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You’re ANTON PEAS: a Grill Jockey at GREASE MONKEY: THE DEEP-FRIED EVERYTHING FAMILY RESTAURANT! Well, you were, anyways. Thanks to a demonic ritual gone wrong, you were whisked away to ZORAL: a fantasy realm shrouded in perpetual darkness–the surprise trip leaving you with a plate full of troubles and a head full of holes!

You’ve only got one lead for making it back home, and it’s a pricey one: for 20,000 BELLS, VOLKIR: potionseller, retired wizard, and adoptive father of your new pal VOLKA will help you out, but as they say in your home dimension, ‘pimpin’ ain’t easy’!

Ruthless Gangsters! Ferocious Monsters! A City Spiraling into Anarchy! Toxic Brothels! These are just a few pitfalls you dodged so far in your quest for ‘Fat Stackz’, but all of them are dwarfed by your most pressing concern: the revelation that your recently-acquired MAGICAL POWERS were indeed provided by a DEVIL!

His terms are clear as crystal: once you’re dead, you belong to RED... but surely someone in town can help you out, right? That line of thinking brought you and your chums VOLKA: LAMPLIGHTERS GRAND MARSHALL and TZAH-TZIE: RENOWNED BARD, APPARENTLY, to the doorstep of OTI: THE MAGE AND UNTIL RECENTLY A TRAFFICKER! You wouldn’t exactly call him a friend, but your list of people who know a thing or two about demons is woefully small… and you get the feeling you’ve got a long night ahead of you!

Guided by the brisk evening wind towards a creaky old fireworks shop, THIS is where your tale continues…

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Who’s that howling in the distance!?! Why, it’s DARK QUEST, of course! Best stick to the path if you don’t wanna end up in its belly! Check out a few resources before we get this party started:

>Archive link to catch up with the last thread:
>Twitter Account with art and other stupid shit:
>Pastebin for INVENTORY, SKILLS, and MORE:

Rolls are handled by a 1(or more)d100--I take the BEST OF THREE ROLLS! 1’s are CRITFAILS while 100’s are CRITSUCCESSES! Certain boosts and maluses will be applied based on the situation and existing skills.

PLEASE ONLY 1 VOTE/ROLL PER PLAYER! If it’s exceptionally slow I’ll ask for people to roll again!

Describing your actions, write-ins, and GENERAL CREATIVITY are all APPRECIATED AND REWARDED--we like to keep things LIGHT and CHILL here, so come on in and have some fun!

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So, you shiver with an amicable grin, can he help you?

A pair of weary green eyes the size of disco balls stare at you with silent ire while Volka and Tzah-Tzie back you up with reassuring smiles!

“... I said I’d examine you, didn’t I?” Oti replies in a tone drier than the Sahara, “You’re later than I’d like, but it can’t be helped.” The mage turns to enter the shop: its musky interior reeking of stale smoke and other nose-wrinkling aromas that remind you of your Uncle’s house! “Well, come in, I suppose. I just put the kettle on. And don’t even think of entering without wiping your feet first.”

“That sounds ‘TEAriffic!’ Ha! Get it?” Laughs Volka as she delivers a nudge that leaves your ribs sore! Answering with a polite laugh, you follow the Chytree into his shop and jolt a bit as the door slams soundly shut behind you! Seriously, TT?

“It wasn’t ME!” Yowls the bite-sized bard indignantly as she scurries close to your side! “It closed on its own!”

“Oh, you’re in for a veritable feast of excitement if that impressed you…” Scoffs Oti as he leads you past rows of what you can only assume are display racks. “We’ll speak in the parlor. Chop chop.”

You’re almost disappointed as you duck beneath a string of wooden items clunking over your head–does he, uh, does he get a lot of business for this stuff?

“The fireworks?” Oti answers with a shrug in his tone, “I’m hardly a wealthy man, if that’s what you’re asking.”

You bet, you reply with a sagely nod, not nearly as fun when you can’t see them explode…

“There’s more to fireworks than pretty lights...” Smirks the sorcerer with a polite laugh.

Volka frowns. “And I’m betting none of ‘em are lega- OOF!”

“I understand it’s a foreign concept for one of your stature, but do try to be careful,” Oti groans as your Skog pal untangles her face from a string of unseen fireworks, “I only just finished cleaning the shop...”

His bulbous glowing eyes fall on your stouter companion. “Oh, and I’d strongly advise against pilfering any of the merchandise.”

Tzah-Tzie answers with a frown. “What’s that supposed to mean, hmm?”

Oti turns his attention ahead. “It’s a warning. Though I suppose my security countermeasures could use a test…”

Coming to a halt in a significantly less-smoky room, the Chytree deposits himself into some kind of chair before looking your way expectantly. “I expect you have questions?”

When it becomes clear he isn’t going to direct you or your pals to a seat of your own, you decide to ask:

>Why fireworks?
>He seems pretty calm considering the city’s freaking out!
>He said he’s gonna examine you?
>Tell me a little bit about magic!
>What’s his story anyways?
>What does he know about teleporting to other worlds?
>Nah, let’s proceed!
>He seems pretty calm considering the city’s freaking out!
>He said he’s gonna examine you?
>What does he know about teleporting to other worlds?
The rest can wait
>He seems pretty calm considering the city’s freaking out!
>He said he’s gonna examine you?
>What does he know about teleporting to other worlds?
>He seems pretty calm considering the city’s freaking out!
>He said he’s gonna examine you?
>What does he know about teleporting to other worlds?
Welcome back, DB!
>He seems pretty calm considering the city’s freaking out!
>Tell me a little bit about magic!
Dark Dorks, I present... THE TALLY:
Writing! Looks like the city wins it, but we'll chuck in examine and other worlds too! Pardon the impending long-ass wait.
Glad to be back, thanks!
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Well, yea, you reply as you sheepishly shift from foot to foot! Your answer earns you another defeated sigh from the moody mage. Gee, you sure missed those!

“Why do I even ask… very well then, what sweeping concepts can I demystify for you this time, hm? Morality? Love? The meaning of life?”

You’re just about to change your answer to one of those until you realize he’s being sarcastic. Maybe. You’d rather not bank on pissing Oti off, so you go for the obvious: he’s acting awfully calm considering what’s been going on all day!

The Chytree’s frown deepens as you hear a muffled clatter of dishware from what must be an adjacent room. “Yes I am. Next question.”

“You must’ve not heard, then: Chairman Fellick was found dead!” Interjects Tzah-Tzie with the energy of a gossiping housewife! “They think it might’ve been murder, y’know~”

“Oh no, how terrible...” Gasps the mage like a parent humoring a toddler, “Which one was he again? They’re all so memorable…”

You get it, you remark, he doesn’t care! Oti cocks his head to the side.

“Should I?”

“It doesn’t look that bad out there yet,” Answers Volka as her big yellow eyes shift towards the shop entrance, “But mark my words: things are gonna heat up before they cool down…”

“Yes, yes, you must really be on to something…” Nods Oti in the usual patronizing tone. “Suppose that means I’ll have much more business in the coming days–wise of you to seek me out now.”

Okay, you’ll bite: why is he so calm? Wizard or not, surely something about this interests him! Who’s gonna be the next Chairman? What’s gonna happen to Crossroads? C’mon, SOMETHING!

“I don’t bother wasting my thoughts on something as insipid as politics...” Snarls Oti derisively as if he’d just swallowed a cockroach, “In my experience if you’re pondering it then there are already hundreds of parties scheming about how to have it benefit them. These things sort themselves out one way or another.”

The wizard pauses as something clatters in from the next room–the source of the noise bobbing in the air as if it were adrift at sea. Leaning over to interact with it, the Chytree lets out a polite sipping noise. Ah, the tea.

“You’re still confused. Shocking.” He smirks as you listen to the tray depart from whence it came. “Death is about as common among mages as it is with Skogs, but unlike Skogs, when a wizard dies it’s usually for a reason.”

Volka opens her mouth to say something, but Oti cuts her off with laser-guided efficiency!

“‘Who gets the last Fried Durher Thigh’ is not a reason. Not to most civilized people, in any case.”

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Leaning back in his seat as your Skog pal quietly fumes, Oti’s eyes glimmer a bit as he continues. “I won’t bore you with the details, but most wizard deaths are political in nature–even the ones that appear to be accidents.”

Volkir told you something similar, not that you share that with the Chytree. Political being, like, for power?

“Yes, Anton, for power.” Nods the mage as he takes another obnoxiously long sip from his cup. “If you can’t guard your secrets in the magical world, you don’t deserve them. Simple as that.”

“There’s a reason not everyone’s cut out to be a mage…” Adds Tzah-Tzie in a grim tone.

“And now you know the reason why I couldn’t care less about who died today!” Concludes the sorcerer with a triumphant slurp! “And don’t get me started on that ‘Red Comet’ hysteria you started…”

Eheheh… o-oopsie-daisy…

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So, you continue in a desperate attempt to change the topic, what’s this ‘examination’ gonna be like anyways? N-no needles, right? No needles?

Oti stares at you like you just winked at his mother. “I don’t intend to torture you, I merely wish to ascertain how much demonic corruption has spread throughought your body-”

He KNOWS about that!? How?!

“I… you just told me on my doorstep,” The mage groans, taking another hearty swig from his drink as if it could save him, “Along with the rest of that inane synopsis of your adventure thus far…”

“Yea, even I thought that was a little odd!” Adds Volka as she gives your head a firm, but thankfully non-lethal pat! “But informative!”

Oh, you mutter, tone still tinged with confusion, that makes sense… but no needles, right? Your answer comes in the form of a drawn-out sigh.

“... fine, no needles, just a bit of magic. It’s more of a formality than anything else–there’s so much demonic energy in here I can practically taste it.”

“That far gone, huh?” TT remarks as she glances your way with an apologetic smile! “You think you can fix Ant, then?”

“That depends on what I learn from the examination.” Shrugs Oti as he polishes off his drink. “Theoretically it might be as simple as sending the corruption somewhere else… but beyond that, well…” He punctuates his statement with a long, hard stare. “... I’m confident in my ability to at least give you more control over it.”

Okay, you nod with a forced grin on your face, yea! You like the sound of that! Examine away, my guy!

“I’m not ‘your guy’ and we won’t be conducting the examination here.”

That earns a raised eyebrow from you. Why not?

“Because it might get messy. Shall we?” Rising from his seat, the Chytree beckons for you to follow him.

“Wait a sec: what about our tea?” Asks Volka with a nervous chuckle!

“I never said I was brewing tea for everyone,” Oti dryly replies as he leads you deeper into his abode, “Call ahead next time if you want tea and treaties’.”

“Yea, okay… shoulda called ahead, yep…” The Skog nods, “Dang it, Volka…

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Your gracious host leads you down a long, winding ramp that takes you deeper into the cold earth than anywhere else you’ve been today! As your shoulder brushes against the cold, mossy wall, your nostrils flare at the faint scent of something familiar…

“Quite a big basement you’ve got here, Ote.” Observes Volka as she stoops to avoid smacking her head on the ceiling. “Been here long?”

“The shop belonged to someone else,” The mage replies, pausing as the passage fills with the sound of grinding masonry and shifting stone, “But my lab, well… it goes where I go.”

“Lemme guess: the last owner ain’t around anymore, is he?”


The Durher’s question earns a laugh from the sullen sorcerer! “He is, in a way… well, parts of him, at least. You might meet him if he’s in a talkative mood, though he usually isn’t.”

As the sound of grinding stone ceases, you feel a sensation akin to a drop on a roller coaster as you step through… well, something. A barrier, maybe? Staggering into the wall, you quickly recover when all eyes fall on you!

“Worry not–we’ve merely crossed the threshold into my TOWER.

You feel it long before you can ask: while the trip down was clammy and a bit unpleasant, you find yourself bathed in an almost homey warmth as the floor beneath you feet shifts from uneven stone to polished marble–each step making a definitive ‘clock’ as you proceed deeper into the wizard’s sanctum!

“Never been in a wizard’s tower before…” Mutters Volka as a low whistle escapes her lips, “Must be massive...”

“The size of my abode doesn’t matter–it all occupies quasispace and exists purely based on my own will and comprehension of its design.” Oti explains in a tone usually reserved for things such as ‘the answer to 2+2’ or ‘what sound does a doggie make’. Sensing he’s lost you, the mage lets out yet another sigh!

“This place, like all wizard towers, is a product of my will. It exists separately from our current reality, but because I know it exists I can keep it tangible, provided I choose to do so.”

So what happens if you stop thinking about it?

“You wouldn’t want to know, so keep your minds focused on where you are, please.”

Bristling at the sound of a distant CRASH, your worries are immediately waved away by your host. “My test subjects can become a little unruly–shifting into unperceived quasispace has that effect on them. Rest assured we’re perfectly safe!”

“But what abou-”

“Perfectly safe!” Oti repeats in a firmer tone!

Hey, since he knows so much about towers and quokkaspace, you begin in an uneasy voice, what’s his take on OTHER WOR-

“I said it before: I can’t help you return home.” The Chytree frowns as you feel the ground shift beneath your feet, “Teleportation around Zoral is simple enough: most literature on it was written long before the world went dark… but interdimensional travel, well…”

… it’s tricky?

“It’s not worth my time.” Corrects the mage. “Teleportation at its most basic state requires a firm understanding of where the destination is and the energy required to go there. Teleporting to another world would require an immense amount of energy… and a firm understanding of a very, very specific destination.”
You get it: it’s tough, you groan as you pass through a room filled with clanking, hissing machines, but what about this whole devil summoning thing then? How do people get demons over to Zoral?

“Many postulate that the ones who wrote those rituals in the first place were under the influence of a demon,” Replies the sorcerer in a slightly more hushed tone, “That or the instructions were transcribed from somewhere. There’s a wealth of ancient ruins to the South… most belonging to the Skog tribes of old, as well as a few Chytree colonies, but some have no names…”

It’s only when Oti pauses that you realize the ground’s been moving beneath your feet! Stumbling a bit, you blink the dry out of your eyes as the mage leads you into a chamber stuffed with an odor akin to the lovechild of a cheap clinic and an old person’s bathroom!

“And here we are…” Chuckles Oti as he floats ahead towards the center of the chamber, “Your friends are welcome to observe if they please, but there’s an exquisite lounge just t-”

“Have fun, Rook!”
“Yea, knock ‘em dead!”

Watching the girls scurry out of the room, both you and Oti exchange a rare understanding glance. Are uh… are they gonna be okay?

“I’ll rearrange things so that they find their way,” The sorcerer responds with a hint of sympathy in his voice. “But as for you, well… just stand in the center of the room. Follow the humming.”

Before you can ask, you feel a dull humming that permeates your leather boots! Taking a few cautious steps, you find that the vibrations grow stronger in a certain direction… following it about halfway, you can’t shake an uneasy twinge in your gut…

“I do have other matters to attend to this evening, you know.”

What do?
>One more question, Ote…
>Yea, let’s do this!
>Actually… let’s not.
>Can you bring TT and Volka back?
>Yea, let’s do this!
>Yea, let’s do this!
>Mutter: "This is how we die, uh?"
>Yea, let’s do this!
Less go!
>Dis is iiiiitttt
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So do you, probably, so steeling yourself with a steadying breath, you take the last few steps into the center of the chamber and give Oti a nod. Let’s do this!

“An excellent choice,” Responds the Chytree, his voice echoing uncannily as his eyes light up like Christmas lights! “Again, stay very still–this might hurt a bit…”

Watching him work, it suddenly dawns on you that this might kill you… Hey wait what was that about h-

Your last-minute question is cut short when Oti shouts a string of unrecognizable words that reverberate across the room! As each syllable leaves his… whatever Chytree have instead of lips, you feel a surge of energy probing and prying your body! Gritting your teeth as the magic does its, well, magic, you relax a little bit when you realize it isn’t hurting at all! It’s kinda like a bidet! And hey, your left nostril isn’t slightly clogged anymore!

Or was it the right one…?

With one last shout, Oti’s eyes dim as you feel the magic rush from your body like toothpaste down a sink leaving you with an uncanny ‘clean’ sensation… so, you begin, scratching your butt as the sorcerer recovers from the procedure, how’s it look in there?

“Well…” Huffs the mage as he slowly catches his breath, “The corruption has taken root.. That’s the bad news.”

Hey, great! If that’s the bad news then the good news oughta’ be really good, right?

“Well I wouldn’t consider it life changing,” Replies the Chytree as you return to his side with a spring in your step, “But you seem to have much more time than I had predicted. Very peculiar indeed…”

Hey hold on a sec, you frown, why is that peculiar? You’ve only been here, for like, a day!

“I’m not bragging when I say Chytree are more attuned to magic than the other Zoral inhabitants,” Brags the wizard as he begins to pace in a lazy oval, “And when you arrived I could sense an alarming amount of demonic corruption…” Pausing mid-step, the enchanter shrugs. “But perhaps I was merely detecting my test subjects… at any rate, this is excellent news.”

With a snap of his fingers, the mage turns to his left just as Volka and Tzah-Tzie come bounding back into the chamber! How was the lounge, ladies?

“Huh?” Grunts the Skog as she skids to a halt in front of you, “We didn’t-”
“Two seconds ago we were running through some kind of swamp!” Adds Tzah-Tzie with a frown! “What gives!? And why do my eyes sting so much!?”

“Ah yes, the CAVES OF ETERNAL LAUNDRY… I really should check in on my formal robes one of these days…” Muses the Mage as he shifts his gaze back to you.

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“I have plenty to work with now, but I’ll need some materials first.” You feel a pointy claw-like appendage prod at your chest as Oti gives you a stern glare! “Which means you and your little friends have work to do.”

He never mentioned that, you groan! You’re tired!

“As am I, but somebody decided to drop in right before nightfall, so here we are!” Counters the wizard with renewed ire in his tone! “You may leave if you wish, but if you want to establish more control over your demonic urges-”

Well why didn’t he say so in the first place, you smile! If he’s doing you a favor then you’re happy to help him out!

“Helping people is the Lamplighter way!” Chirps Volka as TT begins to idly pluck at her Striilii. “What’s the task, hm? Outsmart a Gheedra? Solve a golem’s riddle?”

“Nothing so grandiose as those, I’m afraid,” Sighs the Chytree as he leads you out of the echoing chamber, “Though I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t somewhat dangerous…”

“Defying death is the Anton way!” Chirps TT as she gives her instrument a loud strum! “Let ‘em have it, Ote!”

Actually the Anton way is-

“The Mitaraan Temple, and most faiths in Zoral for that matter, have ways of diminishing and even outright expelling demonic corruption,” Oti explains as you feel the floor shift beneath your feet once more. “Light contamination, mind you.”

Let me guess, you reply as TT pauses playing for a moment to sniff the air, he’s got a better way?

“You catch on quick. Over the course of my research on demonic entities I've concocted a draught that should, when diluted with the correct ingredients, give the host more control over their corruption-”

“Hold on a tic: aren’t you trying to get cured, Rook?” Inquires Volka as she slows down to match your pace. “Couldn’t he just brew one of those Mitaaran potions for you?”

Oti stops mid-levitate and turns to face you with a steely look in his disco ball eyes. “That’s a question I’ll admit I’ve been pondering as well: are you trying to be cured?”

The question hits you like a pool noodle to the face! Well uh, you’re not complaining about the edge it’s given you in fights, but the whole ‘suffering for eternity once you die’ thing is a bit of a dealbreaker-

Oti cocks his head to the side. “Have you simply considered not dying?”

Oh shit, you exclaim, why didn’t you think of that before!?

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The Chytree is not amused. Is he ever, though?

“Pedantic sarcasm aside, this realm is rife with potential ways to prolong your life to an unnatural length… and were you to capitalize on the boons this devil imparts on you, well…” Oti pauses to take a big whiff of air as a twinkle forms in his segmented eyes, “You could become a force to be reckoned with indeed…”

“I don’t know much about devils, Rook,” Chimes in Volka with renewed concern in her tone, “But I do know this: they’re sneaky. Give ‘em the opportunity and they’ll always twist it in their favor-”

“Don’t be dramatic.” The sorcerer interjects with a dismissive shake of his head, “Demons love a gamble: the more power they bestow upon their benefactee the more likely they will, to use the parlance of our times, ‘snuff it’. But with risk comes reward-”

“Can we plot world domination later, please?” Begs Tzah-Tzie as she takes a few steps closer to you with a worried look in her eyes, “Something about this place feels off...”

“We’re nearing my VIVARIUMS,” Oti explains as the flames of ambition slowly fade from his eyes, “The gates to them, at least. Your task is this: While I open the portal, you and your associates will gather the ingredients.”

“And what, pray tell, are you gonna be doing?” Inquires TT with renewed spunk in her tone!

“Waiting here to bring you back once you’ve completed your task. The gate can’t be opened from the Vivarium side–a safety measure, you understand.”

Before you can protest, your robes are buffeted by a colossal gale that rips through the massive chamber you emerge in! As wind howls around you like a pack of wolves, Oti pauses in front of… something.

“The gate is here. Once you’re through, don’t dawdle: you won’t be alone.”

What is this, his petting zoo too?

“I harvest components from the fauna as well. Now pay attention: you’ll be heading to…”

>An untamed rainforest!
>A frozen wasteland!
>A scalding desert!
>An underwater trench!

Last update of the evening, by the way! Thank y'all for giving Dark Quest a try again--here's to a solid and entertaining thread!
>A dark cave! Darker than normal!
>A frozen wasteland!
>A dark cave! Darker than normal!
What, like so dark we can't see eyes?

Sounds weird, but inriguing. I'l support:
>A dark cave! Darker than normal!
>A dark cave! Darker than normal!
This is very stupid and therefore should prove most entertaining
>An untamed rainforest!
we are so back
Looks like caves wins it! Would normally link to the posts, but apparently 4chan thinks I'm trying to spam, so here we are. Anywho, writing!
>This is very stupid and therefore should prove most entertaining
My writing process in a nutshell
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“A cave system. A very dark one.”

As a rule you try to be polite to everyone you meet, even folks you don’t quite agree with. Your memory’s been a little spotty since you arrived in Zoral, but you know this to be true.

That said, you can’t stop yourself from filling the room with a boisterous belly laugh that would make Volka proud, and based on the approving smile on her face, you’re pretty sure it does!

Doubled over with pure, unadulterated laughter for the better part of a minute, it’s only after you start wheezing that Oti makes an attempt to reestablish communication!

“Are you finished?” He asks with the tone of a man two seconds away from flinging a fireball your way!

Y-yea, you weakly reply, you’re… yea, you’re done…

“Marvelous. To answer what I’m certain you’re already pondering, there are corners of this world where the darkness is more powerful. Raw. Primal.”

“Why, though?” Inquires Volka as she gives your still-wheezing form a reassuring pat on the back. “Dark is dark, isn’t it?”

Oti nods. “Indeed, even the most diligent scholars have discovered remarkably little about Zoral’s… ‘condition’. Whether it’s caused by a curse or some natural phenomenon is still widely debated, but one detail remains constant:”

You lean in a little closer. Which is?

The mage’s eyes glimmer. “That the flora and fauna populating these dark corners are completely unique: organisms suited to complete and utter darkness, and I mean COMPLETE.

And what, he wants you to grab some monster fur or something? The Chytree shakes his head.

“Luckily for you all I’ll need is FIVE SPRIGS OF ECLIPSEWEED– you’ll know it by the faint clicking sound it emits. I wouldn’t recommend petting the animals. Keep quiet and work quickly when you arrive–you’ll be operating at a disadvantage.”

“D’awww, is that concern I sense?” Chirps TT as a cheeky giggle escapes her lips!

“The last time someone was devoured I had to wait months before the cave’s inhabitants migrated away from the portal entrance.” His eyes shimmer. “Which reminds me: if you stumble across any remains, bring their belongings back to me.”

How… how many people has he sent-

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“Right, one last thing:” Placing a claw on your forehead, the sorcerer mutters a few hushed words under his breath. Before you can protest, you feel something lingering in the back of your mind: the location of the gate.

“Use this to find your way back to the portal area. I’ll open it up and bring you back once you’ve collected the samples. Questions?”

“Yea…” Volka replies with a quizzical expression, “Are we going to get whatever you just gave Ant?”

“No. Don’t get separated. If he dies you can cut his head off and use it to return–it should vibrate the closer you get to the portal.”

Needless to say, that doesn’t assuage the Skog’s worries much. “And if his head is, erm… damaged?”

The Chytree gives her a long, hard stare.

“Hmmm… yes, don’t let that happen. Right, off you go.”

With a flicker in his eyes, Oti places his claws on something and begins an incantation! Like a storm forming, the space next to you roars to life with magical energy–the close proximity is enough to make your teeth tingle!

“Go now!”

Welp, no need to keep the man waiting! Taking a steadying breath, you take a step into the maelstrom and immediately feel a sensation akin to walking through an automated car wash!

“Hmm? Strange…”

You’re just about to ask what’s eating Oti when you feel your feet slip out from under you! Tumbling head over heels, you open your mouth to gasp and immediately regret it when your lungs take in an ample amount of… NOTHING!

Your chest aches, but just as panic begins to settle in, your face is buffeted by a much-needed gust of air and a crackle of magical energy! Landing in a heap on a stretch of cold, hard rock, you fill your lungs with thick, moist air just as you hear a pair of similar cracks ring out–guess that means Vo-OOF!

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TT lands first–the small Spinner’s head crashing into your breadbox at what feels like terminal velocity! Your freshly-inhaled air barely leaves your mouth before your second companion arrives, and you’ll never guess where SHE lands!


You awaken a few moments later feeling like you’ve just been hit by a truck to find the Skog shaking you like a ragdoll!

“Rook! Wake up!”

You’re just about to respond when you feel a small claw smack you across the face a few times! You’re up, okay!? You’re up!

“Really?” Asks TT as she delivers another slap, “Sorry, thought you were still out…”

Not for lack of trying, you grumble as you let Volka help you to your feet! As you wipe the dust and grime off of your robe, you take stock of your surroundings and, well… it’s not a lot to go on!

To say you’re in a cave wouldn’t be doing it justice–even the act of getting up sends an echo reverberating across the cavern system that rises high above your heads towards a ceiling you can’t perceive. In return, a handful of droplets rain down onto your head–the offending moisture thick and syrupy as you wipe it from your hair.

Further down, you hear something akin to birdsong: faint ‘ki-KREEs’ are met with even quieter ‘ZIZIII’s’, and before you even take a step you can hear the familiar trickle of water splashing and tumbling down the rock face…

An underground stream!

“Not bad for the first patrol, ey, rook?” Chuckles Volka as her clanking armor rings out across the cave! “Wait’ll the rest of the gang hears about this!”

“Big Eyes wasn’t kidding…” Remarks Tzah-Tzie with awe in her voice as she sniffs the air, “I’m picking up all kinds of new smells in here…”

Yea, well keep tabs on your scent, you warn as you send a cautious glance around the cave, and Volka’s. It’d suck to get separated down here…

“Let’s keep track of the route we take, too…” Muses Volka as she takes a step towards the sound of the water, “We might have to beat a hasty retreat…”

You haven’t heard any beasts yet, but that does little to make you any less paranoid. 5 SPRIGS OF ECLIPSEWEED– a clicking plant. Where the hell do you even start?

>Follow the stream!
>Let TT take the lead!
>Just pause for a bit… listen!
>Head towards the birdsong!
>Ask your companions something!
>Just pause for a bit… listen!
>Just pause for a bit… listen!
>Just pause for a bit… listen!
Good spot to git gud with the echo ring, desu! A cave system that reflects sound better, and doesn't have eyes to cheat locations with.

Caution wins the day once more! If that's the case, well...
>Roll me 1d100+1 (+5 Volka Senses (Extra Dark), +6 TT Senses (But Darker!), +3 Ring of Echos, -7 Born in the Darkness, -2 Dark, -4 Lotsa Noises) to get a bearing on your quarry! Best of 3!
Rolled 59 + 1 (1d100 + 1)

We'll let TT take the lead later.
But for now
Rolled 97 (1d100)

Rolled 9 + 1 (1d100 + 1)

Cripes, okay! Starting the thread off strong, I see! Writing~
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Taking in your surroundings, it takes you a moment to realize your hands are trembling at your sides.

“You good, Ant?” TT asks as she gives your hip a gentle nudge. Yea, you mutter under your breath, just… still not used to a world without sights, is all. And the cave… the cave’s so darn…


Loud, you correct, cringing at the sound of a droplet smacking the ground next to your foot, it’s loud...

You didn’t mean to, but your answer inspires the rest of your entourage to absorb the atmosphere for a bit. The distant crackle of pebbles slipping free of a crag, a heated argument from the cave-dwelling ‘Ki-KREEE’-ers, the trickle of water along the grooves of the cavern floor… anywhere else it’d be ambience, but here, well…

It’s the perfect cover.

Volka’s armor clanks as she crouches closer to you, her hot breath tingling your ear. “Yea… I get what you mean...” As the conversation lulls back into silence, something breaks through the rest of the noise: a sound so faint you’d miss it if you weren’t making an effort to shut up!




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Groping at your sides, you clasp your hand onto a massive, scaly elbow and Tzah-Tzie’s hood hanging limply behind her head. Though the latter jerks upright at your touch, both girls seem to get the message. While the Skog’s tail wraps gently around your wrist, the Durher scales your back and wraps her arms around your neck like a koala.

“Boy, this is silly, isn’t it?” Volka remarks as a nervous laugh wriggles free of her lips! “Good thing no one can see us…”

Yea, you mumble as Tzah-Tzie gives your forehead a playful poke with her claw, wacky stuff…

Keep it down!” Hisses the Spinner from her perch on your back, “We aren’t alone in here, remember?

You and Volka answer her with silence as you proceed deeper into the caves. It’s tricky to pinpoint where the clicking originated, but your scale-clad scout seems to know what she’s doing! Aside from a few stumbles as you follow the stream down a steep incline, the trek goes relatively smoothly.

This place would almost be comfy if you weren’t certain you were being watched!

You must have taken two or three steps onto a patch of moss when you slam face-first into Volka’s outstretched hand–you’re about to ask why when you hear it:




And they’re all coming from different directions.

Another rock slips free of the cavern wall above you. Volka’s tail jerks your wrist urging you to choose! You’re two seconds away from picking at random when your Ring of Echos gives you a potentially life-saving clue:

The origin of the ‘CLICLICLICK’ sound lies further down the passage to your left… and while the other two clicks are soft, almost whispered, that one is clear… and bold?

The route ahead continues to follow the stream while the path to the right takes you deeper into what smells like fresh-cut grass… and garlic?

Which way do you go?
>To the Right!
>Listen again!
>To the Right!
>To the Right!
He said it was faint
>To the Right!
'Right'ing! Ha ha, that's a little wordplay humor for ya. Yep, we like to have fun around here. Anyways, this'll probably be the last one of the night--hang on to something!
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Something about the passage to the left makes your hair stand on end, so in response to Volka’s non-verbal question you give a non-verbal answer! It takes a few tugs for her to get the picture, but she figures it out around the eighth or ninth time you jerk your wrist to the right.

Splendid timing, too–as your prehensile-tailed tour guide leads you away from the stream, the uncanny feeling that you’re being followed only grows stronger! So much so that as you creep through a curtain of vine-like brambles that reek of old socks you barely notice Tzah-Tzie’s claws digging into your shoulders.

You’re about two seconds away from chucking her onto the ground when you hear it: a sudden shuffling of spindly appendages through the underbrush! Skidding to a halt thankfully muffled by the moss, you and your buddies tense up like a group of kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar!

Frozen in place, no one dares to make a move as the scrambling stops a foot or so in front of you. It goes without saying that you’re more of a visual guy than anything else, but based on what you heard you wager the critter ahead of you is just that: a beastie barely bigger than a fox… or a very fat squirrel!

Whatever the hell it is, it hasn’t moved since you did… the only question is: is it about to pounce, or scared out of its wits?

What do?
>Defend! Prepare your shield!
>Move around it!
>Throw something to lure it away!
>Toss something at it!
>Make a scary sound!
>Stay silent! It’ll think you disappeared!
>Stay silent! It’ll think you disappeared!
>Throw something to lure it away!
>Stay silent! It’ll think you disappeared!
>Stay silent! It’ll think you disappeared!
>Stay silent! It’ll think you disappeared!
Oh shit, has a grue finally found us?
try to catch it. i recon theres a 50/50 chance of it being cute. if not, it should be small enough to not be a problem anyways

well yes, but this is the least funny opportunity to pick it
>Least funny opportunity
Unfortunately true
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Oh, right… the narration! Sorry!

For a good minute or so the creature is treated to Anton Pea’s best statue impersonation. Neither Volka nor TT dare to move a muscle–whether this is due to them having complete confidence in you or being completely dumbfounded remains to be seen!

Not keen on backing down from this potentially-fatal game of chicken, you grit your teeth and devote even MORE energy towards… well, nothing!



Oh crud! LEG CRA-

Your thoughts and pain are put on the backburner when a sound rings out across the cave: a muted gurgle from the critter! It’s muffled by your moss-choked surroundings, sure, but in the yawning silence it sounds like a drawer full of silverware crashing to the floor! No sooner does the sound escape from your opponent’s gullet do you hear something whip through the air like a javelin–its origin far too close for your liking!

A pitiful squeak barely manages to wriggle free of the animal before it’s whisked away into the oppressive darkness… and then all goes silent once more.

It takes you a few moments to realize Volka’s tail is cutting off your wrist’s circulation. Giving your hand a gentle shake, the Skog slowly picks up on your issue and loosens her tail’s grip while TT removes her claws from your shoulders!

The three of you stand still as stones long after the blanket of quiet falls over your surroundings once more.With a steadying breath, you give your wrist a gentle shake to signal Volka to continue onwards, and the armor-clad amazon is only too happy to comply! Tromping through the sea of moss and fungal caps crowding your feet, your heartbeat slows as you hear a distant clicking up ahead…

Five sprigs, you think as you adjust the Durher clinging to your back like an oversized cat, you can do this!

Crap, they better not have barbs on them or anything like that. You’re gonna lose your shit...

... do you hear crackling?

>Home stretch! Let’s pilfer these plants! Roll me 1d100+2(+4 Volka Senses (Dark and a little rattled), +5 TT Senses (Also rattled), +1 Footwork, +2 Sneaky Leather Armor, -8 Born in the Darkness and Near, -2 Dark)! Best of 3!
Rolled 29 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Rolled 21 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Rolled 8 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

apparently Anton has hearing problems.
Yow! Writing~
What was that?
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Pondering the mysterious noise further up in the caverns, you freeze up mid-stride as you nudge something with your boot! You don’t have to wait long to figure out what it is: seconds after tripping your nose is assaulted by a wave of itchy spores smelling like an unholy blend of chocolate and hot sauce!

Your years of food service pay off, however! Clamping your nose shut with the hand not currently wrapped in Volka’s tail, you bite your lip and channel all your willpower into containing the impending sneeze… and SUCCEED!


TT, on the other hand, isn’t so lucky. Curse your bad luck! A moment’s pause passes by in which the whole cave delves into complete, uncanny silence…

And then you start running towards where you last heard the clicking!

You barely make it a few steps before something hot and sticky thwips past your cheek spritzing it with warm mucus! As you quickly wipe it off on your sleeve, another attack aims for your back–this one barely missing Tzah-Tzie!

Yelping in surprise, the girl leaps from her perch and takes her chances on her own–a good thing, too… following the jingle-jangle of Volka’s armor, you feel a jolt of sharp pain course through your back as something warm and sticky STABS into it!

As if things couldn’t get any worse, you feel the appendage hook into your wound and YANK you into the air with alarming strength! You’re only airborne for a moment, however, before Volka yanks you back to the ground with her tail!

“Not on MY watch! C’mon!”

Feet firmly back on the ground, you do what you can to elude your eerily silent pursuer and follow your Skog pal to where you hope the Eclipseweeds are growing! Though the fresh wound on your back starts to itch, you feel a slight pang of relief as the clicking grows closer with every step!

>One more! Roll me 1d100-4(+3 Volka Senses (A lil busy!), +4 TT Senses (See Volka), +1 Footwork, -10 Born in the Darkness and HUNTING, -2 Dark) to grab and go! Best of 3!
Rolled 20 - 4 (1d100 - 4)

Rolled 98 - 4 (1d100 - 4)

Rolled 3 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

hell yeah

Now to roll a 1 for comedic effect
Damn, so close.
Dear lord, anon. Holy mackerel. Writing~ Also a quick Public Service Announcement: I'm not retarded (very)--for some reason 4chan thinks linking to your posts is spam so I have to just greentext 'em. Rest assured I still want you to receive credit for your many successes! And failures--especially the failures!

Some day, anon... remember Pepper...
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Whether it’s your sixth sense or simply survival instinct after spending so many years dodging items thrown by unruly customers, you find yourself diving forward just as another ‘thwip’ thwips at your haunches–the sudden leap of faith prompting Volka to let go of your wrist and sending you flying down a mossy incline!

Rolling like a cheese wheel down the semi-cushioned incline amidst a cloud of spores jostled free of the myriad of mushrooms around you, you shrug off the pain as best you can as you rapidly approach the mysterious clicking!

Another sticky spear embeds itself inches from your head just before you reach the base of the hill, but all it does is motivate you to get your rear in gear! Scrambling to your feet and limboing another thwip, you rush for the Eclipseweeds like your life depends on it… and it kinda does!

As you limbo beneath one last-ditch attempt to snare you, you drop to the ground and slide like a baseball player stealing home as the clicking becomes loud enough to make your ears sting!

You’re not sure if these are the right plants or not… hell, they might even be some kind of flesh-eating barnacle, but as you slip past the fortissimo florals you reach out and snatch a handful of-


Sonorous sprigs in tow, the fresh pain in your hand motivates you to quickly rise to your feet just as something BIG hits the ground next to you! Kicking a clump of moss in what you hope is its face, you follow the sound of Volka’s jangling armor back up the slope, each step barely gaining purchase on the mossy mound!

Though your pursuer thwips at your heels, you’re rescued by a tiny, but familiar claw grabbing your robe!

“You get ‘em, Ant?” Stammers Tzah-Tzie as you both get pulled up the incline by what you assume is Volka’s tail! Yea, you reply, but-

“Watch yer’ heads!”

Flung behind the Skog, you listen in awe as the gentle giant sends a Volka-sized rock tumbling down the hill! A sickening crunch reverberates across the caverns, but before you can give her a high-five the Grand Marshall is already scooping you and the Spinner up!

“It’s been fun, but I think it’s time to leave!”

Agreed, you nod as you try not to feel odd as Volka’s claw clasps onto your now-vibrating head! Oh right, Oti’s direction spell…

Retracing her steps, however, it rapidly becomes clear that it isn’t necessary. As you close in on your means of escape, a fresh new set of sounds and smells assault your senses:

Crackling flames… and smoke!

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The three of you emerge back into the clearing you arrived in… at least, you think it is! What was once quiet enough to hear a microscopic pin drop is now choked with the roar of wild flames and the acrid odor of smoke and burning flesh!

Blinking the ash from your eyes, you wriggle free from Volka’s grasp and rush into the center of the cavern! What… what the hell HAPPENED!?

EXACTLY!” Booms a haughty voice from above! “HELL HAPPENED! KYAAAHAHAHA!

Oh no. Oh no... You’d recognize that voice from anywhere… you can’t see her, but you don’t need to-

HELLo again, SLAVE!” Snarls the disembodied voice, “Did you truly think you could escape from me!?”

Volka, on the other hand, isn’t having it! “Who are you!? Show yourself!”

“Sheesh, you really are dumber than you look…” Snickers the voice from a completely different end of the cave! “I am REZALITH: DEMON QUEEN AND SCOURGE OF CHAAT’TAI!

Her voice softens a bit. “Normally this would be where I’d say ‘look upon my form and despair’, but you sun-starved SIMPLETONS somehow managed to lose all the light in your wretched plane! And now you lead me into THIS cesspool! How am I supposed to SHOW myself, hmmmm!?”

You feel Tzah-Tzie step closer to your side. “Friend of yours, Ant?

Not quite, you frown–she almost killed you when you first arrived… and you’re pretty sure that’s still on the menu…

ANTON PEAS!” Snarls the demon, “You took something that wasn’t yours, you naughty little bastard, you! And I have come… TO RECLAIM IT!

Sensing a fiasco in the making, you quickly reassure your companions that she isn’t talking about anything perverted! Honest!

“Uh-huh.” Snorts Tzah-Tzie.
“H-huh? P-perverted?” Volka stammers!

Well Rezzie hasn’t killed you yet, so you’re guessing she wants something. You’re in the portal zone too, so maybe if you buy enough time…

What do?
>Where have you been?
>Can this wait, please?
>What the hell do you want?
>RED says hi.
>Stay silent! She’ll think you disappeared!
>Stay silent! She’ll think you disappeared!
We did a lame stay silent, we must make up for it with a funny 'stay silent'.
>RED says hi.
+1, sounds actually funny
Devil May Hi
Looks like the silent treatment wins it!
>Roll me 1d100+4 (+3 Sneaky Leather Armor, +3 Rezzie can't see, +2 Impatient Rezzie +4 Loud-ass surroundings, -8 Devilish Senses) to........
Best of 3!
Rolled 46 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

Rolled 37 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

Rolled 39 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

Well then, this could go either way...
Generally speaking a 50 or higher is a pass, slim though it may be! Let's write, though!
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Though the flames continue to rage around you, an uncomfortable silence somehow manages to fall over the cave as you…


You’re unsure whether or not your companions got the proverbial ‘memo’ or not. Maybe Volka caught on and clammed up, maybe TT buttoned her lips for her. Whatever the reason, it’s the DEMON QUEEN who manages to break the silence!

“What, no groveling? No moronic questions? Not even a dumb quip?” You can’t see her face, but you get the feeling she’s annoyed! “... did you pass out of sheer TERROR!? HAH! You would! Moron…

The inferno continues to rage around you as you take the opportunity to relocate to a relatively less-burning corner of the room! The gamble pays off: mere seconds after vacating your position, that section of the cavern erupts in a violent conflagration that stings your back through your thick robes and armor!

“Oh come ON! Three of you and no screaming!? Not even a YELP!? How are you not BURNING ALIVE right now!? What’s WRONG with this place!?”

Throwing fireballs like they were free samples at a farmer’s market, the devil queen quickly turns the cavern into an oven… and though you manage to remain undetected, you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t getting a little toasty!

“COME. OUT. AND. DIE ALREADY!” She roars, sending another volley of fireballs across the room! “I WANT MY POWER BACK, YOU WORM!

For once you’re glad to be everyone else’s bad luck charm… try as she might to spook you and your friends out of silence, all the devil accomplishes is destroying a section of an extremely unique ecosystem! Oti’s not gonna be pleased… which reminds you: is he gonna portal you outta’ here or WHAT?!

Hissing through her undoubtedly-clenched teeth, Rezalith hurls one last fireball at the ground and lets loose a groan that’d make any self-respecting teen proud!

“You… you sneaky little rats… you scampered off, didn’t you!? Just scurried away like wretched little rodents! I knew you were pathetic, but this… ooh, I’m going to take my TIME punishing you!”

With a flutter of batlike wings, the harried hellspawn departs in the direction you came from! “Start praying to whatever primitive gods abandoned you, Anton! I WILL get what I want!”

You wait until her muttering and fireballs become distant before daring to take a breath! The air is thick with smoke and ash, sure, but you aren’t dead! That’s something!

“HELLS!” Sputters Volka as she nearly collapses on top of you, “That was quick-thinking, Rook! Phew…”

“He’s just full of surprises, ain’t he?” Chirps Tzah-Tzie as she peeks out from behind your still-toasty robes! “We’d better leave before she catches on, though…”

Yea, that’d be nice, wouldn’t it!? You’re back where you started, when’s-


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-that idiot gonna bring you back!?

For the first time in what feels like hours you look upon a pair of familiar and perpetually-irked glowing green eyes! Err, hi, Oti! The trip back was a lot smoother than the trip there…

“I figured you could use a hasty extraction.” Drones the mage as your companions catch their collective breath at your sides! “You’re welcome, by the way. Did you get what I asked for?”

You’re just about to toss the Eclipseweeds over when you feel the portal ripple behind you–the disturbance making your teeth chatter as a wave of static brushes past your cheeks!

“Something’s coming through!” Snarls Oti as you turn to face where you came from, “What did you bring with you!?”

A devil, you bark back, how the hell did he not notice her when you came in!?

Oti’s eyes soften a bit as Volka squares up for a scrap! “A devil…? That changes things…”

“What are you doing!?” TT howls incredulously! “Close the portal already!”

You’re no expert on Chytree expressions, but you get the feeling Oti ain’t listening. “A real devil…”

What do!?
>Prepare to reflect whatever Rezzie’s gonna throw at you!
>Grab your pals and run! Oti wants her? He can deal with her!
>Get that portal closed! Distract the mage!
>Move into ambush positions!
>Stay silent! She’ll think you disappeared!
Last update of the night, by the by. Sorry for the sporadic updates--been feelin' wonky all day. Here's to better writing tomorrow!
>Prepare to reflect whatever Rezzie’s gonna throw at you!
>Prepare to reflect whatever Rezzie’s gonna throw at you!
Feel better soon, Bones!
>Prepare to reflect whatever Rezzie’s gonna throw at you!
>>Prepare to reflect whatever Rezzie’s gonna throw at you!
dont forget about "1 Magical Shield (Worn) (+Elemental/Phys Resistance, Can absorb and fire magic!)"

Let's see how it goes!
>Roll me 1d100-5 (+1 Footwork, +2 Magic Shield, +3 ??? Resistance, +2 Got da' drop on her, +2 Spinner's Song, -2 Dark, -8 Devilish Senses, -5 PISSED OFF REZZIE) To reflect whatever's comin' for ya! Best of 3!
Aw yis you know I know it, bb >:)
Thanks! Nothing serious, just a funky feeling day, dig? Appreciate the regards, though!
Rolled 62 (1d100)

Les go
Rolled 39 - 5 (1d100 - 5)

Rolled 83 - 5 (1d100 - 5)

Writiiiiiiiing! Slippery little things, aintcha?
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The optimist in you hopes that Oti has some kind of plan in mind for the enraged devil about to bathe the room in hellfire–it ain’t much, but it’s enough to keep you from tackling him to the ground and shutting the portal down!

Drawing theMAGICAL SHIELD you got the last time you went apeshit in a fight, you take position in front of the gate… if you’re lucky-

Err, Volka? You might wanna step back.

“Huh?” Stammers the scaly soldier as if you’d just woken her from a nap, “Oh! Right! Silly me!”

… if you’re LUCKY you can reflect whatever the heck she spews at y-


A gust of white-hot air heralds the arrival of your favorite hellspawn, not that the primal roar didn’t help, of course! Bursting forth from the portal shrieking like a cat at the vet’s office, Rezzie wastes no time bathing the chamber in hellfire! While Volka and Tzah-Tzie manage to dart out of the way, you remain smack-dab in the middle! Oh JEEZ...

They might be flames, but they hit your shield like a very hot TRUCK! Feeling your knees buckle at the sudden force, you grit your teeth and put every muscle you have into holding firm against the fiery blast!

You malodorous MEALWORM!” Snarls the devil as she continues to spew flames all over the room like a very confused fire hose, “You tried to TRAP ME! I’LL TURN YOUR VERTEBRAE INTO A NECKLACE FOR THAT!

Just when you thought she was getting tired, Rezalith kicks the flames up to 11! Stealing a glance at Oti, you listen in horror as he continues to intone… something!


Your legs grow weak as you feel the heat work its way past the shield and into your hands… you try to hold firm, but the shield starts to slip…

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Just when your muscles give up the ghost, however, you feel something hold you steady from behind!

“Not on my watch… Rook!”

If the rest of her is getting scorched, she doesn’t show it–gritting her teeth with a weary laugh, Volka holds you steady from behind while Tzah-Tzie presses her head against your back and strums her Striilii like a madwoman!

“What… ngh… she said!”

Whether it’s divine providence or the power of friendship you can’t be sure, but once you’re bolstered by your pals, Rezzie’s flames die out!

“Nghh…. Used to be able to keep this for days...” She hisses! “Oh well… I’ll just have to maim you the old-fashioned way!”

Like a seagull gunning for a slice of pizza, Rezalith divebombs your position with a menacing cackle! Waiting until you see the reds of her eyes, you step forward and send the hellish energy in your shield back at her with a roar of your own!

For a moment all goes quiet: even Oti’s voice pauses to let the flames subside… but as you peek over your shield, you’re met by a pair of familiar and very SMUG red eyes!

Wait… wha?

Weeiii, whuuuh!? Duh duuh DUUUUUUH!?!” She mocks, giving your shield a playful flick before her eyes go wide in mock embarrassment, “Oh, didn’t I say? Hellfire’s kid’s stuff to devils… you’d have a better chance beating me with that stupid SHIELD of yours! KYAHAHA!”

A pregnant pause settles in as the two of you stare at each other… until you raise your shield high above your head and bring it crashing down upon hers!


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“Are you SURE that’ll hold her?”

Oti doesn’t bother looking back at Tzah-Tzie–the poor girl not daring to step out from behind your robes. Having carried the dozing devil back to one of the wizard’s labs, all you can do is watch as he secures her in what you can only assume is some kind of demonic dentist chair!

“This might come as a shock, but I’ve been studying devils for years,” Chides the mage as you lean against Volka like a crutch, “And yes, I’m certain.

Not trying to doubt what he’s saying or anything, you begin in a contrite tone, but uh… how is he certain?

“Simply put: your ‘Devil Queen’ is nothing more than a fledgeling.” Oti explains as he finishes strapping Rezzie into the device. “Still leagues above devilspawn, but even at full power I’d hardly consider it anything higher than a lesser devil.” He tsks. “And here I thought you’d provided me with a real treasure…”

Who’re… yer callin’... lessher…

To her credit, it didn’t take long for the devil to wake up! Drunkenly tugging at her unseen bindings, Rezalith turns her droopy eyes in your direction and makes the best scowl she can manage.

I din’ hear no bell…

Sensing discomfort in your expression, Oti is quick to put your fears at ease. “I administered some Milach Decoction–It’ll make it more… docile. Feel free to speak to it, but use caution.”

She’s not an ‘it’, you correct as you take a few cautious steps closer. The mage merely shrugs in response before drifting over to a nearby workstation. “As you say, ‘meister’...”

You…” Rezalith snarls, spitting the word out like it was a rotten chunk of meat, “You’re gonna regred dish…

TT scoffs. “Says the girl tied to a chair…”

TT! Clearing your throat, you take another step closer to the detained devil. Rezzie, you begin in a diplomatic tone, how, uh… how ya feelin’?

There r’ no wordsh… no expreshinsh in one thoushant planesh zat cud dishcripe how SHORRY yer gonna be…

Super! Well since she’s awake, you wanted to say a thing or two… looks like she’s only awake enough for 1-2 Questions!

>Who are you really?
>What do you know about RED?
>How’d you find us?
>Do you know how to get outta this world?
>What’s this about stealing her power?
>Sorry about everything…
>Why shouldn’t you leave her with Oti, hmm?
>Nevermind, you’ll talk later!
>What do you know about RED?
>What’s this about stealing her power?
I doubt asking her about how to leave, especially when she's fighting being both concussed and sedated. Let's see if she slips up and says more than she should about these two topics.
>What do you know about RED?
>What’s this about stealing her power?
>What’s this about stealing her power?
>What do you know about RED?
Also shoulda mentioned that'll be the update for tonight! For the newer folks I tend to write updates around 5-6pm MST! Thanks for your patience and for playing--I can see where the vote's going, but I'll do the update proper tomorrow! Seeya then.
Thanks for running, OP. See you then!
>What’s this about stealing her power?
>What do you know about RED?
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Leaning in just close enough for her to hear you clearly while also staying out of bite range, you ask the doped-up devil a question that’s been eating away at you for a while: she said you stole her powers… wh-

“YESH!” Roars Rezzie as she tries and fails to jerk upright, “You SCHTOL ‘em… Schtol my SHPEDE.. Schtol my STRENFFF! Canneven lide da’ whole shiddy on fire cuz I ged too damned TIRED too damned QUIG! Sneaggy lil’ Andon…”

Limboing under a wad of spit launched your way, you open your mouth to respond, but she’s too damn quick!

“Cuddn’t even fide off thosh damn Templarsh… logged me in a SHELL at their shtubid liddle clubhoush… almosht purshed me too… gonna burn dat playsh to da groun onsh I ged my powersh bag an’ rib oud all yer bonesh…”

Volka cocks her head to the side. “How’d you mana-”


“... How’d you manage to escape, anyways?”

Rezalith’s mouth hangs open for a moment or so until the girl’s brain catches up. “I pretenned ta’ be a bar a SHOAP…” She sniggers as a devilish grin forms on her face, “An gavem all da’ SCHLIP!”

Ignoring the groan coming from Oti’s side of the room, you try your best to chisel something helpful out of your cranky captive: how is she so sure YOU stole her powers? It’s not like you trie-

The devil makes an elaborate show of sniffing in your direction. “Yea…. yea, you’ve god DEVIL inshide ya… I can SCHMELL id…” Her sleepy expression slips into a grin once again! “‘Debbil inshide you’… HEH. I’m hilarioush…

“So how does he get it back into you, huh?” Continues Volka, prompting the devil to explode into raucous laughter! “C’mon, tell us! How does he get it into y-”

Wh-what she means is, you stammer, deftly cutting off Volka’s repeat question, how can you give the power back to her? What do you need to do?!

“Tch… thash righd…” Scoffs Rezzie as she sends a dirty look your way, “I’M perfegt… nod MY fauld you god jealush an hadda shteal my powersh when ya telebordded here…” Her expression sours even more, somehow. “... quid YELLIN ad me.”

You’re not yelli-


“He isn’t yelling at-”


Volka’s eyes widen to the size of Oti’s. “I… I’m not FAT! Wh-I exercise every da-”


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Several minutes pass before you’re able to calm Rezalith down again, and several more to convince her that no, Tzah-Tzie is not a quote: ‘Get Well Soon Snack’.

“Shtob shmellin’ sho delizhis den….” Grumbles the infernal interogatee with a dramatic eyeroll as the aforementioned ‘snack’ sidles up next to you!

Maybe you can ask her about your, uh… new pal?” The Spinner suggests as she speaks to you in a hushed tone. Hey, you’ll try anything at this point… clearing your throat and straightening your posture, you brace yourself for another round of conversation!

Let’s address the elephant in the room, shall we?

The devil smirks. “Vunka?

“What’s an elephant?” Inquires Volka as she fails to make the connection between Rezzie’s statement and her sudden bout of laughter!

You’ll uh, you’ll tell her later, you mutter! Look, you sigh, you wanna talk about your mutual friend, okay? RED!

The laughter dies in Rezalith’s throat as her eyes go full saucer-shaped! “... Red?”

Yea, you nod as you exchange a wink with TT, Red! You wanna know what she knows!

If you didn’t know any better, you’d say the devil sobered up a bit… with an apprehensive gulp, she asks a question in a quiet and very un-Rezzie-like tone!

“... are you sure?”

You and your pals exchange a wary glance… even Oti looks over from his workstation!

Yea, you nod… you wanna know!

“About… Red?”

A chill runs through the lab as you bite your lip! Tell me everything you know!


YES, you groan, tell me about RED!

A twinkle flashes in the demon’s eye! “Itsh a COLOR, you dumb, schtubid, theebin’, moron uljraVIRGIN! KYAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH!”

Oh for crying out… gritting your teeth as the devil rolls in manic laughter, you lose your cool just long enough to snatch the girl’s bare arm into your hand!

It’s okay, though… you’re in control.

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Something about your expression shuts Rezalith up, and as you lean in close you spot fear sprouting in her eyes… Feeling a sensation akin to twenty invisible fingers working your face into a cocky grin, you brush a finger against the devil’s cheek and nod.

“Y-” She stammers, trying and failing to pull away from your hand, “Y-you…”

That’s right, darlin’, you reply in a soothing voice, she ain’t off the ranch yet… not by a long shot...

Trembling like a leaf in a hurricane, Rezalith’s pupils become pinpricks as a low, rumbling laugh claws its way out of your throat! And don’t worry… you’ll be seein’ her soon, you reassure her, REAL soon…

The entity puppeting your body relinquishes control just as your captive devil EXPLODES! Shrieking like a banshee as she violently jerks against the bonds barely holding her down, Rezalith stares daggers at you through wide-eyes as foam dribbles from her gnashing teeth!


Hey, HEY, you shout as Oti rushes over with a fresh concoction and Volka steps in front of you and TT, cool down, Rez-


An invisible force slams the ranting Rezalith back onto the chair just long enough for Oti to pour the potion into her open mouth! Spitting half of its contents all over the lab, the girl lets out a few more desperate gasps before drifting into a swift, but sudden sleep!

For a moment the room feels like the cave you visited half an hour ago–tense and eerily quiet.

“Well,” Huffs the Chytree as his eyes pulse in frustration, “You’ve certainly treated me to quite an exhilarating evening…”

Happy to oblige, you scoff as you kick Rezalith’s chair, damn it, you didn’t find out ANYTHING!

“Maybe we did…” Muses Tzah-Tzie as she gives your leg a reassuring pat! “She said something about her powers leaving when she teleported here, right?”

“So maybe there’s a way to teleport ‘em back?” Volka concludes as her tail thumps the floor in thought!

“It’s certainly not unheard of…” Snapping an unseen digit, Oti steps aside as two figures with a humanoid gait march in unison over to Rezalith’s resting place–their three eyes glowing like Christmas lights, but bereft of anything resembling something living. “I suppose you could drop by later and speak to it again… I’ll keep it contained for the time-being.”

He’d do that for you? Really? The mage’s eyes flicker.

“I regret it already, but yes,” He replies, watching cautiously as his servants cart the dreaming devil out of the lab, “I’m far better equipped to contain the devil than those Mitaaran fools… should make for an interesting distraction from my other projects, at any rate.”

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A solitary click escapes where Oti’s mouth might be. “That said, there are far more important tasks I must attend to this evening. If there’s nothing else…”

The POTION, you sputter, having forgotten until now, is it ready? You wanna get control over Red bef-

“I should have it completed by tomorrow.” The sorcerer replies as if you’d asked him to tailor a suit, “Come back then.”

Like, tomorrow night, o-


Gotcha. Well you’ve got him for another moment, at least–anything else before Oti kicks you out?
>Any clue what Rezzie’s freakout was about?
>Remind me: what will the potion do?
>How does he know so much about devils?
>Thanks for everything, Oti.
>Nope! Let’s go!
Just to confirm...
>Ask him if you should worry about being randomly taken over at any time
Also, in case I ain't around for the next vote, somebody remember to ask TT if she's up for that offer of hers.
>Any clue what Rezzie’s freakout was about?
>Any clue what Rezzie’s freakout was about?
>How does he know so much about devils?
>>6181590 +1
Random takeovers kinda suck
What that bitch's problem


Anon's got an eye on the prize it would seem
One more thing, you interject as you feel an invisible force tug you towards what you hope is an exit and not, like, a stew pot!

The sensation subsides as another drawn-out groan escapes Oti’s… speaking thing. “One?”

Well… maybe two, you reply sheepishly! You’re just… you’re still a little rattled, to be honest…

“By the sudden possession?” Inquires the mage as Volka a skulking Tzah-Tzie by the scruff of the neck! “Not something you should get used to.”

Right, you nod, but is there any way you can, y’know, fight back against that? Last time you were zonked from, uh… a near-death experience, but-

“There is a way, actually!” Oti replies with a twinkle in his eyes! Oh neat, you grin, how-

“The potion.” He growls, patience wearing thin! “The potion I’d like to start working on. The potion I’m giving you for free. That potion.”

Right, you nod, but how do people like him resist? Y’know, if they’re studying demons and whatnot? The Chytree’s steely gaze softens a bit.

“Demons, as we understand them, are largely beings of pure will. Riistrom Kaargstin, one of the bigger names in Demonology, posits that the creation of a demonic plane is the result of an Archdemon simply willing it to exist. Combined with an innate attunement to magical power, he likened them not to powerful creatures or beings, per se, but to forces of nature. An Archdevil in their home plane could very well rival a god.”

“Wuh-r-really!?” Sputters Volka as she drops TT at her side!

“I have my doubts...” Shrugs Oti as he begins carving up some of the ingredients you gathered. “Mostly regarding the comparison of power. As far as I’m concerned, gods are just a different type of demon–a different twig on the same branch.” He pauses mid-chop. “... My colleagues at the University did not agree.”

“Gee, wonder why~oof!”

“Watch your step.” Chides Oti as Tzah-Tzie stumbles back to her feet and searches the area for whatever tripped her! “But back to my point: a battle with a demon will always begin and end with a battle of will.” He shifts his disco ball eyes in your direction. “My condolences.”

Har har. So he’s got nothing, then?

“Well, projecting one’s will across the planes is taxing, even for an archdemon...” The mage continues as he takes his fresh-chopped herbs and tosses them into something that sends a plume of sweet, burning scents into the air, “So as long as you don’t plan on making a house call any time soon, this demon you’re hosting will always have a slight handicap.”

So… so if you have a strong will, you begin, resolve creeping back into your tone and body, then you can resist him!

“It’s not that simple-”

You just need to not lose your cool! Hah! You can manage that–you do it all the time at work! Thanks, Oti!

The Chytree begins to click, but stops. “... yes, well… you’re welcome.”

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Catching Oti in a good mood, you continue by asking about devils and will and stuff… was that what spooked Rezzie just now? You thought she was a queen or something!

“If its a queen then I’m a Skog.” The sorcerer snickers. “No, as I mentioned before I wouldn’t place it any higher than a LESSER DEMON--footsoldiers of the Archdemon, really… not much for scheming on their own–their dosage of their master’s influence is far too lacking.”

“She seemed plenty powerful when she was torching the place, though…” Shudders Tzah-Tzie as she leans against your leg! “And that’s after Ant sucked up all her power!”

Hey, you didn’t mean to!

“Indeed, Lesser Demons are anything but,” Nods the mage as he removes the charred herbs and transfers them to another table, “But in the demonic hierarchy they’re lowest second only to FLEDGELINGS...” He grunts. “The equivalent of demonic toenail clippings. Nasty things.”

