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Another night, another job, another chance to shine. This place is all winding roads and twisting warrens, commercial exchange, commerce, creativity and a smidge of commotion. The implants are struggling to keep up - layered advertising spam in neon-colours flaking away into glitching rainbows at the corner of your eyes. Certain sense of festivities around here. Voices raised in shouts and song and praise and everyone - everyone! - will try to peddle you a barter with the soft assurance you are definitively the very best of their many friends and deserves such splendid offerings. Special price. Just for you. Tonight might not be as dangerous as some jobs, but the threat to your wallet is definitively real...
Oh hi, Agents!
Good to have you. This is all perfectly straightforward, alright?

Yeah, I know, I know, it's not the most exciting operation and all, but we have to take what we can get, y'know? Also, with the insurance damages and the investigation into that little, uh, near-terrorist incident last week, maybe laying low and playing subtle is going to work in our favour? You're going shopping, Agents!

Night Market Chasing Reprieve (or Reprieve Chaser?) -- well - the actual name is Elated-Reprieve-From-Sorrows-Many-Chased-By-Dreams-of-Encroaching-Dawnlight - is a definitive hotspot of activity related to our investigations into project FEYWILD.

You'll be going in, checking it over, looking for leads, taking samples to check for trace bio-byproducts, and hopefully we'll find some lines that get us closer to Dr. Despango's not-so-far-located-and-presumably-secret workshop.

There is also the matter of subject FETCH. I've been up for three days running profiling on its - her - genetic structure and I've finally managed to narrow down the specific knock-out sequences inserted by Dr. Despango into his trial subjects. So if you're tired of having an experimental subject crawling all over the walls, moodily attacking people and complaining, well, good news! I've got a shopping list for materials to acquire so we can finally, finally get her some food she can metabolise!

>New recruits may notice the slight adjustment to the recruitment procedure?

Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
This is a public, civilian space. Though it's owned by the Hong8 through various quasi-coherent paperwork trails, the on-the-ground individual vendors are independent operators.

We're taking the van(s) to get there, so we're bringing some heavier equipment in the cargo trunk. If there's an emergency, I've got a line into some drone-delivery systems as well that can drop off things.

But because this is a public space, you're going in light and nimble. It turns out normal functioning society asks questions if you rock up into their personal space in full body armour and with assault gear, so none of that for now. The Hong8 Master of Ceremonies have called ahead to let his enforcers know that we're allowed to be in the area and futz around doing what we do, so I've sourced some passes that'll make at least them back off if you flash them.

Based on your operational performance during ops VERDANT GREEN, we've adjusted your tactical loadout with a complement of deterrents and tools. Enjoy.

I've sourced some slightly higher power ammo for the C7 standard, so the stopping power should be notably higher. I still don't think it rates against modern ballistics protection, so try not to get into roaming firefights with corporate security or a Metroplex Incident Response team. But for most anything else, you should be good.

I've prepared a suite of standard programs for those among you who keep sleeping through our meshinfrastructure lectures and don't feel comfortable attempting to flash-compile your own bespoke systems. The techwear tactical net can support up to to suites per agent, so be sure to load them into your gear before deployment. If you need space for something else, just crash one. Bringing the packages online again later is something I can handle manually from here. Cloud infrastructure, right, agent?

You're being issued with a (fancy) multispectrum sample analyser. It's going to help us narrow down samples that match the enzyme co-factor profiles from the vials Agent Fold acquired. My hunch is that anything with a closer match will be related to Dr. Despango, because there's only so much biological microclimate to go around. Find a large enough concentration, and you've found where he did a lot of shopping orm must have had suppliers. Then we'll find our lead.

So, get kitted up and squared away, Agents.
Oh, and as a courtesy, I went over the specs for most of your issued equipment and standardised the manual instructions... "Thanks, Liren"; I pretend you're saying. I haven't slept a lot lately.
There's some paperwork backlog in relation to the new healthcare directives - please recall that if you successfully completed one full deployment, you're cleared for further implant adjustments.
Finally, I've rationalised, collated and restructured your basic operational primer. I figure after being shot at by Red Cranes and almost crashing a car and starting a cheeky little federal investigation into a possible cyberterrorist attack during downtown metroplex deployment, you could do with the reading material?
While you're getting settled, Agents, I've prepared the briefing, relevant materials and some analysis of the local environment.

Before we begin, there's some things to go over...

>All Agents get a single PreOps action as we get settled in and slowburn this deployment.
>Prepwork gives you a few mission-temporary bonus. These go away at the end of this Op. If it's [half sum], you round *down*.

>While the bonuses for these outcome independent static, complications can occur
>If you wish to assist someone else, spotting they've made an enormous hash of things, you can choose to do so *freely*. Perform the Test, but you don't gain any associated temporary skill ranks. Your hits go some slight way towards offsetting their mess. The bountiful benefits of teamwork. Unfortunately, everyone gets tangled in the increasing pile of complication and it may neccessitate further decisions or sacrifices.
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit

>+1 Proficiency +1 React
>+1 CQC +1 Blades
>[BioAugmentic Genesplice] {Waiting for confirmation}

>My sandwich is instead a traditional Japanese Onigiri, with black tea. I remembered to bring the filtration mask sterilize gloves, for it's only proper for a samurai to hide his face... but I forgot to bring the kit
>PreOps: [Physical Training]

Agent Samurai, reporting in. (Ignore the call sign displayed, some baka in the tech department put it in as a bad joke, and I haven't got clearance yet to change it)
Rolled 7, 7, 8, 7, 2, 10, 5 = 46 (7d10)

Hello, hello, TS. Anything to share regarding the whereabouts of Agent Ink?

>PreOps: Technical Training (Process4+MeshOps3)

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
Credits 16

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
-Resiliency Factor 1

B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I 1xChirni AUPDW [0/30] I 3xReload [30x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access I
Rolled 2, 3, 5, 3, 5 = 18 (5d10)

[Full Character Sheet to come in a second post].

>PreOps: Specialized Knowledge [Process 3, MeshOps 2].
Thorn will have spent some time trying make sense of Liren's ramblings from last time, studying up on FETCH and FETCH-related information.
Rolled 7, 1, 2, 8, 9 = 27 (5d10)

Thanks, Liren!
Do I also get a sandwich?

>PreOps: Physical Training (Proficiency + Close Quarters)

#Agent Mammoth, Grade 1
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 0.2 | 16 credits

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Climbing 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP
4C [Meshed ThermoOptics CamoCloak 2] - camo up as major action

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2)

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 2xReloads [18] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
...Turns out this is all a bit beyond my paygrade.
>No hits on PreOps activity.

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 0 | 16 credits

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2 I Override 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2+1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1
!BioCybernetic Medical Theory 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [MultiSpec 3, CRADLE-NEXUS 2]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit

Hong8 [Needler Swarm 1-6].
4C [Systemic Injection Vector 2].
Rolled 6, 9, 3 = 18 (3d10)

"New. My favourite."
>Load in Shield-R 2 and Sensor 2 in the Techset.

>After completion of previous deployment added [Overclocked Resonators 2] to my implants

>PreOps: Cover Preparation (Manipulate 2+ Intel Analysis 1)
Rolled 1, 6, 10, 8, 10, 7 = 42 (6d10)

>PreOps [Specialized Knowledge] (Process+DroneOps)
>Monarch also lights up another smoke in preparation for what will surely be a simple mission

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [-]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1
!4C Profiler

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes | Chinese Takeout |
Drones: [-]
+3 BioCybernetic Medical Theory
+1 MeshOps
>1 Hit: Can I get some Hong8 enforcers/analyst to look into recent new constructions or developpement or renovations?

#Agent Graphite
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2
!NanoTransen Projection Emitters (Intent+Secret to project hologram)
!Overclocked Resonators 2 (+Intent to magnet/electric output. Flat effect lvl)

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 2
!Origami Folding 2
!Intelligence Analysis 1
!Temp: Etiquette 2.5

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear w/Shades [Suite 2=Shield-R 2=Sensor 2]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I Hong8 Creds | MetroPlex HSI Creds
Rolled 4, 10, 4, 8 = 26 (4d10)

>PreOps: Information Gathering (Attune 3+Intelligence Analysis 1)
Get a feel for the local gangs and their territories.
>2 Hits: Give 1 hit to the Tactical pool.
>Spend 1 hit on Intel. "Who are some important figures in these gangs?"

#Agent Cheddar
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 2 I Support 4 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Insight 3
!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Support Operations 1
!Intelligence Analysis 1
4C: [ScanCloud RID] 3
4C:[HazeOrb RID]2

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Memeplex 2][AR Spook 2]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I Service Knife | 3xReloads [18x3] I I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit |Turkey Sandwich | Smokes | 16 Credits
Rolled 6, 9, 10, 2, 8, 2 = 37 (6d10)

>Proficency 3 + CQC 3

(Forgot dice roll)
Rolled 8, 6, 1, 7, 8 = 30 (5d10)

>Process 3->2, Credits 16->13: Add Reserve Capacitors 1-6
>Cover Preparation (Manipulate 4, Persuasion 1)

#Agent Fold
Limit 12
Psych Stress Testing 0.1
Credits 13

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Telekinetic Projection 2
!Origami Folding 1

#SC Spinal Augmentics 1 [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
#Attentional CoProcessor (Once per turn, split action to multiple targets. -1 dice per extra, roll once. Freely divide dicepools between targets, ignore distractions)
#Reserve Capacitors 1-6 (Resonance charge limit 6. When generating charge, effect +1)

B: Vest (3DR) | Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techwear Headset [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [2P, 18/18, Bleed 10+, Burst 2, Link 1, Reload 3, Ergonomic 3] I Service Knife [1S, Bleed 10+, *Vital Targeting, Ergonomic 3] I Tactical Kit [2x Foam Grenade, 2x Paint Grenade, 2x Stingball Grenade, 2x C7 Reloads. Advanced Modular Toolkit, Advanced MultiSpectrum Sampler] | Aid Kit | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | Hong8 Credentials | MetroPlex Health and Safety Instructions
>3 hits
>Etiquette 2
>Persuasion +1
>Can I get some Hong8 enforcers to ask around about the doctor's recent activity in the market?
>Add 2 hits to tactical pool
>Spend 1 Hit for intel [“Do Hong rivals frequently bully this market?”]
>Spend 1 Hit on gear requisition [Requisition some replacement drone equipment from HQ]
Rolled 8, 2, 1, 2, 4, 7, 6 = 30 (7d10)

#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: C7 Service Pistol Components I 4xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit

>PreOps: Physical Training (Proficiency3 + CloseQuarters4)
Rolled 8, 6, 9, 10, 10, 4, 6 = 53 (7d10)

I know a lot of people are doing physical training already but I really want what that gives my character
>Physical Training (Proficiency 4 + Close Quarters 3)

Hey Liren, do I get clearance for a c7 this operation?

#Agent Butterfly
Limit 12
4 Strain 1 Injury 1 Stress 5 Shock

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 4 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 2

B: Vest [3DR Kinetic] I Agent Suit
H: Techwear Headset W/ Shades

Inv: Cool, NonDescript Blade [Sharp 2, Bleed on 10+] I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Agent Aid Kit I Grilled Cheese Sandwich I Agent Tactical Kit I 16 credits

SC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]
Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.
Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.

16 credits
minus the conditions other than Alive

Say, is "Acrobaticist" different from Acrobatics, or can I just add the 1+half hits to Acrobatics? Similarly, is CQC different from our Close Quarters secret?

>+3(?) !Acrobaticist
>+1 CQC
Rolled 4, 2, 2 = 8 (3d10)

#Agent Serval
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2 | Instinct 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 1
!Stealth Ops 1

BioAugmentic Genesplice
#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit

>+1 Attune +1 Sense
>Acrobatics +1 Stealth Ops +1
>[BioAugmentic Genesplice] Yes

>Sandwich? Sure i have one no clue what's in it but something was butchered to make it. Energy drinks awesome stuff they keep you going know those 24 hour energy things boy do they kick nicely, how many? coupleish i think. Absolutely i remembered even saw this shiny drone while packing and was outside and heading here and stuff surely i remembered.
>Prep ops [Cover Preparations]: I'm like the wind. They'll never even realize i walked among them a ghost with out a trace (or rather too many leads to follow.) [Manipulate 2 + Acrobatics 1] Never will i ever drop any plates of foods.
>I know a lot of people are doing physical training already but I really want what that gives my character
Physical training gang let's go. First enemy we meet we violently rip them limb and limb with our bare hands.
Rolled 7, 3 = 10 (2d10)

Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Stealth Ops 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit

>Secret: +1 Ballistics, +1 Stealth Ops
>Hoagie instead of normal sandwich, tea, mask, gloves, and kit all brought
>Intentions: +1 Sense, +1 Manipulate
>Techwear: Sensor 2, Shield-R 2
[Haze Protocol Augmentics]

(Pre-ops soon)
Rolled 1, 6, 8, 5, 5 = 25 (5d10)

>Process 4 + Meshops 1 using MFSL2 Headset: Spool up a data sprite codenamed Agent C to sneak in to non-friendly systems and extract paydata. RegIsFill does good work, but but today we're here on an information gathering mission. RegIs can summarize later on the official report.

#Tech Specialist Devonshire (Cyborg Varient)
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2+2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 4 I React 1 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 1
!Improvisational Improbabilities 1
!UNCC: [Deep Morphology Variability 2] - Current mode: Honey Bee. Other contemplated configurations - Cheetah, Ape, Squid, Badger, Pelican.

H1: Aid Kit
H2: Repair Kit
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [MFSL2]: On MeshOps provide flat effect on success. Can compile advanced viral vectors using process + MeshOps which gain autonomous AL = hits or attuning to specifica operations.

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I DS9 'Reacher P, 9/12 ammo, Multi 10+, Stun 10+

3-1 Ops Deployment Credentials 1: As a major action, put in a request for support based on your pool. It arries at the end of the phase. (seems like I can use this to order gear or ask HQ for help)

Credits: 10 (spent 6, a react and a sense on UNCC: [Deep Morphology Variability 2])
>6 hits on PreOps [Technical Training].
>!Technical Ops 5 Secret gained.
>add 6 hits to Tactical Pool.
>Spends 2 hits. Is it possible to prep backdoors in the surveillance and PA systems of the market?

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
Credits 16

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
!Technical Ops 5

B: TacVest [3DR] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Meshfire 2]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access I
Maintaining physical standards is important and lets many other things be easier!

Some hapless TS editor who hasn’t slept in a week straight because she had to
learn about archae micro climate biology enzymes co-factors just misspelled acrobatics. It’s all the same, agent.

Hahahahah—- that’s a CRIME, Agent! I’m signing you up for therapy!

Good to have you, Agent Rafflesia. Says here you’re licensed for a… oh huh is that so? I’m… going to need to check something. Hold on a sec.
Sorry, I had to run some checks - I thought as much! Agent Octant already maxxed out our multimedia susbcriptions and I Just Don't Think the budget can bear another eight hundred parallel services. Reminds me of that new docuhistorydrama though. It's on Glorb? Have you seen it? I think you can see it on FlixNet, if it's not on Glorb? You should probably just sign up for a Nexxie account so you can get the trial for Mofib so you can watch it if it's not on Glorb. Maybe I'm misremembering, it could be on Yulp? Anyway if you can watch it on Stroom it's great, assuming it's not available on FlixNet or Yulp or Glorb or--

anyway my point is multimedia licenses are expensive, agent.

But since you had all this on-board memory capacity...

Sophonic Integration Routines 3

You’ve loaded a sub-sophont meshdaemoni into your systems, an e-geist, a near-class nigh-general intelligence with surprisingly few limiters on its ethical constraints. It has 9 AL, intent = value and mostly freely downloads relevant skillprotocols on its own. Direct it with 1 AL, and it takes major actions mostly on your behalf. Or you can activate your immersive HUD overlay and co-pilot with it on major actions. If so, it adds its pool to your as a Style (eg +3d10 right now). This obviously has no easily foreseeable drawbacks. Finally, you can test it directly as a Secret, forming part of a pool, for very advanced system ops or operations.
. . . I've got us a SWEET deal on one of these new 7C series near autonomic agentic systems. I'm transfering the spec details to you now.
I'll... classify that as... Technical Operations? Uh, well, you are rated as Tech Support, so I suppose...


Good work so far, Agents. I've got a line on a few local leads, I think our systems are mostly integrated and humming along and I've got the data packages you requested along with the information you've acquired.

And no one seems to have gotten into a wild goose chase involving some sort of confusing-yet-dangerous high stakes situation!
Rolled 1, 9, 8 = 18 (3d10)

(Sorry for being late, hope this gets through)

>Pre-Ops: Local Contacts [Proficiency 2, Stealth Ops 1]
Establish secret locations of dead drops for heavy gears

Roger that, thank you Liren.
Why would you -- Agent it's-- you know a proper intelligence analysis and prepwork operation takes days, right? Days. You have DAYS, agent. You can't be too late when you -- anyway good profile on those locals. I didn't know competing automated noodle dispensaries were such a cutt-throat business, though it stands to reason. Low margins and high client turnover rate.


Agents, we've punched a backdoor into the publically infrastructure system and I'm filtering your HUDs to display it. Lots of cameras, traffic control flow barriers, anti-fire and riot dispensers and low tier drone specs. None of it is too advanced but it's all there, and the aggregate mass might be useful. There's probably a lot of systems we're missing, and I'm sure some of these vendors are running additional bits. Also getting a frightful amount of static interference, noise gradients and spam bombardment. Real... real squirrely datamass down there. So, uh, try not to click any links promising the end to all your troubles for ten easy payment of 0.99 credits, alright?

First pass ops resolution coming in hot. . . Now!
I've got some personal profiles for you and a line in with the locals, but cover that when get there.
>2 hits: Who is worth knowing?
>2 hits: How many people typically go through here?
>2 hits: What are some alternative routes of exfiltration?
Alright Agents, I've got some of your shopping list and while we're waiting for the usual feedback on the intel ops and Agent Butterflys presentation on market customer segment dynamics, you can re-acquiant yourself with the workshop. The Hong8 safehouse we've been hanging out in does have a fairly sizable work area set aside for, uh, let's say, off-license rework of tools. Go figure.

All that gear I prepared in the armory last time, when we were protecting VERDANT GREEN? Well, it's really your job - I was just doing you a solid. Well, it's a team exercise. Here's the list of things I've sourced this time, again, as a reminder:

You all get this - the suit, a C7, some reloads, a few tactical deterrents, a spectrum scanner, your tacnet can hold two mesh-suites, so on.

If you want anything *else*, you've gotta work it out somehow, get it, acquire it, sign up for it, fill out the quartermaster forms, file down the trigger to your own desire, bolt the platings on the drones, so on.

The *technical capacity* we're developing becomes the first point of a pool, and you can add a Secret. Meshed dataworks is a bit easier, so that one benefits from Process as well. The outcome on your pool is the utility of your work, roughly speaking.

Results are obviously shared across the team - I'll tally all the work later and see what we get up to, and I've got some pointers on a few things so don't worry about getting it wrong. But let's say you wanted to

>Technical 7: Source some armored underlays for the suits, so we've got some Armor [7d10].

You've got no real Secrets that help, though Jury-Rigging and Technical Ops might've, but anyway, you go about it. Let's say it goes well, 5 hits. These compound, so it ends up 'being worth' 2 Armor with 2 overflow (Lvl 1 is 1, lvl 2 is 1+2 so 3 hits. 5 hits - 3 = 2, and the last 2 can't 'buy' lvl 3, because lvl 3 is 6 hits total (1+2+3)). You don't really have to worry about those details, though you can if you like.

Anyway, the output of those long gruelling hours of tailoring, care and attention might be a few subtle tactical vests that could grant 2 Armor.

Someone else could modify those further - they exist - you pool your efforts. But there's always so much to get done, so you might also spread your talents out a little.

A few usual favorites are:

>Adjust the fire control on the C7s, add an FA function [Technical + Ballistics, buying FA quality]
>I bet I can work up a team-wide firewall protection suite to bolster our IT security a bit [Technical + MeshOps + Process, buying team-wide shielding]
>Hm, maybe a language package instructional in Japanese? [Technical + MeshOps + Process, sourcing some Culture]
>I need a way to disable heavily augmented criminal enforcers [Technical+BioCybernetic Medical Theory]
>We're trying to find samples right? Maybe some kind of Sensor Suite? That feels electronic, I'll add Process [Technical+BioCybernetic Medical Theory+Process]
Rolled 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 1, 7, 4 = 30 (8d10)

I like this armor idea. In our line of work we can't even eat in peace.
Btw, how many tech prep actions can one agent take?

>Technical 7 + Jury-Rigging 1: Source some armored underlays for the suits, so we've got some Armor [7d10].
What the hell is this roll...
" But TS, what about the fully automatic short range fletchette sprayers with automatic target acquisition so the Metroplex Response Team will have to power-wash anyone who looks at me funny off of the walls? "

*Mandatory therapy hours, Agent*

Anyway, keep it low, keep it clean, keep it subtle. Because we ran into so much ... trouble... last time and because the Red Cranes are still out there looking for us (and this whole place is crawling with criminal types), we're also packing a heavier complement. We are putting this in sealed cases in the back of the van, and if things go really, really badly, I can probably arrange an emergency drop of some of it.

In any case, that's what you should be seeing on your HUDs now. In case you want to prepare some patently uneven surprises, we could probably tech ops up some additional heavy kit.

Just keep in mind this stuff is strictly 'condition muave to red to TS won't stop screaming' before we're opening those cases, children shop for noodles here Agent! No guarantees we'll ever need the five shotguns I've precariously piled into the back of the rental van. No reason to overdo it.

But you never know.

Ah, but you see, Agent Mammoth, this is a fine demonstration as well - sometimes things go a little awry. We do have a line on some useful armored pad (I'm stripping them off of the APEP systems) but you might find they, uh, chafe a little.

Even a little bit and some effort helps a lot, though, so most Technical Ops is a step on the path towards getting *something*.

Rolled 9, 7, 3, 8, 3, 5, 9, 6, 10, 8, 2, 5, 6, 3 = 84 (14d10)

>Technical 7 + MeshOps 3 + Process 4: Harden our teamwide Tacnet against various threat vectors (Increase Techwear Headset Tacnet rank; currently 0).
I count 7 hits. Tacnet 3? Sure hope so. Decently beefy for baseline defenses.
Anyhow, before I make my second roll, I have a question about the Technical Ops Secret I have acquired for the duration of this deployment. I see here >>6165083 that it could be helpful in procuring/modifying equipment, but are there any other specific use cases I should be on the lookout for, both pre- and during the mission? It seems pretty broad, so a couple of examples should help me conceptualize how to use it going forward.
Rolled 8, 6, 5, 1, 7, 4, 7, 1, 10, 5 = 54 (10d10)

Since we have Access 2, let me try and procure some silencers for our C7s
>Tactical 7 + Ballistics 3
It's for technical operations, Agent. That's most get-your-hands-in-there-and-do-things stuff. Jury-Rigging lets you try similar lines, but at least if you've read the right primers then when you cut power to a building you don't also make the gas main blow up.

it covers most repair, retrofit and large-scale integrated adaptions. TechOps lets you get pretty far with a toolkit and a smile. Juryrigging uses a lot of duct-tape.

It'll be fairly relevant for dealing with hardware systems and we'll need you to take some samples and check a few meters. If a vendor wants a stall repaired or a smartlinked gun jams out, you can assist there too. It's useful for data forensics on the hardware level, though MeshOps also helps. If you've got an hour, you can probably tune an engine or recalibrate a rocket launcher or physically design and print a subsystem for a drone.

Grease monkey around a little bit. Other secrets naturally cover the same spheres, but TechOps is less fragmented than knowing 2 parts DroneOps 1 part Juryrigging 2 parts Ballistics when trying to design an SMG that a drone can use without being knocked over.

It's for supporting things and gaining access and once you have access it's for control and technical operations.

It's also quite useful for actual technical operations management, by which I mean fast-loading a manual on industrial machinery or overseeing a factory incinerator. You probably won't get work in the electricity or water mains private sector (you... already have a job! And their hour are worse!), but if we get leaky pipes anywhere, you can probably handle it.
Ah, armor and suppressor - the eternal uniform of the quiet, polite professional you'd hate to meet in an alley.

The C7 is highly modular, so once you field strip them down to their components you can slide a few extra bits in. Right, Mammoth, we'll need thirty of these by tomorrow. Better handload the rounds too - we can use a variant subsonic to pair with the suppressor. Shouldn't have any loss of terminal ballistic performance. Theoretically.


So, Agents, if you check our work and watch Mammoth at play with the soldering irons, you can work up a feel for how this kind of thing sorta goes...
"Eh so boss say i someone totally not me were to forget what Crash Synchronity, Imbrovisation Improbabilities and Twitch Fibre Reactions are used for. You wouldn't happen to have notes for those poor soulssss...."
"Oooohhh would you look at those neat red and black canister thingies our friends have amassed. They seem fun."
Rolled 9, 9, 10, 1, 10, 8, 2, 1, 4, 4, 2, 3 = 63 (12d10)

Alright, alright.
>t's for technical operations, Agent.
This is why they pay you the (relatively-speaking) big bucks, TS. Thanks a bunch. No, seriously, this is an exhaustive explanation and now I now exactly how it differs from other Secrets and what it's for.

You know what we need, TS? Smartlinks on our Chirnis, that's what! After all, even if things get heavy, it won't do for us to just start firing off barely aimed full-auto bursts in a crowded market. Suppressing them could also be nice. Getting both at rank 1 minimum should be doable in one action, no?

>Technical 7 + TechOps 5: modify our Chirni APDWs with smartlinks and suppressors.
Rolled 5, 8, 6, 3, 5, 7, 7, 4, 9, 5, 4, 9, 4, 10, 8, 2, 9, 8, 7, 2, 10, 8, 2, 5 = 147 (24d10)


>Technical 7 + Support 3 + BioCybernetic Medical Theory 1 (11 dice): Work on automating our first aid kits so that they autoinject the necessary drugs as treatment as soon as the user suffers a certain amount of damage.

>Technical 7 + Process 3 + Mesh Ops 3 (13 dice): Set up anti-memetic defenses in our headsets.
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Well, Agent, that's why they call them 'Secrets'. If you know you know and if you don't know you probably aren't meant *to know*.

Twitch Fibre, you can drop the reactions though its in there, lets you move fast, be faster, act faster and accomplish things at speed and covers a series of novel implant vectors and motor-sensor enhancements that lets someone with TFR do markedly more. Crash Synchronicity is for walking out your front door and finding yourself face to face with the man you were just looking for, and Improvisational Improp is for leveraging the improbable little coincidences of daily life to intuit, understand, operate, engage and neutralize threats. You know how sometimes people try to kill you? With a gun? Well, if their gun just so happens to jam when they shoot, you might have resisted some bad fortune and if you proficiently jinx their day by kicking a bucket of water at them as a guy in the skyscraper above happens to drop a hairdryer with a mile long power line connected right to the local city main, then, well, that's improbable.

TFC lets you act with speed. You could proficiently accomplish many things and do it in one tenth the time of others.

Crash Synchronicity lets you be lucky on a large scale within the environment. You could attune to the flow of specific fortune or sense a lucky break.

Improb manipulates slim-edge-of-envelope statistical anomalies for outsized gains, exploits other people's bad luck and sets them up to suffer. You could manipulate a situation to your favour or support an ally by shouting at just the right time for them to duck their head so a sniper misses.
Rolled 3, 9, 7, 8, 3, 8, 1, 7, 1, 8, 6, 8, 8, 2, 1, 8, 5, 1, 8, 5 = 107 (20d10)

We're prepping for this one a lot better than the last job. You only bought us sandwiches that time...

>Add a proper (albeit rudimentary) Drone Suite and an electric prod to Agent Herbie. Disassemble the last remaining swarmer for parts for this purpose. Upgrades people, upgrades! [Technical 7 + Process 3 + Jury-Rigging 2]

>Hey, so we're in the middle of a public market right? Being protected by Triads? This feels like a Woo movie... Listen, I'm not saying I'm gonna go the way of Jackal! I'd just like to source a second C7 if that's possible. [Technical 7 + Ballistics 2]
Rolled 7, 5, 7, 3, 7, 10, 9, 3 = 51 (8d10)

>Technical 7 + Stealth Ops 1
Source a photonic abberative material in the form of a shrouded wearable textile.... Or in other words an invisibility cloak

>"If the enemy can't see you they can't aim and shoot at you!"
Rolled 1, 5, 6, 3, 1, 4, 4, 10, 4, 1 = 39 (10d10)

Oh and another one

>Technical 7 + Ballistics 3
Handload a custom bullet for C7 with miniature computers that can lock and swerve towards a target.
Quick question about the Tacnet modification I made. Does Hardening make it so that any mesh attacks against us need an extra success to have any effect? This might be because we haven't had anyone target us with mesh attacks, but it doesn't seem like *that much*, what with the 7 hits on the roll. I think I'm missing something here. If it's not too much trouble, can we have a little demonstration?
Rolled 2, 3, 2, 6, 1, 3, 8, 6, 9, 1, 10, 3, 1, 6, 8, 3, 4, 6, 9, 2, 7, 5, 4 = 109 (23d10)

The market is as big as I was hoping, plenty of space for us to maneuver. Hopefully we- oh my god, are those... n-noodlebars!?!

>Add silencers to our C7 pistols, including my roto drones perhaps? [Technical 7+ Ballistics 2]
>Develop some software that brings up info on important figures we've done research on when an agent makes contact with them. [Technical 7+ Support 4+Insight 3]
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They are indeed, Agent. They are indeed. You see. . .
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, two noodle chains, united in acrimony, united in little sticky broth packages that never open right, each golden, glorious, resplendent, each tasteless, boring, trite.

Look, agents, since B-Rothskies is... temporarily closed... I've been exploring alternatives. And these two? They're fascinating. You've got NDLE - that's N-D-L-E, but everyone calls it 'Noodle' - all chrome and neon and 'customer experience optimization.' Their thing is they somehow always know what you want before you do. I walked in last week feeling like spicy seafood, hadn't told anyone, and there it was, already being prepared.

Then there's Nodularity. Looks like your grandmother's noodle shop had a baby with a quantum computer. But like, you know, sleek "look at the pictures" kinda baby vibes. They've got these ancient ordering machines that should've died decades ago, but they're still running. The owner swears the recipes are 'digitally inherited.' Whatever that means. But I've got to admit, they make these flavor combinations that shouldn't work but absolutely do. I'm having some right now, but I don't think I could tell you what Blackeer Bean Wok Fried Mild Anxiety Attack Side Of Fried Shrimp is.

Actually funny sidenote unrelated to anything we're doing. Both places have been requesting increasingly odd ingredients from their suppliers. Like, deep-sea fungi and herbs that only grow in abandoned subway tunnels or choice bits of the Brazil Climate Zone. And their customers? I've noticed them all humming the same tune. Different tune at each place, but everyone in sync. So obviously I figure, alright, advanced viral memetic marketing, no news there, at least it's not burger or burritos this time, but as it actually turns out it's just because both places give you 18.43% off your order if you hum their fairly rapidly evolving marketing jingles. Sure, sure, alright, but if you hum the NDLE notes in the Nodularity shops, your order comes out in a little blended vial 'To Go'. Which is pretty passive aggressive for a noodle shop. So I did a little peeking, just, a, uhm, a routine security scan! And both places somehow knew. The next day, NDLE served me nothing but plain broth, and Nodularity kept playing early 2070s boy band music whenever I walked past. But I still have the receipts I have for 'black bean boyband broth'. It's an NFT (noodle fungible token)

. . . So I've been ordering there like every day for the past week. You never quite know what you get, it's great, and the social feeds for both franchise are hammering, metrics all over the place, it's a whole *thing*. They sell t-shirts, Agent! They have these adorable little serving-bots!

Whoever's running these pop-up bars have a viral hit on their hands.
Agent Monarch, wielding two guns while brooding in a trenchcoat and smoking a cigarette doesn't make you cool, okay. Okay? Okaaayyyyy fine. Fine. It makes you a *little* cool.

Anyway, we have plenty of spare C7s, so you don't actually have to scrounge that hard to find a second one. I should warn you though that wielding two guns might make you coo-- NOT COOL - but actually using two guns simultaneously is enormously hard. Unlike certain culturally important pieces of media, in real life trying to maintain target acquisition and individual recoil compensation on two separate weapons at once is quite a challenge. It's why all the cool gangsters who rock up on you holding two guns sideways miss a lot. Now if you had implants and wetware to compensate for the sad deficiencies of human proprioception, you'd be a terror.

As it is, dual-wielding much of anything just means you roll once and your 2nd (or however many additional) weapon hits again at a lower value. So you'd do Proficiency 3 + Ballistics 3 + Burst 3 = 9d10, get 4 hits and your 2nd gun barks wildly and is an individual attack with 2 hits. But it's spent just as many bullets and they all gotta go *somewhere*. You know what makes you look really cool, agent? Firing thirty shots, hitting zero targets, and standing, lone smoking gunman in a shot up noodle shop, sauces leaking all over the floor and pillars raked with bullet holes. It's just less cool when you have to spend an hour reloading.

Of course if you wielded multiple weapons but only fired one at a time, you'd actually have double the ammo capacity and.. the.. cool facto--

okay go lounge somewhere else, this is getting embarassing, I can physically feel the need to ask you what dark mysterious thoughts you're brooding about and I'm not about that life.

Anyway if you want to Tech Ops something else, go ahead. The extra gun is... Just sign it out of the armory.
Rolled 9, 10, 2, 9, 6, 5, 6, 3, 4, 10, 4, 1, 10, 4, 4, 6, 9, 2, 7, 9, 4, 10 = 134 (22d10)

>Hahahahah—- that’s a CRIME, Agent! I’m signing you up for therapy!
Haha good luck with that! I'm already banned from most mental institutions after my last therapist dared to say that "Katanas actually aren't the best swords". Rokudenashi had what was coming to him

>A true man of the blade is less then nothing without one, try to convince upper management to give me a Cool, Nondescript Blade [Technical 7 + CQC 3 + Persuasion 1 + Blades 1]

>Nor is he without blades by his side, do maintenance on the team's service knifes to make sure they're all up to code and beyond [Technical 7 + Manipulate 2 + Blades 1]

I did this right, right?
Rolled 4, 2, 8, 8, 5, 10, 6, 7, 10, 4, 2, 6, 7, 8 = 87 (14d10)

... I still prefer Steakhouse 2020, should've known the others stopping at a noodle joint was a bad sign.

"There was something disturbingly familiar about the voice in my head. Like I'd heard her wonderful fumbling in a thousand thousand other times. It wasn't giving me a good feeling..."
Huh? Oh, yea, sure I'll sign it out, Liren. Just quoting an old Meshgame I like. UHhhhhhh
>Monarch, fumbling for an idea, throws together a sensor suite that well aid in our search for samples in the marketplace. [Technical 7 + BioCybernetic Medical Theory 3 + Process 4]
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Just the single custom bullet, Agent? I... guess the budget can handle that. Don't miss, now, okay?

Speaking of 'cool' and holding your guns sideways while missing a lot, let me introduce you tonights delightful cavalcade of people with poor impulse control and marked opinions about getting into your personal space.

So, I mentioned the market is owned in truth by the Hong8, and they do keep an eye on things. But the actual street level day to day boils down to local gangs and groups. Money flows up into Hong8 coffers somewhere, and if anyone steps too far out of line into Bad Business, they'll bring the hammer, but the people grounside we're interested in is this lot. They've got different uniforms, threads, philosophies and opinions, but we can cluster for commonality when we resolve their intelligence profile.

You've got Cherry Bloom mercs posted up centre, they run protection rackets and bully people between security jobs. Lots of ex military types, big on "oh shit did you SEE that" and beers. They'll probably join in any brawl you start, but they're... Well harmless is so not the right word, but in it for the good time? Nice enough people.

The Golden Koi and a lot of vendors loosely belong to the 非常に危険な風, which... I think it means something very spooky in kanji but everyone just calls them the Fogsteppers. You're all thinking it, so I am going to do us the indignity of saying it out loud: If you make fart or 'breaking wind' jokes around these people *you are going to die*. Out of everyone in the market, these people are probably the most dead serious slicks-in-suits. But they keep a good, clean eye on things and run gambling, alcohol, animals and other services. Be polite and you'll get along fine.

Up north-east in the techier section you're dealing with the Rootpierce Community-Collective. They're -- I'm going to not be reductive and simply link you their manifesto so you can all read their stance on the ingration of humanity with 'mother gaia' as best practiced by getting hammered out of your mind on psychedelics and going 'woah dude, look at my hands' to girls at parties until they join up.

Finally, Blackwater Bay' Brigades are here. The Fogsteppers have tense, serious territorial issues with the Brigades and the Brigades are making in-roads into everything, so watch those guys in particular and their hard-on brand of anti-government militant ethnostate edgerunning.

I've scored them based on their standard metrics. Affability rates your odds of talking your way out of trouble - the Fogsteppers and Rootpiercers are philosophically or polite so they'll negotiate mostly. Brigade members and Bloom mercs, well, if you're in a fight with them it ends up becoming a 'face' thing and you'll probably need to be clever if you want them not to break your bones.
Much to my horrified, slackjawed terror at the implications for the risk management assessment around these parts and my now eight-times-repeated-messages to the Oversight Division, it turns out you don't actually have to appeal directly to higher management, Agent, err, Weeb.

You see, sometimes, when Agents submit their files for processing and point out they have certain skillsets - such Blades or Forensic Accounting - the system flags it and automatically issues relevant equipment.

Given your files say you're 'trained in the art of the blade', you've actually been cleared for a sword already. It's actually a really useful tool for prying open locked doors, beating up lockboxes, reaching things just a little out of range of your arms...
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Some operations are naturally a little more complicated or large scale - I'm sorry to have to tell you that team-wide agentic tactical integrated meshnets fall under the "complicated to work with" category. It's good to get some proper hardening on there, it's just hard to increase on a field-team wide basis. Too many angles to cover, so there's some extra upkeep to manage to account for it. Then you gotta pay for the 'always on' aspects and make it redundant and a few other tidbits. And the systems we have at present can only really sustain so much enhancement before they fritz out - 7 hits is actually past that limit, Agent! So we used 3 of them to get some hardening and I've banked the other four for something else (I'm using it for some signal filtering you'll need later).

As for: "Does Hardening make it so that any mesh attacks against us need an extra success to have any effect?"

You are correct - standard counterintrusion defenses tests their incoming against your Processing + Modifiers. Like how being attacked usually tallies their strikes against your flat React. With Hardening you've got a permanently drawn line in the sand between the links you accept and the links you don't, on a tacnet wide basis. Enormously useful stuff - even if it seems small to you, protocols for it radically enhance the level of security. 4d10 vs 1+2d10 is very, very different than 4d10 vs 2d10. If the attacker is filtered out by the reactive feedback defenses before anything happens, the danger of their attack is mitigated without any need for advanced shielding or system security.

And we might all dream of Hardening 3 or 4 or more, but it's what we call an 'advanced' quality, it takes a little extra juice to get off of the ground. Not to mention edge-of-state-of-the-art augmentics and integrated multi-mesh tactical nets. I hear the Red Crane Dive Units have those.

I bought your headset in an electronics shop and then hotsoldered in a few extra chips, Agent.

I can get you some environmental plastic wrap with a fritzy AR overlay that sometimes display rainbows or scenes from Kuwait?

I brought you sandwiches! And an armory full of grenades, Agent. And I smuggled in two crates of non-regulation Chirni in the agent bedroom *and* got you fresh pillows and signed out a crate of experimental nanocytic system-wide boosters!

Which is all part of the job, and now we're doing it together. This is what being a proper professional is all about. Now can you bring the crate of spare parts down to the workbench in the corner Agent Rafflesia is hot-gluing programmable LED film displays to plastic bags and we need you to...
Samruai, like I said that Kuso in technical DALE put it in as weeb.

Also, *Looks over shoulder* h-how the hell did I miss that there???

>Position my sword's sleeve from from shoulder, to on my belt, like a proper samurai

And yes, definitely going to do all that stuff you just said and not just rush straight into the enemies sword first.
Rolled 1, 6, 2, 9, 1, 4, 10, 4, 7, 3, 4, 8, 10, 1, 10, 5, 7, 5, 10, 5, 6, 6 = 124 (22d10)

>Acquire some information on establishements with unpaid A/C bills dating back at least until Verdant Green Croaked (Technical 7+Process 2+Intel Analysis 1)
>Get the conversation starter beginners kit from the shed which consists of a Trucker Hat [Born 2 Truck], a pack of Cigs with a lighter and a Baseball bat. It's non lethal right? (Technical 7+Prof 3+Persuasion 2)
Rolled 6, 4, 2, 4, 8, 2, 3, 8, 7, 7, 7, 9, 7, 4, 1, 3, 6 = 88 (17d10)

>Rejigger our tactical kits so they can carry more stuff. (Technical 7, Origami Folding 1)
>Do something to fix or improve those faulty C7 suppressors. (Technical 7, Ballistics 2)
Rolled 8, 1, 6, 4, 2, 6, 4, 8, 5, 4 = 48 (10d10)

"Ahh i see i see that makes sense secrets one know not fade from their memory. Yes yes i understand everything" nod nod

"Right yes now i know i need a set of pick. You never know when you need to open something traditionally locked more silently then an sledge hammer."
>Fix a proper lock picking kit into my multitools. (Technical 7 + manipulate 2 + Stealth Ops 1)
Agent Fold, the limit is your spinal physiology, not our ability to put things into your pockets.

