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The Caretaker Quest - Part 4

This is part 4 of the "side quest" for "Disappearing Hogwarts".
An unofficial alternate timeline based on HeadQM´s highly praised quest, Disappearing Hogwarts.
Reading the original story is not exactly necessary but heavily encouraged.
Created mostly as a place to wait while HeadQM was away for a while but slowly evolved into his own thing.

Quick recap so far:
Recently graduated Ravenclaw student is hired at Hogwarts as the new Caretaker.
Something dangerous and mysterious is happening.
Harry Potter is the new Headmaster of Hogwarts and extremely stressed.
Somehow, you can see ancient magic.
Peeves ripped out your foot.
Merlin himself is stuck in your head and slowly recovering his memories.
Potter’s daughter also had a powerful wizard inside her head.
Tactically used your enormous penis to somehow turn said wizard into a metaphorical vegetable by erasing his mind.
You have a sportsy German girlfriend.
And you are now in a coma and she is the new MC for a bit.
What will happen now? Let's find out!

Part 3 here >>6122821
Previously, on the Caretaker...


You lower your voice and continue.

“But i haven't even used my library card”

“Then what is this?”
She pulls out a small card from the catalog, a white card with Hogwarts Logo and a stack of precariously balancing books and your picture next to it. It reads “Hogwarts Staff Library Permit: LeClair. Willow.”

“Wha-there must be a mistake, i've neve-”

“I've worked in this library for over 70 years, I take my job very seriously, so seriously that I implemented a special system that won't allow anyone to get anything out of here without a special permit, not even Headmaster Potter himself is exempt from this”
She says as she slowly rises from her chair behind her desk, her bones creaking in a strangely menacing way.
“It's a perfect system. I never make mistakes”

“But i-”

“Return the books or be banished forever!”

She snaps her fingers and you are magically lifted and carried away, only to be thrown out through the library’s front door and fall and slide across the corridor, ending up just a couple of steps away from some small stairways.

You can only hear the door slowly closing behind you as you stand up, some students standing around in silence or murmuring stuff you can't understand clearly.

You stand up and dust yourself up.

Clearly something is up here, you have never even been close to the library, how is it that your special Staff Permit is already there?

“Looks like i got my own mystery to solve here”

What will you do?
>Go back in and try to clear things up, maybe you can make her understand?.
>Investigate how it is that your card is already in there. (Roll 1D100, Best of 3)
>Screw her, sneak in later at night (move on with the rest of your day)
>Other (Write in)


and now, we continue...
“Think, think, think…How do I figure this out?”

You never considered yourself to be a particularly bright witch, you were more of a…”Do now, let somebody else ask questions later” kinda witch, which is why you have let Brandon do the investigating.
But now it seems like you don't have any other options other than to clear this mystery for yourself.

“It can't be THAT hard, right? it's just figuring out who took your card, surely there must be-”

And just like that it hits you.

“Of course! there is a spell precisely for this kind of stuff!”

You head back into the library and walk towards the desk of the boney old librarian.
The moment she sees you, she frowns and raises her hand to snap her fingers once again but she seems to stop herself and instead waits for you to stand in front of her desk.

“Give me one good reason not to kick you out of here again”

“i know! i know! im sorry! i-”


Merlin, you want to punch her head off, but right now you need to play nice.

“Right” You almost whisper.
“I know we started with the wrong foot and that is my fault, i completely forgot where i put those books and-”

“Did you LOSE the books?!” She…screams? you are not sure how she manages to be so quiet and loud at the same time.

“No! nono! nothing like tha-!”


Your knuckles become white for a second but you manage to control yourself.

“Sorry…they are in my classroom, im sure of it, but i just can't find them since there is so much stuff in there, so i was wondering if i could do a quick spell on my library card to track them, after all, where my card was, surely my books would be there too” you lie.

She stares at you with a dubious expression on her face.

“Bit of a complicated way to do this, don't you think?”
“Yeah, i know, but i'd rather do this than to keep looking for hours in the same place and not knowing if i'm even getting close to where they are, this will be faster!”

She starts looking through her catalog and pulls out your library card.

“If you ever want to set foot in this library every again, you WILL get those books back”

She holds your library card out so you can do your thing.

“Don't worry! this will be fast!”


You chose to ignore the heavy palpitation in your heart that she is giving you right now and focus on getting your wand out.

“Now…what was the spell…ah, right” You clear your throat and cast the spell.
“Appare Vestigium!”

You hold your wand in the palm of both hands and gently blow into it, a golden dust comes out of the tip of your wand and envelopes the library card.
A couple of students get their attention stolen by the magical golden dust that suddenly shoots out of the library, leaving a trail for you to follow.

“exzellent!” You say with an involuntary yet heavy German accent

You run out of the library, the cranky librarian shouting “NO RUNNING!” and getting shushed by some students as you exit the quiet place and into the corridors of the castle.

“Now all I have to do is follow the golden trail and i´ll find whoever took my stuff!”

You think as you run chasing the spell and notice that every student keeps staring at it as it moves through the castle.

“The very visible and telling golden spell that is getting everyone's attention…”


“The spell that is heading towards whoever took my stuff and will be alerted of it as soon as it reaches them! FUCK!”

You can't stop the spell now or you will never find out the one responsible for this, only one option left.
You are going to have to outrun it

>Roll 1D100+20 (+20 from Willows Physical Muggle Skills/Fitness) DC 75
links to previous threads
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Thanks to IlvermoryQM for the links!
(if anyone can figure out a way to save the ".moe" thread into "thisisnotatrueending" that would be much appreciated)
Glad to see the new thread up.
Rolled 75 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

And my roll. Which seems to have disappeared from my post for some reason.
Rolled 96 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

I was gonna suggest she just call a broom to herself, but it looks like it won't be needed.
Rolled 55 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

And you are welcome. In theory it is possible to pull all the posts and images from moe with a couple of tools and do a manual upload to suptg, but I have never tried it, and it sounds like a bitch. If I get board some day I might try but kinda unlikely.

Let me know if you need me to archive this one when it hits like page 8 or 9.
Didn't even note how high that was.

Going for the FIT girl is paying dividends. Bish can run. I wonder if she could bench Brandon if she tried lol.
“Im glad im wearing my loose outfit today”

You have seen students run when they are late for their classes, you always notice how they are restraining themselves because they know they aren't supposed to be running in the corridors of the castle. Their legs move fast but their steps are stiff and not as big as they could be.
Even the staff do that when there is an emergency, which always striked you as odd since that's the time when those rules should be disregarded for the sake of response time.

Luckily for you and your Muggle ancestry, you knew of a particular…”sport” that not many Muggles practice, let alone wizards. A sport that you were restricted from practicing in your time at Beauxbatons but still found the time and places to do so while in your weekends outside of the fancy school.


And you are itching to shake the rust off.

Unlike any student or other staff member, you give yourself a second to take a deep breath and shake your limbs, you let yourself get loose, then you run.

No, not run, that still feels too slow and stiff, no.

You sprint. Each step is as big as you can take and as fast as your body allows you. Slightly leaning forwards while your arms sway from side to side in big motions.

However, you are running against magic, it's impossible to catch up to it by simply running, so when you see the golden dust take a sharp turn and down a set of stairs hanging under another set of stairs, you jump from the railguard and land with an unstoppable and smooth stride, followed by sliding between the second set of railguard´s posts, skipping 2 stories and immediately catching up with the spell.

It then follows a winding path of corridors, taking sharp and wild turns with each intersection it finds which you follow smoothly by jumping and running on the walls each time, you even managed to jump OVER a student when they crouched after seeing the golden dust going their way, needless to say, a lot of students were left wondering what the fuck was wrong with you. But it doesn't matter, as long as the target of the spell doesn't notice it.

The spell goes across the main courtyard of the castle, going through the decorative windowless holes of the outer walls and down a small hill that ends with a jump into an almost hidden and low transited corridor without a roof.

You crouch-slide the entire hill down, your hand lagging behind to create balance and finally jump into the corridor and kick off the wall to land with a roll and a slight jog before continuing your sprint.

You see the spell go behind a statue and into a hidden hole.
You have never seen this corridor before.
It's a simple stone road with solid stone walls to its sides that stop the small hills on both sides from reaching the ground, creating an almost hidden and tight path that hides itself in the shadow of the hills anytime the sun is not directly on top of it. At its end, the statue of a snake coiling around a pillar, its head pointing down from the highest point of the pillar, a couple of stone benches on each side create a serene and private resting area that you suspect most couples use when they get the chance, given the carved hearts on a couple of big stones next to each bench, finally, the circular roofless room walls are covered in vines with some white and purple blooming flowers, creating an almost romantic atmosphere thanks to the singular torch at the base of the pillar from where the snake comes out.

You almost stop for a second to admire the place before noticing the hidden tunnel behind a patch of vines, it's a thin hole that goes diagonally underground and suddenly ends in an old door.

You stop for a second to inspect the door, looking for any indications of where it leads before saying “screw it” and going it.

As soon as you close the door behind you, you feel the chilly air of the tunnel hit you right in the face, giving you goosebumps thanks to the air cooling down the sweat sliding across your skin.

The dark rocky tunnel is illuminated by a few torches every few meters and the golden dust of the spell slowing down but still moving without stopping.

“What is this?”

As you walk along the tunnel, you notice how it goes from a rocky texture to a more smooth feeling when you slide your hand across the walls, they feel cold to the touch.

*splash splash splash*

You notice that your steps are feeling sloshy and wet.
Before long, you hear the sound of running water, a waterfall and…music?

“Wait a minute, i´ve heard this music before…”

You decide this is a good moment to finally end the spell, don't want to be caught now.