So lemme guess, there’s Greater Demons too, huh? Your idea earns another nod of approval! “The generals, governors… loyal only to the Archdemon… and dwarfed in power by it as well.”

“And, erm, what does this have to do with her going crazy, again?” Inquires Volka with visible confusion in her eyes!

“By involuntarily spiriting away the devil’s power,” Oti sighs, “You’ve loosened the grip of its masters.” His eyes glitter with amusement. “It thought it was free. Ha! No more free than we are of our exoskeletons!”

Heheh… right… so she’s worried you’re gonna, what, send her back somehow?

“Demons jealously guard their power, even slivers of it, so yes… they’ll find some way to bring the Lesser Demon back into the fold.” The sorcerer glances in the direction Rezalith departed. “I don’t envy it…”

A shrill squeal of steam shatters the silence, summoning the sorcerer over to the source! “It’s been enriching, truly, but anything else will have to wait til’ tomorrow.”

Wait, you sputter, what’s he gonna do with Re-

A sensation akin to being chucked by a catapult takes hold as you blink and land in a heap onto cold, frost-flecked flagstone!

“Well that’s a fine way to get rid of guests…” Grumbles Volka as she peels herself off of the ground near you, “That’s gonna be sore tomorrow…”

What is?


“His social skills could use some work,” Chirps TT approaching with a spritely spring in her step, “But ya’ gotta admit it was worth dropping in on the guy, right?”

Yea, you nod, shivering at the sudden reintroduction to the nippy weather, and for what it’s worth you’re glad you tracked down Rezzie–she could have become a real problem!

“Well we took care of her!” Volka concludes, sending a hearty laugh into the night sky as she wraps her burly arms around you and TT! “Lamplighters: A million, Devils: ZIP!”

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After taking a few minutes to get your bearings, you and the gals manage to find your way back to a main street–the road choked with worried pedestrians hurrying home from their daily toils!

“Any last-minute stops?” Asks Volka as her armor clanks in a marching rhythm, “Reckon we oughta’ get back soon and see how the rest of the patrols went… but we can probably afford a detour or two!”

“Ouuugh, I hope not…” Groans Tzah-Tzie as she plucks a few lazy notes out of her instrument, “Any more excitement today and you’ll have to carry me, Ant…”

“I can do that too, if ya’ like!” Volka helpfully adds!

“Hmm… might take ya’ up on that…” Muses TT as she continues to walk with renewed energy! “Anywhere ya’ wanna check out, Ant?”


Pastebin Link: https://pastebin.com/xdk5kHyA
>Let’s just patrol a little longer!
>You wanna find that Clock Store from that mysterious note!
>Wanna laugh at the Mitaaran Templars for losing Rezzie?
>You kinda wanna look at the crime scene… the one where Guild Chairman Fellick was murdered…
>Nah, let’s go see how the other Lamplighters fared. You could use a drink, too!
>Nah, let’s go see how the other Lamplighters fared. You could use a drink, too!
Let's get some rest, yo. We haven't had some real free time in a while. We went on that Spice City job, then straight to the patrol and stuff.
>Nah, let’s go see how the other Lamplighters fared. You could use a drink, too!
>WRITE IN: Not so-subtly try to mention the OFFER to Tzah, as per 4OT's wishes.
Based, +1ing
Also, I figure I should ask, am I the only one who repeatedly re-reads the swoos pool bit from last thread? It feels so comfy, just from reading it.

It's a real crime Anton seems to be deadly allergic to it.
>Nah, let’s go see how the other Lamplighters fared. You could use a drink, too!

I'll +1 the write-in about TT, too, but only if we do it in a stammering, spaghetti-spilling fashion,a s previously voted on in the prior thread.
As someone who used to sell and treat spas, a hot tub full of bacteria squicks me right out to be desu.
Maybe, but the idea of being in a warm humid nice smelling room in the darkness while some big titty shortstack pours warm water over your socks and massages your shoulders sounds like heaven. I'm not sure I'd be able to resist it even knowing it could kill me.
Aaah yes, and I forgot to add the best part - the shortstack speaks in that calm slow-lidded tone.
Gonna come back to this tomorrow--shit got busy once I got home today! In the meantime though I gave the Mindwave game demo a try and think I've found Volka's theme song:
Definitely check it out if you like WarioWare-likes!
Until tomorrow, KINGS
Took a lot of inspiration from the baths I visited when teaching in Japan--they know how to make 'em comfy in that neck of the world! Glad you got something out of it, anon.
>Nah, let’s go see how the other Lamplighters fared. You could use a drink, too!
I mean, shit, when you put it like that... What a way to go.
Damnit, I saw the post count go up and thought we were getting an update.
Sorry to disappoint--things got real busy on my end after work... should have an update for ya early on Saturday MST! Apologies for the delay, all!

>Back to the Bar
Wins it, by the way, not that that's a big surprise
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You’re with Tzah-Tzie on this one: between your near-death experience in the Swoos Lounge, the scrap with the Icers, your daring eggscape from the Spice Cartel’s casino, and your little errand for Oti, you’d say the ole’ fuel tank is close to empty right now…
The frigid evening air stings your cheeks as you give your friends a decisive nod. Time to call it a night!

The trek back to the Drunken Mile is relatively peaceful, not that that’s a high bar to clear given what you’ve tangoed with today… You pass by a few rowdy barhoppers, of course–some leering at your companions, others whistling at you, but nobody seems to be in a fighting mood save for one guy who can’t seem to peel himself off the cobblestone, so you’re good!

“I’ve been meaning to ask,” Volka begins as she catches a boozer mid-fall and orients him back to his wobbly feet, “What kind of music do you like the most, TT?”

The question takes the spunky Spinner off-guard. “What don’t I like!? Well ballads are a must… always love me a good story… but I’ve always enjoyed a good Duri too! People call me old-fashioned, but-”

“Duris are great!” Beams the Skog! “Always so easy to dance to, even if they’re sad…”

TT nods emphatically. “Pretty sure that’s in a Durher Rulebook or something–gotta be able to dance to it!”

“I like that one…” Huffs Volka as you stumble over a passed-out patron snoozing in the street, “Ma took me to listen to some Skog music once… wasn’t thrilled.”

Tzah-Tzie’s eyes light up with glee! “But those percussion instruments, though! The Thatha! The Priig! You just can’t get the same sound out of any other instruments… I’ve always wondered why…”

A nervous laugh creeps out of the side of Volka’s mouth. “...Probably because they’re wrapped in tanned flesh…”


The conversation lulls into silence just as you arrive at THE BATTLE’S END TAVERN, at least you think you do. The whole ‘unable to read the bumps carved into the road’ schtick is starting to get old… Leading the charge as usual, Grand Marshall Volka pushes open the door and sends a dull creak into the alarmingly-quiet bar!

Warm air greets you as you enter, though it’s nowhere as stifling as it was when the establishment was standing room only a few hours earlier. Where once there was too much conversation for you to hear yourself think are now just the familiar and inviting staples of closing time: the clank of dishware being washed, floors being sweeped, and a complete absence of customers.

God, you love it…
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“Hey, they’re back!”

Rushing over with what sounds like a tower of dishes in their tiny mitts, the Durher twins Dilah and Vilah ambush you with excitement only kids can provide!


“Oi, did I say you two could take a break?” Following the brash, but warm voice over to the counter, you feel the stress of the day melt away as Ma gives you and your pals a nod! “Back from the front, I see… and in one piece, no less!”

Volka responds with a cheeky grin! “Yup yup! Don’t worry, Ma, we’ll clear out soon-”

The matron waves her off. “Take yer’ time… sleep doesn’t come easy for me anymore anyways.” The eyebrow over her remaining eye rises. “Reckon I’ll be pouring a few more nightcaps, ey?”

“Erm… y-yes please…” Mutters Volka with an apology in her eyes which earns a laugh from the bar baroness!

“Hells, sweetheart, I ain’t gonna charge ya for it… go siddown–I’ll send my new kitchen staff over once they grab the last of the dishes.”

She shifts her eye towards a familiar pair of orange ones toiling away behind the counter! “Hear that, Alton? You’re relieved from dish duty, soldier!”

The Mox finishes scrubbing a glass before giving Ma a firm nod! “Aye aye, ma'am!”

Before you can take a seat, you hear the door creak open behind you followed by the sound of tiny wings flittering over.

“Oh, you’re back.”

“Lila!” Volka exclaims, earning a pained wince from the Senior Lamplighter, “Hope the new recruits weren’t too much trouble.”

The pixie-like patrolwoman shrugs. “The opposite, really. No complaints from Pesli either.”

Your group shifts its collective gaze over to the back of the bar where the old oak man sits surrounded by Vuuse and her entourage… the latter peppering the veteran with questions like fans at a convention!

“Welp,” Sighs Volka as her armor clanks, “Let’s wrap things up, shall we?”

“Yes please…” Groans Lila as she blinks her colorful eyes a few times, “Head feels like it’s gonna burst…”

You raise an eyebrow in concern as everyone migrates towards Pesli’s table. Everything okay?

“Migraines…” Lila replies as she hovers past your cheek with a hint of appreciation in her tired expression, “Nothing new, though. Don’t worry.”

You put further questions on hold as you reach the table! “Ah,” Pesli intones, prompting the others to cease their questioning, “You return intact and well… we are pleased and relieved.”

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“Boy, did you miss out!” Smirks Sino, the female Chytree and her counterpart Tiro nibbling on something!

“Tch… figures all it’d take for you to lose your fangs is a fookin’ treat...” Scoffs Vuuse, the Mzz’goe’virr’s sunny disposition not changing much since your last interaction. “Didn’t even get ta’ see THE PRUNER work his magic either… Hells…”

The Pruner’. Vuuse said it was Pesli’s moniker once upon a time, and based on what he said during the meet-and-greet you don’t think it had to do with his age or love of gardening… Impatience growing in all six of her eyes, Vuuse glares at Volka. “So what’s next on the agenda, ey? Singing a song? Hugs an’ kisses?”

“Not unless you want to!” Smirks Volka as she takes a seat at the head of the table! “Senior Officer Lila: ready to record the minutes?”

The Veeti rummages around in what sounds like a lot of pockets for someone shorter than your pointer finger. “As always.”

“Great!” Chirps the Grand Marshall, “Then let’s start with Senior Officer Pesli’s squad! Report!”

“Report on what?” Snorts Vuuse! “Helped an’ old biddy find her didrot… slimy little bastard got stuck in a drainage pipe.”

“An’ she gave us Pie Crisps to thank us!” Tiro adds, the male Chytree’s voice tinged with unusual mirth!

“Homemade!” Adds Sino!

“Exemplary work all around…” Pesli adds, punctuating his molasses-thick voice with a nod of approval. “We see great potential in officers Tiro, Sino, and Vuuse.”

The latter manages to roll all of her eyes. “And I see great potential in getting outta’ here while it’s still early… fookin’ Pie Crisps... Hells…”

“You had three, though, boss.”

“Shut it, Tiro, or you’ll be slidin’ home on your own guts.”

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A smile plasters itself across Volka’s face! “Glad to hear it! Officer Lila?”

“Thwarted an attempted mugging in the Temple District.” Drones the pixie as if reading an expense report, “Note: exceptional work and control from Officer Alton–he managed to convince the snatcher to come quietly to the Bellcounter Guardhouse.”

“Wasn’t nuffin’...” Mutters the Mox as a sheepish smile forms on his fishy face!

“It was, don’t sell yourself short.” Lila chides as she shifts her weary eyes towards the Durher twins. “Wasn’t worried for a second, though: Officers Vilah and Dilah tracked the mugger down faster than I could.”

“Gotta wake up real early ta’ outrun us!” Vilah declares as she and her sister exchange a resounding high-five!

“A mugger catching a mugger… Fookin’ poetic.” Sniggers Vuuse, earning a glare from Alton.

“Liked ya’ better when yer’ big mouth was stuffed with pie.”

“Big-eyed pissant…

“Thank you, officer!” Shifting her big, yellow gaze your way, the Skog gives your shoulder a playful nudge! “Officer Anton, would you like to give a report on our patrol?”

What say ye?
>No thanks, she can do it!
>TT might!
>Sure! (Tell EVERYTHING!)
>Okay! (Say you patrolled around the fireworks shop area… leave the other crap out)
>Stay silent! She’ll think you disappeared!
>Okay! (Say you patrolled around the fireworks shop area… leave the other crap out)
Heeeey...you forgot the write-in!
>TT might!
She lives for this shit. It's literally why she's tailing us.
>TT might!
Guess Anton was too wimpy to bring it up. Tis what it is.
I'm getting there, don't worry... /;3
Fireworks Patrol!
TT do something for once

Writing! Sorry, errands got in the way! Busy weekend, questers. Busy weekend.
>>TT might!
A devilish grin worms its way onto your face as an idea comes to mind! No thanks, you reply in a cordial tone, but you know someone who WOULD!

You barely pivot a degree before the mischievous musician leaps atop the table and gives her Striilii a resounding STRUM!

Gather round, all, and I’ll sing you a song, of wizards and devils and plans that go wrong! But no need to fear, I swear I’m not lyiiiiiiiiing…

She leans in close to Vuuse, much to the ex-ganger’s chagrin.

Cuz’ I’m speaking of course of ANTON THE UNDYIIIIIIIIING!

Laying into the instrument like it owed her money, TT prances around the table as your fellow officers watch with expressions ranging from genuine excitement all the way to utter confusion! Oh, and anger! You can probably guess who.

Iiiiit happened tonight in a fireworks store, began as a chore, but became so much more! He called on the aid of a wizard, but well….. Dear Anton locked horns with a monster from HELL!

The twins gasp at the sudden profanity! By GOD!

In the darkest of corners, the deepest of cracks, our hero knew not who was hot on his tracks! Twelve castles high! Eyes made of hellfire! Gnashing teeth, razor claws, and unquenchable iiiiiire!

TT sidles up next to you and gives your face a pat with her swinging tail!

Flames flew and earth shook and the cave rent apart! Til’ Anton roared out ‘Worry not, friends! Take heart!’ He gathered Hell’s flames in his magical shieeeellllld….

The whole bar goes as silent as the cave as the Spinner lingers on that last note…

AAAAAAND the devil’s own power became his to WIEEEEELD!

Tzah-Tzie gives her instrument a series of powerful strums–each one evoking the image of you striking the devil! “One STRIKE of the shield and the beast was undone! Tossed back to the hells with its evil undone! To tell its foul kin who’d just sent it flyiiiiiing…..

Another pause falls over the table as a mischievous glimmer appears in the Spinner’s eye!


Tossing her Striilii into the air, the Durher pirouettes and snatches the instrument just in time to give an exaggerated bow to her impromptu audience, who immediately let loose with a string of whistles and hollers! Even Vuuse nods with approval!

“Yea… I’m not writing that all down…” Groans Lila, face scrunched up from the cacophony surrounding her!

“No foolin’? A demon?” Asks Alton, eyes wider than ever!

“Did it have horns!?”
“Did it spit poison?!”

“You can ask Anton and TT about it all you want later!” Sputters Volka, the girl balancing being awestruck and in charge as the Durher twins hop up and down like puppies! “L-let’s close out the meeting, yea?”

“Finally…” Grumbles Vuuse, though you notice her steely gaze lingers on you a little longer than usual…

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You’re about to call her out when you hear a sequence of wood mugs slamming onto the counter across the tavern!

“Girls, a little help?”

Vilah and Dilah waste no time in helping Ma out! Returning with what must be a TOWER of drinks between the two of them, the orphans dutifully lay a mug in front of each Lamplighter!

“Ah-ah-ah!” Chides the bar matron as she strides over with a disapproving smirk, “I’ve got your drinks right here, ladies.”

“B-but we wanna drink too!”
“Yea!” Dilah agrees, “We’ve done it before, y’know!”

Ma shrugs. “Well then I guess I’ll keep the EXTRA-STRONG drinks for me, then! Oh well~”

She barely turns around before the twins are on her like fleas on a dog! “Okay, okay,” she acquiesces as she shoots you a wink, “Just sip ‘em, okay? All the classy ladies enjoy their drinks… not guzzle ‘em.”

“Thanks, Ma!” Answer the Durhers in perfect unison! Raising their mugs along with Volka, you join in just as the Grand Marshall clears her throat and beams at the people seated around the table!

“Well I’m not gonna mince words: Pesli and Lila don’t toss out praise, so I’m inclined to believe you earned it!”

“Hah! Damned right we did!” Snickers Vuuse, to which Volka smiles!

“I know this ain’t everyone’s first choice of duties and I know one patrol won’t make much of a difference, but know this:”

Her big yellow eyes sweep across the table. “Tonight you made a difference to someone when no one else would… and that’s something you can’t put a price on. Hope ta’ see you all tomorrow, Officers. Meeting adjourned, enjoy your drink!”

Clinking her mug with Lila’s sets off a chain reaction culminating in you taking a sip of a familiar, yet delicious draught…

“HELLS!” Sputters Alton as he nearly drops his tankard, “What IS this?”

“It’s damned good, s’what it is!” Remarks Sino as Tiro savors the taste next to her!

“Isn’t it?” Remarks Ma with pride in her voice, “Call it THE ANTON. As fer’ the recipe, well… that’s something you’ll have ta’ drag outta’ him!”


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Deftly deflecting a barrage of questions from your comrades in arms, it isn’t long before the Lamplighters drape across the bar like clothing in a college dorm…

While Vilah and Dilah dutifully assist Ma behind the bar, Alton the ex-mugger nurses his drink in one of the seats.

Vuuse, Tiro and Sino, on the other hand, are busy playing some kind of game in the corner of the tavern–seems like their energy hasn’t waned much!

Volka and Pesli enjoy a drink in another corner, the two chatting like old pals.

You’re pretty sure you saw Lila head outside earlier–guess she doesn’t get cold easily?

In true TT fashion, the Spinner has posted herself at a table near the center of the establishment, notes from her instrument adding a calm ambience to the closed-down public house.

Won't be long before everyone turns in for the night... you get the feeling Ma ain't bashful about telling people to hit the road! Basking in the quietness of it all, you decide to bother…
>Vilah and Dilah!
>Tiro and Sino!
>No one! Just viiiiibe!
Am I supposed to read this to the tone of Greensleeves
>No one! Just viiiiibe!
Anyway, I'll be happy to just vibe so we can get to the nice part.
Not so bad being a Lamplighter, huh, ye most- skeptical of recruits?
You should be reading every post I've ever made to the tune of Greensleeves, yes
>No one! Just viiiiibe
>We vibin

>Bet you dicks feel SILLY huh

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Your brain tells you this is a tasty ‘networking opportunity’ to use the lingo of those tech bros that always used to camp out at your work with their laptops, and yet you can’t seem to peel yourself away from your seat on the far side of the bar! You’d hate to be perceived as antisocial, but after everything you’ve gotten away with today you’re just…


The sudden question nearly sends you toppling out of your seat! Y-yea, you stammer as you regain your equilibrium, you can say that again…

“Plenty a’ rooms open here,” Grunts Ma as she masterfully demonstrates the ancient bartender art of polishing a glass! “Volka said you were offered a couch at the old coot’s potion shop?”

Yea, you nod, but you won’t say no to a comfy bed…

“You’re welcome to it, hon, long as ya’ don’t mind those two rugrats you pawned off onto me taking a room too.”

Your ears shift from Ma to the sound of Vilah and Dilah scampering around the kitchen! Sorry about that, you reply with an apologetic smile, you-

Sorry?” Snorts the old Skog, “Kid, ya’ sent ‘em to the right gal–always happy ta’ get sweethearts like that off the streets!” She leans in closer, her massive frame towering over you like a shaken vending machine! “Came from The Rags District, right? Fuckin’ hell…”

Is that common, you ask? Kids just living on the streets?

“More than Crossroads’d like ta’ admit…” Growls the barmatron as she scrubs the glass a little TOO hard! “But look around–can’t see shit, so what’s a kid to do when their parents go missing?” A weary sigh escapes from her lips. “So I do what I can… just like you lot do what you can, ey?”

Absolutely, you answer, sleepiness weighing your head down as you nod! Well, uh… thanks again, Ma!

She raises her eyebrow. “For?”

For, well… everything!

The drinkslinger smirks. “Damn right. Tell ya what: howsabout another drink, hm? On the house!”

The next hour or so passes quickly–between sampling your drink and saying goodbye to your fellow Lamplighters as they slowly file out of the bar, you’re eventually left with the usual suspects: Tzah-Tzie and Volka!

“Where’d the twins go?” Inquires TT as she scurries into the chair next to you!

“To bed!” Ma answers as she makes a show of putting her last glass back into an unseen receptacle! “Not a bad idea, methinks!”

“You can say that again!” Volka laughs as she makes a show of stretching her arms above her head! “Ready ta’ head out, Rook? Don’t worry–that couch is much more comfy than it looks! Volka approved!” The Skog’s face scrunches up. “Hey, wait… where are you sleepin’ tonight, TT?”

The Durher blinks as she idly tunes her Striilii. “Whoops! That’s what I was supposed to do tonight! Totally slipped my mind!”

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“What’s there ta’ think about? Sleep here tonight, sweetheart!” Ma grunts as her eye shifts in the direction the twins shambled off to about half an hour ago! “Wouldn’t call it comfy, but it’s safe!”

“Sure, aside from the beast nesting in the attic!” Giggles Volka!

“‘S not an attic, it’s a MASTER SUITE!” Corrects the bartender with a hint of ire in her tone! “An’ just you wait til’ ya’ get to be my age–you’ll be snorin’ too!”

Volka’s eyes widen. “Hells, I hope not…”

“I’d bet my bar on it!” Ma snickers with a cheeky grin! “An’ it’ll be your kids mouthing off to ya’, so get excited for that…”

The word ‘kids’ hits your stalwart Grand Marshall like a lightning bolt! “K-K-KIDS!? C-come on, Ma…”

About the couch, you interject in a diplomatic tone, you’re grateful to Volkir and all, but-

“But a bed sounds better, huh?” Volka smiles as she gives your head a firm, but nonlethal pat, “Don’t blame ya! Hells, maybe I’ll sleep here tomorrow night too! It’ll be a slumber party!”

“We can drag the rest of the Lamplighters in as well! I’ll provide the entertainment!” Chirps TT!

“Bold of ya’ to assume I’ll have room for your little army…” Frowns Ma as she steps out from behind the counter. “I DO run an Inn, y’know…”

“Well we’ll just take the party somewhere else if it’s too crowded, right?” Winks Volka as she heads for the door! “Get some rest, you lot–tomorrow’s just another battle!”

“Get home safe!” TT adds as you send the Skog packing with one last thanks! Watching her go, Ma rolls her broad shoulders and fills the bar with the sound of crackling bones! “Right, that’s it fer’ me… try not ta’ sleep in too late or you’ll miss breakfast.”

“G’night, Ma!” Smiles the Durher as the mistress of the house plods off towards the rooms!

“Stay outta’ trouble, you two~”

Heh, you stammer as the old Skog’s footsteps fade away, what’s that supposed to mean…

Turning your attention back to the bar, you notice your favorite Spinner’s lime-green eyes resting squarely on you…

“What indeed…” She smirks. “Didja like the song, Mr. Undying?”

Like is an understatement, you reply incredulously! You can’t believe she whipped that up in such a short time!

“You spoil me~” Drumming her claw on the counter, the girl’s gaze shifts from you and over to the back of the bar. “Buy a girl a drink?”

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Well… if it’s just one… As you move to pick something out, you freeze… err, you have no clue what any of this is…”

“Just grab something from the bottom shelf,” She commands in a lackadaisical tone, “That’s where she keeps the cheap stuff!”

And if TT doesn’t like it?

The Durher shrugs. “Better to try something new than to wonder about it for the rest of your life…”

Huh. Poetic! Grabbing a random bottle, you return to the counter and get to mixin’! So, you begin, not really sure where you’re going…

>How’s she doin?
>Penny for her thoughts?
>She, uh… she’s not tired?
>How did she think that whole song up?
>You want her opinion on someone… (Who?)
>Stay silent! She’ll think of something to ask!
>How’s she doin?
>She's, uh...she's not tired? How do you have so much energy, man?
>She, uh… she’s not tired?
>Penny for her thoughts?
>She, uh… she’s not tired?
>Penny for her thoughts?

The Tally:
>How Doin: 3
>Not Tired? Energy: 3
>Not Tired? : 3
>Penny: 1
Will probably get to writing tomorrow--today was real busy and is still busy. Apologies for the wait, gang!
That's three pennies!
Oh shit, you're right... my bad! We're doin' em all, folks!
>no pennies
Zoral is in Canada?
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How’s…. How is she doing?

A mischievous grin slips onto the Durher’s face. “You know what? I’m doing just dandy, Anton. How about you?”

The million-dollar question! Well, you shrug as you haphazardly splash alcohol together like a kid making mud pies, you’re not dead yet… and you’ve made some decent friends, so-

“To not being dead yet!” Snatching the glass from you with lightning speed, Tzah-Tzie clinks it against your bottle and downs the whole mixture with Volka-like fortitude! Erm, you stammer, she’s really getting into that ‘toast’ thing, huh?

TT’s expression takes a turn for the serious. “Trust me: as someone who makes a living writing songs about adventures… surviving the day is always worth toasting.”

You let out a singular chuckle, but rein it back when the girl’s face tells you she ain’t joking. Right, you nod, she, uh… She’s a bad luck charm too…Her lime-green eyes linger on you.

“You don’t really get used to it–watching people die.” She sighs as you pour yourself a drink, “Not like you should, of course…”

You raise an eyebrow as concern creeps into your expression. Who did she work with the longest?

“His name was Azdhol…” The Spinner replies without pause, “Azdol the Acrobat.” She smiles. “Skog, knew his way around a hammer… was always adamant about having a balanced meal before a job…” Tzah-Tzie sniffs as you pour her another ‘drink’.

Lemme guess, you interject with a grin, he was light on his feet? That earns a laugh!

“Noooooot exactly… he could barely walk without tripping over his feet!” A sly twinkle appears in the Spinner’s eye! “But the nickname made him feel a little less self-conscious about it, so…” Another shrug. “He always knew how to make people laugh–didn’t really care if he was the punchline or not…”

Basking in the nostalgia of a guy you never met for a moment, you wait a polite moment before asking a follow-up: and her shortest?

Tzah-Tzie’s brow furrows. “Thiine. Didn’t last long enough for me to think of a nickname for her.” She drums a claw on the counter. “I remember her though–very serious for a Gnok… kept her past close to her chest, but one thing did stand out…”

A fresh grin forms on the girl’s face. “Sweets. She LOVED sweets. Before we went on our first job she took me to this cake shop–some Gnok joint–and we must’ve demolished half the menu!”

The Spinner basks in the memory for a little longer, then shifts her saucer-sized gaze back your way. “I remember ‘em all, Ant… especially at night.” Dumping the fresh contents of her drink down her throat, the girl lets out an exultant sigh!

It’s not your fault, T-

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“It’s not about faults, Ant,” She interrupts with a warm smile, “See… if I remember those adventurers… if I write songs about ‘em…” Her eyes shift ceilingward as another sigh escapes her lips, “then they’ll never be forgotten… and they’ll never really die.”

A reverent silence blankets the tavern once more as the two of you sample your beverages. In true TT fashion, she’s the one who breaks the ice: “I guess that’s the moral of the story, Ant.”

What is?

You feel a warm claw settle on top of your hand. “Be someone people’ll tell stories about… and you’ll live forever.”

Letting the words sink in for a moment, a devious look forms on the girl’s face. “But you didn’t linger around here to wax poetic, didja?” She leans in a little closer–the bangles in her hair jingling mere inches away… “You wanted to discuss something more academic, right?”


Taking her claw off your hand, she leans back with a look of mock pondering on her face! “Oh right… the lexical analysis of the expression: ‘if I told you you had a nice body…’”

… would she hold it against you...

Next thing you know, you’re being led through a door into a vacant bedroom–the air within is slightly musty, but warm enough to be inviting. Shutting the door behind you as if it were made of glass, Tzah-Tzie hops onto a bed and pats the space next to her!

“C’mon, I ain’t gonna bite~”

Hard to argue with that! Plopping down next to the spunky Spinner, you listen as she deposits her Striilii onto a creaky little end table next to the bed. So-

“Relaaaax, Ant,” She purrs, “I don’t plan on making things awkward, so let’s just take this slowly, m’kay?”

Slowly, you nod, yea, that’d probably be best… you feel a small fist playfully jab your shoulder!

“Well c’mon! I still know a thing or two from my time in a Swoos lounge–pick your poison!” Her expression takes a turn for the sly. “... unless you really wanted to discuss cultural idioms and expressions, that is~”

W-well, you gulp…
>You could use a massage…
>Let’s just talk more!
>Can she play you a song or something?
>Wanna, like, snuggle?
>Kiss her!
>Let’s stay friends… okay?
>Stay silent! She’ll think you disappeared!
>Kiss her
Do it Anton! You can do it!
>Kiss her!
He's gotta remember to take care though! If he accidentally hurts his mouth on dem cute little fangs, he might get a canker sore and ruin his entire month.
>Kiss her!
See, as much as I'd love to see TT giving us a repeat of the Swoos experience, I feel like it makes more sense for Anton to just gather up all his courage and pounce (heh) TT to kiss her before he chickens out

We can do the 'Swoos massage' stuff later. They've got normal hot tubs down here right? The kind that won't kill us that is. I'm sure TT will be even better than Reesma at it.
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Okay you bastards, you asked for it...
>Roll me 1d100 (-5 Anxiety, -2 Strange... forgetting someone? Something?, +2 Growing confidence, +5 TT saw your heroic deeds) to not spill your spaghetti! Best of 3!
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Rolled 95 (1d100)

Hell yeah!

I wonder what would happen if i got a 100
Rolled 13 (1d100)

>Not a 1
Clear! We've got a 95! Turns out Anton is an natural-born kisser, I uess.
I'll get you someday, anons....
>I'll get you someday, anons....
Yeah, well, someday we'll get a 100 again! And it'll probably be another TT action, too. Can't beat the kot!
The suspense is killing me...
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The word ‘Swoos’ sends a tickle down your throat, but you fight back the feeling and stand proud under the mischievous musician’s smug stare! You’re not sure of much ever since you arrived in this wacky world, but one thing’s for sure:

You’d be lying if you said Tzah-Tzie hasn’t grown on you! Somewhere between wanting to one-up the cocky crooner and show her how you really feel, you gently clasp your hands on the girl’s diminutive shoulders and lean in…


Your lips connect with hers, sending a high-voltage current racing through your body! There’s a bit of fuzz, you notice, and the sharp, but tiny teeth are a bit shocking, but all of that fades into background noise as you feel the plucky performer press her petite body against yours… Bathing in each other’s warmth, you lose yourself in Tzah-Tzie’s embrace as she gently digs her claws into your back and tugs you onto the be-

”-n’t change the subject, Ant.”

She pushed away from your embrace, an annoyed glare burning holes in you behind thick Aviators.

You’re not… you just can’t get over how cute she i-

“They’re just my parents–why are you so scared to meet them?”

Your gut churned with fresh anxiety. You didn’t have an answer for her–you still don’t. Your silence hurt her–you could see it behind her shades.

“... this isn’t a joke, Ant…”

You know, you replied, but you’re just-

“Just WHAT?”

This is all to

Tzah-Tzie jerks back as the words leave your mouth–the volume rattling the thin walls as it pinballs around the room! As you struggle to process what just happened, you feel a warm claw caress your cheek!

“Ant,” the Durher whispers with concern in her eyes, “Are you… what’s wrong?”

Straddling your chest, Tzah-Tzie slowly dismounts and lays at your side–the items in her pockets jingling as she adjusts herself. Y-yea, you sputter, your mouth dry with shock, you just-we don’t need to stop-

“No,” The Spinner interjects with a shake of her head, “We should… I mean… I promised you I’d be more honest, and-”

A-and she did, you counter! You know her real name now! Ruusdi! She shakes her head again, this time biting her lip before speaking.

“Right,” TT sighs, “B-but there’s something else you should know… I just can’t… I can’t do this without you knowing…”

Okay, you stammer as a smile forces itself onto your face, y-yea! Let ‘er rip, h-haha! Gathering another gulp of air, Tzah-Tzie traces a claw down your cheek with apprehension burning in her eyes…

“I… well, t-technically speaking, Ant…” Her squeaky voice catches in her throat, but she gulps it down with renewed resolve on her face!

“I’m… married.

Your heart drops like a bomb into your gut. E-exSQUEEZE me!?

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It takes a few minutes of heavy breathing and nonsensical sputtering before you’re able to repeat yourself, albeit in a more composed manner: she’s m-m-

“Married, yea…” Tzah-Tzie replies weakly as an even weaker smile forces itself upon her face! “Well, slightly…

How does that even work? What does she mean, exactly?

Rolling onto her back, Tzah-Tzie shifts her gaze to the ceiling– it’s probably a little easier to confess to. “My family name is Sulastir…

Your eyes go Chytree-sized! That’s… you can’t… wh-what does that mean?

“One of the oldest UMBERAL... if you go back far enough on the family tree, you’d find my great grandfather: Haalmdar Sulastir.”

Something in your gaze reminds her you have no clue what she’s talking about.

“He’s one of Zoral’s first Ruuppaa Vineyard owners.”

Oh. OOOH. The girl responds with a despondent nod. “And, as it happens, my family was really close with The Spice Cartel… still is, last I checked…”

You open your mouth to respond, but she cuts you off! “It’s a family tradition,” TT spits, “Every few generations a Sulastir is married to some big-wig in the Cartel…” Her eyes flick your way, then back to the ceiling. “If you’re a daughter, at least…”

So, you stammer, she was-

“Yep, the lucky lady…” Groans the Durher as she shifts around on the bed. “They call it an honor… a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity… but I could read between the lines. Doesn’t take an archmage to know what kind of life a Cartel wife can look forward to...”

But she got away, right? And that’s where the name comes from?

“It wasn’t easy, but yea…” Nods the girl as she wraps her arms around her trembling knees, “And I wasn’t exactly sneaky about it either… if my family knew I was still around, well… a-and if the Cartel knew-”

Hey, you whisper as you gently place your hand on TT’s shoulder, that’s all behind her though, right? I mean, you got attacked by assassins and Rezzie, but there’s no way those are related to-

“That’s what I keep telling myself,” The Spinner sighs as she squeezes your hand, “But the guy I was, well, betrothed to was pretty powerful at the time… didn’t seem like the type of scum to drop a grudge, so…” She pauses and lets her words seep in. “A-anyways, you wanted me to be honest, and well…”

The girl sends a shaky smile your way. “T-tadaaaah~”

Wow. Well, uh, that’s a three course meal to digest… What's worse, the Durher’s eyes aren’t leaving you… guess she’s waiting for you to respond somehow.

How do?
>You think you have a dark, mysterious past too, maybe…
>Who is this guy anyways?
>It doesn’t change a thing–you still like her!
>Has she talked to her family since?
>Does she want to, um, ‘take care’ of that guy?
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Might be the last update of the evening, gang--full-disclosure: I recently acquired a puppy and it's been a rough transition from my usual NEETitude, so please bear with me as some updates take longer. I'll still be here, don't worry! Just didn't want you all to think I was intentionally teasing ya.

Maybe have one more in me tonight, but we'll see! Thanks for your patience as always, lord knows I'm begging a lot of it!
Hmm, so she ran away from an arranged marriage? Well,
>You think you have a dark, mysterious past too, maybe…
>It doesn’t change a thing–you still like her!
>Also some callback to how she pretended to be out wife in the casino
Wonder who that girl in the flashback is. Might have Anton had a girlfriend in the reel world? Ah, but she might not actually still have been with him by the time he was summoned.
Hell yeah, kiss!
Cute dog! I understand, though.
>>6184706 +1

Cat bites are no joke, and Tzah-Tzie is probably less sanitary than your average cat. But dangit, I still like her

Take the time you need. Your quests are among the more active on the board, after all. A slight slowdown for you is just regular pace for most QMs.
>Maybe Mysterious?
>You still like her thouggggghhhh~
>Casino Callback!
>less sanitary than your average cat
Wait till she starts shedding
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You’ve never had trouble telling the truth–not that you recall, anyways. Even the few secrets you held close to your chest since you arrived in Zoral made your gut churn and your chest tie itself in a knot, and like a boa constrictor they’d both keep tightening until you spilled the proverbial ‘beans’!

You can’t relate to how hard it must be for Tzah-Tzie to share these intimate details with you, especially while sharing a room and a bed in a grubby tavern, but you can at least show her that you care! Giving her tiny shoulder a reassuring squeeze, you tell her that no matter who she is, was, or used to be, you still like her… and it’s gonna take way more than some fantasy greaseballs to change your mind about that!

“It… it’s been so long…” The Spinner stammers through a quivering lip, “You just… you get so used to lying, you forget who you are… it becomes so easy…”

Whatever version she is: Tzah-Tzie, Ruusdi, whoever… you’ll be her biggest fan, and that’s the truth!

The girl trembles as she opens her mouth to respond, but all that emerges is a weak, tittering ‘r-really?

Of course, you reply with that dazzling smile of yours and a wink on top, ‘sides, if you ever run into this ‘betrothed’ of hers he’ll have to answer to her darling casino hubby, and well-

You get about halfway through the word ‘well’ when the Tzah-Tzie dam bursts with tears and laughter! Nuzzling your chest as she playfully smacks your shoulders, the girl barely manages to get words out through the deluge of tears and giggles!

You…” She snickers, her petite frame quaking under her hysterics, “You’d be TEN times the husband he would be… A… a HUNDRED!

Taking a steadying breath, the Durher rests her head on your chest and looks up at you with a weary, tear-streaked, but contented smile.

“Whoof… gimme a moment to process, Ant… I just shared one of my biggest secrets and you’re already proposing~”

Your anxiety returns with a vengeance! Errk-

Your reward is another smack to the arm… and a gentle peck on your cheek. “I’m joking, you big galoot… get ta’ know me a little first before you throw yourself at me, yea?” The girl grins. “But if you decided to try again later with some SONGSTONE EARRINGS, well…” She shrugs as she gives your nose a little ‘boop’ with her claw!

“And you still owe me a tour of your world once you find a way back! No backing out now!”

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Yyyyeaaaa, about that, you reply in a far-less charismatic tone as you gently wrap an arm around the girl as she continues to nuzzle your chest, if we’re playing the full-disclosure game, you might, uh… might have some weird shit waiting for you at home too…

TT looks up from the snuggling with concern. “You’re not betrothed to a Cartel member too, are you?”

Har har, you frown as you give her ear a playful flick, you’re… you’re not sure, really. Every now and then you unearth a memory like an old sock you thought you’d lost… some of them are whole–easy to recall…

“But others are just pieces, hmm?”

Yea, you nod, something like that. The girl answers with a biiiiiiig stretch and a yawn! “Well, ‘hubby dearest’, whatever deep, dark mysteries await you will have to tangle with me... and you saw me work in Gold Town…”

Yea, you scoff, she really had those security mooks on the ropes! Your joke earns you a nip this time! OW!

“Two wretched souls cursed to sow bad luck and discord wherever they walk… each wrestling with the sins of their sordid pasts…”

You groan. Another song?

“Better get used to ‘em, Ant,” TT snickers as she bites you again, this time a little more gently, “You’re gonna have to try REAL hard to get rid of me now…”

Planting another warm kiss on your lips, Tzah-Tzie dreamily stares into your eyes as silence blankets your room once more. “Mmm… who would have known the great and fearsome ANTON THE UNDYING was such a comfy pillow…”

If she adds that to a ballad…

“You’ll do what, hmmm?” She interjects with a playful glimmer in her eye as traces a loop on your chest with a claw, “Mr. Tough Guy~”

What WILL you do, hmmm?
>Who is this guy anyways?
>Has she talked to her family since?
>Does she want to, um, ‘take care’ of that guy?
>Ask her something else! (What?)
>That does it… fight back!
>Kiss her goodnight… she could use the rest.
>Stay silent! She'll think you disappeared!
FUCK, I knew I forgot an option!

>Do something about it - something SEXY!
I mean, I feel that's the angle she's going for. Can't leave a lady waiting.

After THAT's faded to black isn't it already har har, we can ask the big questions like:
>Who is this guy anyways?
>Does she want to, um, ‘take care’ of that guy?
We'll kick his shit in if she wants. We're already enemies of the Spiceys.
Going to bed soon--just a public service announcement that there probably won't be any 'hanky panky' this early on. That said, feel free to vote for whatever! Got some appointments tomorrow so expect late and few updates if any! Hope to seeya then and have a good Wednesday, folks.
>That does it… fight back!
>That does it… fight back!
>That does it… fight back!

Understandable, but honestly, I just don't quite know how more fitting of a moment for that you could get for such a thing, not after all these emotional revelations and the like. It just feels like the most fitting moment for it, no?
>Ask a question: when you left, you could have chosen anything... why music?
Well you aren't getting nothing, just don't expect a pastebin is all I'm sayin'. You'll see what I mean once I get back from work
>paste bin
Don't use that, it's all censored now. You should use rentry.org instead for that kind of stuff
I forgot you dabbled in [ADULT CONTENT]. I literally expected a fade to black, if anything.
Well, I certainly won't complain, whenever it happens, as long as it's sickly sweet,. Tzah-Tzie is for PURE VANILLA ONLY. The kind of vanilla that mercenary death squads in madagascar fight over and thieves risk getting their hands chopped off for.
I would also accept brat correction.
No. Only Vanilla. TT isn't bratty enough for that. Her teasing is too light and cute.




Writing. Gonna be a short and late one, folks--tangling with some heavy shit today.
>some heavy shit
Sorry to hear it, DB.
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You never thought you’d become the type of guy to say ‘why I oughta…!’ in a vaguely cartoony tone, but here you are saying ‘why I oughta…!’ in a vaguely cartoony tone! Seizing your chance when Tzah-Tzie bursts into laughter, you lunge forward to pin your diminutive detractor on the bed… but you’re too slow!

With dexterity that would put a luchador to shame, the devious Durher slips out from under you like a greased-up otter just in time for your face to get intimately acquainted with the mattress! Hitting it with a muffled ‘FOMP!’, you flip like a fish outta’ water onto your back, but the girl leaps on top of you before you can launch a counterattack!

“Ha-HA!” She gloats, straddling your torso like a bullrider, “Gotta’ try harder than tha-”

If she insists! Harnessing the immutable power of your LIMBO SKILLS, you break out a REVERSE LIMBO and perform a SIT-UP! Timing it JUST right as the girl’s eyes widen in abject shock, you plant a decisive kiss on her soft tummy and send her reeling!

You’re not done yet! Riding the momentum forward, you collapse onto the girl like an Ijea Cabinet onto a child, pinning the musical menace beneath your superior body weight!

“Okay, OKAY! AACK!” Tzah-Tzie sputters as you assault her face with kisses, “You-ACKPTH! Time OUT!”

Calling off the assault, you lever yourself off of the squished Spinner and take a steadying breath. Okay, you sigh, but-

Leaping at you like a pissed-off tabby, Tzah-Tzie sends you slamming into the mattress once again–this time with you on the bottom! You’re just about to bring out your MAGIC SHIELD when you feel a pair of gentle claws on your cheeks… and a pair of warm lips pressing themselves into yours!

Next comes the girl’s body… followed by her legs wrapping around your waist! As passion takes the wheel, your hands slowly work their way down from her supple shoulders to her slender waist, and finally to her ample hips-

“Mmm, wait…

Her claws gently clasp around your wrists, but you’re already frozen! Y-yea?

“We’re not going there tonight, Anton my dear…” She coos, squeezing your hands in hers, “A good tale should never be rushed… don’t’cha agree?”

Ab… absolutely, you nod, not noticing until now how hard you’re panting. It’s cool… The girl’s catlike eyes glimmer in the darkness as she brings her mouth next to your ear, her hushed words and warm breath making it tingle with each syllable: “... maybe a few nights from now…”


A pause. “Hells, maybe a night from now…”


Hopping off your torso and, by extension, the bed, Tzah-Tzie watches you over her shoulder as she starts to fiddle with something on her tunic… “But it’s been a long day, Ant… and it’s cold tonight…”

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The sound of cloth and leather tumbling to the floor beneath her reverberates across the room as a mischievous smile forms on her face.

“Care to keep me warm, hmm?”

Sure… err, yes!

TT cocks her head to the side as she takes her time heading back over to the bed. “Everything alright?”

Y-yea, well-

“See, here in Zoral people usually don’t wear boots to bed…”

Oh uh, y-yea! Ditto! Scrambling to remove your robes, you freeze when you feel a pair of claws help you… it’s a monumental task for the diminutive Durher, but before long you’re relieved of your robe and left in the clothes you arrived in… and the LEATHER ARMOR, that is.

Feeling Tzah-Tzie’s modest chest press against yours, you realize both of you are wearing similar under armour… but while yours was shamelessly pilfered from a Gnok Cultist that met Rezzie, Tzah-Tzie’s is…

Well, to say it compliments her petite form wouldn’t do it justice!

Sinking backwards under the covers, you hold the Spinner close as she buries herself in your chest—her thin layer of fuzz making the girl feel more like a stuffed animal toy than anything else... The longer she lingers in your arms, however, the sleepier you get, and before you wish her goodnight, Tzah-Tzie lifts her head and locks lips with yours…

Exploring her sharp-toothed mouth with your tongue and her curves with your hands, the two of you only break away when you run out of breath... Luckily you both have plenty of that to spare!

"You..." Pants Tzah-Tzie as she wipes her mouth on the sheet, "You're good at this..."

Y-you too, you reply, grinning as you struggle to catch your breath, she's... amazing...

Feeling sleep's hooks sink into you, it isn't long before your amorous advances are cut short... you fight a valiant battle, but the day's events prove a far greater foe... drifting into a much-deserved rest, you're sent off by a dreamy 'G'night,...Ant..."

G’night, reality…

Hello, Dream World…

>Where do you find yourself tonight? WRITE-IN details or leave blank for a random choice!
>A memory!
>A good dream!
>Somewhere or something else (WRITE-IN)
>Where do you find yourself tonight?
Speculation or memories of that other girl, the one we briefly half-remembered during our kiss.
>A memory!
>A good dream!
>>A good dream!
Heh. Catgirls rule.
So Durhurs are little cat-goblins 200%, right? And Skogs are dragon-trolls.Gnoks are birdpersons, Chytree are maybe... Fly-guys. Mokegs ar giant roach-folk, maybe? And Mzzgovirrs or however it's spelled are spidery-type men, maybe?
I'm reading this as a memory, which means we're tied between Memories and Good Dreams! Feel free to swap votes--I'll probably roll a tiebreaker in an hour or so if nothing changes.

>Species assessment
Very interesting, anon.... :)
Will you ever show what they look like, QM? Say, if we bring reddish-tinged light to the land of darkness?
I cannot confirm or deny that it'll happen, but I can say with mild confidence that you might see Anton before the end of the quest... that is, if you GET that far! Heh heh heh!
Fine, i'll switch >>6186137 to 'good dreams'
>Not TT
but still cool
>Good Dream!
Works for me! Writing~
Careful what you wish for, bub
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Whisked away on whimsical winds, you wash ashore in a particularly thick hunk of dreamstuff… its fluffy outer membrane sticking to you like taffy as your ears are beset and your body is rocked by the cacophonous sound of a roaring crowd!

Blinking in confusion, but amped up by the cheers, you look down and find yourself…

>Standing on stage with a guitar slung over your shoulder and a worn pick in your hand! (+MUSIC)
>Shredding a gnar to the delight of a raucous beach party! (+SURFING)
>Teetering on the top rope, your mask-clad matchup staring wide-eyed at your incoming aerial assault! (+WRESTLING)
>Gliding across a checkered disco floor–the gaudy lights only adding to the spectacle as you effortlessly bust a move! (+DANCING)
>Bat in hand with a mouth full of chewing tobacco–it’s the bottom of the ninth inning, the bases are loaded, and the pitcher’s getting tired! (+BASEBALL)
>Wrestling the mother of all catches on the end of your line, the spool squealing like a pack of pigs as you struggle to stay in your dinghy! (+FISHING)
>Preparing the crowd for your final act: your trusty assistant grinning as you prepare to make her disappear! (+MAGIC TRICKS)

Next update will probably have to wait until tomorrow, folks. Been a really bad day and I'm feeling drained. Long story short, had to return the dog due to the vet pretty much confirming her inevitable blindness in her other eye and our current living situation's inability to accommodate that. Dog's healthy and fine, but I miss her already. Apologies for the bloo-hooing and for the delays
>Bat in hand with a mouth full of chewing tobacco–it’s the bottom of the ninth inning, the bases are loaded, and the pitcher’s getting tired! (+BASEBALL)
I know the chance of this winning is low but I find it funny.
>Teetering on the top rope, your mask-clad matchup staring wide-eyed at your incoming aerial assault! (+WRESTLING)

damn bro, that sucks.
>Preparing the crowd for your final act: your trusty assistant grinning as you prepare to make her disappear! (+MAGIC TRICKS)
Synergizes well with LIMBO.
Aw, poor pup. Sorry to hear.
>Preparing the crowd for your final act: your trusty assistant grinning as you prepare to make her disappear! (+MAGIC TRICKS)
>Preparing the crowd for your final act: your trusty assistant grinning as you prepare to make her disappear! (+MAGIC TRICKS)
The idea of Anton being a failed magician to try and supplement his income from the restaurant is too interesting to ignore
Thanks guys. Paid the adoption fee forward so hopefully she'll find a home soon that'll be able to give her the life she deserves. Still rattled, but optimistic.
It's only failure if you stop trying, anon! Or you're blacklisted!
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Why, on the stage, of course! Blinking as your eyes adjust to the harsh heat of the theater lights burning into your face, you send a smile into the sardine-packed crowd as your trusty assistant follows suit as she squeezes into the locker upstage! Huh. She looks familiar…

Dramatically parting your gloved hands like a mighty sorcerer, your bid for silence strikes true as a hush falls over the crowd! For your next demonstration, you begin, your voice booming and reverberating across the venue with practiced poise, you will send your daring assistant into the ether… and bring her back to this world safe and sound!

“How about showing us something NEW!” Guffaws an audience member, setting off a wave of jeers and laughs! You respond with a humble smirk–a lesser magician would trip up, sure, but you?


Well shoot, guess you’ve seen this one before, you sigh in a contrite tone and a shake of your head, so how about a little homework?

The crowd quiets down as the challenge is issued! A grin forms on your face.

If they can tell you how you did it, you begin, you’re buying everyone a drink! A round of cheers break out, but they’re quickly silenced when you raise your pointer finger!

But if they can’t, you warn in a grave tone, they’ll be cursed for the rest of their days!

As silence blankets the audience once more, you dispel the tension with a good-natured laugh! Just kidding, you croon, or AM I?

Nodding at the ensuing laughs, you take your position next to your assistant–the poor thing trembling beneath her grinning facade. Stage fright, you think as you give her bare shoulder a reassuring pat, happens to the best of us!

Shutting the steel sarcophagus' door with a resounding CLANG, you make your way around the locker giving it a few taps as you go… on your seventh circle, you return to your original position and cheat out to face your audience!

Now then, you huff as you wipe an imaginary bead of sweat off your brow, when you open the door, your brave assistant will be whisked away to another dimension… and only years of practice and complete concentration will bring her ba-

“Do it already!” Sneers the heckler!

Well if he insists~ with a flourish of your hands, you mime a three second countdown–the people in the crowd following along in hushed tones! On zero, you grab the door’s handle and fling it open revealing….

“HAH! She’s still there!”

Once again, the heckler’s eyes serve him well! Blinking in confusion at your equally-flustered assistant, you open and close the door a few times as the crowd erupts into laughter… no, you stammer as you slam it shut, this… it’s not supposed to-

“What a HACK!”
“How about that drink?”
“Yea, and a refund!”

In mere seconds your adoring audience is reduced to the equivalent of a classroom of Middle Schoolers! Well, no... these folks aren't that bad, but still!

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Frantically pacing around the stage in an attempt to regain control, your eyes lock with your original heckler–the man grinning from ear to ear as he soaks in the panic on your sweat-drenched face!

S-sir, you mutter, your earlier confidence long departed from your voice, if you please–

“Yea?” He snorts as the audience eagerly awaits his coup de grace, “Mr. Unknowable?”

It’s just, you rasp, your throat cracking under the pressure, just one more thing…

“I’ll take a Rum and Coke, thanks,” He laughs as the audience joins in, “Ya’ think ya’ can manage-”

I-it’s just that, you interject with unusual clarity in your tone, s-sir, what’s under your chair?

A pin dropping would sound like a bomb in the ensuing silence. Parting his legs as a theater light helpfully illuminates his seat, the heckler’s eyes go saucer-wide as a familiar pair of bunny ears and a smiling face peer out from beneath!

As the theater processes what just happened, you slowly raise your gloved hands in the air before muttering two quiet syllables:



Like a spell being broken, the theater erupts into a cacophony of cheers and applause! Taking her place at your side, your assistant joins you in a bow as confetti falls from the rafters while the crowd begins to chant your name loud enough to sting your ears!


Yes, you blink, you… this is who you are! Who you’re meant to be! ANTON THE UNKNOWABLE: THE MASTER MAGICIAN!
NEW SKILL UNLOCKED: ILLUSIONIST INITIATE (+2 Sleight of Hand, Distractions, Deception)

Nodding and bowing at the sound of your name, you turn to smile at your partner in crime and recoil in horror as you notice her change in wardrobe…

A bunny suit and a cowboy hat? Fashion Disaster!

“Not bad, tex,” Remarks RED with a tip of his hat as the theater melts into a crimson compote, “Say, can ya’ do the one where ya’ pull a rabbit outta’ yer’ hat? Gets me every time!”

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RED, you sputter, still not entirely used to his liberal use of his all-inclusive backstage pass into your thoughts and memories, what are you doing here?

The devil shrugs as a plume of cigarette smoke blankets the void. “Thought I’d check in on my golden boy, s’all. Why, something wrong?”

Yea, you huff, does he plan on barging into your head every time you pass out? Another shrug.

“Well it’s either this or I take the reins while you get some shuteye,” He explains, causing a pit to form in your gut, “Now don’t you fret, son, I wouldn’t dare intrude on your, hrm, ‘frolics’ with your special lady…” You can’t discern any teeth under the cowpoke’s hat, but you can definitely sense amusement in his tone!

“Alright, shoot, maybe I DID give her a lil’ pinch on the behind, but that’s it–honest! I mean… can ya’ blame me?”

Your eyes nearly hop out of their sockets! He WHA!? He can’t–you… she’s… she’s not your SPECIAL LADY, you sputter, she’s your LADY FRIEND, okay!?

The devil cocks his glowing head to the side with a bemused lilt in his tone. “Is she now?”

Your eye twitches. Well she’s… you’re trying to figure… p-probably, yea! Look, you growl, still stumbling over every syllable, just…

>You found Rezzie! And she tried to MURDER YOU.
>He wants something! What is it?
>He needs to leave your body alone, alright? And TT’s! A-and everyone else’s!
>You took a crash-course in Demonology! Who the hell is he, really?
>He’s a perceptive guy–you have a question about someone (who?)
>If he’s not gonna go away, can he beef up your power at all?
>Stay silent! He’ll think you disappeared!
>You took a crash-course in Demonology! Who the hell is he, really?
>He wants something! What is it?
I doubt he just wants our poor shitty unlucky loser soul, right?
>>You took a crash-course in Demonology! Who the hell is he, really?

Fuck it, let's write BOTH!
>Ask him if those are naturals or not
They're full of RED stuff, obviously.
Am I the only one who pictures RED sounding like Ancient Reptillian Brain from Disco Elyisum? I don't know why, it kinda just popped into my head.
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Just WHO is he, really?

Your body’s new roommate answers with a raspy laugh as your assistant’s bunny suit ensemble flickers like a candle into the demon’s original oil tycoon ensemble. “No one of consequence-”

Oh no, you interject as you jab your pointer finger into his bolo tie, you had a little crash course in DEMONOLOGY today, so he’s not getting away with that one! What is he, hmm? Lesser? Greater?

The devil leans out of your finger’s reach and adjusts his tie. “Well shoot, kid, had I known you were hankerin’ for some Hellish hierarchicals, I’d’ve happily helped!”

Sure he would, you growl through clenched teeth, so let’s hear it then! Spill the beans, ‘pard’!

In what you now know to be typical RED fashion, the hat-wearing hellion takes a long, pensive drag from his cig. Holding the foul-smelling smoke captive in his mouth, he finally releases it through a toothy grin!

“All cards on the table, then, pard? No secrets between friends!” Stretching his back with a resounding crack, you can almost swear you spot a pair of massive wings folded behind him… but by the time your eyes process them, they’re gone!

“As for who I am, well,” He continues in his deep drawl, “They call me the boss, kid… El Jefe, The Big Cheese, Head Honcho…” Gesturing to the vast emptiness around you with his cigarette, RED’s raspy laugh echoes across the expanse! “Well, not the boss of here, mind… though we’re always open to expandin’ the franchise, so to speak!”

Wait a sec, you stammer as the reality of the situation and a sizable pit in your gut both settle in, that makes him… an Arch-

“Bingo-Bango, tex,” He interrupts, his sharp teeth gleaming in the darkness as he grins your way, “But I ain’t never cared much fer’ labels… ain’t particularly fond of workplace politics or politesse either!” He punctuates his answer with a quick drag! “Sure, I tell folk when ta’ jump an’ how high, and of course I’ve got the hoitiest-toitiest hacienda in hell, but ask anyone in CHAA’TAI about me an’ you’ll get the same answer:”

You cock your head to the side. Thaaaat he’s nice to his subordinates?

“That I’m a bull-headed, blowhardy sonnovabitch!” RED howls before bursting into another round of cough-laughs! “Ahhhh…. Nope, never much had a use fer’ the term ‘Boss’, but if the hat fits…”

He’s… surprisingly forthcoming about this, you frown, is he really saying you could have just asked an-

“The hell I need ta’ lie for?” The archdevil answers as he rolls his broad shoulders, “Not lookin’ ta’ force the facts down yer’ throat, kid, but let’s face ‘em: once you croak, yer’ mine!” Graciously letting that fact sink in as he takes another drag, RED shakes his head with dismay. “Reckon I oughta warm ya up to the idea…”

Gee, you remark with an exaggerated eyeroll, thanks…

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This has been a real treat and all, you add with growing impatience, but you were having a really good dream, so–

“Yea, I wouldn’t wanna sleep either if a cutie like THAT was in the sack next ta’ me,” Smirks the devil as he bends over to meet your eye level, “So I’ll make this quick, pard: some downright distressin’ noise has been tickling my ears… something about gaining control?”

Your blood goes colder than an icebath on Pluto. In a blizzard! Oh, th-that? You were just talking about a song idea-

“C’mon, Tex, I weren’t born last aeon!” He croons as he gives your hair a playful tousle! “An’ hell, I ain’t plannin’ on stopping ya’! Shoot, bringing you back from the hereafter was the best damned decision I ever made!”

R-really!? You thought he was gunning for you to join him in Chattanooga or whatever! The demon shakes his hatted head!

“Time enough fer’ that, friendo, but I’ve been cacklin’ like a cock in a cornshed at yer’ antics thus far… an’ I wanna help!”

You blink. Help HOW, exactly? You’re answered by a long, gnarled claw waving in your face!

“Ah-ah-ah… power comes at a price, kid, and I toldja’ I was fixin’ ta’ give ya a job…”

Look, you interject with a nervous smile, Rezzie-err, REZALITH’S out of your hands now, so if it has anything to do with her-

“Rezzie? Hah! Nah, I reckon that little problem’ll sort itself out…” Coughs the cowpoke, “The job WILL involve your pal Oti, though… his stuff, that is.”

You open your mouth to protest, but you pause–what exactly is he looking for?

“Oh, nothing he’ll miss!” The devil shrugs! “See, all his talk about demons acquired my attention… and I’m itchin’ like a hound ta know what he knows!”

Yea, well, you say with a sigh, you don’t think he’ll be very amenable to that request-

“Oh, you won’t be requestin nothing.” RED interjects with a sudden seriousness in his speech! “See, a headcase like him’ll have some notes stashed somewhere… I want you to take a gander at ‘em for me… I’ll handle the rest.”

A gander? It’s called DARK QUEST, you laugh, not ADEQUATE LIGHT FOR READING QUEST!

“Exactly,” Nods your patron, “Chances are it’ll all be recorded somewhere. You give it a listen and you’ll get your prize–no strings attached!”

And this prize, you reply, your voice unfortunately stained with mild intrigue, what’s it gonna be, exactly? RED grins beneath his hat.

“Whatcha’ want, pard? Fixin’ ta’ be fast? Schemin’ to be strong? Maybe something ta’ even the odds in a fight?” His head shifts to the side. “Or maybe you wanna be irresistible to that lil’ snack of yers… or everybody else?”

What say ye?

>Strength, please!
>Speed is king!
>You could use another combat power!
>Irresistible, you say?
>Can he help you see in this dang darkness?
>Lemme think about it…
Yeeeeah, i dont know man, i dont really wanna sink even deeper into the soul-owned-by-a-demon staff. Eternity is a really long time ya know? Trading it for some powers on your life is like getting a payday loan with 500% compounding interesting
"I only accepted your deal last time because I would've literally died otherwise. Bother me when I'm about to croak again."

I ain't following for any devil tomfuckery, no sir. Fuck outta here.
While I agree with the feeling, you probably shouldn't word it so strongly.
Finnnneeeee. Changing to
"No thanks. I'll take my chances without any more of your help."
Here. Same general message but less aggressive.
That's for him to know and for YOU to find out ; )
You should ask him to do some karaoke with you
In All Honesty, if it was possible to get our soul back by working with him i would, but i dont think it works like that
I don't really think we have the charisma nor power to just go "can i blz have soul back :)" in a way that wouldn't indebt us further with him or require us to do a really painful task.
I rather just decline the deal so we aren't more karmically indebted to him. If we HAVE to, though, I'll default to being able to actually see somewhat in the dark. Because that debuff has been a nuisance in every check we have made.
+1 to this, but put mildly. This guy may own our eternity.

