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Ilvermorny Quest continues!

Last time, the girls made it to America, got a cool car, started making friends, got in fights with big spiders, discovered a disconcerting fact of their ancestry, and send three guys to the hospital!

Rules and character sheet: https://rentry.co/uoq4puv3

Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=ilvermorny

New non-canon lewd-fic: https://rentry.co/4iehi5w8


Herbology was taught… well with a name like Lief, you didn’t really expect a black fellow. Half black?


An older black looking guy with a shiny bald head, aside from a bit of iron colored hair kept short around the sides.

“Hello students. Another beautiful day to get some time outside! Today? We will be looking at the plant used for patients having trouble feeding themselves, and also makes for some good elote once you take the teeth out; Macerating Maize. Blonde British girls! You missed class before; did you do your reading?”

“Yeah… yes sir.”

“Good, since you and that mirror image will be demonstrating how to pick these things, after a quick example by myself, after our lecture; be sure to wear your gloves.”

“Ah. Excellent. Corn with teeth. Fantastic.”


After a short lecture, you were out in the fields with the older black man showing you and the rest of the class a small patch of… well it just looked like corn up until he brought up a small stick and had the tip of it bitten off by a set of white kernels that were suddenly there after the green leaves that covered up the maize opened up.

Why did every thing in America have fangs?! Even some of the rabbits did!

Following a quick demonstration of how to grab the corn silk to paralyze the things, the Professor set you and the rest of the class to work harvesting them.

Emmy… she ended up discovering a different way to get the cobs off the stalk when she got her finger bitten and punched the offending maize hard enough it went flying across the garden.

Alright… maybe doing this high and coked up was not the greatest idea.

Regardless, you only got nipped once when you and Aubrey worked together to get a few cobs… she had obviously done this before.

Did she really take summer classes just to be with her friends? Perform her prefect duties? Keep an eye on Travis? She… she sounded lonely when you thought of it that way.

“Doing okay, Jenn? I don’t know if they have these over in Bongland.”

“Better than my sister. And no; never studied these before. You have, right?”

“Yep! A lot of the summer stuff is remedial or extra practice. Been picking these since first year.”

“Then why do you do it? You know all this stuff already.”
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“I’d be at the house alone most of the day otherwise since mom and dad teach. Travis is here so I have to keep watch on him. Anna has to have her time of the month and I need help her, go out with her. And I do forget things, always good to review. Why not?”

“Heh… you are a good girl. A little odd but… yeah I don’t have room to talk much. Let’s show this maize who is boss.”, and you hacked the cob of corn that nibbled your finger off with a small knife.

>You gained a +1 to herbology! Hid the fact you are high and coked up well, didn’t have a freak out in the middle of class! Will get some valuable info! Did not have your finger bitten off by corn with teeth!


When class was over, and the rest of the students had dispersed, including Aubrey and your sister with the assigned reading, you stayed back. Offered to help the Professor with shucking the corn all of the class harvested since you were still pumped from your potion.

”Pumped because we kicked the shit out of three guys with Emmy.”

”Shut up Jenny!”

“Sir? Um? Can I ask you some stuff?”, then tossed another screwed up toothy corn into a large bucket.

“I’m a teacher. Of course.”

“What ah… what about trees?”

“Alright… that is a broad topic. We will cover many of the magical trees native to America. Which specific trees were you curious about?”

“Ah… I don’t kn-“

And your earlier lecture is in your mind from your History of Magic teacher, on what happened after William the Pukwudgie slew Gormlaith…

”And though she had been abused, had been threatened by her, Isolt was still too kind to just let her aunt’s ashes blow away.”

”And so, beneath the tree is the last resting place of the Dark witch Gormlaith Gaunt…

No… he had said the last resting place of her wand… but you knew that was false…

“Sir? Maybe the big one, Snake-Wood? Out by the gates?”

“Ah. That racist thing.”

“What? How… Racist? Okay we are magic. Racist plants make as much sense as anything else. I mean, is it because you’re black or like what? Is it misogynist too?”

“Ha. No, also only half African American. Because I came from a no-maj home. The leaves from it contain powerful healing properties, but?”

“But, professor Lief?”

“The tree is all but invincible. Resisted every spell, every no-maj contraption ever used to try and prune or trim it for 400 years. And it will only allow its leaves to be plucked by pure blooded witches or wizards, and then not even all of them. Annoying since I need to recruit students or ask some of our other professors to gather them when I am supposed to be the expert on plants. Right now, only Professor Thompson can pick them, given most of the student body is away, along with some other teachers. And since it gets annoyed if you take too many at one time, it is kind of hard to keep our esteemed Healer stocked with enough for the potions he needs in case something truly bad happens.”
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You had to just look down at your toothy corn.

”And though Gormlaith had performed countless Dark rituals, killed many, woven herself with countless spells in her quest to become unkillable, invincible, she still fell…”

Oh. There it was. Something… something was there. Under the tree. Not the wand but… something.

“Oh. Thanks, sir. Something in my Xylomancy twigs… I thought it referred to trees. I don’t know, first time using them. I… I think I am going to run along after this last one. Get started on a couple of essays. Get ready for tomorrow, since apparently Fridays are different. Has my electives. Have my sister’s Quidditch tryouts to go to. But? I’m pure-blooded. Like very pure-blooded. Do you want me and my sister to try? Get a few leaves?”

“It would be appreciated. Just a few though, if she lets you. Don’t want a student to get hit with a branch.”, and the tall mocha colored man just chuckles. “And that other girl with you? The one who looks exactly like you? Twin? Wish her good luck tomorrow from me. I’m more of a Quodpot man myself but I will still probably be there for tryouts.”

“Thank you, sir. I’m sure Emmy will appreciate it. And if ‘she’ lets us, we will get a few leaves, Professor Leif. Heh… funny, Jennifer. Ah sorry, sir.”

“Hah. Like I haven’t heard that before. Good girl; thank you. Also? Just be careful with Divination; we are going over Lacerating Lettuce next Tuesday.”

“Sir. It doesn’t have teeth as well?”

“No. Just razor-sharp leaves and a bad attitude.”

“Does anything here not want to kill you!”

“Wait till you meet the devil cows.”


When you got outside? You ran into a very perturbed ash-blonde Head Girl with a slightly ironic name.

“Sanders. Would you like to tell me why there are three boys in the infirmary with facial fractures, burns to the eye, and multiple snake bites? Why a fat one was screaming about crazy blonde girls before he was stunned and sedated so Doctor Bartlett could get the glass out of his face?”, and the tall lanky girl came in close enough you wanted to grab your wand or at least sweep her cute, thin legs… okay fuck. Weed and coke make you very, very…feisty; better term than horny and danger seeking.

“Why one of them, a former prefect, seems to have some PTSD and wouldn’t let our younger blonde nurse touch him? Why the Caretakers have been chasing a swarm of semi-venomous snakes that invaded the campus for an hour, until they turned into chunks of granite? Why one of our little groves looks like WW3 went down in it?”

>Lie. Lie through your fucking teeth. Ask Professor Cross, I was with her all lunch until me and my sister met with Aubrey a few minutes ahead of class. Was with Professor Lief till a moment ago; your sister is already on the quidditch pitch.

>Tell the truth. Your version at least; they came and found you and Emmy, intentionally. Looked up your skirts. Touched her. One at least was willing to let a 16-year-old girl pimp herself out to him; the others would have been happy to get some too. You defended her and yourself.

>Write in.
Welcome back! i was starting to miss you!
and Happy new year!

>Tell the truth. Your version at least; they came and found you and Emmy, intentionally. Looked up your skirts. Touched her. One at least was willing to let a 16-year-old girl pimp herself out to him; the others would have been happy to get some too. You defended her and yourself.

telling the truth, even if is half of it, could still be enough to let us go scot free if they see it as self defense
ok, read the lewd fic
good stuff, lewd twins are always an insta turn-on
>>Tell the truth. Your version at least; they came and found you and Emmy, intentionally. Looked up your skirts. Touched her. One at least was willing to let a 16-year-old girl pimp herself out to him; the others would have been happy to get some too. You defended her and yourself.
>Tell the truth.
No point in getting into more trouble. Wait, are we high or something?!
>Lie. Lie through your fucking teeth. Ask Professor Cross, I was with her all lunch until me and my sister met with Aubrey a few minutes ahead of class. Was with Professor Lief till a moment ago; your sister is already on the quidditch pitch.
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You are still coming down from a couple of hits of organically grown, well cultivated weed as well as the potion you and your sister drank that is like super wizard crack. Still have a slight bonus before having a hard crash and a malus for the rest of the day.


Twincest is wincest. Just non-canon for now, unless people want it.
Going to ask for anyone lurking to toss a vote in and keep this open for another hour or so before I start writing some. Right now it is looking like coming mostly clean is in the lead.
>Tell the truth. Your version at least; they came and found you and Emmy, intentionally. Looked up your skirts. Touched her. One at least was willing to let a 16-year-old girl pimp herself out to him; the others would have been happy to get some too. You defended her and yourself.

here u go, IIvermorybab.
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Fess up.


Lie like the part Slytherin you are.

Seems like we are coming clean.

I will start writing in a bit, since I got busy with undecorating and have no time management skills.
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Jenny looks so cute, I figured it'd be a waste not to make pixel fanart of her. Have this QM, if you like!

“Hey, Miss Ashley. I… I’m sorry. But? They touched her; my little sister. Other half of me. They… they looked up our skirts. My sister, Emmy… she doesn’t wear undies every day, just how her Veela blood affects her. They were very “forward”. I wouldn’t care if that did it to just me. But I have to protect her. We have weird magic twin stuff. I can't… I would die before I let my little sis get hurt. Before I let some-one take advantage of her, ruin her. And they were just looking for me...”

“So you thought you were in danger? Physical? Maybe… sexual? And if I ask that other girl, she will say the same?”

“I… we were just sitting there. Our skirts were maybe a bit up already since we just wanted to sit for a minute and that little place didn’t seem like it would have people wandering in. But we were just on a bench. We wanted a bit of time just with one another, it. We have weird magic connection stuff. And they found us; were looking for us, I guess. Me. The head one, since he got his prefect pin taken, and I stopped him from doing something to Maria. It… it is my fault; Emmy wants to take the car out this weekend. Has her Quidditch try-outs tomorrow. Please, don’t do anything to her.

Overprotective trait active!

And you added a touch of spice to the story. A few tears. Coming off of drugs helped.

“They pushed her down. Put their hands on her when she was just standing up. Were implying that sex… that was going to be our way out. I wouldn’t allow it. If you have any doubt… touch her and see what happens. We will have a second grove messed up that the Caretakers have to fix. I can take you. Dealt with a dozen stunners and hexes coming at me this Monday, including those from someone much more powerful than you. Do. Not. Touch. My. Sister.”

“Sanders? Is that a threat?”

“No. A promise. An Unbreakable one to anyone who threatens my sisters, my student. Friends. The two of us fought back… we have trouble pulling our punches. Veela blood and our dad teaching us when he is as good as most Aurors and was taught by Professor Thompson some; the male one. Us knowing how all of our grandparents were murdered in the War. A magical connection to one another; you can ask Professor Cross about that last one, if you have doubts.”

And the tall girl with greyish blonde hair just puts the first two of the fingers of her left hand on the bridge of her nose. Rubs it while sighing. Has her hand hovering around her wand which is sticking out of a small extra pocket in her robes a bit.

>I need 3 people to roll 1d100+14 (+5 from Veela blood, +5 from Overprotective, +2 from wizard crack, +2 from telling the truth mostly)

>No set DC but higher is better. High enough and you might make a new friend out of Ashley.

>If you need any other checks today you will be suffering from the malus associated from the Enhanced Girding potion. Thankfully for your sister it will fade by the time Quidditch try-outs happen tomorrow afternoon.
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That is going in the folder. That is awesome, man. Thank you so much dude, fucking sweet!
Rolled 62 + 14 (1d100 + 14)

Rolled 62 + 14 (1d100 + 14)

Aye! Let's go!
Rolled 49 + 14 (1d100 + 14)

Rolling to move things forward as prompted in /qtg/

There is the same kind of request there though :
Rolled 21 + 14 (1d100 + 14)

damn, it looks like im a bit too late, rolling just because im curious tho.
im kinda impressed that we got 2 62´s back to back with only 3 posts of difference through the entire board...not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing...
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>76 vs a rolling DC

>Pretty mid but it could be worse. Ashley isn't going to be your new bestie but you managed to avoid detention!

I will take a look at it if there isn't another roll by now.

Yeah, that was somewhat interesting. Two 69s and I would probably do something fun.

Going to try and get something out today, since I do have some stuff non-contingent on the roll pre-written.
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“You are admitting it? And threatening me?”

“I am not threatening you. I am not saying a single other thing than what will happen if people touch her. I’ll give my life for her. That would be very bad according to our Divinations Professor… I don’t want it but if it comes my way… I will take it. And if it comes to that? Mom would be here first. Dad a bit later. And they would burn this place to the ground.” And you got maybe a foot away from her since you couldn’t stand pushy men or women.

A quick spell and we could be back further… I am… I am getting tired. Need to lay back. I don’t think I can help much… maybe don’t get in more fights for a couple of days.”

“Sanders… you haven’t even been here a week and have managed to send four people to the infirmary, five if you count yourself, and apparently got into fights with giant cats and spiders-“

“Corn too, now.”, and you hold up your index finger which had a bit of a bit of a bruise on it.

“And…corn. And we are going to have to deal with you for at least another year. F-fucking crap.”

“I was told before I wasn’t going to have a boring life.”

“Fine, we have our very own lightning rod of doom now. What you will be doing is spending the rest of the day in your dorm while I consult with the Headmistress and Headmaster; your sister will be joining you after she is done with what I assume is flying, given every time I have gone to the pitch to practice myself this week she has been there. J-just follow me back to your Hall.”

“Oh, you play too? My sister would probably get along with you.”, you said and pushed out your remaining charm and gave a million Galleon smile.

“I’m captain of the Pukwudgie team, so you could say that… Merlin, she is just like you right? I am going to have to deal with her at try-outs tomorrow assuming I can’t get the pair of you sent back to England in a crate, aren’t I? How in Merlin’s robes are there two of you?”, your somewhat flustered Head girl said as she began leading you back to the Thunderbird Halls and you couldn’t be sure if she was protecting you from the other students of if it was the other way around.

“Well… mom was really fertile. There is a third, also. Not blood related but still our little sister. On the team for the International Wizarding Cup and the smartest person you will ever meet. And? What I said about my twin… it applies to my best friend too. My littler little sister.”

“For fuck's sake. I’m on there too! Is it the tiny one? Brown hair? Good with potions?”

“Yep. Cinnamon colored is the better term; the red in her hair is really pretty. She is far nicer, much kinder than us but is going to win the cup for Ilvermorny this year. And?”

“And, Sanders?”

>OOCI apologize for the absence. Post holiday crap as well as depression I deal with around the holidays. I also forget right after new insurance kicks in, my field does always get busy, had to work more than I wanted.

“If anyone? Even if is a teacher that touches my littler little sis, they won’t be going to the infirmary. It will be a morgue. I will not allow her to ever be hurt again. Oh yeah, you are going to have to deal with losing a lot when Quidditch starts back up, when Emmy gets on the team; mom could have gone pro if she wanted to and Emmy takes after her a lot. I don’t like flying much but still part Veela. We were meant to be in the air. Hard to beat that. And it makes us very protective of what is ours; they are mine. My twin and I learned to share between us but…”, and the slightly older girl looks like she wants to smash her head into a rock.

“Great. Fantastic. My last year and I get to deal with three crazy bird-girls. Four if you want to count Aubrey. Two who are literally part murder sex bird woman...”

“Hey, that’s racist! The Veela in France killed off most of the covens that would murder their mate a few hundred years ago!”

“Because otherwise, wizards were going to start an extermination campaign against them! And you said most-“

“I am sure great-grandma was perfectly nice! Even if she was pretty old when she met great-grandfather… wait? How old do Veela live to be? Like 200? 250? And she was really old when she had grandma…”

“Ahhh! Just dorm, now!”


Sitting in the common room… yeah. You were really hitting the wall, coming off of a very overpowered brew. Felt like crap, were getting cranky enough you accidentally snapped a quill in half when you were trying to finish your DADA paper to turn in tomorrow after your morning classes.

You were able to push through it thankfully, finished your homework for the week with the help of a couple of muggle energy drinks that were stocked and available in the cooling cabinet of the small kitchen in your Hall. Had a sweaty Emmy join you eventually when she got led back in by a still annoyed Ashley and had her deliver a letter one of the Pukwudgies was bringing that came with a small sack from your parents along with another envelope from the Headmistress and Headmaster.

Found your monthly allowance in one which you split up with Emmy… it was probably way too much but the portion of the letter written by daddy mentioned he had done some “convincing” to start upping it some with mom, since you were so far away, might need to buy extra supplies, petrol, and such. Got told he had found another car he liked that mom did not approve of, paid too much to get it, and was already working on getting it tuned and enchanted. Couldn’t wait for a chance to see you, Emmy, and Macy again to show it off.

