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  • File : 1268179913.jpg-(40 KB, 713x506, pata.jpg)
    40 KB Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:11 No.8496609  
    So /tg/, interesting development.

    The GM in my game has informed me that the sword my character has been using since CC was given a little bonus when I had it enchanted last game.

    My sword, a now +1 Masterwork Pata (refluffed longsword) is intelligent. It remember every moment of its time spent with me, ever since my character crafted it as a blacksmith's apprentice in pre-game. It speaks telepathically to me, and senses through my own sight, sound and hearing, though it apparently can pay better attention to details than I can since it has higher wisdom and I don't have ranks in perception-based skills.

    It also seems to think I am "her" (the sword's voice is feminine, and it identifies itself as female) husband. Luckily there's been no sexual implications here, but even so MY WIFE IS A SWORD, WHAT DO.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:12 No.8496628
    >sound and hearing

    I caught it after I posted.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:14 No.8496651
    I'd say roll with it. See what your DM does with this.

    So did your character ever have a wife? In your backstory?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:15 No.8496668
    Be happy my friend. Though imaginary, you now are in the first and possibly last romantic relationship you will ever be in.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:15 No.8496669
    Take better care of her.
    You know, polish her more often, use a better quality oil, etc.
    Don't tell the other characters.
    Possibly name her Sasha.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:16 No.8496685
    I like this idea, OP. Can you put the point of the pata around a corner and see through it's "sight." That could be useful. Don't "cheat" on your weapon with another. I could see that become a Venom vs. Peter sort of thing. No good.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:16 No.8496692
    No, he left his home village when he was 15 or so. Had a brother who was a mercenary, always idolized him, and decided to take up the job in his name when his brother came home on his shield. My character also invented the pata in-game, because the GM decided nobody ever made one before, so he's pretty much unique to the setting.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:17 No.8496704
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    Pun time? Develope a "Martial/Marital love routine" together with your wife.

    Find moar swords too. Your long-term goal should be to have a wife made of swords for the fuck of it.
    >> Sergeant Major Alexandros III !PhseAMrpPY 03/09/10(Tue)19:17 No.8496706

    Accuse her of cheating on you with the scabbard.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:18 No.8496710
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:18 No.8496712
    Aha, it's funny because I'm on /tg/.
    I already took care of her rather well. I'll probably name her something, but I don't know what yet.
    Didn't plan on it, and I do see the functionality of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:19 No.8496723
    Blade + Anus = Femdom?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:19 No.8496727
    is it played for comedy or is it serious? play it for laughs and enjoy the RPing
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:19 No.8496729
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:20 No.8496736
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:20 No.8496744
    She wants to be inside you, OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:21 No.8496745
    Relatively serious, though the tone isn't exactly grimdark. Could be fun I suppose, having a romantic partner that's a weapon.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:21 No.8496749
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:21 No.8496755
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    This will be your future waifu made of swords. It will be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:21 No.8496756
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    >> Cr9 !PLAN9M8Wsc 03/09/10(Tue)19:23 No.8496770
    Are we going to do this? Is this being done? A thread about sexually impaling yourself?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:23 No.8496773
    next time the party enters an inn or pub order a drink for you and a drink for her
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:23 No.8496779
    Name it Vera. And acquire a cunning hat.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:23 No.8496782
    "I'll have an ale and a... What, honey? A hot cloth and some oil of clove.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:23 No.8496785
    He said it sees through his senses. Won't work.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:24 No.8496790
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:24 No.8496794
    Jayne reference wins it, Vera it is.

    And I already have a cunning hat, though it isn't THAT cunning.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:24 No.8496800
    and then spend your nights oiling them up

    at the same time

    aawwwwwwwww yeah
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:25 No.8496805
    If "she" is intelligent, she probably already has a name.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:25 No.8496806
    Yeah, but she is more observant than me. She can make spot/listen/search checks while I'm doing them. :3
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:25 No.8496816
    She just became intelligent at the end of the last session. If she hasn't named herself I'm calling her Vera.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:26 No.8496817

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:26 No.8496819
    Planning for the very distant future, check out Weapons of Legacy.
    See if you can work in Dancing and have her guard your back.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:27 No.8496830
    You are now picturing your character cuddling your pata.

    Hopefully he has the wisdom to sheathe it before this.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:27 No.8496831
    ... So... This sword is a Pata... A sword-gauntlet, right?

    Meaning you fist her every time you draw her? Christ, no wonder she wanted to get married after that kind of treatment.

    She was such a traditional girl before you came along, too. The loss of innocence... Sigh...
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:27 No.8496837

    >work in Dancing
    >guard your back.

    Oh I can think of more than one use for dancing if you know what I mean
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:28 No.8496842
    Usually I fist her and then lock her in place. Also I created her, so does that mean she has an Elektra complex?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:28 No.8496845
         File1268180917.jpg-(288 KB, 1200x1663, witchblade_anime_dvd_cover_by_(...).jpg)
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    Polymorph Any Object.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:28 No.8496847

    Oh fuck me, that's right. I forgot you're also her father. YOU SICK FUCK!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:29 No.8496857
    I'm surprised at you /tg/

    no one has suggested that op get genderswapped via magic and crotch grind on that sword for delicious cross-matter lesbian sex

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:30 No.8496867
    Oh come on there is no way this is going to end reasonably.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:30 No.8496868
    Go on an epic side-quest to polymorph your sword into a woman.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:31 No.8496873

    My sword was named Varscona.

    I wonder if tg knows where its from.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:31 No.8496874
    that's disgusting.
    To OP:
    It's an interesting concept, I want to hear more of this. The incest things are a thing you could bring up. Fun times for all involved.
    Also backseat fighting. I hope she's not a nagger.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:31 No.8496875
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    Hey, sexy. Why don't you come experience what the wild side has to offer.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:31 No.8496878
    just turn the hilt into a fleshlight :3
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:31 No.8496881
    as long as we're on an intelligent sword tangent.

    I'm making a sword for my campaign which is half snake, as in the sword can become a snake, or can become a snake with a handle to swing.

    Should I give the sword a bite attack with poison for the swing or a constrict attack that deals weapon damage?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:32 No.8496890
    and lo, the tale of Sir Fuckstab, who didst marry a blade, with which he found many a pleasing form with the aid of the polymorph spell.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:32 No.8496901
    Just because it's your wife doesn't mean it has to be a sexual relationship, honestly.

