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  • File : 1268024894.png-(36 KB, 378x1226, 1265782646603.png)
    36 KB Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:08 No.8463890  
    Space Pirate Fortress general.

    I've managed to get my fort's Geemer population under control, but there's been a group of Bounty Hunters just hanging out outside and I'm not sure what to do. I've got traps and everything, but my Pirates can't go out without getting horribly murdered.

    Anyway, let's hear your stories.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:10 No.8463909
    How do you guys play this game? I just got a colony started, and as soon as I try to bring irrigation in from a water-planet, I can't help but accidentally flood the colony with cyber-carp.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:11 No.8463911
         File1268025061.png-(23 KB, 600x700, spacepiratefortress.png)
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    lol. 2 Geemer.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:11 No.8463930
    The spacelephants keep killing my pirates what do I do?
    >> Anomynous 03/08/10(Mon)00:12 No.8463949
    rolled =

    in b4 2metroid
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:13 No.8463974
    ...fuck, I want this now.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:14 No.8463988
    >2 metroid
    >dem fukken spirates
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:15 No.8464007
         File1268025349.png-(663 KB, 1024x1024, magmoors.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:17 No.8464027
    this isn't a real thing. Is it?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:19 No.8464089
    Sadly not.

    But we can dream.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:20 No.8464107
    /tg/ does this sometimes. I love it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:21 No.8464117
         File1268025677.jpg-(25 KB, 600x600, 1265778544592.jpg)
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    If you want to keep the metroids under control, you've to keep them from killing Pirates. If they kill even one, they're untamable. If you do manage to tame one, though, I suggest making a jetpack.

    The only fuel it needs is life energy, which you can get by letting it kill things (NOT PIRATES) and you can even siphon the energy off of them to power other things. They're pretty awesome once you get it down.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:21 No.8464124
         File1268025689.jpg-(176 KB, 576x323, tuuuubes love eyes.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:24 No.8464180
         File1268025894.png-(50 KB, 500x1047, 1265774920905.png)
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    Did you remember to add steam everywhere? It's a common mistake to forget that when building the fortress.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:25 No.8464194
         File1268025940.png-(55 KB, 500x1600, Thardus.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:25 No.8464200
         File1268025953.png-(489 KB, 1024x1024, spacepirate_concept3.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:28 No.8464239
    one of my pirates went into a mood and has claimed a bioengineering lab.
    He's chanting "Metroidsssss.....TUUUUUUUBES......Phazooon......TUUUUUUUBES"
    what could it possibly mean?
    >> Boomer !!MBwbEofHcyx 03/08/10(Mon)00:28 No.8464245
    this, the fact we could do this so seamlessly. I remember when i streamed Dwarf Fortress for 12 hours straight, 3 days in a row. How many people were surprised it was a real game "I thought that was something made up as a joke on /tg/"

    Man... good times.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:28 No.8464247
         File1268026104.png-(49 KB, 565x1092, 1266003200983.png)
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    Oh, man, I need to get on that. Not even enough steam or tube mazes and the Pirates go fucking nuts.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:29 No.8464260
    I think he wants some dalerite ore. Make sure he gets a good supply of that and sandstone, and he should be fine.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:29 No.8464262
    do these space pirate comics remind anyone else of the dwarves from oglaf?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:29 No.8464266
         File1268026162.jpg-(96 KB, 603x1232, 1215720169872.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:29 No.8464273

    There was a thread about it before with some simple mod ideas: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/8008179/

    But I think everyone's waiting for the new version. (Don't want to redo everything when it comes out.)
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:30 No.8464286
    I love Space Pirate Fortress. The pirates are just so god damn hilarious in their machinations.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:30 No.8464288
         File1268026220.jpg-(174 KB, 462x2809, 1215720422981.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:30 No.8464298
    because they are both madly driven to craft phallic-shaped objects?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:31 No.8464311
    Oh man, I explored too far, and a legendary Samus was discovered. Shit was not cash, I was not ready for that.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:31 No.8464312
         File1268026278.png-(95 KB, 442x3075, 1215721297585.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:31 No.8464323
         File1268026319.png-(32 KB, 849x531, 1265778439272.png)
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    That means he's going to make something. You have to get him those things for him to do it. You can engineer some metroids or build some tubes easily enough, but if you're plane doesn't have a phazon deposit you're pretty much screwed. He's probably going to go apeshit.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:35 No.8464376
         File1268026502.png-(369 KB, 1680x1050, TUBES.png)
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    You now realize Mother Brain was the only pillar supporting the entire fortress on Zebes and killing her caused the entire structure to collapse
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:35 No.8464392
    Sweet. The Lead Sciencer arrived. I can tame metroids now!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:36 No.8464403
    Moron! When you hit Phazon and Metroids, It means get ready because shit's about to go down!
    Half your pirates prolly had unspeakable things done to them with her tentacle! (she has tentacles right? I don't feel like checking Space fort wiki)
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:38 No.8464441

