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  • File : 1271299484.jpg-(29 KB, 450x292, 2-cows.jpg)
    29 KB Two Cows Philosophy of Traditional Games Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)22:44 No.9197653  
    OWoD: You have two cows. The first cow rules for 5,000 years and is a complete prick. The second cow wears a leather jacket and bemoans his fate.

    Transhuman Space -- You have two cows. They are locked in a never-ending argument about Thomas Aquinas, and the neighbour's sheepdog keeps coming round to complain about the noise.

    Baron Munchausen: Dear Baron, please tell us of the time that you stole two cows from under the nose of the Sultan while disguised as the Palace of Versaille.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)22:46 No.9197689
    KULT: You have two cows. One is secretly a pan-dimensional jailer sent to keep you ignorant. The other is a demon that wants to slowly drive you mad before killing you horribly. Both are succeeding.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)22:47 No.9197706
    Exalted: The cows have sex and punch each other for a while. That's how the world was made, Timmy.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)22:48 No.9197726

    I'm mildly surprised anyone on this board knows about KULT.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)22:48 No.9197733
    GURPS: you have two unfertilized cow embryos and a fully stocked genetic engineering lab.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)22:49 No.9197752
    40K: You have two cows, but they no longer can capture points, we're reissuing the models so that one cow now costs what two used to, and the Space Marine Horse will be able to outperform your cows in every situation ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)22:50 No.9197774

    All cows now realize with shame that they can never be Space Marine Horses, but will always idolize their spiritual liege Marneus Cowgar.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)22:51 No.9197782
    Dresden Files RPG: The red court has taken your cows and the white council won't do anything about it.

    Eclipse phase: Your cyberneticly enhanced, genetically engineered space cows are going to die, so you back up their personalities off-site.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)22:51 No.9197793
    >The second cow wears a leather jacket
    >Wearing a jacket of its own skin
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)22:53 No.9197813
    Paranoia: While cow-ownership is indicative of American capitalism, your Clearance is not high enough to possess livestock, citizen. Please report to termination chamber 3-A. Have a nice day!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)22:54 No.9197837
    Leather can be made from any animal.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)22:55 No.9197839
    Dogs in the Vineyard: Your cows are Gun-slinging Magical Mormon Paladins wearing multicolor coats, but they can't judge each others' morals.
    >> An0nymous !gkWeiOwuW2 04/14/10(Wed)22:55 No.9197850
    L5R: You have two cows. They are having tea. One does not poor tea for the other cow. They have a duel. Karmic Strike. Both cows are now dead.

    The other cows write poetry about the two dead cows and their noble lives.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)22:55 No.9197852
    This is the best thread on /tg/ right now.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)22:57 No.9197888
    FATAL: One cow has an anus with a 5 foot diameter. The other cow is in the first cows anus.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)22:57 No.9197891
    40K DH: you have two cows, ITS HERESY!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:00 No.9197935
    it's more like: you have two cows. one cow is shot in the head by a cultist duck, and the brains from the first cow kill the other, causing a chain reaction of gore explosions that also kill the duck.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 04/14/10(Wed)23:01 No.9197949
    Global Thermonuclear War: You have two cows. One cow launches his nuclear warhead at the Kremlin. The other cow etaliates by launching more nukes to the White House. Both cows are dead by the next day.

    Chess: What your two cows would be playing if they realized that Global Thermonuclear War cannot be won.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:01 No.9197954
    4e: you have two cows, you cant do anything with them

    3.5: you have two cows, you need a billion books to do anything with them

    Savage worlds: you have two cows, one is a steampunk cowboy monsterhunter superhero, and the other one is indiana jones mage paladin shwashbuckler kung fu master

    nwod: you have two cows, one is sad, the other one is scared
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:01 No.9197955
    Meanwhile, the horse commits seppuku in shame for failing to prevent it.
    >> NuBlackAnon !!z6ldXGL61Wm 04/14/10(Wed)23:03 No.9197970
    Mekton: you have 2 cows. The first cow ignores armor and the second cow can critically attack for infinite damage.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:04 No.9197997
    Vampire: You have two cows. One is old and a total dick, the other is young and irrepressibly whiny.
    Werewolf: You have two cows. They regularly go into a rage and slaughter everything nearby while screaming about nature and spirits.
    Changeling: You have two horribly traumatized cows. Both are a little crazy and constantly making deals with everyone.
    Promethean: You have two funny-looking and somewhat miserable cows. You used to have six dead cows, so this must be an improvement.
    Hunter: You have two cows. Armed only with their hooves, they stalk and kill other varieties of livestock which they believe endanger them.
    Geist: You have one cow, and it's got a more badass spirit cow that gives it unstoppable powers. Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:06 No.9198021
    C:tL: One cow is certain the other cow is a Loyalist, but can't kill it because killing a cow is a sin against Clarity. The other cow thinks the first cow is a figment of its imagination.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:08 No.9198028
    Shadowrun: Where did the cows go?
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 04/14/10(Wed)23:09 No.9198048
    Pokemon TCG: You have two Miltanks.
    >> Leman Russ 04/14/10(Wed)23:10 No.9198054
    Settlers of Catan: You have two cows which you need to trade for some wheat.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:11 No.9198064
    WFRP: You have two cows. One attempts to use magic to create a small amount of light, gets possessed by a Plaguebringer, both cows die.

