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You are Nathan Drake. An ordinary person. Ordinary looks, ordinary life. At least, you think so, because you can’t remember.

No, not that Nathan Drake from the video games. You’re from Earth, so you know the reference.

You can’t remember anything else. As you open your eyes, you find yourself lying on the grass. You’re in the middle of a forest. The sun mercilessly shines over your face, prompting you to get up. It must be around midday.

How unlucky. You can’t remember anything, and you don’t know where you are.

Where are you? You look around. Tall aspens with white bark and golden leaves tower over you. And though the sky still looks like it’s summertime, you wager it must be fall, since the leaves have already turned.

You feel thirsty. Instinctively, you get up and start walking. One direction leads deeper into the woods. The other, towards a clearing. A way out of the forest, heading into an open area. As you’re still a bit disoriented, you can’t be sure of your location.

You start looking yourself over. You’re wearing a pair of jeans, sneakers and a shirt. Nothing out of the ordinary. An odd thing occurs to you however… but before you can figure out exactly what it is, a voice interrupts you.

“Hey you!”


==The following quest is a work of fiction. Any and all similarities to characters, groups or entities in real life are purely *laughs* coincidental.==

This will be a lighthearted Quest inspired by video games/movies, and classic choose-your-own adventure novels…
Note: The quest may move rapidly at the beginning, and during certain times. However, I’ll give major events and choices at least half a day to a day or so, so everyone can throw their vote in.
RNG will be kept to a minimum. Players need only to worry about a few things. One mechanic is Luck. Sometimes, the players will be given choices to either test their luck in a given situation or not. You will learn more about this eventually.
The choice with the most support is taken.
Some events have an opportunity for write-ins. The write-in with the most support is taken.
Some events with write-ins, players can write their own dialogue ideas (asking questions, actions, observations, reactions.)
Warning: May contain violence, explicit language, suggestive themes.
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“Hey you!”

You turn your head around. A girl with dyed pink hair stands looking at you from the edge of the path.

She begins to walk towards you - allowing you to get a good look at her face. She had a young appearance and big green eyes. She’s wearing what looks to be like cosplay. Some kind of uniform with lots of tassels and buttons; a dark blue jacket with epaulettes, that vaguely resembles a British royal guard’s, or something. What a strange choice for hair color… When she spoke again, her voice was softer, like a highschool student’s.

“Where did you come from?” She asked demandingly.

>TRUTH. You tell her you don’t know, and that you’re from Earth.
>LIE. You say that you’re just lost and avoid the question.
>IGNORE. You don’t answer her and instead start walking out of the forest.
>ASK. You don’t answer her and ask a question first. Who is she?
>TRUTH. You tell her you don’t know, and that you’re from Earth.
First impressions are everything.

>TRUTH. You tell her you don’t know, and that you’re from Earth.

>Ask a question in exchange. Where the crap are you.
>TRUTH. You tell her you don’t know, and that you’re from Earth.
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You tell the truth. That you don’t know how you got here.

“Huh… That’s weird.”

You tell her that you’re from Earth.

This time, after a few moments the girl began to smile. The stern, demanding expression on her face from earlier disappeared. She suddenly stepped up to you.

“Oh, now it makes sense! Of course you wouldn’t know where you are, because you aren’t from this world!”

She laughed a bit then crossed her arms. Then she said something quite unbelievable:

“I summoned you.”

A wave of surprise flows into your head. What’s this girl talking about? Summoned? However, for some reason, it doesn’t shock you or leave you wallowing in disbelief for more than a minute. It may be that you’re still disoriented, or the fact that you have no recollection or memory of your past. All you know is that you’re here, and you’re not sure where ‘here’ is.

“Don’t think too much,” she interrupted. “Follow me back to the city.~”

You start asking more questions. Why should you follow her? What’s going on? This girl, who couldn’t be older than eighteen or so, was bossing you around already. But it made some sense: She seemed to know where she’s going. She must know this world - she was even leading you “back to the city” already.

She spun around to look at you again. You detected her eyebrows twitch for a split-second, before she smiled. She must be annoyed by all your questions, but anyone in your situation wouldn’t be able to help asking questions. She understood that.

“You’re asking, why should you follow me? Isn’t it obvious?” She said, “I summoned you. That’s why.”

In the tavern, she sat across from you in the booth. After she had brought you to the ‘city’, she purchased a drink and a meal for you at a clean little tavern with polished wood floors and leather-cushioned booths. Amazingly, the people you see here are all dressed strangely as well! There’s no ignoring it anymore: the people eating, chatting and drinking in the tavern all looked straight out of some medieval era. It’s like walking into a set for the Narnia film…

There was indeed a city once you had left the forest. You had come out atop a hill, and across a vast green plain criss-crossed with farmland and grazing fields, you saw its glimmering silhouette on the horizon. You must’ve walked a mile or so following her. However, this tavern was only at the outskirts - the city itself is still a few miles away.


It’s at this moment you realized what was so odd about earlier. When you checked yourself over again, you discovered:
>You are younger now. Your body has mysteriously become younger. You’re in your early twenties again. Looking at your reflection in the window beside your seat confirms it. Being younger might explain why you can’t remember much about your past, or your lack of experience, or something… At least you feel like a normal young man.
>You are still the same age. You’re in your mid-thirties, and looking at your reflection in the window beside your seat confirms it. It felt odd earlier because you’ve forgotten. This doesn’t explain why you can’t remember much about your past, though you’re old enough to know not to make dumb decisions. Most importantly, you feel like a normal man.

She observes you quietly as you finish your plate.

“Are you a warrior? A mage? What are you?” She asked. After a second pretended to look embarrassed and shook her head. “Sorry for asking all of a sudden, mister… Nathan. It’s just that I’d like to know more about the person I’ve summoned. You see, I need your help. Tomorrow, I need you to help me with something…”

You still don’t know this girl. You’ve told her your name, but she hasn’t told you hers. When you ask about this, she seems stunned. “Oh, right! I apologize.”

“My name is Eléonore Françoise Le Germaine de la Molière. I am a Fire Witch. You may call me Lady Molière.~”

She gets up and does a little curtsy too. Funny, you think. She has an inordinately long name, and a haughtiness that expects you to bow to her. If you hadn’t known better, you’d be like the other people in the tavern, who all cowered in the presence of this young lady.

“Look, I summoned you because I need your help. Tomorrow, I have to retrieve this amulet from a dungeon.” She says, finally laying it out for you. “It’s better if we work together now; I can get you a sword, a wand, equipment, whatever you need so that we can get ready tomorrow. So? Who are you, really, mister Nathan Drake?”

You aren’t from this world. You knew better than to overreact. For the first time in your life, it occurs that your mind is at its clearest. A calm sense steadies you, and you neither smile nor gasp. You intelligently assess your situation.

>TRUTH. Tell her you’re just a regular everyday normal guy.
>LIE. Since she might ask you to prove it if you claimed to be a ‘mage’, you tell her you’re a skilled warrior.
>ASK MORE. At the risk of annoying her further, you ask more questions. What’s a Fire Witch, why she summoned you, and why shouldn’t you just leave her.
>LEAVE. Attempt to leave the tavern and her, and go to the city alone.
>WRITE-IN. Ask her something else, or perform other actions… (be very clever, observant or creative with your write-ins. Sometimes there are other ways around in the story)
>You are still the same age. You’re in your mid-thirties, and looking at your reflection in the window beside your seat confirms it. It felt odd earlier because you’ve forgotten. This doesn’t explain why you can’t remember much about your past, though you’re old enough to know not to make dumb decisions. Most importantly, you feel like a normal man.
Old man adventures!
>TRUTH. Tell her you’re just a regular everyday normal guy.
>ASK MORE. At the risk of annoying her further, you ask more questions. What’s a Fire Witch, why she summoned you, and why shouldn’t you just leave her.
>WRITE-IN: "Do people summoned to this world gain some special abilities or something like that? Sorry, I'm still coming to terms what the hell is happening?!
I have no fear of annoying her, it's her ass that summoned us, if what she says is true at all. We are owed some answers.
>You are still the same age. You’re in your mid-thirties, and looking at your reflection in the window beside your seat confirms it. It felt odd earlier because you’ve forgotten. This doesn’t explain why you can’t remember much about your past, though you’re old enough to know not to make dumb decisions. Most importantly, you feel like a normal man.
Early twenties means muscle strength and reaction time at it's peak, but oji-san isekai sounds more fun

>ASK MORE. At the risk of annoying her further, you ask more questions. What’s a Fire Witch, why she summoned you, and why shouldn’t you just leave her.
She summoned someone in the first place because she needs help, she can take some annoyance.

>WRITE-IN: "Do people summoned to this world gain some special abilities or something like that? Sorry, I'm still coming to terms what the hell is happening?!
good one anon >>6169680
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Eléonore Françoise Le Germaine de la Molière. That’s the Fire Witch’s name.

She’s bold for insisting upon you like this. You’re an adult man with no reason to care at all.

But Eléonore apparently summoned you.

“Is this a joke?” You say. “Do people summoned to this world gain some special abilities or something like that? Sorry, I'm still coming to terms with what the hell is happening.”

Eléonore flinched at your voice. She frowned.

“Do you feel anything different?”

No, you say.

“Do you think you can channel Arka from your body?”

No, you don’t think so. After talking, she realizes you have no magical abilities at all. You don’t know what ‘Arka’ is. Must be some parody of Qi or mana in this world.

“Sigh… This world is named ‘Harahel’. It is the name of our Goddess. She created the whole realm. You’re here for a reason, don’t you think?”

Eléonore produced a glowing flame from the tip of her index finger. She boredly played with it while you processed things.

“I’m a member of the Order of Fire Witches. I have a talent for manipulating elements. You’re not the first person from Earth who ended up here in Harahel, and you won’t be the last. There are more people just like you.”

A dumb boy with knowledge of how fantasies like Harry Potter works would leave it at that and eagerly buy whatever Eléonore’s selling. But you’re old and wise enough to be cautious.

“You’re here because you must have an exceptional talent or ability of some kind. It’s impossible for you to be just ‘a regular everyday normal guy’.” She said impatiently.

Maybe you’re unable to see if you can shoot fireballs out of your hands right now, but you’re unconvinced. It’s foolish and impudent to go with what Eléonore is asking of you when you’ve only just met.

“This is the Encore Region. We’re in the province of Navia, in the Principality of Greyweul. In this kingdom, there are adventurers. They explore dungeons and wildlands, perform errands and quests from guilds. They do all kinds of things. Yes, dragons and wizards are real. Yes, there is a God - more than one. Need I go on?”

She takes you to the bulletin in the tavern where an old world map is tacked on. The world you’re in now looks nothing like a map of Earth. Harahel looked like one supermassive pangea surrounded by an ocean. Least according to this map.

Finally, you ask why should you help her.

“Ah-h-h… You’re quite ungrateful, you know?” Eléonore pouted. “I fed you… and I summoned you! Do you have any idea how much Arka a summoning ritual takes? I’m too weak to go anywhere by myself! And besides, you and I… we’re meant to stay together and go on adventures…”

Eléonore sighed. She looked down at her feet. “Please? Tomorrow’s my last chance at getting that amulet from the dungeon.”

You eventually give in and agree to help her.

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You both stay the night at the tavern. Eléonore paid for two separate rooms, one for you. Since you couldn’t sleep, you snuck downstairs after some time to look at the map again.

The female barkeeper is quietly wiping down the countertop. She looked at you warmly as you perused the bulletin.

After a while, you deduce that Greyweul is just one of the many countries in this part or region of the world. Greyweul is practically on the top of the map, as ‘Encore Region’ is located here, far up northwest from the rest of the continent.

Its capital city is named ‘Beowulf’. Right now you’re in Navia, in the southwestern most part of this country.

“You look new here, adventurer. I hope you’ll come by again, you and your girlfriend.”

