor had made, and used a throw you taught her that you and Nicole figured out during one of your three way spars with Li. And every time she asks you if she did something wrong you tell her the same thing.

That she wasn't. That it was an accident. And no one was at fault, especially not her. This goes on for a couple hours. Mendez silently checks in on the two of you as you sit with her outside of the Barracks, telling her that there was nothing different she could've done, that thinking of could have beens and maybes isn't helping and what happened happened and there was no reason to worry or think about it if it made her cry and feel awful with guilt about it.

"At ease, Trainee-033" The CPO says, as you lift up your head to look at him, rubbing Carris back as she sits balled up around the back of the barracks. The two of you stare each other down in complete silence for a few moments before Mendez straightens his back and says his piece

"While this is a tragedy, it was inevitable. I merely came around to check up on my two recruits, and see if -137's condition had improved at all. I was going to speak with her privately, to explain to her the inherent risks of simulated combat and the probability of...accidents like hers. But"

Beneath his grey streaked beard, a smiled filled with pride emerged.

"I've been eavesdropping, and see you've seen to the task personally..." He says, pausing before adding "Trainee-033. and took the initiative to prevent loss of morale and the mental stability of your fellow recruit. Admirable work, Son"

You blink, wondering if you heard what you think you just heard Mendez say.

"Trainee-137, you need debriefing. You aren't going to receive any disciplinary action for what has happened. It was an unfortunate accident, but it is my responsibility as head instructor to give you this talk"

Carris reaches out and grabs hold of the sleeve of your sweat shirt. The CPO stroked his beard once in contemplation.

"Trainee-033! At attention. I'm temporarily assigning you guard duty of my private office" He barked, hands behind his back "Please escort Trainee-137 and myself to them and remain present, in case of infiltration or sudden insurection activity"

You smirk. Maybe Shark Eyes does have a human soul after all. Carris clings to your arm as you follow Mendez in a march to his office, and stay close by her as he, like the career navy man he is, explains to her what you've been telling her all day, but with a more rational tone and detached perspective. But he'd pause and call on you to give your own insights or thoughts, and you think hearing it logically and being given emotional support all the while helps Carris more than either approach would have on its own.
Sub Objective: The Chief's favorite, has progressed. Progress points/ stage, 4 out of 5. Mendez is confident in Sven-033 qualifications as a leader/ officer, and though he won't admit it, sees you as something of a Son. Sven will be trusted with more responsibilities by the Chief, and given more chances to "learn the ropes". Carris' bond with Sven has grown stronger,
SPARTAN II Program incident report:0171. 2150 Hours, September 27, 2520

....The first casualty of the program has suffered, was fortunately one the expendable on site training staff and handlers rather than the irreplicable Candidates. Their death was immediate, caused by the internal severing of the spinal cords' fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae. This unfortunate occurrence has been ruled accidental. The programs education AI, Deja, has been instructed to emphasize the history of military training in the coming day, and the reality that to simulate combat conditions effectively, lethal force is often employed and that accidents of this nature are an inherent risk.

There will be no disciplinary action. A memorial service shall be held for the deceased trainer, which all candidates will attend and training will resume.

Carris-137, the candidate whose action caused the casualty, will recover emotionally and mentally.

However I would be remiss to not mention the actions taken by Sven-033 immediately upon noticing what had transpired and the distress of his fellow recruit. He acted immediately to calm and console his fellow candidate and until the time the head instructor was able to, stayed by her side and attempted to stabilize her mental and emotional condition, with a remarkable rate of success equivalent to a trained military therapist. Thus, I am once again requesting....
Sub Objective: Apple in her eye, has progressed. Progress points/ stage, 4 out of 5. Sven additional education curriculum has continued to improve his IQ, Sharpen his wit, and improve his grasp/ understanding of numerous fields of science, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence. Halsey has started to view Sven as being a "Second opinion" whose insights/ judgement she can trust and as something of a protégée/ son
Altering perspective...

"Mjau, I've finished examining Chief Petty Officer Mendez' scheduled training exercises, and I know not to ask you how you acquired such a comprehensive list from the legendary tight ass" Narfi hums as they project themselves from on the screen of your data bad, preening their digital fur and licking their paw as they speak "I wish I could join you in the field, Sven, all of this sounds like a blast. Martial arts in Microgravity. Amphibious Assault training and Underwater . You'll even have a chance to pay your respects to crafty Loki at his pillars down in Painland, sometime soon"

"Sounds like they're taking us off world for training pretty soon" You hum, smiling. Your others would be thrilled. Well except about knowing they were brining you back to Military Reservation 01478-B, the hell hole you and your spartan siblings had taken to calling Painland.

"I suspect as much" Narfi purrs "if I may venture a guess, they're shipping you to Mars"

"And Emerald Cover, shame Mendez didn't think to order his private documents chronologically. I'll be sure to give you some new games to play for your help, Narfs" You chuckled to yourself, hoping you went to Emerald Cove before being sent back to Painland. You tapped on the screen a bit and read a few scientific papers Deja and Miss Halsey had forwarded to you.

Seems the third generation of Volitional AI was soon to produce its first operational intelligence. Now that was interesting.

"Are you playing with Barf or reading some new research paper Miss Mengele sent your way?" Nesta asked as she continued her pull up rep, sweat beading on her brow as she tried to beat your record, something that Daisy and James and many others had already failed at.

"I can multitask" You answer bluntly as your eyes scan the paper, analyzing the technological improvements and operational changes of the internal framework and system specifications of the new generation of Riemann matrixes produced for this next generation of Smart AI "Oh by the way, we might need to go shopping for swimsuits, soon"

"The chief is going to tear you a new one if he finds out you copied his lesson plans" Nesta huffed between pull ups

"With what money?" Shika chimed in, not looking up from the game of cards she and Jorge had been stalemated in for a few hours "And that's a fight I'd like to see"

"Sven is too smart to get caught, and if he was, I'd put my theoretical money on Mendez" Jorge chimed in as you heard James win a game of arm wrestling against Ralph, his fifth win in a row. And one he was about to lose as you saw Daisy enter the line of challengers

"Dimas has cash" You mention "Well, he would if the copywrite he got for that new guidance system he's been working on gets put under his name"

"Nerds" Nesta mumbles

"So, where are we going swimming?" Shika asked off handedly as Jorge slapped her hand, stopping her from slipping a card into her hand she wasn't supposed to.

"My imaginary money is on emerald cover" You smirk as you occupy your hands with one of the hand eye coordination games Narfi made through his own programming

"That'd mean we'd be put in cryopods for the trip" Jorge hummed as he looked over his cards, expression unreadable. Shika was sweating now. None of her tricks had worked

"I hate getting freezer burn" Nesta growled, face soaked with sweat and nearly as red as her hair "and that shit they pour into your lungs tastes like lime flavored snot. You and the rest of Nerd Squad should figure out how to improve it"

"What are you lizards talking about?" Solomon asked, as he entered purple teams part of the barracks

"Hey Sol" You greet, quickly sending Narfi into sleep mode, since you are still trying to keep him a secret outside of the circle of your closest friends "Just idle chatter, about where we'd take a vacation if we were ever given shore leave"

Shika shot you the look that meant "You lie as easily as you breathe, Sven"

"About how fat you still are" A certain red head jabbed

"Its muscle" Sol huffed as he sat himself down next to you "And I think if it was me, I'd like to see earth"

"Why go anywhere but Reach" Jorge joked

"I'd like to see mount Fuji" Shika said wistfully "Once in my life at least"

"Old Camelot, so I can burn the shithole to the ground" Nesta snarled as she struggled to pull herself up, still several dozen reps away from your personal best, whining and whimpering as she put all of her effort into beating you and started to slip.

And even with pestering from the other Spartans in training, you couldn't think of the answer to that question yourself, even as most of the others gave their answer and reasoning
1125 Hours, May 8, 2521 (Military Calendar)/ Alpha Imura system, Non inhabited sector of sea, Planet Emerald Cove

Emerald cove was like something out of a dream. Azure seas, white sand beaches that stretched for miles, and countless islands populated and not that made it a popular tourist destination and home to inner colony fat cats. Even far from the portions of it that were inhabited, you couldn't help but to admire its beauty. Today, Mendez was taking you all far from shore to give you diving lessons. And it had taken no time at all for theories to form about the "Surprise" the Chief had waiting for you this mission, which was a training exercise for underwater combat and infiltration OPS. There wasn't a goal or teams this time, just a learning experience and the hidden lesson the chief's trademark twists would instill.

"Surprised they had a wet suit in my size" You joke with Fred, who smirks as he pulls on the legs of his own

"Now we know where all the funding for the program went" He jokes back, as Anton pulls his suit up to his neck

"And yet mine is tight around the shoulders" He complains, tugging a finger into and pulling it around the neck

"Should've known better than to accept Sven's gift of his excess desert rations" Igwe-149 joked, his black wetsuit nearly indistinguishable from his skin "I personally, am more concerned about Sunburn than the Chief's jokes"

"I'm going to fuckin fry" Nesta grumbled as she put on her own diving suit "Never liked the sun for a reason"

"I'm going to broil alive even with most of my skin covered" Illya commiserated with her

"Cut the chatter" John said as he paced by, completing his third round of inspections. You exchanged passing glances. He signaled he hadn't figured out the twist or the trick for beating it. Your eyes wandered back to the air tanks, and you quickly replied with a signal of your own, telling him you had your own suspicions. But there wasn't enough time to discuss it or point out that the chief probably did something with the airtanks

You were about to drop soon. Right off the coast of a desert island. Deep in the azure sea you had been admiring seconds ago.

"Trainees! Your task for today is to get acquainted with underwater movement and the operation of specialized equipment designed to function aquatically. Once you've gotten your sea legs and learned to swim in the unpredictable conditions of a non simulated sea, we'll progress to mock amphibious assaults, deep dives and undersea combat drills. Understood?"

"Yes Chief Petty Officer!" A hundred voice rang out

"Good. We'll be dropping immediately, make sure your air tanks are secured and the rebreathers as securely fastened. When you jump, make sure you land feet first and angle your trajectory as you'd previously practiced on the flight over" He ordered, turning his back to you as he moved to demonstrate the method of safely entering water from altitude that he'd had you practice for hours on the military ship that brought you from Reach to Emerald Cove.

And then, with five rows of twenty, one by one, all of you dived after him. And quickly, it became apparent what the real challenge was. Fifty out of one hundred and one airtanks had been sabotaged. And weren't working. You noticed Nesta hadn't even bothered to take hers. Thanks to her ever reliable "street smarts"

You lucked out. But Igwe hadn't. You swam over, and signaled him to come closer, as you shared some of your precious Oxygen with him, enough for him to get his bearings and rise to the surface. You followed him, to make sure he wasn't going to sink and watched as the Albatross flew off towards the direction of the nearest military base. It was a long swim to the nearest shore. You sighed and put your rebreather back on and dived back down to assist the other unlucky fifty and make sure no one drowned. Mendez was proceeding with the mission he had planned. But you could see several hands signs being flashed behind his back.

Seems like today's surprise had managed to piss off just about everyone in class. Even John was taking part in planning your collaborative retribution against the CPO. You flashed Kelly that you were busy helping the others, as Igwe dove back down before he could be accused of slacking. Several others dived with him, ditching their useless airtanks along the way.

>Just focus on making sure none of your fellow Spartans in training become lost at sea. That's what matters.

>Help the others conspire to get back at Mendez, by stealing his air tank and ditching him. Not like he'll be in any real danger.

>Figure now is the only chance you'll have to have a true private chat with the CPO. So when the others spring their plan, stay back to help Mendez reach the shore of a different island.

>Signal the others you'll be on island spotting duty and swim up to find one that looks habitable . Don't need to add attempted murder of a superior on your file

>Write in option

Been waiting to get to Emerald Cover for a month +
>Just focus on making sure none of your fellow Spartans in training become lost at sea. That's what matters.
We have all the time in the world to fuck with Mendez, let's just make sure none of our class drowns.
Also just realized I gave Igwe Jori's candidate number. Wasn't paying attention when I was writing. His is -148. My finger slipped and I didn't double check before posting, lol
>>Figure now is the only chance you'll have to have a true private chat with the CPO. So when the others spring their plan, stay back to help Mendez reach the shore of a different island.
I really like the idea of a private chat. It is probably the only chance Sven may ever have where the barriers are down between them.
>Figure now is the only chance you'll have to have a true private chat with the CPO. So when the others spring their plan, stay back to help Mendez reach the shore of a different island.
>Mendez is confident in Sven-033 qualifications as a leader/ officer, and though he won't admit it, sees you as something of a Son
>Halsey has started to view Sven as being a "Second opinion" whose insights/ judgement she can trust and as something of a protégée/ son
Yay, Sven's dysfunctional new family is coming together.
>Just focus on making sure none of your fellow Spartans in training become lost at sea. That's what matters.
Even the best trained soldier can drown.
>>Just focus on making sure none of your fellow Spartans in training become lost at sea. That's what matters.
>Figure now is the only chance you'll have to have a true private chat with the CPO. So when the others spring their plan, stay back to help Mendez reach the shore of a different island.

who knows if we will ever have a chance to talk to new dad like this again.
>Figure now is the only chance you'll have to have a true private chat with the CPO. So when the others spring their plan, stay back to help Mendez reach the shore of a different island.
Switching to this. I genuinely cannot think of when we might get another opportunity like this.
>Just focus on making sure none of your fellow Spartans in training become lost at sea. That's what matters.
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>Figure now is the only chance you'll have to have a true private chat with the CPO. So when the others spring their plan, stay back to help Mendez reach the shore of a different island.
I can't resist. Potential for a life lesson from the Chief. Might tell Sven about his ancestor in the Rainforest War or something. He can probably recite that book he usually carries from memory.
>"Mendad, do you think we'll be able to make a difference?"
>"Where the enemy is weak, be strong. Where the enemy is strong, be elsewhere."
>Remember, Sven, man who makes mistake in elevator is wrong on many levels.
im tied between
>Just focus on making sure none of your fellow Spartans in training become lost at sea. That's what matters.
>Figure now is the only chance you'll have to have a true private chat with the CPO. So when the others spring their plan, stay back to help Mendez reach the shore of a different island.
I cant decide, i need some help.
>Signal the others you'll be on island spotting duty and swim up to find one that looks habitable . Don't need to add attempted murder of a superior on your file
They look out for each other its not just Sven doing it. He can take a break for a second to talk with Mendez.
>Just focus on making sure none of your fellow Spartans in training become lost at sea. That's what matters.
>Write in option: Chem the fuck out of Mendez or whoever pulled that stunt. Full drill sergeant or full bird colonel without coffee dressdown. Be as much as a menace as one can to the project and maybe stage revolts/strikes.

Get everyone safe first then let the people feel the consequences. Just 10 equipment malfunction would have been fine. It trains us that not all equipment will be reliable, but half? No good general sends their best with equipment that the common lowest level groundpounder would bitch, moan and probably frag a guy for.
We can get with the program if the program doesn't try to decimate us before we go through the surgery.
>Just focus on making sure none of your fellow Spartans in training become lost at sea. That's what matters.
To argue for saving the other Spartans. We still have a few years of training left, there's always a chance of catching Mendez in private. Plus, what would Mendez think of us abandoning our squad and friends just to follow our own personal goal.
>>Just focus on making sure none of your fellow Spartans in training become lost at sea. That's what matters.
>Signal the others you'll be on island spotting duty and swim up to find one that looks habitable . Don't need to add attempted murder of a superior on your file
Do we really need to act like a mother hen here? Everyone has been proven capable by this point. I know you guys want Sven to be a leader but the first option feels a bit ridiculous.
>Signal the others you'll be on island spotting duty and swim up to find one that looks habitable . Don't need to add attempted murder of a superior on your file
Yeah I somehow doubt that this far into the program we're going to lose a candidate to drowning or the currents. Or that Halsey would ever really allow that to be possible at all, there are probably dozens of drones overhead tracking positions and so on.

