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  • File : 1280903799.jpg-(201 KB, 396x558, 1262855899175.jpg)
    201 KB BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)02:36 No.11518286  
    Sorry about the last thread. When captcha freaked out I just went and watched a movie.

    In the last (unarchived and very short) thread, you apologized to Tanot for assuming the worst when you heard he was keeping Grue's money safe, and then got drunk on Elven wine.
    You are currently laying in bed with Ruby, very drunk. "Hey, are we waiting until after the Arena to start preforming again?"
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:41 No.11518346
    It's cool.
    Yeah, I think we've earned a few days rest anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:43 No.11518370
    >You are currently laying in bed with Ruby, very drunk.
    Ok, honestly, what do you EXPECT us to want to do?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:45 No.11518393
    Strong drink giveth the desire, but taketh away the ability.
    Wait... that's for dudes, not sure about chicks.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)02:51 No.11518491
    You mumble to Ruby that you think everyone has earned a day or two off, and that after the festivities you'll book the party another gig. The Silver Dragon will always let you play if you don't find another venue, so no worries there.
    You pull her to you, you aren't sleepy yet. "Well then, I'll just have to tuck you in and read you a bedtime story, won't I?" You're a bit too drunk to fully appreciate her sarcasm, and instead kiss her. "Well I guess I'll just have to tire you out another way."

    The sun glares at you the next morning, waking you up for too early for your liking. You're hangover makes you curse the elves and their wine, and Tanot for letting you drink so much. Ruby stirs next to you, the sound of her skin rubbing the sheets like a saw blade on your frontal lobe. You groan pathetically. "You alright?"
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:54 No.11518535
    ask for aspirin or the fantasy equivalent.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:58 No.11518600
    Water would be better, re-hydration.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)03:03 No.11518678
    Groaning again, you ask for something for this awful hangover. "I warned you last night. But you didn't listen. Oh well, I'll see what I can do."
    Moaning, you bury your face int he pillow as Ruby leaves the room. For an indeterminate amount of time measured only by agony and pain, your door opens again. "Hey there. Feral said this tea should help the pain, and Tanot gave me this... porridge? I think it's porridge... but it's green. He said it'll clear things up pretty fast. And I brought you some water."
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:11 No.11518764
    Apply face to th porridge, eat, clean with the water, then chug the now cold tea
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:13 No.11518783
    I'm guessing Tanot is the guy to go to for things like hangover cures so no matter how putrid his green porridge may appear it's probably really effective. Gobble it down with the tea to help with the taste and make a mental note to thank them later.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:13 No.11518785
    I find it funny that we get smashes so easily.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)03:19 No.11518831
    Barely able to sit up, you take the tray from Ruby. The green... well it does help to think of it as porridge, doesn't smell that great. Groggily and in much discomfort, you manage to get most of the terrible tasting concoction down your throat, though a good portion ends up on your face. The tea is bitter, but it's not as bad as the porridge. Ruby laughs, which sends streaks of pure pain through your skull, then helps you clean your face. "You're like a little kid! Do I get to dress you too?"
    You're stomach gurgles and whines, but you can already feel the headache begin to soften.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:22 No.11518854
    Is there any point in getting up? Just have the appropriate people train/coach for the arena and stay in bed.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:22 No.11518859
    If she wants to she can. Don't expect much though, I think we're going to be spending the better part of today in bed. Maybe we can spend some time talking to Zanne or something while we try to get rid of this headache.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:22 No.11518860
    well... not being a lazy bitch?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:25 No.11518882
    fuck that, every one else gets the day off, I say we stay in bed!
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)03:30 No.11518914
    Slumping back into the pillows, you tell Ruby she is free to do so if she wishes, but you're staying in bed. All day if you can get away with it. Ruby laughs and lays back down next to you. "Alright, then I won't bother." She snuggles up to you and you both enjoy a nap. You wake up a few hours later, the sun at a much more agreeable angle, to the growling of your stomach and the urging of your bladder. That porridge and tea seem to have cured your hangover, but it wasn't very filling. Ruby cracks open an eye. "Blarg. Now I'm hungry too."
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:32 No.11518931
    Ask what she feels like eating. I'm thinking we should get lunch at a nice restaurant.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:34 No.11518948
    Yeah, some real classy cafe.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:34 No.11518952
    we should probably pee first. And get dressed.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:36 No.11518965
    I kind of though those actions were a given if we were going out to eat.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:38 No.11518984