    CthulhuTech: It is impossible to accurately record how many cows you have with Euclidean mathematics.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:11 No.9198065
    Shadowrun has Awakened cows that spit lightning and gene-tweaked supercows that lactate heavy combat stims. It's horrifying.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:11 No.9198074
    LARP: You have two cows. One is just there to have some fun and beat people with foam swords. The other is a whiny rules lawyer that takes him self waaaay to seriously.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:12 No.9198081

    That's why the Runners stole them.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:13 No.9198086
    Unknown Armies: You have one cow, who is trying to kill the other cow for ascending to demigodhood first.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 04/14/10(Wed)23:15 No.9198113
    Oregon Trail: You have two cows. One died of a snakebite. The other drowned during a river crossing.
    >> An0nymous !gkWeiOwuW2 04/14/10(Wed)23:15 No.9198121
    Battlefield Evolution: You have two cows. One cow has a British army list of 1000 pts. The other cow doesn't know what Battlefield Evo is.

    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:16 No.9198137
    Dwarf Fortress: You have two cows.

    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:17 No.9198140
    you have two 0/1 green Cow creature tokens.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:18 No.9198148
    Dwarf Fortress: You have two cows. You milk them once a season to make a single slice of cheese. You'll have 40,000 cows in 4 years.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:19 No.9198155
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:22 No.9198195
    Spirit of the Century: You have two cows, and both are fighting Nazis while making patriotic quips.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:22 No.9198199
    Warhammer 40K: you have one cow. You won't be able to afford another one until your next paycheck, and chances are that they'll nerf cows in the new codex anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:24 No.9198227
    Mouse Guard: One cow is an unstoppable natural disaster. Two cows is the end of the world.

    Ironclaw: Two members of your party are cows. No one thinks this is odd, least of all the militant catholic horse, although people not in your game will call you a furry if they find out about it.

    Ars Magica: Two cows are wizards with vast powers to alter the world around them through their command of Latin verbs and nouns, but all they do is sit around in their labs for season after season reading books and cooking up potions to extend their lifespans.

    TMNT: You are two cows. You fight crime.

    Macho Women with Guns: Some punk makes a leud comment about your massive udders, so you kill him with a grenade launcher while wearing an outfit made of fishnets and spiked belts.

    Fireborn: You are a ancient cow reborn into a human body, setting to recover the lost memories of your past glory.

    Maid: You are a cowgirl, possessing a variety of bovine features. Your parents were highly abusive toward you. Your uniform has jangling chains attached to it. You talk like a rough-and-tumble gangster. You're exceptionally shy, and have trouble opening up to new people.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:24 No.9198229
    Rogue Trader: You have two cows hooked up to massive space-engines that continually force milk out of the udders for sale at a huge mark-up on mining worlds.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 04/14/10(Wed)23:24 No.9198231
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    Battlefleet Gothic - Your Space Cows get shredded by the butcher that is the Necron BuzzSaw fleet.

    4E DnD - Your Cows are now called Tauren

    3.5 DnD - There Is No Cow Level
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:27 No.9198263
    Shadowrun: You have two cows, and two hundred D6 to roll to milk them.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:27 No.9198267
    got a few chuckles from me
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:31 No.9198319
    Call of Cthulhu: You have two cows. One is actually an eldrich abomination from beyond space-time. lose 1d10 SAN.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:32 No.9198331
    Scion: You have two cows. They both took Epic Dexterity, so you have a 0% chance to successfully milk them.

    Mutants & Masterminds: You have two cows. One gives milk that can cure cancer and makes you invincible, the other has the ability to moo unusually loudly.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:33 No.9198347
    Riddle of Steel
    A Cow strikes you in the groin.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:44 No.9198558
    Diablo 2: You have two cows. Clicking on one will cause it to explode, nearly killing you. The other has a halbard, and about two hundred friends, who are similarly armed. Moo moo, moo moomoomoo. Moo!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/10(Wed)23:47 No.9198638
    X-Com: You have two cows, both are rookies and you expect them to be hamburger by the end of the day.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)00:00 No.9198883
    Wushu: You have two cows. One is a Norse deity that defeats enemies with guitar solos, the other just got 15 bonus dice for an exceptionally exquisite description of its udders.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)00:10 No.9199071
    we run out of ideas here?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)00:47 No.9199685
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)00:55 No.9199850
    /tg/ homebrew edition -

    Go To Hell: You have two cockshitters, cuntface.

    Deus Volt: Prester John has all the cows.

    Uberstadt:You had two cows. Then Thrifty McHaberdasher and his kin came along...

    Inland Empire: Telegraph hackers stole the punch-card telling you how many cows you have.

    Vril War: You have two cows. One you put into well-ventilated cockpit and train him in small unit tactics, the other you let huff vril fumes while you preach the glory of Deutschland.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)00:58 No.9199937

    Dogpocalypse: One cow is armed as best as money can get. the other is throwing mind bullets. This is not a metaphor.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)00:59 No.9199968
    Snow Crash: You have two pages of cow jokes. You trade them for a ripped album.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:03 No.9200025
    AFMBE: You have two cows. One has a craving for hamburger.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:13 No.9200211
    You have two surprisingly resilient cows. Rather than slaughter them outright, you chop off individual limbs and rend out organs until they eventually fall useless to the ground.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:14 No.9200235
    Arthropocalyse: The 2 cows are an epic tier encounter
    >> Nameless 04/15/10(Thu)01:14 No.9200240
    Rogue Trader. You have two cows. You make an Acquisition test. You have twenty thousand cows. You trade them for an unlimited supply of milk, but you can only carry three bottles at a time.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 04/15/10(Thu)01:16 No.9200268
    Mercs and Planes: You have two cows. One is operating on the AWACS, the other's busy shaking missiles off his Gripen.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:16 No.9200278

    Battletech: You have 2 cows, both are carrying massive amounts of armor, but they have a 3% chance of every medium size or larger gun killing them instantly.
    >> Writefag Chronicles !42DalLaSf2 04/15/10(Thu)01:16 No.9200280