You couldn’t help but laugh. The witch isn’t your girlfriend. Having studied the map, you yawn sleepily.

“I see! Well, it seems like the two of you are off to a quest tomorrow. Good luck mister…”

You tell her your name.

“Mister Nathan Drake… It’s a pleasure meeting you. I’m Laurent.”

The barkeeper, Laurent, smiled politely. You’ll remember to visit this tavern again indeed.

Satisfied, you return to your room and quickly fall asleep.

True to her word, Eléonore takes you to fetch supplies for the mission you’re going to help her with today. She purchases an iron sword and a sturdy wooden shield for you, and orders you to change into a set of light plate armour.

You look like a cosplayer now too. The armour is real however, and leaves you thinking just what kind of thing you’re getting yourself into.

You think of the video games you remember playing. If the dungeon she’s talking about is anything like in the games you’ve played, then you can expect to do some fighting.

“This won’t take long. We just have to walk in there, get the amulet, then leave.”

Eléonore leads you back up the same road you’ve followed yesterday. After a mile, you’re back at the golden aspen forest. A short search within the woods soon reveals what you’ve missed yesterday: there was a cave opening on the side of the hill, not far from the grove you’ve woken up in.

“Come on! There shouldn't be anything more than rats here!” She said, leading the way. She recites a magic spell and illuminates the cave with orbs of fire.

>HESITATE. Don't go in yet. Ask Eléonore again if she’s sure there aren’t any traps or monsters to worry about.
>GO IN. You’ve thought enough. The time to focus and go in is now. Trusting her, you grip your sword and shield tightly and go in after her.
>WRITE-IN: "Hey, wouldn't it be a smart idea to smoke out whatever that lives in the cave first and then hit it when it comes out? You have fire powers, you can start a small fire."
We're not dumb, we're not charging in there with no strategy.

>>GO IN. You’ve thought enough. The time to focus and go in is now. Trusting her, you grip your sword and shield tightly and go in after her.
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"Hey, wouldn't it be a smart idea to smoke out whatever that lives in the cave first and then hit it when it comes out? You have fire powers, you can start a small fire," You said.

Eléonore said angrily, “nobody lives in there! Yesterday, a party cleared this place already, but they were too dumb to bring a map of the antechamber. The only thing left to do is to get the amulet!”

You realize Eléonore never said why she needed this amulet. She moved in before you could ask more questions.

There are no monsters or traps. The dungeon was barren. Even your witch companion is surprised. Other people must’ve been here already as Eléonore had said, though you don’t see any tracks.

Less than fifteen minutes later, you’ve navigated through the dusty corridors, empty rooms and crumbling staircases of the dungeon and reached what felt like the end of a very long corridor.

You and Eléonore are now in an antechamber. The ceiling has small holes from where rays of sunlight from the surface come through. You locate a sunlit pedestal in the centre of the room.

The thing you and the witch were seeking is on it.

This ‘amulet’ turned out to be a chalice of some kind. It’s made of copper, and was green from the tarnishing of time.

“There it is.”

What is it? You ask her.

“It’s a magical artifact. It’s what I’m looking for.”

Ignoring you, she starts moving towards it. You follow her quickly. Eléonore took the chalice from the pedestal. Soon after she did that, the entire dungeon began to shudder. You’ve triggered a trap of some kind.

The two of you must leave at once! You narrowly avoided a piece of falling rock which missed your ears. Eleonore spun around, pointing up.

“Watch out!” She screams.

It’s too late. A large piece of debris falls on you and you black out. When you open your eyes again, you find your lower body trapped under a beam of stone. The entire dungeon continues to quake.

“You alright?”

Eléonore is standing over you. She doesn’t smile.

You’ve broken your leg. Your head is bleeding and you’ve lost the sword.

“I see,” Eleonore said.

You try to get up, but you can’t. A terrible pain sent you back down.

“This dungeon’s about to collapse,” she said.

Help me up, you say to her.

“Huh?” She stared at you. That sick smile of hers returned. “Haa… Why should I? You wouldn’t be able to walk out of here anyways with that broken leg.”

At this point, you realize you’ve been betrayed. Your guts were right in suspecting something wrong about Eléonore. Right from the start, she had no intention of caring about you.

You watch as Eléonore turns and walks away. Large fragments of stone ceiling began to fall, allowing rays of sunlight to breach the darkness. As the dungeon collapses with you in it, you curse your luck - and yourself for trusting that bitch! - before your vision dissolves into darkness, and you are buried alive.

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“What the hell!… Can you hear me?...”

After an unknown amount of time has passed, you awaken to the sound of digging. Someone was talking above you.

A few more seconds pass. A large piece of debris was lifted off you. Sunlight instantly blinded your eyes.

“Oi. You’re still alive!”

The stranger persisted. She continued to pull rock and debris off you, until you could breathe properly again. You groaned, feeling the agony of your shattered leg.

“Hoh… you’re torn up pretty bad, old man! What were you doing risking your life in some stupid, empty tier-one dungeon?” She crouched over you, blocking the sun. She rifled through a satchel and brought the glass lips of a potion bottle to your mouth.


“Sorry, I don’t have any health potions with me. Don’t worry, I’ll get you out of here alive.”

Your vision slowly cleared, letting you see who your rescuer is. It’s another woman. She had extremely blue eyes.

She glanced up at you as you watched her. Suddenly, an amazing wave of pain shot up your body, prompting you to cry. The young woman had cut open your pant leg, assessed your limb, then tied off your right leg above the knee with a tourniquet. She finished tying the knot as she spoke again:

“Your tibia and fibula are both shattered. You’re lucky that stone pillar kept you from bleeding out. You’ve been out cold for possibly three hours. Let’s get you out of here. My witch friend can patch you up and prevent that wound from getting infected- hey, hey! Don’t struggle! What’s the matter with you?”

Just hearing the mention of ‘witch’ made you apprehensive. You don’t say anything. As she helps you up and shoulders your arm, she asks again what happened to you.

It was a witch who left you for dead here, you say.

“Tsk, tsk.” She clicked her tongue in dismay.

“Greyweul witches are all crazy! Never trust any of them.”

You pass out again.

==End of Prologue.==
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==Part 1: Greyweul Witches Are All Crazy!==

“...he’s fine. He won’t walk for a while but he’ll be alright. Hopefully we can get a healer witch to check on him.”

A tall green-eyed brunette stood next to your bed. You’re in a small home, no longer in the ruins of the dungeon. Your right leg is in a cast. Birds noisily sang outside the window.

Someone walked into the room. Your eyes widened in shock as a pink-haired woman approached you!

However it isn’t the Fire Witch. It’s someone different.

“How’s our old soldier doing?” She chirped. She’s the same person with the blue eyes who saved you from the collapsed dungeon.

Who are these people? The lady brunette answered you kindly:

“I’m Lisa. My friend here brought you in this afternoon. You were severely injured. She said you’d gotten crushed in a dungeon today. You’re very lucky to have survived, mister adventurer.”

“He says a witch did this to him. Is that right?”

You stay silent, reluctant to trust these people. Lisa knelt next to you.

“It’s okay,” she said. “Just get some rest.”

You ask if she’s a witch too.

“I am. But don’t worry, you can trust us- ”

The blue-eyed girl interrupted. “Aw, Lisa! Stop that. Can’t you see the guy just got royally screwed over by a witch this morning? And now you’re asking him to trust you?” Blue Eyes pointed a finger at you. “You don’t got to trust any of us and I don’t blame you. Don’t worry. Once you can walk, we’ll turn you loose - Hell, if you can walk tomorrow, you can go.”

“Hitori!” Lisa shot back at Blue Eyes. “We’re not letting him go until he’s better!”

You lose your patience and sit up, and tell the two to shut up in a stern voice.

Immediately the two became quiet and looked at you.

You can trust these two. Not that you’ve assurance they aren’t any less treacherous than Eléonore the Fire Witch, but right now you don’t have the gut feeling they mean ill intent towards you. Lisa was overly fussy but meant well. The one with the blue eyes, named ‘Hitori’, was blunt and loud but seemed honest.

Hitori respectfully offered something to you. It was an iron sword.

“Sire, you left this in the dungeon. It’s yours, isn’t it?”

As you slowly take your weapon back, they wait for you to speak.

It’s at this point that you decide: this Narnia thing you just got yourself into is fucked up.

You just got betrayed and your legs smashed. Damn Gods of Isekai Fantasy! What now? What do you do? Plot your revenge? Say your prayers? Or do you act like a cockroach and say nothing?

>EXPLAIN. You tell them the whole story. About Eléonore the Fire Witch. About how she summoned you to this world, then got you to accompany her into a dungeon, only to betray you in the end, which nearly caused your death.
>SILENCE. You say thanks, but stay silent for now.
>>EXPLAIN. You tell them the whole story. About Eléonore the Fire Witch. About how she summoned you to this world, then got you to accompany her into a dungeon, only to betray you in the end, which nearly caused your death.
>EXPLAIN. You tell them the whole story. About Eléonore the Fire Witch. About how she summoned you to this world, then got you to accompany her into a dungeon, only to betray you in the end, which nearly caused your death.
Not really anything to lose, is there?
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You tell them everything. About Eléonore the Fire Witch. About how she supposedly summoned you to this world, then got you to accompany her into a dungeon, only to betray you in the end, which nearly caused your death.

After you finished your story, both women were appalled.

“A noble witch! And you say that she’s summoned you?” Hitori said incredulously. “Listen. Everything she’s told you is complete nonsense. Summoning my foot! Even the Warlock of Firetop Mountain couldn’t summon a fly from the thirty-sixth level of Heaven if her life depended on it! No - that kid didn’t summon you. She’s a liar, and she lied about all that to get you to follow her. So that’s why you were buried in that dungeon, eh? I bet she ditched you and ran off with all the treasure?”

You shook your head.

“No treasure, hmm?” Hitori got up and looked at Lisa.

“We should find that Molière, and beat her with rocks until she pisses blood for the rest of her life.”

“Absolutely not!”

“What do you think?” Blue Eyes grinned carnivorously at you, showing white teeth. You’ve made an acquaintance, but oh! She was cruel and perhaps even more sadistic than a witch. You couldn’t tell if Hitori was joking or not.

>SARCASM. You humour Hitori and say you’d love to get revenge.
>SERIOUS. You seriously want to get revenge.
>PASSIVE. You calm the both of them down and assure to find a reasonable way of resolving this issue.

(p.s. Forgot to include this in the rules: You may actually choose more than one choice, if you must.)
>SERIOUS. You seriously want to get revenge.
>SERIOUS. You seriously want to get revenge.
>WRITE-IN: "While I appreciate your sincerity in beating someone to death with a rock in an act of brutal revenge, I have to find out why and how I got here. And if I have any abilities."
+1 to the write-in, too.

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You’ll make the witch Eléonore pay. Maybe not today, but you will.

Blue Eyes smiled. She leant close to you. Her rose-pink hair smelled like oranges.

“You actually want revenge, don’t you?”

“Don’t exacerbate the problem, Hitori!”

Lisa crossed her arms.

“I’m sorry but you won’t be able to walk for a few days - I’ll go find Lady Izh’mir. She can heal your injury. She is a good Light Witch.”

Hitori glared back. “You want to ask the matriarch for another favour? That’s mighty fine, isn’t it?”

“Don’t be like that. Can’t you see he needs it? None of us are good healers and he’ll be crippled for a whole year if we don’t get a Light Witch to see…”

They both looked at you. You give them your name in an unamused tone.

“Sir Nathan Drake,” Lisa solemnly said. “I’m sorry for your condition. If you’re agreeable, I’ll leave tomorrow to get my friend and have her take a look at you.”

There’s no arguing with Lisa, you knew. Whether you liked it or not, she cared too much even if you’d said no.

Instead you ask a different question:

"While I appreciate your sincerity in beating someone to death with a rock in an act of brutal revenge, I have to find out why and how I got here,” you say. After thinking for a second, you add, “And if I have any abilities."