Hey. Silly daddy. That gave you a little smile.

The part written by mom… well, it had a couple of tear stains on it. She could be very emotional. Very protective of her daughters, the people she loved. Asked for letters from you, Em, and Macy; to stay safe, about any new friends… nothing really important. But? You did need to wipe your eyes just from knowing how concerned she was, how much she cared.

No. You have to be strong. No tears, Jenn. Tears… they won’t keep your little sisters safe.

In the second letter… there were three shiny metal cards, one with each of your names on it. A bit of parchment explaining that they were the passes needed to check in and out of the school on the weekends along with a list of rules for being off campus. So… you suppose you and Emmy had avoided getting in trouble for the afternoon? Sat Macy’s to the side.

And a little latter, your littlest little sister came in from her Potions and Wizarding Cup practice. Looked perturbed before asking to come to your room.

“… Jenn. Emmy. I asked you to not give me a heart attack. Then I get to hear about people being sent to the infirmary in the middle of the club, when I am working on doing three potions at the same time and reviewing Old English in-between… I don’t…I don’t want to cry. P-please don’t make me because they snap your wands, or send you to Alcatraz. Expel you. I’d have to polish my French if I need to follow you to Beauxbatons. Even if I like blue and gold, obviously since your eyes and hair looks so good, it would be annoying.”, the small girl sitting between you and your mirror image begging with a few sniffles.


You were doing the creepy thing once more. Shit.

And you looked over at your little twin, one who really looked as if she needed a nap with her reddened eyes and dark circles under them.

“I’m sorry. They touched Emmy.”

“They looked up our skirts.”

“Same pieces of crap we saw before. We… I had to protect my sister. They deserved it. They will not be bullying any one again. Asshole, he wanted revenge; he might have gone after you if he couldn’t get to me. Emmy. Maybe Maria or even Aubrey. So… we did what we needed so they got what would happen if they ever did something; we also had some weed-“, and you cut yourself off.

Crap, crap.

“JENN! EM! You were fucking high too? I-”

“We also split one of the potions you made.”, and Emmy in her little ball cap patted her other sister on the head to try and calm her down. “We have a note from a professor saying we could be high! It is like unreadable but she got high with us too, and drank like a flask of booze. Also, if one of us dies the other probably will too apparently; me and my slattern of a sister. And… Jenn?”

“Really going to sell me out? And you are the one who doesn’t wear undies half the time! Ah, Macy? I-I may have, you know, put a loaded gun to one of their heads and made him cry; pistol-whipped him a couple of times. One might be wearing an eye patch from the cigarette in the eye for a while. The fat one might have some scars on his face from all the broken crystal, but he was already ugly.”

“Ahh…arugh! And you were smoking too?! You know it is bad luck! JENN!”

“I only lit one up to look cool and tough. Maybe avoid a fight. Then I used it like any other tool, like a weapon!”, and your eyes met Macy’s from behind her glasses. Your best friend’s… they started out hard before becoming misty and she clamped on in a tight hug.

“Hey? Little sis? I’m sorry I raised my voice some. But I won’t let the people I care for get hurt, abused… I get angry like dad. Like mom. They needed to learn.”

“Jenn! I don’t want to bury my sisters, my best friends! And you know I get freaked out over stuff!”, and you got pushed back hard enough you just laid back on the bed.

“I’m sorry Macy.”

“Then stop doing it!”

“I don’t know if I can… I think I might be like a psycho or something. Emmy is the same. Overprotective. Won’t let people get hurt, ones we love and that means you too. And you can fight fate, change it some… but those boys were already set on that path. We protected ourselves and probably other people. But? You had something to say? About those lights? Please? If I am nuts though, don’t ever be afraid of my bigger little sis; she would never, ever hurt you.”, and you pulled your olive-skinned best friend down, had another blonde girl join you after she tossed her hat to the other bed and landed it right on her enchanted lamp.

“I… Jenn. You and Em? I’m not scared even if you can be frightening, scary and are doing dumb stuff.“, and Emmy wrapped Macy up in her arms and gave a kiss on the head to a small squeak. “Ah-ah…warm. Don’t think you are off the hook though… but?”

“But, MayMay?”

“I went out to where it happened. Sketched out it; their trajectories. Looked at the maps some… it’s the forests. All four parts. They might have hit further or closer depending since we are on a mountain and stuff, but it was in all four cardinal directions. I know I am not good with finding my way, but that is where they went. I used my compass. And it looked like they went kind of deep in. I… I don’t know what finding them will do.”, and a small brunette was pressed up to you.

“Thank you. For not being scared of me, hating me. But, damn it. So, more big spiders? Mini-Me… I’m calling her Jenny now; mom used to use that when I was young… Jenny said something about the restricted section? Maybe that will help? And… we aren’t allowed in the Forests now right now, supposed to not be in a couple of parts, period.”

“F-fricking frick, Jenn; this better not interfere with my Quidditch.”

“That is your concern? Flying rugby?”

“I need something to do other than worry! Flying is fun! And your first concern after I told you about your eyes not looking right was different make-up!”

“O-okay. Fair. Ah, my head… I will be there to watch, you know. I love seeing you play; reminding me of when we have seen mom stretch her flying legs or took us on her broom.”, and you hug the littler clone of you tight for a second and helped her scoot further into the bed along with Macy. “You’ll do great. And if you don’t make it as a Chaser, maybe try out to get transfigured to a Bludger?”

“Screw you, Jenn… but if I don’t, they do have broom racing. Quodpot too, and I saw a couple of cute boys playing that when I was practicing.”

“Of course my loose little sis would want to play the exploding ball game because of boys. But you are going to do great in Quidditch; show them how to really play. You are mom’s daughter, after all. You get to use your own broom, right?”, then gave the little slut-bucket another hug… you regretted getting her involved in all this but you knew just like when the two of you were just girls, Emmy was always going to involve herself in the crap you got into.

“Hey! As loose as you! Still technically a virgin. And yeah… its kinda messed up if you think about it, like pay to win since Firebolts are at least twice as pricey but are clearly better than a Cleansweep given they are what mommy uses.”, and you get a little, tight hug back.

“Yeah… I don’t like flying, but they really do spoil us.”, and gave out a quick smooch on the forehead for good luck before starting to speak again.

“But Macy? Emmy? Do you want to be there? When I am training Maria? Helping with Aubrey… I know you both are in dueling but we are going hard in our lessons… if you do, I’m going to have to hit you both. Hands and spells… I know when we were learning from daddy some, we smacked each other around some, Emmy.”, then kissed her lightly on head one more time for luck, before turning to your other little sister.

“Macy… you don’t have to do it. I just want you safe; that is all, and I don’t know if the League is enough if you are going to be there with us. If I can protect you then I want to since I know you are coming on whatever dangerous expeditions we have. The BS adventure we are involved in. Me and Emmy get the advantage of being a touch stronger than normal. Emmy is athletic. I have Jenny to help. But you have your smarts, cleverness. All the things you know for no real reason. You can help; show us how to fight your way. I can help show you the way me and Emmy fight. But I am going to have to hurt you.”

“Jenn, I…”

>”Yeah. It might not be every day but I’ll be there. Help how I can. Get good enough to defend myself. I get that you are going to have to go hard on me to make me learn. I understand.”

>”I…I don’t want to make you hurt me. Feel bad; I am still with you on this whole wand thing. Staying in the League, but I can help differently some too.”

>I also need 1 roll of 1d100 to see if anything interesting happened tonight, since you and your sister are stuck in the dorm.

Sorry for the mega update. Wanted to trim it maybe but I also promised I would get something out tonight.
Rolled 24 (1d100)

Hey! welcome back! hope you are feeling better after the rough patch

>>”Yeah. It might not be every day but I’ll be there. Help how I can. Get good enough to defend myself. I get that you are going to have to go hard on me to make me learn. I understand.”
>>”Yeah. It might not be every day but I’ll be there. Help how I can. Get good enough to defend myself. I get that you are going to have to go hard on me to make me learn. I understand.”
>”Yeah. It might not be every day but I’ll be there. Help how I can. Get good enough to defend myself. I get that you are going to have to go hard on me to make me learn. I understand.”
>”Yeah. It might not be every day but I’ll be there. Help how I can. Get good enough to defend myself. I get that you are going to have to go hard on me to make me learn. I understand.”
We need to get the cute boys to teach us
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Going to go ahead and call it for Macy coming to boot camp. Heh, boot camp for a girl with the last name Calderon-Boot. Master of wit.

And yeah. Something is happening tonight.

Doing better, it just happens around the holidays for reasons.

The two you met might very well end up stumbling on you and the rest practicing. So might another one. Who knows? They might be able to show you a few things, though. There will be an option to go find them during the next week intentionally.

Going to try and get something out by tomorrow.
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“I-I will. I want to be strong enough to protect you and Em; my other friends, since I have them now. So, it’s fine. You have my permission to hurt me, if that is what you think is for the best. I trust you, Jenn. Emmy.”, and you had a small, warm girl clamped onto you and you were stroking her soft hair before you even realized it.

“Be tough on me. I’ve always been kind of coddled… mom and dad knew I had issues since I was a kid… never pushed me. Just let me do what I wanted, since they knew I’m pretty smart. I don’t know much about child care but, that might not have been the best thing.”

“You turned out amazing, Macy. I’m sorry if you needed more as a kid; attention, support, care… but I could tell your parents loved you just from meeting them for a few minutes. So come here, get closer. Lay down with me and Em for a bit… she is probably feeling as crap as I am but, hey? Maybe a direct injection of Macy-ium will fix it. Still a while till you have to be back in your room. Maybe a quick nap? You and Emmy; let’s get under the covers.”, and it was all you could ever want. Being with your sisters, being warm enough the ice in your chest didn’t ache so badly.


You were back there. Back where Jenny was. Dark and cold with an oppressive aura that chilled you but you had started getting used to it. Made your way down and… there was the slight scent of weed. Well, she did say it was smoky for a bit.

“Hey, Jenny. You awake… and you just sleep on the ground?”

“Arugh… still dizzy. And yes. Also, yes. Not like I have a bed in here; it’s fine. I do wish I had a blanket at least. It’s chilly in here.”, the child-sized version of you says while picking herself up and grabbing her “wand” which was resting next to her alongside your old hairbrush which you manifested before.

“Here. Sit on my lap. I’ll warm you up some.”, and you went and sat behind her, held her a bit… and she was terribly cold along the aura of fear, hatred, and desperation around her. “I don’t know if I can manage a bed; I did bring in a brush. I can probably manage a couple of comforters and a pillow at least.”

“Don’t you still think I am evil…I mean, I am as much as you are and have managed to use the Curse on a thinking being. A bit more because of how I was “born”. But I would appreciate it.”

“I haven’t made up my mind if you are evil or not. So far you have been helpful… and you are me. Supposedly. But even if you are bad, you don’t deserve to sleep cold on a stone floor.”, and you focused inward. To your memories of childhood, of your favorite blankets, comforters. Pillow. Forced them into existence, barely, and swayed from the strain. But they were there and smelling like the detergent mom used. Yeah, a bed was going to be too much but you were getting used to doing this some; always prided yourself on being a quick study.

“Jennifer. I do appreciate this. Really.”

“I-It’s fine. I do have a dislike of coldness; a weak spot for younger girls as you know. But? Figured out anything that can help us?”

“Hah. So, this is just a bribe? How very Slytherin.”, Jenny said in a voice so much like your own, and giggled in a tone that very much not your own.

“Uhg. No, it’s me trying to be nice. Call it self-care, if you are me.”

“Ha! Self-care; we are truly a master of wit. However… I can’t see very far forward right now; a few seconds or so unless something comes to me directly. Haven’t had another premonition, prophetic vision, whatever you want to call it since we over-reached and hit that wall of magic Monday. I should be okay in a few days, I think. Can help us survive. Maybe figure more out. I do have a lot of time to think in here. Can kinda feel things due to not being jammed back into your soul incorrectly; sticking out some. When we activated those sigils? I felt something break, like when I crashed into something. And… no? What the… JENN! Wake up! Wake up right fucking now!”, and the miniature version of you had her eyes glowing killing green.

“W-what? Why?”

“No time! Up. Now!”, and a ten-year-old version of yourself elbows you hard enough in the ribs that you are suddenly awake in bed with your twin snoring next to you while your heart is racing a mile a minute.

Something… something was happening.

You could feel it.

It was most certainly not a good thing.

“Emmy! Wake up! Something is going on. Ass in gear!”, and you slapped your twin’s plump butt, hard.

“Ah! Ouch, fu-frick Jenn, what was that for!”

“We need to get up, now!”, and were kind of thankful both of you crashed out still dressed. “I don’t know what exactly but, Jenny woke me up and I have a really bad feeling, so up! Get Macy, I’m going to Aubrey!”, and you rolled out of bed after another slap on her butt to make sure she didn’t fall back asleep. Turned the lights on and started grabbing your, wand, glove; small gun, even if you didn’t think it would be that useful.

“Fu-frick! Fine!”



Downstairs, with your hair in the sloppy bun you used for dueling, you started knocking on Aubrey’s door and nearly had a heart attack when it opened to a girl already fully clothed and awake almost instantly.

You had thought she was dressed for war before… no, that was just her normal. Now she had both her pistols on her waist. A massive dagger strapped across what you were pretty sure was a bulletproof vest. Theodore on her belt… the same camo get-up you had seen before. A couple of other small blades and her hair back in a pony-tail.

“Jenn! You aren’t supposed to be out this late. It’s like two in the morning.”

“And why on earth are you up and looking like you are about to storm Normandy!?”
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“Going out for a patrol. I only sleep like two hours at a time, so I can do a few a night.”, she said like it was the most natural thing you could do. Even more than the guns, knives, and bombs… this convinced you she was literally mad. In a good way you suppose, given you just caught her before she went out and might actually need a small living armory with you.

“We are going out with you. Something is happening… I felt it. In my gut. Had weird divination results and stuff. And… come here. A hug. In case it really is bad.”, and you went in arms open and wrapped them around her. Felt how heavy all the stuff she was carrying must be. Had her tentatively hug you back.

Fuck, how was she this strong! She was lifting you off the ground!

“Ah..I-okay just for a minute. And thanks. For the hug. It gets lonely on patrol this late.”

“Yeah. Just to check it out… you are a good, responsible girl. You take the burden for other people’s shifts, right? Amazing. Cool.”, and got a little smile from the girl who could kill you and everyone in here if she wanted, probably, what with her prefect powers and an arsenal in her room.

Maybe she would at least tell you not to come to class that day if she snapped… no. No. No Bitch-Jenn right now. Aubrey was alright; had brain issues, but so did your littler little sis and you loved her all the same.

Part of you, the Slytherin one, knew you were just manipulating Aubrey to have her do what you wanted, had seen she reacted well to positive affirmation, being liked by people… another part thought she was just nice, interesting. A good girl. And pretty nice looking; no stop that, Jenn.

Not the time.

A minute later, you and the mousy haired brunette were in an empty, dimly lit common room along with a groggy but dressed Emmy and Macy. About to head out the large double door, had Aubrey start turning the handle before remembering she needed to undo the lock, mess with the security enchantment… then had her turn back.

Her eyes were like she when was fighting giant spiders and panthers; cold and almost dead instead of the normal cheerful gray. She drew her wand like a bolt of lightning and called out a spell you didn’t know.

“Oh. Oh. Fuck. The doors should be locked. Have the enchantments to stop unauthorized entry or detect people leaving after curfew… they are unlocked. The enchantment isn’t there. They were wide open for anyone.”, and her tanned face went a bit pale. “You said you felt like something was happening… I need to look.”

“And we are coming as your back-up.”

“Alright, I’ve seen you all fight before. Stay behind me. Run if something happens, Theodore and I will make sure they know you can always take someone with you.”

Well, that was fucking grim.

Out the door after Aubrey had used a colloportus on the door, had Emmy transfigure a large slab of steel from one of the pins in ‘Brey’s sewing kit in front of the entrance… it was quiet.
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Too quiet; when you had been out this late before, there were some hoots from owls. Crickets chirping. Calls from some nocturnal birds. But now the air was dead. Still as the grave and windless. Something… something was very wrong. The moon was shining bright through the clouds, three quarters full, so it wasn’t too hard to see especially with a very light mist reflecting it’s light.

>You needed to find the other prefects, Head Boy or girl if they out this late too; they are probably alone in the middle of the night. Aubrey has their routes memorized. Warn them, get one to send a Patronus, find a Caretaker.

>Get to the other Halls. If yours had been unlocked, disenchanted; theirs may have been too. Secure them. Get people up.

>You had a bad feeling… your hall was the closest to the Eastern side of the Forests; the most dangerous one. You needed to check, look to see there if something was happening there.

