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  • File : 1292712611.jpg-(11 KB, 288x280, Angrylegowizard.jpg)
    11 KB Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)17:50 No.13206100  
    You're going to go on an adventure. Set it to five and see whether or not you'll likely succeed based on what you get.


    > Crystal Disks
    Could be useful. I could summon them to stand on or throw them at people or something.
    > Fiery Breath
    Assuming it protects my own mouth, sounds like a solid standard attack spell.
    > Monstrous Divination of Warmth and Lust
    "Find prostitute"
    > Slay Archer
    Sounds a little specific, but okay, I can work with that.
    > The One Thousand Curses of Angel Killing
    Aren't angels usually good guys?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)17:52 No.13206126
    > Aquatic Conjuration of Inversion and Intelligence
    Can't see a use for this.
    > Calling of Summon Titan
    Wait, am I summoning someone to summon a titan for me?
    > Control Infertility
    I can't see any use for this.
    > Deathly Rite of Bronze
    Oh.... no?
    > Mystic Exorcism of the Keen Staves
    Aw yeah, staves that crit on 19-20.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)17:54 No.13206149
    >Balls of Frost
    Best case scenario: Attack spell
    Worst Case Scenario: Cast spell, scream "MY NUTS!"
    >"Rains of Unholy Darkness"
    Sounds like a nice AoE.
    >The One Hundred Ceremonies of Berserker Slaying
    Provided there's a BBEG berserker that it's worth going through 100 ceremonies to kill, fine. Otherwise trash.
    >The Perfected Abjuration of the Crazed Joiner
    I don't even know what the hell this does. It abjures .. crazed... joiners.
    >The Rites of Wondrous Mud
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)17:56 No.13206158
    >Infamous Canine's Ritual of Triumph
    Yep, I succeed.
    >Lance of Spectral Inversion
    >Queen's Blasts of Water
    >The Six Chants of the Animate Tome
    >Writer's Rite of Greed
    Don't even need these ones.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)17:56 No.13206165
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    > The Rites of Wondrous Mud
    > MUUUUUD.

    You just cast it.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)17:58 No.13206178
    >Call Eagles
    Hello, is this Joe Walsh? Do I have the right number?
    >Disrupting Crystals of Sludge
    So do they disrupt sludge, or are they disruptive crystals that are made of sludge?
    >Divinity's Sludge Clouds
    More sludge? Jesus.
    >Ice Conjuration
    Not bad. Pretty open ended, which is always nice
    >The Greater Spell of the Leaders
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)17:58 No.13206182
    >Calling of Slay Cowardly Undead
    Uhhhh... greeeeat.... I wonder how many cowardly zombies I'll run across.
    >Ghosttouch Negation
    Seems a little specific.
    >Past Exorcism of Absorbs Good
    >The Holy Working of the Imperial Fish
    I don't even know what these do.
    >Web of Mana and Enchantment
    How vague.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)17:59 No.13206195
    >Alter Defense
    Sounds good to me. Some nice defense bonuses, awww yes.
    >Control Blood
    Is this fully expansive? Might let me one-shot any organic enemy. (At least non-sentient plants)
    >Good Sorcery of Deflect Time
    Does this let me counter time or deflect it? Could I theoretically "deflect" time away from myself and other people? Would this let me put my enemies in some kind of stasis? Neat.
    >Splendid Incatation of the Compassionate Haunters
    Combination of a servant spell and probably some kind of summon-ghost spell? Nice.
    >Working of Transform Metal
    Well, if Control Blood lets me fuck people, this'll let me fuck golems.

    I like this spell set.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:01 No.13206205
    >Invocation of Become Generous Priests
    Well fuck
    >The Eighty Incatations of Nothing Negation
    And what good does that do?
    >The Four Foul Runes of Corruption
    Physical, mental or spiritual? I need clarification here!
    >The Runes of Ancestral Ether
    Which do what, exactly? Open a gate to the Nether? Summon something from the Nether?
    >The Workings of Imperial Earth
    What if it's a democracy?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:01 No.13206206
    >Circles of Final Fire
    Fuck yes nuclear holocaust
    >Corrupt Summoners' Abjuration of Ice
    OK, I'll take it as a backup
    >Just Saints' Glamour of Preservation
    So I can disguise myself, but only when I'm in danger? Not bad.
    >The One Hundred Incatations of Energy Transformation
    So much physics based trolling potential
    >Thunderous Rains of Energy
    Fuck yes.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:01 No.13206212
    >Assasins' Sludge Arrows
    Sounds like a decent attack spell. I guess I'm a sneaky, underhanded wizard.
    >Corruptor's Working of Venom and Skill
    A very sneaky, underhanded wizard. I guess this poisons someone! Probably really useful.
    >Holes of Aquatic Closure
    I can seal up holes with water? Maybe this ties into the sludge arrows?
    >The Goblet of Ice
    Keeps my drinks refreshingly cool while I poison people for money.
    >The Seventy Abjurations of Good Alteration
    And this one lets me disguise myself so I can get out of town quickly.

    Actually a pretty decent concept.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:02 No.13206214
    >Grail Breaking
    Hmm... well, the adventure *is* a quest for the Holy Grail, but...

    >Rite of Intoxication
    Okay, okay, here's the spell - first, you grab the bottle, firmly, in your right hand... then you drink.

    >Elf's Lineage
    Okay, okay, it's coming to me... his father's Eithiluriel, grandfather's Lilthuririrel... why am I divining the family tree of that elf, again?

    >The One Thousand Glamours of Cat Seeking
    If I see that cat one more time...

    >Negate Truth
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:03 No.13206219
    >Lances of Burning Fire
    Yeah, I can work with this
    >Specter Killing
    Very good
    >The Chain of Lava
    Fuck yeah.
    >The Incatations of Divine Diamond
    No idea what it does, but it sounds pretty cool.
    >The Ration of Possession
    What does this do?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:04 No.13206229
    Okay, let's give it a shot.

    >Ceremony of Summon Fish

    I cast summon bigger fish!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:05 No.13206242
    It curses trail rations to make people full of ghosts.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:06 No.13206248
    >Ceremony of Triumph
    I guess a ritual that grants me victory. Cool.
    >Coins of Gold
    Why do I need to go on an adventure now?
    >Holy Heat Assault
    >The Infinite Curses of the Fiery Dungeon
    Sounds like after chili night.
    >The Sun of Anger
    I give them cancer?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:06 No.13206253
    >Intelligent Swimmer's Sorcery of Anger
    Lame. Apparently I suck as a wizard.

    >Lesser Evocation of the Howling Ration
    Screaming food? Lame.

    >Spiritual Rite of the Prismatic Robes
    Prismatic Robes protect me right? This might be useful.

    >Splendid Chant of the Insane Annihilator
    I take it back, I'm the best wizard ever. When I chant my song of madness, all is annihilated. Fear me, lesser beings.

    >The Divine Sigil of the Courageous Screamer
    Apparently I'm a crazy wizard. I hope you like by berserking rage scream that makes me fearless.

    God help you if you are in water, I'm make my self angry with Intelligent Swimmer's Sorcery of Anger, then I'll enter my insane rage with The Divine Sigil of the Courageous Screamer and then the chant begins and little will remain when I finish my Splendid Chant of the Insane Annihilator.

    This quest will be solved easily.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:07 No.13206259
    >Gray Ball of Building

    Quick shelter construction.

    >Immovable Breath of Dreaming

    ...Solid fog knockout gas? Okay, I can see that as useful.

    >Necromancers' Spear of Magma


    >Rune of Seduce Arch-angel

    Assume the position.

    >Sylvan Divination of the Crazed Beast

    Will always know where not to run when the tarrasque's in town.

    Overall, quite a good set of spells to have. Now to find an archangel and some handcuffs.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:08 No.13206270
    >Saintly Hex of the Benevolent Demon
    This sounds really cool, actually. Apparently the demon is only benevolent to the caster.
    >Summon Clever Creators
    Ghost servants with points in craft? I'll take it!
    >Become Lovers
    >Sylvan Rations of Metal
    Eh, there's got to be a dud in every set. I could maybe us it in conjunction with my Creators and make weapons without buying base materials or something.
    >The Uncountable Abyssimal Hexes of Lineage
    I am unclear on what this would do, but it sounds badass.

    Overall? A+. I won't be slaying the BBEG, but I'll have fun fucking around until someone else does.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:08 No.13206272
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    >Evocation of Duplicate Candles
    I suppose this means that I won't have to bring a bunch of candles for my rituals, right?
    >Quester's Clairaudience
    I can commune with spirits across dimensions? Alright, so I guess this means that I'll be an elder-god summoning warlock of some sort.
    >Sludge Wall
    Could come in handy.
    >The Ten Curses of Defender Calling
    More warlocky-spells
    >Wondrous Mirrors of Ooze
    Well that settles it. I'm a ritual-based warlock who has proficiency with ooze, muck, sludge and slime.

    Let's do this!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:09 No.13206286
    >Clever Soldier's Exorcism of Happiness
    Could use it when I need an exorcism. Happiness is a plus.

    >Divination of Kill Mystic Carvers
    Well...it will help me forsee how to kill mystic carvers...I guess.

    >Living Shield
    A shield companion thats alive? That could be useful.

    >Runed Barrier

    >The One Thousand Illusions of the Animate Portal
    >> Ersatz the Effervescent 12/18/10(Sat)18:11 No.13206298
    >Demonic Witchery of the Serene Ghost
    Your general go two bait and switch spell, but only really useful if I suspect an ambush is coming.
    >Doomed Illusion of the Thundering Book
    Really screws over other wizards by animating all of their magic tomes and having them scream their contents in a bone shattering bass, but you do not want to have this counterspelled on you.
    >Dust Zones
    All it does is create a 10x10 zone in harmony with the elemental plane of dust, but you never know when that will come in handy
    >Feline's Chant of Sound and Happiness
    Any monster even remotely cat-like becomes docile when you use this one.
    >Good Spans
    A lesser known travel cantrip that turns minor fortune in your favor. Its good for making sure you come across a wandering merchant when you need one
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:12 No.13206304
    >Accursed Shackle of Acid
    Sounds pretty awesome. Binds them, and deals damage, I bet
    >Diamond Lance
    >Hellish Conjuration of Wealth
    "Hey, Satan, you interested in buying a soul or two?"
    >Ice Absorption
    Well, at least I won't have to deal with that 'slipping around on the floor' puzzle.
    >Wondrous Sorcery of Slay Lizard
    Do dragons count as lizards?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:13 No.13206320
    >Acid Assaults
    AOE with acid. Neat.
    >Final Hex of Seduce Animal
    ... Well... I guess it has uses.
    >Flesh Deflection
    Blocks unarmed attacks from fleshy creatures.
    >Human's Mirrors of Lava
    Makes copies of people made of lava?
    >The Kingly Rune of the Hunters
    I got nothin'.

    I'm pretty sure between my Acid Assaults and lava clones, I can make it.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:13 No.13206324
    >Arch-angel's Gender-reversal
    Well, I can't see this being much use. At all.
    >Ether Alteration
    I'd have to metagame the fuck out of this for it to do anything.
    >Miserly Strangler's Spell of Agility
    So, I can strangle people easier, providing I'm doing so for material gain?
    >Perfect Ether Webs
    This I can work with to an extent.
    >The Future Working of the Cowardly Caretaker
    ... the shit?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:15 No.13206336
    >Aquatic Charm of Seek Gnome
    >Chant of of Kill Exalted Breakers
    I guess this means I can kill people who destroy good items?
    >Clever Nomads' Spell of Wounding
    Seems like a good standard attack
    >Hex of Acid
    Acid based curses? Yes please
    >Sacred Illusion of Transform Thought
    Now THAT's what I'm talking about! Mind control, memory changing, all that jazz.
    >> Guild Pawn !!5pxEApHjMk5 12/18/10(Sat)18:18 No.13206360
    >Canine's Wall of Good
    Apparently, I can summon a wall of dogs who are good. This strikes me as an excellent thing for protecting myself in the evil fortress of my foes. Here's to more useful spells!

    >Fertility Negation
    Well, no more worrying about accidental pregnancies. Useful, too, because pregnancy really puts a damper on successful adventuring.

    >Flesh Transformation
    O...kay. So apparently I can transform flesh. This obviously means cosmetic enhancements and some minor degree of shapeshifting, I assume.

    >Spirits' Lust
    So I am apparently some sort of sex sorceress. Great. Well, I suppose creatures that are horny can't do a damn thing, or the possibility of easily seducing the evil villain and reshaping him into someone I'd be willing to sleep with is an option.

    >The Mirror of Nothing
    You know what? Fuck this adventuring noise. I'm opening a goddamn brothel and hiring some fucking adventures to do this shit for me.

    Seriously, who studies to become a sex sorceress?
    >> Da Killboss 12/18/10(Sat)18:18 No.13206363
    >Rite of Submission
    For when you need a harem in a hurry.
    >Sliperiness Deflection
    ... I use slippers to deflect incoming fire...
    >Voidness Deflection
    ... into a black hole? Not sure if awesome...
    >Tome Annihilation
    Wow, thats a nice book you got there... be a shame if someone annihilated it...
    >Creators' Tomes of Dust
    Not to be used in conjunction with the above
    >> Brendsies !!Lnf+NwmjL7c 12/18/10(Sat)18:19 No.13206367
    >Charm of Hypnotise Demonic Amazon
    Well, I do come across a lot of Demonic Amazons in my adventures...

    >Conjurer's Perfection
    I guess if I could conjure something already I could make it better?

    >Invocation of Hope Transformation
    Making people hopeful is what I assume it means. Good for a group buff. Increases Morale.

    >Invocation of Summon Lover
    Shit. Yes. Gettin' laid. Wait, do I already need a lover? Hopefully they'd be good in a fight. Can I summon lovers for other people?

    >The Villainous Divination of the Wonderful Canine
    I guess it's an evil incantation for my wonderful canine spirit guide. I hear he's good at foreshadowing...
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:20 No.13206378
    >Barbarian Summoning
    Fuck year.

