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Your name is Joey Donuts.
You are Grel (half elf, half human}
You are a student wizard. You haven't picked your major and you're not licenced to use magic in areas owned by the Grand Ternion Unity.

You have SIX spells

Blast - Does 6d6+20 energy damage. -MP 20
Draw- Drain 10+2d6 mana from a target, providing they have mana -MP 5
Wrack - DO 10 damage to yourself to gain 12 MP -free
WIZARD HAAAANDS - Manipulate an object you can see but not reach. As strong as you are - MP 10
Douse - Extinguish any fire up to the size of a campfire , includes ignitions from matches and guns - MP 5
Hells Heart - Instantly double the damage of any attack (ranged, magical, or physical) by charging it with magic -MP 16 Joey has improved this skill and can cast it on another party member while still performing an action for 20 mana. He can also cast it on himself and one other person while performing another task for a cost of 41 mana.
Earths Honesty - Tell if someone is lying about the thing they have just said. MP 6

You are the acting CEO of Cold Iron Solutions potion company. Making mutterbottles and mana potions

You solve shit.

Your consigliere and number one is also your girlfriend. An enterprising goblin for hire called HIGHBALL.
You have a company staff.

LUMSDEN -Owner and pilot of your airship
SURREY - Potion brewer
JONES - Staff chef
GILCREST - Custodian
KARL - A private investigator

You have adventuring party members

BURSTOCK - An chill but rebellious healer. A thot with a big heart.
MIKE - A pragmatic hunter, kinder than he looks. Kind of your bro.
RICHTER - A wise muscle wizard, unfamiliar with people.
JORN - A distractible martial artist trying to make up for past crimes.

previous thread for more details:

This quest is nice and slow so don't panic.
Here is the wikia that is chock full of info on the characters, locations and mechanics (and misspellings).
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The sun has gone down and the moon is on a waning phase behind low, smoky clouds. You stand on the deck of the SILVER LINING, which rests on the water with its lights and engines powered down. Invisible to anyone on any shorelines.

Behind you, your two current party members Jorn and Burstock chat about the current operation.

Off camera, you can see Richter lowering a jolly boat containing Mike, Karl and Highball into the calm seas below. Highball winks, waves and blows you a big "mwah" kiss. The three of them then become all business. They have trained well. You made sure of it. Gave them time to practice. This mission is difficult, but you've given them just about the best odds you could.
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You go over the plan one more time.
In phase one, Highball, Mike and Karl sneak onto the nearby island. They lay down some explosives and combustibles and sabotage the existing firefighting equipment that's there. Soak the fire blankets in mogspit rather than water , empty the water barrels, that sort of thing. Ideally, rig it so that any resulting explosions flush out the local wildlife, including pajaks, creating even more havoc.
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As you watch team green silently low into the low fog and towards the island you remember that you also requested that, if possible, they could recover some of the heavy firepower you had heard the OLD GUARD were stockpiling, while sabotaging the rest.

This would make the mission trickier, but Mike said it could be done.

You will worry about phase two once people are back safe from phase one. Until then, you need to send all the good vibes you can toward this mission.

GM: It is time for the first of three luck rolls.
The mission will succeed no matter what, but the luck rolls will determine how well and other things can still go wrong, after all. It's one at a time and whoever rolls a d100 as a response to this post is the roll we will use. After each roll, the luck roll will become more difficult.

For the first LUCK CHECK you simply have to roll under 90. Good luck anon, I believe in you.

And don't forget - you might be able to alter your luck.
Rolled 92 (1d100)

We've got a reroll, time to use it.
Rolled 72 (1d100)

To elaborate, I'd like to use the lucky socks reroll, and light up a lucky strike for the sake of keeping a safety factor in case this happens again.
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You tear open a soft pack of LUCKY ROLLS and tap out a prerolled. You light a match on your thumbnail and breathe deep. The charcoal filtered taste lowers your HP but it's almost nostalgic.

You think maybe your mom used to smoke these back before she decided she wanted to taste food better. Your dads a heck of a baker, after all. You're glad you wrote them a letter.

You definitely feel luckier now.

GM: That's a good roll, but I need you to link back to the original post and try again. It's for the sake of me keeping track, sorry.
>Trust a Goblin
Fuck yeah!

I agree we need to light up a Lucky Roll to bank some rerolls.
Thank you anons for remembering all the mechanics on my behalf. I forget every single time.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Very well.
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You feel in your heart that the mission is off to a good start. You draw deep and thoughtful.

Jorn takes a pull from a ceramic hipflask with a cork and leather stopper and Burstock gives her a quizzical look.

"It's yoohoo. Wan't some?" Jorn confirms.
Burstock raises a hand in polite decline.

Please make another LUCK ROLL response.

This time at difficulty 70
Rolled 39 (1d100)

Here we go!
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You crush out your cigarette and smile to yourself. You just know that Mike, Highball and Karl are doing amazing work over on the island. All the truly vital stuff is taken care of beautifully.

You're in bonus time now. The roll is difficult but it's gravy on top at this point.

Make another LUCK ROLL
at difficulty 22
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Come on fortune, favor the bold.
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GM: You still have 2 more rerolls. Keep at it.
Rolled 98 (1d100)

If you insist, then.
Fortune favors the persistent.

One more time? It's a hard roll.
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Might as well give it a shot.
Nope. Oh well. I think we had >50% chance of making that even with all the rerolls, so not too much of a loss.
Now that we are out of rerolls from the cig we smoked and the effect has ended, is it possible to heal the HP we lost doing so?
Oh wow, it's been so long.
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The jolly boat comes back into view. Highball gives a thumbs up and Richter hitches the boat back aboard the Silver Lining.

Mike, Karl and Highball all emerge from the boat. They look like they've been through a lot. Especially Karl. But they're all uninjured and smiling.

Mike carefully lowers an immense roll of canvas onto the deck of the ship. It clatters and clanks from within. He wipes his brow.

"We had to take it apart for transportation and I'm worried we might have damaged it -sorry. Or left a piece out. But there lies *most* of a heavy caliber, tripod mounted, rapid fire, anti-personnel weapon."

Karl fumbles a cigarette from his breast pocket and gestures with it, briefly.
"Everything else went as clockwork. No one saw us. Not even the spiders. They got no heavy weapons, fight water or fire blankets."

Highball tugs on your arm, excited.
"We rigged that place just right. No matter where they open the merchandise, it's going to blow up most of their vehicles, a lot of their camp and it will send the Pajaks running from the cave and all over the island. It'll be mayham."

Karl does a tired smile and lights his smoke.
"Might even reactivate the lighthouse if we did this just right."

They all chuckle.

Richter has already loaded the crates for you to make your delivery.

You can pick new team members or keep Jorn and Burstock, it is up to you.

You can also freely talk or perform actions.


The smokes were a debuff, which can't generally be healed. It's not that you lost 20 HP like a wound its more that you max HP was lowered.
The mission is meant to have taken hours though, so don't worry the debuff is already gone. You have all your HP

Busy times, anon. I appreciate your patience.
"Smooth as silk. Me, Jorn, and Burstock will make the drop, you take a breather before the fireworks start. Maybe get some shades."
Stow the gun as a set for now, I doubt Joey or anyone else here knows how to put it together right. But Gomersal's gonna love this.

Check our inventory, and get ready to set off.
good times
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You smile broadly as you clamber aboard the jolly boat.
>"Smooth as silk. Me, Jorn, and Burstock will make the drop, you take a breather before the fireworks start. Maybe get some shades."

Jorn and Burstock nod and climb aboard the boat also. Jorn cracks her knuckles and grabs the oars.

Burstock sits at the aft of the boat and leans back luxuriously. She gestures gently at Jorn.
"Fire up a light spell once we're far from the Silver Lining. We don't want them to see the main ship but we want them to know that WE are coming. It's all about seeming transparent."