>Run to the main castle, get some professors; you couldn’t be sure if something was actually going on… might get in trouble for waking them for no reason, but…

>Split the party (How)

>Write in

>OOC: I set the DC behind scenes to 25 for just a normal night, 75 for something mildly good to happen. HP Quests are pretty cursed. At least it wasn’t a 1 again.
>>OOC: I set the DC behind scenes to 25 for just a normal night, 75 for something mildly good to happen. HP Quests are pretty cursed. At least it wasn’t a 1 again.
>25 for normal
>75 for good
>this means that under 25 is bad
>i got a 24 in the previous roll
oh boy...

>You needed to find the other prefects, Head Boy or girl if they out this late too; they are probably alone in the middle of the night. Aubrey has their routes memorized. Warn them, get one to send a Patronus, find a Caretaker.
something is telling me that they wont listen to us since Aubrey is known as the local schizo, but its worth a try, and if everything works out then it could fix a bit our reputation of "wildcard" and let them know we arent bad
>>Get to the other Halls. If yours had been unlocked, disenchanted; theirs may have been too. Secure them. Get people up.
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Yeah. I gave like a 75% chance for nothing going on yet... but this will be fun. The random event thing that y'all rolled a 6 on had something similar then there was a 6 which lead to a small Mexican girl getting bullied and then you sending people to the infirmary and giving them PTSD.

Well, Jenn has been told she wouldn't have a nice, simple life.

At least it wasn't a 1, even if it would have been very fun.
>>You needed to find the other prefects, Head Boy or girl if they out this late too; they are probably alone in the middle of the night. Aubrey has their routes memorized. Warn them, get one to send a Patronus, find a Caretaker.
would be funny if a 24 means they just forgot to lock the door
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I will probably close this like at 3 am or so if I am up. That or in the morning, so get the vote out. This is somewhat important for the event, so it does matter.

That could be something, but there is other crap going on it would seem since the door's security enchantments are down.
I'll go ahead and call it.


>Prefects and of Headboy or girl


>Securing the other dorms

Will start some writing after lunch but I may have to leave for a while later. We'll see how far I get.
Rolled 1 (1d3)

Don't mind the roll...
i know that this is just a roll to chose the next thing thats happening to us, but i dont like it that it is a 1...
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“Aubrey, ‘Brey? You feel it too, right? This isn’t right. There should be noise. Some wind. Something. And… you are probably doing double duty or something but… there are other people out this late right? Prefects? Travis or Ashley?”

“Oh… oh crap. None of them take my advice to get stacked and bring explosives. Alright, Friday morning, like 0215… shit, Travis should be around this side right now. Shit! Move, move, move! We have to find him! Follow me, keep up! Keep Macy between you two, watch your corners, keep an eye out!”, you heard and the tall girl kitted out for war started sprinting despite all the junk she had on.


Emmy did well but you suppose Potter really was right about you taking up jogging, even if not for the reason he suggested, since Aubrey was fast. You were asking about this bullshit because she should not be this strong or quick. Macy had trouble until she grabbed a clear potion from her little set of pouched and swigged it then managed to gulp it while running.

Dodged and ran around a few jackalopes, a small two heads snake on you path that Emmy hissed at as you went to the south-east.


The barrier around the school, on the gates… it was supposed to prevent non-human and non-authorized entry.

“Aubrey stop for just a second!”, and you managed to get her to slow then halt, catch her breath since apparently she did get tired some too.

“W-what? He should be pretty close at this time of night…”

“I need to try something. Macy, do you have a Maxima Potion by chance.”, you asked as the smaller girl panted.

“Ah…ah…hate running. N-no; sorry, Jenn.”

“Then this is going to suck; I have to check something.”, and you began pooling your power. Another charm that was more advanced than you should know… let the barriers with Emmy down some to leech a bit of her strength.

”Trasare travarte!”

And a brilliant line of stars burst into existence from your wand tip and you had to strain to stay standing… but you did as you saw them not wink out like they should have in a place like Ilvermorny or Hogwarts… oh fuck.

“The…’Brey, the anti-apparition wards are down!”


“No time. I’m okay. Find Travis. Send Patronus. Quick as we can.”, cried out, still catching your breath some. Began jogging at a quicker pace… this was worse than you first thought… something that could break the protections on a place like Ilvermorny… it might not be Hogwarts but it had its defenses. It took people working from inside and a Dark Wizard like Voldemort to crack them before, and then with Merlin knows how many how many Death Eaters helping…

But… there had been magic that had-

And your thoughts were interrupted by turning a corner between some old buildings, one set up for dueling that Aubrey had shown to you and into a small clearing full of nice trees around it. But…

You had seen people hurt before. Gotten plenty of wounds that needed to be healed yourself.
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You had never seen what you were almost positive was a corpse, fresh, and with her intestines out and steaming while a tall sandy-haired boy tossed out destructive spells into the little patch of trees around the area with the back of his robes shredded and soaked with blood.

“Travis!”, and your taller friend was running; you… you had thought she was sprinting before… no. Just letting you keep up. And the taller boy got tackled to the ground and something was in the mist that parted it that swiped it’s claws in the air… if she didn’t get him down, that would have been at neck level.

Deadly even for a wizard.

And all you saw was it in a vague outline before it shifted back into the shadows and jumped behind one of the small trees all around you.

What… wait. You had read your History, Defense Against the Dark Arts… it was a-

“Hidebehind! Around Travis! He’s hurt badly and no one gets to kill him but me! Keep your eyes open. Look for movements in the fog!”

“That’s right! Someone, check the girl, see if she still has a pulse! After, form up! Protect the living; we can mourn the dead tomorrow if we are around by then!”, and you pushed out a revelio; DADA was not your strong subject but it might help some. You had seen some things about them… fuck.

One had managed to murder a full-grown witch and wizard in the past, took someone as strong as Isolt Sayre with assistance of a very skilled Pukwudgie to bring down.

Damn it.

What…why… what the crap was happening? And, Emmy, and Aubrey were by your side while Macy was shoving a potion in the older boy’s hand and then running to the other girl.

“Macy! Check! Potions! Then, sparks up!”

>I Need 3 rolls of 1d100+38 (Jenn’s battle magic +17, + Emmy assistance bonus +15, + Aubrey assistance +5, +1 from synched magic)


>DC 105

>You have 1 use of coke, two of Enhanced Girding potions, and Emmy’s glove left. The malus from the prior coke potion is gone since you ate and slept since taking it. Mini-me/Jenny is not available at this moment, please leave a message if you wish for her to call back.
Rolled 91 + 38 (1d100 + 38)

Rolled 9 + 38 (1d100 + 38)

Rolled 57 + 38 (1d100 + 38)

looks like whatever this thing is, it's going down or at least running away
Rolled 75 + 38 (1d100 + 38)

>too late for my roll to count
at least we got a very good roll, amma roll just to see if the Curse of Potter doesnt transfer from the other quests...
Just for certain things, it seems. If I ever ask for a dancing roll we will probably end up tripping on our own feet and getting a concussion.

This thing isn't going down without a fight. Also, I will accept rolls without a modifier, so don't bother with deleting it. Funny that they were one number off, though.

>129 vs 105

Round one is total Hidebehind death.
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Microsoft forced a reset on my computer and yay I lost last my last update and what I was working on in the file. Bill Gates should be publicly castrated and flayed!
fuck, that sucks.
hope it wasnt too much
“Back-to-back! Eyes out! This fucker only has so many places to hide, can only go invisible for a second or two! Emmy! Barriers down, all the way! Macy, the girl-“

“D-dead, Jenn.”, she said as she formed up with you and sent up a line of red flickering lights.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck…Travis, shit that looks nasty… why is the potion not working?!”

“C-cursed wounds. Hidebehinds aren’t natural, are Dark; it did make it feel a bit better though.”

“Of course it did, my littlest little sister is a genius!”, and at the very least the four deep lines on his back had stopped bleeding some; he could last until you killed this thing. “Stay down, we need you in a minute.”

“Jenn! We need to run! These things a no joke!”, the tall girl with enough firepower to take out a dragon said from beside you.

“Which is why we are killing it! So it can’t hurt more people! Kill them! Head in the game ‘Brey! Macy, have anything for me!?”

“A-a Garroting gas-“

“Fucking perfect. He can’t hide if he can’t get a breath. Toss it! Macy or Emmy, shoot it when it is over there!”

Then there is a tiny, bottle of noxious green colored liquid flying through the air to the last place you saw this monster, and before Emmy could even cast, a bullet hit it before if could land and a terrible emerald cloud erupted.

“That’s right! Flush the fucker out!”

And a second later a huge wolf…bear, whatever, creature was leaping out out of the lingering cloud.


You doubted their fur protected against this, even if they were tough.

And you called out the incantation to rip something down from the air, and slammed the beast hard against the ground.

Noticed its eyes were red… just like…

Screw it.

Fight now, think later.

“Now!”, and your twin was calling out the Transfiguration spell to summon a barrage of conjured arrows, small darts from her wand as Aubrey carefully aimed with her new massive pistol and put a round that sizzled and popped into its side.

Despite all that… it managed to get up… tried to leap at you once more as Aubrey reloaded her god killer which had managed to all but deafen you and even sent her back a few centimeters before.

>I need three people to roll a 1d100+38 to end this.


>DC 90
Rolled 90 + 38 (1d100 + 38)

please dice gods...be gentle...
now THATS what the fuck im talking about!
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Hit it without even counting the bonus.

Lets see if we get a nat 1.
Rolled 28 + 38 (1d100 + 38)

Rolled 59 + 38 (1d100 + 38)

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“Back-to-back! Eyes out! This fucker only has so many places to hide, can only go invisible for a second or two! Emmy! Barriers down, all the way! Macy, the girl-“

“D-dead, Jenn.”, she said as she formed up with you and sent up a line of red flickering lights.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck…Travis, shit that looks nasty… why is the potion not working?!”

“C-cursed wounds. Hidebehinds aren’t natural, are Dark; it did make it feel a bit better, though.”

“Of course it did, my littlest little sister is a genius!”, and at the very least the four deep lines on his back had stopped bleeding some; he could last until you killed this thing. “Stay down, we need you in a minute.”

“Jenn! We need to run! These things a no joke!”, the tall girl with enough firepower to take out a dragon said from beside you.

“Which is why we are killing it! So it can’t hurt more people! Kill them! Head in the game, ‘Brey! Macy, have anything for me!?”

“A-a Garroting gas-“

“Fucking perfect. He can’t hide if he can’t get a breath. Toss it! Macy or Emmy, shoot it when it is over there!”

Then there is a tiny, bottle of noxious green colored liquid flying through the air to the last place you saw this monster, and before Emmy could even cast, a bullet hit it before if could land and a terrible emerald cloud erupted.

“That’s right! Flush the fucker out!”

And a second later a huge wolf…bear, whatever, creature was leaping out of the lingering cloud.


You doubted their fur and hide protected against this, even if they were tough. Blunt force trauma tended to work versus most things, according to daddy.

And you called out the incantation to rip something down from the air, and slammed the beast hard against the ground.

Noticed its eyes were red… just like…

Screw it.

Fight now, think later.

“Now!”, and your twin was calling out the Transfiguration spell to summon a barrage of conjured arrows, small darts from her wand as Aubrey carefully aimed with her new massive pistol and put a round that sizzled and popped into its side. Macy… she screamed out the incantation for a confringo.

Despite all that, it managed to get up… tried to leap at you once more as Aubrey reloaded her god killer which had managed to all but deafen you and even sent her back a few centimeters despite her retar- no that isn’t a nice word and she was pretty smart, if very odd. Despite her abnormal strength…

>I need three people to roll a 1d100+38 to end this.


>DC 90
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And I am a fucking idiot. Thought I posted something different after I did the last one because I had to rewrite and recover a file. Fuck me sidewise.

Fight is done.

Checking the document to see if any more shit is messed up.
And as it leapt… Macy of all people… easily the weakest person here threw herself before you. Put out the strongest shield she could which broke the second the beast hit it.



She hated fighting.

But she was. And you were so proud of her you would tackle her in a hug if you and the other girls weren’t fighting for your lives; if she hadn’t needed to force a potion into the hands of a boy likely more powerful than you were to keep him going.

If there wasn’t a girl with hair that reminded you of yourself with her blonde locks dead with her eyes still open, guts steaming in the mist…


You were giving every-one a hug after this. It might not fix it; the trauma. But it might help. Mom had taught you and Emmy to hug well and your Veela blood… they were yours. All of them. Even the nut job. The guy she thought was a Dark Lord. And most of all, your twin and littlest little sister.

“Girls! Finish this! He’s already bleeding out. One more tiny push and we can get Travis to send a Patronus, Apparate!”, and you sent out a spell that bordered on Dark…

No… that was just self-deception.

You knew exactly what it was.

Something daddy had taught you.

A blade of killing force, but not a diffindo. Something he had learned back in the bad old days in the House of Salazar Slytherin.

Tossed it right into the face of this dumb bear-wolf thing at eye level.

Hidebehinds were pretty resistant to magic and even if you were a bit powerful for your age, you were still only 16; had another decade and a half for your magic to fully mature. However…

Despite how resistant their coats and hides were? It didn’t really apply to the eyes.


A Dark curse for a Dark creature.

You… you had a bad habit of doing this but apparently, they even taught this spell at Ilvermorny. You probably were a monster, weren’t you since you loved seeing the beast howling on the ground now blinded and helpless.

“Emmy! Macy! ‘Brey”

“I have it, sis! Just a bit more power!”

“Whatever you need! Just like before, take it!”

“Then… Ifullia Lumina!

And… your sister was good at aiming. Tossed balls into tiny hoops basically every day she could. As long as it wasn’t a gun, she was great and so a small line of brilliant white light went through one side of the monster’s skull and out the other to dig a tiny hole in the ground as it twisted on the ground, blind and hurt badly; both of you swayed some from sharing your power before Aubrey walked over to the twitching body, her eyes like gray ice.

Pulled out her cute pistol with what you had been informed were Hello Kitty grips and dumped the entire magazine into the disgusting creature’s head.

When you recovered, you had to stop her from emptying a second mag, all but tackled her except you forgot how freaking strong and dense she was; didn’t get far with that play but you at the least got her to stop mutilation the thing’s body.

“It killed Jessica; she was nice to me! Jenn! I wasn’t quick enough! I was lazy, laid in bed for a few minutes after I woke from my nap! I could have stopped it, and-and now Travis is hurt… and only I get to kill him, and-and… she is gone! Dead, fucking dead!”

“And, you avenged her! You did good, ‘Brey and we are saving Travis so you can kill him later! Worry about the dead tomorrow. You know the spell to help with Cursed wounds, right? Have some dittany?! We are fixing Travis up. Closing that girl’s eyes, that way she’s just sleeping. Got it!? Emmy, conjure a blanket to cover her with! Everyone! Eyes out, we don’t know what else got in; you all did amazing!”, and you are hugging the strange girl as tight as you could while she sobbed some. “The tears can wait until we make sure everyone else out right now is safe, ‘Brey. My strong and crazy… wait. When where you born?”

“W-what? May second. W-why is that important?”

“Then you are my newest little sister! We’ve already fought side by side twice. So, listen to your big sis and dry those tears for now!”

“W-what?! I’m taller than you, a prefect, I’m-“, and at the least her tears had stopped.

“You are, and you can go ahead and add “Jennifer Sander’s newest little sister” to the list! Your doing good ‘Brey. I know it was rough seeing that girl like that; Travis hurt. Just stay strong for a bit longer.”, and you scratched her head some, gave her a little kiss on her cheek despite needing to stand on your tip toes to pull it off.

Aubrey was frightening as fuck to be honest but also kind.

Helpful. Strong.

Vulnerable and hard on herself.

You were pretty good at reading people, nearly a Slytherin after all, so you picked up on that pretty easily.

So right now, you had to be strong for her, even if you were worried; scared by what was happening. Sickened by that poor girl being ripped open. Right now, you needed coldness and precision, not warm tears.

That’s right Jenn; tears aren’t protecting your little sisters or a tall and handsome older boy unless there is some ritual that uses them you don’t know of yet.

You had to be strong for everyone here; last time you weren’t and a kind dark-haired boy nearly died. You needed to keep people calm, to fix up the only person you knew that was close by and could conjure a corporeal Patronus, have him send a little silver racoon to…

>The Headmistress and Headmaster; they might know how to fix the defenses being down. Are presumably quite powerful.

>Aubrey’s mom and dad, they were the DADA teachers and you had seen what Professor Jamie could do despite being a Squib. You doubt the other part of the pair was any less impressive… and Aubrey might need her mom and dad right now.

>It would take a few minutes to get here, but mom and daddy had fought and won versus impossible odds before and dad was the scariest person you knew, very well versed in in magical threats and anomalies from his work.

>The Head girl. Travis was out with another prefect, one that was presumable strong, skilled and one of them was still dead and Travis was badly injured. She had kind of been a bitch before, but she needed to be warned that something had happened to the school defenses.

