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  • File : 1289892220.gif-(225 KB, 651x891, Tesla.gif)
    225 KB Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:23 No.12815536  
    Sup /tg/.

    Please help me flesh out a particular portion of my setting. Imagine, if you would...

    In 2012 civilization is destroyed. It doesn't really matter how, all that is important is that the majority of humanity is wiped out, and the survivors are basically clan-oriented cave dwellers. Fast forward 1500 years. Humanity, like the proverbial, and forgotten, phoenix, has risen from the ashes. It's basically the 1850s, again, and archeologists are beginning to discover the most wonderful relics of a past civilization. Namely, ours.

    Now, being archeologists, they of course get everything wrong. The ball is completely dropped and they basically just "Make Shit Up" about what life was like. Which brings me to my request. It's decided that the denizens of "The World Before" was a pantheistic theocracy. Priests of the many gods ruled our society.

    Help me come up with humorous gods of the modern times. For example:

    "Tesla, God of Lightning"
    "Darwin: Creator of Man" (The monkeys were an early alpha)
    "Murphey: God of ill luck"
    "moot: Lord of Evil and Chaos"
    "Shakesplato: The Philosopher-Playwrite"
    "Clinton: Lord of Prosperity and Philandering"

    What more can you guys think of?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:25 No.12815545
    Obama, god of hope
    Megan Fox, Sex goddess.
    Bill Gates, God of Magic
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:25 No.12815550
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    leader of the Pantheon.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:27 No.12815564
    Bieber, lord of the Fever.
    Gaga, goddess of... we still haven't figured this one out.
    Jackson, god of things that go "pop."
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:27 No.12815566
    Lady Gaga, Godess of insanity
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:28 No.12815568
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:28 No.12815575
    Alfred Hitch, lord of terror and undisputed king of the first date.
    John Dorian Gray, immortal physician.
    Kanye and Lynch, hip-hop gunmen.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:29 No.12815582
    Capitol, God of Music
    Alphonso Gore, God of the Magic system known only as the global web-net
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:30 No.12815591
    M'Shyamalan of the Night, Prince of tricksters.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:31 No.12815593
    Leno: The Laughing God
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:31 No.12815599
    Chuck Norris, Lord of the Beard
    Osama Bin Laden, God of Explosions and terror
    Robert Pattinson/Edward Cullen: Vampire lord
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:32 No.12815602

    Well I hurped in my durp. Thank you for pointing out spelling mistakes.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:32 No.12815606
    Trolfice: God of Discord
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:33 No.12815614

    Letterman, his rival forevermore.

    Men tell stories of a red-haired barbarian who tried to ascend to their number, but lo they defeated him and exiled him to B'Sic Kabal, a desolate wasteland, where he wanders forevermore.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:33 No.12815619
    Your setting sounds somewhat similar to Planet of the Apes (but without the apes part, I guess), you should watch it for some inspiration maybe?

    Al Gore, god of nets
    Stephen Hawking, god of chairs
    Also, have them think some works of fiction are nonfiction.

    Like Harry Potter and have them try to do magic.
    Optional: have it work.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:34 No.12815622
    Oh god how could I not have immmediately thought of Chuck Norris? Well played good sir.


    Aye. Tricksters and False Morals.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:36 No.12815634

    This is SO going in.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:37 No.12815643

    The most learned theologians (considered base heretics by certain sects) postulate the existence of Kar Sonne the Progenitor, from whose infinite wisdom sprang all the greater and lesser deities of late-night.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:39 No.12815657
    Bil'Amaze: Spiritual liege of all merchants.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:41 No.12815666
    Don't forget the Myth Child

    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:41 No.12815672
    Old MacDonalds: Servant of the Gods.... According to legends he could serve five million, daily.

