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In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.


You are a crew member of the Claymore Class corvette, the Emperor’s Glory, one of the thousands of unsung workers on the mile long ship.

The Glory was part of the fleet of sector Zeta-Zeta, one of the many sectors on the wrong side of the Great Rift, and among those who was left with no choice but to try to flee the doomed sector.

The fleet was supposed to try to go through a thin part of the rift- but as many things had in this dark era, it gone terribly wrong. The storm scattered the fleet. Sensors and auspex failed, riots broke out as half the ship gone mad, you survive the week of hell.

We just dropped out of warp. From what you heard is that the Vox is down and that the Astropath is unable to reach anyone.

May the Emperor save us.

You are a


Your name is;

>>write in name

You are a;

>>Void worker
>>Auspex officer
>>Ship scribe.
>> =][=


>be prepared to boldly go where no man had gone before
Swards and Stripes is not dead, just taking a brake from it to do a idea I had, also the thread archived itself earlier than I expected
>Agnus Crag
>Bruce Dauterive
>Void Worker
>Casimir Radwan
Mal Azeh
>Auspex officer
Ah okay, have fun with this one Orth
thanks, I also needed time to prepare some stuff lol
+1. A man of the people.
Take what you need

Votes counted.

You are Bruce Dauterive, Void Worker.

A man jolts himself awake from a nightmare right when he can feel the ship leaving the Warp. Thankfully only a moment before the alarm go off to wake up he’s shift so that the previous shift may rest.

‘’Praise the Emperor’’ he says to himself in the cramp barracks as he prepares for the work shift, in the purification room he can see himself in the old cracked mirror.

25 Terran years old. Bruce Dauterive is pale from lack of sunlight and only slightly malnourished. Reasonably healthy for a human man who never knew life not on the Glory, he’s brown short hair had managed to avoid the worse of an inadequate diet with still a full head of hair. With hem being 5’3 and a full set of OKish teeth- one could call hem handsome among the Void workers.

After a quick 15 minutes of getting ready the man rush to the cafeteria for he’s ration, the cafeteria is packed with midship crewmen, the grimy room is filled with the sent of stain corpse starch and protein bars made into a almost-edible gruel.

‘’They are giving out extra starch’’ says one of the fellow crewmen. ‘’they must had put down that riot by the Alf-guns’’ is heard as Bruce eats he’s morning ration.

The alarm sounds indicating that the work shift. With hast Bruce rush to he’s work station, Void-Maintenance Bay 13.

while there he sees a group of cogboys preparing for a void walk. One of the bigger cogs step forward.

‘’Rejoice feeble loyal servants of the Omnissiah, for today we will sooth the machine spirits of the main Vox arrays’’ says the metallic man as he lay out the shifts’ task.

Void work, despite doing it for years Bruce Dauterive;

- is always amazed by the grandeur of space, the colors, the planets, the moving space ships, whenever possible he try to steal glances of the beauty of the Emperor’s realm
- still feels a tightness in he’s chest. Living he’s entire life on the ship being in open spaces never made hem feel safe, most of the time when he is working he keeps he’s eyes to the ship.
- still enjoy soothing the machine spirits. This isn’t the first time the Cog boys had taken hem to fix one thing or another- out in the void Bruce has become adept at fixing devices, a skill that had translated to fixing he’s own equipment.
- still enjoy soothing the machine spirits. This isn’t the first time the Cog boys had taken hem to fix one thing or another- out in the void Bruce has become adept at fixing devices, a skill that had translated to fixing he’s own equipment.
- still enjoy soothing the machine spirits. This isn’t the first time the Cog boys had taken hem to fix one thing or another- out in the void Bruce has become adept at fixing devices, a skill that had translated to fixing he’s own equipment.
Votes counted, writing.
At hearing that they were to sooth the Vox array, Brian gives a small smile. He always been handy at soothing machine spirits, even in the weightless void. Often the Tech Preasts would have hem help them fixing all sorts of machines on the surface of the Glory which allow hem to meet more of them than most normal void-workers

The Void Worker gets into he’s suit, the only good thing about warp travel is that it gives more time to clean them. Instead of the putrid smell of sweat, antiseptics, and whatever they used to patch it up this time, Bruce only smells the last two of those foul odors.

In the claustrophobic apparatus the void worker with a hundred of he’s shift mate, a dozen tech Priests, and their attending servitors. All carrying tools, equipment, supplies, and spare air bottles. The air reclaiming process begins making the entire room shake a little.

One of the lower Tech Priestess look at Brian and speak with her suite Vox, her name was ZA281NA, but often just go by Zana to those close to her, she still have her long red hair and most of her freckled face outside of her left eye form the few times Brian had been able to see it without a mask. Currently she is in her own model of Void suit, with her hair pulled back and her ubiquitous face mask seen through its glass window.

‘’Having you here will likely increase our efficiency by 0.15%’’ says the Cog-girl in a feminine electronic voice, her facial expression hidden by the same mask that helps her breathe.

>>’’And if you let me borrow a cogitator, I can tell you how much working with you will increase our efficiency’’ Brian reply to Zana ‘’maybe after shift you can show me how to calculate that?’’
>>‘’it’s a service to the Emperor’’ Brian reply to the Tech Priestess ‘’May he be with us in the void’’
>> ‘’its always good to work alongside you’’ Brian reply to Za281Na. ‘’I hope this will go better than the time we had to replace Airlock 2319’’ he jokes to one of he’s friends.

The lowing air-presser can be felt on the shoulders as the humming of the air pumps can be felt through the rusted decks. Finally as the last of the life-giving air is reclaimed the doors open, exposing the group to the harsh emptiness of the void, centimeters of scratched glass being the only thing keeping Brian away from suffocation and a old power-pack keeping hem form freezing or burning.

Every void walk can be your last if your not careful.

Roll a D20, DC of 11.
forgot the image- thanks to one of you mad lads for making this
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>’’And if you let me borrow a cogitator, I can tell you how much working with you will increase our efficiency’’ Brian reply to Zana ‘’maybe after shift you can show me how to calculate that?’’
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>>’’And if you let me borrow a cogitator, I can tell you how much working with you will increase our efficiency’’ Brian reply to Zana ‘’maybe after shift you can show me how to calculate that?’’

Surely our boy can score
>> ‘’its always good to work alongside you’’ Brian reply to Za281Na. ‘’I hope this will go better than the time we had to replace Airlock 2319’’ he jokes to one of he’s friends.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>’’And if you let me borrow a cogitator, I can tell you how much working with you will increase our efficiency’’ Brian reply to Zana ‘’maybe after shift you can show me how to calculate that?’’

Votes counted- For the Emperor.
As the Voidmen walk out onto the hall of the Emperor’s Glory, he look back and responds to the Cog girl with a smile ‘’And if you let me borrow a cogitator, I can tell you how much working with you will increase our efficiency, maybe after shift you can show me how to calculate that?’’

‘’That would- improve the moral of the shift’’ Brian heard over the Vox, noticing that Zana made the tone more cheerful than normal feminine monotone. ‘’I accept your offer, Brian Dauterive’’

With expert ease and the the pep of the prospects of a after-shift with Zana, Brian along with the work crew makes their way to the Vox Array on the ship. it seems like whatever shook the ship in the warp had melted the top part of the skeletal Vox-spire and rip off several of the wires that connected it to the smaller spires around it.

‘’Estimated time required; 7.237 Terran hours, acceptable deviation of .417 hours’’ is voiced over the Vox, the ranking tech priest’s purely electronic and monotone voice grating on the vox-speakers in the helmet as he begins to deliver orders to the cog boys and girls in their binary language, forgetting to isolate the lowly void workers from the forum yet again as they begin to remove the slagged parts of the Array.


Several hours past with Brian attached high up on the spire. While reciting the litanies of wire-splicing he sees something that forces hem to stop.

One of the younger void workers seem to have suffered a accident of some kind- whatever he did it caused he’s line to snap and he is slowly floating away from the ship, desperately trying to grasp onto something-anything. The kid’s vox had been having a devious spirit all work-shift and must finally stop working all together. It seems like Brian is the only one who notice this happening, he is out of reach unless Brian dangerously extend the length of he’s own tether, risking a snap should it get to much force on it.


- Yell over the Vox ‘’We Got A Floater!’’ and taking the risk, he extends he’s tether to try to save he’s shift mate(2D20-3, the first D20 is to see if you save the rookie, the 2nd is to see if you can keep from becoming a floater.)
- Yell over the Vox ‘’We Got A Floater!’’ And Try to use he’s own tether to lasso the rookie, he seen someone do it once to save a tool before and still clipped to the spire, there’s no risk of becoming a floater. (D20-5)
- Yell over the Vox ‘’We Got A Floater!’’ Alerting everyone to the situation
- Say nothing and go back to work. it’s the Emperor’s will if he lives or die.

DC of 11
Rolled 20 - 5 (1d20 - 5)

- Yell over the Vox ‘’We Got A Floater!’’ And Try to use he’s own tether to lasso the rookie, he seen someone do it once to save a tool before and still clipped to the spire, there’s no risk of becoming a floater. (D20-5)
It's so over cogbros! She can't even get our name right.

- Yell over the Vox ‘’We Got A Floater!’’ and taking the risk, he extends he’s tether to try to save he’s shift mate(2D20-3, the first D20 is to see if you save the rookie, the 2nd is to see if you can keep from becoming a floater.)

For the Emperor! Or something...
- Yell over the Vox ‘’We Got A Floater!’’ And Try to use he’s own tether to lasso the rookie, he seen someone do it once to save a tool before and still clipped to the spire, there’s no risk of becoming a floater. (D20-5)

A real space cowboy

I think perhaps her Vox AutoCorrect took control, most embarrassing for her but she just had to reply as fast as possible.
- Yell over the Vox ‘’We Got A Floater!’’ And Try to use he’s own tether to lasso the rookie, he seen someone do it once to save a tool before and still clipped to the spire, there’s no risk of becoming a floater. (D20-5)
>>6177043 Praise the Emperor

Votes counted, Nice Nat 20.

It might have attracted some attention wanted or otherwise [/Spoiler]
The Emperor Protects!
‘’WE GOT A FLOATER!’’ Yells Brian over the vox, causing all but the servitors to look at the floating rookie voidmen.

Brian remains calm as he acted fast. he checks that he is still secure to the vox spire, When assured, in one fluid almost practiced motion he fully extends he’s line. In rapid succession he run a metal bolt and begin tying.

The Voidmen silently says a prayer to the Emperor as he swings around the tether, using the bolt to provide the momentum to the rest of the line it flys through the empty void until it snags the left leg of the unlucky rookie.

‘’It worked’’ he says to himself as he feel line go tort, gently in the zero gravity of the void he slowly reel in the rookie.

‘’That was…’’ he hears Zana say over the vox- pausing to find the proper words to use for her station ‘’Above standard, you recovered material and personal expertly’’ as the rookie get close enough to grab the void man, looking in the face of the sickly young man Brian can see hem mouth ‘thank you’ over and over

‘’yea the Vox is out on this guy’’ he says as he taps something on the shoulder of the rookie, giving the Voidmen single that all is good as Zana climes the Vox Spire to take a look at the void suit.


The rest of the job gets finished on schedule despite the excitement, on the void-walk back to the airlock the rookie, Brian can’t remember he’s actual name but everyone call hem Scrap, gets close for a low level Vox conversation

‘Don’t respond verbally’ he says using he’s hands‘something’s not right’

‘What?’ As Brian in the hand-language use by the Voidmen when there’s no vox, or want to avoid using the Vox

‘The void’ he says ‘noticed something?’

Brian look around real quick- making it look like he was making sure no one else is floating before he looks back at Scrap when he hands ‘something is missing’

That’s when Brian noticed ‘the red spots’ the common voidmen euphemism for warp storms that can be seen from afar, the Eye, the Maelstrom, even the Rift- none of those can be seen.

Before Brian can think of this he sees Zana staring at the gas giant the ship found itself orbiting-

‘’Unknown shop detected’’ she says over the vox, once more fumbling her voice in her hast, everyone look up at the planet and sees it to

Brian never learn who broke the silence over the vox- but he is ever grateful of their ability to state the obvious;

‘’Everyone inside, NOW!’’

The bridge of the Glory is a well maintained sight. Freshly polished metal juxtaposition against the grime and rust of the rest of the ship.

The captain sits in a finely made throne, a ‘battlefield salvage’ find after one battle against pirates years earlier. The recent warp storm only served to tarnish the shine a little as menials are cleaning out recaf-stains from the wooden decks and some dried blood from one of the control surfaces.

The captain, Jacob Tiber Ecclesia, look at he’s officers with both he’s left green augment eye that looks Inconspicuous if it wasn’t for its glow, with he’s other eye covered in a silk eyepatch. He’s artificially tanned skin only broken by healing patches covering radiation scars from a clever traitor sekarii, looking imposing in he’s immaculate Void-captain uniform. The young captain turn to he’s aid

‘’Still nothing from the astropath?’’ He ask, drinking he’s favorite blend of recaf.

‘’Nothing sir’’ the aid, or more accurately butler, responded. ‘’But long range Vox is operational, the Vox officer is auspexing for any singles’’

‘’Azeh, what is the status of the Auspex?’’ The Captain asks the Auspext officer

‘’the Spyglass Picter is operational sir’’ responds the Auspex officer ‘’everything else is still down’’

‘’My astropath is getting nothing, navigator and Uranographer can’t tell where we are, and all we got is a Vox that is hearing nothing and a glorified-‘’

Before the captain’s rant is finished he sees it- something just, stretched into reality and move behind the purple gas giant.

‘’Tell me we got that on Picter!!’’ Yell the captain. ‘’Everyone is on standby!’’

Roll a D20 to see how good the pict is. DC is 5 to get anything, higher the roll- better the picture is.

Due to your Nat20 you got a Glory- with a Glory you can vote if you would like a +5 to be added to the winning vote/roll or use it to cancel out a Nat1.

Glory count: 1
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>Unknown shop detected

God I hope it's not anything chaos related
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 14 (1d20)

I hope the shop has a gift store
Be careful what you wish for
‘’Sir’’ says the auspext officer ‘’the 2nd spyglass pictor came online just in time to get a few pieces of pic-recording’’

‘’Put it on the Occulus’’ orders the captain.

On the front view window of the Glory, a series of blurry images is shown, following the unknown vessel as it begins to get behind view of the gas giant.

The first is an unfocused one of a blurry white object stretched, distance readings indicates that it’s within orbit of the planet

By the 3rd it comes into center forcus as the stretched proportion of the ship is reduced by half- here the captain can begin to make out a round-ball like head in-front of a long boxy section, connected by 2 pylons with strange cylinders at the end.

By the 8th image is the most clear- a round ball like head, no neck, a large boxlike body, with 2 cylinders connected by pylons coming out of the box, no clear weapons nor thrusters. Based on distance and scale the ship is tiny- only 600 meters long, 130 wide, and 80 meters high. Displacement is still being calculated but would be very surprised if it’s even a forth of a megaton of displacement, the front part of the ball had begun to be obscured by the planet.

‘’Magos Nikola’’ the caption ask the top tech priest ‘’have you ever seen a ship like that before?’’

‘’No Captain’’ says the tech priest ‘’Such a design is an unfamiliar model’’

‘’Me nether’’ says the Captain as he thinks- the ship is only on the other side of the planet- with the relative speed they only have less than a half hour before is rounds behind the Glory, assuming that it maintains speed and course ‘’what is the status of the thrusters?’’

‘’Fully operational’’ one of the officers responds

‘’Good’’ says the captain as he begins to give out order.

The Captain;

- 1 Orders the Vox officer to try to contact the strange vessel
- 2 Orders thrusters to keep us from being in sight of the strange ship (roll a 2D20, disadvantage, the crew can only go off of last recorded heading) exclusive with 3 and 4
- 3 Order the thrusters to thrust ahead and to move so that the Glory is behind the strange ship (roll a D20) Exclusive with 2 and 4
- 4 Order the ship to turn 180 degrees to meet this vessel head on (roll a 2D20, disadvantage, the crew can only go off of last recorded heading), exclusive with 2 and 3.
- 5 Order the weapons ready
- 6 Order the void-sheilds up
- 7 Order the ship to go to lowest power settings, this choice is exclusive to all other choices.
- Write in

You can chose multiple.
DC; 12.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

- 3 Order the thrusters to thrust ahead and to move so that the Glory is behind the strange ship (roll a D20) Exclusive with 2 and 4
- 1 Orders the Vox officer to try to contact the strange vessel
- 6 Order the void-sheilds up
Rolled 12 (1d20)

- 6 Order the void-shields up
- 5 Order the weapons ready
- 1 Orders the Vox officer to try to contact the strange vessel
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

+1 >>6177811
Winning choice.
- 6 Order the void-shields up
- 5 Order the weapons ready
- 1 Orders the Vox officer to try to contact the strange vessel

>>6177813 your lucky that a roll was’t required with the choices chosen. Only 2, 3, and 4 required rolls. For the future- Nat 1 can only be countered with a Nat20 or a glory. Writing.
‘’Hold Course’’ says the captain ‘’raise the void shields and ready the weapons’’ he added as the captain walks around the bridge- a habit of he’s when there’s the clam before the storm of battle ‘’use the Vox to try to contact that vessel, I want to know who we are dealing with, And where the feth are we’’

A flurry of yes sirs followed as orders are given to lower crewmen from the officers. The void shields are raised, covering the ship and her faithful servants of He on the Throne in a ethereal shimmer of protection. Something about the shimmer is- off- like it has a slight blue tent to it.