    I know you probably already realize this, even though intimacy is a big part of a marriage, it doesn't have to be sexual. You two could learn to work better on the battlefield. The sword's love could have blossomed from the energy and time you put into crafting it, and realized you treasured it as a possession, and now it treasures you, although the only known form of affection the sword understand is that of husband and wife. Which could be why it chose to say it was married to you.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:33 No.8496906
    So will this create a new and possibly disturbing aspect of your character if you happen to, say, learn how to swallow swords?

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:33 No.8496907
    >that's disgusting


    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:33 No.8496908
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    Dude, don't go with that crowd. Stay at home and be a hardworker instead. You know you're just going to end up on the bottom of a dragons lair to be tossed aside for a party of wizards.
    Farmers are where it's at. Not as glamorous but you get to serve your call.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:34 No.8496916

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:34 No.8496919
    She's in love with him, but we haven't suggested sexual attraction to be involved. More than likely it's a more innocent sort of love you imagine a child thinks of when they think of people getting married.

    The idea of him being her 'father' is likely unimportant to her: The taboo of incest stems from a lack of genetic mixing, and since she lacks genetic material or the desire to breed, it makes sense she'd not have an incest taboo.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:35 No.8496921
    Make it your quest to transform her into woman. Then you can make her your wife for reals. Or get a wizzard to give her the ability to polymorph.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:35 No.8496922
         File1268181302.jpg-(206 KB, 760x596, scabbard1.jpg)
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    1. Get your Wife-Sword this scabbard
    2. ???
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:35 No.8496923
    ... tempted to write fan fiction about sword some guy has on /tg/.

    Have never felt lower, or more aroused by the idea of a fucking sword.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:35 No.8496933
         File1268181343.jpg-(586 KB, 1372x1815, Arcimboldo_Fire.jpg)
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    Your wife shall be in ye style, only with swords.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:36 No.8496941
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:36 No.8496942
    That's a pretty accurate notion.

    It also makes having a romantic relationship more fun in character, since there's not exactly a lot of room for those awkward moments when a player tries to get his character laid.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:36 No.8496945
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    Why, hello there. I'll be seeing you next game.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:36 No.8496947
    Sword handle in ass while masturbating
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:37 No.8496952
    If character is male, strap it on to dick. Wield your weapon.

    If female, put on strapon, and strap it on to that. Wield it as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:37 No.8496954

    do it faggot

    make the sword the one who seduces him


    DO IT
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:37 No.8496960
    Does further work at smithy now count as domestic abuse?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:37 No.8496961
    I'd rather fight you bare-fisted, you grimy faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:38 No.8496970

    Oh god.
    OP, if your DM is a magnificent bastard for encouraging rp, be prepared for this.
    Dont let Vera go.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:38 No.8496979
    I figure if he's fixing or improving her at the smithy it would be more like a massage or something. Goes in complaining that her scratches and imperfections are ugly, comes out relaxed and admiring herself.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:38 No.8496980
    Since the sword sees through the character's eyes, does she mind him looking at other women?
    "You were looking at her ass."
    "No I-"
    "Yes you were!"
    "OK I was! But I can't wield her in combat! She can't replace you!"
    "... Why do you look at the blacksmith's door?"
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:39 No.8496988
    Combat would be like the female unreal tournament announcer voice

    As you keep killing, the sword's telepathic voice gets more and more "...nngggh...oh. Yes-nnnagh!"
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:39 No.8496989
    I am. I have a backup kukri as standard-issue equipment and I'll use it as a decoy or the rust monster while the wizard blasts it with fire.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:40 No.8496994

    OP, find a rubber tree and make a masturbatory sleeve that fits inside the grip's internal cavity.

    My god, why was that the first thing to pop into my head?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:40 No.8496996

    Good man.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:40 No.8497000

    Oh brave warrior, I feel firm and smooth.

    I am oh so warm in my scabbard, its so hot in here. Let me out so that the sun may cast on my shiny metal body.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:41 No.8497011
    I'd suppose she might not understand it, or if she did she'd see it like how a man's human wife does when he looks at a weapon. As long as his emotions for her aren't challenged by his emotions for a sexual partner she'd probably just see sex as his 'dumb hobby'.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:41 No.8497013
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:41 No.8497015

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:41 No.8497017
    The campaign's BBEG. A Rust Monster.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:41 No.8497019
    And then, /tg/ developed a fetish for inanimate objects.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:42 No.8497029
    I wouldn't think the sword would be upset with him looking at other women. Just as a woman(who had some sense of reason) wouldn't mind you treasuring a certain personal belonging, I would think the sword would view him with a woman along the same lines.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:42 No.8497031
    It'll be all well and good until he walks into an anti-magic field and she loses her memories
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:42 No.8497032
    My character is a smith. He'd be the one doing it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:43 No.8497040
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:43 No.8497041
    Fuck her.
    And have half-you half-sword with it.
    Retire from adventuring.
    And go live in a farm in a town you saved on the past.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:43 No.8497042
         File1268181798.jpg-(17 KB, 493x402, 1267887600338.jpg)
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    D: Oh dear god that's tragic.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:43 No.8497045
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:43 No.8497046

    "Take off your gloves. I want to...feel you."
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:44 No.8497051
    You're a smith, but you're killing people with a sword instead of your hammer?

    >> Sauber !f1v85QnTcU 03/09/10(Tue)19:44 No.8497061
    If you don't love the sword IC bring up the fact that you're her father etc
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:44 No.8497065

    So it essentially goes into a forced coma, as all the functions shut down. DRAMATIC RP TIME.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:45 No.8497067
    If I carried all my blacksmithing equipment everywhere it would be a waste. Besides, why get dirt and blood and grime on my hammer?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:45 No.8497068

    ....oh god...yes...

    ...the hammer....


    ....its so hot.....yesssss....

    Do you mind? I'm trying to concentrate?

    As you wish my master...
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:45 No.8497076
    OP better be using his pata the way it was intended to be.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:46 No.8497080
    if he disowned it would it become a bastard sword?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:46 No.8497086
    "You're so beautiful when I unsheathe you in the moonlight. I...I wish I could remember you like this forever."