    Skip getting dressed, this is our house, we do what we want.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)03:42 No.11519029
    Rolling out of bed, you patter to the bathroom to relieve yourself. Coming back to the room, you crawl back into bed next to Ruby. Rolling over to face her, you ask what she wants to eat, you feel like going out. "Hmm... something with honey." Her sweet tooth is acting up again. "It's still early enough we could find breakfast. oh, what about that cafe from the other day? That's not too far is it?" Your place of dining decided, the two of you climb out of the bed and get dressed, taking your sweet time.
    Going downstairs Tanot looks up from a book in one of the studies. "Hey, I was wondering if I would have to send a search party. These books were here when we moved in, do you think anyone has read them before?" The dusty books line the shelves. He turns the page of the one in his hands. "Some of them are valuable I think. I doubt anyone would notice if I kept them."
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:44 No.11519061
    Is there a library? Maybe we could donate a few of the books- you now, get in good with the community.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:46 No.11519090
    Well... I guess Tanot can have first dibs.
    They aren't REALLY ours though.

    >Loula Books
    I swear Captcha is sentient.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:46 No.11519091
    I like this idea, but then I think it's a waste of a good book. They should be perused first.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:50 No.11519137
    Good point. Tell Tanot to go through them in case there's anything of particular interest, but we'll be finding their real owner later on.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:52 No.11519164
    We are living in the house of an evil and dead man. Keep the books.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:53 No.11519179
    This place was being rented by the scummy merchant before us right? Chances are they're probably all his and we already robbed his corpse, taking his old books isn't half as bad as that.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:53 No.11519182
    Their real owner was probably that shitstain merchant that "choked" to death and was the previous occupant. I don't think anyone will care.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)03:54 No.11519189
    Well, no one seems to have read these in ages, so you suppose Tanot taking a couple wouldn't hurt. And you think about maybe donating a few to charity, but you'll have to check them out first. You have a few months, and who knows, maybe there's something useful in here?
    Leaving Tanot to his ready, you pass by Kithri, who is sitting in the kitchen sipping tea, though it smells much sweeter then what Faral gave you. Sam is curled up under her chair. "Hey boss, Ruby said we get today off, right?" She leans back and props her boots on the table, which is actually quite comical when it's a halfling sitting at a human table. "That's fine by me. OH! Before you head out, Ta'Kal wanted to ask you something. He's int he yard with Grue and Tabby." You're stomach grumbles again, reminding you of the purpose of getting out of bed.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:55 No.11519195
    I assumed they were stolen or otherwise ill-gotten goods.