Sorry guys. IRL has been happening.
>>The Headmistress and Headmaster; they might know how to fix the defenses being down. Are presumably quite powerful.
>>The Headmistress and Headmaster; they might know how to fix the defenses being down. Are presumably quite powerful.
I'll likely keep this open till afternoon while waiting to see if there are more votes that come in.
>>The Headmistress and Headmaster; they might know how to fix the defenses being down. Are presumably quite powerful.
>The Headmistress and Headmaster; they might know how to fix the defenses being down. Are presumably quite powerful.
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Unanimous for doing the likely most responsible thing. Hopefully they can get dressed fast. Will start writing some.

Let's see how Ashley is doing.

>I need 3 people to roll 1d100+20(Ashley skill) vs a DC of 95
Rolled 45 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

Rolled 52 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

Rolled 8 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

best they learn about the dead person now instead of later
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So the Head Girl is not having the time of her life.



Well, we will see. Starting dinner, then writing what I hope is a short-ish update I can get out tonight. Sending the Patronus to them was probably the smartest choice, though the others would have been fun.

Thank everyone for the votes and the quick rolls.

Y'all are great. Picrel.
“Aubrey! You and I are healing him. Grab any Dittany you have; girls, any you two have and start chewing it to a paste to put in the wounds! Travis? Still alive, buddy?”, you shouted out over your deafened ears.

Surely those gunshots were going to alert someone who could help like a Caretaker or one of the Pukwudgie security officers.


“Eyes out then rub it in the gashes.”, then you began to chant the spell to help with Cursed wounds, the one that could heal the spell you just used to blind the Hidebehind.

”Vulnera Sanentur.”
”Vulnera Sanentur.”
”Vulnera Sanentur.”

Aubrey finished her mouth-full of bitter leaves and rubbed into the slashes the macerated mess and Travis tried not to scream.

“Arugh! I-I’m still alive. F-fuck this hurts.”

“Better than dying like that poor girl! Don’t be a little bitch, big guy! Then, as soon as we stabilize you, a Patronus is getting sent to the Headmistress! Got it? ‘The doors are unlocked, anti-entry wards down, anti-Apparition. Creatures on grounds! Need help, Thunderbird Hall secured, and describe where we are with the landmarks!”, and you were rubbing more paste in along with Emmy and Macy while Aubrey took the next round of healing him as you recovered.

“Macy, have a Painkilling potion?”, Emmy, asked as she knelt by Travis.

“Those are really strictly controlled! But… a tiny one. Here Mr. Blackthorn. Drink. It tastes bad, try not to throw it up.”, and Macy popped the cork on the smallest bottle you had ever seen, helped him turn his head to gulp it down to what looked like almost immediate relief, before you began working again. “Tell no one I had this, sir.”

“H-hey, sure. Nice, smart, and cute… thanks.”, the sandy haired Head Boy said with just a slight slur and you saw Macy blush just a bit; better that her face being pale as a sheet like when you had been fighting you suppose. Still… “If I make it out? Are you taken or-“, and you pressed some paste just a bit harder than needed into a hideous laceration.


“I… I don’t really like guys much, Mr. Blackthorn. Sorry.”

“O-oh well; thanks anyway. And you are pretty regardless; I don’t think it’s the potions talking, you have really beautiful eyes-arugh! “

And you did it one more, extremely lightly, since it was pretty innocent.

“Ah, ah! Alright, I get it!”

It took Emmy having a turn and a second Wiggenweld from Macy, but the wounds had stopped bleeding much and closed up some, even if they were still open, so you and your tallest little sister pulled Travis up to his knees, shoved his wand into his hand. Gave him a look that said you would brook no argument as your little sisters kept back-to-back, looking for new threats, and Macy threw up more sparks.

A second later, a small silver and white raccoon was hopping through the air and then disappeared into mist as Travis nearly collapsed from the strain before ‘Brey caught him.
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“M-macy… do you have a Blood Replacement potion, too? Please? Even if he was hitting on you? O-only I get to kill him.”

“That bad, huh? If it happens, Aubrey, I’m sorry about every-“, and Travis got shushed by the gray-brown haired girl.

“Shut it, Dark Lord Blackthorn! It’s just worse than it looks. That’s all… yeah, ‘Brey. Yeah, that’s all.”

“N-no. I’m sorry, ‘Brey. S-sis, I don’t. Going to be working on those and a few other things now, I think, though. All I have left are a few Wiggenwelds, Invigorating Draughts, a… special brew, my bezoars and an anti-toxin. Another gas potion.”, Macy stammers out, sounding disappointed in herself as she tossed a revealing spell out.

Yep. Cheeks still a bit pink, heh, even if she wasn’t into boys.

“MayMay. All? That’s amazing. You did great and-“, then Emmy was cut off by a blood-curdling scream of fear and pain coming from the West… one from a voice you recognized. It was A-


Aubrey and Travis shouted out at the same time, and Aubrey was on her feet after setting her supposed rival and nemesis gently on his stomach so it didn’t hurt his wounds, and was about to start running to the cry.

You still hadn’t heard the dry pop of Apparition, though there were some distant noises of spells and curses in the air now.

Shit… if she was out alone…

It took three and a half of you to take this thing out. And, while you were sure, she was strong and smart? What you heard through the light mist filled your bones with frost. What was happening to her? No one to watch her back and without a living arms depot like Aubrey, or pharmacy like Macy? W-why did she sound so terrified?

”Because, there are things worse than death, Jennifer. Much, (i)much(/i) worse.”

>Yank Aubrey back down. She was about to run towards it, be a big dumb hero. Do her job as a prefect and protect people. You had to wait for the Headmistress or Headmaster together; Ashley might even already be dead by now.

>Jump up with her. Ash might have been a hard ass, sort of a bitch, but there was already one girl dead tonight. You couldn’t stand more. Go with Aubrey. Have Macy and Emmy put up overlapping Prismatic shields around themselves and a badly wounded Travis until Professor Edelweiss got there, with her husband, hopefully. Have them sit tight.

>Pull Travis back up, even if it hurt him, shove all the Wiggenwelds and Invigoration Draughts you had down his throat even if he had a tiny heart attack; make him send out all the Patronuses he could, Apparate away to his Hall or the main castle even if they might not be secure. (Take someone with him? 1 max.)

>Same as above but no more Patronuses; keeps a couple of beneficial potions left. Make him Apparate away even if it nearly killes him so you had your whole team and run towards Ash.

>Second option but go with someone else towards the screaming girl aside from Aubrey and have her stay back, 1 person max.

>Write-in. Can combine stuff.

>Jenn has unlocked the General Jenn (Novice) Trait. Right now all you know is people listen to you when you speak and you share your Brave trait with those under your command.

>I also need a 1d100+5 (Antique Xylomancy Twigs) VS DC 85 to see if something good happens. No rolling DC, bad results, or crit fails, though a nat 100 will make it narratively cooler and might get you something.

Stupid formatting. Not worth it to mess around
Rolled 44 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

>Same as above but no more Patronuses; keeps a couple of beneficial potions left. Make him Apparate away even if it nearly killes him so you had your whole team and run towards Ash.
Rolled 58 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

>Yank Aubrey back down. She was about to run towards it, be a big dumb hero. Do her job as a prefect and protect people. You had to wait for the Headmistress or Headmaster together; Ashley might even already be dead by now.


Yeah. I can not eat and write. It was meant to be three people roll a 1d100+5. Fuck. Going to commit sudoku, BRB.

So one more roll.
Rolled 98 (1d100)

>>Yank Aubrey back down. She was about to run towards it, be a big dumb hero. Do her job as a prefect and protect people. You had to wait for the Headmistress or Headmaster together; Ashley might even already be dead by now.
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>massive dick roll
>lucky 7's
holy shit anon! nice save!
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Impressive save. Will close this later today so if you haven't voted, go for it.
Going to close it in like 2-3 hours and try to get something out.

Vote if you wish, but thank you all for voting and rolling.

Ashley is going to very happy you rolled well for the luck check.
did the lucky 7´s helped with anything?
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>Lay down for a quick nap after eating a ton of home-made lasaga
>Sleep for like 8 hours

Mechanically? No, but I will try and make what happens cooler narratively. I have toyed around with the idea for a perk that gives a bonus to rolls/decisions for dubs/trips/quads if you get good enough at Divination though. I do want stuff other than straight battle magic to be something people want to invest in increasing. Like, getting charms or transfiguration up past certain points is going to add to BM in addition to relevant rolls, which is good since after a point it is going to be harder to just train BM straight up. Same for like physical self-defense or shooting. I might rename battle magic just to "battle" to reflect it is just your overall ability to fuck people up.

>You shall not pass!

>GTFO, Travis! This is girls night out!

Anyway, calling it for keeping the little schizo from running off. Or trying at least. She does have that 'tard strength.
As your tall, tawny haired newest sister jumped up and tried to bolt, you had jumped up, right behind her. Grabbed Aubrey by the waist and were holding her back.

Trying to, at least.

She physically dragged you a few feet as you tried to keep her from running off into what might be her death; what was certainly danger.

“Aubrey! ‘Brey! Stop! We need to wait for the Headmistress and Headmaster! Macy, more sparks!”, you yelled out as you fought to restrain the taller girl.

“No! What we need to do is go help Ash! Get… off… of… ME!”, and suddenly there was an elbow to your face and you felt some blood trickle from your lip onto your chin.


Emily Overprotective Trait Activated!

It wasn’t enough to make you let go, only to readjust, grab on to a couple of little straps on the shoulder of Aubrey’s bulletproof vest to hold her back; as an elbow cocked back to go again… a blonde-haired Bludger in human form tackled the taller girl from the side.

“Don’t ever fucking touch her! Stay the fuck down, Aubrey! You are going to get yourself killed! Us killed!”, and your little twin was helping to hold the taller girl down; even then, she was managing to pull herself up with the weight of both of you on her plus all her gear.

How fucking strong was she!?

“Hey! Stop! Stop it! We need to protect each other, Mister Blackthorn, not fight! He’s hurt! He needs us!”, and a very light depulso knocked the three of you apart, as your littlest little sister screamed at you.

You began getting up from your knees, saw Emmy do the same, and you could see ‘Brey quickly get to her feet, about to run again. Fuck! You were brave, but you hoped to Merlin you weren’t this suicidality dumb…

You probably were, actually; maybe why you did get along with the crazy girl with enough weapons to start a war.

>103 vs DC 85

Then suddenly, there was a slightly familiar voice from behind you.

“Girls! Mister Blackthorn! Are you all okay!? I saw sparks, heard fighting!”, and you saw Professor Cross lightly jogging through the mist in a robe and light casual clothes. “What… wait, is that, Miss Rosenthal? There? On the ground?”

“P-professor! What are you doing here, what… yes. Yeah. She’s-“, you began while standing, but your voice hitched and you couldn’t say it.

“I had an odd dream, went out to clear my head so-“

“Cross! There was a Hidebehind! Travis, he’s hurt! Jessica is dead! We heard Ash scream just a second ago! The wards are down, apparition, protection, everything! Stuff is getting in! Travis sent a Patronus to the Headmistress, but-but…”

And the quirky red-head’s slightly tired eyes shifted over between the dead girl mostly covered by a blanket to the bloodied Head Boy, then back to you; they were no longer heavy lidded and kind or goofy, like they had been when you took lunch with her.

No… her brownish-red eyes were open wide and hardened. Focused.


“I see.”, she said in a hard tone, much more aged than her appearance would fit, and paced over to a prone Travis laid, and glanced at the four large lacerations along his back; glanced at the monstrous wolf-bear creature with most of its head shot through. “You healed those wounds well. They will do until he can get to Bartlett. Which direction was the scream from; where would that girl be right now? I know you keep track of the others, Miss Thompson.”

“It came from the south-west. If both of them are out she should be just a little down from the western gates at this time of night, more towards the south…”

“Good girl. I am proud of all of you for killing that monster, saving Mister Blackthorn. Sit tight, I’m going to go find Miss Patrick. You said the anti-apparition wards are down, yes?”

“Y-yes, ma’am. I checked myself. But, just you alone-“, you said.

“I taught Defense Against the Dark Arts for 25 years before taking a less stressful position. I will be fine.”


Like, 65 years of teaching? How old was she?! She might have even been around to teach the Headmistress.

Brave Trait Active!

Still… she was just one person. Then another chilling scream came from the same direction and you gripped your wand tight enough you though it might crack. Felt heat in your blood, despite the ice in your chest, despite the terror.


You had to be cold. Calculating. Clever and cunning, even if you were fairly powerful and skilled. Embrace some of the chill in your bones and make it into strength and power.

The cold just made you stronger.

You had to believe that.

That was how daddy won against incredible odds; it was how you were able to be born, alongside Emmy, because he took the fear and made it turn on itself when he saved himself, saved mom.

Yet… you still had a lot of mom’s fire in within you; her warmth. Bravery and loyalty from the best woman you knew of. You were made of part of a woman who had given certain death a middle finger and spat on him.


Another piece of you had come from someone who would die drawing off Death Eaters so that maybe the younger students… that not so many would perish, even if she knew she would.


>It would make you a hypocrite when you had to stop Aubrey from running off, but you were going with her. If nothing more you could keep the Head Girl safe while the Professor fought whatever was there.

>Help had arrived before you could have expected. Just bunker down like you planned until the Headmistress or Headmaster got there. Professor Cross would be fine, right?

>Aubrey had been so insistent on running to Ashley that she needed to be tackled to the ground…you had a teacher with you, now. Both of you go; who knows what is happening. You needed to help the screaming girl out while keeping Travis safe for a few minutes; this was a good compromise.

>Same as above but a different companion

>Write in
>Help had arrived before you could have expected. Just bunker down like you planned until the Headmistress or Headmaster got there. Professor Cross would be fine, right?
whatever dispelled the wards is probably way out of our league, we cant chew more than we can swallow, gotta leave this one to the professors
>>Help had arrived before you could have expected. Just bunker down like you planned until the Headmistress or Headmaster got there. Professor Cross would be fine, right?
we've nearly died enough times for one night
>>Help had arrived before you could have expected. Just bunker down like you planned until the Headmistress or Headmaster got there. Professor Cross would be fine, right?
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I will go ahead and call it for doing the responsible thing and just bunkering down. Aubrey... she probably won't be pleased, but you would likely just be getting in the way of someone as experienced as your Professor. Ashley no longer needs to make saves to no get pasted since help arrived.
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“Aubrey… we have a teacher here now. She is... quite experience, it seems. So, calm down.”

“Jenn! You just heard Ash scream again!”

“And that means Ashley is still alive! We have Travis to protect, the Headmistress or Headmaster to inform when they get here! We can’t go out doing stupid, deadly shit! We are 16! There are skilled, fully grown witches and wizards here! The Pukwudgies! We were lucky to kill that Hidebehind. Think!”

“Jenn!” And your hand was already on your wand.

“Do NOT make me stun you! I have trouble pulling my punches and I don’t want to hurt my newest little sister. Miss Cross, you might want to pop away before Aubrey can try to hi-jack a ride from you.”

“That does seem wise, young Diviner. Well then, a bit out of practice but I suppose fighting the Dark? It is like riding a bike.”, and the older red-head grabbed a tiny draw from her little flask before popping away as Aubrey jumped to try and grab hold to go along as well before landing on her knees.

“D-damn it! God fucking damn it! Ash needs more help! She’s going to die like Jess! Cross needs back up, we need-“, and the tall girls hand was shaking as it was next to her wand and a gun. Some of it was anger, you knew… but quite a bit was fear. The sensation of helplessness and failure. You got that much from her.

“What you need to do is come here, ‘Brey right beside your sisters and your… rival. We are going to put shields up until the Headmistress gets here. Come on. You already did well. You said yourself Hidebehinds weren’t a joke, what could crack the wards is probably worse.”, you said to the kneeling girl… you had your own suspicions about what damaged the barriers. It involved four blood red comets shooting out. Didn’t explain the doors. Maybe not the anti-apparition wards either. But you thought you might have had an unwitting hand in this.

Not just got someone hurt, but killed this time.

Stupid fucking Jennifer.

“Come one, ‘Brey. A hand up. We all need one sometimes.”, and you reached down, squatted really, and got a pair of cold eyes gray behind large glasses that were looking down at a lightly trembling hand then back up at you bloodied lip.

“O-okay. Alright. I-I’m sorry about hitting you, Jenn. Can we still be-be friends? I was just- just so-“, and you cut her off

“Yeah. Still my newest little sister. My new friend. You can’t believe the number of bruises I’ve got from me and and Emmy sparring over the years and one time I got her in the head so hard it might have made her retarded. Probably why she is such a slut.”, you said as you lead the taller girl to where Travis was laying and your other little sisters were sitting with wands out.

“Jenn? Frick you. I am still a pure and chaste Thunderbird maiden.”

“That’s why you don’t wear underthings half the time?”

“You know I think they are uncomfortable!”

“Because you want to be able to spread your legs at a moment’s notice, harlot!”

“Like you always wear them all the time; oh, that is only around younger girls and boys, street-walker. Jack the Ripper would have loved you!”

“Jack would have been the Dickless if he met me in London.”