The weapons are ready- on the port and starboard the 3 broadside Macro Cannons are loaded. The captain can see the slight dimming of the lights as the Lance warms up. The Flax Officer gives a thumbs up as the flack guns are prepared should any fighters are used. In moments the wrath of the Emperor is prepared to meet a end to any enemy of mankind.

‘’Sir, 15 minutes until the ship is expected to come back into view’’

‘’Sir’’ says the Vox officer ‘’we are getting a response, it’s in Gothic’’


Down in the maintenance bay, Brian is getting out of he’s space suit when the shift lord walks up.

‘’Brian’’ The man ask

‘’Um- yes sir?’’ Says the voidmen as he is taking off the last pieces of he’s void sute

‘’I need you to report to stock room 1701 immediately’’ the boss says as he grabs something form he’s pocket ‘’Your‘ll be given a task-detail while there’’ as he takes out a small ration bar and hands ‘’oh and good work on saving that equipment, we can’t afford to lose a void suite’’

Brian accepts the bar ‘’It’s part of the job sir, and I’ll be there’’

On the way to the stock room- Brian pass halls packed with people running to their stations. Armsmen restock on ammo, Flack Gunners rush to their weapons, menials carrying canisters of oil for mechanisms, holy men still throwing on their robes rush to bless the Emperor’s armaments. Brian had seen this many times before- the ship is getting ready for a fight, and yet he was ordered to immediately go to a random store room.

‘’1699, 1700.5, 1702’’ says Brian as he go into the stock room labeled ‘blinker ointment, axle ointment, device ointments’

When he opens the door, he sees Zana already sitting at a table with an extra seat at one end- looking slightly fearful, at the other, dark end, is a shadowy figure.

‘’come in’’ says a sweet- almost caring feminine voice. ‘’and lock the door behind you, the Inquisition dos’t want to be interrupted’’ from the darkness a red fable =][= glow slightly. Causing Brian to take the figure deadly serious.

The man comply and sit down, it’s only then the figure shows themselves by lighting a lithostick using a chemstick

The Nocturne woman red eyes gage the 2 void workers as she inhale a puff of smoke before putting out the burning splinter of wood. The brief light form the stick shows that she looks to be in her Terran 30’s, with long black hair braided like a dozen thin ropes that been round together in a bun behind her head, her dark skin unblemished. She is in a jumpsuit just like any other that could be found on the ship. The fabled Roset is sitting on the table in-front of her with a small box next to it.

‘’Care for one?’’ The woman says as she slides a small battered box across the table ‘’It’s a favorite formula of mine’’ she added, her soft smile illuminated faintly by the end of her vice, baiting her face in a hostile red glow.

Zana grab a lithostick and put it in her pocket ‘’Sorry, Lady Inquisitor, I am not wearing the mask that allow me to intake recreational fumes’’ she says in a more formal tone of electronic voice

The sweet and deadly woman simply shrugs ‘’your choice dear Zana’’ she says in a sweet- almost loving voice before she turn to Brian ‘’how about you wrangler? Want a stick?’’ She says almost jokingly

Brian while accepting the lithostick, as one do when offered a gift like this-

- Is unnerved, sure this woman is deadly but Brian deals with the risk of death every day. Those who can’t handle it never survive walking the void
- Is shaking and decides to lite the stick, sure the void is deadly but never had he felt so close to death sitting within the Glory.
- Cuts to the chase ‘’Forgive me My lady- but one of your status doesn’t call for 2 random crewmen out of the lowdecks for lithos sharing. Why are we here?’’
- Write in.

Dose Brian smoke the Lithostick?

- Yes
- No
- He try to fake smoking it (Roll a D20)

1 glory is available
- Is shaking and decides to lite the stick, sure the void is deadly but never had he felt so close to death sitting within the Glory.
- Yes
>Cuts to the chase ‘’Forgive me My lady- but one of your status doesn’t call for 2 random crewmen out of the lowdecks for lithos sharing. Why are we here?’’

>He try to fake smoking it (Roll a D20).
Owch- I know that feeling-

It’s dice+1d20
- Cuts to the chase ‘’Forgive me My lady- but one of your status doesn’t call for 2 random crewmen out of the lowdecks for lithos sharing. Why are we here?’’

>Is unnerved, sure this woman is deadly but Brian deals with the risk of death every day. Those who can’t handle it never survive walking the void

Dose Brian smoke the Lithostick?
Rolled 6 (1d20)

- Cuts to the chase ‘’Forgive me My lady- but one of your status doesn’t call for 2 random crewmen out of the lowdecks for lithos sharing. Why are we here?’’
Rolled 1 (1d2)

I am assuming this is also a vote to fake smoke the litho?

Votes counted;

(1) >Cuts to the chase ‘’Forgive me My lady- but one of your status doesn’t call for 2 random crewmen out of the lowdecks for lithos sharing. Why are we here?’’

>He try to fake smoking it.

(2)- Cuts to the chase ‘’Forgive me My lady- but one of your status doesn’t call for 2 random crewmen out of the lowdecks for lithos sharing. Why are we here?’’


Rolling to brake the tie
Rolled 2 (1d20)


rolling for >>6178359

Brian had seen death and nearly been killed in he’s line of work many times, he learned how to put away he’s fear to get the job done.

‘’Forgive Me, My lady Inquisitor’’-

The woman interjects sweetly ‘’oh Brian, when in private like this- call me Nichelle’’ she says while Brian bring the litho to he’s mouth, trying to fake a puff, only to simply bring it up and not do anything.

‘’Ok Nichelle’’ he added, keeping he’s composure as he bring down the lithostick ‘’But one of your station don’t just call for 2 random crewmen for a sharing of lithos- why are we here?’’

The woman smile ‘’straight to work- I need that kind of attitude. Simply put- I need to form a team to… respond to our current situation, Zana- I need someone who are good with machine spirits, Brian I saw that you and Scrap both noticed something… interesting. Brian, would you kindly share with us?’’

‘’We noticed a lack of space markers, we typically look around to find them when we do things in the void- helps to keep our barring in the zeros.’’ Respond the Voidmen

‘’Like- no Warp Storms, not the Eye, not the Maelstrom, and especially the Tear, and I checked the other side of the ship also.’’ Clarify the voice of the emperor
‘‘I am not sure where we are or if this would be as properly respected, so I must assume the worse and work from there’’

‘’And what is the worse?’’ Ask the cog girl- her eyes betraying a slight fear of what the answer might be as Brian put out he’s Litho, saving the remainder for a later use

‘’That we are not within He’s holy realm’’ says the Inquisitor, casually making a statement that is the most heretical thing Brian heard come out of someone of Authority ‘’and that we are isolated and alone in whatever that place would be, tho if that’s the case- it’s simply a matter of bringing this area into he’s realm’’

The inquisitor let the words sink in a little- Brian is no Quartermaster but he knows how often the Glory stop for resupply and been on a few ‘battlefield salvage’ work details, even remember how the first day in the void was a mission to salvage from a grain vessel that simply ran out of water. If they are truly alone- things can get very nasty very quickly if word gets around.

‘’So- are you 2 going to accept your invitation to the Inquisition?’’ She say with a sweet smile

‘’Is it optional?’’ Ask Brian?

‘’Oh lots of things are optional Brian’’ says the woman sweetly with a smile ‘’You have the option to stop eating for one- or stop drinking water- tho we all got to live with the choices we make’’ she finish, putting out her own lithostick


- >>Accept becoming a agent of the Inquisition
- >>Deny becoming a agent of the inquisition
- >> Write in

Brain gained;

a strange Lithostick
- >>Accept becoming a agent of the Inquisition
>Accept becoming a agent of the Inquisition
>Accept becoming a agent of the Inquisition
>- >>Accept becoming a agent of the Inquisition
>Accept becoming a agent of the Inquisition
no need to be so Dramatic Nichelle its the emperors work but i am a Simple man its always good to always give everything its due care and diligence
Votes counted, writing.

Might take a while to write.


I’ll try to incorporate that into Brian’s response
Brian holds up a hand in submission ‘’I accept Nichelle, it’s the emperor work, I simply wish to give its due diligence’’

The now shadowy woman speak ‘’how about you Zana?’’

‘’I accept Lady Nuchelle’’ says the cog girl ‘’It’s the Emperor’s work’’

The inquisitor stands up ‘’splendid- Come with me, we’re going to see if we are dealing with Heretics, Traitor, or Zenos.

The woman walks out with the 2 following, unsure what brave new worlds their new jobs will bring them.

The Vox Officer and a tech preast work the controls of the Occulus to try to sooth the transmission from the strange craft, something that required a scrip-based back and forth form the 2 vessels. seemingly keeping to their sides of the gas giant as the other ship continued to fail to come to view.

‘’Why are we doing this Captain’’ the Ship’s Chaplin ask ‘’its clearly not a imperium vessel’’

‘’Because we are lost and I am not going to let my pride lose the Emperor one of he’s vessels’’ the Captain responded ‘’besides, if these, whatever they are, have no idea about the Imperium, no use in having them prepare themselves for when we do give them the Emperor’s justice’’

Right as the Occulus become clear and the Chaplin begins to retort- the doors to the bridge open and in walks a Nocturne woman with a Inquisitor’s Rosette around her neck-

‘’A Inquisitor?’’ Captain Ecclesia ask in surprise.

‘’Don’t worry dear- I was just catching a ride when things went to the Warp’’ The inquisitor says as see looks at the front of the bridge ‘’so that’s what they look like Captain, I was expecting much worse’’

The 2 more powerful authorities on the Imperial ship look at the Occulus, with the captain stepping back as the Inquisitor step up.

On the screen is a small bridge crew- all human, all in a simple uniform of red, blue, and a single yellow. The one in the center and in a plane uniform made up of a yellow shirt and black pants, the tan skin man look at the Inquisitor, instantly recognizing the one in charge.

‘’This is Francisco Cortez of the Patrol Ship, Pluton, Of the United Federation of Planets. Please Identify yourselves and your intentions.’’

- ‘’I am Inquisitor Nichelle Saldana, Voice of the Emperor of all Mankind. Surrender or be purged! (Enter combat)
- I am Inquisitor Nichelle Saldana, Imperium of Man, we are lost and unfamiliar with this United Federation.
- I am Inquisitor Nichelle Saldana, Envoy of the Imperium of Man. I wish to speak to your leaders.
- I am Inquisitor Nichelle Saldana, Imperium of Man, we are lost and unfamiliar with this United Federation.

Inquiries before purges.
>- I am Inquisitor Nichelle Saldana, Imperium of Man, we are lost and unfamiliar with this United Federation.

Lol a Star Trek crossover
- I am Inquisitor Nichelle Saldana, Imperium of Man, we are lost and unfamiliar with this United Federation.
>- I am Inquisitor Nichelle Saldana, Envoy of the Imperium of Man. I wish to speak to your leaders.

Time to be sneaky.
>- ‘’I am Inquisitor Nichelle Saldana, Voice of the Emperor of all Mankind. Surrender or be purged! (Enter combat).

>Lol a Star Trek crossover
Wasn't it obvious from the start?
>- I am Inquisitor Nichelle Saldana, Imperium of Man, we are lost and unfamiliar with this United Federation.




Lost won. Writing.
Brian look around the bridge, he only been here once before as a young child, part of a seventhday lesson on respecting Authority. It is strange to see the Captain of the vessel, a man regarded as second to the Emperor himself on this ship, simply stepping aside for anyone.

What is stranger is what the Inquisitor ask to the strange people on the giant pic-screen.

‘’I am Inquisitor Nichelle Saldana of the Imperium of Man, we are lost and unfamiliar with this United Federation’’ she responds ‘‘I humbly request aid in our situation’’

The yellow shirt captain face relaxes- as if a worse fear had been distinguished ‘’Oh- my apologies ma’am, your on the edge of Federation Territory, near a Demilitarized Zone against the Romulan Star Empire, we can send over the data to identify who is what in the Alpha and Beta Quadrant and a generalized map of the region. Hopefully it’ll help you find your way home’’

The surprise of the offer wash over those on the bridge- even Zana and Brian who are largely ignorant of how such matters are handled.

‘’How kind Captain Cortez’’ the Inquisitor replied. Avoiding losing her step at such a- strangely generous offer.

‘’It’s standard practice in first contact situations like these, after this if you like we can talk about opening relations between the Federation and this Imperium of Man’’ the captain replied before looking at a data-slate ‘’You guys seem to not have Subspace Communications, it might be faster to just hand you a Data-slate and have one of my crewmen work with your’s to format it to your computers’’

The Inquisitor gives her iconic sweet smile ‘’Our… Cogitators- could you send me over what the volume would be and Give me a moment to confirm with my expert crewmen?.’’

‘’Take your time ma’am.’’ Captain Cortez replies ‘’

The imperial captain order the Vox to be gagged as the Inquisitor turn around to the bridge crew and her 2 new agents

‘’Magos, Zana, how long would it take for the data to transfer over via Vox?’’ the Inquisitor ask ‘’If they are that foolish to share such information openly, I want to know if we can hold it’’
Both of the worshipers of the Omnisia look at the print out of the amount of data. ‘’2.51 to 3.21 days’’ the Mangos says with the younger tech priestess adding ‘’might be faster if the ship is on the same side of the planet as us, maybe to 2.44 to 2.91’’ causing the Magos to turn to the younger tech priest

‘‘Please don’t squabble, Loyal Servants of the Emperor’’ the Inquisitor kindly threaten ‘’how long would it take to do so with such a handover of devices?’’

‘’11.41 hours’’ the Magos stated ‘’we have the data vault for it even if the change of linguistics double the data’’

‘’and if they let us keep their Digit Data vault we have a 87.1 percent chance of being able to do it without keeping one of their engineseers on the ship’’ the Cog girl added.

‘’What if we brought a Digit Data Vault to them?’’ Ask the Inquisitor

‘’That is possible’’ the Magos stated ‘’I do have a Servitor that was made for such task, It would risk some of our own being held hostage. To little data to estimate’’

‘’and every option risk Scrap Code and other ailments of the Machine Spirits for the ship’’ Zana added ‘’at least with the Servitor we might be able to trick the ailment to expose itself, should take as long as letting them come to us’’

The Inquisitor thinks before she give the order;

- ‘’Prepare for their arrival, we need that information regardless of the reality of our situation’’ the Inquisitor orders as she ungag the Vox
- ‘’We’ll let them transfer the data over Vox, it’ll give us time to formulate a plan, maybe even to contact someone via the Astropath’’
- ‘’We’ll send over a team to retrieve the data’’
- ‘’We don’t need the data’’ (opens further options)
- Write in.
>‘’We’ll let them transfer the data over Vox, it’ll give us time to formulate a plan, maybe even to contact someone via the Astropath’’
‘’We’ll send over a team to retrieve the data’’

An opportunity to freak them out with a servitor? Why not?
I wonder if they'll see the servitor and think its Borg lol
Rolled 2 (1d2)

1 >>6181696

2 >>6181720

Rolling a D2to brake the tie.


We Are The Imperium, Resistance is HERESY!
What civilizations do is generally their business. There are species that implant themselves with cybernetics all the time. If they see servitor, they will be taken aback a little but ultimately, they will go ''oh, it's their culture if they like doing it it's fine''. At least until someone explains what exactly servitors are, that it's punishment for criminals-and their crime can be very minor and benign things-serviterization isn't perfect and there were cases of Servitors keeping their memories, and then the Trek crew will start being freaked out and make moral arguments against it.
The Inquisitor turn to the Vox operator and order hem to ungag the transmission

‘’Captain Cortez, I’m sorry but our Data-Defense rituals forbids such a large transfer of data with untrusted parties, but we are willing to send over a team with a Digit-Data Vault to receive the data’’.

‘’Very well Inquisitor, also I’ll be sure to inform my people of your lack of Subspace communications, we were trying to hail you with it before we noticed the radio traffic’’ the Captain replied ‘’would you preferred them to be transported or shuttled?’’

‘’Transported?’’ The Inquisitor asked ‘’I don’t think that translated well- what does that mean?’’

‘’we have a device call a Transporter that can convert a person, item, or device into energy and then re-assemble them at a 2nd location’’ the captain reply

‘’We prefer to be shuttled Captain’’ the Inquisitor immediately replied- not trusting the warp-technology of these strange humans ‘’they’ll be ready in less than a hour Captain Cortez, and we’ll use our own shuttle’’

‘’See you there Inquisitor’’ the captain says ‘’Cortez Out’’

The transmission ends and the Inquisitor turns around and look directly at her- only- 2 agents with a smile ‘’How would you two like to see a non-Imperial ship?’’


