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  • File : 1270883725.jpg-(248 KB, 800x788, 1268805040364.jpg)
    248 KB Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:15 No.9100557  
    So i just found out that my old history teacher died today.

    He was a major influence in the creations of some of my best characters because of his sheer badassness for being a Green Beret and volunteering 2 tours in Vietnam.

    Anyways, in memory of him Post your most badass character and the event in which made them badass.

    Mine: Human Fighter lvl 5 in a pathfinder campaign;
    The party was fighting a gigantic crab which was guarding a trident we needed. the room we were in was a membrane protecting us all from a sea of boiling water, which had just been pierced by our ranger's deflected arrows. The crab is throwing people around and the room is filling boiling water. I yell at the party to leave the room as the crab backs me into the membrane. I had picked up two rings before i had entered, (a ring of endure elements and a ring of water breathing). as they leave i slash the membrane, killing the crab with boiling water, i grab the trident then make a mad dash to the door and seal it shut just as the the entire room collapses.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:23 No.9100648
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    Mine was a d20 future character in which cybernetics were prevelant. She had a mind control chip that prevented her from being able to directly harm the government suits that came to take her away, but she grabbed an EMP grenade from one of the guys' belts and activated it (which deactivated all of her cybernetics, including the mind control chip). Then she stoll one of their machine guns and started spraying like mad (blind with the loss of her cybernetic eyes, might I add). She only killed one of them, but the others were hurt enough that she could get away once she regained functionality.

    Pic kind of related but not really. It's the closest I have.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:23 No.9100653
    wtf? Stole*
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:26 No.9100698
    3.5. Half orc. Monk.


    I'd wanted to play this character for a while, and I finally ended up doing it. The story was that he was taken as a child and sold into slavery, being beaten and whipped. Eventually, he was liberated by a wandering group of luchadorres and trained under their tutelage. His turquoise mask with gold inlays and a shark fin on the back hid the scars from his former life, and he would not take it off.

    So, the campaign, we fuck around in some dungeons, and I'm wrestling EVERYTHING. I even wrestled a bear. A FUCKING BEAR. THAT HAD A GRAPPLE MODIFIER OF LIKE, +8.

    But that's not where the story gets awesome. More inbound.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:32 No.9100747
    So, we get to the bottom of the dungeon. And guess the fuck what? A dragon. Black dragon. Cue epic fight against the boss monster. We are getting thrashed. Breath weapons, diving underwater, this dragon is being a bitch. So I devise a plan as the fighter is going toe to toe at the shoreline.

    "Rob. Launch me." Rob being my brother, playing a warforged fighter.

    My initiative rolls around, and I charge the dragon, making an aided jump check from my brother to leap into the air, and tackle the dragon. I latch on, deal my unarmed damage, and announce I take a large breath in for when the dragon goes underwater.

    He goes up. I forgot they can fly.

    So, I have to tell the dipshit ranger who's the THAT GUY of our group that if he fires at the dragon, he could hit me. So here I am, wrestling this dragon in mid air. The DM announces I can't Reflex away from the breath weapon because I'm attached to the source. So I turn it around.

    "I roll to pin."
    "I roll to 'pin' the dragon's wings behind his back in a full nelson."

    A silent air goes over the party, who at this point were "HOLY SHIT THIS IS AWESOME".

    I roll.


    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:33 No.9100765
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:38 No.9100820
    So, I pin the dragon's wings, and we both go crashing into the ground. I have 6 seconds to say something. All my orc could scream was "LOS TIBURON!!!" which was his wrestler name, and close his eyes, and embrace glory.

    We both hit. Dragon's neck is snapped on impact. DM rolls my falling damage. Somehow, through either DM lying or sheer luck, I survived with -4 hp.

    Cleric heals me, and I stand up, make my way over to the dragon, and stand triumphantly above it.

    My brother takes his shield and pounds on it twice, making a bell noise with it.

    And thus the legend of Los Tiburon, half orc wrestler, was born. Wearing a dragontooth necklace.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:39 No.9100832
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:40 No.9100849
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:40 No.9100850

    This thread should be archived just for that.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:42 No.9100866
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    Sir, you have my approval.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:42 No.9100870
    Awesome stuff so far. Come on, there must be more stories.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:45 No.9100889
    I only have one good story.