    You have two cows. Thanks to new naming conventions, they're known as Leatherhide Tramplebeasts.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:22 No.9200377
    B/X D&D : You have two cows. The first cow is constantly checking for traps with a 10 foot pole. The second cow's class is Cow and he has infravision but no relevant skills.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:22 No.9200379

    Mercs and Planes: You are a Georgian farmer. You had two cows, but they both shit themselves to death after Russians poisoned the water supply.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:31 No.9200545

    Mercs and planes: You had two cows on the Queen Victoria. You don't really know what happened to them.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:32 No.9200577
    Eon: You have two cows that have decent milk output, but you wanted a horse and a a duck. Both of the cows have astronomical debts and astronomical wealth at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:32 No.9200584
    Monsters and other childish things: You have two cows. One is your best friend ever and he's stronger and way tougher than Jimmy down the street's cow, but he keep trying to eat your moms soul.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:32 No.9200586
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:34 No.9200611
    Rolemaster: You have two cows. You must look up in 6 different charts how much milk you can potentially get.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:35 No.9200630
    Mercs and planes: you hear a moo at a distance, and you deploy napalm. All the cows are now dead, along with 3 civilians and a road bridge.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:40 No.9200702
    Guess what my party is facing next Tuesday.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:43 No.9200748
    You are in a barn. You see two cows.
    Place lantern.
    The cow kicks over the lantern. The lantern goes out. It is dark. You are likely to be eaten by a Grue.
    Pick up lantern.
    You do not see a lantern here.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:44 No.9200768
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    Two of these?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:54 No.9200968
    You have two Pezun Cowadges
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:58 No.9201040
    Yep it's a cow alright.
    ~Warrior, Diablo
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)01:58 No.9201043

    You pilot a Zacow named El Moouerto Gigante.

    You are a Mootype.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)02:00 No.9201080
    I fuckin' spit out my coffee
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)02:01 No.9201100
    But what is the milk like?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)02:03 No.9201143
    CoC: The milk is a hallucinogen which allows creatures living outside our time-stream to temporarily take over your body.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)02:03 No.9201158
    Uncharted Seas: You have two calves on a small farm. They show a lot of promise but are really young.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)02:14 No.9201373
    DnD: You see two Dire Cows. Roll Initiative.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)02:31 No.9201697
    Don't Rest Your Head: You have two cows. They must take shifts where one sleeps and the other defends the first from being tipped.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)02:38 No.9201834
    Call of Cthulhu: You have pi cows.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)02:48 No.9201979
    Touhou: You have 2 loli cowgirls firing flashy patterns of milk danmaku at each other. They then put this milk in the tea they settle down to drink.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)02:48 No.9201991
    you have two cows, and your both pirate cowboys ....in space!
    >> Gaow? 04/15/10(Thu)02:51 No.9202035

    You have two cows. They have 13 Constitution, giving them 13 stun damage boxes, 13 wound damage boxes and 7 mortal boxes. Their leather hide gives them 1d4-1 LI armor, 1d6-4 HI armor and 1d4-3 EN armor and I've gone cross eyed.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)02:51 No.9202042
    was there milk in it?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)02:54 No.9202090
    Unknown Armies: You have two cows. They are what you tend to every day. You take care of them. You cannot remember the last time you left your farm, and you know some terrible fate would befall you if you were to neglect your cows. YOUR MILK IS DELICIOUS AND YOUR LEATHER JACKET STOPS BULLETS.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)02:55 No.9202105
    StarCraft: "you have two cows."
    "you idiot Lestor, them's are zerglings. but they don't come out this far, unless... oh shit."
    "I love you sarge."
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)02:57 No.9202130
    Godlike: 2 cows are in a trench fighting nazis. One cow can shoot lasers from his udders and the other cow is pretty sure the first one is insane.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)02:59 No.9202158
    Starcraft: You have two cows. If they both go up a ramp at the same time, they get stuck and just wobble left and right.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:03 No.9202236
    Genius: You have two cows. By parading them publicly through the streets, video taping the faces in the crowds that form, and running an analysis of the video through your partner's organic supercomputer, you are able to predict how the crowd will vote based on which Two Cows joke the facial recognition software says they are thinking of.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:06 No.9202293
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:11 No.9202345

    i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:12 No.9202357
    AD&D: You have 1d4 Cows.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:12 No.9202362
    Holy shit I was just coming here to make a thread like this.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:13 No.9202372

    Were you struck with deja moo when you saw it?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:16 No.9202420
    Exalted: You have two bovine Lunars. One of them is bonded to you and the other runs around swinging a daiklave with her tail.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:17 No.9202443
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:20 No.9202484
    D&D 3.5: You have two cows, Attempting to milk them provokes a attack of opportunity.

    Dive into the Sky: You have two girls who are female teenage versions of two notable 1940s-era farmers, They strap cow parts onto their legs and fly around fighting alien cows made of nanomachines, A lesbian relationship is implied.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:23 No.9202522
    Warhammer 40k: You have two cows. Your wife has one as well when she finds out what you paid for them.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:25 No.9202552
    Deadlands: You must hunt down the son of a gun who rustled your two cows.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:30 No.9202596
    4e: You have two cows. Your 25 year old friend with aspergers insists this is a meaningless accomplishment because cows have no listed gold value in the PHB.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:33 No.9202620
    1000 Blank White Cards: You have two cows. Your opponent rules that players with more than one cow are eliminated from the game.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:33 No.9202625

    D&D: There are two cows. Their powerful horns glisten in the sun as they size you up with their predatorial eyes. Roll for initiative!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:34 No.9202636
    D&D 4e: You have two cows, You argue constantly with other farmers about them.

    Call of Cthulhu: Strange things have been happening. You think you might have two cows, so you investigate. Finding the two cows drives you permanently insane.

    Alt Call of Cthulhu: Your walls are full of cows, Their eldritch mooing drives you to insanity.

