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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 01/31/10(Sun)18:10 No.7861309 File1264979420.jpg-(49 KB, 400x400, zanzibar.jpg)
 The next day dawns, you're still tired from yesterday, but you get up and pack your bag. It's time to leave Pezun.
As you make your way to the hangars, you are met Dozle, accompanied by Shin. He salutes you out of respect. "This has been a most interesting week for us all Lieutenant. I wish you well for the future, and even though you are no longer his honour guard - do try to keep brother Garma safe."
"I'll do my best, but honestly, with a bit more experience, it'll be him who's going to come to OUR rescue." you politely point out.
Dozle laughs at this: "Ha! I hope so to my friend! Now, to the hangar! Brother asked me to supply you with a ship, and a ship I have supplied you with!"
You are led to the observation deck. Outside you see a Zanzibar class cruiser, a bulbous pod atop it's dorsal spine.
"David Lister, meet the first and only of the Zanzibar Kai class vessels! The Outer Heaven!"
"Outer Heaven!?" you ask. A tech guy steps in to supply the specs. "It's a standard Zanzibar, except if features two additions, a second bay on the top that can house a single space type or ground type Mobile Armour, as well as fan jet thrusters based around Zimmads Dom that allow it to maintain gravity operations near indefinately, instead of relying on brute force thrust."
"Come, I'm sure the crew aboard will tell you all aboard! Come, come! I think you'll find a familiar face aboard..."
You salute Dozle, who dismisses you and you make your way to the ship docks. |