See above, but if our hand is forced..
>Can he help you see in this dang darkness?
There's no list quite as black as the list of people trapped in the Darkness Dimension.
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>I'm good, thanks!
>Darkness Dimension
Wait... Is THAT what Tzah-Tzie/Ruusdi really looks like??
Yes. It's canon
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Power, ey? You could always use some more of that… on a curious whim, you float an idea that’s been itching at you like a mosquito bite:

Can he help you see in this dang darkness? It’s a pretty low penalty, but it’s getting really irritating! RED pauses for a moment like a printer about to start a job…

“Sorry, Tex, no can do!” He decrees as if you’d just asked him for a bite of his cheeseburger! Well why not, hmm? He can’t, like, touch up your eyes or something? Give you some MAGICAL NIGHT VISION GOGGLES? That’s bogus!

“Outta’ my jurisdiction, kid,” The demon sighs as a hint of ire creeps in his tone, “Ain’t a darkness you can just wave away, especially with how little sway I have in these parts…”

He… is he disappointed? He sounds disappointed!

RED responds with a pensive puff of smoke. “Believe you me, kiddo, it’ll be the first thing I change once we clear ourselves a foothold or two…”

And how, pray tell, is he gonna manage that?

A derisive laugh escapes the demon’s throat. “Workin’ on it, don’t worry your handsome lil’ head over it!” Clearing his throat, your baneful benefactor sizes you up as he takes another drag. “So sight’s a no-go, but what about something else, hmm? Lemme tempt ya!”

Tempt you, hm? Well there IS something you want…

“Hit me then, boy!” The devil grins, “Sky’s the limit!”

Well, you sigh, could he… might he release your immortal soul?

RED gives you an appraising look. “You know what? Sure! Why the hell not?”

Your heart skips a beat. And another. Shit, are you dying!? R-r-REALLY!?

“Hah! Nope!”

Oh. Well shoot, you mutter as RED adjusts his bolo tie!

“A fer’ effort, though!”

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If that’s the case, you groan, then you’re just gonna pass for now… you get the sneaking suspicion he’s gonna subject you to eternal damnation with, like, INTEREST or something. The cowpoke responds with another laugh!

“Hey, if you find a devil with better rates, we’ll match ‘em!”

Unsure if he’s joking or serious, you double down on your decision: you’re thankful for the save in the Swoos Lounge, you conclude, but you’ll opt out of the job for now! RED answers you with a noncommital shrug!

“Course, kid, I ain’t gonna twist yer’ arm… not til’ ya croak, anyways! HA!” Coughing up some pretty heavy-duty phlegm, the devil takes a steadying breath before sending a nod your way. “Seriously though, I have subordinates ta’ do that for me. Doesn’t mean I won’t drop by and say ‘howdy’!”

You blink. Oh yea, he DID say it was optional, didn’t he?

“Said it before, scout–I ain’t got a reason ta’ lie to ya!” Blowing another plume of blood-scented smoke in your face, the dandy demon leans in close to whisper in your ear…

“But I reckon some of those folks in Zoral do… so keep an eye on yer’ behind, yea?”

So far so good, you reply with a shrug, but you’ll do your best!

“Atta’ boy… wouldn’t want ya’ to snuff it before things got interesting!”

Yea, you scoff, perish the thought…

Anything else for your devilish doter?

>You found Rezzie! And she tried to MURDER YOU.
>He needs to leave your body alone, alright? And TT’s! A-and everyone else’s!
>He’s a perceptive guy–you have a question about someone (who?)
>Stay silent! He’ll think you disappeared!
>Nope! Lemme wake up in peace, please!
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Eegads. would

>Does he know how Rezzie's power got in you, or how to get it out?
>Wait, can you tell me more about the darkness? What did it, and why? And how can we get rid of it in the future?
>Wait, can you tell me more about the darkness? What did it, and why? And how can we get rid of it in the future?
>Wait, can you tell me more about the darkness? What did it, and why? And how can we get rid of it in the future?
No reason not to ask, I guess.
>How do I get Rezzie's power out?
>How do I complete this DARK QUEST of mine?
Something tugs at the edge of your consciousness as you think of anything you’re forgetting to ask… if you didn’t know any better, you’d think you were about to wake up! As you get ready to give RED a cheeky goodbye, something wriggles its way into your brain… a question you should have asked last time you met!

The DARKNESS, you sputter with all the urgency and articulation of a mad prospector, w-who started it?! How do you end it!?

A bemused grin forms on RED’s face just as you feel your surroundings smear like fryer grease on a kitchen counter! “Couldn’t tell ya the particulars,” He begins, his deep, rumbling voice fading into static, “But I’d reckon it was a curse… of the DIVINE variety.”

Divine, you repeat, your voice echoing as your vision swims, like… like God?

A god!” The devil laughs! “Lots of those big-headed sons-of-guns ‘round these parts!”

Taking what you can only assume is an intentionally-long drag of his cigarette, the demon shoots you one last toothy smile as the world around you fades!

“As fer’ yer’ other question, well… kill the pactmaker, break the cu-”


Your well-deserved fist-wagging is cut short by something warm and fluffy smacking into your face! Gasping for air and clawing at the beast, you’re halfway to a panic attack when you feel a small, but familiar claw resting on your shoulder!

“Hey! HEY! Relax, Ant! You’re okay!”

Freed from your fuzzy prison, you take a long, desperate gasp of air as you wipe a string of drool from the corner of your mouth! Listless and weary from your restless sleep, you flop back onto your pillow and collect your scattered bearings:

To no one’s surprise, the room at the BATTLE’S END TAVERN is still dark, but past the thin door separating you from the public you hear the sound of rattling dishware and faint voices, none of which you recognize… at least from this distance!

A pair of fuzzy arms hug you close, their owner smiling at you with half-lidded eyes and a toothy grin.

“Mornin’...” Purrs Tzah-Tzie as her tail slaps against the bedcovers! “Guessing you didn’t sleep too well?”

You open your mouth to answer, but pause. Could you even trust RED’s word? How would you even describe what happened last night?

Before you can come to a conclusion, your bedmate presses her body against yours and lets out a dreamy sigh. “Just a lil’ longer, kay?”

What say ye?
>Yea, you could snuggle a little longer!
>You gotta tell her about the darkness!
>RED! You’ve got an ARCHDEVIL in you, TT!
>Nah, let’s get moving… people are waiting on ya!
>Why stop at snuggling, hmm?
>Stay silent! She’ll think you disappeared!
>Why stop at snuggling, hmm?
Even if it leads to nothing, how can Anton say anything but this?

Anyway, there's no purpose in freaking her out. We'll talk about Red being an Arch with Otis, later on.
>Why stop at snuggling, hmm?
After hearing we got an Archdevil stuck in us, I think we need the motivation.
>Yea, you could snuggle a little longer!
>You gotta tell her about the darkness!
No rush Also, uh, we might have an idea how to save the world, sort of kind of?
>No rush
Counterpoint, morning (at least i think it's morning) wood
Writing! Might be the last update of the night, but we'll see!
Even after waking up from a "nightmare" with a gravelly-voiced cowpoke?
The nightmare in question >>6186862
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Planting a gentle kiss on the Durher’s head, you tug her closer as a DEVILISH grin forms on your face!

Why, erm… why stop at snuggling… uh… babe?

Tzah-Tzie stares up at you for a moment, her expression somewhere between amusement and contemplation.

“Because, you knucklehead,” She teases as she affectionately nuzzles your chest, “We’ve got things to do, remember? And…”

You give her hip a playful squeeze, eliciting a yelp, and?

“A-and if you’re suggesting what I think you’re suggesting,” She continues in a sultry tone, “Then we’re gonna have to wait.”

You respond with a blink. She seems to get the message.

“You’re a sweetheart, Ant,” the Spinner sighs as she traces a circle on your chest with her claw, “But I’ve got a lot more adventuring to do before I settle down and have kits, y’know?”

Seeing you bristle at the ‘K-Word’, the girl gives your forehead a playful flick! “Yea, that’s right–y’know how energetic Vilah and Dilah are? Now imagine, like, eight of ‘em.” She cocks her head to the side with wide eyes and a mocking grin. “Doesn’t that sound FUN? Doesn’t that sound EXCITING?

You’re not sure how it works here in Zoral, you mutter, not disclosing the fact that you’re not exactly a practitioner in your own world either, but don’t you guys have, like, ways to prevent that?

“What, anklebiters?” The Durher asks as her tail slaps against the covers, “Sure! I just don’t have any right now… So unless ya’ want a platoon of pups calling you ‘daddy’ in a month-”

Wait, you sputter, WHA!?

“What?” Tzah-Tzie asks, cocking her head to the side, “How many days does it take for humans to have… little humans? Can’t be more than forty, right?”

Look, you mutter, just uh… forget it… you can wait…

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Before you can retreat into the snuggle zone, however, you feel your bedmate climb on top of you with mischief in her eyes!

“Now, now… I didn’t say we couldn’t blow off some steam...” She purrs as you feel a claw slowly journey down to your lower torso, “And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little curious…”

As TT’s paw reaches its destination, the poor girl poofs up with saucer-sized eyes while you stiffen in more ways than one! Is uh, you stammer as your voice comes out dry and crackly, is she…

Y-YEA! I’m peachy…” She sputters, trying and failing to regain her sultry composure, “I learned a thing or two at the Swoos Lounges… just…” She gulps. “So this is what it feels like…”

If… i-if she’s not comfortable with it-

“No no! Just…” Taking one more steadying breath, the girl unbuckles one of the straps on her armor. “Just… help me out of this, wouldja?”


A bit of fumbling later, your efforts pay off in the form of some tight leather armor tumbling off the bed…


And your own armor’s straps being deftly unbuckled…

>Roll me 1d100-19 (-7 A-A-ANXIETY!, -5 TT Knows what she’s doing, -2 Dark, -5 New to this…) for reasons! Best of 3!
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Damn. Well, at least it's not a 1. That would have been awkward.
Don't worry, friendo, it ain't gonna kill ya if you fail!
Anton will probably wish it did, though.
Rolled 64 - 19 (1d100 - 19)

Come on, one more roll to not disappoint TT.
Rolled 10 - 19 (1d100 - 19)

Don't worry, I got this.

we were off by 5.
We're going to make a fucking fool of ourselves!
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I have not, in fact, 'got this'.
Plot Twist: TT trips and ends up slipping inside just as Anton is about to finish. Quest is now on a timer to finish before TT spawns a football team's worth of little Antons.
Wait, wait, why is TT knowing what she's doing a malus instead of a bonus? Th-that's a mistake, right? So it's only a -14, and >>6187760 got us a narrow clear with 50? RIGHT??
I'm pretty sure it's a malus because we're rolling against Anton being "too quick"
She's giving us a 'hand rub' man, I think her knowing what she's doing makes it harder to not 'finish' quickly.
Right on the first guess, anon
Still, 19 is a pretty big malus. There was pretty much a 30% chance of success each roll.

Unless, of course, you don't automatically count any sub 50 rolls as an auto failure.
To be fair man, an anxious virgin getting frisky with a girl like one day after he arrived in some dark hell dimension isn't going to have the best odds in this situation.
Damn. Someone's gotta teach this mouse/cat/squirrel/weasel/goblin about edging.

Maybe she'll take it as a compliment to her skills, under the circumstances?
Rest assured this will more than likely be the biggest skill malus and lack of bonuses in the game. I like being fair, but >>6187782 gets it. And what can I say?

TT's good!
32% chance per roll, or 68.56% chance over all.

Dang it, TT.
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>Dang it, TT
>TT theme: https://youtu.be/9W6AN_eQeZo
Well, at least we rolled badly when it was just fooling around instead of real action. That would have been worse.
No you don't GET IT we're EMBARASSING OURSELVES in front of a CUTE GIRL

Tzah-Tzie has seen us in FAR more embarrassing situations.
We'll make it up to her later. We're bound to get a pretty nice bonus for the size difference, right?
Hoo boy... not quite good enough, I'm afraid! Writing!
The last few threads have proven you don't need a dice roll ta' do that!
I looked up how many people are on an average football team just to remind myself... dear lord, anon, this is a true GAME OVER scenario you're talking about here
No comment
Rolled 8 (1d12)

Let's find out.
>dear lord, anon, this is a true GAME OVER scenario you're talking about here
And deprive us of watching Anton and TT experience the joy of raising eleven rowdy kits? Never!

Is that in inches or centimeters?
>Soccer Team
Ohhhh, I was looking up an AMERICAN FOOTBALL team size. Mierde...
>Is that in inches or centimeters?
Too late, now Anton and TT are fated to have 53 children.
Well, 8 inches and 8 centimeters would put Anton at 11in and TT in the hospital.
why stop there? taking a few extra rounds, we could have a battalion; transforming the qst into a civ.
Buddy TT's body can't handle that and I refuse to accept harem shit, so alas. That is impossible.
>Buddy TT's body can't handle that
A dog can have a dozen pups in a litter, and have 4 to 6 litters safely and successfully. Not sure how that maps to Durhurs, buuuut...
A battalion is like 300+ soldiers so unless she's somehow the Durher version of Octomom, still not feasible.
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You leave the bedroom a few minutes later–hair messy and positively glowing, albeit in more ways than one! Aside from the, erm, more obvious reason, your cheeks are currently burning white-hot as you struggle to put together an appropriate apology for your equally frazzled-looking lady pal…

“No problem, Ant–I knew what I signed up for~” She snickers with a smug grin on her face! “Ouugh, but I’m gonna need a bath now… or at least a washbasin.” The girl frowns as she adjusts her tunic and huffs. “At least give me a warning next time, wouldja?”

Th-that never happens to you, honest! It’s not even a lie, really… try as you might to recollect some of your more intimate moments, you’re pretty sure this is the first one that hasn’t just been shared with you and your right hand… Not that you inform her of any of this, mind!

TT isn’t listening… as the Spinner taps away at that tablet thing she’s always fussing with, you try to peek over her shoulder and quickly abandon the idea when you recall where you are.

“You humans sure are efficient, though!” She muses, prompting a boulder-sized pit to form in your gut as you explode into unintelligible stammering! “Good ta’ know! Saves me some time…”

Stumbling after the devious Durher, you’re both greeted with a tavern-shaking ‘HOI’ from behind the bar!

“Ah, you’re alive!” Observes Ma as she flashes a toothy grin! “Sleep well?”

Well you weren’t assailed by assassins this time, you answer, so it went okay in your book!
“Mhm! Real comfy beds ya’ got here, Ma!” TT Chirps as she stows her tablet and grins!

“That’s a relief…” The barmatron sighs as one of the few patrons collects a refill on his drink, “Walls are thinner’n’ a starved Veeti… can hear almost every toss n’ turn some nights!”

You and your bedmate exchange a mortified glance.

“But if my snorin’ didn’t keep ya’ up then I’ll take it!” Ma snickers as she rummages around behind the counter! “Well in any case, ya missed breakfast… and Volka.”

Oh crap, you groan, she’s not mad, is she?
“A-are there still SCRAPS?” Whines the Spinner!
“Whaaaat?” She replies, shooting you an incredulous look, “I’m hungry!”

Very possible by the time we have grandkits, I guess. If we maxxed six litters and our kits had similar reproductive success, we'd have 5184 grandkits.
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“Yep, gotcher Puuchri right here,” The elder Skog grunts as she deposits a pair of bowls on the counter with an unceremonious ‘thunk’, “They’re cold, but the spices should warm ya up. Just pick out the Ouda Roots if ya don’t like em!”

Settling in at the counter, you watch in horror as Tzah-Tzie proceeds to HOUSE her meal like a rabid dog!

“As fer your question, hon,” Ma continues, not bothering to dodge the deluge of food flying out of TT’s bowl, “Volk’s fine–said she was gonna train a bit at the pond an’ come back later.”

Ma’s remaining eye lights up as she remembers something! “Oh, and I sent the twins out ta grab groceries… should be back soon. That Mox Alton mentioned he’d come to help around the kitchen today too after errands. He’s a sweetheart.”

Her gaze shifts from you to the JOB BOARD! “Oh, an’ we got some new jobs posted today too if you’re interested. No pressure if you’ve got plans, though!”

Bringing your bowl to your lips, your body jitters at the spicy porridge running down your throat–crisp roots akin to green onions at a little bite to the already zesty mixture, and when you catch yourself licking the bottom of the bowl you realize just how HUNGRY you were! Whoof!

“Long day?” Ma inquires.

She has no idea…
It’s a new day… what do?
>Chat with Ma!
>Wait for Alton!
>Seek out Volka!
>Gather up the twins!
>Check out the Job Board!
>Speak with TT!
>Head somewhere on your To-Do List!
i would hope to assume Durhers have longer life expectancies than cats
that should also mean more litters
this is the strangest conversation i have had in a while
>Head somewhere on your To-Do List!
We already had the little death, let's investigate the BIG DEATH. Mr. Chairman dude, if that's still a thing.
>Check out the Job Board!
Check our options, methinks.

While I'm curious about it, there's not any bells in it for us, is there? And we've been pretty generous lately, but we still need those...

Where xenobiology and waifushitery intersect, magic is made.
If we vote for TO-DO LIST I'll list out the whole kit n' kaboodle, don't worry! That'll help people remember.
>there's not any bells in it for us, is there
Eh, fair, but I like mysteries.
Fair enough.

I mean sure but even if they're weird cat goblin things, I'd imagine you can only give birth so many times before your body implodes and she's nothing more than a deflated balloon.

We can worry about that once we're, you know, actually able to take care of kids and TT would actually want them.
OP, you left this on our TODO:
> -Speak to Oti about your powers!
and i dont think this is relevant anymore either:
> -They mentioned a 'devil' at the Mitaaran Temple...

also, may i get a little reminder to what this is? i dont remember it at all:
> -Track down Karsten's Clocks and give the owner the password you found!
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>“You humans sure are efficient, though!”
>be first human to ever get a catgirl
>she calls you a quickshot

>Head somewhere on your To-Do List!
Gotta get to business!
Good eye, my man! Yea, lemme clean up the TO-DO List a bit.
As for the clocks, you recall that before you tamed Vuuse and her Icers they were harrying some poor schmuck. After the battle there was a note mentioning a specific code phrase at that clock shop... what it leads to is anybody's guess...
>>Head somewhere on your To-Do List!


Looks like TO-DO is what we're gonna do! Writing!
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Volkir’s deal still lingers in your head like an earworm, and while Mimut’s job was surprisingly lucrative, you can’t deny that there’s a lot going on in town that isn’t posted on the Job Board… Moreover, you can’t shake the feeling that the longer you drag your heels, the less-likely you’ll unearth any new leads!

You’re a newcomer in town, sure, but it’s been a busy couple of days… maybe a little legwork will help you in the long run?

The question is, you ponder as Ma takes your now-empty bowl, where to first?


>See how Oti's doing on the potion!
>Check out The Salt Shaker and fight for some Bells!
>Investigate Guild Chairman Fellick's death at the Belltower!
>Track down Karsten's Clocks and give the owner the password you found!
>Actually, let’s check out that Job Board…
>Nevermind, let’s go track a pal down… (Who?)
I have no idea which one of these would be the most profitable. We need to start collecting lotsa bells, right?
>Investigate Guild Chairman Fellick's death at the Belltower!
Alright, you know what, we probably shouldn't wait too long for a murder investigation.
>Investigate Guild Chairman Fellick's death at the Belltower!
>Investigate Guild Chairman Fellick's death at the Belltower!
I'd rather stay out of Shadowland politics desu, but if we're doing it let's do it right.
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You’re probably too late to poke at the corpse, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t wanna check out what happened at Chairman Fellick’s place!

Ma responds with a wince. “Oof, good luck. Belltower’s probably locked up tighter’n a Durher’s coinpurse.” She blinks. “No offense, sweetheart.”

“Little taken~” Chirps Tzah-Tzie as she turns her attention your way! “I’m interested too, but she’s right… security’s gonna be more vicious than a Skog with a hangover!” She blinks. “No offense, Ma.”

“Little taken. If you’re serious about seeing things for yourself, though,” The Skog continues as she preemptively pours a drink for one of the few morning customers, “Word is that some of Fellick’s potential successors are gonna be making statements today.”

Riiiight, you nod, the three stooges, right? KOOPI, GIGI, and ZIT!

The barmatron shrugs her broad shoulders. “Close enough. Also heard that Volka’s Veeti friend LILA does guild work from time to time. Couldn’t hurt ta’ keep an ear out fer’ her.”

Turning to leave, you freeze as the bar wench stops you with a gruff ‘OI!

Y-yes, Ma?

“Need me ta’ send anyone yer’ way? Just say the word an’ I’ll point ‘em in yer direction.”

>Nope, just TT and I!
>Tell Volka to meet us there!
>Maybe the twins wanna see the Belltower?
>It’s a long shot, but if Oti swings by…
>If she sees Vuuse…
>Tell Volka to meet us there!
>It’s a long shot, but if Oti swings by…
We need that potion as soon as it's ready.
>Tell Volka to meet us there!
The good trio.

Ehh...is that really necessary? We'll swing by later today. I'm not even sure the potion will work against an Archdemon.
Any port in a storm. better to try the potion and see if it works than risk Red grabbing our waifu's fluffy butt again without even TRYING to stop him.
Yeah, but we can do that after the murder investigation no?
If the potion's ready early, might as well drink it early. And if Oti's around anyway, he can provide added insight, too!
>VOLKA AND OTI (If he shows up)

Gonna try to write this tomorrow after work, questers--today became busy and I'm TIRED! Thanks for playing and have a good start to your week--seeya tomorrow, hopefully
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Yea, you nod as you take a few steps towards the door, tell Volka to meet us there… and if a stuffy mage named Oti swings by she can send him too!

“Wait a sec,” Ma frowns, “Where… exactly are you goin’-”

You respond with a cocky grin. You’re gonna blow this thing wide open! Leaving the barmatron with a wink, you shove open the d-OOOWWW, FUUUCK!


“Nah, I figured as much,” Ma snorts as you stumble backwards from where your face met a wall, “I meant ‘where are you going’ as in ‘you’re about to walk into the wall’.”

Nnngh… g-gotcha…

“Mmmmaybe let me take the lead, hmmm Ant?” Suggests TT as she swoops over to your side and gives you a smile! “Wanna make it there in one piece, yea?”

Yea, you sigh as you rub the sore spot growing on your forehead, you GUESS...

With your Durher docent leading the way, the trip to the Belltower is largely uneventful… long before you draw close to what you can only assume is a hulking structure, however, you begin to understand the gravity of the situation!

Like a poorly-planned music festival, the streets surrounding the civic structure are stuffed like sardines with bystanders and onlookers! Though Tzah-Tzie has little trouble slipping through, you can tell her fuzz is getting frazzled by how many times she has to double-back and retrieve you like a lost child!

Eventually the crowd becomes impenetrable, even for your favorite Spinner! Venting her frustration with a loud sigh, the girl looks up at you with an apology in her big, green eyes! It’s okay, you shrug, you didn’t expect to get inside anyways!

“Inside?” She repeats, her apology shifting into confusion, “This is the outer wall, Ant…”

Crud. You’re just about to try climbing when a group comes clanking out from the direction of the Belltower!

Guards,” Whispers TT, as if you needed confirmation!


As they march past, the squad is accosted by a very bold Mzz’goe’virr!

THishh Izh ITT,” He slurs as his swaying form drapes against one of the soldiers, “CROshroadzzh in DIZHuraaay! RED COMMID! A creZHENDo of CLAngKsh AN BOOdsh drowNIngk oud da SCREAmsh-

His sudden soothsaying is cut short by a gauntlet to the jaw! “SLEEP IT OFF, SOT!” Leaving the drunk where he falls, the guards fan out as the rubberneckers take that as a cue to disperse!

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Being a noted glutton for punishment, however, and traveling with a girl with an insatiable thirst for mischief, you barely have to exchange a glance before using the distraction to slip past the detachment deeper into the Belltower grounds!

It doesn’t get easier to navigate, but you manage… and once you’ve dug a healthy distance deeper into the crowd, you’re stopped by a tiny paw tugging on your robe!

“Hold on there, Ant… let’s talk strategy.”

Yea, you nod as a group of armored toughs tromp past you, their sheer proximity making your skin itch, might not be a bad idea… Sensing something amiss in your expression, Tzah-Tzie cocks her head in the direction of the armor-clad offenders!

“Templars…” She mutters as you scratch your back like an old coonhound, “Hey, wonder if Jhairo’s here! Maybe he could help us out-”

The only way that HUNK could help you out is… like, opening a jar, or something! But you can do that, probably, so…

“Oh-ho~” Purrs the performer as she sends a smug look your way, “Jealous, are we?”

You don’t even know the meaning of the word!

“Jealous! Being envious of-”

You interrupt the girl with a gentle flick to the ear! She knows what you meant!

“Nyaaa…” Pouting for a moment, the Spinner’s eyes light up with another idea! “Didn’t Ma mention Lila might be here too? Maybe she could give us the scoop!”

She’s not wrong, you shrug, but you might also benefit from waiting for Volka and/or Oti arriving… both of them have a way of blazing trails when they put their mind to it…

TT opens her mouth to respond, but yelps as a crowdgoer shoves her into your chest! Hugging you close, the girl shoots you a toothy grin! “Well as long as we stay close~”

What’s the plan, Ant?
>If you run into that HUNK Templar…
>Lila doesn’t seem to like noise… maybe we can track her down?
>Let’s see if we can connect with Volka or Oti…
>This is bananas, let’s come back later!
>If we can convince a guard we’re Guild reps…
>Lila doesn’t seem to like noise… maybe we can track her down?
Also, I just realized something. By choosing TT over Volka, we have oficially beaten first girl syndrome! A round of applause to us all.
>Lila doesn’t seem to like noise… maybe we can track her down?
She's just a tiny little thing in a huge-ass crowd... how hard could it be?

>Roll me 1d100-4 (+3 TT leads the way, -5 BIG CROWWWD, -2 Dark) to track her down! Best of 3! Should have the next update ready during Tuesday afternoon!
Rolled 54 - 4 (1d100 - 4)

If we wanna be technical about it, you beat it ages ago by rejecting that butthead REZALITH
Rolled 94 - 4 (1d100 - 4)

I tried my best to rally for Rezdog, but she was gone for too lost. The hornyposting must flow.

Oh,and a roll.
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Rolled 67 - 4 (1d100 - 4)

We have already found her but here is the third roll anyway
YOW! Writinggggg!
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Let’s be honest: if you could stand around and let your sweetheart Spinner cling to you all day, you’d do it! Time and tide wait for no man, however, and since you don’t hear any tides, well…


Yep, you lost the point you were trying to make there. In any case, standing around won’t earn you any new intel save for the fact that TT’s pretty darn snuggly, which you knew already!

C’mon, you mutter as you gently drag the girl along, let’s go track down Lila! The Durher follows, but not before sending an uncertain glance your way! “Sure you don’t wanna track down Volkie first? Might be easier.”

Undoubtedly, you nod as you push past what you can only assume are beings of pure SWEAT, but finding Volka anywhere is like finding a truck full of fireworks in an abandoned parking lot with its alarm going off! Lila, well…

TT’s eyes burn through you like branding irons as a frown forms on your face. Yea, she might be trickier…

“There’s gotta be something we can do…” Mutters the Durher as she clambers up your back like a rowdy cat! “Something to smoke her out… if she’s even here, that is…”

Well, you know one t-OW, watch the CLAWS! You know one thing about your fellow Lamplighter: she’s not a fan of noise…

The solution hits you like the guy that totally just shoved past you! That’s IT, you sputter, you’ll find somewhere quiet and maybe she’ll find YOU!

Your bubbly backpack responds with a polite laugh. “Weeeelll…. It’s better than my idea was… worth a shot!”

What was her idea anyways?

“We go for the GUSTO.”

Your blood congeals in your veins as you imagine what qualifies as ‘going for the gusto’ to Tzah-Tzie. A braver man than you might’ve even asked, but you’ve got other fish to fry…

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It’s not easy, but after a few tense minutes of squeezing through the crowd, you emerge into some kind of side garden… the space around you is not completely deserted, per se, but you find sufficient elbow room and a nice bench to plop your butt on!

Taking in the floral fragrances in the air around you, you try not to eavesdrop on the people sharing the space as you keep an ear out for fluttering wings!

I think GHIRA killed ‘em,” Whispers one of the onlookers huddled in a group about a stone’s-throw away from you, “Mages are always up to something, and Umberal’s had its sights on Crossroads for years now-”

“You’re thinking too hard…” Groans one of her co-conversationalists, “It’s KUBRI who did it–there’s no way he’s ever gonna convince the Guild to make a deal with the Skogs! Get REAL!”

Lapping up the exposition like a saucer of warm milk, you’re taken completely off-guard as a tired, but familiar voice breaks the silence next to your ear!

“O-ho~ensnared by the rumor mill, are we?”

You nearly tumble off of the bench in shock and… yea, you’ll admit it: mild terror! TT, you snarl incredulously, how about a WARNING!?

“Eh?” Mutters the Durher as you hear her scratch and prod away at her tablet, “Oh! Hey, Lila!”

“Salutations,” Drones the drowsy-eyed damselfly as she politely hovers into your view, “Anton, right? And Tah-Tee?”

Your clawed companion lets out a polite giggle! “Tzah-Tzie, actually–Spinner Extraordinaire a-”

“So what brings you out here anyways?” Mutters the Veeti. “Is Volka holding another emergency tea party?”

No, you begin, you w-wait, has she done that? The pixie-like patrolwoman cocks her head to the side with a neutral expression. “...Who can say?”

You were hoping she could, but… a-anyways, you were looking for her, actually!

“And here I am finding you...” Lila retorts with a lazy grin! “Fortuitous.”

“We’re here to investigate Fellick’s sudden ‘mishap’,” Tzah-Tzie adds with a wink and a smirk! “Any chance you could help us out, hmm?”

The languid Lamplighter dips a bit in as she digests the Durher’s words. “Hmm… why not? You two might just make this delivery less painful.”

You blink. Seriously? She’ll let you tag along just like that?

“If I could hand off the message to you I would,” Lila grumbles as her gaze flicks over to the Belltower’s entrance, “Feels like my head’s gonna pop…”

With Lila located, you decide to…
>Let’s track down Oti and/or Volka!
>Lead the way, Lila!
>Is she good? Her head seems to hurt often.
>What’s this job of hers anyways?
>How’d she track you down, anywho?
>So… Veeti! What are they?
>Any thoughts on Fellick or his successors?
>Lead the way, Lila
I like Volka, but she's not exactly subtle. Let's see what it is Lila wants first.
>Lead the way, Lila!
>But uh, is she good? Her head seems to hurt often.
>Let’s track down Oti and/or Volka!
Volka can carve us a path, and it's rude to ask them to meet us here, and then ditch them.

>But uh, is she good? Her head seems to hurt often.
This is a good question for Lila.
Finally got some free time to draw our favourite Spinner... based on my headcanon, that is.

>Lead the way, Lila!
>Is she good? Her head seems to hurt often.
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Will write the update after work today!

Dear lord look at the sheer amount of SMUG! Also very interesting with the multiple legs--always love seeing what you guys can cook up! Masterful stuff as always, IG!
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Well Heck, you stammer as you and TT exchange gleeful glances, that’d be peachy, yea! Thanks!

“I’ll be sure to mention ya’ in the ballad once we crack the case!” Adds TT with a wink! “It’ll be only one verse, if I’m being honest, but-”

Wait, you frown, is she planning on writing a ballad about a guy DYING?!

The Durher slips you a look as if you’d just spit in her coffee. “Well not yet, but it pays to strike while the iron’s hot, Ant-”

What’s her DEAL anyways!? Seeing your gossamer-winged guide wince at your sudden outburst, you drop the question in favor of a quiet ‘sorry!

“Nngh… no ballads, please…” Lila groans, her tiny face scrunched up in abject misery, “You’re Lamplighters-” She pauses to hover in front of Tzah-Tzie for a moment. “... well one of you is… That means Volka sees something in you, so…”


The Veeti answers with a noncommittal shrug. “Yea, I don’t really care… I hate this town. You two can owe me, I suppose.” Nodding at her own idea, your sister in arms soars high into the air like a mosquito on a mission before looping back with an apology etched into her bedraggled expression.

“Right, you can’t fly… what a pain.” Forging a safe distance ahead of you, Lila tries her best to stay close, but it’s MUCH easier squeezing past rubberneckers when you’re basically the size of a flying pencil!

So uh, you mutter as you LIMBO underneath a party of Skogs, is she good?

The pixie pauses. “Curious. What does it mean to be ‘good’, exactly? Is it relativ-”

No, you mean is she okay? She was in pain the last time you saw her too!

“AND you were with those two kits all night!” TT helpfully adds! “Must’ve been rough!”

Lila responds with a slow blink. “Right… no, I just suffer from migraines.” She smiles. “At least there’s no light around to make it worse, hmm?”

That sucks, you reply, your… well, someone you remember used to get those! Does she know what causes them?

“Just a side effect.”

Of what?




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A broad grin plasters itself across Lila’s face as you and TT both clam up! “Just kidding. It’s nothing that serious–just an added perk of being able to hear so well–makes a room of people whispering feel like a platoon stomping on your brain.”

“What brought ya’ out here, then?” Inquires TT as she clings to your back tapping away at her tablet, “All the Veeti I’ve met still live in the SPLIT TEETH!”

Lila shudders. “It’s… cozy there, I suppose, if you like fungus.” She pauses as a frown worms its way onto her diminutive face. “Things are changing, though… the woods are noisier… homesteaders are less-neighborly… that’s how it was when I left, at least.”

Silence drapes over the three of you. “Oh, and then there’s the NYXXUL. Couldn’t fly a foot without running into one of their webs…”

Another pause. “... and that’s why I’m here. Glamorous, I know.”

Yea, but… but there’s gotta be more than that, right?

Lila raises a lazy eyebrow. “Does there?”

Did she really just come all this way to get migraines and be a courier? Savoring your question for a moment, the pixie dips a bit in her flight.

“Was studying magic in Umberal, but that fell through.” Before you can interrogate her further, you skid to a halt as the Veeti rummages around in an unseen bag for what you thought was a wall until you hear its armor creak!

“Courier for Dourbitz.” Drones the girl, prompting the guard to creak again as a sound akin to a bee being spun leaps out from where you assume Lila’s hand is.

“Hmmm…” Groans the guard as another suit of armor shuffles next to him, “Who’re the others, ey?”

Your chaperone prepares to answer, but the guard repeats the question in YOUR direction!

“Who are ya? Youse can speak fer’ yerselves, can’tcher?”

“We’re humble couriers, sir!” Begins your favorite Spinner, “Here to deliver a-”

“Only need one courier,” The guard growls as his companion clanks in assent, “Who’re yers really?”
What say ye?
>Stay Silent! He’ll think you disappeared!
>Stay Silent! He’ll think you disappeared!
Have TT do the same.
>Stay Silent! He’ll think you disappeared!
Roll me 1d100+4 (+3 Sneaky Leather Armor, +3 Loud Crowd, +4 ..., -4 Trained Guards, -2 TT Talked!) to.......
Best of 3, but be quiet about it!

Rolled 94 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

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Jesus Christ, anon! Hope the other two don't roll a nat 1! HEH HEH HEH

Rolled 69 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

[clattering of dice]
I wish you rolled that back in the inn.
Rolled 75 + 4 (1d100 + 4)


One 1 coming right up, chief!
Writing the last update of the night--watch out! It might be a short one!
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Creaking with impatience, the guard waits for another beat as you and Tzah-Tzie stand like statues!

“... Real mature, mate.”

The guard throws a curveball at you in the form of a sucker punch, but he wasn’t betting on running into a LIMBO LORD today! Deftly ducking the attack, you continue to hold your breath and tongue as a confused noise claws its way out of the guard’s throat!

“Wh-huh? Whereja’ run to!?”

Not keen on abandoning his post, the guard takes a few tentative steps towards you as his partner watches in silent judgement. Creeping out of his patrol route while Tzah-Tzie clings to your back like a singing tick, you’re about ready to dodge this dope all day when your tiny tour guide spoils your fun!

“Can I go in now, or would you rather keep chasing ghosts?”

He may be armored to the nines, but you can tell how perplexed the guard is when he stammers out a response! “Wh-but I ‘eard-th-there were MORE!”

Lila responds with a derisive snort that even makes YOU feel silly! “More? Are you getting enough sleep? I’m the only one here with an urgent message to deliver, so-”

“No!” Howls the guard as he frantically shifts his attention between the drowsy delivery girl and his couldn’t-care-less colleague, “I… I ‘eard her! You ‘eard her too, Beegly! I know yer did!”

“Just let the messenger in, Tybe,” Groans the other guard, “If’n there IS somebody, they’ll be buildin’ security’s problem!” The calmer guard shifts a bit and huffs something under his breath. “Batty drunk…

“A thousand thanks,” Lila sighs in that dry tone of hers as the three of you creep inside, “Keep up the hard work, you two.”

Neither guard responds–the latter too disinterested to care, the former clearly wrestling with what is real and what is false. He took the first step down a painful, painful path today, but this is DARK QUEST, not EXISTENTIAL CRISIS QUEST.

Not yet, anyways!

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Slipping into the slightly-warmer and less-crowded underbelly of the Belltower, the Veeti winces as your first few steps clack noisily against what can only be polished marble below your feet!

“Nicely done,” She purrs as you slow down to a creep, “That’s some Advanced Gaslighting if I ever saw some.”

“I’m just surprised it keeps working!” TT chirps as she scuttles off your back! “Why didn’t I ever think of that…”

Well, you sigh as you take in the sights, or lack thereof, if you wanted to murder someone, it’d probably be easy to pull off in here! You can’t even see and you can already tell this place is a maze!

“All of Crossroads’ commerce flows through here in one form or another…” Muses Lila as she hovers over to your ear, “The murder’s just the icing on the money cake.”

Feeling a pair of feet no bigger than the end of a paperclip landing on your shoulder, the Veeti sends another weary gaze your way! “My work here’s done… well, aside from the work work. Need a prod in the right direction, or?”

Well since she’s asking…
>Where was Fellick’s corpse found?
>Did Fellick or anyone have an office?
>You wanna hear those statements from his possible successors…
>Wait, can you follow her to her delivery?
>Any chance she can track down Volka or Oti after her delivery?
>One more question for ya…
>Nope, you’ll find your own way!
>Where was Fellick’s corpse found?
>Where was Fellick’s corpse found?
>Briefly ponder if it was worth gaslighting the guard. (It totally was.)
>Where was Fellick’s corpse found?
>Did Fellick or anyone have an office?
I'll support this too, i guess.

Hey, I also just rememberd something from the first thread that's amusing. I'll have to wait until we get another 'moment' with TT to do it, though.
Well, when we first met TT, she said she got all her patrons killedssed and how she'd get us kissed too if we let her make our story.

Well, we did get kissed, didn't we?
Huh? It should say Killedssed. Is spoiler broke?

You're doing [&spoiler] [&/spoiler] without the &'s, right?
That's what I did, yeah. Let me try again
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Well if she’s offering, you answer in a conspiratorial tone, could she point you towards where Fellick, err… fell?

Your sister-in-arms stares at you as if you’d just tried to nip her wing. “... you realize it’ll be guarded, right? More than ‘two extremely gullible guards’ guarded.”

Yea, but… but you really wanna check it out…

Lila continues to stare you down.

You… you really really wanna check it out…

The Veeti shifts her disapproving gaze to your fuzzy companion, but finds no support in the reckless ragamuffin’s soulless green eyes! Relenting with a shrug, the pixie zips down the hall and waits for you to follow!

“Word is he landed in the courtyard below his office balcony,” She explains in a hushed, but still pained voice, “But the old coot knew his magic, so-”

So he wasn’t a Greenhorn, you interject with your best TV Show Detective nod! Yea… this just got a little more complicated…

“Intriguing~” Purrs TT as she taps away at her tablet with renewed vigor! “A death most dubious! A killer uncaught! A gory gala of a Guild gone grim!”

“Yea, well… you two have fun.” Mutters Lila as her eyes point further down the hall. “Just keep an ear out for the guards and templars… they’re probably still investigating the scene.”

An icy finger runs down your spine! TEMPLARS!

“Mhm. Well, see you both tonight, hopefully.”

Leaving you with a nod and a small smile, Lila hastily departs to do her job… something you could never really understand. You’re about to shout ‘goodbye’ when you feel your boisterous backpack leap to the floor and scamper off in the direction the pixie pointed out! H-hey!

Rushing after the Durher, you nearly trip over the poor girl when she skids to a halt in front of you! Good thing, too, because even though you can’t see what awaits you, you can definitely hear them!

Hushed chatter muffled by thick helmets. Heavy footfalls on garden mulch. The faint tingle in your teeth from miracles and magic being cast! Stepping away from what you surmise to be the entrance to the courtyard, you’re yanked aside just as a glowing orb the size of a dog glides past you–a trio of diamond-shaped symbols hissing as they project a force onto the wall that makes your skin itch!

Tzah-Tzie looks up at you with excitement in her eyes! “What’s the move here, Ant?”

>Stay quiet and close! Let’s sneak in and eavesdrop!
>Just act like you’re part of the team! If you’re confident enough…
>Let’s find a vantage point or something… this is way too hot!
>Yea, leave the investigation to the pros… let’s leave while we can!
I miss that quest...

>Just act like you’re part of the team! If you’re confident enough…
>Just act like you’re part of the team! If you’re confident enough…
>Stay quiet and close! Let’s sneak in and eavesdrop!
Pretending to be someone else didn't work last time though...
Last time we pretended to be a courier, when the courier was already there. We just need a better alibi, like...

Sure, why not?

And for the last update of the night.... a ROLL!
>Roll me 1d100 (+2 We're NOTAN (Nice Write-In :D),+2 Illusionist Initiate, +3 Cover Not Blown, +3 TT Support, -2 Dark, -6 Templar AND Bellcounter Bigshots, -2 You Don't Actually Know How This Goes) to act like you own the place! Best of 3!
Rolled 38 (1d100)

god please let this work.
Rolled 79 (1d100)

Rolled 31 (1d100)

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Weighing your options like melons in the supermarket, you come to a solid conclusion in seconds flat: based on all the clanking armor, the courtyard must be a regular Donut Convention! If they catch you snooping around, well… there’s gonna be two dead bodies! Three if TT doesn’t immediately ditch you.

This realization leads to another one… if there’s that many flatfoots, you reason, then maybe…!

You take a steadying breath as you rise from your hiding spot and stride into the courtyard like you own the place! A panicked squeak leaves your companion’s lips as she scrambles to join you, but before you can respond to her frantically yanking the hem of your robes you’re stopped by a gruff ‘Oi!

One of the courtyard patrollers clanks over with scrutiny burning in their eyes! “Who do you think you are, hm?” Asks the female Gnok, her sharp teeth clenched in annoyance! “This is a crime scene!”

Harnessing an authoritative tone you never knew you had, you match her stony glare with one of your own as you continue to walk deeper into the yard! INSPECTORS NOTAN AND OTZI, you snarl, who does she think she is?

“W-why-” The guard stammers, clearly not expecting her question to be reflected back at her, “H-HIGH B-BELLCOUNTER IRYA, inspectors… bu-”

Walk with us, you bark, prompting the guard to fall in next to you, you’re here to work, not to gab! A few other guards step out of the way of your confident strides, much to Tzah-Tzie’s clear delight!

“A-apologies, Inspectors…” Irya mutters, her tone somewhere between confused and embarrassed, “We were told you’d arrive today, but we weren’t informed how soo-”

Your job is to inspect, not be expected, you snap, relishing the shock your words produce on the guard’s face! As far as you’re concerned, everyone here’s a suspect!

“Wouldn’t be very smart to advertise our dealings, now would it?” Adds your partner, slathering her words in a thick blanket of smug!

As the words leave her mouth, however, you stumble as a familiar voice rings out across the courtyard! “W-WAIT! THAT VOICE!

Turning towards the disruption, a pit forms in your stomach as a pair of guards approach with another in tow between them!

“What is it, Tybe?” Asks one of his escorts!

H-HER VOICE!” Sputters the gaslit guard, “SH-SHE’S A COURIER! SHE SAID SHE WAS!

Tzah-Tzie’s time to shine! Turning to see what she does, the pit becomes a canyon when the girl responds by giving you a sheepish grin!

Damn it, TT!

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As all eyes fall on you, you make a show of exchanging a disapproving glance with your fellow inspector. High Bellcounter, you growl, why is her subordinate hindering your investigation?

The poor girl’s eyes go wider than a Chytree’s! “I… I was wondering that myself, Inspector! Bellcounter Tybe!” She barks as she temporarily regains her previous composure, “I hope for your sake you have a sufficiently good reason for delaying the Inspectors!”

“If I may, High Bellcounter,” Stammers one of Tybe’s escorts as he exchanges a worried look with his partner, “T-Tybe seemed a bit rattled by something he he-err, thought he heard at the entrance-”

“S-So’s we be bringin’ him in ter’ sample some differnt air, we be…” Concludes Tybe’s other escort!

Tybe, on the other hand, is much less articulate. “IT’S HER! SHE TRICKED ME TO GET INSIDE! SHE’S… SHE’S NOT WHO SHE SAYS SHE IS!

Having your fill of ranting and raving for one day, you shift your steely gaze over to Irya–the guard shrinking the minute your eyes rest on her! High Bellcounter, you spit, her subordinate is clearly hysterical… is she going to deal with this situation, or will YOU have to?

You don’t have to see to perceive the mental game of Tug-O-War the High Bellcounter is currently engaged in! With a vigorous shake of her head, she turns to Tybe and cuts him off with a resounding SLAP upside the head!

“Take this fool where he won’t embarrass us any further,” She hisses through clenched teeth, “I’ll remind him of proper Bellcounter decorum and Chain of Command later…”

NO!” Tybe shrieks as his escorts tug him away with quiet concern in their eyes, “Y-you don’t understand! Please, just listen! I’M NOT MAD!

“A thousand apologies, Inspectors!” Stammers Irya as Tybe’s rants fade into the distance, “You have the full cooperation of myself and the rest of the men-”

“Evidently not,” Sneers TT as she sends a withering glance in the direction Tybe was taken, “But I’m eager to be proven otherwise…”

“Pl-please!” Stammers Irya as her eyes widen in panic, “Th-the scene is yours, Inspectors! A-anything you want… any questions you have… consider them answered!”

An uneasy silence blankets the courtyard telling you that she means it… even the guards that make your eyes sting, Templars, you suspect, pause their patrols in recognition of your authority!

In that case, you sigh,
>The cause and time of death. When?
>You want refreshments!
>Get those Templars out of here!
>Pop Quiz! What does she know about Inspectors?
>Who is Irya anyways?
>Possible Suspects? Motive?
>Let’s talk about the future: what happens next?
>Nothing yet–you want to walk the yard first.
>The cause and time of death. When?
>Possible Suspects? Motive?
And THEN we walk the yard.
>The victim's magic - are there signs of it being inhibited prior to his death?
>The cause and time of death. When?
>The spot he fell from. Where is it, and was anything unusual found there?
>The body. What's on it, and is there anything he should have on him that's missing?
>Witnesses. Has any of the staff heard anything suspicious in the past few days, especially when the incident happened?
Those are far better questions than mine , supportin
Writing! I guess I should have known what I was getting into, huh
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Channeling every crime drama you can remember (which, as it turns out, are quite a few), you make a point to pause mid-stride and take in your surroundings. It doesn’t take that long.

Run us through the basics, you command as you send a judgemental glare over to your new subordinate, cause and time of death-what do we got?

“Funny thing,” Irya begins, “You see-”

“There’s nothing funny about murder, High Bellcounter,” Interjects Tzah-Tzie with a look of pure venom on her face, “You’d do well to keep that in mind!”

“A-apologies, Inspector!” Stammers the guard as she recollects her scattered thoughts, “I-I meant funny as in ‘peculiar’!”

Your frown deepens. Elaborate.

“It’s just that…” She begins, pausing to organize her thoughts in a way that won’t anger you, “All signs point to blunt trauma sustained upon impact with the ground-”

And she’s SURE of that?
“You’d bet your JOB on it? Hmmm?” Adds TT, prompting you to quietly flick her ear! Dial it down a bit!

“T-the condition of the corpse is making it difficult, yes,” Irya replies as if creeping through a conversational minefield, “But the Guild Mages, the Templars… th-they all agree that if there were signs of poisoning or magic, they would have found them!”

Splattered like a plate of spaghetti falling off the table, you mutter to yourself, interesting theory…
“We’ll have to examine Mr. Chairman ourselves, right, partner?” Purrs TT with a smarmy wink!

Indeed we will, you nod somberly! Indeed we will…. Bellhop, you segue, causing said ‘bellhop’ to hop to attention, what about the Tee-Oh-Dee?

The Gnok responds with a blink. “T-Tee Oh D-”

TIME OF DEATH, you groan, loud enough for the rest of the guards to hear, try to keep up, please!

“OH! Right!” Irya stammers with a nervous laugh! “Y-yes, well… according to our medics, the time of-errr, the ‘Tee-Oh-Dee’ was placed around late afternoon yesterday…”

How’s that weird, exactly?

“That was, um,” Answers your partner in a quiet voice, “Around when the RED COMET was spotted… partner.”

Oh. OHHH. Your detective facade slips, but only for a moment! S-so uh, you think it’s related?

The High Bellcounter nods. “I’d bet my life on it, sir. The whole Belltower was distracted by that hellish glow… as far as murder opportunities go, it’s a damned good one.”

Yes, well, you mutter as you avert your gaze from the guard, you know what they say about conclusions…

She cocks her head to the side. “What?”

Um… don’t do them…

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“Let’s focus on the facts, hmm?” Interjects Inspector Otzi as she takes a few steps forward! “Fellick was an accomplished sorcerer with more enemies than I have hairs on my head! Did the mages sniff out any sign of his protective wards or magic being inhibited?”

Irya shakes her head while you recover your composure! “You’d think so, but no… his door wards were perfectly intact when we began investigating his office.”

You blink. Is she suggesting the perp climbed? That’s short for ‘perpetrator’, by the way!

The High Bellcounter gives you an appreciative smile before shifting back into ‘Professional Mode’! “We haven’t ruled it out–the exterior of the tower’s warded as well, but the balcony door was open on our arrival.”

“Oh-ho~” Tzah-Tzie remarks, hiding a toothy grin behind her claw, “A lover’s spat, perhaps? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!”

Hey, yea, you nod! If Fellick let someone in he totally could have lowered the defenses and turned ‘em back on again… right?

“It’s certainly possible…” Irya sighs as her gaze shifts skyward. “But if it was, it would leave the killer trapped in an enchanted office.”

Not if they could teleport, you suggest! Or fly! THAT gets the Bellcounter’s attention!

“If they did, our mages would surely have located some magical residue…” Frowns the Gnok! “Unless the murderer utilized a construct of some kind… or a more traditional means of flight like a glider… hmm…”

Questions come down like raindrops… each pitter and patter leaving you more and more confused! To confirm, you begin as you follow Irya’s eyes upward, Fellick fell from his balcony? Is that right?

“That’s correct, sir,” She replies, “A fatal fall for anyone, really, but a bit surprising for the Chairman.”

“Right,” The Durher Detective remarks with wide eyes, “He was a mage–why didn’t he just levitate?”

Irya’s armor clanks. A shrug. “Our leading theory is that he was surprised, miss. It’s a long shot, but if the Chairman’s killer was quick enough-”

“Surprised?” Interrupts TT with a scrunched-up expression, “A paranoid guy like Fellick? That IS a long shot…”

“W-well we didn’t want to rule it out!” Irya counters, clearly trying to cover her bases! “J-just a possibility, that’s all! And with the body pulped by the fall no one was able to speak to his spirit, if it even lingered long enough, that is!”

Might be worth asking Oti later, you think to yourself as you make a show of stroking your chin! It IS pretty fishy though…

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Shifting your gaze towards where you assume the body is, you ask Irya if there was anything missing from his person when the body was found!

“Two items of note:” She replies with renewed pep in her step! “A GUILD SIGNET RING and his BELL WALLET. I have my theories about why his money was taken, but-”

Probably to cover up the motive, you growl with a shake of your head! Oldest trick in the book!

“Any idea where the ring went?” TT chirps as she quickly scans the courtyard!

“According to our mages, the ring’s tracking magic was dispelled somewhere around THE RAGS DISTRICT,” Irya sighs, spitting the district’s name out like a fatty piece of meat!

So what, you interject, they pawned it off somewhere?

“Talk about a waste!” Mutters Tzah-Tzie with a frown! “Sure, it’d be worth a lot of bells, but-”

“But it acts as a key as well…” Concludes the Bellcounter in a conspiratorial tone! “With the right enchantments, whoever had the ring could enter any high-profile building in Crossroads… it might as well be the key to the city!”

Oh uh, y-yea, we knew that already, you reply with a hasty nod! But you’re glad you don’t need to explain to her how serious the situation is!

“Speaking of suspects,” Inspector Otzi adds with a flick of her fluffy tail, “Were there any witnesses? Any rumors buzzing around the Belltower since the incident?”

“We interviewed three:” Irya says with a frown, “Fitzlee’s one of my men–he discovered the body when patrolling through the courtyard.” A clank near Irya’s wrist tells you she’s counting them off. “Then there’s Noona–Zetsi gardener. Fitzlee found her catatonic by the Flossweed.” Following the Gnok’s eyes to the Western corner, you nod for her to continue. Anyone else?

“Last one was Muusi: one of Guild Rep Zist’s clerks. Said he heard Noona holler and ran to investigate.”

“Zist was pretty close with Fellick, wasn’t he?” Inquires the Durher Detective with a glimmer in her eye!

“They did share similar views on Guild policy, yes…” Murmurs Irya cautiously! “As for the gossip, well, people are scared. The Belltower’s the last place you’d expect a murder to occur…”

Which is exactly why they pay us the BIG bells, you conclude with a grim smile! Slowly digesting the wealth of information you just uncovered, you decide to…

>Ask one more question!
>About your performance, Irya…
>Check out the body… or what’s left of it!
>See if those Templars know anything!
>Examine the courtyard yourself!
>Can you see the office?
>Take your leave… don’t wanna wear out your luck!
>Can you see the office?
Wait, shit, I meant to vote for,
>Can you see the office?
And then after that we leave.
>"I'm going to go see the office now, take a look around. In the meanwhile, get some men to compile a list of everyone in the crossroads that has access to nonmagical flight. If it's biological, I want their alibis. If it's not, then I want every piece of equipment accounted for and examined."

Though hopefully the REAL inspectors don't show up too soon...
>I'm going to go see the office now, take a look around. In the meanwhile, get some men to compile a list of everyone in the crossroads that has access to nonmagical flight. If it's biological, I want their alibis. If it's not, then I want every piece of equipment accounted for and examined."
They can't be TOO mad if we basically got the ball rolling for them early.
>Real inspectors
They're in their own quest right now... and they're gonna be PIIIIIIISSSSEEEDD!
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Clearing your throat as you glance at the wristwatch you don’t own and couldn’t see even if you did, you snap your fingers at TT with a severe nonsense deficiency in your expression!

Otzi and I are going to check out Fellick’s office, you declare like a teacher about to had out a test!

“B-but Inspecto-”

Irya and her men can start compiling a list of everyone in Crossroads with the ability to fly, you add, parrying the Bellcounter’s interjection like a master fencer! Time to get the ball moving on this investigation!

Despite your CLEAR instructions, your subordinate continues to mutter her response! “Er, Inspector-”

“Whaaat, do you need us to write it down for you?” Chirps Tzah-Tzie, the Durher clearly enjoying this more than anything else you’ve done in your DARK QUEST thus far!

“No, it’s just that,” Irya continues as she finally manages to lock eyes with yours, “The office is locked down for security reasons–you’ll need someone to dispel the wards.”

Oh, you frown, y-yea, you were just about to remind her about that! Refreshing to see her think ahead! In that case, you continue with another loud snap of your fingers, hurry up and get someon-

Mitaar shall light your way, Inspectors!

Oh dear lord no


Please god NO

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Tzah-Tzie’s eyes nearly leap from their sockets as the clanking of armor and the faint sting of holy energy on your skin heralds the arrival of-

LIGHTBRINGER JHAIRO eager to serve!"announces the (unfortunately) familiar Skog as he strides to a halt in front of you VERY HUNKILY. “Mitaar’s Chosen stand ready to shed light on this foul violation of justice! With our efforts combined, may no corner or cranny remain veiled in shadow!

Yea well-


Waiting for your esteemed partner to finish, you steady yourself with a weary sigh before continuing. Well, you huff, you’re sure he’s really busy with other Templar things, so-

But hold… have we crossed paths before?” Crouching low to closely examine Tzah-Tzie, you try your damndest to swallow the bile welling up in your throat as the girl nearly melts right then and there! She wouldn’t blow your cover over this HUNK, would she? Really!?

M-m-M-m-Me t-
TOO BUSY, you sputter as you give the Spinner’s ear a firm flick! Yes, you’re too busy to chatter, Inspector Otzi! Mhm! You’re absolutely right!

The Skog straightens his posture and blinks his dream-er, STUPID blue eyes! “Right you are, Inspector–I apologize for my impertinence. There’s far more at stake here than idle pleasantries!

Punctuating his sentence with a polite bow, Jhairo takes a step towards the courtyard’s perimeter before sending a charming smirk your way! “Tarry not, comrades–let this humble Mitaaran spark guide your path!

M… me too….” Mutters your partner, the poor girl struggling to remain standing! Cheese Louise… preemptively massaging your temples, you look up at your new guide with a fresh frown on your face.

Yea, uh… about that…
>Beg Irya for someone else!
>Convince them you can dispel the wards yourself! Seriously!
>Inform them you have another Inspector who can help (Lila)!
>Fine, just… tone it down, wouldja?
>You wanna talk to Jhairo first!
>Inspector Otzi? A quick word? (Take her aside!)
>Fine, just… tone it down, wouldja?
The sooner we finish this the sooner we can meet him never again.
>Fine, just… tone it down, wouldja?
>Fine, just… tone it down, wouldja?
>Meet him never again
So simple, is it? /:3
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It’s no use–you’re not certain of many things these days, but one thing’s clear as crystal in your noggin: no matter where you go or what excuse you make, this HUNK is gonna find a way to crash the party. Might as well rip the bandage off now, right?

Biting your lip hard enough to nearly break skin, you answer with a curt nod. Yes, you hiss, let’s go…

Grabbing the catatonic cat thing by the scruff of her neck, you drag your partner after the saintly Skog as the Bellcounters part like curtains to let your entourage through! God, you think as the Templar politely waits for you to catch up, you can’t even see him walking and you know how confident he looks!

Fortuitous indeed that we crossed paths, Inspectors,” Jhairo remarks in a softer, but still booming voice, “I would have words with you.

And what words would he have, hm, you inquire, dragging TT behind you like a toddler’s blanket as the Skog leads you up a winding ramp!

Pray, wait but a moment…” He replies in what you guess is his version of a whisper, “For though Mitaar’s grace shines not upon these cold stones, we are being observed…

You put your general malaise aside for a moment and blink. By who, exactly?

Who indeed…” Murmurs the musclehead as he shoots a conspiratorial glance around the rampway! Your further efforts to open him up prove futile until you pass by a few clusters of Bellcounters–their unseen eyes burning holes in you as the pious patrolman guides you along!

It’s only after you traverse a long, carpeted hallway free of prying eyes and ears that Jhairo dares to open his HUNKY mouth again–his confident expression shifting into unease!

I shall speak swiftly and plainly, Inspectors: I fear the Bellcounters are pawns in this grim charade… and their shadowy master seeks to wield this tragedy for their own gain…

Tzah-Tzie wriggles behind you. “M-me t-too…

The Templar’s face relaxes a bit. “I’m relieved… Know that I would not dare to make such a bold claim without reasonable suspicion, Inspectors. Some words carry insurmountable weight, as I’m sure you know… but sharing the burden, well-

Yea, you interject, uh-huh! Let’s cut to the chase–what gave him ‘reasonable suspicion’?

The Skog opens his mouth to answer, but pauses as a look of concern falls upon his face! Wh-what is it?

A pause. “I… do not sense the wards on the Chairman’s Quarters…” Jhairo hisses as one of his hands reaches for that damned sword of his that makes your eyes sting! “Tread lightly, Inspectors… I fear the shadows hide more than an empty office…

Seeing Jhairo wind up to do… something, you decide to:
>Let him bust the door down!
>Err, NO! YOU’LL open the door!
>Creep inside first!
>Quietly toss Tzah-Tzie inside! Maybe it'll clear her head!
>Say something! See if anyone/thing responds!
>Let him bust the door down!
He can go ahead and trigger any traps. Then we go in to do the investigation.
>Err, NO! YOU’LL open the door!
WE'RE the hero, darn it!
>Let him bust the door down!

Age before beauty, amirite?
>Roll me 1d100+5 (+5 MITAAR'S LIGHT GUIDES THE WAY, +3 Jhairo Mighty Boot, +2 Wards Lowered, -2 Damn HUNKS, -3 Someone there?) to kick some doors! Best of 3!
Rolled 11 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Rolled 3 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Wait, would rolling high mean he does poorly (haha yes fuck you) or does it mean he does good (we succeed on our goal)?
Rolling High means you both do well. Since you chose to let Jhairo take the lead a low roll will mitigate MOST of the shenanigans that are imparted on you, but....
I feel like there should be a mathematical graph of the comparison of "Happiness from succeeding" and "Joy of seeing Jhairo eat shit"

Well i guess there's one more roll left
Rolled 68 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Just slipped by! Nice save! Will write the next one Sunday morning, folks--hope to seeya there!

I suppose it really depends just how much Anton dislikes Jhairo... but we'll see what happens!
the vibe I get is that Anton is sort of into him, but also insecure about him
Take off the fujoshi goggles, anon. I'd say it looks a lot more like he's both jealous and envious (there's a difference)
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You’re not exactly crazy about the guy, but Jhairo’s a Skog–if anyone’s suited to busting down a door, well… it’s him!

Would you prefer Volka? Sure, but beggars can’t be choosers. Taking a quiet step back with Tzah-Tzie in tow, you brace for impact as the tenacious Templar brings back his mighty boot and…

Pauses. Before you can ask, you feel a tingling in your teeth–the telltale sign of a spell being cast! Realizing it simultaneously, Jhairo has just enough time to sweep you and your spellbound Spinner behind him with his tail and let out a hasty ‘BEHIND M-’ before the door explodes open with breakneck force!

