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!!+M+XKYWqRkK 10/19/10(Tue)09:34 No.12499764 File1287495245.jpg-(878 KB, 2560x1600, 1270673002088.jpg)
 >>12499737 Compliment noted in event log.
Attempting contact with local node. ... ... ... Request denied. Initiating Comms hack on local node...
Z-AD DRPPA (Direct Relay Primary Point Alpha)
Language Library processing. ... Translator Online:
"...23 requests permission to engage." "Permission granted, OMEGA." "Z-AD, this is DARKSTAR." "This is Z-AD, go ahead." "Round to suppress, enemy platform, at B99211, grid to mark BW993785." "Z-AD copies, go ahead." "SA8-Standard, gainfold non-standard -10 -20 +40 +2, mark smoke on the deck, 5 rounds, APBC TOT. How copy?" "Z-AD copies, ALPHA, 3 rounds, APBC, 3 guns. DELTA, 2 rounds, 2 guns, smoke on the deck. Z-AD cast TOT07362, target number NX01821. Request splash out." "Shot, over." "Shot, out." "Splash, over." "Splash, out." "Z-AD, this is DARKSTAR, break, target suppressed, break, gun-platform destroyed, break, sweeping left while en-route to the starport on map grid G19120." "Z-AD copies all." "Z-AD to all aerial LONGSWORDS, broadcast minor signature MWPD change to Type 51418X. Cataclysmic Variable still in effect." "This is LONGSWORD 1-0, I copy." "LONGSWORD 1-3 copies." "LONGSWORD 1-9 copies." "Z-AD this is WARLORD, we have a large concentration of-"
The oribital platform has fired 2 High-Explosive Warheads. They will reach my position in 00:05:02. Initiating emergency evasive action. |