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!!6xEfm/rXmY7 11/13/10(Sat)05:15 No.12781113 File1289643340.jpg-(71 KB, 450x600, Final Fantasy.jpg)
 The airship was huge, the engines at idle, but there was a lot of bustle about the upper deck despite that. Professor Pallowy took a deep breath, enjoying the feel of being out of the stifling halls of the university. Walking over to the forecastle, he paused and looked over the deck, trying without much success to gauge the skill of the crew. An older hume reclined along the railing, his back against the polished wood, a long stemmed pipe in hand. He glanced down at the youthful seeming tarutaru and relit his pipe.
While most of the crew was human, there were a few mithras as well; Pallowy grinned as he noticed one lithe specimen in brightly dyed leathers who was talking with several humes and gesturing at the map she was holding for them to see. “Well, this voyage may go a bit more pleasantly than expected, he murmured to himself, watching the catlike person's tail sway becomingly. “Maybe we'll get a chance to talk business, and then do some business....”
“I wouldn't.” the older, white haired sailor spoke up, looking down at the tarutaru, who glanced up in confusion. “Ama mightn't mind talkin' business, and she mightn't mind doin' business, but THAT 'un might mind you doin' business with Ama.” He pointed with the end of his pipe towards someone on the deck, and Pallowy turned to see whom the sailor was speaking of. |