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  • File : 1271371548.gif-(2.56 MB, 410x307, 1271217362527.gif)
    2.56 MB Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:45 No.9214028  
    Is there anything that tugs at the strings of your frozen, black heart, /tg/?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:46 No.9214048
    The Mad Cardiac Puppetmaster, yes.
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 04/15/10(Thu)18:47 No.9214057
         File1271371634.jpg-(10 KB, 258x196, 1269442224511.jpg)
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    What gave you the idea that we are emotionless bastards?
    >> MR. RAGE !D9l9S8Lio6 04/15/10(Thu)18:48 No.9214074

    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 04/15/10(Thu)18:48 No.9214079
    The song "O Danny Boy."
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:48 No.9214085
         File1271371703.jpg-(53 KB, 468x576, typical cat owner.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:49 No.9214099
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:49 No.9214102
    Very good fiction.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:49 No.9214105
    What's that gif from? :3
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:50 No.9214124
    looks like Claanad or however it's spelled
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:50 No.9214126

    MR. RAGE once again speaks the truth.

    Also Discworld.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:50 No.9214127
    Cats and "O Danny Boy" both get at me, as well.

    This speech: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pfwY2TNehw
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 04/15/10(Thu)18:50 No.9214134
         File1271371847.gif-(1.54 MB, 320x217, 1271215565209.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:51 No.9214138
         File1271371866.jpg-(55 KB, 450x300, 1267054169321.jpg)
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    Human suffering.

    Just kidding. Mozart.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:52 No.9214153

    It's Verdi for me, but I can see where you're coming from.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:52 No.9214154
    Not really Anhedonia does shit to you.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:52 No.9214170
    Mozart is good. Beethoven, Vivaldi, Bach as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:53 No.9214190
         File1271372035.png-(468 KB, 1061x1536, Blood_Alone_v3_021.png)
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    >> An0nymous !gkWeiOwuW2 04/15/10(Thu)18:53 No.9214192
         File1271372036.jpg-(28 KB, 491x349, youwillnevergotowesteros.jpg)
    28 KB
    >> Squigzog, attorney at WAAAGH! !hEpdoZ.tHU 04/15/10(Thu)18:54 No.9214194
         File1271372047.jpg-(424 KB, 965x714, 1267688195122.jpg)
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    When /tg/ gets along with itself.
    >> 40Kfag from /m/ !!t8iiyj3DIqR 04/15/10(Thu)18:54 No.9214195
         File1271372048.gif-(447 KB, 960x540, 1263813546456.gif)
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    here have a neko
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:55 No.9214214
         File1271372128.jpg-(55 KB, 590x590, 1265350704572.jpg)
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    It will soften your condition.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:55 No.9214219
    My dog, i love that bastard so much. When another dog bit him in the park i toe punted that cunt with the force of a wrecking ball into a tree killing it instantly.
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 04/15/10(Thu)18:55 No.9214221
         File1271372152.jpg-(22 KB, 618x380, 12489480946.jpg)
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    This will not do.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:56 No.9214239
         File1271372210.jpg-(55 KB, 400x559, Saikano.jpg)
    55 KB
    Why bother trying to have such feelings? It won't matter in the long run, or short run the way things are going.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:57 No.9214247
         File1271372248.jpg-(480 KB, 909x842, The_Hero_and_His_Family_by_Bea(...).jpg)
    480 KB
    Those BeagleTsuin Link and Tetra drawings. They're not even that well drawn, but for some reason they just make me feel so happy...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:57 No.9214249
         File1271372252.jpg-(61 KB, 500x501, raoh.jpg)
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    His death.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:57 No.9214256
    The ending to Lufia 2 Rise of the Sinistrails.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)18:59 No.9214282
    What are those from?
    >> Týr !!EWbSt/UdwSl 04/15/10(Thu)19:00 No.9214313
         File1271372442.jpg-(25 KB, 449x435, pug.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:01 No.9214324
    My grandfather's funeral was the last time I cried while I was sober. You can easily turn me into crying mess with two bottles of vodka when I'm in a bad mood, though.
    >> Catguy !adtcifLOss 04/15/10(Thu)19:02 No.9214357
         File1271372565.jpg-(15 KB, 338x398, 1375485334.jpg)
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    Hanamaru Youchien
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:03 No.9214374
    Found a wounded hedgehog in my back garden about 3 years ago.

    Took it to a vet, who passed it on to a local hedgehog center (go figure). Once its leg healed, winter had set in so they couldn't release it into the wild. They said I could look after it over winter if I wanted, so I did.

    Roll on spring and I tried to let it out into the wild again, but she just wouldn't have any of it. Took her back to the hedgehog center to figure out what was wrong with her and it turns out I'd inadvertantly domesticated it. So now I have a hedgehog as a pet.

    A very old hedgehog now. On her last legs, I think. And she stinks to high heaven, but I've got a fucking pet hedgehog.

    She's one of the very few things that tugs on the strings of my black, withered heart.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:04 No.9214385
         File1271372649.jpg-(13 KB, 637x346, Pixar_animation_studios_logo.jpg)
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    and the Brave Little Toaster
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:04 No.9214405

    Hedgehogs as pets actually isn't all that rare.

    Still, that's an awesome story.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:05 No.9214408
    Someone else played that game? Good show.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:05 No.9214413
         File1271372733.jpg-(18 KB, 400x300, 1270493769140.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:06 No.9214425
    Found a wounded blackbird once, nursed it back to health over the course of 6 weeks, let it free. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:06 No.9214429
         File1271372802.jpg-(45 KB, 286x173, landbeforetime.jpg)
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    >> Rubric Marine !fQrRN.o0Zk 04/15/10(Thu)19:06 No.9214433

    Cats and my two pet dogs.
    >> I apologised on 4chan !!O1JS15Z6lxy 04/15/10(Thu)19:07 No.9214437
    Pretty much everything.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 04/15/10(Thu)19:07 No.9214446
         File1271372862.jpg-(93 KB, 650x975, NO.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:07 No.9214447
    Saikano. Jesus christ, Saikano.

    Also Grave of the Fireflies.

    Honestly though, I'm a total wuss.
    >> An0nymous !gkWeiOwuW2 04/15/10(Thu)19:08 No.9214457

    No, no you did not.

    Oh god. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:08 No.9214466
    Gundam 0080. Every. Fucking. Time. I can never hold out after the failed mission. I JUST CAN'T.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:09 No.9214478

    Found a cat that was all sniffly and coughy and such skulking around our garden. Gave it some milk, and it took a shine to us, really didn't want to leave the house once it had come inside. Seemed friendly enough around people, despite looking like a total stray.

    It was late evening, so I called the local animal sanctuary, so that they could get it to a vet and take proper care of it. My heart sank when the guy they sent said they'd probably euthanise it. He offered to have them call me back once they'd decided what to do, so I could perhaps pay for treatment and take it on as a pet or something.