    The Morrow Project: You have two cows, You cryogenicly freeze them along with some farmers and huge weapon stocks to help rebuild America after a nuclear war.

    Classic Traveller: You had two cows. One died during character generation. The other is controlled by a room-sized computer and eats 75% of its body weight in hay in order to give milk once a week. It's traditional to dim the lights before milking it.

    Burning Wheel: You have two cows. Use the Cow Burner to define what that means for your campaign.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:35 No.9202645

    Dark Sun: Two cows ambushed you in the night, using their psychic aura of anesthetization to avoid detection until they were close enough to bring their hideous moisture-sucking tentacles to bear. Everyone died. Who wants to reroll?
    >> Gateway !A0rZLfg4Oc 04/15/10(Thu)03:36 No.9202662
    1000 Blank White Cards: One cow makes a card saying all players have to drink. Another cow makes a card saying the first cow has to drink.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:37 No.9202667
    Shadowrun: You have two cows, One turns into a minotaur.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:40 No.9202691
    Risk: You have two cows in Brazil. 45 West African cows stampede across the ocean towards you.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:41 No.9202705
    Fallout PnP: You have one cow with two heads.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:41 No.9202708
    Fairy Meat: You have two cows, they fight each other across your living room to see who will eat the other.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:42 No.9202715
    Solitaire: You have two cows, but neither of them wants to play cards with you right now.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:44 No.9202730
    Synnibarr: You have two cows. Both have 3000 hit points, laser eyes and can fly.

    Sorcerer: Cows don't exist. You have one cow. But getting any milk from it will require you to fulfill it's needs. Getting a second one because you require more milk means you'll have to gamble away your soul or something similar.

    Rolemaster: You have two cows, each with 10 attributes. Each of those attributes has a percentile rating and a second rating that shows its maximum potential. (See chart 5.1)
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:45 No.9202738
    Rifts: You have two cows, one is the pilot of an invincible mobile suit, the other can shred every mind within 100 meters of him.

    Both are killed in their sleep when a mega damage mosquito bites them without their armor on.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:46 No.9202742

    That's it. I'm sick of all this "Dire Animal" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Cows deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

    I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned the breeding a genuine cow in the next town over for 6 chickens and a bushel of cabbage (that's about 50$) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even put milk in cups of solid steel with my cow.

    Breeders spend years working on a single cow and breed it up to a million times to produce the finest animals known to mankind.

    Cows are thrice as strong as other animals and thrice as powerful for that matter too. Anything a goat can eat, a cow can eat better. I'm pretty sure a cow could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple "moo".

    Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering the farm? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined farmers and their cows of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the cows first because their killing power was feared and respected.

    So what am I saying? Cows are simply the best animal that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Cows:

    Lvl 15 Animal (300 HP) 30 STR 20 DEX 35 CON 30 INT 25 WIS 20 CHA

    Now that seems a lot more representative of the awesome power of Cows in real life, don't you think?

    tl;dr = Cows need to be more awesome in d20, see my new stat block.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:46 No.9202743
    Monopoly: You have two cows. Both adamantly want to be the car, but will lose interest in the game the first time they land on a property they can't buy out of pocket.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:48 No.9202755
    Minesweeper: You have two cows, and you never get around to milking either of them.

    Derpuhpus Quest: No such thing as derpcows exist.

    Diplomacy: You have two cows, both of which stab you in the back.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:49 No.9202766
    Magic the Gathering: You have two cows. You trade one for a Shivan chicken. The other gets banned for being involved in a combo with two donkeys and a poorly-worded druid.

    Minesweeper: You have two cows, If you try to milk them they explode.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:49 No.9202769
    All Flesh Must Be Eaten: You have two cows. ZOMBIE COWS
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:50 No.9202781
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    42 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:50 No.9202782
    Dogs In the Vineyard: Jeremiah had two cows and his neighbor Ezekiel had none. Jeremiah was a proud man and always seemed to find ways to lord it over his poorer neighbors. Eventually Ezekiel got so jealous that he resorted to sorcery, making a deal with demons to cause Jeremiah's cows to get sick and die. Jeremiah got angry and set fire to Zeke's barn, inadvertently causing the death of Zeke's brother Amos. Now Zeke's family is out for blood, and the whole town is taking sides. Today you and your group of dogs rode in to find the town on the verge of a bloody feud. How far are you willing to go to bring peace to the town and restore the people to righteousness?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:51 No.9202792
    Munchkin: You have one Very Very Invisible Flying Cow that is the Last Of Its Kind, and its identical mate. You milk them with a bucket over your head.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:52 No.9202797
    Dominion: You have two cows. You ambassador them away. Now your opponents all have a cow.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:54 No.9202818
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:55 No.9202823
    3:16: You had two cows, but one of them was killed under suspicious circumstances in the field, and coincidentally now you have a chance to get promoted to Head Farmer.

    kill puppies for satan: you kill two cows
    if you eat them, +0 evil
    if you don't eat them, +2 evil
    >> Anise !KpwfxjunhY 04/15/10(Thu)03:55 No.9202828
    Anima: You have two cows. Roll Style to see how awesome they are.

    Freeform RP: You have two cows. One is a princess who cannot be hurt by mortal means, and one is a rebellious teenager who was raped as a calf.

    Mahjong: You have two cows. The person to your left just discarded a cow.