    A fairly generic sci-fi setting we were playing using GURPS. My character was an old veteran of the space Marine Corps who had joined the group to investigate a cult that had sprung up on a nasty shithole of a planet. As it turns out, the cult uncovered some kind of bizarre alien devices and ruins under the planet's surface, and the Imperial navy sent a cruiser to sterilize the site, basically by launching nukes at it from orbit. So our group, not wanting to be nuked, hops into our own little vessel and head skyward, trying to use the cloudcover to conceal us until we can get in the planet's shadow away from the Imperial vessel.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:46 No.9100892
    lvl 17 Human Mystic Theurge.

    His name is Richard Scales, Cleric of St.Cuthbert and correspondent to the University of Mages.

    We are playing a hell campaign that was put together on the spot by a very very douchy DM. We go down into a cave to liberate a city of dwarfs where we meet an insane ice demon who decides to "speed up" our trip down a slope by creating an ice slide.

    Im the first person to slide down and im moving fast (40mph apparently, so says the DM) and suddenly a gigantic rolling ball of stone comes flying at me.

    the DM had an idea that it would squish me and then turn into a rock golem thing for the other players to fight,

    but me and my quick thinking cast quickened Stone to Mud.

    Eventually the DM killed me outright and i schooled him on how to DM while insulting his lifestyle, but the other players still bring up Richard Scales whenever we are talking about rock-based creatures.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:46 No.9100894
    His career did not end there. No. It had only just begun.

    I went on to wrestle trolls, yuan-ti, fought 20 kuo-toa at once, made fun of githyanki while holding them on the ground and making them slap themself complete with 'QUIT HITTIN' YOURSELF' taunting, all with the dragontooth necklace.

    I had names for all my monk abilities. 'Dance of the Starfish' was my flurry of blows, 'Weight of the Whale' was my Earth's Embrace, 'Slam of the Porpoise' was my Flying Kick.

    But the Fist of the Dragon was my ultimate finisher. I saved it for the BBEG every time.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:47 No.9100898
    Realizing the importance of the site, my Marine tells the others to slow the ship, while he suits up and climbs onto the back of our ship. In his backstory, he was a tactical marksman, and he still had a high-powered rifle. So from the back of our ship, I proceeded to snipe 5 inbound nuclear missiles with a man-portable rifle.

    Shit was so cash.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:47 No.9100903
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    Luchadors are always awesome. And playing a Luchador will grant you the opportunity to be awesome in ways that you could normally not be awesome in.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:50 No.9100917
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 04/10/10(Sat)03:56 No.9100974
    Well, it wasn't mine, but it was a friend of mine's character.

    We were playing a Shits and Giggles 3.5 evil campaign. I was playing a level 6 drow assassin because I could, another friend was a Dorf fighter, another was a something or another, and then...

    Then there was Toast.

    Toast was a 7 or 8 foot tall Minotaur Barbarian. With 29 strength and 7 intelligence. Needless to say, Toast could beat the hell out of you, and he was good at it. So, we're in an encounter. We had just raided this church in a small city, about 100 guards looking to kick our asses. We're doing pretty well, until this group of ultra badass guards gangs up on us. One of them comes up, and sinks his shortsword right into Toast. Toast is mad. Toast also has improved grapple and Improvised Weapon, and just to point it out; Cleave and great cleave. I'm sure you can see where this is going.

    Toast grabs that motherfucking guard by the ankles with a 17, and goes to swing him into another guard. Nat 20. Drops that guard. Goes onto the next one. Nat 20. He rolls 11 nat 20's in a fucking row. The D&D gods were smiling on him, because after that, the guard who he was beating them all with... His head pops off.

    Then he eats an elf on the side of a street. Such a fun campaign.
    >> Lazarus !!s4aNsOVuwew 04/10/10(Sat)03:58 No.9101003
    What a delightful lie
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)04:00 No.9101018
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    Now now, there is plenty of room in this thread for badass characters who are not Luchadors.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)04:00 No.9101026

    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)04:02 No.9101041
    >> Clopin Trouillefou 04/10/10(Sat)04:04 No.9101055
    Fortunately, it is not a lie. It was the most hilarious campaign I was ever in. Total party kill ended when the BBEG, a Djinn, with a whole bunch of cronies got us into his lair. I haven't gamed with those guys in about 2 years now.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)04:05 No.9101065
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    Planescape game- the party is a random mishmash of bizarre creatures with exactly one thing in common- they all woke up with amnesia, naked, in the Abyss.

    My character was an Earth Elemental, carved into a statue for reasons that were never explained. Mechanically, a Warforged Crusader with the Mineral Warrior template, so pretty heavily armed and armored even while stark naked.