    They never called.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:09 No.9214486
         File1271372982.png-(1020 KB, 1281x710, 1265923055131.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:09 No.9214488
    Jesus christ look at how tiny their feet are.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:11 No.9214516
         File1271373094.jpg-(102 KB, 396x1280, tumblr_kwasc1WxQm1qzvqip.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:11 No.9214517
         File1271373100.jpg-(291 KB, 691x529, Link_and_Tetra__Journey__s_End(...).jpg)
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    Yes, I know.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:11 No.9214518
         File1271373100.jpg-(23 KB, 888x502, 1265922973068.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:12 No.9214537
    Sometimes, cute girls.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:12 No.9214540

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:14 No.9214565
    The other day while driving, After the Gold Rush came up on the car's mp3 player and it had me tearing up like a little bitch. Completely out of the blue. I have *no* idea why.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:14 No.9214570

    ... but not until june.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:14 No.9214579
         File1271373292.png-(341 KB, 888x1000, 1268962147167.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:16 No.9214618
         File1271373411.jpg-(119 KB, 425x350, Rubilax2.jpg)
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    < The trolliest of trolls.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:17 No.9214632

    If it takes forever.
    Comment te dire adieu.
    Bitch tears.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:17 No.9214641
    And yet another thread turns to shit thanks to fanwank of an overrated French anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:19 No.9214668
    >Anon is disappoint that Trap didn't start dumping cocks everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:20 No.9214680
    Not really, no.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:21 No.9214702
    Blackheart probably tugs himself quite a bit, though I don't think he's frozen. Isn't he from Hungary or some such?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:22 No.9214719
         File1271373753.jpg-(83 KB, 400x377, 1265689072596.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:22 No.9214721
         File1271373763.jpg-(80 KB, 764x793, 1269697701506.jpg)
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    Even though he looked like... well, like a prawn, I thought he was adorable.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:23 No.9214731

    If this dosen't move you, then nothing will.

    Danny boy is good to.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:24 No.9214759
    More pet related d'awww/b'awww

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:25 No.9214778

    In the same vein:
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:26 No.9214801

    The Simpsons ruined this for me when they parodied a scene of a war movie with this playing in the background.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:27 No.9214817
         File1271374056.jpg-(73 KB, 512x600, BIRRY.jpg)
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    saging a shitty thread
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:45 No.9215146
    A few that come to mind:
    Forest Gump (Jenny)
    The beginning of Up
    Welcome to the NHK (really good show actually)
    Darth Vader's redemption at the end of Star Wars
    Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann makes you bawww a surprising ammount
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:46 No.9215172
    Peter Steele died. That is tugging right now. RIP, Peter.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)19:46 No.9215175

    Grave of the fireflies didn't make me bawww...

    I just felt really, really depressed for like three days after watching it.
    >> MonkeyToho 04/15/10(Thu)20:05 No.9215502
         File1271376304.jpg-(109 KB, 660x334, last-story-660.jpg)
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    rolled 39 = 39



    By this track alone I know I'm gonna cry bitch-tears.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:15 No.9215708

    Kharak is burning... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:16 No.9215715
         File1271376980.jpg-(33 KB, 700x397, 1270524222619.jpg)
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    Barrel roll?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:17 No.9215732
    >> scaredy 04/15/10(Thu)20:18 No.9215747
    don't enjoy seeing humans suffer, maimed

    they do good job torturing one another though
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:18 No.9215752
    A spilled bottle of bourbon makes me weep like a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:21 No.9215796
         File1271377319.jpg-(335 KB, 1024x1570, thingbaw1.jpg)
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    Also, I am going to hurt you now. And you're going to thank me for it. Pic related in full.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:22 No.9215809
         File1271377369.jpg-(361 KB, 1024x1603, thingbaw2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:23 No.9215818
         File1271377416.jpg-(340 KB, 1024x1596, thingbaw3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:24 No.9215832
         File1271377466.jpg-(363 KB, 1024x1556, thingbaw4.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:24 No.9215836
         File1271377474.jpg-(254 KB, 2732x1536, 1268782577966.jpg)
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    Forever in the blackhole that was once our heart ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:25 No.9215850
         File1271377501.jpg-(256 KB, 1024x1569, thingbaw5.jpg)
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    You're welcome.

    You're all welcome.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:27 No.9215887

    >> Captain AdMech guy 04/15/10(Thu)20:28 No.9215915
         File1271377708.jpg-(91 KB, 269x1324, FFFFF-BAWWW.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:29 No.9215939

    I'm sorry, but Richards is making me burst into giggles in that frame.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:31 No.9215964
         File1271377878.jpg-(226 KB, 950x1491, reedmotive1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:32 No.9215976
         File1271377944.jpg-(273 KB, 950x1526, reedmotive2.jpg)
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    Still laughing?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:32 No.9215977
    sorry richards but Doom will be 2x the man you are
    >> Captain Baha 04/15/10(Thu)20:35 No.9216016
    Not much.

    But... there is something.

    So I was running late to an event dealing with my job. And I'm carrying around some excerpts from the book that I'm in the process of writing. Well, I get stuck in the elevator with somebody else. The person must have seen some piece of paper sticking out from my bag because they asked whether or not I wrote. I told them yes, and they asked if they could see a part of it. So I let the person have a look at it.

    Now, I am not a great writer by any means. But the person hands the paper back to me after a few minutes of reading it. Told me it was good. Very good even.

    As I stepped out of the elevator, I shook the person's hand.

    I still don't know who that stranger was. And they're one of the few people I wish I knew.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:38 No.9216077
    Very little warms my heart. I see 'd'aww' pics and view them as the natural state of things. Very much pains my heart, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:39 No.9216093
         File1271378341.jpg-(41 KB, 500x408, brushie.jpg)
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    sad man, sad
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:41 No.9216137

    Yes actually.

    Because the real mr. fantastic acts like Professor Impossible.

    An asshole.
    >> sage 04/15/10(Thu)20:42 No.9216168
    I think that kid's gonna be scarred for life.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:42 No.9216173
         File1271378571.jpg-(121 KB, 640x899, 5a863cdc23c61566b48f57ea423231(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:43 No.9216185
         File1271378639.png-(575 KB, 987x592, 1270168655890.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:45 No.9216210
         File1271378706.jpg-(21 KB, 475x358, yousad.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:45 No.9216217

    You know if Reed was actually portrayed this well all the time and not as a stereotypical 1950s scientist stereotype we might like him almost as much as Doom
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:45 No.9216219
         File1271378747.jpg-(336 KB, 900x603, wintermorning.jpg)
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    I hope and I dream. Sometimes. Once a year, once in two, once in three... they come and go. Come less than go, these days. Been over three years from the last time, so I was wondering if I could get my chin up again for a change.