    captcha: settle blaze
    No, captcha. We will not burn the books.
    >> DigiMagus !/SDAgHwlZ6 08/04/10(Wed)03:55 No.11519198
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:55 No.11519203
    Perhaps we should find other places this rich jerk has been, and find out if there is anything else we can loot.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:57 No.11519226
    Ta'Kal is all sorts of bro. He can have a minute-or two.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:58 No.11519238
    Nice goat, bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:59 No.11519242
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:00 No.11519250
    Do a little spying and see what they're up to before we interrupt them.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:00 No.11519255
    >sees filename
    wut? That's Janice.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:01 No.11519261
    Be sure top give Tabby a wink and a nudge when we get there.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)04:05 No.11519293
    Cool! Thanks for that man.
    Grumbling, but not angrily, you head outside. You entertain the thought of finding other places the merchant has been, and what else you can get from them.
    You leave the house and see Ta'Kal, Grue, and Tabby in the front yard. Tabby seems to be doing some stretches, her muscular form clothed only from the waist down to her knees and some wrappings around her chest. While Ta'Kal and Grue seems to be wrestling. And tearing up the yard you note with some annoyance. You can hear Ta'Kal giving Grue advice on form and movements but Grue mainly seems to be throwing his weight around. Ta'Kal flips him over his shoulder and looks up. "Oh, hello Janice!" He's panting heavily and turns to the two others. "Take five."
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:08 No.11519316
    What's up Ta'kal? How do those two look with their training? Also, try to avoid staring at Tabby being half naked.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:09 No.11519328
    Damn, and I WANTED to stare. Oh well, Ruby would get jealous.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:10 No.11519330
    Greet Ta'Kal. "You wanted to talk? Give me the quick version if you can- Ruby and I haven't eaten all day, and we were on our way out."
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:10 No.11519331
    Let him know we were planning to eat soon.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:12 No.11519349
    I like that idea. It'd give us a chance to talk to Ta'kal and maybe Ruby can get in our little matchmaking game we've got going on right now.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:14 No.11519367
    Training is important too.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)04:15 No.11519371
    You do your best to hide that you're eyes keep slipping to Tabby, who is glistening with sweat. Focusing on Ta'Kal,, you ask what it is he wanted. Slightly testily, you mention that Ruby and yourself are headed out and that you haven't eaten all day. "Well I'll try to keep it short then. I just wanted to give you a few details you might be interested in. It seems that there's someone around town asking about you. A woman bearing the holy symbol of Pelor riding a white horse has been seen around town, looking for you. It seems she's been following us for a few weeks now."
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:16 No.11519379
    It's only lunch. He would need to take a break to eat anyway, it might as well be with us.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:19 No.11519411
    Wait... no way, Miranda?
    Does anyone remember what Miranda looks like? The thread got deleted from sup/tg/
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:19 No.11519413
    My memory is failing me right now but we definitely met that women before. I think it was in the small town we started off in and promised her something I think. After we get a meal maybe we can check Ralph for information or just walk around town looking for her.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:21 No.11519424
    "kay thanks. Leave for some food already.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:21 No.11519428
    Pelor, eh? Hmm... worrisome. Well, let's say thanks for the news, and head off to lunch. Perhaps after we eat we can look around for some more info on this mysterious priestess.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)04:29 No.11519482
    You remember that Miranda was a Paladin of Pelor, but she was staying in Tabby's village to help complete the tower. What would she be doing here?
    Thanking Ta'Kal, you lead Ruby out into the city. Your stomach does the thinking for you and you end up in a street cafe a few blocks away from your house. Luckily they seem to be serving breakfast for the next half hour, so you're able to get some fluffy buttermilk pancakes and some strawberry jam to go on them. Ruby coats her in honey and some kind of granola and sugar, with a tall glass of milk and a muffin to wash them down. You really don't know how she stays so thin with that sweet tooth of hers. Your hunger now subdued, Ruby and you leave the cafe after paying the bill. As you walk down the street, arm in arm, Ruby bites her lower lip. "Hey Janice... I've been thinking... about us."
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:30 No.11519496
    Oh shit. This will be interesting, what does she have to say?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:31 No.11519502
    Freak a little and look apprehensive.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:32 No.11519509
    Mmmmm, pancakes.

    Oh wait, an "us" talk? Hope it's nothing bad... hear her out, see what she wants to say. Best case scenario, it's a proposal. Worst, she doesn't like the direction we're going in... but, she seems happy, so hopefully it's the former.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:34 No.11519522
    OH CRAP! Um... try not to totally freak!
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:36 No.11519542
    Guys, remember that we pulled the "I think I might love you" card first.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)04:39 No.11519567
    Your heart drops and a chill runs up your spine. Swallowing heavy you ask Ruby what's on her mind. "Well... is what we're doing right? I mean... I don't really mind the stares we get too much, screw all of them. And I'm happy with you, I really am. We've been with each other about a month, but I've experienced a lot more with you then with anyone else I've ever been with. I've seen so much more of the world and I know we're going to see more but... I just don't know if what we are is natural. I... I'm a little confused and I think I know I have strong feelings for you... but I'm confused. I'm sorry, it's hard to explain." She squeezes your arm and sighs. You can tell how conflicted she is.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:44 No.11519621
    Well... that's not so bad.
    Kiss her and tell her that as long as we're happy, everyone else can fuck off.
    It's adorable how she lets down her armor around us.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:46 No.11519648
    Second. And she lets down her armor?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:46 No.11519650
    Ah... it's the lesbians thing...

    Well, anything we try to say to convince her otherwise will come across as selfish, since we really want this with her. Maybe just tell her that we understand, and can wait for her if she needs time to think about it? Try to be rational about it, and all, and don't let her see how upset we are.

    captcha: snowed hour

    *sniff* Sad Janice in snow...
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:48 No.11519662
    Do we know any stories or such about other same sex couples that we could use to ease Ruby's mind?