As the portal in question slams against the Skog, so too does a gust of magical power–the force strong enough to send Jhairo stumbling backwards! Hidden behind his broad body, you’re spared the brunt of the barrage, and though you’re nearly sent to the back of the hallway by the attack, Jhairo holds firm! Sensing danger, TT stirs in your grasp, her dreamy expression swiftly shifting into worry!

“Wh-what’s happening?”

MITAAR’S LIGHT!” Shouts the Skog as he unsheathes his holy blade, “TO ARMS, INSPECTORS! A SORCERER!

Yea, the magic kinda tipped you off, but you don’t have time for snarky comments! Standing in the ex-Chairman’s office is a…

… Well, it’s hard to tell. You don’t notice any eyes or any other of the woefully few signs of life here in Zoral, but the persistent itch beneath your teeth and the faint scent of ozone in the air tells you all you need to know!

That and a few hushed words muffled by what you guess is some kind of mask! Rushing forward alongside your unexpected ally, the two of y-well, three of you skid to a halt as your boots connect with something akin to magical mud!

Stand back, Inspector,” Barks Jhairo, gritting his teeth in frustrated anticipation, “T’is a SUMMONING CIRCLE!

Wait, they can DO that!?

"Indeed they can!" The Templar helpfully adds!

Oh... good to know!

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Unfortunately your answer comes far quicker than you’d like! Feeling a large, slippery claw slap onto your boot, you’re yanked backwards just as the claw’s owner emerges into the world like a big, murderous newborn–its arrival heralded by the rank smell of rotting carrion and an unsettling gurgling!

Its mother, or father, you’re not entirely sure, indulges in a solitary quiet laugh before a door behind them swings open!

“The balcony!” Hollers TT as she begins to play appropriate fighting music!

NO, you shout, d-don’t jump!

Wait a sec–they’re trying to kill you! Never mind! Though the meaty minion emerging from the floor separates you from the mage, neither you or Jhairo were flatfooted by the surprise at the entryway–which means you have time to take the first shot!


What do?
PASTEBIN: https://pastebin.com/xdk5kHyA
>Throw something at the mage! (Knives? Blade? Something Else?)
>Attack the summon while it’s still arriving!
>Jhairo, get (Me/TT) to that mage!
>Hey Templar, a SPELL would be real handy right now!
>Coordinate with TT on the summon… pincer attack!
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>Hey Templar, a SPELL would be real handy right now!
>Inspectors Notan and Otzi will chase after the mage while you handle that!
Triple attack!
>Jhairo casts a spell on enemy while Anton and TT move to attack it
>Hey Templar, a SPELL would be real handy right now!



Let's see how this goes!
>Roll me 1d100+5 (+5 MITAAR'S LIGHT, +3 Spinner's Song, +2 Big Target, -1 Dark, -4 Big Bad Summon Blocking!) to show 'em some Triple Trouble! Best of 3!
Rolled 12 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Rolled 86 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Rolled 96 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

I'll get you, my pretties... and your little dog, too! Some day... anywho, writing~
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Never let an opportunity slip by–that’s what your last few fights have taught you, at least! Rushing the shambling summonee with your CURVED BLADE drawn and Tzah-Tzie at your side, you shout a hasty request to Jhairo for a spell! Any will do!


A bone-rattling STOMP reverberates around the office as the Skog steps forward, his blue eyes glowing with divine radiance!


Did he… did he shout his attack? That’s just-wait, aren’t you kinda a dev-

The office is rattled with the CRACK of rolling thunder as Jhairo hurls the divine smite forward like a javelin, and for a brief moment you could almost swear you saw a flash of light…

Thankfully you don’t get to sample it yourself–just when you notice you’ve frozen in place, your dutiful Durher pal tackles you aside, allowing the lightning lance to sail over your head and into the… whatever it is gurgling in front of you!

Like a box of fireworks set off in a department store, the room erupts in an earsplitting BOOM as Jhairo’s attack strikes true! A baleful groan escapes the mage’s minion’s lips as the air fills with the sound of sizzling flesh and cooked bacon giving you and TT the perfect opportunity to add insult to injury!

Splitting off as the beast blindly swipes at you, you LIMBO a foul-smelling arm and RAKE your CURVED BLADE through it as you go!

Though you’re rewarded by a shower of warm, acrid ichor, you grin as you hear the monster’s arm fall limp onto the wood floor! Turning its mouth and foul breath in your direction, the beast shrieks again as you hear a blade plunge into it multiple times from behind! Atta’ girl, TT!

Wading into the fray with his blessed blade, Jhairo joins the Spinner in keeping the beast busy while you find yourself behind it! Turning to locate the mage, you mutter a quiet curse as your ears pick up the last few syllables of a spell being intoned!

>Roll me 1d100+3 (+1 Footwork, +2 LIMBO, +3 Monster Managed, +2 Mid-Spellcast, -1 Dark, -4 Spell’s Ready!) to mind the mage! Best of 3!
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Rolled 82 + 3 (1d100 + 3)

Not today, Satanist!
Rolled 36 + 3 (1d100 + 3)

Well WELL! Not too shabby indeed--this'll be the last update of the evening, Dark Dorks... should have more later on Monday!
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As the accumulating magic sets your neck hairs on end, you find yourself at a crossroads… and you’re not just talking about the city! The mysterious mage lies just out of your blade’s reach–you could probably get a hit in if you rushed, sure, but without knowing what spell is coming you’d just be playing roulette with the magic equivalent of a shotgun! You’ve got the SHIELD, sure, but could you raise it in time?

The smarter option, therefore, would be heading back the way you came–past the summoned monster with the rotting flesh and the limbs thicker than tree trunks… the beast that, were it fluent in English, would probably be making some really nasty insinuations about your mom right now based on how much its wailing!

But TT and that HUNK are keeping it busy… and even a little bit of space could make a difference! Yes, you think as your perception resumes its normal speed, that’d be the smarter option…

You never were very smart.

Whirling to face the sinister summoner, you grit your teeth as the air shifts around you! A primal shout rips forth from your lungs born from fear and tempered in desperation as your blade travels in an upward arc, meeting something fleshy and sending another shriek into the air! More muffled, sure, but still!

As you brace yourself for the the All-You-Can-Eat Buffet of SPELL you’re about to be force fed, you nearly trip over your own feet as the barrier of flesh, muscle and bone holding your blade in place disappears with a violent ‘CRACK!’ Steadying yourself against the wall, you brace yourself for another magical assault, but find none… did they…

Did they teleport?

No time to speculate! Rushing to rejoin the fight against the foul-smelling fiend, your boot brushes against something soft lying in a puddle below… hastily snatching it up, you nearly drop the item when you discern its identity–wrapped in a leather glove, a little smaller than your own…

A CLAW! A severed claw!

Another bolt of holy power whizzes past your head and helps you refocus on the task at hand: this monster’s still summoned!

Pocketing your plunder, you decide to:
>Hobble the beast! Attack its legs!
>Go for a decisive blow! Hit hard!
>Get the monster’s attention–draw it away from TT and Jhairo!
>Try out that MAGIC ROD you found in the Casino!
>Rattle the beast’s brains with your SHIELD!
>Try out that MAGIC ROD you found in the Casino!
>Try out that MAGIC ROD you found in the Casino!
>Make sure to say ALAKAZAM while doing it, that's how you get REAL MAGIC!
>Try out that MAGIC ROD you found in the Casino!

This anon just earned you fuckers a roll bonus with the magic word

>Roll me 1d100+4 (+1 Footwork, +2 Illusionist Initiate (it's a wand, okay?!) +2 Big Target, +3 Monster Managed, +2 ALAKAZAM, -1 Dark, -5 What the fuck is this thing) to Harry Potter this motherfucker! Best of 3!
Rolled 89 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

Rolled 38 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

Rolled 52 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

Wow okay, just fucking WRECK my encounters then, you guys... Nah, I kid. Or do I?

Anyways, writing!
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As you stuff the still-dripping SEVERED HAND into your robe pocket, your NON-SEVERED HAND brushes against something you’d nearly forgotten about… a smooth, long, cylindrical shaft!

That’s right… the ROD! the magical one you grabbed from that casino back office in Gold Town! Stifling a bit of laughter as you wrap your fingers around your… heheheh... ‘rod’, you whip it out and point it at the unsuspecting monster from behind!

“AN-err, NOTAN!,” Shouts TT as Jhairo’s blade clashes with the beast’s claws, “Are you okay!?”

Laughter!” The Templar remarks as he wrestles the beast away from the Spinner, “It must be the spell! Fight it, Inspector!

You’re… you’re good, you wheeze, still reeling from the sudden bout of laughs! Just… just stand back… you’re gonna introduce this thing to… to your ROD!

AHA!” Smiles the Skog as he ducks another attack, “Fight magic with magic! Brilliant, Inspector… let this foul beast feel the full, unfiltered fury of your ROD!

Y-yea…” Snickers TT from the sidelines, “Sh-show him what your ROD can do!

Aiming what you assume is the business end of your ROD at the summoned scallywag, you take aim and grit your teeth to avoid another laughing fit! With PLEASURE!

Not that kind of pleasure, but, y’know-you get the idea!

Zeroing in on where you assume the beast is, you try and fail to mentally prepare yourself for whatever’s about to shoot out of the rod!

…Nothing’s happening.

Fear not!” Grunts the Templar as he wrestles with the monster, “Ngh… I shall disengage upon hearing the discharge! Fire away!

Oh, you’re not worried about THAT, it’s just… you keep flicking it around and nothing’s happening!

“Try a little more finesse!” Suggests TT, causing your cheeks to subtly warm up! A-any other ideas?!

Not keen on being ignored, your foul-smelling foe lunges at Tzah-Tzie, eliciting a surprised yelp from the girl as she barely manages to leap away thanks to Jhairo tackling the beast! Watching things unfold while you stand helpless on the sidelines, you feel something well up in the magical device… and with a confident flick, you aim it at the aggressor with killing intent!


Like a dog being let out of a cage, a burst of crackling energy surges forth from the tip of the rod and rips through the monster with a sickening hiss! Stumbling around the office like a drunk, the beast roars in agony, showering your face in a smelly spittle!

Take heart, comrades, we’ve nearly won!” Punctuating his sentence with an exultant shout, Jhairo plunges his sword into the creature and sends it stumbling towards the balcony!

Wait a sec… you’re in the way!

>Last one! Roll me 1d100-2 (+1 Footwork, +2 LIMBOOOO, -4 BIG BEAST, -1 Dark) to DODGE! Best of 3!
Rolled 93 - 2 (1d100 - 2)

Is this the part where we roll a 1 and then fall off the balcony to our deaths?
Rolled 35 - 2 (1d100 - 2)

Rolled 47 (1d100)

I am the roll man
>Is this the part where we roll a 1 and then fall off the balcony to our deaths?
Not with rolls like THAT, anon! Good job!

Keep praying to Pepper, anon... you'll get there some day :)
In all fairness, Pepper lived.
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Thinking fast, you come to a conclusion almost immediately: you’re in the way! That means you gotta get OUT of the way! Rushing towards the snarling summonee, you make a leap of faith onto the ex-Chairman’s desk and use it as a stepping stone to spring to the ceiling!

As you flail like a squirrel tumbling off of a power line, your arms find purchase on a pleasant-smelling chandelier with burning incense in place of the lights! Holding on for dear life, you take a deep breath and swing the rest of your body up parallel to the ceiling just as the blundering beastie below barrels by!

That’s right… the INVERSE LIMBO!

While you fight gravity above his head, the monster is nowhere near as formidable! Charging onto the balcony like a kid on a sugar high, it isn’t long before science takes the wheel: physics, to be precise!

E=MC squared, you hiss as you hear your foe fall! BITCH!

The only retort you get is a fleshy SPLAT in the courtyard below that sets off a chain reaction among the guards!

“What the HELLS?! Get someone upstairs now!”

“Those Inspectors! What’s going on!?”

“G-get that guard out from under the corpse! Who got hit!?”

“TYBE! H-he was just getting some fresh air!”

It doesn’t seem as cool when you drop, but to be fair you only land on the floor! As all Heck breaks loose below, all SHOULDER BONE breaks in you when a scalebound claw gives you a hearty pat!

Ever thus to fiends, ey, Inspectors? An exemplary performance if I ever saw one–masterfully done!

“Y-yea, bonkers!” Sputters Tzah-Tzie as she hurries to your side, “What say we hit the road an’ report this to Central, hm, partner? No time like the present!”

It doesn’t take a mind reader to get the gist of TT’s request, but you didn’t get to check out the office! Still, there’s no telling what’ll happen if you stick around… you can already hear boots in the distance!

What do?
>Yea, let’s go!
>Let’s search the office first!
>HUN-err, Jhairo! Stall the guards!
>Hey Templar, got a quick question for ya!
>Stay silent! She’ll think you disappeared!
>>HUN-err, Jhairo! Stall the guards!
>HUN-err, Jhairo! Stall the guards!
Fujoshi goggles staying on
>Yea, let’s go!
>HUN-err, Jhairo! Stall the guards!
They'll uhh...contaminate the crime scene!
Actually, remind me, why were we doing uh...any of this murder investigation again?
Y'all wanted to check it out--not sure there was much more of a plan than that! Until the situation is more contained, however, Crossroads is SEALED UP, so maybe that was a motivator?

I like to think Anton just did it for kicks--dude feels like the type to do things arbitrarily.



That' what I said, but nobody listened, so here we are.

My hope is we'll make some bells out of this.
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You don’t have a horse in this race… not really! You’d only just arrived in Zoral when you learned Crossroads’ Big Kahuna bit it, and you’ve had more than enough trouble keeping your head safely between your shoulders!

Now you’re smack dab in an investigation pretending to be people you’re not… and you don’t even have a clue how you’d even begin to start cracking this case wide open! Simply put: you’re a little anxious!

Yep… yep, that sums it up pretty well…” Whispers TT with a grave look in her eyes! “Don’t think it needed to be summarized out loud, but I’m glad we’re on the same page?

Are you well, Inspectors?

Rising from your impromptu huddle, you shift your attention over to the holy HUNK by the door! Y-yea, you mutter, just… look, Templar-


Yea, that! Does he mind, um… occupying the guards for just a teensy bit? The Skog responds with a blink.

... why?

Th-the CRIME SCENE, you sputter! They’ll contaminate it if they all come charging in! He knows how guards are… right?

A puzzled frown forms on the Templar’s tusked face. “They’ve been investigating since yesterday, Inspectors… surely they would know better than to-

You’re about two seconds away from leaping off the balcony when TT slides in with an exaggerated groan as she smacks her forehead! “Well of COURSE we don’t want them in here! He said it himself–how can we be sure the Bellcounters can be trusted? Hmmm?”

Jhairo opens his mouth to argue, but whatever reasoning he had dies in his throat as his expression lights up with comprehension! With a deep bow and a clank of his sword, the Templar rushes to intercept the incoming guards with remarkable speed!


Slamming the door shut behind him, Jhairo leaves you and Tzah-Tzie alone–your scrap with the summoner’s sidekick turning the carefully-combed crime scene into what you can only assume looks like a modern art piece! Sifting through a pile of papers at your feet covered in bumps you can’t comprehend, you and your partner in crime share a worried look as the reality settles in!

“Wow, uh… where do we even start?” Asks the Durher with a forced giggle!

You probably only have time to really sift through ONE SECTION--Harnessing that fleeting courage and confidence you used to get yourself into this situation, you answer with a hardboiled ‘where the PROS would start!’ and stumble over to…
>The desk! Surely they missed something useful!
>The balcony! Where Fellick fell!
>The shelves! There must be something hidden behind the tchotchkes!
>The papers on the ground! Something good must be in there!
>Yea, screw this… let’s sneak out while we can!
>Never mind, greet the guards!
Anyone got an idea? I'll probably default ti 'Desk' if not.
>The papers on the ground! Something good must be in there!
Good enough for me, +1
>The papers on the ground! Something good must be in there!
>Grab the severed hand, too!
Maybe a mage can track its owner? A group of insurrectionist-assassins summoning demons could be tied to disappearance from our homeworld, and reappearance hereabouts all chock full of demon-dust, maybe? A good lead on getting home, if nothing else.
Also supporting the hand part
Supporting the hand part.
Don't worry--you guys already have the hand, my dumb ass just forgot to add it to the Pastebin! Thanks for the reminder!

Let's see if you find anything GROOVY in the paper piles!
>Roll me 1d100-4 (+3 TT Leads the way, +2 Quiet room, -2 Dark, -2 Under Pressure, -5 A day late) to see what you can scrounge up! Best of 3!
Rolled 74 - 4 (1d100 - 4)

Rolled 90 (1d100)

Hopefully not a 1
Rolled 47 (1d100)

LORE ACQUIRED, PROBABLY! Will write the update after work!
You've really got to hand it to us, we're rolling pretty well.
Don't jinx it, we'll end up with something like rolling an 1 when we finally get to do the hanky panky with TT. Or we end up dying and get our soul super-duper doomed to hell.
I mean those two aren't mutually-exclusive
Maybe if Anton dies of shame. Plot twist: The anklebiter didn't work and he gets a heart attack after finding out she's pregnant with quintuplets
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Why, the DOCUMENTS, of course! You don’t have time to play ‘Mystery Mansion’ here and look for secret doors… for all you know the actual Inspectors are here and ready to go hard-boiled on your ass! And the desk, well, you’d rather climb PAPER MOUNTAIN than try to mess with that monster! You just know you’re gonna bump your head or stub your t-



Tumbling to the floor whining in pain, you manage to cushion the fall with your face and land next to a stack of un-toppled papers!

Until TT scampers over and sends them flying, that is. Snatching a few sheets out of the air like you’re in one of those money catcher arcade games, you tell TT to get cracking too!

It’s only after a few seconds of frantic snatching that you remember you can’t read! The bump language, that is! Y-you can read word pretty good like!

Err, TT, you mutter, trying and failing to make it seem like not a big deal, you know what? Forget it… it’s probably just, like, taxes or something!

You let the papers drop from your fingers, but the speedy Spinner is quick to pick ‘em up! “Well you’re not entirely wrong, Ant,” she begins as she promptly begins to run her claws over the rough, bumpy pieces of parchment, “I’m no Bellmancer, but these seem to all be expense reports.”

You respond with a derisive ‘PSSSH!’ In a Guild Chairman’s office? What a SCOOP!

When TT doesn’t laugh, you repeat your joke with an even BIGGER ‘PSSSH!’ Nope, nothing! Is she okay? That was hilarious!

Shifting your gaze downwards, you find the diligent Durher with saucer-wide eyes as she reads a paper! Penny for her thoughts?

“These… these are all expenses paid to Guild Members…” She mutters as she sifts through the rest of her stack, “But they’re all establishments in UMBERAL... and THE BITE!”

The Northern place, right? And the place where the Skogs live? The realization hits you like a truck! H-he’s been trading with… THE ENEMY!?

TT’s worried look shifts into a sympathetic one. “No, Ant, Crossroads has always traded with the other territories… but…”

Oh! Well in that case, you continue, eyes burning with intrigue, what’s the problem then?

Sidling up next to you, Tzah-Tzie gives the paper a few pokes to get your attention! “This right here! ‘THE JUMPING TOTTA!’”

You blink. Yea, it’s a weird name, but-

“That business was gone long before I left Umberal, Ant,” The Durher explains as she gives the parchment another tap! “And so was this one! And this one!”

You answer with a shrug. Maybe Fellick was trying to flip some properties?

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“I know you can’t read it, but these expenses… they’re all repeated!” TT explains with a shake of her head! “And they’re only going to Umberal and The Bite… nothing for the South or the East…”

You ponder what she’s trying to suggest for a moment before answering with a confused sigh! You’re no realtor or Civil Engineer… What's she trying to say, exactly?

“I think, and I’m not completely sure, but…” The Durher whispers as she leans in even closer, “I think he might have been paying them off, Ant… The North AND The West!”

To keep them from doing what? Sacking the city? If that’s the case, then this would mean that…



“I-It’s only a theory...” Mumbles the Spinner as she hastily pockets the parchment, “B-but even with the treaty in place, there’s not much stopping anyone from breaking it if they wanted to…”

Does she have any theories about how to HANDLE thi-

Before you can finish, the door to the hall bursts open, a chorus of clanking signaling the arrival of a veritable ARMY of Templars and Bellcounters! You’re about two seconds away from leaping off the balcony when Jhairo strides to the front with a warm smile on his hunky face!

A thousand apologies, Inspectors! I spun the tale of what transpired as best I could, but, well-

A familiar pair of eyes shoves their way to the front–their owner panting from what must have been a crazy sprint!

“I-INSPECTORS!” Sputters High Bellcounter Irya, “Th-the office should have been sweeped before you arrived! The blame falls solely on my shoulders!”

The Skog sighs as he gives the Gnok a gentle pat on the pauldron. “Indeed it is…were you a laywoman of Mitaar, you would have already been lowered into the Oven of Penance.

“W-well,” Stammers the Bellcounter as she tries and fails to ignore the murmurs of assent from the Templars and underlings behind her, “You’ve done us a great service, Inspectors… who knows what the interloper might have gained had you not foiled their plot!”

Yea, well, you mutter as you nervously itch the back of your head, just doing your job! Ha ha!

Irya and Jhairo exchange glances. “The Guild Representatives will wish to speak with you, Inspectors, if you can spare the time…”

A fitting honor for those who tirelessly seek to illuminate the shadows!” Adds the Templar with a hearty laugh!

Feeling TT dig her claw into your back, you decide to…
>Sure! You’d love to!
>High Bellcounter Irya… a word, please?
>Templar, you wanted to speak to him!
>Another time, maybe–you need to ponder the evidence!
>Anyone know how to track a severed hand?
>We found some evidence that we need to check NOW because it'll literally go cold if we don't, real emergency, tell them we'll call as soon as we finish checking it
It's a perfect excuse
>We found some evidence that we need to check NOW because it'll literally go cold if we don't, real emergency, tell them we'll call as soon as we finish checking it
>We found some evidence that we need to check NOW because it'll literally go cold if we don't, real emergency, tell them we'll call as soon as we finish checking it
>>But still take the hand, it's evidence!
A daring escape... and a good excuse per what >>6195305 said! I hope nothing ruins it!

>Roll me 1d100+1 (+1 Footwork, +3 Good Excuse!, +3 TT Leads the Way!, -1 Dark, -5 ???) for absolutely no reason! Best of 3!

Bro you got the hand
Rolled 80 + 1 (1d100 + 1)

god please
Rolled 39 + 1 (1d100 + 1)

Can they throw in an extra hand, free of charge, while they're at it? Anyone's will do.
Rolled 25 + 1 (1d100 + 1)

Anon, are you ok?
Writing! A thousand apologies, Dark Darlings--work event went later than I expected and I wasn't able to get through the Captcha and post at work. Will try to give more warning in the future!
You're one of the highest-output QMs on the site. It's no biggie.
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Trapped between a wall of armored HUNKS and a metaphorical barrier erected by your inability to say no in a social situation, you do what’s worked so far and LIMBO on outta’ there with some quick thinking!

You’d love to shake hands and mingle, you reply with just the right amount of impatience in your voice, but you’ve got some evidence to pour over… and something tells you it’s gonna be a loooong night!

In true Tzah-Tzie form, your partner punctuates your sentence with a weary sigh as she leans against your side! “Case comes first! Can’t be helped~”

“Oh! Y-yes, well,” Replies Irya, clearly not expecting you to duck out of meeting the politicians, “Very good, Inspectors…”

Humble AND diligent! A dangerous combo!” Laughs Jhairo along with his fellow Templars! “Inspiring indeed!

Yep yep, you groan, now if they uh… if they wouldn’t mind… taking a few confident, yet wary steps towards the blockade, your blood runs cold as the High Bellcounter stops you with a curt ‘WAIT!’


Sharing a glance with her subordinates, the Gnok cocks her head to the side as a sheepish grin spreads across her face! “Would you mind sharing what you found?”

You and TT exchange a look.


The Bellcounter’s expression visibly deflates. “Oh, o-okay…”

Jhairo, on the other hand, merely laughs! “I think he meant yes as in ‘yes we’d be happy to-’


Now it’s the Skog’s turn to deflate. “Ah. Well then!

Another awkward silence. You’ll pass your findings onto them later, you add in a placating voice as you squeeze past!

“Maaayyybe~” Croons TT as she gives the guards a wink! “Need-ta-Know Basis, you know the drill~”

Snatching up the fiendish fuzzball by her hood, you powerwalk a safe distance down the hall before breaking into a panicked sprint that carries you down the ramp and out into the crowd surrounding the Belltower! HOOOO MY GOOOOOOOD!

“That… that was TOO close!” Sputters TT as she continues to dangle from your hand like an unruly kitten! “And that sorcerer in the tower… what was THAT about!?”

You dunno, you sigh, but something tells you you’re only scratching the surface of this whole thing… and you don’t have a damn clue how to even deal with it!

“Ma might have a few ideas…” Suggests the Spinner as she lazily swings from side to side! “But I’d wager those Bellcounters will find out soon enough about those funds too…”

Yea, you shrug, not to mention the REAL Inspectors! The words scarcely leave your mouth before the Durher starts to giggle uncontrollably in your grasp! What!? It’s a legitimate concern you have!

Ant…” The girl wheezes as she wipes a tear from her eye, “Inspectors are just another cog in the bureaucracy–if they haven’t shown up yet, well-”


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You nearly drop your petite payload when someone shoves past you! Opening your mouth to send a few CHOICE WORDS their way, you freeze up when you notice they’re not alone!

“Would it kill ya’ to move with purpose, Notan?” Grumbles a lime-eyed Durher leading the charge with a detached glare burned onto her face! “I wanna see the crime scene today, y’know.”

“Make like a surgeon and cut it out, Otz…” Growls the blue-eyed Gnok following close behind! “Last time I eat Chytree food, that’s for damn certain…”

PASTEBIN: https://pastebin.com/xdk5kHyA
Waiting for your doppelgangees to disappear into the crowd of onlookers, you gently place Tzah-Tzie back on the ground with a pat on the head and decide to…
>Head back to Ma’s!
>Wasn’t Volka supposed to meet you here? And/Or Oti?
>Wait a sec… let’s follow those guys!
>Maybe Oti could track this hand to its owner?
>Volkir’s a crotchety old coot, but he knows potions… maybe he could help?
>Might be a good time to track down that Clock Store…
Flattery will get you everywhere, anon! But seriously, thanks... still wanna be transparent about when my updates are happening, especially when the schedule changes! Thanks for being patient and see you all on Friday, most likely!
>Wasn’t Volka supposed to meet you here? And/Or Oti?
>Maybe Oti could track this hand to its owner?
>Maybe Oti could track this hand to its owner?
Best to deal with this plot point since it apparently has an antimemetic effect on us, the audience.
>Maybe Oti could track this hand to its owner?



Extremely based post ngl
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Why, head to Oti’s, of course! Woulda’ been easier if the schmuck showed up, but…

Tzah-Tzie shoots you a sideways glance as you beat a hasty retreat from the Belltower! “You really wanna talk to him again? He strikes me as the ‘cranky in the morning’ type, Ant…”

She might be right, you shrug as a fresh batch of Bellcounters clank past you in impression synchronization, but you’ll bet a few bells that he’s a nice guy once he warms up to ya! Seeing the Durher’s eyes light up like lanterns at the sound of the word ‘bet’, you break the spell by giving one of her foxlike ears a scratch!

Besides, you shrug, you managed to bag that Sorcerer’s hand back in the office, so-

“So we’ll use a sorcerer to find a sorcerer!” Exclaims the Spinner with delight as she bats your hip! “Brave AND smart, what a caaaatch~”

Yea, well… m-maybe, you smile with a nervous laugh! Truth is, the thing’s practically bathing your pocket in blood, so here’s hoping he’s willing to lend you a hand!

“Or take one!” Snickers the Spinner!

You don’t get it…

A blanket of unease shrouds Crossroads as you and your fuzzy friend trek back to the fireworks shop–the streets are far quieter than they were the day before, and something tells you it isn’t just because of the frost crunching beneath your boots… if anyone’s out in full force today, it’s the guards–if you had a bell for every clank of armor you hear on the way to Oti’s, you’d be square with Volkir right now!

“Speaking of,” Frowns TT as she tugs you down an alleyway to avoid a Templar patrol, “Where do you think Volkie went? Think she made it to the tower?”

You aren’t a fan of leaving her out to dry, you sigh, but there’s no telling where she is right now! You could go back and search, sure, but for all you know she could be an-


Limboing out of sheer animal instinct, you still fail to dodge the haybale-sized arms that scoop you and TT into a bone-crushing hug! Engulfing you both in her ample abs, the sniffling Skog is-wait, is she actually crying!?

I-I-I-I c-couldn’t f-find you…” She babbles, drenching you in tears the size of your fist, “A-and I thought s-something might’ve h-happened…. A-and then… a-and THEN…

Slow down a sec, Volka, you mutter, still pressed against her abdomen, you’re fine, but what happened?

Sniffing loud enough to make your ears sting, the Skog shakes a few tears away before continuing! “Th-there was one of th-those things Oti had waiting at Ma’s p-place…” She continues, “A c-construct… a-and it said you needed t-to come r-right away…

Oh crud!

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You were too busy at the Belltower, you exclaim as you peel your face off of the Skog! Has he said anything since?

N-not that I know of…” Volka blubbers as the last few tears tumble off her tusks and land on the ground with a SPLASH! “I was on my way there now, actually… what happened at the tower?” Her yellow eyes light up! “D-DID YOU CRACK THE CASE!?”

Noooooot exactly…

By the time you’ve made it to Oti’s shop, you’ve conveniently filled Volka in with all the important details! Every single one! Yep!

“Hmm…” She frowns, her tail scraping frost away as it trails behind her on the cobblestone, “Dad might be able to track that hand too, but I think you made the right call, Rook…” She glances back at you with concern. “Is um, is TT doing any better?”

You’re not sure, you shrug as you give the girl’s limp form a few shakes as you drag her behind you, you kicked her a few times, but-

A ragged GASP signals the Spinner’s return to the living world, prompting you to let her tumble to the ground with a girly shriek!

Ouugh…” The Durher groans as she peels herself off the pavement, “What happened…

“S-sorry!” Stammers the Skog, averting her eyes from the dizzy Durher in embarrassment, “Forgot how fragile you guys are… used ta’ smush Dad all the time!”

“Zalright…” Using your hip to steady herself, TT plays a few shaky strings on her Striilii as you finally arrive at the shop–its quiet, empty stoop a breath of fresh air after the crowd you waded through about an hour ago!

Stepping aside, Volka gives you a genial grin as you approach the door! Weird that it’d be closed during business ho-OW!



“Lemme try something…” Tzah-Tzie’s bushy tail brushes against your side as she begins to fiddle around with the doorframe! Errr, T, you mutter under a hushed breath, should she really be trying to bust into a Mage’s-

The Durher growls in response! “Shut uuuupp….

Before you can get a proper answer, your ears are rocked by a faint crackling akin to a crappy microphone just above the door! H-hello?

More static. “GREETERPHONES,” TT remarks as she shoots the device a wary glance, “Real popular in Umberal–Durher tech! You can speak to people from far away as if they were next to ya!”

“And it’s not even MAGIC? Wow!” Volka exclaims in gobstruck awe! Yea, uh, you repeat, anyone there?

Through the forest of feedback you hear a familiar voice… but not the one you expected!

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-ook a bit lost~” Croons a haughty female voice dripping with SMUG! “The BOZO CONVENTION’S right down the street!

“Really? Sorry about that!” Volka chirps as she moves to leave! “...Hey…”

HEY, you snarl as the girl assails you all with raucous, slightly-staticy laughter, that was uncalled for, Oti! You feel a tiny tug at your hip.

Pretty sure that’s that demon, Ant…


’That demon’ is REZALITH: SCOURGE OF CHAA’TAI, SNACK!” The greeterphone snarls, jostling on its moors! “You’d do well to remember that, assuming you LIVE that long, that is!” Clearing her throat, Rezzie’s voice takes a slightly friendlier tone! “Say, how’s the weather out there, hmm?

Oh uh, it’s… it’s a bit brisk, you reply, bu-

BECAUSE YOU LEFT ME TO ROT IN HERE, AN’TARD!’” The devil screeches, causing you stumble back a few steps! “And with this big-eyed PERV no less! You’re really making a habit of making me wanna kill you, y’know!

“Where’s Oti anyways!?” Growls Volka as her tail slaps the ground in anger! “We wanna talk to him!”

Oh, he’s a bit tied up at the moment~” Purrs the devil with a hint of laughter in her response! “But don’t worry… he left ME in charge of his place! You wouldn’t BELIEVE all the neat stuff he has down here…” Rezzie pauses to smack her lips. “Oh, and those potions? The ones that help control demon influence? Absolutely SUBLIME!

You feel an icicle form in your chest! Sh-she-

Drank it? Mhm! My compliments to the chef~ but there’s still this little issue of you stealing all my power, sooooo….

The greeterphone goes dead. S-so?

So how about this: you come in and we’ll talk about your ‘Repayment Plan’, hmm?” Another burst of static. “Because if you don’t-

Another familiar voice wrestles control of the phone, this one far meaner than Rezzie’s! “She can’t afford to kill me without collapsing the tower! If you can help me regain control-

Well darn, he’s not wrong…” Sighs Rezalith with mock disappointment, “But I suppose I’ll just have to settle with making him WISH he could die! Drat!

It’s a bit grim, but if Rezalith could escape she would have done it already… which means she either can’t, or doesn’t want to yet… in that case you decide to:

>Can I talk to Oti?
>How’d you escape?
>How do I know you won’t just kill me?
>Can TT and Volka come too?
>No dice–we’ll be back later!
>Come out here and we’ll talk!
>Okay, let us in!
>How do I know you won’t just kill me?
>Can TT and Volka come too?
Let us bring friends, or we'll know you mean us trouble.

We should probably play to her ego
>Geee, Rezzie, how did you manage to get free and imprison your own captor without your powers?
>Geee, Rezzie, how did you manage to get free and imprison your own captor without your powers?
>Can TT and Volka come too?
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Play to her planet-sized ego, of course! It’s worked in the past! Before you agree to anything, you begin in a placating tone, you gotta know: how’d she manage to break free AND tie up that doofus Oti, hm?

The voicebox responds with a sharp crackle. “What can I say? I guess I’m just special, not that you didn’t know that already~

Oti’s voice comes in after, albeit more distant… and strained! “Dosage… too weak… underestimated-

Hey. HEY! I’M in charge now, big-eyes!” Snarls the demon, the sudden loudness rocking your ears! “Your only job is to keep this stupid tower of yours up an’ running, so ZIP IT!” The girl clears her throat as a smile returns to her voice! “He IS right about one thing, though–I know how to handle my sedatives! A girl’s gotta know how to take care of herself nowadays~

Rezzie’s smugness is put on hold by a weary groan. “Euuugh, still left me feelin’ a little fuzzy though… pervy little freak. And don’t think I didn’t notice you taking blood samples! You mages are all the same…

So she’s still a little woozy–you can use that! Assuming you WANTED to talk, you continue as you shoot Volka and TT a reassuring smile, could uh, could you bring your pals in too?

Your answer is a derisive ‘tch’! “Oh, ‘pint-sized’ and ‘tons-o-fun’? Gee, lemme think….

You probably last about a minute before you realize she’s jerking your chain. Well?

NO!” Rezalith shouts as her subsequent cackling nearly knocks the greeterphone off the wall! “What’s the matter, AnTWERP? Not manly enough to handle things on your own? Tch… not very surprising…virgin.

Biting your lip to fend off the barbs attached to her words, you counter with Rezzie’s tried-and-true weakness! What’s her problem? She’s not strong enough to deal with three chumps?

“Wow, those sedatives DID do a number on her, huh, Ant?” Adds TT with a mischievous smile as Volka stifles a giggle!

H-HEY! I never said that! Y-your brain probably STUPIDED that thought into existence, and it’s completely WRONG!” Hisses the hellspawn! “Bring them in! Hells, bring all of your cheap dates in! See if I care! More snacks for me!

Hook, line, and sinker… with that settled, you decide to:
>Can I talk to Oti?
>I don’t know how to give you back your powers!
>How do I know you won’t just kill me?
>No dice–we’ll be back later!
>Come out here and we’ll talk!
>Okay, let us in!
>Okay, let us in!
Then we bonk her over the head with something.
>>Okay, let us in!
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You’re not exactly thrilled about meeting Rezalith again–the few encounters you’ve had with the hateful hellion have all left you with the same bitter taste in your mouth and a sensation akin to barely surviving a mauling from a very toothy cat. That said, you know which buttons to press and you managed to negotiate an ‘in’ for your two pals, so maybe it won’t be that bad?

Fine, you sigh, let’s get this over with! The demon’s response comes in the form of the front door opening revealing at least TEN sets of red triangle eyes within! Constructs!

Well don’t just stand there, come in! Don’t forget to wipe your feet, now~” Snickers the disembodied voice with a few crackles! “My butlers will show you the way… we run a tight ship around here, don’cha know!

Crossing the threshold into the warm embrace of the fireworks shop, you immediately sense something off when you smell the telltale scent of gunpowder… and smoke! Before you can investigate further, though, your foot catches on something heavy and metallic aimed at your ankle causing you to tumble to the ground like a felled oak tree!

HAHAHAH! WATCH YOUR STEP, DUMB-DUMB!” Croons the owner of the extended heavy metallic foot you just tripped on! Picked off the ground by Volka, you continue to follow the automaton entourage past a few others menacingly idling near the shop’s stock! What’s with all the bots up top, hm?

Just some added security!” One of the constructs replies in Rezzie’s voice! “You never know who’s gonna waltz into a fireworks shop these days… no shortage of idiots in this world!

The route Rezalith’s robotic retinue leads you down is much different than the one Oti did the other day–in place of a winding ramp you instead take a detour through a long, sloped passage vaguely smelling of fish, and after another shortcut across a catwalk above what sounds like an angry leopard convention, you come to a halt in a room that, based on the sound the wind makes blowing through it, seems big enough to land a passenger plane in!

Lounging at the far end amidst an ARMY of arcane automatons sits the smug succubus herself–the girl not even bothering to stand as you’re marched over to her!

“AnTWIT! Thunder-Thighs! Trash Trawler! Welcome to my HELLISH hacienda!” Roars Rezzie with a raucous laugh! “You sure know how to keep a gal waiting, moron–that’s another bad trait of yours to add to the list!”

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“Where’s Oti, huh?” Growls Volka, her claw hovering over her sword as the constructs tighten their circle around you!

“Clear the calories outta’ your ears, FATSO,” Counters the devil with a withering glare, “I already told ya he’s not in charge anymore! And before you ask, no, he’s not joining the festivities! His grumpy attitude makes my tummy ache!”

Well you’re here, you groan, so let’s get this over with: what does she want and how does she wanna do it, hmm?

The devil’s crimson eyes twinkle with genuine excitement as she squirms in her seat! “Ooh! S-say that again! With feeling!”

For a moment you briefly consider throwing something at Rezzie. Sure, you and your friends would probably get vaporized before it landed, but it’d be worth it! And it’d be way better than what you say after taking a steadying breath:

What. Does. She. Want.

The devil practically MELTS as each word escapes your lips! “HELLS, I love the sound of that! I could get USED to it! What do I want? What does REZALITH want? MMM! Delicious!”

You open your mouth to tell her how you feel about that, but pause when the demoness sits up!

“What I, REZALITH: SCOURGE OF CHAA’TAI, want is for you to surrender my power, Anton!”

You can’t see it, but you’re pretty sure she’s pointing at you. It’d be kinda cute if she wasn’t so obnoxious. “So! Gimme.”

You blink. G-gimme?

“Mhm! Chop chop!”

What say ye?
>What’s she gonna do when she gets her power back?
>You wanna talk about RED first!
>Not until she lets Oti go!
>You don’t know how to do that!
>You’ll do it, but you’ve got some CONDITIONS!
>Stay silent! She’ll think you disappeared!
>Sorry, but you can't get your powers right now, some other demon took my soul. If you want them, you'll have to get it back.
>Not until she lets Oti go! There's a demon inside of me and he was helping me to deal with him. Without him, I can't give them back, sorry.
I feel like there's a way to weave these both together, no? My idea was to pitch Rezzie against RED to get our soul back.
>I can't give the powers back because another demon owns my soul, you should release Oti so we can deal with him and reclaim it so I can give you the powers back
That works.
I do want Oti away from this pint-sized BPD demon, he may be a cock but Rezalith's an even bigger one.
>"I got an even better deal for you. All the power, none of the strings attached. All you gotta do is find the owner of this hand and take all his magic! He even dabbles with demons stronger than you were. All four of us working together can make MINCE MEAT of him!"
I just wanna pit the two demons together. We don't got nuthin' to offer RED worth our soul, but Rezzie? We definitely do.

And really, there's nothing more important than getting our soul back. Even if we never found a way home? We'd still be with friends and loved ones. But without our soul, we are screwed.
+1, we don't want these powers either, necessarily... Not the price tag, anyway. But until Oti is free to help us get rid of them...

>You don’t know how to do that!
We need her help, and Oti's to do what we all want.
>You don’t know how to do that!



Writing! Apologies if stuff got miscounted or misinterpreted, but it seems like you wanna be honest, but also try to get Oti out of this predicament so you can figure it all out! Lemme know if I'm being an idiot~
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It doesn’t take a degree in rocket science to see you’re treading on hair-thin ice right now–Rezzie’s more temperamental than a chihuahua on a sugar high… with flamethrowers strapped to its body! That anger’s a good tool, however–if you could just aim it in the right direction, well…

… but if she realizes you’re trying to manipulate her…


Taking a confident step towards the haughty hellspawn, a feeling akin to staring down a shotgun barrel floods your head as you take a steadying breath and prepare to address her!

You… you don’t know how.

An unnerving silence blankets the chamber as your words settle in for the season. Realizing you’re not engulfed in hellfire yet, you open your mouth to add on to your damning statement-


Rezalith’s laugh reverberates across the throne room creating the illusion of HUNDREDS of Rezzies laughing at once! Leaning towards you from her seat, the demon’s red, almost reptilian eye appraises you menacingly. “Still trying to wriggle outta’ the consequences, hm? Pull the other one, moron… and I’m talking about my LEG. Virgin.”

No, you snap with renewed determination, you seriously DON’T know! You said it back at that Cult lair–one second you’re at home, the next you’re here without any clue as to how! Even if you DID take her powers, it’s not like you MEANT it!

The devil’s smug grin falters as your words start to settle in to roost, her chair’s armrests creaking as her unseen claws dig into them!


You don’t even WANT them, you shout, your voice echoing with growing frustration! You didn’t ask to hand your soul over to her boss, and just when you finally find a lead with Oti, THIS HAPPENS!

Rezalith’s eye twitches as you clench your fists at your side!


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The chamber is bathed in silence once more as your echoing voice fades away. Staring down the demon like a matador facing a bull, your resolve breaks a bit as a sharp CRUNCH rings out along with the telltale crackling of flames!

Rezalith’s eyes are burning.

“I…” She hisses through clenched teeth, “I was finally free…. I don’t hear his voice anymore… I don’t feel his puppet strings digging into my skin…” Chunks of wood tumble to the floor as the crackling flames turn into a ROAR! “Just when things are looking up…” The demoness leaps from her throne as the chamber creaks and groans around you while dust and pebbles rain from the ceiling above!


The room shifts around you as the inferno engulfs Rezalith’s throne and her constructs shift their gaze your way with blood-red eyes!


>Roll me 1d100-8 (+4 Telling the truth, +2 Didn’t kill her, +3 Hates RED, +1 Footwork, +2 Illusionist Initiate, -5 Gave her to Oti, -3 Tried to seal her in the dark, -10 REZZIE IS PISSED!) to cool this chick down! Best of 3!

BONE-US: Good write-ins to convince her to stop might add a bonus and add more STUFF in the future~
Rolled 3 - 8 (1d100 - 8)

If you kill us, you'll never get your powers back! Plus RED will get another soul to his collection! You should work with us and Oti so we can finally deal with him, free my soul, then return you your powers.
Damn, that's pretty bad. At least it's not a one though, so not locked in. Someone else save us here.
Rolled 13 - 8 (1d100 - 8)

Rolled 78 - 8 (1d100 - 8)

>Now wait a second. You can't hear him? Because I sure as hell can! And he also owns my soul apparently. You are free [i]because[/i] I took your powers!
Nice, that was a success.
Just scraped by! Sneaky little rascals, you! Writing~ thanks for the write-ins too!
+1 to the write-in. That's also my interpretation.
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Feeling Hell’s heat char your cheeks, you harness what little courage you have and STAND PROUD! You’ve dealt with irate customers before, you can deal with her!

Stepping around Volka as she uses her body to shield yours, you jab a finger in Rezzie’s direction as a bold voice leaves your lips! She talks a big game about being smart, so THINK! If she kills you she loses all that power of hers… and guess who it goes to!

The flames and the tremors falter, if only for a moment. Taking it as a win, you dare to take another step closer to the roaring inferno!

One more soul for his collection, you shout, squinting as the heat claws at your dry eyes! One more slave… just like she was! She can’t hear him anymore? Feel him taking over her voice and actions? Sounds like she should be THANKING someone, not KILLING them!

With a whiplike crack, the flames recede… past the waning fires you see Rezalith again–the terrifying demon giving way to a confused girl!

“Th-that’s not-”

You wanna get rid of him, you interject as you stride over and bridge the gap between you and Rezzie! Just like she does! But you aren’t gonna be able to figure it out yourself, so…

With the last few flames flickering into embers, all that remains of the devil’s temper tantrum is a low groan in the stone around you!

Let Oti go, you conclude in a soothing voice, and we can figure it out. Together.

For a moment, all is silent. From the ashes of the anger, however, comes a small, quivering noise that matures into raucous, derisive laughter!

“You…” Sputters Rezalith as she bowls over laughing, “You’re RIGHT! I drank that potion, lost all that power… and now I’m FREE!” Wiping a solitary tear from her eye, she glances up at you with a toothy grin and the faintest sliver of sympathy!

“You, though… you don’t know how to USE that power… and he can do whatever the HELLS he wants with you!” Another snicker. “You’re SCREWED!

Well so much for that touching moment. Leaving the girl to her hysterics, you rejoin your teammates and shrug. At least she didn’t kill you! Before you can move to leave, however, you feel a shift in the walls around you! Stumbling around like a hamster being shaken around in one of those exercise balls, you deftly land on top of TT as a resigned groan rings out across the chamber from Rezzie’s lips!

“Fine, he can have his STUPID tower back… probably ugly as HELL anyways.” She hisses, crossing her arms as she appraises you with the usual malaise.

“And we’re… good?” Asks Volka as she helps you and your dainty Durher up!

“Pfft.” Snarls the devil as she paces around her ex-throne. “Do whatever the HELL you want. I don’t care…”

You blink. What’s uh… what’s SHE gonna do?

“Be FREE, duh!” Answers Rezalith with a derisive snort! “Maybe I’ll sack this stupid city… after I take a nap. What the HELL do you care, hm?”

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The blue glow in the Construct’s eyes and the lack of tension in the air around you suggests Oti’s back behind the proverbial wheel… with the crisis more or less averted, you decide to…

>Find Oti!
>Chat with Rezzie!
>Ask her to join you!
>Examine the Constructs!
>Talk to Volka!
>Speak with TT!
>Chat with Rezzie!
Tell us everything you know about Red, so we can beat and spite that guy you hate, pretty please?

>Ask the girls to go check on Oti
+1ing this. Remind her that if we lose, RED will own HER powers too, and that'd be pretty lame right?

Actually, one thing in specific,
>Ask Rezzie if she knows anything specific we could do to get our soul back
>>6197725 +1
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There’s no telling what Oti’s gonna do to Rezalith now that he’s free, so in a rare example of good thinking you instruct Volka and TT to go check on him!

“Err, sure thing…” Mutters the Durher as she glances around the chamber, “If we can find him…”

Just follow the grumbling, you smirk, that should lead ya to him! As Tzah-Tzie moves to leave, Volka sends a wary glance from Rezzie to you!

“Are you… gonna be okay, Rook?”

Probably not, but you don’t tell her that! Yep, you nod, you’ve got this! Biting her lip in apprehension, the Skog nonetheless heeds your orders and tromps after the speedy Spinner! Watching them leave, you freeze up as you feel something sharp poking into your throat!

“Splut. You’re dead, idiot.”

You respond with a cheeky grin. What took her so long? Did your speech really soften her up that much? Your answer comes in the form of a firm, but surprisingly gentle smack upside the head!

“Ass. This just makes us even, y’know, so don’t even THINK of begging me for any favors!” The devil pauses. “... scratch that–I always enjoy a good begging.”

Turning to face the ferocious fiend, you cross your arms. Guess you have more in common than she thought, huh? Another derisive snort!

“Let me think… I’m strong, smart, incredibly attractive, and I’m not currently influenced by some Archdevil Jerkass.” Rezzie cocks her head to the side. “Nope, don’t think we have much in common at all~”

You wanted to talk to her about that, actually, you mutter, prompting the girl to preemptively frown, her, uh… boss-

EX-boss.” She spits. “I’m my OWN manager now, moron. Stitch it into your dumb little head!”

Right, you nod, about him: you’re about as much of a fan as she is about the guy… any chance she could spill the beans about him? Rezalith responds with a genial smile! Awww!

Yea, just kidding. She frowns!

“Here’s a tip for free:” The demon begins with a wary glance, “You know he’s listening right now, right? Feeling everything you feel?”

Yea, you sigh, trying your best not to think about the ‘hijinks’ you and TT got into earlier, but he doesn’t seem to really care much about it… truth be told he’s been unnervingly calm!

“Tch… well there ya go…” Huffs the hellion as she casts her gaze aside! “He’s REALLY confident. Annoyingly so. People who act like the multiverse revolves around them really PISS ME OFF!

Yea, you snort, that must be really difficult for her… but can he back that up? What kind of demon is he?

KALAMAAX.” The word sends a shiver down your spine as the room’s winds die mid-travel! Err, gesundheit?

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“That’s his name,” Reza replies as her thin tail smacks the ground! “Well, one of them, in any case. Most important one’s the TRUE NAME, but good luck finding that.”

True Name, huh? Do they, like, not like people using it, or? Because you had a regular customer who insisted on being called ‘The Wizard’ and-

“Can’t tell ya the specifics, but knowing a devil’s True Name is like owning the keys to the castle,” Shrugs the devil. “And before you ask, no, only ARCHdevils get ‘em. Nice TRY, perv.”

But if someone could find it-you’re interrupted by another smack! OW!

“Let me make this easy for you to understand: duh DUUURR duh DOI DUH DUUUUH!”

You blink, earning another tired groan from the gremlin. “Okay, less easy: imagine searching for a piece of hay in a needlestack the size of this stupid world. During a firestorm. And you’re naked.”


“And while you’re doing that,” She adds as she starts to pace around the room, “There’s an army chasing you around, you’ve never seen a piece of hay before, and it only shows up once every five-billion years.”

Mhm, gotcha. You didn’t think it was possible, but the demon’s frown deepens! “Did… do you SERIOUSLY not get it!? I’m saying it’s super, super difficult, you ULTRA MORON! HELLS, you’re infuriating! I really oughta just put you outta’ your misery, you know!”

Maybe, you shrug, but she hasn’t yet! Is she warming up to you, hmm? Your answer comes in the form of a boot to the chest that sends you flying like a rogue tennis ball!

“AS IF!” She snarls, rushing over to kick your ribs! “I don’t want my dumb boss getting his claws on MY power, that’s all! Dumbass!”

You move to get up, but abandon the idea when you feel a boot plant itself on your chest! “Nuh-uh, you stay down there for a while! You’re on TIME OUT!”

Cool, well…. What else can she tell you about him? Anything useful? Rezzie makes a show of rubbing her chin in quiet contemplation.

“Hmmm… well he’s got an army of butt-kissing devils, he MADE CHAA’TAI and controls it by thinking, oh, and even at my full power he’d probably crush me like a bug, so you?”

A toothy grin forms on the girl’s smug face. “Oh man… it’d be so funny to watch, but… yea, don’t fight him. Seriously.”

Well there’s gotta be SOMETHING you can do to get your soul back, right!? Rezalith stares at you as if you just shat on her carpet. “Gee, you could write books about being stupid. Teach seminars…”

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Okay, you groan, if she doesn’t have an actual answer-

“That IS my answer, idiot!” She snarls as she pushes down on your chest with her boot again! “If I knew how to get my power back or break free of that asshole’s influence do you think I’d be playing Twenty Questions with you right now!? I’d be hollowing out your skull for my collection!”

Come on, you fire back, there’s gotta be SOMETHING! Please, Rez! Bringing her boot up for another stomp, the devil pauses. “Ooh, I do like when you say ‘please’... I suppose if I had to come up with something, well…”

She plants her boot back at her side, allowing you to rise to your feet. “Off the top of my AMAZINGLY BRILLIANT HEAD I’d suggest three things: Number One: buy it back from him.”

You blink in confusion. HOW?

“I don’t know! Devils like lots of things!” She protests as her earlier anger returns to her tone! “Souls, kingdoms, worlds… devils LOVE bargains! But they can pretty much conjure whatever the HELLS they want in their domain, so you’d have to find something REALLY special.”

Great, you groan, anything else?

“Number Two: Find someone powerful enough to take care of ya’.” Rezalith pauses to send a cheeky grin your way. “Other gods HATE demons though… they’ll probably just turn ya’ into a pillar of salt or smite your stupid face for eternity. DEFINITELY worth a try~”

Let me guess, you sigh as you massage your weary temples, Number Three i-

“NUMBER THREE is to DEFEAT him!” She interrupts with a snicker! “So that one’s straight out! Nope!”

Fantastic… those aren’t three good ideas at all!

“I never said they were GOOD!” The devil snaps as she sticks a forked tongue out at you! “Don’t like it? Do whatever the HELLS you did when you got here and send my powers back to me! I dunno!”

Thanks, you sigh as you feel the metaphorical walls start to close around your situation, that was… real helpful.

“Course it was… I was the one giving you the help!” Chirps the devil as she kicks at the remains of her throne! “Any other pearls of wisdom you want bequeathed upon you? I accept payment in the form of worship, boot-licking, and compliments! GOOD ones!”

Feeling a headache coming on, you decide to:
>Find Oti!
>One more thing, Rezzie…
>Ask her to join you!
>Examine the Constructs!
One of these days I want to grab her head and throw it into a wall like a dodgeball.
>Find Oti!
>Find Oti!
But before you do, extend the offer of 'working together' more once you've got your 'demonic corruption' under control.
Specifically i'm talking about Oti's potion.

I reckon I could have some pretty good arguments for convincing Rezzie to join up with us without going full into 'begging' territory.
>Ask her to join you!
It's safer with us, helping us take down Red, than letting him weasel out how to take over this world and punish Rezzie for her disobedience, dig? AND we can help keep the Templars off her back. C'mon, join the Lamplighters!
Not sure if I want "I will step on your face if you even dare disagree with me!!!" trailing behind us.
I mean it's incredibly funny I'll admit that.
Her weird kinks aside, she'll be very useful in trying to understand how to deal with Red/Kalamaax, I think. And having her with us where we can keep an eye on her is a safer bet. Honestly, we've recruited worse people for less sound reasons.
Her demon knowledge would be very useful to us.
>Her weird kinks aside
That's half of her appeal....
>she'll be very useful in trying to understand how to deal with Red/Kalamaax
>Her demon knowledge would be very useful for us
Oh, I don't deny that for a moment. I'd imagine she'd be very useful once we somehow manage to tard wrangle her.
>having her with us where we can keep an eye on her is a safer bet
I doubt that but letting her roam free would probably result in her causing damage, fair.
>we've recruited worse people for less sound reasons.
oh yeah we recruited actual gangsters and thieves for no real reason I forgot about that.

I mean if we do end up recruiting her, I'm fine with it. I just think she needs a solid hit to the head first.


Writing~happy to see the discussion. Dare ye welcome Rezzie into the fold..?
>Oh, I don't deny that for a moment. I'd imagine she'd be very useful once we somehow manage to tard wrangle her.
not so sure about that
>I doubt that but letting her roam free would probably result in her causing damage, fair.
yeah, in herself most likely
>oh yeah we recruited actual gangsters and thieves for no real reason I forgot about that.
literal. devil.
>I just think she needs a solid hit to the head first.
>That's half of her appeal....
fair enough
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Pleasant as it’s been, you should probably check in with the other resident grump before he does something wizardy. Relaying your idea to Rezalith, the devil responds with a noncommittal shrug! “Tell that mouth-breathing creep that if he doesn’t let me out of here I’m gonna redecorate this whole place with his entrails!” She blinks. “No… make that blood. He probably doesn’t have that many entrails.”

Yea, you’ll get right on that, you respond with a nod! Taking a few steps in the direction you think your pals went, you glance over your shoulder at the girl one last time! Y’know, once you figure out this potion situation she could-

“I’m not joining your little HAREM, AnTARD,” Rebukes Rezalith, “So don’t even ask!”

Fine, you shrug, if she doesn’t wanna team up to mess with RED’s plans and get her powers back, well-

Your statement is cut short by a sudden choking sound! “Tch! I never said no to that!” Turning around to find the girl standing right behind you, you respond with a genial smile! Cool! Rezzie averts her gaze with irritation fresh on her face!

“Y-yea, well… I’ll THINK about it…but that’s it!”

Leaving her to her own angsty devices, you allow yourself a sigh of relief as you emerge from an encounter with a devil relatively unscathed, but also manage to pick up the distant sound of people talking!

AAand one of them sounds really mad… hoo boy.

Breaking into a brisk jog, you find Volka and Tzah-Tzie watching as a VERY irate Oti hovers around the lab that you assume used to be his cage! Upon hearing you approach, however, the moody mage swoops in for a hug!

Wait, that’s not a hu-


“About TIME you arrived!” Snarls the sorcerer as you pick yourself up off the floor from the flying kick! “Did you have a restful morning?! I certainly didn’t!”

Would it KILL people to be nice to you!? You just negotiated his safe passage, thanks! The Chytree’s eyes flicker for the briefest of moments.

“Where is it? Did you trap the devil? If it breaks free again-”

Yea, uh… she’s… she calmed down, you reply as you take a preemptive step backwards! And she said she isn’t gonna do that anymore, so-

Oti sends you a stare that could make a plant wilt! “How WONDERFUL--it said it wouldn’t do it anymore! Well that certainly puts my mind at ease-”

Look, you groan, you just talked her down from turning this place into quasidimensional rubble–if he’s so darn powerful he can just magic her butt outta’ here–she doesn’t want to stick around! Frowning at the interruption, the sorcerer relents with a sigh and a shrug! “... I suppose you’re right…” Shifting his bulbous gaze downwards, the mage mutters something under his breath: “You’ve done me a good service…

Woah, WHAT!?

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TT’s eyes nearly pop out of her tiny head! “Woah, was that an illusion, or did I just hear Oti THANK you!?”

“D’aww, that’s really sweet of you, Ote!” Adds Volka with an equally-sweet smile! The mage, of course, is none-too-pleased.

“Yes, yes, update your journals for all I care… you’re here for the POTION, I assume?”

You respond with a sly smirk! Nah, you just came for the good company-

“It discovered sarcasm. Profound.” Shrugging your snark off like rain off a jacket, the sorcerer floats over to what you assume is a lab station and begins to rummage around! Look, you sigh, you know Rezzie drank it, but if he needs more materials, you can-

“I’m many things, Anton, but I’m not a fool,” Snorts the sorcerer as he returns with something glass jingling around in his grasp! “Before the infernal began its escapade I produced multiple potions.” Holding the vial out for you to collect, the mage’s eyes glimmer! “Be warned–its effects co-”



Looking up from the mess you just fat-fingered onto Oti’s floor, you give the wizard a sheepish smile… a-any chance he made anoth-

“There is,” He groans, producing another vial from an unseen pocket, “Just be careful wi-”



It takes some doing, but on the eighth try you really get a solid grip on the vial! Man, those are slippery!

“No they aren’t...” Mutters the mage as he massages his temples! “As I was saying, the potion might have, to use the parlance of our times, quite a ‘kick’, so please avail yourself of the hospital bed in the corner.”

The size of your eyes rival Oti’s as they nearly pop free of their sockets! Oh uh… and what if you already drank it?

The Chytree stares at you with the silent fury and fatigue of a teacher who just returned from chaperoning a school trip. “Take deep breaths.”

Okay, you nod as you feel your legs quiver below you like jelly, th-thanks!

“I was talking to myself.”


>Roll me 1d100-5 (+1 Footwork, +3 Friends are Here :), -2 Dark, -7 Funky Concoction!) to GET A GRIP! Best of 3!
Rolled 1 - 5 (1d100 - 5)

Harem route confirmed??!!!
Well, I guess not.
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Rolled 14 - 5 (1d100 - 5)

Oh god.

So, we're dead right? So much for not going to hell, i guess.
Rolled 11 - 5 (1d100 - 5)

>Harem route confirmed??!!!
Yea, for Jhairo maybe >:)
As if I'd let you off that easily
Nice job, bub
>As if I'd let you off that easily
What, are we taking a second mortgage on our soul?
Too real.
great, RED made us fatfinger the vials AND the die!
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Like an elephant in a washing machine, it suddenly dawns on you that you might have made a mistake somewhere. The blurry images of your friends say something, but their voices reach your ears sounding like they’ve been shoved through a pile of deli meat… Stumbling around the lab like a drunken barber, you manage to defy all odds and safely drop into the plush embrace of the bed!

Wait, no… it’s squirming. And fuzzy! S-sorry again, TT!

Rolling off of the poor girl like a very confused rolling pin, you come to a halt in the middle of the lab where dainty lights start to dance around your eyes! So… so PRETTY!

As you enjoy the show, you feel something changing inside you–overwriting your very being to combat the cruel clutches of your pal RED!

Or so you think.
”Awww pard… yer’ gonna hurt my feelings!

At the sound of the unfortunately-familiar drawl, your vision is bathed in a vibrant RED as the smell of tobacco tickles your nose and the taste of blood runs down your throat.