    "OH DADDY"
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:47 No.8497095
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:48 No.8497104
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:48 No.8497108
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:48 No.8497110
    this thread could teach /d/ a few things
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:48 No.8497112
    OP here. I don't plan on the relationship being sexual. If she ever makes a comment towards wanting to be human, then I will use the first available opportunity to let her have the ability to become so.

    Though if she can switch back and forth between forms, this would be ideal.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:48 No.8497113
    well played sir

    well played indeed
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:49 No.8497121
    >Though if I can switch her back and forth between forms at will, this would be ideal.

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:49 No.8497122
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    >> Nephanim 03/09/10(Tue)19:49 No.8497125
    No, not really.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:50 No.8497141
    I figure she'd cooperate with me enough to switch to her weapon form when I was in a fight or if we were in a dangerous area.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:51 No.8497148

    Well, I do hope your DM will take the Asian way, aka DEMON SWORD WAIFU after you've slaughtered enough creatures with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:51 No.8497154
    At 6th level, take the cohort feat and have your sword be your cohort.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:51 No.8497156
    Wiki says the Mughals built patas with matchlock pistols in them. You must buy your wife a new dress. And by new dress, I mean a fucking gun.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:52 No.8497166
    >she'd cooperate

    you've clearly never known a woman.
    If you don't control that shit, she'll refuse to transform so you can get your ass beat so she can prove a point
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:52 No.8497168
    so guys what would their wedding rings be like
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:53 No.8497173
    she'd get a fancy gold handguard
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:53 No.8497178

    it would be funny if the things done to the sword would reflect the personality or physical polymorph appearance.

    in other words, big hilt, big hips and ass or tits.
    >> /d/ 03/09/10(Tue)19:54 No.8497183
    Why, /tg/, I'm surprised at you.

    Maybe you're more interesting than I thought....

    I think I may stick around...
    Anyone up for a game of FATAL?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:54 No.8497186

    A ribbon around the hilt and his upper arm.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:54 No.8497190

    Mother of pearl + white silk sheath for the ceremony?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:54 No.8497195
    Polymorph Any Object.

    Now you have a hot wife.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:54 No.8497198
    Pommel more like. golden handguard could lower her durability and usefulness which could be equalled to sexiness for swords.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:55 No.8497200
    oh god d
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:55 No.8497201
    dwarf cleric as the priest for the wedding or no go
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:55 No.8497203
    Actually I know some pretty agreeable women. It's all about knowing when to do as they say and when to provide a logical, reasonable argument for your disagreement. Over time you can get away with just about anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:56 No.8497215

    "Look at that slut. You can practically see inside her tang."
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:56 No.8497218
    Well, you could just have a fancy gold pattern engraved in a ring around the handguard.

    I'm just thinking a pommel wouldn't really be "ring"ish enough.

    I like the mother of pearl scabbard idea from another anon
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:56 No.8497222
    You're the only one who can hear it right? I get the feeling this is the start of the GM slowly sending your guy insane.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:57 No.8497226
    poon tang?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:57 No.8497228
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:57 No.8497237
    Of course.
    I figured. I'd say making her simple, functional, and easily modified or repaired would make her a very comely, farmer's daughter sort of thing, while making her more ornate and intricate would make her have a more higher class look to her, though if it damaged her functionality it might blemish her appearance.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:57 No.8497238
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    Chain of pearls for your beloved.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:57 No.8497241

    but those are real wimminz

    not feminine swords whose peronality is mostly left to the whims of a DM.

    Just saying, here there be monsters
    >> Nephanim 03/09/10(Tue)19:58 No.8497247
    Actually, we sort of had a plot hook like this once, with a falchion of Throwing and Returning that literally jumped into the fighter's empty scabbard while he was showing his old sword off to sell it and wouldn't let him get rid of it.

    At night it turns into a brilliantly attractive female Drow who later explained that she was cursed to be a sword and just wanted to be free of the shopkeeper. She ended up having Dancing, Icy Blast, and a few other neat tricks... Though yeah, she was abusively tsundere towards the fighter that wielded her.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:58 No.8497252
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    What if your wife was a Kopesh?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:59 No.8497264
    The weapon can communicate telepathically with anyone holding it. I tested my sanity when she started talking.

    She did not approve of em handing her around and told me to never do it again.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:59 No.8497265
    oh god imagine the best man bringing up the scabbord or pommel piece of whatever the fuck

    wait what does the sword do during the ceremony
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:00 No.8497267
    That might work on some women. I find the really bitchy ones hilarious since I'm a bastard and quick thinking.
    I argue my point and then alter it a little bit after each time we argue with new wording.
    After 10 minutes of screaming I say "That's the point of it! That's Exactly what I want to do. Why do you make a fight out of this." Stare angrily and then apologise.
    Wait until the day after, let her anger pass and then the guilt will set in. Call and apologise.
    She'll do it. Without fail.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:00 No.8497270
    Then you get to wear the Apron.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:01 No.8497280

    Egyptian babe, hot.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:01 No.8497284
    "You may now draw the sword."
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:01 No.8497286
    Clever anon.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:01 No.8497290
    hollow out the hilt
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:01 No.8497291

    more like MAKE UP ARTIST am i rite
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:02 No.8497302
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    "Oh honey, I'm so glad you polymorphed me!"
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:02 No.8497305
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    Your wife is now a Falcata. What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:03 No.8497312

    And then a bunch of umber hulks breaks in and she gets stabbed into one of them pretty quick.

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:03 No.8497315

    Unlimited beer works. She'd also prefer being dressed in really transparent clothes.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:03 No.8497317
    Oh you.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:03 No.8497321

    Instead, have her turn into a woman with two daggers for herself to use and sword for you to use. You could be this tank swordy with a stealthy hot waifu dagger rogue watching your back.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:04 No.8497333
         File1268183061.jpg-(89 KB, 615x466, swordsurgeon.jpg)
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    counts as delicious trap?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:04 No.8497340
    ITT: Everyone gets their characters to have swordwives.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:05 No.8497343
    Kill some Romans? I don't fucking know, but she might be cheating on my with that Greek guy, I've seen him with a really similar sword from a distance.
    Sure, he pretends he's married to Hasta, but when the shit gets tough, does he hold onto the spear? Hell no.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:05 No.8497346

    Never works when you factor in the guy IMPULSE ACTION thingy. Oooh shiny, buy. No logical excuse is gonna get past the fact that you just bought a 52" screen tv and wasted money.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:05 No.8497347

    kinky studded black leather scabbards
    >> Sauber !f1v85QnTcU 03/09/10(Tue)20:06 No.8497363
    Falcatas chop like axes, stab like daggers, slash like short swords, and hack like longswords
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:06 No.8497364
    "I pronounce you man and blade, you may now kiss the blade"
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:06 No.8497373

    My girlfriend and I haven't done anything exciting in a while.