Jorn smiles and nods.

Mike sits on the deck cross legged and rests.
"I'm gonna meditate. Get focused for the big turkey shoot."

Highball kisses you on the cheek and bundles up the machine gun. Karl goes to help her but she seems to have it. It's a bit of a lift for her but she manages.
"It's gonna be quite a night, Joey. You stay jake-a-loo out there."

You check your POCKETS
Revolver (6 normal bullets)

Speedloader (6 normal bullets)

Speedloader (Dwarfstoppers)

Speedloader (6 trollstoppers)

10 bullets

5 Large Health potions

5 Mana potion

19 Lucky Rolls Cigarettes

20 Coughin' Nails Cigarettes

3 doses of snuff

3 Burnsauce


Mutterbottle (Other with Lumsden)

2 Books of Matches


2 cloudjars

4 boomflasks

1 ripflare (Vanguards)

3 ripflares (Shweps Everton)

1390 gold
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GM: If there are no further actions, I will assume you are making the supposed delivery.

Make a LUCK ROLL at under 85 if this is so.
Rolled 24 (1d100)

here goes nothing
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Your journey to the shore is gentle and uneventful. About a mile from the delivery point, Jorn activates a light spell on the stern of the boat. The sea is gentle and quite beautiful. Burstock is dangling her hands in the water and almost looks like she could doze off.

When you arrive at the delivery point, Burstock looks around and gives a thumbs up.

The three of you unload the SPECIAL DELIVERY CRATES about 100 yards from the massive cave entrance before you. It's not really any of your's forte but you get it done.

Jorn keeps her voice low
"We pull the SUMMONING FLARE for Everton the Breaker once we get back to the Lining, right? They'll think that's their signal to pick up the drop that way. Then the rest just sorta..plays out, huh?"

Burstock nods, still breathing heavily from doing manual labor.
"I think so. Unless you tell it different, Heffe."

They look to you.
"Yep. Let's head back."

The spring is wound, the bait is set. I love it when a plan comes together.
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You paddle back to the Silver Lining. Every Party Member is there. As well as Gilcrest.

Once aboard, Burstock finally takes a long pull of her hipflask.

You pull out one of your three SUMMONING FLARES and pull the ripcord.
It creates 3 rapid explosions that form a purple and green bullseye in the night sky. A final fire work that almost seems to go "YEEE-HOO" erupts in the middle of the bulleye in dazzling silver.

On object, crackling with green lightning comes skidding across the water from the mainland towards the Silver Lining and EVERTON, riding on her red rinkan, Citizen leaps off from the water and lands on the deck of the ship, skidding to a sideways halt, harmless green arcs of electricity dying off along with some evaporating seawater.

Everton dismounts Citizen and walks toward the rest of you, her spurs jingling.
"I was hoping - I say- I was hoping it was you. College boy running a potion company in his gap year ain't gonna be calling me out on no tumbleweed watching or scarecrow detail."
She rubs her hands together then holds them out expectantly.
"What're we doing tonight, buddy"

Mike sits up from his meditation and greets Everton
"You and me are gonna do some target shooting. You see that island. Sometime soon it's going to go up with enough explosives to sink a dozen elven Galleons. Me and you are gonna shoot anyone trying to escape by boat or anyone transmogged."

Everton glances at the island and switches her chaw to the other side of the mouth, quizzically.
"Distance ain't a problem. But do you have a plan for spotting which fleeing critters are transmogged and which ones are just critters, zook? I'm not bothered either way, but..."

Jorn steps forward.
"I will point them out to you. I have a spell that can tell. We don't wanna kill any *actual* eagles, sea lions or whatever other creatures scatter from the island. Just OG disguised as them."

Everton looks between Jorn and Mike with a delighted, open-mouthed grin before nodding at you and doing a low chuckle.
"Son, you don't disappoint. Tell you what."

She unslings her rifle and sets down sever boxes of ammo on the edge of the ship. Mike does the same.

"Ain't gonna get all of 'em"

Mike shrugs
"We'll get enough."

Everton grins at Mike.
"Bet I get more than you."

Mike chuckles and grins back.
"I like to dream too, Hornady."

They clink their rifles together.

Any last actions or do we proceed with the [CUTSCENE]
I don't know whether we will make history today, but we will at least change geography.

Let's go!
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For a time, there is nothing. The night air jostles the moorings of the ship. Waves slap against the timber of the boat. There is a distant sound that is either walrus or some kind of crepuscular bird. You hear what sounds like a dull thud.
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The initial explosion briefly looks like the sun is rising. An enormous bassy thud followed by a keening howl of wind rattles through your ship and seems to travel on to the mainland and all the way to the horizon.

There are gasps and small laughter among your fellows. Burstock goes "YEAH!" and takes another drink.
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Before the echo of the first explosion has faded and with the ringing fresh in your ears still a serious of smaller but rupturing rocky, hissing, sizzling explosions erupt all across the island. Chunks of rock big enough for their splash to be audible above the din of it all splash into the water. Distant sounds of fury and panic can be heard across the water.
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The island is wreathed in thick, chemical smoke as fires spread in almost beautiful synchronicity. Smaller explosions, the sound of collapse and the feeble, scattered pops of small arms rattle around the shores. Eagles, albatrosses and sealions take to the air and ocean respectively as feeble crews of ternion species can be seen abandoning their station and fellows with or without boats.

Most curiously, a small light glows beneath the water.

"We're up, Hornady." Mike calls as he takes aim.

Everton legitimately yeehaws.
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Everton and Mike fire into the sky, shore and sea, following Jorn's callouts. Jorn periodically takes a swig from a mana potion throughout the proceedings. First time you've seen her do that.

Initially, it seems like only Everton is really enjoying herself, whooping a little and chuckling. But in time Mike begins a low chuckle and they keep glancing at each other.

Not to be morbid, but you find yourself, even at a great distance being amazed at the sight of an albatross being shot only to instantly turn back into a human and plumet into the ocean.

You remember someone telling you that if a someone dies when transmogged, they instantly change back.

karl is watching the action, not smiling like some but nodding with a measure of satisfaction. He leans over to Highball.
"Do you hear that?"

Highball looks at Karl, amused.
"I think everyone does!"

Karl furrows his brow
"No..no. Not the explosions. It's like a distant sort of moan and some sort of clicking."

Highball shakes her head.
"Cant make it out."

Gilcrest, more animated than you have ever seen him almost bowls people over as he runs to the edge of the ship and grips the barrier. He points at the ocean.
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She is awake.
Oh damn.
Oh damn. I hope she isn't smart enough to realize we did that.
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Mike and Everton lower their guns. Everton leans over to Mike and whispers, a hint of awe or even fear in her voice.

"Not at her, right?"

Mike just silently shakes his head. He eventually remembers his words.
"Not at all. No firing."

Everton nods, thoughtfully.

Karl's cigarette dangles from his lip but somehow doesn't actually drop.

Highball laughs nervously and does a small, impressed whistle.

Jorn shifts closer to Richter who pulls her closer yet.

Even Burstock looks kind of surprised.
"Nope. Never seen anything like this before."
She shakes her head and takes another drink.

Mike turns to you as if you say 'uuuh...now what?'

You can hear on the island that the few Old Guard that remain have started shooting at her.
Water seems to draw into her body, like she's drinking from her skin. The Rampart begins to glow.
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The Rampart fires an impossibly high pressure, incredibly fine beam of sea water from between her teeth and begins gouging through great chunks of the island and (you presume) it's inhabitants. A beam of water cuts clean through the old light house. With a terrified shriek and an almighty crash it falls from the sheer cliffs and collapses into the ocean. She scours the island for things that offend her and cuts it apart with her water jet, taking in more water as needed. She's putting out some of the fires, but that doesn't seem to be saving anyone.