The Glory have a small hanger bay, mainly its for transporting small amounts of cargo between vessels and to park the Captain’s personal shuttle.

The Arvus Lighter is loaded with a Servitor, the bipedal model with its abused back holding up a Data-Vault and power source being looked over by Zana before the operation begins

‘’Brian’’ the Inquisitor turn to the Voidman ‘’you are to stay over there until the data-transfer is completed, while there I wish for you to discover what you can about these strange people, and I need you to steel yourself- your going to see unknown horrors and heresy. Your’ll need to be strong in the Emperor. And here-‘’

The Inquisitor hands Brian a Laz Pistol, a Picter, and a scribe book with a mechanical quill.

‘’What are you looking for specifically Lady Inquisitor’’ the Voidman says

‘’Mainly weapons and shields, but anything else can help. Can’t risk giving you a Vox- so if I need you to cause havoc, I will have them tell you that your Aunt Susan died’’ the Inquisitor states.

Brian nods ‘’yes Lady Inquisitor, I won’t disappoint’’

The inquisitor smiles ‘’your’ll do well dear. The Emperor is with you’
Brian gained; Scribebook, refillable ball bearing mechanical quill, Pictor, and Laz pistol (D20-3 to hit, 1D20 damage)

Brian have in he’s possession; Protein ration, strange litho.

Health; 20/20
Corruption; 0
Insanity; 0

Health; 25/25
augmedics; 10/10
Corruption; 0
Insanity; 0

The Arvus Lighter glides through the void- letting itself be guided by inertia and gravity to the position of the strange and tiny spacecraft- The Pluton.

The Lighter, engages its thrusters and begins to maneuver.

‘’This Arvus Lighter, invincible III, requesting permission to land’’ the pilot of the vessel vox to the Pluton.

‘’Granted invincible three’’ the ship return ‘’Land in Hanger Bay A, the red lights indicates the Orientation of the ground, be prepared for Gravity of 9.807m/s^2, Air pressure of 14.7 pounds square inch upon passing the force-field’’

‘’Thank you Spire’’ the pilot replied- adjusting he’s vector to compensate. ‘’preparing Landing sequence’’

The Invincible-III lands on the deck of the shuttle bay, lowering its landing ramp. The black vessel sticking out in the clean, white, and cramp shuttle bay.

Brian is the first to step out, followed by Zana with the Servitor in tow.

The Servitor is a bipedal thing, who or what it was once long forgotten. half of its Skull is covered in a metal plate with a single crude sensor for its eyes, its mouth replaced with a canister holding the nutrients the once-man still requires, on its chest is a harness to carry the portable cogitator on its back along with its battery packs, with a pict-caster along with a rune board on its front to allow use of the device, with its arms long removes and made into stumps. Its 2 legs had been replaced by simple augmetics ones. it’s decaying gray skin saga in some places and gone in others, the smell of antiseptics overpowering the smell of death

Greeting the two Imperials are four Federations, one being one of the Redshirts from the bridge, two being -Abhuman?- redshirts, one look like a felinids, another look like a human with pointed ears. In the middle is the yellow shirt Captain of the Federation vessel.

The captain steps up ‘’Hello, I am Captain Francisco Cortez, it’s a pleasure to meet some of you face to face’’ the human capital extends out a hand- almost like he is telling someone to halt but instead of the palm facing the 2- the tips of he’s fingers are.

- ‘’Hello Captain, I am Brian Dauterive, Voidworker 3rd Rank, and this is ZA281NA-Jolt12, Tech Priestess Delta.’’ Brian greet the captain.
- ‘’Greetings Captain’’ says Brian ‘’I am Brian Dauterive, this is ZA281NA-Jolt12, Inquisitorial Agents’’ as he greets the captain.
- Write in;

What dose the greeter do with the extended hand?

- Slap it
- Shake it
- Pull it
- Hold it
- Nothing.
- Write in;

Mission Goals;

Retrieve Data

Learn what you can about these Federation people.
shake it
>‘’Hello Captain, I am Brian Dauterive, Voidworker 3rd Rank, and this is ZA281NA-Jolt12, Tech Priestess Delta.’’ Brian greet the captain.

>Shake it

Pretty sure we still know what a handshake is.
>>‘’Hello Captain, I am Brian Dauterive, Voidworker 3rd Rank, and this is ZA281NA-Jolt12, Tech Priestess Delta.’’ Brian greet the captain.
>>Shake it
This cannot possibly go wrong im sure of it.
> Hold it.
Votes counted.


let’s see what kind of Inquisitorial Agent Brain is
‘’Hello Captain, I am Brian Dauterive, Voidworker 3rd Rank, and this is ZA281NA-Jolt12, Tech Priestess Delta.’’ Brian greet the captain.

The voidmen grab and shake the hand of the Federation captain. He only seen the greeting once between the Quartermaster and some off-shipper a few years back.

The captain looks at something behind the simple Voidman ‘’and who’s the 3rd person?’’

‘’Who?’’ The Voidman ask ‘’the pilot? She is staying in the Lighter, Inquisitor’s orders. Do you need her to leave the Lighter?’’

‘’not her, hem’’ the captain clarified- pointing

Brian look behind hem and see that the captain is pointing at the Servitor.

‘’We scanned 4 life signs- at first we thought there was a Co-pilot, no one mentioned a 3rd person with your party’’ the Captain added.

The other Federation people also look at the thing. The pointed ear one have a blank face but both the Bridge red shirt and the felinid look like they are trying to figure out what they are looking at.

Brian- Inquisitor Agent for all of a few hours;

- Tell the truth Truth; Let Zana explain what a Servitor is, Brian is largely ignorant of how they are made, just know that one of the void ones was made from a guy he knew who tried to kill someone. (Roll a D20)
- Lie; Write in what you’re going to try to explain this thing as. (Roll a D20, more cleaver or believable lies will get bonuses)

Truth DC; 10. The DC is to determine if she could adequately explain what a Servitor is.

Lie DC; 13. As much as Brian don’t know about the Federation, the Federation don’t know about the Imperium. This DC is to see if Brian can grox-shit the Federalists.

You still have 1 Glory. Do you want to use the Glory? (+5 to winning roll, cancels out Nat Ones)

Rolled 2 (1d20)

>Lie: ''Oh. I'm sorry. It just our bio-cogitator. We grow organic matter due to natural usefulness of Human form and then augment it with mechanical components. It's a useful tool if alive only on the most basic level.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

> Lie (With some truth?) "Oh, it's not sentient. It's a recycled corpse. Converted into a helpful machine."

Maybe offer to do the dice roll after we've voted?
I think I’ll do that starting with this one, I’ll be sure to mention it in future updates.
Lie won

>>6182812 bio-cogitators (1D20+3)

>>6182836 recycled dead (1D20+3)

Both are not far off from the truth and are actual things the Imperium dose. Counting both as a form of Lie of Omission.

Roll- if a Tie I’ll count the highest total roll.
File: trekmeme3.jpg (95 KB, 772x1080)
95 KB
Rolled 12 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Counted. Writing
Brian looks for a moment and quickly turn around. ‘’Oh - sorry that’s not alive, it’s a recycled corpse converted into a helpful machine.’’ Brian tells as a half truth- leaving out it why the person might be dead to begin with. ‘’They continue to serve humanity this way with with makes them human dead- Right Zana?’’ Says the the voidmen as he nudge the cog girl

‘’- error- Affirmative’’ the woman says in her electronic voice ‘’part of process is to prepare the bodies for conversion into Servitors. One of the most important steps is to make sure the brain has ceased cognitive functions.’’ She says, leaving out significant steps of the process. ‘’Do you have a similar practice?’’ She ask

‘’we don’t - but we see no problem with it, the Federation is a union of many cultures and traditions.’’ The Federation Captain reply ‘’we are stronger for it, besides, what other civilizations do it’s their concerns.’’

‘’you can set up the Servitor in the next door Cargobay, it’ll be undisturbed in there’’ the captain finishes.

After a few minutes Zana finish setting up the Servitor in a cargo bay.

Zana sets a pouch crono and hand it to Brian

‘’This is set to alarm when the scribing is expected to be finalized’’ the cog girl says

‘’Thanks Zana’’ the Voidman reply ‘’part of me is glad the captain had to step away, I don’t want hem to get suspicious’’

The woman sets down the Federation data-slate, the possibly heretical device connected to a blessed machine by a wire manufactured rapidly by the Enginssers of this vessel.

‘’these people are unusual’’ Zana says in a low volume as she look at the gards, who kept their distance when lied to that the ritual required some privacy. ‘’I desire to say Friendly, they all seem to be very healthy- even overfed in some cases’’

‘’I agree, But they may be a threat to us. I had a feeling knowing what the Servitor was wouldn’t end well’’ The void men agreed. ‘’We got several hours to learn about these people and their weapons, I say we use it well’’

The 2 imperials walk up to the Federation redshirts who stand at attention.

‘’The ritual is complete’’ the cog-girl replied to the under armed armsmen. ‘’I just need to have access to here in case of a scrap’’

The red haired human man nods ‘’I been tasked to guide you around the ship, here’’

He holds out a data slate

‘’Hold it up to any text and it’ll translate it to you in your language, it also contains a simple map of the ship. On it includes the location of temporary quarters for you 2’’ the redhead redshirt states.

There’s several sections of the ship blacked out- with others labeled.

‘’what do you think Zana’’ the voidman says to the tech priestess

Zana picks;

- the bridge.
- Shuttle Bay
- Transporter room
- The mess hall/brake room, it states that it’s meal time for one of the shift.
- Sonic showers
- Med bay
- Engineering.
- Fabrications.
- The brig
- Zana and Brian’s room.
Mess hall, let them get a taste of federation grub lol
> Shuttle Bay

That's a decent concentration of tech to observe.
> Transporter room.
> The mess hall/brake room, it states that it’s meal time for one of the shift.
>Sonic showers

I don't know what that is and it's sounds interesting



Mess hall 1

Shuttle bay 1

Mess hall and Transporter 1. (Support Mess Hall)

Mess hall win, Transporter will come right after it, Writing.
Zana of the Machine cult look at the map of the strange vessel. When her eyes lay on the teleporter room- must be their version of the Telapoterum, but seeing the room next to it reminds Zana of her that she is far to early in her augmentation-

A auditable grumbling can be heard from the tech girl, causing her face to blush. ‘’Nourishment might be required’’ Zana says to Brian before turning to the Armsman ‘’is there any charge for food on this vessel?’’

The redshirt smiles ‘’no worry- the food’s free.’’

The 3 began to walk down the hallways. The tanned floor corridors of the ship are oddly crude yet professionally put together, simple shapes and lines making up the majority of the parts that make up the corridors. Like all other doors seen to open by going into the walls by its sides. On the walls periodically are what look like mechanisms and control surfaces to manipulate the systems of the ship.

The mess hall is a relatively large rectangular room with many square tables, currently its half full of people eating and talking.

It takes both Brian and Zana a moment to notice but- there’s… Zenos… among these humans and abhumans.

Several blue aliens with 2 antenna, one is playing regicide with a pointed ear abhuman, others are mingling regardless the color of their shirts. A few tripod 3 armed aliens with one building a model of a solar system with 8 planets, And a diversity of Abhumans and humans. All seem to be eating together, playing together, talking together. As if they were all not only of the same species, but of the same very deck class.

‘’this is the mess hall’’ the redshirt says ‘’I’ll show you how to use the Synthesizers’’ offer the man before either Imperial could process the casual Heresy in front of them.

The 3 go to a wall mounted device- a skirt clad blue uniform Felinid woman place an orange tile Into a slot. The device’s shutter closes and After a few moments it opens- showing a soup with a fried rodent in it.

‘’Those cards tells the Food Synthesizer what to make, we use this as well a chef in the kitchen to feed us’’ the Armsmen states as the feline-like woman grab the bowl of rodent soup. ‘’Tho currently the Kitchen is down, so we are stuck with this and some stuff form the fridges. it’s all free of charge’’ he continued as he put a tile in himself- getting a meal consists of a cut bead bun holding sliced meat

Brian and Zana look over the tiles, each one have a label that Zana use her federation Data Slate to translate, tho some words seem to not mean anything in Gothic.
Brian and/or Zana chose to eat;

- ‘Vulcan Morning Sandwich’.
- ‘Fried Tribbles’
- ‘Classic Terra Hamburger’
- ‘American Buffalo Wings’
- ‘Terran enchilada’
- ‘Andorran Evening surprise’
- ‘Caitian fried rodent in beef stew’
- Nothing form the strange device- simply some luxurious looking Fruits and Veggies set out for the crew.
- Reframe form eating. (Roll after voting)

You can chose for Zana and Brian to grab different meals.

Sorry for missing your vote by 10 seconds lol.
>‘Classic Terra Hamburger’.
>‘Andorran Evening surprise’
> ‘Classic Terra Hamburger’

> ‘Vulcan Morning Sandwich’.

Classic Terran Hamburger and Andorran Evening Surprise wins

‘’Terran?’’ Brian says to himself ‘’they got food from Holy Terra- it must be good’’ he says as he grab a blue and green tile while Zana chooses the blue and white tile.

‘’Holy Terra?’’ Ask the Redshirt as he look at the tile ‘’Looks like the Universal Translator is acting up- it says Earth on the card, Terra’s the Latin name for Earth, I wonder why it’s popping that up?’’

‘’well, In Gothic, Holy Terra is humanity’s home world’’ says the Voidman, recalling the sermons he sat through ‘’Its where the God Emperor sits on he’s golden throne guiding humanity’’

‘’So this God Emperor is the head of your nation?’’ Ask the Redshirt

‘’He’s our god and savior actually’’ Zana clarify ‘’the Cult of Mars believes that he is also the Avatar of the Omnissiah, the Machine God’’ as Brian take out the first plate of food

‘’What do you people believe?’’ Ask the Voidmen. ‘’Your clearly not a bunch of Emperor’s faithful’’

Before the Redshirt could answer the last plate is ready ‘’I’ll answer when we sit down, it’s a little complicated’’

One meal consists of 2 bread buns with a disk of ground meat in between. A unfamiliar leafy green plant and chopped up red plant can be seen. Seeds cover the bun while red and yellow sauces leak down form under the top bun, all on a white plate. Brian had scarcely ever seen real food, just glimpses form times when he had to go into a uppdecker’s area to fix one thing or another during warp jumps.

Zana’s food is a shallow bowl of strange blue tubular plants stuffed with a ground meat mixed with chopped up green and purple plants, sitting in what smells like a kind of vegetable broth. Zana likewise never seen real food, let alone tasted it.

For both Imperials- this is a single biggest and most luxurious looking meal that they ever held onto, for the Red Shirt seeing the strange humans gawk at the food- it’s Thursday.

Brian look around for a place to sit, he finds

- A table with a Tripod Zenos painting a model of a solar system. Currently he is painting the forth from the star red.
- A table with a pair of Federations women humans eating.
- A table with a blue Zenos playing Regicide with a pointed ear abhuman
> A table with a Tripod Zenos painting a model of a solar system. Currently he is painting the forth from the star red.
Going for Human table would make more sense but this has more culture-shock potential.
> A table with a Tripod Zenos painting a model of a solar system. Currently he is painting the forth from the star red.

Because we're totally just getting a better look at these new xenos while in a neutral environment.
Votes counted.

I need people to roll 3D20. Counting the top 2 for Brian and Zana’s composure when dealing with the Zenos.

- Both Zana and Brian so far haven’t acted that zealous as Imperials and they are made part of the Inquisition- but they are still Imperials and only been agents for less than a day.
Rolled 10, 3, 16 = 29 (3d20)

Rolled 17, 4, 15 = 36 (3d20)

Rolled 5, 6, 9 = 20 (3d10)

Yeah we want to not make a scene and get restricted to our room, but it sure would be funny if they flipped out
>>6186800 (winner)

Rolls counted, Writing Heresy

>>6186811 I agree that it would be funny
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Brian sees the table with the orange Xenos available, the fowl creature creating a model of a solar system with 8 planets. When Brian nudge the Cog Girl in the direction of the table using the void hand signs, She pause a little, catching the attention of their guide.

‘’Everything ok?’’ Ask the Redshirt

‘’Just- never seen such a, creature’’ Brian says ‘’We- don’t normally encounter, um, Xenoses’’

The Federation Redshirt shrug ‘’I guess we are all a Alien to someone, He’s J’em, He’s a great guy form engineering.’’

Dispite everything they been told about such, creatures, both Zana and Brian steel themselves as they approach the table, with the orange creature giving a mimicry of a human smile as he wave with the central arm.

‘’hello I’m J’em, Engineering, Welcome to the Pluton.’’ Says the creature in a accented translated gothic. ‘’the chairs are free’’

Brian force a smile as he sit ‘’it’s- interesting to meet you, Um- what are you?’’ He ask as Zana remove her mask to administer herself a dose of medication form a oxcan.