Alright, crate of beer, hat, lighter and... Sorry, shop was all out of baseball balls.

Rolled 6, 2, 5, 4, 7, 2, 1, 9, 7, 5 = 48 (10d10)

>Acquire a language package instructional in Japanese (Technical 7 + Mesh Ops 1 + Process 2)
Rolled 10, 3, 3, 1, 6, 10, 2, 4, 4, 2, 8, 4, 3, 7, 4, 7, 9, 9, 3, 2 = 101 (20d10)


Since it looks like we each get all 3 options:

Access 1/2: Improvisational Improbabilites 1 + Technical 7? - Ask all the agents what little things they want in their kits and pack them up. You want cookies or a flask of coffee or a spare reload? Put it on the list and it'll be packed in your vest. (Mechanically I'm lookng for something like the 'bags' feature where agents can spontaneously search their rig for something small when they feel the need. No more searching the ground for a spare cigarette or hairpin. You can check your bags instead).

Access 2/2: Technical 7 + Process 4 + Meshops 1. Enhanced operating sytem on the headsets. Looking to improve their offensive rating (we've already got defense. Mechanically I'm looking for +rating on the headsets).
Alright Agents, while we're still tinkering away with some things and getting everything into position, it may be gradual time for you to start considering your APPROACH.

We'll get to the market via van, then park - it's a no-drive zone, so it's on foot in the actual setup.

It's Condition Green for the first long while, so you won't need to FOCUS immediately unless things go wrong. That means you'll have time to meander about, move, get into position, investigate. Gods wiling, it'll stay that way.

So, >>6165312 do your final gear checks, any remaining technical ops, ask some questions and poke at some more insight, and I'll run you through the last few bits before we kick off.

For ==deployment==, you can either roll in with the car, which is standard and places you near where I've indicated, expected path to continue as indicated.

Or you can try a different approach. Think of something, then commit to it - that's naturally a test. As mentioned, we can't fit cars into the actual market, but you can also approach on a motorcycle from most any angle, try to embed yourself in a stall or situation (we can come up with a cover) or otherwise work up some approach.

Don't expect a complete match between your preference and what we can actually accomplish. Friction is everywhere and reality is squirrely - we'll do our best, right?

This is a big market and a lot of things are happening. Being off on your lonesome too much is likely to get you into trouble. Conversely, it's a big market and lots of things are happening, so if someone gets into trouble, reinforcements can likely cycle there quickly enough to help resolve the situation.

I'll have more data for you, pending some last few inquiries, but other than that we're good to go.

==Initial== mission is threefold:

Procure access to the industrial management hardware and take samples. Be subtle about this, because people seeing unlicensed inspection work is likely to think you're here to steal market data, or run operations in their turf.
The more the better. Water, power use, atmospheric conditions, soil samples, it all counts. Your issued analysers should be able to do it.

We want to investigate the wet market for zoonotic samples, gene-markers and traces of the dog/cat/animal hair we found on subject FETCH. A match there proves Despango was nearby.

Finally, do some HUMINT. Ask around for Dr. Despango, get a lead on anything too unusual. That's more long-term, but someone is going to say something or we'll spot something and I bet this whole thing will click together.

Got all that?
Rolled 6, 5, 9, 2, 8, 2, 1, 3, 9 = 45 (9d10)

>Acquire flashsticks for the team (Technical 7 + Ballistics 2)
We are, TS Devonshire, so good at our jobs that the agents would be lost without us. Imagine not packing spare chewing gum. Individually. For each field team member. HaahhahahIMAGINE.
Ahem. I actually already pack the tactical bags with a little bit of everything that might come in handy, but cookies and coffee is... hm. Well, yeah we can fit some of that in too. Good call!

>Bags now baggier

As for the headsets, I'm working on it. Octant has some pointers as well and if we put our collective brainpower together, it might actually be possible to spin out a proprietary set of mesh protocols that splits our comms up safer while fixing some latency issues. Get back to you on that. And... make a run down to the electronics ship and get some spare chipsets, I Have An Idea.

>Chips now chippier, though TS is cooking something up that'll assist so get back to you on that one...

Like a prestidigionist street magician's sparkler? A flashlight? A neon rave party flashing stick? A flashbang grenade? I'm not entirely sure what a flashstick is, Agent, but whatever it is, we'll get it for you.
like flashbang grenades, I misread "flashstinger" on the first map
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Behold, Agents. The solution to our tacnet based worries about disruption to our comms grid and hostile intrusion into our combined meshnetwork.

Herbie! 2.0.

The limited onboard processing capability of the standard techwear headset is the real performance cut-off for field-grade mesh protocols. The Stonedogs have their fancy exo suits, UNCC operatives get full satelitte backing and spooky quantum entanglement *cheats*, the Hong8 piggyback off of the infrastructure of the city, the Red Cranes run everything through their command vehicles, but they're all *frauds* who went and did it the easy way. Our fully integrated peer to peer enmeshed tactical network is state of the actual art and it's one of our relational edges compared to peer or near-peer adversaries and antagonists. It can't be traced, it doesn't run off of infrastructure that can be shut down or destroyed, it proxies everything and it seamlessly integrates enormous amounts of information. Yeah, yeah, the Stonedogs do the same thing but A) They're the Stonedogs and B) they have to roll up a Class Two Advanced Command Vehicle and rock out in power armor and meanwhile I am but one overworked specialist working out of an improvised setup doing all this on some headsets and scratch-built customized code. And it *works*. I'm surprised every time but it does! It provably shouldn't.

But our limited hardware and low footprint? It's a series of compromises and processing bottlenecks. What we need, Agents, is some kind of small, portable, reliable, nay, loyal system that can, eh-he-he-he, clean our signals out in the field and . . . dust off . . . our communications so they're . . . sparkling fresh . . and no ... dirty... interlopers get into our internal systems! Heheheh. Heh. Heheheh. Oh I just thought of another one, ahem, it'll really. . . detergent... them from trying to hack us!

stop groaning i workshopped these for ten minutes before I called you

Anyway. Normally you'd need twenty-three million and spare change to burn on advanced IFVs with electronic warfare capabil|tiies to get a hardened field grade centralised processing cluster up and running.

But I wired a minirature computing cluster to a cleaning drone chassis and had Agent Monarch duct-tape some rotounits to it and then transfered over the basic operations package from Herbie's systems, kludged up some customized filtering meshops and tadaaah!

The Signal Cleaner! Keep it functional in the field and while it's active and operational it'll run tactical integrations.

Which is to say: Herbsie here teamworks your meshops, providing spare power.
I remember my mom having a long stick that lit up in her sock drawer, remember her having a LOT actually, they might be talking about that?

I'm good with coming with rolling in with the car. Given that most others will probably be doing the same, it'll help to have another agent with them to help fight off the crowd while they do their tech stuff. But if there's a agent that's picking a different approach-and will need someone else to watch their back-I'm more then happy to go with them to act as their bodyguard.

...Hey, does anyone have a blade they know they aren't going to be using, and a roll of tape?
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4(+1)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobaticst 0(+2)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit

> PreOp temporarily boosts CloseQuarters by 1
> PreOp temporarily boosts Acrobaticst by 2
> Claim a Tactical Kit
> Forgo C7 Service pistol and reloads.

> Deployment
Arrive via motorcycle.
Insertion point is the major thoroughfare to the Northeast, immediately east of Chipship.
Hmm, hmm, yes, rank 3 innate defenses off of one (1) roll would be quite busted, so I was wondering if there were some mitigating factors at play.

>(I'm using it for some signal filtering you'll need later)
See, TS, again, this is why they pay you the (relatively-speaking) big bucks. Practically read my mind. I was going to use my second roll to try and do some of that, given the absolute state of the mesh in our current AO.

And, yeah, I see how even Hardening 1 is a big deal. Particularly if you have good Processing and maybe even a Shield program up, it seriously compounds and makes any intrusion attempts that much harder.

Oh, speaking of my second roll, how did that go? Did it even go through, actually? I'll do something different, in case we can't mess around with the heavy stuff just yet.

whoa...a weapon to surpass metal gear...?

I'm fine with pulling up in a car with the rest of the crew. The more agents I have around me, the more processing power I get to steal from the spliced conn—...I mean, what? Did you hear that? Must've been the wind...
I wanna have breakfast in the Golden Koi. For the operational purposes strictly, of course.
No duct-taping sharp things to the Communication Line Enabling Autonomous Network Enhancement Robot, Agent.

…. At least not over any of the sensor but ducttape it to its hand.

Great, that’ll blow the ops budget. I’ll book a reservation.
It'll be the van for me too, Liren. I think I've grown attached to it after all this time we've spent together.
Might as well take the van, I'm better suited to moving in groups.
>Grab: Graphite's Convo starters, Seeker Shots, NERF Rounds
>Deploy via bus in the SW area

#Agent Graphite
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2
!NanoTransen Projection Emitters (Intent+Secret to project hologram)
!Overclocked Resonators 2 (+Intent to magnet/electric output. Flat effect lvl)

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 2
!Origami Folding 2
!Intelligence Analysis 1
!Temp: Etiquette 2.5

H1: Baseball Bat
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Trucker Hat->Under Techset Headwear w/Shades [Suite 2=Shield-R 2=Sensor 2]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I Hong8 Creds | MetroPlex HSI Creds | 1xSeeker Reloads | 3xNerf Rounds Reloads | Graphites Convo Starter Kit
>Deploy with Vennsfield in the NE

>Take Another C7, Graphite's 'Conversation Starters'

Do we get extra reloads with the extra C7?

#Agent Butterfly
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 4 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 4 (3)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 5 (2)

B: Vest [3DR Kinetic] I Agent Suit (Armor 1)
H: Techwear Headset (Hardening 1) W/ Shades I Trucker Hat

Inv: Cool, NonDescript Blade [Sharp 2, Bleed on 10+] I C7 Service (Int. Suppressors 2, Faulty 1) (x2) I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Agent Aid Kit (Biomonitor 2) I Grilled Cheese Sandwich I Agent Tactical Kit I Baseball Bat I Fresh Pack o' Cigs I A Lighter (old style) I Beers (in a bag) I 16 credits

SC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]
Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.
Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.
>Deploy near the autonomous noodle shop with the NE gang. I'd like to see what the perfect automated noodle shop has for me. Nodularity is like a genie giving everyone what they desire, but what does the Ordering Machine desire? Idly scribble down a random input order to give the machine when I arrive (process 4 + improvisational improbabilities 1, not rolled b/c not sure if that would take too long and distract from my other duties). Do the scribbling as I first wake up in the mornings before I'm fully free from the land of dreams.

On a more lucid note, review my new users guide for my implant. How do I activate the morphology to shift stats around? I'm assuming it would be Attune 2 + Deep Morphology Variability 2 as a 3AL action, but figured I'd check the notes before needing to rely on it in the field.

I would also like to point out the shortage of proper work stations with desks. Chipship sounds like they might have a proper desk. Do you think they'd let me in to test it out?
I admit I don't understand what spinal physiology has to do with packing things more efficiently. I see I still have much to learn about Origami. Thank you for the humbling lesson TS, I will meditate on it.

>Deploy with Mammoth, no one should have breakfast by themselves.

>Take two more C7s, replace regular ammo with 6x NERF reloads

#Agent Fold
Limit 12
Psych Stress Testing 0.1
Credits 13

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1+1
!Etiquette 0+2
!Telekinetic Projection 2
!Origami Folding 1

#SC Spinal Augmentics 1 [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
#Attentional CoProcessor (Once per turn, split action to multiple targets. -1 dice per extra, roll once. Freely divide dicepools between targets, ignore distractions)
#Reserve Capacitors 1-6 (Resonance charge limit 6. When generating charge, effect +1)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techwear Headset [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]

Inv: 3x C7 Service Pistol [NERF 27/27] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit [2x Foam Grenade, 2x Paint Grenade, 2x Stingball Grenade, 3x C7 NERF reloads [27/27], Advanced Modular Toolkit, Advanced MultiSpectrum Sampler] | Aid Kit | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | Hong8 Credentials | MetroPlex Health and Safety Inspectorate
Oh, TS Devonshire, it.. Just happens.

The Deep Morphology alterations is alterations to your deep morphology. You enhance your capabilities in a given area by fine-tuning your, well, entire body in certain ways.

So if you got the full suite of upgrades and micro-adjustments, you could get +1 Proficiency. Or +1 React. Or +1 whichever - it's a fine-tuning. At higher ranks it either stacks or you enhance different aspects.

If you're looking to shift the "boost" around mid-deployment, you test Attune+Secret. Use the UNCC one if you don't have training in advanced field morphology ops (you only get training in that if you're a Haze Nine Faceshifter), or just use flat Attune. It takes a major action, and doesn't "fail", it's just that flash-alterating your entire neuronal chemistry and twitch reaction fibres can sometimes have some side-effects.
>Deploy with TS Devonshire
I took it twice for Rank 2 (as I thought that earlier we were told we could go in for augments twice). If I misunderstood, let me know.
Well you can go for augmentations as many times as you like. Most agents get one or apply with one when they sign up (Field Grade 0), then when you handle a full ops and we go over your medical fields, you can get another (Field Grade +1). So you'd have 2 by now - I think your files have it down as a Support Ops Uplink and then the Morphology.

Then further if people want advanced medical, you can pay 1 Intention and 3 Credits to source the funds, training and time for another implant. At rank 2, I'm fairly sure you did that.

Obviously paying 1 Intention for Deep Morphology "breaks you even" as it grants 1 because of what it is, but that's intentional from the designers.

It's my understanding you did that as well? Which is why your React is 1 but your Process is listed as 2+2 - it's the 2 points from the Deep Morphology, one acquired from field grade adjustment and one acquired with intent+credits.

All clear on the medical end. I was just explaining to you that if you wanted to - on the field - adjust that +2 from Process to some other value, or even different values (React +1, Prof +1, in case you need to wrangle a particularly angry client), it's an Attune test to do so.

Just a minor one, even. It's very handy. And the points do shift, *but* because of the nature of the implant(s), sometimes they complicate and so the test must happen. Sometimes it fritzes out a little or get delayed.
>Pick up Seeker shots.
You never know when you need to get little stylish.
>Deploy by bus with Agent Graphite

#Agent Serval
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2 | Instinct 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 1
!Stealth Ops 1

BioAugmentic Genesplice
#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Seeker Shots 1x reloads
Alright agents. Let's... DO THIS.
Welcome to the Chasing Reprive market, hotbed bazaar of the beautiful and market for the marvelous. Or so they say. No problems on arrival and the new specs for Herbie have been loaded.

As long it's running NETWORK assistance mode, it'll provide wide area tactical net shield and even try to take actions to fix your breaches!

It can't do anything else though. So, you know, try not to let it be stolen.


Systems are online. Agent Mammoth and Fold are well-fed. Pretty empty in the Golden Koi, but at this hour of the day that's understandable.


Agents, this market is a hustling, bustling hotbed of activity. It's going to be OVERWHELMING at first. Take it slow, play it cool, be at ease. And try not to get into too much trouble straight up off the bat.


TS Devonshire, it looks like the famous NODULARITY machines are temporarily down for maintenace. That sucks. But at least the little robo-server got a good pack of something for you.
... Weird... Signal... from that building though.


Agent Serval, Agent Graphite, public transport dumped you off of the market. Good hoofing it here. You walked through an **AR SPAM ZONE** coming in - local hazard. If any place on your HUD looks all glitchy, that's the local data-mass acting up. Great demonstration of the new CLEAN filter Herbie is running, actually, because it caught most of the aggressive viral marketing. Your systems still got breached though, they're pretty aggressive when it comes recursively self-improving mesh viral jingles down here. Ironically, the SPAM breaching you doesn't do very much on its own - but if someone else was looking for a plug way into your systems, well, they'd have an easier time of it.

Don't worry about it for now, it's not a very big data-breach.


Subject FETCH is with you, Van-Team, so take care of it. It's no good leaving the priceless genetic subject in the Hong8 safehouse. So, uh, watch her. It. Them. They. The... the thing! Watch the THING.

We're here to locate samples of the enzyme co-factors that correspond to those vials agent Fold found. Simultaneously, if we find a large enough concentration, we'll get Subject FETCH something they can actually eat. She's been getting antsy. You'd think a week of starvation would be worse for her but she has these sub-traits she activates that do fascinating things to her metabolism. The loss of Marier's Despango is a tragedy, the man was a genius. Deranged. But a genius.


I'm updating mission specs as we proceed.
I've loaded a social-calibrator as well, into your tacnets, and relevant language packages. Good prepwork agent. To avoid overloading you, I am not displaying 3000+ profiles and burning out your eyeballs. If you get near a relevant individual, the system will tell you a bit about them - though you can manually search as well, Processing the data on your own.

It's a bit like a 4C Profiler, except Agent Monarch's systems are a little cleaner and also provide constant live-metric feedback on the best things to say and do and how to behave. My AwkwardSmallTalk.Mesh system really just reminds you of people's names, professions and general traits. I use it whenever I have to go to meetings! Not on you, though. I'd never use it on you. I always remember all your particular individual traits and names, Agent Monarsjh.




Working on a theory related to >>6165289 Agent Graphite's tracking the A/C bills, I think there's an enormously high chance that if Verdan Green was operating an illicit wet biology lab near the market OR involved with people who do and did, the funding arrangements will have fallen through with his demise.

So, we're scanning for that - and other things. Somewhere in this market, agent, are people who worked with Dr. Despango to get him the materials he needed for his research on Project FEYWILD. We find those, we find a line to his (presumably) hidden lab and research and his backers, and we get some insight into the how and why and who is involved with this FEYWILD business, what FETCH is or was and what is going on with Singularity Cloud and Mr. Nakamura.

You've got a couple of approaches:

Find access points to local infrastructure for waste and power management, get some samples, and send it my way. We'll locate samples of enzyme co-factors or weird patterns that way, then isolate them further.

Take samples - using the analyser in your kit - of local flora, fauna, biology, food, anything in the wetmarket. Same deal as the above infrastructure sampling, we might narrow things down.

Ask around. Basic social and humINT operations. Despango, weird bio-samples, odd work doing advanced tech on a low budget, so on. Just... trust your gut.
>You don't have to type it all out, either, because a major action to [Socialize for information, Manipulate+Persuasion] handles it fine in a given area or target. Specific actions are fine too!

Get Fetch some food - try feeding her whatever, something here has to work. If not, she might get drawn to things herself? If so, I'd follow her - she has... sensory?? capabilities we can't replicate.


As a reminder, you're in a loose and unconstrained environment. Just meander about, get up to a few things. Trouble will no doubt find you, and then you will have to FOCUS, but until then, get up to no good and I'll be monitoring you!

>Roam Mode, so you don't have to account for specific alacrity spends on movement. Major and minor actions to do things in areas **NEAR** you are enough.
>However, note the market is pretty big, and teleporting is impossible (alas). If in doubt, your "zone of influence" usually covers everything revealed around you, and things close to it.

Rolled 92, 51, 80, 94, 24, 23, 21, 45, 66, 76, 89, 48, 15, 1, 46 = 771 (15d100)

"Oh? Odd that it gave me something before you. Let me see if I can figure it out."
>Set free sample on top of the machine (Proficiency 4 + Improvisational Improbabilities 1)
>"Convince" the machine to kick out an order for these somewhat patient bystanders (Process 4 + Jury Rig 1)
>Take the opportunity to take the requested data sample (Process 4 + Jury Rig 1)
Rolled 2, 10, 4, 6, 7, 7, 7, 1, 2, 1, 3, 9, 5, 4, 2 = 70 (15d10)

d100 is not d10
Rolled 9, 1, 1, 1, 9, 10, 10, 5, 3 = 49 (9d10)

>3 AL: Use my SC Gland Augmentics to flood my system with hormones to improve my performance in social situations (Attune 2 + Respond 1)
>3 AL: Strike up conversation with the technoanarchists and build rapport (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1)


>3 AL: Veer the conversation to ask about the Feywild and what they know about it (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1)

(My Acrobatics should probably be at 6, not 5, since the training gave a +1 bonus in addition to half hits)

#Agent Butterfly
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 4 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 4 (3)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 6 (2)

B: Vest [3DR Kinetic] I Agent Suit (Armor 1)
H: Techwear Headset (Hardening 1) W/ Shades I Trucker Hat

Inv: Cool, NonDescript Blade [Sharp 2, Bleed on 10+] I C7 Service (Int. Suppressors 2, Faulty 1) (x2) I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Agent Aid Kit (Biomonitor 2) I Grilled Cheese Sandwich I Agent Tactical Kit I Baseball Bat I Fresh Pack o' Cigs I A Lighter (old style) I Beers (in a bag) I 16 credits

SC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]
Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.
Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.
Rolled 7, 10, 8, 8 = 33 (4d10)

Nom nom nom, this is delicious. We should do more undercover operations in restaurants, don't you agree?

>-Retroactively pick up 3x NERF mags and load one
>Enjoy succulent Japanese meal
>Listen in on the Brigadiers outside (Sense 2 + Techset Sensor program 2)

#Agent Mammoth, Grade 1
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 0.2 | 16 credits

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 2 (+1)
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Acrobatics 1 (+3)

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP
4C [Meshed ThermoOptics CamoCloak 2] - camo up as major action

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) Armor +1
H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2)

Inv: suppressed C7 Service Pistol (NERF) I 3xReloads [18] I 2x NERF reloads [27] | sharp Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
Rolled 2, 2, 5, 5, 8, 10, 5 = 37 (7d10)

Ahhh, breathe it in! The spice, the sweat, the smoke... Everything one could want, right here at our fingertips.

>3AL: Make sure you're nice and presentable. [Attune 2, Persuasion 1].
>3AL: Walk up and strike a conversation with the lost and confused H&S Inspector, "Hey buddy, you seem lost. I think your friends might be... over down at the Golden Koi? Actually, I'm looking for someone too...", and segway into asking about Doctor Despango. [Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1].
By the way, did we get those flashbangs?
>Before I do anything, would using the profiler be a roll, or is a passive thing I can do?
It's generally always an action, Agent. Think ofit like a significant booster to your capabilities. As taking actions to do things benefit from the Profiler - you get a flat 'effect' bonus = the level of it. So imagine you Manipulate+Persuade to frighten someone, and you'd get better outcome.

if you take actions to compile data, analyse, hide, impersonate or such-like, it also assists. It also allows those actions - not just everyone can quickly put on a semi functional disguise or flash-read someone's combined behavioural profile.

You can Sense+Secret, socially, to generate a general profile for a type of person - if you wanted to tune yourself to the Rootpiercers, for instance, you'd target one of them, get some hits, and hae a floating 'Profile bonus against the Rootpiercers, enhances the effect further. You can also work things out, ask questions, such-like.

But these are all actions you take. Anyone can do it, sometimes? Sense+Persuasion is how anyone susses out what other people might really want. But when YOU do it, Agent Monarch, you get a few additional benefits and develop a small info package. Anyone could probably try to put on a squeaky voice and fake a phone-call, but you actually change your voice. If you try to talk someone into something, you'll find its easier. Stressing people out? Same deal.
Rolled 7, 2, 2, 6, 3, 9, 8, 10, 5, 6, 1 = 59 (11d10)

"Alright, who wants to be on dogwatch duty with me?" Time to find this little shit some grub.

>3AL: Grab FETCH from the van and hold her up and see if I can get her to catch a whiff of something she'd find tasty. (Attune 3+ Insight 3)
>3AL: Send a flitdrone up above FETCH and I, focus on checking to make sure no one is following us. (Support 4+ Support Operations 1)
>3AL: Begin walking towards the Animal Wet Market if FETCH will let me.
Rolled 3, 2, 6, 5, 5, 2 = 23 (6d10)

>I take note of the gangsters harassing the couple, and make my way over to them
>I intimidate the gangsters into leaving, throwing one of my arms around one's shoulder while the other rests on the hilt of my sword so as to draw their attention to it (Manipulate 2 + Resist 2 + Persuasion 1 + Blades 1)

"Hey auntie, hey uncle! Soooooo sorry that I'm late for lunch! There were some last minute difficulties at work, you know how tight lipped some guys can be. But hey, that's why they have guys like me around, am I right? Anyways, who're your friends here? They're not causing you any trouble, are they?"

(Not just trying to white knight (Or white samurai in this case I guess) it up the first crime I see, planning on saving these folk so they'll owe me one and help us out with finding information)

#Agent Weeb
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1

#[BioAugmentic Genesplice]
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Cool, Nondescript Blade I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
Rolled 8, 8, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 2, 6, 4, 5, 7, 4 = 63 (14d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]
Credits 16

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1
!BioCybernetic Medical Theory 3

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [-]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1
!4C Profiler

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes | Chinese Takeout |
Drones: [-]

>3 AL (compounding): Start putting together a MeshDaemon that can give my TechSet remote access to camera feeds. [Process 4 + MeshOps2]
>3AL: Talk to the Rootpiercer "Damn right it is. Say, you got one yourself? Mind showing me where you're parked? I wanna see what some real enthusiasts ride on." [Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1]
>3AL: Build a profile on the shouting Brigadeer. [Sense 3 + Mesh Ops 2]
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4(+1)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobaticst 0(+2)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit

> Walk south, pausing in front of Snakesnaxx. Glance at the large reptilian gargoyle perched atop the building. (-3ALA)
> Briefly scan Snakesnaxx's exterior for alternate entrances and roof access. (-2ALA)
> Enter Snakesnaxx via the customer entrance. (-1ALA)
> Inspect the store's interior, making note of its layout and access points to employee-only areas. (-3ALA)
The stickyflashes, you mean? I'm teasing, Agent - your Tactical kit actually comes with them pre-set. The standard Chironan Corporate Ballistic Enhanced Escalation device - Stingballs commonly - cook off with a large bright flash and a shrapnel rain of a thousand plastic pellets. Stuns and blinds people something fierce. You all get a standard alotment of two in your kit. I did shop around for enhanced effect ones, based on your recommendations. Check the kit overview!

. . . Agent you don't have to *justify* assisting an elderly couple being harassed by two bit street thugs.

It sounds like they're planing to... rob somebody? Typical Brigadiers. Dammit, let me run some numbers on that, that might be important.

No person of that age uses that sequence of words in that or-- oh nevermind. How are they buying this? How are you fitting in? Agent I can't believe I just witnessed someone use the word 'famalang' unirionically and it *worked*.

TS Devonshire, that 'machine' is actually an autonomous tiny servotor drone for handling light tasks. You just gave it a hat based on your free sample That's sort of adorable, actually. Look, it's using your chopsticks to pretend to be a samurai. Aww, I love these things. They're like tiny little cutesy drone 'people' but with none of the people gunk. Adorable little rascals.

Are you data-sampling the NODULARITY store? I'm getting some... odd feedback from that one. Maybe it's related to their renovations? Some new marketing campaign? It's got a pretty whacky data-signature, like a high powerdraw and a lot of processing. It's... I mean okay, actually, this is... Recipe Test Environment? There's a full immersion VR testing suite with haptic feedback to test flavour profiles? Okay I'm taking a look at these spe-- wait what the--

TS Devonshire what the shit why is the NODULARITY drone store running a class IV firewall??

Agent Thorn, while classying it up is entirely an appropriate use of Attune, and I love the way you've slicked back your hair, I should inform you if you ever want your hovering swarm of deadly micromissiles to less horrifically lethally sverve around you in a mass of death, you can actually hide them away with 1 AL. It might be relevant later - this time you obviously did that as well as adjusting your tie.

Okay think like a government employee with a checkboard, Agent. You'll fit right in. The reason why we wear suits is because they'll go blind when they look at you and only see the tie and suit and think you're One Of Them.

Now if you can, get in close and do a subtle scan of his systems. Backdooring into confidential government information networks is only a crime if they find out.
( No that's a lie, it's always a crime )

Ah, SnakeSnaxx. It's actually a chain, but all the owners franchise it from SnakeSnaxxSupreme, the lead entity. A veritable cornucupeia of wonderful pets and adorable things for humans and people to eat. You wouldn't think a combined candy slash pet store would be a viable business model but they make it work! Somehow!

Okay, Agent, look around for any rare fish or deep sea samples of fungi. The enzymatic co-factors we're looking for has chimeric genetic parallelism from that branch of Daevoni--- you know listen I'll just highlight it on your HUD, okay, ask for fishies.

... Hm actualllyyyy ask for fishies and chew toys. Maybe a scratching post? Actually agent, I'm compiling a shopping list and sending you a brief part-time authorization for a credit line pre-signed by Johnson over in accounting, we have a lonely chimeric transgenic abomination with development needs.
Rolled 1, 8, 2 = 11 (3d10)

Sure, I'll get the shitty cape and the single bullet

>1AL: Direct the meshdaemon to accompany Agent Cheddar and FETCH to the Wet Animal Market
>3AL: Ask around the market, see what is going on around and if there are rumours and stuff. Non-suspiciously, of course. [Attune 2 + Persuasion 1]
Rolled 1, 10, 1, 7, 2, 3, 7, 7, 4, 2, 3, 7, 5, 8, 5, 7 = 79 (16d10)

Ehh, I'm not big on letting this very distinctive and potentially mutagenically contagious subject having free run of the market...You all saw how it chucked Fold around, yeah? Who's gonna wrangle it if it starts biting people or something?

>1AL: Download multimedia pertinent to Rootpiercer lingo and activities.
>3AL: Listen in on the Rootpiercers' conversation. Try to see if they let any important technical tidbits slip once they move on from pseudophilosophical ramblings, if ever. (Sense2+TechOps5, 7 dice)
>1AL: Visually inspect the nearby infrastructure access point and download pertinent manuals or technical specification booklets with the multimedia suite.
>3AL: Gather samples from the access point. (Process4+TechOps5, 9 dice)
>1AL: aw, what a cute little dog.

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
Credits 16

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
!Technical Ops 5

B: I Agent Suit [DR1]
H: Techset Headwear [Hard1] (Meshfire 2, BLANK)

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2]
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access I
I'm not so sold on showing an obviously nonhuman furry humanoid to the general public
Don’t worry, Agent, I have a trick for that! It’s a high-tech solution called a hat and trench coat.

I’m with you on the subject watching, however. We gotta be a bit careful.
Alright Agents, first pass data is in. Agent Octant, good work getting access to that water sub-flow control system. We've got a lot of flow data here. The market is drawing in an obscene amount of power for recycling water, but they are also running this ornamental koi pond in the middle of the street so there's definitively grounds for it.

Don't let the Rootpiercers spook you, they love it when people get hands on. Just be aware that you got a toolkit because accessing hardware points can be a bit tricky. They're usually hardened, and because we need to check for physical traces of bio-samples AND if anyone's tampered with it, remote mesh-checks on their signal locks is no good for our purposes. I'm fairly sure anyone with Dr. Despango's genius could clip on a false data spike in the hardware system itself, and then the only thing we'd read is false data.

Anyway, Agent Octant, try not to get caught up in debating ecological programming with your new friends. Your MultimediaSystem does have somewhat limited internal memory, so keep in mind that if you download new packages it sometimes overwrites the old ones. But I got good use out of those specs. I'm filtering for a few things.


Agent Vennsfield, the Snacksnaxx is... closed? Owner missing? Damn, they're otherwise almost always in. Looks almost abandoned. Roof seems to have a secondary access, but everyone's watching. This doesn't seem mission critical right now, but it's certainly curious.


TS Devonshire, speaking of *hands on* with hardware systems, watch out! Those adorable anthroform drone-servers are forming a knee-height robot-hand-chain to keep you out of the hardware access point! How adorable! I love those little rascals. Look, it's using your chopsticks as samurai swords. Hehehehe.

... Okay this is as little more prickly than usual, but autonomous shops do have proprietary tech on the inside. And their firewall is *spooky* good. Find a way to get that reading, or back off for now. You could probably physically move the little drones if you have to, but that almost seems... rude.

Speaking of rude, the Brigadiers weren't even in line at all! Assholes! They just wanted an excuse to harass you. I guess offering them food made them reconsider. Imagine saying no to free noodles!


Agent Thorn, that poor government employee has some interesting data.

Agents, I've started a small sub-hud tracker for mission relevant ops. I can't promise all of this relates to what we're doing or that I'll mark everything, but I've got a few bits for getting us good info. Weird animal activity? Is that why there's so many health inspectors here? There's nothing on it on the news, so the market must be keeping it low key or no one's reported on anything unusual yet. So there can't have been mass food poison events or anything like that.


Agent Cheddar, I don't think you grabbed FETCh at all-- you -- SUBJECT FETCH, PUT MY AGENT DOWN.

Alright well you're going in the right direction anyway
... Just, uh, get your feet back on the ground. Getting FETCH into a trenchcoat and hat was hard enough without you almost knocking the hat off because FETCH is fireman carrying you around like a sack of potatoes. How is something that thin THAT strong? Ridicolous. This is why I do meshops, not biopsychology.


Agents, the Brigadier group outside the Golden Koi are all carrying extra lockpicks and electronic lock scramblers, hidden guns in secret holsters and other small tools of the trade. I think they're here for a hit. We don't have to get involved, but ... hmh...

So, the Hong8 run this market top-level, but the Brigadiers are muscling in all over. And probably getting right into the face of the other groups here too. It'd be just like them to start trouble to showcase the Hong8 and everyone else can't *stop them*. Probably no one is going to get too hurt, but pulling of some kind of theft right under everyones noses is a big enormous middle-finger to the idea of the Hong8's invincibility and the Fogsteppers claim to being the real iron-fist of this market. If you have the time for it, scan some of the Brigadier members around the market. Or get in there and steal their stuff, physically. Be subtle unless you want to start a fight.

It's a sidegig but sometimes you gotta.


Agent Rafflesia, it's not a shitty cape and the seeker bullets come multiple in the magazine. Take more than one, I was teasing - now the meshdaemon attached to you is actually accompanying all of us at once. If we're linked in the tactical net to you it's linked to us. In a sense it's always spiritually with the other Agents - but it's definitively watching him more now than otherwise, per your request. What I'm trying to say is that it always has access to everyone, but it'll definitively protect people you point out *more*.

Now, this guy going on about dogs AND the health inspector mentioning something too? Hmm..

... Agents, the sampler can work up some biosamples from living creatures too, but animals don't hold still very well. You'll probably spook them if you try. Still if you CAN, new directive: Get some samples from those critters. We'll see if something is up.


Rolled 10, 3, 9, 6, 8, 1, 10, 6, 4, 2, 5, 7 = 71 (12d10)

>Approach the guy trying to hack(?) the fuse box? wearing my Convo starter kit
>3al: Hey dude. Whatcha doing? [Manipulate 2+Etiquette 2.5] to appear harmless
>3al: Mind if I take a look at that fuse box for a sec? You can have this beer in exchange. It'll only take a few seconds (Give him a beer) [Manipulate 2+Persuasion 2]
>3al: Interact with the Infrastructure Access Point using the Tactical Kit and acquire a sample [Sense 3+Intel Analysis 1]
*Confidence 1
Roof access under observation, you say? Sounds like the job for... Der Fledermausmann!
By which I mean I'll take care of it as soon as I get there. Just wait a minute.

>3AL Go to the restroom and activate TO Camo out of sight
>3AL Go out and take samples at the infrastructure access point near the Brigadeers
>3AL Climb onto the roof of Doc-Betterthan and travel to the roof of Snacksnaxx
Rolled 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 8, 8, 9, 7, 6, 1 = 69 (11d10)


>1AL: "Did I say the Golden Koi? I actually meant 'just down the main road there'! Sorry, still getting used to this place and its winding streets. Good luck with all your forms!"
>1AL: Take out an agent-looking doll or similar chewtoy that I fashioned out of whatever I could find back at the Hong8 teahouse just in case FETCH got unruly. [Jury Rigging 1+1.]
>3AL: Exchange the Agent Cheddar in FETCH's hands for the toy: "Here, kitty, kitty..." [Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1].
>3AL: Make my way towards the animal wet market. Wait, are those... NODULARITY drones all the way over here? Is this some kind of marketing scheme? What are they up to? [Sense 2, Mesh Ops 3]
Rolled 9, 9, 4, 8, 9, 3, 9, 2, 4, 9, 1, 2, 6, 8 = 83 (14d10)

>3AL: "Oh, yeah, we hacking, alright, my g! Yo, what's crackin, brethren?" Talk shop with my new ecohomies. Build rapport. (Manipulate2+TechOps5, 7 dice)
>1AL: "Y' like dogs, my dudes? Love 'em, me. Love all animals, like, ya know?" pop a squat and pet the dog some more while chatting.
>1AL: Get some jerky snacks from my tactical kit. (Support2+1)
>1AL: Download veterinary instructional multimedia on proper handling of stray animals.
>3AL: "Yea, heard somethin' could be goin' round this market. Can never be too safe 'bout these things, y'know? So checkin' the water, checkin' the dogs...concerned citizen, like, y'know?" Having distracted the dog with pets and jerky (hopefully), I scan it with my multispectrum sampler (Manipulate2+TechOps5, 7 dice)

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
Credits 16

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
!Technical Ops 5

B: Agent Suit [DR1]
H: Techset Headwear [Hard1] (Meshfire 2, BLANK)

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2]
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access I
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4(+1)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobaticst 0(+2)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit

[Health & Safety Inspector: "We've been coming back every day for a week and th-"]
> Override the remark, address the officer in a firm authoritative voice. (-1ALA)
[Agent Vennsfield: "I've already been debriefed on the situation."]
> Rest aid kit on the nearby crate. Withdraw a medical face mask. (-1ALA)
> Affix the mask to face. Double check it is fastened appropriately. (-1ALA)
[Agent Vennsfield: "Step back. Prepare your PPE."]
Do not wait for a response.
> Get a running start. Shoulder barge the main entrance of SnakeSnaxx. Intending to break through with sheer brawn. (4Resist+5CQC) (-6ALA)
There goes my stealth infiltration...
Rolled 7, 4, 2, 4, 2, 2, 7, 10, 2, 6, 3, 9, 1, 9, 3, 5, 5 = 81 (17d10)

>Retroactively pick up suppressors for my C7s, thanks for the reminder
Yeah. This is how all days should start.

>3AL: Enjoy the meal, drink the tea, praise the chef, ask politely if they have some taiyaki or anything else to go. (Manipulate 4, Etiquette 2)
>3AL: Give them two Origami Koi as a token of my appreciation (Manipulate 4, Origami Folding 1)
>3AL: Chat with the staff, find out if they know anything about Dr. Despango. (Manipulate 4, Persuasion 2)

#Agent Fold
Limit 12
Psych Stress Testing 0.1
Credits 13

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1+1
!Etiquette 0+2
!Telekinetic Projection 2
!Origami Folding 1

#SC Spinal Augmentics 1 [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
#Attentional CoProcessor (Once per turn, split action to multiple targets. -1 dice per extra, roll once. Freely divide dicepools between targets, ignore distractions)
#Reserve Capacitors 1-6 (Resonance charge limit 6. When generating charge, effect +1)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) [Armor +1]
H: Techwear Headset [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]

Inv: 3x Suppressed C7 Service Pistol [NERF 27/27] I Sharpened Service Knife I Tactical Kit [2x Foam Grenade, 2x Paint Grenade, 2x Stingball Grenade, 3x C7 NERF reloads [27/27], Advanced Modular Toolkit, Advanced MultiSpectrum Sampler] | Aid Kit | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | Hong8 Credentials | MetroPlex Health and Safety Inspectorate
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Rolled 5, 6, 4, 5, 7, 2, 10, 10, 4, 10, 3, 10, 3, 2, 4, 2, 7, 6, 9, 1, 8 = 118 (21d10)

Alright Agent Fledermausmann, get up and over the roof and duck under the signage. That maintenance hatch is no worse than the one in the apartment highrise, so the toolkit will cut right through it. Good use of camo. Once you're in, just unlock the door for Agent Vennsfield. It's a snack-and-snake-store, how bad can it ge--


Oh my GOD my PULSE

What the SYNAPSE!! Agent Mammoth! I'm picking up traces of gunfire! Shattered glass! Blood! D-dead people!!! BioContaminants!! Chemicals! Nitrogen! Sulphate!! Fire Sub Contrl System Release! -- The doorway, *agent Mammoth* that's a wetworks lab! ! Biomedicine equipment!! Agent Mammoth! Holy shit! I think you DID it! I think this is Marcier Despangos' secret little-- what the hell happened here?