On another note, I'm unsure how much I like how the 'Objectives' are rolling out, like Apple in her eye and so on. Even John, who was both Halsey's and Mendez's favorite candidate/Spartan in canon rarely saw the former, and I'm pretty sure that John never ever saw Mendez again, at least over the course of the Human-Covenant War. Stuff like that really makes me wonder how 404 is going to alter things. The more we play through this training section, the more curious I get in regards to how things will be written, once we hit active assignment/start killing Innies.
>Signal the others you'll be on island spotting duty and swim up to find one that looks habitable . Don't need to add attempted murder of a superior on your file
We've become a bit of a teachers' pet, and I bet it goes both ways.
Sad, as I still wanted to rebel against these kidnapping bastards, but so it goes
I figure by now it should be clear to all the Spartans that Mendez and Halsey do actually give a shit about us. They've demonstrated a level of care not seen in any of the other staff involved in the program, not to mention they occasionally let their masks slip and show they do genuinely wrestle with some kind of internal conflict stemming from their own crimes in pursuit of the greater good.
Giving them shit unjustly isn't going to help anybody at this point.
Now, when we're no longer under their direct supervision and working with the UNSC proper, that might be different. I can only imagine how Sven might feel about some of the more overzealous officers in the Navy in particular.
I get where you're coming from, but I can see the logic of picking the option. Sven's in a better position with his functional gear to assist others that might be having trouble like Igwe. Diffusion of responsibility seems like a potential issue here as well. Not so much mother-henning as just making sure your comrades don't drown after sinking with sabotaged gear Mendez told them to securely fasten.
We probably won't see Mendez again unless Sven ends up on Onyx but I imagine if we went the scientist route that we might maintain contact with Halsey and occasionally work together on research projects throughout the war. I think the objectives are mainly just to determine Sven's potential career paths. Completing Apple of Her Eye gets us the opportunity to be a scientist, completing Chief's Favorite gets us the officer option and finishing Best in the Class might give us the choice of being an ONI spook.
Didn't have time to write today, and I'm too tired to right now. And will try to get at least one update in after I get some shut eye. And hydrate, cause I kind of forgot to drink water for most of the day/night
>Signal the others you'll be on island spotting duty and swim up to find one that looks habitable . Don't need to add attempted murder of a superior on your file
>Even John, who was both Halsey's and Mendez's favorite candidate/Spartan in canon rarely saw the former, and I'm pretty sure that John never ever saw Mendez again,
To be fair, John is a walking recruitment poster. He is the quintessential soldier. His interests were always "be a good soldier" and "be a better soldier" and let's not forget "be the best soldier". He maintained as professional of a detachment as he could with just about everyone. Even though he did care. Sven being more sleeve-hearted changes how he interacts with people comparatively. It's understandable to me, at least.

I blame those unggoy FUCKS for this.
I dig the objectives, gives us something to work toward. I'm not sure what you're getting at with the rest of your post though, John never saw Mendez again but the rest of the surviving Spartan IIs did. And I hope he alters shit for the better, ONI and the Navy did some retarded shit during the war so having extra SIIs on the field can help alleviate that. Also Kurt was Mendez's favorite, not John.
Ignore the innie simps. But yeah, those same overzealous naval officers is why I'm glad we got Maverick. It'll make getting around them a lot easier.
I like the disparity between us and John. He and Sven make natural foils of one another while still being on good terms. John's the straight edge noncom he's always been and we're on track to becoming every enlistee's favorite sort of officer.
>sven and john officer duo is like the comedian funny/straight-man dynamic
Military grade sitcom.
>Military grade
Built by the lowest bidder clapped out trash older than the grunt using it? It'll be fun, at least. He'll be keeping everyone on the straight and narrow as the model soldier while we're stealing good food from the officer's lounge to bring back to our shared berthing's.
>"Sven...why are you wearing that?"
>"You mean my bridge coat?"
>"Yes. I know you're not cold, you never are."
>"I just thought it looked nice..."
>meanwhile Sven's hiding a king's feast of snacks and drinks under his coat
>Built by the lowest bidder clapped out trash older than the grunt using it?
Absolutely. Spartan training never included a course at stand-up school, after all.

>[sven with a suspiciously ENTIRE ROAST TURKEY shaped bulge in his shirt] "Oh man, I'm really putting on weight, aren't I, John? Hey is that someone with their boots unlaced over there?"
>Absolutely. Spartan training never included a course at stand-up school, after all.
You say this, but all enlisted personnel earn ratings as Practical Jokers (PJ), regardless of branch.
Better than Impractical Jokers, eh?
I'd have to loan a shovel if I wanted somebody to get under the bar those men set for comedy.
I for one am thankful that now even my shitty jokes can be considered humorous.
Sven's going to be BIG that means he can hide a hell of a lot more snacks in his jacket than everyone else.
Spartans are lucky they're on a special budget at all. Imagine if Mendez had to rely on normal Navy budgeting to train them up. Bargen bin super soldiers.
>Imagine if Mendez had to rely on normal Navy budgeting to train them up
>"Mr. Mendez Office-Sir, how do they have boats in space if they got no water up there?"
The Spartan 4 program started early I see! We really should do something about funding issues. Maybe get some people who want to do other projects fired or something.
We need to get Sven a massive lab coat that can fit over his armour eventually. Imagine being some random ass lab tech on an ONI vessel and just see the largest Spartan prancing around with a massive lab coat.
>"Uh, Spartan... This is a cleanroom. Can you at least wash the Covenant blood off your armor before putting on that lab coat?"
Sounds more like a lab bedsheet than a lab coat at that point kek
Detoxification protocols complete
Rebooting....Monitor 404TormentedCache Back online

Didn't mean to take this long. Hoping this update was worth the wait.

7 Votes for helping your fellow Spartans/ making sure everyone has air

5 Votes for a private chat with the CPO
1 vote Drill Sarge write in

5 Votes for scouting for an island to swim to

very close round of voting this time around. But Sven's protective instincts won out, and now he's on airtank duty

Decision made

Like Keyes with his pipe but Sven just pulls out a fastelavnsbolle mid space battle from his coat lol

Might give those boys in section 2 some ideas, anon.
Flutter kicking towards the surface to meet with the kids who've dived back down to prove something or continue the mission, you float in front of them and signal them to come closer so you can share your air with them. Your lungs can take a bit abuse, you've trained them rigorously back at home base for this exact scenario and can freely share your limited reserves of oxygen much less stingily than the others can. Grace is the first one who you share your breath with, and you can see the panic roll off her shoulders as she fills her lungs with fresh air. Then you kick your way over to Ralph, hold out your mask, still not having taken a breath yourself and help him untangle from his air tank as he sucks down a few lungfuls of precious air. You wait until he confirms with a nod that he isn't at risk of losing his composure or forgetting the Chief's exercises in his panic, before kicking away and moving onto the next person who needs helps.

Shika was also lucky, and you can see her and Jorge working as a team to help the kids who hadn't ditched their useless airtanks already, exchanging breathes through their one working rebreather as James casually helps Musa orient himself and find the surface. Daisy and Nesta are sharing one air tank and helping John and the rest payback Mendez with some of his own medicine. After locating and seeing that none of your team needed assistance, you finally took a breath, pressing the rebreather to your face to the great relief of your burning lungs. Li and Nicole's air tanks weren't working, and they calmly swim over to you and...Vinh, who had also started helping the others. Nicole waves, cool as a cucumber as Li, in a half meditative trance wades close enough to be given a breath. Seems their own breathing exercises had paid off as well as yours have. Smiling, you signal them to coordinate with the others with working air tanks to keep those unfortunate enough to get theirs sabotaged breathing, knowing that anyone whose come up with the same idea you have will know how to ration their oxygen supply between at least half a dozen other recruits.

Vinh swims over to help her friend Isaac-039, while Li and Nicole, who you can trust not to panic or waste air, swim with you to help out in anyway they can, conserving their oxygen like you are as you move between the groups slowly collecting together beneath the surface or floating on top of it in resting positions, waiting for further orders no doubt and conserving all the energy and stamina they can.

With near textbook teamwork and organization, the sabotaged air tanks are ditched and the working ones are shared equally between the class as you gather close to or on the surface, sticking close together and linking arms to ensure no one is sent adrift on the sea current.


And not long after, John and the group he was leading to get revenge on Mendez return, having swam out with him some distances before taking his air tank and ditching him. Part of you wish you could've seen the look on shark eye's face when they did it. He'll be alright. It'd take more than the sea to kill the Chief.

"So what now" Fred asked as you all bobbed on the surface of the water of Emerald Cove's idlyic sea, a picturesque blue sky filled with cotton ball clouds above your heads

You laid back and relaxed, listening to the waves as you figured out how to counterbalance the rig you were wearing to maintain buoyancy.

"We wait for Evac, the chief probably prepared for this exact scenario and put in fail safes" John answered, no one argued. Not like there was much else to do out at sea. But that did leave the questions about what you'd do while you'd wait. There was a habitable looking chain of islands within swimming distance, so that was probably where you were heading.

"Guess we'll finally have a day off to ourselves" You chuckle as you try to figure out the shapes of the clouds while the others debate and put forward their own ideas and plans. But the end result and all that anyone can agree on at the moment is to form up and swim to the nearest island and then worry about stage two of the plan. No one, least of all yourself, have any complaints about that course of action.

And of course, even if what exactly you'll all be doing while waiting for pick up is still up for debate, what isn't is that even if its only a daytrip, shelter, heat and food need to be secured before anyone can relax. Don't need a superior officer to tell you that. John is taking it upon himself to start constructing a bungalow out of local materials, while Kurt and Jerome give themselves the task of gathering burnable fuel for campfires. And while everyone else draws straws or play rock paper scissors to decide what job they're assigned during your vacation on the island, you stare out at the sea from the shore wishing you had something to draw with

>Lend your strength and help transport materials between the various groups seeing to necessities of island survival. Starting by felling a few palm trees.

>Take it upon yourself to gather food and recruit some of your fellow spartans to go clam diving and fishing or knock fruit out of trees

>Create an exercise schedule for yourself and come up with a few training missions for everyone, since it'll get boring quick out here once there's shelter, fire and food and no other chores to be done.

>Build a raft. You don't have a plan in mind for it, but if you're on a desert island, building a raft is just something you do.

>Write in option.
>Take it upon yourself to gather food and recruit some of your fellow spartans to go clam diving and fishing or knock fruit out of trees
Let's look around for any recruits that came from a watery planet similar to this, they should have some basic knowledge on how we can catch stuff.
>Create an exercise schedule for yourself and come up with a few training missions for everyone, since it'll get boring quick out here once there's shelter, fire and food and no other chores to be done.
L E A D E R S H I P. Any of these are good though I think this option will probably be the only one that doesn't further build our relationship with another candidate.
>Lend your strength and help transport materials between the various groups seeing to necessities of island survival. Starting by felling a few palm trees.
>The chief isn't here, we're finally free to enjoy ourselves!
>Oh no, Sven the teacher's pet is here to be Mendez-lite!
You've mention Sven being the teacher's pet twice now and I'm still not sure how you've come to that conclusion.
>Create an exercise schedule for yourself and come up with a few training missions for everyone, since it'll get boring quick out here once there's shelter, fire and food and no other chores to be done.
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>Take it upon yourself to gather food and recruit some of your fellow spartans to go clam diving and fishing or knock fruit out of trees
Calamari too.
Make some memories.
Rip dad chat
>Take it upon yourself to gather food and recruit some of your fellow spartans to go clam diving and fishing or knock fruit out of trees
I like the idea of making some good memories, either this one or raft for me
Wut. This is my first time calling him that.
Oh, well coincidentally there's another purple ID that said the same thing. One of the anons who wanted to make Sven an insurrectionist.
Nah, that's +rPbC8AR. I'm OXboaLBE.
I was torn between voting for raft or finding food. Building and sailing a raft would also double as a fun team building activity/exercise, but I figured food come first.
>Take it upon yourself to gather food and recruit some of your fellow spartans to go clam diving and fishing or knock fruit out of trees
>Take it upon yourself to gather food and recruit some of your fellow spartans to go clam diving and fishing or knock fruit out of trees
Growing boys and girls gotta eat
>Take it upon yourself to gather food and recruit some of your fellow Spartans to go clam diving and fishing or knock fruit out of trees
>>Build a raft. You don't have a plan in mind for it, but if you're on a desert island, building a raft is just something you do.
>Create an exercise schedule for yourself and come up with a few training missions for everyone, since it'll get boring quick out here once there's shelter, fire and food and no other chores to be done.
I do howerever wish that we should get some revenge of whoever pulled that fucking stunt.
>Maybe get some people who want to do other projects fired or something
Thats an interesting idea

>Take it upon yourself to gather food and recruit some of your fellow spartans to go clam diving and fishing or knock fruit out of trees
>Take it upon yourself to gather food and recruit some of your fellow spartans to go clam diving and fishing or knock fruit out of trees
Rebooting...Monitor 404TormentedCache Back online

I'm in a great mood. Woke up to a friend handing me a pastrami melt from my favorite shop.

Also I've heard whisperings that in the new Empty Throne book James-005 is revealed to have survived the fall of reach and getting lost in space...somehow

7 Votes to take the lead in gathering food

3Votes for exercise / training during the break

1 Vote for chopping trees and helping the others

1 vote for Building raft

Very obvious winner in Sven being in Charge of food during this unplanned shore leave. Alright

Decision made

My guess is somehow his armor put him into stasis or something and then he like, hit a planet.
>that spoiler
How. Why.
I'm fine with that. IMO he had the dumbest death during Fall of Reach that only happened to raise the stakes. His armor wasn't compromised, just his thruster pack. There's no reason why the Pillar of Autumn couldn't detect him when John asked other than author fiat to pointlessly kill him off.
Mark IV can only recycle air for 90 minutes, so surely he had to be instantly nabbed like Kurt, maybe also by a prowler or something else stealthy. Though I guess it's not a major detail to retcon.
So that's shelter and fire handled. Leaving the last necessity, food, the only one left unhandled. Might as well be you whose in charge of hunting and gathering during this stint of unplanned shore leave. And while you're at it you might as well make the most of this break from training. The sea of Emerald Cove isn't just beautiful, its bountiful with all kinds of sea life, from fish to squid to clams and even a wide range of aquatic plant life you're sure is edible. And just a cursory glance across the islands shore, tells you there's also an abundance of fruit trees and bushes. Probably some sort of tubers judging from the soil quality and the size of the island. So if nothing else, the menu for this island get away won't be bland. It'll probably be better than what they usually serve you at the chow-hall, if you can extract some salt from the sea water before cooking.

And you've already have a few dishes in mind for the first night camping out. Fish broiled in coconut milk. Baked Clams. Squid if you can catch it. Maybe even Sashimi. Just thinking about it all makes your mouth water. Best to get to work quick before the sun gets to low and the waters to cold, and you get too hungry imagining what you'll be eating.

You decide to just conscript those of your fellow spartans who aren't already busy building shacks or collecting kindling and firewood, or have wandered off to relax or play games while the rest of you work.

"Anton, Grace, Fred" You bark, whistling as you catch their attention from the tidepool they were soaking in "Wanna go clam hunting? Dug around the shore and looked around the tidepools, and there seems to be enough of them here, and mussels to feed the whole class"

"Sounds fun, I'm game" Fred immediately answers "Anton and I were just trying to figure out when the tide would be best to go surfing"

"Still a few hours away, wouldn't it be amazing to surf while the sunset" Anton said wistfully as he pulled himself up the rock "But sure, I'll lend a helping hand. Best to fill our stomachs first, right?"

"Well you three will be in charge of it" You explain as Grace rests her head on the face of the rock, wiggling her toes in the water "I'll show you how to dig for clams and pry the mussels from the rock, then I'm off"

"Someone's a busy bee" Grace teases as she crawls up the rock face "I thought you'd be the first to start sunbathing, Sven"

"I was tempted, but I'd rather have dinner than a tan" You chuckle as you show the three of them how the find clams in the sand and how to use rocks to pry mussels from the rocks they're anchored to, and then interrupt a few of of your fellow Spartans tanning to get them to help Fred, Anton and Grace gather clams. Igwe, Dimas, and Jori join in without having to be told to.

Then, satisfied that there'll be a feast of shellfish in the future, you set out to get the next ingredient for tonight's menu.