    I'm going to find out what she's doing tonight.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:06 No.8497375
         File1268183208.jpg-(28 KB, 177x648, Schiavona.jpg)
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    Counts as inferior to the Schiavona; the hot Italian Chick of swords. Look at that long blade, that buxom handguard...
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:07 No.8497387


    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:07 No.8497389
    Discuss that if she lets you use your money on the expensive TV, she gets to use the television as well and that now she has ammo to use against me if she ever uses our money to buy a whole bunch of clothes and shoes and shit she wants but doesn't need, because if I can afford to buy a huge TV I'm obviously smart enough to realize that she deserves something too.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:08 No.8497398

    /tg/ - relationship advice and sword fucking
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:08 No.8497406
    We are the king of boards.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:09 No.8497413
    I regard this as an awesome DM gambit to fuck you up. NEVER ACT WARMLY TO A FEMALE NPC.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:09 No.8497415
    Next step is hallucinating a mental image of her as a people.
    That hangs onto your arm all the time when she's being wielded.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:09 No.8497416
    Schwiezersabel was here, curves are superior.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:09 No.8497421

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:10 No.8497425
         File1268183412.jpg-(15 KB, 364x243, guiron.jpg)
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    9 months later...
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:10 No.8497429
    So, is a claymore a giantess then?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:11 No.8497442
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:11 No.8497450
    What the fuck is that and how is it a trap at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:11 No.8497453

    was going to ask that.

    I bet claymores snoo snoo like amazons.

    screw dying in a dungeon, I'm dying of a crushed pelvis.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:12 No.8497462
    Compare money she spends on things like shoes and what not. Ask if you're ever going to sue shoes. Now she's going to interrupt, don't stop keep talking, quieter even. And then ask if she's going to look at the TV.

    It's not a perfect solution but dealing with loud voices is easier than someone who whispers when yelled at. Keep it cool her of balance and you're the man in the house.

    I'm the same anon as >>8497267
    sadly my problem is that since my girl is as bitchy as she's smart she's caught on. And now we whisper when we argue. My friends find this shit hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:12 No.8497463
    A Claymore is that chick who might be some sort of Scott, is inexplicably as tall and strong as you are, dumb as a sack of hammers, never learns from her mistakes, but you love her anyway because her appeal is just so easy to see.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:12 No.8497468
    so which weapon would have the smokey wine-rich bitchy russian accent?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:13 No.8497474
         File1268183605.jpg-(162 KB, 800x600, Kriegsmesser.jpg)
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    Frigid German Bitch here. Prepare to have your face torn off if you suggest tipping the waiter.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:13 No.8497479
    I was going to mention that.

    Claymore. Really tall (though not freakishly so), very fit woman. Could use *you* as a club.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:13 No.8497480
    forget claymore

    get those oriental horse slayer weapons

    asian musclechick giantess
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:14 No.8497485

    Continue this onto a sidequest to polymorph her into a human. At that, do not wield another sword. Instead, she becomes a sort of master of all blades (as she is of course, a weapon on human form) and thus, knows exactly what to do with a weapon.

    She then fights for you and you learn to cast spells n shit to watch her back. Together, you'll make an awesome duo.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:14 No.8497499


    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:14 No.8497500
    Probably the Pallasch. Every Russian and Pole on Earth will kill you if you suggest it, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:15 No.8497514
    The Smallsword is a wallflower waif.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:15 No.8497519
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:16 No.8497521
    Just wait for someone to run into your quarters while you're sexing her up and dispel magic on her.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:16 No.8497522
    >Schwiezersabel was here

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:16 No.8497525
    wait until /tg/ starts feminising guns

    we will probably need a new thread for that
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:17 No.8497540
    Katana is an elitist bitch. She's loving if you worship her, but YOU BETTER WORSHIP HER GODDOMOT.

    She probably isn't any better than her "crude" sister Bastard Sward-tan though.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:17 No.8497543
         File1268183866.jpg-(23 KB, 595x321, katar.jpg)
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    Behold: The low maintenance cheap date. Not very imaginative once you get into the thick of things, but she does her part.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:17 No.8497546
    These are the threads that make me love you guys
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:18 No.8497555
    Hey, a gentle curve is better than those fucking Scimitars. Damn, those bitches just let themselves go.
    >> MR. RAGE !D9l9S8Lio6 03/09/10(Tue)20:18 No.8497559

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:19 No.8497564
         File1268183951.jpg-(11 KB, 320x255, sc2nightmare2xa8.jpg)
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    What would being in a romantic relationship with Nightmare's sword be like?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:19 No.8497566
         File1268183954.jpg-(104 KB, 800x600, DSCN2604.jpg)
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    I have your yandere wallflower smallsword wife right here. Take good care of her, encourage her and she will KILLKILLKILLMAIM.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:19 No.8497568
    Swordcane is the classiest lady there is
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:19 No.8497569
    Scimitars and falchions: the lesbian sword-tans?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:20 No.8497585
    Ask Tira
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:20 No.8497591
         File1268184034.jpg-(33 KB, 350x611, Pollax.jpg)
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    Finally, a woman you can take somewhere serious and not worry about her being out of her element.
    My Pollax baby loves a good scrap, doesn't she shnookie?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:21 No.8497597

    Pillow sword is a true waifu.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:21 No.8497601