“Finite incantatem”


With the golden glow of the spell gone, you can see a blue-ish light coming from a final turn at the end of the tunnel.

You hug the wall and take a peek around the corner.
You first encounter a shifting blue-ish wall.

“Wait a minute, that's not a wall” you think.

You get closer to it and touch it with a finger, you get splashed by the falling water.

“A waterfall”

As you step closer to it, you notice the vague shape of a familiar room, the Slytherin common room.

“A hidden entrance?”

“One only a handful of people know”

You jump at the sound of the female voice right on the other side of the waterfall.

“Calm down, i´ll say nothing, after all, keeping the secret is my job” the voice giggles after that.

“Who are you?” you ask, trying to make out the gray-ish shape of the person behind the curtain of water.

“My author painted me without a name, although throughout the years some people have given me the name of “the stone mermaid” but I would hardly call that a name, more like a description if anything.”



“ooo…kay…so, what is this?”

“What do you mean “what is-” wait a second, how did you find this tunnel?”

“Well, there was this door behind some vines, i just followed the path all the way here”

The voice becomes quiet for a few moments before exhaling in a frustrated manner.

“What's the POINT of a secret entrance if they left the door WIDE OPEN?!”

“Oh sweet! so it really is a secret entrance! and that's the Slytherin common room, right?”

“*sigh* yes it is” she says in a defeated tone. “Just cross the waterfall and you´ll appear in front of my painting”

You take a step back and jump through the wall of water.
You feel the freezing water sliding down your neck and onto your back as you land with a gentle “thud” and notice that you are now standing in front of the painting of a statue of a mermaid sitting in front of a waterfall and a pond pooling in front of it.

“If you need it, simply jump through the painting again, try aiming at the waterfall though, otherwise it's gonna hurt” The mermaid says before jumping into the pond and disappearing for a second before getting closer to the painting, making herself look WAY bigger than she was.
“and KEEP the secret, if more people find about the hidden door then my job is pointless! also close the door when you get the chance, please”
And with that, she dips into the pond and disappears from view.

You turn around and see the empty common room, the music coming from an ignored gramophone next to a couch.

“They all must be in their classes”

You walk to it and lift the needle, stopping the music and bathing the room in silence.

“Well, the spell brought me to the Slytherin room and there is only one relevant person to this entire thing that i´ve heard Brandon talk about, now…which way was his room? i think its over here”

You walk to the boys dorms, thankfully the castle lets you walk in without problems. (Perhaps the castle is letting you in? you´ll have to let Brandon know about that later) and look for the room where Elliot sleeps.

“This isn't it…this isn't it…there we go, found you”

You step into the circular room after verifying that it is in fact empty.

“Now, where are those-oh! there they are!”

You find the books you were “looking for” and take them from their resting place on top of a bureau.

“Well, that was easy, now i just need to get out of here before the classes end”

You walk towards the door but stop halfway


You slowly turn around on your heels, a sly smile on your face

>”Nah, better get out while i can”
>”Maybe i could have a look around, surely that kid Elliot must be hiding something, right?” (Roll 1D100 to “look for anything useful” Best of 3 rolls.)
i think besides rolling for dick size, these have been some of the best rolls in the entire quest so far! if only Brandon had these when he needed them the most...
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Fuck yeah. It was the French, I think, that did invent the art of urban movement., so nifty she knows how to Parkour.

>”Maybe i could have a look around, surely that kid Elliot must be hiding something, right?” (Roll 1D100 to “look for anything useful” Best of 3 rolls.)

Let's ride high on our streak of luck. Will wait for rolls to be called if this wins.

I am also imaging a wet, sweaty Willow now.... Yum.

Actual link to vote post since I got distracted by a call.

Saar, would jou... "No fuck off" was the conversation.
Maybe you got a bit too distracted mate, you forgot your roll…

If that choice wins, I will roll.

Otherwise, say I roll a 100? Then of course it will influence other people to chose that option, since it is certain success. Same if I rolled a 1; it would influence other people to not chose that option since it is a crit fail.

Votes and rolls need to be separate for that reason. IMO, I don't run the show, so if Kektus says go ahead and roll, I will.
Rolled 60 (1d100)


Oh it is you QM. Dropped your trip.

So here is a roll if you want it at the same time.
Rolled 33 (1d100)

>”Maybe i could have a look around, surely that kid Elliot must be hiding something, right?” (Roll 1D100 to “look for anything useful” Best of 3 rolls.)
yeah, my bad, i was phoneposting since i was still in bed
yeah, the reason i ask for rolls when choosing a vote is mostly due to save time, i already take long enough between updates, i dont want to wait for a vote to win AND THEN ask for rolls, better to just get the ball rolling ahead of time.
also i feel its better since if anybody gets any lower roll, other people might want to jump in for the save
just a heads up, update was supposed to come out yesterday, but due to the festive season, shit always gets in the way.
i will try to update tomorrow if possible, but im not confident it will be possible.
All good my man, been unexpectedly busy with the same stuff too. Merry Christmas Eve.
Hope you all had a merry christmas! now that the main festivities are over, we can finally go back to our previous schedule.


”Maybe i could have a look around, surely that kid Elliot must be hiding something, right?” You think to yourself as you start looking under his pillow, his bureau and under his bed.

The search is a quick and short one since you don't want to risk getting caught by the entirety of the Slytherin house.
Regretfully, all you find are a couple of vials with a green liquid inside and a slight smell of honey, (definitely Wiggenweld potions) and a single gray potion with a sticker that reads “DANGER - FLASHBANG”.
You take them all and leave the room after you hear the bells of Hogwarts announcing the midday lunch break.

The escape from the Slytherin room goes without problems…

Back in your room, you decide it's best to start studying as much as you can before you need to return the books.

You read about some of his feats, how he created several spells that nobody ever really figured out what they did, how he was known for being a bit of a dick sometimes yet still being a very well liked wizard, specially by Muggles since apparently he wanted to protect them from some very angry wizards.
But most importantly, and the thing that caught your attention the most. How he was apparently born from the union of a nun and a demon, although some tales say that he was born from the daughter of some king and others mention a witch from the forest but in the end most of the stories agree that his father was a demon.


A couple of hours go by before you need to take a break from the book.
You stretch and leave the book on top of a small table next to your bed and head for the door, but stop before you cross.

“Wait, not gonna let it happen again”

You hide the book under your mattress and cast several warning and security spells.

“That should do it for now”

You exit the door hiding behind the refrigerator and walk into your classroom, but stop in your tracks as you witness something you have never seen before.
A couple of students, sitting in their places still a couple of hours before the next class starts.

You say, confused at their presence.
“What are you doing here? there are still a couple of hours left before the next class”

“Yeah, but me and some of my friends wanted to ask some stuff about Muggle sports”

“Amm…sure? what do you want to know?”

What follows is a strange, impromptu and small class on a few Muggle sports, like Football, hockey, basketball and the like, along with a quick demonstration and explanation of their rules.

“That's weird” a Ravenclaw student says, a boy with curly blond, almost golden hair and white skin.
“Most of their sports are similar to Quidditch”

“You are correct, most Muggle sports share the same goals, the main difference is that they stick to the ground…most of them”

“¨Most of them¨? What does that mean? Muggles can't fly”

“Well, not exactly, they don't have magic like we do, but they can in fact fly”

“But how?”
You look at the clock hanging on the wall, reading 1PM.

“I would love to tell you more, but I'm actually a bit busy right now. Why don't you come back in a couple of hours and you can join the class? maybe you´ll get to learn about more interesting stuff that Muggles can do”

“But that would mean i´ll have to add another class to my schedule…”

“Yes, but unlike other classes, you get to influence and decide what to learn there, and if we have some luck, maybe even a trip to the Muggle world”

“You can do that?!”

“Of course I can! im a professor after all”

“Brilliant! we´ll come back later then!”

“Don't forget to spread the word! the more the better!”

The students exit the classroom, leaving you with around an hour and a half left of time to do whatever you want.
You invest it by sending an owl to St. Mungos, letting them know that you plan to visit Brandon in a couple of hours and asking if there is any progress on his recovery.

An hour later and after getting a quick snack from the kitchens, you receive a letter back. How is it that an owl can travel all that distance and back in just an hour? you´ll never know, owls cant use magic as far as you know.
The letter lets you know that Brandon is stable but so far there is no progress waking him up from…whatever is affecting him and that you are welcome to visit but expect nothing to come from it for now.

“Well, at least he is stable” You say while reading the letter from the desk in your classroom. waiting for the next class to start.
“I'll visit him after this class is done”.

Right after saying that, the first students start entering the room and for the first time since you started teaching at Hogwarts, you are short a couple of chairs.

It takes a minute to pull out a pair of chairs from one of the corners of the room so that everyone has a seat.

“Welcome to Muggle Studies, I see that we have a couple of new faces here, I promise you that your time here will not be wasted, now lets begin. Our class for today-”

The class goes smoothly, you touch on some topics from the previous class before introducing the topic of Muggle sports like you promised.

“-and just like in Quidditch, wins the team that scores the most points, any questions?”

The same boy from before raises his hand.

“You mentioned before that some Muggle sports don't stay on the ground”

“Ah, yes, that is correct, although most of those sports go into the category of “extreme sports” only thrill seeking Muggles dare to practice them, sports like skydiving or cliff jumping”

“Can we try them?!”

The entire class erupts in excitement at the idea of jumping from a very very VERY high place.

