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01/02/10(Sat)09:46 No.7390843 File1262443587.jpg-(168 KB, 510x680, Iku Lightning Triangle.jpg)
 Keywords Page 55: Add the following as a fifth paragraph of the section: "If an effect would add acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder damage to your attack powers, or if it would change the damage type of your attack powers to include any one of those damage types, your attack powers do not gain the appropriate damage type keyword unless the effect states so. For example, if a tiefling paladin were to wield a Flaming Bastard Sword, she could convert the damage of her Holy Strike at-will into fire and radiant damage, but the power itself would still have only the divine, radiant, and weapon keywords, leaving it ineligible for the Hellfire Blood heroic feat. However, if a warlock were to enter a paragon path that would let her change the damage type of her Eldritch Blast to lightning damage and give it the lightning keyword, then her Eldritch Blast would then have the arcane, implement, and lightning keywords, making it compatible with the Lightning Arc paragon feat." Add the following as a sixth paragraph of the section: "Some options, such as feats, magic items, and class features, have effects that come into play when you use certain powers. For example, the Solid Sound paragon feat increases your defenses when you use a power with the force or thunder keyword. Any benefits that you gain from these options are considered to originate from those options, not from the powers that that they affect. Therefore, if you had the Solid Sound feat, your force and thunder powers would not be considered powers that increase your defenses, as the defense increase comes from a feat, not from the power." These additions clarify how damage type additions or changes affect the keywords of a power, prevent certain types of magic weapons from being used to make all of a character's attacks compatible with options keyed to damage types, and explain how options that upgrade powers interact with other such options. |