    I get by without though, like all men. Cutting close, but I get by. I suppose it's just how everyone winds up eventually. Dreams stay in bed and hope is for the children.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)20:48 No.9216252
         File1271378889.gif-(21 KB, 261x203, noselfdestruct.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)21:26 No.9216907

    Please tell there is a download SOMEWHERE! I just spent 20 minutes wandering around google and couldn't fine one
    Limeware has also failedme
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)21:39 No.9217141
         File1271381941.jpg-(8 KB, 273x198, 1257308538690.jpg)
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    Enjoy your viruses.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)21:40 No.9217167

    oh look I prevented said viruses with any form of virus protection. Not particularly difficult
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)21:43 No.9217209

    jesus christ thats some awesome music mate. Fwa... Looking for download as well!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)21:45 No.9217253

    If you find one please post it here
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)21:53 No.9217373
         File1271382807.jpg-(36 KB, 640x480, spike72.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)21:54 No.9217386
    >implying Spike hasn't been through worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)21:55 No.9217411
    >Implying that we weren't shown a star flickering out after the Credits of Real Folks Blues Pt2.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)21:58 No.9217448
    Goddamn Green Mile. Both the book and the movie pierced my heart ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:08 No.9217637

    The scene when the father finally comes to his son's side to launch off a rocket at the end.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:09 No.9217649
         File1271383748.jpg-(30 KB, 320x438, irenicus.jpg)
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    I do not remember your love Ellesime.

    I've tried, I've tried to recreate it, to spark it anew in my memory but it is gone.

    A hollow, dead thing for years I clung to the memory of it. Then the memory of the memory. And then nothing.

    The Selderine took that from me too!

    I look upon you and feel nothing! Remember nothing but you turning your back on me along with all the others.

    Once my thirst for power was everything and now I hunger only for revenge!

    AND I


    HAVE IT!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:16 No.9217783
         File1271384164.png-(112 KB, 600x254, 1269999606727.png)
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    In 1915, at the Battle of Loos, 2nd Lieutenant Jack Kipling, age 18 went missing and was presumed dead. A boy who was too short, too frail and too near-sighted for the army, he had only managed to get in because of his insistence and his father's fame and political connections.


    His father, Rudyard Kipling, held out for years that his son was simply missing. With the war's end, he accepted the death of his son and spent the rest of his life searching for Jack's final resting place.

    To this day, they have yet to locate Jack's remains.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:17 No.9217814
         File1271384258.jpg-(170 KB, 536x399, nazicat.jpg)
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    cats :3
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:24 No.9217961
    the creator said it's up to the fans to decide.
    It's a more fitting ending if he dies,
    but I'd rather have a sucky ending instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:26 No.9217988
    >tugs at the strings of your frozen, black heart
    -My little niece when she tells me how much she loves me
    -The ending of Crisis Core despite that I knew how it ended. One. Goddamn. Tear. Every. Time.
    - Goddamn this after a few minutes >>9215502
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:28 No.9218029
         File1271384912.jpg-(204 KB, 653x1024, 1264058777794.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:28 No.9218041
         File1271384938.jpg-(21 KB, 320x299, thenamelessone_2.jpg)
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    I have committed many crimes across many lifetimes. I go now to a place of punishment. You can not come with me.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:29 No.9218046
         File1271384956.jpg-(201 KB, 663x1023, 1264058832320.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:30 No.9218065
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:30 No.9218078
         File1271385041.jpg-(189 KB, 674x1024, 1264058953875.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:31 No.9218093
         File1271385099.jpg-(201 KB, 688x1024, 1264059017596.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:31 No.9218095
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:32 No.9218118
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:32 No.9218124
    Fucking creepy.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:33 No.9218134
    ... hmm. Lucky bugger. My little niece never says she loves me. But since we're both Finns, I suppose we display affection in a more nonverbal, primal way.

    Her main choice of venue is to punch me in the stomach after I lie down for an after-dinner nap. She finds it patently hilarious, since we meet most often on family feasts.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:33 No.9218147
    The fact that I will never bend my knee to Robute Guilliman as my spiritual liege.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:34 No.9218156
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:38 No.9218231
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    Eh, you get used to it. Here, have Remilia being brushie'd.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:38 No.9218237
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:39 No.9218256
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    I respond with a german cat being bursti'd.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:39 No.9218260
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:43 No.9218332
    That one wasn't too bad for me. But while we're on the topic of literature, Flowers for Algernon bummed me out for days.

    Bonus baww: "When do we get to see the rabbits, George?"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:45 No.9218359
         File1271385923.jpg-(64 KB, 640x480, 1269917121056.jpg)
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    That fucking episode.

    Every goddamn time.
    >> Leman Russ 04/15/10(Thu)22:45 No.9218369
         File1271385956.png-(320 KB, 834x1200, LR (150).png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:46 No.9218388
    Less and less with every passing day. Anyone ever try a reverse pavlov's dogs experiment on themselves? Every time you feel complicated emotions you punch yourself in the face. I'm gonna see if I can turn a relatively normal person (me) into a sociopath.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:47 No.9218396
    I waited for you fry
    >> It's truly beautiful stuff, isn't it? MonkeyToho 04/15/10(Thu)22:47 No.9218410
         File1271386071.jpg-(59 KB, 580x347, laststory311.jpg)
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    rolled 51 = 51



    Thank /v/ for this, some weeks ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:48 No.9218412
    That's only the second saddest thing about that movie.

    The saddest is what happened to Ducky's voice actress.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:48 No.9218422
         File1271386111.jpg-(26 KB, 640x480, thisismyrage.jpg)
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    >nostalgia a little, go have a look at the wiki article on Algernon to reminisce
    >"the book has often been challenged for removal from libraries in the US and Canada, sometimes successfully"
    What the hibbity bibbity?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:48 No.9218427
    What happened to Duckie's voice actress?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:49 No.9218432
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:49 No.9218441
    Me too bro, me too.

    Freakin tears me up man.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:50 No.9218454
         File1271386207.jpg-(41 KB, 425x433, 545px-Foreverm.jpg)
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    I'll love you forever,
    I'll like you for always.
    As long as I'm living,
    my baby you'll be.
    >> TheDeathMerchant !!SVhC87/S7i2 04/15/10(Thu)22:51 No.9218477
         File1271386268.jpg-(79 KB, 508x755, 46263_3.jpg)
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    Three things make me cry...

    1.) Babe. I sob like a fucking child whenever I watch this movie.

    2.) The thought of my girl never having children

    3.) The thought of losing her if the ovarian cancer comes back.

    She had a cyst rupture on Easter. I've been a wreck since.

    Extra sad - This is the girl I wanna marry. This July will be 10 years since the day we met. I stopped talking to her for 7 years only to be reunited with her this last June.

    If I hadn't walked away, we'd be married, have 3 kids, and /tg/ would never have heard of me.

    Now she's 600 miles away, and bending over backwards for a guy who doesn't appreciate her. A guy whom I'm better than on every possible level, but he wins because he was there for all the shit she's been through for the last 7 years.

    I was planning to move up there in July, now I'm not, she talked me out of it.

    I don't want another woman. I've spent the last 10 years trying to replace her, I can't.

