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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 04/02/10(Fri)12:47 No.8935175 File1270226822.png-(267 KB, 489x419, canada copy.png)
 Once you get in contact with Captain Salinca, he congratulates you on taking out Night.
"I'd say that at least are pickets are safe from night raids again, but from the looks of things that isn't going to be a problem."
An image comes through down the secure link.
"What you see here is the Federation plan of attack. From the looks of it, although the primary force is still heading south towards Fort Saskatchewan, two smaller formations are heading both East and West to attack Westlock, and you over in Smokey Lakes. Now the weathers clearer than it has been for a long while, but even so the enemy tank forces are finding it slow going so don't worry you don't need to mount up just yet. This projected attack isn't scheduled until about 2 in the afternoon, a good 3-4 hours from now. I've already Ordered the pickets on the east and west sides to fall in and reinforce your position. However, as you can see, I don't think those pickets will be able to make it back to Smokey Lakes until after the enemy arrives, so they've been ordered to harrass the enemy in the rear if possible. I can't send reinforcements out to either of you as all of my efforts are going to spent holding the line."
"Well, since your there, I'll leave the defence of the town up to you, but if you need any tactical or strategic info, feel free to ask."