A distant twin rotor thunderbolt siren roars out across the ocean behind you. Closer to the mainland, you think?

Gilcrest is still audible over all the devastation.
he screams over and over.
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You see some small explosions and what seem to be magical attacks around The Rampart's midsection. Somehow, even ANGRIER than before she abandons the comparative subtlety of her water jets and begins swatting and gouging at the island with her bare hands.

With an almighty swing she clatters her arm clear through the east shore. A smoldering chunk of the island the size of an automobile splashes into the ocean less than 100 feet from the Silver Lining.

Highball turns to you as well.

Your muttlebottle begins to glow and shake.

You think you hear The Rampart laughing.
I think we need to relocate.

Pick up the phone.
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>Pick up the phone.

Lumsden is on the other side. She is doing her best to sound calm but is speaking in a rough, sotto voice.

"I don't mean to douse this, but are you guys nearly done out there? I'm starting to get buffeted. I'm not gonna power on the lights, or take off, but I'd like to put some distance between my ship and the living embodiment of the cruel sea. We'll just use the minimal settings and drift on back, right?"

You lick your teeth.

>a. If we back off now, someone else will get to the loot first. It'll be safe here.
>b. Just fly high. That'll get us safe.
>c. Get us a few miles back yeah
>d. Take us to [location]
>e. Insert own.

Some sort of consensus. You have a lot of time to make your minds up, as I'll be at work.
>>c. Get us a few miles back yeah

Better safe than sorry I'm thinking. We can return after the Rampart has moved on.
If we absolutely have to get to the island in quick order to stake claims or whatever, would Shewps be willing take us there on Citizen? Maybe Burstock with a Rinkan transmog if not. Silver Lining could follow at her own pace.
>c. Get us a few miles back yeah
>c. Get us a few miles back yeah
Seems like a safe bet. I don't imagine many others are waiting in the wings to swoop in besides us.
>>c. Get us a few miles back yeah
At least Gil had good time if nothing else.
>>c. Get us a few miles back yeah
distance please
>c. Get us a few miles back yeah
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You talk into the mutterbottle
>'get us a few miles back, yeah'

Lumsden does a small laugh
"I'll make it so we can still see the glow of her light, but yeah, we're backing way up."

There is a very quiet purr as the Silver Lining's engines thrum to life and you begin to pull away from the island. The Rampart seems to glance - very briefly- in your direction but is still reoccupied with the island. She seems to be angry with the fires and the screeching from both the local wildlife and the few remaining Old Guard. She has an evening ahead of her.

As you back up, Gilcrest does one last cheer then runs back below deck. Everyone else just stands around chatting idly.

Everton slings her rifle and goes to walk past Mike. She grins at him.
"Looks like you got me beat this time, pal. We should do this again some time."
Mike sticks out a hand and stops her.

"Next time, don't hold back, either. I can tell."
Everton pauses a moment, her face neutral, before her broad grin returns.
"Sorry. Old habit. Lotta boys I met get sore when you beat 'em at shooting. Makes it hard to hook up with them down the track."
Mike smiles a little smartly
"I think you've misread me on a few levels, Ms Everton."
She glances down at his hand and switches her chaw again. He follows her gaze and realizes he's been resting his hand on her chest this entire conversation.
Mikes pulls back and tugs the top of his cowl a little.
Everton shrugs and slaps him on the back as she walks back to Citizen having a small laugh to herself.

>If we absolutely have to get to the island in quick order to stake claims or whatever, would Shewps be willing take us there on Citizen?

You put this to Shweps. She turns around and regards this, pursing her lips.
"Waveskipping is a heck of a trick, son, even for Red Rinkans. I might be able to carry one of your goblin pals there, but if I carry you, I'm not sure I can keep us above water."

Burstock steps forward, having overheard you talking.
"I don't mind taking you over, boss. I got a few transmogs left."

Everton bugs her eye with fear and admiration at Burstock then turns to you.
"Son, that is a ride or die woman, there. Transmogs are right up there with putting a gun in my own mouth on the list of things I *can't* be paid for."

"So if I take you and Shweps takes Karl of Highball, we have a decent party. We just have to time it right."
That's a good idea, Burstock. We can go over once the testament to destruction stops, assuming that... thing finishes without tearing the whole island down.

Let everyone else on the plan too.
I'd say we bring HB for our island adveture. Karl did his job today already and besides he isn't usually looking to a scrap.
Plus we get a nice moment with our gal pal. Support.
Sounds like the move. Although that being said, are we sure we need to head straight over there? I don't really wanna risk getting caught by any stragglers if we can help it, so we might be safer waiting a little longer.
sounds like a plan

stragglers we can deal with, it's not like we're going unarmed
True. Is there any risk to them spotting us and getting away? I guess they'll already know it was us that set them up, so it's not like we need to hide our identity at this point.
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You nod at Burstock and announce the plan. There are nods of approval all round and a sigh of relief from Karl when you announce it will be Highball going on the mission not him.

Karl puts out a cigarette into an empty coffee can.
"With that in mind, I think I'll drift back below."
He does a small smile and walks down the wooden steps.

Mike taps the ships guard rail.
"I'll wait on deck until you come back. Just in case there's anything to see or shoot."

The Rampart's light is now a speck on the horizon. Satisfied chirps can be heard as it begins to lower. A zig zag pattern, like she's checking the island.

Jorn stretches.
"I could eat. That cool, skip?"

Richter, unsure of what to do, flexes.

Burstock winces at the Rampart's light.
"Shweps if we left right now, how long would it take us to get to the island?"

Everton turns her head and spits off the side of the ship, you don't see it land but you hear that it skips a few times.
"'Bout 40 minutes, half an hour. I'd be matchin' your speed so we arrive as a group."

Burstock nods and steps out of her boots. The avails of herself of the rest of her clothes in a shimmy that takes a second or less. Mike stares over his shoulder then goes back to looking at the island.

Burstock bundles up her clothes into a shoulder bag.

[free action and chat if there's anything you want to say to anyone]
>"I could eat. That cool, skip?"
Yeah, sure. Though, since you're real good at noticing things, I'd like you to keep lookout with Mike after you do. Tell Lumsden if the sea starts glowing, or waves without wind show up, or something; I don't want to risk that monster deciding it doesn't like the ship.

How long has it been since Everton showed up? If we got time we got time, but I don't want to hit two hours midway through and have her dip out before we get our money's worth. Or leave us stranded on the island of the dead, unless Rinkan!Burstock can carry us and Highball.

Of course, if Rinkan-Burstock CAN carry Joey and Highball simultaneously and we have time, then there's no problem.
Has there been any more reactions to the explosion or The Rampart from the mainland or elsewhere other than the Siren we heard earlier? Maybe Mike can tell if we can't?
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Burstock takes a small vial or constantly swirling mostly clear liquid from her pouch and drinks it.

Wincing a little, as though she had bitten her tongue, Burstock falls forward and puts her arms out. With a hideous sound, somewhere between someone cracking open a lobster and a piece of celery being snapped she catches herself as a fully formed rinkan. There is a small pause. Perhaps some people haven't seen this before.

Mike speaks up
"Are you okay, Volly?"

Rinstock nods and Mike does a small, worried smile.

Richter wonder out loud as she paces around Rinstock
"Thos two mages from earlier. When they turned into eagles, the process seemed longer and more painful."

Jorn folds her arms and thinks.
"Yeah, it's always seemed worse when I've seen it. Perhaps having complete control over your body can make the transformation smoother. If nothing else, Ms Burstock would be able to completely relax and probably has a huge pain tolerance."

"That's about the size of it."
Burstocks voice feels like it's right behind your ear.
However small your reaction, she still registers it.
"Oh good this still works. Fwoo fwoo."
Like someone blowing on a microphone.