Lisa nodded. “I can use an appraisal spell to find out after dinner. Would you like that, mister Nathan?”

“You can stop calling me ‘mister’. It’s making me feel like an old man,” you sighed.

Blue Eyes giggled. “Then we’ll call you Nate from now on!”

You ask them another question.

“...why are there so many witches in this world? Well!” Lisa says. “Nathan, you’re in Greyweul. The country with the most witches and mages, that’s why. As for how you’ve got here… well, I’m not sure,” she muttered.

An awkward silence follows. Lisa picked up her wide-brimmed hat from a chair.

“Nathan, if you need anything, just call. I’ll prepare food for our supper soon.”

She left. Hitori, who’s leaning against the wall, waved at you before following out.

You will be spending time in their company it seems. Until your leg heals, you won’t be going anywhere far.

Surely during dinner, you’ll get to speak with the two women again. In the meantime, often Lisa or Hitori would visit your room to check on you, open a window for the breeze, present snacks and refill your glass of water.

You still have many questions about the nature of this world though. Now seems an opportune moment to talk with one of them, however you’re not sure what to discuss. Having someone to speak with wouldn’t be bad though.

>TALK to Lisa first before dinner. You ask the witch about things. Maybe she knows more about how you got here, or if you have any magical abilities.
>TALK to Hitori first before dinner. You ask the blue-eyes about things. She saved you from the collapsed dungeon. Why?
>TALK to Lisa first before dinner. You ask the witch about things. Maybe she knows more about how you got here, or if you have any magical abilities.
Find out about STUFF and LORE.
>TALK to Lisa first before dinner. You ask the witch about things. Maybe she knows more about how you got here, or if you have any magical abilities.
>>TALK to Hitori first before dinner. You ask the blue-eyes about things. She saved you from the collapsed dungeon. Why?
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“Got a minute?” You say, as Lisa reappears back in the room.


“What did you mean when you said you aren’t sure how I got to this world?”

Lisa raised her brows. She walked over and sat in the chair next to the bed. She says she really doesn’t know how people end up in Harahel.

“They just do,” she breathed.

“By people, you mean it’s true that there are more like me?”

“Yes.” Lisa said, “You aren’t the only one who hails from another world. However… not all of us are from Earth like you. Nathan Drake, may I confess something?”

You sit upright.

“I am not from this world either,” Lisa said. “I’m originally from the Kingdom of Mondstadt, in the land of Teyvat. I arrived in this world almost two years ago. And ever since, I’ve lived here.”

Your eyes widen. There are other worlds - no, universes aside from Earth? Suddenly, you felt just like how Edward Norton felt at the end of Fight Club when he realizes he’s Tyler Durden all along.

“What the f…” You rub your face.

Lisa looked a bit scared at how you’d react. “Please take all the time you need to let this sink in.”

Well, at least you aren’t dead yet. You laugh dryly.

“That’s indeed a blessing,” Lisa agreed. “Nathan Drake. Don’t ever put yourself in danger again, okay?”

In hindsight, it was foolish to trust a total stranger like that Fire Witch Eléonore. To think that a kid completely played you… Well, it’s not going to happen again. Gods of Isekai Fantasy, that’s just warm-up!

Lisa glanced at the sword you kept leaning beside the bed. “Do you want to be an adventurer too?” She smiled.

You take a long time to think of how to answer her question. Indeed, what do you want?

Things became simpler, at least for now, when you approached it logically. On one hand, you could say you’d like to go home someday. On the other hand, if this was your life now, then you must accept it.

>TO GO HOME. Though your memory is still lost, you start to wonder about the life you’ve left behind. You might have a family waiting for you back home. You say that you’ve got to get back home to Earth. Saying this, it fills you with more resolve than anything else.
>STAY. You say that you’ll stay - at least, for now. It’s not like you have any other choice. You’re just being pragmatic. You joke that it’d be nice to go on slaying dragons and evil wizards, and the like.
>RETORT. You ask Lisa what she would do in your situation. What about her? Doesn’t she want to go home?
>SHRUG. You may have thought of the above, but you simply shrug and say you’re still unsure as of now. You decide to just take things as they come.
>WRITE-IN: "Hell, I don't know, I can't remember. If I had a good life back on Earth, I would like to go back. If not, what's the point of going back? But fuck it, we're living in the moment for now, I'll figure it along the way.
But also
>RETORT. You ask Lisa what she would do in your situation. What about her? Doesn’t she want to go home?

>RETORT. You ask Lisa what she would do in your situation. What about her? Doesn’t she want to go home?

It would be a good way of gauging her mentality, see if she might be a possible ally. A lot of isekai'd people in media were PoS in their former lives.

"Hell, I don't know, I can't remember. If I had a good life back on Earth, I would like to go back. If not, what's the point of going back?”

You say, letting out a long sigh.

“But fuck it, we're living in the moment for now, I'll figure it along the way.”

Your answer was brusque and said without much care. But it satisfied you, for it was a good answer.

Lisa chuckled. “You have a straightforward attitude, Nathan Drake. I like you.”

“What about you? You said you aren’t from here either. Why didn’t you go back to your home?”

“It’s not that I didn’t,” she said, shaking her head. “I don’t know how to. Nobody does. I can hardly remember waking up here two years ago. It felt like a dream, but this is real. Even Hitori has been trying for over a year now, and she doesn’t have the slightest inkling either.”

The blue-eyed adventurer isn’t from this world too, you remember Lisa saying a while ago. “Where is she from?”

She shrugged. “Hitori can’t remember. She thinks if she can build a rocket ship, she can go home by flying out of this world.”

The Air Witch brought food into the room for dinner. Hitori followed, carrying a fold-up table which she set at the foot of the bed so that they could dine with you. Lisa was an ‘Air Witch’ - ostensibly a mage who specializes in the art of manipulating wind. She could also control lightning and weather, though you haven’t seen her perform her magic yet. It all felt straight out of some fantasy novel…

After eating, Lisa was ready to tell you what she’d found. She looked at Hitori, then you.
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“You don’t appear to have any affinity for magic or Arka at all, Nathan Drake. You’re just like Hitori,” she said. “But I suppose it makes sense - I was already a mage before I came to this world, so it might be why I still have my gifts. Are you sure you’re just a normal person?”

You nodded. You’re positive. Though, you noticed that when Lisa referred to you as ‘normal’, she sounded a bit self-deprecating. If magic is a good thing, why didn’t she look too happy talking about it? Is it better to be ‘normal’ than otherwise at all?

Hitori crossed her arms and grinned at you. “Look at that, Nate! We’re the same!”

“Not quite,” Lisa said firmly. “You know that, Hitori.”

“Well if he didn’t spawn in with divine gifts given by Arbiters like the other Otherworlders do, then he is indeed just like me,” she insisted. “Doesn’t make a difference that he isn’t a magician like you - and if that’s the case…”

Hitori is excited. “Nate, you might not have any magical talents now, but you can learn!”

“Alright, alright. That’s great and all,” you say nonchalantly, focusing on something more important. “But what about Eléonore? So everything she said isn’t true?”

“Forget about her,” Hitori said. “I say you get some rest, eat and drink well for now. And when you’re stronger…”

She got up and approached you with a determined look.

“We can help you learn magic. I could train you.”

She picked up your sword from the corner. “And then you may go find Eléonore, and kill her in a duel.”

“Hitori!” Lisa cried. “Nathan, you don’t have to do that. I know emotions are rife at this moment, but please consider; she’s just a foolish child.”

But what about your revenge?

“If you want, I’ll help you file a petition myself. We can report Eléonore to the police, in Navia, and bring her to justice.”

Suddenly Hitori got angry. “You’re an even bigger fool, Lisa, aren’t you?! The ‘police’ you’re talking about is controlled by the department of Water Witches! They’re even more corrupt than ghouls! You’ll only give Nate more trouble by telling him to report this matter to them!” She faced you. “Don’t do that. I’m telling you, you’ll be making a mistake. These people don’t give a shit.”

Lisa stammered, unable to say anything. She sank back in her seat, ashamed. Hitori moved towards the window, and looked away.

>REPORT. You decide to report the incident to the police in Navia city and try to file a petition against Eléonore in order to get the Fire Witch arrested.
>DUEL. You tell them that you’ll challenge the Fire Witch to a duel the next time you see her.
>SEEK. You decide to take matters into your own hands and try to find Eléonore again once you’ve recovered.
>WAIT. For now, to calm them down, you say that you’ll think about it. You still need some time to process everything.
>WAIT. For now, to calm them down, you say that you’ll think about it. You still need some time to process everything.
Patience is a virtue, or something like that. But what is this hesitancy from Lisa about us being normal? Does she like the fact that we're weaker than her?
>Write in "The world you are from is more technologically advanced, they come from worlds with better understanding of the arcane arts, instead of using one or the other you should try to combine the two, hunting her down comes later down the line when you are prepared."
We would probably end up a third rate mage if we started practicing now
>WAIT. For now, to calm them down, you say that you’ll think about it. You still need some time to process everything.
Also this >>6171501
>SEEK. You decide to take matters into your own hands and try to find Eléonore again once you’ve recovered.
Confront her, make her apologize, punish her if she doesn't.
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For the first time since waking up to this world, you faced a very tricky issue. The Fire Witch who betrayed you today was still a fresh wound; you wanted to do something about it, but when deciding now meant siding with one of your new acquaintances over the other, things became more complicated.

Answering suddenly became far easier when you realized: You didn’t have to answer them at all!

“Both of you, calm down.” You muttered. “I’ll think about it. For now, I just want to get some rest.”

Lisa nodded. Hitori, ashamed at her outburst earlier, apologized.

As to Blue Eyes’ offer to help you train and possibly learn magic, you answered thoughtfully:

"I’d like to learn more about magic and all this weird stuff that happens in this world, but not right now. I’ve got a broken leg, you see?"

“Ah, of course,” Hitori nodded. “Then just rest for now.”

An exceptionally glaring realisation occurred to you again: You’re from Earth. You already knew things that none of these people know. While your memory is still cloudy, you realize that you still have as much knowledge and wits as any sane modern man from the dark year of 2024. So what are you doing here, fretting like a clueless guy?

You get a hold of yourself. Catching and punishing that rotten Fire Witch can wait. Armed with your hidden knowledge, you bide your time and sit for now.

“There’s one thing, though.” Lisa spoke quietly.

“What’s that?” You asked.

“Although you don’t have any magical abilities, Nathan… You have one thing all of us always have.”

Lisa produced a pen and a small piece of paper, and began to write. Even Hitori curiously moved closer. Afterwards, she gave it to you.

With luminous golden ink, she’d written a single word, and a number below it:

Luck: 6.

“Luck.” You say, reading. “Six.”

The number six glowed mysteriously.

“That’s your luck score,” Lisa said.

You held the number tightly between your fingers. What does this mean? You are suddenly left in wonderment.

Hitori spoke up. “Luck - and magic - are facts of life in the world,” she said. “All of us have different luck - some of us are born lucky. Others… not so much.”

Lisa smiled. “I can’t see your number,” she said. “Only you can see it.”

>ASK. What does this mean?
>REST. You decide to rest for now, and sleep.
>ASK. What does this mean?
Don't reveal the number, but ask what Luck does in this world
>>ASK. What does this mean?
What's an average Luck number?

>“Luck.” You say, reading. “Six.”
Looks like we already revealed it when we read it out loud

Supporting this too.

‘Luck - and magic - are facts of life in this world.’

So, that’s it, then? This is what this world’s about? As you think about it, you are one step closer to figuring out how things work here in Harahel. You’ve heard of luck, how people can be lucky and win the lottery or fight off cancer, but here it seems it’s as real as magic, gods and witches.

What does this mean?

You accidentally mutter it out. But Lisa and Hitori have no answers.

“What does Luck mean for me?” You ask again.