"Oi! Daisy, Nesta" You boom, catching their attention while Daisy sunbathes and Nesta tries to keep under the shade with Illya, while Jorge and James wrestle nearby "Jorge, James! Come here"

"Need something?" James calls back as you swagger up to your team, and notice that Ralph, Rene, Solomon, Cal and Carris are also nearby. But no sign of Shika. But that's to be expected

"Just thought how good some fresh coconut would be" You answer as Jorge tosses James to the ground "Think there might be some bananas deeper inland. You all remember your climbing lessons"

"As if we could forget" Jorge answers, as he helps James up and brushes the sand off his back "Was thinking about getting in some practice, actually"

"If any of you call me monkey, you'll get my foot up your arses" Nesta growled, still lurking under the shadows of the palm tree

"Fresh fruit does sound good, and don't worry it'd be an insult to monkeys to mistake you for one, Nesta" James laughed as he teased and avoided the red head's retaliatory thrown rocks and sand

"Sounds fun, you coming Ralph? Rene?" Daisy hums as she hops up and shakes the sand off of her back and rubs it off of her scalp

"Of course, when else are we going to get a chance?" He answers "and I want to see if Sven will make one of the trees bend like in a cartoon"

"Can I come to?" Carris asks excitedly, smiling and looking like she'd just be happy to help

"Of course, the more the merrier" You laugh as Nesta and James get into a wrestling match of their own, with handfuls of sand thrown at eyes and a few attempts to bite or trip eachother as they grappled "Sol, Cal, you free?"

"Not doing anything, so i guess we are" Sol says, recruiting Cal before she has a chance to say anything

"Guess we're free" She laughs it off. And as you start to gather fruit, climbing up or knocking it out of trees, a few of the other do nothings and layabouts decide to join the fun, Li, Nicole and Sorren stop their sparring to help husk the coconuts you harvest.

"What sort of fruits do they put in a norwegian fruit salad?" Nicole asks as you all bring the bundles of bananas and coconuts to the place on the beach you had the clam gatherers bring their harvest to.

"Well, I'm not sure they're any different from other types of fruit salad, but we do make fruit soup" You answer smiling as you look over the rewards of you and your spartan siblings' labor "We call it Fruktsoppa"


"He's pulling your leg, who makes fruit into a soup" Nesta giggles, as she rolls a coconut around in her hands with a look you know means trouble "Hey, blondie, think I could make this bounce if I threw it hard enough"

"At what?" Daisy asked warily as Nesta's green eyes gleamed

"Isn't a fruit soup just a sauce?" James asked as Jorge shook his head

"No, its a real thing and we have it back at reach, at least my family did. We called it Gyümölcsleves. Unfortunately, we don't have apples, cherries, blackberries or lemons, or really anything else you need to make it. Which is a shame, you haven't lived until you've had a fresh bowl of Gyümölcsleves" He describes and remises with a big smile on his face

"And unfortunately, we don't have time to dry the fruit we do have, so no Fruktsoppa" You bemoan as Nesta shoots you a baffled look

"Isn't that just fruit tea?!" She yells

"No. And fruit tea isn't a real thing" Rene interjects "Nothing except the leaves of the tea tree are tea"

"oh come off it"

"There's a tea tree?" Ralph gasps, seeming awed by that "I knew coffee grew on trees but.."

"It does? I thought it was just a powder" Solomon says with a whistle as Daisy quickly disarms Nesta of her Coconut,

"Is this enough?" Carris asks quietly, arms filled with fruit that you don't know the name of. You grinned and would've ruffled her hair if you hadn't all just gotten a fresh shave

"Should be, you can get more if you want, I'm going fishing" You say as your friends begin to debate what is and isn't tea and what the difference between a fruit sauce and soup are

"Can I come?" She asks, following after you as Cal quickly breaks away from the two debates, and you can't blame her. Arguing with Nesta and Daisy is a bit dangerous, and that's without Ralph there to add fuel to the fire

"Fishing?" Shika chimed in, making Cal jump as she was suddenly third in line of the marching line that had formed "Sounds fun, I'll help. I know how to make a net and pole"

"You do?" You exclaim, excited "Well show me"

"Where'd she come from?!" Cal yells as Carris shrugs and silently follows Shika right behind you. And Shika's weaving and pole making class quickly draw a crowd, and Joshua, Soren and Maria join in to show what branches are the best to carve into spears for fishing once word gets around. Klaus-098, Naomi and Carlota-077 all seem more interested in diving than they are making nets or fishing.

And they might be onto something. Abalone. Sea Urchin. and seaweed and kelp would make the menu you've cooked up even more delectable.

So, as the sun starts to set, you lead them and anyone else who wants to take a dip diving just off the coast of the island that someone, probably Sam or maybe Randall-037, starts calling Sparta. Which makes since, even if its just a temporary home until you're all picked up and taken back to the Compound back at Reach. Which a somepoint, you don't know when, you started to think of as home.

With bonfires roaring on the shore and huts built away from the tides, as the sky darkens and the multicolored sunset is replaced with a field of stars, you take on the role of head chef, though somehow and its probably Nesta's fault, word gets around that Norwegian food is "weird", and you end up having to convince the others to trust you to handle it.

Which of course, with how competitive most of you are, means you end up in a four way cooking contest with Fhajad, Kelly, and Leon-011. You hadn't forgotten the day dream of fish stewed in coconut milk, so that's what you make, while Fhajad makes a stir fry of crab, seaweed and some spices he found on the island. Kelly just roasts some coconut and steams some red snapper, and Leon makes up a chili sauce with some mashed peppers and banana to dip the calamari rings in.

All that these chef games decides, is John, Kurt, and Jerome telling the four of you that you're on cooking duty for the rest of the trip. And you can't complain. There wasn't a better way to end the night after a day of fun, with a belly full of tasty food.

And with tools to get more fish and stockpiles of clam and fruit, and places to sleep and bonfires kept burning, the next day you don't feel guilty about goofing around and enjoying yourself. You learn to surf, see who can climb the highest, wrestle for awhile and host a challenge to see who can dive deeper and hold their breath longer than you can. Its the most fun you've had in years. A week long vacation that you don't waste a second of. You make memories, and for just a few days, get to be a kid again and the experience is all the sweeter knowing it won't last and soon you'll head back to the rigorous military training that has dominated the last few years of your life.

"Of course Sven is enjoying himself the most, this is his natural habitat, out on the sea" James laughs as you play a game of "Viking landing party" with Nesta, Daisy and Jorge against the defenders of Jerome, Ralph, Solomon and Kurt. The game basically being a brawl on the shore, with your team rushing up from the waves to try and throw the other guys into them. You had been playing with two other teams, but they got bored and decided to go look for monkeys with Fred, Sam and Linda.

And just as the sun set, an Albatross drop ship illuminated the shore line as it made to land just in front of the beach dotted with bonfires.

"Seems you've all been enjoying your first shore leave, Recruits" Mendez greeted you all, all business and exceedingly disciplined as he ever was "I must admit, I underestimated you all. That bit of counter sabotage at sea deserves praises, even if I was unable to voice it when you carried it out. The teamwork you all displayed before it, was also commendable. As was your survival skills in an unfamiliar environment. You have exceed expectations, Trainees"

A silly idea came to mind. You walked up to him, and offered him a drink from the coconut you had been sipping at. And you were proud that, just that unexpected gesture, nearly made the Chief crack and show a bit of humanity with a chuckle.

"Lets go home, Spartans" he says as you shrug and casually march up the dropship's ramp, gulping down the last of the water in the coconut before someone could take it from you.


And, while some of the class groan and complained, most of the fly back to base was filled with reminiscing and playful banter. And when you eventually left Emerald Cove after a few more weeks of training there, Nesta and Illya were still a few shades darker than they had been when they arrived, and so were you, but you weren't sunburn nearly as bad as they were.

And after a few days back on reach, with the usual sort of training and exercise, you all made a return back to Painland. Your "Favorite" of the program's facilities. And if anyone but Mendez was in charge, you'd have wondered if this trip back there was revenge for the stunt some of the trainees pulled in stealing his air tank mid dive. But the Chief wasn't so petty. Being petty was against protocol and showed a lack of personal discipline.

A barefoot run over ten acres of Jagged gravel got you all reacquainted with this little slice of hell on Reach. Any complaining, and you had to start back from the beginning, and if you were too slow cause your feet were torn to shreds, well then you had the instructors to worry about. And after a quick breather like that, it was a trip to the "Razor fields". Nothing like sunny shores to make you miss crawling under razor wire, you thought as you paused mid crawl to catch your breath, noting that they had replaced the paint balls they were firing over the wire crawl with live ammunition now. Which made you dread how what they had done with the pillars of Loki. It was probably teeming with traps. Maybe they'd let a few apes loose in them, just for the extra challenge.

And just as because the forest of ten meter poles didn't look any different than the last field trip to Painland, didn't mean you could let your guard down. The trainers were good at hiding their booby traps.

"Well, fearless leader?" Nesta panted, as you all jogged to Loki's forest "You have any idea what's waiting for us"

"None at all" You admitted as you breathed out "But I'm sure we can come up with a plan"

"Yeah, we have me and James" She agreed with a nod "Just worried you and Jorge will be big targets. Say, weren't they firing..."

"Actual guns? Yeah!" Daisy said sharply as she ran up "Luckily they were aiming over our heads"

"Wouldn't have shot us" James says, but it doesn't do anything to calm her temper.

"They were shooting?" Shika hums as Jorge chuckles

"Was wondering when you'd show up" He remarks as you look towards the poles menacingly towering just ahead. How had Shark Eyes made them worse than before? Part of you was as excited as the rest of you was dreading to see what new surprise the Pillars of Loki had in store.

>Recalling your prior experiences with the Pillars of Loki and the lessons they had taught, you knew the trick to get through them already....Slow and Steady. (DC 8 +1 from Jotunn)

>Have Nesta play Canary and go first, and have the rest of your team follow behind her at a distance (DC 14. +1 from Nesta helping. +1 from Jotunn)

>Help James try and plot out a route through the Pillars of Loki and try and find as many of the booby traps as you can before entering it (DC 14. +1 from James Helping, +1 Jotunn)

>...You know, those pillars looked a lot easier to climb than palm trees. And the Chief hadn't said climbing to the top and then hoping between them was against the rules (DC 16. +3 from Maverick)

>Write in option
>>...You know, those pillars looked a lot easier to climb than palm trees. And the Chief hadn't said climbing to the top and then hoping between them was against the rules (DC 16. +3 from Maverick)
>what the difference between a fruit sauce and soup are
But what about the difference between a soup, a stew, a porridge, a slop, a gruel, and a broth?

>>Have Nesta play Canary and go first, and have the rest of your team follow behind her at a distance (DC 14. +1 from Nesta helping. +1 from Jotunn)
If we want to go fast, this is probably the option. I think we let James be the primary and Nesta be the secondary last time we were doing this, right? We can flip that this time. To be fair and nice.
>>Have Nesta play Canary and go first, and have the rest of your team follow behind her at a distance (DC 14. +1 from Nesta helping. +1 from Jotunn)
>Have Nesta play Canary and go first, and have the rest of your team follow behind her at a distance (DC 14. +1 from Nesta helping. +1 from Jotunn)
>Have Nesta play Canary and go first, and have the rest of your team follow behind her at a distance (DC 14. +1 from Nesta helping. +1 from Jotunn)
Go get em, lass.
>...You know, those pillars looked a lot easier to climb than palm trees. And the Chief hadn't said climbing to the top and then hoping between them was against the rules (DC 16. +3 from Maverick)
>>...You know, those pillars looked a lot easier to climb than palm trees. And the Chief hadn't said climbing to the top and then hoping between them was against the rules (DC 16. +3 from Maverick)
>>Have Nesta play Canary and go first, and have the rest of your team follow behind her at a distance (DC 14. +1 from Nesta helping. +1 from Jotunn)
>...You know, those pillars looked a lot easier to climb than palm trees. And the Chief hadn't said climbing to the top and then hoping between them was against the rules (DC 16. +3 from Maverick)
>Have Nesta play Canary and go first, and have the rest of your team follow behind her at a distance (DC 14. +1 from Nesta helping. +1 from Jotunn)
nice vacation
>...You know, those pillars looked a lot easier to climb than palm trees. And the Chief hadn't said climbing to the top and then hoping between them was against the rules (DC 16. +3 from Maverick)
>Help James try and plot out a route through the Pillars of Loki and try and find as many of the booby traps as you can before entering it (DC 14. +1 from James Helping, +1 Jotunn)
hat was a nice little vacay. Now, let's give James the time to shine!
Rebooting....Monitor 404TormentedCache, Back online

6 Votes for abusing Nesta's Danger sense

5 Votes for climbing the pillars and going over the obstacle course

1 Votes for using your and james' good eye sight to pick out the traps the instructors laid.

Very close vote this time around, but Nesta gets to play Canary in the end and by one vote

Decision Made
Please roll 1d20+2. DC 14 Best out of three
Rolled 16 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Red Cap lead the way.
Rolled 2 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

please don't critfail...
Rolled 5 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Critfail? OKAY
that was a close one
Four over Target
Good Lord. We almost got Nesta shot.
You mean we almost got hit by something Nesta dodged.
You mean Nesta dodged something that almost hit us?
I mean some asshole instructor is gonna be dragged into the woods and beaten by a bunch of disgruntled children after this.
When it came to Purple Teams turn to run through Loki's pillars, you put Nesta on point and had her enter first a few steps ahead of the rest of your squad.

"Guess I'm acting as the Canary again" She says as she stretches her arms above her head and yawns "Just don't rush me, alright"

"Still have no idea how she can tell when she's in danger, but I'm glad the...tingles or whatever are accurate" Daisy says as you fall in Line Behind Nesta

"I've just learned to not question it, trying to figure out the mechanics behind it just gives both you and her a headache" James hums as Nesta stiffens, and lurches her neck up and glares upwards

"Shut up, James, Sven? Can either of you see anything up there, around the poles in front of me?" She asks sharply, signalling you all to stop

"No reason to question or dig into something as useful as our friend's street smarts" Jorge agrees with James as he and you both look up

"Stun Mines" You answer, while James is still searching the other poles "Slung in a canvas net. Must be a tripwire or motion sensor just in front of you"

"That's just dirty" Daisy sighs as you have Nesta crabwalk side to side until her tingles hone in on the trigger for the trap "They never play fair, do they"

"The challenge is for our benefit" Shika chimes in, hopping over the invisible line after Nesta cautiously steps over it. And once the two of them are safely across, the rest of you follow

"I'm sure it is, doesn't mean I have to like getting shot at or running through rigged rat mazes" She growls as she makes her way over, while you and Jorge wait to go last, since the two of you might be able to shrug off a stunner or two.

"Or having to bare knuckle box the scariest kids in the program" James agrees wrly as he marks the path with the heel of his boot. You send Jorge forward with a pat on his shoulder

"Lots to complain about, but I'm glad to be part of the program myself" He adds his own thoughts

"That's just cause you were born on reach, Georgie Porgie" Nesta sighs, before immediately brightening and flashing a cheerful smile "But, hey, Reach is better than Old Camelot at least. I should be thanking the Spooks from taking me away from that junk heap"

"Tch, well, my home was somewhere I miss" Daisy replies as you all creep slowly behind Nesta as she tip toes her way through the forest of poles

"I don't miss farm work, or the smells" Shika says quietly "But, I get what you mean Daisy"

"Haven't really thought of home, in awhile" James whispers "This feels like home now"

"I know what you mean, but I pine for Fjords I knew" You say, half jokingly as you keep your eyes open and scanning everything around you.

Nesta whistles and jabs a finger in a seemingly random direction.

"Sharpened sticks, ten o clock, swinging mechanism" She rattles off

"Good eye" You compliment as you signal Shika to disarm the trap, since she's the lightest on her feet

"The worst thing is I'm starting to forget things about what life was like before this" Daisy continues as the rest of you wait for Shika to give the all clear signal "It's a little scary"

"I'm sorry" Jorge says, breaking the silence that followed after she said that "But, we're here for a reason. For a higher purpose, to serve and protect"

"Sure we are" She dryly replied, arms crossed "I just don't see how being a lab rat here helps anyone"

You closed your eyes, and centered yourself with deep breathe in and slow release of it. You knew what you would be fighting, but also that it was necessary. Miss Halsey had made that abundantly clear. Didn't mean you had to like it, but being a soldier seemed like the life for you. And you were sure the rest of your team was in the same boat.

"I just try not to think of it too much" is James answer

"Better than being poor on the streets" is Nesta's

"I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find out" Is Shika's

"Well, we need to be taught to be the best soldiers we can be, don't we" Is Jorge's

Then they're all looking at you, stopping for a third time, but not for any trap.

