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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 01/15/10(Fri)13:11 No.7602417 File1263579063.jpg-(15 KB, 241x300, guncannon.jpg)
 >To Garma: "Keep in mind, Grand battles mean nothing if a leader is lost, You arn´t keeping us from the frontline, After all defeat tends to come from being betrayed an backstabbed rather then from actual battles, This is where the true battle rages."
"I get what you're saying... but did you miss the part just then when Ensign Ringo took out 4 Planes with his Heat Hawk? Video's of it are circulating around the armies computer network as a viral! Also, all the leaders in the world will be able to stop the tide of Federation forces, and the tide is coming in Lieutenant. The longer this war drags on, the more certain this is."
>To Zolomon: "Oh yeah Zolomon, just so you know, "Reubens" was Garma all along, Try not telling everyone."
Zolomon just stares at you blankly for a few seconds before letting out a profound: "Say WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?"
>To Jolyne: "Status Report, Did you guys fuck anything up for Lord Garma? Are we all fired?"
"Not yet. Maybe."
"What the fuck do you mean 'maybe'? Did they not notice that Lord Captain Garma Zabi wasn't around today or something?"
"Uh, they might have, if we... hadn't found a way around it."
"Oh god no."
"Well, she's more or less the same build and facial structure. From a distance."
"Yes, but not the same height! She's at least 5-6 inches smaller!"
"Yeah, but it wouldn't be the first time an important figure in a military lied about his height."
"... and this worked?"
"Icelina helped by running interferance admittedly."
"ICELINA knows?"
"She was in on it from the start pretty much."
>To Shiro: "Shiro, just how old are you anyway? You seem a little young, Even if your entire family have a military history."
"Uh, 16, same as everyone else who graduated in March. Why?" |