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09/30/10(Thu)22:35 No.12283159 File1285900551.png-(120 KB, 500x800, Journal181.png)
 Meanwhile , in the vast skies, smelling faintly of the sea, black wings of sworn guardians strike down a flying icarus.
A leader staggers from the weight he must now carry.
A demon observes the downfall of man.
All around there has been sparse reports of a cannibalistic virus, not many pay mind to their importance because these are the names of places in islands hardly known, and in isolated cities seldom traversed.
All of them cry for help , All of them reach up and shout as the festering dead gnaw at their entrails from the waste down.
What choice did we have? A leader would ask. I have the answers, the devil says, for listen now, brave leader, the angels have shut their ears out from your cries as well, and now you must make a choice.
Chapter 3