‘’Oh- a Endosian’’ the orange creature answered ‘’one of the many species in the Federation’’

Brian began to try he’s food when Zana speaks to the creature- her mouth remaining unmoving as the sound come form from an augment in her neck. ‘’So- there’s a lot of… aliens… in this Federation?’’

J’em thinks for a moment before answering ‘’um- yes, I don’t recall the number of member species. The Federation is open to anyone who meet requirements to join….’’

The words of the xenos go dull as Brian bite into the strange meal- for all he’s life Brian had only eaten corps starch and heavily processed rations bars. To eat real- even synthesized- meat, veggies, and bread. Brian can’t help but interrupted the conversation with a ‘hmm’ of a great meal as he feast on the ‘Hamburger’. Causing everyone to look at hem at the table.

‘’Wow’’ Brian says to hemself ‘’you eat like this all the time?’’ He ask the redshirt.

‘’Not really’’ the Redshirt answers ‘’most of the time we have a chef that cook up something good’’

‘’And everyone can get this kind of food?’’ Asked the Voidman ‘’this is some luxury stuff’’

‘’Yea- why wouldn’t they?’’ Ask the Redshirt ‘’everyone on the ship have access to the same food, even those in the brig’’- the confusion on he’s face as Zana eats into her own food with a similar reaction

‘’we… do things differently in the Imperium’’. Brian answers as he thinks for a moment for something to ask the Redshirt or J’em.

- ‘’So- what system is that?’’ He ask, pointing at the model solar system.
- ‘’So- what can this ship do?’’
- ‘’so- what do you people believe?’’
- Write in.

Rolling for background event.
>‘’So- what system is that?’’ He ask, pointing at the model solar system.
> ‘’so- what do you people believe?’’
So - Are you friendly with all xenos or do you people have enemies too?
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>>6187903 (1)
>>6187946 (2)

Counting votes- writing.
‘These Federations- they are not acting like traitorous Xenos lovers- at least not how the ship-minister described them.’ Brian can’t help but to think. ‘’so are you guys friendly with all Xenos- or do you guys actually have enemies?’’ Ask the imperial man before finishing he’s luxurious meal.

‘’Oh plenty’’ respond J’em

‘’There’s the Klingons’’ the redshirt says ‘’honorbound warriors-‘’

‘’More like violent brutes that use such honor as an excuse’’ the 3 armed creature added as Brian takes out he’s scribe tome ‘’Their ships kinda look like birds and can cloke themselves to remain hidden, and they typically weld curve blades along with phasers, humanoid like Humans or Vulcans.‘’

‘’they use to have forehead ridges’’ the redshirt says

‘’that’s a tall tail Keven’’ the orange alien dismissed

‘’I’m telling you- my family been in Star Fleet since Archer, I can get you pictures of Klingons from back then’’ the redshirt named Keven retorted before going back to the point ‘’anyways- then there’s the Romulans’’

‘’they like to paint birds of pray on the bottom of their vessels’’ the Xenos states ‘’we are near the DMZ between the Federation and the Romulans Star empire, sneaky bastards, they gave the Klingons their cloakes. They kinda look like Vulcans but with ridges on their ears’’

‘’Volcans?’’ Ask Zana ‘’are those the pointed ear Abhumans?’’

‘’That didn’t go through- what’s a Abhuman?’’ Ask Keven as he takes out a boxy data pad.

Brian thinks for a moment before answering in a, Federation friendly, manner. ‘’They are what we call those humans who are- different from the baseline in a reliable way, like all Ogrins are big and dumb, all Ratlings are small’’

‘’The Imperium have 73 recognized Abhuman variants’’ Zana added ‘’I assumed your splinter human-‘’ the tech priestess look at the Xenos at the table with concealed contempt ‘’-involved entity had unknown variants’’

‘’They’re not human- and we don’t have a equivalent to a Abhuman, well- there was the Eugenics Wars when the pre-warp earth thought making transhuman was a good idea.’’ Keven says ‘’but we took care of them all,

Brian was about to ask a question when the lights in the room turn yellow.

‘’Yellow Alert’’ the rooms voxhailer bellow softy as a alarm go off.

Keven sighs ‘’sorry, you guys got to go to your room- protocol. It’s probably a smuggler that was expecting us to move form this system from now, should only be a few minutes’’
The bridge of the Pluton, Captain Cortez look over the scan report of the strange, Imperial, Vassal.

‘’The underslung weapon is just a giant version of an ancient dental laser’’ says the federation captain ‘’chemical propellant broadside weapons, Flack point defense, and what’s with the knight statues with guns?’’

‘’Sir we are detecting a Sub Space Explosion’’ the Vulcan sensor officer reports ‘’its within 400 kilometers of the ship’’

‘’Yellow alert- on screen’’ the captain orders as the alarm and lights go off. he cannot help but to think ‘First contact- and getting up close readings of these SSEs all over the quadrant? Kirk is going to eat he’s badge when he hear that a lowly patrol ship had-‘ the captain’s personal boast is ended early with the change to the view screen

‘’We got it on screen sir’’

‘’Romanov- what am I looking at- and why is it, painful to look at?’’ The captain ask looking at the blue spinning vortex of energy, squinting he’s eyes at the, wrongness.

‘’Captain’’ the Science officer answers ‘’it appears to be a hole into Subspace, deep into subspace, but there’s no reason why it should be painful to look at sir- there’s nothing in the readings to explain that’’ in her Russian accent ‘’it seems to be a form of faster than light travel’’

‘’I concur Captain- captain, I am detecting the a ship coming through- it’s, dwarfs the Imperial ship’’ the sensor officer states

‘’Is that- a ball of scrap?’’

A giant amalgamation of materials floats out of the portal, astroids, ships, and stations of a dozen species, all melded together into a massive vessel with more mass than the Astroid that killed Earth’s dinosaurs. Among the twisted metal and fused rock the Captain can make out a prowl like that of the Emperor’s Glory, but none of the other parts seem recognizable.

‘’I am detecting life signs, and a radio single’’ the human coms officer alert the captain

‘’On screen, contact the Glory, looks like they got people in distress on that vessel.’’

When the message shows up on screen, the first thing he hear is;

- >>‘’Oi Ya GETTS! Whoz this!’’
- ‘’Anyone who receives this- we are requesting assistance. For the Greater Good- anyone! Help!’’
- ‘’By the gods- we are in real space…. Why have the whispering stopped?’’
- ‘’Who are you, you don’t look like regular mon’keigh….. everything seems- off’’
- ‘’Brothers of the stars- we request assistance’’
- A robotic voice comes through ‘’this is- unexpected’’
Here’s the link to the discord so you can follow the quest

>‘’Oi Ya GETTS! Whoz this!’’

Everything Feels like it could go in a familiar Star Trek episode. This one seems like it goes in the fun deep end.
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>‘’Anyone who receives this- we are requesting assistance. For the Greater Good- anyone! Help!’’
I just like blue boys. Also for the guy claiming that everything else could end up as standard Star Trek episode I honestly don't mind it. Culture shock is fun and I find what we got so far more interesting. Also, it's still Space Hulk so regardless what we choose, we still can get plenty of external conflict and action, those things are filled to the brim with wierd shit and nasties.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

(1) >>6188581

Counting votes. Rolling to brake tie. Writing.

Might be a late update- work is crazy during snow
Take your time anon
I wasn't trying to badmouth standard Star Trek episodes. I was just giving my reasoning for going with the orks.
For the record- I didn’t think you were badmouthing.

Not everything is for everyone all the time. There’s time for thinking and there’s times for crumping
A human face appears on screen. wearing a tan armor, the young faced soldier look astonished. The room look battle torn- controls and terminals trashed, dead bodies and abandoned gear scattered across the scorched mark covered room.

‘’oh phrase the Emperor’’ says the man with hem making a hand sign that look like the Imperium’s emblem ‘’Your not Imperial and right now- that is all that I care about, we are under siege by Green Skins on one side and the victims of the Mind Science Pelage on the other!’’

Phaser fire can be seen behind the soldier- a bloodied blue alien steps backwards into view, armed with a long rifled tan weapon of some kind and with a equally tan color floating drone that looks like a disk with a cylindrical mechanism attached under it fires blue lasers at a off screen target.

‘’Hurry! We got Civilians here! I’m transmitting-‘’

The call ends with a red light engulfing the image.

‘’we received telemetry coordinates. Sir- but we can’t regain further contact, we are getting a text reply from the Glory.’’ The coms officer states

‘’Read it please’’ the captain says as he mentally go over he’s options

‘’ ‘Those are not our people, that is what we call a Space Hulk’ ‘’ relayed the coms officer

‘’Sir’’ Romanov added ‘’the energy emissions of the wreck is blocking teleportation, and base on the coordinates given- these people are a mile deep into the structure, scans are only reliable up to half the mile inward’’

The Captain;

- Message Star Fleet Command requesting backup.
- Prepare a away team
- Call Brian and Zana to the bridge to ask questions
- Contact the Glory to ask questions/request aid.
- Write in.

You can pick multiple.

Glory; 1
You can spend a Glory to have one question about the Space Hulk answered. Want to spend it?

- Y
- N
> Message Star Fleet Command requesting backup.
>Call Brian and Zana to the bridge to ask questions
>Contact the Glory to ask questions/request aid.
>Based on whatever information gathered prepare your team accordingly for whatever awaits on the Hulk and then send rescue team.
Sorry. I didn't want to claim you are badmouthing anything. I understood your reasoning I just really enjoy character interactions more than crumping but you can like crumping.

It's fine. I'm also ok with traditional Star Trek story/ But it looks like we will get a little of both anyway.

> +1 to the above vote. That seems like a good response.
Votes counted- writing

Best of both worlds XD

What is your question you want answered about the Space Hulk. (Note- it will be answered in story)
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>What's the nature of this structure? How it formed, any specific phenomena we should know of and of course the fastest way to get through a mile of metal and rock?
These questions will be grantee to be answered.

The update should come by Thursday.
Keven jog down the halls of the Pluton, passing crewmen heading to their stations or preforming regular maintenance of the vessel.

After a short jog he reaches one of the officers quarters on the ship and knocks on the door. The noise of, ‘activities’, barely muffled by the sliding doors. There’s a thud in a room followed by a male ‘’ow’’, followed by what sounds like a power drill. In less than a moment the door is opened by Brian with frazzled hair and hastily thrown on clothing, with the cybernetic woman behind hem trying to get her nearly iconic red robe on quickly over her jumpsuit.

‘’The captain have a few questions he need to ask’’ the Security Officer states. ‘‘It’s urgent’’


‘’Message sent to Star fleet sir’’ the Coms officer report ‘’we should hear if we are getting reinforcements within the hour’’

The captain nods ‘’Contact the Glory, I see at lease some Imperial parts in that ball of twisted metal, maybe they can tell us what that is’’ the captain orders.

‘’Yes sir’’ the Coms officer respond.

‘’sir’’ says Romanov ‘’we got some scans of the wreck done, it seems like there’s several strange anomalies- it look like variations of the strange energies detected during the SSE’’

‘’Any data on these strange energies?’’ Ask the captain.

‘’only that we detected it near the suspected area of the Imperial vessel’s FTL drive and a area near the bridge’’ Romanov added ‘’at first we assumed it was related to their strange shield system’’

Before the Captain can request further action, the Coms officer speaks

‘’Sir- we got in contact with the Glory’’ reported the Coms officer.

This time on screen is the captain of the Imperial Vessel as opposed to the ‘Inquisitor’.

‘’Hello Captain Cortez’’ the Imperial captain answers ‘’I hope that Hulk is not causing issues’’ he says with a less than genuine smile.

‘’not yet- actually we were hoping to ask you some questions about it?’’ The Federation captain asks to he’s Imperial counterpart

‘’What sort of questions?’’ The imperial replied

‘’mainly, what is the nature of these things, how do they form, any specific phonominum we should know about, and what is the best way to get through about a mile of this mess of rock and metal’’ ask the Carlos

‘’Well, these things are of Ill omen and of great rewards, as much a boon as a hazard for those having to deal with them.’’ The Imperial Captain begins ‘’in its endless maze of corridors, fuel dumps, and cargo bays are many of forgotten secrets and dangers. You might open a door and find an exposed plasma vent, or some long lost example of technology. They are form from ships lost in the warp, over time they collide with each other in the eddies of the immaterium, at times astroids and stations enter the warp via natural phenomena and add to the mess of wrecks. As for phonominum- there’s a reason why we have Geller Feilds, for ships or items that enter the warp without one they can become, curropted and changed, insane too.

‘’Not to mention dark artifacts that’ll drive men mad, Insane Abdominal Intelligences from the dark age of technology, and cults of heretics with Emperor knows what they been squatting around’’

The Inquisitor steps into view of the screen, enjoying what looks like a cup of hot tea. Her smile enough to make any Imperial show reverence to her Authority to the point even the Captain of the vessel bows he’s head’’

‘’the best way to get through them is to bring a large force of armed personnel to purge entire sections of the wreck so you can search for what you’re desire, you could cut through walls and rock- but that’s time consuming and could risk collapse of sections of the structure’’ the Inquisitor finish before she takes another sip ‘’but I must ask- why do you want to dig into the Hulk? Also- dose Terra means anything to you?’’ Ask the powerful yet unimposing imperial in a calm tone.


Why is Carlos going into the hulk?
- ‘’We want to research the hulk’’ (Lie of Omission)
- ‘’There’s people in there that needs help, as a Federation officer I cannot leave them to parish’’
- Lie (Write in a Lie for the lie vote, the more in character/fraction, and the more believable for the other side, the better)
- ‘’I am not at liberty to say, it’s a operation in Federation space.’’

How dose Carlos respond to the question about Terra

- ‘’It’s the Latin name for Earth’’
- ‘’It’s the Latin name for Earth, the Capital of the United Federation’’
- ‘‘It’s Latin for Earth, the capital planet of the United Federation and Humanity’s home world’’
- Write in
Hell yeah! Bruce scored!
>‘’There’s people in there that needs help, as a Federation officer I cannot leave them to parish’’
>‘’It’s the Latin name for Earth, the Capital of the United Federation’’
This feels like something most Federation Officers would responde with. Beside, it's not like Imperials did anything particularly suspicious from Federation perspective.
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>‘’There’s people in there that needs help, as a Federation officer I cannot leave them to parish’’

>‘’It’s the Latin name for Earth, the Capital of the United Federation’’

Votes counted. Writing
Strange is nothing new for the Federation. Captain Cortez look at the Imperial Inquisitor and give a honest answer to these strange humans, even as every question answered seem to have opened ten more.

‘’It’s simple Inquisitor Nichelle Saldana, There’s people in there that need help, as a Federation Officer I cannot leave them to perish. As for Terra- it’s the Latin name for Earth, the capital of the Federation.’’ The Captain answered

The Inquisitor seem to consider the words of the Federation Captain closely, for once her smile turned into a slight frown, until her eyes widen in surprise. ‘’You are serious’’ she says ‘’I take it you don’t even know who those people are’’

‘’That is correct’’ the captain respond. ‘’It’s the way of my people, it’s the way of the Federation, we help those in need, it’s the same code that sees us lending you a hand’’

The woman thinks for a moment before the smile return to her face ‘’Very well, your people are certainly- interesting, and from the transmission the Tau and their… criminal human subjects seem to be fighting Green Skins and worse, perhaps-‘’

The turbo lift opens and the sound of 3 people walking onto the bridge can be heard.

‘’Ahh Zana and Brian, would you two be a dear and help Captain Carlos with he’s mission if he would be accepting, he can even use the Lighter if he need to. Oh I almost forgot- I’m sorry Brian, but your Aunt Susan had passed away recently. I’m sure she would have loved a memento from the space hulk’’ the woman says in a mournful tone. ‘’Now captain- anything else you want to know?’’

Captain Carlos; (you can chose more than one)

- Ask about the ‘’Green Skins’’
- Ask about the ‘’Mind Science Pelage’’
- Ask about the ‘’Tau’’.
- Write in.
- Says ‘’Thank you, that’s all we need for now’’ and end the call (Begin the setup for the Away Mission)
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>Ask about the ‘’Green Skin.
>Ask about the''Worse Things'' on the Space Hulk.
>Ask about the ‘’Mind Science Pelage’’.
>Says ‘’Thank you, that’s all we need for now’’ and end the call (Begin the setup for the Away Mission).
>Ask about the ‘’Green Skin.
>Ask about the''Worse Things'' on the Space Hulk.
>Ask about the ‘’Mind Science Pelage’’.
>Says ‘’Thank you, that’s all we need for now’’ and end the call (Begin the setup for the Away Mission).

These options to ask about more than one thing is a bit odd. Mainly in that maybe we should have some limits on how many different things we have time to ask about.
As the captain I'd want clarification on both greenskins and Tau
>Ask about the ‘’Green Skin.
>Ask about the''Worse Things'' on the Space Hulk.
>Ask about the ‘’Mind Science Pelage’’.
>Says ‘’Thank you, that’s all we need for now’’ and end the call (Begin the setup for the Away Mission).