“I'll have to consult with Professor Potter but-”

>”i don't think that is such a good idea right now (make your class safer, but the new students might drop out if they get too bored)
>”If he agrees, we´ll do some skydiving tomorrow” (prepare a skydiving session, high risk of something happening to your students if not done correctly, very high chance of class popularity to increase)
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>”If he agrees, we´ll do some skydiving tomorrow” (prepare a skydiving session, high risk of something happening to your students if not done correctly, very high chance of class popularity to increase)

I mean, they can just take a slow-fall potion or something? Not really any more dangerous that Quidditch, broom flying in general. American Quidditch where the ball explodes?
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This is not influenced in the least by the few time I have skydived or cliff dived, and it was fun as shit.
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Also, and this will be the last post for a bit, what about showing the students a bit of Parkour? Willow is good at it, and it might help the younger students, ones who won't be able to Apparate for a few years. Help the older ones since they still can't just pop away in places like Hogwarts; since most of them won't ever get good enough to use it in a fight, but they can certainly learn to jump, grab and pull themselves up, turn a fall into a roll, ect.
>>”If he agrees, we´ll do some skydiving tomorrow” (prepare a skydiving session, high risk of something happening to your students if not done correctly, very high chance of class popularity to increase)
>”If he agrees, we´ll do some skydiving tomorrow” (prepare a skydiving session, high risk of something happening to your students if not done correctly, very high chance of class popularity to increase)
Brooms on standby, slowfall potions, parachutes, and in the absolute worst case scenario charm the ground over the LZ to be springy and soft.
>I mean, they can just take a slow-fall potion or something?
they can...but thats not the point of EXTREME SPORTS.

no fucking way, have you really?
The cliff diving wasn't really that high up. 30 or 40 feet when I've been on vacation in Mexico. And there are a couple of companies around my area that do skydiving, my buddy bought me an excursion one time for my birthday, then I went and did it with a girl I was trying to date a few years later. Me and her didn't work out but jumping from a moving plane is still fucking awesome, in my opinion, but I probably have a touch of autism. Like yeah hitting terminal velocity with an instructor strapped to me? Cool, calm, collected. Having to make a business call? Anxious as fuck.
I´ll be honest with yall, i completely forgot that New Year was the last celebration left and the biggest thing my family celebrates, so of course it sucked all the free time i had.
But now that the holidays are finally for real over, NOW we can go back to our previous schedule of updates.
Happy new year to everybody!


“I'll have to consult with Professor Potter but If he agrees, we´ll do some skydiving tomorrow”

The class becomes very loud with cheers of excitement

“Alright!” “Brilliant!” “Bloody awesome!” your students exclaim while doing fistbumps and sharing highfives.

The class ends shortly after with you reminding them not to eat for at least an hour before the next class and to bring as many guests as they can, after all if you can milk this to grow your class, you will.

For now though, it's time to get ready to visit Brandon at St. Mungos.

You make sure to lock the classroom with key while you take a shower, put on your usual clothes with a big black coat on top to brace the cold weather in London and head towards the Hogsmeade Village, carrying a small backpack with some snacks and notes from your previous studies about Merlin.

On your way out of the castle, you stumble upon the Gamekeeper, Hagrid, dragging some sort of heavy looking black bag through Hogwarts main road.
You have never really interacted with him, so it struck you as odd when he called you by name.

“Oi! Miss Willow! One second if ye could!”

You stop, wondering what he wants and more importantly, how he knows your name. You assume he simply paid attention when the introductions were made during the start of the school year.

He finally reaches you, letting go of the bag and stretching his back, causing a series of loud “pops” as he does.

“Uuugh, thenk ya fer waitin´ ´s getting ´arder and ´arder te drag ´eavy stuff with each year, huff”

“Arrrre…you ok?”

“Yah, ´m just wee tired, tha´s all, but nevermind ´bout me, where are ye goin´?”

“Oh, i'm just on my way to visit Brandon at St Mungos”

“Ahh, of course, that would be it, ´suppose i shouldn't bother ye with me problems then”

“Oh! Do you need help?”

“´s just this bag ´ere, it's getting a bit too ´eavy fer me, i aint gettin´ any young´r”
“Say no more, i still have some time help before my next class, this shouldn't take long”

“Yer a lifesaver lass, thanks!”

“Dont mention it, now, where are we going?” you say as you step on the other side of the bag and crouch, getting ready to lift it.

“Umm…what´re ye doin´?”

“I'm helping you, cmon now, this bag looks very heavy, it's gonna be way harder if it's just me” You try lifting the bag but find you cant even budge it

“What do you even have in here? rocks?”

“Dead horses”

You immediately recoil away from the bag.


“Aye! they are perfect teh feed magical creatur´s in the forest and me classes”

“I…guess that makes sense? But why are you carrying this? just use magic to lift it”

The words hit you as they leave your mouth.

“I was ´oping you could do that fer me”

“Yeah i just realized what i-yeah”

You pull out your wand, mentally beating yourself for relying too much on your “Muggle ways” again and cast “Wingardium Leviosa” on the bag but fail to lift it on your first try.

“Hang on, this is really heavy”

You try again, holding your wand with both hands and really focusing now. This time, the bag slowly lifts up and becomes easier to move once it reaches sufficient height, letting you use only one hand now while keeping a considerate effort but still easy enough to relax just a bit.

“Alright! lead the way”

You follow Hagrid across the gardens and fields of Hogwarts while chatting.

“So why didn't you use magic to lift this before?”

“I cannae use magic since i was expelled from ´Ogwarts”
“You were expelled?”

“Yah, i'd rather not go into details, but since then, me wand was destroyed and I nevah finished me education, so i cannae do magic…well actually i can, i'm just not good at it, that's why i asked fer ya help, thanks by the way”

“My pleasure…but now that we are chatting, and don't take this the wrong way, but, how did you know who i am? we have never spoken before”

“Brandon mentioned ya a few times, sometn´ ´bout good date places and-”

“He was planning a date!?”

“...I should not have said that…”

You both continue having some idle chit-chat until you reach Hagrid's hut, where you leave the bag next to a big wooden table with a BIG axe. Once the spell is done, you can “feel” your magic being a bit tired and your body fatigued, but nothing a good night of sleep can't fix.

“´ppreciate the help, lass, if there is anythn´ i can do fer ya, just lemme know”

“I´ll hold you on to that, now if you excuse me, i have to go now, Brandon is waiting for me”

“Aye, tell him i say hi!”


And with that, you walk away, this time without interruptions until you reach the village of Hogsmeade and go directly to The Three Broomsticks.

A quick butterbeer later, Olivia lets you use her fireplace to flu powder away to London, burning away and into a fireplace inside a building that resembles a train station.

You are greeted by a witch behind some green metal bars behind a counter.

“Hello there and welcome to London, please state the reason of your visit”

“I'm visiting St. Mungos.”

“Oh, i'm sorry” she writes down something on some piece of paper only to stamp it a moment after and gives you a copy of it.
“Please hold on to this until your visit is over”

You take it and keep it inside your backpack, after the witch makes you sign another piece of paper, you finally exit the building through the rotating metal door.
You come out to the cold streets of London and navigate your way to St. Mungos. Not too far away from the place you exited.

Once you reach the old mannequin and hop through a windowless frame on a rundown building, you finally reach St Mungos.

As everyone does, you walk to the “Welcome witch” at the reception and let her examine your backpack, looking for anything that might be dangerous.
After finding nothing like that, you are given the clear and let into the halls of the hospital, walking up the stairs up until the 4th floor, to the Janus Thickey Ward where the more permanent and complicated patients reside.

There, in the last bed of the last room at the end of the hallway, was Brandon.
He looked like he was sleeping under a weighted and warm blanket, some old and uneaten pastries lay on the small bedside table next to him.

“Hey…” you begin. “sorry it took so long, i had to help Hagrid carry some…horses”


“Yeah, i finally met him, he is like a big fluffy bear, but a nice one, like a teddy bear”


“I think I noticed some gray strands on his beard, though. He says “hi” by the way”


You think you feel something wet in your eyes but blink it away.

You let out a sigh and slump down on a chair next to Brandon, noticing how he is completely alone in the room, with a single light illuminating his bed while the rest of the room is bathed in darkness.

Once you confirm nobody is there, you lift his blanket and pull out his hand so you can hold it, you do nothing else.

Before you know it, you are lying down your head, still holding his hand while resting your head on your other arm next to him.

What will you do for your visit?
>Keep holding his hand like this for a bit longer
>Read him something
>Other (write in)

and regardless of whatever option you pick.

>Roll 1D100 for…something.
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>what about showing the students a bit of Parkour?
i actually have something planned for this, it wont come up yet, but it WILL be relevant for later, so dont you worry, parkouring around the castle WILL come back later if you pick the correct choices.
Rolled 90 (1d100)

>Try speaking to Merlin. He should be in there, somewhere. Maybe he can hear you, and help Brandon wake back up from inside.
could you please also roll the dice? just to see if we get something better by chance
i always forget how to roll lol
"dice+1d100" in the options field, without the quotation marks.
Rolled 21 (1d100)

we're very lucky this roll doesn't actually count
You don't know when you fell asleep, but you feel yourself waking up with a sudden jerk, panic quickly running all over your body.
You see nothing but white as you open your eyes, it feels blurry, but as your eyes adjust, you notice its not blurriness, you are sitting in an empty white void.

You stand up and quickly check your surroundings, nothing but a white canvas expanding across the infinite in all directions.

Except for a small group of moving…spots, way in the background, they appear to be…dancing? no…fighting?

“Hello?” You lift your hands to cup your mouth, trying to make yourself heard and noticing that you feel a gentle but noticeable warmth all over your left hand.
The sound echoes for quite a bit but you are still unsure if the spots can hear you.

“Guess I'll have to walk?” you think, not sure if it was a question or a statement, but you do so nonetheless.