"Well" You say, scratching the back of your head "It's up to us to help others. Right now, we're just Boots. Once we graduate is when we'll see if this was all worth it"

"What a philosopher you are" Daisy laughs, smacking your shoulder as your walk through the pillars of the Loki continues

"I'm as big up here as I am everwhere else" You joke back, tapping your head "They picked us for our smarts as well as our brawn"

"I'm sure Mengele in a dress was over the moon when they unthawed you, big guy" Nesta snickered

"Well, we're all amazing in our own ways" You thoughtfully answer, nodding as you walk along, and grunt as Nesta throws out her arm and looks around.

"Pit trap" James calls out a moment later "Soil is the disturbed"

"See?" You say

"Can always trust James to lead us right" Jorge agrees with a nod "Though I wonder what makes me special"

"Your heart" You say, thumping on his chest

"Me?" Shika asks, just wanting to be complimented, since with her its obvious. And even with all the chatter and gossip, Your team is one of the quickest to make it through the Pillars of Loki that day.

"How'd you manage that, Purple Team?" One of Mendez's trainers asks after they mark down your squad's time "Traine-033, you didn't cheat did you? CPO knows you're one to snoop around if you don't have eyes on you at all times". Nesta glared, guess she felt insulted that that was the first thing that came to the instructors minds. And while you were a little annoyed at being accused, they did have a point. They knew if you could manage it, you'd bend their rules until they were an inch away from breaking so it was a fair question to ask.

>"I simply used my team's skills efficiently. I might not be a model soldier in the making like John, but I know how to lead my dragons"

>"If I did cheat, that's on the instructors who prepped the course for not making it impossible for me to cheat, isn't it, sir?"

>"Purple Team is a well oiled machine, and we all know our roles in the squad. We remained aware of our surroundings, and only moved as cautiously as was necessary"

>"Up yours, Drittsekk. We won fair and square. Maybe make it more challenging next time, instead of trying to make up a reason to put us down"

>write in option
>"Purple Team is a well oiled machine, and we all know our roles in the squad. We remained aware of our surroundings, and only moved as cautiously as was necessary"
It's the truth, no need to give him and the other instructors a reason to spite us while we're training here.
>"Purple Team is a well oiled machine, and we all know our roles in the squad. We remained aware of our surroundings, and only moved as cautiously as was necessary"
Put her name on the grudge list.
>"Purple Team is a well oiled machine, and we all know our roles in the squad. We remained aware of our surroundings, and only moved as cautiously as was necessary"
we are the best
>"Me?" Shika asks, just wanting to be complimented, since with her its obvious.

>"Up yours, Drittsekk. We won fair and square. Maybe make it more challenging next time, instead of trying to make up a reason to put us down"
Pining for the Fjords is a good excuse to get a bit grouchy and hostile again.
>>"I simply used my team's skills efficiently. I might not be a model soldier in the making like John, but I know how to lead my dragons"
This is the truth. But not the whole truth. You see, instructor, we're actually all wizards. Watch as we make your challenges disappear! wwooOooooOOOo

Thinking of more pictures for candidates, maybe Nicole could have a low angle shot (not nearly the worm-eye shot Nesta would get in hers) of her in front of dispersing clouds, with her limbs gleaming golden in the light. Noting her sunny disposition and truly wondrous talent both. I also had an alternate idea for John if we want to draw a comment on his personality rather than his special gubbins, that being him standing at attention on a pile of metal ingots, with the ingots glowing from within. Displaying John's unyielding nature and the warmth hidden beneath. And of course the quality that he himself forges his talents with effort and attention.
Kelly could have a landscape view with her mid stride very nearly reaching out of frame in a field of flowers. Almost outrunning even the idea of catching her. A cloud in the background with be a rabbit if you looked closely enough.

I should probably put these somewhere so I don't forget. I already can't remember if I did one for Dimas yet. Pretty sure I didn't.

Shika is baiting the headpats. Devious.
>"If I did cheat, that's on the instructors who prepped the course for not making it impossible for me to cheat, isn't it, sir?"
>>"Up yours, Drittsekk. We won fair and square. Maybe make it more challenging next time, instead of trying to make up a reason to put us down"
>"Purple Team is a well oiled machine, and we all know our roles in the squad. We remained aware of our surroundings, and only moved as cautiously as was necessary"
>>"I simply used my team's skills efficiently. I might not be a model soldier in the making like John, but I know how to lead my dragons"
>"I simply used my team's skills efficiently. I might not be a model soldier in the making like John, but I know how to lead my dragons"
>"If I did cheat, that's on the instructors who prepped the course for not making it impossible for me to cheat, isn't it, sir?"
That elite is feeling that hand on his face even in hell you already know. Never live that shit down. Even if you die. Slapped like a ginger step-child in an alcoholic household.
>The Heart of Midlothian
Great name for a novel, a football club and a ship.
Rebooting....Monitor 404TormentedCache, Back Online

Thinking thread 2 is going to be titled [First Contact]. For reasons that should be pretty obvious

4 Votes for "Purple team is a well oiled machine..."

2 Votes for "Up yours, Drittsekk..."

3 Votes for "I simply used my team's skills efficiently..."

2 Votes for "If I did Cheat..."

Another very close round of voting, but the choice to tell the nosy instructor "Purple Team is a well oiled machine, and we all know our roles in the squad. We remained aware of our surroundings, and only moved as cautiously as was necessary" snatches the W by a single vote

Decision made

Halo: Evolutions is and remains Peak. Didn't know they animated any of it besides Headhunters. Thanks for sharing this, especially cause that one is one of my favorites from the anthology (Just behind Headhunters. Cause Headhunters is amazing)

It really does. UNSC and Covenant really have some of the best ship names in SCIF. My personal favorite is either the Corvette "Two for Flinching" or the Destroyer "Do You Feel Lucky"

Can't wait till I can start throwing around some UNSC and Covie ship names.
>Thinking thread 2 is going to be titled [First Contact]
Ah man, it's going to be kinda sad that they're going to finish training soon.
>Can't wait till I can start throwing around some UNSC and Covie ship names.

I cant wait until we can kick a grunt off our ship back onto the covenant ship he came from
But you stood your ground, lifting up and puffing out your chest as you looked the trainer in his single eye. He was one of the one's who had the misfortune of being on Duty during one of Jai's more violent escape attempts. His expression remains mostly impassive but something in the man's eyes seems like an unspoken challenge. They all remember how bad your temper was a few years back, and every now and again they try to make the ice you've buried it under to melt and crack. None of the trainers, even old crooked beak Petty officer third class Hou You had managed it yet. And this cyclops wasn't going to get the honor of being the one to make you see red and explode.

"Purple Team is a well oiled machine" You answer coolly, never shifting your eyes away from his as you stand firmly and unwavering in front of him, close enough to box and exchange punches as a not so friendly hello "And we all know our roles in the squad. We remained aware of our surroundings, and only moved as cautiously as was necessary"

"Is that so, -033?" They answer back, just as coolly, not budging and keeping their eyes locked stubbornly with yours as their pen holding hand swam over the paper on their clipboard "Purple Team is known to sometimes twist the rules, especially you and -097. You take some satisfaction doing everything but actually break our rules, don't you, Trainee-033"

"It is fun" You shamelessly admit, trying very hard to keep your expression unreadable as a smirk tries very hard to work its way on to your face "But there was no rule bending this time. We played by your rules to the letter and spirit this time. We've just taken the CPO's many lessons to heart is all"

"Trust us, Sven wouldn't waste breath lying if he did cheat, somehow" Jorge speaks up in your defense, and out of turn, but the instructor overlooks that minor breach in protocol

"Yeah, just cause we're some of the best of the batch doesn't mean we need to weigh the odds in our favor. Like Big Man said, He and I just like making a bit of hell for your sticks in the mud" Nesta all but brags, and earns a sharp glare from the Cyclops

"-005. -023. -108? Anything to add?" He asks, turning to James, Daisy and then Shika in Turn

"We're perceptive, like he said. My job is to study our surroundings and both of us could be snipers if we were trained, I'm certain" James answered Calmly "I'm sure you have a list somewhere of all our eyesight tests, Sven and I are probably near the top. Under Linda though"

The trainer nodded.

"I'm not sure how you expected us to have cheated. Its just a walk through a bunch of wooden poles, once we noticed a trap, we just avoided them" Shika sighs, really not wanting to be pulled into what could easily become an extended pissing contest between you and the Cyclops. He might have a good reason to be suspicious, but that didn't make his probing and provoking any less annoying.
"Don't have anything to add" Daisy groaned, rolling her eyes "Do you think we snuck in a map or something?"

"as my team has said, we really just kept our eyes open and jogged through" You say before the trainer can press any of them on their answers "Like I said, we only moved as slowly as was necessary to avoid getting stun grenades dropped on air heads or a bundle of spears launched our way. That should explain our final time through the pillars, shouldn't it?"

Cyclops grunted and tapped the end of his pen on his scarred pocketed cheek.

"It should" He says sternly as he marks down something on his clipboard and nods once again "But I've got my eye on you, Traine-033, and I'll know if you or your teams out of the box problem solving goes beyond what is acceptable in the program"

Progress has been has been made towards the next/ final point of Best in Class

It took all of yourself control to not reply with "Only one eye?" or to boast that, No they wouldn't know if you bent their rules just a little too far and actually broke them, or if any of the rest of Purple Team did it under your orders or their own initiative.

"So we're excused then, Sir?" Jorge asked as you continued your stare down with the cyclopean instructor

"You may return to rest formation, Trainees" He said, waving you off as he marched off to wait with the other instructors for the next team to finish their trip through Loki's Pillars. You think it was Green team who were up next

"What a pain in the arse" Nesta spat, once you were all out of ear shot

"You can say that twice" You agreed and she did.

"Still not sure how exactly we could've cheated" Shika mumbles under her breath, her brow creased in thought

"Dunno, but if there is a way, Purple Team could've found it" James said cheerfully as you fell in line next to the other teams "So could Gray team, thinking about it, but I think they're the only ones beside us Dragons"

"Probably, but they're in a special class. Not sure if our squad and theirs being the only two who could cheat in an impossible scenario is something to be proud of or not" Jorge pondered, arms crossed as Shika slipped away to chat with Rene, if you had to guess where she had vanished to.

"Something to be proud of, of course, means we're clever" Nesta hummed. Daisy was quiet, grinding her teeth, brow creased with heavy thoughts. You knew she was still thinking about the home she was taken from, trying to remember what she could about it. Maybe you'd let her play with Narfi later, see if that would cheer her up at all.

"Besides" She continued "War isn't fair. Deja and Chief have taught us enough to know sometimes you need to cheat to win, ya ken?"

"That's true, guess I wasn't thinking about it from that perspective" Jorge answered "Guess that's why the instructors put up with you and Sven"

"I don't do anything against their rules" You argue in defense of yourself "I just know.."

"How to be maliciously compliant?" James suggested

"I was going to say, I know the regs better than they do and know how to follow orders to the letter" You answer, since that sounds better and much further away from "Knowing how to get away with breaking the rules" than what he had said.

"Still just means we're wearing their leashes in the end" Daisy said grouchily "But, I do respect your ability to get them to tear out their hair trying to figure out what you did that deserves discipline, Pal"

That got a laugh out of you and everyone else in Purple Team.

1420 Hours, August 13th, 2521 (Military Calendar)/ Sol System, UNSC Space Station Chiron, in Orbit above Mars

The Spartan II program's next "Field trip" had taken you to the home system of humanity, just as the files you borrowed from Mendez with Narfi's had said it would eventually. Chiron Station had state of the art extreme conditions facilities, that got the mechanically minded and informed of the class, Dimas in particular, excited. And you had managed to figure out how to bring Narfi along for the ride, though you had a suspicion the good doctor Halsey had something to do with that. The Program had been using Chiron and its facilities for a few days now, the first few being used as a warm up after they dethawed you and the other trainings, and the ones after being when Mendez started the actual exercises and training he'd brought you all here for.

More advance forms of martial arts training, which got your sparring partners Li and Nicole excited. But besides being taught how to be better at killing people with your bare hands, training to handle and use microgravity equipment and moving in Low G environments were also part of the daily schedule during the programs visit to Chiron. Which was obviously only the first of many trips to it and to other, similar facilities.

Right now, you and the rest of Purple team, which for this outing included a few temporary members, some who had been placed in the squad before or at least worked with one or more of its members. Like Ralph, who was playing Darts with his Good friend Daisy, or Rene, who was writing Koans with Shika in the opposite corner of the quarters you were bunked in, while the first timers were trying to adapt to the...unique group dynamic of the dragons. James was losing to Jorge in a game of cards and Nesta was talking your ear off about the ODST.

She hadn't shut up about them since Mendez let slip that Mars was their home base. Somewhere in a city called Kenosha.

"You know how high of a percentage chance there is for them to burn up in atmosphere, every time they drop? I know you've got to appreciate it, snow-man, you know all about trajectory angles and terminal velocity. Just entering atmosphere at the wrong and a FWOOSH, they and their whole drop pod evaporate into star dust. And they only have enough time to realize its happening, can't adjust their propulsion or alter their flight path. And they still drop, every mission, isn't that hardcore?"

"Mhm" You grunt in agreement, having been told exactly that about half a dozen times in the last hour, while you were fiddling with your data pad and Narfi's code "I know, I know. Really badass. Have you told Cal about them yet? Sounds like something she'd be into, I'm sure she'd love to hear all about the helljumpers"

"You know what, I haven't. Didn't think she'd be into that sort of thing, but you know people better than I do" Nesta says, as you sigh in relief and feel a twinge of pity for the sister you just inflicted with her and her new obsession, all you could do was hope that Nesta wouldn't rave about the ODST to her as long as she had to you. At least it probably wouldn't be long until she got bored, probably when she remembered that her training was more intense than what her brief idols went through. Hopefully. Otherwise she might never shut up about them.

You frowned. Someone had added forwarded some files to your data pad since you last turned it on, probably when you and Li were sparring in a zero g. And the list of people who had access and clearance to interact with the heavily surveillanced and encrypted network your data pad was part of, was short indeed. They had to have sent by someone who was a part of the Program. Or multiple people, you realized as you scrolled through the inbox, not let sure if you should have Narfi take a look at the lot of them. But, you only had so much time with the two types of training Mendez had you doing on the station. You might only have time to read one of the messages and go through the files that were attached to them...

>Prioritize the documents and fillable tests that Dr Halsey sent you. That's probably homework, and you haven't had much of a chance to sharpen the mind between sparring matches and microgravity exercise and it looks like there's a bit about the newest generation of volitional AIs included.

>You didn't know Mendez had permission to contact your datapad, but it makes sense since he is the head instructor...looks like he sent more tests and after action reports and treaties on strategies employed in battles much more modern than the ones Deja teaches you about

>Decide you can worry about it back at Homebase on Reach, An focus instead of training your martial arts and improving through the other kinds of training they have you doing on the station presently.

>...That's odd. This file is in encrypted, heavily. Did someone forward it to your datapad by mistake? Its credentials all look official. You can't even access it without hacking it. But that just makes you all the more curious. It'd take longer than you'll spend at Chiron to break it's security, but the challenge is tempting

>Write in option.

Still got a few years and Tango company to go
>You didn't know Mendez had permission to contact your datapad, but it makes sense since he is the head instructor...looks like he sent more tests and after action reports and treaties on strategies employed in battles much more modern than the ones Deja teaches you about

Good update 404
>>Prioritize the documents and fillable tests that Dr Halsey sent you. That's probably homework, and you haven't had much of a chance to sharpen the mind between sparring matches and microgravity exercise and it looks like there's a bit about the newest generation of volitional AIs included.
Dang it, mom. Couldn't you have sent some puzzles instead? Or a recipe for the molecularly perfect cup of hot chocolate?
>>You didn't know Mendez had permission to contact your datapad, but it makes sense since he is the head instructor...looks like he sent more tests and after action reports and treaties on strategies employed in battles much more modern than the ones Deja teaches you about
Since we didn't pick Mendad time last time, let's throw him a bone
>Hou You
Nice, we finally get her name.
>Prioritize the documents and fillable tests that Dr Halsey sent you. That's probably homework, and you haven't had much of a chance to sharpen the mind between sparring matches and microgravity exercise and it looks like there's a bit about the newest generation of volitional AIs included.
But mooooom, we're on a field trip.
>...That's odd. This file is in encrypted, heavily. Did someone forward it to your datapad by mistake? Its credentials all look official. You can't even access it without hacking it. But that just makes you all the more curious. It'd take longer than you'll spend at Chiron to break it's security, but the challenge is tempting
All good options, but I can't resist a mystery.

