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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 01/22/10(Fri)20:58 No.7725662 File1264211936.png-(217 KB, 768x480, Episode 29 Epilogue.png)
 >>7725491 >>7725495
You have Jolyne, Ruubens and Calvin flank the retreating surface fleet, preventing their escape, whilst you order Zolomon to follow you as you dive to aid the 2nd detatchment.
It's a chaotic scene. One of the enemy subs is down already, and Fisheye's are attempting to mob the enemy forces, but they don't have the numbers, and it's degenerating into a close range brawl. You make use of your beams to take out four more balls apiece, and then attack an enemy sub as it attempts to retreat. Zolomon narrowly manages to dodge a torpedo aimed at his face, before eventually closing to claw distance. He hulls the vessel from fore to stern whilst you cover him with your beam guns, and the submarine pops like a baloon.
KILLS: David: 4 Balls Zolomon: 4 Balls, 1 Submarine
Seeing that the situation is now well in hand you surface to see how the sitation is going. You see the wrecks of three cruisers, and about 5 of them sporting white flags. You meet up with Jolyne.
"When they realised they couldn't escape, they surrendered. I think were pretty much done here sir. Shall we get back?"
You return to base to discover the Sub line deserted. You eventually find a lone squad of damaged Acguy's on patrol.
"What happened?" You ask when you get close.
"The enemy subs tried to flank us with a rear attack, luckily thanks to our sonar net being so good round the back, we saw them coming a mile off! It was little dodgy for a minute or two, but then the new Hygoggs that came in a few hours ago waded in... and those things are INSANE."
He notices what you are towing behind you.
"Oh NICE!"
You return to Hawaii, for a second time today, but this time you return as heroes.