“We don’t know,” Hitori said. “What we do know is that people who have a higher Luck score actually seem luckier than those with lower Luck scores. I’ve seen a man shoot an arrow once at the Prince’s Festival and hit a bull’s eye at two hundred metres - twice.

“That’s an impossible shot. Now, you could say he was just lucky - or maybe it’s because he had twelve in his Luck score.”

Lisa confirmed Hitori’s story. “It’s true,” she said. “Luck is very real.”

Without warning, a headache began to cut through your head. You suddenly remembered one of those table-top roleplaying games which involved dice and rolls. Maybe you’ve played those before, or not, but an incredible similarity between that and now became apparent that it made your eyes widen.

There’s a benefit to memories after all.

“You alright, Nate?” Hitori asked.

“Yeah. Was just thinking about it. Hey, what would you consider a high Luck score?”

“Hah?” Hitori’s mouth dropped. “Err… Well, I don’t know. Lisa, is 50,000 very lucky?”

Annoyed, the witch shook her head. “Nothing like that! Nothing like that! We really don’t know either what the numbers actually mean. I’ve seen people with more than twenty luck, who still died from tragic accidents or met their end before their time - but I suppose one can’t really know, can they?” Lisa said, “the highest number I’ve heard of is from Elf with thirty-six...”

“Then again, she could be just bullshitting,” Hitori chuckled.

You thought exactly the same.

Something worried you. If Luck is real, what does it mean to be unlucky in this world? You’ve seen your score - six - is that lucky or not? Whichever the case, you began to have a gut feel that it might be for your own safety that you kept your Luck score to yourself. There must be a reason why, as Lisa said earlier, that you are the only one who can see the true number of your Luck on a piece of paper.

But it all still didn’t make enough sense to you.

>ASK Hitori. Wait for a moment to speak with Hitori alone.
>ASK Lisa. Wait for a moment to speak with Lisa alone.
>FIGURE it out by yourself. You rest for now.

You ponder talking to one of them again later. Maybe tomorrow morning. Then again, perhaps you could try to figure out alone how this whole Luck stuff really works.

Afterwards, the night passes and morning soon comes…
>ASK Hitori. Wait for a moment to speak with Hitori alone.
>FIGURE it out by yourself. You rest for now.
Sigma grindset.
>ASK Hitori. Wait for a moment to speak with Hitori alone.
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You lie in bed silently.

You’re no longer on Earth. A mistake to trust a witch led to you being crippled. Now you're stuck here indefinitely.

Like a dream, you quickly accept it.

Hitori came poking in the room. She stared at you with big blue eyes.

“You're not asleep?”


You sit up as she walks in. “I leave tomorrow,” she says.

She is an adventurer. The first one you've met. You ask her more about what she does for a living.

“I do quests from the Guild, and they pay me in gold Écu. These days though, it's getting harder to even make a few sous. Not without risking your neck fighting all sorts of terrible people and creatures.”

“Adventuring seems like a full time job,” you observe.

She grinned amusedly. “No adventurers in your world?”

No, you explain, not quite in the modern day. Not in the sense people still have frontiers to chart, dragons and wizards to vanquish or treasure islands to discover. Ever since modernization came about, YouTube and NASA replaced adventuring forever.

“Interesting.” Hitori’s eyes glittered. “Tell me more.”

Soon you found yourself having to explain what ‘NASA’ and ‘YouTube’ is to her. Hitori was wide-eyed.

“...wait, so with this NASA and everything… You mean to say that your people have already reached the stars?” Hitori asked.

“If you mean space, then yeah. We've gone to space before. We put up satellites there for our cellphones and television.”

She's noticeably pleased. She went beside you and said: “Tell me more next time. I promise you I'll tell you stories of my own too.”

She got up.

“I haven't properly introduced myself to you yet, have I? My real name is Hitori Gotō. I am from a galaxy far, far away…”

Hitori took your hand and shook it.

“I'm an errant-witch of Greyweul now. A ‘Space Witch’. There are things I must do to redeem myself from the mistakes I've done in the past here… they’re part of my quests. When that's done, I'm going home.” She said, “I'm glad I found you this morning.”

“May I ask you a question, Hitori?”

“Of course.”

“What's your Luck score?”

It's not exactly subtle to ask about her Luck, but now or never. Hitori suddenly looked sad.


She smiled sadly.

“All my life, I never believed in luck. Luck is for fools! We make our own luck.” She looked guiltily. “But I guess I’m wrong, and I'm being punished now, eh?”

“What do you mean?”

“I'm not a lucky person. I think I was killed in battle in my past life. Lisa thinks I reincarnated here. That's why I have to be careful now. I'm the only person in this world with no luck at all.”

She pointed at you.

“I think six is a lucky number, Nate.”

The conversation with Hitori left you mystified.

The next morning, something unexpected occured: the number on the piece of paper had changed.

Luck: 7.

Your Luck score has changed.
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Just as Lisa had promised, she left early to go fetch a friend who could help you. At midday, she arrived with the Light Witch.

The Light Witch was a fair, silver-haired Elven lady. She had long pointy ears and deep malachite eyes, and a serene countenance befitting that of a queen. When she spoke, her silken voice was gentle, exactly as how you'd expect a Tolkien elf to sound like.

Lisa began the formal introductions. “Nathan Drake, this is Lady Victoria Izh’mir. The Matriarch of the Order of Light, of the Grand Coven of Beowulf. Lady Izh’mir, this is Sir Nathan Drake.”

The High Elf nodded at you. “I'm pleased to meet you, Sir Nathan Drake.”

You can't help but feel your face heat up. Her elvish grace was enough to have an effect on you. It doesn't help either that you're still a cripple stuck in bed due to your leg, and they're speaking of you as if you're a knight…

“You must be in great pain,” Victoria said softly.

“It’s not so bad now,” You admit.

“Yesterday, I cleaned up his wound and applied a poultice which helped make the swelling go down,” Lisa said. “Nathan got injured when a dungeon collapsed with him inside it.”

“I see.”

Victoria Izh’mir looked at you.

“I can heal your leg. You will be able to walk again today,” she said. “But…”

You cut her off, almost sure that there's a catch. “What do you want in return?” You say.

The High Elf blushed deeply. “Nothing!” She said. “Nothing at all, it's just that I wouldn't want to do it if it's against your will. But I insist that you let me. It's for your good.”

Lisa and Victoria waited patiently for your answer. You give it a thought.

Being able to walk again today was a big thing. What can be better than that? But you still aren't sure if this hospitality came without a catch. Trusting a witch last time resulted in your injury now after all.

>ACCEPT. You agree to let the Light Witch heal your injury.
>REFUSE. You refuse to let the Light Witch heal you.
>ASK. You curiously ask why an important and high-ranking elf like Victoria wishes to help you.
>ASK. You curiously ask why an important and high-ranking elf like Victoria wishes to help you.
Nothing accusatory, just out of curiosity.
>ASK. You curiously ask why an important and high-ranking elf like Victoria wishes to help you.

Is there any reason we wouldn't accept a free healing of a crippling injury? Is she an unlicensed healer? A healer in training with a high failure chance? Does submitting to her magic now give her a permanent backdoor into our very soul?

“Why do you want to help me? ”

You asked the ‘Light Witch’, genuinely curious. Victoria smiled.

“I'm a Light Witch. Even if I'm an Elf, it's my duty to help everyone, including humans.”

So apparently, not all witches are bad. Perhaps the first one was just the bad apple in the basket. Though, you're still not quite convinced and Victoria notices this.

“Lisa told me you're an Otherworlder.”

You raised your brows. Oh bother. If Lisa’s been talking about you, what else might she have said? It didn't occur to you that maybe keeping your origins a secret may be important for your safety. But what's done is done.

“That's true,” you carefully say. “What about it?”

“Things happen for a reason, don't you think?” Victoria says cryptically. “You see… Otherworlders are considered special in our world.”


She nodded. “People who come here from other worlds are… different. In the past, many of them have risen to become great heroes of this world. Some of them are gifted with otherworldly knowledge, intuition… Others have a talent for magic. That's why Otherworlders are special - they are friends from another world. Maybe it's a virtue the Goddess tries to teach us. That the world is bigger than us.”

You ponder everything she's said for a while. It's amazing, however, how can you confirm all she'd said? But Victoria looked to be telling the truth.

“...may I heal your leg now?”

You accept. Presently, Victoria drew close and examined the bandages on your right leg. Then she performed her healing miracle. She recited a magic spell and made the magic sign, then blew on your wounds gently. Golden shimmers of light fell over the bandages and a cold feeling crept up from your toes, up to your knee and dissipated warmly over your thigh as if a ghost were washing it with water.

When she removed the bandage, purple bruises and the lacerations had gone. What remained were faint scars where your once-broken bones had punctured the skin during the injury.

“I can't heal scars. They're there to stay.”

Mystified, you had no words to say. You got out of bed and stood up for the first time.

Your leg felt strong, and when you stood, you turned out to be taller than them both.

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Victoria stepped back.

“I know I had said that I would never ask for anything in return, but… I hope that in time, you will know that we mean well, and that you are welcome to stay in our world, Nathan Drake.” Victoria said hopefully, “And one day… that you'll show others the same kindness I've shown you now.”

Lisa, who had been standing nearby, now came forth. She looked at you.

“Is there anything you'd like to tell Lady Izh’mir?” She asked.

You realise Lisa is pertaining to the issue with the Fire Witch yesterday.

She had told Victoria Izh’mir about you being an ‘Otherworlder’, someone who isn't from here, but not about the whole story with Eléonore yet. This was what Lisa was talking about when she offered to help you bring the case to official light in Navia, and report the crime of Eléonore practically attempting to murder you to authorities. However, she was tactful enough to let you decide whether to tell someone like the Light Witch or not.

Looking about, you also realize that Hitori, true to her word, was no longer here. If Blue Eyes had been here, she would've insisted you avoid reaching out to the police authorities at all. She warned that they were unscrupulous. You can neither confirm nor deny that claim.

Victoria and Lisa were relieved to see you walking normally.

>REPORT. You decide to take Lisa’s advice from last night and report the story about Eléonore the Fire Witch, who had left you for dead in a dungeon, so that she can hopefully be punished.
>SILENT. You decide to say thank you, and speak nothing of the issue at all.
>REPORT. You decide to take Lisa’s advice from last night and report the story about Eléonore the Fire Witch, who had left you for dead in a dungeon, so that she can hopefully be punished.
Who knows what other otherworlders she’ll do this to if she isn’t stopped
>SILENT. You decide to say thank you, and speak nothing of the issue at all.
Let's learn suspicion. That "even humans" talk has me wary of this elf.

>ASK: What did you mean by "even humans"? Is the relationship between elves and humans not great?
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For a moment, you seriously consider reporting everything that has happened to Victoria. She was a ‘Matriarch’ of some kind of order, so you've heard; she's likely powerful enough to help you if you were to tell her.

But not trusting the people of this world enough, you hesitate.

“Thank you.”

You say nothing else.

“Oh!... Um, of course.” Victoria smiled and nodded.

“I have a question, if you don't mind me asking,” you add quickly. “What did you mean when you said, ‘even humans’?”

Her blue-green eyes widened. She spoke gently.

“Do you know that I am the only elven Matriarch in Greyweul’s Grand Coven? You won't see a lot of elves in Encore - especially not in this kingdom, because this is the region of man. My kind lives in the Great Wilds,” Victoria explained. “They do not feel particularly welcome here… So, I understand why you hesitated to allow me, an elf, to heal you. Even so… I cherish and care for your kind as much as I do for my own.”

“In other words, she's one of us,” Lisa said. “She's the most loved elf on this side of the world.”

“You jest, Lisa Minci!” Victoria chuckled shyly.

After a drop of tea, you and Lisa saw her out. You waved as Victoria Izh’mir disappeared down the road. She went on the way back to Navia city.

Lisa didn't smile. She looked at you.

“Why didn't you tell her about Eléonore?” She asked. “Lady Izh’mir could've helped you.”