Mike glances toward the light in the distance.
"Looks like she's wrapping up. If you wait another 20 minutes to make sure, you should get to the island just as Volly changes back. You'll have a full party that way."


Something occurs to you.
>How long has it been since Everton showed up? If we got time we got time, but I don't want to hit two hours midway through and have her dip out before we get our money's worth. Or leave us stranded on the island of the dead, unless Rinkan!Burstock can carry us and Highball.

Everton pushes her hat back on her head.
"Ah, truth be told, bubba. You aint really got your money's worth outta me yet. You bought those flares on the understanding I'd be fighting and using dwarf and or trollstoppers. Whereas all I been doing is fish in a barrel shit with regular ol cheap ol bullets. You still got another 2 fights outta me. The run around is kinda over time but if you throw in a root beer or an extra 20 gold you got a - I say- you got a buckaroo time extension."
She leans her elbows on Citizen and sniffs the sea air.
"Ain't got nothing else going on at this exact juncture."

>Yeah, sure. Though, since you're real good at noticing things, I'd like you to keep lookout with Mike after you do.

Jorn nods.
"Oh, yeah. I was just gonna grab a bagel or something."
Richter hasn't heard of bagels.

>Has there been any more reactions to the explosion or The Rampart from the mainland or elsewhere other than the Siren we heard earlier? Maybe Mike can tell if we can't?

Mike loads his pipe.
"Well, that siren, being a twin rotor means that if nothing else the local FACTOTUMS noticed. Might even get curious."
>You still got another 2 fights outta me. The run around is kinda over time but if you throw in a root beer or an extra 20 gold you got a - I say- you got a buckaroo time extension.
"Sure thing, give us a minute."

Go downstairs with Jorn to fetch a little something to nosh before we go a-looting, and grab a root beer for Everton. If we don't have root beer grab a soda from the grink machine we got downstairs and hope it'll suffice.
Check on Highball if she needs anything before we head out. Beautiful work she, Mike and Karl did.
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You wander down to the grink machine and sure enough it does root beer. Ice cold! Nice.

As you're making your way back up to the deck you see Jorn offer Richter a bite of a bagel that seems to have melted cheese and salami on it. Richter looks amazed.

You walk back on deck and throw the root beer to Everton. She bites the cap off and spits it out before happily guzzling the sugary substance. She belches through her teeth and gives you the thumbs up.

>Check on Highball if she needs anything before we head out. Beautiful work she, Mike and Karl did.
Highball is rocking on her heels as you approach. She beams and sticks out her chest proudly at your compliment.

"It was beautiful chess, baby. Graceful. We didn't so much as leave a foot print in that place. You gotta believe most of them were still awake but no one knew we were there. Not the spiders, the moa - no body. We unloaded their guns, mogspitted their fire blankets. We rigged that cave so well that the pajaks basically ran straight into their camp, mad as hornets on a golf course."

Highball smirks
"In terms of what I need -"
Highball runs a clawed finger gently down your stomach
"- besides the obvious. I could really go a double dry Manhattan with extra cherries."
She smooches you quickly.
"Both will have to wait though. We got some proper collecting to do from the mother of all soup jobs first. Gotta make off before we make out."

There is a low chuckle just outside your vision.

Highball checks her blades.
"It's gonna be nice not having to worry about these wrong numbers for a bit. We can get back to making the real dough. Bounties, brewing or talking to that potion dude or whatever. Huge weight off our back."
>Huge weight off our back
It'll be a while until we have to worry about OG again.
They won't be gone for good, but we can concentrate on bigger and better things as you said.
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Mike looks towards your group.
"Joonda. The Ramparts back below and has been for almost 5 minutes."

"Sounds like our cue, boss."
Rinstocks words echo in your head as she clicks over to you.
"Timing isn't perfect but let's not be any later than we have to be."
Rinstock gives you a small affectionate headbutt in the side.

Everton clambers onto Citizen and does a whistle to wake him up. He thunders to life.
Highball sits behind Everton and wraps her arms around her midsection and does a few test leans.

Everton looks over her shoulder at Highball.
"You rode pillion on a redrink before there?"
Highball beams
"Yup. Was doing knock over jobs until earlier this year."
Everton lets out a braying, wheezing laugh that almost dies in her throat.
"Think I'm gonna like you, green stuff. Hang on - I say- hang on to your hotpants."

Citizen crackles with lightning and springs over the side of the boat.

You climb onto Rinkstock and follow suit.

"Just you and me for about 40 minutes, heffe. Anything on your mind?"
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As you take off over the star lit ocean, the initial up and down bob of Rinstock's wave skipping becomes more steady. Or you get used to it. Either way.

The sheer speed and gentle spray of the ocean is a pretty great feeling. With your RIDERS OUTFIT it all feels pretty natural too. Not bad for a second time.

Everton is along side you, only ahead by a length or so. Between the distance, the thrum of two rinkans and the sheer amount of wind in your ears, communication isn't possible. But you can tell Highball is having a great time, she gives you a quick wave. Everton is pretty business like and focused as a rider, but she still has a broad smile.

"I think I'm just going to get better and better at this."
Rinstock does a swaying little fishtail movement just for fun.
"You don't get motion sick, right?"

A few thoughts occur to her.
"What's our top priority once we get to what's left of the island anyway?"
>a. Check for any stragglers or survivors. Clean up crew.
>b. Check for folding money. There's always a bagman in an op this size.
>c. Valuables. Gems, silk, spices. Hardier stuff with value.
>d. Basic supplies. Restocking our own larder will save us money.
>e. See if any ammo or tech survived.
>f. Real estate is real estate. If enough is intact we have a potential second base.

"What do we do after we're done here?"
>1. I say we drift for a while, head to a new part of the map while the potions brew.
>2. We still have that Hilbosh guy to investigate.
>3. Back to Dunnlivin. Playing it by ear after that.
>4. Probably time we hit the big city.
>5. The Craggs. mo-ney-to-be-made.
>>a. Check for any stragglers or survivors. Clean up crew.
"I figure anyone left alive will be trying to grab what they can before they go, so it's only efficient. We can go looking for salvage and loot after; it's not going to run off."

>6. "Kill Edgewater."
"I want to snip ALL the loose ends before moving on. Once that's done, I'm thinking of either taking another bounty, or getting a docking license for the GTU so we can do business both here and there."
There were temple ruins on the island right. If any remain I'd like to check 'em.
>3. Back to Dunnlivin. Playing it by ear after that.
>>a. Check for any stragglers or survivors. Clean up crew.
>3. Back to Dunnlivin. Playing it by ear after that.
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>"I figure anyone left alive will be trying to grab what they can before they go, so it's only efficient. We can go looking for salvage and loot after; it's not going to run off."
You shrug
>"And if we've got nothing but time. Maybe we check out the temple ruins there."

You hear Rinstock do a small laugh
"If there's anything LEFT of it, you mean."

>"In terms of what we do next, I guess we head back to Dunnlivin, get our facts straight and then we get to the business of killing Edgewater. Until the OG and his punks are beaten back, we can't in good conscience leave this region."

"I feel that."

As you go past Everton and Highball, highball points up and behind you. She heard it before any of you saw it.
You follow her arm and see this riveted metal machine, like a boat on giant skis with a front like a luxury train. It makes a keening whine and a bassy rumble all at once.

Its twin engines are facing down giving it a cruising speed. As it gets closer, the metal, rigid wings on either side rotate to point the engines backward, giving it more forward push. The bassy rumble gives way to almost elk- like screech and the object quickly becomes a spec in the distance.

Highball is yelling something, but you can't make it out.

Rinstock makes a small exhalation
"It's just the facts. They shouldn't be a problem if we're civil. We're not going there for the same reasons."

