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!!NjBRD94cduP 12/06/10(Mon)23:09 No.13058910 File1291694967.jpg-(24 KB, 613x630, Hmm.jpg)
 >>13058408 I'm going to skip this one. I just can't think of anything witty or menacing for The Wizard to say in return.
>>13058476 >Hmmm... I'm gonna count this as an Intimidate check, so add the Str plus a bonus for successful bluff last time...
"Actually, no. I was thinking about spending the rest of my life of freedom finding a way to come back here and punch you so hard that reality implodes in on itself and erases you from existence. Y'know. Just something to pass the time."
The Wizard folds his arms. The magical flames and sparks that surrounded him suddenly disappear. He releases a long, slow sigh as he looks down at you. "Is that so? Can you guess how old I am, Baker? Can you imagine what my eyes have seen in the eons I have drifted across the aether? And do you know what, in all those years, in all my experience, I have never seen?"
His form begins to shake, shimmer, and fade away.
"I have never seen anything that could kill me. Today is your birthday, Baker - oh yes, I remembered - so as a gift I will let you leave this place. I will let you walk the earth you seem to miss so much. I will let you breath the fresh air, drink from pure rivers, sleep on the soft grass, and gaze upon the stars that I saw being born."
The Wizard's image is almost totally faded, only the twinkling lights in the darkness where his face should be remain.
"And in one year, on your next birthday, I will come to you. And I will give you the gift of a swift death. Unless you can, as you say, erase me from existence. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for me."
With a rush of wind, The Wizard vanishes. The strange metal door at the end of the hall opens, letting the light of day stream in. You pick up your pack and walk through the door. It closes behind you.
You are free.
>That's all I'm gonna do for tonight. I'll do another one tomorrow night sometime, if you want to get in on the continued adventures of The Wizard's Baker! |