You crossed your arms and looked away. The clouds in the sky were towers of white racing across the green horizon of the countryside. You remembered: the only thing you left in the room upstairs was the cheap sword and armour the Fire Witch had bought for you.

>You tell Lisa that you don't trust Victoria or anyone else enough. At least not right now.
>You decided to handle things by yourself, and the Fire Witch on your own.
>You don't say anything.

Lisa sighed. She followed your eyes, and saw through what you were thinking. It was a good day. She knew you could leave her roof today.

“Hey… Nathan? You could stay here. You don't look like someone who's got a place to go.” She blushed suddenly and shook: “No, no. That's not quite right… No, I meant, since you're an Otherworlder who's only arrived here yesterday, well. I don't suppose you intend to leave now and wander the country, alone, walking the roads?”

You stared at her. Lisa’s eyes avoided your gaze.

“Of course, I'm not offering this hospitality without anything in exchange this time…! If you're okay with helping around the house, and doing errands for me… I'd like you to stay,” she admitted.

You look at her, then at the road which led away from here.

Now felt like one of those choose-your-own-adventure novels that you vaguely remember existing in your world. This time, you are in it. If you leave, you could see the world. If you stay, you would find companionship with her.

>You tell Lisa that something felt off about Victoria. Maybe you could tell her one day, but right now feels too soon to trust Victoria.

It's nice to have a friend. Especially one that knows this world more than we do.
>It's not the sort of thing to just tell to anyone you've just met
Don't always need to have a grand adventure. A lower-action time with a friend is good too, even if there is the "and more" implication in there.

Just while we get our bearings and figure out where that witch-bitch who left us for dead is hanging out.
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You didn't trust Victoria yet because you've only just met her, you say.

Lisa looked down, thinking you’d decided.

“I'll go back inside… The rest of the tea will get cold…”

“I'll stay,” you say. “If you'd be happy to have me.”

She stopped. A happy smile couldn't be kept from her lips.

“Wonderful. I… I'm glad!”

You glance at the road, then sigh. Lisa asks, “is something on your mind?”

“Thanks for everything. I'm grateful towards you all for helping me. Though, it's much too early for me to readily trust Victoria or anyone else.”

“That's okay. I understand you'll need some time to get accustomed to your new life in this world,” Lisa said cheerfully.

True relief settles in you for the first time in a long while. The decision to stay satisfies you. Lisa was very pleased to keep your company, you now had a place to call home, and yet going out in the world on your own still lay in the future.

And by staying here, you can begin to learn more about everything. It was good.

Later inside the house she offered to let you read from her bookshelves. The cozy living room had a fancy sofa with velvet cushion, where the Air Witch was oft to have her tea before the wooden coffee table and relax and read tomes.

“Do you like books?” She asked, slipping you an encyclopedia. “I can teach you whatever it is that you wish to know.”

Another realisation occurs to you: Lisa and everyone else you've met so far speak to you in English. How can that be? Their accents were varied - Lisa and Victoria had a British tone; Hitori had a lilt which you couldn't put a name on - but they all spoke the same language as you.

Opening the encyclopedia confirmed your next suspicion: the Gothic print was in English too. The first page contained a world map. Aside from strange words you didn't know, you could read it without difficulty.

“Do you think you could teach me magic?” You ask. “I want to learn.”

Lisa hummed thoughtfully. “Of course. However… we must first bring it out of you.”

Confused, you start to listen.

“Magic isn't exactly a craft you can simply study. This may sound weird to you, but… magic rests on imagination and beliefs. It’s essentially Arka manipulation.”

It takes a long time for Lisa to explain the concepts to you, how Arka is supposed to be life, among a slew of other things… Even so, she could not make you get it all. It gets so confusing, you have a headache.

“Don't give up! Magical study normally takes years! We can't possibly explore all of it in one evening.”

Magic is simple on paper. You knew how magic worked in video games and fiction. It's not too different from the reality here at all. However you’ve zero idea on how to “bring it out of you”. Trying to learn magic right now was like a blind man trying to learn about colours.

But Lisa was excited. “We have the whole day tomorrow. I can try to teach you more.”

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At nightfall, just as it got dark Hitori returned.

You were sitting on the porch with the fireflies. She walked up the road from the direction of the aspen forest. It greatly surprises her to see you.

“You're still here, Nate!” Hitori screamed. She tackled you with a hug. “And you can walk!”

“Yes. I decided to stay. Hope you don't mind.”

“Not at all! I was missing you already!” She laughed. “Lisa said she's taking you to Navia. I felt sick thinking that you'd be gone by the time I returned. Your leg's healed, I see?”

You explain how the Light Witch, Victoria Izh’mir healed your injuries.

“I guess they're really that kind. A Matriarch paying you a visit - think about that. Only a Light Witch would be so chummy.”

You shrug. “I still doubt they're doing it out of charity.”

“So, so. That's the world.”

She dropped her gear satchel. The sword on her belt dripped with green muck. She’d been hunting slimes deep in the forest, she explained.

“You've been busy too, I see,” she said.

Hitori looked at the sword in your lap.

You had been polishing your sword while waiting for Lisa to finish cooking supper. The smell of beef ragoût just now, and Hitori’s return made you forget about the weapon.

“You still have that sword Eléonore got for you.”

“It's stupid to throw away a perfectly good sword.”

“True. So, so, you're still thinking of her?”

The flames of revenge however faint remain in your heart. Even a man like you can't let go of something that insulting. No, you’ll punish that witch eventually.

“So you didn't say anything to the Light Witch Matriarch. I thought Lisa would've meddled.”

Blue Eyes, ever so perceptive to an almost frightening degree, smiled upon you.

You shrug calmly. “I'm trying to learn magic, but I don't think I'll be able to anytime soon.”

Hitori laughed like a complicit partner-in-crime.

“Then let’s train with swords tomorrow. Magic is overrated.”

It was a long day. After a happy supper together, you head to bed. Before you fall asleep, you must make a decision. Tomorrow will be your third day in this world.

The Air Witch, Lisa is your hope at learning magic at the moment. She is a person from a different world, just like you. She is tall, intelligent, and there's no doubt about her sincerity.

Blue Eyes. Hitori, the sly pinkette of an adventurer. She is also from another world like you. Cunning and mysterious, she's promised to help you take revenge on the Fire Witch who had injured you.

Each of them had asked for your attention tomorrow.

>STUDY. You decide to first study with Lisa tomorrow.
>TRAIN. You decide to first train with Hitori tomorrow.

(We're getting up to speed!)
>TRAIN. You decide to first train with Hitori tomorrow.
Magic is the weapon of the ENEMY
>STUDY. You decide to first study with Lisa tomorrow.
We're a little bit over the hill when it comes to age and would be better off becoming a wizard than trying to keep up with the young'uns with a blade.
>STUDY. You decide to first study with Lisa tomorrow.

Morning comes.

You still wanted to learn not just about magic, but more about this world and its inhabitants. Studying was the first step towards that. If that didn't work out, learning to fight with weapons was still a second option. Curiosity got the better of you, and you decided to first study with Lisa today instead of immediately training with Hitori.

After breakfast, you and Lisa talked over books and tea. From her, you began to slowly learn more about the arcane mysteries that existed in Greyweul.

“Magic requires intuition,” Lisa explained. “Not everyone can become a mage, but a mage can be anyone. That's why I believe that with enough study, meditation and self-cultivation, it's possible for us to bring out an affinity - no matter how small at first - from within you.”

“You sound like one of those Taoist monks,” you say, smiling.

“Ehh? W-What’s that?”

Right. Lisa isn't from Earth, so she doesn't get it. You keep listening.

“Because magic is essentially Arka manipulation as I've said before, we first have to cultivate the Arka within your body. Does that make sense?” Lisa said.

“You said that there isn't any Arka within me, though.”

“I did. But then again, that's impossible. Everything in Harahel has Arka. It makes up the world after all. It's just that Otherworlders like you, who are from a different world may not have it initially. To tell you the truth I do not completely understand its mysteries either, but everyone who stays and lives here eventually becomes a part of the higher powers that govern our realm.”

Hitori peered from a window. She was out back, stacking firewood for the stove. “Oi. You two are still at it? It's almost lunchtime!”

Lisa giggled. “Take Hitori for example. She came to this world without a bit of Arka present in her body at first. Now, she has a normal level of Arka in her body like most Greyweulians do.”

So over time, Arka accumulates in the body? It's an expy of mana out of some video game, but the mechanics of it still eluded you…

“That's right,” Lisa said. “In time, I'm sure we'll be able to detect Arka slowly building up within you.”

“You're sure?”

“I'm positively sure. Arka is everywhere. Hence why meditation and self-cultivation goes hand in hand with teaching you the intricacies of Harahelian nature.”

You ask the next obvious question: “How long will that take?”

“That, I'm not sure of.” The witch laughed shyly.

She continued.


“The school of magic here in Greyweul is methodical and structured. I'm sure you'll find it easier to understand than if, say, you were to learn it from an Arian mage. The witches and mages here all belong to an Order corresponding to one of the six elements of the realm: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light and Dark. When you receive a Blessing in one of these elements, you become gifted in mastering that element.

“Once a student’s affinity to an element is determined by examining the way they manipulate Arka, they're usually inducted into an Order during the Choosing Ceremony. In your case however… you aren't exactly young enough to be an academy student anymore… so things will be a bit different.”

Then she explained how there were different subdivisions of magic. In game terms, if the six elements are the ‘Skills’, then the ‘Abilities’ are the spells, signs and moves you can perform. Some feats, such as producing fire in your hands require the recitation of spells; producing light or purifying water may require a magic sign on the other hand. Many other abilities needed all sorts of things and trinkets, including wands and staves for channeling and focusing magic.

“Tell me this isn't just a Harry Potter isekai…” You mutter sarcastically, rubbing your eyes.

Lisa sipped her tea to catch her breath.

“Wait a minute. I'm not a witch alright, and I'm not a student. What does that make me?” You ask.

“It makes you a rogue,” Hitori interrupted, walking into the living room. She poured herself tea in a mug, much to Lisa’s chagrin. Hitori smirked. “Like me. You don't belong to any of the witch clubs in this country.”

“It doesn't make him a rogue, idiot.”

“Then he's ‘Orderless’.”

Lisa glanced. “It's not as bad as it sounds, Nathan. I will say though: People only learning magic later in life aren't as common, but it's not strange at all.”

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Hitori snapped her fingers. “Aha! Let me show you something, Nate.”

She took the saucer beneath Lisa’s teacup. A few drops of water remained in it. Annoyed, the witch said, “this paltry trick again?”

“Don't be so harsh on me, witch. I'm proud of my magic!”

Hitori set the saucer on the coffee table and promised to manipulate the water without any magic signs or spells - the mark of a genius magician.

She extended her hands and made a terrific mental effort. She looked like she was trying to turn the table into gold. She grunted.


Lo and behold, Hitori made the droplets in the saucer form into a small cube of water.

“See?! I'm a magician!”

“That's nice, Hitori. Thank you for your demonstration.” Lisa huffed. With one snap of her fingers, Lisa vaporised the water cube into a cloud. “So as you can see, Nathan. It's not impossible not to learn magic, it just isn't easy for everyone. She's been here for over a year and all she can do is make a cube of water.”

“Oi! I can shoot a fireball from my fingertips too!”

“Yes - big enough to light a single candle,” Lisa retorted.

Hitori shrugged. “I'm still a magician.”

This was going to be a long journey… You cross your arms and sit back. The banter between the two was enjoyable. After lunch, Hitori went. Lisa stayed with you.

