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04/26/10(Mon)01:53 No.9435138 File1272261216.jpg-(102 KB, 800x600, 1260945023643.jpg)
 She wasn't human. That much was clear. Abundantly clear. She had neural structures that were entirely too complex, although they looked half-formed and dormant, and she had several redundant organs - many of which had been harvested. She was down to one kidney when they found her, and from the looks of it, she was born... or made... with six. The Medic set down the X-rays, filing them away. Mysteries for another time...
"Ze prosthetics are holding well. No rejection, und no traces of infection." A pause. "How old are you? I cannot tell from ze development."
"Nana... I... I'm not sure." He had corrected her about pronoun use a dozen times since she had woken up, almost reflexively, and she was starting to pick it up. Slowly. "...ten?" If she was ten, she was a bit underdeveloped for ten. There seemed to be gaps in Nana's memory, places where she should remember things, but didn't. Just as well, he supposed.
"Hm. And haff you ever seen anything unusual happen around you? Mm? Anything... unexplainable? Bizzare?" He picked up his mirror and flashed a light into her eye, holding the lid open gently. It dilated properly, shrinking to a pinprick.
"Um... well... lots of bad things..."
"Not ze bad things, not those." He mumbled. "Things that could not happen that did."
"Um.. no?" She flinched as her other eye was examined. "I don't think so."
"No heads flying off? No random body part explosions?"
"No flying? No teleportation?"
"SHOULD that happen?" Nana gawked, her mouth hanging open, staring at the Doctor. He blinked twice.
"Well, you're getting to puberty, and it is a very special time in a young woman's..." He paused. "...no, not really. Just making sure." |