“Now I can overlook how you’ve been treatin’ Rezalith–keepin’ her alive an’ all–but plotting ways ta’ get me outta the picture? Drinkin’ snake oil ta’ drown out my sagely advice? Why that’s downright unneighborly, Anton…”

You try to open your mouth and respond, but your lips stick together as if bathed in hot pitch! Feeling your vision fade as you struggle to breathe, you hear the cowpoke’s raspy, rumbling voice tickle your ear!

“Here’s a trail tip you can take all the way to the bank, amigo: potions an’ cure-alls always sound good on the label, but it’s the darndest thing:”

Something gurgles in your gut… something that ISN’T blocking RED out!

“Always gotta look out fer those SIDE-EFFECTS… especially if yer’ not the usual patient…”

RED leaves you with a grim chuckle as you feel your essence being re-written…

>Your knees feel stiffer than before…
>Music just doesn’t sound as good as it used to…
>You REALLY don’t like hugs…
>You have a hard time staying asleep…
>You’re not very good with your hands…
>Water. Stay out of the water…
>>Water. Stay out of the water…
Welp. At least we can share the same weakness as our cat GF.
>You have a hard time staying asleep
So, the potion didn't do anything to Red, AND We get a permanent debuff. Yaaaaay...thanks Oti.

Say, Rezzie, you wanna get back to whatever you were doing before? I won't stop you.
>You have a hard time staying asleep…
Productivity: doubled.
>You have a hard time staying asleep…


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Writhing and squirming as the potion works its magic for what feels like AGES, you finally jerk upright from the floor with a deathly gasp!

“Ah, you’re alive.” Remarks Oti as he approaches warily, “How do you feel?”

You open your mouth to answer, but are caught off-guard by a sudden burning sensation caused by a device hidden away in the mage’s hand!

The Chytree frowns as your friends join you at your sides. “Hm… troubling.”

RED spoke to you, you pant, still struggling to breathe, and he didn’t wanna play ball…

“Wasn’t that the point?” Frowns TT as she cocks her head to the side! “Potions don’t really care if their target likes em’ or not.”

“Astute as always,” Drones Oti as you feel a Swiss Army Knife’s-worth of instruments running over you! “No, the potion isn’t sentient... though it may have something to do with your biology…”

Woulda’ been nice to know that sooner, you groan as you rub the sleep from your eyes! Man, how late is it?

“Just about noon!” Chirps Volka as she watches you with concern in her big yellow eyes! “So if the potion didn’t work, then-”

“Then we’ll just have to pivot.” Sighs the sorcerer as you feel a small pinch on your finger! OW! “Allow me to run more tests–once I’ve painted a better picture of you I should be able to brew another potion–one that won’t be befuddled by your body…” Muttering under his breath, the Chytree continues to fuss over you like a stylist at a hair salon! Watch those hands, bro!

“Yes, well,” Oti concludes as he places something close to a giant razor blade against your forehead, “I’ll just need a few chitin shavings and you’ll be free to leave. Any questions?”

You uh… you don’t have chitin, you stammer, breathing a sigh of relief as the razor leaves your brow!

“Fie. I suppose blood and tooth shavings shall suffice.” Something akin to a smile flashes in his bulbous eyes. “Congratulations: this is now my foremost pet project.”

Fantastic… while he works, you ask:
PASTEBIN UPDATED: https://pastebin.com/xdk5kHyA
>What does he want to do about Rezzie?
>Has he made a lot of potions before, or?
>What got him into magic in the first place?
>You have this hand you need tracked…
>Nope, let him do his thing!
>You have this hand you need tracked…
>Does he mind if we borrow Rezzie?
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Clear one wall and another appears right behind it. Story of your damn life… Taking a minute to cope with the fact that you’ll have to wait even LONGER to fight RED’S control over your body, you turn your attention to other, more easily-surmountable tasks!

It’s unrelated, you begin as you rummage around in the only pocket you have steeped in blood, but he’s a mage–is he able to track someone’s body part to its original owner?

Oti glances up from his work and looks at you as if you’d just farted loud enough to knock a clock off the wall!

“I beg your pardon?”

“Don’t worry–the owner wasn’t innocent!” Chimes in Tzah-Tzie with a toothy and very reassuring grin! “The hand belonged to a sorcerer that attacked us!”

Volka rapidly blinks in disbelief! “Y-you guys fought a SORCERER? WITHOUT ME!?”

Taking a moment to try to decipher the meaning behind that statement, Oti relents with a shrug. “Rudimentary Blood Magic. If it isn’t completely dried up I can certainly try, but don’t expect step-by-step directions.”

Fine, you smile, you’ll be happy to… give him a hand! The Chytree glowers at you for a moment as the rest of your pals fail to burst into the raucous laughter you expected and deserved. You’ll uh… you’ll be happy to… gi-

“Give me that.” Snatching the amputated appendage out of your grasp, the sorcerer begins to intone a few words, but pauses mid-incantation!

“Performance anxiety?” Snickers Tzah-Tzie as she smirks behind her paw, “We can turn around~”

“The spell I had in mind calls for quite a bit of blood,” Explains Oti as he deftly ignores the Durher, “And my stores were raided by your pet hellspawn when it broke loose.”

Okay, you shrug, so let’s grab some more blood then! Does he have, like, a BLOOD PORTAL you can warp through, or-

“I do, but there might be a simpler solution.” Chanting a few new words under his breath, you feel that familiar itching sensation inside your teeth… magic!

A moment later, you hear a few hasty ‘SNAPS’ dead ahead of you! Following the noise, you bump into what seems to be the wizard’s hand… and it’s FLYING!

“Golly!” Remarks Volka as she pokes at it a few times, prompting the hand to berate her with some vicious snapping, “A floating hand!”

“I had to improvise a few words from a regeneration spell,” Oti begins as he resumes fiddling away at one of his workstations, “But that hand should lead you back to its owner… within reason.” He glances over his shoulder. “Keep it away from Neetzes–those winged wretches will eat anything these days.”

“I blame the dockworkers!” Volka adds with a disapproving shake of her head! “Barely pick up after themselves, ‘specially after lunch! Shameful, really.”

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Wow, you blink, thanks, Oti! That’s a huge help!

Your sudden remark takes the mage by surprise! “Y-yes, well…” He mutters as he pivots back towards his work, “Do make haste the next time you’re accosted by my Constructs. Lack of haste makes waste these days...”

Turning to leave, you feel something itching at the back of your skull… right, you mutter, is he okay with you borrowing Rezzie?

Tzah-Tzie deflates a bit as she messes up a note on her Striilii! “I’m not…”

“Everyone deserves a second chance!” Recites the Skog at your side! “And we can keep an eye on her! Good thinking, Rook!”

“You can keep it for all I care…” Hisses Oti as he shakes his head! “I’ve collected more than enough samples for my own devices… you’d be doing me a favor if I never saw that wretched beast again.”

Well uh… what if you wanted to rent her? Your question is answered with another one of Oti’s trademarked long, hard stares!

Okay, we’ll take her!

The sorcerer shifts in his seat. “Stupendous. Just pick a path and I’ll guide you to your new pet and the exit. Don’t dawdle–I have much to attend to thanks to that little pest…”

“HEY!” TT growls derisively before realizing who he’s talking about! “Oh. Right!”

To your surprise (and childlike excitement), the SEVERED HAND leads you like a tour guide out of the lab and down a spiraling ramp like a tour guide! Before you can ask WHY you’re heading downwards, you find yourself emerging back into the fireworks shop via one of the doors in the back! In true TEAM PLAYER form, Volka immediately takes a step forward to scan the shop!

“Now we just need to find-”

“OW! Hands off the MERCH, roboperv!”

The Skog’s smile widens.

“Devil girl!”

Having only left Rezzie to her own devices for a post or two, you find the disobedient devil arguing with a Construct as it holds a bundle of fireworks out of her admittedly short reach! Sensing your approach, Rezalith’s red eyes light up with delight!

“Hey, great timing! Distract these metal morons while I light this crummy candle, hm?”

Yea, let’s not do that! The devil responds with a derisive ‘tch’!

“Right… wouldn’t want to make your BOYFRIEND mad, would you? Loser…”

You open your mouth to respond, but are caught off-guard by a few tugs at your robe! Glancing down at TT’s nervous grin, you already know you’re not gonna like what you’re about to hear…

Y’know, Ant, we DID take her outside… we aren’t responsible for anything she does if we just leave her here!

Tempting, sure, but you feel like the blob-like man in that old trolley problem diagram… do you try to take her with you?

>HELLS yea!
>HELLS no!
>Volka? TT? Handsly? Your thoughts?
>Stay silent! They’ll think you disappeared!
>HELLS yea!
More wacky hijinks, obviously.
>HELLS yea!
We still need her help, were still vaguely responsible for her, and Volk already implicitly endorsed totally not press-ganging her into The Lamplighters.
>>Stay silent! They’ll think you disappeared!
>>HELLS yea!
step on me, rezzie-sama
Jokes aside, fuck it, safer with us than by herself.


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Tzah-Tzie has a point, but so does Volka… if Rezalith felt like killing you, she’d have tried it already!

Well, she’d have tried it again! And while she might be the most subtle of characters you’ve met thus far, you could definitely use the hellion on your side in a fight! Better than letting her burn Crossroads to the ground, at least.

Giving the Durher a placating pat on the head, you steel yourself for what will no doubt be another verbal test of patience before approaching the impish instigator! Look, Rez, you begin, prompting the devil’s perpetually-annoyed eyes to fall on you, how about she joins up with you instead of blowing up fireworks shops?

The girl plants her hands on her hips and cocks her head to the side with a hiss! “Gee, let me think: join your dumb little pride parade… orrrr do what I want… gosh,what a toughie!”

Opening your mouth to respond, you’re beaten to the punch when Volka takes a step forward with a warm smile on her face! “You can still do what you want, Rezzie! But look deep into your heart: what do you want people to remember you as? What deeds do you want them to recall when they hear your name, hmm?”

The devil answers with a blank stare. “Queen. Striking fear and unyielding subservience into the general populace.” She cocks her head to the side. “What do you wanna be remembered for? Most breakfasts eaten in a single lifetime?”

The barb hits Volka like a javelin to the gut. “That’s-I’m not… y-you don’t-”

“No response? Probably the fat squeezing your brain…” Rezalith chides with a roll of her eyes!

“Very cute!” Counters Tzah-Tzie as she approaches with a cocky grin! “Got any bite to back up that bark? My memory’s a little hazy, but last time we danced you ended up in a mage’s la-”

Rezalith interrupts the diss with a few big sniffs in TT’s direction, then yours, prompting a devilish grin to form on her face!

“E-err, nevermind!” Sputters TT just as the demon opens her mouth! “Statement retracted!”

Look, you frown, we’ve been over this already: she wants her powers back AND to mess with RED-

The demon snaps a clawed finger! “Bingo! Did that freak fix you or help in any way?”

Y-yea, well…

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“Fantastic! Well let me know how that goes! Just follow the screams if you need me~” Leaping into the air with the sound of wings unfurling, the flying fiend nearly gets away before you send a desperate ‘WAIT!’ after her!

To your surprise, she does! Crossing her arms mid-hover, the impatient imp makes a show of picking at her teeth. “Ya’ got ten seconds, bub–and three just passed!”


“Escaped on my own. Won’t happen again.” She shrugs!

“I can get fights whenever I want! Hells, I’m gonna go find a fight right now!”

Steeling yourself for your secret weapon, you take a steadying breath before letting it RIP!
>BEG! You need her power! Please!
>LIE! You put a spell on her when she was knocked out! She’ll die if she goes too far!
>BRIBE! You’ll give her something awesome if she joins you!
>PSYCHOLOGY! She’s probably not that tough anyways!
>NEVER MIND! Let her go!
>BEG! You need her power! Please!
She likes when we beg. She's said as much.

Reverse psychology would be my go-to normally, but if we mes sup the roll she's wont to maim us to prove we're wrong.
>BRIBE! You’ll give her something awesome if she joins you!
ok, im aware that this is going to be controversial simply because she is a girl, but realistically the best thing to do would be to hand her over to the templars.
literal demon, 0 redeeming qualities, terrible to be around and she is going to go murdering if we let her out of that door.
>BEG! You need her power! Please!
Fine. It's not like we have any pride left anyway.

Has TT seriously not taken a bath yet? We need to wash that cat as soon as we find somewhere with a bathtub. Seriously. That's just unhygienic.

Yeah but it'll be fun, and that's what really matters. Plus we should keep her in our pocket as an Anti-RED Asset.
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Gonna pop in for a sec here to clarify: all of these have a good chance of working, but they're also influence Rezzie's opinion and interactions with you! It's just like that one party member in BG2: Throne of Bhaal! You know who I'm talking about! Wink!
Also I saw this art by gage on Twitter and it kinda reminded me of Rezzie. Make what you will of that
>>BRIBE! You’ll give her something awesome if she joins you!
+1, i dont want beg to win. think of poor TT watching it
can we unironically take up a second mortgage on our soul?
Ahhh, now we're in a tie. I don't like ties. Do you anons know what you'll actually try to bribe her with?
It's been decided off-camera that Tzah-Tzie HATES water and baths. And probably vacuum cleaners too if they ever appear in this quest >:)
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Crud, forgot the pic
ESPECIALLY WHEN WE [HANDHOLD] AND [CUDDLE] (censored for a Christian audience)
>Do you anons know what you'll actually try to bribe her with?
Dunno but it's better than asking to lick her boot. Besides, we got TWO CUTE GIRLS watching us. We can't debase ourselves TOO much.
I don't care if she hates baths, we can't let that cat go around all...crusty. That's just nasty. We're washing her even if we have to throw her into a tub.
If you don't wanna debase yourself, why not pick reverse psychology?
can we add this to our todo list? >>6198593
Mostly because we've already been doing that a LOT to her. Reza isn't bright but I think even she's smart enough to pick up on it if we constantly go
"Hey, Reza. Reza. That tunnel, the one that seems painted, it's real. It only looks painted because RED is messing with you. R-run into the wall, Reza, prove him wrong."
i imagine she would actually do that
That sounds funny. Definitely do that.

Anyway, we're still in a tie, though. If it were something other than bribe or if you had an actual idea of what I'd change.
It's only been an hour, man, a tiebreaker will come eventually.
>If it were something other than bribe or if you had an actual idea of what I'd change.
could we all just switch to LIE?
That would be very easy to prove wrong.
yeah well, but if she eats it up its more solid than falling to our knees every 5 minutes to compel her
At least that is easier to keep going. Of course , I'd still prefer psychology.
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What I make of this is that we should have gone the Rezzie Route! >:(

...But after TT's sad song, I admit my heartstrings were decidedly plucked.

Cats bathe themselves.
Cats don't usually get "that" on their fur either.

Regardless of what argument we use to convince rezzie, I vote we add "Give bath to TT" on our list.
ok, and what if we make it real? surely Oti can actually help with that
I'll switch >>6198570 to
if >>6198594 and >>6198594 will back it, too.
>Cats don't usually get "that" on their fur either.
My cat had nine kittens and none of them were the same color, so I don't know, anon.
Nah, don't feel like it anymore.

Kidding, of course. I support it.
changing >>6198587 to back >>6198613
With that many kits, it definitely didn't go into her fur.
Kek, fair.
i didnt fuck TT. i didnt cum on TT. i didnt put my dick anywhere near TT. Ive never done anything weird with TT. I promised myself i wasnt going to make apologies to weird dominatrix demons so im just trying to be as short and honest with this as possible. (1/?)
>i didnt fuck TT
That's adorable! Can't tell if it's supposed to be TT or just a catgirl, but I love it all the same!



Think I got 'em all counted--looks like we're going with PSYCHOLOGY!

You guys ran off to the Belltower first thing! S-she didn't have tiiiiiime!

>Community Note: Anon HAS done weird shit with TT

>Roll me 1d100+6 (+7 'WHO YOU CALLIN' WEAK!?', +2 Illusionist Initiate, +3 Talked her down before, -2 Dark, -4 Stubborn Devil) to convince her! Best of 3!
Rolled 16 + 6 (1d100 + 6)

>S-she didn't have tiiiiiime!
We're buying a garden hose and spraying her down like the cat she is.
Also, rolling.
Rolled 55 + 6 (1d100 + 6)

btw, with that morning debuff, i feel like we dont suffer enough
Rolled 20 + 6 (1d100 + 6)

Not anuddah 1 please
Plenty of time to make it nasty, don't worry >:3333

Here goes something! Writing!
The suffering is when we start to suffer from insomnia because of shitty sleeping schedules like an overworked codeslave, medicine student or Japanese salaryman
Rolled 87 + 6 (1d100 + 6)

>That's adorable! Can't tell if it's supposed to be TT or just a catgirl, but I love it all the same!
Sorry hoss, it's just a thing I googled. it's by Fawnduu on Twitter, I guess.

Shane Dawson joked about molesting his cat, and it became a meme when he had to hastily apologize for the joke and deny allegations.
Damn, these anons are quick on the dice.
oooooh, i just assumed anon is having an episode kek
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You’ve only known her for a little while, but you’d like to think you have a pretty good read on the feisty fiend! You know she could probably rip your head off with one hand and that she has a penchant for burning things, but you also know she’s got an ego the size of that rat you found behind the deep fryer that one time at work!

Weird how you keep remembering useless details of your life instead of important ones, but whatever!

Clearing your throat one last time, you shout a curt ‘FINE!’ after the flying fiend’s fleeing form! Run away, you add, she’s not that strong or useful anyways aside from slowing you DOWN!

You and your pals wait patiently for a few minutes before a puzzled-looking Volka breaks the silence! “Is… is she gonna come back, or…?”

“I dunno…” Frowns TT as she strums a few notes with her face scrunched up in thought, “She IS pretty stubborn, yea, but haven’t we used this trick a few times too many?”

You’re just about to answer when the sound of wings beating in the distance does it for you! Descending from the sky like the most pissed-off hawk you’ve ever seen comes Rezalith–her eyes bathed in hellfire as she lands in front of you with a resounding CRUNCH!

’NOT THAT STRONG!?’ ‘SLOWING YOU DOWN!?!’” She snarls, jabbing a pointy claw into your chest with each statement, “I COULD BURN THIS WHOLE WORLD TO THE GROUND IF I FELT LIKE IT, FOR I AM-

Yea yea, you scoff, making a show of stepping around her, c’mon guys, let’s follow Handsly.

“That’s a cute name! When’d he get it?” Asks Volka as she tags along like an eager puppy!

You just came up with it, you shrug, what do you think, Handsly?

*Snap Snap*

“I think he likes it!” TT remarks with a strum of her Striilii! “When the trail goes cold, the path is dark, no other guide is more handy… no there ne’er was a braver soul than the one we all called Handslyyyyy!

You blink. Did she rhyme ‘handy’ with ‘handsly’?

“It’s a work in progress until it's publiiiiished~”

“HEEEEY! WAIT FOR MEEEEE!” Rushing over as fast as her stubbier legs will take her, Rezzie skids to a halt between you and TT! “Oh no you don’t! I’ve got important stuff to say too, y’know! You’re not gonna sideline me because of some dumb…” The girl pauses mid-sentence. “... is that a FLOATING HAND?”

Like a dog with a chew toy, Rezzie is placated… for the time being, at least. Following your disembodied docent through the frosty Crossroads streets, you can’t help but wonder what you’ll find at the hand’s destination…

Maybe it’ll wait if you take a pitstop?

What do you do to pass the time?
>Rant with Rezzie!
>Talk with TT!
>Vocalize with Volka!
>Spot a shop!
>Stop somewhere on the way!
>Rattle on with RED!
>Just enjoy the walk… you’ll probably miss the silence!
>Stop somewhere on the way
Somewhere with a TUB or a SHOWER so we can CLEAN that STINKY CAT
>Vocalize with Volka!
Let's catch up, and see if she has any thought about our monster/sorcerer encounter and what we learned about the grand poobah's murder. She's the Crossroad native and local vigilante gang-leader, after all.
>Rattle on with RED!
How come he has this southern cowboy shtick? Did he visit Earth at some point or something? Or get TV reception from it?
i dont think the timing is appropriate
>How come he has this southern cowboy shtick? Did he visit Earth at some point or something? Or get TV reception from it?
its just proof that it doesnt get any cooler than cowboys
He's taken up residence in our brain, so probably is latching onto what Anton thinks is cool.
>i dont think the timing is appropriate
You'd rather go off to fight blood wizards while TT is stained with..well, Anton?
We've been stained with worse.
The more we wait the longer it'll get.


I'll accept it if we can find an actual bath place with warm water to scrub her with once the adventure ends. Otherwise she's gonna be all crusty and gross.
I mean, the worse it'll get. The smell, that is.
+1, but I support giving her a warm bath at the end of the day. Maybe we can even replicate Anton's swoos experience but..you know, without the part where he dies of allergies.

Writing! Golly, lots of wacky discussions this time around. Not that I'm complaining, mind!
Oh fuck, sorry! wanted to count this vote too!
>Golly, lots of wacky discussions this time around. Not that I'm complaining, mind!
That's good because...

This sounds fun, but also...

>she's gonna be all crusty and gross
TT makes regular use of a shortcut through the sewers and gets in fights sometimes, resulting in blood-spatter. She recently got dunked in dirty wastewater of a couple factories, near some dodgy docks, too. If she wasn't already gross and crusty during our cuddle-sesh, she won't be just because Anton was a quick (but enthusiastic) shot.
Rezzie was able to smell it though.
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To be fair she might've just smelled the sewer on both of you! Golly, what an embarrassing misunderstanding!
But ONLY Rezzie so far, and she probably has a sin-sense or something anyway being a demon. It was technically a secretive act of adultery and all.
That's even more reason to clean her.
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Leaving Rezalith to her own devices and Tzah-Tzie to her own musical device, you decide to jog over to your favorite amazon and catch up!

“Anton~” She chirps, moving her tail aside to avoid tripping you up, “Sorry again I missed you and TT this morning–thought I’d have time for a quick swim and, well…” She casts a sheepish glance to the side. “A-anyways, I’m glad we ran into each other anyways!” The girl frowns. “Would have loved smashing a sorcerer, though… but it sounds like you had a little help from-”

Yea, you groan as The Skog’s face takes a turn for the dreamy, you might’ve allowed that HUNK to help out… but only a little!

“Well I’m glad he was there anyways!” Volka concludes as she cocks her head to the side and smiles! “Did, um… did he say anything about me?”

You respond with a long stare that’d make Oti proud! You were undercover, so-

“Oh! R-right, totally slipped my mind!” She sputters with a nervous laugh! “Sorry, it’s just, well…”

You raise an eyebrow. Well?

“It’s not very common for a Skog to be a Templar, is all…” Says the Skog as she shrugs her sizable shoulders! “Especially of Mitaar.”

Tripping over a patch of frost, you regain your balance and walk a little closer to Volka. Do Skogs have Templars of their own, or?

“Mhm!” She nods, pausing midway as a thought comes to mind! “Wwwwelll, kind of? Ma always used ta’ tell me about WARCHANTERS... kinda similar, but their god was named OURAK and…” She pauses mid-step and doesn’t continue until Rezzie crashes into her from behind!

“ACK! Move it, Blubber-Brains, or I’ll-OOF!

“Watch your step on the frost~” Smirks the Skog as her tail returns close to her side! “Anywho, I don’t remember the specifics, but Ourak didn’t always used to be a god… started by uniting all the Skog tribes under one banner and after that, well…”

You can’t see it, but you’re pretty sure she made a vague hand gesture. Not a bad deal, you remark!

“You can say that again… so when Warchanters, well, chant, they’re chanting the old songs and battle poems Ourak and his soldiers came up with…” For a moment Volka’s expression turns wistful as she glances skyward. “Ain’t really prayers, but they ain’t not either… Never really learned ‘em myself, but some of ‘em sound so inspiring… it’s kinda nice to think Skogs can do more things than just… well…” Biting her lip, the Skog turns to you with a fresh smile on her face! “Ma used ta’ get me to sleep by singing one. Pretty sure it’ll still work!”

Punctuating her sentence with a quiet giggle, Volka makes a show of scratching her tusk in thought. “Y-you didn’t come over to hear me blubber about dumb ole’ Skog stuff though… and anyways I’m MUCH more curious about this sorcerer of yours!”

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Yea, you nod as your gaze shifts between her and Handsley, does… does that happen a lot? Who would be rooting around in the Chairman’s old office? A long breath escapes from the amazon’s lips!

“Who wouldn’t? Politics, Rook… that stuff’ll kill ya.”

Sure, you frown, but who’d the mage belong to?

“Oof, beats me…” She replies with an apologetic smile! “If you didn’t pick it up from Oti, well… mages can be a contentious bunch…”

Yea, you uh… you noticed.

“Though there weeeerrree some people dad rambled about a few times on one of his ‘bender’ nights… something about STAR-CLOAKS?

The name sends a shiver down your spine. Star-Cloaks?

“Couldn’t tell ya’ who they are,” The Skog continues as she casts a quick glance around you, “But pubsong talks about ‘em like the SHADOW ASSASSINS. Real secretive group of powerful mages… Mitaar knows what they’re up to when we can’t see ‘em.”

Super, you groan, so you gotta add the MAGIC ILLUMINATI to the suspect list too!? What the hell are you getting yourself into!?

“Well think of it this way, Rook: if those guys are as tough as people say, you wouldn’t be walking away from a fight with one!” She replies like a mother comforting a child after losing a Little League game! “That’s the problem with it being so damned DARK all the time–you never know who’s trying to pull a fast one!”

Clearly. Any other possibilities?

“Well UMBERAL’S got TRIMBAULT ACADEMY--if you’re a mage or want to become one, you usually start there!” Volka’s tail swishes vigorously as she delves deep into the brainstorm! “There’s other places to learn magic, mind, but the biggest is in Umberal… and they’ve been eyeing Crossroads like a starving Maakar for ages now!”

Kicking a pile of frost into the air like a kid, the Skog punctuates her analysis with a shrug! “Or it could be a whole other group we’ve never heard from! Spooky, huh?”

Topped off on paranoia, you thank Volka for the intel. If there’s one thing you’ve gathered from the talk, it’s that you might be wandering into something way over your head…

Handsley’s snapping grows more vigorous–must mean you’re nearly there! With your last bit of time, you decide to:
>Rant with Rezzie!
>Talk with TT!
>Vocalize with Volka about something else!
>Spot a shop!
>Stop somewhere on the way!
>Rattle on with RED!
>Just enjoy the walk… you’ll probably miss the silence!

Probably the last update of the night, folks-got work tomorrow!
>Just enjoy the walk… you’ll probably miss the silence!
A moment of peace and quiet...that won't last.
>>Just enjoy the walk… you’ll probably miss the silence!
>Rant with Rezzie!
Has she learned anything more abut the people who summoned us? Who they were, why they did it?
>Rant with Rezzie!
Rolled 1 (1d2)


We rollin', folks. Will write whatever wins!
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Leaving Volka to her musings, you briefly entertain the idea of seeing what intel Rezalith picked up during her brief time in Zoral, but reconsider when you hear the miscreant kicking around snow cackling like a witch! She’s preoccupied for now, you think as you LIMBO beneath a chunk of ice launched your way, you’ll ask when she’s bored!

Roused from your thoughts by several frantic SNAPS, you follow the sound over to where your floating hand is and blink…

Where are you?

Scampering over to Handsley, TT takes a moment to investigate and shoots a wide-eyed glance your way!

“Ant,” She mutters, “You’re never gonna believe it…”

She’d be surprised, you reply with a smile! You’re actually pretty open-minded compared to most people! See, it’s really what’s on the inside that matt-OW!

“Your insides are gonna be your OUTSIDES if you keep spouting that huggy-wuggy crap!” Snarls Rezzie as she removes her fist from where it impacted on your head! “Can it!”

“What I meant was,” Tzah-Tzie continues as you recover from the blow, “Is that this is a SHOP, Ant…”

Volka’s brow furrows! “Hells… a SORCERER SHOP…

Responding with a defeated groan, the Durher thankfully cuts to the chase: “This is that CLOCK SHOP. The one from that message we picked up in the Rags District?”

Oh. OOOOH! Stepping aside as the door opens with a jingle, you smile at the store patron as they make their way down the road! Shoot, we didn’t check his hand!

“Who cares about some dumb ole’ CLOCKS?” Growls Rezzie as she shoves a clawful of ice into her mouth with an unnerving SIZZLE!

Relaying all the pertinent info to her as to why you care about some dumb ole’ clocks, you enjoy about two seconds of peace before the crackle of flames signals the formation of a FIREBALL in the devil’s hand! Rezzie, NO!

“Whaaaat?” She groans, flames still roaring in her grasp, “There’s probably a whole nest of jerks in there–why waste our time?”

She’s not wrong, you reply diplomatically, but if the hand’s owner is in there, you might be able to get some good info from them!

The fiend responds with a blank stare.

And they can’t speak if they’re burned.

“You’d be surprised what people can manage without lips,” Rezalith retorts! “Or tongues. Or flesh.”

“She’s right.” Shrugs Volka as she takes her place by your side! “Could be baddies in there. Best plan ahead!”

“Don’t forget about the password!” Adds TT, keeping a healthy distance from the front door! “My grandfather’s clock needs a new gear: Tallerite with five notches…”

How does she REMEMBER this crap!? Anyways, you decide to…
>Go in together! It’s a shop!
>Send TT in to scout ahead!
>Go in, but leave someone to supervise Rezzie.
>Wait and see if anything happens!
>Go in alone! It’ll be less suspicious!
>Go in, but leave someone to supervise Rezzie
We go in with TT and leave Volka to crush Rezzie like an egg if she tries anything.
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You can’t place your finger on why, exactly, but something tells you that a subtle approach is the way to go here! Pocketing the severed hand despite its protests, you relay your idea to the rest of your motley crew: TT will back you up, Volka and Rezzie will hang back!

Volka responds with a salute and a smile, and Rezalith? She actually doesn’t seem that bothered by it!

“This is impshit.

Yea, just kidding! She’s annoyed! Look, you begin, you have no idea what’s waiting for you once you enter this store-

“So your plan is what, play grab-ass with the fuzzball until everyone dies of secondhand embarrassment?” The demon grins as Volka’s eyes pop out! “Figures…”

Your plan, you retort, is to scope the place out! THEIR job is to keep an eye out for any signs of trouble! As expected, Rezalith’s expression tells you she’s already taking the bait! “And if there IS trouble-”

Then you can light ‘em up, you reply with a smile! But you need to stay vigilant-

“Yea, yea, whatever, DAD.” Giving her tail a dismissive shake, the devil takes to the skies above the establishment leaving you with your more-agreeable partners! Volk, you add in a quiet voice, if she tries anything…

The Skog responds by drawing her sword! “Leave it ta’ me, Rook. Hell hath no fury like a Volka scorned! Ha ha!”

Thanking her with a pat on the arm, you motion for TT to follow you as you push open the do-OW!


’s a pull door!” explains a muffled voice from inside! Shaking off the pain, you enter the right way and are immediately assailed by an orchestra of TICKING! Shaking the chills off your body as you enter, you navigate the ticking tunnel over to where a massive-eyed
Mox greets you with a boistrous, but crackly voice!

“Well it’s about TIME! The store, that is! Miidua Karsten’s the name… and clocks, alarms, and timers HOUR our specialty!”

Tzah-Tzie’s eyes widen like a kid at a carnival! “I like her already, Ant!”

The Mox leans over her desk and gives the Durher a friendly pat on the head! “Well aren’t you just the sweetest thing?” Blinking in mock realization behind what seems to be some kind of magnifying monocle, the clerk sends you a toothy grin! “Well I’m sure you two didn’t come in just to ‘TOCK’ to me… Time is money around here, so what can I help you with?”

>Got any clocks?
>Tell her the password!
>Show us your haaaands!
>Got any presents for TT?
>There might be an evil sorcerer on your premises!
>Tell us about clocks!
>Anyone else work here?
>Hold on, I forgot something! (Head outside)
>Stay silent! She’ll think you disappeared!
>There might be an evil sorcerer on your premises!
>Tell her the password!
>Tell her the password!
>Show us your haaaands!
If she's working with the mages and we tell her, she'll warn them!
and also this:
>Got any clocks?
because its really funny



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You have an idea of what the answer is already, but… but you just can’t help yourself! Does… do they have any clocks?

The shopkeep stares you down with her bulging eyes until it gets awkward. “Well… yes and no…”

Confusion brought on by both you and the saleswoman clouds TT’s eyes! “But… but there’s clocks…”

“Oh, these old things?” Asks Karsten as she glances around the store, “‘Fraid they’re all spoken for–just waiting on the clients to pick ‘em up!”

The unexpected answer gobsmacks you just as it does your fuzzy friend! S-so if you wanted a clock-

The Mox turns a few pages in a ledger in front of her. “Earliest oughta’ be in a month or so–maybe longer depending how this Chairman situation hashes out. Dreadful stuff, really–hope they catch whatever did him in!”

Errr, one sect, you interject as you try to follow Karsten’s hand along the ledger, could… does she mind turning the page with her OTHER hand?

“Hm? That’s an odd request!” Remarks the shopkeep as you shoot TT a wink and get a withering stare for your troubles! “My late husband loved my claws, you know–always told me they were his third favorite part of me!”

Placing both claws on the desk, the clockseller gives you an appraising look as you try to determine if she has one or two from sound alone! “Anywho, was there anything else I could assist you with? Terribly sorry about the clocks…”

Exchanging a nod with TT, you stare the Mox dead in the eye (a simple task) and relay the password: your grandfather’s clock needs a new gear: Tallerite with five notches.

Upon uttering those words, Karsten’s bubbly demeanor drains from her expression, posture, everything! “You’re late,” she mutters, “The note?”

Oh, uh… r-right, you stammer, not expecting to get this far in, well, whatever’s happening! Fishing the note you pilfered in THE RAGS DISTRICT from your pocket, you hand it over and prepare to bolt as the Mox looks it over!

An uncomfortably long moment passes before she hands it back. “Someone was pretending to be you earlier… knew the password, but no note.” A grim smile spreads across her stoney face. “Taken care of.”

Oh uh… th-thanks? Rather than responding, Karsten glances down at your special Spinner. “She’ll have to wait up here. You understand.”

You open your mouth to protest, but TT beats you to the punch with a shrug and a smile! “Can’t be helped! I’ll stand guard up here–don’t delay, now!”

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A click behind the counter heralds a change in the shop… something large, heavy, and ticking shifts on the Mox’s left–the floor groaning and grinding from the clock’s massive weight! Glancing where it used to be, your nostrils are assailed with the thick scent of dirt and mold… and something you can’t quite place.

“In ya’ go.” Karsten grunts as she trains her eyes on the devious Durher, “No more dilly-dallying.”

Turning to speak to TT, you’re convinced otherwise by a silent, but vigorous shake of her head! No turning back now…

You take one last breath of fresh air before descending into the low passage, and no sooner do you enter do you hear the colossal clock returning to its resting place with a low groan!

It’s dark down here… and you’re alone. With nothing else keeping you, you proceed down the tunnel towards whatever awaits…

You probably make it about twenty steps down the tunnel when you feel something sharp at your throat… and warm breath tickling your ear!

“Forgot your hood again, have you?”

What do!?
>Take him out!
>Stay silent!
>Shake your head!
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>Rezzie just eats ice off the ground
Adorable, in a feral weirdo kind of way.

No idea what post you're referencing there QM, hahaha...

Didn't know we were supposed to wear one! Did we miss that instruction? We were so focused on remembering that darn pass-phrase...
>Shake your head!


Last update of the night, Dark Dorks! Feel like I might be getting sick, but we'll see... m-maybe if you CLAP! If you clap REALLY HARD I'll be cured!

>Adorable in a feral weirdo kind of way
Yea she's a freaky little thing
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Only the cutest claps for our ailing QM. Feel better soon!
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You’re out of your depth here, that’s for damn sure. Hell, you’re so out of your depth you’re above the surface! You’re in orbit! What the heck did you get yourself into!?

Riddled with growing anxiety and sweating like a pig in a pressure cooker, you respond to the mysterious knife-owner with a shaky, but polite ‘sorry’!

Your reward is a knife through the gullet.

Nah, just kidding! Retracting the blade with a quiet, and dare you say familiar low chuckle, your greeter plops a CLOTH HOOD over your head that smells like the lovechild of garlic and a pig farm! Grody!

“There you are… may as well look the part if you’re going to speak to THE MASTER.”

A faint tremor rocks the tunnel as the name sinks into your brain meat. Err, y-yippee?

“That’s a good attitude!” Laughs your new pal as he guides you down the tunnel, “I’d do it myself, but, well…” Mr. Knife Guy groans as you feel a stump brush against your back. “Ran into a little trouble today, I’m afraid.”

You weren’t sure how many hairs you had on your neck, but at that moment you count each and every one of them standing on-end! T-trouble?

A sigh. “A tale for another time, perhaps. Fret not–it’ll be dealt with in time.” Continuing down the passageway, you hear the faint drone of several voices chanting up ahead…

“Tread carefully,” Adds One-Hand as he ushers you into a wider chamber, the chanting now echoing from the walls, “I have a feeling there will be lots of bad news delivered today… and you know how The Master gets.”

T-totally, you nod with a gulp! Wading through a moat of warm liquid you can’t place through smell or hearing alone, you pass through a circle of chanters–each one of them either sitting or kneeling around the center of the room!

Helping you into a kneeling position, your new friend gives you a reassuring pat on the back! “Worry not, brother–I’ll be watching over you while you commune. If you have any other questions, now’s the time to ask one!”

CRUD! One?! O-okay, well-
>P-Pop Quiz! Who’s The Master, again?
>How’d he lose his hand? Gimme the short version!
>What am I doing again?
>Any last-minute tips?
>C-can he take over for you?
>Why a CLOCK shop?
>Nah, let’s do this!

Now THAT'S more like it! Thanks, anon!
Guh, brain damage, missed the "one" part.
>Any last minute tips?
Warm liquid? Oh no, it's SWOOS!
haha, but can you imagine?

>Any last-minute tips?
The first one's the best question, but the worst one to ask out loud. Maybe...
>And can you help me to better connect by The Master by reciting a hymnal to his greatness?
Could tip us off...
>missed the "one" part.
Me too...

I'll prioritize my write-in, if other anons like it.
>Any last-minute tips?
And perhaps...
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Well since he’s offering, you mutter, wrestling with how you could possibly ask him what the hell you’re supposed to do without outright asking, any um… tips? For this? Bud?

“Stick with the facts:” Replies your new pal in a confident tone! “The Bellcounters are in disarray–plenty of suspects, but no hard evidence. No magical tampering, no sign of poisoning… it bumps our plans up a bit, but we aren’t compromised!”

Trying to wrap your brain around everything you’re learning over the span of the last few minutes, you blink as another unsettling realization hits you: wait, he was there, right? So why are YOU relaying the info!?

You feel the hastily-wrapped stump smack the back of your head! “Because this still hurts, that’s why! And why would you refuse the honor of speaking to our Lord? Frankly I’m doing you a favor!”

Gee, thanks, you frown. Hey uh… can he recite a quick erm, hymnal to his greatness? Before you talk to him, that is?

You’re answered by a pause. A long one. Followed by a guffaw and a slap on the back!

“Hymnals? Brother, are you feeling alright?” Masking your confusion with a laugh, you breathe a sigh of relief as Mr. One-Hand takes it as a joke! “The Master awaits the report, Brother… Let us all work to hasten the completion of his work.”

An unseen force slowly wraps around your head like tin foil as the room’s chanting grows louder!


Before you can process what the hell the cultists are talking about, you feel your head YANKED like an unruly dog on a leash across an incalculable distance! Hurtling along in your astral jaunt like a meteor, your consciousness skids to a halt in a dark expanse.. But even without sight you can sense others…

And one central presence dwarfs them all!


You barely have time to acclimate to your new locale before a cruel, rumbling voice rings out across the ether–the sheer commanding tone compelling you to listen!

At last… I trust there is a reason for your late arrival?

Opening your mouth to respond, you’re cut off by an incorporeal hand covering your mouth!

No matter… Time is a luxury we cannot afford to waste any more of.” Feeling his influence shift away from your body, you catch your breath as another presence speaks up–her voice shaky, but determined!

“L-LORD LARIOUS--if it pleases you, I would be honored to impart what I’ve learned-”

Speak.” Snarls Larious–his features bare save for pure, overwhelming presence, “What tidings do you bring us?

Clearing her incorporeal throat, the cultist relays her intel:
>Regarding the Southern Seas…
>About Khodra and the Skogs to the West…
>I bring word of Umberal to the North…
>I come bearing information on the Eastern Wilds…
>News from the wilderness, my Lord… and our summoning efforts…
>I bring word of Umberal to the North
TeeTee is Umberal, no?
>I bring word of Umberal to the North…
>About Khodra and the Skogs to the West…
Volka could use some focus, I think.
>>News from the wilderness, my Lord… and our summoning efforts…
guys, this is the only one we actually know anything about. i just hope its the same cult.
Anon, this is for what the girl is saying, not us.
thank you, im retarded
i will stay out of this one
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Here's the deal, Dark Dorks: feel like I'm coming down with a cold and it's draining the hell outta me, but I also will be staying late tomorrow at work, so I wouldn't expect an update until late Thurs or later on Friday. Will keep you updated, but wanted to give everyone a heads up on why shit's gonna take so long. Apologies for the inconvenience and hope to see you then! Here's a stupid Rezzie drawing to make up for it!
A rare Tegaki Rezzie? Fair trade. Feel better soon!
Get well soon, Bones-sama.
May your life be blessed with cute catgirls and evil fucked up demons.
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“W-word from Umberal and our operations to the North…” Stammers your stuttering counterpart from across… well, wherever the hell you are! “A-as you expected, ARCHMAGE TRIER and his Conclave are proceeding with an arrangement brokered with THE SPICE CARTEL-Trier is purchasing people-”

I demand UPDATES, not SUMMARIES!” Snarls Larious as his booming voice shakes the mental meetup! “You planted our operatives in the Cartel, did you not? What have they discovered? Does Trier intend to break the pact!?

“W-we have r-reason to believe he does, milord…” Sputters the cultist as you feel your ‘lord’s influence close in around her! “B-but our agents needed to reaffirm their cover identities-”

A crack of magical energy rips across the expanse like divine thunder and lightning! “TO WHAT END!?

“Th-th-there w-was an a-a-altercati-”

Collect your tongue, worm, and do so with haste,” Larious interjects in a worryingly calm manner, “Or I shall extract your knowledge another way…

“ALTERCATION!” She sobs! “Th-there was an altercation in Gold Town–the Cartel is conducting a full investigation of its personnel! They were attacke-”

The sobbing subordinate’s story is cut short by a sound akin to a watermelon being crushed echoing across the ether! Feeling your teeth rattle even afterwards, your heart skips a few beats when you realize the cultist has gone dead silent!

Feeling your heart nearly leap from your chest, you breathe a quiet sigh of relief when you realize someone across the way was being addressed!

“Y-yes, milord!” Mutters another cultist–his voice gravelly, but still quivering!
>Regarding the Southern Seas…
>About Khodra and the Skogs to the West…
>I come bearing information on the Eastern Wilds…
>News from the wilderness, my Lord… and our summoning efforts…


Thank you, anons--got my coffee, had a good breakfast, and I'm all medded out!
>News from the wilderness, my Lord… and our summoning effort
That's us, roight? Man, I have no idea of how we'll escape.
>News from the wilderness, my Lord… and our summoning efforts…
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“W-we’ve looked deeper into what occurred at the RITUAL SITE, m’lord,” Begins the cultist, still clearly shaken by said lord’s treatment of the last person who shared, “And we believe we discovered what occurred-”

Then speak,” Growls Larious, his mood no cheerier than it was last post, “The summoning and binding instructions were clear–the demon should be bound to US.

“Y-yes, well,” Replies the cultist in a wavering tone, “Upon further inspection, it w-would appear the ritual was… well, performed incorrectly...”

The abyss rumbles with Larious’ growing anger! “FOOLS! Were they still alive to receive their punishment-”

“Th-there’s more, Lord Larious…” Interjects the reporter with growing unease, “W-we believe something else may have been summoned…”

The ether grows deathly quiet! “... Something… ELSE?

“B-boot prints and blood smears at the ritual site suggest it, yes… bipedal, and intelligent enough to don clothing.”

The air grows thick with the stench of ozone as you feel another spell coming on, prompting the cultist to blubber into action!

“B-b-but the n-next ritual will go according to pl-plan!” He cries, prompting the spell to die mid-cast! “Even with Crossroads sealed off, we’ve all but collected the required components!”

See that it does!” Larious roars as the air grows thick with magic once again! “And do so with double the caution… I don’t need to tell you what will happen if THIS ritual fails…

The cultist’s tone relaxes a bit! “W-worry not, sir! HJALL’DAH’S PLUNGE is under close watch by our men and the assassins so graciously provided by you-”

The same assassins so easily dispatched on the way to Crossroads?” Rumbles the big cheese, “They were to collect the devil if it escaped–how did the legendary SHADOW ASSASSINS fail?”

An uncomfortable pause falls over the ether. “Th-the ‘SHADOW ASSASSINS’? I, um… I thought you told me to hire ‘THE ASSASSINS OF SHADOW’, milo-”

Another rendition of ‘Burst Melon in G Minor’ splashes across the meeting place! M-maybe that’s just the sound it makes when you log off?

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FLOUNDERERS AND FOOLS! I specifically requested ‘THE SHADOW ASSASSINS’!” If there are any other cultists in the meeting with you, they’re being REALLY quiet! “DECADES of scheming! Ages of building influence! Mountains of bells! All undone overnight by a botched summoning ritual and an extradimensional insurgent we know NOTHING ABOUT!

“Sh-should we assume they are to blame for the developments in Crossroads, milord?” Asks a meetinggoer on the far side of the void, prompting a hush to settle in!

Disrupting our Cartel spies… Chairman Fellick’s sudden demise… the disappearance of our summoned devil…

“A-and the levying of the Skog hordes!” Cries one of the cultists!
“Th-the talk of Sysska the Devourer waking from her slumber!” Adds another!
“The South has been pretty quiet, actually…”

All part of this interdimensional interloper’s plans, no doubt…” Snarls Lord Larious with a nod in his voice! “We’ve worked too hard and sacrificed too much to deny THE BURROWER’S grand arrival… it would seem this summoned saboteur is far more sophisticated than we had predicted…

A wave of energy sweeps across the meeting void! “Find them and bring them to me… they shall make a fine sacrifice for the one true god! But be vigilant… if they can elude THE FOUR LORDS, they must be most formidable in both mind AND might indeed…

You’re just about to say your goodbyes when you feel the MASSIVE weight of Lord Larious’ influence fall upon you!

One matter remains: Chairman Fellick. What have you learned? Who killed him? Does anyone suspect us? SPEAK!

Collecting your thoughts into a little pile in your head, you answer with:
>The truth! You have no clue, and neither do the Bellcounters!
>The lie and threat! The Bellcounters have a few ideas… and they suspect us!
>The lie! The Bellcounters have an idea… (Umberal? Khodra and the Skogs? Sysska? The thing to the South? Other?)
>Deflect! About this otherworldly ‘oopsie’...
>Stay silent! He’ll think you disconnected!
>Actually try to log off! H-hurry!
>We have not yet found the killer, but it's an inevitability. Unfortunately, thanks to SOMEONE who left a hand behind at the scene during investigations, they may soon come to suspect US.
>The truth! You have no clue, and neither do the Bellcounters
BUT to save our head from going kaboom, remember to say that we only don't know because someone attacked our uh...operative when he was checking the crime scene.

Still, damn, that's a lot. I guess they're not to blame after all...
Why would we say that we suspect them? Do you wanna get exploded??
No, I want to get the operator exploded.
We'd probably get caught in the crossfire.

Haha, get melon'd, nerd!

Gonna write this up tomorrow--still feeling under the weather. Apologies for the slow response, all--been up and down all day and appreciate the patience!
Whoops, apologies for my Dumbassery, gang--just woke up all Dayquil'd out and realized this might need a ROLL

>Roll me 1d100 (+5 THE TRUTH, KINDA!, +2 Illusionist Initiate, +2 Good Write-In! -7 Lord Larious, -2 Kinda Spooked) to convince this kook! Best of 3!
Rolled 9 (1d100)

A roll? Do you WANT us to explode?
Rolled 47 (1d100)

Watch and learn.
So...anyone gonna bite the bullet?
Rolled 80 (1d100)

here i come!
Savior! Anton is EXPLOSION-FREE...for now...
Came in clutch! Welp, can't argue with that, can I? Writing!

Don't worry, anon--there's always time for more explosions... heh heh HEH
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Feeling the proverbial ‘gun’ against your head, your mind races to collect the perfect amount of details you’d be willing to share… too much, too little–play your cards wrong and they’ll be mopping your noggin off the ceiling! ‘Stick to the facts’, your new pal said! Easy for him to say! He threw your ass under the bus!

The storm brewing in your skull calms a bit as that last thought repeats a few more times… he threw you under the bus…!

W-we haven’t found any clues, you stammer as your voice slowly regains confidence, but it’s only a matter of time!

So certain, are you?” Answers your ‘lord’ with a wry grin in his tone! Yea, you nod, you want to get to the bottom of this, if nothing else!

As do I,” Larious booms with approval, “It’s unfortunate the pleasure of ending Fellick was taken from us, but his death changes nothing in our plans… it merely accelerates them.

The vaguely friendly tone in Lord Larious’ disembodied voice leaves as quickly as it arrived, leaving behind a cold, sinister voice in its wake! “Let us return to the matter at hand: are we suspected?

Like drawing the winning card from a deck, you can’t help but grin at the question! Not yet, you begin, bu-

The aether rumbles with arcane fury as you feel Larious’ influence press on you like a panini grill! “YET!?

W-well, you stammer, holding firm despite the ethereal pressure building around you, SOMEone got careless at the scene of the crime and gave the Bellcounters a hand! Literally!

The force gripping your body turns into a vise-grip as you feel yourself lock into place! “Speak plainly, fool! Are we compromised!?

Seeing your chance, you grab the ‘ball’ and run with it! Your colleague, you mutter, teeth clenched due to the building pressure, th-they were attacked! And left a hand at the scene! They even made you do the report to avo-

Before you can finish, you feel another force yanking you out of the ether and back to cold, hard reality! Tumbling onto your back, you’re immediately pinned by your fellow cultist!

“FOOL!” He snarls, the friendly tilt to his tone gone forever, “Do you have any idea wha-”

You don’t actually. Before he can finish, the cultist flies over to where you were just kneeling as the rest of the cultists continue to chant around you! Blubbering incoherently, the cultist probably gets three or four words in before the chamber is SHOWERED in warm, foul-smelling viscera–the conversation ending with a definitive ‘SPLUT’!

Collecting your grip on reality as quickly as you can, you hear the chanting falter a bit–is… are they ending the meeting!?

What do?
>Hop back in! You wanna hear more!
>Get outta there!
>Stealth-Kill these Cultist Freaks!
>Rummage around the chamber while they’re still distracted!
>Stay silent! They’ll think you dipped!
>Call for your pals!
>Get outta there
It's time to
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Wiping what you hope was the Zoral equivalent of a bowl of chili Mr. One-Hand had in his lap off your face, you take one last look around the gloom and come to the conclusion that you’ve probably worn out your welcome.

Time to make like an exorcist… and get the HELL outta here!

Taking a big step over the moat of fluid surrounding the ritual site (warm juice, you hope!), you pocket the CULT HOOD as you work your way back up the tunnel!

Well, that’s the plan, at any rate. Before you can get too far, however, you’re stopped dead in your tracks by a loud ‘HEY YOU!’ from behind you!

What do!?
>Ask what’s up!
>Stay silent! They’ll think you disappeared!
Hooo boy here we go
>Roll me 1d100+2 (+2 Illusionist Initiate, +2 Already Halfway Out, -2 Dark) to work your magic! Best of 3!
Rolled 81 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Rolled 23 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Rolled 42 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

>Don't worry, anon--there's always time for more explosions... heh heh HEH
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You’re still skidding to a halt when you burst into action! HE’S GETTING AWAY! you roar, the sudden warning reverberating across the secret meeting place! SEIZE HIM!

For a moment, all goes quiet–w-was ‘seize him’ too much? You thought they were gonna love that!

“Who’s, uh, who’s getting away?” Inquiries the voice that accosted you a moment before! Oh, you know, h-him-

“Look, if you’re headed upstairs could you bring some rags and some Vip Leaf Oil down on the way back?” Asks the cultist, his voice MUCH less-threatening when he ain’t yelling! “If we don’t clean Arguro up he’ll, uh… it’ll start to smell.”

A beat.

“Secret cavern hideouts, y’know? The Burrower Wakes!”

Oh yea, totally! That Burrower’s gonna wake, dude! Responding with a wink, you continue up the tunnel until you reach the bottom of the clock… oh no, you realize as you frantically knock on the bottom, y-YOU’RE TRAPPED!

At least, you think you are. A muffled, and slightly bored voice on the other side heralds the clock’s migration to the side, bringing you face to face, or rather eye to eye with a very worried, but very happy Spinner!

“Y-you’re back!”

“That was fast.” Remarks the shopkeep as you clamber out of the secret passage! “You can take her and go, by the way–if I catch her pawing the merch one more time she’s gonna become a pair of fuzzy slippers.”

Hastily ushering TT towards the exit, you pause mid-escape and turn back towards Karsten! They uh, they could use some rags an-

“-and Vip Leaf Oil, course they do…” Groans the Mox as she ducks beneath the counter! “The oil doesn’t grow on shrooms, y’know! Well it does, but you get the picture…”

Well you’re not blown up yet, but that could always change! With fuzzy friend in tow, you decide to…
>Ask Karsten something!
>Head somewhere else!
>Talk to your pals outside!
>Gather the troops and take these cultists DOWN!
>Try and snag a CLOCK!
>Head somewhere else!
>Talk to your pals outside!
We need to tell them what we learned, but also GTFO before we're found out! Walk and talk!
I support this so we can ask Rezzie if she knows what a burrower is

Then we call the paladins to go full airstrike on this cultist hideout I guess
You need a few more kills to get the airstrike, sorry
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Why, work them DRUMSTICKS, of course! Nearly toppling over the conveniently-placed rope barricade guiding the customer to and from the counter to the exit, you send a hasty ‘later’ over to the shopkeep before practically TACKLING the door open!

“Woah, woah, WOAH, slow down!” Stammers TT as she struggles to keep up behind you! “Got tiny legs over here!”


You find Volka and Rezalith more or less where you left them, but not necessarily how you left them! The Skog glances your way like a husky in the snow–her big yellow eyes wide and her mouth spread into a wide smile upon your approach!

Rezzie, well… Volka, what’cha doin’ there, bud?

“Oh, um…” She stammers as you realize she’s kneeling, “R-Rezzie thought something was calling her out, so I had to uh… help her cool down…”

You shift your attention from Volka’s sheepish grin to the sound of hissing frost and muffled growling below her! Doesn’t she mean someone?

Your answer comes swift and hard as Rezzie’s perpetually-irate mug bursts free of the thin layer of snow like a shark breaching the ocean surface!


Her foe indeed does say it again–following her eyes skyward, you frown a bit as a pack of screeching creatures fly by overhead completely disregarding the devil’s threats. Hey, relax-


RELAX! Stomping over to the harangued hellion, you tap Volka and motion to let her go–you’ve gotta move! Remembering what worked last time, you don’t wait for the hellspawn to get up before you leave, prompting her to scamper after you!

“Big galoot,” She huffs, sending one last glare in the Skog’s direction before turning towards you, “You’re still alive. Shocking.”

“No trouble this time, ey?” Asks Volka as she stoops lower to hear all the deets! “Whatja’ find down there, hmm?”

“Yea!” Adds Tzah-Tzie as she cozies up at your side with intrigue in her eyes! “You can’t just disappear down a SECRET PASSAGE and not fill me in, Ant…”

You’re happy to share, you reply as you warily scan your surroundings, but we should probably find a safer place first…

A dash of worry taints Tzah-Tzie’s toothy smile! “Are… we in trouble?”

“Could always go to Ma’s! Or dad’s shop!” Suggests the Skog as her hand rests on her blade’s hilt! “There’s the pond too, but…”

“What are you so SCARED about?” Scoffs the devil with an expertly-executed eyeroll! “... and why do you SMELL so good?” To your shock and the other girl’s horror, Rezalith dips in and licks some of the cultist residue off your cheek–her forked tongue hot to the touch! W-WHAT THE HELL!?

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“HEY!” Snarls TT while Volka nearly trips over her own tail, “You can’t-”

“Can’t what? Sample some of the stuff stuck to his stupid face?” Asks Rezalith with mock shock! “Why are you leaving bone and blood on your gob anyways?” Aaand her expression’s back to derisive! “Probably wanted me to lick it off… Pervert.

Sh-she WISHES, you sputter! Look, is that pond private, or-

“No…” Volka replies, still recovering from the spectacle that just unfurled, “B-but there ARE group and private bathhouses in the Bell District-”

“Hear that? BATHS!” Snickers Rezzie as she steals a disapproving glance your way! “Betcha’d like that, wouldn’t you, you drooling degenerate, you!”

After having Volka pin her down in the snow for a few more minutes, you decide to…
>Just talk here, screw it!
>Head to The Battle’s End Tavern! Ma can keep an eye on you!
>Go to Volkir’s Potion Shop! He might know a thing or two!
>To the Pond! Who’d go there on a cold day?
>To the Baths! B-but not because of what Rezzie said!
>To the Baths! B-but not because of what Rezzie said!
Bath Time! We can finally wash the stinky cat!
>>To the Baths! B-but not because of what Rezzie said!
>To the Baths! B-but not because of what Rezzie said!
Gotta clean off the bits of dead guy.
Fuckin' finally, amirite
>not just letting Rezzie do that for you
You gotta start learning how to save money, anon! Gotta think outside the box, y'know?
>You gotta start learning how to save money, anon! Gotta think outside the box, y'know?
I'm 85% sure if we let Rezzie 'clean' us, she'd probably just peel our skin off while going
"What? Can't have dirty skin if you don't have skin. Dummy. Idiot."
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I just had to do it
Truth be told I almost took a swing at this myself, but thank god I have you guys to always do a better job of it! I love it, anon! Made me spit some Mr. Pibb onto my mousepad!

I mean... she ain't wrong. As USUAL
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“You can’t cover my eyes forever, y’know!” Yowls the devious devil from beneath Volka’s massive mitts! “I know where we’re going! You sit upon a throne of LIIIIESSS!

“She’s… she’s not wrong, Rook,” Groans Volka as you pass through a district ripe with passerby and a pleasant floral scent in the air! “She’s getting really bitey…”

Well if she’s so sure of where you’re going then she knows she doesn’t have to come along, you growl! She can pay for herself!

“Ha! ‘PAY!’ That’s rich!”

Well you’re definitely not gonna tell her what you learned in the clock shop, then… she probably couldn’t understand it anyways! Your gamble pays off as Rezalith responds with an angry huff!

“Pfft! You really think that works, huh…”

Yep, you nod, you think so!

“Well familiarity breeds contempt, y’know!” Rezzie spits! “And I’m thinkin’ we’re starting to get REAL familiar!” A much-needed hush falls over your group. For a moment. “Just keep your paws to yourself in the baths… I don’t wanna catch the ‘MORON’ while I’m enjoying what passes for a luxury bath around here…”


“The regular baths are just as good, y’know!” Chirps TT with an uneasy laugh! “They don’t tell you this, but the only difference between ‘em is the price tag, really!”

Volka cocks her head to the side. “‘Zat right? I only went once for my birthday… Ma took me. Can’t recall what quality it was, but it was fun!” Her tail swishes, nearly bowling over a family of Durhers passing by! “Can’t go wrong with the pond though! The mud’s great for your scales, y’know!”

Duly noted! You hear the bathhouse long before you see it, not that that’s a big achievement around here. Though not as crowded as the Belltower was, you’re a bit rattled to find there’s a line leading into the establishment –the queue bordered by a pair of thick vines smelling of honey, orchids, and… something fruity?

“Hiya~I’m Muutsu! Welcome to PEDRHA’S PLUNGE! How many today?”

The sudden question rocks you from your aromatic reverie and shocks you back into the present! Oh, uh… four!

“Four for what, hmmmm?” Snickers Rezzie, still pressed against Volka’s body!

Hmm… make it three-

A muffled sputter breaks free of the Skog’s arms! “N-NEVER MIND!”

Yea, four it is!
“Splendid, sir!” Smiles what you assume is one of the bath attendants as she taps away at a tablet in her hands! “A group bath, I presume? Here at Pedrha’s Plunge we boast a wide array of relaxation packages–is this your first time?”

You uh… you’ve been to a Swoos Loun-

“First time, mhm!” Interjects TT with a friendly nod! “What are our options, hmm? Oh, and we get a first-timer discount, riiiight?”

Damn it, TT!

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The attendant responds with a polite laugh! “Well how can I say no to that?” Leaning a little closer, the bathworker gives your group a mischievous wink! “Employee Discount? Just between us girls, hmm?

That’ll do just fine, you reply as you give TT’s ears an appreciative scritch! So what are the options anyways?

“Well for four bathers…” She begins with a few more taps on her tablet…

“We start with the BASIC package: That’s a group bath, light snacks and drinks, followed by half an hour in our dry-off lounge! You can leave earlier, of course, but most folks find it real comfy! With discount that comes out to 100 BELLS!

“Next is our SUPER package: Group bath with our signature MEDICINAL WATER guaranteed to eliminate even the most persistent and pains! Snacks and drinks, too! After that you’re all treated to a private massage of your choice: Molegg, Gnok, or Mzz’goe’virr!”

She winks. “I’m a fan of the Mzz’goe’virr myself, but customer is king here! Or queen!” Blinking in confusion, an apologetic giggle escapes the attendant’s lips! “Oh, but you’ll also get an hour in our dry-off lounge… and a complimentary bag of our signature BATH BOMBS to boot! 200 BELLS for the whole team!”

