Thread Title Description Tags Added Score September 2024 93813764 Wargame Political Compass #74 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-09-13 -1 93704728 Comfy Snow Apocalypse An old /tg/ setting from 2017 pops up once again. Fruitful discussions and many cool mood pics are posted. winter , snow , crawler , apocalypse , comfy 2024-09-09 1 August 2024 93679678 Wargame Political Compass #73 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-08-31 -2 93611222 Wargame Political Compass #72 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-08-26 -6 93662606 Reflections #3, The trilogy ends here An anon shows of their set of custom Magic: The Gathering cards inspired by old school MtG and classical art, it’s pretty cool. Magic: The Gathering , MtG , Homebrew , Custom Cards 2024-08-25 0 93613125 Reflections #2: Gruul edition An anon shows of their set of custom Magic: The Gathering cards inspired by old school MtG and classical art, it’s pretty cool. Magic: The Gathering , MtG , Homebrew , Custom Cards 2024-08-25 0 93568321 Reflections: What could have been An anon shows of their set of custom Magic: The Gathering cards inspired by old school MtG and classical art, it’s pretty cool. Magic: The Gathering , MtG , Homebrew , Custom Cards 2024-08-25 1 93614781 wait, there were evolution games before 2010? Anon's question was promptly hijacked by a good ol' classic evolution game. Collective Game,Evolution,Threadjacker Evolution Game 2024-08-21 1 93679484 $20 Dollars a Dwarf /tg/ bemoans some truly egregious pricing shat out by Games Workshop yet again Games workshop , cost , Hall of cost , dawrves , miniatures , Warhammer , WHFB , the old world 2024-08-21 0 July 2024 93406555 Wargame Political Compass #70 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-07-30 -6 93343390 Wargame Political Compass #70 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-07-30 -4 93217145 /tg/ makes a setting 93 - Two years going and only now we're moving on to the game part? Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-07-08 -3 93213106 Wargame Political Compass #69 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-07-08 -4 93142524 Wargame Political Compass #68 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-07-08 -4 June 2024 93122130 /tg/ argues about a game that doesn't exist OP gives a QRD about edition changes for a game nobody's ever played. Antics ensue. Trismagistus , worldbuilding , wargame , homebrew , collaborative storytelling 2024-06-25 8 93073590 Wargame Political Compass #67 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-06-24 -4 93031789 DT-10: /tg/ rolls up a forge world, thread 1 A thread where /tg/ used the forge world creation tables to make a forge world, specialized in paint. WH40K , 40k , Creation Tables , Adeptus Mechanicus , Admech , Homebrew 2024-06-18 6 93012689 Wargame Political Compass #66 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-06-16 -6 92949461 Wargame Political Compass #65 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-06-13 -4 92951280 /tg/ makes a setting 92 - Designing Cards Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-06-08 -5 92886259 Valhallans in a Building The Valhallan 545th raid a Munitorum building to find the clerk who keeps giving them bad missions. Chaos tries to intervene. 40k , IG , valhallans , skitarii , chaos , writefaggotry , felinids , titans , inquisition , slaanesh , khorne , tzeentch 2024-06-01 6 May 2024 92815189 Wargame Political Compass #64 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-05-25 -4 92748455 Wargame Political Compass #63 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-05-24 -4 92679993 Wargame Political Compass #62 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inq Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2024-05-09 -4 92646124 Wargame Political Compass #61 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inq Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting 2024-05-09 -4 92669064 /tg/ makes a setting 91 - The Cosmic Staircase Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-05-08 -3 92579565 Wargame Political Compass #60 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive. One year anniversary Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-05-01 -7 April 2024 92493882 Wargame Political Compass #59 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive. One year anniversary! Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-04-22 -4 92416368 Wargame Political Compass #58 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-04-22 -4 92346917 /tg/ makes a setting 90 - Party through the Wheat Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-04-08 -6 92338736 Wargame Political Compass #57 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-04-08 -7 92268614 Wargame Political Compass #56 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-04-08 -7 March 2024 92238370 Two Nechronica Storytime (s) update: puzzles. update: Continent found. Nechronica , storytime , story time , story , time , undead , planes 2024-03-29 0 92099874 Nechronica Storytime part 2 More of the storytime. Nechronica , storytime , story time , story , time , undead 2024-03-19 0 92198903 Wargame Political Compass #55 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-03-18 -8 92133409 Wargame Political Compass #54 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-03-18 -8 92067118 Wargame Political Compass #53 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-03-18 -8 92084027 /tg/ makes a setting 89 - Back to Work Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-03-11 -7 92029543 New Nechronica Storytime A new nechronica storytime begins Nechronica , storytime , story time , story , time 2024-03-09 2 91925480 Wargame Political Compass #52 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-03-01 -7 February 2024 91919615 /tg/ makes a setting 88 - Tragic Werespiders Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-02-23 -7 91857566 Wargame Political Compass #51 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-02-17 -7 91852462 /tg/ makes a setting 87 - The Bone Dome Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-02-16 -7 91784100 Wargame Political Compass #50 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-02-11 -7 91779025 /tg/ makes a setting 86 - Dark Gods Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-02-09 -6 91701936 Wargame Political Compass #49 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-02-02 -6 91698476 /tg/ makes a setting 85 - Long Leng Labyrinths Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-02-02 -6 January 2024 91580628 /tg/ talks about their last session #2 A thread about the last session anon was in. Among those recaps: Killing shadowwolves with jiggling, coin-clad breasts and pribyat gynoids session recaps , actual play , ttrpg 2024-01-30 3 91607015 /tg/ makes a setting 84 - A Small Summoning Mishap Edition Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep Worldbuilding , throw-shit-at-wall , worldbuilding , tg-makes-a-setting , Giantstep , Crumbling Giantstep 2024-01-25 -7 91592820 Wargame Political Compass #48 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive Setting , Political Compass , Wargame , Rush To The Centre Of The Earth , worldbuilding , colonial era 2024-01-24 -6