    ...It...it really was a Fortress after all...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:40 No.8464471
    Guys, every creature on the map is hostile and more and more of my pirates keep going hostile as well and all of teh hostiles are just named X(number). What's going on?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:44 No.8464530
    Uh oh. When you got the metroids, you didn't get ALL of them did you? That really, really fucks up the ecosystem. This game is so fucking detailed it's scary sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:44 No.8464543
         File1268027083.jpg-(25 KB, 197x237, snake.jpg)
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    THAT is how you design a fortress.
    Fuck you, Hunter, I'm taking you down with me!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:46 No.8464566
         File1268027194.jpg-(103 KB, 303x300, X_Parasites.jpg)
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    You just hit X. Those fuckers take over everything and make them stronger and shit. You've got to kill or quarantine all those Pirates now or all of them will become X and die.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:50 No.8464613
         File1268027411.jpg-(131 KB, 800x600, fbcc5306afa436ffc032112d7acec6(...).jpg)
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    And get some Metroids. They're the only thing that can deal with X, but they might kill your Pirates, too.

    Be careful, man.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:50 No.8464622
    Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but my fortress is going smoothly. I've even managed to get support from the Federation, all thanks to a little...bamboozling.

    On the surface of the planet, a handful of my pirates run a nice big restaurant we've named Burger Geemer, where we sell Tallon Fries, Zebes Shakes (with just a touch of Phazon), and of course, Geemers, lightly roasted, and on a bun.

    Little do they know, that underneath BG, the largest Pirate Fortress in all existence is being created...

    And the galaxy is funding it.

    Also, I could swear I saw the Hunter in one day, but I only saw it for a second. Didn't have a chance to screencap it. But since all my stuff is still intact, I guess I'm alright for now?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:50 No.8464631

    Shit! Will any more metroids come in from the map edge?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:52 No.8464667
    Man, I think you should go check each level of your fortress. You don't get an alert if the bounty hunter is killing pirates until one survives.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:57 No.8464757

    I don't even have any other entrances to the fortress except the elevator in the basement of BG, and there's an Omega Pirate guarding it, with another switching shifts with him every few hours.

    I don't believe the Hunter can tunnel through solid rock, so I think I'm ok. I'll do a check, though.

    Besides, on the surface, we're all peaceful chefs and waiters. Why would she think we're anything but?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:58 No.8464789

    Did you check any tubes going between levels? The hunter can move through those you know.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)00:59 No.8464808
    Not if you killed all of them. X only show if there are no metroids left. You might be able to ship some in offworld, or clone them if there's some DNA or corpses left.

    Metroids are the only surefire way to deal with X.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:02 No.8464844

    The only tubes I have set up are for channeling lava, Phazon, and Pirate excrement. I don't plan to make more until I start expanding outward, which won't be for a while.

    It cost a bundle, but I have atmospheric generators scattered throughout the fortress, so I don't need TUUUUUUUUUUBES for air or anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:03 No.8464885
    You need TUBES though! Pirates require TUBES just to make it through the day!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:07 No.8464952

    I have TUBES. Just not useless ones.

    Rather, at least not useless ones that connect to anything.

    Each pirate (as a gift thanks to their hard work) has a stress reliever consisting of a TUBE with a ball made of TUBES rolling around inside it perpetually.

    For the most part, my pirates have kept their TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBES urge to a minimum thanks to that.