For the rest of the day, you—

>KEEP STUDYING. You continue to read from the witch’s bookshelves. You can learn more about magic and the skills, spells and abilities that you can gain. This might bring you a step even closer to unlocking the ability to use magic.
>READ DIFFERENT BOOKS. You study everything else available that afternoon. You study the map, allowing you to learn more about the country of Greyweul and the world of Harahel; You read about history to learn more about important figures, events and of life here; And you study the encyclopedia from yesterday, to know more about the monsters and creatures of this world.
>TALK TO THE WITCH. You try to get to know Lisa more. You ask more about her and her story, and why she asked you to stay.
(This time, one choice only. In cases like this, choices may reappear later again!)
>TALK TO THE WITCH. You try to get to know Lisa more. You ask more about her and her story, and why she asked you to stay.
inb4 she's also crazy
Is Hitori trying to impress an old guy like us? That's pretty cute.
>READ DIFFERENT BOOKS. You study everything else available that afternoon. You study the map, allowing you to learn more about the country of Greyweul and the world of Harahel; You read about history to learn more about important figures, events and of life here; And you study the encyclopedia from yesterday, to know more about the monsters and creatures of this world.
>READ DIFFERENT BOOKS. You study everything else available that afternoon. You study the map, allowing you to learn more about the country of Greyweul and the world of Harahel; You read about history to learn more about important figures, events and of life here; And you study the encyclopedia from yesterday, to know more about the monsters and creatures of this world.
>KEEP STUDYING. You continue to read from the witch’s bookshelves. You can learn more about magic and the skills, spells and abilities that you can gain. This might bring you a step even closer to unlocking the ability to use magic.
>inb4 she's also crazy
It is in the quest title

There's a lot to unpack in a single day, so you decide to spend your time focusing on one subject at a moment. You must learn magic, but not at the expense of forgoing knowledge about other things; you mustn't get tunnel-vision.

You glance at Lisa too. It'd be nice to know more about the witch, but you weren't in a hurry either. Tomorrow, there'll be time for that. This is only the third day after all.

You start reading the other books available in the house. You learn more about this country, and this world called Harahel.

Harahel is the name of the prime Arbiter-Goddess of this world. But a long time ago, this land was once known as Hellania. Harahel was once the princess of Heaven, daughter of Hellania. Unlike on Earth, Gods and demons here were real - though, you haven't seen one with your own eyes yet. It seems that the world here also changes as eras pass.

The continent is divided into several regions: Encore, Adagio, Arpeggio, Concerto, Largo, Hymn, Dolce and Nocturne. There's also the far-away lands of Ballad, so distant from the continent that little is known of it; and Aria, the Sky Islands, northwest of Concerto Island. Apparently, there were countries in the sky too.

You don't question the strangeness of it all; gradually, you come to accept that these things are a fact of life just as much as magic and luck is here. These were distant lands, and in hindsight, had you left Lisa’s home today you could spend your whole life in wanderlust and traveling the roads, and still never explore it all. That's how great and vast the Harahel realm is.

Right now, you're in the Principality of Greyweul, Encore Region. This country is ruled by a prince who has gone missing. It's also known as the country of witches, since it has the most number of magicians next to the mystical Sky Islands. There's a history of war and rivalry between Greyweul and every other kingdom in Encore. It's almost quite a parody of medieval Europe.

Here, the currency is in ‘Écu’, a gold coin circulating not just in Greyweul but throughout the region. An Écu is worth sixty sous of silver; a sou is worth 12 deniers or copper change. A regular meal costs about 10 sous. A cheap sword costs about 9 Écu. A decent horse could cost around 41 Écu.

And it seemed adventuring was a very real part of the economy here, for dungeons and caves appear by themselves in certain places, and if they were not conquered or its monsters slain, the world would be taken over by monsters.

The witch who had healed you earlier was a ‘Matriarch’, a leader of an order of witches. Like Lisa said, the six orders existing in Greyweul were all part of a Grand Coven which governed the country together with the Palace of Beowulf. This was important, because magic was an awesome power that not everyone possessed, and there are laws and customs in place to ensure magicians and ‘proles’ or commoners don't end up fighting each other.


Witches and mages who don't subscribe to a particular order are called ‘Orderless’. They're looked down upon, for they are not bound by the Grand Coven laws, and their magic may cause unrestricted harm towards people.

You put down the encyclopedia. It's exhausting to read, but now you have a better understanding of what you're dealing with.

“You're quite studious,” Lisa commented, seeing that you were still reading hours later. “Were you always like this back in your world?”

“Not really.”

“You have intelligent eyes… I can see that they're full of wisdom too.”

You shrug. “Anyone can read books and call themselves smart.”

“I'm not talking about that. It's rare to see anyone reading anymore. You also seem to quickly understand how things work. I think that if you put your mind into something, you can easily master it.”

“It probably helps that there are no phones or television in this world.”


You can't help but laugh. It's true - all that's left for you here is to live in the moment.

The day has ended. In this world, it gets extremely dark early. With only lamps and candles for light, your room had turned silent and outside the window the land had turned black and only the starry night sky and the moonlight offered illumination.

You are now in bed again. You check the piece of paper where your luck had been written in gold.

Luck: 7. It hadn't changed.

There's a soft knocking at the doorway. Hitori snuck her head in and looked at you. Her blue eyes seemed to almost glow in the dark.

“Are you still awake? I can't see you…”

You sit upright.

“Will you tell me a story about your world? About the satellites?”

You wonder why Hitori is so curious about your story. Where you wondered about the witch, Lisa, Hitori wondered about you.

“If you tell me a story, I promise I'll try to help you learn magic too.”

You sigh.

>TELL HER A STORY. You decide to accept Hitori’s request and tell her more about yourself and your world, even if it keeps you up late.
>SLEEP. You decide to tell Hitori that you don't have any stories tonight, and go to sleep. If you do, you;
>>STUDY magic again tomorrow.
>>READ the encyclopedia again, to learn about monsters and how to hunt them.
>>SPEND TIME with Lisa and try to talk and learn more about her.
>TELL HER A STORY. You decide to accept Hitori’s request and tell her more about yourself and your world, even if it keeps you up late.
You could have done this in the day, you know. But if you wish to know of the world above the sky and our creations in it, allow us to tell you a tale of an explorer.....
>TELL HER A STORY. You decide to accept Hitori’s request and tell her more about yourself and your world, even if it keeps you up late.
Oh right, didn't see that last part.
>TELL HER A STORY. You decide to accept Hitori’s request and tell her more about yourself and your world, even if it keeps you up late.
>>SPEND TIME with Lisa and try to talk and learn more about her.
I'm assuming these are two separate votes? One for doing something now and the other for tomorrow?
>TELL HER A STORY. You decide to accept Hitori’s request and tell her more about yourself and your world, even if it keeps you up late.
Bedtime story, eh? I'd assumed Hitori to be an adult, but she's at least got a very active inner child.

You decided to humour Hitori’s request.

She tip-toes over to the side of your bed and crouches low, like a student listening to a bedridden teacher.

You tell her about your world. How people now live in the 21st century. How television, the internet, mobile phones and computers, the invention of e-mail and and Skype changed the way people interacted with each other and the way of life forever.

And you tell her more about satellites - how nowadays, it wasn’t just NASA who dominated the market for space technology and ventures, but private companies like SpaceX and Boeing.

You tell her that the farthest a spacecraft of mankind has gone was Voyager 1, currently 24 billion kilometres away from earth now.

And as you tell her these stories, you also begin to wonder how far away you are from home.

Hitori’s eyes were filled with a fierce curiosity.

“Twenty four billion kilometres away…”

You nodded. She asked, “How long has it been sailing the stars?”

“I don’t know,” you admit. “I can’t really remember. I guess, maybe about fifty years now? We started launching satellites around the 1950s, or 60s. I know we landed on the moon during the nineteen-sixties.”

“Your kind… is still a young civilisation,” she said quietly. “I see that you are only beginning to learn to cross the stars.”

You couldn’t help but chuckle. You realize just how weird Hitori sounded sometimes. She sounded like the way Spock from Star Trek would talk. “You have a very strange attitude,” you tell her.

“Yes?” She grinned. She sat Indian-style on the floor while listening to you.

“What did you mean by ‘your kind’? We’re the same, Hitori.”

“No we’re not. I’m a ‘Zhell’. Understand? But I was raised by Biths, so I do not feel any sense of belonging to my own species either.”

Her sudden exposition left you mystified. Either she was bullshitting you, or she’s actually an alien. Something in the back of your mind however was nagging at you. It’s as if something’s saying, ‘where have I heard this before?’

“I was an Éclaireur once. A space pilot,” she said. “I wanted to know how far I might make it by comparing your descriptions. It seems like I'll never get home.”

Hitori looked disappointed. “Anyway,” she said, “as promised.”

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She got up and grabbed your hand. She took you to the windowsill, where it was half open. The starlight illuminated the backyard in a lonely blue glow. She stood in front of you.

“A witch’s magic comes from seven elements. Not six, as Lisa had taught you.”

Hitori began to explain. “Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light and Dark. The seventh element is Space.

“The four earthly elements are always neutral. But Light and Dark are aligned to goodness and divinity, and sin and evil.”

She took out a scrap of paper from her pocket and twisted it into a little wick. She asks you to hold it and she begins to exert great effort to set it alight. She pointed at the wick with her index finger, as if training a pistol, and after a few long seconds a small flame was born.

“Nnnh… there!”

She had conjured fire from her fingertip. Her face was red with difficulty, but she was happy.

“Applying the correct alchemical triggers can allow you to detect magic too,” Hitori continued. She took the burning wick and lit a candle, then held it behind the windowpane so that you both were watching it behind the glass. Hitori breathed on the glass.

Lines and waves appeared on the glass.

“Magic creates energy fields, just like electromagnetism. The lines are where the heat is concentrated due to magical flux, which causes my breath to evaporate faster than in other areas. This is just one way to detect magic.”

Hitori put out the candle. She looked at you.

“I hope you succeed in learning magic.”

Then she left, rather coldly and without another word.

You wake up the next day. As you go downstairs, following the comforting smell of freshly scrambled eggs, fried bacon and boiling coffee, Lisa greets you sweetly. Hitori had left already to go hunting again. After breakfast, you—

>STUDY magic again.
>READ the encyclopedia again, to learn about monsters and how to hunt them.
>SPEND TIME with Lisa and try to talk and learn more about her.

>I'm assuming these are two separate votes? One for doing something now and the other for tomorrow?
(Yes! Those are your choices should you refuse in certain events, like this one!)
>SPEND TIME with Lisa and try to talk and learn more about her
We know remarkably little about either of them personally.

Man, every time I see that pink hair I take 1d4 SAN damage.
>SPEND TIME with Lisa and try to talk and learn more about her.

>(Yes! Those are your choices should you refuse in certain events, like this one!)
Thank you QM. Sorry for any confusion.
>SPEND TIME with Lisa and try to talk and learn more about her.
Luv me some coffee
>STUDY magic again.

On the fourth day, you decide to spend time with Lisa. You try to get to know her better.

“Oh? Me?” She smiled, a bit surprised that you're interested in her story.

“My real name is Lisa Minci. I hail from the world of Teyvat. Many years ago, I was once a mage of Sumeru. I had lived in a city called Mondstadt before ending up in this world.”

You wonder if she ever misses her homeworld.

“Of course I do. But I don't know a way to go back, do I? I suppose I could've tried harder… but it is best to never dawdle in the past. You and I, we must keep on moving forward. I had come to love this world and my life here. For a time, I was even a teacher in the Royal Magic Academy of Beowulf. But due to some complications… no longer.”

You ask what she meant. Lisa set down her cup of tea.

“I am Hitori’s guardian,” she explained. “I guess you can call it that - I'm here to make sure she doesn't get into trouble again. She is an ‘errant’ witch, someone who has to perform great services for this country in order to earn merit and redeem herself.”

It raises some questions, but you set the thought aside for now. Lisa continues.

“I’ve been living here for about two years when I first met Hitori. That was over a year ago. She's much friendlier now than what she used to be.”

You agree. Blue Eyes did seem like someone who was brash and careless, but that wasn't out of the ordinary for a young woman. You then think of Lisa’s description of her world.

