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!vf05RX1JTQ 11/30/10(Tue)06:30 No.12979193 File1291116644.jpg-(648 KB, 1200x1627, Red_Dragon_by_Tarjcia.jpg)
 >>12979045 >fine
Swooping down upon the nearest ship, you try and focus on Asha. Her shoes, her robes... her dagger, dagger and shortsword. Unique to her, you are almost certain. Nothing.
Ascending once again, you re-orient and make for the next. Again, fruitless, as are the next three. You're beginning to wonder whether you're searching the same ships, even though you know it can't be, based on how you've been turning, when you detect something at the edge of your sensing range. Gliding closer, beating occasionally for the lift, you detect the weapons more strongly, now. You have found her. Your immediate urge is torch it, or to board it and find her, but you restrain yourself, albeit with some difficulty. You need answers... and you intend to be safe while doing so. You signal Scinnari, and wait for her to arrive, before polymorphing and deftly alighting on the rigging. Well, not deftly, but you could have dislocated your arm and not noticed it; you rage burns brighter than a thousand sons.
Below decks. Scinnari using the emerald, and you using your spells, you proceed downwards, careful to wait until no on is coming before climbing down the hatch. Left... right... right... here... You move to either side, triangulating, just to be certain. You have found her.
The door is locked, but Scinnari persuades you to wait. Teleporting out, she returns a few minutes later, as you patience is wearing thin, with the captain's keys. They aren't covered in blood, but beyond whether they're difficult to use, you couldn't care less about how she acquired them.
Unlocking the door, you carefully open it, mindful of the fact that she's an assassin. A dart flies out, poison gleaming on it's tip in the light of the guttering lantern hanging in the passage. You react quickly, though, and brush it aside with your cloak.
Inside, Asha lays on a sea bunk, asleep, and unaware of your silent rage... |