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With the majority of the Seventh Universe united under the banner of the PTO, Emperor Cooler at its head, the universe has known a time of unrivaled peace. But in the shadows threats have been growing, nursing grudges against the PTO and the Saiyan race in particular. And now those threats are rising, stepping out of the shadows to openly challenge the established order. Seeking nothing short of the destruction of New Salda and the extinction of the entire Saiyan race, can you prevent this outcome? Or will the Saiyan race be reduced to nothing more than memories, their heroes nothing more than ink in the pages of the history books?

You the players will (most often) control Karn; wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul and hope of the entire PTO, not only the Saiyan race. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has grown in power and skill, overcoming the world-ending threats that have come for the Saiyans to become the strongest Saiyan of his time at AGE 759. From the massive Covenant empire to demonic incursions, mad cultists to vengeful gods, none have been strong or clever enough to put down Karn for good. But will one man's power be enough to protect everyone from the rising threats? Or will death come from those who you least expect it from? Your choices may mean the difference between survival and extinction, so choose carefully.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork by joining the patreon for only $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice
>One dice roll per person per post unless three players have not yet rolled, and ten minutes has passed since your previous roll
>Crits are 100 on a d100(a 99 or paired rolls may net you an extra bonus)
>Crit fails are a 1/100 with no passing rolls, or if two 1s are rolled regardless of the third
>Write-ins are both allowed and encouraged, but OOC options will be ignored
>If your goal is simply to troll, at least put in enough effort to make it funny
>Have fun

SCQ will usually start on Saturdays at noon Eastern Standard Time, and run throughout the weekend. Also, for updates or schedule changes you can find me on twitter @GrandDragonQM, which I keep as up to date with any scheduling changes as soon as possible.


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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

After showing Marron Karn's city in New Salda, battling the insanely powerful Meloka Black back on the planet the locals called Earth, and introducing Chaya to the man another timeline version of her married, Karn then started testing Marron's power. After a sparring match pushing his granddaughter to her limits, Karn then continued training. And the next morning, seeing Towa hasn't gone to bed all night took a moment to reach out to her telepathically. Where Karn learns that Towa had been researching the 'Meloka Black' who he battled the day before ever since sealing the space-time hole with her magic. Showing Karn how she has been moving through timelines and executing other versions of himself. But as we rejoin Karn, you have learned of Meloka Black's one weakness.

“If she knows what you're after, Meloka Black will do whatever it takes to protect that Time Ring. Or even kill other of her Zamasu that may be present at the battle, taking their Time Rings for herself to prevent you from taking her out this way.” Towa tells you seriously, meeting your gaze. “If she escapes, this won't work again. You'll only get one shot.”

“One shot? Then we'll just have to make sure it sticks.” you say after looking down at your hands a moment. Clenching your fists, taking a deep breath and focusing. However, as you do, suddenly you hear a familiar noise. Both you and Towa turn at this, seeing a dark portal opening in the air. And not only does the strongest being you personally know steps through, but he's not alone. Mechikabura steps through first, accompanied by none other than Aeos, the Supreme Kai of Time herself. “Mechikabura? What's going on?”
“I believe I told you I would have an answer for you today, did I not?” he replies with a knowing look. “And I have a bit of aid to give you personally, before you face that monster again. Should you choose to accept.”

Well? How do you respond?
>Accept, see what help Mechikabura can provide to help you battle Meloka Black
>Ask him what he's offering, you don't want to accept a gift without knowing the potential consequences
>Decline. Thank him for his help, but you're going to beat her your own way, with your own power
>Other(write in)?
>Ask him what he's offering, you don't want to accept a gift without knowing the potential consequences
I trust him, but looking the gift horse in the mouth is just good practice. Nothing personal.
>>Ask him what he's offering, you don't want to accept a gift without knowing the potential consequences
>Ask him what he's offering, you don't want to accept a gift without knowing the potential consequences
Eustace bad intensifies.
>Ask him what he's offering, you don't want to accept a gift without knowing the potential consequences
Standard faire when dealing with demons, and especially demon gods. Nothing personal, just protocol.
>Ask him what he's offering, you don't want to accept a gift without knowing the potential consequences
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Ask him what he's offering, you don't want to accept a gift without knowing the potential consequences unanimously wins it. As it damn well SHOULD have, Mechikabura approves. Writing.
Hey, us anons are gullible, not stupid.
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“What are you offering?” you ask him, eyes narrowing a bit. “And what is the cost? I appreciate the offer, but I'm not accepting without knowing what the consequences could be.”
“Hmph, good. You haven't become too complacent to consider consequences.” he says, tone approving. “But this gift is simply an... Extension, of what you've already been given.”
“What?” you ask him, confused. “What do you mean?”

“The seal upon your right hand. It's power is... Incomplete. Incompatible with your Berserker God powers. Should you have combined them against the Zamasu you battled yesterday, you would have gained great power. Great enough to, at least until it runs out, battle him effectively. But only for a short while, as it wasn't designed with your power in mind. So, I seek to rectify this, and give you a fighting chance.”
“How?” Towa asks, interjecting. “How can your power and his coexist?”
“That is a secret. However, what I can divulge is that this change will not damage the seal.” he says, expression turning a bit less enthusiastic before continuing. “But you are right, Karn, in that there is a cost.”

“There always it. So, what's the price?” you ask, curious. To which he meets your gaze, you seeing what is either a hint of concern or worry.
“Pain. The process is not easy, but at least it is quick. However, I believe that you can take it.” he says, holding his right hand out to you. “So, what do you say?”

Before replying you turn, sharing a look with Towa. Whose expression is an unreadable mask, but her eyes can't lie to you. She's worried.

“Is that all?” you ask him, turning and meeting Mechikabura's eyes with your own. “Or is there something else?”
“There is one other thing.” he says, sighing out a bit as he continues. “I don't believe it will be a concern, not for you. But this modification of the Demon Seal means that you cannot access it without the powers of the Berserker Soul within you. Without that power, this seal will become inaccessible, meaning you cannot use it in your lesser transformed states.”

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“If those are the only consequences to this power, then I have only one more question.” you say, expression growing more grim. “What's in it for you? Giving me this power, what benefit is it to you?”

To which Mechikabura, instead of becoming angry or offended, laughs.

“HAA HAA HAA! Now you're beginning to think correctly!” he answers, nodding in approval. “What do I get out of it? Simple, I make my strongest ally stronger, better-able to handle threats I will need your assistance for in the future. And giving you a better chance of being able to survive whatever our common enemy throws at you. So, what do you say?”

>Accept, with this power you will be able to face Meloka Black on more even ground than before
>Decline. You'll do this your own way, not relying on the crutch of that power anymore
>Other(write in)?
>Accept, with this power you will be able to face Meloka Black on more even ground than before
If we can slip the ring off and beat on him while Meloka handles the others, I consider that an easy W.
>>Accept, with this power you will be able to face Meloka Black on more even ground than before
there isn't any point in using the seal without transforming so there's no drawbacks really
>Accept, with this power you will be able to face Meloka Black on more even ground than before
>Accept, with this power you will be able to face Meloka Black on more even ground than before
I mean, if we're popping the seal that assumes our strongest form alone won't cut it. We ain't a chicken to pain.
Accept, with this power you will be able to face Meloka Black on more even ground than before unanimously wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 45
Second DC: ???
Rolled 51, 5 = 56 (2d100)

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Rolled 27, 94 = 121 (2d100)

Rolled 69, 94 = 163 (2d100)

>dub 94
Hmm, I like this roll
Also, as this is a Berserker God roll, will be best of 4
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>Hmm, I like this roll
Rolled 18, 93 = 111 (2d100)

Alright, ten minutes passed so lets get this moving
Rolled 12, 46 = 58 (2d100)

Sorry, I was having a good ass shower
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69/100, DUB 94/100. Success and most impressive, seems Mechikabura underestimated you. Writing.
Silly anon, you take a shower while GD is writing. Like how I'm about to take a hot shower right now.
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You're right, but at the same time getting clean and acting like a functional human being takes precedence. I had the tunes and a scrub brush and everything.
69, dub 94, if that isn't ultra success I don't know what is.
might be nothing to goku, but I always get nervious taking a bath in one of those. If you stay in for too long without proper mantience then you're essentially cooking yourself or worse the rails become too hot to pull yourself out.
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As he says this Chronoa's smug face flashes in your mind, you remembering the threats she's made against you and your family. And so, there's only one option ahead for you.

“Very well. I accept.” you say, holding your right out to him. To which he nods, taking your right hand in his own. And, as you do, your entire body seemingly ignites. Searing, blinding pain courses throughout your body as the Demon God's own power enters your hand, your entire being feeling as if it will tear apart. Your senses blur and fade under the overwhelming agony, vision going dark, the only sound you hear a high-pitched ringing, and your other senses on fire. Had you not had that long training with Milha and her powerful, agony-inducing magic this might have been too much for you to handle. But you grit your teeth over your own screams, doing your best to endure. And after what feels like months, but could have only been a few seconds, it's over. All the agonizing sensations from moments ago vanish, leaving you gasping for air. But you remain standing, and cracking your eyes see the Demon Seal on the back of your hand has changed. Now it burns with amethyst fire, the flames dying down and vanishing after a few moments. Leaving only the almost-complete infinity symbol faintly glowing against your skin.

“Impressive. I was certain this would have knocked you out, forcing me to leave the rest of my instructions with Towa here.” he says, you looking up to his face from where you're down on a knee, seeing what looks equal parts relief and pride in his eyes. “Well done, Karn. You are more resilient than even I expected. Now, why don't you use this power? Show me what you've got, and I will tell you if I believe you stand a chance against that Zamasu.”
“Alright. Here goes. HAAAAAAA!!” you roar, clenching your fists and ascending directly into your Berserker God form. Power radiates from you as your strength soars, emerald bolts of lightning crackling through your aura. “Alright. Let's see what you've got.”

Turning your right hand over, once more looking at the demonic seal, you focus on it, tapping into the power within. And as you do, once more that blazing agony consumes you.

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“GRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA! GYAAAAAAAARH!!” you scream in pain as this power once more engulf you. Demonic energy bursts forth from the seal, merging with your own might. For a few seconds you lose track of everything, your senses little more than a jumbled mess. But then the agony recedes, you finding yourself with your right fist planted firmly against a familiar-seeming demon's left, hand held up before his face.
“Seems like it needs a bit of tweaking.” he says, more to himself than you. When suddenly that pain engulfs your existence once more. But this time only for a split-second, and as it does, the haze of rage in your mind recedes slightly. Causing you to realize you just attacked Mechikabura. And not only attack him, but actually HIT him!

“Wh-What?” you say, startled and taking a step back. To which the Demon God laughs, lowering his hand. Revealing that he hadn't fully stopped your strike, seeing the mark his own knuckles made to his face. Seems that your sudden increase in power even caught him by surprise.
“Yes, this will do quite nicely.” he says, grinning like a shark eyeing its prey. “With this power you should more than be able to hold your own.”
“Your plan. Do you have any idea how difficult such a task will be?” Aeos suddenly asks, you turning your gaze from the Demon God to the Supreme Kai of Time. Only just now remembering she'd arrived along with Mechikabura. “Moving an entire population's timeline from one to another, do you have ANY clue as to the risks involved?”

Well? How do you respond to this?
>Tell her honestly you have no idea, but that if it's possible you'll do whatever you need to make it happen for Marron
>Ask what the risks are, as you hadn't known there WERE any risks to this
>You have no idea, but tell her your granddaughter's worth the risk regardless
>Apologize to the new Time Kai, tell her you didn't have any idea such a thing would be a problem after what she'd done for Future Chaya, Ace, and your family with Towa
>Other(write in)
I bet Trunks is feeling real glad that he isn't on the receiving end of shit like this anymore.
>Tell her honestly you have no idea, but that if it's possible you'll do whatever you need to make it happen for Marron
For the family
>>Tell her honestly you have no idea, but that if it's possible you'll do whatever you need to make it happen for Marron
I mean we kinda knew meddling with timelines is regulated for a reason, we just don't get caught in the details
>Tell her honestly you have no idea, but that if it's possible you'll do whatever you need to make it happen for Marron
>>Tell her honestly you have no idea, but that if it's possible you'll do whatever you need to make it happen for Marron
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Rolled 6, 51 = 57 (2d100)

Tell her honestly you have no idea, but that if it's possible you'll do whatever you need to make it happen for Marron unanimously wins it. Let's see if you can handle it, writing.
Apparently family's coming up today. So, things are going to be a bit slow for the next little bit. Next vote'll have a longer vote window, one hour time. But it's an important one, so it works.
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“Honestly? No. I don't have the slightest idea.” you tell her honestly before clenching your fist. “But if it's possible, I'll do whatever you need to make it happen for my granddaughter, for Marron.”
“I see. Stubborn as I've been told you'd be. However, such a thing is beyond your scope. Your powers simply cannot interact in any meaningfully helpful way.” she tells you, her tone a bit aloof. “However, there is one method in which you could provide assistance.”
“Name it.” you reply, your lack of hesitation catching her a bit by surprise. After a moment, holding your gaze she nods, once.
“Very well. IF you are successful, and IF you are able to best this Zamasu and bring the refugees from that timeline to this timeline's earth, I will do what I can.” she replies, then with a bit of a smirk adds. “You're lucky, Marron. To have such a caring grandfather, willing to completely upend the order of reality for your sake.”

Surprised, you turn towards the doorway, seeing your granddaughter looking at the gathered group of you all. Eyes wide, unsure which of you to look at. Between Mechikabura's overwhelming presence, to your 'new' power to her, to Towa and the Supreme Kai of Time herself.

“And because of him, your people will be evacuated from your reality to his own.” she says to Marron, your granddaughter's eyes watering.
“R-Really?” she asks, looking from her to you back to her as she tries to hold back tears. “Is this true?”
“Indeed. While there will be... Complications, I should be able to make it work.” Aeos answers, raising her hand towards Marron. And, as you watch, her rainbow-colored aura blazes, enveloping both herself and Marron. Sensing the divine energy, your own Berserker Soul's wrath blazes, nearly taking you off your feet to attack her. But you restrain yourself, body trembling with barely-restrained fury and hatred. After a moment the aura fades away, Aeos nodding to herself as she stares at a flicker of energy remaining in her palm. “Very well. I shall return to start making preparations.”

And without another word, the Supreme Kai of Time turns, heading back into the still-open portal. Leaving you, Marron, and Towa alone with Mechikabura.

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“My apologies for her curt departure, she's rather... Antisocial.” Mechikabura tells your granddaughter, who is clearly frightened of him. And for good reason, as even with the power you're now outputting, you don't measure up to even his relaxed strength. “I am Mechikabura. Ruler of all. And you are quite the fortunate one indeed. For your time machine to malfunction so impossibly and land on this branch of the timeline, it should have been impossible. Damaged as it was, it should have either not functioned, or abandoned you in the void between time. Yet, I cannot find any explanation for how this happened, how it managed to end up in this timeline instead. I have a theory, but not one much relevant to you.”

As he talks, you see Marron getting both more and less on-edge, realizing he's not going to attack her, but also realizing the danger with Mechikabura isn't necessarily his physical prowess.

“But I have rambled on long enough. Karn, I have another question for you.“ the Demon God says, turning back to face you. “Are you both ready?”
“Ready? For what?” you ask, not entirely certain where he's going with this. To which the Demon God smirks, showing his teeth.
“To take the fight to Marron's timeline.” he replies. You realizing he means NOW now, as in open up a portal now and begin the battle to not only defeat Meloka Black, but also to evacuate the people of Marron's world to the planet you first found her on. “Are you ready?”

>Tell him you need fifteen minutes, go around and gather everyone who will help in this fight on your side. You need your family backing you up for this one, even with this power you can't do it alone
>Ask Marron if she is, and if so you're ready too. No time like the present, but if she's not ready you can't do it alone
>Tell Mechikabura you need a few weeks to practice with this merged power first, last thing you need is to charge into a battle unprepared and power back down at the most unfortunate moment
>Other(write in)?
>>Tell him you need fifteen minutes, go around and gather everyone who will help in this fight on your side. You need your family backing you up for this one, even with this power you can't do it alone
For the plan to work best we need the Zamasus dealt with if possible
>Tell Mechikabura you need a few weeks to practice with this merged power first, last thing you need is to charge into a battle unprepared and power back down at the most unfortunate moment
We're not in a rush as far as I can tell. Meloka Black isn't aware of what we know or what we can do, and the potential stamina issues are definitely a major concern. I'd also like Marron to come to grips with Su-Ma a little better and adjust to higher gravity before she comes to blows with Chaya Black again.
>Tell Mechikabura you need a few weeks to practice with this merged power first, last thing you need is to charge into a battle unprepared and power back down at the most unfortunate moment
Last minute gains?
>Tell Mechikabura you need a few weeks to practice with this merged power first, last thing you need is to charge into a battle unprepared and power back down at the most unfortunate moment
Wonder if he'll finally reveal the existence of the HTCs to us.
Yes, but also more like "let's not get cocky just because the playing field is a little less lopsided".
>Tell Mechikabura you need a few weeks to practice with this merged power first, last thing you need is to charge into a battle unprepared and power back down at the most unfortunate moment
>Tell Mechikabura you need a few weeks to practice with this merged power first, last thing you need is to charge into a battle unprepared and power back down at the most unfortunate moment
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Rolled 7, 27, 76, 79 = 189 (4d100)

Tell Mechikabura you need a few weeks to practice with this merged power first, last thing you need is to charge into a battle unprepared and power back down at the most unfortunate moment wins it. A wise choice, he will most certainly approve. Writing.
Rushing off with a new powerup without proper acclimation training is one of the top 5 boneheaded decisions you can make in Dragonball
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“As much as I want to go right now, gather up the family and all go in, no. Not yet.” you say, the Demon God raising an eyebrow at your answer. Wordlessly compelling you to continue. “I'm not ready. Until I've really trained with this, knowing my limits and how long I can maintain it, I'm not rushing headlong into a battle I may not be ready for. Give me a few weeks, if you can, to better understand this power. And then I'll take that body-snatching bastard down.”
“A wise answer, Karn. Very well. Even though your granddaughter is here, tying her timeline to your own, I can take... Certain measures, that will prevent much. I can give you one month, for a day.”

“One month for a day? What does that mean?” Marron asks, only to shrink under the Demon God's directed gaze at her question. “I-I-If you don't mind?”
“Of course. When I depart, I shall take your scroll. And with certain magics, I can slow the difference in time between your timeline and hers. Meaning, that one month here will be equal to a day there. Meaning you have one month, General Karn. One month to acclimate to this power, and be ready for war.”
“Thank you, Lord Mechikabura.” you say, giving him a proper Saiyan salute. To which he smirks a bit, tilting his head back in acknowledgement before turning his gaze to your granddaughter.

“You have one month as well. I pray you acquit yourself well, I shall be watching your progress with great interest.” he says to her, your granddaughter gulping nervously before he turns his attention to Towa. “Oh, and before I go.”

With this he raises his right hand to the sky, and for a split-second his demonic aura blazes around him. The pressure is immense, forcing you to brace yourself against it as both Towa and Marron are knocked off their feet. Then, just as soon as he'd powered up it vanishes, the Demon God sighing out.

“That should reinforce your magic, keeping it in place this long.” he replies to her, then turns back to you. “Train well, Karn. And be on guard, all may not be as it appears.”

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And before you can ask him what in the hell THAT means, he's gone. Stepped back into his portal, which shuts immediately behind him. Leaving you, Towa, and Marron in her lab. Silence hangs heavy for a moment, you wondering what he meant by that for a moment or two. But then you shake your head, focusing on the here and now. You have one month's time, thirty days to prepare yourself for the most dangerous battle of your life so far.

“One month.” you say, taking a deep breath then sighing out, squaring your shoulders. “Alright. Thirty days to get ourselves ready.”
“So, what's your plan?” Towa asks you rather pointedly. “Going to go off on your own again? There's always my stronger gravity chamber you can use, but at only 1000x New Salda's gravity, I'm not sure how much you'll really improve this power in there.”

“A-A thousand!?” Marron shouts, jaw dropping in astonishment. “No way, tha-that's impossible!”
“Of course it's possible. Not with the technology available to you on your world, but I am not limited by such constraints.” Towa says, a hint of smugness to her tone. “And I have been working, in my spare time, on doubling it. But what of you, Karn? How do you plan to train this new power of yours?”

Well? What's the plan, General Karn?
>Focus on training Marron, getting her ready while simply existing in this form. Get your body acclimated to this power while pushing your granddaughter further
>Dedicate yourself to training this new power, pushing your limits while Towa puts Marron through the same training she used to make Future Chaya strong
>Keep your schedule mostly the same, just supplant working with this powerful form instead of the Juyo technique and Energy Body training
>Other(write in)?
>>Dedicate yourself to training this new power, pushing your limits while Towa puts Marron through the same training she used to make Future Chaya strong
>Dedicate yourself to training this new power, pushing your limits while Towa puts Marron through the same training she used to make Future Chaya strong
We've only got a month to make it count. And since I'm pretty sure Popo is dead and the Earth is guardianless, there won't be any HTC. If only we knew about and swiped the Galactic Patrol's time chamber.
>>Focus on training Marron, getting her ready while simply existing in this form. Get your body acclimated to this power while pushing your granddaughter further
>Dedicate yourself to training this new power, pushing your limits while Towa puts Marron through the same training she used to make Future Chaya strong
>>Dedicate yourself to training this new power, pushing your limits while Towa puts Marron through the same training she used to make Future Chaya strong
Dedicate yourself to training this new power, pushing your limits while Towa puts Marron through the same training she used to make Future Chaya strong wins it. Very well, let's do this. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: ??
Second DC: 45
Rolled 20, 68 = 88 (2d100)

I hope Marron doesn't think we're passing the buck here. Seriously, Towa's training regimen for Saiyans is probably the best out here.
Rolled 94, 72 = 166 (2d100)

Had to verify my fucking email to make this roll.

Rolled 22, 97 = 119 (2d100)

Rolled 23, 60 = 83 (2d100)

Behold my hundo power
holy shit YEEEEEEEAAARTfag actually didn't roll shitty for the first time in a really long time.
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Rolled 71, 83, 17 = 171 (3d100)

94/100, 97/100. A very high mystery and success, very nice. Writing.
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But before you answer her you turn to Marron, who is also looking to you expectantly. And as much as you want to spend more time getting to know your granddaughter, you have to focus.

“As much as I'd like to spend more time with you now, I have to focus on mastering this power.” you tell her seriously. “But if you want, I can ask Towa here if she'll start your training.”
“What?!” both women say simultaneously, each as equally shocked as the other.
“What are you thinking?” Towa asks you, a note of suspicion in her voice.
“It's simple. One month isn't enough time to really buckle down and teach you all the things I want to, to make you a better fighter.” you say, turning to Marron and carefully placing a hand on her shoulder. “So, for the short term, we'll have to settle for making you strong. Strong enough that you'll be able to fight back, to hold your own as the battle for your people happens. Because I know you want to be there, and won't settle for sitting back and watching.”

“Well, you're right about that.” she says a bit hesitantly. “I want to help save them.”
“Then there's only one question.” you reply, turning from her to Towa. “Would you agree to help us?”
“Haaaaah. Very well.” Towa answers with an annoyed sigh. “I suppose I can get you started, if you think you can take it. Chaya started this training at a third your own age, but you should be able to take it.”
“Let's get to it.” you say, determination swelling in your chest. But then you remember your obligations, taking a moment to telepathically reach out. First, to Maza, letting him know what's happening and to handle any administrative duties himself. Then to Meloka, telling your wife everything that happened and what you're planning.

“So, that's what happened.” your wife replies. “I understand. You think you can fight her on your own with this power?”
“Of course not.” you reply, feeling her sudden surprise at this answer. “But with this level of power, I can keep her focused more exclusively on me. Giving you the opening to take that hand off, and take that ring.”
“Which will cause her to disappear, right?” your wife replies, you agreeing. “If we can take it, she'll vanish.”

“Yes. But, more than that, I'll have to keep her from reaching any OTHER Zamasu.” you reply. “If she gets away, getting her hands on another Time Ring, it'll protect her from vanishing and put us back to square one. We have to do this right.”

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“Alright. I'll be working on something new as well, to take the shot if you can't get it.” she replies to you. “But what're you planning to do with Cooler?”
“I'll still be sparring him, in the evenings.” you reply. “Whether or not I use this power, however... I'm not sure yet. We'll see. See you for lunch?”
“I'll be there.” your wife answers, you ending the mental link. Turning back to Towa, meeting her curious gaze.

“Let's get started.” you say, Towa leading you to the enhanced gravity chamber before taking Marron off, you saying farewell to them both before turning the gravity up. A thousand times New Salda's gravity crashes down onto you, yet you barely feel it. Taking a deep breath, you then sigh out, and get to work. With this power flowing through you, you dive into your usual workout. It feels far easier than normal, at least at first. But as you keep going, reaching near the end of your usual morning workout, your limbs are trembling in exhaustion. Despite your power still feeling as strong as it was the moment Mechikabura had unlocked this power, your body has reached its limits. With a sigh you power down, the demonic energy retreating back into the seal as your body reverts back to your base form. “GUH!?”

As you do, however, the one thousand times New Salda's gravity slams down onto you, flattening and face-planting you directly on the ground. For nearly a minute all you can do is lay there, struggling to breathe as the exhaustion and spasms wrack your body, a few times you even feel your consciousness begin to fade. But you focus, keeping yourself awake and gathering your strength enough to push yourself up. Raising to eye level with the panel, then reaching out with telekinesis. Slamming a fist of invisible force down onto the 'kill switch', powering down the chamber. Causing you to gasp in relief as the weight is taken off of your shoulders, taking the first full breath you can since powering down.

“Pheeeeeew. That was... Something.” you mutter, looking back down at your trembling hands. Your body is still completely exhausted, draining you more than your daily spars with Cooler when you first started fighting him. Staggering fully up to your feet and out the door, you nearly collapse just outside it. But bracing yourself by leaning against the wall, you manage to stay upright. Taking a moment to let your exhausted limbs rest, to rebuild strength before pushing yourself further. Heading outside Towa's Lab back into your own ship, staggering into the mess hall where you collapse at your usual table.

“Dad, are you okay?” Caulifla asks, clearly worried.
“I'm. Fine.” you reply, a moment later the door to the mess hall sliding open once more. Where Towa is supporting Marron, who also seems just as exhausted as you are. “Heh. Looks like she put you through the ringer.”

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Catching up over lunch, you then take the afternoon off, resting and recovering before Cooler arrives. And when he does, you're still far from recovered. But you only take on your normal Berserker God power, unable to tap into the Demon Seal with Marron so far from where you're sparring. He notices your weakness, stopping a bit early and questioning you.

“What is this? What happened?” he asks, standing over you as you're on all fours, trying to recover. “Why are you already tapped out?”
“Started. New. Training.” you manage to get out through breaths, pushing yourself back upright with a grunt. “Only have. A month. To prepare.”
“A month?” he asks, you filling him in telepathically as well. To which his expression changes several times over the course of the story. But when you mention how powerful Meloka Black was compared to your Berserker God form, his eyes nearly bug out of his head. “Th-That's not possible. No one's THAT strong.”

“She beat a Destroyer, in another timeline.” you say, Cooler damn near having an aneurysm at this. “And I have a month to push myself to be strong enough to fight her.”
“Your drive is... Commendable. But you won't get any training done like this.” he says, crossing his arms and powering back down. “Very well. I shall give you your month.”
“Huh?” you ask him, confused. “What do you mean?”
“What I mean is, for the next month, I also shall train by myself. And once you've bested this body-snatching monster, I shall prove to you that I am still your better.”

“Heh, alright. You're on.” you say, holding out your right fist to him. Which he taps his own fist against, then brings it to his forehead, vanishing as if he never were. And so, for the next month, you devote yourself wholly to training. In the mornings you get up, handle the administrative duties and move your x100 New Salda Gravity training to the slot you'd been practicing Juyo during, then after teaching your students and getting lunch with your family, devote the rest of each day to acclimating your body to the combined power of Berserker God and Supervillain. Each day you push your body further, and by the final day you're able to spend nearly three full hours in this state. It absolutely leaves you wiped out, physically exhausted and barely able to feed yourself supper. But once it's done, you finally pick up the Soulstone for the first time in a month, letting a small bit of that power back into you. Recovering enough to relieve the deep ache and groaning pains you'd developed over this intense training. And after showing off, readying yourself for bed the night before the confrontation, you decide to head outside, watching the sea as the sun sets behind you and mutter to yourself. “Tomorrow's it, the moment of truth. It all comes down to this.”

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Sitting there alone, you watch the world darken, you hear someone else coming down the ramp. Leaving your home, their boots making soft sounds in the sand as they come up behind you. But they say nothing, and after a few moments you turn. Seeing Okira standing there, looking nervous.

“Everything alright kiddo?” you ask her, your youngest daughter not immediately meeting your gaze. Which sets off warning bells in your head, something's got to be wrong for her to act like this. “Okira. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I'm okay.” she says, voice trailing off. Then, after a few more moments of silence, turns to look at you. Immediately you see the worry and doubt all over her face, something's clearly bothering her. “But are you okay?”
“Me? What makes you ask, kiddo?” you ask her, curious.

“You've been pushing really, really hard lately, not spending time with any of us. I only get to see you when we eat. Is the coming bad guy really THAT strong?” she asks, barely managing to again meet your gaze. “Are we gonna be okay?”

Well? How do you answer your daughter's worry?
>Assure her that everything's going to be alright, and that after tomorrow you'll be able to ease up just a bit and spend more time with her and her siblings
>Apologize to her that you've been so focused on training, but that the threat you're fighting tomorrow is even stronger. But if you didn't push yourself so hard, you would have no doubt lost
>Let her know that you're taking the day after tomorrow off, if you win. And that you'll be able to spend the day with her and the rest of your family
>Explain just how powerful Meloka Black is and what you're up against, so she understands why you've been pushing yourself so hard this past month
>Other(write in)?
>Explain just how powerful Meloka Black is and what you're up against, so she understands why you've been pushing yourself so hard this past month
>Explain just how powerful Meloka Black is and what you're up against, so she understands why you've been pushing yourself so hard this past month
>>Explain just how powerful Meloka Black is and what you're up against, so she understands why you've been pushing yourself so hard this past month
She's young, but I think she'll understand that Karn's as anxious as she is, and empathize with it a little bit. If nothing else, she won't be waiting for things to pass by her lonesome.
>>Explain just how powerful Meloka Black is and what you're up against, so she understands why you've been pushing yourself so hard this past month
>Explain just how powerful Meloka Black is and what you're up against, so she understands why you've been pushing yourself so hard this past month
I'm reminded of how covieshit took us away from our kids for so long. Another reason to push Zamasu's shit in.
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Rolled 28, 60 = 88 (2d100)

Explain just how powerful Meloka Black is and what you're up against, so she understands why you've been pushing yourself so hard this past month unanimously wins. Writing.
No dad roll needed for this moment, Okira is the second-smartest of Karn's children after all thanks to all that advanced reading.
Who's the top braniac then? Is it Chili?
No, he's third. Fourth is the most well-read half-demon, Koruza, and the smartest is Milha, who takes most after her mother.
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“The being I'm up against, he... In another timeline, he stole your mother's body.” you tell her, watching Marron's eyes widen in shock. “Now 'Meloka Black', this Zamasu, a Kai from the Tenth Universe, went around killing off every version of 'me' they could find. With your mother's stolen body, that Kai is even stronger than Future Chaya.”
“Even stronger than her Apex form?” your youngest asks, clearly understanding the implications. But as you nod your head in agreement, her brows furrow, realization dawning. “But wait. If this monster's stronger than Future Chaya, why is she still with the Time Patrol then? If this 'Zamasu' is really that strong, and going around screwing up timelines, why didn't they stop her?”

“That's... A really good question.” you reply, suddenly wondering where the fuck Mechikabura was when this bitch was slaughtering others yous and your families across other timelines. Does he not consider them 'your' family as well? “I don't know. But what I do know is that tomorrow, I'm going to be saving the people of Marron's timeline. Bringing them to their planet in THIS timeline, since another Zamasu, this one who stole another of your eldest sister Chaya's bodies, ruined that world.”
“Like the Covenant tried to do here? But wait, a SECOND Zamasu? And why big sis's body?” Okira asks, her clever mind coming up with question upon question. “Unless they're only stealing the bodies of those with god ki?”

“That could be a reason. Perhaps, because of the Berserker Soul, they can't take mine, yours, or Broly's bodies? I'm not sure.” you answer her honestly. “But what I DO know, is that the Zamasu have gone around from timeline to timeline, either recruiting their alternate timeline counterparts or killing them if they refuse to comply. Stealing bodies of our family, or even others like Kakarot's body. And, even worse, some of them even have immortality.”

“Immortality too? No wonder you've been pushing yourself so hard.” she says, shaking her head then flying up to your head. Wrapping her arms around your neck, hugging you. “Thank you, Daddy. For always doing everything you can to keep us all safe. And sorry.”
“Sorry? For what?” you ask her, genuinely confused. To which she pulls back, her gaze meeting your own with wisdom not befitting someone her young age.
“Sorry for sometimes taking you for granted.” she says, your heart skipping a beat. “Sometimes I forget you push yourself so hard, spending all your time away from us not because you want to, but to keep us all safe. Sorry for wishing you'd spend more time with us.”