    "I'd fuck that panzerschreck. Just spoon up against it and ram it repeatedly while I pull back on the strap and call it a filthy german whore."
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:21 No.8497611
    I'm surprised we don't have a drawfag coming up with weapon-tans yet.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:22 No.8497616
    What would a gunblade's personality be like?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:22 No.8497618
    Retarded asspie.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:22 No.8497619
    I don't know anything about swords, but that is one cute sword.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:22 No.8497620
    Oh god.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:22 No.8497622
    Most likely. that's part of the /d/ horrors.
    Unrealistic and fetish-fuel. A symbiosis that makes you love it as you exchange body functions with each other while you wade through enemies in a haze of love.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:22 No.8497623
    Because assholes keep spamming all the drawfag threads for some reason
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:23 No.8497625
    Kinky bitch. I'll bet you two like to go out to battlefields, corner some poor kid whose never held a pike before, and just destroy him.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!TLjU8vp8jvg 03/09/10(Tue)20:23 No.8497626
    A sentient kukri would potentially be the most insane thing ever. She would be protective, yes, but so much as pick up another weapon and she will snap out of your hand and split you from collarbone to coccyx. Also, it would start tweaking your mind and pushing you toward every combat possible.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:24 No.8497639
    Honestly, this sounds wonderful.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:24 No.8497640
    AK-47's are rough-and-ready, dirty tarts. They'll let you do whatever you want to them, over and over, but don't expect it to be particularly pleasent.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:24 No.8497643
         File1268184283.jpg-(18 KB, 1000x283, 228-ayw16.jpg)
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    This is my waifu, she has DATASS and she's a nature's girl who loves hiking and hacking at trees.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:25 No.8497648
    The evil younger sister of the Falcata, except her boyfriend is a fucking Gurkha. Falcata always knew how to find nice Spanish boys who never got into any trouble.
    Except with those mean Romans and their preppy Gladius whores.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:25 No.8497654


    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:26 No.8497659
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    Mai waifu.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:26 No.8497661
    You are one of us now.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:26 No.8497663
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:26 No.8497667
    Because the Poleaxe is secretly the woman that everybody wants?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:27 No.8497678

    I bet she tastes spicy down there
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:27 No.8497681
    Melt her down, turn her into a Steel golem, polymorph to stone, stone to flesh. You just made yourself a wife. Flesh and blood, and VAGIIIIINAAAAAAAAA.

    You sir, win the game.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:27 No.8497687
         File1268184472.jpg-(12 KB, 300x360, WE-Morning-Star.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:28 No.8497695

    >missionary position propaganda

    humanoid is pig disgusting
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:28 No.8497696

    Either LEEEROY JENKINS-style Adventurer or Princess who never got out of the house.
    There's some decend wifes out there too, but you better like a women with a massive ass and a squirter.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:28 No.8497702
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    >> Inquisitor Cale !!TLjU8vp8jvg 03/09/10(Tue)20:29 No.8497705
    Well, the blame goes to environment. She has so much spunk, though, and that damn Gurkha loves her. I can't help but feel that she could do better, though. I mean, look at her cousin, Karabela. She at least has the sense of mind to stick around royalty.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:29 No.8497711
         File1268184573.jpg-(50 KB, 446x341, falx.jpg)
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    Ignore the guy, that was just business. That's my baby right there.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:30 No.8497717
    So she's a show-whore for fatties?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:30 No.8497720
    Wow, what is this weapon?
    I fancied myself a connoisseur of medieval weapons, but I've never seen this before.

    It resembles a katana, but the construction is more down to earth and simple. It doesn't even have a tip. Kind of like a katana with less of its pretentiousness and popularity. Is this a different weapon entirely?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:30 No.8497728
    You are now imagining those trick slide out knives on shoes as cheerful lolis
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:31 No.8497742
         File1268184707.jpg-(35 KB, 1200x477, 161-iag21.jpg)
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    Your waifu will punch everyone who threatens you and flies around invisible. You've got yourself a pretty cool wife there.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:31 No.8497744
    Spiked shields like to cuddle
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:31 No.8497745
    >Implying roman's had arms made of rigid wood
    >Implying the Falx wasn't a piece of shit weapon
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:32 No.8497757
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:33 No.8497761
    She fucks like a tiger.

    I dated a switchblade back in high school, too. It's a shame she was so undependable. Only got to see her on the rarest of occasions but god damn she was good.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:33 No.8497766
    To make the character-sword relationship more complex for you playing: The character longs to turn his weapon into a woman, to give her freedom and such. But, as they grow the character begins to wonder if the sword, with its greater wisdom and perception, would outshine him as a warrior or something. So a mixture of love, devotion, but personal fears and insecurities.

    What if you were this awesome blacksmith, you invent a weapon, master it, and are generally a powerful warrior, but who is outshone by the weapon he's created once she's given human form and is like the equivalent of a Valkyrie- not a warrior but a spirit of war?

    How does a mortal compare?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:33 No.8497769

    Owner kicks out with the boot at the villain's face. He smirks, seeing that the tip will miss him by inches. Time slows down.

    A wickedly sharp blade pops out. Just as the glint hits his eyes:

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:33 No.8497777
    Hey, I love Rome as much as the next guy, but it's true. They redesigned their armoring scheme and everything because that weapon was a sonofabitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:33 No.8497778
         File1268184826.jpg-(25 KB, 1000x537, 263-iag04.jpg)
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    >Wow, what is this weapon?

    A Dha, contiental South East Asia - Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia ect.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:34 No.8497790
    Mortuary Sword, an upper class, refined yet deadly English woman, with shitloads of repressed sexuality waiting to explode all at once.

    Classy and lethal.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!TLjU8vp8jvg 03/09/10(Tue)20:34 No.8497791
    With a weapon like that, assuming a non-rigid arm, you'd be able to royally fuck someone's day up if you got proper distance on them. Assuming that it is being used smart, behind the defense of another shield. you could rip the opposing soldier's guard wide open or use the force of the swing to crush down the top of their guard and pick their shoulder.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:34 No.8497794
         File1268184881.jpg-(20 KB, 1000x290, 218-mib13a.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:34 No.8497797
    swiss army knife just wants a man who can see past her appearance :(
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:36 No.8497815
    Oh god I saw it all in perfect detail.
    By adoring her for her perfection. By orchestrating their wills as a combined, perfected engine of battle and becoming better through her and because of her, while teaching her any and all he can of the matters of life outside the battlefield. With time, love and practice, they would become not only masters or war, but masters of all things.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:36 No.8497819
         File1268184982.jpg-(10 KB, 500x426, fatgunlick..jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:36 No.8497829
    She has extra "tools" that both sexes can enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:37 No.8497834
         File1268185040.jpg-(17 KB, 1000x292, 220-ayw15a.jpg)
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    >swiss army knife