Nesta fangirling over ODSTs is funny. Probably won't last for long though. Never meet your heroes.
>Decide you can worry about it back at Homebase on Reach, An focus instead of training your martial arts and improving through the other kinds of training they have you doing on the station presently.
Get that Brawler rank up.

I'm pretty sure the other options are primers for the Scientist/Officer/ONI Agent routes.

Oh and in case my IP changed again I'm >>6175929
>Decide you can worry about it back at Homebase on Reach, An focus instead of training your martial arts and improving through the other kinds of training they have you doing on the station presently.
>>Decide you can worry about it back at Homebase on Reach, An focus instead of training your martial arts and improving through the other kinds of training they have you doing on the station presently.

muscle time
On second thought, I will suppress my curiosity and change my vote to
>Decide you can worry about it back at Homebase on Reach, An focus instead of training your martial arts and improving through the other kinds of training they have you doing on the station presently.
Gotta keep up with Li and Nicole.
>You didn't know Mendez had permission to contact your datapad, but it makes sense since he is the head instructor...looks like he sent more tests and after action reports and treaties on strategies employed in battles much more modern than the ones Deja teaches you about
We're so damn close to finishing all three of the big objectives.
>You didn't know Mendez had permission to contact your datapad, but it makes sense since he is the head instructor...looks like he sent more tests and after action reports and treaties on strategies employed in battles much more modern than the ones Deja teaches you about
The last one is the spooks isn't it?
>Prioritize the documents and fillable tests that Dr Halsey sent you. That's probably homework, and you haven't had much of a chance to sharpen the mind between sparring matches and microgravity exercise and it looks like there's a bit about the newest generation of volitional AIs included.
>>Decide you can worry about it back at Homebase on Reach, An focus instead of training your martial arts and improving through the other kinds of training they have you doing on the station presently.
>>You didn't know Mendez had permission to contact your datapad, but it makes sense since he is the head instructor...looks like he sent more tests and after action reports and treaties on strategies employed in battles much more modern than the ones Deja teaches you about
>Prioritize the documents and fillable tests that Dr Halsey sent you. That's probably homework, and you haven't had much of a chance to sharpen the mind between sparring matches and microgravity exercise and it looks like there's a bit about the newest generation of volitional AIs included.
>Prioritize the documents and fillable tests that Dr Halsey sent you. That's probably homework, and you haven't had much of a chance to sharpen the mind between sparring matches and microgravity exercise and it looks like there's a bit about the newest generation of volitional AIs included.
>...That's odd. This file is in encrypted, heavily. Did someone forward it to your datapad by mistake? Its credentials all look official. You can't even access it without hacking it. But that just makes you all the more curious. It'd take longer than you'll spend at Chiron to break it's security, but the challenge is tempting
Is it spooks or is it Dad??? (Definitely not dad, but spooks know how to bait me)
Surely spooks.
Unless it's the Assembly and this is the route where Sven becomes the Executor.
Actually it's just Jake from accounting. He wanted to say hi. He's pretty cool.
I don't envy the guy in charge of accounting at Section 3.
>"Sure is a lot of invoices for medical lately. And, oh. And a weird personnel request. Alright. Let's just see. A pelican as well? Kay. What else? Wait- no- what- who the fuck is asking for three hundred million goddamn credits in materiel and labor!? The fuck is this project meow-more?! And how the fuck did it already get greenlit? I swear if i have to shuffle more funds out of the janitorial grant again..."
I cannot imagine the pain of having to tell your boss that the crazy science lady is putting in orders that could bankrupt a city and the powers that be have already decided they are going to be filled. Bro probably drinks like a fish to cope with the constant ass-chewings he gets from department higher-ups for shit he can't do anything about.
>"Still just means we're wearing their leashes in the end" Daisy said grouchily
She's right, you know.

>You didn't know Mendez had permission to contact your datapad, but it makes sense since he is the head instructor...looks like he sent more tests and after action reports and treaties on strategies employed in battles much more modern than the ones Deja teaches you about
Thinking of a drawing for Dimas, maybe it could be him sitting at a table with an unfurled scroll atop it, the background being a series of circuits that all lead back to behind his head the little bit of what can be seen on the scroll is binary that reads "Forty-two".

Linda would get a traditional kind of art with her in a very relaxed pose, with that fancy trick where the eyes of the piece follow you wherever you look from.
Rebooting...Monitor 404TormentedCache Back Online

6 Votes for Mendez's training files

5 Votes for Halsey's additional homework

5 Votes for focusing on martial art/ other kinds of training

1 Votes for the mystery file

Another close vote, coming down to a single vote again. So Sven is going to brush up on some military theory and strategy

Decision Made

thanks! enjoyed writing it

Keep coming up with these, they're great.

I'm starting to worry that we're focusing too much on Sven's brains. We're still only at rank 2 of 10 in Brawler, aren't we? And we have no firearm-related skills. Wasted opportunity, anons, we'll never use a live jackal to club an elite to death at this rate.
Nothing sharpens the body more than WAR
get excited for WAR anon
WAR loves you
>Keep coming up with these, they're great.
Some of them are really hard compared to others. Like what do we do for Li? He doesn't get as much stuff as everyone else. He gets an impetuous attitude and zero-g expertise. Best I can do with that is imagine him doing the Adam Warlock entrance from the guardians of the galaxy movie which I have never even seen. Or him with crossed arms upside down in front of a million twinkling stars.

You can always make your biceps bigger later. You will find it is a lot harder to make your brain bigger when you stop growing. We're just formative-years-maxxing. Clearly.
When billions fly in front of you everyday in a state composed of many systems, is the price for a city going to matter ? Maybe he just sighs and soldiers on.

list of subobjectives

Sub Objective: The Chief's favorite, has progressed. Progress points/ stage, 4 out of 5.
Sub Objective: Apple in her eye, has progressed. Progress points/ stage, 4 out of 5.
Sub objective: Best in Class, Has progressed, 4 out of 5.
Sub objective: Artificial Artisan: 1 out of ?

Advancement Path progress

Brawler: 2 out of 10
Bulwark: 1 out of 10
Jötunn: 1 out of 4

We are.
But we are also basically ready to complete 3 sub-objectives out of the 4 we have. Which is pretty nice, if we roll well we could do all 3. At the moment we don't have a shooting related skill, but i imagine we will when we fire something else than a standard rifle and partecipate in a related shooting special exercise option. This doesn't mean we can't use a gun, we had shooting drills with our first rifles already. But we don't have a skill in it to apply at the moment when say, combat starts. Brawler can be applied in melee, since we have it so we can definitely do that to a Jackal already (even it would be more a martial art move since we are learning those).

I think the Advancements are not meant to be quick to climb, they are probably meant to be something slower to move through even if you invest time in them. Probably for simulate learning the skill and technicalities, the trial and error, and the slow road to master that subject in a way. Like Brawler probably means mastering to the T not just CQC but multiple martial arts and not let their details out of the picture. While also keeping in mind all of this, and understand when and how to apply it in the modern battlefields. I might be wrong on how i see it, so 404 can correct me if i am.

I also think we are getting a spartan training trait once the training is completed, and probably also a spartan genetical trait once they make us one on the surgery table. They will be likely both general small modifiers.
At least we'll get to practice on Innies first.
But while it was pretty normal to receive regular supplemental lessons and additional tests from Dr Halsey, sent to your Datapad pre-organized and ready to be read through and answered then sent back through a secure channel, this was the first time that those weren't the only recommended readings and out of class lectures that had been sent to it. This was the first time Chief Petty Officer Mendez had in any way contacted or interacted with you through the personal data-pad you had won through quick wit and deep mindedness. You weren't surprised he had all the permissions and level of clearance necessary to connect to it and forward files to it, as he was the head instructor of the program. But it was unusual and out of character, and that just made you curious. You were confident you could complete any homework Miss Halsey or Deja decided you needed to catch up on during this "Fieldtrip" quickly, but quickly later.

You needed to see what the CPO thought was so important that he'd risk interrupting your training for you to see it. With a few taps and swipes, you spread out the documents in the files across the datapad's screens, Narfi's digital paws batting at them as your companion AI worked to turn organizing them into half a game and half a memorization exercise. You hadn't expected an emotional letter or his grandmother's baking recipes, you weren't sure what you were expecting really, but more tests wasn't it. Tests and After Action Reports, as well as formal, official reading treatises of tactics successfully employed in ground & space battles between battalions and fleets. There were also lengthy, boring looking examinations of strategies and a few recorded speeches of military historians and UNSC officials talking about the brilliance of generals, strategists and others leader of men along every rung of the command chain whose decisive actions and quick yet rational decision making not only won battles but won wars.

Wars that are far more modern than a lot of what Deja includes in her Lessons. Some so recent they're against the Insurgents. A brief panic rushes over your mind, as you half expect to read New Noregr amongst the list of battlegrounds, but it quickly retreats as you see none of the reports or studies are as recent as your conscription into the Spartan 2 Program.

Does Shark Eyes want you to brush up on more modern warfare? Is that what he's testing you on, your knowledge and understanding of contemporary conflicts. But if that's the case, surely that's going to be part of Miss Deja's lessons at some point? You frown, and browse through one of the test sheets and then bring up another. A few are hand written, and some are too organized and professional to be anything but a test sheet borrowed from the OCS, if the stamps at the top of those papers hadn't already given it away.

No, what the Chief testing is how good of a leader you are. Does he think you're not leading Purple Team well enough? Or is he just trying to psyche you out and see how you react? Or is this something else entirely? Did he just accidentally send this to the wrong contact? Or is he trying to see if you're officer material?

You chew on these conflicting theories for a few seconds, and the only rational one of them is the last. But wouldn't Kurt or John be a better pick? You aren't exactly the pinnacle of a soldering, and you know you're counted amongst the programs most unruly trainees and troublesome recruits with how adept you've gotten at skirting the edge of outright insubordination and rule breaking, or hopping over the edge and getting away with it cause you're just too damn clever to be caught.

Then again, you've always lead your squad right and don't make a fuss about listening to or obeying the orders of your fellow spartans when you aren't picked for team leader in an exercise. And you know from Deja's lessons, that unconventional officers and strategists can be as beneficial to their side in a war as their more strict and orthodox cuff linked and medal wearing counterparts. Maybe Mendez has just seen some quality in you that he considers officer material. Not that you're entirely sure what an Spartan officer's job would actually be, but the idea of having a ship under your command or being in charge of leading ordinary servicemen at least makes for a pleasant day dream. Maybe its the viking in your blood that makes the idea of having a ship that is "Yours" particularly exciting. And all that's on schedule for later today is more marksmanship training, but you already had a hang for how microgravity effected bullet trajectory...mostly/

What the hell, you think, as you organize the test and start with one of the Chief's own handmade lessons. The first question is asking how would you have won a skirmish, that is only referred to be a complex string of code numbers that you think are planetary coordinates. A skirmish that was lost by the "Your" side in reality. You look over the sketch, and quickly realize why that is.

The jackasses ran into an ambush. There are markers for non-combatants, and the layout looks residential. A kill corridor created in an urban street, with escape routes cut off by civilian vehicles and the friendlies surrounded on all sides by enemy combatants, in elevated defensive positions.

Maverick Quality interaction

And you immediately see why these crayon chewers got wiped out to the man. In the confusion, they were surrounded by false positives, unarmed civvies that could be mistaken for enemy combatants, while the actual fighters hid in apartment blocks and circled around behind them. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. They had no chance. Is what their commanding officer probably said to cover his ass and save his career.

Just reposition the forward most soldiers behind cover, move the squad outside of the sightlines even if it meant putting the civilians in the line of fire, and use the fragmentation grenades to clear the vehicle barricade. Retreat in two lines, one on each side of the street, keeping both halves in the sightline of only one side of the ambushers while also putting their entrenched attackers into their own line of fire.

And with a bit of suppressive fire and a few more grenades to cover their retreat, this ambush would've failed. And you realize, the real soldiers behind the markers you've around on the page, would've been alive. And some innocents and rebels might not have been. But before this phantom guilt can settle, you read on, and see that the response to the loss of the squad was an airstrike that leveled more than just that cut of street where the ambushed was performed.

That makes you feel less guilty, somehow. But, with no way of knowing if your answer is correct, you just continue onto another one, which is another ambush, but this time between a pack of pirates and a single lone UNSC ship. The lost UNSC Destroyer "Manifest Destiny"

And they're in a much tighter spot than the ambushed squad was in the last question. Already damaged, losing air, and with five pirate ships closing in on them to either board or deliver the killing blow. The distance is measured in kilometers, but you know from studying that it is uncomfortably close for any space battle.

And the Lesson didn't specify the destroyer now placed under your fictional command, needs to escape intact. Mendez was even kind enough to include the specifications of this particular destroyer, the manifest destiny, with the lesson sheet. And, from what little you know of its class from checking its design, is that it has more armor and thickness in its frontal bulkheads than the modified civilian and out of production military models the pirates have.

It'd be unthinkable for a navy man to order something as barbaric as a ramming action, but the only way you can see the Manifest destiny surviving long enough to limp back to port or repairing itself just long enough to get out a distress beacon, is by charging it forward. The preamble does mention its fusion drive is mostly undamaged, and with a failing life support system, power could be diverted to the destroyers engine, performing a full burn forward and slamming headlong into the leading pirate ship. The collision would probably be intense enough to partially fuse the two ships. And that just means the now helpless pirates become an additional layer of armor, as the Manifest destiny performs a few more small scale maneuvers to get the remaining for enemy vessels into its line of fire, reorganizing the board to be more advantageous to the lone, outnumbered destroyer.

You aren't sure it'd work, but its the best you can come up with. It would probably get you court martialed if it did work, but that's better than dying a firing death along with the rest of the crew, even if some of your friends seem to think being vaporized in a failed orbital jump is the coolest way to die. You'd agree it is pretty awesome, You're just not sure its an end worthy of Valhalla is all.

You'll check out the more official looking tests, after you've finished having your fun playing "Fixing some dead grunts or ship officer's fatal miscalculation". Since they don't look nearly as intellectually challenging. The quick look over you did of one of the one's the CPO included made it look like the sort of thing you'd see in an entrance exam, and yawn inducingly simple compared to Deja and especially the private lesson's Miss Halsey gives you.

The next question on the chief's hand written test, didn't ask how you have prevented a deadly ambush, or saved one ship from being scuttled, but rather a multiple choice question.

"The force under your command has gotten separated from the main army and is deep behind enemy lines, with no means of Communicating/ Collaborating with the chain of command, resupplying and no fortified position to hunker down in. How do you proceed?"

>A) Make a push back to the friendly lines when conditions are optimal, fighting your way back to friendly territory

>B) Hunker Down, Fortify your position and ration your munitions until the main force breaks through the enemy line

>C)Spread out your forces, go to ground and perform guerilla actions of sabotage and harassment strikes

>D) Surrender

>Fill in your own answer (Write in option)

What you said is, shockingly accurate to what I've got planned+ the quest's mechanics (including that you will be getting a Spartan Quality at the end of training/ augmentations). Have you been reading my notes? Are you in my walls right now? Are you a fucking ONI Spook?!
>C)Spread out your forces, go to ground and perform guerilla actions of sabotage and harassment strikes
We're Spartans, that's what we're trained to do. Hell, that's probably what Purple Team does best.
>even if some of your friends seem to think being vaporized in a failed orbital jump is the coolest way to die
Nesta's going to jump out of so many ships once she got her MJOLNIR armour and shield.
>>C)Spread out your forces, go to ground and perform guerilla actions of sabotage and harassment strikes
>Gather information and take out targets of opportunity

I feel like these go hand-in-hand. Shout out to that one Halo-Legends short film with the ODST and the spartan sniper. That was epic
>is the price for a city going to matter ? Maybe he just sighs and soldiers on.
His boss probably won't have clearance to see where the money is going either. It's less the amount and more the money hole that the most info they get about it is a file saying it exists but not saying what it is and maybe not even saying who works on it. That shit will prompt constant recounts and checks. It'd be a pain in the ass. Bean counters usually have the most micromanaging ass bosses or bosses who literally never show up to the office. So coin toss, I guess.