>a. The facts? Like, the factotums?
>b. What are they after?
>c. What in the blue abyss was that contraption?
>d. Where can we get one of those?
>e. They'd better not get in our way.
>f. Man, it's nice riding you.
>h. Would they help us with that gun we grabbed?
>a. The facts? Like, the factotums?
>b. What are they after?
>b. What are they after?
>f. Man, it's nice riding you.
>g. "Damn, that thing is cool. Maybe I should've gone to Factotum school instead of studying magic."
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>"The facts? Like, the factotums?"
Rinstock steers around an incoming large dorsal fin then speeds up to keep up with Everton.
"That's them. They don't make all tech, but they're certainly always trying to improve upon what's out there. Foundation in blacksmithing and mathematics, I suppose if you go back far enough. There actual personalities are pretty individual but as an organization they have a sort of structure, a sort of credo that they stick to. They're not jerks, really. Just kinda passionate in a clean, flat kind of way."

>"What are they after?"
"Aren't many things besides ternion tech that can make an explosion - or series of explosions that big. It'd have to be a party that was all muscle wizards or misuse of modern intellectual endeavor. They figure it's the latter and therefore their business to investigate."

Rinstock briefly practices her turning then straightens up.
"Make no mistake though; they knew same as a bunch of other people that the Old Guard was turtling up on that island. That's not their problem AND this island isn't GTU territory, so who cares right? But now that the Old Guard might be defeated or weakened, they probably figure they can at least sweep up some scrap iron, chemicals, powder or parts. They really can't get enough of it."

She does a small laugh.
"Also, I mean, it looks like they had a new toy. I bet some of them just wanted an excuse to take it for a spin. Can you blame them? Like I said, they're like anyone else deep down."

>"Man, it's nice riding you."
Rinstock giggles
"I've heard good things."

Rinstock dodges a marlin


> "Damn, that thing is cool. Maybe I should've gone to Factotum school instead of studying magic."

It's odd to say of mind-talking but you feel like there is a polite pause.
"I mean...yeah!... probably. You still could. If you study hard. You're still young, after all."
>"I mean...yeah!... probably. You still could. If you study hard. You're still young, after all."
Nah, can't do everything cool at once. Being a rich and famous soldier-pilot-adventurer-wizard-researcher-explorer-polymath seems cool in the comics and pulps, but I don't have that many hours in the day.
If you lich it up then you do, but then you'd be a lich and almost certainly out of your mind.
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>"Nah, can't do everything cool at once. Being a rich and famous soldier-pilot-adventurer-wizard-researcher-explorer-polymath seems cool in the comics and pulps, but I don't have that many hours in the day."

You see you are finally getting close to the island.
"I don't think the factotums DO part-time anyways. It's probably a reason Zhenji left. You have to be pretty into it. They all have a sort of -focus- to them."

The beach comes into view. It looks as though all the large fires have been put out, maybe all of them. This is not the same place you visited earlier. The cave is collapsed there is fine ash in the air and the very surface is a mixture of jagged craters and strangely angular and precise cuts in the rock. The surrounding cliffs have been clattered and crumbled making the whole island more easily accessible but definitely smaller as well.

Everton pulls up to the beach in a cool side stop. Rinstock does the same so as not to let you down.
"We made good time. I got about 6 minutes before I change back."

Highball dismounts and rubs her backside a little. She is having a pleasent conversation with Everton.

About 100 feet from your landing point, you can see 2 FACTOTUMS.
They are clad in padded leather dress tunics with an optional hood. Both wear laden tool belts. One has a large humming backpack, the other a single armored arm with a glow in its shoulder. They are both wearing helmets in the shape of an armored dragon's head bearing a simplified crest of the dragon god GAR for its front grill.

They talk to each other, doing some sort of back-and-forth check list.
You hear that their voices ARE different, but they are both talking in a flat, calm manner using the back of their throat. The acoustics of their helmets puts a slight flange on it. They either haven't noticed you or they don't care.

>a. Approach them immediately
>b. Wait for Burstock to change, talk to Everton
>c. Wait for Burstock to change, talk to Highball
>d. Just wait
>e. Call out to the Factotums
>f. Attack the Factotums
>g. Have a smoke

First to two
>"I don't think the factotums DO part-time anyways. It's probably a reason Zhenji left. You have to be pretty into it. They all have a sort of -focus- to them."
I dunno, Gomersal seems pretty laid-back. I guess he's older and semi-retired, though.

>a. Approach them immediately
"Howdy there, fellas. If you're looking for the tech that caused this, I'm afraid I got bad news: all that happened here was pyrotechnics and an intervention by the rampart. Saw the whole thing from my ship."
>a. Approach them immediately
>"Howdy there, fellas. If you're looking for the tech that caused this, I'm afraid I got bad news: all that happened here was pyrotechnics and an intervention by the rampart. Saw the whole thing from my ship."
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>"I dunno, Gomersal seems pretty laid-back. I guess he's older and semi-retired, though."
"And I mean, he's not among other facts, really. I've been told that when he's sober and on a project he's pretty focused. Again, though, they're normal people when not on the job, supposedly."

You walk right up to the two FACTOTUMS; they notice your approach.

>"Howdy there, fellas. If you're looking for the tech that caused this, I'm afraid I got bad news: all that happened here was pyrotechnics and an intervention by the rampart. Saw the whole thing from my ship."

You see by their uniforms they have a patch showing their last names. The one with the backpack is designated Cronjager the one with the arm is apparently named Rockbuster.

Cronjager's tone becomes more normal when not reporting something. They sound female.
"That does seem to be the case. Determining the source of the pyrotechnics could prove valuable."
Cronjager turns to Rockbuster, they switch back to their report tone.
"Further sighting of AGST2 in this area. Second?"
"Third. Logged."

Rockbuster turns a dial on their helmet and produces a keening sound 3 tone sound not unlike a boatswain's while.

A third FACTOTUM comes up over the hill.
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The third FACTOTUM, bearing the name tag Skygarry has an air of authority the other two lack. They dust themselves off and put down an enormous leather carry bag before coming any closer. They walk towards you as the others walk away to collect the bag.

Rockbuster pauses and asks them
"Need some help with this one?"

Skygarry shakes their head casually.

They approach your party and take their helmet off to be more sociable. He flick out his hair and put on a pair of wire frame spectacles. He talks first. His voice is erudite.

"Why'd you come towards an explosion?"

>a. Check out my handywork.
>b. None of your business.
>c. I'm here to loot and salvage. Same as you.
>d. Iunno. Looked cool.
>e. [say nothing]
>f. [play dumb] Ah me and the babes were just on the boat you know, and we see all this FIRE and a giant glowing woman, and we figure THAT's where the parties at you know so we figured we just had to check it out! Gotta be a sick shindig you know? Can't say no to the babes.
>g. The OG were stationed here, and it looks like they accidently blew themselves up. We figured as good citizens now was the time to pick up the pieces. They're a menace.

First to 3

There is a horrible cracking noise behind you and a splash in the water. Skygarry peers over your shoulder but can't seem to see anything in the low light.
>g. The OG were stationed here, and it looks like they accidently blew themselves up. We figured as good citizens now was the time to pick up the pieces. They're a menace.
Also, OP, I want to state that I'm faithfully reading every update, but the open prompts and/or having last read the quest a year ago scare me. Nothing wrong with what you're doing, just the house style, but if you see me retreat back to lurking please know I'm still around and enjoying myself.
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Valid. I want to try having multiple updates this year. I appreciate any and all engagement.
>g. The OG were stationed here, and it looks like they accidently blew themselves up. We figured as good citizens now was the time to pick up the pieces. They're a menace
>c. I'm here to loot and salvage. Same as you.
whichever gets to 3 quicker.