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“Don't be sorry, not for that kiddo. I wish the same thing.” you tell her, reaching up with a free hand and ruffling her hair. Causing her own eyes to widen as well, seeing you acknowledge the same wish. “If I manage to win this tomorrow, I'm gonna be taking some time off from working so hard. To spend more time with you, your brothers and sisters, and the rest of our family.”
“Go kick their butt, dad.” she says, giving you a grin. “I know you can do it.”
“Let's hope so.” you tell her, carrying your daughter back towards your ship with a yawn. “I'd hate to have wasted the last month not spending it with you all.”

Taking your daughter inside, you and your family all make your way off to bed. You climbing into your own bed, Towa getting in on your left, Meloka on your right. And the three of you all go to bed immediately, knowing that you all will need everything you've got to win the day tomorrow. Drifting off to bed almost immediately, your eyes open all too quickly, your body unable to sleep one second longer than necessary. Knowing that today is the day, it has all come to this.

However, you've clearly woken up early, the lights still dimmed out. You still have at least an hour, if not more before it's time to get up. Which leaves you with one question:

What do you do?
>Sneak out of bed and get in the gravity chamber to warm up, make sure you're well ready for what's coming
>Stay in bed and relax, enjoy this time with your wife and Towa before the battle of your life starts
>Sneak out of bed and go to Silver, get yourself a breakfast of champions before this battle goes down
>Telepathically reach out to Chilli, see if he's able to come down for the battle today and explain what you came face-to-face with last month
>Other(write in)?
>Sneak out of bed and go to Silver, get yourself a breakfast of champions before this battle goes down
Something tells me we're gonna need all the energy we can get.
>Sneak out of bed and go to Silver, get yourself a breakfast of champions before this battle goes down
>>Telepathically reach out to Chilli, see if he's able to come down for the battle today and explain what you came face-to-face with last month
>>Sneak out of bed and go to Silver, get yourself a breakfast of champions before this battle goes down

Chilli would have been a decent idea, if we'd notified him earlier. This isn't the sort of thing you spring on a guy last minute, giving him no time to prep.

Good way to get him ganked
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Sneak out of bed and go to Silver, get yourself a breakfast of champions before this battle goes down wins it. Writing.
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For a moment you consider reaching out to Chilli, to bring your eldest-born son into this battle. His powers could even best an immortal, possibly. But after another second's consideration decide against it. Had you taken the time when this started to warn him, get him up to speed and time to prepare as well, possibly. But just springing this on him at the last second is a good way to get him hurt. Besides, you've not gotten to get to know what he's been up to the past month as well, only occasionally seeing him on his weekly visit, bringing the family by for a Silver-cooked supper. As you have the thought, however-


-your stomach growls, surprisingly audibly. So, with that you decide to sneak out of bed, to go get yourself a well-prepared breakfast. With a thought you carefully lift Towa and Meloka up off of you, sliding out of bed and placing them back down, going over to your dresser and donning your suit, sliding into your boots before carefully taking the armor Caulifla'd made for you, putting it back on. Then your bracers, tucking the Soulstone and your Spell Breaker dragon bone dagger your brother'd made into your boot before going over to your weapons. Silently you sling both your Wolf Knight sword and your gravity hammer on your back, then after a moment's consideration leave behind the third, the sword you'd claimed as prize from the Darkwraith that'd attacked your home as you sneak out of the room, door sliding shut almost perfectly quiet. Then you start making your way to the mess hall, bootsteps echoing faintly down the curved hall.

Everyone else is seemingly asleep, you coming to the mess hall doors which open. Immediately your nose is assaulted by various mouth-watering smells, you making your way further inside where you can hear Silver giving instructions.

“Now, dammit, flip 'em now! Hurry, before ya burn 'em!” he growls at someone, then to presumably another of his newer disciples. “No, not that one. The pepper, not the salt! You put that on 'ere and I'm cleanin' the grill with yer face!”

Chuckling to yourself you walk over to the kitchen door, which is standing wide open as Silver continues barking orders. Propping yourself up just inside the doorway, you watch for a minute as he coaches them. He reminds you of your old man a bit, back in the day. When he was in charge of not only teaching you and your friends, but everyone within your age group how to fight. Smiling fondly at the memory, you watch as the wizened cook continues barking orders.

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After another minute or so he sees you, giving you a curt nod but then turns his focus back entirely on his disciples. The younger beings, most of who are several years younger than his eldest duo who own their own place now demand his constant attention to ensure the meal is prepared correctly. But you're in no hurry, and after another four minutes of shouting he then steps in himself, saying for the young boy to watch him closely. You do the same, curiosity piqued. And before your eyes, Silver starts grabbing a pair of pan handles, flipping the food within them with well-practiced precision. Folding the fluffy, yellow food over on itself, shuffling over and taking each of the two dozen handles two at a time, flipping every single one perfectly. Over and over, each and every single one he does perfectly, and with a sigh finishes the last two. The boy, awestruck, starts clapping. Only for Silver to turn to him and tell him to plate them all up, adding the tomato and parsley to them on the double as the general's hungry while gesturing over his shoulder towards you.

“G-General Karn?! R-Right!” the nervous child says, getting a move on and grabbing his tools, gathering the fluffy food and putting them all on the platter before taking some sort of green flakes and reddish paste on them, then bringing the platter over to you. “H-H-Here, th-this is f-f-f-for you.”
“Thank you very much.” you tell him, giving the youngling a smile and pat on the head. Then you take one off the plate while still steaming, taking a bite. It's unsurprisingly delicious, no doubt thanks to Silver's guiding hand. “Well done.”

And as the child's eyes widen, sparkling at the praise you'd given him. Seeing the awe in his eyes, you know you've made his day.

“I'll be watching your progress here with great interest.” you tell him, seeing the young child's eyes suddenly start burning with determination. And seeing his resolve to not disappoint you burning, you feel your own resolve redouble as well. No matter what it takes, you're going to win this.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 233 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoying the ride so far? Content with your choices, or anything you wish you'd done differently? Are you ready to face Meloka Black, and whatever allies she's gathered in a day's time? Curious if everyone will follow Marron, or if some of the people who call that Earth home will refuse to leave? All this and more when this episode continues, 12 hours from now at Noon EST!
>Content with your choices, or anything you wish you'd done differently?
I still want to know what King Vegeta wanted us to do but got Bardock and Leyas to do instead. Just curious is all, but we've been too busy to ask.
>Are you ready to face Meloka Black, and whatever allies she's gathered in a day's time?
Ready to tear a horde of Zamas asunder.
>Curious if everyone will follow Marron, or if some of the people who call that Earth home will refuse to leave?
But who would want to stay on shithole Earth?
Why would he pick Bardock over say Nappa, or Turles?
Would it be called Zamasus or Zamasii?
Why would anyone stay and fight for anywhere when they could leave it behind and begin again instead?
>And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoying the ride so far?
>Are you ready to face Meloka Black, and whatever allies she's gathered in a day's time?
Karn and his allies are in their best shape so far and this might be our best chance to do this. After all Maloka Black had only one day to prepare while Karn had a whole month. On the other hand this Zamasu killed many Karns already so I don’t want to underestimate the opponents.
>Would it be called Zamasus or Zamasii?
ZamaSUS becase they are SUS.
Heh, we got a new fan. These youngins are gonna go far.
As a Tom and Jerry fan, well. Let’s hope that image isn’t foreshadowing…
Good, glad you enjoyed.
It is the highest-risk battle Karn’s engaged in maybe ever. But at least you have powerful allies protecting your own timeline.
Already the opportunity of a lifetime, then to actually MEET the hero face-to-face? Kid was awestruck
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You sit and eat your meal in relative silence at first, the only sounds coming from the kitchen until the door opens. Expanding your ki sense, you feel that Marron has entered the room.

“Morning, Marron. Are you ready?” you ask, not looking up from your food as she walks up.
“Honestly? No, I don't feel ready at all.” she replies, sitting down beside you.
“Good. Being overconfident is a weakness, but so is self-doubt.” you tell her, offering her one of the fluffy fried, folded things you hadn't thought to learn the name of. “You've been working just as hard as I have this past month, and today's the day we will see the results of this training. So, eat up.”

“Right.” she replies, a moment later Silver sending out another of his assistants, this one a girl with long white hair. In one hand is another platter of the things you already have, the second is the strips of fried meat they call bacon. Setting the one before your daughter, then setting the other between you both.
“Please, help yourselves.” she says with a smile, then without waiting for a response turns and runs back to the kitchen. The two of you eat in silence, and as you do the rest of your family staying here all join in as well. Then, to your surprise Chaya suddenly appears via Instant Transmission, looking ready for war. Wearing her armor once more, heavy sword slung over her left shoulder, she lowers her right hand from her forehead, looking around.
“Breakfast? Sounds like a great idea.” she says, but instead of sitting down walks to her 'daughter', placing her free hand on Marron's shoulder. “Relax, don't get yourself so worked up. Being nervous and stiff will only make it harder to move when the time comes. You gotta relax a bit, don't tire yourself out before the fight even starts.”

“R-Right, yes ma'am.” Marron replies, Chaya laughing at her more formal tone. The breakfast lasts a few more minutes, even Towa joining and eating as well. Then, once you've all eaten your fill, you turn to Towa quizzically.
“So, did he say WHERE he would be opening the portal?” you ask, Towa shaking her head.
“I reckon that, when it's time, he'll make himself-” she starts, only for, as if on cue, a familiar dark portal to suddenly open up. Once more Mechikabura steps through, and once more he's not alone. Coming with him isn't JUST Aeos, but also Future Chaya, Ace, and even Trunks. All three Time Patrollers wear serious expressions, already in their strongest transformations looking ready for war. “Speak of the devil.”

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“Oh, please. I'm far worse.” he replies with a grin, one laced with hidden meanings you can't begin to fathom. But then he turns his gaze from her, to you. “It is time.”
“Let's do this.” you answer, standing up. “What's the plan?”
“The plan is simple. We shall travel to the planet called Earth, then I shall open the portal between your time and hers.” he says, nodding to Marron before continuing. “Then, the battle will commence.”

“Our job is to hold the line at the portal, and not let any Zamasu through.” Trunks says, the former Supreme Kai of Time's second tells you seriously. “Whether they disguise themselves as citizens of the planet or try and brute force their way in, we won't let a single one pass.”
“Which means you'll have to face the big one herself, I can't go over to help you, while protecting your world.” Future Chaya says, your daughter from another time seeming not only upset at this, but also worried for you. “Are you sure you can take her?”

Well? How do you answer Future Chaya?
>Tell her you're ready to do what it takes to win this
>Reassure her that you'll win, that you have a plan to take her down if you can't win
>Be open and tell her you're not sure, but you're going to give it your all
>Tell her you're not confident you can overpower Meloka Black, but then reassure her that doing so wasn't how you'd win this fight anyways
>Other(write in)?
>>Tell her you're ready to do what it takes to win this
>>Reassure her that you'll win, that you have a plan to take her down if you can't win
I don't need Future Chaya rushing in and leaving a gap in their line just because she thinks we can't get the job done.
>Reassure her that you'll win, that you have a plan to take her down if you can't win
>Reassure her that you'll win, that you have a plan to take her down if you can't win
>Reassure her that you'll win, that you have a plan to take her down if you can't win
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Rolled 26, 77, 2, 48 = 153 (4d100)

Reassure her that you'll win, that you have a plan to take her down if you can't win takes it. Writing.
Whoops, posted that 2 minutes early. But it's all good, I don't think four more votes are coming in.
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“Don't worry kiddo, I'm going to win this.” you tell her, reaching over and ruffling her crimson hair with your left hand. “Even if I can't beat her, I still have a plan to take her down.”
“But-!” she starts, you immediately cutting her off to add.
“And no, it doesn't involve me sacrificing myself, either.” you tell her, seeing her expression turn a little more relieved. “Don't worry, I've got this.”

“Alright.” she says with a sigh, nodding to you as you take your hand off her head. “I'll trust you.”
“If you all are ready, let us be on our way.” Mechikabura says, opening another portal. “To Earth.”
“To Earth.” you repeat, taking a deep breath and slowly sighing out. “Let's go.”

You leave your ship's mess hall, stepping through the new portal to find yourself back on the plateau in the Red Ribbon Base. It looks the way it had when your daughter repaired everything with Imagine Dragon, however the busted Time Machine is no longer sitting on the plateau. But Towa's magic is still hovering in the air, keeping the timespace hole the machine had torn closed. But as you look around, most of your family come through as well. Junior, Okira, both twins, Caulifla and her Lottus, Marron, Chaya, and Meloka all join you, as well as the Time Patrollers, Mechikabura, Towa and Aeos. Closing the portal back to your world, he then speaks.

“Let us begin.” the Demon God says, dispelling the magic Towa'd placed with a wave of his hand. Then,he levels his hand in front of him, demonic aura blazing as another void opens. Tearing through space and time, you seeing a strange, dome-like building through the portal. “Go.”
“Right! Meloka, Chaya, Marron, with me!” you call, dashing directly into the portal. Flying through, as you enter the portal for a split-second everything feels... WRONG. All of your senses are inverted and flipped around, nothing makes sense and you feel something staring at you. But as soon as the sensations wash over you it's over, stepping through into the world Marron hails from. And it looks just as your granddaughter had described, the ruins of her world a testament to what her people could have been. As you come through, however, atop the large dome building, you see a familiar face.

“So, you've come.” Amaya Black says, looking down upon you. And your family, as Meloka, Chaya, and Marron also appear through the portal behind you. “And you brought company.”
“This one's mine.” Chaya says confidently, stepping forward past you. “Marron, you know what you need to do, leave her to me.”
“R-Right.” your granddaughter says, nodding to your eldest. Chaya, without preamble clenches her fists, ascending directly up to Super Saiyan Blue. Cracking her neck back and forth, Chaya plants her sword tip-first in the ground, then takes another couple steps forward before taking her fighting stance.

“Alright, bitch. Let me show you how to REALLY use this body.” your daughter declares, Amaya Black grinning. In a flash, clenching her fists as well she ascends, taking on her power of Super Saiyan Rosé.
“What do you think of this color? Is it not beautiful?” Amaya Black asks your daughter, striking quite a confident pose. But Chaya isn't impressed, kicking off the ground in an azure blur and closing the distance, slamming her right fist straight into the body snatcher's jaw. “GyuuAH?!”

“HAAAAAA!!” Chaya roars, her punch sending the Rosé warrior flying away. Then she takes off after her while you focus your ki sense, searching for the one you're here to fight. But then, suddenly your instincts cry out in warning, and without hesitation you ascend. Transforming directly into your Berserker God form you turn, grabbing both Marron and Meloka and leaping backwards towards the dome building. And as you fly back, suddenly several blasts slam into the ground next to the portal where you'd been standing a moment ago. Looking up, you then see a green-skinned Kai wearing dark robes, hand outstretched towards where you'd been.

“Hmph. Filthy ningen.” the Kai says, turning to you all. “You should have had the good grace to simply die.”
“So, you're Zamasu, huh?” you ask, the deity raising a brow in confusion as you set both Marron and Meloka down. Your wife, however, doesn't wait for you to continue, flashing up into her Super Saiyan God form and blitzing the Kai. Before he could begin to answer she's already closed the gap, drawn her ki blades and decapitated him. Leaving the Kai to her, knowing your wife isn't in any real danger from a being that weak, you turn to your granddaughter.

“Alright, gather your people and get them through that portal.” you tell her, Marron nodding once. Clenching her fists, she transforms as well into a Super Saiyan before kicking off the ground, flying away from the battles going on and towards where she knows her people are. Which just leaves you. Meloka Black hasn't shown herself yet, if she's even still in this timeline. But now that you're here and transformed, she'll no doubt know you have arrived and come for you. But, until she does, what do you do?

>Fly over to Chaya and watch her fight herself, see how she stacks up against the Rosé power with her Blue
>Head over to Meloka and back her up, sure the Kai doesn't feel powerful but he almost managed to sneak up on you all. Use Divine Dragon Force to take him out, take one Time Ring out of this fight immediately
>Focus your ki sense on the tiniest powerlevels you can sense, until Meloka Black arrives help your granddaughter save her people from this time
>Stay and guard the portal. Sure Ace, Chaya and Trunks are guarding it from the other side, but it couldn't hurt
>Other(write in)?
>>Head over to Meloka and back her up, sure the Kai doesn't feel powerful but he almost managed to sneak up on you all. Use Divine Dragon Force to take him out, take one Time Ring out of this fight immediately
>Head over to Meloka and back her up, sure the Kai doesn't feel powerful but he almost managed to sneak up on you all. Use Divine Dragon Force to take him out, take one Time Ring out of this fight immediately
I'm going to enjoy ripping Zamasu apart multiple times
Rolled 70, 18 = 88 (2d100)

Head over to Meloka and back her up, sure the Kai doesn't feel powerful but he almost managed to sneak up on you all. Use Divine Dragon Force to take him out, take one Time Ring out of this fight immediately wins, no unanimously since less than 3 votes. Roll me a 3d100, best of 4.

First DC: 15
Second DC: 60
Third DC: ??
Fourth DC: 75
Rolled 81, 70, 33, 76 = 260 (4d100)

I'm seeing 4 dcs here so i'll play it safe
Yes it's supposed to be a 4d100, not a 3d100.
Rolled 74, 12, 43, 14 = 143 (4d100)

Awfully quiet today.
Rolled 36, 65, 45, 58 = 204 (4d100)

Rolled 91, 71, 1, 2 = 165 (4d100)

Rolled 80, 59, 52, 4 = 195 (4d100)

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91/100, 71/100, 45/100(or 1/100, it's a mystery), 76/100. Success, success, low mystery(hopefully not the nat 1) and success. Writing.
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After a moment's thought you decide to help Meloka. The sooner you take each and every one of these Zamasu down, the sooner you can take their Time Rings out of the equation. Your course of action decided you blast off the ground as well, dashing up to your wife. Who is busy cutting the Zamasu down as it tries regenerating, the immortal's healing unable to keep up with her damage output. However, as you get closer, you notice something... Different. After each slash of her blade, the cuts explode. And getting even closer, you realize that her Ki Blades themselves look different as well. With each swing, part of the energy seemingly breaks off, leaving two to three-inch long Ki Needles embedded in the flesh through the injuries, which are what then explode. Yet as each part of the Kai is severed, they don't simply begin vanishing, as what happened to Meloka Black's head. Seems this one isn't protected by the ring from events in its own past.

“I'll finish him, three, two, one, NOW!” you think to your wife as you fly up behind her. And on the 'now', she switches tactics, flipping up and over the body. Leaving its chest exposed, you summoning Divine Dragon Force. “DIE!”
“GWROOOAAAAAR!!” your Stand bellows, fist and Stand piercing straight through the god's regenerating torso. Immediately Divine Dragon Force begins enlongating, wrapping itself around the Zamasu, binding it while tapping into the god's own energy. As your Stand does, Zamasu is able to see Divine Dragon Force, eyes widening in shock.
“Wh-What in the ten hells is THAT?!” he exclaims, but you don't bother explaining it to him. The other bastards you sent to the afterlife can explain it to him there, and with a thought Divine Dragon Force's eyes flash emerald. And the god begins to disintegrate. “Wait, what? What are you doing, this can't be! No, I won't die like this, I won-!”

But as his futile shouts ring out, his entire body disintegrates into motes of light that then wink out of existence. As he vanishes fully you withdraw your Stand, turning towards Meloka only to see your wife down on ground level, picking something up off the ground. In her hand you see the Time Ring, Meloka curiously looking it over a moment.

“What should we do with this?” she asks, and you're about to tell her to go back and toss it through the portal. But, before you can speak you sense more than a dozen powerlevels suddenly appear. She does the same, your wife tucking it away inside her robes and turning. Then, together, more than a dozen powerful beings suddenly appear. Blinking into existence atop the large dome building, you recognize one's power immediately. Meloka Black has joined the battle.

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“Well well, I knew you would come for me. But I didn't expect you so soon!” she declares, spreading her arms wide and ascending back into her first level of Super Saiyan Rosé with a flash. And she isn't the only one, as a Kakarot, another Chaya and Meloka, a Vegeta, and even a YOU all ascend into the godly Rosé form as well, several Zamasu standing there as well. “But to think you'd come with only four of you? I'm disappointed, I was expecting a real fight. Well, at least I can watch you die. Perhaps even at your own hands?”

And at this the Rosé you and weaker Meloka both leap off the building, landing halfway between you and the spherical structure.

“If you two can kill those Saiyans, you will be accepted into the fold.” the lead Meloka Black declares. “Strike them down, and take your places by my side.”
“Filthy ningen.” the Rosé Karn declares, taking your fighting stance. “It would be my pleasure.”
“This will be fun.” the far weaker Meloka Black says, taking your wife's stance as well. Looks like you'll have to clear away this mirror match first, if you want to take down the 'leader' Zamasu in your wife's body. “I'm going to enjoy carving you up!”

But then, before you can do anything more, notice the leader pointing in the direction of Marron, sending the OTHER Chaya after your granddaughter.

“Shit!” you think to yourself, then reach out telepathically to your granddaughter. “Another Zamasu Chaya's heading towards you, get ready!”
“Wide open!” the other 'you' shouts, closing the distance and drawing his pink Ki Blade in your moment of distraction. Before you can raise your guard he thrusts, energy aimed right at your heart. With only a split-second to act you twist, using the movements of the Su Ma to twist clockwise. Narrowly dodging the fatal blow, the tip of his blade cutting through your armor without resistance, slicing shallowly across your right pectoral. The blow is deep enough to draw blood, coating the tip of his blade as you follow up your dodge with a left hook to the jaw, staggering the smaller you.

Continuing the movement, you follow up with a twisting right elbow to the back of the head, knocking the smaller godly you down onto all fours. However, instead of continuing the attack on him you turn your focus to your wife Meloka, now in her Super Saiyan Blue form. Firing your Eye Beams at the Rosé warrior fighting her with a thought. She sees the attack coming, raising her blade at the last second to intercept the beams. Only to create an opening for your wife, kicking the body-snatcher in the chest and sending her flying back. You dash over to her, going back-to-back with your wife as the other you regains his feet.

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“Tch. Lucky shot. Next time, I won't miss.” the Rosé Kars snarls, retaking his fighting stance.
“What's the plan?” your wife thinks to you, not showing any outward signs of doubt or hesitation as you feel the other Meloka retaking her defense as well. “How do you want to handle this?

Well? What do you do about this?
>Rush and attack the other you with Juyo, take him down as quick as possible with overwhelming aggression
>Rush forward and attack with your Djem So, overpower the weaker version of you and beat him down
>Activate your Energy Body and defend, let him come at you. Let Meloka take the advantage and kill her counterpart first, then sneak up and take out this other you
>Draw your weapons, rush in and attack with dual wield Juyo. Cut and smash him into nothing
>Switch with Meloka, fight her copy while she fights the other you
>Other(write in)?
>Rosé Kars
>Switch with Meloka, fight her copy while she fights the other you
This'll be a good warmup.
>Switch with Meloka, fight her copy while she fights the other you
We have experience fight each other.
>>Switch with Meloka, fight her copy while she fights the other you
>Switch with Meloka, fight her copy while she fights the other you
Oh wow, this really is an army.
Shit. But you know who I meant. Also, finally figured out that alt+0233 is the é, so I don't have to copy/paste it every single time I type Rosé out.
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>a Vegeta, and even a YOU all ascend into the godly Rosé form
Wow Rose Karn. I'm curious what he can do. Can he fight as good as real Karn could.
>>Rush forward and attack with your Djem So, overpower the weaker version of you and beat him down
You blew it, you took away our Unanimously Wins
Rolled 8, 83, 37, 25, 94, 59, 5, 75 = 386 (8d100)

Switch with Meloka, fight her copy while she fights the other you wins it. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 50
Second DC: ??
Third DC: 65
Fourth DC: 90
Rolled 52, 80, 90, 86 = 308 (4d100)

Rolled 72, 3, 49, 7 = 131 (4d100)

these dcs...
Rolled 38, 70, 49, 4 = 161 (4d100)

You could just type rosee. Or is it rosse? Rozay. Rocei

Rolled 3, 58, 10, 100 = 171 (4d100)

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>You blew it, you took away our Unanimously Wins
Oops. Sorry. Though it seems like Karn Black is something rare. I did not want to miss out on this, but your choice won anyway so Meloka will have fun of fighting him now.
> 72, 80, 90, 100
WOW that’s awesome.
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Rolled 1 (1d4)

72/100, 80/100, 90/100, CRIT/100. Success, high mystery, success and Crit. Looks like you're ready for this fight, writing.
I love how Meloka slowly evolved her blades to act like the crystals that were supposed to kill her early on.
“You thinking what I'm thinking?” you think to your wife. “Swap?”
“Swap.” she answers, also telepathically as the Rosé Karn draws his Ki Blade once more. You hear the other Meloka's dual blades ignite as well, then see the other Karn explode off the ground towards you. With your ki sense you also sense the other Meloka charging simultaneously, then once they've crossed half the distance you and Meloka both call out as one:


Twisting counterclockwise, gathering your energy into your right fist your wife spins past you, drawing her own Ki Blades as the other you approaches. But then your vision of them is obscured, only the Rosé of the imposter Meloka's glowing dual blades before you as she closes to within your range.

“HAAAAAA!!” you roar, swinging your ki-clad fist forward, forming your Piercing Fist as you punch. The body snatcher tries to bring its left blade up first, to try and cut through your attack and arm. But your anti-divine power smashes her blade, pink ki shattering against the condensed spiral of your Piercing Fist.
“Wh-Wha-?!” she exclaims, unable to bring her other blade to bear before your energy-clad fist slams into her left shoulder, the spiraling energy ripping through flesh in a spray of blood. “KYAAAAAAAAH!!”

Your spiraling, shredding energy rips through her body, tearing her left arm off completely as she screams. But this one, like your wife is a fighter, swinging her right blade with everything she's got left. But you were ready, catching her arm by the wrist, stopping her strike only a few inches from your neck.

“No.” you say, squeezing down and shattering her wrist, drawing your right back once more. With your Piercing Fist still going you then drive it into the body-snatcher's chest, ripping her torso apart in a spray of blood and gore. Unlike the Meloka Black you fought before, this one also doesn't regenerate from her now-severed arm, decapitated head blinking and opening and closing its mouth, trying to speak as its hair loses the Rosé glow. But after a few seconds it stops moving, the light fading from its eyes. And while you KNOW it isn't your wife, watching her die before you does still hurt you, deep down. You have a feeling your nightmares have new fuel to use to terrorize you.

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You hear Meloka still fighting the other you beind you, so instead of turning to her first, you turn your focus back on the strongest Meloka Black. Who seems... Disappointed?

“Aww, you ruined all the fun.” she pouts, then sighs out, turning and gesturing to the Kakarot. “Keep him busy, I'm going to see what's on the other side of that portal. Maybe he'll be ready to play if I kill all his friends first?”
“Of course.” the Rosé Kakarot says, flying over between you and Meloka Black.
“Chaya, she's coming your way, be ready!” you think to Future Chaya, hoping she receives the message as Meloka Black dashes to the portal. “Tch! Oh no you don't!”

Flaring your own aura you go to turn, to intercept her, but the Kakarot meets your charge halfway with an overhand right swing of his Ki Blade, forcing you to use the Su Ma to flip forward, your entire body dodging the slashing sword's edge by flipping up and over it. Narrowly dodging a devastating, decapitating blow aimed at your neck.

“Wh-What?!” he exclaims, you then twisting, backhanding him with the now-dead first Meloka Black's arm, staggering and stunning him a moment. Allowing you to continue uncontested, dashing directly at Meloka Black. Who, hearing the impact turns, only to see you've closed the distance. Eyes widening for a moment in shock before she smirks, crossing her arms and blocking your powerful overhand right. The blow sending her smashing through several ruined buildings, leaving a trail of collapsing buildings and rising dust clouds. “Get Back Here!!”

Turning, you see the Kakarot, blade drawn start swinging it back and forth, firing a swarm of glowing pink Ki Needles at you. Forcing you to dodge, evading the spray of deadly projectiles.

“How DARE a lowly mortal like yourself lay hands on our glorious leader!” he continues ranting, firing scores of Ki Needles your way. Which you dodge, but they're too dense to find a way through to get at him. Only for your wife, who finished fighting her opponent has closed in completely undetected, powerlevel suppressed as she gets behind him. And before he knows what's happening she draws both blades, slicing off both of his arms. But she isn't done, crossing her arms and slicing the body-snatcher into three more pieces. Decapitating him as well as cutting through his guts, letting his severed parts all drop to the ground. However, as they do, you notice that his pieces, all but his right arm with the Time Ring, all start disappearing as if Hakai'd as well. Seems Meloka Black wasn't the only one to have her past self attacked by a Destroyer.

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Which leaves you and Meloka, sharing a nod. Your wife flies down, going to recover that Time Ring while you take the one off the arm still in your left, dropping the arm and slipping the ring into your boot along with the dagger. As you do, off in the distance you hear a roar of outrage. Feeling that other Meloka Black's power surge, seeing her aura blazing high from here. Pinkish aura blazing high, the entire world trembles at the might of the body-snatcher. Bracing yourself against her surging might, the sheer power of her transformation pushes you back a few yards before you're able to stop being pushed backwards.

“What in the holy hell is THAT?!” your daughter shouts to you telepathically, you sensing her worry. “You-You fought THAT?!”
“Yeah. And looks like I pissed her off.” you reply, watching in the distance as the aura begins rising. Her power surging, Meloka Black slowly flying back towards you. Arms down by her sides, a wicked grin on her face, the meets your gaze, hovering a dozen yards or so higher in the air than you. Just to show you how much more powerful than you she is.

“You ruin my fun, you kill my subordinates, I thought this was going to be an enjoyable experience, my ultimate triumph over you. But noooooo, you refuse to play along.” she says, staring down at you. “Fine, then. If you want to meet your end so badly, I shall end you myself!”
“Oh yeah? But I've gotten stronger since we last met. I won't die so easy” you tell her, raising your fist. Showing her the Demon Seal, watching her eyes widen as she no doubt recognizes the emblem. And with a thought, you unleash that power.


“HRRRRAAAAAAAA!!” you arch your back and roar, demonic ki infusing your body and aura. You feel the power inundate your very being down to your core, slowly raising yourself back upright to meet her gaze. “This time, I won't lose.”

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 233 paused-
And that's it for this weekend's episode, everyone enjoy the ride? Ready to take the battle to Meloka Black next week, to see what she's got? Do you think you can take her, or even with this newfound power will you still need backup? Curious how Chaya and Marron are both doing, how they're handling the situations they've found themselves in? All this and more, next time on Saiyan Conqueror Quest!
>MB throwing a hissy fit
Yeahh, shit's not so sweet now, bitch. You think farming kills off of weaker versions of us would make it that easy?
I'm ready to continue enacting Total Zamasu Death.
Glad we are all taking this seriously. I'm not sure how Marron's gonna get her people to safety buuut hopefully we'll keep the heat away.
Zamasu's is gonna learn farming means jackshit when he stays at the starter level cap.
well at least we can put a decisive end to the would karn kill loved one's if they were possessed debate we had before we took care of baby.
You ruined her fun. Over the years and decades, she'd built up in her mind how this would go. And you're not going along with it.
Absolutely, knowing the level of danger this battle holds has everyone taking things seriously. Marron's goal is to gather them, escort them to the portal and get them through while protecting them.
Difference between possessed and being dead with someone puppeteering their body around.
What did she think was going to happen? Did she expect a clash of armies while she gets Karn all to herself?
>You ruined her fun. Over the years and decades, she'd built up in her mind how this would go. And you're not going along with it.
Sounds like she'd be a railroady QM.
Considering how dramatic and obsessive this version of Zamasu is in particular, I think she did. Unfortunately for her, this ain't no turn based RPG or "honor before reason" kind of team like the Dragon Team, we play to win with 110% of our power.
Zamasu Blacked to Karn
She expected you to do as you were told; to first battle yourselves, then send the immortal Zamasu after Meloka who doesn't have a way to combat them while sending Goku Black after you. But you ruined it.
Well, when you've been getting your way for damn near a century, it tends to go to your head.
She's used to fighting you, but they're not YOU.
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>She expected you to do as you were told-
Who the FUCK did she think she was commanding? Did she really think that would work on ANY version of Karn, especially us?
And saved.
The belated December Patreon story is now live! Featuring art by @vincentgraphart once more, this piece is finally live! Here's just a taste, and the patreon is only a single dollar a month for most of the content and every monthly story/artwork as well as getting to vote for which piece you want to see.

Because other Karns weren't aware that wasn't a possessed or mind-controlled Meloka, and would go into the fight thinking they could save her. But thankfully you, thanks to your connections know the full story, and that the people who USED to inhabit those bodies are all long-dead.
ahh, the classic man-eating bodysnatcher trick from horror movies. How unbelievably cruel.
Indeed, quite cruel. Meloka Black knows her advantages against other Karn, who seek to save their family. But her seeing you absolutely MURDER the other Meloka Black shows her that you're aware you can't 'save' her.
>shows her that you're aware you can't 'save' her.
damn, there goes that potential advantage we could use. if she still thought we could "save her she might not expect us to hesitate with a killing blow.
>Flying through, as you enter the portal for a split-second everything feels... WRONG. All of your senses are inverted and flipped around, nothing makes sense and you feel something staring at you.
Somebody keeps watching us for quite some time but it seems they can’t make a contact. I wonder if it’s some hostile force or perhaps somebody we met earlier.
>As a Tom and Jerry fan, well. Let’s hope that image isn’t foreshadowing…
So far it is going great.
>And that's it for this weekend's episode, everyone enjoy the ride?
Yes. I did.
>Only for your wife, who finished fighting her opponent has closed in completely undetected, powerlevel suppressed as she gets behind him.
Rose Karn got killed so fast off-screen by Meloka. Very good job from Meloka and also stealing Karn’s body does not automatically turn the thief into a talented fighter.
>You ruined her fun. Over the years and decades, she'd built up in her mind how this would go. And you're not going along with it.
She spend hundreds of years fantasising about killing our Karn. I think peace is not an option. Would that really make her unstoppable as she claimed? She said:
>“And once I kill him, my power will be complete. There will be none who can stop me anymore, not even the Destroyers. Not even Zen-Oh himself! AAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAAA!!”