    >Casting of Become Forbidden Amazons
    FUCK YEAR. Next best thing to the Casting of Become Little Girl.

    >Enlarge Crystals
    well... I guess not every spell can be awesome, although maybe this can be used to earn some extra loot

    >Fish's Divination of Control
    Umm... a divination spell for determining future fishing regulations? Pass.

    >Hex of Agility
    OK, I guess
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:21 No.13206382
    >Calling of Control Unholy Corruptors
    Well, I suppose I could find a use for this. Unholy corruptors, sounds like evil clerics, and that opens up some more options. No healing sadly, but there's other uses.
    >Evocation of Conjure Flame
    Depends on how big. Are we talking candle, fireball, or my choice?
    >Royal Ritual of Darkness and Precision
    I'm not sure what this even does. Best guess is I make it dark and simultaneously increase my own precision. Neat if combined with the others.
    >The Infinite Sigils of Sludge Transformation
    A save-or-die, nice.
    >The One Thousand Lordly Exorcisms of Shivs
    So, is this removing shivs from people or exorcising with shivs? Either way, might be useful, definitely need to test it before leaving.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:26 No.13206436
    >Assaults of Yellow Sapphire
    So I can take out green lanterns? awesome!
    >Calling of Kill Quester
    uh... I think I'll pass on suicide, thank you. Mabye if the BBEG is looking for something?
    >Divinities' Copper Shield
    Hell yeah, godly armor!
    >Heavenly Abjuration of the Burning Shackle
    and flaming divine chains to go with it!
    >Innocent Opener's Conjuration of Blood
    Noone will suspect me of being a threat if I cover everything in blood, right? I'm totally innocent!

    So I'm Ghost Rider/Captian America/Parallax, and tend to start a fight by coating something in blood?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:27 No.13206442
    >Adamantine Spans of Motion
    I guess I can travel great distances very fast?
    >Courageous Kraken's Evocation of Perfection
    So I can do anything perfectly?
    >Gushes of Marvelous Earth
    Fuck yes throwing tons of solid earth at the bad guys.
    >Runed Touches of Venom
    Cool poison spell
    >The One Thousand Rituals of Canine Seeking
    Sweet I will always have a dog with me.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:27 No.13206445
    >>Crowns of Lost Seeing
    I'll use these scrying coins to spy on people!

    >>Meteoric Bolts of Darkness
    Does extra damage to good alignments!

    >>Snake's Hex of Nondetection and Innocence
    Glibness + Undetectable alignment!

    >>The Cursed Witchery of the Charismatic Victor
    If your vagina is anything like my hand, there will be no problems!

    >>The Sun of Magma
    The sun falls from the sky, everyone dies!

    Fuck yeah, I'm a BBEG.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:27 No.13206446
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    >Ceremony of Seek Cruel Eagle
    So I perform a dance to attract an owl or something? Meh.

    >Conjuration of Kill Caring Amazon
    I make you die, amazon? Sure, this is rather cool.

    >Damned Abjuration of the Glimmering Star
    Do I implode stars? Picture releated.

    >Ogre Seduction
    Why couldn't it be amazons.... P.A.S.S.

    >Sacred Ceremony of Heat
    Danger, danger. High voltage?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:27 No.13206447
    I demand OP make up a "mock" quest compaire our spells to!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:28 No.13206458
    Control Truth
    >sweet! I can make shit up
    Divination of Knowledge
    >awesome! I can find shit out, then change it with control truth
    The Infinite Charms of the Red Masks
    >If I wear a red mask I can be charming? useful
    The Two Workings of Blood Conjuration
    >drown my enemies in blood?
    The Uncountable Deathly Rites of Air
    >blow them away?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:30 No.13206467
    What an interesting idea--

    > Bolt of Ruby and Tunneling
    What is this? I don't even--

    > Demonic Charm of Sound and Timelessness
    This doesn't make any more sense!

    > Evil Bone Barriers
    Well, whether it's a barrier made of evil bones or a barrier that wards against them, it sounds like it could be useful... maybe.

    > Humans' Possession
    I can use it to possess humans, if I've understood this correctly.

    > Triton Hypnotism
    All right, if I travel near the shore this might, just might, come in handy.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:33 No.13206490
    >Assasins' Pestilence
    Some sort of localized plague? I could get used to this VERY quickly.

    >Distant Dryness
    Perhaps some sort of drought spell that only takes effect week/months/years down the line? Meh. Not very useful, unless I'm some douchebag lich.

    >Ghost's Courage
    Sounds like an interesting idea. Ghosts can't die, so it would be interesting to see, but I hardly see any practical use.

    >Lance of Wonderful Haunting
    Tortured by sweet, delicious mental images? Yeah, this could be useful.

    >Sly Slayer's Rune of Serenity
    I don't even fucking know. Utter calm? Could be useful.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:33 No.13206493
    >Archmagi' Conjuration of Seduction
    >Elemental Witchery of Seduction
    >Lizard Seduction
    >Ritual of Slay Wise Seduction
    >Sigil of Elf Seduction

    This campaign better have a lot of sex in it, else I am screwed (pun intended).
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:34 No.13206495
    >Elven Casting of the Agile Consumers
    Summons pointy-haired hippies who dodge obstacles to purchase hummus! Not very useful...
    >Envenomed Storm of Splendor
    Pretty poisoned rains? Sounds like a plan.
    >Evocation of Lava Control
    >Ladders of Perfect Ruby
    I can get wherever I need to climb, then sell how I got there for massive profit.
    >The Seventy Incantations of Serpent Seeking
    Eh, a lot of trouble just to find some damn snakes.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:34 No.13206499
    >Caster's Acid Walls
    Walls of acid push out at my enemies from all sides of my person.
    >Cats' History
    Cat specific divination? I suppose that could be helpful on occasion
    >Conjuration of Seduce Cruel Chameleons
    Wut? Why would anyone make this spell? Did they want to be dominated by evil lizards without their knowledge? What the hell wizards?
    >Flesh Webs
    Whose flesh am I using?
    >Monks' Helmet of Time
    My Face. It is ageless.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:36 No.13206515
    >Acid Transformation
    Oh shit, the walls are pulsing
    >Fiery Gyser
    >Illusion of Deflect Dust
    It only looks like I'm clean. Totally fucking filthy here
    >Mud Webs
    And here's why
    >Sigil of Conjuration
    Summon some dudes, freak out because I'm tripping balls from my first spell, burn them with my fiery geyser.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:37 No.13206530
    > Barbaric Queen's Curse of Good
    Curse... of Good? By a Barbaric Queen? What is this I don't even.
    > Knights' Conjuration of Spirit and Benevolence
    So, some knight figured out how to summon his dead comrades to help, and passed it onto me. I'm OK with this.
    > One Thousand Rites of Voidness
    WOO, Instant Death!
    > The Glove of Disruption
    Good thing I took that level in monk!
    > Wizards' Incatation of Ether and Caring
    Sounds like a good heal.

    Looks like I'm pretty good to go!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:39 No.13206543
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    >Haunted Chant of Negate Diamond
    Ghoooosts will drive up the cost of diamonds.
    >Illusion of Slay Chameleon
    I make everything plaid, take that you damn lizards.
    >Deathly Abjuration of Conjuration
    Destruction was here, suck it conjuration
    >Glamour of Hypnotise Generous Divinity
    For the boning of your goddess of drink.
    >Annihilators' Death
    I really hope this one kills space marine tanks. But I don't think I'll chance it.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:42 No.13206563
    >Calling of Call Good Monks
    A little redundant, but it means I can have a monk army.
    >Chant of Crystal Control
    Situationally useful, I guess.
    >Pit Melting
    Now THIS sounds fun.
    >The Knife of Keepers
    My go-to damage spell, probably.
    >Unjust Gravedigger's Calling of Magic
    what the fuck? Spell stealing, I hope.

    Looks promising. Monk strike force combined with melting pits and calling down magic.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:42 No.13206569
    >Abyssimal Swords of Lava
    The title explains it all
    >Saintly Gysers of Ether
    duuuuuuude, everyone in the room gonna get high!
    >The One Hundred Curses of Invoker Hypnotism
    not really sure about this, does this get casted on me or my enemies, maybe I made this during my ether trip
    >Track Gloves
    A spell that allowes me to find my Gloves
    >Undead Seeking
    Lets me find where the undead rest
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:45 No.13206600
    >Barbarians' Ceremony of Nothing and Charisma
    Great. Just great
    >Ceremony of Seek Corrupt Fighter
    I'm pretty sure I want to avoid corrupt anything
    >Construction Transformation
    I can transform buildings? Okay, that could be kind of awesome
    >Dreamers' Suns of Sound
    Possibly some kind of attack? I have no idea.
    >Invocation of Seek Innocent Animal
    Just great. Useless, completely useless
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:45 No.13206605

    > Cruel Queen's Curse of Gender-reversal
    It could be useful for getting the more annoyingly talkative characters to shut up for a few minutes.
    > Illusion of Good
    How do I shot false alignment?
    > Soldier's Charisma
    A dwarf fighter needs this badly.
    > Spell of Call Lover
    I can choose who this summons, right?
    > The Pit of Courage
    Can't say no to that either.

    This looks like a reasonably useful set.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:47 No.13206614
    >Dwarven Working of Earth
    I summon a dward to dig me tunnels?
    >Invulnerability Deflection
    I deflect back invulnerability spells?
    >Seduce Imperial Wizards
    Ewwww, just no.
    >The Arrow of Illness
    Maybe they get the plague, maybe the flu.
    >Bone Control
    Oh dang, lets me freely move bones of my target, endless possibilities.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:47 No.13206615
    >Exorcism of Alter Defense

    Okay so I have a hard counter to the spell Alter Defense, that could pretty useful when the baddies decide that no I will have to save using Fort instead of Will. "Hahaha... no."

    >Infernal Invocation of Call Slayer

    When things get dicey I'll summon a Slayer to battle my enemies... probably not a good idea to summon in town though. These things are difficult to control, in fact I'd say it's more akin to guiding than direct control, you point in a direction and everything it sees dies. Don't worry the screaming stops after about a minute.

    >Mystic Spell of Climbing and Lust

    What can I say it was a climb spell with a discount! Sure you'll want to shag like mad for a few minutes after its duration has expired but it can still save your ass if you need to climb up a wall in a hurry.

    >Sacred Spell of Ruby

    No, I will not make us enough gems to buy the town, these things work well in a pinch but they're intended to be used to grant greater control over summoned Slayers and as spell components not to break the economy over our knees. OK yeah I did use it to buy a hooker once... OK maybe twice.

    >Temple of Celestial Sustenance

    Tent? No my friend you're traveling with me now, we shall dine like gods and sleep in extraordinary comfort. It does have the downside of creating a massive temple that can be seen from far away though, but trust me when I say it's worth it. Heaven on earth indeed.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:47 No.13206616
    >Abjuration of Become Haunted Golems
    ....that's more than a little specific. Guess I'd be keeping it as my ace-in-the-hole.
    >Abjuration of Control Humans
    Could be pretty useful, if anyone I know gets taken over.
    >Assault of Air
    Sounds cool. Air can be made pretty sharp, under the right control. Or I could just unleash tornadoes on my foes arses.
    >Distant Sigil of Slay Chameleon
    >Spiritual Rune of the Infamous Monsters
    ...again, what?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:47 No.13206619
    >Slay Lawful Felines
    ''Fuck you cat am breakin' all the rules!''
    >Balls of Gold
    Awesome...just awesome.
    >Barrier of Ether
    ''Ah, devil ether''
    >Slay Crazed Walkers
    ''Out of my way you fucked up ramblers!''
    >The Shiv of Climbers
    ''Taste this William Cecil Slingsby you slag!''
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:49 No.13206632
    >Spiritual Rune of the Infamous Monsters
    The Elder Sign, you nincompoop.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:51 No.13206652
    >Amazons' Cold Webs
    I have found something I hate more then cold and spiderwebs
    >Blinding Deflection
    Everytime I deflect something it blinds everyone.
    >Icy Gushes
    A little like a blizzard but...different
    >The Evil Sorcery of the Crazed Undertakers
    I uh..what?
    >The Glass of Lust
    I summon glass objects that drive people crazy with lust?

    Hmmm, I might do okay, unless I go insane like an undertaker
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:52 No.13206663
    >Berserker's Intelligence
    INT-based debuff
    >Elemental Casting of Transform Ooze
    I can turn jelly into skeleton
    >Hypnotise Breakers
    Stops mind-altering effects
    >Skill Absorbtion
    >Uncountable Curses of Ether
    Also sounds useful.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:52 No.13206670
    I would love to see a scenario to apply these spells to.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:54 No.13206691
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    >Chains of Metal
    Effective battlefield control. A solid start.
    >Conjure Blinding
    Even more!
    >Ethereal Spell of Alter Mud
    ... ok, that one's a little weird, but I'm sure I can make it work.
    >Fine Span of Energy
    >Study Orb of Time
    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:54 No.13206692
    >Blasphemous Health
    I guess an evil healing spell or buff...useful

    >Conjure Mana
    Infinite Mana forever, assuming you get more out than you put in.

    >Deflect Cold
    Useful in specific situations.

    >The Dungeon of Elves
    What is this I don't even....Either it summons a dungeon of elves, or sends them to a dungeon of elves.

    >The Uncountable Deathly Sorceries of History
    I read this as casting every death spell ever, all at once.

    So I send my enemies to a dungeon of elves, then blast them with every death spell ever. Neat
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:55 No.13206708
    >Clever Cats' Divination of Metal
    Could be good in trying to find that horde or treasure room, might just lead us to an armory. Either way it looks like i'm prospecting for gold.
    >Clubs of Blood
    while a good prank, a club made of blood isn't very effective.
    >Evil Glamour of Control Kraken
    Holy shit i sure hope we're at sea, if i can control the fucking karken, FUCKING AWESOME.
    >Spirit Negation
    Some sort of turn undead but for ghost. what about living things spirits, either way alright.
    >The Damned Rite of Sludge
    Always good for slowing or incapacitating an enemy, hopefully its toxic sludge.