    What that five million was is a hotly debated topic.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:46 No.12815719
    Archeologists discover an ancient cult of the dungeon-dragon, people who apparently think arbitrary numbers and random dierolls determine fate

    meta as fuck
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:47 No.12815726
    Kenny, who could be slain a thousand times, and each morning was born anew.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:49 No.12815745
    >>12815545 implying Monica Bellucci isn't a thousand times more attractive than Stick-figure McFaketan
    That poster: God of being fucking WRONG.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:50 No.12815762
    >>12815575 Kanye and Lynch, hip-hop gunmen.

    Gotta admit, I smirked.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:52 No.12815786
    Many ancient records tell the tall of one mysterious figure, Teodor or the Rose Velt. They say the great warrior-king brought destruction to all who opposed him with his mighty club. Not only did he rule the glorious kingdom of man and routinely engage in sports and battle to keep his godly skills in peak condition, but when no further challengers approached, he went forth on a great journey to the wide plains beyond the sea. There did he challenge all the beasts of the world. And when he had beat them soundly their blood did flow out and look as a field of roses upon the land. Finally, seeing no further match for his greatness, he challenged death itself. In order to offer a fair fight, he allowed death to attack him in his sleep. Though the fight was so mighty is cleaved a great channel in the south lands, the great king was finally overwhelmed. Still, recognizing a worthy opponent, he now sits at the right hand of death and doles out the touch of his club to all those too stubborn to die. So say the learned men.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:54 No.12815802
    Anonymous: The million headed, unblinking monster, who dispensed impartial justice and pictures of breasts alike. None could withstand the unholy wrath of Anon.

    Sorry, did someone mention meta?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:55 No.12815812
    Don't forget the recently discovered song used in his worship.

    "Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O"
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:56 No.12815817
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    oh, and Anni'may, Goddess of the eastern isles.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:57 No.12815829
    Steve Jobs, the Applebringer
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)02:58 No.12815835

    Hell.... I WOULD worship Lord Teddy.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:04 No.12815901
    From his kindom on Mars, Lord Zig Stardust heard the people of earth cry out for music, music that would stir their hearts and enliven their feet. So the great one sent his prophet, Bowie, to lead his musical spiders and deliver unto man a rocking the likes of which it had never felt before.
    >> cap'n creeper 11/16/10(Tue)03:07 No.12815923
    L'viz the lord of the rock
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:08 No.12815929
    Could you give any more details of your setting? I've got nothing to contribute, but this sounds quite interesting.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:11 No.12815958
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    Could this be worked in, or would it not fit the style you are trying create for your setting?

    Almost completely unrelated: They find this book and think don't realize it is fiction.
    >> cap'n creeper 11/16/10(Tue)03:13 No.12815962
    A know follower of L'viz is Gerlee Luuz, he with the great balls of fire
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/16/10(Tue)03:13 No.12815966
    The mythology of the Funk is real, and people had a mass transcendence of the music kind. Through beats as phat as they are funky, champions must battle against the evil Square.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:14 No.12815972

    Hell, they find ANY book and don't realize it's fiction. Oh, the places we could go...
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:15 No.12815976

    I think you mean Lenin, lord of rock.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:15 No.12815979
    Ok, bullshit HURR, NONAMUS R LEGEUN bullshit aside - who the fuck could take Scientology seriously? You have a guy running around building a career on writing sci-fi novels who then suddenly has a religion involving aliens and spaceships and shit, and nobody stops to ask "Hey, you sure this is real?"
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:17 No.12815992
    Groucho, Harpo, and Karl Marx.

    Brothers who simultaneously invented wacky comedy and took over a country for the powers of evil.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:18 No.12816006

    He was the Walrus, after all.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:19 No.12816009

    Still fleshing things out. The PCs are going to be Archeologists, or bodyguards or something, trying to make their way to a rumored dig-site deep in the North Eastern forests of Bigapple. Along the way they have to deal with cultists who have adopted the former gods as their own, a rival archeological dig team, and other minor disasters. I haven't decided the ultimate goal though. I might just finish with them uncovering the legendary statue of Lady Liberty, who with her torch, protected the harbor of Bigapple from The Monsters of Clover Fields.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:19 No.12816011
    >Who the fuck could take Scientology seriously?