By the way you said that there were Zamasus that did not join Meloka Black’s side and she killed them. Were they unwilling to join her Mortal Zero cause or simply unwilling to listen to her orders?
>also stealing Karn’s body does not automatically turn the thief into a talented fighter
That's the thing, Zamasu IS a talented fighter. Hell, he's even well trained if you wanna get technical. What he DOESN'T have in most timelines is experience. You know, practical application of his skills and abilities in a combat scenario.
Hence why Meloka Black is so dangerous (outside of her absurd powerlevel), as she actually has about a century of that under her belt at this point.
I agree with what you said.
Yes. Had you not switched targets with Meloka, when you fought Meloka Black and got her desperate, would play the "Karn help me!" card. As she did on another unsuspecting Karn, taking out onw who was(then) stronger than her.
Something, or someone. And it can't be Mechikabura, as he was there on the other side of the portal.
So far. But now you're to the strongest.
Glad to hear. Was a lot of setup, but that means this coming weekend is the fight.
>killed so fast off-screen
Not as swiftly as Karn killed the weaker Meloka Black. Something your wife definitely noticed.
>think peace is not an option
Insert spaceman pistol meme, "never was"
That remaining shard of the Berserker Soul power within her resists her divine powers, interfering with her to its limits. Preventing her from reaching 100% of the form's true power.
>Were they unwilling to join her Mortal Zero cause or simply unwilling to listen to her orders?
Now there's the real question.
Bingo. Very good analysis.
You guys aren't ready for tomorrow. The power of inherent divinity vs the power of EARNED Faith and devotion, Amaya Black vs Chaya goes dummy hard.
Chaya's gonna maul that faker, trust.
I don't think you understand just how powerful Chaya's become. How the universe believing her to be victory incarnate has changed her powers. Right now, at full power, she's actually stronger than her mother. The question is if that's enough to best Amaya Black?
>The question is if that's enough to best Amaya Black?
I think the REAL question is what Black's gonna do when she realizes Chaya has her beat on what is supposedly her specialty.
>"I am a GOD!"
>"Womp womp, me too."
We'll see soon enough.
Well, that was the reason for Amaya Black taking Amaya's body, he saw Amaya vs Hit, much as in other timelines Zamasu saw Goku vs Hit. A mor- a ningen DARING to use divine ki? Blasphemy.
The real question is how much copium would Zamasu go through before finally admitting that mortals can be as strong as gods and are an integral part of the multiverse?
He freely admits the first part, as the body he inhabits is proof of this. But mortals are the great mistake of the gods, and must be eradicated.
Yeah see this is why I love to see Zamasu get the shit beaten out of him and humiliated. Did he think more than 5 seconds about his "great" plan? Or the fact that he has to rely on mortals to even have a chance of succeeding in the first place? Do the fungi and the bacteria have to go too for the Zero Mortal Plan? How's he gonna keep the mortal level up with no mortals? Matter of fact, is every universe in his vision just going to be a bunch of dumb ugly rocks and stars? The dumbass is gonna be bored out of his skull because there would be absolutely NOTHING to do in a cold and stagnant universe. oooh, I wish it was the weekend so we can start kicking his ass again
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I think his goals after the extermination of all mortal life would be creating something new in his image to fill the resulting void (completely ignoring that his predecessors did exactly that). I base this off the fact that Kars started doing the exact same thing once he transcended his mortality, except he skipped the total extermination of mortal life because that's FUCKING STUPID AND DESTINED TO FAIL.
Barking up the wrong tree there.
Not a bad assumption. Hopefully we never find out, as that would be a terrible game over scenario, quest over Zamasu won.
On the topic of Kars and his secret project, anything you care to share about that at this time?
Maybe after this arc. Or the Zamasu portion at least of it, maybe.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 233 Intermission-


“Right! Meloka, Chaya, Marron, with me!” your father calls, charging headfirst into the portal Mechikabura had created. Your mother follows without hesitation, you turning to Marron.
“Come on, let's go!” you tell her, meeting her gaze before flying into it as well. However, as you enter the portal for a split-second everything feels...WRONG. All of your senses are inverted and flipped around, nothing makes sense and you feelsomethingstaring at you. Something that, while it doesn't exactly feel MALICIOUS, is definitely not friendly. But as soon as the sensations wash over you it's over, stepping through into the world Marron hails from. And it looks like the people who lived here went extinct, you sensing less than maybe a hundred living beings on the planet. However, the strongest by far that you can sense is atop the dome-like building before you, a lone figure wearing the dark robes with a red sash Marron had described to you. It is odd, seeing your own face looking back at you. Especially without all the scars you'd earned over the years, this timeline's version of you had a far easier, safer life.

“So, you've come.” this version of you Marron called Amaya Black says, looking down upon you the moment you touch down. “And you brought company.”
“This one's mine.” you declare confidently, stepping forward past your father. “Marron, you know what you need to do, leave her to me.”
“R-Right.” your daughter of this timeline says, but you don't look back. Instead, keeping your eyes on this other you, you clench your fists. Drawing upon the divine power within you. Without a shout or overly-dramatic display of power you simply ascend, showing off your mastery of the divine form Super Saiyan Blue. Azure ki blazes up around you as you crack your neck back and forth, working the stiffness out before planting your sword tip-first in the ground. Leaving the weapon there you then take a couple steps forward then drop down into your fighting stance.

“Alright, bitch. Let me show you how to REALLY use this body.” you declare. You are Chaya, daughter of Karn and Meloka, former and current Champion of Dreadzone, Goddess of Victory and recently a new mother to your daughter from this timeline, Marron. After hearing of her plight, you'd agreed to help her save her people and defeat this 'Amaya Black', to put her mother's body to rest and kill the bastard who'd stolen it. And now, as you stare this other you down, you're confident you can do exactly that. After all, according to Marron, she never transformed. This will be a cakewalk, time to show off a little bit.
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However, seeing your power, Amaya Black simply smirks, clenching her own fists. Then, in a flash, she ascends as well. Not into Super Saiyan, or even Super Saiyan God or Blue. Instead, like Kars before, she takes on a more pink transformation. Transforming into the smugly-named Super Saiyan Rosé. You feel your eyes widen slightly at this, feeling her power not only close the gap between you, but also surpass you. Not by a whole lot, you can still handily win. But there goes the easy win, you're going to have to give this everything you've got!

“What do you think of this color? Is it not beautiful?” Amaya Black asks you smugly, striking quite a confident pose with her right arm down, left up by her forehead. Not guarding herself at all, thinking herself superior. Something you plan to shut down IMMEDIATELY, kicking off the ground without a word and closing the distance at full speed. Before she can blink you've reached her, slamming your right straight square into her jaw. “GyuuAH?!”

“HAAAAAA!!” you roar, your punch sending the smug body-snatching godling flying back. But you don't give her a moment's respite, blasting off after her. Leaving an azure trail in your wake, closing back to fighting range with a flying left kick to 'her' chest. Planting your heel in this imposter's guts, then rolling your body clockwise and firing a lateral right heel kick to her temple. Snapping Amaya Black's head to the side, sending her into an uncontrollable spin. Raising your right to your forehead you teleport to a few feet away from where your attack sends her, raising both hands overhead and lacing your fingers together. Slamming your joined fists down into her face, crushing her nose with a crunch and sending the godling with the stolen body smashing through a ruined building which collapses down upon her.
Both it and her vanishing in the rising dust cloud. But you don't stop, gathering your ki into both fists before firing a flurry of Ki Punches down, raining explosive punches down upon that other you's murderer. “Haa haa haa haa haa haah haaa haa!”

After firing the last shot, aura still blazing, you dive down after her. Keeping the pressure up, not giving her a moment to recover. As you blast through the smoke, your aura's pressure blows it away. Revealing the imposter laying on the ground, eyes wide as she sees you coming. Then flips back onto her hands, dodging your diving left heel kick only for you to spin clockwise on impact, driving your right heel back in a back kick to her chin. Snapping her head back and sending her flying once more, you kicking off after her again. Can't let her get any momentum, or she could turn the tide of this fight! However, as you close in once more, suddenly your instincts warn you she's only playing possum! It's a trap!
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“Shi-!” you exclaim, trying to back off only for her to attack. From her right hand explodes forth a blade of ki, piercing straight through your chest.
“Kyuaah-?!” you exclaim, freezing in place as you feel her ki cut straight through you, her blade of ki piercing all the way through you and out of your back. “G-Guah?!”
“Filthy ningen. How DARE you lay your filthy, impure hands upon me?” Amaya Black says as you back off, her blade cutting you on the way back out. “You thought you could best ME? How foolish! Now, accept your fate! Aaaahahahahahaa!”

“Heh. Heheh. Hahaha.” you say, clutching at the hole in your chest, forcing out a laugh through the pain as you focus your aura on the injury.
“What? What's so funny?!” she snarls as you raise your head, meeting her gaze. Grinning widely as your injury begins healing, even your armor seemingly repairing itself before her eyes. “N-N-No, that's-! That's IMPOSSIBLE! Y-You're... Immortal?!”
“Heh. Just because you took my body, clearly it seems you didn't also take my brains. Or my power.” you declare, rising back up to your full height. “Because if you had, you would know just who it is you're dealing with.”

“Tch!” Black seethes through clenched teeth, backing up and taking a defensive stance. Clearly wary of you at the least.
“You're not dealing with the average Saiyan warrior anymore. Hell, you're not even dealing with the average Saiyan god. I am the Goddess of Victory! Chaya the Champion! And I CAN'T lose to some cheap imitation of myself!” you declare, azure aura blazing as your powerlevel suddenly soars, closing the gap in power between you both. As if in acknowledgment of your declaration. Reality itself seeming to bend to your words, to the Faith your people, your fans have in you to be the best.

“Wh-What?! No, this-! This CANNOT be!!” Amaya Black says, looking horrified as she no doubt senses the power gap between you both disappear. “I am divine justice incarnate! I cannot be bested by some lowly, filthy mortal playing at godhood!”
“Don't tell me that THIS is all the power you've got? I came here because I thought I would get to fight someone as strong as mys-HAAAA!” you say then shout, turning and swatting aside the ki blade the other Zamasu tries thrusting into your back. With your counterclockwise spin you swat his blade aside with your left forearm, then driving your right up into his guts. Following it up with a left to the jaw, snapping Zamasu's head back and sending the Kai flying back, smashing into another ruined building. “Really? You thought you could sneak up on ME?! REALLY? Trying to stab me in the back? Just like a filthy, honor-less Kai. Oh well, I'm going to crush you now.”

And without hesitation you charge, dashing back in and instantly closing the gap between yourself and Black.
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In a flash you've closed the distance, Black swinging her blade once more. But this time you're ready, focusing your energy around your left, blocking the attack with your forearm.

“Wh-What?!” Amaya Black exclaims, stunned her blade doesn't cut you. And before she can react further you drive your right up into her guts, doubling her over your fist. Reaching up with your left you grab her hair, driving your left knee up into her face, smashing it and crushing her nose with a crunch. Releasing her head with the blow, blood flowing as she recoils. Simultaneously you spin clockwise, driving your right heel into her chest and sending her flying back once more. As you do, you also see Zamasu flying back towards you once more. So, instead of following Amaya Black, you decide to finish this one first. Raising your right to your forehead, you teleport behind him. Then, before he can react you reach out, grabbing him by the collar with your left. Stopping his flight immediately.
“Wh-!?” Zamasu exclaims, but before he can react you drive your right straight through his back, tearing his heart straight out through his chest. Zamasu looks down, no doubt seeing his own organ before you crush it in your hand. Then you reach down with your left, chopping him clean in two. “Gah-?”

Both halves of Zamasu fall, you then turning your focus back to Black as she's recovered, flying back towards you. Slinging her blade back and forth, firing several dozen Death Slashes towards you. But you're far too fast, your movements too practiced as you dodge and weave through them with ease. Closing through the cloud of slashing blades, getting back into hand-to-hand range. Only for Zamasu, right as you close in with a flying kick VANISHES!

“Wh-What?!” you exclaim, surprised. Only to sense her suddenly behind you, turning into a heavy right hand to your jaw. Sending you flying back, another force slamming into you from above and sending you flying down. And as you tumble, looking up you see, surprisingly, Zamasu. Looking none the worse for wear, firing a barrage of energy shots down at you. Raising your arms you block them, the attacks pushing you further and further down to the ground. Then, once you've gotten enough distance from the swift blasts you dash aside, dodging a half-dozen shots before Zamasu stops shooting. “Tch. Just like a Kai, you fight with no honor. Fine, I'll fight you both. But, I'll give you a choice: do you want your deaths to be quick? Or do you want me to take my time taking you both apart?”

And as you make this declaration, you see a flash of orange between the buildings to your left from the corner of your eye. No way, there's no way HE followed you into this timeline, right?
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“Krillin?” you think, reaching out telepathically. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“You really thought I'd not help my daughter's timeline?” he replies, then adds. “Want a hand with these guys?”
“No, they're too strong for you, don't engage them directly.” you reply, then after a moment's thought add in. “Hang on. You power up with the power you absorb, right? I have an idea. Stand by, I'm gonna make you an opening.”

“Right.” he replies, you ending the link and flying back up into the air. Pulling up to a foot or so higher than the two gods, looking down on them. Something that immediately annoys them, both flaring their auras. Zamasu's dark purple and Black's Rosé both blaze, the two taking identical fighting stances. But you don't take your own, instead taking a square stance, clenching your fists. Then with a shout throw both hands forward, firing twin Ki Waves at the two arrogant gods with a roar.
“HAAAAAAA!!” you bellow, firing twin azure beams. Zamasu doesn't even try to dodge, taking the blast full on and driving him back and back while Black dodges, letting your beam soar past. You then end the shots, aura blazing as you then dash in on Black. Before she can turn to face you you've closed in, driving your left into her jaw. Snapping her head to the side, spinning and following up with a right elbow to the base of her skull, stunning her before flipping backwards up and over her, driving you knee into the stunned woman's face. “Hrrraaaaa!!”

“Kyaaah?!” Amaya Black cries in pain as she's sent backwards, your blow to her already-broken nose further hurting her. As she's sent backwards you then throw both arms wide, gathering your ki for a 'finishing' blow. But as you do, you keep a careful focus on Zamasu's energy, throwing both hands forward once he's recovered and ready to interfere.
“This ends now!” you declare, your Final Flash ready to fire. “Die! FINAAAL!”

As you say this Zamasu sees what's happening, then vanishes. Using the Instantaneous Movement, Zamasu then moves directly behind you to stop you from attacking.

“FLA-! WHAT?!” you shout, hamming it up a bit as Zamasu, from behind you, grabs your arms. He's too weak to budge you, but you allow him to move you, getting you into a full nelson grab. Ending your attack, returning your energy back into you. “When did you-?!”
“Now, take your shot! I can't hold her long!” Zamasu shouts to Amaya Black, who recovers, looking up and seeing you seemingly held immobile. “Finish her!”
“Well done! I'll end this in one shot!” Amaya Black shouts, drawing her hands to her right side. “KAAAAAAAA! MEEEEEEEEE!”

“You ready?” you think to Krillin, who replies that he's ready.
“HAAAAAAAA! MEEEEEEE!” Black roars, her ki blazing bright as she throws both hands forward, firing her pink ki in an unstoppable wave. “HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!”
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“NOW!” you shout, a smaller man-shaped silhouette leaping up between you and the attack. He seems so small before the god's mighty beam, arms wide before thrusting both towards the beam. Taking Amaya Black's attack head-on, her massive energy screaming directly towards him. But then, to Zamasu and Black's shock, her powerful beam starts vanishing. Her energy getting siphoned down into the smaller man's ki absorbers, Krillin stealing her power. “Heh heh, morons.”
“Wh-What?!” Zamasu exclaims, you reaching back, grabbing him by the hair and tearing him off your back, breaking his grab with ease. Then slamming your forehead straight into his upside-down nose, crushing it. You even feel his skull crack in your grip, the heavy blow stunning the seemingly-immortal godling. “Kyuugh?!”

“Moron. You really thought you could hold ME?!” you say to the stunned godling, watching as the damage heal itself over the course of a second. So, as Krillin continues absorbing Black's ki, you repeat your attack, swinging even harder the second time. Amaya Black then ends her attack, sensing something's wrong only for her jaw to drop as she sees what happened.
“Y-You-?! How? WHEN?!” she exclaims, you tossing Zamasu's unconscious body over to her. Black catches Zamasu, who recovers after a second, eyes opening as the damage is healed once more.
“Heh heh, looks like your plan worked.” Krillin says, you flying up to his side. “This power is crazy! I don't think I've ever been stronger!”

“Think you can hold that Kai off for me?” you ask him, Krillin looking at the godling and taking a moment to appraise him. “I'll only need a minute.”
“One minute? I can take him.” Krillin replies, taking his fighting stance. However, as you watch, suddenly Zamasu reaches up, taking his earring off. Which, you suddenly realize with a chill going down your back that the earring isn't just decorative. You recognize those earrings.

“No more games of half measures! Because of your continued, profaned defiance, we shall use our full power to crush you into dust!” Black says, Zamasu putting the earring on his other ear. Then, suddenly, both their earrings begin to emit a glow, their energies starting to merge.
“Get behind me!!” you shout, moving between Krillin and the two as they use the Potara. Their bodies rising and spinning around each other as they fly up into the air before merging into one, two Zamasu becoming one. Bracing yourself, you block the wave of pressure their merged godhood releases, pushing even you back a bit. Krillin reaches up, placing his hands carefully on your back, not pressing his palms to you to help you resist as their fusion emits a blinding white light. Which lasts for several seconds, and as it fades, you see the new, Merged Zamasu.
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>art by @gutsbro14
“My form is justice. And my form is the world. Worship me, give praise unto me. Me the beautiful, the sublime. Me the invincible, the almighty and divine.” the fused warrior declares, arms spread wide in a gesture reminiscent of Freeza's arrogant fighting stance. “All hail! Zamasu.”
“Krillin, stay back.” you tell him, clenching your fists. “I'm going to have to go all-out, they're too strong for me to hold back anymore.”
“You really think you can beat him?” he asks, you turning and looking over your shoulder, grinning at his worry for you.

“I told you, didn't I? I'm the Goddess of Victory. I don't lose.” you tell him, radiating with confidence. Which is infectious, Krillin grinning back after a moment, raising a fist to you. Which you rap gently against your own, the shorter, bald man then dashing backwards, getting distance. “Well well, looks like that fight I was looking for is finally here.”
“A fight? No, this is an extermination. This perfect strength knows no limits.” the Merged Zamasu declare boldly. “I am justice incarnate!”
“Oh yeah? Let's see which is stronger then! Your divine justice, or victory incarnate!” you declare, clenching your fists and powering up to one hundred percent, readying yourself to activate the technique. Then, with a shout your power doubles, you activating your trump card. “KAIO-KEN!!”

With your roar, your aura's power doubles. Crimson energy blazing around your Super Saiyan Blue form's azure aura, the entire world turning darker as your bright aura blazes.

“What is this?” Zamasu asks, seeming more curious than worried about what you've done. “What is this, what have you done? How did your power suddenly double?”
“I told you, I'm the Goddess of Victory. And while Super Saiyan Blue is all about power through extreme control, but now combining that with the calming focus of the Kaio-Ken, there's no telling how far my power can go! But right now I'll give you everything I've got! Ready yourself, because this ends now! HRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA!!”

Your aura continues to blaze, the world itself trembling as you unleash levels of power beyond anything it has ever seen. Triple, quadruple, quintuple, your power keeps rising higher and higher. Until you reach the level your body can currently handle safely, unleashing everything and holding nothing back with a roar so powerful your voice cracks.

“TIMES TEEEEAÆEEEEEEEEN!!” you scream, voice tearing as the world turns crimson. Bathed in your overwhelming, unstoppable power. “KAIO-KEN TIMES TEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAN!!

And as your power shakes this world, you reaching a level further than ever, you finally see it in their eyes: Zamasu is afraid.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 233 Intermission End-
Get fucked zamasu, that's our daughter.

Also this 900second capcha timer is bullshit.
>Wanna see me double my power level?
>Wanna see me do it again?
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She's mauling him.
Oh man, she's gonna have a hell of a time recovering after all's said and done.
That she is. She's been training for this.
Indeed. Zamasu is so tired of Chaya's limits constantly NOT being limits.
Zamasu's about to have a bad time, that's for sure.
Not necessarily. Remember, Chaya's been TRAINING for this. She didn't immediately slap the x10 on after first unlocking Blue Kaio-Ken like a certain someone. This is her maximum MAINTAINABLE and stable power output. She could go even further, but doing so puts her body and ability to fight at risk
I have to wonder how people like Goku and company would feel about the amount of acclimation and conditioning training we do versus just hard sparring.
>This is her maximum MAINTAINABLE and stable power output.
I've always wanted to know how far you can take the kaioken when it comes to mastery. Unless I'm wrong, King Kai in the series thought that the ceiling (at least for mortals) was x3 or x4 kaioken, with the latter practically being a suicide button. And then not that long after Goku bumps it up to x20 kaioken before he gets Super Saiyan and abandons the technique until DBS. I really doubt you can acclimate to Kaioken to the point of casually relaxing in it since Kaioken and transformations are fundamentally different techniques, but Goku has demonstrated that there's safe limits where you can use Kaioken in and out without outright torturing your body. I also wonder how high the kaioken multiplier can really be before you start running into diminishing gains. 100 times kaioken is my guess.
Goku'd be impressed, considering his perspective on Saiyans comes from Nappa, Raditz, and Vegeta.
Cell's "Perfect" Kaio-Ken as he called it was x100. Now whether that's a hard cap or more like a soft cap of diminishing returns is currently unknown.
>not just going kaioken times ten trillion and becoming the brightest star in existence for a nanosecond before everything around you (yourself included) atomizes
Weak sauce.
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>That remaining shard of the Berserker Soul power within her resists her divine powers, interfering with her to its limits. Preventing her from reaching 100% of the form's true power.
Wow. Her power is already so high. I can’t imagine how much stronger she would get if she reached 100%.
>Grinning widely as your injury begins healing, even your armor seemingly repairing itself before her eyes.
That is very useful.
>>art by @gutsbro14
>And as your power shakes this world, you reaching a level further than ever, you finally see it in their eyes: Zamasu is afraid.
Very nice epilogue.
Chaya has reached a truly impressive level of power. No wonder Zamasu is no longer confident. Though due to Zamasu fusing with Amaya Black even winning against him is not really winning. His immortality from Super Shenron is like a cheat in a video game. When she defeats him over and over each time he will comeback. I wonder if it will turn out to be like Infinite Zamasu in manga.
>his is her maximum MAINTAINABLE and stable power output.
That's a lot.
>Now whether that's a hard cap or more like a soft cap of diminishing returns is currently unknown.
I thought the price was increased damage to user's body. The more you power up the more you hurt yourself. I mean inflicting x1000 upon yourself might be too much.
>>not just going kaioken times ten trillion and becoming the brightest star in existence for a nanosecond before everything around you (yourself included) atomizes
>Weak sauce.
I agree. YOLO.
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>I wonder if it will turn out to be like Infinite Zamasu in manga.
Or Infinite Zamasu like in anime.
Hey GD, what's the closest this quest got to a bad end? And I don't mean meta or irl reasons like the Outfit Incident, but more "Through a series of unfortunate events, rocks fell and everyone died". The only times that stand out to me are when Karn got crushed by a giant robot before going FSSJ and the showdown with LER.
If you like suicide, I guess.
Strong enough. After all, even with that holding her back she killed a Destroyer.
Her fans BELIEVE she can regenerate hard enough, now she can.
Yes, mans does great work.
Glad you enjoyed.
Yes she has. She's far surpassed her own mother, something Meloka herself noticed as both Chaya and Meloka Black ascended simultaneously. They damn near broke the planet transforming.
But you're forgetting: does Chaya's audience BELIEVE that she, their champion, can still defeat an immortal? Has she ALREADY beaten and killed one at Dreadzone before?
Yes, times ten is no joke. Even Future Chaya and Ace felt it through the portal. Future Chaya's impressed.
Exactly. Is 100x the max Cell, with his Namekian regeneration, able to sustain without taking damage that outpaces his regen?
Who knows? After all, there's a lot more than one Zamasu here.
Hoo boy, where to start?
>If you like suicide, I guess.
Hardly comprehensive and in no particular order:
>Episode 1's first serious fight
>Batte against the Grey on their homeworld, False Super Saiyan awakening
>Fssj Karn vs Freeza
>Meloka's almost-death against the hive, Towa's first appearance
>Karn's first actual Super Saiyan match with Freeza
>Karn and Meloka vs Novalis' Guardian's summoned lake troll demon
>Meloka's second major near-death in the healing pod, Karn vs Xeno Trunks
>Big Gete Star event
>Final showdown with Nefarious(alive, not the Hate Ghost version with Hatchiyack)
>Karn vs Demongo
>Karn vs Arbiter on Planet Azar
These are just some of the ones I can remember from before the big Siege of New Salda. I'm sure there are plenty more.
>Her fans BELIEVE she can regenerate hard enough, now she can.
Man, meme magic is potent in this universe. Does that mean if her fans believe in her hard enough, she can outpizza the Hut?
Wow, that's a pretty long list. A LOT longer than I was expecting. Crazy how Karn lived through all of that. Makes me appreciate the anons that pulled through when rereading the archives.
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>she can outpizza the Hut?
NO ONE outpizzas the Hut.
>Makes me appreciate the anons that pulled through when rereading the archives
I have been slinging dice in this quest for at least 7 years. What matters is persistence, first and foremost.
That and actually being there to roll those dice in the first place, but I managed even when I worked a fulltime job on the weekends.
Yes. Once you become a deity through worship, the beliefs of your worshippers define you. And Chaya, being about self-improvement, is an ever-evolving deity.
There have been some close ones, that's for sure. Some far closer than others.
Depends. One planet believes such is impossible, but the entire rest of the universe disagrees? She can do the impossible, because she has broken the limit. She is no longer bound by mortal limitations.
>That and actually being there to roll those dice in the first place
This. Even if your roll is late, I do appreciate them
Just minutes over 24 hours to go! Supervillain Karn vs Meloka Black, who will win one of the most important battles of SCQ to date? Find out soon!
My bet is on the big, green and angry fellow
He is the one now, ironically, favored to win by the highest, strongest deity currently known operating in these currently linked timelines.
So what you're saying is...we operate with The Mandate of Heaven?
It makes sense that Buff Jesus would have Karn's back, what with how much we work out.
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>"My child, you need only accept me into your heart and you shall find eternal life in the Lord's embrace."
>"Hmmmm....tempting, but I can't really throw my weight behind somebody who can't kick my ass."
>"Is that so? Well then..."
>cut to commercial
I tell ya, these epilogues get weirder and weirder as time goes on.
Speaking of weird epilogues, is a continuation of Krillin and Chaya's date something you all'd be interested in? Would be, well. Less than sfw, and wouldn't be posted here or on pastebin as they don't like words. For some reason.
I think I can do without a verbal description of Krillin's pullout game, thank you very much.
To clarify, I'm not a smut writer, won't be anything too explicit. I still don't feel comfortable writing stuff like that.
Oh I know, I just don't know how I feel about reading the romantic exploits of our in-character daughter on that level is all.
An entirely fair take, which is why I ask. Not just dropping that kinda thing out of nowhere
I wanna hear it, prove not all dbz fans are illiterate.
Which is a shame.
Not illiterate, just... Well not finishing that sentence as it's just sad.
Kinda have to experience something to write about it. Sure, I can't fly and fight at the same time, but I understand firsthand things like throwing punches and getting hit. Has to be based on one's own knowledge to write appropriately. Why Ippo's so good, a boxing manga BY a boxer.
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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

After meeting with Mechikabura, the Demon God boosting the Demon Seal to allow Karn to maintain both it and Berserker God's power without burning all his energy within a minute, Karn then spent the next month in intense training, readying himself for the battle to come against the body-snatcher Zamasu, now Meloka Black. And after the training was complete, Karn, along with his family and even help from the Time Patrol, engaged the being genociding himselves across timelines. Battling through a few other Zamasu in different bodies, including his own, Meloka Black has transformed, once more showing off her power far beyond any Super Saiyan Rosé power even the likes of Karn displayed. More akin to the boost of Super Saiyan Three over a normal Super Saiyan, this being's might towers above even Ace and Future Chaya's strongest forms. And as we rejoin Karn, you've once more combined your Berserker God power with the might of the Demon Seal, readying yourself for the final battle that's about to begin.


“This time, I won't lose.” you tell the deity hovering above you, demonic aura blazing up around you. Your strength, while still not enough to evenly match Meloka Black, is no longer completely outmatched. If you fight smart and don't underestimate her, you can win this. “You're going to pay for what you've done.”
“You're using this already? A shame.” she replies, sounding more disappointed than surprised at this level of strength. Which, while worrying, isn't a worry you let show on your face. “Very well, I'll put you out of your misery. Come, give me your all. For as long as you can.”

She takes her stance, you doing the same only to realize that, while you and Meloka Black are the two strongest on the battlefield, that gap has quite narrowed. As you also sense your daughter, her divine power FAR exceeding even Meloka's Super Saiyan Blue might. By far more than the Kaio-Ken you saw her use against Hit, leaving you wondering what she did to face the other mighty powerful divine energy you sense near her. Leaving you with just one question:

What do you do?
>Rush and attack with your Juyo, she couldn't keep up before so you should be able to get an early advantage
>Activate your Energy Body and attack with Djem So, use your armor to tank her hits and focus on offense
>Energy Body and defend, let her come to you and withstand her attacks while you look for an opening, studying her style
>Keep your distance and use your ki attacks
>Draw your Super Ki Blade and attack, see how she defends against your strikes before going for her hand
>Other(write in)?
>>Draw your Super Ki Blade and attack, see how she defends against your strikes before going for her hand
>>Draw your Super Ki Blade and attack, see how she defends against your strikes before going for her hand
>>Draw your Super Ki Blade and attack, see how she defends against your strikes before going for her hand
Gut ya loike a fish sware on me nan
>Draw your Super Ki Blade and attack, see how she defends against your strikes before going for her hand
>Draw your Super Ki Blade and attack, see how she defends against your strikes before going for her hand
Draw your Super Ki Blade and attack, see how she defends against your strikes before going for her hand unanimously wins it. Well then, going for 'lethal' options outright. Let's see how you do and how she responds, roll me a 4d100

First DC: 40
Second DC: 65
Third DC: ??
Fourth DC: 95, no critfail
As we're Berserker God, best of 4
Rolled 69, 88, 49, 15 = 221 (4d100)

we've had some real luck so far, lets keep that up
Rolled 90, 95, 11, 69 = 265 (4d100)

Rolled 39, 73, 83, 97 = 292 (4d100)

Rolled 68, 20, 21, 29 = 138 (4d100)

10 minutes are up, I roll again!
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90/100, 95/100, 83/100, 97/100. Success, success, high mystery, and SUCCESS! Looks like she's not ready, and has underestimated the threat you present. Writing.
Rolled 24, 59, 28, 88 = 199 (4d100)

>90, 95, 83, 97
Also picture is Zamasu's face right now probably.
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>tfw no matter the universe, zamasu is forever a jobber bitch to the point the Boi during peak bitch could still get kills on him.
Seriously, this quest curses his ass potentially even harder then trunks, which is impressive.
He thought we wouldn't pull out a sword and start chopping his bitch ass to pieces from the get-go. Jokes on him for being immortal, that just means he gets to suffer longer.
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I bet he didn't return his books to the library on time. Is THAT justice? The fiend.
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“This ends now!” you snarl, throwing your hands together and conjuring your large two-handed ki blade. Shaped almost identically to your Wolf Knight blade, you immediately take on your Djem So fighting stance. “I won't let you kill any more of my family!”
“Once I kill you, there will be none who can stop me.” she replies, drawing forth a ki blade shaped like a scythe, holding the weapon out blade-first towards you. “Not even Mechikabura will be able to stop me then.”

And for a moment neither of you move, staring each other down. She then flourishes the weapon, taking a ready stance with the handle in both hands, handle held level to her waist, blade back behind her ready for a cutting strike. Then, in the distance there's an explosion from the direction of Chaya's battle, you surging forward as well.

“HRRAAAAAAA!!” you roar, telegraphing a powerful overhead. Leaving yourself open to her horizontal swing, which is bait the Zamasu in your stolen wife's body takes. With a wicked grin she swings, clearly intent on bisecting you with a single strike. But you're ready, combining the Djem So and Su Ma styles, you spin towards her flashing blade, bringing your own down in the Djem So's power strike. Not stopping her strike but using the momentum of the clash to swing yourself up over her own blade in a flip.
“Wh-What?!” she exclaims in surprise as you flip over her blade, spinning into a left backhanded swing aimed at her neck. Forcing Meloka Black to hastily fly back, narrowly dodging a decapitating strike. Whipping the blade in a quick overhead circle you again bring it crashing down in an overhand blow, Black raising the staff of her weapon up to catch your strike, stopping the blade inches from her face. “Keh!”

