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04/01/10(Thu)01:05 No.8907498 File1270098341.jpg-(224 KB, 800x789, SoOriginalSapph.jpg)
 >>8907298 >>8907295 >>8907279 Sweet >>8907358 fuck if i know, it's a neat motivator >>8907381 Is a sprawling field of green. He's appeared on top of a stump of wood. Across the field is a nice little shack. A few yards away, behind another stump and under a tree, sits a wolf-woman, in bright rainbow-colored robes. She has large, bright wings, also rainbow-colored. Her hair is enormous. Yes, she really is pic related (I'm a horrible person, I know, I really sprung this on my players). She is reading what appears to be a large tome of magic.
She looks up from her book for a moment. "Ah, a VISITOR! How wonderful! Come, sit by me, and hear of my wisdom." Jeffrey is appaled by what he sees. "Uhh, yeeah, I'll stand over here." "Oh, that's fine. Did those stupid townspeople send you? They're always trying to tell me what to do. Gotta pity lesser beings, you know?" "UHHHHHHH" "Right, so, what do you want from me?" "Uh, see, some guys told me that you know a lot of stuff and can help...me..." "Oh, sure, but of course you have to do something for me. Why don't you tell me what you want, and I'll let you know." "um, not sure if this is a good idea after all..." "Oh, c'mon, just tell me". "well, um, I just got a house, you see, and I wanted to know about its past..." "OH no problem NO Problem! All I want you to do, is to convince the townspeople that I'm the most beautiful creature ever. Can you do that?" "Um... maybe?" "Oh, just try."
Out from the shack, comes a completely naked man with a blue cock. He yells, "Honey! We're overdue for more sex!" "Coming dear~" and she runs off.
Jeffery, appalled at this, goes over and looks at her magic tome. It's a copy of Twilight. Disgusted, he runs back to the treestump, yells shazam, and runs home as quick as possible. Reginald greets him. "Did you have a fine outing, sir?" "You DONT wanna know." |