Ask about Green Skins and Tau
Votes counted- writing.
Captain Carlos thinks for a moment before asking ‘’A few questions actually ma’am, what can you tell me about these ‘Green Skins’, ‘’

‘’Those creatures- Orks, a species of green brutish xenoses, They live for war, and make war to live. Never underestimate their low cunning, many of worlds had burned by the hubris of commanders and the kindling of the Orks’’ the Inquisitor explains ‘’If you kill one- you want to burn it, they release spores that can grow into more Orks’’

‘’Are they sentient?’’ The captain ask

‘’Quite, and capable of turning any scrap metal into weapons of war. It’s why love to infest Hulks’’ the Inquisitor answers

‘’and the, ‘worse things?’ ‘’ the captain ask ‘’the ‘Tau’ mentioned a pelage of some sort-‘’

‘’The Tau are nieve’’ the inquisitor cuts off the captain with a serious tone, her smiling face turn grim ‘’they know not of what they are playing with. The ‘’worse’’ thing, What they refer to as ‘mind science pelage’ is what we refer to as ‘corruption’, people and things influenced by the warp and its deceitful inhabitants’’ the Inquisitor warns ‘’the Inquisition fights many threats to humanity, in my opinion Corruption is the worse. It’ll drive you mad, mutate your body infront of your eyes, and temp you with your deepest desires. It’s only by faith in the Emperor that they can be fought’’

The Federation captain raises an eyebrow at the Inquisitor ‘’We respect your beliefs Inquisitor and thank you for your generosity in answering some questions about this, threat’’

‘’Your people seem equally strange and uninformed’’ the Inquisitor added before the smile returns. ‘’but I pray that in that Hulk your’ll find what you need. Even if it’s not what you want, have a good trek’’

‘’Thank you Lady Inquisitor, Captain Carlos Out’’ The Captain end the call ‘’number one- please start getting the shuttles ready, I want some options for team layout and equipment, as well as available landing sites on that Hulk’’

‘’Med bay is already being prepared for a mass cas event sir’’ the second in command respond.

‘’Good’’ The captain turns to the 2 Imperials. ‘’I would appreciate assistance Zana and Brian, ’’ ask the captain ‘’oh and Brian, I am sorry about your Aunt.’’

‘’It’s… it’s alright Captain’’ the Imperial space maintenance worker reply ‘’truthfully I didn’t know her well’’.

‘’we got a few possible landing sites sir’’ the second in command of the ship reported after a moment. ‘’we need to chose one before we can settle on what kind of team we can send’’

Each Shuttle can carry 6 personnel and accompanying equipment, The Pluton is staffed with a security team with specialized boarding equipment and training, intended for anti-smuggling operations and humanitarian missions.

- landing site A; 3 shuttles can land, Open to the vacuum. Someone at some point had cut a hole into a cargo bay of a Imperial ship, its contents are long gone, the shuttles would need to enter single file. Sensors readings are erratic.
- Landing site B; a closed hanger bay of a ship that was made of a material that is bone like, scans shows a interior with room for 3 shuttles, there’s seem to be a nearby small concentration of the strange ‘Warp’ energies.
- Landing Site C; Enclosed by an energy field, the ship seems imperial-like but more complex with a fair bit of red used, the landing area can fit 2. Sensors detects a significant number of Servitors.
- Landing Site D; enclosed by a energy field, it’s appears to be a structure specifically built to set up a landing pad for exploration of this space hulk. It’s tan in color and covered in crude graffiti and evidence of battle, life signs are detected. All 4 of the ship’s shuttles can land there.

>>6191801 your right- it dose seem strange, I’ll change up the ‘multiple options’ choices next time. Either a limit to how many or a cost for each one
Site D seems like the best for contingency
>Landing Site D; enclosed by a energy field, it’s appears to be a structure specifically built to set up a landing pad for exploration of this space hulk. It’s tan in color and covered in crude graffiti and evidence of battle, life signs are detected. All 4 of the ship’s shuttles can land there.

Votes counted. Posting update.
You have 4 Shuttles available for this away mission, further reinforcements can be flown in to secure the landing zone but cannot reinforce the away team until they get to the objective. You may pick one team per shuttle.

You can chose 4 teams;

Available team layouts is;

- Barding; Armored in specialized Federation space suits for extreme hazardous environment, they make great protection against low energy phasers and shrapnel. Armed with Phaser Rifles and equipped with heavy tools to cut into vessels for rescue missions. The space suits are cumbersome so they are at disadvantage in hand to hand attacks but advantage In defense
- Security; Standard security team equipped with Life Support Belts and phaser rifles, And stun batons, unencumbered by the heavy space suits they can engage in offensive hand to hand combat normally.
- Humanitarian; a team set up to be able to build a disaster relief facility, equipped with shield belts, standard phasers and with field deployable medical equipment.
- Engineering; an Engineer team equipped with life support belts to allow them to operate in the vacuum and to survive minor hazards. Equipped with standard phasers and engineering tools to allow them to fix, modify, study, and build devices and equipment in field.
- Science; equipped with advance scanning equipment, standard phasers, and life support belts, they are able to research anomalies in the field and more capable of hacking computer systems.
- General team; a basic away team equipped with standard phasers, life support belts, and other standard equipment.

The Arvis Lighter is available to provide support. It can provide an additional construction point to the landing zone by flying over supplies and equipment or be used to help evacuate objectives or items of value- but it and its pilot is loyal to the Glory and the Imperium and would follow those orders above the requests of the Pluton. Do you want to utilize the Lighter?

- Y
- N
The potential for these 'greenskins' means we should probably be careful and send a security team to begin with.

As for the lighter they may well be useful, the imperium seems fairly trustworthy for now
Sorry- I ment that you can have 4 ‘’units’’ worth of people for the Away Team (In rolling situations- these ‘’Units’’ are treated like mobs). But once the Away team is landed, until you get to the objective, that’s the team you got.

After the away team is landed, a 2nd wave of personnel would arrive to secure the landing area and to modify it.
ohh, ok to begin with 2 security + 1 engineering + 1 humanitarian


You could ask for Humanitarian, Engineering, General Team, and Security Units for the Away Team.

Each Unit is 6 personnel.
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>Barding; Armored in specialized Federation space suits for extreme hazardous environment, they make great protection against low energy phasers and shrapnel. Armed with Phaser Rifles and equipped with heavy tools to cut into vessels for rescue missions. The space suits are cumbersome so they are at disadvantage in hand to hand attacks but advantage In defense.
> Humanitarian; a team set up to be able to build a disaster relief facility, equipped with shield belts, standard phasers and with field deployable medical equipment.
> Engineering; an Engineer team equipped with life support belts to allow them to operate in the vacuum and to survive minor hazards. Equipped with standard phasers and engineering tools to allow them to fix, modify, study, and build devices and equipment in field.
>Science; equipped with advance scanning equipment, standard phasers, and life support belts, they are able to research anomalies in the field and more capable of hacking computer systems.
Most things you can find on Space Hulk can tear apart any Human like a straw doll, unless our Security is made up of only species that are naturally much stronger than Humans, having people able to comfortably fight in melee is useless anyway. This is Humanitarian mission for Federation and both Engineers and Scientists would be useful due to things that we can find on Space Hulk.

The Federation crew has no reason to be suspicious towards Imperials as they keep themselves mostly in check and ultimately any help will be useful, we will evacuate Tau using Federation shuttles and bring any loot for Arvis. The ship crew would probably give Imperials any STC's anyway, so if Lighter pilot ''loses'' anything after the mission, it really wouldn't be a big deal.

Use the Arvis Lighter

This seems like a good mix for what we want to accomplish and what we might encounter.

We don't know the Imperials that well and the Inquisitor seems antagonistic towards these Tau people.
Use the Arvis Lighter
Rolled 3 (1d6)



Votes counted, Rolling to brake the tie, writing.

Shuttle Bay B, the ship’s main shuttle bay is a hive of organized activity, all of the boxy Federation shuttles are being prep with supplies and personnel. One unit is putting on the heavy ‘’Nell-5’’ void suits, another is preparing hovering platforms filled with strange devices both medical and ‘scientific’. At one end of the bay, The Arvis Lighter, The Invincible II, is being loaded with equipment and building supplies as it’s pilot preform the pre-flight rituals.

In a relatively secluded part of the hanger bay Zana and Brian go over their own equipment, including the items loaned to them by the Federation for this mission. Tho they have yet to see the horrors they feared, the events of the past few short hours still go through their minds. In many ways these heathens and heretics had both flagrantly broken the commandment of He on the Throne, but at the same time acted polite and kind, even feeding them well and providing them with luxurious accommodations. None of the Xenoses had acted how the Chaplin had warned the faithful imperials. And on top of all of that- they been given the order to cause havoc for these strange people whom have yet acted against the Emperor directly.

‘’So- What is the plan’’ says Zana in a low tone ‘’We we’re given the code’’

‘’I don’t know Zana’’ respond Brian ‘’Do we try something now or later? There is a lot here- but also there is a lot of people here.‘’

Zana look around the room quickly, she sees some federation crewmen fueling the Shuttles. The area is the most heavily trafficked by personnel loading the shuttles with supplies.

At a different station the rows of ‘Life Support Belts’ and the Federation’s equivalent to the Rosaria spare power-packs are being charged. The Barding Specialists are getting prepared right next to the station.

Near the doors to one of the adjoining storage rooms is where the specialized tools for the mission is having a final check gone over them. The Xenos crewmen, a yellow man size bird like creature, is all alone with a stack of supplies blocking the view of most would be witnesses. But at any moment a crewman could go through the cargo bay door and see what’s going on. Whatever kind of Xenos it is- it have talons capable to casually open the packaging that the Federation keeps spare parts in.

Zana says to Brian;

- ‘’We should sabotage them- we probably only have time to strike at one thing, but what?’’ (Opens up further choices, writing in your own ideas now is encouraged)
- ‘’We should wait for a later opportunity- there’s to much activity and to many people here’’
- Zana can’t help but ask Brian ‘’should we sabotage them? something about this dose’t cogicate.’’
- Write in

Both Brian and Zana gained;

Fed(eration) Life Support Belt.

Fed Communicator

Fed Utility Phaser (Improvise weapon, 2D20 Disadvantage to hit, D20-7 damage)

Fed 3-day Field Rations.

Scribebook, refillable ball bearing mechanical quill, Pictor, and Laz pistol (D20-3 to hit, 1D20 damage)

Brian have in he’s possession; Protein ration. strange litho. Scribebook, refillable ball bearing mechanical quill, Pictor, and Laz pistol (D20-3 to hit, 1D20 damage)

Health; 20/20
Fed-Corruption; 0
C-Corruption; 0
Insanity; 0

Zana have in her position; Oxcan medication (7/10 day supply), Basic Im(perial) tool kit, Basic Im Maintenance Ritual kit, Strange litho.

Health; 25/25
augmedics; 10/10
Fed Corruption; 0
Corruption; 0
Insanity; 0
’'We should wait for a later opportunity- there’s too much activity and too many people here’’
>Zana can’t help but ask Brian ‘’should we sabotage them? something about this dose’t cogicate.’’
>‘’We should wait for a later opportunity- there’s to much activity and to many people here’’

Man, I feel like the current crowd is too nice to go full Murder Hobo Imperial. But maybe we will change our tune in a few more turns.
>Zana can’t help but ask Brian ‘’should we sabotage them? something about this dose’t cogicate

>‘’We should wait for a later opportunity- there’s to much activity and to many people here’’

Votes counted. Writing.
Update will be late- expect it to be later today or tomorrow.
Zana look at all of the working crewmen and personnel and shake her head ‘’we should wait for later, there’s far to many people around here’’ she says in her feminine electronic voice ‘’The probability of success it to low, to low to worth finishing calculating’’

‘’I agree Zana’’ Brian comments ‘’beside I bet she wants us to get to the space hulk for some reason.’’

A whistle brakes through the air causing everyone to pause and look at its source- a Andorian holding a small silver wind instrument stands at attention next to Captain Carlos

‘’Men, Women, so on of the Federation, Normally before boarding actions I don’t bother with fancy words- but this is no normal boarding, As we speak the Thunder Child and the Yamamoto are on their way to provide support. But we don’t have the luxury to wait for them, much less these in Danger in there.’’

‘’Can’t be any worse than dealing with clocked Romulans’’ shouts one of the Xenoses of the Pluton- causing chuckles and cheers from the rest of the Federation crewmen.

‘’We depart in 20 minutes’’ the captain proclaimed ‘’How do we go?’’

‘’WE BOLDLY GO!’’ Chanted the crew chanted back as the 2 imperials can not help but to look at each other.

‘’I guess they also got sermons’’ the Voidman half jokes ‘’they are short- I’ll give them that’’.

‘’You are clear to lunch, God Speed’’

‘’Thank you control tower. Ohio departing, taking lead of formation’’

‘’Danube Departing’’

‘’Niger Departing’’

‘’Darling Departing’’

‘’Invincible II Lunching, May the Emperor be with us’’

The Danube glide through the empty space as the boarding team make their final checks.

‘’Landing in 1 minutes’’

A man from Road Island clutch he’s phaser rifle tight as he take a deep breath in he’s Nell-5 exploration space suit.

‘’Landing in 30, movement detected’’

A woman from Armstrong mentally prepares herself for anything.


Tellrite born in Mars says a silent prayer


A human raised in the orbit of Nova Terra glance as he’s crewmate, looking forward to the date they planned when they get back to the Pluton.


The back landing ramp of the Danube opens and the unit rushes out, spreading out to secure the hanger bay.

The hanger bay is covered in the evidence of battle and the blood of over a thousand creatures, in the center of the room is a circle of crates, metal plates, and whatever else the defenders could gather. Soldiers dead at their positions, humans in the tan armor seen elsewhere, blue Tau aliens in similar armor, some with cyclopian helmets still on, and slump with them green, bird like aliens in more primitive armor and clothing. All are armed with sleek if slightly boxy standardized range weapons.

Surrounding the defensive circle is the bodies of the attackers. Giant green mussel bound humanoid brutes, most are adorn in simple cloth coverings, some with pants, other with loin cloths. A few of the bigger dead aliens are in full metal armor. All of them armed with crude melee and range weapons, all look to be made from scrap material with no standardized. Among them are bodies of smaller but similar creatures mostly with scrap cloth used to cover them, and dog syzed ball like creatures with 2 legs and far to many teeth

One of the Boarders hold up a hand to stop everyone and single to a pile of debris and cargo containers

‘’I saw something’’ the Tellrite says over the coms. As everyone look- seeing movement among the broken vehicles and busted open containers.

Boarding Team Alpha;

Straight; 6/6
HP (At zero- the team lose 1 Straight); 40
Attack; 6D20+2.
Damage; D20 per success.
Moral; 10/10
Insanity; 0
Corruption; 0
Phasers; set to stun.


Strength; ?/?
HP; ?/?
Attack ?/?
Damage ?/?
Moral; ?


1 turn until the Ohio lands with Zana and Brian in it.

Roll a 2D20 for initiative. Fed VS ???
Rolled 15, 11 = 26 (2d20)

Rolled 8, 8 = 16 (2d20)

>>6195858 (win)

Rolls counted- writing. Fed won.
Slowly moving around the pile of scrap and junk, the boarding team sees who’s moving among the random debris.

A large group of the smaller green mammalian aliens are digging into one of the containers- seemingly finding one full of the Tau’s packaged rations, devouring the ill-gotten loot. They all seem to be armed with melee weapons and unaware of the Federation Personnel.

Boarding Team Alpha;

Straight; 6/6
HP (At zero- the team lose 1 Straight); 40
Attack; 6D20+2.
Damage; 1D20 per success.
Moral; 10/10
Insanity; 0
Corruption; 0
Phasers; set to stun.
>>Grenchen looters

>>Strength; 10/10
>>HP 15
>>Attack: 10D20+4 (Melee)
>>Damage; 1D10 per success
>>Moral; 13/10 (boosted by grub)
>>2 rounds to melee range.


Boarding Team Alpha;

- Open fire (roll after voting)
- Sneak to a better position (2D20, To Sneak/To get to a better position, roll after voting, DC is 12)
- try Diplomacy (write in encouraged, 1D20 modifier withheld, DC withheld, Roll after voting)
- Withdraws (1D20, DC 13, roll after voting)
>Open fire (roll after voting)
>They live for war, and make war to live.

>Open fire
Let's not take any chances, phasers set to stun.

Votes counted- writing.