    I ruined her life and mine.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:51 No.9218481
         File1271386275.jpg-(8 KB, 346x161, tears.jpg)
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    dont you fucking dare
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:51 No.9218484
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:51 No.9218490
    why the fuck did i cry to this?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:51 No.9218491
    >Go to wikipedia
    >Look up the Land Before Time
    >Follow the link to Judith Barsi's page (the Ducky voice actress)

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:52 No.9218509
    Am I the only one who loled at this? I ask simply because I want to know if there's anyone else as horrible as me.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:52 No.9218516
    I can't really remember it very well, but I don't remember there being much objectionable stuff in it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:52 No.9218523
    Wow, you guys didn't know that?

    No offence, but slowbaww on that one guys. For you that is.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:53 No.9218526
    My Favorite book as a child, I'm getting tears thinking about it now.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:53 No.9218529
         File1271386388.jpg-(23 KB, 500x500, 1262435729083.jpg)
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    This isn't /b/. You don't get props for being callous.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:53 No.9218539
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:54 No.9218563
    My son is really into Thomas the train. has the movies, the toys and everything. One morning as I was getting up to go to work, I hear him in his room talking. I sneak up and he's still asleep saying "Happy Thomas".
    It was so cool to realize my little boy was having a good dream.
    >> Lawfag 04/15/10(Thu)22:54 No.9218565
    Her father murder her and her mother, then burned the house down around their bodies.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:55 No.9218578
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:55 No.9218587
    Omg, I had that book as a kid... I never cried back then when I read it, but now it's bringing tears to my eyes T.T
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:55 No.9218590
         File1271386547.jpg-(137 KB, 960x987, A TINY GOD.jpg)
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    I used to love that show.
    Enjoy this chinese knockoff.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:56 No.9218595
    It's one of the ones where it hurts just as bad every time you remember it.

    On another note, I will freely admit that the last ten minutes or so of "Marley and Me" fucked me up pretty bad.
    >> dice2 04/15/10(Thu)22:56 No.9218608
    No Anon, do not do that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:57 No.9218615
    I dunno, probably jackasses trying to get it banned because it uses words like "retarded". Like how people tried to get The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn banned for having "nigger" in it?
    >> Leman Russ 04/15/10(Thu)22:58 No.9218639
    Sorry man.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:58 No.9218649
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:58 No.9218650
    This. Parents/Grandparents dying always gets me.

    Also, heroic sacrifices.

    I'M SAD
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:58 No.9218662
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)22:59 No.9218685
    That's... that's...
    ...actually kinda awesome.
    >> MR. RAGE !D9l9S8Lio6 04/15/10(Thu)23:00 No.9218692





    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:01 No.9218727
    Damn it. Why did Mark Waid have to stop writing FF?
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 04/15/10(Thu)23:02 No.9218734
         File1271386933.jpg-(20 KB, 603x380, big-boss-salute.jpg)
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    Restores my faith in humanity every time I read it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:02 No.9218738
    Kemal Ataturk's speech at the dedication of the ANZAC Memorial at Gallipoli, in 1934:

    "Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives... You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours... You, the mothers, who sent their sons from far away countries, wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well.”
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:03 No.9218756
         File1271387005.jpg-(49 KB, 452x270, 4267701895_6ff0f91f3e.jpg)
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    I don't want to go.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:03 No.9218757
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:03 No.9218759

    Clearly I haven't been shirking my emotions well enough. This one fucking got to me.

    Then again, it might be because I had a character fall in love with an outsider and then get murdered along with her by his former friends because of their love. She ceased to be as outsiders tend to, but he had absorbed part of a god's power when he and the fighter offed one. He didn't even get to move onto an afterlife, just wander the astral plane for her, searching forever for something impossible to find.

    When you're used to things coming back from the dead it fucks with you even more when they can't
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:03 No.9218763
    dogs dying, like in >>9218260
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:04 No.9218774


    I started bawling like crazy when he said that.
    >> Leman Russ 04/15/10(Thu)23:04 No.9218776
    "And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda" gets me on occasion.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:04 No.9218780
    no kidding, if I ever see that I will buy it in a heartbeat
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:04 No.9218781

    what the hell kind of cat is that? (more specific than german plox)
    >> TheDeathMerchant !!SVhC87/S7i2 04/15/10(Thu)23:04 No.9218782
    Thanks Russ.

    I'm still trying to carve a man out of myself; I've dropped 70 lbs, and I finally found a kitchen who's willing to take a chance on a white kid.

    She told me she loved me for the first time the other day. I'm trying to not get my hopes up about it. She talks about the other guy the way I talk about her. And no one outside of her family even knows I really exist, even though I'll tell complete strangers about how amazing she is.

    The thing that bothers me the most though is that there's some other bastard in bed next to her right now living MY LIFE, and it's all my fault.
    >> Heretical GM 04/15/10(Thu)23:05 No.9218793
    The death of Lash in White Knight.
    The Defeat of Ashram at the lair of shooting star
    The sceen in Return of the King where Gondor is under siege and the Rider of Rohan crest the hill. Book or Movie it's awsome.
    Death of the Wood Chopping Samurai in Samurai Seven.
    The death of Sanguinius
    Any scene in a Redwall book where the Hares of the Long Patrol march out to battle.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:05 No.9218806
    I'm no hedonist but that doesn't sound terribly fun.
    Sounds kind of lonely and bitter.
    Wish I knew you so I could do something to help.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:06 No.9218821
    Thinking back, it's an old book, and accepting even the existence of mentally handicapped people is a relatively modern concept. Accepting their right to life and it's experiences, positve and negative, is even more recent. I know plenty of people who still casually claim that handicapped people should be put to death at birth because "they can't support themselves or lead a fulfilling life" or the like.

    These people also haven't ever become acquintant to a "retard", of course.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:06 No.9218827
    >When you're used to things coming back from the dead it fucks with you even more when they can't

    Like the tale of Orpheus. I feel your pain bro. One of my GMs was, and I'm almost sure of this, a suicidal depressive psychology major. He was also some sort of genius and a brilliant writer. When he wanted to tug heart strings, FUCK, did they get tugged.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:08 No.9218865
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:09 No.9218874
    >Death of Kikuchiyo, either one
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:09 No.9218879
         File1271387373.jpg-(529 KB, 893x1154, Edward___FFII.jpg)
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    Final Fantasy II, for the SNES.

    I don't know why and I'm sure I never will, but the simplistic story of Prince Edward of Damcyan when joined with his music always stings my eyes and makes me feel really bad.
    >> Heretical GM 04/15/10(Thu)23:10 No.9218899
    That's right. The whole end of that had me in tears. I still get misty eyed thinking about it. Damn that was good.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:10 No.9218904
    >The reasons for the challenges vary, but usually center around those parts of the novel where Charlie struggles to understand and express his sexual desires.
    Oh right, forgot about that. But still.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:11 No.9218933
    I fucking love that song.