Scourge and pillage! Man, I must be losing it.
>>a. Check out my handywork.
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>"The OG were stationed here, and it looks like they accidently blew themselves up. We figured as good citizens now was the time to pick up the pieces. They're a menace."

Everton looks to the side.
"Oh hey! Speakin' of..."
Everton walks over to a loose pile of bodies, drawing what looks like a cavalry sabre from her coat. She sinks it into the pile and twists it with a small grin. A wailing gurgle is heard.
"Hidin' in the bodies. Dumber than a bag of hammers, these boys! Embarrassing themselves!"

Skygarry looks back toward you.
"I see. So, you guys are adventurers. That makes..."
He pauses and you see he is staring at Burstock who is just now joining your group, adjusting the top of her dress. He peers over his glasses at her a moment.
"That makes sense. I agree with your hypothesis. The old guard, much like the goblins, like to steal the technology we make and reverse engineer it without understanding it. OR they cling to old, dated dangerous techniques. Once they make a big enough group they're bound to blow themselves up."

>a. What was that vehicle you came in on? She's amazing.
>b. What's that on your arm?
>c. What's in the bag?
>d. Did you just compare goblins to the Old Guard, buddy?
>e. That ship of yours. Looks like she's clatch powered, right?
>f. How do you guys get food and water on that platform of yours?
>g. Do you know Zhenji? Zhenji Drumheller?
>h. You guys are armed right? This island might still have OG or funnel webs on it.
>i. Can I talk to [other factotum]
>h. What's with the dragon helmets?
>j. Alright, well good luck out there. We have things to do. Bye.
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GM: You can ask as many of these as you like.
>Once they make a big enough group they're bound to blow themselves up.
Unstable compounds're like that.

>a. What was that vehicle you came in on? She's amazing.
I saw you got two engines, but I didn't see any propellers, how's that work? What kind of lifting power does she get, and how's it compare to her straight-line thrust?

>You guys wanna buy a couple 'Claches while you're out? One full, one empty, just found 'em rattling around with nothing to power. 17.5 thousand for the pair.
>>e. That ship of yours. Looks like she's clatch powered, right?

>>You guys wanna buy a couple 'Claches while you're out?
I'd personally hold on to them, especially since they are so expensive. Never know when one might come in handy.
>a. What was that vehicle you came in on? She's amazing.
>>a. What was that vehicle you came in on? She's amazing.
>>b. What's that on your arm?
>>c. What's in the bag?
>>h. What's with the dragon helmets?
Curious toddler mode.
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>"Unstable compounds're like that."
Skygarry does a small chuckle that build in volume. He liked that.
He taps a finger against your chest and grins broadly
"Ilike you. I think I like you a lot."

>What was that vehicle you came in on? She's amazing.
Skygarry beams and folds his arms.
"She's something huh? The SHOEBILL is the pride of the Kies Point College. Capable of vertical takeoff and landing, including on water. She has a top speed of 212km. A theoretical vertical climb of 3000 feet per minute. She has a maximum takeoff weight of 5515 kg. She's powered by two turboprop 215 engines..."

>"That ship of yours. Looks like she's clatch powered, right?"
"..YES! She has a clatch in each engine with a backup mogspit tank in each allowing us to travel at 200 km for 200km. Theoretically we can overcharge the engines by opening the reserve tanks while the clatches are already powering them, which may give us a new top speed. Ah, but that's an experiment for another time."

>"What's in the bag?"
"Oh, we rounded up some boxes of ammo and some unopened mogspit. Most of it was damaged or cooked off, but I grabbed what I could. There might be more elsewhere."

>"What's that on your arm?"
"Oh this? It is the Limaokameahana 200. It is colloquially called the factotARM. It's an armored gauntlet that can be made at the end of one's graduation. Each one is made just for the factotum, much like a soldier's tank suit. It can enhance strength, conduct heat and has shifting magnets to turn screws or grip part, it can generate small lights. It's like having a toolbox on your arm, that is as responsive as your own fingers. It makes a great many of our tasks easier. Veeeery expensive."

>"What's with the dragon helmets?"
"While all the dragons are worthy of praise, the factotums hold a particular veneration for GAR, the architect and the master of blueprints. It was they who created the elves and the elven lands, rich in iron and sources of energy. It is through the lost works of GAR that we have created or RE-created some of the finest examples of technology known today. The Helmet is lightweight for what it does, and versatile. The dial on the side can filter the air, allow us to signal each other etc..."
You seem to have things well in hand, but I don't suppose there is anything we could help within our capacity as adventurers?
>Anything you've spotted so far that we might be interested in?
"While the explosion was impressive, it seems evident that the devastation inflicted upon the island by the Rampart was far greater of the two. Do you think practical applications could be developed based on the mechanisms She uses to produce such results?"
>I'd personally hold on to them, especially since they are so expensive.
Fair enough.

>"I like you. I think I like you a lot."
"Well thanks. My name's Joey Donuts." Offer handshake.

>She has a top speed of 212kph. A theoretical vertical climb of 3000 feet per minute. She has a maximum takeoff weight of 5515 kg.
"Maximum takeoff weight of 5515kg WITH vertical take off or without?"
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>"Well thanks. My name's Joey Donuts."
You offer your hand, and he takes it. He's a large man but his hands, even through a gauntlet are very gentle.
"Dalton Skygarry."
He smiles again.

>"Maximum takeoff weight of 5515kg WITH vertical take off or without?"
Dalton shrugs.
"Only done vertical take-offs so far. With experimental tilt-wing technology it was our focus. It's only her third flight, truth be told."

""While the explosion was impressive, it seems evident that the devastation inflicted upon the island by the Rampart was far greater of the two. Do you think practical applications could be developed based on the mechanisms She uses to produce such results?"

Dalton shrugs and does a small laugh.
" Strictly speaking AGST2, or The Rampart, as you call her is an unconfirmed quantity. I don't *personally* doubt you, based on both the devastation of the cliffs here AND the precise 3-inch-wide gouges left on the rocks here. But to recreate her sort of power and devastation would require 1. Confirmation of her existence by an authoritative scientific body and 2. Studying her, which would most likely necessitate her capture."
Dalton spreads his hands and does a non-committal gurn.
"Me? I'm happy to leave her alone. Figure out things on our own. I'm more concerned with the more constructive and explorative aspects of technology. I think we've got sufficient technology and magic to destroy the planet seven times over already."

>">Anything you've spotted so far that we might be interested in?"
"Probably. But we're keeping it heh heh. That's salvage for you. I'm just guessing, though. I have no idea what you're interested in."
He gestures at your party.
"Besides collecting one of each, I suppose."

>"You seem to have things well in hand, but I don't suppose there is anything we could help within our capacity as adventurers?"
Dalton thinks
"I don't think so. Assuming anything hostile is still alive on this island we're all carrying decent hardware. Even if there's draugr around. I suppose if you find any tech or ancient scrolls you don't understand we'll gladly take them off you."
Dalton thinks. He keeps looking at Burstock
"Sorry this is gonna sound crazy, but you're not a healer are you?"
Burstock nods
"No, I am."
Dalton laughs a little.
"Okay well, in the unlikely event we DO get hurt beyond what our medkits can do. I guess a heal would be great. We'd pay for it."
Burstock shrugs.
"Don't worry about it. It's on the house with me."
Dalton tilts his head and smiles
"Yeah? Cool."
>"Probably. But we're keeping it heh heh. That's salvage for you. I'm just guessing, though. I have no idea what you're interested in."
"Same things as anyone else. Treasure, tech, terra incognita."

