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pic related, my face
!!TRanvZl56g3 03/23/10(Tue)11:27 No.8741998 File1269358023.jpg-(44 KB, 690x509, edgeworth.jpg)
 Amazing story from Pokemon Heartgold I must share with you guys seeing as how there's a thread here.
Okay, so I had a level 22 Gastly at the time and a 26 Croconaw I mainly used, I had others too though, I was about to challenge whoever it is that controls the 4th (or 3rd) gym, he used Ghost type pokemon.
So I beat the first two, If I remember rightly he sent our a Gastly and Haunter, yes.
So then out comes his Gengar, level 25 (or 26), he wipes the floor with both my Gastly and Croconaw.
Those are my main tough guys, without them I'm screwed and I know it.
Well, may as well throw the other pokemon to get fainted, I thought, so I sent out my level 5 Togepi, now here comes the good part.
Gengar uses Shadow Ball, bam, this attack doesn't affect Togepi. That's one move he can't use. I use metronome 10 times (the limit of PP) while Gengar has no offensive moves besides Sucker Punch and Shadow Ball, while we know S.Ball doesn't work and neither does Sucker Punch seeing as how it only works when my Togepi is readying an offensive attack. Well, this goes on for ages, I just keep using moves like Growl and Charm until Gengar runs out of PP! He was never able to touch my Togepi!
Eventually he uses Curse and it's like poison, every now and then managing to hurt my Togepi, but also he runs out of PP and starts Struggle (a move which inflicts damage onto whoever has no moves to use now, in this case the opponent, Gengar.
This keeps going on and on, eventually, with well placed Metronomes from my Togepi and the Struggling of the Gengar, Gengar croaked and fainted.
Ding, from level 5 up to level 11 my Togepi rose.
I was shocked, the same happened for the next pokemon, a level 23 Haunter. And Togepi used the same strategy to humiliate Haunter too.
And that's my story of how a level 5 Togepi beat a level 25 Gengar and level 23 Haunter. |