    Swiss Army waifu is moe. She can do everything and she tries so hard, but she's really not good at anything but small tasks.
    >> HarryDresden !Fb4PhAII/U 03/09/10(Tue)20:37 No.8497841
    Retool the handle as a fleshlight.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:38 No.8497854
    in my setting, there is a race of outsider shapeshifters that can change aspect and attain weapon form (any weapon).

    one of these outsiders has a crush for one of the characters and after years of stalking smuggled herself in the inventory of the player as a gift from the sexy girl.

    one time he tryed to scry the girl, but he couldn't pass the defenses (as the player himself was under area spells that provided the party protection from scrying)

    later, he somehow guessed the thing out of character... but it was fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:38 No.8497859
         File1268185122.jpg-(209 KB, 1000x476, lannasword.jpg)
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    Yeah, beat me to it.
    Another common name for is Banshe. It's a pretty universal sword design in SE Asia.
    Some of the Classical Lanna-era Cambodian ones are big as fuck, almost like polearms, and heavily ornamented. (see pic)
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:39 No.8497866
         File1268185143.jpg-(27 KB, 640x393, Rapier.jpg)
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    ATN OF 5, BITCH!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:39 No.8497869
    wait wait wait
    you can afford a big screen TV so that makes you smart?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:39 No.8497877
         File1268185187.gif-(2.22 MB, 512x384, moefinalform.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:40 No.8497885
    No, I'm smart so I can consider to not blow over 50% of my expendable liquid assets on a fucking TV.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:40 No.8497886
         File1268185221.jpg-(42 KB, 600x467, zanbato-ss-001.jpg)
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    I happen to like big girls who were designed for playing with horses... Mmmmmm. Innuendo.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:41 No.8497894
    oh god, i just clicked into thsi thread without considering the implications and now i can't leave it
    >> The Original Troll King Omega Supergod Prime the Great 03/09/10(Tue)20:41 No.8497899
    Welcome to /tg/
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:42 No.8497908
    I'm thinking this needs an archive.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:43 No.8497911
    I cannot think of anything more terrifying than a jealous sentient razor blade on the rag. I salute your DM and his long term troll. Enjoy never ever getting human pussy again.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:43 No.8497912
    I can just imagine Nightmare and his waifu sword right now...
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:43 No.8497919
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:43 No.8497930
         File1268185436.jpg-(83 KB, 800x600, 's pretty tall for a girl.jpg)
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    Bitches and Whores
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:44 No.8497942

    Could be worse

    It could be a blackguard's unholy avenger

    who demands rough sex after each encounter

    on top of the kills
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:45 No.8497948
    no, personal trainer
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:45 No.8497949
    Armor are male.
    A parry is generally considered lesbian interaction but is not looked down upon.
    Armor against armor is generally considered a bad move.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:45 No.8497952

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:46 No.8497962
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:46 No.8497965
         File1268185572.jpg-(20 KB, 1000x434, 231-ayw06.jpg)
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    Really, Dha come in such dazzling variety of blades and all because some king decided that THIS GENERATION WILL NOT NEED NO STABBY.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:47 No.8497971
         File1268185629.jpg-(69 KB, 500x500, 1266277808007.jpg)
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    oho i think /a/ got there first
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:47 No.8497972
    waterproof wrapping - swimsuits?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:47 No.8497974
    >255 posts and 48 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

    Really? Jawsome.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:47 No.8497983
    >> H.P. Loveshaft !pFyeWRkrwc 03/09/10(Tue)20:48 No.8497991
         File1268185714.jpg-(493 KB, 891x1000, Aba.jpg)
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    Her husband's a key. Do what she's doing.
    Find yourself an alchemist/powerful wizard/god/etc.

    Force that summabitch to give her a body.
    Have insane sex.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:49 No.8498004
         File1268185755.jpg-(129 KB, 900x567, Hossom_Kopis01-ww.jpg)
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    petite but curvy
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:49 No.8498006
    I ahve an exam tomrrow morning you fucker! I must leave since It's 3 in the morning here.

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:49 No.8498009
    >Implying Paracelsus wants to have sex with A.B.A.
    >Or that he wants a body
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:49 No.8498015

    I for one am pre-anticipating the ARMOR HUSBANDO updates.

    Delicious enchanted protective touching
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:49 No.8498018

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:50 No.8498022
    Holy shit. I love how that sword looks. No point, just glorious straight lines.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:51 No.8498046
         File1268185899.jpg-(68 KB, 640x512, b4a555b20a43c0_full.jpg)
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    Problem, officer?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:51 No.8498048
    So /tg/ I had this idea for a magic sentient sword a couple weeks ago. The is that it acts more like a Trill Symbiont from Star Trek.
    "The Symbiont took with it all memories of the previous Trill hosts. Upon joining, the new Trill host gained these memories."

    The way I figured it each time the person using this sword leveled up the experience would be divided between the two. If the weilder was ever seperated from the sword that person would only have half of the levels he'd gained while using it. (To help with this users are advised to take 2 levels in anything they decide to level up in.)

    The benefit to using the sword of course would be that a level 1 peasent could pick up the weapon and isntantly be a much higher level warrior. Useful if your caracter was killed off and their sword given to the next caracter they rolled.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:52 No.8498053

    the tip's like that so people won't stab each other accidentally!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:52 No.8498060
    This swordwaifu has scoliosis, a hunchback, and bad teeth.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:53 No.8498068
         File1268186006.jpg-(773 KB, 1920x2560, HPIM0081.jpg)
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    >I for one am pre-anticipating the ARMOR HUSBANDO updates.

    You're not gonna get the periode fashion jokes, but as you whish.

    Kuma Husbando. When you absolutely need a husbando build like a bearded brickwall. He also likes bows and laces.
    >> H.P. Loveshaft !pFyeWRkrwc 03/09/10(Tue)20:53 No.8498071
         File1268186013.jpg-(787 KB, 1673x1053, ee7b795c1305d660701590b311d65c(...).jpg)
    787 KB
    Who said anything about what Paracelus wants?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:54 No.8498084
         File1268186078.jpg-(199 KB, 730x1000, mcgunface2.jpg)
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    good evening ladies, i just need to ask some questions.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:55 No.8498091
         File1268186103.png-(21 KB, 500x600, 1266719704869.png)
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    Well, Paracelsus, because he'll be able to kick the shit out of A.B.A. if he ever gets forced into a body.
    Pic related, it's A.B.A. if she actually gets a body for him.
    Upset as fuck and alone.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:55 No.8498101
    These Dha are awesome. There's so much variety just in the designs already made. I like the katana-shaped one, only it has a more ornate blade and a natural, thick hilt.