“GRRAAAAAAAA! HAAAAAA! HRRRAAAA!!” you roar, repeating your overhead power strike one, two, three more times, each time the recoil sending shocks up her arms. But as you raise the weapon for a fourth repeat attack, instead with a flick of your wrist redirect the blade, instead of an overhead strike now your blow is coming up from the bottom, surprising her. Catching her unprepared, smashing into the bottom of her guard instead of the top, breaking through her defenses and knocking her arms and her weapon up over her own head. Then you redirect the momentum of your blade, keeping the pressure as you swing it out to your left side into a left-to-right horizontal swing. “DIIIEEEEE!!”

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Your blade strikes true, catching the powerful body snatcher's undefended midsection. Your blade slashing clean through the stolen body, bisecting Meloka Black in a single strike. Her legs and hips, now severed from the Time Ring start disintegrating, falling towards the ground and quickly vanishing like a falling asteroid through an atmosphere. But she's not done and you know it, keeping up the pressure.

“Gah?! Y-You-!!” she exclaims, but before she can retaliate you're back on the offensive with an uppercut-style slash, forcing her to continue defending herself with her poor choice of weapons. The long haft of her weapon allows for pretty good defense, meaning she doesn't have to move as much as she would with a blade to protect herself. But you don't slow down, keeping up the pressure.

“HAAAA!!” you roar as she slowly regenerates her body, swinging down with a powerful overhead into a reverse upwards swing, but this time she blocks both, not caught off-guard the same way again. So, you step up the pressure, switching to Juyo and launching a tremendous assault. Seemingly swinging at her from all directions simultaneously, Meloka Black struggling to keep your weapon at bay. But as energies clash in a flurry of blows, the woman still defending against your furious assault, you get an idea. With her grip on her weapon, on the long hafted scythe of energy, her fingers are completely exposed on that weapon. You can do this right here and now, you can take her down! You just have to get her weapon into the right position.

“This ends NOW!!” you roar, blazing your aura and drawing your energy construct up overhead, seemingly preparing a finishing blow. And in the moment you let off the pressure she goes on the attack, firing a lightning-swift strike aimed at decapitating you. With her weapon only having a blade on the side her right hand's on, you knew her attack would come from this side. And so you drop your weapon down from overhead down over your left side, catching her bladed weapon's haft before its edge can reach you. “Heh. Gotcha.”

“What?!” Meloka Black exclaims, only for you to dash towards her. Sliding your blade's edge down the haft of her weapon,into a slash, your weapon grinding against her own until it reaches her hands. And before she can take them off the weapon, your sword strikes true. Slashing off all the fingers of her right hand, Meloka Black dropping her energy and recoiling in pain, clutching to her right hand with her left. “GAAH-!! That hurt, you son of a-!”

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But then, suddenly she realizes what you did as her now almost entirely-regenerated body starts disintegrating. Falling to the Hakai that destroyed her in her own past, now that she's no longer shielded by the Time Ring from its effects. You see that realization dawn in her eyes as they widen, Meloka Black finally understanding why you'd used your blade as her eyes meet your own.

“No...! Y-You BASTARD!!” she roars, her ki blazing and forcing you back with a powerful Explosive Wave. One that you can't resist, the force of her power sending you flying back for a dozen yards before she ends the blast and immediately dives down after the falling ring. “NOOO! NONONONONO! NOT LIKE THIS!”

Well? What do you do? Can you stop her, or will she reclaim her source of immortality first?
>Rush down to grab the ring first, if you can keep it away from her until she's gone you win
>Use your telekinesis to grab the ring and jerk it away from her to you. She's going to have to get through you to get it, and you're strong enough to resist her until she's gone
>Dash down and grab her, bind her and use your Unmovable Energy Body to keep her disintegrating form from escaping
>Call Meloka to grab the ring, while you fire your ki and keep Meloka Black pinned down with energy until she vanishes
>Other(write in)?
>Dash down and grab her, bind her and use your Unmovable Energy Body to keep her disintegrating form from escaping
All we have to do is hold her and make sure nobody else can slip a ring on her other hand.
>>Dash down and grab her, bind her and use your Unmovable Energy Body to keep her disintegrating form from escaping
Hahahaha, you are so fucked. Good update, Karn is actually damn smart.
Funny enough, attacking the hands is one of the first things you get checked on when learning the longsword. Most styles of swordsmanship actually.
>Dash down and grab her, bind her and use your Unmovable Energy Body to keep her disintegrating form from escaping
Lets be fair, Zamasu has been flinging his hands around like he was in a gay bar for so long, the thought of NOT putting his hands in the way of the blade hasn't occured to him in awhile.
It's certainly one of those bad habits that could have arisen for any number of reasons. Never actually bothering to spar and refine his own techniques with the scythe being chief among them, because why would perfection incarnate waste time training with lesser beings?
Fuck "lesser beings", why didn't he spar himself?
>Fuck "lesser beings", why didn't he spar himself?
You mean his inferiors that can only barely imitate his greatness?
Right. Zamasu, my bad I forget how dumb Kai's are.
>Dash down and grab her, bind her and use your Unmovable Energy Body to keep her disintegrating form from escaping
>Instant Transmission to her and grab her, bind her and use your Unmovable Energy Body to keep her disintegrating form from escaping
Why risk her out speeding us when we can teleport
Why did you TAKE AWAY OUR UNANIMOUS BONUS? And IT isn't that instant, and ki sense counters it
Dash down and grab her, bind her and use your Unmovable Energy Body to keep her disintegrating form from escaping wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 60
Second DC: ??
Third DC: 80
Rolled 63, 65, 72 = 200 (3d100)

Rolled 51, 65, 56 = 172 (3d100)

crit on the dc 80
Rolled 24, 50, 68 = 142 (3d100)

well it isn't a crit but at least we got dub 65
The real trick was to get down to the ring and chuck that shit FULL FORCE through the portal. Have fun finding that thing in the middle of space traveling at mach FUCK.
I mean it's best of 4 so someone may still get that dc 80
Rolled 65, 92, 91 = 248 (3d100)

DAYUM called it kek
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63/100, 92/100, 91/100. Success, very high mystery, and success. Looks like what was separated from the ring dies, now all that's left is the finger. Writing.
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I got worried when I realized I was missing today's session, until I saw the rolls you guys made so far. Excellent work, gentlemen, we might just achieve TZD today.
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“Oh no you don't!” you roar, exploding off after her. Dashing down towards just where she'd be before getting the ring, taking off at full speed. Meloka Black blasts down at full speed towards her severed finger, no doubt trying to put it back on herself so she'll live. But as you close in, giving it everything you've got, you realize something: you're not going to make it! She's going to reach the ring first. You can't let her have it, you have to stop her! So, you throw both hands forward, using the full force of your power to grab HER with telekinesis. Stopping her flight, halting her progress a moment.
“Wh-What?!” she exclaims as her body continues to disappear, stunned at your momentary halting of her progress. “No! NOOO!!”
“THIS ENDS NOW!” you roar, finishing closing the distance, arms wide and slamming into her at full speed. Plowing Meloka Black through a half-dozen buildings as you wrap your arms around her, grabbing her rapidly-disintegrating form and activating your Unmovable Energy Body before sliding to a stop in a seventh. “No escape!”

“Nonono, get-! Get the hell off of me! I won't let you!” she roars, straining against your unbreakable grip. But with your hardened energy trapping her in place, all her squirming and straining is for naught. As her arms disintegrate, head mostly gone, she's then finally able to escape. With less than half a torso and most of her body gone, she finally escapes from your grasp. Flying back out the way you'd crashed through, it taking you a moment to deactivate your Unmovable Energy Body to then dash after her. Giving her almost a second's head start, you blast off after her rapidly-disappearing figure. But just as she flies out of the last building, the last of her body completely disappears in motes of light. “NOOOOOoooooo....!”

And just like that, it's over. Consumed entirely by the Hakai in her past, Meloka Black's ki completely vanishing with that final, desperate scream. For several moments, until you sense another whisper of her energy. Then, you remember that she'll regenerate from that finger, immediately panicking.

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“SHIT!” you exclaim, dashing down to where you sense that energy. However, as you do, you see that you weren't the only one to sense it.

As you fly out the opening, you look down, seeing your wife battling a swarm of Zamasu. Four of them are attacking her from all sides with their Ki Blades, your wife spinning and slashing, blocking their blades and cutting limbs off them. But it seems they all share Meloka Black's immortality, the four of them all recovering near-instantly from any damage she inflicts to them. However, they aren't your focus, as you see a fifth flying away, and from it you sense it. The last hint of Meloka Black's ki, that one grabbed the finger!

“KARN! STOP HIM!!” your wife thinks to you, unable to break free of the Zamasu assailing her on all sides. “Don't let her regenerate!!”

Well? What do you do?
>Rush after the fleeing Zamasu and Meloka Black, stop her from regenerating. No matter what it takes
>Save Meloka first, then the two of you can hunt him down and finish this together
>Instant Transmission to that other Zamasu, use Divine Dragon Force to finish off what's left of Meloka Black and him too
>Gather your energy and unleash a Final Flash, obliterate the fleeing Zamasu and the remains of Meloka Black he's trying to save
>Reach out with telekinesis, grab and stop the fleeing Zamasu with your power then forcefully take the ring and finger from him to finish her off
>Other(write in)?
>Gather your energy and unleash a Final Flash, obliterate the fleeing Zamasu and the remains of Meloka Black he's trying to save
>>Gather your energy and unleash a Final Flash, obliterate the fleeing Zamasu and the remains of Meloka Black he's trying to save
>Instant Transmission to that other Zamasu, use Divine Dragon Force to finish off what's left of Meloka Black and him too
>Instant Transmission to that Zamasu, use Divine Dragon Force to finish off what's left of Meloka Black and him too.
>Instant Transmission to that other Zamasu, use Divine Dragon Force to finish off what's left of Meloka Black and him too
maybe it's because I'm dumb, but what is this supposed to mean?
is it that they share the 61831?
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I think its because 4chan thinks he's replying to himself?
It means one of you isn't real. Anyways:

Instant Transmission to that other Zamasu, use Divine Dragon Force to finish off what's left of Meloka Black and him too wins by one single vote. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 35
Second DC: 60
Rolled 17, 79 = 96 (2d100)

dub 88's for khorn demands it.
Rolled 13, 61 = 74 (2d100)

Rolled 10, 66 = 76 (2d100)

Rolled 6, 39 = 45 (2d100)

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17/100, 79/100. Failure and success, well you'll certainly get Meloka Black. However, well... You'll have to wait and see, writing.
FUCK. Qstdice strikes again
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>It means one of you isn't real.
Is it me?
>However, well... You'll have to wait and see, writing.
Oh no.
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“They won't escape!” you reply, also telepathically before ending the link, focused on the ki of Meloka Black. Which is rapidly expanding as she no doubt regenerates from that finger, you have to stop her! So, with a thought and right hand raised to your forehead you teleport, using your Instant Transmission to cut the fleeing Zamasu off. Teleporting directly in front of him, you see that he was ready. The Kai, having already drawn his blade out in his rightt hand immediately swings a backhanded strike the moment you appear, his blade cutting through your armor and into your exposed right ribs. Where he strikes bone and stops, your bone halting his attack as you wince in pain. “Tch!”

“What the-?!” he shouts, but before he can pull back you reach down with your left, grabbing his and Meloka Black's own now-regenerated wrist. Simultaneously, with your own right you swing your hand down from your forehead, slashing through his left elbow with your hand. Cutting clean through the much weaker Kai, who cries out in pain. Recoiling back, you keep a firm grip on his and the regenerating Meloka's own hands, drawing your right back as you call forth your Stand.
“Divine Dragon Force! Cut them both down!” you shout as Divine Dragon Force appears around your right, roaring as it phases into this reality. Then you swing, your dragon-clad right heading straight towards the severed arm of Meloka Black and the Kai. Who, in a desperate last attempt to stop you fires his own godly ki from him in an Explosive Wave, trying to repel you. But his power is laughable compared to what you are now, barely blowing your hair back, much less stopping your strike.

“GWRRROOAAAAAR!!” your Stand roars, diving directly through both Zamasu and Meloka Black's hands, directly into and through the Kai's chest. Your Stand roars in triumph, quickly growing longer and binding the Kai in place, giving it nowhere to move.
“What is THAT?!” he shouts, terrified as he suddenly begins to see your Stand, staring him down. “No, this cannot be! I am immortal!”
“Divine Dragon Force, show this bastard what you think of immortality.” you say, clenching your right fist. “Kill them both.”

“Understood.” Divine Dragon Force says, eyes flashing with green fire. As they do, you once again catch the light on several of your Stand's scales, seeing them change from crimson to golden in the light. But this aftereffect of either Mechikabura's influence to wake your Stand, or far more likely the encounter with Super Shenron trying to do whatever it was attempting to your Stand, doesn't affect your Stand's power. You watch as both Zamasu and the arm of Meloka Black, having regenerated all the way back up to the bicep, begin vanishing.

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You realize, watching Zamasu and what's left of Meloka Black disintegrate that your Stand's power is quite similar to the Hakai. Zamasu screams out desperately for help, for someone to save him and damning you as his body fades, you catching both of their Time Rings as the two's right hands fully vanish.

“No, please! Save me, Lady-!” Zamasu calls out one last, desperate time. But whoever he was calling to remains unknown, as your Stand's power consumes his face. The last thing the terrified Kai's eyes see are you looking down on it before the being is erased entirely. Vanishing without a trace, the only sign it and Meloka Black existed are the Time Rings now clutched in your left hand. But now, with Meloka Black taken care of, that leaves one question:

What now? So, you focus, expanding your ki sense to get a better feel of the battlefield. Your wife is still battling the four Zamasu, seems the four of them aren't able to be killed by your wife. But she's holding her own, unlike Marron, whose ki is starting to drop. You sense that other Chaya imposter that Meloka Black sent after her has the Rosé power as well, your granddaughter unable to compete with this level of divine power. However, you also feel Chaya's ki starting to fluctuate a bit, despite the crimson glow radiating out from even as far away as you are, seems that powerful Zamasu is still resisting her. It seems that your daughter either can't take her down either or is simply not for some reason. Which just leaves one question:

Who do you go to help?
>Rush to Meloka, as she's closest. And once you've saved her, the two of you can split up to help your daughter and granddaughter
>Head over to Chaya, take out the one she's fighting with Divine Dragon Force then have her save her daughter while you save Meloka
>Teleport to Marron, who is the most outmatched by her opponent. You also sense dozens of extremely weak powerlevels over there that she's doubtlessly trying to protect
>Other(write in)?
>Teleport to Marron, who is the most outmatched by her opponent. You also sense dozens of extremely weak powerlevels over there that she's doubtlessly trying to protect
Gank the one threatning to break the weakest link, then we jump the fuckers jumping our wife, Chaya has this.
>>Teleport to Marron, who is the most outmatched by her opponent. You also sense dozens of extremely weak powerlevels over there that she's doubtlessly trying to protect
>>Rush to Meloka, as she's closest. And once you've saved her, the two of you can split up to help your daughter and granddaughter
>Teleport to Marron, who is the most outmatched by her opponent. You also sense dozens of extremely weak powerlevels over there that she's doubtlessly trying to protect

you know, I was listening to a Superman song, and it's kinda funny how similar we are to him...at least post-invader days.
>Teleport to Marron, who is the most outmatched by her opponent. You also sense dozens of extremely weak powerlevels over there that she's doubtlessly trying to protect
>Teleport to Marron, who is the most outmatched by her opponent. You also sense dozens of extremely weak powerlevels over there that she's doubtlessly trying to protect
Teleport to Marron, who is the most outmatched by her opponent. You also sense dozens of extremely weak powerlevels over there that she's doubtlessly trying to protect wins it. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 60
Second DC: 45
Third DC: 85
Fourth DC: ??
Rolled 55, 72, 26, 6 = 159 (4d100)

Rolled 80, 45, 7, 25 = 157 (4d100)

Rolled 78, 70, 42, 22 = 212 (4d100)

only 88's
Rolled 64, 59, 52, 14 = 189 (4d100)

bada bing
damn sucks that we shit the bed on the last 2 dc's
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80/100, 72/100, 52/100, 25/100. Success, success, failure, and a low mystery. Well, you start out strong, writing.
I don't get a notification now
“Marron needs my help the most.” you think to yourself, raising your right hand to your forehead and focusing on her ki. Teleporting away from the vanquished Zamasu and Meloka Black, teleporting directly between your daughter's stolen body and your granddaughter of this timeline, just as this version of Chaya leaps in. Closing the distance with her long, curved ki blade drawn, she starts swinging it back and forth, firing a volley of around two dozen or so piercing Ki Needles at you all. So, without hesitation you throw your arms wide, unleashing your ki with a shout of “BARRIER!”

Emerald energy bursts forth from you, forming a protective bubble around yourself, Marron, and the dozen-ish miniscule powerlevels cowering behind her. The fake Chaya's needles slam into your shield, where they begin glowing a moment then detonating. But with your shield having stopped the attacks well-short, none of the blasts consume any of those your granddaughter was trying to protect. But your shield does go down, you ending what's left of it and sweeping the smoke clouds away with a swipe of a hand. Revealing you to the other Chaya, who seems stunned you're here.

“Marron, get them out of here. I'll handle her.” you tell your granddaughter, looking back over your shoulder to her. Your granddaughter, bloody and beaten but still defiant nods, immediately turning from you to the others, getting them up and ready to move. You turn your focus back on this other Chaya, who seems stunned you're here.
“What is this? Did her power frighten you so that you ran away, fleeing for your life?” this Chaya asks, you smirking back at her. Which angers her, but before she launches herself at you in a rage she stops. “Hold on. Where is her power? Where did she go?”
“Oh, you mean HER?” you ask, opening your left hand. Revealing the two Time Rings you're still holding, seeing the color drain from her face.

“No, that...That's not possible! There's no way a lesser being, a ningen could best her!” the Chaya says, but nevertheless backs off with a look of horror and disbelief. “This is a trick, it has to be!”
“No trick. She just had too many weaknesses.” you reply, clenching your hand around the rings once more, retaking your fighting stance. “And now, it's your turn. You're going to pay for stealing my daughter's body and killing her.”
“No, no no this-! This is impossible!” she shouts, then with a manic look in her eyes turns her focus back on you. “But if you killed her, and I kill you... Then I'LL be the one in charge! I shall continue where she left off, continuing her glorious crusade against you filthy ningen!”

Then, before you can react, raises her arms, stabbing her right hand's ki blade into the palm of her left with a crazed look in her eye.

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“I will be the one to crush you! With my own hands!” she declares, curling her left hand around her right, then drawing her blade forth from out of her own palm. You sense her energy changing, then with a swing draws forth a familiar-looking scythe of ki, the same one Meloka Black used against you. Holding the weapon aloft, looking at it, she then levels the weapon at you. “Yes, this is right. I alone am the one who shall destroyer you, godslayer. And this is the weapon that shall claim your life! Feel my divine wrath!”

With that declaration she charges, you leaping into the air as well. Turning the Zamasu's focus from your granddaughter and her people, drawing the body snatcher's eye. She follows as you'd hoped, suddenly swinging her blade well short of you. But instead of trying to slash you, she fires a blade of energy from her weapon. One that moves fast, but not nearly fast enough to hit you. So you dash aside, dodging the slash with ease.

“Hmph. If you think that's enough to stop me, then you're-!” you start, only to suddenly hear something. Her attack hits, well, SOMETHING, and immediately your instincts scream out to you in warning. So you turn, seeing what looks like a slash through space and time itself, much like Fu's portals. But there's something wrong, something deeply incorrect about this. “What the hell is that?”
“Good question. To be honest, I'm not sure myself.” she replies, sounding very self-satisfied. “Have I sliced a hole to another universe? To the distant future or past? Or perhaps it is a physical manifestation of my own consciousness? Heh heh heh heh, all I know now is that my strength surpasses my own understanding, surpassing mortals and gods! Ha ha ha ha haah!”

But you can't take your focus from the tear in reality, only for suddenly some sort of pinkish gas to start emitting from the void. Immediately you back away, feeling it scramble your ki sense and watching warily as several tendrils of smoke begin coalescing, and for a split-second your mind goes back to the last time you'd fought beings of smoke. How the Tuffle manufactured Destron Gas, as you learned it was called later, could shape itself into the forms of those you'd killed before. Their hate-filled spirits trapped by Hatchiyack, brought back from death to try and kill you once again. And now, to your horror, watch as the gas takes on not the form of those you've already beaten. But the same form as this Chaya, same robes and all. The only different is the hair, it seeming several shades darker.

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“What the hell?” you say, stunned. Only for the copy to immediately rush directly at you! So you meet the charge head-on, swinging your right through its head. However, as it is nothing more than some sort of smoke, your fist passes harmlessly through, distorting the image of this Chaya or Amaya Black until it is unrecognizable as you pass through the could. Only for it to reforge as you turn, landing a surprisingly heavy turning kick to your head. Sending you flying back, closer towards that gaping wound in reality. “Keh! Bastard!”

With a snarl you throw your right hand after the spectral cloud, firing a wide wave of ki, trying to obliterate the smoke in its entirety. Engulfing the entire figure in your blast, only for the smoke to emerge up from the beam, reforming into the twisted visage of your daughter's form.

“Dammit!” you snarl, only to again sense danger from the void. But the moment you do, another heavy blow lands on your back, sending you flying forward. Tumbling over in the air, you see that it was another two of the fake Blacks that had both kicked you simultaneously, you flipping through the air a moment before halting your flight, reorienting on them. As you do, the smoke keeps pouring forth, conjuring more and more of the fakes to fight you. If you don't find some way to close that portal, to put a stop to this soon, things are quickly going to get out of hand.

But what do you do? What CAN you do?
>Summon Divine Dragon Force again and charge the void, try and use your Stand to turn that rift's overwhelming power against itself
>Turn your focus on Black, if you kill them then presumably this power of theirs will die with them
>Unleash your Red Dawn with everything you've got now that Marron and her people are clear, vaporize this monster, her copies, AND this tear in reality in one shot
>Instant Transmission behind Black and grab them, drive them forward and shove the godling into their ruinious attack's effects. You're curious if the void will swallow her and close or if something else'll happen
>Other(write in)?
>>Summon Divine Dragon Force again and charge the void, try and use your Stand to turn that rift's overwhelming power against itself
Our solution to all problems
>>Unleash your Red Dawn with everything you've got now that Marron and her people are clear, vaporize this monster, her copies, AND this tear in reality in one shot
>>Summon Divine Dragon Force again and charge the void, try and use your Stand to turn that rift's overwhelming power against itself
>Summon Divine Dragon Force and kill the Zamasu that summoned this thing
>Summon Divine Dragon Force again and charge the void, try and use your Stand to turn that rift's overwhelming power against itself
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Summon Divine Dragon Force again and charge the void, try and use your Stand to turn that rift's overwhelming power against itself wins it. A bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off for them. Roll me a 5d100.

First DC: 50
Second DC: 70
Third DC: ???
Fourth DC: N̸̟̘̕Ò̶̰͈̥̄
Fifth DC: 80
Rolled 46, 1, 47, 15, 8 = 117 (5d100)

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Rolled 80, 16, 37, 91, 10 = 234 (5d100)

Rolled 24, 70, 6, 1, 91 = 192 (5d100)

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Well Karn's dead
Rolled 81, 93, 32, 67, 30 = 303 (5d100)

last roll
>cancels out the second critfail
>makes the fourth
To be fair, we weren't allowed to pass the fourth DC. It said so.
so 81, 93, 37, 91 (unless hidden dc is 95 or something), 91
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81/100, 93/100, Mystery between a 47 or 1/100, 1/100, and 91/100. Not dead, but this wasn't the correct play here. This is going to have... Consequences. More than you know. Writing.
sorry, the 3rd would be 47 (not that it probably makes a lot of difference.
Yeah, we crit-failed the 2nd and 4th rolls, not 3rd.
gd the nat 1's are in the 2nd and fourth rolls not the third
guys i'm scared
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No? NO?! YOU HAVE NO POWER OVER ME! 81/100, 93/100, 47/100, NINETY ONE/100, 91/100.
i mean we did pass the 2nd roll even with the nat 1. so we only have to worry about the 4th roll
Damn right. Don't fuck with the mean green.
If I hadn't fucked the dice twice this moment would have been a lot more hype. But in my eagerness, I fucked it. However, hold onto your seats, this ride's about to get crazy!
it happens
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>this ride's about to get crazy!
Rolled 96, 4, 59, 64 = 223 (4d100)

Nuh uh. Watch this;
Rolled 28, 69, 28, 39, 4 = 168 (5d100)

You think you can outroll MY dice?
So how dead is Meloka going to be by the time we get to her?
>doubting the mighty Melon-Chan
Rolled 33, 21, 31, 49, 55 = 189 (5d100)

Rolled 8, 63, 36, 75 = 182 (4d99)

it's Meloka we can trust her to get shit done. if she really needed our help she would ask for it.
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“Divine Dragon Force. We're going in.” you say, squaring up to the wound in reality oozing that pink smoke, your Stand materializing around your right arm.
“Are you sure?” it asks, a hint of hesitation to its tone. “We might not be able to make it back.”
“If we don't shut this down, then this entire reality will be overrun by these things. We have to stop it, here and now!” you roar, emerald aura blazing as you draw your right back. Then without any more hesitation you explode forward, charging directly at the tear. “HRRRRAAAAAAAAAA!!”

Emerald aura blazing, Berserker Soul unleashing more and more power as you approach this damage to reality itself. Blasting back the smoky Zamasu as they try to approach, dispersing their forms. None of them can stop you, nothing can stop you now.

“GRRRRRAAAAAAAAAA!!” you roar, getting close to the tear. And if by instinct youthen swing, charging Stand-clad fist first directly into the rip.
“GWRRROOOOOAAAAAAAR!!” Divine Dragon Force bellows, as you and Divine Dragon Force, as one, strike the wound in reality itself. And as you and your Stand strike, there's a flash of light. And then everything around you changes. One moment you're on Marron's dark, sun-less world. And the next you find yourself, well... You aren't sure where. Looking around, nothing makes sense, your mind trying to process what you're seeing. Colors and shapes appear from the void, your mind struggling to process this place. Overwhelming your mind and defying all reason, only for a familiar face to suddenly appear. Your mind snaps to focus as one face appears from the void, one you now recognize as that of Zamasu. Except, that one face isn't along. The ENTIRE VOID is made of Zamasu, every inch of everything radiating with the godling's power. And more importantly, its hatred of you. As you recognize it, the void of Zamasu before you appears to focus on you, all their hatred turning on you.

“[/b]NINGEN!![/b]” they all roar in unison, this void of a reality shaking with their collective hatred. And as they all roar, outraged and sickened by your presence, you suddenly feel very... Small. You're all alone, outnumbered by innumerable foes who all seek your end, every single one of their power linked and combined, doubling and redoubling each other's strengths until their collective power dwarfs anything you've ever felt. Future Chaya, Meloka Black, Lord Beerus, Zen-Oh, even Mechikabura, NOTHING you've ever felt compares to what you find yourself up against. It's as if this tear in reality opened up the dimensions to a reality where EVERYTHING had become Zamasu, where Zamasu and only Zamasu exists anymore. “DIE, ~NINGEN~ FILTH!!”

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You can feel it, the pressure of their divine power, the weight of an entire reality of nothing except Zamasu bearing down upon you. Trying to crush you, your spirit, your body and soul beneath their collective might. With all of reality itself trying to destroy you, suddenly, you feel it. There's an intense pain in the back of your hand, and to your shock and horror watch as the Demon Seal is burned away, its power leaving your body. But not by Zamasu, no. Your own Berserker Soul's fire burns bright, completely destroying the Demon Seal upon you. And as the last traces of the dark ki leave your body, your Berserker Soul blazes brighter than ever. Its emerald fire engulfing you completely melting away everything. All your doubts, worries and fears are burned away, leaving only you. Burning with a clarity of purpose you've never felt before. And your Stand, who you summon with a thought.

“Divine Dragon Force.” you say, your Stand materializing around your right. However, as it does its form is completely engulfed by the Berserker Soul, its crimson scales seemingly melting away. Your Stand transforming, changing as its entire being, like your own is consumed completely by the Berserker Soul. With a roar your Stand bursts forth, no longer a crimson-scaled reptillian being. But now your Stand is made of the flames of the Berserker Soul, eyes blazing as you both understand what must be done. Leaping forward, you both charge, then you swing your right fist with a roar.

“HRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAA!!” you and your Stand roar in tandem as you swing. Fist smashing agaisnt seemingly nothing, but you feel it. The pressure, the combined divine might of this entire reality aligned against you, trying to crush you with its power. But these puny gods can't stop what you are now, your power smashing through its resistance. Then, suddenly it happens.


Reality itself cracks at the point of impact, but this time along the faults the flames of your Berserker Soul blaze. Unleashing everything you've got, you drive your fist further, Divine Dragon Force straining to break through the weak point. And then, all at once, it shatters.

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Reality itself begins to fracture, the cracks spiderwebbing out from the point of impact. And along the faults your Berserker Soul blazes, consuming everything in its voracious flames. The Zamasu all scream in pain and fear as they are consumed, this space collapsing as your Berserker Soul destroys them all. Burning brighter and brigher, your soul's fury consumes everything. The screams of the dying Zamasu quickly fade, the fires burning out moments later, leaving you floating in a familiar-seeming void of nothing.


And as swiftly as it had arrived, your Berserker Soul's power is exhausted. Burning out, fading back to barely a whisper of what it was a moment ago. Divine Dragon Force as well, its fiery form now little more than flickering embers the size of your finger also fade away, leaving you completely drained, floating in this void by yourself, physically and mentally exhausted. But you can't stop yet, your family need you.

But what do you do? What CAN you do?
>Use your wedding band's link to your wife's to reach out to her, to find her ki through it and teleport from this void back to her
>Open up your left and put one of those Time Rings on, then try and use it to return back to the timeline you'd left just like Amaya Black and Meloka Black had before
>Telepathically reach out, see if there's anything left in this void of a reality at all
>Try and summon back your Stand after powering down, see if it'll come back out without the Berserker Soul blazing out-of-control
>Other(write in)?
>>Open up your left and put one of those Time Rings on, then try and use it to return back to the timeline you'd left just like Amaya Black and Meloka Black had before
Perfect. Infinite Zamasu no more.
>Open up your left and put one of those Time Rings on, then try and use it to return back to the timeline you'd left just like Amaya Black and Meloka Black had before

So what do we want to call this new form of dragon force? Berserk Dragon Force, Blazing Dragon Force?
>Open up your left and put one of those Time Rings on, then try and use it to return back to the timeline you'd left just like Amaya Black and Meloka Black had before
>Use your wedding band's link to your wife's to reach out to her, to find her ki through it and teleport from this void back to her
I'm not entirely sure we can use those rings.
also even with GD messing up the rolls twice, this was hype as fuck.
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TZD accomplished.
>Open up your left and put one of those Time Rings on, then try and use it to return back to the timeline you'd left just like Amaya Black and Meloka Black had before
Ooh, can we keep it? Can we?
>>Open up your left and put one of those Time Rings on, then try and use it to return back to the timeline you'd left just like Amaya Black and Meloka Black had before
This or Telepathy has my vote.

Also what the fuck just happened. I get we ran into the Infinite Zamasu Dimension but still the hell.
the way I understand it, Zamasu had reached Apotheosis from fusing with himself and that's the result
It doesn't make any sense to me either, but I'm just glad its dead
That was the Zamasu that merged with everything in its reality and a Goku, Amaya, or whoever didn't have the Zen-Oh button. Zamasu won, conquering that entire time. Anyways:
Open up your left and put one of those Time Rings on, then try and use it to return back to the timeline you'd left just like Amaya Black and Meloka Black had before wins it. Let's see if this works, roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 35
Second DC: 75
Rolled 13, 89 = 102 (2d100)

Rolled 29, 42 = 71 (2d100)

Rolled 23, 34 = 57 (2d100)

Here We Go
Oh shit
Rolled 96, 58, 20 = 174 (3d100)

wrong die. not like it'll count since this looks like a bo3
Rolled 32, 46 = 78 (2d100)

Don't worry, guys, I got this. And just in time, too.
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It's still best of 4, you didn't lose your transformation. 96/100, 89/100. Let's see how this plays out, writing.
lets fuckin go
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Panting a bit in exhaustion, your power burned out, you still need to make it back. Then, suddenly, as you wonder on how you'll get back, you feel a weight in your left hand. Raising and opening it, you remember that you'd had the Time Rings in your hand. However, looking at what's left of them, you see that at least one of them is unusuable. Having not been paying attention to them, not focused on keeping them intact, you'd crushed them both. The flames of your Berserker Soul stripped them of all traces of divine power, you dropping the useless hunks of metal. But then you remember the third one, the one you'd taken from that Black wearing Kakarot's body. You then raise your left boot, taking it off and reaching in with your left hand, drawing out a still-intact ring. However, even this one, not crushed to uselessness in your hands didn't escape your blazing Berserker Soul's power unscathed.

“When did...?” you mutter, looking at it. The Time Ring, once a pristine silver has been seemingly scorched, its face mangled and the edges broken and melted. Yet from this ring you can still sense traces of the divine power within, hoping that it has enough to get you back home. So, you raise the ring to your right hand, only to stop as something else catches your eye. The ring on your right hand, one that you'd picked up from the M'lurnian Ruins, is no longer there. Burned away, leaving only a burn mark around your finger where it once was. “Huh. Oh well.”

