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10/31/10(Sun)01:50 No.12629240 File1288504224.jpg-(34 KB, 407x405, 1273824069690.jpg)
 Even in a Adeptus Evangelion campagin setting with majorly authoritarian governments, there are some.
Test pilots only line of defense against angel attack! North American Union risks massive casualitys intentonally? (True first sentence, BS second)
NERV Supreme Commander related to new HQ pilot? Shocking evidence uncovered! (Because one Ikari is surely related to the other)
Rogue Eva threat ignored? What NERV's Groom Lake branch does not what the public to know about their Unit 09! (It got away from the NPC pilot, and the PC's put it down hard.)
Russias Pilot loses an eye during training accident, branch commander refuses comment on unsafe training methods! (True, no comment because the guy was summarily shot.)
Canadas first pilot candidate a rebel sympathiser? We expose the links with terroists that NERV refuses to acknowladge! (United States of America conqured Canada in the backstory, some Canadians still dont take this well. One of her family members is a member of such a cell.)
Massive Light event not the testing of a asteroid defense cannon, but the destruction of an Angel! (True, the last angel retreated to orbit, and got a Great Positron Cannon to the core for its efforts.)
Went rather like the pic, just with "You've got a AT stregnth of 12 huh? I have a GPC." instead |