However, after your 5th step, you are stopped by…something you can't see.

Wait a minute, that voice sounds familiar

“Merlin? is that you?”


“What's going on? Where is Brandon?” you ask as you lay down quickly on the ground


“Prote-are you in the middle of a fight?!”


“Stop who?!”





“But how do I even do that!?”


Once again, you wake up with a jerk and a loud gasp, almost falling off of the chair you were sitting on.

You look around but find the same empty hospital room with no one but you and the passed out body of Brandon lying in bed.

“What a weird dream…”

You turn to look at the clock, a couple of hours have passed, it's currently 6PM, your next and last class of the day is in 2 hours, more than enough time to get everything ready.

“I guess i have to go for now”
You turn to Brandon and give him a small peck on the lips.
“I'll be back soon”

You stand up so you can pick up your stuff and leave, but feel a tug in your left hand.

You are still holding his hand.

No, he is holding you!?

You try to escape his grip but he is holding you for dear life.

“C'mon! Let me go!”

You shake your hand until it finally slips out of his grip and turn to look at him while holding your sore hand.

He is looking pale and his cheeks are slightly sunken.

“...That wasn't a dream, wasn't it?…”

His hand curls up into a fist and you can hear his knuckles cracking up at the effort is making.

“That wasn't a dream!”

You climb on the bed and almost sit next to him, almost on top of him
“Brandon!? Brandon! Are you awake!?”

You feel his fingers tug at your coat and then release it

“Oh Merlin! you are!”

You look around, searching for anything useful, something that can help you with anything.
Then you notice the old uneaten pastry on his bedside table, it's a bit stale and definitely stiffer than it should be, but still perfectly edible.

You take a small piece off of the pumpkin pastry and put it inside his mouth, making sure it's not too big so he wont choke. Luckily his jaw isn't locked in or as strong as his hand grip was.

For a moment you see no movement, he isn't choking so that's at least something good, but after a bit longer, his throat makes a weird sound that you identify as swallowing.

“Yes! you aren't in a comma! something is paralyzing you!”

You keep feeding him pieces of the pastry until it's halfway done, spending an extra half an hour more than you expected to be at the hospital.

“I know it's not much, but this should be enough for now, don't worry, i´ll get you out of there!”

You have an hour and a half to get to Hogwarts and do whatever you need to do before your last and biggest class yet starts.

What will you do?

>Look for a way to stop Faith/Elliot now (Could take longer than expected and might miss your class)
>Wait after class is done so you can look for Faith/Elliot without missing it (You´ll have less time to figure out what to do)
>Other (Write in):
>Look for a way to stop Faith/Elliot now (Could take longer than expected and might miss your class)
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>Look for a way to stop Faith/Elliot now (Could take longer than expected and might miss your class)

The little bit of Merlin said that he couldn't hold off this weird, evil version of "Faith" for too long. Probably need to address that.

Also, cute with Willow giving our boy food, supporting him.
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personal note: never say that you should be back on schedule if you dont control time...
i apologize for the long time this one taking in between updates, live is being particularly bitchy this time.
Update later tonight
It usually takes around an hour to get back to Hogwarts, you made it back in 20 minutes after running to the nearest Flu powder connected chimney and out of the Three Broomsticks and sprinting all the way back to the castle.

As soon as you make it to the entrance, you start looking for Elliot.

“Have you seen Elliot?” You ask several slytherin students.
“Hey, have you seen Elliot?” “Elliot Hallaster?” “Where are you?”
No one seems to know where he is at the moment and you can't even find the friends he hangs out with.

You make it to your classroom and notice that already several students are waiting for the class to start.

“Professor!” a Gryffindor student speaks
“What are we studying today? Will there be explosions?!”

“No-i mean, maybe, i still have to-what are all of you doing here?” You stumble over your words as you look around the classroom and head towards your bedroom behind the fridge.

A Hufflepuff student replies.
“We did some research on Muggles on our own and we wanted to suggest some topics for the next classes! we even got professor Potter´s permission to play a sport called “American Football””

Your heart melts a bit seeing them so excited over Muggle sports, but they couldn't have chosen a worse time to finally be interested in it!

With your hand still over the hidden door knob behind the fridge, you talk to your students.

“That's…great! amazing actually!”

“Yeah! So can we start earlier? we want to be ready for the next classes as soon as possible if we are going to make teams for the games!”

“Any other day I would, but right now I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I'm afraid I can't, I'm sorry!”

“Oh…are you busy, professor? Perhaps there is something we can help with to make it faster?”

“Thanks but i don-…actually, have any of you seen Elliot Hallaster?”

“the weird guy that wears fake mustaches from slytherin?”

“Yeah i saw him exiting the Slytherin common room before i got here” says another Slytherin student
“i think he said something about the astronomy tower, he is probably in there, makes sense since its about to start getting dark”

“Yes! Thank you!”

You start running towards said tower, noticing how the sun is already hiding behind some faraway mountains and the sky is going from orange to a dark blue.

It takes 5 minutes for you to reach the Astronomy tower.
You start looking for Elliot in a few empty classrooms but find nothing.

You find a couple of students in an empty classroom, they scream and split away from their very personal make out session when you burst through the door.

It takes you a second to put 2 and 2 together while the boy is trying to fix his shirt straight and the girl is turning away from you, clearly embarrassed.

“Look, i dont care what you are doing, have you seen Elliot?”

“Who is Elliot?”

“Ugh, nevermind” You close the door and go to the stairs of the tower to climb higher into the tower.

As you keep looking into another set of empty classrooms you start thinking.

“Wait, hang on a second…”
You stop in your tracks
“What am I gonna do when I find him? I can't just say “hey! your weird lady in your head is messing with my boyfriend, cut it out!” no, that's only gonna get me into trouble…and he doesn't really know me that much, he has only seen me once when we were at St.Mungos…i better stay hidden just in case”

You continue looking across the empty rooms, opening and closing doors, with each empty classroom you find you deduce that he is probably at the top of the tower or in the last floors.

“And besides, it's not about Elliot, Merlin said something about getting…”Faith´s”...what was it?...atte…atte…attention! getting faith´s attention”

You decide to skip the middle floors and head straight to the last one, it's the highest tower of Hogwarts, if anyone is here for something it's definitely at the top.

You reach the last floor before you get to the top of the tower where the Astronomy class is located. It has a few rooms filled with books, astral charts and a lounge room.
You hear a couple of voices coming from one of those rooms
“Are you sure about this dude? this feels dangerous” A female voice says.

“Just keep looking for that window, its gotta have something different from the others” A male voice says

“That's gotta be him” you think. “Now I just need to figure out how to get Faith´s attention…but how do I do that? think Willow, think”
You try to remember everything you can about Elliot that Brandon has mentioned before.

“...He did say that the voice asked him for help when he was being attacked at the bridge, so clearly it's trying to protect him.”

“Lets go look into the other rooms, there is nothing here” you hear

You go into one of the few empty rooms on this floor and peek outside from the space under the door.

You see 3 pairs of feet walking out of a room.

“I don't know dude, there doesn't seem to be much in here, are you sure it's in this tower?” a different male voice says.

“It IS in here, I'm sure of it” Says the voice that you suspect is Elliot.

“Fine! but stop being so rude about it! we are your friends not some sort of lackeys you can boss around, what's gotten into you?” says the female one as they all enter another room and close the door behind them.

“Why is he looking for a window of all things?...whatever, just need to get Faith´s attention…and she responds when Elliot is in danger”

You look at the empty room you are in and notice that its not entirely empty, there are a few crates and mannequins lying around, some of those are wearing what appear to be some old Hogwarts robes from previous generations, some unfinished, some are very big and some are unusually small, faulty designs?

“I think i have an idea…Sweet Merlin, i cant believe im doing this, if they found out i attacked a student i'm going directly to azkaban”
You put on an oversized robe that covers your entire body and make sure there is nothing that is not covered by it, you pull the hood over your face and stab 2 eye holes in it.
Your body looks like a stuffed mannequin that has come to life and its looking for “revenge”

>roll 1D100+10 (+25 from physical skills, -15 from numbers disadvantage) DC80
finally, an update!
im so sorry for the long wait, life always finds a way...doesnt help that i´ve been feeling in a bit of a creative slump so im starting to feel a bit burned out, but i refuse to let this quest go to hell without a fight!
thanks to those who are sticking around to read my stuff, you guys are the reason why im still going, we will finish this quest even if it kills me
Rolled 27 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 7 + 10 (1d100 + 10)


Big tit rolls!
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>we will finish this quest even if it kills me

You are really tempting the curse given there are a minimum of 2 QMs I know of that have died doing this.

But thank you for keeping going. This is pretty fun. I've enjoyed the Willow part quite well so far.

Tiny booba rolls.
Rolled 13 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Unsure if it's just us two voters. If nobody else comes around to roll, here's the third. Ignore it if someone does come around though.
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Faith isn't going down easily. Well, I hope Azkaban or Nurmengard treats our waifu nicely.
Yeah, she uh, she didn't think this through very well.
A much better strategy would have been just leaving a note for Elliot to find telling him that he needs to pull Faith back or contact her or such.
holy shit these rolls...this aint good...

i mean, i havent writen anything yet, you can still pull this up if you want, im willing to give you guys a chance to plan something else and roll for it if you want, because these rolls certainly aint gonna cut it
Merlin said we only need to distract her, not that we need to win
Hey you. Make your roll!
Rolled 34 + 10 (1d100 + 10)


well, we got 3 diferent rolls.
i want to give you guys a small muligan since i made the mistake of not giving you guys an option to plan something different to Willow´s plan, pairing that with the abysmall rolls we got...i will give you guys the chance to chose between:
>sticking to willow's plan (attacking Elliot's group) and adding a free +10 to your results
>plan something else and roll again and use the best of 3 results
>>plan something else and roll again and use the best of 3 results
Sorry for delayed response, been sick.
>Plan something else and roll again and use the best of 3 results

I honestly think leaving an anonymous note is the best option here. It just has to be one that convinces him to contact and calm Faith down. Perhaps we can word it in a mysterious way that'll entice him further.