“Last but not least,” She concludes, taking a deep breath before finishing her spiel, “Is the ROYAL package! Group bath in the VIP SILK BATHS! An enchanted cocktail of water and infusions hand-crafted by only the finest alchemists that’ll leave you glowing and healthy for DAYS!

A massage of your choice followed by a MOLEGG STEAM BATH, and finally a private drying suite with a meal, bath bombs, silken robes sourced from the Western Wilds, and you get to spend the night in beds so comfy, you’d think you were dreaming! 400 BELLS, but it’s a steal!”

Taking a steadying breath, the attendant cocks her head to the side! “So! What’ll it be?”

>Erm, lemme speak with my colleagues…
>Can we check out the premises first?
>Never mind…
>Can we check out the premises first?
We got like 994 bells so I feel like I'm leaning towards !SUPER! myself. But I do want to check the place out before making any decisions.
Ask the girls if they wanna split the bill on a Royal! It seems like it would be nice...we deserve it after getting covered in viscera.
Super isn't bad, but I was hoping maybe the VIP Lounge would let Anton and TT get an opportunity to be more "lovey dovey" since we definitely can't do it in front of Volka and Rezzie.
That'd be funny but somehow, I feel like Rezzie would immediately pick up on us doing the shameful act and hound us for five moons over it.
I mean literally lovey dovey. Just doing couple stuff. For that we have the comfy beds to use later, plus these kinds of places would probably have some complimentary 'anklebiters'.
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>only five moons
Moron and dummy-pilled
Okay, yeah, I'm fine with smooching the cat goblin thing in privacy.
Her smugness...!
It's too strong...!
I can feel it radiating through the screen...!
>Okay, yeah, I'm fine with smooching the cat goblin thing in privacy
So then we should spring for the Royal Package! Preferably by having the other two hash in. They've got some bells of their own, right? I think it's fair for them to help pay too...let's ask em!
Not to metagame, but TT was reluctant to spend her shit in the past. Volka might! Good luck with Rezzie (if she even understands the concept of currency)
Mmh, wouldn't be opposed to that. I'll add that to my vote >>6201829 over here, sure.
Well, we can narrow it down to Volka then. Ask her something like "hey mind spotting us like 40 bells, I'll pay the rest" and we can get the super duper comfy one.
Oh, don't get me wrong--you can definitely try! Lord knows you guys have a little more sway over the miserly musician nowadays
I'm sure she'll change her mind once she realizes the possibilities of getting some luxury time with her dear hero boy.
>TT pays up out of pity for being 'quick'
Yasashiku shite atai, neko ̄-chan…

Anywho, I think
>Check out the premises first
>Ask the others about splitting the bill while checking.
Sounds like a good mix. That's my vote.
That was just an unlucky roll! Next time we'll be prepared.
I'd go basic, but maybe this can help offset our recent debuff.

Looks like the splittening wins it! Writing!
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Finding yourself once again in mental freefall (a sensation not wholly unfamiliar to you), you politely ask Muutsu if you’d be able to do a little tour of the joint before deciding! Y’know, to get a better idea?

The attendant stares you down like a father with the unenviable task of convincing his young daughter that no, she can’t make a living planning weddings for alligators. “Erm… w-well unfortunately that goes against our privacy policy, sir…” She mutters as a forced giggle escapes her lips! “Oh, um… but if it’s really, truly, TERRIBLY not to your liking, we can try to issue a refund?” The poor girl nibbles on her claw… or nails… or whatever the hell Gnoks have! “B-but you’d have to invest in at LEAST a SUPER package for that…”

“Pfft, what’s there ta’ think about?” Scoffs Rezzie as she wriggles free of Volka’s abs! “If we hate it we’ll just torch the place. Customer’s always right!”

“I’m… not sure that’s what that means…” Mutters the Skog with an apologetic laugh!

“Well I’m a customer and I’m always right, so-”

Would you excuse us for a sec, you ask with one of those CHARMING smiles of yours! You just wanna confer with the ladies for a moment, if that’s alright!

“Certainly!” Smiles the hostess! “I’ll loop around in a jiff!”

Watching Muutsu depart, you shift your gaze over to the ladies in question. So uh, you begin, how do people feel about splitting?

“Sounds good to me!” Rezzie replies with a grin! “Been a while since I split someone in half–used to be able to do it with one claw–don’t ask me how-”

“W-we’re not gonna split her in half, are we!?” Exclaims Volka as she recoils from you in abject horror! “R-Rook, we’re Lamplighters-”

No, you me-

TT steals a concerned glance your way! “I’m all for skipping the bill, Ant, but that’s a little excessive…”

Oh my GOD, you groan, you mean split the BILL! The BELLS! SHARE THE PAYMENT!

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Earning a trio of ‘Ooooooh’s for your efforts, the devil’s the first one to respond to your suggestion!

“In that case, HELLS no! My presence is a gift that keeps on giving!”

A gift you’re thinking of returning, you mutter under your breath! Anyone else? Picking at some kind of bellpurse that must be smaller than one of her fingers, Volka gives you a reassuring smile! “I was saving some bells for a rainy day, but this could be a treat, yea!”

Is she sure? If she’s planning on saving-

“Nope! No, this sounds fun!” She nods! “And if we’re looking for a private place to talk, well…” The Skog ends the sentence with a shrug. Well shoot, you smile, thanks, Volka! TT?

The Durher shrinks a bit in response! “Oh shoot, it’s the darndest thing–I totally left my purse at…” The girl gets about halfway through the response before something in your gaze changes her tune… “... y-yea, I can probably spare a little!”

Thanks, TT, you reply in a quiet tone, in that case we can almost all go in evenly on any one we want… turning your attention towards Rezzie, you feel a little MISCHIEF coming on! And hey, you add with just a pinch of a patronizing tone, it’s fine… you’ll be happy to treat her since she can’t manage to pay for herself!

“... Do you think that crap’s gonna work? Seriously?” She asks in a low, growling voice! Well-

“HELLS, FINE! KEEP THE CHANGE!” Chucking a PURSE at your face, the demon turns and pouts as you count the contents… 100!?! where’d she grab this!?

“From THE BANK OF DEAD GUY I ATE, DUH!” She hisses! “Tch… this bath’d better be good… or I’ll turn it into a BLOODBATH!”

It takes you a moment to realize the bath attendant has returned, and another moment to realize she totally heard Rezzie’s little quip. Erm-

“So!” Muutsu chirps, “W-what’ll it be?”
>Never mind…
What kind of FOOL would reject the chance for a luxury bath with three cute girls???
Well shit, don't know what I expected... anywho, WRITING
Technically you could probably smooch her whenever you want, but...
Rezzie is evil, anon. A true beastie through and through
>. A true beastie through and through
A cute beastie, and third best waifu (Volka is 2nd and TT is 1st, of course)
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You’re a bit flabbergasted when you receive the question–you weren’t expecting everyone to chip in, especially TT! Well, you respond after clearing your throat, w-we’ll try out the royal-

Both Tzah-Tzie and Volka’s eyes nearly LEAP from their sockets!

In true Rezzie form, however, the devil is not nearly as floored. “Smart choice. If ya’ picked anything less they’d be fishing your pieces out of the bath.”

Hey, they pitched in, you reply as you hand over the required bells, why not splurge a little, right?

“Fantastic, sir!” Chirps the attendant as you feel a smooth, wooden token with a small bit of twine looped through it fall into your hand! “Keep these tokens wrapped around your wrists, ears, whatever’s convenient! The attendants inside will take good care of you!”

“Tch… they’d better!” Snickers the hellion! TT, however, is stealthily clinging to your leg, her fluffy tail swinging like a wrecking ball! Oh crap… That means she’s pissed, right!?

As the line slowly moves forward, you notice Volka shifting nervously from foot to foot! Everything okay?

“Oh! Yea, course it is!” She replies with a nervous chuckle! “Just… haven’t ever gotten used to fancy places like this…”

“Trust me, a lot of these ‘fancy places’ are just spit and sparkle.” Replies TT with a reassuring shrug! “You paid for it, Volkie! Live a little!”

“Yea… YEA!” The Skog nods with renewed pep in her smile! “Ooh, d’ya think they have a DIVING board?”

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way…” Answers the Durher stoically.

Before long the line splits into multiple paths–identified by your tokens, you and the ladies are led through a pleasant, fruity mist by another attendant–this one nowhere near as bubbly as Muutsu, but still amicable! Delving deeper into the bathhouse’s depths, you’re greeted with a pleasant humidity in the sweet-scented air as the sound of gurgling water rushes behind thick, wooden walls along with the gentle tinkle of wood windchimes hanging from the ceiling!

By the time you arrive at the dressing rooms, you’re already MAD relaxed!


Almost TOO relaxed! Y-yes, you babble, what’s up?

“Your dressing room’s this way, sir.” She explains, gesturing to the left while the girls file into a room on the right! “W-well, it’s more of an undressing room… we’ll deliver your belongings to your suite after your bath.”

Your words get stuck in your throat a few times on the way out! W-wait, so… people don’t, like… wear TOWELS in, or-

Something about your question elicits a soft giggle from the attendant! It’s not funny!

“No sir, you’ll need that to dry off…” She sends a questioning glance your way. “... but if you’re that worried we can-”

Nope! NOPE! You’re good, you sputter upon realizing what you signed yourself up for, REALLY good!

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The dressing room is silent save for the gentle bubbling of the baths ahead–a grassy mat keeps you from slipping, but the floor is already slick with condensation. A welcome reprieve from how chilly it is outside, you think as you get to work shedding your clothes.

Taking a moment to bask in the warm, misty air, you glance towards the baths and shiver… i-it’s just you and the gals, you think… wow…

As you push through the beaded curtains leading into the baths, you can already feel the BANG for your proverbial ‘BELLS’--simply walking into the mist hanging over the baths is enough to send energy through your skin–one that leaves you alert, but also relaxed?

The smell of flowers is almost overpowering inside—feeling something akin to lava rock at your feet, you carefully make your way over to the sound of rushing water… seems like you’re the first one in!

Drops of moisture caress your head from above as you lower yourself into the churning bath–the liquid inside more akin to some kind of fruit-flavored milk than water! As it laps against your dry, weary skin, you feel a sensation grip your body–one akin to being held close to someone you care about.

It’s… nice.
You never could have afforded this at home, you think as you slip deeper into the bath! Best you could do was the hot tub at-

”Just get IN already, Ant! Quit being such a dork!”
It was a cold night–a record-breaker, if you recall correctly, and you were alone-the two of you were, at least. You must have been a sight back then–shivering and covered in goose pimples. A tallboy of something alcoholic bumped your knobbled knee as it bobbed along the jacuzzi’s surface–the night quiet save for the distant blare of sirens and a few cars crunching through the ice-caked streets behind a weathered old backyard fence…

You’re just sensitive to heat changes, you stammered, trying and failing to hide how cold you were! Just gimme a sec!

A pair of hot, damp hands reached up and grabbed your shoulders–their owner giving you a disapproving smile from behind thick Aviators.

“What are you so afraid of, Ant?” She asked in that gruff, but gentle voice of hers.
What WERE you so afraid of?
>Small places
>The dark
I wanna answer the dark but that wouldnt really make sense given all we've done so far, so.. here's something "creative"
>Accidentally slipping and breaking your neck
It happens! It happens a lot more often than you think...
A very anton-like answer, +1!

Also, that aviator girl goggles again...it seems she was our girlfriend, a long time ago, if the pimples are any indication...but what happened? Did they break up? Did something happen to her? Boy, is it ever gonna be awkward if we go back to our world, TT in hand, Maybe even married given that totally-not-foreshadowing mention about songstone earrings checks and then we find out we got a girlfriend. How do you even explain that?
>Hey, love, I got sent to a fantasy world with amnesia and got married to one of the locals!
>And this, honey, is the girlfriend I had from my world I completely forgot about while courting and marrying you

What do you even do in that scenario??? Anton doesn't have enough charisma points to pass the harem check!
>What do you even do in that scenario
Die of awkwardness.
>The dark
Maximum irony. have to do it.

It MAY be worth warning TT about that. I think we sort of hinted at it when we bedded down, but now that we're getting more hints, we don't want to spring that on her.



To clarify: Aviators are also a type of sunglasses style! Goose pimples are a kind of slang for goosebumps when it gets chilly! Sorry for the confusion!

A very Anton-esque way to go, all things considered.
Antonesque sounds like the name of some obscure late 19th century-early 20th century style of architecture.
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You remember the frigid air stinging your bare chest as you mulled over the question… What WERE you afraid of? It took you until your cheeks started to go numb before you provided her with an answer:

Slipping and falling, you replied with resolve in your eyes, and breaking your NECK!

Staring up at you through her glasses, your hot tub partner’s steely demeanor cracked… you always liked when that happened. Still, though, you never meant it as a joke, so when she broke into laughter, you had to defend yourself!

It happens more than she thinks, you sputtered! I-It’s the leading cause of accidental death worldwide! Look it up!

“You’re… you’re such an old man…” The girl snickered between bouts of laughter! “And… and that’s not what I meant…”

Well what DID she mean, you asked, crossing your arms to warm yourself as a cold sigh left your mouth like a dragon’s breath!

And just like that, her laughter stopped. “Well,” She began, eyes burning into you from behind the shades, “That apartment’s still available… the one I linked you.”

The air grew colder. Oh, you replied, yea, well your money situati-

“Is tight. I know…” She answered, as if she’d read the script over and over, “We’ll take a hit, Ant, I get it, but-”

Look, you replied, donning the smile you saved for occasions like this, her roommate’s still there for a few months, right? You just don’t wanna rush into-

“She’s moving in a MONTH, Ant.” She replied, her stare far colder than the air around you could ever match. “Apartment’s being renovated after that.” Her expression softened as her eyes slowly searched yours. “I just…” She paused to steady herself with a swig from her drink. “If we keep waiting, we’ll…”

The can crunched in her hand as she shifted her gaze downwards. The cold was starting to sting.

How did you put her at ease, again?
>You don’t want to rush into things, that’s all!
>You’ll look into it tomorrow, okay? Promise!
>She can just live with you! Your apartment’s fine, kinda!
>A joke! You can just share a tent or something on the street!
>Stay silent.
>Stay silent.
She'll think you disappeared.
I think an image is starting to form. Anton had some serious girlfriend or fiancee and she wanted to take the next step - go live in their own apartment, meet her parents, that stuff. But Anton kept chickening out. Afraid of commitment? Afraid of fucking up? Regardless, she obviously wanted to "Advance" with him but he wouldn't do it.

Geez, that's real sad. I want to vote "I'll do it tomorrow" but I'm pretty sure that's a lie. I guess there's nothing to do but
>Stay Silent
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Walking through the events again, your heart, your brain, EVERYTHING screams, SHOUTS, POUNDS ON THE FLOOR for you to say something… ANYTHING! Don’t just…

Don’t just stay silent…

Silence isn’t much of an answer–a customer doesn’t tell you what they want? No food for them. Simple!

When you left her hanging in that hot tub on that frigid night, however, well… that was an answer to her.

“... I’ll call the landlord tomorrow for some more info,” She mutters, staring at her drink as if it’d give her some answers, “Just… get in here before you freeze, okay?”

The warm water did little to heat you up. Feeling a can nudge your side, you fished it out of the bubbling bath and cracked it open. Is… did she want this one, or-

“Go ahead, Ant,” She replied, her shades dripping with condensation, “It’s all yours.”

You forced yourself to smile as the bitter liquid hurried down your parched throat. Tha
nks, Liz.

Your answer comes in the form of a SLAP across the face! OW, you sputter, wha-what the HELL?!

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“Huh. Guess you ARE still alive.” Blinking the daze from your eyes, you find yourself cornered by a familiar pair of red, almost reptilian eyes! Oh, you groan, it’s her.

“Yep, REZALITH: SCOURGE OF CHAA’TAI,Nice ta’ meetcha…” Rezzie laconically answers as she flops back into the bath in front of you! “Call me ‘LIZ’ again and I’ll drown you in here, got it!?”

You open your mouth to respond, but the words don’t quite make it over the first hurdle! Wait a sec-

“What,” She interjects with a mischievous glint in her eye, “Looking for the others?” The devil leans to the side allowing you a glimpse of your other partners in crime–while TT floats like a lost sandal with a blissful look on her face, Volka splashes around like a kid at a waterpark! Yea, you nod, you were gonna have a pow-wow about-

“Yup yup yup,” The hellspawn groans with a roll of her eyes, “Word to the wise, AnTARD: don’t let your mind wander too much, hmm?” Before you can ask, her expression becomes unusually serious! “Idle minds are the Devil’s playground, y’know.”

It takes you a moment to understand, but when you do you’re quick to give the girl your thanks! Rezzie responds with a demure giggle and a toothy grin! “Well you DID treat your QUEEN to a truly decadent treat…”

You blink in confusion. S-she helped pay tho- your argument is deftly slain when the devil rises from the water–her normally short stature negated by her standing over you!

“Keep this in your puny little skull, slave,” She purrs as the water drips from her unseen body, “Obedience has its perks, y’know~” A pause. “Even… small... gestures.”

Slithering back into the bath like a serpent, you’re left in your quiet little corner to uh… ‘process’ what you just witnessed. You might need a moment…

Or five.

When that’s taken care of, though, you should…
>Get this meeting over with!
>Talk to TT alone!
>Speak to Volka alone!
>Flag down Rezzie again!
>Just kinda float for a bit…
>Talk to TT alone!
You know, see if she's up for some uh...*stuff* later on.
>Try desperately not to think about the three naked girls right beside you
>Get this meeting over with!

Business before pelasure, anon. Plus, that Liz revelation is a lot to process.
>Business before pelasure, anon. Plus, that Liz revelation is a lot to process.
In that case, shouldn't we be talking to her about it? Better now than when she sneaks into our bedroom for fun.
I think talking about past relationship wounds in private later is less awkward than doing so in a public bath. TT can't even hold it against us, because that' exactly how she sprang her marital status (and fugitive status) on us.
I guess, but the vote specifically says alone, and it feels like a waste not to do *anything* here. Plus she might not take the initiative, right? At the very least we should invite her to our room afterwards so we can talk and ask the hotel if they have anklebiters.
I'm unfamiliar with this term as anything but slang for children or small dogs, but I assume from context you mean prophylactics
TT refers to Anklebiters earlier in the thread when Anton asks if they have anything to avoid getting kids. It can be assumed that they're the equivalent to condoms, or maybe pills, i dunno. I just know we need them to not give TT a whole litter of kits.
Yea uh when she said anklebiters she was referring to kiddos, not contraceptives. Sorry for the confusion!
What do you mean? She says 'I don't have any right now' when she meant ways to prevent pregnancy. How would children prevent pregnancy?
>Talk to TT alone!
It's silly to expect her to go to our room if we want to talk about this girl in private.
Oh shoot! Probably forgot to put something different there--my bad! THEY'RE ANKLEBITERS NOW
Well, then let's ask the hotel if they have that before we go to our rooms. I really doubt a fancy bath house and hotel wouldn't have contraceptives/condoms in any world where they exist.
>Get this meeting over with!
Business before pleasure.
>Get this meeting over with!
Damnit, now we're in a tie.

What do you even mean business? You know we gotta actually Talk to TT if we want to do something later, yknow?
Can't speak for that anon, but I mean we can do waifu relationship and lewd stuff later, when we don't still have everyone else here and a recent cult infiltration to discuss.
Anon, it's a literal luxury hotel, when are we getting a better chance to do this? Things are only gonna get more heated...we don't know when we'll have relaxation time like right now.
Also, I wasn't saying to do it literally now I the pool...I just said we gotta actually invite TT to talk in our room if we wanna do stuff like tell her about 'Liz'
I think I'm counting these correctly? Lemme know if I'm misreading here, otherwise we WRITIN!
I think so.

I'm sure we'll get a chance to talk to her after in the drying-off lounge or whatever.
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Given the, uh, circumstances you currently find yourself in, you decide it’s best to get the business outta’ the way before the pleasure! Lovely ladies aside, this bath is gonna put you to sleep!

Beckoning the others over, you take a moment to find a comfy spot in the bath as your motley crew congregate around you! Welp, you begin as you sink a little deeper into the divine drink, careful where you guys sit–you might slip a bit when you hear what you dug up!

“Jusht tr be crere,” Mutters Tzah-Tzie with a mouthful of something, “Yrr whrnt rntrr a SCRGRT PSSHGE, yr?”

“Pause for a sec,” Interjects Volka with a splash of her tail, “Do you have the snacks?”

The Durher blinks. “... m-maybe…”G

Rezzie’s eyes light up! “GIVE ‘EM HERE!”

It takes about three minutes for the food free-for-all to calm down, and a few more for you to relay the events of what transpired when you delved into the secret passage below the clock shop! By the time you’re done explaining, all eyes are on you… and the snacks are untouched!

“Hells…” Mutters Volka as she struggles to look attentive while also submerging her massive body beneath the bath, “So they were the ones who summoned you and Rezzie…”

“Well they coulda’ done a better job of it!” Snarls the devil as her wings buffet the water! “Not so good that I’d be bound to them, of course, but…” Another splash. “Y-you get it!”

“Sounds like the assassins at the Inn we met at were their doing as well…” Frowns Tzah-Tzie, the poor girl bobbing around like an apple in the sweet-scented bath! “Good thing they hired the wrong ones, ey, Ant?”

She can say that again, you nod, but you’re not about to take these guys lightly… you’re still picking pieces of cultist gunk outta’ your hair! Eeuuugh!

Submerging yourself beneath the water, you take a moment to bask in the sheer glow the water imparts on you before turning your attention back to the matter at hand! In any case, you sigh, you don’t think you’ve heard the last of them…

“You said they planned on holding another SUMMONING RITUAL…” Muses Volka with worry in her eyes! “Where’d you say that was, again?”

HJALL’DAH’S PLUNGE…” Recites TT! “Was the site of a big battle way back–Durher and Gnok forces sent General Hjall’dah tumbling over the waterfall there!” Her gaze jumps over to Volka and turns a little apologetic! “It’s uh… a bit of a sore subject for Skogs these days…”

Seems like a place I’d hide a secret base, you frown! But the way they explained it suggested it’s gonna be soon…

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“And the city’s still sealed up.” Adds the Skog as she sinks deeper with a glum expression! “If Morook were here he could probably find us a path…”

Crap, you sputter, yea, he hasn’t come back yet, has he? Volka shakes her head with a despondent sigh!

No need to jump to conclusions, you reply with as much hope as you can muster! It’s probably just hard to leave with the whole Fellick thing, is all! Even Oti said he was having problems!

“Yea…” Nods the Skog with a flick of her tail, “Yea, you’re right, Rook! That’s gotta be it!”

True to form, Rezzie ruins the mood with a derisive snort! “You doofuses are real calm considering another summoning’s gonna take place!”

“Any idea who or what they might bring?” Asks TT as she cocks her head to the side. The devil shrugs.

“If ya’ ask me, I’m guessing they’re just gonna try the ritual again… meaning they’ll probably get someone around my level!” A cocky smirk plasters across her face! “Not as PRETTY or STRONG, mind, but still… full-powered and ready to break stuff!”

Aaaand worst case scenario?

“Well this is a long shot, but they COULD go all-in and try to summon a GREATER DEVIL!” Rezalith replies with the vaguest hint of reverence in her tone! “That’d be bad news… those guys are only second to the bossman himself, y’know!”

“S-so if they succeed…” Mutters Tzah-Tzie with growing trepidation…

Rezzie snickers. “Then find your favorite sauce and bathe in it–maybe the devil’l just eat’cha!”

Super, you groan, yet another thing to add to your To-Do List! And you were just getting comfy, too…

“Hey, world’s gonna end, might as well enjoy yourself, right?” Shrugs Rezalith as she scarfs down a handful of treats! “S’what I’m gonna do!”

“No sense running off without a plan, Rook!” Volka adds with a reassuring smile! “And if it was that easy these goofs woulda’ succeeded ages ago. We’ve got some time!”

“Maybe not…” Sighs TT! “This Cult’s been keeping tabs on the other regions too… and if what Ant’s saying is true, things might become really busy!”

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She’s not wrong… UMBERAL’S ARCHMAGE supposedly has some deal with the cartels to round up people… KHODRA AND THE SKOGS are building their armies, and that SICKO to the West might wake up…

SYSKKA...” Volka shivers! “Dad could tell ya some horror stories about her… they said the Mox, Durhers, and Gnoks had ta’ ally with the Skogs to deal with her last time… and that was back when they had LIGHT.”

“What’s the deal with the South, then?” Grumbles Rezzie as she splashes a bit! “What’s so scary about it, hmm?”

“Historically the South is fine… nice, even…” Muses Tzah-Tzie as she floats closer to you, “But they say the seas are cursed down there… ruled by some leviathan called MIKK that gets into sailor’s heads… makes men mad, that kind of thing!”

“Huh.” Sniffs the devil, “So why not just kill ‘em all? Sounds like it’d solve everything!”

The Spinner answers with a laugh! “You wouldn’t be the first to try! Archmage Trier’s been around for ages… more assassination attempts on him than I have hairs!”

“Some folks say one of those four caused the darkness…” Whispers Volka! “But they made the truce to keep it around!”

“Whatever the cause was,” TT interjects, “As long as Crossroads stays standing they’ve got one hell of a buffer in the way between each other…” She frowns. “Still, these are pretty exciting times, wouldn’t ya say?”

These lords, you begin, would they have any clue how to get you back home? You’re answered by a pair of shrugs!

“Maybe!” Answers Volka! “They’re all older n’ sin… but they clearly ain’t stupid.”

“You’d have just as much luck asking that Cult for help…” Mutters the Durher! “THE BURROWER… scary name.”

Taking some time to stew, you decide the next best course of action is to:
>Come up with a plan for what you’ll do next!
>Ask about Umberal and Trier!
>Inquire about The Bite and Khodra!
>Query about Sysska and the Western Wilds!
>Question about MIKK and The South!
>Ponder about the Cult of the Burrower!
>Ponder about the Cult of the Burrower
>Come up with a plan for what you’ll do next
Those guys feel like the obvious first thing to do. We can stop a summoning, but not so much a war...
I'll support this. Honestly, though, I don't know what our plan is in the long run.

Save the world, get rewarded handsomely for it, take TT home to meet the folks and possible secret other wife.
You forgot the part where we get our soul back, very important.
Right, that too.
Writing the last update of the night, probably!
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The odds are against you, that much is certain. Sure, drifting around a potion bath with a host of spicy ladies eases the pain a little bit, but the proof is still in the proverbial pudding: four ancient beings are chomping at the bit to take over the world, a fifth player seeks to take advantage of the chaos, and your prospects of finding a way back home grow bleaker by the day!

Oh, not to mention you’re still suffering from selective memory loss and inadvertently sold your soul to a literal devil.

No amount of spa treatments could change that. Still, as you bob aimlessly like an apple in the sweet-scented spa, your mind drifts towards the events of the last few days you’ve spent in Zoral:

You’ve fought monsters, mages, and massive mechs. You’ve snuck through dens of debauchery and devious intent. You’ve wooed and wowed people who had every reason to doubt you. All of these accomplishments might’ve seemed impossible to you once, but that was only until you succeeded!

Rising from the water like a vampire from his coffin, you don a confident smile as you address your clothing-free colleagues!

It seems impossible, you begin as all eyes fall on you, but if no one else is gonna step up, you will!

“Step up to what, pray tell?” Asks Rezzie with a bemused look on her face!

You’re not too sure how to stop a war, you begin-

“Has your world had a lotta wars?” Volka inquires like a kid in a classroom! Errr, definitely more than five, you nod, but that’s not the point! What matters is that you focus on what you can deal with right now… and it sounds like you’ve got all the ingredients to whip up a catering-sized serving of ‘Cultist Ass-Whoopin’ Casserole!

“Yea… yea!” Nods Tzah-Tzie, her eyes lighting up like stars at your sudden burst of enthusiasm! “We know what they’re planning… and we know where to find ‘em!”

“The only hitch is getting outta’ town…” Frowns Volka as her tail splashes the water in frustration. “Ain’t gonna be easy, Rook.”

You were able to impersonate an official Inspector AND a cult member today, you retort–if you can’t find a way out then you’ll find someone who can!

“I’d start in the DOCKS or GOLD TOWN, myself…” Suggests the Spinner. “If anyone can get anyone outta’ town, we’ll find ‘em there.”

“Ma might have an idea or two as well!” Volka adds! “Hey, we already have a few ideas!”

Yep, you nod, once we’ve secured a way out it’s just a matter of finding a way to those falls…

“Those Cultists won’t know what hit ‘em…” Concludes Rezalith with a grim laugh! “Maybe it’s the bath, Antwerp, but you’re sounding smarter than usual!” Her eyes narrow. “Only a little, though~”

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“A solid plan,” The Skog sighs, “But when are we gonna get started?”

Right, you wince, Lamplighters! Sorry, Volka, you for-

“Hey, Lila and Pesli can hold down the fort for as long as this takes!” Smiles the Skog! “‘Sides, what’s better for the community than cracking a few Cultist skulls, right?”

In that case, you reply with a ‘thank you’ in your smile, you’ll rest up here first… give the Cult a little time to say their prayers!

“Fine. By. ME.” Groans TT as she flops back into the water! “A little calm before the storm never hurt~”

You wait for Rezzie to make a rude comment, but the girl looks surprisingly tame as she soaks in the bath! Volka, on the other hand, is already doing laps.

You couldn’t ask for a better team…
With your compass now pointed in a decent direction, you decide to carpe the heck outta your diem! The rest of your day is booked, and you’re gonna make the most of it!

Golly, this bathwater is GREAT!
What do?
>Hang with Volka!
>Bother Rezzie!
>Ambush TT!
>Ponder your new memories!
>Just chill a bit! Enjoy yourself!
>Fast-forward to the massage!
>Ambush TT!
>Discuss your new memories!
I'm willing to throw E2C4/E0D a bone.
>Ambush TT!

What about the kid guides who joined the lamplighters? They are familiar with the worst district of town and might know some rumors about hidden exits used by smugglers
Hell yeh
You there, Bones? I need my fix of goblin cat.
Nah really though, went back into work today after a few days of Flu-ing. Feeling much better, but just expect updates to happen around 5-6PM MST over the weekdays! Sorry for the wait!
Damn Timezones. That's quite late...
For me*, it's late for me. Well, I guess I just gotta trust anons not to mess things up when I'm sleeping.
I'll update a little earlier on the weekends, don't worry! Can't do much about my weekday work days, though...
Nah, it's work. Can't do much about it. It's not really an issue. Surely anons wouldn't vote for something really really dumb, right?
>posting an image while we're waiting for an update
A thousand curses upon your Bloodline.
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What would a LUXURY BATH be without your favorite… cat… thing? The jury’s still out, man, but whatever she is, you decide to make a beeline for her! In true Tzah-Tzie form, the fuzzball in question is living it up: drifting along on her back and munching on snacks balanced on her tummy, the Spinner reminds you of some kind of otter!

“Aaaaaant~” She purrs as her big ole’ eyes swivel in your direction, “Hear my tail? Cuz’ it’s WAGGIN’!

You were wondering how she was moving so fast, you remark as she drifts over to your neck of the bath making tiny boat noises! Hey uh… can you talk to her?

“Ah-ah-ah! One sec!” Reaching out to stuff a fruit in your mouth, the girl waits for you to chew and then nods! “Okay, go!”

You were actually hopi-ohh, that’s good! Gulping down the tasty treat, you give the girl an appreciative ear scritch! And uh… you were hoping to talk in, y’know, private.

The Durher nearly sinks under the water as her expression droops. “B-but the bath, Ant…. the Bath…”

You thought she didn’t like water! The girl shrugs.

“I like this water! Say, y’think we can take some? I bet they have some bottles around here somewhere…”

Oof… look, you groan, you like the water too, but you also wanna go over some stuff tha-OH!

“Continue~” Purrs the Durher as she gently takes a seat in your lap, her damp, but still fluffy tail and fuzzy ears batting your nose!

Y-yea, well, you stammer, you’re… you have stuff to say you’d rather Rezzie and Volka not hear… TT responds by leaning back against you as a dreamy sigh escapes her lips!

“Fiiiiine, but if we’re springing for the VIP BATH I wanna get my bell’s worth, okay?”

Right, you nod, you’ll-


You respond with a gulp! Y-yes, m’am!

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Taking a steadying breath, the sneaky Spinner springs into action! “Anton, you dummy!” Grabbing you by the ring and pinky fingers, she yanks you towards the edge of the bath with surprising strength! H-hey!

“What’s wrong?” Sputters Volka!
“Is he dying!? Can I eat him!?” Adds Rezzie!

“What did I TELL you about eating that type of root!?” Groans TT, not even bothering to respond to the girls! “Quit squirming! You’re lucky I know the antidote!”

Emerging from the steaming bath into the slightly less-warm air, you shiver a bit as your helpful hairball marches you over to a door you didn’t perceive! Tromping up a long, winding carpeted ramp, you arrive at a landing and a pair of double-doors! Tapping away at some kind of lock to the side, the girl strides through the doors and into one of the rooms like she owns the place!

“Welp, we’re here~”

Oh, you blink as you realize you’re in the suite, you uh… you kinda DO own the place!

“So,” TT begins, shaking the moisture off like a dog before flopping belly-first onto what sounds like a REALLY plush bed, “Where’s the fire, hmm?”

Don’t, ermm… shouldn’t you uh… put clothes o-

“Why?” Grins the Durher! “Not like you can see me doing anything, riiiight?”

Y-yea, you nod, she’s right…
“Great!” She chirps! “So what’s up, hm?”

What IS up?
>You might be married too!
>There’s a possibility you have… a GIRLFRIEND.
>What are her thoughts on the whole plan?
>Any other ideas on how to escape Crossroads?
>What does she know about HJALL’DAH’S PLUNGE?
>How’s she liking this place so far?
>About your soul…
>Your memories are beginning to come back (be VAGUE!)
>You want her take on someone (Who?)
>Since we’re up here…<3
>Stay silent! She’ll think you disappeared!
>Tell TT you keep having flashbacks about a girl you have no memory of that might have been your girlfriend
Specify we wanted to tell her this before we "moved forward" with our relationship. Just so she knew.
>How’s she liking this place so far?
>Since we’re up here…<3
Listen anon, I want to do that with TT more than anybody else, but we promised we'd be honest. I still want to ask if she wants to do that, but we need to also tell her about the flashback girl.
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Fair but my mind's on the carnal appreciation of the catte.
I'm fine with talking to her, though, if that wins.

It's way too early to tell anything, maaaan. For all we know she broke up with us. Let's not ruin the mood. I mean, what would we even do? Just go "Oh sorry, I got a girlfriend" and drop TT? I don't think so
Uuugh. I don't like it...but I'd be willing to support it if you guys promise we'll talk about it with her later. We seem to get a flashback about Liz any time we do something, so maybe this will be the big one?
I think the issue I have is that we just don't know enough about our possible girlfriend to really comment on anything.
Who knows. Maybe she's dead, maybe we broke up. Just not enough info to say anything.
Fine. I'll change my vote to >>6203256
>How’s she liking this place so far?
oh, and uh
>There’s a possibility you have… a GIRLFRIEND.
>How's she liking it here so far?
>Hey. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

>How's she liking this place so far?
>Also I might sorta kinda maybe probably have a girlfriend

Looks like small talk and POSSIBLE romantic shit win it! Writing!
>Hey. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>as performed by Anton Peas, of all people
Errr, shoot, lemme revise this... update should go up TUESDAY around the time I mentioned earlier! Thanks for being patient!
Will today be the day that Anton finally gets laid?
Well I'm certainly writing right now, so we'll see!
>Implying he hasn't possibly gotten laid before[/spoiler
Not like Anton can recall, either.
I said gets laid, not loses his virginity. Anyway, it's a good thing we got that bonus. Hopefully with an added 'Size Difference' modifier we'll be able to avoid a repeat of last time.
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W-well, you stammer as you take a Tzah-Seat next to Tzah-Tzie, um… wh-what does she think of this place?

“Reminds me of home...” The Durher scoffs as her legs flop onto the bed! “Waited on head to toe, sweet smells burning your nose off, servants showering ya’ with whatever fake compliment they can come up with… all to distract you from the fact that you’re just another toy… a pet.”

The room grows a little colder as you think of how to respond… well, you begin, you’re sor-

“But this?” TT continues, eyes gleaming like stars as she glances your way, “It’s different, Ant… it’s not some dumb distraction or bid for my affection…” A big, toothy smile forms on her beaming face! “It’s a gift I gave myself… and one I get to share with people I…” She pauses, holding your gaze for a moment as her eyes quiver a bit, “I like. A lot.”

Letting her forehead gently bump into your chest, the girl gives it a gentle peck before giving you a good NUZZLE! “And this ain’t bad either.”

So, you reply as you plant a kiss on her forehead, that’s why she likes to act all… paupery?

TT shrugs. “Things feel different when you get ‘em yourself. Don’t knock a good dumpster nap til’ you tried it, Ant.”

You try and fail to stifle a laugh! Oh crap, she’s… she’s joking, right? The Spinner’s grin widens with mischief!

“That’s for me to know~”

With catlike reflexes, the girl gives your cheek a playful nip! OW!

“Seriously though,” She continues as she rolls over to your side, her bushy tail smacking you in the face like a loofa, “What didja’ wanna talk about? Bell for your thoughts?”

Well, you begin, clearing your throat before you roll over with the HANDSOMEST face you can muster, you just, uh…

Your hand finds itself on the Durher’s diminutive shoulder.


You last about fives seconds before TT’s face scrunches up and her foot finds its way into your face! OW!

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“You DID! You totally took me outta’ the bath for… for hanky-panky!” She groans, rolling over and giggling like some kind of clown toy! “Aaaaant…”

You just… you thought she’d be down, you protest! B-but it’s okay if she wants to later–you can wait for her! You can wait as long as it ta-

A tiny paw covers your mouth. Well, tries to. The point is made, in any case. “Anton,” TT continues as her claw wanders over to your cheek, “You can do better than that…”

You can? Y-yea, of course you can! Bracing for the GREAT IDEA your head is cooking up, you just end up looking a little constipated. Erm…

“Clearly you’re just worried about the perilous trek we’re about to embark on!” Suggests the Spinner as she strikes a theatrical pose! “To meet Death in his abode and stare him down! To defy all odds in search of truth and justice, knowing all-too-well we may not lay in each other’s arms again!”

Yea, you nod, that’s-OOF! Grabbing the girl mid-tackle, your hands find their way onto her ample hips as she straddles your stomach!

“You’re so easy to figure out, Anton…” She purrs, stooping just out of kissing reach before her playful expression dips into seriousness. “... we might not both survive all this, y’know…”

Relocating a hand to the girl’s slightly-fuzzy face, you bring her down to you and lock lips with hers. Both of you pull away with warmer cheeks than before, the room silent save for the gentle movement of sheets and pillows beneath you.

Then we’ll just have to treat this like the last night of our lives, you reply, before the two of you sink onto the bed wrapped in each other’s arms!

>Roll me 1d100 for REASONS! No Bonuses, no Maluses! Best of 3!
The ‘antics’ will be written up and probably posted somewhere this weekend. Cheese forgive the delay–for now we be fading to black.
Rolled 62 (1d100)

>no bonuses
This is where we get a 1
Rolled 97 (1d100)

Ha ha time for critfail
Aaaaaaa just roll already the suspense is killing me
I do not like this wait.
Rolled 97 (1d100)

Oh shite, a doubles. Does that count as a crit or somethin?
>HIGHEST ROLL: 97x2!!!!
Holy MACKEREL! Well I suppose it's a crit, kinda!
No Rezzie or Volka walk-ins and no surprise fuzzballs in a few weeks! Congrats!
Writing the last update of the night, probably! HANG ONTA SOMETHIIIIIIIING
>no surprise fuzzballs in a few weeks! Congrats!
How is that a bonus??? That's a negative! I specifically wanted a crit for the possibility of Mini-Antons, and I say this unironically and genuinely!

Now I *wish* we got a 1
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Time bleeds into a blur as the two of you use the VIP SUITE to the best of your combined abilities, leaving the two of you tangled in an amalgamation of sweaty, scratched-up limbs!

Still tender from the bites, scratches, and other aches, all you can do is gasp for breath while your partner lays sprawled on top of you panting like a dog that just came back from a marathon!

And what a marathon it was… eyes half-lidded and body warm from the post-fun afterglow, you give the very satisfied Spinner a well-deserved scratch between the ears… she… she really knows her stuff, you stammer!

“Mmm…” She replies, still struggling to cool down! “So… that’s a human…”

Damn right it is, you huff as a dopey grin crawls onto your face! Phew…

Crawling a little higher on your torso, you can feel TT’s tiny heart jackhammering behind her fuzzy chest… feels like it could knock you out if you got in there and let it.

“Ant?” She purrs, drawing your attention from her chest back to her pleasantly-weary face.


“I know you didn’t plan on coming here,” She begins in a low, crackly voice, “And you’re in a hurry to leave, but…”

Something between a pit and a flock of butterflies takes root in your chest. B-but?

The girl bites her lip as apprehension creeps into her voice. “But… but I’m really glad you did.”

Burying her face next to your neck before you can reply, you feel one of the locks of her hair drape over your nose, the offender knocked over by her twitching ears!

The Durher may not be as strong as you or your pals, but like a cat she’s got you pinned under her body… guess she’s not keen on heading back to the bath yet?

“Oof… c-carry meeee...”

You respond with a tired laugh. Give it a minute!

“Nah, seriously…” she groans as she sends a grumpy glower your way, “My legs are already killin’ me, Ant, you monster, you…”

You probably could have dodged her clumsy nip, but you tank it. Hugging her still-heaving body close, you plot your next move… no sign of Volka or Rezzie yet, but you don’t have high hopes of them not hearing your antics.

You’ll say one thing about the tiny troublemaker: she’s got pipes...

Taking a moment to relish the memories you just made, you talk to TT:
>You might be married too!
>There’s a possibility you have… a GIRLFRIEND.
>What are her thoughts on the whole plan?
>Any other ideas on how to escape Crossroads?
>What does she know about HJALL’DAH’S PLUNGE?
>About your soul…
>Your memories are beginning to come back (be VAGUE!)
>You want her take on someone (Who?)
>So? H-How’d I do, huh? H-hehheh…
>Just enjoy the moment, then head down when you’re ready!
>There’s a possibility you have… a GIRLFRIEND.
>Any other ideas on how to escape Crossroads?
NOW? You want to talk to her about that right NOW?

>Your memories are beginning to come back (be VAGUE!)
I would have rather talked to her first, but we're not going to blurt that out right after great sex and spoil the moment... Right? Please, anons?
>Just enjoy the moment, then head down when you’re ready!
>Any other ideas on how to escape Crossroads?
>Your memories are beginning to come back (be VAGUE!)
I think the LAST thing you would tell a girl IMMEDIATELY after railing her is that you might have a girlfriend.
Whoops, meant to link to >>6203996.
Anton FUCKS, and he fucks HARD.

Ah wait, wait, wait, we forgot one VERY crucial thing to ask

>So? H-How’d I do, huh? H-hehheh…
On top of all the other stuff, we gotta get TT's review.
I think "very satisfied Spinner" says more than enough.
Anton doesn't have sex. He fucks.
>I think "very satisfied Spinner" says more than enough.
Yeah, but I want her to give a thorough review.
I'll support both at the same time because...why not? There's no reason *not* to do it. It feels like a good conversation starter, anyway.

I still wish the crit meant accidental pregnancy. Those arcs are usually total kino. Especially when the players start getting completely paranoid about everything that might possibly cause harm to the woman.
Wait, when was it ever confirmed that we can even *have* kids with Durhers? I don't remember it.
only one way to find out.
tho we have yet to see anyone of mixed race.
that said, maybe humans are übercompatible with everyone.
if so, we are going to have short, harry children. we can recreate albania!
>Anton and TT'S sons will be manlets
A grim fate.
Albanians are catgirls, confirmed.



Memories and snuggling seem to win it! Writing~

Only one way to find out! It'd be like boning a Zeta Reticulan though, probably, so who knows?

>create Albania
One was enough, anon. One was enough...
>Memories and snuggling seem to win it
AND asking her how we did.
It got two votes, but I can include it, sure
Well, two out of the four votes voting for the plan that won supported it as an addition. So uh...good! Do that.
If you can't tell how you did, you did bad to mediocre. Pro tip.
It's very obvious how we did, the good part is hearing her say it.
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Not keen on getting stuck in that awkward post-bone silence for too long, you hit TT with the obvious question: so…. How’d uh… how’d you do, hmmm? Heheh…

The girl slowly lifts her head from your neck to give you an appraising look with her half-lidded eyes. “Not bad,” she answers as she traces a circle on your chest with her claw, “But, y’know… pretty good!”

Something must have changed in your expression the minute those words left her mouth, because the Durher immediately bursts into raucous laughter! “Oh my GODS, Anton, I’m jokiiiing!”

Taking your chin in her claw, the Spinner places a delicate kiss on your lips and lets it linger before pulling back with a sultry look in her eyes! “You were worthy of song, Ant. I said you were full of surprises, but I didn’t expect THOSE kinds of surprises…”

Errr, t-thanks, you mutter! Same, but to her!

TT giggles. “Worthy of song, ey? I’d love to hear you sing it some time~”

Yea, well, you mutter as you wrap an arm around her waist and hug her closer, you’re still workshopping it-

“C’moooon~” She pouts as she gently pounds your chest with a balled fist, “Gimme a taste!”

Fine, you sigh, but she asked for it… clearing your throat, you stare the girl dead in her lime-green eyes and sing the first verse that comes to mind!

Tzah-Tzie, Tza-Tzie, girl of class! Cute and smart and DAMN, that as-

Your audience responds by smacking you in the gob with a pillow–a much different outcome compared to the standing ovation you expected! Ow!

“You’re a jerk, y’know that?” She chides before showering the point of impact with light kisses! “You’re lucky I like ya.”

You know what, you reply, she’s RIGHT. You’re really lucky!

“And so am I~” TT proudly adds! Nuzzling your neck as she gets comfy, your mind wanders away from the purring performer as something else itches the back of your brain…

So, you begin in a diplomatic tone, you uh… you think some of your memories are coming back… even keeping things neutral, you can tell Tzah-Tzie senses something amiss when her purring comes to a screeching halt and her back tenses up under your hand!

“Oh!” She remarks with a nervous laugh, “Like what?”

Shit, you KNEW this was a bad idea! You’d punch yourself if you weren’t busy holding your ‘Bard Babe’ or whatever! Well, you sigh, you’re starting to remember people… and places…

“Like who?” She asks as she cocks her head to the side! You can’t quite tell if she’s worried or genuinely interested…

What say ye?
>Your Parents!
>Your Sister Dylan!
>Your uh, Co-Worker Liz.
>Your manager, Lars…
>Your roommate, Travis.
>Some mysterious woman whose relation I know not of, Liz
It's true! We're not sure what exactly she is. Was she our wife? Our girlfriend? Is she dead? Did we break up?
>Your Sister Dylan!
There's no point talking about Liz if we're not even gonna reveal anything.
I'll say this: (and shoulda said it in the update) reminiscing and describing one of these people may trigger... MORE RECOLLECTION!
Huh? Is that true? Ah well. I guess I'll switch to >>6204539 then.
do we remember anything else for real?
any time but now anon

>Your manager, Lars…
for the time being
>Your uh, Co-Worker (or something?) Liz.

Writing the last update of the night, probably!
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Your mind still feels like a post-bull China Shop–fragment upon fragment lying askew in a sea of pieces… some grouped, some still vaguely intact… and some slowly piecing back together.

You see fragments of your parents: loving and doting, sure, but a cloud lingers over their heads. Dylan: your sister: a lighthouse in the darkness… and yet out of reach…

Lars: your vile taskmaster lording over GREASE MONKEY like a king in a castle… and your roommate Travis:

Yea… you’ve got nothing.

But one figure continues to etch a space for themselves in your head: a girl with a gruff voice and sunglasses she never seems to take off… grape lip balm and cigarette smoke… closings shifts, walking home, awkward talksatthefoldingtablenexttothemidnightfoodtruck-

“Anyone ever tell you you’re bad luck?”

The question took you by surprise even when you were barely clinging to your last sliver of energy. No, you mutter, blinking your dry eyes as you struggled to dislodge a stubborn slab of fried gunk stuck to the bottom of Frier A, they haven’t…

“Well you’re bad luck,” Grunts the girl with the Aviators as she scours the prep counter next to you. “There ya go.”

She had a way of speaking that made it hard to tell if she was joking or not, but you were too tired to laugh it off back then. Look, you sigh, you didn’t mean to do that-

“Do what?” She asked, pausing her scrubbing to send a judgmental stare your way! “Burn all the Monkey Feet during the dinner rush?”

You’re sorry about that-

“Trip half the staff with the sauce spill you left on the floor?”

And that-

“Clog up the employee toilet?”

You’re… that wasn’t you, actually-look, you sputtered, slowly shrinking under the scent of burnt meat and the girl’s disapproving glare, you’re sorry, okay? You’re… you’re gonna learn to do better, you promise!

The girl leaned against the counter as she gave you a long, appraising stare. “... Hell of a first day.”

You opened your mouth to retort, but paused. Yea, you sighed, she could say THAT again…

You felt her gaze upon you as you renewed the assault on the persnickety grill gunk. Try as you might, you just couldn’t dislodge the damn stuff–no matter which angle or how hard you scrubbed, it just would-


Stepping into your space, Liz swooped in with a freshly-soaped sponge and evicted the grime in one quick JAB! As the two of you silently watched it tumble into the drain, it wasn’t until she nudged your side that you realized you were staring!

Watching her return to her closing duties, you gave her another quiet ‘thanks’ under your breath.

“Any time.” she replied in a gruff, but not so unpleasant tone! “... Ya like spicy stuff?”

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Like flicking a lightswitch, you jump from the muggy, oppressive bowels of GREASE MONKEY to a small, white folding table set up in a minimall parking lot next to a painfully-orange food truck caked in soot from the smoke roaring out of the top of the vehicle!

It was cold, but not too cold… and the steaming-hot torta and side of beans definitely helped!

“Ya gonna eat it, or eye-fuck it?” Liz asked before biting into her food. Oh, uh, you muttered, you’ll pay her ba-

“Shaddap and take a bite.”

She was always hard to say no to. Digging in, you were immediately rejuvenated by the taste of juicy meat and zesty peppers caressing the inside of your mouth–so much so that you had to take a few breaths before having another bite!

“You haven’t changed much since High School.” It took you a minute of chewing to realize it was a question. Yea, well, you mutter, you’re glad you ran into her! And that she could get you the jo-

“You’re gonna hate me later for it, trust me.” Liz interjected with a bemused smile. “So?”

You blinked. So?

“So what’s your big plan, huh?” She asked as she took another bite of her meal! “Dun chell mr yrr wnnr shtey add GREESH MUNGY yrr oal libe…”

No, you smiled, you’ve got plans… big plans!

Swallowing her food, the girl rested her cheek on her palm. “Such as?”

What WERE your big plans?
>You wanted to do science… like your sister!
>You were gonna be a MAGICIAN!
>You were gonna get outta this town… maybe outta state.
>You were gonna do some training, maybe. Like astronaut crap.
>You were gonna do some training, maybe. Like astronaut crap.
Reach for the stars, Anton boy.
>You were gonna be a MAGICIAN!
Wait... Science, like his sister... Is Anton Peas perhaps of Canadian ancestry?
>You were gonna be a MAGICIAN!
Anton wanted to do magic, no?
Hmm... has Anton had any urge to SHOW THEM AAAAALLLL yet? Lemme look through my notes...
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Why… a MAGICIAN, of course! Liz wasn’t dazzled by the theatrical hand gesture you made at the time, so you did it again!

Still nothing.


The question hit you like a pillowcase full of bricks. Well, yea, you reply! Who wouldn’t want to be a magician, right? Dazzle people all over the world, spend the day perfecting new tricks, and you’ve always wanted to be a role model for kids! It’-

Why was she LAUGHING?

“You’re… you’re SERIOUS!” She sputtered, sending food all over the place as she struggled to stop snickering, “I… h-hold on, shit…”

You never wanted to hurt a lady before, still don’t, but at that moment if she fell out of her chair, well…

You wouldn’t help her back up!

Something in your expression tipped her off, and with a deep breath your new coworker’s laughter was replaced with… regret.

“Sorry, Ant,” She muttered a few moments later in a tone you’d never heard her use, “I’m just so used to guys joking about that stuff that…”

She paused. “... Look, I shouldn’t have laughed. It’s really cool that you have such a specific dream, dude.”

Her laughter stung, but her apology alleviated a bit of the pain. Well, you reply with renewed drive in your voice, that’s just gonna make it better when you hit the big leagues!

“Hell yea,” She nodded with renewed approval, “That’s the ticket, Anton. Fuck the doubters.”

What’s… what’s her goal? Something twinkled behind the girl’s shades.

“You’re gonna think it’s stupid…” She muttered, shifting her gaze to her half-eaten torta. Stupider than magic? A quarter-sized smile forms on her face.

“Touche… well my dad always wanted a son, so he kinda taught me a bunch about hunting, tracking, all that manly-man shit.”

Woah, you muttered, can… can she tie a knot?

“I can knot.”


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“Sorry, dumb joke. Yep…soooo many knots…” She smirked. “Anyways, I used to think of being a Park Ranger or something, but one night after I graduated I found this ad for…” Sensing her cool, composed exterior cracking, the girl reels it back in by adjusting her shades! “Um… well there was this track for Corporate Security…”

She braced herself for a laugh that never came. “So… yea.”

That’s… that’s RAD, you sputtered, showering the folding table with some of your chow! Hey, maybe she could make her own company eventually! She could secure the heck outta’ everyone!

“W-well it’s just an idea…” She laughed as her cheeks turned a little redder. Sensing an awkward pause, you leapt into action! Oh right! y-you actually have a card trick you’ve been working on… does she wanna see it?

She blinked behind her shades. “Did you actually bring a deck of cards to work?”

Patting your uniform, your heart sunk as the realization settled in! SHOOT!

“Hey,” She replied with a quarter of a smile, “Show me next shift, okay?”

Yea, you nodded, absolutely!

“And lemme know if you ever need a girl to saw in half,” she smirked. “Or make, like, disappear.”

And you’ll call her if you’re ever caught in a jam, you reply! Reaching across the table for a handshake, you gave Liz a reassuring grin as she stared at your hand like it was made of snakes!


Her surprisingly-soft hand clasped around yours.


“Wow,” Tzah-Tzie remarks as you’re YANKED back into the present, “Sounds like she really had your back, Ant...”

Yea, you nod, shivering a bit as the Durher adjusts her position, she really saved your bacon with that job… even if you do hate it…

“Welp,” The girl shrugs as her tail slaps the bed, “You’ll have to introduce me to her when we getcha’ home! Oh,” she adds as she licks her chops, “And you’re treating me to some ‘DEEP FRIED’ when we get there!”

Deep-fried what? The Spinner blinks.

“... there’s more than one?”

Oh you sweet, sweet thing… giving her a few more scritches (and getting some renewed purring in return), you hear a faint splash far below your room…

“Right, we get a massage and a steam bath and everything…” Muses TT as her gaze jumps between you and the sound, “We should probably get going, Ant…”

Yea… do you hear footsteps?

>Roll me 1d100+4 (+3 TT takes the lead!, +5 Satisfied, -2 Dark, -2 Sore) for reasons! Best of 3!
Rolled 41 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail. Do it! I want a failure!
Rolled 24 (1d100)

Maaaan, I really hope they broke up. Which is a really thing weird to wish.
+1, im not rolling. sooner or later OP will have to accept the two rolls as a fail
You know he's just gonna wait until someone rolls or do it himself, anon.
Bro, just roll. I want to keep moving.
Yea, I'm sorry... what are you trying to prove here, exactly? I'm genuinely confused
Well he wants to fail so he's not gonna roll so you'll be forced to accept the result.

I *would* like a failure but I don't think that's how it works.
Oh yea, I picked up on that--I'm more confused about why someone would do that. Whatever, rules ain't changed: I'm gonna wait for a third roll.
Rolled 83 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

Writing probably the last update of the night!
Awwww man...I wanted to have Rezzie or Volka walk in on us.
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Even shrouded in perpetual darkness, you can’t help but feel a little… ill-equipped when you hear footsteps climbing the ramp to the suite! Leaping from the bed with catlike grace along with your catlike gal-pal, the two of you each take a wall and creep out of the bedroom as you hear someone fiddle with the door mechanism outside!

Your heart pounds against the inside of your chest as you hear the door swing open… along with the faint tap of padded boots on the floor!

Daring to peek over at the entrance, your breath catches as you fail to spot anything out of the ordinary! No eyes, no nothing! Whoever entered the suite, they take a few moments to linger by the door before shutting it behind them with nary a sound!

Shhhnk.’ ‘Tmp.’ ‘Tmp.

If you weren’t straining your ears, you probably couldn’t hear them: footsteps lighter than air… and they’re coming your way! Glancing over to TT’s hiding spot, you watch as the girl makes a show of shutting her eyes… guess that’s one way to make it harder to be found!

As the faint steps grow closer, you decide to…
>Keep hidden… let whatever this is make their rounds and move on!
>Get the drop on ‘em! You’ll make them talk!
>Rezzie and Volka might be in danger… you’ve gotta escape this room NOW!
>Take this creep out! You’ve got no weapons, but you could probably find something…
>You can make them talk…

THAT'S what that was all about?Come on, anons.

Sorry QM, would have rolled if I was around.

>Keep hidden… let whatever this is make their rounds and move on!
That's being really childish. Trying to force the QM into accepting a failure is just being petty.

>Take this creep out! You’ve got no weapons, but you could probably find something…
>Keep hidden… let whatever this is make their rounds and move on!
I don't particularly feel like fighting someone while naked.


Hide and DON'T SEEK it is!
>Roll me 1d100+1 (+2 'Unencumbered', +1 Limbo, +3 TT Leads the Way, +2 Big Room, -2 Dark, -5 This Guy's a Professional) to let him find nothing! Best of 3!
Rolled 80 + 1 (1d100 + 1)

Let's see
Rolled 58 (1d100)

Early post? Cool.
Rolled 46 + 1 (1d100 + 1)

Here's your dice, Bone-sama.
Domo arigatou indeed, Dark Daimyos!

>early post
Sorry for the bait-n-switch! Ended up waking up way too early so I thought I'd get the rolls goin. We're writing now, though!
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It’s just one guy, but that’s what worries you–even if they aren’t that tough, you don’t exactly relish the idea of fighting sans clothes… what if they step on your toe?! Just thinking about it makes it feel sore! Still, not everything is bad… had they entered a few minutes earlier, you probably would have been too… preoccupied to hear them!

You’re unsure if the intruder heard you and TT or not, but if they know you’re in here they haven’t attacked you yet! That’s a win! Peeking over at your Durher dame, you send a flurry of spastic eye movements her way in a desperate attempt to communicate. It’s hard to tell whether or not she understood given how perplexed her expression is, but she isn’t moving, so there’s that!

The unwelcome guest, however, is moving! Though still difficult, you can just barely make out the quiet sound of their boots gliding across the suite’s floor like ghosts… their owner stopping every few steps to see if anything changes. You don’t plan on giving them any hints, but as they draw closer to your area, you’ll admit you DO start to sweat a little!

Thankfully if you have any particular scent, they aren’t picking it up… surprise visit aside, the whole room positively REEKS of the same lilac and ginger-esque scent you were treated to below… an unexpected blessing when you remember how many of these Zoraldwellers use their noses to navigate!

Which, unfortunately, is exactly what this creep does… well, navigate, that is. Circling the room like a robot vacuum with killing intent, the intruder enters the bedroom first! Holding your breath, your heart goes into overdrive as you feel their boots stop just inches from yours… along with hot, muffled breaths on your face!

A braver man would have headbutted this freak into next Tuesday. You’re a smarter man, though, so as you feel the breaths come closer, you will EVERY INCH of your body to stay quiet as you deftly LIMBO under the tricky trespasser!

Having your belongings stowed away by the staff proves to be a blessing in disguise–disheveled though the bed may be, the humid atmosphere makes it hard for them to tell whether there was some fun going on or if it’s just muggy! Leaving the room as quickly as they arrived, the creeper similarly inspects the rest of the suite before circling back to the entryway…



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Daring to exchange a glance with Tzah-Tzie, the two of you share a moment of panic as you hear something small being placed in the center of the room!


… as a foul odor intertwines with the room’s sickeningly-sweet aroma!

Whatever this person is, they’re distracted with their little gift… you doubt they’d bomb the place, but what else could it be, right?

That smell IS making you a little woozy, though…

What do?
>Keep hidden and low… they might be trying to smoke you out!
>Get the drop on ‘em! You’ll make them talk!
>Rezzie and Volka might be in danger… you’ve gotta escape this room NOW!
>Take this creep out! You’ve got no weapons, but you could probably find something…
>You can make them talk…
>Rezzie and Volka might be in danger… you’ve gotta escape this room NOW!
Throw something on this nigga's head and carry TT bride style out of here.
>Rezzie and Volka might be in danger… you’ve gotta escape this room NOW!
I'm totally not voting for this so we have to awkwardly explain to the other two why we left for however many hours and then came back running naked and exhausted
>Rezzie and Volka might be in danger… you’ve gotta escape this room NOW!

Rollin' time! Hoohoohoo!
>Roll me 1d100-5 (+2 LIMBO, +1 Footwork, +5 Satisfied, +3 TT Takes the Lead!, -2 Dark, -2 Sore, -7 ALL ACCORDING TO PLAN!, -4 Astute Assassin) to slip by! Best of 3--don't mess up now!
Rolled 39 - 5 (1d100 - 5)

Man...we can't even get ONE DAY of rest???
We PAID for a LUXURY stay. Getting attacked by an Assassin ain't LUXURY. I want my money back.
Rolled 60 - 5 (1d100 - 5)

Rolled 87 - 5 (1d100 - 5)

Maybe they're especially fancy assassins?
Only the most LUXURIOUS assassins here!

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Yea, nope. You’ve worked enough shifts with active gas leaks to know whatever the hell this creep is cooking up is BAD NEWS! With the grace of a teen sneaking back into the house WAY after curfew, you quickly pick TT up like the goddamn princess she is and make a silent, but speedy break for the exit!

