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04/05/10(Mon)22:55 No.9007842 File1270522542.jpg-(44 KB, 567x400, 1248663538880.jpg)
 >>9006778 "Ha, I knew those dwarves weren't right in the head," Grumog, your orc companion says as you lead the group into the necropolis. "Now lets grab us some of their gold and get out of here." "We shouldn't be doing this," says River. She fidgets and replaces a strand of her hair behind her pointed ear. "Someone has to," you say. "A whole race just can't come down with melancholy." "Never met a cheerful dwarf. Day always were quiet and brooding. Unless day were drunk, always serious." "Well, we won't figure anything out from here," you say and you enter an arch at random. An inky blackness is beyond the arch and you dig through your pack for a lantern. While you fumble for a light, Grumog laughs at you and strides into the darkness. A moment or two of stumbling and he hurries back to you. "Fuck! Dat whole cave is too dark. I can't see a damn ding." He seems a bit more patient than usual as he wants for you to secure your lantern. Once you do, you step through the curtain of blackness and the lantern dims. What was just a healthy wick is now dimmer than a sick glowworm. Grumbling, you continue on and Grumog and River follow. Turning right at the first branch, you mark the wall and go on into the inky blackness. Behind you are two warriors who would go into a dragon's lair unafraid but now, you feel them following so close behind you that you're tripping on their feet. About a hundred feet past the arch you enter a giant cavern and you feel the openness of it. With your little light you can just see the doorway into the cavern and a few feet of the floor but nothing else, the darkness devours the light before it can get and farther. |