    Obviously a lesbian couple isn't totally unusual as we elicit
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:49 No.11519684
    Yeah. When we met her she was the classic "Tough Girl baddass" Now she shows us her emotions.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:50 No.11519693
    We know of a minotaur who is after Tabby. That's kind of similar, in a way.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:51 No.11519697
    Damn it, didn't paste the whole post.

    Full thing: Obviously a lesbian couple isn't totally unusual as we can elicit catcalls from passing strangers when we kiss Ruby in public, rather than universal disgust.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)04:56 No.11519744
    You tell her that anything you say is biased, because you really care for her and want your relationship to work. But, and again this is your heavily biased opinion, You think that everyone deserves to be happy. It's not like you're hurting anyone else. Why care what they think when all that matters is what Ruby herself think.
    I mean, the two of you personally know several interspecies couples. How is that somehow better then you two? Ruby grins, wiping her eyes. "You know... that does make me feel better. Thanks Janice. But like you said, you're biased. I mean, who WOULDN'T want a piece of this?" She laughs and slaps her own bottom. "As matter of fact, I bet you're using some kind of Bard charm to make me love you. I'm just an innocent little girl held under your sway." She smiles to show she's not serious.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:01 No.11519798
    Hey... hey... HEY!
    She said love. SHE SAID LOVE!
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:02 No.11519807
    Shit, she's caught on!

    Heh, tell her we're glad she feels better, and to make sure she says something if she ever has any other concerns- after all, a good relationship is based on communication.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:06 No.11519836
    Comment that if memory serves she was the one who seduced us. We never stood a chance.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:07 No.11519840
    Now can we start writing the most touching love song ever?
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)05:09 No.11519859
    Repressing a girlish squeal you kiss Ruby heavily on the lips. She said she loved you! You let her know that if she has any more concerns that she should tell you right away. Communication is key to successful relationships. And she was the one who got into OUR pants, not the other way around, you had no defense against someone so sexy. She laughs and gives you a hug. "Thanks Janice. You're adorable." You'll write a song about all this.
    "STOP THIEF! You! I know you stole my purse!"
    "Sir, I have no idea what is is you are talking about." You know that voice, that voice is Zanne! Looking around, you see her standing at a street corner, being backed against a wall by a small angry man. "Oh I just BET you don't know! WATCH! CALL THE WATCH!"
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)05:10 No.11519867
    sorry about the delay on that one. My roommate keeps distracting me with HD Starcraft.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:13 No.11519889
    Oh, we are totally not letting that happen. We need to rush over and find out what's going on. Do we have the pastscope with us? It could be handy.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:13 No.11519895
    It's all good Bard Quest.

    Oh and go stop the angry shopkeeper. He's obviously lost his money because Zanne wouldn't steal it. By the way this seriously reminds me of that side mission in mass effect 2 where you stop the Volus who's accusing the Quarian of stealing his credit chit.
    >> Abaddon 08/04/10(Wed)05:18 No.11519921

    she would do no such thing. but if it helps him be quiet we'll had him some of our money while we help find his with our past scope
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)05:20 No.11519933
    What the hell is all this about? You and Ruby hurry over to the angry short man, just as two Watchmen arrive. "Give it back and MAYBE I won't press charges, you filthy gypsy! You! Watchmen, this gypsy stole my money pouch! Arrest her immediately!"
    Zanne is against the wall, nearly in tears. "JANICE! I did not steal anything! Please help me!"
    "Sir, what makes you think she stole your purse?" The other watchmen turns to you, a young woman with blond hair similar in color to yours. "Were you ladies witnesses? Did you see anything?" You tell the Watchmen you can prove Zanne is innocent with your Pastscope. "I'm sorry ma'am, but we don't allow magic as evidence. Too easy to tamper with."
    >> Abaddon 08/04/10(Wed)05:24 No.11519967

    poop lets look around for witness's and ask the watch to search both parties plus their stalls that should prove her innocence and get us points or something

    captcha: two existing

    that means there are either 2 witnesses or pieces of evidence
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:24 No.11519973
    Well... poop. We can still use the Pastscope to see what REALLY happened though.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:25 No.11519980
    Well then, ask the merchant where he last saw his money.
    Unfortunately, we are merely character witnesses- we can vouch for Zanne, and even try to make it up to the man with our own money, but since we didn't see anything happen...
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:26 No.11519988
    check the pastscope anyway. This is bullshit.

