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!6uAFIV1ifw 06/12/10(Sat)04:59 No.10445422 File1276333169.jpg-(85 KB, 475x320, Prince_Phillip_&_Maleficen(...).jpg)
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Walt Disney considers carefully. "I'm sorry. I can't help you," he says, at long last. "I can, however, give you this."
He snaps his fingers, and one of the shadowy figures walks out of the room, then returns bearing a long, slender package wrapped in cloth. "Tell me," Walt says. "Have you ever seen my movie, Sleeping Beauty?"
Inside the cloth bundle, wrapped in finest glittering samite, is a sword. "The Sword of Truth," he says, softly. "The real one, not the one from that novel series. Speak the words, and it will strike true, and slay evil in one blow." He sits back down again. "It will only work once, though. After that. . . it will be gone."
> ITEM GET: Sword of Truth. One Use Item: upon saying the words from the movie Sleeping Beauty, the sword strikes true against a creature of evil alignment, slaying it instantly. |