And despite the fear… the sound of spells in the distance including what sounded like Dresden being bombed again that started from the south west, the taller girl with her hand in yours did smile some from the little routine you and Emmy developed over the years.

“Heh. The Dickless… but? Umm, Emmy? If that is the case… with the underwear, you might not want Travis’ head facing that direction.”, Macy chirped out.

And your sister looked down to her legs where she had let the boy rest his head… one which was facing towards her as he was on her thighs. Very close to… well, ‘there’.

“Ugh! Pervert! At least close your eyes! Aren’t you like half dead!”

“Feeling a little better after that.”

“Fricking boys... Fine look all you want; you are never getting some from me! And I was pretty sure you had a crush on Aubrey! Lecher! I can’t stand indecisive men! Grow a pair and ask her out!”

“Hey. I don’t want to be a third wheel when her and Theodore are out.”

“The fricking grenade!?”

“Well, he does have an ‘explosive’ temper.”, and the horribly wounded boy laughed despite the pain while still kind of glancing between your twin’s legs even as you and Aubrey sat and Macy set up an initial layer of shielding. You threw up the best Prismatic shield you could while not keeping totally focused. Pulled you tall, curly haired friend over and manager to force her head down onto the shoulder of your robes as Macy came in close.

Got your little twin to toss out a different shield just to be safe… and had Aubrey cry. You, you wanted to toss something over the other prefect’s body, but if you really needed to protect it for that long you were probably screwed. So right now, she just was looking like she was napping under a simple wool blanket; it would do.

Sorry for the delay. Some writer's block and also dealing with my central heating going out and spending like 4K for a new one. More updates and some choices are coming.
You put your focus on a tall girl kitted out for battle crying, sobbing really, onto your shoulder while a tiny and thin one held you from behind and brushed the other girl’s hair a bit with her hand…they were all good girls.

Better than you at least.




Your little sisters.

Good people.

Ones who hadn’t used the Green Death and liked it.

Ones who didn’t get wet at using concentrated violence on people.

A few minutes and quite a few tears later there were a pair of dry pops and a couple of weird and small snaps outside of the multi-colored barriers you and you little group had set up around yourselves.

“Children! We are here! What is- no, is every one okay?”, and aged and strict voice cried out, sounded like it was coming through a wall due to all the shields, which you and your friends quickly began dismissing.


“Jessica is dead. Travis is hurt; badly. Professor Cross, she went off; we heard Ashly screaming. I… don’t know what’s going on in the south west. Wards are down. Dead Hidebehind…. I’m sorry. If I had been up a few minutes before… Jess would be alive. You can have my prefect pin back. I don’t deserve it, ma’am. Sir.”

And you ripped down the last barrier. Saw a very concerned Headmistress looking down at your little group with a pair of Pukwudgie outfitted for war and a quite sad soft-spoken Headmaster standing in front of a 16-year-old girl’s corpse and shaking his head.

“I see, Miss Thompson. I will be refusing that pin. Lawence? Would you mind taking Mister Blackthorn to Doctor Bartlett? Art? Please bring Miss Jessica’s body?”


“And, Robert-“

“I am already on it dearest. Going off to make sure our old teacher is okay, then the others who are out this late. Meet me back and work on restoring the barriers. Plan?”

“Plan, sweet-heart.”, the older lady with red and silver hair said to her husband and one Pukwudgie grabbed on to Travis’ shoulder and snapped away as another took the dead blonde girl. The Headmaster popped off toward the sounds of a war going down from the south-west.

“Children… we will be heading to your dorm.”

“Headmistress! We secured it! We can help, we-

“Miss Thompson. I have the utmost respect for you. Your esteemed family. But you are a child and I will not allow children to risk their lives. I already woke your mother and father and I believe they would in fact kill me if I let you stay out in these conditions. I have recalled the Pukwudgies on vacation as well as the other teachers who were away. Your mother-“, and there was a massive sound that sounded like the world toppling over from the north. “And, that would be your father. They are both out. So we will be doing what is needed. I am however proud of you for assisting Mister Blackthorn. You did well. All of you young ladies did; are a credit to the House of Chadwick Boot and my old home.”

“Ma’am… I didn’t do well enough, I-“

“Shush. You did everything you could. Now? Your dorm. I will help find the other students out at this time, secure the Halls; you will awaken you classmates, take the young student to the center rooms and keep watch… I am sorry. To each of you. The finest School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the world has failed you.”

“Yes, ma’am. It’s not your… it isn’t your fault.”, Aubrey called out with some tears still staining her cheeks, and you began the walk back as the Headmistress kept watch and had a few more Pukwudgies snap over who she gave orders too.

It was odd really.

How calm you and Emmy were, since this crap was becoming your new normal.

Bad, likely.


Yeah… you probably were.

But you got there, back to the Hall and the Headmistress… well you didn’t think she had her position for no reason. She effortlessly de-transfigured the steel slab Em had made, undid the lock you created for the doors and addressed the handful of students that were up; instructed the older ones to wake the young and lead them to the center of the Hall before tossing out shields over the Hall and relocked the doors before popping over to what you guessed was the next dorm.

It was… well you had heard how Dumbledore had been. The first half of this pair ran head first into danger. Would have made for a fine Gryffindor. The other part was going to secure all the Halls, the Castle alone, aside from a couple of Caretakers and Pukwudgies until all the other teachers were up.

She would have been a fantastic teacher for your old House.

And… an older lady with red braided hair that smelled like marijuana and ale who you lucked upon had showed you up, even if you were a proud former member of the House of Lord Godric; House of the Brave and Strong… you were going to have to do better in Thunderbird.

Up your game.

Had to it would seem given all the crap going on.

Do better for yourself, Emmy, Macy, the little nut job, your new friends… all of them if you were to be their big sister. There was a girl you never really met but sounded alright if she and Aubrey got along still cooling in what you guessed was the infirmary because of you not being good enough.

So? You and the rest?
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You split a couple of simple Invigorating Draughts between the four of you; took a couple of the energy drinks from the cooling cabinets alongside some of the other older students. You told them to man the hall, grab a gun while Aubrey gave a quick, impromptu lesson on tactics for small units. At the end you had three small fire teams at the front hall and common room, had secured the windows with at least an additional layer of shielding and alarm charm. Got the youngest members of the house down together, with you and the older students protecting them.

It was a long night, even if it was late already. You got Macy to nap in a corner and rubbed her pretty brown-red hair some as she nodded off while you and your other little sisters stayed awake. Saw Aubrey break out some very large guns and give them to the girls on the shooting team from her safe. Heard the kind of sounds you might expect from war leaking in from outside despite the shields and quieting charms. Had your eyes start to have trouble staying focused. Nodded off to dreams of blood.


You managed to sleep for a bit once it no longer sounded like the world was ending eventually. Had a little blanket covering you when you woke that you did not put there. Saw Aubrey pacing around while taking tiny pink tablets from an orange muggle pill bottle every five minutes.

“Ah… morning? ‘Brey? Did you not sleep at all? And what are those things you are taking?”

“No. I had to keep everyone safe. I can’t fail, screw up again because I am lazy. It’s just Adderall. Want some? I don’t normally use it, so I have like five bottles stored up.”

“I… sure. And how many pills are in each bottle?”

“120? I am supposed to take four a day. Why is that important? Here you go. I’ll grab some water since you probably can’t dry swallow.”, and the nutty, wide-eyed girl tossed some prescription meth in to your hand. Went to get something to drink from the cooling cabinet… she apparently didn’t drink unfiltered tap water since the fluoride would make her gay and brain-damaged. Had advised you to take up the habit.

She had odd ideas but? Hell; maybe that was what was wrong with you. You were pretty danger seeking and did go both ways…

“Our Charms professor came by a little while back. Undid the doors; said that they had gotten the wards back up, mostly. Cleared out the dangerous stuff from the grounds… some of it was pretty bad. Cross is in the infirmary; alive. So is Ash. Travis. Classes are canceled for the day. We… there were people and Pukwudgies hurt; no more dead but… Jenn? Can I sit next to you for a minute?”

You knocked back her pill and most of a bottle of water before nodding. There will still a couple of kids you could see with blankets over them snoozing but… yeah. She kept watch all night.

Your tallest little sis could rest a bit and talk.
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“Come down. Right here, next to me. Hold my hand; you did well, ‘Brey”

“Okay Thanks, Je… sis?”, and she was down on her butt with her back against the wall. “You knew this was coming. Bad stuff. You said it. This place is my second home… I love Ilvermorny; it is the best school of Magic in the world. I have to keep it safe. But… I feel it. That I get to be one of the people around when a crisis comes… I am not normal. Weird. I am okay with that. But? You? I have gut feelings too. You are a Seer, aren’t you? It’s been a long time since we had one that wasn’t a fraud but… you are, right? You can see it? The future? Help to keep people safe?”


Oh, shit.

“Aubrey… maybe you need a quick nap? And I’m not-“

“And I am not an idiot, despite what some people think concerning the Nargles, which are real. I can add two and two then get four. I have been at this place since I was a little kid because of mom and dad teaching and never had anything worse than little bug bites or a sprained ankle happen outside of duels; you have been here for a week and we have had to kill big spiders, murder kitties, Hidebehinds. Told me we had to get prepared. I might not have even had my vest on or taken Theodore when I was patrolling last night, Jenn, if not from thinking about that. You randomly got to my room like 10 seconds before I was going out and it might be the only reason I am even still alive since I wouldn’t be able to take that abomination out on my own. Would have rushed to Ashley even if I was able to when there was something there that could manage to hurt Professor Cross. You transferred in, are the new buddy of the lady that shows us how to predict the future, beat the little trick she uses with new students… found those weird magic symbols… you knew all this would happen.”

And Aubrey’s eyes were wide and a bit red; probably from the drugs and no sleep. Jaw clenched up a bit. Hand on your own yet only softly.

>Just… just lie. You have already done it. You can do it more. Distract; she has Merlin knows how many Muggle drugs in her, even if witches were normally fairly resistant to them. Easy.

>She is smarter than it may seem, more aware even if eccentric. She will figure it out; you can present it in a better light if it happens now. There are people hurt and dead. Maybe there would not be if you had another true ally.

>Write in


>Ask someone in your House like Hilda to send a corporeal Patronus to Maria. No training today. Make her stay in even if the campus is secured.

>You said every day and you meant it; last night just reenforced why it was important to you. You made a promise and are going to keep it. You’ll get Emmy and Macy up in a bit to help.

>Write in
>“Feeling a little better after that.”
hah, lucky guy.

>She is smarter than it may seem, more aware even if eccentric. She will figure it out; you can present it in a better light if it happens now. There are people hurt and dead. Maybe there would not be if you had another true ally.


>Ask someone in your House like Hilda to send a corporeal Patronus to Maria. No training today. Make her stay in even if the campus is secured.
>She is smarter than it may seem, more aware even if eccentric. She will figure it out; you can present it in a better light if it happens now. There are people hurt and dead. Maybe there would not be if you had another true ally.

>Ask someone in your House like Hilda to send a corporeal Patronus to Maria. No training today. Make her stay in even if the campus is secured.
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I will go ahead and call i it in a few hours, if any lurker wish to chime in. Going to start typing after since my schedule is messed up.
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“Aubey? Brey? It’s safe now if they undid the Charms to lock the doors: can we go to your room?”, and even with a couple of hours of sleep you still felt tired.

“Jenn? You still didn’t answer. But… we can.”

So after the odd girl with gray-brown hair checked over the younger students still sleeping, pulled a couple of their blankets up, had easily picked a small girl up and got her onto a couch instead of the ground, then you and her were in the eclectically furnished walls of her room. You had been told it was protected by a few extra privacy Charms but you still tossed a couple more out as well as Aubrey using some revealing Charms including the one that made Macy faint before; despite the tiredness, she didn’t really seem affected. Some of that may have been extra stamina from all the drugs.


Impressive; you were quite strong for your age. Could use it without issue even when you threw out others beforehand but you were an exception, not a rule.

You… made a powerful friend. Perhaps a strong enemy depending on how she reacted to being told a bit more about you; what was happening. A kind little sister regardless.

And at the end you lowered your mental barriers a bit and felt Emmy; not upstairs in your room but down and towards the direction of your littler little sister’s room that she shared with a small girl from Japan. That was good. She was close if Aubrey flipped out or something… and?

Emmy did love Macy just as much as you. Was responsible enough, strong, and skilled; wanted to protect the younger kids even after you all had been cleared to go back to your own rooms when the campus had been mostly secured it seemed.

“Aubrey? Let’s get you out of that big vest. Get those guns and knives off. I’ll turn around so you can change; let’s lay down for a little bit together; I’ll talk, some. I still have to keep some secrets, even from my best friend. But? The teachers have it now. You did great. Kept everyone safe all night. Saved Travis. You deserve a bit of rest.

“Jenn it still might-“

“No; listen to your big sister. Get changed and I’m going to let you know about some things while I keep you warm under that gorgeous quilt you have.”, and you started to feel her little pill hit… felt a little fire by the ice in your heart.

“I-I… okay; me and grand-mama made it. Do… do you want to change too? I have some big tee shirts, some gym shorts. And… I stay away from aluminum and stuff so not homo, but I don’t care if you see me nude. We’re both girls. I’m going to eventually in the communal showers or in one of the bath houses anyway. So?”, and some of the confidence that was there had told her you we’re a Seer had faded… and she seemed lonely.

You hadn’t really seen someone else up yet; she kept watch all by herself in the night after the rest of you had fallen asleep, hadn’t she?

And even if the two of you weren’t that well acquainted yet? You were proud of her. Happy that you were making her your little sister. That she was your’s.

“Sure. And if you want… we can lay together, without clothes? I’m not going to touch you like that or anything. Never. It has been a long day. Night, I suppose. I do it with Emmy at times when it has been rough. Macy, once or twice if you count cute, small under-things. But you are my little sis now, too.

“I’m not-“

“And that is fine. You are my tallest little sis though; we get to bond and show affection however we care to. And I am going to trust you with something that… I don’t know who can know. I can’t see that far. How many people know. But I chose you as one of the people I think can. I trust you. Think you need to know some. Enough to protect the people you care for, which seems to be a lot of them, since you got the little first year girl up without awakening her and gave her a little kiss on the forehead when you were putting the blanket back over her. You can get to see your hot older sister nude.”

“I… T-Tiffany is nice and smart. She wants to become an Auror like I do when she graduates. It’s why she takes extra classes and is part of the shooting club; will join the League in fall. Has me tutor her some.”, Aubrey squeaked out some as you stripped; got your robes and skirt off. Smelled yourself some and decided a refreshing and scouring Charm were in order, before taking your wand holster off and setting it and your tiny target pistol on Aubrey’s’ second night stand, which you were sure was stocked with deadly crap.

Began to take off your kind of fancy bra and panties… had the tall and thin girl mirror you. Show off her tan lines. And Emmy… you could at least admit she did have a better set of abs than you, even her own were just like a bit more shapely; had a few cute curves and dips.


She put her to shame. Not a 6-pack, but tight with just the right layer of fat on belly; toned. Had a cute French tip style of polish on her toe-nails that matched her finger-nails. Small but tight shoulders. Light and soft looking skin where her slight tan ended around her arms and where her lower legs became thighs. A couple of tiny beauty marks, including one as small as a quill dot on her left and right under her breast which her right arm covered that … appealed to you.

“J-Jenn? You are going to tell me, right? You aren’t tricking me or something? Distracting me? G-going to lie? J-just are using me…though I guess that is dumb to ask; unless you are playing like 5-D wizard chess you wouldn’t admit it.”

“Aubrey? I’m not. I like you. You’re my friend. My newest little sis. My ally, and involved in this now because I am dumb, and scared, and I can’t help put putting people I care for in danger. But I am holding out until you take your arms away from your bits and bobs, you are getting to see my awesome body right now, so I get to see yours. You are great looking and you don’t have to cover up around your big sister. Until you come to your bed with me and curl up some; this is personal. Something I have to keep close. So I want you close when I tell you, admit something not even my mom or daddy know. Okay?”

“Jenn… okay. But I don’t think you are dumb.”, and the tall tawny haired girl with slightly less curly hair than normal uncrossed her arm from her chest and moved her hand so that her privates were less private. Pulled back her sheets. Let you see her slightly large breasts that you suppose were normally kind of squeezed down with a sports bra, given that was on her chair now. A pair which had seemed only around your twin’s own size under her normal clothes but were probably a smaller C-cup; round and quite…aesthetic, for lack of a better word. Saw her puffy, light pink nipples as they went a little hard in the slightly cool room. Got a good look at her full yet toned butt… yeah you were going to need to up your game in that category too.

“Thanks, ‘Brey. And? I thought you were pretty before. I might be a Seer but I didn’t foresee how good you would look, so great disrobed. Your boobs are… impressive. That little strip of hair down there is cute. Me and Emmy can’t grow any, heh. Me and her like being bald but the option would be nice; you are really gorgeous, ‘Brey. I can add that to brave, smart, kind and helpful on the package label. Not going to have sex with you… right now anyway… well maybe some touchy-feely stuff like I do with my other little sisters to bond. But? Travis is going to be a very happy man one day.”, you said with a little smile as you went onto Aubrey’s bed and pulled your side of the sheets up to mostly cover you. Mostly. You still felt like having your amazing, perky tits out.