    Also, No Man's Land (Green Fields of France) Made me bawww like a little bitch when I first heard it.
    >> Heretical GM 04/15/10(Thu)23:12 No.9218942
    Either or. Both of those were pretty moving probably because both characters were so lovable.
    >> What a Faggot !QF5oszRdpY 04/15/10(Thu)23:14 No.9218987
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:14 No.9218989
         File1271387681.jpg-(18 KB, 244x320, manly_tears.jpg)
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    >Tale of Orpheus


    Thanks for reminding me, asshole.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:15 No.9219005
         File1271387713.jpg-(57 KB, 693x551, I'm sad.jpg)
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:16 No.9219038
    The Protomen - Act 2
    With the liner/direction notes, I tear up when it gets to 'Here comes the arm'.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:16 No.9219041
    >Greek tragedies in general
    Why'd you have to go and do that?
    >> Squigzog, attorney at BAAAW! !hEpdoZ.tHU 04/15/10(Thu)23:16 No.9219042
    Oh, god /tg/.

    I can't stop crying.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:17 No.9219060
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:19 No.9219099
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    >> Heretical GM 04/15/10(Thu)23:20 No.9219113
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    "We will sing for you"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:21 No.9219121
    I dunno, it's hard to just TELL it, you know? The whole reason it has deep emotional meaning for me and the rest of the players in my group is because he spent well over a year fleshing out the characters, having them interact with us on a real, meaningful basis. TELLING the story just feels like a recitation of words.

    Like, you know how in high school your english teacher talked about how reading a book is just as much about what you bring to the experience as what the author put there? That's how it was with these characters. We were all so invested in the campaign (we had a lot of time to game then, and we were a very tightly knit group) and in the characters they FELT real to us. Emotion is one sided, it stems from US. Just because a character is fictional and can't reciprocate doesn't mean that WE don't get very, very emotionally attached to them.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:21 No.9219132
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:22 No.9219145
    So there was an NPC, one of the first ones we met. A girl, probably fourteen, and we get sent to rescue her from goblins or kobolds or whatever the hell it was. I don't remember the specifics. And she's this kid, you know? She just wants to play with other kids. She gets jealous and petty, she's cute and inquisitive, she learns lessons and grows and feels. Like I said, this GM must have been some sort of genius.

    Anyways, it turns out she's the MacGuffin, that's the reason she was kidnapped in the first place. The BBEG wants to use her for yada yada, blah blah, bring about the end of the world. We go through this whole campaign phase where she gets possessed and winds up as the villain and we're all trying to stop her. Which is tough, because we'd all gotten really attached to her. We got all gussied up to kill her (which we thought we were going to have to do) but it turns out it was just a feint, a distraction to cover BBEG's real plot to destroy the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:23 No.9219154
    Cute Animals
    Disc World
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:23 No.9219156
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:23 No.9219159
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:25 No.9219197
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:26 No.9219207
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    My dog died last year. While he was old, he died seemingly without warning. He had signs of age, but not "He's gonna die" signs. I didn't have time to mourn his passing, as it was right in the thick of my final years' finalproject/exam period at university.

    ... watched Homeward Bound for the first time in decades over youtube, about a month ago.

    First few minutes involving Shadow had me sobbing like a little bitch.

    Most things won't phase me, but when it hits too close to home, it's a crit-hit.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:26 No.9219210
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:26 No.9219211
    Long story short we find the ritual we need to save the girl (who by this time was almost 20 in game and romantically involved with the Fighter) and we all breathed a collective sigh of relief. But she's still the MacGuffin, so we had to bring her with us to the actual final showdown with the BBEG. We're at the Nexus of Reality and he's about to plunge the Endblade through the fabric of reality it's self. Fuck. So we push MacGuffin to the front and wait for her to work her magic.

    Guess who's been still posessed and playing us for suckers since we rescued her? Yep. BBEG drops the sword. It's a fake. The REAL wepon to end reality is MacGuffin. But the ritual can only be performed on the pure of heart, right? Right! So he speaks a command word and starts off the vortex before jumping into the fray. We expect to have to fight him AND MacGuffin, but she passes out when he speaks the command word. We kick his ass in a spectacularly climactic battle, destroy his ritual setup and pat ourselves on the back. The world is safe again. Right?
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 04/15/10(Thu)23:27 No.9219220
         File1271388449.jpg-(37 KB, 453x604, 20161136092714606613181.jpg)
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    <3 my new kitten
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:27 No.9219226
         File1271388468.jpg-(254 KB, 1231x950, evil genius.jpg)
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    Fuck... Thank you very much /tg/. Now I'm reminded of that incident.

    The worst part was that this wasn't even the first time. One of the people that helped kill him and the outsider was a paladin who'd been his childhood friend in a sort of girl next door kind of love deal until things went horribly wrong. The last thing he ever told her was that she was the worst thing to ever happen to him.

    Also, bwwaaapasta
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:27 No.9219227
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:28 No.9219249
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:30 No.9219272
         File1271388614.jpg-(459 KB, 1333x2000, 020.jpg)
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    Zeh pharoah hound, recent pic.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:30 No.9219277
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:30 No.9219285
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    I don't like where this is going..
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:30 No.9219286
    Fucking WRONG. The reality deterioration isn't stopping. It's speeding up. And right about then MacGuffin, this girl who we've all watched grow, this woman who our leader wants to mary, wakes up and stares around sleepily. She doesn't remember anything. It's really her. But she's inexorably linked to the ritual that's quickly unraveling reality.

    So we had to look into her lovely, inquisitive, betrayed eyes and kill her in cold blood to stop the world from ending. And because of who and what she is she doesn't give one last, faint smile before she dies. She doesn't whisper 'thank you' like you see in bullshit movies where the hero kills the villainess with a heart of gold. Her soul doesn't go to heaven OR to hell. She's just fucking GONE. Forever. Every last vestige of who she was erased by our hands.

    Fuck me.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:31 No.9219292
         File1271388677.jpg-(11 KB, 185x265, misterhobbitsmanbeard.jpg)
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    This hilariously bad picture makes me laugh when I remember that he's tiny.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:33 No.9219321
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:34 No.9219341
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    This... I've got one more if I can find it
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:35 No.9219360
    Somebody posted something on /tg/ or /v/ or somewhere a couple months ago.

    They were coming from the store or something, and they saw a homeless guy in his '20s with a dog, sitting on the side of the road playing guitar. He listens for a while, and then he empties his wallet into the guy's cup and gives him all the food he bought. The guy's staring at him in shock, then says, "God fucking bless you, brother," and they both start crying and they hug each other and the dog's there and it's beautiful and heartrending and totally Hollywood.

    Does anybody have it? I didn't save it, but I think about it now and then and it always makes me want to cry.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:35 No.9219370
         File1271388927.jpg-(163 KB, 1218x454, sacrifice.jpg)
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    Why do I save these things? I know what they've done and what they're going to do again
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:37 No.9219398
         File1271389040.png-(398 KB, 640x480, Bernie tape.png)
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    >And tell Chris I said "Hi".
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:37 No.9219402
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    Found another one of meh Pharoah hound.

