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03/20/10(Sat)01:56 No.8675896 File1269064598.jpg-(199 KB, 650x700, 1268627179963.jpg)
 Without warning, Alaric held up his hand to silence Sal, as they crouched behind the cart watching the party. He pointed down the alleyway, from the direction they had come, and—yes, she could hear it too. Footsteps. Not good. She crouched further behind the wheel of the cart as Alaric began mumbling the beginnings of a spell— "Well, I would think that—" Elias's response to the guard was cut off as an explosion rocked the square, jets of smoke coming from the alleyway from which they had emerged just a few minutes before. His heart sank as the guards before him tensed, reaching for their weapons. Elias put his hand to his sword. "I don't wish to harm you, " he said, as levelly as he could. But the guards only drew out their weapons. Damn. No way they could make it back to they alley now, not without taking care of these men first.
"Oy, look what we've got here?"
A voice comes from the square. Holding his sword before him Elias looked back, only to see what he feared most. A group of men clad in black, like the ones from before, leading a struggling Sal by her arms. Another is dragging Alaric, his robes singed and battered, unconscious behind him. "Here, what's this? An elf and a beast?" The guard captain smiled wickedly. "It looks like we've got ourselves a promotion, lads!" |