“Is this world any different from where you're from?” You ask. “It sounds like Teyvat is similar to this planet.”

“Oh, it is! Very much so. Though Harahel is still different, there are many things in life that stay the same no matter which world we reincarnate in. That's a teaching I learned in Sumeru. That,
‘life is just a dream,
And we are all imaginations of ourselves.’ “

She quoted a scripture you've never heard of before. Then she said, “the world is always way bigger than we can ever imagine. Remember this, and always go with open eyes, ears, heart and mind.”

Lisa Minci finished her tea. “I can see that you still have some questions. What is it?”

“I'm still wondering about your story. About magic, to be specific,” you say. “Is magic in Teyvat any different from the magic here in Harahel?”

“Good question.”

Lisa began carefully, thinking for a long time.

“In principle, yes. Even here, magic revolves around the manipulation of prime elements. In Teyvat, we had seven prime elements: Anemo, Geo, Hydro, Pyro, Dendro, Electro, and Cryo; in this world, energy is known as ‘Arka’. In my world, it is mana.”

“So it is just like a video game after all…” you mutter.

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Lisa giggled. “I'm sorry, what? A game?~”

You shake your head. “It’s nothing. Anyway, if that's the case, then it really makes sense now.”

“What does?”

“How you can use Harahelian magic, even if you aren't from this world. You already know it, while I've got to learn it all from scratch.”

“I know you can,” Lisa said reassuringly. “Perhaps in a month from now, at the very least. This isn't something we can rush, is it?”

You nod.

But inwardly, you consider things. A month suddenly felt like an inordinately long time, in respect to how fast things transpired with you coming here only three days ago. No. In a month, you may lose your chance at finding that Fire Witch who had betrayed you. Worse, your stomach for revenge may soon disappear.

You'll have to rush it. Your life here flows on a fast river.

There's just one more question you forgot to ask Lisa. You ask, facing her:

“Lisa. I've been meaning to ask this since that day. Why did you ask me to stay here?”

Lisa blinked. Her cheeks reddened. “Ask you? Ahem! I don't remember asking you. I offered to let you stay - there's a distinction…” She shrugged. “And besides… I'm just showing you the same kindness Victoria once showed me.”

You get up from your seat and thank her. Lisa also stood up.

“Hey, listen.” She held your arm, gently stopping you from leaving just yet. “Tomorrow, I'd like you to accompany me to Navia… if you'd care to join me,” she said. She tucked in a strand of brown hair behind an ear and looked at you with expectant green eyes.

>ACCOMPANY. You decide to go with Lisa to Navia tomorrow. This will be the first time you visit a city.
>STUDY. Keep studying magic. You only have a month left before your chance at vengeance slips away.
Oh, she cute. I wish I could say yes.
>STUDY. Keep studying magic. You only have a month left before your chance at vengeance slips away.
But vengeance first.
>STUDY. Keep studying magic. You only have a month left before your chance at vengeance slips away.
We'll go with her next time.
>ACCOMPANY. You decide to go with Lisa to Navia tomorrow. This will be the first time you visit a city.

“Maybe next time, Lisa,” you say.

The Air Witch nodded. “Mhm! That’s alright! You’re focusing on studying for now, aren’t you?”

She is happy enough to hear that, though there’s a slight sign of disappointment in her face.

The next day, she says goodbye before leaving for Navia city.

“I may be out until tomorrow, since I’ll be visiting some friends. I’ll be back, don’t worry.”

Lisa kisses your chin then promises to bring home a surprise. Then, she leaves.

It’s obvious that woman was beginning to grow fond of you. She must have found something endearing in you.

But romance can wait. You have set yourself upon a goal which you are determined to achieve. You must learn to use magic soon, and be able to venture out into the world on your own in the future. There’s no rush too - you could always ask Lisa out another day.

So on the fifth day, you spend all your time diligently studying again.

You learn that there are several ways to invoke the power of magic: by reciting spells, by making magic signs, and by using magical equipment. The textbooks left in Lisa’s living room helped - this information will serve you well when the time comes that you are finally able to unlock your latent magical potential.

You try to recite these magical spells and perform magical signs all afternoon, but no luck. You are still unable to use magic.

The fifth day ends. That night, you go to sleep, wondering how Lisa was doing in the city.

While in bed, your ears pick up a familiar knock on the doorway.

Blue Eyes peered into the bedroom.

It had been two nights ago since she had spoken to you. She was often away, and never around for you to strike up a conversation with her. It also seemed that she had grown more distant and disinterested in you then. But now, Hitori is back.

“Will you tell me a story again?” Hitori asked. “You said your people have landed on the moon in the year nineteen-sixty-nine. Will you continue your story?”

She was still curious as always.

>ASK why Hitori is always asking questions; afterwards, tell her a story.
>ASK why Hitori is asking questions; afterwards, go to sleep.
>>ASK why Hitori is always asking questions; afterwards, tell her a story.
>ASK why Hitori is asking questions; afterwards, go to sleep.
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You wonder why Hitori asks for stories.

“Well, I'm just curious,” she said. “I can't help that.”

After a moment, you relent and decide to tell her one more story.

You tell her that in 1969, the astronauts landed on the moon for the very first time. This was a huge achievement, because less than eighty years prior, people have only begun to learn how to fly.

Hitori was astounded. “You achieved spaceflight in less than a century?! Huh.”

“Why do you act surprised?” You ask.

“In my world, it took us a very long time before we ever got to space.”

“Well, that's nothing. It isn't like we just did it in a century. Human civilization only began about five thousand years ago, or something.”

“You seem very well-read on your histories,” Hitori noted.

It's true. These days, it sometimes surprises you the level of intelligence you didn't know you had, but now could display. It may be that you're still the same age, but ever since coming to this world, your mind felt magically younger, and stronger than it had ever been in a long time.

Hitori pinched her lip thoughtfully, like a philosopher debating an internal dilemma. “You said that you got to the moon using a great big rocket, right Nate?”

“That's right.”

“And your astronauts successfully came home alive?”

“That's right,” you say.

“Huh.” She gets quiet for a while. “Seems like I'm on the right track then…”

“Why do you ask these questions, Hitori?”

She smiled enigmatically. Her big blue eyes danced with secrets. “I'm building a rocket.”

Without elaborating, she promised to help you with magic again.

“I saw that you've been studying all day again. Why the hurry? You are really serious about tracking that witch down, aren't you?”

You shrugged emotionlessly. “I can't fight without magic in this world.”

Hitori grinned like a devil. “If you really want to unlock your magic soon, you must try to get your hands on an amulet or talisman. Anyone with half a wit about magic can wield the power within those kinds of items.” Then she raised her hand. “But as promised, I shall help you. Tomorrow, I'll bring you something that may help you gain Arka…”

She got up. “Or, come with me. We could hunt slimes in the early morning, in the woods. Don't let that sword rust,” Hitori suggested. She pointed at the sword beside the bedpost, the reminder of your unaccounted vengeance.

Afterwards, she left your room.

That brought something up: You could learn magic in a ‘natural’ way, or use amulets and talismans with possibly unknown consequences. There is a price to pay for power.

>ALTERNATIVE. You decide to consult Hitori tomorrow about the amulets.
>SOMETHING. You decide to wait for whatever Hitori is planning to give you tomorrow.
>HUNT. Optionally, you join her hunt for slimes tomorrow. Else—
>>STUDY again.
>>READ the encyclopedia, about monsters and the bestiary this time.
>HUNT. Optionally, you join her hunt for slimes tomorrow. Else—
Sword superiority
>>STUDY again.
>HUNT. Optionally, you join her hunt for slimes tomorrow. Else—
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On the sixth day, you decide to go hunt monsters in the forest with Hitori.

Hitori led the way. She was armed with a club fashioned out of firewood. “Just follow me, and do as I do,” she said. Her pink hair, tied up nearly in a ponytail swayed as she marched.

>ASK: “Why do you hunt slimes anyway? Are they worth a lot of money?”
>ASK: “You're not using a sword this time?”
>ASK: “Any other monsters here?”

You follow her steps quietly, holding your sword. You take a good look around. This was the first good walk you've had since coming to Harahel. Following Hitori across the road, when the stars still lit up the sky like flecks of whitewash on black glass, the autumn breeze against your cheeks, and the mud and gravel crunching beneath your shoes - all of it was a nice break from studying magic for the past few days.

Your thoughts are interrupted when Bocchi sharply motioned for you to stop and get low.

“There it is. A green slime.”

True enough, you catch sight of a weird moving thing. It looked like green Jell-O, with a shape comparable to some kind of rubber stress-relief squeeze toy. It moved across the wet grass between the trees like a snail.

Hitori licked her lip. She glanced at you and smirked. “Do as I do.”

Since the two of you were hidden behind a bush, the slime creature seemed unaware of your presence. Hitori moved. She picked up a small rock from the ground and threw it over. It hit a tree, then dropped down.

The slime froze. It began to move across the grass towards the tree Hitori had thrown the rock at. For something without legs, it moved quite fast. Without warning, Hitori jumped out of the bushes and pounced the slime. She smashed it with her club and in one blow, smeared it across the grass.

“There! Got him,” Hitori called out, laughing. She beckoned you to come over.

She wiped the slime off her weapon. “Slimes are simple creatures,” she began. “They're unicellular organisms, like amoebae. They react to different stimuli: sound, light, temperature… you get it. That's why you can trick them with rocks. That's why I leave early, and hunt them before dawn. They can't see my shadow.”

After explaining, Hitori picked up an artifact from the slimy mess. “Slime crystals,” she said, holding up a green object which looked like a piece of broken glass.

“It contains pure Arka. Their life source. Now, let's hunt more.”

After that, you and Hitori spent the early morning hunting slimes. You learned greatly from her; you learned several tricks, including distracting prey with rocks, setting up traps and ambushes, concealing your shadow, and staying downwind of animals and monsters.
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Cutting up slimes was as easy as cutting cake. But it's trickier to kill them. Your sword often sliced through them harmlessly and grew foul with muck. They only ‘died’ once they were totally cut to pieces, and their crystal hearts confiscated. Soon, you've collected a handful of slime crystals.

Hitori took out a mortar made of shell and ground up the crystals into a powder. She then mixed it with some water.

A glowing effervescent mixture was created. To you, it looked like Mountain Dew.

Hitori gave the shell to you. “Drink it,” she said. “It's a crude Arka potion, but it'll do the trick and put some magic straight into your belly. It'll taste like grass and sand, though.”

>ASK what the potion will do to you.
>KEEP for later.

(Welcome back! Today's a rather fun episode. Can pick more than one choice.)
>ASK what the potion will do to you.
>KEEP for later.
so ready for limitless magic power
>ASK: “What other other monsters are out here?”
Slimes are easier to splat than slice, I bet, as far as the club's concerned. The crystals already answer the "why?"

I trust Blue Eyes White Waifu.

“Any other monsters here?” You ask, while the two of you were cleaning up.

Hitori hummed. “There are wolves, bears, feral boars and lots of slimes as you can see. But if you're looking for bigger monsters, you'll hardly find them around here. As a matter of fact, they're scarce in Greyweul. Too many monster-slayers in this country already! But in Adagio… out East, it's crawling with monsters.”

She explained, as she put all the remaining slime crystals in a little sack. Then she looked at you as you asked your other question.

“...huh? Well, drinking that should put enough Arka in your body to reach a critical point - a flashpoint, if you will - for you to be able to finally see if you can cast a magic spell. When there's a net positive of Arka in a person, he can cast spells.

“Think of it as a vase of water. It's harder to spill its contents if there's only a little water in it, correct? But what do you think happens when you fill the vase up to the brim with water? Moving around with it becomes heavy and difficult, and you're likely to spill water. Magic and Arka work the same way in a person. That ‘spilling’ of Arka is the energy you'll use for your spells.”