Without any further hesitation you put the Time Ring over where that other ring once was, then with a thought attempt to channel your ki into it the same way you do with your blade. And as you do, the ring glows with a faint rainbow spectrum of light, reminding you of the Supreme Kai of Time's ki when you'd fought her. Suddenly you feel the ring tug against you. Almost as if it's trying to lead you somewhere. So you don't resist, letting it lead you. Turning around, it leads you back what you'd estimate to be a dozen or so yards before the ring glows once more, the light turning from rainbow to white before firing a beam of pure white light forth. Blinding in the void, the light then strikes, lightning crackling as a familiar tear in reality appears. The same tear that Amaya Black first appeared from, you grinning as it widens enough for you to go through. You did it.

Then, without hesitation charge forward, dashing into the tear through spacetime. Everything distorts once more, just as it had when you'd gone through Mechikabura's portal. But this time you can feel the entity of this between-place's focus entirely on you. The pressure of its gaze is even more intense than the entirety of that Zamasu realm trying to crush you into nothing.

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But before it can reach out or speak, or take any other actions, if it even can, you're back. Passing through that void and reappearing in Marron's world, to the shock and horror of the Black version of Chaya that had torn through reality with it's scythe.

“Wh-What? How?! Th-That's not possible!” she exclaims, taking one, two, three unconscious steps back. “What did you do?!”
“Simple. I crushed that reality.” you say, reaching up and taking the Time Ring back off, dropping it back into your boot. Remembering how it had suddenly started pulling Amaya Black back to it, you not wanting something similar to happen to you as you fight this body-snatcher. “You were right though, it was another universe. One where Zamasu had become everything.”

“Then, how-?” Black starts, clearly terrified. “No, no no no, this can't be happening. You CAN'T be this strong!”

In fear Black then ascends back into their Rosé form, powering up in fear. You can almost taste her terror. Which leaves just one question:

What do you do?
>Rush in and attack, unleash every ounce of power you've got left and crush this last one
>Try and bluff, take your stance and dare this one to attack or flee, if she thinks she can get away. Act strong, hoping your bravado will scare the cowardly Kai into fleeing instead of trying to attack you itself
>Reach out with your telekinesis and choke Black out, regenerator or not, if she passes out from asphyxiation she'll be far easier to handle
>Telepathically reach out to everyone, let them know you need help as soon as possible because you're almost completely out of power
>Raise your right hand to your forehead, tell this one that today is it's lucky day and you'll let it live before teleporting to Meloka to try and help her against the far weaker Zamasu instead
>Other(write in)?
>Reach out with your telekinesis and choke Black out, regenerator or not, if she passes out from asphyxiation she'll be far easier to handle
Maybe ask Bane for help fueling us with her fear.
>>Reach out with your telekinesis and choke Black out, regenerator or not, if she passes out from asphyxiation she'll be far easier to handle
I find your lack of faith disturbing
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>Reach out with your telekinesis and choke Black out, regenerator or not, if she passes out from asphyxiation she'll be far easier to handle
so what do you think sith karn's sith name was before he probably got ganked.
also heh my capcha was m00ks
How does a coward like Zamasu even think for a second he can be some "chosen one" when he needs to steal power to begin with? Truly this creature is a lamentable existence. Crying out for its death and destruction to free it from its own revolting existence. A filthy god inhabiting a far better and stolen mortal body. Thankfully Karn is here to bring such an abomination its just desserts. DAMN I LOVE BEING A BOOGEYMAN. Get fucked Zamasus.
>Telepathically reach out to everyone, let them know you need help as soon as possible because you're almost completely out of power
Time to leverage our greatest strength; OUR FUCKING HOMIES
Well, he is a kai through and through, if he were evil just because he'd be a demon. But all Zamasus end the same because it doesn't matter how pure of heart you are if you can't admit any wrongdoing. And the same happened to Chronoa.
>so what do you think sith karn's sith name was before he probably got ganked.
Darth Karnage obviously.
Reach out with your telekinesis and choke Black out, regenerator or not, if she passes out from asphyxiation she'll be far easier to handle wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 30
Second DC: 60
Third DC: ??
Rolled 8, 16, 100 = 124 (3d100)

save me bane
Rolled 70, 78, 23 = 171 (3d100)

Rolled 51, 9, 66 = 126 (3d100)

I wonder if Zamasu is even aware that Saiyans need air to live
Rolled 84, 87, 72 = 243 (3d100)

Rolled 2, 91, 26 = 119 (3d100)


BANE?! We're a big guy! WOO Hundo baby yeah
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84/100, 87/100, CRIT/100. Looks like you go a bit further, writing.
Karn doesn't get tired out fighting bitches like this.
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“I can't? And who decided that?” you ask, raising your right hand, squeezing your hand. Using your telekinesis, you reach out, grasping her by the throat. Cutting off her air, Chaya's stolen eyes widening as she realizes she can't breathe. “You? You think you're in charge of ANYTHING, that you, you fucking KAI, get to DECIDE?”
“Ack-! Gahk!” she chokes out, hands going to her throat. As if she could physically peel away your telekinetic grip with her hands. “Ghhrk-!!”
“That's right. You're starting to get it now, aren't you?” you ask, drifting a bit closer. “You feel it now, don't you? The creeping dread of your own mortality? Life flashing before your eyes?”

As you fly closer her face starts to change colors, fingers now clawing desperately at her throat as she struggles desperately to breathe. Fingers digging into her flesh hard enough to draw blood, but you don't relent. This monster stole your daughter's body, killed her with it, then killed who knows how many more on their sick rampage across timelines. That stops right here and now, you won't allow this monster to continue to live.

“Suffering? Good, good. I want your final moments to be agony, before you're sent down to hell where you belong.” you continue, drifting ever-closer. Now only two arms-lengths away, you raise your hand a bit higher, lifting the Kai in a Chaya skinsuit up to eye level, flailing desperately as she tries to break free of your grip. But with no air she has no strength, power fading. Even her transformation fades, the glow of her Rosé form fading away along with her rapidly-fading life. “You ruined my family in more timelines than I even know. I may not be able to save them, but I can sure as hell avenge them.”

“P-Please. M-M-Mercy.” Black mouths out the words, no longer able to make a sound. But seeing this, this monster, this... THING wearing your daughter's face and DARING to beg you for mercy, suddenly you feel something in your mind just... Snap.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 233 paused-
And that's it for tonight, did you enjoy the run? Were you expecting far more from Meloka Black, from someone so much more powerful than you? Or do you think the worst of Zamasu is yet to come? Ready to lose yourself to your anger, to give into your hate and perhaps learn something of the Berserker Soul along the way? All this and more, when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues at noon EST, 11 1/2 hours from now!
I am ready for HYPERVIOLENCE inKarnate.
>Or do you think the worst of Zamasu is yet to come?
I'm not worried about Zamasu no I'm much more worried about Zeno. we are creating a much bigger disturbance than the canon timeline.
I'm ready to indulge in some proper hyperviolence, it's been far too long. I just hope Meloka and Chaya are ok.
Be that as it may, this entire debacle is contained to the timelines that sprouted from our original one. It's worse than it was canonically, yes, but it shouldn't be enough to draw Zeno's attention, otherwise Mechikabura himself would have stepped in.
>Were you expecting far more from Meloka Black, from someone so much more powerful than you?
No, actually. We got a good enough track record when it comes to situations like this. It's surprising we are making breakthroughs even with how smoothly it all went. I imagine this is all part of Mechi's plan, getting Karn to realize his true potential and such.
Not quite, no hyperviolence this time thanks to the crit. Which is a good thing, as you'll see why soon enough.
Zen-Oh is currently unaware of ALL of this happening. Remember, Black kills the Supreme Kai before going down to the mortal realms of the universe. To ensure no Destroyer shows up to ruin his fun. And without a Supreme Kai, Destroyer, or Angel, who would tell Zen-Oh?
>I imagine this is all part of Mechi's plan, getting Karn to realize his true potential and such.
Quite possibly. But how will Karn react upon realizing this and confronting the Demon God about this? How will Mechi react to your questioning of him?
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I LOVED it. I'm very happy that our manhandling of the Zamasu army is going smoothly so far.
>Were you expecting far more from Meloka Black, from someone so much more powerful than you?
Well, if we were someone like Goku, then yeah. But Karn has a history of getting shit done. When it comes to enemies big and small, he doesn't play with his food when so much is at stake.
>Or do you think the worst of Zamasu is yet to come?
Unless he has another Big Green Gay Dimension, I don't feel too worried. If anything, he and his friends should be VERY worried. Tried and tested science has proved that your life expectancy drops by as much as 87% when around an angry Karn. And insurance doesn't cover Karn-related incidents either.
>Ready to lose yourself to your anger, to give into your hate and perhaps learn something of the Berserker Soul along the way?
The violence must continue.
Probably the same as usual, Karn will be pissed but we'll give him the benefit of the doubt since we kinda owe him, Mechikabura will promise he has very VERY good reasons for what he does and will eventually be proven right by the big threat in the future that everything is leading towards.
Karn's rage hit a bit of an overflow here, you're going to see a bit more of the Berserker Soul's potential.
Good. And yes, things have gone surprisingly well. Almost too well...
Any Zamasu with a stolen body that can hit Rosé and understands that anger is the key to Saiyan power can potentially open up another portal. But luckily there's only one more left of the initial wave, that being the Fused Zamasu Chaya's currently fighting. Or, at least WAS fighting, you have no idea how that went.
Not much violence, as the action has peaked for this one. But there's at least one Zamasu you need to finish off before leaving this time.
Potentially. But there are other ways this can go. Especially after that talk with Okira before, Karn now realizes that Mechikabura, had he cared to, could have gotten you involved much sooner and stopped Meloka Black from ever reaching that level of power. Or simply stepped in himself, and saved at least dozens of your families. This could affect the working relationship with Mechikabura as things unfold. Especially with the Berserker Soul BURNING OFF the Demon Seal, you don't have it anymore.
>he doesn't play with his food when so much is at stake.
I think it's more that Goku's idea of dealing with his enemies is "I'm gonna beat you up!" whereas Karn's is "I'm going to hit you with my ford f-150 at 80 mph TWICE".
counterpoint, he has also gave us the option of dealing with a threat before it grew, and we chose the other two options. we also helped him crush the will of copies of our adopted son so he could use them as soldiers. so other than it being a dick move not to inform us of the risk beforehand it is not something he hasn't done before.
>ford f-150
Nah, more like he comes in with an Abrams and empties the rack.
That is entirely true. But that was for a problem in your own timeline, not someone else's. Karn hasn't hesitated to save his family in other times. As for Broly, Karn understands on an instinctual level that, once someone's lost to the Berserker Soul, -they- are gone and only it remains. As we see in movie canon with Broly from his first film to second. The mind control Paragus hit him with kept the Berserker Soul at bay, but once he broke free of it that was gg.
>Nah, more like he comes in with an Abrams and empties the rack.
Best I can give a redneck like him is a RAM or a Toyota Hilux with bolted on bump rack. I don't make the rules, I just follow them.
>Especially after that talk with Okira before, Karn now realizes that Mechikabura, had he cared to, could have gotten you involved much sooner and stopped Meloka Black from ever reaching that level of power.
I get that he's a DEMON God and unscrupulous by nature, but like, why? I'm assuming that dipping your toes into timeline shenanigans always has a ripple effect, and Karn stepping in ASAP could've had ripples too massive to account for. Then again, we could just be making the same choices that led to everything getting annihilated at the end of time
No kill quite like overkill.
>Her fans BELIEVE she can regenerate hard enough, now she can.
Wow. To have that many fans believe in you so hard that you get such buff is truly something. This means she must be universe wide popular. Which leads to a question. I mean she probably is massively profitable for Vox. Where all this money goes to? Is Chaya rich or is Vox taking 99.99 % of the money?
>Once you become a deity through worship, the beliefs of your worshippers define you.
So if theoretically all her fans started meming that Chaya likes to eat tomatoes and that it is her favorite food. And this meme would became really popular and almost all of her fans would believe in it. Would tomatoes suddenly became Chaya’s favorite food even if theoretically she did not like them before? Would that happen because belief of her whorshipers defined her?
>“Divine Dragon Force. We're going in.” you say, squaring up to the wound in reality oozing that pink smoke
Things are getting crazy.
>Your own Berserker Soul's fire burns bright, completely destroying the Demon Seal upon you.
I wonder what Mechikabura will say about this.
>With a roar your Stand bursts forth, no longer a crimson-scaled reptillian being. But now your Stand is made of the flames of the Berserker Soul, eyes blazing as you both understand what must be done.
Wow. I wonder what will be consequences of this.
>Ooh, can we keep it? Can we?
I think yes.
>Zamasu won, conquering that entire time.
So all of it was just Zamasu? He was content with everything being Zamasu? Not making the new universe by Zamasu ™? Did the justice he talked about ended up being destroying everything except himself?
>The ring on your right hand, one that you'd picked up from the M'lurnian Ruins, is no longer there. Burned away, leaving only a burn mark around your finger where it once was.
What a heat it must have been, to melt the metal.
>Darth Karnage obviously.
Good one.
>And that's it for tonight, did you enjoy the run?
Yes, very much. Crazy episode.
>Were you expecting far more from Meloka Black
We had perfect dice rolls against her. If we did not it would probably turn into a fight where she wins.
>Or do you think the worst of Zamasu is yet to come?
They seem unpredictable to me honestly.
>Karn's rage hit a bit of an overflow here, you're going to see a bit more of the Berserker Soul's potential.
I can’t wait.
>tfw zamasu fucked up so bad he actually set off zero kais plan giga rage button in karns head
And this is exactly why zero kais is a thing, fucking incompetent idiots.
Welp....Boi got a replacement. Suffer not a Zamasu to live. Make. Them. End.
So the Crit was to control our Calm Rage? Sweet.
It felt rather lackluster because the story has been hyping Meloka Black for so long. Given all the work that had to be done to prepare for her, it just felt underwhelming that she would fold that easily. She didn't even go SSR Full Power. But the dice made the call, so it is what it is.

Does that mean Teal Karn is finally a thing or should I not give my hopes up since we've probably taken the Ultra Supervillain path?
Ultra Supervillain? Did you not read the posts? We BURNED away Supervillain. Its not there anymore.
Yeah, but I figure it would come back in some form in a new name or we get a new one from Towa/Mechakbura cause why wouldn't we?
We aren't beating the dbz fans cant fucking read or think allegations are we? Buddy. If we put out enough raw power to destroy the demon seal, applied by Mechi himself, what is the point in trying to put it back on?
Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, didn't we? Look, that thing has been a clutch for numerous amount of our battles, including this one. If we can still use the gains that the power provided without the seal then fine that's good, but if the seal is vital to it then why deprive yourself of one of your best weapons from your arsenal just cause the seal came from Mechi. If its simply a trust issue then just get one from Towa or something.
You forget: redneck GENERAL.
True, we have no idea yet. Perhaps if confronting Mechikabura about this is something you choose to do you’ll learn more?
>Where all this money goes to? Is Chaya rich or is Vox taking 99.99 % of the money?
Yes and yes. Putting most of it into R&D for stronger and stronger courses, as Chaya wants the challenge. Chaya herself has no need of the money, she gets whatever she wants regardless so what good is cash?
Quite possibly. The believers define the deity, after all. Unless she directly contradicts such a thing, causing a schism where roughly equal parts believe the meme and don’t which would lead to no change.
Mechikabura will be impressed, after all he changed the seal specifically to withstand this.
He is one of the most narcissistic deities to have existed. If everything is him, would he not think it perfect?
This ride is about to get crazier.
Yes, incompetent is a good word for most Zamasu. Arrogant and ignorant are a few more.
No. The crit was for something else, you’ll see.
She wasn’t ready, and her arrogance for underestimating you got her killed. Had she taken you seriously from the start, you would have been in trouble. But she thought you, like other Karn before you combining those two would burn out in a minute, leaving you helpless. She didn’t know of Mechikabura’s involvement or tweaking the seal to better withstand this power.
No, neither is quite true. Not yet.
That...dude, you were talking about being forced to take the supervillain path out of nowhere when we just proved we got strong enough to burn it off
Ha! But if Zamasu is now Boi, that means we're going to be seeing him a lot more at the most inconvenient times.
While you could possibly get a replacement, Mechikabura didn't see you breaking this one as a possibility. Which was the whole point of the upgrade, so it wasn't destroyed if you completely surrendered yourself to your burning rage. But, in other news:

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As the pitiful, worthless Kai hiding in your daughter's stolen body begs for mercy, suddenly, you can TASTE the Zamasu's fear, his overwhelming terror in the face of death. His pathetic begging stokes the embers of your Berserker Soul, bringing the flames of your hatred blazing back to a raging intensity as your Berserker God aura blazing back to life around you. And you completely lose it.


Anger blazing to white-hot intensity as you scream at her, you keep squeezing until there's suddenly a pop, Zamasu's stolen body suddenly going limp everywhere below the neck. But the monster keeps trying to speak, mouth moving and eyes blinking, desperate to live. But you show the god no mercy, tightening your grip even more. Until, as you keep getting closer your hand physically wraps around her neck, closing down tighter and tighter until the flesh tears, bones cracking as your grip alone decapitates the stolen body. The pressure shoots the head off a few inches before it starts falling to the ground, rapidly disintegrating as it does. You continue holding the body for several seconds, glaring at it. But when it doesn't start regenerating you toss it to the ground, chest heaving as you take in one ragged breath after another. That's another one down, but you need more. You NEED more!

“G-Grandpa?” a scared voice calls, you drinking in its fear before seeing it as you turn. However, as you do, the face isn't another Zamasu, or one of them wearing one of your family's faces. No, this face is different, with bigger eyes and no nose. But as you see this noseless face, suddenly, you recognize it. You recognize HER.
“M-Marron?” you say, and as the realization dawns, the white-hot wrath of your Berserker Soul immediately fades away. You feel your strength start to plummet as well, your body shrinking as you transform back down into your base form. “What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be saving your people?”

“I already saved them. Those who were left anyways.” she replies, her tone suddenly sad. Sadder. “It was only a day, but that, that monster. She killed most of the people who were left, I could only save eighty three people.”

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And at this news, for a moment your Berserker Soul wants to blaze once more in outrage. To hunt down another Zamasu and make them PAY, to make their end even more painful and drawn-out than the last one's! But, before you can, Marron's strength fails, your granddaughter breaking down into tears. No longer able to hold them back. And before you can even think, you move. Rushing to her, gently embracing your granddaughter. Holding her to you as she cries, her stoic resolve crumbling.

“I-I should have done more! I should have been here, protecting them! They were counting on me, and now so many are dead!” she cries, her tears fully extinguishing the Berserker Soul's burning rage. But as you hold her, doing your best to comfort her, your rage changes. No longer the white-hot burning, mindless anger it was before. But this anger is cool, calculating, deadly. You're going to make Zamasu, EVERY Zamasu pay for this. For hurting your granddaughter in this way, along with all your other families they hurt. No matter what it takes.

But you don't say anything of your own thoughts, instead you simply hold and comfort your granddaughter. Soothing her as she cries, her feeling of failure overwhelming her for several moments. You let her cry until she has no more tears to shed, then with a sniffle pulls herself back. You let her go, Marron wiping her face with her sleeve before meeting your gaze, seeming... Lost.

“What now?” she asks you. Which is a really good question. Before you answer her, you reach out with your ki sense, taking stock of the situation. Your daughter's power is nowhere near what it was when you'd left, and can sense her fighting a single Zamasu. Your wife is still fighting the Zamasu surrounding her as well, but now you sense her power has been quartered. No doubt using the Multiform to fight each of them one-on-one, keeping the little godlings occupied. But there are no more stolen bodies present on the battlefield, all that's left are Zamasu. Which just leaves one question:

What do you do?
>Head over to Meloka, try and summon your Stand to start killing the Zamasu with its power
>Fly to Chaya, tell her to stop playing around and end this, then all of you go help Meloka
>Head back through the portal with Marron, ask Towa to borrow her god-slaying spear. You aren't sure Divine Dragon Force has anything left today, and you need a surefire way to kill these last little godlings
>Telepathically call to Meloka and Chaya, tell them mission's done and time to leave. You're not sure if you can bring Divine Dragon Force back out and they're immortal, best to just leave
>Other(write in)?
>>Telepathically call to Meloka and Chaya, tell them mission's done and time to leave. You're not sure if you can bring Divine Dragon Force back out and they're immortal, best to just leave
>>Fly to Chaya, tell her to stop playing around and end this, then all of you go help Meloka
Now it's your turn to carry the team
>Head over to Meloka, try and summon your Stand to start killing the Zamasu with its power
>Head over to Meloka, try and summon your Stand to start killing the Zamasu with its power
Switching to this, I think Chaya can clutch the 1v1 still.
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See? It only counts unique people's posts as 'new' posts with the auto-updater. I knew one of you weren't real before. Anyways:

Head over to Meloka, try and summon your Stand to start killing the Zamasu with its power wins it. Let's see if DDF's still got it, or if your Stand's out of gas. Roll me a 5d100, and back to best of 3s now.

First DC: 45
Second DC: ??
Third DC: 25
Fourth DC: 60
Fifth DC: 40
Rolled 16, 93, 6, 59, 45 = 219 (5d100)

Rolled 63, 35, 72, 40, 67 = 277 (5d100)

I don't get it
Rolled 47, 86, 57, 16, 44 = 250 (5d100)

>See? It only counts unique people's posts as 'new' posts with the auto-updater. I knew one of you weren't real before.
Now I understand.
>I don't get it
There are 4 new posts but it "says" near the internet browser icon on the taskbar that the number of new posts is only 3.
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63/100, 93/100, 72/100, 59/100, 67/100. Success, very high mystery, success, very narrow failure, and success. Impressive, seems Divine Dragon Force isn't done quite yet. Writing.
Rolled 15, 10, 70, 92, 84 = 271 (5d100)

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“Now? Now we help Meloka.” you tell her, patting her on the head before turning to your wife. Drawing upon your remaining strength, aura lighting up slightly as you take off towards her. Marron follows behind, not quite able to catch up to you as you take off towards your wife. And after a few seconds' flight you see her, all four of her battling the four Zamasu. And, were they not immortal, she would have bested them long ago. As you approach you see her carving off limbs, decapitating them, doing what damage she can without taking so much as a single scratch from Zamasus' blades. But no matter what damage she does to them, they all immediately regenerate between her attacks. They're no longer even fighting on the ground, having taken to the air due to the sheer quantity of sliced off body parts littering the ground below. But you see the nearest Zamasu is fighting with their back to you, so without hesitation you charge. Closing the gap near-silently, not speaking until you're almost in striking range. “Divine Dragon Force!”

“GRRRRRRR!” your Stand growls, sounding more tired than usual as it appears around your right fist. No longer the flaming dragon it was before, DDF has reverted back to its usual crimson-scaled appearance. But, upon seeing the Zamasu you're charging at, your Stand lets out a more fearsome roar. “GRRROOOAAAAR!”
“Wh-What?!” the Zamasu fighting your wife exclaims, turning towards you. Only to hafe your fist and Stand slammed into his chest, punching straight through the god. “Guah?!”
“GRRRRRRRR!!” your Stand growls once more, binding the Zamasu and bringing its head up level with the godling.

“Wh-What is this? What manner of creature is-?” Zamasu asks, you cutting him off.
“Kill him.” you say, Divine Dragon Force's eyes flashing. Not with a blinding burst of emerald light, but barely a flicker of emerald power. However, your Stand still has more than enough power, the Zamasu before you beginning to disintegrate.
“No, this-! This can't be!” he exclaims, eyes wide with terror as he is reduced to nothing. The Meloka and Zamasu all stop fighting, everyone watching the one Zamasu as it is erased from reality. However, from your vantage point, you also notice something else. From the pile of body parts on the ground, you watch as nearly a quarter of them are all erased as well. Seems the Zamasu had all still been connected to their severed pieces, much like the immortal Meloka Black was. “I cannot die, not here! Not to a ninge-!”

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And just like that, the one Zamasu vanishes entirely. Leaving no traces of its ki behind, completely erasing it. Which terrifies the monsters, all three immediately raising their right hands. Only to see that their hands, each one regenerated countless times by your wife cutting them off, no longer wear their Time Rings.

“So, which one of you is next?” you ask, the three all immediately dashing in different directions, trying to escape. Only for your wife, all four of her to dash after three of the Zamasu, kicking them all back towards you. “ONE MORE!”
“GRRRRRRRAAAAAA!!” your Stand snarls as you swing, piercing through the first one. The second Zamasu, however, seeing your swing coming simply vanishes. Disappearing without a trace, your Stand passing through empty air before slamming into the third as well. Hitting two of them with your attack, you don't hesitate, ordering your Stand to kill them as well. Divine Dragon Force's eyes flash with a hint of emerald fire, and once more the Zamasu begin disintegrating. Their screams are cathartic, soothing your hate and smoldering rage as they vanish as well. But then, once the two are finishes your Stand lets out a long, tired sigh, vanishing as well. Seems Divine Dragon Force can't continue.

“Are you alright?” your wife asks, all four speaking simultaneously before merging back into one. Her blue-eyed gaze full of concern as she looks to you.
“Yeah. I-I'm just tapped out.” you reply with a sigh, then gesture down. “Come on. We need to gather those Time Rings as well, can't leave them laying about.”
“I'll do that, you should go rest.” your wife replies, but before she can move you both sense it. Chaya's power suddenly plummets, returning to her base form while that other Zamasu she's fighting is still there. This could be trouble.

Well? What do you do?
>Send Meloka to help Chaya, to get your daughter and go back through the portal while you and Marron grab the Time Rings below. You're done here, time to get out before more Zamasu or worse start showing up
>Telepathically tell Chaya to leave, to get out and return through the portal. That the mission's over and it's time to leave
>Tell Meloka to grab Chaya and Instant Transmission to you as you and Marron return to the portal. Then once you're all together escape, leaving the Time Rings and that last Zamasu alive as well
>Other(write in)?
>>Telepathically tell Chaya to leave, to get out and return through the portal. That the mission's over and it's time to leave
Don't like leaving these fuckers alive but what can you do
>>Send Meloka to help Chaya, to get your daughter and go back through the portal while you and Marron grab the Time Rings below. You're done here, time to get out before more Zamasu or worse start showing up
>Teleport to Chaya and execute the Zamasu, tell Meloka and Marron to get the time rings and keep and eye out for the last Zamasu.
No more screams, just the dead kais.
>and execute the Zamasu
With what? Your Stand is exhausted and can no longer fight, you have no active tools to kill an immortal with now.
>Send Meloka to help Chaya, to get your daughter and go back through the portal while you and Marron grab the Time Rings below. You're done here, time to get out before more Zamasu or worse start showing up
>Telepathically tell Chaya to leave, to get out and return through the portal. That the mission's over and it's time to leave
The spirit is willing, but the body is exhausted. Lets take a nap back home.
I hope we don't get bogged down with other stuff to do while we take a breather. Actually, can't we just head home, rest up, and then use the time rings to swoop back in like nothing happened and turbomurder that last Zamasu?
>Draw upon the power in your Soulstone, funneling it into yourself and into Divine Dragon Force. You're not stopping here. Not while they're still alive.
>last Zamasu
Where, or perhaps WHEN do you think the other Zamasu fled to? Just ran away? Or went to get reinforcements? Anyways:

And you guys managed to tie the vote, so leaving it open for another ten minutes before I possibly roll tiebreaker.
Ah fuck. Changing to
>Send Meloka to help Chaya, to get your daughter and go back through the portal while you and Marron grab the Time Rings below. You're done here, time to get out before more Zamasu or worse start showing up
I keep forgetting about that nifty soulstone. Oh well, best not to push our luck when we've done so much today. The enemy is basically crippled, we'll finish the job when we catch our breath first.
Rolled 80, 45 = 125 (2d100)

Send Meloka to help Chaya, to get your daughter and go back through the portal while you and Marron grab the Time Rings below. You're done here, time to get out before more Zamasu or worse start showing up wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 45
Second DC: ??
Rolled 80, 42 = 122 (2d100)

Damn. I made my write-in too late to convince more folks it seems.
Rolled 22, 94 = 116 (2d100)

Rolled 33, 43 = 76 (2d100)

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Probably for the best. Last thing you want is to get caught with not even enough power on your own to transform anymore against the entire rest of the Zamasu on Meloka Black's side.

80/100, 94/100. Success and a very high mystery, writing.
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“Mel, go help Chaya. We'll gather the time rings and meet you both by the portal.” you say, your wife nodding and taking off. Leaving a trail of her azure Super Saiyan Blue aura in her wake as she flies. You then turn to Marron, flying down towards the ground. “Mind helping me out? We need to take these Time Rings, can't leave them to these guys.”
“Uhh, r-right.” Marron replies, following you to the ground where the pile of parts from that one Zamasu still exist. Where you start tossing legs, bodies and heads aside, looking for the Time Rings. Knowing that they are no doubt in here somewhere, probably at the bottom, you keep tossing bleeding body parts aside. Marron, while making a few disgusted noises does the same, being a bit more careful not to drip the gods' blood on her as she does. But then you find one, still attached to the arm. And so you pull it up, taking the ring off the finger.

“Here, this is what they look like.” you say, tossing the ring to your granddaughter underhand. She catches it, looking at the ring as she turns it over in her hands. “Should be two more.”
“Got it.” she replies, you both digging deeper into the pile. Seconds tick by agonizingly slowly, seconds turning into a minute before your granddaughter then shouting. “Got one!”
“I found the third. Only one left.” you say, throwing more and more pieces of carved godling aside. You and Marron make your way through the piles of parts, getting closer towards the 'middle'. Then as you throw a half-torso, right arm still attached aside, suddenly Marron shouts. You look up as she flies over, reaching down where that body part was, plucking a ring from the ground and holding it up proudly.

“That's four!” she says, beaming.
“Good work. Now, let's get out of here.” you tell her, your granddaughter taking to the air.
“I know the way, follow me.” she says, you nodding, lifting up into the air and following her. She leads you back to the large, dome-like building you'd seen upon arriving here, then follow Marron as she turns, dropping from the air to the ground by Mechikabura's portal. “We're here.”

“Let's go, that won't hold him long!” Meloka shouts, Chaya hot on her tail and even Krillin as well as the three all fly down to you. “Hun, you and Marron go first. I'll bring up the rear.”
“Understood.” you tell her, and without hesitation step forward into the portal. Where, once more, reality twists and distorts, the order of reality breaking down into nonsense once more. And, once more, you feel something turn its attention on you.

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In the void between reality, whatever lurks this place turns its focus fully on you. Its gaze is far more intense than the pressure from the entire realm of Zamasu trying to crush you. Whatever this, this THING is, you can feel it watching you. While your instincts are screaming that, in this place between realms where up is down, light is dark and the void is both blindingly bright and without light simultaneously that whatever this entity is, it could crush you in an instant by complete accident. But you also know that, at least for now, it doesn't mean you any direct harm. ALLOWING you to pass through its realm, back into your own timeline. Where you step through the portal, emerging back onto the planet called Earth. However, things aren't as they'd been when you'd left.

“Woah.” you say, surprised at the almost two score people gathered on the plateau, the triclops and scarred warriors whose energy you can't sense standing between them and the portal. Closer to you stand Ace and Future Chaya, Trunks helping Aeos as the crowd approach each of them one at a time.
“Most impressive, Karn. I could sense your power from-” he starts, then freezes. You turn to the Demon God to your right, only to see him staring down at your right hand. Specifically, the back of your hand, where the Demon Seal was once placed. “What... Happened?”

In his hesitation you get the feeling he wants to say more, but is keeping his true feelings about what he witnessed hidden. Which just leaves one question:

Well? What now?
>Tell him you'll trade, you'll tell him what happened if he tells you why nothing was done about Meloka Black sooner. Why so many of your family were butchered, when he could have saved them
>Explain what happened in the Zamasu realm, as well as how your Berserker Soul also seemingly melted the Time Rings you'd had on you at the time as well
>Ask first why this operation was so late happening, your family could have used your help long ago in those other timelines
>Tell him first that you have a question, taking the undamaged Time Rings and asking what should be done with all of them first
>Other(write in)?
>>Tell him you'll trade, you'll tell him what happened if he tells you why nothing was done about Meloka Black sooner. Why so many of your family were butchered, when he could have saved them
That was a trip... Not entirely perfect and we lost the Time Breaker Seal. And the champion's covenant ring which was nice but not too important.
>>Tell him you'll trade, you'll tell him what happened if he tells you why nothing was done about Meloka Black sooner. Why so many of your family were butchered, when he could have saved them
Karn is in no fucking mood to be charitable, not after all that.
>>Tell him you'll trade, you'll tell him what happened if he tells you why nothing was done about Meloka Black sooner. Why so many of your family were butchered, when he could have saved them
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Rolled 47 (1d100)

Tell him you'll trade, you'll tell him what happened if he tells you why nothing was done about Meloka Black sooner. Why so many of your family were butchered, when he could have saved them wins unanimously. No roll this time, writing.
>Tell him you'll trade, you'll tell him what happened if he tells you why nothing was done about Meloka Black sooner. Why so many of your family were butchered, when he could have saved them
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Staring the Demon God down, seeing him be genuinely surprised for the first time you can remember, you remember back to the conversation you'd had with your daughter. And as you remember back, remembering how many of your families had to suffer before you were brought in to fix this, you feel your anger rising. But you keep it under control, addressing Mechikabura directly.

“I'll trade you.” you reply, Mechikabura's eyes widening a split-second before they narrow, the Demon God raising a single brow at your words. “I'll tell you what happened. When you tell me why nothing was done about Meloka Black before now. Why so many of my family were butchered, when you had the power to stop her before she took the first life.”
“I see. Very well, I shall explain.” he says, snapping the fingers on his right hand. Instantly, you can no longer hear anything else, reality freezing around the two of you as he speaks. “The long and the short of it is, I was trying to draw HER out. I know Chronoa's the one behind this, Zamasu don't organize into such large groups on their own. And only she has the skill and knowledge to move through the timelines so efficiently, and also the status that not only would Zamasu recognize her authority, but follow her order to rally into such a large group. Had I shut them down earlier, she would have simply slipped back into that alternate realm where I cannot pursue her.”