Get those turrets offline, they can't detect you when you're cloaked like this, then let's case the joint, wow. These shells on the floor they're.. subsonic frangibles with low-load penetrators but expanding heads. They're coated in reactants-- they-- what the-- okay okay breathe. Breathe Agent, this isn't at all me being nervous on your account. What I'm trying to say is: that's a *hitjob*. We're talking high level professionals with *preparation*. Look at that... guy? Near the door? to the storage? he got shot, got up, took six steps, then died from blood loss and neurotoxin. Crystal-Shatter bullets, they call those. Goes with silenced guns, barely any report, contain a simultaneous injection vector *and* good terminal profile. Horrific. Whoever these people are they're mean as hell. And they left a surprise package for anyone else coming in! those turrets are running stealth mode so the casual scans didn't pick them up through the doors. Anyone else barges in I think it's a hot spray of leaden death.

Well, luckily no one tried the front dooo-- AGENT VENNSFIELD WAIT WAIT WAITWAITIWATIWAIT

>Full Auto Killzone Activation
>x3 (;
Rolled 4, 9, 9, 10, 3, 2 = 37 (6d10)

>Try to grab the closest turret and wrestle it to look away from the door before it opens fire (React + CQC)
>I have no idea if this is allowed


[Agent Vennsfield, mask safely preventing the pathogens from entering his system, busts through the doors to the SnakeSnaxx in a cloud of release flies and ants crawling on the floor and gunky seepage slowly rolling out. One health and safety inspector scoffs and manages to remark that this hardly seems sanitary, and then a high calibre bullet punches through plastic, glass, window-frame, his clipboard and his sternum and he drops like a ragdoll as the NodeTurrets in the SnakeSnaxx activate, spin up and go full Kinetic Dispute Resolution on the local environment.

Hearing gunfire, marketgoers scream, flee, run, while others have.. other... reactions.

Agent Vennsfield rolls through the doors, ducking low, warned by Mammoth shout, and comes to a rest in a better position near some bit of cover. Old empty shelving units. Then bullets from OUTSIDE start pinging off of the walls as various flavours of local actor return fire on a sudden ambush.]


Agents!! NodeTurrets class in the high ammo range and these have been modified with full ammobins! They'll keep FIRING for a WHILE!!


Manually! Or remote over-ride!! They're running ACTIVE FEEDBACK DEFENSES, you can see it on your HUD! You need 4 Compromise to breach their system before they start accepting commands!

Otherwise just get them to STOP FIRING somehow!!

But you're in a SUPPRESSIVE KILLZONE, if you *move out of cover*, you risk getting shot! Incoming bullets have the right of way!!

The *risk factor* of a given problem is a value of d10 it rolls when you enter a tile it's relevant, and SUPPRESSION is a RISK FACTOR, here it's 7d10, PER TILE, holy hell, you dash through, so maybe don't MOVE too MUCH until you've got those turrets HANDLED. But you can obviously still do something heroic, like charge them directly, or dodge through the killzone, or move around it!

But if you DO move a lot, do something to mitigate the risk!

Agents! Stop those turrets! They're chewing up the STREET! People are getting hurt!!!


>Agent Vennsfield takes 6, 5 and 7 shock. TS Liren reminds your suit comes with armor 1 (lucky) and you can either Accept Injury or Resist with 1 AL, getting your Resist to deal with the shock.
>Agent Mammoth takes 4 and 4 shock. TS Liren reminds your suit comes with armor 1 (lucky) and you can either Accept Injury or Resist with 1 AL, getting your Resist to deal with the shock.
>And that injury, all in all, can be handled with first aid once you're not in terrible danger...


>Agent Mammoth and Vennsfield can act again
>Focus Mode, though: No free movement for *you*


Any un-acted Agents may assist
Rolled 9, 6, 5, 10, 9, 4, 8, 1, 8 = 60 (9d10)

>3 AL: Continue compounding the cameraDaemon... [Process 4 + MeshOps 2]
>1 AL: Drop the Brigadeer profile
>3 AL: Someone else? You talking about your boss? Any way I could talk to the guy, like an introduction or something? I'm interested... [Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1]
Rolled 4, 1, 4, 7, 5, 2, 7, 3, 8, 5, 2, 7, 3, 7, 9, 8, 2, 6, 1, 1, 1, 5, 7 = 105 (23d10)

*Confidence 1 *Stress 5 *Shock 4+4
>4AL: Resist (React 3 + Confidence 1 x4 = 16 dice, am I doing this right?)
>5AL: Fish out a foamball, acquire target and throw it 1NE 2N of Agent Vennsfield to block off the sensors of the two top turrets (Proficiency 3 + Ballistics 3 + Confidence 1 = 7 dice)
Of course I resist with Resist, but it's still 3
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457 KB PNG
" yeah sure bud we can do that broski rollski i'll pingaling my chat and you can swing in with them. uh, might take a while, don't really remember who clutched it all together. it's like observational interplay of integrated systems so i made some cammies and then someone else did the whole setup and yeah yeah we're not into hierarchies maaaaan like, i don't even a boss, i don't DEAL with BOSSES you know, i'm free agent, individual, that's me, but like, obviously when we hold a non-binding dispute third tier vote on the process path that's not, like, authoritarian enforcement of rigid hierarchies it's a multipolar unity of free exchange in relation to performing of individual microtasks, so broski i didn't so much do it as maybe contributed to the overall open source project, it's been on dock for a while, actually if you're into high end spec sampling i can invite you to the workhub project and you can contribute in the spirit of fair exchange. and anyway maaaaan you ever blitz out on reavestims while doing 220 on the highway down six-on-three it's like WOOSh you see the interplay of the universe in the stoplights going by and the sirens sound like electron decay and your bikes hellaaaaaaaciously sweet PUT it HERE broski famalam my gremlin but not in a machochismo kinda way, i'm not into the hetereonormative patriarchal mode of individualization, ha ha, yeah, as Demonso wrote in the Zen of Part and Cycle Maintaining, sometimes you gotta give to get got you get meeeee?
He means " Yes ", Agent. Good in.
Please make him stop talking about pluralistic aid dynamic theory. That's not even what that *means*. Someone of us actually went to higher education, you know.
> Use Resist to recover from Shock. (-6ALA)
> Keep low. Stick close to the shelving units. (-1ALA)
> Move SW then S. (-2ALA)
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169 KB PNG
Agent Mammoth, good, clean throw! Watch out for the angles, that last one is pumping lead into the storage room. But the streets are clearer now, thank the stars.

Agent Vennsfield, keep low, keep moving and stop that gun. You've got a better angle than Agent Mammoth, who is going to eat six shots to the face if he dips his head out of cover.

If you can't hack through the 4 shielding, you can always try to take it out manually. Either flip it over so it enters sleep mode, bust it up or something else.

The 'flip trick' is a bit dangerous because until it's actually offline it's still spraying bullets everywhere. NodeTurrets are notoriously prone to wider area of fire than expected!


>Agent Mammoth, Agent Vennsfield can act again...?
Rolled 4, 3, 10, 2, 5, 7, 3, 10, 7, 6, 3 = 60 (11d10)

Holy crap, who starts a day like this, I've barely had breakfast!

>3AL First Aid to myself (Manipulate 2 + First Aid 2 + Confidence 1 - Injury 2 = 3 dice, correct?)
>3AL Try to hack the last turret (Process 2 + Mesh Ops 1 + Confidence 1, hopefully no penalty anymore)
>3AL Try to hack it again

*Confidence 1 *Stress 5 *Injury 2
Rolled 5, 9, 9, 7, 10 = 40 (5d10)

>9AL: provide tech support for Mammoth's turret hacking attempts. (Support2+MeshOps3, 5 dice, repeated action)
> Retrieve a foam grenade from tactical kit. (-1ALA)
> Acquire a target. Target the sentry turret at SWx3. (-1ALA)
> Pull the pin. Underarm toss the grenade at the targeted turret's base. (Proficency3+Ballistics2) (-3ALA)
> Retrieve a second foam grenade from tactical kit. (-1ALA)
> Pull the pin. Roll grenade Nx2 into the doorway. (Proficency3+Ballistics2) (-3ALA)
Rolled 9, 5, 3, 4, 8, 1, 2, 3, 8 = 43 (9d10)

Trying to think of ways to help our agents currently getting gunned down but handling this creature is proving an ample distraction.

>3AL: Guide FETCH towards the Animal Wet Market, or lead her there if Thorn's Indiana Jones swap trick worked. (Attune 3+ Persuasion 1)
>3AL: Project some aim assist software in Vennsfield's headgear, hopefully helping him target that last turret. (Support 4+ Mesh ops 1)
>1AL: Send a flitdrone to assist Vennsfield.
>1AL: Send a flitdrone to assist Mammoth.
Alright agents, alright, vitals check. Sound off. Everyone good? Everyone breathing? Vennsfield, Mammoth, your vitals are-- you got clipped. Low penetration. It'll patch. You'll be okay. You'll be okay !!

First aid kit can deal with low levels of injury fine. It'll smart and bruise a little, but you'll be alright.

High yield calibre bullets, but thank the lucky allotment of death dealt by cold autonomous systems that NodeTurrets are pack-and-put portable. They're light area guard deterrents and ambush tools. What I mean is, they fire smg rounds, not... worse stuff. If that had been customized with those Crystal-Shatter shots whoever else hit this place had been using we'd be in so much worse trouble.

We're good, we're good. Okay. The shop is all shot up, gunked up, blown out and foamed up. Dammit. I bet they were planning on that. It's going to ruin any leads.
Case it as much as you can, look around for any general clues and insight, and find out if there's something we can use here. Agent Cheddar is providing overwatch.

And, err, Agents, I don't think 'three turrets triggering' is the kind of thing that people don't notice. Watch out for more surprises.
We're definitively not the only people looking into FEYWILD. Unless this is all some kind of accident? Eeeeeh. I... doubt it.
Rolled 9, 1, 9, 3, 9 = 31 (5d10)

>3 AL: Head into the ChipShip and scope out the environment (Sense 2)
>3 AL: If the coast is clear, get some samples from the Infrastructure Access Points
>3 AL: Otherwise, appear inconspicuous and blend in (Attune 2 + Persuasion 1)
Agents, the foam grenades, mind the foam grenades-- agents! Agents we need that area to find any further leads on--.

Alright well we'll get it from the turret networ-- aaaaaand the overeager techno-anarchists joined in on the remote operation, slung six petabytes of viral warfare code, and it's scrap. Scratch that turret network, Agents. That data's all entropy now. Alright, alright.

We'll think of something. Take a breath. That got intense. Everyone alright?

Actually the foam sorta works in our favour, it makes it seem as if the fire-control systems activity due to some horrid unforeseen situation. I don't even think anyone else realizes that was automatic gunfire. The locals shot back so much they covered it up. MetroPlex chatter is low, people are calling in reports of noise. I'll see if I can do something about most of them. We're... clear.

Goood work. Agents. Excellent teamwork.


Agent Octant, normal sample on that dog. Very eager pupper. Nothing unusual in its genetics. A little mal-nourished. Feed it something extra, alright? Good news though. Positive match on hair samples that track to FETCH's fur. Same type of dog, same breed, same dust markers. Proof positive it's this area. We knew that already, but now we also know the dogs are worth watching. Good work.

I'm processing that power and water draw on that infrastructure right now. Something with the Golden Ko-- aaaaand the overeager technoanarchists are rooting through systems because data has to be free. There go I but for the grace of god, but at least I, agents, have a steady job and a steady income stream.


Agent Graphite, that guy was trying to cut power to the NDLE systems. Definitively doing it because there's market competition with the Golden Koi. Mammoth and Fold didn't see many other customers in there. I think the autonomous noodle shop, convenience, ease of use, lack of crime and lack of a vague air of being menacing contributes to their having better revenue than the Golden Koi. I bet you the Fogstepper don't stand for it at all. They're prickly, honourable types.

Anyway, help him cut the power or don't get involved, it doesn't seem much of our issue.

The powerdraw is interesting though: tracing back, I can see the extra juice going to SnakeSnaxx going back months. Now we know WHY. That was Dr. Despango and associates wetworks lab. There's a few other points of interest, I'll update the HUD.

And we've got access to the local power systems too, now, so if you need me to turn something on and off just let me know to do the remote ops intrusion.


Agent Fold, beautiful koi and I appreciate your proud stance on food-waste. Agent Fold, I need you to circle to Agent Mammoth and assist wiiiitttthhhhhhh

agent fold
i need you to sit in that chair the man in the corner is indicating and be very very polite.

>Agents who haven't acted, etc etc
Oh thank the stars you praised the chef and gave them a gift. I think that's not just any random old man. I think that's the oyabun of the 非常に危険な風, which you are not going to try to say out loud because I am-- wait Agent Butterfly compiled a full japanese nuance filter with triple-feedback --

Agent Fold, I'm switching on your live-input output distinction and then I need you to say the following... Agent Graphite, you read up on this, what's the polite term of reference for a wise elder who can have you killed if you don't laugh at his jokes but you understand he would never expect you to laugh so you want him to know that you do actually appreciate this wit? I think there's a slang term for that, we're not using that one.

>AGENTS to test ETIQUETTE, if they have it, to guide Agent Fold through some particular social customs
>AGENTS to test ORIGAMI FOLDING, if they have it, to get the cranes exactingly right.
>AGENTS to test SUPPORT OPS, if they have it, to handle some live-data feedback.
>This is a free teamwork guidance action, you may take it now and until Reaction Phase fully resolves.

Agent Fold, ask him about... something. Just keep him talking. I'm sure he'll tell you what he wants you to know but might as well try to get a small word in edgewise...?

>AGENTS to feed QUESTIONS to Agent Fold, if they have any. This is a free team action. You have until Reaction Phase fully resolves.
>Sent Agent Fold multimedia tutorials for proper origami crane folding. Someone with more expertise can offer better assistance, but, surely, a visual aid won't hurt, right?
>Question: was anyone other than the Hong looking for Despango?
I only know yakuza etiquette from an... an unreliable source, I mean. Can't help here, but I have a question. Who is this dead guy I landed on whose description I'm forwarding to Agent Fold right now?
Rolled 5, 3, 9 = 17 (3d10)

>Handle some live-data feedback (Support 2 + Mesh Ops 1)

Who worked with Dr. Despango to get him supplied?
Where is Dr. Despango's hidden lab?
How are Singularity Cloud and Mr. Nakamura involved?
Who else is involved with Feywild?
What is the nature of the specimen 'Fetch'?
What did 'Fetch' use to be?
Rolled 5, 2, 7, 9, 10, 10 = 43 (6d10)

"Right, right, Anarchists. My mistake. Hierarchies and capital are the vampires that suck society dry of the lifeblood of free will. No worries chrome-comrade. I'm DEFINITELY no friend to the evils of capital. An introduction to Chrome-brother and or sister and or other being of indeterminate gender or none at all would be very appreciated. I just have a few... questions that need answering."
>6 AL [Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1] x2

>Go with the Rootpiercer, wherever he might go.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

>Set up a live-monitoring system to detect body language and tone shifts so Agent Fold has an easier time keeping the flow of conversation (monologue?) going. [Support Ops 1]

What's with the Health & Safety presence in the market? Were they tipped off by someone in particular?
Rolled 3, 10, 2, 9 = 24 (4d10)

>React phase: Sure help him by cutting the power. We can turn it back on on the way out or something. Already got what we needed from this. Tell him he owes us one.

"Huh... well you could use 賢者様 (Kenja-sama), it means "Wise one" or "Sage" in reconnaissance to his wit? Don't refer to him as your boss after all he isn't. He's an elder with influence and clout."

>Etiquette 2 to guide Agent Fold through some particular social customs
>Origami Folding 2 to help Agent Fold though he also has it "Alright so just like we practiced right?"
Rolled 7, 10, 2, 10, 10, 4, 4, 3, 8 = 58 (9d10)

>Reduce Breach with Hardening 1
>AL1: Reduction of remaining Breach (Process 2)
>Focus Move towards Scrap section.
>AL3: Look around for those who normally live in these parts. Copy their manners and act like i you belong. (Attune 3 + Stealth Ops 1)
>AL3: Listen for sounds of claws moving on pavement as Clues to locate where they move. (Sense 3)

Fine day for an walk and snooping around certainly market like this has plenty of interesting stuff to see.
These ads are damn annoying though.

#Agent Serval
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2 | Instinct 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 1
!Stealth Ops 1

BioAugmentic Genesplice
#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Seeker Shots 1x reloads
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4(+1)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobaticst 0(+2)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit

> Something organic is growing on the floor near my current position. Inspect it closely. Run the bioscanner over it. Do not touch it. (Sense2+First-aid3) (-3ALA)
> The crime scene is befouled by suppression foam. However, part of a nearby worktable remains untouched. Tracing the organic growths leads to a beaker resting upon that tabletop. Investigate. (Sense2+First-aid3) (-3ALA)
> Ready the Aid kit. Treat my wounds. (Support2+First-aid3) (-3ALA)
Rolled 7, 4 = 11 (2d10)

#Agent Dragon
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Pathfinding 1
!Advanced Piloting 1
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit

>Burnt Toast Sandwich (It's still edible even if it's charred right...?)
>Bitter Coffee (It helps in the early mornings)
>Hypothetically... what if say, a friend of a friend of mine... forgot to pack... something. (nothing, if possible)
>Haze Protocol Augmentics
>I thought I was going to be a Pilot but the head of personnel lied to me and assigned me to field duty :(
Rolled 8, 10, 3, 2, 9, 9, 10, 5 = 56 (8d10)

"Pardon me. A storm has started and I must assist those who were without shelter".

>Swap Process to Speed (Attune 2, Gizmo 2)
>5AL - Run approximately 13 hexes to stand next to the inspector, since apparently none of them know first aid.
>1AL - Pull out Med Kit
>3AL - Perform First Aid on downed inspector (Support 2 + First Aid 2 + Kit)
I don't have any AL to do a data analysis or verify my findings, but if Nodularity is able to run predictive VR simulations to find out what people most want to eat, they could almost certainly do that for a prospective genetic abomination. This leads to two things: firstly the noodle shop should be able to make something that Fetch can eat, even if they won't share their proprietary recipies. Secondly, whatever they're running could have been used by the late Doctor to find viable/stable genetic lineups. Not only in the sense that it's a predictive system and can thus be used to run simulations and see what works generally, but also if the system can't come up with something edible to the prospective creature, then presumeably the creature won't be able to eat and thus is non-viable.
Hmmm… What, brute-force the flavor specs and find something appealing then the fact it’s appealing relates to it being nourishing? It’d avoid a lot of dead-ends.

Interestinggggg, TS Devonshire

Agents, maybe get FETCH to one of those outfits I think TS Devonshire is right. If it works out or matches taste-to-system somehow, it might work for FETCH!
I've got you on spec, Agent Dragon, burnt coffee and crunchy toast and all. As for what you're loaded with, I, uh-- uhm. Didn't we already have a

7-4 classified agent on this op?

Is... is it multiplying
is it, err. is it allowed to do that?

i uhh i'll get bac... back to you on this, agent.

Sophonic Integration Routines 3^

You’ve loaded a sub-sophont meshdaemoni into your systems, an e-geist, a near-class nigh-general intelligence with surprisingly few limiters on its ethical constraints. Why are there, uh, more than one of them? Didn't we only acquire one? It has 9 AL, intent = value and mostly freely downloads relevant skillprotocols on its own. Direct it with 1 AL, and it takes major actions mostly on your behalf.* Or you can activate your immersive HUD overlay and co-pilot with it on major actions.** If so, it adds its pool to your as a Style (eg +3d10 right now). This obviously has no easily foreseeable drawbacks. Finally, you can test it directly as a Secret, forming part of a pool, for very advanced system ops or operations.***

*Eg something akin to ">1 AL: [#Name], hack that drone / help that ally / isolate that system / do this thing". It goes off and does that, freeing you up to do other things.

**EG, you spend 1 AL to activate advanced system overlays, then you take normal actions but it 'co-pilots'. Eg you do Proficiency+Dance to dance, and it adds +lvl (3d10) to is as 'Style'. Styled dice have higher complications but you roll way, way more of them.

***Eg you simply test Intent+SophonicIntRou directly, forming a normal pool. This represents a significant major action of advanced code-manipulation and ai ops. Unlike ** you roll less dice but you are direct-guiding the system, so it lets you bypass some normal limits.
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Never hurts to be on the good side of powerful people with menacing airs. Good work, Agent Graphite. I'm spiking in the power-reading and comparing it with some of our stuff now.

Huh.. that's... huh.
I'm getting a ... signature?
From the NDLE Shop?
How am I getting a signature-- you cut power-- it should be in low cycle mode, it's running off of the main grid, right?
Like it's obviously-- do they have a *backup generator in there*? Why? Why does the autonomous noodle shop have a backup generator?

That's it I'm having a -- ANOTHER class IV firewall? **Why** are these NOODLEshops equipped with Tarburn and Thornclipper RFD? Who designed this? Who gave them the processing? What the ever-beating mystery of the heart is a 'Pristine Protein Producer'??? I'm getting AR pingback tags from something called the 'Umami Nexus' and I don't think that's a-- what is HAPPENING here.
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That's it - Agent Serval, scoot around back and find out what's up with this whole enterprise. I've got a good read on the scrap section, it's all abandoned. Lots of cats prowling there. People use it to drum up their refuse. Your augments are useful for this, because your [INSTINCTS] naturally cover advanced environmental sensory capabilites, relations with those critters and some other

oth.. errrrrrr


errr agent serval what am i looking at on this feed

agent serval are those-- is the-- are they-- agent serval uhhhhhhhhh b-back... back away. back away from the creepy robot graveyard.

wait that's a live signature, there's a *guy* in there. he's got half his body stuck in the hardware interface. probably tried to reach in and flip a switch. see, this is why you don't do technical ops alone. why is he covered in ... is that onions sauce

i have SO many QUESTIONS
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Easy does it, Agent Fold. Smile and nod. Smile and nod. This is going to be half riddle and half insinuation. You don't get to live this long and be this at ease with yourself without the basic insight that he's not going to say anything directly incriminating that'll stand up in court as evidence of any wrongdoing.

Still, hmhm. Okay, give me a little bit to refine some of this and follow up on some things. I think this narrows the field down A LOT.

Sad about the graduate students. We'll check around for any missing, isolate the university that way, get a lead in.

Cranes coming around though? Hm, not too unexpected. But... Steelhearts?

Agents, I've got a bad feeling about this. And it's getting *worse*.

Agent Cheddar, I am going to set your flitdrones to screen mode. Good thinking assigning them to Mammoth and Vennsfield, itll help a lot. I think we're being watched.
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Agents, I'm... Hmhm. We're not weapons free. Or even really close it. I'm just... I'm letting you know the tactical composite threat factor is inching up. No solid leads on any actual danger, but who puts NodeTurrets in a candy and pet store? Why did this graduate students have to die? Are there Red Cranes in this market, watching us even now? Watch your back, Agents.
Agents, uhhh, Serval and... Graphite, I... I'm not entirely sure what I'm seeing here. Are those anthroform drones physically body-blocking you? I think they're offering free samples? They're not being aggressive, but... This feels a bit aggressive. Listen, I'm going to-- just-- I don't think we-- uhh-- let's... this can't be mission critical, can it? Is it? I can' tell. It's, uh, it's all tangled up like noodles.

Well, whatever this all is, I don't think you're getting past those drones easily. They're small and breakable and go to about hip height so they (probably) can't actually hurt you, but I think it's more the principle of the thing.

Damn, and here I really thught TS Devonshire's plan was good - but at NODULARITY! is still open for business and powered. We can get her scanned there.


Agent Mammoth, Vennsfield, the foam has blocked anyone outside from looking in. Get what you can from the site then extract.
>No Physical Danger; Agent Vennsfield patched up. +1 Trauma. Trauma clears end of deployment.


Agent Cheddar, Thorn, Rafflesia, Fetch is picking up something in the market. Not sure what. You don't have to take her there but maybe it'll lead to something. Bit of a commotion starting.


Agent Monarch, listen, I know he seems charismatic and he's half naked and oiled up and dissembling a motorcycle and yes I am going to remix this feed and upload it to a social site later and I expect it to go viral but listen, listen, that's post-structuralist narrativist reconceptualization of an inversed paradigm. You don't HAVE to buy into his discourse! Agent! Agent, focus!

>Arck, you took Discourse damage and now you're all existentially confused about the ideals of ideals.


Agent Butterfly, scratch the hardware note in CHIPSHIP. Looks like it's an old-style full haptic feedback VR arcade. Retro. That's cool. They're running massive 3d environments on those compute racks. You a fan of SMASHRACER 3000? SHADESPRINTER? Something weird about those backrooms but it's not on any of my lists and the door is heavily secured. Odd.

Well, hey, sometimes places just turn out to be cool little holes in the wall. If you want to blow off some stress maybe go a few rounds of a game, or ask them if they've got any TunisTech variants with the safety limiters off. I'm kidding about that last one, Agent. Please don't direct-inject memetic gaming environments into your cognitive architecture, you'll catch Platforming.


Okay, Agents, I've incorporated some new data-streams and we're closing in on useful things. Finding Dr. Despango wetworks lab this early is a boon. But it's so busted up we'll need more data anyway. I can't believe those graduate students got... murdered. Who does that?


>Agent Graphite, Serval, not in focus mode, but watch your movement a little - there's a chance those NDLE drons will obstruct you if you ignore them.
Rolled 2, 7, 10, 4, 1, 4, 8 = 36 (7d10)

Despango came there with a girl, huh. But haven't we established that subject Fetch is an uplifted cat? Were we wrong, or am I wrong right now?

>1AL: There's no way I didn't pack some foam dissolver, right? Get it out of the tactical kit.
>3AL: Dissolve the foam next to me
>3AL: Search everything in that room (Sense 2 + Sensor 2)
>2AL, 1Strain: Investigate the terminals I spy in that room (Process 2 + MeshOps 1)
Rolled 5, 9, 3 = 17 (3d10)

“No need to thank me! Just doing my job as a fellow good samaritan and helping out someone in need.”
“Unfortunately I’m going to have to decide the offer of a drink, on the clock after all…Buuuuut, there IS a certain something you CAN help me out with.”

>[Socialize for information, Manipulate+Persuasion]

#Agent Weeb
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1

#[BioAugmentic Genesplice]
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Cool, Nondescript Blade I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
Rolled 6, 7, 5, 6, 4, 4, 10, 1, 10, 9, 10, 9, 8, 2, 2, 5, 9, 8, 1, 6, 1, 3, 2, 2, 5 = 135 (25d10)

"Ayo, thanks for the scrip, broski. Not that money holds much sway over me, but it's the respect of you boostin up my cred that matters, dig?"

>3AL: "We gotta find out what the foggies are up to with all that aqua, my eco-homies! Lend me a digital hand here." Let's have a look-see at what's going on with the Golden Koi and all that water. (Process4+MeshOps3+SignalSplice3 from the three Rootpiercers next to me (but only if they're cool with it), 10 dice)
>3AL: "Thanks for the help, my dudes, but I gots to make tracks! See you on the flipside, yeah?" Go over to the infrastructure access point by the drone delivery spot and get to work on it with the toolkit. (Manipulate2+TechOps5+Tool2 (does this even get rolled or is it more of an effect thing?), 9 dice)
>3AL: Alright, well, what do we have here, then? Let's dig in. (Process4+MeshOps3+Splice2 (from the cameras), 9 dice)

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
Credits 17

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
!Technical Ops 5

B: Agent Suit [DR1]
H: Techset Headwear [Hard1] (Meshfire 2, BLANK)

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2]
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access I

#Agent Dragon
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Advanced Piloting 1

#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys

>1AL, "Nogard, what's the deal with the water facilities around here- like why are they here?" (send nogard to investigate the water sub-cycling systems)
>8AL, walk eastwards towards the direction of the animal wet market
Rolled 4, 5, 8 = 17 (3d10)

Seems like 25 is the limit for how many dice you can roll with one post. Just as well, since this is a little crazy.
Rolled 10, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 1, 6, 6, 2, 3 = 50 (11d10)

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]
Credits 16

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1
!BioCybernetic Medical Theory 3

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [-]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1
!4C Profiler [Insight 2]

Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes | Chinese Takeout |
Drones: [-]

>6 AL (I feel like cutting through the bullshit is going to take this much): "Mhmm mhm, I'm familiar with Mr Aero Carlton's theory of post-modern neo-anarchist collectivization of the mind theorems, but I'm not here to debate. I'm here on important business... of a kind. A friend of mine, an old comrade by the name of Despango swung by here a bit ago. I'm on his trail, know any other places he might've stopped by around here? [Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1] x 2

>3 AL: Build a profile on this Rootpiercer capo, recent Mesh searches, upgrades, purchases. If there's anything that could link to Despango, I want to find it. [Sense 3 + Mesh Ops 2]
Well -- I... She is? It is. It has to be. The profiling, the genetic samples, the sequencing. It all... I mean it only -- There's traces of parallel structures in there and she -- it -- they--

I was so certain. Your idea fits the available data. A transgenetic feline with a cognitive uplift. The Feywild Wylding process, some test animal. Dr. Despango wasn't married and had no family, he didn't have a daughter. Where would he find a girl? Why would he find a girl?

No, no, Agent Mammoth, Subject FETCH has to be a cat. Maybe that old man is wrong or thinking about something else? If Subject FETCH isn't a cat - if it was -- is -- if there's a girl in there somewhere, isn't that...

>0AL: be unable to finish this sentence
Rolled 10, 2, 7, 1, 1, 9, 1, 8, 5, 6, 2, 4, 7 = 63 (13d10)

>3AL: Gently tell the Fogstepper to calm himself. Maybe this feud between businesses doesn't need to go this far? Maybe a show of goodwill by turning back on their shop would see us through? His decision really but better pick the right one. (Support 2+Persuasion 2)
>3AL: Offer each of the NDLE Drones "Free Sample" beer cans in exchange for letting me and scared Fogstepper just pass. Didn't mean any ill will. "Free Sample!" (Process 2+Persuasion 2)
>Hope the drones have let me and fogstepper pass, if so go meet Mr.Soap
>3AL: If the drones have let us pass go meet Mr.Soap. Be polite. Offer beer if he'd like some or a cigarette. (Prof 3+Etiquette 2)
Any read on where the "Infrastructure Access Points" I'm supposed to be sampling are in this building? Should I just take out the sampler and collect environmental data?
Rolled 4, 3, 10, 7, 6, 7, 10, 5, 1, 8, 6, 10, 8, 5 = 90 (14d10)


>3 AL: Under observation, eh? Set up a mask around subject FETCH so she doesn't get tagged by the cameras or the... copious amounts of noodle drones around, just in case they might be looking for her specifically. [Support 3, MeshOps 3]
>3 AL: Speaking of subject FETCH, make sure to keep hold of her (grab onto a bit of the trenchcoat? grab onto her arm? hold her hand ? This all seems so awkward...) while she heads towards whatever caught her attention... [Proficiency 2, Close Quarters 2].
>3 AL: While making sure not to disturb either the Rootpiercers who just got bumped into or the Brigadeer who bumped into them. We don't want to cause another situation down here also. [Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1].
Nah Agent, scratch it - as in 'don't worry about that one'. The hardware access point was internalized into the building because they're running a retro setup for all these old VR haptic immersion chairs. Our scans didn't catch it because its unusal and right by the water stubstation flow station.
It's a dud, we'll get nothing mission relevant from it unless you think a few petabytes of VR gaming logs are mission relevant.

Good to get it cleared and checked, though. Feel free to head elsewhere. The retro-gaming arcade will probably keep.

We don't yet have any information that makes it mission relevant. I'm a little confounded why the Nodality! drones there seem to be also playing VR games but maybe automated noodleshops have really good unions and it's a mandatory break thing? Like, it seems unrelated.

I can tell you that they've got a pretty secure backroom and I think that guy at the reception and his two buddies are former military. They have the build for it and the wary eyes. Definitively some strength augmentics in there. But discharged military vets find work in a lot of places *and* full immersion VR wargaming is a fad, so, it's probably nothing.

You can sniff around, get some data, ask if you can take some samples, socialize with the if you want. But I don't think this one is very information critical.
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4(+1)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobaticst 0(+2)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit (-1MedicalMask) | Tactical Kit (-2FoamGrenades)

> Something organic is growing on the floor near my current position. Inspect it closely. Run the bioscanner over it. Do not touch it. (Sense2+First-aid3) (-3ALA)
> The crime scene is befouled by suppression foam. However, part of a nearby worktable remains untouched. Tracing the organic growths leads to a beaker resting upon that tabletop. Investigate. (Sense2+First-aid3) (-3ALA)
> Gaze up at the roof access which Mammoth infiltrated through. Determine if there is any way to reasonably reach it from their current position. (Sense2+Acrobaticst3) (-3ALA)
Rolled 3, 2, 3, 8 = 16 (4d10)

>3AL: Keep heading towards to where FETCH leads us, falling back a bit to get behind FETCH and Thorn.
>3AL: Send my third flitdrone forward a bit to check out the areas in front of where we're walking, making sure the vibe is peaceful. [Attune 3+ Support Operations 1]
1AL: Take a picture of Thorn awkwardly fumbling with FETCH, this is good ammo to rib on him with later...
Rolled 4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 9, 7, 8, 3, 2, 4, 6, 10, 8, 2, 7 = 82 (16d10)

"It looks like they are both stabilized. I shall leave this kit here with you and go try to open the door. Watch out for more traps. They hit Doctor Despango. They may have hit the other doctors too. If none of you have trained in first aid, I recommend downloading a skillsoft from someplace you trust. They are quite helpful showing you where to stitch and where to place the bandages. Be well freefolk.".

>Give first aid kit to the Brigadeers.
>Jack into the access point to my NW (Jury Rig 1 + Proficiency 3)
>Open the Doctror's door (Meshops 1 + Process 2, Agent C)
>Download the paydata (Meshops 1 + Process 2, Also Agent C? Do they need to beat the firewall more than once?)
Should only be using 10 dice here. Not sure why I punched in 16.
Rolled 5, 10, 7, 7, 1, 1 = 31 (6d10)

>3 AL: Ask about the Nodular drones in ChipShip (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1)

"Oh woops, took a wrong turn sorry. Say, are those Nodular drones over there? What kind of programs do they run?"

>1 AL: Order some noodles from the Autonomous As-You-Go Noodlebar
>1 AL: Ready my Advanced Multispectrum Sampler from my Agent Tactical Kit
>3 AL: Analyze the noodles with said Sampler (Sense 2 + Mesh Ops 1)

>I did shop around for enhanced effect ones, based on your recommendations. Check the kit overview!

But the latest kit overview (>>6165312) was posted before my flashbang aquisition (>>6165323). Is there a kit overview that includes the enhanced effect flashes?
To be clear, when I am asking what programs the Nodular drones run, I am asking in the context of ChipShip, most likely VR programs
Rolled 3, 2, 6, 9, 4, 1, 7, 2, 6, 6 = 46 (10d10)

"Yeah this sure is odd wait..."

>AL3: Look for a way to roof of noodle shop. (Sense 3 + Acrobatics 1)
>AL3: Climb to said roof (Proficiency 2 + Acrobatics 1)
>AL3: Ask the stuck man how badly he's stuck so we can work on getting him out (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1)

"Yeah i'll see if i can't find route to that roof to check on that poor fellow and to see what kind of fast food shadow war robot cannibalizing is going on here."
Rolled 3, 2, 8, 4, 6, 8, 2, 10, 9, 8, 5, 10 = 75 (12d10)

Are... are those... w.. why does this autonomous noodle shop have electrified anti-theft system
how they on
we turned the power off
what is happening

Rolled 5, 10, 4, 9, 5, 8, 5, 10, 9, 6, 8, 4, 7, 2 = 92 (14d10)

>3AL: Thank 賢者様 for his time. Bow appropriately. (Attune 2, Etiquette 2)
>3AL: Get some samples from the infrastructure access point directly to my east while everyone is distracted (Manipulate 4, Tool 2?)
>3AL: Go help Devonshire with the shot Inspector (Support 2, First Aid 2)

#Agent Fold
Limit 12
Psych Stress Testing 0.1
Credits 13

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1+1
!Etiquette 0+2
!Telekinetic Projection 2
!Origami Folding 1

#SC Spinal Augmentics 1 [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
#Attentional CoProcessor (Once per turn, split action to multiple targets. -1 dice per extra, roll once. Freely divide dicepools between targets, ignore distractions)
#Reserve Capacitors 1-6 (Resonance charge limit 6. When generating charge, effect +1)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) [Armor +1]
H: Techwear Headset [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]

Inv: 3x Suppressed C7 Service Pistol [NERF 27/27] I Sharpened Service Knife I Tactical Kit [2x Foam Grenade, 2x Paint Grenade, 2x Stingball Grenade, 3x C7 NERF reloads [27/27], Advanced Modular Toolkit, Advanced MultiSpectrum Sampler] | Aid Kit | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | Hong8 Credentials | MetroPlex Health and Safety Inspectorate | Golden Koi Go-bag
Rolled 9, 9 = 18 (2d10)

>1AL: Direct the meshdaemon to keep overwatch over my back
>1AL: Get the testing kit out from the toolbox
>3AL: [Manipulate 2] investigate the access point south of my position
Agent Octant, Rafflesia, good work on that access point. It's nothing informationally critical, but it'll let me poke about systems much better. Slip a dataspike in there and it'll be an ace in our sleeve later.


Agent Fold, TS Devonshire, please please please stop telling the larping trigger happy anarcho-fascist that people are being 'whacked', it makes them itchy. They're barricading that entire section and in five minutes they're going to want people to have a pass, an armband and a general's letter before they're allowed to move. Well, at least it definitively makes Doc Betterthan safer. I don't think anyone was gunning for him, but... Well, who knows.

TS Devonshire, I got your feed of the point. Mostly mundane clinic information. But someone somewhere will pay for this, good work. I think if we want to get the Doc's opinion on anything, we'll need to ask him. A little harder now that he's got a sudden military honour guard.


Agent Graphite, Serval, good work disarming that situation. Now please just -- Agent Serval's vitals just spiked. Anyone have eyes on? He's out cold. That was a LOT of electricity. Didnt' we turn the power off?? dammit!!

Man down!! Man down!!


Agent Vennsfield, Agent Mammoth, holy shit. This is a motherlode. We've got matching enzymatic co-factors ALL over. It's... in the soil! Well, fungus and bacteria in the soil! It's broken containment! It's being absorbed into the local ecosystem! That mold stain isn't normal mold, it's FEYWILD transgene stuff! Mask up, Mammoth! HOLD YOUR BREATH OR SOMETHING.

Holy shit you-- the foam. The foam sealed the entire building! Oh my god. Agents! We just avoided a public health crisis! Get out through the roof and *seal that hatch*, your toolkits should have a welder!

We've got some data, but most of the network is fried.


Agent Monarch, stop debating post neo-colonialist quantum biased dynamic adaptive structuralist re-interpretations of anarchism with the scathingly hot anarcho-commune charisma goon, it's making it hard to concentrate. If you're going to keep this up, at least take your shirt off and ask him to splash some of that engine oil on you. I'm starting to feel like I should attend more debate clubs.

He's got some info though, you'll probably get it during REACTION.


Agent Weeb, why would the Cherry Blossoms be kidnapping animaaaaals actually when I say it out loud it's obvious. Mercenaries. Test subjects. Dr. Despango. FEYWILD.

Wait that means they might still be... here. In one of these buildings!! HAH! Paydirt!!


Agent Octant, Dragon, I think throwing a crypto-commune and an SGI's systems worth of processing power a that water cycling facility and Koi Pond is strictly speaking overdoing it, but it does work.

It looks like the Golden Koi is taking in so much water becaus they're running an illicit 3d microfab for specialist goods. Whatever, that's pretty Yakuza standard, BUT...

>Reaction Phase
>Agents who haven't etc...
... The koi pond is being filtered at sixteen times higher rates than standard for such systems. They're cycling water at a ludicrous rate, but it's still gunking up. Uhhh. That would imply the bio-waste and organic material buildup in that koi pond is ludicrous.

W-wait, Agents, hold on a second, the... biocontamination warning in Dr. Despango's SnackSnaxx lab, the animal test subjects, the mold-growth, erratic power spikes and fluctuating power draws and the koi pond water system is now being filtered at a much higher rate than usual because it's systems is detecting organic buildup and it's trying to compensate?

hey agents

i need you to capture one of those really pretty rainbow coloured koi fish and slice it open and look at its insides for me...

uh try not to have the Yaks see it, they might not be into that.
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Agent Vennsfield, Agent Mammoth, get out of that snakesnaxx store. Roof hatch is still open, but if the foam grenade seal remains then the bio-contamination can't leave. We're lucky the windows were sealed up with plastic. I imagine Dr. Despango and his grad students did that, if they were doing work here. The whole place was a mostly secure lab environment. Mostly. I don't think being rent with full auto-fire does much for the hermetic seals. Anyone, up you go, micro-weld the hatch SHUT and make it AIRTIGHT and then we'll take it from there.

Not much data left in all that debris, but a few useful things. Based on what the Old Wind told Agent Fold, the scrapped terminal bits and the few materially relevant samples, I think we can make some inferences about Dr. Despango's recruitment stream, funding sources and how long he's been at this. That's good.