Can I have 2 Annons roll 6D20+4 (bonus +2 due to ambush).
Forgot to mention- DC is 12
Rolled 5, 19, 20, 5, 11, 15 + 4 = 79 (6d20 + 4)

Ay, ay, Captain.
Rolled 9, 15, 13, 20, 18, 4 = 79 (6d20)

Rolled 14, 3, 17, 1, 14 = 49 (5d20)

9, 23, 24, 9, 15, 19
4 successes

13, 19, 17, 24, 22, 8
5 successes (Winner)

Rolling stun damage. Writing.
Rolled 20, 12 = 32 (2d20)

1 Glory Gained

The warnings of the Imperial go through the mind of the lead of the team of boarders, the entire exchange recording shared with all members of the away team. these Green Skins live for war, and wage war to live. Perhaps it’s better to talk to them in a more, control, setting. ‘’Open fire’’ he states over the coms among the unit.

The Tellrite look down the scope of he’s phaser rifle, and for a heart beat the eyes of the Federation personnel meet the eyes of the green alien- it’s eyes widening at the realization.

Out of the lenses of the phasers, energy is sent out. Striking the small green skins with blue energy.

Thud, Thud, Thud Clang.

Three of the creatures collapses- one still gripping the packages. another falls onto it’t own blade, pooling blood around the creature. the other slamming into the metal box as the other creatures yell-

‘’WAGGGG!’’ Yell the remaining green skins as they begin to run at the Federation Barding Team.

As the battle begins, the 2nd shuttle lands. It’s rear doors opening showing the General team, Led by the Captain of the Pluton, and with Zana and Brian in tow.

Captain Carlos speak over the coms ‘’We’re on our way’’
Boarding Team Alpha;

Straight; 6/6
HP; 40
Attack; 6D20+2.
Damage; 1D20 per success.
Moral; 10/10
Insanity; 0
Corruption; 0
Phasers; set to stun.

Captain’s Team;

Strength; 6/6
Attack: 6D20
Health: 20
Damage; 1D20-1 per success
Moral; 10/10
Insanity; 0
Corruption; 0
Phasers set to stun

Zana and Brian.
Strength; 2/2
Health; 20/20+5
Attack; 1D20-3 (Laz Pistol)
Moral; 10/10
Insanity; 0
Fed Corruption; 0.5
Corruption; 0
>>Grenchen looters

>>Strength; 7/10 (2 stunned)
>>HP 11/15
>>Attack: 8D20+4 (Melee)
>>Damage; 1D10 per success
>>Moral; 11/10
>> heading to Barding Team One, One rounds to melee range with Barding Team Alpha, 3 rounds from Captan’s Team and from Zana and Brian.

Boarding Team Alpha;

- Open Fire
- Withdraw [if successful- move 1 or more turns away from the Looters]
- [Hostiles to close to get to better position]

Captain’s team;

- Open fire
- Withdraw
- Move to a better position.

Zana and Brian

- open fire
- Withdrawal
- Move to better position
When the thread get to page 10- I’ll archive it and make a new thread.
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Boarding Team Alpha:
>Open Fire.
Captain’s team:
>Move to a better position.
Zana and Brian:
> open fire.

Boarding Team Alpha:
>Open Fire.
Captain’s team:
>Move to a better position.
Zana and Brian:
> Move to better position.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>>6196681 (1)
>>6196758 (2)
Votes counted, Rolling to brake tie, writing.
I need 2 Annons to give me 8D20, will count the one with most success.

First 6 is for BTA shooting

Last 2 is for Captain’s movement and Brian’s shooting.
Rolled 6, 8, 16, 14, 2, 7, 17, 8 = 78 (8d20)

Rolled 9, 8, 11, 18, 9, 3, 4, 3 = 65 (8d20)

(After modifiers added) 8, 10, 18, 16, 4, 9, 17, 5; DC13, 3 successes. (Winner)
11, 10, 13, 20, 11, 5, 4, 1; DC13, 2 successes.

Rolled 18, 1, 12 = 31 (3d20)

19 damage done to Grenchen Looters

Maneuver; 12 (one more turn away form hostiles, +1 to hit)

As Barding Team Alpha zero on the charging hord of aliens, Captain Cortez looks in horror as one of the stunned creatures just begins to get back up. It bellows the war cry of these looters as it picks up its dropped scrap metal knife and sprints to catch up with its brethren.

‘’Shit’’ says a member of the Captain’s unit ‘’he just got back up!’’

‘’Get into cover’’ yell the captain as he and he’s unit rush to get behind some crates as BTA open fire on the running creatures, knocking down one more and hitting another who managed to force themselves through the stun.

Brian- stunned by he’s first encounter with green skins and with battle in one moment- takes out he’s Laz pistol and open fire at the running creatures- missing as a red beam slam into a corpse of a Xenos loving human

‘’GET THEM!’’ Yell one of the greenskins as they reach melee range of the Boarding team.

Boarding Team Alpha;

Straight; 6/6
HP; 40
Range Attack; 6D20+2, (6D20-2 due to in melee combat)
Melee attack; 6D20 melee.
Range Damage; 1D20 per success.
Melee Damage; 1D20-1
Moral; 9/10
Insanity; 0
Corruption; 0
Phasers; set to stun.
Melee weapons; Hand to Hand.
In Melee with Grenchen Looters

Captain’s Team;

Strength; 6/6
Range Attack: 6D20 (+3 due to positioning)
Melee attack; 6D20-1
Health: 20
Range Damage; 1D20-1 per success
Melee damage; 1D20-2
Moral; 9/10
Insanity; 0
Corruption; 0
Phasers set to stun

Zana and Brian.
Strength; 2/2
Health; 20/20+5
Range Attack; 1D20-3
Melee Attack; 2D20+3.
Range Damage; 1D20+2
Melee damage; 1D20 (Brian), 1D20+5 (Zana)
Moral; 10/10
Insanity; 0
Fed Corruption; 0.5
Corruption; 0
Range weapon; Laz Pistol (Brian)
Melee Weapon; Hand to Hand (Brian), Mecidentrite (Zana)
>>Grenchen looters

>>Strength; 7/10 (2 stunned)
>>HP 2/15
>>Attack: 8D20+4 (Melee)
>>Damage; 1D10 per success
>>Moral; 11/10
>>In melee with Barding Team Alpha, 4 rounds from Captan’s Team and 3 rounds from Zana and Brian.


Boarding Team Alpha;
- Withdraws
- Open fire
- Fight melee.

Captain’s team

- Withdraws
- Open Fire
- Advance (lose position advantage)

Brian and Zana;

- Withdraws
- Open fire
- Get to better position
- Advance.
Boarding Team Alpha:
Captain’s team:
>Open Fire.
Brian and Zana:
>Open fire.
Boarding Team Alpha:
Captain’s team:
>Open Fire.
Brian and Zana:
>Open fire.
Rolled 20, 7 = 27 (2d20)

Votes counted. I need 2 annons give me 9D20, first 2 is a opposition role to see if the boarding team can withdraw safely, following 7 is the rolls for the Captain’s Team and for Brian shooting.
Rolled 19, 9, 20, 15, 19, 5, 12, 7, 5 = 111 (9d20)

Rolled 3, 3, 11, 11, 2, 5, 7, 17, 10 = 69 (9d20)

>>6197500 (winner)
19,9, Nat 20, 18, 22, 8, 15, 10, 2
5 successes. +1 glory

69, Nice.

You now have 2 Glory.

Glory can be used to;

Add a 5 to a roll (have to be called before you roll)

Cansle out a Nat 1 or opposition’s Nat 20.

Have a question answered in story at the QM’s descression.

Save a character form death.

Get a Boon, with 3 to 5 options presented based on situation.

I need 2 Annons to give me 4d20
Rolled 1, 16, 13, 11 = 41 (4d20)

By the way- the use of Glory can be asked any time unless stated otherwise, it will promp a vote to see if the majority agree to the use of Glory in the next update
Rolled 11, 10, 6, 10 = 37 (4d20)

>>6197747 winner.
Rolled 20, 7, 20 = 47 (3d20)

Another of the greenskins begins to get back up, causing a cheer form it’s brethren. ‘’GREEN IZ BEST’’ one shouts as it stabs into the air

The distraction is enough for the boarding team to withdraw away from the mob of murderous green creatures before they could bloody their knives.

The diminutive green creatures only have a moment to remember that they were chasing someone when the blue lasers hit several of them.

Thud, Thud, Thud.

3 Gretchens are knocked out- including the one that just got back up, slamming its head into the corner of a jagged bit of scrap metal, souring the jovial mood of the Gretchens who now look
More uncertain even as they try to chase down the fleeing Federation Personnel while Brian misses another shot.

‘Emperor dammed- augh!’ The voidman cursed

Zana asks over the coms ‘’Captain Carlos, why are these Green Skins gutted up after being shot by your Lazguns?’’

Captain Carlos responds ‘’we have our phasers set to stun per protocol’’

‘’Can they kill?’’ Ask the Imperial- hiding her speechlessness behind her scribe to vox

‘’we can set them to kill’’ Carlos answers

Boarding Team Alpha;

Straight; 6/6
HP; 40
Range Attack; 6D20+2, (6D20-2 due to in melee combat)
Melee attack; 6D20 melee.
Range Damage; 1D20 per success.
Melee Damage; 1D20-1
Moral; 9/10
Insanity; 0
Corruption; 0
Phasers; set to stun.
Melee weapons; Hand to Hand.

Captain’s Team.
Strength; 6/6
Range Attack: 6D20 (+3 due to positioning)
Melee attack; 6D20-1
Health: 20
Range Damage; 1D20-1 per success
Melee damage; 1D20-2
Moral; 9/10
Insanity; 0
Corruption; 0
Phasers set to stun

Zana and Brian.
Strength; 2/2
Health; 20/20+5
Range Attack; 1D20-3
Melee Attack; 2D20+3.
Range Damage; 1D20+2
Melee damage; 1D20 (Brian), 1D20+5 (Zana)
Moral; 10/10
Insanity; 0
Fed Corruption; 0.5
Corruption; 0
Range weapon; Laz Pistol (Brian)
Melee Weapon; Hand to Hand (Brian), Mecidentrite (Zana)
>>Grenchen looters

>>Strength; 5/10 (3 stunned)
>>HP 2/15
>>Attack: 5D20+4 (Melee)
>>Damage; 1D10 per success
>>Moral; 5/10
>> 1 round from Barding Team Alpha, 4 rounds from Captan’s Team and 3 rounds from Zana and Brian.


Boarding Team Alpha;
- Withdraws
- Open fire
- Fight melee.
-Set to kill (Free action, add +4 damage to phasers, Phasers become lethal)

Captain’s team

- Withdraws
- Open Fire
- Advance (lose position advantage)
--Set to kill (Free action, add +4 damage to phasers, Phasers become lethal)

Brian and Zana;

- Withdraws
- Open fire
- Get to better position
- Advance.
Boarding Team Alpha:
>Set to kill.
>Open fire.
Captain’s team:
>Set to kill.
>Open Fire
The longer we play with those green Humanoids, the less likely will be rescue of Tau civilians. Ultimately, Starfleet mission is to defend, and thus fight, just as much as is to explore.
Brian and Zana:
Vote counted.

May I have 2 12D20s?
Rolled 1, 9, 5, 15, 13, 16, 19, 11, 6, 12, 9, 15 = 131 (12d20)

Rolled 16, 9, 11, 7, 2, 20, 18, 20, 10, 5, 4, 6 = 128 (12d20)

>>6198490 (Winner)
1,9,5,15,13,16. 21, 14, 9, 15, 12, 18. Nat one (BTA), 8 successes, Winner.

16,9,11,7,2,20. 21,20,13,8,7,9.
5 successes, 2 nat 20s.

You got your first Nat One.

You have 2 choices.

Roll a 9D20 for damage and eat the complication, with the last D20 determining the kind of complication.

>>Complications are determined by a D20 table that range from everywhere between out of ammo, to instant killing an ally.

Roll a 8D20 and spend one glory (you have 2 currently) and the Critical Fail simply become a fail.

Want to use the Glory?

I'm feeling lucky.
Ok- I need up to two 9D20.

I’ll pick the one with the most damage.
Rolled 2, 17, 3, 11, 12, 20, 11, 19, 7 = 102 (9d20)

Counted- writing.
The blue energy only knocks down 2 of the grechens for a moment, getting up in anger for the repeated knockouts by these strange shootas.

‘’set phasers to kill’’ order the captain ‘’Clearly stun hardly work on these things!’’

All at once clicks go out through the ranks of Federation personnel, a whine of the phaser’s machine sprite is heard as both Brian and Zana advance to the group of Xenos-

I’m one volley the green humanoids are killed. The federation’s phasers cause the corpses to burn and cook until they turn to ash.

But one stray shot misses the green humanoids and hit some canisters in a pile of discarded scrap, setting it on fire.

‘’Alert, Toxic vipers detected’’ says the life support belt on Brian. ‘’We need to put that fire out’’ reply Zana over the coms. ‘’I am unfamiliar with the spirit of these ‘Life Support belts’, but the tome that came with them warns that they can be overwhelm by to much toxins’’ she says as the shuttles begin to take off

Boarding Team Alpha;

Straight; 6/6
HP; 40
Range Attack; 6D20+2, (6D20-2 due to in melee combat)
Melee attack; 6D20 melee.
Range Damage; 1D20 per success.(+4)
Melee Damage; 1D20-1
Moral; 9/10
Insanity; 0
Corruption; 0
Phasers; set to kill
Melee weapons; Hand to Hand.

Captain’s Team.
Strength; 6/6
Range Attack: 6D20 (+3 due to positioning)
Melee attack; 6D20-1
Health: 20
Range Damage; 1D20-1 per success (+4)
Melee damage; 1D20-2
Moral; 9/10
Insanity; 0
Corruption; 0
Phasers set to kill

Zana and Brian.
Strength; 2/2
Health; 20/20+5
Range Attack; 1D20-3
Melee Attack; 2D20+3.
Range Damage; 1D20+2
Melee damage; 1D20 (Brian), 1D20+5 (Zana)
Moral; 10/10
Insanity; 0
Fed Corruption; 0.5
Corruption; 0
Range weapon; Laz Pistol (Brian)
Melee Weapon; Hand to Hand (Brian), Mecidentrite (Zana)
>>Grenchen looters

>>Strength; 0/10 (1 stunned)
>>HP 0/15
>>Attack: 5D20+4 (Melee)
>>Damage; 1D10 per success
>>Moral; 5/10
>> knocked out.


Chemical Fire.
HP; 10
Hazard; 2 (Safe with Life Support Belts)

1 round until the other shuttles arrive.


Boarding Team Alpha;
- secure the stunned grechen.
- Put out the fire (Engineering roll, -2 modifier)
- Secure the hanger bay (Security Roll, +3 modifier)
Captain’s team
- secure the stunned grechen
- Put out fire (Engineering Roll, +2 modifier)
- Secure the hanger-bay (no modifier)

Brian and Zana;
- Secure the stunned grechen
- Kill the stunned grechen
- Put out fire (+1 modifier)
- Secure the Hanger bay (-1 modifier)
Boarding Team Alpha:
>Secure the hanger bay (Security Roll, +3 modifier).
Captain’s team:
>Put out fire (Engineering Roll, +2 modifier).
Brian and Zana:
>Kill the stunned grechen.
Counted- writing.

I need a 2D20. Secure Hangerbay/Firefighting
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Rolled 18, 4 = 22 (2d20)

Well, that will burn...
Rolled 16, 14 = 30 (2d20)

>>6199313 (winner)

Rolls counted, writing.
‘’Barding Team- secure the hanger- we got the fire’’ Captain Carlos orders over the vox

‘’we’ll take care of the remaining grechen’’ Zana states on the same Vox Forum. ‘’roger roger’’ respond the captain to the slight confusion of Zana

‘’Maybe it’s how they say ‘Rogal’ over the vox?’’ Brian says to the cog girl

As the 2 units split off to their tasks as the Imperials walk up to the diminutive greenskin, laying among the corpse of its kin.

‘’so- this is a Ork’’ Brian says for a moment

‘’Grechen, a young Ork I believe’’ the cog girl corrected in a low tone.

The green xenos begin to stir, it’s eyes open wide in surprise ‘’Wa-‘’

The last thing the creature sees is Zana’s Mechedentrite right before it slams a blade through its neck

‘’we’ll tell them that It tried to attack us’’ says Zana as she looks at Brian ‘’truthfully I wouldn’t be surprised if these soft Federalists would try to take it as a pet while we risk our lives to save some Xenos and their Xenos lovers’’

- ‘’I don’t know, working with Xenos seems to work for them, maybe they found some who are, the exceptions that prove the rule?’’ reply Brian
- >> ‘’Yea- or put a red shirt on it’’ jokes Brian
- >> ‘’Perhaps we can make the humans of this Federation see sense? Sound like the never knew of the hint of the Emperor.’’ Respond Brian.


The boarding team make a quick sweep of the hanger bay. finding no new hostiles, they move to map out the immediate area.

Adjoining the hanger bay is storage areas, workshops, and dormitories. All of these areas are trashed from fighting and looting, tho it seems that these greenskins only had moments to ransack the place. Leaving behind plenty to study.