    She likes kittens.. Motherly doggie, should see her with human kids.

    She curls up with babies. And hugs toddlers with her paws, standing on her hind legs. She never bites and only opens her mouth but when her face gets close she closes it and licks you instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:37 No.9219406
    If you didn't go into the game expecting something like that, or should have, punch your DM in the face. If you did, do it anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:38 No.9219416
    you think thats cute, crow adopts kitten
    >> Heretical GM 04/15/10(Thu)23:39 No.9219444
    It's ok. I think everyone here has shed at least one tear during this visit.

    There was a Shard quest I ran. Durring it was a pre-written one but aparently I presented it just right and had my players and myself weeping at the end of it, even though I knew what was coming.

    The party after a long trek arrived at an inn where they had a great time, meet some NPC's including a Mason, and the Inn keepers, and a bard. They find out the bard's wife had died years before and he missed her so greatly he had considered takeing his own life to meet her. The party also learned from the Inn Keepers of bandits who had taken up residence in the town.
    After the party healer had mended the masons broken hands, and learning that the bandits had recently burned down the temple in the town and the mason had injured his hands trying to save the priestess the villians arrive and the in goes from well lit and full of food and happy aromas to dark, dusty, empty, and dead.
    The party defeated the bandits without hesitation and when the sun came up they examined the temple sight and found the bodies of the villagers dead. The healer casts a spell that lets them see into the ghost world, and they then confront the dead villagers and have to help them move on, with emphasis on the Inn keepers, the bard, and the mason.
    Their wasn't a dry eye as the party helped these ghosts move on. Convincing the inn keepers that after all their hard work in helping others to rest, it was their turn to rest and be taken care of. The bard was told to go to his wife, that she had waited long enough and that she would be their waiting. The mason, who had tried to carry people to safety. His body shot to death, he was given a hug and told how great he was, and the temple he had built would be rebuilt, in his, and his love the priestess's honor.
    >> Blackheart !!FYEhWpAirtN 04/15/10(Thu)23:40 No.9219449
    Friction does warm my heart~

    Usually if my penis is experiencing friction.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:40 No.9219457
    What's this?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:40 No.9219461

    This is the only one that got me, and I don't even fucking like Spiderman.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:41 No.9219475
    Has anybody posted Grandpa Chew yet?

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:41 No.9219480
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:42 No.9219491
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:42 No.9219495
    The Chinese Earthquake comics
    >> dice2 04/15/10(Thu)23:42 No.9219501
    Alright /tg/, I have a story for you.

    My Oma and Opa on my father's side are German. My Opa was conscripted into the Luftwaffe because he organized a model aircraft club, began as a tail gunner (life expectancy 30 seconds in combat) and later flew people out of Stalingrad.

    He and my Oma got out of East Germany asap after the war when they tried to pressure him into the military again, and they migrated to Australia as refugees with nothing but their clothes and a spare pair of shoes. Built his own house from the ground up, built his own caravan to tour the country, never complained or asked for anything from anyone. Survived a stroke over two decades ago, had triple bypass 13 years ago.

    He turned 90 this year, and three weeks ago died from heart problems. I watched the strongest person I've ever known thrash about in his bed crying in German for his Mutter. The last time I saw him in the hospital I knew I wasn't going to have another chance, but I all could do was sit there and watch him struggle to breathe, and see how fucking scared and alone he was even with someone right there. On the day he died I saw my Oma shift from this strong matriarch figure to a tiny old woman. I watched my Dad stare me right in the eyes and stutter out "I… lost my Papa today" like a little boy.

    That's fucked /tg/. Not some comic book or tv show sad moment, but just fucked.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:43 No.9219507
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    Do you one better.
    >> Iron Lung 04/15/10(Thu)23:43 No.9219514
    D'awwww, hugs. That's terrific.

    I was adopted by a golden retriever some time ago, she would run in tight, rapid circles to display delight and affection. Was funny when she'd sprint up to me, tumble to a stop and positively blur herself whirling around.
    Like she was saying, "Hey! It's That Guy! He's AWESOME! What? Disgruntled? No, I don't get it! Awesome! Wheeeee-"
    We, myself and the dog's owner, were on the outs, but that never slowed that retriever down.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:44 No.9219525
         File1271389441.jpg-(78 KB, 336x500, ClickMoviePoster.jpg)
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    This fucking movie right here.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:44 No.9219536
         File1271389470.jpg-(216 KB, 765x808, 1234209480787.jpg)
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    Anyone ever read this?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:44 No.9219541
    the books will never be finished.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:45 No.9219549
    I don't really know what to say to this, but I feel I should acknowledge it nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:46 No.9219557
    I'm sorry man. That's rough.
    >> Heretical GM 04/15/10(Thu)23:46 No.9219564
    Did you see the post 9-11 comics where while the heroes were helping to clean things up, Doctor Doom, Magneto and one other villain were on a hill over looking it and doctor doom was crying. That scene was powerful.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:46 No.9219566
         File1271389611.jpg-(516 KB, 661x671, captainamerica.jpg)
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    Captain America was, and still is, the only Marvel Comics hero I've ever felt well and truly sorry for.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:47 No.9219578
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    >> /co//v/ert fa/tg/uy 04/15/10(Thu)23:47 No.9219581
    "Feels Like the First Time" by Foreigner and "More than a Feeling" by Boston. I'm a huge sucker for those songs for some reason, I crank up the music, close my eyes, and remember what it felt like before I was a borderline sociopath.
    >> Blackheart !!FYEhWpAirtN 04/15/10(Thu)23:48 No.9219596
         File1271389723.jpg-(82 KB, 695x715, BAWWWWW.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:49 No.9219601
    I know how you feel

    Don't let it change you, though. I've seen deaths break entire families, don't let it happen to yours
    >> Anon40 04/15/10(Thu)23:49 No.9219611
    the time travelers wife [sp?]

    got dragger to see it by GF, thought "will endure it for her"

    2 hours later

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:50 No.9219626

    augh, man why'd you have to go and do that now.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:50 No.9219634
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    >> Blackheart !!FYEhWpAirtN 04/15/10(Thu)23:50 No.9219638
    Post it?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:51 No.9219645
         File1271389872.jpg-(137 KB, 1007x726, deadpool sad.jpg)
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    dunno bout you but i know a few others

    deadpool really hung onto me during cable and deadpool
    >> Leman Russ 04/15/10(Thu)23:51 No.9219655
    I'm sorry man. I wish I could say more.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:51 No.9219661
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:51 No.9219662
         File1271389913.jpg-(40 KB, 640x480, 1235014665684.jpg)
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    Its sad when a knockoff is superior to the legit stuff...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:51 No.9219663
    I'll start crying and have to close the window if I go into the details. Suffice to say I lost my wife last month, only thing in this world I've ever loved. I come to /tg/ to get cheered up and this is the thread that greets me. Typical.
    >> Hiro !J02Ujjg4Nw 04/15/10(Thu)23:52 No.9219666

    Please remember...