"A cornered animal bites at a helping hand. Your unseen friends cannot help until you hold faith within your heart. Introspection is the cure to many ailments. Luck will be on your side if you heed this advice wisely."
maybe don't leave it that vague
Trust me, Elliot would dive headfirst into that shit.
while being suspicious as fuck
Yet difficult to parse for anyone who doesn't know what he knows, which is also important.
if there are no votes against or suggestions for anything else, then please, just roll a 1D100 to see how this goes out, no DC´s or bonuses this time, just a raw roll and i´ll get to write the next update
Rolled 17 (1d100)

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Are you shitting me.

Gone for a good part of the day... we roll another sub 20. Merlin hates Willow.
Rolled 4 (1d100)

Well let's hope the third one saves us.
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Rolled 58 (1d100)


Big tit rolls!
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dude, what the actual fuck? this only gives more credibility to the Curse of Potter.
at least >>6176722 had a somewhat decent result
>mfw i was debating about actually adding a DC of 60 to this roll
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Rolled 83 (1d100)

I was really hoping it would be like 50 or something to just not get our girl in trouble, higher for it to work. Maybe we still make it out?

I will probably be calling out small chest rolls now.


Small chest rolls! Let's fucking go!
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Holy shit, it worked.
You envision your entire plan playing in your head, hyping yourself up to execute your ambush flawlessly.

“You can do this, Willow. You got this!”

You gently slap yourself a couple of times on both sides of the face

“Lets go”

You take your first step and the next moment you are eating shit from the cold hard ground, tripping over the oversized robe and getting it tangled all around your legs.


After a few seconds of rubbing your nose and forehead, you untangle the robe and stand up

“Ok, fine, that was a stupid plan, I admit it…New plan!...new plan….what's my new plan?...”

You look around the room, trying to come up with something before Elliot and Co. come out of the other room. You are struggling with this…

“Ugh! I'm not an ideas witch! what do i d-”
You notice a broken piece of wood from one of the crates, it's flat and with a light and unitone wooden color, it almost looks like a clipboard, just slightly thicker.

“Wait…i think i got it!”

You pick up the piece of wood and begin writing on it using your wand´s magic to carve/scorch a message on it

“For what we know, Elliot is a goofy guy who enjoys a good mystery, this should be able to get his attention…done! Now I just need to deliver the message…but how?”

As you ponder, you catch a glimpse of yourself on one of the window´s reflections wearing the oversized robe and noticing how the darkness of it gets easily lost in the shadows of the room.

“Is this why people like to plan stuff up? because I like how it feels when you get a clever idea!”

You use your magic to make the robe fit your size and envelope yourself in a magical shroud of darkness, completely hiding your identity and making you no more than a vaguely humanoid shaped dark mist.

You feel both giddy and nervous as you step out of the room almost looking like a dementor cosplay that came to life
You look both ways as you step into the hallway, your identity may be concealed, but you still don't want anyone watching you.
After making sure that there is no one around, you tip-toe your way to the room where you know Elliot and friends are currently in.

You gently open the door, trying your best not to make any sound and peek-in.

Elliot, the goth girl whose name you don't know and another boy with darker skin are all looking around the room as if searching for something, most likely that window you heard about before, so they are all looking away from the door, good.

You hold the piece of wood in your hand and slowly lift it so you can slide it on top of a table next to the door, a clear enough spot for them to notice the big piece of wood that came out of nowhere…

…and then you accidentally bump the wood into that same table and drop it.

The world moves in slow motion as the group of students all look at the Dementor looking thing peeking from the door.


You slam the door shut and run.

However, it looks like they're not chasing you, at least for now.

You hope it stays like that for a while, but now you need to get rid of your costume and go back to your classroom, you still have a class to give. You just hope the message actually worked.





“Because if it were, the temperature would have dropped, also we would already be dead, so no, that wasn't a dementor”

“...Yeah of course you would know that kind of information, why am I surprised then?”

“Because you are both little girls! unblock that door already!”
“Alright! alright! we are on it”

“So if that wasn't a dementor, then what was it?”

The goth girl picks up the piece of wood
“Somebody left us a message”

“ "A cornered animal bites at a helping hand. Your unseen friends cannot help until you hold faith within your heart. Introspection is the cure to many ailments. Luck will be on your side if you heed this advice wisely?” what?"

“Does this mean anything to you Elliot?”

“I don't recognize this phrase from anything but it's definitely aimed at me”

“So what do we do?”

Elliot looks around the room one more time before grunting disapprovingly.

“We leave, we might have to get rid of a spy before we do anything else. Lets go”

The group of friends unblock the door and exit the room, leaving the tower shortly after.

“Dude, is it just me? or is Elliot grumpier than usual?”

After sneakily getting rid of (incinerating it and throwing the ashes into the lake) your disguise and making sure no one watched you do so, you head back to your classroom, making it with a few minutes left to spare before class starts.

“Professor, are you ok? you look tired”

You almost drag yourself with each step as you slump into the chair behind your desk

“Y-yeah yeah, i'm just….ahhh…winded up, gimme a minute”

Your evening class is the busiest it has ever been, answering questions about vehicles, sports, traditions and other things that 99% of the wizarding population isn't familiar with.
Overall another unusually great class, which you finish by reminding them of tomorrow´s activities.

After the room is emptied, you make sure to clean a bit and grade the assignments that your students did during class.
Once you finished grading everything, you head back into your room to take a shower and finish your day.

“Alright Willow, it wasn't exactly how you expected it would go, but you got everything done today, nice job.”

Sleep comes without much trouble, just the worry in the back of your head, wishing that the message did its job.

*tok tok tok* … *tok tok tok*


*tok tok tok* … *tok tok tok*


*tok tok-*


You kick the covers off of you and sit up on your bed.
There is an owl pecking at one of your windows.


You get out of bed and head to the window, letting the bird with a letter on its beak in

“Hey there buddy? what do you have there?”

You take the letter after giving the owl some scratches under its beak.

“QUIddItcH FiElD”

That's all the letter says in cut-outs of different colorful letters from magazines.

>Go to the Quidditch Fields
>Dont go
>Other (Write in)
>>Go to the Quidditch Fields
>Go to the Quidditch Fields
Lock the room and place anti-intruder jinxes before leaving.
Homenum Revelio once we get to the meeting point.
Make sure our wand is in a firm grip.
>Go to the Quidditch Fields

Fuck it time to go.
You may not be the smartest witch around, but even you can recognize bait when you see one.

You sit at the border of the window and give the owl a small treat for sending the message.

*tsk tsk tsk*
you click your tongue as you think about what to do.

“Could it be Elliot? no, impossible, he couldn't have figured me out already…could he?”

You step down from the window frame and put on your usual clothes along with your big black coat to endure the cold weather of Hogwarts at night.

Whatever or whoever it is, they want your attention, good or bad? only one way to find out.

You put on some black leather gloves and enchant them with the gripping charm, your wand is not getting away from your hands tonight, that's for sure.

After that, you make sure to cast security charms and traps all over your room, if this is bait and they want you away from your room, then whoever is planning this will find a nasty surprise.

“There, no way anyone is getting in here without MY knowledge”

After you make sure to test the spells and reactivate them, you exit the castle and head towards the Quidditch fields.
The midnight full moon illuminates the outside well enough so you don't need to cast Lumos to see where you are stepping, but it's still quite dark, perfect for sneaking out without much problem.

After 5 minutes of walking down the very walked in dirt road, you can see the Quidditch towers rising from behind the hills, their team flags lazily flapping in the midnight breeze and their empty stands looking ominously barren in contrast to their usually loud and lively environment.

“Ugh…this place looks creepy at night”

With your wand being held with an iron grip and your mind in high alert, you reach the entrance to the Quidditch field, one of several tunnels that go under the stands, decorated with several newspaper clippings telling news about the current Hogwarts Quidditch schedules, previous awards and victories and sports related events, all framed and hung on the wooden walls along with team banners and decorations.

Halfway through the tunnel, there is a loud creaking.

You turn around faster than what you thought was possible for your body and aim your wand at the whole lot of nothing that is currently behind you.

You were about to call out for whoever you thought was there with a “Hello” but decided against it.
The wood decides to creak again and you realize that the wind is the one responsible for gently pushing the big towers that hold the stands, making them sound their heavy creaking as the wood strains with each gentle rocking.

You lower your wand a bit before deciding to stop wasting time and exit through the other side of the tunnel.

You never realized how big the Quidditch fields actually are until now, stepping into the fields gives a whole new perspective. Of course they need to be massive, flying around on brooms makes any distance look small compared to walking.

Yet, despite the size of the field, the distance to its center and the darkness of the night, you can see…something…in the middle of the field, a small bump that appears to be under some sort of cloth.
It looks like it was either haphazardly put on top of whatever is under it or the wind managed to shift it a bit.

“uh uh, not falling for it. Homenum Revelio”
You cast the human detecting spell.
A quick wave of your wand sends out a white mist that shoots out in all directions and quickly dissipates…You get an odd sensation after that. There is somebody around here. The spell can't tell you where it is exactly, but it appears to be near the center of the field.


Just as you were about to get closer to whatever or whoever is at the center of the field, a new feeling washes over you.