    Their productivity has dropped a bit thanks to it, but all that requires is a few more Pirates to handle the load.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:09 No.8464976

    You mean your pirates don't have arbitrary tubes connecting random rooms for aesthetics? Sure it slows down the hunter, but how do you manage the morale hit you're taking?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:09 No.8464988
    Lava? Phazon? Moron, epic hunters can move through both!, hell, the phazon one can even heal some varieties!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:10 No.8464993

    See >>8464952

    Morale in the Fortress underneath Burger Geemer is just fine, particularly with so few casualties.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:10 No.8465001
    Damnit, I wish this was real....
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:11 No.8465010
         File1268028692.png-(42 KB, 600x800, 1265778980146.png)
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    So is there any way to stop my Pirates from reviving the nobles? I keep trying to get those fuckers dead for a reason, and the Pirates just bring them back to keep making thier retarded mandates and bans.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:13 No.8465039

    Yeah, I know, but my fortress isn't big enough or well known enough yet to attract epic-level Hunters.

    No one except for Pirates knows about the fortress. Everyone else just thinks it's a nice restaurant, at least as far as I know.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:19 No.8465139
    Try drafting them into the military. Nobles surprisingly make the best fighters for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:23 No.8465206

    Alternatively, kill them, stick them in a room, then collapse the room. Then instruct Science Team to delete all DNA data so you can't clone them again.

    And keep TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBES away from where you buried the body.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:26 No.8465250
    Ok, so I ended up digging too far (I'm in the Talon IV biome) and go into one of those hidden Phazon chambers. I can't get anybody near it without them getting corrupted, and there is some kind of huge queen thing down there. The only solution I can find is waiting for the Hunter to show up and kill everything, but that's not really a good answer. Help?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:28 No.8465297
    Try luring it out with a phazon trail, then capturing it. It won't be easy, but it will pay off once you can stick tubes into it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:35 No.8465381
    Damn you bastards! Why is this not real!?!?!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:37 No.8465425
    because you touch yourself at night. and during the day. and during your grandma's funeral. seriously, wtf man? that's just sick.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:38 No.8465435
    Because we would rather wait until after the new version to make it.
    >> Alamo !0GBrAvB1Bs 03/08/10(Mon)01:39 No.8465451

    Yeah, but once its tasted pirate blood it will never be truly tame. Also those tend to absorb the stats of your pirates. Lost an entire fortress to one of those queen things after it became SUPERPHASONLY TOUGH, PERFECTLY TUBED, and ULTRA MUTATED.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:41 No.8465477
         File1268030466.png-(26 KB, 674x674, 1263688795490.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:45 No.8465527

    Anyway, if any Pirate bros have the online patch, come visit BG. I'm about 34 parsecs from Tallon 2, coordinates 264-4-35. I'll give you a burger on the house.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:46 No.8465556
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:46 No.8465557
    >online patch


    seriously, don't we have enough hype already?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:52 No.8465630
    lol you must be living under a rock.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:52 No.8465634

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:53 No.8465653
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:54 No.8465659
    This. A thousand times this.

    Some one needs to make a DF mod of this.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:56 No.8465692





    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:56 No.8465698
         File1268031412.jpg-(40 KB, 250x250, 1205 - Okami Rao.jpg)
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    we're all waiting for the next update
    then the mods will fly....
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)01:59 No.8465729
    I will be pleased as long as there are TUUUUUUUBES!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:00 No.8465743
    the TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBES aren't going anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:00 No.8465754
         File1268031644.png-(384 KB, 860x813, 1265778871879.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:01 No.8465763
    You can already make tubes in vanilla DF.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:03 No.8465794
    This really wouldn't be that hard to make.
    >> Brossacks 03/08/10(Mon)02:04 No.8465814
    You seem to be implying the pipes in vanilla do literally anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:07 No.8465854
    Adding constructable ones would be trivial.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:07 No.8465857
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:07 No.8465869
    you seem to be implying the pipes in space pirate fortresses actually do something
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:11 No.8465904
    >implying the implications of implying something. in greentext. this means I'm right and you're wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:12 No.8465917
    >taking a statement made about a fictional creation as fact.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:13 No.8465927
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:14 No.8465928
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:17 No.8465961
         File1268032635.jpg-(72 KB, 492x320, 1265780772914.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:24 No.8466027
         File1268033059.jpg-(28 KB, 483x599, 483px-Space_Pirate.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:25 No.8466038
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:26 No.8466046
    You said you had a restaurant on the surface. Did you thoroughly examine the tubes in the playplace?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:26 No.8466049
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:26 No.8466056
         File1268033216.jpg-(163 KB, 790x585, tubemurdered.jpg)
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    I love when shit like this happens.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:27 No.8466063
         File1268033239.jpg-(81 KB, 720x709, 1265778345243.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:28 No.8466080
         File1268033304.png-(38 KB, 749x650, 1265778751344.png)
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    >> Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician 03/08/10(Mon)02:30 No.8466103
         File1268033410.png-(148 KB, 600x600, Untitled-1.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:32 No.8466137
         File1268033563.jpg-(122 KB, 603x1232, 1265778068644.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:35 No.8466169
    Are these metroid comics from /v/, or being drawn on the spot?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:35 No.8466182
         File1268033748.jpg-(40 KB, 734x510, 1265775451976.jpg)
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    >> Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician 03/08/10(Mon)02:35 No.8466185
    I think it's a bit of both.

