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!!857o4GkKJgy 08/13/10(Fri)19:36 No.11656570 File1281742606.jpg-(17 KB, 270x300, Gelgoog.jpg)
 >>11656365 >>11656339 >>11656406
You opt to concentrate on the enemy Guntanks, you tell Elaine to try and deal with the enemy Gundam. She moves past you back to your original position, where the enemy Gundam has just reached the slit trench. Her bazooka stowed she uses the improved boosters on her B-type equipment to leap upwards, the suprised Gundam struggles to react to her and barely manages to dodge the blast from her beam rifle.
Meanwhile you concentrate on the enemy artillery, the first shot is from your Beam Cannon, and slices through it dead center torso, the Guntank flies backwards and explodes when it lands. Simultaneously you fire your beam rifle shot at the other Guntank, the shot lances through it's gunarm, and explodes, rocking the vehicle. It begins to rapidly retreat.
Meanwhile, the Gundam has drawn it's Beam Saber and Elaine has likewise drawn her Beam Naginta and is agressively assaulting the enemy, pushing him back along the trench towards you, ignoring hail of bullets from the enemies chest vulcan, as well as sporadic fire from the immobilised enemy Gundam still out on the field. Fire from the tanks is still falling around you as well, but they have slowed their advance. There isn't really any way for a tank to take these trenches, if it went over the edge, the fall would probably kill everybody aboard.