    So the way i see it. I'd be best suited for a pirating adventure.
    -divination of metal will be good for finding the treasure chest
    -clubs of blood to spill on some one before they walk the plank (it summons the sharks)
    -I can summon the mother fucking kraken!
    -the flying dutchman, or pirate ghost in the way? no problem. their spirits are negated
    -Ever see what an enemy ship looks like when its decks are covered in sludge? Ever see a cannon fire when all of the powder is mixed up with sludge.

    thought so.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:56 No.13206709
    >Amazon's Chain of Lightning
    I expect this would be my main spell. If that doesn't work, USE MOAR LIGHTNING.
    >Fish's Rite of Terror
    I guess this one would have something to do with Cthulhu.
    >Infernal Divination of Alteration
    Sounds useful for... hell, I don't know.
    >Prismatic Breath of Excellence
    In essence, I spit rainbows and make things awesome. Kind of like Neil Patrick Harris.
    >Snare Cursing
    I would just use this to fuck with the rogue.

    All in all, a fun time.
    "I am Luspen Gallagher, of raimbows and lightnings!"
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:58 No.13206736
    Courageous Beasts' Working of Heat
    Glowing Clouds of Energy
    Humanoid's Shackle of Magic
    The Pit of Compassion
    The Seven Chants of Dust Negation

    Uhm, Is my spell focus a pair of fuzzy handcuffs?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:59 No.13206744
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    >Control Nothing
    I call upon the dark powers of the Void, that space between space, where Nothingness reigns!
    >Corrupt Amazons' Curse of Corruption
    Corruption flows from my corrupt yet strangely hot musclegirl body! Suffer!
    >Exorcism of Seduce Deadly Breakers
    Beware, for my lover is the deadly World Breaker!
    >Gothic Clouds of Energy
    The Void's power grants me the ability to create clouds of gloomy negative energy to drain the life from my foes!
    >Sturdy Crystals of Blood
    I can.. Make.. Blood crystals, which are very sturdy. Presumably they are used as projectiles, barriers, or even means to imprison my foes.

    Not bad at all, no. Evidently I'm pic related or something.

    Oh, what's that, Captcha?
    >Night! Readvism

    Apparently I'm also nocturnal and read a lot.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:59 No.13206746
    Conjuration of Diamond and Happiness
    Glamour of Control
    Instant Grails of Frost
    Sorcery of Kill Infernal Vipers
    The Wonderful Exorcism of the Cunning Lover

    All of my spells appear to be great for a aristocrat. i'm perfectly fine at playing my hand at the political maneuvering required of being at the kings court.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)18:59 No.13206749

    The last dragon plans to take over the world. He plans to do this by shapeshifting into a human pirate captain to assemble a navy, using his charisma and power to seduce the amazon queen for an army, and corrupt angels for an air force (because why not).

    You must travel across the land to stop him because he succeeds, and possibly assemble an army of your own. Ultimately, you'll of course have to fight him yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:00 No.13206760
    >Books of Ultimate Cursing
    Translation error. It creates a portal through which books upon books filled with curses, magical and mundane, come spilling. Great method to distract librarians.
    >Circle of Infernal Fortune
    Think portable hole to the plane of gold pieces. It costs one soul to open it.
    >Glorified Spell of Summon Viper
    This spell has it all. Sound, sight, sore feet. It requires every form of component, and turns them to 11. You have to dance, sing, light fireworks, etc. The viper is lvl 1.
    >Queen's Ceremony of Acid and Insanity
    Learned this from the red queen. Dude, it all makes sense you know.
    >The Fine Ritual of the Unjust Crafter
    This ritual allows you to haggle for the cost of creating a desired item. You can save tons of money with it, which means I don't have to waste so many souls opening the Circle of Infernal Fortune.
    >> Titanium Man 12/18/10(Sat)19:00 No.13206762
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    >I call upon the dark powers of the Void, that space between space, where Nothingness reigns!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:01 No.13206776
    >> Abjuration of Become Insane Wolves
    so i stop insane wolves?
    >>Beast's Calling of Fire
    not bad animals cast fire for me or maybe they just explode in fireballs
    >>Curse of Control Compassionate Goblin
    yeah i got nothing
    >>Lightning Rain
    now that i like each drop is a lightning bolt fuck yeah
    >>Queen's Evocation of Nothing and Ease
    i am guessing I negate reality and do it from my hammock
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:03 No.13206800
    >Circles of Spined Muck
    Sounds like a decent AOE attack spell.

    >Glove Cleansing
    Well, with all that muck those gloves ARE bound to get dirty. Plus, I can make some good money with it.

    >Glowing Storms
    Dramatic entries. Good.

    >Rite of Elf Control
    Hell yes! I have my willing army of Elven Slaves!

    >The Castings of Unspeakable Sapphire
    I don't even...This better be something good that gets usefull at level 20+
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:03 No.13206801

    >Beast's Calling of Fire

    I read that as Breast's Calling of Fire and was temporarily horrified.
    >> WriterWolf !!0ACE4+wqD7A 12/18/10(Sat)19:03 No.13206802
    >Disrupting Curse of the Crazed Angels
    So it summons bat-shit crazy angels to cause chaos? Sweet!
    >Lizard Slaying
    Great. I'll be sure to bring this next time my character needs to go TO A FUCKING DESERT!
    >Rune of Kill Abyssimal Priestesses
    AWESOME! I can kill magic chicks who's magic backfires enough to do the job for me.
    >Screaming Span
    Wha? What is a span, and why is it screaming?
    >Slime Balls
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:04 No.13206815
    Casting of Dragon Control
    >> Ya'll fucked.
    Cursed Invocation of Conjuration
    >> probably not useful.
    Kill Wolves
    >> A minor spell.
    Sigil of Become Perfected Kraken
    >> Ya'll Fucked.
    Sigil of Seduce Arch-angel
    >> Could be useful if I ever meet one of those.

    I'm fine with controlling dragons and becoming a perfected kraken, tyvm.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:04 No.13206821
    >Compassionate Spectres' Incatation of Sanity
    When I was a little boy a spectre found me in his ruins, it asked me why I was crying and I told him the sad ending of my dog wolfie, feeling compassionate and having the same fate happen upon his own dog, the spectre told me an incatation regain my sanity, just incase.
    >Evil Chant of the Sadistic Sea Serpent
    I tell ya, never get drunk in a harbour and decide to go hang with the Sea Serpents, no matter how nice they seem, they are evil and sadistic they love nothing more then to see you suffer as you chant the evil chant.
    >Glamour of Pestilence
    >Nothing Circle
    I have no idea why I bought this spell from that vendor, it does nothing, just a fucking cirle on the ground.
    >The Infinite Foul Hexes of Cruelty
    Upon casting the target has an suddent urge to act like a dickhead, for the rest of his life
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:05 No.13206828
    >Lizard Slaying

    Stop fucking complaining. A dragon is a lizard. Some basilisks are lizards. Giant huge fucking cave monster lizards are lizards. That spell is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:06 No.13206840
    >Become Humanoid
    Shapeshifting, albeit limited to humanoids? Very useful. Could be good for being a spy.
    >Specter Seduction
    Specters.. Love me. Hm. Could be useful, but uncomfortable.
    >The Doomed Curse of the Compassionate Lizard
    I can call upon a horrible curse created by an ancient Lizardman sorcerer for the good of the world. Namely, by dooming someone so hard they stop threatening the good times of everyone else? I'm not sure.
    >The Ninety Hellish Ceremonies of Sadism
    >Writers' Health
    Literary-related healing spell. I could.. Make this work.

    So, I'd be a shapeshifting necrophiliac scholar and likely a master torturer. I'd be an excellent interrogator or spy, that's for sure.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:07 No.13206844

    Congratulations you have unlocked the Sapphire circle of sorcery from Exalted... whether that's a blessing or a curse I'll leave up to you but if nothing else...

    Fuck Yeah Magma Kraken!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:07 No.13206850
    Alter Barbs
    >come at me pit traps
    Dragon Seeking
    >I feel as if this will not get used.....
    Hands of Howling Metal
    >coolface.mpeg u jelly monks?
    Heavenly Warmth
    >lay on hands with immune to natural cold?
    Wanderer's Chimes of Silver
    >Better than copper, worse than gold?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:09 No.13206870
    >Casting of Heat and Excellence
    Apparently, I make shit hot and be fabulous while doing it.

    >Conjurer's Stone Geyser

    >Lords' Divination of Glibness
    Now I know how god got his prophets. Well, if I ever need a bard, or a new bard, or a replacement for the new bard, I will get him.

    >The Fifty Ceremonies of Sludge Transformation
    On the first thought meh, on the second...Transform Sludge into...ANYTHING.

    >The Ninety Hexes of Haunter Summoning
    Does it haunt me, or others? Those "Summon Stuff" spells lack often the "Control Stuff" part.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:10 No.13206876
    >Goblins' Trap of Blood
    Surprise! You're covered in blood now! Which, incidentally, is an excellent conductor for my...
    >Holes of Lightning
    Holes open in the ground, sky, or on the walls, unleashing a barrage of lightning!
    >Hunters' Chaos
    >The Dungeon of Rulers
    I shall deliver thee to a dungeon where have dwellen all the fallen kings that once stood against me.
    >Worldly Chant of the Purple Torches
    And then I will turn all the torches in the world purple.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:11 No.13206889
    > Instant Spans
    If this summons a bridge or something it'll be useful.
    > Miserly Arch-angels' Spell of Scent
    If it's miserly does that mean it lets me smell gold? If so I've got plenty of treasure.
    > Simplicity Deflection
    Errr... it deflects simple things? This is one of those spells I'd cast if I had nothing left.
    > Sorcery of Haunting Transformation
    A polymoprh spell! Into some sort of ghost, no less. This could be very useful.
    > Thunderous Sphere of Flaying
    Sounds like a high level Evocation spell. A painful one at that.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:11 No.13206892
    >Arrows of Lava
    This would be awesome, but probably requires lava/magma to be in range.
    >Sun of Defending
    AC up in sunshine?
    >Become Crafter
    Turns you into a crafter of your level for the duration of one craft.
    >Deflection Deflection
    Deflects deflected spells.
    >Chimes of Bone
    Summons skeletons to the location. As in, they come from everywhere and pilgrimage to the place where this spell was cast last.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:12 No.13206901
    >Chant of Drake Slaying
    Very useful against drakes, quite useful against dragons and kobolds, moderately useful against all lizards. I'll fucking take it.
    >Ghostly Illusion of Water and Corruption
    so, basically, like that one silent hill with all the ice, but instead of ice it's blood or oily disgusting water? I -love- the ability to inflict silent hill on folks.
    >Massive Beam
    well, okay. I guess it does what it says. I'll try not to use this unless I need to, because the dungeon USUALLY collapses.
    >Rite of Dexterity
    fucking rites take like half an hour to perform, and chanting while on one bent knee is HARD, but being an inhumanly fast motherfucker is great in fights. especially combined with the ghostly illusions of corrupted water, I can make MEGASPOOKY for my foes.

    >The Final Working of the Glorified Krakens
    This is the spell that not even I know what it does. It seems to have a different, tremendously dangerous, effect each time I cast it. Only dead kraken gods know how it works.

    I think I'm going to do pretty good. especially against fucking dragons.

    and I'm fucking scared of that krakens spell. it's all HORRORTERROR-y.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:13 No.13206903

    Sapphire Magic...so I'm Jesus now?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:13 No.13206907
    >Invocation of Acid
    I call upon acid to corrode and destroy my foes and their dwellings.
    >Rune of Readiness
    I am ready for anything. COME ON.
    >Spectres' Spikes
    A solid attack spell. Ghostly spikes assail my foes. Block that!
    >The Splendid Evocation of Ether
    I channel the energies of the Ethereal plane and direct it at my foes. Splendidly.
    >Gysers(sic) of Bodily Flesh
    This sounds horrifying.

    So I can create massive geysers of meat and spray acid, ghostly spikes, and ethereal energies everywhere. And I'm ready for ANYTHING.

    I sound more like the BBEG here.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:16 No.13206936
    >Blessed Ritual of Control God
    >Charismatic Eaters' Hex of Preservation
    >Cloud of Deadly Good
    Sure, I'll open with this. Might be fun to watch them squirm.
    >The Future Ceremony of the Monk
    Not sure what this does, don't care.
    >The Infinite Runes of Time Conjuration
    Oh, I get to do it over and over again.

    Hm, looks like overkill. Really, that was pointless, I'm going to try again.