    Mafia: You have two cows. They may communicate with each other at night.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:55 No.9202829
    shit made me laugh XD
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:56 No.9202848
    LARP: You have two cow plushies.
    >> Sync!!anisesucks 04/15/10(Thu)03:57 No.9202852
    Tales of the Abyss: You have two cows. Ion dies and Anise is a loser whore.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:58 No.9202855
    Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: With the new advances, we were finally able to introduce 2 cows to the mind worms.
    Lady Deirdre Skye
    "A Comparative Biology of Planet"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:58 No.9202861
    LARP: You have two cows. The organizer tells you take them back before the farmer calls the police.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)03:59 No.9202869

    Tales of Symphonia: You have two cows. They both appear to have grown angelic wings while you were in the bathroom for some fucking reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:02 No.9202884
    DM: You're at the crypt. There's two cows.
    John: I milk the cows
    DM: Can't there's no udders or anything.
    Billy: I fucking crush the milk out then, I thought it was implied if we cant milk it WE CRUSH WHAT WE WANT OUT OF IT.
    Giles: Hey, hey can I groom the cows?
    DM: We-
    John: No, you're a goddamn barbarian *Snort*, that, that's like me rolling to cast magic missile.
    DM: Hey! HEY! Pay attention. Anyway, the cows are made of stone.
    Billy: I can milk stone cows.
    DM: What.
    Billy: I can fucking do it, I have a magic +1 milking machine, it doesn't break.
    DM: So you're going to spend all day milking a chunk of stone with your milking machine.
    John: Yeah, and by my measurements, if my calculations are correct, and assuming these cows have milk in them, it'll take thirty two hours to suck it out, we can do this.
    Giles: Hey, hey, hey, I have gloves, I can, I can help!
    Billy: No, no you friggin' can't, their plain leather gloves and you made a shitty barbarian so, like, you'd make it worse.
    DM: Look, maybe GWEN might remember that interrogation- Wait, where's Gwen?
    Billy: She showed up one game and hasn't come back. You've been playing her character, dingus.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:02 No.9202890
    Tales of Phantasia: You have two cows. You discard them every other year and buy newer, shinier cows.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:03 No.9202897
    Battleship: You have 4 cows, and one calf that you can never find and swear must be moving around the field while you looking for it.
    >> Symmetry !ShiNKU/JVI 04/15/10(Thu)04:03 No.9202898
    Fallout PNP: You have two cows. They take ten minutes to do anything, and are addicted to Jet.

    Phoenix Command: You have two cows. The simple act of moving requires intense computation with a graphing calculator, but on the upside you can tell exactly what ramifications this will have on the local weather and earthquake prediction.
    >> Rev Dr. Syn 04/15/10(Thu)04:03 No.9202906
    Hackmaster: You have two cows, one hits the other with it's hoof doing a severity 23 critical to the brain, shattering the skull and turning the cows brain into goo.

    Gamma World: You have 2 new animals whose base form is cow. One can create forcefields, and shoot a sonic blast, and has claws that do 2d8 damage. The other can take over plants and has a second tail.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:04 No.9202912
    A little love for the Æonverse, please!

    Adventure! : You have two cows. One is a gun-toting, tomb-robbing, witticism-spewing hero, and the other is building an army of nazi vampire robots on his secret base on the dark side of the moon to take over the world.

    Aberrant : You have two cows. One can throw lightning bolts out of it's udders that cut buildings in half, so the other one teleports it into the sun and calls it a day.

    Trinity : It will take 4 or 5 of your psychic cows to take down the evil mutant gibbering cow-like-monstrosity that attacked their farm.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:05 No.9202919
    Synnibar: You have two cows. One is a Flying Cow with Phazed Chemical Laser Eyes, three 10ths, and an Alchemy Tail Barb. The other is a Midnight Sunstone Werecow, but don't be fooled-- the "Were" part does not mean that it is a shapeshifter.

    Homebrew: You have organs and odd bits of about 30 cows, and they add up to the mass of about 2 cows. Also, there's the head of a pig in there for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:06 No.9202933
    Munchkin: You have two cows. One is also a half-half-elf and just tricked the other into getting eaten by Cthulhu.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:08 No.9202948
    L5R First Edition: You have two cows.

    L5R Third Edition: You have two mantises.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:09 No.9202959
    4e: You have one baboon that has spent its entire life learning to bend the laws of reality that he might better imitate a cow, and one donkey granted cow-like powers by his god. For all intents and purposes though, they might as well just be cows.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:13 No.9202979
    Trollbabe, You are surrounded by cows and horses. You yourself are half-cow, half-horse. To give milk you have to roll your number or less; to win a steeplechase you have to roll your number or higher.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:15 No.9202990
    Hybrid: Rule 56-8: COWS AND CHICKENS. You have C+1 cows unless you are a MUTANT or PSYCHIC GREATER THAN 12, where it is C=PSYCHE except divide by half for women or gay men you need COW>4 to be AWARE like Mageneto was C=COW=PI! This is VERY SIMPLE AND COMPLETE!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:15 No.9202994
    3e: You have two cows, but only enough skill points to take ranks in either handle animal OR profession (rancher).
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:16 No.9202999
    Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode:

    You want to increase your hammer skill, so you attack two cows.

    You bash the Cow in the right rear lower hoof with your =+bronze maul+=, but the attack glances away!
    The Cow bites your head, tearing away the skin.
    The Cow shakes you by the head.
    The Cow shakes you by the head.
    The Cow shakes you by the head.
    The Cow shakes you by the head.
    You give into pain.
    You have bleed to death.

    Space to Continue...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:17 No.9203011
    Touhou: You have two cows. Both are little girls in silly hats that fire bullets at each other.