    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:20 No.12816018
    Einstein, God of Space and Time
    Newton, God of Motion and Apples
    Hilbert, God of Mathematics and Hats
    Turing, God of Calculation, Codes, and Poison Apples
    Nintendo Gygax, God of Games
    Abraham Washington, God of Freedom
    Bond, James Bond, God of Sex, Martinis, and Quick Wits

    The evil pantheon:
    Stalin, God of Slavery
    Mao, God of Famine
    Tojo, God of Rape
    Bin Laden, God of Terror
    Hitler, Supreme God of Evil
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:22 No.12816034
    I like it, be sure to share your story with /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:23 No.12816042
    Known to partner with Paul, the Dead One.

    Ringo, god of luck. Was in the right place at the right time.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:23 No.12816043
    > Implying Hitler was more evil than Stalin or Mao.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:26 No.12816065
    >implying Hitler isn't regarded as the as the face of evil
    None of the others have that sort of brand recognition.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:26 No.12816067
    OP, don't forget to have them get the uses of some of our objects completely misunderstood, like the fork that is a hair comb in the Little Mermaid. Would I be correct in assuming that you have seen the Futurama episode where they go to the 21st century museum?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:28 No.12816081
    Jesus, God of [spoiler]Deception[/spoiler]

    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:29 No.12816084
    Ye, lowly bow thy heads in religious fervor to appease the god of famine lest he bring forth a plague upon thee! The walking corpse, lord of the skeletons, he who marches in his death shroud but never truly dies.

    Woe to thee who would dare oppose Gandhi! Truly is the scriptures are to be believe, he shall turn our seas to salt and walk a starving march across our lands!
    >> Paradox !!0HfFBwN///o 11/16/10(Tue)03:30 No.12816092
    Better idea!

    Jesus is now the god of alchohol- or at least, the archaelogists assumed he was, after finding out the whole "This wine is my blood", thing.
    >> Sorain 11/16/10(Tue)03:31 No.12816096
    It is said, that there was a deity made up of all who were, connected by the inner network, all that was not put forth in public was drawn to that place, and from its collective thought was born the Anon. We say The Anon because it is easyer then trying to explain what we have learne about it. It was a ficle collective, it hated with the force of a thousand suns, yet at other times it would deliver what was saught. As all were a part of it, none could truely claim innocence. It had a list of laws, not rules to follow, but facts about reality itself, things man was most likely not meant to know. When so many parished long ago, it dispersed back into the souls of humanity. And if ever humanity should be so closely connected again, yet so false in their dealings without hiding behind a mask, Anon may well do to us what it did to the people of that time.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:33 No.12816107
    This place is a message… and part of a system of messages… pay attention to it!

    Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.

    This place is not a place of honor…no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here… nothing valued is here.

    What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.

    The danger is in a particular location… it increases toward a center… the center of danger is here… of a particular size and shape, and below us.

    The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.

    The danger is to the body, and it can kill.

    The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.

    The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.

    >So of course, they did it up and suffer the consequences.
    [spoiler] It's a nuclear waste dump [/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:34 No.12816111

    Yeah. That eppisode and David Macauliffe's book "Motel of Mysteries" are my two major inspirations.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:35 No.12816122
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    No, I believe you are talking about Guy Fox, the lord of chaos, perversion, protest, and justice.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:37 No.12816135
    >guy fox

    Oh man, if this is supposed to be a troll, I dunno whether to give it 0/10 or 10/10. Either way I be amused.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:37 No.12816138

    Gandhi as the harbinger of fammine is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:38 No.12816142
    To be fair though, I think they understood the dangers of radiation by the 1850s, although from the wording of that, they may believe we thought of it as a curse or a beast.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:42 No.12816167
    And moot bitch-smote Fox upon the back of his head, and spoke: "Thou art the Cancer that is killing. The domain of chaos is now mine"
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:42 No.12816168
    No troll, I am glad you liked it.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:43 No.12816173
    Thanks. It just seemed like something so obvious. The problem with some of these suggestions is that they're judging every person they have put up for godhood by their actions instead of how they look.