Huh, what, Agent Mammoth? Your vitals?
Hahahaah no, no, no, it's fine, it's fine Agent, you're fine, it's, uh, everyone's going to feel just a little sweaty climbing up out of an old building and engaging in a firefight and so on, so on. You're fine. Genuinely I implore you not to worry about it but can you maybe keep your mask on for now?

Good work, Agents. I can't believe Dr. Despango's lab was so easy to find.
Agents, this market is an active biocontamination hazard zone.

As per >>6164734, you explicitly noted rememering to pack filtration masks, sterile gloves and biosampling kits, yes? If you haven't, you didn't.

Your support kits have some basic masks and gloves in them as well, which will do in a pinch. I hope you haven't given away critical mission items.

As per >>6165094, the vans come with APEP gear pre-packaged and ready. That should seal you up completely against any biocontaminants in the local area. I am authorizing the equipping of them. Try to get there to put them on if you can.

If you didn't remember to explicitly note you brought the sterile masks and gloves, don't worry, I'm ordering an emergency delivery of small items to any drone delivery point. They'll be coming in there too. That'll tide you over. If you've got no other way of filtering up, improvise something if you have the time. And for the love of everything, don't fall unconscious off of a roof into a trash-heap containing who knows what. I don't know why I felt the need to say that. None of you would do that, right?

I've put in a biocontamination warning to the Metroplex and the market will start slowly clearing of normal marketgoers. I made it subtle. We don't want any panic. Stay on your toes, people, try not to touch things you haven't sampled and avoid getting caught in mass movements, a mob or anywhere where a large amount of organic material has been left around for a while. Proof positive this whole market might be an infection vector.

Our job is still not done here, though. And we've got a few leads. Let's keep it cool and keep it together.


Agents, the Brigadiers took that warning about 'doctors being gunned down in the street' a little serious and now they've set up an improvised checkpoint. Try not to get caught up in their fascist control power larp fantasy. They just want you to bow and knowtow, but they're not afraid to get handsy. It's kinda their whole brand.

They barricaded the access to Doc Betterthan's clinic too, since the wanted that health inspector to have proper guard. TS Devonshire, I really, really appreciate your effort at saving public employees, but we need to get you some kind of filtering and you're out of a support kit.


Agents, I've got a... brawl... brewing in the central market? Uhhh. Keep a watch on that, they're keeping it lowkey for now.


Agents, the Rootpiercers have taken collective action to seal up the passages around the SnakeSnaxx. Good. That'll keep people out. Unlike the Brigadiers that's not a full on check-point. Just be polite and get past them.


Got some weird signals here... Wait, hang on-- DATASPIKE! Agents! Agents!! HOSTILE MESH ACTIVITY!! They're being subtle but they're trying to ping you! What's going on? I can't see where it's coming from! Herbie 2.0 sliced some of it! I'll tell him to filter your systems!
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You've been COMPROMISED though, Agents! As per
>>6164737 you should deal with it before it gets worse. Luckily, because other agents can step in, Herbie is on it. It'll run some filtering FOR YOU and you can let it be if you want.

Who's scraping our feeds? Get out of there! Maybe it's the Rootpiercers! They're bringing online everything in that area!!


Agents, Subject FETCH has found something that appeals to them! A LOT! Good work! Goood work! Alright. Uh. Hm. We could... The vendor left. I know I said not to touch organic material and that's definitively organic. Can you find a way to bag a lot of it? Something else?

Agents, I've updated our metrics. We've got a solid lead on an animal holding facility, and that Koi Pond and water system is... I think it... We need to be sure. I don't want to make bad assumptions here but I think that the contamination from the SnakeSnaxx seeped into the water and started multiplying. The filtering is trying to keep it controlled. Its barely managing.

Get a koi fish, a knife, and let's verify. Every other indicator points towards yes, so this might be it. If we've got wide-spectrum uptake into the local water system, we need Metroplex to come down like a rod from god and seal every utility service in a six mile radius or we're going to have unknown bio-leakage across the whole subsprawl.


Agents, I've got no feed from Agent Serval. He's out cold. Last location was that scrap-heap by the NDLE store. Agent missing in action! Find out what's up!

>Though as Genespliced Subjects can Regen, it's a major action for them to test Instinct or Resist (use best) to do so. That'll recover hits dmg and shake off conditions. It's like having an always available medical kit.


Agents, the Brigaders called in reinforcements. Don't let their chatter get to you. That's not actually a "High threat response team of crack commandoes" it's, like, six people in a van.


>Agents to Roam
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Rolled 8, 9, 3, 8, 7, 4, 1, 4 = 44 (8d10)

>3 AL: Activate Communications Link Enhancement Adaptibility Nodes
>3 AL: Filter Agent Mammoth [4d10] (6-2distance)
>3 AL: Filter Agent Vennsfield [4d10] (6-2distance)

+3 [Mammoth] [zeros any compromise]
+1 [Vennfield] [2 remaining]

Hm, we'll have to tweak those parameters a little. As you can see, it didn't entirely patch up the intrusion and there's not enough spare juice remaining to do something about the viral advertising spam latching unto Agent Graphite.

But good news it'll keep doing this until the problem is resolved. Good little clean-drone!

Agent Vennsfield, your systems took a bit of a ding. As with Shock, the 2 Compromise will convert to 2 Breach if we don't get it handled, which then makes your system-specs more vulnerable to whoever is trying to spike their way in and filch all our data. 2 Breach is hardly *critical* though - keep in mind our base firewalls are 12 before any modifications. I do actually know how to run proper security. Unlike those 'Ndragheta thugs, you're in no danger of any vital equipment shutting down. Err. Yet.

But maybe we should filter those bits a little.
Network is kinda straining.

It's always just something!
Rolled 3, 5, 6, 8, 5, 2, 1, 6, 2, 2, 6, 4, 10, 9, 10, 8, 5, 4, 6, 6, 7, 3, 1, 2 = 121 (24d10)

Steal fish from the yaks, TS? Not it, sorry. I'd tap the invisible man we've got on our team for that task. That said, since they've been so nice as to tell Fold all that stuff, couldn't we just...tell the Fogsteppers about the contamination and ask that they let us have one fish for analysis? I don't imagine they'll be thrilled to have their koi pond be contaminated with...whatever the hell that runoff from Despango's op actually is.

>2AL: "All good in the cyberhood, rootbro. Don't let the suit fool you. The only thing I'm tellin the man is where to stick it." Sit down on that bench there so as to be able to datasplice from the rootpiercer, the marketgoer, and Agent Rafflesia. Filter Agent Vennsfield. (2x(Process4+Splice3), hope it applies. I mean, it *is* an electronic operation, right? 14 dice. Or however many actually count).
>6AL: With that hopefully handled, let's try to find out who the uninvited guests are. Try to trace them based on whatever mesh footprint their attempted intrusion may have left. (Process4+MeshOps3+Splice3, 10 dice, repeated action)

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
Credits 17

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
!Technical Ops 5

B: Agent Suit [DR1]
H: Techset Headwear [Hard1] (Meshfire 2, BLANK)

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2]
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access I
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4(+1)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobaticst 0(+2)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit (-1MedicalMask) | Tactical Kit (-2FoamGrenades)

> Mindful of the treacherous footing, carefully travel SWx2. (-2ALA)
> Withdraw a welding torch from the tactical kit. (-1ALA)
> Cut through all of the supports affixing the SnakeSnaxx mascot to the roof using the welding torch. (-3ALA)
> Shove the reptilian statue off the roof in a West-southwesterly direction. Aiming to block the alley at SWx6 Sx1 and obstruct the brigadeer entrenchment's sightlines. (4Resist+5CQC) (-3ALA)
Additionally, one final action:
> Stay low. Minimize chance of being spotted from the street. (+1Strain) (-1ALA)
Rolled 3, 4, 6, 4, 3 = 20 (5d10)

Mushrooms and bamboo? I was expecting her diet to be a lot stranger, I guess this works.

"Go on kiddo, eat up."

>3AL: Throw a basic mask and some gloves on. Tear some loose tablecloth off one of the stalls and wrap it around my hands too. (Manipulate 2)
>3AL: Carefully bag as much food as my flitdrone would carry, and attach the bags to it before sending it back to the van. (Manipulate 2+Support Operations 1)
1AL: That stupid thing won't stop looking at me, I can't resist. Grab the closest chunk of meat I can find at toss at the dog thing to the west.
Nothing like the searing hot pain of having electricity run through your everything. That and crashing in to heap of discarded everything.
But there's nothing to worry about right i've been biomodded that should fight against outside influences and strengthen the immune response.

>I assume i can't regen as i can't act while out cold.

#Agent Serval
Limit 12
*KO'd/Stunned/Seeing Stars

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2 | Instinct 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 1
!Stealth Ops 1

BioAugmentic Genesplice
#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
Rolled 9, 4, 1, 6, 7, 6, 1, 7 = 41 (8d10)

"Glad to see that you are safe Doc. Please assist these wounded people. If you need money, ping me the bill. Doctor Despango and his research assistants were recently killed. I will go check in with pharmacy and see if they are all right. If you have any idea who or why someone would be trying to kill Doctor Despango, please send me the info once you are done stabilizing these patients. Thank you doctor".
>(Manipulate 2 + persuasion 1): Try to get info related to Despango. I'm not sure if the doctor takes credits or not. I might have to have HQ send local currency and put it on the expense report.
>(Proficiency 4 + Persuade 1) - pet the dog for samples.
>Reinforce our team firewall (process 2 + meshops 1)
"C, please find the entity responsible for breaking in to my system and mark them. Thank you".
Rolled 3, 2, 8 = 13 (3d10)

Mesh ops.
>6AL: To counteract the breach on me (Process 2x6 for 12d10?)
>3AL: Politely accept the invitation of "Mr.Soap" it's good to stay to tradition. So much history. Explain a bit of the situation? Namely, looking for Dr.Despango and into possible Biocomponents that may have spilled in the water. Unfortunately this does mean that I need to look into at least one of the Koi fish's in the Koi fish pond through dissection if possible and the water for analysis. I believe that he can help me for at least one of these things. Also does he happen to have filtration masks, sterile gloves and biosampling kit? We could use some (Prof 3 + Etiquette or Persuasion 2)

"Haiyah it's not a good day to be the fishes. As for why my people have been doing so much interfacing with your systems...I'd like to apologize. You see we seem to be looking into a possible biohazard but some of the rootpiercers and us may have gotten carried away? We really don't mean any harm and I really hope we won't find ourselves in a string of snowballing accidents... We have a knack for that."
Rolled 6, 1, 3, 10, 1, 3, 4, 3, 2, 8, 6, 8, 2, 8, 6, 1, 6 = 78 (17d10)

Rolled 8, 4, 3, 5, 5, 8, 1, 7, 4 = 45 (9d10)

"I can get shirtless when I'm back at HQ Liren! This guy is giving me good information!"

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]
Credits 16

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1
!BioCybernetic Medical Theory 3

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [-]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1
!4C Profiler [Insight 2]

Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes | Chinese Takeout |
Drones: [-]

>1 AL: Share some takeout from the Hong8 safehouse with the Rootpiercers, they seem cool

>3 AL: "No, No I appreciate the humor. You said you had personal interactions with Mister D? Do you mind telling me if he ever had any visitors? I haven't seen the guy in a while, I'm a little worried as a friend, y'know? ...And by the way, I hear your boys and or girls and or beings of indeterminate or determined other genders are having some trouble in the central market." [Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1] +2 (Target is profiled)

>3 AL: Vector a ping back through whatever hostile mesh is trying to get a lock on us. Even a sliver of information I can gather would be helpful [Process 4 + Mesh Ops 2]

>2 AL: Head down to the drone delivery spot, wait for Biohazard gear delivery, Pet the dog
Whew, thanks Herbie!

>3AL Camo up
>3AL Stealthily jump down and travel to the drone delivery point across the street
>3AL Request delivery of biohazard gear

*Wyld 4
-1 foamball
Actually, Agent, you're incapacitated and in a lot of pain, but you can still *attempt* actions. They're just unlikely to work perfectly. Unconscious reactions and some implant and skill and trait activations remain possible as well - so you CAN in fact trigger your Regen capabilities.
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Agent Vennsfield, I. . . Well. I mean. Yeah.
Yeah their sightlines are obscured, I'll give you that, Agent.
Rolled 1, 10, 6, 1, 5, 1, 10, 8, 4 = 46 (9d10)

I see i see good to know. Well then lets put this Biomod to good use then. I'll feel this in the morning.

AL3: Have the Biomod Regen kick in i bet every fiber in my body should be yelling it to start (Instinct 2 + Regen 1)
AL3: Biomod Regen being knocked out in unknown place is bad (Instinct 2 + Regen 1)
AL3: Focus on the worst damage that voltage did and undo it (Resist 2 + Regen 1)
Agent Serval just woke up. Agent your feed is -- Agent. You're in a *robot graveyard*. Wh-- what the hell. Okay, breathe. Breathe.


Agents, we've patched up the spike in our tactical net and I'm working up a triangulation of the sign-- they're shaking us! What the hell? This isn't *market faction* level ops! Even the rootpiercers aren't that sleek!

Agents! Agent anyone got visual??


Agents I'm tracking a LOT of gunfire-- it sorta uh-- oh boy. Oh that set them off. Agent Vennsfield, they couldn't even see you up on the roof. Well at least they're very, very distracted. Curve out of there and see if you can find the source of that weird mesh-strike vector. I think we've got interlocutors somewhere.


>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
>Agents who haven't acted yet may ...
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Rolled 4, 3, 9, 1, 7, 10, 8, 1, 10 = 53 (9d10)


>1AL: Leave some credits and a 'sorry for taking your stuff while you weren't here' note for the vendor.
>3AL: Now, what makes this piece of greenery so much more enticing for FETCH compared to literally anything else around? Run some quick diagnostics. [Process 3, BMT 1].
>3AL: 'Uhh Liren? I think I'm picking up something real close. Right over the wall actually..." Intruders detected! Breach their defenses and quickly send a ping to all enemy agents on the same frequency to locate them! [Override 2, MeshOps 3].
Ah, I see. Don't know what I thought Sense+MeshOps would do aside from that. It's not like you can *physically* sense meshops going down. I'll keep it in mind from here on, thanks.
#Agent Dragon
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Advanced Piloting 1

#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys

>1AL, talk to Nogard, "I'm almost afraid to ask but... what happened...?"
>8AL, check what Smuggler Foxflower spot, see about anything left behind if anything - datanote?
Rolled 1, 1, 8, 9, 8, 9, 6, 3, 9, 1 = 55 (10d10)

“!!! Thank you both so much for telling me this!” I give them a small bow, “You do not know how many people you’ve saved today by doing this.”
>Actually take them up on that order for a drink, tea, poured as hot as possible, and take it with me to go.

“Now the two of you have a lovely night…And I highly recommend you leave the area after your meal, I have a gut feeling that bad weather is just around the corner... And congratulations to your daughter on her degree! I know how hard college can be, and it’s so nice to hear someone following though on their dream!”

>I make my way to the Cherry Blossoms hangout by the pond. Along the way keeping a steady ear and a keen eye out incase there’s something to notice-or someone following me. [Attune 2 +Sense 2]

>I try to make my way there as fast as possible, ducking and weaving through the crowds [Proficiency 3 + React 3]

#Agent Weeb
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1

#[BioAugmentic Genesplice]
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Cool, Nondescript Blade I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
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Rolled 6, 4, 3, 9, 9, 1, 9, 9, 4, 10, 5, 4, 3, 7, 2 = 85 (15d10)

!!! I got them, Agent Thorn! We got a confirmed link to an active hostile tacnet! Very, very high spec! That's a group of-- !!

We lost them! They threw us! Almost them, Agent Thorn!

Oh you're not kicking us off *that* easy!

>Filter Area
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Wait, right there in your feed Agent Fold at the corner you just turned! Probably another one.
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And the ones stopped by the Brigadeers! There all right under our nose!
Rolled 5, 9, 7, 9, 4, 2, 8, 2, 2, 8, 6, 10, 8, 10, 1, 9 = 100 (16d10)

>3AL: Pull out my Health and Safety Inspectorate card, thank the Brigadeers for moving so fast to help and protect the colleague that took a bullet for one of theirs. I was investigating some worrying reports, it's understandable that they would be suspicious. It is good to see citizens taking law and order so seriously. (Manipulate 4, Persuasion 2)
>3AL: Warn them that the guys that killed Dr. Despango are hidden in plain sight right in their midst. (The two that Graphite indicated as possibly C1 and C2) With the authority granted to me by the Inspectorate, I deputize them to help apprehend those bastards. Alive, please? (Manipulate 4, Persuasion 2)
>3AL: Grab the guy to my west that Graphite identified with my mechanical arm (Proficiency 2, Close Quarters 2)

Limit 12
Psych Stress Testing 0.1
Credits 13

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1+1
!Etiquette 0+2
!Telekinetic Projection 2
!Origami Folding 1

#SC Spinal Augmentics 1 [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
#Attentional CoProcessor (Once per turn, split action to multiple targets. -1 dice per extra, roll once. Freely divide dicepools between targets, ignore distractions)
#Reserve Capacitors 1-6 (Resonance charge limit 6. When generating charge, effect +1)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) [Armor +1]
H: Techwear Headset [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]

Inv: 3x Suppressed C7 Service Pistol [NERF 27/27] I Sharpened Service Knife I Tactical Kit [2x Foam Grenade, 2x Paint Grenade, 2x Stingball Grenade, 3x C7 NERF reloads [27/27], Advanced Modular Toolkit, Advanced MultiSpectrum Sampler] | Aid Kit | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | Hong8 Credentials | MetroPlex Health and Safety Inspectorate | Golden Koi Go-bag
Agent Graphite is right - I've got them on feed from earlier in the market. Cycling back, they've been here all along, quietly blending in. That's high level AR masking - they weren't displaying any HUD elements and refusing ID queries, but they weren't being obvious about it!


Agents, Condition Yellow. Be *careful*. That's a RED CRANE hit team. I think C1-4 and a leader - C-Actual. We got a snippet of their comms before they went dark. Those are advanced thermo-optic systems - like Agent Mammoth.

Curling up in her chair somewhere else, TS Liren screams a few choice curses as a few hundred decibel of sensor-noise and ECCM countermeasures politely feeds itself right into her Area Scan. The little noise-grenade on the ground smiles. It can actually do that. Someone's taken the time to stencil a little smiling gremlin on it.


Agent WeebSamurai moves confidently towards the market, the taste of glorious tea and justice on his lips. Marlene and Marty watch the polite young man go. He doesn't quite get far. A brawl has broken out.


Agent Thorn and Agent Cheddar watch as Subject FETCH eats. And eats. And eats. And eats. And eats. And then - finally - having made up for weeks of calorie-deficiency in one enormous intake, curls up, closes its intense eyes, and dozes off.

The mushrooms here are novel. Specialist Japanese imports, stained by the radio-active fallout of nuclear accidents. That's not intentional and the producer doesn't talk about it, but Thorns' scanner picks it up. Paydirt.

Blackwater Brigadiers pour into their established control zones, guns out and smiles on. Agent Fold tries to deputize them, but they're not going to work for no GOVERNEMNT STOOGE you FOOL-- oh sorry was that 'license to beat people up'? Oh yeah. Oh yeah they're in. They're so in.

One shouts for his buddies to "APPREMEND THAT GUYS KNEES", but with the full auto fire dying down and a very dead marketing reptile staring at them, they're distracted. Two men politely activate their mesh-optics and pop like soapbubbles, derezzing out of sight.

Agent Fold grabs for a third man, who, brief contact being made, rolls away in a dust cloud and disappears.


Agent Vennfield, up top, watches his handywork. Good distraction. Cheddar's flitdrone beeps a sudden warning and on instinct he throws himself low - then a bullet smacks into the place his head used to occupy.


TS Devonshire briefly considers lasting a piece of plastic marketing material, but after taking 120+ shots from a Blackwater Brigade Barrage, it seems... deader than most marketing material.


Agent Monarch finally escapes his college lecture, and along with Butterfly and Mammoth grab some Tacfilters and get inured against biohazards. Breathing is a little hard through the mask as the world takes on a sterile mein, but the peace of mind? Priceless.

Agent Mammoth restocks his tacticals.


Mr. Soap offers some insight. Some of it is useful. Some of it is out of date.


Agent Serval encounters a headache and a moral dilemma. A man covered in blackbean basedsauce stares, pitifully. The NDLE drones lock hands. No no. He tried to turn them off. *He stays*. They've still got so, so many free samples to feed him. He can go when he has learned his lesson. A few weeks from now.

But you can go, Mr. Agent.


>Agents to roam
>Watch your back!
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Rolled 9, 5, 10, 8, 2 = 34 (5d10)

Snipers? I hate snipers! Why do they get to be snipers and not meeeeeeeee

>3AL Using Vennsfield's tac feed, trace back that bullet's trajectory (Process 2 + Ballistics 3)
>3AL Camo up
>3AL Proceed to the determined location of the shooter, using my Acrobatics to parkour along the roofs

*Wyld 4
Mask on
#Agent Dragon
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Advanced Piloting 1

#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys

>1AL, "Uhh... Nogard... maybe you could go help TS Liren deal with a... Gremlin? I'm not exactly mesh-savvy, go eat it... I think?" (send nogard to go help TS Liren's ears to make them less miserable)
>8AL, head back to the Van to get suited up in APEP, biohazards are scary!
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Mr. 'Soap', running a hand through his two day stubble, considers your response that you actually kinda know most of this already. Ethically dubious bioresearch lab in the back of a reptile-snack store? Check. The Rootpiercers made all of Dr. Despango's monitoring kit? Yeah, check. He was hunted by Red Crane operatives and they're here, even now? Yes. The Autonomous Noodle Stores are a little more advanced than they should be and seem to have opinions on taste and manners and are having some kind of feud? Yes.

Mr. 'Soap' considers for a little and then he shrugs and ask okay well do you want to sample the water? He can help with that. It's not HIS fault you wandered into the one building in this entire market that held a secret lab before asking him about permission to have a nGI fry through his cycling facility up north. Which, by the way, you are totally paying for the repair off.

Anyway, the koi fish.
Did you know they've been eating each other?

Ha ah! So there WAS something he knew you didn't!
Rolled 7, 9, 6, 8, 8, 10, 2, 1, 6, 3, 6, 7, 10, 1, 1, 10, 8, 7, 10, 5 = 125 (20d10)

"Stand by, TS. I'll try to silence—...she can't hear me, can she?"

>6AL: Walk towards Herbie, stopping by the three clustered marketgoers to cheekily siphon some processing power from them. Launch an attack on the gremlin and silence it. (Process4+MeshOps3+3, MeshFire2, 10 dice, repeated)
>3AL: "Damn, Graph, they got you bad, huh? Here, let me try and unfuck you." Deal with Graphite's Breach. (Process4+MeshOps3+3, 10 dice)

"Weeb, Rafflesia, we've got hostiles. Eyes peeled and don't wander off. Smart money's on them trying to make a go at Herbie. If they gain physical access to him, we're all sorts of fucked."

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
Credits 17

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
!Technical Ops 5

B: Agent Suit [DR1]
H: Techset Headwear [Hard1] (Meshfire 2, BLANK)

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2]
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access I
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Sweet blessed silence. That got real heavy metal for a minute. Agents, these CraneOps are playing tricky. They've brought wide-spectrum countermeasures to defang large area scan sweeps to isolate their location. They can't carry an infinite array of those but it means it's a damn sight harder to compile their positional data with an area filter. I'll do my best but picking up NodeGremlins is a bad time to spend your hours. My ear hurts.

I'll see if I can come up with some filtering now I know we need it. That was unpleasant.
Rolled 3, 8, 7, 10, 8, 7, 6, 6, 6, 1, 4, 7 = 73 (12d10)

>3AL: Run after him, try to pinpoint his location (Sense 2)
>3AL: Charge up my reserve Capacitors (Manipulate 4, Telekinetic Projection 2)
>3AL: Drain the capacitors, throw enough dirt, dust and trash to fill the alley, not strong enough to harm, just to mess his optical camo and reveal him for 'my' goons to 'apprehend'. (Proficiency 2, Telekinetic Projection 2)

"After them! Don't let them escape!"

Limit 12
Psych Stress Testing 0.1
Credits 13

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1+1
!Etiquette 0+2
!Telekinetic Projection 2
!Origami Folding 1

#SC Spinal Augmentics 1 [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
#Attentional CoProcessor (Once per turn, split action to multiple targets. -1 dice per extra, roll once. Freely divide dicepools between targets, ignore distractions)
#Reserve Capacitors 1-6 (Resonance charge limit 6. When generating charge, effect +1)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) [Armor +1]
H: Techwear Headset [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]

Inv: 3x Suppressed C7 Service Pistol [NERF 27/27] I Sharpened Service Knife I Tactical Kit [2x Foam Grenade, 2x Paint Grenade, 2x Stingball Grenade, 3x C7 NERF reloads [27/27], Advanced Modular Toolkit, Advanced MultiSpectrum Sampler] | Aid Kit | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | Hong8 Credentials | MetroPlex Health and Safety Inspectorate | Golden Koi Go-bag
Rolled 8, 9, 6, 3, 3, 5, 1, 10, 10, 6, 10, 7, 1, 4, 6, 9, 9, 1, 10, 2 = 120 (20d10)

>Move south, hopping up on top of the Doc-Better-Than shop.
>(Attune 2 + Gear 2) Swap my Speed to Proficiency.
>(6 Proficiency + 2 CQC) Flying Aerial Dropkick one of the hostile agents.
>(6 Proficiency +2 CQC) Grapple the other.

"You two are under arrest for conspiricy to commit murder and disrupt the heah care system. You have the natural right to defend yourselves. However, resistance may result in a spiraling escalation of violence".
PS: I'm all out of desks.
Oh, and my targets are surrounded by a crowd using laser pointers. I'm assuming that there's going to be some sort of disruption to give them away, since it doesn't seem like they are teleporting, flying, or walking through walls. .
TS Devonshire, that's an after-imagine of them activating mesh-suits and going very much to ground! They're gone! Gone like the wind!

Try something else!
>Sorry TS, that's their last visible location after activating a stealth system. They're pretty far gone!
>Feel free to redo and take another turn!
Rolled 8, 1, 3, 1, 4, 10, 4, 5, 8, 8, 8, 4, 3, 4, 6, 7 = 84 (16d10)

"Watch out for the people with the pauldrons who just turned invisible. If anyone invisible tries to move past you, please detain them. They are suspected of conspiricy to murder the Doctor, his assistants, and to degrade the common health care capabilities.
>Move west and hop onto the pills shop. (proficiency 4 + speed 3?). I don't have an athletics secret, so I'm relying on a running jump.
>Hop down onto the lilypad at the NW of the building out of sight of the camera network.
>Sample the water and the organisms within (proficiency 4 + first aid 2)
>Pool into penetrating the Red Crane network, with the help of Agent C. (Process 2 + Meshops 1).
Rolled 8, 5, 7, 2, 3, 3, 7, 7, 6, 5, 10, 1 = 64 (12d10)

"Liren, I believe I may have saved this squad from certain death should a sudden cyberpunk neo-anarchist uprising occur. Now then, time to lock and load."

#Monarch [2 Breach, ??? Discourse]
Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]
Credits 16

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1
!BioCybernetic Medical Theory 3

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [-]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1
!4C Profiler [Insight 2]

Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes | Chinese Takeout |
Drones: [-]

>3 AL: Jump the road barrier
>3 AL: Prep a viral, something to scramble camouflage systems, wide band frequency, this might cause some collateral, but surely it won't damage the property. (Mesh Ops 2 + Process 4)
>3 AL: Give the koi pond a preliminary once over. Take a liquid sample before grabbing for one of the koi. Has there seriously been a biohazard in this pond for god knows how many weeks? (Sense 3 + BioCybernetic Medical Theory 3)
Rolled 4, 7, 9, 8, 10, 3 = 41 (6d10)


>AL3: Tell our involuntary test subject with out the drones noticing that i'll try something and to run if he sees opening. (Manipulate 2 + Stealth Ops 1)
>AL2: Get basic mask and gloves from my Aid or tactical kit which ever one has them
>AL3: Crouch to Drones level an ask for the samples of Biomaterial they were processing (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1)
"Hey little hard workers listen i'm here on behalf of Doc. Despango you know the man you're making samples for. He needs them and can't risk wireless transmission safety reasons. So could you get me the research data or sample itself?"

#Agent Serval
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2 | Instinct 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 1
!Stealth Ops 1

BioAugmentic Genesplice
#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Seeker Shots 1x reloads
Rolled 10, 10, 2, 6, 9, 7, 10 = 54 (7d10)

>1 AL: Put away Advanced Multispectrum Sampler
>3 AL: Follow Monarch over the road barrier and to the koi pond
>1 AL: Take out Service Knife
>3 AL: Go Knife Fishing for a Koi fish (React 3 + Close Quarters 4)
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4(+1)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobaticst 0(+2)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit (-1MedicalMask) | Tactical Kit (-3FoamGrenades)
> Withdraw a foam grenade from tactical kit. (-1ALA)
> Pull the pin. Toss grenade NWx1 SWx2. (Proficiency3+Ballistics2) (-3ALA)
> Wait for detonation. (-0ALA)
> Move NWx1. (-1ALA)
> Hop down from the rooftops by moving SWx2. Use the foam in the street to cushion the fall. (Proficency3+Acrobaticist2) (-2ALA)
> Sprint NWx6 across the intersection. Press against the building. (+4Strain) (-6ALA)
Rolled 8, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 6 = 36 (7d10)

>3AL: Accept the help from Mr.Soap to reset my systems. (Proc 2+Mesh Ops 1 if necessary)
>3AL: Take a look at the systems and analyze some of the water samples taken by the water treatment facility. Whilst at it maybe analyse the free sample the NDLE bots gave (Prof 3+Intel Analysis 1)
>0AL: Ask if Mr. Soap would allow Liren access to the camera systems so we can better surveil the cranes after us.
>0AL: In either case thank him for the help and offer him a beer for his troubles
>Request delivery of APEP equipment at the drone delivery Hotspot nearest
>3AL: Go get equipped for APEP
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1.59 MB PNG
Rolled 2, 1, 1, 10, 8, 7, 3, 3, 6, 7 = 48 (10d10)

Before Weeb could even think up a plan to get around the crowd-
He pauses for a moment...and let's out a small sigh, "Sometimes the road that needs to be taken isn't the more dangerous path...but the path with fewer sights to see."

>I grab the tarp covering the boxes next to me and drape it over myself as a makeshift cloak to hide my form from any prying eyes (Proficiency 3 + Manipulate 2)
>I then hop up to the rooftops, and follow the path that [pic] shows (Proficiency 3)
>Finally, I draw my blade, resting it besides me, and watch over Herbie and anyone that goes even slightly near them like a hawk. (Sense 2)

"Lone Wolf is watching over Cub, over."

#Agent Weeb
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1

#[BioAugmentic Genesplice]
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Cool, Nondescript Blade I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
Oh no agent there's seriously been a genuine biohazard development in this pond who WHO KNOWS how many weeks!

Your work proves it! Agents!
Agents stay clear of the koi pond it's *bad*
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. . . Agents.
We have a problem.

Agents! Mr. 'Soap' just granted me access to every camnode in the market -- most of them anyway -- they've got backdoors into *everywhere*. I'm running a filter! I've got a positive mark on TWO of those Cranes! They were laying an ambush, good thing no one went for that spoofer physically.

( Though overriding mesh-spoofers remotely is about eight times as hard, that took the combined focus of everything you threw at it! )


Agent Mammoth, Vennsfield. The flitdrone's got some basic sensor suites and you do as well. Let's... Let's think this through. He's got the same kind of kit as *you*; that shooter can't be far!


Agent Fold, I don't think this is very much in keeping with your health and safety inspection mandate but -- wait! ONE of those ninety-seven randomly fire bullets clipped someone! Hell yeah!

He lured you RIGHT into a spam-zone though! Your system's compromised! The resonators misfired! You flung that motorcycle clean into a wall!

Herbie will try to filter the Compromise now, and if not, deal with it somehow.


Agents Monarch, Butterfly, TS Devonshire, I... oh shit. Are those... teeth? That koi fish, agent Butterfly. It has *teeth*. They use their teeth to communicate yeah yeah and grind food but not-- like predator teeth. Not sharp ones. If you had been any slower, Agent Butterfly, I think it would have *taken a finger*. These fish aren't normal. They're... abnormally aggressive. It's a wonder no one else has gotten hurt. Section off the koi pond! That entire water system is a biohazard zone!!! DON'T GET GET IT ON YOU--

Uhhh TS Devonshire, eheh, hehe, eeh, heheh... uhm. H-hey, c-can you go, uh, put on the tactical filter that got delivered to the drone-zone north of you... p-please?


Agent Graphite, I can't send a APEP gear over the drone network. They're too heavy. You'll get a tactical filter. APEPs are near the van only.

Agent Dragon, you put on the APEP - help Octant into his as well. And since you're *near the van anyway*, you can GEAR UP: >>6165094 grab a primary, a blade and the Series 2. Just keep it on you for now, we're not good to use it yet but you're getting into the equipment anyway.

>'Heavy' loadout is 1x Primary, 1x Blade, +Tactical.
>'but what if I want to dual wi--'


Agent Serval, are you trying to diplomance those NDLE drones? They -- were feeding the animals? Dr. Despango mark the animals in the market as custom...

oh my god

>Agents who haven't, etc, etc, etc
... Agents, I'm using your tacnet, Mr. 'Soap' camera controls and some high altitude Metroplex traffic control drones I've, err, 'commandered' for... five... minutes...
I've compiled a tracker based on profile, specs and metrics.

Look around you agent: The cats and dogs of this market should show up on your HUD. Listen to me very carefully:

The ones we havent sampled yet may have been infected by the FEYWILD Strain. Someone shot up Dr. Despangos Snakesnaxx lab, busted the containment and hermetic seals, it leaked into the water and soil, the koi-pond got infected and it's likely it's spread to small scale animals who take water from there. The filtering and cycling has been working overtime to kill any growths like mold, films and such-like, which is why it's still on the downlow and hasn't gone super-critical yet. That's why the water control systems have been so enormously overworked and why the power-draw to this sector is unusual. It's been fighting a novel infection for who knows how long.

That's good. It sounds insane - I know - but that's *good*. That means it's still **localized**, at least as much as it can be. Sample as many of those animals as you can and if they're positive for FEYWILD box them, crate them, restrain them, trap them in a basket. If there's a lot of them close together, a single scanner sweep should handle of all of them because we did soup our systems up.

If we get as many of them as possible, I think we can just about trim the hedges off of this thing before it goes super-critical. But I've got some bad news.

I'm detectin an IRON TALON Dropship burning towards this sector **fast**. I think it's inbound to extract that Crane-team. Be cool. Be collected. Keep a lid on this. We've got a lot of data and a lot of leads. Now we've gotta stop this thing in the cradle before it goes exponential.


Agent Mammoth, he's optically cloaked so listen-- there! That was a footfall! He's *close*-- GRENADE!

>Remember, Agent, that the 'initiative' step of grenades (4 in this case) is "when they go off". If you're not sure you can beat '4' on some action, such as "pick it up and throw it away, prof+speed", you may simply wish to vacate the area instead. It'd go 'off' on the 4th alacrity spent in its zone, so if your first few steps are >dash away, you're out of the blast-zone handily


Agent Graphite, the water specs that you, Devonshire, Monarch and Butterfly have collected indicates that the cats and dogs may have been drinking from the -- AGENT GRAPHITE WHAT THE SHIT MOVE MOVE MOVE WHAT THE EVER LOVING GODDAMN SYNAPTIC SHITSHOW THAT THING IS AS LONG AS YOUR THIGH OH MY GOD






>Agents to Roam
>Focus Mode: Mammoth, Vennsfield, Butterfly, Devonshire, Monarch.
>TS Liren reminds you that 'Focus Mode' means 1 AL moves you = Speed, minimum 1, and you should note a RESPONSE.
Agent Octant, you're displayed as equipped with APEP, but you don't have to put on the bulky suit yet if you don't want. Free action to disregard this and not be equipped with it, though I don't know why you'd NOT wear biohazard gear at this time.

Agents Dragon, Octant, Weeb, you're near the arrival van and it has a heavy complement. You can access it as a free action because Dragon spent 8 AL getting gear ready. Feel free to note any primary you equip from the heavy alotment.

I note that we adjusted the tacnet system intregation on our linked specs. Against 'marked' targets they're quite good - if you pair this with Seeker Shots, it's almost like you're a Stondog Squire!
Rolled 7, 9, 8, 8, 8, 5 = 45 (6d10)

Damn drone gave me out!
>4AL Scramble N NE 2N, take cover behind air ducts
>5AL Pull out a paint grenade and accurately place it 4SW 1NW
>3Strain Camo up again

#Agent Mammoth, Grade 1
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 0.2 | 16 credits
*Alive *Wyld 4

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 2 (+1)
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Acrobatics 1 (+3)

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP
4C [Meshed ThermoOptics CamoCloak 2] - camo up as major action

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) Armor +1
H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2)

Inv: suppressed C7 Service Pistol (NERF) I 3xReloads [18] I 2x NERF reloads [27] | sharp Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4(+1)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobaticst 0(+2)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit (-1MedicalMask) | Tactical Kit (-3FoamGrenades)

[Rootpiercer: "... why don't you tell me what oppressive neoliberal imperialist force you work for?"]
> Nonchalantly unbutton suit jacket. Remove suitjacket. (-1ALA)
> Turn to the rootpiercers. Square shoulders and level my full attention against them. Deadpan, remark: (-0ALA)
[Vennsfield: "The Wind."]
> Toss the suitjacket at the pair of Rootpiercers. (-1ALA)
> Go low. Move SEx1. (-1 ALA).
> Legsweep the NE Rootpiercer. (Proficency3+CQC5) (-3ALA)
> Uppercut the SE Rootpiercer in the jaw. (Proficency3+CQC5) (-3ALA)
> Grapple the SE Rootpiercer's gunarm. Apply armlock. (Proficency3+CQC5) (+2Strain) (-3ALA)
> Position the grappled Rootpiercer between myself and the other Rootpiercers. Exploit him as a meatshield. (-1Responce)
Rolled 3, 8, 6, 4, 2, 7, 8 = 38 (7d10)

#Agent Dragon
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Advanced Piloting 1

#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys

>0AL, take a Blade, the Veritas Multi and a Series 2
>1AL, "Nogard, watch the area or direction around the Animal Wet Market." (keep an eye out for those sneaky camouflage'd cranes!)
>2AL, tap both Weebsam and Octant on the back, checking their gear is sealed and good.
>3AL, move upto the janitor just north of those health & safety inspectors and strike up a conversation awkwardly, "h-hey.. uhm. do you have a spare mop... so I can uh... help out?" -- completely forget to realize im wearing APEP and equipped with a heavy loadout. (manipulate3+persuasion1)
>3AL, keep an eye out for cleaning supplies and recycling points and potential litterers i.e. those sneaky cranes always dropping their high-tech trash all over the place! (sense2+scrounging1)
Rolled 3, 4, 9 = 16 (3d10)

"Move. Got it. Moving now. I am getting reports that no one has been feeding the Doctor's pets since he died. Moving southeast to rectify the situation. Please have some assorted pet food, mixed mushrooms, and the other chemical compounds on our identified list of bio-compatable ingestibles delivered to the building identified as the animal observation station. You might also want to run a chemical analysis to see if you can find these stealthers via scent. Also, can you throw a compass on the HUD? Thank you TS. Over.".

>3AL: (Ops Deployment Credentials: Manipulate 2 + Improvisational Improbabilities) Set up a pet food delivery to the animal wherehouse.
>6AL: Move: || SE, NE, SE || SE, SE, SE || SE, SE, SE, || S, S, S || SW, S, S || S, S, S ||
Reaction: Move into cover.
Rolled 1, 4, 7, 10, 5 = 27 (5d10)

>1 AL: Stash away my knife
>1 AL: Take out my multispectrum analyzer
>3 AL: Use my analyzer to scan the koi fish I caught (Sense 2 + Mesh Ops 1)
>1 AL: Move 5
>3 AL: Use the analyzer to AOE area sweep the small animals slurping the biohazard water (Sense 2)
Like an olfactory/chem-scanner? I don't have the drone specs for that, you'd need some kind of highly sensitive chemoreceptor who can detect trace human byproducts, sweat, pheremones, that kind of thing--

Agent, I've got the data we need - you took it last time! Feel free to do something else! I don't need MORE samples of fish with extraordinarily large teeth and bio-contamination warnings. We've got proof positive that the entire koi pond is a NOGO BADSTUFF zone and that the local animals have (possibly) been drinking the water.

