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!uGYNBMPzOs 10/23/10(Sat)22:23 No.12550000 File1287886983.png-(59 KB, 1253x1040, battle 4s.png)
 "Aaryn, get your act together, Arthurias move your damned batallion up and get the 50th out of combat!" you shout at the top of your lungs as Khaless kisses your skin through the lobstering of your platemail with one of his blades "Wulf move your scrubs north to support Aarryn, Kyria get your dwarves in there as well!" you add, as Khaless finds another opening in your armor to slice you through... suddenly you feel glad you werent in chainmail for this fight.
"Are you done playing the good commander yet?" Khaless taunts, flourishing his blades, spraying your blood back into your face. Off to your right you see Collin run the elementalist disciple he was fighting through, only to be sent flying from the now dying Lacertan by an errant stone, broken arm clutching his gut the dwarf rises and hurls himself back into the fray, ignoring his last foe as the creature vomits a profuse amount of blood onto the head of a prone warlord, both combatants sputter choke and die at nearly the same time.
"Laelith burn those damned sellswords that are bogging down the 196th!!" you add, before throwing yourself at your foe, who easily deflects your blow, punching you with his off hand.
Face turned to the right you see the 50th getting cut up as they retreat from the melee, passing through the charging myrmidons, who take considerably fewer losses in the exchange. Jayne and her wing are ground to a halt inside the Zweihanders, their mounts now able to fight as freely as the riders they wreak havoc in the Duchy heavy infantries flanks.
>roll for combat and command |