    The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen: You have two cows. They both tell extremely tall tales about their previous exploits while being questioned on the validity of their stories.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:20 No.9203031
    RULE 57-9: COWS AND CHICKENS are rATED 1600@C1 which is the same as 6700@C2, unless you are using the STATE EQUATION (rule @56-102) which gives 45@C6. These are the SAME because the STATE EqUATION assumes Wesley SNipe's HEAD is 2@C6.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:21 No.9203048
    BattleTech: You had two cows on a recon run. Your partner in the GRN-5S "Guernsey" was taken out by a medium laser volley from a Davion "Jersey" light bovine model before you knew what happened. Your PPC has caused your 30 ton HLS-2C "Holstein" to overheat and your udder-mounted MG ammo is ready to blow. Eject before the BRM-1A "Brahma" gets a short-range missile lock!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:21 No.9203051
    Earthworm Jim: You have two cows. Well done.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:25 No.9203081
    Mount and Blade: You steal two cows from one village to feed another, your herd of two cows is lost when night falls as you are driving them through a forest.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:27 No.9203100
    /tg/: You are arguing with another cow.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:28 No.9203112
    Mastermind: You have two cows, and a sheep in the wrong spot.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:28 No.9203117
    GNS theory: You have three cows, Each of them vary in size depending on how you farm them.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:29 No.9203123
    All Flesh Must Be Eaten: You have two bloody smears.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:30 No.9203128
    Poison'd: You have two cows, one bites the head of the other and then mounts the carcass and proceeds to spray milk from its udders into the oesophagus of the dead cow.

    Not only does it add a few Xs to its next combat, its brutality goes up by two.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:30 No.9203131
    Midgard: Sie besitzen zwei Kühe.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:30 No.9203132
    i love you /tg/

    4chan the trading card game:

    2cow - enchantment

    Causes any /tg/ related thread to gain +win
    >> Symmetry !ShiNKU/JVI 04/15/10(Thu)04:31 No.9203139
    suptg: You are arguing with two cows while talking pleasantly with three more and playing DF. Meanwhile, combat is happening in a PNP game in another channel.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:33 No.9203155
    My life with...: You have two girls with big tits in black and white plaid.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:34 No.9203162
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:34 No.9203166
    Settlers of Catan: You have two cows, but you really need a brick and a wood.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:36 No.9203188
    Final Fantasy: You have 48 leather belts.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:37 No.9203193
    CthulhuTech: You have two cows, but one's corrupted and one's gone insane. You die, as does everyone you know.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:40 No.9203227
    40k has already been done to death, but i'm doing it again. Even if i am, so to speak, beating a dead cow.

    You have two cows. One of them is a heretic. The other one is also a heretic. You burn them both alive.
    >> Ranma 04/15/10(Thu)04:43 No.9203257
    >>4e: you have two cows, you cant do anything with them

    >>3.5: you have two cows, you need a billion books to do anything with them

    this is the fairest assessment of 3.5/4e I've seen yet
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:45 No.9203276
    Twilight 2013: You have two cows, One is killed by a Predator drone strike so you load explosives onto the other and send it towards the American Embassy, It explodes 50 feet away injuring 10 civilians. Fox News blames Iranian yaks, you flee to Syria seeking a better life.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:46 No.9203278
    Planescape: Torment: You have two cows, but you can't remember why. You must somehow get rid of your cows or you will farm forever.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:47 No.9203286
    WHFRP 1e: You have two cows. Unfortunately, plague kills one, while the other is confiscated by the local noble for use in a Chaos induced orgy. It returns pregnant and gives birth to a foul abomination leading to you being accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake.

    WHFRP 2e: The valiant battlecows stand ready at the field, no longer the meek and helpless cows of yore, but powerful and mighty warriors capable of leading armies from the front.

    WHFRP 3e: Ah, yes, let's see according to this dairy-track, we will need to resolve the whole milk situation before we can progress in our quest to root out the evil cultists. Where are our two cow-dice gone to?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:48 No.9203291
    Unhallowed Metropolis
    You have two cows. One of them was nearly killed by a vampire cow, the other wears funeral attire and chops the head off freshly-dead cows. Both sport tophats and gas masks, and kill undead cows for a living in their spare time. Milk is never an issue.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:51 No.9203312
    Masque of the Red Death: You have two cows. One of them breaks its leg. You accrue reputation for three months in order to convince a healer to risk using magic to fix it. The cow is then promptly killed by a single bullet that hits it right in the neck.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:55 No.9203345
    Oglaf: You have two cows. A sadistic witch turns them into bulls. You're forced to milk them anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)04:56 No.9203351
    Feng Shui: You have two cows. A man comes in through the barn door with a gun in his hand.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)05:00 No.9203394
    I lol'ed
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)05:00 No.9203398
    Dragon Ball: Two cows arrive from outer space threatening to destroy the planet.

    One Piece: You have two pirate cows.

    Bleach: You have a sword that turns into two guns that launch exploding cows.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)05:05 No.9203429

    Berserk: You have two cows. They are possessed by demons and rape and murder everyone you've ever known or loved.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)05:07 No.9203441
    And then they hang around so they can gangrape everyone you meet.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)05:09 No.9203459
    Legend of the Five Rings: To find the number of cows you have, go to page 158. The stats for cows are found in a sidebar on page 119, except for how much milk they give, which is on page 255. None of this is indicated anywhere in the book.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)05:09 No.9203460
    TES: Oblivion - You have two cows. STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)05:09 No.9203463
    DnD: You have two cows. The DM kills them because he sucks at creating effective plot hooks. You must avenge your cows.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)05:12 No.9203480
    Nobilis: You have two china shops.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)05:14 No.9203496

    That sounds like Exalted. Or any White Wolf game.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)05:14 No.9203500
    4e DnD: You have 2 cows and a shift.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)05:15 No.9203507
    I wouldn't know, since I've never played one, but the L5R sourcebook is notorious for being poorly organized and edited.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)05:17 No.9203534

    ...Fuck. I laughed.
    >> Alpharius 04/15/10(Thu)05:21 No.9203559
    D&D4e: You have two cows. One shifts five feet to the left, and moos at the other cow. The other cow takes 1d4 damage, and falls prone.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)05:21 No.9203564
    Wraith: You had two cows.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)05:31 No.9203617
    F.A.T.A.L.: You have two cows. One of them is a rapist, the other one has an enormous asshole. Roll a dice, divide the result by pi to find out how many times they rape you.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:03 No.9204923
    D&D 2e: There are two cows. They are 3 challenge ratings higher than you should try as a first-level character.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:09 No.9204965
    Bubblegum Crisis RPG: You have two cows.