I need you to get THEM if you can.
Rolled 8, 4 = 12 (2d10)

>1 AL: Stash away my knife
>1 AL: Take out my multispectrum analyzer
>1 AL: Move 5
>3 AL: Use the analyzer to AOE area sweep the small animals slurping the biohazard water (Sense 2)
>3 AL: Use the analyzer to scan the small creature in the 6 direction (Sense 2)
(Do I need to roll this separately?)
Rolled 8, 10, 2, 1, 6, 3, 3, 8, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 3, 10, 9 = 86 (16d10)

"Because I don't wanna put it onnn...It's all sweaty and you can't breathe right and I get all claustrophobic and...okay, fineee, I'll put the damn thing on, whatever..."

>Free: equip APEP, Chirni w/ Seekers (+4 reloads), and a couple of MAIDS.
>3AL: We need to find these fuckers. Move over to Agent Weeb so as to siphon data from him and the camera. Compile a program that passively detects and tracks thermoptic camouflage users (by searching for visual irregularities they cause: odd light shimmers, footsteps disturbing the ground/environment, etc.). Make it compatible with the anti-cloak viral Monarch spun up. (Process4+MeshOps3+Splice2, 9 dice)
>6AL: Search the nearby area (around the passage by the inspector that fell over) for the cloaked cranes using the cameras Liren broke into. Direct Monarch's viral to any hits the program registers. (Sense2+MeshOps3+Splice2, 7 dice, repeated action)

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
Credits 17

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
!Technical Ops 5

B: APEP [DR4/Filter4] I Agent Suit [DR1]
H: Techset Headwear [Hard1] (Meshfire 2, [PLACEHOLDER])

Inv: Chirni APDW [20/20, Seek] I 4xReloads [20x4, Seek] I C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] I 2xCC-MAIDS
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access I
Rolled 6, 8, 5, 2, 8, 3, 6, 5 = 43 (8d10)

#Monarch [2 Breach, ??? Discourse]
Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]
Credits 16

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1
!BioCybernetic Medical Theory 3

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear, Biohazard Mask [-]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1
!4C Profiler [Insight 2]

Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes | Chinese Takeout |
Drones: [-]

>1 AL: Move 1
>3 AL: Inform Rootpiercers I've just been informed that a crypto-fascist, corporate black ops unit is coming to extract their agents from this market. Are there any places they might land? [Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1]
>2 AL: Move 66
>3 AL: Look around, there must be somewhere nearby that could be a good place to trap some animals [Sense 3 + Close Quarters 2]
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Agent Vennsfield, watch for that rootpiercer on the right he's got a bead-- nice uppercut, Agent! Excellent use of the improvisational jacket

Wait, Agent! That ghostflimmer in your HUD! That's not an AR artefact that's a CRANE OPERATIVE


Agent Vennsfield, did you know he was there? Did you see him? If you hadnt't legswept that Rootpiercer he'd be dead! You saved that man's life, Agent!
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Agent Mammoth, get behind those vents, I'm projecting the shrapnel can't penetrate any armored sys--

. . .

>you make 3 steps (N, NE, N) then you """intercept""" a cloaked operative
>6 AL remaining, Agent!
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Agent Butterfly, Agent Monarch, good work securing those rehydrating animals. They're... very placid when exposed to the source of FEYWILD contamination? Perhaps we can use that. Okay, wrap their paws in a few more plastic-zip restraints because it's all we have right now and let's count ourselves fortune that we--

goddammit he's behind you agents
Rolled 9, 2, 8, 8, 7, 1, 5, 9, 5, 7, 5, 5 = 71 (12d10)

>-Crash Synchronicity activated, apparently
>3AL Judo throw the fucker (Proficiency 3 + CQC 3)
>3AL Follow up with a submission hold (Proficiency 3 + CQC 3)
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Uhhh Agent Octant I have a lead on a 'fucker' but I didn't use any of your fancy camera specs I just backtraced the stealth operative firing a burst through the space you just vacate GET DOWN
... not that fancy camera specs is not a great idea, good eye Agent Dragon, that crate didn't move because of the wind that stealth spook is lining up a shot! HAVE A VIRAL BOMB, GHOSTSTEP
Rolled 2, 4, 5, 6, 5, 3, 3, 7, 5 = 40 (9d10)

>0AL: Stay away from the pond and the Koi Fishes. Too agressive for me mate.
>3AL: Give a business opportunity to the NDLE bots. "Think or more like 'process' this. There is a biocontamination hazard in the area. Class VI. Namely the water and the animals who have drunk from it may or may not be contaminated. If you can round up all the contaminated ones it would be a great opportunity to one up NODULAR and make for great publicity. People will want more then just free samples. Just gotta scan some of the roaming cats, dogs, birds and ...rats? Cordon off a pond and NDLE will be on the front page of anyones publicity feed. I can see it now 'NDLE Hero drones of free samples and biohazard prevention save the Red Market' Heck you might get an interview with Moxxie. Eh? My Tech Support Liren can brief you about more." [Show off the Health inspector card] (Manipulate 2+Persuasion 2)
>Move to Foxflowers animal observation station
>3al: Enter by the door, passcode is "^x^z1", watch out for any rootpiercer leftover code (Rea 3+Mesh Ops 1)

"...is this a cat holding a vial? FF what kind of passwords are these??"
Rolled 1, 2, 5, 1, 7, 2, 4 = 22 (7d10)

>AL2: Fish from my pockets The scanner thingy and Foam grenade (Should be in tactical kit)
>AL1: "But you see my friend i don't think these little workers would let me do that
>AL3: Scan this clutter of cats around me as they so nicely got so close to me. (Sense 3)
>AL3: Throw Foam grenade behind the drones. (Proficiency 2 + Ballistics 2) Should be non violent enough as per instructions just getting them stuck for a little while.

#Agent Serval
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2 | Instinct 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 1
!Stealth Ops 1

BioAugmentic Genesplice
#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Seeker Shots 1x reloads
Agents! We've got Crane Ghosts all over! Behind you! Shooting at you! Engaged in CQC with you!


Agent Serval -- uh-- ... huh.


Agent Graphite, I just got a data-package from a noodle-shop entitled SPECIAL_WOK_OFFER_BOXED_TO_GO? It appears to be a -- aaaannndddd it's self executing in my systems. Good. Goood. Gooooood. I love it when remote systems punch through my customized security routine and self-execute. It always makes me feel like I'm so good at my job, you know. Aaaand it's requesting HUD access. Hmhm. And it's auto-granting itself HUD access. And I'm locked out. And I can't abort the process. Why am I being *bested* by a noodle-shop-- aaaand it stopped?

Did it change anything?

Wait it applied a novel filter and a... data sampling methodology? Wait I can work with this, hang on Agents--


TS Devonshire, I'm tasking a specialist drone from SlimePrime to deliver a large expedited delivery of pet food to a location as close as I can get it to that suspected holding pen.

But you can't morph through a traffic barrier, that much foam and a group of armed militants arguing. You'll have to go around. That's impassable terrain!


Agents, we need to lock down this pond, this is bad. The animals that have fed from it are likely to be aggressive if accosted and the FEYWILD minor mutations are altering their physiology towards boosted predacity! They're--

good lord Agent Graphite, you just saved that man's life! That koishark was going to *take his face off*

>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
>Agents who haven't etc etc etc
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My movement only included one move to the 5. If you take the 6 direction from my intended movement (pic related), then what you find is not some wood and an AR spam storm but a small animal. Unless you mean the animal I am referring to is actually the Red Crane operative, then nevermind.
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Agents, watch out! I'm tracking MULTIPLE hostiles CraneCommandoes! They have you penned in!

>Agent Octant is shot!
>Agent Dragon is shot!
>Agent Butterfly is shot!
>Agent Monarch is shot!
>Agent WeebSamurai is shot!
>Agent Herbie is shot!
>Agent Mammoth is harassed!
>Agent Serval... Flatlines?!?!?!?
>Agent Vennsfield is s-- fine. ????

Luckily the APEP gear comes with hardened ballistic plating! Deal with the shock as per >>6164737!


Agent Serval? Agent Serval! Agent SERVAL RESPOOOOOOND
>Agent... KIA????


Agent Octant! Dragon! Weebsamurai! You're in a suppressive fire-zone! Those Rootpiercers are trying to help but they were just a tad off target! Standing around in full auto firing cones is cataclysmic for your healthcare outlook! Get some COVER! Every tile you move through has a risk factor! Every action inside a suppression zone (out of cover) is penalised!! Get cover, or get that guy to stop putting lead down-range!


Agent Mammoth, watch that man's knife skills! He's got CQC augments!


Agent Graphite, TS Devonshires petfood delivery is on schedule via SlimePrime. Good note on remember that code, there was a viralspike and a pop-out turret attached to that door. And . . . oh wow. Well. We found his holding pens. Those dogs have NOT eaten for a while. Wait, have... have they... that's another dead graduate student. Number 3# out of 4. Is he.... sporulating? The Wyld-touched dogs. They m-must have chewed on his corpse. That's a novel interaction with dead organic material. I... We... Agent Graphite, we need a sample of that but you **cannot** I repeat **cannot** let those animals out of that room. Do you have a CC-Maid on you? Does anyone?

I'm ordering six to the same location as that petfood crate. If you cannot find a way to get that sample, we need that room *cleaned* by **fire**. This is absolutely, categorically not worth your health and safety.


Agents, the NDLE... thing... (force)-upgraded our filters and data-purity. It's bypassing all the AR storms in the area and it's, uh, running noticably better intrusion security. And the NDLE anthroforms are gathering up the animals around them for easy take-to-go-home collection. What a scoop, Agents! We, uh, apparently just got a partial business franchise enterprise partnership with an automated noodle facility.


Agents, the IRON TALON Vtol is on fast-track to arrive *soon*. It's roaring right through Metroplex airspace, they want their commandoes out *bad*. I don't think we have to beat these guys in a straight fight, they'll want to avoid getting caught up in all this. But they're not going to be polite about. **STAY ALIVE**, Agents! T-that's!! Uhm!! That's a DIRECT order!!


>Agents to... Aren't you all basically in focus mode at this point?
>TS Devonshire, Agent Fold, Graphite might not be. But even then, maybe don't... super-push it.

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Agents, watch the HiEx! He threw that pretty fast and it bounced a little!

It's got Threshold 1 to influence and will go off on Alacrity 8 spent by people around it!

Agent Dragon suffered a terror attack getting splattered by Janitorial blood! That's Stress for you, Agent! All hostile actions cost +1 AL more for you this turn, nerve-shakes. You don't have to try to resist or spend major actions or anything to shake it off. You can't do that yourself anyway, so DO NOT BOTHER, Agent. Encouraging assistance from OTHER PEOPLE can defray the condition, but otherwise just get out of the line of fire, but as this is a pretty mild STRESS BREAK, just refocus and get your head back in the game, Agent!
To be clear that's 8 alacrity individually, as in, your 8th Alacrity *step*. I promise grenades really aren't that complicated.

>3 AL: I do a thing
>3 AL: I do a thing
>3 AL: I do a thing
>wait that was 9 AL today, so halfway into my 3rd thing the grenade also went off
>I should probably have moved 3 steps away from it as my first action??
Rolled 7, 8, 6, 3, 7, 7, 8, 1, 5, 2, 5, 9, 10, 4, 6, 6 = 94 (16d10)

You wanna a knife fight, blud? Well okay!
>1AL: Transform Kitfingers into extra armor
>1AL: Draw pistol
>1AL: Acquire the harasser
>3AL: Take a step S and unload 26 NERF rounds into him (Prof 3 + Ballistics 3 + 13 bonus dice - 3 Harassment = 16 dice)
>3AL: Camo up
>React: avoid

#Agent Mammoth, Grade 1
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 0.2 | 16 credits
*Alive *Wyld 4

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 2 (+1)
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Acrobatics 1 (+3)

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP
4C [Meshed ThermoOptics CamoCloak 2] - camo up as major action

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) Armor +1
H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2)

Inv: suppressed C7 Service Pistol (NERF) I 3xReloads [18] I 2x NERF reloads [27] | sharp Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
"Hey boss this sensor is going wild and i do feel a bit funny. Is my modding reacting weirdly to something? Biomods do funny stuff sometimes."

#Agent Serval
Limit 12
* :)

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2 | Instinct 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobatics 1
!Stealth Ops 1

BioAugmentic Genesplice
#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Seeker Shots 1x reloads
Rolled 7, 3, 9, 7, 7 = 33 (5d10)


#Agent Dragon
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 (-0.5)

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Advanced Piloting 1

#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!), APEP
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Nondescript Blade | Veritas Multi [12] | Series 2 CC-MAID | Mop
>3AL, Move 3-2-3
>1AL (2AL?), "NOGARD! EAT THEM! FREEZE THEIR WEAPONS- THEY'RE SO SCARY!" (tell nogard to focus on hostile intrusions into their systems -- does this count as taking an offensive action?)
>4AL, panic strike CraneCommando with a mop- this is not even a weapon! (attempt to disarm their rifle) (Proficiency3+CloseQuarters2)
>Response: Intercept (keep fighting my way forward)
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4(+1)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobaticst 0(+2)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit (-1MedicalMask) | Tactical Kit (Contents: 2/6 items) (-3FoamGrenades) (-1StingBallGrenade)

> Withdraw a stingball grenade from the Tactical Kit. (-1ALA)
> Pull the pin. Toss the grenade onto the roof of the building which the cloaked operative retreated to. (Proficency3+Ballistics2) (-3ALA)
> Wait for the Stingball to detonate if it hasn't already. (-0ALA))
> Release the grappled RootPiercer. Nudge him towards the foam. (-0ALA)
> Attempt to follow the operative up onto the building's roof at NWx3. (Proficency3+Acrobaticst2) (-3ALA)

[Requesting a visual of the rooftop before I invest my remaining ALA]

at the start of my turn spend 0AL to convert shock to injury (reduced by 4DR due to the APEP)
Rolled 3, 9, 5, 6, 10, 1, 2, 4, 2, 10, 10, 7 = 69 (12d10)

"Oh shit, Thorn!!! FETCH!!! Look out guys I'm gonna flashbang these assholes!"

>3AL: Sacrifice my flitdrone, sending it towards the Brigaders and flashbanging them. (Support 4+Support Operations 1)
>3AL: Find that damn Ghost that's supposedly behind Thorn. (Sense 2+Support Operations 1)
>3AL: Fire at the Ghost with a roto drone if I find it. (Manipulate 2+Ballistics 2)
Rolled 4, 4, 5, 2, 1, 5, 8, 10, 8, 10, 5, 4, 7, 8, 9, 7, 1 = 98 (17d10)

>0AL, Shock accounting: 8-(4+1)=3, 7-(4+1)=2, 5 total.
>3AL: go "awaawawawawa" and cover up like a little bitch. That is to say, Resist. (Resist2, 6 dice)
>5AL: Move 555 55
>1AL: Share anti-cloak program specs with the Rootpiercers. "Ecobros! We've got corpofascist hatchetmen trying to kill us! Use this to pinpoint them and then have the cloakshredder hit 'em!"
>1 Strain: Ready Chirni.
>3 Strain: Step 6. Fire at the Marked CraneCommando (counts as acquired), Burst Fire 10 rounds at him. (Prof3+Ballistics3+Burst5, +1 eff. (Link), 11 dice)

"Th-thanks for making me wear this stuff, TS...I'd have been a goner if I hadn't..."

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
Credits 17
Stress 6
Strain 4

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
!Technical Ops 5

H1 Chirni [10/20, Seek]
B: APEP [DR4/Filter4] I Agent Suit [DR1]
H: Techset Headwear [Hard1] (Meshfire 2, BLANK)

Inv: Chirni APDW [10/20, Seek] I 4xReloads [20x4, Seek] I C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] I 2xCC-MAIDS
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access I
Rolled 10, 8, 7, 7, 9, 8, 6, 10 = 65 (8d10)

Liren, what are the entryways into that building, and what's the floorplan to get to the roof, I'm not just gunna let them get away with this! It looks to me like every agent of theirs is gonna be filtering past my location! I'm exposed!

#Monarch [2 Breach, ??? Discourse, 2 Bleed]
Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]
Credits 16

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1 [+1 Temp]
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1
!BioCybernetic Medical Theory 3 [Temp]

H1 -
H2 -
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear, Biohazard Mask [-]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1
!4C Profiler [Insight 2]

Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes | Chinese Takeout |
Drones: [-]

>1 AL: "Liren, analyze that landing site! Maybe I can ambush the ambushers..."
>3 AL: Pull myself together, I'm sure I can make it through this if I just take a moment to concentrate on NOT panicking. [Resist 2]
>3 AL: Throw on an AR mask, make it as hard as possible for the cranes to lock on me. [Process 4 + Mesh Ops 2]
>2 AL: Draw pistols
Rolled 10, 1, 2 = 13 (3d10)

Devonshire considered running north to assist with the shootout at the van, but it was too far away for him to meaningfully engage in the combat. So instead, he used his headset to remotely infiltrate the Red Crane network through the compromised Crane to ping their locations, while running to to drop location.

>(Meshops 1 + Process 2 w/ Agent C & advanced headset): Compromise the Red Crane network.
>Keep running to the pet drop. || SE, SE, S (sweet ride) || S, S, S || S, SE, SE || NE, NE, SE (excuse me) || SE, SE, SE (good kitty) || SE, NE, SE (at the box) ||
"The pond is full of disease. You should see a doctor to get that fish bite checked out and have your blood checked for disease.
Rolled 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 5, 5, 9, 8, 8 = 68 (10d10)

>Reduce Shock by 4 (3 from Vest, 1 from Agent Suit) - 7 -> 3
>3 AL: Resist Shock (Resist 2 (x3))
>3 AL: Move 455
>3 AL: Hold myself together (I don't want to bleed) (Resist 2 + First Aid 2)
Oh, in case I wrongly assumed that Resist isn't penalized by suppression (I suppose I could've mistaken the rulesheet saying it isn't penalized as a universal thing when it might only be referring to Shock penalties), just have me accept all Injuries (not that it makes much difference with how I rolled) and either nix some of the Strain accumulation or move me into cover, please.
Rolled 6, 1, 1, 7, 7, 1, 6, 1, 9 = 39 (9d10)

>I put on the APE
>I then rush to over the edge of the rooftop, running to the edge, where I then hop over, then jump down and attack the closest enemy with my blade (Proficiency 3 + Resist 2 + Close Quarters 3 + Blades 1)

#Agent Weeb
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Blades 1

#[BioAugmentic Genesplice]
H1 Cool, Nondescript Blade
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
We're in Focus mode now, so you have to start keeping track of AL. This roam-type action likely won't resolve. You rolled an attack and there's no takesies-backsies, but if you get your movement right, it might still be legal so there's nothing to worry about there. Putting on heavy gear in Focus mode I'm not so sure on, though.
Liren, what happened around me? My electronics got fried then a mutant dog barked sadly and attacked one of the retards that I unleashed apparently hired?
Excellent summary, Agent, I missed that on the feed.

Playing it back it seems that Brigadier tried to kick a dog and the dog reacted to the aggression by tearing half his hand off! His buddies then tried to get it off him and in so doing angered its packmates which went aggressive! Those dogs in that section are… wildly territorial!

As for your electronics it’s an easy fix, mild AR spam which Herbie can already filter.
Rolled 6, 1, 3, 3, 4, 2, 5, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 6, 4, 1, 6 = 49 (16d6)

>3AL: Idiots! Those dogs' blood is highly infectious! All of you have been exposed, we need a quarantine, fast! Stay away from other people, stop messing with the dogs, help your wounded! (Manipulate 4, persuade 2)
>3AL: Mask and gloves, basic kit is better than nothing.
>3AL: Deliver a business proposition to the NODULAR bots. Repeat the pitch that Graphite gave to the NDLEs, add that their NDLE rivals are already helping contain this biohazard, if they don't also make a similar contribution to public health and safety then they'll miss out on the incoming good publicity. (Manipulate 4, persuade 2)
3 Strain: Throw dog food inside the kennel, contain the mutant dog pack (Proficiency 2, persuade 2)
And what's that Wolf heart condition I've picked up?
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#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4(+1)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobaticst 0(+2)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit (-1MedicalMask) | Tactical Kit (Contents: 2/6 items) (-3FoamGrenades) (-1StingBallGrenade)

[Action continuation]
> Step NWx1. Grapple Cloaked Operative. Initiate Chokehold. (Proficency3+CQC5) (+1Strain) (-3ALA)
> Utilize grappled enemy as a human shield against potential attacks from the West. (-1Respond)
Rolled 7, 10, 8, 3, 6, 5, 8, 5, 5 = 57 (9d10)

>3AL: Gently close the door back and lock it back up: (Prof 3+Origami 2)
>3AL: Explain what? To the NODULARS? I got a free sample from NDLE. Here have a free beers. Can NODULAR offer better then free samples? I'm not so sure. Unless they can somehow help with this whole biocontamination thing. Perhaps we can start a negotiation? You can't exactly just be doing the same exact thing. That's not business. It's kind of plagiarizing. Can you process that? (Process 2+Persuasion 2)
>3AL: Equip the animal food delivered
Rolled 2, 1, 9, 4, 2, 7, 1, 7, 3 = 36 (9d10)

Agents, watch out! Those commandoes are playing for keeps! But you're giving as good as you get! I'm counting multiple confirmed hits! Good work, Agents!

Looks like those Rootpiercers and that... health and safety inspector???... is joining in as well! Score one for diplomacy. Speaking of Diplomacy, Agent Fold, I don't think the Nodularity! drones are quite sold on the idea. But if they're going to be collecting animals, it still works in our favour.

As for the [Wolfheart], I would imagine being given a token of appreciation by the leader of the 非常に危険な風 instills you with the kind of bone-deep confidence you feel in your soul. Put differently, Agent, you have a [Critical] factor.


Agent Dragon! That mop is a cleaning AND security the device! The janitorial staff is... Mr. 'Soap's HONG8 Enforcers! *That's* why they're watching the market and have eyes everywhere. Those aren't full time janitors, they're part time semi Hong8 shinobi. Thank our lucky stars we didn't start any trouble with them. That'd have been *bad*. Good work, you shocked that guy!


TS Devonshire, Agent C is chewing through the enmy network but it's distributing it's attacks randomly. Can you specify a *vector* next time you ask it to strike? Something like " Hostiles near Agent [XXX] " is fine! Otherwise the enemy tacnet is 'any likely target' which may nto distribute Compromise optimally! But good work!

We got them flagged and pinged. And I don't even know what that Rootpiercer did but that crumpled their network something fierce. Good work, Agents!!


Agent Monach, Agent Mammoth, Agent Vennsfield, I'm compiling an updated info-spec on that roof package and operatives, give me a second, I'm working on a resolver for that VTOL too--


Agents, I'm registering multiple biomonitor activations. They'll try to fight off the shock and injury for you. It's functionally a free Resist roll. Thank the stars we invested in the tech, right? TS Devonshire, try not to get shot - your support kit is saving someone elses live.


Agent Butterfly, the **TACTICAL FILTER** isn't ARMORED!! It's not APEP gear!! It's a MASK!!


Agent Weeb, watch your footing! WATCH YOUR FOOT-- *Ouch*

>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
>Agents who haven't acted yet, etc etc etc...
Agents, you spooked them off! The VTOL is coming in now, Agent Monarch! They're preparing to exfil! I've marked the route and expected egress on your HUDs!


Agent Graphite, Agent Fold, TS Devonshire, the CC-Maid complement is delivered by the petfood. Get a sample of that sporulating grad student if you can, but the exposure in that room is *intense*. DO NOT RISK yourselves if you don't think you can get it. Once you're ready, **sanitize** that building with the incendiaries.


Agent Octant, you've been *Maimed*! That happens on injury sometimes! The Lvl 2 Maiming indicates that it'll take at least 3 hits to 'buy off', and it's likely to resist fixing. Happens on jury sometimes. Look, there's a quick-patch solution: chug some painkillers from the Support Kit with a minor action and it'll alleviate some physical discomfort, but obviously if you're acting while dosed to the gills on stimulants sometimes things get... twitchy. Maiming sticks around until fixed, it's a "worse" kind of injury! Thank the stars you wore the APEP!

Bright side: That guy we *riddled* with seekers is in a WAY worse spot!


Agent Butterfly, Agent Monarch, you're bleeding - patching *yourselves* can be a bit more difficult than getting assistance from someone ELSE; patch each other up if you can or double-time it towards Agent Thorn and Agent Cheddar. That... Cherry Blossom Merc is laying down inordinate suppressive fire. Is he one-handing that LMG? That's not-- that's not how you use a squad automatic weapon, Agents!!


Agent Vennsfield, the CraneCommando near you threw the tracker on the flitdrone! When they turn the optics on they auto-shake 2 marks, like Mammoth! Sensors glided right off him! Look for physical clues, he HAS to be nearby! Because he can only >go dark, >throw grenade and >move so much!


Steady on Agents!
The NDLE and Nodularity! drones are ... feuding ... over who gets to capture the most animals. Which is NOT how I saw this day going, but it's getting them gathered up and gathered in one place. Excellent effort. Let's get home safe everybody, alright?


>Agents to act!
>Focus Mode: Everyone. Account for 'movement' and minor actions.
>Graphite, Fold and TS Devonshire can disregard movement, there are no active hostiles in your sector. So something like "grab some CC-maids, get ready at the door" or "have some noodles, talk to some people" is fine.


>And hey Agents?
>Happy new years :]
Agent Vennsfield! Mind the fireworks! That grenade has 'step 2', you gotta beat 2 to "do something" with it and it'll go off on the 7th spent alacrity in your area! Get it away from you or get some COVER
Rolled 5, 10, 1, 8, 8, 8 = 40 (6d10)

>3AL: Maintain camo, step NE
>1AL: Prepare foam grenade
>1AL: Acquire target
>3AL: Step NE, throw grenade 2N 4NW
>1AL: Step N and grab the gun on the ground
>R: Avoid

#Agent Mammoth, Grade 1
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 0.2 | 16 credits
*Alive *Wyld 4

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 2 (+1)
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Acrobatics 1 (+3)

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP - currently +1 armor
4C [Meshed ThermoOptics CamoCloak 2] - camo up as major action

H1: suppressed C7 Service Pistol (2/28 NERF)
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) Armor +1
H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2)

Inv: suppressed C7 Service Pistol (NERF) I 3xReloads [18] I 2x NERF reloads [28] | sharp Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
Rolled 4, 9, 9, 3, 7, 1, 4, 4 = 41 (8d10)

#Agent Dragon
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 (-0.5)

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Advanced Piloting 1

#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!), APEP
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Nondescript Blade | Veritas Multi [12] | Series 2 CC-MAID | Mop

>2AL, Move 6-6
>3AL, "HOLD ON MAN, YOU'RE GONNA BE OKAY!" (attempt to patch up the shot janitor) (Support2+FirstAid2, +Aid Kit)
>1AL, "NOGARD, KEEP A TRACK ON THOSE OPERATORS- KEEP HARASSING THEIR SYSTEMS!" (let nogard continue annoying them and making their lives miserable)
>3AL, repeat action, keep performing first aid on that Janitor (Support2+FirstAid2, +Aid Kit)
File: Hindi Confused.png (1.07 MB, 855x792)
1.07 MB
1.07 MB PNG
*Staring at the pet food in his hands, the NDLE and NODULAR bots running around grabbing animals, all the gangs doing their damndest to make sure people are safe and in the midst of that looking for Ghosts who are Red Crane commando teams with the VTOL's on their way and a Biocontamination threat Class VI...*

"Liren, Devonshire go to channel 9"
quick frequency switch
>"I'm sorry Li. But I have to ask wtf is going on. I know we brought this on ourselves but do you mind reminding us about the parameters for this mission AT THIS CURRENT POINT because I am beginning to lose a bit of the proverbial loop"
>Agent Graphite requests a small situation rebrief after all this new evidence has been gathered up
>Vid related
Agent Graphite, we came here to investigate a potential lead on Dr. Despango's backers, a presumed wetworks workspace for doing experiments, and the sourcing of materials for his FEYWILD research.

This market has turned out to have more than that, but also that.

Dr. Despango ran a off-the-books wetworks lab out of the SnakeSnaxx. However, it has been hit by professionals. In so doing, they damaged the containment procedures, and FEYWILD material has entered the local water cycle.

The local filtering facilities have worked overtime to contain it and cleanse the environment. However, we now have positive confirmation that some market animals (not all) have been exposed and are undergoing transgenetic geneline variations as the FEYWILD factors adjust their profile. In so many words, they are flash-mutating.

The animal holding facility is a boon we have also discovered. It contains a dead graduate student and animal samples. We need that site cleansed because we are now aware of the acute danger that FEYWILD exposure has on the local environment.

So, from a purely 'search and deduce' type profile our mission has now changed to being one of the, well, you could call it hedge trimming. Right? If Dr. Despango is going with Unseelie terminology, we can do the same: The Hedge being the thing that keeps the Feywild from our world in classic tales, and we, well, in trimming it, ensure no... changelings, I suppose, leak through.

We have also acquired a source of materials that subject FETCh can eat and derive nourishment from. In so doing and in conjunction with discovering Dr. Despango's wetlabs and animal holding facility, we can note that Subject FETCH so far is the only specimen of its characteristics and therefore likely unique.

The petsnacks was requested by TS Devonshire, in relation to the animal holding facility. We do not know who attacked the market wetlab or the facility, but it is clear the animals in the holding facility have gone feral. They have not fed since the wetworks lab was shuttered and Dr. Despango died in his office, call it a week or more.

Our current tasking is therefore passingly simple:

Round up any animal samples at the market to ensure containment of the FEYWILD exposure vector

Lockdown any biohazard threat to protect the people around us and the city

Secure the site for further investigation and prevent loss of any civilian life.

Towards this end, you need to investigate that animal holding pen, find a way to acquire the sporulating sample from the dead graduate student who died and was chewed on by the FEYWILD infected canines. If you cannot do this - and it is unreasonable dangerous, we have no way of knowing how the dogs will react to stimuli after being locked in the dark for a long time and starving - you need to sanitize the site.
"Thank you Liren. Back to the chaos of main channel."
You need to do this anyway, because they FEYWILD sample in the corpse is growing at an accelerated rate and only luck has kept it out of the water-system so far, the animal holding facility being a secure environment.

It is bad luck that the professionals that attacked Dr. Despangos wetworks lab and killed the two graduate student workers there violated biological handling protocols. We can infer from the lack of infection in the corpses that the spread-pattern of FEYWILD exhibits a pattern we do not yet understand. However, that site too was infected and loose. Conveniently, the mass deployment of foam grenades have sealed it and so it is no longer a viable threat vector. We have called in a Metroplex Sanitation and Biohazard Warning and they are responding. Once they arrive in force, we will let them lockdown this entire market and get a handle on the situation.

Our primary task right now falls towards ensuring that we do not waste the sheer, improbably good fortune we have had. The KOI POND is a MASS EXPOSURE EVENT waiting to happen, but due to the overworking cycling filters and sanitation protocols of Mr. 'Soap' and his janitorial staff, the FEYWILD exposure that leaked into the koipond has not infected any other sources of water and all animals it seems to have infected have been drawn BACK to it. The Koi Pond is ornament and artificial and can be drained, and so it is NOT connected to the local sewage network and is sealed from the ground in general with a layer of plastic and cutesy japanese art stylings. This means the water in it is "isolated" from other sources.

Therefore the only way for FEYWILD traces to enter the ecosphere in other locations is through animal carriers. Because the exposure gradient appears to be slightly less virulent than we feared in our modelling, it takes repeat exposure for the FEYWILD infection vector to reach critical phasic thresholds. That means not all animals that have been drinking from the koi pond are carriers. That also means that not all animals that have moved around the local area are carriers, and any trace they do carry with them may yet be small enough that it does not grow exponential itself.

Therefore, once Metroplex arrives and institutes proper sanitation controls and triple filtering on any utilities in this sector of the city, we have a *chance* to contain this bio-hazard leakage.

This admittedly requires me asking you, Field Agent, to run around and kidnap a cat. I will not apologize. If those cats get out of the bag we could be in trouble.
In **relation** to all this, a Red Crane Commando team have been having the market under observation. I gather that Mr. Nakamura likely deduced that Despango was working in the area, but I gather that the Red Cranes had less luck in their leads and search than we did and preferred an observe-and-report operation. Because Mr. Nakaramura wants these specimens and especially subject FETCH, the fact they are aware of our location, our involvement and the confirmation that Dr. Despango had work here is why they are trying to murder us.

If they can acquire Subject FETCH, or our information on FEYWILD or anything else, or total access to our networks, they will likely acquire the missing data they seek.

They likely view us as market competitors and have standing orders from CraneCommand and Mr. Nakaramua, on behalf of Singularity Cloud's Frontier's Genetic's Division and Singularity Cloud Grey Ops Counter-Intelligence and Consolidated High Impact Market Penetration. I understand this is a lot of names, but it simply means that the [Red Cranes]are hired by [SC] to investigate [Dr. Despango and His Work] which was done under the auspices of SC.

( I conclude that local bio-labs working with Singularity Cloud or some component of their corporate structure has significant information on FEYWILD and Dr. Despango's work, but they likely lack critical pieces required to fit it all together due to his privacy and eccentricity and the fact he did his final piece of labwork in an underground market wetworks lab and at home in his private medical bay. Further assessment would indicate that Mr. Nakamura has been hired to acquire, verify and isolate all of Dr. Despango's work and *any* outsiders who know about it (ie: us, others) because Singularity Cloud is interested in FEYWILD for a reason I do not yet understand, but likely because it does seem to be an enormously volatile, novel transgenetic mechanism for transmission ).

Your job, Agent, is to stay alive, prevent a bio-contamination event of the local water supply and consequently the city, and to acquire more data related to all this.

You've done all this so far with aplomp.

I understand this is a volatile, evolving situation but sometimes it is simply like that.

... Does that clear it all up, Agent?
Oh. Right, Agent. Parallel to the above, this market appears to be home to 2 feuding automated noodle empires with opinions on what constitutes good broth and ramen, multiple subgangs that run various enterprises and a thriving culture of barely and quasi legal animal imports along with what I definitively have identified as an underground fighting ring in the WEIBUY.
Although interesting and a testament to the wonders of existence, none of this, not the ninja janitor enforcers, the anarcho-collective hackers, the militant larpers, the mercenaries or the resturant Yakuza operatives or the VR gaming arcade is strictly speaking *mission relevant*, they just happen to be happening where we are as a complicating factor.

Mission Priority remains the containment of any biohazard danger, the investigation of all FEYWILD exposures and specimens and the gradual accumulation of a profile on Dr. Despango, his backers and anyone related to his works. Given the proof positive of multiple dead graduate students within the last week, as confirmed by the bodies and The Old Wind of the 非常に危険な風, it is going to be trivial intelligence analysis to find out which university has multiple missing graduate students rumoured to work with a biology prodigy on top-secret labwork. This is fundamentally an enormously effective clue into how to proceed if we survive the night.

There is only two missing threads at present:

One is that the Old Wind also mentioned 'Steelhearts', whom we have not seen.

Two is that the CraneCommando team are firing high cyclic subsonic suppressed smgs for urban clearing and using grenades. The hit team that hit the Wetworks lab were using distinct munitions intended to ensure kill probability and be hard to trace, and appears to have professionally tossed the site. That *implies* that the Killteam is not the same operatives we are currently engaged with.

They may be the Steelheart that the Old Wind mentioned, or they may be an unknown factor.

If so, it ultimately means that Mr. Nakamura of the Singularity Cloud is not the only person interested in Dr. Despango's work. This places us in an uncomfortable position, though it may explain the Red Cranes willingness to proceed to kinetic tactics. They could be assuming we work for the direct opposition, unknown to us though it be.
Who said anything about a Tac Filter? I have a vest for 3 DR and my Agent Suit with 1 Armor, which I listed as such >>6167633 >>6165876
No, Agent. You don't have a vest. Because no one has a vest. Because I didn't issue you a vest. So you didn't bring a vest. Because ballistics vests are obvious, and if you go to the market wearing one, the security presence will tell you to go home.

Issued Agent Equipment is on the list:
>>6165134 and the list is mission-profile *specific*. Small handheld items can, at times, be smuggled in or around, but large scale equipment is mission specific.

This was an 'subtle'/'urban' op, so, sorry, Agent, no one's in a vest. Suit, APEP or zero - and the APEP is in the van. Along with all the heavy gear!
Rolled 1, 4, 4, 7, 7, 5 = 28 (6d10)

>3AL:" Hey, Nodular drones? Do you know what would demonstrate your superiority over NDLE? If you took one of the secure biocontainers that my friend Graphite surely has on him and took some samples off of that blooming corpse in that room over there without letting any of the dogs get out. (Manipulate 4, Persuade 2)
>6AL: Assist Graphite and Devonshire with whatever they do.
>Reaction: Toss a foam grenade at the entrance to seal that building after the drones get our sample.

#Agent Fold
Limit 12
1 Wolfheart
2 Breach
Psych Stress Testing 0.1
Credits 13

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1+1
!Etiquette 0+2
!Telekinetic Projection 2
!Origami Folding 1

#SC Spinal Augmentics 1 [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
#Attentional CoProcessor (Once per turn, split action to multiple targets. -1 dice per extra, roll once. Freely divide dicepools between targets, ignore distractions)
#Reserve Capacitors 1-6 (Resonance charge limit 6. When generating charge, effect +1)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) [Armor +1]
H: Techwear Headset [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]

Inv: 3x Suppressed C7 Service Pistol [NERF 27/27] I Sharpened Service Knife I Tactical Kit [2x Foam Grenade, 2x Paint Grenade, 2x Stingball Grenade, 3x C7 NERF reloads [27/27], Advanced Modular Toolkit, Advanced MultiSpectrum Sampler] | Aid Kit | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | Hong8 Credentials | MetroPlex Health and Safety Inspectorate | Golden Koi Go-bag
I figured since I got a Vest last map and since this is clearly a continuous line of events if we're bringing Fetch with us on a potentially dangerous operation (apparently we aren't able to send her back to a base or something), then it would make sense to carry over everything from map to map. Why couldn't I wear a ballistics vest under my suit? Surely that wouldn't gather attention would it?
Sorry, Agent, it's a sensor-tech thing.

Modern advanced sousveillance systems - not survaillence but also that - make operational friction accrue rapidly in civilian environments if things 'stick out'. Local marketgoers and others will catch sight of our gear, our tools, our deployment, and the insight and knowledge of our presence will spread rapidly. Imagine that most of them are live-feeding their lives and actions to their social networks. If we rock up in the background, you might not be doing anything out of the ordinary, but if you're wearing a vest and it's somewhat bulky under the suit, passive trawler systems that go through millions of social feeds every minute will micro-analyse the 'data anomaly' and isolate out our activity over time.

This fact of modern existence leads to a 'friction' gradient in ground deployments where the the "mask" of anonymous operations is stripped rapidly if things stick out - it's why for instance the heavy gear is locked in the van in case of emergencies, and your suits are tailored to be as anonymous and bland as possible. In conjunction with constant tactical overwatch, data manipulation techniques, your own low-level AR masks and techwear filters and viral operations, we can keep a lid on the 'social spread' of passive reporting of our activities for longer.

But each thing that is done that "breaks profile" or provides reason for a system to notice accrues incremental difficulty. So if you wear a vest - and you can, as a physical thing - the fact that someone going to market is wearing a security vest will show up on tech specs *somewhere*. This doesn't bother the Brigadiers so much, or the Rootpiercers, or even the Red Cranes who might standing around a corporate HQ in full gear doing security. But if people are actively searching for you - and I am **very** confident that Mr. Nakamura and his ilk are doing so even now - it all helps them build a profile and respond quickly. Autonomous agents and passive systems will collate the data-stream and isolate our operational specifics, and then they'll respond rapidly. The Metroplex does the same, most large scale monitored systems does. It doesn't take very many passive reports of men in suits with pistols, knives, blades and vests for a police or authority presence to be put on low-level standby. Then, once flagged, further incidents simply prompt a more rapid response - the system is already pre-primed to prioritize reports from the section with prior 'incidents' and 'anomalies', so to say.

The runtime of our operations increases if we maintain a low profile. Privacy is sadly a limited thing in the modern age. Sometimes I do wish you could turn it all off!
Of course, in situations where we don't *mind* that people know we're where we are doing what we do, such concerns are less important. On a full protection job, for instance, reports of "men standing around in protective gear" is... Normal. And you actually sort of almost *want* anyone who's thinking of hitting your client to know you're there, in force! It dissuades them, right?

Meanwhile, implants, obvious adjustments, heavy gear. Well, outside of the urban centres with less people and passive observation and fewer sensors, reports are slow down. That's why the Red Cranes had that warehouse in the eastern subsprawls I mentioned we could hit for data. It's out fo the way of most common civilians. Less overall observation and reports. Meanwhile, centre Metroplex, where that 'Ndragheta hit took place, that's in an urban zone where the "background gradient" is already armed force and violence. Metroplex did respond and send a SWAT team to lock down the site, but the priority was reduced due to prior exposure and also because they had other things going on at the time.