>Fill in your own answer (Write in option)
>Disperse forces as best as possible, positioning for a coordinated strike at a pivotal moment to either cripple the enemy or create an opening to reconnect with the primary body of forces
The guerilla action is a goodie, certainly. But I figure maintaining as low a profile as possible maximizes the chances of our units surviving while not creating extra attention to increase enemy backline attention.

This is of course supposing we don't have a -significant- portion of friendly manpower with us. If we did we'd be put under significant scrutiny by default and the strategy would need to change.

>ONI spook in your vents

Also, dangit Mendez. If Halsey notices you're taking time from her favorite son she's gonna bake Sven cookies. Then what? How will you compete? Gonna take him out for ice cream? Let him drive the family truck?! THINK MENDAD, THINK!
>C)Spread out your forces, go to ground and perform guerilla actions of sabotage and harassment strikes

No foe will sleep easy with Sven lurking around.
>C)Spread out your forces, go to ground and perform guerilla actions of sabotage and harassment strikes
>Gather information and take out targets of opportunity
Be proactive. Be active. Sure as shit make the enemies life a living hell.
>Fill in your own answer (Write in option)
>Stay on the move and go in the wilderness at first, then Obtain enemy intel through looting and interrogations of enemy small patrols and sentinels after ambushing them. This accomplished perform a rapid surprise attack on an enemy target where communications equipment and enemy officers are definetly present, steal their means of communications and interrogate their officers if possible and then plan from there an attack for cripple the enemy in the region while coordinating with the main army (thanks to the stolen means of communications). If the main army refuse to cripple the enemy, simply rendevouz with them thanks to stolen comms.

>What you said is, shockingly accurate to what I've got planned+ the quest's mechanics (including that you will be getting a Spartan Quality at the end of training/ augmentations). Have you been reading my notes? Are you in my walls right now? Are you a fucking ONI Spook?!
This puts a smile in my face
Like Narfi would say, Mjau.....
A secret i am afraid........
Mjau Top secret, mr 404..........

Jk aside i have thought on how you could do certain things in the future and looked at what you already did. And deduced that was a possible thing you might pick, because i would 100% do that if i was you. Since it just fits like Legos.

>That shit will prompt constant recounts and checks.
No doubt, depending on how much money are sent in to it or if they send less.
Spartans are meant to be proactive rather than reactive.

>Fill in your own answer (Write in option)
It depends on the situation. Generally two options
1) attack full force at their weakest point, capitalizing on surprise.
2) spread out and engage in guerrilla actions.
Deciding on which option to take would depend on things like the combat effectiveness of your force, the strength of the enemy, whether there is actually a target that could strike a crippling blow, etc.
>C)Spread out your forces, go to ground and perform guerilla actions of sabotage and harassment strikes

But I think option A also works and the specifics depend on our force composition. If we don't have many people, it might be better to stick together but still go to ground.

Additionally, finding a way to signal or punch messages through to command will become necessary if only to prevent blue on blue either in the case of needing to break back through to friendly territory to get casualties to medical assistance or when the friendly line moves up. It would also allow for collaborating with the chain of command, allowing them to get improved intel or strike in tandem with our own operations.

So I guess I'd append
>Acquire a means to communicate with command
to the end of that list.
>Ramming action
>considered barbaric and worthy of getting court martialed
I suppose intentionally damaging a space-faring vessel (even if it is already damaged) is a big no-no but still. WTF

Supporting >>6186094
>Disperse forces as best as possible, positioning for a coordinated strike at a pivotal moment to either cripple the enemy or create an opening to reconnect with the primary body of forces
Going full on Rambo mode could work, but it could also result in our forces under our command being whittled down over time with very little to show for it. Even the best guerilla operations in recorded history had SOME level of support if they were expected to continue for any appreciable length of time.
>>C)Spread out your forces, go to ground and perform guerilla actions of sabotage and harassment strikes
Your posting time is killer. Just glad we've got all day to reply.
Supporting this >>6186078
The biggest hang up for this scenario is the complete lack of support elements makes resupplying complicated or outright impossible and no fire support is just a bad time. Which means protracted engagements are bad, and entrenching is bad. Not having comms sucks but you can work around that with observation elements. And if opfor has enough reserve element they can deploy them to engage you while still maintaining overall operational integrity, albeit at the cost of longevity if they can't pin you down and get you. But no matter what you're logistically doomed to fail before they can be whittled down.

Getting caught out is big bad. Mondo bad, even. Always remember to not overextend. What an awful situation to be in.
>>Fill in your own answer (Write in option)
>>Disperse forces as best as possible, positioning for a coordinated strike at a pivotal moment to either cripple the enemy or create an opening to reconnect with the primary body of forces

>Gather information and take out targets of opportunity
>What an awful situation to be in.
Gray Team actually loves that shit. Behind enemy lines, limited intel and resources, operational freedom, improvisation and unorthodox problem solving. It's the kind of situation Mavericks thrive in.
It's fine for really top tier special forces and infiltration units. It's really reaaaalllly bad for standard forces. If we're assuming the force is typical GI and army group it's almost a death sentence. There'll certainly be a lot of attrition and casualties. If the supposed group is a bunch of Spartans or just ONI combat spooks they'll have a much better time of it.

Gray team also cheats. They don't wear green armor. Those scumbags.
>C)Spread out your forces, go to ground and perform guerilla actions of sabotage and harassment strikes
Just feels the most "Purple Team" you know?
Rebooting...Monitor404TormentedCache, Back online

9 Votes for C
4 votes Gather intel and opportunistically take out targets
1 Votes for acquire a mean to communicate with command

3 Votes for disperse forces as best as possible, positioning for a coordinated strike to cripple the enemy or create an opening to return to the main army
1 Votes Gather intel and opportunistically take out targets

1 Votes for Stay on the move and go in the wilderness at first...etc

2 Votes for it depends on the situation

So C is the winning choice, though I'll also include the "gather intel/ take out targets" write in as a note Sven will write to the side of the question

Decision made
>positioning for a coordinated strike to cripple the enemy or create an opening to return to the main army
>acquire a mean to communicate with command
These ought to be included as well since this was a unit that was overrun, forced into these objectives by circumstance and not by order.
Unless the superiors are rather incompetent which may explain how the unit was overrun in the first place. In that case, being deliberately obtuse to command would not only be advisable but also align with the Maverick trait.
A is suicidal. A leader's duty is to his men and wasting the lives of most under their command just to return to the main composition of their army would just be spending them to ensure that they themselves survive or at beast a few live at the expense of the many. And that isn't if they all get wiped out in the attempt anyway. At best, all they'd do is briefly distract the opposition.

B is too passive. Assuming a fortifiable position can be found, and they are able to ration their ammunition and find a source of food and water near enough to their self made shelter, it could take ages for the main army to gain enough confidence to advance beyond the enemy's own entrenched positions, and by then those lost behind enemy lines will have likely been stamped out.

C has merit though. Spreading out, to thin out your forces and lower the risk of detection, hiding out until a chance arises to sabotage enemy equipment or harassing them. Less risky than simply gunning for friendly territory and much more useful than just sitting around waiting for reinforcements that will never come. Not to mention, its just your style and is what you would do if you were in a situation as awful as the one in the question.

But before you fill in your answer, your eyes drift down to the final option. Surrender. You glare down at the softly glowing screen of your datapad, almost insulted by the choice. One thing the chief never allows in his games or exercises is surrender. In a real war, you can't trust your enemy to offer it or honor it either. Shaking your head, you tap the box next to answer C and with a stretch of your fingers, create a form fillable box next to it, and add a note as an addition to your answer. Just to explain what exactly you'd do if you found yourself in the circumstances presented in the question

Gather intel and take out targets of opportunity. Which might be included in the broad term of "Guerilla actions" but you want to make certain the Chief knows you know how to effectively be a Guerilla fighter, and his and Deja's lessons haven't been falling on deaf ears. You could write more, if this was a real mess you found yourself in, acquiring a means to communicate with command to coordinate with them would be a good first step but its best to be concise and adding just that small note is taking a risk already. It might not be an official test, but coloring outside of the lines is rarely appreciated. And covering the file in extra answers is sure to tick off Mendez, and would be against the spirit of a multiple choice test.

Moving onto the next question, it is the exact opposite of the last one. How would you deal with a stubborn force of guerilla's behind your main defensive perimeter? That answer is more tricky. It's still multiple choice. But you have to think on it for awhile longer before you decide that answer B: "Remove their leadership in a surgical strike" is the best out of the four options you're presented with.

The Chief Petty Officer's hand written test and its attached study material takes you a few days to finish, the questions and tactical scenarios slowly growing more complex and hopeless. One of them being how you'd have saved a superior officer from assassination in the middle of a parade march or what orders you'd give to a squad sent on a practical suicide mission to infiltrate and assassinate an enemy leader in the middle of their central command. one of the later space battles making the real end of UNSC Manifest Destiny seem like a pleasant walk in the park. How could any ship be expected to survive an encounter with a swarm of suicide bombers rushing their position with nuclear armaments with "Utterly no concern for their own survival", the only solution you could come up with after chewing down a few pencils was to aim for the center of their formation and hope a volley of Archer Missiles would prematurely detonate their nuclear payloads and thin out the herd enough to allow the stragglers to be safely picked off, one by one.

Thankfully, the reading material Mendez provided for you to study alongside his test helps enough that you don't ever run into a wall long enough to ask for help or give up and just start answering questions without giving them much thought. You have no idea how many of the questions you got correct, but you figure there's no reason to worry about it since Mendez will probably decide which answers are right and which are wrong when you send the test back to him. If nothing else, the Chief's handmade test was a fun distraction and a mentally stimulating one as well.

Compared to questions like how you'd hand out limited equipment between a squad of eight or the orders you'd give with limited intel while under orders to assault an enemy position or how to most efficiently and regroup after an orbital drop and quickly establish chain of command or how to scrounge up useable equipment/ medical supplies when completely separated from the supply chain, the official exams that Mendez also sent were....disappointing. Just too easy. While the questions were more varied and included math questions and scientific equations and theories, you knew most of the answers without having to check the included reading. Like how to solve for arrival time based off of trajectory and current acceleration or what allows a vessel to perform a slipspace jump or which superior officer orders took precedence when they were conflicting.

It was obvious that this exam was just one to see if you knew the bare minimum required to receive officer training. And Spartan training had taught you much more than the bare minimum already. And also probably counted as "prior field experience", since what they were teaching you about Military Science and leadership and the harsh physical training you'd been put through, almost certainly outstripped any of what the UNSC public Officer Candidate Schools' taught.

And that's not to mention how much shorter those tests were than the Chief's own, but as boring and easy as they are, you finish them all and compile them into a package and send them back to their sender through a secure channel. It took less time than you'd imagined it would to completely fill all of them out, but you wouldn't know how you'd scored until you got back to the Compound at Reach....

0610 Hours, August 22, 2521 (Military Calendar)/ Epsilon Eridani System, Reach Military Complex, Planet Reach

"You wanted to see me, Chief?" You ask, as you push open the door to Chief Petty Officer Mendez' private office, squinting as a blue grey smoke stung at your eyes as you held open the door with the tip of your foot. He was smoking one of his fancy cigars, something you'd never actually seen before in the years you'd spent training under him in the program. Your eyes boggled, and then you shut them as they started to water, the smoke burning your nose as you covered your face and walked in as you saw him nod and beckon you to come inside.

Strangely, once you were in the thick of the hanging smoke, it didn't burn or smell so bad. It had an almost, meditative quality to it, and smelled just about pleasant, even if you couldn't pinpoint what the cigar Mendez had clenched between his teeth actually smelled like, but it didn't smell like just burnt ash and tar.

"Why else would I call you to my office, Son" He drawled as he sat straighter in his chair, rested his elbows on his wooden desk and pulled the still lit cigar from his mouth, and tapped some ash from it into a tray to his right "I see you finished the homework I sent you, Trainee. Hope it didn't cut into your training at Chiron"

"I wouldn't have done it if it would have affected my training" You answer , taking the seat he offered, trying not to breath into too deeply as smoke swirled around you

"You aced the Conventional OCS Entrance Exam" He continued, as he placed the cigar back between his teeth "For Luna, Reach and Corbulo. And you're still a few years below the minimum enlistment age. "

Almost like you'd been abduct and conscripted when you were six years old.

"And the solutions you had for the non-standard exam I personally made, were creative. But not without Merit, even the stuff you wrote that'd get you sent in for a court martial or a psyche ward, would in theory work in practice if you could pull it off and get those under your command to follow it"

"I ran the numbers, I didn't put down any answers that would be a hundred percent impossible" You answer, shifting in your chair and waving a hand in front of your face as Mendez blue out a puff of blue smoke, like a dragon.

"I had the equations you included checked. In theory, if you were to accelerate a ship to and held it at that exact speed, you could perform a ramming action without splitting it in half or killing everyone on board in the impact" He told you as he tapped more ash from his cigar "And the same is true for everything else, that example just came to mind first. Maybe the Manifest Destiny and its crew would've still been in service, if their captain was so bold. And if they could pry the other craft off of its bow"

The way he used bold made it sounded more like it meant "Suicidally reckless", but not in an insulting way.

"I hesitate to use the term inspired, but your answers were creative. There's no way of knowing how effective they would be if put into practice, but as I said, they'd work in theory. They have Merit. I told them to some experts in form of theoretical what ifs, and they agreed that if the commanding officer of those skirmishes and fleet actions had given orders similar to yours, there would've been entirely different outcomes. And most thought it'd have been an improvement of what actually occurred"

He leaned back in his chair and starred at the trail of smoke rising off of his nearly finished cigar.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush, Kid. I called you hear, because I've gotten permission to have you pull double duty and covertly put you through officer training" he answers, and you nearly fall out of your chair "The project head agreed with my reasoning. Once your class graduates, you will be the first of a special class of soldier. And while your operations and existence will be clandestine, inevitably, you will interact with the broader chain of command and military forces, this is inevitable. Even if Halsey would prefer if only she and her superiors held your leash, that simply isn't feasible in the long run. She has also told me, to tell you, she'd prefer if you accepted her proposal"

"What?!" You yelp, unable to hide your surprise

"If you can provide evidence you're up to their standards, she had similarly planned to secretly put you through college and earn yourself a doctorate of your own. I think you'd better serve as...a test run for an officer amongst the ranks of the spartans, to see if it worked before giving other graduates commission or including the training in future classes of the program" He explained as he put out his cigar by grinding it into the ash tray "The project head and I have debated with both argued the merits of our proposals to the higher ups, and they've agreed to allow one. Or the other. If you'd accept being given this additional responsibility, and successful graduate from OCS before you do as a Spartan, during your career as a soldier, you'd be expected to act as an intermediary between UNSC and ONI command and the other Spartans as well as, occasionally, taking command of squads of ordinary soldiers"

You blink, too stunned to speak

"Of course, it'll also give you a service career beyond the program. A future. No war lasts forever" He continued, the tone of his voice softening to sound almost fatherly "Which is the same reason Dr Halsey proposed putting you through college. At least, Candidly, that is what I believe her actual reasoning for campaigning to have you be given a chance to earn a doctorate to be. No soldier wants to admit it, but inevitably, they must turn in their swords for plows"

Hearing Mendez say something so philosophical nearly shocked you more than what he'd told just told you, about his and Halsey's plans and ambitions for you.

"Sven, the choice is yours" He says, pushing forward a real application for the Reach Naval Officers Academy "You've already satisfied the requirements to go forward in OCS, and eventually earn a commission. But, the exams for the college Halsey handpicked for you are still open. This is a decision only you can make, Trainee"

Did he just use your name? That was the most shocking of all. You wetted your lips, and swallowed dryly, looking down at the piece of paper that represented more to you than the CPO could possibly know. It was a future that you could choose for yourself, rather than one that was forced onto you. It meant so much. Almost too much.