    Man, the /k/ommando in me just loves these kinds of threads. Unhealthily so.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:55 No.8498102
         File1268186154.png-(999 KB, 2560x1835, Berserk_v35c310p02-03.png)
    999 KB
    I wonder what Guts's sword would be like.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:55 No.8498105
         File1268186159.jpg-(90 KB, 1004x4088, 1239642819092.jpg)
    90 KB
    I liek mine tall and german...
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:56 No.8498108
         File1268186165.jpg-(806 KB, 1315x1650, MdHuK_09b.jpg)
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    >I for one am pre-anticipating the ARMOR HUSBANDO updates.

    Looking for a bishounen white knight? Look no further. He might appear to be a bit cold at times, but try and look beyond that. He's a really nice guy.
    The french version is what you're looking for if you like thin legs on your men.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:56 No.8498116
    Now you see, I'd be fucked if I was him, because that face makes me want to hug her.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:57 No.8498125
    Obviously: you must take this sword to a forge + anvil often, so that you may beat your wife into doing her job better.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:57 No.8498127
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:57 No.8498130
    Huge, angry, demanding, and always on the rag.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:57 No.8498131
    Imagine guts as a woman.

    There you go.
    >> H.P. Loveshaft !pFyeWRkrwc 03/09/10(Tue)20:58 No.8498135
         File1268186289.jpg-(115 KB, 500x896, 5ced66996915004561d46067ad89c8(...).jpg)
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    Good point
    I wonder what a rage faced human Paracelsus would look like.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:58 No.8498141
         File1268186333.jpg-(723 KB, 1015x1100, 7fd26c2d3dbbe8cea2a29c076a027b(...).jpg)
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    Here, let me help.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:59 No.8498143
    Character's name is A.B.A., she's from Guilty Gear, the best fighting game ever made.
    She's a golem but not a golem because I can't remember the word for some ungodly reason, Paracelsus is a demon that fucks shit up. She luuuurves him and he's concerned but not interested.
    She's also dumb as a box of rocks and pretty annoying.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)20:59 No.8498147
         File1268186356.jpg-(116 KB, 334x500, 1239038718007.jpg)
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    We herd you like deliciouse collarbones and intelligent conversations? The pick a Maximilan husbando. On top of being a true renaissance man, he might even come with the late gothic husbandos chivalry as a bonus.
    >> lilith 03/09/10(Tue)20:59 No.8498152
         File1268186394.gif-(245 KB, 1200x900, 1260536186924.gif)
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    Persian kard would be a sweet, traditional, conservative girl in public, but in private she'd be a wild chick with a fondness for hookahs.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!TLjU8vp8jvg 03/09/10(Tue)21:00 No.8498153
    Probably more calm than Guts, actually. Fuckhueg and strong, yes, but probably more of a pacifist. She empowers Guts, though, and can never say no to him.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:01 No.8498169

    I would say Blazblue is better but that's just me.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:02 No.8498185
         File1268186553.jpg-(61 KB, 450x600, varf-crest02.jpg)
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    These husbando are a bit rude, but they will beat people up to make you happy. In fact they insist on crushing your enemies in your name. They need lots of space to roam though, having an enclosed garden with apple trees, water and roses would be best and they are known to be sort of aggressive against muslims.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:02 No.8498188
         File1268186562.jpg-(10 KB, 560x373, nimcha.jpg)
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    We've been married for a long while now.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:03 No.8498192
    Yeah, that.
    Yeah, that's just you.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:04 No.8498196
    You just have to be mean and pick on her flaws!

    You are a nasty, horrible person!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:04 No.8498199
    Having male armor as a female would be difficult. They'd always be telling you how awesome your curves feel against them.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:04 No.8498202
    I love that long hilt design. Would marry it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:05 No.8498205
         File1268186708.jpg-(28 KB, 561x427, 1235710704818.jpg)
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    Call me a chubby chaser if you must...but I regret nothing! NOTHING!

    Your wife is of doubtful heritage. I head she's been around too.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:06 No.8498214
    And a female sword would be moaning every time you thrust it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:09 No.8498241
    Of course, the question is, how do you get the sword to pleasure you back?

    Put the handle in your ass?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:10 No.8498248
         File1268187019.jpg-(177 KB, 2500x1533, 5360 Centralafrika.jpg)
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    jungle fever
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:10 No.8498253
         File1268187048.jpg-(35 KB, 717x390, wea021.jpg)
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    Unwieldy, strange-looking and shy. But possesses a fantastic backside, and always follows through.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:11 No.8498257
         File1268187076.jpg-(268 KB, 1000x750, P1010423.jpg)
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    She's sort of clingy and ragged and not that good-looking, but I truely love my wife.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:12 No.8498268
    Looks like more work than she's worth. You'd dump her for a slim, low profile dagger in no time.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:12 No.8498273
         File1268187167.jpg-(20 KB, 540x539, templar.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:13 No.8498276
         File1268187189.jpg-(98 KB, 605x480, 1267357833685.jpg)
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    Well, I *have* played the entire GG series from X to Accent Core Plus; not that GG isn't better than 90% of the other stuff out there mind you, but BB is a major improvement IMO.

    A "breast plate" shaped to the contours of a female chest would be a gay/fabulous male armor. Constantly complimenting the woman inside on how nice he accentuates her curves.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:14 No.8498297
    You're character dual wields swords. They both become intelligent, and are female.

    Both are now competing over you.

