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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 04/09/10(Fri)20:26 No.9092944 File1270859198.png-(108 KB, 563x409, crazy eight prophet.png)
As you dash around to flank Bandit, you send a Bazooka shot his way, just after David does, the shot goes wide , but it helps keep the pressure up at least.
"Look out Zolomon!" comes Calvins warning, just in time as you barely manage to avoid Prophets point blank shot as he appears from the gully created by the Gaw's beam cannons less than ten minutes ago.
"Round two, huh buddy? Sure, I'm up for that." you comment as you jink around, the g-forces pushing you into your seat and fire another shot with your Bazooka at him. Dashing to the left he avoids your first shot, but not a blast from your Chest Gun when set to dazzle. His Mobile Suit stumbles for a second and you charge into him, body checking him, his 180mm spins away. You ram the nozzle of your 330 directly into his chest and pull the triggle. At the last second he wriggles out of it and the rocket flies under his arm, scorching his armpit.
Instead of attempting to get a clean shot, you swing your Bazooka's barrel upwards until it's facing backwards and fire, the backwash catches Prophet directly in the face blinding his MS a second time. His suit fires it's net-gun from it's support launcher like before, but the shot is clearly unaimed and misses you by a mile. You toss your Bazooka and draw your heat axes, he steps backwards and attempts to jump away, but his leg thrusters refuse to ignite, your hits must have disabled them. He sees you charging and draws his beam saber. Your thrown heat hawk cuts cleanly through his wrist and the weapon falls to the floor, fizzling. He doesn;t even have time to react as you strafe past him a 300+kmph.
You slash once with your Hawk.