    Then again I've been wrong before.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:36 No.8466198
         File1268033800.jpg-(34 KB, 469x323, 1266006079381.jpg)
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    From /v/. The quality is part of their charm.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:36 No.8466206
         File1268033814.jpg-(170 KB, 743x708, 1265777258273.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:37 No.8466218
    This one is /tg/ original. I put this together (shittily) a while back actually. I just shit my pants when I saw it reposted.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:37 No.8466220
    These came from /v/.

    I made one of them and am delighted to see it being reposted over a year later.

    Tee hee.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:38 No.8466221
         File1268033892.jpg-(106 KB, 469x934, 1266005752184.jpg)
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    There's a shitload of these comics.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:38 No.8466225
    Not all, a few of them were made a while back at a thread that came up with space pirate fortress here on /tg/. OP's was some origional content from that thread, for instance.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:38 No.8466226
    >>The quality is part of their charm.

    Of course, I love that aspect.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:39 No.8466240
         File1268033952.png-(47 KB, 840x1200, 1255740022742.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:39 No.8466242
         File1268033966.jpg-(98 KB, 776x997, 1265776608204.jpg)
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    I was about to repost it myself, but someone beat me too it.

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:40 No.8466253
         File1268034018.jpg-(47 KB, 619x450, 1265509200174.jpg)
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    This one is just sorta cute.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:40 No.8466260
    This made me smile.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:41 No.8466276
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:42 No.8466284
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:42 No.8466291
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:45 No.8466339
         File1268034351.png-(119 KB, 786x470, 1266005501498.png)
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    Also, never got why they do this.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:46 No.8466341
         File1268034360.jpg-(65 KB, 620x660, 1265778177418.jpg)
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    Woops! that one looked like a pirate comic when I was scanning through my images. I gotta rename these basterds.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:46 No.8466342
    At least they're not like the nobles in Umbrella Lab

    Oh you're gaining lots of funds by selling legitimate drugs?



    Oh and you can't even kill your noble by flooding his office, or something like that, since by the time you build the necessary stuff he already injected enough T-Virus into himself to be invulnerable and is starting to eat any scientists that get withing tentacle reach.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:47 No.8466367
         File1268034444.jpg-(52 KB, 579x586, 1265776370336.jpg)
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    I have failed us!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:47 No.8466375
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:47 No.8466378
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:48 No.8466392
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:49 No.8466398
         File1268034549.jpg-(69 KB, 800x550, 1266004050813.jpg)
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    This was a good thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:49 No.8466411
         File1268034590.jpg-(81 KB, 360x986, 1265776045021.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:50 No.8466423
         File1268034658.jpg-(62 KB, 469x575, 1265510149405.jpg)
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    It's almost surprising something like this came from /v/.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:51 No.8466426
    The one in the middle is wearing armor.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:51 No.8466433
         File1268034707.jpg-(39 KB, 358x636, 1234020693683.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:51 No.8466434
    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:51 No.8466435
         File1268034711.jpg-(77 KB, 428x1071, 1265510106378.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:52 No.8466445
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:52 No.8466453
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:53 No.8466457
    Surprisingly, /v/ has the best comics out of all the boards.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:53 No.8466468
    This is probably my favorite one.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:53 No.8466474
         File1268034836.gif-(3 KB, 281x204, 1267940915569.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:54 No.8466478
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:54 No.8466479
         File1268034853.jpg-(66 KB, 546x618, 1265778936148.jpg)
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    It's legs bend differently. That's more than just armor.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:55 No.8466495
         File1268034925.png-(40 KB, 500x1200, 1265778928664.png)
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    Now that you mention it, you're right. They do.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:55 No.8466499
         File1268034935.jpg-(227 KB, 673x587, 1265773776837.jpg)
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    Yeah, it's pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:55 No.8466501
    He's crouching due to all that heavy armor.
    >> Brokazaki !!kQZh68KpeuA 03/08/10(Mon)02:56 No.8466504
    One on the left is just crouching more, bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:57 No.8466531
         File1268035042.png-(129 KB, 877x640, 1265776271213.png)
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    I love this one.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:57 No.8466535
         File1268035077.png-(44 KB, 500x1047, 1265775592062.png)
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    And the exposed internal organ?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:57 No.8466536
         File1268035078.jpg-(92 KB, 469x864, 1215723497316.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:57 No.8466538
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:59 No.8466564
         File1268035171.png-(37 KB, 555x1190, 1266003909122.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)02:59 No.8466571
         File1268035195.png-(97 KB, 600x1597, 1265779850306.png)
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    Tubes have their uses!
    >> Brokazaki !!kQZh68KpeuA 03/08/10(Mon)02:59 No.8466572
    >broke all of our tubes and science