    >Fine Evocation of the Drunken Executioners
    Woo, random killing/maiming. That should take out most of the army.
    >Glowing Hail of Submission
    That's for the navy. Sink those ships.
    >Krakens' Air Storm
    Blow away the air force.
    >The Foul Charm of the Accursed Defender
    Not entirely sure what this is for. Accursed defender sounds like the dragon (once I've gotten this far), foul charm...that could go either way.
    >Triton Seeking
    Well, I guess if I ever fall in a lake or something...
    Overall, I think I'd prefer just to reuse that first one on the dragon himself, or hope he's on the ship when I unleash the second.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:16 No.13206937
    >Gauntlets of Slime
    This is a great spell against brawlers/grapplers. Puts a penalty on grapple check of target.
    >Infinite Workings of Ether
    No fucking clue.
    >Rune of Desire
    No clue. Something to do with sex no doubt. Never worked for me.
    >Slay Feline
    Self-explanatory. Was very useful when I was still a lvl 1 commoner.
    >The Lost Casting of the Heavenly Goblins
    I lost it. That's for sure.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:17 No.13206944
    >Envenomed Tiaras of Sapphire
    I can make valuable tiaras that are actually horribly poisonous and kill whoever wears them. Possibly useful.
    >Envenomed Web of Strength
    I engulf the enemy in an incredibly strong and resilient web that also poisons them. Nasty but effective.
    >Glamour of Magic and Honor
    I seem very magical and honorable. Probably good for impressing people; social-fu go!
    >Past Flaying
    "I flayed you thirty-five minutes ago."
    >Returners' Platinum Zone
    I summon.. Something from the Pseudo-Elemental Plane of Platinum. Or I send someone there, but they are fated to return one day. Either way, possibly not something I would use often.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:18 No.13206956
    Flesh geyser / ghost blades / ether bolts / ACID EVERYWHERE guy here. We should team up to be the most horrifying duo ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:20 No.13206985
    >Auras of Infernal Nothing
    I assume this just makes everyone around me feel uneasy
    >Ceremony of Kill Happy Beater
    Why does it have to be a cermony? Oh well, fuck you, happiness.
    >Divinities' Chains of Silver
    Free chains. Awesome
    >Elven Exorcism of the Screaming Goblets
    No elves for me. Fuck yes.
    Incatation of Summon Good Wizard
    I can summon a decent wizard. Fuck yeah!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:22 No.13206999
    >Gothic Shield of Lifedraining
    >Immovable Chains of Bronze
    >The Hexes of Ethereal Mana
    >The One Hundred Sorceries of the Screaming Holes
    >Forbidden Ceremony of the Sadistic Masters

    >Forbidden Ceremony of the Sadistic Masters

    Make three of us.
    >> Lego Quest !rtcFUbR5dY 12/18/10(Sat)19:23 No.13207005
         File1292718202.jpg-(108 KB, 800x600, advance to beatdown.jpg)
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    Electrical Beams
    Sigil of Kill Studious Triton
    The Forty Mystic Divinations of Candles
    The Sixty Conjurations of the Green Idol
    The Sixty Witcheries of Ice Alteration

    I might have to use some of these in Apprentice Quest...
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:25 No.13207024
    >Crazed Fletcher's Calling of Strangulation
    I don't know, maybe this summons an arrowmaker who strangles my foes?
    >Deadly Sorcery of the Animated Grails
    A grrrail, you say?
    >Good Arrows
    Well, it beats having shitty arrows.
    >Queens' Sigil of Voidness
    I can use this to make queens disappear? I guess that could be useful.
    >Thieving Deflection
    Deflects thieves. Finally something useful, damn.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:26 No.13207026
    Ceremony of Accuracy
    >Sweet buff for friends and me!

    Crazed Dancer's Spell of Charisma
    >I am a hit at every party. Watch me breakdance!

    Shooting Webs
    >Anyone tries to stop me, I tangle them up! Also useful for tying up lovers.

    The Staff of Lust
    >I am all about this.

    Worth Conjuration
    >I make money! I make gems! I find awesome people!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:26 No.13207029
    >Arrow of Silver
    Turns a silver piece into a silver arrow, optionally fires it as if fired from a longbow.
    >Caring Consumers' Spell of Guarding
    This is the Spell of Guarding as sold by Caring Consumers. It guards whatever you want.
    >Curse of Control Insect
    This spell does not end, and you'll go insane if you don't keep controlling the insects you cast this spell on. The second usage of this spell is to instantly teach it to a target.
    >Divinities' Glamour of Absorbtion
    It's FABULOUS RAINBOWS that absorb magic in the vicinity.
    >Sorcery of Nondetection
    It detects the presence of nothing. SO FUCK YOU ALL WITH YOUR NOTHINGNESS SPELLS, I'm on to you fuckers.
    >> WriterWolf !!0ACE4+wqD7A 12/18/10(Sat)19:27 No.13207035
    Meh, re-rolling...

    >Goddess's Lust
    Heh heh heh... Let's see those how chaste those nuns are when there as horny as Aphrodite.
    >Sacred Casting of Seduce Drake
    I don't think a drake is going to care how chaste I am when it is as horny as Aphrodite.
    >The Imperial Curse of Air
    Finally, I have learned the curse that the empire used to poison the air of my village. Those Imperial bastards will know EXACTLY what hit them, and it'll be to late.
    >The One Hundred Workings of Traveler Slaying
    >Transform Heat
    Wha? So, can I make it cold then?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:30 No.13207064
    >Abjuration of Become Cunning Amazon
    As cunning as a fox who got its Ph.D. in Cunning at Oxford University?

    >Breaker's Chant of Evasion
    It goes "dun dundundun dun dun, can't touch this"

    >Shrines of Deadly Fire
    Sweet, AoE.

    >Snake's Ice Orbs
    And there's the direct damage

    >White Webs of Magic
    And crowd control too. Excellent!

    So I'm an amazon mage MC Hammer-sliding across the battlefield and blasting everyone. Oorah.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:30 No.13207066
    >Disrupting Spirit Hail
    "oy ghosty, come here!"
    >Force Control
    "these aren't the droids you're looking for"
    >Glasses of Hellish Evocation
    >Negate Death
    >The Crown of Hatefulness
    i guess i am an evil overlord now
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:33 No.13207079
    >Black Lance of Subtlety
    Solid main attack. It's so subtle that the target's targetted defence suffers a penalty.
    >Dungeons of Haunted Flesh
    Turns dungeon walls, floors and ceilings into flesh.
    >The Greater Divination of the Sadistic Conjurers
    No comment.
    >The Torch of Artists
    Light source. Grants the perfect lighting for a piece of art. Which sometimes means it's casting light from behind the BBEG.
    >Wondrous Evocation of the Benevolent Dreamers
    Too much words in this to make sense.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:33 No.13207082
    >Assailing Negation
    I'll drain every drop of life from you. Either a Save or Die or Negative Levels, either way, not something I'd want to be on the receiving end of.
    >Drake Seeking
    Any dragon, drake or kin of them is a paltry task to track. Could come in handy if I need to seek the patronage of a friendly dragon, or end the existence of a hostile one.
    >Heat Wall
    Worse than fire - just heat. Ever walked into a block of superheated air? Yeah, no idea it's even coming and you die.
    >Seers' Time Span
    This is the big one, yo. The past and future are as apparent to me as open books.
    >The Infinite Workings of Barbarian Slaying
    Handy if I need an infinite number of ways to slay a barbarian, but this is pretty much the lame kid of the set.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:34 No.13207092
    >Benevolent King's Ritual of Ruthlessness
    Quite why a benevolent king would need one i do not know
    >Blue Cloud of Lightning
    >Lightning Absorbtion
    No friendly fire!
    >The Two Celestial Exorcisms of Mud
    epic cleaner
    >Walkers' Cunning
    "don't go to the lake district"?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:37 No.13207124
    >Curse of Control Haunts
    Uhh... what? A curse that allows me to take over people that are being haunted? This has such a narrow application. I mean, when I do get to use it, it'll be pretty fuckin' cool, but a daily staple it is not.

    >Deathly Ceremony of Transform Air
    Oh fuck off. A ceremony that kills me but will transform the air. Great, just what I always wanted. Maybe if I wanted to be a martyr at the end of my mission and turn the air into food for orphans who then have no air to breathe and die but eat themselves to joy in the minute and a half without oxygen they have. Fuck. I sense failure on my quest.

    >Exceptional Hail of Crystal
    Hey, not bad for once. Maybe I can just spam crystal hail on fucking everything that moves.

    >Marvelous Conjuration of Absorbs Metal
    Absorbing metal is pretty cool but a conjuration? Err...

    >Massive Torc of Ooze
    What the fuck was I thinking in wizard school. How is creating a gigantic slime necklace going to help me? Maybe I find that single /tg/iant with an ooze-fetish and he masturbates himself to death.

    Fairly sure my adventure is a disaster or a one way highway to fetish fuel.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:38 No.13207132

    >Control Muck
    Let's me control, well, muck. Not readily useful, but it could probably be used to my advantage at some point.
    >Flesh Deflection
    Could be a useful spell. Any living creature is repelled from a certain radius around you. Hopefully the entire creature, and not just its flesh. Maybe.
    >Sigil of Hatefulness
    Anyone who gazes upon this sigil filled with rage and must attempt to kill the nearest living creature in any way it can.
    >The Foul Sorcery of the Aquatic Seeker
    >The Uncountable Sorceries of Cat Seduction
    So many ways to seduce cats. So, many, ways.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:39 No.13207136
    Charm of Summon Divine Triton

    >Sweet, nothing like some heavy support!

    Eternal Law

    >Geas is cool... Why not?

    Kingly Webs of Magma

    >And for my own heavy attack/ crowd control!

    Snake Killing

    >Now it never has to be snakes

    The Deadly Rune of the Fortuitous Lover

    >Kills rival suitors... I'm set for life!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:42 No.13207168
    Evocation of Elimination
    >Sounds like an insta-kill sort of spell. Useful.
    Flame Absorbtion
    >Dragon's fire breath? Nope.
    The Gauntlet of Precision
    >Useful for picking locks, firing bows, etc.
    Warning Control
    >Hey, hey! Watch out there.
    Wyrm Slaying
    >Dragons? Nope.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:42 No.13207169
    >Feline Seeking
    First, cast Feline Seeking. Locate Catgirl.
    >The Vestment of Blending
    Then, Vestment of blending, to make my clothes chameleon-shift.
    >Sounding Deflection
    Got to keep myself inaudible too.
    >Saintly Thieving
    Ability to steal without fucking up my alignment...
    >Ceremony of Barbarism
    And then a little 'barbarism' with the unsuspecting feline.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:43 No.13207178
    All of them of course. Specifically, all four. So what's the fourth you should ask.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:43 No.13207180
    >Seduce Generous Gnome

    Oh... oh god.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:45 No.13207209
    >Absorbs Hope
    Your hope, give it to me.

    >Holy Exorcism of the Generous Priests
    I will exorcise the shit out of your generous priests.

    >Shooting Beams
    Fuck yes, beams. PEW PEW PEW.

    >Storm of Platinum
    Painful and profitable!

    >Water Beams
    More beams? FUCK YES, I am the Beamwizard.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:46 No.13207215
    >Otherworldly Idol of Mud
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:47 No.13207218
         File1292719623.jpg-(218 KB, 547x624, goo dress.jpg)
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    >Charismatic Amazon's Illusion of Ooze
    Ohh hell yes. I can work with a hot -4 str ooze women illusion. If nothing else, I'll kick people in the balls from behind while their starring
    >Ritual of Ruthlessness
    This doesn't sound like something a friend of justice would use. So I won't.
    >The Forty Incatations of the Envenomed Blade
    Seriously now? Can we stop giving me evil things? I'm trying to be good.
    >The Sixty Rituals of the Fiery Rations
    Aww yeah. I'm pretty sure I just learned 60 different spicy recipes. Time to be a combat chef of some sort.
    >Unknowable Chant of the Wise Monks
    So I'm a combat monk at one with the ways of spicy food and assisted by an army of amazonian goo girl illusions.

    Fuck this adventure, this adventure is easy mode. I'm going for all the adventures!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:48 No.13207245
    >Call Monsters
    Hey, this'll be pretty cool. Monsters work for me!

    >Control Metal
    Well, non-caster classes can suck my dick!

    >Past Time Arrow
    Holy shit I can fire arrows back in time, or hit people with arrows that send them back in time.

    >Pits of Minor Sapphire
    I suppose I could farm these pits of sapphires to fund my adventure.

    >The Seven Unspeakable Conjurations of Dungeons
    Oh... I... I'm the BBEG. Well, that was a tweest. I conjure dungeons, fill them with monsters, farm my sapphire mines and use a mix of Magneto-like metal control and TIME ARROWS.

    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:48 No.13207249

    All gnomes are greedy bastards. Therefore, your spell does nothing.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:49 No.13207252
    Dude, there are so many muck spells in this thread you could totally own those who use those spells.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:49 No.13207253
    >Blades of Chaotic Heat

    Sure, the temperature fluctuates, but they usually do some amount of damage.

    >Finders' Abjuration of Mana and Benevolence

    Lost in a city or on the road? Now you know who is most likely to help you in a meaningful way.

    >The Moon of Generosity

    No idea what that means, so I´m going to assume its a metaphor for Dat Ass and call it my favorite spell.

    >Walker's Excellence

    Can´t catch me, bitches. And I don´t even have to break into a run...

    >Wise Amazons' Hex of Platinum

    Turns people I don´t like into a platinum statue of an Amazon. Weapon, income generator, and decorator all in one.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:51 No.13207285
    Blades of Fine Lightning
    >Aww Yeah.
    Ceremony of Summon Hellish Chameleons
    >A swarm of fiendish lizards? I'm okay with that.
    Chant of Deflect Books
    >You're libraries, get them away from me.
    Conjuration of Summon Vicious Killer
    Phantasmal Killer? Sure.
    The Uncountable Future Evocations of Bronze
    >That's like counterfeiting pennies. Oh well. Can't win them all.
    >> WriterWolf !!0ACE4+wqD7A 12/18/10(Sat)19:54 No.13207308
    >Calling of Mud and Choking
    Flood of MUUUUUUUUD!
    >Clubs of Lightning
    >Electrical Zones
    >Sly Angel's Divination of Alertness
    OOOH, now I can see the world as well as Satan
    >Undead's Abjuration of Viciousness
    Yey. I can get that Lich I'm hunting even more blood-thirsty. Nothing could go wrong with that.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:54 No.13207312
         File1292720098.jpg-(50 KB, 358x523, Great_Gatsby_180000.jpg)
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    >Greed Negation
    Sounds like a good way to deal with self-interested enemies, especially CE/NE/CN dudes

    >The One Thousand Witcheries of the Gothic Tomes
    Well, considering I have one thousand witcheries wrapped up in one spell, I'd call this a winner.

    >The Torc of Dragons
    I'm imagining that this one gives me a necklace of luminous dragons, perhaps it gives me some sort of fighter buff.

    >The Two Sacred Spells of Shivs
    Sacred spells of shivs? Prison zombies, look the fuck out.

    >Transform Ether
    The ether is everywhere, so I consider this far too useful. Unless it transforms the anaesthetic, then it's only useful in a hospital.