    One is a disguised terrorist boomer.

    The other wears a fancy battlesuit and fights the first.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:13 No.9205002
    Delta Green: You have two cows. The next morning, one has been mutilated horribly, its eyes torn out, its innards dragged out through tiny holes in its stomach, its tongue ripped out. The other cow has to be terminated because it has seen too fucking much.

    WFRP: You have two cows. You're fabulously wealthy! One cow dies from the infamous Hochland cow-blight. The other is stolen by Beastmen who use it as a sacrifice to call up a daemon. You and your village are all killed.

    Battlestar Galactcia: You have two cows. One is a Cylon.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:14 No.9205013
    No challenge ratings in 2e, dood
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:17 No.9205042

    The other one just doesn't know it's a Cylon yet.
    >> scaredy 04/15/10(Thu)08:20 No.9205064
    vampire - one cow stabs other in the back for better patch of grass for grazing
    >> Iron Lung 04/15/10(Thu)08:20 No.9205065
    WFRP: 4 cows total, of the other two 1 was abducted by Wood Elves for purposes too clever for your feeble human mind, and the other cow is actually a 3-man Skaven infiltration disguise -hence it's glass eyes and random tendency to shit nerve gas globes.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:24 No.9205102
    Sword of Truth: You have 2 cows. Anyone who asks to share your cows is clearly a servant of evil, and may be killed brutally. if they were good they would have cows of their own, without having to steal the cows that you worked for.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:29 No.9205145
    >>unfertilized embryo

    >> wut
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:42 No.9205229
    Sid Meier's Civilization: You have two cows and should really be heading to bed. You take just one more cow
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:48 No.9205281
    Mattward: You have two cows, one is an Ultramarine, a defender of the imperium, the other is not and will forever be in a state of Forlorn about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:57 No.9205346
    Mutant Chronicles: You have two cows, one is a cyborg and the other fights with a pair of katanas. Both have large pauldrons.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:03 No.9205390
    All Flesh Must Be Eaten: You have two Cows: One is a chainsaw wielding ultra zombie, the other is a video store clerk that hits the first cow with a dumptruck.

    Warmachine: You have two cows; both have weird rule interactions with each other that requires asking Privateer Press what their rules mean.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:11 No.9205451
    Cyberpunk 2020: An evil corporation has leased you two cows and a cybernetic enhancement to make milking them easier. Roll for humanity loss.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:11 No.9205453

    Warmachine Mk.II: Your cows have lost a fuckton of rules and you can still milk them after you have destroyed the udder, although with one die less.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:13 No.9205461
    am i the only one who thinks THIS should be archived?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:14 No.9205472
    D&D original: You have two cows in your party, cow is also a class, so...being a cow is a full time job alright?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:17 No.9205499
    Dwarf Fortress: You have an engraving of two cows. It menaces with spikes of bone.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:19 No.9205516
    Ikuisuuden Laakso: You have two cows, one of which is an anti-cow. One of them kills the other with their ruminating-related powers, but eventually succumbs to hunger on the barren, unforgiving wasteland. The Pasture always wins.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:23 No.9205555
    Fallout: You have two two-headed cows.

    Fallout 2: You have two cows. One is two headed and useless. The other is two-headed and after you fix its leg, it follows you and is useless.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:25 No.9205567

    It is already archived
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:28 No.9205595
    Flames of War: You got two platoons of cows and you need at least 4 more before you have a viable list.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:31 No.9205627
    REIGN: You have two wagyū cows. Unfortunately, most people don't know what wagyū is and most of the ones that do call it Kobe beef and probably never had the chance to try it anyways. Still, you have wagyū and those poor shmucks don't, so you got that goin' for ya.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:46 No.9205787

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:57 No.9205944

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:52 No.9206696
    Operation: You have a series of cows that you're trying to drag through an electrified fence.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)11:03 No.9206844
    Agricola: You have two cows. When it is time for them to breed, another player grabs the food you were planning on gathering first, forcing you to slaughter them instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)11:04 No.9206858
    Munchkin: You should know better than to pick up two cows in a dungeon. Lose a level.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)11:27 No.9207135
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)11:27 No.9207149
    Thousand dollar fee!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)11:34 No.9207253
    Power Grid: You have two cows. Do you buy two more now to fuel your methane plant next turn, or take a chance and hope nobody else buys them out before your next turn?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)11:36 No.9207271
    Goosebumps: You have two cows. You think one of them is sentient and is stalking you. You end up killing it only to find that it was the only thing protecting you from the other cow all along. You wake up to a cow standing over your bed with a two large buns.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)11:51 No.9207509
         File1271346685.jpg-(20 KB, 230x459, 20060804ho_barnyardcow_230.jpg)
    20 KB
    Obviously they're boy cows.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)11:59 No.9207608
    God damn it!

    I was working at a movie theater at the time that movie came out and it NEVER made sense to me.

    What's worse is that there is a bull in the movie also. So..what? The bull has his way with both kinds of cows indiscriminately?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)12:08 No.9207723

    I wish I could find the Honey Bunches of Oats commercial where they mention a "boy cow".