They found 2 ways into the space hulk, the first seems to be how the Orks got in- it’s airlock seems to be blown apart from the outside, with a failed defensive perimeter in a corridor of the Hulk proper. Scans shows that this way lead to a area with a diversity of space crafts.

The other way is a airlock that was blown apart from inside the facility- looks like it was at one point welded form both sides and had a crate filled with random heavy junk being put in front of it before someone threw a granade at the Tau forklift doing the job. Lots of bloodied footprints that matches the shoes the Orks bodies typically wear lead out from the facility through the hole. Ship Scans suggests this might be the closest way to the remaining Tau.

On hand the unit have enough materials to securely seal one of the busted airlocks, they secure;

- >>The one the Orks busted into the facility from.
- >>The one the Orks left the facility from.
Captain Carlos’s team rush up to the chemical fire

‘’Alert- temperature hazard, Alert Fumes hazard-‘’

Science officer Romanov look at the pile of scrap material and scans some of the unruptured canisters ‘’sir- the Orange and Red striped ones are chemical based fire retardants- specifically made for chemical fires like these’’ she says as he level her phaser at one of the canisters ‘’set your phaser to pin point cutting’’

All at once the unit open fire on the striped canisters, causing them to spew out a pink foam that quell the flames.

‘’What should we do with all of these bodies sir?’’ Ask Romanov to the captain ‘’if we give them all the respect they deserve- it would significantly delay the rescue of the Tau’’

‘’Meanwhile sir’’ the Security officer injects ‘’We need this area clear so that we can set up a FOB for sed rescue.’’

Captain Carlos look at the massive amount of bodies in the hanger bay alone, he estimates that there’s well over two thousand creatures who lay dead.

- >>‘’Property put them all into body bags’’ he orders (Will cause 2 event rolls to happen)
- >>‘’Burn the Orks bodies, put the Tau bodies in proper bodies bags (Will cause one event roll to happen)’’
- >>‘’The living is more important than the dead- burn all of the bodies’’

Event rolls determines what- if anything- happens or is encountered in a location.
>‘’I don’t know, working with Xenos seems to work for them, maybe they found some who are, the exceptions that prove the rule?’’ reply Brian.
Just curious how Brian will change under Feds corruption but I'm fine with Brian wanting to Imperialize Federation Humans.
>The one the Orks left the facility from.
>‘’Burn the Orks bodies, put the Tau bodies in proper bodies bags (Will cause one event roll to happen)’’.
> ‘’Perhaps we can make the humans of this Federation see sense? Sound like the never knew of the hint of the Emperor.’’ Respond Brian.

>The one the Orks busted into the facility from.

>‘’Burn the Orks bodies, put the Tau bodies in proper bodies bags (Will cause one event roll to happen)’’
Rolled 8, 13 = 21 (2d20)

>>6199764 (1)
>>6199767 (2)

Rolling to brake the tie. Writing. Can one person give me a 1D20?
Rolled 1 (1d2)

I was ment to roll a 1d2.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Brian look back at Zana for a moment after some thought. ‘’Well, it seems like working with Xenos worked out for these Federation people, maybe they, I don’t know- found some Xenos who are the exception to prove the rule?’’

Zana look back at the voidman and blinks for a moment with her still human eye ‘’Brian, In the name of our relationship, I am going to hypothesize that you mean this as- a very unlikely hypothesis. A attempt to think like these people to better achieve our goals’’ she says in a hushed tone- a tone she reserved for the times when Brian suggested something that would get them into to much trouble ‘’please don’t prove me wrong Brian’’

(Brain gained 1 Fed corruption)

The smell of burning Ork fill the air even through the belts as piles of Greenskins are vaperized by the phasers of the Federation, as rapidly the air is fouled by the stench, it is cleansed by Federation’s portable air purifiers.

Meanwhile the Tau and their human Allies are placed into black body bags-

‘’Why are we doing this again?’’ Brian ask one of the members of the Humanitarian unit- Humanitarian, such a ‘human’ term that apparently means ‘help the Xenos’ to to these Feds

‘’Simple’’ reply the woman ‘’the Orks are more of a biohazard and time is limited, while we are not sure of the burial practices of the Tau. So we bag them up and put them in portable morgues until we can talk to them about it’’

‘’Such a small star ship to just carry one of those things around?’’ Asks the Voidman

‘’The Pluton is a patrol ship, we sorta expect that eventually some trouble will come to the frontier, besides its just a walk in fridge like the one on the fridge’’ the blue woman reply as she zips up most of a dead human ‘’if I have to guess- this battle happened over the course of 30-35 hours and ended 24 hours ago from the decomposition’’

Brian finds himself almost forgetting that he is working next to a Xenos. He dos’t know if it’s because of the influence of these Federation people or the ease as wich they work with humans- but it’s something that trouble hem slightly.

‘’Can you grab another box of body bags please? They should be where we dropped off the rations’’ ask the xenos woman.

‘’Yes ma’am’’ Maybe it’s how polite these people are.

Brian go over to the crates of supplies dropped off by the Feds, the first of the security team tasked with keeping the landing zone secured is being dropped off while other crew is loading the same craft with Ork and Tau weapons and other technology,

Obscured by a stack of metal plates on one side and a crate of medicine on the other. The Imperial walk up to some of the boxes of rations and sees the box of body bags, and next to it see what looks like a child digging through one of the boxes. The barefooted kid is in stained and tattered clothing of a strange style the Imperial dose not recognize- but look human non the less.


- approach the child ‘’hey there- are you ok?’’ He asks calmly.
- Report over coms ‘’Sir we got a child digging through our rations’’
- Take out he’s Laz pistol ‘’out of the rations kid’’ he says- remembering seeing the arms men react the same to when the ship’s orphans try to steal food.
- Write in.
>Take out he’s Laz pistol ‘’out of the rations kid’’ he says- remembering seeing the arms men react the same to when the ship’s orphans try to steal food.
>Take out he’s Laz pistol ‘’out of the rations kid’’ he says- remembering seeing the arms men react the same to when the ship’s orphans try to steal food.
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>Write in: Takes out he's Laz pistol ''Put hands out of the box and stay still kid and you wouldn't get harmed' while keeping the child in his sight he reports to the coms ''Sir Carlos, I got a child trying to steal our rations. Doesn't look well.''.

Changing vote, I thought better of it and I think this is pretty appropriate for Brian, as a voidsman raised on Imperial ship, while still being practical about finding a child that apparently survived Ork slaughter and scavenging Gretchins.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>>6200421 (1)
>>6200455 (2) nice write in

Votes contend, rolling a 1D2 to brake tie.
Brian take a deep breath and fall back on he’s training on the Glory. He takes out he’s lass pistol, ready but not pointed at the child ‘’Put hands out of the box and stay still, and you won’t be harmed’’ he says- recalling the words of the Armsmen during the few times he was drafted to help them during the warp jumps. The child begins to comply with the orders stepping backward and away form the rations. With a flip of a wrist he open the Federation’s Vox and hail the Captain ‘’Sir Carlos, I got a child trying to steal our rations. Dose’t look well.’’ He says into the small device, not taking he’s eyes off of the child.

The child turn around slowly- it’s smooth and graceful movement sickening the voidman to he’s stomach. The first thing he notice it the ears- pointed like that of a Volcan, and her poorly cut short white hair with brown roots. The creature look hungry- it’s sharp features sunken like that of crewmen deemed non-essential during the better lean times. Its porcelain skin is blemished by a few cuts on her hands, feet, and face, about as big as a upper deck 10 year old and in a silvery silk-like dress adorn with patterns and embellishments worn and frayed by survival, with the most prominent being the large one right under her neck. She just look- wrong, like Brian is looking at a failed attempt for something not human to look human.

‘’You are not like your kin’’ it says in a childish tone ‘’you don’t look like a scholar of your peers- yet you speak the Nobel Tongue.

‘’A kid? Let her have the ration’’ the captain says over the vox, evidently loud enough for the child to hear as she without hesitation quickly grab a ration ‘’Do you need a medic at your location?’’ Ask the captain

‘’um- no sir- look like the… kid… can walk on her own’’ the voidman reply

‘’All well, just take her to the medical tent to see Dr Caten. Try to keep her from seeing the corpse piles, poor thing probably seen more death than anyone should, Carlos out’’

The voidman close the device as the little creature look, confused even.

‘’even your own are normally not so concerned of kin children’’ the thing says as it open the ration to have a taste ‘’or freely give out such good food’’

Brian sighs and before he says anything the thing speaks

‘’I’m not going’’ the things retort ‘’It will take more than good food for me to forget how you Mon’Keigh are, your kin already got my brother!’’ It says with anger

- put away he’s laz gun and kneel to the kid’s level ‘’I don’t know who hurt your brother- but these people are nice, too nice if you ask me, but they like Xenoses. Maybe the can help you find your parents?’’
- point the laz gun at the Xenos ‘’look- I got orders to bring you to the medical tent, Xenos, it can be done the easy way or the hard way.’’
- ‘’Look kid- These people are sickening friendly, how about a medic come to you to at-lease make sure you’re ok.’’ Offer the Voidmen ‘’I’ll tell them to bring even more food’’
- ‘’I don’t have time for this’’ says Brian as he try to grab the child.
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Forgot the image
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282 KB JPG
>‘’Look kid- These people are sickening friendly, how about a medic come to you to at-lease make sure you’re ok.’’ Offer the Voidmen ‘’I’ll tell them to bring even more food’’
> ‘’Look kid- These people are sickening friendly, how about a medic come to you to at-lease make sure you’re ok.’’ Offer the Voidmen ‘’I’ll tell them to bring even more food’’
Votes counted.

This will be a busy weekend so I’ll probably have a update late tomorrow/early Sunday
Almost forgot to mention- I need up to 2 1D20+2 to persuade the Xenos child
Rolled 20 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 14 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>>6201309 (NAT20!)

You gained another Glory! You now have 3 Glory- May you spend them well.
Brian look at the Xenos child and sighs. ‘’Look kid, These people, The Federation, is sickening friendly. How about this. I’ll vox them and have a medic come to you, they would want to at least make sure your ok, I’ll even ask them to get you more food if you agree’’

‘’Why would they want that?’’ Ask the Xenos ‘’I’m not their kin’’

‘’To them- all are kin’’ answers the Imperial ‘’Honestly I don’t quite understand myself- but it took their captain less than a moment to dedicate he’s crew to help those Xenos in this hulk, I think it’s just- who they are.’’

‘’They are fools then’’ the Xenos retort before her cold demeanor softened a bit ‘’but, I accept.’’ Before she go to finish the ration she stolen.

Brain opens he’s vox ‘’Dr Caten, ma’am, could you come by the crates?’’

‘’Oh no- did the child get hurt?’’ Ask the feline doctor

‘’she’s fine- just dose’t trust us’’ respond Brian, expecting to be reprimanded in the back of he’s head

‘’Poor thing- I’ll be there right away’’ the doctor reply sweetly over the vox

‘’Also could you bring her that food you give to people? What is it called?’’

‘’Candy’’ answers the Federation doctor ‘’and of course’’

Quickly a black fur felinid-like Xenos woman round the corner, adorn in the blue uniform of the Federation’s Medicade- the woman kneel to the level of the child

‘’Hello little one, I am Doctor Caten, May I have your name?’’

‘’Mehnys Taeria’’ the child says

‘’I would like to do some scans, If your a good girl you can have a candy’’ the woman says as she takes out a small wrapped up food item.

Captain Carlos look over the map of the facility and the scanned sections of the wreck

‘’We almost done setting up triage’’ the crewmen report ‘’the personnel to keep this area staffed and secure is reporting for duty, and we got word that reinforcements of ships have arrived’’

‘’good- We should be able to dive into this wreck’’ the captain announced ‘’But what route should we take?’’

‘’We prepared some routes sir- these 3 seem to be the best options- tho all with their own risks.

The captain look over the options based on the scans that been made;

Route A; the shortest route (2 event rolls), Ork life signs and human life signs detected, chemical propellant weapon fire detected, significant warp anomalies detected.
Route B; 3 event rolls, Subspace/Warp Anomalies detected, a few life signs detected.
Route C; 4 event rolls. A settlement of some kind detected, Life signs detected, Minor subspace/Warp anomalies detected. Life signs similar to the alien child detected.
>Route A; the shortest route (2 event rolls), Ork life signs and human life signs detected, chemical propellant weapon fire detected, significant warp anomalies detected.
Route C; 4 event rolls. A settlement of some kind detected, Life signs detected, Minor subspace/Warp anomalies detected. Life signs similar to the alien child detected.
>Route C; 4 event rolls. A settlement of some kind detected, Life signs detected, Minor subspace/Warp anomalies detected. Life signs similar to the alien child detected.
Route A

Route C (Winner)

Vote counted, writing.

I need someone to give me a D20 for the first event.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

2; The Fallen Angle

Brian have in he’s possession; Protein ration. strange litho. Scribebook, refillable ball bearing mechanical quill, Pictor, Laz pistol (D20-3 to hit, 1D20 damage) Fed Utility Phaser (Improvise weapon, 2D20 Disadvantage to hit, D20-7 damage), Fed life support belt, 3 Day Fed Ration.

Health; 20/20
Fed-Corruption; 1
C-Corruption; 0
Insanity; 0

Zana have in her position; Oxcan medication (7/10 day supply), Basic Im tool kit, Basic Im Maintenance Ritual kit, Strange litho. Fed Utility Phaser (Improvise weapon, 2D20 Disadvantage to hit, D20-7 damage), Fed life support belt, 3 Day Fed Ration.

Health; 25/25
augmedics; 10/10
Fed Corruption; 0
C-Corruption; 0
Insanity; 0

The away team form up at the unblocked airlock that have been turned into a checkpoint.
Zana and Brian, tho next to each other, are unusually quiet

‘’Did you have to help that thing’’ the tech priestess ask in a low volume.

‘’We’re…. supposed to not piss off these people.’’ The loyal Imperial voidman says in a hush tone, unsure how truthful the statement is. ‘’Besides, She-‘’

‘’So it’s a ‘She’’ the servant of the Omnisaia cuts off ‘’I can’t wait until this mission is over, I don’t think these people are a good influence for us.’’

Brian was about to reply when the captain gets everyone’s attention ‘’Alright crew and guests’’ the Federation captain states to the away team ‘’You all been given the latest maps of this vessel that we had managed to make- but they are not complete, if you get separated either try to return to Route C or try to return to base. Be safe, be careful, and let’s Go Boldly.’’
The away team go down the twisted corridors of the space hulk. Passing by skeletons, ruin, collapsed corridors, and evidence of battle long over. It’s air is stale- with the life support belts detecting slightly toxic levels of rust and decay in the air, a petty thing for the belts to protect against.

The boarding team approach an airlock at the end of a hallway cluttered with crates and furniture. It’s Imperial In design, inlayed with a master crafted wooden, metal, and glass tile mural of a golden armored man standing tall and proud over a kneeling man in blue armor.

‘’Hey Brian’’ Keven, one of the barding team members, asks the voidman over the vox ‘’who is that?’’

Brian reflexly make a Aquila to the mural ‘’That’s the Emperor of Mankind, the man kneeling is one of he’s sons, Rebbutay Gillyman’’ the voidman explains.

‘’So- he’s like your founding monarch or something?’’ Ask the federation human

‘’He’s our lord and savior’’ The voidman explain, recalling hours of sermons ‘’The protector of all mankind, he founded the Imperium and united the galaxy under he’s rule, he’s guiding light lead our ships in the warp. He is currently leading us form he’s golden throne on Terra.

‘’Terra?… that’s what we call our homeworld in one of our dead languages. We currently call it Earth and it’s currently the capital of the Federation’’ the federation personnel explain.

Brian thinks for a moment before asking ‘’ever heard of Mars?’’

‘’Yes- 4th planet form our sun, itself called Sol. We colonized and terraformed it a century or so ago’’

Before Brian could consider the implications the Lt of the boarders call for hem and Zana

‘’Zana, Brian, do you two think you could open this airlock?’’ The Federation Armsman ask ‘’Cutting through it seems like it would be risky’’

Both the Cog Girl and Voidman go up to the airlock. Zana takes out a spare power pack to power the airlock and attach herself to it while Brian help set up the candles and apply the oils to the confusion of the observing Federalists.

She finds that the airlock’s machine sprite is content and willing to comply, but also that she can command a hidden turret in the hallway from this gateway. It seems like that the turret is almost out of ammo and it’s Servitor is almost nonfunctional.


- Open the airlock (Easy roll)
- Open the airlock and activate the turret (Medium roll, will cause further options)
- Activate the turret, keep the door close (Medium roll, will cause further options)
- Write in

Dose Zana inform Brian?

- Y
- N
- She asks Brian before doing it.
>Open the airlock (Easy roll).
- Open the airlock and activate the turret (Medium roll, will cause further options)
>>6202691 (1)
>>6202828 (2)

Votes counted, rolling a 1D2 to brake tie.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Ok- I need up to 3 1D20s. DC is 10.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolled 20 (1d20)

>>6203117 (Nat one)
>>6203121 (Nat 20)

You guys are so lucky. Almost had your first Nat One on something like this.