    What is the punishment for thievery in this city anyway?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:27 No.11519995
    No we didn't see any theft occur officer. I doubt this man did either, he probably won't even be able to give an accurate account of what happened beyond his own frankly racist suspicions.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:27 No.11519996
    oh poop mind?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:28 No.11520006
    Need to ask the little man why he thinks it was Zanne.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:28 No.11520013
    Check the scope anyway and look a bit into this guy's day. He probably got bumped into and an actual pickpocket made off with his money hours ago. Hell offer to scope out his house too, we'll probably find his coin purse under his bed or something,
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)05:36 No.11520068
    You tell the female officer that you didn't see anything, but you're a traveling companion of Zanne and she would never steal anything. "Oh crap... Ma'am I can't really trust either of you. This could be an elaborate con. I'll have to ask you to remain in this area until we get this figured out. And please stay away from, Zanne was her name? I don't want a hand off going on before we get this settled."
    "And when she shoved into me, I FELT her hand in my pocket! She's not a very good thief, but what do you expect from her kind? But if she returns my money, i SUPPOSE I'll not press charges."
    "Sir, please calm yourself. You're making a scene." The male officer is talking to the short man, and the female officer is keeping an eye on you. "Janice, please believe me, I did nothing!"
    You ask the little man were this theft supposedly took place. "Right here on the corner, cretin. Officer, I pay my taxes, you should arrest the lot of them for vagrancy! I shouldn't have to deal with these traveling filth on my streets!" Holding Ruby back, you take a look through the past scope, focusing on the corner. You see the man walking and Zanne existing a shop, a new bracelet on her arm. Focusing closely, you see the man purposefully step in from of Zanne as she passes, and he tugs the bracelet off her arm. Then you see him yelling and yourself walking up to him.
    The little bastard is the thief!
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:37 No.11520072
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    Well, OP seems distracted again, so I'm gonna post a few lesbians. They may not be Janice and Ruby, but I can pretend!
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:39 No.11520084
    HAHA! He JUST posted!
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:40 No.11520092
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    Hah, I have the worst timing.

    Maybe we should mention to Zanne that her bracelet seems to be missing? That should ruffle the jerks feathers enough to keep him from going along this track.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:41 No.11520103
    Easy, we go grab the shopkeeper who just sold Zanne her new bracelet and bring him to the scene. We then ask the guards to search the man and they will find the bracelet which the shopkeeper can confirm as being the same one that was recently sold to Zanne.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:43 No.11520117
    That little cocksucker! Tell the guards to search HIM!

    >arguments loudlier
    You scare me sometimes Captcha.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:43 No.11520121
    Kinda suck on Zanne's behalf for a gypsy to fall for a thief's tricks. Maybe we can sweet talk this fagmo into doing the right thing?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:44 No.11520126
    Good plan
    >> Abaddon 08/04/10(Wed)05:44 No.11520128


    now ask zhanna about her bracelet.

    and if that doesn't remember this guy and follow him and get the bracelet back
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:45 No.11520135
    First ask Zanne if she's missing a bracelet. Then... I'm not so sure. We need to do this in a way that prevents the thief from accusing us of setting him up, since the guards won't accept magical evidence.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:48 No.11520150
    Look back again through the scope and confirm you know exactly where he's hidden it on his person. We don't want him to pull any funny business and for it to be gone when they search him.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:52 No.11520182
    I really like the Captcha sometimes.

    At worst, I don't really care either way, at best it's hilarious.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)05:53 No.11520190
    Closing up and storing the Pastscope, you ask Zanne were her bracelet is. "How did you know about... It is gone! My bracelet is gone!" you nod to the female officer and she her to come with you into the shop. She turns to the male officer, who is still trying to calm down the short man. "Hey, Sebastian, I'm stepping into the shop with these two. Keep an eye on everything out here." The man nods and turns back to the small man.
    Stepping into the shop with the officer you head to the counter. An older gentleman with a monocle and pipe looks up from a ring he's engraving. "How may I be of assistance?" Explaining the situation to him, he nods. "Yes, I did sell a bracelet to the woman." He chuckles to himself. "I knocked the price down some because she was so pretty and she didn't mind my old eye ogling her."
    You turn back to the officer. he's been keeping an eye on you and Zanne since the beginning. Zanne couldn't have handed off the bracelet.
    Stepping back outside, the officer looks at Zanne's arm, then smiles. "Oh, this is going to be good. Sir! Would you mind emptying your pockets?"
    "WHAT? SHE robs ME and you expect ME to empty MY pockets? THIS IS WATCH HARASSMENT!" The female officer nods to the male one. "It seems here we have a con artist. He accuses people of stealing and then offers to drop charges if they give him 'his' money back. Just about anyone would hand over what money they have to him. Already buddy, You;re under arrest."
    "WATCH ABUSE! WATCH ABUSE I-" In the struggle, a bracelet falls out of the man's pocket, and he falls silent. The officer picks it up. and walks to Zanne.
    "Ma'am, I believe this is yours. Would you like to press charges?"
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:54 No.11520197
    Damn, I just joined in and wanted to add something, but everything I wanted to put in has been covered.