If your new roommate notices your daring escape, they don’t act on it. Even with Tzah-Tzie in your arms, you still manage to open the door without a creak, and you’re about two seconds from BOOKING IT down the ramp when you’re hit with an unsettling thought… one that urges you to take your time as you head down to the baths!

Your paranoia pays off–moments after slowing your proverbial ‘roll’, you feel the spunky Spinner tense up as she brushes against something taut extending across the width of the ramp…

Tripwire...” She hisses before getting to work disarming it! Letting the girl work her magic, you continue to proceed with caution after feeling a light tap on your arm. Too close!

You have no clue what trap you just dodged, but you don’t wanna know either! Fortunately once you’ve found one, the others are even easier to detect–each of their gossamer tripwires threaded at different angles. One thing’s for certain: this guy really had his bases covered! Might also explain why he took so damn long to get up to you!

A calming mist greets you as you emerge back in the sweltering sweetness of the baths… but you don’t see Rezzie or Volka anywhere!

You DO hear the light tap of a boot hitting the rocky border of the pool, however, a-and it’s coming right FOR YO-


Breaching the bath surface like the shark from the classic movie ‘MAWS’ comes Rezalith–her claws and teeth latching onto your unseen assailant before yanking them kicking and screaming into the water with a SPLASH!

Dear lord, you hope you’re just getting showered with… with bath goo…

“ROOK!” Emerging a few feet away, Volka rises to her usual dizzying height as she rushes over to check on you! “Wh-what’s happening!? Where were you guys!?”

“No time to explain,” Tzah-Tzie explains, “There’s some kinda assassin up in the suite…” The seriousness on her face falters a bit as she glances at the water churning where Rezzie disappeared. “Errr, and I hope that guy was too...”

“Crud!” Growls the Skog as she shakes off like a dog, “All our stuff’s up there!”

Emerging from the water with a satisfied burp, Rezzie’s blood-red eyes shift between you and Volka. “So. What’ja screw up this time, hmm?”

No time to explain, you explain again, there’s an assassin upstairs–how did they not see them come up!?

All three of the girls shoot you a glance.

Err, how did they not HEAR them?

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Volka and Rezzie’s expressions take a turn for the sheepish. “... we were having a Breath-Holding Contest…”

Of course they were… Massaging your sore temples, you ask the devil if the guy she just murdered was one of the assassins. The girl shrugs. REZZIE!

“He… he might’ve been!” She counters with a defiant scowl! “Gonna be hard to ID him now, I can tell ya’ that!”

How did she know he was a bad guy anyways?

“Bad guy?”

Super… taking a steadying breath, you decide to…
>Ambush the Assassin! Surely they’ll come down!
>They might have heard Rezzie… head upstairs while you still have the surprise!
>Just LEAVE. Tell the attendants, get the cops! You can grab your shit later!
>Set a trap of your own on the ramp… What’s that ya’ picked up, TT?
>Stay silent! They’ll think you left!
>Rezzie, fetch!
>They might have heard Rezzie… head upstairs while you still have the surprise!
Man, good thing it's all dark and filled with perfumes so Rezzie can't..you know, smell stuff.
>They might have heard Rezzie… head upstairs while you still have the surprise!
Even if she could smell it, fellow anon, not like she can do much.
Rezzie is a stinky virgin who's just jealous.
>Even if she could smell it, fellow anon, not like she can do much.
Except making fun of us. Also shattering poor Volka's innocence.
>Making fun of it
Not like that'd do much-
>Volka's innocence
Okay that's an actual concern, touche. Volka is second best girl, bless her heart.
>They might have heard Rezzie… head upstairs while you still have the surprise!

I think >>6203996 implies they heard enough of to get the picture... Which, to be honest, is probably the REAL reason they didn't hear the assassins. Too much
plus TT's apparently quite loud yowling.
Yeah, Volka is great. I would have went for her, but TT is just uh...a better fit, you know? She *wants* to go to Anton's world. She certainly isn't going to miss her family if she gets to go there permanently. Volka though?

>I think >>6203996 implies they heard enough of to get the picture...
I think they were too busy with the 'hold breathing' contest to actually do so.
>Volka is great.
Rezzie is bezzie. Uh, best.

>but TT is just uh...a better fit, you know?
I am also helpless before smol, trashy, flirty women, anon.

>I think they were too busy with the 'hold breathing' contest to actually do so.
I think they made that up.
>I think they made that up.
Do you actually think Rezzie would pass up on an opportunity to call us a perverted sex goblin?

>Roll me 1d100+4 (+2 LIMBO, +1 Footwork, +5 Satisfied, +4 Backup, +2 Traps Disarmed, -2 Dark, -2 Sore, -4 Astute Assassin, -2 A bit cramped) to seize the moment! Best of 3!

N-no she isn't! Moron!
>Volka's innocence
If there's one thing you need to protect, anons...
What can she say? She's a Spinner--she's got a voice!
Good, good... we've discovered 'ym26snfD's weakness...
This anon hit it right on the head. Rezalith would NEVER miss a chance to berate Anton
Rolled 5 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

Kek, fair.

Other anons, HELP!
Let's a go.
Rolled 62 (1d100)

Oops, wrong field...
Rolled 82 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

>N-no she isn't! Moron!
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That's the ticket! Wr-

hahaha as if u turbovirgin ;;;;3 dis is REZALITH quest now so buckle up idiots time for some real storytelling

u are REZALITH the most beautiful, smart, and powerful devil in the multivurs and every1 knos it of course /:3 u see a nerd what do lmao look at da zits on this peece of werk hahaha
Make fun of his insecurities!
>Be shamed by your own inferiority
>Bow down and apologize for your sins
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woooowwwww the 1poster cant even read lmao whut a surprize hahaha seriusly tho u gota pick 1 of the options u invulid

wow a tie hahaha see this is real questin bcus all the options r good so no1 can decide can u guys see the diffrens yet anyway i pick 'kill' bcas im the quest queen or wutever an i make the rules

u kill him an its so easy like omg u barely lifded a tale neways every1 claps for it an you get like a bunch of gold i dont wanna draw it but its there use ur imaginashin

Okay, I think she's gone... writing after locking the doors
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The assassin upstairs was almost done when you slinked out… meaning they might be on their way down already! Gathering your party at the ramp entrance, you glance down at your bite-sized bedfellow. Did she take care of all the traps that wiseguy set up?

The girl responds with a confident nod and a faint clink near her chest! “Pretty sure, yea…” Her eyes shift over to Rezalith’s. “You can take the lead!”

“Pfft, as if I needed YOUR permission…” Snorts Rezzie! “

Wait… what does she have in her hands? The Spinner squirms under your scrutinizing stare.

“I uh… w-well it seemed like a waste to just leave the disarmed traps there, so-”

God, she’s amazing. Giving her a pat on the head, you nod to your remaining allies. Let’s move! Tearing up the ramp like a pack of dogs chasing a squirrel, you’re stopped midway as something lunges at your team!

More specifically Rezalith.

It’s hard to follow the ensuing scuffle with how the ramp twists upward, but based on the quiet ‘splink!’ of a knife glancing off something followed by a menacing cackle leaving the devil’s lips, you can assume the odds are still in your favor!

The ensuing scuffle retreats up the ramp with Volka close behind! Covering the rear, you feel claw-sized divots carved into the rampway walls… seems like your would-be killer is squirrely, if nothing else!

Bursting into the suite, the fight takes a turn for the tricky as Rezzie tries to pounce on the sneaky saboteur! Dodging to the side, he barely ducks a swing from one of Volka’s meaty arms and goes for a stab, but her tail is quick to smack the assassin upside the head!

Hobbled by the strength of the Skog’s smack, the killer stumbles into some furniture and flings it just in time to stop the charging Volka dead in her tracks–thankfully more out of surprise than pain! Before the killer can deliver a counterattack, however, the room is filled with a sickening ‘CRUNCH’ as Rezzie’s pearly whites close around what you assume is the assassin’s stabbing hand! YOW!

You’d probably be screaming right now… hell, you might scream anyways! Your opponent, however, has no such plans–reacting with a muffled and honestly really cool grunt, he sends another quiet ‘SHHCK!’ across the room as whatever Rezzie was biting remains in her jaws…

And he goes free! What the FRICK!?

Delivering a kick to the demon’s tummy, the assassin ducks beneath Volka and rushes for you! Errr, d-does he need a hand?!

He doesn’t laugh–in fact, he looks like he’s about to get right to the point!
>Roll me 1d100+2 (+1 Footwork, +2 LIMBO, +5 Satisfied, +2 ‘Unencumbered’, +2 Disarmed! -2 Dark, -2 Sore, -4 Astute Assassin, -2 HE’S FAST!) to not get stabbed! Best of 3!
Rolled 63 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Rolled 70 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Rolled 91 (1d100)

You know, this assassination attempt made me remember, you wanan know why i suggested the name Anton way back in thread one? The inspiration for our Good Anton's Good Name?
Because he's strong as, like... a really, really big ant?
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Actually, it's the name of the protagonist of the game Suzerain, Anton Rayne

>but anon, why would you choose the name of a character from a game about being president of german turkey for a random loser fryboy?
because it's funni
Anton's canon look
It's how Anton will look in 20 years when he's president of umbral and a father of twenty
If you give a dorky fry-cook that mustache, you're pretty much just making him Bob Belcher.
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Clearly these morons didn’t get the memo… and they REALLY need to learn how to attack a little lower! LIMBOING beneath the assassin’s stab attempt, you lock hands with Volka and rush after the stumbling slayer to CLOTHESLINE their ass!

Your attempt is thwarted, however, when the killer kicks some kind of OTTOMAN STOOL your way, and though you hop over it, the enemy uses the sudden stumble to slip under your attack!

Never the one to be left out, however, Rezzie flies at your opponent! Sliding beneath the aerial assault, the assassin moves to beat a hasty retreat… until, that is, they trip on something small and snarling!

With TT keeping the killer busy with a good ole’ fashioned mauling, you decide to…
>Try to knock them out!
>Stab their ass! Who knows what tricks this guy has up his sleeves…
>Get their legs!
Rolled 23 (1d100)

>Try to knock them out!
Oops, forgot wee're supposed to vote before the dice roll.
It's okay, guys, now you've got a banked 23 roll in case of emergencies
>banked roll
What is this, Akun? Next you're gonna tell me we have to bang every single character of the cast.
>Stab their ass! Who knows what tricks this guy has up his sleeves…
I mean if you guys wanna bone Jhairo I won't try to stop ya
If this was Akun, they'd do it and then ask for you to give TT a brother so they can bone him as well.
Also they'd offer you like $50 for it

I swear, i've seen this shit, i am not kidding.
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>pic related

>Try to knock them out!


Anton goes the Batman route once again--certainly gonna get some LAMPLIGHTER POINTS for this one! One more roll, honest!
>Roll me 1d100+3 (+1 Footwork, +5 Satisfied, Sore, +2 'Unencumbered', +2 Disarmed!, -2 Sore, -4 Astute Assassin) to put this dope to SLEEP! Best of 3!
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Also what the fuck am I doing here on /qst/ then!?
Rolled 63 + 3 (1d100 + 3)

Less GO!

It's not worth it. Sure, you'll have whales ready to throw dozens of bucks at you to let them to have a harem of 50 people, but do you really wanna spend your non-working hours writing gay furry smut?
As long as we're speaking of smut, what exactly did you mean by the spoiler in >>6203816? You certainly didn't wait until the weekend to post the next update. Did you manage to get extra free time or something?
Ah, right, I was gonna do a pastebin-style thing but today got rather busy. Can't promise it this weekend anymore, but I'll try to whip up something nice in the future! Sorry for the bait-and-switch-- not an adequate excuse, but this week was a friggin slog
Well, I definitely won't complain if we eventually get to see Anton and TT's first time. What are the chances we'll get a hanky panky crit again, if we even get a repeat at some later point of the quest? Anton must have channeled the power of every man who ever wanted to bang a catgirl or something.
Rolled 75 + 3 (1d100 + 3)

I'll check it out, but sex scenes aren't exactly the highest priority thing.
Rolled 38 (1d100)

Kick his ASS!
Yea, I feel the same way honestly. If anything it'll be a treat or something.

That's the ticket! Writiinnnnnngggggggggggggggg
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Rushing up behind the preoccupied punk, you grab them from behind and let ‘em have it! LIGHTS OUT, BUTTERCUP!

“... What the HELLS are you doing?”

Oh uh, you mutter, this is-

“I can field this one, Rook!” Chirps Volka, “See, Ant doesn’t want to kill this guy–that way we can get some info outta them–like who sent them!”

“Cowardly, but fine,” groans the devil with one of her classic eyerolls, “But why is he doing it like that? Why not, like,” Rezzie pauses to make what you assume is a random gesture, “Smack him over the head like you did to me?”

I-It’s the only way you know HOW, you blubber as you continue to rock the very confused killer in your arms! You didn’t ask for this… you didn’t ask for ANY of this!

“It’s unorthodox, yea,” Remarks Tzah-Tzie in a politely-hushed voice from the sidelines, “But it works… well, it worked.”

Rezzie responds with a noncommittal grunt and a wary stare. “... It’s just… it’s weird that he’s naked, isn’t it? Is it just me?”

N-No Homo!

A mischievous smirk appears on TT’s face! “What’s wrong? Nudity make ya’ uncomfortable?”

The devil’s cheeks turn redder than her eyes! “N-NO!”

“It’s okay, Rez,” Volka adds as she presumably gives the demon a pat on the shoulder, “It’s a bathhouse! It’d be weirder if people weren’t nak-”


Ssshhh, you scold, you’ll wake the assassin!

“Oh!” Mutters the devil, “S-sorry about that…”

With Rezalith’s lips firmly sealed, you manage to knock the killer unconscious with your, uh, SPECIAL TECHNIQUE!

“Phew,” Remarks Volka as she helps you lay him down on a bed, “He really tore this place up–the bed’s a MESS!”

Y-yea, you stammer, w-well he was out for blood…

“Why is it dam-”

B-BLOOD!” Blurts out Tzah-Tzie with her eyes popping out like a cuckoo in a clock! “W-wow, They must be bleeding a lot Better hurry!”

“So,” Inquires Rezalith as she reclines on a nearby chair, “When do we eat ‘em, hmm?”

All in due time, you reply! Also why didn’t she chuck fireballs or anything in that fight? Coulda’ helped a lot!

“And burn down our sweet digs?” She fires back, gesturing to all the impressive scenery you can’t see! “Never crap where ya’ eat: Rezzie’s Rule #1!”

“Pretty sure you didn’t invent that rule…” Volka replies with a nervous giggle!

“Yea I did.”

It’s only a matter of time before the bath attendants check in, you think… could also be more assassins on the way! You decide to…
>Search ‘em thoroughly!
>Wake ‘em up and interrogate them! Volka will hold them still!
>Collect your gear. Vacation’s over!
>Run and find a bath attendant!
>Search ‘em thoroughly!
Meanwhile, tell Volka to go grab an bath assistant to ask if "Assassination attempt" is part of their royal package.
Rezzie and Volka:
>Collect your gear. Vacation’s over!

Anton and TT:
>Search ‘em thoroughly!
Do we gotta call the vacation off yet? Can't we just....stuff em in a closet? Pick them up tomorrow? We didn't even get to do the sauna or get a massaaage
>Search ‘em thoroughly!
We gotta do it.

Maybe we can, uh, I dunno, call someone to pick them up? Do the Lamplighters have a jail or brig?


Fuck it, I'll put 'em both together! Good use of dividing and conquering... or IS it?! OoOOOH! Writing.
Maybe don't cancel it, but it's at least on hiatus pending nobody trying to kill us.
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You’ve half a mind to smack this schmuck awake and take them to interrogation town, but something tells you you’ll just be met with resistance. They didn’t yelp when they sliced their own damn ARM off… How are you supposed to make someone like that squeal!?

The whole situation stinks like a week-old bucket of those eels no one orders at work. Turning to Volka, you ask if she and Rezzie can go track down everyone’s gear! You might need to make a hasty retreat… or arm up for another brawl.

“Sheesh, I hope not…” Groans Volka, the poor girl deflating at the thought of checking out early, “But you got it, Rook. C’mon, Rezzie!”

“Why the HELLS would we leave!?” Exclaims the harried hellspawn as Volka begins the great suite search, “Premium pampering, decadent lodgings, AND a fight with some morons tossed in!? This is the best staycation I’ve ever had!”

These guys clearly know you’re here, you counter with dwindling patience in your tone, and the next mooks they send might not be as subtle!

“Uuuurrgghh!” Groans Rezzie as she begrudgingly joins the search, “FINE! But I’m writing these guys a DAMNED-FINE REVIEW!

Whatever makes her happy, you shrug before turning to face the napping ninja! Okay, where do you-

“Not much to go on,” TT interjects as she shoves a pile of clutter into your arms, “TWO POISONED BLADES--I took one cuz’ it’s nice–3 MORE BLASTCAP BOMBS-

Were those the ones they set up on the rampway?

“Mhm! So we got about SIX now! We could make a KILLING selling these to the right person…” The Durher pauses with a mischievous glimmer in her eye! “Orrrrr just make a killing ourselves. This is some quality equipment.”

Good to know, you nod, what else?

“I didn’t tug it off yet,” She continues like a coroner giving a report, “But I gave their duds a feel–outerwear’s standard fare… we’re talkin’ ‘Murchday Bargain Sale’ here, but underneaaath…”

Taking your hand in hers, she moves your fingers across what feels like a sheet of extremely close-linked and lightweight metal chainmail guarding the assassin’s fleshy bits!

MOX MAIL. Light as a tuft of fur, but can still stop a blade in its tracks.” Adds TT with a smile! “Figured I’d let you know first.”

She’s the best, she knows that? TT answers with a giggle.

“Mhm, but it sure sounds nicer when it comes outta your mouth~” Clearing her throat, the Spinner shifts back into business mode! “‘Sides that, this guy’s not packing much. Had a PICKLOCK SET on him–I’ll hold onto that if ya’ don’t mind–and nothing else, really.”

You blink. No orders? Nothing from their Big Cheese? TT blinks back atcha! “Not that I could find… makes sense if you don’t want that traced ba-” Pausing as if smelling a fart, the girl sniffs a few times as if… wait, did she?!

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“Get closer… it’s faint, but…”

Grabbing you by the back of your shaggy head, TT pulls you in close to take a whiff of… are these boots?


Okay, JEEZ! Taking a big whiff, your nostrils are met with the same scented candle-esque aroma that’s been tattooed into your nose since y-wait… wait a sec…

Once you pick up the scent, you can’t NOT recognize it! Hidden beneath the smell of blood, leather, and explosive powder is the unmistakable odor of…

Sonnovabitch, you growl, you thought you got out Scott-free!

“Evidently not…” Mutters your fellow investigator with a slight tremble in her tone! “... and who’s Scott?”

It’s a saying, you sigh, but this is bad… how’d the damn SPICE CARTEL track you down?! And since when do they have assassins?

“Toldja they didn’t play around…” The Durher replies in a quiet tone. “Maybe that SHYPPA we released in the basement squealed on us? Maybe we were followed?” A shaky sigh escapes her trembling lips. “This… this is bad, Ant… we’re trapped in Crossroads with them…”

Hey, you retort as you give her shoulder a reassuring squeeze, this… you dealt with these goons, right? You can handle whatever they throw at you!

When the girl doesn’t seem to become any less anxious, you ask her a follow-up: Any clue as to how long it’ll be before they send more? You’re rewarded with a shrug.

“Whether we report this or not, it’s not gonna take ‘em long to realize their hit failed… and if this bathhouse is one of their fronts, well…”

The situation hasn’t changed, you counter, well, not much. You were trapped in Crossroads before–if anything this is better than if they caught you at Ma’s place! She probably coulda’ taken ‘em, but…

“I dunno, Ant…” Biting her lip, TT meets your gaze with a shaky one of her own. “We should let the others know…”

“Know that the damn SPICYS are after us?”


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Turning to face the voice, your heartbeat slows when you realize it’s just Volka. She heard?

“S’not like it’s a big suite…” Rezzie shrugs as she enters carrying something in her arms. “Say,” she adds with a menacing smirk, “You’ve got a LOT of stuff here, AnTARD… what are ya’ gonna give me so I don’t BURN it a-ACK!”

“If we’re gonna leave early, we might as well tell the owners,” Interjects Volka as her tail collides with something and sends it flying across the room, “Never know if more clowns are gonna show up…”

“Unless they’re in on it…” Frowns Tzah-Tzie as she glances up at you. “Then it’d be smarter to sneak out while they think we’re still dead.”

How likely does she think they’re in on it, exactly? Another shrug.

“It’s… hard to say. We’d have to snoop around a bit to get some solid evidence…” Her eyes shift towards the ceiling. “If there even is any. I dunno, Ant…”

“Might’ve just been a lapse in security too…” Adds Volka as she places the gear Rezzie was carrying on the ground. “In my experience, Spice setups tend to be crawling with guards. Haven’t seen any since we got here.”

It’s tricky, that’s for sure… rubbing your stubbly chin, you decide to…
UPDATED INVENTORY PASTEBIN: https://pastebin.com/xdk5kHyA
>Stay! Tell the staff about the assassins!
>Leave! Tell the staff about the assassins!
>Snoop! You need more intel… or at least a refund!
>Sneak Out!
>Snoop! You need more intel… or at least a refund!
>Snoop! You need more intel… or at least a refund!
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Both girls make decent points–part of you thinks it’d be safer to hit the road while the road is hittable, but the other part worries you’ll be just as easily assassinateable outside of the bathhouse. There’s just too much noise to know for sure–if only you could get some definitive evidence…

Or at least your money back!

“Wellll,” Sighs Tzah-Tzie as she sidles up to you with a sneaky smile, “Guess we’re just gonna haveta’ investigate, hm?”

She just wants to rob the till, doesn’t she?

“Th-these baseless accusations, Anton, really!” She groans while deftly averting your gaze, “I thought we moved past those ages ago!”

“At the very least we oughta’ see how the rest of the place looks,” Muses Volka as she dons what you assume is a scabbard and sheathes her sword inside! “If those assassins killed any of the staff…”

“More SNEAKING, how SWELL...” Huffs Rezzie in between munching on something. “Come get me when it’s DONE. Or, y’know, don’t.”

You’re not exactly keen on leaving the feisty firebrand to her own devices, but it couldn’t hurt to leave some people with your captive either, especially if the staff show up!

Who ya’ bringing? Choose 1 or more!
>Go Solo, Baby!
>RED (He’s coming whether you like it or not, sorry)
Fuck it. Let's see how she fares.
She's the thief.
Wait, why are the Spicys targetting us now of all places? Is it because of the break-out? Is it because of TT's Debt? Or could it even be TT's creepy suitor?
If only so she doesn't eat our unconscious prisoners.

She IS the party rogue.

Sorry, Volka, but you're reliable and a huge muscular tomboy badass, so you're on prisoner detail.
Hmm, good plan. I will support this



Lotsa reasons, clearly
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Actually, you reply with a fresh smile on your face, she’s gonna be coming with you!

Both TT and Rezzie answer in the same way, albeit with slightly different intonation: Tzah-Tzie staring at you like you’ve gone mad, and Rezzie…

Well, she’s just staring at you like she always does.

“Ant,” Sputters the Spinner as she struggles to keep her cool, “Is… are you sure… think VERY carefully-”

You’ve thought VERY carefully, you counter with renewed cockiness in your voice! Rezzie here’s gonna be our little insurance policy in case you stumble onto a den of bad guys! Shifting your confident gaze in her direction, you add that she’s good at all sorts of things–surely snooping around a bathhouse of all places should be a cinch for her, right?

The devil’s gaze shifts floorward as a pout appears on her face. “... Tch… I could write books about stuff you guys don’t know…”

Great, you conclude as you clap your hands together, Volka, can we count on you to keep our ‘friend’ comfy?

“Leave it ta’ me!” She fires back with a salute and a smile! “... Err, but try to make it quick, yea? Dunno how long they’re gonna last without an arm…”

Glitzy though this place may be, it didn’t seem that big… you can probably turn something up quickly if you put your mind to it! Donning your gear along with TT and a rather reluctant Rezzie, you bid Volka a fond farewell and lead your motley crew down the ramp and back into the bath… the sweltering heat more of a discomfort now that you’re clothed again.

“Phew…” Mutters TT as she starts to pant like a dog, “They keep it pretty toasty in here, that’s for sure…”

“HAH! This is nothing!” Sneers Rezalith with a triumphant cackle! “You two wouldn’t last a SECOND in CHAA’TAI! Talk about pathetic!”

Yea, well, you mutter, that’s just… her opinion! And your goal is to AVOID that hellhole, thanks!

“You’re welcome to go back, though~” Chirps Tzah-Tzie with a hint of cattiness in her tone!

“As IF!” The devil snarls! “Think I’ll settle down HERE for a while… or maybe follow AnTWERP here back to his dumb ole’ dimension. If everyone there’s as pathetic as him it should be easy pickins’!”

You almost want to warn the girl about the unbridled fury of the average rural American, but another part of you doesn’t wanna spoil the surprise…

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Speaking of surprises, as you head back through the dressing room you can still hear staff milling about in the lobby… could the assassins have disguised themselves upon entering, or…?

Emerging in the MUCH cooler hallways leading back to the entrance, you and the ladies freeze at the sound of several sets of footsteps milling about. Guess it’s still peak hours!

“Let’s try to find the MAIN OFFICE!” Whispers TT! Not a bad call!

>Roll me 1d100+6 (+1 Footwork, +3 Sneaky Leather Armor, +5 Satisfied, +3 TT Takes the Lead, +4 Devil Senses, -2 Sore, -2 Dark, -3 Busy, -2 Like a Maze!) to track down the office! Best of 3!
Rolled 94 + 6 (1d100 + 6)

Shouldn't we be tryyin' to find out if they tried to get us killed on purpose or if the assassin sneaked in?
Read'em and weep'em

Not a crit, but still...
Rolled 75 (1d100)

>Rezzie wants to come with us to earth
Cute Tsun.
Rolled 27 + 6 (1d100 + 6)


If we were going Rezzie-route, sure, but wince we already have a girl or two??, I'm not sure that's a good idea.

>or two??
Honestly, I'm getting a real 'guy is so afraid of failing he loses everything' kinda thing from those flashbacks. If i had to bet, i'd wager she either broke up with Anton after getting tired of him never having the guts to move forward, or just straight up died.
Hug the Volka.
Hug the TT.
Carefully poke Rezzie with a 10 foot stick.
This is how things work in this fucked up DARK QUEST.
L-learn to read, anon! She just wants to enslave all of humanity and burn the world to the ground! IDIOT!
Nyohoho I wonderrrr...
This anon GETS it
>Nyohoho I wonderrrr...
Well we better hope it is, because our options if we were still together are to either somehow duplicate Anton and give one to each of them, to start reading up on arguments for the justification of bigamy, or to self-implode.
Or Option #4:

>somehow duplicate Anton and give one to each of them
>start reading up on arguments for the justification of bigamy
The Seeker of the Esoteric solutions.

The Downerquest solution.

The based option.
You forgot the 5th option, where you cut Anton in half like Solomon the Wise.
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Creeping down the hall like a kid on a mission to raid the cookie jar, you and your sneaky senoritas stumble into each other when you hear a pair of voices down the hall!

“Think we should check on VIP Room 6 yet? They’re probably ready for their massages…”

Another scratchier voice answers. “Nahhh, give ‘em a little longer, trust me.”

The first girl shifts a bit as you try to plot out a course to get around the two attendants… but nope, no dice!

“R-really? What if they get impatient an-”

“Glora, honey,” Sighs the second and clearly more experienced hostess, “One boy. Three girls. Private bath and VIP suite.” A pause. “Do I really gotta spell it out for ya?”

“W-well when you put it like that…” Sputters Glora as you struggle to ignore the pair of smug grins burning into the back of your head, “Mitaar’s Light…”

“Just bring some cleaning supplies and fresh food to the dressing room cabinet,” Suggests the wise and noble bath attendant, “Probably gonna need ‘em both.”

“R-right away!”

You relax a bit when you realize the conversation’s coming to a close, but tense up again when you remember where the dressing room is! I-I-IT’S RIGHT BEH-HIND YOOOOOUUU!

Clawing at the walls like a cat trying to get out of the house at 3am, you tackle one of the doors in the hall and find it shockingly unlocked! Leading your gal pals inside, you take a ste-whuh…WHOAH!


Tumbling down what must be the STEEPEST ramp you’ve encountered in Zoral thus far, your journey to the bottom is thankfully uninterrupted… but when you land in a heap at the bottom of the spiraling slope, you’re immediately met by an oppressive curtain of pure, unadulterated HUMIDITY!

“Sheesh,” Tzah-Tzie remarks as she scampers down after you, “What is this, the steam bath?” Her question goes unanswered save for the occasional drip of condensation falling to the cavern-like floor below and the distant echo of running water! “Oh! And are you okay, Ant?”

Never better, you groan… where’d Rezzie go..?

“TYPICAL! You fall down and I can’t even watch… I hate this plane.” Bringing up the rear, the devil wastes no time in rushing to your side and giving it a kick! OW!

“Hurry an’ get up before my prey drive kicks in. Clumsy bastard.”

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Bolstered by the frankly overwhelming sympathy you received from both parties, you begrudgingly rise to your feet and take in your surroundings… The rough-hewn cavern wall is thick with moisture, and while the damp air is thick enough to carve with a knife, you can’t help but feel…

Relieved as you breathe it in…


“Wonder if this is the spring the water comes from…” Muses TT as she takes a few cautious steps forward. You’re more concerned about that attendant, you mutter as you glance towards the way you came!

“Don’t worry… she won’t be bothering us any time soon!” Answers Rezzie with a smile and a giggle! Did… did she seriously already murder another p-

“WHAT!? No!” The devil fires back with a derisive snort! “I closed the DOOR behind us, you imbecile! I can do stuff BESIDES killing people, y’know!”

Well, you sheepishly reply, thank you, Rezalith. That was actually really helpful!

“Yea, yea… keep it in your robes, perv.”

Splendid. Wringing out your robes, you’re about to head back up the ramp when you hear something echoing through the caves…


What do?
>Call out to them!
>Head back upstairs!
>Try to find their owners!
>Make a noise… distract!
>Send one of the ladies ahead!
>Stay silent! They’ll think you… well, I dunno if they noticed you, actually…
>Head back upstairs
Hmm, they might not be assassins after all. We should probably head upstairs to explain the situation.
>Head back upstairs
Weren't we going to the office? We can check there for any "Spicy" membership stuff.
>>Head back upstairs!
+1 to >>6206768. Singing near water is interesting and worrisome MERMAIDS but let's stay on-task.
Suit yourselves! Writingggggg
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Yea, no thanks… you left a luxury bath with three lovely ladies for the purpose of collecting dirt on this joint and its possible mafia connections, not tangle with whatever’s singing underneath the place!

Making a quick about-face, you motion for the gals to follow you back up the ramp… with luck the path to the office is clear now! Surprisingly enough, your idea gets no objections. A guy could get used to this!

Pushing the door open as quietly as a mouse, you wait until you’re certain that the coast is clear before proceeding where the attendants were having their conversation! Emerging back into the main lobby, you freeze up a bit when you’re greeted by a crowd of CUSTOMERS...

… until you remember that it’s dark. Small blessings, right? You’re at a loss for a moment about where to go until you spot an attendant descending a ramp leading to a floor above. As she goes to greet a group of Molegs, you and your entourage beat a hasty retreat up into what you hope is a STAFF AREA!

No surprise we nearly got assassinated…” Mutters TT as she takes over the lead! “Barely any security here!

Why the HELLS are we paying them then, hmmm?” Rezzie groans from the back of the line! “What are they gonna do if we take back our money, huh? MASSAGE us to death?

C-can they DO that!? When your question doesn’t get an answer, you shift your focus to the task at hand. You’ve been doing it a lot lately, but it hasn’t gotten any easier to sneak into private offices–whether its a security feature or just a design flaw you’ll never know, but as you continue through the labyrinth of corridors you can’t seem to find any clue as to where the boss hangs out!

You’re about two seconds away from letting Rezzie go ham when a door swings open right in front of y-OOF!


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“What a WILD story, Juni! Walk with me–I’ll show you where you’ll be working!”

Holding the door open for a meek-looking Mzz’goe’virr comes a jolly-looking Chytree–her eyes gleaming with more emotion than you’ve ever seen in the species!

“Th-thank you, Miss Sura…”

“Please, call me Sura!” Laughs the Chytree! “We’ll do a quick lap and come back to finish your slabwork, okay? Stick close–it’s a MAZE in here!”

As who you assume to be the manager and a new hire head off in the direction you came from, you take the opportunity to slink into the office! Letting the door close behind you, you’re introduced to a spacious room by a plush carpet at your feet and a network of water features along the walls–the sound of flowing water every so often joined by a tranquil ‘thok’ of something akin to bamboo striking another!

VERY zen!

“If there’s anything Spice-related, we oughta’ find it here…” Predicts TT with a confident smirk! “You know the drill–gimme anything that feels like reading material, kay?”

“I’ll watch the door, I guess.” Snarls Rezzie as she leans up against the portal in question! “Make it fast or I’ll start throwin’ fireballs at ya.”

She should give motivational talks.

>Roll me 1d100+4 (+5 Satisfied, +2 ZEN!, +3 TT Takes the Lead, -2 Sore, -2 Dark, -2 Big Office!) to see if you can find anything! Best of 3!
Rolled 96 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

Focus in the zen feeling, Anton...
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Haha yes another 100
You might wanna buy some lottery tickets or something today, anon
Rolled 61 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

Going for the crit, I guess
Rolled 97 + 4 (1d100 + 4)

Here comes the 1
Jesus Christ, Anons...

Okay fuck it you assholes need a reward or something
>Okay fuck it you assholes need a reward or something
A day where nothing goes horribly wrong?
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After scouring Chairman Fellick’s office and the Casino in Gold Town, you’d like to think you’ve got the basics down when it comes to casing a joint! Rushing off like a kid on an Easter Egg Hunt, you waste no time in mercilessly pillaging the proprietor’s property!

Sura’s office is cluttered, that’s for sure… but while Fellick’s had the excuse of being in the middle of an investigation, the bathhouse boss’s place is just… well, disorganized! A shame, really, because in the first few moments of your search you manage to gather a HANDFUL of BATH TOKENS, EIGHT TO BE PRECISE, along with a bag of ZESTY-SCENTED BATH SALTS, a PEDRHA’S PLUNGE TOWEL, and a BOTTLE OF SOME KIND OF ALCOHOL… UNOPENED!

“Hey Ant,” Calls TT from across the room, “You’re gonna love thiiiiis….”

Pocketing your ill-gotten plunder, you join your fuzzy friend just as a faint ‘CLICK’ heralds the opening of a big, metal door…

Is… is it?

The Durher doesn’t answer, but it looks like she’s about to cry! Reaching past the open door, your hands clasp around a sack of something small and jingly… H-how did she-

“It was unlocked!” She giggles, eyes wide in wild excitement! “Th-they probably took the rest of the take elsewhere, but… but feel that purse, Ant!”

Taking a moment to count, you find yourself the proud new owner of 2000 BELLS! You get the feeling the ladies will want their cut back, though.

Refund secured, you finally turn your attention to the desk–an untamed ecosystem of loose paperwork and tablets, to be sure!

“Employee info… inventory… inspection reports…” Mutters Tzah-Tzie as you pass her each document, “Staff mem-wait!”

Letting the rest of the documents fall back onto the desk, you peer over the Spinner’s shoulder for a moment before remembering you can’t read. What’s, uh… what’s it say?

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Clearing her throat, the Durher recites the contents of the memo like a true performer!

To all Senior Staff,
1) Please ensure Baths Four through Twelve get a deep cleaning this week… they were in use late over the weekend and maintenance couldn’t give the usual inspection.
2) Do not engage, argue, or bargain with anyone claiming to be part of ‘The Exchange’. If you suspect any patrons of being of the ‘Spicy’ variety, contact me directly. They’re not allowed anywhere near the premises until Rolo’s paid off his tab.
3) Again, please remind junior staff to avoid any altercations with the clientele. If you suspect a conflict is brewing, proceed to the Pump Room and adjust the Mist Pressure in the appropriate bath or chamber. Remember: a knocked-out customer can still be a FUTURE customer!
4) EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Do NOT engage with the SPRING QUALITY ASSURANCE OFFICERS in the Spring Maintenance Caverns whatsoever!!! Simply leave their food in the Cavern Atrium and LEAVE–do not SPEAK TO, PLAY WITH, or GIVE GIFTS to them! Failure to follow this directive may result in termination or SEVERE BODILY HARM!
5) Payday EVERY EIDAY! Please ensure junior staff check in with a supervisor before leaving for the day.
6) NO UNPAYING GUESTS ALLOWED in VIP Suites! Treat every security complaint by a customer like the real thing!

-Madame Sura

Wow, you remark as TT closes the safe door and curtseys, you wish she was YOUR boss! Seems like a swell place!

“Sounds like they’ve had some friction with the Cartel in the past…” Muses the Durher with a frown. “But it sounds like they’ve got a few tricks up their sleeves too–Ten Bells says those ‘Quality Assurance Officers’ are Shyppas. Euuch…”

“Does this mean we DON’T get to kill everyone in the building?”

Yep, you nod, sorry! With the office more or less scoured clean, you decide to…
UPDATED PASTEBIN: https://pastebin.com/xdk5kHyA
>Snoop some more!
>Double-back to those caves!
>Grab Volka and jet!
>Find an attendant and report what happened!
>Back to the bath!
Probably last update of the night, folks. This week will have a few late nights interspersed, so expect sporadic updates. Apologies in advance for the delays and have a good week!
>Sneak back into room
>Tell attendant what happened and pretend you didn't go sneaking about
And THEN we enjoy the bath.
>>Find an attendant and report what happened!
+1. Though... Shouldn't give back our ill-gotten gains, too, since they didn't conspire to scam or slay us?
>>Return the loot, first

Nuh u>>6206918
h, finders keepers.
>>6206887 +1
Think of it as restitution for letting an assassin into our bedroom.



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Welp, you shrug, you’re sold! Between the lack of security and the memo more or less damning the Spice Cartel and its associates to a sad, bathhouseless life, you’d chalk up your little run-in with the assassins to pure bad luck!

“Aaaand bad serviiiiice~” Chirps Tzah-Tzie as she skids over to your side with a devious grin on her face! “Maybe they’ll sweeten the deal a little more if we complain!”

Well you don’t wanna be that guy, but they DID let a killer nearly, well… kill you. Might warrant some constructive criticism!

In true miscreant form, TT easily leads you and Rezzie back to your suite–the trip unhindered save for a close call with the manager and the interviewee! Man, you hope she gets the job! Summiting the spiral rampway, you give a little warning to Volka as you enter, which proves to be a good idea when the feisty fighter emerges from the side of the door frame sheathing her blade!

“That was speedy! So what’s the game, ey? Mages? Mobsters? Giants?”

Believe it or no-

“Giant Mobster Mages?!?”

… believe it or not, you reply, it seems like the establishment wants nothing to do with those piquant palookas! Which means-

The Skog’s eyes light up like headlights! “W-WE GET TO STAAAAAY?!”

Jury’s still out on that, you counter, but-

Before you can finish, you hear a quiet knock on the door and a soft, but also muffled voice through the wood:

Sir? Is your party ready for their massages?

What say ye?
>Yep! Open the doooor!
>How do we know you’re the REAL DEAL?
>Get help! There were assassins!
>Errr, not yet, thanks…
>Quickly open the door! AMBUSH!
>Stay silent! She’ll think you were never here!
>Have the girls handle this! (Who?)
>Open the door carefully
>If they're actually workers and not a second assassin
>Get help! There were assassins!
>Have the girls handle this! (Who?)
No wait that's TT's thing.
Okay but what are we telling Volka to do here?
I mean, I just want her to do funny Volka things. Feels like we've sorta pushed her aside to focus on TT and Rezzie.
That's fine and all but we still need to tell her what to do. As in, are we telling the attendant about the assassin or not?
I assumed by 'Have the girls handle it', they'd decide what to say. But I suppose we can tell Volka to ask about the assassins.
Fine then, let's have Volka handle it.
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Anon, I just thought it would be funny.
You don't need to act like I'm forcing you to vote the same thing.
Is your vote more rational and thought out? Sure. But I like doing the funni.
>Have the girls handle this! (Who?)
I also want Volka to get her screentime back. Remember that it was her titties we first touched when we came to these lands.
As long as we're just telling them, it doesn't really matter to me whether it's Volka or Anton.

She IS the boss here, technically. This is a WORK EXCURSION where we all get naked and some of us have loud sex.
>TELL 'EM THERE WERE ASSASSINS (If they're not assassins, that is)

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As you open your mouth to answer, paranoia takes a seat in your head like it pays the damn bills! Could this person be an ASSASSIN? Could they recognize your voice? They already know you’re here, apparently, so…

Sensing the massive battle going on inside your head, Volka straightens up her posture and takes the lead! “That depends,” she begins, turning to you and the other gals with a conspiratorial wink, “Is the service… killer?

The attendant goes silent. Holy shit, did Volk just-

“It’s pretty good!” Mutters the employee/possible assassin! “Everyone recommends the Mzz’goe’virr-style massage, but I prefer the Gnok myself!”

“Hmmm…” Muses the Skog as she scratches her tusk, “Good, good… y’see my friend here is reeling from a STABBING pain in his back… you happen to know anything about that?”

“I… I’ve heard Kuulp Oil helps?” Another pause. “C-can I come in?”

“Oh… enjoy sneaking about, hmm? Where ya aren’t invited?”

The next pause is one for the record books. You and the other girls exchange a glance… and you personally can’t tell if Volka’s handling this brilliantly or not! Golly! It’s only after the silence becomes REALLY uncomfortable that the attendant dares to speak up again!

“I um… I c-can c-come b-b-back…”

“Oh my ME, she’s CRYING!

Slamming your hand over Rezzie’s big mouth, you’re too occupied to stop a VERY distraught-looking Volka from opening the door!

“P-PLEASE DON’T CRY!” She blubbers as she wraps the upset employee in her massive embrace! “W-we were attacked by ASSASSINS and we thought you were one and if YOU’RE gonna cry then it’s gonna make ME cry an-”

“W-wait, assassins?” Sputters the attendant! “H-how!? When!?”

Sneakily, you answer, and it all happened a few posts ago!

“We’ve got one in critical condition on the bed over there,” Volka explains as she leads the hostess to the blood-slaked bed, “And um… there was one in the bath downstairs-”

“Gone.” Shrugs Rezzie as she picks at her teeth, “Might be a few teeth at the bottom of the bath, though. And a scapula or two. Never been a fan of those.”

“And I’ve never been a fan of unpaying customers…” Purrs a sultry voice from beyond the door! Entering with a bow comes a familiar pair of magenta disco ball-esque eyes… M-Madame Sura!

“My reputation precedes me!” Laughs the Chytree as she glides into the room like an old-timey movie star, “Mr. Anton, yes? Allow me to be the first to apologize for this horrible intrusion…”

It’s okay, you smile, you’re glad she’s here! The madame’s eye shimmers slightly.

“I was referring to the assassins.”


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Making her way over to the bed, the bath boss examines your would-be killer with a burst of magic that makes your eyeballs tingle before kicking over that OTTOMAN from earlier! Think of the upholstery!

“That DAMNED Rolo… I made it clear as crystal that he and his goons weren’t supposed to step within seven leagues of my baths…” Sensing your gaze, the hostess shrugs off her sudden temper with a sultry laugh! “You’ve done me a great service, Anton… though not on purpose, I’m sure.”

Crossing over to you with a wink, the Chytree snaps her fingers and summons two more attendants!

“Yes, Madame?”
“Yes, Madame?”

“Run to the safe and collect the fee they paid,” Purrs Sura, “Their bells are no good here. Oh, and Tysha?”

Your original attendant snaps to attention! “Y-yes, Madame!?”

“These guests have undergone a VERY unnerving scare… I won’t let them leave until they’re so relaxed it hurts, is that understood?”

The attendant’s eyes bug out at the request, but she still bows! “O-Of course! It’ll be my pleasure!”

“Of course it will.” Turning her attention back your way, Sura gives you an appraising look. “A joke, of course–I wouldn’t blame or hinder any of you if you chose to leave… but at least let us try to make it up to you, hmm?”

The assassin on the bed groans, totally ruining the calming mood! He’s uh… he’s in bad shape…

“Most assassins are, once they’ve been caught.” She replies with a singular laugh! “Now we usually handle these little disputes in-house, Anton, but you’re the one who was harmed…”

The disco ball eyes cock to the side. “How shall we deal with this one, hmm? We have many Bellcounter regulars who could be here in a heartbeat, but if you’re not a fan of paperwork, well…”

She pauses again as a hint of malice clouds her eyes!

“Let’s just say we have ways to keep them from reporting back to their superiors.”

Well when she puts it that way…
>Call the Bellcounters! SEIZE this assassin!
>She can handle it her way!
>You wanna try to get more info while they’re still breathing!
>Let ‘em go. They can tell their boss who kicked their ass!
>You had a question or two for her first, actually!
>Rezzie? Ya’ hungry?
>She can handle it her way!
>You wanna try to get more info while they’re still breathing!
I want to know which of the many possible and arguably-valid reasons they had for coming here to kill us, specifically.
>You wanna try to get more info while they’re still breathing!
>You wanna try to get more info while they’re still breathing!
Uh-oh, she's running to the safe. Surely TT hid them well and we won't get punished for the bonus we got as a reward for rolling well right?


Got work until REAL late tonight so I'm gonna write a quick update now! Apologies for the wait in advance!
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You’d hate to get in the way of how the business does things, you reply with a smile, but would she mind waiting a bit so you could ask them a question or two?

The madame shrugs. “Certainly.” Her eyes shift from you to the bed. “I suggest you hurry, however–I don’t think they’ll last for much longer with that wound.”

Your teeth chatter and your cheeks itch as you feel some MAGIC burst from the matron’s hand, followed by another groan from the bed!

“That should keep going for a little while longer.” Another zap. “And that should make them a bit more… cooperative.

Well alright then! Heading over to the bed with your crew in tow, you’re greeted by muffled, shallow breaths from behind a mask of some kind! Removing it, you’re met with the face of a Gnok who’s clearly seen better days!

Deftly LIMBOING beneath a gob of bloody spit aimed at your face, you prepare to ask your questions… even with Sura’s boon, however, you don’t think they have much time left…

Probably only time for, like, 3 questions!
>Who are you?!
>Who sent you!?
>Why are they after you?!
>How’d they track you down!?
>Are there more on the way?
>Where were they supposed to go when the job was done?
>Rolo–where is he!?
>Why are they after you?!
>How’d they track you down!?
>Where were they supposed to go when the job was done?
These are probably the most important ones. We know it's the Spicys who are after. We need to know why specifically, how they tracked us down, and where they were supposed to go after the job was done, right?
>Why are they after you?!
>Where were they supposed to go when the job was done?
>How’d they track you down!?
I tried to warn you guys about returning the loot...

>Why are they after you?!
>How’d they track you down!?
>Where were they supposed to go when the job was done?
>I tried to warn you guys about returning the loot...
But it was a reward, though...
Writing! Big-ass day, Dark Dorks, so expect a short one. Thanks for your patience!
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Heeeeey sleepyheaaaaad, you begin in a diplomatic tone as the assassin revs up for another spitwad, you’ll make this quick: you know he works for the friggin’ SPICYS, so start squealing! Why are they sending assassins after you, huh? You didn’t even do anything! Probably!

Your immutable interrogatee responds with a stony face and a whole bundle of silence. Hey Sura, you mutter out of the corner of your mouth, wasn’t he supposed to be a bit more coop-

“Give it a minute.”

True to her word, the matron beams as blood gurgles out of the hitman’s mouth like a chocolate fountain! “Quit… acting coy…”

You’re not, you protest! You don’t even like fish that much!

“Swoos Lounge… Diamond Dust…” He wheezes, pausing to expel another cough full of bloody phlegm, “And that… that stunt at the auction… heh..” The assassin’s toothy grin is stained crimson. “Those eggs were worth more than all of ya… an’ you… you ruined Rolo’s big night…”

Another violent coughing fit rocks the killer’s body! “You’re…. You’re DONE…”

Even if you DID do that crap, you retort, how can they be sure it was you, hmm? You just got here the other day!

“He’s right!” Nods Volka, “Coulda’ been anyone!”

“Not to mention he’s too stupid to pull off anything like that.”

Thanks, Rezzie.

“Got… got PLENTY of witnesses…” Croaks the assassin! “Bartender… Swoos broad… an’ some asshole Mzz’goe’virr…”

He… he couldn’t mean… SALTY SUUTZ!?

“Shoulda’ put that jerk outta’ his misery back in Thread 1…” Snarls Tzah-Tzie! Yea, seriously!

“Blue eyes… looks like a Gnok, but…” The assassin takes another long, rattling breath. “Ya ain’t…Rolo wanted ya’ alive…”

Well that’s nice of him, you frown, but you want to go home! Let’s put all our wishes in a hat and see which one comes first, hmm?

“A big, big house… with a big ole’ lake all the friends and family can enjoy!” Volka grins!
“My songs in every tavern and a new path to explore every day!” Smiles Tzah-Tzie!
“A big, big, big pool of blood,” Sighs Rezzie, “Like, bigger than I can drink in a day.”

Okay, you weren’t actually asking them for wishes, but… look, you sigh, whatever Rolo wants-

“He’ll get…” Snickers the saboteur! “Got eyes all over the town… and you lot ain’t that careful…”

The killer enters another coughing fit when his chest is hit by a pillow! “More careful than YOU were, butt-breath!”


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“Always… always watching….” Groans your interviewee with renewed scorn in his eyes! “Bet… better cancel any long-term… plans…”

“I’m planning on eating this idiot…” The devil snarls! One more thing, you add as you step in between Rezalith and the bed, where was he supposed to go after doing the job?

He opens his mouth to speak, but this time a TORRENT of blood rushes up to greet you! Writhing around on the bed like a possessed man, he barely manages to get the last few words out!

“Dr-DRIPPING LEAF! Muuchu house! O-ORDer ‘LARGE WITH BLOOD SPECKS… Half upfront… shtashed it in… FOUNTAIN HOUSH… RAGS… … th-the ressshtt….”

Yea? The ressshtt!?

Like a kid crashing from a sugar high, the killer falls limp against the bed… they’d better change the sheets on that thing! Giving your conversation partner a few prods, it’s only after ten or twelve more that Volka steps in and examines him!

“... He’s gone, Rook.”

No, he’s right there!
Sorry, that… that was in bad taste…

“FINALLY!” Groans the demon girl as she stomps over! “Back off, tons-o-fun, before he gets cold!”

Ah-ah-ah, you interrupt! This is what’s gonna happen:
>Call the Bellcounters! SEIZE this assassin! Their corpse, that is!
>She can handle it her way!
>Sura, can you revive him or something?
>Rezzie? Ya’ hungry?

Sorry, all! 4chan went all haywire the minute I finished the update last night!
>Rezzie? Ya’ hungry?
Good girls get treats. Are you a good girl?
>Rezzie? Ya’ hungry?
>Rezzie? Ya’ hungry?
So, they're after us? Guess it's not TT they're pursuing. That's good, I guess.
>You’re not, you protest! You don’t even like fish that much!

>She can handle it her way!
Going to just point out that letting Rezzie chew people up in front of witnesses is going to come back to bite US, since there's demon-summoning cult about and we stink of demon.
Anon, she literally already admitted to eating a guy in the pool, remember?
Ah, but were they paying attention to our inter-party banter? Probably. Fair.


She could just be a little eccentric! It's one of her silly quirks <3
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Actually, y’know what? Go for it! She’s been behaving, after all!

The devil pauses to send a stare your way that could freeze magma! “Keep your freaky praise fetish crap away from my dinner, AnTARD.”


“I won’t question your friend’s erm, exotic tastes,” Mutters Madame Sura as she watches Rezzie skulk over to the bed like a vile nosferatu, “But does she have to do that on the bed?”

Oh. OH. You manage to clap your hands and get a curt ‘HEEL’ out of your mouth, but it’s too late! The LOVE ZONE quickly becomes a SPLASH ZONE as you, TT, Volka, and even the bathworkers are showered in a mist of gore and viscera!

Mistera? Nah, that doesn’t work…

“Well!” Sura begins over a sound akin to a cow being shoved into a woodchipper, “It’s a good thing we’re at a bathhouse, hm? On behalf of PEDRHA’S PLUNGE I do hope this experience won’t taint your enjoyment of our fine facilities…”

“Well if you’re offering more brib-”

NOPE, you interject as your hand deftly closes over Tzah-Tzie’s big mouth, you’re really glad they helped you out with this whole thing! Your eyes shift from the matron to the bed-turned-placemat! Is, erm, is that mess gonna wash out, or-

“Not the first body we’ve had to dispose of, darling,” Purrs the Chytree with a sultry laugh! “Which reminds me… Juni, have someone dredge their bath. I won’t let them relax in a cesspool. And send someone to change the bedsheets.”

As one of the attendants scampers off to clean up Rezzie’s older leftovers, Sura turns your way again with a pleasant… well, whatever counts as a Chytree smile!

“Now then, you paid for the ROYAL PACKAGE… is there anything I can get started for you while I’m here, Mr. Anton?”

Now THIS is service! LIMBOING beneath a particularly LARGE bit of gore, you decide to…
>You’ll just head back to the bath when it’s ready, thanks!
>You had a question or two for her, actually!
>That massage sounds good right about now!
>Nah, we’re gonna stick around in the suite for a bit!
>You’re good! Just gonna relax. (Advance time!)
>You’ll just head back to the bath when it’s ready, thanks!
We can discuss business in the bath. Then after that we can do the massage and sauna stuff.
>You’ll just head back to the bath when it’s ready, thanks!
"Praise fetish crap", huh?
Tough talk comin' from someone who wanted us to lick her boots, Rezalith.
>You’ll just head back to the bath when it’s ready, thanks!
I know we already did some stuff so Anton's spent, but did anyone kinda want to have some uh...Stealth "groping" in the bath with TT? We never did "inspect her boobies" after all did we?

She's just jealous she doesn't get to be praised by Anton more often.
>You’ll just head back to the bath when it’s ready, thanks!
>That massage sounds good once we're not covered in gore!
>We’re gonna stick around in the suite for a bit!
>>Talk to the girls about strats to avoid being constantly beset by Spicy assassins

In that order.
>We never did "inspect her boobies" after all did we?
Anon, we cuddled naked or mostly naked yesterday, and then took her to POUND TOWN today. We have inspected the SHIT out of those boobies. Let's focus on the adventure for a bit, maybe?

We'll get the pastebin soon enough.
We can talk about the spicys in da baaath.
>We have inspected the SHIT out of those boobies
It's no fun unless we have to hide the reactions. I want to see TT blushing and squirming. It being all dark has some opportunities you know?
>I want to see TT
SEE her? Boy, do I have bad news for you about the nature of this DARK quest. ;P

But seriously, this isn't Akun. There'll be time for horning it up later. All this violent carnage isn't exactly putting me in the mood, and I want to do adventure and character moments that aren't just 'and then Anton and TT fucked again! They liked it, and it was good!"
You can't just make a scene where you're bathing naked with a girl you liqe and not do *some* grabbing action. And it didn't happen earlier...
geez man anton's already spent and TT's already all sore over. let them rest, will you.
>Rezzie immediately rips someone to shreds
>Your immediate thought is "I WANT TT MILKIES"
I'm slightly concerned about this part of Anton's psyche.
Hey, I never said I wanted milkies! Just some light groping.
>I'm slightly concerned about this part of Anton's psyche.
So are all anons and votes just Anton's brain talking to itself Disco Elysium style?
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The point stands, anon.
We should stick to wholesome headpats and kissing for a bit, we already did the seggs twice this thread.
I mean it's less an Anton thing and how I personally see quest MCs in general.
That's besides the point.
Well I get it but still...fancy bath scene with naked lady friends...
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About half an hour later you’re back in the warm, gentle embrace of the baths… the attendants apologized profusely, of course, but mentioned they needed a little extra time to track down the skull of Rezalith’s first victim. Naturally, the devil was nowhere near as apologetic.

Drifting along the surface like a corn flake in a big bowl of milk, you tune in and out of the conversation the ladies are having… well, Volka and Tzah-Tzie are having, at least!

“Right, Anton?”

Oh crud, they WERE talking to you! Paddling back into an upright position, you ask TT to repeat what she said! Y’know, so that Rezzie can hear!

“Don’t care.” Grunts the demon as she drifts by like a battleship run on pure spite!

“We were talking about the Spicys,” Sighs the Durher as she doggie-paddles over to your side! Oh yea, you nod, they… they suck!

“I’m worried they’re gonna go after the people we’ve been hangin’ around, Rook…” Volka explains with growing unease in her eyes. The Lamplighters can handle themselves, though, right? The Skog’s expression darkens.

“I dunno… Lila an’ Pesli, maybe… but if they send more than one or two assassins… or go after the newbies…”

Her eyes widen as she realizes something else! “HELLS, what if they got Morook?!”

“I don’t wanna sound insensitive, Volkie,” Says TT as she gives the Skog a sympathetic glance, “But it’s kinda a moot point… Cartel’s huge. Crossroads ain’t even their main stomping grounds, and you’ve seen Gold Town.”

“So what,” Volka growls, “We just wait for them to hurt our friends? Our family?”

“If they knew who we associated with they’d have led with that.” Counters the Durher! “I don’t like it any more than you do, but everyone would be a lot safer if we stayed far away from them for a little while! We were gonna leave town tomorrow anyways… nothing’s changed, right?”

The Skog shifts around anxiously. “Yea, well…”

The conversation is put on hold as a dismissive cackle rings out across the baths! Drifting over with a smug grin on her face comes the HMS Rezzie, the devil’s eyes gleaming with more mischief than usual!

“What’s so funny, huh?” Volka asks, her tail stirring the water behind her with growing ire!

“Oh nothing~” Chirps Rezalith, “It’s just… it’s so cute, y’know? Acting like you can’t do anything about the big, scawwy aswasswins!”

“You said you didn’t care…” TT observes with mock shock on her face! “And yet here you are talking about it! Odd!”

“It’s a queen’s duty to shepard her subjects…” Shrugs the devil as she floats past you. TT smirks.

“Is that what you call it?”

“Do you ever use that pea-sized brain for anything other than devising stupid quips?” Rezzie fires back! “You’re all missing the big picture here… not that that’s surprising…”

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Does she have a point, or is she just fishing for attention again? Your answer comes in the form of a huge splash of bathwater in your face! AUUUGH! Your pores!

“My point is,” Rezalith sighs as if teaching a class of unruly Kindergarteners, “Is that they’re coming after you because you inconvenienced them somehow… So why not go for broke?”

She’s… gonna have to be a bit more specific than that.

“See, this is why you could never lead. They’re mad because you stole some eggs, right? Then let’s give them something to really cry about!” Rising from the bath in a torrent of steam, the devil stands tall with a menacing smile on her face!

Well, as tall as Rezzie can, at least.

“Let’s burn their stupid casino to the ground! They wanna mess with us? We haven’t even played our best cards yet!”

“Pardon the interruption, but,” TT interjects with a sly smile, “But did you say ‘us?”

The question hits the devil who would be queen like a ton of holy bricks! “I….I… I M-M-MEANT THE ROYAL ‘US’! Y-YOU IDIOTS WOULDN’T KNOW A GOOD PLAN IF IT BIT YOU ON THE F-FACE! MORONS!

Diving into the safety of the bath, you don’t manage to see where Rezzie resurfaces…

“I mean, it’s not a terrible plan,” Shrugs the Durher with victory plastered on her face, “But once things settled down the cartel would be REALLY mad at us.”

“I’m all for knockin’ heads,” Adds Volka as she rolls around in the bath like a gator killing an antelope, “But things seem to be heatin’ up in Crossroads–maybe the cartel will be too busy putting out those fires?”

Ugh, you don’t know! You just came here to relax a bit… but there ARE some decent points… feeling TT’s tail gently tickle your side, you decide to…

>Continue with the old plan… try to escape Crossroads tomorrow!
>Go with Rezzie’s scorched-earth idea!
>You can’t leave this alone… Rolo wanted you alive, so maybe you could meet?
>You should probably warn the people who helped you out, even if it means potentially exposing them.
>Go with Rezzie’s scorched-earth idea!
In our absence, it will NOT take them long to connect us to The Lamplighters, given Volka has a bit of a reputation and has been seen around town with Anton and TT.
>Go with Rezzie’s scorched-earth idea!
>Go with Rezzie’s scorched-earth idea!
Okay, I'm sorry but, how does 'burn down the cartel's casino' stop them from going after our friends again?
>Oh god you're actually listening to her
I guess we'll see!
Can't come after our friends if they're all dead or in jail. Even if they want to: if we leave no free witnesses, nobody can say who did it.
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So many of those mysterious green options to choose from… but there’s just one of them that won’t let go of your brain! Gnawing away at it like a territorial pomeranian, Rezalith's plan just can’t get out of your head!

Rising from the water like the legendary kaiju ‘KOJIRA’, a look of fierce determination settles on your face! You never thought you’d say it, you begin as Volka and Tzah-Tzie watch wide-eyed and worried, but Rezzie’s… got a point!

“HUUUUUH!?” They both sputter with abject terror on their faces!

“A-Anton,” Tzah-Tzie mutters as she claws at your hip, “I get how you feel and what you wanna do to these guys, but… but you haven’t been here that long an-”

“And they’re on a whole other level!” Adds Volka as she splashes over to you! “Hells, Ant, they’re THE Zoral crime family! And you wanna kick the hive?!?”

It sounds crazy, you know-

“Because it IS.” Interrupts the Durher with a pleading look in her eyes! “Anton, please… this is gonna be bad…”

It’s already bad, you fire back in a firm, but gentle tone! These assholes sent hired killers after you for rescuing a mother’s eggs from being auctioned off as slaves–what’s stopping them from just sending more tomorrow? And the day after?