It's why the Hong8 - who are here after all - deck their security enforcers out as Janitors and have them hold down a normal function. They know that they're being observed and that if it does come to it, perhaps if someone dies or such things, it will be trivial for a court inquiry and full police investigation to eventually uncover video materials and evidence that links their people directly to the site. You don't want to have had your people stand around being passively filmed on three hundred selfies over the last two years when the police are asking about that gun two-seventy-three of them clearly show you have in your belt.

Of course some people wear this as a brand? The Blackwater Brigadiers custome, in a sense, the uniform, beret, pauldrons, so on, it almost act as a kind of low-level social tech AR mask. You see them in their outfit and you know that's "a brigadier". So the system gets trained - over time - to avoid flagging them as particularly noteworth. It's a stunning piece of social tech and actually demonstrates one of the difficulties of machine-operated autonomous data structural analysis in a forensic capacity. It's not perfect, I could probably isolate and derive the location of every Brigadier in the market right now from the cameras and so on, but it does *help*.
Pre-bias System Disruption, if you want a technical term.

There are situations where wearing a vest is less likely to cause problems or draw people's eyes or the ire of mysterious electronic observation signals, but for this particularly deployment we went the maximally unobtrusive route.

Then the APEP gear is, well, I mean, an emergency is an emergency. Once we're busting out the filters and hard shells it's not like you care if Metroplex or other people roll up on you. I wasn't expecting us to run into NodeTurrets or CraneCommandoes *this much* today!!
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4(+1)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobaticst 0(+2)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit (-1MedicalMask) | Tactical Kit (Contents: 2/6 items) (-3FoamGrenades) (-1StingBallGrenade)

> Snatch up the HiEx. (-1ALA)
> Wind-up and hurl the HiEx into the Koi Pond at Sx6. (Resist4+Ballistics2) (-3ALA)
> Step NWx1. Grapple and violently throw the Rootpiercer at the lingering UI artifacts at NWx2, SWx1, NWx1. (Resist4+CQC5) (-3ALA)
> Pause. Half turn. Fix the other Rootpiercer with a glare. (-0ALA)
[Agent Vennsfield: "You are in the way. Leave."]
> Step NWx1, SWx1. (-2ALA)
> Keenly monitor surroundings. Be ready to evade more cloaked combatants. (-1Respond)
Rolled 5, 7, 3, 10, 5, 4, 7, 9, 6, 5, 2, 8, 3, 8, 8, 7, 7, 6, 3, 7, 8 = 128 (21d10)


>Swap Speed +2 to Proficiency +2. What's a little strain?

>3AL (Proficiency 6 + Persuasion 1) Feed the pets. Just toss them the bags of food. They'll figure it out. Hopefully they'll be too busy eating food to attack the drone that is being sent in to collect the sample. I was going to just deconstruct this crate and snag a sample using a stick, a knife, and some string, but if the Noodleshop is providing then I don't need to worry about it.

>1AL (First Aid 2): Pull some bio-filtration cartridges for a gas mask out of my bag.

>1AL (First Aid 2): Gather some cloth and alcohol.

>3AL (Proficiency 6 + Juryrig 1): Install said biofilters into this building's heavy duty external HVAC system.

"Thank you Fold. Liren, I am seeing many avian vectors in this market. We don't want to start a panic, but containing an avian outbreak is beyond our capabiliites. We might want to inform the boffins in Pandemics of the possible avian vector and advise them to check the camera feeds to see if any avian or chiropteran vectors have interacted with the water or the things living in the pond. Over".

>3AL (Process 2 + Meshops 1): Accelerate the HVAC system to suck the airborn viral vectors out at an accelerated rate so that the noodlebot doesn't come out coated in contaminants.

Let's see if we can decontaminate enough to save these animals.
... come again TS Devonshire? I'm not seeing any birds on the feed.
Rolled 1, 9, 7, 2, 4, 8, 4, 4 = 39 (8d10)

#Monarch [2 Breach, ??? Discourse, 6 Injury, 2 Bleed]
Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]
Credits 16

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1 [+1 Temp]
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1
!BioCybernetic Medical Theory 3 [Temp]

H1 - C7 Service Pistol
H2 - C7 Service Pistol
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear, Biohazard Mask [-]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1
!4C Profiler [Insight 2]

Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes | Chinese Takeout |
Drones: [-]

>3 AL: Wounds need bandaging, quick, otherwise I'm gonna drop dead right here. [Resist 2 + First Aid 2]
>3 AL: Move 166, if I stand still, I die, simple as that.
["Cheddar, this is as close as I'm gonna get right now, I need you to support me!"]
>3 AL: If there's a shimmer in the air, the sudden appearance of a grenade, if Vennfield's drone detects something, if anything Crane-shaped even MOVES in that sector, open up with the C7. God I wish I'd modded these things to be full auto. [React 2 + Ballistics 2]
File: Corvidforma.png (87 KB, 358x311)
87 KB
Interesting. I'm seeing a flock of a dozen corvidforma at the entryway to the kennel.
There are also half a dozen in the northern kennel, more than half a dozen watching the shootout at the northern end of the market, and one in front of the SW corner of the Weibuy.
TS Devonshire, I am not picking those up on my feed. You've sent me a slightly glitchy picture of a doorframe and the coordinates for a convenience market.

Are you seeing birds right now?
I'm negative on covidforma on my specs. Nothing here, TS, on my feeds. Some... flickers? I thought they were part of the AR storm background; marketing virals.

Grab one of them if you can, they may be doing some kind of passive cloaking... Somehow.
"TS...we can fix my arm later, right? R-right? Oh, man, some of these bits ought not to be bending the way they're bending. What a fucked up day..."

"Stay on me, rootbros...Imma need y'all to lend me some extra juice for what I've got cooking for those corpofascist bastards."

>1AL: Move 5. Hopefully I can splice with all three Rootpiercers (and mayhaps the camera?).
>3AL: Generate an attack viral that assaults the target with a barrage of disturbing and horrifying multimedia (without the benefits of any filters). Make it especially virulent across established links, so as to be able to plunge a tacnet into chaos. (Process4+MeshOps3+Splice3, 10 dice)
>3AL: Modify the viral to be autonomously adaptive, tracking the target's vitals and tailoring the attack vectors based on what elicits the greatest response. (Process4+MeshOps3+Splice3, 10 dice)
>2AL, 1 Strain: Launch a mesh attack on the CraneCommando on the roof (C2). (Process4+MeshOps3+Splice3, 10 dice, MeshFire 2)
>3 Strain: Target the CraneCommando on the roof (C2) and deploy the viral against him. (Process4+MeshOps3+Splice3, 10 dice)

yea I'm not even gonna try to roll the sheer number of dice here

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
Credits 17
Stress 4
Injury 4
*2ARM: -1 Prof

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
!Technical Ops 5

H1 Chirni [10/20, Seek]
B: APEP [DR4/Filter4] I Agent Suit [DR1]
H: Techset Headwear [Hard1] (Meshfire 2, BLANK)

Inv: Chirni APDW [10/20, Seek] I 4xReloads [20x4, Seek] I C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] I 2xCC-MAIDS
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access I
Rolled 10, 9, 10, 5 = 34 (4d10)

>6 AL: Move 221 111
>3 AL: Use my Agent Aid Kit to patch up Monarch (Support 2 + First Aid 2)
Rolled 1, 3, 6, 9, 5, 7, 3, 4, 6, 9 = 53 (10d10)

After a brief stint where Thorn was too mesmerized by subject FETCH sleeping, he snaps back to action mode.

>1 AL: Activate the Hong8 needlers.
>1 AL: Target the Red Crane commando glitching towards the north.
>3 AL: Fire the needlers at him in Shock mode (or whatever the default is on these things, don't have time to change the payload right now.) I'm using my thoughts for this, so [Process 3, Ballistics 2, +3 from 3 needler ammo spent (I think this is how it works?)]
>1 AL: Now target the Red Crane on the roof.
>3 AL: Fire the remaining 3 needlers at him. [Process 3, Ballistics 2, +3].

REACTION: Jump under the desk with FETCH to avoid any incoming fire.
Rolled 1, 9, 4, 6, 6, 7, 1, 10, 9, 1, 2, 4, 2 = 62 (13d10)

"Yeah that pretty much sums it up. Well time to save the Red Market I guess."

>3AL: Alright fine, I'll take back the slightly 'Harsh' comment I have made. Instead I'll ask you. So you want to one up NDLE? Well here's 2 things you could do. To help against the Biocontamination there's a sample I need to collect from this animal observation shelter. Specifically from the dead grad student inside. Flowers are growing out of his corpse and it may be a root cause. We pull him out, feed the dogs, cats and animals inside to distract them then once the corpse is out well we probably are forced to put them down... Anyway afterwards I have a hot tip. You know Red Cranes? Well I think they might be cryptofascist mercs or something? Whatever. Here's the 2nd thing, they are about to illegally park their VTOL to pick up some of their people. That means that in a weird legal loophole you could just hijack the systems of said VTOL to go make some publicity in town. Does that make processing sense? (process 2+Persuasion 2)
>3AL: Help Devonshire by making sure the Bags are open for the animals to see and smell the pet food and tell them "Who are good boys and girls? Who is it? Do good boys and girls roll to get more food?? Do they stay?" (Suppor 2+ Persuasion 2)
>3AL: Guide or help acquire the sample from corpse of the grad student. (Prof 3+Close Quarters 2)
Vitals stabilizing across the line, Agents! Thank the stars we took time to write that biomonitor code, it makes using these aid kits a lot easier!


I'm seeing comms-chatter from CraneOps, Agents! They're spooked! We got them on the ropes! Good shooting!

Agent Octant! Shooter on the middle roof! Excellent overwatch position, he got in your way! That [COVERING FIRE] is no joke!


Agent Mammoth, that's a ... MultiOps Modular! Wow! Those are **EXPENSIVE**! The system auto-adjusts with small kit components and firing resolutions to perform a wide variety of roles. You can see the possibilities on the listing in your HUD - you assign the 2 Modularity points to whichever is required at the time (The burst obviously can't go below one, Agent). But this one's ID locked, we'd have to breach it first to get use out of it!


Agents, that VTOL is coming in HOT!!


Good work on the animal pen. It looks like they're distracted and haven't had food for a while. Those dogs don't look. . . normal. Healthy, in a weird way. Enormous teeth. Alright little noodle-buddy, you go in there and get a sample, no basedsauce, and pack it to go. Then Agent Fold seals up that door. I wish we could do something for those puppers but ... well... hmh. If they're not infectious they might not be an issue. If the FEYWILD vector isn't active after they undergo series one genomic changes...

Agent Fold, *hold that grenade*

That box full of pet food. It's empty now, isn't it? It's pretty big. It might be just... big... enough...


>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
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" Heard you overpaid tin soldiers needed someone to pull your asses out of the fire again. Don't they ever teach you in that fancy spec ops course of yours that the only way win a firefight is to bring friends? I don't know why CraneCom even bothers with you people - how many fucking times do I have to get into this fucking VTOL and afterburn my fucking way to your next little magnificient fuckup? This better not be another Cambodia! You still me owe me beers, C.

This is QRF Crane Wing Six, deploying into Reprieve Market. You cutesy little stealth nerds stay low, stay lean and stay *out of our way*

And for any Agents listening to this widebrand broadcast brought to you by the fine boys and girls at CraneFM Radio, hey -- I brought a little someone special over who's just dying to get re-acquainted... "
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Agents! Agents I'm picking up a signature that's different from the rest of those Crane Operatives!




How high up is that VTOL, Liren?
Agents I'm tracking multiple killzones and several remote infantry drone systems set to *sweep-and-shoot*! Those Cranes are rolling heavy! They'e come prepped for urban CQC this time! They're here to extract the CraneCommandoes but the Commandoes must have force-fed them the situation at the market, they're catching those animals as samples too! That's good on a "biocontainment level" but it's-- we can't let them have those samples!

Dammit! I didn't get into this business to ask people to euthanize dogs, that's not what we're doing-- Agent Graphite, that Nodularity! drone has the Feywild Corpsesample! I've plotted out an alternative idea to the "kill all those good boys" plan but it'll be tight and you may have to steal a paramiltary van! If you've got a better idea, go for it, and if you've got no other option, deploy those CC-MAID grenades to cleanse as much as possible!

Agents! Grab everything you can and get OUT of this MARKET! Those birds came to play rough!

We've got what we need and multiple extra data-sources besides, so let's not overstay our welcome! And we don't want them laying hands on FETCH! The more animal samples you can grab, bag and tag on the way out, the better!


Agent Vennsfield! WATCH HE'S COMING FOR YOU AND HE'S GOT UPGRADES! THAT'S A COILER SYSTEM! HE'S-- oh my god the SPINE impact I am remotely overriding your pain receptors, Agent! I'm redlining your systems! You're fine! Don't WORRY about it!!!


Agent Octant, so, uh, recursively self-improving virals, right, we probably don't want-- the thing is --- like--- mesh systems in the modern day already do reactive-active feedback loops it's why they're secure, the reactive feedback defenses of all systems total pool against viral vectors and intrusions to analyse it long-term and defang it. It actively counters backdoors. That's why hacking you have to stay one step ahead and constantly alter your protocol. The virals are already adaptive to the adaptiveness of the adaptive feedback systems. Otherwise, they'd get filtered and die real quick. When you make a viral that has a *creative suite* you're giving it permission to alter its base parameters! And-- ooooh god it's placing orders for thirty-thousand clown masks using a hacked account-- aaaahhhh

And it's spreading!

Oh well, Metroplex IT will handle it, all virals burn out eventually.


Agent Mammoth! GET OUT OF THERE!!




>Agents to Act
>Everyone's in focus mode. Account for your movement, please.

Though 20 meters is a bit too high for that, alas

Nah, what would I do in a VTOL full of armed hostiles? The point was to get there BEFORE them
>1 AL: Stow the knife
>1 AL: Move 4
>3 AL: Pick up the animals 4
>4 AL: Move 111 6
Hey, Liren? How does reloading my needlers work exactly? Do I get all 6 back on using 3AL for a major action, or...?
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Whenever I find myself in a situation like that I mostly just improvise.
Well, Agent, you actually recall them from where they're embedded - so yes, it's a major action to bring them all back to you. If they're *inside* something particular vulnerable at the time, you can consciously do it in such a way it maximise the damage (roll) but other than, it's just an action. If a needler breaks, you also replace them from your prepared reserves, which is the same action (it does both: recalling any relevant ones and restoring others)

You can 'ready' another needle with 1 AL, in case you've only fired off 1 or 2, as well. And in the act of reloading, you can also switch modes to another 'warhead', so to say? So it's

>Reload Needlers, Explosive

Rather than

>3Reload Needlers
>3Set to Explosive
...not that much before
Rolled 7, 7, 2, 6 = 22 (4d10)

#Agent Dragon
Limit 12
Stress 4 Injury 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 (-0.5)

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Advanced Piloting 1

#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^
H1: Mop
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!), APEP
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Nondescript Blade | Veritas Multi [12] | Series 2 CC-MAID | Mop

>3AL, Perform First Aid on Agent Weebsam, he seems to need it, he seems a bit shaken up. (Support2+FirstAid2, +Aid Kit)
>2AL, Move 3-3
>1AL, Push aside the Crate
>2AL, Move 3-3
>1AL, Peek the corner, see the civilians, wave them over, "GET OVER HERE! MOVE!- ALSO!- Uhh.. Mr. Animal Wet Market Vendor I would like your finest animals! and Uhhh... Janitorperson we got a janitor down! -I would like you to take him to the nearest hospital!... Also nice work Health & Safety Inspector."
>Response: Avoid (protect me crate, those scary red cranes are probably gonna start shooting- maybe)

(as per last turn, im just leaving nogard to continue harassing their systems, it seems to... enjoy it... I think...)
Mammoth! You'd fight right in! If you get in early enough I know this excellent storage locker on this bird you can squeeze yourself into and then if you don't mind spending six days going stir-crazy in the darkness you can stumble out of it and really surprise everyone! I like your idea better, less slowly getting mega-cramps in an armory locker with grenades pressing into your spine. They DO NOT wash these uniforms enough. I wish I could turn invisible. Maybe next time we stealth board an iron talon I grab lunch at the market and you do the stealth ops?

hey random sidenote Agent do you know how to pilot one of these things I'm kinda making it all up a I go along[/blue
That's beautiful Liren thank you. One more thing: Can you remind me if we know the animals in the cages by Cheddar and I are also infected and we need to get them out of there? ...How bad of an idea is it to just open all the cages?
I'm so glad you asked. I don't know how to pilot one, but I could make it so that you just about know what you're doing.

Oh and I'm really glad to see you, Ink. Had us worried for a sec there.
We have not scanned those animals, Agent. Sweep your scanner over them and I think the market is close enough that we can get the ones that are a positive match to go. The NDLE drones will help.

Opening all the cages is a good idea too, because loading the animals will take time - and this way, the Red Cranes will have to waste operational runtime chasing them down.
Rolled 6, 2, 3 = 11 (3d10)

>3AL: Maintain camo, crawl NE
>3AL: Locate and remove the battery of MOC-C's smartlink, crawl NE (Manipulate 2 + Jury-Rig 1)
>3AL: Place an order online to NODULARITY on behalf of the Red Cranes in front of it: their hottest broth, preferably boiling, to be paid by the receiver, note: pour onto receiver's feet
>R: Avoid

#Agent Mammoth, Grade 1
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 0.2 | 16 credits
*Alive *Wyld 4

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 2 (+1)
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Acrobatics 1 (+3)

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP - currently +1 armor
4C [Meshed ThermoOptics CamoCloak 2] - camo up as major action

H1: suppressed C7 Service Pistol (2/28 NERF)
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) Armor +1
H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2)
– |
Inv: suppressed C7 Service Pistol (NERF) I 3xReloads [18] I 2x NERF reloads [28] | sharp Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
MultiOpCombine Carbine (MOC-C): 4P, 30AM, Reload 6, Burst 3, FA 10, Modular 2 [Link, Accuracy, Multi, Burst -1, Subtle 2]
Aw shit.
Can someone please disable this smartlink tracker mesh-wise? Liren?
Rolled 3, 1, 5 = 9 (3d10)

...Uhh... If you don't mind an interruption... I have some knowledge on aircraft and piloting.

I'm not a hundred-percent certain about the flight controls layout, model, style, systems of this specific airframe- there are about 100 unique systems or so... I think?

Though I think by process of elimination and I can narrow it down to... something I may have some familiarity with- no promises.

Is there a big red button that says, 'Ignition' perchance? if not...

>3Strain, attempt to figure out how the Iron Talon gunship works, its method of operation and so forth to assist giving information on how to pilot to Agent Ink (that was a mouthful) (Support2+Advanced Piloting1)
Rolled 1, 6, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 7, 9 = 71 (9d10)

On it!

Say goodbye smart guy!

( That didn't sound cool at all! )
That is a Capital T and S Tech Specialist. I owe you a drink of your choice
Hi Agent Dragon! Been taking those pilot lessons? Thanks - okay - so I've hit ignition and the whole system is shaking and the pilot is screaming that was for the afterburner now what
Wait- Don't press that- no- Uhmm- I think...

...Uhhh.... Are you... by chance hearing any warning sounds like alarms or beeping noises? or an automatic voice recording maybe saying something like "STALL WARNING" or "ENGINE OVERHEAT"?
Hey! How'd you know? You're good at this, Agent Dragon!
Dragon...why the fuck would you tell her to press the ignition switch when the fucking VTOL just buzzed us?
I- I justed wanted to know if it was there- Some airframes don't even uses switches- some are fully mesh-integrated-- some are in russian-- or FRENCH---

Maybe uhhh... Brace?- I think that CraneWing Pilot might know what to do... I- It'll be fine- I think
Sorry Agent Dragon, he went for his side-arm and I had to hit him over the head! He's unconscious!

Heyyyy is it 'PERFORM EMERGENCY CORRECTION' bad? Because the system is saying it a lot. I think it's good, right. It means it's performing a correction!
Uhh-Uh.. Uh.. Uhmm... (panic)

Any joysticks- or control interface plug-ins? Wait-

A-Any... button that says "AUTOPILOT"? ...I think it should be a yellow one- that's the standard I think- or maybe a black switch-
"There it is, ecobrethren. The corpofascist invasion. What are you gonna do, rootbros?"

>3AL: Move 156, take cover.
>3AL: "Alright, Ink, listen. Don't hit anymore buttons. Gimme a visual and I'll throw some AR indicators on your HUD to help you out. The basic layout of the cockpit should stay the same across the model line, as far as basic piloting is concerned." Help Ink find her way around the Iron Talon together with Dragon. Feed her multimedia data from instructional videos and manufacturer's brochures. (Support2+TechOps5 (??? it's the secret that applies the most out of what I have, ig), 7 (?) dice).
>1 Strain, 3AL: equip the aid kit and root around for something to take the edge off and manage my Stress a little. (Support2+FirstAid2, 4 dice).
>3 Strain: Attack Evans' system. (Process4+MeshOps3+Splice2, 9 dice, +2 effect from MeshFire2)
>1 Strain: "C'mon, Liren, let's hit Evans together. If we take a few systems offline, slow him down, it might give Vennsfield a fighting chance!" Remote Intrusion pls, TS.

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
Credits 17
Stress 6
Injury 4
*2ARM: -1 Prof

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
!Technical Ops 5

H1 Aid Kit
B: APEP [DR4/Filter4] I Agent Suit [DR1]
H: Techset Headwear [Hard1] (Meshfire 2, BLANK)

Inv: Chirni APDW [10/20, Seek] I 4xReloads [20x4, Seek] I C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] I 2xCC-MAIDS
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access I
Self-improving and creative, TS? Look, I was in a hurry so that might be more of a bug than a feature. As spec'd, it's no more self-improving or creative than an AR ad algorithm. Output multimedia horror, input target's vitals, tailor output accordingly, loop. There are toasters smarter than that these days, TS. I wouldn't call it downloading more giant spider horror multimedia into someone's mind after seeing an outsized response to that sort of stuff in a target hit with a grab-bag spread of scary shit self-improving and creative.

Yes, Octant is chatting with the TS about virals while going through the aid kit. What of it?
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Rolled 2, 4, 9, 3, 7, 3, 8, 2, 5 = 43 (9d10)

>6 AL: Walk up to the cages. [See pic related]
>3 AL: Run a diagnostics on the animals and, as a costumer, ask the NDLE bots to stash any positive hits away in our van. [Process 3, BioCybernetic Medical Theory 1]
>3 Strain: Reload needlers, explosive payload.
>1 Strain: Take aim of Mr. Evans, using Vennsfield's visual feed.
>3 Strain: Shoot 3 needlers at Mr. Evans, focusing on where his coiler hand attaches to his body. [Process 3, Ballistics 2, +3 Ammo]
Rolled 2, 2, 9, 9, 8, 8, 10, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 7, 10 = 78 (14d10)


>3AL: (Process 2, Meshops 1, Agent C, Prior Evans intel) Compromise Evan's system. Send me his system diagnostics to figure out what's going on with him.
>1AL: Remove Jacket
>3AL: (Proficiency 6 + CQC 2): Capture one of the birds using the jacket as a net/bag. Give Bird a cracker and safely secure Bird in my pocket.
>2AL+1 Overclock: (Manipulate 2 + Persuasion 1) Ask the Nodularity bots to deliver the animals to the pet food crate. I angered NDLE so I'm leaving them to someone else.
Rolled 7, 2, 4, 4 = 17 (4d10)

#Monarch [2 Breach, ??? Discourse, 2 Injury, 4 Trauma]
Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]
Credits 16

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1 [+1 Temp]
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1
!BioCybernetic Medical Theory 3 [Temp]

H1 - C7 Service Pistol
H2 - C7 Service Pistol
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear, Biohazard Mask [-]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1
!4C Profiler [Insight 2]

Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes | Chinese Takeout |
Drones: [-]

>5 AL: Move 666 64
>1 AL: Address CraneCommando "Mister John Doe... it appears you've forgotten your boarding pass."
>3 AL: Open fire [Proficiency 2 + Ballistics 2]
Agent Vennsfields ! You're free ! Agent Thorn forced him to retract the coiler! Good work!
Actually, it looks like I was poking at Nodularity, so this should have gone to NDLE. Also, little samurai Nodularity bot is right next to a sword and a gun. If someone wanted to convince it to take up the sword, it would probably be relatively easy to do that.
Actually, all the bots in the neighborhood are Nodularity, so I guess that I have to ask them and hope that they don't object too strenuously to my past bad acts.
Rolled 6, 10, 1, 1, 1, 7, 3 = 29 (7d10)

Let's see if I can get this motorcycle up and running.

>3AL: Hack into the motorcycle's systems to try and get it started without the keys. (Process 2+Mesh Ops 1)
>3AL: Get some rope rigged to the back in case we need to drag anything with us. (Manipulate 2+ Close Quarters 2)
>3AL: Bring a flitdrone online.
Rolled 10, 7, 9, 1, 7, 10, 9, 6, 9, 5, 8, 10, 9, 5, 7, 9, 5, 2, 6, 3 = 137 (20d10)

>3AL: Mentally fold an imaginary paper to calm myself down, reduce my stress real quick (Resist 2, Origami Folding 1)
>3AL: Direct the drones to pack some doggos in that crate. (Manipulate 4, Origami Folding 1)
>3AL: Help them with my mind. Carefully (Manipulate 4, Telekinetic Projection 2)
>3Strain: Brigadeers! This building has been designated as a Health and Safety Hazard! Help me burn it down as soon as the animals have been safely removed. (Manipulate 4, Persuasion 2)
>3Strain: Grab 3 CC Maids for myself from that crate over there, distribute the rest of them. Burn it down with extreme prejudice.

#Agent Fold
Limit 12
1 Wolfheart
2 Breach
5 Stress
Psych Stress Testing 0.1
Credits 13

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1+1
!Etiquette 0+2
!Telekinetic Projection 2
!Origami Folding 1

#SC Spinal Augmentics 1 [Manipulator] [Reach 2, STR 2]
#Attentional CoProcessor (Once per turn, split action to multiple targets. -1 dice per extra, roll once. Freely divide dicepools between targets, ignore distractions)
#Reserve Capacitors 1-6 (Resonance charge limit 6. When generating charge, effect +1)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) [Armor +1]
H: Techwear Headset [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]

Inv: 3x Suppressed C7 Service Pistol [NERF 27/27] I Sharpened Service Knife I Tactical Kit [2x Foam Grenade, 2x Paint Grenade, 2x Stingball Grenade, 3x C7 NERF reloads [27/27], Advanced Modular Toolkit, Advanced MultiSpectrum Sampler] | Aid Kit | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | Hong8 Credentials | MetroPlex Health and Safety Inspectorate | Golden Koi Go-bag
Rolled 4, 2, 6, 6, 7, 7, 9, 4, 10, 8 = 63 (10d10)

>3AL: Fold and Light myself a cigar and relax a bit (prof 3+origami folding 2)
>3AL: Move to vehicular extractraction moving 3NE
>3AL: Proceed to unlock the magnetic lock by adjusting the magnetic output from locked to unlocked (sense 3+Overclocked resonators 2)
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4(+1)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobaticst 0(+2)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit (-1MedicalMask) | Tactical Kit (Contents: 2/6 items) (-3FoamGrenades) (-1StingBallGrenade)

> Tear free of the Foam. Stand up. (Resist4+CQC5) (-3ALA)
> Walk NWx1. (+1Strain) (-1ALA)
> Pick up the sheet of red fabric. (+1Strain) (-1ALA)
> Step NWx1. Pushkick the wooden bench at Nx1 into Evens centermass. (Proficency3+CQC5) (-3ALA)
> Pick up the other bench by the leg and swing it in a wide counterclockwise arc to build up momentum before slamming it into the side of Evens leg. Release on contact. Step SWx1. (Proficency3+CQC5) (-3ALA)
> In the event of a melee confrontation, attempt to counter and throw assailant into the koi pond at Sx3. (-1Respond)

Agents, uh, uhh-- uhhh
I've spoofed the smartlink lock in the MultiOps Carbine, Mammoth, and I cleaned up our signals and I-- I got read on Serval' systems! They're active! Uhmm!!


holy shit I need a minute what am I even looking at??


>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
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377 KB PNG
Rolled 9, 6, 2, 9, 2, 10, 4, 6, 10, 2, 6 = 66 (11d10)


Mammoth! Stay low! They're prowling for you!
I saw more of them come in during my brief air time!

Graphite! Fold! Devonshire! Get that box of mission critical dogs loaded! If anyone knows how to burn down a building vandal style and throw a street party, it's the brigadiers! Just find a way to distract them while you steal their car!


Monarch! Butterfly! Cheddar! Thorn! Rafflesia! Get those animals packed up and -- how do I-- I gotta-- the ramp has to-- no that's the 'armed missile pods' I don't want that-- disarm! DISARM-- there we go!!

back of the VTOL is open! GET THOSE ANIMALS IN HERE!!



Vennfields, he's going for showy moves! Use the opening! That man hits like a freight-train though!! Power through it!!

>Vennsfield takes Harassment-Shock
>Deal with the damage as usual, but any lingering Harassment-Shock degrades dicepools for actions this turn
>Don't worry about that part - note action as normal - but expect that any injury you take will rattle you a little
>Evans is on the ground though, elbow in your ribs!

Agents! The virals are eating through their filters! Good work! Hey Octant how do I pop the cockpit?? There we gooo--


>Agents to Act
>Focus Mode, Agents!
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Agents! Vennsfield is in close quarters with... Mr... ??? Evans!

Agent Cheddar! Buzz the drone into his suit and detonate it! Agents! Jam his systems! His implants can't coordinate if you fry their control subsystems!!

Vennsfield! Stay alive man!
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948 KB PNG
... Agents!! Subject FETCH is heading towards that definitively-not-Serval Signal! I think- the-- the koifish, the FEYWILD ones, they were eating each other. The dogs weren't, but dogs are social creatures! The Feywild Infection! Agents, it jacks up their proclivities! They're *territorial!!!*! FETCH is trying to show you're under her-- it's--- her protection or something!

Grab her by the tail and get her back here ! I don't think having a show-down fight with whatever is left of Serval is a good time right now!
I am having difficulty interpreting the UI indicators.
According to the text, I've sustained injury and harass-shock.
However my status indicator does not reflect this, whereas Even's does.
Am I to assume the red numbers to be injury inflicted on Vennsfield? So 9 Injury?
Additionally, what do you mean deal with injury as usual?
As I understand it, injury can't be resisted off.
It requires treatment with an aidkit, something that is not wise to attempt with a bionic PMC remodeling your ribcage.
Is this not correct?
Rolled 9, 7, 9, 7, 1, 5, 9, 8, 6, 1, 10, 2 = 74 (12d10)

"Roger that!"
>3AL: Send the nearby flitdrone at Evans and blow it the fuck up. (Support 4+ Support Operations 1)


"Let's load some of these mutts on the bike. Someone grab FETCH!"

>3AL: Snag the closest cage of animals and attach it to the bike. (Manipulate 2+Close Quarters 2)
>3AL: Get on bike and prepare to drive it to the VTOL as soon as we're ready. (React 2+Mesh Ops 1)
Agent Vennsfield have been hit for 1, 2 and 6 Shock with a Harassment rider.

The Shock needs to be resisted, indeed, as usual, otherwise it will turn into Injury, Agent. Apologies for the imprecise language, I was refering to "injury" in general not "Injury, the specific condition".

Harassment-Shock is a little different than usual, in that any unresisted Shock which becomes Injury also then applies Harassment for that turn. Which simply means that it will likely cost a few dice on actions.

You are also correct that Injury, the condition, cannot be resisted off. What one resists is the Shock of it - which is always what the UI will note. If you ever take injury outright, with no chance of resistance, your HUD will update. Otherwise it's too hard to understand what's happening. If an Agent ever took Injury outright (and it does happen), I'll be explicit about it because its worth knowing - and dangerous! This is still normal Shock, Vennsfield simply has taken an attack, it's simply that the nature of the attack (physical shock) has a few extra effects.

In this case, simply apply armour as usual to the sources of damage (1, 2, 6), then Shrug Off Shock as usual with Resist, as much as desired. Nothing has changed on your account!

But mechanically, any Shock that actually becomes Injury then also applies a bit of Harassment because it turns out being slammed into the ground hurts. You don't have to track this part, but it's useful to know because it indicates that if you take all 9 HarassShock right on the chin it'll convert to 9 Injury to focus fully on fighting back, then it also comes with 9 Harassment, and so you'd lose 9dice on actions this turn. Which obviously is awful.

So, best apply some armor, then decide if you want to spend some Alacrity on resisting as usual - or if you'd rather fight back and take the injury and spend you energies beating Mr. Evans. Or some combination.
>says 'simply' four times in one brief
>ughhh please forgive your TS they're very sleepy
I understand fully.
Thank you for the clarification.

#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4(+1)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobaticst 0(+2)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit (-1MedicalMask) | Tactical Kit (Contents: 2/6 items) (-3FoamGrenades) (-1StingBallGrenade)

> Breathe in. Relax frame. Breathe out. Tense muscles. Resist harass-shock. (Resist4 x 4) (+1 Strain) (-4ALA)
> Withdraw Service Knife. (+1Strain) (-1ALA)
> Drive knife hard into Evens' back. Specifically, the soft tissue between the hip and the spinal column. Attempt to thread the strike below any tactical armor Evens may be wearing. (Proficency3+CQC5+Effort2) (+2Strain) (-5ALA)
> Seize the wire of the Coiler. (+1Strain) (-1ALA)
> Twist the blade to lodge it against bone. Wrap the Coiler wire twofold around Evens' throat and yank it taut. Exploit these two points of leverage to reverse the submission hold while strangling Evens. (Resist4+CQC5) (-3ALA)
> Wrench Evens into a standing position and use his body to block attacks coming from the NW.
Adding clarification.
> Wrench Evens into a standing position and use his body to block attacks coming from the NW.
This is a (-Respond) action.
#Agent Dragon
Limit 12
Stress 4 Strain 3 Injury 3 Compromise 2

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 (-0.5)

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Advanced Piloting 1

#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!), APEP
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Nondescript Blade | Veritas Multi [12] | Series 2 CC-MAID | Mop

>1AL, "Wait-What! VIRALS!?" (tell nogard to focus on flushing out and defending my systems)
>8AL, Move 6-6-6-6-6-5-5-5 (attempting to move onto the VTOL)
>Respond: Avoid (oh my god this is so scary everything is on fire oh my god oh my god)
Rolled 8, 3, 2, 4, 5, 1 = 23 (6d10)

INK!? What the FUCK? How long were you in that VTOL?

#Monarch [2 Breach, ??? Discourse, 2 Injury, 4 Trauma]
Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]
Credits 16

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1 [+1 Temp]
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1
!BioCybernetic Medical Theory 3 [Temp]

H1 - C7 Service Pistol
H2 - C7 Service Pistol
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear, Biohazard Mask [-]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1
!4C Profiler [Insight 2]

Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes | Chinese Takeout |
Drones: [-]

>1 AL [Comm to Liren]: "Scratch one Crane Commando. Listen, the Crane VTOL has been dealt with, thanks some some improbabilities. I've got a bike here and a few cages of pets I can load up. Northern exfil routes are a no go, and our two bikes up there are about to be surrounded by Red Cranes, do we have an alternate route out?"
>2 AL: Move 66
>3 AL: Help load the full cages onto whatever storage space there is on the bike.
>3 AL: Send an engine viral into our bikes by the Crane QRF zone. Start them remotely and cut the brakes. [Process 4 + Mesh Ops 2]
A little over a week!
Rolled 2, 5, 7, 8, 4, 7, 3, 4, 10, 10 = 60 (10d10)

>3 AL: Jump onto the boxes to my west then onto the roof of the cage building (Proficiency 4 + Acrobatics 6)
>6 AL: Run to the dropship
>Respond: Run away (towards cover if available, otherwise to the dropship)
Rolled 7, 9, 6, 1, 2, 2 = 27 (6d10)

Crap, I wanted to bag me a captive Crane. Damn their efficient organization of quick threat response!
>3AL: Maintain camo, crawl SE
>3AL: Activate foam dispenser next to Crane pilot, (Process 2 + MeshOps 1), crawl NE
>3AL: Activate foam dispenser next to Nodularity buildingt, (Process 2 + MeshOps 1), crawl NE

#Agent Mammoth, Grade 1
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 0.2 | 16 credits
*Alive *Wyld 4

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 2 (+1)
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Acrobatics 1 (+3)

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP - currently +1 armor
4C [Meshed ThermoOptics CamoCloak 2] - camo up as major action

H1: suppressed C7 Service Pistol (2/28 NERF)
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) Armor +1
H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2)
– |
Inv: suppressed C7 Service Pistol (NERF) I 3xReloads [18] I 2x NERF reloads [28] | sharp Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
MultiOpCombine Carbine (MOC-C): 4P, 30AM, Reload 6, Burst 3, FA 10, Modular 2 [Link, Accuracy, Multi, Burst -1, Subtle 2]
Rolled 5, 2, 1, 3, 5, 9, 1, 7, 5, 4, 10, 2, 2 = 56 (13d10)

>3AL - (Mesh Ops 1, Process 2, Agent C) Flip Evan's visuals upsidedown to throw off his equilibrium.
>3AL - (Proficiency 6, Persuasion 1) Load the dogs into the truck in a manner which doesn't draw attention to myself.
>Tap into the cam-bird to jack it's signal and figure out who it belongs to. (Process 2 + Juryrig 1)
Rolled 9, 5, 9, 4, 4, 2, 7, 5, 2, 2 = 49 (10d10)

>1AL: Pull out some snacks that I definitely packed (Origami Folding 1)
>3AL: Hand out complimentary snacks and golden koi go-bag to the brigadeers. Make sure they're distracted with the impromptu bonfire party (Manipulate 4, Persuade 2)
>3AL: Discreetly help Devonshire load up the van (support 2, origami folding 1)
>2AL: help graphite, I guess

"Good work men. The MetroPlex Health and Safety Inspectorate appreciates your assistance."
"Y-yeah, Ink...movies sometimes exercise creative license, but, look...that was successful crash landing, r-right...? G-good job..."

"We don't have time for a posthuman monster fight! Someone grab the subject and bundle her into the VTOL now!"

>3AL: Breach into and pop the firefoam dispensers next to (what used to be) Serval. (Process4+MeshOps3+Splice3 (roothomies...thank you so much...), 10 dice)
>3AL: Spoof the 15 Breach CraneCommando and light up a mesh beacon inviting in the TerrorViral into his system. Subvert his system into a viral nexus and have him open direct links to any other cranes in the vicinity to accelerate the spread of the infection. (Process4+MeshOps3+Splice3, 10 dice)
>1AL: "Don't let up, TS! We made a dent, but Evans is still in the fight! We need to impede his control over the coilarm! Vennesfield might actually beat him if we do that!" TS Remote Interference request.
>1 Strain, 2AL: Force reboot and activate a full hardware diagnostic on Evans' coilarm control system. (Process4+MeshOps3+Splice3, 10 dice)

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
Credits 17
Stress 2
Injury 4
Strain 5
*2ARM: -1 Prof

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
!Technical Ops 5

H1 Aid Kit
H2 Chirni APDW [10/20, Seek]
B: APEP [DR4/Filter4] I Agent Suit [DR1]
H: Techset Headwear [Hard1] (Meshfire 2, BLANK)

Inv: Chirni APDW [10/20, Seek] I 4xReloads [20x4, Seek] I C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] I 2xCC-MAIDS
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access I
Rolled 3, 7, 8, 10, 8, 5, 6, 5, 2 = 54 (9d10)

>0AL: Request some Mesh Assistance from Liren
>3AL: Interface with the Fire/Foam Dispensers to begin dispensing on top of the Brigadeers as a distraction. Make it look nice and folded (Process 2+Origami Folding 2)
>0AL: Wait for Agent Fold
>3AL: Activate the Traffic Barriers 1W after Fold as come. Improvise by simulating a shock on it using one of my baseball bats (Prof 3+Close Quarters 2+Bat)
>3AL: Perform a bit of GTA on the Brigadeer Van.

#Agent Graphite
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2
!NanoTransen Projection Emitters (Intent+Secret to project hologram)
!Overclocked Resonators 2 (+Intent to magnet/electric output. Flat effect lvl)

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 2
!Origami Folding 2
!Intelligence Analysis 1
!Temp: Etiquette 2.5

H1: Baseball Bat
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Trucker Hat->Under Techset Headwear w/Shades [Suite 2=Shield-R 2=Sensor 2]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I Hong8 Creds | MetroPlex HSI Creds | 1xSeeker Reloads | 3xNerf Rounds Reloads | Graphites Convo Starter Kit
Rolled 3, 3, 6, 9 = 21 (4d10)

>9 AL: Move 4 nine times until next to FETCH.
>3 Strain: "Alright FETCH I appreciate what you're trying to do here but we need to go, NOW. Sadly running down here has me completely exhausted. Actually hey, remember how you carried agent Cheddar at the start of the mission? ...Do you mind carrying me all the way back to where the van is like that? I promise we'll look for more of those irradiated mushrooms you love so much after the mission's over! [Manipulate 3, Persuasion 1]
Oh and btw
>Respond: Jam. Focus on beating back the TerrorViral if it infects any allies.
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258 KB PNG
TS Devonshire, I'm-- hey!! Where'd you get that drone-scrap? It wasn't showing up a second ago on any feed and there it is in your hands. We were right those birds that you seem to be seeing aren't birds at all. They're micro-drones with very cunning disguise. I think those are real feathers. That's vatgrown exterior animal mimicry over an interior shell, with some coding to mimic behaviour profiles so they fit in the background. That's high level stuff. We're talking Chironan Corporate tech here, they're all the drone enthusiasts. This is good. This is valuable. Maybe...