    He fought to the end...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:53 No.9219691
    Inorite? You don't really think about him that way, and 99% of the time he isn't that way, but Deadpool has some pretty Baaaaawwwww moments.

    Like the part where, JUST as he's starting to redeem himself a little and show a little heroism, he looses it all in the whole debacle where he beats the shit out of Typhoid Mary.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:53 No.9219708
         File1271390038.jpg-(221 KB, 935x1400, 005-126.jpg)
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    This shit right here.
    Yeah, I'm a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:54 No.9219715
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:54 No.9219724
    Why the fuck do I read these threads? Now I'm crying. Dammit.

    Damn you, /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:55 No.9219738
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:55 No.9219748
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:56 No.9219760
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:56 No.9219768
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    >> Heretical GM 04/15/10(Thu)23:57 No.9219773
    You, go find another thread, and get out of the genepool.
    >> dice2 04/15/10(Thu)23:57 No.9219790
    Thanks guys, but I'm past it. Just saying that seeing it in person, when it's personal. That's what makes it, more than anything else.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:58 No.9219795
    Really? Are we really /b/ lite nowadays?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:58 No.9219803
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:59 No.9219822
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:59 No.9219824
    Somehow... I know it's threads like this that are the reason I continue to senselessly try to be the good guy in this story we call life. Despite all inclinations towards evil or whatever the fuck else I'd do. And that's why I get woken up at all hours of the night by friends with some request that's going to drive me crazy until when I would normally have woken up. But I do it. Not because I feel any better about myself for doing it, not because of the do on to others mentality, but because a bunch of random nerds can sit around and cry about good guys who tried their best and where it got them. If it's worth crying over then it meant something. Whether you succeeded or failed, it meant something.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:59 No.9219831

    Different perspectives, I suppose. I can see how Wade Wilson's story could have the same effect, but I don't personally feel it.

    I spent the majority of my younger years in a small town. Everyone knew each other's names, you could reasonably expect a "Good morning" from your neighbors, that sort of thing. Imagine my surprise upon moving to a large city and finding out that people weren't so polite there.

    Then imagine my surprise upon returning to my hometown ten years later to discover that an interstate had been built near it and it had turned into a miniature version of the hateful city I'd just left.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:59 No.9219836
         File1271390396.jpg-(205 KB, 1466x1100, berserk_v12_180.jpg)
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    After a thousand pages of build up....
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)23:59 No.9219837
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:00 No.9219855
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:00 No.9219858
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:02 No.9219896
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:02 No.9219907
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:03 No.9219936
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:04 No.9219938
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    >> Melo The Yellow !!HdpiNQY5bDZ 04/16/10(Fri)00:04 No.9219940
    This picture got to me.

    God damn it anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:04 No.9219948
    got the one where one of batmans villains tries to make bats happy?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:05 No.9219953
         File1271390703.jpg-(19 KB, 342x222, fox-and-the-hound-2.jpg)
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    this entire movie
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:05 No.9219954
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    Thanks for reminding me.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:05 No.9219959
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    That episode hits me right in the gut.
    >> Anon40 04/16/10(Fri)00:06 No.9219979
    thanks to this i have just remembered the part in the first 'film' where he dies/is turned to stone

    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:06 No.9219980

    Chow Chow named Jedi. We got him when we lived at the country club house roughly 15 years ago. I just turned 11 at the time. I was into snakes, and had a gardner snake that died a little while before that.

    My mom and brother were there, and there was this huge computer box upright with a loose piral top fold-in. Ya know, where you put one corner in and the other out of each top flap. Well to the story.

    Brother tells me its a big python inside. I'm sort of freaked out and try to take a peek. My brother hollars at me sort of laughing while he does, mimicking a snake and trying a lil hard to spook me and he does. Right then the box tips over and a puppy rushes out to greet me.

    His name was already decided as Jedi. He is a full blooded chow chow, a japanese breed dog. Black and fluffy and cute of course.

    He and I didn't get along too well at first but we came to somewhat of an agreement. I never had the chance to have a dog in my life while all my siblings grew up with dogs. The dog I was supposed to grow up with was taken away from us when I was 4.

    So this was my doggie. We had to move a year after we got him to a place that didn't allow pets. So when we got the bar for a great deal, he lived there. As a guard dog. Soon after we needed food in there so when I just turned 15 I opened up a hotdog restaraunt in there.

    I saw him every day, he eagerly waited for the leftover hotdogs at the end of every day. Always going "arh arh arh arh!" like he wanted to say "rarh" but without the 'r'.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:06 No.9219986
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:07 No.9219991

    Some time after that when we lost the bar. He was given to my brother. By this time he had already been hit six times by cars and trucks. He had bit of a limp, and we never had the cash to take him to the vet. He just kept walking. He hated being indoors, even during the winters...

    Jedi would always lay down, like an alaskian malamute in the winter and let the snow cover him completely. He would lay in the road for some odd reason... He loved chasing bears around where my brother lived, again I would have to keep moving place to place because of money issues. All disallow pets. I could never take him back, and never could.

    When he was about 10 years old, he was at the end of his prime. His teeth were gone, and he would still take any dogfight that came. If he couldn't bite them, he would bodyslam them onto the pavement. I remember driving into my brothers driveway and see a blood stain just beyond it in the road. I ask my bro what happened. "Oh jedi slammed that dog down again"... Always a good laugh about it.

    He always chased off bears around here, no surprise bears are easy to spook. Unlike few, we know of the old indian tales where kids would hide in the bushes and jump out to scare bears. Native blood runs in our family a bit heavily, some are 50% native. Back to the story, jedi lived to a shocking 14 years old. If we submitted him in the guiness book of world records, he would have lived 2 years past the longest living chow chow.

    He stayed his last 7 winters outdoors. He was a grumpy dog and very sweet at the same time. He was like a little old man who limped around and always shrugged off every time he got hit.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:07 No.9219993
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:07 No.9219998

    We're not sure how many times he REALLY got ran over, but among people who we know (that told us or seen it happen) counted 12 times being hit and/or ran over. You see he got the name speedbump by someone who has kids around where jedi got hit a few times near my brothers home. Because in a 25 mph residential area, we clocked people going 50 mph through there. More and more kids running around when jedi was getting older... He would lay down in the middle of the road and people would have to slow down to go around him or make him move. He was speedbump....

    Now people don't go so fast around there anymore... Last year when he died, I was to dig his grave near my brothers house... The very least I could do for my dog that couldn't be mine. The force was with him that day. He knew it was coming, he layed down near us in an unusual way. Me, my sister, brother and mom were there for it. The call-in vet who does youthinations on site was quick with it. The jedi, who's favorite spot was beneath a short trailer that caries around two snowmobiles... Made his own little cave for winter under there. Now a grave ditch I dug a week before. He lays to rest, jedi... Sometimes I can still hear him "arh arh arh!" when I dive into that driveway. Like he always does.