    Unfortunately Youtube is full of HBoO fanmade parodies <.<
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)12:37 No.9208108
    Settlers of Catan: I have wood for cows!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)14:08 No.9209395
    Literati: You have two torpid, scurrilous cows. Your jealous, vitriolic neighbor vehemently declares that he will usurp them from you.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)14:15 No.9209490

    The joke in the TV sow is that it's a fake udder because walking around with his genitals exposed would be distasteful. He wears that instead of underwear.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)14:17 No.9209518
    take that back.

    3.5 quite clearly has a cow level.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)14:17 No.9209520
    I'm willing to accept that as an answer if only to keep myself from going into a fit of madness.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)14:50 No.9209915
    MtG: You have 2 1/1 green cow tokens with T: add W to your mana pool

    Illuminati NWO: Two cows control the american banks and the joggers.

    Jyhad: You burn 4 blood to attach 2 cow allies to your Malkavian Primogen. 2R. Aggravated.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)15:05 No.9210136
    Stalker the role playing game: You notice two cows ,skinless with no eyes. One of them seems to be slowly floating upwards and the other one is rapidly exploding and regenerating. You feel that there is something wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)15:40 No.9210621
    Fluxx: You have two cows. If you control a Cow, Milk, and Cookies, you win the game.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)15:58 No.9210902
    >Trading for three!
    >implying you don't slam the table repeatedly and chant THREE THREE THREE THREE THREE as fast as you can
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)16:03 No.9210983
    You have two woolly cows, but you don't know a word for them.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)16:04 No.9210994
    Ambush Alley - You have two Regular cows. Your opponent has four Irregular cows, one of which is a suicide bomber.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)16:07 No.9211028
    Continuum: Somewhere, some time you used to have two cows, but one was lost in time paradoxes, and the other has betrayed everything that was good and right and serves as Hitler's bodyguard now.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)16:08 No.9211040
    Infantry Online: You have two cows. They circle-strafe around each other instinctively.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)16:09 No.9211058
    Black Tokyo: Oh brother, you don't want to know.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)16:09 No.9211060
    The thought of a cow circle-strafing amuses me far more than I fear it should.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)16:09 No.9211061
    In Continuum, all spanners that aren't Narcissists are Hitler's bodyguard. Killing Hitler could very well fuck the timestream.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)16:12 No.9211106
    Don't Rest Your Head: You have two cows, one is a figment of your insomnia representing a haunted past and a farmyard accident as a child. The second one is a nightmare following your every step, biding it's time until it can infect you with it's milk that will make you just like it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)16:14 No.9211134
    Dark Heresy: You have two cows. When is killed accidentaly, causing it's head to explode in an extraordinarily gory fashion and catch fire.
    The Other is executed for suspected Heresy.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)17:33 No.9212627
    I like this.

    AK-47 Republic : You have two cows. One is your Warlord, the other has been converted into a technical mounted with a recoilless rifle.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:12 No.9213453
    The Riddle of Steel: You have two cows, and the system for milking them is approved by the Dairy Farmers' Union.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:16 No.9213519
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    D&D: You have two cows. The old one is full of milk. The new one is full of unique and diverse flavors, but they're not really milk.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:22 No.9213629
    KotE: You have two cows, a higher cow and a lower cow. They're constantly fighting for control over your body, and the lower cow drives you to drink milk voraciously.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:23 No.9213656
    you can make leather out of other types of skin.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:25 No.9213680
    >>9203188 Final Fantasy: You have 48 leather belts.


    How many belts can you make from one cow anyway?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:27 No.9213725
    Leather belts only? Or can I loop some intestine around my waist..
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:29 No.9213763


    I don't think you can tan intestine.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:11 No.9214509
    Axis and Allies: You have lots of cows. You hang out in Moscow while Germany and Japan claim the rest of your cows, waiting for the other Allies to get their shit together. You have two cows.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:34 No.9214954
    MERP: You have two cows, both of which have godly stats compared to your level 1 loser. Trying to milk them causes you to stumble, crack your head open and die instantly.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:41 No.9215080
    Dark Heresy: You have two cows. One steps into a hole and breaks it's leg, so you take it to the Mechanicus for repair. It comes back with 75% less biomass and can now see in 7 different spectrums, power weld metal, lift 10x it's own bodyweight, and chant "For the Omnissiah" in High Gothic as well as Binary. The one thing it can't do is give milk, and the other cow gets seconded to the Inquisition.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:46 No.9215169
    And then the first cow becomes a daemonhost which the first one has to kill alongside the acolyte squad it's in.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)21:12 No.9216630
    LARP: You actually do have two cows.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)21:14 No.9216669

    Except they're made of styrofoam and duct-tape.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)21:35 No.9217062
    Chill: There are two cows out there, and if you don't kill both them within the next three days all the children in Oregon will DIE from a mystical curse that's over 5,000 years old.

    Continuum: Your future self tells you you'll have two cows. You go back in time to tell your five-year-old self the good news.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)21:38 No.9217121
    Birthright: You have two cows. Upon receiving them you tell the dirt-covered peasant that's using them to pay your oppressive taxes that you prefer the jingle of coins to the moo'ing of lifestock before having him flogged and take his wife for the night.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)21:41 No.9217184
    Asylum: You have crudely crafted 2 cows, or what you think are cows, out of scrap metal. Other inmates flock to them for worship while others try to steal the precious metal.
    >> bg 04/15/10(Thu)21:44 No.9217234
    Dorf Fortress: 2 Cat
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)21:50 No.9217330
    How can all of you get the DF ones so wrong?

    You have 2 cows, and seven million cats. You milk maggots, not cows.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:00 No.9217488
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    Talislanta: You have two cows. Both of them have pointed ears but neither are elves.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:03 No.9217533
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    InSylum: you think you have two cows, but the doctors are telling you you're getting better now. At midnight you find out for sure when the yellow man comes around.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:06 No.9217594
    Book of Erotic Fantasy: You have two cows. They are compatible with sprites.

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