    Pic: 1st google image result for "Gothic Tomes"
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:56 No.13207325
    More muck-related spells on the way for me:
    Hand of Mud
    Sorcery of Alter Thought
    >Mind control, etc.
    The Chaotic Divination of the Golems
    >An unreliable spell that tells me about golems.
    The Glove of Stranglers
    >Cursed item, causes the wearer to attempt to strangle the nearest living being.
    The One Thousand Sigils of Sludge Transformation
    >Ultimate Sludge Mastery!
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)19:56 No.13207339
    >Glove of Elven Venom
    In this setting elves are somewhat venomous. This lets me poison targets on touch.
    >Incantation of Venom and Blending
    Not sure what this does.
    >Past Divination of Transform Muck
    Hey, all of you who have muck attacks, I can just divinely transform said muck into more painful/useful things from the past. Just call me when you need the transformation to occur.
    >The Four Incantations of Magma Alteration
    I can alter magma in 4 ways. Specifically, warmer, colder, thinner and denser. So I won't have to worry about falling into a volcano or something.
    >Villainous Chant of Invisibility and Family
    This song makes me and company invisible.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)20:01 No.13207391
    >Blasphemous Alertness
    They call it blasphemous because of the vocal components used in this spell. It keeps you alert even when you sleep though.
    >Dwarven Casting of the Infamous Drake
    This instantly casts a statue of the drake that's infamous in the area.
    >Foul Disruption
    Disrupts another caster's spells of course.
    >Nothing Bolts
    Turns bolts to nothing, subtle trickery in the name.
    >The Infinite Divinations of Energy Transformation
    Self-explanatory I would say.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)20:02 No.13207399
    Defender's Balance
    >Throws off your enemies balance, Iguess.
    Endless Incatation of Seek Sinner
    >Similar to detect evil, but it never ends. You can see every single sin that everyone has committed, forever.
    Forbidden Spell of Control Acid
    >Making drugs, sellin' drugs
    The Ancient Curse of the Evil Dwarves
    >Probably kills giants, probably.
    The One Hundred Charms of Lightning Transformation
    >Makin' stuff out of lightning, killin' things with lightning.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)20:04 No.13207423
    >Nothing Bolts
    Or maybe it makes thing unable to flee from combat.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)20:04 No.13207425
    Giants are probably defined as all medium-sized creatures and up.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)20:06 No.13207436
    Damn, that's a nice look at it. Thanks, that's actually a useful spell in some games I've played. Freaking mooks running away before we farm their XP, I mean prevent them from killing the hostage.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)23:22 No.13209736
    >Caring Annihilators' Sigil of Sound
    I have no idea. "sigils of sound" almost sounds like an alphabet or language of some type -- but who is this "caring annihilator"? I'm hoping he either has an epic-level spellbook, or a bunch of plot-relevant secrets written in his diary.
    >Detect Idols
    Simple enough, have no idea what use it could be.
    >Sorcery of Summon Insect
    >The One Thousand Chants of Specter Slaying
    Who you gonna call? Instant ghastly destruction in 1000 different flavors.
    >Trap of Lawful Opening
    No officer, that wasn't breaking and entering.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)23:48 No.13210005
         File1292734108.jpg-(263 KB, 800x1052, world history.jpg)
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    > The Book of History
    > Minor Coins of Slime
    Slimy pennies? What the fuck am I gonna do with slimy pennies?
    > Sapphire Zone
    Wasn't this a Sonic level?
    > Constructors' Courage
    > The Hole of Intoxication
    i.e., Create Vagina
    >> Anonymous 12/18/10(Sat)23:57 No.13210119
    >>Calling of Silver and Compassion
    >>Ornate Chambers of Time
    >>Priests' Cowardice
    >>Purify Temples
    >>Thought Negation

    Apparently, I'm staging a cunning takeover of a powerful church from the inside, using a series of political gambits, money laundering, time-manipulation, and fomenting religious schism...

    ...then making sure nobody remembers it was me who started it.

    I win.
    >> Urist 12/19/10(Sun)00:02 No.13210166
    >Blue Circles of Sustenance
    >Cat Killing
    >King's Vestment of Voidness
    >One Thousand Chants of Force
    >Sacred Rune of the Compassionate Dwarves

    Clearly I will know only success on my mission of diplomacy in the dwarven kingdoms.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)00:05 No.13210202
    rolled 60 = 60

    There are some who call me...Tim

    Call Goblins
    >free minions
    Compassionate Spectres' Working of Revealing
    >trap finders (when above is not available)
    Destroyers' Force Blast
    >does it need a description
    Lost Rite of Summon Wolf
    >I summon a wolf god. Suck it Trebek
    Time Shield
    >Try hitting me...tomorrow!
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)00:05 No.13210203
    >Animated Bolts of Spirit
    Cool, I guess I've got sentient magic missiles.

    >Blast of Chaotic Metal
    Fuck your armor and weapons, unless I accidentally adamantine.

    >Books of Minor Silver
    "For every hour I chant, I make one silver piece." "That's not that great" "Yeah, but it means I'll never starve."

    >Mystic Sorcery of The Golden Helms
    I summon three giant golden helmets, place one over a monster, and move them around. IF his allies guess the right one, he's fine.

    >The Glove of Krakens
    BOOM! I now summon and command Krakens.

    I hope we're on an aquatic adventure. If not, it's going to blow the party's mind when we finally get to the ocean.
    >> Paradox !!0HfFBwN///o 12/19/10(Sun)00:06 No.13210212
         File1292735162.jpg-(24 KB, 250x190, 1290748338422.jpg)
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    >Benevolent Nomads' Ritual of Viciousness
    Perhaps some sort of buff? Slap it on the parties barbarian and see what happens, I guess.

    >Dwarven Nets of Sound
    If this is an actual net, this could be a useful snare I guess.

    >Purple Zone

    >The Infinite Runes of the Massive Gauntlet
    So I... what? Do I summon a massive gauntlet, or just have the ability to inscribe as many runes as I want onto some massive gauntlet? The latter seems completely useless, unless theres some sort of giant in the party.

    >Wanderers' Curse of Everburning and Corruption
    Oh fuck yes, THIS I can work with.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)00:10 No.13210263
    >Chant of Purify Doors
    If it removes magical traps, it could be useful... Doors are often trapped.

    >Clear Chain of Metal
    This could be handy if used right. I assume it creates an invisible metal chain, which may have some pretty cool potential applications.

    >Crazed Krakens' Sorcery of Frost
    Some kind of ice spell? Could be useful as an offensive spell, or even to get me out of a pinch by slowing the enemy

    >Glorious Light Rain
    I summon a shower of light rain. It's like I'm really in England.

    >Witchery of Ghost Control
    Sure hope there are ghosts around, or this could be pretty useless. Otherwise, I imagine it'll help me out quite a bit.

    Overall, I'd say it's a decent utility loadout. It has it's glaring weaknesses, like enemies which are immune to cold and ice, but overall, I could work with this,
    >> ⊗ 12/19/10(Sun)00:14 No.13210310
    >Dragons' Radiance
    Cast almost perpetually. Charisma is always nice to have, and with a spell of this caliber... well, enough said. Only the great Trogdor itself has majesty equal to mine.
    >Endless Illusion of Puncturing
    Why kill someone when you can send them into a full tactical illusion of them being slowly pierced over... and over... and over again?
    >Net of Bronze
    One of my earlier spells, but still extremely useful.
    >Star of Lost Enchantment
    More a curiosity than anything else, but the ability to take a disenchanted item and tell what magics it once held could be useful at some point. Possibly.
    >The Four Monstrous Charms of Lanterns
    The Charms of Fear, Greed, Rage, and Death. Terrible, terrible things. I use them whenever possible. Especially Fear. That's fucking HILARIOUS.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)00:16 No.13210329
    >Bears' Disks of Mud
    Fuck yeah, attack spells! Eat bear discs, assholes!
    >Hex of Control
    Don't mind me, just mind-controlling my harem of beautiful women.
    >The Aquatic Charm of Cold
    Eat freezing water, assholes!
    >The Divinations of Lawful Gold
    Fuck yeah, I'm gonna be making me some money on the stock market now!
    >The Fifty Royal Sigils of Cleverness
    Make me even smarter? Sign me up!
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)00:19 No.13210343
    >Crafter's Evocation of Divination
    err... I can evoke divination if I'm a craftsman? Good thing I have ranks in craft: gemstones...
    >Exorcism of Mud and Glibness
    useless garbage.
    >The One Thousand Castings of Metal Transformation
    I can transmute a thousand metal objects at once. Sweet.
    >The Three Demonic Sigils of Bronze
    what do the sigils DO? useless unless I can figure it out beforehand.
    >The Uncountable Conjurations of the Golden Knives
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)00:25 No.13210405
    >Deflection Negation
    Fuck your shit, I'm hitting you. Useful against a wide variety of foes.
    >Flame Ring
    Omnidirectional shockwaves of pure flame are always useful.
    >The Mace of Corruption
    A powerful melee weapon conjured from nothingness with the power to dissolve and corrode anything it hits.
    >The One Hundred Chants of the Adamantine Portal
    A hundred differnet ways to summon Wolverine. Nice.
    >Alteration of Magma

    All in all, a pretty strong spell set. Ready to take on anybody.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)00:28 No.13210434
    >Exorcism of Mud and Glibness
    >useless garbage

    But, MUUUUD.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)00:33 No.13210488
    >Dragon's Grail of Ether

    Little to vague, what does it do?

    >Purify Torcs

    Ooookay, maybe I could find some incredibly niche mundane use for it.

    >Unholy Incatation of Deflection

    Hell yeah, finally something useful. Shielding spells are always nice.

    >Wonderful Rune of Control Ice

    Cryomancer with barriers? Seems fine to me.

    >Wyrm Slaying

    Most straightforward spell name ever. It kills dragons. What else do you want from a spell? Clean jewellry? Oh wait, I got that one covered too.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)00:38 No.13210544
    >Berserker Killing

    it seems the generator hates berserkers

    >Defile Holes

    Using a spell for it would be redundant.

    >Mystic Calling of the Icy Gauntlets

    So, I could simply call a pair of icy cold gauntlets whenever I want? I could use them as beer coolers maybe.

    >The Candle of Silver

    Ummmm, maybe helpful if I ever run out of torches.

    >The One Thousand Monstrous Abjurations of Water

    It takes one thousand monstrous abjurations to summon some water?

    So, I'm a summoner with useless spells who is only adept at kiling berserkers.
    >> BERNIE 12/19/10(Sun)00:45 No.13210625
    >Calling of Kill Thinkers
    In the most literal sense, or philosophers only? Ridiculously good if the first, kinda neat if the second.
    >Hail of Blessed Worth
    "hail" as in "hello" or "hail" as in "falling clumps of ice"?
    >Incatation of Seek Sadistic Traitor
    The sadistic traitors are always the worst. This will be very helpful
    >The Two Ceremonies of Magma Absorbtion
    >Vestments of Heavenly Venom
    Can't touch this, you'll get poisoned.

    Overall, I am the greatest wizard alive.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)00:47 No.13210654
    >Adamantine Assaults of Silver
    Adamantine swords brutalize my enemies and count as silver? Awesome. Good damage spell
    >Illusion of Sanity
    Ultimate save or suck? Cool.
    >The Five Exorcisms of the Embossed Portal
    Banhammer in portal form? Cool
    >The Four Glamours of Traveller Control
    Change targeted location of travel spells? Awesome.
    >Wonderful Deflection
    Awesome. A good shield spell gives me a nice varried spell list.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)00:49 No.13210682
    >Angel Control
    This seems useful if I find one.
    >Chain of Slime and Blocking
    So it protects me and makes them all icky?
    >Ritual of Perfection Alteration
    So I make perfect things imperfect, doesn't seem too useful.
    >Spectral Sorcery of Deflect Lightning
    This seems kinda cool.
    >Ultimate Calling of Become Bear
    Hell yeah, I just hit the jackpot, a bear shooting chains of slime.
    >> Merrow 12/19/10(Sun)00:50 No.13210687
    >Assassin's Sadism
    Someone becomes sadistic as an Assassin. If this causes a temp class change, awesome. Useful for making a paladin fall I guess.
    >Cloaks of Nothing
    Either an invisibility spell or I cover people with nothingness. Either way useful.
    >Deadly Blood Assault
    Sounds awesome, especially if it doesn't need to be my blood.
    >Hex of Deflection
    Sounds cool as well, deflect spells or arrows.
    >Hex of Frost
    Ice damage spell.

    All in all I got some good ones.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)00:53 No.13210732
    >Create Ladders
    There is no building I can't get on top of. Not useful.
    >Doomed Curse of Everburning and Hatefulness
    I make someone hate things forever? Seems pretty cool.
    >Ice Rain
    I guess this depends on the intensity, drizzle makes it an annoyance, stronger and we are having a party.
    >Leader's History
    If you are the leader of my party there is nothing you can hid from me!
    >Titan Hypnotism
    I make big guys sleep......okay?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)00:54 No.13210741
    >Defile Holes
    You are the rape wizard
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)00:56 No.13210759
    > The Illusions of Lost Air
    So I can make people THINK they have no air? Well, I suppose it has its uses...

    >The Perfected Casting of Frost
    I guess this is a really good ice spell.

    >The Fifty Castings of Feline Control
    Err... Well controling cats is good, but I'm not sure I like the 'filthy' part

    >Saintly Calling of Seduce Nomad
    I not quite sure of the exact mechanics here, but I guess I can get all the nomad tail I want.