And when she came in as well after making sure she had a gun, knife, her wand as well as Theodore by her bedside? You got a scandalized voice and look from now glasses-less gray eyes.

“T-Travis! You think I am going to be the Dark Lady to his Dark Lord?! Or… is he going to Imperio me? Put Love Poison in my water… keep me trapped under his control? Maybe keep me tied up do t-things to me until I can’t resist him anymore, brainwash me, stick his huge thing in again and again to break my will, knock me up and make me stay for the sake of the little boy we are going to have, or-“, you little tallest sister kind of sputtered out as she clenched her very comfy quilt tightly… and didn’t really sound all that bothered with those idea.

“Okay… come here, ‘Brey. I suppose I can add having a very… ‘vivid’ imagination to the labels on your package as well. And being kinky, since I am pretty sure you have “taken care” of yourself to at least one of those ideas before, which is fine. I am admitting that I can see ahead to you. Have an idea of what is on the way. We are naked. I am letting you know me and my twin take care of each other on occasion. And I have some fantasies about… Our littlest little sis so it isn’t that big of a step.”, you admitted and said it as softly as you were able.

“You… I’ll come closer. Hug you; but you are a Seer? Really? And I know you are just using me. Will betray me. Make fun of me and laughed at how you tricked me… It’s okay. I can take it. I will still protect and help you if we need to save Ilvermorny or the world or whatever. I’m used to it. Maybe we can have some fun before then though? Code names?”


You couldn’t stop a few tears. Maybe it was just the Muggle drugs. Maybe they were doped up or something, but fuck… you knew, ‘Brey was weird. But this paranoia? The sadness in her voice, despite how skilled and powerful she was? How good her parents seemed?

It hurt you. She was still willing to help you, even if she believed you were just using her? There was something… something deeply lonely about it.

Something very kind and sad.

Something amazing that made you very, very glad you and Emmy wanted to go clothes shopping before doing cool stuff like shooting things.

“Aubrey Thompson? Come here, right now. Please? Close as you can… and I want to put my hand down there; I will NOT do something unless you give me permission. Unless you want it; ask me to. But you can put yours on mine too, so it is equal. I-I don’t know how to make you know I am not manipulating you. But if me and Emmy had little fights or had really bad days? This is how we made up; we are probably screwed up but it is a way to bond with my sisters. That is all, since it feels nice to have the hand of a person you trust and is warm there. I want you to trust me; that I like this place, you; am dot going to hurt either or.”

“And you aren’t trying to make me homo, and it isn’t part of some scheme of Travis to get me, and you aren’t going to take Anna-Beth from me? Aren’t just a really young-looking member of the rogue arm of MACUSA sent to seduce then kill me?”
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“I-I… yeah it will be okay, Aubrey. Not going to make you homo. Not a glow-nigger. You are just… you are nice. Nice looking. I want you to trust me because I am trusting you. And there is, like, dumb Veela blood stuff since you are mine now and me and Em are part murder-sex bird person. And… I am. A Seer; you are the third person to know. I can only see forward like 10 seconds, unless something comes directly to me. A premonition. But I have made a Prophesy. Macy and Emmy heard it while my eyes were white and it was like I spoke in a different voice; like I was having a seizure or something. I can’t tell you exactly what it was. Not yet any way… Prophesies can become self-fulfilling, so I can’t. I am sorry.”

“I-I was right? I… people think I am nuts, Jenn. When I notice things. Even Anna or Chris… mom or dad. Even if it is true. You, are trusting me with this; admitted it when I figured out you had to be able to see ahead?”

And you just lightly placed a hand against her inner thighs as she came in tight against you; she didn’t say no. Was far physically stronger and at better hand to hand fighting than you. She could stop it at any time but instead had her mirrored your act.

“You were right. I am trusting you with it. So, now you know and I have pulled you even further into the wake of my bullshit; someone with your features wasn’t mentioned in the prophecy so you can probably stay safe but still…Macy only heard most of it. We were all sleeping together when it happened, before I had to throw up a bunch of blood; s-soiled myself some. So… I don’t know. I’m sorry. For involving you. It might not end well.”

“Jenn… its alright. It’s my job, to keep people safe. Protect and help them, even if they are going to only be here for a little while. If they are prophets or lightning rods of doom or whatever. You were still there with me, giving orders, organizing the little ones and helped keep them safe. Fought beside me. And… I have my brother but I never had sisters.”

“Aubrey? You do now. As long as you get that this is probably going to be dangerous… no, you are smart. You do. So, thank you. I think we are going to need to find where those lights went next; our smartest little sis plotted out their trajectories, since she can always remember something she has seen once. I have a feeling about Ilvermorny’s restricted section though I haven’t seen it; something important is there.”, and you just held the tall girl tighter with one arm while your spare hand rested between her thighs.

“Hey, ‘Brey? I also like to show my affection for my sisters a different way… my brother, David, a couple of times too though he is reserved for Emmy if she ever wants him. A little peck on the lips or cheeks; nothing gay or romantic or sexual. Is that okay?”

“It… the descendants of Veela don’t have aphrodisiac saliva anymore, right? No more Veela venom?”

Sorry for the mega update. On pain meds and they make me wordy

“Maybe just a bit of it? It won’t make you gay… I think. Me and your sluttiest big sis don’t manifest our great-grandma’s stuff very much other than being hot; maybe a bit hornier. Our temperaments. But I promise, I am not going to do something you don’t want. Your smartest little sis was hurt some in the past. It isn’t mine to speak about, but I won’t let it happen to her or anyone else I am close with again...”, you said as you pulled your forehead in to give Aubrey a little bump. You had heard people who liked cats enjoyed that for some reasons; accidentally stuck a finger in a bit to a wet and warm little slit.

“Oh-oh shit ‘Brey! No, no, no! I am so, so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. Crap, crap-“

“Ah? it is cool, felt kind of good. Don’t freak out. I believe you. About not doing something I am not okay with. And? As long as I can get back at you some, it is just fine. Just some playing around. You moved it away; your finger, like super quick. It is okay, you weren’t doing it on purpose… sis. I’m sorry about what ever happened to Macy. Maybe she will tell me someday. It’s fine if she doesn’t, though. I have my secrets too, you know? Like where I buried the bodies. Or hid the other machine guns. Or about the C4. What the Horcrux is and where it is at.”

“Wait, what!”

“Ha. Got you! Only one of those is true.”, and the little mad-woman bumped her head to your own. Lightly pressed her middle finger in between the lips of your pussy that were a little swollen, wet, and likely had a slight light pink hue to them now. Took it away after just a second.

Had returned the little slip up with your finger. Grinned in a suddenly very cute way.

A very hot one… no bad Jennifer.

“And? Jenn? I have had sex before; I’m not a little kid or something... It is cool, even if I am not into girls much if I don’t have like six shots in me. It isn’t like you popped my cherry. Just an accident. And it does feel kind of nice; being together like this. Having your hand down there.”, and Aubrey kind of gave giggle.

“You have? With a boy? Did you two break up or… I mean you don’t have to say if you don’t want to. And it is nice… it’s why I do it with my other sisters; never did it with David… but he did save my life. Maybe if we could get him into Ilvermorny somehow…”

“What? No. But? After what happened? I think they will be taking security more seriously, so? Not sure about that. We just stopped seeing each other; he graduated. Became an adult and even though the wizard world is weird, a 17-year-old boy banging a 13-year-old girl is frowned upon.”

“Wait. You we a little kid, he-“

“He was in his last year. I was in my third. He turned 17 a little after the second semester began and we started.”

“Name. Give me a name, I’ll-“
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“It’s cool, Jenn. He was always sweet and I wanted it; to grow up. I might not do it now, but at the time... I get that it was probably wrong. Not right to let a boy nearly five years older screw me stupid. But I asked him out. Liked it when we did it, even it was kind of was painful the first few times, when he popped my cherry and I freaked out a little… he was always apologetic if it hurt me. Told we didn’t have to have sex if it was hurting me. But? I do like it kind of rough. Got used too it. Liked being held down some and having him push it in, come inside me. I did inherit some of dad’s abnormal toughness, strength even if my eyes are messed up, unlike his. It didn’t cause any damage down there and I could have stopped it at any time. He isn’t a huge guy; I could have got him off me, get to a wand or gun. Just taken it then killed him after. But he was sweet, polite, handsome; careful. It hurt but it felt good too… it was a nice experience. Being cared about like that.”, she said as she pushed her warm body just a bit closer and nuzzled your small chest some; it felt nice even if you were concerned about her being screwed by a boy so much older and while that young.

“Aubrey? You are sure? He didn’t take advantage of you or hurt you or rape you?”

“Yeah. We still send Christmas cards and little presents to each other, even if we don’t see one another often since he was brave enough to venture into the hell hole called California. I hear he has a custom broom shop now and it has great little sweets his wife makes too. I want to go over there when I can to meet his little one year old boy; he looks adorable in the photos, Jenn. Oh! Oh! Ah!? Your hand feels good, warm. Soft. Just? Please don’t tell dad or mom about the sex; dad would probably take a plane over and blow the guy’s brains out if he knew. Mom might explode his shop.”, and you get another smile before having her return the tiny peck on the lip… they tasted like peach.

You were fonder of cherry but you did love peaches too.

Screw it. So you planted another quick peck on your crazy if very nice newest sister’s lips and got a last little smile from her.

Even if you didn’t have any romantic feelings for the tall and tanned girl next to you; not really? Above all else, Veela craved love. Affection of any sort.

You were far enough down the line that you could even have male children, as could Emmy, yet you still manifested some of those desires, and were a lot like a magpie.

Wished, wanted, and desired to make things, people, or even school subjects ‘yours’… thankfully no cloaca; bird-girl joke. Heh. Those feelings were a gift from your mother, alongside her teaching you and your little twin to to read, write, do math, speak French, cook, and more; things you cherished since even if you doted on daddy a little more?

Mom was still yours and Em’s. Macy was too.. David; your adoptive big brother since he was born in February and did save your life. Aubrey; your tallest little sister who fought with you and proved how brave and responsible she was, how skilled even if she was insane yet could be insanely cute.

“I’m not even going to question that. You are a smart, responsible Thunderbird mai-, well not maiden, I guess. Lady. Let’s use lady. And if the guy? If you don’t think he took advantage and was good to you? I guess I won’t kill him. Me and Emmy… we learned to take care of ourselves with one another when we were even younger than that; she went on a date with David about that age and he is like our best male friend. I am just very protective of what is mine so that includes you now. But I won’t say anything if you don’t want me to; I trusted you with a secret. You trusted me with one. My pretty, thin, deceptively strong new little sister. Yep.”

“Jenn… okay. That makes me feel nice. I believe you about the Seer stuff, so you know. I am less sure about you not trying to make me gay, however, since you may have made like 2% progress just tonight.”

“Ha. Don’t worry. I’ll stop at like 45% or 50%; that’s about what me and Emmy are. Your other little sis is like 97% though.”

“Now? Rest? Not sure about sleep, since apparently Adderall is pretty awesome. Ah, maybe mostly keep it away from MayMay. She seems to have a thing for stimulants. She would probably burn all her allowance on buying them from you.”

“If she is my little sister now too, she gets them for free, Jenn.”

“That would probably be even worse; I strongly suspect with enough stuff like that in her she could take over all of North America.”

“Well, better than Travis or the Mexicans doing it.”

“That last thing might be a bit racist. But? That reminded me… I think we will give the little Cuban girl the day off; just to be safe. We can go extra hard on her Monday to make up for it.”, you said before giving the odd prefect another little peck down on her sternum, between her perky and fairly large breasts.

“Ha! That tickled… yeah. We need to make sure it is okay in the morning… but? We were supposed to have shooting class, for the new students. I can probably still use the range; do you want me to help you? The others, some? And… there are a couple of spare Prefect pins now. One for a good reason since he was a creep and a jerk. One from something bad, since Jess was nice; good at her job.”, and you one more had Aubrey mirror you and put a little kiss on your chest. “I know all the Professor’s here. I can put in a good word with mom and dad. Cross seems to like you. You could help me out… it is a big responsibility, though. But? I think you could be trusted with it. I saw how concerned you when the littlest students were scared; gave out a couple hugs. Helped keep my home safe.”
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“Your home?”

“I have probably spent more time here than the house. I love Ilvermorny. Made real friends, sisters, here. Learned to use my magic. Got to run my own club; be part of another. Had the Headmaster put my prefect pin on in a little ceremony and saw my parents look so proud. Found some cool abandoned places or unused class room. Get to go keep Anna company when the change happens. I love being a witch, going to the Finest School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the world; getting offered my mom’s old house. I want to keep it safe… but I can’t do it alone. So? Do you want to help? For a while at least?”

>Go out to do some shooting and learn with the others. Will give a little bonus to everyone involved. May give a unique interaction with someone. (A high enough shooting bonus does give bonuses to Battle rolls. A good enough bonus also lets you purchase and carry something not a pea shooter as your normal.)

>Choose to not. Write in what you want to do with your now free day. (Explore, spend time with the others, get in dueling practice, research, try to get into a part of the forest, ect.)

>A different write in


>Accept here offer of getting you to become a prefect. You are strong enough and have the grades from Hogwarts to qualify. Will take up some of your free time. Will make it easier to sneak out, go places normal students can’t, give you more chance to bond and interact with Aubrey. Will roll a 1d2 weekly to see if one of your activity slots is filled by your duties. Opens new interactions.

>Decline. You don’t know this place that well, not yet at least, but you are sure Aubrey would help you get more acquainted with it. Makes sure you keep a free slot for other things. Makes the tall, curly-haired girl a little sad.

>Write in

Thanks to anyone who read through that. I did get carried away but I do like Aubrey and I wanted to give her some time in the lime-light and a bit of characterization and it just got out of hand.
>Go out to do some shooting and learn with the others. Will give a little bonus to everyone involved. May give a unique interaction with someone. (A high enough shooting bonus does give bonuses to Battle rolls. A good enough bonus also lets you purchase and carry something not a pea shooter as your normal.)

>Accept here offer of getting you to become a prefect. You are strong enough and have the grades from Hogwarts to qualify. Will take up some of your free time. Will make it easier to sneak out, go places normal students can’t, give you more chance to bond and interact with Aubrey. Will roll a 1d2 weekly to see if one of your activity slots is filled by your duties. Opens new interactions.
>9 posts update
damn! wasnt expecting that, neat!

>Go out to do some shooting and learn with the others. Will give a little bonus to everyone involved. May give a unique interaction with someone. (A high enough shooting bonus does give bonuses to Battle rolls. A good enough bonus also lets you purchase and carry something not a pea shooter as your normal.)


>Write in
>say yes, but just not now, you still have lots to explore and familiarize with the school and having your time being consumed with responsibilities is not really in your options at the moment
Going to close this towards the end of the day as long as I get enough votes, so have at it. Rock the vote. Wooooo.

And the little bit of skinship and an accident is in no way beginning a relationship; Jenn, Emmy, and Nymeria are just weird with how they show platonic/familial affection and have no issues being nude with people if cool with them.

Yes, that includes guys if they like them well enough and trust them. David has seen them nude when they all went skinny-dipping in the lake at Hogwarts before school let out one year. They have slept naked alongside their mom any number of times, even after maturing. Lucerne was kind of not comfortable doing the same, despite all three women knowing he would die before doing something to his little girls, even if Voldemort imperio'd him. Has still slept along with his wife and girls, albeit with him fully clothed, when they demanded due to Veela stuff because he cannot say no to them. Would normally just go to the couch unless his wife and daughters demanded he get in the bed too.
I will keep this open till I get a couple more votes, hopefully.

In the meantime, thread is archived: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Ilvermorny

Also, PDF and rentrys of the last thread. I had to break them up due to character limits:

Part 1: https://rentry.co/e4x9ufo6

Part 2: https://rentry.co/goni9ic8

Part 3: https://rentry.co/5wqfgy2o

Updated character sheet:

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And have a lore accurate pic of a slightly younger Nymeria and her husband to maybe induce lurkers to vote! Or don't; I am not your Headmaster.

Not 100% correct, but that is about as blonde as she is, and she is very petite like this model.
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Here is a pdf of the rules and cast; it is easier to read since that site will not preserve my formatting.
voted the new thread up!

she cute! i can see where the twins get her cuteness from
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I appreciate the vote. When I get to a place in town that isn't ranged banned I will return the favor.

And it isn't one to one, but that is a decent way to imagine the girl's mom. Very petite, very light blonde hair, considerably younger looking than she is; that girl is 26 and married, lol.

Hopefully I can get another vote or two by the night since I am eager to do some writing tonight since I didn't have work today; will probably go beg QTG for a couple more after a while. I hope your new job is going well.