    >Posterior Doumer

    Is captcha calling my rear end stupid?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:56 No.11520210
    God damned right she does!
    welcome to the party
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:56 No.11520214
    Yes. This isn't just theft and con artistry, it's rascism against our favorite gypsy girl.

    Captcha: Floaters 67
    You're foul mouthed sometimes, captcha.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:58 No.11520222
    Yes, yes! Press ALL of the charges!
    >> Abaddon 08/04/10(Wed)05:58 No.11520223

    be a better women don't press charges but tell him to get a life

    captcha: original 20

    great sucess

    also find a robot man or women. either would be awesome sauce
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:00 No.11520239
    Ask Zanne, it's her decision. Get Tanot to give her a refresher course on pick pocketing, her parent's obviously didn't teach her well enough how to avoid it.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:00 No.11520240
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    Wow, how did you make legal allegations sound so dirty?

    >O.J. mimicries
    Captcha's gonna kill his girlfriend!
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:01 No.11520248
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    Aww yeah, mission success :D

    If Zanne asks our opinion, suggest pressing charges- this jerk has probably pulled this lots of times, and he should pay for it. Maybe try to find others who he's accused and pass on reparations money to them? Class-action suit style.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:05 No.11520277
    Tell Zanne to press charges. Then find the paladin who's looking for us. Unless Zanne needs us to go with her for morale support or something.

    If we can get away with it, we should sock this guy.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)06:06 No.11520282
    Zanne looks to you, and you and Ruby nods energetically. Zanne turns back to the officers. "Yes, please. He stole from me."
    "And he lied to the Watch, and wasted Watch time, and behaved in a disorderly manner... Sir we're throwing the goose at you!
    "Sebastian, please don't. It's Either 'You're goose is cooked,' or 'We're throwing the book at you.' You can't combine the two... Come on, we're taking him to the Watchouse." She nods to the three of you. "Thank you three in your assistance of the watch, now be good. Hey wait! Hey Sebastian, wait up! I know these guys! Oh man, how did I not see it before? These are the ones I was telling you about! The ones who preformed at the Silver Dragon!" She turns excitedly back to you, patting herself until she takes out a pencil and a 1 silver note. "Oh man, can I get an autograph? I heard you guys moved from the Silver, where are you guys now? I HAVE to see another show! Oh man, I feel so STUPID for not recognizing you!"
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:08 No.11520301
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    Hah, poor Sebastian. He was just trying to be creative!

    ...a fan girl? Awesome!
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:08 No.11520303
    give her an autograph, have Zanne and Ruby do so as well. Decline the silver.

    We're taking a few days off while the competition is going on. We haven't really figured out if we're performing somewhere else, or staying at the silver dragon, yet.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:09 No.11520313
    >Sir we're throwing the goose at you!
    I'm stealing this to use next time I play a Lawful character and apprehend some wrong-doer.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:10 No.11520320
    And then, in innocent misunderstanding, you LITERALLY throw a goose at them.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:10 No.11520324
    Oh, sure! It's always nice to meet a fan. If you want you can see a couple of our troupe members participate in the games coming up. We're still trying to find a new venue for our show, but you can check with one of our contacts, Ralph the kabob vendor. He'll probably be the first to know.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:12 No.11520332
    Switch it around a bit "Sir, your book is cooked!".
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)06:16 No.11520358
    You sign the Silver Note, and Ruby and Zanne do the same. You tell her that you're taking a few days off during the games, which Tabby, Grue and Ruby here will be participating in. You don't know if you'll return to the Silver Dragon, but you WILL be preforming again. Ralph, the kebab vendor int he market district, should be one of the first to know. "You already know Ralph? Wow, how long have you been int he city? Oh, who am I kidding, Ralph knows EVERYONE." You hand the note back and the officer looks down at is excitedly. "Oh yes! My favorite part is your goat, Ms. Zanne. I'm naming my firstborn son after him. He's just AMAZING! And when he chases the wolf... Oh man, HOW did I not recognize you guys?"
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:19 No.11520377
    "What... What exactly does the goat do?"