The Oyban of the Golden Koi mentioned Steelhearts, didn't he? It's a really, really old reference to the private security operators of the Chironan Corporate Combine. You know, as much as mercy as a man who has steel for a... Right? I didn't think anything of it at the time because it's entered common use, it mostly just means anyone with implants now. But those drones with that? I think someone was keeping a watch on this market, and the Hong8. It might not be related at all to Dr. Despango, it's just probably some larger scale standard operation. We just happened to find out. Though, it could be that both Singularity Cloud and... the Chironan Combines are interested in Dr. Despangos' FEYWILD research? Proprietary rights to something that novel would be enticing to them... Anyway you should---

TS Devonshire why am I getting a missile lock from your location?
Homestretch, Agents! I'm plotting alternative routes out of the market. And MetroPlex Sanitation and Police is coming out in FORCE, naturally, gunship crashes, noise complaints, fires and biohazard warnings will bring down the hammer of the state. I've forwarded (anonymized) accounts of the situation and colalted your feeds to give them the ground level scoop. They don't need to know about FEYWILD, but "novel zoonotic bio-development" are the kind of words that make very fancy alarms ring in very, very fancy places. We need to be gone. Good work so far!!

And I'm--

... uhhhhhhhh

Agent... Agent G-graphite. I, errr. I. Uhm. S-sorry. I g-genuinely don't know how to express this but I just get a sniffer meshdaemon alarm from some systems I have running autonomously. It's-- they don't-- they don't report very often, uhhh, why

why would we a military satelitte redirection warning over this area

what did you guys DO? Check the scene is anything is unusual? Holy hell it's powering up a kinetic raildriver! Agents! AGENTS!!

>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
"??? A what? Why is a military satellite paying attentio- What do you mean missile lock?? What the f-! DEVON WHY'D YOU BRING THIS SHIT HERE!!?? DEVON EVERYONE KNOWS THE BIRDS ARE DRONES A FAKE LET GO OF IT."
Agents! Meshquake! The whole market system infrastructure just pinged out! Someone just hit the Reprieve Market with a military-tech level blackout system purge!

All the cameras, the files, the recordings, they're-- it's gone!!

What's happening?? GET OUT OF THERE!!

Pile those animals and yourselves in the vans or the VTOL if you want to risk it and go go go!

Agent Graphite, TS Devonshire, Agent Fold, *YOU HAVE TO MOVE* ABSOLUTELY __FLOOR IT__


Agent Vennsfield! I'm detecting elevated stress levels! I can't debug your systems while managing electronic warfare and countering the whole Crane Ops team! I'm sorry! I'll try again this phase!


>Agents to GTFO
>Vans, bikes, other vehicles are all acceptable points of egress, though the VTOL will require getting it airborne first.

Rolled 7, 6, 7, 4, 3 = 27 (5d10)


>1AL: Pop open the door of the van
>1AL: Get in driver seat. SEATBELT ON!
>1AL: Pop open the starter compartement
>3AL: Output Electric force to the Starter of the Van to Start/Simulate hotwiring the Van. (Prof 3+Overclocked Resonators 2)
(Prof 3+Speed 2?)
Rolled 4, 4, 3, 10, 4, 10, 10, 8 = 53 (8d10)


#Agent Dragon
Limit 12
Stress 4 Injury 3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 (-0.5)

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Advanced Piloting 1

#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!), APEP
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Nondescript Blade | Veritas Multi [12] | Series 2 CC-MAID | Mop

"Alright, let's try to get this working. Just like the simulations."

>1AL, sit-down in the Pilot's seat, strap in.
>1AL, I'm kind of second-guessing myself here, look for a parachute.
>1AL, let's just do it. "Nogard, give me a heads-up if I'm about to die."
>3AL, Engine On, Ignition On, let's get this VTOL working. (Manipulate3+AdvancedPiloting1)
>3AL, Attempt to wrangle the thing into hover-mode. (Proficiency3+AdvancedPiloting1)
It didn't touch our systems! We have everything you sampled and acquired! But it's-- it's voracious, it's *frying* the onboard specs of the market!
Rolled 3, 6, 1, 1, 1, 6, 5, 5, 2, 4, 7, 4, 8, 4, 7, 6, 7, 2 = 79 (18d10)

"Get out of here. I'll run north to distract them".
> (Proficiency 6 + Jury Rig 1) Grab some copper wire and enmesh Bird in a faraday cage.
> (Proficiency 6 + Ballistics 2) Mag dump on the watching birds.
>(Process 2 + Meshops 1) Spoof my signal running north towards the Red Cranes in front of Noodularity.
>Go Dark
>Hop in the van
Rolled 5, 3, 10, 2, 10, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 8, 1, 7, 10, 10, 9, 5, 8, 1, 1, 2 = 102 (21d10)

Welp, exfiltration on foot is cancelled.

>3Strain: maintain camo
>1Strain: Ready a flash grenade
>0AL: Drop flash grenade at my feet
>2AL: Book it towards the fallen cherry tree (Proficiency 3 + Acrobatics 4 x2, if I understand this correctly)
>3Strain: Aim MOC-C at Evans
>1Strain: Put MOC-C modularity points into Accuracy
>3Strain: 3 round burst into Evans (Prof 3 + Ballistics 3 + burst 1)
>0AL: On hit, say "I should've done it back then"
>7AL: Continue to book it, jump into the VTOL and swear (Proficiency 3 + Acrobatics 4, I'm not gonna roll this many dice, please roll for me)

#Agent Mammoth, Grade 1
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 0.2 | 16 credits
*Alive *Wyld 4

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 2 (+1)
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Acrobatics 1 (+3)

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP - currently +1 armor
4C [Meshed ThermoOptics CamoCloak 2] - camo up as major action

H1: MultiOpCombine Carbine (MOC-C)
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) Armor +1
H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2)
– |
Inv: suppressed C7 Service Pistol (NERF) I 3xReloads [18] I 2x NERF reloads [28] | sharp Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
MultiOpCombine Carbine (MOC-C): 4P, 30AM, Reload 6, Burst 3, FA 10, Modular 2 [Link, Accuracy, Multi, Burst -1, Subtle 2]
"Rootbros...it's the end of the line. You gotta make tracks. Get outta here. I'll see you on the flipside, ok?"

"Weeb! I'm taking the van! Hitch a ride or get on the VTOL, but don't just stand there!"

>3AL: Crash Evans' system, lock up his joints, reboot his optics, just do something, anything to keep him from sawing Vennesfield's head off! (Process4+MeshOps3+Splice3, 7 Breach, 10 dice).
>1AL: Pop some painkillers for the arm. Gonna need that if I'm to be driving.
>1AL: What the hell, pop a stimulant while we're at it.
>4AL, 2 Strain: Move 222 221.

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
Credits 17
Stress 2
Injury 4
Strain 7
*2ARM: -1 Prof

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 3
!Persuasion 1
!Technical Ops 5

H1 Aid Kit
H2 Chirni APDW [10/20, Seek]
B: APEP [DR4/Filter4] I Agent Suit [DR1]
H: Techset Headwear [Hard1] (Meshfire 2, BLANK)

Inv: Chirni APDW [10/20, Seek] I 4xReloads [20x4, Seek] I C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2] I 2xCC-MAIDS
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access I
Rolled 7, 5, 10, 9, 3, 9, 3 = 46 (7d10)

>3AL: Prepare a quick and dirty virus that messes with optics (Process 2, Mesh Ops 1)
>3AL: Infect the three Red Cranes that were looking for Mammoth (Process 2, Mesh Ops 1, Attentional CoProcessor -2)
>3AL: Help Octant's attempt to keep Evans from sawing Vennsfield's head off (Support 2, Mesh Ops 1)

"Devon no! It's suicide to go north! Devooon!"
Rolled 2, 3, 4, 1, 10 = 20 (5d10)

>3AL: Tap into Mr. Evans' systems and force him to release his grip on both Vennsfield and his blade. [Override 2, MeshOps 3]
>6AL: Lead both FETCH and I into the VTOL and strap ourselves in for an, I'm sure, completely uneventful flight out of here.
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4(+1)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobaticst 0(+2)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit (-1MedicalMask) | Tactical Kit (Contents: 2/6 items) (-3FoamGrenades) (-1StingBallGrenade)

> Release Service Knife (-0ALA)
> Sharply knee Evens in the groin. (3Proficency+5CQC) (-3ALA)
> Seize the wrist of Evens' bladearm with one hand. Grip the upper arm of Evens' bladearm with the other hand. Muster every ounce of strength to push the blade back. Once sufficient space as been made, torque, pry, then rip the blade arm's elbow out of its socket. Disarm Evens, knocking aside his monofilament blade. (Resist4+CQC5+Effort3) (-6ALA)
> If Evens attempts to throw another strike or moves to retrieve his weapon, counter. Upset his movements by twisting, yanking, and locking his mangled arm. (-1Respond)
Rolled 8, 7, 6, 9, 7, 8, 3, 7, 3, 7, 2, 5 = 72 (12d10)

#Monarch [2 Breach, ??? Discourse, 2 Injury, 4 Trauma]
Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]
Credits 16

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1 [+1 Temp]
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1
!BioCybernetic Medical Theory 3 [Temp]

H1 - C7 Service Pistol
H2 - C7 Service Pistol
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear, Biohazard Mask [-]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1
!4C Profiler [Insight 2]

Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit | Smokes | Chinese Takeout |
Drones: [-]

>1 AL: Hop on that bike and HOLD ON for dear life!
>6 AL: "Liren!? Have you still got Evans Techset data? And knowing you, you have to have got some sappy romances stored somewhere, right? I want to replace Evans action hero schitck with some all Gjallmark Christmas Movie marathons." [Process 4 + Mesh Ops 2] x 2
Is that how that-- I don't want-- I haven't binged --- you can't prove I've --- well I mean it could theoretically work but--
Rolled 9, 5 = 14 (2d10)

>3 AL: Get in the dropship
>3 AL: Secure the animals within the dropship (Manipulate 2)
>3 AL: Leave a positive review for the Noodle bots
Agent Dragon, bring it up - careful- careful -- yes! Like that!

I've applied for a temporary airspace access window through the Metroplex and I'm sending you a route now! PUNCH IT, Agent!

And someone patch up Agent Mammoth! He forgot that Major Actions to Move take 3 Alacrity, not 1 , and he got shot a LOT!


Most agents clear, most data secured, most systems relatively stable... FETCH is out of the zone. Cheddar and Monarch are plotting an alternative route. Octant and Weeb is in the van. Good work Agents--

Mr. Evans just isn't slowing down! And I don't have system access any more, Monarch! I'm trying but they've given him some serious upgrades and re-task training! He was always good but this is dangerous!

We're so close, his systems are almost compromised but... shit. It's not quite enough!!


>Escape Phase [1/xx]
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153 KB PNG

==Field Phase Partial End==

1, approximate, pending review (7%)

0, approximate, pending review (0.0%) [!!!]

2 (2%)

9 (11%)

0% [!!!]

0% [!!!]

==Collateral Damage==
Covered by insurance.

==Federal Terrorism Charges==

==Biohazard Events Avoided==

==Lives Saved==
83, local, 12billion+ worldwide (Estimate)

=Selfies Appeared In==

... 1?

CS -4
Red Crane +2
Hong8 +2
Metroplex +1
Rootpiercers +2
Fogsteppers +3 [!!!]
Brigadiers +2 [!!!]
Cherry Blossom -1
Noodleminds, +2 [!!!]
Mr. Marty and Marlene's Holiday Tour Around The Place, 5/5, most polite young agent, would buy tea for again


Client and Healthcare List

+12 Credits

Motorcycle rental recovery charges, -3
Emergency Ops Delivery, Slime Prime Same-Hour Delivery, -1
A Gift to the Hong8, -5

Total payout:
--> 10+3 -- >

-- 13 --
Rolled 6, 10, 7 = 23 (3d10)

>Physical Therapy (3 Trauma)
>Manipulate +1
I effectively blended in to my surroundings and built rapport with the locals.

>Equipment Feedback
The agent suit's protection is wholly insufficient save for the most minor of blows. This should either result in an Armory Improvement to hopefully improve the Suit's ability to resist damage, or perhaps a Signal Ops Improvement to allow the wearing of actually effective armor without compromising our identities.

>+13 Credits (16 -> 29)
>Persuasion +1
Continuous efforts and endeavors in communication and thinking on my feet should result in increased field performance in interpersonal interactions.
I'm getting some... interesting... offers from some people, Agents. I think the Fogsteppers, the Brigadiers and the Rootpiercers all liked you so much they're willing to share some contact info for some people they know.

Looks like once things die down at the market and it's all a little less hectic, they're planning on rebuilding everything and splitting it all equally. You may have prevented a long-form shimmerin gang war from exploding into actual violence. And all it took was a biohazard event and a lot of discourse! Good work!

>Mildly altered rules and readings for a lot of implants
>Please check your product guidelines
>Recall that Field Grade increases on a full deployment, and comes with access to a new Implant.

BioAugmentic Genesplices can, instead of incorporating a full new external implant, finetune their particular biological customisations.

This increases the full traitpackage by +1 across the board (!!) and adds Sensory, resulting:

BioAug Genesplice [Strength 2, Agility 2, Mobility 2, Regen 2, Sensory 2].

Note that *Instinct* does not increase this way, but you can do so by displaying Instinct in the field and bringing it up during performance reviews.
File: Sword 1.png (76 KB, 858x990)
76 KB
a sword is a line that cuts, separating living from dead. Two men struggle for control of one, grunting, pushing, backs against the wall, legs braced, the roof cracking under the footfalls of augmented muscles straining
" While this is erotic as all hell, I think we're on a schedule and I do not like the lights in the sky. Fucking Chironans. They're so pissy about their drones. If they ever left their cute little glass towers in person, maybe theyd be less prickly when someone stole them.

Can you two grunt this out elsewhere? We'e gotta move.
File: Negotiation Premium.png (208 KB, 1306x1028)
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208 KB PNG
Rolled 6, 4, 4, 6, 6, 5, 6, 10, 3, 10, 1, 9 = 70 (12d10)

" I get it, you're both macho and bench more than I do.

I'm assuming your tech team is listening, so trust that this comes straight from my genial and well compensating employer, ahem:

' Deliver the Subject, unharmed, to the following address by this time within a week or there will be consequences which you will not like and which I am adaquately positioned to carry out. I am a strict time-schedule, you and your fourth-rate outfit is an inconvenience, and I am being lenient in allocating the bare minimum of attention to you. I would prefer to get on with my job, so consider this my singular point of polite negotiation. Shoot him in the leg to show you're serious'

Oh, sorry, that last part wasn't strictly speaking for you, well, I mean -- you know what I mean.
Any preference for... I'll just pick. It's probably better if I just pick.
[Vennsfield: "..."]
[Vennsfield: "Liren."]
[Vennsfield: "ETA on the orbital strike."]


I think they're just showing us they're watching!
Hell of a watch to indicate it!
I wish to take an action.
What is my ALA budget?
Vague warnings about 'consequences' if we don't give them exactly what they want? After several violent encounters with each other? While pretending to be generous in giving such an offer? I think they're getting desperate.
Rolled 10, 9, 2, 1, 8, 5, 3, 3, 1 = 42 (9d10)

As standard, Agent! Looks like Mr. Evans let go of you though he took the sword with him - and that CraneCommando Ops Leader is making vaguely gestures with his gun but he hasn't locked on to you *yet*

Let me debug your systems as best I can, but at this level of Strain I dont know if there's much I can do - we're compensating for a lot of micro-fracture build up.

>Tactical 9, His reduce Strain
"Liren? A thought occurs. If Despango is dead, then who's paying us?"

Liren, can we swing by Vennsfield with the VTOL? I'm thinking it seems risky with the hostiles in his area and the potential shockwave from the orbital strike may cause the VTOL to destabilize.

What does our window and route look like?
Rolled 9, 7, 8, 3 = 27 (4d10)

"I concur I believe it's what they call. 'Pissing their pants. And crying about it.' whilst everyone points and laugh."

"Haiyah Ink. What is this? You looking famished! Look like you've been in cargo hold of VTOL with no food or drink Haiiiyah. Here. Nice NDLE bot gimme free samples. Very good stuff cooked with the concept of love from a drone. Take a beer too."
>Give Agent Ink some NDLE free samples and a beer. I'll cook something up

>Psych Sreening for the 4 Stress. Unwind by cooking a recipe from NDLE. Homemade noodles are pretty good and I'd like to share with everyone.

"And then they fired a missile! Haiyaahh, I don't know who or what program approved this but that's one expensive way to tell someone to fuck off...."

>Intention +1 for Manipulate because there was a great need to express my persuasion and etiquette today. Not that I have a Silver Tongue or anything. The beers helped a lot.

>Performance of Equipment: The beers, cigars and hat worked wonderfully in my kit but it seems the bat came in clutch only at the last moment. Being Mr. Mme everyone seems to work wonders especially with objects in hand to offer. Will look into the bat some more...
>We should probably look into what NDLE has to offer considering the help they provided. Then again, a lot of the people of Red Market helped for this to go so...well.

-Agent Serval's unfortunate Fate
-Spoke with Mr. Soap and discoveries
-Animal Shelter Sabotage gone wrong
-Acquired Sample of Grad student gone Photosynthesis (Flowers growing from Corpse? Not mushrooms??)
-Samples and Animals acquired in box
-Didn't manage to make contact with Dr from agacent building of Dr.Despango Lab. Should be put under appointement for a talk
-NDLE are nice and deserve commendation and an interview with Mox wherever she is...
-Fogsteppers, Rootpiercers and Brigadeers are nice people. I'd like the Van I borrowed to be returned with the brakes fixed if possible,
>+13 Credits (16+13=29)

>Persuasion +1, LOTS OF TALKING
>Get Overclocked Resonators Rank 2
Micron-yield impacts shouldn't shockwave bloom the local airspace, Agent. It's more like a rap over the fingers from some angry distant diety. Enough to dent cars and punch holes in the pavement but no explosive payload. Like the worst hailstorm in existence. If you can swing the VTOL around get the ramp aligned with the roof, Vennsfield *could* make the jump . . .

Oh, you noticed that, did you, Agent Monarch? Well, you see - - - sorry I've gotta plot an airspace route while avoiding an deadly cylinder of fragment! Bank right, agent Dragon!
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 4

!Close Quarters 4(+1)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Acrobaticst 0(+2)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit (-1MedicalMask) | Tactical Kit (Contents: 0/6 items) (-5FoamGrenades) (-1StingBallGrenade)

>Covertly reach into tactical pack. Pull the pin and cook the one grenade. (-1 ALA)
> Flourish red sheet, toss it North-Northeast. Briefly obscure Evens and his handler's vision. (Proficency3+CQC5)(-3ALA)
> Drop the primed foam grenade. (-0ALA)
> Sprint NWx1, SWx2, Sx3, SEx3, NEx2. (+6Strain) (-12ALA)
> Withdraw the last remaining grenade in the tactical pack. (+1Strain) (-1ALA)
> Dive beneath the table/stall and brace for impact. +1Strain) (-1ALA)
> Pull the pin on the foam grenade. Press the grenade against the bleeding gash in my neck. Entomb self in foam. Improvise seal for bleeding wound. +1Strain) (-1ALA)
Rolled 9, 9, 8, 1, 6, 6, 5, 7, 7, 8, 2, 8 = 76 (12d10)

2d10 - Breach
2d10 - Injury
4d10 - Trauma
4d10 - Discourse [Will debate (yap about) theory with Ink until I'm no longer enlightened]

+1 Mesh Ops
I believe my strength so far has been in breaching and scrambling Crane Meshes. Additional training in mesh ops will do me good

What the hell should I do with all these credits?

I'll take those HazeOrbs, I liked my oneliner, but I feel more at home letting others do the shooting for me...
File: Shopping List 1.png (2.04 MB, 2408x2199)
2.04 MB
2.04 MB PNG
You could buy some noodles? Or donate them to charity. Or... buy some knickknack for your house?
Rolled 4, 6, 3, 9, 8, 7, 4, 4 = 45 (8d10)


I hate flying in compact urban areas! I hate flying in compact urban areas! I hate flying in compact urban areas!

>3AL, bank right, and level-correct (Proficiecy3+AdvancedPiloting1)
>3AL, attempt to swing the VTOL towards Vennsfield for extraction- I hate danger close! I hate danger close! (Proficiency3+AdvancedPiloting1)
>1AL, "Nogard give me a heads-up if I-Wait I've already said this."
... I could probably do something in our downtime with that Decommissioned Police Drone
- 19
and Mood Sensing Bedroom Lights
- 3

That leaves lil ol' Monarch with what... 7 credits? And a couple of express packages when I get back to the hideout...
Rolled 4, 6, 4, 7, 7, 7, 6, 2, 8, 4, 7, 4, 1, 5 = 72 (14d10)

How did I get shot up when I made sure to leave the immediate overwatched area under camo?
And how exactly did Evans avoid my shots? Blocked them with a drone?
>Rolling for physical therapy and Wyld
>Increase Proficiency to 4
The amount of physical movement I did left my muscles aching in places I didn't even know existed
>Increase MeshOps to 2
It was underused by me so any use at all is new training and insight
Quick mesh intrusion seems to be our unique advantage, but many agents aren't sufficiently skilled in it. Having more MeshOps tools for dummies would be nice.
Another nice thing to have would be MANPADS.
An ability to inflict mass casualties on Red Cranes is very desirable. Running away is ceasing to be an effective countermeasure given the developments
+13 credits, 29 total

Calling an end to the mission early to count civilian casualties before the orbital strike lands is a clever trick.

Purchase butler bot (-11cr)
18cr left
+0.5 Stress Testing, +1 FEYWILD Exposure
Agent, I can't help but feel you misunderstand the kinetic applicability of what amounts to a satelitte based shotgun system firing a mass of tungsten rods (or derived materials) that usually ablate during transit time to ground-side. A hypervelocity rod bundle this is not, because at that point someone, somewhere, signed off on using a kinetic orbital strike system on an inhabitated area and I don't think that's politically feasible. Or legal. Or ethical. Though I don't know that psychoaths in suits care about that lost point. A mass casualty event in any large scale civilian population is probably bad for long-term market outlook anyway so maybe that stays their hand.

So no, Agent, filament shards dropped as payload on what seems to be some autonomous trigger is scary and dangerous and horrific but amounts to a particular mean hailstorm, apt to rent through roofs and systems and the road and I do not recommend being in the open skies under it. It is not (luckily!) shadowy forces activating high-scale systems to rent the earth asunder and shudder tectonic plates.

Soooo. No, Agent Mammoth, we are not using tricky accounting to hide an ocean of blood in some clever trick of the log entry pen that allows us to redefine deeds and the activities associated with the (or near them) in a more benign light.

I am signing you up for additional mandatory therapy - I think you need the stress relief. Maybe watch a romantic movie? It does a lot to make me feel better!

In any case, it's fascinating intel. Low grade yield on targetting and a mesh-burn that ate most of the local feeds and recording. Metroplex Sanitation will move in to contain the traces of Dr. Despango's slightly awry experiments, but it seems someone decided to hit the panic switch and get rid of as much hard stored evidence as possible. Now all that's left is people's random social feeds which always have the uncomfortable implication of being easily doctored.
Rolled 10, 4, 2, 4 = 20 (4d10)

>Psych Screening (4 Stress)
>Manipulate 4->5
My diplomatic achievements speak for themselves. Also, I folded.
I am displeased by my resonance implants being vulnerable to spam attacks.
>Credits 13->26
>Origami Folding 1->2
One step closer to enlightenment

>Reserve Capacitors 1-3->2-9
>Manipulate 5->4, Credits 26->23: SC Spinal Augmentics +1 (Why have three arms when you can have four?)

>Credits 23->0: Advanced Pattern Recognition and Behavioral Analysis
File: Fast Exit.png (591 KB, 1274x1036)
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591 KB PNG
Dragon! Hit the afterburner ignition again!!
> Jump. Climb aboard the VTOL.
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655 KB PNG

>Hit the ignition- it was the red button, right!?!
Does the maimed arm figure into this (as in, do I add it to the injury pool) or is it resolved some other way?
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372 KB PNG
Oh so it's THAT one-- haha! Right! No no that totally makes sense!

Agent Ink to ARC Tactical, we've got a Iron Talo and Age--- Pilot Dragon is taking us out of the area. All agens accounted for, animal samples secure and no one dying yet. We're going to begin triage on the bleeders but no one is critical. Have some boulion cubes waiting for Agent Graphite at base, please, he wants to show us--

. . .

what in all creation is *THAT*


==Flight Operations==
2/6 Escape Velocity

==Animal Samples==
I'm getting some weird pings from the VTOL, but I'm sure the agents are handling it fine

Look into the post deployment procedures if you are clear of the operations area, bring FETCH back to the safehouse, submit the usual paperwork and run a debrief.

I'll start working on analysing the samples acquired once it gets back here - though I think it'll be a circuitous route to avoid the odd spray of orbital harassment. We've shaken them so far.

Metroplex Sanitation will deploy to the Reprieve Chaser market, and with luck, everything will be handled.

But Agents, I can already tell you that we actually cracked the next step early. Now that FETCH is well fed and stable, and we have an enormous amount of hard data to shift through, we can take focused steps to get ahead of the curve. I've been doing some work on identifying the dead graduate students Agent Mammoth and Agent Vennsfield located, and by cross-referencing out data from the Fogstepper Oyabun, I believe I've narrowed down the specifics. But he mentioned four people working with Dr. Despango. And that leaves one spare - I've already sent a warning to university security services and the Metroplex about a probable threat to life and limb. But let's not sit around waiting for them to react.

Unfortunately, we may need to act fast on another wrinkle as well:

I've got a mostly certain confirmation of a likely impending hit on a certain local social feed journalist.

Any incident we don't get to I'm sure Metroplex's fine upstanding officers will handle competently. Right?
ugh, just realized the misclick I had on this post. I meant to reply to this one. >>6169365
It's covered by healthcare, Agent, and is part of the trauam and injury you accrue. It'll get mostly fixed with some physical rehabilitation and proper triage. So it falls under "complications" and are handled off-site, functionally fading.
Ah, ok, so it's much like the Strain-related blowout I had last mission and I can't add it to the roll I'll be making with Injury.
Let's be honest Liren, is there any other option than to help out our friend Mox?
The last two missions where we had on-site catering went horribly wrong. A huge red flag, if you ask me. Let's take the student yaw2rone.
It does seem the most time sensitive situation flag at the moment. University security, Metroplex and others are likely to respond to oddities at Al-Tokuno University far faster than a probable-cause report of targetted harassment by a gang. It's fairly likely the university student has already taken precautions as well - we can infer from the fact his associates and Dr. Despango have not been in communication in weeks that he knows they are unlikely to do so. I'm seeing some odd movements on financials in the systems I have access to and I have reason to believe he's contracted discreet security.

Mox, on the other hand, gets into trouble like this on the regular and will likely need someone to assist her before the situation escalates.

But that said, if we assume the garduate student is the sole remaining actor with primary insight into Dr. Despango's plans, the value is hard to over-state...
Rolled 4, 2, 7, 5, 5, 4, 3, 4, 6 = 40 (9d10)

Yeah, Octant is gonna have to put in for some serious R&R and physiotherapy after this one.

>Physical Therapy: Injury 4, Strain 5

>Process +1
Lots of processing from me this time around, that's for sure.

We need to beef up our gear when it comes to minimal footprint operations like this one. Sure, we compensate for it with our mesh superiority and...uh, "unconventional" tactics, but the opposition is sure to adapt to this. Up-armoring our suits and modifying the C7s is a good start, but maybe we could also spring for some low-profile plate carriers?

>+13 Credits (30 total)

>MeshOps +1
I mean...c'mon. That's basically 90% of what I did on this map.

>Get Spliced Signals Access 2

>Military surplus active camouflage (-22)

>Pre-Exam Jitters
The Metroplex's finest can handle the journo and her troubles. The last surviving grad student may well be our only direct link to the (departed) Verdant Green. Not to mention, they are in grave danger and may not even be aware of it.
>Attune +1
I feel that working with FETCH this mission has increased my ability to read vibes.

>+1 MeshOps
I've found hacking shit makes for good actions in-between giving my drones commands and feel I've improved at it.

Thorn and I found out what FETCH likes to eat, and it should be easy to secure more.

My votes on Operation Pre-Exam Jitters. More info on Despango seems like a necessity consider how deep in his shit we are.
>Roll my cyber-coin into shares in Noodularity stock
>Psych Screening: Stress 3, Strain 6
>Wild Resistance: Wyld 4
>Base Proficiency: 4->5. I packed crates.
>Secret Jury Rig 1->2. For filling pockets and various arts and crafts. Improvisational Improbabilities would have been the other option.
Purchases: to be determined later. That parkour class looks interesting. Maybe not that useful inside a restaurant though.

This is [Redacted]. I've got an almost-horse dropping in a copper basket. Recommending duo-cupreous shell for examination, somewhere that doesn't fear rain from glass towers. Contains a near-life biojacket combined with slip-and-slide chalybic cor.

After Action Report: We appear to have collected all the caninie carriers and denied RC & SC access to same. Several on vtol. Others by van. I was microdosed. Will check for complications at wetworks. Vennsfield should be lauded for action heroics in a violent confrontation with Agent Evans, who was sproting SC chrome and stchicking it up. I also noticed Fold and Graphite assisting with mission critical elements. One transport commendeered from the Milita. We promied to repair the brakes before return. Recommend full fluid change and standardard maintenance as well as returning with a full tank of gas. Due to owner, do not recommend complimentary inspection. I'd also like to note that I was unable to aquire a desk. Should discuss updating TAG as previous handle may be listed by the glass stars.

NDLE and Noodularity were both helpful. I recommend offering Noodularity an ad campaign showing their Samurai bot and saying that rods from God won't stop their commitment to delivering their noodles. They aren't wave warriors to abandon their delivery when things get tough. I also have a plan for a gyroscopic drone delivery vtol to help the noodle shops expand coverage if we're interested.

Equipment Report: I made little use of equipment, although the packed bags were a little useful. Agent C was used by several members of the team. RC set up to autorefresh which limited the viability of meshworks. Recommend siezing hardware to capture code. Biosuits seemed to make effective armor if we need to breach. May wish to include wire cutters as standard gear to de-claw Scorpion copies such as Evans. Could integrate into the handle of the service knife along with a lighter for team cigarettes and flask warming.

Forward Looking: It looks like we won't have the operational capacity to rescue the grad student. Recommend inviting them on a date and bringing them home from said date. Hopefully this will not trigger RC active containment. Alternatively, could invite them for coffee at Moxy locale if only safe space. Maybe check with the venue to see how they feel about outsourcing noodle supplies? (I am voting to rescue Mox).

>Wetware shop indicates free swaps. Is this accurate?

#TS [Redacted]
Limit 12

-redacted. post too long. over. -
Rolled 6, 7, 5, 5, 5, 1, 8, 10, 6, 6, 1, 9, 10 = 79 (13d10)

dice et. al.

#TS [Redacted]
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2+2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 5 I React 1 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 2
!Improvisational Improbabilities 1
!UNCC: [Deep Morphology Variability 2] - Current mode: Honey Bee. Other contemplated configurations - Cheetah, Ape, Squid, Badger, Pelican.

H1: Aid Kit
H2: Repair Kit
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [MFSL2]: On MeshOps provide flat effect on success. Can compile advanced viral vectors using process + MeshOps which gain autonomous AL = hits or attuning to specifica operations.

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I DS9 'Reacher P, 9/12 ammo, Multi 10+, Stun 10+

3-1 Ops Deployment Credentials 1: As a major action, put in a request for support based on your pool. It arries at the end of the phase. (seems like I can use this to order gear or ask HQ for help)

Credits: 23 (spent 6, a react and a sense on UNCC: [Deep Morphology Variability 2])
#Agent Bnnyy
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 2 I Instinct 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Crash Synchronicity 1
!Improvisational improbabilities 1

BioAugmentic Genesplice
#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit

>BioAugmentic Genesplice
>Support +1, Instinct +1
>Improvisational improbabilities +1, Crash Synchronicity +1 | Luck is an skill too right?
>Didn't even order and i still somehow got this one full of green stuff. Tea yeah tea no coffee makes one too jittery before mission. Always seemed to have everything needed at hand.

Oh no why'd they put me here these people must be pros they sure look the part and what i've heard about their jobs this is no good. Till now everything literally just has fallen in place for me. Ok ok breath you can do this just look like you're pro as well.
I'll also vote for saving Mox Mimicry. You had me at on-site catering.

Also, as an additional piece of equipment feedback, any chance of sourcing some LMGs now that I can dual-wield them? We might need the extra firepower.
... Agent, the systems you have aren't even close to being rated for "dual-wielding" a light squad support weapon. Let alone that trying to do so is tactically ludicrous and operationally ineffective and only looks good in the movies because movies don't have to care about physics!

Suppose a light system classes five kilograms, you have to double that to get ten, you have to carry, what, two-hundred rounds per weapon system, call that 2.4 kilograms per gun, extra, which gives us fifteen additional kilograms of deployment weight, add to that one support kit, one tactical kit containing various payloads, standard service knife, discreet carrier vest, side-arm for any situation in which wielding two (two!!!) light squad automatic weapons in close quarters aren't feasible, round mark that additional let's be polite and breezy eight to ten kilos, we're now massing twenty-five kilograms deployment weight before any addtional equipment, systems, implants, adjustments, mission profile considerations or the barest notion of coherent tactics.

And you want to carry all this around with you, on foot, during presumably mission scale deployments in primarily standard urban areas, for hours at a time? You can add another five to ten kilos of water, nutrients, fuel source and power cells for the sheer mass you're carrying around!

If you were walking around with a full military or advanced security EXO system to take some of the strain off of your skeletal structure, *maybe*, but let's not forget those also weight and cost and require charging and maintenance and prepwork and repair.

So, then there's two, eight hours into the job, walking down an alley, carrying excess thirty kilos of surplus gear, munitions and bulky additional equipment, guns too large to bring to bear on any close quarters asailant, barrels scrapping the brickwork of buildings, profile so obvious every scanner in fifty kilometers have you marked out like shining beacon in the night, complete inability to convince any civilian, police officer or any other time of person you are anythin remotely resembling sane, peaceful, competent or here to do anything but complain about the dull ache in your hips and the grinding sensation of your gradual onset spinal disc disclocations and then you try to fire both (TWO LMGS??!) simultaneously at some distant target - and let's presume here for one momentary second that you've managed to acquire a target in the first place - and the recoil of both system are not being independently stabilised because you are the definition of an unstable firing platform so the bullets go nowhere near the target and mostly just vaguely supresses everything out in a ninety-or-so degree cone from the front of your wildly splaying holographic action experience addled *mind* and then - ten seconds into this operational calamity - it occurs to you that you may need to reload at some point!

No, Agent Fold.
Just no. Absolutely not.

And no MANPADS either!
We have to contend with aerial threats every mission and the corporate denies us MANPADS.
We should unionize.
We should.
Rolled 8, 9, 10, 7, 5, 10, 1, 1, 7, 1, 1, 8, 6, 2, 5, 10, 3 = 94 (17d10)

#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 0.3

Alacrity 9 Respond 1(+1) Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 5

!Close Quarters 5
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Imp1: [UNCC Deep Morphology Variability I]
Imp2: [Autonomic Overrider I]

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit

> Physical Therapy
Rolling 17d10.

> Intention Advancement
Resist improves to 5.
> Reason
Shrugging off turret fire in Despango's lab.
Enduring an melee engagement with Evens.

> Feedback
No comment.

> Intel
No comment.

+13 credits
New total is 29 credits.

>Secret Advancement
CQC improves to 5.
The confrontation against Evens.

>2 Field Grades
Install [UNCC Deep Morphology Variability I]. Default set to +Respond.
Install [Autonomic Overrider I].
I forgot to do my intention enhancement, my mistake

+1 to Manipulate
Rolled 5, 4, 4, 4, 5, 1, 7, 8, 2, 6, 2, 6, 5, 6 = 65 (14d10)


>Psych Screening (11 Stress, 3 Strain)
Sometimes... sometimes an Agent just needs some rest and maybe a sound-proof kevlar blanket.

>Support +1
I provided first aid to a grand total of 2 people! and also tried (and miserably failed) to guide Agent Ink.

I really like the APEP, can I keep it? it makes me feel safe and scary things are less scary.

>Credits +13 (rich)
Also question, if I purchase the Decommissioned Maintenance Bot Butler, can I have Nogard inhabit it?

>Advanced Piloting +1
I flew an aircraft! and it wasn't in a simulation! I actually did it! Take that ARC management!
Of course, Agent. The real issue is probably keeping it out.
Yes TS, wetworks and re-mapping of your implants is entirely possible between deployment downtime. It's part of the standard healthcare package.
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Well the good news is combined joint stock valuations in premium noodle koisks are through the roof.

Bad news is it might be a spicy bubble.

No seriously Agent we made 21.3% annualised on riding that investment, I think this has potential.

>Reply to this post to claim your brand deal payout, which amounts to 2 Credits and a coupon discount code for extra basedsauce and synth-protein on your next three orders.

>But only if you pose while saying something brand appropriate.
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Agent Graphite, I've got an over-excited message from some people in the outbacks thanking us for returning their ride and complaining it's "too clean". I only ran it through the car wash service once, but it had years of caked mud in those systems.

You know you're supposed to change brake fluid every once in a while, right. I don't think the Brigadiers know.
=Mood Sensing Bedroom Lights==
Ahhhh. Blue. You tried green yet?

Due to cozy interior design choices, you get +1 Stress Resistance. It's a trait. At the start of any turn, apply resistance(s) to reduce any values by X. So in this case, Agent, you simply knock a Stress of.

>#Stress Resist 1

The Mr. Jenkins line of products is actually remarkably fantastic for ensuring that the bed is always made and the food is always right there when you need it. Knowing you have such effective housekeeping, you can start every deployment Well Rested, and with a fully clean suit and iron'd shirt. Being well rested otherwise mostly just means unlike the rest of us sad caffiene addicts you don't get into quite as many Complications, on account of your enviable eight hours.

>#Well Rested

Proactively inducing apophenia phenomenons in yourself is the pathway to early onset schizohrenia, Agent, though pattern analysis does also allow you to deduce many wonderful things. Mostly it means you might see patterns where none exist, or sometimes where they do, which means on occassion you get slightly better outcomes on tasks where patterns apply. Don't try to game this, because you're now trying to pattern-match to how you can maximize this bonus to apply it to all actions you ever take ("surely, gunfighting is simply a pattern of tactics?") but that's just your brain cooking itself slowly trying to reduce error-prediction rates in its basic cognition. That way lies *actual* schizophrenia and hearing patterns in mesh-static.

>#Pattern Recog 1

Unlike our urban ops camoline cloaks, this system wasn't put together by carefully attaching a few thousand sensitive photoreceptors to advanced mesh material, but was instead designed to allow high speed badasses with nicknames like 'Soapy' and 'Trashcan' to dash through advanced perimeter security to 'neutralize' 'targets' of 'opportunity' in 'kinetic engagements'. Since it's military surplus, we can surmise the idea that advanced pattern-cloaks can make you undetectable to optic sensor systems has some issues. Namely, if you don't appear on feeds neither does anything behind you. Since most cameras can check for visual noise these days and any monitored system makes visual glitches obvious, stealth-tech moved from physical cloaks to implant-onboarded active AR camo systems combined with projectors, like Agent Mammoth's and the CraneCommandoe's thermoactive meshops camo.

But this system - know as the CAMOT, Camoflauge Assisted Military Operation Toolkit, they love their acronyms - has some benefits going for it too. It fits into most environments and it's not glitchy. Pretty good if you're staking out a sniper's nest.

Remember to wash the stains out, Agent

>CAMOT II, Trial Edition
>Obscure 2, Adaptive 2, Bulky

Adaptiveness assists fine-tuning to match backgrounds.
Unfortunately, Bulky jacks up the rate at which it gets in the way in close quarters.
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... Huh, hell of a find, Agent Monarch. That's actually a somewhat banged up and lightly damaged advanced anthroform remote infantry drone - AARID. Unlike the Flitdrones and HazeOrbs this comes with near-peer match to most humanoid flexibility, except proper engineered fixed all the dumb parts of the human body like your appendix, your lack of ability to see thermal imaging and the fact that if someone pokes holes in you you die. AARIDs see a lot of use in security operations and policing ops, and warehousing work. And search and rescue, naturally. A lot of sectors have automated workforces too, now that I think about it.