“...Somebody else is here”

>What will you do:
>Get closer to the bump in the field
>Look around somewhere else first (where?)
>Request backup/help (who or what?)
>Other (Write in):
>Cast the Hot Air charm and do a little twirl! It should blow off the cloth, and help reveal the people present.

My logic is pretty simple. It's a continuous blast of hot air that produces visible heatwaves. Invisibility cloak could easily get shifted out of place or blown off outright, if a potter is present. Disillusionment struggles with rapidly shifting visuals which a heatwave would cause. It's a completely nonharmful spell that won't get us in trouble if used on staff or students, and can even be seen as beneficial if we say we wanted to keep the night's chill off them. And...it's honestly such a day-to-day useful spell that I think she probably has it fuckin MASTERED - anyone in a muggle family could see the use of an on-demand full body super blow dryer that can turn you from sopping wet to comfortably warm and dry in 2 seconds.
>smart and creative
i like you, anon. lets see if anyone else vote for it and we´ll do it if it wins

Sure lets give it a shot.
“If you think I'm going to fall for such an easy trap, you are really underestimating me!”
You shout to the air, defying whoever is trying to mess with you.

“i learned this trick thanks to a science show on TV when i was a kid”

You twirl your wand in a spiraling motion above your head and a strong gust of warm, dry air surrounds you and shoots out in all directions.
The banners that hang on the walls of the stadium begin to shake as the hot air creates a strong enough current to disturb half of the field, some small decorations get ripped off from the walls, equipment that wasn't properly stored or wasn't heavy enough to resist the force of the wind gets knocked over.

The tarp that was covering the mound in the middle of the field flies off, revealing the body of Lily Potter lying on the ground, apparently unconscious.

It takes you a moment to recognize her, but as soon as you do, you begin inspecting your surroundings, looking for whoever might be responsible for this.

“Show yourself!”

You call for the gust of hot air once again, applying more effort into it so that anything or anyone that could be hiding gets revealed.

But nothing else shows up.

The light illuminates your immediate surroundings, but its not of much help

You shake your head in disapproval at yourself and try again.
“Lumos Maxima!”
Half of the field gets illuminated by an orb of light that follows the tip of your wand, it's a bit hard to see with such a powerful source of light so close to your face, but the shadows it casts are hard to miss.
You still notice every shadow casted by every piece of equipment scattered across the field, but that's about it.

Nothing and no one else shows up.

“Where are you, coward!?”


“Finite” You turn off the spell and darkness covers the field once again.

You see a few spots in your vision because of the bright light, but nothing that won't disappear in a few minutes. Then you turn to look at Lily.

She is standing and looking at you with bright neon blue eyes.
“...Lily? Are you ok?”

There is no response from her other than her hands slightly twitching in erratic ways, her fingers snap into different positions so fast that it looks like they are teleporting.


You think you hear her say something, but she is mumbling. You don't understand anything of what she says.


You go to take a step towards her, but before your foot touches the ground you are sent flying back into a bunch of Quidditch equipment near the walls of the stadium.
You might have landed on top of some sort of keys or sharp piece of wood, because it feels like something is digging deep into your skin on your back.


You say as you try to dig yourself out of the small mountain of brooms, uniforms and wooden tables.
A sharp pain in your lower back stops you from doing any big movements.

You turn your head around, trying to look for whatever is causing you that severe pain in your back and notice that there is a long piece of wood, piercing the lower left side of your back.
A warm feeling slides down from the point where the improvised stake is piercing your body down to your leg.


You hold the stake with your left arm, holding it in place as you try your hardest to stand up, it takes you a couple of tries but getting on your knees is the best you can do as you exit the rubble.
You start to hyperventilate a bit while staring down the grass of the field, then notice a pair of shoes coming into your view.

Lily holds you from the neck with a single hand and lifts you, painfully making you stand up to her height and a bit higher.
Instinctively you use both hands to grab hers on your neck and try to pry her away, but you feel your strength slowly fading away along with your conscience.

You look at her and notice that tears are dropping out of her bright neon blue eyes.
And then, you hear a voice you did not expect nor wanted to hear ever again coming out of her mouth.


her regular voice comes out this time.


When you say her name, a new voice screams.
It was dark, deep and disturbing, almost like an agonizing owl screaming for death.

“Lily” then throws you away into the field and falls on her knees, taking her hands to her head and screaming.

You land and roll on the ground, leaving a trail of dirt behind you, the stake was ripped off your body when you landed and now you felt a new wave of scolding pain across your body.


It takes you a moment to get your energy back, but you manage to stand up by yourself and begin the incantation.

“Vulnera Sanetur, Vulnera Sa-aAAA!”

An invisible force pulls you from where you were standing and are now flying towards “Lily”

You see no wand on her hands, instead, she has her hand balled up in a fist and making a pull motion. Wandless magic.

You use your wand to throw a stunner spell while in midair.
It hits “Lily” right in the chest.
You feel the pulling force leave your body, but momentum is still doing its job, so you are now being launched across the Quidditch field towards a “Lily” that is covering her chest and not paying much attention to you.

>Roll 1D100+5 (+25 from physical skills, +5 from combat magic experience, -15 from your still open wound, -10 from fighting a member of the potter family trained by Harry himself) No set DC this time, just roll and pray.
>This battle will last depending on your rolls and tactics, if you have any suggestions for this fight, write them now and they will be used in battle, their success will depend on your rolls + a bonus depending on how effective/useful/creative your tactics are.
>i will ask for another set of rolls for this fight later, so dont worry if your tactic isnt useful or effective, you will have another chances
Rolled 93 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

>>6181849 and >>6181850 didn't happen...
Rolled 84 + 5 (1d100 + 5)


I could have sworn I had already rolled. Weird.
We probably don't need a great strat with rolls like these, but what about using a depulso to blast ourselves forward even faster towards LilyZar and flying kick her right in the gut or face. Picrel

Maybe and acendio to pop over her and his her with spells from above?
nice rolls, if there are no more suggestions for the attack plan, then the update should go up either tomorrow or this saturday.
thanks for rolling!
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Rolled 69 + 5 (1d100 + 5)


I'll roll once more just to check for a 1 or 100.

If someone else rolls, I suppose take theirs instead?

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And I got the sex number... please let us accidentally end up with Willow smothering Lily between her legs. Justice for Brandon almost choking her out with his "wand".
dont give me too many ideas, i might end up using them
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>i might end up using them

Don't threaten me with a good time.
You see a golden opportunity in the middle of your flight towards “Lily”, if you pull this off, not only you might end this in a single hit, but it would also look really fucking cool!

You flip yourself over and extend your right leg, making sure to keep your heel up and tensing your entire leg. You even make sure to extend your arms back to help you guide yourself even better. There, perfectly aimed!

You know the entire thing took no longer than 5 seconds since you were sent flying towards “Lily”. But the next moments will keep replaying in your head in slow motion for the rest of your life.

“Lily” managed to recover just in time to see the entirety of an athletic young adult flying towards her, heels first, at dangerous speeds.
To this, she reactively created a crude “Protego” shield, strong enough to block your kick, but not solid enough to kill your momentum.
Instead, you bounced high in the air while doing several somersaults in a row. Flashbacks came back to you from when you were still a child and were watching your morning cartoons, you remember seeing that cheesy show with people in color outfits while browsing kids channels and saw a scene of a guy in red spandex doing some sort of flying kick that ended with sparks and explosions appearing randomly AFTER the entire battle was over…it looked ridiculous but there was something unusually charming and cool about it.

You straightened your body up when you felt gravity pulling your body down and once again aimed with your heel first.

She barely had time to realize what was about to happen when she pulled her wand up and tried to cast another shield, but wasn't fast enough.

You casted the strongest “Depulso” you could while not looking behind you and used the push force to impulse yourself down even faster.

Just as it appeared, the shield that “Lily” casted was shattered by your boots, sending a small shock that ran through your entire body followed by a second shock caused by the impact of your heel on the back of her head as she was trying to duck and roll away.

You always fantasized about having your own music theme in case a thing like this would ever happen…It would have been perfect, they never mention how silent and fast real fights can be, the music would have been great to cover the sickening crunch that you heard.

>make 2 rolls. a 1D2 for…results + a 1D100 for…the consequences of said results.

You wanted to cast a few “Bombardas” behind you and make a superhero pose, but that idea disappeared as soon as you turned around.

You could only lift your hands to cover your mouth up.
Somewhere else…

Elliot Hallaster, stood up straight, completely ignoring his hiding spot in the middle of a dark corridor and looked around.

“You felt that too?...Yeah…Looks like our “friends” are actually doing work, let's see if that is actually “luck” for us…Yeah, leave him alone, we already know where is hiding anyway.”

Somewhere else…

Brandon opens his eyes and gasps, taking a deep, long breath while kicking away the weighted sheets that cover him on his bed at St. Mungos.

“I think she did it!”

“Yeah *gasp* she did *gasp*”

He promptly passes out from exhaustion, this time nothing that a good night of sleep won't fix.

Somewhere else…

Harry Potter is looking through some last minute paperworks in the Headmaster's office, a chill runs down his spine.

“What the hell was that?...”

He pulls down a piece of parchment and writes down an announcement for tomorrow, letting people know that combat classes have been moved ahead of schedule and will begin next week.

Back with Willow…

“What have I done…”
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Tbqh even a broken neck isn't the worst. This is a witch, she's sturdy. And there's probably a dozen potions and spells for fixing a broken neck inflicted by mundane means.
perhaps, but remember that magical people opperate in a different scale, the strength to break a muggle neck would not be same one to break a magical one, also surviving a broken neck IS possible, but it all depends on how it was broken.
still tho, a broken neck is a broken neck, magical or not
also also, dont forget the second roll, that is also gonna be important
Rolled 99 (1d100)

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Rolled 2 (1d2)


Holy shit, the Rider Kick got used. We did maybe paralyze Lily from breaking her neck... still pretty cool.


