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!!857o4GkKJgy 08/20/10(Fri)18:31 No.11757424 File1282343498.jpg-(55 KB, 400x400, rgm-79sp.jpg)
 Hoping that Bernie can make a successful landing you bark out orders. "I want this ship neutralised in 15 seconds or und..." You barely dodge out of the way as the high powered beam shot lances at you from behind, as a blue GM armed with a large rifle leaps out from the open hangar bay. Zolomon moves to intercept, but suddenly a GM with a beam spear is blocking the way. Then, sailing over everbody is Bernards Zaku kai, evidently he didn't roll ALL the way off. He bodily tackles the blue sniping GM, and it's beam rifle goes flying as the two suits fall over the side in a clinch. In an attempt to take advantage of the chaos, you put a 3 shot burst from your carbine into the bridge, the shots hit the trunk causing bright explosions and then smoke to plume from them. There are further explosions from the rear, near the engines, looks like Jolyne and Elaine are getting things done at least.
Zolomon and the GM Striker exchange blows with their beam sabers, the GM leaps back over the gap between hangars and uses the space to draw it's machine pistol to fire a spray of bullets at Zolomon's Gyan Kreiger, he blocks the salvo with his shield and responds with round of grenades fired from his shield. The GM avoids by dodging on the side, one foot lands on the open hangar door, which gives way under the extra pressure and collapses the Gm falls over the side in suprise . Zolomon moves to pursue but a bright flash fills your viewscreen, you look to the left as your viewscreens compensate you see a mass production Guncannon falling to the ground.
The carrier itself is listing, billowing smoke and gradually descending to the ground. The flak guns are still firing, but you haven't seen the beam guns fire in a while. It looks like this ship is out of the action for a while.