“So instead you used me as bait? Sending me in, sending my granddaughter to me so I'd get involved only when you were ready, is that it?” you ask, your Berserker Soul's burned out embers rekindling with your anger. However, his next words freeze you in place.
“I wasn't the one who sent her here.” he says, your blood running cold. “I had not intended for you to become involved in this conflict at all. However, SOMEONE sent her to you. I have inspected the Time Machine myself, and I know without a shadow of a doubt it no longer functions. Whoever sent your granddaughter to you, it wasn't the machine.”
“Wait wait wait, you mean-?” you say, unable to finish the thought.

“Yes. Chronoa is the one who sent her here to you, baiting you into become involved in this before you were ready once her own 'champion' was strong enough to best you.” he says, voice solemn. “I did what I could to keep you out of this conflict, to keep your family safe from this. Who do you think kept your timeline hidden from all of those Zamasu? Kept you all unaffected and out of the conflict? I was worried how you would deal fighting beings wearing the faces of your family, that it would be too great a burden and wished to spare you from this. But it seems that, while I wasn't diligent enough and Chronoa found a way through regardless, you were stronger than I'd hoped.”

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“I... I had no idea.” you say, genuinely stunned by the Demon God's admission. To which he sighs, for the first time since he regained his youth, for just a moment, you once more see him as the ancient, wizened creature you'd first seen him as. “Thank you.”
“Bah, don't thank me. Had I succeeded and kept you out of this conflict until I were ready to send you in to wherever Chronoa has hidden once more, then I would accept your thanks.” he says, waving you off. “But, nevertheless, the sentiment is appreciated. So, what happened in there? How did you manage to destroy that improved seal?”

“Where to start?” you ask, more rhetorically than directly, telling the Demon God everything that happened. How you'd bested Meloka Black, completely killing her as well as several others before going into that alternate dimension where all was Zamasu. “But once I cut loose, my memories get kinda... Fuzzy. I do know, however, that it wasn't only the seal that was burned away. My power also destroyed two of the Time Rings, and damaged this one too.”

Raising your right, showing him the mangled remains of the Time Ring on your right hand as well as your now-clear right hand's back.

“This one was in my boot, which I think is why it survived. I had two in my left hand, but they were crushed and melted beyond use, not even a hint of power left to them, so I left them there in that void. After killing that Zamasu, there was nothing left, as it had turned the entire reality into itself.” you continue, taking off the melted Time Ring. However, as you do, the burn mark from where your other old ring was is gone, and peering inside the ring, you see it has seemingly stuck to that ring instead of your hand. “Then I managed to use this Time Ring to get back out, the same way Amaya Black chased down Marron into this time.”

“I see. And your power, besting the entirety of this Zamasu realm, you're sure?” he asks, you nodding.
“I couldn't sense anything else there, it looked like another void when Zamasu died.” you say, Mechikabura bringing a hand to his chin. Stroking it as he clearly thinks things over. As he does, you remember something else, opening your left hand to reveal the other Time Rings you'd grabbed before escaping. “I also got these from some of the last Zamasu, Marron has two more and I dunno how many Meloka has.”
“Very good work, Karn.” the Demon God says, giving you a genuine-seeming smile. “You have done well.”

And with a snap, time starts to move once more.

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“Excellent work.” he says, the previous seriousness of his tone vanishing as he addresses you and Marron. Chaya and Krillin then come through the portal, followed by Meloka. Then, with a wave of his hand Mechikabura closes the portal, severing the link between your timeline and Marron's once more. “You all have done well.”
“Thank you, Lord Mechikabura.” you say, giving the Demon God a proper Saiyan salute. While you and he don't always see eye-to-eye, after your little talk you know he isn't acting maliciously towards your family. He was, in his own way, looking out for you all.

“I shall take the Time Rings gathered by you all, and properly dispose of them.” he continues, then with a smirk adds. “Except that one, that ring is too damaged to be used anymore. Feel free to keep it.”
“Wait, that's a Time Ring?” your daughter Chaya asks, following the Demon God's gaze to your right hand. “Woah, that ring looks fried! What happened?”
“Where to begin?” you reply to your daughter, opening your left again and holding out the undamaged Time Rings. Your wife puts three more in your hand, Marron adding two as well. With a nod, Mechikabura uses his telekinesis to grab the rings from your hand, levitating them all to him where they hover over his right palm. “Things happened.”

“Well done, warriors. Rest now, you have done well.” he tells you, then turns to Aeos and Trunks, calling over to them. “I shall leave the rest in your hands.”
“Very well.” Aeos replies without even looking up, Mechikabura nodding to her before turning to Ace and Future Chaya.
“You two should stay as well, for now. You have earned a break too.” the Demon God says, then without waiting for an answer opens one of his portals. Which several of the citizens of Marron's world start muttering about, the Demon God stepping through and vanishing. Leaving you all standing around, unsure of what to do next. That is, until a certain someone speaks up.

“Hey, who's hungry?” the short bald man Krillin asks you and your family, all of you turning to him. “I know this great 'all you can eat' place not too far from here, how about we all go have a victory celebration? My treat.”

And as he says this, not only you, but Marron, Chaya, and even Meloka's stomachs all growl in agreement. To which you laugh, everyone joining in as well. While the threat of this Zamasu alliance is far from over, you won a great victory today. Now, it is time to rest and recover, before preparing for the next threat. Who knows when the next threat for your family will come? But what you do know is that, whatever happens, you'll do whatever it takes to protect them.


-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 233 End-
And that's all for this episode, everyone enjoy the ride? Curious what other tricks and warriors the remaining Zamasu have up their sleeves? Ready to return home, to perhaps see what you missed in the last month? Perhaps even discover what King Vegeta ended up sending Bardock, Leyas, and Sarada after? Did you enjoy the battle, seeing a bit more of the Berserker Soul's potential as well as the depths of your rage? Curious if the damaged Time Ring you now wield has any special powers, or if it is simply a mangled, useless ring now? And are you ready to drive some poor business owner on earth to tears, having to feed FIVE Saiyans? All this and more, next time on Saiyan Conqueror Quest!
>“Hey, who's hungry?”
They're lucky they just got folded into the PTO, otherwise they might have to deal with the imminent food shortage by their lonesome.
I won't lie, the ring does have me curious. I'm sure it has some potential even if it is damaged. It's a genuine divine artifact after all.
Don't you mean five and a half saiyans? And a midget? Made of metal? Metalgit? Midtal? Hm.
Ha! Curious how the locals will like foreign space food? And how Earth food influences the PTO? Silver may have competition.
Notice carefully that the Time Ring took the remains of Karn's previous ring with it as he pulled the ring off. Wonder what that means...?
Karn, Meloka, Chaya, Future Chaya, Ace, and Marron. True, five and a half. But for her appetite that may as well be 6. And Krillin only has a normal human appetite
>And Krillin only has a normal human appetite
Bet he can drink gasoline or motor oil.
Yeah, but in honour of Australia Day, I should note that Aboriginals do that, too

Australians are not mere humans, though.
Actually no. Or not to his knowledge anyways. While some of his organs were replaced upon becoming an android, mainly from the damage he sustained, he still eats normal food. Although, he could probably tank it. After all, he hasn't really pushed the limits of his artificial organs.
So how high do we think Zamasu is on Karn's shitlist? In my opinion, he's #1. Think about all the enemies Karn had to face in this quest. I'd say most of them were our enemies because the circumstances were a matter of survival and/or revenge, like the alien worlds Karn and his crew invaded, and the beef between other factions like the Covenant and the Time Patrol. Individually, the people Karn had to face were also warriors like him who had to fight to live, like the Arbiter. And while Nefarious was a complete and utter pain-in-your-ass, stupidly hard to kill thorn in our side that went beyond the grave to fuck us over more than once, at the end of the day you could put Karn in his shoes and see him doing the exact same thing. The more morally bankrupt ones like Trigon and Babidi who wanted to wreck everything and rule over the rubble weren't as personally invested in us when it came to their goals (until we got in their way). Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time, and her Time Patrol has caused us and our family mountains of destruction and grief, from nuking timelines to giving Future Chaya her shitty future by preventing Towa's meddling. All of that happened because it is the Supreme Kai of Time's job and by extension the Time Patrol's job to make sure time doesn't fray at the seams and crash existence. And the nature of the job meant that our supremely fucked up timeline was a blight on the timelines that got bigger and harder to remove. They don't exactly relish our suffering, but believe it to be their duty to fix our timeline and defeat us, the "timebreakers".

But I think it's Zamasu's motives and scale that puts him at the very top. Zamasu hates mortals for being violent, unintelligent and in his eyes "sullying the gift of creation", so his solution is complete genocide. His "Zero Mortal Plan" is entirely selfish and destructive, much like Babidi's, but the scale of his actions spanned several timelines worth, all originating from our own. And due to our power as a mortal, being willing & able to dunk on gods like nobody's business, we are his personal Satan. He killed dozens upon dozens of our alternative selves and their friends and families, causing both massive AND personal destruction, death, and grief to us. He bodyjacked us and people we know, and used those faces to destroy our loved ones. He takes great pleasure in his work, and his intense hatred of mortal life & sheltered Kai upbringing are so different to our values that it comes across as unbelievably barbaric, and Karn conquers planets for a living. No Karn dead or alive could conceive of it, much less follow it. He is not a warrior, but a cowardly and miserable wretch that got lucky. There's no respect, no understanding, no pity for this creature. Only contempt and fury.
To date, Zamasu has made Karn the angriest. Well, second-angriest, as someone else pushed Karn just a little harder face-to-face. But we don't talk about that being, not while his daughter's still out there plotting on your downfall.
He deserved worse than he got.
>But we don't talk about that being, not while his daughter's still out there plotting on your downfall.
Come on, Raven isn't like that. Be serious Geedi.
not arguing this. I mean, objectively he's the biggest bad in db. That i know from the main series at least
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>But we don't talk about that being, not while his daughter's still out there plotting on your downfall
True, but how often do beings truly get what they deserve in the mortal realm? Zamasu's fate will be worse in the afterlife.
There is one who pushed Karn further and angrier, and it was a relatively short time ago.
No, we mock Trigon for getting too big for his britches. I meant a more... godly demon.
The most existential, that's for sure. Not many have become one with a universe.
Are you forgetting what happened after conquering Conton City so soon? The scene you returned to after what should have been a great victory?
>godly demon.
Ozzy? What'd we do to piss his daughter off?
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No. One who wielded the power of the Demon God's Dark Factor, at least part of it.
oh yeah, THAT guy. What the FUCK was his problem
>The scene you returned to after what should have been a great victory?
I try to forget.
Anyways, I sometimes forget Puddin exists, and also how fucking dumb she can be at times.
I'm pretty sure that is just Ozzy when you take him coke away. Like, 86.32% sure. I mean he's got the same empty eyes.
For as well as he got along with his contemporaries, he operated on an entirely different wavelength than you, I, or any other mortal being.
That said, Puddin feeling strongly enough about us erasing him to plot our downfall suggests she might have what he lacked.
I mean, I know partially why he did it, but what the fuck dude? On the handy-dandy list of Do's and Do Not's when dealing with Karn, that was a major No Bueno.
In time, the horror fades, but it can't be forgotten. There still hasn't been a birthday clown since The Incident.
>There still hasn't been a birthday clown since The Incident.
That's fine. Clowns taste funny anyway.
>I mean, I know partially why he did it, but what the fuck dude?
He thought he could get away with it and have his best friend all to himself again, like we were his favorite toy that had been taken away. It's hard for me to say this, especially about something so mercilessly calculated, but Dumplin was...naive. Childishly so.
Where to begin?
Tomi still hasn't forgotten. And while she's mostly over it and healed, physically, psychically and mentally, she was affected the worst by that.
No, Ozotto doesn't hold a CANDLE to that monster.
He was simply wrong. Not a being that should exist, one from beyond reality.
She's got vengeance on the mind. May take a thousand years to prepare, but one day she will be ready. If she can ever stay focused on one objective long enough without getting distracted.
It would have been fine if you never found out it was him. And he would have got his friend back, at least that was his plan.
>like we were his favorite toy that had been taken away
A very good analogy.
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>No, Ozotto doesn't hold a CANDLE to that monster.
Ozotto? Pft, not THAT Ozzy. THIS Ozzy.
Honestly, biting the head off of a bat during a concert sounds like something a Saiyan would do, so his mention is technically on topic.
Right? Though a Saiyan would probably also straight up eat the bat after.
A Saiyan would crush the fucker in their hand and drink it like a blood smoothie, make a goddamn mess of the affair too.
I mean that's pretty fucking metal.
Of course it's Metal, it's got iron in it doesn't it? Not to mention plenty of salt too, good for staying hydrated.
I still consider Dr.Nefarious as the worst. he will forever be on top of my shitlist.
Such a good show. Now I'm tempted to rewatch, or at least listen to the album again at work.
The top 5 are all very terrible, just some for different scale and scope of carnage.
>“So, you've come.” this version of you Marron called Amaya Black says, looking down upon you the moment you touch down.
The only survivors on Meloka Black’s side are Amaya Black and Zamasu that fused into Merged Zamasu. There was also one Zamasu who teleported away just before being hit and erased by Divine Dragon Force. I wonder how the rest of Zamasu army will react when the 2 survivors return with news about what happened.
I’m also surprised by the outcome of this. I did not think that Amaya Black would outlive the first Meloka Black.
>floating in this void by yourself
What a strange place I wonder if whatever is watching us would try to make a contact if we had stayed there.
>as it fades, you see the new, Merged Zamasu.
>“Let's go, that won't hold him long!”
There is no more Amaya Black. Now it’s Merged Zamasu.
>Last thing you want is to get caught with not even enough power on your own to transform anymore against the entire rest of the Zamasu on Meloka Black's side.
I wonder if they will try to use Super Dragon Balls to bring back the strongest Meloka Black. That is probably the only thing that could make her return, but maybe they have a new leader already so perhaps there is no plan to resurrect her. Though Mechikabura said she was Chronoa’s champion, so maybe she will want to resurrect her.
>that whatever this entity is, it could crush you in an instant by complete accident.
I’m curious if Mechikabura or Aeos are aware of this. Or perhaps when they travel they do not “feel” the gaze of whatever it is that is watching.
>And that's all for this episode, everyone enjoy the ride?
Yes. Very good episode and full of surprises.
Things don't always unfold how we wish. And besides, the arc can't be called REVENGE of the Body Snatchers without a reason for revenge, right?
Different voids. The one Karn created that was only Zamasu now has no Zamasu. Meaning it is now a completely empty void, a realm of not. Whereas the void you sensed something was the void BETWEEN time. Where beings outside the concept of time itself dwell.
>There is no more Amaya Black. Now it’s Merged Zamasu.
Not exactly. Remember, Chaya has trained even more than you have on spirit control after the whole Redis incident. And what's the ultimate Spirit Control fighting technique called?
Who knows? Perhaps we'll find out.
>I’m curious if Mechikabura or Aeos are aware of this.
Now THAT's a real question. CAN they even perceive such a being, or would it even take notice of them? Or does it only notice YOU, a being who also partially exists outside time?
Glad you enjoyed, things may settle down for a bit. But while you were fighting those Zamasu, Bardock, Leyas, and Sarada may have been off battling something else...
Krillin. Krillmister. You know not what you do.
Meh, Daddy's little girl knew better than to think he gets away trying to fuck box our kids, he got what he earned.
But now the real question: who should the epilogue focus on? Marron, fighring for her people after the hellish month of training under Towa? Chaya vs Merged Zamasu, showing them why you don't use fusion against someone with Forces Spirit Fission? Or perhaps a sneak peek at what Bardock was up to while all this went down?

Ha. He's forcing a place to shut down early, that's for sure.
Just because she understands why it happened, doesn't mean she won't kill you for it. That was her dad, and YOU killed him. He still hasn't managed to take physical form after what you did.
No more epilogues. Prologue time. Show us something in the distant past, fortuneteller!
>Chaya vs Merged Zamasu, showing them why you don't use fusion against someone with Forces Spirit Fission?

Most keen for this.
My gut is saying I want to see Marron's month of training more than anything, just so we can see what that level of intensity is like for the uninitiated.
I feel like we don't get perspective of comparatively normal people much, especially in regards to our training.
>He still hasn't managed to take physical form after what you did.
And the very day he does we'll delete his ass a second time don't try us you fucking dough balls.
>That was her dad, and YOU killed him.
And that was our ENTIRE FUCKING FAMILY. Kids and all. I understand why she's mad, but her loss is small fucking potatoes in comparison, even if our family was revived.
I know she's never going to accept she has no real right to seek revenge on her own, so we can settle this in a millennia or two after he dumbass scheme fails, or in the near future when she musters the balls to air her grievances in person like a goddamn adult.
Why would Puddin need to come up with a scheme of her own when her former employer is much older and possibly smarter than her?
Because it's not just Karn she has to worry about, but his benefactor.
Chronoa's RECENT track record against Mechikabura doesn't really inspire much confidence, now does it?
Not this time, not with so many current events going on. Perhaps on a slower episode where so much hasn't happened.
Is a good option
She's been through the most hellish month's training she has ever encountered. Even the year in the gravity chamber with her past timeline's mother wasn't this hard.
But the focus is more on her fight with that other Chaya Black, the one who won't recognize Marron. And the motivations she received to push through her limits.
But it isn't small TO HER. Some random asshole's family doesn't mean much when HER DAD dies.
But she's lost her position of power, and doesn't have foresight into this situation.
Also true, she's been losing this war. At least from what you've seen, but Ace and Future Chaya have been away a LOT lately.
>Chaya vs Merged Zamasu, showing them why you don't use fusion against someone with Forces Spirit Fission?
>So how high do we think Zamasu is on Karn's shitlist? In my opinion, he's #1.
I agree with you. GD said the first place belongs to Dumplin, but Zamasu has not finished his efforts and will do more. I think he will soon reach the first place.
>That was her dad, and YOU killed him. He still hasn't managed to take physical form after what you did.
So does this means he is still around but powerless? Does this mean he will return? Is his return a matter of a few years or a few thousands of years?
Have some interest behind this one, but i'm starting to think writing it a bit premature.
First place of dishonor goes to Dumplin still for one reason: he WITNESSED, firsthand, him slaughtering his family before his very eyes in his moment of triumph-turned-nightmare.
Who knows?Karn battled his immaterial spirit, did he manage to kill him for good? Or does part of him remain? Or is he still watching you?
>Some random asshole's family doesn't mean much when HER DAD dies.
A little bit of empathy might go a long way here, I'm just saying, but if he she genuinely thinks we're just some random asshole in relation to her father, she might actually have brain damage.
I know she's distraught and not exactly thinking rationally about the whole debacle, but MAN...she's acting like another young woman we knew at one point right now.
Too be fair, Pudding by...I guess TFS cannon logic? Is dumb as bricks, clever, but still REALLY slow, its why she got with Cooler.
You're someone she didn't really have any real interaction with, you were identical to her dad's friend he lost. But SHE understands you're not the same guy, and didn't quite get his obsession with getting you back. So not only are you not his friend, you murdered him. Regardless of what he did, you murdered her father. Justified or not, that's irrelevant to her.
She's not intelligent. She didn't even pick a GOOD Cooler, one that trained and got Golden. Just -a- Cooler spending time in Conton as a mentor for some reason.
My point exactly. Pudding is peak woman, her brain is her name.
She didn't get her mother's brains, that's for sure.
Decided to go with the Marron epilogue, did six posts worth just tonight. Don’t want to spoil anything, but. Well let’s just say the song slaps.
>First place of dishonor goes to Dumplin still for one reason: he WITNESSED, firsthand, him slaughtering his family before his very eyes in his moment of triumph-turned-nightmare.
Yeah that would do it.
This is beginning to remind me of the whole Zoldyck shitshow that all started because we whacked Killua. I guess it is what it is.
While Zamasu's 'worse', it's an abstract kind of worse. Karn hasn't seen his crimes first-hand. Unlike Dumplin, who he walked in on mid-massacre, seeing the tears and despair of his family who he, at the time, felt he failed and LET die.
And a little, the difference is she can't really GET to your timeline, not with Mechikabura holding it while she's still (for now) in the TIme Patrol. She may be dumb, but her power's still incredible. She can fight the likes of Merged Zamasu, Blue Vegito, Primal Demon Time Egg-Absorbed Mira, etc.
Yeah, its why a villain blowing up a building hits harder than a villain blowing up the galaxy. It's more comprehensible to the mortal mind and thus hits a lot harder. Being there to see it happen rather than the aftermath also does the same thing.
>She can fight the likes of Merged Zamasu, Blue Vegito, Primal Demon Time Egg-Absorbed Mira, etc.
Puddin too stronk pls nerf
Epilogue's ready for tomorrow, eight long ass posts long. Soon you'll see the reason I had to do Marron's story before Chaya's, because spoilers.

Witnessing the destruction firsthand is what makes things worse, mainly due to human expression. Seeing the fear and despair on others' faces as well as their mortality hits different than watching a planet blow up in the distance.
She is strong. And while not quite on par with Future Chaya and Ace, she's in their general league.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 233 Epilogue-


“There they are. Let's go.” you say to yourself, dropping out of the air towards the makeshift bunker's entrance. Flying down into the subway system, taking off down the tracks, you find the tunnel obstructed. However, by the collapsed tunnel you see the familiar service door, reaching out and grabbing the handle. Turning it and pushing the door in, you step into the darker space, the golden glow of your Super Saiyan form illuminating the darkness. Only for a blade to flash, one aimed directly at your face. In one smooth motion you draw your own blade, metal striking metal as you stop the surprise attack inches from your face. “Woah, it's me! It's me!”

“Kiddo? What the hell's goin' on up there?” Uncle Yajirobe asks, the last 'fighter' of your time besides yourself pulling his blade back and stepping around the door. “Sounds like a war broke out, you really pissed her off something fierce this time.”
“Not me, this time. Come on, we have to move. We're leaving, getting everyone out of here.” you say, seeing the color drain from his face.
“You brought her HERE?!” he exclaims, equal parts terrified and angry. “You know the rules, if she catches you don't bring her to the safe house!”

“I told you, it's not her. I brought help.” you say, his eyes widening in surprise. “I met my grandfather.”
“Woah, hold on, grandfather?” he asks, shutting the door and locking it behind him as you both then make your way deeper, past the collapsed blockade. “Why do I get the feeling they're not your grandfather from Earth?”
“Long story, I'll tell everyone together.” you reply, rushing along through the hidden passageway, throwing aside the shelves covering the hidden door. “We have to move quick though, the battle's already started.”

Uncovering the hidden door you then open it to the makeshift, semi-permanent camp inside the abandoned subways that no longer function, lanterns and candles providing the only light. What's left of the Resistance, what's left of humanity is gathered before you, and to your shock you only see around a hundred people.

“Wh-What happened?” you ask, shocked. “Where is everyone?”
“That bitch went on a rampage yesterday. The people who made it here said she'd changed, her hair pink now instead of black. And seemed even faster, a lot of people were wiped out. This is all that's left.” Uncle Yajirobe says, tone somber. “The other hideouts were all hit as well, we're the last.”
“Marron? What in the world is going on out there?” Mai, the Resistance's leader says, striding towards you from the two children she'd been encouraging. Even putting her beanie on the little girl's head, no doubt saying it would give her courage and scare away the fear. “What is happening?”
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You are Marron. Daughter of Krillin and Amaya, conqueror of the Androids and savior of your time, Super Saiyan, and recently discovered your own grandfather, the Legendary Super Saiyan Karn. And after everything you've been through, you're finally going to save your people from the threat of Amaya Black as well, even though you can't let them stay here on this world. No, to save them all you have to leave this planet behind.

“We're leaving.” you tell her, then raise your voice, calling to everyone. “Everyone, please, listen to me. We can't stay here, Earth is no longer safe.” you say, several people murmuring questions immediately. But you keep talking, picturing your grandfather in your mind and speaking to them as he would, so loving and caring but with unquestioned authority. “I made it to the past, and they've offered to take us all in. So, we're leaving this planet behind, going to another Earth.”
“Another Earth? What a crock of shit! You just want to send us to die so all the food we have left's yours!” a clearly-drunk man with an unkempt mustache and afro shouts, tone accusatory. But you don't even hesitate, dashing to him and drawing your blade in one smooth motion. Sliding to a stop with your blade at his neck, less than an inch from cutting him open. “EEEEEP!!”

“If I wanted you dead, that wouldn't be an issue. And I don't have time to explain everything.” you say to at first him, then sheathing your sword and stepping back, addressing everyone once more. “But my family from the past have come to help, and are fighting Amaya Black and her allies as we speak. Fighting to give all of US a chance to escape. So, here's the plan. Take with you only what you can carry, and I'll carry as many of you at a time as I can to the portal to the past. It looks really scary and menacing, but I promise it won't hurt you. There are a bunch of strange people on the other side, but they want to help us. And are making sure Amaya Black can't follow us there. Nw, get your stuff together. We have to move, NOW!”

And to emphasize your point, you gather your ki into your right hand, turning and aiming at the rubble of the collapsed ceiling, hearing several people shouting in concern. Then, with a focused effort, unleash a wide-angled ki blast. Vaporizing the entire pile of rock, clearing the path back out to the surface.

“What are you doing?!” Mai shouts, rushing to you with her weapon drawn. “We're gonna be exposed!”
“My mother, my REAL mother, is out there battling Amaya Black as we speak.” you tell her seriously, stopping her in her tracks. “And I've seen my mother's true power. That body-snatcher doesn't stand a chance.”
“Then why don't we stay here?” Haru asks, the kid clearly confused. “If Amaya Black's gone, everything will go back to normal, right?”
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“Sadly, no. Because while we only ever saw the one, she has more bad guys with her.” you say to the kid, kneeling down to their level and reaching out, gently ruffling his hair. “So we can't stay. But we can go to another Earth, one that still has cities and electricity, and people who live without the fear of people like Black ruining everything.” you say, the adults all starting to murmur again, this time sounding far more excited than reserved. “Come on, if you're ready we can go.”

“I'm ready! Come on Maki, let's go!” he says, turning and rushing to the girl, grabbing her hand and pulling her to you as well. “We're ready!”
“Good. Everyone who's ready, come on. I'll carry you.” you say, kneeling down, holding your arms out to your sides. “Hang on, I'm going to fly us to the portal as quick as I can. All the children first.”

Again murmurs of ascent go through the crowd, and while Haru and Maki are the youngest, once you have them all you have almost twenty children either in your arms or hanging off of you. Once they are, you take a deep breath, and spread out your energy. Remembering back to one of your lessons under the Demon Princess Towa, the harsh taskmaster she was.

“Failure. Start over.” she'd said, firing a razor-thin beam of energy from her spear. Cutting the rope you'd been trying to climb up in the double New Salda's gravity, the doubled pressure sending you crashing near-instantly back to the ground in a heap. Before you've even hit the ground she'd replaced the rope, vanishing the one you'd been holding onto simultaneously. Landing hard, you manage to keep your feet despite the groan and strain in your back and joints. But you'd done as she ordered, grabbing the rope once more, using your ki to engulf your body in a technique called the Energy Body. A shielding technique your grandfather'd developed, one that lessens incoming damage. But also, once hardened has weight, further increasing the pressure of the gravity chamber. “Ten seconds. And... Begin.”

Without a word of complaint you'd once more begun fighting your way up the rope, using only physical strength as your ki shields you. Towa then begins firing energy at your shielded form, forcing you to keep your energy shield thick enough to block the hits. But this also slows you down, both the hits you have to withstand while flying as well as the increased pressure. But you'd done that drill over and over, thousands of times. And now, as you stand up, you put that lesson to the test.

“Thanks Towa.” you mutter, activating the shielding technique, Energy Body, once more. But you don't merely engulf your own form, but you spread your energy out over the entire group. Holding them all to you, ensuring they won't fall off once you take off. “Alright, hold on tight. Three, two, one, go!”
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And on go you launch yourself forward, your ki shielding the humans from the sudden acceleration. Blasting through the tunnel it takes you less than a second to exit the underground, taking off low to the ground to the portal. Cutting through the side streets and staying away from the active battles, dashing to the portal. And instead of slowing down you dash into it, sliding through and to a stop outside it. For a split-second everything feels, looks, even SMELLS wrong, but then you're back in the other Earth, stopping before the redheaded woman and white-haired fighters, you think they were called Ace and another Chaya, ending your technique and letting the children fall off of you.

“Good work.” the other Chaya, the one you didn't get to see yet says to you with an encouraging thumbs up. A gesture you return before dashing back through the portal, back into your own timeline. Over and over you repeat the process, quickly funneling more than seventy people back and forth. However, once you've got the last group, things stop going so smoothly. Taking off, the moment you escape the tunnels, there's suddenly a MASSIVE pink energy blast aimed down at all of you.
“SHIT!!” you exclaim, ending the shield on the last of your people, including Uncle Yajirobe and Mai, who had insisted on everyone else getting to safety first. Throwing both hands forward you catch the blast, heels smashing back down to earth as you struggle to hold the blast upright. To keep it from falling onto you and the last baker's dozen survivors left in this time. “Ghhhh! Tch! Hrrrrrr!”

“Come on, you can do it! Fight!” Mai shouts encouragingly as you hear Yajirobe scramble to his feet, taking off towards the nearby alley. Gritting your teeth, you have no choice, digging deep and Ascending. Giving it a hundred percent of your newfound strength after that month of intense training, with a roar you're able to reflect the blast, sending it flying back over your head and towards the horizon. Where you see none other than Amaya Black overhead, in her pink-haired form flying smugly over you all.

“So, you're the one I was sent to execute? You don't seem like much.” she says, you immediately realizing that this has to be a DIFFERENT Amaya Black. Not the same one your mother attacked, which means there have to be even more beings around. However, as she is about to speak again she stops, and the world itself starts to tremble. Glancing back over her shoulder, you following her gaze and seeing the blazing pink aura in the distance. Exerting pressure you've only felt on this level once before, realizing that Meloka Black has joined the battle. “Oh? Seems she's getting serious.”
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But that's not all, as off in the distance to your left, you see another blazing light. This one not pink, but red. Immediately realizing what's going on, remembering back to the day before when you'd spent some time with your mother before bed, her showing you her secret power up as well as something she'd made for you as this new Black exclaims “Wh-What? What is this?” in a surprised tone.

“Do you think we can really do it?” you'd asked, worry and doubts creeping in. “Can we really win this?”
“Don't you know by now who I am? I'm not just some average Saiyan warrior.” she'd replied, radiating confidence. “Besides, I haven't shown you my full power yet.”
“Wait, you mean that Blue form isn't your best?” you'd asked, stunned. She's still got MORE, even with how easily she could best you with it without using her arms and only one leg. “There's another form?”

“Well, yeah, there's another form. But I've not got that. What I DO have, though, is the key to victory.” she had replied, grinning as she ascended back to Blue. “Tell me. Do you know what the Kaio-Ken is?”
“The technique my mother learned from King Kai? What about it?” you'd asked, oblivious to what was about to happen. Chaya had smirked, clenching her fists, and with a shout of the technique's name, had unleashed it. The pressure exerted from her divine form suddenly DOUBLED, nearly knocking you back onto your ass. But you'd managed to remain standing after staggering back, bracing yourself against the waves of pressure she put off just by using the tecnhique. “W-Woah-!”
“Hehe, like it? But this is only the beginning.” she had said confidently, while you were too stunned to speak. “I've been working on this for awhile now, and tomorrow, I'll be able to push it all the way to times ten.”

“Ten? TEN?!” you'd exclaimed, stunned. No way, that-that's not POSSIBLE! Is is?
“Heh. Wanna see?” she'd asked, you too afraid to answer. But she'd taken your silence as ascent, and with a roar the pressure increased several times over as she roared. “TIMES TEEEAEÆEEEEEEEEN!!”

You'd been sent flying back by the pressure, slammed into the wall by the sheer power radiating from her. Then entire room turned blood red, even her blue hair appearing darker and tinted red at the sheer force of her energy. But only for a moment, as she deactivated the Kaio-Ken as quickly as she'd activated it. Sighing out, reverting back to just her Blue form, she had then rushed over, catching you before you could fall from the wall to the ground. And as she held you, looking down, you suddenly got it. You understood her title for the first time.

The Goddess of Victory.
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“That's my mother.” you tell the confused Black, who turns back from the crimson light radiating from Chaya's Kaio-Ken x10-empowered Super Saiyan Blue. No doubt going to end that other Amaya Black quick with that power. “The Goddess of Victory.”
“Goddess? You ningen don't know the meaning of divinity!” Black retorts with an angry snarl, your words clearly upsetting her. “But I shall show you what a true god looks like!”
“Everyone, stay back! I'll protect you!” you declare boldly, blazing your golden aura as high as you can while electricity crackles around you, reaching up and putting your right hand on your sword's hilt. You can't win, you can't beat her like this. The power gap is too far, that pink form is just as strong as Chaya's Blue one. But you can buy time, long enough for Chaya to finish off Amaya Black and come save you. “I won't let you hurt them!”

“You think you can give -ME- orders, ningen?” Black says, clearly annoyed. “I will string you up by your entrails, so you may watch them die. Helpless to save your fellow worthless mortals.”
“BRING IT!” you roar, aura blazing as you explode off the ground towards Black. Whose own pink, divine aura blazes, rushing down to meet your charge head-on. You swing first with a heavy right. Black blocks this, catching your fist with her left. Smirking smugly, she then pulls you towards her into her own heavy right. Gritting your teeth you raise your left, blocking her strike with your forearm. Black letting go as she strikes you, sending you streaking back down towards the ground. “Tch!”