"Anyways, much as I'd like to keep picking your brain all day, I better get back to it. Best of luck to you."
>But to recreate her sort of power and devastation would require 1. Confirmation of her existence by an authoritative scientific body and 2. Studying her, which would most likely necessitate her capture.
While that would be the way to go to get the specific mechanics by which she does it, surely we could figure out a way to cut things with high pressure water jets without needing her direct involvement. Even if to do it at this scale, it probably would take something about her size to produce anyways.
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>"While that would be the way to go to get the specific mechanics by which she does it, surely we could figure out a way to cut things with high pressure water jets without needing her direct involvement. Even if to do it at this scale, it probably would take something about her size to produce anyways."

Dalton nods.
"Yeah, probably."
He holds his hands out
"And, I can't think that many peaceful applications for it. Sounds like something the girls up at Giamok might be into."

>"Same things as anyone else. Treasure, tech, terra incognita."
Dalton does a small, knowing smile.
"Not much of that left here, I imagine. But happy hunting."

>"Anyways, much as I'd like to keep picking your brain all day, I better get back to it. Best of luck to you."

Dalton puts his helmet back on and nods to you.
"And you, Mr Donuts."

He goes back towards the ruined camp.

You wanted to check out the temple, right?
>You wanted to check out the temple, right?
Yessir. Onwards!
Are you the same guy who made Boone quest back on /tg/?
Sounds good to me.

He is.
>You wanted to check out the temple, right?

If anything remains standing, yes.
>I can't think that many peaceful applications for it.
Coal mining, machining, and cleaning, mostly. But that's still a couple decades past this setting's tech level.

But I digress; let's get looking to see if there's any nooks and crannies on this nodule of blasted rock that people or things might hide in.
We could pitch the idea to Gomersal. He might not be interested, but maybe it could inspire him?
>You wanted to check out the temple, right?
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It's a bit of a clamber to get to the clearing where the temple once was. Some of the gravel is loose but on the flip side there are chunks of shattered concrete embedded in the landscape that you're able to use for handhold or catching your breath. Some of the etch-a-sketch like gouges left by the Rampart actually form hand natural hand and foot hold also.

You peer through the residual smoke and the night air. The moon gives you enough light for it to be safe but there is a greyness to it all. You're somewhat grateful that the burning cordite smells stronger than the burning bodies, a few of which are already in view. You turn them over, but if they were carrying anything of value it's all been destroyed. Burned to a thin, greasy ash.

You step into a clearing of relatively flat earth, there is a steep path down towards the beach and what may have once been steps, or a ramp leading up to the temple and what is left of the lighthouse. It's a relatively high place on the island and in the long, long distance you can see the SIlver Lining (you think). Maybe the shadows towards the temple move but you can't be sure.

>a. Down toward the shore.
>b. Up to the temple.

First to two


GM: Yeah that's me. Boonequest, Cultist etc. Technically I'm still making Boonequest. Still haven't finished the epilogue even though I think it's just about old enough to vote.
>b. Up to the temple.
>>b. Up to the temple.
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Rolled 28 (1d100)

You trudge towards the temple, it seems like as you get closer, it is largely a mess of collapsed, perfectly cut marble. You can see it gleam in the moonlight. A shape descends, moving far too lightly through the air for its size and obvious durability and lands in front of you.

The Funnel Web Pajak violently hisses at your party, the acrid scent her acidic saliva and venom coated weapons jarring even through the residual smoke and sea air.

roll for initiative anon. It's a d100, first result replying to this post is the go. Highest result wins. I'm rolling so so should you.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Oh fuck!
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The Pajak cocks back its head and vomits a thick net of webbing over EVERTON.

If not assisted, Everton may not move for 2 turns.

It is now your turn.
Rolled 98 (1d100)

On the one hand, this thing seems dangerous, on the other hand I dunno how many of em we'll run into over here so I'm loathe to go for a HHB outta the gate. Let's start with a KNEECAP, give us some breathing room to free Everton.
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Your KNEECAP fails! The Pajak is not stopped for a turn! The Pajak's armored skin absorbs some of the bullet's damage.

Highball and Burstock await your orders!
Did we degree that Body Betrayl only works a every other turn on non-ternion species? I seem to recall that being the case during the dwarf bounty fight. If not we can have Burstock smite and Highball size up our opponent so we know what we are dealing with.
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GM: HMM. Yes. Every other turn works. If she sustains BODILY BETRAYAL, then every turn it will cost double the previous. So. 15, 30, 60, 120 suffice to say sustaining it will tank her mana quickly.

Either Highball or Burstock has the option of assisting Everton to escape. The more people who help free someone, the less turns they miss. But you may have a better use for them. It's up to you.

I know it's a long time between sessions and I like to remind you of your options.
Then perhaps do Betrayal and have HB help Everton. We can then try kneecap again next round with hopefully better luck.
>Bodily betrayal
I got into questing and art because of Boone quest, thanks for existing. I wish you love and luck in life.
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Highball twirls a thin dagger out from her hip holster and begins freeing Everton.

Burstock steps forward and flicks her hair and does a small sneer.
"Not this time."

Burstock casts BODILY BETRYAL on the Funnel Web
You can see it move about a half inch but nothing useful. Burstock frowns and the beast moves even less.

FUNNEL WEB can do nothing!

It is now your turn again!


GM: That is the most amazing thing to know and hear, anon. By all means point me to your work.

Life is hard but I have had an okay run. I have a small house, a little extra money from art and am married to the muscle wizard artist. Thank you for your kind words.
Rolled 50 (1d100)

HH Kneecap that sucker right in the hip bone!
Rolled 69 (1d100)

These, >>6204186, >>6204187
and Smite from Burstock.
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You pull back the hammer and aim true you successfully HELLS HEART KNEECAP the spider. Something important within her shatters. She may not move next turn!

Everton shreds herself through the last of the murderous, sticky webbing.

Burstock casts SMITE and a crackling bolt of electricity singes the Funnel Web ignoring all armor.

Highball winces at the Pajak and nods.
" This is a funnel-web pajak. Incredibly dangerous! She can spit web that immobilizes her opponent for two turns unless assisted. Her bite has an armor penetration of 5 and does 20 damage but also lowers someone's armor by 15 for the rest of the combat encounter. Her kama blades have no armor penetration but do a punishing 45 damage due to their size and weight. They are poisoned and will do 15 additional damage on her turn until the poison is cured. She is capable of a charge that does 20 damage to the whole party. She has an armor rating of 15 and starts off with 1100 hitpoints. She is currently down to 935"

Everton unslings her revolver rifle and spits out her remaining chaw. She does a low, angry chuckle.

"Don't - I say- don't you EVER try to out lasso me! There's not gonna be enough left a you to snore."

She rests her rifle on her arm. It's hard to tell with the eyepatch but you think she winks at you.

"This is what ya pay me for."
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Ever unloads 6 TROLLSTOPPERS into the FUNNEL WEB blowing whole chunks of it off with each shot. Your ears and nose barely have time to register the percussive force of each shot let along recover from it before the next one rings out. The shots seem to have thunder cooked into them.

What remains of the funnel web collapses into a smoldering mound of bone and carapace.

BASED Everton.
"Say Everton, where d'ya get your ammo? 'Cause at the prices I pay for trollstoppers, you gotta be breaking less-than-even."
Continue on to the castle (tem-puhl)!
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>"Say Everton, where d'ya get your ammo? 'Cause at the prices I pay for trollstoppers, you gotta be breaking less-than-even."

Everton grins and takes a small gulp from a canteen. She wipes her lips and exhales.
"Agency discount. Given that their calling cards are custom fireworks I reckon they probably know kaboom-boom like a spoon ear knows their saddle."

She clicks a fresh batch of troll stoppers into her rifle and hulas it onto her back like a bard doing a guitar trick.

"I ain't hard up. Promised my daddy I never would be again. It's why I don't claim any loot. when I'm summoned."