    Gets me every time.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:00 No.8466584
         File1268035250.png-(261 KB, 510x446, 1265775041031.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:00 No.8466585
    I think it comes from having more traffic than most boards but not being unbelievably horrible like /b/. Also, and this is just wild speculation, I suspect places like /a/ and /co/ feel discouraged from making their own drawings on account of the boards constantly being filled with much better drawings.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:01 No.8466590
         File1268035282.jpg-(57 KB, 852x643, 1265779185229.jpg)
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    Really, with some nobles, I wonder why even bother.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:02 No.8466597
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:02 No.8466605
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:04 No.8466627
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:04 No.8466629
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:04 No.8466631

    It all makes sense now! Samus is an incarnation of princess zelda!

    Clearly the space pirates attacked Hyrule and killed off Link's line, so to survive she had to badass the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:05 No.8466646
         File1268035539.png-(171 KB, 1583x1628, 1267558906004.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:06 No.8466652
    >power latrine

    Can't unsee Mehreen wielding a portable toilet.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:07 No.8466664
         File1268035629.png-(22 KB, 1200x400, 1265779056659.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:08 No.8466681
         File1268035682.gif-(47 KB, 574x1549, 1267940855808.gif)
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    Best part is that it's an actual scan from Prime 2.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:08 No.8466686
         File1268035705.png-(58 KB, 609x1249, 1251091907475.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:09 No.8466694
    Wait, Blazblue?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:09 No.8466698
    This is the best thread ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:09 No.8466699
         File1268035767.jpg-(90 KB, 727x485, 1266003777613.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:10 No.8466709
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:10 No.8466715
    Is this something I'd get if I played Prime 3?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:11 No.8466728
    Zero mission.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:13 No.8466750
         File1268036015.png-(669 KB, 820x631, 1266731176275.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:13 No.8466751
         File1268036020.png-(10 KB, 361x361, 1255500196164.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:14 No.8466762
    Zero Mission and Blazblue.

    Basically, the catgirl is a genius scientist who uses the power of SCIENCE to make super androids.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:15 No.8466774
    These are just fantastic. I want to keep talking about space pirates DF, but I'm too busy saving and reading comics from /v/.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:15 No.8466781
    For some reason I like the idea that samus would still wear her helmet to the beach. Under a sunhat.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:16 No.8466793
    Hot damn. All three of the ones I made a long while back got reposted.

    I guess this is insufferable attention whoring, crude mspaint and all, but damn, that made my night.
    >> I used to be disgusted...now I'm just amused 03/08/10(Mon)03:16 No.8466795

    She feels naked otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:17 No.8466802
    Samus is pretty damn skinny for a combatant.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:17 No.8466805
         File1268036247.png-(54 KB, 600x1200, 1256591160141.png)
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    I have a lot of TUUUUUUUUUBES stuff.
    I can't help but be curious which ones are yours.
    >> I used to be disgusted...now I'm just amused 03/08/10(Mon)03:17 No.8466808

    That's probably due to SPACE and artist ability.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:17 No.8466812
         File1268036273.jpg-(57 KB, 428x1071, 1265509789912.jpg)
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    That's rather common.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:20 No.8466845
         File1268036403.jpg-(167 KB, 962x1513, 1266005282918.jpg)
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    I'm out.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:20 No.8466849
    SPACE makes people skinny? Or you mean how it's detrimental to muscle mass?