With a grunt you flip back, landing on your feet and immediately exploding back into the air towards her.

“Is that all you've got?!” you call, streaking back towards her. Drawing your blade and swinging for her right shoulder. Aiming to cleave her in two, but as you swing she draws her own blade, blocking your strike with her own. Swatting your blade aside with a backhanded swing, following it up with a left cross to your jaw. Knocking you into a spin, but even then you don't give up. Instead, using the momentum you swing back with a left backfist. Catching Black by complete surprise, knocking her off balance. Then you follow it up with a single-handed overhand slash down with your blade, aiming to end this by taking her hand holding the secret to her invulnerability. “DIE!”
“Grrrr!” Black snarls, reaching up and catching your right wrist with her left hand. Stopping your strike, smirking as she ends her blade, driving her fist into your guts. “Insolent!”
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"Guuhh!” you wheeze, Black smirking and drawing her right back again. You bring your left in to block, aiming to protect your guts only for her to feint low, switching her gut shot into an uppercut straight to your jaw. Sending you flying back, seeing stars as your vision swims. Then, before you can recover there's another heavy impact to your guts, sending you flying down. Smashing back-first down through a building, which collapses down atop you. Everything goes dark as you're buried, choking on the dust of the collapsed structure. But only for a moment, as suddenly everything is consumed in a fiery explosion. No doubt from a blast thrown by Black, obliterating everything around you. “KYAAAAAAAAH!!”

Sent flying by the explosion, singed and battered you tumble through the air until you land, sliding and rolling across the ground until you finally stop, staring up at the familiar, smoke-filled clouds above your world. Nothing's changed, even with all you're training, even with meeting your family from that other time, you're still too weak to stop the monsters trying to destroy your world. It's too much, you can't win.

“Giving up so soon? Then allow me to put you out of your misery!” you hear, tilting your head down you see Black drawing her blade, charging towards you. You struggle to rise, to do ANYTHING, but it all just seems so... Hopeless. You gave it everything you got, but in the end you're still just the same helpless, worthless wannabe-defender who can't save herself, much less her people. Closing your eyes, you accept your fate. It's over.


The sound of a ki blade piercing something rings out, yet you don't feel anything. Curious, wondering where you were stabbed you open your eyes, only for everything to be red. And then you realize that's just the aura coming off your mother, Chaya standing before you. Arms spread wide, Black's blade pierced through her back and straight out through her chest as she looks down at you. No way, did she come all the way over here from her battle just to sacrifice herself? For YOU?!

“M-Chaya?!” you exclaim, not feeling worthy enough to call her your mother. Not after you'd just given up. But she looks up, grinning at you as a bit of blood dribbles out from the corner of her mouth. “Why?!”
“You-?!” Black exclaims, only for Chaya to ignore Black, focused entirely on you as her blood drips off the Ki Blade through her chest on the ground before you. Her next words reminding you of what you'd heard yesterday, what your mother'd done for you.

“A hero stood before us...”
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“What is this?” you'd asked, looking around what appeared to be a recording room she'd taken you to after showing off her power. Seeing two workers you don't recognize either at a table of buttons and sliders, Chaya grabbing a set of headphones and handing them to you.
“Put these on. After you told me your story, I made a song about it, just for you.” she'd said, grinning. “Something to remind you of who you are, and why you fight when times get tough. And, if you're ever in a bad situation, play this song in your head. And it'll give you the strength to carry on. Alright boys, hit it!”


Watching your mother take a lethal blow for you, the words she'd sang to you yesterday blaze to life in your mind. And, sure enough, just as she'd promised, you feel something stirring to life within you. A power, quite unlike anything you've ever felt in you before rises up as your mother elbows Black in the guts. Staggering Black back as your mother drops to a knee. And then that power rising within you bursts forth, the world disappearing outside the golden aura blazing up around you.

“HRRRRRRRYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!” you scream, tears streaming down your face as your pain, your anger, everything is consumed by this rising might. Your body swells and bulks, the might coursing throughout your body nearly tearing you apart. But then, in a snap your body merges with this new power, the intense pain disappearing as the power and you become one. “HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!”

And with that final roar, your power unleashed, the blinding light fades. Through the blazing azure and golden light of your aura, you no longer see your mother, the only evidence she was there her blood spilled on the ground. But you can feel it, deep down, that she's fine. That now that you're ready, ready to continue her legacy, she went back to her own battle to finish things.

“Where did that insolent-?!” Black exclaims as she flies back over, stopping as she sees you. “What's this? You-? But, that's DIVINE power! HOW?!”
“I've got a legacy to carry on.” you say, smiling as the words resonate with you down to your very soul. “I can't lose to someone like you, not anymore.”
“Insolent whelp! I'll crush you where you stand!” Black snarls, dashing towards you. However, it looks like she's almost moving in slow motion, you stepping into her charge and driving the pommel of your sword into her solar plexus. Halting Black's charge and stopping her dead in her tracks. “GUOOOHUA!?”
“No more! I won't let you hurt innocent people any more!” you roar, aura blazing as she staggers back. You're going to do it, you're going to do your mother, both fallen and present proud! “This ends today!”

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 223 Epilogue End-
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Damn, only a hundred people left? One hell of a genetic bottleneck, that's for sure.
>a clearly-drunk man with an unkempt mustache and afro shouts, tone accusatory
Could it be The Punished Champ?
Of course Chaya would show off to her granddaughter. Warmed my heart a bit.
>“M-Chaya?!” you exclaim, not feeling worthy enough to call her your mother. Not after you'd just given up.
Marron...Sweetie... :(
I did not expect the song, but also YEAHHHHH SUPER SAIYAN RAGE KICK BLACK'S ASS MARRON!!!
This goes hard, can I screenshot? But seriously, I love this.
Black hadn't left many survivors.
Possibly, who knows?
Of course, she's gotta flex for the daughter. Give her something to work towards, like her parents did for her.
Marron's been through it. And failing after her training, seeing no real change and having to be saved will no doubt weigh on her mind going forward.
She'll give it her all. And thanks to Karn having to come in for the save later, we know she doesn't win this fight. But Chaya gives her just enough to hold out until you arrive, so she doesn't lose.
>can I screenshot?
Bro just save the whole pic lol
>bros posing for his thuggest album yet
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As of right now, no new episode this weekend. Feeling pretty rough, dealing with personal stuff. Will try and drop another epilogue next thursday, hopefully you all like it more.
I blame the aliens for this. Hope everything turns out okay for you hoss.
Are you me? Because I also got hit with a nasty ass head cold yesterday, still trying to power through it.
I'll be fine, eventually. Just dealing with personal stuff.
No I'm physically fine, this is more of emotional damage. Killed my desire to write.
Ah, personal biz. The worst type of biz, depending on who you ask. I won't pry, but I will wait patiently for the journey to continue. Good luck, GD.
Well, I hope you get through it eventually. Don't let it get you down GD, I'm wishing you the best.
You ever just have something built up in your mind to go one way, so convinced it'll happen, only for the results to completely disappoint you? Sucks all the wind right out of your sails, I tell you what.
Sort of, once or twice. Though the situation I was thinking of was 90% my fault for bring a complete jackass
all that can really be said about this entire shitshow is that put up or shut up. If she has a beef she should be direct and come to us. If she keeps quiet and seethes forever then that's fine too. It's not really worth worrying about unless she tries to attack our family. I'm not going to push to try and reconcile with someone who doesn't really know us or want to given what her father has done. If she dies she dies, that's all there is too it.

I've been feeling that what I want and what you all want out of SCQ is a bit out of alignment lately, so I'm going to drop some questions here. Feel free to drop answers or even our own questions for me and each other too, so I can get you all as enthusiastic and excited for things as I want to be going forward. So let's get started, I'll be checking up intermittently on the thread to see what you all say while I'm not running a new episode today.

With the complete seeming disinterest of this last epilogue, let's start here. Should I even bother doing long epilogues like that anymore, or would you all prefer short, quick 2-4 post long ones instead? Or should I even DO epilogues anymore, or just focus more on preparation for each week's run? If we keep the epilogues/intermissions, should I do the same events from different povs like this past Marron one again, or just completely unrelated events? And which characters do/don't you all want to see? I want everyone to be engaged with the story, but for that I need feedback.
>Should I even bother doing long epilogues like that anymore, or would you all prefer short, quick 2-4 post long ones instead?
I will say that I enjoy your epilogues regardless of length, even if I don't immediately engage with them via replies and discussions. This week in particular I've been SUPER fucked up thanks to the flu going around my area, so I haven't really been in a state to post much of anything.
>Or should I even DO epilogues anymore, or just focus more on preparation for each week's run?
I feel like that's more of a personal decision to make on your part. I can't claim to know what your schedule or prep phases are like, so I feel my input on that in particular wouldn't be super useful.
>If we keep the epilogues/intermissions, should I do the same events from different povs like this past Marron one again, or just completely unrelated events?
I understand how this is gonna sound, but it's how I genuinely feel; I think you should stick with writing what you want to write. Your genuine interest shines through regardless of the specifics of any given epilogue, even if some don't garner as much engagement as others.
>And which characters do/don't you all want to see? I want everyone to be engaged with the story, but for that I need feedback.
That's the thing, getting EVERYBODY engaged is impossible, regardless of the medium. Taste and interests are subjective, so you can't really expect even the best of stories to hit with everybody as a result of that. Moreover, I think trying to sand off the rough edges of any given story to make it more broadly appealing runs the risk of drowning out your voice as a writer, which is a large part as to why I keep following this quest.
Awesome art. This is the moment for Ginyu to stop body swapping. Right? I mean can you find something better? This is like one of the best to have.
>Could it be The Punished Champ?
I did not notice that but I think you are right.
>And, sure enough, just as she'd promised, you feel something stirring to life within you.
She gifted her divine Ki. Is this something that will last or is it just for this one moment?
>the intense pain disappearing as the power and you become one.
This makes it sounds like it’s permanent. That’s a big gift.
-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 223 Epilogue End-
Great epilogue. Zamasu is the villain I waited for so long to appear in this quest. The arc is very exciting and I can’t wait to see what will happen next. He makes it so easy to forget that Baby is still there.
>Who knows? Perhaps we'll find out.
I’m curious if they will do it, because a lot of time and effort went into making Meloka Black someone who will defeat Karn, so maybe she will get a second chance. We will see.

By the way unless I mixed some characters the story goes like this:
>In another timeline Meloka loses her family including Karn.
>She becomes Punished Meloka.
>Zamasu steals her body.
>He becomes the strongest Meloka Black. The leader of Zamasu army.
However it’s not over for Punished Meloka. Unless I’m wrong she might be the only person who had their body stolen by Zamasu and is still alive. That’s because one epilogue or imtermission showed that she was brought back to life and received a new body from Mechikabura. After that she then met Punished Karn. If Meloka Black was not erased in latest episode then there would be a possibility for a very unusual situation. I mean there was a little chance that resurrected Punished Meloka would show up and meet Meloka Black. The person who stole her body. This does not happen every day. Though I know that is something that has a very little chance of happening.
>As of right now, no new episode this weekend.
No problem. Have a good time.
>Feeling pretty rough, dealing with personal stuff.
What every is happening I hope things will turn out to be okay.
>I mean can you find something better?
At the moment, probably not. Buu's primordial physiology is nothing to sneeze at.
That said, somebody with the right resources and expertise might be able to MAKE a creature that's superior. However, pulling a bodyswap at that point would also mean having Buu's body on the loose again, which would be an unacceptable risk in Cold's eyes.
>With the complete seeming disinterest of this last epilogue, let's start here.
I just noticed this post. I’m going to say that from my perspective it’s not like this. My super late reply to epilogue and everything else is not because there is something wrong with it. Unfortunately I don’t have very much free time in real life, so it’s often late when I read the epilogues and intermissions. I mean I just finished reading it. Yes. I know it’s super late.

I’m going to think about your questions.
Though when it comes to the latest epilogue it was alright. Like I said earlier Zamasu arc I know Baby is here too and he is dangerous (and I remember that there are those secret factions from other timelines, one of them with Ozotto), but Zamasu steals the spotlight so hard. is something I waited for a long time so that epilogue was fine for me. We did not saw Chaya’s point of view, but it was still more of the battle that happened in last episode in Marron’s world so I liked it. I was curious about what happened with Bardock and Leyas and Sarada too, but when there was option to choose what to see in the epilogue I had to chose option that involves more of what happened recently in our latest big battle against Zamasu.
I agree.
>Should I even bother doing long epilogues like that anymore
Yes, its literally one faggot acting like a newfag. Ignore him.
>If we keep the epilogues/intermissions, should I do the same events from different povs like this past Marron one again,
You've had this question before, yes we still want it, but a majority of our suggestions tend to be spoiler territory so just keep doing what you do unless we can see that.
>And which characters do/don't you all want to see?
I love our kids, and wish to see more of our demon side of the family try to get along with our people, or at least find a place in this reality. Maybe some more Arctus spoilers for his Tuffle/Darksied hunting stuff. Of course my stance on finding out DC's heroes reactions to our exploits on Vox's Greatest Hits is also big, but you keep telling us its spoilery stuff so...
Hope you get better anon. And I'll still write what I want, but if no one else wants to read it then why post? QM's don't do it for free, we do it for the (You)s. And it's more fun then getting empty bait (You)s.
That's the question with Marron now, was this a one-time thing, or is that power now hers?
Glad you enjoyed. Zamasu's a fun one, especially with the ideology clash with Karn.
Who knows?
Punished Meloka now lives in Conton City with Punished Karn, where Future Chaya has spent more of her time lately.
Appreciate the concern, I'll get over it. Just had high hopes for the reception of this epilogue, and it getting a single reply killed my enthusiasm to run this weekend. Took the wind right out of my sails.
If someone makes a stronger Buu, it could be a disaster.
I understand why some new QMs get discouraged and quit, as I've never had that happen before.
I meant more a general sense of the question, getting other people's perspectives or just going to complete different things happening elsewhere/when.
While Koruza's getting the patron epilogue this month, to show what he's been up to and perhaps WHY the other people of New Salda haven't been as welcoming to your half demon children as Karn would have liked, their stories are in a bit of a sedentary place at the moment. Maza's learning how to rule, the daily grind of management and keeping a city running. Milha, well. I'm not THAT kind of author. Once I do the patron epilogue and establish more what he's been up to and his power, will be able to move forward with his story.
I was thinking about this. I like what you write. I trust your judgment when it comes to revealing the story to us.

Sometimes it is something unexpected like for example when you show perspective of a person who was not in the spotlight for a while and that is interesting. It can be somebody I did not think about recently.
Or some character that we encounter often and it seems like we know what’s going on in their life, but it turns out we know nothing.
Example of this would be the surprise news about how Koruza was treated and assassination attempt on him.

There are many characters whose fates interest me, but Karn can’t be everywhere at once to help everyone and it’s impossible witness what’s going on in everyone’s life.
>How is Vegeta doing. Are those plotting royals still a trouble to him?
>He probably really needed our help but our choice caused that he picked Bardock instead.
>Did Leyas and Sarada moved into Karn’s city? I did not notice confirmation of this if they live here.
>What is the trouble that Mechikabura is facing that keeps Furture Chaya and Ace busy.
>How is Broly and Kori doing out there in space is it safe there?
>That part when young kids were helping build the new city’s buildings it really showed how each of them are. Each of them has unique personality and it would be fun to hang out with each of them, because it seems like each of them is an entire whole new world. Look at Okira she is such an interesting character, but so is Karn Jr.
And those are only young kids I mean older ones are interesting too. Like I’m also very curious how is Caulifa doing (you mentioned she is so busy she does not gets enough sleep). I get the feeling she is so selfless in her way of helping others it may start to hurt her as she forgets to take care of herself.
>By the way would she became a big star like Chaya if she chased popularity?
>Look at Chili he has so many interesting things going on.
Meloka seem so creative with what she does and how she approaches combat. Her using way of ki is so good it’s like an art now.
>Maza, Koruza, Milha they are unique too.
Each of those characters so interesting that they could be a protagonist of a quest.

I’m sorry for my late replies. I just want to say I do enjoy this quest a lot even if I don’t post very often.
>Are those plotting royals still a trouble to him?
I have no idea why I wrote “royals”. I meant those Saiyans that were part of old “aristocracy”. Using word “royals” is not appropriate here, my mistake.
The last epilogue was great! Posting requires jumping through too many hoops these days...
Epilogue was great QM, it really shows marrons drive and training to get to where she is. It's a shame that that one extra day got so many people killed.

My posting has slowed down as my work has increased, my apologies man.
>Example of this would be the surprise news about how Koruza was treated and assassination attempt on him
Funny you mention this. Perhaps there is a reason that he was targeted. After all, no one asked what HE did to draw this ire...
There are so many characters, its a shame I have to work for a living instead of constantly pumping out content. If I ever win the lottery, I won't outright SAY it. But there will be signs.
Thank you, I'm glad you do. I still love SCQ a lot, and want to keep going.
I completely forgot about the extended wait window to post.
Showing her story is important before doing the Chaya part, as Marron just... Suddenly transforming wouldn't make any sense. Especially since the Marron vs Merged Zamasu won't be from CHAYA's perspective, but someone else's. And yes, one day makes such a difference without a defender.
Understandable, I remember at my last job it hurt my drive to post.
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>If I ever win the lottery, I won't outright SAY it. But there will be signs
Can't wait to see SCQ sessions live on the Vegas Sphere one day. Sidenote, Vox should steal this idea and have the undercards and whatnot displayed on it.
>Just had high hopes for the reception of this epilogue, and it getting a single reply killed my enthusiasm to run this weekend
I wasn't there for it, but I can tell just by diving back a couple years in suptg that you used to get WAY more between-session replies and post-epilogues. I don't think its through any fault of your own, but this site is declining and getting left in the stone age, if that horrible post limit wasn't indication enough.
I've always wondered how feasible of a circumstance it would be for someone else to make their own Buu in the dragonball universe. Obviously, not just any schmuck can copy Bibidi's plagiarized homework, but what was the method? The inpsiration? What causes the taffy-like consistency? Was it ever written down? Is it outright making a new lifeform or is it pulled from somewhere else and given a physical form in this plane? I like the mystery and I know that certain answers would make the world that much smaller, but I'm also endlessly curious.
Spoilers for Daima below, but it is kinda relevant to your musings.
So, Toriyama went on record stating that Buu had existed long before Bibidi came around. This was then retconned in Daima, where it was revealed that Buu was a creation of Marba that Bibidi had requested. During the course of Daima, she goes on to make more Majin, presumably using methods similar to those used for Buu. If I had to guess, the medium inside the cauldron that Buu was born in was probably taffy or some other type of gummy candy, which would also explain his sweet tooth.
Ha, no. What I meant was if I ever did, I would start writing a lot more and have more art done.
Yeah, the board's on the downswing.
>make your own Buu
Well, Daima has an answer to that question. Two answers so far.
Bingo. I don't know why people don't like Daima, the lore expansion is fun.
>I don't know why people don't like Daima, the lore expansion is fun.
Well that's the thing, the vast majority of Dragon Ball fans aren't there for the setting or character interactions or any of the genuinely interesting stuff. They're just there to see guys beat each other, which I get, but you and I both understand the level of discussion (or lack thereof) that mindset brings.
>Her fans BELIEVE she can regenerate hard enough, now she can.
>he can do the impossible, because she has broken the limit. She is no longer bound by mortal limitations.
>The believers define the deity, after all.
When Baby gets to abuse those mechanics he will make himself very powerful.
>Perhaps there is a reason that he was targeted. After all, no one asked what HE did to draw this ire...
He is strong and intelligent. I think those that tried to kill him would have zero chance to defeat him in a fair fight where only Ki attacks and physical attacks are used and Koruza would not use Dark Rider. Was jealousy reason that made them angry at him?
>If I ever win the lottery, I won't outright SAY it. But there will be signs.
Maybe something like this picture.
About that fair fight with Koruza I forgot to add that I meant that this fight would be a 1 vs 1 in an arena.
Its because the average DBZ fan has the same collective IQ as a can of used Raid Spray.
Yeah, reminds me of a creator I liked who went full that with Daima. Which is sad.
>When Baby gets to abuse those mechanics he will make himself very powerful.
Oh absolutely, unless they're just flat out stronger. Normal Saiyans can't see much less fully understand Stands.
Ha, but no. More like qm quits job, maybe works part-time to focus more on writing.
Hey, don't compare empty cans to your average didn't read the manga DB fan. They don't make fun noises, their reees don't compare to this glorious sound:
Why did my link to >>6188172 drop? What the hell 4chan?
Probably another reason we haven't gotten many replies, Gook Moot has been fucking with shit.
Patron epilogue for January, the Tomitsu vs Aka fight has dropped, not running a month behind like the December one. Shoutouts to @gutsbro14 for stepping in on this one when our usual artist had personal life stuff come up. And to Dark Souls challenge runs, for Bed of Chaos being such a piece of shit it made me want to quit that and go back to writing instead.

Possibly. But either way
Just think of all the time they wasted making such a shitty boss that could have been spent on finishing Lost Izalith, or anything else that was clearly not done for that matter.
I still think(with no evidence, this is headcanon) it wasn't made for Dark Souls. Because of how it plays, it feels so much more like a repurposed and reskinned Demon Souls boss they couldn't fit into that game. It plays so much like ancient dragon it isn't funny.
Honestly, I can totally see them shoving it it just to pad things out as they were running up against the development deadline. It kind of annoys me no subsequent release of DS1 has changed it or just removed it entirely.
Reusing assets is a great way to save dev time, especially in a crunch like they were on.
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Needed that weekend off, got my motivation back and am back at it! Epilogue 2 will be from Krillin's pov on the battle, and how he steps up against Merged Zamasu while Chaya goes to save Marron. Going to be a fun one,
>baldbro learned the mafuba
Actually based as fuck, imagine locking pinky in a jar.
>I am immortal!
>Yeah but idiotsayswhat?
Very nice Mafuba is so useful. Perhaps it might be good to know it in case we encounter an enemy that is as strong as Meloka Black and does not have a weakness in form of a Time Ring.
Would be a fitting fate.
Often. But we know it doesn't hold Merged Zamasu, thanks to the episode and still sensing her and Chaya fighting AFTER escaping the Zamasu dimension. The question is HOW does Zamasu escape?
>The question is HOW does Zamasu escape?
Maybe something interrupted Krillin while he was performing the technique and sealing was not completed or Krillin successfully did it but somebody dropped the container afterwards.
Possibly. I do love Super's implication though, that you can't escape regardless of power. In the Buu saga, both Buu and Gotenks both powered up enough to tear a hole through spacetime back to the Lookout. Implying they could escape the Mafuba as well, since they can tear through dimensions. Vegeta, however, DESTROYED the Time Chamber in Super, even in base form right before the ToP the second time, yet couldn't break out of a ceramic jar with Super Saiyan Blue. So we know Zamasu couldn't brute force their way out.
Let's go! Krillins stepping into his own without being overshadowed by Goku this time around. I hope he sticks around.
His life was a lot different in your timeline, even more different from canon than Marron's own. But he is the pride of the Turtle School
My bet is Chaya opened the jar so she could finish her fight. That said, a fumble would be funny.
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I'll be sick to my stomach if it turns out Chaya pulled a Prince Vegeta.
HA! But no, she'd just take the win at that point and praise Krillin if she saw that. Being able to beat someone so far out of his league like that would certainly impress her.
She's arrogant, but not as bad as she was before losing her title the first time and Raditz as well later. She's mellowed out quite a bit.
Thinking of Marron and Amaya, is Mechikabura going out of his way to recruit Karn's, Meloka's and family that have been slain or temporally displaced? Not that I want to ruin Marron's developing relationship with Chaya, but we know in DBZ death is only irreversable if you aren't connected to the main cast. And even then...
Oh I am SO BACK! Just typed out 8 1/2 posts for this week's epilogue, earthling pov gonna go wild. You all are NOT ready for this one.

Perhaps. Or perhaps he wants to keep Aeos happy, by letting the Zamasu fight the Karn of different timelines, stepping in to help those who showed promise and leaving the rest for Aeos to cull, cleaning up the timelines. After all, less timelines mean less potential for trouble. And less places for Chronoa to try and spread her influence.
>Oh I am SO BACK!
Nice! Looking forward to it!

>...leaving the rest for Aeos to cull, cleaning up the timelines.
Hmm. Good point. I suppose culling a timeline must by necesity cull its afterlife as well.
Got my mojo back, seems I really needed that break.
Yes. Its afterlife, divine realm, everything.
That would be very funny.
I suppose that's why he was so surprised about us Unaliving the Zamasu dimension. He was probably using to as a hardpoint for culling the "surrounding" timelines, and didn't expect us to just casually crack it in half like it was nothing.

Every time he thinks he's got our threat level pinned, we pull off some new bullshit.
Bro, you can say kill here. Murder. Assisted suicide. Genocide. Destroy. Erase.
I can't disagree.
Yes. Mechikabura never knows exactly how strong you are, hell KARN doesn't know his exact max strength either.
Unaliving is more proper, for what DDF did there. But unMADE would be more proper still.
Linguistically speaking unalive would be "To make not living" which is synonymous with killing. Unmake would be ideal for what happens, but erase could also be used to similar albeit less precise definition.

I just want youtube and tiktok wordrot to stay there.
I say unalive works better than kill because Divine Dragon Force doesn't KILL someone. It disassembles their corporeal, tangible form on a molecular level by turning the target's energy against their matter until nothing remains of it.
Sure it works better than kill, but it doesn't work as well as alternatives. These are both matters of semantics of course since either way, they're dead. Turbodead even. Maybe even megadead.
Final sentence of the upcoming epilogue:
Seems you and this Karn fellow have more in common than you'd thought.

Exactly. THat entire reality is dead. Which will be devastating to the collective Zamasu, as Karn doesn't understand what he did. But Mechikabura does, and is slightly worried about your power.
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>But Mechikabura does, and is slightly worried about your power.
Hell yeah.
I'm not sure what made that dimension so important to the Zamasu, but hey if they're mad about it getting deleted then that must mean it was the right move.
So what did we do? And does that take us closer to teal?s4mt
It's more than you think.
Because it wasn't actually a "real" dimension. Not in the way an alternate timeline or parallel dimension would be. Can't spoil what Mechikabura is gonna learn you, but you did something more impressive than simply breaking a pocket dimension.
No, no closer. But that was a show of the Berserker God form's true power, something Karn usually suppresses to keep control.
Every time Mechikabura goes to bed, he lays awake for a few hours thinking about how not pissing Karn off is the single best decision any of him ever made.
>hell KARN doesn't know his exact max strength either
I suppose that's one of the big issues with being too damn strong. You never really get a chance to find your limits without breaking something. In Karn's case, it's the planet he's standing on or the dimension he's inhabiting.
How strong is the strongest man alive? We don't know, we haven't found something he can't lift yet.
And GD teased that there is yet greater strength to be found with the Beserker Power. But now that I'm thinking about it, do we even need it?
Ha! Assuming he even sleeps, but a good realization he has. YOU brought him victory.
>or dimension
Wasn't exactly a dimension, or even alternate timeline. That was what Karn ASSUMED it to be, but unreliable narrator due to ignorance. It was more of a... Manifestation.
Yes. The strength beyond blind rage. And for Karn to truly master the Berserker Soul, attaining that level would be necessary.
>Assuming he even sleeps
Every ageless, immortal being needs to take a nap atleast once in their long life. Even if they don't need to, it feels too good to just never try one.
>It was more of a... Manifestation.
Sounds like something freaky and complicated. Atleast its gone.
>Yes. The strength beyond blind rage. And for Karn to truly master the Berserker Soul, attaining that level would be necessary.
And we've made zero headway in understanding or even fathoming this kind of power. Strength beyond blind rage..? I don't think its about anger, then. I'm too much of a brainlet to figure it out naturally, so maybe the spark or inspiration will come in time. Maybe it isn't something meant for a person like Karn to discover, who knows.
Oh yeah we gotta factor in that our Berserker Soul is stronger then Karn Primes Soul. Assuming equal starts, while we don't know if Karn Prime did any weird shit with his, if he did a fraction of it got merged into ours when his...Remnant? did as well. Plus having ours eat the Soul of Manus and i think we may have done one or two other weird things with it.

Though I do wonder if the Berserker Soul as an Anti Divine Weapon gets stronger the more Gods it kills.
>Which will be devastating to the collective Zamasu, as Karn doesn't understand what he did.
Did Karn make Zamsu depressed?
>Because it wasn't actually a "real" dimension. Not in the way an alternate timeline or parallel dimension would be.
I too thought that it was timeline devoured entirely by Infinite Zamasu and that they have dozens of them and other Zamasus probably did not care about it that much. I must wait for the epilogue, because I can’t figure out what I was.
That’s fascinating. Karn is mysterious. So it seems that there is no character in the quest that fully knows and understands what Karn can really do and truly is.
>It was more of a... Manifestation.
>karn kills the zamasuverse
>"That's it, your infinite duplication glitch privileges are REVOKED"
>DDF turns one's own energy against them to kill them
>Infinite Zamasu is Super Immortal
>Infinite Zamasu melts himself
>As soon as his immortality kicks in it melts the regenerating part almost immediately
>Infinite Zamasu is subjected to Infinite Torture
I know this isn't how it went down but I choose to believe that every zamasu we hit with this is trapped in an endless cycle of self destruction.
Well, he did 'slumber' within the Dark Dragon Balls for uncounted millions of years.
>Atleast its gone
And you have no idea how important that is. Unmaking that is unironically MORE important than besting Meloka Black.
Karn IC has some progress, with the whole "lowering the wall" thing in regards to unleashing Berserker God's "100%".
Yes indeed. Although what happened with Manus' soul is less a merger and more a devouring it for its strength. Think sort of like crushing a boss soul in Dark Souls, destroying its 'uniqueness' and turning it into usable power.
There's a thought. Does it get stronger by besting and/or devouring deities?
Not quite. But EVERY Zamasu felt what happened, every Zamasu far enough in their journey at least.
Won't be this epilogue, Mechikabura may tell you more soon enough. But by destroying that, Karn has effectively weakened EVERY Zamasu across time.
True. Only one being knows more than Mechikabura that you IC know of, but it's not like she'll give you answers anytime soon. Though, there may be another who knows even more...
Ha! And yes, while no Black can do that technique again, it goes deeper than stopping a free clone army generator.
If a being's regeneration can match pace with DDF's dismantling of their body, they could remain alive indefinitely. Like Punished Chilli, almost. However, that would effectively turn off their regeneration, allowing them to be more easily eliminated by conventional methods.
>And you have no idea how important that is. Unmaking that is unironically MORE important than besting Meloka Black.
>Not quite. But EVERY Zamasu felt what happened, every Zamasu far enough in their journey at least.
>But by destroying that, Karn has effectively weakened EVERY Zamasu across time.
So does mean Karn got a rep boost amongst the Zamasu as "Super Ultra Hyper Omegadeath Satan, Destroyer of Worlds and Bringer of the End" as opposed to being just "Super Satan"?
Most Zamasu don't know Karn is behind what happened. But, well. Pay close attention to the epilogue posting tomorrow morning, see if you can spot the exact moment Karn destroyed it.
>If a being's regeneration can match pace with DDF's dismantling of their body, they could remain alive indefinitely. Like Punished Chilli, almost. However, that would effectively turn off their regeneration, allowing them to be more easily eliminated by conventional methods.
Yeah, sounds right. The idea though is that it can't actually beat Zamasu's immortality, but it does outpace the regeneration of his immortality. So he disappears from his energy eating itself, reappears in the same space as his immortality starts to bring him back into being, then he disappears again, repeatedly. But this doesn't really seem to have been the case, it looks like DDF outright can defeat Super Shenron granted immortality. Probably because of the remnants of energy from his encounter with it. Well, either that or the process takes longer than we spent fucking around in the dimension after nuking it.
No, what I meant was IF a being could regenerate fast enough they could survive. But so far none have, not even Lobo's busted regen could keep up
So, my knowledge of the Black arc is pretty weak. Could Zamasu have cancelled his fusion with Chaya if he'd thought of it, pr was that never a possible way for him to try to escape?
If you’re referencing the linked post, where Karn is choking Black, that wasn’t a fusion. That Zamasu just had a chaya’s body, using Super Shenron to swap his and Chaya’s bodies in whichever timeline. Meaning this isn’t a type of fusion. If you’re talking about the one trapped by the Mafuba, that also wouldn’t work as once you’re inside there’s no getting out even if you become more people than whoever was trapped. Although we do know that, while Mafuba’d, time does still pass for you. King Piccolo aged, and when Vegeta got Mafuba’d he was in Super Saiyan, but as he was released he’d transformed to Blue inside.
I'm not sure if it's been answered, but do we know whathappened to the Berserker Soul shard that Meloka Black had? Did it rejoin Karn when Meloka Black died? Did the double whammy of Haki and DDF erase its existence? Did it do something completely unexpected?

Ok, I completely misunderstood what was going on with that Zamasu Black. Glad I asked. Thanks!
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 233 Epilogue II-


“KAAAAAA! MEEEEE!” the one called Amaya Black shouts, gathering her godly energy for a pink energy wave. But not just ANY Energy wave, but the signature technique of YOUR late master, the Kamehameha! Seeing this, your jaw drops in shock, how in the hell does SHE know it? But before you can ponder it long, Chaya, who is faking being held helpless by the one called Zamasu, reaches out to you telepathically.
“You ready?” she asks, you taking a deep breath to focus before thinking back.
“Ready.” you reply, crouching and readying yourself to leap up and intercept the attack. She's counting on you, you won't fail her!

