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!w68jcmPgR6 09/25/10(Sat)13:07 No.12219653 File1285434467.png-(104 KB, 500x500, Journal82.png)
 A radio is produced, a cryptic broadcast speaks to you:
" The landbridges to the mainland has been lost, taken out by the shadows of black helicopters. To those opting to escape by land, going by sea or by air is still an option, another option is to either go... "
She lists off some obscure places, places with no street names, only esoteric signs...
" And to my friends who I have yet to meet, will meet or will never meet, I'd like to thank you in advance for taking me to my first lucha libre match, I'm sure that you will all go far, even if you're weighed down by guilt or if the death of someone close haunts you still, I see the future in your shine the brightest... so please... please wield thor's hammer and smash this fiendish tyrrany , this cancer that the modern age wrought upon itself, and the demons that have been summoned from hell.....
Our next song is Redline Day by Ja .. . . . . .
the broadcast looses its grip on you. You come to your senses. You could've sworn that amidst all that nonsense, she was talking right at you. |