    I guess her suit is a power suit, but what about Zero Mission, then?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:20 No.8466853
         File1268036430.jpg-(140 KB, 598x1468, 1255738708574.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:22 No.8466878
    You know, Space Pirates take that whole "no man left behind" thing to a whole new level.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:23 No.8466896
    >I can't help but be curious which ones are yours.

    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:23 No.8466900
         File1268036594.jpg-(141 KB, 448x1723, 1266702754491.jpg)
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    Not sure what this is, but posting it anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:23 No.8466913
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:23 No.8466915
    The last two are good, the first one is alright. (in the order you linked to them)

    Did you really make the last one? I'd say that one is probably the most famous.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:27 No.8466959
         File1268036838.jpg-(66 KB, 428x1071, 1266003073547.jpg)
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    It's amazing that the Space Pirates can simultaneously be this funny and one of the most dangerous organisations ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:29 No.8466985
         File1268036961.jpg-(29 KB, 435x559, 1254805762818.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:30 No.8466988
    Funniest scan in the entire series.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:31 No.8467014
    I made one of these way back in the day... I don't have it anymore, but no one has posted it either...

    Oh well, it wasn't that good or anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:32 No.8467016
    Well, I didn't do the more popular DF variation.

    And I guess the jetpack one isn't very good, no. When you shoot the jetpack guys, they corkscrew wildly and crash directly into you. What can I possibly add to that?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:32 No.8467019
         File1268037131.jpg-(53 KB, 466x690, 1253140314676.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:33 No.8467038
    Which game is that in?

    I've only played the first Prime game and Super Metroid.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:35 No.8467050
    >Space Fortress Thread
    >Just got a Wii last weekend and snagged the last copy of Metroid Trilogy in the store

    It's like the planets have aligned. Thank you, /tg/
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:35 No.8467055
    First, in the Phazon Mines I think, or maybe second in the Pirate Labs.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:35 No.8467060
         File1268037340.jpg-(52 KB, 720x895, 1234020321257.jpg)
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    Which one?
    There is a decent chance I may have it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:36 No.8467076
    First Prime.

    >Science Team is attempting to reverse-engineer Samus Aran's arsenal, based off of data acquired from her assaults on our forces. Progress is slow, but steady. Command would dearly enjoy turning Aran's weapons against her. We believe we can implement Beam weapon prototypes in three cycles. Aran's Power Suit technology remains a mystery, especially the curious Morph Ball function. All attempts at duplicating it have ended in disaster: four test subjects were horribly broken and twisted when they engaged our Morph Ball prototypes. Science Team wisely decided to move on afterward.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:37 No.8467084
         File1268037436.png-(59 KB, 782x1096, 1215720550032.png)
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    I guess I'm going to keep posting random TUUUUUUBES until I get bored.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:37 No.8467092
    I must save them all... so late... so tired
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:38 No.8467096
    >Believe science team has vapor for brains.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:39 No.8467109
    Space Pirate Fortress is awesome.

    I love how the Space Pirates are so hilariously inept, yet are supposed to be the most dangerous force in the galaxy.

    I also love how these comics highlight how ridiculous Dwarves are.

    Great Gameplay, great art direction and environmental design... but for the love of god could you make the gameplay spaces be both interesting, functional, and logical AT THE SAME TIME?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:39 No.8467113
         File1268037574.jpg-(43 KB, 515x609, 1234021503332.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:41 No.8467137
    How many more are left?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:41 No.8467142
    >Great Gameplay, great art direction and environmental design... but for the love of god could you make the gameplay spaces be both interesting, functional, and logical AT THE SAME TIME?
    Speaking as a GM, it ain't easy.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:41 No.8467143
         File1268037707.png-(45 KB, 626x800, 1215723027323.png)
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    >> Evil !!Oo43raDvH61 03/08/10(Mon)03:42 No.8467150
    Little made me feel more awesome then readying all the lab documents about how they concluded their latest super mutants had a 70% success rate in simulations against you but you horribly mutilated them each time.

    The growing frustration in their logs made it ever so delicious.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:43 No.8467162
    I hope we can one day mod Dorf Fortress into Space Pirate Fortress. Making a fort, trapping animals, mutating, making weapons, rebuilding corpses into cyborgs, and fighting off Monsters, Hunters and Space Federation forces.

    With the one gameplay point being, when Samus shows up, it's impossible to defeat her, and all you can do is merely to slow her down. Samus would literally be the end game.