    What do?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:15 No.8498303
         File1268187328.jpg-(29 KB, 587x387, 1220712840002.jpg)
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    dem Tahiti island girls...
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:16 No.8498313
         File1268187399.gif-(54 KB, 450x537, vlippan027925.gif)
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    It's really not a husbando for everyone, but some really love the boxy, dependable feeling. A good choise for a career woman as they love to support you from afar and are experts at guarding you against darts of jealousy.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:18 No.8498339
         File1268187522.jpg-(56 KB, 800x533, Tower_of_London-Henry_VIII's_c(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:18 No.8498340
    Die, your throat mysteriously slit in your sleep one night by your own hand. Your party members scavenge your weaponry.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:21 No.8498379
    >This thread has been requested 1 times now.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:21 No.8498380
    Shit. I was hoping for a sword-cat-fight.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:22 No.8498386
    Oh god I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:22 No.8498387
         File1268187735.jpg-(104 KB, 450x622, todd_255962_1[378925]2.jpg)
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    Korean husbandos look all sorts of awesome, but you gotta be able to stomache their macho attitude and their I'M THE MOTHERFUCKING INVINCILBE MAN OF STEEL-days.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:23 No.8498401
         File1268187784.jpg-(19 KB, 316x275, rifle plates.jpg)
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    They just don't make husbandos like they used to, do they? Too portly, too little protection.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:24 No.8498422
    Nice, an elegant Moroccan.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:27 No.8498468
    Eh. It felt wayyy too slow for me.
    And it didn't have I-no and Faust.
    Arakune almost cuts it but not quite.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:28 No.8498473
         File1268188083.jpg-(236 KB, 785x1200, mughul_coat_of_1000_nails.jpg)
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    We can not really say too many good things about indian husbandos. Your best pick - an Aryan husbando - will make you feel inadequat because he's so awesome friendly, supportive, thoughtful ect.

    ...though sikim husbandos are fine if you're a bit of an action girl yourself.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:30 No.8498502

    >using 4chan archive instead of sup/tg/

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:30 No.8498509
         File1268188241.jpg-(164 KB, 1000x750, 1237902986899.jpg)
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    Mai waifu is a real princess. Her parents kept her inside for most of her life.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:31 No.8498517
         File1268188269.jpg-(142 KB, 472x1071, hoplitefront.jpg)
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    Mediterranean, heroic, passionate and stylish.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:35 No.8498573
         File1268188503.jpg-(74 KB, 600x336, 69_2.jpg)
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    BEST WAIFU EVER. I mean, she dresses a bit too exotic for most formal functions, but she's a hard-working woman who will reliably support you under even the most exotic circumstances. The only waifu that will be able to start a fire for the two of you when you're lost in the jungle. Do be nice to her though and live up to her because she will experience a fatal burnout rather quickly otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:37 No.8498603
         File1268188650.jpg-(291 KB, 1200x924, ar06.jpg)
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    Experienced older woman with ample curves? Fucking count me in.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:38 No.8498613
         File1268188691.jpg-(30 KB, 600x550, nagimaki.jpg)
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    Tall, dark and sort of the silent, unassuming type. Being a Japanese girl but tall and big she's sort of overconscientious. But she has got GREAT legs, and once she starts moving she's a hurricane.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:40 No.8498650
         File1268188831.jpg-(234 KB, 1200x1013, ar56.jpg)
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    Westernized asian women are icky. I'll stick with good turkish girls, thank you very much.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:40 No.8498655
         File1268188852.jpg-(43 KB, 1200x600, EBE_landsknecht020.jpg)
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    Beautiful, not particularly tall though a little bit wide for her height (not chubby though) with a fast mind and a vicious love of big close-up brawls where she'd gut people before they even knew what'd be going on.

    Knows that she's a sidearm though, but one that gets to play more than the main armament, and is always ready to dive in.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:44 No.8498699
         File1268189043.jpg-(62 KB, 1024x510, cl021.jpg)
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    Twins they were, and not of the jealous sort.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:49 No.8498776
         File1268189394.jpg-(147 KB, 1024x490, cv022.jpg)
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    She...she makes me feel lonley at time. She really free-spirited and I can never hold her for long until the road takes her again. She laughs like a lion and curses like a sailor. There's no woman than can compare to her.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:52 No.8498820
         File1268189549.jpg-(124 KB, 1200x795, di17.jpg)
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    Kinky girls are the best.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:54 No.8498853
         File1268189695.jpg-(206 KB, 375x500, 4040114106_73fd306342.jpg)
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    A somewhat plain, top heavy woman with a rather blunt manner and making the occasional pointed joke.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:56 No.8498865
         File1268189765.jpg-(309 KB, 1200x541, The_Duelist__s_Tools_by_the_le(...).jpg)
    309 KB
    nimble, classy french girl, of class, but who still likes to get out...

    ...and her maid isn't too harsh on the eyes either.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)21:58 No.8498900
         File1268189928.jpg-(257 KB, 1134x786, 1256666903358.jpg)
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    Erm... anyone wanna try this? my mind's drawn a blank.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:00 No.8498928
         File1268190043.jpg-(35 KB, 277x360, akbar1-749394.jpg)
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    >> From Hell's Heart 03/09/10(Tue)22:03 No.8498972
         File1268190222.jpg-(19 KB, 276x242, 1263357441542.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:04 No.8498984
         File1268190283.jpg-(22 KB, 700x467, db15.jpg)
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    polish, a little flamboyant, lover her horses
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:08 No.8499042

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:12 No.8499100
    A petite trap? imokaywiththis.jpg
    >> Stop staring at my boobs! Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:13 No.8499107
         File1268190795.jpg-(13 KB, 330x330, 1255589474230701[1].jpg)
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    Hmph. Stupid, I am not letting you swing me b-because I like you or anything. *blush* S-so don't get the wrong idea. Got that?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:16 No.8499153
         File1268190974.jpg-(56 KB, 848x480, scren.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:18 No.8499183
         File1268191134.jpg-(166 KB, 1024x768, 1267563723867.jpg)
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    Unsheat it Ano, I double dare you.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:21 No.8499217
    She was my favorite
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:23 No.8499243
         File1268191399.jpg-(6 KB, 200x244, kalari-urumi.jpg)
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    I was wondering when this would show up. This almost a /tg/ Boobsmith thread now.

    This girl's quite flexible, if you know how to coax her, but though she seems serene and controllable, one wrong move and she'll have you whipped.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:37 No.8499442
    Goddamnit, /tg/.

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:42 No.8499504
         File1268192552.jpg-(178 KB, 612x744, 2009044Glam1.jpg)
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    and yet we still got a whole bunch of interesting weaponry posted out of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)23:17 No.8500055
    .......That's a trap right?

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