“And burning down a casino stops that… how, exactly?” Frowns Volka, the Skog looking even more puzzled than usual. “Help me understand, Rook–I’ve got your back, but…” She sinks back into the water with a defeated sigh. “I just don’t get it…”

Your confidence falters a bit seeing your original rescuer in such a forlorn state… until some more words slowly find their way out of your mouth.

Look, you continue in a softer tone as you give the girl a pat on her massive, scaly shoulder, you’re scared too–terrified, even, and you don’t even have family here… but as long as these exotic-scented bullies think they can do whatever they want, they’re gonna do just that!


But nothing, you add, deftly cutting off Tzah-Tzie as a few embers start a fire in your chest, when you first arrived here you almost got killed by freaky BEAKWOLVES! Hell, your arm still itches from being bitten! And now!?

You make a sweeping gesture at the darkness surrounding you! You’ve battled gangs! Spat in the face of hardened mobsters! Snuck into the seat of Zoral’s government and ran the damn investigation! You even spied on a clandestine meeting with a fifth faction aiming to turn this world on its end… and you’re still here!

“We’re… we’re not big heroes, Rook-”

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Maybe you are, maybe you aren’t, you growl! But one thing’s for certain: everything’s impossible until it’s done, and if the Cartel wants to send every killer Zoral has, that’s fine! You’ll deal with each and every one the same way you just did, but if they think they’re the only ones allowed to raise Hell, well…

A cocky grin spreads across your face!

We’ll give ‘em Hell!

Silence falls over the bath save for the gentle churning of the water around you. Receiving no applause, you’re about to repeat that last line when a gleeful cackle echoes across the room!

“YES! YEEEEESSS, ANTON!” Hopping up and down like a coked-up jackrabbit, Rezalith approaches with a manic twinkle in her eyes! “Didn’t think you had a SPINE in that disgusting meatsuit of yours… but I’m glad to be proven wrong!”

Yea, well-

Your stammered response is cut short as you feel a claw close around your wrist and a batlike wing brush against your back! Oh god, she’s getting close...

“Let’s go right now! Let’s turn this ‘Gold Town’ into a ‘Gold Puddle!’ Ooh, I can already smell the charred corpses… just like home…”

Okay, hands off, you mutter, but the devil’s grip only gets tighter! Ow!

“These two can opt out if they want…” Purrs Rezzie as you feel her hot breath caress your cheek, “They’ll just get in the way of our… fun...”

“H-HEY, I never said I wasn’t coming!” Snarls Volka with wide eyes! “I ain’t leaving a Lamplighter behind!”
“And no one knows how those spicy slugs work better than me!” Adds TT as she wraps her arms around your other hand and tugs it tight against her fuzzy chest! “You’re gonna need SOMEone to pull ya’ outta the fire, y’know!”

It’s hard to tell if their bids for support were just the product of Rezalith’s ribbing or not, but you’d like to think they were genuine–these two were ready to assault a cultist base with you… why wouldn’t they help you reduce a mob casino to rubble? Okay, you nod, then that’ll be our ‘going away present’ for the Cartel… by the time they know what happened, we’ll be well on our way outta’ the city!

“It’ll definitely be harder to follow us if they’re putting out fires… metaphorically and otherwise…” Muses TT as she continues to place your hand in a death grip, “But we should also try to track down an exit route first…” She frowns. “Now that I think about it, the Spicys might have a way of their own…”

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“Can’t have illicit dealings if yer’ stuck in one town!” Chirps Volka with a splash of her tail! “Say, this idea might actually have some perks!”

“Burning down an entire city block is the perk, you cow.” Rezalith groans! “Uuuugh, you’re all so BORING... always with the planning and the TALKING...”

Hey, chin up, you retort! You liked her idea, so you’re gonna do it and you’re gonna do it right! Slipping back into the bath, a pang of worry hits you as you realize the devil isn’t letting go… and neither is the Spinner! Can uh… can we get back to the spa stuff now?

Letting your wrist go free, the demon leaves you with a derisive ‘tch’ before slinking away into the water like a serpent! Well, you sigh, that uh… that takes care of that!

“Maybe we should get started now…” Suggests Tzah-Tzie with a hint of apprehension in her tone, “While they still think their boys are on the job…”

Flopping back into the bath’s warm embrace, you decide to…
>Let’s leave… there’s work to be done!
>That massage sounds good right about now!
>Steam bath timeeeee!
>Back to the suite!
>Talk more with TT!
>Vocalize with Volka!
>Discuss with the devil!
>Vocalize with Volka!
>Steam bath timeeeee!
steam bath :)
>That massage sounds good right about now!
And after that, we'll close out this day with a steam bath. We gotta get the use out of this, y'know?

We can talk with Volka in the steam bath, but we should do the massage fiiiiirst. It's gonna be weird if the last thing we do is a massage.
>That massage sounds good right about now!
I really wanna see that massage. There's a choice between Molegg, Mizz and Gnok right? Man, that all sounds interesting.
We can do the massage and steam bath off-screen,a s far as I'm concerned, for pacing's sake. After all...
>...there’s work to be done!
The descriptions are nice, so I'm fine with keeping on the scenes. We still haven't got anything as comfy as that swoos scene earlier.
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You’d actually kill for that massage right about now… ever since you fell that one time your shoulder’s been giving you grief!

“Which time?” Asks TT as she floats next to you like a corpse. Exactly!

“Never had a fancy massage before…” Muses Volka as she sinks deeper into the bath, “Y’think they put needles into ya? Light little fires on your back?”

W-woah, DO they?! H-heeeeelp!

“Relax… whatever they’re gonna do is gonna make you feel great, trust me!” Tzah-Tzie chirps with a reassuring smile! “I’m a Molegg massage gal myself–they do this thing with warm mud on your joints? And there’s these pebbles too… Whoof!”

“Huh! Didn’t peg ya’ for a massage maestro, TT!” Volka grins as she scoots a little closer with curiosity in her big yellow eyes! “Okay, dish: what are the others like?”

“You sure you wanna spoil the fun?” Replies the Durher warily! “It’s not as great if you know what to expect… thought I guess the attendant might walk ya’ through it.”

Couldn’t hurt, you shrug! Besides, it’ll make you and Volka seem fancy! The Skog shifts a bit in her seat.

“What about Rezzie?”

The three of you glance over at the devil in her own little corner of the bath half-submerged and scooting around like a submarine. It’d take a little more than that to make her look fancy…

“Aaaaanyways,” Continues the Spinner as she uses her tail to putter around you like a fuzzy tugboat, “I’ll give ya’ the basic details for each one… how’s that sound?”

“Hell yea! Teach us, TT!” Volka cheers as her tail enthusiastically slaps the water! “But, y’know… not too much! Haha!”

“Okay, so I already mentioned the Molegg massage… my other favorite used to be Mzz’goe’virr, actually–they start you off with this venom, okay-”

Wait, you sputter, WHAT?

“It sounds crazy, I know, but it isn’t dangerous!” Explains the Durher with wide eyes! “It leaves you feeling all warm and tingly, and that’s when they start poking you with these barbs…”

“Euuugh… seems a little hardcore for me…” Shivers the Skog as she sinks into the bath! “What about the Gnok?”

“Gnok massages are… interesting.” TT blinks as she struggles to come up with the best word. “They stretch you out a lot like a piece of dough, but they also use these really rough bands of feathers to brush your skin? TT’s cheeks redden as embarrassment clouds her expression. “I always end up giggling, especially when they do it to my feet…”

Wait, you interrupt in a quiet tone, she’s tickilish?

Bristling up at your question like a porcupine, TT is about one second away from biting your hand off when you hear the tinkle of a dainty little chime near the entrance to the bath!

“Pardon the intrusi-”


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It takes a bit of doing, and several minutes of profuse apologies between you and the attendant, before order is restored.

“I um… I was going to see if you were ready for your massages…” She explains in a soft-as-silk tone! Yea, you reply, raising your voice to counteract the sound of Volka performing some light drowning on the devil, that sounds neat, thanks!

“Splendid! Each session will be private,” Adds the worker with relief in her quiet voice, “And our staff specialize in Molegg, Mzz’goe’virr, and Gnok massage therapy… would you like an explanation of each, or…?”

What say ye?
>Tell me more about (Which one?)
>Let’s do the Molegg massage!
>Mzz’goe’virr sounds swell!
>Gnok seems funky! Let’s do it!
>They stretch you out a lot like a piece of dough
I feel like not making some variation of a joke or jab about "stretching you out" to TT would be a severe crime. I vote to do so at the earliest opportunity.

>Gnok seems funky! Let’s do it!
No venom or mud for me thanks
>Gnok seems funky! Let’s do it!

>Make that joke
It's like you WANNA be playfully bitten, anon
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You’re almost tempted to try out the Mzz’goe’virr massage, but after your little escapades in the Swoos Lounge, you’re a little hesitant to play around with venom, poison, or anything else that might be supposedly ‘harmless’. Since Gnoks seem like the closest thing to humans in this wacky world, you opt for that massage! You could use a good stretchin’!

“Excellent, sir,” Nods the attendant with practiced patience, “Please follow me… my fellow attendants will assist your associates shortly.”

“Have fuuuuun~” TT says as you’re led away by the bathworker!

It’s a wonder those assassins tracked you down in this place–even following close behind the Gnok attendant you have a hard time keeping track of where you came from! Winding through countless corners and bends, you eventually come to a halt in a small, but still warm room smelling faintly of moss and… eucalyptus?

“Please lie down on the bed,” Instructs your chaperone as she gently takes your wrist in her claw and leads you to the furniture in question, “The masseuse will be with you shortly.”

You respond with a confused blink as you climb onto the bed–its firm, but soft surface smelling faintly of herbs. Wait, she isn’t your massager? The question earns a polite laugh from the girl, not that you were joking, of course!

“Oh no… I’m just an attendant, sir…” She giggles, sending a sidelong glance towards the wall, “B-but your masseuse will be very skilled! A bit new here, but they know their trade!”

No kidding, you remark as your face pokes through a conveniently-placed hole in the bed.

“Mhm! Told me they were from RYTZOE down South by the coast!”

… Why does that place sound familiar?

“Anyways, please relax for a moment!” Concludes the attendant with a sheepish laugh! “They’ll be here shortly. Excuse me~”

Listening to the door close behind you, you lounge as best you can face down on the bed as you wonder if this is how massages in your world work too… before you can ponder it too much, however, you hear the door quietly creak open followed by some light footsteps…

“Afternoon, saer,” begins a deep, but crackly feminine voice! “My name be Sustii–I be the one ter’ massagin’ ye today…”

Neat, you reply, not able to hide the faint tremble of anxiety in your tone, you’re uh… you’re excited!

“Grand ter’ be hearin’ it…” Whispers Sustii as she approaches the bed with the sound of something oily being applied to her claws! “I be startin’ by applyin’ some oil ter’ yer joints… jus’ relax, but don’t bein’ afraid ter be askin’ any questions~”

Well if she insists… feeling a pair of barbed, but oily claws work their magic on your shoulders, you decide to…
>Let her work! Shaddap!
>Ask about Rytzoe!
>Inquire about her work history!
>Quiz her about the bathhouse!
>Grill her about herself!
>Ask about Rytzoe!
Seems like decent chit-chat material.
I want to be playfully bitten while Volka is innocently confused and Rezzie seethes in totally-not-envy

>Let her work! Shaddap!
I want nothing but the descriptions of the massage. Let da voicebox rest.
>Let her work! Shaddap!
No talk, only massage
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>Captcha: D8NRD
She's annoyed alright, annoyed it isn't her.
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Yea, nope! You came here to RELAX, dang it, and this is the first time in, like, a million posts that you’re able to stretch out a bit! Hearing no objections, the masseuse gets to work: you can’t help but flinch a bit at the initial sensation of warm oil being spread across your shoulders like the Grease Monkey Secret Sauce, but unlike that stuff, the massage oil doesn’t sting at all… it probably doesn’t even attract wasps, either!

Your train of thought is swiftly, but gently derailed as you feel the therapist’s claws press deep into the pit between your back and shoulder blades–not firmly enough to hurt, mind, but just enough to feel the solid wall of pure stress start to crumble with each roll of their palms. Faint crackling noises ring out around the room before they move on to your other shoulder, but when they do your shoulder feels like it was fresh out of the shop! Holy MOLEY!

Armed with a fresh coat of oil, the therapist’s claws start to move lower as your nostrils become tickled by the faint scent of burning incense–the odor’s mellow, slightly spicy scent reminds you of Christmas morning… slathering your spine with warm, soothing oil, Sustii places one palm on each side of your vertebrae and works her way down by giving each one a push!


“Yer be tense indeed, ser…” She whispers as each subsequent section of your spine reports in a similar way! Unnerving as it sounds, each pop leaves you feeling like you just let twenty pounds tumble off your back… it’s liberating!

When the masseuse gets to the base of your spine, she takes a detour and gently grips your shoulder with a barb-covered claw… her other hand clasping around the base of your arm just above your wrist… hey, what’s she gonna d-


In one fluid movement, Sustii tugs your arm and stretches it out like a towel! You expect it to hurt… to be sore, but all you get is the almost alien sensation of every crevasse, every pit, nook, and cranny in your arm… being able to breathe.

You take a deep breath to celebrate the occasion. The air is warm, but crisp like champagne.


And now your other arm feels just as unburdened. Dear lord… is this how you’re supposed to feel? All the time?!

Placing her claw on the base of your back and the other on your ankle, it doesn’t take long for you to deduct what she’s gonna do ne


Yep… whoof. What you DIDN’T anticipate, however, is when you feel an oiled-up claw start to dig around in the base of your feet–both thumbs methodically strumming every tendon and muscle in your sole like a bass player. Like every other trick up her sleeve, Sustii’s massage leaves your feet positively TINGLING with energy… like you could go for a jog or something! You’ve NEVER jogged willingly!

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“Don’t be takin’ it poorly, ser,” She mutters under her breath, “But yer’ve got parculier feets fer’ a Gnok…”

It’s, uh… it’s a long story, you mumble, your mind still cloudy from the treatment. She’s really good at this!

“Z’nuffin, ser,” She replies with a quiet giggle, “A girl be pickin’ up plenty’re skills ta’ be keepin’ ‘erself fed… thankin’ yer’ fer the kind words, mind.”

Working her way back up to your neck, her claws make gentle circles where your muscle meets your head, the oil leaving you warm and tingly wherever she touches! Her, uh, her accent sounds familiar, you muse, not really expecting an answer.

“Folk always be askin’ if it be a Rytzoe dialec,” She replies with a quiet giggle, “Nae, jus’ be a gif’ from me family… we all be soundin’ like this, if’n yer’ can believe it.”

Huh, you remark, so is Rytzoe a big Gnok town, then? THAT question earns an actual laugh!

“HA! Nae, nae… not in the least!” Sustii snickers! “Thae whole part of the South be Mzz’goe’virr lands, always ‘as been… nan used ter’ tell me we all came ferm seafoam, if yer’ can believin’ thae brine…”

Taking a few steps away from the bed, you hear Sustii rummaging around in some kind of cupboard. “Ready fer’ some featherin’? Is’ a bit strange-feelin’, but it be worth it, trus’.”

You’re readier than ever! Anything as she gets started, or?
>Let her work! Shaddap!
>Ask about Rytzoe!
>Inquire about her work history!
>Quiz her about the bathhouse!
>Grill her about herself some more!
>Let her work! Shaddap!
Man, that probably feels great. I wish I could get a massage from a bird lady.
>Let her work! Shaddap!
>Let her work! Shaddap!
>Ask about Rytzoe!
If we're doing this, might as well be cordial and learn more LORE.


>Bird lady
It's a Gnok massage, anon, but it ain't a Gnok doin it...
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Yes PLEASE, you respond, your voice enthusiastic even in the throes of EXTREME RELAXATION!

Nothing can prepare you for what comes next–clad in what you assume are feathered gloves soaked in oil, Sustii goes to town scrubbing your back like a dish with grime that just won’t quit! For a moment it just feels awkward–the feathers raking against your back, the oil being smeared around like cream cheese on a bagel… but as she continues you feel an uncanny warmth on your skin… one that lingers and tingles even after she’s moved on to other areas!

Legs. Arms. Feet. Each section gets a turn on the feather train, and by the end of it all you feel like a lobster that just shed its shell! Brand new… if not a little chilly.

“There yer’ are, ser… be hopin’ t’was ter yer likin’...” Heading for the door, the masseuse pauses again, no doubt to send a polite bow your way. “‘Til next time… ring the bell by the door when yer be ready ta head out.”

Leaving before you can respond, you lie on the bed for a while longer and bask in the alien feeling of being, well… relaxed!


Nice as it all is, you can only stand lying face-down on a massage table for so long. Gathering yourself, you somehow manage to lever yourself off the table and o-OOF!

… onto the floor. Peeling yourself off like a pancake off a griddle, you crawl over to the door and give the bell a ring!

Next stop…
>Back to the bath!
>STEAM BATH TIIIIIME! Maybe some of the gals are there already!
>Back to the suite. Gotta rest up for tomorrow!
>STEAM BATH TIIIIIME! Maybe some of the gals are there already!
>STEAM BATH TIIIIIME! Maybe some of the gals are there already!

Salty Sutz's cousin confirmed.
Writing the last update of the night, maybe! Watch out!
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They can call you a dumpling, because you’re ready to get steeeeeaaammmmed! Ha ha!

“O-okay…” Stammers the attendant, clearly not sure whether to be polite or to laugh. “There will be some cool refreshments waiting for you in the cool plunge room–please avail yourselves of them if you feel dizzy or disoriented!”

The girl’s already-wide eyes widen even further as an important detail hits her like a baseball upside the head! “O-OH, B-BUT PLEASE RING THE BELL IF YOU NEED MEDICAL ASSISTANCE!”

Does that cover surprise assassin attacks too?

Your attendant stares as if you’d just licked her nose. J-just a joke, you stammer! W-Wocka Wocka!

Man, people just don’t get your humor around here. In any case, the bath worker wastes no time in getting you to your destination–you don’t wanna think it’s because she’s tired of dealing with you, but truth be told you wouldn’t hold it against her if she was.

As she opens the door for you, you’re immediately greeted by a rush of nippy air–the sudden dryness causing your hair to stand on end! L-l-lemme g-g-guess, you sputter, C-C-C-

“Mhm! Cold plunge!” Chirps the attendant, her voice much more chipper knowing that she’ll be ditching you in a second! “There’s no real order to how to do things, but we recommend alternating between both to really maximize the effect!”

Sheesh, who knew relaxing was so complicated? Giving the attendant a quiet ‘thank you’, you creep into the chilly room wrapping your arms around your torso like a burrito. In the freezer!

Thankfully you don’t need to wander too much: A carpet doused with some kinda oil marinates your feet as you follow it over to a massive door–the mysterious concoction making your toes tingle with every step! Giving the portal a gentle tug, you’re assaulted by a plume of fresh, well…

Steam! Doesn’t seem to be laced with anything, but you ain’t complaining! Steam is steam! Hastily retreating into the welcoming bowels of what might just be the biggest sauna you’ve ever visited (not that you’ve visited many, of course), your feet warm up quickly along with the rest of your body under the warm blanket of condensation in the air.

Blinking as fresh water droplets bombard your shaggy head from above, you retreat further into the sweat lodge… each step on the toasty wood flooring leaving you a bit less cold than before!

You’re about to find a seat when you remember that the gals should be joining you too…

The question is, who do you run into first?
>No one! You’re the first one! Hell yea!
>All of ‘em are here already! What took ya?
What will she do when she's alone with Anton?
I think we haven't been teased nearly enough.
More screen-time for Big V!
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No sooner do you take a seat do you feel something sharp press against your neck from behind–the featherlight bit of pressure enough to draw a trickle of blood!


Hi, Rezzie.

Withdrawing her claw, the devil slinks in front of you with an expression way too smug for someone who nearly killed someone in cold blood. This IS Rezalith, though… Wiping the thin streak of blood off your neck, you give the girl the frown she deserves–is she the first one here?

“Is that surprising? In the ritual of the ‘Maas’ajj’ I excelled… as I do in ALL trials. You would do well to remember that, worm.”

… they kicked her out early, didn’t they.

“Their primitive hands kept wandering!” Snarls the hellspawn as she paces back and forth in front of you! “As the newly-minted QUEEN of this world I have to set some boundaries early on–lest my subjects grow unruly…”

So they did. Gotcha. Your little barb earns you a sneer from your fellow sauna-goer.


Studying you like a crime scene, it isn’t til’ she starts poking you that you venture a response: something wrong?

“... you’re less of a pathetic, mewling pushover than you were before…” She growls, her face scrunched up as if getting a whiff of stale cheese, “... It’s strange. I don’t like it.”

THAT gets your eyebrow raised! Oh? Why not, hmm? Your question earns you another poke in the chest! Ow!

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“It’s WEIRD!” She snaps, eyes widening with renewed irritation! “I’m a big, scary demon! I could burn this whole city to the ground TONIGHT! I could rend you asunder right now and paint this stupid sauna with your guts–rip your friend’s entrails out and turn them into puppets! I’m your WORST NIGHTMARE! A BLIGHT upon all things nice and pretty!”

Rezalith’s tail snaps back and forth behind her like a whip as she leans in closer!

“I’ve tortured and murdered and devoured more souls than that primitive meatball rolling around inside your thick skull can count!

She’s breathing heavily now–you can hear it. Her eyes are wide, but searching… but you can’t quite tell what they’re looking for. When she doesn’t continue her devilish diatribe, you dare to respond with a singular word:


The sound of claws raking through the wood seats act as your answer!


Yea, you nod, so what?

A claw closes around your throat and lifts you ceilingward with inhuman strength! Flames flicker in the hellspawn’s eyes as she holds you aloft as easily as a sheet of bubble wrap! She could tear your head off with a flick of her wrist…

.. and yet she doesn’t.

Why…” She growls as her gaze retreats towards the ground. Why what?

Each syllable earns you another poke. “Why. Don’t. You. FEAR ME!? WHYWHYWHYWHYYY?!

Ooooh…. So THAT’S what this is about…

What say ye?
>Because she’s not her old boss. She can be better than that.
>It just seems like she’s compensating for something.
>She hasn’t done any of that, though. Does she even want to?
>Her powers are gone, right? What’s there to worry about?
>You find her kinda cute, honestly. Like a small, yappy dog.
>You’ve both been naked in a bathhouse for like a quarter of this thread. Not very spooky.
>Why does SHE think that’s the case, hmmm?
>Shrug. Iunno! :)
>Why does SHE think that’s the case, hmmm?
I really wanna say that it's because she's cute (she is) but I want to hear why *she* thinks.

Well, I guess we can still say that after she gives her answer depending on what it is.
>You’ve both been naked in a bathhouse for like a quarter of this thread. Not very spooky.
You had like a dozen chances to rip off some VERY sensitive bits, Rezzie.
Hard to be scary when I know you're one slip away from a bad anime gag.
+1 for the logic. Rezzie IS cute.

>You’ve both been naked in a bathhouse for like a quarter of this thread. Not very spooky.
>She hasn’t done any of that, anyway. Does she even want to?
Damnit, we're back to a tie. Anyone wanna reach a compromise or a change so we can keep going? This is why I usually support a vote instead of making my own...
The compromise could be asking her why she thinks that's the case.
And then after she spits out cope, we just point out the obvious elephant in the room. That we've both been naked around each other for 25% of the thread.
Das what i said! We can probably say something after. Let's agree on that vote, then?
Okay, seems good to me.


Writinggggg! SYNERGY, gotta love it!
erm no she's fierce thank you very much
Fiercely cute
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Not keen on getting disemboweled today, you channel your inner armchair psychologist and answer her question with one of your own: why does SHE think you’re not scared?

The reversal leaves the girl flatfooted and sputtering–so much so that she drops you back into your seat before resuming her pacing!

“I have my theories…” she muses like a scientist in a tv show! “If we operate under the fact that yes, I AM the most terrifying thing to ever cross your path, then there really are only a few conclusions that make sense…”

You blink some sweat out of your eye. Such as? Twirling to face you, Rezzie clears her throat as her wings flutter behind her!

“The simplest explanation is to assume you’re just too stupid to truly understand what you’re dealing with! Your underdeveloped brain simply can’t comprehend the danger you’re constantly in when you’re around me!” Leaning in with a derisive smile on her face, the demon gives your cheek a playful pinch… and it still hurts! OW!

“I almost envy you! Imagine not having the brainpower to register something as a threat… adorable, really!”

Okay, you huff as you yank yourself free of Rezzie’s pinching, what other ideas did she have?

“Well the ‘Overwhelmingly Stupid Theory’ is one of my favorites, but if not that, then well…” Her crimson eyes narrow at you like a cat’s as she studies your reclining form. “Then the only other possibility is appeasement!”


“Mhm!” She nods, “You know exactly what I could do to you were I so inclined, so you’ve taken the route of pleasing me to stave off your inevitable destruction! Simple as that, really…pretty pathetic when ya’ think about it!”

So wait, you reply, your furrowed brow sending rivulets of sweat dripping down your face, she thinks you’re being nice to her just so she won’t kill you? The devil answers with her signature eyeroll.

“You really oughta’ try thinking one of these days… What other reason would there be? Y’know, it’s really a testament to my iron will that I haven’t put you out of your misery yet!”

Making a show of nodding at all the ‘theories’ you just heard, you respond by telling her you have one of your own! THIS gets Rezzie’s attention!

“Baby’s first THOUGHT! Waaaaoooow~”

Dear god, you hope you never hear her make that noise again…

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Anyways, you continue, she’s ignoring the elephant in the room.

“... what’s an elephant?”

It’s an expression, you ex-

“What’s an expression?”

GUH! Look, you groan, she just hasn’t been very scary for the last hour or so, is all. The demon’s eye twitches with silent fury.

“Is that so?” She snarls, sparks flying off her teeth as they grind together! “And why, pray tell, is that, hmm?”

Well, you sigh as you brace yourself for the inevitable backlash, you’ve both been naked for, like, the last few hours.

Rezalith’s sneer gives way to abject horror.

She hasn’t even mentioned that since you arrived, much less threatened to rip or twist anything off…

Her eyes swell up to the size of watermelons!

Hard to be spooked when she’s one slip or tumble away from some bad anime gag.

A sound akin to air being let out of a balloon rings out across the steam bath as the devil begins to violently vibrate in place! Is she oka-


Stomping away into the steam, the devil takes a seat at the end of the bath, but not far enough for you to stop talking. Is uh… is she okay?

Too damn cold in here…” She mopes, crossing her arms and averting her gaze from yours! “... I’m scary…

Well, it got her to let you go… so there’s that! You won’t be surprised if you find a severed hand in your bed tonight or something, though. Watching Rezalith act like those angsty teens who always came to your work and never ordered anything, you decide to…
>Give her a follow-up reason!
>Ask her something else!
>Wait for TT and Volka to show up!
>Hit the cold plunge!
>Give her a follow-up reason!
She's CUTE. When she gets angry and evil, that just makes he CUTER.
>Give her a follow-up reason!
She's cute. Sorta like a small yappy chihuahua.
Both are loud and full of malice but they can't do much.
>Give her a follow-up reason! (Cute)
Will she maim and/or kill us for saying this? Yes. Will it be worth it? Also yes.
You know what? I think it's time for a roll. Just to test out the dice system, of course!
>Roll me 1d100-1 (+2 Illusion Initiate, +2 Loose Footwork, +2 LIMBOOO, +5 Satisfied, -2 Kinda Hot in Here, -4 PEEVED-OFF REZZIE, -4 Devilish Senses?, -2 Dark) for reasons! Best of 3!
Rolled 8 + 1 (1d100 + 1)

Time to die
Rolled 19 - 1 (1d100 - 1)

Shit, maybe it IS.
Rolled 86 - 1 (1d100 - 1)

This is gonna huuuurt!

Anon comes in at the last moment to spare us from getting an impromptu devil massage

I wonder what we'd have gotten from 1 and 100 respectively?
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A 100 would probably get us something I don't want, because TT doesn't seem like a harem kind of catgirl.
ACKSHUALLY, grammatically its not a harem unless it's 4 or more people
Writingggggg! Foiled again...
Doesn't matter.
One girl only.
What about Liz?
Liz is unknown. She could be dead, we could've broken up with her, maybe we never even dated her properly. We know nothin'.
That's different than trying to smooch TT and Rezzie at the same time with full awareness that we're already on the TT train.
I mean...you're kinda assuming that innit? We know she was with us. If she isn't, then it'll be the same as if we smooched Rezzie here after being with TT.
If she isn't dead*
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The sauna grows a little colder as you watch the devil brood across from you. Goofy though it may seem on your end, it suddenly dawns on you that for Rezzie, well… this might be a completely different conversation entirely!

Taking a few tentative scoots towards her causes the harangued hellspawn’s eyes to widen like a cat not looking to be petted! All the same, you manage to get a little closer before you hear her claws scrape the seat beneath her!

“Keep to your side, pervert,” She hisses through clenched teeth, “Or I’ll do something you’re really gonna regret!”

You open your mouth to correct her, but the words die in your throat. Look, you sigh, there’s… there’s another reason you’re not exactly spooked by her-

The girl opens her mouth to send a spicy zinger your way, but it too dies in her throat as she waits for you to finish. To be honest, you mutter, you uh… you think she’s… well, cute.

Less than a second later, a claw is squeezing tightly around your throat! Damn, she’s FAST!

“Say that again.”

Unsure of whether that was a threat or a command, you decide to go with the latter and expand with what little voice you have! You… you think it’s kinda cute… when she gets angry… a-and evil…

Part of you wants to add how she’s kinda like a yappy chihuahua, but when you don’t immediately feel your neck snap you decide not to push your luck! The devil studies you for a time, her reptilian eyes burning into yours as you feel heat rise from her body next to you…

Shit, what have you DONE!?

Your answer comes in the form of her tossing you across the sauna like a football–your sweaty form slip-sliding into the wall upon reconnecting with the seats! Instinctively raising your hands to protect your face, AKA ‘The Moneymaker’, you’re once again caught off-guard by a menacing cackle!

“It… it all makes sense now!”

It does? You ask, peeking through your fingers!

“The lack of cowering and pleading… these ridiculous claims of me not being able to ‘behave’... calling me CUTE…” Stomping over to you with renewed malice in her smile, the devil picks you up off the ground like a stick at the park and holds your face close to hers!

“I know EXACTLY what your game is, AnTARD.

Oh god… it… this totally backfired… you didn’t mean t-

“You LIKE when I get mad! You THRIVE off of it!”

No, you sputter, you-wait, wha?

“You LOVE seeing me riled up, don’t you!? You get your sick jollies from it, I’ll bet!” She sneers as she prods your nose with her claw! “NEWSFLASH, ANTON: I’m not gonna indulge your DEPRAVED FANTASIES any longer!”

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Tossing you back onto the floor, she takes a seat in the center of the sauna with a look of complete and utter serenity on her face! “No more outbursts! No more manhandling! Too bad, so sad, virgin! Guess you’ll have to find some other way to keep yourself happy!”

Shooting you one last glance, she leans back in her seat and takes in a big breath of steam! “‘Cute’... As if… You’re a tricky little worm, Anton, I’ll give you that~”

You open your mouth to respond, but think better of it… you might’ve just dodged several bullets just now… a whole friggin’ magazine.

Before you can ponder the situation any further, the door to the sauna BURSTS open a-OW, YOUR HEAD!

“Whoah, sorry, Rook!” Stammers Volka as she immediately picks you up off the floor and checks your head! “Hells, you’re not hurt, are you!?”

“What were you doing on the floor anyways?” Asks TT as she slips inside behind the Skog! “Oof, it’s muggy in here…”

Taking a few moments to contain the initial chaos, you settle into something approaching normalcy. Lounging besides Volka, you take an exultant breath of the steam and relish the warm sensation it imparts on your nostrils! Phew!

“I could happily die here, Rook…” Grunts Volka, the giant’s body spreading all over the seats! “We gotta come back some day…”

“Yea, well…” Pants Tzah-Tzie as her weary eyes hop between you and the door, “I might… I might step out for a bit… s-so hot…”

You’re certainly feeling the heat as well, but you’re a grill jockey–you can handle some toastiness! Stretching out in your seat, you decide to…
>Talk to Volka!
>Bug Rezzie some more!
>Step out with TT!
>Just relax… (SKIP FORWARRRD)
>Talk to Volka!
Volka screentime!
Also, wow, Rezzie is a dummy. I ain't gonna complain though.
Anton doesn't really remember her, though, or know their relationship status. Being loyal is all well and good, but to an ephemeral ghost of a woman who we can barely recall? Versus a chick we KNOW we like, and likes us?

>Step out with TT!
Nefore Rezzie strikes back.
>Talk to Volka
We should interact more with her.
>Anton doesn't really remember her, though, or know their relationship status.
We know she was with us, recently enough that we already had the grease jockey job, and have no evidence she's gone...

I'm not saying "Do not purchase TT". I'm just saying that if we were trying to be strictly 1 girl only, we kinda broke that rule.
Pursue. I do not believe TT can be purchased.
Tzah-Tzie is a strong, independent Durher who will gladly take all your bells if you offer them to her
I wonder where and when we'll get more info about this mysterious Liz....

On a separate note, dear lord this thread is going for ages... can't believe we're still on page 8!
Spa Namek! We need MORE lewdity, MORE flashbacks, MORE cute scenes with the girls. You VILL write ze fluff.
TT has more than enough on her tail, mon ami
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Why, chat it up with your favorite Skog, of course! It’s easy to forget how she and her Chytree buddy Morook saved your bacon when you first arrived in Zoral, and lately you haven’t really had much of a sit down with her, have you?

Hey Volk, you begin, prompting the girl’s big yellow eyes to swivel your way, how’s uh, how’s things?

“This is way different from when I went with Ma, that’s fer’ sure!” She replies with a bellowing laugh that shakes the whole sauna! “Always been more of a ‘stretches an’ morning swims at the pond’ kinda’ gal, but this…” She punctuates her sentence with a low whistle as her tail thumps against the seats. “Not bad, Rook… not bad in the least.”

Cool, you nod as the amazon stretches out a bit more with a pleasant grunt, but you meant, like… besides physically.

“Ah.” Rolling onto her side to face you, the girl starts by sending a weary sigh your way. “Honestly, Rook?” Glancing over her shoulder to find Rezzie dozing off, Volka turns your way again with a hushed tone in her voice. “I’m worried…”

You and her both, you nod with a sympathetic grin! What specifically is she worried about?

“Well,” She sighs again, inching a little closer to you, but stopping after shooting a sidelong glance towards the sauna’s exit, “Erm, promise not ta’ get mad?”

Of course, you reply, your tone wavering a bit as you ponder what she wants to talk about, go ahead!

“I’m just a little worried about this GOLD TOWN idea,” She shrugs with an apologetic look in her eyes! “D-don’t get me wrong, I’m all fer’ slingin’ some well-deserved mud in the Cartel’s face, especially when they tried ta’ off us, but…”

But she’s got family, you interject. And friends.

“Y-yea…” Nods the giant. “W-well, not really… I mean, the Lamplighters always had a high turnover, and Ma and Pa can handle themselves…” Another pause falls over the steam room as she puts together her next words. “But the Spicys don’t play fair, Rook. I’m with ya’ til’ the end, but…” You wince a bit as the sound of a claw scraping a tusk echoes around the room. “Just don’t take ‘em lightly, yea?”

You don’t plan on it, you confidently reply! The Cultists, The Cartel… these assholes want to play hardball, well… you’ll play hardball! And everyone’s gonna come back safe and sound!

Your reassuring speech earns a quiet giggle from the gentle giant! “That’s the spirit… game’s not over til’ it’s over, right?”

Damn right, you nod.

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Giving you a friendly smile, you can’t help but feel like something’s… well, off about the big friendly Skog, and you don’t think it’s the heat.

What do?
>Ask her about her Dad!
>Mention Ma!
>Inquire about Morook!
>Question if there’s anything else bugging her!
>Grill her about your other party members! (Who?)
>Talk about the Lamplighters!
>Inform her about your newly-recovered memories!
>Talk to someone else (Who?)
>Just relax… (TIME SKIP!)
>Question if there’s anything else bugging her!
Tell her she can trust her good friend rook with any secret. Even the awkward ones. ESPECIALLY the awkward ones.
>Question if there’s anything else bugging her!
>Inquire about Morook!
Hm, missed an update...

Just a thought, we know TT wants to go to our world, but like...do we actually have uh, a way to do that? I mean thanks to the darkness most people seem to think we're a Gnok. But what do you think will happen if we show up with some cat spider dog thing girl in the real world? I don't want our girl getting kidnapped by the Glowing Ones or getting ground into chinese dick enlargement pills.
>Question if there’s anything else bugging her
Volka is a Volkute.
Writing! Might take a little bit--gotta whip up some dinner too. Don't be misbehavin while I'm gone, y'hear
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There’s no telling what tomorrow’s shenanigans might bring… that means you’ll need everyone focused like sunlight through a magnifying glass! Leaning in closer to the Skog while also maintaining enough distance to fend off any potential ridicule from Rezalith, you ask Volka if everything else is alright!

“Y-yea,” She nods, “Right as rain!”

You’re not the smartest guy in the world, but you know enough about rain to know it can’t be right about anything–it’s WATER! It has no morals! You also know that as naive as Volka seems sometimes, she’s got a knack for hiding her feelings…
Hey uh, just wanted to say, you say with a reassuring smile, that no matter what happens, she can always trust you–even if it’s with something awkward. You owe her way more than that!

Your reward is a claw the size of your head tousling your thick, sweaty hair! “D’aww, Rook! You don’t hafta’ remind me of that…” Abruptly as it began, the hair tousling is put on hold as Volka’s grinning face droops into unease.

“A-actually,” she mutters, chucking in what you assume is supposed to sound like a nonchalant laugh, “There, um… there was something I wanted to talk about…”

Oh? What is it, you reply, feeling a shaft of ice slowly work its way through your gut! Scratching at her tusk, the giant takes a steadying breath of steam before answering.

“It’s… it’s nothing much, really!” She says with a shaky laugh, “Not sure why I’m even bringin’ it up…”

You’re tempted to ask about Morook, but realizing that might give her an out you stand firm and wait!

“I… sheesh, how do I word this…” Her face scrunches up in thought, but eventually her eyes light up like street lamps! “OH! I was gonna tell ya!”

You’re taken a little off-guard by the sudden burst of energy, but you recover quickly! Tell you what?

“See, it’s funny, really…” She begins with a bit of a giggle in her voice, “Y’see, the other night I was… I was talking to Lila, yea? After our patrol!”

Oooookay, you nod.

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“And um, well Lila had this coworker, y’see… and when I talked to her coworker and… and got to hang around with her coworker, well…” The girl pauses to bat at her tusk again. “I-It’s silly, I know, but I thought her coworker had a thing for her and…” Bursting into a sudden coughing fit, the Skog readjusts her position on the seats with a renewed smile! “A-anyways, it turns out I was completely wrong about the whole thing… the um, Lila and her coworker, th-that is… typical Volka, right? Grade-A Dummy…”

Unsure of what to say, you just say you’re sorry. It’s all that comes to mind.

“For what?” She snickers as she gives your arm a playful poke that will definitely bruise later! “Th-they’re still friends, o-or so I’ve heard… so, y’know, just silly ole’ me misreading things as always! Happens all the time, really!”

Rolling back onto her stomach, the Skog lets out a long, satisfied breath.
“Phew… not sure why I made a big deal of all that, but thanks fer’ lettin’ me chew your ear off, Rook!”

She turns to give you another reassuring smile.

“You’re… you’re a good friend.”

She is too, you reply quietly as you find it hard to meet her gaze. Better than the ones you remember at home…

“Psssh, c’mon, don’t jerk me around, you!” She laughs! “Gee, I could lie in here forever…”

Anything else from your favorite Skog?
>Ask her about her Dad!
>Mention Ma!
>Inquire about Morook!
>Grill her about your other party members! (Who?)
>Talk about the Lamplighters!
>Inform her about your newly-recovered memories!
>Talk to someone else (Who?)
>Just relax… (TIME SKIP!)

Might be the last update of the night, folks! Thanks for playing as always!
Volka is cute. Cute!
>Inquire about Morook!
>Inquire about Morook!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but, uh, she's not speaking about Lila is she?
>Inquire about Morook!
It's situations like these that make harems so tempting..sad volka pains my heart.
O-of course she is, anon! Y-you really gotta learn to listen better, h-haha...
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Even with the exchange ending on a good note, you can’t help but feel like the sauna just got a little colder… Not keen on leaving the conversation there, you shift your attention back towards other matters, namely the other person who saved your ass when you first arrived!

Morook, you begin, any thoughts on where he is right now?

Concern flashes across the Skog’s face for the briefest of moments before being replaced with a smile! “Hells, I don’t think even VIISLA could track that maniac down… Morook and civilization get along as well as water an’ oil do!” Her smile fades a bit. “But he’s never gone for this long…”

Sorry, you mutter, but who’s uh… who’s Viisla?

“Oh right… Goddess of the Hunt!” Replies the giant with an apologetic laugh! “Used ta’ be just for Durhers, but folk who live out in the boonies love her. Morook too–always keeps a little fungal carving on him to, y’know, commune with her or whatever. I never really saw what all the fuss was about.”

How’d he link up with her and her dad again? You forgot if she told you already. That earns another giggle out of the amazon.

“Happens to the best of us!” She says with a smile! “Similar ta’ me, I s’pose… dad was closing shop one day an’ found this Chytree bleeding out in the alley behind the store. Fixed ‘em up, gave ‘em the couch and was pretty much his nurse for weeks!”

They both must have LOVED that, you remark.

“HA! Yea, not in the least–you remember how grumpy pops can be…”Shaking her head with a nostalgic sigh, Volka cocks it to the side in contemplation. “Never did say why he was half-dead back there, but once he was well enough pops sent him out on an errand to collect some herbs and such… and the rest, they say, is history!”

But now he’s been gone for a while, you observe with worry in your tone.

“Yea… I mean there was this one time he was gone for a week or so–came back with more food and herbs than we knew what to do with. Said he tracked a Muusp halfway across the land like he’d made a quick shop run or something.”

Another sigh.

“Hells, I hope he’s okay. Mor’s too self-sufficient fer’ his own good, y’know?”

Yea, you nod, reminds you of…


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What uh, what is this?

“It’s venison,” Shrugged the girl in the Aviator glasses as she dropped a few shrink-wrapped bags into your waiting arms, “Deer, dude.”

You blinked. Like… like in Bambo? She responded with a sigh.

“Yes Ant, like Bambo... come over tonight and I’ll show ya how to cook it.”

Why not just fry it, you smiled as you gave Fryer #3, the GOOD ONE, a few raps with your knuckles! Liz stared as if you’d just slapped her mother.

“Yea, no… not this mea
totally forgets to take care of himself! That Chytree, Hells…”

Shaking yourself back into reality, you respond with a quiet ‘totally’ before a thought comes to mind… what did Morook say he was gonna do again? When you split up?

The Skog’s face scrunches up in thought as her tail thuds against the floor. “Lessee… grab some herbs… and…” The tail stops mid-slap as Volka’s eyes widen in sudden realization! “H-HE WAS GONNA CHECK OUT THAT CULT PLACE YOU ARRIVED IN! HELLS!

“Whuzzuh?” Mutters Rezzie from across the room as she wipes the sleep from her crimson eyes, “Someone’s making a cult fer’ me…?”

“That damned ritual, Ant,” Hisses Volka as she frantically claws at her tusk, “We… What if they caught him snooping around!? W-what if they caught him?! Or worse!?”

She said it herself, you reply in as calm a tone you can muster: he’s too self-sufficient for his own good! It’ll take more than a band of kooky cultists to track him down, right? Another thought worms its way into your head: hey, maybe he’s tracking them, did she think of that?

“Yea… yea, you’re.. You’re probably right, Rook…” She replies with a nervous laugh! “Here I am supposed ta’ be relaxing and… ugh.”

You’ll find him, you add as you give the Skog a reassuring pat on the arm, or, y’know, he’ll probably find you...

“HA! Count on it!” Stretching her back and sending several CRACKS ringing across the sauna, Volka gives you a wink and a smile. “Can’t wait ta’ get started tomorrow… ain’t gonna be able to sleep a wink, though…”

Neither will you… though the steam room is certainly helping! Whoof, it’s HOT! Wiping some condensation off your brow, you decide to…
>Ask her about her Dad!
>Mention Ma!
>Grill her about your other party members! (Who?)
>Talk about the Lamplighters!
>Inform her about your newly-recovered memories!
>Talk to someone else (Who?)
>Just relax… (TIME SKIP!)
Man, this got awkward. I think we need to leave now.
>Talk to someone else (Who?)
Just to check on TT since she hasn't come back, and then I think we've had enough of this Spa day.

It sucks, but i suppose it's better to rip off the band-aid early since this clearly isn't an story with a multiple-choice answer.
Huh. Good point.

Harems only work if the girls are into each other, or have no real capacity of jealousy. Or if you don't care how the women feel about it, but these are some likable ladies, so that isn't applicable.

>>6210252 +1
Yeah, see, I obviously get it's not easy, but it's like...It still feels bad you know? You just kinda wish you could choose all of them so they wouldn't be dumped and you'd get a golden ending.

It's not really a matter of
As much as it is
>I don't want any of them to be left behind in the friendzone
time for Anton mitosis
Well, unless Anton manages to tap into his Isekai protagonist charisma, that's probably the best choice we have.
I feel you, anon. I wanted to go Volka or Rezzie route early to avoid this, but TT was simply too charismatic and I was outvoted.
Imagine how I feel! I gotta write them all! Seriously though, I apologize if it's tricky--I know these quests are vote-driven so it sucks if the person you like isn't, well, 'chosen'. I'm not a fan of harem stuff either, so that certainly doesn't make it easier... still, regardless of your choice in waifu I genuinely appreciate you sticking around for the quest! Means a lot to me that you guys are at least discussing this stuff, haha
> I apologize if it's tricky
It's not really 'tricky' as much as it's sad. I like TT. I voted for TT. But that doesn't mean I didn't wish Volka or Rezzie got to be chosen too. They deserved to get chosen just as much as her, and it's obviously a shame that their romance is not something we get to experience...I suppose that just shows you did a good job of writing them, but still, the point stands.
Maybe Volka will score Jairo or something? And Rezzie, well... At least she's so self-centred and belligerently confident she won't be sad. Also a bad enough person that if she is sad, I won't be sad for her.
>Maybe Volka will score Jairo or something?
I said i wanted a golden ending, not worst ending.

But yes, it sucks we won't get to experience their romances.
Maybe she'll get with Sunglasses Girl and spare us the awkwardness of navigating that whole situation.
Just gotta wait for the Director's Cut or New Game+, my guy
Anon, if Volka swung that way, then a 'harem' ending would have been actually possible without it being nonsense. Though i guess at that point it's more like polygamy.

I've seen QMs say that before, but alas, it never came to be.
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Feeling a little woozy, you decide to get a chance of scenery… and temperature! Leaving Volka and Rezalith to their sauna siesta, you crack open the door to the cold plunge and are greeted by a VERY welcome rush of cool, dry air!

Your pores are practically VIBRATING by the time you exit… you’re not sure if they’re supposed to do that, but you don’t care–it feels good! Each step onto the carpet sends chills up your feet and through your body, but unlike the weather outside, you find these particular polar pricks pretty pleasing!

A quiet splash takes your attention away from the carpet and over towards the sound of trickling water in the far corner of the room… along with a pair of familiar lime-green eyes!

Hey you!

“Hey yourself~” Purrs TT as she sits on the rim of the pool kicking her tiny feet! “Thought you mighta’ melted in there! Not very compelling as far as heroic deaths go…”

She can relax, you smile as you take a seat next to her, you’re not a gh-YYYYEOOOOWW!

Your foot recoils from the bath mere seconds after you dip it in! Stifling a laugh behind one of her claws, the Durher leans in close with a conspiratorial hush to her tone…

“You’re not gonna believe this, Ant, but the cold pool? It’s COLD!

Y-you didn’t expect it to be th-THAT cold, you stammer through chattering teeth! Thankfully you don’t have to suffer long–a familiar and VERY toasty tail wraps itself around you… along with its owner! S-soft…

“Sheesh, Ant, what would’ja do without me, hmmm?” She sighs as she gives your arm a playful nuzzle!

Freeze, probably, you retort with a grin! Has she gone in yet?

“Oof, no thanks…” TT shivers with a grimace! “This fluff of mine takes ages to dry off… toe-dipper, born an’ raised!”

Making a mental note to use that as her new nickname, you give the girl a few ear scritches. How’s she doing?

“Even THINKING about the Cartel makes my hair stand on end, Ant,” She replies with a sigh, “But I gotta say… this?” TT adds as she gestures to the room around you, “This certainly makes it a little easier ta’ deal with.” Pausing for a moment, the girl wraps her arms around your waist! “And THIS definitely helps! Mmmm~”

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Snuggling by the pool for a moment, you feel the Durher’s ears twitch beneath your hand. “So lemme get this straight: a hot bath… and a cold bath.”


The girl turns your way with a toothy grin on her face. “And people pay boatloads ta’ visit! We’re in the wrong line of work, ey, Ant?”

Hey, you shrug, you haven’t tossed out the bathhouse tycoon idea yet! You still have to gather some money, after all…

“Riiight, Volka’s dad’s little payoff…” Grumbles the Spinner as she gives the icy water another kick! “Here’s a question for ya: what’s the FIRST thing you wanna do when we get to your world?”

Why, show her around, of co-

“Bzzt, corny alert! C’mon, Ant,” She chides with a gentle headbutt, “Forget about me for a sec, will ya? You’ve already spoiled me rotten, y’know~”

Well in that case, you sigh…
>You’re gonna eat your FAVORITE FOOD! (Which is?)
>You’re gonna take a nap. A LONG one.
>You’re quitting your dumbass job… if you still have it!
>Probably check in with your friends and family–see what you missed!
>Go for a walk, or something? You miss seeing stuff.
>Probably go blind from the difference in light after spending all this time in complete darkness
>Then you’re quitting your dumbass job… if you still have it!
We're not gonna waste our time on a fuckin...fry job when we went to another world.
>You’re quitting your dumbass job… if you still have it!
>(Jokingly): And probably go totally insane from seeing light again. The incomprehensible horrors...
>You’re gonna eat your FAVORITE FOOD! (Tandoori fish tikka)
>And... You don't really remember what else there even is to do! You hope you have my memories by then...
>You’re quitting your dumbass job… if you still have it!
The more likely answer is being forced to go on the run to protect TT from getting captured and cut open for tests, but ya know, now gonna say that.

Aw hell ye that's what I'm talkin' about. Making my mouth water over here, bud!

Anyways, writing! Getting close now!
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The first thing you’re gonna do, huh? Giving your scruffy chin a few contemplative scratches, you look down at the Durher and smile. You’ll probably start by going blind!

“HAH! Can you imagine?” Asks TT as she gives your arm a playful punch! Ow! “Don’t worry–I’ll remind ya’ to close your eyes before we head back. I’ve got a good memory, y’know.”

You know she does, you nod, but if you’re being serious, well… taking a deep breath of the brisk air around you, you take a moment to reflect on everything you’ve done so far–the pitfalls you’ve avoided, the battles you’ve won… and the friends you’ve made.

The first thing you’re gonna do, you reply, is head straight for that fast food gulag you’ve been slaving away at, stomp right over to your boss, grab him by the greasy toupee, and tell him you QUIT!

“What’s a toupee?”

Oh lord, she doesn’t wanna know, you groan! And after that you’ll…


“You’ll?” Echoes your fuzzy friend as she leans in closer with wide eyes!

… you’ll do whatever you wanna do, you conclude with nary a trace of doubt in your tone!

“Damn right you will,” The Durher agrees with a nod of approval, “And you’ll do it like a godsdamned hero, Ant.”

Planting a warm kiss on your cheek, the Spinner sighs as she rocks back and forth by the poolside. “I think I’ll try some human music when I get there.” She blinks. “After I go blind, that is.”

Well she’d better brace herself, you smirk, because there’s a LOT of music where you come from!

“‘Zat so?” TT remarks, cocking her head to the side, “Then your world will suit me just fine, Anton the Undying~”

Your memories are still broken. Shattered. Tiny islands in an ocean of uncertainty. You know your world isn’t perfect–far from it–but knowing all you’ve accomplished since you arrived: the pitfalls you’ve avoided, the battles you’ve won, the people you’ve helped… and the friends you’ve made…

You hug TT close as you finally manage to relax for the first time in years.

You can handle whatever the future throws at you.

You can handle anything.

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Three more knocks. Still nothing. Tugging your jacket tighter, you stomp some of the snow lingering on your boot onto the crusty carpet as your nose wrinkles at the scent of old Asian takeout and gasoline. Not like you can make it anydirtier.

An ambulance siren wails like a banshee in the distance inspiring an impromptu serenade by the neighborhood dogs. Raising your knuckles for one last knock, you instinctively square your stance when the door swings half open. A pair of oblong spectacles appraise you from the darkness beyond the threshold.

“... You’re not from DINEDASH.”

No, you grunt, knowing damn well it wasn’t a question, you’re not. What’s wrong with the lights?

The glasses tilt a bit. “... Busted. Landlord’s gonna fix ‘em tomorrow.”

Typical. And the apartment?

“... I like it dark.”


The glasses-wearing golem fiddles with the doorknob on his side. “Can uh, can I help you?”

His roommate, you curtly reply, where is he? The blob shifts uneasily. “Oh uh… well he might be here…”

A big rig tears down the deserted street below roaring like a dragon. He might?

“Yea, well…his door’s locked…” Mutters the tenant, clearly not enjoying your game of 20 Questions, “We don’t invade each other’s privacy, y’know?”

Swell, you reply, because you do.

You’re ready to stick your foot in the closing door, but you never get the chance. The spectacled sentry considers it, clearly, but pauses after leaning in to get a closer look at you.

“... Don’t I know you?” Looking you up and down, he snaps his fingers in triumph! “You’re uh… Shades girl, right? What’shername-”

You run an impatient gloved hand through your shaggy hair.

Yea, you nod, you’re Liz...

Anton’s Ex.

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Sorry if that seemed abrupt, folks, but we’re on Page 9 and I’m getting the feeling we’ve got a LOT of ground to cover in the next thread! Thread’s already archived–you can check it out below:

Been absolutely LOVING the discussion and engagement in this thread–I know I sound like a broken record, but I couldn’t run this dumb little experiment without you guys! You roll with the punches, brave the dreaded 900 Second Posting Countdown, and constantly dazzle me with your imagination, outside-the-box thinking, and enthusiasm! Thank you all so much to the players, lurkers, and newbies to the thread! Genuinely couldn’t do it without you!

Next thread should be up closer to this weekend or next week. Without going into details, stuff’s getting a little uncertain on my end so I gotta give life the priority. I appreciate your patience and will probably post in the /QTG/ if my absence is gonna be longer than I thought.

Until then, though, it’s time for THE QUESTIOOOOONS! These help me out immensely, so please go nuts!

>What was your favorite part of Thread 3?
>What could be improved in the future?
>Who/what do you wanna see more of in the next thread?
>What do you think will happen next?!
>Who's your fave character and why?
>Who's your LEAST fave character and why?


That’s all, folks! Thanks again for all of your time, contributions, and engagement! Seeya at the next dog race!
Well, I guess that answers that. Uh...good for us, I guess? Since we don't have to actually worry about anything awkward?

Is it weird if i kinda hoped she wasn't? I'm not a fan of NTR or anything, but it's just, I felt like that might have been more of a big reveal that would make us worry for the consequences of our actions and give us a big 'issue' to hash out. Her being his ex kinda just absolves him of any guilt and renders the issue moot. There's no 'mystery' so to say, or 'worry' about what we'll do, it's just free range to come back to earth with a litter of kits on our sides or whatever else.

>What was your favorite part of Thread 3?
The scenes with Rezalith were very funny, as usual.
>What could be improved in the future?
I 'unno
>Who/what do you wanna see more of in the next thread?
More of what we've been getting. Rezalith being a goblin, TT being cute...
>What do you think will happen next?!
I can only presume it'll be a short Liz POV shift where we play as her and see what's been happening with her.

>Who's your fave character and why?
I'd say i'm halfway stuck between TT or Rezzie on that. Rezzie is funny but she doesn't have more than one 'type' of scene. TT has a bigger range. Or maybe I just have a weakness for this kind of character.
>Who's your LEAST fave character and why?
Jairo. Fuck him. He sucks. BOOOO Jairo. BOOOOOOOOO.
>What was your favorite part of Thread 3?
Probably the original gisit to the Tower, or the return where we tricked Rezalith.
>What could be improved in the future?
I don't really have any complaints, QM.
>Who/what do you wanna see more of in the next thread?
More Volka!
>What do you think will happen next?!
After the interlude which the other anon predicted, I have to assume the battle against the Spicies!
>Who's your fave character and why?
Volka probably. She seems very nice, and cool, and has a fair amount of not-yet-explored depth hinted at
>Who's your LEAST fave character and why?
Salty Suutz, that double-backstabbing son of a bitch!

>Or maybe I just have a weakness for this kind of character.
A common affliction around these parts.
Oh, and I bet Reazlith looks like some sort of weird goat-horned pterosaur woman. Yup. A flat-chested one, too.
Thanks for running Bones! See you next week. I don't know what Rezalith looks like but given her face it has to be at least somewhat cat like no? She has the :3 smile after all.

Desu, I kinda agree with this anon. Imagine how funny the scene where they finally meet would have been if she was still his girlfriend or fiancee.
Who knows HOW long they've been broken up for, though... >:)
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Huh? They're broken up, so there's no "conflict" with what he's been doing, isn't it? How does the time matter? Unless the plot twist is some planet of the apes "You've been gone for a thooousand years!" thing I don't get it
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Eh, I couldn't care less about melodrama like that.
Feels like it would just be adding a wrench into things that doesn't really need to be there aside from "OOO ANTON YOU FUCKED A FUNNY CAT WHILE YOU STILL HAD A GF WHAT DO YOU DO YOU UNKNOWINGLY CHEATING DUDE???"

not exactly why I read this quest, you know?
Yea, you guys have enough shit going on--I didn't want to go full telemundo soap opera with it. As for what this shit means, well... I suppose we'll see, won't we?

She might be catlike, who knows? I'll also be the first to admit the dumbass cat face is a tic of mine
First of all, it's only melodrama if you MADE it melodrama.

Second, why not? It's not like this quest is always just happy happy funtime. Wouldn't having some consequences to our actions make the relationship with TT feel more important? It makes Anton into less of an Isekai guy.

Like, in isekai stories the guy who got gone is always a single loser with no future. If Anton actually had a girl he was STILL with, wouldn't that distinguish him a lot? How often do quest protagonists start with an existing, active romance?
I wouldn't say we have a lot going, at least not in that department. Sure, we have some stuff *here* but it's all just standard magic adventure stuff. None of it is actually related to Anton as he was.

Ah well. I guess there's nothing I can do about it. Cant help but say this kinda kills the boil on the Liz storyline though...there's nothing at this point this point to worry about it anymore, we're just free roam to do whatever we want like that other anon said.
>First of all, it's only melodrama if you MADE it melodrama.
No way TT wouldn't be sad or hurt or confused, anon. keeping in mind how anons here feel about friendzoning Volka, you can imagine they'd want to avoid that.

>Cant help but say this kinda kills the boil on the Liz storyline though...
There is that, though.
>No way TT wouldn't be sad or hurt or confused, anon.
About what? It's not Anton's fault. He doesn't know nuthin', and definitely didn't know when they were doing it.

Would it be awkward? Yes. But If anything, them finding out about this and deciding what to do would feel like a more genuine "point" for their relationship than just your standard worry-free romance.

And like I said, the level of "melodrama" would have been entirely up to Bones and how he'd make the people react to it. Sure, he could make TT and Liz bawl and feel betrayed and hurt and all that schnozz. Or it could have been a lot more light-hearted and they could have actually sat down and talked about "What do?" Because it really isn't anyone's fault in this scenario.

>There is that, though.
Yeah, that's the second thing. Melodrama or not, Liz not being with Anton kinda makes her...irrelevant? Whether they broke up a day or a year before Anton got summoned doesn't really matter, in the end they're not in a relationship so nothing Anton does here concerns her.
>Can't help but say this kills the boil on the Liz storyline though
I suppose you're right, Anon... >:3
>have amnesia for 2 days
>memories are rapidly returning
>remember having a serious relationship
>lets just fuck this cat girl
>"i dont know what willful ignorance is and im not going to find out"
>didn' do nuttin' wrong
you are a bad person anon

>Whether they broke up a day or a year before Anton got summoned doesn't really matter
also autistic. if they had a big fight right before the summoning that ended with "we are done" that doesnt terminate it like a contract
Alright, let's dial it back a bit, please! No one's a bad person--it's just a dumb quest with a lot of details that haven't been elaborated on.

Big stuff's happening this week/weekend, so expect the next thread probably next week. Hope to see you then!
>Favorite part of Thread 3
Catte Sex.
In all seriousness, probably any scene where Rezzyzilla was in it. She's just an incredibly funny character.
>Who's your fave character and why?
Rezzie. Again, for comic relief.
TT and Volka are great, of course, and they're better 'serious' characters. But every time Rezzie opens her mouth her tard gibbering is just incredibly funny to observe.
>What could be improved
I 'unno. Fine with me. Most of the issues I have are people getting too invested (ala the Liz debacle)
>Who/what do you wanna see more of in the next thread
More Volka.
More Liz.
More weird cult shit.
>Who's your LEAST fave character and why?
Don't really have one. I don't dislike characters that often.
I suppose right now it's Liz but that's only because I know jack and shit about it. My least favorite characters are characters I don't have enough investment to care about. That could be easily fixed, of course, for Liz.
They have to be annoying, gay (figuratively), and/or a waste of time for me to actively hate.
>What do you think will happen next?!
More liz stuff, the "TOTAL SPICIES DEATH" plan goes awry, RED does RED things to our horror.
>you are a bad person anon
Need I remind you that Anton only even got the flashbacks when he did stuff with TT? He literally only found out when it was "too late"
>if they had a big fight right before the summoning that ended with "we are done" that doesnt terminate it like a contract
How not? She introduced herself as his ex. So that means they broke up.

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