“HAAAAAAA! MEEEEEEEEEE!” she continues, then as she throws both hands forward you leap into the sky. “HAAAAAAAAAAA!!”
“Now!” Chaya shouts, but you're already on the move, flying up between them with your arms wide, thrusting them both at the overwhelming torrent of power aimed at her. You are Krillin, one of Earth's mightiest defenders, a warrior who, along with your fellow martial artists Tien and Yamcha, were turned into androids to attain the power needed to confront the Demon King Piccolo. And your particular modifications include a revolutionary invention of Dr. Gero's, the Energy Absorbers implanted in your palms. Which you thrust out towards the overwhelming torrent of power headed right for the three of you.

“Wh-What?!” you hear the so-called god call out behind you, followed by a crunch and pained gurgle as Chaya no doubt breaks his hold, then shouts smugly to him.
“Moron. You really thought you could hold ME?!” she shouts, repeating her attack once more as you continue absorbing more and more energy, feeling your power surging. Higher and higher it goes, this energy raising your own power beyond anything you've ever felt before. Your body thrums with power, barely able to contain the surging energy before, suddenly, the attack stops, the pink-haired one shouting in surprise.

“Y-You? How? WHEN?!” she exclaims as you close your hands, the body of the green-skinned one flying past you into him. Who was clearly out, but as the damage Chaya'd done to his face heals, his eyes open, looking more annoyed than pained.
“Hehe, looks like your plan worked.” you say, turning to Chaya as she flies up beside you. “This power is crazy! I don't think I've EVER been stronger!”
“Can you hold that Kai off for me?” she asks, you turning your focus from her back to the two. Who have separated and reoriented, both flying side-by-side much as you two are. “I'll only need a minute.”
“I can take him.” you reply confidently, taking your fighting stance. However, as you do, you see the one she wants you to fight taking his earring off. For some reason.
>art by @clarevalentina3

“No more games of half measures! Because of your continued, profaned defiance, we shall use our full power to crush you into dust!” Amaya Black says as you see Zamasu putting the earring on his other ear. Then, the moment Zamasu lowers his hands, both their earrings begin to emit a strange glow.
“Get behind me!!” Chaya suddenly shouts, blurring forward between you and the two as their bodies rising and spinning around each other and flying up into the air. Circling around each other beofre their forms begin merging into one with a flash of blinding light. As they do, you feel pressure unlike anything you've ever felt slam into you both, Chaya blocking the brunt of it. So you instinctively reach up, bracing her without touching her with your energy absorbers as the world goes white. Which lasts for several seconds, and as the light fades you peek around Chaya, jaw dropping in shock upon seeing what they've become.

“My form is justice. And my form is the world. Worship me, give praise unto me. Me the beautiful, the sublime. Me the invincible, the almighty and divine.” the new being declares, it looking like a mix of Chaya and Zamasu. With a womanly figure and Chaya's hair shape, but the white of Zamasu own hair and green skin. Its arms spread wide in a gesture full of arrogance and confidence as its aura forms a halo behind its back. “All hail! Zamasu.”
“Krillin, stay back.” Chaya says through gritted teeth, clenching her fists as you hear the worry in her voice for you. “I'm going to have to go all-out, they're too strong for me to hold back anymore.”
“Hold back?” you wonder, not knowing just how much more she has. Or how much she's been holding back. But you voice your concern for her anyways, speaking up. “You really think you can beat 'em?”

But as she looks back, grinning confidently, suddenly you're no longer worried. While Zamasu's stance and posture seem to project confidence, you can FEEL Chaya's belief that she'll win this radiating from her smile. Your worry evaporating away near-instantly.

“I told you, didn't I? I'm the Goddess of Victory. I don't lose.” she says, you feeling her infectious confidence brimming and grin back after a moment, raising a fist to her. Which she clearly tries to gently tap her own against yours. However, you feel your bones groan in protest, the contact nearly breaking your arm and knuckles. And, suddenly, you have a pretty good idea how much harder she can swing. So, dashing back and away to get distance, she turns back to the merged warriors. “Well well, looks like that fight I was looking for is finally here.”
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“A fight? No, this is an extermination. This perfect strength knows no limits.” the god declares boldly. “I am justice incarnate!”
“Oh yeah? Let's see which is stronger then! Your divine justice, or victory incarnate!” Chaya roars, azure aura blazing. However, as her aura grows, you start to notice something. The outside edge of her aura, suddenly begins to glow with a slight crimson outline.

You watch, confused and intrigued as the red glow turns brighter and brighter, Chaya raising her arms and crossing them before her. And, with a roar, shouts something you've never heard before.

“KAIO-KEN!!” she bellows, and a SECOND aura blazes to life around her blue one. This one is a bright red, contrasting with her azure, divine aura. The pressure her power is exerting doubles, sending you tumbling back for a couple dozen yards before you can right yourself, bracing against the unbelievable pressure she's now emitting. However, even with this shocking display, it isn't enough. It doesn't feel as overwhelming as the fused warrior's power, was she being overconfident?

“What is this?” Zamasu asks, seeming more curious than worried about what she's done. “What is this, what have you done? How did your power suddenly double?”
“I told you, I'm the Goddess of Victory.” Chaya says, still seeming confident. You aren't sure who's more confident between the two of them, but as Chaya continues speaking, you realize that she's truly been holding back this entire time. “And while Super Saiyan Blue is all about power through extreme control, but now combining that with the calming focus of the Kaio-Ken, there's no telling how far my power can go! But right now I'll give you everything I've got! Ready yourself, because this ends now! HRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA!!”

Her aura continues to blaze, the crimson glow turning brighter and brighter as the pressure she's emitting continues to rise. The planet itself even begins to tremble, the air thrumming with power. The pressure increases more and more, doubling and doubling again as you see just how far she can push her power.

“TIMES TEEEEAÆEEEEEEEEN!!” she screams, voice tearing as the world turns crimson. Bathed in her overwhelming, unstoppable power, turning everything into shades of red. “KAIO-KEN TIMES TEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAN!!
“WHA-?!” the fused warrior exclaims, only for Chaya to suddenly be where they were, and several buildings crashing down in the direction of her outstretched fist.
“Woah.” you say, feeling your heart skip a beat. You knew she was stronger and faster than you by a lot, but so fast you can't even TRACK her movements? And you thought she couldn't be more attractive before. “Nice hit, Chaya!”

To which she turns back towards you, veins bulging on her head as she grins. The stress of this power clear on her face but she's clearly able to handle it.
“Hehe! Just watch, I'm gonna tear their fusion apart!” she tells you. And despite how wild that seems, you can't help but believe in her. She's probably strong enough to pull that fusion apart and back into the two of them with her bare hands, if she wanted to.
“YOU-! FILTHY, DISGUSTING NINGEN!” the fusion shouts, exploding up out of the cloud of dust from the collapsed buildings, a furious snarl on their green face. “I WILL MAKE YOU BEG FOR DEATH, SINNER!”

“Oh yeah? Why don't you come over here and MAKE me?” she shouts back, the green-skinned fusion throwing a hand forward towards you both. Firing two bolts of purple lightning, one from each side of the gleaming white halo towards you both. Only for Chaya to raise a hand, firing a whole storm of deep blue and indigo lightning of her own towards the incoming bolts. Her energy clashes against the fusion's own, and to your shock starts to push it back. “Is this all you've got?! You're not even worth my time! HAAAAA!!”

And with her shout raises her other hand, doubling the storm of lightning she's firing. Pressing back the so-called god's power, sending all the energy slamming into the fusion. Who screams in pain, writhing as Chaya's electricity cooks the merged being. You wonder what sort of training she has to be able to use a technique so similar to your master's own, as her electricity strangely enough reminds you of your late master's Thunder Shock Surprise. But that doesn't stop the mad fusion, who with a roar fires off an omnidirectional wave of energy, blasting Chaya's electricity back. And seeing this, she ends the attack, lowering her arms.

“Grrrrr! You-! INSOLENT! Filthy! NINGEN!!” the green-skinned fusion shouts, throwing both arms wide as suddenly hundreds of red dots of energy wink into existence up and behind Zamasu. “BLADES OF JUDGEMENT!!”

“Uh oh, that looks bad!” you exclaim, raising your hands as the dots form into hundreds of sword-like blades of energy, streaking through the air towards Chaya, and by extension you. But Chaya doesn't even back up, instead you see a metal cylinder shoot out from under her armor's right pauldron, it flying into Chaya's hand. Where, with a buzz, a crimson blade of energy shoots out from it. She then launches into a whirlwind of slashes, cutting through the blades flying through the air. However, as she cuts a straight line towards Zamasu, several fly straight at you!
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So you turn your focus from her, focusing on each of the blades as they approach, Catching them one and two at a time on your palms, absorbing their energy and adding that power to your own stockpile. But then the swarm of attacks stop, you seeing Chaya has closed the distance. Her blade of energy stabbed straight through this Merged Zamasu's chest, right between his, her, their tits. “Hell yeah, you got 'em!”

“Guhh-!” Zamasu exclaims, stunned that Chaya had landed what would be a lethal blow. However, as you watch, Zamasu staggers back off the clearly white-hot blade, the burn hole and even his/her clothes healing almost instantly. “How dare you touch me?!”
“Oh, I'll do more than that!” Chaya shouts, and with two quick swings deals another would-be lethal combinatino. With the upswing she takes off Zamasu's right arm, then continuing the momentum into a backhanded decapitation swing. However, once again, Zamasu begins re-healing itself, Chaya deactivating the weapon and sending it back under her pauldron with telekinesis, the same touch-less grabbing her father has. The weapon going away as Zamasu's head reforms, a snarl on the god's face. “Come on, can't you even defend yourself?”

And as Zamasu tries to speak, Chaya interrupts with another strike. This time with a Digeutja Jireugi, or a double punch with one punch high to the face and the other right to the diaphragm. Stunning Zamasu mid-word as Chaya then goes on the attack. Every follow-up strike is far too fast for you to see, but what you do recognize is that she isn't just flying directly in front of Zamasu. No, instead Chaya is flipping, spinning and twisting around her opponent, using the momentum of each strike to move into another position, setting up the follow-up blow. Constantly moving, fully taking advantage of the three-dimensional aspect of airborne flying in a way you'd never even imagined. Assailing Zamasu from seemingly all sides simultaneously, clearly overwhelming the god. Only to suddenly end the barrage with a double overhead blow, sending Zamasu crashing to the ground as she looks back up to you, a worried expression on her face.

“Marron's in trouble, can you hold them back?” she asks, clearly afraid for your other timeline daughter. And without hesitation you nod.
“Go, I'll hold this one back.” you reply, and without hesitation she's gone. Disappearing in a blink, leaving you alone with a being far more powerful than you can handle in a straight fight. But you don't have to FIGHT this merged Zamasu to beat them, in fact you might even have this fight wrapped up before Chaya comes back. As you have this thought, however, Zamasu explodes up off the ground, eyes wide with unbridled anger. Which turns to confusion as it looks back and forth, not seeing Chaya anywhere.
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“What?! Where did you go?!” Zamasu shouts, you whistling to draw the so-called god's attention. Which works, Zamasu turning as you fly towards them. “Oh? She ran away and left YOU here to face ME? Absurd, you're so weak I cannot even sense your energy.”

“You're right, I'm a lot weaker than you, and especially Chaya.” you reply, the godling snarling at you mentioning her name. But you smirk, raising both hands towards your head to take the stance for a technique you picked up from Tien years ago. “But there's one thing all you super-strong fighters always forget.”
“Oh? And what would that be? What could you POSSIBLY know that I, the magnanimous, the subli-?”
“SOLAR FLARE!!” you roar, unleashing the blindingly bright flash of light right in her face.


“KAAAAAH! Damnable cur!!” Zamasu snarls, drawing a blade of energy out from their right hand, swinging blindly while covering their eyes with their left hand. You immediately drop to the ground, drawing a certain capsule out of your gi's inner pocket, clicking it and throwing it to the ground. Where it opens in a cloud of smoke, revealing one of your master's last items he'd left to you, the seal written on the electric cooker's side one of the last he'd written in his own hand. You open the container, taking a deep breath and focusing. It'll take everything you've got to make this work.

“Come on Krillin, you can do this!” you think to yourself, slapping your cheeks to focus your mind. You prepare your master's technique he learned from his master, then thrusting both hands up as Zamasu lowers the left from their face, you fire off the greatest martial arts technique created on your planet. “MAAAAAAFUUUUBAAAAA!!”
“Mafuwha-? WAAAAAAAAAAAH?!!” Zamasu exclaims as the green cyclone of energy envelops them. Trapping Zamasu within the technique, unable to resist or escape its grasp. “Wh-What is happening?! What are you doing?!!”

“Hrrrraaaa! Sealing you away for good! SHYAAAAAAA!!” you roar, directing the trapped god down, directly at the container at your feet. Having watched your master miss when it mattered most against the evil King Piccolo, you're taking no chances! Directing the swirling, torrential energy down directly at the container between your feet, sending the god directly down into the container. The swirling energy disappears as well, keeping Zamasu bound inside just long enough for you to shut the lid, pressing the seal to the top half as well. Binding the god into the container, trapping them. And once that's done you collapse, feeling completely drained. But you did it, you sealed away that extremely-powerful deity. “Haaaaaaaaaah!”
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Flopping onto your back, you struggle to catch your breath for several moments. Thanks to that absolutely insane amount of power you'd absorbed earlier, the technique wasn't fatal. As you'd expected, but it burned away all of that power you'd stolen from Black. Leaving you feeling far more frail and feeble than ever, the gap in power from just a minute ago astonishing. But you did it. You lay there a few seconds, only for suddenly the world outside your closed eyelids to turn red once more. And, opening your eyes, see Chaya looking down at you, kneeling worriedly by you.

“Are you okay? What happened, where's Zamasu?” she asks, pressing her hand directly onto your palm. You feeling energy surging into your body, realizing she grabbed your absorber on purpose, flooding you with her own power to give you the strength to move. “Did they escape?”
“Eheheh, nope. I got em. They're in that electric cooker, sealed away.” you say, using the power she gave you to rise into a sitting position, pointing to it with your free hand. “Using my master's master's technique he created, the Mafuba.”
“Wait, you...? Hold on, your master's master is the one who made it?” she asks, surprising you more that she KNOWS the Mafuba more than her shock at you landing it. “How did you hit them with it?”

“Well, most people don't move around a lot when they're blinded.” you reply cheekily, raising your hands back to your forehead.
“The Solar Flare? Wow, you sure know a lot of really varied techniques.” Chaya says, sounding more impressed now. You notice from the corner of her eye the stump of her tail wagging, and decide to take your shot and make a move.
“How about, once this is all over, we head out someplace quiet and I show you what I can do?” you ask her, then with a wink add, “Just the two of us?”

To which her tail wagging increases, a slight blush coming to her face and ears. But then, from behind her you see another pink energy trail rapidly approaching, and seeing your expression change she stands up, getting between you and the energy.

“What is this? What have you ningen done?!” the pink-haired warrior, this one a man but with a WILD widows' peak asks. “You can't have killed them, not fused together.”
“Shows what you know! You idiots are so weak, you can get sealed up in a jar!” she fires back, pointing at the container. “If you don't want to spend eternity trapped in a jar too, you'd better go run along back to whatever timeline you belong to!”
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“Tch!” the warrior snarls, leveling their left hand down at the container. Only to suddenly grab their head, screaming in pain. “GYAAAAAAAH! KYUUUH! N-NO! Th-Our marvelous dream! No, it cannot be!”

Chaya, startled for only a moment suddenly moves, crimson and blue auras blazing as she closes the distance instantly, one moment she's standing before you, and the next she's directly in front of the pink-haired short man, hand through his chest. Holding his heart out through his back, tearing her arm back through and crushing his heart before him. Yet, he still manages to fire his energy, directly down at you and the electric cooker. You try and get between that blast and container, but before you can fully rise everything disappears in a flash. The world becomes nothing but the brightness, all sound drowned out by the roar of the explosion, all you can feel is the fire of the blast. But then, after some time it fades, you finding yourself laying face-down on the ground. And pushing yourself up, see that your master's container was destroyed, Zamasu is free once more.

“Waah! Wha-?! How-?” Zamasu exclaims, panting and perspiring heavily. Eyes wide with fear, looking back and forth for you. And when Zamasu's eyes lock onto you, you see the murderous intent in them. You start to raise your arms, only for Chaya to suddenly appear before you. Catching Zamasu's Ki Blade with her bare hand, snapping it between her fingers. “Haah?!”
“Oh HELL no, you're not TOUCHING him!” she snarls, aura blazing and sending you rolling across the ground, tumbling over and over for a few dozen yards before getting your feet under you, sliding to a stop. Only to see Chaya absolutely laying into Zamasu, fists moving too fast for you to see. But from the way Zamasu's body is flailing, she's giving him hell. “You're gonna pay for that!”

For over a minute you watch as she continues the attack, but as she does, you begin to notice something. Two somethings. First, Chaya's aura begins to flicker, the blazing red aura starting to fade in and out. Seems she can't keep this up for much longer. But the other thing you notice is that her energy isn't the only energy unstable, as Zamasu's halo fractures and shatters, then a pale glowing line begins splitting Zamasu right up the middle.

I'm gonna take EVERYTHING from you, and first is this fusion! HAAAAAAAA!!” she shouts, crouching and drawing her right fist back then swinging it with the full power of her arm, armored back, muscular thighs and calves. Shoving her fist straight through Zamasu's ribcage and out their back. However, as she does, the strangest thing happens.
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You watch as Zamasu starts to SPLIT along that line, reverting back into the green-skinned one and the pink-haired one that looks like a scar-less Chaya, the fusion's features melting away from them both. She did it!

“What?!” the green-skinned one shouts, eyes wide with terror.
“Impossible!” the pink-haired one exclaims, unable to comprehend what's happening. The two beings fully split back into their individual selves, looking from Chaya to each other in shock. Which is a terrible mistake, Chaya immediately continuing her attack. Slamming a powerful, world-shaking right to Zamasu's face, sending the godling smashing down to the ground, disappearing in a massive plume of dust and smoke. The fake Chaya draws her pink blade and immediately swings it at Chaya's left shoulder in an overhead, bisecting strike. But when the blade strikes her shoulder,it simply shatters against her. As if it were made of glass. “Wh-Wha-? No, this cannot be!”

“I told you, didn't I? I DON'T lose.” she says, grabbing Black's right hand with her left. Crushing it in her grip, then driving her right straight through the impostor's chest as well. Once more taking their heart, ripping it out of their chest and crushing it in front of her. The pink-haired warrior's hair reverts to Chaya's usual black, eyes going glassy as they fall. Dead. She then turns back to you, checking to make sure you're okay. And as you see her, covered in blood and with a wild gleam in her eye, you know one thing for certain:

You've never been more in love in your life. But as you stare at her, you then see a tremor run through her body. The crimson glow disappearing completely, dropping down to all fours with a grunt of pain.

“CHAYA!?” you exclaim, rushing over to her. Sliding to a stop by her, hand on her back. “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah, I just-Tch! Can't keep the Kaio-Ken up any longer.” she says, sighing out in exhaustion. The blue glow fades from her as well, hair turning back to its normal black. “Dammit. Played around too long, used up too much power.”

“How DARE you?!” Zamasu shouts, the godling flying back, ki blade drawn as he charges you both. Immediately Chaya's aura, this time golden flares up, her hair turning gold as well as she pushes herself upright. Drawing her weapon from under her pauldron once more, its crimson blade stopping Zamasu's Ki Blade. “I'll make you pay!”

But as Zamasu attacks, you realize that Chaya's in trouble. Despite her earlier power, now she and the single green-skinned man seem on equal level. Both moving at blurring speeds, yet Chaya keeps her defenses up. Blocking every strike and firing back when she can, but unlike the god, she has to defend against each of Zamasu's strikes. As, unlike the god, she fights as if even a single blow could be dangerous.
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But as they fight, you know you have to do something. So, as they trade blows at blinding speeds, you leap away to Chaya's right, landing and planting your feet as you draw your arms to your sides. Focusing your power on another of your late master's more unique powers, changing your ki to electricity as you gather it into both palms. Chaya, seeing what you're doing turns up the pressure, forcing Zamasu to retreat. Turning him, putting his back to you as you prepare your technique. And, after a few seconds of preparation, it's ready. You throwing both hands forward, unleashing the technique.

“THUNDER SHOCK SURPRISE!” you roar, firing a condensed beam of electricity at Zamasu's back. Chaya, deflecting a final blow then leaps back, Zamasu turning back only for your attack to land true. Overloading the godling's body with electricity, causing muscles to spasm as the god screams in pain.
“KYAAAAAAAAAAAH! GYAAAAAAAGH!!” Zamasu screams, you pouring more and more power out by the second. You feel your energy levels dropping by the second, you can't keep this up for long. But hopefully long enough, as you see Chaya struggling to catch her breath.

“I can't hold this much longer!” you shout to Chaya, who nods. Deactivating her weapon, powering back down to her base form as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Sighing out, then raising both her hands, she opens her eyes only to reveal they've changed. Glowing with red and yellow, her eyes looking like the pits of hell as she then fires her own electricity once more. You end your attack, collapsing to a knee as her electricity envelops the godling. With a hate-filled snarl on her face, Chaya pours more and more electricity into the green-skinned monster for several seconds, until suddenly she stops as well. Your eyes widen in shock, but before you can ask why suddenly a massive beam of energy drops straight down out of the heavens, flattening Zamasu and pinning the godling beneath it.

“Let's go!” another voice calls, you turning your head up towards it. Only to see Chaya's blue-haired mother holding a hand out towards the beam, looking down to you two. “Everyone's evacuated, time to go!”
“Right!” Chaya shouts, rushing over to you and holding a hand down to you. “C'mon, can you move?”
“For you? Of course.” you reply with a small smile, reaching up and taking her hand. Letting her pull you to your feet, the three of you flying away from the pillar-like beam of energy. And as you and Chaya follow her mother, you suddenly see where Chaya gets it. Seems you and this Karn fellow have more in common than you'd thought.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 223 Epilogue II End-
Bruh fuck yeah gm. That fight was amazing. Krillen really helped out and you even let him use his patented solar flare without him just wasting it. Is thunder shock Surprise move also using the force?
Tempting...but pass.
>And as Zamasu tries to speak, Chaya interrupts with another strike. This time with a Digeutja Jireugi, or a double punch with one punch high to the face and the other right to the diaphragm
This sounds like it hurts like a motherfucker.
Hahaha get jarred idiot. and now for the hot glue
>"Tch!” the warrior snarls, leveling their left hand down at the container. Only to suddenly grab their head, screaming in pain. “GYAAAAAAAH! KYUUUH! N-NO! Th-Our marvelous dream! No, it cannot be!”
This is probably the moment when Karn went and Karned as usual. Seems like it caused some physic damage.
Hahaha get fucked idiot. Krillin's a real lucky man to capture Chaya's interest and personally witness her doing some insane stuff like this.
Back-to-back lightning attacks? Is Zamasu starting to regret being immortal?
> And as you and Chaya follow her mother, you suddenly see where Chaya gets it. Seems you and this Karn fellow have more in common than you'd thought.
Brothers of based taste.
Follow up question,

Now that the PTO have 'Conquered' earth and it's been about a month, what have Tien and Yamcha been up to (if Yamcha even survived)
Krillin had to become more reliable and better in this timeline, he didn't have a Goku to rely on and assume he'd always save the day. No, Thunder Shock Surprise isn't. But it was one of many of Roshi's special techniques he developed over his life.
Indeed. And Krillin shows his martial mastery knowing the named strikes. Similar body structures only have so much range of motion.
>Seems like it caused some physic damage
He did much more than that.
Yes he is. Man's got the natural charisma.
He knows what he likes, and sees he and the alien Saiyans have similar appreciations.
Both survived, continued their work. Same for Krillin, although he's also been engaging in... Extracurricular xeno diplomacy, let's call it.
Krillin's rizz is unstoppable. I'd be proud to have him as a son-in-law.
Honestly, I'm eager to see Krillin's reaction to tales of what Karn has done over the years. I'm sure that Chaya, proud of her daddy, will tell him plenty of stories. Stories that will probably give him nightmares.
>zamasu got jar'd
He should be thankful he was not a marketable figurine and the container was not a mason jar. Else his fate would have been dire.

Also, Vegeta Rose? Never would have guessed. Vegeta gets second fiddled so hard I couldn't even imagine him getting body snatched. Oof.
Hm............That line about their marvelous dream is tickling the back of my head but I can't quite put it together. Guess I'll have to read it Saturday during work to find out.

Otherwise great fight yeah, Chaya needs to learn to fuck around a little less, and Krillian needs Katachin hips immiediently or hes cooked.
could the dragonballs make him strong enough to survive? give him the stamina to push through to the end?
Krillin will become strong enough to survive, Karn will make sure of it.
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Not quite yet. Besides, he still has to win Chaya's tournament.
After what he's seen from Chaya and what she's told him of her father, it probably wouldn't surprise him. Though, footage of the Siege of New Salda would be shocking.
Yes, not all universes play out the same. That Vegeta came from a... Certain timeline cluster.
Perhaps. Remember, a bunch of mortals make gods through Faith. But what does the Faith of Gods make?
True. But she was showing off for a certain someone, or rather someones.
>Krillian needs Katachin hips immiediently or hes cooked
Not really. Just has to absorb enough ki, strengthening his body to the point he can take it. After all, taking Black's Kamehameha strengthened him to the point he could seal MERGED ZAMASU away without dying. Which is quite the gap, and something he could NOT have done without that extra power.
Possible. He may seek greater power.
Now that sounds wild. Wonder what Vegeta's arrival was like.
>he still has to win Chaya's tournament
I mean, yeah but you can't tell me she isn't going to tip the scales in his favour.
All this potential timeline shenanigans made me wonder what a Karn working for the SKoT would've been like if she got him as early as Towa had.
Different, but mostly the same.
Tip the scales? She doesn't have to. After all, if he can't 'win' enough for the Goddess of Victory's favor, he's not trying hard enough.
Probably would have had his Berserker Soul suppressed, not fully attuned to it like our Karn. Out of fear over that power and all.
>Probably would have had his Berserker Soul suppressed, not fully attuned to it like our Karn. Out of fear over that power and all.
how paranoid of her. But I'm also wondering how the Time Patrol gets their recruits & staff. At first I assumed that it was based off of the future in Dragonball Online where there's a bunch of namekians and majins and whatever roaming about but it doesnt explain how people like Nappa and Zamasu, who are not only bad guys but also are super dead by the Time Patrol's debut, are just casually around the premises as mentors. And for the full time patrollers that aren't native to that timeline, are they just never allowed to go back home if they've been plucked out of their timeline like Trunks has?
A god whose reser reality countless times, paranoid? Of course not, not like she’s seen your strongest or anything.
Usually, Chronoa would pluck them out of their timelines either just before or just after their death, taking their soul back to her realm and having their body reborn. DBO origin for the Buu and Namekian races is correct, at least for them. Same for Saiyans as well, most are very diluted bloodlines.
As for returning, depends. If they’re like Trunks and put in the Time Patrol as a punishment/atonement, then no. But the Future Chaya/Ace type arrangement wasn’t uncommon, although those types never spent more than12 hours consecutively in TokiToki/Conton cities.
We need to get Chaya her full tail back. Those mentions of it wagging in the epilogue just had me picturing a docked-tail Dobermann.
24 hours to go! This episode's droppimg with a revelation right out the gate!

Perhaps. But does -she- want it?
BASED KRILLIN, BASED KRILL MAN, HE GETS EM, EVERY SINGLE TIME! And the Wee Man with the Hugest Sack award goes too, CHAYA'S HUSBAND!
I would feel bad for him, but Krillin is gonna be so smug with his broken pelvis its hard to care.
Krillan, you got no idea
Berserker God Karn with the third eye; how big?

Also, pic related; Meloka having to deal with that.
>There's a thought. Does it get stronger by besting and/or devouring deities?
Yes it should.

The fundamental principle that governs every divinity, mortal born or god born, from planetary guardian to Gods of Destruction and Time, is Faith. Faith is what allows them to exist and what allows them to bend and break the laws of reality and thus gather more Faith in the Divine Powers.

The Berserker Soul you mentioned before is an inverse, rather then feeding off the faith of others, its a power thats nurtured by the faith and rage of its user in itself.

Thus while the Berserker Soul itself is strong, its true strength comes when its paired with a user who can march forwards against the divine.

More so, its been said again and again, that the Berserker Soul power expresses itself through Flame, due to this being a Souls Cycle, and the fundamental law underlining the Souls Series is that Flames Can Be Kindled.

With enough rage, with enough faith, I think the Berserker Soul kills and burns through the faith of the gods it slays, and uses them as kindling to grow stronger. It makes sense after all, the Berserker Soul was born to kill the Saiyan God, and even if Yamoshi died, a new champion could be born by the Good Sayians investing their faith in another champion even if they were weaker from the faith hit of the firsts death.

But what if there was no faith left to offer up to bring about the birth of a new Saiyan God?

Further more, Mecky has seen what Karn and his varients are capable of, his Seal should have endured what he thought our power was capable off, and yet after Burning Away The Dark, and facing A Realm Of Nothing But Divinity, the Berserker Soul BURNED it away, as it turned Divine Dragon Force into Berserker Flames, and then they Burned Down The Realm of Zamasu.

Thats the strength of the Berserker Soul to quiet litterally grow stronger as it burns and devours the faith of the god it slays, and is further strengthed by the Faith its user has in its own powers. As long as its user Believes they wont lose, against a Divine Being, the Berserker Soul will carry them along.

You’re on the right track. Got some things off, but it is in the correct general area However:
>Further more, Mecky has seen what Karn and his varients are capable of, his Seal should have endured what he thought our power was capable off
The strongest point in favor of this argument, yes. You surpassed what he THOUGHT you were capable of by destroying it accidentally.
Not having, demanding to deal with that.
>Won't be this epilogue, Mechikabura may tell you more soon enough. But by destroying that, Karn has effectively weakened EVERY Zamasu across time.
I can’t wait to learn what is the real meaning of what Karn did.
>Though, there may be another who knows even more...
Hopefully that was not Dumplin.
>So does mean Karn got a rep boost amongst the Zamasu as "Super Ultra Hyper Omegadeath Satan, Destroyer of Worlds and Bringer of the End"
It may have not been confirmed yet but I think it will be true once they learn what happened with Zamasu Dimension.
>art by @clarevalentina3
What a great art. Too bad Meloka Black cannot see it.
>and as the light fades you peek around Chaya, jaw dropping in shock upon seeing what they've become.
Zamasu is a very memorable villain.
>he warrior snarls, leveling their left hand down at the container. Only to suddenly grab their head, screaming in pain. “GYAAAAAAAH! KYUUUH! N-NO! Th-Our marvelous dream! No, it cannot be!”
This is the moment when Zamasu realm got destroyed. This must hurt. Though Zamasu is a known Super Dragon Balls abuser. If we let Zamasu army stay alive for long enough they might use Super Shenron to try to bring this whole thing back. I mean it is said that it can grant any wish.
>Blocking every strike and firing back when she can, but unlike the god, she has to defend against each of Zamasu's strikes. As, unlike the god, she fights as if even a single blow could be dangerous.
It seems that the regeneration she has from the faith of her fans is not active when she is using a transformation that uses mortal’s ki like Super Sayian. Are the bonuses of being a Goddess of Victory only active when she is transformed into a form that uses a divine Ki like Super Sayian Blue?
>223 Epilogue II End
Great epilogue and fights were amazing .
>He should be thankful he was not a marketable figurine and the container was not a mason jar. Else his fate would have been dire.
Zamasu would find this extremely offensive.
>Perhaps. Remember, a bunch of mortals make gods through Faith. But what does the Faith of Gods make?
I don’t know. Creation Kais make new worlds and life.
I'm really curious on what that whole thing was about with the funky infinite Zamasu dimension.

Well you're in luck, as someone's going to try and explain it to you when this next episode starts.
They didn't inherently know who did it. But once the survivors return, word will spread. Maybe, as the one who witnessed Karn do this is gone now.
Yes, one of Super's only real Villains.
IF it can rebuild a concept no one alive can now comprehend...
Or perhaps she simply has a lifetime of training to protect herself, and doesn't RELY on abusing such a power?
Glad you enjoyed.
Yes, but perhaps Chaya will immortalize it anyway with other merch?
>Creation Kais make new worlds and life
Yes. But it is less a question of their powers but more the difference between mortal and god Faith have.
>IF it can rebuild a concept no one alive can now comprehend...
Sounds like its less on the dragon and more on the summoner's ability to understand such a thing. I'm pretty sure that Earth Shenron has some degree of all-knowing considering the fact that he could recall an ancient legend that was entirely lost to time with ease. So I'm sure Super Shenron can comprehend the incomprehensible horror pretty well.
>Or perhaps she simply has a lifetime of training to protect herself, and doesn't RELY on abusing such a power?
I'mma say it, bad guys that regenerate in the blink of an eye get a negative reputation modifier. They're always the most sauceless, talentless little shits that don't know how to fight. And they have the audacity to be smug about how totally strong they are. No, bitch, you're just Godmodding on DOOM because you're scared the demons will hurt you.
>entirely lost to time
Not exactly. At least one being in the 7th universe still knew it, so the knowledge wasn't lost knowledge.
Yes, and some good guys too. Regenerators are boring, if that's all they've got. If they used this gift to become masters, that's one thing. But just not dying is lame.
So the Eternal Dragon just asks Zuno then
It's TIME: >>6192012

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