    >Venom Balls
    Ranged poison attack, fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)00:58 No.13210781

    The FIFTY castings, FIFTY! Five zero! 50!
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)01:00 No.13210818
    >Auras of Deathly Energy
    Guess I'm taking the evil route!
    >Cloak of Spiritual Heat
    Seems solid in terms of general survival.
    >Fields of Fire
    A bit of AOE, pretty nice
    >Mystical Force Arrows
    Ranged offense too. I think this adventure is going to go well. Let's just see what this last one is...
    >The Gem of Hunger
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)01:04 No.13210875
    >Conjure Time
    I could not be more happy at the moment.
    >Deathly Carnage
    I stand corrected, it seems like shit is gonna hit the fan when I walk in.
    >Great Orbs of Mana
    This seems pretty cool actually.
    >The Forty Rituals of Haunter Control
    I have no idea how I would ever use this.
    >The Ninety Charms of the Runed Blades
    I don't even know about this one.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)01:06 No.13210899
    > Glorified Ceremony of Acid and Health
    I cant even get my head around this one. Does acid damage, then heals?
    Actually, if I've learned anything from that goblin comic, it's torture is always a viable option, all the time.
    > Ruby Conjuration
    Damn. Now we're making some money. I'll buy that Vorpal sword you got there.
    > Vorpal Net
    OH OK THEN, never mind.
    > The One Hundred Hexes of Spirit Deflection
    I dont think we need that many hexes, maybe one ward will do. But hey, when you absolutely have to get that job done.
    > Wyrm Slaying
    Well, thats pretty straightforward.

    I think I'm going to be alright. Well, assuming the primary enemy's are Wyrms.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)01:09 No.13210932
    >Casting of Become Canines
    Disguises aren't so bad. Could be useful.
    >Dire Robe of Stone
    Aw hell yes. I got a magic item, motherfuckers! And it' all SPIKES and DAMAGE REDUCTION!
    >Envenom Dungeons
    Problem, DM?
    >Good Bone Spheres
    So I guess I'm some kind of good necrom--
    >The Villainous Sorcery of the Ghost
    ...Neutral necromancer.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)01:10 No.13210951
    >>The Forty Rituals of Haunter Control
    You are the pokemon master, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)01:16 No.13211015
    >Hex of Kill Worldly Monks
    Not exactly useful, it doesn't seem to even work exclusively on monks they have to be 'worldly'
    >Kill Bears
    The darkest of the dark magic, a spell capable of killing my mortal enemies the bears.
    >The Ancient Ritual of the Dire Rulers
    I suppose it could come in handy, since the rulers are dire I suppose I could use them as a bridge or if I need to measure something especially huge.
    >Transmute Swords
    Useful when fighting enemies armed with swords (the traitors who have joined the bearmy) allowing me to transmute their swords into things like lava.
    >Wonderful Glasses of Cold
    Useful to keep drinks cold and freeze things if necessary...yup I'm fucked.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)01:24 No.13211109
    >Fields of Thundering Flesh
    If I'm not a necromancer, I can at least make people think I am. Maybe I can get the flesh-eating whatevers to chow down on this instead of me.

    >Magma Orb

    Sweet. It's like a Fireball, but easier to control and able to melt through way more stuff. Plus, I can turn any village I dislike into my own little Vietnam.

    >Priestess's Drunkenness
    Definitely feeling the evil here. When it's not enough to defile the temple, defile the priestess!

    >Sorcery of Innocence
    Defile a priestess? Who, me?

    >The Witcheries of Disrupting Air
    I dealt it.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)04:28 No.13212992
    Oh my god. I haven't laughed this loud and long over a single word in years. You sir, are a gentleman scholar. Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)04:35 No.13213056
    >Conjure Light
    This is always useful in any dungeon. And much easier to blind the BBEG like this.
    >Lawful Illusion of Wind and Caring
    I can make people think they are loved.
    >The Bone of Venom
    All skeletons are now poisonous!
    >The One Hundred Sorceries of Time Transformation
    Time to space, time to Wednesday, time to hammers, you know the deal. There's some weird ones in here though.
    >Vicious Stranglers' Charm of Cunning
    Charms are always nice.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)04:45 No.13213142
    Holy fuck, my spells are awesomely stupid. I love OP for posting this. Also Monstrous Divination of Warmth and Lust.
    >>Become Charismatic Fletchers
    Does what it says on the tin.If successful, transforms target cluster of humanoids into an arrow-makers with high charisma scores. Could be very useful, as said fletchers might be less hostile than their source, or even provide arrows to my party.
    >>Deflect Cloaks
    Almost entirely useless. If someone attempted to throw a cloak in order to obscure the vision of my caster, I could deflect it. If someone was wearing a cloak loosely enough and standing close enough to me, I could remove that cloak.
    >>Eternal Shocking
    Attempt to afflict target with some sort of magical nerve dysfunction which would cause a permanent sensation of electric shock. Would be at first debilitating, but they would quickly become used to it enough to continue functioning, albeit uncomfortably. Totally a dick move.
    >>Hail of Ooze
    hard pellets are rained upon the target which soften into ooze shortly after impact. Distracting and painful, then sticky.
    >>The Nine Sigils of Ruler Summoning
    A lengthy and difficult ritual which attempts to summon a being fit to rule. Hopefully it's not a devil or a king or duke that would be upset at their abduction. Good luck getting them a throne if that is your intention. Could be useful for extorting hostage money.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)04:46 No.13213147
    LET'S GO

    >Barriers of Magic
    Pretty straightforward. A wall made of noneshallpass.

    >Cursed Glamour of Tactics and Compassion
    A subtle, yet powerful spell. The enemy general becomes FABULOUS, and so his ability to give orders is disrupted due to 50 bitches hanging off of him. It can also cause significant morale damage behind the lines, as prominent figures of state engaged in charity are suddenly found in an impromptu orgy.

    >Glorious Evocation of the Angry Divinity
    Never bring a knife to a gunfight. Bring a god instead.

    >Haunted Ritual of the Electrical Door
    Another simple spell.

    >The Three Incatations of the Adamantine Ration
    Delicious adamantine waffles.

    The plan: Secure a location with my electrified doors and barriers of magic, disrupt my enemies with the cursed glamour, and then summon delicious waffles. If anyones tries to give me shit because of it - glorious evocation, bitches.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)04:59 No.13213261
    I really feel like some of these work better as items, example are those Deflect Cloaks in quoted post.

    >Angels' Mana Disk
    Simple single-target attack. Deals a mix of Holy/Radiant and Magical damage.
    >Fine Glamour of Magma
    >Nets of Massive Acid
    If you get caught in one of these you'll suffer from some Massive Acid damage. Handle checks are difficult though, unless the wielder wants to suffer Massive Acid damage as well.
    >Spectral Fields of Lightning
    Speaks for itself. Creates several fields that zap anyone that gets too close.
    >Triton's Virtue
    What it says on the tin... or shell. It's a pretty blue.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:00 No.13213270
    >Blue Breath of Good
    A nice breath attack for fighting evil-dooers. Not sure what benefit it being blue could bring though.
    >Bronze Span
    Depending on how it works, it could be very useful for getting across rivers or chasms if it forms a bridge to span the distance. Less effective if it only changes pre-existing bronze.
    >Elven Ritual of Flying
    Flight is always useful, but the "elven ritual" makes me wary.
    >Endless Rune of the Wise Fletcher
    Improves arrows? Gives them a WIS bonus? Suppose it has some use on foes I can't breath attack away.
    >Transmute Gauntlets
    Transmuting into gauntlets? Rather useless. Transmuting gauntlets into something else, however, has much more potential for shenanigans.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:06 No.13213314
    >Assault of Diamond
    Ok, sounds like a weapon buff, could be useful. Otherwise it summons and attacks people with diamonds, which is also good.

    >Exalted Divination of Dreaming and Hunger
    I guess for fact finding or something.

    >Helms of Ruby
    Probably a defensive buff version of Assault of Diamond.

    >The Book of Queens
    Hurrah for identifying royalty.

    >The Spectral Spell of the Abyssimal Gnomes
    No idea, but sounds awesome, so that's going to be the Go To spell.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:08 No.13213326
    >Arrows of Spiritual Holding
    This is my default spell. Quite straight-forward, it shoots at a target and holds them in place.
    >Bolt of Sapphire
    Strong water spell.
    >Glorified Sorcery of Energy and Serenity
    Basically a short rest in spell form.
    >Minor Gysers of Nothing
    Purely for distraction purposes. It just looks weird.
    >The Axe of Finders
    This axe is my greatest treasure. It makes those lousy fetch-quest-givers think twice before sending me to buy some yeast.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:12 No.13213357
    >Chant of Dexterity
    >Clubs of Ancestral Flame
    >Conjure Heroism
    >Courageous Cats' Evocation of Force
    >Cunning Wyrms' Evocation of Flame
    I'm a dex-buffing bard, maker of heroes, evoker of force and flame.

    When I'm out of mana I smack you with my club. So I'm a bardbarian.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:13 No.13213365
    >Damned Curse of the Angry Lizards
    This damned curse makes angry lizards be all up in someone's business. Could be useful
    >Damned Fortune
    I guess this gives you some damned fortunes? okay cool.
    >Hands of Ether
    >Rune of Glibness
    Inscribe anything with glib.
    >Ultimate Illusion of the Living Door
    It makes any door look like a door with a face on it.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:13 No.13213366
    Banes' Geyser of Silver
    > How is this not going to be awesome? Blasting cash and metal death everywhere

    Circles of Wind
    >small air-based magic missiles? mini tornados?

    Incantation of Conjuration
    > wut

    Lesser Casting of Tunneling
    > Moleman

    Sorcery of History
    > Can make any dinner party excruciatingly boring as i recite the minutia of life 400 years ago
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:17 No.13213401
    >Circle of Metal
    Fuck yeah flying saucer!
    >Generous Thinker's Spell of Ease
    It....makes it easy for me to think of generosity? Or maybe it makes it easier for me to think in generous amounts. That sounds good since I'm a spellcaster.
    >Intelligent Cat's Curse of Ooze
    Well....if the enemy has any intelligent cats, they'd best fucking prepare to have them start oozing.
    >Meteoric Storms of Spirit
    Oh fuck yes, ghost comets raining from the sky. Or maybe just a regular meteor storm that invigorates the spirit of my allies. Either one is pretty badass.
    >Platinum Touches
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:18 No.13213407
    >Drunken Gods' Rune of Lightning
    You know all those scribbles you see on lightning-damage weapons? Yeah, they're for show, only one of them causes the lightning effect. And I know it bitches. 6000 gold pieces in gems if you want me to inscribe it on your weapon.
    >Hail of Strong Dust
    Dust with a STR score blowing very hard.
    >Incatation of Forge Coins
    Man needs to pay his bills, right? And with the amount of travelling we're going to do, we'll surely come across some folks who won't accept our gold from another land.
    >Ritual of Fish Killing
    Take blunt object. Smack fish on head. Done.
    >The Knife of Arch-angels
    So what this is a knife. Have you seen how large Arch-angels are? For someone like me it's a fucking greatsword and you'll deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:19 No.13213416
    The Shield of Cats
    > enchant target shield to be covered in cats

    The Damned Ritual of Flesh
    > masturbating

    Serpents' Ceremony of Slime and Kindness
    > uh.... more masturbating?

    One Thousand Conjurations of Slime
    > oh so now i'm ejaculating everywhere

    The Three Callings of Wizard Control
    > Someone calls Wizard Control to have me arrested for indecent exposure.

    I'm a furry. I summon cats all over someone's shield, jerk off wildly for 3 rounds and get arrested
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:20 No.13213433

    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:25 No.13213471
    >Ceremony of Deflection
    It deflects. There's enough spells like this. They're a dime a two-dozen.
    >Clean Portals
    No, I don't have OCD, why would you think that? WAIT, you don't know what's gone through that portal you idiot. You might catch some horrible disease.
    >Conjuration of Thawing
    This is my way of dealing with black ice.
    >Feline's Charisma
    Grants upon thee the charisma of a feline. Most often I try to use something related to sphinxes as spell components.
    >Net of Earth
    Most used spell. Catches the target in a net woven from the ground and pulls it down.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:30 No.13213520
    >Deflect Healing
    I'm undead, my body is powered by the plane of negative energy. 1 in 5 undead are killed by healing. Do the math.
    >Electrical Crown of Lightning
    This crown allows me to use FORCE LIGHTNING.
    >Bones of Lava
    This makes bones of lava. Requires bones as spell component though, kinda hard to get by in large quantities--
    >Fields of Bone
    Floor is bone. Floor is bone. Floor is bone. FLOOR IS LAVA, AHAHAHAHA FUCKERS. Didn't see that coming.
    >Light Conjuration
    Helps when reading my tomes of magic. I might be a sack of bones, but I still need some light to read.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:30 No.13213522
    >Aquatic Evocation of Health
    I can heal myself in water, so I guess I'll be a pirate wizard or something.
    >Demon Seeking
    A demon-calling pirate warlock.
    >Hail of Fiery Flesh
    Not really breaking the mould so far.
    >The Uncountable Callings of the Sharp Weapon
    >Unspeakable Working of Deflect Spirit
    And ghosts can right fuck off, none of that black pearl shit here.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:31 No.13213530
    > Become Wyrms
    Fed up with being hominid? how would you like to BECOME A FUCKING DRAGON?

    > Elemental Chant of Springing and Compassion

    So, this turns enemies into Tigger?

    > Rune of Diamond Control

    Well... shit...

    > Sigil of Fortune

    Depends on whether it means vast wealth or future-seeing, either way, win.

    > The Book of Krakens

    Dragons that summon Krakens? I think I win.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:34 No.13213553
    No, not become a dragon.
    >Become wyrms
    you become multiple dragons. Simultaneously.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:36 No.13213574

    Yes, thank you for pointing that out.

    I fucking win.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:39 No.13213597
         File1292755170.jpg-(40 KB, 300x264, 1253253083614.jpg)
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    >Abjuration of Entanglement and Intelligence
    So I can summon roots that wrap around me and make me smarter. Guess I'm a druid?
    >Distant Evocation of Mana
    Good stuff. I can summon mana for me, or for my allies if they're really far away.
    >The Exalted Ceremony if the Infamous Sea Serpent
    Wow, I really must be a druid. Specializing in sea creatures, apparently....or....wait a minute....
    >Shields of Foul Entanglement
    Yyyep. I'm a tentacle wizard.
    >Amazon Seduction
    >> Kreetn !TROLlvzGSU 12/19/10(Sun)05:41 No.13213608
    >Beaters' Defending


    >Divination of Control Lost Summoner

    Are you stuck between dimensions? Give my agency a call.