Hitori quickly adds, “though, don't puke. It's made out of slime crystals, so it's not exactly gourmet- HEY!”

You grew impatient and drank the potion from the shell. There's nothing but to trust her, and this was a risk you decided to take.

Nothing happens. The potion tasted like lawn clippings. It made you a little sick, but that was just from the taste of it.

“Better if you don't tell Lisa about this,” Hitori winked. “You can test your magic spells again later! Let's go home and cook some lunch! She's coming home soon!”

The both of you begin walking back.

Later, when Lisa returned she brought back some chocolate and newspapers from the city. After lunch, the Air Witch curiously asked you.

“I bet you were studying tirelessly yesterday. Let's see if you can perform a basic feat of magic now, shall we?”

Bocchi smiled and crossed her arms. Then, she slyly left the living room to wash the dishes.

“Well, I'm not sure if I can do that yet,” you admit.

Lisa brought out a candle. She placed it on the table and looked at you. “See if you can light this up with a magic sign or spell.”

“Won't I need a wand, or a foci, or something?”

Lisa nodded. “That’s right. Hitori, could you get me my wand? It's on the counter.”

Hitori soon came over, and Lisa gave you her wand. You notice that the witch was anxious. Hitori stood back and said, “you can do it.”

“Just recite, ‘Incendio’, as you perform the fire sign simultaneously. Then, aim it at the candle’s wick,” Lisa said.

“I know.”
You do all that, and lo and behold, something incredible happens! Thin, glowing lines appear in the air and a faint magic circle forms where you had made the magic sign in front of you! The candle was touched by an arc of light as well, and a small flame began to take up on it!

“He did it! Nate did it!” Hitori cried.

Lisa smiled. “You did it, Nathan Drake. I'm glad.”

“This is amazing! I've never seen someone learn so fast! It's hardly even a week!”

“You may continue your studies and practice then.”

Lisa got up from the table, satisfied. She took back her wand as she passed by you with a smirk.

Having unlocked magic, it's only a matter of time before you master the rest of its secrets. Good. With this, you'll be able to confront the Fire Witch who betrayed you.

Later at night, you spend a little more time reading the newspapers Lisa brought back. It paired well with the chewy sweets from Navia.

She was on the porch, sipping tea while watching the fireflies. She seemed very melancholic.

>ASK Lisa why she seems sad?
>THANK Lisa for the chocolates before going to bed?
>SLEEP. And tomorrow—
>Using the books, learn more magic spells on your own.
>Ask Lisa for help in learning more spells.
I meant to ask, when did we learn Hitori has Bocchi as a nickname or whatever? Did I miss something? The narration just started referring to her that way during the slime hunt.

>THANK Lisa for the chocolates before going to bed?
>ASK Lisa why she seems sad?
Is she worried about our vengeance quest? Or is it unrelated to Nathan "No Relation" Drake and his chiseled good looks?
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(Oof. That was a slip up on my part. Sorry! Please ignore it. Though, I hope that didn't spoil the joke in the future (that the characters in the story are all from game/anime series the player might be familiar with.))
Can't spoil a joke I'm ill-equipped to get in the first place.
>ASK Lisa why she seems sad?

Is she really the same? Looks may be similar but personality is radically different
...Dead quest?
(apologies for the awful delay, everyone! The past week had been terribly busy for me. I'll update very soon!)
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You thank Lisa for the chocolates she brought home for you.

“It's sweet, isn't it?” She said. “It's imported from Arka Numidia. They grow cacao beans there.” She says that merchant ships travel back and forth from Navia, Greyweul and Arka Numidia, and that if one wanted to go there, it'd be only three days’ sailing to go.

You then ask Lisa why she seemed sad.

She looked away. “It's obvious, isn't it?” She said.

“I don't get it,” you say.

“The truth is I didn't want you to learn magic with vengeance in your heart. I'm sorry. It's… to be honest, I am surprised by how quickly you adapted too. I haven't seen anyone learn this fast.”

>Say that you had some help.
>Say nothing.

Lisa looked at you. Her quiet green eyes glinted from the light coming off the windows.

“Will you go? Will you leave and go after Eléonore now?”

Her question stumps you. It was a real question as well - indeed, what will you do next? After only a week, you've unlocked the ability to tap into magic. But making full use of it and wielding it just like a wizard from a video game was still a ways away, and it'll take more time and preparation to get better.

Still, you've made a significant step forward and Lisa Minci acknowledged it. Hence, her apparent concern.

You face her with an answer.

>You assure her that you aren't leaving, at least not yet. You still need to train the little magical skill you have at the moment.
>You admit that you are planning on going after Eléonore. You'll leave as soon as you're prepared enough to hit the road.
>You tell her that you aren't planning on leaving. This is either a lie, or the truth - but most of all, you assure her so that she no longer becomes sad.

After that, you quietly ponder for a while.

Training your first magical skills will take time. Hitori was able to help, but how long could you stay here asking for their help just to fulfill your personal goals? It made you feel a little guilty. While Hitori seemed eager to join you in this, Lisa was more empathetic and cared too much.

Lisa said, “Tomorrow, I'll start teaching you the primary spells and skills of Harahelian magic. I'm impressed with your efforts.”

>Is she really the same? Looks may be similar but personality is radically different
All in due time... Let the story continue again!
>Say nothing.
>You admit that you are planning on going after Eléonore. You'll leave as soon as you're prepared enough to hit the road.
>Say that you had some help.

>You assure her that you aren't leaving, at least not yet. You still need to train the little magical skill you have at the moment.

Good to see this back.
>Say nothing.
>You assure her that you aren't leaving, at least not yet. You still need to train the little magical skill you have at the moment.
>Say that you had some help.
>You admit that you are planning on going after Eléonore. You'll leave as soon as you're prepared enough to hit the road.
Oh, and welcome back. Glad we're still kicking!

You open your mouth to say something, but hesitate. This alone however was enough for Lisa to deduce that you might've indeed gotten a helping hand. “Did Hitori help you?” She asked.

Lisa then said, “it makes sense. But oh, what trouble!... She knows about your grudge with Eléonore, too?”

You nod. Then you tell the witch that you aren't leaving anytime soon, for you still have a lot to learn. This doesn't placate her too much, though. Lisa was still miserable.

“I can't stop you if that's what you truly desire,” she said finally. “I just hope you don't spend your entire life chasing after a thing which at the end you may not even be able to put a name on.”

“Don't be dramatic, Lisa.”

“Nathan Drake, I was once like you. Always a little vengeful.”

You laughed a little. Lisa smiled.

Hitori doesn't visit your room tonight. The next day, true to her word, Lisa set about teaching you the basic principles of magic once again. The difference now is that with you being able to manifest magic for the first time, it all came down to training now, and practice.

“There are three kinds of things magic is known for.”

Lisa stood on the grass in the backyard. Opposite from the little house were a row of poplar trees with lines upon which sheets fluttered about in the early morning breeze. This was a quiet place to start magic practice. She continued:

“Spells, skills and abilities. The former is as known as the latter, but there is a distinction. However, as ‘skills’ aren't actually a facet of magic, per se - and I'll get to that point later on - I shall only speak of Spells and Abilities now.”

Simply put, spells were the straightforward tricks with magic every reader knows about. A magic spell is performed by reciting special words or incantations, by making magic signs, or performing a slew of other rituals and prerequisites before magic is brought forth. Meaning, if you wanted to create fire, you must first perform the spell to create fire.

Abilities on the other hand are also equally straightforward; magic, essentially, allows you talents and abilities beyond normal human capability. As an example again, if you wanted to touch fire, magical ability to part fire will allow you to do so safely.

“All in all,” Lisa said, after explaining, “Spells and abilities are connected. But you will come to know that there is simply so much more to it than meets the eye - and that's the lifelong study of every mage and witch alive. Now, shall we get started?”

Lisa walked over to a stump and produced a candle once more. She set it on the stump.

“Yes please.” You say.

“Great. Now, stand a little over there, just five or so yards away. That's good.”

Lisa then taught you the spell to set things alight: Incendio.

“Now, set this candle alight. Make the sign with the wand, and recite the spell.”


You held the wand in your hand - Lisa had allowed you to borrow it for the time being. It was crucial to your practice. You repeat the motions as you had done yesterday.

Upon uttering the word ‘incendio’, an arc of thin light zapped across from the tip of the wand.

But this time, nothing happens. The candle remained cold. The arc had vanished.

“You missed. Try again.”

You try again.

“Missed. Again!”

And again…


And again!

This goes on for over an hour until you put your hands up and face Lisa. “Listen, why don't you tell me what I'm doing wrong? I can't hit it from this distance,” you complain, defeated.

“At five yards? Can't you figure it out?”

“I don't know why I'm missing.”

“Posture. Incantation. Your wand. Are you doing all of these things correctly?”

You nod - you believe so.

“Then it's you,” Lisa said, crossing her arms. “Focus, Nathan. Empty your mind and set it upon one thing now.”

You try again, without success. Lisa drew close to you and held your arm. She looked at your strained face.

“We'll do this every day, and I'll train you until you know the six elements by heart, and until your spells never miss from a hundred yards away, if it takes days and nights. This is what you wanted, right?”

You look back at her. Her determination was enough encouragement.

“I'll keep practicing.”

You do, and you do this all day - hardly stopping to eat or drink - until at last, as the day came to a close, just as the dusk mosquitoes began to swarm about, you recite the spell once more and an arc crosses the dark.

The candle is set alight. The spell hit it with a previously unknown force that toppled the candle and it rolled off to the grass.

At last. You feel so jubilant you could crow! When Lisa walked out of the back door, she found your work and was appreciative.

“You did it.”

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You grinned. “Yeah,” you shrugged.

Lisa took the wand from your hand again with a smirk.

“We'll do this again tomorrow. Fire’s easy - next, you'll learn Water, Earth, Air, and all the other magic you haven't seen yet. Oh, and you'll have to memorize hundreds more magic spells and signs.”

Almost instantly you feel defeated again.

“But cheer up. We have a long way to go.”

You followed Lisa inside, and proceeded to eat dinner. After all that, there's the question of what's next.

>LEARN FIRE. Fire magic is the easiest form of elemental magic to learn, and the purest. It's also the magic of that Fire Witch you're going after. It has high offensive potential.
>WATER. Learn water magic next. Easy enough to learn, difficult to master. Relatively low offensive potential, but it has spells which can allow you to purify food and drink, and heal yourself. What do you think can you use this for?
>EARTH. A difficult magic to learn. Apparently, elves in Harahel and most of the firstborn races and those with the blood in them are talented in earthen magic.
>AIR. Lisa is considered to be an Air Witch. She said that it's true that witches can try to fly on brooms with this magic… With air magic, you can predict the weather. What is this good for?
>STUDY—encyclopedia, history, magical texts?

You remember the books you've studied the past few days. There was still ‘Light’ and ‘Dark’ magic, though that's out of the question for now, as it was extremely complicated to even begin learning. You'll only be able to learn one elemental magic for the next few days - or spread out your focus and skill on more than two. You could also go back to getting more information again from the books, but that would leave only enough time to continue practicing one magic element for the rest of the week. Anything else may weaken your overall focus, as Lisa said.

(QM note: sorry for the late post again. Unfortunately, with how busy my schedule these past few weeks have gotten, I may only be able to write on weekends. Another thing: when votes end up 50/50, the outcome is more subtle, representing doubt/duality, so votes are better represented. Thanks for reading !)
>AIR. Lisa is considered to be an Air Witch. She said that it's true that witches can try to fly on brooms with this magic… With air magic, you can predict the weather. What is this good for?
Our teacher's specialty, good for travel, and probably goof for deflecting or redirecting fire.
Counter the fire witch
>AIR. Lisa is considered to be an Air Witch. She said that it's true that witches can try to fly on brooms with this magic… With air magic, you can predict the weather. What is this good for?
Has the thread been archived yet?
Are we getting more updates? A second thread? If not, I wouldn't bother.

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