    Captcha: kempner too
    Fine, Kempner can come too.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:19 No.11520378
    That damn goat upstaged us again. Anyway cheerfully wave goodbye and express hopes that she'll make it to the next show. Get back to looking for our paladin of Pelor.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:20 No.11520379
    We'll have to let Gregor and Sam know they have a fan.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:21 No.11520389
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    It's always nice to meet a fan, ma'am, but shouldn't you be taking care of that con-artist? I'm sure we'll see you again next time we do a show, and we can chat more then.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:25 No.11520434
    It occurs to me that if we keep busting thieves like this we'll be on the bad side of the local thieves guild pretty quick.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:26 No.11520438
    someone as pathetic as that has to be on his own.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)06:26 No.11520446
    At last! A chance to find out just what the little guy does! You ask her what her favorite part of his act his, and she just smiles. "ALL OF IT, but I love it when he-"
    "Come on Gloria, we need to GO!"
    "Crap, I'll ask Ralph where you guys are next. See you next show!" Gloria trots off with Sebastian and the short man.
    "Thank you for your help Janice. I was... scared. Normally Watch Officers do not look kindly upon my people. I shall have to thank you somehow... An extra special dinner tonight perhaps?" She gives you a little bow. "I will see you both later. Thank you again!" She turns and leaves.
    "Never a dull moment with you Janice. You attract excitement like Grandpa east sweets." Ruby takes your arm again. "So now what, to Ralph? Find your Pelor stalker?"
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:27 No.11520453
    It's cool, we know Tanot. He's a smuggler and general rogue type, probably a great deal higher on the food chain than this con man.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:28 No.11520466
    Pelor stalker.

    We should probably explain to Ruby that if it's the person we think it is, we kissed her. We don't need it coming out on it's own and her getting angry about it.

    Explain that it didn't really mean anything, and it was before we ever met her. So it's not like the paladin is an ex or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:29 No.11520469
    What about the pickpocket from before. We might never have known had we not been warned before hand.
    >> Abaddon 08/04/10(Wed)06:30 No.11520478

    that goat man that goat

    lets find our palor stalker
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:31 No.11520492
    I have to say, one of my favorite in jokes here on 4chan is us not being able to find out what the hell Gregor does.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:32 No.11520504
    Do both at the same time. We'll go to Ralph and ask about any good venues and see if he knows where Miranada is staying.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:35 No.11520534
    Agreed. I especially appreciate how imaginative OP has been with keeping it secret from us. My hope is that it takes us FOREVER to find out what it is, and when we do it's something so ridiculously underwhelming we all slap our foreheads.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)06:37 No.11520549
    You nod to Ruby and start heading for the Markets District. You might as well get it out now... If this Pelor person is who you THINK she is, then her name is Miranda and you've kissed her, ONCE, before. This was before Ruby and she helped you out when you were in a tight spot. You gave a quick kiss as a thank you and you aren't even sure she enjoyed it. Ruby harrumphs meaningfully, but doesn't let go of your arm. "As long as it was before me, then I guess I can't hold you to it."
    You see Ralph before he sees you. He's talking to a tell skinny gentleman of dark complexion. Surprisingly, you can't hear what Ralph is saying. Normally his booming voice cuts through anything, but he's keeping it down right now.
    >> Abaddon 08/04/10(Wed)06:39 No.11520562