>Take the offer, and sign the application Sven Askeland (Accept Officer as the end point of best in class)

>Take the offer, and sign the application Sven Mendez (Accept Officer as the end point of best in class)

>Push the paper back, and tell Mendez you'd rather have a PHD than a commission (Refuse officer, Lock in Scientist)

>Push back the paper, and tell the Chief that there will always be someone the UNSC wants dead, so for Spartans, the war will never end

>Write in option.
aw shit great update 404
>Take the offer, and sign the application Sven Askeland (Accept Officer as the end point of best in class)

Wont mind if taking Mendez name wins so long as the contract gets signed.
>Push the paper back, and tell Mendez you'd rather have a PHD than a commission (Refuse officer, Lock in Scientist)
>Take the offer, and sign the application Sven Askeland (Accept Officer as the end point of best in class)
This is why we've been doing Mendez's stuff at the cost of others. If we win we can get a PhD after. If we lose then there's not going to be a future for it anyways.
>Push the paper back, and tell Mendez you'd rather have a PHD than a commission (Refuse officer, Lock in Scientist)
Sven's too smart to waste on commanding military units. He has the potential to push the advancement of so many other fields of science that could benefit the entire military and humanity as a whole.
>Push the paper back, and tell Mendez you'd rather have a PHD than a commission (Refuse officer, Lock in Scientist)
>>Push the paper back, and tell Mendez you'd rather have a PHD than a commission (Refuse officer, Lock in Scientist)
As much as I like having a name back and being able to be one of the probably three decent officers in UNSC command I can't help but feel SCIENCE will wind up just being more important. Just in general.

In the same vein we can apply for a commission at any time, though. Other than the fact we're being told we only get one.
>Take the offer, and sign the application Sven Askeland (Accept Officer as the end point of best in class)
Splitting this option between the two last names is a huge advantage for the lame scientist path.
>>Take the offer, and sign the application Sven Askeland (Accept Officer as the end point of best in class)
>Take the offer, and sign the application Sven Askeland (Accept Officer as the end point of best in class)
I think Sven would rather learn the sciences in the field than in a college or lab, necessity is the mother of invention and nothing creates more necessity than life or death situations. It just feels right to have Sven tinkering with a new gadget while artillery and gunshots can be heard in the distance.

>"The project head and I have debated with both argued the merits of our proposals to the higher ups, and they've agreed to allow one. Or the other."
Good thing Maverick Sven can circumvent such limitations by the higher ups.
You can't really circumvent someone saying "I'll help you get one". Because the moment you try to get two they say "I said one". You know?
There are programs in real life that allow activly deployed servicemen to get degrees. We can work on it at any point during our down time. Officer commissions are time locked to time-in-service and the willingness for our higheer ups to allow it. Something that won't happen until there's a critical officer shortage later in the war.
>There are programs in real life that allow activly deployed servicemen to get degrees
They also tend to not really care about those unless they are strictly necessary for a role. Instead they'll get you certs so you can perform a role without the degree. Lots of engineers on submarines don't have degrees but still operate in the capacity that would normally require one. Even nuclear engineers. This undoubtedly extends to other fields and branches.

>critical officer shortage later in the war.
That'll be like, five years into the covie war. Their opener in that conflict is absolutely brutal.

I'm also profoundly uninterested in micromanaging campaigns and playing officer. Personal gripe.
Not sure kinda divided on this choice.

I can see both being of great use for Sven, and Spartans. During missions and the war, being officer adds another layer of importance to a super soldier not one other officers can avoid to look at. I could see Sven taking it even for make sure Spartans are not given bad orders or battle plans. In addition its more and more military education, which definetly can be weaponized by a Spartan further. The fact that he might be able to command even squads of ordinary soldiers is interesting, but shows that Mendez knows that the Spartans talents might lead those men very well and save some of them from certain deaths.

At the same time, scientist, while it would be a military scientist in nature at first, adds a promise of another future later on. Which is kind of sweet. In war and battles a scientist matters but also not, because an egg head can only help so much on the field. A battlefield cannot have all the scientific tools and machinery it might require, only few tools and durable ones. Its main weapon remains on a lab : where the mind is concentrated without risks and other minds like it are nearby. There it can do its craft. Still there are uses for it even in battlefields.
Learning the sciences isn't dependant on authority figures anon, that's what I meant. Sven can become autodidact and Im sure he can get help in acquiring study materials. The knowledge is what's most fun andimportant.

And Im uninterested in having Sven study in a college or lab. That sounds infinetly more boring than officer duties.

>Push the paper back, and tell Mendez you'd rather have a PHD than a commission (Refuse officer, Lock in Scientist)
Taking scientist seems like it'd be better for the overall war effort.
>Learning the sciences isn't dependant on authority figures anon
But getting fast tracked to get them instead of getting stuck waiting for thirty years to actually have the time to get into it does. The bureaucracy of command will eat up all of Sven's free time if he takes his job as an officer seriously. Because the rest of the brass are going to be stupid and confrontational. As they always are.

>And Im uninterested in having Sven study in a college or lab. That sounds infinetly more boring than officer duties.
They're both boring. They both deal in minutiae. At least with science we might be able to do something that'll actually help instead of continuously delaying the inevitable until someone else figures out a trail of breadcrumbs for the officers to follow with their ops.
>But getting fast tracked to get them instead of getting stuck waiting for thirty years to actually have the time to get into it does
Good thing we won't have to wait since we'll study during our downtime just as we've been doing so far.

>he bureaucracy of command will eat up all of Sven's free time if he takes his job as an officer seriously. Because the rest of the brass are going to be stupid and confrontational. As they always are.
Good thing we picked a trait specifically tailored to navigating such politics and bureaucracy.

>At least with science we might be able to do something that'll actually help
Which is why I want Sven to do science in the best place: In the Field.
This is Spartan WAR reports, not Lab Reports. That said I'm sure we'd get sent out on xeno tech recovery teams more often than not. ONI would have field day with an engineer/researcher who could defend themselves in a behind enemy lines black site.
That said, an officer's commission is absolutely hard locked behind military requirements. A degree is not. And surprise but we're spending the next 30 years in the military.
>>Take the offer, and sign the application Sven Askeland (Accept Officer as the end point of best in class)
Not interested in scientist.
>Good thing we won't have to wait since we'll study during our downtime just as we've been doing so far.
What downtime? We'll be busy doing paperwork.

>Good thing we picked a trait specifically tailored to navigating such politics and bureaucracy.
Bad news, that still doesn't save you from the absolute hell of red tape. It won't hinder us when we want to do something, but it won't change the way the process is done. And it also doesn't stop your superior officer from just telling you to sit down because he's a whiny asshole. You think dudes like Del Rio aren't going to be an asshole and try to fuck with you just because you can dance around regulations? No shot.

>Which is why I want Sven to do science in the best place: In the Field.
Brother. You can't adequately dissect a grunt with bullets flying overhead. You can at best gut it and see what color it is inside. Come on. And half of our field time would be taken up by officer duties anyway. So I don't know where all of this quantum time you're conjuring up is coming from. Especially once we start advancing in rank and get even less time deployed in the field because of it. Sure you can put your generals on the front line, you'll also almost never do it because they're managing an entire front and not just a single engagement.

I for one would much rather go and steal banshees and try to figure out how to make their flying shit work for us than stand around a holotable telling other people where they need to die.
>than stand around a holotable telling other people where they need to die.
You do know that us becoming an officer doesn't stop us from being in the field right? First we start of as an Ensign, then Junior Lt, so on and so forth. Carter was a Commander (O5) and still predominantly being deployed in the field. Being an officer gets us more FIELD leeway, we're not going to be stuck in an office.
>Take the offer, and sign the application Sven Askeland (Accept Officer as the end point of best in class)
>Write in option: Can I least get some extra classes after that?
>You do know that us becoming an officer doesn't stop us from being in the field right?
Yes. At first. The higher you go the less they let you out. Please, I'm dumb, I'm not stupid. I'm using hyperbole.
>What downtime? We'll be busy doing paperwork.
If an officer had all his time consumed by paperwork he would be a bureaucrat not an officer.

>Bad news, that still doesn't save you from the absolute hell of red tape...
Just like our training then, the process being hell while harassed by superiors that hate you.

>Brother. You can't adequately dissect a grunt with bullets flying overhead...
1. Bullets won't be flying over our head all the time
2. No it wouldn't, as proven by Mendez.
3. I would vote to reject any promotion that puts us away from the action.
Okay, now what are the downsides of each?

I think Officer adds a bit of a barrier between Sven and the rest of the Spartans to an extent, like it did with Kurt when Blue Team showed up on Onyx. Fred, at least, immediately flipped from familiarity to respect when Kurt pulled rank. Another thing an Officer has to consider is the mission. There's this good quote by Lee in the book The Killer Angels:
>"To be a good soldier you must love the army. But to be a good officer you must be willing to order the death of the thing you love. That is … a very hard thing to do. No other profession requires it. That is one reason why there are so very few good officers. Although there are many good men."
Nylund actually wrote Vice Admiral Whitcomb thinking a paraphrased version of this quote in First Strike.
A leader has to be prepared to send soldiers under their command to their deaths if necessary. John had a problem with this. Kurt had a problem with this. And I suspect Sven would have this problem as well since his personality is shaping up as a 'big brother' figure, more suited to a senior enlisted rank. Enlisted can still be great tactical minds, like John, but they leave the grand strategies to people that can make those difficult decisions. It doesn't mean an officer doesn't value the people under their command or doesn't have a duty to them, but a good officer does need a level of emotional detachment when weighing up the cost-benefit of strategic decisions.

As for scientist, the only real concern I have is Sven getting bogged down in academics to the detriment of his performance on the battlefield. This probably isn't that much of a concern given how he's been prioritizing physical training and how he's been handling it so far, but it's still one to bring up. My understanding of Scientist is that Sven will focus on applying science in the field while leaving the lab stuff mainly to Halsey and other eggheads in Section 3, perhaps working on research remotely during downtime, which there is a fair bit of when travelling great distances in space. It might also affect what missions Sven gets in the future, depending on what exactly he's an expert in.
I'm gonna jump into the other half of this argument too.
>What downtime? We'll be busy doing paperwork.
Firstly, we get paperwork either way. Being an officer gets us more but so does being a scientist.
Bad news, that still doesn't save you from the absolute hell of red tape.
Either way that's WHY we took Maverick, to have a better handle on that shit.
>So I don't know where all of this quantum time you're conjuring up is coming from.
How about the literal months it takes going between missions? Slipspace isn't instant. As an officer we'd preferential time aboard a ship in transite.
>Yes. At first. The higher you go the less they let you out. Please, I'm dumb, I'm not stupid. I'm using hyperbole.
We're Spartans, part of the Navy Special Weapons department. You know what an ODST Major does? Hot drops with his HQ element whenever his Battalion gets deployed. It'd be like that, only on a smaller scale. Unless we become the leading Admiral of NAVSPECWEP, which would take 40+ years of time in service there's not a chance we get pulled from active deployments.
>If an officer had all his time consumed by paperwork he would be a bureaucrat not an officer.
Basically what they become after a point. Like watching a big-shot reporting to congress about some dumb something or other. More seriously though have you ever watched that stuff? It's so uncomfortable. Just canned questions and canned answers getting thrown back and forth. Both sides are playing the game with experience. Awful.

>Just like our training then, the process being hell while harassed by superiors that hate you.
Nah, worse. This time we can't just hit them with a stick. And they have actual authority instead of just being allowed to boss kids around.

>1. Bullets won't be flying over our head all the time
Can't do "spare-time" science when you're sleeping.
>2. No it wouldn't, as proven by Mendez
Mendez only ever went up to Senior CPO. Which was even less than what John would get. I don't know what you're getting at with this. Though that could just be me interpreting the statement wrong.
>3. I would vote to reject any promotion that puts us away from the action.
Then what's the fucking point of picking officer? Especially since the primary benefit of the officer route is that it grants greater boni to troops under our command the higher our rank goes. That's just confusing.

>Firstly, we get paperwork either way. Being an officer gets us more but so does being a scientist.
Yes, but, the science paperwork is more beneficial than the filing in triplicate that you need six albatrosses and to bring a destroyer into orbit. Or, more likely, that we'd be writing our "apology" letter to our XO for doing something they didn't like because it was the right thing to do and he's stupid. Politely.

>Either way that's WHY we took Maverick, to have a better handle on that shit.
Not me. I picked it because I just didn't like the other options kek. But no matter what it will still cut into our "me time".

>How about the literal months it takes going between missions? Slipspace isn't instant. As an officer we'd preferential time aboard a ship in transite.
Different context to being "in the field" like I was poking at. And those months we spend in there are probably going to be dedicated to perusing field reports, running simulated ops, and telling someone to fetch coffee. Time consuming stuff.

>You know what an ODST Major does?
What Mendez suggest Sven will not wind up doing, yes. Since he pointedly remarked Sven would be acting as a sort of intermediary between the Spartans and the wider military. Giving him a more traditional role when he isn't pulling typical Spartan ops. I'm not saying he'll never get to shootbang, I'm saying he will definitely do LESS of it than normal. Potentially a lot less.

None of this is taking into account that Sven is already set for AI tinkering. Which would eat up more of his free time. He's never going to get a diversified education and skillset if he's being dragged every which way.
>Okay, now what are the downsides of each?
That I have depicted one as the basedjack, and the other as the chad.

If I'm being honest I don't think either has "downsides" per se. At least in the traditional sense. They both do have potentially negative character implications for sure. Sven being anxious about sending people to their deaths, or making the right calls. The weight of command. Or that he will grow more reclusive and distant because of his time spent away from the rest of the soldiery and with increasingly civilian and expert people in various fields of the sciences.
>>Push the paper back, and tell Mendez you'd rather have a PHD than a commission (Refuse officer, Lock in Scientist)
Look, bottom line is that officer would get us action while scientist would get us boredom. I believe your claims that being an officer will also be boring will not be true in Sven's circumstances. That's it.

I believe being an officer is a continuation and expansion of Sven's current routine. Battles/Exercises, Studying and Tinkering, Leading men and fucking with superiors.
>I'm not saying he'll never get to shootbang, I'm saying he will definitely do LESS of it than normal. Potentially a lot less.
I suppose that's our major point of contention here. IMO as a Scientist we'd be doing less killing ayylmaos than as an officer.
The only thing that I reckon wont cut into our fighting time is being an ONI spook.

But that's a depressing life to give Sven.

Being a scientist will not only cut into our fighting but it will also cut into our military time in general and id rather not because this is spartan quest and we are a giant viking.

Would rather him eventually gain command and duel and elite shipmasters and generals on a battlefield scale than hide away in some ONI lab tinkering on things most of which Sven will likely not use.
>I believe your claims that being an officer will also be boring will not be true in Sven's circumstances
Well that's just a matter of opinion. And ours differ. No biggie.

>I believe being an officer is a continuation and expansion of Sven's current routine. Battles/Exercises, Studying and Tinkering, Leading men and fucking with superiors.
That's fair. But what about Mom?

>IMO as a Scientist we'd be doing less killing ayylmaos than as an officer.
Probably. But I'm more interesting in winning the war than fighting it. It's a sacrifice I am willing to make.

I think we can all agree that the Spook option is awful. Sorry Black team.
>Probably. But I'm more interesting in winning the war than fighting it. It's a sacrifice I am willing to make.
I see. Well, regardless, I'm not going to be upset if Scientist wins.
>I think we can all agree that the Spook option is awful.
Truth. Fuck ONI.
>But what about Mom?
She'll be a part of the "Studying and Tinkering" routine, giving us lessons and studying material, although the lightyears distance will make that through recordings instead of live. Unless Halo has FTL information networks and not courier ships as Im imagining.
>Unless Halo has FTL information networks and not courier ships as Im imagining.
Both. Early war ONI had something called wavespace that could, with massive power requirements, send short range FTL coms which relied on relay stations and was extremely limited. Wasn't until 53, after the war, that reliable high bandwidth FTL coms became available to the UNSC at large.
>I'm not going to be upset if Scientist wins
Normally I wouldn't mind if either option won. But I will be sad when Halsey hits us with the "I suppose we won't be seeing each other from now on. Stay safe, Sven." for going officer and getting swept up in that whole deal.

>Fuck ONI.
Hear hear!

I don't think she'll have that much interaction with Sven if he goes officer. He might be able to get access to lectures of hers, sure, but since she's a civie and works for the spooks, besides she's going to be kept at an appreciable distance. ONI doesn't really want her interacting with the Spartans in general. Paranoid about the whole "deadly supersoldiers who love their mommy who may have done some deep psyche double agent shit" as intelligence agencies often are. Fuckin' ONI.