    Note to self: Figure out how to add critical tube mechanic into DF base gameplay..
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:44 No.8467177
    Sup Evil. What happened to your awsome quest? :3
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:45 No.8467186
         File1268037938.jpg-(42 KB, 723x536, 1215720201090.jpg)
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    I think I have around 150 of these, of varying quality, and probably containing a few duplicates.
    It would probably just be easier for me to toss them on megaupload or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:46 No.8467194

    intelligent, dangerous, logical space pirates just wouldn't be the same. Reading the logs in the prime series was one of my favourite things
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:46 No.8467195
    please do. I'm so damn tired and I have class tomorrow and these are awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:47 No.8467206
    It's tricky, but at the very least you need
    - A visual hook to give the players an instant understanding and grasp on the environment.
    - The space has to appear like someone would actually use it. This is where most things fall apart.
    - It has to have a "gimmick" of sorts. Not like an acid pit, but say for instance rocks that give a tactical advantage, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:48 No.8467222

    >>8467014, here. Do you happen to have one that is similar to >>8467019 but of a lesser quaility? That would be mine.

    Had a space pirate holding some phazon with it sizzling on his hand and in the last panel he licks it. The comic is a pile of shit but it would be nice for some nastolgia.
    >> Evil !!Oo43raDvH61 03/08/10(Mon)03:50 No.8467236
    New semester started and I didn't have 6 hours to speed write as often. Then I just stopped caring about continuing.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:50 No.8467243
    This, Evil.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:50 No.8467245
    Mutating and rebuilding corpses will likely be impossible in the near future. So will making Samus be literally unkillable, though making her practically unkillable should be relatively easy.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:51 No.8467250
    I liked that one!

    The awesomeface in the "version" that got posted takes away from the humor, IMO. The pirates shouldn't be crazy "for the lulz," but simply because they are made of bad ideas. Like a bad idea elemental or bad idea golem.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:51 No.8467254
    What an evil thing to do to your players.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:52 No.8467269

    Rather than samus, having super-powerful "hunters" might be a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:53 No.8467287
         File1268038420.jpg-(43 KB, 402x758, 1253140599583.jpg)
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    This one? I like it more than the awesome face one, to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:55 No.8467303

    Wow, thats it.

    Really? I really didn't think it was funny at all. But thank you.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:55 No.8467305
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:56 No.8467323
    And they have a layer of of some very tough material as their outermost tissue layer. What's the chozo suit made of?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:56 No.8467331

    undiluted plot and science
    >> Evil !!Oo43raDvH61 03/08/10(Mon)03:57 No.8467333

    My next project a little more structured and easy to manage.

    Furthermore, would demons you encounter digging too deeply simply be metroids? Or is it implied you create the horrible things that destroy your base?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:58 No.8467343

    I'd imagine they'd be something that comes with immigrants once you get your science team up and running
    >> Guardsman Terry 03/08/10(Mon)03:59 No.8467363
         File1268038792.jpg-(128 KB, 757x577, SpacePirate9FeetJumps.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)03:59 No.8467367
    Chozo have magic, their power armor is made of magic and science.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:02 No.8467389
         File1268038943.jpg-(236 KB, 600x600, 1215722538866.jpg)
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    As it is 4am, I believe it is going to be less boredom that stops my image dump, and more pic related.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:03 No.8467404
         File1268039035.png-(38 KB, 500x1047, 1256590152630.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:04 No.8467419
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:05 No.8467431
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:08 No.8467464
         File1268039324.jpg-(86 KB, 740x466, 1256592356121.jpg)
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    Anyone who played super metroid gets this reference
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:10 No.8467482
    You know in the next release of DF we might be able to make some of this shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:13 No.8467503
    This could b e done by making them pets or, possibly, an uncivilized caste.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)04:14 No.8467511
    In the current version we could make some of it. In the next version, we could make most of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)07:25 No.8469207
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)10:24 No.8470844
    Hurry it up Toady I want my fucking tubes.
    >> Princess Angelique Dominique 03/08/10(Mon)12:01 No.8471946
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)12:16 No.8472055
         File1268068618.jpg-(69 KB, 686x739, 1255639672372.jpg)
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    It had better!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)12:30 No.8472114
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:03 No.8472229
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:50 No.8472697
    >> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 03/08/10(Mon)13:52 No.8472714
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)14:28 No.8473180
         File1268076493.jpg-(89 KB, 469x1150, 1254806156514.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:20 No.8475805
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)17:36 No.8476075

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