Have a pic of around what Jenn looks like that I found on my twitter feed a while back. It is slightly spicy, so hopefully no ban.

Darker blonde hair for her and her sister with Em being a bit more fit but relatively close since both are at the very bottom of average height for girls and pretty small, have their Veela blood giving them a bit more attractiveness than normal.
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If anyone else wants to chime in before I get going in the morning I will accept their vote since when I woke up from a nap a while back I was bleeding from the ear and cant hear out of it, so I don't think I will be writing right now and have called in so I can go see my doctor tomorrow.
jesus christ, man. Hope you get well soon.
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I am okay. Seems to just be an ear infection. Haven't had one of those since I was a kid, so I forgot how they feel. Should be back to normal in a couple of days with the antibiotics and steroids. Doesn't hurt, just annoying. Will go ahead and call the vote, start writing.

I appreciate the concern.


Unanimous for pew-pew practice and 2 to 1 for seeing if you can hold off on getting a prefect pin with its responsibilities and privileges.
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You lifted your hand from in between Aubrey’s thighs and slide it under her, wrapped your other around her before answering; she was sweet to offer you all that. Hugged her close and tight so her fairly large breasts were squished against your smaller chest. Gave her a little sisterly kiss on her forehead that made her giggle.

“So, ‘Brey? I would like to go out, get to use that little pistol and rifle some. I was pretty good, I think, when I picked them out but? I need to be better; Emmy and Macy weren’t great. We could use the help since things are happening faster than I would have guessed. I can see ahead but it’s not like I am omniscient. I can only see what I can see. But we need every tool we can get I think.”, you said while hugging the tall and odd girl under the covers. “Thank you, ‘Brey. I have to get better to protect you and my other sisters. Everyone.”

“I-you are warm, Jenn, and… nice. It’s really, really great to have someone who likes me so much they want to try and think of me like their sibling. Someone who wants to protect other people too. Trusts me. Believes me?”, and your new little sis returns your hug, strongly. Had a couple of tears fell onto her cheeks, then the bed.

“I don't believe you… well other than the thing about bird not being real since they will come and perch on mom’s shoulders in the garden and sometimes sing and daddy brings home a few quail or pheasants once a year when he goes out with his Muggleborn friend to hunt. Also, not convinced about Travis being evil; I’m a pretty good judge of people, which is why I got another pretty and cute little sister, haha.”

“The bird drones are probably spying on her; is she on any watch lists? And? I’m nothing special. Too tall, lanky, need to do my hair all the time to make it look okay-“

“I-no ‘Brey; mom is like the nicest person ever. But? Aubrey? You are really beautiful. Nice features, great tits and ass. When we go out on the weekend? Emmy and I will help you get made up so you get just how hot you are. Macy too since both of you don’t understand how amazing looking you are, I guess. Hilda as well, if she wants to come out as well. Four or five super-hot witch bitches on the town. It will be awesome. I am pretty shallow, ‘Brey. I like the people I am around to be good-looking, and you are. But…”

“T-that would be cool... Anna-Beth too? And, but?”
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“Her too if she wants; of course. She is cute and… she smells nice. Like a warm puppy and expensive perfume. Yeah, I know it is messed up to say that, but I like it. But? I really appreciate the offer. The prefect thing. Is there any way we can kind of put that on the back burner, for now? It isn’t a no, but I don’t know this place yet, have all this other junk going on; Seer stuff, unraveling the mystery we found, things like that. It would be fun to get to hang out with you when you have to go do your duties, but I don’t want to suck at it. Make you look bad for recommending me. So? Think you could get them to hold onto one of those pins for a while? If it is okay, I can keep you company on patrol once in a while; Asshole had his lackeys so you can have one too when I’m not super busy.”, you asked while scratching the back of Aubrey’s neck some while getting some soft sounds of pleasure from it.

“I can ask, and that would be cool. Having a minion. But? With so few students around right now? The Pukwudgies and even some Professors on vacation back, for a while at least? I think if I talk to mom and dad, they could convince the boss lady and man to hold one back, a free pin, till fall at least. You’d need to accept it by then since everyone will be here then, and they are going to want all hands-on deck. And? Still not homo but here.”, and you get a quick unexpected kiss, Aubrey’s lips on yours own for maybe a second. She… ‘Brey was good; made sense with one of the things she told you and so you returned it. Got to see a shy smile and soft gray-blue eyes looking over to you when she broke off.

“Hey. Thanks… sis. But you gave me that on your own; are you sure that the glow-niggers haven’t been putting aluminum powder or hormones, something in your food or switching out your bottled water with tap? Sure, I wasn’t lying about the Veela stuff? Maybe me and Emmy are only half-blooded. They still get some of the tricks to seduce people. You seemed to like doing that.”, you asked with a slightly bitchy and teasing voice… you did like giving people a hard time.

“I-I… that is a good point. I need to check my food and water better. And even if your saliva is an aphrodisiac, I don’t think that was why I wanted to do it. I like you. I want to connect some. If doing things like this is how you and Emily go about it? I-I can too, even if it is different, it isn’t bad; I like this, even if it is not what I am used too. Plus, your lip gloss tastes good. Just? You aren’t going to kill me in my sleep if I do that with your… our other sisters, right? And I did say 2% gay now.”

“If they are okay with it? It is fine. Maybe not Macy; she has problems with being touched, trust issues. I do think she likes you, but ask permission for anything more than a hug. I really don’t want to send you to the American St. Mungo’s.”

“Ha. I will. But? I could take you.”

“I could take you; we can check tomorrow night at the League.”
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“I don’t get to use my guns there, or the Sarin gas grenades, or the flamethrower; most shields don’t account for heat. I’d toast you like a Pop-Tart, s-sis.”, the slightly tanned girl said like having something that tossed out jellied petrol was completely normal and yet without a hint of anger or animosity in her voice as she put her head along your shoulder and neck and squeezed you hard enough that she popped your back. It felt nice; you hadn’t realized how tensed up you were

Felt relaxed with the two of you hugging. And this was just sisters jabbing at each other some after all. It was fun; you and your twin did it plenty, with David as well, though you and the rest always went easy on Macy.

“I’ll get that handsome Charms Professor to teach me a few that do; undo my neck bow and talk sweet. Then ask him, show my great boobs some in my shirt; I already know some that do anyway, heh…I am just very protective. About those I care for. Sorry. I wouldn’t hurt you, little sis. I just want to keep what is mine safe; you too now, but Macy is just ‘special’, a genius. So kind. Loyal and amazing but she has her issues, and one of those is saying no. But? If she said, okay? It is fine, I suppose. She is super gay though. Will probably try and make you super gay too, heh. I trust you and I am pretty good at reading people; I was offered Slytherin before. Kind of an Occulemens. I don’t really think you would do something bad. Just… she can tell you if she wants but she is different. Better than me though; will change the world but has been hurt before. I worry.”

“I get it, Jenn… some at least. I won’t hurt her, be extra careful and stuff around her. I am the same way with Anna, despite if she forced the change, she could kill a dozen people if she needed to and easily; she doesn’t need me to worry, protect her… but I do. Still go out when she turns because she is lonely. Because she is so warm and soft and sad when she turns. She doesn’t have a pack… doesn’t want one either. Still needs someone to help keep her mind when she changes; one who is good enough to put her down if the potions don’t work, so I have to. Protective of Travis since I have to pry him off his Dark path, save him or… kill him myself if I can’t. H-he was really nice when we were kids… and I want that back but I will save him from himself if I have to. Chris is cool; smart and clever. Cooks good food and gave me a lifetime pass for free meals at his family’s restaurants for my birthday.”, and a couple more warm drops hit your neck or the bed with that last statement. “I love them all Jenn, sis. Even if I hate Travis in equal measure. So I have to keep them safe.”

“Yeah. I get that and you will. And I am sorry; that you and Travis fell out, for whatever reason. I can tell you still care about him. You are a good girl, ‘Brey. Anna is nice, sweet, and could rip my head off which is somehow hot. Chris seems funny. Travy is interesting and seems strong. You have good friends.”
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“Can I can add a blonde that is a Seer? Has a clone an who is as crazy as her… powerful and brave? A little brunette who could run circles around me in almost all my favorite subjects to the list? I can? Right?”

“No. You can’t. Sisters, not just friends.”, and you lean in and get another taste of peach. “Your ours now, ‘Brey. No getting out of it.”, and got a slightly less hard hug and a face on your chest right on one of your breasts, one that had warm, wet cheeks.

“And? ‘Brey, if you are going to help us learn to shoot well? Do you want me and Emmy to show you what we know about Occlumency? It isn’t much and we just naturally learned a lot of it due to how we are connected with magic twin stuff; how to keep up mental barriers. Someone who knew what they were doing could break through in a minute or two. We could feel it, delay them though. We stopped that mind-reading cat from getting in; I don’t know if it our way is useful for normal people, what we can do, but maybe? Wanted to show our littlest sister at some point too. Neither of us are Legilimens, FYI. Daddy wouldn’t teach us that because he would need to go into our heads and us into his or mom’s, so we can’t help you practice like that… and I don’t want to invade someone’s mind, even if I could. It’s wrong. Very wrong.”

And then the thin if tightly muscled girl hugged and pushed her body closer… one of her knees was between your thighs and very warm and soft. She thought she was being manipulated perhaps but Merlin she seemed so cute and hot right then, she might be manipulating you; it was probably just the nearly dying, fighting, drugs, and lack of sleep but you might need some time to yourself before shooting. Maybe recall Emmy to help… or maybe the cute curly-haired girl next to you could show some "sisterly affection". Now that was a thought…

“We can help give you some tools, defenses. The basics, at least; me and Em should have our old prep manuals daddy can send over that I can give you; Macy too, even if I think her mind is already like a steel trap if she is focused. Would probably bite off the hand of anyone trying to look in to it; flood them with enough random facts they couldn’t find what they needed and would have a stroke for trying to understand the mind of someone with a photographic memory and is far smarter than them. Merlin’s Hermes man-purse… she is so amazing, if she could see it from the outside.”, and you returned her little kiss, stroked the back of her hair more.

Grinned at the idea of Macy bursting a blood vessel in a Dark wizard’s head because she knew the digits of pie out to like 160 places. Gave a million Galleon smile to the cute, naked schizo hugging you.

“Jenn, I…”
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>Aubrey is interested… her mom had promised to show her what she knew eventually, but now is better than later. The girl does want to become an American Auror, apparently; would need to learn. Will take a total of one slot a month for two months since you only know the basics and much of what you and Emmy can do is just instinctual; you are hardly a master. Still provides a bonus if she has to protect her mind. Small bonus to you and Em from teaching, some practice, and reviewing your old lessons.

>Auburey is too hesitant; she has her secrets. Likes you, is trying to think of you as her sister but there are things she has in her noodle she is afraid of you seeing if you are actually a Legilimens too. She is paranoid after all.

>Lets get three people to roll a 1d100+15 (Her natural skill, a good teacher) for shooting with the crazy gun bunny tomorrow to see if you get a boost or if something “fun” happens. No DC but high enough and you get bigger bonuses to your and everyone else’s skills; high shooting gives small bonuses to Battle Magic/Battle skill at intervals. (Over 100 and Jenn discovers a hidden talent with the art of gunfu, a skill boost, immediately gain access to something bigger than a pea-shooter that gives a bonus in life-or-death fights if she uses her allowance for the month on buying a real gun. Gets to act smug around Emmy. Nat 100 and Jenn gets ??????)

>Then we will probably do a little time skip to the weekend fun time following a vote for one thing to do with the rest of your suddenly free Friday aside from turning in homework, doing your reading, the Dueling League; going to Emmy’s Quidditch try outs, which I will also ask for a roll from 3 people of:

>1d100+21 (+1 from Seer leak-through/whatever she felt in Cross’ office, +6 from Emmy’s natural skill and practice, +4 from you and Macy being there to support her, +10 from her getting to use her very fancy and expensive broom which really is pay to win. Sorry poorfags, stay mad.)

>DC 90 to make the team, 100 or above to completely mog the competition and show them how a real boss witch flies (New trait and a bonus large bonus to flying, a nat 100 and she shows them why Veela were made to fly and gets ?????)

>Feel free to roll for both at the same time without modifiers and I will just add them; first die for shooting, second for your twin’s performance or roll twice with mods.

>Either or is fine.
Rolled 3, 37 = 40 (2d100)

>>Aubrey is interested… her mom had promised to show her what she knew eventually, but now is better than later. The girl does want to become an American Auror, apparently; would need to learn. Will take a total of one slot a month for two months since you only know the basics and much of what you and Emmy can do is just instinctual; you are hardly a master. Still provides a bonus if she has to protect her mind. Small bonus to you and Em from teaching, some practice, and reviewing your old lessons.
she would definitely want to protect her brain from any lurkers.

doing both rolls at once
>those numbers
Rolled 40 + 15 (1d100 + 15)

>Auburey is too hesitant; she has her secrets. Likes you, is trying to think of you as her sister but there are things she has in her noodle she is afraid of you seeing if you are actually a Legilimens too. She is paranoid after all.
Rolled 75 + 21 (1d100 + 21)

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Guess your sister is making the team.

Still need another set of rolls. Maybe Jenn can redeem herself? Maybe her sister gets a 1 suddenly and gets to learn how to work a wheelchair vs being better on a broom.

Also another vote or two, if anyone is lurking.

The next update will likely be the last before I make a thread; I do seem to get more votes in a fresh thread.

Also had my power go out and lost like a page and a half on a lewdfic with the little taco girl but oh well. I can redo it.


Yeah. Those are rookie numbers. Need to bring them up, kek.
Rolled 36, 43 = 79 (2d100)

>Auburey is too hesitant; she has her secrets. Likes you, is trying to think of you as her sister but there are things she has in her noodle she is afraid of you seeing if you are actually a Legilimens too. She is paranoid after all.
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Looks like Emmy makes the cut, but you and the others really don't get a huge boost to your skills with guns. Maybe if it was knife fighting, Jenn would have rolled better, what with her being a Brit?

I will keep the vote for helping Aubrey with some basic Occlumency open till like mid-morning or noon-ish in case someone else wants to vote, and because I just woke up and make a lot of errors if I start writing then.

Yay, go Emily! At any rate.
Keeping this open for like another hour until I eat dinner since I got busy then calling it.
cute meru mlem!
btw, new thread is up, could really use your help with some rolls there/spoiler]
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Got you bro. I didn't see it was back.


So I was going to give y'all the option to dope up with the chance of getting caught and DQ'd to pass the second Quidditch DC but then I recalled Emily had been warned by Professor Cross to watch her head, and with some weird logic she decided to interpret that as wearing her lucky cap signed by Victor Krum from her first time going to the World Championships since there isn't a dress code for this aside from pads and say that the prediction and hat combine to add another +4, letting her hit the DC on the nose. Also to make up for falling asleep in my recliner instead of typing

So with that

>Gunfu check: 55

>Not going to get more than the base increase out of it but do learn gun safety someI really wish yall had got over 100 for this too so I could have her pull-out/learn some gun akimbo, Equilibrium stuff with Mini-Me's help. Oh well not the last chance you will have to do gun training.

>Flying check: 100 vs. 100

>Emmy teaches these scrubs how a real witch does it, gets to show off, gains a trait since she is the only one out of the big three to have not unlocked a new one yet, and a nice sized bonus for the future

Will start working and probably do a brief POV switch for the tryouts.
Rolled 39, 22 = 61 (2d100)

A quick roll for Emmy and Macy's gun practice, aided by some Adderall courtesy of a cute paranoid schizo.

Going to add +5 to Jenn's roll which doesn't do much, +5 for Em's, +10 for Macy since she gets higher boosts from stims.

Then hopefully and update in a few hours followed by a new thread later today.
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Damn. They are crap, even if Jenn's roll was bad. She remains the gun queen of the main trio and everyone ends up with a basic increase.

At least no one shot themselves or someone else.
>At least no one shot themselves or someone else.
also, nice trips
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Did not even notice that.

A high divination bonus will unlock a trait that lets rolls that have dubs, trip, quads, quints give bonuses to a roll if the post numbere has them; a really good post number would let Jennifer actually hold her own against someone as strong as Potter, for one round round at the least.

New post in a little bit after I review and finish lunch. I dont like quests having multiple threads at once usually but we are nearly off the board so I will likely make a new one in a while after I get enough votes.

It would have been funny as shit if there was a nat 1 and Macy shot her best friend in her cute, perky ass, however.

After votes, I will write up flying rugby try outs and Emmy kicking the shit out of people at it.
ehh, you are in page 9, you still have at the very least 3 more days, dont worry about it until you see page 10
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“I’ll take the manual… I want to trust you, but if you know this stuff, I can’t be sure you don’t know the other side. Won’t find out something by teaching me I don’t want to reveal. I’m sorry. I’m a bad little sister, aren’t I?”, Aubrey softly said with her face against your chest and pulled the covers on her side up more so they covered everything but the upper part of her face and head.