Dubs and dubs roll. Willow keeps winning. I mean aside from crippling a girl.
Rolled 57 (1d100)


And I guess if you need another 1d100
there's probably a magical way of healing paralysis...
I mean for her sake, I really hope.so.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

so...i asked in QTG for a tie breaker, but looks like we havent had an answer for that, so i´ll have to roll the tie breaker myself.
update later tonight if nothing goes wrong
what's the tiebreaker for...?
to see if she lives or dies
Well, I can only hope for the left one. And hopefully higher is better here for consequences.
You kick the door to the infirmary open, waking up a few of the students that are currently resting there due to some random ailments and step into the room, levitating an unconscious Lily behind you.

“Madam Chiara! Madam Chiara!”

It takes a minute for Madam Chiara to finally wake up and step out of her room, practically screaming bloody murder at the disturbance in what is supposed to be the 2nd most calm and quiet place at Hogwarts.


Madam Chiara steps closer to her and instructs you to gently leave her on the last bed at the end of the room, behind some thick green privacy curtains that she closes once you are done lying her down.

She then cast some privacy spells so that no one could hear their conversation.

“Professor Willow, please explain!”

You stumble with your words for a second, thankfully you thought over some options on your way to the infirmary, so you managed to create a…good enough story.

“I-i- sh-she. She jumped out of one of the tower stands in the Quidditch field. It was a suicide attempt”

Madam Chiara gasps and takes a hand to her chest, holding her breath in shock.

“Poor thing…”
Then, her personality shifts a bit and becomes stern and serious.
“Explanations later, quick, just tell me what's wrong with her”

“Pretty sure her neck is broken and hit her head very hard against the ground, I tried to slow down the fall with an “Arresto Momentum” but I wasn't fast enough to fully stop her” You lied about the reason and saving her, but the diagnosis is accurate.

“Broken neck, huh? a bit complex and might take some time, but nothing i can't fix, with some strong potions and proper rest. Let's get to work”

“I hope she wakes up soon…”

“Don't be silly, professor. If anything i'm going to need to administer some “Draught of Living Death” to keep her from waking up until her neck is properly fixed, waking her now would be nothing but torture”

“Should I do something?”

“It might be necessary to deliver the news to her father”
That night was filled with a lot of danger, drama, pain and painful emotions.

Potter could barely stomach the news when you mentioned the state her daughter was currently in, it took an instant for him to get out of his office, still in his pajamas, and run all the way to the infirmary.

You are glad there was nobody in his way or they would have been trampled over.

Luckily for everyone, it seems that her fractures won't take more than a couple of days to properly heal, but until then, she´ll be under intense and around the clock care. After that, at least 2 weeks of extra rest for her wounds to fully heal.

The day after, you were called early in the morning to Potter's office.

He thanked you after finding out that you were the one who tried to save her.

“I just…i never knew she was in such a state…”

“Don't blame yourself too much Professor, you couldn't have possibly known”

“...No, I did know, she tried to talk to me, but I dismissed her before, right when Brandon was sent to St. Mungos. She tried then and I just put my job first like I always do. I'm a terrible father…”

“Ok, maaaaayyybe you messed that up, BUT it's not too late to fix things! After she wakes up, talk to her, really listen to what she has to say. She needs her dad.”

Not long after that talk, you went on with your day and prepared your next classes for the special demonstrations that you promised to your students.

>Roll 2D10 to see how many new students (and bonus to social rolls with students) Willow will get thanks to her special classes, the total of these rolls will be added to any future roll that Willow could make regarding anything to the school´s social life, giving you an advantage to investigations, social skills and overall interactions with students or other professors (can stack with future classes)

You had a couple of…interesting classes and reactions from some students, but it's fair to say that these classes are a success.

Later that same day, after your last class is done, you receive a letter from an owl while you were at the Great Hall eating some ham and cheese sandwiches before going back to your room.

It's a letter from St. Mungos.
A couple of days later, you are slowly walking back through Hogwarts´s main gate.
Willow helps you carry some medicine bags while you take your time walking with a medical cane.

Your name is Brandon Tedmond, and it's good to be back.

“Are you sure you zon't need any help?”

“Thanks for worrying about me, but i assure you i'm fine”
You give Willow a peck on her cheek.
“My legs just a feel a bit numb from being so much time on bed, but i´ll be fine”

“Fine, but let me knows if zhere is anyzhing i can do for you, ja?”

You let out an infatuated and long sigh

“I missed you so much”

“I mizzed you too”

You both share a short but romantic kiss in the middle of the front gardens, a couple of female students far away gossiping and giggling when they notice you both, but you ignore them for now.

“So, what did I miss?”

What follows is a very long and as detailed as possible briefing of everything you missed while you were fighting for your life while in a magical coma.

“...What the FUCK?!”

Several groups of students that are roaming and hanging about in the gardens, all stare at you at the sudden cursing coming from your mouth.

You both hurry into the castle after noticing the unwanted attention.

A short walk later, you are both in your office/room behind a locked door and several privacy charms.

“So…Salazar is back?” Your mouth moves, but it's not your voice talking. Merlin using your body to talk with Willow for now.

“It vas definitely his voice, zhere is no other explanation for it”

“But how? both of you practically destroyed his mind, there was no way for him to come back”

“Could it have somezhing to do with Elliot getting meaner?”
“It's possible, but according to your timeline, that started before Salazar came back, they might be linked, but i dont think it's the cause. That started when “Faith” attacked us and tried to destroy us inside Brandon´s mind”

After saying this, Brandon shakes his head and leans back into his bed, looking tired and sweating a bit.

“I think that's as much as Merlin can use my body for now” You say, your voice coming back to normal.

“It still feels veird…”

“Yeah, its taking a bit getting used to it”
You stand up and stretch a bit
“But it should help us create a stronger link faster, just gotta deal with it for a bit more”

“Fine, i-”

Willow gets interrupted by a silver wolf manifesting in front of her, Madam Chiara´s Patronus.

The feminine voice contrasts a bit with the furry, almost menacing ghost, but her friendly tone makes up for it.

“Lily wishes to speak with you, Professor Willow. And bring Mr. Tedmond along with you, she requests his presence too”
After that, it dissipates into the air.

It's around midday when you are sitting next to Lily’s bed in the infirmary, Willow choosing to stand next to you instead.

“Before we begin..” Lily starts “Could you please?”
She points with a weak finger to the privacy curtains. You both close the curtains around her bed and cast some privacy charms, making sure nobody can hear what she is about to say.

“Thank you for saving me, Professor Willow. I don't think i would be here if it weren't for you”

“Oh, you are more zhan velcome, Lily.”

“...But you should not have done it, i wanted…want…to die”

You and Willow look at each other for a few seconds.

“But, Lily. Why wou-” Willow begins but is interrupted.

You instinctively flinch, forgetting for a second that you casted the privacy spells and nobody else can listen to this conversation.

“Lily, about that…have you…?”

Lily no longer shouts when she talks for now, but the anger and desperation can still be heard in her voice, choking with some sobs that she tries to hold down.

“I haven't, i talked with my dad soon after i woke back up, but i know this was something he isn't supposed to know, the voice in my head told me so, so i haven't talked with anyone else about it, only you guys know.”

“So he IS back…”

“He wants to talk with you”

“Hmm. No he doesn't, he wants to talk with “Him””
you say as you inch a bit closer to her and hold her hand.
“But i guess we don't have many options right now”

She then extends her other hand towards Willow.

“He also wants to talk with you”

>”No way i'm letting him get close to her, he gets just me for now”
>”If you are ok with it, Willow…”
>Other (Write in)
>>”No way i'm letting him get close to her, he gets just me for now”
Rolled 6, 7 = 13 (2d10)

Rolled 3, 7 = 10 (2d10)

>”No way i'm letting him get close to her, he gets just me for now”
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Rolled 6, 7 = 13 (2d10)


Big boob rolls!


>>”No way i'm letting him get close to her, he gets just me for now”
”Uh Uh! No way I'm letting him get close to her, he gets just me for now!”

You instinctively tighten your grip on Lily´s hand, almost to the point of hurting her but stop just before she says something.

“...He says that…in the spirit of camaraderie and…having a more neutral ground to speak, he´ll allow it…but is disappointed from a…business perspective? what?”



“Business perspective? what does he thi-”
You are suddenly interrupted when you feel your mind being pulled out of your body and into some sort of ethereal plane between yours and Lily´s minds.

Your head is dizzy, see darkness and your stomach feels like it's about to be emptied of its contents any moment now.
Thankfully, all those feelings suddenly stop and then you feel yourself lying on grass, feeling the individual blades tickling the back of your neck.

You are greeted by a far away sun, permanently stuck setting behind the treeline, casting long shadows across a dark but still somewhat illuminated forest under orange lights.

“Wh-where am i?” You say as you stand up.

“We are in a middle ground”


“Relax, boy.” Says Merlin, standing in front of you, in the…flesh? you think? no, this must be like when you talked with Faith before, some sort of mindscape…curious that you see another forest again.
Wait, what the hell are you doing? You have Merlin himself, standing in front of you!

“Merlin? sir? is that you?”

“Yes, boy. It is me, no time for pleasantries though.”

He points in front of where he is standing and you follow his line of sight only to feel a sense of anger slowly taking over your body.

You are standing in a green field with a dark forest behind you being illuminated from the light of a perpetual sunset.