Highball turns over the still glowing remains of the funnel web with her foot and wrinkles her nose. It's twisted and broken weapons too heavy to be worth it.
She grins and runs a hand through her chipped hair.
"Even Mike couldn't find anything worth looting here."
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You continue on towards the ruins of the light house, some traversal proving easier than others. On the next section of relatively flat land, you encounter a MOA.

The immense bird looks up from poking through the sand and regards you a moment.
"Today is Friday in Joonda."
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Rolled 35 (1d100)

The bird flinches when you reach for your gun. Guess you better roll for initiative.
Rolled 66 (1d100)

Hah. Not as good an actor as you thought, sucker.

HHKneecap, ol' reliable.
You have initiative now!
We just need another roll to see whether KNEECAP works.
Rolled 49 (1d100)

Rolled 37 (1d100)

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You take careful aim and BLAM! One HELLS HEART KNEECAP shot plunges right into the giant bird. It lets out a low, furious hiss and begins pecking at the injured spot.

Other party members may take their action and importantly the MOA cannot take an action next turn.

Put simply you can pick two actions for them and one for yourself.
Here is what I suggest:
Have Burstock use her kusarigami and HB do a Red Scare on the Moa.
If the Moa still stands after that and whatever Everton does, have Burstock smite and HB do a standard attack with her knives.
Have a Joey crowbar the thing.
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Burstock flings her kusarigami at the moa and only hits it with the blunt side.
But it still does some damage.

Highball draws a curved, jagged knife and charges the MOA, she slides on her knees between the creature's legs and slashes at the same leg you've attacked. Blood hoses freely from the MOA and it begins to stagger.

Everton draws her sabre and deftly cuts the MOA's head off. The blood cooks of the blade and she sheathes it.

The headless MOA collapses in a pile, splashing slightly in its own liberally flowing blood and gore.

Highball pokes the corpse.
"Aaany second now."

Burstock does a small laugh.
"Nyoh well. Plenty of those around."

Highball rummages through the MOA's innards and pockets a couple of gold coins.
Whoops! Apologies to the local wildlife.

Was there anything of interest around the temple ruins in the end, or just a mess of stone and a big spider? If not, carry on heading towards the lighthouse.
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Woops. Must be getting paranoid.
Well, no use crying over spilled blood. Let's keep looking.
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Enough of the steps are intact to make the journey up to the temple relatively easy.

Everton takes a bite out of a small, leafy brick. She fans herself with her hat.
"I don't reckon we got a temple back home. I think of Hornady folk as being pretty traditional folks but they're not really much about the dragons."

Burstock turns over a piece of cut stone with her toes
"It's not so much a matter of how traditional a place is. It's more a specified field of study and focus. Like brewing or magic but with less immediately obvious results."

Everton puts her hands in her pockets and chews thoughtfully.
"I probably seen more people pray to the dragons that most. Never seen it do 'em a worm's fart of good."

Burstock lowers her brows a little but otherwise looks calm and neutral.
"I guess it's for the things we still don't know or can't confirm. Everything in this world can be explained but not all things by the metrics and tools we have. Whatever people want to call it there are some answers we don't have yet. Our origins, the lost technology the supposed existence of paladins. Until we know better, there's worse we could do than study legends."

Everton nods, only sorta getting it. She looks at a faded symbol on the ground and smirks a little
"Same symbol the sats and vees use. What'd this guy do?"

Burstock thinks a moment
"Delag? Delag knew that the new world needed enemies and control over its new populus. They created monsters to challenge, tempt and eliminate the weak and wicked that Delag viewed as an inevitability. Delag created creatures that would kill or punish those that did not work together or gave into their base desires. To some they're symbol of justice. Punishment"

Highball is staring straight forward.
"They the one who's meant to have made goblins?"

Everton and Burstock both turn to her. Burstock nods.
Highball licks her teeth. Not angry at them, just awkward.

Everton breaks the silence
"Good for them. If I ever get on my knees and thank one of these guys, I'll make it this one."
There is a group chuckle.
Burstock shrugs.
"Like I said, it's a specialized field. I wouldn't give it much thought."

Highball has perked up
"This even a temple anymore? It's proper wrecked."

Looking around, you see what she means. What's left of the floor is sheered and split with water cuts about 2 metres deep. No walls, ceiling or effigies remain. It was probably pretty sparce even pre-rampart.

There are some fresh bodies, at least. Some burned, some cut into pieces. All Old Guard.

Loot the bodies
It was a long climb up here. How likely would it be there are underground chambers to a temple like this?
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You wonder aloud.
>"How likely would it be there are underground chambers to a temple like this?"

Burstock pivots to look at you.
"You know, there was always talk about that. This temple was built and populated on the very cusp of the last big war. The War of the Running Ocean."

She kneels down and bends herself at an acute angle to listen to the ground. Highball watches her.
"Even at the time, people would question the logic of building a temple, even one to a god of punishment, in such a strategic location. Is there perhaps not a better use of time and resources. This made some other people wonder if maybe the temple - while real- was just a cover or front for something else. Maybe something more directly useful to the war efforts."

She raps her knuckle on the stone.

"It's solid enough here but who knows?"

Highball listens to the ground near her also, her pose slightly less suggestive.
" Well, they did build a tunnel. Between the bottom of the lighthouse and the town. A sort of direct path clean through the island. We rigged it pretty severely cause there really wasn't much to it. No real loot or strategic points. It might not have collapsed, though. It was built to last."

Everton grins
"Might be some stragglers holed up there."

Highball shakes her head and grins also.
"Nah. Even if it didn't collapse, we made sure that tunnel wouldn't be a safe haven. We made no place safe."

"I will say that is how it looked, ma'am."

Burstock stands up and adjusts herself.
"What I'm getting at is a place that the OG didn't know about. That nobody knew about because nobody was supposed to. A secret cache built during anticipation of war times with a temple to vengeful god built on top so no one would ever think to look deeper."

Highball looks over her shoulder and grins, licking her teeth.

Burstock sips from her hipflask. It looks different from the last one. This implies multiples, which makes sense.

You walk over to the closest body. The face is frozen in a wide-eyed shriek that could just as easily be the fear of a giant rusalka or the unspeakable pain of being cut to pieces by saltwater. Either way.

They are a human, clad in riding leathers and with multiple holsters or pouches on them. The beam has cut through their gun, the metal sheered, and the wood splintered. But they have on them:

1 Boomflask
1 Glowbottle
1 Packet of matches
2 pieces of shortbread
15 gol


The floor doesn't crumble. This is intentional. You have a split second.

>a. Reach out with hopefully left hand
>b. Reach out desperately with right hand
>c. Reach out determinedly with both.

first to 2
>>c. Reach out determinedly with both.
>c. Reach out determinedly with both.
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As the floor is pulled away beneath you and you can practically feel the musty, cold air rush up around your face, you reach out determinedly with both arms and grab out in front of you.

Your adrenaline heightens your awareness, and you see, almost in slow motion Everton rocking on her heels, turning towards you as she hears the click of the hatch beneath you. Your own hands reaching out and grabbing the collar of her coat and her neckerchief at the same time.
Her visible eye going from mild surprise to furious panic as she is pulled of her feet and staggers headfirst towards you. Your foreheads meet and you feel the faint, pungent splash of tobacco juice against your face as she barks a string of sibilant but still decidedly cowboy-like irate gibberish.

As you ricochet from smooth metal tunnels to drilled rocks, sliding and dropping so you never fall for too long at once, a knee catches your face and you're not even sure if it's yours or not.

You are in complete blackness and this journey has taken more than 30 seconds. You still hear tumbling and swearing either in front of behind you.

So, wherever you do end up, you know you won't be alone at least.

Thanks for running!
thanks for running!
Boy howdy! What a blast, thanks for running.
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