    >Hex of Drunkenness

    I will abuse this far too often.

    >Perfect Casting of Entanglement and Compassion

    With this, i don't even need the hex of drunkenness except for use on myself.

    >Sylvan Incatation of Springing

    bounding on treetops would be awesome.

    So I guess i'd be a badassed lower middle class wizard? shitty...maybe i reroll...

    Giant Bolt
    Incatation of Become Ancestral Summoner
    Incatation of Flesh Conjuration
    Sound Orbs
    The Infernal Invocation of the Cunning Haunts

    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:45 No.13213657
    Hand of Unholy Lifedraining
    Holy Casting of Platinum and Opposition
    Illuminated Bolts of Flesh
    Invocation of Hypnotise Canine
    The Fortuitous Rune of the Greater Screamer

    I think i'm the BBEG not the adventurer.

    Ok lets break this down.

    >Hand of Unholy Lifedraining
    Touch spell, drains life. Pretty useful.

    >Holy Casting of Platinum and Opposition
    Holy? Am i playing both sides? I uh. There's so many things confusing about this one

    >Illuminated Bolts of Flesh
    Ok! My ranged attack is... glowing slivers of meat. I don't know about attack potential but that should scare the shit out of just about anyone.

    >Invocation of Hypnotise Canine
    That's... very specific. Then again. I now go on a subquest to go find a cerberus.

    >The Fortuitous Rune of the Greater Screamer
    This could be:
    1) Horrifically annoying
    2) A really cool AoE
    3) Just horrifying (another point for "scare the shit out of people" spells)
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:52 No.13213709
    >Absorbs Wind
    Always good for avoiding the social penalty for farting at a fancy dinner party. Or stopping that douchebag spellcaster from ruining your cloud spell.

    >Divine Rite of the Flaming Portals

    >Spell of Kill Compassionate Kraken
    That's... an incredibly specific kill spell. At least it's probably guaranteed to work.

    >Studious Insect's Chant of Tactics
    "My master once told me, 'you have much to learn, grasshopper.' I eventually devised this spell and bested him."

    >Summon Lost Hearer
    In case a senile old wizard loses his hearing aid.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)05:54 No.13213736
    >Glowing Slivers of Meat
    It's obviously a spell for having bioluminescent techno-rave orgies
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)06:00 No.13213800
         File1292756420.jpg-(28 KB, 620x341, moon-stares-at-link-in-the-leg(...).jpg)
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    >Dire Glamour of Metal
    Once I find my weapons, I've got a bitchin' enchantment ready
    >The Great Exorcism of the Hateful Lizards
    And that takes care of all my dinosaur warding needs
    >The Dwarven Ceremony of the Barbaric Fish
    >Felines' Working of Darkness
    Summon lolcats
    >Savage Moon of Bone
    Looks like my destiny is to be the last boss. You're all fucked. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)06:04 No.13213845
         File1292756648.jpg-(40 KB, 600x449, CARP.jpg)
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    >The Dwarven Ceremony of the Barbaric Fish
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)06:07 No.13213888
    >Black Grail of Diamond

    So I have a fancy ass cup for drinking...

    >Exalted Rite of Summon Golem

    This could work, as long as it's under my control...

    >Ogres' Goblet of Earth

    Fancy ass cup number 2

    >Working of Alter Weapons

    Your weapons are now lava...

    >Rite of Seduce Angels

    Well, not only will this combat demons because she'll do what I ask, it'll also combat those lonely nights...
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)06:15 No.13213963
    >Innocent Drakes' Incatation of History
    I have no clue what the fuck this does. The vocal component takes forever and becomes longer the more I wait.
    >Runed Shields of Acid
    A pair of shields that grant great defence against acid damage.
    >Snake's Cowardice
    Don't snakes lash out in fear?
    >Snake's Nothing Aura
    nothing here
    >The Elemental Calling of Thought
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)07:34 No.13214637
    >Blue Cloud
    It's a cloud. It's blue. Useful for concealment, maybe for coloring objects.

    >Charm of Envenom Holes
    So it's, like, an anti-rape charm? Seems weak, but I have a feeling I'll be glad I have it.

    >Greed Conjuration
    I interpret that as a mind-altering spell that creates a desire within another person's mind. That could have a lot of uses.

    >The Glorious Witchery of the Intelligent Dragons
    What sort of spell would a dragon consider "glorious"? Whatever it is, it must be pretty impressive.

    >The Unholy Rite of the Sagely King
    Unholy sagely king? Lich king? Does this spell turn me into a lich, or summon undead minions, or something like that?

    So I have a mind control spell, a poison spell, an obscurement spell, and two impressive-sounding spells I can't identify. My loadout seems lacking.

    >captcha: huanest much
    Sadly, yes.
    >> cockballs 12/19/10(Sun)07:39 No.13214677
    >Barbaric Wanderer's Divination of Honor
    mite b cool
    >Control Serene Animal
    Neat, I can control unicorns n shit
    >Disks of Exalted Gender-reversal
    >Saintly Hex of Negate Spirit
    Kill ghosts? neat
    >Wondrous Ritual of the Shooting Chimes
    I assume this makes deafening chime noises at the enemy

    I might live.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)07:48 No.13214728
    >Blessed Chant of Magma

    Sounds more like a daily than anything else. Chanting for five minutes and summoning great tendrils and warriors of magma. Awesome.

    >Invocation of Worth

    Summon gold coins, maybe? Or just "worth." I can make objects worth more of make people seem more successful. Alright. Not quite as good as the first one.

    >Spectral Charm of the Sturdy Chime

    Maybe I'm an Eastern spellcaster with magic that relies on windchimes. Sometimes they break, and this summons spirits to defend them.

    >The Uncountable Final Workings of Spirit

    Destroy undead, reducing them to dust.

    >Unholy Curse of Stone

    Awesome! Yes. Either turn people to stone by summoning demons to weave their flesh into rock, or permanently enchant my magma monsters into rock so they're trapped on this plane and must assist me.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)07:49 No.13214734
    >Glorified Conjuration of Lava
    >Hex of Diamond and Triumph
    >The Skull of Hearers
    >Traps of Mud
    >Vorpal Zones

    I think I'm that one fucking boss that spams everything with AOE.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)07:52 No.13214739
    >Casting of Seek Abyssimal Animals
    What, are these creatures from Abyssim? I guess I can find them now.
    >Clense Bones
    Do you mean "cleanse?" Even if you do, this is useless.
    >Haunting Deflection
    Summon a ghost to protect me. I'm alright with that - maybe a poltergeist forcefield sort of effect.
    >Lost Ether Disks
    Man, where the fuck are my Ether Disks?
    >The Arrow of Constructors
    Shoot arrow that builds scaffolding and bridges

    I'm dead, unless my ghost holds out. Sounds like fun though, to be able to build stuff around the arena.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)07:54 No.13214747
    >Corruptors' Casting of Ether

    I can conjure..Ether?

    >Hail of Stone

    A single stone (notice the singular in the spell name) falls from the sky and hopefully hits my opponents. I just hope it's a large one.

    >Immovable Balls of Metal

    This sounds like a morale buff.

    >Snake Hypnotism

    Pretty straightforward, and seems to be useful.

    >Wise Lizard's Spell of Virtue

    Another morale buff?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)07:56 No.13214752
         File1292763380.jpg-(494 KB, 800x1200, elf female mage.jpg)
    494 KB
    >The Twenty Conjurations of Elf Hypnotism
    So basically I can hypnotize Elves using a choice of twenty different conjurations? Or can I only use the spell 20 times? Could be OK.
    >The Wonderful Illusion of the Happy Goblins
    Oh look at those adorable little gobbos, makes me almost want to forget about genociding their filthy race
    >Thought Barriers
    I cast "can not think about falling" on the party paladin and "can not think about backstabbing me" on the party rogue.
    >Track Masks
    "The thief was seen fleeing, we couldn't get his face because he was wearing a fox mask!". No problem guards, I've got this one!
    >Ultimate Spell of Silver and Fertility
    Enjoy your modest wealth and happy family life.
    >> Cunt !!EE7Lcag8/qL 12/19/10(Sun)08:01 No.13214765
    Amazons' Charisma
    >-5 charisma when out of the amazon - jungle speak doesn't work too well anywhere else.

    Annihilators' Magma Storm
    >The most badass and destructive spell that has ever existed. Magma falls everything dies.

    Climbing Transformation
    >You are able to transform into a climbing position a will.

    Immovable Storms
    >Creates a storm that can not be moved in any way. Combine with Annihilators' Magma Storm to kick infinite ass.

    Perfected Ooze Ball
    Awesome. Just awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:01 No.13214769
    >Ceremony of Call Canine

    Useful to find missing dogs, makes sense for a Druid.

    >God's Dexterity

    Sweet, give me a bow and arrow and I'll be set.

    >The Forbidden Witchery of the Unholy Viper

    Ability to cast Yuan Ti spells? Nice.

    >The Trap of Copper

    Basically a "Summon Mimic" spell with a restriction that the mimic must look like a chest overflowing with copper pieces. Has its uses.

    >Voidness Alteration

    This sounds like being able to sculpt "alter" the properties of spells like "Sphere of Annihilation".
    "Raindrops of Annihilation"? Yes please.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:04 No.13214782
    >Goblets of Heavenly Sludge
    Ehhhn. Nope.
    >Incatation of Seek Serene Cat
    Clearly massively useful
    Ruthless Swimmer's Illusion of Intelligence
    >I guess in a battle of smarts or something it could work
    >Spears of Metal
    Now we're talking!
    >The One Hundred Accursed Conjurations of Torches
    So basically Summon Torch That Doesn't Work

    Tell my gal I love her
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:05 No.13214787
    >Balls of Venom
    At-will double entendre.
    >Ceremony of Innocence
    Restore Hymen?
    >Gauntlet Poisoning
    Poisons a gauntlet, I guess.
    >Silver Wall
    Self explanatory.
    >The Idol of Earth
    Summons the earth gods?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:06 No.13214795
    Cowardly Slayers' Hex of Ruthlessness
    Ghostly Slime Blast
    Holy Clouds of Flame
    Timelessness Negation
    Working of Break Masks

    Stand back guys I got this.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:07 No.13214800
    >Charm of Call Triton
    Ueful, but only at sea. And it probably only works if the area HAS tritons. Unless it's the god Triton, in which case fuck yes, even if it doesn't let me command him or anything.
    >The Forty Witcheries of Drake Killing
    Yikes. Now, do these work only on drakes, or is it just the highest level of monster they can reliably slay?
    >The Illusions of Lordly Force
    Like, make everyone believe I'm in charge? Useful.
    >The Rites of Disrupting Cold
    Either a cold-based blast, or it disrupts cold, keeping me warm. Either would be okay useful
    >The Ultimate Witchery of Ether
    Hm, I'm gonna assume Ether is the classical fifth element, here. Ultimate implies total control, so stuff like summoning meteors, turning day to night and vice versa, should all work.

    I'm thinking polar sea adventures. That, or Spelljammer.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:09 No.13214801
    >Breath of Crystal and Victory

    Fuck you. This is my "I win" spell. I don't even care what we're fighting. I just win.
    >> The Bearded Bear 12/19/10(Sun)08:10 No.13214805
    >Hail of Flaming Flesh
    A bit unorthodox but you have to see your enemies' faces as flaming salmon descents upon them.
    >Sigil of Muck Control
    Why do I even have this spell?
    >Screaming Webs of Puncturing
    "Warning, avert gaze after casting."
    >Hail of Portable Silver
    And this spell would be great if the material component wasn't "a whole bag of silver table ware"...
    >Icy Portals of Muck
    Oh right, that's why I needed Muck Control - don't want to get all this freezing shit on my boots.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:10 No.13214806
    >Ancestral Breaths of Flesh
    So I breathe life into things, or does my breath merely reek of corpse?
    >Casting of Seduce Cruel Ogre
    If I cruel ogre is looking to kill me, I'm not sure if "seducing" it is the best option.
    >Fortuitous Falling
    I really don't know what this one is.
    >Infinite Workings of Mud
    >Shooting Aura
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:11 No.13214811
    >Books of Blessed Absorbing
    >Courageous Dwarf's Exorcism of Lava
    >Haunted Disappearance
    Turn undead?
    >The Eighty Spells of Snake Calling
    Because one is not enough
    >Touches of Wonderful Evocation
    Magic fingers baby
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:13 No.13214817
    >Fortuitous Falling
    >I really don't know what this one is.

    Are you fucking kidding me? You know in every television show ever how the good guy and the badguy fight on a cliff, and they fall off only for the good guy to get stuck on a ledge? That's you every day, bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:19 No.13214849
    I think I rolled well with these

    Balls of Sharp Lava
    Chain of Darkness
    Chain of Great Fertility
    Slay Deathly Knights
    The Unspeakable Conjuration of the Dire Human
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 12/19/10(Sun)08:24 No.13214866
    >Breaths of Villainous Disappearance
    Using this spell, I can disappear like a villain, in one breath.
    >Conjure Flame
    >The Bow of Energy
    ...never knew what hit 'em.
    >The One Hundred Lawful Ceremonies of Spears
    Court is in session, and I am your judge, jury, and executioner. GUILTY! Your punishment is being poked with a hundred spears.
    >Undead Summoning
    Necromancy under a different name.

    I'll be a badass BBEG... or a Predator who knows how to raise the dead.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:35 No.13214922
    >Bolt of Lightning and Necromancy
    So it kills people and then immediately turns them into a zombie.

    >Conjuration of Seek Corrupt Healer
    I guess I would need a corrupt healer to maintain my zombie army.

    >Exorcism of Call Happy Bears
    So I can cast out happy bears whenever I come across them?