Salazar Slytherin and Lily Potter are standing in a scorched forest, trees (or what's left of them) barely stand over a field of dark dirt and ashes, the wind that blows lifts the ashes and gently fan some flames that still cling to some branches and grass.
A small river is the only thing that separates the landscapes, it's so small you could easily clear it with a jump.

“Salazar…” Says Merlin, getting to the edge of the river but never touching the water.

“Merlin, good old FRIEND, how have you been?”
You could hear the poison slipping through his teeth at the word “friend”.

“Skip the games, Salazar, what is it that you want?”

“Skipping the games? oh! hoho! nooo, no no no mm mm. No I don't think I will, after all, playing games is what got all of us into this mess, wasn't it?”

Merlin stays quiet.

The flames on their side of the forest rise up when he screams, a charbroiled tree trunk creaks and falls.

“Your games cost us our lives! OUR FUTURES!”

Lily crouches in place and cowards, taking her hands to her head to try to hide herself from everything, you can see the tears falling down her face.

“You tried to play god! and now that you realize that you messed everything up, You have THE GALLS TO TELL ME TO STOP PLAYING GAMES?!”



Both of the elder wizards say nothing after that. Salazar seems to be trying to regain his composure while fixing his long grey beard.

“There is still a way to fix things, Salazar. If you could only cast your anger aside and let us work together!”

“Oh please! I know what you are trying to do, putting yourself back together is not going to fix things as you think it will. You can't mend a soul!”

“We have to at least try!”

“WE WARNED YOU! but you just didn't listen, you let your ego and desire for immortality to cloud your judgement and NOW we are all paying the price! You thought yourself so wise, you thought yourself the best of all time, but you were nothing but a delusional brat back then and even after milenia, you are still one now”
Merlin looks defeated after that, his gaze on the ground.

“Merlin? Sir? Is Salazar talking about what I think he is talking about?” you ask him as you take a step forward to stand next to him.

“Horcruxes, Correct.”

“Oh you haven't even told him yet? Why am I not surprised?”
Salazar says from the other side of the river, that cocky smile back on his face.

“Tell me what?”

“Why don't you ask him later? as much as i would love to sit here and list all of his mistakes to his face, i'm afraid my time is running out, i called you all here to make a deal”

“Why would I ever make a deal with a snake like you?”

“2 reasons, my dear rubbish-boy.
1. You don't know it yet, but you need me. Out of all the people involved in this, I am the only one who can fix this entire mess you are currently stuck in.
and 2. If you don't help me get what I want, I will take it by force. And I would rather for things not to come to such lengths if I can avoid it, after all, last time i did that it took me her entire life to get her body under my control”

He takes a step back and lifts Lily by gripping her jaw with his hand.

Lily tries to get away, but he spins her and shifts his entire arm to rest over her neck, holding her in a chokehold.

“Let her go, you damn earthworm!”

You take a running jump to cross the river, but after you jump you collide with an invisible force halfway through the river and land with a pathetic splash.

“Nice try garbage-man, but it's not going to be that easy, now sit down and listen, you pathetic attempt of a wizard, for i don't like repeating myself”

You crawl out of the river and stand at the edge of the river.

“I tried controlling that…thing that Merlin created, but as much as it pains me to admit, it's too wild and powerful for me to do it, specially with such a worn down and pathetic vessel like this girl”

He tightens his hold on Lily and you can hear her choke.

“She already tried killing herself once after she managed to break out of my control and i just can't have that”
“She what?!” you ask, mostly to her. Salazar notices this and loosens his chokehold a bit, just enough to let Lily speak.

“I…i did, after you and professor Willow took him out of my mind, i tried to have a normal life, but the damage was too much. Dad wouldn't listen to me, i had companions but no friends, things to do but no time for myself, my entire life was dictated by Salazar, i had nothing…so i went to the Quidditch fields to clear my mind…there i found something, some black…thing, floating in the middle of the field and i-UGH!”

Salazar cuts her off by choking her again.

“Yeah yeah, long story short, she found a piece of Merlin´s soul, or as you call it, “the beast” so dramatic…anyway, there can only be one soul in a host body, anything more like myself and you have to battle to see who controls the body, pushing the loser to the subconscious and replacing them. The problems begin when you add more to that equation”

He takes a few steps closer while forcing Lily to walk with him until they reach the edge of their side of the river.

“When she accidentally found that piece of his soul, everything went out of control, its ancient magic fixed my own soul, but now she had 3 souls inside her fighting for dominance, her body couldn't take it and that's when she fought that mudblood, SOMEHOW she managed to knock “the beast” out with a ridiculous kick and gave her back the control of her body, leaving me stuck once again.”

“Get to the point, Salazar!” Says Merlin, anger in his voice after hearing the slur used against wizards born from muggles.

“I want out. If she tries to kill herself again and succeeds, I will have to take control of another young, probably even weaker body and I can't control who I end up with if that happens, I do not intend on wasting any more time doing that.”

“Let me guess, you want me so you can take Merlin out or something like that”

“As expected from you, Not paying enough attention. No, i don't want you, i know i can't defeat Merlin if i have to fight for control over you, no…I want the mudblood”

Outside of the mindscape, back in the infirmary room. Willow is sitting next to you, watching you and Lily be in some sort of trance, suddenly, a chill runs down her spine.

“What?! You are out of your mind if you think I'm letting you go into Willow´s mind!”

“How cute, you think you have a say on this”

“Brandon, wait a moment…” Says Merlin while placing a hand on your shoulder.
“No! don't even think about it! there is no way you are considering this, Merlin!”

“Listen to the old man, rubbish-boy. Here, i´ll even sweeten the deal for you”

He lets go of Lily and tosses her into the river, making her land with a splash and nothing more.

“The beast is dormant in this very moment, let me go into the mudblood, and not only you´ll have me, you´ll have a chance to control that thing and make Merlin a bit more whole, it's the perfect time to do it, no tricks, no traps.”

You step into the river and get as close as possible to Lily before the invisible force stops you.

“Lily…could you hold him for a while longer?”

She looks at you, water all over her face, but you can tell some of those drops are tears.

“I'm sorry Brandon, I'm tired…I can't do it anymore, I'm weak, exhausted…broken. If you don't get him out now, i´ll do it myself the first chance I get. I can't…”

“Lily, you have to be strong! you can do it!”

“I cant…”

“Yes you can”

“I. cant…”

“The world could depen-”

You look into her eyes and notice how they are dull, tired, whatever light they had, it was long gone by now.
“I can't…not anymore, please, get him away from me…”

“Your call rubbish-boy, such a shame you didnt let your girlfriend join you, she could have helped you decide this, but now, it's up to you. Take me now, along with a piece of the beast…”
You look back at Merlin, he looks like he already made his choice.
“Or pray for good luck finding me next time I show up. I have all the time in the world, I just rather not wait for long. You, on the other hand, have way less than you think.”

“What will it be, rubbish-boy?”
>”I'm sorry Willow…Deal.”
>”Fuck you! No deal!”
>Other (Write in)
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>”Fuck you! No deal!”

Nah, fuck you, mate. If this version of Sally is anywhere as bad as the other, no way. Willow is getting him into her head even if she could resist him for a while.
>"You leave me with a coinflip where both sides favor you. Heads, you get a new host that's close to me, holds authority within the schoolgrounds, and is talented. Tails, you drive Lily to suicide and end up in a new host regardless. I'm sure that in countless other timelines, I've chosen one of the two - but if you flip a coin enough times, sooner or later it will land on its side. I'll be taking you into my head whether you like it or not. Merlin, get ready."
This fag thinks he can rely on the merlin-granted ability to swap into preferred hosts when we have Merlin Prime right here. We're gonna bully his ass in here, then bully his ass again when he's in our head. 2v1 will make the odds greatly in our favor.
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You know what... let's do it: I will change it to this.

Switching my vote to it:


It seems more interesting. And I do love some bullying...
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>option 1: fine, you can go in peacefully in exchange for the beast and us keeping an eye on you.
>option 2: nah, we'll hunt you down later
>option 3: fuck you, throw hands right fucking now
i knew adding the write in was a mistake.
fine, ya´ll asked for it.
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Well, that isn't ominous at all.
ooh! dude!
before i forget! could you help me archiving this thread again, please?

Sure bro. Do you want any other specific tags?
nah, just the same ones you have been using before will do. Much appreciated
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Here you go. Glad you saw this was on page 10; I didn't notice and have been busier than normal.

Unfortunately, since I archived it, I cannot upvote it; might do so when I am in a part of town where my cell doesn't have a range ban. If I remember to or am just sitting in a doctor's office.

I do encourage all the other players to give it an up arrow.
thank you very much!

for now, i think i will wait until tomorrow to make a new thread and link it here, the new update will go live in the next thread while i figure out how to do this next section
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ok, quick update.
we are at a few days from the thread dying, here is the thing.
i just got a new job and it might take a bit to get my schedule are sorted out, good news is, it might not affect it in at all and might even give me more time to write, making updates a bit faster.
bad news is, i start tomorrow, so this update may or may not be delayed a bit.
no worries tho, i will make a new thread before this one dies (tomorrow perhaps).
in any case, get your good luck charms ready, you are going to need them.
>gif related
Maybe we will, maybe we won't. I do like our odds. It's 2v1 here. 3v1 even, Lily hates Salazar too.

I am happy for you, man. I hope it works out well. Looking forward to the next thread. Good luck!
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I think we have a shot. We do have Merlin for back up, and it would be kino if we pushed Sally's shit in right here and now. Still going to burn an unopened vintage hot-wheels toy as a sacrifice to the dice gods.

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