No update today. Probably will come tomorrow
‘’Brian, can you hand me the holy ointment D40?’’

Brian hands Zana an old and dented oxcan with a metal straw on the nozel.

Saying a short prayer, Zana spray into an intake hidden by a screw.

‘‘Begin the ritual of opening’’ the tech priestess says as both Brian’s wrench and Zana’s mechadentite grab a bolt, engaging compliance via an alternative means then the control slate.

The door silently open, dust flow out of the room until the asmo of both the room and hallway equalizes.


The first to enter as usual is the boarding team, the room seems to be a cafeteria with 3, long, ornate tables covered in rich porcelain plates once containing foods imported from a thousand words, now just dust to dust as sitting in rich red wooden and silk cushioned chairs are the dead. skeletons with their expensive augments still attached.

The walls are lined with more murals to the Imperium, murals of tanks rushing to battle, of fleets of ships bombing worlds. Tales via images of glory, victory, and defiance that shine as the headlamps of the federation fall on them.

In the center of the middle table is a lone weapon, a large boxy gun like thing painted black, above it tangled in wires and a gold and crystal chandelier is a large armored warrior. It’s dented and scratched armor is painted yellow, on its left puldren is a bleeding heart over a black and white checkered background. It’s helmet visor and air intake had been formed into a frown. On its armor is tattered papers held on by stamped wax.

The 8 ft tall warrior dose’t move even as lights hits it from the helmets of the boarders.

Zana is the first of the imperials to gaze on the sight

‘’By the Omnissiah’’ the cog woman says gazing up at the angel of death ‘’is he- dead?’’

‘’Is who- wow’’ Brian begin to ask before seeing the yellow statue ‘’I never thought I would ever see one.’’ The voidman states. ‘’Is he-‘’

‘’I detect life signs but it’s very weak’’ Dr Caten states as she point a scoped device at the tangled angel.

Captain Carlos look at the thing ‘’we gotta help hem then’’ he states, a response that no longer surprises the Imperials. ‘’Ok- we got to figure out what we can do to get hem down without hurting hem more’’

While the away team begin to brainstorm- both Zana and Brian thinks to what she heard of the angles of death. Holy warriors who slay the Xenos, Traitors, and Heretics. And they are in a room full of 2 of those at minimum who would likely try to revive the demigod.
- Try to warn the Federalists (Write in encouraged, could become blue or red )
- Stay silent about it
- Try to warn the Federalists (Write in encouraged, could become blue or red )
- Stay silent about it.
- Smile at the thought about these heretics getting what is coming to them.
red text refers to dialogue choices that are anti Fed corruption
> Try to warn the Federalists: ''Wait! You can't do this! This is Angel of Death, a holy warrior of the Emperor Himself! They live for war and death to bring judgment upon enemies of His Imperium. If you suddenly awaken him, w-we don't know how he would react! He might be in shock and t-think o-of us as enemies!''.
>Stay silent about it.
Vote counted, writing.

‘’Wait’’ Brian shouts shakily, causing everyone to pause and look at hem ‘’we can’t do this’’ he continued ‘’This is an Angel of Death, a holy warrior of the Emperor himself! They live for war and death to bring judgment apon the enemy’s of he’s Imperium! If you suddenly awaken him, W-we don’t know how he would react! He might be in shock or even think of us as the enemies!’’ Warn the Voidman

Zana at first glare at the voidman, but then her eyes widen in realization. ‘’That is… logical’’ she admits.

The captain look at the dangling warrior, slowly swaying back and forth, as he considers the warnings ‘’How powerful could one of these Angels of Death be?’’ He asks

‘’I- don’t know’’ Brian admits ‘’the stories tell of the tide of battle being turned by one single Space Marine, a single squad turning entire wars. Of them landing form orbit right into the jaws of the enemy and winning the day’’

‘’Maybe we can sedate hem?’’ Ask the feline medical officer ‘’or we could get some people from the Glory to help us save hem, but that would take time that this man might not have’’

Captain thinks for a moment, realizing that this situation might get more complicated than he originally expected. He gives an order;

- ‘’We’re going to have to come back to this guy later’’
- ‘’Contact the Glory, maybe some people more familiar to hem would prevent medical induced misunderstandings’’
- ‘’sedate the Space Marine. It’s risky but frankly, other than ethical concerns, if we let a ‘Holy Warrior of the Emperor’ die, I don’t think it would end well with Imperial-Federation relations.’’
- Write in

Roll a 2D20, first for Zana latter for Brian, for what they noticed about how the Feds been acting in a room full of riches.
Rolled 12, 12 = 24 (2d20)

>‘’sedate the Space Marine. It’s risky but frankly, other than ethical concerns, if we let a ‘Holy Warrior of the Emperor’ die, I don’t think it would end well with Imperial-Federation relations.’’
Rolled 17, 10 = 27 (2d20)

- ‘’Contact the Glory, maybe some people more familiar to hem would prevent medical induced misunderstandings’’
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>>6205496 (1)
>>6205629 (2)

Vote counted. Writing
Forgot to change back my tag.
No update today, will update tomorrow
‘’We’ll Sedate the Space Marine’’ the captain states ‘’there’s significant risks, but other than saving hem is the ethical thing. Letting hem die would likely not end well with our relations’’.

Brian keeps silent about ‘relations’ he look at the Federation personnel, he notices that they seem- unimpressed. No, uncaring of the riches of this room, sure some are taking pictgraphs of the murals and beautifully designed cerimite plates. But- not out of a greed, not out of lust- but out of appreciation of the artwork at most.

Zana ‘’they seem uncaring of even the Antimantium silverware that can be pocketed.’’ Zana says to Brian softly.
‘’They do give food for free Zana, and a luxurious amount. Maybe they are prosperous’’ says the Voidman as the Federation personnel begin the rescue operation.


One of the Sciences approach Zana

‘’Ma’am- do you think you could help us modify one of our Hover dollies?’’ ask the heriteck. ‘’We think your mechanical arm will be steady enough for one of the modifications we need to do’’

Zana consider the request of the federation human for a moment before answering.

- ‘’I will’’ Zana reply, agreeing to the quote possible tech heresy to save the Astarties.
- Zana shake her head ‘’I’m apologizes, I don’t think I can’’
- ‘’I am not going to preform such Tech Heresy, it’s bad enough I have to utilize this’’ Zana says as she holds up the small cogitator she use to translate the languages of the Federation.
- Write in.


Brian is over at the hoists for the golden chandler, helping some of the boarders make sure it’s secured. During so in the tradition of all voidman it seems the men began to make idle conversations

‘’So- Brian, were you born on that massive Glory’’ Keven asks the void man.

‘’Yes’’ the Voidman answers nonchalantly ‘’were you born on the Pluton?’’ He ask back

‘’Nope- I was born on Mars’’ he reply ‘’little town called Curiosity Landing’’


- ‘’Mars? How?’’ He ask ‘’Its all the way by Holy Terra, in the Imperium’’
- ‘’I- don’t understand’’ reply the voidman ‘’I was under the impression that your not a Imperial’’
- Brian stays silent, worrying that something is not adding up.
- Write in;
Pretend that Brian’s bit is not all red.
Also forgot to change back my Tag. Sorry guys.
No worries OP

>‘’I am not going to preform such Tech Heresy, it’s bad enough I have to utilize this’’ Zana says as she holds up the small cogitator she use to translate the languages of the Federation.

>‘’I- don’t understand’’ reply the voidman ‘’I was under the impression that your not a Imperial’’
>‘’I am not going to preform such Tech Heresy, it’s bad enough I have to utilize this’’ Zana says as she holds up the small cogitator she use to translate the languages of the Federation.

>‘’I- don’t understand’’ reply the voidman ‘’I was under the impression that your not a Imperial’’
>>‘’I am not going to preform such Tech Heresy, it’s bad enough I have to utilize this’’ Zana says as she holds up the small cogitator she use to translate the languages of the Federation.
>>‘’I- don’t understand’’ reply the voidman ‘’I was under the impression that your not a Imperial’’
>Write in: ''No.'' answers Zana, ignoring any further probing by Feds.
> ‘’I- don’t understand’’ reply the voidman ‘’I was under the impression that your not a Imperial’’


Votes counted, writing.

[white] test [purple] test [pink] test
Can someone give me a 1D20 for Zana’s composure, -2 modifier.
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Rolled 5 + 2 (1d20 + 2)


Zana look at the ‘scientist’, She remembers hearing of such men from the history of the Macanicus, the heathens of the Dark Age of Technology whom driven humanity into the mud. For such a ‘man’ to adopt their title sickens the servant of the machine.

‘’I am not going to preform such Tech Heresy’’ the cog girl states, leaving the heathen surprised

‘’easy- I’’ the science officer says with hands up ‘’I didn’t mean to offend’’ he says as Zana takes out the cogitator she was given.


Brian pause for a moment and look at the Federalist ‘’I don’t understand’’ he says ‘’I was under the impression that you were not a Imperial’’

Keven look slightly confused for a moment ‘’what do you mean?’’ He asks

‘’Well- Mars is in Sol, the same star system as Holy Terra. Infact it’s the capital of the Mecanicus’’ says the Imperial, gesturing where Zana is unaware of what is brewing

‘’do you know the planetary positioning of both of those planets?’’ Ask the Federalist

‘’Holy Terra is 3 and Mars is 4’’ the voidman states ‘’why?’’

Keven states ‘’our Earth and Mars are 3 and 4 also’’ before he go silent for a moment before a face of realization co across he’s face. ‘’Shit’’ he says

‘’What?’’ Ask the Voidman, himself confused.

‘’I’m starting to think you guys are form the future- some grim dark far future where there is only-‘’ the statement of the federation Armsman is cut off by a electronic voice

‘’IT’S BAD ENOUGH I HAVE TO USE THIS FETHING HERITEK THING!’’ Brian looks back as he sees Zana slams down the small translating cogicator to the ground- shattering the device in a small arch of electricity that scorched the expensive rotten carpet, causing the blue shirt Federation member to jump back.

The light in the room sways a little and some bits of expensive crystal and gold metal smash onto the gold inlayed marble table from above, causing everyone to pause.

Everyone looks up and sees the lenses of the space marine flicker on as the warrior begins to move around. A soft moan is heard form within the armor like that of a slumbering machine activated.

‘’oh holy emperor’’ Brian says- trying to think quickly before the marine fully wakes up


- shouts to the holy warrior ‘’Lord Space Marine, we’re here to help. These associates have peaceful standing with the Imperium’’ (Roll)
- shoots at the holy warrior ‘’Lord Space Marine, This is a Inquisition Mission, Me and the tech priestess are with the Inquisition, we are trying to rescue you’’ (Roll with advantage)
- Runs to Dr Caten ‘’if you can sendate hem now- I suggest you do it’’ (Roll)
- Brian pulls the pin for the chandelier hoist, it’ll crash to the ground- possibly getting the marine free (Roll)
- Write in;

>Write in
Lord Space Marine, please have mercy, we are loyal servants of the God Emperor. These people have been friendly to us and we are in an uncharted space hulk
>shouts at the holy warrior ‘’Lord Space Marine, This is a Inquisition Mission, Me and the tech priestess are with the Inquisition, we are trying to rescue you’’ (Roll with advantage)
>Lord Space Marine, please have mercy, we are loyal servants of the God Emperor. These people have been friendly to us and we are in an uncharted space hulk.
>Lord Space Marine, please have mercy, we are loyal servants of the God Emperor. These people have been friendly to us and we are in an uncharted space hulk.

>shouts at the holy warrior ‘’Lord Space Marine, This is a Inquisition Mission, Me and the tech priestess are with the Inquisition, we are trying to rescue you’’ (Roll with advantage)

Plead for mercy wins- Roll a 2D20 with Advantage
File: We-Die-In-Glory.jpg (509 KB, 1920x1533)
509 KB
509 KB JPG
Rolled 9, 9 = 18 (2d20)

Rolled 11, 7 = 18 (2d20)



DC was 13. Might be time to lament.
Update will come tomorrow
File: Oh no....jpg (50 KB, 1014x429)
50 KB
But it was with advantage, so shouldn't we get bonus to the roll?
Rolling with advantage is rolling 2 or more dice and going with the higher number. But if you guys want to change it to total roll we can vote on it.

Oh. I misunderstood then. Apologies.
But sure, why not?
Vote counted.

Rolling with Advantage changed form 2D20, count highest to

2D20, count both. I will keep the DC at 13 but in the future with advantage rolls the DC will be higher.
Rolled 5, 16 = 21 (2d20)

Brian shouts at the tangled Angel of Death ‘’Lord Space Marine’’

The marine’s head turn to look at the Voidman, he’s red lenses casting judgement form above on the lowly imperial servant, he’s movement causing more gold and crystal to fall from the chandelier.

‘’We are loyal servants of the God Emperor. These people have been friendly to us and we are in a Space Hulk’’ the voidman explains

The marine look around at the room with steady movements. ‘’These, Xenos and Heretics been firendly?’’ Ask the Angel of Death ‘’How so?’’

The Captain opens he’s mouth but is stopped by Brian lifting up a hand to hem form across the room.

‘’My ship, the Glory of the Emperor, is lost. when these people arrived, they didn’t fire at us, when they heard that we was lost, they instantly offered us information on where we are. They asked for nothing in return even tho they view us as intruders form parts unknown.’’ The voidman explain.

The Marine scan the room once more, going over all of the strange people. ‘’What do they call themselves’’

‘’The United Federation of Planets, Lord Marine, the leader among this group is Captain Carlos’’ he say, gesturing to the Federalist. ‘‘There’s many humans like hem in this Federation’’

The captain steps forward catching the attention of the bound marine ‘’Lord Marine, I am Captain Carlos, of the Federation Starship Pluton. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. We’re currently trying to get you down from up there.’’

‘’For what purpose’’ the marine ask, he’s vice echoing from he’s helmet’s hailer.

‘’To rescue you, to return you to your people.’’ The Federation captain states plainly. ‘’May I ask your name- or would you prefer Lord Marine?’’ He ask.

‘’Brother Sicyon’’ the Marine answers ‘’Of the Lamenters, Sons of Sanguinius’’

‘’Sanguinus?’’ Ask the Captain. ‘’One of the children of the Emperor I presume’’

‘’Indeed’’ the marine says coldly. ‘’Learning about us I presume’’

The Captain shrugs casually, as if he is talking to any other mortal man ‘’Been picking up some things here and there.’’

‘’Yet you still wish to help me, despite your consorting with Xenos’’ the marine states.

‘’Yes, it’s the way of the Federation, and sounds like you guys had a hard enough time with people in your part of the Galaxy’’

‘’The Imperium is able to stand against anything’’ the Angel of Death states as he test how tightly bound he is by copper and gold, sending down rich mosaics and imported crystal ‘’but- I would accept your aid for now’’
Zana, reluctantly step onto the antigrav cart to be lifted to the demigod.

>>Tech Priestess, are you receiving?

Zana blinks as she sees the text through her artificial eye as the platform rises up

>> Affirmative, who is this?

>> Sicyon, What may I call you?

>> Zana. it’s the name most call me by Lord Marine Sicyon.

>> Why are you actually here Zana. Even as non-Imperials, these people don’t seem to be

There’s a moment before the last word is sent through the noosphere

>> Worthy.

Zana thinks for a moment before responding;

- >>To gather intelligence on these Heretical Hereteks zenolovers.
- >>This is a mission form the Inquisition, I am to gather intel and to sabotage these … people
- >>This is a Inquisition mission
- >>[write in]

Roll a D20+3.


We are almost at page 10. This is likely going to be the last vote.

When the next chapter starts on a new thread, what would you want as the opening before getting back to the story? (At most 1 or 2 updates)

- Honor and Duty
- Fall of Greed
- Sub Space Explosions (SSEs)
- Meeting of Explorers.
- Get right back to the story.
To gather intelligence on these Heretical Hereteks zenolovers.

>Sub Space Explosions (SSEs)
>Meeting of Explorers.
You still need a D20+3
Rolled 11 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>To gather intelligence on these Heretical Hereteks zenolovers.

>Sub Space Explosions (SSEs)
>Meeting of Explorers.
Woops blind sorry OP
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Killing myself now :)
This time for sure
Rolled 10 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>This is a mission form the Inquisition, I am to gather intel and to sabotage these … people.
> Meeting of Explorers.
All good man.

Look like calling the Feds names, SSE and Meeting of Explorers won, I can combine the 2 easily.

The roll gotten 14. DC to notice was 10, DC to prevent it it was 15.

Writing. Will post the update on a new thread and archive this one.

Anyone got theories on what the options was?
I need to just not change my handle -_-
I think the Honor and Duty is how the Marine got into this situation or what's our Inquisitor is doing right now.

Fall of Greed is something to do with Orks? Guess purely due to colour. Maybe it tells something about how tose Eldar living here and those dead Imperial nobles fought each other?
I’ll start the new thread on Friday/Saturday
>>thread archived


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