    >Jagged Chain
    Could be used as an attack spell, more likely used to set up defensive webs.

    >Mystical Incantation of Hypnotize Leader
    Hypnotize faction leaders? Awesome.

    So I can summon an army of undead and hypnotize the leaders of my opposition... Fuck the adventure I'm taking over the world.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:41 No.13214957
    >Beam of Venom
    Poison beam, eh? Useful opener

    >Exceptional Evocation of Pestilence
    Running with the infect theme, an incredibly potent plague spell.

    >Shivs of Mystic Control
    Mind controlling stabby summons?

    >The Blade of Insanity
    ..This is just Tzeentchian, as well.

    >The Infinite Glorified Ceremonies of Bones

    Apparently, I'm a priest of Chaos Undivided. Except Slaanesh. Fuck Slaanesh.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:42 No.13214965
    >Call Caring Drake
    If you have a caring drake, awesome. If you don't useless.
    >Hex of Seek Eternal Invoker
    Developed by a wizard on an eternal quest to find the Eternal Invoker. It worked. Needless to say, the quest was finished quickly.
    >Knights' Orb of Ether
    >Sigil of Infamy
    Draw this on someone's clothes, and everyone will think him an infamous rogue and vagabond.
    >The Glorified Incatation of the Divine Nomads
    The Divine Nomads hype this a lot, but it's actually useless.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:45 No.13214982
    > Gold Aura
    An aura of golden light, that repels the evil spirits of the night.
    > Icy Maces of Ruby
    Summons maces of ice, to wreck havoc in the ranks of the enemy. Not only that, they also steal some lifeforce, and heal the caster.
    > Necromancers' Conjuration of Preservation
    With this spell, corpses can be preserved, till you want to work your necromatic ways with them. Or you can use it on food, so it won't start to decay for a long time.
    > Sorcery of Conjure Stone
    So this thing makes conjuring stones out of ordinary stones. Could be helpful for spellcasting preparations.
    > The One Thousand Abjurations of the Dancing Moon
    Usefull for making the midnight party of the fucking fairies stop, when they won't let you have your night sleep because of their racket!
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)08:49 No.13215016
    >Abjuration of Alter Weapons
    Haha, your flaming morningstar is now a wooden dagger. Super useful, unless I'm facing a monk, in this case maybe I can turn his fists into pillows?
    >Aquatic Conjuration of the Clever Wyrms
    I can either summon intelligent water dragons, or summon random dragons while in water, or using water. Well, it doesn't say if they're summoned friendly, so...
    >The Glorious Working of the Past Insects
    I can, uh, see archaic ant hives of great architectural quality? Or summon bee ghosts to build magnificent things out of beeswax?
    >The Helmet of Seers
    Souls of prophets past form a divine headgear over my bonk, allowing me to see into the future. Totally overpowered.
    >The Twenty Rituals of Diamond Alteration
    From graphite to coal back to diamond! Whenever in need of firewood, alter some spare diamonds!

    I am completely overpowered. I have a fortress built by spirit insects, weapons of my enemies are useless, have clever wyrms to distract you, can see into the future and am never lacking firewood.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)09:02 No.13215093
    >Evocation of Kill Sadistic Gnomes
    I think this is the only one I really need.

    >Haunted Charm of Copper and Craftsmanship
    Neat! building nicely-made things out of copper, hopefully.
    >Monstrous Water Touch
    Do I touch monstrous water, or is it a touch spell with the force of a tsunami?
    >Perfect Energy Sphere
    energy attack, ho!
    >The Lantern of Stone
    Heavy and easy-to-shatter lantern

    Succeed? Maybe if the BBEG is a sadistic gnome.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)09:10 No.13215131
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    Casting of Summon Mystical Insect
    Deathly Exorcism of Defending and Slyness
    Deathly Glamour of Slay Golem
    >Felines' Happiness
    The Infinite Curses of Canine Seeking
    >> Ultramarine 12/19/10(Sun)09:10 No.13215132
    >Deflection Deflection
    Deflect already deflected spell/hit, why not.

    >Glorified Conjuration of Conjure Bone
    Overrated recursion, ahoy
    >Lady's History
    So I know everything about targeted lady, seems like I will blackmail a lot.

    >Screaming Barbarians' Curse of Sadness
    The target hear barbarian crying, and that make him sad.

    >The Splendid Conjuration of Thought
    When you absolutely need a plan.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)10:27 No.13215586
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    >Black Orbs of Stone
    My basic spell for bowling down mine enemies.
    >Haunted Ceremony of Seek Ogre
    You would think that this seeks out ogres. No, this ceremony summons up a ghostly ogre of seeking!
    The Chaotic Invocation of the Feline
    I become infused with the essence of CAT. I may prowl and hunt. I may claw and bite. I may get randy. I will most likely take a nap.
    >The Twenty Illusions of Evoker Control
    Your blasting spells and conjurations of fire and demonic summons will mean nothing before the icosahedral illusions!
    >Thundering Barriers of Crystal
    When all else fails, squash them flat with clashing cliffs of sharp rock.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)10:38 No.13215664
    >Charm of Doom
    Dooming thine foes is always useful, though I imagine it's more of a long-game spell.
    >Invoker's Charisma
    Again, not bad. Might be useful if I need to convince people of things.
    >The Damned Invocation of the Aquatic Dragon
    Seems a bit redundant with the Charm of Doom.
    >The Infinite Damned Hexes of Maces
    >The Mirror of Victory
    Looking at it literally, this would be a spell of defeat - either that, or a spell to enchant a mirror and see victory from within it. So not bad either.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)10:49 No.13215745
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    >>Insane Slayers' Incatation of Fire

    Pretty straightforward attack spell, user can get overwhelmed with feelings of invincibility and righteous rage, use with caution.

    >>Mud Hands

    Control Spell/Debuff against fighters: if i'm in a muddy environment i can summon mud hands to act as faux bigby hands, can be usefull

    >>The Ancient Incatation of the Disrupting Specter

    A spectre evocation that distracts people and disrupts enemy spellcasting and attack, tactically wonderfull

    >>The Snare of Power
    Another debuff that imposes heavier and heavier penalities on an enemy the more he's taken by hubrys: my character now qualifies as stern teacher of humility/ cosmic karmic accountant

    >>The Uncountable Charms of Metal Conjuration

    If it's made of metal i can call it, incredibly usefull utility.

    This character would be god tier... he has everything short of direct defense (a la magic shield)
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)10:50 No.13215756
    >Crafter's Invocation of Alteration
    uh guess i can like alter things?
    >Sigil of Absorbtion
    guess i can make stuff absorb stuff?
    >Sigil of Negate Terror
    make stuff not be afraid, that mite be okay
    >The Shiv of Wolves
    guess i can make a knife of wolves...seems okay
    The Uncountable Ceremonies of Lava Control
    >this one seems pretty badass just gotta like harness lava then i'll fuck shit up
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)11:53 No.13216165
    >Curse of Hypnotise Crusader
    Hypnotizing by proxy, I can work with this
    >Darkness Barrier
    Light can go fuck itself
    >Hellish Puncturing
    Pierce lungs with tormented souls or something, iunno.
    >Spear Repairing
    Break away a bit of spear, throw, use spell on the part in your hand, break away, repeat
    >Create Chambers
    Useful if the english parlaiment ever visits.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)12:52 No.13216563
    I think i mite be the badguy or something...
    >Abjuration of Hypnotise Angry Undead
    guess i can control pissed off undeads?
    >Eaters' Spell of Bronze and Honor
    uhh guess i can eat bronze and dunno about that honor stuff tho
    >Hellish Incatation of Control
    i can control things with my hellish powers
    >Illusion of Annihilate Maces
    i make a bunch of fake maces to fuck with people
    >Spell of Call Sadistic Lord
    guess i can call sadistic lords...maybe they could manage my slaves or something
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)12:58 No.13216605
    Infamous Goblin's Sorcery of Virtue
    Rite of Seduce Goblins
    Unholy Working of the Sadistic Berserkers
    Vicious Barbarians' Curse of Copper
    Working of Clean Tiaras

    Judging by the two first, I'm some sort of goblinsex-sorcerer
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)12:59 No.13216617
    >Insane Slayers' Incatation of Fire
    >Pretty straightforward attack spell

    Didn't they use to just call it DRAGON SLAVE?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)13:16 No.13216774
    Become Disrupting Bears
    >Then you realized I was a bear
    Charismatic Assasin's Charm of Sustenance
    >I kill you by... feeding you?
    Courageous Lizard's Exorcism of Wind
    >I find a brave lizard and then he never feels a cool breeze again.
    Curse of Control Wondrous Bear
    >Why would I curse someone to control bears? I am a bear.
    Weapons of Gold
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)13:23 No.13216835
    >Create Gauntlets
    You now have gauntlets

    >Deadly Summoning of the Dancing Ladder
    You are now Jackie Chan

    >Death Deflection
    You are now the greatest "fuck you" to your enemies, ever

    >Seduce Bears
    You should just use death deflection, most bears are of a very jealous sort.

    >Spell of Drunkedness
    You can now get drunk for free and make some money on the side.

    I am Jackie Chan and I don't want no trouble.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)13:34 No.13216927
    Archmagi' Evocation of Gold and Charisma
    Bolt of Metal and Invisibility
    Canines' Witchery of Dreaming and Charisma
    Curse of Slay Snakes
    Glamour of Blood

    Yeah, I think I'll manage. Especially if the Evocation and the Witchery stack. Charisma up in this bitch. Also gold. And dreaming, which hopefully doesn't make me fall asleep.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)13:38 No.13216963
    you do fall asleep, but then you look soo cute
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)13:38 No.13216966
    >Envenomed Barrier of Venom
    Sounds like either a Venomous shield or crowd-control-wall; could come in handy.
    >Great Book of Time
    Could give acces to some sorts of time-magic. Or maybe it's just a great book for passing the time.
    >Monstrous Sigil of Slay Viper
    Guess I wont have to worry about any vipers.
    >Red Bone of Gold
    My dick is red and I turn any person I fuck into gold?
    >Thought Deflection
    My mind is unreadable and immune to mind control
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)13:41 No.13216991
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    Gibberer's Terror
    >Cthulu style insanity for my enemies
    The Temple of Eaters
    >I'm going to go with summon a small temple that comes complete with tiki minions to do my bidding.
    Mystical Time Nets
    >I don't really know what to do with these, maybe use them to pause some enemies, pause attacks, reverse time on wounds, age none stone locks/doors
    Slime Alteration
    >Alter slime monsters to what I want 1. Better weaponized slime 2. Slime lady
    Wonderful Charm of Slime
    >The slimes will always be on my side. 1. Weaponized slime fights for me while 2. slime sex.

    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)13:45 No.13217042
    >Conjure Doom
    Sounds both highly evil and useful.
    >Haunting Transormation
    Turning into a ghost is sweet shit.
    >Hex of Kill Courageous Quester
    Self explanitory, I get the impression I'm evil as fuck
    >Measure Conjuration
    Height or weight?
    >Rain Of Bronze
    Generic attack spell go!
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)13:47 No.13217056
    >Deflect Glibness
    I have now defeated all the politicians
    >Electrical Hand
    Whole new meaning to giving her the shocker
    >Incantation of Slay Happy Dwarf
    Completely useless, dwarves are never happy.
    >Rune of Control Horror
    I just became emperor of everything
    >The Villainous Chant of the Angry Soldier
    Also I am the BBEG
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)13:51 No.13217092
    >Glamour of Returning

    Escape spell, that's a good start.

    >Lordly Curse of Conjure Fire

    I'm... cursing people with fire that appears out of nowhere? Okay, I can work with that. Roundabout, but not bad.

    >Seek Studious Climbers

    Useful, if I ever need to climb something. I guess.

    >Sorcery of Silver

    Uh, okay. I have no idea what this does.

    >Wind Negation

    Anti-tornado. Could be worse.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)13:52 No.13217102
    >Hearer's Calling of Nothing and Knowledge
    Blasphemous lore of the void, here I come!
    >Hex of Control Dust
    Useful. Not terribly, but still.
    >The Shackle of Spirit
    So... I kill something and then it doesn't die but turns undead? Neat.
    >The Three Divinations of the Screaming Staff
    Answer for me, these questions three. YEEEEEAAAAAAH MAAASSSTAAAAR!
    >Yellow Shield
    Hastur, shield me! Hastur? Hastur! Aw snap.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)14:01 No.13217170
    Archmagi' Zone of Mud

    A really, really large zone of mud, then. Brilliant, I get to drown armies.

    Ceremony of Anger


    Healer's Incatation of Acid and Ghosttouch

    So.. it conjures a bucket of acid, which is carried to the target by a bound ghost. When splashed, the acid heals wounds but burns undead. It also hurts like all hell to be healed in this way.

    Invocation of Lava and History

    Summon Pompei. Alternatively, trasport the target into pompei just as it chokes in dust.

    Viciousness Deflection

    It deflects any blow, as long as the guy that lands it is a vicious bastard. Specific, but might be useful.

    So I'm basically a berserking historian earth mage?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)15:03 No.13217684

    >Abjuration of Slay Creator

    Slay Creator? Sounds like I'm the BBEG.

    >Celestial Wind Clouds

    And now I'm God. Also cool.

    >Conjure Slime

    Gotta have primordial ooze from which to conjure new life.

    >Spell of Hypnotise Angels

    Holy shit. I am not making these up. The former Creator's minions are now mine to control.

    >Tiaras of Spectral Influence

    Finally, I can influence specters? So I can be lord of the underworld, too. If I want to put on a tiara and look FAAAAAAAAABULOOOOUS.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/10(Sun)20:46 No.13220803
    >Chameleons Insanity
    any chameleons nearby? if so, those guys are fucked
    >Conjuration of Family
    how can you attack me with your mother watching?
    >Digging Deflection
    useful if i was enchanting a buried chest
    >Eagle Summoning
    eagles are cool, i guess
    >Flame Control
    is that a flame? hell yeah, watch me control it

    all in all, i like my spellbook

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