    Archaeologists would be inferring from visual aesthetics first. Just my two cents though, not actually trying to rattle anyone's cages.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:44 No.12816180

    My god. Guy Fox is a pile of nuclear waste.

    It makes so much sense!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:47 No.12816200
    The dangers of radiation weren't well understood until the 1950s. Hell, most forms of radiation weren't discovered until the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries, their dangers weren't understood until the 1940s and 50s, and they weren't fully understood in a theoretical sense until the 1970s (with the development of the Standard Model).
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:52 No.12816240
    hmm. Ficton taken as fact... there's too much material to work with...
    Rand of Thor: Bender of Fate. Somehow related to Tesla, god of Thunder.
    Man Hat Tan, Pro of Ject, God of Big Explosions and playing with forces the universe isn't ready for.
    The God-Damn Batman, God of Righteous Terror
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:52 No.12816242
    You're all posers who only know about Guy Fawkes because of V for Vendetta.

    ...yeah. It's "Fawkes", not "Fox".
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:52 No.12816244

    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:52 No.12816247
    So toxic waste dump is go? And if you feel you can get away with it chuck in some Radiation Doesn't Work Like That too. (Mutation and shit).
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:54 No.12816261
    Ah, well never mind then. Would the discovery of the site mentioned here >>12815958 be covered up by the government because of the possibly reality shattering realization that the people 1500 years ago were a lot more advanced then previously thought?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:54 No.12816262

    0/10. Of course they knew, They were just using Fox as a misspelling to fit with the theme.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:56 No.12816281
    Yes..."them". Well-played, I totally didn't see right through you there.

    What theme is that, exactly?
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 11/16/10(Tue)03:58 No.12816295
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    Fred Rogers, God of Hope.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:58 No.12816297
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    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)03:59 No.12816308

    IT'S FAWKES YOU INTOLERABLE-- No, I kid, but you almost had me.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)04:00 No.12816313
    I really fail to see how misspelling something that would already be WRITTEN fits the theme.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)04:03 No.12816324
    Quaritch - God of Progress
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)04:03 No.12816326
    >>implying written media don't decay or become environmentally damaged
    >>implying language would not change dramatically in 1500 years post-apocalypse
    >>implying you are not presently choking on more dicks than the amount for which your body has room.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)04:05 No.12816339
    So then why aren't any of the other examples misspelled, hm?

    You know, it's just easier to call you a twat and hide the thread. Way to defend the lowest common denominator.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)04:08 No.12816356
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    Well gosh fellas, what am I the god of?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)04:11 No.12816374
    [spoiler]and rape[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)04:14 No.12816387
    "Gosh, what BIG rodents they had back then..."
    ... Unless it's the Kingdom Hearts incarnation they first see... then it becomes.
    Mickey Mouse: God of Asskicking.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)04:16 No.12816406
    I wonder if /sci/ would be of any help to us?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)04:20 No.12816420
    40 oz malt beverages
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)04:24 No.12816447
    Lord Capp Locke
    God of Anger
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)04:24 No.12816450
    Rodents of unusual size? I don't think they existed.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 11/16/10(Tue)04:32 No.12816489
    I saw what you did there.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)05:11 No.12816648
    princess bride would be the beowulf of the future.

    also what if they saw steampunk stuff and thought we actually had that technology, and ended up making some of it, rule of cool and all that.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)11:59 No.12818830
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    Children and merchandising.

    It's the one thing they actually got right.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/10(Tue)12:05 No.12818893
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