>Unless Halo has FTL information networks and not courier ships as Im imagining.
They have that but it'll take decades for it to actually pop up. Towards the end of the war with the covies IIRC.
>Truth. Fuck ONI.
Real and True
It will make it more satisfying when we reunite with Halsey to save her at some point.
>But I will be sad when Halsey hits us with the "I suppose we won't be seeing each other from now on. Stay safe, Sven." for going officer and getting swept up in that whole deal.
Nah, we'll see her just about every time we get a new suit of MJOLNIR. She has the habit of handing them out herself. Which happens a shitload until the Navy/ONI forces her to standardize with overarching marks instead of rolling iterations.
Of course, communicating through correspondence is nothing like live conversation. But I think Halsey and Sven can outwit any glowie bullshit if they try to interfere with even this restricted connection between the two..
>Take the offer, and sign the application Sven Askeland (Accept Officer as the end point of best in class)
I get where your heart is at. But we're killers. We're a Spartan. It is our responsibility to stand on the frontline taking bullets and killing targets the High Command dictates for us-not sitting in some backline tinkering with this and that, trying to win a war THAT HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET.

Either way, it might be sacrifice YOU'RE willing to make, but this is a whole collaborative deal : )

We're a SPARTAN, trained from birth to be the best of the best of the best at cold blooded and efficient murder. Let's be that first, whatever flight of fancy second. We have 27 years of war to mold ourselves into something else.
>From birth
Erm, I meant from a young age. My mistake, been reading too much Star Wars stuff.
>It will make it more satisfying when we reunite with Halsey to save her at some point.
I do not envy whichever smooth-brained fuck tries to nab her when Sven's in the picture. Suicide is less painful.

That's like saying you get to see your dentist when you get a checkup. Technically true but it's not the same as when you go out to a grill party with them.

>But I think Halsey and Sven can outwit any glowie bullshit if they try to interfere with even this restricted connection between the two..
Yeah probably. But ONI is good at media blackout-ing. Well, they aren't incompetent at it at least. And our options will be limited by technology for a long while.

The war has started in my heart already. I can feel it. ALIENS. The REAL answer to Halsey's question about what will destroy humanity. It's been bouncing around in there this whole time. Waiting. Right next to the GOBLINS!

>Either way, it might be sacrifice YOU'RE willing to make, but this is a whole collaborative deal : )
I thought I was the main character. You can't do this to me. How dare you.

>We have 27 years of war to mold ourselves into something else.
At that point I just don't believe it's going to happen. Just be an epilogue sort of deal. Kind of pointless.

I like the parts where storm troopers are too tall and bump their heads.
>I do not envy whichever smooth-brained fuck tries to nab her when Sven's in the picture. Suicide is less painful.
We will kick them into a nearby star
>Take the offer, and sign the application Sven Askeland (Accept Officer as the end point of best in class)
Sorry mom, but Dimas is already gonna be the scientist of our 4 PC bunch, and neither Shika nor Nesta are gonna be officer material
Nah, black hole. Let them experience spaghettification.
>Push the paper back, and tell Mendez you'd rather have a PHD than a commission (Refuse officer, Lock in Scientist)
>Write in: Can't I just go to a military college so I can also get military leadership experience on the side?
>>Take the offer, and sign the application Sven Askeland (Accept Officer as the end point of best in class)
made my choice
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>training in mendez's office
>Trainee... pull my finger.
>Push the paper back, and tell Mendez you'd rather have a PHD than a commission (Refuse officer, Lock in Scientist)
>>Take the offer, and sign the application Sven Askeland (Accept Officer as the end point of best in class)
>Take the offer, and sign the application Sven Mendez (Accept Officer as the end point of best in class

Though if there was support for it I'd take "there's always a war", instead. And I think choosing a last name different from EITHER of theirs and more like our own folks' or common names from New Noregr would be better. I don't love being this big a teacher's pet to our kidnappers.
It doesn't hurt that Halsey and Mendez are genuinely good people.
Even so.
Also just noticed, you'd said you'd rather a name similar to a typical New Noregr name but you voted you take Mendez' name. That a misinput or what's going on there?
>genuinely good people.
Come on man. The Halsey apologism has got to stop.
By all means, do nothing to save humanity. I'm sure a clear conscience is more important.
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Pic related is from the 2022 halo encyclopedia.

There was also this Forerunner facility on New Carthage. The Hannibal family built Hannibal Weapon Systems over top it in 2505 in secret. Six years later, they tested the first "small-scale quantum photonic amplier for SATCOM relays." It "revolutionized the speed and integrity of extraplanetary communication." They basically found a Forerunner facility and began reverse-engineering the tech they found in secret. I bet spook scientists could've taken it even further and developed early FTL communications or at least made some big advancements earlier in the war.
She facilitated the kidnapping, indoctrination, extended torture (via beatings, shockings, extreme 'test' and 'games') and put 75 children through a highly dangerous and experimental procedure that had a fatality rate of roughly 45% and a failure rate of over 50%, to prevent hundreds of sparsely populated worlds from seceding from the overreach of a militant arm that literally wiped a planet clean for rebelling. Every man, woman, and child, in case you forgot. All this because of the findings of a single man, who supposedly 'did the math' and then blew his brains out.

Is Halsey doing what she thinks is right? For sure. Does she care for her Spartans? Yes. Does Mendez? Hell yeah, he'd die for his troops. But take a few steps back, and things get muddy. Acting on an educated hunch (one that we'll never figure out whether or not it was accurate), in response to growing rebellion the UNSC kindled. It's less about 'a clean conscious' and more about the how and the why of what the SPARTAN program is for and who birthed it. An arguable insane, egomaniac, neurotic 'genius', an NCO with an iron bar for a spine, and practically zero qualms with putting kids through hell and a shadowy intelligence organization that will be repeatedly proven to be the most incompetent evil bastards to ever exist. (The S-III is a pretty good example of this.) And this is just going off of post Reach lore. Back in the day when I first got into Halo and FoR, Halsey didn't even have the excuse of the Carver Findings. She just did this shit.

Both Halsey and Mendez are pretty morally ambiguous people, far from good. Not in the grand scheme of things, not in a pre Human-Covenant war setting, not with all the information given, if you doubt even a bit of the 'math'. And without the Carver Findings? Halsey genuinely wants to do good for Humanity, I'll never deny that. But her morality (and Mendez's) are a lot more complicated than just a flat 'genuinely good'.

Anyways, I think this'll just come down to a 'do the ends justify the means' argument so I'll just let off my thoughts there. The insurrectionist conflict isn't the most black and white thing. And I'm really drunk. not personally attacking you or anything, i just get a little peeved when people suck off halsey and co. good night
ah tldr did the spartan ii program need to happen? yes. does that make it good (and by proxy the people involved?) no
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But anon, Halsey and Mendez feel bad about it. That makes them good people.
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holy shit checkmate, i kneel. i never even thought of that bro haha
You're a good man, Anon Marston. To be perfectly fair, I don't think anyone here actually things Halsey is a good person. A driven person convinced (often rightfully) of her solutions being the correct choices, certainly. And a person who would rather be proactive than reactive in the face of reasonably certain disaster. She does horrible things, and comparing her to some of the very spicy scientists of our previous era are apt. But she really isn't doing anything for the wrong reasons. Which is what sets her apart morally from actual scum. Most people are memeing about "good gal Halsey". But no one here would willingly swap their own mom for Halsey.

I'm really just ruffling your jimmies. You're right. But mum is mum. Even if she nabbed us like a goddamn witch from Slavic folklore.
>Push the paper back, and tell Mendez you'd rather have a PHD than a commission (Refuse officer, Lock in Scientist)
Let's start Aperture Laboratories going.
Putting it down to the findings of a single man and some math is somewhat of an oversimplification. Halsey corrected Carver's flawed modelling and then ran the simulations herself, so they were essentially her findings - which turned out to be even more dire than what Carver predicted. The best case scenario was 5 billion dead after 30 years of war. The UNSC also verified Carver's findings independently after years of research, so you have the finest minds all agreeing that a devastating, likely apocalyptic, rebellion is imminent. Then terrorists nuked Haven arcology on Mamore, killing 2 million and wounding many millions more, along with countless other incidents in the Outer Colonies, so she has more than just the theoretical to reinforce these findings. Stealing a few kids to create improved Orion supersoldiers for surgical strikes is basically the sane option when you're certain that the alternative is more Havens, more Far Isles, more escalation.

For that reason, Halsey is actually ethical in terms of a utilitarian moral philosophy. It's not like she's being motivated by sadism. It's a case of sacrifice the few to save the many. Then there's the bleeding heart she genuinely has for the Spartans, which irritated people at ONI like Parangosky. She told the kids the truth at conscription. She hesitated before augmentations until Deja reminded her that ONI would replace her with someone that didn't care so much about the wellbeing of the Spartans (and who was also less competent) if she didn't go through with it. She genuinely cares about the IIs in her own way.

That said, she questions her actions constantly and eventually does have that change of philosophy at the end of the war, believing she should have been valuing the few. The IIs (like Fred) personally appreciating their conscription, to the point of refusing the opportunity to learn about their pre-conscription history, doesn't really excuse her actions either. The flash cloning stuff is also pretty hard to justify.

As for Mendez, he has history fighting insurrectionists in the Eridanus system. He was also the best for the job, which is why he was selected. Following orders obviously isn't a carte blanche to justify your actions, but he does seem like a good guy concerned with the welfare of the IIs (and later IIIs). He knows what they're going to be up against and his logic is that it's better to break in training than in the field.

In any case, I can see Sven liking or at least appreciating them both, like many of the Spartans, and I will vote based on that. Whether I personally find their actions justifiable in setting is meaningless. Also, before the lore was expanded upon, I'm pretty sure when it was just Halo and FoR, ONI was still projecting a massive rebellion, which Halsey/Deja verified. Presumably models and simulations in the Halo universe, 500 years in the future, using AI, are far more certain and reliable.
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Mighty tempted to be a contrarian and pick "the war will never end", but I'm not so sure if Sven would actually think that or want to be a super soldier "grunt", so to speak, for the rest of his days.
>Take the offer, and sign the application Sven Askeland (Accept Officer as the end point of best in class)
Ultimately I prefer Officer.
If Innie forcer ever, somehow manage to get a list of UNSC officer poor ol' dad will have his heart broken :(

>I do not envy whichever smooth-brained fuck tries to nab her when Sven's in the picture. Suicide is less painful.
>Picrel: Sven redecorating a hallway with said poor bastard.

Maybe the real Goblins are the Grunts we'll kill on the way...
Also, teasing Nesta when we first see one!
>"Hey Nesta, you didn't tell us you had cousins in the Covenant!"
>"I'll shank you in your sleep."
>picking an option knowing it'll hurt blood-dad
You're a cruel man, anon.

Careful, he loses that fight. The fact that most of the covie have different colored blood just means they are all tubes of paint, Sven's palms are easels, his fingers brushes, and the terrain his canvas. Truly, Sven the painter.

>comparing Nesta to grunts
After the initial shock of first contact and brutal combat wears off I'm sure she would liver-check anyone who makes the comparison kek. The moment any protective gear is off just BAM.
>You're a cruel man, anon.
I won't contest that accusation. BUT. I cannot see Sven *ever* taking Mendez name, they're that that close! No matter how much the two like each other.
Although Mendez may have fallen off the slippery slope, depending on his usage of that "Son." Just an elderly man speaking to his junior or something more...?

I know, but those two panels paint the scene perfectly.

And getting liver checked would be worth it for the banter alone (so long as Nesta sticks to a punch or kick instead of a heavy object)
>I won't contest that accusation. BUT. I cannot see Sven *ever* taking Mendez name
I don't know about never taking Mendez name.
If there relationship had been warmer I would have no problem voting for it, but as things are now taking his name doesn't seem like something Sven would do.
Babysitter was great, and the Spartan in it is Cal-141 who Nesta is going to geek out about ODSTs with >>6185552
Something to keep in mind, by the end of the program all of the candidates will have spent more time with Mendez, Halsey, and the various trainers than they will have with their actual families. Or, orphanages. Depends on who you pick. And the first couple years of life usually isn't something people are truly aware of so we might need to cut them out of the equation. It's not entirely unfair to say that some or even most of the candidates will come to see each other as family with Halsey and Mendez as mom and dad. Shit's bleak. I'm sure he meant son as in "sonny". I mean, it's capitalized. Like a name. Totally.
Of course you -could- circumvent hurting DNA-dad by picking a different vote. Eh? EEEHHHH? kek

Yeah they are goated panels. Most of them from their fight are fucking rad.

>punches only pls
She's probably going to use a fork.
>Of course you -could- circumvent hurting DNA-dad by picking a different vote. Eh? EEEHHHH? kek
Heh. Nice try Anon, but while I may be a cruel man I am also a principled man!
Besides DNA-dad would be hurt just as much - if not MORE - if he found out that Sven abandoned the family name in addition to becoming an officer. A real nasty one-two punch!

>Yeah they are goated panels. Most of them from their fight are fucking rad.
Kengan Ashura is a fantastic manga. It's such a shame that Kengan Omega went bungee jumping without a cord.
>Push the paper back, and tell Mendez you'd rather have a PHD than a commission (Refuse officer, Lock in Scientist)
>abandoned the family name in addition to becoming an officer.
There is another. My only worry is that picking officer will wind up one of two ways, either being entirely too involved and granular, which KILLS momentum and a fair number of players on /qst/ just don't have a care for tactics. As is evident in other quests where anons very clearly state they don't have a head for it. Which is entirely fair. No shade. Everyone has different talents and interests. Or it'll just be window dressing. I.E. "Pick where you want to deploy" when if we weren't an officer it would have been "pick where your commanding officer decided you would deploy". It's not a fun balance to try to find. Having to get far enough so that actually making the choice to be an officer is a meaningful one but not something that brings tedium into the mix with overindulging.

>bungee jumping without a cord
Honestly. Completely lost the plot. Jumped the shark. And it somehow feels more like kids playing heroes and villains in a playground.
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And you think researcher would not do the same?

If you really think that ONI agent is the best way out of it.
Yes. Researcher would not get the same pitfalls in that regard as officer. Since it is inherently a different role that does different things presented in different ways. Is it potentially as boring? Yes. But it will never be as grindy as having to actually plan out an entire assault and then play it out while trying to micromanage the actual op from above. When I say it kills momentum I really mean it. I've seen simple smash and grab shit nuke 9 players down to 2 and they both argued kek. Usually it takes the QM poking with a stick repeatedly to get people to chime in at that point. At least with the science shit even if it's boring you don't really need to think about it to vote ironically. And yes, the Spook route is the most Spartan-y Spartan route we have besides just ignoring everything and being a Spartan only. But I will never vote to be a spook. Fuck em. Besides, I will always believe scientist has a better chance to change the course of the war. Any war. While also saving the most of our siblings. I stand on that ground.

Am I doomsaying? Absolutely. But I'm not doing it entirely because I just want my option to win. I'm also doing it because it's great to shitpost and drive engagement. And I'm stupid.

However you are still wrong.
I can't be wrong. I took three lefts to get here.
Rebooting...Monitor 404Tormented Cache, Back online

Seems we're reaching the bottom of the catalogue and it seems like a good as time as any to move onto the 2nd thread, so I took it upon myself to archive this thread. Lots of discussion, love to see it!

12 Votes for Sven Askeland/ Officer

10 Votes for locking in scientist

1 Vote for Sven Mendez/ Officer

Another really close vote, but Officer cinches it in the end.

Decision Made
Progressing to thread 2 [First contact]

Sith Sven would be interesting to see...


Godamn I love Julius so much. Also the Grunt cousin gag made me giggle

Thanks for the tunes!
I'd rather take a name hearkening back to our home than to EITHER trainer, but if I must choose one, Id pick Mendez over Halsey.
Don't forget to archive on suptg if you haven't already.
Realized I miscounted, and Sven Mendez/ Officer had 2 votes. Hope I don't make any more errors like that, but in all fairness I just got up and only now got myself a cup of coffee

Oh and I'll drop a link to the new thread here and the /qtg/ when its done baking
You do realize that Askeland is our last name we got from Dad/New Noregr, right? Halsey's last name is Halsey
>Progressing to thread 2 [First contact]
Ooooohhh baby.

The 2nd thread of Halo: Spartan II War Reports has started, with a friendly game of capture the flag between Purple Team and Tango Company....

I did, don't worry.
no biggie man
Oh. Durr. I never played much Halo, i thought we were choosings between hers and Mendez's

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