“Hey? ‘Brey? You are fine; great. Strong, nice, and warm. You will need to learn to protect your mind eventually if you want to be an Auror. But if you are more okay with your mom showing you or something, just want to learn the prep? That is fine. I promise I do not know how to get into someone’s head. Dad refused to even show me and Emily how to really fight it since he would need to go in our heads to do it. I just want to protect my little sisters. My adoptive big brother because I failed at that before.”, you said in a soft voice and hugged the tall and thin girl tighter.

“It’s okay. I don’t think you would, not really, but you know how I am.”

“Yeah. Cool, that is how. And it has worked out so far; keep being you. But let’s try and sleep. Okay?”

“Can we talk? Just a little more? About stuff that isn’t so scary; intense? Please? Other than my couple of other friends or mom and dad no one believes me, wants to hear what I say if it isn’t in the club, League, or prefect stuff…just a little. Please?”, and your strong and bold, extremely competent new sister just sounded sad instead of crazy, manic, or confident.

“That… sure. It is fine. I am probably not a great person; I have been feeling like I am insane or a monster lately. I only started the Seer stuff recently. But even before it, I could be a massive bitch. I did things I regret. That I can’t undo… talking a bit with another person that trusts me would be good. But even with your prescription drugs, I am tired; we can sleep in before shooting, right?”

“Yeah. Of course; I figure most student will wake late… it is for a terrible reason but it is still a day off… and from what I was told we can still leave the grounds at 0600 on Saturday. We could even bring Maria if I talk to mom and dad since she is past her second year; technically a third year. Also, I don’t think they would say no about the descendant of Chadwick Boot. And? I don’t think I am a bad judge of character… you are alright, Jenn. Sis. I wouldn’t be naked and unarmed if I didn’t think that. You are okay. Good.”

“Thank you; really. … that really means a lot. I am trying to be. You are a kind one; would have worked out well in Emmy’s House; same with mine. Are smart; Lady Rowena would have taken you as well… not too sure about Lord Slytherin. We could probably fit her in the back; she is small. Maybe toss her in the trunk; it has an expanding charm, she would fit; oh. Don’t tell the Feds about that, if you would be so kind; absolutely do not mention The Button. What about you?”
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“You are welcome, it is how mom and papa taught me to be… why I have forgiven Travis for betraying me; other things. Why I want to help people. But? I can take Jackson out too. Maybe have Hilda ride bitch? Or Anna has a little car. Or… if the Germans are brave enough to consort with a nascent Dark Lord, Travis does have a big SUV. They will be taking their guns if they ride with him though and keeping them loaded. I have a couple of flash bangs and other thing I would want them to take too since they are alone with him.”, and after speaking, Aubrey squeezes you tight. Not to the point it was painful… it was like she was using you like a giant teddy bear or some such.

She was a nut, crazy, paranoid but…damaged Just being kind and nice, standing by her side and she was already with showing this much affection.

If you embraced the Slytherin in you? You could wrap her around your finger without even trying. But that was a part of you tried to suppress; failed on occasion. Caused you to worry that as a kid, a dumb 12-year-old, that you had unconsciously done that to your best friend.

Fucking evil Jenn. Bad; terrible deep down… fuck. Still, deal with that later.

“Yeah. Going out, having you show us stuff? It will be brilliant. And? Maybe a few code names would be okay. We can work-shop them over the weekend.

“Awesome! Sweet; nobody else really wanted to do them with me, not even Anna, despite the fact she would get an awesome on because of her affliction”

“I give like everyone nicknames so? I suppose it really isn’t much different., heh. Just make sure mine is cool and Em’s is dumb, ha-ha. And we are only using them when we are on a ‘mission’; okay?”, and you smiled some and gave a quick smooch on her cheek.

“But, ‘Brey? This weekend? Do you…

>Offer to ride with Aubrey. Emmy had called dips on driving Sally on Saturday anyway and that way you could fit most of the people going out in to a single car. Let them all experience the Sander’s driving experience. Maybe get Aubrey to race your sister with you.

>You wanted to trust your newest little sister and now close friend given she knew something even something you hadn't trusted your parents with but there were plenty of cars to go around it seemed. Just ride in Sally and bring Aubrey with you.

>Write in
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A bit later?

You managed to nod off for a while pressed into the taller girl; her muggle drugs didn’t seem to affect her all that much so she managed to sleep too. You woke a few times to Aubrey shaking, twitching, even softly crying out. Got a few scratches on your back, had her softly scream a couple of times until you stoked her hair, neck, and back while half asleep out of instinct.


Made sense. She seemed strong, mentally and physically yet she had seen a person she knew, one who was nice to her dead on the ground, her friend/enemy harmed badly, her ‘home’ invaded and in danger; felt like she failed despite saving Travis and who knows how many others by killing that monster.

She was too hard on herself, and that made you like her even more. Likewise, she seemed like the kind of person that would always do the right thing, even if she was suicidally dumb at times it appeared. Paranoid. Odd. Always prepared and fearless, it seemed.

She wanted to be an Auror, apparently, but you think she might make for a good Unspeakable as well.

You had a bit of experience with nightmares, so you just did what you could, soothed her, whispered to her that it would all be okay. That she had people who cared for her, that you were one and right there while holding her soft and warm body close. It seemed to help even if there were gentle streams of liquid leaking from here eyes even after that.


A little while and another short nap later, there was sunlight flooding in from Aubrey’s window, so you started rousing her; she was a far quicker riser than your twin since she was awake almost instantly and rolling over to grab a wand, gun, or dagger before you shouted that everything was fine, had her calm down.

“Ah, sorry, Jenn; instinct. It’s 1020? Jeez. Slept in. Want to get dressed, get ready, grab food and head to the range? I’ll find someone to send a patronus to Maria.”, Aubrey asked with a big yawn and sat up so you could see her awesome rack. Joined her a second later.

“Sure, ‘Brey. Is that offer for a shirt and shorts still on the table? Going to get a quick shower in with the others before when I get them up. Want to join.?”

“Sure, sis. Go wake the others up, I’ll be there before long, just need to talk for a second with any other prefect that are up and here. I’ll grab you something.”

“Thanks, little sis. I’ll clean them and return them tonight.”, you said while sliding out of the oversized bed and stretching some, give the curly haired girl a great view of your amazing ass and… other things.

Oh, well.

Could almost hear blush some. Haha. 3% gay-ifcation achieved.

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A bit later you were showered of with a somewhat pink cheeked tall, lanky girl, a groggy mirror image of you, and a small brunet who looked kind of happy the four of you had used the communal area of the showers that was open, had no walls between the shower heads.

Got dressed in casual cloths since class was canceled, though Aubrey was in her full Ilvermorny get up, since she had to set an example.

A good girl, heh. One you were maybe corrupting but… you didn’t really feel bad about that.

Went and caught the tail end of breakfast in a dining hall that should have had far more people in it… you suppose some were still freaked out by what had happened. More waffles and medium fried eggs for you and your little cabal of hot witch bitches then. Had Anna come and join you; was informed Chris was helping the Caretakes fix some of the damage to the grounds since he was an ace with herbology and wanted to maybe become a magical architect since he was great with muggle math, Arithmancy, could draw well, and was creative. Smart enough to be on the same team Macy was on of as part of her scholarship.

A couple delicious plates for you, three for your sister and Aubrey, and a full five for Anna-Beth, and only a single for you littlest sis, you were at the large target range at the very edge of the school, facing the forest and with a large, tall berm at its back to catch bullets. One or two boys were there at the end of the field who Aubrey waved at; on her team apparently. And...

Hilda, of all people was there, right towards the front with her extremely long hair tied up and a weird metal eye cover on her left eye and a pair of fingerless leather gloves on. Tight fitting athletic gear with a tee that said Walther with an emblem on her back.

She had… well you didn’t have words for it; you knew jack and shit about guns. But a very, very fancy looking pistol in her hands and was dumping the magazine and reloading so quick it was hard to keep up before continuing to ring steel on tiny round plates at least 40 feet out. On the bench was something equally exotic but far meaner looking, one that reminded you of Aubrey’s ‘Sanrio”, but lacking in the cartoon cat grips and more… profession looking, for lack of a better word along with a tower of different ammo boxes on a small bench behind her.

After Hilda had finished her last mag, silenced mostly by quieting charms built into the gun like yours and had turned to grab a draw from a large muggle water bottle and to grab more ammo, Aubrey ran up to her and almost tackled the slightly shorter girl.

What every person decided a 3000-character limit was enough for a game/story form board vs. just a shit posting one needs the noose; the rope.
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“Hilda! God above, that was great shooting! You are going on the team! I do need you to use some eye protection, though; I am a range safety office along with dad. But that was great! Can I see your guns, please, please?”, and then pulled out her pill bottle and popped a couple pills of Adderall. “Here, these will make you even better; I know it was a long night. I won’t use them for muggle or school completions, but practice is fine!”

“Ah…okay? You are sure zhis iz not pozion? I have some eye coverz in mine bag; you don’t have zhe bomb with you, correct?”, and the flustered German girl accepted a couple of pills from you schizo little sis; surely this would not end up bad right? You had one and it was good but didn’t make you nuts or something. Right? Right.

“No, Theodore was tired so I left in him in the safe today.”, Aubrey said while doting over the fancy looking guns Hilda had, like it was the most normal thing in the world to ascribe human feeling to a grenade.

Oh, well.

You played with dolls as a kid and did the same thing.

Maybe you were just nuts from the start, Jennifer?

[ Oh. Back up? Could have used you last night.

I can only do what I can. I got us up in time at least but this stuff is hard; tiring even with me using some of our magic to help. Still hurt… the quilts and pillow helped. Thank you. I should be back to normal by Monday, mostly at least. And maybe if you could manifest a couple other sets of clothes? These are getting a little small. But, no cheating with practice; it’s not worth it when we might need the little I can manage for something worse than sucking with a gun.

Sure Jenny. The weekend should be better. Let us rest.

Really tempting fate with that, Jennifer. But ask Aubrey for more drugs. I’m tired and you may need them. Can’t tell but better safe that sorry. Macy will also be fun with them.

Why the fuck is little me such a drug fiend! Fuck. But… I should have probably taken your advice before so? Screw it. She only gets like one or two though; I don’t need her being maniacal.

Ask yourself. Ha! I suppose you just did! Master of wit.

“Ummm, Jenn? You just kinda spaced out for a couple of minutes.”, a slightly concerned Macy asked while pulling on your sleeve.

“Oh. Sorry, just talking to ‘myself’ for a bit. And, ‘Brey? Can we have a few of those? I had a… feeling it might be a good idea.”

“A feeling… ohhh. Yeah sure, I have like 600 saved up, no problem.”, and the tawny haired girl distributed a couple of small pink-orange pills into her new sister’s hands. Ones you downed with the help of a large bottle of water Macy lugged along with her mostly depleted potion stock. Had her smile while she crunched the bitter pills up before washing them down… you were really going to need to keep a check to make sure she didn’t become a tweaker. You doubted it but she did really like this kind of this stuff.
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A bit later, after setting up and Aubrey grabbing a few boxes of ammo, you had on little plastic glasses and were putting lead down rang. You were honestly disappointed, even if Aubrey’s meds did fill your gut with a warm happiness. You were so good when you first tried; now? Your little rounds still hit most of the time. Got onto the human silhouette target but with a poor grouping. Working with your rifle was just as bad.

Macy and Emmy were doing even worse. MayMay was at least getting rounds on paper now, but she seemed scared of her guns even though they had quieting enchantments and almost no recoil. Emmy just… you guess guns were just a blind spot for someone who had amazing aim with everything else.

Anna was decent enough, probably like Emmy, and you suspected she only did this for Aubrey. She was also the only one aside from Macy to use any real ear protection; Macy did because even the tiny shots made her jumpy. You suppose Anna’s werewolf hearing made them far louder for her. You, Emmy, Macy stuck some little plugs in when Aubrey and Hilda broke out their larger guns since those were still a bit loud, even with the enchantments.

Aubrey and then later Hilda came over after they had finished their practice; helped correct your stances. Gave tips on aiming. Showed quick ways to get your sights on target, swap magazines. You felt like you had become better at the end, would maybe practice more if Aubrey could let you use the range when it was normally closed to students.

>You , Emmy, and Macy gained a + 2 for shooting due to the help of two very skilled shooters!

You felt bad about your performance but were happy to be with everyone, also the pep pills were pretty good even Macy was cackling some and talking to herself about making “them” pay and took a quick water break to jot down some insane magic math and a list of ingredients on a little note pad that was title “Super VX Gas Potion Version 0.1... Whatever, you were sure VX was like a Muggle a healing compound or antibiotic, something good like that.

One of the boys practicing turned out to be Cory, and he stopped to chat on his way out; he was on the shooting team it seemed. Said he was going down to the small magical community to the south on the weekend with John, asked if you wanted to meet up in the evening at the largest tavern there. You gave him a maybe and even that got a wink and a smile from him, before he complemented Emmy’ signed ball cap and left with a boy you didn’t know.

Went back to the castle for lunch, since Emmy’s tryouts were soon. Managed to recruit Aubrey, Vu, and Anna to come cheer her on. Forced Emmy to only eat one plate and a light desert, to not make her too fat to go fast on her broom, and got a punch in the shoulder for it.
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You could feel it however. Her nervousness. You did your best to pump her up. You weren’t sure how well it worked; she had been so sad at not making the cut when she tried for Hufflepuff the first time. You assured her that she was just amazing; meant to fly. Gave her a quick little kiss just before she headed onto the pitch for some quick warm-ups. Found a seat on the benches with your comrades, Cory too but no John since he was trying out as well, even if he like silly exploding ball football more, and had Aubrey hand you a small cloth flag with ‘Go Emmy!’ stitched on it as well as handing them out other to the rest.

How? Between classes, her club, Dueling, Prefect stuff did she have time to make these? They were handmade and looked good.

Well, another thing to ask about along side how she was so strong and fast. Try outs were starting and Anna was passing around a huge bag of muggle jelly-beans.

>I will write up the try-outs in a while, but a quick vote. You still have the rest of the day to do stuff aside from going to dueling so pick what you will do with it:

>Visit Professor Cross, maybe the other injured in the infirmary. Ask her what happened, what could hurt a very skilled, experienced witch like her. There could be more…

>Try and make it out into one of the Forests to find where the lights fell. Will require Aubrey and a check to avoid patrols. May be dangerous. Mini-me is mostly down for now, so no really big bonuses unless it is life or death and she will hurt herself more if it comes to that

>Prep. Help Macy with potions. Ask for some of Aubrey’s Rx meth and see if you can use it for a potion. Help with other utility ones. Maybe help Macy some since seeing a dead body probably affected her badly and she might need you

>See if you can get into the restricted section of the library. Travis might be well enough to get you in. Maybe find a Professor to grant you access. Cross likes you and McMahon seemed to “like” you and your twin… gross

>The Snake-Wood tree. You had figured out something was there. Go with Emmy when she is done; you did promise to try and get some leaves and needed Em the last time, with the weird symbols. Can keep a couple for your own use; they have incredible healing powers, even if you can’t find anything else out

>Just be with your friends. It had been a week. Make plans for the weekend. Get an idea of what is around here that is of interest take a nap and check on Jenny

>Write in
>>You wanted to trust your newest little sister and now close friend given she knew something even something you hadn't trusted your parents with but there were plenty of cars to go around it seemed. Just ride in Sally and bring Aubrey with you.
>Visit Professor Cross, maybe the other injured in the infirmary. Ask her what happened, what could hurt a very skilled, experienced witch like her. There could be more…
some info about what let that thing in and maybe investigate their defenses for weaknesses could be a good idea
>Visit Professor Cross, maybe the other injured in the infirmary. Ask her what happened, what could hurt a very skilled, experienced witch like her. There could be more…
>See if you can get into the restricted section of the library. Travis might be well enough to get you in. Maybe find a Professor to grant you access. Cross likes you and McMahon seemed to “like” you and your twin… gross
I will see if I can close the vote today, I do need a couple of tie breakers



You voted twice for the same choice. To make me not end up writing a small novel you can only pick one from that set.

The weekend choice is in this post:


So if you would, choose that and the rest of today vote you want. I would assume that the first option you put would be your preferred choice but IDK.

I also have most of the Quidditch match written, I just need votes for what will do after and then some rolls for a thing. I also have an updated character sheet in the works and a lewd-fic that I may finish before the thread dies.
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Or rather than tiebreakers, just votes and a clarification. It is early, and I haven't had my coffee or an energy drink. Also some of what Jenn has in her hand. Uhg. Fuck me.
>You wanted to trust your newest little sister and now close friend given she knew something even something you hadn't trusted your parents with but there were plenty of cars to go around it seemed. Just ride in Sally and bring Aubrey with you

>Visit Professor Cross, maybe the other injured in the infirmary. Ask her what happened, what could hurt a very skilled, experienced witch like her. There could be more…
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I am going to call this in a few hours, start up a new thread I think since this one is kind of stale. So feel free to chime in.
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Fresh bread is up!


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