But there is a slight and marked drawback, which is that as is displayed time and time again, people tend to see something that looks like a person and assume it works like a person. It's actually an academically studied problem - I recommend a degree in mechatronics interfacing design if you ever want to go back to college - and leads to some complications. Consider that that any remote infantry drone is operated and managed by a controller usually, but must default to on-board, system-wide management and piloting software for autonomous operation. Are you seeing the issues, yet? Because these systems aren't general intelligences - like you and me - they're not great at inferring from datasets to novel situations. And in the actual world as exists, novel situations happen all the time!

So most AARIDs and drone ops in general rely heavily on custom mesh software and human management. But now your cost cutting exercise in automating the workforce has actually increased headcount *and* left you open to legal trouble. What happens if a so called autonomously operating drone offers a parking fee? Is that the city ordinances being actually violated, or. match to a most-common-event flag in its systemics?

Anyway, my point is, this thing is a heavily reinforced, humanoid frame with quite a few cool riot control and security features but please do not make the mistake of thinking its actually thinking or as smart as you, Agent. There's a reason we haven't yet made every police officer in the city steel skin and byteminded.

They work fantastic when paired with human operators though, so now at least we have a proper heavy deployment mechanized unit!


>P-Series AARID
Limit 12
Sensory 2 I Adapt 3 I Handle 2 I Process 2 I React 1 I Resist 5 I Infer 1
!Police Procedures 3
!Urban Environment Operations 3
!MeshOps 2
!F̂̀ͨͮͦ̏IG̽ͩ̓̋ͦH̉͊̔̀Ṭ̖͔͈͕̜̝ͤͣ͛͆ͫ ̟̞͉̮̥ͧ͛͒̆ͭT̠̻̝̣̘̙̿ͭ́̏͆̏H̩̘͙̋ͫͨE͖̘ P̓̊Ő̮̣̑W̬̘̝̘̓͗ͤͩ̑̃ͅͅE͒̄R͂ 3
#Armored 4, Strength 3, Mobility 2, Agility 2
#CQC Bonus 1
#Imagining Specs 3


Pretty good sensors on this little guy and it looks like all the internal operations software is still mostly functional, if enormously out of date -- and some, uh, odd... bits in the ...

Where'd you pick this up again?
Rolled 3, 8, 5, 6, 8, 10, 7 = 47 (7d10)


>7 Strain into Physical Therapy.

>+1 into Proficiency.
Running everywhere up and down the market has to count as cardio, right?

>+1 into Ballistics.
Getting to use my needlers helped me grow accustomed to more complex bullet trajectories.

>+13 Credits (16 -> 29).
>Buy 1 Quantum-threaded ballistic vest. (29 -> 1).

>+1 Rank to the Hong8 Needlers.

>+1 Vote to Mox's mission.
Wait, do we have to roll Strain?
Oh, huh, so, Agent, this is mostly just branding. You know that right? Anything with 'quantum' in the title is just PR, you're falling for a meme. The only thing that's going to happen here is that someone shoots you and we'll know both the velocity and the position of the bullets currently lodged in your sternum.

Alright let me look up the producer and supplier profiles on this thing. Huh. Went out of business a few years ago. Alright let's see the vest, it's probably not even rated for modern firearms. Lots of developments in bullet design lately.

... Is this thing woven with single fibres? What's the thread count on this ballistic me-- Oh, wow. Wow. This is actually polymer bonded microfluiditic adjusted nanowire-- no WONDER they went out of business the per unit cost would be astronomical. Good god. Some people have no sense of modern business practice. Okay so maybe it's ... Hm. Pretty sleek actually. I wonder if we can scrounge a few more of these.

>Q-Thread Ballistic Vest
>DR = Resist.
>Cover 1, Statelock 3

As always, if you Avoid while near cover, you gain the cover bonus. Since this apparently is so good that it counts as wearable cover, it means you get a cover Bonus if you Avoid just from having this one. I am not going to dignify that by pretending to joke that it means it might give you a probability field state read on incoming trajectories.

... but it might be a bit like that.

I'm not sure what 'Statelock' does? It... it looks like this thing is so well made its resistant to change. So, hm I guess that means it's actually hard to burn or penetrate or shatter or... That's useful.
Oh Liren, you don't understand. You can't. Everything is connected, there are patterns everywhere. Or do you think it was mere coincidence that Agent Serval, named after the wild cat, was the one to go wyld? No, no, it's all a puzzle and as soon as I have enough pieces, I will know where and what exactly to *fold*.

Also in all this excitement I completely forgot about the payment promised to the Cherry Blossom mercs. How much are they expecting?

And will my fourth arm be ready by the time we head out for the next mission?
Their standard deployment fee is 6 Credits, though I gather we got a discount of 1 from it being 'home turf'.

Might be useful to pay that so we don't have stiffed mercenaries coming to kick our ass later. They're notoriously hardcases about payment for services rendered.
Unfortunately, my quest to uncover the secrets of the cosmos has rendered me temporarily penniless. Can someone spot the 5 credits they're asking for? I'll pay it back after the next mission.
Mox Mimicry, Agents, is currently attempting to debrief a source of hers in a local bar.

The Obsidian Tide is... Well. It's one of those places that pretend it's too sophisticated for neon, y'know? It' all strips of bioluminescent algae cultured in glass tube, slow-pulsing deep purple to midnight blue. I hear the the bar itself is a massive slab of volcanic glass. Just imagine it as the kind of place where corporate executives come to quietly break non-compete clauses over 20-credit cocktails.

Mox is there to meet a source who claims to have documentation about illegal human enhancement trials being run on pressure-cleaned homeless people. You get six of these stories a year and every few years it actually turns out to be true, and I gather Mox is thinking this one checks out. As far as I can tell from her feeds and some checking, the source is a mid-level research coordinator who've suffered a sudden acute development of conscience.

So far, so good. Buuuuuut.

The bar's regular clients are mostly old money trying to look young or new money trying to look old. Those people are fine. The issue is the Steel Vipers clustering around the place. The're not really your usual street gang - they're corporate muscle pretending to be one. It's all designer gear and tailored suits to go with their tailored ties and threats. They've been working the edges of the bar for the past hour, making sure Mox sees them but never quite crossing any lines that would let security step in - but the monitoring we've been running on Mox ever since we ran into her last time has been *screaming*. She's already suffered a higher than usual level of near-misses in traffic, her feeds are glitching out under the constant barraging of paid trolls and she's been having some troubles getting people to talk to her.

Not enough for Metroplex to act on, but definitively enough that I can see a corporate smear campaign when I see one.

So my guess is Mr. Nakamura and his Haze Nine team are running the old playbook - they're pressure boiling Mox slowly and establishing reasonable-enough credentials that whenshe gets swept up in some downtown bar-brawl gone sideways, it all seems plausible enough that a few bribes in the right place will let it all slide under the carpets for a while.

Sooooo, agents.

How about I authorize a bar tap and we go have a night about town?

( Establishment's security is subtle but serious - ex-military types in well-cut suits with subvocal comms and smart-linked weapons, but there's only a few of them in total and the thing it's mostly doing is its preventing me from getting too many internal building scans. )


This is a bit of a rush-job, so no time to get too into the PreOps for this one.

Still, if you have any actions you're interested in performing, we can probably get it done while you scramble.
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 12
PST: 1.1

Alacrity 9 Respond 1(+1) Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 5

!Close Quarters 5
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Imp1: [UNCC Deep Morphology Variability I]
Imp2: [Autonomic Overrider I]

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit

> Acquire Digital Footprint Minimalization (29c => 12c)
Rolled 1, 2, 9, 7, 1, 10, 9, 10, 9, 8, 2, 1, 7, 3, 1, 4 = 84 (16d10)

Rolling 16 Strain that I didn't previously
>Vote for pre exam jitters
Too late, Agent, you've been outvoted! Democracy is great!

Here's your crashkit, I've got some anti-stab vests you can throw on, some tasers, batons, shotguns loaded for deterrence and a few other fun shells if you want to get specific.

We've upgraded the mesh protocols for the Headset and you should notice it packs more of a kick now, for intrusion operations.

I've managed to dial in the Biomonitor standard for the support kit, allowing better remote and emergency access.

Otherwise, better get with the requests NOW, because we're in a hurry here!

>PreOps counts technical operations and weapons adjustments as usual, as per:>>6165083. Agents just have a little less time to get everything squared away this time, so no long-format prep. And you should probably expect less sweeping changes for technical operations, alas.

>Tech 7, Access 2 still otherwise in effect (The workshop is barely cold from last time).
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Rolled 9, 3, 8, 8, 7, 3, 10, 10 = 58 (8d10)

>Deadline Passed
>Escape Velocity Not Achieved
All animal samples lost

Agent Vennsfield
Agent Butterfly
Agent Rafflesia
Agent Mammoth
Agent Thorn
Agent Dragon
Agent Ink
Agent Herbie

Takes 1 dmg to...

1: Attune
2: Sense
3: Support
4: Process
5: Manipulate
6: Proficiency
7: React
8: Resist
9: Limit
10: Test Again, but total payable also with Secrets.
Rolled 8, 5 = 13 (2d10)


Agent Vennsfield loses 1 Limit
Agent Butterfly loses 1 Support
Agent Rafflesia loses 1 Resist
Agent Mammoth loses 1 Resist
Agent Thorn loses 1 React
Agent Dragon loses 1 Support
Agent Ink rolls again (OUCH)
Agent Herbie rolls again (OUCH)

. . . You know suddenly I feel less bad about paying my taxes. Score one for proper public utilityyyyyy what's. . . that whistling sound?
Rolled 7, 2, 2, 4 = 15 (4d10)


Can I uh, react? Try to avoid hard-landing or crashing? ...or is it too late?

>attempt to recover aircraft altitude and stability (Proficiency3+AdvancedPiloting1)
" . . . TS, can I cash in some R&R time? I think an orbital scatter-shot just punched through my thigh "

==Field Phase End==

9, 64%


2 (2%)

9 (11%)

0% [!!!]

0% [!!!]

==Collateral Damage==
Covered by insurance.

==Federal Terrorism Charges==

==Biohazard Events Avoided==

==Orbal Strikes Suffered Through==

==Lives Saved==
83, local, 12billion+ worldwide (Estimate)

=Selfies Appeared In==


CS -4
Red Crane +2
Hong8 +2
Metroplex +1
Rootpiercers +2
Fogsteppers +3 [!!!]
Brigadiers +2 [!!!]
Cherry Blossom -1
Noodleminds, +2 [!!!]
Mr. Marty and Marlene's Holiday Tour Around The Place, 5/5, most polite young agent, would buy tea for again


Agent Ink authorised paid time off and physical rehabilitation.



. . . NEXT TIME, time to go to a bar! Better get ready, Agents!

okay :(
Rolled 2, 6, 2, 2, 5, 6, 10, 4, 8, 9, 3, 8, 1, 3, 4, 8, 4, 1, 3, 1 = 90 (20d10)

Do we get shells other than NERF?
Can I take my looted carbine along to the mission?

>Lose 1 Resist because of disappointing shenanigans
>Replace TO Camo with UNCC [Deep Morphology Variability 1]
>Acquire UNCC: [Augment Threat Matrix]
>Try to obtain some drum mags for our shotguns (Technical 7 + Ballistics 3)
>Try to obtain some armor-piercing shells (Technical 7 + Ballistics 3)

#Agent Mammoth, Grade 2
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 1.8 | 18 credits
*Alive #FEYWILD Exposure 1 #Well Rested

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 4 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Acrobatics 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP
4C [Meshed ThermoOptics CamoCloak 2] - camo up as major action

H1: Veritas Shotgun
H2: ^^^
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Antistab vest 4
H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2)
– |
Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18] I 2x NERF reloads [28] | 2x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun | 32x NERF shells | Service Knife I Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
At home:
MultiOpCombine Carbine (MOC-C): 4P, 30AM, Reload 6, Burst 3, FA 10, Modular 2 [Link, Accuracy, Multi, Burst -1, Subtle 2]
Rolled 10, 9, 8, 4, 1, 3, 8, 1, 7 = 51 (9d10)


TS, do I get to keep the Hong8 Electrified Mop? I kind of did just take it from the guy- It was a spare so he's not gonna ask for it back, right?

>Load CRADLE-NEXUS 2 and Shield-R 2 onto the TechwearHeadset

Also, I wonder what's the best flying drone I can purchase, order and receive in this time- probably something small. (attempt to acquire some type of drone, hopefully the largest I can get in this timeframe and budget constraints) (Technical7 + AdvancedPiloting2)
I don't think they'll want us to give the mop back And you're right agent, he did give it to you. Let's plug it in and let it charge. It's actually fairly useful tool. Also for cleaning. And FETCH is a very fussy eater, it goes EVERYWHERE.

Mop (Adjusted)
1Blunt, Reach 2
Electrify! [Switch, 3Electric]

Just turn the charge on when you want to hit someone with electricity, but you have to avoid doing that when it's already full of soapy water. It might overload things.

The MOC-C? To C Moxie? Teeeheeeee ahem. I was actually going to take it apart and see if we can figure out how the Cranes run their IT ops. I've got a feeling we can use this as a way to get a feel for their system spec profiles, then possibly tailor up some spoofers or breakers that's customized for their system architecture. It's a *pretty advanced* piece of kit, Agent Mammoth.

But you did steal it fair and square, so if you don't want to hand it over I'm not going to force you. Just keep in mind that primary drawback of the MOC-C lines - and the entire idea behind MultiOps systems like it - is that the modularity that makes them so good also makes them complication. If it jams or breaks in the field, it's really, really hard to repair.

( And obviously it's tempting to turn the burst toggle to max, get burst 1, then fire the full munitions complement, but that's the kind of thing that overheats the barrel something fierce! )
"Democracy is a known flawed system Liren. You better keep tabs on that student or I swear you and I will have a stern talk. I don't want any stories of 'Huh. Sorry team, we lost track of them. They were very thorough and blah blah.' No roundabout excuses."

>pay 28 Cr for Deep Cover Identity Management (1 Cr left)
I think I'll keep it
I'll give you the second one I'll steal
Yeah, I'll watch them agent. And I've sent a mesasge to university security services, pinged the Metroplex about a likely threat and I've got a line through to their protective detail. Turns out the student hired out to watch their back, though they're running a pretty high level scrambler so I'm not getting much ID specs.

I guess we can possibly, hmh...
[/blue] Why don't I grab Agent Holiday and Tatiana and swing by the place? [/blue]
... Errr, is he cleared for field duty? I heard he re-lapsed on-- well. Hmh.

Yeah I suppose that works? Set up a perimeter and keep an eye out. Though if you're deploying to the university, we'll be short some support downtown.

>Split out mission support to send some extra security to Al-Tokuno University? It'll reduce any support available elsewhere.
"Hahaha. If anyone is grabbing you Sis, it's Agent Tatiana. Besides that I think it'll work."

>Try to get some Breaching Muzzles for the Veritas Shotgun (Tech 7+Prof 3+Ballistics 2)
>Try to check the List of VIP's and other invited to the Club today and the list of new entries and staff for anything abnormal(Tech 7+Proc 2+Intel Analysis 1)
>Suggest we acquire some Light Adaptable Deployable Shields in case we need to protect some VIP's from stray fire (Tech 7+Resist 2+CQC 2)
>Acquire Security Consultant passes for the Club to add ourselves to the list of staff as Undercover Security, Convince the club manager that it could be rough night tonight with all the Gangsters checking in (Tech 7+Manipulate 3+Persuasion 2)

I will take with me:
>Another C7
>The Baseball Bat in my Convo Starter kit
>JOLT-Shells and SLAP Shells
Manager Scosmin does seem to need a sudden infusion of extra available manpower into his security budget. I think we can hire on as a part time basis - rather quickly. I'll, err, adjust the suitability scores on the standard interviews. Obsidian Tide actually subcontracts security operations to a local concern, so we'll ping the manager and be charming *and* I think I have an in with Black Ocean Control Ops so they'll vouch for us.

Good thinking, Agent Graphite.

On the client list, the Obsidian likes their confidentiality but I'll see what I can do. Places like that always have a few spooks in suits hanging around. Some of them are probably undercover security and the other half are there to make a deal they hope no one finds out about.

Sorry Agent, advanced personal piloting isn't quite the same as remote drone operations and DroneOps. We can charter you a fairly large system for most commercial flight operations, urban deployments, and once we pry the Iron Talon out of the ground you... parked it... in that should be available for use too. But as for *drones*, the largest we have are the Skimmerdrones with the associated RID software in the headset if you slut it in.

Well, that, and the new riot control unit.

Anyway, the skimmerdrones are about half your size and fairly useful if you modify them to perform to some system function. Very flexible chassis. Maybe look into that?

You'd have to strip shielding though, or the CRADLE...

You can... bring other shells? Just stuff some in the tactical kit. You get two reloads standard. Bring much more and you start running into space issues. And no matter how much Agent Fold might want to, carrying several hundred rounds of spare munitions isn't good weight to be packing.

Anyway, shotgun slugs are fine for armor penetration but they're a nightmare to source properly these days since the Stonedogs are buying up all of them (Some contract in Algeria or something).

I got you some IF rounds for the C7, though, which should be fine if you expect to encounter heavily hardened types. Watch your line of fire though, they're more for backup in case the shotguns don't have enough oomph.
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When steaks are high and failure isn't an option...
Nodularity will go through hell to bring you their premium noodle expirience.

Why does Nodularity only have 1 O? Were they always a noodle shop?
Rolled 9, 9, 5, 2, 4, 10, 10, 1, 6 = 56 (9d10)

Well, NDLE is a autonomous franchise concern. Surely the NDLE is short for noodle of some kind. Nodularity! is in the same market, though curiously you are right. They're so precise about everything else it's a curious spelling mistake to make. I know node is mesh-jargon for advanced compuational processing network node, so if I didn't know better, you'd almost think they were doing some kind of highwire pun on being a noodle based system. Nodular, right?

Which... You only get humour that... advanced... from flash-evolved autonomous systems cradle-grown to spec in some attempt at generating artificial minds.

Actually I'm curious now let me look into this a bit. Why would you have autonomous noodle outfits, anyway? When you think about it - and it's odd it took until now for me to think about it - they can't be fully autonomous, right? They'd need to take in supplies, deliveries, clean, staffing, support, logistics, recipes, so on, all that. If you had a system that could manage all aspects of that entire operation you'd definitively have a fully general autonomous artificial mind. Which... Well theoretically possible but... I don't think fast food is where you find beyond-state-of-the-art redtech mindware?

... is it...?
Can we at least have extended magazines for our shotguns?
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... Huh.
Hang on, Agent, there's something buzzing the safehouse. Let me just... huh. Is that-- did someone order... Graphite is that you? How thoughtufl
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I don't think I have to tip you do I? But I'll leave a review. Positive, of course. Do you have any more of that noctural security consultant pokebowl with side of garlic bread? So, so good. Yeah? Yeah I'll say hi

Hey Agent Graphite, NDLE says hi. No, or is that Nodularity? I'm not sure. The drone isn't labeled. Anyway, really thoughtful of you, I was getting peckish.

Well, have a nice day.
"Wat. Liren do you mind going through the standard procedure for handling packages? My tracker says the delivery is not for another 2 hours."
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Uh... Uhm. S-sure. Yeah. I'll -- err. Let me get out the scanner.

Hey, this isn't food -- aww, a t-shirt? Hmhm. Well. I'm more of a hoodie kinda person honestly but it looks comfy enough on the specs. Merino wool? Spun through with long protein strands of... is that synthetically derived polymers? Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Huh. Wind and trail breathable and presumably environmentally degradable then. And just my sze too.

No... nanocytics. No bacteria traces. Slight dusting of onions, chicken protein powder and... hmhm... whole grain gluten reduced pea derivative.... interesting...

Agent Graphite, I think the package is clear. Christmas isn't for a while, but thanks for thinking of me! It's a nice shirt?
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Looks nice enough. I guess if it's partially merino wool and synth-prot it's technically edible. Hmhm. Sleeves taste bit... oh that's actually good? Need as little salt I think but, hmhmh. Edible t-shirt. Now if only I had a date and time off...

I'm not sure what the joke here is, Agents, but thanks for the consideration. I guess I can update my wardrobe.
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Ooooh, it has a funny slogan on the froholyshitwaitaminute

. . . HEY TS DEVONSHIREEEE. I looked into the Nodularity thing and there is NOTHING there to worry about!
Agents, while you're getting squared away and we're preparing the crashkits, maybe go shop for some finer ties?

What I mean is, Black Ocean Control got back ot me, and we're on the list for security consultants. So you can get set up inside the Obsidian Tide. Alternatively, try the front doors. Finally, I noticed they had an open post for some additional bar staff and poor security on their personnel records. And since we now run security, you can fit right in with the cooks and bar-staff if you want.

Get set up, get settled in, find where Mox is meeting her source, and then keep things under control.


>Pick a deployment vector
>A for normal front doors
>B for staffing
>C for security consultant pass.


Otherwise, simply settle out:

Standard post deployment review.
Rolled 2, 4, 7, 6, 6, 2, 6, 8 = 41 (8d10)


No problem TS, I had completely forgot and removed from my memory the existence of "Remote Drone Operations" as an existing skill, maybe I should have a Memory Checkup. Is that part of the healthcare package?

Can I instead requisition something else?

Instead of a suit, I'd like a janitor's outfit- it goes well with my Mop. Hopefully one which blends in with the establishment we're headed to. (Technical7+Scrounging1?)
I'm a security consultant. See all these guns hanging off of me? That's to secure your security.
>Deploy C

#Agent Mammoth, Grade 2
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 1.8 | 18 credits
*Alive #FEYWILD Exposure 1 #Well Rested

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 4 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Acrobatics 1

4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP
4C [Meshed ThermoOptics CamoCloak 2] - camo up as major action

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) | Antistab vest 4
H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2)
– |
Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 2xReloads [18] I 2x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun | 16x JOLT shells | 16x normal shells | Service Knife I Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit I Tactical Kit |
MultiOpCombine Carbine (MOC-C): 4P, 30AM, Reload 6, Burst 3, FA 10, Modular 2 [Link, Accuracy, Multi, Burst -1, Subtle 2] | 2x reloads
At home:
Absolutely, Agent. And a janitor's outfit would just be part of deploying as part of the staff. We'll pick up a coat on the way. But until then, by all means, do some technical ops.
Rolled 7, 6, 1, 3, 3, 7, 3, 5, 5, 9, 3, 7, 8, 5, 9, 2, 8, 3, 5, 8, 6, 10 = 123 (22d10)

> I know we don't have much time, but maybe I could give the vests Liren issued some pizzazz comparable to my quantum one? [Tech 7 + Manipulate 3 + Jury-Rigging 1]
> How about making our shotguns a bit more comfortable in our hands? Let's shave it down to a more Ergonomic figure. [Tech 7 + Manipulate 3 + Jury-Rigging 1]

>Pull up to the mission through the staffing, though how are we supposed to explain the overwhelming amount of weaponry on us if we go the staff route? [B].

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 0.4 | 1 credit

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 3
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 1 I Resist 2 I Override 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1

B: Agent Suit | Q-Thread Ballistic Vest [DR=2, Cover 1, Statelock 3].
H: Techset Headwear [MultiSpec 3, CRADLE-NEXUS 2]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Veritas Multi | 1 JOLT Reload | 1 SLAP Reload | Service Knife I Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit I Tactical Kit

Hong8 [Needler Swarm 2-9].
4C [Systemic Injection Vector 2].
It's easy!
You leave the obvious ones in the car!
This is why they pay you the big bucks, Liren.
Talking about big bucks, if you still need some, I could chip in my one (1) singular credit for this. We don't need even more people on our asses.
Rolled 5, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 6, 6 = 28 (9d10)

You can have my (13) credits, I'm not particular eye'ing any purchases right now.

>Is it possible to acquire more first aid and medical devices? The aid kit basically covers everything but anything better? different? specialty tools? advanced stimulants? (Technical7+FirstAid2)

>Also, Deploy B (Janitor, I even brought my own mop!)
Rolled 8, 7, 2, 9, 10, 7, 6, 8, 3 = 60 (9d10)


>ALSO! TS, what if I modified or acquired a new receiver for the C7 Pistol which has an insanely high firerate, think about it! no practical advantages and I waste all my ammunition in a single burst! Maybe I can get an extended drum magazine for this insane machine pistol! (Technical7+Ballistics2)
>Noting this Purchase

>Get a finer tie
>Deploy C

#Agent Graphite
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2
!NanoTransen Projection Emitters (Intent+Secret to project hologram)
!Overclocked Resonators 4 (+Intent to magnet/electric output. Flat effect lvl)

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 2
!Origami Folding 2
!Intelligence Analysis 1

H1: Baseball Bat (Blunt 2, 9+ Stun)
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear w/Shades [Suite 2=Shield-R 2=Sensor 2]

Inv: Double C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Collapsible Baton I Veritas Multi I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I 16x JOLT Shells I 24x SLAP Shells
Do you think I could pass for Cybersecurity? I'll take route C

>Attempt to integrate an electrified Collapsible Baton into the P-Series unit. Having a heavy hitting non lethal close combat unit could be very useful.[Tech 7 + Manipulate 3 + DroneOps 2]

Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall]
Credits 7

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 2
!Jury Rigging 1

H1 -
H2 -
B: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)
H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1
!4C Profiler [Insight 2]
!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2

Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells | Service Knife | Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes | Chinese Takeout |
Drones: [2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 P-Series AARID]

"The Hong were trying to get it out of their safehouse, if I remember right. Something about a smashed teapot. I figured they'd owe me if I payed them a premium for it... and I've always preferred the company of drones, and disembodied mission command's."
Rolled 7, 3, 10, 2, 3, 8, 4, 3, 9, 1, 6, 7 = 63 (12d10)

Forgot dice roll
Rolled 10, 8, 3, 5, 9, 2, 4, 6, 1, 5, 1, 2, 7, 1, 10, 5, 4, 4, 6, 9, 5 = 107 (21d10)

Lireeeeeen, I hate bars! Especially fancy-ass bars with actual security where I can't just sit in a corner and filch data from every—....wait so we get to come in as security? For real? For real real? Well, every security outfit needs a signals op, right? Think we can maybe source something more powerful gear than our headsets? You know, the sort of stuff you carry around in a bulky hardened case. Also, if we're going to have to fall back to C7s and use the Fray rounds, we probably want to be damn sure that our shots are going where they're supposed to be. The smartlinks on those could use upgrading.

>Try to obtain some beefier mesh warfare gear. (Technical 7 + MeshOps 4)
>Try to modify the C7s with improved smartlinks. (Technical 7 + Ballistics 3)

Oh, I'm a security consultant, alright.

>Get a nicer tie. Deploy C.

Sadly don't get to bring my new camocloak on this job :c

#Agent Octant
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.3
Credits 8

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 5
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 4
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit [AntiStab4]
H: Techset Headwear (NodeBurner Ops 2, PLACEHOLDER)

Inv: C7 Service I Veritas I Collapsible Baton I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2]
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access 2
#Aaron Vennsfield
Limit 11
PST: 1.1

Alacrity 9 Respond 1(+1) Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3 I React 2 I Resist 5

!Close Quarters 5
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 3
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear

Imp1: [UNCC Deep Morphology Variability I]
Imp2: [Autonomic Overrider I]

Inv: Service Knife I Aid Kit | Tactical Kit

> Deploy to C
Rolled 3, 6, 9, 7, 3, 5, 1, 4, 1 = 39 (9d10)

>Submit a request for smoke grenades to be added to the tactical kit. (Technical7+Ballistics2)
You know, Agent, it's impressive I've just been putting Agent Meriesweather's paint grenades in these kits expecting one of themto actually, at some point, be a smoke grenade.

Dammit Meriesweather!

You're actually supposed to have smoke grenades! I'm glad someone finally said something! How many paint grenades have that woman made!?
Rolled 9, 4, 5, 7, 5, 3, 9, 6, 2 = 50 (9d10)

But what if I want it really, really badly?

>Load up Shield-R 2 and Memeplex 2 on my Headset
>Improve inventory packing techniques so we can carry more stuff without penalty(Tech 7, Origami Folding 2)
Did we lose our previous mods? The C7 Suppressors are nowhere to be found and I'd like to pick up a fourth one.

>B. They've never seen a waiter half as good as me.

Thanks guys. I'll wire the 5 credits to the mercs right away.

#Agent Fold
Limit 12
1 Wolfheart
Psych Stress Testing 0.3
Credits 0

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Telekinetic Projection 2
!Origami Folding 2

#Pattern Recog 1
#SC Spinal Augmentics 2 [2 Manipulatos] [Shield-R 2, STR 3]
#Attentional CoProcessor (Once per turn, split action to multiple targets. -1 dice per extra, roll once. Freely divide dicepools between targets, ignore distractions)
#Reserve Capacitors 2-9 (Resonance charge limit 9. When generating charge, effect +2. Can spend charge as AL for resonance actions.)

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) [Armor +1]
H: Techwear Headset [Shield-R 2, Memeplex 2]

Inv: 3x Suppressed C7 Service Pistol [NERF 27/27] I Sharpened Service Knife I Tactical Kit [2x Foam Grenade, 2x Paint Grenade, 2x Stingball Grenade, 3x C7 NERF reloads [27/27], Advanced Modular Toolkit, Advanced MultiSpectrum Sampler] | Aid Kit | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants | Hong8 Credentials | MetroPlex Health and Safety Inspectorate
#Agent Cheddar
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 4 I Sense 2 I Support 4 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Insight 3
!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Support Operations 1
!Intelligence Analysis 1
4C: [ScanCloud RID] 3
4C: [HazeOrb RID]2

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Memeplex 2][AR Spook 2]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Turkey Sandwich | Smokes | 29 Credits

>PreOps: Purchase a nice suit.
>Deploy: A.
I'm cool strolling through the front doors, I'll blend right in.
Rolled 9, 5, 8, 6, 8, 10, 1, 10, 7, 4, 9, 8, 1, 2, 4, 6, 1 = 99 (17d10)

>Deploy at front door. Apply for bouncer position.

I've got 20 credits to lend if someone has their eye on a big buy but is short on credits.

>(Technical 7 + Drone Ops 1) Modify my initial plans for a VTOL noodlebot delivery drone to suit Fold's needs.
>(Technical 7 + Jury Rig 2) Make sure that the wire cutters in our technical kit are rated to cut through the sorts of wires that Agent Evans was using for the grabber claw.


#TS [Redacted]
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 1 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 5 I React 1 I Resist 2
Strength +4

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 2
!Improvisational Improbabilities 1
!SC: [Core System Adjustment 4]: Strength +4

B: Agent Suit
H: Techwear Headset 2: Bring Agent C.

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3];
IService Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Collapsible Baton

3-1 Ops Deployment Credentials 1: As a major action, put in a request for support based on your pool. It arries at the end of the phase. (seems like I can use this to order gear or ask HQ for help)

Credits: 20
Rolled 6, 3, 8, 4, 3, 4, 5, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 1, 5, 10, 6, 4, 1 = 107 (18d10)

Pack with me
>Collapsible Baton: small nifty and good at keeping overly eager hands away
>Memeplex 2 and Sensor 2: by the gods i'll need all the help with these kinds of things i can get
>Make sure i have notebook and small clipboard of some sort in case i need them. surely this firm has basic things for disguises.
>Card of our firm so i can get access to necessary areas.
>I don't need to look like agent now i need to look smart and businessy. Let's make this head set look more like average AR classes by getting clear lenses and something that looks like phone earpiece. (Technical 7 + manipulate 2)
>Disguise this StickFoam Spay into hair spray can. Much more fitting for lady who cares about their looks.(Technical 7 + manipulate 2)

>Deploy A: AR gardens entrance
With this suit and bit of freshening up i should fit right in and if i take an proper card with me i should have access i need. Maybe bring an note book or one of those clip boards with me in bag.
I just need to have confidence and my luck will fill in the rest.
Yeap that's right just here for nice drink after hard day of business business business numbers.

#Agent Bnnyy
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 2 I Instinct 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Crash Synchronicity 1
!Improvisational improbabilities 1

BioAugmentic Genesplice
#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Memeplex 2, Sensor 2]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Collapsible Baton
Rolled 3, 5, 2, 4, 10, 7, 7, 1, 8 = 47 (9d10)

>Take UNCC: [Deep Morphology Variability] rank 2

>Request access to CC-Maids for this operation (Technical 7 + Ballistics 2)

>9cr: Resonance uncertainty pet
>14cr: Digital charisma enhancement
>6cr: Corporate accent implant

>Deploy A
>Take Veritas Multi, Graphite's 'Conversation Starters', Collapsible Baton, along with standard issue gear
#Agent Butterfly
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 1 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 4 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 4 (3)
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 2
!Acrobatics 6 (2)

B: Agent Suit (AntiStab Vests 4+) I Graphite's 'Conversation Starters'
H: Techwear Headset W/ Shades

Inv: C7 Service (Int. Suppressors 2, Faulty 1) (x2) I Veritas Multi I Service Knife I Agent Aid Kit (Biomonitor 2) I Grilled Cheese Sandwich I Agent Tactical Kit I Collapsible Baton

SC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]
Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.
Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.

UNCC: [Deep Morphology Variability] rank 2
…. Am I understanding correctly that you’re told your job is to crash-relieve a security cordon at an upscale bar likely being harassed by gangers in suits and this request form is for an anti-personnel defensive grenade with noted ability to turn people into smeared little chunks of dead meat and splatter?


. . . No, Agent? You’re not allowed to bring fragmentation-incendiary grenades into a night club? I, err, I don’t even really understand why I need to tell you not to do that. Don’t… do that, Agent.

Yes Agent, temporary adjustments to mission profile and ad-hoc alterations are temporary.

Also you’re not taking the advanced multiscanner into a night club, the credentials are out of date, stop taking class IV analgesics around with you, you’re not a licensed physician, the service knife is not sharpened, that revolver is off license AND the nerve stimulants are—- okay those are probably night club acceptable.

Point being empty out your pockets. You get a list of mission assigned gear. That’s the stuff you’re bringing. Keep the rest at home.

It’s probably urban casual! Some places are really into that whole military aesthetic!

…. Actual “seriously attend the therapy sessions” energy, Agent Dragon. Please do not do something with no practical advantages that wastes all your ammo in a single burst. In any case, the C7’s already do this, since they’re fairly high rate of fire tools. I’m signing you up for another refrained on gun safety.

Agent Thorn, I have to tell people they can’t bring military incendiary devices into night clubs or dual wield squad support weaponry. I’m not paid enough for the service I provide.
We're bringing shotguns, handguns, and Impact-Fray rounds, and everywhere we go the Red Cranes are close at hand seeking our lives with everything they can throw at us. I really don't think anything should be off the table for us to bring on official operations under these circumstances, especially when we are already bringing lethal equipment.
If additional means of defending ourselves from the Red Cranes because of their effectiveness as anti-personnel weapons (we are going to go bankrupt if every overseer has as much of a bleeding heart as you Liren), can I request we try to smuggle in some anti-air weaponry instead? The Cranes seem to be very fond of their VTOL support, and we have very limited means of retaliation.
If we can't request*
My stuff! Doesn't ARC operate on "finders keepers" rules?
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133 KB PNG
You can keep things, yes, Agent, but if you drive through a Metroplex sweep zone with your pockets full of barely legal nerve stimulants, unlicensed revolvers last used as actual suicide weapons and other assorted sundries, we'll have to break you out of jail.

Just... Put it in your locker or something. Do we need to go cabinet shopping? Don't you have a shelf at home, Agent? They're not that expensive. I get the instructions can be a bit convoluted but I think you can put up a shelf or assemble a cabinet. We can do that together, I'll lend you a hand (teeeheee).


Indeed we are, yet hopefully as you are marked out as security contractors or complete benign, happy visitors or local temp-staff, said-same shotguns will pose less of a problem. And I did pre-load them with deterrent rounds on the presumption that if some gangster draws a knife and goes for a cut, knocking the wind out of him and sending him sprawling to the floor is significantly better than other alternatives.

We'll be fiineee, Agent.

Unfortunately I don't know any handy anti-air equipment that dissuades military fast intercept dropships. They're sorta meant to be proof against most of the stuff we can readily source. But we might be able to get something? We'll see what we can do. Might have a few alternative options. Otherwise I mostly recommend not picking fights with armored air assault troop transports. They tend to win. There's this motto I was taught in my military days: If they have a flyer, you'll be the die-er. Soooo let's avoid testing that.

Though having to watch the skies for Red Crane QRF forces is certainly a little bothersome. Hmh. I wonder why the Metroplex lets them flit all over the place. Usually they're a lot more concerned about permits and passage-ways. We'll look into it, maybe some adminstrator somewhere is being pressured...

. . . Well, aren't you a darling selection of handsome heroes?
Have we considered a long range guided launcher for the foam balls to clog the rotors? They seemed effective when Agent Ink used one off her glider. We could list them under 'fire suppression'.
I was thinking something just like that, in fact! By filling about thirty water-balloons with expanding riot foam and getting clever with the pneumatics of a launch-type air-barrel derived system, it might actually be possible to get some kind of deterrent. They do it during riots, I don't see why we couldn't do it. In fact, we might even be able to ping the Rootpiercers and ask if they have any schematics lying around.

It obviously won't stop full deployment of VTOL systems because there are counter-measures, but it will certainly assist. With a bit of work, we could probably mount it on a car. Best part is unlike carrying a rocket guided artillery system, you don't get arrested on suspecion of being suspecious when you drive downtown.

Good thinking, TS.
Well, okay, so your ID is-- listen we-- no, no, I get it. Good opsec. I got a t-shirt delivered to an unlisted address today. We should all take our security more seriously.


Right, let's see... Hm. I think if we pre-load a few rapid exchange belts for the shotguns, and shave off some of the internal ruggedness and exchange the barrels for shorter versions you'll find they work better in closer quarters. Dragon put that down. What'd you even do it ? Why would you do that ? Well, fine, but just don't hold it sideways, it doesn't make you cool.

Running some tactical network integrations on the on-board C7 systems we can derive a friend-or-foe system, avoids tagging allies a little more, work up some better targetting code that filters out the background noise of an urban environment. And I DID find some smoke grenades. Turns out Agent Meriesweather hasn't turned all our chem-grenades into paint-bombs.

Wirecutters is a good implement, since we might find freaks with coilers again. Not just Mr. Evans. They're very, very popular with the hard street crowd. Showy systems.

Suits aren't bulletproof but with a bit of tactical lining they might at least be passably resilient. Awkward to move in though. Well, it's a work in progress...
Snazzy. This is actually the calling-card for a bespoke level service that actively cleans your social media presence, derives filters to auto-sort you out of passive background survaillance and blurs your face in the ever-lasting stream of people's posts about family outings. Also automatically unsubscribes you from MePipe feeds, though I think you have to pay for the premium version to watch Argentianian content on FlixNet...

Functionally, Agent Vennsfield, it gives you an always on low level AR mask that quite a lot of passive systems won't overcome - remembering here that "masks" are sensor-thresholds that require beating by Sensors or lockons or such-like to 'acquire' you properly.

>#Mask 1 [DFM]

Oh, the DCIM Course? Actually really snazzy! It's run by this old Biochemical Deployment Operator out of town, which you wouldn't think a course in advanced impersonation technique would be, but as it turns out he was subject to aggressive chemovore attack and had to re-train and re-task his empathy from the ground up. Try not to develop rapid onset multiple personality disorder, alright, agent Graphite? His instructions are pretty good but if you get too into the management of masks (Social, not virtual) you end up forgetting where your face starts and where the social mask ends!

>#Believable 1 [DCIM]

Oh, the ResPets! Wait, weren't these-- Agent, these synth-lifeforms were all recalled. How'd you even find this listing? They're artificially grown organism with a shockpace resonator breach induction module (like the ones Agent Graphite is using) wired directly into their nervous system. It's like a ... cat with six legs that can sneeze telekinetically, except I think this one adjusts probabiltiy foldspace around itself and in a certain literalist sense actually eats bad luck. It's pretty fascinating.

>#Probability Shunt 1 [ResPet]

As for the Digitial Charisma Package that's actually just a lot of very nice AR filters and a few programmes that adds cutesy qoutes to all your writing. You wouldn't think that'd help that much, but in the corporate world, that kinda thing really marks you out as an up-and-coming go-getter around the water cooler. But it does make you come across as wildly more Persuasive.

>+1 Persuasion

... the "Patented CorpoBrand Accent Module" mostly makes you fit in anywhere and lets you say 'synergestically derive a dynamic cross-reference platform from key metrics' in every language on the planet. It's actually very bespoke tech, but I don't think there's much market-fit need for it. What I mean is: obviously middle management types instinctually know how to say those words, right? Well, turn it on with 1 AL and you'll sound vaguely like you're from around here. That's actually prettty useful for a lot of work.

>#Dynamic Accent [CAI, *Switch]
Ahem, Agents. Party-Prep, no?

I guess I can use this datalog to do some basic house-keeing...

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