    sneak up and try to listen and then surprise him
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:40 No.11520569
    Drow? Sneak in close and try to eavesdrop!
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:41 No.11520580
    Tall and skinny drow on the surface?
    Probably just a black man.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:46 No.11520622
    >Black man
    Not rascism, I've just NEVER seen a skinny black guy. Athletic, of course. Not skinny.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)06:46 No.11520628
    Ruby ducks slightly to blend into the crowd. You're short enough that you don't need to d this. Weaving through the press of people, the two of you get close to Ralph's stall to hear what's going on, a small "Be back in 5 minutes" sign sits at the counter.
    The tall man is cleaning close to Ralph, speaking just above a whisper. "So all is well then? No unexpected hitches?
    "None at all, my brother. And I have your money." He hands over a small bag that jungles. "This way you will not be needed to do anything drastic, yes? Nothing that the both of us will regret?"
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:51 No.11520663
    This is... ominous.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:51 No.11520667
    wait till the other guy leaves, then talk to Ralph.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:56 No.11520712
    Ok, from what I know of Bard Quest, this will be one of two things.
    This is either some kinda thug Ralph pays protection money to, or its completely innocent.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:01 No.11520748
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    Hey OP, shouldn't you be going to bed by now? Or do you not have work today?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:02 No.11520754
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)07:05 No.11520773
    Ok, really, WHAT part isn't allowed?"
    This has perked your curiosity. Remaining hidden you keep listening.
    "Now that we have that out of the way... how is mother doing? It has been far too long since I was last able to visit her."
    The dark man leans back, pulling his hood over his close shaven head. "She is well Ralph. She sends her love. You really should come back some time. You fit too well into this city. I am sure Jonas would be happy to watch the stall if you took a vacation. He's the one who taught you all you know after all."
    "Maybe, maybe... anyway, do not be a stranger my brother!" That's the voice you're used to. This exchange was relievingly anticlimactic. Stepping up to the counter, Ralph waves at you as the man slips off behind the stall. "Oh hello Janice! How can I help you today?"
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)07:05 No.11520777
    I can keep going for about another half an hour or so.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:06 No.11520786
    "Your family's visiting?"

    >Oh zephyrs
    Oh zephyrs indeed.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:09 No.11520796
    You're brother? He's the exact opposite of you.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:10 No.11520809
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    Well, /I/ have work in about twelve hours, and I'd like to do more than sleep during the day, so let me know later if anything interesting pops up after I go to bed. Seeya, everyone.

    captcha: moocher walkman
    I am /such/ a moocher.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:11 No.11520814
    he archives all his threads, don't worry about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:14 No.11520844
    Ask if he knows anything about a paladin of Pelor asking about us
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)07:18 No.11520894
    You're surprised that he's Ralph's brother, they're nothing alike. "Oh... you heard that then? Yes he is my brother, not by birth, no. But we were both raised by the same woman. My brother... well he has something of a gambling problem. I do my best to keep him out of the city, but he knows where every gambling den is from here to Capital City. I try to get him to stop, but I always end up giving him more money... But enough of such gloomy talk! What can I do for you? Kebab?"
    You politely decline, You've just eaten. "I'll take hers." Ruby grabs the offered food and begins to eat it with relish. You ask Ralph if he knows anything about a follower of Pelor looking for you.
    "Hmmm, OH YES! This morning a woman came into the markets asking about a bard matching your description.She had the symbol of Pelor on her tabard. I told her that I had seen you around the city, but I did not tell her where you are now living. not without first speaking with you. She left a note for you if I should see you again. Here you go." he hands over an envelope.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:21 No.11520915
    BAD RALPH! Don't empower you're brother's addiction.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:22 No.11520921
    open envelope. read contents

    Captcha: Gayley she
    Yes, let's open the envelope and read it 'gayley'. Great idea Captcha.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:24 No.11520932
    op[en envelope, read contents, thank Ralph
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:25 No.11520935
    and do it gayley.
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)07:30 No.11520982
    You scold Ralph for enabling his brother's problem. "I know, I know, I should not be doing such thing but... I would rather he not do anything stupid, right?"
    With exaggerated flicks of your wrist, you tear open the envelope. Inside is just a piece of paper with an address. And signed "Miranda" Ralph peaks at the paper. "Oh, I know that place. It is the local temple to Pelor. It is in the aptly named Temple Square. About twenty minutes walk to the north." He points you down the correct street. Thanking him you stand up to leave. Before leaving, you let him know you're taking a few days off, until the celebrations are over. You'll let him know where and when you'll be playing again. "Good, good! I will see you soon, friend Janice!"
    >> BARD QUEST 08/04/10(Wed)07:31 No.11520988
    Alright, NOW I have to go to sleep, but if you guys suggest something, I'll pick up from there.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:34 No.11521008
    night bard quest
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:38 No.11521055
    Night bro.

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