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03/09/10(Tue)06:44 No.8488315 File1268135054.jpg-(21 KB, 361x328, dean8.jpg)
Now, as for Al'Sham, he makes it to the Western Garrison, and knocks on the kitchen entrance, where Dyson would usually go for this sort of thing. A guard opens the door, recognizes him, and goes off to get Commander Thargus.
Five minutes later, the door is thrust open with such force that it knocks Al'Sham to the floor. Thargus storms out, draws his sword and points it at Al'Sham's neck, and growls "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!?"
Al'Sham, still under the effects of Glibness, rolls MASSIVE BLUFF against Thargus, and actually makes him believe that he, and the Veylarks, to his knowledge, had nothing to do with the kidnapping. He even says that he didn't know his daughter was kidnapped, but will keep his ear to the ground in case anything turns up. He assures the commander he would stake his life, his identity, and the mission he is currently tasked with on the safety of the commander's Daughter.
At hearing this the commander eases up, and starts to withdraw, muttering about the god damn mafia.
Al'Sham says "Wait! the supplies I asked for are drastically needed! We're to move tonight"
Thargus says "We were only able to assemble half the supplies you wanted. I told you it would take a full week for it all."
So Al'Sham exits with a supply of blast disks, gold, and military uniforms equal to about half what originally asked... but that doesn't matter, shit is going down TONIGHT.
By now, the halfling has emerged from the sewers after disconnecting the water main to the west side of the city, and he and Al'Sham make their way back to the hideout independently. Muramasa has also finished forging Saburo a +3 Adamantium Katana, and uses the leftover adamantium to make three +3 adamantium arrows for Joseph Knock.
Elegan/t g/entlemen, are you ready for the finale? |