    We're all trying to get our bearings and work out what the hell is going on, when we're ambushed by a Worm That Walks- a swarm of flesh eating maggots that form a collective sentience that hates everything.

    It lands directly on top of our merry band of amnesiacs and NPCs, and starts ripping us apart. Everyone tries to run away- it goes after a pair of children running slower than the rest, and gruesomely skeletonizes them.

    Galatea runs the other way. She doesn't know who these people are or what monster they're running from- she doesn't know her own name. But she does know one thing:

    "It spat out the bones. That means I can stop it. I have to try."
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)04:06 No.9101070
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)04:08 No.9101094
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    White Plume Mountain, awesome module. Lvl 5 , you were a bit underpowered for that dungeon, eh? Ah well.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)04:09 No.9101105
    lvl 13 female Hellknight/Paladin LG(hellknight 5,paladin 8)

    -Investigate lawless town nearby,maybe 800 people, by myself.
    -rest of party dicking around in another city
    -find city of terrified people and bodies in the street.
    -thieves,murderers, and necromancers run city
    -city is in shambles
    -I pull all of dead bodies outside city walls
    -set them on fire
    -tell onlookers Im going to purge the town of all it's filth
    - people start leaving
    -go inside and threaten some heckling criminals
    -Forcibly throw them out
    -Go to mayor of town and find out he is the root of the problem
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)04:11 No.9101127
    It was a 3.5 game a couple years back. Kobold Druid with Dire Toad animal companion.

    We were in the mountains hunting goblins- some dreadful variant with extra speed, stealth, and trapmaking skills. Jackasses by any account.

    Late in the day a fight had broken out around a cabin. Hard-pressed, the speed goblins ran inside, and most of the party gave chase, not wanting to give them a chance to set up traps. I stayed back, summoning badgers to send in and generally being a coward.

    The fight was going well, until a pair of the speed goblins ran up to the cabin's second floor. 'Whatever', we thought. 'They're just running away.' A turn later they jumped out the second-floor windows and barred the only door from the outside. The rest of the party and my summoned animals were trapped inside. All that stood between the goblins and the best story they'd ever tell their grandkids was five horses and a druid without wild shape.

    I thought for a second when my turn came around. Maybe I could just hide among the horses and hope the goblins left. I looked at my spells again for a solution, then at my items.

    The last time I was in town, I'd bought a scroll of Speak with Animals.

    I unfurled it, cast, and sent the party's horses charging at the goblins. They all hit with their attacks and even crit twice, splattering one of the goblins against the wall and trapping the other neatly. Next turn it tumbled away, but the horses followed. It only escaped when the horse I was riding fell into a pit trap.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)04:13 No.9101154
    Lvl. 5 Dwarf warlord, threw shield as an improvised weapon, rolled a 20, knocked an orc chieftain into a gelatinous cube causing him to be devoured. Nothing too special but I'm tired as fuck and can only remember last session
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)04:20 No.9101226
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    Survived this only having died once in combat.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)04:20 No.9101230
    Once the entire game.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)04:24 No.9101279
    -He is a half-orc with a greatsword, scarred body and mean as helI
    -I tell him to leave and never come back
    -Room is filled with subordinates and piles of gold stolen from citizens
    -He challenges me to a duel without weapons
    -I agree and we move furniture to sides of room.
    - I cast smite evil and chaos
    -He wins initiative and hits me pretty hard
    -I use my discipline ability and cast mark of justice on him
    -If he attacks me he has to roll because there is a 50-50 % that he can take no action that round.
    -DM rolls for next five turns for mayor
    -he loses the next four rounds
    -i lay into him with a spiked gauntlet and hit him for 250 damage.
    -He goes down
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)04:37 No.9101383
    -I heal him and tell him that he can take 25% of the gold and leave forever.
    -He does and I give small amount of money back to people
    -I use the rest to fix town using wood from nearby forest.
    -I bring people from city that the pcs are in to help.
    -Cooks, carpenters, warriors, weapon trainers, a banker, an armorer, clerics and an experienced leader and a noobie leader(experienced will teach the new)
    - We have festival to celebrate a new beginning
    I named the town pyre.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)05:00 No.9101602
    Long story short, solo-killed a BBEG eight CR over my own level with a particularly well-placed bull rush. My DM couldn't decide if he wanted to laugh, cry, or punch me. He explicitly stated to me sometime later that the encounter was specifically rigged to dramatically kill my character (for later resurrection), but that he couldn't then justify cheating to save the (already haxxored) NPC's bacon.

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