    Now my bro owns a doberman, who is black and big. A few times I could almost see Jedi running up to the car if its out of the corner of my eye..

    I miss him, and he lived a good life. Speedbump... The Jedi.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:08 No.9220021
         File1271390935.jpg-(124 KB, 500x707, Grave fireflies dvd.jpg)
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    I'll miss you Going Merry
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:09 No.9220035
    I cried like a bitch quite a few times during that movie.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:11 No.9220046
    Right there with you, man. My dog died on Halloween. Ten years old, got her as a pup. Then she ran off into the bushes, ate something, and that was it. A few days later, she was dead. Bromadiolone. Rat poison.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:11 No.9220050
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:11 No.9220053
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:11 No.9220056
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    Saw this thread, read through it. I'm reminded of a lot of unhappy moments, but I thought I'd go ahead and post this.

    Here's to hoping someone will like the earnestly happy music. Have a good evening, /tg/. I believe in you.

    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:11 No.9220057
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:11 No.9220062
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    here ya go
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 04/16/10(Fri)00:11 No.9220064
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:11 No.9220065
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    God dammit Ned... God damnit
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:15 No.9220125
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    Someone better have archived this.

    Brb: crying over dead dog.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:15 No.9220128
    You guys are all bros.

    It's been real.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:15 No.9220134
         File1271391329.jpg-(69 KB, 660x550, 1254027405108.jpg)
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    Fuck you all /tg/. I have a game in 20 minutes where I play the comic relief character, but I can't stop reading this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:15 No.9220140
         File1271391358.jpg-(244 KB, 800x351, 800px-DeadPilot.jpg)
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    Here I come, laddies!
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:16 No.9220141
    not going to lie, /tg/, i come here for the pictures and shit. And here I am, crying my eyes out like 2 feet from my roommate to a whole lot of people I don't know.

    Thank You. It helps me feel more human.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:16 No.9220144

    You two sirs win all my fucking sex. Guts > all. And I almost baww'd for Judeau & Pippin.
    As for Song of I&F, Jon and Arya ftw.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:16 No.9220148
    Started crying at 'it's not your fault'
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:17 No.9220172
    Me and my bros started crying manly tears on the 8th episode of Gurren Lagann and never stopped. It really got to us.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:19 No.9220207
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:21 No.9220239
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    Gets me every single time.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:21 No.9220248
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    Hughes' death.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:22 No.9220271
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    You'll feel better in the morning. Nothing is better than a good cry every once in a while.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:23 No.9220288
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:25 No.9220332
    If anyone wants to relive it.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:25 No.9220333
    My god, I fucking bawled at that episode
    >> cei 04/16/10(Fri)00:26 No.9220342
    might be odd, but i baww'd like a bitch when i first heard 'we are all connected'

    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:28 No.9220391
    I haven't cried in a long time /tg/. Manly tears were shed.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:30 No.9220426
    chinese comics making me baw. lol
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:30 No.9220430
         File1271392226.jpg-(100 KB, 550x550, protomenfatherofdeath.jpg)
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    Emily, The crowd has gathered here
    but it is not because of you.
    Emily, the taste of blood in their mouths,
    I can't imagine what they'll do.
    But it doesn't matter what they'll do to me.

    Emily, have they forgotten you
    when they set their sights on me?
    They will hang me from the rope tonight
    Will you be waiting there for me?
    Will our souls remember where we said we'd meet
    on the way out of this town?
    I'm leaving one way or the other, Emily.
    There's nothing left here for me now.

    Emily, it's so quiet now.
    It's like the calm before a storm.

    They will punish me for what he did to you
    But either way it's all my fault,
    'Cause I made the man who laid his hands on you.
    And I would tear him down, but I feel like a dead man
    and what can a dead man do?

    This is not your fault
    I'm leaving one way or the other, Emily.
    This is not your fault
    There's nothing left here for me now.

    Here comes the blow.
    We find the only man who loved her...
    We find the only man who'd give his life
    to see her once again... We find this man
    Not Guilty!
    Guilty... I am Guilty.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:31 No.9220446
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:31 No.9220461
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:34 No.9220504
    Manly tears.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:35 No.9220525

    You know what this reminds me of?

    "Believe me, Batman. You're the only one who cares."
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:36 No.9220542
    My dog was 15 years old, a black lab and irish setter mix. Had her since she was a puppy, we had picked her up from the humane society. Her name was Tess. I moved around a lot as a kid, my dad worked as a city manager and he always had to find different places to work when he got tired up putting up with the same old shit from the city council members or whatever.

    I digress.

    Tess started getting old. Her fur began to turn white with age, she began to slow down with arthritis, she had tumors, and she had cataracts. But she was still my dog and she still was always happy to see me whenever I entered the room.

    Eventually it was too much for her to move around and we knew we had to have her put down. The night before I went outside and hugged her, telling her that I'd miss her and that she was the best dog in the world... and she didn't understand what was going on. That's what kills me when a dog dies. It doesn't understand. There's no closure, it stares at you like everything will be alright in the morning but you know it won't. She died on January 19th, 2008, and I still cry when I think about that night before.

    Goddamnit /tg/. Goddamnit.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:36 No.9220546
    What exactly is that from?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:36 No.9220550
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    One of the most memorable movie deaths for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:36 No.9220552
    dunno bout you guys, but v for vendetta makes me cry every damned time.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:37 No.9220561
    I have no idea how the fuck to do it but someone should archive this.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:37 No.9220563
    Terminator 2
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:37 No.9220568
    I love you guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:38 No.9220577
    I love you too.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:38 No.9220587
    meant to reply to>>9220546
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:39 No.9220599
    An addendum: Throughout my whole childhood that dog was a constant, four different towns, friends I don't remember any more, but that dog... my dog, was always there for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:40 No.9220616
    Oh yeeeaaahhh...
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:40 No.9220621
    You guys are the best
    Fucking GROUP HUG
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:42 No.9220650
    I remember re-reading this book one night when I was 12 or 13. I started crying because I knew that no mater what I did, one day my mother was was going to grow old and die, my father would grow old and die, and I would grow old and have to live without them.

    I cried a little bit just typing this.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:42 No.9220655
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:47 No.9220737
    Through the Roof'N'Underground!

    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:47 No.9220746
    I'm not gonna lie, honestly was in tears lol
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:48 No.9220762

    My contribution to the thread before it's gone. I've been crying for the last half hour or so.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:49 No.9220774
    > black lab and irish setter mix. Had her since she was a puppy, we had picked her up from the humane society. Her name was Tess.

    That's really weird; I have a friend who had a dog exactly like that. However, she was given away at one point to a different family (not a puppy at the time either), and said friend doesn't go to 4chan, so it can't be the same dog.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)00:55 No.9220924
    My family got her in 1993 after our last dog "ran away." Turns out that one got hit after she broke loose from her line while we were at the beach and got run over.

    This thread makes me feel bad, man.

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